#so canon wins on portability I guess
spockvarietyhour · 7 months
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Ohhhh, it's a safe cracker and a copier/printer! Take that Canon All-in-One!!
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talzane · 2 years
The Fentons canonically screw up a *lot*, and it wouldn't be beyond the pale for them to catch Phantom, strap him down to the table, pull out their scalpels to cut him open, and then, when he goes intangible out of desperation, they can't cut him. They didn't have a way to operate on an intangible ghost.
"Turn back," Maddie demanded.
"Aw, come on, you're ruining it!" Jack whined, his goggled face contorted into a frown.
"I don't want to be vivisected."
"It's not a vivisection," Maddie chided, "It's a dissection. You're dead, so it's dissection."
"I still feel pain," Danny sang back at her, "So *I* get to decide."
"Ghosts don't feel pain."
"Yes, we do."
"No you don't."
"Do too."
"Do not!" Jack interjected, thoroughly caught by the elevated language of the debate.
"Do too!"
"Do not!"
"Do too!"
"Do not!"
"Do too!"
"ENOUGH!" Maddie screamed, "You're acting like a child!"
"I *am* a child! You're acting like a monster."
"Am not, I'm a scientist. I study ghosts, and if you'd just turn back, I'd study *you*."
"You mean torture."
"I mean study."
"No, you mean torture."
"I think I know what I mean better than you."
"Don't you have a portable ghost scanner?"
"Which tells you detailed information about the composition and power ranking of ghosts?"
"Don't you have larger, even more detailed scanners that can take a look at me and tell you what you want to know?"
"I suppose."
"So why do you want to cut me open?"
"To see how you work."
"And your state-of-the-art, specifically-designed-for-that equipment can't tell you that?"
"Well, I suppose it ca-an."
"So you just want to torture me."
"It's not torture, you can't feel pain."
"I think I know what I feel better than you."
"Don't throw my words back at me, young man!" Maddie slapped a hand over her mouth, what did she just say?
"Ha! I win! Let me go now."
Jack scowled, "Don't trick my wife like that!"
"That wasn't even a trick!"
"That's all you ghosts know how to do!"
"Do I know how to do math?"
Jack paused, "Yes?"
"Exactly, that's not a trick."
"What's twelve squared?"
"One hundred forty-four, what's the pass code to get me off the table?"
"Fudg-- Hey! That was a trick!"
Danny huffed, "Of course *that* didn't work. Can you let me go now?"
"Sure thing," Maddie piped up before slamming her hand on the release. The clamps holding Danny to the table collapsed back into the table, releasing Danny from their hold.
Danny sat up, confusion written in his face, "Thanks, but what was that for?"
"I guess we *don't* need to rip you open after all."
"That's great!" Danny beamed a smile at his mom, "See ya!" He zipped towards the ceiling.
"Remember, dinner's at seven!"
He crashed headfirst into the ceiling, and after a moment, he looked down to his mom "What?"
Maddie smirked at Phantom, "I was talking to Jack," she winked at Danny, and kissed Jack's cheek, "Dinner's at seven, sweetie."
Danny's mouth fell open before he backed up through the ceiling, "Oh no, I am in *so* much trouble."
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murumokirby360 · 4 months
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My Family's 2010s Digital Camera (Canon EOS 1000D/Rebel XS) [feat. my Paper Dolls]
DeviantART version → [CLICK ME!]
Hello, May! 🌏☀️ Unfortunately, I cannot continue my upcoming and latest "PC Upgrade Project". The good news was, that I've already worked on it, but I need to adjust the size for the comparison, as well as splitting it into two videos instead of one to reduce memory size, and even timing the subtitles (which is important for the latter). So, my plan was to be submitted by July of 2024. On the bright side, I have another item review that has yet to be revealed, this June. 🙂 Nonetheless, onto my month's share. 😊
BREAKING NEWS: Just recently, yesterday [on May 30th, 2024] my current Power Supply Unit blew up, making my custom PC desktop useless without any power source! 💥😨 As of today, We send it to the "Computer Repair Shop" for a replacement. 🖥️🔧😓 Ouch! Luckily, it was fixed the next day, as in TODAY! And I cost a lot from my earning funds. Double ouch! 💵🤕 So, that topic deserves another month, I suppose...
Now, onto my topic...
• So, another camera from my parent's shelves, and it's the latest abandoned camera, as of 2024. The "Canon EOS 1000D" 😊📸, also known as the "EOS Rebel XS" is a DSLR camera that debuted in June 2008. This old professional camera possessed a 10.1-megapixel camera, a detachable lens like other DSLR cams do, and a whole bunch of features that only professional DSLR cam photographers could understand. Also, unlike the Sony Cybershot's exclusive "Sony" Memory Stick for photo storage, Canon uses the universal SD Card to store photos, on any memory brand used such as Sandisk, Transcend, Lexar, etc... For megapixels comparison, the 90s Olympus Camedia C-2000 Z has "2.1", the previous topic of Sony DSC-T70 has "8.1", and what about the "Focus-35"? Well, let's say it's not as level as the 90s Olympus camera that we've owned. 🤔🤷‍♀️
• So, do you have a story about this camera? Well, there's one I remembered, and it's based on the true story. ☝😊📖 I was 18 years old (late adolescence, may I add) while I was in High School in the year 2011 (3rd year High School). I went to a local 7-Eleven store when I saw a raffle promo poster. For the prize? A bunch of awesome stuff, including the Canon camera itself (the EOS Rebel XS). And since I'm 18, I'm qualified the participate by buying consumed-related stuff from the aforementioned convenience store daily. After the promo ended and my 3rd year of High School ended, a rider came to our house to receive a letter from 7-Eleven, only to find out that my father was the winner of the promo instead of me, and I was shocked. 😲 Damn... That winning camera should've been ME, and I used this cool camera to pursue my future career as a professional photographer; which sadly, did not happen. 😥 Regardless, in the end, I'm happy that my father won the prize, so I have to congratulate him. 👏😊 And the rest was history, we have SO MANY photo moments that we've shared on our main social media(s), unlike our previous digicams. We've been using it for a few years, until 2018(?) (as far as I know). When the camera itself started to get old, bugs were unbeknownst inside the lens (seriously, where did that come from? 🐜), and the built-in flash was unable to work properly. Making use of itself. Also, the repair cost for our camera was expensive, so we can't afford it. 💵😬 Yup, another camera bites the dust (I guess). 😥 And so, we've decided to switch to smartphone cameras over our bulky DSLR camera. 📱➡📷 After all, the cams from smartphones we're superior to those before depending on what brand we've used. Plus, it is ultra-portable, too.
• For ME, however, I would love to use the traditional digicams (big or small) over smartphones because it had a superior quality image over modern phones. 📷➡📱 Yeah, Apple and Samsung had overtaken, but true camera brands like Canon, Nikon, and Fujifilm (the trio of Japanese camera brands 🇯🇵📷. Don't forget Sony, by the way.) are already stronger than before; innovate after innovate for the professional photographers and content vloggers. The big boy cameras never gets old, and they're still producing them, to this very day. 📸🎥😁 However, with the rise of "Action Cameras" (not to mention Flying Camera Drones") will soon be surpassed, in the digital image industry. So, I'm not sure who'll die first. We may never know...🤔
• On the plus side, my paper dolls appreciate my story. So, here's my final moment before I put this cool memorable DSLR Camera on the wardrobe. 😊📷📸
Well, that's all for now! And do you have any good "item" memories from the 2000s to 2010s, like mine? Type it down in the reply section! 😊
If you haven't seen my related camera throwbacks, and my previous topic, then I'll provide some links down below. ↓ 😉
• My Family's 2000s Digital Camera (Sony Cybershot DSC-T70) [Apr 30th, 2024]
• Another 90s Camera: Olympus Camedia C-2000 Z [Jan 29th, 2024]
• My Family’s Old Film Camera (from the 90s) [Aug 29th, 2023]
• My BRAND NEW SMARTPHONE BY Tecno Mobile [Mar 30th, 2024]
Tagged: @lordromulus90, @bryan360, @shadowredfeline, @leapant, @alexander1301, @coda-archive, @rafacaz4lisam2k4
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jercythesiscrying · 5 years
Five Flavours | Poly first-years, T, 1.3k
NaNoWriMo Day 30: Free Day Combo Shuffle Challenge, Social Media, and Dialogue-only fic.
Summary: Yet another collection of ficlets/drabbles featuring my favourite first years.
Rules: 1. Pick a character, pairing, or fandom you like. 2. Turn on your music player and put it on random/shuffle. 3. Write a ficlet/drabble related to each song that plays. You only have the time frame of the song to finish the drabble; you start when the song starts, and stop when it’s over. No lingering afterwards! 4. Do ten of these, and then post them.
TW: Canon-typical anxiety.
Read on Ao3
A/N: Decided to go with another Shuffle Challenge because I will single-handedly resurrect this meme. Apparently, I will also fill the first-years OT5 tag loooool. Un-beta’d once again and it very much shows  /o\
Gold Rays – Vinyl Pinups
They go to the beach the first chance they all get. Summer heat beats down on everything, water glinting under the sunlight.
Hitoka brings swimming tubes for her and Tobio because neither of them can swim. Kei teases Tobio endlessly about it but helps him out nonetheless when the three of them decide to go swimming.
Shouyou and Tadashi stay on the beach to build a giant sandcastle. The craftsmanship is clearly Tadashi’s doing, but Shouyou vehemently insists that he helped with the shovel work.
At the end of the day, Shouyou posts a photo on his account:
littlegiant.10 • 3 minutes ago perfect!!!
(Image: Shouyou, Tobio, Tadashi, and Kei surrounding a large sandcastle. Hitoka sits at the centre with her legs crossed. All of them beam wide at the camera.)
Cough Syrup – Young the Giant
Kei catches the flu because his partners are awful and spread the infection to him. He stays home from classes one day because his head cold is so bad he can’t see straight.
He lies in bed for the majority of the day, sleeping underneath his bedsheets sweaty and uncomfortable, but what other choice does he have? He can barely sit up straight, much less move around like he’d much rather be doing. Akiteru would probably drag him back to bed if he tried anyway.
He stirs up from his nap at some point, awakening to see four pairs of eyes blinking down at him. Their faces are hidden by medical masks, so their eyes are really all he sees in his fever induced haze.
“Kei-kun?” a sweet voice says. “Are you okay?”
He coughs, which seems to be answer enough for all of them.
“We brought cough syrup, Tsukki!”
“It’s on the bedside.”
“Sorry for getting you sick, I guess.”
Kei can’t distinguish the voices from each other, but he returns to sleep with the familiar, comforting sounds of his favourite people in the world.
Boy Without A Heart – Jojo
Kei is much colder than Hitoka ever realized.
Everyone warns her, that she missed the awful time when they all first began playing together and Kei was the most infuriating person they’d ever met, that by the time she came around he dialled down his angst and snark. Tadashi tries to defend him, of course, but eventually even his protests are silenced by the others.
“Yachi,” Tobio says gravely, “are you sure you want to date him too?”
“Yeah, we’re happy with Yamaguchi already,” Shouyou says.
Kei rolls his eyes, walking out the room. Hitoka takes this as her cue to follow him. She walks out the door, sprinting to catch up to Kei.
“Kei-kun!” she calls out. “Kei-kun, wait!”
He doesn’t listen, continuing to walk away. When he turns the corner without a word, Hitoka stops, slightly shocked. He’s never ignored her before.
“Told you,” Tobio says behind her, and she turns around to she see both her boyfriends catching up to her.
“He just...” Tadashi begins, struggling. “Needs time.”
Hitoka bites her lip, unable to help herself when she stares back down the path where Kei disappeared.
Love Story – Taylor Swift
Their love isn’t forbidden like in fairy tales, or romance dramas, or the cheesy light novels they all know Kei likes to read sometimes.
The five of them grappled with their feelings for a long time before they ever came to any sort of understanding, even longer until they achieved the comfortable relationship they have now. First, there were boundaries. Then, there was the fact that Kei, Shouyou and Tobio usually wanted to tear each other’s heads off if they had the chance. And, of course, Hitoka and Tadashi had their anxiety to deal with. It was a huge mess until they sorted everything out.
They couldn’t even consider the larger picture about how everyone else would feel about them, too caught up in their emotions about each other to care about what society would say. But they each knew they wanted this, were willing to put up with whatever came their way as long as they got to do it together.
The day their landlord handed them the keys to their own place—a huge apartment that could fit all five of them, their first ever home—they celebrated with a quiet night in.
Reading Letters – P.S. I Love You Soundtrack
Hitoka opens her old high school notebooks, reading letters she both wrote and received.
Bittersweet nostalgia hits her like a wave, and she smiles through her tears when she finally reaches the last page:
A photograph of all five of them.
Pretend (Reprise) – Lights
Some days, the anxiety wins.
They each handle those days differently. Shouyou and Tadashi prefer to have the others doting on them with sympathy. Tobio and Kei prefer to seclude themselves so they could sort through their feelings first, careful because they don’t want to hurt their partners in their angst. Hitoka prefers a little bit of both.
At the end of the day though, all of them want their lovers close by so they could welcome a better tomorrow together.
BG Låten [8-bit Remix] – Spelling Phailer
Shouyou naively announces having a video game competition, so Kei easily hands the other boys’ asses to them. They all knew that Kei was better than Tadashi, and infinitely better than both Tobio and Shouyou.
Hitoka was a true dark horse.
“I, um,” she squeaks, cheeks flushed red when she sees everyone’s jaws hanging, “I like to play on my phone sometimes? And I’m comfortable with consoles since I do computer stuff a lot.”
“You beat me.” Kei’s tone easily conveys his shock.
“AMAZING, YACCHAN!” Shouyou yells, jumping onto her.
The others follow him, piling on top of their girlfriend in a giant heap. She giggles, delighted to accept their congratulations.
Sour Candy – Carly Rae Jepsen ft. Josh Ramsay
Kiyoko loved Hitoka.
Hitoka was passionate and eager, anxious but headstrong. After she first recruited Hitoka, the younger girl hung onto Kiyoko’s every word like she hung the stars. Kiyoko loved watching her grow and appreciate the sport, fall in love with the team and their camaraderie.
She didn’t expect that Hitoka falls for the team in a romantic sense too.
She and Hitoka tried to make things work after Kiyoko’s graduation, but they both knew the distance was too hard for them. Their relationship ended amicably, and though it hurt Kiyoko so much more than she could have ever anticipated, she knew that Hitoka was in good hands.
She watches in the distance when the five of them pass by—hands and arms happily clasped onto one another—and smiles.
Otter Pop – Shawn Wasabi
“Here you go: popsicles! Blue for Tobio, orange for Shouyou, lemon for Hitoka, strawberry for Tsukki.”
“Thanks, Tadashi-kun!”
“F’ank yhew!”
“Ah, so refreshing!”
“Tadashi-kun, are you gonna eat yours?”
“Oh, yes!”
“What flavour did you get?”
“Aw, lemme try!”
“Okay, just don’t get your slobber over it.”
“I won’t!”
“He will.”
“Shut up, Tobio!”
“Guys, can we just enjoy ourselves, please?”
“Apparently not without a fight.”
Best Starships Ever (Nicki Minaj vs 1D) – Remix by Mikolo Mashups
They go to the beach after graduation, inviting the entire volleyball team to celebrate the end of the year as well as wishing the third-years goodbye.
Shouyou and Tobio are in charge of games and music, Tadashi and Kei in charge of food and drinks, and Hitoka covers all planning and decorating. The first- and second-years offer to pitch in with the prep but the five of them insist on doing this for the rest of the team.
They have a wonderful time by the sea, getting sunburnt under the sky, salt and sand lingering on their skin after playing in the water. They stay until well into the night, lighting up a bonfire at Shouyou’s request.
Portable speakers blast the best pop songs of the year, and they dance around the flames with laughter and smiles on their lips.
(More notes on Ao3.)
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kylosrehn · 7 years
Fitz, Aida, Jemma & Trip for the character thing!😃
general opinion: fall in a hole and die | don’t like them | eh | they’re fine I guess | like them! | love them | actual love of my life hotness level: get away from me | meh | neutral | theoretically hot but not my type | pretty hot | gorgeous! | 10/10 would bang (from like, mid s4 onwards, lol.)hogwarts house: gryffindor | slytherin | ravenclaw | hufflepuffbest quality: He always tries to see the best in people. Also, his resilience—he’s been through so much shit in his life but he’s never given up. worst quality: He backs down from arguments, even when he’s right, just to let certain people *cough* Jemma *cough* “win” for the sake of peace, to keep her happy and to prevent her from leaving again. He has critically low self-esteem and thinks he’s not good enough, even when it’s shown that he clearly is. Tends to do stupid/dangerous things in order to save others—jumping into random portals to weird alien planets, screaming at dangerous melting space rocks, etc. Look after yourself, dude!ship them with: Ophelia (in the Framework, or in a redemption team au scenario), Daisy.brotp them with: Jemma (I love them as a platonic friendship, but I never shipped them romantically, and I lowkey hate that they went there in canon and the way they went about it too), Hunter.needs to stay away from: His father, literally. misc. thoughts: He’s had the most significant character development out of all the characters on AOS, imo. I didn’t care about him all that much in the beginning, he didn’t have much depth beyond designated nerdy friend/tech designer/occasional comic relief, but he’s grown into one of the most brave, kind-hearted (and now also attractive and badass) characters on the show. Honestly, I’m mostly just sticking around for him. I think I’d have noped out of the show if it wasn’t for him. 
(See, this is always hard, because I love Ophelia, but the actual android Aida in the first few eps, not so much. So, uh, I guess I’ll just do both? lol)
general opinion: fall in a hole and die | don’t like them | eh | they’re fine I guess (Aida) | like them! | love them (Oph) | actual love of my life hotness level: get away from me | meh | neutral | theoretically hot but not my type | pretty hot | gorgeous! | 10/10 would banghogwarts house: gryffindor | slytherin | ravenclaw | hufflepuffbest quality: She’s determined, and she’ll work towards her goal no matter what (lol, literally.) She has the capacity to see the error of her ways and want to change for the better (eventually surrenders the tablet to Fitz in the Framework, expressing her regret over her actions, saying that saving Mack was the best moment of her life, asking if the team will be able to forgive her, etc.) worst quality: Anger issues is an understatement, lol. Driven by vengeance. Needs to learn how to communicate better. Use your words, not your fists, girl, lol.ship them with: Fitz (again, in the Framework and in a redemption au scenario.)brotp them with: I always thought she’d get along well with May. They always had this…weird connection (plus, her “heart”/power source literally saved May’s life, that’s kinda special), she really seemed to care about May and her well-being and respect her. I think she admired her strength and resilience. Plus, she was in favor of keeping her alive, giving her a chance and potentially trying to rehabilitate her when the team were having a vote on what to do with her in 4x21. I would’ve loved to see May take on a mentor kind of role with Ophelia. I think Daisy could potentially warm to her, and maybe Elena and Mack would come around with time, too.needs to stay away from: Ghost Rider, lol. Also, the Superior, whose brilliant plan to get the Darkhold literally got her killed. Damn it, girl. lol.misc. thoughts: I think she deserved better. She had potential. I was 100% on board with a redemption arc for her (which seemed pretty likely until…that scene.) We’ve never had a villain-turned-team-member redemption arc, and I think it would’ve been really satisfying to watch her trying to navigate being human and working as part of a team unit. 
She wouldn’t even have to be romantically involved with anyone, I just wanted to see her struggling to adjust but being driven by this desire to repent and do good (she literally said she doesn’t want to hurt anyone again, and that saving Mack brought her joy, I mean, come on) and just learning to be human with the help of the team. Also, she was weirdly…on top of things after coming out of the Framework. There was a lot of telling, not showing (which, tbh, is a prevalent problem on this show.) She’d talk about all these emotions she was feeling, but at the same time she was so…I don’t know, graceful? lol. I kind of wanted to see her being all over the place, fascinated and a little overwhelmed by everything, all the sensations and the sudden ability to smell, touch, taste, etc. Aside from that one scene with the sand and water on the beach, we didn’t really get to see a lot of her actually experiencing things for that first time, which I think would’ve been quite fun to watch. 
general opinion: fall in a hole and die | don’t like them | eh | they’re fine I guess | like them! | love them | actual love of my life (this largely depends on what she’s doing/what season we’re talking about. For example, I liked her well enough in S1, her endless fascination with all the scientific/magical weirdness they encountered and her excited babbling was delightful. I still like her when she’s sciencing. But aside from that, she’s one of my least favourite characters, definitely out of the mains, and probably tied with Coulson. I just don’t like the way they’re writing her.)hotness level: get away from me | meh | neutral | theoretically hot but not my type | pretty hot | gorgeous! | 10/10 would banghogwarts house: gryffindor | slytherin | ravenclaw | hufflepuff (I think her love of science and constant desire to discover and understand the weird and wonderful are her defining traits; however, I see S3-onwards Jemma also having Slytherin qualities since she started developing hard edges and is often shown to be driven by the desire for personal vengeance—Hive, Aida, etc.)best quality: See above. Her fascination with science is downright delightful, and I always love those moments with her on the show.worst quality: She’s very domineering. She and Fitz aren’t exactly on equal footing in many instances—she has this need to “win” in some ways, like, “oh, you think you’ve had it bad? Well, I’ve had it worse” or “yeah, yeah, I don’t care what you say, I still proposed first”, stuff like that. It’s frustrating. Let him speak his mind, lol. She’s very Hermoine-esque in that sense.ship them with: No one, really. Or, well, that’s not true, but none of them are on the show/alive anymore, lol. I liked her dynamic with Ward in S1 (the way they balanced each other out but also somehow complimented each other, the soft scientist and the “unfeeling” built-like-a-house specialist) and then later on with Trip. Also, *controversial opinion*, Jemma/Will wasn’t all that bad. I mean, I wasn’t crazy about it (there really isn’t all that much to glean from just one episode, not for me anyway) but I don’t think it deserved the absolute outrage and flame-throwing hatred it got in the fandom. Then again, I never shipped FS romantically, lol, so all alternate pairings are more than welcome in my book.brotp them with: Fitz and Daisyneeds to stay away from: Monoliths, lol.misc. thoughts: I think part of my problem with Jemma’s character (aside from the writing) is fandom’s reaction to her. I don’t know, I just find that *some* people have the tendency to put her on this imaginary pedestal and praise her for every little thing she does, acting like she’s some saintly martyr or something. In the eyes of the fandom, she can do no wrong. I don’t think I’ve ever seen a complaint or any sort of constructive criticism about her character (in the public posts anyway), and that’s so frustrating. Of course she’s got flaws. They all do. But idk people just tend to think she’s this ever-suffering, Holy Mother type of character, all the time, no matter what. It’s like, yes, you can be critical of your fave and still have them be your baby. 
general opinion: fall in a hole and die | don’t like them | eh | they’re fine I guess | like them! | love them | actual love of my life hotness level: get away from me | meh | neutral | theoretically hot but not my type | pretty hot | gorgeous! | 10/10 would banghogwarts house: gryffindor | slytherin | ravenclaw | hufflepuffbest quality: Kindness, loyalty and bravery. Also this easy, almost effortless kind of chemistry he had with the team. They all lit up a little bit whenever he walked into the room, and happiness is something they always need and never get enough of. Like a portable sunshine, lol.worst quality: I don’t want to say selflessness like it’s a bad thing but…I mean, you probably shouldn’t touch weird smoking crystals of unknown (and suspected alien) origin, right? Naivety, maybe? A little bit?ship them with: Jemma, mostly, I think. I know TripSkye is pretty big in the fandom, but I always saw it as a more platonic, big-brother type of thing, whereas there was definitely some flirting going on with Simmons, imo. She wasn’t exactly shy about fancying him, lol.brotp them with: Skye and Fitz (they deserved more scenes together, seriously.)needs to stay away from: Terrigen, lol. misc. thoughts: I liked him, he was a very positive character, but he wasn’t around enough for me to develop an opinion beyond that. Like, he virtually had no flaws, or, well, he was never shown to have any in the time that he was on screen anyway. That’s…never realistic, really. We don’t really know much about him aside from the fact that Garrett was his S.O., that his friend died because of the Clairvoyant/Garrett crap some time before canon, that his mother is alive, and that his grandfather was a Howling Commando. So, not much backstory. I mean, they don’t even bother to expand on the backstories of their existing mains, but still, I would’ve liked to know more about him. That way, you get more attached, you can relate to them more, and it hurts that much more when they kill them off, lol.
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velkynkarma · 7 years
Get to Know the Author
@bosstoaster has been tagging me all night :P
1. How did you come up with your username and what does it mean?
I’ve had the name ‘Karma’ for about 17 years now? I don’t even remember where it came from. The ‘Velkyn’ got added a little over 10 years ago when I decided I wanted to get back into fic writing. But I was still in that phase where you think you’re supposed to ‘grow out’ of fandoms and writing fanfiction, so I didn’t want any of my friends to know I was doing it. I was embarrassed. It was silly. I picked a different handle, VelkynKarma, which actually means ‘hidden Karma.’ Later I just liked the name and also got over my embarrassment for fic writing and just started using it everywhere.
2. Which fanfic of yours has the most feedback? (bookmarks/subscriptions/hits/kudos).
No matter what statistic you look at, Routine Maintenance wins across the board by a large margin. Parasite Knight only has 1 less subscription, though, so I guess it’s a fair contender on subs.
3. What is your AO3 profile icon, and why did you choose it?
Same as my tumblr icon, it’s one of my OC’s, Morrigu Lovel. He is a little smartass and I love him.
4. Do you have any regular/favourite commenters?
Oh for sure, there’s a few lovely readers that come back every time and always have something to say. I love you guys :) And a few others that don’t comment on every chapter or every work, but the comments they leave are always phenomenal and make my day.
5. Is there a fanfic that you keep going back to read again and again?
Depends on my mood, and I don’t necessarily read the entire fic, just the paragraphs/scenes/chapters that really stick out to me. But yeah, I’ve got some favorites I return to a lot.
6. How many stories are you subscribed to? How many do you have bookmarked?
Oh geez. This one’s hard to say since I watch stuff on AO3 and FF.net. A lot? I think a lot of those fics are dead now though.
7. Which AU do you find yourself writing the most?
Mmmm I don’t really have a tendency to stick to any particular series or AU for very long? I guess in terms of general themes I’ve done zombie AU’s the most, between Age of Heroes for Young Justice and Road Trip to End Times for Voltron...something about zombie apocalypse scenarios just fascinates me, especially since it can be done so many different ways.
8. How many people are subscribed and bookmarked to you in total? (you can view this on the stats page)
252 user subs, 444 work subs, 2039 bookmarks. I didn’t even know that until now, huh
9. Is there something you’d like to write about but are afraid of people judging you for it? (Feeling brave? If so, share it!)
There’s some character interactions that are such hot-button topics in the VLD fandom I’m cautious about approaching them because I don’t want to deal with people complaining or begging for things to get escalated. Like, I love Keith and Lance’s interactions in canon, but don’t have much fic centered around them because ship lashback is real.
10. Is there anything you would like to be better at? Writing certain scenes or genres, replying to comments, updating better, etc.
Short fic. What is brevity even? I can’t do zines or commissions because I can’t figure out how to manage a damn word count.
11. Do you write rarepairs or popular ships more often?
Nope! I don’t write any ships at all. I just write platonic interaction. Though I guess I wouldn’t be adverse to a platonic ‘rarepair’ as long as I liked the characters’ interaction potential.
12. How many stories have you posted on AO3 to this day (finished and unfinished)?
So far, 25. 23 of those are Voltron, 1 is Young Justice, and 1 is Supernatural (experimenting with cross-posting on both of those last two, some fandoms are just hard to break into or not on certain sites).
13. How many stories do you have saved in/with your writing program?
Oh boy. In progress? I wanna say 3. Notes? A lot, lot more.
14. Do you write down story ideas, or just keep them in your head?
I jot down notes! Or email myself ideas if I’m at work/out and about. Or speak them into a little portable digital tape recorder I keep next to my bed, if it’s the middle of the night and I have an idea, but lack dexterity to type.
15. Have you ever co-authored a story?
Not in a long, looong time.
16. How did you discover AO3?
Through TVTropes. Every time I finished a new series I’d swing by to read tropes pages and see if there were any decent fic recs. At first they all went to Fanfiction.net or livejournal but, over time, this ‘Archive’ thing kept showing up. I made an account to lurk or subscribe to things but didn’t actually start posting to it until at least a year later.
17. Do you consider yourself to be a popular or famous author in your fandom(s) on AO3?
Moderately well known in the platonic corner of it probably assuming people know bosstoaster and I are not actually the same person lol but probably not well known outside of that. Once upon a time I was a Big Name in the One Piece fandom, but after the timeskip I fell out of the fandom and lost my pirate king throne. That’s okay, it was fun while it lasted.
18. Do you have a nickname or fandom name for your readers?
No but you all are too kind
19. Was there an author who inspired or encouraged you to write?
In terms of ‘official’ authors, Brandon Sanderson is everything I ever aspire to be as a writer, and I take a lot of inspiration from that. For fic? My buddy BlackFriar was super helpful during the Young Justice era. More recently in the VLD fandom, @maychorian was big for just...getting me to stay in the fandom at all? One of her fics got me hooked and I stuck around, and then felt compelled to write, instead of just drifting off to the next interesting thing. And the Think Tank ( @bosstoaster @butteredonions @ashinan @mumblefox ) have all been huge for getting me to keep writing, between writing sprints and interesting discussions and a lot of encouragement, so that’s been huge for me this past year.
20. What writing advice would you give to a beginning author?
At the risk of sounding like that one video...just do it. It’s scary to put yourself out there, but just do it. You learn by doing. You also learn by absorbing new things around you, so read a lot and try new stuff; you never know when something completely random or a personal experience might actually add a lot to your story. And finally, write for you, first. Write the stories you want to see. Writing for comments/bookmarks/reblogs only goes so far. It means your motivation is reliant solely on people liking your work, which means you start writing for other people and not for yourself...and if reception is lackluster, it can kill your ability to finish a project, which hurts your practice at follow-through. It’s a slippery slope and starts to make the whole thing a lot less fun and a lot more of a chore. Write things you want to read, and if you feel like sharing them after, other people might like them too, but it’s important that you like it, first.
21. Do you plot out your stories, or do you just figure it out as you go?
Has to be plotted completely. If I try to wing it I meander or get hung up on trying to keep track of details. Turns into total garbage.
22. Have you ever gotten a bad comment on a story? If so, what did you do?
A few times, sure. Happens to everyone. Most often, it’s people begging, demanding, or insinuating that my platonic fics should include a ship, especially if the fic focuses on the interactions of two specific characters. Those are very frustrating because I’m always upfront about the fic being friendship only, and there are usually a million other ship fics already out there. Leave my platonic fic alone! I usually ignore the comments, or just politely remind people it’s friendship only and will remain that way. In one bewildering instance in a different fandom I had somebody who had been thoroughly enjoying the fic up until the climactic battle, whereupon they were furious at how it was resolved, and took great pains to tell me just what they thought. That one stung. I had to sit on it for a few days before I worked up the nerve to respond, and chatted with a few friends over it too. In the end I realized that it was more comparable to a fan really enjoying a canon work but being mad about a sudden twist that just didn’t seem right to them. It happens. I thanked them for reading, explained that I disagreed with their comments but did hear them, and thanked them for their time. Best I could do.
23. Is there a certain type of scene that you have a hard time writing? (action, smut, etc..)
I am straight-up incapable of romance, period. Even so far as to slide into ‘fake’ romance (I once got prompted for fake marriage/dating and literally couldn’t envision how to do it? It’s just so foreign to me). Or flirting. I can’t even identify flirting IRL. Basically anything in that general area of writing is completely out of my league. I can write intense scenes that are intimate in non-romantic, non-sexual ways, but those are really difficult for me to do too and I’m constantly second-guessing myself in case it’s maybe too much.
24. What story(s) are you working on now?
If I told you I’d have to kill you. But no, srsly, I don’t like to share ideas in progress until it’s almost done, just in case. Sometimes I share and then immediately lose interest, but I’ve already raised peoples’ hopes, and that’s just a dick move.
25. Do you plan your next project(s) before you finish your current ongoing story(s)?
I’ll have outlines, or sometimes need to plan around prompts. I don’t usually do series, so I never really need to plan too far ahead though. Sometimes if I’m plotting a crossover/AU I’ll obtain the source material and read/watch/play it to start gathering notes for that fic while working on a different fic, so that by the time I’m done writing the current story, the AU’s skeleton is plotted out and I have a place to slot in all the characters.
26. Do you have a daily writing goal set for yourself?
No. I’ve gotten better habits since working with the Think Tank but I still tend to be more of a ‘burst’ writer (no activity for days or weeks, and then suddenly word vomiting 100K in a month).
27. Do you think you’ve improved as a writer since you first started?
By a HUGE margin
28. What is your favorite story that you’ve written?
Oooh, that’s a toss-up between Phantasmagoria and Prince of Memory. The former because I love writing horror and it’s an idea I’d wanted to tackle for a while. The latter because it was a personal writing challenge to myself that I honestly wasn’t sure was going to go over all that well, but the response was stunning, and I was quietly surprised.
29. What is your least favorite story that you’ve written?
Caged Bird, from a different fandom. I make it a personal rule to never delete stories that I’ve posted, but ooh man, I wanted to get rid of this one really bad. I was happy when LJ gutted it. I actually don’t have any real dislike for any of my Voltron stuff.
30. Where do you see yourself (as a writer) in 5 years?
Still writing because I’d die if I stopped. Like a shark. But with writing.
31. What is the easiest thing about writing?
That flash of inspiration, when you get an idea and suddenly it’s building itself almost too fast for you to keep up. Dialogue. Action sequences.
32. What is the hardest thing about writing?
Getting started. Titles. Editing. Research. Any particularly emotional moment.
33. Why do you write?
Because fandoms are fun but I have so many questions after. “What if X happened? What if Y was a factor? Why not Z?” I try to hunt down answers to these questions in fandoms and if the fic isn’t already written, I write it. Also to challenge myself to do things that haven’t been done in the fandom yet, or to tackle things I haven’t tried yet.
I think everyone’s been tagged already so...feel free to play if you want, I guess!
6 notes · View notes
artificervaldi · 7 years
I decided to make a post about where different Persona games fall overall in terms of how much I love them with explanation so I can look back on it after the new spin offs and the like come out/possible redirect people to this if they ask why game a is above game b.
Order of Persona Games based on my enjoyment of the story, not gameplay because I’m that kinda person. Note I do enjoy them all and the amount of time I’ve known them can affect how much I like them, but that’s not always the case.
Main Games:
Persona 3 FES - Male MC is my favorite for P3 and The Answer is something that tugs at my heartstrings a lot. It was kinda inevitable that this would be my #1 in terms of Persona games, honestly. It gives us the main story (or The Journey) and then clears things up (don’t tell me you could figure out what happened to the MC just from The Journey’s end. There is no way anyone could guess everything about Erebus and the like when FES first released). It also basically contains what is Main Timeline canon for Persona 3 and adds some to the lore. I may throw canon to the wind often, but I need that sweet P3 Lore.
Persona 3 Portable - I do like the addition of FeMC, I really do. I actually first saw P3 in portable form, even. I like the new/added social links and the slight story alterations FeMC brought, but things like The Answer pushed P3FES ahead just a little bit. P3P is a close second, though.
Persona 5 - Just really has a cast of characters I like. Has some of my favorite aesthetics and, while I said no gameplay, the dungeons do sort of play into this. More for the fact it can tell us a lot about the antagonists being faced and I find that cool. There’s not enough about it to push it past 3 for me, but super solid.
Persona 4 Golden - This is partially due to it being the game I learned a lot about second. Has a lot of issues, but I do like a lot of the cast (Kanji, Naoto, and Teddie esp come to mind playable character wise). Adachi was a really interesting villain (the human antagonist was one thing most games kinda beat out 3 in imo) and I honestly thought the overall theme of the game was nice.
Persona 2 Eternal Punishment - I really like Maya as a protagonist and seeing a group of adults as the heroes of the story. I enjoyed the overall plot and the P2 Duology probably has the villain that scares me the most. EP mostly wins out for the cast, though. I like both but I love the adults of P2EP.
Persona 2 Innocent Sin - See above, basically. Liked the story and has the villain that scares me the most. Only beaten by EP due to me loving the adults while it’s more of a like of most of IS’s cast.
Persona 1 - The characters were honestly kinda... lackluster in comparison to the rest of the casts imo, even though I do like them. The plot was pretty cool and kudos to the game for basically having two games with the different routes.
The moral of this is P3 has complete control over me, basically and if you combined P3FES and P3P it would be my Favorite Persona Ever.
Spin offs:
Persona 4 Arena - The Flanderization bothered me, for sure but... I did enjoy the basic idea. Labrys’ and Elizabeth’s story modes also really brought at least a few tears to my eyes because I’m W E A K.
Persona Q - See the flanderization note above. I was honestly super happy for more Shinji and that was the thing that pushed it so far up. I also really love Zen and Rei, so that helped it out too. The art was also super cute.
Persona 4 Dancing All Night - The plot was solid, I like Kanami and the other new characters, that’s about all I can say.
Persona 4 Arena Ultimax - Liked Sho and the basic concept, writing could’ve used some serious refinement.
(Side note: You can bet your sweet bippy that P3DMN will throw itself into #1 when it comes out. 5 and Q2 will probably be somewhere around Q, and P5U would probably beat out Ultimax and maybe DAN depending)
Just based off numbers/spin off status:
Persona 3 - Would die for this game.
Persona 5 - Pretty solid, would play again.
Persona 4 - Holds a special place in my heart.
Persona 2 - Solid, has a lot of good things.
Spinoffs - I love the silly nature mixed with serious things a lot honestly.
Persona 1 - I may not love it as much, but thanks P1 for existing and allowing the rest of the series to happen!
4 notes · View notes
allenmendezsr · 5 years
Phone Photography Tricks - Trick Photography With Your Iphone!
New Post has been published on https://autotraffixpro.app/allenmendezsr/phone-photography-tricks-trick-photography-with-your-iphone/
Phone Photography Tricks - Trick Photography With Your Iphone!
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    WARNING: You Don’t Want To Snap Another Photo Until You Read This Startling Report…
Just Use These Proven Techniques To Instantly Become A “Mini Celebrity” On Social Media Sites… Without Ever Using Photoshop!
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Now can take amazing photos like these on your smartphone camera. And the cool thing is, you don’t need an expensive DSLR… or even Photoshop!
Dear Friend,
If you would like to take mind-blowing photographs with your smartphone…
If you would like to dazzle and shock your friends with your shots…
If you would like to become a trick photography expert, almost overnight…
…Then this is going to be the most exciting message you will ever read.
Hi, name is Carl Hartman and I’m a professional photographer.
Some of my friends even claim that I’m a complete photography nut. But there’s been a recent change in photography technology that has really ticked me off. Here’s why…
For more than 25 years, I’ve been studying and mastering FX and trick photography.
Early in my career, I earned a mentorship with award-winning industrial photographer, Robert Thornton. I then became the editor and executive producer at Universal Studios and PBS for 12 years.
Later, I worked as the director for the live action sequences in the best-selling computer games, DOOM and Chess Wars. More recently, I won the “Best of the Best” award at PBS and the “Most Creative” award from US International Film and Video.
But thanks to some new technology, complete photography newbie’s can take photos almost as good as what I can do ¬¬– and they can do it without spending thousands of dollars and months of time learning tricks of the trade.
See, when I was first starting out, the digital single-lens reflex camera (DSLR) was just invented. And it quickly became “all the rage” among serious photographers. I had to scrap together $1,200 to buy my first professional camera (Nikon D230 #).
With my new DSLR, I took breathtaking special effects shots I never even dreamed of taking with my old point-and-shoot camera. Some of my photos were so amazing that my friends refused to believe I took them, until I showed them the photos on my camera.
That was 20-some years ago. Today, things are completely different.
Technology has evolved at the speed of light. While many photographers still believe they need fancy-schmancy DSLRs to capture quality photos, the honest to goodness truth is you can actually…
“Transform” Your Smartphone Camera Into A High-End DSLR!
It’s true!
Once you know how to use your smartphone as a high-end DSLR, you can use it to capture spectacular shots like these:
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Not quite convinced?
Okay, take a look at the two images below.
Can you guess which one was taken by the iPhone 5… and which one was taken by the Canon EOS 7D ($1,599.00)?
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Can you spot the difference?
Well, the photo on the left was taken by the iPhone 3GS (with the help of a special image enhancement app we’ll talk about in just a bit.)
Since camera phone technology has become super advanced, the qualities of the photos are nearly identical.
In fact, there’s an entire “iPhoneography” movement going on right now, where world-class photographers are ditching their regular camera equipment and snapping shots only their iPhones!
And here’s the kicker (and why I’m so ticked off): There are still loads of self-righteous photography “experts” out there who claim you need at least a Nikon D5100, telephoto zoom lenses and their 6 week evening course just to start taking great pictures yourself.
As someone who has been living, sleeping and breathing photography his entire life, I can tell you….
That’s Pure Hogwash!
I’m tired of seeing struggling photographers get beat down because they can’t fully grasp perplexing camera functions… or sit through hours of mind-numbing and boring lectures, or shell out the funds for any 6-week money-grubbing course.
I blame arrogant photo “gurus” who think they’re helping you out by offering professional photography lessons. But they’re actually scaring away new photographers with their lucrative prices and complicated instruction.
I’ve gotten so hot under the collar by this nonsense that I made it my personal mission to show everyone a much easier way to take breath taking photos…
Without using fancy lenses, lighting and other extravagant equipment…
Without needing any pricey classes and dull lectures…
And without dropping boo-coo bucks for a DSLR!
The truth is, if you own a smartphone (iPhone, Samsung, HTC, Blackberry, whatever), then you already have everything you need to take create incredible photographs that will blow away you and your friends.
Like these…
In fact, the phone you already have can be an even better camera than some high-end DSLRs.
The Amazing Reasons Why The Best DSLR Camera Is… Probably Already In Your Pocket
FACT: Newer smartphone models have ultra-sharp image quality. They can do practically everything (and sometimes more) as your standard DSLR. (Even the old iPhone 3GS – which has a “puny” 3-megapixel camera¬– can give DSLRs a run for their money. And the iPhone 4, 4S and 5 are even better.)
FACT: Smartphones are “pocketable” and portable. You have the freedom to take pictures anywhere you go, without having to lug around heavy camera equipment. And because they’re less intrusive… you’re less likely to draw attention to yourself and get a bunch of “weird stares” whenever you take a photo. Certainly not the case with bulky DSLRs!
FACT: You can easily add special effects to your photos with free photo-editing apps. Then, quickly upload them to your favorite photo sharing sites with the touch of a button. There’s no hassle of transferring files to your computer or messing around with Photoshop.
When you finally discover the secrets to trick photography and special effects on your smartphone, you’ll be able to…
…Master photography basics and “shortcut” your learning curve by at least 6 months…
…Instantly apply these tricks and techniques to the very next photo you snap –Many pros have paid thousands of dollars to learn these secrets… and absolutely hate revealing them at any cost!…
…Skyrocket the activity on your Instagram, Tumblr and Flickr pages… and receive massive praise and recognition from other members on online photo-sharing communities!
The good news is, this is all possible because I just put together a complete 20 video training course. You’ll discover how to improve your “regular” shots while you also transform become a trick photography pro.
Phone Photography Tricks:
The Revolutionary Video Course That Shows You How To Capture Mind-Blow Artistic Images Using Only Your Smartphone
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The videos are split into easy–to-follow lessons that enable you to take awesome photos and breathtaking special effects shots you and your friends won’t believe.
Like these…
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This course is designed to turn a complete photography newbie into an accomplished smartphone photographer in the shortest time possible.
Each lesson contains the core essentials you need to know so you can take mind-boggling pictures with your smartphone. There’s no fluff or filler and I’m not going to waste your time with stale theory either.
I’ve taken the most crucial trick photography concepts I learned in my 25+ years of professional photography and distilled them into a potent collection of lessons that I’ll be serving you throughout this course.
Most beginners take 6 to 12 months to get through the struggling amateur stage, but you’ll bypass it completely with these shortcut secrets.
I’ve included assignments at the end of every lesson so you can apply what you learn and take stunning shots right away. These exercises will “hardwire” each lesson into your brain, so you actually get better… in a flash.
You’ll put every other smartphone users to shame.
While they still haven’t got a clue, they’ll only sit in wonder about why everyone online is absolutely mad about your photos, and not theirs.
Here’s exactly what’s you’ll discover inside Phone Photography Tricks…
Essential smartphone camera features that can instantly enhance your picture quality by 100%. (Even the most savvy smartphone addicts don’t know about these…)
How to use special focus techniques to create photographs with a subtle “meaning”…Screw this up and you can kiss any emotional impact in your photos goodbye!
The secret “depth of focus” technique… just use this to always get crisp, focused pictures – even if your subject is in motion or you have shaky hands!
How to split someone in half… If you ever want to freak out your friends, just try this simple trick…
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And believe it or not, you’ll be able to create these spectacular images…
Without Photoshop!
That means you can create jaw-dropping images without investing $599 for Photoshop CS5.
You won’t need PhotoShop because I’ve included my course is photo-editing software that’s virtually identical.
In fact, you may find it even easier and more intuitive to use. So you can recreate some of the more “advanced” photography tricks without getting slapped in the face by Photoshop’s harsh learning curve.
You’re just a few minutes away from developing pro-level skills that will stay with you for life.
It doesn’t matter if you’re a real photography nut, or simply interested in improving your shots. As long as you have a smartphone and a desire to take some killer photos, then this course will revolutionize the way you take pictures forever.
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Thousands of facebook likes, and hundreds of friend requests all thanks to your site! Now I’m excited every time I post photos on facebook because I know it will get lots of likes and praises from my family and friends!
Michelle Adams Los Angeles, California.
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All my Facebook friends were shocked after I posted the photographs from my travel vacation to Miami. They thought I paid a professional photographer to capture these photos or I took photography tutorials. Some thought I bought a new DSLR camera. I got hundreds of comments of different praises and questions on my photography skills. They don’t believe me when I told them that I only used my smart phones! Now, they want me to come to their travel trips and vacations – all paid expense – just to take their photos! All thanks to Phone Photography Tricks!
Robert Owens Chicago Ridge, Illinois
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Zero view a day, no comment in posts or photos and zero add friend request are things of my online dating site’s profile in the past. Now, I have many friends. I have their attention. Some I have dated, some I already met over the coffee, and some are for my games’ networking to level up and some men I chat with during lonely nights when I can’t sleep. I can’t believe what the Phone Photography tricks can do! Just one amazing profile photo using their tricks, my life had changed overnight! Kudos!
Jo Paredes Calgary, Canada
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I have never been comfortable in posing in front of the camera until a friend showed a photo of me that he has taken using his phone. It was insanely awesome picture! I never saw myself that way in my whole life! I bought myself the same feature in PhonePhotographyTricks.com and from then on I love capturing myself photographs everywhere I go. It is addicting really. Already started arranging my own album and collecting beautiful shots of my travel events! Thank you Phone Photography Tricks for my new found hobby. More power!
Maurizio Amario Rome, Italy
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Most of my friends are in to photography. Some of them had chosen photography as their profession. I envy then coz they have the latest and expensive DSLR camera. When we have get together or outings, I always heard them talking about the latest gadgets. It is always makes me want to own one but I couldn’t afford it. Then I tried the PhonePhotographyTricks.com using my Android phone and posted some of my shots on my social network profile. Our paths crossed again in some party, they go nuts after I told them that I don’t have new camera! They love my pictures. They thought I became one of them and stealing their clients when some of them commented on the post wanting to hire my service! Thanks to Phone Photography Tricks, the program proves that you don’t need to buy an expensive camera to have wonderful and professional looking photographs. Who knows and maybe later, I’ll consider this as a sideline.
Gary Edcel Phoenix, Arizona
Inside Phone Photography Tricks, you’ll also discover…
Now, you might be wondering…
“Carl, This Sounds Great, But How Much Is It?”
If you were to sing up for a typical an Intro to Photography evening class, then you’d have to spend $1000 to $2000 for the class.
Many of the online photography courses can still reach you $499 to $999 each.
… And on top of that, your professor will force you to buy an expensive DSLR camera and equipment…
What’s worse, these courses will be made up of long, drawn out instruction and uninteresting theory. Instead of having fun learning photography, you’ll feel like you’re in a boring physics lecture.
And if you ever had to sit through boring classes before, then you know just how quickly you start forgetting what you learned the weeks before. That’s money and time down the drain.
(Don’t get me wrong. These classes are fine if your goal is to become a professional photographer. But for the average person who simply wants more activity on their Flickr page, win a few photo-contests, or just take more pleasing pictures, these options are way too expensive.)
I could decide to offer this program for $200 and I would probably have countless photographers ready, eager, and willing to sign up just to get access to my more than 25 years in-the-trenches experience as a professional photographer.
But you’re not even going to pay half of that – $100.
If you grab your copy of “Phone Photography Tricks” today, you only have to make a one-time investment of $27.
Look, it steams me to no end when I see young photographers get ripped off by greedy photography “experts” and their needless classes.
It turns my stomach when I hear young photographer saying that if they don’t have a top-end DSLR, then they’ll never be able to take quality shots.
And it makes my heart break when these new guys get discouraged and drop out of photography all together.
That’s why I’m pricing this course as low as possible.
Well, when I was starting out, there were more experienced photographers who lent me a helping hand when I had questions. While I don’t have time to personally mentor every worthy candidate, I’ve decided to help as many people as I can with this program.
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In fact, I’m so sure you’ll be absolutely thrilled with this program, I’m going to back up every promise I make on this page with…
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Here’s how it works: Go ahead and sign up for my “Phone Photography Tricks”.
Go through the video lessons and if you’re not convinced beyond a shadow of a doubt… at any time..this amazing course is not everything I’ve just written about, then I insist you immediately contact me for a full refund.
That’s right, if you’re not totally delighted with this course, just shoot me an email within 8 weeks of today, and I’ll send back every single dime… no questions asked.
That’s how confident I am these photography techniques will supercharge” every smartphone photo you take from now on.
To make your decision much easier, I’m also going to throw in some killer bonuses. (I’m feeling extra generous.)
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Bonus #1: Unlimited Lifetime Consultation($500 Value)
Clients have paid me upwards of $500 to work me one-on-one. But because I’m close to retiring and photography is my obsession, I’ll give you my personal email address for free if you invest in this course today.
If you ever feel stuck, want additional insider tips, or just want to talk shop with a pro, just send me a message and I’ll get back to you quickly- usually in less in 1 business day.
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Bonus #2: How To Get Your Photos Featured on Flickr and Instagram ($27 Value)
This report will reveal the secrets to getting your photos featured on Instagram and Flickr. You’ll discover exactly how to consistently produce amazing photos that earn the respect and admiration of others. Don’t be surprised when you start getting treated like a “mini-celebrity” on these sites.
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Bonus #3: How To Make Passive Income With Photography ($27 Value)
This special report will show you how to make money with photography and turn your hobby into a part-time passive income stream. Even some pro’s don’t even know about these simple steps for collecting lifetime royalties from your photos… and it’s way easier you think!
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Bonus #4: All-In-One Photo Editing Software with 41 Video Tutorials ($97 Value)
This is a simple-to-use photo-editing program that’s very similar to Photoshop (which can cost up to $599). And in my opinion, the editing interface is much more straightforward compared to Photoshop.
Note: These special bonuses is a limited time offer only and will be promptly pulled down soon.
To sum up, you’re getting my complete “Phone Photography Tricks” video course. It contains everything you need to start taking extraordinary phone photographs that will impress the heck out of your friends.
And if you order before you’ll also get 4 high-value bonuses to make it even easier for you to master camera phone trick photography. And take stunning photos like these:
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So now you have 2 choices.
You can close this page and do nothing. And nothing will change. You’ll keep on taking same boring photos like most people, secretly wishing you could do better.
You can invest in my “Phone Trick Photography” course without any risk and receive 4 valuable bonuses. You’ll be able to immediately apply these closely-guarded trick photography secrets. And easily take pictures that earn you huge amounts of respect from everyone who sees them.
Just click the “Add to Cart” button below. You’ll be taken to a secure order page that uses top tier 128 bit security encryption to make sure your information is 100% safe.
After entering your credit card or Paypal information, you’ll be taken to the member’s area, where you can watch the videos and download the bonuses immediately.
It doesn’t matter if it’s 3am on a Saturday. You can grab this course right now and improve your photography skills by at least 5 times within just a few hours.
Go ahead and click “Add to Cart” now.
YES! Carl, I’m in! Please give me immediate access to your Phone Photography Tricks video course for just $27. I’m ready to discover the secrets to taking JAW-DROPPING photos on my smartphone… faster and easier than I thought was ever possible.
FAST ACTION BONUS! I’m ordering before so please also send me the 3 special bonus reports, AND your personal email address so I can easily get in touch with you if I have any questions at all. I understand I have 8 weeks to put your phone photography secret tricks and techniques to use.
Then, if you’re not absolutely thrilled by the content, you can simply shoot me an email and get a full refund. No hassles. No questions asked. But no matter what you decide, the special bonuses are yours to keep just for giving our program a try.
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Join Now and Start Taking Amazing Pictures Today!
Remember, these are tricks and techniques I’ve personally invested over tens of thousands of dollars and more than 25 years of my life to learn. You’re getting all of my best secrets, knowledge and wisdom for just a tiny fraction of that.
Go ahead and order by clicking the link below. You’re just a few minutes away from taking amazing photos for the rest of your life.
To your success,
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Carl Hartman
P.S. Unannounced bonus: If you invest in this course today, I’m also going to share with you my private portfolio of over 300 creative photographs taken by world-class photographic artists around the world.
Combined with the tricks and techniques you’ll learn in this course, these photos will massively inspire you and “unlock” your creativity, allowing you to create out-of-this world photos on demand!
P.S.S. We usually sell the bonuses seperately, so I’m taking down the 4 fast response bonuses (including your free lifetime consultation opportunity and the step-by-step “How to Get Your Photos Featured on Flickr and Instagram” special report) on . Act fast to secure your spot before it’s too late!
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0 notes
allenmendezsr · 5 years
Phone Photography Tricks - Trick Photography With Your Iphone!
New Post has been published on https://autotraffixpro.app/allenmendezsr/phone-photography-tricks-trick-photography-with-your-iphone/
Phone Photography Tricks - Trick Photography With Your Iphone!
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 Buy Now
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    WARNING: You Don’t Want To Snap Another Photo Until You Read This Startling Report…
Just Use These Proven Techniques To Instantly Become A “Mini Celebrity” On Social Media Sites… Without Ever Using Photoshop!
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Now can take amazing photos like these on your smartphone camera. And the cool thing is, you don’t need an expensive DSLR… or even Photoshop!
Dear Friend,
If you would like to take mind-blowing photographs with your smartphone…
If you would like to dazzle and shock your friends with your shots…
If you would like to become a trick photography expert, almost overnight…
…Then this is going to be the most exciting message you will ever read.
Hi, name is Carl Hartman and I’m a professional photographer.
Some of my friends even claim that I’m a complete photography nut. But there’s been a recent change in photography technology that has really ticked me off. Here’s why…
For more than 25 years, I’ve been studying and mastering FX and trick photography.
Early in my career, I earned a mentorship with award-winning industrial photographer, Robert Thornton. I then became the editor and executive producer at Universal Studios and PBS for 12 years.
Later, I worked as the director for the live action sequences in the best-selling computer games, DOOM and Chess Wars. More recently, I won the “Best of the Best” award at PBS and the “Most Creative” award from US International Film and Video.
But thanks to some new technology, complete photography newbie’s can take photos almost as good as what I can do ¬¬– and they can do it without spending thousands of dollars and months of time learning tricks of the trade.
See, when I was first starting out, the digital single-lens reflex camera (DSLR) was just invented. And it quickly became “all the rage” among serious photographers. I had to scrap together $1,200 to buy my first professional camera (Nikon D230 #).
With my new DSLR, I took breathtaking special effects shots I never even dreamed of taking with my old point-and-shoot camera. Some of my photos were so amazing that my friends refused to believe I took them, until I showed them the photos on my camera.
That was 20-some years ago. Today, things are completely different.
Technology has evolved at the speed of light. While many photographers still believe they need fancy-schmancy DSLRs to capture quality photos, the honest to goodness truth is you can actually…
“Transform” Your Smartphone Camera Into A High-End DSLR!
It’s true!
Once you know how to use your smartphone as a high-end DSLR, you can use it to capture spectacular shots like these:
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Not quite convinced?
Okay, take a look at the two images below.
Can you guess which one was taken by the iPhone 5… and which one was taken by the Canon EOS 7D ($1,599.00)?
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Can you spot the difference?
Well, the photo on the left was taken by the iPhone 3GS (with the help of a special image enhancement app we’ll talk about in just a bit.)
Since camera phone technology has become super advanced, the qualities of the photos are nearly identical.
In fact, there’s an entire “iPhoneography” movement going on right now, where world-class photographers are ditching their regular camera equipment and snapping shots only their iPhones!
And here’s the kicker (and why I’m so ticked off): There are still loads of self-righteous photography “experts” out there who claim you need at least a Nikon D5100, telephoto zoom lenses and their 6 week evening course just to start taking great pictures yourself.
As someone who has been living, sleeping and breathing photography his entire life, I can tell you….
That’s Pure Hogwash!
I’m tired of seeing struggling photographers get beat down because they can’t fully grasp perplexing camera functions… or sit through hours of mind-numbing and boring lectures, or shell out the funds for any 6-week money-grubbing course.
I blame arrogant photo “gurus” who think they’re helping you out by offering professional photography lessons. But they’re actually scaring away new photographers with their lucrative prices and complicated instruction.
I’ve gotten so hot under the collar by this nonsense that I made it my personal mission to show everyone a much easier way to take breath taking photos…
Without using fancy lenses, lighting and other extravagant equipment…
Without needing any pricey classes and dull lectures…
And without dropping boo-coo bucks for a DSLR!
The truth is, if you own a smartphone (iPhone, Samsung, HTC, Blackberry, whatever), then you already have everything you need to take create incredible photographs that will blow away you and your friends.
Like these…
In fact, the phone you already have can be an even better camera than some high-end DSLRs.
The Amazing Reasons Why The Best DSLR Camera Is… Probably Already In Your Pocket
FACT: Newer smartphone models have ultra-sharp image quality. They can do practically everything (and sometimes more) as your standard DSLR. (Even the old iPhone 3GS – which has a “puny” 3-megapixel camera¬– can give DSLRs a run for their money. And the iPhone 4, 4S and 5 are even better.)
FACT: Smartphones are “pocketable” and portable. You have the freedom to take pictures anywhere you go, without having to lug around heavy camera equipment. And because they’re less intrusive… you’re less likely to draw attention to yourself and get a bunch of “weird stares” whenever you take a photo. Certainly not the case with bulky DSLRs!
FACT: You can easily add special effects to your photos with free photo-editing apps. Then, quickly upload them to your favorite photo sharing sites with the touch of a button. There’s no hassle of transferring files to your computer or messing around with Photoshop.
When you finally discover the secrets to trick photography and special effects on your smartphone, you’ll be able to…
…Master photography basics and “shortcut” your learning curve by at least 6 months…
…Instantly apply these tricks and techniques to the very next photo you snap –Many pros have paid thousands of dollars to learn these secrets… and absolutely hate revealing them at any cost!…
…Skyrocket the activity on your Instagram, Tumblr and Flickr pages… and receive massive praise and recognition from other members on online photo-sharing communities!
The good news is, this is all possible because I just put together a complete 20 video training course. You’ll discover how to improve your “regular” shots while you also transform become a trick photography pro.
Phone Photography Tricks:
The Revolutionary Video Course That Shows You How To Capture Mind-Blow Artistic Images Using Only Your Smartphone
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The videos are split into easy–to-follow lessons that enable you to take awesome photos and breathtaking special effects shots you and your friends won’t believe.
Like these…
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This course is designed to turn a complete photography newbie into an accomplished smartphone photographer in the shortest time possible.
Each lesson contains the core essentials you need to know so you can take mind-boggling pictures with your smartphone. There’s no fluff or filler and I’m not going to waste your time with stale theory either.
I’ve taken the most crucial trick photography concepts I learned in my 25+ years of professional photography and distilled them into a potent collection of lessons that I’ll be serving you throughout this course.
Most beginners take 6 to 12 months to get through the struggling amateur stage, but you’ll bypass it completely with these shortcut secrets.
I’ve included assignments at the end of every lesson so you can apply what you learn and take stunning shots right away. These exercises will “hardwire” each lesson into your brain, so you actually get better… in a flash.
You’ll put every other smartphone users to shame.
While they still haven’t got a clue, they’ll only sit in wonder about why everyone online is absolutely mad about your photos, and not theirs.
Here’s exactly what’s you’ll discover inside Phone Photography Tricks…
Essential smartphone camera features that can instantly enhance your picture quality by 100%. (Even the most savvy smartphone addicts don’t know about these…)
How to use special focus techniques to create photographs with a subtle “meaning”…Screw this up and you can kiss any emotional impact in your photos goodbye!
The secret “depth of focus” technique… just use this to always get crisp, focused pictures – even if your subject is in motion or you have shaky hands!
How to split someone in half… If you ever want to freak out your friends, just try this simple trick…
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And believe it or not, you’ll be able to create these spectacular images…
Without Photoshop!
That means you can create jaw-dropping images without investing $599 for Photoshop CS5.
You won’t need PhotoShop because I’ve included my course is photo-editing software that’s virtually identical.
In fact, you may find it even easier and more intuitive to use. So you can recreate some of the more “advanced” photography tricks without getting slapped in the face by Photoshop’s harsh learning curve.
You’re just a few minutes away from developing pro-level skills that will stay with you for life.
It doesn’t matter if you’re a real photography nut, or simply interested in improving your shots. As long as you have a smartphone and a desire to take some killer photos, then this course will revolutionize the way you take pictures forever.
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Thousands of facebook likes, and hundreds of friend requests all thanks to your site! Now I’m excited every time I post photos on facebook because I know it will get lots of likes and praises from my family and friends!
Michelle Adams Los Angeles, California.
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All my Facebook friends were shocked after I posted the photographs from my travel vacation to Miami. They thought I paid a professional photographer to capture these photos or I took photography tutorials. Some thought I bought a new DSLR camera. I got hundreds of comments of different praises and questions on my photography skills. They don’t believe me when I told them that I only used my smart phones! Now, they want me to come to their travel trips and vacations – all paid expense – just to take their photos! All thanks to Phone Photography Tricks!
Robert Owens Chicago Ridge, Illinois
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Zero view a day, no comment in posts or photos and zero add friend request are things of my online dating site’s profile in the past. Now, I have many friends. I have their attention. Some I have dated, some I already met over the coffee, and some are for my games’ networking to level up and some men I chat with during lonely nights when I can’t sleep. I can’t believe what the Phone Photography tricks can do! Just one amazing profile photo using their tricks, my life had changed overnight! Kudos!
Jo Paredes Calgary, Canada
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I have never been comfortable in posing in front of the camera until a friend showed a photo of me that he has taken using his phone. It was insanely awesome picture! I never saw myself that way in my whole life! I bought myself the same feature in PhonePhotographyTricks.com and from then on I love capturing myself photographs everywhere I go. It is addicting really. Already started arranging my own album and collecting beautiful shots of my travel events! Thank you Phone Photography Tricks for my new found hobby. More power!
Maurizio Amario Rome, Italy
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Most of my friends are in to photography. Some of them had chosen photography as their profession. I envy then coz they have the latest and expensive DSLR camera. When we have get together or outings, I always heard them talking about the latest gadgets. It is always makes me want to own one but I couldn’t afford it. Then I tried the PhonePhotographyTricks.com using my Android phone and posted some of my shots on my social network profile. Our paths crossed again in some party, they go nuts after I told them that I don’t have new camera! They love my pictures. They thought I became one of them and stealing their clients when some of them commented on the post wanting to hire my service! Thanks to Phone Photography Tricks, the program proves that you don’t need to buy an expensive camera to have wonderful and professional looking photographs. Who knows and maybe later, I’ll consider this as a sideline.
Gary Edcel Phoenix, Arizona
Inside Phone Photography Tricks, you’ll also discover…
Now, you might be wondering…
“Carl, This Sounds Great, But How Much Is It?”
If you were to sing up for a typical an Intro to Photography evening class, then you’d have to spend $1000 to $2000 for the class.
Many of the online photography courses can still reach you $499 to $999 each.
… And on top of that, your professor will force you to buy an expensive DSLR camera and equipment…
What’s worse, these courses will be made up of long, drawn out instruction and uninteresting theory. Instead of having fun learning photography, you’ll feel like you’re in a boring physics lecture.
And if you ever had to sit through boring classes before, then you know just how quickly you start forgetting what you learned the weeks before. That’s money and time down the drain.
(Don’t get me wrong. These classes are fine if your goal is to become a professional photographer. But for the average person who simply wants more activity on their Flickr page, win a few photo-contests, or just take more pleasing pictures, these options are way too expensive.)
I could decide to offer this program for $200 and I would probably have countless photographers ready, eager, and willing to sign up just to get access to my more than 25 years in-the-trenches experience as a professional photographer.
But you’re not even going to pay half of that – $100.
If you grab your copy of “Phone Photography Tricks” today, you only have to make a one-time investment of $27.
Look, it steams me to no end when I see young photographers get ripped off by greedy photography “experts” and their needless classes.
It turns my stomach when I hear young photographer saying that if they don’t have a top-end DSLR, then they’ll never be able to take quality shots.
And it makes my heart break when these new guys get discouraged and drop out of photography all together.
That’s why I’m pricing this course as low as possible.
Well, when I was starting out, there were more experienced photographers who lent me a helping hand when I had questions. While I don’t have time to personally mentor every worthy candidate, I’ve decided to help as many people as I can with this program.
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In fact, I’m so sure you’ll be absolutely thrilled with this program, I’m going to back up every promise I make on this page with…
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Here’s how it works: Go ahead and sign up for my “Phone Photography Tricks”.
Go through the video lessons and if you’re not convinced beyond a shadow of a doubt… at any time..this amazing course is not everything I’ve just written about, then I insist you immediately contact me for a full refund.
That’s right, if you’re not totally delighted with this course, just shoot me an email within 8 weeks of today, and I’ll send back every single dime… no questions asked.
That’s how confident I am these photography techniques will supercharge” every smartphone photo you take from now on.
To make your decision much easier, I’m also going to throw in some killer bonuses. (I’m feeling extra generous.)
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Bonus #1: Unlimited Lifetime Consultation($500 Value)
Clients have paid me upwards of $500 to work me one-on-one. But because I’m close to retiring and photography is my obsession, I’ll give you my personal email address for free if you invest in this course today.
If you ever feel stuck, want additional insider tips, or just want to talk shop with a pro, just send me a message and I’ll get back to you quickly- usually in less in 1 business day.
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Bonus #2: How To Get Your Photos Featured on Flickr and Instagram ($27 Value)
This report will reveal the secrets to getting your photos featured on Instagram and Flickr. You’ll discover exactly how to consistently produce amazing photos that earn the respect and admiration of others. Don’t be surprised when you start getting treated like a “mini-celebrity” on these sites.
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Bonus #3: How To Make Passive Income With Photography ($27 Value)
This special report will show you how to make money with photography and turn your hobby into a part-time passive income stream. Even some pro’s don’t even know about these simple steps for collecting lifetime royalties from your photos… and it’s way easier you think!
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Bonus #4: All-In-One Photo Editing Software with 41 Video Tutorials ($97 Value)
This is a simple-to-use photo-editing program that’s very similar to Photoshop (which can cost up to $599). And in my opinion, the editing interface is much more straightforward compared to Photoshop.
Note: These special bonuses is a limited time offer only and will be promptly pulled down soon.
To sum up, you’re getting my complete “Phone Photography Tricks” video course. It contains everything you need to start taking extraordinary phone photographs that will impress the heck out of your friends.
And if you order before you’ll also get 4 high-value bonuses to make it even easier for you to master camera phone trick photography. And take stunning photos like these:
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So now you have 2 choices.
You can close this page and do nothing. And nothing will change. You’ll keep on taking same boring photos like most people, secretly wishing you could do better.
You can invest in my “Phone Trick Photography” course without any risk and receive 4 valuable bonuses. You’ll be able to immediately apply these closely-guarded trick photography secrets. And easily take pictures that earn you huge amounts of respect from everyone who sees them.
Just click the “Add to Cart” button below. You’ll be taken to a secure order page that uses top tier 128 bit security encryption to make sure your information is 100% safe.
After entering your credit card or Paypal information, you’ll be taken to the member’s area, where you can watch the videos and download the bonuses immediately.
It doesn’t matter if it’s 3am on a Saturday. You can grab this course right now and improve your photography skills by at least 5 times within just a few hours.
Go ahead and click “Add to Cart” now.
YES! Carl, I’m in! Please give me immediate access to your Phone Photography Tricks video course for just $27. I’m ready to discover the secrets to taking JAW-DROPPING photos on my smartphone… faster and easier than I thought was ever possible.
FAST ACTION BONUS! I’m ordering before so please also send me the 3 special bonus reports, AND your personal email address so I can easily get in touch with you if I have any questions at all. I understand I have 8 weeks to put your phone photography secret tricks and techniques to use.
Then, if you’re not absolutely thrilled by the content, you can simply shoot me an email and get a full refund. No hassles. No questions asked. But no matter what you decide, the special bonuses are yours to keep just for giving our program a try.
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Join Now and Start Taking Amazing Pictures Today!
Remember, these are tricks and techniques I’ve personally invested over tens of thousands of dollars and more than 25 years of my life to learn. You’re getting all of my best secrets, knowledge and wisdom for just a tiny fraction of that.
Go ahead and order by clicking the link below. You’re just a few minutes away from taking amazing photos for the rest of your life.
To your success,
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Carl Hartman
P.S. Unannounced bonus: If you invest in this course today, I’m also going to share with you my private portfolio of over 300 creative photographs taken by world-class photographic artists around the world.
Combined with the tricks and techniques you’ll learn in this course, these photos will massively inspire you and “unlock” your creativity, allowing you to create out-of-this world photos on demand!
P.S.S. We usually sell the bonuses seperately, so I’m taking down the 4 fast response bonuses (including your free lifetime consultation opportunity and the step-by-step “How to Get Your Photos Featured on Flickr and Instagram” special report) on . Act fast to secure your spot before it’s too late!
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0 notes
allenmendezsr · 5 years
Phone Photography Tricks - Trick Photography With Your Iphone!
New Post has been published on https://autotraffixpro.app/allenmendezsr/phone-photography-tricks-trick-photography-with-your-iphone/
Phone Photography Tricks - Trick Photography With Your Iphone!
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 Buy Now
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    WARNING: You Don’t Want To Snap Another Photo Until You Read This Startling Report…
Just Use These Proven Techniques To Instantly Become A “Mini Celebrity” On Social Media Sites… Without Ever Using Photoshop!
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Now can take amazing photos like these on your smartphone camera. And the cool thing is, you don’t need an expensive DSLR… or even Photoshop!
Dear Friend,
If you would like to take mind-blowing photographs with your smartphone…
If you would like to dazzle and shock your friends with your shots…
If you would like to become a trick photography expert, almost overnight…
…Then this is going to be the most exciting message you will ever read.
Hi, name is Carl Hartman and I’m a professional photographer.
Some of my friends even claim that I’m a complete photography nut. But there’s been a recent change in photography technology that has really ticked me off. Here’s why…
For more than 25 years, I’ve been studying and mastering FX and trick photography.
Early in my career, I earned a mentorship with award-winning industrial photographer, Robert Thornton. I then became the editor and executive producer at Universal Studios and PBS for 12 years.
Later, I worked as the director for the live action sequences in the best-selling computer games, DOOM and Chess Wars. More recently, I won the “Best of the Best” award at PBS and the “Most Creative” award from US International Film and Video.
But thanks to some new technology, complete photography newbie’s can take photos almost as good as what I can do ¬¬– and they can do it without spending thousands of dollars and months of time learning tricks of the trade.
See, when I was first starting out, the digital single-lens reflex camera (DSLR) was just invented. And it quickly became “all the rage” among serious photographers. I had to scrap together $1,200 to buy my first professional camera (Nikon D230 #).
With my new DSLR, I took breathtaking special effects shots I never even dreamed of taking with my old point-and-shoot camera. Some of my photos were so amazing that my friends refused to believe I took them, until I showed them the photos on my camera.
That was 20-some years ago. Today, things are completely different.
Technology has evolved at the speed of light. While many photographers still believe they need fancy-schmancy DSLRs to capture quality photos, the honest to goodness truth is you can actually…
“Transform” Your Smartphone Camera Into A High-End DSLR!
It’s true!
Once you know how to use your smartphone as a high-end DSLR, you can use it to capture spectacular shots like these:
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Not quite convinced?
Okay, take a look at the two images below.
Can you guess which one was taken by the iPhone 5… and which one was taken by the Canon EOS 7D ($1,599.00)?
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Can you spot the difference?
Well, the photo on the left was taken by the iPhone 3GS (with the help of a special image enhancement app we’ll talk about in just a bit.)
Since camera phone technology has become super advanced, the qualities of the photos are nearly identical.
In fact, there’s an entire “iPhoneography” movement going on right now, where world-class photographers are ditching their regular camera equipment and snapping shots only their iPhones!
And here’s the kicker (and why I’m so ticked off): There are still loads of self-righteous photography “experts” out there who claim you need at least a Nikon D5100, telephoto zoom lenses and their 6 week evening course just to start taking great pictures yourself.
As someone who has been living, sleeping and breathing photography his entire life, I can tell you….
That’s Pure Hogwash!
I’m tired of seeing struggling photographers get beat down because they can’t fully grasp perplexing camera functions… or sit through hours of mind-numbing and boring lectures, or shell out the funds for any 6-week money-grubbing course.
I blame arrogant photo “gurus” who think they’re helping you out by offering professional photography lessons. But they’re actually scaring away new photographers with their lucrative prices and complicated instruction.
I’ve gotten so hot under the collar by this nonsense that I made it my personal mission to show everyone a much easier way to take breath taking photos…
Without using fancy lenses, lighting and other extravagant equipment…
Without needing any pricey classes and dull lectures…
And without dropping boo-coo bucks for a DSLR!
The truth is, if you own a smartphone (iPhone, Samsung, HTC, Blackberry, whatever), then you already have everything you need to take create incredible photographs that will blow away you and your friends.
Like these…
In fact, the phone you already have can be an even better camera than some high-end DSLRs.
The Amazing Reasons Why The Best DSLR Camera Is… Probably Already In Your Pocket
FACT: Newer smartphone models have ultra-sharp image quality. They can do practically everything (and sometimes more) as your standard DSLR. (Even the old iPhone 3GS – which has a “puny” 3-megapixel camera¬– can give DSLRs a run for their money. And the iPhone 4, 4S and 5 are even better.)
FACT: Smartphones are “pocketable” and portable. You have the freedom to take pictures anywhere you go, without having to lug around heavy camera equipment. And because they’re less intrusive… you’re less likely to draw attention to yourself and get a bunch of “weird stares” whenever you take a photo. Certainly not the case with bulky DSLRs!
FACT: You can easily add special effects to your photos with free photo-editing apps. Then, quickly upload them to your favorite photo sharing sites with the touch of a button. There’s no hassle of transferring files to your computer or messing around with Photoshop.
When you finally discover the secrets to trick photography and special effects on your smartphone, you’ll be able to…
…Master photography basics and “shortcut” your learning curve by at least 6 months…
…Instantly apply these tricks and techniques to the very next photo you snap –Many pros have paid thousands of dollars to learn these secrets… and absolutely hate revealing them at any cost!…
…Skyrocket the activity on your Instagram, Tumblr and Flickr pages… and receive massive praise and recognition from other members on online photo-sharing communities!
The good news is, this is all possible because I just put together a complete 20 video training course. You’ll discover how to improve your “regular” shots while you also transform become a trick photography pro.
Phone Photography Tricks:
The Revolutionary Video Course That Shows You How To Capture Mind-Blow Artistic Images Using Only Your Smartphone
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The videos are split into easy–to-follow lessons that enable you to take awesome photos and breathtaking special effects shots you and your friends won’t believe.
Like these…
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This course is designed to turn a complete photography newbie into an accomplished smartphone photographer in the shortest time possible.
Each lesson contains the core essentials you need to know so you can take mind-boggling pictures with your smartphone. There’s no fluff or filler and I’m not going to waste your time with stale theory either.
I’ve taken the most crucial trick photography concepts I learned in my 25+ years of professional photography and distilled them into a potent collection of lessons that I’ll be serving you throughout this course.
Most beginners take 6 to 12 months to get through the struggling amateur stage, but you’ll bypass it completely with these shortcut secrets.
I’ve included assignments at the end of every lesson so you can apply what you learn and take stunning shots right away. These exercises will “hardwire” each lesson into your brain, so you actually get better… in a flash.
You’ll put every other smartphone users to shame.
While they still haven’t got a clue, they’ll only sit in wonder about why everyone online is absolutely mad about your photos, and not theirs.
Here’s exactly what’s you’ll discover inside Phone Photography Tricks…
Essential smartphone camera features that can instantly enhance your picture quality by 100%. (Even the most savvy smartphone addicts don’t know about these…)
How to use special focus techniques to create photographs with a subtle “meaning”…Screw this up and you can kiss any emotional impact in your photos goodbye!
The secret “depth of focus” technique… just use this to always get crisp, focused pictures – even if your subject is in motion or you have shaky hands!
How to split someone in half… If you ever want to freak out your friends, just try this simple trick…
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And believe it or not, you’ll be able to create these spectacular images…
Without Photoshop!
That means you can create jaw-dropping images without investing $599 for Photoshop CS5.
You won’t need PhotoShop because I’ve included my course is photo-editing software that’s virtually identical.
In fact, you may find it even easier and more intuitive to use. So you can recreate some of the more “advanced” photography tricks without getting slapped in the face by Photoshop’s harsh learning curve.
You’re just a few minutes away from developing pro-level skills that will stay with you for life.
It doesn’t matter if you’re a real photography nut, or simply interested in improving your shots. As long as you have a smartphone and a desire to take some killer photos, then this course will revolutionize the way you take pictures forever.
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Thousands of facebook likes, and hundreds of friend requests all thanks to your site! Now I’m excited every time I post photos on facebook because I know it will get lots of likes and praises from my family and friends!
Michelle Adams Los Angeles, California.
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All my Facebook friends were shocked after I posted the photographs from my travel vacation to Miami. They thought I paid a professional photographer to capture these photos or I took photography tutorials. Some thought I bought a new DSLR camera. I got hundreds of comments of different praises and questions on my photography skills. They don’t believe me when I told them that I only used my smart phones! Now, they want me to come to their travel trips and vacations – all paid expense – just to take their photos! All thanks to Phone Photography Tricks!
Robert Owens Chicago Ridge, Illinois
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Zero view a day, no comment in posts or photos and zero add friend request are things of my online dating site’s profile in the past. Now, I have many friends. I have their attention. Some I have dated, some I already met over the coffee, and some are for my games’ networking to level up and some men I chat with during lonely nights when I can’t sleep. I can’t believe what the Phone Photography tricks can do! Just one amazing profile photo using their tricks, my life had changed overnight! Kudos!
Jo Paredes Calgary, Canada
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I have never been comfortable in posing in front of the camera until a friend showed a photo of me that he has taken using his phone. It was insanely awesome picture! I never saw myself that way in my whole life! I bought myself the same feature in PhonePhotographyTricks.com and from then on I love capturing myself photographs everywhere I go. It is addicting really. Already started arranging my own album and collecting beautiful shots of my travel events! Thank you Phone Photography Tricks for my new found hobby. More power!
Maurizio Amario Rome, Italy
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Most of my friends are in to photography. Some of them had chosen photography as their profession. I envy then coz they have the latest and expensive DSLR camera. When we have get together or outings, I always heard them talking about the latest gadgets. It is always makes me want to own one but I couldn’t afford it. Then I tried the PhonePhotographyTricks.com using my Android phone and posted some of my shots on my social network profile. Our paths crossed again in some party, they go nuts after I told them that I don’t have new camera! They love my pictures. They thought I became one of them and stealing their clients when some of them commented on the post wanting to hire my service! Thanks to Phone Photography Tricks, the program proves that you don’t need to buy an expensive camera to have wonderful and professional looking photographs. Who knows and maybe later, I’ll consider this as a sideline.
Gary Edcel Phoenix, Arizona
Inside Phone Photography Tricks, you’ll also discover…
Now, you might be wondering…
“Carl, This Sounds Great, But How Much Is It?”
If you were to sing up for a typical an Intro to Photography evening class, then you’d have to spend $1000 to $2000 for the class.
Many of the online photography courses can still reach you $499 to $999 each.
… And on top of that, your professor will force you to buy an expensive DSLR camera and equipment…
What’s worse, these courses will be made up of long, drawn out instruction and uninteresting theory. Instead of having fun learning photography, you’ll feel like you’re in a boring physics lecture.
And if you ever had to sit through boring classes before, then you know just how quickly you start forgetting what you learned the weeks before. That’s money and time down the drain.
(Don’t get me wrong. These classes are fine if your goal is to become a professional photographer. But for the average person who simply wants more activity on their Flickr page, win a few photo-contests, or just take more pleasing pictures, these options are way too expensive.)
I could decide to offer this program for $200 and I would probably have countless photographers ready, eager, and willing to sign up just to get access to my more than 25 years in-the-trenches experience as a professional photographer.
But you’re not even going to pay half of that – $100.
If you grab your copy of “Phone Photography Tricks” today, you only have to make a one-time investment of $27.
Look, it steams me to no end when I see young photographers get ripped off by greedy photography “experts” and their needless classes.
It turns my stomach when I hear young photographer saying that if they don’t have a top-end DSLR, then they’ll never be able to take quality shots.
And it makes my heart break when these new guys get discouraged and drop out of photography all together.
That’s why I’m pricing this course as low as possible.
Well, when I was starting out, there were more experienced photographers who lent me a helping hand when I had questions. While I don’t have time to personally mentor every worthy candidate, I’ve decided to help as many people as I can with this program.
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In fact, I’m so sure you’ll be absolutely thrilled with this program, I’m going to back up every promise I make on this page with…
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Here’s how it works: Go ahead and sign up for my “Phone Photography Tricks”.
Go through the video lessons and if you’re not convinced beyond a shadow of a doubt… at any time..this amazing course is not everything I’ve just written about, then I insist you immediately contact me for a full refund.
That’s right, if you’re not totally delighted with this course, just shoot me an email within 8 weeks of today, and I’ll send back every single dime… no questions asked.
That’s how confident I am these photography techniques will supercharge” every smartphone photo you take from now on.
To make your decision much easier, I’m also going to throw in some killer bonuses. (I’m feeling extra generous.)
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Bonus #1: Unlimited Lifetime Consultation($500 Value)
Clients have paid me upwards of $500 to work me one-on-one. But because I’m close to retiring and photography is my obsession, I’ll give you my personal email address for free if you invest in this course today.
If you ever feel stuck, want additional insider tips, or just want to talk shop with a pro, just send me a message and I’ll get back to you quickly- usually in less in 1 business day.
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Bonus #2: How To Get Your Photos Featured on Flickr and Instagram ($27 Value)
This report will reveal the secrets to getting your photos featured on Instagram and Flickr. You’ll discover exactly how to consistently produce amazing photos that earn the respect and admiration of others. Don’t be surprised when you start getting treated like a “mini-celebrity” on these sites.
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Bonus #3: How To Make Passive Income With Photography ($27 Value)
This special report will show you how to make money with photography and turn your hobby into a part-time passive income stream. Even some pro’s don’t even know about these simple steps for collecting lifetime royalties from your photos… and it’s way easier you think!
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Bonus #4: All-In-One Photo Editing Software with 41 Video Tutorials ($97 Value)
This is a simple-to-use photo-editing program that’s very similar to Photoshop (which can cost up to $599). And in my opinion, the editing interface is much more straightforward compared to Photoshop.
Note: These special bonuses is a limited time offer only and will be promptly pulled down soon.
To sum up, you’re getting my complete “Phone Photography Tricks” video course. It contains everything you need to start taking extraordinary phone photographs that will impress the heck out of your friends.
And if you order before you’ll also get 4 high-value bonuses to make it even easier for you to master camera phone trick photography. And take stunning photos like these:
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So now you have 2 choices.
You can close this page and do nothing. And nothing will change. You’ll keep on taking same boring photos like most people, secretly wishing you could do better.
You can invest in my “Phone Trick Photography” course without any risk and receive 4 valuable bonuses. You’ll be able to immediately apply these closely-guarded trick photography secrets. And easily take pictures that earn you huge amounts of respect from everyone who sees them.
Just click the “Add to Cart” button below. You’ll be taken to a secure order page that uses top tier 128 bit security encryption to make sure your information is 100% safe.
After entering your credit card or Paypal information, you’ll be taken to the member’s area, where you can watch the videos and download the bonuses immediately.
It doesn’t matter if it’s 3am on a Saturday. You can grab this course right now and improve your photography skills by at least 5 times within just a few hours.
Go ahead and click “Add to Cart” now.
YES! Carl, I’m in! Please give me immediate access to your Phone Photography Tricks video course for just $27. I’m ready to discover the secrets to taking JAW-DROPPING photos on my smartphone… faster and easier than I thought was ever possible.
FAST ACTION BONUS! I’m ordering before so please also send me the 3 special bonus reports, AND your personal email address so I can easily get in touch with you if I have any questions at all. I understand I have 8 weeks to put your phone photography secret tricks and techniques to use.
Then, if you’re not absolutely thrilled by the content, you can simply shoot me an email and get a full refund. No hassles. No questions asked. But no matter what you decide, the special bonuses are yours to keep just for giving our program a try.
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Join Now and Start Taking Amazing Pictures Today!
Remember, these are tricks and techniques I’ve personally invested over tens of thousands of dollars and more than 25 years of my life to learn. You’re getting all of my best secrets, knowledge and wisdom for just a tiny fraction of that.
Go ahead and order by clicking the link below. You’re just a few minutes away from taking amazing photos for the rest of your life.
To your success,
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Carl Hartman
P.S. Unannounced bonus: If you invest in this course today, I’m also going to share with you my private portfolio of over 300 creative photographs taken by world-class photographic artists around the world.
Combined with the tricks and techniques you’ll learn in this course, these photos will massively inspire you and “unlock” your creativity, allowing you to create out-of-this world photos on demand!
P.S.S. We usually sell the bonuses seperately, so I’m taking down the 4 fast response bonuses (including your free lifetime consultation opportunity and the step-by-step “How to Get Your Photos Featured on Flickr and Instagram” special report) on . Act fast to secure your spot before it’s too late!
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0 notes
allenmendezsr · 5 years
Phone Photography Tricks - Trick Photography With Your Iphone!
New Post has been published on https://autotraffixpro.app/allenmendezsr/phone-photography-tricks-trick-photography-with-your-iphone/
Phone Photography Tricks - Trick Photography With Your Iphone!
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 Buy Now
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    WARNING: You Don’t Want To Snap Another Photo Until You Read This Startling Report…
Just Use These Proven Techniques To Instantly Become A “Mini Celebrity” On Social Media Sites… Without Ever Using Photoshop!
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Now can take amazing photos like these on your smartphone camera. And the cool thing is, you don’t need an expensive DSLR… or even Photoshop!
Dear Friend,
If you would like to take mind-blowing photographs with your smartphone…
If you would like to dazzle and shock your friends with your shots…
If you would like to become a trick photography expert, almost overnight…
…Then this is going to be the most exciting message you will ever read.
Hi, name is Carl Hartman and I’m a professional photographer.
Some of my friends even claim that I’m a complete photography nut. But there’s been a recent change in photography technology that has really ticked me off. Here’s why…
For more than 25 years, I’ve been studying and mastering FX and trick photography.
Early in my career, I earned a mentorship with award-winning industrial photographer, Robert Thornton. I then became the editor and executive producer at Universal Studios and PBS for 12 years.
Later, I worked as the director for the live action sequences in the best-selling computer games, DOOM and Chess Wars. More recently, I won the “Best of the Best” award at PBS and the “Most Creative” award from US International Film and Video.
But thanks to some new technology, complete photography newbie’s can take photos almost as good as what I can do ¬¬– and they can do it without spending thousands of dollars and months of time learning tricks of the trade.
See, when I was first starting out, the digital single-lens reflex camera (DSLR) was just invented. And it quickly became “all the rage” among serious photographers. I had to scrap together $1,200 to buy my first professional camera (Nikon D230 #).
With my new DSLR, I took breathtaking special effects shots I never even dreamed of taking with my old point-and-shoot camera. Some of my photos were so amazing that my friends refused to believe I took them, until I showed them the photos on my camera.
That was 20-some years ago. Today, things are completely different.
Technology has evolved at the speed of light. While many photographers still believe they need fancy-schmancy DSLRs to capture quality photos, the honest to goodness truth is you can actually…
“Transform” Your Smartphone Camera Into A High-End DSLR!
It’s true!
Once you know how to use your smartphone as a high-end DSLR, you can use it to capture spectacular shots like these:
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Not quite convinced?
Okay, take a look at the two images below.
Can you guess which one was taken by the iPhone 5… and which one was taken by the Canon EOS 7D ($1,599.00)?
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Can you spot the difference?
Well, the photo on the left was taken by the iPhone 3GS (with the help of a special image enhancement app we’ll talk about in just a bit.)
Since camera phone technology has become super advanced, the qualities of the photos are nearly identical.
In fact, there’s an entire “iPhoneography” movement going on right now, where world-class photographers are ditching their regular camera equipment and snapping shots only their iPhones!
And here’s the kicker (and why I’m so ticked off): There are still loads of self-righteous photography “experts” out there who claim you need at least a Nikon D5100, telephoto zoom lenses and their 6 week evening course just to start taking great pictures yourself.
As someone who has been living, sleeping and breathing photography his entire life, I can tell you….
That’s Pure Hogwash!
I’m tired of seeing struggling photographers get beat down because they can’t fully grasp perplexing camera functions… or sit through hours of mind-numbing and boring lectures, or shell out the funds for any 6-week money-grubbing course.
I blame arrogant photo “gurus” who think they’re helping you out by offering professional photography lessons. But they’re actually scaring away new photographers with their lucrative prices and complicated instruction.
I’ve gotten so hot under the collar by this nonsense that I made it my personal mission to show everyone a much easier way to take breath taking photos…
Without using fancy lenses, lighting and other extravagant equipment…
Without needing any pricey classes and dull lectures…
And without dropping boo-coo bucks for a DSLR!
The truth is, if you own a smartphone (iPhone, Samsung, HTC, Blackberry, whatever), then you already have everything you need to take create incredible photographs that will blow away you and your friends.
Like these…
In fact, the phone you already have can be an even better camera than some high-end DSLRs.
The Amazing Reasons Why The Best DSLR Camera Is… Probably Already In Your Pocket
FACT: Newer smartphone models have ultra-sharp image quality. They can do practically everything (and sometimes more) as your standard DSLR. (Even the old iPhone 3GS – which has a “puny” 3-megapixel camera¬– can give DSLRs a run for their money. And the iPhone 4, 4S and 5 are even better.)
FACT: Smartphones are “pocketable” and portable. You have the freedom to take pictures anywhere you go, without having to lug around heavy camera equipment. And because they’re less intrusive… you’re less likely to draw attention to yourself and get a bunch of “weird stares” whenever you take a photo. Certainly not the case with bulky DSLRs!
FACT: You can easily add special effects to your photos with free photo-editing apps. Then, quickly upload them to your favorite photo sharing sites with the touch of a button. There’s no hassle of transferring files to your computer or messing around with Photoshop.
When you finally discover the secrets to trick photography and special effects on your smartphone, you’ll be able to…
…Master photography basics and “shortcut” your learning curve by at least 6 months…
…Instantly apply these tricks and techniques to the very next photo you snap –Many pros have paid thousands of dollars to learn these secrets… and absolutely hate revealing them at any cost!…
…Skyrocket the activity on your Instagram, Tumblr and Flickr pages… and receive massive praise and recognition from other members on online photo-sharing communities!
The good news is, this is all possible because I just put together a complete 20 video training course. You’ll discover how to improve your “regular” shots while you also transform become a trick photography pro.
Phone Photography Tricks:
The Revolutionary Video Course That Shows You How To Capture Mind-Blow Artistic Images Using Only Your Smartphone
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The videos are split into easy–to-follow lessons that enable you to take awesome photos and breathtaking special effects shots you and your friends won’t believe.
Like these…
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This course is designed to turn a complete photography newbie into an accomplished smartphone photographer in the shortest time possible.
Each lesson contains the core essentials you need to know so you can take mind-boggling pictures with your smartphone. There’s no fluff or filler and I’m not going to waste your time with stale theory either.
I’ve taken the most crucial trick photography concepts I learned in my 25+ years of professional photography and distilled them into a potent collection of lessons that I’ll be serving you throughout this course.
Most beginners take 6 to 12 months to get through the struggling amateur stage, but you’ll bypass it completely with these shortcut secrets.
I’ve included assignments at the end of every lesson so you can apply what you learn and take stunning shots right away. These exercises will “hardwire” each lesson into your brain, so you actually get better… in a flash.
You’ll put every other smartphone users to shame.
While they still haven’t got a clue, they’ll only sit in wonder about why everyone online is absolutely mad about your photos, and not theirs.
Here’s exactly what’s you’ll discover inside Phone Photography Tricks…
Essential smartphone camera features that can instantly enhance your picture quality by 100%. (Even the most savvy smartphone addicts don’t know about these…)
How to use special focus techniques to create photographs with a subtle “meaning”…Screw this up and you can kiss any emotional impact in your photos goodbye!
The secret “depth of focus” technique… just use this to always get crisp, focused pictures – even if your subject is in motion or you have shaky hands!
How to split someone in half… If you ever want to freak out your friends, just try this simple trick…
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And believe it or not, you’ll be able to create these spectacular images…
Without Photoshop!
That means you can create jaw-dropping images without investing $599 for Photoshop CS5.
You won’t need PhotoShop because I’ve included my course is photo-editing software that’s virtually identical.
In fact, you may find it even easier and more intuitive to use. So you can recreate some of the more “advanced” photography tricks without getting slapped in the face by Photoshop’s harsh learning curve.
You’re just a few minutes away from developing pro-level skills that will stay with you for life.
It doesn’t matter if you’re a real photography nut, or simply interested in improving your shots. As long as you have a smartphone and a desire to take some killer photos, then this course will revolutionize the way you take pictures forever.
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Thousands of facebook likes, and hundreds of friend requests all thanks to your site! Now I’m excited every time I post photos on facebook because I know it will get lots of likes and praises from my family and friends!
Michelle Adams Los Angeles, California.
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All my Facebook friends were shocked after I posted the photographs from my travel vacation to Miami. They thought I paid a professional photographer to capture these photos or I took photography tutorials. Some thought I bought a new DSLR camera. I got hundreds of comments of different praises and questions on my photography skills. They don’t believe me when I told them that I only used my smart phones! Now, they want me to come to their travel trips and vacations – all paid expense – just to take their photos! All thanks to Phone Photography Tricks!
Robert Owens Chicago Ridge, Illinois
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Zero view a day, no comment in posts or photos and zero add friend request are things of my online dating site’s profile in the past. Now, I have many friends. I have their attention. Some I have dated, some I already met over the coffee, and some are for my games’ networking to level up and some men I chat with during lonely nights when I can’t sleep. I can’t believe what the Phone Photography tricks can do! Just one amazing profile photo using their tricks, my life had changed overnight! Kudos!
Jo Paredes Calgary, Canada
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I have never been comfortable in posing in front of the camera until a friend showed a photo of me that he has taken using his phone. It was insanely awesome picture! I never saw myself that way in my whole life! I bought myself the same feature in PhonePhotographyTricks.com and from then on I love capturing myself photographs everywhere I go. It is addicting really. Already started arranging my own album and collecting beautiful shots of my travel events! Thank you Phone Photography Tricks for my new found hobby. More power!
Maurizio Amario Rome, Italy
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Most of my friends are in to photography. Some of them had chosen photography as their profession. I envy then coz they have the latest and expensive DSLR camera. When we have get together or outings, I always heard them talking about the latest gadgets. It is always makes me want to own one but I couldn’t afford it. Then I tried the PhonePhotographyTricks.com using my Android phone and posted some of my shots on my social network profile. Our paths crossed again in some party, they go nuts after I told them that I don’t have new camera! They love my pictures. They thought I became one of them and stealing their clients when some of them commented on the post wanting to hire my service! Thanks to Phone Photography Tricks, the program proves that you don’t need to buy an expensive camera to have wonderful and professional looking photographs. Who knows and maybe later, I’ll consider this as a sideline.
Gary Edcel Phoenix, Arizona
Inside Phone Photography Tricks, you’ll also discover…
Now, you might be wondering…
“Carl, This Sounds Great, But How Much Is It?”
If you were to sing up for a typical an Intro to Photography evening class, then you’d have to spend $1000 to $2000 for the class.
Many of the online photography courses can still reach you $499 to $999 each.
… And on top of that, your professor will force you to buy an expensive DSLR camera and equipment…
What’s worse, these courses will be made up of long, drawn out instruction and uninteresting theory. Instead of having fun learning photography, you’ll feel like you’re in a boring physics lecture.
And if you ever had to sit through boring classes before, then you know just how quickly you start forgetting what you learned the weeks before. That’s money and time down the drain.
(Don’t get me wrong. These classes are fine if your goal is to become a professional photographer. But for the average person who simply wants more activity on their Flickr page, win a few photo-contests, or just take more pleasing pictures, these options are way too expensive.)
I could decide to offer this program for $200 and I would probably have countless photographers ready, eager, and willing to sign up just to get access to my more than 25 years in-the-trenches experience as a professional photographer.
But you’re not even going to pay half of that – $100.
If you grab your copy of “Phone Photography Tricks” today, you only have to make a one-time investment of $27.
Look, it steams me to no end when I see young photographers get ripped off by greedy photography “experts” and their needless classes.
It turns my stomach when I hear young photographer saying that if they don’t have a top-end DSLR, then they’ll never be able to take quality shots.
And it makes my heart break when these new guys get discouraged and drop out of photography all together.
That’s why I’m pricing this course as low as possible.
Well, when I was starting out, there were more experienced photographers who lent me a helping hand when I had questions. While I don’t have time to personally mentor every worthy candidate, I’ve decided to help as many people as I can with this program.
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In fact, I’m so sure you’ll be absolutely thrilled with this program, I’m going to back up every promise I make on this page with…
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Here’s how it works: Go ahead and sign up for my “Phone Photography Tricks”.
Go through the video lessons and if you’re not convinced beyond a shadow of a doubt… at any time..this amazing course is not everything I’ve just written about, then I insist you immediately contact me for a full refund.
That’s right, if you’re not totally delighted with this course, just shoot me an email within 8 weeks of today, and I’ll send back every single dime… no questions asked.
That’s how confident I am these photography techniques will supercharge” every smartphone photo you take from now on.
To make your decision much easier, I’m also going to throw in some killer bonuses. (I’m feeling extra generous.)
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Bonus #1: Unlimited Lifetime Consultation($500 Value)
Clients have paid me upwards of $500 to work me one-on-one. But because I’m close to retiring and photography is my obsession, I’ll give you my personal email address for free if you invest in this course today.
If you ever feel stuck, want additional insider tips, or just want to talk shop with a pro, just send me a message and I’ll get back to you quickly- usually in less in 1 business day.
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Bonus #2: How To Get Your Photos Featured on Flickr and Instagram ($27 Value)
This report will reveal the secrets to getting your photos featured on Instagram and Flickr. You’ll discover exactly how to consistently produce amazing photos that earn the respect and admiration of others. Don’t be surprised when you start getting treated like a “mini-celebrity” on these sites.
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Bonus #3: How To Make Passive Income With Photography ($27 Value)
This special report will show you how to make money with photography and turn your hobby into a part-time passive income stream. Even some pro’s don’t even know about these simple steps for collecting lifetime royalties from your photos… and it’s way easier you think!
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Bonus #4: All-In-One Photo Editing Software with 41 Video Tutorials ($97 Value)
This is a simple-to-use photo-editing program that’s very similar to Photoshop (which can cost up to $599). And in my opinion, the editing interface is much more straightforward compared to Photoshop.
Note: These special bonuses is a limited time offer only and will be promptly pulled down soon.
To sum up, you’re getting my complete “Phone Photography Tricks” video course. It contains everything you need to start taking extraordinary phone photographs that will impress the heck out of your friends.
And if you order before you’ll also get 4 high-value bonuses to make it even easier for you to master camera phone trick photography. And take stunning photos like these:
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So now you have 2 choices.
You can close this page and do nothing. And nothing will change. You’ll keep on taking same boring photos like most people, secretly wishing you could do better.
You can invest in my “Phone Trick Photography” course without any risk and receive 4 valuable bonuses. You’ll be able to immediately apply these closely-guarded trick photography secrets. And easily take pictures that earn you huge amounts of respect from everyone who sees them.
Just click the “Add to Cart” button below. You’ll be taken to a secure order page that uses top tier 128 bit security encryption to make sure your information is 100% safe.
After entering your credit card or Paypal information, you’ll be taken to the member’s area, where you can watch the videos and download the bonuses immediately.
It doesn’t matter if it’s 3am on a Saturday. You can grab this course right now and improve your photography skills by at least 5 times within just a few hours.
Go ahead and click “Add to Cart” now.
YES! Carl, I’m in! Please give me immediate access to your Phone Photography Tricks video course for just $27. I’m ready to discover the secrets to taking JAW-DROPPING photos on my smartphone… faster and easier than I thought was ever possible.
FAST ACTION BONUS! I’m ordering before so please also send me the 3 special bonus reports, AND your personal email address so I can easily get in touch with you if I have any questions at all. I understand I have 8 weeks to put your phone photography secret tricks and techniques to use.
Then, if you’re not absolutely thrilled by the content, you can simply shoot me an email and get a full refund. No hassles. No questions asked. But no matter what you decide, the special bonuses are yours to keep just for giving our program a try.
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Join Now and Start Taking Amazing Pictures Today!
Remember, these are tricks and techniques I’ve personally invested over tens of thousands of dollars and more than 25 years of my life to learn. You’re getting all of my best secrets, knowledge and wisdom for just a tiny fraction of that.
Go ahead and order by clicking the link below. You’re just a few minutes away from taking amazing photos for the rest of your life.
To your success,
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Carl Hartman
P.S. Unannounced bonus: If you invest in this course today, I’m also going to share with you my private portfolio of over 300 creative photographs taken by world-class photographic artists around the world.
Combined with the tricks and techniques you’ll learn in this course, these photos will massively inspire you and “unlock” your creativity, allowing you to create out-of-this world photos on demand!
P.S.S. We usually sell the bonuses seperately, so I’m taking down the 4 fast response bonuses (including your free lifetime consultation opportunity and the step-by-step “How to Get Your Photos Featured on Flickr and Instagram” special report) on . Act fast to secure your spot before it’s too late!
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0 notes
allenmendezsr · 5 years
Phone Photography Tricks - Trick Photography With Your Iphone!
New Post has been published on https://autotraffixpro.app/allenmendezsr/phone-photography-tricks-trick-photography-with-your-iphone/
Phone Photography Tricks - Trick Photography With Your Iphone!
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 Buy Now
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    WARNING: You Don’t Want To Snap Another Photo Until You Read This Startling Report…
Just Use These Proven Techniques To Instantly Become A “Mini Celebrity” On Social Media Sites… Without Ever Using Photoshop!
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Now can take amazing photos like these on your smartphone camera. And the cool thing is, you don’t need an expensive DSLR… or even Photoshop!
Dear Friend,
If you would like to take mind-blowing photographs with your smartphone…
If you would like to dazzle and shock your friends with your shots…
If you would like to become a trick photography expert, almost overnight…
…Then this is going to be the most exciting message you will ever read.
Hi, name is Carl Hartman and I’m a professional photographer.
Some of my friends even claim that I’m a complete photography nut. But there’s been a recent change in photography technology that has really ticked me off. Here’s why…
For more than 25 years, I’ve been studying and mastering FX and trick photography.
Early in my career, I earned a mentorship with award-winning industrial photographer, Robert Thornton. I then became the editor and executive producer at Universal Studios and PBS for 12 years.
Later, I worked as the director for the live action sequences in the best-selling computer games, DOOM and Chess Wars. More recently, I won the “Best of the Best” award at PBS and the “Most Creative” award from US International Film and Video.
But thanks to some new technology, complete photography newbie’s can take photos almost as good as what I can do ¬¬– and they can do it without spending thousands of dollars and months of time learning tricks of the trade.
See, when I was first starting out, the digital single-lens reflex camera (DSLR) was just invented. And it quickly became “all the rage” among serious photographers. I had to scrap together $1,200 to buy my first professional camera (Nikon D230 #).
With my new DSLR, I took breathtaking special effects shots I never even dreamed of taking with my old point-and-shoot camera. Some of my photos were so amazing that my friends refused to believe I took them, until I showed them the photos on my camera.
That was 20-some years ago. Today, things are completely different.
Technology has evolved at the speed of light. While many photographers still believe they need fancy-schmancy DSLRs to capture quality photos, the honest to goodness truth is you can actually…
“Transform” Your Smartphone Camera Into A High-End DSLR!
It’s true!
Once you know how to use your smartphone as a high-end DSLR, you can use it to capture spectacular shots like these:
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Not quite convinced?
Okay, take a look at the two images below.
Can you guess which one was taken by the iPhone 5… and which one was taken by the Canon EOS 7D ($1,599.00)?
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Can you spot the difference?
Well, the photo on the left was taken by the iPhone 3GS (with the help of a special image enhancement app we’ll talk about in just a bit.)
Since camera phone technology has become super advanced, the qualities of the photos are nearly identical.
In fact, there’s an entire “iPhoneography” movement going on right now, where world-class photographers are ditching their regular camera equipment and snapping shots only their iPhones!
And here’s the kicker (and why I’m so ticked off): There are still loads of self-righteous photography “experts” out there who claim you need at least a Nikon D5100, telephoto zoom lenses and their 6 week evening course just to start taking great pictures yourself.
As someone who has been living, sleeping and breathing photography his entire life, I can tell you….
That’s Pure Hogwash!
I’m tired of seeing struggling photographers get beat down because they can’t fully grasp perplexing camera functions… or sit through hours of mind-numbing and boring lectures, or shell out the funds for any 6-week money-grubbing course.
I blame arrogant photo “gurus” who think they’re helping you out by offering professional photography lessons. But they’re actually scaring away new photographers with their lucrative prices and complicated instruction.
I’ve gotten so hot under the collar by this nonsense that I made it my personal mission to show everyone a much easier way to take breath taking photos…
Without using fancy lenses, lighting and other extravagant equipment…
Without needing any pricey classes and dull lectures…
And without dropping boo-coo bucks for a DSLR!
The truth is, if you own a smartphone (iPhone, Samsung, HTC, Blackberry, whatever), then you already have everything you need to take create incredible photographs that will blow away you and your friends.
Like these…
In fact, the phone you already have can be an even better camera than some high-end DSLRs.
The Amazing Reasons Why The Best DSLR Camera Is… Probably Already In Your Pocket
FACT: Newer smartphone models have ultra-sharp image quality. They can do practically everything (and sometimes more) as your standard DSLR. (Even the old iPhone 3GS – which has a “puny” 3-megapixel camera¬– can give DSLRs a run for their money. And the iPhone 4, 4S and 5 are even better.)
FACT: Smartphones are “pocketable” and portable. You have the freedom to take pictures anywhere you go, without having to lug around heavy camera equipment. And because they’re less intrusive… you’re less likely to draw attention to yourself and get a bunch of “weird stares” whenever you take a photo. Certainly not the case with bulky DSLRs!
FACT: You can easily add special effects to your photos with free photo-editing apps. Then, quickly upload them to your favorite photo sharing sites with the touch of a button. There’s no hassle of transferring files to your computer or messing around with Photoshop.
When you finally discover the secrets to trick photography and special effects on your smartphone, you’ll be able to…
…Master photography basics and “shortcut” your learning curve by at least 6 months…
…Instantly apply these tricks and techniques to the very next photo you snap –Many pros have paid thousands of dollars to learn these secrets… and absolutely hate revealing them at any cost!…
…Skyrocket the activity on your Instagram, Tumblr and Flickr pages… and receive massive praise and recognition from other members on online photo-sharing communities!
The good news is, this is all possible because I just put together a complete 20 video training course. You’ll discover how to improve your “regular” shots while you also transform become a trick photography pro.
Phone Photography Tricks:
The Revolutionary Video Course That Shows You How To Capture Mind-Blow Artistic Images Using Only Your Smartphone
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The videos are split into easy–to-follow lessons that enable you to take awesome photos and breathtaking special effects shots you and your friends won’t believe.
Like these…
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This course is designed to turn a complete photography newbie into an accomplished smartphone photographer in the shortest time possible.
Each lesson contains the core essentials you need to know so you can take mind-boggling pictures with your smartphone. There’s no fluff or filler and I’m not going to waste your time with stale theory either.
I’ve taken the most crucial trick photography concepts I learned in my 25+ years of professional photography and distilled them into a potent collection of lessons that I’ll be serving you throughout this course.
Most beginners take 6 to 12 months to get through the struggling amateur stage, but you’ll bypass it completely with these shortcut secrets.
I’ve included assignments at the end of every lesson so you can apply what you learn and take stunning shots right away. These exercises will “hardwire” each lesson into your brain, so you actually get better… in a flash.
You’ll put every other smartphone users to shame.
While they still haven’t got a clue, they’ll only sit in wonder about why everyone online is absolutely mad about your photos, and not theirs.
Here’s exactly what’s you’ll discover inside Phone Photography Tricks…
Essential smartphone camera features that can instantly enhance your picture quality by 100%. (Even the most savvy smartphone addicts don’t know about these…)
How to use special focus techniques to create photographs with a subtle “meaning”…Screw this up and you can kiss any emotional impact in your photos goodbye!
The secret “depth of focus” technique… just use this to always get crisp, focused pictures – even if your subject is in motion or you have shaky hands!
How to split someone in half… If you ever want to freak out your friends, just try this simple trick…
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And believe it or not, you’ll be able to create these spectacular images…
Without Photoshop!
That means you can create jaw-dropping images without investing $599 for Photoshop CS5.
You won’t need PhotoShop because I’ve included my course is photo-editing software that’s virtually identical.
In fact, you may find it even easier and more intuitive to use. So you can recreate some of the more “advanced” photography tricks without getting slapped in the face by Photoshop’s harsh learning curve.
You’re just a few minutes away from developing pro-level skills that will stay with you for life.
It doesn’t matter if you’re a real photography nut, or simply interested in improving your shots. As long as you have a smartphone and a desire to take some killer photos, then this course will revolutionize the way you take pictures forever.
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Thousands of facebook likes, and hundreds of friend requests all thanks to your site! Now I’m excited every time I post photos on facebook because I know it will get lots of likes and praises from my family and friends!
Michelle Adams Los Angeles, California.
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All my Facebook friends were shocked after I posted the photographs from my travel vacation to Miami. They thought I paid a professional photographer to capture these photos or I took photography tutorials. Some thought I bought a new DSLR camera. I got hundreds of comments of different praises and questions on my photography skills. They don’t believe me when I told them that I only used my smart phones! Now, they want me to come to their travel trips and vacations – all paid expense – just to take their photos! All thanks to Phone Photography Tricks!
Robert Owens Chicago Ridge, Illinois
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Zero view a day, no comment in posts or photos and zero add friend request are things of my online dating site’s profile in the past. Now, I have many friends. I have their attention. Some I have dated, some I already met over the coffee, and some are for my games’ networking to level up and some men I chat with during lonely nights when I can’t sleep. I can’t believe what the Phone Photography tricks can do! Just one amazing profile photo using their tricks, my life had changed overnight! Kudos!
Jo Paredes Calgary, Canada
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I have never been comfortable in posing in front of the camera until a friend showed a photo of me that he has taken using his phone. It was insanely awesome picture! I never saw myself that way in my whole life! I bought myself the same feature in PhonePhotographyTricks.com and from then on I love capturing myself photographs everywhere I go. It is addicting really. Already started arranging my own album and collecting beautiful shots of my travel events! Thank you Phone Photography Tricks for my new found hobby. More power!
Maurizio Amario Rome, Italy
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Most of my friends are in to photography. Some of them had chosen photography as their profession. I envy then coz they have the latest and expensive DSLR camera. When we have get together or outings, I always heard them talking about the latest gadgets. It is always makes me want to own one but I couldn’t afford it. Then I tried the PhonePhotographyTricks.com using my Android phone and posted some of my shots on my social network profile. Our paths crossed again in some party, they go nuts after I told them that I don’t have new camera! They love my pictures. They thought I became one of them and stealing their clients when some of them commented on the post wanting to hire my service! Thanks to Phone Photography Tricks, the program proves that you don’t need to buy an expensive camera to have wonderful and professional looking photographs. Who knows and maybe later, I’ll consider this as a sideline.
Gary Edcel Phoenix, Arizona
Inside Phone Photography Tricks, you’ll also discover…
Now, you might be wondering…
“Carl, This Sounds Great, But How Much Is It?”
If you were to sing up for a typical an Intro to Photography evening class, then you’d have to spend $1000 to $2000 for the class.
Many of the online photography courses can still reach you $499 to $999 each.
… And on top of that, your professor will force you to buy an expensive DSLR camera and equipment…
What’s worse, these courses will be made up of long, drawn out instruction and uninteresting theory. Instead of having fun learning photography, you’ll feel like you’re in a boring physics lecture.
And if you ever had to sit through boring classes before, then you know just how quickly you start forgetting what you learned the weeks before. That’s money and time down the drain.
(Don’t get me wrong. These classes are fine if your goal is to become a professional photographer. But for the average person who simply wants more activity on their Flickr page, win a few photo-contests, or just take more pleasing pictures, these options are way too expensive.)
I could decide to offer this program for $200 and I would probably have countless photographers ready, eager, and willing to sign up just to get access to my more than 25 years in-the-trenches experience as a professional photographer.
But you’re not even going to pay half of that – $100.
If you grab your copy of “Phone Photography Tricks” today, you only have to make a one-time investment of $27.
Look, it steams me to no end when I see young photographers get ripped off by greedy photography “experts” and their needless classes.
It turns my stomach when I hear young photographer saying that if they don’t have a top-end DSLR, then they’ll never be able to take quality shots.
And it makes my heart break when these new guys get discouraged and drop out of photography all together.
That’s why I’m pricing this course as low as possible.
Well, when I was starting out, there were more experienced photographers who lent me a helping hand when I had questions. While I don’t have time to personally mentor every worthy candidate, I’ve decided to help as many people as I can with this program.
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In fact, I’m so sure you’ll be absolutely thrilled with this program, I’m going to back up every promise I make on this page with…
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Here’s how it works: Go ahead and sign up for my “Phone Photography Tricks”.
Go through the video lessons and if you’re not convinced beyond a shadow of a doubt… at any time..this amazing course is not everything I’ve just written about, then I insist you immediately contact me for a full refund.
That’s right, if you’re not totally delighted with this course, just shoot me an email within 8 weeks of today, and I’ll send back every single dime… no questions asked.
That’s how confident I am these photography techniques will supercharge” every smartphone photo you take from now on.
To make your decision much easier, I’m also going to throw in some killer bonuses. (I’m feeling extra generous.)
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Bonus #1: Unlimited Lifetime Consultation($500 Value)
Clients have paid me upwards of $500 to work me one-on-one. But because I’m close to retiring and photography is my obsession, I’ll give you my personal email address for free if you invest in this course today.
If you ever feel stuck, want additional insider tips, or just want to talk shop with a pro, just send me a message and I’ll get back to you quickly- usually in less in 1 business day.
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Bonus #2: How To Get Your Photos Featured on Flickr and Instagram ($27 Value)
This report will reveal the secrets to getting your photos featured on Instagram and Flickr. You’ll discover exactly how to consistently produce amazing photos that earn the respect and admiration of others. Don’t be surprised when you start getting treated like a “mini-celebrity” on these sites.
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Bonus #3: How To Make Passive Income With Photography ($27 Value)
This special report will show you how to make money with photography and turn your hobby into a part-time passive income stream. Even some pro’s don’t even know about these simple steps for collecting lifetime royalties from your photos… and it’s way easier you think!
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Bonus #4: All-In-One Photo Editing Software with 41 Video Tutorials ($97 Value)
This is a simple-to-use photo-editing program that’s very similar to Photoshop (which can cost up to $599). And in my opinion, the editing interface is much more straightforward compared to Photoshop.
Note: These special bonuses is a limited time offer only and will be promptly pulled down soon.
To sum up, you’re getting my complete “Phone Photography Tricks” video course. It contains everything you need to start taking extraordinary phone photographs that will impress the heck out of your friends.
And if you order before you’ll also get 4 high-value bonuses to make it even easier for you to master camera phone trick photography. And take stunning photos like these:
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So now you have 2 choices.
You can close this page and do nothing. And nothing will change. You’ll keep on taking same boring photos like most people, secretly wishing you could do better.
You can invest in my “Phone Trick Photography” course without any risk and receive 4 valuable bonuses. You’ll be able to immediately apply these closely-guarded trick photography secrets. And easily take pictures that earn you huge amounts of respect from everyone who sees them.
Just click the “Add to Cart” button below. You’ll be taken to a secure order page that uses top tier 128 bit security encryption to make sure your information is 100% safe.
After entering your credit card or Paypal information, you’ll be taken to the member’s area, where you can watch the videos and download the bonuses immediately.
It doesn’t matter if it’s 3am on a Saturday. You can grab this course right now and improve your photography skills by at least 5 times within just a few hours.
Go ahead and click “Add to Cart” now.
YES! Carl, I’m in! Please give me immediate access to your Phone Photography Tricks video course for just $27. I’m ready to discover the secrets to taking JAW-DROPPING photos on my smartphone… faster and easier than I thought was ever possible.
FAST ACTION BONUS! I’m ordering before so please also send me the 3 special bonus reports, AND your personal email address so I can easily get in touch with you if I have any questions at all. I understand I have 8 weeks to put your phone photography secret tricks and techniques to use.
Then, if you’re not absolutely thrilled by the content, you can simply shoot me an email and get a full refund. No hassles. No questions asked. But no matter what you decide, the special bonuses are yours to keep just for giving our program a try.
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Join Now and Start Taking Amazing Pictures Today!
Remember, these are tricks and techniques I’ve personally invested over tens of thousands of dollars and more than 25 years of my life to learn. You’re getting all of my best secrets, knowledge and wisdom for just a tiny fraction of that.
Go ahead and order by clicking the link below. You’re just a few minutes away from taking amazing photos for the rest of your life.
To your success,
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Carl Hartman
P.S. Unannounced bonus: If you invest in this course today, I’m also going to share with you my private portfolio of over 300 creative photographs taken by world-class photographic artists around the world.
Combined with the tricks and techniques you’ll learn in this course, these photos will massively inspire you and “unlock” your creativity, allowing you to create out-of-this world photos on demand!
P.S.S. We usually sell the bonuses seperately, so I’m taking down the 4 fast response bonuses (including your free lifetime consultation opportunity and the step-by-step “How to Get Your Photos Featured on Flickr and Instagram” special report) on . Act fast to secure your spot before it’s too late!
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allenmendezsr · 5 years
Phone Photography Tricks - Trick Photography With Your Iphone!
New Post has been published on https://autotraffixpro.app/allenmendezsr/phone-photography-tricks-trick-photography-with-your-iphone/
Phone Photography Tricks - Trick Photography With Your Iphone!
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 Buy Now
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    WARNING: You Don’t Want To Snap Another Photo Until You Read This Startling Report…
Just Use These Proven Techniques To Instantly Become A “Mini Celebrity” On Social Media Sites… Without Ever Using Photoshop!
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Now can take amazing photos like these on your smartphone camera. And the cool thing is, you don’t need an expensive DSLR… or even Photoshop!
Dear Friend,
If you would like to take mind-blowing photographs with your smartphone…
If you would like to dazzle and shock your friends with your shots…
If you would like to become a trick photography expert, almost overnight…
…Then this is going to be the most exciting message you will ever read.
Hi, name is Carl Hartman and I’m a professional photographer.
Some of my friends even claim that I’m a complete photography nut. But there’s been a recent change in photography technology that has really ticked me off. Here’s why…
For more than 25 years, I’ve been studying and mastering FX and trick photography.
Early in my career, I earned a mentorship with award-winning industrial photographer, Robert Thornton. I then became the editor and executive producer at Universal Studios and PBS for 12 years.
Later, I worked as the director for the live action sequences in the best-selling computer games, DOOM and Chess Wars. More recently, I won the “Best of the Best” award at PBS and the “Most Creative” award from US International Film and Video.
But thanks to some new technology, complete photography newbie’s can take photos almost as good as what I can do ¬¬– and they can do it without spending thousands of dollars and months of time learning tricks of the trade.
See, when I was first starting out, the digital single-lens reflex camera (DSLR) was just invented. And it quickly became “all the rage” among serious photographers. I had to scrap together $1,200 to buy my first professional camera (Nikon D230 #).
With my new DSLR, I took breathtaking special effects shots I never even dreamed of taking with my old point-and-shoot camera. Some of my photos were so amazing that my friends refused to believe I took them, until I showed them the photos on my camera.
That was 20-some years ago. Today, things are completely different.
Technology has evolved at the speed of light. While many photographers still believe they need fancy-schmancy DSLRs to capture quality photos, the honest to goodness truth is you can actually…
“Transform” Your Smartphone Camera Into A High-End DSLR!
It’s true!
Once you know how to use your smartphone as a high-end DSLR, you can use it to capture spectacular shots like these:
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Not quite convinced?
Okay, take a look at the two images below.
Can you guess which one was taken by the iPhone 5… and which one was taken by the Canon EOS 7D ($1,599.00)?
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Can you spot the difference?
Well, the photo on the left was taken by the iPhone 3GS (with the help of a special image enhancement app we’ll talk about in just a bit.)
Since camera phone technology has become super advanced, the qualities of the photos are nearly identical.
In fact, there’s an entire “iPhoneography” movement going on right now, where world-class photographers are ditching their regular camera equipment and snapping shots only their iPhones!
And here’s the kicker (and why I’m so ticked off): There are still loads of self-righteous photography “experts” out there who claim you need at least a Nikon D5100, telephoto zoom lenses and their 6 week evening course just to start taking great pictures yourself.
As someone who has been living, sleeping and breathing photography his entire life, I can tell you….
That’s Pure Hogwash!
I’m tired of seeing struggling photographers get beat down because they can’t fully grasp perplexing camera functions… or sit through hours of mind-numbing and boring lectures, or shell out the funds for any 6-week money-grubbing course.
I blame arrogant photo “gurus” who think they’re helping you out by offering professional photography lessons. But they’re actually scaring away new photographers with their lucrative prices and complicated instruction.
I’ve gotten so hot under the collar by this nonsense that I made it my personal mission to show everyone a much easier way to take breath taking photos…
Without using fancy lenses, lighting and other extravagant equipment…
Without needing any pricey classes and dull lectures…
And without dropping boo-coo bucks for a DSLR!
The truth is, if you own a smartphone (iPhone, Samsung, HTC, Blackberry, whatever), then you already have everything you need to take create incredible photographs that will blow away you and your friends.
Like these…
In fact, the phone you already have can be an even better camera than some high-end DSLRs.
The Amazing Reasons Why The Best DSLR Camera Is… Probably Already In Your Pocket
FACT: Newer smartphone models have ultra-sharp image quality. They can do practically everything (and sometimes more) as your standard DSLR. (Even the old iPhone 3GS – which has a “puny” 3-megapixel camera¬– can give DSLRs a run for their money. And the iPhone 4, 4S and 5 are even better.)
FACT: Smartphones are “pocketable” and portable. You have the freedom to take pictures anywhere you go, without having to lug around heavy camera equipment. And because they’re less intrusive… you’re less likely to draw attention to yourself and get a bunch of “weird stares” whenever you take a photo. Certainly not the case with bulky DSLRs!
FACT: You can easily add special effects to your photos with free photo-editing apps. Then, quickly upload them to your favorite photo sharing sites with the touch of a button. There’s no hassle of transferring files to your computer or messing around with Photoshop.
When you finally discover the secrets to trick photography and special effects on your smartphone, you’ll be able to…
…Master photography basics and “shortcut” your learning curve by at least 6 months…
…Instantly apply these tricks and techniques to the very next photo you snap –Many pros have paid thousands of dollars to learn these secrets… and absolutely hate revealing them at any cost!…
…Skyrocket the activity on your Instagram, Tumblr and Flickr pages… and receive massive praise and recognition from other members on online photo-sharing communities!
The good news is, this is all possible because I just put together a complete 20 video training course. You’ll discover how to improve your “regular” shots while you also transform become a trick photography pro.
Phone Photography Tricks:
The Revolutionary Video Course That Shows You How To Capture Mind-Blow Artistic Images Using Only Your Smartphone
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The videos are split into easy–to-follow lessons that enable you to take awesome photos and breathtaking special effects shots you and your friends won’t believe.
Like these…
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This course is designed to turn a complete photography newbie into an accomplished smartphone photographer in the shortest time possible.
Each lesson contains the core essentials you need to know so you can take mind-boggling pictures with your smartphone. There’s no fluff or filler and I’m not going to waste your time with stale theory either.
I’ve taken the most crucial trick photography concepts I learned in my 25+ years of professional photography and distilled them into a potent collection of lessons that I’ll be serving you throughout this course.
Most beginners take 6 to 12 months to get through the struggling amateur stage, but you’ll bypass it completely with these shortcut secrets.
I’ve included assignments at the end of every lesson so you can apply what you learn and take stunning shots right away. These exercises will “hardwire” each lesson into your brain, so you actually get better… in a flash.
You’ll put every other smartphone users to shame.
While they still haven’t got a clue, they’ll only sit in wonder about why everyone online is absolutely mad about your photos, and not theirs.
Here’s exactly what’s you’ll discover inside Phone Photography Tricks…
Essential smartphone camera features that can instantly enhance your picture quality by 100%. (Even the most savvy smartphone addicts don’t know about these…)
How to use special focus techniques to create photographs with a subtle “meaning”…Screw this up and you can kiss any emotional impact in your photos goodbye!
The secret “depth of focus” technique… just use this to always get crisp, focused pictures – even if your subject is in motion or you have shaky hands!
How to split someone in half… If you ever want to freak out your friends, just try this simple trick…
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And believe it or not, you’ll be able to create these spectacular images…
Without Photoshop!
That means you can create jaw-dropping images without investing $599 for Photoshop CS5.
You won’t need PhotoShop because I’ve included my course is photo-editing software that’s virtually identical.
In fact, you may find it even easier and more intuitive to use. So you can recreate some of the more “advanced” photography tricks without getting slapped in the face by Photoshop’s harsh learning curve.
You’re just a few minutes away from developing pro-level skills that will stay with you for life.
It doesn’t matter if you’re a real photography nut, or simply interested in improving your shots. As long as you have a smartphone and a desire to take some killer photos, then this course will revolutionize the way you take pictures forever.
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Thousands of facebook likes, and hundreds of friend requests all thanks to your site! Now I’m excited every time I post photos on facebook because I know it will get lots of likes and praises from my family and friends!
Michelle Adams Los Angeles, California.
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All my Facebook friends were shocked after I posted the photographs from my travel vacation to Miami. They thought I paid a professional photographer to capture these photos or I took photography tutorials. Some thought I bought a new DSLR camera. I got hundreds of comments of different praises and questions on my photography skills. They don’t believe me when I told them that I only used my smart phones! Now, they want me to come to their travel trips and vacations – all paid expense – just to take their photos! All thanks to Phone Photography Tricks!
Robert Owens Chicago Ridge, Illinois
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Zero view a day, no comment in posts or photos and zero add friend request are things of my online dating site’s profile in the past. Now, I have many friends. I have their attention. Some I have dated, some I already met over the coffee, and some are for my games’ networking to level up and some men I chat with during lonely nights when I can’t sleep. I can’t believe what the Phone Photography tricks can do! Just one amazing profile photo using their tricks, my life had changed overnight! Kudos!
Jo Paredes Calgary, Canada
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I have never been comfortable in posing in front of the camera until a friend showed a photo of me that he has taken using his phone. It was insanely awesome picture! I never saw myself that way in my whole life! I bought myself the same feature in PhonePhotographyTricks.com and from then on I love capturing myself photographs everywhere I go. It is addicting really. Already started arranging my own album and collecting beautiful shots of my travel events! Thank you Phone Photography Tricks for my new found hobby. More power!
Maurizio Amario Rome, Italy
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Most of my friends are in to photography. Some of them had chosen photography as their profession. I envy then coz they have the latest and expensive DSLR camera. When we have get together or outings, I always heard them talking about the latest gadgets. It is always makes me want to own one but I couldn’t afford it. Then I tried the PhonePhotographyTricks.com using my Android phone and posted some of my shots on my social network profile. Our paths crossed again in some party, they go nuts after I told them that I don’t have new camera! They love my pictures. They thought I became one of them and stealing their clients when some of them commented on the post wanting to hire my service! Thanks to Phone Photography Tricks, the program proves that you don’t need to buy an expensive camera to have wonderful and professional looking photographs. Who knows and maybe later, I’ll consider this as a sideline.
Gary Edcel Phoenix, Arizona
Inside Phone Photography Tricks, you’ll also discover…
Now, you might be wondering…
“Carl, This Sounds Great, But How Much Is It?”
If you were to sing up for a typical an Intro to Photography evening class, then you’d have to spend $1000 to $2000 for the class.
Many of the online photography courses can still reach you $499 to $999 each.
… And on top of that, your professor will force you to buy an expensive DSLR camera and equipment…
What’s worse, these courses will be made up of long, drawn out instruction and uninteresting theory. Instead of having fun learning photography, you’ll feel like you’re in a boring physics lecture.
And if you ever had to sit through boring classes before, then you know just how quickly you start forgetting what you learned the weeks before. That’s money and time down the drain.
(Don’t get me wrong. These classes are fine if your goal is to become a professional photographer. But for the average person who simply wants more activity on their Flickr page, win a few photo-contests, or just take more pleasing pictures, these options are way too expensive.)
I could decide to offer this program for $200 and I would probably have countless photographers ready, eager, and willing to sign up just to get access to my more than 25 years in-the-trenches experience as a professional photographer.
But you’re not even going to pay half of that – $100.
If you grab your copy of “Phone Photography Tricks” today, you only have to make a one-time investment of $27.
Look, it steams me to no end when I see young photographers get ripped off by greedy photography “experts” and their needless classes.
It turns my stomach when I hear young photographer saying that if they don’t have a top-end DSLR, then they’ll never be able to take quality shots.
And it makes my heart break when these new guys get discouraged and drop out of photography all together.
That’s why I’m pricing this course as low as possible.
Well, when I was starting out, there were more experienced photographers who lent me a helping hand when I had questions. While I don’t have time to personally mentor every worthy candidate, I’ve decided to help as many people as I can with this program.
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In fact, I’m so sure you’ll be absolutely thrilled with this program, I’m going to back up every promise I make on this page with…
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Here’s how it works: Go ahead and sign up for my “Phone Photography Tricks”.
Go through the video lessons and if you’re not convinced beyond a shadow of a doubt… at any time..this amazing course is not everything I’ve just written about, then I insist you immediately contact me for a full refund.
That’s right, if you’re not totally delighted with this course, just shoot me an email within 8 weeks of today, and I’ll send back every single dime… no questions asked.
That’s how confident I am these photography techniques will supercharge” every smartphone photo you take from now on.
To make your decision much easier, I’m also going to throw in some killer bonuses. (I’m feeling extra generous.)
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Bonus #1: Unlimited Lifetime Consultation($500 Value)
Clients have paid me upwards of $500 to work me one-on-one. But because I’m close to retiring and photography is my obsession, I’ll give you my personal email address for free if you invest in this course today.
If you ever feel stuck, want additional insider tips, or just want to talk shop with a pro, just send me a message and I’ll get back to you quickly- usually in less in 1 business day.
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Bonus #2: How To Get Your Photos Featured on Flickr and Instagram ($27 Value)
This report will reveal the secrets to getting your photos featured on Instagram and Flickr. You’ll discover exactly how to consistently produce amazing photos that earn the respect and admiration of others. Don’t be surprised when you start getting treated like a “mini-celebrity” on these sites.
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Bonus #3: How To Make Passive Income With Photography ($27 Value)
This special report will show you how to make money with photography and turn your hobby into a part-time passive income stream. Even some pro’s don’t even know about these simple steps for collecting lifetime royalties from your photos… and it’s way easier you think!
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Bonus #4: All-In-One Photo Editing Software with 41 Video Tutorials ($97 Value)
This is a simple-to-use photo-editing program that’s very similar to Photoshop (which can cost up to $599). And in my opinion, the editing interface is much more straightforward compared to Photoshop.
Note: These special bonuses is a limited time offer only and will be promptly pulled down soon.
To sum up, you’re getting my complete “Phone Photography Tricks” video course. It contains everything you need to start taking extraordinary phone photographs that will impress the heck out of your friends.
And if you order before you’ll also get 4 high-value bonuses to make it even easier for you to master camera phone trick photography. And take stunning photos like these:
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So now you have 2 choices.
You can close this page and do nothing. And nothing will change. You’ll keep on taking same boring photos like most people, secretly wishing you could do better.
You can invest in my “Phone Trick Photography” course without any risk and receive 4 valuable bonuses. You’ll be able to immediately apply these closely-guarded trick photography secrets. And easily take pictures that earn you huge amounts of respect from everyone who sees them.
Just click the “Add to Cart” button below. You’ll be taken to a secure order page that uses top tier 128 bit security encryption to make sure your information is 100% safe.
After entering your credit card or Paypal information, you’ll be taken to the member’s area, where you can watch the videos and download the bonuses immediately.
It doesn’t matter if it’s 3am on a Saturday. You can grab this course right now and improve your photography skills by at least 5 times within just a few hours.
Go ahead and click “Add to Cart” now.
YES! Carl, I’m in! Please give me immediate access to your Phone Photography Tricks video course for just $27. I’m ready to discover the secrets to taking JAW-DROPPING photos on my smartphone… faster and easier than I thought was ever possible.
FAST ACTION BONUS! I’m ordering before so please also send me the 3 special bonus reports, AND your personal email address so I can easily get in touch with you if I have any questions at all. I understand I have 8 weeks to put your phone photography secret tricks and techniques to use.
Then, if you’re not absolutely thrilled by the content, you can simply shoot me an email and get a full refund. No hassles. No questions asked. But no matter what you decide, the special bonuses are yours to keep just for giving our program a try.
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Join Now and Start Taking Amazing Pictures Today!
Remember, these are tricks and techniques I’ve personally invested over tens of thousands of dollars and more than 25 years of my life to learn. You’re getting all of my best secrets, knowledge and wisdom for just a tiny fraction of that.
Go ahead and order by clicking the link below. You’re just a few minutes away from taking amazing photos for the rest of your life.
To your success,
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Carl Hartman
P.S. Unannounced bonus: If you invest in this course today, I’m also going to share with you my private portfolio of over 300 creative photographs taken by world-class photographic artists around the world.
Combined with the tricks and techniques you’ll learn in this course, these photos will massively inspire you and “unlock” your creativity, allowing you to create out-of-this world photos on demand!
P.S.S. We usually sell the bonuses seperately, so I’m taking down the 4 fast response bonuses (including your free lifetime consultation opportunity and the step-by-step “How to Get Your Photos Featured on Flickr and Instagram” special report) on . Act fast to secure your spot before it’s too late!
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0 notes
allenmendezsr · 5 years
Phone Photography Tricks - Trick Photography With Your Iphone!
New Post has been published on https://autotraffixpro.app/allenmendezsr/phone-photography-tricks-trick-photography-with-your-iphone/
Phone Photography Tricks - Trick Photography With Your Iphone!
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 Buy Now
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    WARNING: You Don’t Want To Snap Another Photo Until You Read This Startling Report…
Just Use These Proven Techniques To Instantly Become A “Mini Celebrity” On Social Media Sites… Without Ever Using Photoshop!
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Now can take amazing photos like these on your smartphone camera. And the cool thing is, you don’t need an expensive DSLR… or even Photoshop!
Dear Friend,
If you would like to take mind-blowing photographs with your smartphone…
If you would like to dazzle and shock your friends with your shots…
If you would like to become a trick photography expert, almost overnight…
…Then this is going to be the most exciting message you will ever read.
Hi, name is Carl Hartman and I’m a professional photographer.
Some of my friends even claim that I’m a complete photography nut. But there’s been a recent change in photography technology that has really ticked me off. Here’s why…
For more than 25 years, I’ve been studying and mastering FX and trick photography.
Early in my career, I earned a mentorship with award-winning industrial photographer, Robert Thornton. I then became the editor and executive producer at Universal Studios and PBS for 12 years.
Later, I worked as the director for the live action sequences in the best-selling computer games, DOOM and Chess Wars. More recently, I won the “Best of the Best” award at PBS and the “Most Creative” award from US International Film and Video.
But thanks to some new technology, complete photography newbie’s can take photos almost as good as what I can do ¬¬– and they can do it without spending thousands of dollars and months of time learning tricks of the trade.
See, when I was first starting out, the digital single-lens reflex camera (DSLR) was just invented. And it quickly became “all the rage” among serious photographers. I had to scrap together $1,200 to buy my first professional camera (Nikon D230 #).
With my new DSLR, I took breathtaking special effects shots I never even dreamed of taking with my old point-and-shoot camera. Some of my photos were so amazing that my friends refused to believe I took them, until I showed them the photos on my camera.
That was 20-some years ago. Today, things are completely different.
Technology has evolved at the speed of light. While many photographers still believe they need fancy-schmancy DSLRs to capture quality photos, the honest to goodness truth is you can actually…
“Transform” Your Smartphone Camera Into A High-End DSLR!
It’s true!
Once you know how to use your smartphone as a high-end DSLR, you can use it to capture spectacular shots like these:
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Not quite convinced?
Okay, take a look at the two images below.
Can you guess which one was taken by the iPhone 5… and which one was taken by the Canon EOS 7D ($1,599.00)?
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Can you spot the difference?
Well, the photo on the left was taken by the iPhone 3GS (with the help of a special image enhancement app we’ll talk about in just a bit.)
Since camera phone technology has become super advanced, the qualities of the photos are nearly identical.
In fact, there’s an entire “iPhoneography” movement going on right now, where world-class photographers are ditching their regular camera equipment and snapping shots only their iPhones!
And here’s the kicker (and why I’m so ticked off): There are still loads of self-righteous photography “experts” out there who claim you need at least a Nikon D5100, telephoto zoom lenses and their 6 week evening course just to start taking great pictures yourself.
As someone who has been living, sleeping and breathing photography his entire life, I can tell you….
That’s Pure Hogwash!
I’m tired of seeing struggling photographers get beat down because they can’t fully grasp perplexing camera functions… or sit through hours of mind-numbing and boring lectures, or shell out the funds for any 6-week money-grubbing course.
I blame arrogant photo “gurus” who think they’re helping you out by offering professional photography lessons. But they’re actually scaring away new photographers with their lucrative prices and complicated instruction.
I’ve gotten so hot under the collar by this nonsense that I made it my personal mission to show everyone a much easier way to take breath taking photos…
Without using fancy lenses, lighting and other extravagant equipment…
Without needing any pricey classes and dull lectures…
And without dropping boo-coo bucks for a DSLR!
The truth is, if you own a smartphone (iPhone, Samsung, HTC, Blackberry, whatever), then you already have everything you need to take create incredible photographs that will blow away you and your friends.
Like these…
In fact, the phone you already have can be an even better camera than some high-end DSLRs.
The Amazing Reasons Why The Best DSLR Camera Is… Probably Already In Your Pocket
FACT: Newer smartphone models have ultra-sharp image quality. They can do practically everything (and sometimes more) as your standard DSLR. (Even the old iPhone 3GS – which has a “puny” 3-megapixel camera¬– can give DSLRs a run for their money. And the iPhone 4, 4S and 5 are even better.)
FACT: Smartphones are “pocketable” and portable. You have the freedom to take pictures anywhere you go, without having to lug around heavy camera equipment. And because they’re less intrusive… you’re less likely to draw attention to yourself and get a bunch of “weird stares” whenever you take a photo. Certainly not the case with bulky DSLRs!
FACT: You can easily add special effects to your photos with free photo-editing apps. Then, quickly upload them to your favorite photo sharing sites with the touch of a button. There’s no hassle of transferring files to your computer or messing around with Photoshop.
When you finally discover the secrets to trick photography and special effects on your smartphone, you’ll be able to…
…Master photography basics and “shortcut” your learning curve by at least 6 months…
…Instantly apply these tricks and techniques to the very next photo you snap –Many pros have paid thousands of dollars to learn these secrets… and absolutely hate revealing them at any cost!…
…Skyrocket the activity on your Instagram, Tumblr and Flickr pages… and receive massive praise and recognition from other members on online photo-sharing communities!
The good news is, this is all possible because I just put together a complete 20 video training course. You’ll discover how to improve your “regular” shots while you also transform become a trick photography pro.
Phone Photography Tricks:
The Revolutionary Video Course That Shows You How To Capture Mind-Blow Artistic Images Using Only Your Smartphone
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The videos are split into easy–to-follow lessons that enable you to take awesome photos and breathtaking special effects shots you and your friends won’t believe.
Like these…
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This course is designed to turn a complete photography newbie into an accomplished smartphone photographer in the shortest time possible.
Each lesson contains the core essentials you need to know so you can take mind-boggling pictures with your smartphone. There’s no fluff or filler and I’m not going to waste your time with stale theory either.
I’ve taken the most crucial trick photography concepts I learned in my 25+ years of professional photography and distilled them into a potent collection of lessons that I’ll be serving you throughout this course.
Most beginners take 6 to 12 months to get through the struggling amateur stage, but you’ll bypass it completely with these shortcut secrets.
I’ve included assignments at the end of every lesson so you can apply what you learn and take stunning shots right away. These exercises will “hardwire” each lesson into your brain, so you actually get better… in a flash.
You’ll put every other smartphone users to shame.
While they still haven’t got a clue, they’ll only sit in wonder about why everyone online is absolutely mad about your photos, and not theirs.
Here’s exactly what’s you’ll discover inside Phone Photography Tricks…
Essential smartphone camera features that can instantly enhance your picture quality by 100%. (Even the most savvy smartphone addicts don’t know about these…)
How to use special focus techniques to create photographs with a subtle “meaning”…Screw this up and you can kiss any emotional impact in your photos goodbye!
The secret “depth of focus” technique… just use this to always get crisp, focused pictures – even if your subject is in motion or you have shaky hands!
How to split someone in half… If you ever want to freak out your friends, just try this simple trick…
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And believe it or not, you’ll be able to create these spectacular images…
Without Photoshop!
That means you can create jaw-dropping images without investing $599 for Photoshop CS5.
You won’t need PhotoShop because I’ve included my course is photo-editing software that’s virtually identical.
In fact, you may find it even easier and more intuitive to use. So you can recreate some of the more “advanced” photography tricks without getting slapped in the face by Photoshop’s harsh learning curve.
You’re just a few minutes away from developing pro-level skills that will stay with you for life.
It doesn’t matter if you’re a real photography nut, or simply interested in improving your shots. As long as you have a smartphone and a desire to take some killer photos, then this course will revolutionize the way you take pictures forever.
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Thousands of facebook likes, and hundreds of friend requests all thanks to your site! Now I’m excited every time I post photos on facebook because I know it will get lots of likes and praises from my family and friends!
Michelle Adams Los Angeles, California.
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All my Facebook friends were shocked after I posted the photographs from my travel vacation to Miami. They thought I paid a professional photographer to capture these photos or I took photography tutorials. Some thought I bought a new DSLR camera. I got hundreds of comments of different praises and questions on my photography skills. They don’t believe me when I told them that I only used my smart phones! Now, they want me to come to their travel trips and vacations – all paid expense – just to take their photos! All thanks to Phone Photography Tricks!
Robert Owens Chicago Ridge, Illinois
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Zero view a day, no comment in posts or photos and zero add friend request are things of my online dating site’s profile in the past. Now, I have many friends. I have their attention. Some I have dated, some I already met over the coffee, and some are for my games’ networking to level up and some men I chat with during lonely nights when I can’t sleep. I can’t believe what the Phone Photography tricks can do! Just one amazing profile photo using their tricks, my life had changed overnight! Kudos!
Jo Paredes Calgary, Canada
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I have never been comfortable in posing in front of the camera until a friend showed a photo of me that he has taken using his phone. It was insanely awesome picture! I never saw myself that way in my whole life! I bought myself the same feature in PhonePhotographyTricks.com and from then on I love capturing myself photographs everywhere I go. It is addicting really. Already started arranging my own album and collecting beautiful shots of my travel events! Thank you Phone Photography Tricks for my new found hobby. More power!
Maurizio Amario Rome, Italy
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Most of my friends are in to photography. Some of them had chosen photography as their profession. I envy then coz they have the latest and expensive DSLR camera. When we have get together or outings, I always heard them talking about the latest gadgets. It is always makes me want to own one but I couldn’t afford it. Then I tried the PhonePhotographyTricks.com using my Android phone and posted some of my shots on my social network profile. Our paths crossed again in some party, they go nuts after I told them that I don’t have new camera! They love my pictures. They thought I became one of them and stealing their clients when some of them commented on the post wanting to hire my service! Thanks to Phone Photography Tricks, the program proves that you don’t need to buy an expensive camera to have wonderful and professional looking photographs. Who knows and maybe later, I’ll consider this as a sideline.
Gary Edcel Phoenix, Arizona
Inside Phone Photography Tricks, you’ll also discover…
Now, you might be wondering…
“Carl, This Sounds Great, But How Much Is It?”
If you were to sing up for a typical an Intro to Photography evening class, then you’d have to spend $1000 to $2000 for the class.
Many of the online photography courses can still reach you $499 to $999 each.
… And on top of that, your professor will force you to buy an expensive DSLR camera and equipment…
What’s worse, these courses will be made up of long, drawn out instruction and uninteresting theory. Instead of having fun learning photography, you’ll feel like you’re in a boring physics lecture.
And if you ever had to sit through boring classes before, then you know just how quickly you start forgetting what you learned the weeks before. That’s money and time down the drain.
(Don’t get me wrong. These classes are fine if your goal is to become a professional photographer. But for the average person who simply wants more activity on their Flickr page, win a few photo-contests, or just take more pleasing pictures, these options are way too expensive.)
I could decide to offer this program for $200 and I would probably have countless photographers ready, eager, and willing to sign up just to get access to my more than 25 years in-the-trenches experience as a professional photographer.
But you’re not even going to pay half of that – $100.
If you grab your copy of “Phone Photography Tricks” today, you only have to make a one-time investment of $27.
Look, it steams me to no end when I see young photographers get ripped off by greedy photography “experts” and their needless classes.
It turns my stomach when I hear young photographer saying that if they don’t have a top-end DSLR, then they’ll never be able to take quality shots.
And it makes my heart break when these new guys get discouraged and drop out of photography all together.
That’s why I’m pricing this course as low as possible.
Well, when I was starting out, there were more experienced photographers who lent me a helping hand when I had questions. While I don’t have time to personally mentor every worthy candidate, I’ve decided to help as many people as I can with this program.
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In fact, I’m so sure you’ll be absolutely thrilled with this program, I’m going to back up every promise I make on this page with…
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Here’s how it works: Go ahead and sign up for my “Phone Photography Tricks”.
Go through the video lessons and if you’re not convinced beyond a shadow of a doubt… at any time..this amazing course is not everything I’ve just written about, then I insist you immediately contact me for a full refund.
That’s right, if you’re not totally delighted with this course, just shoot me an email within 8 weeks of today, and I’ll send back every single dime… no questions asked.
That’s how confident I am these photography techniques will supercharge” every smartphone photo you take from now on.
To make your decision much easier, I’m also going to throw in some killer bonuses. (I’m feeling extra generous.)
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Bonus #1: Unlimited Lifetime Consultation($500 Value)
Clients have paid me upwards of $500 to work me one-on-one. But because I’m close to retiring and photography is my obsession, I’ll give you my personal email address for free if you invest in this course today.
If you ever feel stuck, want additional insider tips, or just want to talk shop with a pro, just send me a message and I’ll get back to you quickly- usually in less in 1 business day.
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Bonus #2: How To Get Your Photos Featured on Flickr and Instagram ($27 Value)
This report will reveal the secrets to getting your photos featured on Instagram and Flickr. You’ll discover exactly how to consistently produce amazing photos that earn the respect and admiration of others. Don’t be surprised when you start getting treated like a “mini-celebrity” on these sites.
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Bonus #3: How To Make Passive Income With Photography ($27 Value)
This special report will show you how to make money with photography and turn your hobby into a part-time passive income stream. Even some pro’s don’t even know about these simple steps for collecting lifetime royalties from your photos… and it’s way easier you think!
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Bonus #4: All-In-One Photo Editing Software with 41 Video Tutorials ($97 Value)
This is a simple-to-use photo-editing program that’s very similar to Photoshop (which can cost up to $599). And in my opinion, the editing interface is much more straightforward compared to Photoshop.
Note: These special bonuses is a limited time offer only and will be promptly pulled down soon.
To sum up, you’re getting my complete “Phone Photography Tricks” video course. It contains everything you need to start taking extraordinary phone photographs that will impress the heck out of your friends.
And if you order before you’ll also get 4 high-value bonuses to make it even easier for you to master camera phone trick photography. And take stunning photos like these:
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So now you have 2 choices.
You can close this page and do nothing. And nothing will change. You’ll keep on taking same boring photos like most people, secretly wishing you could do better.
You can invest in my “Phone Trick Photography” course without any risk and receive 4 valuable bonuses. You’ll be able to immediately apply these closely-guarded trick photography secrets. And easily take pictures that earn you huge amounts of respect from everyone who sees them.
Just click the “Add to Cart” button below. You’ll be taken to a secure order page that uses top tier 128 bit security encryption to make sure your information is 100% safe.
After entering your credit card or Paypal information, you’ll be taken to the member’s area, where you can watch the videos and download the bonuses immediately.
It doesn’t matter if it’s 3am on a Saturday. You can grab this course right now and improve your photography skills by at least 5 times within just a few hours.
Go ahead and click “Add to Cart” now.
YES! Carl, I’m in! Please give me immediate access to your Phone Photography Tricks video course for just $27. I’m ready to discover the secrets to taking JAW-DROPPING photos on my smartphone… faster and easier than I thought was ever possible.
FAST ACTION BONUS! I’m ordering before so please also send me the 3 special bonus reports, AND your personal email address so I can easily get in touch with you if I have any questions at all. I understand I have 8 weeks to put your phone photography secret tricks and techniques to use.
Then, if you’re not absolutely thrilled by the content, you can simply shoot me an email and get a full refund. No hassles. No questions asked. But no matter what you decide, the special bonuses are yours to keep just for giving our program a try.
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Join Now and Start Taking Amazing Pictures Today!
Remember, these are tricks and techniques I’ve personally invested over tens of thousands of dollars and more than 25 years of my life to learn. You’re getting all of my best secrets, knowledge and wisdom for just a tiny fraction of that.
Go ahead and order by clicking the link below. You’re just a few minutes away from taking amazing photos for the rest of your life.
To your success,
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Carl Hartman
P.S. Unannounced bonus: If you invest in this course today, I’m also going to share with you my private portfolio of over 300 creative photographs taken by world-class photographic artists around the world.
Combined with the tricks and techniques you’ll learn in this course, these photos will massively inspire you and “unlock” your creativity, allowing you to create out-of-this world photos on demand!
P.S.S. We usually sell the bonuses seperately, so I’m taking down the 4 fast response bonuses (including your free lifetime consultation opportunity and the step-by-step “How to Get Your Photos Featured on Flickr and Instagram” special report) on . Act fast to secure your spot before it’s too late!
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0 notes
allenmendezsr · 5 years
Phone Photography Tricks - Trick Photography With Your Iphone!
New Post has been published on https://autotraffixpro.app/allenmendezsr/phone-photography-tricks-trick-photography-with-your-iphone/
Phone Photography Tricks - Trick Photography With Your Iphone!
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 Buy Now
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    WARNING: You Don’t Want To Snap Another Photo Until You Read This Startling Report…
Just Use These Proven Techniques To Instantly Become A “Mini Celebrity” On Social Media Sites… Without Ever Using Photoshop!
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Now can take amazing photos like these on your smartphone camera. And the cool thing is, you don’t need an expensive DSLR… or even Photoshop!
Dear Friend,
If you would like to take mind-blowing photographs with your smartphone…
If you would like to dazzle and shock your friends with your shots…
If you would like to become a trick photography expert, almost overnight…
…Then this is going to be the most exciting message you will ever read.
Hi, name is Carl Hartman and I’m a professional photographer.
Some of my friends even claim that I’m a complete photography nut. But there’s been a recent change in photography technology that has really ticked me off. Here’s why…
For more than 25 years, I’ve been studying and mastering FX and trick photography.
Early in my career, I earned a mentorship with award-winning industrial photographer, Robert Thornton. I then became the editor and executive producer at Universal Studios and PBS for 12 years.
Later, I worked as the director for the live action sequences in the best-selling computer games, DOOM and Chess Wars. More recently, I won the “Best of the Best” award at PBS and the “Most Creative” award from US International Film and Video.
But thanks to some new technology, complete photography newbie’s can take photos almost as good as what I can do ¬¬– and they can do it without spending thousands of dollars and months of time learning tricks of the trade.
See, when I was first starting out, the digital single-lens reflex camera (DSLR) was just invented. And it quickly became “all the rage” among serious photographers. I had to scrap together $1,200 to buy my first professional camera (Nikon D230 #).
With my new DSLR, I took breathtaking special effects shots I never even dreamed of taking with my old point-and-shoot camera. Some of my photos were so amazing that my friends refused to believe I took them, until I showed them the photos on my camera.
That was 20-some years ago. Today, things are completely different.
Technology has evolved at the speed of light. While many photographers still believe they need fancy-schmancy DSLRs to capture quality photos, the honest to goodness truth is you can actually…
“Transform” Your Smartphone Camera Into A High-End DSLR!
It’s true!
Once you know how to use your smartphone as a high-end DSLR, you can use it to capture spectacular shots like these:
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Not quite convinced?
Okay, take a look at the two images below.
Can you guess which one was taken by the iPhone 5… and which one was taken by the Canon EOS 7D ($1,599.00)?
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Can you spot the difference?
Well, the photo on the left was taken by the iPhone 3GS (with the help of a special image enhancement app we’ll talk about in just a bit.)
Since camera phone technology has become super advanced, the qualities of the photos are nearly identical.
In fact, there’s an entire “iPhoneography” movement going on right now, where world-class photographers are ditching their regular camera equipment and snapping shots only their iPhones!
And here’s the kicker (and why I’m so ticked off): There are still loads of self-righteous photography “experts” out there who claim you need at least a Nikon D5100, telephoto zoom lenses and their 6 week evening course just to start taking great pictures yourself.
As someone who has been living, sleeping and breathing photography his entire life, I can tell you….
That’s Pure Hogwash!
I’m tired of seeing struggling photographers get beat down because they can’t fully grasp perplexing camera functions… or sit through hours of mind-numbing and boring lectures, or shell out the funds for any 6-week money-grubbing course.
I blame arrogant photo “gurus” who think they’re helping you out by offering professional photography lessons. But they’re actually scaring away new photographers with their lucrative prices and complicated instruction.
I’ve gotten so hot under the collar by this nonsense that I made it my personal mission to show everyone a much easier way to take breath taking photos…
Without using fancy lenses, lighting and other extravagant equipment…
Without needing any pricey classes and dull lectures…
And without dropping boo-coo bucks for a DSLR!
The truth is, if you own a smartphone (iPhone, Samsung, HTC, Blackberry, whatever), then you already have everything you need to take create incredible photographs that will blow away you and your friends.
Like these…
In fact, the phone you already have can be an even better camera than some high-end DSLRs.
The Amazing Reasons Why The Best DSLR Camera Is… Probably Already In Your Pocket
FACT: Newer smartphone models have ultra-sharp image quality. They can do practically everything (and sometimes more) as your standard DSLR. (Even the old iPhone 3GS – which has a “puny” 3-megapixel camera¬– can give DSLRs a run for their money. And the iPhone 4, 4S and 5 are even better.)
FACT: Smartphones are “pocketable” and portable. You have the freedom to take pictures anywhere you go, without having to lug around heavy camera equipment. And because they’re less intrusive… you’re less likely to draw attention to yourself and get a bunch of “weird stares” whenever you take a photo. Certainly not the case with bulky DSLRs!
FACT: You can easily add special effects to your photos with free photo-editing apps. Then, quickly upload them to your favorite photo sharing sites with the touch of a button. There’s no hassle of transferring files to your computer or messing around with Photoshop.
When you finally discover the secrets to trick photography and special effects on your smartphone, you’ll be able to…
…Master photography basics and “shortcut” your learning curve by at least 6 months…
…Instantly apply these tricks and techniques to the very next photo you snap –Many pros have paid thousands of dollars to learn these secrets… and absolutely hate revealing them at any cost!…
…Skyrocket the activity on your Instagram, Tumblr and Flickr pages… and receive massive praise and recognition from other members on online photo-sharing communities!
The good news is, this is all possible because I just put together a complete 20 video training course. You’ll discover how to improve your “regular” shots while you also transform become a trick photography pro.
Phone Photography Tricks:
The Revolutionary Video Course That Shows You How To Capture Mind-Blow Artistic Images Using Only Your Smartphone
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The videos are split into easy–to-follow lessons that enable you to take awesome photos and breathtaking special effects shots you and your friends won’t believe.
Like these…
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This course is designed to turn a complete photography newbie into an accomplished smartphone photographer in the shortest time possible.
Each lesson contains the core essentials you need to know so you can take mind-boggling pictures with your smartphone. There’s no fluff or filler and I’m not going to waste your time with stale theory either.
I’ve taken the most crucial trick photography concepts I learned in my 25+ years of professional photography and distilled them into a potent collection of lessons that I’ll be serving you throughout this course.
Most beginners take 6 to 12 months to get through the struggling amateur stage, but you’ll bypass it completely with these shortcut secrets.
I’ve included assignments at the end of every lesson so you can apply what you learn and take stunning shots right away. These exercises will “hardwire” each lesson into your brain, so you actually get better… in a flash.
You’ll put every other smartphone users to shame.
While they still haven’t got a clue, they’ll only sit in wonder about why everyone online is absolutely mad about your photos, and not theirs.
Here’s exactly what’s you’ll discover inside Phone Photography Tricks…
Essential smartphone camera features that can instantly enhance your picture quality by 100%. (Even the most savvy smartphone addicts don’t know about these…)
How to use special focus techniques to create photographs with a subtle “meaning”…Screw this up and you can kiss any emotional impact in your photos goodbye!
The secret “depth of focus” technique… just use this to always get crisp, focused pictures – even if your subject is in motion or you have shaky hands!
How to split someone in half… If you ever want to freak out your friends, just try this simple trick…
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And believe it or not, you’ll be able to create these spectacular images…
Without Photoshop!
That means you can create jaw-dropping images without investing $599 for Photoshop CS5.
You won’t need PhotoShop because I’ve included my course is photo-editing software that’s virtually identical.
In fact, you may find it even easier and more intuitive to use. So you can recreate some of the more “advanced” photography tricks without getting slapped in the face by Photoshop’s harsh learning curve.
You’re just a few minutes away from developing pro-level skills that will stay with you for life.
It doesn’t matter if you’re a real photography nut, or simply interested in improving your shots. As long as you have a smartphone and a desire to take some killer photos, then this course will revolutionize the way you take pictures forever.
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Thousands of facebook likes, and hundreds of friend requests all thanks to your site! Now I’m excited every time I post photos on facebook because I know it will get lots of likes and praises from my family and friends!
Michelle Adams Los Angeles, California.
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All my Facebook friends were shocked after I posted the photographs from my travel vacation to Miami. They thought I paid a professional photographer to capture these photos or I took photography tutorials. Some thought I bought a new DSLR camera. I got hundreds of comments of different praises and questions on my photography skills. They don’t believe me when I told them that I only used my smart phones! Now, they want me to come to their travel trips and vacations – all paid expense – just to take their photos! All thanks to Phone Photography Tricks!
Robert Owens Chicago Ridge, Illinois
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Zero view a day, no comment in posts or photos and zero add friend request are things of my online dating site’s profile in the past. Now, I have many friends. I have their attention. Some I have dated, some I already met over the coffee, and some are for my games’ networking to level up and some men I chat with during lonely nights when I can’t sleep. I can’t believe what the Phone Photography tricks can do! Just one amazing profile photo using their tricks, my life had changed overnight! Kudos!
Jo Paredes Calgary, Canada
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I have never been comfortable in posing in front of the camera until a friend showed a photo of me that he has taken using his phone. It was insanely awesome picture! I never saw myself that way in my whole life! I bought myself the same feature in PhonePhotographyTricks.com and from then on I love capturing myself photographs everywhere I go. It is addicting really. Already started arranging my own album and collecting beautiful shots of my travel events! Thank you Phone Photography Tricks for my new found hobby. More power!
Maurizio Amario Rome, Italy
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Most of my friends are in to photography. Some of them had chosen photography as their profession. I envy then coz they have the latest and expensive DSLR camera. When we have get together or outings, I always heard them talking about the latest gadgets. It is always makes me want to own one but I couldn’t afford it. Then I tried the PhonePhotographyTricks.com using my Android phone and posted some of my shots on my social network profile. Our paths crossed again in some party, they go nuts after I told them that I don’t have new camera! They love my pictures. They thought I became one of them and stealing their clients when some of them commented on the post wanting to hire my service! Thanks to Phone Photography Tricks, the program proves that you don’t need to buy an expensive camera to have wonderful and professional looking photographs. Who knows and maybe later, I’ll consider this as a sideline.
Gary Edcel Phoenix, Arizona
Inside Phone Photography Tricks, you’ll also discover…
Now, you might be wondering…
“Carl, This Sounds Great, But How Much Is It?”
If you were to sing up for a typical an Intro to Photography evening class, then you’d have to spend $1000 to $2000 for the class.
Many of the online photography courses can still reach you $499 to $999 each.
… And on top of that, your professor will force you to buy an expensive DSLR camera and equipment…
What’s worse, these courses will be made up of long, drawn out instruction and uninteresting theory. Instead of having fun learning photography, you’ll feel like you’re in a boring physics lecture.
And if you ever had to sit through boring classes before, then you know just how quickly you start forgetting what you learned the weeks before. That’s money and time down the drain.
(Don’t get me wrong. These classes are fine if your goal is to become a professional photographer. But for the average person who simply wants more activity on their Flickr page, win a few photo-contests, or just take more pleasing pictures, these options are way too expensive.)
I could decide to offer this program for $200 and I would probably have countless photographers ready, eager, and willing to sign up just to get access to my more than 25 years in-the-trenches experience as a professional photographer.
But you’re not even going to pay half of that – $100.
If you grab your copy of “Phone Photography Tricks” today, you only have to make a one-time investment of $27.
Look, it steams me to no end when I see young photographers get ripped off by greedy photography “experts” and their needless classes.
It turns my stomach when I hear young photographer saying that if they don’t have a top-end DSLR, then they’ll never be able to take quality shots.
And it makes my heart break when these new guys get discouraged and drop out of photography all together.
That’s why I’m pricing this course as low as possible.
Well, when I was starting out, there were more experienced photographers who lent me a helping hand when I had questions. While I don’t have time to personally mentor every worthy candidate, I’ve decided to help as many people as I can with this program.
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In fact, I’m so sure you’ll be absolutely thrilled with this program, I’m going to back up every promise I make on this page with…
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Here’s how it works: Go ahead and sign up for my “Phone Photography Tricks”.
Go through the video lessons and if you’re not convinced beyond a shadow of a doubt… at any time..this amazing course is not everything I’ve just written about, then I insist you immediately contact me for a full refund.
That’s right, if you’re not totally delighted with this course, just shoot me an email within 8 weeks of today, and I’ll send back every single dime… no questions asked.
That’s how confident I am these photography techniques will supercharge” every smartphone photo you take from now on.
To make your decision much easier, I’m also going to throw in some killer bonuses. (I’m feeling extra generous.)
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Bonus #1: Unlimited Lifetime Consultation($500 Value)
Clients have paid me upwards of $500 to work me one-on-one. But because I’m close to retiring and photography is my obsession, I’ll give you my personal email address for free if you invest in this course today.
If you ever feel stuck, want additional insider tips, or just want to talk shop with a pro, just send me a message and I’ll get back to you quickly- usually in less in 1 business day.
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Bonus #2: How To Get Your Photos Featured on Flickr and Instagram ($27 Value)
This report will reveal the secrets to getting your photos featured on Instagram and Flickr. You’ll discover exactly how to consistently produce amazing photos that earn the respect and admiration of others. Don’t be surprised when you start getting treated like a “mini-celebrity” on these sites.
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Bonus #3: How To Make Passive Income With Photography ($27 Value)
This special report will show you how to make money with photography and turn your hobby into a part-time passive income stream. Even some pro’s don’t even know about these simple steps for collecting lifetime royalties from your photos… and it’s way easier you think!
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Bonus #4: All-In-One Photo Editing Software with 41 Video Tutorials ($97 Value)
This is a simple-to-use photo-editing program that’s very similar to Photoshop (which can cost up to $599). And in my opinion, the editing interface is much more straightforward compared to Photoshop.
Note: These special bonuses is a limited time offer only and will be promptly pulled down soon.
To sum up, you’re getting my complete “Phone Photography Tricks” video course. It contains everything you need to start taking extraordinary phone photographs that will impress the heck out of your friends.
And if you order before you’ll also get 4 high-value bonuses to make it even easier for you to master camera phone trick photography. And take stunning photos like these:
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So now you have 2 choices.
You can close this page and do nothing. And nothing will change. You’ll keep on taking same boring photos like most people, secretly wishing you could do better.
You can invest in my “Phone Trick Photography” course without any risk and receive 4 valuable bonuses. You’ll be able to immediately apply these closely-guarded trick photography secrets. And easily take pictures that earn you huge amounts of respect from everyone who sees them.
Just click the “Add to Cart” button below. You’ll be taken to a secure order page that uses top tier 128 bit security encryption to make sure your information is 100% safe.
After entering your credit card or Paypal information, you’ll be taken to the member’s area, where you can watch the videos and download the bonuses immediately.
It doesn’t matter if it’s 3am on a Saturday. You can grab this course right now and improve your photography skills by at least 5 times within just a few hours.
Go ahead and click “Add to Cart” now.
YES! Carl, I’m in! Please give me immediate access to your Phone Photography Tricks video course for just $27. I’m ready to discover the secrets to taking JAW-DROPPING photos on my smartphone… faster and easier than I thought was ever possible.
FAST ACTION BONUS! I’m ordering before so please also send me the 3 special bonus reports, AND your personal email address so I can easily get in touch with you if I have any questions at all. I understand I have 8 weeks to put your phone photography secret tricks and techniques to use.
Then, if you’re not absolutely thrilled by the content, you can simply shoot me an email and get a full refund. No hassles. No questions asked. But no matter what you decide, the special bonuses are yours to keep just for giving our program a try.
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Join Now and Start Taking Amazing Pictures Today!
Remember, these are tricks and techniques I’ve personally invested over tens of thousands of dollars and more than 25 years of my life to learn. You’re getting all of my best secrets, knowledge and wisdom for just a tiny fraction of that.
Go ahead and order by clicking the link below. You’re just a few minutes away from taking amazing photos for the rest of your life.
To your success,
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Carl Hartman
P.S. Unannounced bonus: If you invest in this course today, I’m also going to share with you my private portfolio of over 300 creative photographs taken by world-class photographic artists around the world.
Combined with the tricks and techniques you’ll learn in this course, these photos will massively inspire you and “unlock” your creativity, allowing you to create out-of-this world photos on demand!
P.S.S. We usually sell the bonuses seperately, so I’m taking down the 4 fast response bonuses (including your free lifetime consultation opportunity and the step-by-step “How to Get Your Photos Featured on Flickr and Instagram” special report) on . Act fast to secure your spot before it’s too late!
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0 notes
allenmendezsr · 5 years
Phone Photography Tricks - Trick Photography With Your Iphone!
New Post has been published on https://autotraffixpro.app/allenmendezsr/phone-photography-tricks-trick-photography-with-your-iphone/
Phone Photography Tricks - Trick Photography With Your Iphone!
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 Buy Now
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    WARNING: You Don’t Want To Snap Another Photo Until You Read This Startling Report…
Just Use These Proven Techniques To Instantly Become A “Mini Celebrity” On Social Media Sites… Without Ever Using Photoshop!
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Now can take amazing photos like these on your smartphone camera. And the cool thing is, you don’t need an expensive DSLR… or even Photoshop!
Dear Friend,
If you would like to take mind-blowing photographs with your smartphone…
If you would like to dazzle and shock your friends with your shots…
If you would like to become a trick photography expert, almost overnight…
…Then this is going to be the most exciting message you will ever read.
Hi, name is Carl Hartman and I’m a professional photographer.
Some of my friends even claim that I’m a complete photography nut. But there’s been a recent change in photography technology that has really ticked me off. Here’s why…
For more than 25 years, I’ve been studying and mastering FX and trick photography.
Early in my career, I earned a mentorship with award-winning industrial photographer, Robert Thornton. I then became the editor and executive producer at Universal Studios and PBS for 12 years.
Later, I worked as the director for the live action sequences in the best-selling computer games, DOOM and Chess Wars. More recently, I won the “Best of the Best” award at PBS and the “Most Creative” award from US International Film and Video.
But thanks to some new technology, complete photography newbie’s can take photos almost as good as what I can do ¬¬– and they can do it without spending thousands of dollars and months of time learning tricks of the trade.
See, when I was first starting out, the digital single-lens reflex camera (DSLR) was just invented. And it quickly became “all the rage” among serious photographers. I had to scrap together $1,200 to buy my first professional camera (Nikon D230 #).
With my new DSLR, I took breathtaking special effects shots I never even dreamed of taking with my old point-and-shoot camera. Some of my photos were so amazing that my friends refused to believe I took them, until I showed them the photos on my camera.
That was 20-some years ago. Today, things are completely different.
Technology has evolved at the speed of light. While many photographers still believe they need fancy-schmancy DSLRs to capture quality photos, the honest to goodness truth is you can actually…
“Transform” Your Smartphone Camera Into A High-End DSLR!
It’s true!
Once you know how to use your smartphone as a high-end DSLR, you can use it to capture spectacular shots like these:
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Not quite convinced?
Okay, take a look at the two images below.
Can you guess which one was taken by the iPhone 5… and which one was taken by the Canon EOS 7D ($1,599.00)?
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Can you spot the difference?
Well, the photo on the left was taken by the iPhone 3GS (with the help of a special image enhancement app we’ll talk about in just a bit.)
Since camera phone technology has become super advanced, the qualities of the photos are nearly identical.
In fact, there’s an entire “iPhoneography” movement going on right now, where world-class photographers are ditching their regular camera equipment and snapping shots only their iPhones!
And here’s the kicker (and why I’m so ticked off): There are still loads of self-righteous photography “experts” out there who claim you need at least a Nikon D5100, telephoto zoom lenses and their 6 week evening course just to start taking great pictures yourself.
As someone who has been living, sleeping and breathing photography his entire life, I can tell you….
That’s Pure Hogwash!
I’m tired of seeing struggling photographers get beat down because they can’t fully grasp perplexing camera functions… or sit through hours of mind-numbing and boring lectures, or shell out the funds for any 6-week money-grubbing course.
I blame arrogant photo “gurus” who think they’re helping you out by offering professional photography lessons. But they’re actually scaring away new photographers with their lucrative prices and complicated instruction.
I’ve gotten so hot under the collar by this nonsense that I made it my personal mission to show everyone a much easier way to take breath taking photos…
Without using fancy lenses, lighting and other extravagant equipment…
Without needing any pricey classes and dull lectures…
And without dropping boo-coo bucks for a DSLR!
The truth is, if you own a smartphone (iPhone, Samsung, HTC, Blackberry, whatever), then you already have everything you need to take create incredible photographs that will blow away you and your friends.
Like these…
In fact, the phone you already have can be an even better camera than some high-end DSLRs.
The Amazing Reasons Why The Best DSLR Camera Is… Probably Already In Your Pocket
FACT: Newer smartphone models have ultra-sharp image quality. They can do practically everything (and sometimes more) as your standard DSLR. (Even the old iPhone 3GS – which has a “puny” 3-megapixel camera¬– can give DSLRs a run for their money. And the iPhone 4, 4S and 5 are even better.)
FACT: Smartphones are “pocketable” and portable. You have the freedom to take pictures anywhere you go, without having to lug around heavy camera equipment. And because they’re less intrusive… you’re less likely to draw attention to yourself and get a bunch of “weird stares” whenever you take a photo. Certainly not the case with bulky DSLRs!
FACT: You can easily add special effects to your photos with free photo-editing apps. Then, quickly upload them to your favorite photo sharing sites with the touch of a button. There’s no hassle of transferring files to your computer or messing around with Photoshop.
When you finally discover the secrets to trick photography and special effects on your smartphone, you’ll be able to…
…Master photography basics and “shortcut” your learning curve by at least 6 months…
…Instantly apply these tricks and techniques to the very next photo you snap –Many pros have paid thousands of dollars to learn these secrets… and absolutely hate revealing them at any cost!…
…Skyrocket the activity on your Instagram, Tumblr and Flickr pages… and receive massive praise and recognition from other members on online photo-sharing communities!
The good news is, this is all possible because I just put together a complete 20 video training course. You’ll discover how to improve your “regular” shots while you also transform become a trick photography pro.
Phone Photography Tricks:
The Revolutionary Video Course That Shows You How To Capture Mind-Blow Artistic Images Using Only Your Smartphone
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The videos are split into easy–to-follow lessons that enable you to take awesome photos and breathtaking special effects shots you and your friends won’t believe.
Like these…
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This course is designed to turn a complete photography newbie into an accomplished smartphone photographer in the shortest time possible.
Each lesson contains the core essentials you need to know so you can take mind-boggling pictures with your smartphone. There’s no fluff or filler and I’m not going to waste your time with stale theory either.
I’ve taken the most crucial trick photography concepts I learned in my 25+ years of professional photography and distilled them into a potent collection of lessons that I’ll be serving you throughout this course.
Most beginners take 6 to 12 months to get through the struggling amateur stage, but you’ll bypass it completely with these shortcut secrets.
I’ve included assignments at the end of every lesson so you can apply what you learn and take stunning shots right away. These exercises will “hardwire” each lesson into your brain, so you actually get better… in a flash.
You’ll put every other smartphone users to shame.
While they still haven’t got a clue, they’ll only sit in wonder about why everyone online is absolutely mad about your photos, and not theirs.
Here’s exactly what’s you’ll discover inside Phone Photography Tricks…
Essential smartphone camera features that can instantly enhance your picture quality by 100%. (Even the most savvy smartphone addicts don’t know about these…)
How to use special focus techniques to create photographs with a subtle “meaning”…Screw this up and you can kiss any emotional impact in your photos goodbye!
The secret “depth of focus” technique… just use this to always get crisp, focused pictures – even if your subject is in motion or you have shaky hands!
How to split someone in half… If you ever want to freak out your friends, just try this simple trick…
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And believe it or not, you’ll be able to create these spectacular images…
Without Photoshop!
That means you can create jaw-dropping images without investing $599 for Photoshop CS5.
You won’t need PhotoShop because I’ve included my course is photo-editing software that’s virtually identical.
In fact, you may find it even easier and more intuitive to use. So you can recreate some of the more “advanced” photography tricks without getting slapped in the face by Photoshop’s harsh learning curve.
You’re just a few minutes away from developing pro-level skills that will stay with you for life.
It doesn’t matter if you’re a real photography nut, or simply interested in improving your shots. As long as you have a smartphone and a desire to take some killer photos, then this course will revolutionize the way you take pictures forever.
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Thousands of facebook likes, and hundreds of friend requests all thanks to your site! Now I’m excited every time I post photos on facebook because I know it will get lots of likes and praises from my family and friends!
Michelle Adams Los Angeles, California.
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All my Facebook friends were shocked after I posted the photographs from my travel vacation to Miami. They thought I paid a professional photographer to capture these photos or I took photography tutorials. Some thought I bought a new DSLR camera. I got hundreds of comments of different praises and questions on my photography skills. They don’t believe me when I told them that I only used my smart phones! Now, they want me to come to their travel trips and vacations – all paid expense – just to take their photos! All thanks to Phone Photography Tricks!
Robert Owens Chicago Ridge, Illinois
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Zero view a day, no comment in posts or photos and zero add friend request are things of my online dating site’s profile in the past. Now, I have many friends. I have their attention. Some I have dated, some I already met over the coffee, and some are for my games’ networking to level up and some men I chat with during lonely nights when I can’t sleep. I can’t believe what the Phone Photography tricks can do! Just one amazing profile photo using their tricks, my life had changed overnight! Kudos!
Jo Paredes Calgary, Canada
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I have never been comfortable in posing in front of the camera until a friend showed a photo of me that he has taken using his phone. It was insanely awesome picture! I never saw myself that way in my whole life! I bought myself the same feature in PhonePhotographyTricks.com and from then on I love capturing myself photographs everywhere I go. It is addicting really. Already started arranging my own album and collecting beautiful shots of my travel events! Thank you Phone Photography Tricks for my new found hobby. More power!
Maurizio Amario Rome, Italy
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Most of my friends are in to photography. Some of them had chosen photography as their profession. I envy then coz they have the latest and expensive DSLR camera. When we have get together or outings, I always heard them talking about the latest gadgets. It is always makes me want to own one but I couldn’t afford it. Then I tried the PhonePhotographyTricks.com using my Android phone and posted some of my shots on my social network profile. Our paths crossed again in some party, they go nuts after I told them that I don’t have new camera! They love my pictures. They thought I became one of them and stealing their clients when some of them commented on the post wanting to hire my service! Thanks to Phone Photography Tricks, the program proves that you don’t need to buy an expensive camera to have wonderful and professional looking photographs. Who knows and maybe later, I’ll consider this as a sideline.
Gary Edcel Phoenix, Arizona
Inside Phone Photography Tricks, you’ll also discover…
Now, you might be wondering…
“Carl, This Sounds Great, But How Much Is It?”
If you were to sing up for a typical an Intro to Photography evening class, then you’d have to spend $1000 to $2000 for the class.
Many of the online photography courses can still reach you $499 to $999 each.
… And on top of that, your professor will force you to buy an expensive DSLR camera and equipment…
What’s worse, these courses will be made up of long, drawn out instruction and uninteresting theory. Instead of having fun learning photography, you’ll feel like you’re in a boring physics lecture.
And if you ever had to sit through boring classes before, then you know just how quickly you start forgetting what you learned the weeks before. That’s money and time down the drain.
(Don’t get me wrong. These classes are fine if your goal is to become a professional photographer. But for the average person who simply wants more activity on their Flickr page, win a few photo-contests, or just take more pleasing pictures, these options are way too expensive.)
I could decide to offer this program for $200 and I would probably have countless photographers ready, eager, and willing to sign up just to get access to my more than 25 years in-the-trenches experience as a professional photographer.
But you’re not even going to pay half of that – $100.
If you grab your copy of “Phone Photography Tricks” today, you only have to make a one-time investment of $27.
Look, it steams me to no end when I see young photographers get ripped off by greedy photography “experts” and their needless classes.
It turns my stomach when I hear young photographer saying that if they don’t have a top-end DSLR, then they’ll never be able to take quality shots.
And it makes my heart break when these new guys get discouraged and drop out of photography all together.
That’s why I’m pricing this course as low as possible.
Well, when I was starting out, there were more experienced photographers who lent me a helping hand when I had questions. While I don’t have time to personally mentor every worthy candidate, I’ve decided to help as many people as I can with this program.
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In fact, I’m so sure you’ll be absolutely thrilled with this program, I’m going to back up every promise I make on this page with…
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Here’s how it works: Go ahead and sign up for my “Phone Photography Tricks”.
Go through the video lessons and if you’re not convinced beyond a shadow of a doubt… at any time..this amazing course is not everything I’ve just written about, then I insist you immediately contact me for a full refund.
That’s right, if you’re not totally delighted with this course, just shoot me an email within 8 weeks of today, and I’ll send back every single dime… no questions asked.
That’s how confident I am these photography techniques will supercharge” every smartphone photo you take from now on.
To make your decision much easier, I’m also going to throw in some killer bonuses. (I’m feeling extra generous.)
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Bonus #1: Unlimited Lifetime Consultation($500 Value)
Clients have paid me upwards of $500 to work me one-on-one. But because I’m close to retiring and photography is my obsession, I’ll give you my personal email address for free if you invest in this course today.
If you ever feel stuck, want additional insider tips, or just want to talk shop with a pro, just send me a message and I’ll get back to you quickly- usually in less in 1 business day.
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Bonus #2: How To Get Your Photos Featured on Flickr and Instagram ($27 Value)
This report will reveal the secrets to getting your photos featured on Instagram and Flickr. You’ll discover exactly how to consistently produce amazing photos that earn the respect and admiration of others. Don’t be surprised when you start getting treated like a “mini-celebrity” on these sites.
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Bonus #3: How To Make Passive Income With Photography ($27 Value)
This special report will show you how to make money with photography and turn your hobby into a part-time passive income stream. Even some pro’s don’t even know about these simple steps for collecting lifetime royalties from your photos… and it’s way easier you think!
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Bonus #4: All-In-One Photo Editing Software with 41 Video Tutorials ($97 Value)
This is a simple-to-use photo-editing program that’s very similar to Photoshop (which can cost up to $599). And in my opinion, the editing interface is much more straightforward compared to Photoshop.
Note: These special bonuses is a limited time offer only and will be promptly pulled down soon.
To sum up, you’re getting my complete “Phone Photography Tricks” video course. It contains everything you need to start taking extraordinary phone photographs that will impress the heck out of your friends.
And if you order before you’ll also get 4 high-value bonuses to make it even easier for you to master camera phone trick photography. And take stunning photos like these:
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So now you have 2 choices.
You can close this page and do nothing. And nothing will change. You’ll keep on taking same boring photos like most people, secretly wishing you could do better.
You can invest in my “Phone Trick Photography” course without any risk and receive 4 valuable bonuses. You’ll be able to immediately apply these closely-guarded trick photography secrets. And easily take pictures that earn you huge amounts of respect from everyone who sees them.
Just click the “Add to Cart” button below. You’ll be taken to a secure order page that uses top tier 128 bit security encryption to make sure your information is 100% safe.
After entering your credit card or Paypal information, you’ll be taken to the member’s area, where you can watch the videos and download the bonuses immediately.
It doesn’t matter if it’s 3am on a Saturday. You can grab this course right now and improve your photography skills by at least 5 times within just a few hours.
Go ahead and click “Add to Cart” now.
YES! Carl, I’m in! Please give me immediate access to your Phone Photography Tricks video course for just $27. I’m ready to discover the secrets to taking JAW-DROPPING photos on my smartphone… faster and easier than I thought was ever possible.
FAST ACTION BONUS! I’m ordering before so please also send me the 3 special bonus reports, AND your personal email address so I can easily get in touch with you if I have any questions at all. I understand I have 8 weeks to put your phone photography secret tricks and techniques to use.
Then, if you’re not absolutely thrilled by the content, you can simply shoot me an email and get a full refund. No hassles. No questions asked. But no matter what you decide, the special bonuses are yours to keep just for giving our program a try.
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Join Now and Start Taking Amazing Pictures Today!
Remember, these are tricks and techniques I’ve personally invested over tens of thousands of dollars and more than 25 years of my life to learn. You’re getting all of my best secrets, knowledge and wisdom for just a tiny fraction of that.
Go ahead and order by clicking the link below. You’re just a few minutes away from taking amazing photos for the rest of your life.
To your success,
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Carl Hartman
P.S. Unannounced bonus: If you invest in this course today, I’m also going to share with you my private portfolio of over 300 creative photographs taken by world-class photographic artists around the world.
Combined with the tricks and techniques you’ll learn in this course, these photos will massively inspire you and “unlock” your creativity, allowing you to create out-of-this world photos on demand!
P.S.S. We usually sell the bonuses seperately, so I’m taking down the 4 fast response bonuses (including your free lifetime consultation opportunity and the step-by-step “How to Get Your Photos Featured on Flickr and Instagram” special report) on . Act fast to secure your spot before it’s too late!
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0 notes