#so he just vibrates in place constantly because of all the excitement he has stored in him
mugzymiik · 8 months
real footage of Tsavorite releasing just 2% of all of his excitement into the world (he is the silliest most excited little guy to ever exist)
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runa-falls · 2 years
a perfect match
summary: little gus needs a friend to keep him company. you and steven have very different ideas of who gus’s companion should be.
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Pairing: steven grant x reader
Rating: it’s just fluff 
Warnings: none.
Word Count: ~900
A/N: I just couldn’t get this scenario out of my mind 0-0 
Your eyes bounce between either side of the fish tank, trailing Gus as he makes his hourly rounds. It's like you’re watching an extremely slow tennis match. The lonely little fish checks the pebbles below him, making sure he didn’t miss a morsel of the food that magically floats in each day. 
“Hm…” You let out an exaggerated sigh, trying to catch Steve's attention. "HMMMM-"
Steven finally catches on and sees the concentrated look on your face. “Y’watching him scavenge fo’ food again? Greedy little fish, that one is. Would eat himself dead, if he could.” 
“Look at him, Steven.” He fully twists in his chair, taking a break from the book he was scanning. “He has nothing to do! He just swims in circles, waiting for his next meal.” As you turn to look at your boyfriend, you’re met with a deep frown. You know he loves his fish, but he can’t constantly give Gus attention.
“Hey! We talk all the time! Gus loves his Egyptian-themed tank, I mean, look at it…” He glances at his son behind you, who is literally swimming in circles now. You look back, shaking your head. “Uh…Alright, what d’you suppose we do then?” 
You have a cheeky grin on your lips, “He needs a friend.” 
You’d been planning this for a while now. You’ve noticed the poor, single-finned fish, mindlessly swimming on its own for hours whenever you’re home alone with him and you thought about getting him a companion, but you didn’t want to intrude into Steven’s space without making sure he was comfortable with it. 
You’ve been dating for a couple of months, but you didn’t live together (despite sleeping over at his almost every night), and since he hasn’t made a move to invite you to stay indefinitely, you decide to give him a little nudge in the general direction of moving your relationship forward. 
In your eyes, this was the next step. Owning a pet together–even if it is just a fish–meant you would work as a team to raise and nurture it. It was a win-win for you and Gus. 
You’ve stopped at the fish store a few times, just browsing around to see what they had, but earlier this week, you knew you had to act fast when you spotted a gold fish with two front fins on its right side. 
Oh, she’s perfect. 
A store-clerk approaches next to you, getting a good look at the abnormal fish, “Hm…three fins, guess you wouldn’t notice unless you’re looking closely. You sure you want him?” Gus is getting a boyfriend?!, “We’ve got tons of regular, healthy golds here--” 
You don’t even hesitate, “Him, please.”
So maybe you assumed that the conversation of getting Gus a companion would go well because you bought him on the spot. But there was no time to waste, he is a perfect match.
Luckily, it only took a couple days to convince Steven that his son needs a friend, through days of sighing and dropping little hints. Finally, you can bring Lewis to his apartment.
You don’t know why you named him Lewis. He just looks like one.
You were practically vibrating with excitement as you unlocked the door. Lewis was swimming around his temporary bowl in your arms, unaware of anything going on around him.
You steadily place him on a sturdy table after quickly greeting Gus who’s watching the scene from a far, from the middle of the flat. He’ll be home from work any moment now. 
You casually draped yourself on the couch to wait for him, before deciding to move closer to the bowl, dragging a chair to sit right behind the bowl. But before you could sit down on the chair, you hear the muffled jingle of keys clinking against the door. That was fast. 
The sounds were quickly followed by a thump, as if he ran into the door itself. What the hell?
“Settle down please! Can’t open th’door if you keep squir–MING like this.” You could hear him attempt to jam the key into the lock multiple times, despite the unlocked state of the door. Who is he talking to? 
You curiously step away from your chair and walk to the front door. You twist open the worn knob to reveal Steven with a golden-haired puppy hoisted on hip, like it’s a baby.
They both freeze in place as you stare at them with wide eyes. His keys still in hand were kept raised up as if the lock were still in front of him. The puppy follows suit watching you, completely still.
“W-what is this?” You're breathless with surprise. Two sets of adorable eyes stare at you, gauging your reaction.
“She’s, uh, Gus’s new friend. Y’know... a goldie for a goldie.”
“Steven! I meant a fish friend, not a…” But before you can finish, the puppy jerks in his arms, trying to get to you.  “An unbelievably adorable little baby!” You coo, unable to resist the ball of fluff. 
You pull her into your arms, trying to dodge her insistent full-faced licks. “Oh m’gosh Steven! This is insane!” You set the baby on the floor and begin to rub her tummy. 
“Surprise?” He offers. You don’t hear him though, too focused on the new addition to the flat.
He lets you take over the puppy, closing the door behind him so she doesn’t try to escape. That would be a nightmare. He takes a breath and sits down on his oddly placed chair, exhausted from carrying the excitable puppy all through London.
Was this here when I left this morning? 
On the table, a goldfish stares right back at him. “And…who is this?” 
Oh, he noticed. “Um… Gus’s new boyfriend. Lewis.” 
“Boyfriend, huh?” He looks closer with his eyes squinted. He’s sizing up the fish, you realize. “Think Lewis good ‘nough for my Gus?”
“Look closer, Stevie.” 
He spots the barely doubled-up fin on his right side, one being a little smaller than the other. A perfect match. 
He looks down at you rolling on the floor with the dog. Your giggles fill the air as the golden puppy attacks you with kisses. He grins, looking at his growing family. His perfect match. 
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fictitiousmagines · 3 years
You Already Have Me Wrapped Around Your Finger Pt. 3
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*Just a disclaimer. With dementia, confusion and fear can sometimes result in aggression.
I did it. I fucking did it. But why am I surprised? There is absolutely no fighting fate. You are my fate Y/N.
I'll admit I was surprised when you asked me to coffee. I was flattered but mostly because I know that you want this to. And I am far too weak to fight my impatience. It was over coffee that I got to know you on a level that Instagram didn't quite give me.
Not only were you an artist but you are an incredibly kind. You're a caregiver for your dad that has dementia. Which incidentally is how the book got ripped. But even after that admission, you still smiled and shrugged it off. "He just has his bad days," you said. There are so many flawed people in this world. But you still see beauty in everyone don't you?
I'll admit that I have a thing for creative types. It's irresistible when someone sees potential to create something out of nothing. But you're kindness was the final hook sinking its way into my heart. 
It took everything I had not to slide under the table and worship the altar of your thighs. Right there in that shitty pretentious coffee you were so excited about.
But instead, I asked to walk you home. And imagine my great relief to know you were only a 15 minute walk away.
"Y/N" Joe said as she reached her porch. "Keep in touch okay? I want to know how our book is doing."
This earned a delicate but warm laugh from her.
"Of course."
And I appreciate you keeping your promise Y/N. I'm not a big fan of texting but I'm constantly looking at my phone hoping your name pops up. I love it even more when you find a little excuses to come into the shop. For book recommendations to read your dad. Just because you were in the neighborhood. I know you want this.
Which leads me here, at the strip of stores across from your house. Where I've been all day, watching over you. I don't mind really, I know you've been stressed out with your dad. And I want to be here for you. I worry about you; your safety. And if you're taking care of others who's taking care of you? That's where I come in.
Joe had to admit that watching you was fascinating. His particular favorite bit had to have been seeing you dance through your living room window. The older gentleman she was dancing with had to have been her dad.
What were you dancing to? The Drifters? Otis Redding? The Beatles?
He glanced up into the window to see if she had returned to the living room. He was sitting on a rickety bench in the shadow of an alley. The absolute perfect place for her silent protector.
A car pulled up into the parking lot of space and a figure popped out, clutching a cellphone. The light of the cell phone illuminated the figure to reveal a young guy in his mid twenties.
Who the fuck is this?
He made his way into the house and Joe got up almost reactively. He relaxed the muscles in his body as he walked across the street pretending to be walking home.
But suddenly Joe's phone vibrated.
"You busy? Wanna grab a drink? Maybe go on a walk? Feeling a little stir crazy." - Y/N
"Sure, be there in 20."- Joe.
Relief coursed through Joe’s whole body. Although he wasn’t happy about a random man came waltzing in so late, he was glad you could sense his desperate need to see you. 
20 minutes later Joe knocked on her door and wrung his anxious hands. He was hoping to get a glance at this mysterious gentleman. Before he could dwell, she gently opened the door and smiled. 
“Joe, Hey,” she whispered. She casually waved at her male visitor and nodded before slipping out of the door. Her visitor was sprawled on the couch, eyes glued to the TV.
“Sorry, for texting so late. I was needing a little bit of company. And you’re good company” she was dressed in a faded pair of Rebook shorts and an old Smokey the Bear shirt. Her black cardigan reaching mid thigh. She looked so cozy and comfortable. The kind of outfit he imagined she’d wear around their apartment on a rainy day. Her sitting by the window and him in the kitchen making her tea.
I just want to hold you. Keep you safe.
“Everything okay?” Joe asked before gently placing a hand on her shoulder. It was than that he got a better look at her face. She looked absolutely exhausted. The hint of a bruise covered her jaw. 
“Yeah,” she nodded. “Dad just had a bad day today. My brother offered to come over and give me a little break so I could get out of the house. Today’s just been a doozy.”
Did he hit you Y/N? I thought you guys seemed so happy dancing in the living room. You don’t have to do this on your own anymore because I’m here. And I wanna keep you safe. Even if its from you dad. Even if its from your own good nature. 
Anger bubbled up underneath the surface but Joe nodded and grazed her jaw gently. “I-I’m sorry you had a tough day. But hey, I have an idea. There’s a bodega by my shop that has fantastic sandwiches. Why don’t I get us some food and we can hang out at the shop? Ya know, have some peace and quiet.” 
Her response was an abrupt but warm hug in response. He could hear the tiniest of sniffles before she pulled away.
“Thanks,” she breathed.
“Lets get you that food,” Joe smiled.
Its really you, I want to thank Y/N. Thank you for letting me in. Thank you for letting me be someone you lean on. Because I care about you. And its high time someone took care of you, like I’m going to. 
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quixotic-writer · 3 years
Sugar Daddy
request: anon
summary: When you first met Q, you had virtually no clue who he was. After a few more pricey dates, he revealed his occupation. Showering you with gifts was his love language, you weren’t about to complain!
warning: smut ahead!
The alarm on my phone goes off as it vibrates on my bedside table. My face was mushed into the pillow that my head was resting on, I started coming to and realizing that if I hit snooze once, it would start a cycle until noon and I would be even grumpier and sluggish. I take a deep breath in and grab my phone to turn the alarm off. As I rub my eyes and sit up, I see a text notification and my heart immediately kickstarts. It was from Bri.
B Bear: Hey baby <3 Got work today?
I smile from ear to ear as I see the message. We had been dating for a while now and I was hopelessly in love with him. He was honestly perfect to me in every way. He had a sweet and loving personality, he was super funny and always had this way of making me laugh, he was geeky in the cutest way and loved showing me all his collectibles and telling me all about them, and he was protective and super caring.
The way he shows his love to me is what melts my heart the most. His protective nature got the best of him at a bar we went to together and he ended up throwing his drink in the face of a guy that wouldn’t leave me alone. We got escorted out of the bar and he kept saying sorry that he wasn’t there sooner. Any day I'm sad or in a bit of a mood, he always goes out of his way to make me laugh or smile until I forget what I was even mad about in the first place. Lastly, he constantly showers me with gifts.
Me: Good morning! No work today. Have the day off
I texted him back with a smile as I watched the little thought bubble pop up until his next message came through.
B Bear: Dinner tonight then? Murr has been pestering me endlessly about this restaurant he and Melyssa had gone to and I think it’s about time I see what the fuss is all about
Me: Sounds good!
Just then a notification came in. Brian had sent me money, and it was not at all a small amount.
B Bear: Buy yourself a new dress for tonight then princess. It’s a little more formal wear.
B Bear: I’ll pick you up at 7. Love you
Now, when I first started dating Brian, I had no clue he was on TV or any bit famous at all. When he started treating me to more extravagant gifts and dates, that’s when I asked and he revealed all to me. I felt bad and was always trying to pay for things so he didn’t think I was using him for his money, but he always insisted on paying.
“Princess, we’ve been together for how long? I know you wouldn’t use me. Let me do this for you.” He would always say. After a while, I gave up the fight and just allowed him to treat me. Soon enough I grew a collection of gorgeous jewelry, a whole new wardrobe basically filled with a variety of name brand outfits, and if I so much as mention something I own being broken he is quick to hop on it and pay to have it fixed. At this point, I really do think he is my sugar daddy, and he wasn’t at all opposed to that label. He quite liked it.
Me: You spoil me too much. I’ll see you at 7 then B <3
I throw the covers off of me and make my way to the kitchen to fix myself a bowl of cereal before I get started on my day. What a way to wake up honestly, but I was not at all complaining. I finished up breakfast and got myself cleaned up, gathered up all my things in my purse, and was out the door and headed to the mall to go and treat myself. I often worried that maybe my closet was getting a little too full, I just couldn’t bear to part with any of my outfits. The way Brian made me feel when I wore each one of them made me feel so attached to them too, even if his way of saying I looked good in it was by having it end up on his bedroom floor.
I walked through the mall, doing a little bit of window shopping at first, scoping out the scene and feeling out what I might indulge myself in today as far as fashion went. Sundresses had caught my eye, especially one that was in the window and on display; Flowing, knee length, and white. I passed it by but made sure to take a mental picture of it. As much as I adored having a sort of allowance from Bri, I wasn’t about to abuse it. Besides, that would have been yet another thing I would have to make some kind of room for in my already overstuffed closet.
‘Maybe I could bother him for a bigger closet renovation,’ I joked to myself with a smile. I continue walking through and I see it from a distance: the lingerie store. I subtly bit my lip and was then in a mental tug of war of ‘should I?’ or ‘should I not?’ But as I got closer, the temptation took over and I found myself perusing through their cutest pieces that caught my eye. The least I could do to pay Bri back for the fancy evening, would be to give him a little bit of eye candy and a good time after the meal. Black lace, gorgeous ivory teddies, sensual cherry red garter belts, it was all so nice. After finding a few cute sets, I placed them on hold because I still had a main mission in mind that I came to the mall for in the first place.
I found the perfect dress: A wine red halter top dress. It had a gorgeous waist that hugged a little at my own to give my body some definition and gorgeously flowed down to my knees. I already knew I had the perfect pair of stilettos to go with this to truly complete this boss bitch look I had going. When I returned to the lingerie store, I already knew which set was going to be mine: black lace strapless top with matching high waist garter belt and panties to complete it all.
Me: [img attch.] picked out a cute little something, can’t wait to see you daddy ;P
I had sent him a picture of my dress, nothing more just to keep an element of surprise for the evening. I wasn’t long before I got a response,
B Bear: You look so gorgeous baby
B Bear: Can’t believe someone so beautiful is all mine
Even through text he could get me to blush.
The rest of my day was spent relaxing, catching up on some reading that I had put off for so long, catching up on a few episodes of a series Bess had gotten me sucked into, and just like that, time flew quickly. I was getting myself all dolled up for dinner, butterflies in my stomach because of the excitement I felt and giddy because I had felt so pretty tonight. It wasn’t often where my confidence and self-esteem would sky rocket like this, so I took it in and embraced as much of that energy as I could.
I heard his little knock at the door, the same rhythm as always so I knew it was him. When I swung open the door, he stood there with a twinkle in his eyes and a smile on his face. He cleaned up super well as always.
“You. Look. Incredible.” He scooped me into his arms and littered my face with kisses and I giggled as his stubble tickled the skin on my face. When I stopped him, I connected our lips together, “Shall we get rolling then princess?” I nodded and we walked down to his car.
The restaurant was gorgeous to say the least. Dim golden lighting, waiters wearing tuxes, glimmering chandeliers dangling from the ceiling to illuminate the tables. Even the air felt expensive. I tensed while we were sitting at our table and looking through the menu, even though he’s taken me to countless luxurious locations, I still felt this sense of guilt for being there and almost an obligation to monetarily repay him somehow someway. I guess he could sense my tension because his hand had found its way to my wrist, his thumb stroking my skin gently and his eyes spoke volumes.
‘It’s okay.’ was all I could see in them. He never had to say a word and I felt my muscles relax again as we carried out with our meal.
Dinner was more perfect than I could ever imagine. Perhaps I had an untrained palette, but everything felt like an explosion of intense rhythmic flavor in my mouth. I savored each and every bite. I felt more relaxed as the meal went on, especially as Brian and I talked throughout the meal, we would occasionally break the snooty facade to share a laugh at something absolutely crude that would pop into our heads. I swear, because of how loud we were getting, I almost thought we were going to get kicked out… Which made us laugh even harder and get that much closer to that being a reality as other tables would shoot us a nasty high-class glare.
Our meal was settled away as once again Brian got a hold of the check. And once again I didn’t bother fighting and allowed him to treat me knowing in my head that I had much bigger plans for him once we got behind closed doors and had no one around but each other.
The car ride to his place was spent laughing at how disgusted people looked with our behavior.
“Nothing but sticks up their asses!” He said with his accent coming through thickly.
His hand was on my thigh the whole way there. He would snatch occasional glances of me at red lights or when traffic was pretty clear. The rough warmth of his palm was enough to start an inferno on my skin and cause me to bite my lip and shift in my seat.
We got to his place, he took my hand, and led me through the space that has grown so familiar to me.
“As much as I love that dress on you, I want it off as soon as possible.” He whispered in my ear as we made our way through the front door. His lips attached itself to whatever flesh was within reach which made me grow wetter by the second. His hands traced about my body, refamiliarizing himself with each curve, dip, and fold he craved. His hands were never rough, they smoothed over my body carefully, almost as if I was fragile, something delicate, it made me feel protected.
As we were in the bedroom, he was quick to undo the zipper to my dress and allow it to pool at my feet. The way his eyes lit up at what was now revealed to be hidden beneath my dress was a look that always drove me crazy.
“Did a little extra shopping today with the extra money, daddy.” I said as I pushed him to the bed. He sat on the edge of the bed, eyes full of hunger and awe.
“I need to give you more money for lingerie. You look so fucking hot.” I straddled his lap, mouths attached and moving with heated passion. His coat fell away as I began tugging at his tie and the buttons on his dress shirt. I could still taste remnants of dinner on his tongue, delectable, indulgent, and I savored it all. My mouth began to move; jawline, neck, chest, stomach. I could smell where he sprayed his cologne, and I stayed where the scent was the strongest, drunk on his scent as my desire for him grew heavier with each breath. His hands held me closer to his bare skin as he let a low hum verberate within his chest. I fell away down between his legs onto my knees. He watches carefully, already out of breath and straining in his pants. I carefully remove his belt, take the zipper down with my teeth, and shed away another layer of clothes. I rub my hand over the cloth of his boxers where his straining erection was prominent, I felt him twitch at my touch and groan.
“Let me pay you back for dinner. How does that sound?” Just like a leaf in fall, the final clothing item was shed away, leaving Brian bare before me. He sat there, arms behind him pushed into the comforter of the bed for support as he eagerly anticipated my next moves, hoping it would be one that would satisfy the lustful desire he had coursing through him.
I kiss at his thighs, leaving a few love marks to show that despite being his, he was also mine. My head and hands find their way below, down to his balls where I carefully massaged them and sucked at the sensitive skin. The groans and moans that Brian was making was enough to tell me that he was enjoying himself. I began moving myself up again, kissing up along his shaft, tracing along veins with a pointed tongue and feeling him pulse beneath me as my hands ran along his thighs that would occasionally tense when I hit just the right spot. When I reached the head, I could see the pre-cum seeping out. I gave his cock a nice pump that sent more spilling out and I was quick to lick it all up.
“Baby, no more teasing. Please.” He begged brushing my hair carefully out of the way. I looked up at him with an innocent sparkle in my eyes,
“But I know you love how it feels daddy.” With a sharp inhale and his lip caught between his teeth, I finally took the first few inches of his cock into my mouth, pulling away while sucking, only to have it pop out of my mouth. I looked up at him and he was gasping for breath and his legs were trembling. I swirled my tongue around the tip of his cock before once more taking him into my mouth, only to repeat this cycle. I just adored hearing his whines, seeing the veins in his arms pop as he gripped the sheets into a tight fist, feeling his thighs tense and squeeze slightly together anytime a shockwave of pleasure was sent through his body.
I decided he endured enough and began carefully taking more and more of him into my mouth, head bobbing in steady rhythm. “Feels… So fucking good.” He breathed out as one of his hands made its way to the back of my head. He never pushed me further than I could go, or at all. His hand just rested on my head as though he was feeling the rhythm and pace of my head bobbing. The taste of pre-cum began getting more and more consistent, the way his legs began to tremble, “Princess, so close.” I could have came myself hearing his throat raw with desperation as he said those three words. I doubled down and took him all in. His cock hit the back of my throat and the tip of my nose hit his naval until his thighs came together and he was spilling down my throat.
My eyes were watering and my nose slightly runny, but it was always rewarding to see him so pleasured all because of me. He pulled me up and his lips were once more attached to my skin, littering the delicate flesh where my neck and my shoulder met with love bites of varying hues.
“Mine,” He would grunt whenever his lips would depart from my skin and then go right back.
He laid me delicately on my back and I felt his cock – still rock hard – resting against my thigh as he kissed my forehead, “Love you,” he says before kissing my lips, “so perfect,” his fingers pushed the panties I wore aside, not even bothering to remove them which honestly made it all so much hotter, “my princess.” He slid into me easily, filling me whole as my eyes rolled back at the sensation, lips parted as humid breath left my lungs.
“Daddy.” I couldn’t let out anymore as my nerves all stood on end as he began to rock his hips steadily into mine.
“You feel so good around my cock. Something so perfect is all mine.” I wrapped my legs around him, beckoning him closer and deeper. The way his cock curved hit all my sensitive spots and it wasn’t long before I was seeing stars, the noises that wanted so badly to break free past my lips but fell stuck within my throat as I was blissed out in pleasure. My muscles tightened around his cock as I experienced pure euphoria, “god you feel even better when you cum all over my cock sweetheart.” his hips continued working and I felt overstimulated, but I absolutely loved it. “Came that hard and I didn’t even have to touch your clit.”
As my body rocked, but boobs started spilling out of the strapless bra. Brian took notice and was quick to crane his neck down and lick around my hardened nipple. He licked, sucked, and lightly bit around the sensitive buds which only added to the extreme pleasure I was experiencing as my body started building up to another orgasm. I held his head in close with a desire to be as close to him as physically possible, aching to feel every inch of his skin, wanting nothing more but for him to feel exactly what I feel: Lustful love.
His hips started working faster and faster and his rhythm was slowly losing any trace of precise tempo. His hand slipped between us, fingers working at my clit and sending me over the edge once again with a cry.
“Princess… Gonna cum again. Where?” He couldn’t even get a full sentence out as he grit his teeth and words were quickly replaced with grunts.
“Cum daddy. Just do it. Wanna make you feel good!” I said as his head was buried in my shoulder, my arms wrapped around his neck bracing for his inevitable climax. With a few more harsh thrusts, he was buried deep within me as I felt warm spurts filling me, my legs holding us close together, intertwined as we pant and catch our breaths.
“I love you so much baby. I love you.” He said with a final kiss and our foreheads pressed together.
Once he had come down from his high, he went and grabbed a towel for me and helped clean me up.
“Thank you for tonight.” I said softly as he held me close in his arms.
“Anything for you princess. You deserve the world.” He kissed the top of my head and brushed my hair out of my face. “You have amazing taste in lingerie also.”
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mandoalorian · 3 years
Javier Peña SFW Alphabet
Because the world needs more soft!Javi.
Warnings: 16+. allusions to sex, depression mention, cigarettes mention, alcohol mention, food mention.
Reblogs appreciated!
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A = Affection (How affectionate are they? How do they show affection?)
So, Javi hates PDA. It makes him cringe. Javier can be pretty affectionate but only when you two are alone and spending private one-on-one time with each other. However, if he sees another pair of eyes on you, he can get protective pretty quick. He’ll guide you around with his hand placed on the small of your back, and he’s not afraid to slap your ass if it means he gets to assert his dominance.
B = Best friend (What would they be like as a best friend? How would the friendship start?)
I mean, just look at Javier & Steve. Javi is an amazing best friend. He’s hilarious, and always jokes around, although most of the time, his humour can be quite dark and self deprecating. None the less, he’s super funny and never fails to make you laugh. He’s perfect to have around when you need to be cheered up. He’s also super supportive and will constantly look out for you. If you’ve fucked up and made a mistake, Javi will take the blame and have your back. You don’t even have to ask him. He really steps up for you.
C = Cuddles (Do they like to cuddle? How would they cuddle?)
At first? No. Javi struggles to show his feelings, and he’s not the biggest hopeless romantic, as you might’ve guessed. He’s never really given out cuddles (or hugs for that matter), but if you’ve been together for a couple of months and you’re going steady, he doesn’t have an issue with getting into it. He learns to really like cuddles. Especially after sex.
D = Domestic (Do they want to settle down? How are they at cooking and cleaning?)
He has no interest in getting married. Never has, never will. He doesn’t see the point in a piece of paper from city hall to confirm that you two love each other. As long as he can feel it, in his heart, that’ll be good enough for him. But if you absolutely want to get married, he’ll allow it. It won’t be a big ceremony though. Maybe just a few guests and a store bought cake. He doesn’t like the fuss. He doesn’t cook, ever. He had a pretty bad diet that consists of snacking on chips at the bar or ordering take-out. He has a cleaner too.
E = Ending (If they had to break up with their partner, how would they do it?)
Honestly? Javier can be pretty brutal. If you’ve hooked up just a few times and he’s lost interest, he’ll probably just not call you back. If you’ve been together a while, he’s gonna be really torn up about breaking up with you. He’ll be sulking and moody for a few days and you’ll know that somethings up. Then he’ll go distance and ghost you, hiding out in a few motel bars leaving you worried about where he is. When you find him, there’s a big fight and he snaps and tells you he wants to end it all. When he misses you, he’ll pick up a girl from the brothel who looks similar enough to you, and he’ll think of you while he fucks her. He feels gross about it, but it’s just what he does.
F = Fiance(e) (How do they feel about commitment? How quick would they want to get married?)
Oh Lord, Javier has the biggest commitment issues. He’s terrified, as we seen with Lorraine. It’s gonna take a lot for him to settle down. He tries to reassure you that it’s not your fault and it’s a problem he needs to work out himself. It might take Javi a few years of steadily dating before his commitment issues become resolved, but as long as you’re willing to wait for him, he’ll be happy.
G = Gentle (How gentle are they, both physically and emotionally?)
He’s definitely rough at first — in every way you can imagine. But you teach him how to be more gentle and considerate, both with yourself and the people around him. He can be pretty blunt which can cause a lot of hurt sometimes. When he sees that you’re upset though, he will show a surprising softer side. He’ll wrap his arm around you and smooth out your hair, and he’ll lull you to sleep by whispering sweet nothings into your ear.
H = Hugs (Do they like hugs? How often do they do it? What are their hugs like?)
The first time you hug Javi, he stiffens up completely. He has no idea how to react. The last time he received a hug must’ve been from his mom when he was still just a young boy. He often gives you hugs though, especially when you’re seeking comfort. Javier has big strong arms and he holds you so right. He runs at your flesh in soothing motions and he nuzzles his face into the crook of your neck. You can always smell the honeyed scent of his cologne, and cigarettes, when he hugs you. But you wouldn’t trade the feeling for the world.
I = I love you (How fast do they say the L-word?)
You’re probably going to say it first... and that’s okay! Javier does love you, he knows that for sure. It’s just... it can be hard for him to actually admit it and come to terms with it (with his commitment issues and all). You assure him it’s okay and he can take his time. But he ends up not taking long at all. Once you tell him you love him, his whole world feels complete and it’s suddenly pretty easy for him to tell you that he loves you back.
J = Jealousy (How jealous do they get? What do they do when they’re jealous?)
To be honest, Javi is pretty confident in a relationship. No woman has ever left him before. So, he doesn’t get too jealous. Besides, other men know better than to get too close to you because Javier isn’t afraid to throw a punch or two. He is, by nature, extremely protective, though.
K = Kisses (What are their kisses like? Where do they like to kiss you? Where do they like to be kissed?)
So passionate. A clash of tongues and teeth. He often moans into your mouth and the vibrations from that alone are enough to send shivers down your spine. When he kisses you, he struggles to keep his hands to himself. With Javier, kisses often lead to making out which often leads to sex. He loves to kiss you anywhere. Along your jaw, down your neck and the valley of your breasts. He’s a biter too (this is canon). He loves to nibble at your skin and give you little lovebites.
L = Little ones (How are they around children?)
Surprisingly decent. Kids aren’t his favourite thing in the world, and he does his best to avoid them, but on an occasion where he finds himself with a child, he can handle them pretty well. Olivia Murphy loves her uncle Javi.
M = Morning (How are mornings spent with them?)
Weekdays are the worst because Javi has to head to work pretty early. Weekends though? You and Javier will sleep in until around midday, just lounging in each other’s arms and basking in the morning sunlight as it seeps through your curtains. It’s soft and sweet and almost always results in morning sex. You and Javi find yourself indulging in tired conversations and soft touches as you both fall in and out of sleep.
N = Night (How are nights spent with them?)
Javier will be drinking beer or whiskey and the two of you will mostly likely be on his sofa, watching a movie together. Fancy dinners aren’t his style but he likes to treat you to them now and again on date night. And trust me when I say you two will be going at each other until the early hours of the morning.
O = Open (When would they start revealing things about themselves? Do they say everything all at once or wait a while to reveal things slowly?)
He’s an enigma to everyone he meets, and this doesn’t exclude you. It can be exhausting at first— how much he keeps to himself. He doesn’t talk about his childhood, or what he did at work today. He talks about very little. But once you express to him that you wish he’d be more open and vulnerable with you, he tries. He really does try. In the end, he’s a lot more confident and can talk to you about practically anything.
P = Patience (How easily angered are they?)
He has 0 patience, as we see on stakeouts. He gets angry and frustrated super fast. He’s not too loud and he’s rarely a shouter, but when he’s pissed, you’re sure to know about it.
Q = Quizzes (How much would they remember about you? Do they remember every little detail you mention in passing, or do they kind of forget everything?)
It’s going to take him about three years for him to remember your birthday. But he remembers the exact shirt you were wearing the night you and him met. He forgets your mom’s name, but he remembers the brand name of the perfume that’s displayed on your dresser. Point is, he remembers very menial and silly things about you. Sometimes, he’ll bring up a random fact about you that he’s remembered and it’ll truly surprise you. Even though he struggled to remember the important things, you find is so endearing how he remembers the smaller and finer things.
R = Remember (What is their favorite moment in your relationship?)
The first time you and Javi slept together, something just hit him like a ton of bricks. He’s slept with plenty of women, that much is clear, but with you, it was different. Right from the start, something felt different, and he couldn’t quite place his finger on what it was. Truth be told, it terrified him... this unknown feeling. But it excited him too, and only spurred him on more. It takes him a while to realise, but that feeling was love. That was the night he fell in love with you. And so for that reason, yours and Javi’s first time is his favourite memory.
S = Security (How protective are they? How would they protect you? How would they like to be protected?)
Very protective. There’s no reason to elaborate. Due to the nature of his job and the shit he sees on a day to day basis, he makes you his number one priority. If anything ever happened to you, he couldn’t ever forgive himself. So he’s constantly at your neck and call. Anything you need, he will provide.
T = Try (How much effort would they put into dates, anniversaries, gifts, everyday tasks?)
Javier is pretty low maintenance. Like I said, he will occasionally take you out for a meal at a fancy restaurant, but this is usually for anniversary dates. He’s taken a liking to going to the movies with you, and he also loves to go dancing with you in nightclubs. Javi’s job is well paid and he has a surprisingly good eye for jewellery. He always picks you out the most beautiful diamonds. You worry about him spending too much on you, though.
U = Ugly (What would be some bad habits of theirs?)
Smoking. You don’t like the smell of it. And when he has one too many beers. He tries to cut down though, for you.
V = Vanity (How concerned are they with their looks?)
Yeah, he looks after himself. He keeps himself well groomed. He even has a little toothbrush he uses to comb his moustache.
W = Whole (Would they feel incomplete without you?)
He really, really would. Say you and Javi have had a big fight and you are both spending some time away from each other... he’ll be really struggling. You’re always there to ground him and make him feel safe. He never realised how much needs you until you’re not with him anymore. He’d probably cry himself to sleep, but he’d never tell anyone.
X = Xtra (A random headcanon for them.)
He has a vision. It’s a pretty distant vision, well into the future. But once he retires from the DEA, he’d love to take you back to Texas and show you his fathers farm. Maybe even have a farm with you someday. A suburban house with a white picket fence and dog. It’s the last thing you’d expect from Javi, but in a sense, he craves the normality of it all.
Y = Yuck (What are some things they wouldn’t like, either in general or in a partner?)
Uh, he doesn’t like drugs? DEA agent and all. He doesn’t like the rain because it ruins his hair and he hates the way his colourful shirts stick to his skin. You tell him it’s sexy, though. He doesn’t like big events where he has to see and interact with a bunch of people.
Z = Zzz (What is a sleep habits of theirs?)
He snores so loud. For the love of God, he needs to see a sleep therapist or some shit. Thankfully, you grow used to it, but you don’t know how he doesn’t wake himself up!
Permanent taglist: @paintballkid711 @supernaturalgirl @phoenixhalliwell @ah-callie @stardust-galaxies @wickedfrsgrl @goth-topic @nerdypinupcrystal  @kiwi-the-first @pedroepascal @castiel-barnes @honeymandos @rocketqueen  @dybalalover10 @girl-obsessed-with-things @elena-myth @moth-guillotine @pedro-pascal-love @hayley-the-comet @pinkninja200 @maxiarapamaya @autumnleaves1991-blog @artsymaddie @harrys-stan @kennedywxlsh @cripplingmoon @cheekygeek05 @mrschiltoncat @rye-flower @theamuz @persie33 @sleepylunarwolf @martellthemandalor @pedro-pastel @steeevienicks @rrtxcmt @saphic-susperia @ladyjenny19 @readsalot73 @softmedics @jade10077 @dodgerandevans @planetariumx​
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buntycake · 4 years
Hey I really liked your writing so I decided to send in a prompt. What do you think the brothers would only reveal about themselves to MC after a long time of dating? Maybe a different side of their personalities or an embarrassing interest? Thank you for the hard work 💕
I’m glad you like my writing! I hope you enjoy this headcanon.
What the Brothers Reveal to You After Dating You for a Long Time
Lucifer never seems to struggle. True, he has his fits of irritation as he tries to run Devildom while bringing Diavolo’s machinations to fruition. Even so, to an outsider he always seems to have a plan Z for everything.
The first time you saw him in a less than orderly state was when he called you to his office during one of his all-nighters. It was three in the morning and he had asked you to bring him a coffee spiked with poison. (This would have been alarming to you if you hadn't lived in Devildom for quite some time.)
Hunched over his desk and surrounded by paperwork, he looked exhausted. He didn’t even take the time to save his coffee like usual. It was gone in one gulp. When you asked what was keeping him up so late, he told you about Lord Diavolo's new idea. It had him ripping hair out he tried to figured out how to implement it.
Though he tried to shoo you away, you sat with him until 6 am, when he finally called it quits. This became a semiregular occurrence. (You talked him out of his all-nighters when you could.) Just your presence is enough to make the process of figuring out the impossible better.
When you're more settled in your relationship, he'll start asking for your advice and help. It's hard to believe that someone as persnickety as Lucifer would allow someone to do a job that he could do better, but he trusts you.
It's not always about work either. The conversations you two have about his relationship with his brothers are when Lucifer seems the most vulnerable. He wants to be close with them, but struggles. You are one of the few people he allows to know that.
Mammon being completely serious is still an uncommon occurrence in your relationship. He has his more reserved moments, sure, but not bouncing off the walls is not the same as having that solemn, focused look in his eyes.
There are really two occasions when this side of him comes out. One, when he's in DEEP trouble with the witches. You'll know that his debt with the witches has become serious when he's pacing the length of his room and muttering a string of numbers and calculations you can't follow.
Two, when he's trying to comfort someone, most often you. (After all, his brothers aren’t the type to admit when they’re feeling down.) There was once you had gotten to ruminating about the past. Those memories had whirl winded into something ugly. All your past regrets and embarrassments built up and weighed down on you until you began to cry.
Luckily or unluckily, Mammon came barging into your room at that time. He was ranting about some new opportunity for making money. In your melancholy daze, it was hard to remember. You must have looked awful because the switch was immediate.
Mammon gathered you in his arms and rubbed your back until you calmed down enough to talk. At first, he seemed agitated since he thought one of the brothers had done something to upset you. However, as you explained what happened he settled down. He was silent as you spoke and his eyes never left your face as if he was trying to gather up your every word and reaction.
Mammon is surprisingly insightful when he wants to be. What he said to you after your rant was thoughtful and wise – completely unlike his typical persona. You knew the typical fun-loving demon had returned when he said, "Anyway, forget about all that stuff. You have the Great Mammon looking out for you now."
Levi is extremely capable. Being an otaku shut-in, it's an aspect of him that isn't immediately apparent and that you've probably only seen glimpses of.
Levi's ability to keep up with all things otaku, while perhaps not impressive to anyone outside of the anime community, is a testament to his persistence. And no matter what normies think, Levi isn't without ambition.
It's actually a little while into your relationship that he brings up an old goal of his: creating an otaku podcast. He was timid as he began to explain his vision to you, but about an hour in it was clear that he knew EXACTLY what he wanted to do. He just needed a little nudge.
After many reassures, some words of affirmation, and a pretty drawn out planning session, he got to work. For the next couple of months, he was busy - completely hyper focused on this goal.
He reached out to some smaller creators in the otaku community to find others interested in making a podcast. The two of you went searching for a place and some equipment to rent out. There were many late nights with just the two of you drafting up some beginning podcast topics.
Levi was a nervous mess before the first recording. You sat in on the first one just to be a calming presence, but in the end, you don’t think he needed it. He had a BLAST.  Everyone seemed to play off each other so well.
When the podcast came out, it was a modest success. Those that liked it were begging for more. He was practically vibrating from excitement and overflowing with new ideas after that.
Levi undoubtedly did most of the leg work, but he'll insist to his last breath that it was all because of your support. To him, he can jump any hurdle with you by his side.
Satan is disgustingly romantic. For all the rage he can store in his body, honeyed words and sweet sentiments take their place there, too. Blame it on all the romance books he's read over the millenniums.
This aspect of him was probably the clearest during your dates, where he’ll take you to some unknown, but beautiful place. Even as you take in the environmental or astronomical wonders that Devildom offers, his eyes can’t seem to part from your form. It’s as if your existence is even more surreal.
This sentiment bleeds into your daily life the longer you're together. Most notably when you start finding small notes everywhere.
In the morning you found a note on your dresser, scrawled in his neat cursive. It read, “Your smile is as refreshing as the morning dew.” The smile in question appeared on your lips and you could almost see Satan’s amused smile in your mind.
Another note that said, “Your curiosity is something to be admired and feared,” had you giggling in the middle of RAD’s hallways. You got a few odd stares for that.
Surprise, surprise, there were more in your backpack, textbooks, around your room, everywhere. Each contained a small snapshot of his feelings about you.
At the end of the day, you found him tucked away in the library with a book like usual. When you asked him why he hid all those notes, he simply said, "So, that you would have at least one happy moment each day.”
Asmo takes pride in his appearance, but more than that, fashion and beauty are a defensive mechanism. If he looks less than perfect, then there might be merit in what people say about him. They might have good reason to hate or resent him.
When he's at his most beautiful, he can pass those reactions off as people being envious of his perfection. It may seem like a small thing, but it's a privilege to see him before all the primping and preening.
So, when you woke up after one of your rendezvouses and found him still in bed, you were surprised. Usually, he was already up and about, wrapped in one of his silk robes.
He always looked like he woke up fashionably messy. Hair that was perfectly mussed, robe that was draped lazily over his shoulders, and eyes that seemed dewy with sleep, but the smell of bathing oils and perfume always gave away his morning preparations.
Seeing him with bedhead, rubbing at his bleary eyes, and yawning out morning breath was surreal. You thought you were dreaming until he pulled you closer and nuzzled into your chest. His lack of pretense went unmentioned for cuddles and an extra thirty minutes of sleep.
Every time he does this, know that he's choosing to be vulnerable with you. And perhaps more importantly, that he's opening himself up to your criticisms. Ones that he can't/won't deflect and will take to heart.
Beel is rarely angry. As the peacemaker of the brothers, he's often the one pacifying the others. It doesn't leave him much room to express his own anger.
More than that, Beel doesn't like to hold grudges. It makes him feel guilty. There's already so much animosity among his brothers already; he doesn’t want to add to it.
You were really worried the first time he came to vent to you. He had entered your room a bit solemnly and gathered you into his arms. Then, he’d asked your permission to disclose something to you.
At first, you thought he was sad. Beel had commonly shared moments where he felt sad or upset, but this quiet simmering anger was new to you.
He started off quietly. It was lucky his mouth was right by your ear or else you'd have never heard what he was muttering. The whole rant started off with him confessing how frustrated he was with Lucifer for still withholding information and not leaning on the brothers for help.
As you nodded and encouraged him to go on, he got more confident. The conversation drifted away from Lucifer, to his qualms with the rest of the brothers. All of them for condescending his intelligence on a daily basis, Mammon for always going through everyone’s things, Asmo for constantly stealing his cake, and so on.
Beel had completely cooled off by the end of his rant and was a tad bit embarrassed. However, as he gets more comfortable venting, he'll let you know about small things that irritated him that day. It becomes like a daily confessional ritual between the two of you.
Belphie is notably cynical. However, this gets toned down by his aloof, sleepy persona. As adorable and soft as he is, he harbors numerous negative opinions of the world.
He doesn't trust easily and often expects the worst of people - demons, humans, angels, it doesn't matter. To his credit, when he isn’t blinded by his temper, he’s often right in his assessments. However, for Beel's sake, he typically suppresses this response.
With you, he feels he can air out his grievances. The first of these occurrences happened after a post-nap in the attic. The two of you were curled around each other and he began to let his woes slip out into the space between the two of you.
He talked about everything from his brothers to the exchange program to even his reservations about you. The dichotomy of Belphie cuddled into you, surrounded by a mountain of pillows while lamenting the woes of the world was frankly jarring. But when he finished, he seemed to sink deeper into your embrace like a weight had lifted off his shoulders.
As he continues to talk to you about all his less than optimistic views, they become a sort of philosophical debate between the two of you. There’s something satisfying about throwing each other’s ideals around and deconstructing them. More appealing to Belphie is that the two of you can have these conversations without judging each other (too much) or forcing your morals down the other’s throat.
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teamred · 4 years
blooming day
summary: just a boy standing in front of a girl’s front door, asking her to be his girlfriend. or, how peter parker fell in love with you through the stages of a blooming flower.  pairing: peter parker x reader warnings: fluff word count: 1.2k words notes: tried to do @stuckonspidey​‘s writing challenge, this is for day 5 - no dialogue. honestly, super hard for me because i love dialogue, but it was fun!
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gif created by me, please credit if used
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Peter paces in front of your door, hand ruffling through his hair. 
He’s trying to remember to breathe, but he worries that you won’t want anything to do with him, especially after last night. He stares at the bunch of flowers in his hand, wonders if he made the right choice in choosing them or if he should’ve even brought any in the first place. 
But he can do this. He has to at least try.
Just a knock, a hello, a how are you, and a small question. How hard can it be? 
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The seed was planted in math class. You were a transfer student and sat at the table to the right of him, so Ned was often in the way when he peered over to steal a glance at you. A friendship may have blossomed between you and your tablemate, but a silent love sprouted nearby at another table with every laugh and smile you emitted. 
The roots began to develop and spread as Ned and MJ invited you to sit with them during lunch. You were still new to the school and friends were scarce, but you unintentionally often sat near where they were in the cafeteria. They introduced themselves to you and when you reached Peter, you pointed out how you and him, along with Ned, all had math class together. Heart pounding and turning a shade of pink, he bashfully acknowledged the fact, especially as it was well-known to him. 
The budding occurred a month later one Friday evening when Peter was late to MJ’s birthday party. So late, you and Ned were just about to head out for the night after you mostly finished helping clean MJ’s place up. He uttered endless apologies, but Peter’s two best friends were strangely okay with him being late, especially the birthday girl. 
The four of you continued to clean up, now in pairs, and the two of you talked endlessly about each other’s day. It felt like forever since you talked to Peter, especially since he was so busy with the Stark Internship and extracurriculars. Unfortunately, at some point, MJ had to kick everyone out. You all may have said your good-byes, however, the two of you continued to stay up and FaceTime. Night became morning, and you both fell asleep while the sun started to rise the next day with your phones still in hand. And the next day. And the next day after.    
Prior to the final stage, some time after MJ’s party, a school dance was coming up. Like everywhere you constantly went, the four of you went as friends. For Peter, the dance was cut short. At this point, you realized why MJ and Ned were desensitized when he was often tardy or had to leave early.
Despite him leaving early, he had the chance to have you for a moment during a slow dance, since Ned decided to pair with MJ. Both of your hands were lax on his shoulders, and his were gingerly hovering your waist. Like clockwork, you two were making conversation, even on the dance floor, but somewhere between pauses, you became lost in each other’s eyes. 
Each party’s heartbeats grew louder and louder, overtaking the soft music and the noises of everyone else in the gym. A tingling reached both of your cheeks. You both may have looked away, but you decided to step closer towards him; the great space between you was painful and you just wanted to be near him for once. 
You were never ever this close to Peter. Your scent washed over him and he had to restrain himself from pulling you in further. 
Would it be weird if you leaned your forehead against his? Something in you desired to, but you drowned it out and decided to lean your cheek against his instead. Pretending the proximity of your bodies was nothing, you progressed in your conversation from before. 
The boy in the suit and tie held you safely as he closed his eyes, listening to your whispered conversation and endless thoughts. Since he was closer now, he casually breathed in your scent a little deeper than previously. You’d be lying if you didn’t admit you weren’t submerging yourself in the faint hints of Peter’s scent either. 
And suddenly, the dance went back to fast-paced music. You two stopped moving side to side, and pulled away just a bit, but still stayed close to each other, about an inch from the other’s face. You swore you felt Peter’s breath against your face and began to feel a little conscious that he could feel yours too. 
Then, as if on cue, the moment truly ended as Peter’s phone vibrated. A small half-smile formed as you watched him turn away from you, as always, to glance at a text to signify his exit. 
Normally, you didn’t care if he had to go early, or if he arrived late, because it was the fact that he was there that counted. This time was different though. His mouth was moving and apologies drifted throughout the air; always the same old tune. 
As he was about to turn away from you, your fingers grasped onto the ends of his. It was the first time words couldn’t come out of your mouth in front of Peter Parker, but your eyes begged him to stay, even for just a little bit longer. 
Nor could he say a word to you. He was shocked that you held his hand and stared at your hand grasping onto his, before looking back at you. God, he had so much to say to you, more than you could ever know, but now wasn’t the time to say it, or else both of you would be in the school for a lifetime. 
Impetuously, he kissed the top of your hand, then stepped closer to you. His hand raised and held your head carefully as he pulled you in to kiss you on your forehead. 
Peter ran off. You touched the spot where he kissed. It was a little damp and a warmth lingered against your touch.  
Prior to leaving the gym, he held the door half open and looked at you one last time. 
You, who was giving a small grin and waving good-bye, even though he had no choice but to leave you and his best friends on the dance floor. You, who seemed to understand him when he had to mysteriously run off or be overly late to events. You, who still talked to him practically every day and always brought colour to his life, especially when things were blue. 
Finally, you officially bloomed inside of Peter’s heart. 
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The crowd of flowers encompass him and fight for his attention. He Googled the meanings of every flower before coming into the shop. 
Sunflowers are pure, but tulips are for declaring love, so they must be the most appropriate. He personally loves the pink and red hues of the amaryllises, but what if you prefer lilies? Carnations are so simple, but delphiniums symbolize heavenliness, and you had an angelic glow wherever you went. How could he forget the classic red roses? 
Staring at the rows and rows of plants with a pair of squinting eyes, he almost fell back when the older lady who owns the store asked if she could help him. 
He expresses his dilemma and she follows along, nodding kindly, as she had an easy solution for him the second he stepped into the store. 
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The boy in the jacket blows a big sigh and nods to himself fervently. He can do this. He can do this. He’s a superhero for crying out loud. 
He rocks on the balls of his feet when his fist taps gently against your door. 
A warm smile welcomes him, excited to see him since last night at the dance. 
Air’s caught in his lungs and even though he sees you practically every day, and maybe something changed last night, but he cannot believe what a breathtaking sight you are. 
And your smile widens. You notice the small multicoloured arrangement of flowers in his hands, almost as if he chose one of every kind from a store. 
Peter closes his eyes for a second, inhales deeply. Then, he opens them, blinks a little more than usual, and bites the inside of his cheek, before he speaks. 
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dyde21 · 3 years
Overnight Trip to Stark Industries 3
Link to the first part HERE (I mean it’s a field trip fic so the set up is the same, but the first two parts are only on AO3 right now xD)
I know I’m new to the fandom, and mostly post over on AO3 but I think I’ll start sharing some more One-shots over here because I freaking adore Spideychelle. Also, anyone who does REALLY needs to check out @premiere-pro They have one of the best writing styles I’ve seen in ages, and they have a series called “super cuts” that retells Iron Man 2, Avengers, and Iron Man 3 currently with Spidey in them and it’s amazing. I’m gonna reread them soon.
The air was practically vibrating in the elevator as everyone wondered what the first stop of the tour would be. Someone had even turned to their tour guide Ashe in the elevator their half was in. “What is the itinerary for today?”
Ashe looked at them, owlish for a moment. “Did… did your teachers not explain it? I believe it was on the paperwork as well.” Peter heard her voice drop to a whisper. “Did I not explain it?”
The student looked a little sheepish. “There was a lot of paperwork…”
Nodding, Ashe recovered smoothly. “I totally get that. Working here often comes with loads of paperwork. So many NDA’s, it’s easy to lose track of things. I’ll explain once we get to the first stop, just so I don’t have to repeat myself.” She offered with a crowd winning smile.
Peter saw her turn back to him and mouth “oops” and Peter snickered. Ashe was a very good PA, she could handle people better than pretty much anyone else Peter knew, aside from maybe Tony himself. But he also had heard she could be a bit distracted easily, which was why she always had a tablet to double check to keep her tasks organized and on track. Though it wasn’t like Peter could blame her, he forgot stuff constantly and Tony was even worse. It was honestly a miracle that Pepper had come into Stark Industries to help keep everything running smoothly.
Ned turned to Peter. “Do you know what’s happening first?”
Shaking his head, Peter sighed. “Like I said, Ned. I really know nothing about what’s going on this tour. I wasn’t exactly thrilled to go on it, and I kinda spend a lot of time here so I never took it myself. I just know that it’s supposed to be super memorable.”
Ned was still nodding, as if the plain explanation Peter was offering was super secret spoilers. MJ was just leaning against the wall, arms crossed as she watched them all with an amused expression. He was glad at least someone was amused. 
The elevator ended and they stepped out into… a plain hallway. 
Everyone seemed a bit confused. It was clear the expectations had been a bit more… grandeur. Ashe smiled as she made a broad motion, urging the group to gather around. 
“So I bet you all are wondering what we are doing on this trip. In case some of you did not properly read the itinerary, I thought it would be prudent to review our schedule!”
There was some excited murmur from the group of students. Peter just rolled his eyes. He met her eyes and mouthed “smooth” to her. Ashe turned to the group, but Peter saw her subtly raise a peace sign in his direction. 
“So! As you know, our trip is split into two days. The first day will explore the technology and R&D portion of Stark Industries, and the second day will cover the Avengers and affiliated programs.” Ashe quieted for a moment as a wave of cheers and very loud murmuring broke out. Ned was freaking out, grabbing Peter’s arm and shaking it. Peter barely noticed, because he felt his face pale. He was about to raise his arm, but someone else had gotten the idea first. 
“Yes, you!” Ashe said, pointing. 
“Will we be meeting any Avengers?” Cindy asked eagerly.
Pausing for dramatic effect, a massive grin crept on Ashe’s face. “Yes! You will be meeting multiple Avengers on this trip. While not all trips are afforded this opportunity, this trip has been lucky enough to be part of the September Foundations outreach program to help connect the future generation to both Stark Industries and the Avenger’s initiative, as at the core, the heroes serve the people and outreaches like this help close the gap and build bridges.” Ashe offered in a smooth, practiced flow. 
Another loud wave of cheers rang out from the group and Peter winced, covering his ears slightly. His enhanced senses were NOT as happy as they were at the moment. He felt MJ’s hand rub his back gently. 
“Dude! DUDE!” Ned practically shouted at him, wide eyes. Peter couldn’t help but grin at his friend despite the growing dread in his stomach. He was happy for Ned, even though Ned had met all the Avengers at least once by now. This was a rare chance for all of his friends and he was happy for them. 
But there was no way in hell this tour had been “randomly selected” for this. There was absolutely foul play here and it reeked of nepotism. 
“Lucky, my ass. I think this was Pepper’s idea of ‘helping me out’.” Peter muttered to Ned and MJ.
“GOOD.” Ned said unapologetically.
MJ shrugged. “Technically, they aren’t under any obligation to not choose this trip just because they know you. They have the right to choose whatever groups they want.”
Peter raised an eyebrow. “I thought you were against Nepotism.”
MJ offered him a sly grin. “Technically the entire class benefits from this experience, so you aren’t stealing all the benefit from others. You’re more of… an asset in our appeal to the process. It’s prudent to make use of the advantages we are offered.”
“So I’m an asset.” Peter deadpanned to her. “That’s how you see me.”
MJ shrugged. “You’re my favorite asset.”
“You just like me for my assets.” Peter mocked.
“It is a nice asset.” MJ replied cooley. Peter stared at her for a moment, blinking before his cheeks started to tint red. Did… did she just hit on him?
MJ grinned triumphantly, having won the exchange as the group tuned back into Ashe.
“Our first stop will be a brief history of the company, followed by a tech demonstration. There will be a surprise challenge, followed by lunch and the end of the challenge, then a chance for outreach and interaction with SI representatives to end the day before dinner and some free time. We will leave tomorrow’s plan for tomorrow, so make the most of today while you can!”
Another break where the group was too busy talking to each other for Ashe to have a hope of controlling them, but she didn’t seem particularly surprised or bothered by it, instead answering some question that Mr. Harrington was asking that Peter couldn’t hear over the roar of overly excited teenagers.
“So at least one day before the Avengers ruin my life.” Peter muttered mostly to himself. He winced as he felt MJ gently pinch his back where she had been rubbing it. 
“Stop being so dramatic, nerd. Things will workout fine.” She reassured, glancing towards her other nerd with a small smile as Ned was still freaking out with Abe.
Ashe checked the time on her starkpad before waving her arms a bit to gather attention back on her. “As much as I’m sure you’re having fun talking about how ‘hella cool’ this tour is gonna be, how about we actually start it?”
MJ raised at the expression and Ashe seemed to notice it and smirked in response.
Ashe led her gaggle of students towards a wide set of double doors that really didn’t look like anything special. Peter couldn’t quite place where he had seen them before though. They seemed… different. 
“First stop on our tour will be a brief history of Stark Industries. This is actually a rather brand new installation and vastly upgraded from our older lecture version. I think you all will be pretty pleased by it. Without further ado, let’s begin!” She said, earning a few hoots and cheers from the class as she dramatically pushed open the doors.
Students practically rushed into… a blank room. All the walls were either glass or another blank surface. In the center of the massive room was a circular pedestal with a device on top of it. Everyone looked around confused, and Peter could practically hear their disappointment. 
Ashe, however, was having far too much fun watching their expressions. “Just be patient. Is everyone in? Good! Okay, now everyone I suggest you stand back to start, and do keep in mind the center dias please.” She said before stepping back. After a moment the rest of the class stepped back too as murmurs of concern started to grow a little louder.
Peter, however, remembered <em>exactly</em> what this was and a massive grin crept on his face. He had no idea they had actually fully finished this project, it had been ages since he had helped out other interns with this. He had been involved in the development and the construction of the technology, not as much the final touches and execution of it. 
He gestured for MJ and Ned to step back a little more. “Ned, do your best not to freak out too much.”
Ned nodded a bit too eagerly as he stared at the console, already amazed even though nothing had happened yet. 
MJ seemed a bit skeptical, but scooted a little closer to him and crossed her arms, waiting to see what was in store. 
Ashe knocked her fist on one of the glass panes twice. “Alright, Ty. Start it up!” She said eagerly.
The lights of the room instantly shut off and the murmurs died instantly. Peter could hear the sharp intake of breath as everyone was suddenly waiting very eagerly. 
A voice rang out through the room. 
“Everything is achievable through technology...”
Peter recognized the voice, he had heard it a few times. 
Howard Stark.
Gasps rang out through the room because standing in the center of the room was Howard Stark. Or more accurate, a hologram of him. It stood there, looking around generically, but you couldn't help but feel like he was actually looking at you when his eyes happened to meet yours. 
“Is that a hologram?”
“Isn’t that the founder?”
A bunch more hushed whispers echoed out, followed by an almost equal number of “shhhhh”.
Ned was gaping like a fish as he stared at the man in the old suit who walked forward, continuing to talk. 
“Better living, robust health, and for the first time in human history, the possibility of world peace.”
He stopped and gently shoved his hands into his suit pockets. “I’m Howard Stark, and everything you’ll need in the future can be found right here.” He said with a sweeping motion of his arm. 
As he did though the room <em>changed</em>.
One second they were standing in a dark room with a holographic dead founder talking to them, and the next there was a rush of light of colors from all around and suddenly they were standing in a fairground. Students gasped, talking in hush whispers as they looked around. Peter saw Betty even hesitantly reach out and touch the wall, which was still very much there, but it looked like she was touching an invisible wall in the park. Almost. There was just enough of a discrepancy that you could see the edge without stumbling face first into it accidentally. Peter guessed that had been a lesson learned the hard way, knowing the interns.
There were displays in every direction. There was a general ambiance of futurism, but it was anachronistic with the old visions of the future, incredibly outdated despite their best guesses of the time, being displayed by technology they couldn’t dream of. Displays of imaginary space suits, flying cars, toasters. Everything was in the distance as the world around them began to move across the ground, as if they were on a guided tour.
Everyone was still mostly rooted in place, and as if to lead them, Ashe walked across the room, mumbling a bit about watching out for the center kiosk, but went deliberately to look at a display from the far end of the wall. Peter followed her suit, just to encourage people as he walked across it too. It was a bit disorienting, with the world moving at it’s own pace while you walk. Kind of like those automated walkways at the airport, but not too jarring thankfully. Again, he figured it was probably a product of trial and error and an uncomfortable number of nauseous interns testing it.
Crowds bustled around them, phasing through people as the holograms were interrupted by the actual people in the room, even though Peter saw a student or two from their class hurriedly avoiding them muttering out apologies. Peter couldn’t blame them, it almost looked real.
He knew how disorienting it could be to be surrounded by illusions. Just like… him… whenever.. He fought…
Peter’s attention was snapped back to the present as Howard continued finally.
“From all of us at Stark Industries, I would like to personally thank you for visiting us. For your interest in helping shape the world into a better future.” For a few more moments they continued to float through the imagined space. Old music playing over a staticy sound system, girls in rather revealing outfits dancing and parading themselves around displays, all before it settled near the center of the area where Howard was once again standing there, smiling at them. 
The world faded to black around them once more, and there were some groans of disappointment from the group as their apparent trip through time was cut short. Howard gave one last tip of his hat, before he faded. 
There was a beat of silence.
“I’ve learned a great deal from my father, and clearly humility wasn’t one of them.” Tony Stark’s voice cut in as he suddenly walked forward, emerging from nothing and standing where Howard stood a moment ago. 
Peter was almost tempted to reach out and touch him because it was strange seeing him so clearly there, but not at the same time. Peter knew it was a hologram, but he could have sworn it was real.
He raised his arms and a massive Arc Reactor, the old prototype emerged from the ground, large, and humming with energy. It dwarfed their size, and it felt surreal standing so close to it.
“The Arc Reactor was one of my first successes in his company, outside of our military contracts.” Tony said. He smiled at the group and it looked genuine.
It looked real.
Too real. Like he had seen before. Illusions. But they never stayed pleasant like this. Peter stepped back, bumping his back against the wall. This was dangerous. He couldn’t tell if it was his spider sense or anxiety that was now gripping the lower part of his neck. His heart began to beat much faster.
Too fast. Was he dying? Maybe. Was this real? He kept waiting for it to change like it always did. Tony would pull a gun on him. Or melt into spiders. Or get shot. Maybe the other avengers would show up to die painfully. Or attack him. Or each other. Peter’s fists were clenched tightly at his side and they started to shake. 
Why wouldn’t he hurry the fuck up and kill Tony already. Peter didn’t have time for this. He didn’t want to see his mentor die again. He didn’t want to have to punch it just to make it go away. He just wanted to scream. He could see Tony’s lips moving, probably continuing the talk but Peter’s ears were ringing and he couldn’t hear anything. Why hadn’t the death come, was Myst-
MJ’s eyes filled his vision as she stepped directly in front of him. His eyes snapped to hers, and he felt her hand cup his cheek. It was warm. He swallowed thickly. 
“R-real?” He asked shakily.
MJ’s eyes were focused, and God were they beautiful. 
“Real.” She confirmed. “I’m right here, Tiger.” She whispered gently. She leaned in briefly, kissing him. 
It was the strangest sensation, it was like he dropped from the sky back into his body. Everything snapped into place at the feeling of her lips briskly on his. 
He could feel the pressure of her knee on the inside of his, one of her feet pressed against the inside heel of one of his as she had leaned into him. Her other hand gently holding his clenched fist as he forced it to relax and thread his fingers through hers. The sounds of Tony’s voice again.
“Under our new CEO, Pepper Potts, Stark Industries have moved on from our wartorn past and once again begun the long process of bringing tomorrow just a little bit closer.” Then the familiar sounds of “Shoot to Thrill” by ACDC started to echo throughout the room.
Peter’s eyes glanced around and saw most of the students now looking around as a new wide arrange of displays showed around them. Cindy had noticed him and had seemed a bit concerned, but saw MJ was handling him and went back to looking at the sights after a small smile. Ned also seemed worried, but Peter offered him a reassuring smile and a moment later Ned was next to Betty as they pointed at some Iron Man suits flying high above them.
Ashe had closed half the distance towards them, concern painting her features but he gave her a shaky thumbs up and she slowly nodded, stepping off to the side but clearly keeping an eye on him. 
His eyes fell back on MJ’s, finding them still locked on his patiently, a warm, if not slightly concerned smile on her face. 
“You’re okay. I’m right here.” She said softly, reaching up to move his hand under her neck to her pulse point, as he felt the steady throb of it. Life. Peter took a deep breath and slowly the panicked sensation in the back of his neck faded. 
“T-thank you.” He said.
MJ still examined his face, no doubt reading past anything he could ever try to hide from her in the moment before she seemed satisfied and smiled. Giving him the briefest peck on the lips before stepping next to him again. 
She dropped his hand, but reached over and slid hers under the back of his shirt,resting it directly on the base of his spine, her thumb making gentle strokes over it. A steady, warm, grounding presence. She was right here, and very <em>very</em> real.
Peter wrapped his now free arm around her waist and held her close as he took in the sights around them.
Now that all traces of his illusionist villain had been banished to the dark recesses of his mind, he had to admit it was pretty fucking awesome.
ACDC was blaring through the speakers, and everywhere you looked seemed like a technological dream. 
High up in the sky various suits of Iron Man armor were flying everywhere, both in formations and freely, firing at targets as they were thrown up and blasting them into pieces that fell into glitter before vanishing. 
Off to the side near Ned and Betty Peter saw a person waving at them, their entire arm made of a prosthesis that seemed to respond almost perfectly to their mind as it picked up and played with a coin dexterously. 
On the other side there was a clean energy generator that powered a trail of lights before they erupted into a massive city streat, all being powered by the small glowing blue generator. Peter wasn’t sure if it was a bit of an exaggeration, but it accomplished its intended effect based on Abe's and Cindy’s reaction.
Tony was still standing in the center, looking impossibly smug as he looked around a bit randomly to catch eyes potentially.
Glancing over at MJ, he saw her attention had finally moved from him and he saw her mouth opened ever so slightly in awe as she looked at the scene closest to them. The sleek fairground around them that had been housing most of the other displays crumbled to dirt as they were suddenly staring out over a large patch of ground, surrounded by forests that seemed to stretch off for miles. 
In the center of the clearing were a few robots that were transplanting sapling trees and some further down that were planting seeds. 
There was some floating text giving statistics on successfully replanted trees and reforesting that had happened over the past ten years.
Peter looked back at MJ, her face being illuminated by the green as he saw the faintest traces of wonder in her eyes. An emotion he knew she felt as much as everyone else did, but hid from the world to keep herself safe. But seeing that look in her eyes, the smallest smile on her face, the way her eyes shifted to his and her smile grew even more, made his chest feel warm. He realized, there was nothing in this world he wouldn’t do for her. Nothing he wouldn’t do to see that smile every day for as long as he lived. He would move mountains for her if she asked.
He rested his forehead against hers for a moment, a serene oasis in the loud ACDC played. Eventually the music started to quiet down and everyone looked back to where Tony was still standing. Behind him an Iron Man suit landed in the hero pose, before it stood up and opened up, encasing Tony in it. 
“Stark Industries is leading the world to the future. Try to keep up.” He said with one last smirk, before the helmet closed and he blasted off into the sky. 
A second later and the regular lights slowly turned on as they were gradually reintroduced to the plain chamber as all the holograms powered down.
Everyone just sort of stood still, letting out a few deep breaths. 
“Dude…” Abe said.
“That was…” Betty started.
“SO FUCKING AWESOME.” Jason said excitedly.
“Lonello!” Harrington snapped at the language, but seemed just as starstruck. 
There was a loud eruption of conversations as people started gushing about the experience. 
Ashe clearly leaned back, an almost maternal smile as she saw the excitement through the class and gave them a moment to process things. 
Peter glanced over to MJ, and Ned and Betty who had joined them. 
“Dude, that was insane!” Ned started out, practically shaking with how excited he was. 
“I can’t even imagine how they did that.” Betty offered. 
MJ smiled. “Yeah… that was pretty cool.” Everyone seemed a bit shocked by her honest confession, but no one was going to call her out on it. They knew she was working on being more open with others and the last thing they wanted to do was discourage her from it.
“Yeah, I’ve never seen this before. I knew they were working on it, even helped a bit, but it was nowhere near that… immersive.” He offered, hearing his own slight amazement and thankfully not  much of the fear that crept in. 
He felt a slight increase of the pressure on his back. MJ’s face portrayed nothing, but it was a clear reminder. 
<em>Im right here.</em>
He just squeezed her a little closer from his arm around her side.
“You worked on that?” Betty said, a little too loud of surprise.
The class looked over at Peter both surprised and a little skeptical. 
He raised his free hand in a sort of peace gesture. “Not like… the actual holograms. They must have… God, I don’t even know the level of artists and programmers that took. I just meant more of the basic technology.”
MJ snorted. “Basic. Sure.”
Peter rolled his eyes, tickling her side ever so slightly making her squirm before she kicked his shin in retaliation. “You know what I mean. I worked with the other interns on the back end.” He offered. He didn’t want to go into detail about working directly with Tony on it, or how it worked because he <em>really</em> didn’t wanna spoil the magic of something so fantastical. 
“Sure you did, Parker.” Flash said in disbelief. Before he could chime in with any more eloquent comments, Ashe clapped her hands together once. 
“Well then! You seem to have remembered which way is up, so how about we move on to the rest of the tour? I promise you there’s still plenty to be amazed by.” She said as she ushered them to the opposite of where they entered where there were more flush doors in the wall. 
She seemed to do a head count, before checking her tablet to verify that she did indeed not forget the number of people she was responsible, before she smiled and moved open the doors. 
Once again, the students burst into an excited murmur. 
There was a rather tall young man, sleeves rolled up on a simple blue dress shirt and jeans as he leaned against a little kiosk. He had shaggy black hair, and a calm smile as he watched the students.
But none of them were watching him because behind him it looked like an arcade from the future. It was a series of rooms, all displaying various holograms above the tables. Other machines littered the walls and the room was darker to allow the lights emitting from the machines to draw your eyes in even more. People stumbled forward a bit more, but none of them were willing to go past the man without permission. 
Peter glanced over at Ashe as she was staring at the guy in surprise. 
“Ashelyn.” He said simply, an almost smug look on his face as he raised an eyebrow.
“Tyler.” She replied professionally, but Peter could see the barely constrained snickers that both of them were trying to keep hidden.
MJ glanced between the two young adults before looking at Peter.
Peter just rolled his eyes. “You’ll see.”
The two young adults had locked eyes long enough and seemed to be having a silent discussion long enough for the incredibly impatient teenagers who were desperate to see the technological wonderland just out of their reach to feel a little awkward.
Peter cleared his throat a bit loudly and both Ashe and Tyler seemed to snap back to reality, the faintest hint of a blush on both of their cheeks. 
“Midtown.” Ashe supplied helpfully.
Tyler shot her a grateful look. “Welcome, Midtown. I hope you enjoyed our little introduction. A bit of a step up from our old lecture, I would say?” He asked, waiting for a chorus of replies.
“Fucking amazing!”
“Lonello...” Harrington’s voice sounded more tired this time.
Tyler just smiled at them. “I’m glad you enjoyed it. It has been the product of months of hard labor, and many technological breakthroughs from all across Stark Industries to achieve. My name is Tyler, and I am one of the floor managers of the R&D department, with a specialty in audio development, though my floor covers a bit broader range as well. I have volunteered to serve as your specialist to answer any tech related questions you may have, if any happen to be beyond Ashe’s understanding.”
Ashe snorted out a laugh at that. “I appreciate the confidence Fros- Tyler but you know I leave the technology to you labrats down here. I appreciate the new headphones you guys released last month, but the most I know about them is I’m pretty sure they have a speaker in them somewhere.”
There were a few laughs from the group at that and the lovestruck look Tyler gave her made Peter wonder if he was that obvious when he looked at MJ.
(He was.)
Cindy raised her hand. 
“Yes?” Tyler asked, pointing at her patiently. 
“Are the tours usually led by floor managers? You seem a bit… important. Not that we aren’t incredibly grateful!” She added quickly, embarrassment creeping in after her brain caught up to her curiosity.
Tyler shrugged, not bothered by the question. “Usually no, we have mid level interns give these tours to gain experience in presenting their work though we are always available to help them when needed. This is more of an… exception.” He offered, his eyes flickering over to Ashe  who was hiding her laugher behind her fist as she tried to suppress her giggles. 
Peter laughed at that, apparently loud enough for Tyler’s eyes to lock onto his. He tilted his head slightly and Peter blushed. Oops. Busted.
“Okay! How about we get started!” Ashe cut him off, giving him a look that apparently he understood to mean just follow her lead. 
“Right! So, there are three rooms behind us, and you’re free to interact with any of the displays there. Unfortunately we do have to ask you to not use your phones in these areas. While you will be free to discuss anything you see here, some of the technology is new and patent pending, and we would prefer visuals of it not be released ahead of our schedule. I must insist that this rule is rather strictly enforced, and FRIDAY will be keeping a close eye out.” He said, his voice calm and even. “Right Fri?”
“That is correct, Tyler. Upon the exit of the third room in the back, you will be able to use your devices again. Feel free to silence any devices or respond before you pass the ropes up ahead, but we ask you not to attempt to film the area from here either.”
A couple of students pulled out their phone and silenced them just to prevent any temptation. Peter actually did that himself, because while he was pretty sure he was actually an exception to the rule, since he knew way more sensitive technology than this, he wasn’t exactly looking to prove a point and he had a habit of forgetting. 
MJ, Ned, and Betty seemed to trust him and followed his lead. 
“Now that the lame rules are out of the way, let me explain a bit more. Feel free to explore any of the machines up ahead. All of the holographic displays are interactable, and feel free to engage with them to your heart's content. Common sense rules apply here too. Don’t steal anything. Don’t break anything. Don’t run around.” He offered, raising an eyebrow. “Midtown is a reputable school, so behave but beyond that have fun and find me or Ashe if you have any questions.”
With that, he stepped aside and the students rushed in, spreading out to all corners of the first room as they started looking around and fiddling with things. 
Ned and Betty went to the nearest display table and as Peter was about to lead MJ in, he felt a hand on his shoulder.
Turning, he saw Ashe looking at him with a concerned expression.
“Are you okay? I saw your reaction in the holodeck. I know it can be disorienting.”
Peter nodded, smiling as he felt MJ increase the pressure again. “Just… caught me off guard.”
Ashe nodded, fidgeting slightly. “I… wasn’t sure if I should have cut it off. I was about to head over and ask you…” 
Peter shook his head quickly. “No! I’m glad you didn’t. It was incredible. I was fine.” He offered, even though the last bit was clearly a lie.
“It’s okay, that’s what I’m here for.” MJ chimed in, making Ashe laugh. 
“Yeah, you did distract him pretty well. I must say.” A teasing lilt in Ashe’s tone. “I don’t think I’ve ever seen two people make out when surrounded by cutting edge hologram tech.”
Peter’s face flushed red and he buried his face into MJ’s shoulder. MJ just shrugged, hoping to hide her own embarrassment. 
“Really? Cause I distinctly remember something similar.” Tyler’s voice chimed in, making everyone look at him as he reached out and squeezed Ashe’s hand.
Ashe flushed red and slapped his chest. 
“Frosty! Shut up.” She muttered, glancing around. 
MJ glanced at Peter, then the two. 
Peter was just laughing at the sweet revenge. “They uh… know each other.” He offered, not sure how much to reveal about their personal life.
Ashe rolled her eyes, and held up her hand where there was an engagement ring on it.
“I see.” MJ said, smirking. “Explains why Peter’s boss is crashing our tour group.”
Tyler shrugged. ”Ashe normally works so far away.” He whined uncharacteristically for the calm man, earning an eye roll from Ashe. “Plus I’m not Peter’s boss. Kinda. Technically?”
Peter and Tyler both looked at each other, confused.
“I… don’t know.” Peter confessed as both boys seemed to ponder the problem. 
“A well run organization, I see. Very cutting edge.” MJ offered and Ashe snorted a laugh at that. 
Peter nudged her side. “I mean I work for Tony directly. But I also spend time helping out the other interns where I’m needed, or wherever Tony gets the impulse to send me that day. So some days he is? But like, Tony is his boss so I don’t know.”
Tyler just shrugged. “I listen to Tony, and you listen to me while you’re here, but I think that’s just because you’re nice. So as long as nothing gets messed up we can all just agree Pepper is the boss of all of us.”
Peter nodded. “Probably the safest bet.”
Ashe and MJ both shared a look. “Are all tech nerds this much of a mess?” MJ deadpanned.
Ashe just nodded. “Our sample size seems to suggest so. At least they’re cute.” She offered, kissing Tyler on the cheek. 
MJ snickered. “True.” And squeezed Peter’s hand. 
“You’re taking a field trip to your job?” Tyler asked Peter, an amused expression on his face.
Peter let out a sigh that made him feel years older. “Yeah. Cause my life is a joke. Don’t make it worse?” He asked hopefully.
Tyler nodded. “Trust me, I get it. I still tell people I just work in the labs in SI. Attention sucks.”
Ashe sighed but wrapped an arm around him. “Even if you deserve it.”
Tyler sighed with a small smile and stepped away. “I guess I should do my job and not keep flirting with you. That’s why they banned you from my Lab. They kept saying I get nothing done.” He said without a single regret in his tone. He turned and disappeared farther in. 
Ashe just let out a dreamy sigh after him before her attention snapped back to Peter and MJ who were both judging her and snickering. She ushered them in. “Go be nerds.” 
Peter let out a laugh and dragged MJ by the hand over to Ned and Betty as they fumbled with the controls to the holo display. Ned was waving his hands around it and made a display of the latest Stark Phone expand and shrink. 
“Okay, that’s pretty cool.” MJ confessed as she hesitantly reached a hand out. Both Ned and Betty stepped back to let her interact with it for a moment. 
Peter was surprised as MJ seemed to be a bit of a natural at interacting with it. Her intuition let her pick up the general motion controls as she was able to move it around naturally, and soon started to separate it into pieces. There weren’t specifics to protect trade secrets, but you could see the general parts. She paused to tie her hair up, because it kept getting in her face when she would move for a larger movement.
Eventually MJ noticed Peter staring at her with a strange smile and she paused, having disassembled and enlarged the camera part she was playing with. “What?” She asked, a hint of self consciousness leaking into her tone.
Peter just gave her a shy smile. “You’re in a lab, playing with tech like this. It’s uh… really hot.” He confessed in a quiet tone.
MJ felt her own face flush. “Oh my God, Peter. You’re such a nerd.” She mumbled out, but also filed that fact safely away for potential future use.
“Aww.” Ned said dramatically as he looked between them. 
“That’s cute, but we really don’t need to know about your feti-” Betty was cut off as MJ interrupted, loudly. 
“Okay! So what else is there?” She said, turning away from the table, the same time Peter, bright red spoke too. 
“It’s not like that!” Peter looked about 30 seconds from running out of the room. 
Ned and Betty shared a look, but let the subject drop. For now.
They wandered over to a nearby machine that wasn’t occupied by the classmates. “What is this?” MJ asked, walking up behind Peter and resting her chin on his shoulder. 
Peter leaned his head against hers for a moment. “Surprisingly one of the most tame things here. It’s just a 3D printer. Just a lot faster and has more materials it can work with.
“But what can it print here?” Ned asked, brow furrowed.
Peter’s smile grew wider. “Oh, anything. You’re gonna love this.” He said before leading them to a nearby table. Clicking to the right program, MJ raised an eyebrow. “Is that photoshop?”
Peter shrugged, already deep in work mode. “Kinda. It’s a 3D modelling software we developed. But it’s a bit more interactive.”
Peter reached out towards and area of the holographic display and a clump of a material digitally appeared in his hand. He began to squash and stretch it, occasionally adding more. 
“See, you can copy and paste if you make this motion…” he mumbled out to them as they stepped back and watched him work with a fascination. A few other of his classmates even wandered over, starting to watch Peter work. Peter however, was too deep in thought as he worked on bringing the thought he had to life and MJ and Ned knew better than to try and snap him out of his zone. 
“You can change the material here. The program is also smart, so if you’re trying to select a part of it it will generally help you get what you need.” He said as he enlarged the form and with two fingers held together started to select the top part of it, before cycling through a few different materials and dragging it onto it as the form changed into a clear plastic.
“Dude… is that?” Ned asked as Peter just grinned.
“You are <em>such</em> a nerd.” MJ repeated, overly fond as she watched Peter put on some minor details. 
Shrinking it down a bit, Peter swiped his hand as the whole form began rotating a few times, showing off the final result. 
“It’s just a quick mockup to show you what you can do here. I didn’t really dig into details but I could have taken off the glass and added the seats to it. I also could have made the form hollow if I wanted to include some kind of engine in this, but I really only have a few minutes. But I know the X-wing is your favorite Ned so I thought I’d just…”
Peter trailed off as he owlishly blinked at the group of students who were all staring at his floating model of the X-Wing from star wars that he had just sculpted out roughly. “Uh… hi guys.” He muttered out. “When did…”
“Dude, you’ve been in your own world for like 10 minutes.” Ned said, nudging him, but still staring at the X-Wing.
“Peter, how do you know how to do this so well?” Cindy asked, tilting her head as she watched the model rotate slowly still. 
Peter shrugged, a blush creeping up on his face. “I told you, I intern here. We uh… use this to help make mock-ups. It’s good for playing with visuals.”
“It’s true.” Tyler’s cool voice cut in, making the class turn to see him standing there, hands in pockets as he smiled. “Peter is correct. It’s often useful to have a visual model handy when either pitching an idea, or to help generate ideas because keeping things purely theoretical can get in the way of finding obvious solutions sometimes.”
The class nodded with murmurs of agreement. 
“Peter, the machine is fully stocked so feel free to print it off. Does anyone else want to try as well?” A bunch of hands shot up and Tyler nodded, glancing around. One of the displays of the Stark Tablet was pretty much empty so he walked over, typing in a password and switched the program to be another display of the modelling program to allow more people to mess around with it at once. 
“I’ll set it up over here as well. You will need to take turns with the printer, but feel free to print off a model if you want. Please be reasonable about the size though, due to time and costs.”
Peter quickly sent the print request to the machine as he stepped back, saving his project with a quick override for later use just in case, then brought up some blank models for people to try out. His cheeks were still flushed as he went over and collected the model, handing it to Ned as he watched Betty starting to sculpt a sort of old fashioned camera. 
“Dude! That’s incredible!” Ned marveled as he held up the mini ship, flying it through the air.
“That was pretty cool, Peter.” Cindy confirmed as Peter could only nod, flustering under the praise.
Tyler bounced between the people at the nearby tables, answering questions and helping them get comfortable with the program and soon most people had printed off little figurines. He saw MJ waiting on something, but she had told him to leave when he tried to see what she was working on, saying it was a surprise so he had settled for showing Ned and Betty some of the other nearby machines, various displays and robotics. It took all of his will power not to peak at whatever MJ had been working on.
Eventually though he saw Flash had taken her place and she was standing near the printer, waiting for the result. He wandered over while Ned and Betty were taking photos with a camera that hovered in place
“What did you make?” Peter asked, his tone a little more whinier than he had planned. He couldn’t help it though, the curiosity was killing him. 
She just rolled her eyes and patted his head patronizingly. “Soon.” 
Peter harrumphed and crossed his arms. 
“Hey, Penis!” Flash called out, and letting out a sigh, Peter turned slowly. 
“Really, Flash?” He asked, glancing over at Ashe who was frowning at Flash and whispering something to Tyler. Welp, that probably wasn’t good.
“Just wanted to show you what an actual good design looks like, unlike your stupid spaceship.” He said smugly as he enlarged his design and spun it around. It was… a suit of Iron Man armor. Kinda. Almost.
The proportions were way off, and it was almost aggressively lumpy despite the many smoothing tools available. Still, Peter figured it wasn’t the <em>worst</em> he’s seen.
“Real cool, Flash.” He offered, his tone dripping with sarcasm. 
Flash just sent him a smile as if he had been genuine. “You should pass it to Mr. Stark.” His voice said almost impressively condescending. “I made some cool changes I think he’d like.”
Peter glanced over it and grimaced slightly. He thought it would be cool to have a sort of back panel that looked kinda cool, but also dramatically limited the motion of the arms, which was not something Tony could do without. It also had enough solid panels wrapping around the body to prevent any easy access in and out of the suit. 
“Sure, I’ll do that.” Peter muttered as Flash highfived with his friends, as if he had put Peter in his place. 
His eyes flickered over to Ashe, who was not looking happy and even Tyler had a frown on his face now. 
“I gotta print this.” Flash said as he went to print it, only to see the queue. Frowning, he moved his to the top, cancelling the print in progress, which also deleted it. 
“Flash! What the fuck!” Cindy said, whirling around, fists clenched. 
“Oh shit.” Flash muttered, not realizing he had canceled it. 
“What happened?” Tyler asked as he approached, Harrington showing up as well.
“He canceled my print and now it’s gone!” Cindy said, a layer of hurt under her anger. 
Tyler’s brow furrowed. “Is this true?”
Flash looked a bit pale. “I was just trying to make sure mine got printed before we ran out of stuff.”
Cindy was trying to navigate the holotable. “I can’t find it… My spider.” She said, her voice dropping into a hint of heartbreak. 
“Flash, that is not okay.” Mr. Harrington started to scold Flash who only looked mildly bothered by it. 
MJ and Betty moved over to Cindy, consoling her as she pouted and glared at Flash.
Peter locked eyes with Tyler as they approached the table. “I think it got deleted as more people started working on their projects.” Tyler said as he searched all open files. 
Peter frowned, crossing his arms. He glanced over at Cindy as she looked at him with hopeful eyes, as if he could save her. MJ gave him a look expectantly. Like she had absolute faith in him to solve this problem. He felt a warmth in his chest and turned back. 
“Tyler, do these still have the same programs we use? Just in a display mode or something?”
Tyler nodded. “Yeah, these weren’t made specifically for this, we just locked out access to some of the features since the public would be using it. Why?” He asked, trying to figure out what Peter had realized.
Peter nodded. “Which means, they would have the same protocols, right?”
Tyler’s eyes widened, catching up. “It would.” He paused. “But this isn’t technically my department. I’m kinda crashing here to help out. I don’t know if I have access.”
Peter frowned, that was a good point. Depending on who set the restrictions, they could either out rank Tyler, or be at the same level. Still, there was someone above them all. 
“Hey, Fri?” Peter asked.
“Yes, Peter. How can I help?” The voice came from the table in front of them, making some of the nearby students jump. 
“This table still has all the normal protocols active, even if locked off, right?”
“That is correct.”
“Can you run one for us, please?”
“I’d need to override the access.”
“Ask Mr. Stark for permission, please.”
There was a moment of silence. 
“Do you seriously think you can just ask favors from Iron man, Peter? Just because you intern here?” Flash asked, as if he was embarrassed for Peter and looked apologetically to Tyler and Ashe. The audacity of him. 
“Please check your phone, Peter.” Fri chimed in after a moment. 
Peter looked to Tyler, and Tyler just shrugged. They both knew he actually had permission too, but he was trying to make it less of a show about wielding his privilege around here.
Pulling out his phone, he saw a text from Tony. 
<em>Fri requested an override. Pretty sure you can do that on your own. Everything OK?</em>
Peter responded quickly.
<em>Yeah. Just need to run a protocol to help a classmate. Trying not to be obvious about what I can do.
Lame, if you got it, flaunt it. 
So is that a yes?
Yeah, just try not to give away company secrets or something.</em>
Peter snorted out a laugh, earning an amused look from MJ. He passed her his phone while he turned back to the table. 
“What Protocol would you like to run, Peter?” Fri asked.
“Run ‘Shit, I should probably sleep’ please.”
Everyone except for Tyler looked at him confused. 
“Pulling up temporary back-ups now.” A few people understood and laughed. 
Tyler just grinned. “This isn’t the first time we’ve had to try and recover unsaved work. Thankfully we keep a temporary back-up of everything now.”
“That’s because your department is held together by caffeine, stubbornness, and concerned loved ones who are the only reason you guys ever eat and sleep.” Ashe chimed in happily.
Tyler rolled his eyes but didn’t offer any protest. Peter really couldn’t say anything either. Tony might be the worst of them all, but that didn’t mean the rest were particularly great at holding back when they felt inspired. Overtime wasn’t encouraged and actually discouraged because of that.
“Can you find a spider model from the past hour?”
“Right away.” Fri offered as the screen displayed various files being scanned through quickly.
Eventually a model popped up. “Is this it, Cindy?” Peter asked.
“Yes!” Cindy said, throwing her arms around Peter in a quick hug. Peter just grinned and returned the hug quickly, glancing at MJ who was giving him a proud smile. 
Flash was holding the model he printed out as if it was worth it’s weight in gold. Peter quickly moved Cindy’s order to the top of the list and it began printing. 
“Thank you Fri.” Peter offered as the program went back to its default state.
“My pleasure, Peter. Glad to be of help.”
There were some murmurs and people looking at Peter. He started to squirm a bit, not a huge fan of the attention he just drew to himself, but the look on Cindy’s face was worth it. He knew how devastating it was to lose something you worked on and were excited about, even if it was a smaller project.
MJ, sensing his distress, grabbed his hand and led him towards the second room of the area. “Come on, let’s explore more.” She offered and Peter just let her drag him along.
The next area was a bit similar to the last one. More tables with displays, but no printing machines around. Instead there were rough displays of a bunch of Avenger’s tech everywhere. No specifics were available, but there were a bunch of costumes you could look at different parts of, pull apart, mix and match.
Ned promptly freaked the fuck out and ran over to one of the tables with the shortest line. Betty, MJ, and him followed shortly behind. Peter watched him swipe through a bunch of different armors quickly, gasping with each one.
Peter turned to MJ, seeing her watching Cindy hold up the spider proudly. 
“You’re a nice guy.” MJ said, finally looking back at Peter. 
Peter shrugged. “I know how much it sucks to lose a project.”
MJ rolled her eyes. “That’s not what I mean. You wanted to avoid drawing any attention to yourself during this trip, but the second a classmate lost a project they worked on for a couple of minutes, you contacted Tony to ask for his help.” 
Peter was lost in her smile for a moment. “I mean… I could have used my override, but I was trying to act like just an intern.”
MJ nodded. “And if Tony ignored the request you would override it yourself. I know you would have.”
She was right. Peter just shrugged. “What did you make anyway?”
MJ pursed her lips, as if debating telling him. “I was gonna keep it a surprise till later but you deserve a treat for that.” She reached into her pocket and pulled out a small figure. It was a cartoonish looking spiderman, complete with him posing in his thwip motion. It was tiny, about the size of a keychain, but surprisingly well made and accurate to this usual suit.
MJ felt her heart fluttered as she saw his expression. His brown eyes had gone wide as she held up the dumb little figure she made. His eyes kept flicking between hers and the figure as he practically glowed with happiness. It was really unfair that such a little gesture could make her boyfriend look so adorable. 
MJ knew Spider-man meant the world to him, and that he was always afraid she’d hate it because of the drama it brought into their lives. But MJ was so proud of him, and while she wasn’t one to overly brag, heaven forbid he get Tony’s arrogance, she did think the world of him for doing it.
So if she could make his day by making a little trinket, she’d make them for the rest of her life.
Peter just leaned forward and kissed her quickly, knowing they had probably already shown more PDA than they usually would but he couldn’t help it. “You’re incredible.”
MJ scoffed. “It’s not that well done. It was quick.”
Shaking his head, Peter still met her eyes. “That’s not what I meant. I meant you. All of you. That too, but you.”
MJ blushed and turned her head, unable to handle the compliments. She just pocketed the figurine for safety before taking his hand and turned them back to where Betty was examining Black Widow’s outfit. 
“These Widow Bites are pretty sweet.”
Peter nodded. “They’re terrifying.”
MJ laughed. “Spider-man should get some then. Maybe she’d lend him one then, they have to spider pals or something.” She offered a teasing glance at Peter. 
Peter knew MJ knew he was friends with Natasha. She also knew Nat would never let him try them out, because that was a horrible idea that would end up with probably at least two different people hurt.
Betty stepped back and Peter thought for a moment. “What, like spider fangs?” Then he paused. “Actually…” He suddenly pulled up both the suits for Spider-man and Black Widow. The suits were old and out of date, but he just wanted to test an idea so it didn’t matter.
He quickly grabbed a widow bite and enlarged it, tossing away most of the arm mount, and flicking away different launchers from it till only a few remained. 
“Now pull up the web shooters.” Peter asked the holotable as they flicked up. He tossed away some of the other features on the suit. “Actually, bring up a repulsor too.” He muttered as he started stripping away parts from it to just have the glove.
MJ watched in admiration as she saw Peter in his natural habitat. Even more so than when he was sculpting, this was him at his best. She saw how tall he stood, his eyes focused but his face in a bright smile. She could practically hear the hum of the gears in his head as he gracefully navigated the menu, pulling apart holograms and attaching them with ease to form something new. He looked confident and in his element and she felt her face flush.
“I kinda get why he found it hot now.” MJ muttered to Betty quietly. 
Betty laughed and just patted her shoulder. “You two were made for each other.”
MJ rolled her eyes, but Peter was waving her over. He had the hologram in his hands, but made her stick her arm out. He moved it so now the hologram was floating around her arm. It was a simple gauntlet, with the web shooters underneath but two widowbites on top as he rambled about the possibility of webbing someone up then being to launch a taser at them without electrifying the whole web necessarily. 
“It’d look cooler if it was black with red highlights…” She offered and soon they were going back and forth as she posted with the holo weapon while Peter tweaked it to her suggestions. 
“Hey Fri, take some pictures please.” Ashe said as she leaned against the wall near Ned and Betty. 
MJ and Peter were too busy laughing with each other and playing around to notice.
“Are they always this adorable?” Ashe asked.
Ned nodded. “Yeah it’s kinda gross.” He said fondly. 
Betty sighed. “It’s better since they actually asked each other out. They danced around each other for ages, it was torture to watch. We were about to lock them in the broom closet until they got together. We had made plans for it too.”
Ashe laughed and watched them fondly. She had met Peter a few times through Pepper, and seen him in the lab with Tony whenever she had been sent over there with some work for him. Peter seemed like a good kid and reminded her of her fiance when he was younger. She was glad Peter had found someone that brought out a smile like that from him. He was always smiling, but that one was different. Warmer, somehow.
Eventually the two teens seemed to realize they were getting carried away and they stepped back from the holotable to let others have a chance.
“What?” Peter asked, tilting his head. 
Ashe just pulled out her phone and showed them a picture Friday had sent her.
MJ had her hand outstretched with a faint blue glow around it as the weapon hovered over her arm, Peter attaching another widow bite to it. They were looking at each other, Peter grinning while MJ had a deep warm smile.
Both of the teens blushed and didn’t say anything, but held each other’s hands. 
“Fri, send that to Peter. That deserves to be printed out.”
Peter blushed more, but nodded. It was an amazing photo. 
“Right away, Ashe.” Fri said. “I have cleared it of any sensitive information as well, so might I recommend adding it to your social media.”
“Thanks Fri.” Peter mumbled, blushing even more. 
MJ just laughed and squeezed his hand tighter. “I needed a new screensaver anyway.”
Eventually the group made their way to the third room and everyone’s jaw dropped except for Peter. “I was waiting for this.”
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mollymauk-teafleak · 4 years
be as you’ve always been
Alternate Title: everyone’s nb bitch, let’s get you some gender affirming underwear
This is based on a request by the lovely @minky-for-short and some truly beautiful art of Caduceus which you can see and bask in here. Huge thanks to @tendermosses for letting me base a ficlet on their work and for always doing such amazing art for fjord and caduceus! 
Please consider leaving a comment on Ao3 or reblogging to let me know what you think!
Caduceus had known, since moving out of the grove and into the city, that his life went at a very different pace to most people’s. He didn’t know if it was because he was a firbolg, because he talked more to trees with lifespans of centuries than to people or because of brain chemistry reasons. But why's had never particularly concerned Caduceus, he tried to take people as they were, as long as they did the same for him.
And these people made decisions almost without thinking, they moved from one task to the next without pause, one word could send them careening onto a completely new train of thought while Caduceus was stuck on one three stations back.
And some did it so quickly, so without any kind of traceable logic, that all Caduceus could do was cling on as tight as he could and follow along in complete ignorance to see where he ended up.
But then he spoke to some of his friends and realised, to his mild relief, that no. That was just what Mollymauk and Jester were like.
He also realised that sometimes it led to very good things.
Molly and Jester were two of his closest friends and two of his most regular customers, given that the theatre where Mollymauk worked was just down the block and that Jester had an addiction to sweet things. They were usually there, talking together or with their partners, and Caduceus had grown to love the sound of their voices mixing pleasantly with the noise of the cafe.
That evening, a half hour shy of closing, they had both been sitting on the tall chairs against the counter, Jester’s short legs swinging happily halfway up, Molly’s lanky ones folded underneath him but they would have touched the floor if he’d let them. The discussion had turned to sewing, how best to work with the sequined and beaded fabric Molly needed to wrestle for the theatre’s next show without breaking his sewing machine.
Caduceus had been scoring tomorrow’s loaves with the elaborate leaf and vine patterns he liked to do, bringing his work out onto the counter because there were no other customers in and so he could listen to his friend’s chatter. Jester had been recounting a memorable night with some sequinned lingerie she’d bought the other week, how so many had come loose and turned up in places they weren’t meant to be that she’d had to buy new sheets, Molly cackling and snorting at all the appropriate places. Or, rather, inappropriate places.
Caduceus had murmured, not particularly minding whether they heard him or not, that lingerie mystified him a little but he’d always wanted to give it a try.
The immediate silence told him his friends had definitely heard. And the look they gave each other, barely concealed glee and eagerness, told him they intended to do something about it.
Which brought Cad to where he was now, legs folded almost up to his chest, in the cramped passenger seat of Mollymauk’s car. Caduceus didn’t know a lot about cars but it didn’t take much to see that Molly’s had gone beyond being on its last legs and was now running on pure willpower and prayers to the Moonweaver. It felt like the bass of the music pouring out of the speakers was going to be enough to shake it apart and Jester piped up from the back seat that the door handle had come off.
“There’s duct tape under the seat, babe,” Molly called back, unconcerned, learning forward to turn down the volume when he saw how Cad was wincing but being too awkward to say anything.
“You really don’t need to do this,” Cad insisted gently, “You’ve both been working all day, it’s getting late...”
“So have you,” Jester pointed out, voice a little indistinct through the strip of tape she was holding in her teeth, “And we don’t mind, it’ll be fun! We can help you pick out something nice! Anyhow, Beau and Yasha are at the gym until eight, Fjord too.”
“And Caleb has the kids,” Molly hummed, spinning the wheel lazily, far further than he should really have to just to take an easy corner, “This is a bonding exercise, Deucey. You need back up on something like this. You need your GNC club.”
“GNC?” Caduceus tilted his head.
“Gender non conforming,” Molly supplied, “You know, people who get it. Gender’s dead but friendship is not.”
“Your NB buddies!” Jester grinned, her head pushing in between the two of them, duct tape stuck to her horns, catching her homemade earrings with the plastic gummy bears, “Wait...your NBuddies!”
Caduceus considered that, his ears flapping a little as he took the tape off for Jester. He liked the idea of being part of a club. Even more, he liked the idea of being understood. He’d been worried about that when he’d first moved, breaking away from the grove where things were fluid and constantly changing as nature itself and entering a place where there might be rules and expectations in place that made sense to everyone but him. Where he would have to explain himself and define himself with terms that weren’t his own.
But here he was, feeling safe in a very unsafe vehicle, with friends to gladly cheer him on as he threw open the windows of the self he’d made a home in and tried new things.
Caduceus folded the piece of tape over and over in his long fingers and smiled.
“So what is it that mystifies you, exactly?” Mollymauk twitched some scandalous lace as they moved deeper into the boutique. Apparently this is where he and Jester had been coming for ages, enough that the drow behind the counter had known their names and greeted them with high fives.
“I guess...the concept?” Caduceus held his tail so it wouldn’t knock anything over, some of the displays were elaborate and delicate looking and full of things that would probably vibrate loudly if they hit the floor and that would be embarrassing, “I thought the idea of sex was to wear nothing rather than something. Where in the whole...process does this stuff come in?”
Molly nodded, managing to listen intently while dragging Jester by the tail so she wouldn’t dive headfirst into the costumes part of the shop, “Anywhere really. They make stuff you can still fuck in, if efficiency is what you’re worried about. But I think the function of this kind of outfit is to make you feel pretty, y’know? Get you in the right headspace, get you feeling yourself, yeah? It doesn’t always need to be about sex.”
“Sometimes I just wear pretty lingerie under my clothes cos it puts me in a good mood!” Jester bounced on the balls of her feet, ducking behind racks to sneak sips of the milkshake she’d smuggled past the cashier, “Helps me feel more like me.”
“Oh,” Cad said softly, tilting his head to consider the silk and satin and lace around them in a different way, “That sounds nice, actually.”
“Which is why it’s important to choose things you really like,” Molly nodded encouragingly, taking a sip of Jester’s shake and dodging the punch she aimed at his shoulder, “It’s a treat for yourself, this kind of stuff. And, when it inevitably shortens Fjord’s shorts by a good few inches because you’re going to look utterly stunning, that’s a bonus.”
Caduceus turned pink under his fur, a smile playing on his lips, “You think he’d like me wearing this kind of thing?”
“If you love yourself in it, Caddy, he will,” Jester beamed confidently.
“So...what’s catching your eye?” Molly prompted, seeing the excitement in his bright purple eyes, “They’ve got a good size range here, gaps for tails. Anything you like, they’ll have it to fit you.”
Caduceus looked around, ears lifting and whiskers twitching with interest. Anything he liked. No need to wonder if they would have things made to fit his tall, awkward body, no need to feel the pinching anxiety he’d grown too familiar with in clothing shops. A place where he could fit. And the only purpose was to make him feel beautiful.
“I like...green. And I like flowers.”
Molly and Jester shared that look again, the look of remembering when they’d had that moment of realisation too, when they’d discovered the world had space for them as they were. A look of delight at seeing it happen for their friend too and knowing they’d had a hand in it.
“Let’s get to work then,” Molly grinned.
Caduceus still had a little more time before Fjord came back from the gym. They’d checked and double checked the sizes on everything but Mollymauk still advised trying them on to make sure he was happy with them. And honestly, Cad’s excitement meant he didn’t want to wait.
So he stood in front of the full length mirror, after clearing away the clothes that were draped over it, with his hair gathered up in a thick bun at the nape of his neck, wearing little beyond the dull gold light of the sunset coming in through the windows. He’d bought three sets at the store and a few bits of jewellery to go through his piercings, actually a rather modest haul compared to what Molly and Jester bought for themselves but he was just starting out, after all.
There was one in green silk with garters and lace panels. There was a bodysuit made of mostly straps in a mossy blue colour that reminded him of water and looked pretty against his fur. But he quickly decided his favourite. The main material was sheer, meant to look like it wasn’t there at all, so the effect was that he’d laid a number of beautiful, intricately embroidered flowers across his body, teasingly concealing the barest amount.
That one he couldn’t quite bear to take off, even after he saw it fit him perfectly. Caduceus kept turning this way and that, grinning widely, seeing how it looked from different angles, touching the fabric, feeling how the stitches rose and fell under his fingertips. He looked like a dryad, wearing only sunlight and flowers, glowing from the inside out with an ethereal, untouchable kind of beauty.
And he liked it. He liked it a lot.
Caduceus had always felt mostly at home with how he expressed himself. He’d had eighty years to decide who he was and to know it was okay, that the Wildmother would always accept him and some individuals would not and that was outside of his control. Dysphoria was a word he’d learned the meaning of only after he’d moved to the city.
But this was the first time he’d been able to understand why Fjord looked at him the way he did, why he wanted him. Those dark nights when he’d lain awake with his head on his boyfriend’s chest and listened to the heart that was promised to him and wondered why, of all the people in the world, Fjord’s body stirred for him, those nights felt far away right now. Because he could see it for himself now. There was a connection in his mind, clear as day, that had been dark before.
He was beautiful. He was desirable. And this was good to know.
Caduceus mustn’t have heard the front door open, more in his head and in the mirror than in their bedroom. He mustn’t have heard Fjord throwing his bag down in the hall, his heavy footfalls across the old, creaking wood.
All Cad heard was the bedroom door starting to swing and his boyfriend’s call of, “I’m home, love, just going to showe-oh.”
Cad turned quickly, the magic broken, suddenly only able to think about the fact that he was wearing ridiculous lingerie with absolutely no warning, no rose petals or candles or glasses of champagne to try and pretend this was a deliberate surprise, “Fjord! Sorry, I...I was just…”
He faltered for words but couldn’t find any. Though it seemed Fjord was having the same difficulty. He was in his gym clothes, shirt still sticking to his chest and hair pushed back from his damp forehead with a simple band. And his jaw was on the floor. And his eyes...
“Um...Molly and Jester took me shopping today?” Cad explained, feeling heat rise to the surface of his skin for a different reason, “I thought I’d try something new.”
Fjord swallowed hard, his eyes wide and darting, unable to decide which part of Caduceus they wanted to stare at most, “Yeah? You...you look...I mean, god, Cad…”
Cad’s smile was back, flickering into life, “I look pretty, don’t I?”
Fjord gave a soft laugh, his eyes practically flooding over, “Pretty? Cad, there aren’t even words, love.”
Caduceus’ ears flapped and his tail curled in the air. He liked that. He liked the idea of things that could be said without words.
“Can I?” Fjord stepped forward, muscles coiled and ready, body telegraphing his need as clearly as a hunting animal.
“Oh please,” Cad breathed, “Fjord, please.”
It was well and truly night by the time they were done and Caduceus was pleased to learn he could feel just as beautiful once the lingerie had been eagerly pulled away. It was like a light had been switched on somewhere inside him and on it would stay.
He slept contentedly, easily, head resting on Fjord’s chest. His braid was undone, hair settling over his shoulders in waves made wild by his boyfriend’s fingers passing through it again and again. His lips were swollen pleasantly and flushed, his body would be full of well earned aches in the morning.
He was the most beautiful thing Fjord had ever seen.
He was ready for sleep himself, more than ready, but before he settled down to let himself drift away in his boyfriend’s arms, the only way he could ever really sleep completely peacefully, he had something to do. He pulled his phone out, fortunately within reach because his shorts had ended up hanging off the bedside lamp. Just a quick text, sent to two of his friends- Little Blue and Peacock according to his contact list.
thank you. seriously guys THANK. YOU.
And if Molly and Jester hadn’t been busy with their own partners, their own purchases, their own bliss, they would have seen it and grinned that grin again.
But there would be time in the morning.
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raccoonpoptart · 4 years
hey hey! thank u for answering my ask last time 🥺👉👈 here's another one and hope i don't overwhelm you or anything ;; what if reader finds a dragon egg being sold off in the market, but many are ignoring it due to dragons being apparently extinct ! but reader can somehow feel magic vibrating from the egg, so they take it home and take care of it with their partner/s !
Making their way down the marketplace, y/n made note of the new smells today. A fun little game they usually play with Asra, but today they were on their own due to a surprise he had in store for later. Humming to themselves, they made a mental list of the scents that stood out the most. Cinnamon, lavender, someone’s overwhelming cheap perfume... Finally, they made it to Selasi’s shop and took a deep breath. Pumpkin bread!
“Ahh, if it isn’t y/n! How have you been, darling?” Selasi dropped two loaves of bread into their hands with a big smile.
“Same old, same old. Asra should be coming back tonight! Said he’s got a surprise...” Y/n trailed off, but returned the smile.
“Hope he wasn’t gone long this time,” He winked and continued. “Hey, heard Saffrin’s shop is back in town. Some people were talking about a beautiful egg statue she found!”
“An egg statue? Isn’t that a bit strange?” they dropped some coins in the baker’s hands.
He laughed loudly. “Strange? That’s comin’ from you! Wouldn’t hurt to say hi to an old friend, though.”
Y/n chuckled as they shrugged. “Well, see ya around, Sel! Might have to check that out!” They changed course to Saffron’s usual spot. Wouldn’t hurt to explore a bit.
“Alright, everyone listen up! You either quit crowdin’ me or you get the boot!” Y/n recognized the voice as their old friend and made their way to the front of the crowd.
They gasped as they laid eyes on the egg. The aura was unmistakable. Old magic. Y/n could recognize that anywhere, it was ancient. It hummed in their chest, feeling like they could burst into flames at any moment. That isn’t a statue...Statues don’t glow.
Chewing their lip in worry, y/n took a step forward and cleared their throat. “Saf, wait! Where did you find this?”
Saffron blinked and looked where the voice came from. “Y/n? Um, I got it in a trade with a customer. Beautiful, right?”
“Yes, very, but I don’t think that’s a statue...Listen, how much do you want for this?”
“Wait, what’s wrong? What is this?” She chuckled nervously. “I don’t want to get into anything serious with the palace.”
Y/n shooked their head. “Nothing like that. Saf, I think that’s a live egg! I’m not sure from what creature, though. Never seen an egg that glows...”
Saffron stared. “Glows? I don’t see anythin’. Well, you can have it! Don’t want it landing in the wrong hands!”
Eyes wide, they shook their head. “At least let me give you a free reading? I can meet you at the shop later.”
“Sounds like a plan! See ya then!”
Y/n picked it up with wonder and carefully carried it to their destination.
warnings: none! (for the sake of avoiding saying “it” constantly, the dragon is a girl)
when he came home the last thing he expected was to find you wrapping a giant purple egg in a blanket
“mc, why do you have a dragon’s egg?” “A WHAT????”
laughs at your shock but explains that he saw them as a kid before they disappeared
after you explain what happened he sighs “well my surprise doesn’t seem as great now...” (he got you a stunning new outfit)
helps you take care of the dragon egg and playfully says it’s almost like you guys are parents now
the thought of that makes you both blush and he suddenly becomes very interested in the color of the egg “i’ve never seen something so bright!”
faust loves wrapping around the egg gently, and when the dragon hatches she wraps around the baby when they sleep
names her after a character in a book
dragon sweaters!!
neither of you know what it is until it hatches and it’s a......pleasant surprise
she spoils her like a baby but won’t admit it
her family is pretty bad about it though, she has to put all the gifts in a separate room
always makes sure the dragon is well taken care of
chandra doesn’t really like the dragon at first but after seeing nadia be super Motherly towards it she warms up
she researches as much as she can about dragons
nadia loves to talk to her, even when she was an egg
has a bed made for her not only because she loves the dragon but she sees how much you care for the baby
“did you steal that? IM JUST ASKING” (i actually did think about having the mc steal the dragon but my writing took a different route)
always trying to figure out what it is before it hatches, he makes a bet with you
thinks it’s going to be a big snake and isn’t exactly wrong but he isn’t right
he carries her around like a baby cause he loves her so much but once she gets bigger it’s a bit harder (which makes him sad)
probably had his fingers almost get bit off a few times
there aren’t exactly books about dragon care so he just applies his knowledge of taking care of portia to the dragon and it sorta works
when the dragon first blew fire he was babysitting her and he freaked out because the shop almost burned down <3
“ahh, um— those curtains were always singed. i think...”
he sings little lullabies to her when he thinks you’re not listening
even though he’s confused, he’s happy you saved the egg
nervous about taking care of the egg but he’s super gentle
inanna protects the egg 24/7 and never lets anyone but you and muriel touch it
he wraps furs around the egg and talks to it when you’re not around but don’t mention you know that ;)
when the egg hatches, inanna’s still super protective of her and so is muriel
he always makes sure the baby is healthy and even makes protective charms for her
she likes the shiny charms the most! also loves that muriel is big and can always carry her (she feels super safe)
when the dragon grows too big for the hut he builds a place just for her
(you always melt when you come back to the hut and find the three of them cuddled up together)
three words: dragon sized blankets
she lovesss making clothes and blankets for the baby, even when it was just an egg
always sings to the baby and even full conversations with her
pepi loves playing with her even when the dragon blows fire
she’s the one to name the baby (probably also a character in a book)
brings her through the secret passages in the castle and always sneaks her snacks
one part of her hair is shorter than the rest cause it was burned off by accident but she found it funny
thankfully it’s not noticeable
you let her teach the dragon to fly just because you saw how happy it made them both
paid people to tell you what it was and eventually you found out it was a dragon egg
probably wasn’t the best idea because then he was superrrr impatient he wanted it to hatch YESTERDAY
he was so excited he had a whole room set up just for the dragon
loves to brag about the egg to everyone and it got worse once the egg hatched
makes sure that everyone knows he has a dragon especially if it fits his aesthetic (it’d be cute if the scales were white with red eyes and golden wings)
non-apologetic about how much he spoils the dragon cause he likes to think you and him are the parents
tries to get her to wear cute necklaces but she only likes rubies
they always run around the palace creating chaos but you just clean everything up with magic
hiii everyone sorry this took so long! i haven’t had any motivation to much recently but hopefully i can get these done! hope you enjoyed lemme know if you want anything else
what if the dragon was mc’s familiar omg.......might write that when i’m done with everything
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tongluculture · 3 years
15 best G-spot vibrators to make you tremble
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G -spot vibrators sound just like them: vibrations designed to stimulate your G-spot. But what is a G-spot, and what makes the G-spot atmosphere different from all other options on the market? There is still a lot of debate about whether the G-spot exists (and whether you can reach the climax with only penetration and G-spot stimulation), but let's take it step by step. The definition of G point is very complicated. Also known as the Gr��fenberg point (named after Ernst Gräfenberg, a German Jewish gynecologist who was one of the early pioneers of sexual health in the 1920s), the G point is usually bent inward when the index finger is inserted into the vagina or vulva. It is difficult to tell exactly where the G-spot is, because all vaginal canals are different and it is not an official part of the vagina’s owner’s anatomy. however! Some people find that when the area is sufficiently stimulated, whether with fingers, toys, or penis, they can achieve orgasm. It all depends on experimentation and personal preference, which is why many vaginal owners like to use G-spot vibrators when they don’t have enough hands. The G-spot vibrator is usually a long, wand-like toy with a slightly curved, sometimes bulbous tip, designed to hit elusive points. It is used for penetration, but it is usually not super deep (dildos usually provide more length and depth compared to dildos). Finally, unlike wands, clitoral or bunny vibrators, many G-spot vibrators do not provide clitoral stimulation (although if you know you need dual stimulation, you can find a G-spot vibrator that can provide both your G-spot and some clitoral Love). Dr. Laurie Mintz is the author of a passionate guide to becoming a Cliterate and a tired woman, and a sex expert at the vibrator brand Tonglu. He told Glamour, “Although some women can achieve orgasm through G-spot stimulation, only a very small percentage of women say , They can achieve orgasm most reliably only through vaginal stimulation, while other women are the most reliable to achieve orgasm through clitoral stimulation or a combination of clitoral and vaginal stimulation. In view of this, I recommend buying a G-spot vibrator that can also stimulate the clitoris . Then, subsequently, if the person finds that they do not need or like the accompanying clitoral stimulation, they can try the G-spot vibrator." Whether you like dual stimulation or are looking for a classic design that places the G point in the front and center, here is the best G point vibration to meet your needs.
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Tonglu offers a series of gorgeous and state-of-the-art sex toys, including the G-spot vibrator Gigi 2 (also nicknamed Shiver Maker on their website). The flat tip design stimulates the G-spot, and the toy has eight pleasant settings-from a slight noise to a stronger pulse. It’s no surprise that Gigi 2, which Dr. Mintz highly recommends, is a popular choice. Je Joue's bullet vibrator is compact, discreet and not intimidating, making it perfect for beginners or those who are looking for a super travel-friendly option. This vibrator provides a slightly curved tip that tilts to hit the G-spot, but you can also use a spherical surface to stimulate your clitoris (we like multi-purpose toys). It has five speeds and seven modes, so you can choose the intensity level. Sexologist and relationship expert Dr. Jess (Jess O'Reilly, Ph.D.) recommends that We-Vibe's Nova 2 is suitable for people who want G-spot and clitoral stimulation. Yes, this technically makes Nova 2 more like a rabbit vibrator, but it is undeniable that it is one of the best toys to hit the G-spot just right (and can perform multiple tasks at the same time). O'Reilly told Glamour that the dual motors “provide vibration and pressure on the G point internally, and at the same time vibrate the clitoris head and hood externally. This is a new and improved bunny atmosphere that allows you to play rocking music, and It’s not simply sliding in and out.” Its features include an ergonomic handle, a flexible stimulator (which means it can move with your body while constantly staying in contact with it), and it has Four different vibration modes (pulse, cha-cha, buzz and heartbeat). It is also compatible with the app (very suitable for storing your entertainment preferences). If you have tried an air suction clitoral vibrator like Womanizer, then you will be familiar with the air pulse technique and how great it is (many people say it feels like oral sex). Gigi Engle, a certified sex educator and author of All The F*cking Mistakes, told Glamour, “Satisfyer Pro combines air suction and G-spot stimulation to stimulate the clitoris, which can take you to another completely different Happiness level. This magical atmosphere combines all the benefits of oral sex with deep G-spot stimulation. The clitoral stimulator is not an ordinary vibrator. It is actually a clitoral toy that combines air and suction to simulate oral sex. As for the wand, Engel added, "The vibrating G-spot wand provides strong internal pressure and vibration. For those who like to combine internal and external stimuli during oral sex, this is your new choice." This vibrator is divided into three directions: G point, P point (perineum) and clitoris. With its unique design, you can use Sway as you want; its ergonomic shape (alone) stimulates all sexy areas, providing seven intensity settings and three vibration modes. However, what really makes Sway stand out is its self-heating function. Engle told Glamour, “This dual massager is self-heating-which means it can relax the entire pelvic floor when inserted. It is very versatile because it can be used for everything from G-spot to anal games. In addition, it Very powerful."
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Dame's simple sex toys have super power, with five different modes and intensity levels. The silicone vibrator has a soft and flexible curved tip that mainly stimulates the G-spot, but its coracoid design also gives the clitoris some love. The best-selling product has a battery life of 2 hours—1.5 hours if you maintain high vibration—and can be charged via USB. Medical-grade silicone is also waterproof, so you can use it with lubricating oil or take it with you on the go. Mystery Vibe's Crescendo may be best for experienced users of G-spot sex toys because it is one of the most personalized and versatile vibrators on the market. Crescendo can be bent into many different shapes, not only provides G-spot stimulation, but also provides all the movements of the sexy area, including the clitoris and P-spot. Its design should be the closest finger movement to "coming over", and it can bend and fit your body no matter where you are (this is also very suitable for cooperative games). It is also a smart toy, which means it can understand your masturbation preferences and save them. If you are using a G-spot vibrator for the first time, We-Vibe Rave is another good choice because its "asymmetric design makes it easy to access the G-spot," O'Reilly said. The toy has 10 intensity settings, and you can actually customize these settings using the We-Connect app, as well as provide some extra excitement on the edge of fun. It is also very quiet and has an ergonomic handle that is easy to hold. "Try to rock back and forth, side to side, and pulsate with the upper inner wall," O'Reilly suggested, adding, "You can also ride the Rave with your hips to orgasm instead of manipulating it with your hands. Once you relax, stabilize. Hold the Rave ground and rotate it with your hips as if you are riding it. There is no need to think too much about this method, just let your hips move in any way that feels natural and pleasant." finger vibrator provides a lot of texture, which may seem incredible to some people. The silicone material is very flexible, allowing you to move your body wherever you want, because Moody will bend with you. In addition to the texture, Moody also provides you with six intensities and six vibration modes for you to play, and the open handle makes the manipulation-whether you hold the reins or your partner-comfortable and easy. If you are afraid of shapes, don't be afraid. "Moody may look a little scary, but it's not. If you really look at it, it actually looks like a dinosaur-a stegosaurus to be precise. We like the sharp side. They are cute. , Not terrible!" Engel said. Better Love's G-spot Hero is advertised as a strong vibrator with "all excitement, no frills", a real toy that can take you there. With 10 speeds, an ergonomic shape and a slightly bulbous tip, this G-spot stimulator is an efficient and economical choice. It is also waterproof, which means you can get wet (wink, wink) as you want.
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Esca 2 by OhMiBod is designed for long-distance couples who like to provide extra technical help with sex. You can insert toys for G-spot or P-spot stimulation, and use bulbous ends for external clitoral stimulation. Three vibration levels and four vibration modes allow you and your partner to choose the intensity of the experience you want. However, what makes Esca 2 special is that you can open it from anywhere in the world. Your partner may be in a different country, all they need to do is log in to the OhMiBod app to activate their Bluetooth remote control function. Recommended by certified sexologist Tyomi Morgan, this affordable and effective dual vibrator (friendly to both the clitoris and G-spot) has all the features you need: it is powerful, waterproof, made of super soft silicone, and can be Fit your body contours. body. It also has 10 massage modes, and each massage head has a unique vibration, making the experience more exciting. Relax, because Sundaze will do the heavy lifting for you. This vibrator uses new technology, not only can vibrate, but also has the sensation of tapping, touching and pushing. You have 15 modes to choose from, and if you can’t save all your favorite settings, it can be overwhelming (luckily, this is one of Sundaze’s many features). The flat tip and subtle curves hit the G point just right, and the toy's lightweight design makes it easy to hold and control (although you can also use it hands-free as needed). The small and travel-friendly Lovelife Mini Cuddle is an excellent introduction to the G-spot atmosphere. But just because it is compact does not mean it is not strong. Lovelife Mini Cuddle comes with seven pulsation settings (you can use the heart-shaped control panel to control), as well as a flexible body and tip that can easily contour with your body's movement. Technically speaking, Le Wand is (you might suspect) a classic wand vibrator. but! You can pair it with a G-spot accessory (buy it here) to turn the toy into a powerful G-spot vibrator. You just need to attach the hook extension to the tip and use it like a traditional G-spot atmosphere. If you are looking for a new wand vibrator (for stimulating the clitoris) but want to choose, then it is the ideal choice. Le Wand has 10 speeds and 20 vibration modes. It is also wireless, which makes it travel friendly and convenient.
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boogiewrites · 4 years
Rosie & the Road Less Traveled
Characters: Declan Harp x Rosie Anderson (OFC)
Summary: Declan Harp 1970s Hippy/Roadtrip AU Rosie has made a bold decision and decided to leave her monotonous life. She sets out to create her own with a group of misfits traveling  across America, post-Vietnam during the 1970s. She breaks out of her shy and insecure, sheltered shelf to have an adventure where she learns the realities of life outside her former cookie-cutter existence. She experiences, a year of sex, drugs, and rock and roll as the group of ex-soldiers and free spirits change her worldview and show her another way. She meets the charming but damaged Declan who takes her under his wing. Will a budding romance for this blossoming Rose prove to be her gift from the universe for making the hard decision to be her own woman? 
Warnings/Tags: Talk of emotional abuse by family. 
Click on my screen name then go to Mobile Masterlist in my bio for my other works and chapters. Please leave a like, reblog or comment if you enjoyed this! It makes me want to write more of what you want if you let me know!
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Rosie awoke in the same pink and frill filled bedroom she had every day of her life so far. She could smell the same coffee she wasn’t allowed to have. The scent filled up their Better Homes and Gardens modeled modest family home settled in a suburb full of pastel houses with the same pastel cars in their driveway. It was polished and performative, just like Rosie’s mother who was standing in her doorway looking like a copy of June Cleaver.
“You’ll be late for John to pick you up! Don’t keep a man waiting! A wife must be preemptive and pretty dear.” She exits as quickly as she’d entered. Rosie is left looking to her favorite childhood toy and only friend, Booger Bear, with a sigh before starting her day. Not much had changed in Rose Anderson’s life since she was a child. She was raised by older parents, very strict and traditional. Which would explain why they’d agreed to her engagement so fervently. She was 24 and unmarried and being a spinster was not an option according to them. So she was having yet another huge life decision made for her by someone else. She couldn’t remember the last time she had held her own opinion or made up her own mind. She had fear instilled within her from a young age that she was less than and this was used to keep her under control. Being different as she was with her ghostly white skin and pale blonde hair, her albinism stood out among her peers. She wore glasses and a constantly apologetic look on her face. Her childlike treatment was clear on her face as her features were baby round. A button nose and large light blue eyes with cheeks that always had a flush to them showed her softness unwillingly. She truly did look like a baby animal, naive, and easy prey.
This was a common theme among the treatment she’d had from men so far in her life. She didn’t expect any different. Her mother had cried tears of relief when George had asked for her hand. She would finally be able to tell her bridge club that her daughter had at least something normal going on about her. The cruel and belittling words she’d heard her whole life only made sense to continue hearing from this new person that would now be in charge of her she was told. If nothing had changed in her life up to this point, why would it ever?
The fact that George never showed didn’t surprise her. So when she went into town to run wedding errands on her own she wasn’t surprised. Wasn’t the first time, wouldn’t be the last. He usually disappears at night and not in the morning so that was unusual but she went through her day with the same polite smile she always did. A smile that said sorry for existing. She called her home from the library, offering to see if her mother needed anything for supper. She hadn’t but she had heard from George’s mother, and she hadn’t seen him either. So it was now Rosie’s job to find him, as they’d be married soon.
She sat defeated on a bench to rest as the sun started to set. She’d asked at the stores on the square and no one had seen him. Luckily for her, she’d sat down in front of the Beauty Parlour and it being a small town, everyone knows everyone, one of the ladies there knew who sweet little odd Rosie was and took pity on her.
“I know it’s not my place to say so baby but that man of yours is no count. You know that right?”
“I’m sorry ma'am?”
“You were in town all day today alone, doin' your dress and all that right? For the wedding?”
“Yes ma’am.”
“And he’s been across county lines getting drunk as a skunk.” She shakes her head. “Again.”
“Oh.” Rosie sighs and looks to the ground. “Do you know where he is?” She asks reluctantly.
“No where no sweet thing like you needs to be goin'.”
“I need to get him home. His mother’s worried.”
“She should be. Ain't your mama worried about you out here alone?”
“She said I have to do real women’s work and take care of George as best I can. He’s mine now and I better start acting like it and go… find him.”
The kind woman sighs and feels bad for the poor thing. But it wasn’t an uncommon story. “He’s out at the bar past the county line. Neon sign, bikes out front, can’t miss it. It’s on the right.” She says with a groan.
“Up 25E?” She asks already getting to her feet.
“Yes, baby now be careful. I’m only telling you this because someone’s gotta help you out, honey. Maybe it’s time you helped yourself huh?”
“I’m doing what any good wife and daughter would do ma'am.”
“Life’s not about being good for other people. You have to think about what’s good for you. What do you want? Do you want to marry George?”
“Ma'am what a silly question.”
“That’s not the enthusiastic YES I should be hearing from a bride to be is it?”
Rosie doesn’t know how to reply and just looks worried for a moment with her wide eyes.
“Go before it gets darker baby. Be careful. Take care of yourself.” She says as Rosie scurries across the square to the car.
She did love getting to drive around. Something she’d not been allowed to do until recently. So a trip out of town on a lovely evening was something that got her very excited.
She had held onto that moment of happiness as she drove out of town. A perfect evening with a chill after the sun went down. She could hear frogs and crickets as she left the roads full of cookie-cutter homes and drove into a more forested area.
She had a comfortable smile on her face until the trees cleared for a patch and showed a roadhouse. This had to be the place. She pulled in with a mix match of very nice and very beat down cars. Some buses and small caravans lined along the perimeter. She could hear music coming from inside the metal and wood walls. There were men three times her size all around. They were an odd mix of trendy sleazy men with feathered hair and grizzly biker men and they were all chain-smoking. Everyone looked as confused as she did as she entered the building. If she was polite and direct there was no reason these gentlemen had to give her any trouble. She’d heard about these sorts from her mother. Bikers, greasers, all sinners, and a dirty lot to associate with.
But Rosie had always seen glimpses of people in the magazines. The intense men on their bikes with a scantily clad woman who looked both elated and aroused clutched to his back as they rode through the great American Route 66. They looked like they were having fun, she thought. She thought they looked free and those were things she longed to know how they felt. But there was no room for these things in her life. So although she should be afraid to be around these people, she was actually quite excited. She fantasized with already blushed shy cheeks about striking up a conversation with one of them and finding out what they were really like.
“You lost sweetheart?” The man in glasses with his arms crossed at the door asks her.
“I’m here to fetch my husband- my fiancé.” She corrects herself.
“You with a man that comes to a place like this?”
“His name is George. He is a fan of a strong drink and a cigar. And apparently, his frequenting of this place is something everyone in the town knew about but me.” she admits freely as she wasn’t one to have any reason to hide bits of herself. Everyone could be a friend in her eyes. She entered every interaction with a genuine curiosity it was honestly a bit hard to be rude to her.
“Ah.” He nods and understands. “Go on in, sweetheart” he holds open the door for her and watches her stand and take it all in for a moment. He chuckles and then sighs, “Poor little thing.” he mutters.
Through an old western saloon style inner door she enters with a delighted smile. “How charming!” She says to herself. She walked into a rather large room full of gambling tables. A bar on one end and a stage on the other. Panning over to meet the stage last, she’s hit with a thump of bass in her chest by way of her feet. It rumbled into the floor as she tentatively approached. She’d never seen live music before. She supposed choir and church and talent shows didn’t really count. There were electric guitars and men with no shirts and girls without bras and she was enthralled. She had heard a few rock songs by way of sneaking into a poor reception radio station when she was left alone in the car. She loved it. But it was something only classless people were apart of. Or so she was told. But these people looked the same as those in the magazines. A very tall and dark man played the instrument causing her to experience a very pleasant vibration through her body. He was shirtless and sweating and had a large tattoo on his arm. A chain from his worn dark jeans that bounced with every pluck of his long fingers. Next to him a smaller man, pale and singing with delightfully large blonde curly hair. He sang beautifully she thought. He wore a shirt unbuttoned and tucked into pants so tight she could see a bulge that ripped her from her fantasy of being as cool and free as they were. She turns around quickly and moves towards the bar.
She finds George in his work clothes, the navy not being blotched by black oils and spills told her he also hadn’t been to work. She wears her disappointment in her face clearly for a moment before trying to put on that mask her mother taught her to wear. Never show him that you’re upset. Anger is unseemly on a lady. But this did make her angry. Her red face made it obvious she was holding in red hot emotion. Her smile was hollow and her eyes gave her away.
“Hello, George. I believe it’s time we got home.” She says with a hand to his shoulder.
“How’d you find me here?” He asks with a dramatic turn on his bar stool, and he was in true skunk form.
“A person in town suggested it. Your mother is worried about you. Can we please go home?”
“You can. I’m staying here.”
“Please George I have to get you home. Both our parents expect me to take care of you and that’s what I’m doing.”
“What if I don’t want you to take care of me? Huh? What if I don’t want anything to do with you?”
Her throat felt tight. She was not accustomed to being spoken to in such a way since she was bullied when she was young. The eyes she could feel on her from a growing audience he was causing made her feel all tingly and nervous. He looked at her with disgust and the shame she usually felt was quickly turning into anger in this new over-stimulating environment.
“Do you think I want to be here?”
“Do you think I wanted to run all the errands myself today for my own wedding? And make excuses for your absence all day and have people look at me with pity. Because they knew you were here. Again from the looks of you.”
“Well, I’m only here because of YOU.” He spits back.
“Me?” She squeaks with growing confidence that makes her take a deep breath and steady herself. “I have been nothing but an ideal fiancé from the beginning of this. YOU asked for this. Not me.”
“I didn’t ask for it! You did!”
They both looked at each other confused. “I was told you asked for my hand.”
“Hell no my parents told me I had to say yes to your parents offer or they’d cut me off and send me to the army.”
They both blink at each other for a moment. “This is…” she takes a shaker breath. “I’m in an arranged marriage.” She whispers and feels a betrayal deep in her chest. She’d been lied to. Her parents lied, her fiancé lied, the whole town and only one person has the decency to tell her where George was. It hurt like a knife might she thought as her hands held fast to her stomach.
“Are you like...retarded too? Ugh geez. Of course, it is! Why would I want to be with a freak like you?”
It’s as if he’d culminated every fear she’d ever had into a single sentence. All her thoughts of not fitting in, of something being wrong with her. She’d been right all along. “Well, I don’t want to be with a mean drunk like you!” She says back with a face that showed her first real emotion in years.
“I am not a drunk.”
“Yes you are! The whole town gossips about it behind your back. Your parents threaten to send you off if you don’t start acting like an adult. You try to take advantage of ME when I’ve never been anything but nice to you! You are MEAN and you are a DRUNK!”
He moves fast and grabs hold of her arms tightly. Enough to make her cry out and wince. “You listen here you little freak of nature. If you’re gonna be with me you’re gonna respect me as a good wife would.”
“Is there a problem here?” The same tall man from the stage asks, towering over George.
“Buzz off bud. This is between me and my girl.”
“It’s not when you talk to her like that, loud enough for whole damn bar to hear and then put your hands on her.
“Why don’t you go and fuck your cousin, you dirty ass hippies.”
The man meets eyes with Rosie and he immediately knew he had to help her. She looked defeated, but a shine of hope that someone, anyone would ever help her out. He knew one of their kind when he saw that look. Just like the group of outcasts he’d gathered over the years since returning home.
“You’re a…” he glances to Rosie who beams innocence in such a way a man like him is forced to protect it. “Jerk.” He decides instead of saying words that might make the victim feel embarrassed.
“He’s an… asshole.” She spits out and feels a wave of rush over her as she curses.
George flinches to hit her and that was enough for the tall stranger. “Alright, you’re killing the vibe, man.” He wraps his neck in a headlock and drags him out of the bar with a shocked Rosie froze for a moment.
“‘Ello there, love.” The singer from before came in. With gentle hands to her shoulders. “You alright? Hurt?”
“N-no.” She stutters.
“Ya sure you’ve gone all rosy in the face.” He fans her with his hand.
“I always am.” She excuses quickly. “Sorry..I-“
“No apologies, let’s get you into the fresh air eh? Don’t worry I’m with the big guy what dragged off that unpleasant twat you were dealing with.”
“Okay.” She says breathily and a little dazed. “Thank you.”
“Well, he’s gone.” The tall one says proudly, clapping his hands.
Rosie stands and looks at the spot where her car had sat. Now empty. “Did he take that yellow car?” She points to the space.
“Yeah, he headed right for it, had the keys.”
She nods and sighs. “I’m afraid that was my car he took.” She looks down the ground to figure out her next move from here, now stranded.
“Oh shit. Oh no, I’m sorry.” The tall man says putting his hands to his mouth. “Ah. Well fuck, honey I really screwed you there didn’t I “
She blinks with her large pale blue eyes at him with tears withheld. A cherub round face that struck a deep nerve as she tried to hide her upset. “You didn’t mean it. You were trying to help.” She says with a slow nod and inhales.
“Bad luck innit.” The other rubs her back comfortingly and she didn’t mind it. He seemed like such a nice man. They both were.
“Can you get a ride home? Call your parents or… something? Or did he just... steal your car?” He towers over her but she doesn’t feel afraid. He rubs his head in thought as he bit his lip.
“I’ll have to call my mother. He’ll go home to his mother I presume.” She nods. “I can retrieve my car tomorrow. Unless he crashes it.” She sighs. “He was terribly drunk.” Her shoulders sink in disappointment.
“Look, we’ll get ya home...what’s your name love?”
“Oh, that’s a beautiful name innit? For a beautiful girl.” He holds no ill will as he says it and the compliment hits her hard in her emotionally unstable state. Tears well up for someone, a man, a nice man to be so kind to her to say such a nice thing. “Oh no, don’t cry. We'll get you a cab home. It’s no trouble love. Don’t worry ya pretty little head about it eh?”
“You’re so nice.” The tears fall fat over her flushed cheeks.
“Now there’s a good girl.” He brings her in for a hug. “Go call her a car, mate.” He nods away the other fellow.
“I’m so sorry. I’m not usually like this. I’ve had such a bad day.”
“Now let’s sit down here and you can tell Danny all about it now little Rosie.” He shoos some men off a nearby bench to sit her down.
“That your name?” She sniffles
“It is. I’m Danny and that big man was Declan. You’ll be safe with us. Don’t worry. We are protectors of the oppressed.” He chuckles as he puts an arm on her shoulder as she hides her face from the eyes watching.
“Yeah. You know, women… people that are... various beautiful shades of brown, black yellow..." he spoke dramatically with an outstretched hand that captivated her " … homosexuals. You know how it goes, the bad ones yeah? The rebels, the outcasts,  lost children who come across our path.”
“You’re making us sound like a cult man. Don’t scare her.” Declan laughs and stands guard at her other side. “Taxi’ll be here within the hour.” He gives her a warm smile that crinkles around his eyes. Half of it coverd in a beard that was pointed and a bit fuzzy. His hair was like a dark lions mane around his face and shoulders.
Rosie contemplated as she looked up at him and wondered if she’d ever seen a man so tall before.
“He only looks scary,” Danny assures her. “Declan this is Rosie.”
“Pretty name for a pretty girl.” He gives a gentle nod down at her.
“Almost exactly what I told her.” Danny beams.
“Hey Rosie, I’m Declan. Nice to meet you.” He spoke softly and gently as if she might startle if he spoke too loudly at her. “We’re in a band. We travel around. Play music and just...living life y’know. Being free with the life we’ve got.” He spoke proudly as he explained. “We’ve heard a lot of stories. So you aren’t going to tell us anything we’ll judge you for.” He laughs.
“We’ve all done far worse than whatever spot you’ve got yourself in angel.” Danny joins in the laugh.
“I’m sorry to cry I’m just feeling a bit overwhelmed.” She wipes her cheeks. “As I was telling Danny I’ve had a very bad day.”
“Tells us about it then love. Let the evil out.” He motions with his hands as if he were vomiting and it makes her have a soft little giggle. “There she is.” He pushes her chin up gently. “Go on then…”
Her blubbering story hurt them both as she told of isolation and now betrayal and forced marriage to a terrible man. They’d seen it and heard it before, many in their group had a similar past.
“You deserve so much better Rosie love,” Danny says with a broadly shaking head. “You are clearly such a bright and lovely girl with a pure heart and you deserve the same given back to you.”
“I do!” She whines.
“You can change it all. You’ve got the power. They tell us we don’t. That we can’t. But it’s because they’re afraid of us. Afraid that if we knew what power we had as a collective, as they’ve made us all feel so isolated you see? You can have whatever sort of life you want Rosie. You just have to take it.” Dany speaks intently to her with unwavering eye contact.
“Take it?” she sniffles.
“Make the hard choices. You want things to stay like this forever or you want to take a chance and be your own person?” Declan asks with high brows. He had the tougher approach and Danny handled the whimsy of things, it suited their personalities.
“Like...refuse to marry him?”
“Not just that. You can refuse to stay with your parents.”
Rosie laughs as if he’s joking.
“I’m serious. You could go and live anywhere you wanted. Did you even know that?”
“No. I thought….”
“You can make your own choices Rosie,” Declan says as he sees the cab arrive. “You could see the world. Meet anyone. Do anything. ”
“That… sounds too good to be true.” she looks down at the ground as they walk her towards the car.
“It’s what we did,” Declan turns to face her. “We didn’t like our lives so we just...changed them. I wanted music and freedom and to be around people who understood me.”
“We eventually found each other. And our little family has grown ever since.” Danny holds his home like an adoring mum seeing away their daughter on the bus.
“We’re just a bunch of misfits that are trying to find our place in this crazy world.” Danny shrugs. “Some of us play music and some just follow us in the summertime to escape their lives. Some just like life on the road. We’ve got all sorts. Certainly had a few girls with stories like yours.”
“Really?” she rubs her cheeks.
“We aren’t saying you have to join us. We’re just saying you can make your own choices... have whatever sort of life you want. That’s all. You seemed like you could use the help.”
“I could.” she lets out a heavy, thoughtful sigh. “Thank you. Both. You were very helpful. I can’t really repay you.”
“Start making YOURSELF happy Rosie. That’ll be payment enough. You deserve it, pet.” Danny waves her goodbye.
“Don’t let the man get you down little Rosie.” Declan Nods her way as she gets in the cab to head home.
The cab drive home was the most peace she was going to know for the next 24 hours. It started with the cops being at her house when she got there. George had been arrested after being taken to the hospital for injuries from wrecking her car. He was being held and charged and poor Rosie thought she might pass out.
George’s mother paced and shouted in their house late into the night. Wailing about her “poor” son. What did she do to him to make him behave in such a way? Denial was not just a river she'd read about in the encyclopedias she'd gotten for Christmas.
Her own mother joined in, what did she do? How was she going to fix this? Why didn’t she have the money to bail him out? She raised her better than this.
Rosie sat and took it. But each biting remark only made that funny feeling in her stomach grow as each verbally slapped her over and over.
“Did you ever consider you’re yelling at the wrong person?” She finally says back quietly.
“For god's sake girl don’t mumble and slouch! It’s ugly!”
She had been told she was pretty tonight and told she could be and do whatever she wanted. Things she’d never heard before. There were people out there that wouldn’t treat her like this. This isn’t what she wanted. She wouldn’t survive a life like this, it would hollow her out into a shell of who she really was.
“I said, Did you ever consider you’re yelling at the wrong person?” Her brow was now creased and a rare sight it was. “Did you ever consider your son is a drunk? A hateful loser who has been breastfed too long by his mother?!” She sass’s with balled fists in the meanest and most insulting thing she’d ever said came out of her mouth confidently. “And you! I don’t have any money because you won’t let me work! You won’t let me leave! Or even LIVE!” She throws her arms up in the air. “You’re being bullies when I’m the ONLY one that tried to DO something and HELP him. And this is what I get? No. No more. I don’t have to put up with this...this… BOLOGNA!” She yells and stomps to her room, slamming the door and leaving a room of shocked faces behind. Her father in the kitchen almost choked on the beer he was trying to secretly down to deal with the situation. It was beer and not even liquor what was he becoming?
Rosie falls to her bed and cries and hits the pillows as her door is quickly bombarded with screeches on the other side. Demands of her to come out and apologize and she just kept shouting “NO!” Over and over to their requests. She took all of her suitcases and laid them on the bed, the voices on the other side growing tired and falling quieter and they tried to listen to what she was doing. She threw her life into those cases. All her favorite things, things she might need, she stuffed them full and sat on them to get them to shut. She angrily pens a letter. Telling them she was tired of being oppressed and lied to and she was going to make herself happy and never see them again. She still signed it with a heart.
She gets out of her bedroom window and makes her way to the car with the dented fender and busted windows the cops had returned to them. She throws in her bags and whispers a prayer it will start. Someone was looking out for her. She could see the sources of the yelling running out of the house behind her as she headed out of the subdivision. She’d never felt more alive.
She practically drifted into the gravel parking lot at the roadhouse and held tears of joy from her escape and the fact that the buses and vans were still in sight. The bus was headed out of the parking lot. She leaves the car with the keys in the ignition and straps her bags and suitcases up and runs as fast as her feet will carry her toward the van left in the line.
“WAIT!” She shouts and pants. “PLEASE WAIT!!” She lets out a scream she didn’t know she had in her. Her lungs burned and her blood pumped faster than it ever had as the van door rolled open. “I’m coming with you!”
“Is that?” Declan snorts out an amused sound
“Well fuck me it’s that little girl again.” Danny muses as he looks out the door. “Slow down mate, we got a castaway.”
“Being. Chased. Keep going.”
“Chased?” Danny laughs. “By who?” The thought of someone being in pursuit of this tiny white field mouse amused him to no end.
“I RAN AWAY!” she laughs as she throws her bags to the filled van and is ran full force as the van gets to the highway and she’s yanked inside. The door slams shut behind her and she’s left wheezing and trying to fix her dress and hair.
“Come now little bird, have a seat.” Danny pulls her down on the bean bag he’s sat on.
“I. Ran.” She pants out and Danny and Declan laugh but the other eyes in the van are looking at her confused.
“From the cops?” Someone asks concerned
“No.” She clears her throat and takes a deep breath as she calms down. “From my house.”
“Was it as bad as you thought it was gonna be?” Danny pushes back her hair.
“Worse.” She lets out a nervous laugh. “I can... I can come with you guys right?” She says with puppy eyes.
“Welcome to our merry little crew Rosie bug.” Danny beams.
“I ran away too.” Another girl with long beautiful wavy hair says from her spot in the open-backed van, now crowded full. “Husband? Parents?”
“Both.” Rosie nods and they share a sympathetic nod of understanding.
“I’m glad you came Rosie.” the girl's eyes showed strong empathy and it made Rosie certain she'd made the right decision.
“I am too.” She finally catches her breath. “So…” she primps for a moment to gather herself. “Where are we off to first?”
@vale0413 @littledeadgirlwalking @jaegeeeeer @phillipkopusimagines-and-stuff @mjolnir96 @xmother-mortemx @this-isnt-madness  @thors-hair-extensions @divadinag @s-h-e-w-r-i-t-e-s​
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youarejesting · 4 years
Femme: 46
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Pairing: BTS - OT7 x Reader, GDragon x Bigbang, Erik Nam, Hyuna x Dawn, Black Pink x Female oc, TXT x robot oc, Got7 x Female oc Rating: Mature Length: 3.3k Warnings: impreg kink, preg kink, three some, orgy, scent kink, masturbation, public masturbation? (in a bathroom stall), oral (F & M receiving), orgasm denial, butt plug, vibrating couples cock rings, leisurely blow job, voyeurism , exhibitionism, mishap with water breaking, Yoongi music producer & baby inducer, cock cages, little bit of dirty talk, little bit of Dom/Sub but nothing serious, Jungkook cries but like because he wants to cum. Big dick joon Announcement: WE ARE BACK!!! NEW CHAPTER! Smut Beta: @taetaewonderland​ Beta: I was dumb and posted before it was finished bing read. I am face palming.
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Recap: Your Femme Diaries Channel had been such a success you started a reality TV show from home. Yoongi helps Kyungju deal with girl troubles after a girl stole his milk at school. Hoseok takes Huimang to visit his parents which gives you time to yourself. Taking the Van for a drive you get pulled over for speeding when you vomit on the officer’s shoes, you are taken into the police station suspected of being drunk. Namjoon who was at the station working on a case notices you in the cell and comes to your rescue. You find out you are having a girl and Namjoon is excited. Yoongi avoids you not wanting to be the one to induce the labor again, they all place bets on whether he will or not. 
For your honeymoon, Yoongi gets his payback. Kim Mirae is born. Kyungju finishes first grade. The BTS & BigBang families go on tour. Eric and TXT go to university and the GOT7 boys finally are accepted for a Femme. The Frozen Spoon has two stores with more planned. The BlackPink girls got their Degree’s three of them joining the Femme project, one of which found matches immediately, and the fourth applied for their own Femme.
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You were sitting on the front porch resting the tour had gone so well you were working on so many little things a Femme diaries book, that could be translated into every language so woman and men from every country had a sort of manual. There was an app where you could access everything and search topics and be lead to your videos or forums if it was topics you hadn’t covered in videos. 
 The boys were working really hard in their jobs Namjoon as his work was case based spent the most time at home beside Yoongi who worked from home and rarely left his studio. 
The boys had grown up a little each nearing their mid thirties as were you and they aged like a fine wine. Seokjin had experimented with different beards over the two years after the tour. 
Kyungju was eight years old and a music producer like his father, he looked so much like him but he smiled more which warmed his father's heart. Jeongsan was now seven years old and was in love with music as well not exactly the producing process but the listening he had a few troubles like issues with certain smells but also auditory trouble he hated when it got quiet. He learnt how to play Basketball from Yoongi and was on a team though his team was yet to play a real match.
Jae hwan and Jae Eun were two rascals, at age four they both got up to mischief and knew how to play their parents like puppets well all of them except Yoongi. He wasn’t fooled by no one. They were surprisingly humble despite the luxury brands their father bought them. They actually preferred the cheaper brands that had their favorite cartoon characters on them much to their fathers dismay. They hated getting their photos taken as they wanted to be like their older brother Kyungju.
Huimang hit three and three quarters running. He was constantly nagging his older brothers and Jae Eun to play with him. He was happy to do anything, listen to music with Kyungju, Basketball with Jeongsan. He liked to play in the backyard with the twins when they would play fair, that is the two were a unit and used it against the others. But he was also happy with his younger sister watching cartoons.
Mirae was three years old just getting out of her terrible twos and a testament to the break you deserved after having six kids. She was a messy child, and loved to dig up the flowers in your garden much to your dismay. She had a love for fruit and when her daddy jimin would dance with her in his arms around the lounge room. There was so much happening you were happy if you didn’t have any more children. 
That was until one day you heard Seokjin confess that he wanted to have a chance to be a dad. He didn’t know you had heard him and you pondered on these thoughts on the back porch in the morning sun. He had been drunk when he spoke these words and you knew he wouldn’t say something like that out of the blue without thinking it over thoroughly. He was getting older and the oldest out of the family dynamic and you frowned.
You would be happy to make his dream come true but this was a family and you thought it would be best to bring it up with everyone to get their opinions. You knew Yoongi was against having any more children he was already run ragged by the half dozen you had already.
You walked across the house passing Namjoon watching his Ryan from the cartoon Kakao with Mirae and Huimang. Kissing each of their heads as you passed frowning when you got to Mirae. “Baby you have Jam in your hair” Namjoon turned and laughed assuring you he would have them bathed and dressed before their day nap. You sighed, everyone was at work but you had asked for the day off as you wanted to process your thoughts.
You reached the in-home studio and rang the small doorbell and the door opened to show a tired Yoongi, he was growing a small amount of stubble on his chin. Which made him look more mature and made you heart swell at the thought of all your years together. 
“Is something wrong, Kitten?” He raised an eyebrow letting you into his studio. Bringing your hand up to his cheek and pressing a kiss to his lips. He hummed his voice seemed impossibly low as if as he aged it got richer. He sat with you on the couch and you bit your lip and sighed.
“I wanted to ask you something?” You said softly running your hand over his chest massaging the muscles across his chest. It was actually a tip you heard from Hoseok, that chest massages were great for proud creatures like cats and the two of you loved to give him these little chest massages because they made him feel at ease.
“Mmm… What do you want to ask?” He hummed, laying his head in your lap letting your hands wander over his clothed chest and work the muscles under your thumbs.
“Seokjin was drunk the other day and he said something that stuck with me”
“What did he say this time?” He opened his eyes checking you weren’t upset by something the eldest had said while in a drunken stupor. “I can hit him for you?”
“No, It wasn’t bad. It is just, he is getting old and he wants what all of you boys got, I am sure Jimin feels the same way. He wants to be a dad” You whispered and felt the tension increase in Yoongi’s chest.
“Tell him he can have Kyungju” Yoongi sighed
“Don’t you dare even joke that you want to give away your son, Yoongi” You breathed and he sighed “You love him so much all of you love your children just as you love the other children. I know you would turn the world upside down for any of those babies”
“But they all are toilet trained now and you want to start again!” he whined
“Look Yoongi, I am not going to do it unless everyone is on board, so I am not telling you we are having another, I am asking you if you will let Jimin and Jin have their own flesh and blood children they will love like you love your son” You sighed “Please just tell me you will  consider this for Jin and Jimin”
“Fine I will think about it” He sighed seemingly softer.” He laid there and hummed “I do miss you all swollen he turned to your stomach which was soft. You were thankful to Jungkook for helping you remove the baby weight but there was a certain softness that wouldn’t go away. 
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Yoongi sighed sitting at the dinner table about one week later looking around at the big family he had that made his heart warm and looked at you as you Jeongsan cut his food. “Okay, I think I could be happy with two more” He smiled softly.
“Well why didn’t you say so” Seokjin grinned and placed some of his food from his own plate onto Yoongi’s. Making Yoongi sigh happily, Why had he ever thought to deny this man from having his own child.
Jimin was currently grinning at the two youngest making them giggle as he made funny noises with Jungkook trying to get the two to eat their veggies. Yoongi let his hand fall onto Jimin’s Thigh and gave it a squeeze in approval, Jimin wasn’t phased but seemed content with the physical affection.
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You asked each of them individually and they agreed Namjoon seemed the most excited. So leading Seokjin and Jimin to the shower you were ready to break the news to them. As the words escaped your mouth the two started cheering, hugging you with everything they had. They paused looking at one another and Seokjin said “May the best man win”
Jimin who was in front of you pressed you against Seokjin, pushing the two of you backward until his hyung hit the wall. Seokjin pinned between you and the wall and you pinned between Seokjin and Jimin the former groaned, his growing erection pressing against your back.
Nipping at your bottom lip, Jimin’s tongue found its way into your mouth. He pulled away from the kiss to look you in the eye and you noticed the acquiescent look within them. You raised an eyebrow at Jimin wondering why he looked like he was giving Mirae his ice cream when she dropped hers. 
Jimin was selfless and it wasn’t hard to figure out what it meant. Grabbing his face in your hands you kissed him trying to show him how much you loved him. The kiss was wet from the warm water raining over the three of you. Your lips slipped from his and slid down to his jaw along the length of his neck and you kissed his chest over the strong beat of his heart.
Lifting you to wrap your legs around him, Jimin reached behind you to secure Seokjin’s cock in his hand, giving it a few pumps, before positioning his hyung at your entrance.
“There is no competition Hyung. You have waited the longest. I want you to have a baby first” Jimin smiled over your shoulder and lowered you until you were stuffed full. Jimin pressed his smooth chest against yours pressing his lips to Seokjin’s over your shoulder. “I will help you get a baby Hyung”
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It wasn't instant. You had spent six months trying before you made an appointment at the fertility clinic and they did a few quick initial tests and the first test was a simple pregnancy test just to check and it came back positive which made your head spin. You made an appointment to follow up and make sure everything was going okay as the time progressed.
You didn’t want to let anyone know just yet as you always wanted to make sure that you had passed the dangerous time frame. So you spent your time relaxing and working, Seokjin was under the impression that in three months you were going to get artificially inseminated but you hadn’t told him that you were already pregnant.
It was the Hotel Christmas party and you all went along and Jimin seemed to notice you switching your alcoholic drinks for water and juice. The way you shifted in your seat rubbing your back and taking slow breaths when they placed a particularly smelly dinner. “Hey Princess can you help me with my jacket there is a thread that is digging into my neck and I want to get some fresh air”
You nodded thankful for his keen eyes, the table turned to see you leave some of them grinning thinking you two had run off to canoodle in the bathroom. The bathroom was a god sent, the clean scent of soap was what you needed to get rid of the rancid fish smell from the dinner. Jimin rubbed your back and grinned at you from the mirror.
“You are pregnant aren’t you princess?” You noticed the strange look in his eyes, his pupils dilated and lips wet from his eager tongue. He shifted on his feet and your eyes fell to the tent in his dress pants. Eyes flickering back to his where he was smirking and he stepped forward, hands slipping around your waist palms sliding affectionately over your soft tummy and up to your currently swollen breasts. “They are tender, aren’t they?”
“Yes” You whined as he massaged and played with them sadistically loving to see you whine and cry out. He didn’t want to hurt you but he liked to push you close to the border of pleasure or pain. He had taken a few steps over the line with your consent and it was some of the best pleasure you had ever experienced. 
He took your hand pulling you into a stall where he closed the toilet seat and sat down lifting your dress over his head. His forehead gently pressed against your stomach, his nose pressed to your heated core. He unfastened his belt and you heard the clatter of the buckle and the pull of the zip and he was busy pumping himself in his hand fiercely, his hot breath hitting your rapidly soaking your panties.
“You are so sexy full of hyungs baby” He breathed, you were holding the walls of the stall, his hand pressed to the small of your back so he could press himself closer to you. You felt the vibrations of his moan through his nose; his mouth fell open as he cried out against you.
He cleaned himself up and gingerly exited from under your dress his cheeks flushed red with embarrassment. You grinned kissing him happily.
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It seemed Jimin’s pregnancy kink was insatiable. He liked the way your scent changed when you were pregnant. Jungkook also noticed and approached you one afternoon. Between Jimin and Jungkook you were kept busy, truly appreciating when they would do things for you like; massaging your feet or massaging you in general while they helped each other with their own desires.
Hoseok noticed next as usual, Kyungju called you out after him which surprised you but it seemed your son knew your cues of pregnancy as he had watched you with all his younger siblings. “You were given the all clear Seokjin was ready driving you in the van to the fertility clinic nervous, but when you were given the ultrasound and he saw the baby he got quiet”
“You are pregnant” He seemed sad you didn’t understand what the issue was until he asked the doctor.
“Have you done the paternity test with our DNA samples.
“Yes, You are Kim Seokjin, correct?” Seokjin nodded and he smiled “You are the father congratulations”
“When I came in for the initial appointment I was pregnant with a baby and you were the only one I was with, the other boys were abstaining” You breathed as his hand fell on top your belly rubbing the tiny bump. “I wanted to wait until the baby wasn’t in the danger stage. I would have hated telling you and then losing the baby. You would have been so upset my love”
You saw the way his lips were contorting in a weird purse that he did when he was trying to hold back his laughter but as the watery look in his eyes overflowed into a river of tears and he couldn’t hold back the cry as he hugged you telling you he loved you. It was after his five minute break down that he sniffed and playfully asked.
“Am I still handsome when I cry Darling?”
“The most handsome, my love” You chuckled kissing his red tipped nose and he laughed.
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You went to see the TXT boy’s they had just finished their degrees and you were going to surprise them at their graduation ceremony. They were all going into their fields together and finally applied for a Femme, After being rejected over five times they were approached by Femme bot, Femme industries was the umbrella company and their bots were to provide companion ship for those who are eligible for a Femme.
The boys were hesitant and decided to wait because they didn’t know how to feel about a robot being their destined partner.
You were four months pregnant and going on tour accompanied by the TXT boys who had worked on their own careers. They had taken courses in university that enhanced the quality of their content on social media platforms. 
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You were filming the tour as you were doing a movie about your lives where you recreated some scenes. So here you were in a pod once more on set in a hospital gown. You recreated the scenes and grinned and you then had a replica of your apartment, everyone was trying to recreate the nervousness you had felt when you were all so young. It was cute seeing everyone all dressed in their old style clothes and their hair and beards cut and trimmed until they looked like their old selves and you were given a wig and a little bit of makeup as well. 
Between recreated scenes were scenes from your videos that you had made all those years ago and also some behind the scenes interviews where you all sat on a couch and explained what you had thought and felt at the time. It was absolutely adorable talking about how little and shy they were and hearing them talk about you as well.
It was when everyone was packing up for the night, Taehyung grabbed
your hand and dragged you from the dressing room and through the sets until he arrived at the first set and opened the pod and you threw your head back and laughed realizing what he wanted to do.
He pressed his large palm to your mouth and shushed you. With a growl he commanded you to get into the pod and he climbed in with you. It was tight, there was no room for movement so he was quick to lower you onto his thick dick before laying you against him and closing the lid behind you.
You were laying against him as he kissed you slowly and he was barely able to move his hips pressed against your A-spot. He was able to just gently rub the head of his cock against it repeatedly causing you static-like pleasure to buzz through your tummy and thighs.
He was moaning in your ear about how sexy you were. His hand wedges between you, his thumb rubbing your clit, loving how you twitched and tightened around him. The pod started to get sweaty and you were feeling absolutely euphoric as he stimulated the deepest parts of you.
After some serious grinding deep inside you he came, bursting like a water balloon painting your walls he made you cum hard and you cried out against his chest your orgasm was powerful. 
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You were six months now and the filming was over but you were going straight into another tour. You were happy as the tour began. You announced you were pregnant and the older of your children joined you on some of your stages and had a few funny words. Huimang and Jeongsan did a little dance performance and the crowd were cooing at how cute they were. 
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By the time you were settled back home after the tour, you were back to managing the Frozen Spoon. Your body remembered pregnancy well as you seemed to have had every symptom in the book. Perhaps you were stronger now with all the work you had been doing over the years with Jungkook.
Because you made it to full term and were now a few days over. That is how they found you dancing in the living room trying to get things moving. “I want this baby to come out, I am hot and my stomach is huge. If it grows anymore I am going to bust at the seems”
“Let’s try Yoongi,” Hoseok grinned, walking you to the in-home studio and they barged in, Hoseok’s hands on your shoulders waddling you through the doorway until you were in the middle of the room. 
“No, No, No!” He said falling out of his chair and backing up on his bottom across the floor until he hit the wall. “Get her out of here, I have precious equipment”
“Come on, Yoongi, I am overdue and I want freedom” You rubbed your belly “I am so fat and I want to have the baby soon and inducing labour is the most painful thing in the world”
“You wouldn’t know you have never been induced” He sighed waving his hands around “Alright back out of the studio slowly and I will help you. Just for god sakes not in here”
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You were laying in the huge lounge propped up against Hoseok’s chest and he laughed at Yoongi’s mock reluctance. “You don’t have to if you don’t want to,” Jimin said, licking his lips and taking small steps forward. 
“Sit” Yoongi commanded him and he lowered himself onto his knees, you hummed at the interaction between the two. He looks at you with a sense of hesitancy and leans in to give you a slow kiss. 
You grab him by the hair and tried to coax his confidence out, it eventually works and he is ravishing your mouth. His tongue and teeth abusing your soft petal pink lips. He pulled back and got to work removing you overalls. It seemed you couldn’t stand having anything around your hips or waist so you had practically lived in long baggy overalls for the past month or two. 
Jimin was hard watching Yoongi caress your belly and thighs, they all sat watching anticipating. Hoseok held your hands in his intertwining your fingers and holding them out from your body. 
Taehyung and Jungkook who had been sitting on Seokjin and Namjoon respectively started to squirm in their laps. Grinding their asses against their Hyungs looking for relief. The two older males finding themselves gently caressing their younger counterparts over their pants. 
Jimin turned hearing the tenor moans and cries behind him and the soft sweet sound you were making, he was conflicted of where he should look whilst simultaneously feeling left out. 
He ran around to your other side so he only had to look in one direction to see everyone but that didn’t help him feel untouched. 
Yoongi and Hoseok’s eyes were wandering similarly. They would travel along the expanse of your body then on towards Jimin who was rocking his hips against the air, his pants straining more with each passing second. They would then flicker their gaze to the rest of the maknae line who were turning so soft. Yoongi leaned down between your legs, his eyes connecting to Jimin’s and giving him a gummy grin. He didn’t dare look away from Jimin, Because he knew how much the young man loved his eye contact in the bedroom. Jimin was such a sensual creature he didn’t need to be touched to feel and experience pleasure. Sometimes he got off just by watching.
So Yoongi held his gaze and with every swipe of his tongue Jimin would keen for him and the room would grow heavier with the weight of Jimin’s sexual desires. Hoseok took your joined hands and placed them against Jimin’s crouch causing him to thrust his hips forward into your conjoined hands and let out an aching cry. 
When Jimin looked away and down at his crotch, Yoongi stopped making you whine and Jimin looked up at you to see what he had missed. You were looking down at Yoongi and Jimin’s eyes followed yours until they locked onto Yoongi’s once more and the pale producer got back to work.
You were ready to come but nothing with Yoongi came easy. He kept getting you right to the edge but never letting you over completely. Hoseok had removed Jimin from his pants and was using your tangled hands to provide him with the necessary friction. 
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Jungkook was effectively distracted by Namjoon’s big hand wrapped around his cock. A Thick butt plug nestled between his cheeks. “You like this Baby boy? You like it when your hyung takes care of you?” 
“Ah yes” he said, receiving a firm squeeze, his head spinning at the tight feeling. He seemed to realize his mistake “Yes sir”
“Look how much you are leaking, what would everyone say if they knew how much this turned you on?” He said harshly, running the flat of his palm against the head of Jungkook’s penis, the boy cried and squirmed harder against Namjoon’s length.
“You can’t come unless I say you can?” He said and continued pumping him furiously squeezing the head and watching Jungkook press his knees together and cry and shake trying to prevent himself from cumming.
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Taehyung was in a whole other level of torture, instead of having to hold back a powerful orgasm he was trying to spur it on. Seokjin was leisurely stroking Taehyung with one hand while his other hand was between their bodies slowly caressing his own cock. Taehyung didn’t care for the older males' delayed gratification methods and was practically rutting in his hand. “Hyung” he moaned desperately.
“No this is about my pregnant wife not you”
“Our pregnant wife” Namjoon corrected. Seokjin rolled his eyes, feeling Taehyung’s hand brush past his trying to touch himself. Using his free hand Seokjin grabbed Taehyung by his hair and pulled his head back to speak directly into his ear. 
“Who is older, me or you?”
“Who is in charge, me or you?”
“You are in charge you grandpa” Taehyung huffed “I am sick of slow, I didn’t know you had gotten that old that you couldn’t even Jerk me off properly hyung. You should be careful you must be getting frail.”
Seokjin pushed Taehyung over the arm of the chair and pulled his lounge pants down to expose his ass, where he firmly spanked him telling him that he would not be disrespected like that. Taehyung moaned happy he had riled him up expecting him now to try and prove a point and get him off quickly. But the plan backfired. 
“Get on your knees facing me,” Seokjin commanded and he quickly scrambled to the floor, “spread them and put your hands on my thighs.”
Taehyung spread his knees apart feeling the tightness in his muscle that wasn’t particularly flexible.
“Well go ahead” Seokjin lazily looked down at him, Taehyung took the older gentleman’s thick member into his mouth and began bobbing his head furiously hoping to send him over the edge quickly. A firm hand in his hair stopped this quickly and guided him slowly back and forth sliding him across his tongue. Taehyung was leisurely caressing the underside of Seokjin’s Penis with his tongue.
Looking up at him to see his eyes were on you, he was nervous about the idea of the baby coming today. Taehyung relaxed his throat and let the hot appendage in his mouth slide further back until the thick head brushed the walls of his throat where he swallowed a little uncomfortably at the thickness. Seokjin’s hips thrust forward on reflex, making Taehyung moan.
Taehyung continued this slowly, deepthroating Seokjin’s cock until he suddenly spilled his seed into Taehyung’s throat. He pulled back to swallow the sticky substance that had started to gush out of Seokjin but as he pulled back he continued cumming hard in Taehyung’s mouth. Filling it with hot white liquid. When Taehyung looked up he saw Namjoon with his free hand firmly squeezing the back of Seokjin’s neck encouraging him to cum.
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Jungkook was begging Namjoon to let him cum, he was sticky and making the most illicit wet sounds in Namjoon’s hand. Namjoon part way through watching Taehyung suck off the oldest in the family, removing himself from his pants he was wearing a cock ring that had his dick looking fierce and deliciously thick. He had taken a matching cock ring from his pocket and placed it around Jungkook’s sensitive cock. Watching him whine as he situated it in place. Namjoon had stopped for about thirty seconds at a time to let Jungkook recollect himself. He didn’t want him to come too soon and end his fun.
Jungkook was not silent at all; he was the loudest in the room, begging and crying in response to Namjoon’s questions and ministrations. Taking the youngest in his hand once more he smirked leaning into his ear. “You think I don’t notice the way you watch me Kookie, the way you blatantly look at my package when you think I am not looking. What do you want to do, huh? You want to sit on my cock? Or perhaps you want to suck it. Do you want me to fill you up, I have been saving it all for you”
“Please I want to cum?” Jungkook cried fat tears falling onto his thighs and Namjoon  sighed carefully removing the butt plug and lifting the boy onto his hard length. Jungkook lowered himself whimpering and clenching around Namjoon’s swollen erection.
Namjoon wrapped his arms around Jungkook’s thin waist and rocked the younger boy against him. The blood that filled Jungkook’s painfully stiff member had it bouncing against his lower stomach 
Namjoon hadn’t told the poor maknae that the cock rings were actually a part of a set designed for couples and had a remote that when you turned the dial they began to vibrate at different settings. So without warning Namjoon turned it on, setting it to a rapid pulse and matching the rhythm with his hips.
Jungkook is no longer coherent, emitting high pitched cries and cumming hard over his chest and thighs, tears pouring down his face as his body writhed in pleasure. Namjoon followed soon after spilling inside the young man.
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Yoongi must have taken pity on you letting you come. He watched you hesitantly waiting for your waters to break and when it didn’t he raised an eyebrow. “It seems it didn't work” He smiled his hand reaching out and gently holding your swollen midsection. He felt your stomach muscles tighten under his palm as he caressed the exposed flesh.
You were sure this was a contraction and you knew it took a while between the initial contractions and active labor, something you had learnt from your previous pregnancies and birthing experience. 
What you didn’t expect was for you to cramp up again and a warm sensation between your legs. “Oh my god, her waters actually just broke” Hoseok said excitedly, he was ready to see the new baby.
All other activities ceased and everyone got down to business, who was going to pick the kids up from school, who was going to the hospital. Where the bags are what they needed to pack, thought everything was mostly already packed. Once the plan was complete you and the boys raced around to grab your things. Not before Hoseok grabbed Jimin and Taehyung both who hadn’t had a single orgasm and secured a cock cage to each of them with a grin.
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twoblueheartslocked · 4 years
Mini Para: July Flashback.
Rating: PG.
Pairing: Seblaine.
Sebastian: @colorsicantsee
Blaine: @twoblueheartslocked
Time: Four and a Half years before the events of ( Hold On To The Memories, They Will Hold On To You ) Start of July before Blaine’s Senior Year and Sebastian’s Junior Year. Blaine (almost 17) Seb (almost 16).
Location: Westerville, OH- In a Starbucks tucked away in a little nook.
Info: The First Flashback. Blaine and Kurt break up before Kurt heads off to college in New York. Sebastian tries to contain himself.
Warnings: N/A
Extra Warnings: (This RP is not Kurt Hummel friendly. You’ve all been warned.)
Notes: Some canon events remain in place while others have been changed. Some things may even be out of order. You can consider this sort of canon divergent AU. A few changes are that Blaine’s parents are different from the show (His mother is Filipina), he didn’t cheat on Kurt or date Dave and Sebastian is younger than Blaine. Feel free to send a message if you have any questions!
Blaine’s POV:
Blaine turned his music down, the poppy sound of Perry fading away as he pulled into the crowded parking lot of Westerville, Ohio’s Starbucks. There were better coffee places, but it was less likely a bunch of people he knew would be milling around a Starbucks. He’d done well to keep his friendship with Sebastian Smythe hushed and he wanted to keep it that way. Sebastian, for his part, did as well. It wasn’t really a secret, but people talked and it didn’t matter that it truly was just a friendship at the end of the day. He tried to ignore the nagging, annoying little voice in his head that scoffed and nagged at him about how he was totally attracted to Sebastian and liked his company more than most of his McKinley friends. Why else are you driving to meet him after the events of the past week, Blaine?
He pushed the thoughts away and pulled the mirror from above his head down and gave himself a quick look, noting that his eyes were only still just a little red and the puffiness from crying had gone away completely. He got out of his SUV, making sure to shove his wallet into the back pocket of his rolled, bright coral shorts and made his way into the shop to get out of the July heat, his Sperrys threatening to melt into the pavement.He glanced around the store, scanning for the tall familiar form of his tentative friend and frowned when he couldn’t find him.
He pulled out his phone to shoot a text when it started to vibrate in his hand, the words making him smile and rolling his eyes as he did as he was told. 
Seb: Turn around, Killer.
The smile was still faintly on his face when he made his way over to Sebastian. His companion had actually secured their nook table that deemed them hidden out of view. The spot was usually taken up by students hoping to get some work done or couples making out and the thought made him blush a little as he sat down across from Sebastian who had made himself at home, long legs spread out and taking up way more space than he needed. The other boy, smirking as usual, slid two biscottis and a grande white and green cup over to Blaine. Blaine picked it up, already smelling that Sebastian had remembered the cinnamon in his drip. His heart gave a little flip because self absorbed Sebastian had remembered the cinnamon and the biscotti but Blaine being Blaine ignored it like usual.
“Thank you. I’ll get the next round, okay? I can’t believe you managed to snag our spot.”
Sebastian’s POV:
Sebastian couldn’t stop the excitement that flared in his stomach anytime Blaine’s name flashed across the screen of his iPhone. He always cancelled his plans in favor of meeting Blaine at Starbucks or to toss around a football or anything he wanted, really. Sometimes Sebastian felt extremely lame because of his all consuming crush and that he’d rather drink stale coffee to the sounds of a ‘cafe pop’ playlist than meet random boys or drink in furnished basements.
Their friendship had been sort of a blur and came out of nowhere. He knew that sounded totally cliche and annoying but wasn’t that just how relationships in high school worked? You suddenly had so much in common with somebody and grew so close that you couldn’t understand how you went without this person in your life before? Sebastian had been obsessed with ‘winning’ Blaine over. He hated that this bashful kid just kept turning him down with shy smiles and dismissive waves of the hand and that his boyfriend was always around and wasn’t intimidated by his sharp wit. Seb hadn’t experienced being turned down before. He became jealous and his mean streak reared it’s monstrous head when he threw a salt spiked slushie at Blaine. All he wanted to do was stain Kurt’s precious clothing, the only thing he seemed to be passionate about.  After the slushie incident, Sebastian had sent flowers and visited Blaine to apologize. Somehow they grew close and met more and more often just to talk. Sebastian had to laugh, he was turning down dates with public school seniors just to read magazines in companionable silence, just to watch Blaine’s cheeks turn red when he teased him, to feel the spark of what could be when their thighs would touch squeezed into a diner booth.
It wasn’t any surprise that Sebastian made his driver get him to the coffee shop before Blaine so that he could get his regular drink and snack. He constantly assured Blaine that he understood that they were just friends and lied and said he was on the same page but couldn’t quell his crush. All he wanted to do was impress Blaine, it wasn’t even about winning anymore and that was like, a really scary thing to admit. He was totally sprung and spent too much time picking out outfits that looked like he didn’t care and memorizing orders and favorite songs and staring at his phone waiting for his phone to buzz.
Sebastian smirked when Blaine turned around to see him in the nook that they both preferred. He pushed Blaine’s coffee and biscotti towards him, “You deserve the best spot in the house. I had to fight a few pre teen girls but it was worth it.” Sebastian took a sip of his iced Americano and smiled around his straw, he hoped Blaine would notice. “So, what’s up?”
Blaine’s POV:
Blaine scooted himself up towards the table, sitting his phone down in front of him face up on the tiny table. He’d shut the sound off because Coop had been harassing him all day about his upcoming visit to Ohio. Just a constant stream of texts all morning pushing Blaine to make sure their parents had the house in order for him like he was freaking royalty. As if Blaine didn’t have enough issues of his own. His mom, Imelda, had laughed softly and given Blaine’s hand a squeeze telling him to just appease his brother because it made him happy. He only obliged for his mom because who cared what Cooper wanted.
Blaine found himself chuckling at the thought of Sebastian scaring preteens away with his rude language and idle threats and again his heart did the little flippy thing that felt familiar and brand new all at once when he told him that he deserved happiness. He cleared his throat and proceeded to pull the lid off of his coffee so he could dip his biscotti into it. He took a bite and Sebastian had put just the right amount of sugar and cream and cinnamon into the cup. He smiled to himself and swallowed before looking over at his friend.
“I can’t wait until I see Sam tomorrow night so that I can tell him that you’re actually just the sweetest, softest boy around.” He laughed, his shoulder coming up in a shrug. “You don’t have to worry though, because he’ll never believe me.” He watched Sebastian take a sip of his drink, his signature smirk had been replaced by this new thing that Blaine liked to say was his smile because he’d never seen him give it to anyone else. His teeth were showing and Blaine got a little glimpse of the crooked teeth that were hidden on his bottom  and top teeth. Blaine had been delighted to hear that picture perfect Sebastian Smythe had undone a bunch of expensive dental work all because he hated his retainer. Blaine was secretly glad because it was so adorable.
He could wax poetic about Sebastian Smythe’s teeth all day but that’s not why he’d come here. He’d come here to get away from the pitiful Facebook and Instagram messages his McKinley friends kept sending him. Telling him they were so sorry and that they just were so surprised about the thing that had made Blaine’s eyes red and puffy. Well, everyone except Sam who knew Blaine like the back of his hand and knew that things had been far from perfect.
Blaine finished his food, chewing thoughtfully for a moment trying to compartmentalize all of his feelings about the situation. He licked his lips and looked up at Sebastian. 
“Kurt and I broke up.” He paused, pursing his lips together. “I mean, I’ve told you how off everything has been over the last few months and with him going away to New York in a month I feel like this is the best move.” He felt a little wave of sorrow as he talked because of course Blaine had loved Kurt and he valued their time together but there was this sick feeling in the pit of his stomach as he thought back to some of their recent fights. Kurt had gotten mean and anytime Blaine took longer than five minutes to answer a text he would make accusations that Blaine was ‘probably out screwing Sebastian’ and even went so far to accuse him of sleeping with Sam, too. Which was... laughable. Everything they did was strained- from their intimacy to New Direction solos to where they’d eat for dinners. He flicked his eyes up to Sebastian, trying to gauge his reaction. Seb knew that things had been rocky but he didn’t know about the accusations. He wondered how he’d feel if he knew.
Sebastian’s POV:
Sebastian rolled his eyes but didn’t stop smiling. He shook his head and leaned back into the leather covered booth seat. “Please don’t. I’ve worked really hard on my image, you know.” Sebastian spread his legs under the table, his knees knocked into Blaine’s leg. It sent a little thrill though his body before he gently maneuvered his long legs so that they wouldn’t invade the other’s space. Sebastian wished he could keep his knees pressed to Blaine’s leg, wished they could hold hands under the table or kiss over their coffees. He caught himself being pulled from his daydream by Blaine’s sober tone. 
He watched Blaine’s face as he spoke, he noticed his red rimmed eyes and it all made sense now. Sebastian fought to keep his face even. He didn’t want to break out into song and dance and flip the table in excitement just yet. The other boy was obviously upset. Seb couldn’t really understand because he had never been in a serious relationship and was always the one to not return calls or texts. He was his friend, though so he needed to chill out and be there for him. “How do you feel?” Sebastian chewed on his green straw, suddenly a little anxious.
Blaine’s POV:
Blaine arched his brow a little impressed by how calm Sebastian was being. He hadn’t made a joke about his relationship or made any kind of swipe at Kurt at all. He shouldn’t have been surprised though, Sebastian had come so far over the year they’d gone from acquaintances where Sebastian shamelessly flirted and made Blaine feel things he shouldn’t while having a boyfriend, to being a massive asshole and getting Blaine hurt, to remorseful and learning about how his words could hurt people all the way to now. Where he was actually sweet and funny and paid attention. If people could see this side of Sebastian they wouldn’t talk so much crap about him behind his back. If people could see this Seb they’d all be clamoring for his time and where would that leave you? Blaine didn’t like to think about it. He liked having this piece of Sebastian to himself. Sounds super friendly. A voice in his head taunted. Blaine ignored it.
He thought for a moment, wondering how he was supposed to feel versus how he actually did feel. There was pain, he’d built a pretty solid relationship with Kurt over the last almost two years. He had loved him. Of course there was pain. He’d cried for two nights after it was over but now he wasn’t sure how he actually felt. It was startling when he realized he felt free.
“I feel, I don’t know, relieved?” He licked his lips and looked into Seb’s lush green eyes. “I- I  don’t think we love each other anymore.” He shrugged, he’d struggled with the revelation over the last few weeks. The truth hit him when he realized all they did was fight and things were often incredibly uneasy when they were once easy. “I mean, we had a good run but… it’s not like he’s going to wait for me to move to New York. He would end up ignoring me and growing apart from me anyway. And eventually we’d hate each other and why do that to ourselves? It was amicable enough.” Was it? Kurt had been livid to the point of screaming and then suddenly he’d just gone calm. An eerie calm and then the calculating look he’d given Blaine was cold and borderline scary, but he’d agreed eventually.  
He paused, wondering how much to give away to Sebastian. “He was starting to get really weird about who I was talking to. Like not just you, but Sam as well. I’ve never done anything to make him worry. I was faithful and did anything he asked me to.” He bit his lip, trying not to let the negativity seep in. “I don’t know, Seb. I feel like this was the right decision.”
He brought his coffee to his lips and took a drink. The caffeine burned through his veins and suddenly Blaine wished they were in the car driving around with the music blaring. 
“But, hey I won’t be going to New York this Summer now. Coop will be here but I can ignore him. And Sam will be camping with his family. Tina’s going to visit some distant relatives and David and Nick are… who knows what they’re doing. So, we get to spend extra time together. I mean, if you can handle that.”
Sebastian’s POV:
Sebastian always knew that Kurt was a little jealous behind the scenes. Blaine had told him so before and even cancelled on him a few times because of it. He told himself it was because Kurt was insecure and maybe deep down really was a little threatened by him. He should have trusted Blaine, though. It was true that Blaine had never done anything nefarious to Kurt, had never caused any damage to their relationship. He and Sebastian were strictly friends (sad as that was.) and Seb even forced himself to control his flirty tendencies (which meant he really liked him because he flirted with everybody.) “As long as you feel okay. This is a move in the right direction.” He winced internally, how generic was that sentiment. 
Seb sat up in his seat and cleared his throat. He needed to cheer Blaine up. “Hey, now you have the entire summer to be a single man. Think of all the cool shit you can do now.  You can go anywhere you want, do whatever you want.”  He wanted nothing more than to spend his favorite season with Blaine. Images of fireworks and swimming and bike riding filled his brain. “I’m down, B.” He would always be down for him, always be willing to drop everything to be where he was. Sebastian knew it was pathetic but he couldn’t help it. It was his best kept secret, how huge his crush was and how utterly heels over head and back again he was. Sebastian finished his drink and pushed his biscotti towards Blaine. “Celebratory biscotti.”
Blaine’s POV:
Blaine laughed, shaking his head at Sebastian. “You’re just dying to say something about Kurt, aren’t you?” He bit his bottom lip to keep from smiling too big, a little ashamed of himself for having such a good time so close to his break up, but he couldn’t seem to help himself around Sebastian. There was just something about the other boy that just made him feel relaxed and comfortable and sometimes Blaine felt like as long as they stayed friends he’d be okay. Sure, he had Sam and Tina and David and Nick but there was something different about being with Sebastian. He didn’t like to look too closely at it though, terrified that he’d ruin this dynamic they had going on. “Go ahead, I’ll let you get in one good swipe but then you gotta promise to behave.”
Blaine gave Sebastian a thankful smile because of course he was trying to cheer him up. Trouble was that he didn’t even need to try. Blaine was already feeling better just being around him. “Yeah, single. Do whatever I want. Hmm…” He narrowed his eyes playfully,  “And yet I’m choosing to waste my free time with the likes of you.” He laughed, taking the sweets that Seb had offered him and dunking it into his almost empty cup of coffee. Kurt would have tisked at him for eating more than one in the middle of the day. He finished it, making a show at how good it was before speaking again. The nickname made him smile to himself even bigger. 
“So, what are you doing right now? Is your fancy driver around here somewhere? You should send him away and spend the day with me. We could take a ride and go get burgers and shakes from the root beer stand and drive around and listen to music. I’ll even let you pick the music.” He looked up at Sebastian, his eyes wide and face probably far too hopeful. “Please? It’s my treat and besides, it’ll make me feel so much better. I promise the stench of public school doesn’t seep into my car like it does clothing.”
Sebastian’s POV:
Was Sebastian so obvious? He laughed, his wide smile that was rarely seen broke out across his face. He really did want to talk shit about Kurt but thought that he could keep that suppressed until he texted Hunter later. Seb cleared his throat dramatically, as if he were about to put on a show and sat up straight. “If I only get one chance I better make this good. He dresses like a depressed librarian that lives off of lean cuisines and thinks that unseasoned boiled chicken is too spicy. He’s so generically bitchy and mean and pre-maturely geriatric that if he started to do drag, he could be a Bea Arthur impersonator. Actually, I’m almost positive all of his humor comes from The Golden Girls anyway. You’re so better off without him.” He sighed and laughed again. “I’m done. I promise I’ll behave as best as I know how.”
Sebastian looked into Blaine’s golden eyes, bit his bottom lip, leaned over the table. He nodded and pulled his phone out to text his driver to leave the parking lot. “If I get to pick the music then I’m all yours.” Seb rolled his eyes and stood up from the table to stretch his legs, gathering up their trash to throw away. “The scent of your hair gel sort of covers up the public school smell anyway.”  He elbowed Blaine in the side, smiled wide so he knew the joke was good natured. “I’m gonna blare Nicki Minaj and I want a large strawberry shake with extra whipped cream and extra cherries.” Sebastian started to walk backwards towards the door, his eyes on Blaine the entire time. “This is going to be the best summer ever, Killer. Promise.” 
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Seriida mini-fic #1
Summary: Iida notices he has a crush, but he is not the only one. Iida-centric.
Iida Tenya had many many things in his hands, figuratively speaking. Many duties were placed on him by the teachers for being the class representative, and many other duties he had placed on himself for the same reason.
Most of the time, his "rules" were simply consideration for his peers, like no loud music in the boys side after Bakugo's bedtime. Or keeping the air conditioning at a reasonable setting so it was comfortable for Tsuyu, keeping a constant eye on Mineta when he was around the girls and so on.
If he was being completely honest, he was very flexible because sleepovers were ultimately forbidden yet he didn't enforce that rule.
Iida wasn't an idiot, he wasn't even going to hope that his friends and classmates didn't have sleepovers, constantly.
Plus he enjoyed when lazy study sessions turned into just...talking, a nice conversation about whatever they wanted. Iida enjoyed waking up and seeing Midoriya, Uraraka and Todoroki sleeping in his room before school, he really enjoyed waking them up softly and with time. Sometimes he would put a song softly and start his day while they woke up, just because he could.
He seemed to be one of the only early risers around except for maybe...Sero, who, if you asked Iida, was pretty damn gorgeous.
Truthfully, they had been adjusting well, the minor details about the food were already settled and, turns out, that Bakugo was a lot less screamy if he had a proper night of sleep.
The only rule Iida actually was very picky about was the board by the door.
It was more for himself and his own tranquility than for its utility that he placed a tiny white board by the door, which Mina and Hakagure had helped decorate with many markers of different colors.
It was to write a tiny message if someone was going out of the dorms. Iida was proud to say that the class had adapted easily to it, and it was the most helpful thing ever since everyone had different schedules. For example, Kirishima liked to go running in the morning, and Yaoyarozu enjoyed walking around the campus with Jirou on nice evenings, Koda liked to move around once he finished homework and Shouji occasionally went outside at night to watch the stars.
The board allowed Iida to have everyone in check, and make it easier to find everyone in case of an emergency. 
So, to say the least, between trying to become a hero, studying, keeping track of his friends, taking care of himself, training and making sure all of his classmates were okay, Iida really had his hands full.
Statistically speaking, he really shouldn't have time fot this....crush. He didn't have time for it at all, yet his heart kept doing backflips whenever he catched Sero smiling in his direction.
Objectively, Sero Hanta was known for being always smiling, Iida had told himself many times. Sero wasn't smiling at him, nor with him, and definitely not because of him either.
Iida simply had to accept that and he would be fine, except that right when he decided to swallow this unuseful crush, Sero started to appear everywhere he looked. Everywhere.
Iida hadn't noticed until now how Sero always took his morning tea while he was making breakfast, or how he always went to gym at the same hours or how Sero's calves were super defined. And then, Sero's same started to pop up in the goddamn board everyday.
"At gym~ Hanta :)" or "Went to the store, call if you need anything ~ Hanta :)"
You see, Iida hated how he always wrote his first name. First, no one did that! And second, it always made him roll the name in his head. It made him think of calling him, he could imagine himself finally dialing his number and going, "Hi, Hanta, could you bring me...?" or something like that. Something sappy and stupid like calling his crush by his first name.
"Just tell me, how did I not notice before how incredible Sero is?" Iida certainly not whined to Midoriya, who was sitting on the floor of Iida's room.
"You have always been foccused on your studies, Iida," Todoroki stated, kind of blankly, and if anyone were to squint at his expression, they would find a tiny amused smile.
"Surely, but how unfair was it of me to not realize how nice and calm he is? He is dedicated and creative!" Iida answered, with his normal tone of excitement, like he was talking about class bonding excercises.
"You should ask him on a date, then," Uraraka intervened while munching a few chips from the bag on her lap.
"It would be out of nowhere, I cannot do that," he said more calmly while taking off his glasses.
"Then start talking to him, I'm sure he will like you back," Midoriya finally answered with one of his bright smiles that made people try stupid shit.
"How do I even do that?!"
Turns out it wasn't that hard. Okay, maybe it took a few days of practicing the words in his head and even more days to come up with the courage for simply saying, "Do you ever eat breakfast?"
How could it be easy to say anything to someone you have a crush on? Who is, by the way, looking relaxed and sleepy. Iida would even define it as beautiful, just how the curves of Sero's slender frame looked against the morning's light and how his eyes weren't completely awake yet.
Iida knew he was a total goner when Sero's shirt lifted a little bit and he stretched to get himself a cup. Sero was way more graceful and strong than anyone had given him credit for.
"Not really, you know?" Sero smiled with his eyes shut, "I'm not that good at cooking, so I prefer to eat snacks until lunch. Oh, and the tea obviously," he added as he lifted the cup a little bit.
Iida's brain almost exploded when his own mouth said, "Would you like to share...?" he trailed off, insecure for a moment. Immediately, Sero got closer to look at the pan, almost touching him, "What are you making?"
"Well, today I'm making an omelette" he answered, way more nonchalant than he felt inside.
"I knew you were making something different today!" Sero exclaimed softly, "you usualy have fried eggs with toast and a glass of orange juice."
Iida didn't have enough time to process it enough, so he just smiled and kept cutting the vegetables. His smile only grew wider when he saw Sero taking out two plates and stretch to get another cup from the cabinet, placing it by Iida's side.
"So, how can I help you, chef?" he said jokingly with a light blush on his face.
Iida tried to not overthink it, really. He really really tried, but yet again: how could he ignore the fact that his crush knew what he had for breakfast almost everyday? That definitely had to count as being noticed!
Sero had also given him a cup of his tea, and they had talked all morning until the had to go get ready for class. Iida let himself have some hope, because that's the last thing one loses, right?
Hope was good, he decided. Plus Sero had paired up with him in many of the class activities, which had put a gleeful look on Uraraka's knowing face. That morning hadn't repeated itself yet, but seeing him around the gym, pairing with him in class and hanging out in the common room was...almost enough.
"He is so funny," Iida whispered to the ceiling of his room. His friends had gotten used to it, they knew by heart who he was talking about.
"Hey, what's the answer to the B of the third excercise?" Uraraka asked to no one and everyone at the same time.
"And so genuinely nice to me," Iida said almost like an afterthought as he continued with his homework.
"It's 1997."
Now, the problem radicated in knowing if Sero wanted to make breakfast with him again or if it had been a one time thing. Surely, Iida could ask but wouldn't it give too much away? Was it too intense?
He constantly worried about that, he recognized that sometimes he really was a little intense when it came to things he liked.
"So how do i ask him?" Iida wondered lightly as a whisper one morning, also wondering if there were still any eggs left. The moment he entered the kitchen he bumped quite hard into no other than Sero.
Iida quickly grabbed Sero's waist out of instinct, at the same time Sero had no option but to grab onto Iida's chest, not that Iida would ever complain.
Blame it on having seen "Hanta" written in the board so much, but Iida couldn't help but blurt out, "Oh, are you okay, Hant-?" before he could correct himself. Iida shaked his head trying to repress the embarrassment, "Sero, sorry."
Naturally, Sero smiled way to brightly, "You can call me Hanta, if you want," he added while noticing a blush appear on Iida's face. It was delightful to see how much emotion Iida could convey. There was embarrasment, hope, excitement, fear and happiness, and there was something else only Iida had, a kind of vibration. An emotion Sero couldn't quite place, but that he wanted desperatly to experience.
When Iida squeezed his waist and said, "Then, you call me Tenya." Sero felt an intense kind of childish glee and laughter.
Iida wanted to kiss him more than anything else, but Sero's laugh of embarrasment was more beautiful than music.
"I was making you tea, Tenya," Sero said slowly on a low tone while looking at him in the eyes very intently. It was far too sexy for a sentence about tea, but that didn't stop Iida from pushing Sero carefully to the kitchen counter and kissing him. Softly at first, and harder after he realized that Sero wasn't going anywhere.
After that first kiss, going to the gym at the same time stopped being accidental. If Iida analyzed it, that had been maybe a bad idea because Sero was shameless, and he had to learn it the hard way.
"Hey, love," Sero called from behind him. Immediatly, Iida stopped his excercise and took the water bottle his boyfriend was offering him.
"You know, it's a shame that your hero suit it's so covered up," he said and Iida could only begin to imagine what he was going to say. "Because you have a pornstar body, honey."
"Oh, my god." He yelled inaudibly, looking around to see if anyone had heard. "How can you say those things and not die of a stroke?" he answered between embarrasment and pleased joy as Sero snickered by his side.
"But you know what? There's a reason." he countered and Sero only raised a brow. At that moment, Iida lifted the weight he had been using and said, "Because if I wore something like Kirishima's costume while we team up, you'd smash yourself against the first building you latched onto."
Sero placed a hand on Iida's flexed bicep and confesed after a second with a smile, "Fair enough."
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kumkaniudaku · 5 years
Trading Places
It’s 4:15 pm, I’m at work bored and wanted to post. So here I am. Enjoy. 
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Put on something nice and be ready at 8. I’m taking you out.
Chadwick stood in the center of his trailer sporting a goofy smile as he read the text on his phone in his head. 
Is this a request or a demand?
Did you see a question mark? I’ll be in your city in five hours. Don’t have me waiting. 
Equal parts shocked and impressed by the tone of the message, he decided that no response was necessary. He’d been given instructions that he felt giddy to follow. Throughout the day he would take breaks between scenes and random conversations to read each message as if it was his first time seeing them before reading the name of the sender and smiling. Work had left little time for play, but he was excited to break the monotony of his two-month stay in Chicago. 
Especially with her. 
The restless energy coursing through his veins had him dressed an hour before his date arrived and constantly pushing the curtains aside to check for any movement outside of his rental. When the clock struck 8:00 with no sign of his date, he pulled out his phone to send a cheeky message. 
Attractive but late. Gotta take off points for that.
Before he could place his phone back on the coffee table across from him, a soft buzz alerted him to a response. 
Ha, try again. Come outside before we leave to drink wine without you. 
The mention of a third person made Chadwick’s head cock back with a tinge of jealousy as he walked around the small living room to shut off electronics and move toward the door. He was expecting a night alone, not a group outing. Though he wouldn’t turn down whatever was in store, he wasn’t happy about sharing the object of his affection. 
Step into the pleasantly cool night air, his slight frown spread into a grin when he saw her posted against a jet black SUV that matched her smooth but relaxed outfit choice. 
“Took you long enough,” she hollered as she watched him cross the street with a sparkle in her eye and mirth in her voice. “I almost had the driver leave you behind.” 
“Why? So you could enjoy the night with whoever else is in the car?” 
When they were close enough to touch, Chadwick bent to join his lips with hers. 
“Jealousy looks surprisingly good on you. Don’t worry, it’s just you me and the driver tonight. I’ll keep a third in mind for next time.” 
“Where is new personality coming from?”
Declining to answer right away, Tasha opened the back passenger side door and held it open. 
“We’re trading places tonight. Now get in. No more questions.” 
An entire night catered to him felt foreign. He hadn’t felt like the sole focus of anything not involving an on-screen performance in years. It wasn’t that he was complaining as thousands of thoughts rippled through his mind in the short ride to their destination, but he wasn’t sure how to react. Did he turn around and offer a coy smile when she opened the door for him or ordered a drink on the sidelines? How was he not supposed to go for his wallet when a monetary transaction was required? Was he being rude by not saying thank you after every gesture? 
“You need anything else? I’m around if you want another.”
“Thanks, sweetheart. I think we’re good for now. Keep the change as a tip.” CoCo flashed the sideline attendant her award-winning smile that produced an awestruck stare from the young man. When she turned to pass Chadwick the second beer in her hand, she lightly nudged his arm and laughed. “Loosen up! We’re at a Bulls playoff game! When is that gonna happen again?” 
A small laugh preceded a sip from his plastic cup, “Good point. And thank you...for the drink.” 
“If you say that again, I’m gonna have to take you home. I appreciate the thanks, but I also want you to enjoy the night. Your night.” 
He nodded to show that he understood but kept his eyes on the side of her face when she turned to observe the game. She sat relaxed in a slight slouch, silently commanding attention in a way that would be intimidating to anyone lacking the light that she possessed. He wasn’t sure how she functioned with so much power on a daily basis, but he was happy to be positioned beside her. 
Chugging the remainder of his beverage, Chadwick decided to literally roll his shoulder back, remove his jacket and loosed up to enjoy his surroundings. As the quarter rolled to the midway point, a buzzer sounded throughout the arena to signify a media timeout. 
“It’s time for your Coca-Colaaaa KISS CAM!” 
Fans not engaged in various conversations looked up at the arena’s jumbotron to watch the camera pan from couple to couple willing to display their affection for thousands of strangers. Some moments were sweet while others bordered on outrageous. 
Enthralled in a conversation that was quickly becoming sexual in nature, Chadwick and Tasha quickly forgot that with elevated social stature came unwanted attention. 
“Kiss Cam!” The first statement didn’t do much to get their attention. “Oh, c’mon! Kiss Cam!” 
Honestly, the second time around went largely unnoticed until the cheering from the crowd around them began to grow. Chadwick was the first to look up and see their faces broadcasted around the 360 screens. 
“Hey, look.” He extended his arm to direct CoCo’s attention to the screen. Initially, her eyes flickered with worry before softening into something he couldn’t decipher until she turned to face him. 
“Let’s do it.” 
“Are you serious?” 
“Hell yeah. Kiss me!” 
“Fuck it, I’ll kiss you.”
Before he could react, her small hands cupped his face to bring him into a kiss. The entire arena became charged with loud cheers and whistles as they engaged in the largest public display of affection either of them would have imagined. Just as the kiss ventured into waters to graphic for the viewing audience, Chadwick pulled away with a broad smile gracing her face. She watched Tasha’s eyes remained closed for a second longer before they fluttered open to focus on his features. 
“Loose enough for you, baby? Or should we have another drink?” 
CoCo took the comment in stride and smiled. Without breaking eye contact, she lifted her hand to signal to the sideline attendant. They’d be needing that second drink sooner than she planned. 
A few beers and a win from the home team created the kind of buzz and tension that a couple at the tail end of a date needed to wrap up the night with more than a peck at the front door. 
Hand in hand, Tasha and Chadwick walked through the sparsely populated park, enjoying the sounds of the passing city and each other’s company. They didn’t take themselves too seriously as they traded jokes about trivial matters and snuck kisses under the moonlight. The longer they walked, the louder a once distant saxophone became. 
“Yo, it’s jazz in the park,” Chadwick exclaimed, breaking contact with CoCo to point in the music’s direction. 
“You wanna go this late?” 
“Can we? For a little bit?” 
She could see the excitement in his body language as he impatiently shifted his weight on his legs. Smiling, she held out her hand to grab, giving him full permission to tug her along to the small crowd at the edge of the park. 
A few couples gathered under a covered area, bodies pressed together to move in sync to a jazz rendition of Adorn. Chadwick didn’t miss a beat as he spun Tasha in a circle and pulled her close by her waist. 
The vocalist sang a slower version of the song, making the moment feel suspended in time. This was the kind of spontaneity that characterized their time as kids ripping and running through the New York streets. A similar sense of carefree being settled over them as they spun in a slow circle in time with the music. 
“When I was 18, I met this girl with a big mouth and chicken legs. She had a million opinions about everything under the sun which I loved because she challenged me to be sure of my beliefs. So, for some crazy reason, we decided to be friends.” He felt the vibration of Tasha’s chuckle against his chest and matched it with a laugh of his own. “Now, here she is, drunk, dancing with me in the park and sporting the wedding ring I imagined giving her all those years ago.” 
After lifting her head from his chest, Tasha tilted back to look Chadwick in his eyes. They stared at each other with goofy smiles while they replayed random moments in their timeline that led to the present circumstances. 
“For the record, I’m not drunk,” Tasha spoke to reignite the conversation. 
“Well, I am. Take that for what it is.” 
Tasha’s sweet smile quickly changed to match her bedroom eyes as she trailed her finger down her husband’s chest. “Maybe we should get you back home.” 
The quaint Chicago brownstone buzzed with muffled voices and music. Clothes lay scattered across the floor in a trail from the entrance to the bedroom leading to a spot where the air was thickest. Basking in the afterglow of adult activities, the couple lay on their backs staring up at the ceiling fan responsible for cooling their overheated bodies. 
“Is this what I do to you on date night’s,” Chadwick asked, turning his head against the pillow to look over at his wife. 
She smiled and nodded before breaking out in a small chuckle. “It’s great, huh? Being catered to for the night?”
“Hell yeah. You got it made.” 
“Mhmm,” she hummed before turning on her side to face him. “I’m gonna make sure you have it made more often. Starting with more of the last twenty minutes.”
Her lips left a trail of kisses from his shoulder to jawline until he suddenly used his body weight to press her softly into the mattress. 
“You’ve done an amazing job being me tonight, but I’m ready to get back into my role. I got some things I need to show you.”  
Both of their bodies became charged with excitement and visions of what was in store. They’d be trading places in a different sense for the rest of the night.
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