#so basically a shock collar for my arm to distract me from the fact that ny head hurts i guess???
I am very sure that scrubbing my brain with a soapy washcloth would feel amazing and cure my headaches
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azucanela · 4 years
So i have a phrase “How do I look? Do I look okay?” “You look beautiful... you are beautiful.” with Kirishima, Shinsou, Todoroki and Keigo? Is it okay to ask for something like this? If it's not feel free to ignore🙈
DIALOGUE PROMPT SCENARIOS [ft. keigo takami, kirishima ejirou, shinsou hitoshi, todoroki shouto]
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SUMMARY: Y/N wonders if she looks okay, not that she could ever look bad.
WARNINGS: kissing, insecurities, thats it though
A/N: that’s perfectly fine bb <3 but you didn’t specify scenarios or headcannons but scenarios felt more appropriate so here we are
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Staring at herself in the mirror, Y/N found herself despising her job as a Pro Hero, mostly because of all the extra things that came with it. She’d gone to UA High School to learn how to save lives, and Y/N had learnt just that. Nobody prepared her for the interviews and the galas and the publicity that came with the job, especially if you were successful. The social aspect that nobody discussed was the worst part of the job, the random reporters photographing her as she went about her day, the brutal comments in regards to basically everything.
Seeing as she ranked in the Top 5 Pro Heroes, Y/N considered that successful, and the fact that her boyfriend was Number 2 Hero Hawks, well that didn’t necessarily help. There was a ridiculous amount of attention focused on them individually, but as a couple? Y/N L/N and Takami Keigo were viewed as a potential power couple to the public, they had yet to confirm their relationship, though Y/N had a feeling that their appearance together at the gala that night would confirm the suspicions the public had.
That would likely be catastrophic. 
Sighing, Y/N smoothed down her red dress, the color matched Keigo’s wings, something she’d requested specifically. It was a subtle hint to their relationship, something for her, Keigo, and both their publicists, seeing as the announcement of a relationship between two top heroes would likely only benefit them. Now, Y/N wondered if it was too much, eyes scrutinizing every inch of her look the same way she knew dozens of magazines, reporters and posts would do the moment she stepped out onto the red carpet.
She was distracted by Keigo’s entrance into their shared room, moving past her quickly to snatch his red tie off a dresser, he moved to fasten it around his collar. Y/N found herself reminded of the fact that he was considered a very fast paced hero as she watched him, a small smile finding its way onto her face. He opens his mouth to speak, only to pause when he turns to her, and Y/N can’t help but squirm under his gaze.
“How do I look? Do I look okay?” There are about a dozen thoughts running through her mind as he practically stares her down, maybe he doesn’t like the color, maybe she looks bad, maybe this was a mistake. 
Instead, a smile breaks out on Keigo’s face as he tilts his head dopily, “you look beautiful...” He responds, hand coming to hold her cheek as he leaned forward, “you are beautiful.” 
“Thank you, baby.” She’s smiling too now, leaning her face into his hands as she brings her arms to wrap around his shoulders.
Keigo pressed his lips to hers, mumbling against them, “you’re wearing my color.” His mouth moved to press against her jaw as Y/N hummed in response, hand coming to grip his hair tightly as she watched his wings flutter slightly. 
There’s a grin on Y/N’s lips as she tilts her head further back and responds, “yeah, I am.” Raising a brow she asked, “you like it?”
“I love it.”
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Kirishima finds himself smiling as he knocks on Y/N’s door. They were going to meet his for dinner, and it would be Y/N’s first time meeting them, something she had been stressed about for the past week since he’d told her. Though Kirishima wasn’t necessarily worried if he was honest, seeing how often he talked about Y/N, he wouldn’t be shocked if his parents felt like they already knew her.
Y/N on the other hand, was panicking. This would be her first time meeting her long term boyfriend’s parents, meeting the parents meant a lot of things. First off, Kirishima expected her to be in his life for an extended period of time, and he trusted her enough to introduce her to his parents. Secondly, it meant she had to make a good impression, though their approval didn’t mean everything it was important to both her and Kirishima if she wanted to continue being in a serious relationship with him.
Upon hearing the knock at her door, Y/N found herself grimacing as she looked into the mirror once more before making her way to the door. Unlocking it, Y/N opened the door for her boyfriend before rushing over to her dresser and taking the earrings on top to put them on. “Hey, sorry I’m not ready I just-” She inhaled deeply, turning to him as she fixed the earrings, “I really want this to go well.” Y/N returns her gaze to the mirror for a final look at herself, frowning when she realizes Kirishima has yet to speak, “How do I look? Do I look okay?”
Kirishima’s mouth has gaped open as he looks to her, eyes trailing over her outfit as he nods rapidly, “you look beautiful!” He exclaims, bringing his hands to her arms as he beams at her, “you are beautiful.” His voice quiets as he says these words, the look in his eyes soft. 
Y/N’s cheeks warm at her words, nodding slowly in response, “great. Great. We should go.” She mumbled, a small smile on her face.
But Kirishima’s hands remain on her arms, keeping her in her spot as he says, “you are amazing Y/N, and they are going to love you, okay?” When she doesn’t respond, Kirishima brings a hand to her chin, forcing her to look at him as he repeats, “okay?”
Y/N bites her lip as she nods, “okay.” A shaky breath escapes her as she leans forward to press a gentle kiss to his lips, temporarily catching him by surprise as her hands come to rest on his chest. Kirishima recovers quickly, pulling her face closer with the hand gripping her chin as his other hand comes to her waist. 
When Y/N pulls away, she wraps her arms around his torso and places her head on his chest, “thank you, Kiri.”
He simply smiles at her, wrapping his arms around her shoulder and rocking them side to side, earning a laugh from her as he says, “of course, Baby.”
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Sighing, Shinsou runs a hand through his hair as he sits on the couch, awaiting Y/N’s great reveal. She’d insisted that he stop working so that she could show hims something, though it took a lot of convincing, she’d managed to get him on the couch. If Y/N was honest, this was a last ditch attempt to get Shinsou to stop overworking himself, he had already done so much to get into the Hero Course and he needed a break. Now she was searching for something, anything that could be considered relevant enough for her to pull him away from his work and force him onto the couch. At this point just hoped he was eating the food she’d left behind for while he waited. 
Tearing through her room, Y/N groaned, moving to her closet when she realized she had nothing interesting to show him, after all, he’d seen everything in her room dozens of times. Her closet on the other hand? There were dozens of things she had yet to wear. 
Y/N found herself glaring at the dress she’d bought months ago, she’d thought it was gorgeous but there weren’t many opportunities for her to wear it, and even if she could, Y/N couldn’t help but feel nervous at the possibility. What if it looked bad? She never tried it on, so this would be a surprise for not just her, but also Shinsou. Y/N couldn’t help but scowl as she snatched it off the hanger.
Meanwhile, Shinsou finds himself eating the bowl of fruit Y/N had left behind, he couldn’t help but wonder what she had to show him that was taking so long to prepare, but he didn’t mind. Though Shinsou would be lying if he said he hadn’t considered getting up to check on her. 
He’s about to call out her name when she exclaims, “you ready?”
There’s a soft smile on his face as he places the bowl of fruit down on the coffee table before him and leans back against the couch, “I always am, kitten.” Comes his response.
Shinsou was wrong. He was not ready for what Y/N was showing him. 
She’d moved into his line of sight to reveal a black dress that he’d never seen her wear before, and to put it simply, he was kind of upset that she hadn’t. Shinsou is grappling for words as his mouth opens and closes in shock, eyes trailing of Y/N.
“How do I look? Do I look okay?” Y/N asked, his lack of response hadn’t been reassuring, but at least he had eaten some of the fruit she had left for him. Spinning in a circle, Y/N let out a nervous laugh as she looked to him.
Shinsou nodded slowly, “you look beautiful...” He assured, a small smile making its way onto his face, “you are beautiful.” Y/N found her cheeks warming at his words as she moved over to him, falling into his lap with a smile.
“You’re too nice to me, Toshi.” 
She can see the faint blush in his cheeks as he wraps his arms around her, burying his head in her neck in an attempt to hide it, “it’s the truth.” 
Y/N simply hums in response as she runs a hand through his hair, leaning her neck further back when he begins to press small kisses against it, “so what do you want for dinner? You’ve barely eaten all day.”
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Shouto didn’t know how long he’d been sitting on Y/N’s bed, but it had been a while, a long while. It was their anniversary and he had insisted on using Endeavor’s shiny black credit card to the fullest, much to her dismay. Y/N had never liked when Shouto spent an excessive amount of money on her, but he didn’t seem to care. They’d gone out earlier and if Y/N so much as looked at something for more than a few moments, Shouto was already taking it to the cash register, card in hand.
Now, she was trying on a dress they’d bought earlier that day, and seeing as they had a reservation at some fancy restaurant Y/N had discovered in the next hour, Y/N was taking her time to get ready. Not that Shouto minded how long she was taking, especially since the restaurant was supposed to be booked until the following year, until he dropped his name that is. He sincerely doubted they’d mind if they were late.
Y/N was, of course, panicking. It was a really fancy restaurant and when she’d off handedly mentioned how good the food seemed, she didn’t expect Shouto to get them a reservation. Much less take her shopping beforehand. Stepping outside of the bathroom with the black dress she’d selected, Y/N found herself incapable of preventing the insecurities from flooding her mind when she saw Shouto look up from his phone. 
He set his phone to the side when he saw her, and Y/N finds herself looking away as she mumbles, “how do I look? Do I look okay?”
There’s a small smile on Shouto’s face as he gives her a small nod, “you look beautiful.” His eyes are analyzing her entire figure as he extends a hand, gesturing for her to come closer, and Y/N moves into his arms, hands gripping his shoulders as he continues, “you are beautiful.”
Y/N can feel her cheeks warm at Shouto’s words as his hands come to her hips and pull her between his spread legs, “you’re too kind to me Shouto.” Y/N’s hand comes to his cheek as she smiles nervously at him.
Shouto simply shakes his head, “I don’t deserve you.” His voice is quiet as speaks, looking to her in awe.
She simply swats gently his shoulder, “don’t say that.” Y/N grumbles, frowning at him as she leans down to rest her forehead on his, “you deserve everything.”
Shouto is silent when leans backwards and pulls her down with him, determined to make her smile once more, he finds himself grinning as she bursts out into laughter on top of him before capturing her lips. 
“We’re gonna be late, Shouto.” She mumbles, removing her lips from his and burying her head in his neck as she sighed.
He simply hums in response, arms circling her waist, “I doubt they’ll mind.”
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A/N: these were fun to write :D also wow im NOT posting at 2AM? whaaa so weird.
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TAGLISTS[lmk if you want to be added via askbox or replies]
BNHA: @shawkneecaps
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outofangband · 3 years
A special night in Angband is not a pleasant event for Maedhros.
for @dir-i-elena
author’s note: I’ve mentioned a million times Maedhros being crowned or otherwise dressed or addressed as a king in Angband, it’s a very important concept to me but I Think this is the first fic in awhile where he’s wearing it rather than just mentioned. I also have my priest of Manwë ideas ok I’ll stop rambling now
second author’s note: Fun fact:  when Maedhros is forced to wear a crown in Angband, (whether one twisted or burning that leaves a scar or his own copper circlet remade after the ambush) Melkor obviously taunts him and is basically like “get it get it, because you’re supposed to be the king” (in a  more formal evil speak way) Maitimo shoots him something to the effect of “thank you master of subtlety I think we got that”
Edit: elaboration of scene here!
And another!
CW: unwanted touch (non sexual in this instance), humiliation, on display, psychological abuse, mentions of dissociation. Mentioned non consensual modifications in the form of piercings. Melkor is his own warning
The circlet was placed upon Maitimo’s head and he winced slightly, the cold metal pressing against a long scratch mark and irritating it. Maitimo bit his tongue as the quietly amused voice of the Vala filled the room as though from much further above him.
“I am sure no reminder will thee require, Nelyafinwë,” he spoke in the elf’s ear so that His lips touched the pointed tip, causing it to twitch slightly. A short, rumbling laugh that Maitimo felt deep within him. “It was recovered after the unfortunate demise of thine host. My captain,” the Dark Lord traced clawed fingers over a line on his bare shoulder, an old scar from the whip of the balrog in question, “Was over eager from having recovered thee as I ordered him. Thy lovely crown was badly damaged. But I have had it repaired. I want you to be recognizable tonight and how better to achieve that than to have thee well dressed in the designs so clearly belonging to thy kin.” A pause to let the weight of these words sink in. Maitimo had not been permitted to leave the chambers for quite a long period and it was amusing to Melkor to see what might have been relief morph back to dread and anticipation. 
“What is this event?” the question was out of Maitimo’s mouth before he could stop himself, voice a hoarse whisper that did not fully conceal how much he did not wish to know the answer. The Vala tapped his ear almost thoughtfully as his smile widened.
“We are celebrating the return of one of my skilled generals.” He answered before pausing to turn Maedhros around to view him from all sides. Maitimo remained still, his mind wandering. If the Lords of Angamando were celebrating something of this sort, the general in question must be expected to have brought back good news. Which could not mean anything good for the hosts of the Eldar that were engaged in the battle while he was locked away here.  
But it seemed this was not the only cause for celebration. Fingers gripped his chin and attempted to pull his gaze back. “We are expecting a small party to arrive,” the Vala said softly, eyes glinting as he searched His prisoner’s expression for a reaction, “Thou might perhaps find a familiar face.” Maitimo recognized a thrill of fear as he heard this. He was certain if one of his brothers had been captured, Moringotto would be unable to hide his gloating but the wording (assuming of course that He spoke the truth, never an assumption Maitimo could make with certainty) still made it sound like the prisoners were from a Noldorin host. His own subjects. (The Vala’s fingers traced along the collar around his neck before moving to arrange the crown more carefully on his head, pulling on a lock of hair when he moved.)
Maitimo was hardly present for the rest of the preparations. The Vala was distracted by another report and ordered two servants to bathe and dress him. The servants were rough and thorough but unlike their master, did not seem to care enough to require Maitimo’s awareness of his surroundings and the elf managed several long periods of blankness before finding himself once again at the side of the Moringotto, dressed in traditional garb of Noldorin nobility (flowing white robes with elaborate embroidery on the cuffs and sleeves and a deep red cape) with the copper circlet on his head. More uncomfortable perhaps was the application of the jewelry. Additionally, various piercings hidden by his robes were filled with small stones, something Maitimo found quite ominous.
The Dark Lord’s eyes glittered with malice and something perhaps akin to lust (it was the glint that appeared in his eyes when he spoke of his claiming of the Silmarils). It made Maitimo feel exposed despite standing almost alone in the dimly lit corridor. Without a word, He then seized his arm and half dragged him into the throne room where a small procession was already gathered.
There were eight other elves linked by metal shackles. They were bruised and battered but able to stand, their faces showing a spectrum of defiance to fear upon seeing the richly dressed elf thrust before them. Only one was known to Maitimo by name though they all appeared to have recognized him or at the least believed that they had.
“Will you not bow to thy king?” The Vala had appeared behind Maitimo, his voice silk that made the chained elves recoil and the few expressions of defiance fizzle to a terrified anger. One of them actually started to speak but was cut off before anything coherent could be made out.
“Silence.” It was not only the prisoner who ceased, every voice in the hall broke off. Moringotto then smiled, the show distorted by the light from his crown. Maitimo who was facing ahead knew what expression the Vala must wear for he sees the faces before him react. They do not look at Him either.
“Do you perhaps fear thy king will scorn you for your lack of respect?” The taunt must have been primarily for Maitimo because he doubted the other elves could make out much of the words in their terror.
“You have done well not bowing. You will bow only to me here, yes, Nelyafinwë?”
Maitimo said nothing. Anger at his helplessness coursed through him and he longs to look away from the captured elves but cannot stomach this cowardice.
“Kneel.” He had not heard the Moringotto step forward but suddenly His voice was prickling his ear. When Maitimo hesitated even for a moment the Vala moved to point to one of the balrogs. He had seen this enough to understand the threat. He was to obey without question or the other doomed elves would suffer in his stead. Suffer more.
His last glimpse of the new prisoners before he finally averted his eyes was of their shocked and frightened faces. One or two actually looked indignant on his behalf which both mortified and oddly amused him.
Too much swam through his mind to escape it, contradictions piercing at him; he was to be king and whore, the heat rising in him even as his poorly covered knees touched upon the cold stone of the ground. The distortions of light and dark caused by the crown obscured his vision.
And the laughter of the Moringotto filled the hall as Maitimo knew all eyes had now turned to him. It was of course not the first time he had been forced publicly to his knees but fury and shame nonetheless flooded his trembling body.
“Inform Mairon of the new arrivals,” Melkor instructs one of the guards, “For the present, they are no longer of interest to me. Let him decide their fate.” He spoke of course in the common language of the fortress and Maitimo could not help but to wonder if his kin saw that it was not entirely foreign to him.
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aesthbaby · 4 years
You’re Not Alone
Summary: Angst story where Reader and Emily make a discovery after getting into an argument
Pairings: Emily Prentiss x reader (no gender is identified but it is stated that the reader is lgbtq+ and with Emily)
Request: @millipop18 this one
Warnings: Cursing | Arguments | Talk of homophobia
Wordcount: 1.5K
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64. “Yell, scream, cry, please, just say something, anything.
67. “If you don’t want to talk about it then say so. Don’t lie and pretend to be fine when you clearly aren’t.”
“No, I don’t think that.” You’re defensive, and rightfully so. You fucked up and the evidence is written all over Emily’s face, you didn’t mean to hurt her. She damn near snapped on the spot right after you said it. You tried to defend yourself but of course Emily has a point, she always has a point.
“Why did you say that?” She doesn’t sound angry, she kind of sounds hurt.
“I said it without thinking, I didn’t mean it like that.” You and Em randomly decided you wanted to get tacos from the new place down the block after work. Everything was going fine until you ran into Matt Simmons and one of his kids. No idea which one it was, he has a shit ton.
“Well,” She trails quietly. “Did you mean it?” She stops what she’s doing and turns around to face you. Her dark eyes are pouring into your soul and its actually really intimidating to see. “Did you?” She repeats when you don’t answer.
“Did I what?” You’re distracted, you knew you shouldn’t have said that in front of her. Or at all for that matter of fact because it was so unlike you.
She puts down her phone and stiffens her expression. “Did you mean what you said?” Your mouth opens and closes without anything coming out. She scuffs and brushes past you; hitting your shoulder in the process. Shit y/n think! You stand there for a second, fidgeting with your fingers, and trying to find the right words. “Its a simple question, really.” She’s wearing her monotone voice and clenching her jaw.
“No...” You whisper like you’re afraid of your own voice.
Your girlfriend sits on the bench and moves to take her shoes off. “Y/n,” She spits your name out like gum, effectively getting your attention. “When Matt asked me who you were, you interrupted me and said...” She looks to you to finish her sentence but you stay quiet. “Of course.” She mumbles. “You told him, and I quote, “I’m just an old friend visiting the city.” Emily never really “yells” at you but its pretty obvious when she wants to. “What was that?” Her voice is rising. “Friend?!” Her eyes lock on you like prey and this is when you notice her anger is replaced by glistening tears. They’re barely there and Emily wouldn’t dare let them fall. As quick as you notice them, they’re gone again. Emily Prentiss does not cry.
“Em...I-” You’re anxiously clinching the collar of your shirt while trying to get the words out.
“You told him you were my friend...” She looks back down in defeat and it breaks your heart a little. You hear her sniffle and it just adds to the sadness building in your heart. When she looks at you again, her eyes are clear and her face is basically emotionless.
“Emily, baby, I am so sorry.” You sit beside her and gently lay your hand on hers.
She turns to you and asks, “Why?” That’s all she says.
Excuse me? Is what you wanted to say out of sheer shock. Obviously you said this instead: “I don’t know, Em. It just came out.”
“Right,” She nods to herself and then stands in front of you. “Y/n you and I both know this is very unlike you. I mean you’ve hesitated before when it came to telling people we’re dating but I-”
“Woah, when have I ever hesitated to tell people we were dating?” That one really threw you for a loop.
And she looks surprised that you even said anything. “Point being, I can’t help you if you don’t help me.”
The word “huh” was on the tip of your lips but you pushed it back. “Em, I’m okay.” You place your hand over your heart while speaking. “You’re the one who...” Your through suddenly feels dry.
“The one who’s...what? Upset?” You almost want to nod at that but decide against it. “But I’m not the one who said we were just friends.” Why is she talking to me like a unit chief? “And despite my current feelings, I know you.”
You swallow that information like a lump in your throat. “I’m okay.”
She sucks in a sharp breath. “No, you are not and I’d like to know why?” Is this what Reid feels like when the team talks to him? I feel like a child during a negotiation. Confused. You were just about to defend yourself when she spoke again. “Is this about your family?” As your expression, she moves on. “Do you not like Matt? Would you prefer it if our relationship was more private?” She pauses before asking the next one. “Is this about me?”
“What? No! Jesus Em I have nothing against you or us.” Its like the more emotional you get, the more neutral her face becomes.
“Then what is it y/n/n?” She takes your hands in hers. “What. Is. It?”
“I fucked up, I realized that as soon as I said it.”
She lets out another puff of air. “God what is up with you today? You never keep stuff from me. You’re the one who made this stupid rule about always telling the truth even if its undesirable and boring.” Gezz I didn’t think it was that bad of a rule. “If you don’t want to talk about it then say so. Don’t lie and pretend to be fine when you clearly aren’t.”
“Oh here we go again with the bullshit. Don’t fucking profile me, Emily.” You stand and head to the kitchen. “Don’t open that box.” As you reach towards the refrigerator handle, her hand stops you.
“What happened?” She’s practically begging you to answer her.
You give in. “I got a call yesterday. I thought I recognized the number but when I picked up the phone the voice sounded fake. Like it was run through an app. They said I should be more careful about flaunting my sexuality.” The words spilled out so quickly you didn’t know how to stop them.
She was stunned, mouth ajar.“I had no idea. When did this happen?”
“Last night. I didn’t really care at first because I thought it was one of my old friends, exes, or something like that. It wasn’t until we were out that it felt like we were being followed. So when we saw Matt I panicked.” The apartment is filled with complete and suffocating silence. Em is looking at you like she suddenly has no idea who you are. “Em...” You take a step to her while she takes one back. “Baby...come on.” She don’t respond, or move, speak, nothing. “Talk to me Em, please.” Nothing. “Yell, scream, cry, please, just say something, anything.”
You haven’t seen her look this concerned since the time you ran smack dead into a wall in the middle of the night. “Why didn’t you tell me?” Her voice is so quiet. 
“Because I can handle myself, I was fine up until a few hours ago. It freaked me out. I didn’t mean to hurt you.” You step to her and wrap your arms around her waist. “I just couldn’t tell you.” 
“Yes, you could have. You’re not alone anymore y/n/n. You have to tell me about this stuff. You’re not the only one affected by it.”
“Shit. Babe I’m sorry I didn’t think about it like that.”
She strokes a piece of your hair near your forehead. “Its okay. I’m more upset with myself for not noticing sooner. I do this kind of stuff as a living, you’d think it come natural.”
You pull her flush against you. “I really fucked up this time.”
She laughs at that. “You did, but don’t worry. Tomorrow you will come to work with me and I’ll have my team look into it. For now,” she kisses the top of your head. “You should eat and then tap out for the night. Tomorrow’s gonna be a long day.”
You give her a confused expression. “What do you mean?”
“First we’ll have to go over that call with Garcia, consult with Reid on the wording, hire Derek as a body guard, come out to the entire team about our relationship, and of course we’ll have to get a dog.”
“I like the dog part.” As if on queue Sergio comes out of the bedroom and sits at your feet. “Sergio’s kind of boring.” Despite whispering the last part, Sergio still meows at it.
Em untangles herself from you to pick up her cat. “Y/n doesn’t mean it Serg.”
You lean in to the cat’s small ear. “Yeah I do.”
“Come on babe, lets double check the locks.” The brunette and her cat leave the kitchen to cover your ass.
When she comes back, she’s empty handed. “Where’s the feline?”
“My arms are only for you.” She opens her arms for you.
You walk into the embrace and god does it feel good. After a moment of pure bless you speak. “I’m scared, E.”
“We’re gonna be okay.” She pulls you even closer. “You’re gonna be okay.”
*・゜゚・*:.。..。.:*・'・*:.。. .。.:*・゜゚・**・゜゚・*:.。..。.:*・'・*:.。. .。.:*・゜゚・*˚✧₊⁎ ⁎⁺˳✧༚ ゚・*:.。..。.:*・゚・*:.。.。.:*・'・*:.。.
Taglist  (Like my Emily taglist to be added, or you can send me an Ask located in the top right corner of my profile. You can also ask to be removed if you’d like)
@iamyouknow-yours @mortallythoughtfulgurl @spencerreidistoocute @andreaxxg13 (sorry this tag isn’t working for some reason) @vivianabakshani @garcias-batcave @davidrossiismydad @ssacandi-ass-prentiss @criminalmindsmoodrn @miidguardian-exe @thestrawberrygirl @lisztomaniacalice @aaron-hotchner187 @fanfictionfangirl04 @mys2425 @afuckingshituniverse @nomit16 @rabid-wild-misfits​ @justaghostmonument
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hyuniebaby · 4 years
Focus (10)
Pairings: Baekhyun x Y/N x Junmyeon
AU: College student! Baekhyun, Professor! Junmyeon AU, college!au
A/N: So I've rewritten the whole Part 10 because Tumblr decided to mess it up... I didn't have any back-up file so… I completely changed the whole part. 😅 Sorry for updating this late, I had to cool down from my frustration over Part 10 getting deleted. I hope you still enjoy this~
Taglist: @coffee-prince-kyungsoo​ @thighhighsanti​ @littleflowercrown13​
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6 | Part 7 | Part 8 | Part 9 | Part 10 | Part 11
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Mr. Kim doesn’t know what came over him when he started walking towards Baekhyun as soon as he had a glimpse of him. He was even more surprised when the words, “Mr. Byun, if you have time, please come by my office later” left his mouth.
Mr. Kim was a very laid-back professor. He doesn’t mind what his students were up to as long as they were actually learning. He only ever intervenes when he notices that his students weren't doing well on his quizzes. But right now, that wasn’t the case when he finds himself talking to Baekhyun. Unprofessional as it may be, he wanted to know what’s happening between you and Baekhyun. Were you two in a relationship already? Was he wrong for taking a liking to you? Were you cheating on Baekhyun with him? Does Baekhyun know what happened between the two of you? There were so many questions he wanted to ask but he doesn’t know how to do so, especially not to Baekhyun. Baekhyun wasn’t his friend, you are. It would have been easier if it was you who he was standing in front of.
He should’ve just held back the words. He should’ve just waited until he saw you so he could talk to you instead. But he was very curious, he couldn’t think straight! He was slightly panicking inside for being so brazen but he kept the cool exterior.
Mr. Kim wasn’t expecting to see Baekhyun nod to him. “I’m actually free today.” Baekhyun says. Mr. Kim thought that he’d be able to get at least three hours to be able to think of a plan to subtly ask about the two of you. Now he had to think fast.
“Well then Mr. Byun, please follow me to my office.” He says.
He leads the younger male into his office. Baekhyun doesn’t seem to be as tense as him. When they arrive at his office, he motions Baekhyun to sit.
“So Mr. Byun I see that you’ve become distracted in class lately.” Mr. Kim starts to say. Quite frankly, it wasn’t what he really wanted to say, but he thought it would be weird he went directly to the point. He wasn’t sure how Baekhyun would react so he was being a little cautious.
Baekhyun shrugs nonchalantly. Wow, he doesn’t really seem to care, Mr. Kim thought. It was annoying for him to see a student act so indifferent. He was a professor after all and he deserves to be heard and respected.
“Mr. Kim, just get to the point, I know you don’t care about my performance in class,” Baekhyun says with a slight annoyance in his tone. Baekhyun was being rude and he knows it, but he was really not in the mood for beating around the bush. He wasn’t in the mood to talk to Mr. Kim at all. He was very much pissed to know that he was the person who dared touch you when he basically marked you as his.
Mr. Kim was taken aback with the tone Baekhyun used. He felt offended for the lack of respect. He gives the younger male a warning look, a sign that he shouldn’t test his patience. Baekhyun just stares at him, challenging him.
When Mr. Kim doesn’t respond, Baekhyun says, “I know about you and Y/N.”
Mr. Kim raises his brow. He knows you well enough that you’re only comfortable with telling these kinds of things to people who you truly trusted. The fact that Baekhyun knew meant that you’ve grown close to the younger male. Mr. Kim leans back to his chair and crosses his arms, “What about us?”
Baekhyun gives him an incredulous look. “You touched her and kissed her. God knows what else you’ve done!” He was so mad.
“Didn’t you do that to her too?” He says with a glare.
Baekhyun was caught off guard by Mr. Kim’s statement. Mr. Kim knew something happened between the two of you and he still touched you and kissed you! You were his and like he told you, he doesn’t like to share. He was furious at the older man. Right now all he wanted to do was to punch Mr. Kim in the face, but he refrains from doing so. He tries to compose himself and smirks, “Oh but we did more than that.”
Mr. Kim clenches his jaw in annoyance. Baekhyun tugs the collar of his shirt to reveal more of the hickeys you gave him. Mr. Kim’s eyes widened at the sight, he wasn’t able to notice the hickeys at first because he was too busy thinking of what to say to Baekhyun. The sight pisses of Mr. Kim. He scoffs,”Should I care? Even if you did have sex with her, I don’t think it counts so much. After all, she allowed me to touch her despite having slept with you.”
Baekhyun felt like he was slapped on the face. What Mr. Kim was true. He wasn’t anything to you aside from the man who you had slept with, twice. “As if you aren’t in the same disposition as me.” Baekhyun snaps.
“Oh but I’m not the same as you.” Mr. Kim smirks. “We’ve known each other for quite a while now. I was her friend even before I became her professor. Even her parents adore me. She won’t cut ties with me easily.”
Well shit.
“Just a tip, Baekhyun,” Mr. Kim says his name mockingly, “She almost never dates. You see, she prioritizes her studies over everything else. She gets easily distracted too, so she avoids distractions as much as possible. And if you’ve been observing her for the past few days, you’d know that you are a distraction. Maybe you should just step down and save yourself the trouble.”
To Baekhyun, giving up is never an option. Baekhyun is a gamer after all. The thing about gamers is that they’re very competitive and passionate. He naturally loves to win. This time it was you who he wants to win over.
The past few days of you avoiding him lead him to realize that he does feel something about you. And because of this realization, he’s not going to step down, even if it’s Mr. Kim who’s supposed to be his opponent. He hates losing. And he would definitely hate himself if he lost you.
Without a word, Baekhyun stands up and leaves Mr. Kim’s office. He’s furious. He has to find a way to make you his, before Mr. Kim actually makes a move.
✧・゚: *✧・゚:* *:・゚✧*:・゚✧ ✧・゚: *✧・゚:*
You enter the classroom with your head down low to hide your red face. Baekhyun was driving you crazy. When you looked up from the floor, you saw your friends were already seated by your usual place. All your friends were looking at you already.
Before you can even take your seat, Mina says, “So... I think it’s time to tell them what happened to you last week.”
You know immediately what she was thinking about when she raises her eyebrows up and down. “Do I really have to?” You whine.
Mina doesn’t answer you, she turns to the rest of your friends with a smile instead and she announces, “She met this extremely good looking guy!!!!”
“How good looking?” Joohyun asks, leaning forward.
“Like a god! He’s tall and handsome. A gentleman too.” Mina says dreamily.
You roll your eyes, “Mina, I think you’re exaggerating.”
“What’s his name? Maybe I can find him.” Joohyun says. You don’t doubt her abilities, she does have a lot of connections.
“Uh… I think you will definitely find him because you have so many friends.” You pause, thinking of whether or not to tell her. You eye her warily, but she looks so interested, you didn’t want to dampen her mood so you say, “His name is Sehun.”
“Sehun as in Oh Sehun? The one in Performing Arts?!” Joohyun exclaims.
You were shocked she knew him personally. You thought it would take at least a day for her to find out about him through her other friends. “You know him?”
“Yes,” she then lowers her voice and glances at some person in the front row, “he’s Jongin’s best friend.”
You snap your head towards Jongin, it was a good thing he was taking a nap so he doesn’t know about the commotion. “What the fuck?”
“So are you dating him?” Seulgi pipes in.
You slightly cringe, remembering how annoying he actually was when sober, “Of course not!”
“Whose shirt are you wearing then if it wasn’t from him?”
You were caught off guard by the question, momentarily forgetting that you’re actually wearing Baekhyun’s shirt. “This is Baekhyun’s shirt.” You press your mouth in a thin line
Your friends squealed. “Oh my god! Are you two dating now?” You didn’t know who asked because they reacted so loudly you had to cover your ears.
“No, no. Nothing like that. We -- uh, haven’t talked about it yet.”
Your friends’ eyes soften. “Well, you know we like him. For you. So don’t be too afraid to jump in Y/N. It’s been so long since you and Kyungsoo broke up, maybe you should give him a chance.” Mina says.
You frown, “It’s complicated,” you pause while thinking about Junmyeon, “I don’t even know if he likes me that way.”
Seulgi rolls her eyes, “It’s quite obvious he has a crush on you! When you were avoiding him, he always had this longing look when he saw you in the hallway. Not to mention --”
You cut her off before she could say anything else. You didn’t want to get your hopes up, “Besides, I have to study well, especially since I have to beat Jongin.”
Your friends laugh at your reasoning. They were aware you thought of Jongin as a competitor ever since he was dared to beat the top student in the class, who was unfortunately you. It was supposed to be for a quiz only, but when Jongin lost to you, he didn’t give up. So he challenged you to the next quiz which led to another and another. There was an unspoken agreement that this “game” would continue until the end of the semester, or at least if someone concedes. It came to a point where your classmates took bets on who’s going to score higher. Even your professors were aware of the game you both played, but they didn’t say anything about it seeing that somehow the rest of the class got motivated to study for the quizzes and examinations because of the competition. Then by the end of the semester, your classmates tallied your quizzes and examinations and well, Jongin scored higher than you by two points. TWO points! It frustrated you. But it was fun competing with him like that since you got more focused and driven. This time you weren’t going to lose to him. You weren’t going to let anything or anyone distract you.
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pinkhairedlily · 3 years
Chapter 3 - Student Council President Sakura
“Good morning, Sensei.”
Long trails of pink hair fell just inches above Kakashi’s face. He opened his eyes from a short morning nap and found Sakura shielding him from the summer sun. The book he was reading was on his stomach, turned down and split on the page he stopped.
“Good morning, Sakura. You let your hair down.”
She grinned at him and took a few steps back as he stood up. “I didn’t have time to dry my hair. I didn’t want to be late on my first day of class.”
“You had time to wake me up though.”
Internal panic coursed through Sakura which intensified more when he yawned and smirked, obviously teasing her, but it emphasized the small mole above his chin – something she was always fascinated about. “It’s bad impression when freshmen students find their teacher littering on campus grounds, Sensei.” I’m so proud of my quick wit. She happily sauntered away from the speechless, heads-over-heels, oblivious student trap.
Kakashi walked with her until the main entrance of the building, easily avoiding Sakura’s inquisitions of his summer break shenanigans and pinning the lack of it on the endless teacher trainings and seminars. Just before he left her to go the faculty room, he took a rubber band from his wrist and gave it to her. “In case you’ll get conscious and want to tie your hair. Have a good day, Sakura.”
She wasn’t conscious at all; she let it down for him, the hair tie in her skirt’s pocket – her pink strands freed at will to demand for his undivided attention, but she opened her palm to receive his offer all the same. She sighed after his fading figure in the gathering crowd.
New class lists were pasted on the bulletin board, and she scanned for names. Two particular people caught her attention. Ironically, they also appeared within her field of sight.
“Oh, Sakura. Good morning!” Naruto’s loud voice was ringing even though he just entered the building. If she would describe him, he was the embodiment of sunshine. He just had that positive energy around him which she liked. Walking close behind him was Sasuke, the stoic genius of their batch, and the opposite of Naruto. “How was your summer, Sakura?”
“Hmm, nothing much.” She glanced ever so quickly at Sasuke and saw him pay no mind. She liked that about him because while he was so unlike his loud, chatty friend, his energy was warm and kind, just hiding behind a tall wall of vulnerability. “I heard you joined the baseball team. Congratulations!”
Naruto shyly scratched his head. “I’m still a rookie though. I’ve got ways to go.”
That wasn’t entirely true. Sakura heard through the vine that he got mad agility skills, and that every sports team wanted him to try out. So much has changed in a year.
“Come on, we’re gonna be late.” Sasuke said.
“I haven’t seen which class I’m in yet!”
He grabbed the blonde by the collar and led the way. “We’re classmates.”
“Yeah, we’re classmates.” Sakura fell in step with Sasuke, Naruto frozen in shock. What an odd trio they must have been.
Their seating arrangement was pasted on the board when they came in. Sasuke got the seat beside the window – a good position for daydreams and afternoon naps. Sakura was placed beside him with a nice center view of the room, and Naruto was in front of her.
“Hey, Sakura. I need to tell you something, but it’s quite embarrassing. You see, I tend to fall asleep in the middle of class and since I’m in front of you…..erm….uhhh.”
“What he meant to say is he drools,” Sasuke interrupted. This apparently irked Naruto who full on glared at him.
“Well, yes, I drool. I have short attention span and classes make me so sleepy, but I hope that won’t disturb you. Just please look over my head.”
“How can she when there’s a porcupine sitting on it?”
Sakura chuckled at their weird, friendly banter. “Yeah sure, whatever you say Naruto. I don’t get easily distracted anyway.” She forgot to ask earlier if Kakashi will still be teaching Math for second years or which section his homeroom will be. As if her thoughts conjured him, he walked in their room, his silver hair glinting against the sunlight, and his eyes wandering in search for a face. Hushed gushes of admiration spread through the students, awed by the silent imposition of his presence. Then, his eyes fell on her.
He bridged the gap between them in easy, wide strides. “Ms. Haruno, the student council is looking for you.”
“They really sent you on an errand, Sensei?” No one dared to look beyond their interactions. She was easy-going, casual without being disrespectful, the model cheerful student, and the teachers’ pet. Teasing him with her half-truths hanging in between words was not difficult to cover up.
“Of course, I’m the council’s adviser.” And of course, she was thankful for his obliviousness.
“What do you think could it be? Did Sakura get into a scuffle?” Naruto asked after Sakura left with Kakashi. “No, that’s not really possible.”
Sasuke shrugged. He just wanted the day, or rather, the term to end quickly. He purposely avoided visiting the café, going in the mornings rather than late nights, partly because he didn’t want to run into her and partly because he was scared. He was just safely keeping his distance.
Sakura returned just before the next class started with an exuberant expression. The next teacher basically confirmed the news. “Congrats, Ms. Haruno Sakura. Thanks for stepping up to be the next student council president.” The position was left vacant after the initial appointee decided to focus on preparations and review to move abroad for college. The council, with faculty approval, recommended her to take the rein.
Hmm. They trust her abilities to this extent, huh. Sasuke looked outside, uninterested with the unfolding event and the break of congratulations around her. He saw her reflection on the window, smiling widely at her classmates, but her hands told another story, her fingers just solely focused on the rubber tie around her wrist.
Naruto had to stay behind for baseball practice which Sasuke was thankful for, but his feet didn’t want to go back home so he hid in their spot, napped for a while, and waited for Naruto’s message. When the blonde finally finished, Sasuke went to the field to fetch him.
“Sasuke, they’ll be joining us for dinner!” Naruto said.
“Sure, invite another team more.” Just his luck, Sasuke hated company, but like all other instances, he kept being dragged within his friend’s orbit. The team waved at him silently, knowing for a fact now that he didn’t respond to anyone other than Naruto.
“Really?” Naruto’s eyes perked up then a moment later realized that Sasuke was being sarcastic. He wrapped an arm around his shoulder and led the way to their usual ramen house.
“Get your hands off me, you vermin.”
“Awww they told me this was probably your love language – friendly banter.”
“Naruto, that didn’t come from us. We don’t want to get killed!” his teammates collectively chimed behind him. “Sorry Sasuke.”
Sasuke released a heavy sigh, quickly glaring at the players, but also letting the remarks slide. At least, this was a better option than being early at home and alone. After dinner, Naruto badgered him for desserts.
“I think I need a sugar rush. All the sugar left my body during practice. I envy Team Captain Haru.”
“The one with the undercut? His hair looked boring.”
“He has a steady supply of sweetness in his life. His girlfriend, Hinata, always visited during summer break. Quiet but supportive of our practice games. She cheers for him on the side and brings us snacks. I want a girlfriend too.”
“That’s normal, considering you’re a hormonal teenager.”
“Aren’t you the same?”
“Nope, I’m just a teenager.” His feet unconsciously led him to the café where Sakura worked. Ah, shit. “Hey, let’s go to another place.”
“This looks okay, grumpy! Besides, my feet hurt. Please have mercy on your dear friend.”
“You’re not my friend.”
“That’s a part of your love language too. Ehe. Come on now.”
Despite internally wishing she wasn’t present this evening, he found himself face to face again with Sakura. She had the usual disguise, but her makeup was on the heavier side – cat-shaped eyeliner just made her eyes stood up more. When she saw them, the first thing she did was look at him, conveying a questioning look, possibly on whether Naruto knew who she was. Sasuke subtly shook his head once.
Ever the simple-minded, Naruto’s focus was on the sweets. “I’ll have strawberry milkshake and a slice of red velvet cheesecake please!” It was going so well until he saw her face. Leaning in to Sasuke, he whispered. “She kinda looks familiar, don’t you think?”
“Your order, Sir?” Unfazed, Sakura continued doing her job. Her eyes looked towards the last plate of cream puffs.
“One slice of tomato cake and a matcha latte.”
“What?” Sakura and Naruto said at the same time.
“Even the lady agrees that that dessert sound unappetizing!” Naruto stuck out his tongue for a more theatrical effect. “Get a brownie or a cream puff.”
“I’m treating you so let me eat my tomatoes in peace.” Sasuke held out his card to Sakura who was still weirded out by his selection. Did he really give off a strong impression of his cream puffs inclination?
“I feel like we have a vibe going on.” Naruto leaned towards the counter, seemingly flirting with Sakura-in-disguise. “Maybe it’s because you have the same eye color?”
Before he could embarrass himself any further and prematurely confess his yet half-hearted feelings, Sasuke dragged Naruto away from the counter and on the farthest table of the café. “You made her uncomfortable. Stop it.”
“She looked like Sakura! But of course, our student council president looks more ethereal. I bet she’s so busy with school and club activities, she won’t have time for this.”
He spent an hour or so listening to Naruto talk about his baseball practice, the expired ramen he accidentally cooked last night, and the difficulty of their classes. It somehow ended on a note, much more like an imposition from Naruto, that Sasuke will give him supplementary lessons in this café and with his allowance.
They were about to leave when Sakura beckoned them over. She had two paper bags in her hands, and Sasuke noticed the absence of cream puffs. Someone must have ordered it already.
“Here’s a treat on the house – one for each of you. We’re giving freebies if you order within this timeframe. Come again!”
“This is so great! Thank you!” Naruto beamed at her but remembered something. “Hey, I’m sorry if I felt like a creep earlier. It wasn’t my intention.”
“Uh, that’s all right. I get that a lot.” She beamed back at him.
“You have the same beautiful eye color with our classmate. She’s cheerful, assertive, and has this positive energy around her. We hope we could be friends with her. Thanks for this again!”
Sasuke was too late to stop Naruto’s ramble, but he guessed it turned out fine. She just continued smiling like a good ole polite employee. “Get going, Naruto. I want to rest.” The two of them stepped out on the street with the fresh evening breeze.
“I feel like I still creeped her out.”
“Maybe you did.” Sasuke smirked at the tortured expression on Naruto’s face.
When he came home, he opened the paper bag to place the contents inside the fridge. It didn’t occur to him to ask why that promo wasn’t offered to him when he came last time, but nonetheless, he was a bit glad that he had something to munch on aside from processed food. His thoughts halted when he saw the cream puffs inside. His hands fetched his phone and he quickly dialed Naruto’s number.
“Grumpy, you missed me already?”
“What did she give you?”
“Who? Oh? You mean the café lady? Brownies! Do you think I can share these with Sakura tomorrow?”
Sasuke hang up on him without answering his question. He just kept on staring at the cream puffs on his kitchen counter.
Yeah, I better keep my distance.
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Love ur writing!!! Would u write a vegeta x reader blurb of vegeta trying to woo/flirt with reader to get their attention? :)
{Okay, so this kinda derailed from what exactly you asked for but I hope it’s still okay.}
Vegeta didn’t understand human courting. You weren’t responding to anything he was doing and it was run of the mill on his planet. For example, beating your friends in a sparring match was “overkill” according to Bulma. Of course, Yamcha has gone out of that particular fight with a several broken bones but he shouldn’t have offered to spar if he wasn’t prepared for what the Sayian could dish out. Vegeta was getting frustrated because all of his attempts of getting in your good graces was met with either indifference or you reacted outright negatively. You’d screamed instead of looking proud of him when he dropped a dinosaur’s head in front of you. It was supposed to be a gift, but it was a gift that was evidently not well received on this planet. Nappa didn’t know shit about humans, Raditz found it funny and Kakarot was about as helpful as a pile of rocks. Vegeta doubted he even knows how he got Chichi. Lord knows that Vegeta was too proud to ask any of the resident humans for romantic advice.
“What the hell?” Vegeta muttered as he walked into his room at Capsule Corp. There was a box on his bed with a note attached to it. He eyed the box suspiciously then picked up the note and opened it.
Hey Vegeta,
You’re going out for some fun tonight. No, you don’t get a choice. I picked you out an outfit so you don’t look like a total weirdo when we show up. Meet me outside at 3:00!
P.s. Before you call me and complain, (Y/N) will be there so quit your bitching.
~ Bulma.
That’s how Vegeta ended up sitting outside Bulma’s house pulling at the stupid collar of his shirt and just trying to make it comfortable in general. Bulma had picked out a black button down shirt and a pair of jeans. Nice but not overly formal. Vegeta had rolled the sleeves up to just above his elbow and was not messing with the top of the shirt. He eventually just opted to unbutton the first three buttons of the shirt to keep the collar off his neck.
“Aha! I knew that would look good on you!” Bulma chirped as she headed down the stairs, feeling very proud of herself. Vegeta rolled his eyes.
“Where are we going, woman?” He asked. Bulma just shooed him into the passenger side of the car. Vegeta grumbled something about Bulma being pushy and got in. The moment Bulma got into the driver’s seat, Vegeta started talking.
“(Y/N) is meeting us at the fair.” Bulma cut him off, seemingly knowing what he was going to ask her.
“What?” Vegeta looked utterly confused. Firstly, because he had no clue what a fair was and secondly, why you three were the only ones going. Bulma rolled her eyes.
“Oh my god. Are you really that dense?” Vegeta didn’t have time to be offended before she continued explaining. “I’m setting up a date for you two. I told (Y/N) that you wanted to see what we did for fun on this planet and they suggested that we go to the fair. Then all I had to do was make up bullshit reasons Nappa and Raditz couldn’t come with. Boom. Now it’s just you two, so if you do it right, it’s a date.”
Vegeta gaped at Bulma.
“Why are you helping me?” He asked. He’d never been particularly nice to Bulma so this couldn’t be repayment of some kind. Frankly, Vegeta couldn’t quite wrap his head around the possibility of Bulma doing this just to be nice.
“Well, lets put it this way, you’re clearly clueless on how humans flirt. I had to legitimately ask Nappa what your weird behavior was about to get that you were trying to flirt with (Y/N) and not that you were trying to scare them. It was funny for a bit but it’s kinda sad at this point, so I’m helping you just this once.” Bulma shrugged. The rest of their drive was basically Bulma explaining how humans flirt and what one normally does on a date. Vegeta didn’t bother trying to cut in and Bulma didn’t really think he was paying attention. That wasn’t true. He was listening but also trying his best to look like he didn’t care.
“We’re here! (Y/N) should be waiting for you just inside the entrance!” Bulma said cheerfully as they pulled up to the park entrance. Vegeta got out but before he could shut the door, Bulma spoke again.
“Oh, Vegeta!” He turned to look at her.
“Do not fuck this up.”
With that, Bulma waved and Vegeta shut the car door. Bulma was right. You were waiting for him just inside. Vegeta has mentally prepared for being alone with you; however, he was not prepared for you to look so. Damn. Cute. You didn’t seem bothered by his blatant staring. You just smiled, waved and walked over when you saw him come in.
“Hey, I can’t believe you actually came!” We’re the first words out of your mouth when you saw him. Vegeta was pleasantly surprised that you seem genuinely excited to see him despite the fact that he had evidently scared you in his attempts to court you.
“Well, I didn’t exactly have anything better to do.” Vegeta shrugged then immediately mentally kicked himself when he saw your smile falter a bit. It didn’t last long before you got a determined look one your face.
“Well, Mr. Grumpy Gills, I am going to show you a good time wether you like or not.” You put your hands on your hips and stuck out your tongue at him. He was going to have fun and you were going to make sure of it. Vegeta raised an eyebrow and gave an amused smirk. You had no idea how adorable you were acting right now, did you?
“Lead the way then, little human.” Vegeta gave your cheek a quick pinch as he said just to patronize you a bit. You slapped his hand away and pouted. The amused expression never left his stupid face. You lead him around the carnival doing rides and those rigged carnival games. Vegeta actually won a few of them, so you had a few stuffed animals by the end of the night. There was an incident with a ride operator who made an unsavory comment about your ass. Vegeta looked ready to kill the man and you did the first thing that came to your mind to stop him. His kissed him. Only on the cheek but it was apparently enough of a shock to let you pull him away. Both of your faces were red before you distracted yourselves with a funnel cake. You’re pretty sure the food was his favorite part but then again, who didn’t love fair food? You decided to end the night on the Ferris Wheel.
“What is the point of this thing?” Vegeta asked as you guys stopped at the top.
“It’s calming and gives a nice view from up high.” You responded. You were looking at all the carnival lights that had turned on with the sunset hours ago. Vegeta, on the other hand, was only looking at you. The lights reflecting to your eyes, your relaxed posture, and the curve of your lips as you smiled. He found himself looking at your lips and thinking about your kiss earlier. He knew that it was to distract him from punching that man’s lights out but that didn’t make it feel less nice.
“I could take you higher. Show you better view.” Vegeta said finally. You looked back at him and he had to quickly tear his eyes away from your lips as you laughed nervously.
“Are you sure that’s a good idea?” You asked. Vegeta chuckled.
“I won’t drop you if that’s what you’re worried about. On my pride, I swear it.” Vegeta promised.
“Okay. Sounds fun.” You were still nervous but you wanted to show him that you trusted him. You gave him a confused look when he stood.
“Come on, then.” Vegeta demanded as he held out his hand. You hesitantly took it and he pulled you to stand in the enclosed Ferris Wheel car.
“N-Now? Vegeta, were locked in. You can’t—“
“The windows aren’t.” Vegeta said and opens the window above the doors. He pulls himself out of the narrow space and hovers there. You climb up after him, grabbing onto his arms to steady yourself. Vegeta watched you intently to make sure you don’t hurt yourself. After some awkward, and frankly terrifying, shuffling, Vegeta got you into a bridal carry and flew up. He tried and failed to not snicker at you as you cling to him.
“I told you that I won’t drop you, silly human.” Vegeta chuckled.
“Well, I’m sooo sorry.” You said sarcastically, “I haven’t exactly been flying in awhile. And by awhile, I mean ever.”
“Just look down.” Vegeta said.
“Isn’t that the opposite of what you’re supposed t—“
“Look. Down.” Vegeta repeated. You relented and gasped. Not just because of how high up you were or how acutely aware you were of how close you were pressed against Vegeta. He was right. It was gorgeous from up here. You two were a comfortable silence as he flew you home. He set you down on your apartment balcony and waited for you to go in and set down your bag which still had the silly stuffed animals he’d won you. You looked at him strangely when he didn’t come in.
“That was.... actually pretty fun.” Vegeta admitted. You stepped back out onto the balcony with him. You got a proud smile on your face.
“Told you that we’d have fun.” You said. Vegeta rolled his eyes. As tempted as he was you kiss the breath from you, he didn’t feel it was the right time.
“Goodnight.” Vegeta said in possibility the softest tone you’d heard him use up to this point. He grabbed your hand and gave a quick kiss to the back of it. You didn’t even have time to say goodnight back because he was gone before you recovered from your sputtering shock.
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falseroar · 4 years
Dog Days Part 14: A Welcome Distraction
((Abe takes to the streets in search of the Host, but instead he finds a different kind of performer. Back at his office, he finds a new, seemingly unrelated case waiting for him.
Here are links to the previous part and to the whole series.))
Abe chose to walk to the coffee shop, hoping the walk would help clear his head after a long night and that conversation with Google. That, and he wanted the extra time to take a different route, to see if he was still being followed or not. Problem was, he forgot that weekends were a thing, and it seemed like half the city was out shopping and enjoying the warmer than usual fall weather. He checked faces at every crosswalk, doubled back and looked over his shoulder whenever he had an excuse to do so, but if he was supposed to recognize any of those faces, he didn’t.
Instead, the walk just gave him more time to think about what he wanted to say to the Host once he got his hands on him, and a few creative things he’d like to do to…pretty much everyone who had a hand in getting him involved in this case. All this time spent watching a doctor, and he could have been using it to find out more about the Colonel’s new alias—if he even really was going by a ridiculous name like Wilford Warfstache these days.
The bench in front of the coffee shop was taken by a pair of ladies happily chatting, and a quick search up and down the street found no sign of the Host. There was another street performer there though, who had set up a small booth set up to look like a stage and curtains that could just barely fit one person inside. A burst of laughter came from the crowd gathered in front of the temporary stage, with a few kids sitting so close that they had to look up to what a sign pinned to the top of the stage proclaimed to be “Jameson Jackson’s Jolly Jaunts.” Jackson, probably, was pantomiming alongside a pair of puppets, shock on his face as the cloth detective puppet accused him of stealing a diamond while the other, a cutout of the most stereotypical burglar you could image on a stick, proclaimed that he knew it all along.
As Abe watched, Jackson appealed to the audience and an increasing number of puppets for help, the bit going on until the detective puppet slapped him on the back of the head and he coughed up a shiny rock to the puppets’ shocked silence before they all piled on him, dragging him out of view to the audience’s cheers and laughter.
Cute, but not the reason Abe stuck around after a “The End” card was drawn up on a string, and the puppeteer and a few of his favorites appeared to wave goodbye to the kids before they ran off. A few minutes after the crowd dispersed, the hunter watched Jackson step out of the back of the little popup stage, two shoebox-sized boxes tucked under one arm.
“Need some help cleaning up?” Abe asked as the puppeteer set the boxes down on top of the booth and stretched, visibly glad to be out of the confined space.
Jackson dropped his arms mid-stretch and pointed at his throat, drawing a line across it with his finger before shrugging.
“Oh, you can’t—” Abe paused. “But your show, I heard…”
Jackson smiled and opened one of the smaller boxes, tilting it to reveal multiple identical devices. He tapped a button on the one labeled “Diamond Heist”, causing the puppet detective’s voice to ask, “But what about the cookies?!”
“That’s…actually pretty clever,” Abe said, causing the puppeteer to smile. Especially considering he recalled at least one of the puppets directly responding to something one of the kids called out.
Jackson started to sign before catching himself and pulling a small notepad and pen out of one of his waistcoat pockets. There he wrote, “Thank you, my friends were kind enough to supply the recordings for me. And a few other tricks, to keep it interesting.”
He winked, and only grinned wider when Abe said, “Guess I don’t need to bother with complimenting your ventriloquism skills then. Do you do a lot of street shows like this?”
“Different places, but yes. Mostly on the weekends, more often during the summer for the kids. I’ve done a thing or two in more traditional venues, but that’s more for the older crowd.” Jackson shrugged again once Abe was done reading, as if to say one place was as good as the other.
Abe nodded before asking the question he had been leading up to, “I ran into a guy the other day who apparently sings on the corner around here sometimes, but I’m having a hard time finding him again. Called himself the Host, had bandages around his eyes. You haven’t you seen him around, have you?”
Jackson tapped his chin with the end of his pen before writing, “Can’t say that I have, but I try to avoid performing in an area when I see someone else is already there. Don’t want to be rude!”
The puppeteer hesitated before adding, “I know a few places that tend to be popular with street artists. Why are you looking for this Host fellow?”
“I know the owner of that coffee shop over there, Carla. He was coming around here a lot for a while there and suddenly stopped, and she’s just a little worried so I thought I’d check on him,” Abe lied. Last he checked, Carla wasn’t worried at all, probably because she was used to customers like Abe disappearing for days or even months at a time before showing up again like nothing happened at all. At least, he assumed he wasn’t the only one who did that. Either way, wasn’t like he was about to explain the real reason to some random guy on the street. “Do you mind helping me out?”
Jackson pulled a fancy-looking silver pocket watch out of his other waistcoat pocket, opening an intricately carved cover to check the time before writing his response.
“Looks like my friend is running a little late. If you were serious about helping me pack up, I can give you a few ideas.”
Easy enough, and between the two of them the stage was soon a folded bundle that, while a few feet long, the puppeteer could at least manage to carry by himself, although add in the boxes of recording devices and puppets and it all seemed like a bit much.
“You sure you can manage all of this?” Abe asked as he tucked the list Jackson gave him into his pocket for later. Not that he was about to volunteer to lug all this stuff anywhere, especially considering he hadn’t taken the car today, but he did feel a twinge of guilt at leaving the hipster puppeteer to fend for himself.
Jackson nodded and started to write before he was distracted by a text notification. He took out a basic-looking phone that he probably only used for the text function, considering how he fumbled with it before smiling at the message.
“He’s on his way! Thank you for the help,” he wrote for Abe’s sake.
The hunter tried not to look too relieved, which became a lot easier when for the second time today he felt the hairs on the back of his neck stand up and the clear, sneaking sensation that he was being watched.
Jackson stared as he looked around, Abe’s eyes narrowed as he scanned the people walking by, the busy shops, before landing on a figure standing too still in the narrow, shared drive between the nearby laundromat and florist’s shop for deliveries. A figure who disappeared as soon as the hunter glanced his way, leaving a vague impression of someone wearing red.
“Good,” Abe said, barely listening to what he was saying. “Uh, thanks for the list, I should…get on that now, for Carla.”
Jackson nodded and waved as he walked away, looking bemused and a little concerned for the hunter. Almost as soon as the hunter disappeared around the corner, the puppeteer jumped at the sudden presence of the man standing next to him.
“Don’t do that!” Jameson signed.
“Sorry,” Jackie said out of reflex, not that it ever stopped him from doing it. He was staring at where he last saw the hunter, the corner of his mouth turning down in a grimace. “Who was that guy?”
“Not sure,” Jameson said. “He was asking about another street performer, a singer, I think. Said someone was worried about him.”
“Just that?” Jackie asked, and Jameson shrugged. “…Okay. Let me know if you see him around again, maybe I can help him find what he’s looking for.”
Jameson paused, wondering if he was reading too much into Jackie’s expression and tone of voice, but the vigilante shook his head and picked up the folded stage.
“We should get back,” Jackie said. “I left Chase trying to convince Y/N to wear their collar and go for a walk.”
“Oh, that would be nice!” Jameson signed. “I certainly don’t want to miss that.”
“Great, then you can be the one to tell them about the leash law,” Jackie said, waiting for Jameson to pick up the rest of his materials before motioning for him to lead the way.
Behind Jameson, Jackie shot one more look at where he lost sight of the hunter. He’d have to ask Jameson a few more questions about what, exactly, the hunter had said, and maybe encourage him to set up his act somewhere on the other side of the city for a while. Better to have to get a ride from Chase than to risk running into that man again.
He was sure of it, the person watching him had been wearing red. He hadn’t been able to make out anything else in that split second, but did he really need to?
Google. That thing was watching him, had to be. Probably whatever magic kept him running also made it easier for him to get around without being noticed, or maybe it was a special feature whoever he was working for had added on.
The longer Abe thought about it, the surer he was, until by the time he returned to his office he was furious enough to punch the tin can man, consequences be damned. The fact that his walk around half the city failed to turn up the Host or seemingly anyone else who knew the guy, and he was not in the mood to find someone waiting outside of his office again.
A fact the young woman who looked up and saw him coming seemed well aware of, as the second she saw him she stopped leaning against the office door and rubbed the back of her neck with a heavily-tattooed arm.
“Sorry, think I’ve got the wrong place,” she muttered, already stepping aside to go around him.
Abe sighed and said, “Well, if you were looking for someone who knows what he’s doing, I think you might be right about that. Still willing to give it a shot, if you need help with something.”
She hesitated, giving him time to look her up and down. Short dark hair, young enough to be in her late teens or early twenties if he had to guess. Despite the cold weather, she was wearing a sleeveless top over her ripped jeans, which showed off the full spread of her tattoo sleeves. The ink on her dark skin was dominated by images of waves and schools of fish, to the point the sleeves would have looked just as at home on the arms of a sailor.
“I was told you could help with…finding something of mine,” she said, unable to completely hide her doubt.
“You know I’m a hunter, right? I don’t usually look for things.” Someone sent her here? Carla, maybe, he had asked her to keep an eye out for any potential cases, but of course his luck meant she would she show up now.
“I know, I wouldn’t be here at all if—” she stopped herself and took a breath. “I don’t have a lot of time, and I can’t go to anyone else because…It’s complicated.”
“I get that a lot,” Abe muttered. As much as he didn’t want to, he already knew where this was going. “We can talk about it in my office.”
She nodded, and it wasn’t until after he unlocked the door that Abe thought to say, “Right, sorry about the mess.”
“I’ve seen worse,” she said, not even blinking an eye at the state he’d left the place in this morning. Still, she waited until Abe sat behind his desk before she slowly sat down in the opposite chair, her arms pulled in tight around her. “Like I said, I need help getting back something—something very important to me. I know who has it, but I’m afraid if I try to get it back myself, he’ll…”
She swallowed, hard, and not for the first time Abe thought maybe he should try to keep tissues around here. Then again, she looked closer to being sick than actually crying.
“You know this guy?” Abe asked.
“I thought he was a friend, he thought we were something else,” she answered. “Still does. This is just a stunt to keep me from leaving, or maybe he’s just being vindictive, but either way I can’t risk getting it myself.”
“And this thing he stole would be…?” Abe asked. Kind of an important part of this, after all.
She swallowed again and hesitated, eyes searching him as though trying to find some clue whether she could tell him or not.
Abe returned the stare, before his eyes drifted back to the tattoos on her arm. Loves the ocean, a guy steals something so personal from her that she can barely speak of it, can’t take it to the police…and suddenly it became a story he’d heard too many times before, usually after it was too late to do anything about it.
“Your sealskin?” he asked, and her expression answered for her. A selkie, a seal who could remove their skin and pass for human. Without that skin, she couldn’t change back. “Let me guess, you’re not registered with the city.”
She shook her head. “Couldn’t afford it, and the job at the bar, they don’t really like…my kind. Not human...Are you going to report me?”
Report her, and by the time she was done dealing with the aftermath, wannabe boyfriend would have had enough time to hide the skin or sell it on the black market to the highest bidder, if he didn’t just shred it out of spite.
“Where’s he live?” Abe asked.
Meri, that was her name, was surprised when the hunter returned under an hour later. It helped that the guy lived only a ten-minute drive away, and Abe was lucky enough to find him at home and willing to share where he had hidden the skin, or at least he was after Abe may or may have taken the opportunity to work out some pent-up aggression.
If she noticed the hunter’s split knuckles, Meri immediately forgot them the second she saw the smooth, dark pelt he held up. Her eyes watered as she smiled for the first time since she got here, and Abe rocked back on his feet as she tackled him in a hug.
“Oh my god, thank you thank you thank you,” she said, repeating the words over and over again as she pressed her sealskin to her chest, and now she really was crying and Abe really, really needed to invest in a box of tissues.
“He’s going to report you, you know,” Abe said.
“I know,” she said. No matter how he went about getting the skin, they both knew that’s what the outcome of getting it back would be. A guy like that didn’t just stop, even if Abe left him with a few things to consider. “I was already planning on leaving the city, I just couldn’t go without this. I know someone who can help me get through the watch on the harbor, and from there…”
“Well, good luck with that, and here’s hoping you never have to see me again,” Abe said.
She smiled, and for a second Abe was afraid she might hug him again. Despite her size, that last hug had threatened to crack his spine. Instead, she settled for another round of thanks before walking out of his office, leaving him to sigh and hunt down some ice for his knuckles.
If only all of his cases were so easy to take care of, Abe thought to himself as he glanced at the clock. Looked like he had just enough time to get a nap in before nightfall, when he’d take a drive around a certain neighborhood. Spotting the doctor leaving his home or returning in the morning seemed like too much to hope for, but at least it would make a change from staring at the door to the clinic all night.
Both would be a little more bearable too, after that little reminder that he could at least get something right every now and then.
((End of Part 14. Thanks again for reading! Sorry that I haven’t been responding to the comments--it’s really, really hard not to spoil stuff! I have seen them though and it sounds like a longer part is okay, so that’s what I’ll do for tomorrow. Can’t wait for you all to see where that one goes. :)
Edit: And here’s the link to Part 15: Going for a Walk.
Tagging: @silver-owl413 @skyewardlight @withjust-a-bite @blackaquokat @catgirlwarrior @neverisadork @luna1350 @oh-so-creepy @weirdfoxalley @95fangirl @lilalovesinternet-l @thepoolofthedead @a-bit-dapper @randomartdudette @geekymushroom @cactipresident @hotcocoachia @purple-anxiety-blog @shyinspiredartist @avispate @missksketch @autumnrambles @authorracheljoy @liafoxyfox ))
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luisa2swag · 4 years
Love me for me (2)
"If you're so great how come you don't know how to tie your shoes properly, doo-doo head ?" I shot back, taking a step closer with my chin up, finger pointing at his untied basketball shoes. Jungkook scoffed "why am I even here arguing with you? You sure talk a lot but you forget that your last name is Mcniplecocker. Thats an instant L"
he towered over you, chest looking larger than usual thanks to the tight white shirt that stuck to his body with sweat. Your eyes darted to his nipple and before he could even muster another insult, His nipples were firmly grasped between your thumbs and index fingers, twisting away with all your might.
Your lips tugged upwards in satisfaction when he let out a yell of surprise and pain.
"What the actual fuck?!" He backed away, freeing himself from your hands. You smirked "Now you know why my last name is Mcniplecocker. Because I twist nipples and I certainly do have a cock!"
You were shameless as you said theses words. Jungkook couldn't even bother thinking of something else to say other than "okay I'm leaving." As you watched him walk away from you in the empty classroom. You saw him turn the doorknob but he did not move.
Was he maybe going to say something?
The tugs at the door knob became more violent with each twist and you could see Jungkook losing patience. His shoulders slumped, "We're locked in."
"W-wow." You looked at the school in amazement, boxes in your hands, you watched as the other male students buzzled around campus with their parents and installed themselves into their dorms.
You didn't have the luxury of being here with your dad. Imagine one of the most wanted criminals in the past setting foot into a place filled with lawyers. Your plan would be immediately dead but most importantly, you'd be behind bars.
This school must of been as old as Harvard. The building resembled the ones they would teach about in history class -You know the medieval ages- only the inside had been done up.
They were the only University that didn't open its gates to every gender which only lured more male heirs from all over the planet.
Parents thought that no girls meant no distractions but what they failed to know was that in 2018,some boys didn't just like girls.
"Hey, do you want help? You seem lost.." startled at the sudden deep voice coming from your right side, you jumped a bit.
Turning around to take a look at who had the audacity to initiate a conversation with your lonely ass. To be completely honest, you had just been standing around, mouth agape, looking at boys passing you by.
Holy shit he's hot
Instantly, you felt blood rush to your cheeks, you hoped that he wouldn't notice. He stood tall compared to you, nose long and eyes almost rectangle-ish. The sun and the ore gold were both jealous of his heavenly skin. You watched as he ran a large hand through his chestnut hair.
"Uh-huh" was all you could muster. A frown draped itself on your features, realizing how dumb and un-dude-ish you just sounded. Maybe you shouldn't be so hard on yourself, nothing could prepare you to the fact that a freaking model would be here speaking to your thirsty ass.
"Are you perhaps looking for your dorm? I had tricky time finding mine too in my first year." His voice god his voice.
"Am Taehyung, by the way." He smiled, a smile so adorable you couldn't help but smile back too.
"Am Bob, yeah I think I need help."you smiled sheepishly, holding your box closer to your chest.
"Alright, ill need the number of your dorm."
"Ahhh, that's the law dorms. So you're a law student huh? So am I." He seemed excited. Long legs already taking the lead to find your dorm.
"Are you a third year student or ?" You asked, now entering the dorm you presumed to be yours.
"No, just a second year." He smiled.
You both walked in a comfortable silence until he stopped infront of a door. "67-b is here." He said with the nod of his head, leaning against the wall near the door.
"Do we usually have roommates?" You read that since it was such a prestigious and little school, they would give you your own room but you needed to be sure. You didn't want any surprises. "Yeah it'll just be you in there." He affirmed with his usual dashing smile.
"Official classes start in two days but if you want, you could still go check out the classrooms. There won't be any teachers so make sure you leave the door open or else you might be surprised."
"Oh okay." You didn't bother dropping your voice a couple octaves, sure that in the near future where you could be possibly drunk or inattentive, It'd royally fuck you up. You found it to be a better idea to stick to your normal low but warm voice and let the guys think that "oh, his voice sounds slightly feminine!"
You took a step back, hoodie floating around your body and hiding your womanly curves the best it could, you bowed slightly "thank you so much. I hope I'll see you around school!" You actually did hope to see him around .
Not only was he devilishly handsome but very sweet. You wouldn't mind spending time with him all while gawking at his beauty greater than the Greek gods. "If you want, in about three hours I'll be able to hang. I would've been available way sonner if it wasn't for the fact that we both need to unpack a little bit. We could meet up at your new law class? What do you say?" He pointed finger guns at you, only making you blush more.
Fuck he doesn't even know I am a girl and here I am blushing like a schoolgirl just because he invited me to hang out.
"I'd love to I-I mean yeah, that be cool dude." Awkwardly, you raised a fist in the air which he happily bumped. "Okay I'll be off now!"
And just like that, the chestnut haired boy was out of your feet with hop of his own. Leaving you to unpack with the sound of 90's music from your cellphone.
Your room was a decent size, a simple bed on the left with a desk on the right, a tiny kitchen area and out and down the hallways were the shared bathrooms.
You took out the basics, some clothes, toothbrush, the frozen goods your dad had cooked you and bedsheets. You'd finish up your room later,after seeing Taehyung.
Yeah, I'll do this as soon as I get back!
[thirty minutes before being locked]
Your room looked neat. There were still some boxes here and there but you promised yourself to unpack them as soon as you got back.
Now you had changed into a comfortable black t-shirt and joggers.You made sure to duck-tape your breast, of course.
You stepped outside, the sun hung lower but still shined and the wind blew, giving you a comfortable breeze. The other students also seemed to take this evening as a chance to explore the campus more.
You watched as two boys ran, almost bumping you on their way. The shorter one with plump lips turned and blurted a bunch of apologizes before his taller lean friend dragged him by the collar. "Cmon Jimin, we need to get him !" And they were gone, leaving you to wonder exactly who they were going to get.
You continued making your way to the class, eventually finding it.
It was spacious just like in the movies about college life. You quickly found yourself a the front where the teacher desk was but before that you made sure to keep the door open, starring into space and waiting for the young man. You heard foot-steps and a smile already adorned your features.
You turned around, waiting to be met with the chestnut haired boy but you were just met face to face with a chestnut haired boy, that wasn't your chestnut haired boy.
"Erm, sorry." You squirmed away as the buff boy with the angular nose reached to grab something behind you.
"Were you really trying to steal the notes professor had prepared for me?" He took out a sheet of paper almost out of thin air and you just stared in amazement until it hit you.
Hold on, did this guy just accuse me ?
"W-what? I didn't even know that was there. I don't even know who you are!" Brows twisted together in confusion, you couldn't help but dart your eyes to the paper and to his piercing gaze, examining me like a corpse.
I gulped when he crossed his arms over his chest, oblivious to his flexing, he stood about one head and a half taller than me.
"You're lying. Everyone knows me." He scoffed, confident in the words he spoke as I blinked away, still In confusion.
"Come again?" I tried, I really genuinely had no clue who this dude was. I mean yeah he's kinda cute or whatever but with an attitude like that, I don't see him having any friends.
"Of course you would play dumb, well you are dumb for trying to steal my notes. Maybe you should take the initiative like me and ask teachers to prepare you notes of everything you'll have to study for the semester." His thin upper lip twitched upwards, his eyes trailing over my body, probably judging.
"I wouldn't be so quick to judge lil punk, school hasn't even started yet and to inform you, i am the smartest student here, I don't need your bitchass notes to be able to catch up on class before class has even started."ooooh I burned his bunny looking ass!
A smirk adorned my full lips when I noticed the blush spread across his cheeks like wildfire. I watched as his confident facade slowly broke when he took a step back.
"I guess you really don't know me then, my name is Jeon Jungkook." Now he was the one with the smirk.
I deadpanned, "Uh, yeah I totally know you. Omg I cant believe I didn't realize sonner!" Arms crossed, I rolled my eyes.
"Think harder dumbass. Jeon Jungkook, doesn't that ring any bells?"
I thought hard, past all the cat memes, gta on PlayStation 2 cheat codes, my club penguin password, the pin of my first iPod. Past all the unnecessary things my brain stored I finally found what he has hinting.
All boys : Great Jeon University
It couldn't be, no .
Or could it be ? With my luck it could. His smile grew larger as he saw my eyes widen in shock. "Don't tell me this is some crappy wattpad plot where your family happens to own this school?" I already dreaded the answer I knew I would get. "Yes it is." His chest proudly rose.
"Well I couldn't care less , dumbass." I stated, indifferent.
"I just told you that my family basically owns this place and you don't give a shit?" Index pointed at my face, he asked dumbfounded. Not sure if my lack of respect for him should be a good thing or not. "You have a lot of guts for saying that to the great Jeon."
"If you're so great how come you don't know how to tie your shoes properly, doo-doo head ?" I shot back, taking a step closer with my chin up, finger pointing at his untied basketball shoes. Jungkook scoffed "why am I even here arguing with you? You sure talk a lot but you forget that your last name is Mcniplecocker. Thats an instant L" Your eyes twitched confused, how did he know your name? Then your orbs wondered down to your shirt who haired had gifted you as a joke with your fake name written just above your left tit.
he towered over you, chest looking larger than usual thanks to the tight white shirt that stuck to his body with sweat. Your eyes darted to his nipple and before he could even muster another insult, His nipples were firmly grasped between your thumbs and index fingers, twisting away with all your might.
Your lips tugged upwards in satisfaction when he let out a yell of surprise and pain.
"What the actual fuck?!" He backed away, freeing himself from your hands. You smirked "Now you know why my last name is Mcniplecocker. Because I twist nipples and I certainly do have a cock!"
[taehyung pov]
I don't remember the building being so far... I entered the law block, nothing but the sound of my sneakers against the wood floor could be heard. Hallways were clear and so was the sky this evening. I smiled thinking of the new friend I had made.
Pat pat pat I whipped my head around st the sudden running noise "Jimin? Namjoon?" My brows arched in confusion, I watched how they frantically started shouting my name.
I looked back to the front
The class where I had so kindly asked you to meet up with me was maybe twenty steps away
I couldn't just blow you off, no that wasn't something I'd want at all.
But with a blink of an eye and a stumbling Jimin, we we're passed the door and left behind a loud clacking noise. In fear of having accidentally closed the door shut, I twisted my neck to look back all while running with the two grown man looped around my arms. "J-Jimin, the d-door!" I let out breathless, heart thumping
"Guys -wait there's someone-" Jimin quickly interrupted "Yoongi snuck a girl on campus!" I looked back again, wishing that my gut feeling was wrong, wishing I hadn't just locked someone in a classroom.
She might be late, everyone comes late nowadays! I reassured myself.
With a aggressive tug of my sleeve from Namjoon, I realized that I didn't have a choice.
I'll come back later, I promise.
[Narrator pov] You were shameless as you said theses words. Jungkook couldn't even bother thinking of something else to say other than "okay I'm leaving." As you watched him walk away from you in the empty classroom. You saw him turn the doorknob but he did not move.
Was he maybe going to say something?
The tugs at the door knob became more violent with each twist and you could see Jungkook losing patience. His shoulders slumped, "We're locked in."
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ragnarachael · 4 years
Birthday Boy
Pairing: Tony Stark x Parker!Reader
Word Count: 2,358
Summary: You’re Tony’s wake up call on his birthday, and he’s extremely keen on staying in bed all day if it means he’s with you.
Author’s Ramblings: before i’m asked: this certainly is part of the PTSHAH series! have some established relationship but pre-marriage content!! if.. if tumblr flags this i will not be shocked at all (also i didn’t make it descriptive as i wanted to mainly because i’ve been writing this all morning and if i keep going i WILL make it at least 4.5k,, i said this would be a quick little piece and i’m here with almost 2.5K WORDS)
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"Mr. Stark,” you purred quietly as you draped yourself over Tony’s body under the covers of his bed. “Wakey wakey.”
Tony would usually wake up instantly when he heard you speak like that and happily take advantage of the sweet, sweet free time you had together in the mornings before having to be responsible adults and go to work.
However, you wore him out last night thoroughly. He didn’t even know how that was possible, since it was usually the other way around.
But he didn’t mind.
Your lips were pressing against the skin of his neck as he finally let out a low sleepy hum to acknowledge you.
“Ms. Parker, what a pleasant surprise,” he mumbled, a hand finding a spot on your bare back. You couldn’t help but giggle, pulling your face from his neck to look fondly at his sleep ridden face.
“Good morning.”
“It certainly is now,” Tony quipped as his eyes cracked open to drink in your face that was washed with the rising sun that was coming from the window that was partially covered by the curtain.
You looked like an angel. Tony doesn’t think this morning could get any better. He didn’t want to tear his face away from yours as the light sharpened some of your features. Your eyes seemed even brighter in this moment. Your hair was one of the few things that showed what you had gotten up to with him last night and to him you seemed even more beautiful.
“Tony,” you said gently, letting out a soft laugh, “did you fall asleep with your eyes open again or what?”
Tony didn’t reply. He just blinked. That caused you to laugh again before you shifted to sit up, trying to keep the covers on so you didn’t expose your body to the cold.
“Or what, I take it,” you mused, an arm holding the blanket to your chest. “I get that you’re half asleep, babe. But usually you’re way more mouthy.”
Tony’s hands were quick to find their way to your waist before tugging you on top of him so you could straddle his hips. “I can easily change that for you if you’d like, sweetheart.”
You couldn’t hold back your laughter from his sudden change of demeanor and tried to untwist the blanket you had a death grip on. Tony wanted you to drop it and have you exposed to him in the morning light so he could short circuit from your beauty again.
“No,” you said sternly, starting to lean forward so your body and face were hovering over his own. “I’m supposed to be treating you today, genius.”
Tony let one hand stay on your lower back while the other trailed up the length of your body to rest on the back of your neck.
“Yeah? Why’s that, beautiful?”
“Oh don’t play that card,” you chastised fondly, quickly pressing your soft—painfully soft lips after the night the two of you just shared—lips to his as he hummed out a question.
Tony was going to pull away, he really was. But your lips were far too good to part from. He tried to hold you in place without even thinking about it, the hand on your neck almost effectively keeping you from pulling away from his lips. 
You pulled away, your lips barely touching his as you spoke out breathlessly, “you know exactly what day it is.”
He let out a huff, keeping his eyes shut as he let his fingers dig slightly into your lower back. Tony was trying to go through his mental calendar in this moment to try and prove that he did in fact know what today was. 
But he couldn’t think properly thanks to your kisses starting to pull him from his thoughts. Your lips started sucking and nipping at spots you had missed on his neck last night.
All thoughts were turning to you, and how you looked underneath him last night. How he spread you open as long as he wanted, not at all hesitating to tease you until you were begging for his cock.
And needless to say: he was already getting hard just thinking about it all over again.
“No, I don’t think I do.” He felt your laughter on his skin and couldn’t help but let a smile grow on his face. “What’s today?”
You stopped nipping at the skin on his collar bone, letting out a quiet huff as you unintentionally rolled your ass against his hard cock, trying not to freeze up and let out a moan.
“May 29th.”
“Oh,” Tony said evenly. As if that was exciting, he thought as he started to sit up, both arms wrapping around your middle tightly before he was positioning himself to lean against the headboard of his bed. He didn’t hesitate to pick you up slightly as he moved, which caused you to gasp before he placed you quite literally on his cock.
Tony Stark was never subtle. 
You let out a shy laugh as you felt the head of his cock throb as your clit bumped against it, trying to sit comfortably in Tony’s lap while he watched you basically grind your pussy on the shaft of his cock.
If he was trying to hold back a moan, he was doing it better than you were. He could easily feel how wet you were when you finally settled on a position, your breathing a little sharper now.
“Was last night one of my gifts, baby girl?” He questioned evenly, almost as if he wasn’t trying to gyrate his hips to keep grinding his cock between your outer lips, gently tugging at the blanket you were barely holding onto anymore. “Or were you just craving my cock?”
Tony’s words had you biting at your inner cheek as you finally let the blanket fall to reveal your chest to him. His eyes seemed to darken with even more lust in that moment as they landed on your breasts that were starting to stand at attention from the cool morning air.
“You can speak up, princess,” Tony said, letting his eyes catch yours as he looked up at you. He didn’t hesitate to unwrap his arms from you to let his hands cup the rapidly cooling flesh in his hands as he spoke, bucking his hips up, “I won’t judge you.”
You let out a groan as his calloused fingers started to lightly trail over your nipples, feeling another wave of heat go right to your core.
“Yes,” you started breathlessly, starting to feel confident enough to drag your pussy lips over Tony’s cock yourself so you could keep your word from earlier and do all the work. “I couldn’t wait to have your cock, sir.”
Tony’s smile formed into a smirk as he moved one arm to go back around your stomach, pulling your chest closer so he was eye level with your breasts, his other hand slipping down your stomach to stop just shy at the apex of your thighs.
You waited for him to say something. He could do anything to you in this moment, and you’d die a happy woman.
“Please fuck me, Tony,” you whispered hotly as you tried to move in his grip to get some kind of friction anywhere you could get it. Tony didn’t wait as long as you thought he would when you asked kindly.
His fingers found your clit at the same time as his lips started to kiss between the valley of your breasts. Your gasp was loud as your hands found their rightful places on his shoulders as he continued to kiss the underside of your right breast as his skilled fingers circled your clit for a few more moments before deciding to insert two fingers into you.
“How’re you so tight after last night?” Tony mused as his fingers curled at the one spot that had you chanting his name like a prayer, even if he was pumping them in at a slower pace than he usually sets. “I might have to remedy that, won’t I, baby?”
“Uh-huh,” you heaved before letting out a moan and trying to time your hips with his thrusts as his lips finally enveloped your right nipple with the heat of his mouth. 
You could feel your tummy tightening with the familiar sensation of your orgasm creeping up as Tony kept working his magic with his mouth and fingers.
Until he stopped all together.
“You’re practically dripping, baby,” Tony said, letting his fingers run along your seam as you felt your orgasm edge away. Your hips twitched as you whined, trying to move only to have Tony’s grip tighten.
“Ah, ah,” Tony tutted, his fingers moving away from your cunt only to let his free hand grab at one of your asscheeks, “no moving, sweets. You’re my gift, ‘member?”
For some reason, that made you shudder as you repositioned your hands to grip at the headboard from your positioning. You’re his gift. His to use. You felt your cunt clench as you thought of that.
“You like the thought of that, don’t you? Dirty girl,” he said wickedly as his hand that was gripping your flesh moving to slip between the two of you to grip his throbbing cock and circle your cilt with the head.
“Your cunt already misses my cock already, huh?”
You were practically aching to get some relief. Tony had a way with words, and you never wanted to admit it to him, but god damn you’re sure you could probably cum from his words alone if he really put his mind to it.
“Please, please, Tony,” you babbled, leaning heavily into his grip on you as you tried to shift your hips so the head of his cock could at the very least slip past your hole, “fuck me. I’m.. I’m yours for the day, I cleared our sch-schedules just... fuck me.”
“How could you clear our schedules if you’ve been in bed with me all morning?” Tony questioned suddenly. He was using this to distract you as he let his hand slowly guide his cock where you needed him most. You let out a frustrated groan, throwing your head back with your eyes squeezed shut.
He also took this moment to see just how the light was hitting your naked body, and it was just as ethereal as he thought it would be earlier. It only made him want you even more.
“Y-Yesterday I talked with Pepper and she gave the okay,” you explained quickly, letting your head fall forwards to crack your eyes open. “Now please shove your cock in me before I do it myself.”
“Well when you put it like that, baby girl,” Tony started deviously, happily lowering you on the blunt head of his cock just as you started to muster up the courage to mouth off again.
Any words you aimed to say were washed away with the loud moan you let out as Tony’s cock split you open for the second time in 24 hours. The stretch wasn’t painful—lord no. It was so, so good. The stretch was delicious and you never, ever will get tired of feeling it every time Tony drives his cock into you.
Tony and you let out pleased groans simultaneously when he was buried deep, deep inside your cunt. You don’t know why you didn’t just sit on his cock for hours when you’re both lounging around in his penthouse. You felt complete like this.
Tony was muttering to himself as he glanced down where the two of you were joined, taking in the sight of his cock stretching you open as your walls flexed around him.
“What, baby?” You asked softly, your breathing somewhat regulated as you felt his arm finally unravel from your middle to let his hands rest on both sides of your hips, rubbing at the skin with his thumbs as you noticed his index and middle finger still slick with your arousal.
“Happy birthday to me,” he repeated with a smug smile, bringing his heated gaze up to yours before pressing his lips to yours as he started to thrust up into you.
You knew you were close after Tony thrusted into you for the third time. But it didn’t make you any less shocked as you let out a particularly loud moan as his one of his hands found their place back on your clit, rubbing in tight circles.
Your pussy was gripping his cock like a vise at this point; you were sure Tony was going to cum soon.
But he didn’t.
Even as you moved your hands from the headboard to start tugging at Tony’s hair while his mouth went back to devouring your breasts, both of you working your hips in unison as you toppled over into your first orgasm for the morning.
You came with a shout of Tony’s name as everything tightened, slowing your bouncing on his lap considerably to ride out the pleasure that was taking over your body.
Tony’s hips eased considerably while his fingers came to a halt on your clit, the both of you letting out soft laughter from the bliss radiating off of your body.
“Have I ever told you how much I love you?” Tony questioned suddenly as you sat snug in his lap, your body covered in a thin layer of sweat as you regulate your breathing, your hands coming forward to cup Tony’s face between them.
“You have, but I don’t mind hearing it again and again,” you responded, grinning widely before pressing a chaste kiss to his lips. “Now, are you going to sit here and keep pleasuring me or am I allowed to pleasure you?”
Tony had a smile almost as bright as the morning sun as he shifted his hips suddenly, causing you to moan lowly.
“If you get on your hands and knees and let me make you cum a few more times, I’ll happily let you do all the work.”
Well... who were you to say no to a deal from the birthday boy?
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baidar-oroq · 4 years
12-Tooth and Nail
(Setting: Mor Dhona, post 5.3, a few days after “Avail.”)
“I am not entirely sure why you’ve dragged me along for this, Y’shtola. It’s not like I know a thing about magic.”
Behind Baidar, Y’shtola gave Darya a brief smile before saying “Perhaps, dear, I’ve brought you here to be a suitable target?” Darya gasped in a fashion that suggested dismay, but given the impish expression on her face, she knew that Y’shtola did not mean it. She was, herself, wondering why Baidar had been asked to join them outside of Mor Dhona, not far, in fact, from where he and G’raha Tia had fought the malfunctioning node. Blackened scars from the weapons Baidar had described had been burned into the crystal and rock on the path that they were taking, signs of the eccentric path the machine had taken before Baidar had destroyed it. She merely assumed that Y’shtola knew what she was doing and Baidar’s presence there would make sense in time. 
She wondered if perhaps that was a sizable assumption to be made, but time would tell.
She was, admittedly, distracted by what she was wearing. Earlier in the day, Y’shtola had sent her to one of the vendors in Mor Dhona to collect gear suitable for an inexperienced mage from Aelina. Aelina had excitedly explained to Darya that the armor and arms she sold had been developed by the Ironworks and was one of the chief products sold to adventurers who passed through Mor Dhona, but mostly she’d worried at just how...tight the armor looked to be. Looking at herself in the mirror of the room in the Rising Stones she’d changed into it in, she had been right to worry. It wasn’t quite a second skin-that honor went to the Allagan armor Baidar had been field testing for Cid in Azys Lla, the one where, once he’d come home to the place in Shirogane, Kage had insisted Baidar dunk himself into the tub over-but it was enough for her to blush a bit. She’d gotten used to it as they’d made their way towards Silvertear, and of the weight of the oddly flexible iron staff on her back, but it was quite unlike what she had worn as a huntress, and she missed the feel of her bow and quiver. 
“Are we back to the line about you only wounding me if your aim is off?” Baidar asked. 
“That depends entirely on how sarcastic you are during the run of the day.” 
“Aww man, I’m in trouble now.” He sidestepped an attempt by Y’shtola to poke him in the rear with her staff. “Is that any way to treat a weapon made by the finest weapon smiths of the Eorzean Alliance?”
“I would merely have them make me another one.”
Baidar grinned. “I’d love to see that conversation. ‘Yes, I seem to have broken my staff attempting to chastise the Warrior of Light, could you make me another?”
“Dear, you are perfectly aware that when I chastise you, it’s not with my staff.”
Darya was not shocked to see a blush race up from the collar of Baidar’s armor to his hairline in record time; he had a well deserved reputation for being easily flustered by those he was involved with. “Ahh. Yes. Right. In all seriousness, Y’shtola, why am I here?” 
Y’shtola came to a halt, Darya falling beside her. “Consider this merely a reprieve, Baidar. You are here to be a lesson in power.”
“This should be good.” 
“Hush, dear.” She turned her attention to Darya. “I think you deserve to know what walking the path to great magical power can mean before you truly dive into the deeper mysteries, Darya. Power in and of itself is neutral. It is neither good nor evil, but how the user chooses to, well, use it determines how it is viewed. This is a rather, shall we say, basic lesson. I would not be shocked if you’ve heard it before.”
Darya nodded. “When I was young, yes. They would teach those who would use magic in Kisne with words such as those.”
“I expected such. However, there is power…” 
She nodded at Baidar. “And then there’s the sort of power Baidar wields.” She rested her hand on Baidar’s hand, lightly, as was her wont. “Show her how strong you are. It will be easier for her to understand if you do.”
Baidar was gripping his katana, Dragonsong, with one hand, his expression somber. Then he nodded and began walking away from them. “Stay back,” he warned. “Not an ilm closer.” 
“We will be fine, Baidar. I haven’t entirely forgotten how to raise a barrier.”
“You’ve never raised one for me using Dragonsong, though.” He kept walking, in the direction of Silvertear, his long stride quickly carrying him fifty yalms, drawing the katana with one hand.
Darya considers the scene before her for a moment as Baidar assumes a two handed stance with Dragonsong, and something occurs to her. “You’ve never seen him use that katana, have you?” she asked into Y’shtola’s ear. 
“Oh, I have,” she replied. “I helped with the design of it. But I’ve never seen him use it to the fullest extent of his power. Naoh’li and Kage did, in the last battle against Elidibus, but I prefer to see with my own eyes.” She smiled an enigmatic smile. “After a fashion.”
Darya was about to ask what she meant-she didn’t expect to get an answer, mind, but she was still going to ask-when she realized that the ground was beginning to shake beneath her feet. She was about to shout a warning that there was some sort of earthquake happening when she looked at Baidar and realized he was the reason the ground was shaking. He had been enveloped by the blood red aura that surrounded Dragonsong, an aura that erupted into the sky in a pillar of crimson with such force that cracks appeared in the ground around him. I had no idea, she thought, that he was so powerful. That the sweet and goofy man I know had this in him. What is he?
The answer came to her in a flash of insight, and it was dreadfully obvious.
He was a Warrior of Light. 
The ground shook harder as the aura around him flared ever brighter, and Y’shtola snapped her hands into the air, surrounding them with a barrier of light, effort visible on her face. “He wasn’t kidding,” she said. “By the Twelve, Baidar, how strong are you now?”
With a wordless shout, Baidar bounded into the air, Dragonsong slashing in the air in a complex, quick pattern of slashes, and energy erupted from the blade, sheer power that raced towards the lake and smashed into the water, detonating in a massive explosion that showered them with water that fell on Y’shtola’s barrier, steam rising from it. Baidar landed on his feet, sheathed Dragonsong, then turned and sketched an elaborate bow to the two of them. “You are such a wise ass, dear.” Y’shtola called. 
“That’s why you love me,” he yelled back. He turned to admire his work, whistling loudly.
“Brat,” she whispered, before turning her attention back to Darya. “That, Darya, is power. And the greater the power, the greater the responsibility you have with using it. The first thing I have to teach you, the most important thing of all, is knowing when not to use it. There are times, of course, when you have no choice. If you are on a battlefield, fighting an enemy who has chosen to fight tooth and nail with you, and your life's on the line, then it is an easy choice. But sometimes, using your power will be the wrong decision. It will turn a friend into a foe, or will cause all hope of a peaceful resolution to vanish. The first thing about power is that sometimes, not using it is the best use of all.” 
She turned toward Darya and laid her hand across her arm, her touch feather light. “Are you certain that you wish to learn magic?”
Darya let her breath out, not realizing she had been holding it, Y’shtola’s touch a fire that burned her. “I do. I do.”
“Very good. Wait here, then. I wish to talk to a certain brat.” She walked over to where Baidar stood, one hand again on the katana, peering off into the distance. “You’re wondering why I did this, aren’t you?”
Baidar shook his head. “You wanted her to know the kind of world she would be entering if she uses magic, and I’m the most extravagant example of it you know. And you haven’t seen me go all out with Dragonsong, so you were curious.”
“Clever boy.” She slipped her arm into his, like she did when they’d walked through Gridania a few days earlier. “You weren’t kidding, though. Holding back the energy you were outputting took effort from me. It seems Dragonsong was a worthy investment for you.”
He smiled, and bent to kiss her forehead in the way she liked, and he doesn’t say what he could say. 
He hadn’t even been trying hard when he’d used Dragonsong.
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montyprescottjoy · 4 years
Blood Orange
Para: Blood Orange
Who: Monty Prescott & Vitya Cristo @vityacristo
When: June 13th, 2020
Where: Vitya’s apartment 
What: Vitya gets under Monty’s skin and forces him to talk about Schuyler, both boys experience unusual feelings.
Triggers: Suicide, Drug use, Abuse 
Monty was fuming after the fight with Schuyler. The redhead had managed to press all his buttons and wound him up so tightly he'd exploded, in public, spilling his emotions where everyone could see. Nothing had been able to numb the fear and pain coursing through him. He'd smoked half a packet of cigarettes, a bottle of Jack, and three joints, and yet he was still feeling the pain but now with a sore head. He was already out of E from the fights with Nikko and he couldn't get hold of his usual supplier. Monty needed a distraction, he needed a good fuck. He also needed someone he could be honest with, or at least someone he could be around without having to go through the exhaustion of putting up his walls with. Nikko and Sam were still in Tn, Danny was in Colorado... that only left Vitya. The younger man had about as many issues as Monty himself and was in no place to judge, he was also a great lay. Monty picked up his phone with a tremor in his hand and hit call. "Yo, Vit, ya busy or got time for a fuck?" He tried to sound seductive but the emotion was heavy in his voice.
Vitya had been home a day or two, enjoying his privacy and quiet. Most of his time was spent relaxing, catching up on easy chores, like laundry. He was not a domestic person, but also did not feel well enough to go to a bar or club. The hospital had drained him. Still, when his phone began to ring, and he saw who was calling, curiosity getting the better of him. He answered, and a smile cracked onto his face. "Careful, you come around any more often, I may just need to give you your own key," he joked, holding the phone to his ear by shoulder to fold a shirt in his hand. "So, what brings you my way this time around? You fucked me, like yesterday. A great home-warming present, by the way."
Monty couldn't help the small grin that Vitya's sarcastic greeting put on his face. It was easy being around him, things weren't complicated or messy, they were just themselves and that idea alone had Monty relaxing a little. "Don't be makin' ya'self too available, ya poor ass is gonna be so sore ya wont be able ta sit for a week." He chuckled, grabbing his phone, wallet and keys. Vitya hadn't told him to fuck off, in fact it basically sounded like an invitation to him so Monty headed out in the direction of Vitya's place. "For an invalid ya took my dick like a champ, gotta see if it's a fluke or if all them needles they've been stickin' in ya really worked." Mont lied easily, covering up his own need and the small flicker of concern for his friend? fuck buddy? After finding out just how much time he'd spent in the hospital.
"Isn't that the whole point?" Vitya said back, starting to move all the clothes to his bedroom. Vitya could hear something off in Monty's voice. Something visceral was there. The words were Monty's normal, sarcastic self, but the tone felt too open. "Practice makes perfect- Also being a pillow princess is, like, easy. And we have done it enough times, you know it ain't a fluke." Vitya sat on his bed, leaning back on his hand. "Oh, when you get here, keep your clothes on. I'll handle that," Vitya said in his low, wispy tone, hoping that would convince the man on the other side that Vitya couldn't hear his different tone.
"Mm ya wanna feel it the next day, I got ya, figured ya might wanna go easy on ya crippled ass but fine we can go hard, I know exactly how ya like it." Monty didn't even try to keep his voice down as he walked across campus, all he concentrated on was keeping his tone even and teasing. "As much fun as I have poundin' ya ass we gotta get ya back ta full strength so ya can ride me hard." He taunted, more of his mind slipping from his pain and concentrating on what was in store for him as it seemed he had Vitya fooled that everything was normal. "Pillow princess puttin' in some work today, sounds good ta me, want that mouth." Monty groaned quietly as he reached the door to Vitya's apartment.
Vitya could hear the desperation growing in Monty's voice over the phone. On one hand, it was such a turn-on. Vitya loved this, being able to wind someone up, have them wrapped around his finger. But between talking to Anthony, and his latest stint with death, whatever empathy that was still buried in him was rearing it's pretty little head. "What, and have you sit and wait like a good little boy? You're too impatient for that." he teased again, keeping the conversation going. He heard Monty from the other side of the door as well as through the phone, Vitya walking over, opening it, and tugging Monty inside by the shirt collar. With a bite of his lip, he tossed the phone to the side and shoved Monty onto the couch. He took his hair, yanked it back, and with a look of complete seriousness on his face, Vitya stared Monty dead in the eye. "What happened?"
"Come on now, ya know I can still fuck ya hard even when ya ride me, I ain't waitin', an' I definitely ain't a good boy, ya know that ya filthy boy." Monty taunted, keeping focused on the conversation and begining to feel very hot and flustered, Vitya knew exactly how to get him going and his cock responded to the words quickly as blood began to rush to his groin. "Impatient hm?" Monty grinned at the surprising strength in the lanky young man as he was caught off guard before he even had a chance to knock. A pained groan escaped Monty's lips as he was manhandled. "What the fuck do ya mean what happened, I should be the one askin' you. What the fuck are ya doin'?" He seethed, brow furrowing in confusion and fists clenching ready to attack.
"I mean, why are you calling me, on the edge of a meltdown?" Vitya said back, releasing Monty's hair and standing up straight, crossing his arms. "I am going to fuck you, you're here so it's happening, but you are going to tell me why I could hear you holding back baby-tears. Like it or not, Monty, you aren't getting this-" he said, motioning to his body. "Until you tell me what happened. It was the redhead, wasn't it?"
"Fuck you, asshole." Monty yelled. He hated this, hated when people could see through his defences, hated showing any signs of vunerabilty, any clue that he was human and could be hurt. "What if I don't fucking want ya, huh, ever think of that?" He growled, standing up and begining to pace the room. He could leave, he could run back to his hiding place in his own room, Vitya wasn't stopping him, but some how he couldn't bring his feet to move more than a few steps in each direction. "It's always the fuckin' redhead." He ground out.
Vitya laughed under his breath. "That's a damn lie, you're still tenting," Vitya said, clearly as a joke and not an actual dig at Monty. He left the man pace, seeing the seething anger. He wasn't leaving, proving Vitya's idea right; this was going to be an angry, vicious fuck. He was fine with that, normally, but he was not exactly normal enough to take that. That, and Monty was somehow becoming... significant to Vitya. He wasn't sure why, but it was something. "Mind telling me what the history is? All I ever see is you, being a dick to him, him telling you off, and then his ball and chain holding him back." Vitya paused, licking his lips. "Is he an ex? Do you even have exes?"
Monty moved forward in a flash, grabbing Vitya by the hips, pressing the length of their bodies together, and capturing his soft lips in a hard kiss. It was rough and deep and unrelenting; the only way he could expel some of his feelings."Yeah well ya ass get's me all worked up." Mont tried to tease but it came out flat so instead of sounding sexual he just sounded tired. Monty rubbed a hand over his face, vision blurring when he pressed the heal of his hand to his eyes. He wanted to throw himself into Vitya's body and forget everything, take his pain out on the boy, but somehow he didn't have the strength, he craved human touch, the warmth of another body to take away his pain completely not just forget for a few moments the way Schuy had for a short time back when they had been together. It felt wrong to want that again after all he'd done to destroy what he and Schuy had tried to build. But Vitya was the same as Monty; he was broken too not some untouchable thing like Schuy; he was real. "Ex. Singular."
Vitya didn't fight it when Monty got close and kissed him. In fact, he was too shocked to react. They had kissed before, usually mid-fuck, clearly just to enhance whatever they were doing at the time, but this... This was different. When they broke apart, and Monty rubbed at his eyes with the heel of his hand, Vitya took his hands off and put them at his sides. "You'll go blind doing that," he mumbled, fixing the mess he had made of Monty's hair earlier when he grabbed it. Vitya nodded, laughing low in his chest. "Guessed that much. I take it the two of you ended things poorly, and now you see how good you had it and want it back." Vitya took a few steps away, sitting himself down on the couch to give Monty room to pace, breathe, talk, whatever he needed. "Can't say I don't relate. Not a day goes by that I don't miss home. I take it he was yours?"
The kiss had loosened some of the tension in Monty enough so that he didn't flinch away when Vitya touched his hands. Mont stretched his neck out, almost like a cat being petted, as Vitya played with his hair; it felt soothing in a way he wasn't used to, a way he hadn't felt since Schuyler. "Dunno how much of that fight ya saw but yah, fuckin' shit. Caught me cheatin', he beat the guy with a fuckin' camera then went to fuckin' Israel." Monty replied flatly, scanning the room for alcohol if only to keep his eyes from Vitya, not understanding how or why he was spilling information he never expected to share with anyone. "Dunno about home man, ain't never had one of 'em before. Ya miss the Bratva, huh?"
Vitya could see it; the starvation of touch, the blatant want of affection without saying it. Humans were social creatures, and Monty was no different. Monty was being open, so open it nearly weirded Vitya out. But this wasn’t like Benji, spilling every little detail worth telling. Monty only said what he wanted, when he wanted. Vitya pulled his legs up and under him, patting the spot next to him on the couch. This wasn’t the first time that, as a prostitute, a client needed to vent to him. But this was the first time Vitya... cared? Payed attention? Who knows. “I saw enough.” Vitya was not surprised that Monty was a cheater. The fact he admitted it was new, a spark of humility showing in Monty’s words. Vitya smiled to himself, looking down at the hand he had resting on his thigh. “Perhaps I do. Or maybe I simply miss my ponytail.” He joked. “So, if you know he is taken, and has refused you several times, why do you keep going after him? What about him is special to you?”
Monty bit is lip, looking between Vitya and the open spot on the couch, he stood still for a long moment in silence before breathing out heavily and sitting down beside the younger man. It was strange to have someone that wasn't Nikko asking and listening and allowing him to share at his own pace. Even wanting to share was so foreign. Somehow he felt it easy to share. It was still painful and confusing but he didn't feel judged or humiliated. “Miss that ponytail, fuckin' badass ponytail man." Monty chuckled. “Can't fuckin' tell ya why man, never felt shit for anyone but ma brother Nikk, scared the shit outta me, but without it I'm fuckin' terrified, dunno what I'll be without ever havin' that shit again, I don't wanna find out, I ain't a good guy, I don't wanna be ma Pops."
Vitya let Monty sit and talk at his own pace. Unlike his clients, he didn’t touch him on his back for fake comfort. When the revelation about his father came out, all made sense. Monty was a gang kid, and his dad was no better. Vitya looked him up and down, biting his lip. Yeah, they had a lot in common. “...I get that. A lot more than you know.” Vitya ran his fingers in Monty’s hair again, same way as before. “If you are that fearful that you’ll end up like him, best to look at where you are. So, example; I left the country, cut my hair, have sex for a living, and am-“ Vitya chuckles sadly. “I’m basically just waiting to die instead of fighting it. All to tell my dad to fuck off. I know I’ll never be like him because nothing can drag me back there... What do you do? Ignore other people, ignore your brother a moment; what does Montgomery do to not be his father?”
A shiver ran through Monty and a soft moan escaped his throat with his permission as Vitya ran his hands through his hair. It felt so fucking good. He felt so touch starved, not realizing it until this moment and he had to clench his fists to stop himself reaching out and grabbing onto Vitya. “Wait in’ ta die, what the fuck?” Montys eyebrows shot up in surprise and confusion, his own problems pushed to the back of his mind, refusing to concentrate on anything else, ignoring Vitya’s question.
Vitya kept his touch going, gently coaxing Monty into a more relaxed sate. He rolled his eyes at Monty's surprise at what he said. "What, did you think I was in the hospital for the fuck of it? It doesn't matter, this isn't about me. I'm fine, you aren't." Vitya moved so his legs were crossed. "I did what I could to get to where I am. I'm not happy, but I'm content. What about that redhead is keeping you from being content? Why aren't you letting go?"
Monty glared at Vitya, eyebrows still raised, “Aye figured ya went too hard on the drugs an’ booze been there done that but the fuck ya dyin’ fuckin’ explain that shit!” He growled, refusing to let it drop, though not entirely sure why. Monty rubbed a hand over his face again, clearly Vitya was not going to drop this. “Al’ight, go with the ignorin’ ma brother thing Red is the only one who ever gave half a fuck about me. Pops ain’t just some street thug, he’s mob, he’s a fuckin’ Don, an’ he don’t give a shit who he hurts ta get more power. With Red I didn’t have ta be the son of the Don or hide.” Monty responded, apparently finding the hem of his shirt endlessly fascinating so as to not look at Vityas expression. Monty couldn’t believe he was sharing his deepest feelings and was sure he would be laughed at for his pathetic admission. Then again this was Vitya... a guy who never judged just like Schuy... but unlike Schuy this guy had experiences of his own... maybe he understood Monty in a way Schuy never could.
"Yes, I am, it's a stupid heart condition. Ventricular tachycardia. Had it all my life, it will kill me, end of story." Vitya said in a snappy tone. Much like Monty's reaction to Vitya's inquiry into is emotions, this was Vitya's soft spot. This was his Schuyler, in some twisted way. Vitya got it a lot more than Monty knew. He nodded, shrugging in understanding before licking his lips. "Russia is anything but legit in it's government. The state controls everything. Kind of like a mafia. Say the wrong thing, you disappear." Vitya pet at Monty's hair, this time lower, toward his neck. "If he isn't willing to make you feel the way you want to, then maybe you should go looking somewhere else. Besides, love, romance, dating- It's shit. A messy load of shit, and if it makes you feel like this-" Vitya motioned to Monty. "-Then that just proves how much it isn't worth it."
Monty furrowed his brow, “don’t know what that is but pretty fuckin’ sure it ain’t good an’ all the booze an’ drugs ain’t helpin’. Ya said ya waitin’ ta die but man it sounds more fuckin’ like ya tryin’ ta kill ya’self!” Monty yelled, surprised by the force in his own tone. Since when did he give a shit what other people did to themselves. “Sounds like my fucking family, at least my pa is the one that makes people disappear so I ain’t goin anywhere but fuck it might be better if I did. There ain’t words ta describe how much of a prick he is.” Monty groused but relaxed again under Vityas touch. It was reassuring and yet terrifying that he seemed to be able to control Monty’s emotions this way. Yet the feeling of giving up control is was almost welcomed; he didn’t have to fight to stay in control and it gave him room to breathe. He idly wondered how Vitya had gotten out of Russia but couldn’t bring himself to ask, that seemed too much like being interested or caring. It was bad enough he’d let himself slip and ask about his illness. “It’s all bullshit. Love an’ dating an’ all that. Just made me feel fuckin’ weak an’ just waitin’ to be punched in the gut when he walked away an’ then he did walk an’ I felt like dyin’. I fuckin’ hate how he made me feel man. Never want that shit again. Never!” He ground out with a hard expression, going back to repeatedly clenching and unclenching his fists to avoid lashing out.
"They aren't, but I'm not going out with a whimper, either. Fearing it, trying to push it back, just prevents the inevitable. I want to be here for a good time, not a long time." Vitya shook his head, throwing a hand in the air as if to give up. "Maybe I am trying to kill myself, at least I am doing it on my own terms. And I'm not jumping off bridges or that dumb shit. I'm just having fun. Like, when you decked me, and cut me with your ring, I walked away because, finally, someone did it. It made that night fun, I felt alive. If I was worried about dying all the time, I never would have gone." Vitya nodded, laughing at their similarities. "My father runs the largest pharma and drug development company in Russia. I am untouchable, back home, thanks to him. I called myself the Prince of Poison in middle school. Edgy bullshit," he said with a laugh, his hand now tracing circle's in Monty's nape, twirling the hair around his fingers. His then placed his other hand on Monty's thigh, doing a similar circular pattern. "Then maybe it's time to move on. Because if he makes you feel like that, and you hate that, running after him is fucking stupid. He doesn't want you, and you don't like how he made you feel, so what's the point?"
“Then why the fuck are ya at college then? Ya plan on dyin’ so why do ya want a degree huh?” Monty snapped back, “sounds like ya plannin’ a future.” He raised an eye brow in an accusatory fashion. “I’d still have beat the shit outta ya even if I knew then ya dying, nobody gets near Nikko and I ain’t apologizing for that.” Monty shrugged, he wasn’t ashamed of loving his brother and wanting to protect him. “Prince of poison.” Monty barked out a laugh shaking his head. “Thought you were hot shit, huh?” He rolled his eyes. “Spent my time yellin’ at anyone who called me Montgomery, eventually they learned an’ just called me Prescott. Fuckin’ teachers spent all their time yellin’ at me anyway doubt they cared what ma first name was. Two older brothers went through the school before me, they saw a Prescott on their ledger an’ knew exactly what they were in for.” He snorted, remembering homeroom teachers giving him talkings to at the beginning of the year expressing their ‘sincere hope’ he wouldn’t be like his brothers. “Not so easy to get that fuck head outta my mind no matter how much I fuckin wish I could. Wanna forget it all.” He whispered, staring down at Vitya’s hand on his thigh. Vityas touch was beginning to make Monty hot again, heat pooling in his stomach and groin, especially once the hand was on his thigh. Monty leaned in and kissed at Vitya’s neck, just below his ear, nipping and sucking, “tell me us fucking doesn’t make ya feel alive. Tell me ya don’t feel like ya world is gunna implode if ya don’t cum. Tell me ya don’t hold me like ya might die if ya don’t when ya finally cum from my cock poundin’ ya ass.” He whispered, lips grazing the shell of Vitya’s ear as he spoke.
Vitya's voice caught in his throat, freezing a second. He really had no reply to that. For all his spouting about not caring about his end, Monty saw right through it and asked him the one question he coudn't answer. He just shook his head, and shrugged. "Was bored," he said quickly, knowing that wasn't enough of an answer, but hoping it would slide by as if it was. Vitya laughed with Monty, smiling and biting his lip in embarrassment. "Oh yeah, I really thought I was. It was kiddy nonsense," Vitya mumbled, his smile sticking in place as Monty recounted his formative years. Little things, like homeroom teachers, stick with the strangest people, and Monty was no different. "Did you surpass your brother's before you? I would, I'd see it as a challenge. I'm the youngest, so it would be my mission to out-do my siblings." Vitya admitted with a mischievous look in his eye. "If you forgot, you'd just do it again. Best to remember, so then you know you'll never do it again," Vitya stated back, speaking a low enough tone, as if the walls could hear. And, in a split second, the air went from a freeing open space, to clenching his chest, when Monty looked down to where his hand rested. Vitya, satisfied with all the answers Monty gave, let the man have his way with his neck, angling his head just so to give him all the freedom he needed. He let out a breathy, distracted chuckle, the hand that was calmly dancing in Monty's hair now gripping a bit tighter. "If I did, I'd be lying," Vitya whispered back, uncrossing his legs. With a seductive slowness, practiced and natural, Vitya slid one leg over Monty's legs, slotting himself in Monty's lap. He took Monty's hands and placed then on his waist, where his shirt was hiked up just enough so skin touched skin. "Don't be gentle."
"Sure bored, not thinkin' about the future at all." Monty snorted, the disbelief clear in his tone but he could read Vitya like a book the way he stumbled over the words. This would be a conversation for another day, not that he really understood why he wanted to press the issue. Monty rolled his eyes, laughing easily, feeling relaxed. "Tough guy, huh? If ya didn't look like I could break ya in two right now I'd put ya tough guy act to the test." He taunted like a school kid on the playground. "KT and Thatch are morons, not exactly hard to out do 'em. Teachers never believed me when I said I didn't cheat on exams, they always made me take 'em away from other kids with some fuckin' supervisor." He laughed remembering the first time he got 100% on a physics exam and had been accused. It had felt awful and wonderful at the same time. "Of course you wanted to make more trouble than your siblin's, you're a sucker for a bad rep aren't ya?" He chuckled, enjoying this easy banter. "Wanna forget him, all the shit I liked about him, but I'll never forget that horrible feelin' that makes my skin crawl, I'll never let myself see all that good shit in anyone again cause it ain't worth it." Monty shook his head with a deep sigh.
A hum of satisfaction escaped Monty as Vitya presented his neck, allowing Monty to have his way with him was the control he needed right now after losing his reigns on his feelings for Schuyler. Monty moaned at the tug on his hair, another flash of heat shooting through his body. "So ya don't need me to hit ya ta make ya feel alive. Don't need ta be playin' with death. Just need my cock in ya ass." He continued, biting on Vitya's lip. It wasn't a gentle nibble it was sharp aiming to cause a quick sting of pain. Monty ran his hands down the younger man's body to his ass, squeezing his butt, enjoying the feel of the muscles under his hands before forcefully pulling Vitya down so their crotches rubbed together. The pressure on his dick made Monty moan but it wasn't enough and something tripped a switch inside him so he was thinking entirely with his cock. He grabbed at Vitya's sweatpants and tore them away so he could finally get his hands on that firm, smooth bubble butt.
Vitya laughed along with Monty. "Yeah, you probably could. I'm not the most robust guy," he said, softly. It was interesting to hear more about Monty's life growing up. It sounded individual, singular proving more and more that he was not like other people. Vitya could see that 'shitty school life' was something they shared. The only contrast was Vitya being an absolute demon at his school on purpose. "I am, the worst the rep is, the more people gossip. And I do love gossip. It's politics for the powerless." Vitya, in the hope that he could say one final thing to truly get to Monty's core on his inner drama, tucked some hair behind his ear. "Then fuck him, and the high horse he rode in on." "In the end, Death fucks us all," he whispered quickly, knowing that after this, there was going to be less and less talking. Vitya gasped at Monty biting his lip, his eyes rolling a moment before he made it an actual kiss. He slid his tongue into Monty's mouth, giving him no option but to let him in. He moaned in delight as Monty touched him, taking hold of his waist and pulling him down. Vitya's eyes went wide when he felt, and heard the sound of tearing, looking back and seeing what Monty did. "Oh, I am going to make you regret that-" he said, swiftly tearing open Monty's dress shirt. His hands overtook the new open space, his hips sliding forward to grinding against him, then back into his hands again. Vitya leaned in and kissed Monty again, giving him some payback for biting his lip by doing the same. Vitya's hands went at Monty's belt, doing what we promised earlier and starting the process of getting him out of his clothes, of which there were way too many. He had done this too any times, able to get his belt out of the loops in one swift tug, palming Monty through his jeans before starting on the button. "Fuck, how are you this hard already?"
"I bet ya a scrappy little fucker when ya not right outta the hospital though." Monty chuckled, lightly punching at Vitya in a playful manner just to tease. It was rather odd talking about his childhood, especially school, but it was kinda nice, and he did always enjoy showing off how intelligent he was. "Always been in trouble? Makes sense, hell in high heals an' all that shit. But ya ain't exactly powerless though are ya? Bein' a Prince an' all." Monty retorted, rolling his eye again for effect before breaking down and laughing again. Monty nodded, feeling a sense of closure on todays Schuyler chapter. No doubt the pain would come again, it was like the tide in that sense, the way it came and went; but now the tide was out, his feelings were being forgotten in favour of losing himself in Vitya. "It fucks us all in the end but who said we can't go out fightin'" Monty murmured against Vitya's lips. A groan rumbled in Monty's chest feeling the force of the kiss and the demands of Vitya's tongue against his. Sometimes he needed to take control for himself, and sometimes he needed to give it over and somehow Vitya was able to give him both. Vitya's moans caused Monty to buck his hips up and increase the friction between them. Monty tried to laugh as Vitya ripped open his shirt, sending the buttons flying but it came out more like a whine, he couldn't deny how hot it was that even in his state Vitya could still do this. Mont kept his hands on his ass, working with him as he moved his hips, letting his hands roam the now exposed flesh. He grabbed the cheeks and pulled them, letting his finger tips graze his hole. A shiver ran through him at the efficiency of Vitya undoing his belt and jeans, it was speed that only came with practice and it served as a reminder of all the times they'd done this before and how good it was. "Fuck." Monty swore under his breath as the feel of Vitya's hand. "Ya got me this hard ya fuckin' dick." he groaned, as his head fell back.
Vitya was anything but distracted. He was laser sharp was Monty's hand groped at his ass, eventually propping as his hole, making him shiver. He bit his lip and smiled as Monty lost himself to such a simple thing as a grope through his jeans. He pushed back into his hands hoping to wake the other man up a bit. Vitya carefully undid Monty's jeans, and with seasoned hands, slid his cock free from their confines. Vitya gave a fake, innocent look. "Oh, did I?" He teased, sliding his hand up and down Monty's shaft at a delicate, slow pace. He leaned into Monty's ear, nipping the lobe a moment. "So sorry about that..." "Come on, be a good boy and open me up. Want you inside me," Vitya whispered, licked down to Monty's neck, where he promptly kissed and sucked a deep, purple hickey into existence. He even bit, just for a moment, to make sure it stuck. He began to twist his wrist as his hand slid up and down Monty's shaft, encouraging him to keep going. "Are you going to pound me into the floor, or am I gonna ride you till you whimper? Decisions, decisions..." Vitya teased even more, his free hand now joining in on his jerking of Monty's cock.
*fade to black*
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threeletterslife · 6 years
Of Significant Figures
→ summary: It’s funny how no matter what you think of, it always comes down to Kim Namjoon. You’re literally head over heels WHIPPED for him. Just one tiny problem though. What do the numbers above his head mean??? 
→ pairing/rating: namjoon x reader | PG-15
→ genre: basically a whole load of fluff and crack before it all goes down to some angst | est. relationship!au
→ warnings: gun violence, death, brief mentions of suicide, suggestive dialogue
→ wordcount: 3.3k 
→ a/n: idk the title gave me chem flashbacks and i CRINGED but it is what it is
♫: Learn to Love by Hwan Chi Yeol | Fine by Jung Seung Hwan
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You’re not exactly a connoisseur of numbers. Yeah, you’re okay at mathematics — you didn’t have too much trouble in medical school either. But why the fuck does it have to be you?
 Why do you have to see these… these numbers? Damn straight. You see numbers above people’s heads. Sure you’ve seen that shit happen in books, movies, iNtErNet nOveLs (cough guilty pleasure fanfictions) but the stories those main characters harbored… it wasn’t anything like what you’ve experienced.
 For one, those characters actually know what the numbers above people’s heads mean. And it’s usually something like how many days someone has left to live, or how much money they have or make. Second of all, those characters care too much about those insignificant numbers — in fact, the whole plot of their existence revolves around the fact that they see figures that others cannot.
 It’s totally different for you. You don’t know what the numbers mean. You have no idea why the numbers never go over two hundred or are never under zero. You don’t even understand why the numbers always increase.
 But sometimes things are to be left a mystery. The numbers didn’t stop you from graduating med school. They didn’t stop you from getting a job. They didn’t stop you from getting a boyfriend that you know you’re going to marry soon. They didn’t stop you from living.
 Honestly, you think you’d be content dying without knowing what the numbers mean. Besides, it’s not like you’re too concerned with it — you can’t even see your own number. Yet your boyfriend has different thoughts.
 “Y/N, you should figure it out,” Namjoon says, taking a sip of his morning coffee as he adjusts his black-rimmed glasses.
 “But I’ve tried,” you protest, huffing as you cross your arms over your chest. “I’ve tried for years, Joonie. And I can never seem to understand it.”
 “Don’t you have a general idea about it, love?” he asks, resting his chin on his hand as he stares at you with twinkling eyes. “You’re a successful doctor, honey. You can figure anything out.”
 You smile softly. “I wish, baby… But it’s much harder than you think. I thought they were lucky numbers at first, seeing how there’s literally no correlation between them and the person… But then the numbers always increase, so I had to rule that thought out.” You roll your eyes. “If the universe was going to give me such an ability like this, I wonder why they didn’t bother to tell me what it even meant.”
 Namjoon laughs, his cheeks dipping in to reveal his lovable dimples. “We’ll figure it out, love. Besides, if the numbers increase, that only means it’s indicating the number of times someone has done something.”
 You wiggle your eyebrows. “Done what?”
 “Oh, I dunno.” He grins. “Maybe... Make love,” your boyfriend whispers, leaning across the cafe table to give you an ironic chaste kiss on your lips.
 You roll your eyes, giggling lightly. "How greasy," you mutter, all the while tugging at the collar of your turtleneck because despite your feign of interest, woo! it was getting hot in there. “But it can’t possibly be that. I’ve seen children with numbers above their head. They do have figures but it’s just always significantly less than adults.”
 Namjoon hums, brows furrowing as he thinks. “Didn’t you say my number’s relatively high?”
 “Yeah, Joonie, yours is one of the highest I know. It’s 112 right now but it was 107 last week,” you say, scrunching your brows. “What have you been doing to raise those numbers, babe?”
 Your boyfriend chuckles. “Maybe it’s the number of times I’ve wooed you. Plausible, huh?”
 You pout slightly, puffing out your lips. “I think your number would’ve gone down if that was the case,” you say in your teasing voice.
 Joonie laughs out loud, giving you a knowing look. “You know you love me.”
 “More than the world,” you answer without a beat.
 Namjoon smiles, taking another sip of his coffee. It’s silent for a while as both of you take in the morning sun’s rays at your favorite coffee shop. You’re absentmindedly admiring every little feature on your boyfriend’s face as he does the same to you.
 “I didn’t want to break the silence but…” Namjoon sighs, “just to end things on a positive note, we’re going to figure it out. I know we are.”
 You nod, smiling lovingly at your boyfriend.
 But you highly doubt his statement.
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The glowing white numbers above people’s heads are hardly annoying. They’re just something you know you have to live with. Besides, it’s fun to make theories about what they are. Especially with your slightly inappropriate best friend.
 “What if they’re the number of times someone masturbates?” your best friend snorts, slapping his thighs as he laughs out loud.
 “Oh, c’mon, Jimin, you’re disgusting,” you laugh. “I’ve seen seven-year-olds with 3’s and 4’s above their heads. And besides, I’ve told you over a hundred times; your number’s a solid 12. I don’t exactly believe that you’ve only masturbated 12 times in your whole life. You’re a horny bitch —”
 “Point taken,” he snorts, raising up his hands in defense. “But it would also make sense why Namjoon’s number is so fucking big. I swear to god if someone masturbates more than me, it’s probably hi —”
 “Oh shut up, I’m THIS close to unfriending you right now,” you giggle, rolling your eyes. “What are you? A teenager? Act your age, please.”
 “As if you act like a doctor. I would rather die than get your treatment, Dr. Y/N.”
 “I called you over so we can theorize, not banter back and forth like a couple of prepubescent teens,” you sigh. “Anything else?”
 “Well, on a more serious approach, has my number changed in the last few months?” Jimin asks, face set in a stern look which meant he was finally starting to become serious.
 “No. Your number’s been 12 for years now — one of the smallest numbers I’ve seen,” you say. “What are you not doing to maintain that?”
 “To be honest, not much,” Jimin snorts. “I’m an unemployed useless piece of trash.”
 “C’mon, don’t say that,” you say, frowning. “We all know you should’ve ended up better.”
 “I dunno, Y/N,” he sighs. “I barely get out of the house, you know? Today’s the first day in a week I’ve even left the apartment.”
 “Oh, Minnie,” you say, reaching over the dinner table to place your hand on top of his. “You can always ask for help, you know. I’d love to hire you anytime.”
 Jimin shakes his head, a shit-eating grin replacing his worried frown. “You know I’m not professional enough to save lives. Appreciate the offer though, doctor.” Your best friend does a mock salute that makes you giggle. “Anyway, how’s Namjoon? Has his number been skyrocketing these days too?”
 “He’s okay, I think. He doesn’t like to show that he’s stressed but he’s a fucking prosecutor, Jimin. He probably gets more stressed out than you and I do combined. I don’t know if it correlates with his increasing number,” you hum thoughtfully. “I really wonder what it is…”
 Jimin pushes his hair back with his hand, giving you a worried look. “I’m not saying it is definitely this… but what if it’s the number of times he’s thought of committing suicide?”
 You almost spit out your water in shock. “Namjoon and suicide don’t go together,” you snap, making Jimin flinch in his seat. He lowers his head, staring at his shoes as if he were the guiltiest person in the world. “Sorry… I —” you sigh, massaging your forehead. “You know we trust each other as if our lives depend on it. We tell each other everything. Meaning, he would tell me if he thought of… such things.”’
 “Sorry, I shouldn’t have said that,” Jimin says, shaking his head. “It was never a possibility anyway.”
 “It’s fine, it’s fine,” you murmur.
 The once happy mood is replaced with graveness as you and Jimin both look down at your laps, unsure of what to say next.
 “Hey… you’re going to marry him, right?” Jimin asks, fiddling with his metals rings wrapped around his fingers. He refuses to make eye contact with you.
 You nod. “Yeah… He’s going to propose soon. Once our jobs settle down though. I think Joonie’s in the middle of a particularly hard case. I mean, we haven’t been able to see each other’s faces in a while.”
 “Ah…” Jimin says absentmindedly. “Well, if that’s the case, want a ticket?”
 “A what?”
 “A ticket for a concert. The one you’ve always wanted to go to? TXT or something? I just had one rolling around in my crummy little apartment so I thought I’d just give it to someone who’d actually go…” He smiles at you, handing you a firm, rectangular ticket that, sure enough, had your favorite band’s name scrawled across it.
 “God, Jimin!” you shriek, putting a hand over your mouth to muffle the scream you just about had coming. “Why did you only buy one? We could’ve totally gone together! HOLY SHIT!” you yell. “AND IT’S ONLY IN A MONTH. WHAT AM I GOING TO WEAR? OH FUCK — I BETTER TRY TO CLEAR OUT THE SCHEDULE FOR THAT DAY!”
 Jimin chuckles at your teenager-like excitement, laying back in his seat as he watches you fangirl over a ticket. He knows you’re right. He totally could’ve presented two tickets to you — one for you, one for him. But he couldn’t bring himself to. The second ticket sits heavily in the pocket of his jeans.
 You belong with Namjoon. You deserve each other. He will only ever be a best friend to you.
 And while Jimin’s thinking such thoughts, you’re too distracted to even realize the 12 that had hovered over his head for years had morphed into a brightly glowing 13.
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“Babe, is work okay?” you say in your worried voice, wrapping your arms around Namjoon from the back.
 “I’ll have to ask the same thing to you,” your boyfriend chuckles, whirling around to press his lips to your forehead.
 You huff. “You’ve lost weight, Joonie — I know how stressful this case is for you. Besides, you can’t just deflect my question with another question.”
 “I’m fine, Y/N,” he coos, cupping your cheek to leave a fleeting kiss on your lips.
 “Are you really?” you mutter, hugging his waist, bringing him closer to you. His warmth, his feeling, his smell — it’s all so welcoming that you want to stay like this forever.
 “Completely,” Namjoon answers, kissing the top of your head before wrapping his lean arms around you as if he was protecting you from all the harm in the world. “I love you, Y/N. I’d never keep anything from you.”
 You hum into his chest, a small smile spreading over your lips. “Me too. I love you too,” you whisper.
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The first thing you notice when your boyfriend comes home from work is the white, glowing number above his head. It’s not it’s usual 112. Now it’s 119 to be exact. It’s only after your eyes leave the sparkling number is when you realize Namjoon’s grinning so widely it looks like half of his face is his smile — the rest drowning in his adorable dimples.
 “Work went well?” you say, stretching from the couch. “I feel so unproductive now,” you joke.
 “Aw, don’t say that love,” Namjoon soothes you, moving over to cuddle with you on the couch. “It was your day off, anyways. You should be resting.”
 You smile, nuzzling your face into his chest. “Did the case end well? It did, I assume.”
 Namjoon softly runs his fingers through your hair, holding you in his warm arms as he nods happily. “They’re convicted,” he sighs. “Guilty from the start — don’t know what their lawyer was trying to prove.” He grunts, giving you an apologetic smile. “Sorry, work stuff is tedious. I shouldn’t bore you with that.”
 “Honestly, I can even listen to you talking about monkey-shit for ages,” you giggle, reaching out for his hand.
 “Maybe I’ll research that just to test it out,” Namjoon jokes, encompassing your hand with his. “Anything new with the numbers?”
 “Yours went up today. 112 to 119,” you murmur, shrugging the question off.
 Namjoon frowns, shifting in his position to look at you with worried eyes.
 “What’s wrong?” you inquire, worry lines stretching across your forehead. “Think it’s got something to do with the case?”
 “If it went up today, then yes,” he answers, squeezing your hand. “Lemme try to think what I’ve done seven times today…”
 Although you’d rather have him not obsess too much about something of the unknown, you leave him be.
 “All I can think of is going to the restroom seven times,” Namjoon sulks, tugging you tight into his chest. “Bullcrap. Didn’t you say Jimin’s only got 12 as his number? No way in hell he’s pissed only a dozen times in thirty years.”
 You giggle. “I think the real question is, why are you urinating so often? The day’s not even halfway over and you’ve peed seven times, Joonie. Maybe I should check up your bladder.”
 Your boyfriend huffs cutely. “I just had a lot of coffee, Y/N. That’s not the focus, here. We really need to figure out what the damn numbers mean! What if they mean something important? What if knowing what they mean can unlock something advantageous for you?”
 “Alright, I know, I know, Joon…”
 But at this point in your life, you want to focus on everything but the numbers. Maybe you were given this ability without knowing its meaning, its potentials because it was intentional. Maybe you weren’t supposed to know.
 You’d very much like to keep it that way.
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“Are you sure you’re fine going alone?” Namjoon asks for the hundredth time as you slip on your comfy sneakers.
 “Yes, yes,” you say, swinging your backpack over your shoulder. “It’s just a concert. Besides, I’ll be around a lot of people — probably screaming little teenage girls but… anything to see my favorite band, right?”
 Namjoon smiles, walking over to hug you tight. “Too bad the ticket next to yours was bought or else I would’ve gone with you,” he mumbles against your neck.
 “To what? See me fangirl over some sweaty males?” you giggle.
 “I’d go just to watch you,” Namjoon responds without missing a beat.
 “Aw, I love you, you know that?” you mutter, pulling away from the hug to leave a platonic kiss on his lips.
 “I know, Y/N. I love you too.” He grins as you open the front door, waving as you start to walk out. “Have fun! Stay safe, love!’
 You wave right back, smiling widely at the love of your life before the door blocks your view. The last thing you had seen had not been Namjoon’s face but the glowing 120 above his head.
 It’d gone up again. 
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The concert takes your breath away. The songs, the dances, the chants crowd. Everything had fit your imagination and more.
 Many of your friends and family members tell you that you have the vocation to be a doctor — but they don’t believe fangirling over younger boys is one of the reasons. In your defense, it’s not like you would want to date the members, you’re just a very… avid fan of their songs.
 When no one’s around in your office, you like to blast their music, singing along with them as you complete your charts or do some internet research of a symptom your patient insisted they had.
 Once you even forced Namjoon to learn a part of their hardest choreographies — more for a good laugh and not a good show.
 You smile at the memory, clutching the strap of your backpack as you follow the crowd out of the booming stadium. It’s funny how no matter what you think of, it always comes down to Kim Namjoon.
 The venue is bustling with squealing fans and last-minute merchandise stands. There is an overload of glowing numbers that usually would’ve hurt your head, but you’re too energized from the concert to care. You quickly fish out your phone to text Namjoon that the performance’s finished. He’d insisted he picked you up, feeling bad he hadn’t been able to take you to the stadium — even though it was almost a two-hour drive from the house.
 [LOVE♥]: I’m here, baby. Just waiting for you. Text me where you are when it’s over so I can drive to you! Did you have fun? Were they as amazing in real life as well? Or am I still better??
───▄▄▄▄▄▄─────▄▄▄▄▄▄ ─▄█▓▓▓▓▓▓█▄─▄█▓▓▓▓▓▓█▄ ▐█▓▓▒▒▒▒▒▓▓█▓▓▒▒▒▒▒▓▓█▌ █▓▓▒▒░╔╗╔═╦═╦═╦═╗░▒▒▓▓█ █▓▓▒▒░║╠╣╬╠╗║╔╣╩╣░▒▒▓▓█ ▐█▓▓▒▒╚═╩═╝╚═╝╚═╝▒▒▓▓█▌ ─▀█▓▓▒▒░░░░░░░░░▒▒▓▓█▀ ───▀█▓▓▒▒░░░░░▒▒▓▓█▀ ─────▀█▓▓▒▒░▒▒▓▓█▀ ──────▀█▓▓▒▓▓█▀ ────────▀█▓█▀ ──────────▀
 [LOVE♥]: What do you think of this? Spent an hour waiting for you to type it out. Do you like it?
 You stifle a giggle, about to text back something cute when you hear a loud bang! Your head jerks up at the sound, ears still ringing. Then there’s another bang! And another. Then screams.
 Someone nearly knocks your phone out of your hand as they push past you. You’re too shocked to comprehend what’s going on. It’s almost in slow motion as you look around to see fans letting out blood-curdling screams. It’s chaotic.
 Pushing and running and falling and trampling. Numbers are increasing like crazy: 20’s becoming 30’s, 40’s becoming 50’s, 60’s to 70’s. You’ve never seen this kind of utter pandemonium in your life. Your head hurts from the white numbers blinding your vision; you can barely make out what’s happening.
 Why are the numbers increasing? Who are they running from? What are the loud noises?
 But you manage to see something out of ordinary, there, a good distance from you, someone in all black, holding a fucking gun that everyone seemed to be fleeing from. You can barely make out any of his features — all except the glowing number over his head. 88. Bang! Then 89. Bang! 90. Bang! Bang! Bang! 91, 92, 93.
 The numbers are getting larger — literally, he’s coming towards you.
 You’re shaking, feet cemented to the concrete, legs frozen beyond movement. You’d just had an epiphany. You didn’t think you’d finally learn what the numbers meant after all these years… like this.
 Thirty years worth of memories flies right by your eyes. Everything clicks in place. Everything.
 Your blood runs ice cold and the raucous sound of gunshots painfully pierce through your ear. Your heart beats in your head and you’re starting to hear a high-pitched ringing. You’re not scared of dying. You’re not scared of being shot (though at the moment, you might not even be thinking straight).
 You’re scared of Kim Namjoon. Absolutely petrified.
 His phantom number crowds your vision and you feel faint, betrayed, wronged.
 You trusted him.
 You loved him.
 Now you’re terror-stricken.
 It doesn’t even hurt when you fall hard on the ground, clutching your wounded side. It does get harder to breathe as you can barely make out a glowing 99 of your killer’s become a perfect 100.
 Nice to know I’m his hundredth kill.
 You’re filled with anger, bitterness, regret. But most of all, confusion. It doesn’t make sense. 120′s too much. Namjoon would never. Kim Namjoon wouldn’t hurt a fruit fly. Would he?
 You were right. Even with your last breath, everything you think of comes down to him.
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a/n: there are a lot of ways to interpret this ending – no idea is wrong! but to know what i meant/believe happened, click here!
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shitkpopmemes-blog · 6 years
Toy box
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A/N: I tried to post this earlier and it froze my laptop for some reason. Also sorry this took a while to write but i made it a bit longer than originally planned so I hope you like it
You wouldn’t normally snoop around your boyfriends stuff, but this you were kind of shocked to find. It wasn’t like you were purposefully looking through his stuff, you just sort of… stumbled across it… literally. You knew he was into this kind of thing but for some reason he never showed or talked about it with you, as if you were too soft to handle it. He clearly didn’t mind you knowing or else he wouldn’t have left a vibrator on the floor, but his lack of communication about it was starting to frustrate you in more ways than one. That’s when you called on the only person you knew you could ask about this kind of thing.
You invited over you friends who non-coincidently were a few of the other boys girlfriends along with a few others. The boys were out at practice for the night then had a company meeting so would be gone all evening, perfect chance to ask your friends about the situation. They were the only people you could trust more than anyone so it didn’t bother any of you to bring it up, especially after a couple of drinks. “Alright so what if the boy is kinky?” Hyejin said after downing another glass of wine, good thing Jimin had the same alcohol tolerance as her, “Just because he asks you to call him Daddy once doesn’t mean he is kinky Y/N.” Mina spoke and you just sighed before standing up and walking over the the box that was on your table, dumping its contents onto the floor in the middle of the circle you had created. Everyone’s eyes went wide at the toys that came out, ranging from vibrators, dildos to ropes and collars. “Oh dear lord. You’re poor vagina.” Lisa whispered while taking another sip of wine, clearly not being drunk enough for the situation. “What even is half of this shit?” Mina asked while picking up one of the various toys, immediately dropping after it began to pulsate in her hand, “I don’t know. He never told me about any of this.” You explained while trying to put some of it back into the box. “Wait you mean, he has never used any of this on you?” Taeyeon asked, her face completely shocked, “Maybe he uses it on himself.” Hyejin laughed out and you hit her on the arm in retaliation. “What it was just a suggestion.”, “A stupid one.” You mumbled before sighing.
You were trying to think of reasons why he wouldn’t tell you about this but it only filled your mind with doubts. What if he just wasn’t attracted to you like that? What if he thought you would leave him? “I think that he doesn’t see me in that sexy way. I’m just cute to him. Fragile.” You explained and everyone groaned, “You need to show him that your sexy then. Prove to him that you can take it otherwise it’s never going to happen.” Mina explained and Lisa agreed. “Yeah but how am I meant to do that?” You asked, “Well what does he do that you find sexy? Try mimic that.” Hyejin suggested and you just laughed, “Oh yes let me just slam him into a wall and tell him that he is mine.”, “I mean if that works for you.” Hyejin also laughed and Lisa was just staring at the both of you in shock. “You need jesus. My precious child has been tainted. I blame you Hyejinnie.” You were trying to pack all of the things back into the box to put away before Jungkook came home, not realising that one was still left out. “Okay so plan to get Y/N that good dick is under way.” Mina cheered out excitedly while strutting over to your room and flinging open your closet. “Alright where are they?”, “Where’s what?” you asked, you and the two others taking a seat on your bed watching as Mina searched far into the back of your clothes. “Your lingerie. We all know you have at least that black set I brought you for your birthday.” She explained before pulling out a small box of your own full of all your underwear.
“You brought that as a joke.” you replied and she just shook her head, “Yes but now it can finally get put to good use. Now ladies, Red or black?” she said while present two sets of lingerie to the group in those colours. Without the alcohol in your system, not that it was enough to make you drunk, but it was enough to influence your decisions, you would have been embarrassed about presenting your underwear to your friends like this. “Red is sexier.” Lisa said, contributing even if she found the situation a little awkward, “Yeah but black suits you better. It’s also slimming.” Hyejin added. “Are you implying that i’m not slim?” You joked, “You look like a bagel.” Lisa said earning you to throw a pillow at her which she swiftly dodged. “Alright then, black it is. But what do I do with this?” You asked while taking the set from Mina’s hands, “Wear it when he gets back, then when things get intimate tell him that you know.” Hyejin explained but you shook your head. “No that will never work. First of all he will probably be too tired when he get home to do anything also I can’t just bring it up like that.” The girls sighed at your lack of cooperation, “Come on girl. Excuse the bluntness but do you want him to tie you up and fuck you into next week until you can’t walk or not?” Hyejin said and Lisa gasped, “Hyejin, what the fuck?”, “I said excuse the bluntness. I’m serious Y/N. If you don’t tell him that you know, it will only get worse when he finds out you have been keeping it from him.” She said. Even being the second youngest out of you, she still seemed to always know what to say, even if it was a bit vulgar. “I mean. She has a point.” Lisa added and Mina nodded her head. “Wait did Lisa just agree with my advice for once.” Hyejin said overdramatically causing Lisa to roll her eyes, “Can you say it one more time so I can record it.”, “No.” You laughed at the two of them before you’re phone went off.
“Hello?” you said realising you forgot to check the caller ID, “Hey baby. We just finished up so should be home in like 30 minutes.” Jungkook’s voice rang through and you could see Mina mouthing if it was him to which you just nodded, holding back a laugh as they waved the underwear at you once again. “Okay babe, see you soon.” You said before hanging up. “Okay all of you leave. I need to get sexy.” You said ushering them all out of you room and helping them all grab their stuff. “Aw my baby is finally gonna get the dick she deserves.” Hyejin joked while wiping fake tears from her eyes, always so dramatic, “and all thanks to you.” you said sarcastically before letting them leave. As soon as the door shut behind them you ran towards you room to slip into the black set that they had picked out, making sure that your hair and makeup was still fine from earlier. You’re heart raced slightly as you heard a car pulling up the driveway, you knew he had a key so it was just a case of waiting for him to walk in and then you could begin your plan. “Baby?” you heard Jungkook voice echo through the house followed by the sounds of the door shutting and keys jingling. “I’m in the bedroom!” you called back before laying down to get comfortable on the bed in an attempt to act natural… an attempt. Now you didn’t notice that you had left one of Jungkook’s many toys just laying on the ground on the living room and oh how you would be so grateful that Kook came back alone, he notice the pink plastic just peeking out from the side of the sofa as he headed to the room. As soon as he was close enough to see what it was his eyes grew wide, you had found them.
He hadn’t told you about this Kinkier side of him in fear that you would think it was strange and leave him. He wanted to ease you into it, or perhaps forget about the idea altogether if it was something you really hated but he couldn’t just bring it up in conversation and there was no other convenient time to talk to you about it. Plus, he was shy, dominant, but shy. He picked up the vibrator that you had left before making his way to the bedroom where you were. As soon as the door opened, so many emotions and expressions flew around the two of you. At first Jungkook was about to ask about the toy but stopped as he saw what you were wearing, had you done this on purpose. He wore a smug smirk while you on the other hand had wide eyes and was carrying a heavy blush across your face at the fact that he now knew you had seen the toys he had. “I can explain.” you said while standing up from the bed and making your way over to him, almost forgetting that you were basically naked, only wearing sheer fabric which just made Jungkook bite his lip at the sight. “Was my little kitten needy while I was gone?” He whispered, his words lingering in the air and sending shivers down your spine. “No. I just- I found it. And I just- Why didn’t you tell me you were into super kinky shit?” you finally managed to blurt out and Jungkook just laugh at how red your face was getting, “I didn’t want to make you feel as if you had to be just because I was.” Jungkook explained with a shrug as if he hadn’t been shitting himself that you would find out since you moved in together. “You could have just told me.” You explained while placing a kiss to his lips, “I see that now. Where did you get this though.” Jungkook muttered onto your lips, his hands running across the lace fabrics across your skin. “Mina got it for me.” You said with a shrug.
He hummed against your lips, deepening the kiss, “I hope it wasn’t too expensive.” He whispered as he began to walk you backwards, you weren’t really sure in which direction, you were too distracted by his lips and wandering hands. “Why?” You asked, pulling away just in time to see Jungkook’s eyes darken significantly as he brought his lips to your ear, his voice dropping several octaves, “Because I’m going to rip it off you. Piece by piece.” He practically growled, pinning you to the wall before bringing his lips to your neck, sucking dark marks into the sensitive skin causing you to whine, grabbing at the hair at the nape of his neck. This only prompted Jungkook to grab both of your wrists, swifty locking them above your head, “No touching yet. Or do I need to tie those pretty little hands together.” He spat out, his tone harsh but it was all in good nature. You loved how helpless you felt against his but also how he made you feel safe all at once. You couldn’t focus on anything but the feeling of his lips and teeth as they drag across the expanse of your neck and collarbones littering them with love bites while his hands rubbed and grabbed at every bit of your skin. Eventually his stopped his attack on your neck, his lips slightly swollen as he looked into your eyes like he was trying to burn a hole in them, “Get on your knees. Now.” He said and you were ready to drop to your knees in a second but decided it would be more fun to tease him a bit. While looking him dead in the eyes you slowly made your way to your knees, going to reach for his belt when he roughly grabbed your wrist, “What did I say about touching kitten? Little slut can’t keep her hands to herself, can she?” He said, pulling of his own belt and holding it out, “Hands up.” He ordered and you obeyed this time, you couldn’t help but feel slightly turned on as he wrapped the leather around your wrists before removing his jeans and boxers.
You had never seen him so hard, it almost looked painful. His tip was already leaking with precome and you would be lying if you said you didn’t find the sight arousing, you could feel yourself growing wetter by the second. You looked up at him and he could almost cum at the sight, you on your knees looking up at him with those beautiful innocent eyes while your mouth hanging open ready to suck him off. He gave you a nod of approval and you were quick to bring his tip into your mouth, the taste of his precome filling your mouth and making the slide easy as you took him further. You heard him take a harsh breath as you took him fully into your mouth, your nose nuzzled into the skin of his hips, the sound of you gagging only turned Jungkook on more, watching the string of saliva that connected your lips to his dick still even as you pulled off. You were pushing your luck but you loved it as you refused to take his length again, only wrapping your lips around his head and giving kitten licks to his slit. “Such a bad little Kitten, you will get punished after this.” Jungkook mumbled between moans before forcing you back down his length by the hand he now had pulling your hair. You just kept your jaw slack, not really registering when he stopped moving your head to just fuck your mouth instead but you didn’t care. Jungkook praise your lack of gag reflex and ability to hold your breath like this as he mercilessly fucked your throat. He would have loved to cum in your mouth, maybe a bit over your face watching you lick up the white substance like the little kitten he loved to call you but he was too distracted when he noticed you were rubbing your thighs together in an attempt to give yourself some relief but he wasn’t having that.
He quickly pulled himself out of your mouth, “Get up.” he spat up and you quickly got up on shaky legs to stand at his height, well almost his height. “My little kitten is a greedy one aren’t you?” He whispered while pulling you gently over to the bed, his grip completely contrasting how he was with you moments ago and how he will continue to be with you for the rest of the night. “I think it’s about time this came off.” He said, his fingers grazing over the panties you were wearing, without even a second of thought the ripping of fabric echoed through the room leaving you bare as he did the same to your bra. You let out a gasp as the cool air hit your now exposed skin but that wouldn’t be a probably soon as Jungkook pulled you over his lap so that you were straddling his thigh. “Hmmm my pretty baby is so wet for me.” Jungkook said, he could feel your arousal along his skin. You were trying so hard not to move your hips as he places a harsh slap against your ass. “Now I want you to ride my thigh until you are crying for me to let you cum. You understand that?” You nodded ad his words but that only earn you another hard spank,this time he held onto the flesh, “Words Kitten.” He urged and you swallowed harshly, “Yes Jungkook.” Another slap, “That won’t do. Tonight you call me Sir”, “Yes Sir.” You quickly began to rub yourself against his thigh as he had requested, the feeling of his tensing muscles sending pleasure straight through your body and you let out a loud moan, more like a whimper. It was at that moment you came to realise that you hands were still tied together with his belt, the leather beginning to burn against your skin as you tried to move. You just wanted to touch him. Jungkook only laughed at the sight of you struggling, holding hard onto your hips to guide you back an forth, giving you a spank everytime you tried to slow down but pull you away every time he felt you growing close to your release.
You clenched your fists and bit you lip till you tasted blood as you furiously tried to reach your high but once again Jungkook would hold you still, you body constantly on the edge but never tipping was like a thousand fires in your veins. “Oh god, Sir please.” you whined out, the tears were forming in your eye, actually you were sure they were already falling as Jungkook’s thumb came to wipe over your cheek, “What do you want Kitten?” He asked and it took you a moment to form the words as you stuttered out, “Want you.” He stopped you’re movement all together to whisper in your ear, “Cute. But I’m in control tonight Kitten. You’ll take what I give you and you will thank me for it. On the bed, face up.” He said, pushing you off his thigh so you could do as he asked, finally taking his shirt off in the process. You couldn’t help but lick your lips at the sight, his abs shining with sweat. You rested your head on the pillow watching as Jungkook pulled out the box you had hidden back in place, searching through it until he found what he wanted. You remember Lisa holding it earlier, a vibrator which he turned on, starting slowly. You wanted nothing more than to rub your thighs together and touch yourself, but Jungkook roughly pushed them apart rubbing the toy over the skin of your thighs, his lips following behind leaving more love bites there. He purposefully ignored your dripping cunt as he moved around over your stomach making you arch your back. He dropped the vibarator back down to your thighs but his kissed continued up until he met your lips, that’s when he finally pressed it to your clit, swallowing the loud moans as he showed no mercy turning it to the highest setting straight away. This kiss was messy, all tongue and teeth as you moans and squirmed, your wrists burning as you tried to reach for him once again. You legs were kicking wildly in the air as you tried to move your hips against the toy. Jungkook moved away just to plant your hips firmly to the mattress, grabbing another belt to tie your feet together, the vibrator balanced in place.
He stood back to admire you, hair covering your face, eyes squeezed shut as you helplessly moaned out for him. “Beautiful.” He whispered, tempted to walk away and leave you there, but his dick was become painfully hard and he too wanted release. He held himself back for a few minutes, watching your body rock in pleasure, tears rushing down your face, until he heard what made him snapback to reality. “Kook. P-please.” you stuttered out and you were smirking. He immediately pulling the vibrator away, crawling over your body. “You just can’t get enough slut. Always pushing your limits.” He growled out as he roughly untied your feet only to throw them over his shoulders to thrust into you without warning. The stretch burned but then everything felt like it was on overdrive. You skin was so sensitive as Jungkook began to roughly pound into you with no signs of stopping. “What’s my name?” He asked harshly between thrusts, you barely even registered what he said, too overthrown by the pleasure as you whimpered out, “Sir.” He finally decided to untie your hands and they immediately flew to his back, leaving angry red scratch marks down the skin as he fucked into you with no remorse. He brought his hands up to your throat, squeezing tightly and you moaned out, gripping at his wrist to go harder. “Say it louder. Scream my name kitten.” He was growing close, his thrusts were rapid and sloppy, but so were you, so much so that as he squeezed his fingers around your throat just ever so slightly tighter you were clenching hard around his dick, you could only see white as you screamed, “Sir. Shit oh-” Your legs were violently shaking as he continue to ride out your high, still reaching for his own and you were quickly thrown into overstimulation. “Fuck, Kitten. Just a little more, you can take it.” Jungkook moaned out and with a few more thrusts he was was cumming hard into your aching walls.
You whimpered as he pulled out, folding in on yourself as you felt both of your releases leak from your entrance, breath heavy. After he cleaned you up he laid beside you, pulling you into his chest, his heart rate was just as rapid as yours. “You did so well kitten.” He whispered into your hair while rubbing the skin of your hips were bruises were beginning to form, it was gonna hurt a lot tomorrow but you were too blissed out right now to care. Jungkook continued to stroke even as your breathing evened out and soft snores filled the room, and he felt himself dozing off too. He placed a kiss to your forehead whispering a soft, “I love you.” Before joining you in slumber.
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g-on-ef · 6 years
damijon first date pls
“The Red Grove?”
“Damian it’s our first-whoa-date, do you really want it to be that fancy?”
Jon dodged the robot’s arm before he threw his own punched; knocking off the head.
“Fine what do you suggest?” Damian asked as he threw his batarang to the other robot, the robot stared at the device before it exploded in it’s face causing it to fall backwards.
“Hmm,” Jon leap and shot laser beams at another robot before he landed next to Damian.
“What about a picnic and then a walk to the park?”
Damian scoffed as he dodged an attack before he landed behind the robot and landed on top of it, he then punched it and pulled out some wires and jumped in time as it exploded. 
Jon flew towards him and watched as his boyfriend of one month picked up the remote that controlled the robots and pressed a few buttons before the rest of the robots flew down.
“No, we are not doing some movie cliche date that will probably end with us getting mugged,”
“We won’t get mugged at Metropolise, compare to Gotham its a peaceful place,”
Damian turned and glared at the half kryptonian before he gave him a cute smile that was anything but the innocent look that Jon was trying to pull off. 
“Okay so no to the park and a no to a fancy restaurant what about a movie and then dancing?”
“I’ve seen Carrie, I know how a dance ends,”
“Dami, that was a movie that would never happen in real life,”
“And yet aliens somehow manage to live in our world,”
Jon rolled his eyes before he and Damian decided to walk back to the batcave. 
Damian and Jon have been boyfriends for a month but they never got a chance to actually go on a real date. Whenever they had a chance there was always something that ruined it.
Whether it was annoying big brothers, overprotective fathers, overbearing mothers, or robin and superboy activities they never had a chance to go on a date.
Talia finally had enough of her babies not being able to be teenagers and go out so with the help of Lois the two ‘convince’ (more like threaten) Clark and Bruce to let the boys have the weekend off so that they can have a proper date. 
Now all that was left to do is plan it.
“Oh I got it!”
Damian looked at Jon who’s eyes were sparkling with enthusiasm.
“Why don’t we go to the Zoo? We can see the animals, feed the giraffes, play with the lion cubs and all of that good stuff,”
Damian thought about it, the zoo was actually…not a bad idea, they would get to see animals, pet them, and not to mention that the Gotham Zoo had a new exhibit where you could swim with dolphins.
“That’s…not a bad idea beloved, and I actually think it would be nice. We don’t have to be to dressed up for it and we can pet the dolphins and see the cute little goats that have recently gave birth,”
“Not to mention they have a butterfly exhibit that I’ve been dying to see,”
Damian couldn’t help but smile as he saw Jon’s excited face, he felt his heart skipping a beat or two as his beloved gushed about the butterflies and the baby goats that he is going to make sure he takes dozens of pictures.
The two continue to make a plan and decided to head out on Saturday since their fathers gave them the weekend off.
{They owe their mothers big time for talking to their fathers}
When they reached the batcave Jon smiled at Damian before he bowed dramatically.
“Operation make sure Damian arrives home is now complete,”
Damian couldn’t help but roll his eyes.
“You’re such a dork,”
He then grabbed Jon by the shirt before he pulled him down to his level and kissed him on the lips. Jon was shock for a second before he relaxed into the kiss and kissed him back.
They slowly pulled back before smiling at one another.
“But your my dork,”
“See ya Saturday?”
“It’s a date,”
Jon smiled before kissing Damian on the forehead and flew off, Damian was about to head inside when he heard a loud ‘whoho,’ he turned and saw his boyfriend flying around and cheering loudly. 
Damian couldn’t help but laugh and shake his head with a fond smile on his face he headed inside he could not wait for Saturday.
Worst. Date. Ever! 
Okay maybe Damian was over exaggerating since the date hasn’t started but still, why the ever lasting fuck did their brothers had to come?
When they caught Damian getting ready Dick asked him where he was going Damian then told him to not worry about it but his father decided to tell them that he and Jon were going to the Zoo for their first date and that Damian had the whole zoo shut down for his date with Jon.
His brothers of course wanted to go with Damian on his first ever date but Damian said that they were not coming but of course his father said it was a perfect idea for them to go, of course Clark heard them from the city and decided to ask Connor if he wanted to go.
Connor of course did not because Tim was going-okay maybe it was because of Tim-but he also wanted to go to make sure Damian kept his hands to himself and didn’t touch Jon’s ass.
He’s seen the youngest Wayne stare at it and he was going to make sure Damian was on his best behavior.
Of course when Jon arrived Connor was with him and Jon told him that his dad heard Bruce and his older brothers and thought it would be a good idea to invite Connor.
Which resulted in Jason and Dick to bring their boyfriends along and now instead of date with Jon and only Jon he was now with his brothers, Jon’s brother, and Harper and West on a date.
He was going to kill someone.
“Oh come on little bat cheer up, you’re finally on a date with your boyfriend,” Jason said as he swung his arms around his little brother and Jon.
“My date with Jon was supposed to be just me and Jon not me, Jon, and the rest of you idiots,”
“Hey,” everyone-minus Jon-shouted.
“Come on Damian, your still on your date with Jon, only this time you have us,”
“Uh-hu and did all of you interuppted each other’s date?”
His brothers looked at each other before smiling at Damian and walking off.
Jon walked up to Damian and bumped his shoulder.
“Hey relax, it could be worse right?”
“I guess,” 
Jon just smiled as he and Damian headed towards the zoo with their brothers Jon knew it couldn’t get worst after all he knew his brother was going to be on his best behavior.
Jon. Was. Pissed.
Their brothers were ruining their date! Every time Jon tried to hold Damian’s hand Dick was there to grab Damian and pull him somewhere so that Jon wouldn’t get the chance to hold it.
Whenever Damian was about to say something sweet to Jon Connor was there to grab Jon by the collar to show him something.
Basically whenever they tried to be romantic their brothers would ruin it.
They were currently sitting at a picnic table as their brothers where getting food.
“If I had known that our brothers would be a pain in the butt, I would have suggested to burn them,”
“It could get worse, well guess what Kent, it did in fact get worse,”
Jon looked towards where the older boys were seeing that they were distracting Jon lean forward and kissed his cheek before he sat back down hoping Dick did not see that.
“Sorry, hopefully our second date could…be…”
The sound of a chopper could be heard over them, they all looked up and saw Talia and Lois staring down at them, the Chopper then landed as the two women stepped out of it and glared at the older boys.
Connor, Tim, and Jason immediately looked away, their mothers could be down right scary.
Said mothers then looked to their boys.
“Get in the chopper boys, Talia and I are taking you far away from here so you can enjoy your date properly with no interuptions,”
“But mom, dad said-”
A glare from Lois made Connor shut up.
Jon and Damian looked at one another before smiling at each other and jumped into the chopper.
“Oh and Jason?”
“Yes Talia?”
“Tell Bruce that he is going to be hearing it from me later on,”
“Same goes for Clark,”
“Yes ma’am,”
“Good, the boys will be back tomorrow night so have a good day,”
Damian and Jon waved good by to their brothers before Damian took Jon’s hand and kissed his hand Jon smiled at Damian before he lean forward and kissed his forehead.
Both mothers cooed at their little boys, both happy that they had someone who would treasure them for eternity.
“So where to?” Jon asked.
Damian looked towards his mother who knew exactly where he wanted to go, she then gave direction to their private beach.
Damian looked to Jon and said,
“We are going somewhere special where you and I are going to enjoy ourselves,”
“Where ever you are I know I’ll be happy,”
Damian just smiled as they headed off towards the beach, he was going to make sure that Jon enjoyed himself.
The beach was beautiful, Jon has never seen such a beautiful ocean and white sandy beach, it was a sight for sore eyes.
“Are you ready to have beloved?”
Jon looked to Damian and graced him with a dazzling smile.
“I’ve never been more ready,”
The two spend their day building sand castles, swimming with sea creatures, collecting sea shells and roasting marshmellow, they decided to lay down on a blanket and stare at the stars.
“That is not peguses,” Damian said looking closely at the constellation.
“Yes it is, look it has the head and the wings,”
Damian rolled his eyes before pointing to another constellation.
“That’s peuguses,”
Jon looked closely before blushing a little.
“Okay, you were right that is Peguses,”
“Told you,”
Jon rolled his eyes before he turned around and cuddled close to Damian.
“I love you,” he whispered softly.
Damian smiled, it may be soon but he knew both he and Jon knew that they were each others beginning middle and end and knew they were never going to let anything or anyone come between them.
“I adore you as well beloved,”
The two couldn’t help but think that this was the best date and can’t wait to have more.
I need a distraction so if y'all have any tododeku Bakumomo bakudeku todobaku TimKon damijon or dickwally prompts please send them my way I will also take shigadabi and dabihawks
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noona-clock · 6 years
Something’s Brewing❄️☕ - Part 2
Genre: Coffee Shop!AU
Pairing: Jungshin x You
By Admin B
Part 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12
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It was extremely difficult for you to stay away from The Grind the next day, but you really had no choice. You spent the morning working at your internship at the city’s history museum, the afternoon cleaning your apartment, and the evening hosting your family for dinner (hence the cleaning earlier). 
You didn’t even have time to work on your paper let alone get out to get some coffee and chat with your new crush.
(You were also dying to know if Seungyoon had found out any information about him yet).
You weren’t even able to visit The Grind again until a few days after, on Saturday. While you were pretty bummed about it, you couldn’t help but bounce with excitement as you walked down the sidewalk toward the shop. Saturday was their busiest day, as it was with most businesses, so both Seungyoon and Jungshin were very likely to be there.
Before you entered, you looked down at your outfit one last time. You had taken great care to look cute and chic but still casual in your wine colored peplum sweater with a black Peter Pan collar, black skinny jeans, and black patent Oxford shoes topped off with your mustard toggle pea coat. 
The weather was growing steadily colder as December wore on, and while dropping temperatures usually made you somewhat depressed, you would never pass up a chance to wear a cute coat. Or a cute hat; a black knit beanie sat atop your wavy, tousled hair at the moment. 
It was just one of those days where you were really diggin’ your outfit. Although you wondered if Jungshin would even recognize you since he’d only seen you in 'lazy, homework day’ attire.
Taking a deep breath, you reached for the door handle, pulling it toward you and stepping inside. The place was as busy as it usually got on a Saturday, no more and no less. You were able to catch Seungyoon’s eye immediately after arriving. He was currently taking a customer’s order at the counter, but no one else was in line so you walked right on up.
“Don’t worry, I got some dirt,” he murmured once the previous customer had departed, leaving the two of you relatively alone.
“Oooh, what?” Your heart started pounding.
Seungyoon looked around to make sure his new boss wasn’t within earshot before leaning forward just a tad.
“He has a dog named Simba, he plays the bass in a band called CNBlue, he has an MBA, and...no girlfriend.”
Your spirits rose with each fact Seungyoon spouted. He was a well-educated, dog-loving bassist who was currently unattached. If that didn’t spell out ‘DREAM MAN,’ then you had no idea what did.
“Well,” was all you could say at the moment. “You done good, Yoon.”
Seungyoon smiled proudly, looking extremely satisfied with himself as he punched your chai tea latte into the register.
“What do I owe you?” you asked, handing him a couple dollars and some change.
“...A date with your sister?”
Your eyes widened, and you actively had to stop your jaw from dropping open. “Really?”
“Yeah…” Seungyoon blushed, averting his gaze bashfully.
This was...an interesting turn of events. You never in a million years would have thought he’d had the hots for your sister, but apparently, you’d been wrong.
“I’ll see what I can do,” you replied, nodding slowly, though still in utter shock.
 You turned and headed for one of your favorite armchairs by a huge window, a plush, green velvet wingback. It was rather large, perfect for curling up and staring out the window to people watch. You realized you still had to edit your paper, and now would be the perfect time to do so, but…
Another employee, Lisa, brought your drink, which made you wonder if Jungshin even was there… You hadn’t seen him yet, and looking around the shop currently yielded no better results. So you took the opportunity to whip out your phone and do some research on his band. You typed in ‘CNBlue’ into the search engine app, clicking on the first link which seemed to be their official website. 
Well, well, well. They were legit enough to have an official website. 
The picture at the top of the page showed there were four members, and honestly, all of them were extremely good-looking. 
What the heck?! How had you never heard of them before?!
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You immediately clicked on the ‘Members’ section, scrolling down until you found Jungshin’s picture. 
Oh my god, he was so freaking cute.
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 You read his bio, though you didn’t really find out anything new. And then…
Oh, praise Jesus. 
There was a link to his Instagram. 
You had to stop yourself from squealing, and you clicked on it so quickly you almost dropped your phone.
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His feed was filled with selfies (OK THANK YOU), pictures of him and his dog, and pictures of his bandmates. You wanted to follow him, but you also didn’t want him to know you’d been stalking him. You continued to scroll through his feed, so engrossed in the pictures you didn’t even realize someone was coming toward you until you heard a voice.
“Hey, how’s everything?”
You jumped, almost dropping your phone for the second time in less than five minutes.
“Sorry!” Jungshin chuckled. “I didn’t mean to scare you!”
“Oh, it’s okay,” You replied, blushing. “I was distracted.” You turned your phone screen off and pushed it underneath your leg as quickly as you could without looking suspicious.
“No laptop today?”
“No, not today.” Geez, your heart was still thumping from being startled. (Or was it because Jungshin was now next to and talking to you?)
“Did you get your paper done?” He leaned against the windowsill, crossing his arms over his chest.
“Yeah, basically. I just have to proofread and edit it and all that jazz.”
“You really do that?”
“I just turned in my papers as soon as I wrote the last word. It always took me so long to actually get it done, so I never had time to edit. Plus I was just so done with it by the time I finished.”
“Yeah, I know what you mean,” You chuckled. “I really don’t mind writing papers, though.”
“I wish I was like that,” he replied. “So is there anything I can get you?”
“Ummm… No, I think I’m okay.”
“Alright, just let me know if you need anything.”
“Will do.”
Once he had left, you got your phone back out and continued looking through his Instagram and the band’s website. You found a calendar and noticed they were set to play at a local venue a week from today. You obviously had to go, but you couldn’t just show up randomly and alone. You needed someone to go with you… You took a sip of your drink before getting out of your chair and heading to the front counter.
“Hey,” you said to Seungyoon, your brow furrowed.
“What’s up?”
“So, Jungshin’s band is playing at The Roxy next Saturday. Will you go with me?”
“...I asked for a date with your sister, not with you.”
“I know that,” You replied, rolling your eyes. “But I can’t just show up without a reason. If I come with you, I’ll just say you wanted to support your boss, and you asked me to come since I’m such a frequent customer. And because we’re friends.”
Seungyoon let out a little sigh but nodded. “Okay.”
“Really?! I'll make sure my sister goes on TWO dates with you.”
Seungyoon laughed, shaking his head. “No, it's all good. We are friends. It'll be fun! Besides. I want her to decide for herself if she wants to go on a second date.”
“Okay, deal,” You smiled. “I'll buy the tickets and pick you up and everything. It'll be a friend date! You just have to ask Jungshin if his band is playing soon, so that way he won’t be surprised when you show up.”
“You are kind of a mastermind, did you know that?”
You smiled sheepishly, shrugging one shoulder. You couldn’t argue with him.
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Obviously, you spent the following week choosing an outfit for the concert. You wanted to keep it casual but also stylish, and you definitely didn’t want it to look like you were trying too hard. 
Finally, on Saturday afternoon, you decided on an oversized gray sweater with a floral design across the front, navy blue velvet jogger pants, and your plain white Adidas. You figured a lot of the girls there would be wearing heels, so you wanted to stand out, even if that meant you would be a good three inches shorter than most people there.
After throwing your hair up into a bun and grabbing a scarf and your purse, you set off to pick up Seungyoon. You hadn’t seen him since last Saturday, and you had some exciting news for him. Once you pulled up to his apartment complex, you sent him a text letting him know you had arrived.
You saw him hopping down the stairs, and a smile immediately came to your face. He was going to be so excited when you told him.
As soon as he was in your car and buckled up, you pulled away from his building and started off toward the venue.
“So...guess what?” you smirked.
“My sister said yes.”
Seungyoon gasped. “Really?!”
“Yep! She wants me to give you her number.”
Seungyoon immediately reached into his pocket for his phone. After navigating to his contacts, he glanced over at You. “Okay, I'm ready.”
You chuckled before telling him your sister’s number. “Are you going to text her?”
Seungyoon was already typing.
“Oh, geez, you'll be talking to her the whole concert, won't you?”
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The concert started at 8, and you and Seungyoon arrived at 7:55. The place was already pretty crowded, but you were able to work your way up to about the third row. Jungshin would definitely be able to see you, but it wouldn't look like you were trying to get his attention. Well, like you, specifically, were trying to get his attention. Which you actually were, of course. But he didn’t need to know that!
When the band came out on stage, your heart leaped into your throat. Damn, he looked so good. You elbowed Seungyoon who looked up from his phone.
“I don't stand a chance, do I?” you said, leaning in toward his ear so he could hear you over the cheers and the beginnings of CNBlue’s first song.
“What do you mean?”
“Look at him!” He looked so cool and sexy up there with his bass guitar. 
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“I'm a nerd! He’ll never fall for me!”
“He will!”
“Has he ever said anything about me?”
You whined.
“But he hasn't talked about anything personal to me,” he assured you. “Only when I asked him that stuff you wanted to know. He's really professional at work.”
Well...that did make you feel a little better…
Once you actually started paying attention to the music…you found out you really enjoyed their songs. They were super catchy and very poppy, but in an extremely good way. It was the kind of music that just made you feel good.
During the third or fourth song, Jungshin spotted the two of you. You almost looked away out of embarrassment, but he smiled and gave you The Nod. So he must not have thought you were weird for showing up! Knowing this, you were able to relax a little more and really feel the music. You would have to buy a CD if they had one because you already had some of these songs stuck in your head.
They played for about an hour and a half, but you wanted them to play for longer. By the end of the last song, you had not only fallen in love with CNBlue, but you had fallen even harder for Jungshin. You had really never had a thing for musicians before, but now you completely understood the appeal.
“Okay, they were really good,” Seungyoon stated as he and you headed toward the exit.
“How would you know? You were texting my sister basically the whole time,” you laughed, smirking a little.
“I was still listening!!”
“They were really good, though,” you agreed. “We need to stop by the merch booth to see if they have CDs.”
You cut through the crowd of people exiting and headed toward the back where the venue staff was selling t-shirts and CDs. Yes! 
You got out your wallet, handing the employee ten bucks and receiving the CD in return. You turned it over to read the tracklist, getting excited when you saw some songs you recognized from tonight.
“Okay, let’s go,” you said to Seungyoon, who was yet again typing away on his phone and not paying attention to what you were saying.
“Come on, Romeo,” you chuckled, putting a hand on his back and pushing him towards the exit.
Seungyoon finally put his phone away once you were outside, a very satisfied expression overtaking his face.
“What?” you asked, narrowing your eyes at him.
“I’m taking your sister to the art museum tomorrow.”
“Was that your idea?”
“I mean...no. I asked her what she liked to do, and she said she liked to go to museums. I didn’t want to just take her out to dinner or to a movie, y’know?”
“Honestly, I would rather not talk about this.”
“Because it’s my sister!” You stopped walking then, turning to face him. “And I swear to God if you do anything to hurt her, physically or emotionally, I will rip you to shreds.”
Seungyoon’s eyes widened. He had never been afraid of you in the whole time he’d known you. He had never even thought to be afraid of you. But the way you were staring at him...the look in your eyes… 
He was afraid of you right now.
“I understand,” he said with a solemn nod.
You smiled then. “Good.”
Just after you started walking again, you heard someone call out your name first, then Seungyoon’s name. It sounded awfully like… 
Could it be? 
You turned, your heart stopping when you saw Jungshin waving at you with one hand, carrying his bass guitar case in his other hand. There was a crowd of fans behind him, and you could see his three bandmates were still among them taking pictures and signing autographs.
“Oh my god,” you murmured, grabbing Seungyoon’s elbow.
“Be cool,” Seungyoon whispered, waving back at Jungshin. “This is a good sign.”
“I am mentally incapable of being cool,” you reminded him, pursing your lips a little. Jungshin was walking over to you, smiling kind of like a goofball, and it was freaking adorable.
“You’re cooler than you think you are! Look at your outfit. That is totally a cool outfit.”
“Really? You think so?”
“Yes, it is,” Seungyoon assured you before turning toward Jungshin, who was now close enough to hear you. “Don’t you think her outfit is cool?”
Your face turned bright red as Jungshin looked you up and down.
“Oh, yeah, definitely,” he agreed.
“Thanks,” you replied, unable to look either of them in the eye at the moment.
“Y’know,” Jungshin began, talking to Seungyoon. “When you asked about this, I didn’t think you’d actually show up.”
“Hey!” Seungyoon laughed, clutching at his heart to show how hurt he was by his boss’s statement. “I am a man of my word... and a really good employee.”
“And you brought... a date?”
You couldn’t help but hear the tiny note of disappointment in his question. Of course, you fully realized you had completely imagined this, but you chose to believe you hadn’t.
“Oh, no,” Seungyoon said at the same time as you said, “No, no, no, no.”
“He’s dating my sister, actually,” you added, even though it wasn’t technically true. Yet. And you figured you might as well put this out there: “I’m not dating anyone.”
“It’s true,” Seungyoon said. “She’s 100% single. Ow.”
You had just elbowed him in the ribs.
“Really? Hmm,” Jungshin hummed. And before you could analyze what exactly that meant, he spoke again. “So what did you guys think?”
“I had a really good time,” you told him, trying your best not to smile like an idiot. “I even bought a CD.”
Jungshin laughed as you held the CD up to show him proof of your statement. “You didn’t have to do that!”
“I wanted to! I really enjoyed your songs!”
“Oh yeah? Well, thank you. I’m glad you had a good time.” Jungshin smiled at you, though it was a sort of...shy smile? Were you imagining things again?
“You’ll have to let me know when you have another gig, I’d love to come.”
“Really?” he asked, eyes widening a little. “I’d love for you to come, I’ll definitely let you know.”
“Oh my gosh, I’m so rude,” you murmured quickly, realizing you hadn’t praised him for a job well done. “You did a great job!”
“Thanks,” Jungshin chuckled bashfully, stuffing his free hand in his jeans pocket.
Seungyoon was beginning to feel a bit awkward which he knew was a good thing for you. But, still, he cleared his throat, garnering Jungshin’s attention. “We, uh, should probably get going.”
As much as you wanted to stay and talk to Jungshin, you were getting a little sleepy… “Yeah, we need to head out.”
“Me too, actually. Got an early shift at the shop tomorrow.”
“I’ll see you there,” Seungyoon chuckled, though he really wasn’t looking forward to it. The ‘early shift part’ not the ‘see you there’ part.
You wanted to say the same thing (‘I’ll see you there’) but you figured that would be a little...too much. You were definitely coming in tomorrow morning, though. Jungshin just didn’t need to know that until... tomorrow morning.
“Thanks again for coming,” Jungshin said. “I really appreciate it.”
“You’re welcome, boss,” Seungyoon replied with a small salute before heading off toward your car.
Part 3
Tagging @cramelot  @veryhotkpop  @daelicious-jongbulge  @askmalstwin  @elysjin @shinrin-yokeu @lovebuginlove @lost-girl-inc to let them know this has been posted! Readers, if you would like to be added to this list, let me know! Thank you!!
-Admin B
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