#so does the whirlm
vpwiki · 2 years
Beginners tips
(Still being edited/added on to)
Press LS (Left-stick) to move your camera and cursor faster and press it again to return to normal speed
When decorating keep in mind that the "square" isn't quite even (to test this take your grass seed packet and attempt to make a perfect diagonal line from one corner to another it will be kinda wonky at the end)
Raising a piñatas happiness levels can seem pretty difficult in the beginning as you're only really about naming them to make them happy however certain pinata (whirlm and syrupents for example) will gain happiness from being bathed by your watering can
Don't worry about fitting every pinata on one farm! When you create a new save file on viva pinata it transfers money and experience so its a great way to collect every pinata.
Not all piñata get along well and if you notice two species fighting more often than others (Ex. Lickatoads and Newtgats.) I highly recommend selling one and moving them to another save file. (With the help of Gretchen of course)
Use 👏 Your 👏 FENCES 👏 (especially when breeding prey piñata unless they are birds [obviously])
If you're lucky you can smack two pinata out of a fight before it starts so keep your shovel at the ready
A watering can spray can also get pinata out of fights but its much less reliable (does give certain pinata happiness points in return tho so it can be worth a shot)
Before you have all garden upgrade pressing your cursor to the white border for about a minute will let you out of the garden to look around but you cannot interact with anything
Positioning your cursor over her shadow at the right time in the right way will allow you to smack/spray Storkos (not a gameplay tip but i spent a good chunk of my childhood testing this and wish to let everyone know it is possible)
If you smack or spray leafos she will take away the tool responsible from you until she feels you've learned your lesson so don't do it repeatedly
As tempting as it is dont smack seedos either unless you are willing to keep your shovel out 24/7 to smack various weeds and their seeds out of your garden.
Leave marked items closer to the village entrance so bart can get in and out asap saves you a nice chunk of time
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moodlemcdoodle · 3 years
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I missed drawing Laura!!!! Giving her some slight design updates
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