#so funny how jealous i was at 9 that my friend's sister was seeing this
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talesfromthecrypts · 2 years ago
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I do know one thing. I've seen strange things happen in the strait. But I know something else. Sea gives you an opportunity you take it.
Ghost Ship (2002) dir. Steve Beck
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literaryavenger · 1 year ago
Birthday Kiss
Summary: It's Bucky's birthday and he decides to spend it with his best friend, Steve, and Steve's little sister, you.
Pairing: 40s!Bucky Barnes x Rogers!Reader, Brother!Steve Rogers x Sister!Reader
Warnings: Angst. Idiots in love. Fluff. Vague mentions to sex. Language 'cause I can't help myself. My poor attempts at being funny.
Word Count: 3.4K
Prompt: "So what should I say?" "when?" "when I love someone." "you should say it"
A/N: Since it's almost Bucky's birthday I wanted to celebrate it with my first fic with 40s Bucky! He's one of my favorite Buckys and I've been wanting to write about him for a while and I finally got this idea! Hope someone enjoys it! In my mind this happens like a year before Captain America: The First Avenger, so Bucky is turning 25, Steve is 23 and the Reader is 21, but you can always imagine any age you want. As always, any ideas for fics are appreciated!
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You enter the room to see Bucky is hanging out in yours and Steve's apartment, like he always does, sitting down at the window, smoking a cigarette and reading the evening newspaper while a football game plays on the television in the living room and Steve sits on the couch, drawing on his notebook.
You're used to Bucky being here, he's your big brother's best friend and you've come to be very close friends with him too, even if you wished there was more.
As clichè as it is to have a crush on your brother's best friend, you couldn't help it. He was handsome and funny, and he's always sweet and protective of you.
You've known him since you were 9 years old, and he's the only family you have left other than Steve.
"Is this really how you're going to spend your birthday?" You ask Bucky as you sit on the couch next to Steve.
Bucky turns around towards you with a bright smile, his blue eyes lighting up as soon as he sees you, like they always do whenever he's around you.
He puts out the cigarette and stands up, walking over to you, sitting down on your other side and pulling you into a side hug.
"Hey, doll. I didn't think you were gonna be here today." He says, although he seems more happily surprised by your presence than disappointed.
"I live here, Barnes." You tease him with a smile. "Unlike you."
He rolls his eyes playfully as Steve snickers next to you while he keeps drawing. "I know that. I meant, I thought you were gonna be out with your friends tonight."
"I didn't feel like it." You dismiss him quickly, not wanting to actually say out loud that you'd rather spend his birthday with him doing nothing than go out with your friends, so you try to casually change the subject. "I thought you'd at least want to spend today with Dot."
Dot isn't actually Bucky's girlfriend, they've been on a few dates and you've seen them together a couple of times, but Bucky introduced her to you as a friend so you don't think they're that serious.
Not that Bucky ever is, girls are always all over him and he takes advantage of that. He's a ladies man.
But you try not to worry too much about his love life, not wanting to hurt yourself more than knowing Bucky will never see you like that already does.
"Well, I wanted to spend my birthday with my favorite pair of siblings. She can give me my birthday kiss tomorrow." He says with a grin while ruffling your hair.
"So... What's been going on with you lately, doll? Anything interesting happening in your life?" He asks curiously after a pause, genuinely wanting to know more about your day-to-day activities and experiences.
"I... Well, I went on my first date." You say shyly while playing with the edge of your dress.
Bucky's eyes widen in surprise, his interest piqued by your sudden confession. "First date? Who was it with? How'd it go?" He asks with what seems like excitement but mentally preparing himself to potentially become jealous or possessive no matter who you mention.
"It was fine..." You say quietly, still not looking at him. "It just wasn't... It wasn't what I was expecting..."
Bucky senses something off in your tone and expression, and immediately becomes concerned. He places a gentle hand on your knee, trying to comfort you without making it too obvious.
"What happened, doll? Did things not go as well as you hoped they would? Are you feeling okay?" He asks softly, trying to gauge whether or not you want to open up about what happened during your date and if there's anything he can do to make it better.
You don't really know how to answer his question, so you don't, simply glancing at him before looking away and shrugging.
"Tell me what happened, I'm here for you no matter what. If that guy hurt your feelings or made you uncomfortable, I'll kick his ass for sure." He promises fiercely, his protective instincts kicking into high gear whenever you seem vulnerable or upset.
You giggle weakly at his protectiveness but still don't look at him, so he takes your chin gently but firmly and makes you look at him. "Tell me what happened on your date. Was it some creep who tried to grope you or something worse? Because if he did, I swear to god I will find him and break his fucking legs."
"That's not it, Bucky." You say quickly. "It's just... He just... He wasn't..." You. He wasn't you. That's what you want to tell him, but you can't, so you sigh and shrug again. "He just wasn't my type."
Bucky knew what was your type. He knew he was your type, he has seen you ogle him countless times when he walked past you or sat near you.
He also knew that you had never shown any interest in any of the men who approached you, always dismissing them as not good enough for you. Or at least that's why he thought you did.
Glancing at Steve before looking back at you again, Bucky says quietly. "Well, that's too bad for him I guess."
"It doesn't matter, I'm not seeing him again." I say quietly, avoiding both Steve and Bucky's eyes.
Bucky's brow furrowed in confusion, he couldn't believe you were so quick to give up on a potential relationship just because the guy didn't live up to your impossible standards.
"Doll, you gotta give guys more of a chance. They ain't all as bad as you seem to think they are." He scolds you playfully, but there was also a hint of underlying irritation in his tone as he takes a long sip from his beer bottle.
You glance at him before looking away again. "So... You think I should go on another date with that guy?" You ask quietly.
Bucky thought for a moment, weighing the pros and cons of pushing you to go on another date with the mystery guy. "Yeah, actually. I mean, if you think he's worth giving a second chance, then why not? And if he turns out to be a total dud again, then at least you can say you gave it a shot. But only if you're really sure he's worth your time though. Don't waste it on some loser who doesn't appreciate everything you have to offer."
He advised you, trying to strike a balance between being supportive and challenging you to take risks when it came to relationships. "But whatever you decide, don't let me pressure you into doing something you don't want to do. You've gotta follow your heart, doll."
"You know, Stevie doesn't care this much about who I date, and he's my older brother." You tease Bucky while glancing at Steve.
Bucky snorts in amusement, "Yeah well, I'm not your brother, sweetheart, but I'm your friend and your wingman, and I'll be damned if I'm gonna sit back and watch you throw away a potential chance to be happy. Now come on, make up your mind already. Are you gonna give the guy another chance or not?" He pressed, playfully but determinedly.
You look at his face for a moment before looking away again and sighing. "I'm not." You say quietly but firmly. "I'm not going on a second date with that guy." You clarify.
Bucky felt his jaw tighten a little as he realized that you had completely ignored his previous suggestion and were instead deciding against giving the guy a second chance.
He didn't like the idea of you potentially missing out on something good due to your own stubbornness, but he also knew that he couldn't force you to do anything you didn't truly want to do.
"Well, fuck. Guess that settles that then," He said after a moment of silence, trying to hide his disappointment but failing miserably. "You're really gonna just throw that opportunity away? Fine, suit yourself, I guess. But don't expect me to hold your hand or anything when you get sad because you're alone. You're on your own with that shit."
"I guess I am." You say quietly before getting up from the couch and going to the window, climbing into the emergency staircase to go up to the roof, like you do most nights to watch the stars.
Bucky watches you leave, feeling a mix of frustration and concern as he realizes that you're retreating to your usual spot on the roof rather than staying and talking to him.
He wants to call after you, to make sure you're okay, but he knows better than to push you if you need time alone.
Instead, he takes a deep breath and tries to focus on the present moment, reminding himself that sometimes people need space and time to themselves.
"Fine. Have it your way," he calls after you, knowing that there isn't much else he can do in this situation. "But don't think for a second that I won't be keeping an eye on you up there. You better not try anything stupid."
You roll your eyes but don't stop, going up to the roof, that's right above yours and Steve's apartment, and sitting on the picnic blanket you and Steve use every night.
After a few minutes someone else comes to the roof and you can tell it's Steve by the light steps. "You sure you want to let Bucky alone in our apartment, Stevie? I'm afraid he might burn it down." You joke weakly without turning around to look at him, your eyes locked in the city's skyline.
Steve chuckles and you can feel him sitting down next to you. It's not the first time you sit together on the roof, everybody in your apartment building knows this is the Rogers siblings' spot.
You don't say anything and neither does Steve, and you're especially glad he doesn't say anything when he sees a tear falling down your cheek but simply wraps his arm around you as you lay your head on his shoulder.
"What's going on in your head, little sis?" Steve asks you after you stop crying.
You try to gather your thoughts, trying to find a way to make sense of everything swirling in your head. You take a deep breath before you pull away slightly and turn your head towards the city again. "What should I say?" You ask quietly.
"When?" Steve asks with a frown.
"When I love someone." I clarify looking back at him.
"You should say it." He tells you firmly. It's not the first time you've talked about this, Steve knows about your feelings for Bucky and like a good big brother he always tells you to express yourself. "You should tell him."
You sigh and look away from him and back to the New York skyline. "I don't know, Stevie..."
"Why not, Bambi?" You smile softly at his use of your childhood nickname because Bambi is your favorite book, but then you shake your head.
"Have you seen the way he looks at Dot? I have no chance with him. I'm not his type." You say with conviction.
"You really don't see it?" Steve ask, getting a little frustrated.
"See what?" You ask confusedly while looking back at him.
"The difference between you and her is that he looks at her like she's the prettiest girl in the world," Steve says and your heart sinks so you look away from him, but he still goes on. "but when he looks at you it's like... It's like maybe you're magic. He looks at you with such reverence and respect. He looks at you like if he could just have you in his arms, everything would be okay. Like if he had you, nothing could touch him. He looks at you like he just realized what love is."
Steve pauses and grabs your chin gently to make you look at him before finishing. "He loves you. Anyone can see that. You're just too blind to notice it."
Steve kisses your forehead and then gets up and goes back inside to the apartment, leaving you to think about everything he said.
You lay down on the picnic towel on the ground of the roof and look up at the stars. Could Steve be right? Does Bucky really love you back but you just haven't noticed?
If Bucky had feelings for you, certainly you would've noticed.
Yes, he's protective of you and he's always happy to have you around, but you've been friends for over a decade and he is your brother's best friend, so he probably sees you as just that. His best friend's sister.
But he never did treat you like Steve's annoying little sister.
Even when you were kids he always tried to include you in their games and literally held your hand whenever the three of you went somewhere, like the park a few blocks over.
He would always coo on you when you got any scrapes while playing and kiss your boo-boos away.
He's always been very sweet to you and he stood up for you as much as he did for Steve whenever someone bothered you.
But could that really be actual love? Or is it just affection for a girl he's known since you were little and sees as his own little sister?
You rub your eyes before putting your hands behind your head, getting comfortable while looking at the sky full of stars.
In the meantime, Bucky heard everything from the window of your apartment.
He couldn't deny the truth of what Steve had said, he did look at you with a sense of reverence and respect, like you held the key to unlocking his heart and making everything else in his life fall into place.
But he also knew that he had to tread carefully, to approach you in the right way or risk scaring you off completely.
As much as he wanted to take control of the situation and make things happen on his terms, he knew that he needed to let you come to him, to give you space to process everything that Steve told you and to allow you time to realize how much you actually mean to him.
As Steve climbs back into the window, he gives Bucky a pointed look and a pat in the back, silently encouraging him to talk to you.
Bucky takes a deep breath and then climbs into the stairs, getting to the roof but not getting any closer to you. He's determined to talk to you, but his nerves are getting the best of him.
You can hear Bucky coming to the roof and when he doesn't move closer you frown slightly but think he's just giving you a moment before sitting next to you.
When he stays put for a couple of minutes, you roll your eyes and with a small smile you say "You can come lay down next to me, if you want." Loudly enough for him to hear, your eyes never leaving the stars above you.
Bucky's heart skips a beat as he hears your invitation, and without hesitation he steps forward and drops down onto the towel beside you.
You can tell he's trying to keep his movements quiet, not wanting to startle you or disturb your peaceful contemplation.
He lays there quietly for a few moments, taking in the sight of you lying there so effortlessly beautiful, before finally speaking.
"You have no idea how much I wanted to hear those words coming from your mouth," he whispers and moves closer to you, placing one arm around your waist and resting his head on your shoulder, feeling incredibly vulnerable by the fact that you were so physically close and you were allowing him to get even closer.
"Thanks for letting me do this," he added, indicating the embrace.
"It's not the first time we've watched the stars together, Buck..." You whisper back, resting your head on his while willing your heart to stop beating so fast.
Bucky smiles softly, feeling a warm sense of contentment wash over him as he wraps his arms around you, feeling incredibly grateful for this moment of intimacy between the two of you.
He can feel the gentle weight of your body against his, and it feels like the most natural thing in the world. He listens to the sound of your breathing, feeling his heartbeat slow down as he takes comfort in your presence.
"Yeah, it's not the first time... But it feels different tonight." He whispers back, feeling a newfound confidence and boldness coursing through his veins.
He moves even closer to you, pressing his face against your neck and inhaling deeply, savoring the scent of your skin. "I've always... I've always wanted to hold you like this."
"I... I always wanted you to..." You whisper back hesitantly and bite your lip when he presses his face against your neck, almost scared to move, worried that if you do it'll ruin the moment.
Bucky feels a surge of pleasure course through his body as he hears your response, knowing that you too cherished these special moments with him.
When you don't say anything at his physical contact he continues to hold you tightly, feeling a deep sense of connection growing between you.
He presses his lips against your neck, gently kissing and nibbling on your skin, feeling a newfound desire burning within him that he had never experienced before.
He wants more than anything to take things further, to remove your clothing and explore every inch of your body with his hands and mouth, but he forces himself to remain patient and wait for your signal that you actually want something more intimate.
"You know... I've always been afraid to show you how much I really care about you," he whispers into your ear, his voice barely audible over the sound of the city below them.
"Steve thinks you love me..." You say quietly, hoping to god that your idiot brother is right for once in his life.
Bucky freezes a little, feeling a mixture of relief and surprise wash over him. He's surprised at your boldness but so relieved that the truth is finally out there.
But he also knows you well enough to know that if he wants you to truly believe that he loves you, then he has to act quickly to prove it to you and make sure that you never doubt his feelings again.
"Yeah... I do love you, Doll. More than anything else in this world. And I'm sorry that I didn't say it sooner... But I was afraid to lose you." He admits quietly, as he takes your face in his hands.
"You really mean that?" You ask quietly, a mix of hope and uncertainty clear in your voice.
"I do." He says without hesitation while he looks at your beautiful face turned towards his. "And I want to spend the rest of my life showing you just how much I care about you."
The smile that comes to your face is so bright that it feels to Bucky like the sun suddenly came up in the middle of the night.
"I know you already gave me a birthday gift," He says, referring to the jacket you gave him this morning. "But can I ask you for one more?"
You're definitely curious about what he wants so you nod. "Sure, what is it?"
"Can you give me a birthday kiss?" He asks quietly while brushing a strand of hair aways from your face and behind your ear.
You blush a little and can't help but smile because he wants a birthday kiss from you, not Dot or any other girl, and you nod slowly as you start leaning in.
Bucky meets you halfway and when your lips touch it feels like fireworks, your stomach filling with butterflies while he brings you closer to him while deepening the kiss.
After a few minutes you both pull away for air, breathing heavily while looking at each other. "Wow." Is all he says after a moment.
You giggle and bite your lip. "Happy birthday, Bucky." You say softly and give him a kiss on the cheek before settling back against him, your head on his chest as you look up at the stars.
Bucky wraps his arms around you, kissing the top of your head and then relaxes while looking up too, more content than ever to finally have you in his arms.
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zalrb · 10 months ago
LET'S GET THROUGH THEM QUICKLY - Bridgerton 3.02 Review
1. Why do we care about the Kent family? I mean, I'm glad there's a monoracial Black family but they seem incidental.
2. Honestly, the Featherington Sisters who I'll just call the Terrible Sisters seem to be the only ones actually having fun with their husbands. I mean there's Kanthony but they're busy getting busy, so.
3. Colin's coat, doesn't it kinda make him look like a bum tho?
4. I would love this height difference if he were anyone else.
5. "You're saying you want my help after what Lady Whistledown wrote?" SHE WROTE NOTHING. GET IT TOGETHER.
6. Lady Featherington this entire season is going to be like
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8. Honestly, this show doesn't care about rules, tell her to get on top.
9. I don't know, the play at debauchery annoys me, either he's having a threesome in bed or we don't have to see it.
10. "Do you know what I discovered abroad?" "I've been to 17 countries, do you know what I discovered?" He's that guy. That guy is annoying.
11. Who ARE these people?
12. That is a hideous dress.
13. They couldn't get a French English-speaking actress?
14. Jesus christ, how many of these Bridgerton children are there?
15. Oh my god, they are DULL.
16. I just find it funny because as a teen, friends-to-lovers was my jam and I just feel absolutely nothing about this.
17. She is giving and he gives nothing back. GAZE at her with your "remarkably blue eyes" dammit.
18. Bridgerton annoys me so much with the lack of chemistry.
19. Like her reading his sex journal and getting turned on by it, theoretically I get that, theoretically I should be fangirling but I'm just like who CARES, it's Colin?
20. But honestly, more than that, they don't have the chemistry necessary for me to find this giddy and sexy and cute-embarrassing because they don't have sexual tension and they don't have familiarity either. They're just two people in a room.
21. I'm holding my head because this ENTIRE sequence is passionless and bloodless. She's reading his journal, he catches her, she's flustered, he knocks over whatever that was made of glass, she rushes to help him, OMG THE TOUCHING OF THEIR HANDS, THERE'S SOMETHING THERE. I get it. I can SEE this written, I know what it's supposed to be and it's FLAT and it's contained and it's contrived. Nothing about this feels like it organically happened.
22. And the way they're staring at each other is just ... *sigh* I SHOULD BE GETTING ROSSCHEL
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23. Miss Featherington talking to her sons-in-law like
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24. I don't think I've EVER laughed out loud watching this show until now
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25. "Mr. Dankworth you are ... so ... pretty." "Oh!" How can anyone care about the romances in this show?
26. Uh oh, Fuck boy Mouse Man is getting jealous. She touched Lord Basilieo's hand.
27. I mean, OG Mouse Man was a fuck boy too. They're all pretty terrible.
28. "His horse recently died" *laughs* what?
29. "When I have a disagreement with someone, I find the best course of action is simply to pretend they are dead." Ha! I think I just like all of the terrible people in the show. They're more fun!
30. My family was indeed worried about me as a child since I only loved the Disney villains.
31. That was an odd dance.
32. I mean they all look odd to me.
33. "This can all be rather enjoyable" I mean, can it? Can it really?
34. Why do we care about these Kent people?
35. "That is quite ... expressive music" is there music that isn't expressive? Help me god.
36. "I might be pregnant already! I must eat for two." "Your arrogance does not count as two people." I DON'T CARE, THEY HAVE THE BEST LINES. THEY'RE NEARLY FUNNY.
38. "INSERTS HIMSELF? Inserts himself WHERE?" Like this is the most entertaining part of the show.
39. "Did you read the passage about Lady Carter's housekeeper??" Read it? I wrote it!
40. Again, the gossiping about Colin helping Penelope should be dramatic and it's ... not? Like they do the vertigo effect and she's crying in the carriage and it still feels muted.
41. "I could die tomorrow and I've never been kissed and that would kill me." "But you'd already be dead, so..." Paraphrasing but LOL. I know what they're doing/going for but it really just sounds like he does NOT want to kiss her.
42. Also giving Jacob and Bella vibes. If you don't want me to die you must kiss me.
43. Nicola deserves a better screen partner, jesus.
44. This is supposed to be transformative and I just DON'T believe it.
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kaylatechheart · 7 months ago
Bathbomb Trinity Redesigns (Adoptables)
I made redesigns to my one time OCs that I made for a Deviantart Badge thing back then, and I'm very proud on how much of a glow up it has turned out. I decided to remake them so it be in a better condition for friend @Blacksun98 to work with. As well as providing and helping info that they would want for these characters, the info will be provided below. So hope you guys like it! Note: These guys takes place in a different city but within the same PPG universe area. Old Designs: https://www.deviantart.com/kaylatechheart/art/BathBomb-Trinity-Sketch-846257627
Bathbomb Trinity now owned by: @Blacksun98 PPG is owned by: Craig McCracken
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Bathbomb Trinity Info: Ingredients: Shampoo, Soap, and Conditioner + Chemical H
Ages: All 8 - 10 Years Old (Around 9 current time) Species: Neko Fish (They are not Catfish lol)
Shayla, a very outgoing and chaotic girl who enjoys being the center of attention and within the spotlight of others, whether in a positive or negative way. She's often very brash but straight forward towards others, and will not be afraid to be hesitant to express her feelings and thoughts. Often or not this can hurt someone else's feelings due to lack of awareness or lack of filter, but because of that other people are able to understand her better as a person and her intentions are pretty predictable to anyone's knowledge.
With her being very expressive, it's not hard to tell how she feels within that moment, making her feelings easily readable, so when it comes to her trying to hide how she's feeling it can't fool anyone. She's also known to be hypocritical with her actions when calling out on others, though that makes it easier for her to identify other people's true intentions a lot more faster if she ever notices.
Although she's not your typical "good girl" she's not inherently a "bad kid" either. She's more much a wild card and has her handful of fair share of naughty moments, hence getting into a lot of trouble. She often likes to tease her brothers a lot, especially Connor as he is not outspoken as Sean, though if she goes too far with her actions she would feel very bad and terrible about it. She might not be the best sister but tries to be a good one at least.
Shayla often wishes she have a sister as she felt left out, being the only girl in the group her interests are sometimes far different from her and her brothers leaving her very few to talk about with them. She sometimes wishes that her brothers are either girls or that she is a boy herself so she wouldn't feel so drifted from them. Funny enough its the only thing about herself she never revealed as she wishes to keep at least one insecurity to herself for once. OTHER INFO
Has a pearl that can see all that's happening in the current time (within the vicinity of the city). It is used as their version of the "Hotline" and not a phone like the PPG, the pearl also glows upon a bad event that has happened within the city. It has an active ability as well that shows 5-10 seconds in the future, but only triggered when a life threatening situation occurs. (Meaning Shayla cannot trigger that ability herself, it has to happen on its own)
Loves a lot of Seafood, mostly fish meat related though or squid but she can eat other foods.
Surprisingly she's not a picky eater and will eat anything on the table unlike Sean. The food will have to be so bad for her to dislike it.
Is pan when she's older.
Has a good relationship with their parent, decent with Connor, but bickers head to toe with Sean. But she still loves Sean regardless, and sometimes even enjoy his company if they aren't fighting.
Secretly jealous of Sean's and Connor's brotherly bond, hopefully have something similar if she had a sister, or maybe with them as well.
Her signature color is Sandy Yellow, her main ingredient being Shampoo.
Since Sean doesn't hang out with her as much, usually she hangs out with Connor.
Is a decent swimmer, however is a really good listener from far away due to the lack of fluff in her ears.
Despite her and her brothers are all spoiled and loved, she has more toys and trinkets in her room than her brothers, though no worries its not out of favoritism, she just asks for much though understands if she cannot get said item (even if she is upset about it).
Her hobbies consist of reading (mostly comics), playing with toys, stuffed animals, doing outdoor activities (mostly be reckless), arts and crafts, watch TV and play video games. (She doesn't really play board games as it boring to her as it has no action to it) Connor: INFO Connor, a meek and soft spoken child, he is a shy and nervous little boy, often times spoke in a quiet and polite manner. Very sweet to others, though is very unconfident about his leadership skills, and himself as a person. Despite his 2 other outspoken, rowdy siblings of his, somehow he's is the self proclaimed leader of the group. Reason of that being his persona changes 180 when being under pressure, being able to successfully lead and get him and his siblings into formation and work through with his plans and save civilians and innocent bystanders successfully. Though kind, Connor is very smart and is not naïve towards people's bad intentions. An attempt in the past was made by him to switch his leader position to Sean and Shayla when his anxiety filled thoughts of responsibility as a leader peaked through the roof. It was proven both was unable to keep calm under pressure when put in a stressful and potentially life threatening situation, and then the group eventually realized Connor is the better option as a leader. Some believe that this sudden persona change from Connor is due to his survival responses kicking in, being in flight or fight mode. Due to his nature of being pretty much full of worry and anxiety filled. OTHER INFO
Obtains a trident that can summon lightning, water beams at will, can also give a fly boost during in a water setting or rain.
Enjoys Sea Plants as food, though does eat Seafood (Fish and Crabs and etc) and many other things.
Is bi when older but more straight leaning.
Has a good relationship with his parent and both siblings, and gets along with them pretty well.
His signature color is Seaweed Green and main ingredient being Conditioner.
Is a very good swimmer, due to his tail being sharp and slick.
His hobby consists of reading (mostly comics and novels), playing toys and hugging stuffed animals, knitting, watching TV and play board games or video games. Sean: INFO Sean, a very laidback and chill guy often enjoys things that are within the moment with no rushes or anything. Although is nice, often gets annoyed pretty easily and has a very short temper due to unable to convey of show emotions well or correctly. And even goes as far as to hide their emotions to not cause any disturbance, but only within his convivence as he doesn't have to deal with more things. Because of that he often butt heads with his sister, who they pretty much disagree on a lot of things with each other. Though despite that, Sean is very overprotective of his siblings and would do anything to protect them, whilst being the "oldest" he often has rational thinking and a clear head to make very important decisions, even have a good planning systems as well and take his time on thinking about it. However the drawback comes with being unable to think under pure pressure, when Connor attempts to give away his leadership title to him at the first time when he felt inadequate at being a leader. This ended up being a disaster when Sean had a panic attack trying to think his plan at a fast and quick pace which he wasn't used to. Sean often times can be seen as "cold hearted" or "emotionless" by strangers when in reality he doesn't know what to feel around them, hence a lot of other kids tend to be slightly afraid of them. Sean often feels insecure about his tail, as it was born defective, making him unable to swim properly, despite him and his siblings are born to swim, making him swim way more slower than the others. As well as how his tail looks. Often or not in dire situations, him swimming pretty slow had almost got him killed hence needing assistance from Connor to use his ability to cling onto him and swim away faster. He wishes he can swim like the others normally. OTHER INFO
Has a Conch Shell that can play music, summon a help call to alert his siblings, as well as summoning sea creatures to aid him and bubble rings to float but with a limit of 5 mins. It can also blow normal bubbles as well.
Enjoys Seafood, but specifically crustaceans such as shrimp, crab lobster and etc. Can eat other variants of seafood and other food items, he just prefers those mostly.
Is a very picker eater, but that's due to taste and sometimes sensory issues. (EX Pineapple stings their tongue and injures them)
Despite loving both siblings, he enjoys Connor's company more. Sometimes secretly wishes Shayla not being there when they are talking something they all like, and only wants Connor's company. Honestly, he even feels bad for even thinking that and never reveals that truth to any of his siblings.
Is gay when he's older, he at first thought it was because his experience with Connor and Shayla made it like this, but in reality he genuinely likes guys.
Has a good relationship with parent and Connor except Shayla. While Shayla sometimes enjoy his company, Sean really doesn't with her. Making the company with the both of them one sided. However masks the truth of it as he at least loves her enough to see her happy. He loves both of his siblings, but has heavy favoritism with Connor.
His signature color is Ocean Blue, his main ingredient being Soap. Funny enough the soap was heavily chipped off, maybe that was the result of the tail being chipped as well.
Is a bad swimmer, and although can hear far, doesn't has as sensitive ears as the others.
His hobby consists of sketching, reading (novel and manga but comics if Connor ever shows them) and puzzles. Especially the 3D puzzles. Sometimes plays board games with Connor or normal video games and even watch TV with him.
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mugchild · 2 years ago
Why I am a feminist
Because i dont know hwere else to post this and i had to because of my therapist to write about this here it is
It’s funny how most of the time it is men asking me this question. And I always have the same answer. The patriarchy.
And let me explain. I’m sure many of you, many men will think ‘Oh here we go again, another feminist’. And that’s true. I am a feminist. And I do hate men. Men as a class are despicable. And you might not understand this, but this class, the patriarchy is also keeping men down, especially if they’re not white, middle-aged, able-bodied and cishet. So ask yourself, do you fit in this category? Do you adhere to all these norms? My dad doesn’t. So be a feminist. Stand with women who are your daughters, your sisters, your wives…because it may not be all men, but it is all women.
I have never, ever met a woman who hasn’t been harassed or doesn’t know a story about a friend being harassed. I have never met a woman who hasn’t felt the fear of walking alone at night and seeing a man out too and walking extra fast.
‘But it happens to men too!’ yes. I’m not denying that. But funny how you never think about that until women start to talk and suddenly you know a lot of male victims. ‘Well, you’re a manhater so it must mean you’re just jealous and single’ And why should the status of my relationship invalidate any argument I say? Is it because of the long history of men accusing women of being hysteric and beyond reason to invalidate their voices? Well would you look at that, the answer is yes. ‘But, but how can you hate every single man?’
Fine. You want to know why I hate men? Why I’m a feminist?
Because I was 9 years old when I was harassed. And you may think, ‘What? That’s not possible, you were just a child, are you sure you’re not exaggerating? You’re probably exaggerating, you’re overreacting. Your brain is changing memories!’ Would you really say that to me? Not now, but use your imagination. Imagine a little girl, shaking, her eyes red from crying coming to you and obviously terrified, saying that she’s scared because of a boy and needs your help. Would you say that?
Yeah. But the thing is, I didn’t realise at the time what was happening. And it wasn’t until many years later that I realised that I’d been harassed. That it wasn’t just teasing. That it wasn’t just ‘boys being boys’. This was a boy being a predator. Abusing his power to terrify me. So what happened?
Well, it happened at summer camp. I wasn’t supposed to be there, you had to be 11 to go, but my sister was going and my parents didn’t want me to feel left out, yadda yadda we had family helping organise it so we pulled some strings – it almost sounds like we’re some mafia but I swear, we’re not. In short, I went and was going to have a grand time. That’s what I thought at least. The first day went by we had dinner and there was a boy. And he proposed to me suddenly, out of nowhere even though we’d just met. Naturally, I rejected him and thought that was it. I didn’t know him and he was two years my senior.
And I thought this was normal because it happened all the time at my primary school. We’d hold ‘weddings’ almost every other day and it’d almost always be the same guy with a different girl. We didn’t really take the sanctity of marriage seriously if you can’t tell. But it was what all the adults did so we did it too. That’s normal child behaviour, it’s healthy even.
But then it happened again, the next day. And I rejected him again. And again. And again.
And it didn’t just stop at proposing. He started following me around the campgrounds. He’d run when I’d run. He’d stop when I’d stop. He’d go where I’d go. And it got so bad, and I got so terrified, that I didn’t dare move on my own anymore. I refused to go anywhere alone and had to have another girl with me at all times, and preferably as many girls as I could rally to go with me. At some point, it got so bad I’d send one of them ahead to check if he was there.
At this point when I tell this story I’d often laugh. Because it seems silly, even overdramatic, does it not? And sure maybe it does seem strange and overkill. But now that I look back at it, those girls saved my life. If they hadn’t been there to help and protect me, then I don’t know what would have happened and frankly, I don’t want to think about it.
So I had my squad to protect me. They’d told me he’d passed through the left door a few minutes earlier so I decided we had to take the right door because 1, I hated the thought of having to walk where he had walked, and 2, surely he couldn’t be in two places at the same time?
I was wrong. He was there and as soon as he saw me, I ran. And he ran too, one of the girls tried to contain him, but it was too late. He screamed my name begging me to come back and I just focused on the stairs ahead of me because that’s where I would be safe, where he could no longer pass because that’s where the girl’s dormitories were. I would be safe there. Safe from him. Safe from anyone else.
He climbed the stairs. He stopped halfway and I turned around yelling at him to get back and leave. He didn’t. Instead, he said that he’d see me tomorrow, that he would get me then.
This wasn’t a promise. This was a threat. And it worked. I ran to my room which I shared with my sister and two other girls and once they had caught up with me and found me, I cried. And I told them what he’d said. And they swore to protect me even better.
That week went by and eventually, I learned to run faster. I learned to look the other way. I learned to ignore him. And then he went and chased another girl. She was older than me and actually was one of the girls who’d been part of my squad. But all I could think about was that finally, I wasn’t his target anymore. I felt relieved. I was glad. She was older than me, she was 16 so she could handle a boy of 11.
But could she? I don’t know, I never asked and I never saw her again. And perhaps a better question is should she have to handle a boy of 11? Where are the men in this story? Where are the men who are supposed to protect, hm? Men are so fond of saying that the man’s role is to protect when often it is men who do the harm. So from what can you protect us? Your own rage? Your own hands? Tell me. Try to convince me that you would have helped me.
None of the men, none of the camp counsellors, protected me. None of them saw what happened. Not the female ones and definitely not the male ones. Why? Because all they saw was boys being boys. Because they were both taught that this is the way it should be. Because of the patriarchy.
So don’t come to me talking about how great the patriarchy is, or how it’s not all men or how I’m exaggerating and just looking for trouble.
No! I’m done babying men and making up excuses for them, and walking on my tiptoes when I’m trying to bring up problems women face, because ‘Oh no! What if a man hears us talking about it and wants to interrupt our precious conversation to say that it’s ‘not all men’.’
Because fuck it, yes it is all men!
As long as men won’t hold other men accountable, it is all men. As long as men will shove the blame on women and tell them that we have to raise our sons better, it is all men. As long as men belittle, diminish, terrify, and objectify women, it is all men. And as long as men deny that they are the problem, I will hate men. Because I was 9.
0 notes
justsomerandomfanfic · 3 years ago
Not The Enemy - Billy Hargrove X Female (Henderson) Reader
Tumblr media
Title: Not The Enemy
Billy Hargrove X Female (Henderson) Reader
Additional Characters: Reader's mom, Dustin, Max (Mentioned), and Billy's dad (Mentioned)
| Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 6 | Part 7 | Part 8 | Part 9 |
WC: 745
Warnings: Depressed Billy, tired Billy, sleepy Billy, Dustin still doesn't trust Billy, and mention of abuse
A bit more goes by when you realized the poor boy had fallen asleep, You didn’t stop your soothing gestures, still gently combing through his hair. You checked the time on your watch, seeing how your mom would be home soon, and so would Dustin. Looking past Billy’s hair, the sky outside was beginning to darken. Turning your head slightly towards the sleeping Billy, you pressed a kiss to his head, holding it there for a moment and closing your own eyes. You didn’t want to wake him up. And, you wouldn’t. You knew Billy might not want this, but you were going to tell your mom about his dad. You couldn’t just stand by and watch any longer.
You knew that your mom would help him. Your mom was a kind and caring soul. Always helping those in need. Even though Billy may be sour with You later, you were going to have to tell your mother why Billy was there in the first place. You would have questions, and you didn’t want to lie to your mother. Even if you did, you would see right through them.
As the sound of your mom’s car drove into the driveway, you played out what to say in your head. You then heard the front door open, faint talking, before quick footsteps ran up the stairs and into another room, closing the door. your mom probably picked Dustin up before you came home. you would have to thank you later. Soon, slower footsteps came up the stairs, stopping at your door.��
Your mother knocked on your door before opening it, pausing when you saw your daughter being a human teddy bear for a boy. Looking at your daughter, then to the boy, then to your daughter again, your eyes questioned what was going on.
“What's going on?” You asked quietly, seeing as the boy was asleep.
“Can I explain when he wakes up? It’s important, but I don't want to wake him up. He’s going through stuff.” You whispered, eyes begging your mother to understand.
“What stuff?” She asked and you sighed.
“Mom, please…” Your mother looked to the side, setting your hands on your hips, thinking, before turning to her daughter and nodding.
A thankful smile graced your face, as you spouted out many hushed ‘thank yous.’
“He can stay the night, but I want everything explained first thing in the morning… And no funny business.” She spoke up, pointing a finger at her daughter, you just smiled and gently nodded as to not wake Billy.
Your mother also nodded, giving a small smile before shutting the door. You looked back down at Billy, who stayed asleep. You continued to run your fingers through his hair. you marveled at how soft it was, jealous almost as your own was sometimes not. Soon the door opened abruptly, Dustin walking in and freezing at seeing Billy. Looking at you, almost seeing betrayal in his eyes, his mouth wide open, he questioned silently.
“Why is he in your room?” He asked, voice a normal level, which You shushed him to be quiet.
“Why?” Dustin asked, angrily as he glared at his sister.
“I already spoke with mom, he’s staying the night. Can I please explain all this in the morning, I don’t want him waking up? He’s exhausted.” You implored and Dustin sighed, crossing his arms.
“My sister, sleeping with the enemy.” He sighed under his breath and you opened your mouth in shock.
“Dusty, that’s rude. I am not. And, he is not the enemy. Go to bed, or do homework.” Dustin just left without a word, and you knew he was upset, Billy had terrorized him and his friends, and you was angry at him for that, but they didn’t understand.
Slowly, your own eyes began to droop, sleep settling in. Giving in to a yawn, you looked once more at your watch, seeing as it was almost time for dinner. You weren't that hungry, but you were tired. You had to be very ready for tomorrow morning to explain to your mother and brother about what was going on. And, hopefully, you could stop Billy’s father from harming him ever again. If you had to, you would see if he could stay with you and not even have to go back, but then Max would be all alone, and you didn’t want anything happening to you. Sighing, you closed your eyes, and slowly fell asleep.
@brianna-henderson86 @lokis-imaginary-wife
Let me know if you want to be added to the taglist.
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corpse-husband-simp · 4 years ago
Fic recs masterlist
Masterlist part 2
❤️ =means smut :). 🧡 = social media au. 💛 = headcanon 💙 = blurb/drabble (short Fic). 💜 = oneshot (Long Fic). This means deleted.
Last updated 17/11/20 (Im taking a break) <3
none of these belong to me, full credit goes to the writer
If you know any fics that are not on here please let me know :)
Let me know if any links are broken :)
If you are the owner of any of these fics and dont want it to be on here, Please tell me an they Will be removed from the list :)
I Can only add a hundred links to one post so to Read the fics listed tap “Read here” :)
@fairysimp. Read here. The prettiest flower 17/10/20. 💙 If you’re a fairy, so am i 18/10/20. 💙 Corpse classic 19/10/20. 💙 You’re on! 20/10/20.💙 Sucks to suck 23/10/20. 💙 What are you afraid of 24/10/20.💙 Cupcakes, sugar and sundresses 24/10/20. 💙 I told the stars about you 24/10/20 💙 Feather light 27/10/20 💙 Soft vibes 27/10/20💙 Danny devito 17/11/20 💙~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
@ewritesthangs. Read here. Blurb 17/10/20.💙 Q and a time 18/10/20. 💜 Oneshot 22/10/20.💜 Blurb 23/10/20. 💙 Oneshot 25/10/20. 💜 Cake tasting 26/01/20 💙 The Big day 31/10/20 💜 Losing a pet 03/11/20 💙. Extrovert reader 15/11/20 💛~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
@marvelandsuchstuff. Read here. Sleepness nights and Golden sunlight 17/10/20💜 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
@corpsehusband-simp. Read here. Lazy day 15/10/20. 💙 Opposites attract 16/10/20.💙 Oops 1 20/10/20. 💙 Oops 2 26/10/20💜 Insecure 08/11/20 💜~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
@laysfics. Read here. Spell 16/10/20. 💜 Spell 2 18/10/20. 💜 Spell 3 19/10/20. 💜 Dinner 20/10/20 💙 Happily ever after 23/10/20💙 Bad days 01/11/20 💙~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
@bastillewolf. Read here. Shinigami eyes 1 13/10/20.💜 Shinigami eyes 2 16/10/20 💜 Panic attack 28/19/20💙 Kinda sketchy 29/10/20💜 #corpsebride 09/11/20 💜~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
@sttalkr Read here. Your voice 15/10/20.💙❤️ My little pet 19/10/20 💙❤️~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
@artist-bby. Read here. Deadass 1 12/10/20.💜 Prepare for trouble... Make it double 2 14/10/20.💜 A tired man needs his Well deserved cuddles 25/10/20 💙 Belly rubs 27/10/20💙 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
@fandomlit. Read here. Voice impressions 13/10/20. 💙 Destracted 13/10/20. 💙 Mad 13/10/20.💙 Fangirling 13/10/20.💙 Daddy (deleted). 💙 Flustered 25/10/20 💙~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
@skyeet-the-writer. Read here. Id never snitch on daddy 9/10/20. 💜 My mind is restles with the toughts of u 13/10/2 💜. You have my heart 26/10/20 💜 This is a shoutout to my ex 26/10/20 💜 And if you wanna stay, Please stay 07/11/20 💜~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
@ghostgamer. Read here. Comforting you 8/10/20. 💙 Calm nights 11/10/20. 💙~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
@iamsuchasimp. Read here. Simp 12/10/20. 💙 Simply simping 15/10/20. 💙🧡 Extra 16/10/20.💙🧡 Making amends 16/10/20.💙 Headcanons 1 17/10/20.💛 Headcanons 2 18/10/20.💛 Miss you 19/10/20.💙 Meant to be? 19/10/20.💙 Alibi 20/10/20.💙 Trending 22/10/20.💙 Ship 25/10/20 💙 Headcanon 27/10/20💛 Popular 29/10/20 💙 Bodyguard 08/11/20 💜~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
@introverted-mushroom-san. Read here. Just a human (series) 16/10/20 💜 Confession 07/11/20 💜~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
@harleysarchive. Read here. Among you and me 13/10/20. Among you and me 2 19/10/20 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
@storiesforallfandoms. Read here. Propostion 19/10/20 Caught feelings 04/11/20 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
@star-gaz3rs. Read here. Unspoken words and read messages 19/10/20 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
@locallolli. Read here. Corpse head canon 19/10/20 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
@corpsedaydream. Read here. #concepts. Neon banter 19/10/20. Sore loser 20/10/20. Cold hands, warm neck 21/10/20. It’s fine 21/10/20. Beach baby 22/10/20. Im okay 25/10/20. Wine night 001 25/10/20. Flappy bird 26/10/20. Yeah baby thats Nice 26/10/20 Monthly 27/10/20 Painted nails 27/10/20 Pet names 26/10/20 A Long week 27/10/20 Crash 01/11/20 Wet hair and warm cuddles 04/11/20 Chaotic s/o 05/11/20 Car 05/11/20 Spooning 05/11/20 Carry on 05/11/20. Corpse does Your makeup 06/11/20. Healing kisses 06/11/20. Fruit salad 06/11/20. Stress and refresh 06/11/20. Pre/post streaming 07/11/20 A fright 10/11/20. Paint wars 11/11/20. See you in the morning 11/11/20 Golden hour 12/11/20 Swing 13/11/20 Carrots 17/11/20 💜~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
@randomafwritings Read here. It’s 2 am dude... 19/10/20. Missing prank 28/10/20 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
@corpseglider Read here. Soft!boy hours 20/10/20. Mute Your mic 20/10/20. Attention seeker 21/10/20. Want some company? 22/10/20. You’re sus 23/10/20. Flower fingers 24/10/20. Jealous tendencies 25/10/20. Mirror 26/10/20 You’re beautiful 27/10/20 Flower fingers 2 29/10/20 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
@moonjelly-princesa Read here. Simp 12/10/20 Next time 20/10/20 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
@bakubabes-hatake Read here. Muted infatuation 20/10/20. Sweater weather 24/10/20 Sleepy sessions 31/10/20 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
@divinecorpse Read here. Date and snowman’s 20/10/20. Podcasts and announcements 22/10/20. You are in love 25/10/20 It’s never not for you 31/10/20 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
@foxypuppy Read here. Secret snuggles 20/10/20. Back to you 21/10/20. Sweet Cakes and first dates 25/10/20 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
@breathygasps Read here. A scarier possibility 1 21/10/20. A scarier possibility 2 23/10/20. Sick day 24/10/20 A scarier possibility 3 29/10/20 A muffin run gone wrong 30/10/20 Odd hours 12/11/20 A scarier possibility 4 14/11/20 French tongue 16/11/20 💙. Dog days 16/11/20 💜~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
@xoxoyourdad Read here. Blurb* 22/10/20. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
@bitch-im-your-biggest-nightmare Read here. It doesnt matter What they say 23/10/20. Stars 1 23/10/20. Stars 2 23/10/20. Welp, i guess the cat is out of the bag 23/10/20. Stars 3 24/10/20. Stars 4 24/10/20. Stars 5 25/10/20. Sick boi hours are over 25/10/20. Disaster 25/10/20. Allergies are not fun 25/10/20. Tears falling down at the party 25/10/20. Stars 6 (finale) 26/10/20 Panic attacks suck man 26/10/20 Goddamit kid now they know Im a single father 27/10/20 Parents fucking suck bro 27/10/20 No! This isnt how you’re supposed to play the game 28/19/20 The blood on our hands is a Bond 31/10/20 Happily ever after 01/11/20 Parenting 101 03/11/20 Parenting 200 05/11/20. Summertime Sadness 07/11/20. Panick attack in gorcery store 07/11/10 Headcanon 10/11/20 Riddle me this 15/11/20 💙 Sorry 15/11/20 💙~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
@flowersforcorpse Read here. Under the bus 22/10/20. To distraction 24/10/20 The cat Got out 27/10/20 Marination 30/10/20 Limbo 08/11/20 Zoned out 10/11/20 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
@apricauts Read here. A sleeping corpse 23/10/20. A lovely day 24/10/20. Nsfw headcanons* 24/10/20. Nsfw headcanons 2* 25/10/20. Nsfw headcanons 3* 26/10/20. The lion sleeps tonight 26/10/20 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
@crystalg6m Read here. Trust 23/10/20. Secret player 04/11/20 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
@monsterenergysimp Read here. Permanance 24/10/20. Reckless endangerment 25/10/20 Oh my god, they were roommates 27/10/10 Feel better 27/10/20 Forget today 28/10/29 Interruptions 28/10/20 Father of the year 29/10/20 Lock screen 30/10/20 Building Snowmen 31/10/20 This is halloween (father of the year 2) 01/11/20 Closer 02/11/20 Unravel 02/11/20 Snap, crackle, pop 03/11/20 Fluffy concept 04/11/20 Sleepy 05/11/20. Mute 07/11/20. His anxiety 07/11/20 Forgetful 13/11/20 Permanance 2 17/11/20 💙~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
@myherotrashbin Read here. Soft smiles and warm hugs 24/10/20. Just let it out 25/10/20. First kiss 25/10/20. Cuddles are needed 25/10/20. Well this happened 26/10/20. Just a little love 04/11/20 I just wanna hold you damn hand 04/11/20 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
@mmonamona Read here. Beautiful 23/10/20. Petty fights and lonely nights 20/10/20 I Think Im in love with you and Im terrified 26/10/20 Halloween 28/10/20 Alls hair in love and war 02/11/20 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
@uhithinkthefucknot Read here. Respectful simp 25/10/20. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
@letsloveimagines Read here. Crush 25/10/20. Forever 26/10/10 Crush 2 05/11/20 A friend that is a Girl 09/11/20 Murderer 12/11/20 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
@flowersbby Read here. Drawn to you 25/10/20. Hard day? 26/10/20 Dont overwork yourself 27/10/20 Star struck 31/10/20 Nobody compares 03/11/20 I need you 11/11/20 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
@kakyoinsimp Read here. Anything for you 26/10/20 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
@thefanficmonster Read here. Falling faceless 25/10/20. Unlucky 25/10/20. You Call it a mess, we Call it baking 26/10/20 Switch blade 28/10/20 Caring 29/10/20 Lucky me (Unlucky 2) 01/11/20 Power couple 02/11/20 Love for the faceless 02/11/20 Inky memories 05/11/20 Just two sad roommates 08/11/20 Whats it to you 15/11/20 💜~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
@sloppythots-com Read here. Reaction 24/10/20 Nails and reassurance 24/10/20. Hugs 27/10/20. Sweetie 29/10/20 Innocent 01/11/20 Believe 01/11/20. Eyeliner 06/11/20. One time 06/11/20 Favorite Girl 12/11/20 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
@flowersandcorpse Read here. Shes optimistic (not me) 1 22/10/20 Shes optimistic (not me) 2 27/10/20. Marinanation 30/10/20 💙 Clasped hands 16/11/20 💙. Marinanation 2 16/11/20💙 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
@readerwriterandteadrinker Read here. Pillow talk 27/10/20. The ten hour stream 1 27/10/20 The ten hour stream 2 28/19/20 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
@euphoniumpets Read here. Agoraphobic 27/10/20. Haunted 27/10/20 Cuddle buddy 01/11/20 It’s snack time 03/11/20 Cuddles and thunder 05/11/20. Break my baby 05/11/20. Cooking 06/11/20. Nap time 07/11/20. Oppostite attractions 07/11/20 Baby bump 13/11/20 Flirty interactions 15/11/20 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
@literatureteachervibes Read here. Opportunity 1 24/10/20. Opportunity 2 28/19/20. Opportunity 3 30/10/20 Where corpse saves her from a creep 03/11/20 Opportunity 4 31/10/20. Opportunity 5 11/11/20 Simp 17/11/20 💙~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
@struggling-with-time Read here. Dinner for two (at Home) 28/10/20. Translucent 28/10/20. Cuddle time 28/10/20 Outfit for the day 28/10/20 Movie night (horror movie) 28/10/20 Can i have my sweater back? 28/10/20 Size difference and snuggles 28/10/20 Dont turn green on me now 28/10/20 Sykkunos biggest simp 28/10/20 Rainy days 29/10/20 Dog parks are a good place 29/10/20 Penpals from across the sea 29/10/20 Cloudy afternoons 30/10/20 Stressful streaming 30/10/20 Comfort 30/10/20 YouTube video (ASMR) 31/10/20 Blind date 31/10/20 Halloween party 31/10/20 YouTube singer!reader 01/11/20. Cuddles 01/11/20 Funny S/O 01/11/20 Ocular migraines 01/11/20 Kitten calling 02/11/20 Our cat child, our precious son 02/11/20 Gifted collar 02/11/20 Suprise song 03/11/20 Fun fact 03/11/20. Comedian 03/11/20. Cat Girl 03/11/20 Ruben moves in 03/11/20 Painter 04/11/20. Lost connection 04/11/20 Lost connection 2 06/11/20. Cousin of a cousins wedding 07/11/20. Pokis friend 08/11/20. Pokis friend 2 08/11/20. Bedside confessions 08/11/20. Uncertainties 08/11/20. Working together 08/11/20 Among us promises 08/11/20 Spilled tea 09/11/20 Stuffed animals 10/11/20. Dungeons and dragons 10/11/20 Corpses brother 12/11/20. Off cam kisses 12/11/20. Being corpses sister hc 12/11/20
Mothers arent always the best 12/11/20 Soft voices 13/11/20. Shy reader 13/11/20. Without you Im just a sad song 14/11/20. Actress/actor reader 14/11/20. Faceless YouTuber reader 14/11/20. Reader owning an etsy. 14/11 Simping for 2 16/11/20. 💙 One last time 16/11/20n.💙 Nightmare 16/11/20 💙~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
@corpserose Read here. Mornings 28/10/20. Paint my nails 31/10/20 Snack time 02/11/20 Home 04/11/20 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
@shelswrites Read here. The Sound of a voice 28/10/10. 💙 Blurb 28/10/20.💙 Livestreams 28/10/20💙 Q and a 29/10/20 💙 Famous!singer reader 29/10/20 💙 Fight 29/10/20 💙 Tall!reader 30/10/20💙 Hand 30/10/20 💙 Nicknames 30/10/20💙 Roommate 30/10/20 💙 Nicknames 30/10/20 💙 First night at corpses House 31/10/20 💙 Painting nails 31/10/20 💙 The feel of a touch 31/10/20💙 Playing with his hair 01/11/20 💙 Period 01/11/20 💙 24 hour livestream 01/11/20💙 Corpse in maid dress 01/11/20 💙 Knitted blanket 02/11/20💙 Dyeing eachothers hair 02/11/20 💙 Taking Care of his hair 02/11/20 💙 Playing with his hands 03/11/20 💙 Sharing clothes 03/11/20💙 Bisexual 03/11/20 💙 Imposter duo 03/11/20💙 Cat ears for corpsie 04/11/20💙 Holding grugdes 04/11/20 💙 Laying on Your lab 05/11/20💙 Studying 05/11/20💙 Helping him with his anxiety 05/11/20💙
Laying on Your chest 05/11/20 💙 Eyeliner 06/11/20 💙 Plus size s/o 06/11/20💙 Your hands 07/11/20💙 Putting eyeliner on him 07/11/20💙. Corpse failing at cooking 08/11/20.💙 Eyeliner and skirt 08/11/20. 💙 Cooking 09/11/20 💙 Like real people do 09/11/20.💙 Sleepy corpse 09/11/20. 💙 Comforting him 10/11/10.💙 Blushy corpsie 10/11/20💙 Holiday 13/11/20. 💙 Tired corpse laying in Your lap 13/11/20. 💙 Corpse having a bad day 14/11/20 💙. Bf not gf 16/11/20.💙 Long distance 16/11/20. 💙 Making a yt Channel together 16/11/20.💙 Playing and answering questions 16/11/20 💙~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
@rxvenclawwriting Read here. The aftermath of scary videos 28/10/20. Internet trolls 29/10/20 Sketched conffesions 02/11/20 Tiktok famous 03/11/20 Just a slip of the tongue 04/11/20 The Challenge of Touch 05/11/20 Q and a 14/11/20 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
@imjustpeachyme Read here. Bumpy roads and broken promises 28/10/20. The mirror always lies 01/11/20 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
@ruby-lavorre Read here. Ramen 29/10/20. Dating corpse HC 30/10/20 Dating corpse HC 2 31/10/20 Holding out 01/11/20 Best friends hc 05/11/20 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
@rock-c Read here. Kandi 30/10/20. Shortstack 30/10/20 The bassist 30/10/20 Movie marathons 01/11/20 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
@b-star-wonder Read here Headcanon 30/10/20. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
@moonlightsimp Read here. Cuddles headcanon 01/11/20.💛 Choose me 03/11/20 Simp 05/11/20 Needy 06/11/20 Shower feels 10/11/20 Social media au 13/11/20🧡 Social media au 13/11/20 🧡 Moving in 14/11/29 Pretty baby 16/11/20 💙~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
@anata-e-no-izon Read here. A Big whoopsie 25/10/20. Rivalry 30/10/20. Ignorant opinions 09/11/20 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
@antisocial-dumb-ass Read here. Sleepy time phone Call 02/11/20. 💙 The impostor among us 02/11/20. 💙 Cuddle time 17/11/20 💙~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
@bibliofilia Read here Ships passing in the night 03/11/20. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
@reaperxrex Read here. sunkissed 29/10/20. First fights 29/10/20. Sports star 03/11/20. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
@withcolebrock Read here Full of suprises 05/11/20. Close Your eyes 06/11/20 Distracted 12/11/20 Amazingly beautiful 15/11/20 💜~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
@souljoon Read here. Sweet 05/11/20. Infatuated 05/11/20 Whats up baby 07/11/20 Roommates 09/11/20 Roommates in among us 10/11/20 Mutual pining roommates 12/11/20 Comfort 15/11/20 💙. Not making fun of you 17/11/20 💙~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
@impala-1979 Read here. Dead 05/11/20. Their life had barely begun 08/11/20 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
@abluecorpserose Read here. Pretty boy 25/10/20. S/o with Anime voice 06/11/20. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
@the-writings-of-a-simp Read here. Roommate 04/11/20. Corpse in a skirt 05/11/20. Rainy cuddles 06/11/20. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
@marvelfreakbrynnlee Read here. The elf in the café 07/11/20. The elf in the café 2 10/11/20 The elf in the café 3 15/11/20 💜~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
@syukkunii Read here. Cuddles hc 09/11/20. Corpse flirting during livestream 11/11/20 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
@pepinotpepe Read here. Wildflower 08/11/20. Wildflower 2 08/11/20. Wildflower 3 09/11/20. Wildflower 4 11/11/20 Wildflower 5 12/11/20 💙 Wildflower 6 17/11/20 💙~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
@auramindedd Read here. Oneshot 08/11/20. 💜 AccidenTell 10/11/20💙 First meet 11/11/10 💜 Under the weather 13/11/20💙 Period pain cuddles 13/11/20 💙~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
@takenbyheartstrings Read here. Burden 10/11/20. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
@the-winter-sxldier-posts Read here. Moments 12/11/20. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
@glxwingbakugo Read here Takeout and horror movies 12/11/20. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
@softboiicorpse Read here. Always forever 12/11/20. 💜 Grocery shopping 13/11/20 💜 Final goodbyes 13/11/20 💜. Grocery shopping 2 15/11/20 💙~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
@nekomacam Read here. Not even okay 13/11/20 🧡 Not even okay 2 14/11/20 🧡 Not even okay 3 17/11/20 🧡~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
@thotasshoebitch Read here. I know you did not just grab my Boob 15/11/20💙 Rain on me 16/11/20💙. My hair 16/11/20 💙~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
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oitommothetease · 4 years ago
Invisible String (9/?)
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Female reader (Modern AU)
Word Count: 2k words
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You weren't a morning person, hell, you weren’t even a person in the morning. Therefore, when you woke up to two kids playing with your hair and jumping on your bed, you wanted to strangle them or shove them on the floor. But again, you loved those little demons so you just groaned loudly, clearly irritated and you decided to keep your eyes closed, hoping that your ignorance will make them leave you alone. You squeezed your eyes shut and didn't open them until you heard a familiar voice chuckling.
“Carol told me you aren't a morning person, but this-” James didn't finish his sentence, his lips breaking into a cheeky grin, and as much annoyed as you were at his teasing, you kind of thought he looked gorgeous. Who looked so gorgeous this early in the morning? A smile made its way to your face and you instantly wiped it off, feigning offense.
“Carol? You're already on a first-name basis with my sister?”
“Aw, don't worry, doll. I'm just trying to be friendly with your family or should I say my future family as your mother reminded me ten minutes ago,” he pestered, moving towards you to hand you the cup of coffee in his hand. Bucky winked teasingly when you accepted it, and you mumbled a ‘thank you’.
That pet name made your stomach do some somersaults and you didn't trust yourself enough to speak. It's not like the first time he called you ‘doll’, in fact, he had been calling you that the moment you started fake dating. But it was something about the way he said it as if the word was made for you and nobody could say that word unless it wasn't voiced by him for you. He didn't notice the flush in your eyes and even if he did, he didn't mention it.
“That’s it. You’re done hanging out with my family,” you articulated, “You are officially infected.” 
“Don’t be like that, doll. Come on, breakfast’s ready.”
At the age of 18, when you were finally a college girl, you decided that breakfast was a myth created by Satan. When you lived with your parents, the breakfast consisted of extravagant food like pancakes, waffles and fruits. Once you moved away for college, your breakfast shifted to coffee and maybe a toast if you had the time before your first lecture. And the second you were independent, coffee became your boyfriend, keeping you up at night and also, your best friend, keeping you up in the morning without dozing off in classes.
So, sitting again at a dining table with your family and fake boyfriend/boss was very awkward, to say the least. But of course, your sister had the magical ability where she took an awkward silence and converted it into an uncomfortable conversation.
“We hope we didn't wake you up last night. Nick and I tend to get loud sometimes,” Carol joked and you coughed, choking on your food, and James laughed awkwardly. 
James' hand instinctively came to your back, running calming circles with his palm and you shot a deathly glare to your sister. 
“Oh, we know all about that,” James teased, bringing your chair closer to him. Your eyes widened and you whipped your head towards him so quickly that your neck hurt. What was he saying? This man, your boyfriend, fake boyfriend was a completely different person than your boss (not that you were complaining). He was funny, charming, he made you feel comfortable and something else you weren’t ready to point out just yet.
You could see yourself falling for a man like James. No, he is your boss and sort of criminal. Get your shit together, you told yourself.
After the very awkward breakfast, thanks to Carol. Your mother told you to show James around town and you would have said no but that meant you’d have to stay at home with your family, which was worse. So when James accepted your offer to go to your favorite burger place nearby, you were relieved.
“This burger is amazing, but nothing compared to Barry’s,” James stated. 
You nodded your head, chewing the remnant of food in your mouth properly before speaking, “Nothing compares to Sally and her food.”
You liked being with James, everything about him made you want this, the real thing with him, not the whole faux boyfriend play. You wanted him and you were sure that he didn’t. One look at him was sufficient for anyone to know how handsome he was, and how oblivious he was to the waitress ogling him. He didn’t spare her a glance, he was probably used to the attention that he stopped caring about it. Of course, if you weren't overthinking at the moment, you would have noticed that he didn't care about anyone else - well, except you. 
“The waitress was totally checking you out,” you informed James. You were very jealous, but you wouldn't stop your crush on your boss to stop him from living his life. He had already sacrificed a lot for you, you didn't want to cock-block him on top of that.
“No, she wasn’t,” he huffed, looking at you for any sign that this conversation displeased you the way it did him.
“I swear she was,” you said, “You should ask her out. She’s cute.”
 “No, I’m taken.”
“But you’re not taken, James. This isn’t real,” you retorted and it hurt you so much to say. Sometimes you wished you could be a selfish bitch but you couldn’t do that to James. He deserves someone who would cherish and love him, not give him a faux relationship. “You should ask her out.”
 “Do you want me to?” James asked, his voice was laced with desperation that you couldn't understand. Why would he care about your opinion?
Bucky hoped that you would say no, he needed a sign to know that you wanted him too. His tone was despondent because he was hoping that this could be more. He really wanted it to be. But when you said yes, everything came shattering down for him. You didn’t want him and God, he was so frustrated that he could cry. What sick game was the universe playing with him? He felt like a rat stuck in a cage with cheese right outside, in front of him. Even though he was so close to you, you were still out of his reach.
“You know what?,” he pondered, “Now that I think about it maybe I should ask her out?”
“Like right now?” you questioned, taken aback by his sudden and unexpected change in demeanor.
“Yeah!” he cheered enthusiastically, “No time like the present, right? You can get home by yourself?”
He didn’t wait for your answer, already walking back towards the restaurant, and you murmured a ‘yeah’ which he didn’t even notice because he was already jogging towards the burger place.
When you reached home alone, tears welled up in your eyes, and you ran up to the bathroom to avoid stumbling upon your family. Maybe you shouldn't have pushed him, maybe if you didn’t then he wouldn’t have pursued the waitress. He wouldn’t have gone if you didn’t shove him towards the cute waitress. Why were you such a good person?
Your thoughts were brought to a halt with frantic knocks on the door. Instantly, you wiped your eyes and opened up the door to be met with your sister’s kids. Izzy and Alex didn’t give you any time before getting a hold of your hand and rushing you outside to help them set up the trampoline.
Your family was already out there, and you hoped your face didn’t say, ’I've been crying in the bathroom.’ Your sister and her husband were seated on a blanket which was spread out on the grass, sipping wine, and your parents were admiring their grandchildren.
“Auntie Y/N!” Alex exclaimed and Izzy added, “Help us fix the trampoline please.”
You agreed because those two were the only people in the world that considered you their friend without asking for anything in return. Moreover, it was a good distraction, if you stayed in a room thinking about James, then you would probably lose your sanity. So, once you started setting up the trampoline for the kids, it became somewhat fun, and you almost forgot all about James, and how he must be talking to that girl and how that girl must be flirting with him. You hoped he didn’t call her doll, you knew you were being unreasonable and immature, but you couldn’t help yourself.
Izzy and Alex made their way towards their parents and whispered something about you being so in love with James that his absence made you angry.
You ignored them and the way your sister smiled, you were so focused on fitting the trampoline spring that you did not realize someone was standing behind you until two strong hands came around you, taking the spring from your hand and attaching it to the corner. 
You knew it was James, no one would touch your hand so gently, any other man would have snatched the spring from your hold and mansplained it’s process to you. But James wasn’t doing that, he wanted to be near you, to have your attention fully that is why he took the spring from you. He didn’t undermine you. No, he desired you to notice him, the guy who has been trying all weekend to get you to like him. He wanted you to see Bucky, not your boss, James.
You could feel his head looming over your shoulder, you dared to crane your neck in his direction to find him already looking at you with a smile on his face. You were so dazed in his eyes that you didn’t notice that he was wearing a white shirt instead of the one he wore in the morning. You did not notice that he didn’t leave you to get the waitress’s number, instead he got a customized shirt that read 'I heart Y/N'. You only noticed him.
Furthermore, you didn’t care about anything else at the moment, just him. Bucky eyed your lips longer than he should have and leaned a bit towards you; a question. You answered his question by closing the distance between you and crashing your lips with his. His hands engulfed around your waist, flushing your back against his chest and he kissed you feverishly. 
The kids were right.
You were in love, and that love was reciprocated by the man who was holding you like you were his archer and kissing you like you were the source of his last breath. But both of you were too unaware to realize that the other felt the same way.
Everyone could see that, your mother looked over at your father and your sister looked at her husband, smiling, reminiscing the way they fell in love just like you and Bucky. The kids looked at you both with hope, aspiring to have a love like that in their future, the kind they saw in movies and in the couples around them.
What you didn't realize was that there was one other set of eyes watching you from a car in the distance. Rumlow finally found his rival's vulnerability, and he was going to do everything in his power to exploit and eventually kill Bucky’s weakness, his love, you. 
TAGS:  @bananapipedreams​ @akkinda10​ @rivers-rambles21​ @emmabarnes​ @valsworldofcreativity​ @boofy1998​ @marvel-3407​ @mybuck​ @priii​ @coffeebooksandfandom​ @ladydmalfoy​ @shaking-a-jar-of-bees 
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cowboylikeghost · 4 years ago
Here are 73 fact about me that nobody ask for but i need validation
1- I love Reading, drawing and plants even if i always kill them
2- I'm a whore for Jane Austen
3- I love when people prove that a conspiracy theory is false
4- I have a weird passion for geology and paleontology
4- I probably have undiagnosed ADHD because of my mother
5- I'm bad at frienship, every of them have to be special
6- My love language is talking about my passion and learning everything about the person, people think it's weird, i have nobody
7- I'm hopeless romantic even if i act like i'm not
8- I hate being touch and i hate hug, they feel weird to me
9- I hate when someone is next to me and their arm or knee touch me, it's make me feel anxious
10- I'm an introvert with diagnosed social anxiety, i'm also an infp and a sagittarius
11- I'm bi and disgusted about the idea of having s*x with someone, i think i'm ace, nobody will ever love me like i do
12- Autumn is the best season and i basically live for rainy day, if it could rain forever i will be the happiest
13- I love academic validation but i suck at school, my only way to work is to pretend i'm Chilton Rory Gilmore
14- I read non stop for 6 month and after i go on a reading slump for the rest of the year
15- I don't have a stable personality
16- I write sad poetry
17- I'm sad and this is my main personality trait
18- My family said that i'm basically sadness from this Disney movie
19- I want to move in a cottage in England with a lot of mountains so i can found cool rocks
20- I have a no self control and a big problem with my emotions
21- I get angry very easily
22- I only have 3 friends and one of them is my sister
23- I have commitment issues
24- I broke up two times in two years with two different girls that lives at more than 8h from me
25- I hate what the french language became even if i can't write a sentence without any fault
26- English is my fav subject at school
27- I hate eyes contact, it's make me uncomfy and i feel like people judge me
28- I feel like i'm better than everyone
29- I feel like everyone hate me
30- I feel sorry for every teacher
31- I love being in my bed, scrolling on my phone or reading but i hate sleeping because i feel like i'm wasting my time
32- Sometimes i wake up in the middle of the night because i feel like i forgot something for school, even if i'm in vacation
33- I hate people at school because i get bullied
34- People don't like me but i would kill to have someone like me in my life so i don't understand
35- I don't understand every jokes, i just know it's suppose to be funny so i laught, i just understand that
36- Taylor Swift is my only religion
37- I Iove more Harry styles songs than Harry styles himself, i found him arrogant and he always date problematic women, Stan Niall
38- I would do anything for Ben Barnes and Tom Hiddleston or any british men in their 40 who have a degree in literature
39- I relate to Spencer Reid in a way that nobody could ever understand
40- I love true crime, my favorite stories are about cult
41- My love for my cat is not healthy, if he died, i have to follow him
42- I alway stop watching Gilmore girls when Rory finish Chilton because i hear that she became annoying but she's one of my confort character so i don't want to see it
43- I prefer the marauders over the golden trio
44- I'm a Remus Lupin kinnie and a James Potter Simp
45- I hate Dumbledore with my whole heart i could talk about it for hours
46- I started all the young dudes, i like it but i cry at every chapter so i stoped
47- I hate my brother but if he died i would be destroyed
48- When i was little i have an obsession with panda and now i have panda everywhere in my room
49- I don't know if i want to live alone forever because i like the idea or because of any other reason
50- I alway need adults validation
51- When i was a kid i was sleeping with my socks on because i liked it but i learned that some people think it's weird so i stoped
52- I eat my cereal with no milk and i don't understand the debate, for me it always taste the same: disgusting
53- I hate touching food that isn't mine ( like when someone ask if you want to taste their meal, or if you have to clean something that someone else eat in, it's just make me want to threw up)
54- I have to sleep with no sound, if you breath a little to loud i will not be able to sleep, i'll be angry and probably hit you, one time my sister breathed too loud and i cryed
55- When i was a kid i hated turtle neck, it maked me feel like i was chocking but i learned how to support it even if it's still uncomfy
56- I hate when a shirt, a dress or a blouse show too mutch of my skin, i don't like it
57- I always wear a tank top with my t-shirt and if i don't i feel naked
58- My first panick attack was because i had a fight with my brother and my dad was yelling at me and didn't see it (i'm not mad at him)
59- When i was little i acted like i couldn't read because i was scared my mom will not read story to me anymore
60- I had my first phone at 13 but i wish i didn't
61- When i was 11 i started reading sm*t on my DS and it became an addiction, i wish everyday i forget what i read
62- I realise i was bi because of Millie Bobby Brown in Stranger things
63- I didn't realise my feminisme wasn't good until a 12yrs old insulted me in a comment section, i said thanks to her after
64- I love kids, i think they're cute and i'm jealous of their innocence so i act like i hate them
65- I want to raise a kid alone in the forest
66- I'm sure that my grandma in my dad side is a lesbian and that my mom is bisexual but have internalised homophobia
67- I hate when boomer joke about hating their husband/wife, just divorce
68- I still have my babies plush even if they're disgusting and look possessed
69- I sleep with my fairy lights on because three month ago i had a sleep paralysis
70- My parents are responsible of 80% of my insecurities and don't even know it
71- I love when it's get dark earlier in autumn/winter
72- I'm an Amy March simp
73- I just made a liste of 73 fact about me
101 notes · View notes
migilini · 4 years ago
I Do - Charlie Gillespie
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a/n: I watched to many seasons of married at first sight and this came to mind. Just pretend that Charlie in this GIF is wearing a suit. Kinda a part two to Fifth Time Workes A Charm
Requests are open btw! (not just for Charlie)
words: 3k
warnings: none just fluff and a lot of crying
You barely slept during the night. You kept waking up what felt like every hour to check if it was time to get up. The bed felt awfully empty and you would give everything right now to be in his arms. Then finally, the clock strikes 9 am and you are up on your feet, the nerves getting the better of you. The hotel room was nice and clean, you didn't like it, it felt too white and too lifeless to you right now.
You looked at yourself in the mirror, glowing but tired eyes staring right back at you. Taking a deep breath you tried to shake the nerves with a silly little body shake, then you smiled at yourself before heading into the bathroom to wash your face.
A knock on the door interrupted you mid-splash and you went to the door with a dripping face. “We’ve arrived!” your best friend Elouise or Eli for short exclaimed and hieved her whole baggage onto your bed. “What do you mean we?” you leaned your head out of the room and into the empty hallway. Just as you were about to close the door, feet pounded on the carpeted floor. “Sorry, sorry! Had to finish the call with hair and makeup.” Tris, your other best friend screamed through the halls, as she frantically came running towards you, phone clutched in one hand while the other held two dresses that flattered behind her.
You looked at her in amusement "Need a glass of water?" You chuckled at her heavy breathing and closed the door behind you.
"Oh yes please"
"Y/N you're so not ready...well lucky for you we are here. So hop hop go shower ma lady." Eli shushed you into the bathroom "and scrub every inch! I'll check if I have to!” You still heard their laughter as you get rid of your clothes and step into the shower. The warm water relaxed your muscles and your nerves immediately.
Several minutes later, now smelling like a goddess and wrapped into a soft white towel, you sat on the bed in your now crowded hotel room. While you were showering your nerves away, your dress, the hairdresser and makeup artist arrived.
“There she is!” greeted the makeup artist “Come sit down, we’ve got everything out and you and I already discussed your look. Are we still okay with it?”
“Yes, Carlos. But make everything as cry proof as possible okay?” you said laughing slightly.
“I also brought you a coffee and a croissant. I know you don’t usually eat something in the mornings but we don’t want you to faint now do we?” Tris held a tablet in front of her with several cups of coffees and something to eat. You took a cup gratefully, shooting her a quick thanks, holding the cup as Carlos started on your face and Melissa, the hairdresser started drying and styling your hair.
“Can I have my phone back?” You said to no one in particular.
“Nope, sorry.”
“Emi! What--It’s my phone!”
“I do know that. And you should know that Tris and I know you very well and you would’ve called or more likely face timed him by now and put a bad omen over the whole day.”
“Yeah. You and Charlie can’t be away from each other for long.” Tris acknowledged and sided with Emi.
“You’re just jealous that I’m in love.” You shot back with a smile and stuck your tongue out at your friends which in return gave you a growl from Carlos and Melissa who needed you to sit still.
After what felt like an eternity you were done and now it was time for your bridesmaids to get ready. They purposefully taped a piece of cloth over all mirrors so could only see yourself when you were 100% finished with getting ready.
Now that you had some time to actually think about today, your mind started to wander. Was Charlie ready by now or were there some complications? Tris did get a call earlier to then just run out of the room and come back 20 minutes later. What suit would he wear? Was he just as nervous as you? Totally unaware of how much time you passed, you were ripped out of your thoughts with a forceful swat on your shoulder.
“Miss Bride? It’s time to get the dress on.” Tris squealed.
You took a look at your best friends who looked absolutely stunning, at some time they got changed into their dresses. Emi smiled at you with a glossed lipped smile, her brown hair up in a bun while little strands of glitter strings framed her face. She wore a turquoise halter dress with some nude heels. Tris wore a bit of a darker turquoise strapless dress, her colourful hair falling straight over her shoulder. Both had simple makeup, a nude smokey eye with eyeliner.
Your eyes started to tear up. “Guys...you look absolutely stunning.” Emi walked over to you and embraced you in a hug. “We look really fudhing good but you’re gonna look even better. Now hop hop get undressed we have to lace up the dress.”
While your friends were working on lacing your dress up, you wondered out loud. “How much do we wanna bet that Owen lost the rings?” You chuckled and then yelled, “That's way too tight!”
“Oh Owen is so gonna lose the rings but we'll be fine. You’re gonna have rings or I'll run and get you some new ones.” Tris reassured you with a smile.
“Can I finally look at myself? I want to see if I look like a bride.” Emi and Tris shared a quick look before agreeing. Emi ripped the cloth away from the closest mirror. An audible gasp was all that was heard, everybody fixated on your reaction to yourself.
“I look like a real ass bride. I- oh my god… I look so good.” You coaxed out, trying not to cry, this got all a bit real too fast.
And you really did look amazing. Your open hair fell over your shoulders and ended right underneath your boob. It had a lot of volume and little glitter braids in it and Melissa had curled them to perfection so they framed your face perfectly. Your makeup was stunning as well, the reddish-brown and glittery smokey eye complementing your skin tone and eye colour. Carlos finished the look with a pinkish nude lipstick. You were glowing.
The cream coloured dress sat perfectly on your figure, the A-line cut highlighting your waist, the flowery lace flowing from the corset top down to your feet. The dress was poofy but not too much. You looked more like Sofie from Mamma Mia and less like Cinderella. You adjusted the straps and smiled at yourself.
“And I’m telling you, Charlie will bawl his eyes out when he sees you.” Emi patted your back and finished lacing up your dress. Tris couldn't contain herself anymore and let out a little sob “I’m sorry. You just look so gorgeous. I can’t believe you're getting married.” You pulled her into a hug.
“We don't have that much time anymore. the photographer should be here in five minutes to take your bridal pictures and pictures with the bridesmaids.”
The photo session went by quickly and you could tell that they turned out amazingly, by the way, Paul, the photographer, smiled at his screen. Megan, Charlie's sister and your other Bridesmaid came in at the last minute, due to the fact that she just flew in in the morning.
Then it was time for the first look. At first, you weren't sure if you should do this or if it would be better if the first look would be at the ceremony itself. You thought it would be funny to send Tris to the first look instead of you. So you, Megan and Emi sat in the hotel room waiting patiently.
The door opened “You two are really made for each other.” Tris came back in with a huge smile on her face. “Why? What happened?” You asked, the nervousness in your voice was evident. “Was he mad?”. She started to laugh “No absolutely not because he had the same idea as you and sent Owen.”
The room erupted in laughter “Oh no he didn't!” “Of course he did”
The next couple of hours flew by so quickly. You got to the venue. Your parents came by to say hello to you and to shed some tears. They also told you that most of the guests have arrived and everybody is waiting excitedly.
Finally, it was time. You nervously cracked your fingers, as you waited for all the guests to take a seat, the closed door in front of you the only thing shielding you from your fiance, your dad standing beside you in a suit.
“Nervous?” he asked you with a slight smile, you could tell that he was trying hard not to cry.
“Very. But I’m telling you if he doesn't cry I'll turn around and we gotta try again.” you joked.
“Oh my dear...he will.” he quickly took a look at his watch and then linked his arm with yours.
“Ready?” you shot him a smile and nodded “As ready as I'll ever be.”
The outside speakers started to play the instrumental version of Cherry Wine by Hozier and the doors opened.
It was mid-May and you and Charlie decided on an Outside wedding. After searching for a great venue you finally found one. It was an old brick house with a small colonnade of bushes in the garden. It was absolutely perfect but you didn't even look at the decorations because as soon as your eyes met his, the world stood still.
He stood at the front of the colonnade where some candles burned beside him. He wore a forest green tuxedo and that dashing smile of his. The closer you got, the more you saw how much he was crying and all you wanted to do is hug him and wipe the tears away. Your cheeks hurt from all the smiling but you couldn't stop, some tears of your own spilling out of the corners of your eyes.
You kissed your dad on the cheek and let him sit down in the front row, your eyes only momentarily leaving Charlies. “Hi, handsome.” You smiled up at him and instinctively used your thumb to wipe away some tears. “Did you cut your hair?” you asked, nodding to his now chin-length hair (think October Charlie) He grabbed your hands in his and kissed your knuckles while slightly nodding his head “You look...just wow,” he whispered so that only you could hear. You just wanted to give him a compliment when the officiant interrupted you.
“Now it's getting serious.” you said while he said “No backing out.” with a wink.
“The couple standing in front of me met at the young age of 18 in the middle of the street. Y/N bumped into Charlie here and practically fell for him right there and then. She shot him a quick sorry and went her way but the universe knew that these two needed to be together so the next day he bumped into her, totally accidental of course.” the crowd laughed and you and Charlie beamed at each other. “Sadly for Y/N that day she carried an expensive Cake that flew to the other side of the pavement. Charlie felt so bad that he promptly invited her to the next bakery where they got a cup of coffee and a new cake. Today we’re gathered here today to celebrate that love.”
“I believe that the two of you wrote your own vows? Y/N would you like to start?” You nodded and turned around to take a piece of paper from Emi who stood behind you, already missing the warmth of his hands in yours.
“Charlie, you know I’m not very good with words so I really struggled to write this, but here we are standing in front of your family and friends to share our love. I knew I loved you…” your voice wavered and you let out a sob “sorry...I knew I loved you in the first week that we’ve met. We sat on a bench in the little park right around the corner from where we met. You were late and totally out of breath when you arrived. You apologized like crazy but I didn't care, you don't know this but I had a really shitty day that day and just seeing you made it all worth it. That smile of yours knocked me off my feet completely.
From that day on I only loved you more and more. I love the way you try to wake up every day with a smile. The way you always seem to have so much energy and that you try to share that energy and love with the whole world. I love waking up in your arms because they feel like home and I miss you like crazy when I don't see you for a day.
I never really believed in love at first sight before I met you and I’m so glad that you ruined my cake. I promise to try and make you smile at least twice a day, to listen and care for you, to dance with you in the kitchen while our pizza is in the oven. I also promise to try your questionable food combinations at least once every time.
I can’t promise you that we won't fight or that we won't have our ups and downs but I will promise that we’ll work it out, that we’re not going to bed with grudges, to talk about our problems and thoughts and to always make up. I promise to be your partner in crime and to take all the blame if we ever get caught and lastly, and most importantly...
I promise to love you more and more until my heart stops beating, even when the day comes that we're old and grey, I promise to always see you with the same eyes and the same heart that I see you with at this exact moment.” You took a deep breath to try and stop your sobbing. Now it was Charlie's turn to wipe away some tears.
“Baby, don’t cry your makeup will get ruined.” he joked and you let out a small laugh. “Charlie, I believe now it's your turn to speak your vow.”
He took a shaky breath in before taking a folded piece of paper from the inside of his tuxedo pocket. “I want to start off with a simple I love you. I love the way you still give me butterflies every time I see you. I love the way you care not only for me but for everyone around you. I love the way you're patient with me. I love how much you're willing to try new things with me to make me happy because you really didn't like swimming with sharks. I admire how hard you work to help others and above all, I love how you love me.
It's in the way you look at me with such patience and compassion, the way you listen to me even if I'm rambling on, the way you push me to try harder even when I feel like I've done enough. You love me without judgment and chose to see the beauty in my flaws. Today, I want to make promises to you that I will always keep. I promise to love you back forever and harder each day. I promise never to get angry at you for making honest mistakes, even if I asked you to turn the lights off every night for the past week...
I promise to never stop holding your hand or give you a goodbye kiss. I promise to walk through life, as your biggest fan, your shoulder to lean on, and your best friend and I vow to stay silly, to never take ourselves too seriously, and stay just immature enough for cake and breakfast for dinner.
You're my soldier, my lover and above all, my best friend and I'm so excited to spend the rest of my life with you.”
Both of you were grinning and crying like idiots. “Now can we have the rings please?” the officiant asked the crowd and a teary-eyed Owen stepped forward the rings clutched in his hands.
“Thank you.” the officiant gave each of you a ring. “Do you Y/N Y/L/ want to take this man as your husband in sickness and in health?”
“I do.” You smiled up at Charlie and slid the ring on his left ring finger. “Oh good it fits,” you murmured and made him chuckle.
“And do you Charlie Gillespie want to take this woman as your wife in sickness and in health?”
“I do.” He grinned widely and also slid the ring on your left hand.
“I now pronounce you husband and wife. Charlie, you may kiss the bride.” Your lips locked with his and you couldn't be happier. Your hands found their way into his hair while his hands gripped your waist. His lips were soft and warm and you missed them dearly in the night the two of you were apart. The crowd cheered when he dipped you.
“I present to you for the first time Mr and Mrs Gillespie!”
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only-one-brain-cell · 3 years ago
Treacherous, a Bridgerton story
Chapter 3
Summery: Anthony and Aurora make a deal
Warnings: smut
Words: 2.6k
Chapter 1, Chapter 2, Chapter 4, Chapter 5, Chapter 6, Chapter 7, Chapter 8, Chapter 9, Chapter 10, Chapter 11, Chapter 12
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My heart still ponding after I walked into the ballroom. Anthony was to arrive after me to not make it look suspicious.
"Aurora! How delightful to see you again!" I turned to face Penelope.
"Oh Penelope how wonderful to see you."
"When did you arrive?"
"Just last night." I replied
"That must be why Eloise has not yet told me all about your travels."
"How about you come over and you will get to hear them yourself. I'm sure she has told you I'm staying
with the Bridgertons?"
"Yes thanks to Lord Bridgerton and I use Eloise's words screaming at everyone to make sure everything is perfect for your arrival."
"Yes she has told me about this."
"He seems quite taken with you, the Viscount that is."
"Oh no he is just a friend."
"Oh please we all saw you on that dance floor. My bet is that you two will be married by the end of the season." Eloise said boldly walking over to her friend.
"Is this what you two have been doing while I've been away? Ruining around and collecting gossip?" I asked crossing my arms. Both of them looked at me rather guilty like I'm about to scold them.
"Well then, tell me everything" both of them giggled and took me to a different corner of the room, one where we could talk more freely.
My chats seemed to be frequently interrupted by several men asking me for a dance. I sighed but danced with each one not missing Anthony's jealous look every time. Each dance was a bor compared to his even before he took me out into the hallway. My mind went back to that. How he kissed me like he had never kissed another before or how he licked me clean like he was dying of thirst in the middle of a desert and I'm the first source of water he's found.
After the dance was over I made my way back to Eloise and Penelope.
"Please tell me you two have found a way out of this?"
"If only" Eloise replied
"If I have to dance with one more man tonight I will stomp on his feet the entire time." Both ladies laughed.
"Is that so?" Penelope asked
"Yes, what makes it so funny?"
"Would I be one of the men who's feet you would step on?" I turned around to face Anthony.
"On what?"
"If you say anything to make me upset at you."
"Brother you will have sore feet tomorrow" Anthony glared at his sister before turning his attention back to me.
"I promise I will be on my best behaviour." He extended his hand and I took it without question. He led us back to the ballroom where I was once again dancing in his arms.
"If I have to see one more man dance with you tonight I will punch him in the face, repeatedly." He whispered
"Jealous are we?"
"Oh please" he spun me out and back in his arms again.
"So you say your not jealous yet here we are mere moments after what took place in the halls, or would you like to forget that ever happened?"
"No. Would you?"
"I'm glad we're on the same page, what shall we do now?"
"Well... do you want your entire family to know about the heir to the Bridgerton name taking a unmarried women up against a wall..repeatedly?"
"I would rather get stabbed with a fork." I bit my lip to hold back a smile.
"So it's agreed, we keep this between us."
"What exactly pray tell us this?"
"You tell me... my lord." I was lifted in the air once again.
"It seems to be two people enjoying each other without society getting in the way."
"So we are in agreement that this is purely fun and nothing else."
"We are." The song ended, I bowed to Anthony. "Thank you for you the dance my lord."
"Thank you for allowing me to dance with you my lady."
I winked at Anthony before turning my attention to others.
"Aurora it's not fair to keep the Viscount to yourself."
"Pardon me Cressida but it seems he simply prefers my company." A few lady's has to hold back their laughter.
"After all he is one of my oldest friends why it would be rude not to dance with him."
"People might get the wrong idea, after all you've shown no interest in securing a husband."
"Let them after all some of us don't pay attention to what others think." I smirked and walked away finding Daphne or some other Bridgerton, maybe I can tell Colin about some of my adventures.
The night was becoming exhausting between all of the dancing I was doing and my little stunt with Anthony although I can't say I regret it... any of it. I was looking forward to retiring for the night though. After the carriage arrived at Bridgerton manor I told everyone I will be going to sleep.
"Let me get the door for you."
"Anthony I am perfectly capable of-
Anthony had opened the door and motioned for me to go in.
"Thank you" I could hear the smirking from his siblings but chose to ignore it.
"I was thinking we could go riding together tomorrow." He said escorting me to Daphne's old room (not that I asked him too.)
"Not without a chaperone!"
"Of course mother."
"I'm sure Auroras maid would be delighted to spend the day outside."
"I have a maid?"
"Well of course you do." Violet said as if it was obvious.
"Then it's decided then. I shall see you tomorrow Aurora, sweet dreams." He walked away without even so much as a glance at his mother.
"Goodnight Aurora."
"Good night Lady Bridgerton." I said before closing the door to my temporary room. I was only on planing to stay at the Bridgertons for a week at the most. When the invitation was extended for me to stay there once everyone got word I will be returning to London I was hesitant at first. Then I realized I would be spending most of my time there anyways. I made other arrangements as well to stay at my family home once the week is up. I would much like for this week to drag on so I can stay with the Bridgertons longer but I must tend to matters at my family home, mostly redecorating and taking off every picture of my father and having it burned if it is to be my home while I am in London.
A knock broke me out of my thoughts. For a second I thought it might be Anthony sneaking in for... fun
but it was the maid Lady Bridgerton spoke of earlier. She had green eyes with blonde hair done up in a bun. Her skin was pale and she seemed to be shorter then me even without my heels.
"Lady Hathaway, I am to be your maid while you are staying with the Bridgertons."
"What is your name." I asked leaning up against the door. She seemed surprised that I asked for something as basic as her name.
"Elizabeth my lady." I smiled
"It's Aurora, I've never been one for social cues Elizabeth please come in." She nodded walking in still a bit nervous but at least she wasn't looking at the floor.
"The Bridgerton family speaks highly of you, the Viscount most of all, if I may please speak freely."
"You may."
"He seems taken with you, I would think Lord Bridgerton would make a exemplary match."
"He would, for anyone that is looking to marry that is."
"You are not?" I turned to face the window
"No Elizabeth, I never wish to marry. I would like to keep my reasons to myself for now." She nodded and started undoing the pins in my hair surprised their still in perfect condition after... well everything.
"Shall I draw a bath lady I mean... Aurora."
"That sounds lovely thank you." While she went to go draw a bath I undressed myself walking over to the bath in no more then a robe I pulled out of my suitcase.
"Would you like me to arrange your dresses?"
"No don't worry I can do that myself. What you can do is come with me and Lord Bridgerton tomorrow, we are going ridding."
"That sounds wonderful Aurora I look forward to it."
"That is all Liz"
"May I call you that?" She seemed taken back yet again.
"Aurora why are you being so nice to me?"
"Because I unlike others see you for more then your job, also if we are to be around together during my time here I would think it would be easier to have a healthy relationship maybe even friendship."
"Thank you Aurora, I shall see you tomorrow if you do not require anything more of me?"
"I do not good night Liz."
"Good night Aurora. I shall see you tomorrow morning."
"Yes and I'm sure Lord Bridgerton will give you all the details of our ride tomorrow." She nodded before
leaving me to my own devices, I sighed as I stepped into the bath, the hot water already feeling so nice against my sore feet. Just as I was applying shampoo to my hair I herd a knock on my door.
I sighed having a pretty good guess who it would be, I climbed out of the bath quickly used my towel to hair off even a little bit so my floor wouldn't be soaking wet. I herd another knock "I'm coming Anthony" I shouted before opening the door.
"How did you know it was me?"
"Who else would be knocking on my door at this time of night?" I pulled him into my room shut the door then he kissed me while pushing me up against a wall.
"Anthony my bed is 5 feet that way." I said breaking the kiss while he started sucking on my neck.
"Too far."
"Do you just like shoving women against walls?" I asked as his mouth made its way down to my chest. He don't answer instead he lifted me up.
"Anthony! What are you doing?"
"Shh someone will hear" I wrapped my legs around him for support while he navigated my room.
"Your not wearing anything." He realized
"I was talking a bath."
"Do you want me to leave?" I didn't answer not wanting to admit I'd rather have my legs wrapped around mine right now.
"Aurora? Please tell me what you want."
"I want.... I want you." With that he threw me on the bed I noticed his brown eyes blown out with lust. A look they would make anyone else frightened but just made me ache for him.
Anthony unlaced my robe before tracing a line of kisses down my body. I gripped his hair which made him moan, a noise I could never get used to. The further down my body he went the harder my grip was. He started kissing up my inner thigh his hands rested  just below his mouth.
"Anthony please." He decided to stop teasing me and his mouth finally reached its destination. I gasped my legs wrapped around Anthony him moaning at my thighs practically suffocating him. His talented tongue devouring me again. Even though it's been hours since he's done this it felt like it's been forever.
"Anthony yes." I moaned thrusting my hips against his face.
"Dear god Aurora are you trying to kill me?"
"Between your cunt and your thighs I'm already having trouble composing myself." He grinned before returning to the task. It wasn't long before I found myself reaching my climax."
"Anthony I'm close" there was no sighs of him stopping as I bent my head back and gripped my sheets before letting out one last moan. Anthony kissed down my thigh one last time before getting up.
"I'll leave you to your bath now good night Aurora, sweet dreams."
"Good night my lord." He kept his gaze on me for a moment almost like he was contemplating leaving.
"Good night my lady" Anthony said before walking away.  He stuck his head out to make sure no one was in the hall before quietly leaving, shutting the door behind him. Things are going to get more interesting around here.
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since-it-must-be-so · 4 years ago
Choujin X: Chapter 1
So I'm really excited to read more of Sui Ishida's newest manga, and I'm arriving just in time for the front seats! I don't want to let this pass without writing down my thoughts on the first chapter and possibly look at it in the future as the story progresses. You can read it here:
Having said that, please note there will be spoilers ahead!
Tomato Girl
The chapter starts with this cute little girl with that native(?) farmer-like hat, who supposedly grows big fruits (it's huge in Japan, look it up!). I think she will also be a main character since she's the first person we see. From this point I'll call her Tomato Girl. She is obviously from a rural area and is a farmer. We see her motivation is money (and that big dog... which, I think we will see in the future lol). She also wants to marry a "handsome goldilocks hubbie", lol. Wonder if this means she's going to be a love interest of the other cast? She also wants to have 9 kids. Naki and Miza, is that you?! Lol. So here, we have a girl with lofty aspirations! We shall see if any of this will happen or if it will change or if she's lying!
Also an observation - Tomato Girl is also close with her granddad, since she said she's going to the contest in lieu of her granddad (whose back was hurt). She obviously has this strong personality, standing up to the creepy bad guy, who was going to hit the old lady.
Bad Guy
The Bad Guy (since this guy doesn't have a name yet) is obviously a terrorist-for-hire. Also seems to be obsessed with beauty and elegance. I would guess his power lies in blowing things up?
I think, though, that Tomato Girl is a choujin herself, considering she didn't immediately get blown away. Plus, Bad Guy was on fire, and so was she. So, it doesn't necessarily mean Tomato Girl is already dead. She also seems to be reaching out to the Bad Guy as that scene ends.
It's later revealed that despite the plane crash, there were 200 survivors. Hmmmmmmm. Maybe they were turned into choujins?Only the hull was burned but the frame wasn't.
Tokio Kurohara and Azuma Higashi
Yes, the MC! He's notices the plane catching fire. Then, for some reason, Tokio's teacher (Ms. Bazonkas) has a weird voluptuous design. BUT, I think there's something afoot there. She might actually also be a choujin. Possibly a mentor role for Tokio? She seems to be very knowledgeable.
Anyway, going back to Tokio. He's introduced as a sixteen-year-old high school sophomore from Tsuru High. Like any high school kid, he finds studying math to be useless. We're also shown that lives in a district which has destroyed buildings. Possibly dystopian future?
We next find a girl getting harassed by a Mohawk guy and his 2 honchos. Tokio calls for someone, turns out to be Azuma. I just thought it's funny how he called for Azuma, he sounds like a police officer. Haha. But right after, Azuma is introduced, flying from a building.. a very dramatic, heroic entrance. He kinda looks like a hybrid of Haise and Armin from AOT for me. Haha. He's so cute and tiny but he's strong and is apparently the town hero. He breaks the arm of the thug, which Tokio thinks is going too far.
The girl seems to be a pretty girl, and I think she will play a role later on. She's a lot older than them, since she said she's going to an interview. She will possibly a love interest or a villain, but I think more of the latter. I just read CSM so I'm wary of pretty girls lol. Anyway, I think there's something there to link her with Azuma, considering, Azuma introduces both Azuma and Tokio but she only seems to thank or acknowledge Azuma. Tokio even says "don't mention it" even if the girl didn't even thank him, lol.
Azuma and Tokio talk about the plane crash, and it's revealed that choujins seem to abuse their power, and that the attack is kinda normal. We look at their hometown which is really wrecked. Buildings are dilapitated in an abnormal manner -- one building looks like it was done in with a circular force... They live in Yamato Prefecture which is described as an ordinary, self-governed prefecture with some areas partially destroyed. Wonder what self-governed means, but my guess is that it's kinda like a state and the national government is different altogether.
Well I never really thought of pill bugs or rolly pollies until I read this. Azuma talks about how roly polies roll around in dry areas and when they find a damp rock, they hide under it. He questions if the roly polies like damp places. And Azuma wonders if choujins are anything like roly-polies. Tokio is confused, so am I. I'm not going to make solid convictions what he means by it, but I think... what Azuma is driving at is that, roly polies and choujins DON'T like damp places. I don't know, I have no reason for this, it's just a guess. We'll see what Azuma means eventually. Haha.
It also appears that choujins are generally bad guys, since Azuma wonders why they don't use their power for good. Maybe something about being a choujin corrupts? Just a guess based on the succeeding events.
They end their conversation with Azuma thinking if he can help with the plane crash. Tokio comments, "seems noble of you" and Azuma says, "it's just a habit". Wonder if Tokio finds Azuma pretentious or if he's genuinely impressed. Azuma's answer is also quite concerning, "just a habit", a question arises if he's sincere in helping in the first place.
The Mohawk Guy
So this guy is supposed to be a funny, evil villain, now bent on exacting revenge from Azuma. Then, a guy (possibly gay guy because he is wearing a lipstick?) with a briefcase offers him an injection.
Tokio's Family
So Tokio has a bigger sister and a dad who seems to be very quiet. Not sure if that's their dad though, it wasn't clear. It's possible they don't have parents anymore and that guy is just an associate. Anyway, it appears that the sister pays Tokio's tuition and she's the breadwinner.
Tokio and his sister talk about Azuma. Azuma is apparently very smart, very athletic (proficient in judo and karate), girls love him, and that his dad is a big shot in the police. The sister questions why Tokio is so proud, and Tokio funnily admits that it's because he feels popular because Azuma is popular. A leech!
I just finished re-reading Tokyo Ghoul and :re, and I was blown away by Ishida's art and story. To say I love Kaneki is an understatement. I think I'm going to love Tokio too! I also want to discuss the cover.
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So it appears that the cover is the Tokio with an image of a vulture. Tokio is naked and it feels like the vulture is seducing him. From here, I get the vibe that Tokio might be corrupted by the power. "It's something of an affliction" is a dead giveaway. It feels like becoming a choujin or superhuman also corrupts, in a way?
Also since, there seems to be a commentary on the negative view on vultures being scavengers or "steals prey". (Though TBH I always thought vultures wait around for the predator to finish eating and then it eats the scraps??)
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On the other hand, Azuma, Tokio's best friend who's mighty strong and brave (almost to a fault), is viewed as a lion by his peers. Also, an uncanny observation is the when Tokio cries about while sitting on the floor, above him is a hyena. Hyenas are known to prey on the carcasses of lions' prey.
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It's almost uncanny when Tokio himself says, "I can be a lion too". But Azuma makes Tokio feel better by telling him that buzzards can fly higher than any bird -- telling Tokio to focus on the strength
But even if Tokio admires Azuma, Tokio thinks of telling Azuma when he's going too far. I think this comes from a place of concern. But maybe secretly he's also jealous?
Tokio also even tells Azuma that maybe they should hold hands so Tokio can be more like Azuma, implying that Tokio wants to be like Azuma.
Praying Mantis
Just before Flexi Choujin attacks, Tokio mentions that he bought an insect guidebook and was about to say a factoid about praying mantis near water. I wonder what Tokio was about to say? A search on the internet about praying mantis and water shows this disgusting video of a parasite exiting the praying mantis leaving the mantis to die. Ew. Let's see if this is the factoid Tokio was thinking of. If so, who's the mantis and who's the parasite? Is it Azuma and Tokio, respectively? Hmm. Also, love the insect symbolism. Throwback to Kaneki's centipede!
Flexi Choujin Attack (Johnny Kiyoshi Takeyama)
Mohawk Guy, now a choujin, is a flexi monster who's now more resistant to hits. He attacks Azuma indiscriminately with his new powers. He also kinda goes crazy... His subordinates fear his super violent side, begging him to go back to his "kinda naughty mama boy self", but he ends up snapping their heads off.
For some reason 2 injections fly up into the air?! Maybe someone tossed it. Because as Tokio brought Azuma to the water and brought him back out, he sees the 2 injections. Azuma wants to use it on himself.
Tokio hesitates to have Azuma use it but Azuma insists. Tokio remembers how Azuma saved him from bullies as a kid, and they agreed that Tokio will help Azuma beat the bad guys... Tokio gets the other injection and points to himself. Azuma says Tokio can't but Tokio insists because he feels that it's the only way to stay friends with Azuma. They also promise each other that they will have no regrets over this. This is kinda alarming for me!! Let's see what it will mean in the future.
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But instead of both of them transforming into a powerful choujin, only Tokio transforms into one. He looks like a vulture, very beast-like. Looks even like Kaneki's Centipede! I think the other injection might have resulted in a bad/weak power, or maybe it's empty, or maybe Tokio didn't inject Azuma? But I doubt the last one. Anyway, Tokio's choujin look is amazing!
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Can't help but feel this scene is related to the praying mantis thing... Maybe my hunch is correct? The parasite exits the mantis when near water, which is why Tokio manages to muster up some courage on his own?
We'll see!! I'm really excited to see this develop. It will be the first manga I will be able to see from the start to finish!
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te-quiero-verde · 4 years ago
This is too long to send as an ask, so I could send it as a message but it wouldn't be right if I didn't show off our friendship to everyone else on tumblr, would it? So I'm posting it instead xD
Here you go bestie: 80 things I love about you 💖
1) you make me insanely happy
2) talking to you makes me smile (every single time)
3) you're one of the sweetest humans ever
4) you're so funny!!!
5) you use a lot of emojis/exclamation marks when you're texting (and that reassures me because I do too)
6) I can always rely on you to freak out with me
7) you're so thoughtful
8) you're also very smart
9) you often get my friends references!!! And not many people do so I love you so much for that
10) you're beautiful
11) you're positive and enthusiastic
12) you always comment on my fics 🥺
14) seriously you're such a lovely person
15) I feel like I've been missing you all my life
16) our conversations are the cutest
17) I love whenever you begin a text with 'story time'
18) you put up with me calling you franziska
19) you get annoyed when I call you franziska xD
20) you're an amazing writer
21) you're an incredible baker (who cares if I've never tried any of your food! I JUST KNOW)
22) you're the best sister in the world
23) you're a little bit crazy too
24) you're a good listener
25) you have a great taste in music
26) and TV shows
27) and movies
28) you make my day basically every single day
29) you're the only person in the world who makes me want to hug them literally ALL THE TIME
30) did I mention how gorgeous you are
31) I love how devoted you are to language learning
32) and your English is pretty much perfect (which I'm very grateful for)
35) your accent (you had to know this was coming at some point xD)
36) your VOICE (I know you were expecting this too)
37) your hair
38) you help me annoy my brother by making him jealous of you 😈
39) you're basically a celebrity in our house now because I talk about you so much
40) you make me check my phone to see if you've messaged me at the most inconvenient times!! (in restaurants, when I'm about to go in the sea, on top of mountains... 😝)
41) your smileeeeee
42) your love for animals
43) your sense of humour
44) just your whole personality in general
45) you're just so nice all the time 😭
46) you're ALWAYS right
47) and you ALWAYS make irritatingly good points
48) you make me laugh every day
49) and you make me grin uncontrollably
50) you're a significant cause of my overuse of heart emojis
51) there aren't many people as kind and fun to be around as you
52) I trust you
53) you're such a good friend!
54) you're the kind of friend that you really hope you stay friends with all your life
55) we're like joey and chandler (and wynonna and waverly but I'll have to wait until you've seen wynonna earp for you to understand that)
56) I'm HONOURED to have met you
57) I feel so close to you even though we've never met
58) you always know exactly what to say
59) your enthusiasm when I'm writing my fics 🥰
60) your OBSESSION with Harry Potter
61) I was friends with Harry-Potter-obsessed people for ages and they couldn't convince me to read it no matter how hard they tried, and now here we are
62) I don't think you give yourself nearly enough credit for how awesome you are (but you SHOULD)
63) and I don't think you understand how lucky everyone is who has ever met you
64) your dancing skills are... *chef's kiss*
65) and YOUR SINGING 😍😍😍
66) you know when you're reading a really cute fluffy fic and you have to stop for a second because it's TOO ADORABLE AND YOU JUST CAN'T?? Well I often have to do that when I'm talking to you because I just 😭 love you SO MUCH that sometimes my heart can't take it
67) you make my life happier
68) since I wrote the thing about you basically being a celebrity in our house, it's now got to the point where my parents ask how's franzi every time I'm on my phone 😂
70) there are very few people like you
71) I'm gonna tell you you're beautiful again (and I will keep on telling you until one day you believe me 😉 and then I'll keep telling you after that anyway)
72) you're more fun to talk to than most people
73) okay, I almost started crying when I was writing this TWICE because I was overwhelmed by how grateful I am to know you, but it's fine 😭 it's under control now
74) I text you more than I text all my irl friends put together and that's probably not a good thing but ohhh welllll nevermindddd it's fineeee
75) everyone who's never met you or talked to you is missing out in life and I FEEL SO BAD FOR THEM (you might think I'm exaggerating but NO IT'S TRUE!!! Imagine living life without EVER talking to franziska... How do people do it??!!)
76) a few months ago I had an online friend who I vowed was the best online friend I've ever had and will ever have, and then you came along and ruined that, so thank you 🙄🤗❤️ I really hate breaking promises, FRANZISKA
77) if you think I say nice things to you all the time, you have no idea how many nice things I think about you but don't tell you
78) I keep imagining what it would be like to meet you in real life
79) I'm thinking I'll just end up hugging you for like an hour 🙈 or more..... okay definitely more..... people would just stare at us and wonder what's wrong with us... it would be amazing
80) I love how easy it was to make this list xD (I'm probably gonna keep adding to it so consider this part one)
However, this list doesn't even begin to cover how amazing you are. Your brilliant FEEBLE mind cannot comprehend how much I love you 🥰 but I hope this makes you happy sorella maggiore
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nottsuga · 4 years ago
𝖐����𝖒 𝖙𝖆𝖊𝖍𝖞𝖚𝖓𝖌
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❏ 𝔱𝔦𝔪𝔢𝔰𝔱𝔞𝔪𝔭
❏ 𝔰𝔠𝔢𝔫𝔞𝔯𝔦𝔬
bf!tae 2.0
tipsy tae
drunk tae
drunk tae 2.0
hosting bts 
videogame date
cuddles with tae
texts with bf tae
angry sex with tae
sex giggles with tae
tae with clumsy s/o
sucking your bf tae
tae jealous of yeontan
tae with idol s/o
sitting in tae’s lap
tae gives you a lap dance
mtl best at eating you out 
s/o loving tae’s fluffy hair 
tae with college student s/o
you sneak into the dorms
tae being addicted eating his s/o
tae confessing to reader in english
texts with bf tae while filming in the soop
another member walking in on you having sex
tae seeing s/o without glasses for the first time
he comes home to find you cuddling with yeontan
❏ 𝔡𝔯𝔞𝔟𝔟𝔩𝔢
“stay over,”
“i miss you”
“it’s getting late”
“go back to sleep”
“wear a turtleneck”
“woah... r u ok?”
“i love you, okay?”
“i almost feel bad for you”
“i have something for you”
“i’m going to kill you”
“wow” + “you’re warm”
“just like your father”
“i dreamed of you last night”
“let me kiss your pouty lips”
“just pretend to be my date”
“oh my god, do that again”
“cant we just hug this out”
“please just kiss me already”
“i know exactly what you mean”
“am i worth less than coffee now”
“if you cant sleep... we can have sex?”
“no one has ever made me feel like this
“oops I accidentally slept with my ta”
“come on, peaches, your my only girl”
“we’re never gonna hear the end of this”
“you have no idea how much i want you rn”
“things you said with no space between us”
“i have no self control when it comes to you”
“are you fucking my sister like you fucked me?”
“that was by far the most stupidest thing you’ve ever done”
“breaking into each other’s apartment now, are we?”
“i think it’s healthy to see his parents showing affection
“i’m pretty sure we just smashed your cowboy hat”
“what i’m about to do is totally crazy but just role with it” 
“my hand is freezing. It’s a shame there’s nobody willing to hold it.”
“i think we should normalize giving head to your friends as a practice”
“i’ll make out with you five minutes straight if you tell me where you’ve hid them”
“don’t flatter yourself. i would rather throw myself into oncoming traffic than kiss you, kim taehyung.”
“i know you haven’t done anything, but can you please stop looking so goddamn kissable, my parents are here.”
“what am i about to say?” + “That nothing has worked out for you since we dated, because even though the women you date are all wonderful, all you see in them is me,”
❏ 𝔬𝔫𝔢𝔰𝔥𝔬𝔱𝔰
cutie pie
winter bear
exam week
warm kisses
sexy killer
get moving 
false pretense
love or inlove
morning kisses
little footsteps
slow motion 
nine to five
electric love
movie night
secret santa
rest my love
like a peach
animal crossing
funny valentine
zoom university
persephone & hades
forever you and me
not a morning person
what a man gotta do?
fake it till you make it
stomach ache and sugar cookies
locked (a)
secret love song (a)
grapefruits & cranberries (a)
lucy (m)
teeth (m)
tease (m)
amour (m)
curtain (m)
allegro (m)
go fish (m)
dichotomy (m)
talk slow (m)
boundaries (m)
let it snow (m)
silk and skin (m)
not even close (m)
it’s complicated (m)
standard exploit (m)
gank mid lane (m)
gold rush (m)
family heals (m)
a little while (m)
girls like you (m)
kingdom come (m)
consequences (m)
secret attractions (m)
sick entertainment (m)
love isn’t science (m)
champagne & popsicles (m)
all i want for Christmas is you (m)
❏ 𝔰𝔢𝔯𝔦𝔢𝔰
cafe terrace at night
our secrets (m)
queen cobra (m)
unspoken rules (m)
❏ 𝔪𝔞𝔰𝔱𝔢𝔯𝔩𝔦𝔰𝔱
bts masterlist
bts masterlist
bts masterlist
bts masterlist
bts masterlist
bts masterlist
bts masterlist
bts masterlist
bts masterlist
bts masterlist
bts masterlist
bts masterlist
kth masterlist
kts masterlist
kth fic recs
kth fic recs
bts fic recs
bts fic recs
bts fic recs
bts reactions
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horansqueen · 4 years ago
Stuck With You - Chapter 13
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Chapter 13: Staring At The Ceiling
🡪chapter 1  🡪chapter 2  🡪chapter 3  🡪chapter 4  🡪chapter 5  🡪chapter 6   🡪chapter 7  🡪chapter 8  🡪chapter 9  🡪chapter 10  🡪chapter 11 🡪chapter 12
College Enemies To Lovers AU
characters // masterlist // instagrams // mood board
Things will seem much better in the morning light, Love will be much easier to own. Things will look much better in the pale sunlight. We can be together like before
You're lying on the floor and Staring at the ceiling. Thinking of the place you Have never seen before
And you want love without pain And waiting for the feeling
click here to be on the update list
                                     Niall and I didn't talk for two more days. I practically lived In Louis'  room and if I wanted to be honest, it was driving me insane, but when Louis told me that he was going to be gone all weekend, I felt my heart skip a beat. Apparently, his roommate was also coming back, with his girlfriend this time, since the girl's roommate was tired to share the room with both of them. I didn't have any other option beside going back to my room and I didn't know how to face Niall again.
I was gathering some of my stuff in Louis room when he got out of the shower. I didn't even glance at him, imagining the way it would feel to be face to face with Niall again and every single one of my scenarios ended badly.
"Hey, Dev, I'm sorry."
I glanced at Louis and sent him a small smile. "Don't be. I invaded your space for way too long already."
"It's only for a few days, you can come back next week." he pointed out, making me raise my nose up in a grimace.
"No, thank you. I mean, maybe from time to time, but not every day. I care about our friendship too much. I don't want you to get tired of me."
I felt him move closer and looked up at him, noticing he was raising his eyebrows at me. He put his hands on my shoulders and bent down slightly to look in my eyes, making me blink a few times. I pressed my lips together, waiting for him to talk and he just shook his head slightly.
"I will never get tired of you, okay?"
My lips curled very lightly in a small smile and I nodded a few times before he smiled more. I couldn't explain how happy I felt to have found someone like Louis. I didn't know if it was fate or simple luck but I couldn't even imagine how lonely this school would feel without him.
He took a step back and shrugged, grabbing one of my books and handing it to me. "Besides, we're soul sisters, right?"
I stopped what I was doing and turned my head to look at him. My smile turned into a fond one and I nodded again. "We are."
"Alright," Louis added, sitting on his bed and looking up at me. "Since I actually love you, I'm going to give you a way to have the room at least one night for yourself. I still think you and Niall should have a good discussion but, he's been alone in that room for a few days, and you deserve a break."
I raised my eyebrows, suddenly curious. "Does it involve food poisoning and can I get caught?"
"Idiot." he let out with a chuckle, rolling his eyes. "No, just text him that you'll be with a guy all night and you need the room for yourself."
"What if he thinks that guy is you?" I asked after sitting next to him.
"If it was me, we'd just stay here." he shrugged. "I have faith he'll actually make an effort with you after that. I think making the other jealous is the worst way to get that person to like you, but maybe being alone in your room for one night will help you both."
I looked down at my hands as I played nervously with my fingers. Making Niall jealous was never my intention, but whenever I mentioned Louis, he wouldn't like it. I was not sure why, but I sort of wanted it to be because he liked me. No matter what it was for, though, I was not going to give up on Louis' friendship.
"Anyway, he gets jealous no matter what you say, so." Louis shrugged again. "So, are you going to do it?"
I looked up at him as he stared at me with an amused smile. I didn't know why it was so funny to him but I liked seeing him like that. I knew he was getting a bit tired of that 'war' between Niall and I, and I couldn't blame him. After all, he was friends with both of us and it probably wasn't easy to manage, but he did it anyway, with a lot of whining and eye rolling.
"Yea, I think I will."
It took Niall about an hour to answer my text message and all he was able to type was 'ok'. I stared at the word for a few seconds, blinking a few times and expecting a second message to come but it didn't and I just decided to have a relaxed evening by myself. I knew most people would go out, go to a party or hang out with friends but I hadn't been by myself in a while and I decided to take a quick shower before watching some movies on my computer. It's only when I realized that I needed to go to the bathroom that I noticed it.
I stared at the notebook, the only thing laying on Niall's bed, as I felt my heart skip a beat. It was where he wrote his thoughts and his songs, and I knew this book was filled with his emotions and parts of his soul. I kept looking at it for a few seconds before sitting back on my bed. There was something tempting about it. I knew I would never open it but the thought that I could do it if I wanted was thrilling in a way I couldn't explain.
Would I find out things about him if I could read what he had written? Would I understand him better? What took me out of my thought was the soft knock at the door and I shook my head to get back to reality before frowning slightly. I had no idea who it could be and I held my breath, hoping it was not the girl Niall had sex with. For some obvious reason, I really didn't want to face her again.
I got up slowly and walked up to the door, breathing in and holding it as I turned the knob and opened the door. Niall's facial expression changed from neutral to surprised and his lips parted when our eyes met.
"Sorry, I just... I forgot my notebook."
I saw him glance behind me in the room and just moved away to let him pass. He seemed to hesitate but walked in until his bed, bending down slightly to grab his notebook. He slapped it nervously on his thigh a few times and finally, his eyes met mine again.
"Your... guest isn't here yet?" he wondered with a frown as he noticed my computer.
"Are you really going to have time writing in this while shagging your girlfriend?"
"She's not my-" he stopped himself and sighed. "What did Louis tell you?"
I shrugged and turned around to close the door. "Not much, just that you two have sex."
"Doesn't make her my girlfriend." he pointed out, turning around and searching for something in one of his drawers.
"So you didn't cheat on her when you kissed me?"
He suddenly stopped rummaging through his stuff but his back was still facing me. The only thing I could hear was the sound of my heart beating in my chest and making my whole body throb. I couldn't believe I had asked that but at the same time, it felt so good to let it out.
"I've never cheated on any of my girlfriends." he finally explained before continuing to search through his stuff, but a lot more gently than a few seconds before. "Mandy is not my girlfriend, and she doesn't care who I kiss."
I didn't really know what to answer and I just stood up motionless, waiting for him to be done. I let my eyes roam on the side of his face and started nibbling on my bottom lip as my heart skipped a beat. Why did looking at him always make something stir in my stomach? I had seen pretty people in my life, and had taken the time to stare at a few, too, but no one had ever made me want to stare at them forever like Niall did. I didn't even want to blink to make sure I wouldn't miss anything and suddenly, I felt embarrassed. Despite that fact, I let my cheeks burn but kept looking at him.
"What about you? When is your boyfriend coming here?"
"I don't have a boyfriend, you're totally aware of that." I replied, trying to look away from him without success.
"You said you had a guy over, that's why I have to stay away all night." he pointed out, turning to me.
Our eyes met and I felt my facial expression change from fond to a bit more serious. "I never said that. I said I needed the room tonight. I never talked about anyone coming over." I explained as his face changed too when he realized his mistake. "But you should go, Mandy is probably waiting for you."
I turned around, reaching on my bed for a sweater when I heard him whisper my name very low. I held my breath, feeling the heat of his body very close to mine, and when I turned around, his hands reached for my cheeks, cupping my face quickly before his mouth crashed on mine. It was not soft and gentle like the first time he kissed me. It was rough and passionate, and when he took a step closer, I felt his body lean lightly on mine. I closed my eyes tight, feeling his half-hard cock press against my thigh and it made me feel a bit dizzy. His lips parted mine quickly and I couldn't help but whimpered low. He swallowed my moan as one of my hands reached for the front of his shirt before gripping it, as if he could disappear.
I could taste beer on his tongue, mixed with what he tasted the last time we kissed, and it made me want to straddle him, or get on my knees for him. I was obsessed with the way his body felt against mine, like it was just made to be there, and when I tried pulling away to catch my breath, one of his hands moved behind my neck to keep my mouth pressed against his.
He let out a curse word in a whisper. Just a small and low 'fuck' before pushing his tongue in my mouth again. Without thinking, I wrapped my lips around it and sucked on it for a few seconds before he quickly pulled away, taking a step back. I blinked a few times, just looking at him as he passed his hand in his hair and turned around, tilting his head down. I realized I was panting, lips parted and my heart racing, but most of all, I felt my whole body shake and my inner thighs throb at the way he had kissed me.
It took him about a minute to turn around slowly. He brushed one of his fingers on his bottom lip but avoided my gaze before swallowing hard.
"You-" he let out, cutting himself and shaking his head a bit. "I'm gonna leave you alone. I shouldn't be here. I came just because I wanted to..." he shook his head again. "I'll see you tomorrow."
He grabbed his notebook and his shirt before walking quickly to the door but when he was about to leave, I couldn't stop myself from saying his name. It came out louder than I thought and once again, he stopped moving completely, his hand on the knob.
"You can stay if you want."
I couldn't see his face but he just shook his head. "It's better I don't."
"Are you going to sleep in Mandy's room?"
My voice was soft and I knew how insecure and sad it sounded. I just couldn't spend the whole evening wondering about it, it would drive me insane.
"No, I asked this guy from my writing class if I could crash on his couch."
It made my heart feel suddenly lighter and I licked my lips, nodding slowly even if he couldn't see me. "Will you come back tomorrow?"
This time, he turned his head my way and our eyes met. I didn't know what I was seeing in his eyes but somehow, I felt like he was seeing the same thing in mine.
He didn't give me time to answer and quickly opened the door and left. It closed in a loud noise behind him and as soon as it did, I breathed in deeply as if I hadn't done it since that kiss. I felt confused, dizzy and horny all at the same time. Perhaps he was right, perhaps it was better that he left, because I was pretty sure I knew how it would have ended, and even if I wanted it more than I thought I would, it was a bit premature, especially from two persons who always ended up being pissed at each other.
How could I forget him now? How could I even try to hate him? It seemed like an impossible task and I sat on my bed and closed my eyes, inhaling and exhaling deeply until my heartbeats came back to a normal pace. I thought about his dick pressed on me and held my breath again, squeezing my thighs together and groaned low at how weak I was. I wanted to touch myself and at the same time, I felt like this ecstatic feeling that I had ever since his mouth crushed on mine would just leave after an orgasm, and I wanted to keep feeling it for as long as I could.
I watched two more movies but couldn't really get into it. In fact, I couldn't remember anything from them and I finally decided to just go to bed. It was early but it didn't matter. I couldn't take Niall off my mind. I lied there for a while before taking my phone and opening the camera. I aimed it at the ceiling where I could see the lights coming from the streets and snapped a picture before posting it on instagram. I typed the lyrics that immediately came to my mind and posted it.
It didn't even take one minute before I got a notification and my heart skipped a beat when I realized Niall had liked my picture. My eyes roamed again on the lyrics and I started nibbling on my bottom lip slowly.
"Things will seem much better in the morning light, Love will be much easier to own."
He didn't lie. Niall came back around dinner time and I was still in my sweatpants and t-shirt. He walked in the room and sent me a small smile before walking to his bed. I stopped focusing on what I was studying but it was not like I had been very productive anyway. I couldn't stop thinking about him, about our kiss, and about what could have happened if he hadn't left.
I tried to look at him subtly and felt my lips curl a bit when he entered the halo of light that came from the window. The sun was slowly setting and it made his light brown hair turn a dark shade of blonde.
"Slept well?" he asked without looking at me.
"Mmhm, and you?"
I couldn't tell him that I hadn't stopped thinking about him, not even a second. I couldn't tell him the things I had imagined all night long, tossing and turning in bed without being able to fall asleep. I couldn't tell him that when I finally could sleep, I had dreamed about him.
"Was alright, but my friend's couch was horrible." he chuckled, his eyebrows making a small wave that made me smile.
"Maybe you should have slept here."
I held my breath until he turned to look at me and sent me a small but amused smile. "Maybe."
I kept looking at him and pressed my lips together, trying to stop them from curling into a bigger smile, and after a while, he laughed a bit again. "Oh, that reminds me, my friend is having a party tonight, if you want to come with me, it'd be nice." He looked away as he asked and shrugged a shoulder but it made my heartbeats accelerate. "You can invite Louis too, if you want."
"Oh Louis is gone for the weekend." I explained in a low tone. I always felt uncomfortable talking about Louis with Niall, and it always stressed me because I was always scared his mood would change. "I'd love to go, though, if you still want me to. I've been trying to study all day and nothing works."
"Of course, I asked you, didn't I?" he chuckled, making my heart twist. He seemed in a good mood and even if I didn't know why, I liked it more than I could explain. "Get ready, I'll be back in an hour. I'm going for pizza with a few friends."
"Sure, I'll be ready." I nodded, feeling suddenly extremely nervous to go to a party in a place I didn't know, with people I didn't know. "Where is the party?"
"It's the friend I slept at yesterday. He's in my writing class. We started working on a song together but most of the time, we just end up getting drunk when we hang out." he laughed, glancing at me. "He's got an apartment not so far."
"You won't just... leave me by myself, right?" I asked in a soft tone.
"No worries, you can follow me around all you want. Even in the bathroom." he chuckled, making me laugh too.
"I'll remember that." I grinned, thinking of when we actually got stuck together. "Are you the designated driver tonight too?"
"Nop, and I'm totally gonna get pissed!"
"Maybe I shouldn't drink to make sure you're okay."
He turned to me and raised his eyebrows at me, his lips curled into a smirk. "Devie, I'm a big guy, don't worry. If I'm too drunk we can take a cab or just sleep at my friend's place."
"On an uncomfortable couch?" I joked, laughing again.
He grabbed his phone again and put it in his back pocket before looking around and finally, he turned to me and moved his chin quickly in my direction. "I'll be back in an hour."
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blissful-independence · 4 years ago
Code Lyoko: REvision
I just finished binge watching Code Lyoko on Netflix recently to relive my childhood & forgot how cool of a show it was! While it is an awesome story, some things couldn't stop bugging me that didn't line up. So I revised in a short format the entire series in a way that follows a proper timeline plus what I would've added for the show. I hope y'all like it!
Word Count: 3.3k
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Lyoko Warriors
Jeremie Belpois
Date of birth: 22 February
Season 1-2: 13-14
Season 3-4: 14-15
Height: 163 cm/ 5’4
Birthplace: Ville de Clichy, France
Daphne Belpois- Mom
Michel Belpois- Dad
School: Kadic Academy
Season 1-2: 4th year (FR)/8th grade (US)/Year 9 (UK)
Season 3-4: 3rd year (FR)/9th grade (US)/Year 10 (UK)
Yumi Ishiyama
Date of birth: 27 October
Season 1-2: 14-15
Season 3-4: 15-16
Height: 165/ 5’5
Birthplace: Kyoto, Kansai, Japan
Hiroki Ishiyama-Brother
Akiko Ishiyama-Mother
Takeho Ishiyama-Father
School: Kadic Academy
Season 1-2: 3rd year (FR)/9th grade (US)/Year 10 (UK)
Season 3-4: 2nd year (FR)/10th grade (US)/Year 11(UK)
Ulrich Stern
Date of birth: 13 January
Season 1-2: 13-14
Season 3-4: 14-15
Height: 173 cm/ 5’8
Birthplace: Berlin, Germany
Christoph Stern- Estranged father
Emilia Stern-Estranged mother
School: Kadic Academy
Season 1-2: 4th year (FR)/8th grade (US)/Year 9 (UK)
Season 3-4: 3rd year (FR)/9th grade (US)/Year 10 (UK)
Odd Della Robbia:
Date of birth: 1st April
Season 1-2: 13-14
Season 3-4: 14-15
Height: 160 cm/ 5’4
Birthplace: Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Adele Della Robbia-1st oldest sister
Pauline Della Robbia-2nd oldest sister
Elizabeth Della Robbia-3rd oldest sister
Marie Della Robbia-4th oldest sister
Louise Della Robbia- 5th oldest sister
Mary Elizabeth Della Robbia- Mother
David Della Robbia- Father
School: Kadic Academy
Season 1-2: 4th year (FR)/8th grade (US)/Year 9 (UK)
Season 3-4: 3rd year (FR)/9th grade (US)/Year 10 (UK)
Aelita Schaeffer/Hopper/Stones
Date of birth: 25 September
Season 1-2: 12-13
Season 3-4: 13-14
Height: 160 cm/ 5’2
Birthplace: Zurich, Switzerland
Franz Hopper-Father
Anthea Schaeffer-mother
School: Kadic Academy
Season 2: 4th year (FR)/8th grade(US)/Year 9(UK)
Season 3-4: 3rd year (FR)/9th grade (US)/Year 10 (UK)
William Dunbar
Date of birth: 11 December
Season 2: 14-15
Season 3-4: 15-16
Height: 175 cm/5’9
Birthplace: Edinburgh, Scotland
Thomas Dunbar-Father
Fiona Dunbar-mother
School: Kadic Academy
Season 2: 3rd year (FR)/9th grade(US)/Year 10(UK)
Season 3-4: 2nd year (FR)/10th grade (US)/Year 11(UK)
Kadic Academy Students
Elisabeth (Sissi) Delmas
Date of birth:17 May
Season 1-2: 13-14
Season 3-4: 14-15
Height: 163 cm/ 5’4
Birthplace: Paris, France
School: Kadic Academy
Season 1-2: 4th year (FR)/8th grade (US)/Year 9 (UK)
Season 3-4: 3rd year (FR)/9th grade (US)/Year 10 (UK)
Patrick Belpois
Date of birth: 22 August
Season 4: 14-15
Height: 168 cm/ 5’6
Birthplace: Bordeaux, Nouvelle-Aquitaine, France
School: Kadic Academy
Season 4: 3rd year (FR)/9th grade (US)/Year 10 (UK)
Viktoria Klein
Date of birth: 14 February
Season 1-2: 13-14
Height: 163 cm/ 5’4
Birthplace: Munich, Bavaria, Germany
School: Kadic Academy
Season 1-2: 4th year (FR)/8th grade (US)/Year 9 (UK)
Nicholas Poliakoff
Date of birth: 8 July
Season 1-2: 13-14
Season 3-4: 14-15
Height: 173 cm/ 5’8
Birthplace: Saint Petersburg, Russia
Season 1-2: 4th year (FR)/8th grade (US)/Year 9 (UK)
Season 3-4: 3rd year (FR)/9th grade (US)/Year 10 (UK)
Herb Pichon
Date of birth: 20 November
Season 1-2: 12-13
Season 3-4: 13-14
Height: 163 cm/ 5’4
Birthplace: Paris, France
Season 1-2: 4th year (FR)/8th grade (US)/Year 9 (UK)
Season 3-4: 3rd year (FR)/9th grade (US)/Year 10 (UK)
Season 1
1x01: X.A.N.A Awakens Part 1 & 2
Similar to the original episode in the 3rd season
Jeremie meets Ulrich because of a biology project in Ms. Hertz’s class.
Odd gets introduced as the new overseas student by Jim.
Odd is partnered with Jeremie and Ulrich due to there already being an even number of students.
Yumi’s first year as a student at Kadic is explained when she meets Ulrich at the Pencak Silat class taught by Jim.
This is the explanation for why she doesn’t have friends & why people confuse her for Chinese.
Parallel to the episode, Ulrich and Odd discover the supercomputer and ‘Maya’ when helping Jeremie with his robots suddenly attacking him.
Odd eagerly volunteers to be virtualized first to Lyoko to meet ‘Maya’ following Ulrich when Odd is in trouble.
The boys agree to help ‘Maya’ and try to turn off the supercomputer the following day.
Odd notices Ulrich staring at Yumi while on campus, pushing him to talk to her even if he doesn’t know what happened in martial arts class.
Ulrich apologizes to Yumi for being standoff-ish & wants to continue practicing together.
Sissi gets jealous and follows them around, causing her to get caught in a XANA trap.
This is how she sees the supercomputer leading to the first return to the past.
The group promises to keep everything between them and help Aelita.
Keynotes for S1 storyline
The main goal is to bring back Aelita from Loyko.
Jeremie learns how Odd, Ulrich, and Yumi can feel phantom pains after being devirtualized on Lyoko.
Ulrich learns Yumi moved from Japan just the year prior.
Yumi introduces the boys to her parents and little brother since she has a good relationship with Mr. & Mrs. Ishiyama.
The boys learn how Hiroki is an intelligent kid while mischievous, something Odd takes note of when they hang out.
Due to both their somewhat poor communication skills, Ulrich and Yumi dance around the fact they both like each other.
Ulrich does end up having a girlfriend in S1, a blonde German girl named Viktoria.
Yumi represses her feeling once seeing Ulrich happy with someone.
Sissi and Yumi get into a fight when Sissi threatens Ulrich with exposing his journal to everyone.
A page having details of Ulrich’s feelings about both Viktoria and Yumi.
Jeremie struggles with the balance of Lyoko and the real world, forgetting about his parents to the point they drive to Kadic for a wellness check.  
Odd develops a secret crush on Aelita as time gets closer to materializing her.
The warriors learn about Ulrich’s estranged relationship with his family when Kadic hosts a Family Day. Ulrich is the only one from the group to not have a family member visit.
Mr. & Mrs. Ishiyama has sympathy towards Ulrich and wants to know what goes on with him in his schooling like a parent, even advising on how to help his grades.
Two of Odd’s sisters, Adele and Pauline, come for Family Day.
Sissi doesn’t leave Ulrich alone until it makes Victoria dump Ulrich towards the end of the season.
Yumi is a shoulder for Ulrich to lean on.
When Aelita is finally materialized and done safely with her ability to attend school in S2, Yumi can see Odd’s crush but promises to keep it between them.
Season 2
On Aelita’s first day enrolled in Kadic Academy for the spring semester, she is linked to Ulrich’s cousin instead of Odd’s.
As everyone comes back from winter vacation, Ulrich notices a new student in Yumi’s class named William.
Hearing from Odd through the grapevine of William, Ulrich isn’t a fan right away especially seeing how close William appears when speaking to Yumi.
Ulrich tries to not be jealous but can’t help it as Yumi seems to be enjoying herself when speaking to William.
Viktoria talks to Ulrich again to catch up, making Yumi internally jump to conclusions.
While in class, Odd asks Aelita to join him to take Kiwi out during lunch.
This confuses Ulrich & (especially) Jeremie, but Aelita agrees to have a breath of fresh air.
During lunch, Yumi introduces William to Ulrich and Jeremie but asks where Odd and Aelita are.
William jokes about Odd and Aelita being a secret couple.
Jeremie doesn’t find this funny and storms to the library.
Ulrich takes this as William being a rude person, a green light to being vocal on his dislike towards him, then follows Jeremie to the library.
Yumi doesn’t appreciate Ulrich’s attitude, following William for lunch.
Aelita and Odd come across an abandoned house called “The Hermitage” and enter the forest.
Aelita feels intense deja vu, suddenly having unknown flashbacks in the building.
Odd finds the place creepy, especially when discovering what looks like a little girl’s room.
Xana. Return to the past. Yumi and Ulrich reunite on a bench during the lunch period.
Yumi tells Ulrich about Odd’s crush on Aelita
Ulrich is surprised but also should’ve seen it coming after thinking
She understands Ulrich’s coldness towards William after the comment.
Ulrich says he’ll be better at biting his tongue and won’t tell Jeremie about Odd’s crush.
Aelita is back in the forest alone, standing in front of The Hermitage.
Keynotes for S2 storyline
Aelita is determined to discover her connection to The Hermitage with or without Jeremie’s help.
Aelita has been rewarded a scholarship to attend Kadic Academy.
William’s backstory of hot-headed comes more to light, specifically with Ulrich in physical activities.
Ulrich tries his best to not let William get the best of him, knowing it will blow up in his face if he does.
Yumi struggles with feeling homesick & out of place from being far away from Japan.
Sissi tries to mess with Yumi’s head about Ulrich and Aelita’s about Jeremie.
Viktoria tries to be friends with Yumi but can’t due to Sissi’s words.
Odd learns to become more mature to better himself after events blow in his face with Aelita.
Aelita is trying her best to be oblivious to Odd’s feelings as she has never been in this situation.
Odd actually does give something to Aelita for Valentine’s Day
Ulrich gives Yumi a necklace
Yumi helps give Aelita as much advice as possible, knowing she is also in the same boat since William came to Kadic.
Ulrich gives Odd advice to back off Aelita because he knows how much Jeremie likes her.
Jeremie finds all of Aelita’s personal information on Franz Hopper’s CDs.
When Odd tries to move on from Aelita, he ends up making regressing back to immaturity with girls as a ‘casanova.’
Xana takes control of the ‘return to the past’ program, causing the gang not to use it in S2.
Jeremie teaches Ulrich how to use the supercomputer first in simple terms for basic things.
Ulrich’s father surprises Ulrich and meets his friends, showing a strong dislike for Yumi, which causes a stronger refit between the two.
Odd tells Jeremie his feelings for Aelita after her almost dying on Lyoko.
There is ambiguity on what Jeremie does with this information.
When it is the end of the year & time for everyone to go home, Aelita stays with Yumi for the over month-long summer break.
Viktoria tells Ulrich she isn’t coming back to Kadic after this year. She also tells Ulrich to go for it with Yumi.
Ulrich decides to spend most of the break with Jeremie in France instead of going back to Germany.
Season 3
The Warriors come back to Kadic from their summer break, where luckily, Xana hasn’t done anything to harm Earth. A note Aelita takes as Xana, knowing they were apart without a trace.
The Warrior’s all meet in the courtyard as they wait for their new class schedules.
During the break, Jeremie reprogrammed the Return To The Past and added new programs to the supercomputer.  
A new additive is Odd, gaining unlimited laser arrows and flexibility similar to a cat.
Jeremie asks Odd if they could speak in private, going to a bench away from the others.
The two talk about their mutual crush on Aelita and promise to not let it get between them as friends.
Jeremie asks if Odd really likes Aelita and is surprised to hear an honest, genuine response from him for once.
While everyone is waiting under the arches, William comes up at Yumi, eager to catch up after the break.
Ulrich remains distant to William after the constant back and forth, which William has no problem with.
Yumi can see the discomfort from Ulrich and excuses the two of them to another part of the campus.
Sissi catches Ulrich & Yumi holding hands ‘demands’ an explanation but doesn’t actually get one.
After returning back from the core of Lyoko, the talk about adding a fifth member is first brought up.
Keynotes for S3 storyline
Outfit changes for everyone to start the new school year.
Yumi changes her from black all around to a pink skirt, black tights, and a thin long sleeve skull top.
Aelita’s outfit is an updated version of what she was wearing when virtualized on Lyoko. A purple heart baby T-shirt with black shorts and pink tights plus lace-up boots.
Odd is lowkey with his acts of kindness to Aelita.
Ulrich’s mother, Emilia, comes to visit, where she catches Ulrich and Yumi together under a tree. Emilia doesn’t like Yumi right away.
Emilia and Ulrich argue about their distance as if it was only Ulrich who caused it.
Ulrich states how he’s the kid and shouldn’t be reaching out all the time to his parents.
Jeremie and Aelita show Yumi and Odd how to use the supercomputer after a mission where Jeremie cannot use it.
William is initiated as a Lyoko Warrior in the middle of the season.
Yumi is highly vocal against it the whole time because she doesn’t trust him.
Odd and Ulrich help train William to be a better fighter but notice his cocky attitude never changing even after a few Lyoko trips.
Aelita gains the power of foreshadowing instead of Odd getting it back.
Yumi is honest about her feelings to Ulrich after he doesn’t return at all from a mission.
He gets frozen in Xana’s dome.
They finally get together.
Ulrich teaches Hiroki and Johnny how to approach girls respectfully.
Aelita and Jeremie have growing tension from Jeremie’s repetitive stubborn overprotectiveness.
Odd and Aelita grow closer as they expand their creative passion for music.
Jeremie becomes jealous of Odd and Aelita spending time together only to make it worse with Aelita.
William takes Yumi and Ulrich’s new relationship way too hard. He becomes irresponsible when on Lyoko resulting in him getting caught by the Scyphozoa.
Aelita blames herself for William as she hazily saw the mission leading in that direction.
Season 4
Following Lyoko getting destroyed by Xana, the warriors are on high alert of anything on Earth.
Aelita is the one to find what Franz Hopper sent to the supercomputer to help reprogram Lyoko.
Jeremie and Aelita set up Sector Five and the forest sector first before other parts of Lyoko.
Jeremie improves Yumi’s telepathic ability and gives everyone super sprint instead of only Ulrich. (Aelita with flying)
When on Lyoko to find William, they see he can mimic what Jeremie programmed, such as
His version of flying like Aelita
Getting an over bike like Ulrich
Throw his sword like Yumi’s fans
William devirtualizes all of the warriors
The Warriors think of a plan to handle William the next day.
Yumi and Hiroki get into an argument about Yumi’s diary getting lost.
Hiroki stole it to give gossip for Milly but had it fallen out of his backpack.  
Ulrich tries to help find it, knowing his situation with Sissi last year.
Hiroki gets caught in a Xana trap that smacks him unconscious, causing Yumi to panic for her brother.
Yumi stays on Earth with her parents while the others go to Lyoko to deactivate the tower.
After the return to the past, Jeremie begins looking for a temporary solution for William’s absence.
Yumi, Ulrich, and Hiroki go out for ice cream as all is forgiven.
Yumi tells Ulrich she’ll one day show him what she wrote before they got together.
Ulrich promises to do the same.
Keynotes for S4 storyline
The William Clone is programmed to have adaptive sensors, making him somewhat normal to the unknown person.
Odd’s parents and older sister Marie come visit Odd to watch his short film.
Marie gives Odd advice for his love triangle dilemma.
When it is time for the week of Christmas break, the Warriors find a way to spend the holiday with Yumi to be all together.
Ulrich and Yumi almost break up from a misunderstanding by Xana disguising themselves as each other.
Xana-Ulrich creates an argument with Yumi while Xana-Yumi kisses another classmate.
Odd mischievously submits Aelita’s mix CD for the Subdigitals audition when she cannot make it.
Aelita is grateful to Odd when she is picked as a finalist.
Odd gets kicked out of the group for showing the new exchange student Brynja the factory.
Once back into the group (called on by Jeremie), Aelita and Odd get into an argument that lasts longer than any Yumi and Ulrich fight.
Jeremie is the mediator for Aelita and Odd, telling the two to be honest with each other.
Odd tells Aelita he likes her finally, and Aelita says she doesn’t know her feelings. Jeremie tells her it’s okay if she likes Odd back.
Aelita needs time to think, and the boys give her as much space as she needs.
Jeremie’s cousin Patrick enrolls at Kadic permanently, allowing the two to grow closer as family.
Patrick helps Jeremie come out of his shell a little bit, and in return, Jeremie tells Patrick about Lyoko.
Patrick promises to keep it a secret and thinks Lyoko is insane when sent to be part of ‘Return To The Past’.
William comes back a little bit before the last episode.
Yumi and William have a conversation where he apologizes for his actions on Lyoko and reacting horribly to her and Ulrich’s relationship.
William does a whole apology tour with the Warriors about his carelessness that led to getting trapped by Xana.
Odd and Ulrich are verbal about their distrust for William, especially to his face.
As Aelita finishes destroying Xana and comes back to Earth, Odd is the one to catch her as she cries for the loss of her father.
Series Finale
With Xana now destroyed thanks to the power of Franz Hopper’s sacrifice, the warriors must now turn off the supercomputer as there is no real purpose anymore. To Yumi’s surprise, the rest of the warriors are hesitant to turn it off. Yumi gets upset when everyone but her vote to not turn off the supercomputer and is quite confused by it.
Yumi distances herself from the rest of the group, not wanting to hear what their excuses are.
In an irritated voice due to Yumi being stubborn, Ulrich says he likes being a hero who feels unstoppable. He doesn’t get that feeling on Earth where he struggles in school with parents who are hardly present in his life.
Yumi says encouraging words about how Ulrich is a great person on Earth who cares for his friends and others.
Jeremi tells Patrick and Aelita how he is scared of turning back into a loner after shutting Lyoko off.
Patrick tells Jeremie he shouldn’t worry about that because the Warriors are all really close.
Aelita says they have a bond that can’t be broken even if they all live in different countries.
While in gym class, Aelita asks Odd why he didn’t want the supercomputer to be shut off.
Odd doesn’t want to turn it off then begin to miss it, but he knows it is for the best.
William tells Jeremie they need to shut the computer down after everything that’s happened bad to him.
Yumi apologizes for her stubbornness and hears out everyone's reasoning for not wanting to say goodbye to Lyoko yet.
Aelita talks to Odd about what they could be like in the future.
They never fully say out loud what happens, and there are no hard feelings from Jeremie.
One last hiccup from Sissi resulted in the last return to the past by Jeremie and Patrick. Aelita and Odd are sitting together on one bench while Yumi and Ulrich are under a tree.
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