#so chocolate also makes my mouth Burn. but it is a different kind of burning than spice
oflgtfol · 1 year
i feel like that weird "mouth burns when eating chocolate" thing i have is getting worse as in i have it a lot more frequently like it used to be only certain chocolates, and like actual chocolate, but now it happens even when im eating brownies? a baked good that just contains chocolate in the batter???
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steddiealltheway · 2 years
Imagine Eddie is working at the Starcourt movie theater as an usher, and he keeps getting in trouble because these damn kids keep somehow sneaking past him into different movies without paying.
And really Eddie doesn’t care - and kind of admires their efforts - but he’s at risk of being fired and really really needs the money. So every shift he keeps an eye out for these kids who should be so easy to spot. But he just can’t find them walking past him.
Then, it happens. And it’s a complete accident. Eddie sneaks away to smoke a cigarette, abandoning his post, and there they all are - sneaking out of a staff door and into a theater.
He doesn’t stop them, but he can’t help wondering who is letting them by. There’s no way they don’t have someone helping them.
So Eddie decides on his day off to stop by Starcourt and tries to find out who’s the inside man. He doesn’t expect much luck, but lo and behold, there’s the same group of kids bickering and walking towards… scoops ahoy?
Eddie stays a good distance behind them, and tries as hard as he can to remain in ear shot, but the mall is way too busy. Still, as he’s standing outside the ice cream parlor, he can hear a girl behind the counter yell, “Steve, your children are here.”
And there’s Steve Harrington in a damn sailor’s uniform, dramatically throwing a window open, and nagging at the kids.
Eddie’s head spins a bit because there’s no way that Steve is the one who could possibly be the mastermind behind the whole operation or some type of accomplice-
Steve lets the kids out the back door. Damn it.
Eddie’s brain goes a mile a minute. He can’t get fired. He really can’t. But he also can’t talk to Steve Harrington. Especially when he’s wearing that uniform. But he needs the money.
Steve looks up and notices Eddie lingering in the doorway. Shit. Eddie walks in.
“Ahoy! Would you like to-”
“I seriously doubt it, man. Look, I’m here just to say that I really don’t care that you let the kids sneak into movies. Fuck capitalism and all of that. But just make sure they sneak out the same way they come in,” Eddie says quickly, trying desperately to get his point across and leave as soon as he can.
“Let who sneak by?” Steve asks dumbly.
Eddie scoffs. “The kids.”
Steve’s hands go to his hips, and he shifts uncomfortably. “What kids?” He asks.
Eddie can’t help but smile at Steve’s obvious affection for them. He tries to fight the involuntary expression as he replies, “The ones you just let into the staff hallway.” Steve opens his mouth to likely protest, but Eddie speaks first, “Like I said. I don’t care. Just don’t get me fired, man.”
Steve just stares back at him, and instead of responding he starts scooping some chocolate ice cream into a cone. Eddie’s about to leave, but Steve then thrusts the cone in front of him.
“On the house… for the trouble,” Steve says.
Eddie raises his eyebrows and licks the ice cream which is surprisingly okay. “And to buy my silence, I imagine.”
“Something like that,” Steve comments and his face weirdly turns red.
Eddie licks the ice cream again then says, “Aye, captain.” He winks at Steve and immediately turns and leaves because what the fuck was that?
Behind him he hears Steve yelling at his coworker about something involving “the ‘you suck’ category”.
Hopefully, his words will resonate with Steve though and he won’t get fired. And luckily he doesn’t get fired, but then the mall burns down… a sad end to Eddie stalking Steve in that sailor’s uniform every chance he can get
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milksuu · 2 years
Coffee & Unicorn Tears
Pairings: Tyler Galpin x fem!reader
Content/Warnings: None
Contains: Fluff & Magic
Summary: A certain barista burns his hand, and you're there to mend it.
a/n: I just started this series and I'm in love! I'm wondering if I should write a second part?
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“I’ll take that one, please.”
Beneath a round glass display, your small finger pointed to a cookie with a shape unlike any other in the assortment. It wasn't the usual round baked treat, with chocolate pieces or walnuts. This one was different, this one was special. Shaped like a hoofed fairytale creature, it was decorated in edible paint; with a white chocolate base, and sugar crystals sprinkled to top it. 
The boy behind the counter followed the length of your finger. His lips quirked in a peculiar way, as if finding amusement in your choice.
“You mean, our unicorn cookie special?” 
Your cheeks grew warm, despite the autumn months. You felt his gaze travel your features, from the tip of your chin, past your lips and nose, to rest at the peak of your forehead. You brushed at your bangs, hoping to veil the ornate piece protruding from your head. No matter how clever you thought you were, nothing you did was ever good enough to hide the eye-sore of a horn. 
“Nevermore, I’m guessing.” He started, handing you the baked good. "Tyler, by the way."
"I'm Y/N," you nodded meekly.
“Funny. You don’t look like the rest of ‘em.”
You dipped your chin, fiddling with your fingers and thumbs. “That’s because I’m the last of my kind.”
“Sounds…rough,” he tried to phrase it delicately. “Sorry about that. I didn’t mean to bring up an uncomfortable topic.”
“That’s alright. You wouldn’t be the first,” you said, presenting a sweet smile. “If it’s not too much trouble, could I also have a medium latte?”
He gave a curled pinch to his lips, ringing up the order. Attending the coffee machine, there was a hissing noise and a bursting plume of frothed steam. A yelp of pain cursed the air. Your eyes blinked over the scene, watching as he waved a blistered hand in the air. 
“You’re hurt,” you gasped.
“Yeah, well, it happens a lot. Shit—that stings.” He sucked on his teeth. “Just need to run it under cold water for a bit.”
“Let me help you.” You urged, pressing forward over the counter. “Although, I-I can't use my magic in front of a cafe full of people.”
You could tell he wanted to deny you, however, the earnest of your sentiments seemed to persuade his ego enough. With a defeated sigh, he paced along the counter, urging you to follow. You did, passing a door into the back of the shop. Entering the stock room, you were surrounded by rows of wooden racks, each filled with bags of coffee. The smell of dark roast wafted from floor to ceiling. Finding a suitable spot, he leaned against a shelf.
You drew close, but kept your eyes on the fabric of his apron. “Can I?”
“Um, sure,” he said with a shrug. “Do what you need to do.”
Taking his wounded hand in yours, you raised it to your flushed face. You closed your eyes, allowing yourself to succumb to a world of heartfelt just behind them. Conjuring the beat and squeeze of your chest, sparkling tears surfaced at the rims of your lashes. Like fine pearls, they gilded down the roundness of your cheeks. He winced, feeling the iridescent drops splash against his bubbling skin. Beneath his gaze, the skin began to smooth over, washing away the sting of redness that once pervaded.
He felt his mouth dry, staring in disbelief. “That’s kind of amazing.”
“Unicorn tears have special healing properties,” you sniffled, wiping away the dense syrup clinging to your blushing cheeks. “I don't like to use it much. It’s so embarrassing to cry in front of others.”
“I can't blame you for feeling that way,” Tyler paused, thinking of more to say. “How did you make yourself cry on command?”
“Strong emotions,” you replied with a steady breath. “Sad or happy, it doesn’t matter.”
“Then, what about now? What kind of emotion were you feeling?”
“Happiness.” You pressed the bagged treat to your chest. “Today, you’ve given me something better than sweets—a feeling as if, maybe, I’m not the last of anything.”
He chuckled, rubbing the back of his neck. “Really? Over a cookie?”
“I’m easy to please,” you returned with a giggle.
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Edit: This may have been a Selfship event story, but it is also a major part of the Sapphire Heartverse: Sugar Crash Void Bash canon!
Day 1: Share your very first romantic kiss
Well, it's already known how Vanilla and Tippy had their first kiss! (here!) But here's a short story on how Vanilla and Tippy had their first kiss with Bel!
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It's a crisp, calm, delightful autumn evening. The three gentlemen are walking down the sidewalk, taking in the scenery, breathing in that nice fall air, watching the leaves twirl off the branches of trees, and… they're trying to find a way to break the silence! Bel glances up at Vanilla, who's in the middle of the other two. Xe locks eyes for a brief moment with the tall man and averts xis gaze to the trees beside xem. Vanilla, who has been the unfortunate victim of having to wear pants this season, puts his hands in his pockets and looks down at Tippy,
"It's quiet. Pretty peaceful out this evening, hm?"
"Oh yeah." Tippy smiles. Bel wants to chime in and say something. They're a little nervous because of everything that happened about a year ago… they used to be influenced by an evil gemstone…and yet these two not only wanted to be their friend but also take them out on a date. Tippy looks over at Bel, noticing xe's a little shy at the moment. He pipes up and smiles at Bel,
"So, what are you gonna get at the cafe, Bel? Are you more of a sweets kind of person or savory?"
"Me? Oh, huh… I mean, like, I do enjoy a nice treat here and there. But, like, I guess I could just go with anything, you know? I mean, I can be pretty picky, not going to lie about that," Bel chuckles and touches his own chest, gesturing to himself, "Okay, honestly, I am a more than just a little picky… but, I'm willing to try almost anything once honestly. Ahahahaha!" Vanilla tries to add to the conversation, but Bel continues, "Sometimes I even think about trying random foods from all around the world, like, I'll probably try to do a little country to country taste testing, you know? Maybe, like, get one thing from each country-" Bel puts their hand up, "WAIT. Maybe I could get one of the same thing from each country I go to. Or wait, maybe I should get something different-? I don't know, it's all so confusing, like-" Bel laughs and looks over at Vanilla and Tippy. 
He instantly feels self conscious. Shit, I'm talking too much about myself again. Why do I keep doing this? Bel thinks to himself. He clears his throat,
"Uh hum…yeah…"
"I think that would be fun, heheh!" Tippy grins at xem. Vanilla nods,
"Hey, we're here." He opens the cafe door for the other two fellas. 
"Thank you so much, Vans! Oh you're such a sweetie pie." Tippy touches Vanilla's arm as he walks inside. Bel checks xis nails as xe walks in, but catches xemself,
"O-oh! Thank you, Nilla. You always were the better servant boy." Bel attempts to make a little joke, but as that sentence came out of their mouth, they instantly felt like a jerk saying it, "Wait, I'm sorry, I didn't mean that in a bad way."
"You're fine." Vanilla tells them. 
As the three get to their table next to the window, they all admire the autumn view. The leaves blow in the slight breeze. Tippy takes a sip of his pumpkin spiced hot chocolate, then squeaks.
"Sweetie, are you okay?" Vanilla looks concerned.
"Yeah, I just got my tongue burned!" Tippy says. "At least I can just lick the whipped cream until it cools off though, heheh."
"OMG, that reminds me of this one time back when I was working at that crusty old mansion, one of the guys that used to work there found a scorpion? And he like, grabbed it? I was like, 'what are you doing put that thing down right now' and he was like, 'watch this' and I was like 'okay' and he freaking… puts this creature in his mouth and it like, bites his tongue- well, it didn't bite his tongue, it stung it," Bel interjects. As xe continues xis story, Vanilla daintily puts a spoonful of sugary whipped cream covered in caramel and chocolate sauce in his mouth. The other two listen to Bel talk and tell stories. Not only about his time working at the mansion, but also about what happened while he was under the jewel's influence. 
Bel suddenly realizes, after about 20 minutes of talking nonstop, that they didn't let either of the two say a single word. They feel self conscious once again and try to wrap up their story. They end up stumbling over their words and embarrassing themself. They sip their equally as sugary coffee and stare down at their drink.
Tippy's brows frown, understanding what Bel might be feeling right now. He just has a lot to say… maybe the reason he talks so much is because he just needs somebody to listen… Tippy thinks to himself. Vanilla isn't very talkative and he's introverted, where Bel is extroverted, and Tippy is ambiverted. Unbeknownst to Bel, Tippy has empathy for xem while Vanilla is happy to listen to other people talk. It's true that Bel has some problems involving selfishness, carelessness, and the need for popularity…but all of that stems from poor self esteem yet at the same time, his inflated self image. 
Tippy reads them like a book,
"Yuh huh?" Xe looks at Tippy curiously.
"You're not bothering us, you know. You can talk as much as you'd like." Tippy gives xem a gentle and knowing smile. Vanilla nods,
"It's true. I know back when we disliked each other, I would say pretty nasty things. We were both at each other's throats… I want you to know that I take it all back. I don't hate you anymore, and I genuinely enjoy your company, Beleza."
Bel looks back and forth between the two fellas. He smiles and politely nods his head, then takes a drink from his coffee. Tippy softly touches the back of their hand,
"We mean it. You fit right in with us, you know? You're always welcome at our house."
"He's right. We're misfits. Look at us, we were all outcasts and outsiders. We didn't work at Lord D- I mean, Dio's mansion for no reason. If you ask me, I would call that fate." Vanilla tells them, "Bel, it's true. Anyone who has ever worked at Dio's mansion is an outcast in some way or another. But we found security in each other. We found comfort and safety in one another. To hell with the ones who shunned us for who we are." 
"Well said, Vans!" Tippy lightly claps, then he jokes at Bel, "You can tell he's a little passionate about this kind of stuff, haha!"
"I guess you guys are right… ugh, it just… I dunno." Bel sighs and looks at his coffee. Vanilla reaches for Bel's hand and caresses the back of it softly,
"You're always welcome in our home, Beleza. We mean that."
As the three of them walk out of the cafe, all smiles and laughs, Tippy lightly bonks his head on Bel’s shoulder. Bel giggles and playfully bonks xis head on top of Tippy’s. Vanilla smiles at the other two and teasingly bumps his shoulder into Bel. They look up at him, give a shy chuckle and touch his bicep,
“You guys are, like… really affectionate. I kind of figured since I’ve seen you two nuzzling and kissing all over each other all the time, ahahahaha!” 
“Yeah.” Vanilla rubs his neck with a slight smile, “It’s funny. I’ve always been a hopeless romantic. I never thought I would find a kindred spirit such as Tippy… and hm, now you.”
“Nilla! You should have known I can never get enough attention.” Bel teases. 
They all walk back to Vanilla’s black SUV. Bel feels a great sadness wash over him, he really enjoyed spending more time with his potential partners. Vanilla opens the passenger’s side for Tippy, then the middle door for Bel.
“I guess it’s time for you to take me back to the hotel, huh?” Bel gives them both a bittersweet smile. Vanilla and Tippy look at xem forlornly, then at each other. Vanilla speaks,
“That is correct… but it doesn’t mean we can’t still hang out for a while after that.” Bel looks up into Vanilla’s eyes, his smile still a little sad,
“I would really like that.” 
The three sing along to songs and make jokes the entire way back to the hotel where Bel is staying for a while. Xe takes them both up to his room, where Tippy proceeds to leap face first on xis bed and lays there for a while.
Bel and Vanilla both look at each other with an amused face, then burst out laughing. Bel jumps on the bed next to him, and Vanilla just sits down daintily on the bed. Tippy sits up and giggles with Bel. They both end up playfully wrestling with each other while Vanilla watches. He covers his mouth and chuckles at the two goofing around. Bel holds onto Tippy and watches him try to wriggle free,
“Hey! No fair, you’re stronger than me!” Tippy laughs. Bel smirks,
“Well, maybe you should hit the gym, little man!”
Vanilla chuckles at the two of them then crawls over,
“Don’t make me come over there. I’ll sit on you both!”
“Sounds good to me.” Tippy teases. Bel playfully tugs on Vanilla’s sweater, 
“Why don’t you join us, big guy?”
Vanilla leans over and lays next to them both. After a lull in the conversation, Bel speaks up,
“So… um…” They lean up and look over at the other two, “Ugh, this is so awkward…”
“What’s up, Bel?” Tippy asks.
“Well, like… you guys are so cute.” Bel covers his face, “I want to ask… for… like… a kiss… or something.”
Vanilla leans up and gently takes Bel’s hands away from their face. The two of them stare deeply into each other’s eyes. Vanilla lightly touches Bel’s chin and tilts his head,
“I’ve been thinking the same thing… Beleza…”
Tippy covers his mouth and watches the other two share a tender moment. Bel feels his cheeks get hotter as Vanilla leans in with his eyes closed. Their lips meet finally. Bel feels Vanilla’s warm, glossed lips, the taste of vanilla sugar flavored lip gloss glides over his mouth. Bel holds onto Vanilla’s shoulders and kisses him back. Vanilla slowly pulls away and gazes down at Bel with hooded eyelids. Bel is in a daze from kissing this man who he finds to be very very handsome. Vanilla smirks and gives a low chuckle,
“You look pleased…”
“O-oh! Yeah, I… oh my god, I just… that was uh… yeah.” Bel covers xis mouth, still tasting Vanilla’s lip gloss. Xe glances over at Tippy, wanting to kiss him as well. Silently, the two of them make their way to each other. Tippy leans up and Bel leans in. Their lips lock, even more gloss gets mixed in. The taste of Tippy’s raspberry flavored gloss glides over Bel’s lips, making xem lightly lick Tippy’s bottom lip. Tippy gets surprised but welcomes it, kissing xem deeper. Bel melts into Tippy’s kiss and softly touches his arm. The two of them pull away for breath, looking each other in the eyes. Bel averts his gaze, catching his breath a bit,
“Wow… you both really know how to kiss a guy, huh?”
Tippy smiles and wraps Bel up in a hug, which Bel enthusiastically returns, falling backwards and having Tippy lie on top of him. Vanilla jokingly lies on top of the other two, not putting his full weight on them though.
“Waugh! Vans, you’re crushing us!” Tippy teases him.
“I’m crushing you both with my love.” Vanilla kisses Tippy’s cheek and leans down to kiss Bel’s forehead. Tippy and Vanilla end up peppering Bel’s face with kisses on either side of his face, making him giggle.
“Oh yeah, I could get used to this!” Bel squeaks with delight.
The End
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solitaireships · 1 year
How about 🍬 for whoever you feel like writing for?
~ heart-of-aspiration 📖
Emoji prompts: 🍬 - something sweet
So this one ended up taking longer than I thought it would because I ended up getting carried away. It's about something sweet in multiple meanings of the word- both literally with Bruce doing some baking and emotionally with some cute domestic things
Rating: G
Genre: Fluff
Word Count: 1380 words
Divider by straywords
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“Are you sure this was a good idea?” Alex asks from where she perches on one of the wooden stools in Wayne Manor’s kitchen. 
“Why wouldn’t it be?” Bruce asks, closing the oven door. 
“Bruce, you are the love of my life and incredibly talented at so many things. But cooking has never been your strong suit,” she points out. 
There’s a reason that Alfred used to do most of the cooking. With him gone, Bruce and Alex have both stepped up to do more, and for once in her life Alex is pretty sure that she’s a better cook than someone. Bruce can handle the simple stuff just fine, but somehow even with a recipe his meals always seem just the slightest bit off. And that’s assuming he doesn’t end up accidentally burning or undercooking anything. 
“It’s not cooking, it’s baking,” Bruce corrects. 
“Right. Two completely different things that you surely won’t have similar problems with,” Alex says. 
Bruce rolls his eyes. “I have this handled, love, this isn’t the first time I’ve made cookies. And when they’re good, you can tell me about how sorry you are for underestimating me.”
“Alright,” Alex relents. 
If nothing else, watching Bruce mix the cookie dough has been fun. Alex always thinks that he’s handsome, but there’s something about how he looks with the sleeves of his button up shirt rolled up to his elbows. There’s a little bit of flour spattered against the black material of his shirt, an accident from him mixing the ingredients together a little too quickly. 
It’s a good look for him. Maybe if these cookies come out well he should start baking more. 
Though Alex still isn’t sure why Bruce decided to bake cookies today. He told her he was going to like it was something normal— like they’re a regular couple who does things like this. 
It’s nice. But it’s also weird.
Alex knows that she’s not forgetting their anniversary or any other relationship milestones. It’s not anyone’s birthday. But there has to be a reason why Bruce is doing this. It's so peacefully mundane that it feels like there has to be some kind of meaning behind it.
The oven’s alarm rings before Alex can figure out why Bruce was in the mood to bake. He’s quick to retrieve them from the oven, and the smell of freshly baked cookies washes over them.
“Mmm. They smell good,” Alex comments, getting up from her seat. 
“They should taste even better,” Bruce replies. “Once they cool down, you get first choice from them.”
Alex comes up behind Bruce, wrapping her arms around his middle. She kisses the side of his neck. “Thank you, bat.”
“You’re welcome.” Bruce leans back a little against her. “Are we going to stay like this until the cookies cool?”
“I think so. Unless you have any objections?”
Alex doesn’t need to see to know that Bruce is rolling his eyes. He pretends to be annoyed when she makes jokes around her being a defense attorney— though this one wasn’t intentional. 
The cookies do look good from here at least. They're chocolate chip ones, and the chunks of semi-sweet chocolate dotted through them look like they’d melt in her mouth. Alex is tempted to reach past Bruce and grab one, but she knows to wait. She’s sure they’ll still warm in a couple of minutes, and there's no point in touching something too hot to handle right now.
What’s warm right now is Bruce in her arms. He always seems relaxed when Alex holds him like this. It’s nice to think that he finds her presence comforting, especially because she feels the same way about him. 
“I think they’re ready,” Bruce says after a moment, turning his head so that his nose brushes against her temple. “Take your pick.”
Alex unlatches from behind him and grabs a cookie from the right side of the baking sheet. It’s warm to the touch, and she’s admittedly excited to try it. As much as she still doubts Bruce’s cooking skills, he seems convinced this will be good and she's inclined to trust him. 
Alex takes a bite of the cookie, and Bruce’s attention is sharp on her. 
She was right to trust him. This is a good cookie. The edges are a little crispy, but the middle is soft and the chocolate chips dotted through it melt in her mouth. It’s sweet but not overpoweringly so. 
Bruce picks up a cookie of his own. “Do you like it?”
“It’s really good,” Alex says.
“I think you owe me a apology for doubting my baking skills earlier,” he teases.
“I was doubting your cooking skills. Like you said, those are two different things.”
Bruce takes a bite from his cookie, a wry expression on his face. He’s both cute and annoying when he knows he caught someone in something. “Ah, so you agree now?”
“You’re very lucky you’re pretty because you can be a pain to deal with sometimes,” Alex states.
“I know,” he replies. “But I think you’d like me no matter what.”
Alex would. It’s hard to imagine ever not adoring Bruce. And as she finishes her cookie and reaches over for another, she thinks that she’s lucky he loves her too. 
“You know,” Bruce says after a moment, “I used to make these cookies with my mother.”
“Really,” he repeats. He nudges Alex’s arm with his elbow. “Which is why I was saying that I could handle baking these. Though I’ll admit that I’m out of practice.”
“Well, you did a very good job,” Alex compliments. "And I'm sorry about before."
“Thank you. But you don't need to apologize. You had reason to be cautious.”
They stand in silence for a couple seconds, Bruce reaching for another cookie. 
“Is there any reason you decided to make them again now? Since it sounds like you haven’t made them in a while,” Alex says.
“Not really.” Bruce takes a bite, catching a couple of falling crumbs in his other hand. “I thought you’d enjoy them.”
“I do.”
Alex is pretty sure there’s more to it than that. But she doesn’t push. She knows Bruce well. Neither of them like talking about their feelings. It always feels awkward and too vulnerable. It’s easier to talk now— especially with the two of them having been married for years. But putting feelings into words is hard, and she isn’t going to force him to keep talking. That would only make him close off more. 
So Alex waits. If he wants to say anything else he will. 
Bruce doesn’t say anything else until he’s finished the cookie, going over to the sink to rinse any spare crumbs off of his hands. “Making these was something that we did as a family, even if my father didn’t usually help us make them. So I wanted to share this with you.”
For a moment, Alex isn’t sure how to respond. She’s never been good at emotional displays. That’s part of why she and Bruce work so well. They’re both awkward and have trouble with putting their feelings into words, but they can understand when the other is trying to show them they care in their own way. 
But this is something special. She already knew that it was when Bruce said he made these with his mother, but this is even more than that.
They’ve been married for years now. Alex knows that Bruce loves her and that they’re a family. This, though, feels normal. Like something a family that wasn’t a pair of workaholic vigilantes would do. It’s soft, and it’s sweeter than the cookies themselves are. 
“Thank you so much. I love you,” is all that Alex can think to say. She’s not sure that it’s enough to show just how important this is to her, but this should do the job well enough.
“I love you too,” Bruce says. 
“Maybe next time we can make them together,” Alex suggests. 
He gives a dry laugh in response. “You hate cooking with people.”
“It’s baking, remember?” She moves to give Bruce a quick kiss. The taste of chocolate lingers on his lips. “And if it’s a family tradition, I’m willing to give things a shot if you are.”
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sweetloleepop · 1 year
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𝑺𝒐𝒎𝒆𝒕𝒉𝒊𝒏𝒈 𝑶𝒍𝒅, 𝑺𝒐𝒎𝒆𝒕𝒉𝒊𝒏𝒈 𝑵𝒆𝒘, 𝑺𝒐𝒎𝒆𝒕𝒉𝒊𝒏𝒈 𝑩𝒐𝒓𝒓𝒐𝒘𝒆𝒅, 𝑺𝒐𝒎𝒆𝒕𝒉𝒊𝒏𝒈 𝑩𝒍𝒖𝒆
Chapter 5: Routines
Synopsis: As (Y/N) gets used to living with Erwin, she's made a new routine
Pairings: Zeke Yeager/Reader, Erwin Smith/Reader
Tags: Modern AU, Arranged Marriage, Additional Tags to be Added, Reader is kind of a dandere, Erwin Smith is mean, slow burn, fluff
Chapter 1, Chapter 2, Chapter 3, Chapter 4
a/n: I'm sorry for the long wait!! The weather's been incredibly hot, it made me melt down-
Wordcount: 1.2k
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As days go by, Erwin and (Y/N) had made a routine. (Y/N) finds that Erwin gets up at 5 and leaves at 6. She tried to make him breakfast on the first few days but Erwin told her that she doesn’t need to as he could just bought himself food on his way to his office.
(Y/N) would always see Erwin out before going back to sleep. She gets up at 8 and starts eating breakfast. She’ll then go for a walk to the park, grabbing yet another coffee and some bread to eat whilst she sat on a bench.
At lunch she’ll cook herself a meal again and eat in their kitchen, sometimes in the living room while watching a movie. She cleans, naps, read or walk around the house when she gets bored. There are lots of snacks in their pantry so she’s barely actually bored. She likes to eat and watch and that, she does.
She starts preparing dinner at 5pm, sometimes going out to buy some ingredients from a nearby mini mart. Erwin goes back at 5:30 or 6pm and they’ll share their dinner at 7. (Y/N) liked this routine that they had, she gets to relax and do the things that she likes. When she has the time, she’ll bake some cake, cookies or just make some desserts.
Today, (Y/N) woke up just in time to cook breakfast for both herself and Erwin to eat. She heard the shower running which indicated that her husband is already showering. She entered the restroom and brushed her teeth and washed her face.
She headed downstairs to the kitchen, looking out for something to cook in the pantry. She decided to toast some bread, cook a couple of pancakes and eggs and bacon. She also brewed tea for her and Erwin to share.
Not long after she finished preparing everything she has cooked, she heard footsteps coming down from the stairs. Erwin’s perfectly shined oxfords clicked beautifully upon contact with their tiled floor. He looks as presentable as ever. Well, he always looked so presentable and handsome and smart and (Y/N) counts herself very lucky to wake up next to a very charming man.
“Good morning!” (Y/N) cheerfully greeted.
“Good morning,” Erwin replied.
“I cooked pancakes with chocolate inside, have a taste” (Y/N) said before sliding the plate of pancakes near Erwin.
“With chocolate inside?” Erwin asked with one of his thick eyebrows up.
Erwin took one onto his plate and sliced it. He watched as melted chocolate overflow through the sliced part of the cake. He took a bite.
“So, do you like it?” (Y/N) asked, feeling a bit anxious.
Erwin chewed the food and swallowed before he answered, “Hmm, it’s sweet.”
“Do you not like sweet things?” (Y/N) asked with a worried tone. She’s afraid Erwin wouldn’t like what she made for him and get upset with her. ‘No, no, no, Erwin is different. Very different from my father.’
Erwin must’ve sensed (Y/N)’s anxiety as he once again spoke, “It’s not bad, you should have a taste if you haven’t yet.”
“Oh, sure.” (Y/N) said as she placed a pancake on her plate before slicing it and taking the slice into her mouth.
“Mm. It is very sweet,” she said, “and not so bad.”
(Y/N) finished the pancake before sipping her tea. Erwin did the same. They ate silently before Erwin stood up from his seat.
“I have to leave now, I still have meetings to attend to.” Erwin said as he grab his case and an envelope before heading towards the door.
“Oh, alright. Take care!” (Y/N) replied as they walk through the halls. As usual, (Y/N) walked him out and waited until his car is out of her sight. (Y/N) sighed as she closed the door, she’s alone.
To not bore herself in the house, she started doing her daily routine. She’s too awake to sleep again so she decided to clean the house. She started to vacuum the living room’s carpet before she started sweeping the tiled floor around. Next, she mopped the floors, making sure not to leave a single spot dirty. After cleaning the living room, she cleaned the kitchen. After cleaning the kitchen, she cleaned the second floor.
She doesn’t find it hard to do so since the house is mostly clean, she just cleans them again slightly. After she mopped the second floor, she entered hers and Erwin’s shared room. She analyzed the room for any dirt or mess but she didn’t really spotted anything so she rested a bit before heading to the shower.
The shower was nice and warm. (Y/N) made sure to clean herself as thoroughly as she did the house. She got out of the shower looking fresh and relaxed. She put on her most comfortable clothes on before she headed downstairs, made herself a cup of tea and watched some movies on the television.
She slept when the movie’s over. Cleaning the cup and the center table before she fell into her slumber. When she woke up, she took some time before getting up. She used her phone, played some games before deciding that the weather isn’t too hot for her to go out then.
She takes long walks in the park. Grabbing coffee and snacks at the nearby café. After that, she heads home just in time to make dinner.
For that night’s menu, she cooked lasagna and made a vegetable salad. For dessert, she made mango graham cake and put it in the freezer. She made sure to turn the temperature lower for the cake to harden faster.
Upon Erwin’s arrival, everything is almost ready.
“Welcome back!” (Y/N) greeted him with a smile.
“Thanks. I’ll go upstairs for now and have a change of clothing, I’ll see you later” Erwin replied.
After Erwin changed his clothes, he headed back downstairs to the living room. He sat down at the sofa before opening the television. He is watching the news. (Y/N) served him some tea since she thought, ‘he had a long day’.
Erwin thanked (Y/N) before sipping the tea. It made him release a sigh of relief. He’s finally home and comfortable –Well, not really. He’s been restless for some very personal reason. They haven’t talk for a while. ‘I should contact her.’
“Erwin. Erwin, dinner’s ready” Erwin felt as (Y/N) softly patted him. He must’ve fallen asleep. He stood up and cleared his throat.
(Y/N) served dinner for both her and Erwin before they finally ate. (Y/N) noticed how tired Erwin looked so she broke the silence between them.
“Erwin, are you alright? You seemed very tired.”
“I’m okay. Today has just been long”
“Okay… Take a good rest after this, will you?” (Y/N) gently asked. Erwin noticed how soft (Y/N) spoke. Her voice feels calming, it sounds like the water flowing through a river, it looks like slowly melting butter.
(Y/N) got out of her dressing room, she just finished freshening up. She looked at Erwin, he was already sleeping. She trudged towards the bed and carefully sat. She looked at Erwin once again and noticed how Erwin is hugging himself. (Y/N) chuckled, ‘he’s cold.’ She grabbed the blanket and covered Erwin with it. ‘That should be good.’ She thought to herself before laying down, facing Erwin.
“Good night, Erwin” (Y/N) whispered and gave Erwin a small peck on his cheek before finally letting herself fall asleep.
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bluravenite · 2 years
Yo Blue! Botanical asks: bleeding heart, calla lily, waxflower, sugarbush, marigold and poppy :D
Bleeding heart: i already answered this one!!! You can find it here!!
Calla Lily: are you more of a sunny day or a rainy evening?
This is definitely my pisces water ghoul speaking but i hate the sun unless it's underwater, i would take a rainy evening LITERALLY ANY DAY over any other kind of weather,, i love the rain and it doesn't rain NEARLY ENOUGH where I live, very dry very sunny, hate it!! I miss rainstorms :')
Waxflower: bee or butterfly, dog or cat person??
I don't dislike bees but i am very anxious so bugs like butterflies and ladybugs are always comforting to me, more than bees are.
I also grew up with pets all the time, and while there was usually a dog at home, i always had more cats!! I've lived with over 10 cats, whereas I've only lived with about 2 dogs :)
currently my 4 cats that live with my dad, i have 4 guinea pigs with my mom (2 are fosters) and i know that my aunt has 2 cats but i don't see those often!!
Sugar bush: do you have a sweet tooth? if yes what are your favorite sweets? if not why?
I used to have a really big sweet tooth but i also have teeth sensitivity sometimes so i can't really eat too many sweets,, i love crunchy things though so chocolates with almonds, Snickers, peanut m&ms, and Ferrero Rocher chocolates are always nice!! Otherwise i really enjoy fudgy brownies!! But i don't eat any of them very often!!
Marigold: favorite tea?
OH BOY LET ME GRAB A CHAIR,, 🪑 okay,, Earl grey was my first, so it holds a special place in my heart, lady gray is my go to, because she's soft and delicate, but still holds the essence of the Earl. English breakfast was quite literally my breakfast tea before school, and Irish breakfast i had when studying for my classes!! I also listen to this playlist which very much tastes like Irish breakfast tea!! HOWEVER, i make my own natural tea blends as well, and i tend to drink lots of other teas for different occasions!!
My go to teas are a lavender chamomile and white sage blend that i make myself!! And literally any other of my tea collection depending on my mood!! (I have over 15 boxes/cans of different flavors lol)
Poppy: do i dip my fries?
@purble77 much like Toni's cursed gremlins (ghouls) i do not dip my fries!!! I have s habit of being too impatient and just biting the box of fries like a rabid animal when i am given the bag of food, i don't wait for them to cool which burns my mouth a lot, but i also don't care bc fries are so good.... Anyway,, yeah i never dip then because by the time I open the food and the sauce the fries are GONE,,,
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pebblesinyourshoe · 2 years
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15 Seconds
I heated up water in a mug in the microwave recently for hot chocolate. After a minute, I removed the mug and found the outside hot to the touch and the water warm to the feel. After adding the mixture, I took a first cautious sip. You know the kind where you ease the cup upward and barely have the liquid touch your lips. It wasn't quite hot enough. So I popped it back into the microwave for another 15 seconds.
When I removed the mug again, instead of taking a cautious swig, I took a gigantic gulp. To my surprise the mixture was scalding hot resulting in a burnt tip of my tongue and roof of my mouth. After that, I was more cautious. I blew on the contents of the mug before taking more drinks.
How odd, I thought. 15 seconds surely couldn't have made that much of a difference. But it did. I was reminded of two things when I drank from the mug after that additional time. First, sometimes just a little bit more can truly make a tremendous amount of difference. I sometimes think to myself, "Does this little bit extra really matter?" Well, it does. The second takeaway I had was that when we assume. When we get in a hurry. We get burned. I made an assumption. I assumed that just a little bit more time would make the drink just a little bit warmer. It didn't. It changed the temperature considerably. But I jumped in without testing the waters again and I paid the price.
15 seconds. 15 seconds is forever in the lifetime of an Olympic sprinter. It turns out it is also a lifetime when heating up water. These little reminders come our way all the time. The true test is to slow down and take in the lessons they are offering us.
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missluckycharms · 3 years
Could you do a smut at anne's house(harry's mum's house)????
Three Taps.
Summary: in which Y/N has to sneak into Harrys house at night to be alone with him and Harry loves hot chocolate with pink marshmallows.
A/N: this is a high school Harry x Y/N fic, both are eighteen in this, just keep that in mind as they are in high school but they’re of age.
Warnings: Dom!Harry, oral sex, praise kink, size kink, gagging, dirty talk, Harry tends to be a sarcastic asshole even when they’re doing the devils tango.
Word count: 3.4K
Three taps.
Thats what Harry told Y/N to do, tap three times on his bedroom window and he’d let her in. It’s been their code every few nights when she would sneak over to his house, or he would sneak into hers. Sure, they’re both eighteen, but as all parents say “my house, my rules” so they have to abide by that, kind of.
The pair have only been dating for a little over six months now, both of them graduating soon and moving away for college, but they’ll work around that when the time comes, for now, they have have to work around how Harry can fuck his girlfriend just the way they like, without his Mum waking up and finding them both in bed together, that wouldn’t be a pretty picture Harry thinks.
He’s on red alert, Y/N texting him nearly ten minutes ago saying she successfully snuck out and is now on her way over, the walk to his house is usually fifteen minutes, but she doesn’t mind, she’ll do anything to spend time with Harry — the same Harry who would fold someone up like a pretzel and shove them in a locker if they called him a name, but if Y/N did it, she would get a small smirk and a wink, knowing exactly what hers and only hers punishment was for that.
Harry is a complicated person, to his friends he’s nice - ish, to strangers he looks cold and like he would use you as his skateboard face down on the tarmac if you looked at him wrong, sure he would do that — but he’s not like that under all his rough exterior, he has a warm heart and loves squishy cuddles, and he also loves marshmallows in his hot chocolate, but only Y/N sees that side of him — he only allows her and his Mum to see that side of him. It took him a long time to actually soften up to her, the girl being persistent that she knew what he was really like, he’d shrug and laugh it off saying she was crazy, but when him and his Mum got into an argument and he showed up to Y/N’s house at nearly two in the morning, soaking from the rain and his cheeks tear stained — she knew he finally let down all his walls, he needed her and she gave him what he needed in that time, a hug and a mug of hot chocolate with pink only pink! Marshmallows.
Ever since he opened up to her that night, sipped on her heavenly made hot chocolate, he knew that he could always be safe with her, he would always know that she’s there when he needs her most and visa versa. They’re deemed the “odd couple” in school due to Harry being so cold and Y/N being the slightly quiet and lovable girl who would rather hug someone to death than shove them in a locker and leave them there, but somehow their differences only draw them together and make them one of the best couples there is, they balance one another out — Harry brings out Y/N’s crazy and adventurous side while Y/N brings out Harrys soft and calm side, opposites attract, and they’re living proof of it happening.
He jumps when the small three taps are heard at his window, his body immediately kneeling up and pulling across his curtains, looking down at her stood in his front garden with a hand full of small pebbles from his Mums flower garden (she always returns them) she’s smiling up at him, his own body on his bed right next to his window as he peers down at her, clad in his red baggy hoodie and her black leggings, her hair poking out from the hood of the hoodie as she waits for him to open the window.
“Ladder is by the gate baby” he whispers loudly down to her, she barely hears as she nods, making her way towards the back gate leading to their garden. She grabs it, making sure to not fall or it will wake his Mum up. Harry is practically hanging out the window when she rests the ladder against the wall, looking up at him as she wipes her forehead ridding the sweat.
“Sometimes, I think you only do this so I’ll get off my ass and actually work out” she grumbles falling in through his window and onto his bed, his laugh low as he pulls her jelly like body in, her laughs coming out as pants as he rests her down onto his pillow before shutting his window quietly, his ears on high alert for any movements from his Mums room across the hall.
“You’re just a lazy bum, sometimes I think you may pass out if you walk too much” he jokes looking down at her as she rolls her eyes, pulling down the hood and freeing her hair.
“I hate you. Fuck me, is your heating on?!” She says pulling his hoodie from her body, throwing it onto the floor and leaving her in only a sports bra and leggings, Harrys eyes widening at how easily she slipped it off and laid back down with no care in the world.
“Mum likes to keep it on, apparently her toes get cold in the night no matter what time of year it is” he rolls his eyes, leaning down to hover over her, forearms on either side of her head as she bites her lip smiling up at him giddily.
“No wonder you sleep naked, feels like a furnace” she jokes as Harry hums kissing her neck, her eyes rolling back at the feeling as she wraps her legs around his waist, their crotches grinding down on one another’s as they breath heavily trying to avoid moaning loudly — they both found out they love being vocal in bed, one day Harry was home alone and him and Y/N practically screamed down the house, he’s surprised Mrs Walker next door didn’t ring the police.
“Need to be quiet for me baby, okay?” He says whispering in her ear, her breathy moans being masked by his neck, her lips all over him as he rolls his head back, allowing her more access as she bites and nips at his skin, leaving behind marks that he’ll have to steal some of his Mums makeup to mask over when he’s walking around.
“Should be saying that to you, mister loud mouth” she jokes in a whisper by his ear, her lips sucking on his lobe is what causes him to bury his head in her neck to groan lowly from his chest, his hips rutting down into hers as they both roam one another’s bodies with their lips and hands.
“Very smart mouth for a girl who prefers it to be stuffed full of m’cock” he moans back, her lips now sucking and licking over his sweet spot just under his ear lobe, her own moan muffled by his skin as he shuts his eyes and looks up to the ceiling allowing her to kiss him further, her lips leaving a burning trail down his neck and over his collar bones — his favourite place to give and receive hickies on.
“Harry, shut up and just do something” she says annoyed, frustrated at her boyfriend who always choose to tease her with sarcastic remarks, he knows it riles her up and he loves that, he loves how needy and angry she gets when he grinds his clothed cock down onto her making sarcastic remarks and softly degrading her slowly as she grows wetter and wetter at his movements and words.
“Don’t have to ask me twice baby” he laughs kissing down her torso, his hands immediately shrugging off her bra with her help, and then he slowly pulls down her leggings along with her panties, leaving kisses on the spaces he makes bare and small hushed complements against her skin as he takes her all in under the light of his ten year old soccer ball shaped light hanging from the ceiling above them.
She’s a squirming mess under him, his lips instantly attaching to her clit as she bends her legs, resting her legs over his shoulders as he holds onto her outer thighs, the grip probably marking her skin as he devours her on his bed, his eyes looking up at her biting down on her lip, her hands grabbing a pillow and shoving it over her face to muffle her moans, Harry can hear them slightly, his eyes rolling back into his head as she shakes and squeezes her legs around his head.
“Come on baby, need to see you” he says slipping two fingers into her but not moving, the pillow coming away from her face as she looks at him in her usual fucked out state, glassy eyes and messed up hair.
“H, I can’t, I need to have it over me” she says referring to the pillow, her body shaking as Harry begins to slowly move his fingers in and out of her, stretching her as she drips down his fingers, the sound of his movements in her cunt causing him to press down his hips onto his bed to relieve himself a little.
“Put y’pretty panties in y’mouth baby” he says slurred from pleasure, his own hair a curly mess as his lips become more swollen and spit covered from how harsh he’s eating her out. He takes her panties in one hand, reaching up and rolling them into her mouth, instructing her to bite down on the white lace fabric before he’s back between her legs eating her out.
She’s moaning around the fabric of her panties, her drool wetting the lace as she tugs on Harry’s curls, his moans deep and raspy in her cunt as he keeps his eyes on hers that are threatening to close every second, the slaps he sends to her thighs cause her to open them back up and keep contact with him, his smile devious as he purposely sucks on her clit when she’s close, knowing it ruins her when he does that — he loves to watch her struggle to bite back her moans, the pair of them feeling the rush of nearly being caught everytime one of them make a loud moan or move too quickly which causes his headboard to slap a little off the wall behind it. He’s lapping up all her juices and her moans she’s muffling, her body shaking as he finally brings her to her first high of the night, his fingers not stopping as he rides her through it, kisses being placed to her thighs as she finally calms down, tears brimming her eyes and a lazy smile around her panties that are clutched between her teeth.
“Doing okay baby? Need me to take these out?” He asks crawling back up her body her hands immediately tangling back in his hair as she nods, letting him pull the soaked panties from her mouth, his mouth drooling at the sight of them in his hands.
“Gonna be able to take my cock without being gagged? Or will ya need to have your pretty lace panties back between your teeth?” He teases her, her eyes hooded with pleasure as she scratches her nails down his chest and stomach making the muscles under his skin flex with the slight burn of the marks she’s leaving behind.
“Want you to ruin me, may need them back in between my teeth” she says breathlessly, a slight smirk on her lips as he groans at her words, grabbing the panties and placing them in his own mouth, bending down and feeding them into her mouth, her own teeth clasping them as they leave his mouth, his tongue licking over her lips as she looks up at him with her glassy doe eyes.
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rhinestone eyes
PAIRING: Rich Boy!Eren x Fem!Reader
WARNINGS [present+future]: infidelity, dubcon, gaslighting, manipulative and toxic behavior, toxic relationship, sexual content, yandere tendencies, suggestive hand-holding
part one
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There's a sneer on Eren's face as green eyes behind Versace aviators glide over your form, staring you up and down. His gaze is so penetrative, it makes your teeth chatter. Maybe he was just checking you out. Maybe he was scrutinizing every blemish.
You suddenly feel so very small in your tennis skirt, the tight collared shirt stretching over your breasts, and wished that today out of all days wasn't when you decided to dress a little more stylish.
"Fancy seeing you here." His voice is nonchalant but there's a tone of humor that accompanies his brisk words. How long would it be until he laughs at you?
He scowls, "Are you mute or something? Why aren't you greeting me back properly?"
"Eren," You took a deep breath, "What are you doing in Paris?"
It occurs to you that you've never seen him out of his uniform before. He's wearing a light blue button-down, half the buttons left unfastened, polo shorts, an expensive black watch glittering on his wrist, silver rings on his slender fingers, and a thin silver chain dangling around his neck.
He's also acquired a new piercing, industrial, judging by the bar across his ear. The silver glints harshly under the sun.
"Are you done burning holes through me?"
You blush, embarrassment coloring your cheeks: "No, I'm just surprised." You tucked a loose lock of hair behind your ear, "Didn't expect to run into anyone I knew in another country."
You were just taking a pleasant walk in the acclaimed Champs-Élysées, the avenue every bit as a picture-perfect postcard as it had been described.
"Have you eaten?" The question is spoken with a sigh like he couldn't believe he was asking you this, and you couldn't either.
"Oh, um, no?" You responded, bewildered.
He runs a hand through his dark hair, which reached the nape of his neck by now: "I know a cafe around here. Let's get brunch. We'll talk there."
You don't know what possessed you to nod but you did so, trying to match his quick and long strides. The walk was silent, presumably because the two of you were saving your burning questions for the cafe.
He rolls his eyes when you stutter through your French. He raises a hand, and simply tells the waiter his order and dismisses him. His French is flawless and you're tempted to ask him how it's so good, but you already know the answer. Probably had hordes of tutors to help him.
Merci Monsieur
"Wait," You remark to Eren, "I didn't order."
"I ordered for us. Pain au chocolate, savory crepes, eggs, and ham. Coffee after. For me. Hot chocolate for you because you don't drink coffee."
Oh. That actually sounds good. How did he know your beverage preferences?
He fishes out a cigarette from his pocket, skinny and hand-rolled, "So what are you doing here? No offense but you don't exactly seem like you can afford a vacation to France. "
Now is your turn to sigh. You've nearly forgotten how blunt he could be: "Here on an internship. For art" You supply.
"I assume you just regularly come to Paris every summer?"
He doesn't deny or verify your statement, "Something like that."
"So you're staying at a hostel or?" He asks, exhaling a thick cloud of smoke that makes your nose wrinkle.
The waiter comes by with food, and you turn to Eren with a sour look, "I sincerely hope you're not going to smoke while we're eating."
To your utter surprise, he ashes the cigarette. You were expecting a witty and mean retort at the very minimum, not silent compliance.
You pick up the earlier conversation, "Well, I'm actually staying with my boyfriend." You mummer the last word quietly but the viridian-eyed boy's ears are keen. You don't notice how his grip on the knife tightens.
"You're staying with your boyfriend?" He repeats.
You nod, "Yeah, he's an art student too."
The rest of the meal is completed in sparing small-talk and lengths of silence. But it's not awkward. It's weird. On one hand, having brunch with Eren Yeager in fucking Paris, heir to a billionaire pharmaceutical company should feel surreal, but it's strangely peaceful. You feel more at peace sitting across from him in France than you did when he sat next to you in homeroom.
When it's time to pay the check, Eren looks amused by the very notion of you digging into your purse.
"What kind of gentleman would I be if I let the lady pay?" His words are spoken with a teasing smile.
You roll your eyes but can't help a glimmer of a smile from peeking through on your lips, "Didn't take you much for a gentleman."
He tosses his black card on the bill, "You'd be surprised."
What's there left to do now? Is it time to part ways? There's a part of you that craves more but life has taught you to not be greedy when you already have so so much.
You dabble the corner of your lips with a napkin, "Well, this has been fun-"
"Wait, uh, do you wanna check out the Louvre? Since you're an art student and all, you might uh enjoy it."
You stare at him. Is he tongue-tied?
"You've probably there been a million times already."
"Yeah...but you haven't been, right?"
You blink before breaking into a smile that Eren is sure is going to give him heart palpations, so sunny and bright.
"I would love to!"
You guys check out Mona Lisa for the sheer novelty, and you're bouncing around the museum, oohing and ahhing at the chiseled statues and Renaissance paintings. There is so much history here, it blows your mind.
Eren finds himself watching you more than the paintings. You have this veneer of snark that you wrap around yourself like a protective gauze (maybe that's how you maintain your survival in a world of hyenas) but you're different now.
You're yourself. Watching you here come alive in unbridled enthusiasm, eyes widened in passion, makes him reach out to his pocket and fish for his disposable film camera. He doesn't know if he's ever seen anyone in his vapid life look like the way you do, so filled with a zest for things that are greater than themselves.
He wants to burn you into his memory, praying to all the gods that you won't notice when he takes a picture of you admiring a bust of a goddess. He slyly tucks his camera back into his pocket.
The world seems to stand still when you tug his hand to show him a painting, an expression of unadulterated wonder on your face. But when you realize you pulled his hand, you immediately drop it like hot coals.
Why do you look so worried? Why do you look so scared?
"You can hold my hand if you want. It's-it's okay." He can't believe he's gotten the words out.
You're taking too long, your hands still hanging limply by your side, an indiscernible expression on your pretty face. Eren doesn't understand why it makes him so mad, why your sudden hesitation grated his nerves. Deciding to make your choice for you, he grabs your hand, squeezing your palm as he flashes you the charismatic smile that's got him out of countless incidents.
He doesn't like the expression of worry marring your features. Where did the happy jovial girl go? Just a few seconds, you were poking him with sparkles in your eyes, "Look at this Eren!" and "So beautiful, right?"
He forces another smile: "Show me the painting you wanted me to see." Maybe it was meant to be a request but it comes out as a demand.
You cast a glance at your joined hands, his grip borderline painful. "O-okay."
You lead him across the floor, and Eren can feel the stares of people around him. They are smiling. An older woman utters a "Un si charmant couple."
You take him to a grand painting. It's haunting and dark, swirling with so many shades of dusty red from vermillion to scarlet. A pregnant woman lies reclined, arm hanging and head lolling. She appears to be asleep, and there is a cacophony of men around her portrayed in varying degrees of stress.
"Death of a virgin", you breathed.
Such a macabre name, Eren thought as he gazed longer into the painting. He loosens his grip on your hand, testing whether you would pull away.
You don't.
It's raining outside and you're giggling.
"Fuck" Eren swears, "I'll call a cab."
You're a vision drenched in rain. Your clothes are soaked, and he could see the outline of your bra from your thin shirt. But it seems like you don't even care.
"Let's just enjoy it!" You cry out. There are thick droplets stuck in between your eyelashes, and you smell like rain too. It's dangerous, he can see chords of purple lightning flash the sky, thunder booming, and it's like you're dancing, the way you move so effortlessly.
You hook his hands in yours, "Doesn't this feel good?"
He feels like all his sins are being washed away, all the impurities and muck that clung onto him after nineteen years of existence. His heart nearly jumps out of his throat every time he looks at you.
He cups your chin and kisses you. When he feels the threadbare resistance, he kisses harsher, tongue and teeth swallowing your protests, coaxing your mouth open with a skillful pinch to your nipple. He pulls away just before you feel like all your breath has been robbed.
You're stunned speechless, "Eren...I...h-have a boyf-"
He kisses you again. And this time you kiss back, holding nothing back.
taglist: @candy-hime @cinnamon-n-roses @forwardpair
inspo: @candy-hime's rich boy!shoto. the iconic golf club one <3
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movedbl0g · 3 years
Skz reacting to you being sick
A/N: I’m actually kinda sick right now (it’s just a cold so I’m still good) and this idea popped up in my head ~ i hope you guys like it!!
Genre: fluff
Warnings: sickness, slight swearing(only once)
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————gifs belong to their original owners————
We all know that he takes care of other ppl VERY well
I feel like he would check up on you frequently and bringing you the stuff you need
Would not leave your side, would try to comfort you in every way possible
“Y/n??”, Chan called through the apartment after he opened the door and saw that all the lights were turned off. He walked further into the apartment looking around , but there was no sign of you.
When he finally opened your bedroom door he saw you laying in your bed, covered in blankets with a pile of tissues besides you. As you noticed his presence,you gave him a weak smile that was probably not even visible due to the dim lights.
“Are you okay??”, Chan asked, sitting down on your bed and giving you a little kiss on the forehead. You just shook your head no while you clinged on Chan, in which he responded with a tight hug, wrapping his arms around you and bringing you into his lap.
He just held you for a while,his hands sliding through your hair and light kisses in your forehead from time to time.
“Do you need me to get you anything??Should i get some meds??”, he asked after a while but you just held him closer.
“No,don’t worry,cuddles are enough for now”
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Lee Know:
He would try to cheer you up and distract you from your suffering fhchrhdh
He would cook some comforting food like soup for you
We would insist on doing everything thing for you so you can take proper rest
You just texted him that you couldn’t make it to your date today because you weren’t feeling that well and now, ten minutes later he already stood at your door step, a bag of groceries in his left hand and a bag with different medications in the other.
“What are you doing here lino and what’s all that stuff for??” You asked as soon as you opened the door and got a sight of him being packed with stuff.
“I didn’t know what you needed so i brought all different kinds of medications and since i already was about to come over i also thought that i can cook something for you so you can take proper rest”, he started talking with a pout on his lips.
As he started cooking you tried to help him but he immediately scolded you, saying that you shouldn’t spread all of your germs around and should rest on the couch instead while he will cook for you.
(Small time skip)
“This soup was amazing lino!! i already feel way better now and i can help you clean the kitchen-“
“No you’re not doing anything but rest, you’re sick baby!!”
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I feel like he would give you A LOT of cuddles to make you feel better
Would try to make you laugh and lift your mood
But would also give you the rest you need
you couldn’t really sleep last night due to your horrible headache, that wouldn’t get better even tho you took several painkillers and tried to avoid anything that’s bright,it just wouldn’t get better.
When Changbin visited you after he was done with practicing for the day and turned on the lights, you immediately responded with a groan, causing him to immediately turn off the lights again while giving you a worried look.
„What’s wrong honey??“, he asked while walking up to,laying himself on the bed right next to you, immediately wrapping his arms around and holding you against his chest.
“I’m not feeling that well and i think I’m really hot...i should probably check my temperature...” you said while nuzzling your head into Changbins chest. “But honey”, he chuckled, “you’re always hot”
You playfully slapped him as response, making him ruffle through your hair so it looks all messy and it eventually turned until a play fight, until you held your head,mimicking that it hurts a lot.
Changbin immediately stopped and laid you down in the bed again, tucking you under the blanket,giving you one small kiss on the forehead, saying that you should rest now before he left the room.
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So we all know how dramatic he is
So i can definitely imagine him running around and screaming after telling him you’re sick
He would keep his distance so he doesn’t get sick too but would still take care of you really well
Would order your favorite food and watch a movie with you (plus he probably would give in to cuddles after a while too)
“WHAT”, he yelled out dramatically, eyes and mouth wide opened. “WHY DIDNT YOU TELL ME THAT YOU HAVE A COLD WHAT IF I GET SICK AND-“
“Hyunjin, calm down it’s just a light cold and it’s almost gone again-“ you tried to calm him down, reaching out for his hand. “Ahhh don’t touch me- all of your germs are on my hand now-“ he dramatically said while walking away from you, shaking his hands as if it would shake of any germs.
You rolled your eyes,seeing Hyunjin running out if the room completely panicked and at this point you couldn’t even tell if he was teasing you or if he was serious.
He didn’t return for a quite long time, you got a little bit suspicious, but after a few more minutes,he returned with a grin on his face.
“I thought you died because you drank hand sanitizer or something to get rid of the germs-“ you teased him, cocking up your eyebrows while looking at him.
“Not that buuuutttt”, he then replied, a smirk appearing on his face,” i ordered your favorite take out food and I’m willing to watch a movie to you, but only with a safe distance,okay”
“Thank you babe”, you smiled at him and blew him a kiss afterwards “but are you sure that you don’t wanna cuddle??”
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I feel like he’d be really panicked at first
“are you sure that you’re okay??do you need any meds??maybe you should go to the doctor i can-“
After making sure that you’re not dying, he’d make sure to give you a lot of cuddles and kisses (but only on the cheek/jawline/forehead kisses)
Jisung was completely freaked out when he say you sitting in the couch, wrapped up in thousands of blankets, tons of used tissues laying around you and your face red from the fever you were having.
He immediately dropped all of his bags, running up to you grabbing your hands full in panic, looking you in the eyes like your about to die.
“Are you okay??”, he asked with big eyes squeezing your hands.
“Don’t worry, it’s just a little cold”, you said in a raspy voice, forcing yourself to give him a little smile.
“Are you sure your not dying??” he continued asking, his face expressions more serious that ever “or do you need any meds?? I can get some for you if you want...and you really don’t wanna go to the doctor...i mean you can go just to be sure....wait I’ll make you some tea, i’ll be right back”
You tried to calm him down a bit,but he already disappeared in the kitchen,coming back minutes later with a huge can of tea.
“And just to make sure that you’re not dying,i guess i have to pepper you with kisses babe”
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would not let you out of his embrace
would probably bake some brownies for you because he knows you live them while you sleep
he would just be so sweet and caring in general my heart is melting if i just think abt it ahhhh
You were waking up in Felix’s arms,your head pressed against his chest and his lips resting next to your forehead. As you slowly woke up, you felt a horrible pain in your throat and you noticed that you could barely breathe through your nose.
“Baby?”, you whispered to him,getting a hum as reaponse. “I don’t feel that well, i think I’m going to get sick” you said, feeling him shuffle away a little bit to take a look at your face.
“You really look a little bit sick” he said, his eyes carefully scanning your face. “Do you need any meds or should we go to the doctors?”, he carefully asked while his eyes came back ti yours, making eye contact.
“No i think it’s not that bad,but i like that you’re really warm”, you told him while coming closer to his chest again, the warmth of his embrace sending shivers down your spine. He immediately held you closer, his long arms wrapping around you and carefully drawing circles on your beg,until you drifted of to sleep.
When you woke up it was way brighter,so you probably slept for a few hours. When you noticed that Felix was gone, you let out a small cry, but you immediately got distracted by the smell of fresh brownies.
Just now the door opened,Felix walking in with a cup of hit chocolate in his one hand and a plate with a brownie in the other.
“Here, to make you feel a little bit better” he said while handing you the plate and a fork, giving you a huge smile.
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I feel like he would be similar to Changbin
We would look super concerned at you with his puppy dog eyes
Would try to make you laugh with corny jokes
You told Seungmin that you were sick before he came over,warning him from yourself, but when he came over and actually saw how sick you looked with glassy eyes, a red,runny nose and burning hot cheeks.
He looked at you scanning you from head to toe, his puppy eyes furrowed concerned, slowly walking up to you. “Why didn’t you tell me that you were THAT sick??”, he asked worryingly while pulling you into a hug, the tone of his voice almost making your heart break.
“It’s really not as bad as it looks”,you reassured him,your hand gently rubbing over his back. “But did you bring the thermometer, i think i really should take my temperature”
“Of course”, he said with a smile, breaking the hug to reach into his bag,grabbing the theometre and holding it against your forehead
“And??what does it say??”,you asked curiously.
Seungmin just let out a little chuckle before saying “well,you know..... i always told you that you were hot as fuck....”
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I think we wouldn’t quite know what to do bc the others always took care of him
But he‘d definitely make you some warm tea to make you feel better
Would probably end up calling chan for advice lol
This poor baby got so concerned when you started sneezing nonstop and would rest, but now that you were in your bed, basically knocked out from your fever.
“Uhmmm...is there anything i can...like give you??” He asked,his voice filled with uncertainty. “
“Yes please”, you groaned,”i really think that i need some meds”
“Uhmm sure, I’m gonna look at what i have here, but i already made you some tea, so drink that while i be looking for...uh whatever medication that will make you feel better...just uhmm...wait here...”, he said while placing a cup of tea on your nightstand.
As soon ad he disappeared to look for the right meds, he called chan.
“Channie, i really really need your help....you know y/n is sick and i don’t know how the right medications look like....yeah i need something against fever....the one with the red or blue label?? And do we have to go to the doctor or-“
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simpforgojosatoru · 3 years
ALL-NIGHTER (One-Shot) - Gojo Satoru x Reader
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Summary: Your boyfriend is the strongest jujutsu sorcerer, while you are a successful, hot-shot lawyer, both of you are incredibly good at what you do in your respective jobs, that you often have to pull some overtime. Tonight however, it happens to be your boyfriend who’s free, so he pays you a visit to your office.
Pairing: Gojo Satoru x f! Reader/Reader-insert
Rating: NSFW
Waking up, you turn and smile as soon as you saw the sleeping face of your dear Satoru. You ran a hand softly through his hair, you lean in to give him a soft peak, and then back away, only to have him chase after you with lips pouting and eyes still shut, whining like a puppy, asking for more kisses. You laugh, and lean back in, and continue kissing him, as he encloses you into a tight embrace.
“Good morning, baby,” you greet with a smile.
Now under him, Satoru smiled down at you, and kissed you lovingly. “Good morning, baby girl.”
You hold his face as you look up at him lovingly, “We both have to get up for work soon.”
Satoru whined, “I don’t wanna gooooo��”
You chuckled, “I know, but you do have students to teach, Teach.”
Satoru rolled his eyes, and groaned, “Yes, yes, fine, I’m getting up…”
You laughed, “Come on, lazy boy.”
“Do you think you will be over-timing today?” Satoru asked.
“I can ask you the same question,” you replied with a wry smile.
Satoru turned on his innocent look with a pout, “Can you blame me, baby? I’m, after all, the strongest; I am always expected to be on-call.”
“Yeah, yeah, Sato,” you laugh, as you get dressed for work.
“But I really do hope I won’t have to pull overtime,” you say. “I hate overtime.”
He came up behind you and wrapped you in a reverse hug, and his lips dove down to your neck, fluttering you with melting kisses, while your head roll back, back arched, enjoying his lovemaking to your neck.
Satoru hummed, “How about we text each other…? I will update you if I will be home late.”
You smile, “Okay.”
Work at the law firm today turned out to be very hectic; phone calls, meetings, and urgent cases popping up for some of the highest-paying clients, you and your colleagues didn’t get to get out for lunch hour, and you eventually had to order takeaways. Of course, you also kept in contact with your boyfriend, texting back and forth, during which you gave him prior warning that, you may indeed have to stay overtime tonight.
“Aw…that sucks! ”Satoru had texted back.
“How about you? What’s your likelihood of overtime for tonight?”you text back.
“Still possible… We can’t see each other tonight…really, really sucks!”
Both yours and Satoru’s hearts sank, even though you both understand each other’s work, you hate being away from each other. Though, right now, there’s nothing else you can do, but focus on work.
*Time skip*
It’s the evening now, you are still at the law firm, sitting in your own office along with your close friend and colleague-Mayumi, going through the piles and piles of legal documents, both sighing now and then, having a last-minute case which popped up involving one of the more important clients for the law firm.
“I know there is somewhere else you’d rather be,” Mayumi stated sympathetically. “I’m sorry you are stuck here instead.”
You sigh dejectedly and roll your eyes, “Won’t make much of a difference, looks like Satoru is pulling overtime too.”
“He’s pulling overtime too?” Mayumi queried.
You sigh, “Well, he’s the strongest jujutsu sorcerer; he’s needed pretty much almost always.”
Mayumi smiled in awe, “Though I must say, I’m really impressed; you are both extremely busy people, yet you are still working very hard with your relationship and still going strong as ever.”
You smile casually, “It’s all about mutual understanding and compromise.”
You look at her seriously, “But I believe you also have a thing for a certain jujutsu sorcerer, my boyfriend’s colleague, don’t you?”
“Whatever do you mean by that?” Mayumi asked.
“Cut the crap, Mayumi, I know you like Nanami,” you reply.
She swallowed; she was not going to argue, considering you know her so well. “Is it that obvious?”
“Well, it is to me, but I don’t know about the others.”
“Listen, I won’t do anything, it’s clearly unrequited, I know that, but I am still in the process of getting over him.”
You smile sadly at her, “How long do you think it’s going to take you?”
Just as Mayumi was about to answer, someone rang the office bell, you look to each other in puzzlement and confusion.
“We are the only ones in the office right now, right?” you ask.
Mayumi nodded, “Yeah, who else would be here at this hour?”
You both get up and go out to the main front doors of the law firm, to find the one and only Gojo Satoru standing right there, holding a couple of paper bags, grinning and waving at you two. Both gobsmacked, you quickly open the door for him, and he walk in briskly with a kind-of apologetic smile.
“Baby, what are you doing here? I thought you have to pull overtime?” you ask, shocked.
Satoru handed one paper bag out to Mayumi, and handed the other one to you, “Didn’t have to last minute.”
Your eyebrows rose at his words, and you look at him quizzically, “Or…does that translate to you tossing your mission to your students?”
Satoru whined and pouted, “I’m not that bad…anyway I’m giving them the opportunity to train and become stronger; it’s tough love, babe.”
You roll your eyes, “Yeah, yeah, whatever you say.”
“I will leave you two alone. Thank you very much for the food and cake,” Mayumi stated with a cheeky grin, and holding up the paper bag containing a piece of dessert, a slice of delicious Belgian chocolate fudge cake, and a main course dish.
Satoru nodded with a smile, “You’re welcome.”
You then take hold of his hand, and lead him to your office. “Come on, baby.”
Setting aside the paperwork and documents on your desk, and placing the paper bag, you take the food and cake out, as Satoru sat down in a chair by your desk. Then you place your hands on his shoulders, giving him a massage, you lean your head low, and you both engage in a kissing session.
“Thank you very much for coming up to my office,” you say with a grin.
“You are welcome, baby,” Satoru said back with a smile.
Satoru just sat watching and staring at his beloved girlfriend, as you eat the food and cake, and he giggled.
“What?” you ask. “I have something on my face?”
Satoru giggled, “You have cream on your lips.”
You blush, embarrassed, looking away, he grinned at you adoringly. You pick up a tissue, and are about to wipe your lips discreetly, when Satoru just took hold of your chin, and leaned in to kiss you deeply and passionately. You gasp, taken aback by his unexpected action, but you soon sink right into it as he wrapped his arms tight around you, and you respond by wrapping your arms around his neck. Engaged in a heated making-out session, Satoru got you out of your chair, and have you set your butt on the edge of your desk. Both on fire, even if you break off the kissing now and then to take a breather, there is still fire, deep lust, love and passion burning in you both, and you are both aching for each other.
“This is my office, we can’t really…” you start breathily.
“But we’ve never done it in your office,” Satoru stated huskily.
“Ugh…” you groan.
Satoru tugged your hips closer, and he grinded against you, making you feel his hardening member, he buried his head into the crook of your neck and grinned, “Come on, baby, let’s christen it.”
“Ugh…I’m not sure that’s a good idea…,” you moan as he continued kissing and sucking your neck.
“Come on, baby, there’s nobody here but us,” Satoru begged.
“Mayumi is in the other office!” you hiss.
“But isn’t she a few doors away? And she won’t bother us now that I’m here,” Satoru stated with a grin.
You stare at him, dumbfounded, you cannot believe he would be so daring, your office is not exactly opaque, people can see through your office unless you use the blinds.
Satoru stared back innocently with a pout, “You can use the blinds, can’t you?”
Your mouth twitch, but you easily gave in, you sighed with a reluctant smile, “Fine…”
“Thank you very much, baby,” Satoru grinned.
He tugged you over to the leather couch, after he quickly shut and locked your office door, and pulled the blinds, giving yourselves privacy. He kneeled on the carpeted floor as he pried your thighs apart to settle between them, and he tugged you in for a deep, passionate kiss. He engaged you in a making-out session again, but his hands were now very busily undoing your work jacket and shirt. He threw away your jacket and shirt as soon as the buttons were undone, leaving your upper body in nothing but a black lace bra, and you stop kissing for a while, as he stared at your heaving breasts encased in a lacy prison, without another word, he quickly and roughly pulled the bra cups down and ripped the bra away from your body, exposing your voluptuous breasts to his naked eyes, he quickly latched his lips on to your creamy, smooth but firm mounds.
You throw your head back and moan, Satoru paid his full and complete attention to your breasts, sucking and nipping, while his hands busied themselves with taking off your skirt, tights and underwear, and your hands busy themselves with taking off his shirt, and undoing his belt. You cooperate with one another by moving now and then to allow the other to remove pieces of clothing much easier, and soon you both are completely naked. Satoru wrapped his arms around your waist and swapped positions, so that he is now the one sitting in the couch, with you sitting in his lap.
“Ride me,” Satoru whispered huskily.
You did not need to be told a second time, you position yourself over his rock hard member, and you slide down ever so slowly and smoothly, and he groaned into your neck as you consume him inch by inch. He held tight to you, his face nuzzled you neck, groans slipping from his mouth uncontrollably, as you wrap so deliciously tight around him.
“Fuck! You are so tight! Baby, ride me,” Satoru stated huskily.
You grin teasingly, “Beg.”
Satoru growled.
You laugh, “Hey, you are the one asking for it, not to mention, this is my office.”
He growled, frustrated, then he sighed. “Fine, I give up, I beg of you, baby. Please ride me.”
You laugh a tinkling laugh. “There you go, baby.”
You start to move your hips; his hands slid down to grip them, he moaned as you move and gyrate your hips.
“Baby, you are so perfect,” Satoru moaned.
He started to thrust his hips, thrusting up his hips to give you some support and leverage, and you continue to move up and down his cock, giving him his own private little show of your breasts bouncing up and down, he groaned at the purely erotic show, but then he cradled your face in his hands, looking at you seriously.
“Have I ever told you how much I love you?” Satoru asked.
“I thought it was just the sex,” you respond jokingly.
Satoru rolled his eyes, then turned serious, “Y/N, I really do love you, so goddamn much. It’s not just the sex, the sex is only part of what we have, and I love you, all of you.”
You smile lovingly at him, “I know, silly. I love you too, all of you.”
He grinned, and kissed you deep, and you both continued making love into the night, and ended up falling asleep with you on top of him and him still inside you.
A knock on your office door woke you up; you panic and frantically got up from the couch, while pulling away from Satoru gently, careful not to hurt him. You start picking up your clothes from the floor, cleaning up the mess frantically, while throwing on clothes at the same time.
“Y/N, you in there…? It’s Mayumi,” Mayumi announced.
“Yeah, I am, I will be right there,” you state hurriedly.
Just then, Satoru stirred awake, sleep still clear on his face, he groaned and stretched. “What’s going on, baby?”
“A new day, a new day is what going on,” you reply frantically.
Satoru grinned lazily as he stares at you throwing on clothes in a hurry, and he just sat back against the couch casually. “Last night was absolutely amazing.”
“Yes, it was, really good,” you say awkwardly.
You then stop, stalk still, you are staring at your ripped bra, courtesy of your boyfriend.
“Damn it, I have no bra to wear today,” you complain, annoyed.
“Sorry, baby, I was just way too excitedly last night,” Satoru stated.
However, when you turn to see Satoru grinning goofily at you, it is clear that he did not feel apologetic at all, and you roll your eyes. “I have work today, babe. How on earth am I going to work with no bra?”
More knocking came on the door.
“Y/N, are you okay in there?” Mayumi asked worriedly.
You wrap yourself, and opened the door to see a stunned Mayumi, and you smile awkwardly. “I’m fine.”
“Satoru stayed the night?” Mayumi stated teasingly. “I figured.”
“Well…” you start to respond.
“Morning, Mayumi-chan,” Satoru greeted with a bright grin.
Mayumi grinned teasingly, “And…ah ha, you did more than sleeping…”
You roll your eyes and admit, “Yes, we did, and it will never happen here again.”
“Don’t bet on it, sugar,” Satoru called.
You then turn to him, and hiss, “Throw some clothes on, will you?”
Mayumi laughed. “Don’t worry, I am just here to inform you that it’s still early, and you still have time to get washed and dressed. Just make sure you both look presentable before all our colleagues arrive.”
Mayumi walked away chuckling and you shut your office door; you turn back to Satoru, who has begun to put on his clothes, and you walk up to him, wrapping your arms around him, and kiss him lovingly. He grinned in response, and wrapped his arms around you, and started kissing back.
“I will see you later today?” you ask with a soft smile.
“I will pick you up for lunch,” Satoru replied with a grin.
He ran his hands up to cup your breasts, and gave them a squeeze. “You need me to bring you back a bra?”
Seeing the cheeky glint in his eyes, you roll your eyes, “Shut up.”
Satoru laughed.
“But seriously, do you? Your shirt is too flimsy, and I don’t want other people to be able to see what’s mine,” Satoru stated seriously.
You shrug casually, “I should have a sports bra here somewhere, and it should suffice.”
“Good,” Satoru grinned, satisfied. “I will see you at lunch, baby.”
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Lessons Learned
Spencer Reid x (female) Reader (but reader doesn’t actually appear in the scene, that’s more of a postscript thing) 
Word Count: 1225
Warnings: Non-explicit discussion of sex, in an oddly sweet and wholesome kinda way. 
A/N: In which Emily gives Spencer some advice! 
Inspired by @softspence​ / @homoose​ and this ask / this fic! Because it’s been a while (or, y’know, a week) since I wrote about the importance of communication during sex, and then I got to thinking about the whole “men being threatened by vibrators” thing, and... fic happened. 
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“I swear to god, Kevin’s eyes just about bugged out of his head when he saw mine,” Penelope is saying, as Spencer slides back onto his chair. 
“They get so threatened, right?” Emily exclaims. “It’s a tool, not a competitor.” 
Penelope sighs. “God. Men. No offense, Spencer.” 
“None taken?” he says tentatively. “Um… what are you talking about?” 
“Vibrators,” Emily informs him, and Spencer chokes a little bit on absolutely nothing. “And the time a man told me female ejaculation is a myth, and all the other reasons I prefer having sex with women.” 
“Maybe I’ll just — um,” Spencer mutters, looking around desperately for an excuse to be somewhere else. For a second he considers joining JJ and Derek on the dance floor, but that’s its own kind of hell. 
“Which part of that statement made you uncomfortable?” Emily asks, laughing. “C’mon, Doctor Reid, I’m sure you have some statistics on the female orgasm.”
Spencer grimaces, but offers, “Women orgasm during heterosexual intercourse roughly sixty-one percent of the time, compared to eighty-six percent during lesbian sex.” 
“There you go,” Emily says, slapping her hand on the table with a grin. “And I bet it’s only that low because women don’t always expect reciprocation. Sometimes I just want to go down on a chick, you know?” 
Spencer just looks at her, wide-eyed, feeling like a deer caught in headlights. 
“I’m gonna go get another drink and get my dance on,” Penelope interrupts with a giggle. “Be back in a bit. Spencer, try not to die of embarrassment while I’m gone.” 
“I should probably switch to water,” Emily muses, draining the last sip of her drink. Once Penelope is out of earshot, she adds, “I’m sorry, Spence, I didn’t mean to make you uncomfortable.”  
“No, it’s not that, exactly.” Spencer frowns down at the table. “It’s just — never mind.” 
Emily is studying him, uncomfortably sharp even though she’s way past tipsy. “You still haven’t, have you? Gone down on a girl, I mean.” 
Spencer’s entire face is hot. “That’s… you’re correct.”
“You’ve had sex, though,” Emily says. 
Either Spencer’s been saying some embarrassing things in his sleep during jet naps, or she’s… well, a profiler. Right. 
“She wasn’t —we didn’t — once, and it was a… perfunctory experience.” He sighs, dropping his face into his hands, and admits all in one breath, “Idon’tlikebeingbadatstuff.”
When he looks up again, Emily’s smiling at him, not unkindly. “Are you looking for some advice?”
“I know the theory, but —”
“Not something you can learn from a book. Yeah. Believe me, Spencer, I am happy to talk about this stuff,” Emily says. She’s obviously sincere, and Spencer feels some of his embarrassment melt away. “Not enough men want advice, and that’s part of the problem.” 
Spencer shrugs. “Then… yeah, I’m asking you for advice.” 
Emily nods and folds her hands, sitting up a little straighter; she means business. 
“Lesson one: make sure your fingernails are clipped and filed and clean,” she says authoritatively. 
“That makes sense.” 
“Second: take your fucking time. Okay? Don’t just, like, faceplant tongue-first onto the clit.” Spencer almost chokes on his drink at that, and Emily smirks before continuing, “Women are beautiful, right? Seems obvious to you and me, but a lot of the time, they don’t believe that they’re beautiful, and when they’re naked, they tend to worry about whether you think they’re beautiful.” 
Yeah, none of the books ever mentioned that. 
“So take your time getting there. Appreciate the rest of her body. Kissing, touching, licking, just — looking, and exploring, and letting her know that you like what you see. That you like all of her, and not just what’s between her legs. If you can make her feel comfortable — not just comfortable with you, but comfortable in her own skin — that’s going to make it a whole lot easier for her to enjoy herself. Got it?” 
“Got it,” Spencer says softly. 
Emily takes a sip of her drink and clears her throat. 
“Okay. Here’s where a lot of dudes get tripped up: fucking communicate. Just ask her what she likes, and then actually listen to what she says. There’s nothing wrong with not being confident. It’s a whole lot better than being over-confident.” 
“Yeah, I don’t think over-confident will be a problem for me,” Spencer says wryly. 
“Good. Because way too many guys go into sex assuming that they already know how to blow her mind, or whatever, and that this is a chance for them to, like, amaze her with their moves, and a lot of the time, they got their moves from porn and they suck.” Emily’s getting a little rant-y. She takes a deep breath and continues. “Anyway, just — just ask her. She might not be comfortable, at first, saying it bluntly like that, so listen to her body, too, right? Touch her in different ways and pay attention to how she responds. Fingers, tongue… suction, penetration… everybody — every body — is different.” 
Spencer nods, and hesitates before saying, “I’ve heard a couple men talk about it, and they always make it sound — intimidating? And not necessarily… enjoyable.” 
“Men are fucking weird,” Emily says bluntly. “It’s awesome. Not like jizz tastes like chocolate and strawberries, anyway. But, like, it’s… human, you know? There’s something hot about it, even if it’s not what you’d usually enjoy. And the wetter she gets, the longer you spend down there, the better she’s going to taste.” 
Spencer’s cheeks are burning again. He rubs his eyes, trying to cover his discomfort. “And how — I mean…” 
“You’ll know,” Emily says wryly. “And also, when it’s over, she’ll be sensitive, and she’ll push you away, because it’ll be too much.” 
“And it’s not — it’s not necessarily comfortable, you know? Feels like you’re gonna fucking suffocate, sometimes. You’ll have her thighs around your head, and she’ll be all trembly, trying to move her hips, maybe pulling your hair, but —” Emily’s smiling now, equal parts dreamy and smug. “— feeling someone just fall apart like that, feeling their whole body shaking — making them feel good — it’s amazing.” 
“That doesn’t sound so bad,” Spencer mumbles.
“Really, though,” Emily says seriously. “The most important thing is that you take your ego out of the equation. Stop worrying about being ‘good’ or ‘bad’ at it. Whether it’s your fingers or your mouth or your dick or her fucking vibrator, ask her what to do, and then do it. Understood?” 
“Yeah. I understand.” He gives her a grateful smile. 
Emily studies him for a moment and then says, “For what it’s worth? Just knowing you as a friend, knowing how much you care about people, I think your future partners are in good hands.” It’s unusually earnest for her and it catches Spencer off-guard, but before he can think of a response, she flashes him a bright grin and adds, “If they want to thank me, though, my favorite flowers are roses.” 
Spencer laughs. “I’ll remember that, if I ever meet someone special.” 
“You will. Don’t worry.” 
“Thanks, Em.” 
Sure enough, he meets you a few months later. 
Your breathless, “How did you do that?” was meant to be rhetorical, but he tells you the whole story anyway. You have a huge bouquet delivered to Emily’s apartment, along with a bottle of wine and a card that says, “Can’t thank you enough.”
More CM fic here. If you enjoyed this, please reblog or leave a note here! 
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moon-lixie · 3 years
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word count: 2.242k
song: Too Fast - Sonder
cw: Explicit sexual content, dom Chan, edging, oral sex (f receiving), fingering, protected sex, and creampie. There's also a bit of angst in there.
Useless, numb, and mediocre. You were now the things that you had feared the most, nothing but a piling clump of failures. It was hopeless to try to convince you otherwise, because that's all that you saw reflected in the mirror.
You felt nothing but sheer hatred towards the product of a lifetime. You had lived so long and yet this was the best you could do, perform poorly at everything that you meant to be good at.
You hated pitying yourself and being pitied but it almost looked like that was the only thing that you wished for now. Hands giving up even on begging for the slightest crumb of attention.
But you still tried, because if you were to beg then he would surely comply. His will would melt under your pathetic pleads, restrain dissipating into thin air, reluctancy being washed away by the thought of helping someone else.
He was the purest man alive, only when it came to his intentions. Always willing to try and fix the broken and stay by the side of pitiful souls.
But he was completely foolish sometimes, because some people had no repair and he never understood that.
"Are you sure?" He was reluctant but he would never explicitly say so out loud, that could possibly hurt you and he would never risk making you feel bad.
You nodded slightly annoyed that he kept asking over and over again if you were sure of this. His question was valid, you were intoxicated on failure and despair, so perhaps it wasn't the best option to take impulsive decisions. But you were laying already on his bed so you had no desire to back away now.
A soft sigh managed to reach your ears as a mere miracle, that's how meek it had been while coming out of his mouth. Following the puff that meant to release tension, he smiled at you. It was the sweetest smile you had seen in your whole life, it most surely belonged to an angel.
His hands wavered just like the wind; that's what you liked the most about him, he had the nerve of being shy after all. But then his hesitation would evaporate a second later, like the fake confidence that you allowed yourself to have often.
First he just caressed the side of your torso, slowly and taunting, knowing fully well that he drove you to the edge with the slightest graze of the tip of his fingers.
Lips were fast to follow his eager hands, crashing against yours hungrily. Whatever doubts he had a couple of minutes ago were now long gone. It was obvious on the way he moved his lips hastily against yours.
This is what you needed, so much attention that you couldn't even think about anything else.
He nibbled on your lower lip, softly at first but it became harsher as seconds passed by. A hiss escaped your lips when he bit down especially hard, he chuckled lightly at such a sound making its way up your throat before allowing his tongue to glide over your lower lip to soothe the stinging sensation.
With him you didn't have to feel so scared, he would take care of you no matter what. So you finally tangled your fingers on his soft locks, because he made you feel like it was okay to melt into his touch. If you did then he would still stay by your side and that was enough for now.
Despite having made several breaks in the connection of your mouths, to try and get some air, he still didn't leave the softness of your lips. The only difference was that now he eagerly let his tongue explore inside the cavern of your mouth.
Veiny hands pressed down on your torso as if it was possible to sink the mattress more under your weights. Then his fingers finally grabbed your waist firmly to stop you from moving, but it's not like you were planning to do such a thing.
You like the pressure of his grip, it reminds you that you're in fact there, alive and breathing the same air as him. You like even more the way in which he finds the way to rest his knee against the mattress in the small gap that your slightly parted legs allow him to.
When his mouth finally leaves yours for good you whimper shamelessly, wishing for him to be well aware of the displeasure his actions provoked in you. He chuckled once again, amused by how needy you could become. "Don't worry, baby. We're obviously not finished yet."
Cushions of flesh made their way along your jaw and the skin of your neck with kisses that feel so present yet quick and faint. Your hands fall limp on both of your sides as you try to relish in his warmth. He was your last anchor to life and right now the only one that you needed.
"You're boring me." You had the nerve to say when your agitated breath completely said otherwise. He knew better than to take your words literally so he slipped both of his hands under your shirt and explored the texture of your familiar skin eagerly.
He made you sit on the bed before tugging at the hem of your shirt. You complied and raised your arms so that he could get rid of the thin layer of fabric that hid you from his sight.
He unclasped your bra before tossing it aside and pushing you back towards the mattress. His mouth soon rested atop of your breast, sucking and biting hard enough for you to squirm under his touch but gentle enough not to hurt you.
After a couple of seconds he looked up at your closed eyes and smugly smiled. "I guess I'm not boring you anymore. Or are you still not entertained enough?"
"More." You lightly whispered under your breath. Immediately he dived back in to resume his previous activities while caressing your torso with his hands.
The pads of his fingers were soft and warm, just like the chocolate tone of his eyes. But his intentions were as burning as fire itself.
You would rarely allow him to help you, always closing yourself to the possibility of voicing your worries out loud. And that pained him; it completely broke him to watch you struggle on your own while he sat by your side. The only moment in which you were fully vulnerable were moments like these, in which you were literally bare under his eyes. So he always made the most of them, always gave his complete self into pleasing you.
Every time that he had the chance to have you this close he would claim you as his. Leaving purple and red proofs that he had been there, close to your heart even if just for a second.
He bit down harshly on your collarbone causing your nails to dig on his pristine white back. It hurt but it was better than feeling nothing at all, better than being on an amazingly boring loop of absolutely nothing.
His back hurt too, but he loved the kind of pain that edged him more into pleasure. The pain that you brought him was always the best he had ever experienced.
His teeth sunk into your skin various times more before he felt satisfied with his piece of art. He moved away from you to catch his breath and admire the purple and red combination of his neediness on your skin. It was perfect, just like you were in his eyes, but he knew that convincing you of that was perhaps impossible. That still didn't persuade him from trying to make you believe it.
"You're perfect." His thumb caressed your cheek with the same amount of affection that his eyes held while looking at you. And it felt too burdening, because you could never deserve him and all the love he had to offer.
"Ruin me, please." Ruin me until I have no tears left to cry, until my worries dissolve in between your thrusts, until I forget all of my problems. That's what you really meant to say, but luckily for you, the three words you mustered to pronounce were enough for him to understand exactly what you wished for.
"Your wish is my command, princess." It had been enough playing around already, his fingers finally found themselves at the height of your waistband. The button of your jeans presented no resistance against his complying fingers and soon you were completely raw in front of him.
Black fabric abandoned his torso before he lowered himself on the bed. His face ended up facing your inner thigh, the perfect excuse to kiss away at the skin of that area.
His lips were swollen and warm like flames, causing his kisses to be the responsible for the soft tremble of your knees.
With a swift movement he made room for him to lower himself onto your heat. It took a single puff of air for you to relax fully against the fluffiness of his bed.
You spared one last glance at him before closing your eyes and what you saw was a satisfied smile on his lips. It was nothing like the heartwarming smile that he had given you before, this one made you shudder in anticipation.
One kiss at the sensitive bud of nerves and you were sighing in satisfaction. That’s all he needed to continue joyfully sucking at the sensitive bud and slipping one digit at your drenched core.
He fingered you at a steady pace before he retreated his face away from your core. He slipped another digit and his fingers kept going steadily while his lips found its way to rest against your cheek.
You were biting down on your lip to stop yourself from making any noises. He started kissing your cheek adorably, making an obvious contrast between his lips and the sinful thrusting of his fingers.
“Please, make a sound for me.” The words floated on the room in between soft and tender kisses. And instead of complying to his plea you bit down on your lip with more force. “Please princess, do it for me.”
It seemed like he wasn’t the only one whose will dissolved in between pleads because you were soon reaching your high loudly, and his chest filled with pride at your sinful moans.
Eyes closed and head resting comfortably against his pillow, you attempted to catch your breath. Meanwhile he unbuckled his pants and discarded his undergarments; you knew too well that you were barely getting started. With him it always proved to be all or nothing, he wouldn’t stop until he was sure he had fully ruined you.
He tapped twice against your waist with his index finger and you quickly moved to rest against your knees and hands. You knew him, exactly what he liked and what he would never be willing to try just like he was well aware of how to make you scream. It was laughable to a certain degree; he knew of your deepest and most obscure desires and yet you wouldn’t allow him to take a glimpse inside your head, too afraid that he would end up seeing you in the same way you did.
Kisses were littered on your back as he opened a silver package and slipped a condom over his length before slowly pushing himself inside you. Once you had adjusted to his size he started pushing himself in and out at a pace that you could only call pleasing. Soon picking up his pace and not allowing your still sensitive core much room to last for long; you felt your high approaching and you whimpered loudly at the feeling of a knot tightening on your lower abdomen.
The loud and high pitched sound that slipped from your lips were the sign he needed to stop his hips abruptly and deprive you from the blissful feeling that was going to wash over you in a matter of seconds.
Before you had the time to comply he started moving again, slowly, one thrust at a time. Breathy moans were stolen from your mouth by the angle of his movements that allowed him to hit the perfect spot that made stars litter beautifully behind your lids.
He kept the slow pace for a while before moving rapidly without a warning; whimpers got stuck in your throat. Once again he suddenly stopped but this time you weren’t having it anymore. You tried to move to face him as you complained but his hands firmly held you in place.
“Don’t be so impatient.” He said almost mockingly before thrusting inside of you with force, just once. “If you wait then I’ll give you what you want.”
He was surely enjoying himself and you couldn’t deny feeling exactly the same. It would be futile and useless to deny the fact that just a simple glimpse at his torso could suffice to turn you on; when he touched you, you managed to make your way up to the clouds.
When he got impatient of waiting and teasing, he started thrusting in and out of you, going back to the perfect and somewhat relaxed pace from the start. The speed of his movements increased little by little, the knot in your lower abdomen making its presence noticeable more and more as he kept going.
Once he reached a pace that caused the mattress to rock along with your bodies, you knew you were done for. It wasn’t long before another wave of overwhelming pleasure washed over you, but this one made your legs and arms tremble as the pleasures came back every time you tried to close your eyes.
His thrusting became sloppier when you tightened around him and his pleasure was let loose not long after you had finished.
As you laid in bed trying to come back to your senses a couple of tears started rolling down your temples. After a couple of seconds it wasn’t a couple of droplets but a whole storm of emotions that didn’t allow you to live in peace.
You hadn’t forgotten your problems but at least you could finally cry with freedom. You could finally feel everything escape your eyes and tears while he held you close.
A soft kiss on top of your head and arms securely holding you close to a warmth you were too familiar with. That’s how you ended up.
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peachyysugaa · 3 years
blood castle i. || enha 02z
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♜ main pairing: vampire! 02z x gn! reader
♜ genre: hogwarts au, mystery, fluff/angst
♜ wc: 2k
♜ warnings: mentions of blood (pg13), purposefully lowercase
♜ other pairings: lisa x namjoon, slight rose x jungkook
♜ a/n: disclaimer that i don't actually ship these pairings, i just find it fitting for the story :] also kinda boring chapter but we're setting things up <3 also hearts at the end of each chapter to keep track of how oc gets along with 02z hehe lmk what you think!
♜ index: teaser | next | masterlist
i. make the most of it
"what will i do when you're both gone? jennie just left and you two are next!" you pout in your train seat as your best friends exchange teasing smiles. as you get closer and closer to hogwarts, you can't help but keep thinking about rose and lisa inevitably graduating this year.
"i don't know y/n, maybe find some friends your age?" lisa teases. you groan outwardly, tilting your head back.
rose, the ever-exemplary hufflepuff, extends her hands out to yours on the table and grabs hold of them. you stop your obnoxious groaning to stare back at her kind smile. "lili has a point, y/nie. it wouldn't hurt to branch out this year so that lisa and i don't have to worry about you."
your eyes widened. "worry?! what's that supposed to mean?"
rose lets go of your hands to cover her mouth as she laughs while lisa is losing it. the gryffindor 7th year is wiping joyful tears out of her eyes, which isn't helping your case.
you sit, pouting once again and waiting for them to explain.
"two words, y/n," lisa begins while holding two fingers up in a peace sign that you know is anything but peaceful. "you're. clumsy."
"am not!" you defied. your best friends exchange looks once again before raising an eyebrow at you. "tell me one time when i was clumsy!"
"remember that time you tried to shut a mandrake up by putting your hand on its mouth and then it bit you?" rose asks.
"oh! that was so funny!" lisa says, trying to hold back her laughter. "my favorite is when she made a lizard instead of a mini dragon in transfiguration but then it burned her eyebrows off!"
as they share your most embarrassing moments, your ears begin heating up and all you want to do is transfigure yourself into the train seat.
"i stand corrected..." you mumble out unwillingly.
"we love you, y/nie. we only want someone to look out for you when we graduate," rose says as lisa nods.
"fine, fine. i get it, moms."
"you love us."
"yea, yea, i love my two moms who come after my clumsiness all the time."
"as you should, now let's get changing. the train is almost at school."
the older hufflepuff was right. you could see the tall towers of the second home you've come to love in the distance as you glance out the window. this year may be bittersweet since the last of your friend group would be leaving you behind, but you were determined to make the most of it with them and perhaps make some new friends this year.
"i'll stay to keep our spot, you two go ahead," lisa tells you and rose.
"going to text your joonie?" rose teases. the gryffindor's ears have a red tinge at the sound of her nickname for her boyfriend.
"just go before the changing rooms fill up," she mumbles. but as you close the door to your shared booth, you can see that she has already pulled out her phone with a cheeky smile as she waves hi on facetime with namjoon who is slightly older than her and currently working as a magizoologist for the ministry.
you smile to yourself, remembering their relationship when you were just a first year. "come on, yn!" rose calls out.
you break out of your daze and see her several feet away from you. "sorry, eonnie!"
you take your hand off the handle, which you didn't register it was still on, and start to move towards her, carrying your blouse, tie and skirt. before you could reach her, you bump into a hard chest.
you hear a deep oof noise from the figure as you rub your forehead.
"i am so sorry!" you hurriedly whisper.
"you're alright, y/n." you recognize the voice and look up to see sim jaeyun from your house and year. "did you hit your head too hard?" he kindly worries.
"yn!!" rose shouts.
"sorry, jaeyun," you apologetically smile as you brush past him. "coming, eonnie!!"
you could've sworn he said something like it was nice to see you, but you were far too focused on not letting rose wait any long. she's definitely amicable like most hufflepuffs, but like most hufflepuffs, you probably don't want to see them angry. you should know since lisa says you're already bad hangry.
it's a quick in and out of the changing room and back to your booth where lalisa waits, staring out the window and watching the castle come closer. it's like a wrestler tag team as you and rose high-five her on your way in and her way out. immediately, the two of you settle down and as you get comfortable in your seat, you notice that she's smirking with you, her eyebrow raised.
"why are you looking at me like that, eonnie?" you ask hesitantly. your fingers look more interesting picking fights with each other.
"oh, nothing," she replies, not giving up her smirk. "just wondering when you and jake were close."
"he's literally the same year and house as me. i can't go a year without a class with him."
she hums like she doesn't believe you. "really?"
"really, really."
"really, really, really?" you groan at her response as she starts to giggle.
"do you wanna talk about your crush on jeon jungkook then, eonnie?" she shuts up then and there, and it's your turn to smirk. "thought so."
"that's hogwarts' idol right there, yn. everyone likes him one way or another, so hush!"
"hush about what?" lisa asks as she slides the door open.
"jeon jungkook." rose glares at you.
"ohh, rosie's crush of 6 years?" your other friend confirms as she closes the door.
"the one and only."
"you know, he and i are co-captains this year for quidditch. you should just come to our practices."
"will he even notice me? i mean..." your focus on their conversation starts to waver as you glance through the door window. outside your door is the familiar trolley witch with all her pastries and drinks, and you can't help but have a craving for your favorite chocolate frogs. you also can't help but notice the other figure with the trolley witch: the very same sim jaeyun you bumped into earlier.
"eonnies, i'm going to buy some chocolate frogs. do you want any?" you ask, keeping an eye on the figures outside your window.
"cauldron cake for me please!"
"let's have every flavor beans for old time's sakes!"
"alright," you say as you slide the door open and close. they go back to their conversation about a plot to get the hogwarts idol that you're sure is bound to go wrong.
"7 blood lollipops please." you hear jake order. you recall him having a large group of friends across different houses and different years, but for all of them to like blood lollipops is quite unheard of.
"you're not going to have all of those, are you?" you ask him, approaching the trolley.
"y/n," he greets with a smile and a shake of his head as he hands his coins to the witch. "no, my friends and i all really like them. i think i would have a headache if i were to eat all 7."
"2 chocolate frogs, bertie's beans, and a cauldron cake please," you order before turning back to him. "does it really taste like blood, or is it just to trick people into thinking you're vampires?"
jake's face pales though it's hard to see because he's already on the pale side and you're counting out your coins to give to the trolley witch. "personally, i think it tastes like cherry."
you hum as you gather your goodies together, and jake is thankful that you're not paying too much attention to how he reacted. "i'll take your word for it."
the trolley witch moves along, doing what she's done for many years and more to come. you're finally focusing on him more now that you have all your snacks and accomplished being a good citizen by paying the fees. your eyes search his face, go past his sharp jawline, and make their way to the shiny prefect badge on his black and gold robes. the prefect engraving is hard to see against the blinding gold of the hufflepuff badge, but it's hard to miss.
"oh, are you a prefect?" you ask curiously.
"yup, so don't stay out too late. i might have to write you up," he teases.
you playfully roll your eyes at him. "please, when am i not a model student?"
"i would say right now because we're about five minutes away from the castle, and you still don't have your robes on, miss l/n," he jokingly tsks at you.
"ahh, but you see, that's not my fault there, mr. prefect," you banter back.
"oh? then maybe i won't have to give you the first detention?"
"well, mr. sim, i was only taking care of my precious eonnies and buying them snacks. i paid my fees and also engaged in conversation with my fellow classmate, so i've been a little preoccupied," you acted out, playing the role of an innocent student.
"hmm.. engaging in conversation with your classmates on the first day does seem to follow the rules," he lightheartedly agrees. jake is about to add more, but his friends call out to him.
"hey, jake, what's taking so long?!"
"you'd better go take care of your friends, mr. sim," you tease. "be a good hyung, won't you?"
his beaming smile causes your heart to skip a few beats. "alright, miss l/n, but make sure not to let me catch you out of uniform." he waves before hurrying to his own booth.
when you open the door to yours, a chorus of oooh's from your eonnies is what you receive. you roll your eyes at them before shutting the door and grabbing your robe. you can see theirs were already on, the equally shining, gold head girl badge pinned on rose's robe.
"i think she'll be just fine on our own when we're gone, rosie," lisa teases as you slip your arms through your sleeves and tuck your wand in your pocket.
"just don't keep one of my prefects distracted, y/nie," rosie adds.
"so long as you aren't distracted by your head boy, rosie," you tease back.
"no way, jeon jungkook is head boy," she gasps at you.
"i don't know, but i just caught you simping in 4k!" you stick your tongue out at her as she whines and lalisa throws her head back in laughter.
"there really is only one choice though, so it probably is him," lisa affirms.
"i swear, if you two are wrong..." rose pouts.
"but if we're not, you'll get to spend more time with him and get to know him instead of just admiring him from afar like everyone else!" you console.
"well, we'll find out soon enough. we're here," lisa announces as she grabs her trunk from the top rack, helping you get yours and rose hers.
"thanks, eonnie! so glad your long legs are so useful!" you thank.
"yah! they'll be useful for kicking you too, ungrateful brat," she jokingly chastises.
"oh no, lisa eonnie is going to kill me!" you shout dramatically. "rose eonnie, save me!"
"it's going to be a long year," she sighs with a smile keeping close behind as you run off the train and lisa chases after you.
jake's expression mirrors rose's as he watches the trio run off to the nearest carriage. a crack forms in his blood lollipop as he sucks on it harder, the sweet taste of blood running across his tongue. "hyung, come on. let's get in the carriage," jungwon calls to him, his own sucker making his words slightly muddled.
"coming," he mumbles, securing his trunk and stepping into the carriage where his 6 friends wait for him.
their fangs are dripping with the blood of the lollipops.
jake: ♥ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ (lvl. 1)
jay: ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ (lvl. 1)
sunghoon: ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ (lvl. 1)
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nhinxsworld · 4 years
More crack headcons lol
I was gonna make like something about how the dirty talk or something, but my brain is just garbage.
pairings: Naoya Zenin x reader
Gojo Satoru x reader
warning: crack nsfw
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Gojo Satoru
I just know Gojo has like two brain cells and no one can convince me otherwise.
Sometimes he is just bored during sex or feeling extra goofy, and he'd just say any stupid shit that comes to his mind and or just does anything. He sometimes just stops functioning and has the half a brain cell, that he shares with a 15-year-old.
The type of guy talk to about "The turkeys not the only thing getting stuffed tonight." during Thanksgiving. Probably talked about cooking you per railing you or slapping you like those ridiculous chicken slapping videos.
What kind of dirty talk, sex mindset is that??? I don't know??
Remember when I said he is also the kind of guy who would stop and eat the lube for fun??? Yeah, he literally would stop for a moment and try to guess what flavor it reminds him off "Oh my god babe this lube tastes like the strawberry syrup I ate as a kid, you wanna try?"
He wouldn't even do it any sexy way like licking it of his fingers or your body, now this guy just straight up squirts the bottle into his mouth like he is drinking chocolate syrup out of a bottle or eating straight spray cream.
Low-key would disgust you, who the hell eats lube for fun...?
As hot and sexy as this man is, it's almost impossible to get in some kind of sexy mood or mindest during these times, just haha funny railing.
Absolutely loses it when you tell him it feels hot.
"awww my lube glazed chicken nugget gonna get cooked by this cock?? Gonna stuff you and give you a filling pretty♡"
"Slap you tender?" Gojo holds back from hitting too hard, but you can truly feel how strong he actually is. Fuck, did his slaps burn and hurt, in a good way of course!
This man is impossible, probably laughed about it so hard, he hurt himself laughing. Probably has a super ugly hyena laugh mixed with some choked chicken, but it only comes out when things are hilarious to him (his jokes.)
He will take any chance to call you his little stuffed turkey or his little chicken nugget. Probably took you and the kids to McDonald's to dramatically gasp when someone ordered chicken nuggets talking about considering your poor feelings and cannibalism.
The worst thing might be when it actually flusters you, his dumbass is talking about chicken nuggets and stuffing to his students, why the fuck are you blushing.
"What are you thinking about?" Gojo smirks.
Naoya Zenin
Noaya has some accent, if I understand correctly. I don't quite understand what his accent is or what kind of accent it is, but from what I understand it's an almost more traditional Japanese. Imma just compare it with being American and British English.
Sometimes you just don't understand what he is saying. The difference between some words he uses is just so confusing to you.
It doesn't bother you that much since usually you can fill in the gaps and learn, but Naoya just straight up doesn't speak standard anymore when he fucks you.
His voice sounds even harsher with the dialect somewhat, somehow hotter if you just listen to his voice and the way he speaks. You could have sworn he blamed it on your dumbification kink, being too stupid to even understand him, because usually you can.
It doesn't bother him, he says whatever he wants, and you're too stupid to understand him. Though sometimes he does like to say hurtful things, and there it does bother him when he calls you a whore differently it would usually be described, and you just look at him with those doe eyes. Telling him his voice sounds pretty, his accent makes him speak in an almost melodic way, it's harsh yet pretty and soothing.
What the fuck do you mean his voice is pretty? He just called you a dumb whore who isn't good at anything but taking his cock. He is telling you to shut the hell up, to open up only when you're sucking him off.
Maybe it's better and more enjoyable for you if you just don't understand some of his harmful words.
It's probably some old man dialect, that a young man such as him should rarely speak, yet he dirty talks you or degrades you in it. He probably grew up speaking it, so it's just his most natural state.
Once said something along the lines of breaking you, and you almost cried because in his dialect broken would be translated to be thrown out or thrown away.
"Hell are yer crying about, I ain't done nothing yet?"
w-what if I did actual hc about what I think they'd say and do
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