#so even if i long for certain things its like well yeah i cant do that bc i deserve to die and im worthless useless and a bother and burden
bunnihearted · 3 days
im sorryyyyy i dont wanna be a mean bitch but genuinely i feel like im the one of only ppl who are actually alone bc i keep seeing all of these ppl complain abt how alone they are then they post a bunch of pics with their friend groups and they go on trips and celebrate their birthdays with friends and im like 😦?????????? im ngl i lowkey feel betrayed bc like yes sure we can relate on "feeling lonely" but ig at the end of they day im so sorry im not saying this to gatekeep loneliness or whatever but like u just cannot relate to what it feels like to not only feel lonely but also be alone and not even have people who want to spend moments with u. and feel and be like on your birthday you're alone. on your insta you're alone. irl u dont have ppl who even want to make plans with u. i know i know that everyone's loneliness is valid and you can still have partners and friends and feel lonely and that is valid i really do think so. idk i just feel so fkn alienated from everyone, including people who say theyre lonely - bc they still have ppl to talk to and ppl to be with and ppl who wants to be with them and consider them their friend lol.... i dont have anyone to take pics with or have groupchats with or go to concerts with or go for walks with and i dont have anyone to message abt stupid things or blah lahblahblah it doesnt even matter atp
#and like i am really really lucky that i have one person i talk to on a regular basis and have been for almost two years#and that he stills wanna be friend even if hes seen my insane person rants abt him on here#like genuinely i'd prob slowly wither and die without having had experienced talking to him#ig its not even only other ppl it is my avpd#if i just send a message thats like casual everyday talk between friends#im first freaking out abt it for hours bc i obviously deserve to DIE for even bothering them with a message#so even if i long for certain things its like well yeah i cant do that bc i deserve to die and im worthless useless and a bother and burden#and why would i force someone to waste time on me when they have ppl out there who are actually worth their time#i dont know#i just feel sad bc i checked insta and someone who talks abt being alone often posted pics of them celebrating their bday with friends 😭#and ofc everyone are valid to feel what they feel!!!! i know that!!!!!! it just hurts selfishly lmaooo#bc i am lonely but i will spend my bday crying in my room alone#like i have been for the past years#not even my own family wants to spend it with me#i talk a little abt plans w my mom and she acts like im holding her hostage 😭😭😭#so idk she'll prob agree but it wont feel great bc i know she doesnt really wanna spend time w me#anyway...... we're all alone as i get to hear all thw time#its just that most ppl who are alone also have partners and friends and family members or even a therapist haha 👍#i dont care tho its all good ^-^#also one of my old bully friends is marrid and just got her baby and she messaged me like hii how are u?#like what do u even want me to say.... cool... u have traveled the world u have found love u have made a ton of new friends#while still having your old friend group (that i got dumped by) and u even have your own kid#i am a fkn loser who should just die tbh#so yeah im doing great hahahha just gonna kms real quick 😸🙌🏻#but idc tho 😁
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transmutationisms · 1 year
I have always been wary of the psychiatric industry, but its only very recently that i started to read anti-psychiatric works. Your blog is the first time i saw that the "chemical imbalances causing mental illness" is a myth, and honestly its something im having a hard time wrapping my head around.
Is it that mood regulation struggles, labelled as a mental illnesses, has more to do with outside factors instead of the person "just being that way"? Is it therefore unlikely for someone to have struggles with mood regulation if they cant identify any external causes that would cause them to be, for example, extremely agoraphobic or to have anger management issues? Im asking this for myself mainly, cause i always had intense agoraphobia no matter how i often go outside my home (in fact it was worse when i was a teen and i was outside the house in even more back then). I cant think of any reason for me to be like this than chemical imbalances in my brain.
the specific 'chemical imbalance' myth i was talking about in this post is the idea that depression is caused by low serotonin, and that therefore SSRIs—serotonin re-uptake inhibitors, ie drugs that cause a higher level of serotonin in the brain—ought to cure or at least ameliorate depression. this conjecture is belied by the fact that SSRIs don't, at a population level, reliably perform better than placebo.
although a neurobiological cause of 'mental illness' has long been the holy grail of psychiatry, the serotonin imbalance myth is far from the only hypothesis that psychiatrists and neuroscientists have proposed. so, a critique of the serotonin myth is not synonymous with, or generalisable to, a critique of every neurobiological mechanism purported to explain psychiatric diagnoses. you may be interested to know, though, that genomics and neuroscience have not identified a biological cause of any psychiatric diagnosis (p. 851).
all human experiences are biologically instantiated, including in the brain and wider nervous system. we are embodied beings. however, it is a leap to assume that such instantiation is automatically equivalent to a causal explanation or disease etiology. in other words, to deny that psychiatric diagnoses are known to be biologically caused does not mean we deny that thoughts and thought patterns express in the physical matter of neuroanatomy. this is a major philosophical sticking point to keep in mind whenever you're looking at something like, eg, a study that purports to show 'brain differences' in those assigned a certain psychiatric diagnosis. another thing to consider is whether these papers are plagued with methodological issues or financial conflicts of interest.
i can't possibly tell you why you exhibit agoraphobia. however, when i talk about social, economic, and environmental factors that may contribute to the patterns of behaviour labelled as 'mental illness', i'm talking about much more than the individual choice to leave your house. since phobias are 'anxiety disorders', i might start by probing into questions like: is the world you live in safe? do you perceive it as safe? do you or your community face existential threats that may confront you more obviously when you go outside? are you nervous around other people, and if so, might that be connected to fears (well-founded or not) about interpersonal violence and harm? do you think any of these anxieties may be connected to the hostility and inaccessible design of the social environment and economic conditions?
human behaviour and thought varies. some of those variations may be totally benign; others may be helpful or harmful to the person living with them. it would be weird if every single one of the 8 billion people on earth experienced precisely the same amount of anxiety about any situation, no? all of this is to say: yeah, it's entirely possible you have been, for one reason or another (genetic, neuroanatomical, social, &c) predisposed to experience high, even debilitating levels of anxiety when leaving your home. most human characteristics develop from a tangle of social, environmental, material causes—ie, from a combination of 'nature' and 'nurture'. what doesn't follow, though, is the claim that there is therefore a discrete, 'diseased' element of your brain or brain functioning that can simply be cured or eliminated through psychiatric intervention.
it is a critical point of anti-psychiatry to challenge psychiatric and neuroscientific claims to neurobiological determinism where psychiatric diagnoses are concerned. this is for many reasons, including: a) that these claims have not been demonstrated to actually be true [see above]; b) that they rob pathologised people of agency and self-determination [see: you're too sick to know you're sick, and the doctor will fix you now]; c) that they are often pushed by pharmaceutical companies with financial interests, or grant-funded researchers with... financial interests; d) that they are politically seductive in various eugenic, hereditarian discourses that seek to eliminate the biologically 'unfit' element from society.
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patchiko · 9 months
Arkham Knight Relationship HCS !! <3
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( light nsfw, mostly SFW tho!! )
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literally my wife ( i made this pic idc abt creds i just wanna talk abt it)
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SFW !! <3
dying on this hill when i say basically any red hood would be soo yummy with a civilian or just someone who is extremely balanced.
im a red hood needs more fucking normalcy in his life TRUTHER.
relationship starts off slow, romantic and platonic, you need to be patient with him long enough for him to get over his mental dilemmas to feel ANY-TYPE of way towards you.
more then like 6 months lets be real yall
his way of bonding is quality time. ill die on this hill, especially at the start of the relationship. Nothing huge maybe just spending a couple extra minutes around you before leaving.
next is probably gift giving, esp with early relations, probably just gonna order you food or put fifty bucks on your countertop. you dont even notice until you realize you find a fifty around the last place he was standing. expect deliveries from R.H whenever he feels bad for something.
doesn't like being around for too long, feels like he's messing up something. ruining your day by keeping you up late (he was there for fifteen minutes), ruining your mood, (there was an awkward silence for like 30 seconds.)
not a overly conscious thought process though, he feels physically he isn’t supposed to be there. for whatever subconscious thing he picked up on, a awkward silence, or hes been there 15 minutes too long or something
well sometimes he'll mentally beat himself up.
he spirals a lot, needs someone to pull him out of that.
i think when he needs to be grounded, its not just comfort its making him feel alive in the present moment. he's never gonna truly forget about his traumas but maybe for just an hour or two; running around an arcade, walking around the city. just making him feel normal, yeah you BAGGED his ass quick.
he needs someone patient, really patient, someone whos very attentive and empathetic. (but not a complete push- over def needs someone to set him in line still)
i think if you move to quickly, he'll get super snappy and ghosting you,, ong put ur hands on him too early and he's left hooking you.
yeah you're waking up and the first thing your hearing is "Its been 12 years..."
second thing you hear is "you've been in a coma for.. 12 years."
third thing you're hearing is, " we think a bus hit you...”
obviously not touchy, even when he is settling down. hes just not sure how to .. or where to .. or why he wants too.
please his mental gymnastics get so crazy, just sit down with him and put on some silly ass movie so he stops
when he’s settled he cant pry himself off you though.
a lot of his expressions can definitely be told by his body language, naturally hes tense but theres certain habits he has when he's maybe thinking too much, or fustrated/irritated.
but he does all of the same for you, comfort, love, as much as he can he tries
Very attentive, has a mental list of 'shit you do when somethings wrong' or 'shit you like.'
doesn't consciously make any of these mental list, he just knows.
"didnt they say they liked this?" He pauses "shit ill just leave it at their window."
so he's like canonically smart as shit.
you have too much work from your boss or professor? hand it over its done in less then two hours.
literally buys you groceries and pays your bills (fucking lover boy.)
arkham knight finally figuring out how to ask for a hug (hes been dead silent for 5 minutes) (link) <— insta reel
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NSFW !! <3
AGAIN, not in a "my soft squishe potato always been scared of sex" way but in a ‘oh my god hes so unsocialized’ way.
yall ever see a big ass dog just..standing.. literally him (hes dissociating)
genuinely dont believe that when he was arkham/training to be, he was sexually or romantically involved with anyone. the last thing that was on his mind was actually pursuing a sexual or romantic relationship.
along with his trauma, he just wasn’t comfortable with any of that.
ghosted so many people..
couldn’t flirt for more then five minutes, just stopped feeling it or got uncomfortable .
not that he’s horribly awkward, but he’s noticeably a bit more quiet for first times.
ofc this man has watched porn n’ shit but hes smart enough to know thats not what its really like.
he’ll still figure it, what makes you tic, what you love, what makes you most comfortable.
kinda shitty at dirty talk, just makes him buffer.
he gets better at it tho, too damn good
gets so snarky and confident about it too uuhgrr
late relationships hes smirking and chatting your ears off cause you know hes gettin you turnt.
he has a love-hate relationship with his scars. 95% they remind him of his past, but 5% hes alright with them because they’ve shown what hes been through.
deep, deep, deep, deep, deep down, he knows hes fine as fuck. TRUST YALL.
again, super observant and attentive. really pays attention to what you enjoy.
I genuinely don’t believe hes into super hardcore/painful kinks or anything.
Sex for him is definitely a way of showing his trust and intimacy with someone!! Let him show you how much he loves you and how much he wants to make you feel good! Do the same to him !!
mmm tell him how good hes doing and hes a absolute mess!!
praise him! PRAISE HIM *im yelling from the hospital bed im strapped down on*
wouldn’t let you ride for awhile, but once he’s comfortable with it ,, he’s actually obsessed.
cant see him bottoming , just wouldn’t be comfortable with it
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my brain is getting messy so im stopping here! feedback and comments would be cool if you wanna drop some!
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bearshideout · 6 months
Ahh hi I saw you are wanting request I just gave a question if you would write a Rhea Ripley x reader [Platonic] Or maybe a judgement Day x reader [Platonic]
(Only asking BCS ik some people only like to write romantic relationships)
(First Request! Thank you <3)
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Judgment Day x GN Reader (Platonic)
You are a new wrestler who has recently joined the main roster but is struggling to find your own group luckily for you a certain group wants you as a new addition and they cant wait to welcome you in.
Y/n sighed as they packed all their stuff away in the locker room, the sounds off chatter filled their ears. It seemed ever since joining a few weeks back they couldn't find their place, everyone had already made there friends and even though they were all nice they weren't accepting new people into there groups. Y/n had never felt lonelier hearing everyone making plans after the match, they had given up on asking anymore groups if they could join the rejection hurt every time.
As they were leaving the locker room they suddenly bumped into Rhea. "I'm so sorry Rhea I didn't see you there" y/n said panicked the last thing they wanted was to start making enemies especially not with the judgment day. All they got back in return was a laugh "Don't worry about it, actually I was just looking for you" As y/n went through all the possible things she could have done to make this conversation go bad they were interrupted but this time by a male arm being wrapped around their shoulder. They looked up to see Damian who was smiling down at them "Yeah we all wanted to talk to you if you don't mind" Y/n looked at them now realizing Dom and Finn had also stood with Rhea. Dom started walking to the Judgment day's room "Lets talk in there don't want anyone listening in" Finn followed behind him nodding, Rhea grabs Y/n's hand and leads her along with a cheeky grin "your not in trouble" she jokes.
Finn opens the door for them all to go inside "We don't bite... well I don't cant say same bout this lot" he jokes getting a laugh out of y/n. While walking in she can see Dom already sprawled across one of the sofas. "so what did you want to talk about" y/n asked looking at them all, Damian's arm still around their shoulder. "Well we've been talking and we think you'd make a perfect addition to the Judgment Day, we have already talked to Triple H and he thinks its just what we need as long as you agree to it" Damian says giving your shoulder a slight squeeze. Before y/n can even gather their thoughts Rhea grabs y/n's arms desperately "Please say yes I'm begging you I need to talk to someone about [same interest] with" she begs over dramatically to sell her point making Dom shake his head and laugh. "So what do you say y/n are you in" Finn asks with a slight hint of fear.
They all wait with anticipation until finally "Yes!" y/n smiles enthusiastically they had been waiting for this moment since they joined WWE they finally had a group. "Welcome to the family" says Finn giving y/n a hug which they happily gave back. "Not fair y/n is now my new best friend I should be hugging them" said Rhea joining in the hug. "Now I feel left out" Dom piped up jumping into the hug which gained a eye roll from Damian who wrapped his arms lazily around the group hug.
"Now the family is complete" Whispers Rhea with a huge smile.
(First request done I hope this was okay! I had so much fun writing it and hopefully overtime get to do more scenarios with the judgment day)
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doubledown · 1 year
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Yall already know the drill no MLM fetish people as for minors go while I'd prefer you not to interact I cant control what you do
So this is abit of a specific fic for a certain someone ( you know who you are pooks 💕 )
The reader is Latino with a brown complextion feel free to imagine them in whatever shade you want
The reader will be male and masc terms will be used for them
Some Spanish will be in this used in this fic but a translation with be provided so dont worry about havin to go to google translate
This will most likely be around 2 or 3 parts depending on my motivation
ALSO I HAVE NOT WATCHED THE MOVIE so uh if its not like canon him I'm sorry 🧍‍♀️
Degration, Hook up, Hand job, Public Sex, Cheating, S_lf h_rm ( not described implied tho ), HEAVY Voice Kink
HEAVY on criticism. Trying out a new writing style since I noticed that the one I currently due really doesn't stimulate my brain enough which leads to writer's block. SO YEAH LMFAO HAVE FUN ( P.S THIS WAS SO FUN TO WRITEEE AND IT IS KINDA LONG SO SEAT BACKK AND ENJOYYYYYYY )🧍‍♀️
Your mama says I'm a fool
And yeah, maybe that's true 'cause I can't
stop thinkin' 'bout you
I'm tryin'
I'm tryin' not to forget my words
'Cause when I'm around you, I tend to keep
changin' my mind
Miguel murmered as the smell of heavy whiskey and cheap liquor crowded around him. He wasn't a drinker at all. He hadn't even thought about it. Well.....not until today. Everything was just going to shit. So he figured he drown himself in something other then self destruction and exhaustion. At least this would kill his worries for awhile after all what's the point of multiverse travel if you couldn't do somewhere where you were unknown? A place you could simply escape without anybody finding you or judging you for your actions. Nobody to put a strong and dominate front for. Just simply unknown and out of touch. " What's on your mind to drink tonight? " The bartender asked abit of a friendly smile on his face. Miguel honestly didn't know what to choose so he just said the first brand of liquor that came to mind. " Just a few shots of fireball.." He said resting his arms on the bar. " Alright hot shot your drinks will be ready in abit. " The bartender said quickly soon off to go take other orders while simultaneously making drinks. He couldn't say he wasn't impressed in all honesty but he had seen it done by failedly by parker. He always tended to try things that really didn't suit him. The bartender looked up and Miguel heart almost sunk in his chest when he spoke. " Buyin a drink or did ya miss me y/n? " The bartender asked leaning over the bar giving a peck on the lips to you.
He couldn't look. He wouldn't look. Yet the gentle rumble in your voice was something that always had a hold on him. " Why not both? " You teased catching onto your lover's lip in your teeth before letting go with a smirk. " You know what I like cariño. " [ darling/dear ] Cariño. Cariño Cariño Cariño Cariño...Even after years away from each other the word still made him his heart burn. Just the way your accent just drove him mad was something that he couldn't even begin to explain. Yet he knew it wasn't his place to feel that way nor right. You two were seperated now. But he wished that things had gone very differently.
" Miguel......Surprised to see you here. " You said your tone neutral but he could feel the hiss of anger in your eyes. You two broke up on a rather...messy note. Things were just too much and miguel wasn't excatly helping with being fuckin spider man and shit. You didn't- No. You couldn't do it. You weren't gonna live in fear that somebody may one day hurt you because they may have followed him home or some shit. So you suggested he retire from doing the whole superhero thing. And he didn't at all take it well. The two of you argued about it for days which turned into weeks. Things were said and one thing led to the other and soon you two weren't even remotely related anymore. He choose people he didn't even know over you. And it stung like hell. But you moved on and forward. And to see him in such a low state....it....it messed with you abit. It brought back some things that you really wished you had buried lower..
" Y/N. It's nice to see you again. " He said with a small smile. You had always been rather...eye pleasing to put it appropriately. Everything just fit so perfectly on you. Every feature on your face to every hair on you head was completely and utterly put together so...Intoxicatingly. And your voice....fuck your voice.... " Ah Im guessin you guys have past? " The voice of your lover pulled him away before his thoughts had a chance to tip off. " Yeah. He's an old friend. " You said simply without bothering to look at the other man. You already you tired from work and really didnt want want to deal with your partner gettin all pissy that your ex is here. " Just a shot of jack daniels Mí Corazón. " you purred. [ My heart ] You knew what your voice did to Miguel. You know what you could gain from him just with a few soft I love yous or just simply saying his name the way he liked. He was a slut for words. Literally. And you had no sympthay for him left in you to care. After all it seemed more like a personal problem then anything. Sucks to suck.
You sat down next to Miguel resting you arms on the bar slightly leaning just enough for that slight arch in your back to show. It was wrong you knew that. Quietly seducing your ex while your partner was right in front of you. But after all you had to return the favor. Finding those texts from all those different guys. You wondered how many times he had fucked some guy while on shift. More importantly how many of them were here now. Miguel was weak when it came to you. He always had been. And the way he shifted in his seat when ever you spoke or the way he seemed so dazzedly focused on your features only proved that he still was a little whore for you. But you weren't gonna simply just give him what he wanted. No. That be too merciful. He needed to beg. Like bitch in heat. He needed to beg like fucking him was a need. Like he couldn't survive without you stuffing him full of what he knew craved.
Miguel cleared his throat and diverted his eyes to his drink as the bartender brough back his drink. " I didn't know you were into liquor. " You said with abit of a curious tone. When did he start drinking?? He always had hated the smell of alcohol at least you thought he did. He used to get onto you about drinking all the time goin on and on about how it could mess up your liver and such. Yet here he was puttin his feelings into a cup. Crazy how things change. " And I thought you didn't fall under stress. " He muttered taking drinking it down in a quick motion. He gagged slightly before swallowing a rather displeasing look on his face. " What? The bite too much for you amor? " [ Love ] You snarked a teasing smile on your face. " No. It's just stronger then what I'm used to. " He mumbled clearly embarrassed by his own reaction. The wound between you too was still fairly fresh. Even more unattended then you both thought. The dismissed jab from Miguel only just proved it.
You swished your drink around not even really wantin it in all honesty. It just felt all surreal and awkward having him around. It just didn't feel natural anymore. And you hated it so fuckin much. Your thoughts were brought out by your rather oblivious boyfriend giving you a kiss on the forehead. " Hey sorry to interrupt you in your space but I gotta head out for a bit. A friend from work needs help movin some furniture. " He said with a smile. " Don't worry about the bar ken is already gettin ready for his shift. " He continued giving you a finally peck before leaving. So that's how he did it. He made a lame ass excuse and left before he could be asked questions. Huh. It was the only thought that came into your mind. At this point feelin guilty was out of the picture entirely. After all if he could go have fun why couldn't you.
You leaned up slightly your left hand grazing the other's thigh as he stiffened. He looked at you confusedly and you simply looked at him for permission. You had always been abit of a fan for open things. It obviously took him a minute to realize what you wanted to do and the clear surprise look on his face almost made you laugh. Yet odd enough he moved his seat abit closer to you despite it. " Hm. Seems like somebody missed old times. " You hummed to yourself teasing his cock through his jeans. He shifted in his seat as he rested his hand on his forehead trying his hardest not to thrust up for attention. You slowly but carefully unzipped his jeans and the entire time the poor man was figiting in his seat. " Desperate much? " You murmed loosely as you teased the head of his swollen cock.
He huffed sharply as he shifted his weight toward your as you wrapped your pretty hands around his cock and pumped it at a rather fast pace. A small whimper came from his throat as you stroked him precum dripping as your pace became relentless. He put his head down on the bar ledge his one hand covering his mouth trying so hard to quiet his soft rambles of pleasure. He twitched and pulsed as what seemed like hours to him as his responses simply got harder and harder to hide. At this point he was pratically mind numb with pleasure and being a whiny mess of a man. Yet you weren't done with your pretty boy just yet. Things were simply getting started.
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antiwhores · 2 years
Surrendered! - Bakugou x villain!reader
A villain who dynamite couldn’t catch? Crazy. Especially a villain that cant even villain right.
This has been sitting in the drafts for months. I just decided to finish it because I’ve been gone for a bit. Short drabble
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You were possibly the most annoying fucking villain ever. Bakugou would die on that hill.
You had built quite a name for yourself in the villain society. You were known as Dynamite’s archenemy; or migma. Because you were the only villain he couldn’t get rid of. You were actually rather respected in the villain community for it.
The government calls you a villain but some people would say you’re more of an anti hero than a villain.
Its not as if you kill people or anything. You are no mass murderer - you have never killed someone. Nor do you have any planes to take over the city or destroy all heros. You have never put a civilian in danger. In fact, you’re known to help people. Sometimes during intense battles you’ll even swoop in to get civilians and maybe throw off the villains from a far. You’re just… mildly infuriating.
Your evil doings are just stupid pranks with your stupid quirk that you had no license to use. And it absolutely infuriated Katsuki.
Some of your most well known feats are as such:
you hacked into the Japan news broadcast just to stream a video of you doing horrible karaoke of old 2000s albums.
You broke into hero Dynamites agency, stole some computers and made sure to keep their location on. Then you sent the whole agency on a wild goose chase to find them and what they hoped was you.
You cut the power in the building of one of the most important hero celebrations and award ceremonies right when they were announcing the number one hero.
You planted a harmless but rapidly spreading pineapple species in low income neighborhoods. They spread like flowers in the cracks of a fluorescent city in no time. Apparently its “vandalism” but everyone got to eat for a bit.
Everything you have done, it was to piss off a certain group of people.
Dynamite started chasing you around about 3 years ago when he was climbing the ranks after UA. And in all these years he has never been able to catch you.
You are the only thing that he cant win against because you always have an idea.
So naturally, he’s heavily on guard when he follows you down a busy street. A quirk was imprinted on him to completely mask his identity. He was like a whole new person.
Little did he know that you knew it was him. He can hide his face and voice but he can’t hide his booming presence.
Too bad you didn’t have time to indulge in some teasing with him. You had just done another one of your crimes a week ago and you had to see someone. It wasn’t too bad this time, you just blew up a building that was destroying the local echo system. No one was hurt, you evacuated everyone.
This person you had to see had key information on another man you needed to find. So you hoped that Dynamite would fuck off long enough for the quick conversation to end as you stood in an alleyway.
The man spoke to you in your mind. A telekinetic.
When he was done, he spoke aloud.
He took out a cigarette and lit it, offering you one. You refused. “Also, I’m sure you know this lass but…” He puffs out smoke to the opposite side of you and points directly at the wall Dynamites hiding behind. “That man has been following us for quite a bit!”
Dynamite barely holds back his sharp intake of breath. He thought that he was being to slick! What the fuck is up with you and your friends? At least you didn’t know who he was.
“Yeah,” you giggled, “thats my best-friend.” You spun towards him, lifting your hands to project your voice. “Where are your manners? Following a lady! Come say hello Dynamite!”
Damn it all.
In a split second he’s on you but you’re even faster. You’re suddenly behind him, embracing him in a tight hug.
“I haven’t seen you in like 6 months, Dynamite!” You squeal. “I was afraid you moved on to those other stupid villains. Like that bitch Movaro. You know, she tried to kill me!”
He’s been held in this grip before and he knows you have no intention of running away until he cuffs you so he just lets you speak into his neck.
“Serves you fucking right.” He reached behind his back and drags you off by your hoodie with one hand. You just let him hold you off the ground in front of him with a smile.
Although he hates to admit it, he’s grown quite attached to you. These past 3 years have been… weird. All he thinks about is how he wants to jail you already. But jailing you seems so wrong for him. You’re a villain, sure, but no extra has avoided him successfully for 3 years straight like you have.
He slams you against the wall and pins you there, preparing for a move to escape. You just smile at him though, “I have good news!”
You put your hands up and behind your head, “I give up!”
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dr-spectre · 28 days
So brainwashed Callie in official content is cringe. Do you feel the same about it in Fanfiction? Have there been any takes on Hypno Callie that you enjoyed?
Honestly? I don't feel the same way about it in fanfiction. There's a lot of information and different takes floating around about certain things in the franchise so I dont necessarily blame people for using the word "brainwashed" for Callie in their fanfiction. The English localisation of Splatoon has said she was brainwashed despite other languages and the original Japanese version not using the word. At least from my own knowledge. So I get why most fans would take that information and immediately believe it's true.
Plus there's more people talking about what actually happened to Callie on twitter and tumblr which is really incredible to see!!! Im so happy to see Callie being treated with more respect!!!!! It is a night and day difference compared to the treatment in 2017 to 2020.
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Surprisingly enough I don't actually consume a lot of fanfiction. I can read my own writing easily but I can't read others that well and... I feel really bad about it... but I have read a bit of this one fanfiction that got Hypno Callie 99% right. I fucking forgot the name but i was recommended it by someone in the past, it had "dome" in the name? It was about DJ Octavio and the Octarian domes.
The way they explained the shades was actually really interesting and unique! It's basically shades that play catchy music and that's how Callie got hypnotised. It fits in line with DJ Octavio too as he's well... a DJ. Plus daydreaming and listening to music goes hand in hand so it has some basis in reality too. Everyone at some point has been put into a daydream state when vibing out to music.
Although I say 99% because there's this one line that Callie says, "Are these shades brainwashing me?" And it was so clunky I'm sorry LOL. And there's this implication that its also doing something further to Callie's brain but it's not that explained well, which i really dont like. Other than that, my Hypno Callie content is mainly fanart and 99% of that has been phenomenonal and powerful stuff.
However.... my biggest fucking gripe in "fan content" if you wanna call it that is... timeline videos and people going over plot details and stuff like that.
These people actually do RESEARCH and spend a lot of time analysing the story of Splatoon and trying to put the pieces together. Yet for Callie it feels like they just do a quick read through of Inkipedia and that's it because they dont give a flying fuck about her character. It drives me fucking psychotic and i cant be safe watching Splatoon videos anymore. How hard is it to say hypnotised? HOW HARD IS IT?!?!?! JUST USE THAT WORD!!! THATS ALL YOU HAVE TO DO!!! GOD DAMN!!!! DO YOU EVEN KNOW THE MEANING OF THE WORD BRAINWASHED AT ALL?!?!?!
It's really disappointing to me that this outdated timeline video is the ONLY VIDEO to say Callie was hypnotised and not "brainwashed." And that... makes me kinda pissed off.
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I can't even watch these videos anymore man. I'm sad. I'm not even trying to send hate over to them, they put in a lot of work... except for a character I really care about....
Imagine you like a particular character and you feel really strongly about them. Now Imagine people saying wrong or yucky things about that character and treating it as fact despite you knowing "Hey something is not right here. I think there's more here than people realise." And all the most popular and well liked content is spreading that kind of information around about your favourite character. It would drive you crazy yeah? I'm sure everyone has that one character in every fanbase.
Anyways, thanks for the ask! Sorry if it was long... I tend to ramble about Hypno Callie LOL! (Autism)
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honakito · 9 months
Plz akito kiss hcs ..
⠀⠀ ͏͏͏ ͏͏͏ ͏͏͏ ͏͏͏⠀⠀ ͏͏͏ ͏͏͏⠀⠀ ͏͏͏ ͏͏͏ ͏͏͏ ͏͏͏are you wearing lipstick on purpose ? ?
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LIP MARKS - prod. honakito
posted as : request
chars : s. akito , y. kanade
type: x g/n ! reader
scenario : kisses with them ( headcanons )
notes : that is so cute im gonna give u a smooch. now this MIGHT be similar to others posts but everything in this context is unintentional,,, so no i am not a copycat ,, tho, enjoy!!
notes 2 : i wrote kanade too even tho she wasnt in the request because i also want to write other characters ,,,, because as much as i want this to be an akito blog i genuienly CANT </3 id get bored and theres no SPICE in that what the fuck,,, also i flunged my math comp today (even tho i have the highest grades and like general grade in class with a 9,94) i got a like 55 this is not my first time the 55 has cursed me i cant escape ,, so now ive been ghosting everyone that has asked me for my score im genuinely so embarrassed ( this is also NOT the first time ive did this )
date : 19 / 01 / 24 - 20 / 01 / 24
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s. akito 
akitos lips are soft. like genuinely so soft.
hes probably had them chapped for a little while , due to practicing in the sun a lot. before you started helping him on it. i guess it payed off , so , so well.
so now , after helping him treat them, his kisses got somehow better.
its like theyre more tender and passionate now. maybe its his way of getting back at you for giving him tips and buying the necessary things he needed? pretty much. yeah definitely. 
small fact : he still kept the things you bought him for his lips , neat and clean on his desk. ‘ im keeping those for when they get dry again, not for kissing you better. they heavily influence my singing, y’know? ‘ - thats his excuse anyway.
usually, they arent that long. in hurries, he usually just leaves a small peck. a kiss on the forehead, even. tho he only does this when no ones watching , not too fond of pda because of three certain someones. the most he can do in public is a quick kiss on the hand, on one of the rings you wear, if you do actually use jewelry.
but in private , its like a switch flipping. hes initiating it a lot more, each kiss lasting two times more than usual with one break slipped in there somewhere. mostly on the lips, but doesnt limit there. hed kiss you all over your face occasionally , if hes feeling mischievous. or in comfort. depends on the context.
and about hand placement — definitely on your waist. he likes it alot. in an innocent way, ofcourse. in general, he just likes it. wrapping his arms around it from behind you , hugging you and resting his face on your shoulder. akito himself doesnt know why.
so basically — his kissers are tender , passionate , and depend on his mood. hes a pretty simple guy.
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y. kanade
if akitos lips were soft, then kanades are heavenly, if taken care of properly.
her lack of self care is there, ofcourse, even worse if it wasnt for honami. but with a little bit of your help, i feel like shed eventually get better — and that includes skincare and just beauty in general.
she has dry lips, due to working a lot during both mornings and nights , so she doesnt really have time to take care of them — or she oftenly licks them to the extent of it. it doesnt take a lot of chapstick to get them nice and soft, tho.
theyd DEFINITELY taste like soy cup noodles, argue with the entirety of usa. or collectively agree. i dont care i know im right.
her kisses arent special, but they hold a lot of sentimental expression to both you and kanade. for her , leaving you quick pecks anywhere on your face is a way to express what shes feeling. is she proud? is she happy? did something happen? does she need attention? you’ll only know through her quick kiss on your cheek.
she cant last through really long kisses tho — poor girl runs out of breath so fast. thats why you both settled in quick pecks.
and hand placement during those? your cheeks or the back of your head , running her hands through your hair. doesnt matter if youre taller (which is likely) , she’d initiate it (rarely long) by gently cupping your cheeks and bringing your face closer to her.
summed up — shes a decent kisser. just dont suffocate her during your time. 
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does anybody wanna be on my taglist…. ive been considering doing one ,,
dividers arent mine ; credits to the rightful owners on TUMBLR
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razberrybones · 2 months
The online therian community sucks
Some of it really does. From what I've seen from tiktok? eugh yeah. and it's really not as welcoming on other platforms as it is here. I'm happy for all of the positive aspects and good people i've found, the accessibility to resources and knowledge is something i really adore. But I cant say anything for in person interactions or I guess? the in person community? Haven't met another therian or nonhuman out in the wild </3 I'm envious of everyone who has lmao
I dont know enough of the online therian community to actually be able to say if anythings wrong with it or if there's something we could do to improve, but im open to suggestions.
I get the feeling this was likely sent as hate, but I'm very optimistic pfft
If it was sent as hate, lets try to work though this yeah?
So first things first, I'm tired and a very flawed being with limited knowledge on this topic. I'm gonna be wrong and considerably ungraceful with some things, and i welcome anyone to add on where they can. Now, lemme give it a shot.
By 'sucks' i'm taking it as you personally don't like it. Not liking something is perfectly okay, but going out of your way to tell someone that you personally do not like something that is theirs is mean, and not a good look. I know you've likely heard that everywhere, too. Its a seemingly simple message that a lot of people just don't understand or ever manage to apply to their lives because they don't care to.
Let's try and explain it.
So hate? Why spread it? Normally it comes from dissatisfaction in the self, or situation the person is in or was in. Growing up and being in unhealthy environments contributes a lot. Anywhere with particular societal expectations has ingrained this toxic cookie cutter type mentality on top of whatever they've been taught by their life this far. I understand why people choose to hate, but it's only going to keep the cycle repeating. That is feeling awful and then being awful because of it.
People tend to spread hate the most when they hate themselves. It is always taught. Sometimes by people who are ill intended but sometimes they genuinely meant well, they themselves just didn't know any better. What matters now is what're you going to do with it? This awful painful feeling? Most people just put it back out into the world perpetuating the cycle, and that is the easier thing to do, but unlearning it is the best thing you can do for yourself and others.
We've been taught that only certain things are okay or should be accepted, but there's really not any harm in it if it's not hurting anyone. And that goes for everything non harmful such as wearing clothes not in fashion or liking sea turtles a lot, even all together looking or working different, not just therianthropy or nonhumans.
Learning that other things, sometimes besides just what you've been taught, are okay will help you accept vastly different people and situations in life. And most of all! Yourself.
From what I've seen people throw out hate because they think they have to be one certain way, and then this thing that was originally meant to keep them safe is harming them and others. They've made a little metal cage in their head, and now the bars and joints are cutting into them. They've far out grown it, and have no reason to stay in the cage, but it's safe to them. It kept them safe from whatever was out of the cage. That thing is long gone of course but it was a very scary experience. Stepping out is horrifying if you think a tiger is going to bite you.
You need to evaluate if you're actually in a safe space to set out of the cage, whether you feel safe or not. Be patient with yourself and all of that. Just remember you're a person who's never done this before, you're not going to have a good idea of what you're doing or anything. It's okay to fuck up. Just start little.
It really pains me when i see hate online, because I just worry for that person. I know someone who isn't just parroting what they've heard wouldnt do that. It just paints a picture of dissatisfaction and gives them an uncomfortable air. I really wish everyone could be okay and learn it feels much better to be open minded and grow. It's like they're putting themselves in a blender and saying "this! this is the perfect form!" and man, im rambling now and dont remember my point. It is past my bedtime. but!! I want to help.
I want to help everybody. Everybody is fuckin awesome they just dont know it yet, and i can help if they are willing. I can show them if they're willing. I love everybody, maybe not their actions or how they feel sometimes but everyone is a person or being and that's worthy of love. That's enough. so get up there and change smth, make your life a little better, sit outside without your phone for a bit, watch a ted talk while you brush your teeth. its fucken awful now, but you'll never see if it gets better if you jsut stop seeing all together. Its a new day everyday, you get a fresh start so often, so many opportunities to do what you can. Even just thinking about it is a start if you cant pull yourself to take that first step. The first is the hardest but i truly believe life wouldn't throw smth at you that you couldn't handle. You can do it, one step at a time.
And now it's late for me, and i hope the best for everyone. i think i lost my point half way through, but after rereading it a few times i still cannot tell. I hope it is good enough :salute:
Wait i think i just realized you're the lamb. if im remembering the name correctly.
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sorin-in-the-stars · 2 years
Hey dear i saw hr request being open so i decided to slide jn heh
Maybe angst to fluff? (pls dont make the angst to brutal i cant handle it well) heh
Anyways have a nice day dont overworm urself AND EAT.
Spit it Out.
Scaramouche x GN! Reader
Contents : Arguments, Angst to Fluff, sharing a bed, soft Scara at the end
Summary : What Scaramouche said about Haypasia hurt you. Have you not been here for him this entire time has a follower?
Wc : 1k
Requeted? Yes!
Hi! Thank you so so much for this request, i've been DYING to write more for scara, but i had no idea what to write.
This type of thing has been on my mind for a bit so I am glad i was finally able to write it out
I hope you enjoy it!!
You sat there in shock and awe. How could he be so stupid? Oh, yeah sure he didn’t have a single devoted follower up until Haypasia. It wasn’t like you were there this entire time, right? There for him throughout all the years, committed solely to him. 
Hell, you even left the Fatui with him! He may have thought he forced you to, but you were willing to do as he says! You were his only follower from day one. 
Yet he dare treats you as if you were…Nothing!?
You scoffed, crossing your arms and looking away from him. You visibly looked upset, from the look in your eyes, and to your completely untouched food. 
What is it that he had done? He was incredibly confused in the moment. Why weren’t you eating the food he made for you?
You always ate what he made for you, no matter its contents. At this point his plate was completely empty, even if he didn’t need to eat.
He sat back in his chair, kicking your leg under the able in the process. “Spit it out, mortal.” When had he started using ‘Mortal’ instead of some deranged insult? 
You didn’t reply, feeling that he didn’t need to know as your supposed ‘God’. He should be able to put two and two together, right?
“What? Is my cooking suddenly not to your standards?” He furrowed his brows, getting irritated. His hands clenched in on themselves under the table. “I said to spit it out. Who are you to ignore my demands?”
“Why don’t you go ask your first and most devoted follower? Hm?” You turned you body to face the other direction, refusing to look at him. You felt hurt because of what he had said to the Traveler. Did you mean nothing to him?
“Stop spouting nonsense. She has nothing to do with this.” He scoffed, his irritation and confusing growing immensely. 
Your eyes widened slightly, the pain growing from simple words. “So you admit that she’s a better follower than I am?” You closed your eyes tightly, body curling in on itself.
Is this what you’re upset about? How ridiculous! “What are you talking about? She is my first follower, you are merely a-” He cut himself off. 
What were you to him? A soldier? A pet? A follower? Why has he kept you around this long? You didn’t provide much service to him other than patching him up, and occasionally cleaning. 
Was it because of your company? 
No that can’t be it…
“A what? What am I then?” You turned to him, tears threatening to fall from your eyes. His silence towards you did not help the feeling you held in your chest. The pain was getting unbearable.
You stood up, ready to leave the makeshift home the two of you shared. “If I mean nothing to my own god, should I really worship him?” You spoke, staring down at his sitting form. You held both anger and pain in your eyes and voice.
Suddenly, Scaramouche felt a pang of pain where his heart should be. He didn’t speak, he was at a loss for words.
Did you truly feel that way? Were you really his first follower? Did he mess this up? “Don’t you dare say words such as those again, Mortal.” He stood up, coming eye to eye with you. He grabbed your wrist, and pulled you closer. “You worship me?” He asked. There was a certain air to his words. Uncertainty? Curiosity? Hesitation? You couldn’t put your finger on it.
“Of couse I do! Why do you think I follow you around? Do as you ask? Hm? You think I do those because I fear I might die if I don't like all the other Fatui soldiers?” You raised your voice, your breathing getting rather unsteady.
“If you truly are my first follower, then she is nothing.” He said, clearly trying to look intimidating. His eyes betrayed him and softened at your response.
“Run off to your little devotee. I’m going to bed.” You yanked your arm from his hand, walking off to the makeshift bedroom you two had.
What did he do wrong? He was sure that what he said should have made everything better.
He hated humans and their stupid emotions.
__ At some point in the night, you felt your blankets move. DId he really come crawling to you? In bed? You pulled the blankets over your body tightly, refusing to share with him.
“Stop being a brat and give me the blanket.” Scaramouche tugged at the blanket knowing full well there were other ones. 
You didn’t reply, faking being asleep to see what he would do. 
He scoffed, settling with the small amount he had. “Stupid brat, you should be honored to even be in the same room as me. Yet here you are being greedy.” He spoke softly, as to not ‘wake you’ it seemed. 
You heard him sigh, and felt more movement. He leaned his head against your back, clearly looking down inside the blanket.
“...I’m sorry…My most devoted.” He whispered, moving his hand to gently grip the back of your shirt. It was a habit it seemed. One he did often while asleep. 
“Don’t say anyone is more devoted to me, Scaramouche.” You replied, letting go of the blanket to turn around to face him.
Scaramouche froze up. You weren’t meant to hear that. His facial expression showed that much.
You move a hand from under the blanket up to his face, gently cupping it. “You can do no real harm, my god.” You leaned your head onto his, voice softening “My Love.” 
Scaramouches cheeks dusted pink. “Don’t leave me.” His voice cracked. 
Maybe he didn’t see you as a follower because he didn’t want you as one? 
You hummed in response, leaving a small kiss on his forehead. “I wouldn’t dare try.” 
Scaramouche lifted one of his hands up to your face, cupping it in the same way you were doing to him. He just stared at you, not knowing what else to say or to do. 
He was tired. He wanted to sleep.
“Good. Now sleep, my most devoted.” He whispered, trailing his hand down to your neck to urge you forward gently. 
Scaramouche moved his head to your neck, enjoying the small bit of warmth it brought to his otherwise cold body. Carefully, he left small kisses there. 
He felt comfortable in your arms.
Finally, he could sleep.
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wolvebonez · 6 months
please do dump about your watcher au as much as you want!! I'd love to hear about it!!
YAYYYY THANKS FOR ASKING its autism time Basically um. You know how most the watcher!grian hcs/interpretations have him as an unwilling participant in all this ? Uh, yeah ! Not this grian:3 Well. Kinda. But. Im a TMA Fan and I love FUCKED UP guys so !!!! Watchers feed off emotions. All emotions, but they're especially known for finding fear or grief or other negative emotions the most nutritionally filling/benefital to their health. However: They can't just sit there around someone whos very happy, sad, angry, ect, and then get fed from that. They have to- uh, for lack of better word- latch onto a players "soul," and tear chunks of that from them, dig into their mind and bite into whatever makes them feel and then tear that away. Sometimes, a feeding will cause the victim to be unable to feel anything at all after the feeding, if a Watcher gorges themself solely on them. Most often, when they use restraint while feeding, the victim will loose all feelings they'd had about the previous days, weeks, or even months, and might feel like everythings "dulled down" for some time while they recover. (Younger Watchers usually have to have physical contact with the victim to feed, older or more powerful Watchers can feed without even being on the same plane of existence as their victim, only needing to be able to See them.) Now, that's all kind of similar to a lot of headcanons about Watchers already, and I pulled the "eating emotions" thing from Martyns Eyes & Ears AU (altho in that its JUST fear), but uh... Heres where it differs: The Watchers aren't sentient. Not really, anyway. They're...predators, beings that know they need to feed and will go to great lengths to do so, survival their greatest worry above all else. Think of them like... Smart animals. Corvids, for example, crows especially- they will investigate their own dead to figure out what killed the other bird so they can avoid it, and are extremely good puzzle solvers. Prairie dogs have an incredibly advanced verbal communication system- able to even denote the speed of which a predator is approaching their den (probably the closest we could get to an ""language"" in the animal kingdom). But neither of those animals, as smart as they may be, are considered sentient. Its the same with Watchers. Watchers CAN communicate, they can understand eachother, they can achieve a certain amount of planning, like how squirrels can count what nuts they have & deduce how many they need, or how whales and other marine life are especially prone to being able to plan & use logical reasoning... They can understand the concept of death and... the concept of keeping their food alive for delayed gratification and a continued food source, instead of just going out and feeding on someone until theyre a husk of themselves, unable to provide more food. How, exactly, they got all the players into the life series/how they made the games IS something im working on, but the point im getting at here is that theyre basically like ants farming aphids, except the aphids are sentient people..? yay..? Ah, and Watcher cant reproduce normally. They have incredibly long lifespans, but when a Watcher does come to its end, they... Well, theyll find an player to bite into the soul of, and instead of feeding, they basically do the reverse- shoving all their energy into that being and becoming a parasite that will eventually take over the host and make them a Watcher, similarly without much sentience. Thats what happens to Grian. :3 The exact process of turning is also in the works but basically it starts by becoming unable to eat regular food, slowly focusing all the players willpower into wanting to eat, before they develop the ability to feed from other players. At this stage they might still be able to feel themself, however after feeding from another you tend to loose your own emotions amongst the ones youre feeding off of, and at some point, any remaining emotions the "player" has, is consumed by them for extra nutrition, and in turn they officially become a Watcher.
UMMMM YEAH!!!! Thats all the worldbuilding I have :3333 Theres uh- a story in my mind, but its not as fleshed out? I also MIGHT make it a fic (heavy on the might) so idk how much i'd wanna spoil. But uh, yeah, Grian'll be a bit of a special case in that his turning takes... a lot longer than normal. ^_^ I put him in the torture world sorry
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eganeyes · 7 months
demarco/macon hcs bouncing around in my head like a pinball incredibly self indulgent and will probably not go anywhere bc i am Not a cohesive writer but this has been in my head and in my notes app for so long it has to come out
benny is literally the chillest person in the us air force hes not repressed to like buck he's just genuinely never really Fazed and even if he was hed be like "well alright" and continue on, like go with the flow is his life motto he's achieved the ultimate zen
so meeting macon and realizing he has Feelings doesnt put a single blip on this mans stability
this: demarco has an intelligence kink. enter macon. (@blood-mocha-latte posted a snippet of her demacon fic abt this exact thing and i have yet to recover)
some more on this bc i cant stop even if i wanted to:
he definitely had a passing crush on buck and kenny bc wowsies they’re so smart
completely platonic ofc ride or die w buck his bestie ground crew is untouchable etc etc
every pilot has got to be like Above Intelligence though and he’s Suffering from it
had a brief hard on for bucky when the man doled out a highly complex pyramid scheme for their imaginary postwar pilot gig whilst drunk and never recovered from the shame bc the next minute the man falls into a ditch with curt
100% enamored with macon ever since the man started elaborating from simple 3rd grade physics to college level dissertation titles. 
that gif of benny humming and hawing at the mud stump while macon explains physics to him has me by the throat
bc benny is genuinely Very Put Together he pursues macon with a singular intensity that frightens macon just a smidge
im talking quality time to the maxxxx, randomly complimenting macons hands, buying him lunch, popping by his base to make friends with all of macons friends, breakfasts and morning runs, polishing forts together, etc etc
please do not ask about the logistics of him popping in and out of macons base i don’t even know how far to each other's current air base is lets consider it 3 cms apart (im like 80% certain they arent even in the same country lmao but whatever its just rot in my brain let me be)
apparently bennys dad is a designer so lets say benny gifts macon with custom flight jacket patches, sweaters, beanie hats, scarves, saying shit like take these with you to your flights and remember me or something insane like that
going with him to doctor appointments for his neck, pressing arms to arms for comfort
meeting meatball is An Ordeal
he either brings meatball with him to the tuskegee base/his flight school the very first time he gets there to rack up more points with macon and co
or he takes macon on a date (will he actually say its a date? who knows) and introduces meatball to him while walking the dog together which is alwayssss such a cute first date/getting to know each other idea oml
macon, completely and utterly flustered bc why is this white boy steadfastly giving him gifts and taking him to lunches and writing him letters and saying shit like hey you going on a test flight with that new plane tomorrow right heres our pic i got printed yesterday put it up with you so you wont miss me yeah
its his superstitious lucky charm now ofc
macon wearing the scarf hes gifted and the boys jeering and whistling every time he shows up wearing it oh
alex drawing a sketch of him and benny laughing together in the officers bar and leaving it in his footlocker
macon then slowly gifting practical little trinkets he cooked up himself for benny,,,benny keeping everything even when some of them get broken bc they're self made trinkets bc they're from his guy guys,,,they're from his guy,,,,
one day macon greets benny by running a hand down from his bare elbow to the tips of his fingers (im talking pride and prejudice, bridgerton levels of insane hand grazing) and benny went completely offline and somebody probably gale had to pinch his side to kickstart him back to life and whatever came out of his mouth next was comprehensible only to meatball
benny leaving meatball with macon and them bonding,,,,,,meatball resting his head on macons lap/feet while macon does Important Paperwork/Calculations,,,,,,,,
also its soooo funny how those two are the shortest of the boys is this actually important to the plot (there is no plot btw) or even in general? no. is it something i noted and kept close to heart? yes.
is this a modern au? a post war au? a no pow au? i literally cannot tell you because i do not know
again just incredible self indulgence sorry
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(this is going to be Long so prepare yourself XD)
Murderbot Diaries:
I have no idea if you've ever read the murderbot diaries books by martha wells (which, if you havent and have any sort of interest in science fiction PLEASE READ THEM THEYRE SO FUN) but the character of secunit is SO ghost coded its not even funny
for those unaware: secunit is short for security unit, which in the world of murderbot are partially artificial and partially human constructs created as cheap labor. secunits are considered property rather than people, despite being totally sentient. they are not, however, autonomous. secunits have a thing called a "governor module" that will essentially fry their brains if they do anything to go against the company/their client's orders. secunits can be repaired and reissued to new clients, so the whole thing is just super fucked up
anyway, back to the au. ghost, like murderbot, manages to disable his governor module somehow and is able to act completely autonomously. however, he's been so Fucked Up by you know... being a secunit, that he doesnt exactly know how to be autonomous or his own person, so he just. Doesnt. and he continues to protect clients as they come up, doing his best to hide the fact that hes able to act freely.
enter the 141 survey crew, who are his latest group of clients that hes been tasked with protecting. its a much smaller group than he's used to, only seven members compared to dozens and dozens, but that means he's the only secunit sent along which is for the better tbh. the members of the survey include laswell, price, gaz, soap, farah, alex, and roach.
for once in ghost's life, he's not treated as a looming threat or an inanimate object, but an actual person with thoughts and opinions of his own. and he Does Not Like This At All.
at least, not at first. but he finds his walls start getting eroded by these idiotic humans and their idiotic tendencies to make the worst possible choices. (especially a certain engineer with a taste for explosive materials, but thats neither here nor their)
of course, something has to go wrong, as it always does. there are two other survey teams on the planet - kortac and shadow company. and according to a message sent by one of them (not sure which yet lmao), something is hunting them.
and soon, the 141 is going to be hunted to
im trying not to directly copy the plot of all systems red (the first murderbot novella) so yeah!
this is going under the read more because its getting too long lmao
cw for mild mouth trauma and general blood/violence
SO this one is fun.
ghost is still part of the 141, alongside gaz and price. he's a werewolf (obviously XD) and somehow, a mark gets the drop on him while he's shifted into his full wolf form
he wakes up in a tiny iron cage in a dank basement, with a burning pain across his snout, jaw, and neck. his captors managed to muzzle and collar him with pure silver, keeping him as weak and docile as possible. hes still fucking dangerous as shit, but this way they can at least handle him.
his captors, a group of hunter/poachers, have a shitton of other supernaturals trapped in the basement with him. they come down to gloat, and with them is a strange man. he doesnt talk smack like the others. he moreso tries to blend into the shadows and disappear. but ghost cant tear his eyes away from the bright blue eyes lurking in the darkness. or the thick iron band locked around his throat.
the man is clearly inhuman, but he cant - or wont - speak. hes tasked with taking care of the "feral wolf" (ghost) for the duration of his stay. from the precise wording of the orders, ghost knows exactly what the man in.
fair folk. something powerful, too, given the iron bands around his wrists as well.
days of ghost plotting his escape pass, and ghost and the fae start to come to some sort of wordless alliance. they take care of each other as best they can from their relative cages, finding solace in each other that they cant find anywhere else.
something happens later down the line, maybe gaz and price are getting to close to the operations, but the poachers decide that its time to cut their losses and skip town. they order the fae to "take care of the wolf". ghost's heart drops, because he knows that a fae cant disobey an order given by the keeper of their true name.
but in the poachers' haste to get things wrapped up, they made a mistake. they left the order unclear and open ended.
and the fair folk always take notice of loopholes.
the fae unlocks ghost's cage and releases him from the silver. ghost, rather than just go up and slaughter the entire organization himself, decides to be extra and lets loose every single other creature trapped down there with him. they all go and massacre the ring, but ghost doesnt. because the fae collapsed on the floor of the basement, dropping his glamour in the process. and the sight is grisly.
he's skin and bones, barely any muscle or fat on him at all. the iron ring around his neck and the iron bands around his wrists hang loose, showing the thick rings of scar tissue on pale skin. but the worst is his mouth.
coarse, rough thread seals his mouth shut, the wounds red and angry and irritated. locking the fae's strongest weapon away, keeping him firmly under the whims of his captors. he may have had the freedom of movement that ghost lacked, but he was as much a prisoner here as the rest.
ghost somehow manages to get them all out safe, and he finally gets the fae's name. his true name. not the silly little nickname he gave him in his head while watching him clean the basement day in and day out (soap).
for the first time in months, simon and johnny speak to one another.
there you go, hope you enjoyed! @bl-nk-sp-ce
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kelocitta · 9 months
So how would anthro scavs function? And what would happen if arti encountered one?
This is a hard one for me and one I don't have fully figured out!!! This is a bit of a long explanation, and its going under the cut- and additionally a small warning for discussions of genocide (but just discussion, nothing too loaded)
Also note that I'm coming at this from the perspective of a bio nerd who really likes thinking about how non-human creature's brains might work.
For starters, you can't really do a 1-to-1 version of what Artificer and Scavenger's relationships are as creatures as fully sapient, human-aligned anthros. Both Scavengers and Slugcats are primitive and non-human- while they're smart, especially for the average animal, they aren't at all people or going to think in things in people term and morals, and its also really boring to try and force them straight into that mold as little animals. I think it would be a bit disingenuous to call a non-anthro Artificer's relationship to scavengers outright genocidal- its certainly not okay, but genocidal to me carries a certain human weight to it I do not want to ascribe to what I still largely characterize as an animal acting as a particularly destructive animal. Artificer, to me, is much more like a dog that is so overly reactive and hostile to a specific thing to the point of it being unhealthy and unfixable than they are to a person rationalizing the intentional execution of an entire group of people. Slugcat pups can feel bad about killing small insects and avoid doing it, but I don't think those slugpups are more morally attuned than the ones that shove handfuls of centipedes into their little mouths without second thought.
In terms of non-anthros; slugcats, for me, are an animal thats intelligent and social enough to understand things like pain and harm and often express empathy for that pain and harm, but they don't really have any sort of moral compass associated with it. Artificer understands that they are harming scavengers and causing them pain, and its really not much more complicated than wanting to do that because they hurt them and they're retaliating (with each counterattack by the scavengers reinforcing that drive further.) Scavengers are a step above slugcats, having a little bit more formalized culture and rules, not quiet human (or ancient, i guess) level but certainly on track- but much like people they see other creatures as a different thing rather than peers. Slugcats aren't 'another intelligent species' to Scavengers so much as they are viewed similarly to lizards or any other creature, but with more capacity to prove itself a good and well behaved thing just as much as it could be something unsafe to interact with. It's maybe bad to kill a random animal (slugcat) unprovoked, but certainly not as bad as killing a fellow scavenger (your peer). And while you can probably trust another scavenger you meet to be well behaved individual you can interact with, a random animal (even if that animal just offered you items in bargaining) you find should be assumed dangerous.
So the Artificer/Scavenger relationship is a sort of odd one to convert to anthro, because you can't really… do Artificer as Artificer is without discussing what their relationship to scavengers is. But once they become sapient animal-people with some level of human perspective on morals a 1-to-1 execution would, yeah, make Artificer a genocidal maniac. Which is both not something I particularly want to work with/even remotely 'redeem' as a character, and in my option much more extreme than what they actually are in non-anthro form because there's now a different type of brain behind the whole thing. But you cant really leave scavengers behind (aka, keep them more animalistic) either because that just feels… wrong, given how I just argued that I see scavengers are more advanced/closer to early humans than slugcats.
I haven't quiet worked out the solution to that problem, other than whatever it is the most important detail is that Artificer's anger is unchecked and misdirected- It has to be a wildfire- it can't be focused and sensical it has to be something that hurts far too many that had nothing to do with them. But I know how I don't want to do it, and thats making them someone who was genocidal/racist but "got better" or whatever. Thats kinda a bit much and like I said, I think it misses the mark on exactly what is going on their little animal head.
It also doesn't help that I haven't fully figured out how far I wanna slide the anthropomorphized scale. Full-furry generally suggests a sort of human outlook on things, but you can also go the hollow knight route and make them human-like but still clearly not always following a "civilized" mindset. It's complicated! Especially when you have two species that technically don't 'start' at the same level.
I will say that Artificer here, as an anthro, is far from a good person with good views on things, even If I'm trying to avoid making them that reprehensible. At this point though they have sorta burned out (pun intended) on their anger and is technically less hostile and dangerous, but not because they had any real change of heart- it just stopped making them feel something. They're like… post game Artificer. They've done their work, dug their grave, and now their laying it half-awake and only half-reflecting. As far as they're concerned thats all behind them and they would rather pretend that it never happened, and most of that destructiveness has turned inward in various ways. Seeing scavengers nowadays are probably an uncomfortable reminder, but they're just gonna look the other way. To them, it was a different Artificer. (Hunter, similarly, is also in their "post" game. They did their big mission (However that particular thing will get converted, lmao) and is now just in the worsening stages of their sickness trying to work out how their life is gonna go now that a large part of their sense of self is literally rotting away from them. Also not a great place to be but definitely more emotionally stable than Artificer is, even if Artificer comes off as more self-assured and better off)
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nix-for-kix · 2 years
……..because I’m obsessed (I’m just gonna like info dump all the thoughts in my head so be prepared)
So one day Enid is going on a jog around campus and she sees this big ass snake on the side of the road on the brink of death and brought it to Wednesday and was crying and was like “fix her” and Wednesday was like “Like Taxidermy ?” And Enid was like “NO “ and then she’s like “fine my uncle taught me the joys of electroshock therapy” and fucking zaps the snake and that somehow works and they keep the snake and Enid names her fluffy and Wednesday absolutely hates the name but then Enid says something like “Her middle name can be Nero if you want” and Wednesday stops complaining about the name.
Wednesday and fluffy have very similar reactions to thing Enid says.
Enid: *crying over dog videos*
Fluffy and Wednesday: 😐
Fluffy Wednesday and Enid all go out to the woods whenever it’s a full moon and Enid and Fluffy play and shit and Wednesday watches (if thing finds a picture like the one below on Wednesday’s camera role then she’ll blackmail him into silence)
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One day Enid takes Fluffy to class with her because….
E: it’s her birthday
W: Enid you found her in the side of the road half dead there is no way you know her birthday
E: I do too
W: pray tell how
E: Ajax told me
W: Ajax ?
E: yeah I take fluffy to go on play dates with Ajax so she can socialize with other snakes :)
W: snakes are know to be solitary creatures ?
E: well fluffy likes them right girl
F: *slithers around*
E: see
W: …..ok fine but that still doesn’t explain how you know today is her birthday
E: Oh she told Ajax’s snakes who then told me
Ajax and Enid share snake care tips
Oh yeah forgot to mention that Fluffy is a full grown black and white ball point python so do with that what you will.
She escaped from a zoo near Jericho and since the mayor is freshly dead and the sheriff was a bit preoccupied with a certain Hyde incident a rouge snake was the last thing on his mind so Fluffy just kinda slithered over towards Nevermore and got fuckin bodied by a car
Thing and fluffy are besties
E: ah shoot i forgot something in class, Thing could you watch Fluffy for a bit
T: (thumbs up)
E: you’re the best
*fluffy and thing look at each other*
*Wednesday and Enid walk in seeing Thing riding Fluffy like a horse a tiny cowboy hat and bandana on the disembodied hand*
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So even though Wednesday will never outright admit it, Fluffy has definitely grown on her. Like she loves that snake.
E: Wednesday have you seen fluffy ? I cant find her anywhere and its time for her to go to the vet for a check up
W: *in bed under the covers* and what make you think I know where she is
*covers move slightly as a bit of fluffy's tail peeks out of the covers*
*enid and wednesday just stare at each other*
E: *pulls back the covers to reveal fluffy tightly coiled around wednesday* really ????
W (to fluffy): I told you she would find out
F: *sad slithers*
Fluffy is the homophobic dog meme
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Wednesday, Enid, Fluffy and Thing all watch movies together every Friday night after the Hyde incident it’s kind of a long-standing thing and very important to Enid. Wednesday acts like she could care less but if anything that she needs to do comes up on a Friday she reschedules or does it really fast to make at least some part of the movie night. Every week someone new gets to pick a movie so like Enid usually picks a romcoms, Wednesday always picks horror (the scream movies are her favorite) Thing picks silent movies, and Fluffy always picks Disney movies. One week it’s Fluffy’s turn to pick the movie but a new Scream movie had just came out and Wednesday really wanted to watch it so Wednesday bribed Fluffy
W: I realize it is your week to choose but might I interest you in this cinematic masterpiece
W: fine if you choose this movie I will personally find you a big juicy rat for you to eat from my collection
F: …
W: fine two
F: ….
W: you drive a hard bargain 3
F: *slithers approvingly*
W: pleasure doing business with you
Enid spends most of the movie curled into Wednesday’s side. (And while Wednesday did enjoy the scream franchise the werewolf practically sitting in her lap was a plus)
I am running out of space to write so imma reblog with some more
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kozykricket · 4 months
so recently i tried calamity mod out, and... ive gotta say, i respect it for existing, but it definitely hones in on mostly the bosses and. well, i appreciate terraria for more than just the bosses. if you asked me when i first played terraria, i'd have said yeah the boss fights are the best part definitely, and i want more of that but... as ive grown, and as the game has grown -- and as i have thought more about what makes me like games, and as terraria has felt more complete than ever with 1.4 and such ...well, ill just say i know that what makes me love terraria is Everything that it is, and... i think calamity doesn't really go into expanding on everything. it feels like it kinda wants me to rush past a lot of vanilla things, but... taking my time earlygame is something i kinda appreciate. i know a lot of people shit on terraria for it being Grindy and RNG as hell for certain things, but am i crazy for believing that thats part of the charm? the exploration feels like... the same sense of doing a run in a roguelike. you arent always gonna find what you want, but its still... exciting! to find things! i know i have a few posts worth of "what i disagree with in terms of how calamity mod designs itself" but im just going to focus on how it ... tiktokifies terraria? in this post like, okay. from least egregious to most egregious, calamity:
Reduces the respawn time
Increases base mining speed
Increases base movement speed and capabilities
Gives a starter bag with tons of really nice early game goodies (why? thats just skipping like. 10 minutes of fun for no reason?)
Puts a giant structure above spawn with free planter boxes and all the herb seeds in a chest (also, you can just farm blood moons for making any potion. with blood orbs. oh no its post skeletron that certainly makes a huge difference) (I really don't get why people use alchemistnpc when calamity makes it insanely easy to get potions on its own)
Lets you craft a lot of accessories, from radars to blizzards in bottles.
Makes boss summons repeatably useable* (and notably, their FIRST boss has a bag within a bag, that gives you tons of fishing related items, without having to engage with the angler, so i guess forget the fishing gameplay loop. idc if you think its boring, because i do too. its still just completely moving the gameplay over to fighting a boss which is weird)
so overall i can tell calamity like, wants you to get moving to the later stuff. i get that; it has a LONG progression, and ... they rightfully want to get you moved towards the stuff that they've put the most effort into: the bosses. which i will admit are really fun and really cool, and *i actually do understand why they make boss summons re-usable in calamity, because of the increased difficulty of bosses.* plus theres still the fact you're gonna end up having to make new potions for every new attempt... at least, every retry when you're at the stage where you cant just sweep the floor with the boss. but uhm, that goes to my point on potions being pisseasy. its fine that theres free herb seeds, im fine with that really, because its not like they're that hard to get. you can get all the herb seeds in herb bags in the first 10 minutes. or just by exploring. it just really feels like ... it ADDS to the list of small but subtle little things where calamity hands me things that id normally go adventuring for. like what even is there left for me to adventure for wtf... i was thinking oh i'd really like a blizzard in a bottle and ice boomerang, but instead of needing to explore and spelunk for chests (which is EASY anyways in calamity with the increased mining speed and free spelunker potions) they just ... let me craft both of those?? using just some BLOCKS from the snow biome?? why. do you want me to engage with *anything* that isnt killing stuff, game?? and yknow the increased mining speed is cool, hell even FTW in vanilla does that, but it feels like even less reason to use mining potions and ... less incentive to go on a fun journey for the ancient chisel through the unique challenge of the underground desert. again, yes, its something that can be quite fast in vanilla. you can get hermes boots really easily if you're lucky, and so i understand..?? why people would want to just be able to craft hermes boots; to be able to have a consistent way to get them, instead of going on that gold-chest-gamble. but like... i like that part of the game! i like the early game finding of stuff. and hell sometimes later in the game ill decide hm i wanna go get this early game thing i never got because its for a crafting tree for this big accessory im making. but in calamity its just "ah dw you have all the materials for it now anyways" heck even FISHING is like. yknow, as i said, easier in calamity due to the desert scourge dropping potions for it and such, and its an alternative way to get stuff like a cloud in a bottle or an aglet, or even something like feral claws. so its something easier by calamity, but its also meaningless because you can craft so many things you'd normally either adventure or fish for so all in all, i understand that some people just wanna play terraria for the boss fights, and they dont really care too much for the interludes of roguelike-vibes-exploration between the bosses where you go on RNG hunts and take some time preparing via fishing, but. well i appreciate them darnit oh also its really funny calamity just, makes the magic mirror faster. like. is that even necessary. the base movement speed increase i think is weird when food buffs and stuff like magiluminesence exists. or yknow, boots. especially considering you can just craft the boots. if they want to make sure the player just inherently has more to work off of, then. i dunno, buff the swiftness potion? make a new potion? or make a new accessory? and ive heard they nerf a lot of vanilla things despite the fact that they dont even compete that hard with the calamity stuff. so... yeah, calamity makes some weird decisions. but also, i don't hate the mod for existing; in fact, im glad it exists. its an entirely different experience and yknow what? its valid for it to exist, and it... helps keep the people who want a game like calamity ... content, yknow? keeps them happy.
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