#so far it’s looking like Dirk is a lil too relatable
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dandyleyen · 10 months ago
my sillies and I were talking about the Homestuck characters we kin and why we relate, and then i got hit with THIS ?
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Like,,, I was gagged. Like ????
AND THEN I got hit with THESE ???
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I’m convinced they hate me .
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Homestuck posting
I should be asleep… Instead I noticed something
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On today’s game of “Symbolism?????” Dave’s glasses are damn important for his character, it’s early but like, the obvious read is that John (and Rose and Jade of course but he’s the one who gifted them in this case so he’s the relevant one.) helped him sort of gain a sense of individuality and self outside of Bro. The fact that they’re still shades lets him still hide a piece of himself specifically behind the curtain of irony…
Dirk is uhhhhhh… Different. Like, his sunglasses are where Lil Hal lives. Something something Prince of Heart- like- Dirk really walks around with a mask of his own face and does not know what his skin looks like beneath it.
Terezi… Doesn’t read as someone putting on a facade until pretty late in the game. Not to me at least, I could very easily be missing stuff. Like when I say, ‘I have a lot of things to say about Terezi and like her a lot’ The flaws would be related to her fucked sense of justice and going too far when messing around with people for shits and giggles… She definitely doesn’t read as Dirk-like.
Latula does have Strider-isms… Actually yeah I could see her Cool Girl thing being comparable to Dave’s Cool Kid thing. *Insert poorly photoshopped radical skateboarder to look like Latula that Roxy made and was like ‘dis u cool guuuurl ;P *giiiirl’*
I still feel like I’m missing something re the glasses symbolism… Multiple things really. Maybe I’ll find it later.
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sammygender · 1 year ago
things about homestuck i have discovered in my reread
terezi is my favourite character and will always be
caliborn is fucking HILARIOUS jesus christ somehow i forgot this (he hasnt got to the misogyny yet that part gets kind of less funny)
dave and karkat kind of ARE that good, regrettably. i feel like we all go through a davekat phase upon first reading and then gradually we get over dave and karkat and move onto other, better pursuits, like vrisrezi fanfiction or space player meta. rereading tho man they are excellent… not the most compelling characters of COURSE and really more like babys first analysis in terms of dissecting them, but man they are funny, man their emotional arcs are vivid and well written, man they are hilarious together also (penis ouija. yeah that was funny). coming out as a dave and karkat fan once again
homestuck in general but especially the start of act 6 is INCREDIBLY funny. for some reason i thought act 6 was less funny and more like plot-heavy which i guess it kind of us to an extent cause most of it is now Relevant all the time but oh my god the alpha kids are a trainwreck and its so funny
on the subject of the alpha kids. last time i properly read homestuck i was like 14. i had never experienced being the same age of the alpha kids and now looking back its insane. that is LITERALLY what being 15/16 is like. the romantic chaos the constant miscommunication the way this group of best friends just somehow have so many fucking problems with each other??? and the COMPLEXES. my god
appreciating roxy more this time round than i ever did before she rubbed me a little the wrong way first read i think maybe bc everyone heralded her as like The Unproblematic Alpha Kid when like oh my god she is a fucking MESS but when looking at her through that lens shes fantastic
jade harley should be mean more often. every PASSWORD FUCKASS interaction was an absolute delight. man she should get more page time
vriska is indefensible when u first meet her its so hard explaining to people that shes like The Fucking Best when she spends most of her intro mocking the guy she paralysed for being paralysed. sadly, she still IS the fucking best.
did i mention terezi pyrope is my favourite character ever in anything
i still cant pay attention to anything exile related i'm sorry. i just look at the pretty pictures and skip through it quickly as possible. if they dont have complex psychology and fun conversations idc sorry im a bad hs fan
calliope is both a delight and so wrong like all of the time. reading her i see where all the fandom misconceptions come from. ur not meant to take her word as 100% serious when she says stuff like male/female classes or whatever!! she sees everything through this incredibly binary 2 choice lens like caliborn bc thats literally the life she lives. this is also extra funny i guess considering shes literally kind of meant to represent the hs fandom
LIL HAL <33333333
sorry that so much of this is about the alpha kids im part way into act 6 now
dirkjake so far have not had a single interaction and iirc they never do??? fascinating storytelling since we still have a perfect picture of their dynamic
terezi is characteristically being stupid about vriska again, because she is complicatedly and unwittingly in love with her
does rose get confirmed as a lesbian later in the text or is that just a fandom interpretation cause ngl i have seen people harassed over bi rose which is kinda crazy anyway but would be even crazier if its not. an actual canon fact
LE SIGN IS UNIVERSALLY ACKNOWLEDGED TO MEAN TOO BAD HES GAY YOU OBTUSE DUNDERFUCK from roxy compared to poor dirk calling the word gay antediluvian. man just wants to like jake in peace
honestly everything alpha kid wise is insane lets just. put it there
terezi is my favourite also have i said that already
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ardenttheories · 5 years ago
With the current update, a few pretty little thoughts have been rumbling around in my head. I definitely think that my previous theory that Dirk isn’t actually the Ultimate Self holds a little more weight with these past updates, particularly when you consider that his biggest hangup as explained by Brain Ghost Dirk is an incredible Destruction of Heart - evidence that he’s still Destroying his own sense of Self and Identity by declaring that none of them can ever have happy endings and that, ultimately, they have no capacity to be normal. 
How can you be the Ultimate Self when you’re so throroughly destroying your Self?
But that isn’t what today is about. Not entirely, anyway. No, what we’re focusing on today is a beautiful nugget of thought I had some three-ish days ago, following along the lines of what a Prince of Heart is.
Destroyers of Heart. Killers of the Self. At their worst, they eradicate all Individuality, all Identity - they create Splinters quite simply by fracturing their own Soul and splitting it up into itty bitty pieces. They take the core of a person and they snap it, crush it up, make something else and leave it behind. 
They take the very concept of a person, and they erase it from existence (as seen with Lil Cal, because we can easily say that in making Cal’s soul the individual components - Caliborn, Gamzee, Equius, AR - lose their Individuality, the things that make their existences unique, and are therefore erased entirely in place of this being that is Cal) or displace it and remove the identity (as seen with Aranea; if Brain Ghost Dirk had completed his removal of her soul, where would she have gone? Wherever she ended up wouldn’t have been her, and her whole sense and understanding of herself would have changed - or, perhaps, she simply would have been eradicated from existence).
Of course, what we have to consider as well is that a Prince of Heart’s Splinter, by warrant of being a piece of the Prince’s original soul, is also a Prince of Heart. At least in theory. 
We also have to consider that the original Prince is also the Splinter’s Self; they’re connected by Soul, fractured as it may be, and while their piece if uniquely their own and can develop as they exist, that tie never actually fades. This is why Dirk can, as his “Ultimate” Self, superimpose himself on the will of ever Splinter and take away their narrative importance. He’s the original, the strongest, and they are all simply parts of him that he can freely use. 
Except, of course, that we have one Splinter that isn’t wholly Dirk. One who has found his way into the unreality of the Candy timeline, and secured a small piece of the narrative for himself. 
Brain Ghost Dirk, for all intents and purposes, is as much a product of Jake as he is a Splinter of Dirk. Dirk is the basis, the foundation; but only so far as Jake perceives Dirk to be. Funny, how this Dirk isn’t nearly as maniacal as Ultimate Dirk. There’s more a sense of grounded acceptance than anything else, less of a hatred towards Jake as a symbiotic relation to him. There’s moments where he maybe reveals more than he wants to:
DIRK: People like us don’t get happy endings. 
JAKE: Is...is that really how dirk felt the whole gosh darned time?
DIRK: It doesn’t matter.
And, yes, this could be him brushing Jake off, a facile remark to quickly sway along the conversation towards something more relevant, but the next panel seems to hold a distinct awkwardness. Something that holds more of a confession than a callous slide along. 
This Dirk is Dirk as Jake remembers him to be. He even admits this to some degree - that he doesn’t always know which parts of him are Dirk thoughts and which are Jake thoughts. Nor does he seem to be entirely proud of the fact that it is a Dirk though. It’s not a consensus of “this is right and you should listen”, it’s “yeah, sometimes I struggle with figuring out which parts of me are you and which parts are the big man upstairs”. 
He’s definitely still undeniably Dirk. He says nothing matters because they’re gods, because the world comes first at the expense of all else, even personal happiness, and being a hero means making those sacrifices. 
But he also absolutely flirts with Jake the literal first moment he can - “Not to say the sloppy drunk look isn’t working for me, because it absolutely is” - and doesn’t that just go entirely against what Dirk does to Jake in Meat? What happened to “I’ll never let you hurt me like that again”?
He’s absolutely still Jake enough, too, to see everything in Candy as still oddly relevant. He doesn’t appear and immediately try to disappear, to make himself dissipate because he exists in an irrelevant timeline. Nor does he even suggest that this is a split timeline - that something here isn’t right and that they need to find a way to the true ending. 
What does he say instead?
DIRK: We’ve had this conversation before, dingus. I’m you. And I’m me. But I only exist because of your powers. The fact that I’m manifesting here, in the new universe, outside of a dream, is evidence in itself for just how absolutely boned you are.
DIRK: What are you doing? There’s a war happening. All of your friends are out there fighting, and you’re just here, what...dusting?
DIRK: Taking care of a house that nobody actually uses?
DIRK: You’ve been a useless sack of shit for two decades. I’m here to kick your ass back into active duty.
All things that suggest that this Dirk sees the Candy timeline as something Real and Relevant, is acting on Jake’s own personal desire to do something. This isn’t a Dirk that sees things as some wider game, or believes that there’s a point to plot and relevancy. 
He’s disconnected from Ultimate Dirk enough to host none of Ultimate’s memories and plenty of his own, and he’s enough of Jake to be mired in the unimportance of a long-dead timeline. It’s completely likely that he’s locked out of everything to do with the Meat timeline and that his existence is just another show of how immediately irrelevant things appear in Candy (he is, after all, a very irrelevant Dirk) - and that means he’s got no idea what Ultimate Dirk is trying to do. Connected enough to think like him, yes, but it’s also implied that Dirk has always sort of thought like this, that it’s not unique to Ulimate. 
He’s Dirk enough to know that sacrifices have to be made and that being a hero means not being happy, but Jake enough, it seems, to try edging towards that sort of better ending anyway. 
So, lets recap. We have a Dirk that isn’t wholly Dirk, who thinks enough like him but is still contained within the irrelevancy of Candy and not actively flipping shit about it. A Dirk who, by all intents and purposes, is still very much a Prince of Heart with suitable Princely powers, as seen from his time within the Game. A Dirk with the ability to Destroy Souls and the Self as much as any other Dirk, who is tied to the wellbeing of Jake English. 
Allow me to posit the idea, then, that Brain Ghost Dirk ends up being our hero. 
What else could possibly Destroy the “Ultimate” Self? Only another Prince of Heart could possibly be able to completely erase all imprints of Ultimate from the timeline. (Of course that isn’t true, but it’s the most poetic and, I find, the most satisfying conclusion to come across). It’s literally what they’re made to do; to Destroy the Self and all it contains even down to the infinitesimal components. 
Another Dirk, one gifted with narrative relevancy, allowed to flourish in this irrelevant timeline, already pushing towards plot without going too damn far. One with all the powers of Dirk but - so far - without the overbearing Epilogue Dirk mentality. One that’s more aligned with what we knew of Dirk before all of his corrupted development, and who will likely continue to be this way since most of him is founded on what Jake perceives Dirk to be. One who can’t suddenly go too far because he can only know what Jake knows. 
This would bring that old prophecy full circle as well. That one where Jake was meant to be the hero all along, the one to take down the big bad. Lets suggest, then, that Brain Ghost Dirk - as a facet of Jake - does the deed. It’d be poetic both in that sense, and in the sense that Dirk Destroying himself is the ultimate show of a True Prince of Heart. 
He’d have reason to do it, too. Jake’s goals are essentially his goals, and he pushes Jake to do what he’s always wanted to do but could never achieve alone. If the two timelines somehow came together, and Jake was made aware of what’d happened in Meat and who Ultimate Dirk was... There’s a chance that, combined, they’d think Ultimate Dirk is bullshit enough to need taking down. 
Or, even better. Since Brain Ghost Dirk seems not to care about the irrelevancy of this world, lets imagine he does find a relatively happy ending. One where he eventually becomes aware of “Ultimate” Dirk, or where Ultimate poses some sort of threat. As the one Dirk who’d found a happy ending, however relevant or irrelevant it might be, he might not be so willing to give it up. 
Because, hopefully, he’s enough of Jake to eventually see everything that Ultimate Dirk is doing and think it’s an unjust cause rather than a necessary one. 
It would, of course, also allow the potential for redemption. A Prince of Heart doesn’t have to actively destroy the Soul or kill it, either. That’s just one incredibly powerful, incredibly terrifying prospect of the Classpect. Brain Ghost Dirk could easily just Destroy the “Ultimate” Self. Strip Dirk back to bare basics and force him to live through the consequences of everything he’s done, confiscate the narrative and ensure that Ultimate is no longer an issue. 
He doesn’t have to Destroy everything about the main Dirk. Just the parts that are making him a villain - the same way Dirk did to himself in order to justify becoming Ultimate in the first place. 
So, while this latter part was a little more fanciful, I still think the core idea remains. Brain Ghost Dirk is still a Prince of Heart, and Princes of Heart are wired to Destroy the Self. The Ultimate Self isn’t spared from this - if anything, it’s even more at risk. It’s the conglomeration of all Selves, the perfect (supposedly) unity of Identity. A Prince of Heart can have a field day with what that means.
(The way Ultimate Dirk already has, if you consider that he’s just overwritten every other Self with his own Identity rather than become all of them in one unique bit. But again that’s me being highly skeptical that a Prince of Heart can even achieve true Ultimate Self status. Something like it, maybe, or what they think it means to be Ultimate, almost definitely. But to actually be the perfected, unique, wonderous amalgamation of Selves living in harmony? Hell no.).
He could very much be our final hero at the end of it, or at least work towards amping Jake up to that goal. I would assume that’s why he’s suddenly relevant again, why he’s managed to slip through the net. And how perfectly ironic would it be, at the end, if Dirk’s taken down by one of the Splinters he always said felt suffocating? One of the Splinters he’s told us, directly, that he’s no longer afraid of?
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b1uecandlehomestuck · 6 years ago
Speaking of that tier list, I made a tier list, a personal ranking of the Homestuck characters. Nothing definitive or objective. Feel free to comment on it, or send me your own tier lists for me to judge.
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I’m gonna put the rest below a “read more” just because, after writing it, I’m realizing it’s insanely long so I’m not gonna dump this monster of a text post without a nice little cut-off point. I encourage you to read more, but you don’t have to.
I’ll start from the bottom and go up.
For starters, I think the bottom tier is pretty much objective and inarguable.
F. This tier is reserved for characters I consider to be failures. Personally, I feel like HIC is just not a very satisfying “main antagonist” for the trolls; I don’t specifically mean that she didn’t fullfil her role well, like other characters in this tier; it’s a good base for alternians to have a tyrannical ruler who was responsible for throwing their society into the fucked up mess it is. However, as for HIC herself, she feels very lacking. She’s greedy and merciless. That’s it. She’s merciless because she’s greedy. That’s about the extent of her depth. The same goes for Meenah, they’re basically the same characters. She had some potential to grow with (Vriska), however, the fact that she simply decides to abandon (Vriska), while it does serve to show how HIC is inherently merciless, damns her to F-tier. I’ll admit that I may have a negative bias to the troll-sprites, but they always felt like an insult to the people who were upset at the deaths of the trolls. The ones that aren’t effectively silent no longer represent their own characters, and just feel like a suppliment to the character they’re fused to; Erisol is a little funny, but is otherwise inneffectual. Fefeta seems like an intentional insult to the people upset by both Nepeta and Feferi’s deaths to just have her permanently mute for no reason. Davepeta never really felt too much like Nepeta, just a continuation of Davesprite’s story. ARquius, again, just felt like AR with some of Equius’ quirks. Corrupt Jane and Corrupt Jade have no personalities and basically took away any character from the two characters who needed character development more than ANY of the humans. They have a few cool moments, but are ultimately fail to be proper characters. I forget Dancestor Eridan’s name. I’m not crazy about the Dancestors, I don’t think many people are, but he’s one of the most noteless. Eridan... I will admit, maybe I shouldn’t put him as low as he is. He’s not really a failure in terms of his literary goal; Eridan is a very good antagonist. He’s an angsty, alternian-equivalent neo-nazi ultra-angsty teen, and he sits in that role absolutely perfectly. On the other hand, as someone who loves Feferi as much as I do, it’s hard not to loathe him. I know, it’s a very biased reason to dislike him, and I mean no disrespect to those who do, but I would be remissed if I didn’t put him at the bottom. He really isn’t as bad as his placement would imply, I just have a personal vendetta. Jake. He’s just Jake. Literally the only reason he exists is to fulfill the need to have Jade’s guardian be one of the Alpha kids. Beyond that, he’s basically just a robot who says old-timey words and we’re told is very attractive. Dancestor Gamzee is down here for the same reason as Dancestor Eridan. Noteless, and related to a character I hate. Biased? Yes. But this isn’t an objective list.
E. This is for characters who annoy me personally, more or less. Except for Tavrosprite. Tavrosprite is here because he’s a troll-sprite; however, he’s consistently funny, and is mostly used very sparingly. Also, Tavros gets more of a major role later on, so maybe it leaves less of a sting. I also really like Tavrisprite. They’re probably the best sprite. They get a really cool theme and are a funny joke character. I didn’t give a shit about Dirk until the Epilogue. It says a lot when the Epilogue manages to make a character more interesting considering the Epilogue is the worst part of the comic. That being said, it takes him from “awkward angsty teen” to “evil omnipotent god-character”, so it’s not really much of an improvement. Most of the time, when Dirk comes up, it sends a signal to my head saying “oh god, here comes a long, drawn out, over-complicated spiel about ultimate selves and bullshit like that”. Sollux had his moments early on; he was a much better character early on, but quickly became a weird, kinda depressing character? I dunno. In hindsight, maybe he should be in E. I think I just dislike him because he’s with Aradia and Feferi and I think they deserve better but that’s a dumb way to think so whatever. Give him like an E+. Jadesprite. She cries a lot. There are some funny moments but ultimately, not crazy about her. She has none of the parts of Jade I liked and didn’t exactly serve to improve Jade in any way. Lord English... too complicated. Why’s he got so many origins? I dunno. Caliborn added much more to him, but I’m gonna separate “Caliborn” and “Lord English” into two characters. On his own, Lord English is just kinda nothing. A big spooky boogeyman. Vriska. That’s right, THE Vriska. My thoughts on Vriska are extremely complicated. There are hints at something more under the surface, but I feel like there was too long of a stint of her being a straight-up Mary Sue who kills everyone and is super cool and is never punished. I’ll talk about this more when we get to (Vriska). Moving on.
D. These are characters who have done nothing for me, or are otherwise just a step below “neutral”. Dirkbot is kinda the only entertaining thing to Dirk as a character. Dirk is basically the “host” to the real star of the show in terms of Dirk’s characterization, Dirkbot. Lemme get some bonus shout-outs to Sawtooth and Squarewave. I really like And It Don’t Stop, a comic Hussie made long ago, which is what they were based on. I feel like if Dirk kept that aesthetic more, I’d like him more as a character. Calliope... An interesting concept, I really like some concepts in relation to her, but as has been discussed, I feel like Hussie and the writers like to frame her as being perfect and they sort of refuse to dig deeper into what could make for a very interesting character. Dualscar looks cool but otherwise doesn’t do much for me. I REALLY like the Ancestors besides HIC, so instead of being plopped down to F like the Dancestors, the “nothing” Ancestors get put in D. Grandpa Harley is just kinda around, much like Jake. Horrus... is kinda interesting. Kinda cute. I like him. And he’s related to a troll I really like, so he gets a boost. Rufio is a joke character, but he’s a decent joke character, so he gets in D. Mindfang and the Summoner are here for the same reason as Dualscar. Mom Lalonde has EXTREMELY limited relevance, but her short time is decent. Now that I’m thinking about it, she doesn’t really deserve a D. Maybe a C-. I’m gonna be really honest, Porrim gets to be in D because she’s pretty. That’s about all the reasoning there is.
C. This is my “neutral” point. Everyone here is the middle ground. (Vriska) is the Vriska we see getting abandoned by Meenah in Act 6. She’s the Vriska who’s grown as a character, and experienced deep resentment for how awful she was, and then faced how horrible she was first-hand. I’m gonna be honest; I love (Vriska). Unfortunately, Hussie, being the horrid subhuman that he is, decides that after putting (Vriska) through the worst, and then getting abandoned by the only flushed interest she’s ever really had, we would never see her again. (Vriska) deserves to be in A, but Hussie cut her down to a C. Aranea is interesting; aside from having an involved and reasonable part of the plot, she’s a very enjoyable character. Lord knows I can relate to somebody with a very special interest who adores to just ramble and ramble and ramble paragraph after paragraph about them, just like what I’m doing at this very moment. Good dog. Best friend. Lil’ Cal is a joke character who becomes a surprisingly pivotal character in what seems like a stupid way at first, but eventually makes genuine sense. An interesting character to think about. If you can even really call him a character? Damara... well, I think she’s pretty. Also her dialogue is funny after you translate it. So she gets a +1 on Porrim. Davesprite is funny. Dave’s funny, so a second Dave is also funny. He’s no all-star, but he’s alright, yeah. The Desciple is cute and a good relation to Nepeta. The Grand Highblood is extremely intimidating. I think he’s a really cool design for an intimidating, horrible warlord. That’s all. John... is interesting. Funny and dopey, but as far as character development goes he really starts to slow down and become... kinda... weird. I’m not really sure how I feel about him, ultimately. So, C. I really liked Jane, but then they turned her into a mindless bad guy with a tiara, and then they turned her into a mindless bad guy because capitalism. I like Rosesprite. I think I like her considerably more than Davesprite, give her a C+. She’s definitely the best of the sprites; she represents Rose well, but also twists her personality in a new and interesting way by making her very peppy and really playing with that silly side of Rose that’s so rare. Kankri... I’ll admit it, I think he’s kinda cute. He’s fussy. Whiny, sure, but I dunno. Meulin is extremely cute, but her actual writing irks me. Not because it’s bad, it’s just... you know. Doc Scratch was a fun antagonist for the time we had him. Certainly a lot more fun than any of the other antagonists (sans one), even if a lot of his writing hinged on being all-knowing. Karkat and Sollux’s ancestors served good story roles so they get C. Obviously we don’t really know anything about their personalities, but they give you some stuff to think about.
Oh god this is way too long, I’m too tired to finish this shit. You can ask me about the rest of you’re curious, g’night.
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homestuckss-moved · 7 years ago
Here’s the list of people who need backups, just DM asking for a slot, and if it isn’t taken, I’ll give it to you! Thank you so so much to everyone who has offered so far to be a backup; let’s try to get these filled really quickly!!! You have until the 31st to finish the backups!
We‘re all good on backups! Thank you so much everyone!!!
SLOT 1: TAKEN adiosCali8rator , Fan fiction, Fan art, Other , “ Anything davepeta, nepeta, rosemary, jaderoxy, or jadecallieroxy related “ , NO:  Nsfw, angst, gore
SLOT 2: OPEN asexually-homeschooled , Fan fiction, Fan art, Other , “ Anything with Roxy or Callie, Dirkjake or Rosemary “ , NO: Furry, NSFW
SLOT 3: OPEN ask-tipplegnostalgic , Art , “ The 12 first trolls (karkat and cie), alpha or beta kids, if shipping boy x boy prefered, though rosemary is great. I adore Egberts and Striders. “ , NO: Gore, Angst, Blood
SLOT 4: OPEN badgersthename , Fan fiction, Fan art, Other , “I like Striders, Vantas's, Jake like fuck me up. Dirkjake <3<3 DaveKat “
SLOT 5: OPEN clitclip , Fan fiction, Fan art , “ Anything Vrisrezi, Demonstuck, sickfics, Davekat, Calliroxy, and any combination thereof!” , NO: Makaras
SLOT 6: OPEN craske , Art, “some Eridan, pale erikar or happy Tavros” , NO: Suggestive, NSFW
SLOT 7: OPEN danxiously , Art, “ davesprite, Dave, and Dirk, Sollux, SOLKAT “ , NO: NSFW, Angst
SLOT 8: OPEN evieoftheisle , Fan fiction, Fan art, Other , “ i love AUs and cool fashion? and romance and friendship cliches. Fav characters: John, Karkat, Dirk!! Fav ships: johndave, dirkjake?? fav friendships: BETA KIDS “ , NO: Gore, NSFW
SLOT 9: OPEN feathercadence , Fan fiction, Fan art , “ anything davetavkat related; davetav; davekat; tavkat; johndave please. “ , NO: NSFW
SLOT 10: OPEN galacticjacket , Fan fiction, Fan art, Other , “ Jade and/or Aradia being really cool during a strife, or just hanging out in hightops; Replay AU angst; fancytier “ , NO: nsfw, no ships, no revealing outfits.
SLOT 11: OPEN gelatinousbaby , Fan fiction, Fan art, Other , “ Sprites? I don't really care :p “ , NO: NSFW
SLOT 12: OPEN groeuf , Art , “ tyzias & terezi joey & xefros badass pose, any character “
SLOT 13: OPEN hissmycookies , Fan fiction, Fan art, Other , “ Nepeta and Equius was one of my favorite relationships :3 Maybe doing cute fluff things like teatime, having fun in the snow, or killing hapless goblins? Hmm...looking back on Homestuck the other troll quadrants are really interesting. Any depictions of a spade or ash relationship would be cool. Luscuses Lusci UM large white fluffy animals interacting with their associated character? “ NO: “ Homestuck was a while ago for me, so nothing to obscure I guess. no nsfw or anything over-the-top gory either “
SLOT 14: OPEN imlovroselalonde , Fan fiction, Fan art, Other , “ Davekat fluff, Roxy & Rose sisterly bonding, the alpha kids having fun together “ , NO: “ If you're a minor don't write me smut (if you're over 18 then it's fine), not into incest (even ectobiological) “
SLOT 15: OPEN jangnan , Fan fiction, Fan art, Other , “ erisol, arasol, or solkat would be neat “
SLOT 16: OPEN just-another-bumblebee , Fan fiction, Fan art, Other , “ john egbert, gamzee, dirkjohn and johnkat are both great 2 (also gamkar) “ , NO: NSFW
SLOT 17: OPEN lunaeclipsedoesart , Art , “ Jade Harley/davekat/Troll kingdom rulers hanging out together “ , NO: NSFW
SLOT 18: OPEN mcl-imagines , Fan fiction, Fan art, Other , “Hiveswap characters, My otp erisol, or cheesy platonic stuff involving my fav trolls: pyropes, amporas, peixes, serkets. “ , NO: “ Gore of any kind but particularly eye trauma. Also please don't include anything with self harm (unless its just scars, and not the focal point of the piece) or anything with realistic insects. “
SLOT 19: TAKEN missplacemat , Fan fiction, Fan art , “ Sisterly lalondes making trollsonas/ Roxy and jane being Beautiful Pastel Girlfriends/ jade and nepeta being Beautiful Strong Girlfriends/ lesbians of your choosing “ , NO: Incest, pedophilia, angst
SLOT 20: OPEN msawesomeiscool , Fan fiction, Fan art, Other , “ PepsiCola, NepKat, Rosemary “, NO: Gore, NSFW 
SLOT 21: OPEN neatgirl , Fan fiction, Fan art , “ i really like calliope, callieroxy, 80s fashion, and nostalgic kids on bikes aus. hurt/comfort involving recovery from alcoholism is also ok! “ , NO: “nothing where either of the characters refer to the other as "hun" or "hon" please! other than that im good with anything. “
SLOT 22: OPEN nocturnalfighter , Fan fiction, Fan art , “ davekat, lgbt headcanons, happy post game celebration “, NO: “ gore, nsfw, nepkat as <3, no bro allowed “
SLOT 23: OPEN nopersdopers , Art, “ Fluff, cute, or something a lil bit steamy “
SLOT 24: OPEN otakumadness15 , Art , “ Anything that has to do with rosemary, the scourge sisters and davekat (or just Karkat, I really love Karkat) “  , NO: Gore, angst and nsfw
SLOT 25: TAKEN poptartsplat , Art , “ Janeroxy, rosemary, beta kids being goofy teens, aradia “
SLOT 26: OPEN rainbowdrink , Fan fiction, Fan art, Other , “ rosemary or davekat! or, if the person doesn't want to do a ship, they could simply use one of the four characters listed (rose, kanaya, dave, karkat) by themselves :) “ , NO: Vriska
SLOT 27: OPEN truereset , Fan fiction, Fan art, Other , “ 1) fanart specific: i'd love to see a god tier outfit redesign! kanaya or aradia if you please. i'd love to see a creative take on their god tier outfits! 2) modern outfit designs for any of the signless' group, OR.. 3) the ancestral trolls (preferably of signless' group) adapting to culture shock, in a post-game/post-revival alterniearth scenario 4) johnkat, in general. you kno. that Gay Shit 5) think of the most obscure, oddest sounding, least compatible bloodswap you can. /That/ “
SLOT 28: OPEN satons-hoard , Art , “ My Troll ocs, My ocs interacting with other people's ocs, My ocs interacting with canon characters (Candy gore is fine) (Please contact me for character references. “ , NO: Gore, NSFW
SLOT 29: TAKEN spaceykiddo , Fan fiction, Fan art , “ beta/alpha kids as a family, rose and jade being cute, fluffy davekat “ , NO: any kind of violence/abuse, gore, angst, nsfw, sad stuff 
SLOT 30: OPEN technicolortheorist , Art , “ I would say something that represents the gifter, something that comes from the heart! I'll be sure to see it's beauty and investment upon receival :D “
SLOT 31: OPEN aura-sketch , Art , Joey, jude and roxy all having some kind of happy Christmas shenanigans maybe? Or some rosemary under the mistletoe? Or maybe rose trying to teach kanaya how to bake or something like that. Feel free to have fun with it and add your own spin! I'd prefer the first option but if you aren't really caught up in the hiveswap hype the other ones are cool too “ , NO: “ No gore please, and I'd prefer something happy to be more in the holiday spirit, but it's okay if there's a tiny tinge of sad as long as it's mostly happy if that makes sense? Just no full on sadness I guess “
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utopianparadoxist · 8 years ago
Jake English is the most intelligent character in Homestuck. And he hides it deliberately.
For a given value of “intelligence”, anyway. I don’t hold that much truck with the concept in general--there are different kinds of intelligence that run the gamut of human skills, and reducing that to a single concept is reductive, to say the least.
However, it’s hard to deny that there are real cultural forces in our society that do treat intelligence as a monolithic descriptor of skill and worth, and it’s a cultural idea as pervasive in reality as it is in Jake’s character arc. For that reason alone, I’ll be using “intelligence” as a term referring to Jake’s awareness of and competence at identifying and solving problems throughout this sequence. The term as I am using it here is only relevant in the context of the themes and language Homestuck sets up. 
Intelligence, competence, and awareness are key parts of Jake’s relationship with the people around him, and particularly with the way he is dehumanized, taken for granted, and abused. 
In fact, almost every character Jake is close to in canon questions his intelligence at some point:
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And this dynamic isn’t just present in the characters. It’s in the fandom as well.  Fandom perception of Jake English often considers him comically unaware of his surroundings and reality, dense and slow or even straight up unable to pick up on ideas that come naturally to many of the other characters. This is true across the board of opinions of his character: Some consider Jake a self-absorbed, thoughtless asshole, others still consider him a helpless victim who isn’t quite quick enough on the uptake to keep up with how he’s manipulated by others. It’s hard for us--the fandom, I mean--to be sure of just how much Jake understood about how badly Lil Hal treated him (and by association, Dirk, in much of the fandom’s eyes). Or that Jane liked him. Among other things. It’s part of the general air of helplessness and incompetence that surrounds Pages, I guess, and air set up around Jake for quite a lot of his narrative:
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(Note: This is Brain Ghost Dirk specifically questioning Jake’s intelligence.   I hope you’ve got some good note taking pens, because this is going to be important later.) It’s pretty much accepted that the degree and reach of Jake’s intelligence is, at the very least, a matter of debate. I am here to say that it is not. At all. And I can prove it. By allowing ourselves to doubt Jake’s intelligence, we--the fandom-- have performed the equivalent of deciding Dave’s cool guy act is the real deal. 
We have fallen for Jake’s bluff. I’ll explain. 
Plenty of people are aware that Knights, as a class, tend to act out personas that reflect ideas about how they think they should act.  For Dave, that’s the stoic Cool Guy archetype, which he eventually grows out of:
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For Karkat, it’s his ideas of being a Ruthless Big Shot Leader, which he also outgrows by the end: 
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And Latula has the thing about being a R4D SK4T3R G4M3G1RL!!! I don’t really think we need a quote to establish that--Dave and Karkat prove my point well enough, and this is pretty much common fandom knowledge.  What I don’t think is common fandom knowledge is that Pages do the same thing, but for a different purpose. Pages and Knights both set up Personas that they project into the outside world. And both of them do it to control how other people perceive them. But for different reasons. Knights do it because they want to be perceived as capable, in control, and unflappable, basically. Karkat wants everyone to rely on his executive ability as a Leader. Dave wants to be admired and validated by his friends, or. Well. Anyone. In essence, Knights want to be relied on by others.  Pages, on the other hand, develop this fabricated identity for themselves. At this point, I should mention I’ve come to agree with Tex Talk’s view that Knights are a passive class and Pages are an active one.  Knights use their aspect to benefit others. Pages use it to benefit themselves.
Horrus develops a strangely blank persona, so conspicuously fake it is hard to tell if he even reacts to input--so it’s easy for him to just pretend he didn’t hear it when Rufioh tells him he wants to break up--again, I don’t really feel like going through all of Openbound to get all the screencaps and I don’t think they warrant that much space on this post.  Tavros does the same thing, enveloping himself in his games and fantasy so much that he veers away from almost any responsibility in the session, and does only what he wants to...unless Vriska is stealing that ability from him. However, even through her abuse,  Tavros manages through sheer presentation of his person to encourage the other trolls to help take care of him. 
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Specifically, by giving him increased mobility--mobility and freedom of movement being concepts closely related to Breath. It’s worth mentioning Tavros is able to inspire this care not just in Kanaya, but in Equius, who looks down upon lowbloods and whose culture would have encouraged him to KILL Tavros for his weakness rather than help him.  But because of Vriska’s exploitative and cruel influence on him, I’m not sure to what extent he really lives up to his full potential. That said, he DOES manage to completely live out his own personal fantasy, coming to embody both his childhood image of Peter Pan...
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BUT ALSO being the only one of the Alternian trolls to accomplish his original childhood goal: Becoming a Cavalreaper.
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Get it? He’s literally cavalry. Ha ha. Is this kind of a fucked up victory? Maybe, yeah. But it’s fitting that the character obsessed with the Peter Pan fantasy of leading a troupe of “Lost Boys” never really grows up with the goals he sets for himself. Maybe it says something about Tavros, or about the nature of Ghosts--either way, it definitely seems intentional.  Anyway, the Ghosts are another essay for another time. Time to talk about the kid I actually want to talk about:
Jake English has a fabricated persona, too. For Horuss, it’s nothingness. For Tavros, it’s endless childhood and Peter Pan. But Jake’s persona is a contrast to Dirk’s (and Dave’s) Cool Guy persona. Personas that, for each of them, sit at the dead opposite end of the spectrum from who all three characters actually are. 
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And for Jake’s constructed persona is that of the Hot-Headed Hero.
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And like Horrus and Tavros, Jake indulges this fantasy version of himself even when he actively knows it makes no sense to do so, simply because it’s the fantasy about his life he wants to live out. 
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But like Dave and Dirk’s presentation of themselves as cool guys unphased by anything, this persona is a complete lie. Jake is demonstrably extremely nerdy... He collects pointless minutiae about his favorite movies and comic books. He looks up to comic book heroines so much he wants to dress up like them.  And also intelligent, curious, and good at evaluating the potential consequences of his actions--traits he literally willfuly holds himself back from. 
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His Modus is by far the most complex of all the kids. He uses a Puzzle Modus that allows him to fit any amount of items he wants in it’s storage space...so long as he can successfully spatially fit every single object within a finite space. 
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And Jake captchalogues a LOT of shit. Meaning he has to keep all of this inventory and know how to spatially navigate it to fit everything he wants at all times. And he does this casually, as a part of his daily interactions with the world around him.  But perhaps more telling than that is how Brain Ghost Dirk describes his own creation: 
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Brain Ghost Dirk implies that he is a Dirk splinter, but specifically a Dirk splinter that exists entirely through the ideas Jake has about Dirk. 
In other words, Jake knows and understands Dirk so well that he can pretty much perfectly remember his body, movements and mannerisms on command. Again, not even actively, it’s just kind of how Jake English rolls-thinking about Dirk all the time is the status quo. 
And Brain Ghost Dirk claims to be Jake’s literal brain, talking back to him. Which means when Brain Ghost Dirk calls Jake out on something, he is forcibly communicating important information to Jake that Jake is actively choosing to ignore. It’s Jake talking to himself, not Dirk giving Jake information he doesn’t have by talking to him through Brain Ghost Dirk. We have reason to believe the Ghost about this, since Dirk never expresses having any awareness of Brain Ghost Dirk’s existence.  So what important information does Jake willingly ignore? Well, earlier we saw him justify beating up a random alien girl even though a part of his brain knew she wasn’t actually Sea Hitler, and he kind of just wanted to play the part. But surely we can do better than that. How about everything about his friends’ feelings about him that makes him uncomfortable? Callmearcturus wrote this brilliant thesis outlining why she thinks Jake deliberately manipulated Jane into failing to confess to him, but I’m gonna run over it real quick to ground it in this context and sell you on the idea that this is, in fact, not a theory and explicit canon. Because we don’t need to guess at this by reverse-engineering Jake’s well-established feelings for Dirk. Roxy literally tells him Jane has these feelings before Jane herself does:
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Jake recognizes what Roxy is saying, and guesses what she was alluding to on her own. Roxy doesn’t deny it by any measure, and when she asks Jake to drop the issue, Jake says he understands the dilemma this puts her in with Jane.  To stress: He received this information in confidence and knows it for a fact. And he trusts the information he receives so much that he then ACTS on it. After talking to Roxy, Jake messages Jane himself, OPENING by mentioning Roxy told him Jane was going to be contacting him.
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And then he himself broaches the subject of their romantic feelings for each other:
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But when Jane outright asks him if he has something he wants to say to her, Jake expertly dodges the question, keeping his options open while putting the onus of taking the first step and revealing her feelings on Jane again. 
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And then, once he’s got her trying to answer...
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He KEEPS asking her, interrupting her several times while she starts to try sorting out her thoughts. He puts Jane under a LOT of pressure here, which...considering Jake literally KNOWS the answer, is a pretty shitty thing to do! Even if Roxy hadn’t LITERALLY TOLD HIM mere minutes ago, Jane’s reactions here would have confirmed Jake’s suspicions beyond a reasonable shadow of a doubt. 
Unless, of course, one has a reputation for not thinking things through or being aware of their surroundings. 
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Once Jake has his answer, he doubles back, making sure to ask her AGAIN while she’s off balance....
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And he then shuts her down when she tries to take the initiative on taking it back and being honest, quickly following up by IMMEDIATELY letting her know he’s relieved about this--signaling his disinterest BEFORE she has a chance to reveal she actually does have a stake in the matter.
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He then uses his goofy, unaware, trusting persona to set up a status quo where Jane continually helps him by acting as a sounding board for all his thoughts about Dirk--essentially, putting Jane inside a gender-flipped version of the laughable stereotype of The Friend Zone.
But wait a minute. Jane is one thing. But if Jake is actually this smart, aware, and capable--then it kind of has ramifications across all of his character interactions. What else changes if we read Jake this way? I know I said my next post would be on Roxy, but, uh...yeah. This one kind of got away from me. 
In our next entry, we’re going to talk about Why Jake does what he does, and Why he seems so genuinely confused about it later into his narrative. We’re also going to look at some of the other consequences his Jake’s approach to his friendships has for his friends. 
We’ll also make a case for Why exactly Jake ultimately falls in love with Dirk Strider, how and when Jake demonstrates and acts on that love, and if I can manage to squeeze it in--maybe even uncover the way the Heart aspects’ two different themes of  Souls and Romance/Shipping are conceptually connected.
And on that note, it’s worth pointing out that there’s one notable exception to the list of people fooled by Jake’s presented persona. One character who not only never talks Jake’s intelligence down...
But instead talks Jake’s intelligence UP when he talks badly about himself. 
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Dirk Strider.
See you again soon, everyone. 
Until then, Keep Rising. 
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aeschylusresigned-blog · 8 years ago
all of them
((I’m guessing you mean the mun thing because I didn’t reblog anything else and if not and you’re just sending all of them out of context then wh o o boi I just put myself through An Ordeal for nothing.
☯ Is there a muse you’ve always wanted to play?
Yes! Nepeta!!!! I’ve always wanted to play her but I don’t have the confidence because I lack proper grasp of her character.
♣ Is there an author(s) that you look up to with your writing skills?
Ooo yes definitely. Beloved, for one, has the most amazing prose I have ever seen. I’ve learned a lot from their writing and I still aspire to someday be able to write something as breathtaking as their works. Quenive as well has spectacular writing and their stories and dialogue flow so well and j u st ohmy g od.
♧ Is there an RP partner(s) that you credit for becoming a better writer?
Definitely. I would say it was all of the people I’ve roleplayed with before that allowed me to develop Hal so much. The people in my old group chat definitely helped me flesh out different aspects of Hal that I could play (ie: sadist demon while still managing to be an angsty know-it-all) and the spontaneous connections on parp really helped me figure out how to play Hal in stupid situations while still keeping him ic.
♥ What’s your favorite ship with your muse?
Ha ha h a,,h,a,,,,wh ee zes
♡ Would you ever write a poly ship?
If anyone were actually interested in writing a poly ship with me, then yes definitely.
♦ What’s an AU that you’ve always wanted?
Oh boi there are just s o  m a n y. That one godstuck au maybe. That would be fun to play out. Also the generic vampire aus I am weak for them. There’s also the au’s I’ve made that would be fun to play out but they’re difficult to explain. Merstuck au’s are also amongst the favorites to play along with dragon rider au’s I love me my fantasy genre. Whoops that was more than one but listen ok I want a lot of AU’s.
♢ What’s an AU that you think just won’t work with your muse?
Hmmm I’m not sure. I can’t think of any at the top of my head but any AU that revolves around Jake probably wouldn’t work well with Hal.
♔ What’s your opinion on teacher/student verses? Do you have any of these as threads?
I’m not personally a fan of them and I can’t say I see the appeal but if that’s what rocks another person’s boat then I’m not going to be the one hating on them. As of the moment I don’t have any as threads.
♕ Do you like magic!anons? Why or why not?
Yes!! They’re a lot of fun and I always think throwing the unexpected at my muses is the greatest thing ever. 
⚜ What is the best time to write for you? Why?
Late afternoon or evening because that’s the time I’m awake and Functional and have actually thought of Creative ideas to write.
★ What type of historical AU would you like to do one day?
Maybe something based on the Renaissance period? Or the classic medieval period. Ancient Greece would also be fun to play out.
☆ What type of fantasy AU would you like to do one day?
There are many. Just, anything that is fantasy I probably want to do it. I’ve never really tried the whole AU with the fae/faeries so perhaps that would be fun to look into.
☄ Do you think your muse would have liked going to high school sports games? Do you or did you go to high school sports games?
Nope, he wouldn’t be interested in the actual sport. Going to see hot guys though? Definitely. I don’t generally go on a day to day basis because I understand like nothing. If a friend wanted me to go or a teacher was giving extra credit for me to then yeah I’d go.
☾ Do you like writing smut? Why or why not?
I have actually never written smut so I can’t really say. I think it’d be difficult for me to having had no experience whatsoever with anything relating to smut.
☽ Do you like writing angst? Why or why not?
Yes and no. Yes because I love to make my muse suffer and it’s great and fun to throw Tragic headcanons to my rp partner and to watch them suffer(not really) a well. No because,, I am a simple person,, who wants my muses to be happy,, and roleplaying angst fucking h u r t s.
☼ What’s an FC that you’re dying to use? Why?
Uhhhh???? I don’t really have one of a Real Life Person but I pretty much draw my own interpretations of Hal so? That probably counts maybe. 
☀ What’s an FC that you desperately want to play with? Why?
See above.
☁ What’s an FC that you refuse to play with? Why?
See also above. 
☂ How does your muse spend a rainy day? How do you spend a rainy day?
Napping against the window sill lulled to sleep by the gentle patter of rain falling upon the glass is how he spends a rainy day. I, on the other hand, spend it indoors on my laptop like I do every single day.
☃ If your muse was cartoonized, what would their FC be? Why?
☺ What’s a character that you desperately want your muse to play with? Why?
Any of the robots. Literally any. I hardly ever get interactions with any of the robots it’s kind of sad.
☹ What’s a character that you refuse to play with? Why?
There aren’t any I would refuse to play with but there are some that I prefer to not interact with. This is due to the fact that either I or my muse or both dislikes the character and roleplaying with them would actually require more effort on my part.
☢ Are there any ships that you would like to write for one day? Any that you wouldn’t?
There are definitely ships I would like to write for one day because I’m a sucker for that really. There are also ships I wouldn’t but I’m not going to get into that because I don’t want to be involved in The Discourse.
☣ What’s one thing that will make you drop a thread?
If a mun godmodded my character or forced their character onto mine, probably.
♨ What’s a muse that you wished had lasted, but didn’t?
Mmm can’t really say I have one. All of my main muses stuck with me. I guess there were my OC’s that I used to rp with my friends but it’s not that much. I do wish that my friends and I could have lasted in rping with each other tho.
❀ Do you like reblog karma? Why or why not?
Assuming I have the correct definition of reblog karma, yes. It’s nice because it’s like a win win scenario. Everyone gets asks in their inbox and it’s kind of just polite y’know? Like a tip of the head “I see you like this rp meme just as I do so I’ll send you something so we both can enjoy it.”
✿ Do you have a mun FC? If so why did you choose that as your FC, and if not who would you choose?
Nnoot really? I have my own drawings of how I depict myself through my art if that counts.
♪♩♫ Does music inspire your muse? What’s one song on your playlist that reminds you of your muse?
Sometimes but not really. He doesn’t listen to music for inspiration, more of to fill the gaps of silence that occasionally settle in. Gasoline definitely reminds me of Hal. Definitely.
✂ Do you like to format your posts? Why or why not?
I like when other people do because it’s aesthetically pleasing and it’s so nice and spiffy. I, personally, don’t like to because it’s a pain in the ass and I only have so much patience.
✆ Other than RPing, what’s a hobby of yours?
Drawing! My icon and header is drawn by me so-
✉ Do you RP on any other platforms?
Does Parp count? Sometimes I use cherubplay too but not too often because the people there intimidate me.
❤ Have you or are you currently in love?
Romantically, probably not if you get what I’m hinting at. ;)
❥ Has something ever happened for you to hate a ship? Why?
Hoooo boi you can bet on it. Let’s just say an extended encounter with a really Toxic Roleplayer And Person In General has led to me disliking basically any ship involving a certain character.
ツ Who has been your favorite muse to play so far? Why?
Hal because he’s such an asshole I love it. I don’t generally get to be mean but man with Hal I can be as petty as I want.
回 Which muse was the worst to play? Why?
There was this once I tried to roleplay Dave and it just. It went terribly wrong I had no grasp on his character and I still don’t. Never again.
✘ People come in a group. If I were to look on your blog, who would I see you interacting with the most?
@timaeustestbed this one. This one @documentingsatan has also been taking up a lot of blog interaction lately too. Though they’re both the same people.
ღ Do you have a personal blog? Do you share it with your followers or do you keep it private?
I do! It’s linked right on my “mun page” lmao.
▼ Do you keep your character in character even if they are one of the worst people in the world?
I would like to think I do because Hal is objectively one of the worst people in the world. Though, I’ll admit I do a lot of justification for Hal’s actions from Hal’s point of view because Hal doesn’t see himself as a villain. Just a terrible person. I am also very soft on Hal and he probably acts happier than he should.
▽ Why did you create this muse?
True story but when I finished reading Homestuck I was like “shit I need to pick a character to roleplay” because that’s just what I did. I like to roleplay and Homestuck was such a large fandom that it was bound to be Fun to roleplay. There were many Failed and Subpar attempts to rp some characters on parp and I just couldn’t find a character that clicked, y’know. I tried John, Dave, Karkat, Jade, Rose, Dirk and just nope. And then. On a random spur as I scrolled through the available options in the Parp menu I saw “Lil Hal.” Of course, at the time, I only clicked it because I had thought I exhausted all other resources and if I fucked up everyone else why not fuck up this character I knew nothing about it (and I mean literally nothing about. I used to hate when Hal started talking in the comic because I thought it was so damn annoying). But surprise I was?? I was good at rping him?? People liked my shitty depiction of Hal. So I read more about Hal and how to play him and he just grew on me and here I am today.
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ardenttheories · 5 years ago
Could you do a seer of heart/thief of heart? Your analyses are really thought out, and i love the meanings you give to each aspect to genuinely flesh them out more (esp with hope)! Tysm!!
Already gone over the Thief of Heart here - which also links to an older post I wrote on the topic with even more info!
The Seer of Heart is someone who Sees and Leans about Heart, which is Individuality, Emotion, Identity, Passion, Love, Souls, and the sense of Self.
Like other Seers, the Seer of Heart starts off with a Benefactor that teaches them what Heart is. This might just be a very prominent Individual - someone who started a movement, or who understands a fair bit about the various different Identities that exist - or a full on Lover with a little more experience than them in relationships with a good grip on their Emotions.
Through this person, the Seer starts to Learn about Heart as a whole. Bit by bit they gain an understanding of it through their interactions; maybe the person explains different romantic/sexual/gender identities, or maybe they explain different movements like punk and grime. 
Maybe they just teach the Seer how to read people, and don’t have a particularly active or intentional role in this. It might just be that the person in question is very reserved, closed off, and doesn’t tend to express - and the Seer makes it their goal to try and understand how this specific person ticks. 
Or on the other hand, maybe they’re literally so imbued with Heart - with Love and Emotion and Passion and Individuality - that the Seer is almost accosted by their Aspect on a daily basis. It’d be hard not to Learn how everything works after that. 
As their understanding grows, the Seer changes. 
They initially come across as very quiet and shy, maybe a little Insecure; they understand things about themselves, but maybe not all of it, and have a big interest in people watching. They like trying to pick apart who a person is and what they’re like just by glimpsing at them, deciphering what might be going through their head at the time in relation to other people.
For instance, seeing a group of three people together, the Seer of Heart will spend a rather long amount of time watching them trying to puzzle out which pair is the couple, or which person has a crush on the other. They’d try to figure out who’s leading the others around - if one is Passionate about the thing they’re doing while the others are not - and what sort of Individual the person is - such as by looking at the he/him patches on one of their bags, or the little sticker of a popular show on one’s jacket, likely forgotten. 
They’re not very involved people, and might not even be that popular or have that many friends. They might not even seek anyone out besides their Benefactor (who may even have just latched onto the Seer rather than the other way around), and might be easily overwhelmed by social interactions.
Their inability to initially read people might be what makes it so hard for them; they never know what people are thinking, what they’re like, what they like, what the right choice is to do or say or make - and so they decide to just sit out a bit and watch instead. 
Since Seers also struggle with their Aspect - usually because of an initial but mild lack of it - they might struggle to act on Impulse. They might not be honest about their Passions or even See them as Passions, calling them hobbies or just silly little things they do. They might be embarrassed about the things they Love, or of the fact that they’re in Love, and almost definitely don’t know how to handle PDA.
Despite their shy demeanour, they’re probably very Emotional people - they just don’t know when to show those emotions or if they’re reacting to the right things. They might be a little ditzy like that, reacting out of place and then getting very embarrassed by it. They might sometimes wait for someone else to react so they know what the right cue is, or shuffle back a little if their response was going to be different.
They also likely struggle to Define themselves. They know the depths of their Soul and mostly their Identity, but they don’t know how to best represent that. Is a patch good enough? A pride flag? Is that too much? How many pins and stickers should they have on their bad for each of their interests? Would it be weird to have a sticker for gardening? Should they style their hair after an artist they like? Maybe after a band’s style? Should they go for something completely new that’s wholly them?
When they become Realised - after they’ve gone through the Learning process, and once they start to really understand what Heart is - they come out of their shells and are Bold and Defined people. 
The Seer opens up a lot more, becomes more delighted by the concept of sharing themselves with the world - their Identity, their Passions, their Loves, all of it. There’s no hiding who they are, or the Unique Personality that belongs to them.
They’re significantly more confident when it comes to people, often allowing themselves to react however they like rather than overthinking if it’s right or wrong, and yet somehow they always seem to do the right thing anyway. They’re the definition of a people person, and it’s very likely that just being themselves draws people in. 
They’re much more Emotional now, and don’t tend to hide what they feel. They understand the importance of just getting it all out, and accept that every now and then you need to tuck yourself away and cry it out a little, or let your anger out on something that won’t be hurt by it. They’re likely to encourage others to do this, too; the perfect counselor, but one who knows their own limits and when they have to stop, too.
Of course, this wouldn’t be Heart if we didn’t talk about Shipping. They’re amazing matchmakers, Seeing exactly who will work best together and doing everything they can to make it happen. They can See who won’t work well, too, and can go out of their way to make sure that those Relationships don’t happen.
To become Realised, the Seer just has to act. That’s pretty much it. They need to go out there, full ham, rather than just gently talk to people and encourage them. They need to lead everyone forward with what they can See, and make sure that their visions come true with active work rather than passive explanations. 
In other words, instead of just saying “oh, you know, I think they’d be really good with this person” or “you know, I think maybe they’re not getting the whole identity thing” the Seer of Heart has to go out of their way to make those things a reality - maybe by setting up a date or a situation where two people are stuck in one place for a fairly long period of time, or by trying to actively help the person figure out what their Identity is rather than just introducing them to the general idea. 
So while a Mage of Heart might just explain what it means to be trans and help get rid of internalised transphobia so the person can more easily Understand themself, a Seer of Heart will ensure that the person ends up in the exact circumstances that will lead to their acceptance. 
For the Seer of Heart, I did actually go over what they’d be able to see here, so I won’t focus on that aspect of it too much. 
To go in depth a bit more just for some interesting thoughts;
The Seer of Heart would be able to see events that cause big changes in a person’s Identity. For instance, they’d be able to see, Post Earth C, that Dirk suddenly reverts back to his old Self - and they’d be able to prevent that from happening so long as they thought to check that far down his Soul’s timeline.
They’d be able to See every time he might change, and how they could facilitate that change. So, they’d be able to See (just by looking at Dirk when he first enters the game) that much further down the line he’ll have a conversation with someone he loves that will change him for the better. They’d See a rooftop, and maybe a green sky, and they’d definitely be able to See the red Soul curled up next to his, rife with Emotion. 
They’d also be able to See that, if this event does not come to pass, Dirk’s Soul won’t change. 
Likewise, they’d be able to See that Terezi’s Soul suddenly becomes overrun by the Purple of Gamzee’s at one point in her Timeline, and that Meulin seems to be overrun by this Purple almost all the time. 
This doesn’t mean they can See the Alpha Timeline specifically, or even that they can See what’s going to happen overall. It’s very limited to a change in a person’s sense of Self or Identity, maybe just a sharp change in their Emotional state. They’d have no clue if the Alpha Timeline needs Dirk to have that rooftop talk with Dave or not, but they’d be able to See that Dirk becomes a better person for it. 
Also, Seeing Splinters. Since you did ask for the Thief and Seer in conjunction, it seems fitting to mention this; the Seer would be able to glance at the Thief and See this Amalgamation of Selves surrounding the Thief’s Soul. They’d also be able to See the Heir as they move around in Soul form, and they’d be able to see (for example) that Lil Cal doesn’t have one set Soul, but several Souls shoved together. 
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ardenttheories · 6 years ago
Thoughts on JuJus? They seem to be able to make players (oftentimes, players with the related aspect to their effects) embody aspects act as a kick-starter or booster to a player's abilities- (Jane with the trickster-mode JuJu, spreading it by "creating" it, Lil Cal as a JuJu and taking control and angering Gamzee, the Retcon JuJu (as stated by Rose as a JuJu in epilogue) that John touches to gain his retcon powers and would that mean horrorterrors may be JuJus as well? (by grim-darking players)
I just did a little bit of reading on JuJus, and from what I can tell, they’re ultimately just… weird as all fuck. 
Before I get into the meat of it: 
Having not read too far into the comic, I wasn’t aware of the circumstances surrounding the Ultimate Treasure (the white SBURB house JuJu). It can only be used twice; it was used one by Caliborn to trap one version of the Beta Kids inside (who have yet to come back out); Vriska believes the JuJu contains warriors who are capable of destroying Caliborn; because Caliborn used it to aid him, it is now destined to destroy him. 
So, reading the comic to its end, as it turns out, is absolutely vital to understanding the Epilogue - because it looks like this JuJu is the vital plot hole that hasn’t been filled. John’s going to have to go back into canon, get the four trapped Beta Kids out of the JuJu, and take down Caliborn with their help. More on that later, maybe. 
As for my general thoughts on the JuJus themselves…
There’s a lot more items in canon that are considered JuJus than you’ve mentioned here, and that makes trying to figure this out a bit more complicated. Just based on the wikia - which is pretty comprehensive, and always the best place to start when you’re researching Homestuck stuff - the main JuJus are these:
Lil Cal (or potentially just his eyes)
The Suckers (one red, one green, belonging to Caliborn and Calliope respectively)
The Treasure (representative of the story’s narrative)
The Chess Set (belonging to Calliope and Caliborn; theorised by Meenah)
The Felt’s Effigies (back in the Intermission; the white plush things with hats on them)
The Felts’ items (back in the Intermission, incl. Die’s pins and dolls, Eggs’ timer, Biscuits’ oven)
Lil Cal’s a tricky one, because he doesn’t adhere to any set JuJu rules (since he appears in multiple places at once in some scenes, and because he’s often in every universe at once, though in some cases it technically shouldn’t happen) and because he’s a container for several souls (which both change him drastically, and make it hard to figure out how much of him is his actual JuJu powers and how much is the souls). 
I think the importance of Cal in relation to Aspects is to look at who he predominantly preys upon: Heart and Rage players. Specifically destructive Heart and Rage players (as the vessels for his actions). For as much as he fucks around with everyone else, there’s still that ongoing theory that Cal controls both Bro and Gamzee by kickstarting their abilities by twisting them into something rancid (turning Dirk’s desire to make his friends stronger into Bro’s outright abuse, and being one of the main reasons for Gamzee’s Bardic Splits across most universes; it almost always begins in the presence of Lil Cal, or once Gamzee has looked into his eyes). There’s a definite connection to Heart (in the fact that his eyes are almost always referenced; the gateway to the Soul, which Heart embodies) and Rage (which seems to be what he causes in other people), perhaps related to his mixup of souls, or entirely due to himself. It might just be that it’s easier to prey upon destructive Heart and Rage players. 
The only thing that trips that up, however, is his clear connection to Time. Cal hates Dave - it’s one of the more on-the-nose things in Homestuck - likely because he’s a Time player, and one that uses Exploits to Protect his session. Dave’s one of the main reasons the Beta session doesn’t end in immediate failure, after all - and although that benefits Lord English for his creation, I would harry a guess to say that he’s probably not very happy that someone could beat him at his own game. Cal is clearly intrinsically connected to LE (in part due to his connection to Doc Scratch), and I think that might be why he’s so important to Caliborn. All requirements to make LE aside, Cal is as much a harbinger of LE’s will as anything else (and often Ends doomed timelines through the use of Gamzee). It would be suffice to say that his temporal fuckery is what gives him such a destructive connection to our redblooded cherub, and why he’s so vital to make LE in the first place.
So, in the case of Cal, I’d think probably! The connection to Cal as a Heart/Rage/Time-based JuJu seems to have an ongoing effect on the players he preys upon or ends up most empowered over, as well as over his general abilities and how being in his control effects them. 
The Sucker JuJus are still something I don’t fully understand. They’re seemingly harmless when divided, but united provide the irresistible urge to go buckwild and tip anyone who licks them firmly into the Sweets theory of creative writing - all the fun fluff that has no meaning on the plot, but is still enjoyable to read. I’d question why this is the effect of two JuJus representative of Time and Space, unless the implication is that Time and Space together allow for metaverse effects, but I somewhat doubt that. 
Regardless, Jane definitely creates it, but I’d almost say it’s to the detriment of her and her friends. Life is about Growth, too - and Trickstermode actively stalls their character Growth while they’re stuck in it. They’re too hyped out of their minds to go under any meaningful developments until they’re out of it. Which could perhaps be seen as a Maid defining what Growth is? It’s because of Trickstermode that Dirk breaks up with Jake, and a lot of his development and mellowing out follows after this moment of being confronted with his Emotions (actively standing up for them, being Emotional, rather than trying to be Rational and Logical; it’s what stops him from so fervently Ghosting Mind).
So… depending on how you read Classpects, I think there is an argument here for the combined Sucker JuJu to have an effect on Jane’s Life powers - something that kickstarts her, although to an initially negative effect. It’d be interesting to see what would’ve happened if Jake had figured out the code first - they only had one half of the code each, after all - and whether or not it had to be Jane to make the JuJu work to begin with. Or, even, if it would’ve worked with anyone, but had different effects. 
The Chess Set we just don’t know enough on. I admittedly don’t feel entirely confident commenting on it. 
The Felts’ items, though, are easy enough to figure out. The Leprechauns are Lord English’s minions, and therefore associated with Time. Deeply imbued with time, even. The fact that their JuJus are always Time related is just entirely logical here; even if they’re not explicitly Time players, they’re the handymen of the literal Lord of Time. It wouldn’t make sense for them to be unable to use something to do with Time considering their entire existence revolves around Caliborn, his session, and his eventual rise to power as Lord English. So, the Felt having JuJus intrinsically related to Time that then amplifies what seems like their already Time-related abilities (if we take someone like Trace as an example)? Perfectly suits this theory. 
I already spoke a bit about the Treasure, so I won’t go too into detail about it here, but I think it’s interesting that Vriska, the Thief of Light, is the only one capable of finding it. The literal canon-changing JuJu is found by the one character whose purpose is to Steal Canonicity and Importance? Iconic. 
It thus makes sense as to why John can use it, and why his abilities so thoroughly fuck up the timelines. The JuJu is entirely Light-based - it’s a literal plot hole, a portal into Canon that completely ignores all laws of Time and Space and Paradoxes - and provides whoever uses it with a boost to their Aspect in a Light-based fashion. It’s like a more even influencer. John’s Aspect allows him to be Free; therefore, the Treasure gives him the ability to be Free from Canon. It amps up his powers to completely meta levels, though thankfully keeps him within the general influence of the story. This, when I think about it, is why John has to be the one to use the Treasure, and why he’s the one who has to take the burden of all the Retcon abilities. Since, as you say, JuJus tend to influence the Aspect of the person using it by amping up their powers (although, as we’ve already seen, other JuJus tend to naturally end up in the hands of players who have Aspects that already align with what they’re meant to do), for the purpose of changing the Timeline without the restrictions of Time and Space, it had to be a Breath player. Someone who perfectly embodies Breath - perfectly embodies Freedom and Disconnect - could be the only person capable of using the JuJu to its best ability. 
This probably means that, had someone else used it, they would’ve done so to drastically different effects. Still usable, but definitely not beneficial to the situation they were in. 
So, to bring a very long story short:
Lil Cal, a JuJu that tends to most predominantly exude Time, Rage, and Heart, often ends up in the hands of Time, Rage, and Heart players, and amps up their respective abilities (though to drastically negative consequences).
The Sucker JuJus are a bit weirder, being both Time and Space together, and representative of Light - but combine all that into one moment that allows for Life to continue the Growth of the character. Would it have worked for anyone else? Maybe. But it’s interesting that it’s our Life player who ends up creating it, considering our Hope player was just as likely to make it as her. 
The Felt’s JuJus are just obvious in and of themselves; Time JuJus that amplify the powers of Time-related minions, and provide Time-related powers to characters that aren’t Time-based (though to their detriment; looking at The Midnight Crew here).
The Treasure is entirely Light-based, and gives whoever uses it an incredible Light-based boost to their pre-existing Aspect and power set. In our instance, that means John, as the Heir of Breath, is capable of being Free from Canon and the restraints of Canonical Lore regarding Time and Space when creating the new Timeline. 
To wrap it all up, then - no, I don’t think the Horror Terrors are JuJus. Though they’re perfectly imbued with Void, I think they fail to meet a lot of the requirements that make JuJus what they are. The Horror Terrors are something similar, but completely separate; incredibly powerful and definitely only attuned to Void-based powers (of which grimdark is only one), but more living and real than JuJus. Feferi’s able to talk to them, after all, and reasons with them to make the Dream Bubbles - and her Lusus is definitely a Herror Terror, which proves for a fact that they’re creatures rather than things. 
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