#so excited to eat a fruit!
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fruitless-vain · 10 months ago
The most appropriate response to what’s happened is very obviously to find a clearance steak for Jack and cook it for dinner with some to add to the dogs’ and cat’s meals. Buy a JUMBO bag of sunflower seeds to spoil the birds. Get myself a slurpee, a big box of freezies and Jack a case of beer. Then just sit in the house, play a good game, and occasionally go “AND ANOTHER THING” in a bitch fest circle
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otherpeoplesheartachept-2 · 2 months ago
stir fry, dragon fruit, and strawberry soju, yay :)
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soulmvtes · 11 months ago
this month is so busy i feel so overwhelmed but i know i am going to feel so much relief when it's over
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pumpumdemsugah · 8 months ago
I hate when other people online with sensory issue act like their diet being stupid isn't their fault. You buy your own food. Try cooking a mushroom in a different way, you idiot.
If there was no health impact, my diet would be ridiculous because my issues with textures aren't mild at all, but I enjoy having teeth and being able to grow hair too much so I'm going to eat that vegetable cooked in a very specific way
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m1dn1ghts1nger · 10 months ago
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🍓 starting to change color 🍓
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01tsubomi · 10 months ago
i made super delicious curry with pork, potatoes, carrots, eggplant, green pepper, mushrooms, and pumpkin and because of how big a pot i made it's only like $2 per portion. adult success
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steelycunt · 1 year ago
used my blender for the first time...now a guy who blends things 😂
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coldflasher · 1 year ago
so idk if i mentioned this but i got really into gardening this year. i've wanted to grow my own vegetables ever since i was a kid and now i have a garden i can actually do it. so i went all out. i grew tomatoes and strawberries and courgettes and peppers (they didn't go so well, wrong climate) and i spent weeks digging up the bamboo that the former owners planted (top tip: NEVER PLANT FUCKING BAMBOO, IT'S THE DEVIL'S PLANT) so i would have more room to grow things and it was SO FUN going out and picking my own food straight out of the garden, being like 'hmm i kinda feel like lettuce' and then just. going and grabbing some from the garden. AMAZING!!!
anyways then i went on holiday for two weeks and my family did not really take care of my garden while i was gone (fair, not their job) and the wind trashed my plants so i kinda lost enthusiasm cos it was all wrecked, and then all my tomatoes got a disease due to irregular watering because i couldn't be bothered going out there to water them every night, and THEN it was winter. so i lost interest and now i only go out into the garden to put potato peelings in the compost bin
and i was sat here like damn, i really hope that gardening wasn't just a short-lived obsession because it's easily one of the coolest hobbies i've had and also gets me away from the Horrors, aka, screens and the internet, and also let's be real, i spent way too much money on compost and plant pots, so it'd really suck if i never do that again, especially because everyone says the first year you grow your own food it's not really helpful financially cos all the supplies cost so much, it's only when you've been doing it for a year or two and figure shit out and don't have to start from scratch that it starts saving you money. so like. it would be nice to actually reap some financial benefits of what was a very expensive hobby lmao. (i bought OVER TWO HUNDRED LITRES OF COMPOST. IT SOUNDS LIKE A LOT BUT UNFORTUNATELY IT'S REALLY NOT, ESPECIALLY WHEN MOST OF YOUR GARDEN IS PATIO SO YOU HAVE TO GROW EVERYTHING IN CONTAINERS)
ANYWAY tl;dr the switch flipped in my brain again and i spent an hour today looking up different kinds of runner bean. there's a variety called firestorm, so obviously i'm gonna have to try and grow that. and i'm mentally planning out everything i'm gonna grow and now i'm chewing on the bars of my enclosure cos i can't start growing anything until april >:( boooooo
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spottedmischief · 9 months ago
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Cheezi actually loves eating fruits! He likes baobabs and melons the most. The trio used to bring him some back to the den for additional nutrition and water, since it could get difficult to bring him to the watering hole.
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caestusvulpes · 1 year ago
hikari is huge on food preservation btw. She hunts her own meat, fishes, dries those meats into jerkies. she makes fruit leather. She dehydrates bananas and other sliced/cubed fruits and mixes it with fresh chestnuts and pecans, honeyed oats, and chocolate chips. She has a small pouch of hard candies in her satchel at all times in case she needs an energy boost.
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clowngremlin · 1 year ago
ordered a really big water bottle that comes with like a special case that has a strap on it so i can go for my walks without having to either carry my water bottle in my hands (heavy and often times annoying because i only have one free hand to do stuff with) or bring my backpack with me (often times overheats me when it's warm out and like if i'm just going for a walk around my grandma's neighbourhood or the area around my house, it's overkill because i don't need an entire backpack when most of my things fit in my fanny pack) and i am very excited about it......
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usertoxicyaoi · 2 years ago
dates and black coffee is suuuuuuuch an underrated combo like come on man get with it.
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velmashaircut · 1 year ago
I just found out mince pies are not filled with mince meat but with fruit instead.
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allalrightagain · 2 years ago
The good news: we actually grew corn this year and I'm swimming in fresh produce
The bad news: oh god how do you eat this much corn
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wellnesscard · 2 years ago
new favorite meal + CHEAP
found giant bag of kale for 3.50, generic brand plain greek yogurt is also ~3.50, and garbanzo beans like a buck or less per can (3servings).
you toss the kale n beans in yogurt til all covered, bonus add curry and chili flakes and cayenne seasoning :)
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heartofthemachine · 2 years ago
favourite snack? 💫
ohhhh so hard to choose im the number one snack enjoyer evar. i will go nuts over any kind of little pastry treat snack i can get my hands on(god bless gas station danishes). im also just a general fruit enojyer for snacks i ate like half a pineapple the other day bc that shits GOOD!! hmmmm GOLDFISH CRACKERSthey are a special treat to me i will eat that shit like crazyyyyyyyyyyy!! i liek those little peanut butter cracker sandwiches also i dont rember what theyre called. hmmmmmmm i def cant pick just one favorite i love food OH FRUIT GUMMY HOW COULD I FORGET
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