#so can Wild and probably Wars
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skippingstonez · 1 month ago
Hello and welcome, it's so exciting to see a new LU x reader blog. If you're ready, I have a request for our favorite gremlin Legend.
While the others are teasing Legend for his newly pink hair after the bunny transformation, Reader (who Legend has a crush on) tells him they actually really like it and they think he looks cute. Cue even more teasing from the others (who know about his crush) and maybe some not-so-subtle pushing for him to confess
I love the idea of the rest of the Chain finding out one of them has a crush and just being such little shits about it
(I was going for something soft and fluffy since you don't have a full rules list posted yet, but if anything about it makes you uncomfy, thats totally fine! Take care of yourself!)
I feel like this one took a long time cause I had to write it like 5 different times since Sky kept being too much of an ass. Anyways, I figured it went perfectly with our already recently turned bunny boy <3
Bunny Bonding
(Legend x hare!Reader) Chapter 1/ 2/ 3
A man, a hero nonetheless, can only be called ‘pinky’ so many times before he snaps.
Legend clenched his jaw, fists tight against the strap of his sword as he tried to resist the urge to light the camp on fire. Between the constant jabs at his hair, it seems Sky and Twilight were determined to use as many bunny related references and jokes they could think of without the others catching on.
“You okay there Ledge?” Sky mockingly asked. “Head feeling a bit fuzzy?” Twilight nearly started howling as Legend glared at them. Planning out the perfect way to get away with murdering them both without Time finding out.
“Oh would the two of you knock it off already?” 
Legend looked up right as you began making your way over to him with a plate of food in each hand. You hand one over, sitting down beside him.
“Ignore them, they're just trying to crawl under your skin.”
“Uhh, excuse me I think you mean burrow” Sky laughed so hard he nearly choked on his food. Twilight and Wild joining in.
“I hope you all know you sound like a slaughtered pig.” You retort.
“At least their hair doesn't look like one.” Winds voice shouts out.
Everyone erupts into laughter, save you and Legend who is now burying his face into his knees. You rub your forehead, totally, and completely done with the lot of them as you part Legends back sympathetically.
You sat with him for a while, letting the others break off into other conversations until the focus is no longer on the hero sat beside you. The sun finally falling just beyond the trees to cast a golden glow through the leaves as some began to clean up.
“Hey Ledge?” 
He looked over to you, waiting for you to continue.
“I know you don't really like it but for the record?” Your hand came up to brush through his hair gently. “I prefer it this way.”
Legend was so still he wondered if he had activated his bracelet by accident. You tilted your head, the admiration in your eyes so startling that Legend sucked in a short breath. Your hand slowly grazed down the side of his face, sending a sharp shiver straight to his core. His hand slowly moved to hold yours, still pressed against his face.
You nodded, thumb brushing against his cheek. “It suits you.”
Legend struggled to process your words. No one had ever complimented his hair before, let alone the rather unnatural color he had been trying to hide since a child.
A high-pitched, drawn out whistle rang out and you ripped your hand away. Heads snapping to where Wars, Wild and Time were staring right at the both of you. 
“Oh don’t mind us,” Wars said casually, “Didn’t mean to interrupt your little moment.”
You rolled your eyes, getting to your feet with a small glance back to Legend. Your lips curved in the smallest smile that made Legend feel like it was made just for him. He wanted all your smiles to be that way. For him to be the reason behind each and every one.
“I'm gonna go wash up, Wild watch my stuff would ya?” The champion nodded as you walked off, flicking Wars on the forehead as you went. Legend slouched back against the tree behind him, not taking his eyes off you until you had completely disappeared from view. Even then he stared at the spot for what felt like minutes, searching for any hint of your return.
“Well?” Time asked, looking at Legend expectantly. “Are you gonna go after her or not?”
Legend glared, “ What kind of question is that!? No im not gonna follow her! I'm not a creep!”
“For the love of Hylia Vet!” Wars groaned, tossing his head back to exaggerate his point. “Please put an end to this train wreck that is watching the two of you flirt around each other!”
Legend's shoulders shot up towards his ears. “We are not!”
“So just now when you nearly kissed her? That wasn’t flirting?” Time challenged and Legend mentally cringed. There was no way he was having this conversation right now. Especially not with these three.
“You need to get your eyes checked, Old Man because that's not what was happening.”
“Oh? And what about the other day when you two were literally all over each other?” Wild added, holding up his Sheikah slate as if it was all the proof he needed. 
That. Fucking. Traitor.
Even if he did have proof, he wouldn't dare show it in front of the others would he? Would he!?
“What? You've been holding out on us!?” Wars said, grabbing for the slate just barely out of his reach.
“That was different and you know it!!” 
“Collector, all we are trying to say is that we think the two of you should be honest. With yourselves, and with each other.” Time advised.
“Otherwise we're locking ya in a room together until you are.” Wars added, avoiding the smack to the head from Time. 
Legend laid on his back, staring up at the night sky, trying to find something to distract himself from his thoughts. He turned to the right, being met with only Hyrule’s back before tossing onto his other side. 
He thought through his inventory, mentally trying to keep track of anything he would need to restock next time they stopped near a town. Maybe he could convince Time to let them stay at an actual Inn while they were at it, even if it meant sharing beds to save on money. He wondered if he could ask to share with you. Wars did say he would lock them- 
He sat up, rubbing at his face to clear his brain for the thousandth time. His eyes grazed over the rest of the sleeping bodies scattered around the clearing. Wind was the only one who slept mostly on his own. Likely because he sometimes slept like a starfish and no one wanted a smack in the face in the middle of the night. Sky seemed to have pulled Four and Warriors into a cuddle pile. One that you seemed to narrowly miss from where you were asleep just beyond Warriors. Twilight was tucked under Time’s arm across the way, the two of them a bit closer to the fire having fallen asleep there by accident. Legend could only imagine the neck pain they would have tomorrow. 
He quickly looked around, noticing Wild, who was on watch currently, distinctly absent. Which either meant he was scouting around or knowing him, was up in a tree somewhere. Legend scanned over everyone again, making sure everyone was truly asleep before bringing his attention back to you. 
You were laying on your side, curled up under your blanket comfortably. Your hair was messily tossed around you. Legend chuckled at the thought of you pouting with Wild as you tried to untangle it in the morning. He propped his head up on his hand, eyes lazily trailing over the soft features of your face before focusing in on your lips. The way they occasionally twitched upward as if thinking of him something pleasant. A shadow of how they were earlier when you looked at him. He wondered what they would feel like pressed against his own-
He fell back onto the ground with a huff, gripping tightly onto his hair. The same hair your hand had touched. He forced himself to think about anything else besides the events of the past few days. Settling to count through his rings, which items he should switch out if given the chance and definitely not about ways to get you to smile again. 
Legend dodged out of the way, a sword striking the ground where he just was. He gripped his sword, turning to run it through the midsection of the bokoblin. Blood splattered his hand as he pulled back, spinning to strike at another creeping up behind him.
An arrow flew by, barely grazing his biceps before a cry rang out behind him. He whipped around, taking in the large Moblin that you and Sky had been working to take down. The way your sword dropped to the ground as you gripped for the arrow now lodged into your arm. Sky rushed towards you only to get sent flying when the Moblin’s club slammed into his gut.
“(Y/N)!” He gave a blow to the other bokoblin before sprinting across the field towards you. The Moblin looming over you as you tried to scramble away, eyes wide as it raised its club. He shot as much of his magic as possible into his boots, begging to go faster, to reach you in time!
It was Twilight who got to you first, blocking the club as it swung down on you. Legend ducked, slashing at the thing's legs aggressively as he passed by, placing himself directly between you and the creature. Legend reached for his bow, aiming right for its eyes as Twilight darted forward. He spares a quick glance at you still on the ground. Why weren't you getting up? Had you gotten hit and he hadn't even realized it?
He narrowed his eyes, sending an arrow straight into one of its eyes. It stumbled back, giving Twilight an opening to reach up and jab his sword right into its neck. It roared as it crumbled to the ground in a large heap. Legend quickly assessed for any more enemies, seeing none as Wars jogged over to them, quickly kneeling in front of you. 
“This is gonna sting” he barely warned before pulling the arrow out. You bit back a cry and Legend gritted his teeth at the sound.
Wars wrapped it quickly, giving you a sip of a red potion. “You okay?”
You nodded, eyes trained on the ground. Legend took in the way your hands trembled in your lap. You got up, arms wrapping around yourself as you continued to stare at the ground. “I..i need a sec.”
You quickly walked off and Legend had to force his legs to not run after you. He looked back to where Twilight was helping Sky off the ground.
“Did something happen during that fight?” Legend immediately asked. You weren't one to freeze in the middle of a fight nor seem so shaken up afterwards.
Sky just shook his head. “No, everything was going well until the arrow.” He explained dusting himself off.
Legend looked back to where you had gone off, taking a small step in the direction as Wars walked past.
“I'm gonna go check on her.” He said, walking after you. Legend's stomach twisted in disappointment.
The rest of them sat around, cleaning off weapons while they waited for the two to come back. Each minute that went by made Legend’s anxiety only grow. Constantly checking to see if you had come back.
“Stop frettin Ledge, I'm sure your kit will be back any sec.” Twilight reassured him, a small chuckle in his voice.
Legend glared at him, Sky looking between them with wide eyes and a matching smile.
“No way!” Sky shouted in excitement. “Oh my gosh she's a-”
“Don't. You. Dare finish that sentence.” Legend snarled.
“Oooh my gosh that's perfect! Hylia, how did I not see that? It's so obvious!” Sky laughed and Legend’s vision was turning red. It was one thing to let them make fun of him but if they thought for a millisecond that he would let them tease you about it they were sorely mistaken.
“Calm down Vet, goodness for someone who insists that there ain't anything going on between the two of ya, you sure are protective.”
“Are you serious!?” Sky shouted again and Legend was about to chuck his sword at him. “Dang it, I owe Four 30 rupees.”
“For what!?”
“Well the two of you have been so close recently I thought you finally said something and got together!” Twilight burst out laughing while Legend just stared at Sky.
“You deserve to lose them then cause there isnt anything going on!” Legend crossed his arms. Ignoring the heat rising to his face.
“He's kidding right? Twi please tell me he's joking.”
“‘fraid not bud.”
“Ledge, buddy. If her literally being a rabbit isn't enough of a sign for you, I'm afraid you're doomed.”
He was ready to tell Sky in great detail who exactly was going to be doomed when he heard footsteps approaching. He jumped to his feet, heart threatening to break through his ribs until he could see you. And when you finally came into view? 
It shattered.
Wars gently led you back, looking just as worried as when he left. Your arms were still wrapped tightly around yourself, the only difference being your eyes. They were red, the skin underneath wet and puffy as though you had been crying.
Legend bolted for you. Hands grabbing your face as he scanned for any signs of further injury.
“You okay bun?” 
Your eyes shot to the other 3 behind him before returning to the ground so quickly Legend almost missed it. 
“fine…” You weren't. Even if your voice wasn't shaking as much as your hands, or your eyes weren't threatening to spill more tears, Legend just knew you weren't okay. 
“Bullshit, what's wrong?” He whispered, his thumb running just underneath your eye to wipe away any potential tears.
“I…” another quick glance to the others before you grabbed his hands. Softly pulling them away with a deep breath. “I just got shaken up is all. I'm okay.”
Legend looked at the others out of the corner of his eyes. Whatever was wrong it was clear that it was either their fault or you were trying to hide it from them. Either way it made Legend want to rip their heads off.
“C’mon” he said, placing his hand on the small of your back. Purposely blocking your view of the 3 others wearing teasing grins on their faces. “We should get back to the others.” 
Everyone agreed, heading towards the predetermined meetup point. He kept close as you walked, hoping you'd open up and tell him what it was that was bothering you. You didn't, but by the time you got there you at least were generally back to normal. Smiling with Hyrule and Four, and helping Wild with the food.
Legend hung back, keeping a close eye on you. He may not know what it was that had caused your tears but he was determined to get to the bottom of whatever it was.
The opportunity arrived in the middle of the night. Not that Legend was capable of sleeping anyway. He waited until the start of the second watch which would conveniently be yours tonight. Sitting up on his bed roll to see you sat by the fire. The flames illuminated your silhouette, hands fiddling with your hair as you relaxed against the log.
With the others asleep, he stood up and made his way over to you.
“Want some company?”
You spun, face immediately lifting as you spotted him. “Yours? Always.”
Goddess he would never understand how you could make his heart skip so easily. He sat beside you, draping an arm on the log behind you.
“So,” Legend whispers, getting straight to the point. “You wanna tell me what happened earlier?”
You hunch your shoulders, bringing your knees up to your chest. “If I say no?”
“Then I keep pestering you about it.” He teased, hoping to lighten the mood a bit. “Come on Bun, you had us worried back there.”
“I…I don't think I like being a bunny..or hare or whatever..”
From everything Legend had imagined could be wrong, that was surprisingly not something he thought about. It was a sentiment he knew well but why were you bringing this up now? 
The frown on your face tugged at his heart and he needed it gone as soon as possible. He poked at your head repeatedly
“The hell are you doing?” 
“Well obviously you gotta have some sort of disguise cause you look rather Hylian to me.”
You giggled, swatting at his hand playfully. “That's not what I meant!”
Legend held up his hands in mock defeat, giving you time to further explain.
“I just feel so on edge lately,” You explain, hands returning to the ends of your hair. “Like something in my brain is screaming at me to constantly runaway and I can't get it to stop.” 
You throw your head onto his shoulder, your face buried into his tunic. Legend wraps his arms over your shoulders, pulling you closer to him. 
“Shit…I probably should've warned you about that. Instincts like that can be really strong, especially if you aren't used to it.”
“It's a thing?? I'm not crazy?” head whipping back up to look at him.
“Unfortunately, yeah. It's a thing, you can even ask Twi though he feels it a bit differently.”
“Oh…” Silence fell as you curled into Legend. Your head resting on his shoulder as his hand lazily played with a strand of your hair. His heart raced at the contact, praying you couldn't feel it pounding rapidly.
“Ledge?” Your voice was barely even a whisper. Hand reaching up to tuck your hair behind your ear. “How do you get it to stop?”
Legend sighed, nudging you to sit up. You did, eyeing him curiously as he turned you away from him. He ran his fingers through your hair, grabbing it in sections.
“It doesn't. But it gets easier to ignore after a while.”
“Well how did you do it?”
“Is it dumb to just say practice?” His fingers weaving the sections of hair together.
“Well too bad, you're stuck with the dumb answer.” Legend chuckled, heart soaring at the sound of your giggle. He crossed over another section of your hair until all of it was in a single braid.
You pulled it forward, admiring his work with the same gleam in your eyes as the day before.
“I didn't know you knew how to braid” 
Legend shrugged, leaning back against the log. “What can I say? I'm a man of many talents.”
“Well I will be putting this one to use! Its better than Wild’s.”
Legend laughed. He couldn't help but smile at the way you smiled up at him. He reached out, brushing a knuckle over your cheek.
“Anytime (Y/N).”
You held his gaze, leaning into his hand that now cupped your face. Your eyes flicked down to his lips and Legend slowly leaned forward, pressing his mouth against yours.
The kiss was soft, intoxicating and everything he dreamed it would be.
He captured your bottom lip, pulling on it ever so slightly before he pulled away. Breaths heavy between the two of you as he ran his thumb over your cheek.
“So I guess Four is out 30 rupees now?”
“You heard that huh?” He laughed, leaning his forehead against yours.
“Yeah, and I'll admit, I was really hoping Sky would win that one.” 
Legend pulled back, pulling you into his side with his arm wrapped tightly around you.
“Me too Bun."
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weepingtalecowboy · 4 months ago
Phonecall gone wrong
You know what ..,
the slate-stone communication is rarely used
When it is one of the funniest plot devices ever
Especially with shitty connection
Like imagine the chain separated during a portal and then half of the chain is trapped in a cave in or something
And the Point of view is all from the slate team just listening to the other group as they hear very concerning things
Like Warriors, wind, legend are trapped
Wind is talking to Wild while Wild is trying to figure out where the others are and time and sky are next to Wild
When suddenly Wars drops some insane stuff from wind's side like, "I think...
Legend ?... he is just starring at me... I think I took it too far... it's making me feel very unsate ... Legend...LEGEND..PLEASE...he..chasing..oh, DEAR HYLIA ....
Then it's followed by mic distorted screaming something that sounds like a collapsing cave... more screaming and crying... something that sounds like a stabbing sound... something that sounded like frantic running, then quiet wailing then more vocal noise,
"He went.... We are...-dead ... shit.., (DISTORTION)
…... Is he alright"
All while the slate side has absolutely no context or explanation
Except a single ominous comment from Wind, "I think he is dead..?"
Which is not making anything better
Who the fuck died right now ... a monster, Legend . .., Warriors !.!.
What the heck is happening over there
Who is killing who...
And freak the fuck out
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holyshit · 1 month ago
#'sorry for barging' anon#sorry gonna answer this in the tags since it's such a loaded topic#but yeah exactly- i think a lot of it comes down to people wanting them to perform their (very real) grief for an audience#and getting mad when they don't. which is wildly unfair and unrealistic and just... extremely entitled#and very much coming from a lack of understanding of grief and that it's not a perpetual state of uncontrollable crying#a massive part of grief is continuing living with all its up and down moments with a new heavy weight in the background#living in a perpetual state of sobs is not something any human can sustain. it involves adapting and continuing to live.#and that involves doing regular everyday things AND experiencing happy moments still. that does not mean you aren't still suffering.#to question whether they're 'truly' grieving is.... kinda evil and completely ridiculous lmao#and shows a massive lack of basic empathy and understanding of how human emotions work#we see less than 1 percent of their lives. to actually feel like you have the ability to judge someone's grieving process in general#is wild and weird but especially when you literally have seen nearly none of their lives in the past few months#i'm sure all of us have laughed and seen a friend and had other happy moments since october#that doesn't mean we do not miss liam and that we aren't devastatingly sad at other points.#and to somehow think that zouis reconnecting and being happy about it after such a tragic event would be somehow anti-liam is insane#i've even seen people judge zayn for not cancelling his entire tour which is so.....#if they for a second think that liam would have been petty enough to enjoy the idea of all of his friends stopping in their tracks forever#they clearly didn't really know him since he was clearly always SO supportive of everyone in 1d#and probably would have been very happy to see zayn and louis mend their relationship#it feels like a very weird way to make a fucking death and real life grief from his friends into a stan war which is......... beyond gross
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thatweirdtranny · 1 month ago
wild how my username’s tag is full of antizionists saying i support genocide and i hate trans women but will not offer a single receipt that offers the full context
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enchantrum · 5 months ago
Secrets of the Obscure is alright and all but am I the only one kinda miffed that they ripped off a lot of it from Dragon Age: Inquisition and didn't really add or change enough to be it's own unique thing?
even the rift hunting mechanic is Exactly The Same, because you Open the rift, then fight something then close it. the animation is almost 1-1 and even the eye in the rift looks like the Inquisition eye. if it wasn't for the fact that Even The Mechanic is the same I might not have noticed it so much, but the more I play the more blatant it feels
and then their wizard lore also just feels like how demons come out of the Fade in Dragon Age to possess mages. it's almost exact
disclaimer that I'm still enjoying it because it's fun and I like that we get to see Zojja again and have a better map for practicing skyscales for those who don't have one yet, but uh...this whole plot was stolen!
and yes I know there are certain fantasy tropes that re-occur in fantasy over and over, but this doesn't feel like that. it feels like the writers legit just snapped the base ideas from DAI and then barely added or changed anything to make it uniquely Guild Wars
imo it's definitely the weakest of all the packs
which is a shame because I LOVEDDDDD the intro. the whole sequence of having to defend yourself and run for your life was so ridiculously tense, I really felt like I was playing a horror game
but now I'm on Ep. 7 and all the potential feels wasted because I feel like I'm playing the underwritten fanfiction of another game that I already played 10 years ago and didn't like that much the first time
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just for fun, I've been snapping fancy shots of each of my beta test characters this time around. so without further ado, these fellas are:
Kara the Fierce (Norn Soulbeast) Valiant Luaith (Sylvari Daredevil) Goria Deathcaller (Charr Reaper)
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iamthepulta · 8 months ago
I've actually been scrounging for an ending to Ellenville, because it's hard to actually 'end' a tragedy with something that feels complete, and that last post hit me with yeah, that's right. Because we live in a world where blood is protection and the cost of safety; and it fits in so neatly with the themes of death as stasis and longevity.
The 'end' is the regulations in place. Not even watching it happen, but success. This is The Pushcart War but epic fantasy.
#ellenville#ptxt#Jean Merrill is up there with Jean Craighead George for the imprinting I did on Pushcart War and Toothpaste Millionaire.#Which is ironic as FUCK because my curriculum definitely wanted me to take away 'You can be entrepreneurial too! Which is killing big truck#And undercutting big toothpaste business by packing yours in sterilized baby jars!' when I actually took away what Merrill#wanted which was: 'Hey isn't it fucked up that large companies think they can push you around and we need a capitalist underdog#success story to feel happy about our lives and role in the ongoing oligarchy of capitalism?'#Homeschooling with sonlight was fucking wild. I read so many good books as a kid and credit it to the fact I grew up with empathy#But it also meant I grew up with States Rights narratives and libertarian propaganda I had to unlearn.#Total aside because this is a tag essay anyway and I don't want to make a new post: I found out my advisor was also homeschooled#Which is probably why we're the exact same person I'm just 12 years behind them without the accent. My own brother almost#mistook them for me from behind and he gets pissy about it lol. 'There are two of them now!'#BUT I SWEAR I'M NOT COPYING THEM. WE JUST HAPPEN TO HAVE THE EXACT SAME HISTORICAL INTERESTS AND#SLAVISH DEVOTION TO GEOLOGY THAT TRANSFORMED INTO THE APPLICATIONS OF GEOLOGY AS A SCIENCE.#In my defense they have a much broader and recent focus on geology: usually for the impact of mining/geology on historical events.#Whereas I like the economic and logistical side of things. Like who hated who because they had beef over the same mines Nitrate War style
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imaginarianisms · 17 hours ago
i& mentioned this 2 kore but. au (or canon?) where naerys leaves daeron w/ daenaera & (future?) ladies of the maidenvault & sneaks off to the war in dorne to find aemon
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arolesbianism · 7 months ago
I've been digging up some one of my most neglected stories recently and I'm finally actually developing the rest of the cast after like what? 7 or 8 years or smth? I genuinely don't know when I first thought up Lace but she's been floating at the edge of my mind since then as my token true timeloop guy as opposed to Butters who doesn't rly count because the quote unquote timeloop was entirely within their control and only was a continuous loop because they kept consciously trying again and again. Lace on the other hand. Legitimately 100% powerless in her timeloop situation, as in there was quite literally Nothing she could do to end the loops herself. Some gods just threw her in a 50 year timeloop without even doing the bare minimum of telling her first and she just sorta had to live with that until it from her perspective abruptly stopped leaving her to deal with the fallout of everything she went through now that she's suddenly being forced to live a real life again. And as fun as all of that is it has been very stagnated for years because there is in fact a story and world that exists outside of and around this one plot that matter quite a bit and that I have been refusing to properly work on until now lol.
#rat rambles#oc posting#take a wild guess as to why Im thinking abt this story again#anyways longggg story short this is a world filled with various gods that run various kingdoms and such#and some of them have been at war for a long time leaving things for the common folk very unstable and chaotic#due to this adventuring parties started helping ppl out and some of them would gain the blessing of their local god(s)#nowadays its very uncommon for there to be prevelant parties without at least one blessed member and theres some gods who even have set up#schools of sorts for aspiring heros that tend to be very competitive and hard to get into#in the original version of the timeline of this story most of the cast except one met at this school and graduated as a party together#they proceeded to travel around doing their work and picking up their last party member and bonding and all that#until eventually they found out that the god they work under was planning some apocalypse level shit in order to establish control over the#entire planet and the crew turned on her and tried to stop her and got close enough that she took desperate mesures to stop them#she contacted the god of time and commissioned them to rewind and edit the timeline#and while the timeline editing meant that they couldnt rewind enough to go before two of the party were attending the school#they were able to rewrite lace out of the timeline and was able to help sentence them to a timeloop sentence#lace was specifically targeted for being the one who figured most of this stuff out in the first place#now this is where the timeline get a bit wonky because her timeloop actually takes place later on then when time was reset to#it mostly just took a while to get the loop set up but its still a mostly undetermined amount of time later atm as it rly depends on whats#most convenient for me as I develop the rest of her old party more#since they still end up forming a party together anyways despite the best efforts of two powerful gods#Im also planning on adding another member to their party who wasnt in the original party so lace can get upset abt it#but yeah currently the rest of the party includes lace's unnamed older sister and three other losers whos designs have been sitting on my#toyhouse for a while lol#theres raiden who's the sort of adopted child of the god they used to serve#and the theres hill who was the one in the original party who they picked up after graduating and she and lace used to be gay together#and lastly theres choice who was supposed to attend the school but in the current version of reality had their wagon shot down and#wasnt able to make it and has been rly upset and frustrated abt that#the last one is probably going to be a potion guy or smth#Ive also been having a fun time thinkng abt how both versions of the party managed combat since both parties distinctly lack a healer#anyways Im going to bed now gn
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maidenvault · 7 months ago
During my last rewatch of the prequels I was actually shocked by how much I've misremembered or decontextualized certain moments in my mind because of how they're often talked about in fandom as showing the Jedi as too arrogant, too bureaucratic, generally just burying their heads in the sand while everything goes bad etc. So I'm gonna try to address every individual scene that typically gets brought up to argue that this is an actual theme in Lucas's portrayal of the Order.
The Council doesn't take Qui-Gon's account of meeting a Sith seriously.
Mace and Ki Adi Mundi do both express doubt this guy could be a Sith. (Understandably! Historically they've never known Sith to be able to hide their existence, and for them to have survived totally in secret for a thousand years is a pretty wild thing for Qui-Gon to be so sure of.)
BUT Yoda admits that the dark side is hard to see, and Mace assures Qui-Gon they'll do everything to find out the identity of the attacker. Later he's ordered to go back to Naboo and try to draw out Maul to discover more. Qui-Gon accepts this and doesn't ask for backup. Why should he? He held his own against Maul before, and Maul's probably not gonna show himself again to face a ton of Jedi. They end up missing the chance to learn who trained Maul because of how things go down, but Qui-Gon's death isn't the result of the Council mishandling the situation.
At the funeral, Yoda says the presence of one Sith means there's another out there. They know they've got to be on guard now and will be, but they've got no more leads for now.
2. Qui-Gon's not here to free slaves.
There's this idea that slavery existing on Tatooine shows the Order is apparently too tied up doing shady things for self-interested politicians (footage not found) to help the people who really need it. But Padme's shocked to know the Skywalkers are slaves for a reason. The truth is there isn't a lot of slavery in the galaxy at this time because the Jedi have helped keep it that way for centuries only by working with the Republic. In TCW we see that Zygerrian slavers have a particular hatred of Jedi because they're literally The Anti Slavery People and did so much of the work to crack down on their trade. But Tatooine is controlled by the Hutts and they simply don't have the resources to start a war with them.
(And honestly, it's crazy how people talk like Qui-Gon's a monster for honestly and apologetically telling Anakin no, that's not why he's here. This is a child he's already indebted to and who has a hero-worshipping idea of Jedi, it would be fucked up for him not to be clear about how he can't help him and his mom.)
3. They doubt Dooku could be behind the assassination attempt.
This I understand shows the Jedi to be a little naive. But they knew Dooku as a good man, and at this point he and his followers are still putting on a show of wanting to secede for idealistic reasons (and a few of them, manipulated by Dooku, actually do have good intentions). Only later do the Jedi learn they're illegally building an army before they've even officially left the Republic and clearly have no interest in the peaceful resolution Padme's been advocating for. And they only find this out because they have Obi-Wan investigate the assassin and this very quickly leads him to Dooku.
4. "Arrogance, yes. A trait more and more common among Jedi. Even the older, more experienced ones."
In context, this line from Yoda is clearly not meant to be taken so seriously. Obi-Wan says he fears Anakin is too arrogant, and this is Yoda's light-hearted way of telling him not to be so hard on him. Part of training a Padawan is learning to trust them so they can grow, and Obi-Wan perhaps needs the reminder that he isn't done learning himself.
Of course Yoda saying this could be partly motivated by them having been caught off guard before by the existence of Darth Maul and the dark side clouding their awareness, as we're told repeatedly throughout the PT they know is a problem. But it's kind of contradictory to take this as confirmation that this is a serious fatal flaw of theirs. If someone acknowledges their own arrogance then they're aware of their ability to be wrong, which means they can't actually be that arrogant. If truly meant in a general sense and not just as a gentle reproof of Obi-Wan, it's a pretty self-deprecating comment coming from Yoda.
5. "If an item does not appear in our records, it does not exist."
Chief Librarian Jocasta Nu gives this haughty response to Obi-Wan looking for Kamino, a system that's not in the Jedi Archives. So being so overly confident in the infallible knowledge of the Jedi, he takes her word for it and totally drops this lead.
Except no, he goes to someone older and wiser to figure out what this actually means. And he and Yoda are forced to conclude that the unthinkable - a trusted person among them somehow had reason to erase information from the archive - must nonetheless be what happened. This is honestly an exception that proves the rule: Kamino, and we can assume only Kamino, is missing from the archive only because it was removed, which is so suspicious it just shows he must be on the right track to discovering something. Jocasta is kind of snooty about it but theirs obviously is supposed to be one of the most accurate and complete databases in the galaxy.
6. Obi-Wan doesn't believe what Dooku tells him about the Senate.
For one thing, in this conversation Dooku's lying about basically everything but this. And I can't ever stress enough that Palpatine is a threat unlike anything the Jedi have ever dealt with before, who's already taken control of so much before they even know they're fighting anything, so the idea that a Sith is controlling the Senate would be really hard for anyone to believe.
Still, we know Obi-Wan reports this to the Council anyway. But it's a vague statement and they still don't have any information to act on. Palpatine soon has them very busy putting out fires in the war, and naturally fighting the Separatists who are led by Sith seems the best way for them to get to the bottom of what exactly is going on with the dark side. And they do finally turn their attention to how power-hungry Palpatine is getting once the war is nearly over and they've got the bandwidth for it, and think about what they might have to do if he's the threat to their democracy they fear, but of course he's too many steps ahead of them all the time.
So basically, what we see the Jedi being so guilty of in these examples are thought crimes. When confronted with the crazy explanation that happens to be true, their instinctive reaction is "No, I don't think that's possible." And then they do their due diligence to uncover as much of the truth as they can anyway. And Yoda, the Grand Master of them all, is often the first to admit that their first assumptions could be wrong. But Palpatine wouldn't be a good villain if his moves were predictable and he couldn't get an advantage over the good guys - that's just how storytelling works sometimes and it's not that deep.
It honestly felt stupid typing so much of this out because it's 90% just describing what actually happens in these scenes. But I guess it's a lot to ask that people actually carefully watch the films they discuss. 😒
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mamawasatesttube · 1 month ago
can you imagine talking about anything else the way comic-fanon fans talk about comics?
"the beatles are my favorite band! oh no i don't listen to their music i just look at the album covers and imagine what it sounds like lol."
"star trek fandom is so fun like there's so many series and episodes and reboots that you can just say anything and it probably happened in one of them anyways. and if it didn't, who cares! theres no point in trying to figure out what happened in canon anyway!"
"i love how 90% of doctor who fans all agree that you can do whatever companion with whatever doctor and its pretty much canon because the show is so wild. like, we all just have fun and then some guy shows up and tells you um, 'that actually is directly contradicted by the basic setup of the show?', and then they get offended when you tell them to go away!! LOL!"
"star wars is just too complicated for people to understand - like, are you supposed to start at movie 1 or movie 4? - so you really can't blame anyone for not even trying before they start posting in the star wars tag. anyway here's why i think finn is an angry black man and kylo ren is better for rey"
eta: have been informed this is the star wars experience already. im so fucking sorry yall have to bear this curse too
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michellesneptune · 3 months ago
disclaimer: forgive me if the series doesn’t cover all twelve signs, but i don’t think i’ve known enough people to speak about everyone’s way of loving. please be patient🤗
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aries moon/1H
ooooh those little devils🔥😈 you can see the mischievous twinkle in their eyes. they’re children of Ares - the god of war! when they speak of their loved ones it feels as though they’re ready to kill for them any minute, only waiting for the right (or any😂) reason.
(just my observation, please don’t come at me) i believe that these natives are prone to being more loyal, less selfish and flaky than aries venus. aries is known to be 'the baby' of the zodiac, valuing independence and self-fulfilment greatly. however, i’ve noticed aries moons to be devoted af!! you will never catch them bad mouthing a friend or a partner.
also, from my experience, both placements like to fight, however aries venus often does it for own enjoyment, the initial chase turns them on. as for aries moons, they’re more steady. they would go to great lengths for friends and partners. you can call them in the middle of the night and ask the craziest favor, they WILL come and help.
(please keep in mind that i mean unevolved aries venuses that still have a lesson or two to learn!)
PS. they love to be treated like the center of your world, please give them attention💕
taurus moon/2H
hmmmm how do i put it… 😍😍😍😍😍😍😍! i will say that i am biased bc my boyfriend is one and the way he’s attentive, always asks about the details of my day, pays attention to my routines and shows love through acts of service🥹 you’ve probably heard the rumours and they’re true. taurus moons make the best cooks ever. and i don’t mean putting together a couple of cheap pancakes, nuh uh. their sharp senses only let them buy the best quality ingredients and cook with great care. bonus points if they prepare a dish that they know is your favourite!
i will say though, they are not the most verbal lovers. but when they’re in, they mean it. when they say they love you, it becomes a fact so obvious that they don’t feel the need to repeat it over and over. they like to settle into a routine, so don’t expect them to be flaky, send mixed signals and stir things up just to feel something/for fun (sag moons cough cough😅😅).
they also seem brutal sometimes. but i believe it’s because they see honesty as the highest form of trust. they want to feel comfortable with you. they value silence, too. they’re the type to show you their appreciation not by telling you how perfect you are but by actually putting in the work to show you your value and show that they’re worthy of being by your side.
lastly, their homes are their sanctuaries, a reflection of their feelings. usually beautiful and they look for someone worthy of letting in, to match their belongings. they get a rep for being possessive and stubborn, nevertheless with the right person they can make a sacrifice and at least try to change their ways😂😂
virgo moon/6H
okay so i know they’re said to be critical, demanding, neurotic etc but hear me out. virgo is a mutable sign, ruled by mercury and in true mutable fashion they DO get wild, fun and unhinged lol. as a virgo moon myself i am well aware of the fact that i often act like i’ve got a stick up my ass. but when i get closer to you i want it all: karaoke nights, fast car rides, spontaneous trips! sometimes i even take those things to the extreme!
they’re also said to have the highest standards. and while i imagine it’s partly true, i believe that this placement is all about accepting the biggest, weirdest quirks of your s/o (as well as 6th house synastry!).
besides, i think that we get more so insecure and self-critical in relationships, analyzing the f outta our partners, wondering whether we’re meeting their demands! we’re about the overall quality of the partnership and just want it to be perfect🥺 we’re also quite anxious and require lots of reassurance.
lastly, everyone knows it: virgo moons are like the final boss of small acts of service lol. vacuuming your flat, folding your clothes. they notice the smallest things that could improve your life and happily do them for you!
capricorn moon/10H
this one is tricky. they remind me a bit of taurus but more rough in a sense that they probably won’t pamper you with luxurious baths and gourmet food but they will do things like pay your rent, get you a job or buy a car😂. i’ve noticed them to be a bit grumpy sometimes, definitely not the softest lovers.
they’re up to giving some tough love. pushing you into a scary path that they know will be rewarding in the end. teaching you that even in the hardest lessons of saturn there is light. they’re not the most cheerful on a daily basis but - surprisingly- they are the ones that keep calm in the face of crises. they’re like okay we can’t do anything about it now let’s appreciate what we do have and focus on what we can change.
it’s because they know all to well how karma is. they had to learn it the hard way which made them so strong and resilient.
what i’ve personally noticed: they will stick by your side no. matter. what. this isn’t always a good thing as sometimes it’s best to walk away but if you’re expecting a cap moon to give up on you, don’t.
i also feel like they’re used to being the oldest sibling, the mom friend etc. please take care of them from time to time!
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that is all i have for you! thank you for reading💕 i wish all of you lots and lots of love💋 see ya
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oh-no-its-bird · 8 months ago
Team 7 gets zapped into the warring states era but it's like, team 7 either mid or directly after wave-arc.
They're babies!! They're untrained little babies!!! None of them have gotten that good good character development yet!! Kakashi is still actively desperately wanting to not teach them!! (tho he may have just gotten his "ahh fuck. I actually have to teach them, huh." Moment)
Sasuke looks like a carbon copy of a younger Izuna and it's going to cause problems
Naruto thankfully doesn't look much like an Uzumaki, but his tendency to very loudly introduce himself is going to get him into trouble
Going w my usual flavor of "the Hatake are a very small but very famous clan known for being fucking insane", people are seeing Kakashi and going "oh god oh fuck what are one of THOSE guys doing here oh sage preserve us please don't eat me" as Kakashi just kinda stands there like 🧍‍♂️
Sakura is the only one safe from not being fucked up and over her clan, good for her!
-> back to the Hatake thing.
The kids still know virtually nothing about their sensei so they're learning all this stuff about his clan and believing every word of it, from the believable rumors to the insane.
Sakura, in a hushed, worried voice: "Sensei,, is it true ur clan eats people??"
Kakashi, who's father died before he could tell him almost anything about their clan and genuinely doesn't know but at this point is starting to get a little worried about it:
Kakashi, who also never passes up the opportunity to fuck with someone: "only stupid little students who ask stupid little questions <3"
Sakura and Sasuke: *worriedly look at a confused Naruto*
For convoluted reasons they run into the Hatake of the era and after introductions they look at the kids and are like,
"Oh!!! Ok, so this is your kid, right? :)" pointing at Sakura.
And Kakashi is like. ",,no."
"Ohhh, ok. So this one is your kid then?" *points at Naruto*
They look at him confused then nod at Sasuke. "So then that one's your kid, right?"
"None of them are my children."
*visibly disapproving / disbelieving side eye*
One big difference between this and the team ro time travel one is how much less trustworthy Kakashi comes off to literally everyone who looks at him.
He's a trained adult shinobi, probable bloodline thief (with no way to prove his innocence), and he has 3 children from 3 different clans (2 of which are indirectly enemies bc the Uzumaki is a Senju ally) (1 of which might have a direct relation to the Uchiha main house) and comes from an infamously volatile "wild clan" from another country entirely (Iron country)
He is NOT getting out of this with talk no jutsu bullshit. He has a target on his back from day 1 and it will take a minor miracle to get even a single person hear him out
Anyways uhh—
Saying Tajima and Butsuma are still alive but due to die in some months (till team 7 accidentally interfere and somehow accidentally save Tajima, maybe also Butsuma but I'm more biased towards Tajima so I'm thinking just him actually)
Kakashi sees baby Kagami and feels like he's been hit by a truck bc he looks just like a miniature Shisui and he has hang-ups about his "suicide"
Half-Hatake Tobirama is catching HEAT from Kakashi's antics. Why does one of ur cousins have a sharingan. Where did he get those children. Do you know anything about this. Is it your duty to help hunt him down bc hes your blood. If not yours then it's definatley the Hatake's, call them immediately and tell them to clean up their mess.
Bloodline theft is like THE ultimate no-no for all shinobi, especially in this era. To the point that even ancient enemies will sometimes temporarily set aside grudges to kill bloodline theives. Kakashi is so fucked, someone get him out of there
Mmmm there are like still bits and pieces of thoughts floating around in my head for this but I can feel myself getting distracted and want to get back to art fight so I'll leave it here for now
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tsukinoshinjiu · 1 year ago
[⚠️ Major TOTK Spoilers]
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Inspired by HTTYD Some lore ramblings behind the art below the cut:
For this art, I was thinking "what if Zelda hadn't been completely restored after the end of the game?" Perhaps she'd still have many draconic features. Probably more than what I gave her here. As far as lore, this is what I had in mind:
Link would notice she doesn't feel comfortable going back to the Lookout the way she is, so they'd camp out in the wilds for a few days, maybe travel a bit, do his best to make her feel better. Yet, no matter what he tries, she's so insecure she can hardly find it in herself to open up about her problems. This would eventually cause her to run away, trying to free Link of the burden she's become. She's changed so much, Zelda can hardly see herself as a person anymore, much less the person Link used to love.
Her scars…are probably half from the imprisoning war and half from her escapade. She might be able to defend herself with her new body, but Hyrule is still not completely safe. In a sense, she matches Link in that regard, her body carrying the history of Hyrule in its every inch.
She spends a long time running, hiding, avoiding her problems and herself. Still, Link always finds her. His unwavering devotion will always bring him back to her, to whatever corner of the world she goes.
This is the moment I wanted to portray, where he's just seeing her for the first time in months, maybe years with the entirety of totk. She's changed so much, she's so afraid of what she's done and will do to him. Yet, he's here. He loves her, and will love her, so deeply, nothing she could ever do would change that, and that's the first thing he wants her to know. I want them to have that conversation, to show her that change is a part of growing, and how he wants to grow together with her, no matter what comes. TL;DR: I wanted to put the blorbos in this scene with an entirely different context.
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zolanort · 3 months ago
I was re-reading enter/entrance and had an epiphany.
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If you ignore almost every single detail, the location of the dungeon becomes clear: the chain is at the temple level from Super Smash Brothers.
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1- The location of the boomerangs, just above the archways they entered through. Legend and Hyrule don’t know that they can double jump through the floors since they’ve never been invited to smash bros before so they are going to have to get creative with springs or something if they don’t figure it out. Legend definitely has items turned on so they should be ok probably.
2- Twilight and Sky are op heavy hitters so they will instinctually end up in this area, that’s just how it works. Dink will also probably show up here because he has practiced the angles and think’s he’s a really good edgelordguard. I hope he gets meteor smashed.
3- Time, Wind, and Four will be on task back there in that building somewhere actually completing the dungeon, you can tell because there’s a triangle shape and that resembles both the triforce and force gems. Time got to play in this level both as a child and an adult so he already knows his way around, and Wind (and arguably the colors) also have experience with the mechanics and can cheese their way through. Team Attack is turned on.
4- Wild and Wars end up here. Wars because he doesn’t know how smash bros OR dungeons work, and Wild because this is where he learned how to do bomb recoveries (nostalgia) and he also suspects Dink might show up down at #2 later on.
This is obviously the correct answer to the question “where are the bros rn?” which I have discovered myself through logic and astral projection into jojo’s top secret notes.
Art credit to jojo’s @/linkeduniverse and also Nintendo I guess.
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kinerxy · 2 months ago
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The Molar Horse, they're similar to IRL horses but alot bigger and with a bulkier neck... beside the obvious frontal tusks used for defense against predators and in intraspecific competition.
Due to their aggressive and fearless nature aswell as gigantic size theyre an excellent war mount, even if their domestication isnt for the weak.
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when their lips are relaxed they cover all the teeth, this is to protect their integrity and also to avoid infections, this tissue is hardy but flexible enough to be pulled all the way back to show the hidden upward incisives and the rest of the teeth, baring their teeth can be out of distress or as a threat.
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(the silly)
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In a previous ask I explained how these animals can eat, in short I didn't want to add some type of trunk nor modify the appearance of the tusks especially the big frontal one so the easiest option to go is to have a large tounge strong enough to help it eat in a similar fashion to a giraffe.
But I was thinking that in my setting the general landescape is very desertic and there aren't many trees around, this opens an issue since the tounge was based on a giraffe tounge which is made to grab tree branches and pull the leaves into their mouths, so maybe these tounges could have spiky cavities similar to a feline tounge but much more exaggerated, this to be able to have a stronger hold on the dry grass and other types of dry food that probably would be on the ground.
TW: (fictional) Animal abuse
In my story there are many important factions and in general they aren't benevolent specially since the war is a common occassion and each one have to do what it needs to success and maintain territory and resources, this faction, the Altan Empire (which hopefully i will show more of them in a future) is one of the few important nations that have managed to domesticate the dangerous Molar Horses, but to conceive this they had to do some evil shit
The lips of a molar horse are a very sensitive part of their body, these have many nerve conections to be able to move them and show different types of expressions, emotions and give indications to other Molar horses.
The removal of these lips greatly vaffects their behavior, making them docier and easier to handle aswell as opening a entrance to put the mouthpiece and colocate the bridle without having problems with the vast tissue, this is called marking.
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A marked molar horse is alot less unstable than its wild counterpart, making them an excellent mount to be used in the loud and unpredictable battles between factions, it also improves their intimidation factor
But beside their obvious degradation in appearance, these animals become incapable of communicating normally with other molar horses.
Another problem are the infections, is common to see marked molar horses with infected pimples, scars or without some back teeth that fell off or had to be removed.
on the bright side, in recent times and due to the domestication of the marked molar horses, meaning that newborns are more docile withouth having to mark them aswell as improvements in the design of the bridle, said newborns are commonly left with their intact lips.
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