#so alright cool whatever and no instructions again
wholesalesoftie · 2 years
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got heartache for a friend
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stevieschrodinger · 3 months
Part One
“Double denim, bold choice.”
I’m not, like, doing this on purpose, Billy huffs, leaning against the bathroom wall. Maybe it’s you.
“What’s me?”
Maybe it’s you choosing my outfits, maybe it’s not even me.
“What like my own regular dress up Barbie, Billy edition?”
Eddie squints in the mirror, initially thinks he’s going to go for some speedos or something but then figures that’s way too telling. Billy Hargrove is hot, sure, with his curls and his stupid little mustache and his fucking golden tanned biceps- He concentrates on a Dio tee shirt instead. Like really fucking tries to switch the plain white tee Billy is wearing but – nope. Nothing happens.
You look like you’re constipated.
Eddie rolls his eyes, “It’s not me. The outfit. Or if it is, it’s not me doing it like, consciously.”
I know it ain’t you, Billy pops the collar of the jacket, hunches his shoulders and eyes himself in the mirror, you wouldn’t pick this, I actually look good.
And he does, especially next to Eddie. Eddie’s still bruised to hell and walking like he’s a hundred and fifty years old. Eddie’s hair is a greasy mess and he’s got patchy stubble all over his face. Eddie is still rocking a hospital gown. Eddie knows he looks like shit, and on top of all that he's now actually offended, "this isn't exactly what I'd normally choose to wear Hargrove."
Eddie’s got strict instructions to be quick, and to press the call button right after so the nurse can put fresh dressings on him. Eddie promises himself to do instruction number two to make up for the fact that he's playing fast and loose with instruction number one.
The water just feels so good. Even if he has been standing too long and he's slumped against the wall, it feels so good to wash all this shit off him. The near death. The upside down. The smell of hospital. All of it. He could stand here all day, but he knows, physically, his body will let him down on that one sooner or later, so he gets on with it.
Is that a bar of soap?? On your hair??? Billy sounds beyond horrified.
“Shhhh man, let me enjoy being clean.”
Tell me this isn’t normally how you wash your hair.
“Alright, I won’t.”
When we get out of here that’s the first thing we are going to sort out. Your hair is a fixer upper but we can definitely do something with it.
Eddie sighs, “can we think about this another time, my hair is like, not my priority right now.”
Billy falls silent for all of two minutes, jesus Munson, where have you been hiding that?
“My dick is not up for discussion.”
Why is he looking at you like that?
Eddie desperately tries to ignore Billy, but when he’s actually having a conversation it’s fucking hard, “thanks Steve.”
“And I rescued your guitar too, I don’t think there’s anything left at the trailer, but I’m pretty sure Owen’s won’t let me in again anyway, one and done kind of deal, plus I think they're going to like, take it away? Maybe?-”
Does he usually ramble like this?
“-anyway, I saved everything I could. It's in my garage right now, and these are the books I brought in for now, Dustin said you really like this one-”
Who the fuck is Dustin? Isn’t that one of Max’s little twerps?
“-but if there’s any that you want, just ask. Or something different, they've reopened the library now.”
What has happened to him? Didn’t he used to be cool?
“Thanks Steve,” Eddie can feel his fucking eye twitching, trying to ignore Billy, “I really appreciate all this man, like, I can’t tell you how much.” He thinks he's talking too loud to try and drown out Billy, and then tries to speak normally. Knows he's being weird from how Steve looks at him.
Suck up.
Shut the fuck up, he’s doing a nice thing.
“You okay? You went a bit like, cross eyed there.”
“Fine, fine, just not a hundred percent yet, or whatever.”
“Right right,” Steve nods, “I’m going to go and get the kids, they’re in with Max-"
What does he mean, they’re with Max? The panic that radiates from Billy is almost palpable.
Eddie repeats the words before he can even think it through, "what do you mean, they're in with Max?"
Steve rubs his forehead, then runs his hands through his hair and sits down again, "right, sorry. I did mean to tell you about this-"
Make him get to the fucking point.
"-so she was going to be the fourth sacrifice, right? Well El managed to stop it, from wherever she was. And that was what like, weakened Vecna? Stopped his plan or whatever, and I swear she's fine, she's getting better already, like woke up almost right away once Vecna was dead, Lucas says - but, he still hurt her. Both arms and legs are broken and," Steve takes a deep breath, looks constipated for a second, "she can't see."
The sight of Chrissie's white eyes flash unavoidably in Eddie's head. The sound of the cracking of her bones.
What does all that even mean? What the fuck is Vecna? Sacrifice? Does he mean Henry-
"Shhhhh just shut up a minute-"
"Oh," Steve sits back surprised, "sorry." He looks like a kicked puppy, "sorry I didn't tell you sooner, it's just...been a lot lately," jesus Steve looks like he's going to cry. "Sorry, I know it wasn't really my decision but it felt like you've been through a lot the last few days and I didn't want to make it worse - shit. Sorry. I'll uhm, stop now."
"Sorry. No," Eddie rushes to explain, waving his hands at Steve, "not, not you. Just the...this stupid fucking voice in my head-"
You're stupid.
"-I just, got overwhelmed. I'm sorry. I," Eddie huffs, "are you sure she's alright?"
Steve brightens, "yeah, she's doing great, the doctors are amazed at how fast she's picking up. But then, she's so fucking stubborn."
That's my girl.
"So stubborn," Eddie agrees.
"El says it wasn't even all her, she said Max fought so hard, it was amazing," Steve looks so fond, so goddam proud of her, Eddie cant help but smile.
They end up sitting like that for a second, just smiling at each other softly.
Okay, so what the fuck is happening right now?
Eddie clears his throat, looks away, and Steve stands up again, "you sure you're ready for this?”
“Yeah, yeah. I mean, thanks for keeping them off my back until now, I really appreciate it, you know.”
“Yeah, they’re great, but they're...a lot. Don’t ever tell them I said that I like them.”
“Your secrets safe with me.”
In Eddie’s head, Billy makes barfing noises.
I want to go and see her.
The second this lot clear out, I swear we will, I'm allowed out of bed now, so there's no stopping us-
But then Dustin’s there, throwing himself at Eddie, and all the kids are chattering all over each other, and Billy stays quiet for a little while.
“Don’t worry about me, Hellfire will rise again! In fact, next time you guys are in, bring my DnD books and something to write with and I’ll start planning-”
“The nurse said nothing too strenuous,” Steve glowers at him, from his perch on the other side of the room.
“Stevie! Baby! It’s just a little creative thought, a little world building, a little planning, don’t you worry your pretty little head about little old me-”
Is Harrington blushing???
Eddie slides right over that and carries on because that is the dumbest shit he’s ever heard and Steve’s already hiding behind his jock sports fixtures magazine, or whatever the fuck it is he’s reading.
“So where’s the little super hero? Do I get to meet her?”
“El wanted to stay with Max, didn’t want to leave her alone.”
“Oh,” Eddie feels warm inside. That’s real good of her, “that’s real good of her.”
Part Three
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sweetiesicheng · 3 months
dokyeom - tattoo
word count : 848
dokyeom looks up and sees you and your son walking into the room. all of the guys are getting photos done for the company, so there is equipment everywhere in the practice room that has turned into a photo shoot set.
"you guys got here quick," dokyeom says to you as your son runs up to him and gives him a hug. "have a good day with mom?"
"yea! we went to to the science museum and then to the art store," your son says as you walk over to him and dokyeom.
"art store?" dokyeom questions.
"he saw my tattoos," you mention and ruffle your son's hair, "and somebody wants to create a tattoo for me."
"ah, so we have a budding artist in our household now," dokyeom says with a big smile. he looks at you, "you're seriously gonna tattoo whatever he makes?" he asks you, clearly skeptical.
"within my own discretion," you answer your husband. "hey, baby? go say hi to everyone," you instruct your son. he runs off to say hi to his uncles and the other staff members he knows in the room. "i told him about tattoos being permanent, and that some people even regret them in the future. but i also told him that i'll love whatever he creates, whether it's on paper or my skin."
"aw, that's cute," dokyeom says to you. "do you two want to stay? i'm practicing with some of the guys in another room after we're done."
"will it be long? i need to pick up groceries," you mention.
"just for an hour. i can go shopping with you two," he replies.
"dad! uncle says he'll buy me a spaceship!" your son shouts from across the room, sitting with s.coups and jeonghan.
"hey hyung..." dokyeom sighs, "i'm the one supposed to be spoiling him."
once you go home for the day, dokyeom helps you in the kitchen while your son draws in his new sketchbook.
"hey mom," your son calls out to you.
"yes, baby?" you reply as you cook food.
"i drew a bunch of stuff! can you look at them when you're done cooking?" he asks.
you look over your shoulder with a smile, "after dinner, alright?"
"bud, clear the table. we need space to eat," dokyeom says to your son.
"yes, dad." your son starts clearing the table of his new art supplies. dokyeom takes some side dishes out of the fridge and sets the table as you finish cooking dinner.
"babe, you should look at these," dokyeom says to you.
"hm?" you look over your shoulder for a second to see dokyeom looking at your son's art that was left on the table. "bring it over here," you say, not wanting to step away from the stove.
dokyeom walks over and shows you a page full of doodles that your son created. different colors next to each other, lines of various shapes.
"oh, these are so cute," you compliment your son's art.
"right?" dokyeom replies.
"hey! my book!" your son suddenly shouts. you look and see him in one of the entranceways. "you can't see it yet! i need to draw more!"
"sorry, baby. your dad just really wanted to look," you say to him, slightly blaming your husband in the process.
"dad!" your son whines with a pout.
"sorry for taking it, bud," dokyeom says and hands the sketchbook back to your son. "you're just super cool, so we wanted to look it already," he says to him as your son hugs the sketchbook in his arms.
"you think i'm cool?" your son asks, making you smile.
"the coolest," you say to him.
once you're done cooking, all of you eat together at the table. your son recounts your day together again for his dad while dokyeom mentions his upcoming schedules.
"hey, babe," dokyeom calls to you. you him in response to let him know you're listening, "what if we got matching tattoos with his doodles?" he asks you.
"you want to?" you reply.
"yea. wouldn't it be cute to have matching onces?" dokyeom replies to you.
"mom, dad, can i get a tattoo?" your son speaks after putting his water cup down.
"ask your mom," dokyeom says to him.
"seokmin!" you yell your husband's name. "you know he can't get one at this age," you say to him while dokyeom tries to make you look like a bad guy. you see your son start to get sad. "baby, you can't get one until you're a lot older," you say to your son, "and your dad is trying to make me look like a bad guy."
your son gasps, looking at his father, "mom isn't a bad person! dad, you're being mean to mom!"
"i'm joking! i swear!" dokyeom says to both of you. "i'll make it up to you and get twenty tattoos that were created by you," he says to your son.
"no! you're not allowed to get them either! you're being mean to mom!"
"ah! i swear i was joking! babe!"
"you did this to yourself."
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httpscomexe · 2 months
Forbidden Secret Desire 3
Summary: You’re finally starting to fit in when you freak out in front of everyone. But twenty side eyes later and a lot of forgiveness from your friend Kurt, you discover a scary secret.
(Find What I’m currently writing by checking my pinned post)
Parings: Logan Howlett x Reader
Warnings: (Individual warnings per chapter) Panic attack, manipulation, hidden cameras, finally not as much awkwardness, social dissociation, being in the social eye. Logan is an official warning starting this chapter as approved by the FDA (Food and Drug Administration) because Logan is a DRUG. PLEASE BE AWARE that this will be a NON-CON fic. Do NOT get attached if you do not like non-consensual fiction. I will not change my fic plans because somebody decided not to read the warnings. Thank you.
Word Count: 4542 (All other Chapters here) Chapter 4
Tags: @remmyj10 @sammyluvsfics @badbishsblog @dickmaster3000
P.S. If you’d like to be tagged, ask in the comments, you also have permission to send an ask, but make sure it is NOT anonymous, so I know your username, don’t worry, I’m scared of confrontation too. But this is a SAFE SPACE where I will not judge. Thank you again. 
Enjoy your Forbidden Secret Desire...
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“Alright, everyone, find a partner.” You shouldn’t be surprised that Logan was your teacher for your third period class. You remembered Hank and Logan talking about it the other day in the lab, but it still shocked you for some reason, maybe it was something else that surprised you, like the fact that he doesn’t just let everyone do whatever so he could get it over with. You knew he would be the substitute for both your third and fifth period classes for the rest of this week, and only because Xavier was out on some mission. The thing that bothered you the most now, was that you couldn’t partner up with anyone, and you knew no one would want to partner up with you. So you just watched as everyone else excitedly ran towards their best friends.
“Wanna be my partner?” A hand lands on your shoulder, making you flinch a little. It was Kurt of course. “We have a new student today and my normal partner is their guide.” He explains.
“Uh, yea sure. Cool.” Cool? 
“Cool,” he smiles, his little fangs showing under his lips.
“Everyone have a partner?” Everyone nods, including you. “Good, find a place on the floor and sit in front of your partner.” You follow Kurt to an open spot, there were only about ten other kids in the class so it wasn’t too hard. “Once you’re sitting with your partner, find three things you both have in common. You have five minutes to talk amongst yourselves, time starts now.” You realise he’s reading every instruction from a pamphlet, that helped it make more sense. “Also apparently the three things you have in common cannot be common questions such as colours, animals, etcetera.” He finishes, placing the pamphlet down on the teachers desk. “Now your time starts now.” He picks up his phone, and starts the timer.
“So uh. What are some uncommon questions then?” You shrug, trying to think of a question with him. Why do they have to be uncommon Xavier? What the fuck? You wonder and listen to other students' conversations, but everyone is trying to figure out a question just like you and Kurt.
Your eyes turned back to him, and his index fingers were rubbing his temples, it was actually frustrating him. So now you understand the task. It’s almost impossible to come up with a question that no one commonly asks, so of course, thinking is stressing everyone out. It was anger management after all.
“If you were a unicorn, what colour would you want to be? I’d probably wanna be white.” You tell him, shrugging a little, hoping it would calm his frustration.
“Oh yea. I’d probably be white also, I get tired of being blue.” He chuckles a little.
“Okay if you were a dragon, would you breathe fire or something else?”
“I'd probably want to breathe ice.”
“I think it would be cool to be able to choose.” You tell him, sitting back up and crossing your arms in your lap.
“If you were forced to do one subject for the rest of your life, what would you choose?” He asks you, understanding the project now.
“Definitely science.”
“Same, it’s a more fun subject.”
“Especially compared to anger management.” You joke, making him chuckle quietly. “Okay, one more question.” You prop your elbows on your thighs as you look at him. The rule is no common questions, so Xavier wants us to ask uncommon questions, with common answers.
“If everything in the world could only be flavoured one thing, what flavour would you choose?”
“I would choose vanilla. It’s plain, I can't get tired of it.”
“I would probably choose green apples, but not too sour.”
“How about the scent?”
“Scent I would choose vanilla.” He tells you, one again laughing to himself.
“Same, and there’s our three questions.” You turn your head to look at the projector, there was about a minute left and Logan was going around and asking groups how everything was doing. In another direction, a kid who could harness fire had smoke coming from the back of his head as he thought of another question.
“Alright and how are you two doing?” Logan asks Kurt and then his eyes also move to you.
“Good, we just finished.”
“No common questions?” You both shake your heads. “Good, you’re the only pair to finish so far.” He mumbles, moving onto the next group.
“So what’re you doing after your last class?” Kurts asks you, leaning forward to ask the question, his eyes trained on you.
“I’m supposed to help Hank- Mr. McCoy with another project.”
“You do that everyday.” He leans back on his palms.
“Yea, I never have anything better to do. Unless something comes up then I cancel.”
“So he doesn’t ask you for help? You just kind of pop in?” You nod.
“Unless he asks me to. Then it can be important… it’s usually stupid.” He smiles slightly.
“So my friends and I are having a little sleepover in my room tonight.”
“Oh…” You move your hands together, once again your thumb begins to pick at your skin.
“Yea, it would be cool if you came by. We're gonna have pizza, some drinks, and we're gonna watch a movie.”
“What movie?” You ask, the timer reaching zero as Logan walks back to the desk to turn it off.
“Whatever we pick out of the hat. Last week it was Big Hero 6.” He shrugs.
“Uh, yea. I’ll try, what time?”
“Around 9PM is normally when the others show up.” You nod in understanding, then Logan speaks up.
“Okay so, it says here that you guys are all supposed to stand up and share your groups three questions.” He tells everyone, reading the pamphlet out loud. “But I don’t wanna hear it. So the rest of the ten minutes in class is to yourselves. Enjoy.” He tosses the papers back on the desk and the students immediately begin talking amongst themselves. Talking about anything they could come up with. The news, food, anything, while you and Kurt stood back up, he walked to his friend group expecting you to follow. But you only make your way back to your desk to sit on your phone for the remainder of class. Logans eyes settling on you, and you know you’re not supposed to be on your phone, but he doesn’t bother making a scene, instead, his eyes rest on you, occasionally moving to other students to see what they’re doing or moving to look at his email, but the majority of the ten minutes, all he could look at was you.
And then the bell finally rang, and everyone collected their items in their bags before leaving the classroom for lunch.
Normally for lunch you’d just sit in your room on your bed, finishing any work you had to finish and if you were hungry you’d either tough it out or you would’ve ordered something before your third class ended. Today, Kurt changed your plans.
“Hey, we ordered extra, we were hoping you would also sit with us today?” He asks, holding out a box of food that smelt amazing. So you nod, and follow behind him to the little area his friends were sitting. They all smiled up at you from their spots on the floor, and you joined silently. This dude just bribed you with food.
They all chat amongst themselves, and you simply poke at your food with your plastic fork, occasionally taking a small bite. You’ve never been the type of person who’s able to eat an entire meal in front of people you’ve never spoken to without feeling awkward.
They talked about class, and classwork, and talked a little about hanging out in Kurt's room tonight, but that was about it. Occasionally, there would be an inside joke that you didn’t understand, but you didn’t mind. You kept your eyes on your food, and that was it.
“So what about you?” Jean nudges you, making you look up to see everyone's eyes on you. What was the question? You ask yourself, panic rising in your chest.
“Yea, Y/N. Where would you be if you didn’t have to be here?” Alex, you’re a saviour.
“Uh, well…” You think about it for a moment, not sure where you’d wanna be. Definitely not with your family, you don’t have a home or caring family outside of the mansion. Hell you didn’t even have friends inside the mansion. “I don’t really know.”
“Oh come on. Paris? Mexico?” Scott- or Cyclops asks you.
“Oh, like where do I want to visit?”
“Or live.” Kurt cuts in, smiling at you.
“I would choose Russia.” You shrug, and they all stare at you.
“Imma be honest I was expecting the Maldives or some sort of beach.” Jean laughs a little. “But why Russia? There’s nothing there but snow and vodka.” You nod.
“It’s where I was born…”
“No way…” Alex scoffs. “You don’t look Russian. And you’ve only been here for what? Three years?”
“Almost.” You sigh a little. “About two years and eight months.”
“You literally never talk to anyone.” Jean says out loud, and you look up at her, your eyes daring her to continue. “How do you not have an accent?” Rude. Your eyes squint slightly.
“Okay, guys, next subject.” Kurt says, a little chuckle in the back of his throat. “Actually, what kind of pizzas are you guys wanting for tonight? I’m ordering this time.” He takes out his phone and opens a pizza ordering app.
“Can we get Hawaaian?”
“No, come on, meat lovers!”
“That's gross, why not just normal pepperoni?”
“Well I don’t like sauce.”
“I like alfredo.”
“Guys come on, just choose two. I’m getting two pizzas.”
“So get Hawaiian and meat lovers.”
“What about sauce?”
“Just get a sauce cup, or like five sauce cups? I love sauce.”
“Well I hate it.”
It was too much. Too much back and fourth, and you honestly couldn’t stand it. It was making your head whirr and your brain was pounding as they argue about something as simple as pizza. Then they start arguing about sodas and it’s just all this back and fourth. It was too much.
“Hey wait where are you going?” Alex is the first one to ask about your sudden leave as you get up from the ground and throw away your trash, but you don’t walk back towards them. “She’s not answering me.” He tells the rest of the group, as if it wasn’t already obvious.
You just don’t think you would’ve been able to muster one more word from their lips.
“Hey! Y/N, wait!” You hear Kurt's voice call after you and footsteps behind you, and your face heats up as he gets closer, your arms crossing as you try to console yourself. Then his fucking hand touching your shoulder and he turns you around, one hand on each of your shoulders as he tries to keep you steady, but it only freaks you the fuck out.
“Do NOT touch me!” You shout. The entire eating area goes quiet as each pair of eyes lands on you. Shit.
“Hey, uh… Calm down a little…”
“Do not tell me what to do…” You threaten, but it comes out as more of a warning.
“Well uh… you’re probably freaking everyone out with your hands right now…” What?
In your frustration, you hadn’t even realised you had pushed him off of you, his hands were up in defence, but his shirt had a burn hole in it that wasn’t there before.
Looking down at your hands, there was a red and blue glow emitting from your fingers all the way through your veins. You could only imagine how your eyes looked as you stared down at your hands in embarrassment. Oh, right. You can’t control your powers when you’re stressed, frustrated, sad, mad, happy. You always have to be just… neutral.
“Ms. Y/L/N!” Another voice calls and Professor Lehnsherr approaches you with a soft smile. “Come with me so you can cool down.” He tells you, gently placing his hand on your back to lead you out of the eating area before anything escalates.
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“Alright.” He sighs, and closes your bedroom door behind you. “Want to tell me what happened back there?” You shake your head. It would’ve sounded pathetic. “That’s okay. Oh honey, don’t sit down.” He holds a hand out to grab your arm but doesn’t, knowing damned well he would burn himself if he touched you. “You’ll burn the sheets.” He reminds you, and you take a few steps away from the bed, but bring your hands up to your face to rub your temples, attempting with all of your effort to control your breathing. Got it, so personal questions and constant back and forth conversations stress you out. You tell yourself. “So… I think you should spend the rest of the day to yourself and-”
“No. No, I have to go to class, remember I said I can’t skip anymore just because I can’t fix myself.” You tell him, reminding him of the first time you freaked out and made the promise.
“Y/N, it’s not about fixing yourself, it’s about controlling your emotions.”
“Well everyone else is able to! Why can’t I?”
“Because everyone in this school associates themselves with others.” You hate to say it, but he was right. Everyone else is used to public stress, because they constantly have it.
“Well I still cannot and will not skip the rest of the day.”
“Fine then. Skip just this fourth period, then go to fifth period, but if you feel like you’re not up for it, then send me a text and I’ll send your substitute a text also so he knows you’re not coming.” You don’t say anything. “Sounds good?”
“Yea. Yes. Uh huh, that- yes… that sounds good.”
“Okay, I’ll let Hank know you’re not up for fourth period, then like I said.” He makes his way to the door and holds the handle. “Let me know if you need the entire rest of the day off. Okay?” You nod and give him an ‘mhm,’ before he finally leaves.
Okay what normally calms you down..? You wonder, looking around your room and heading towards your desk to search for the little paper you write those types of things on. There was painting your nails, colouring books, sitting in your dark closet because there’s no sounds in there, and then there was a nice shower or bath. Cold, shower or bath of course. You decide you should just do that.
You roll down the sleeves of the jacket that you’ve had on all day, and then unzip it and throw it off into your dirty laundry basket. The bell for lunch had just rung, so the sound of other students chatting in the halls made way into your room. How you wish the walls and doors were thicker. You wonder as you begin to slide off your leggings, also discarding them in your laundry basket before walking into your bathroom and turning on the faucet, letting the water run cold as you step into the tub with your hair up so you could just relax in the water.
As soon as you’re done, you wrap a towel around your body and step out, perfect timing as the fourth class ends and the bell rings throughout the school walls. Then there’s that annoying whirring sound again as you stand in front of your desk, going through the clothes you’d swore you would go through that morning.
After choosing a plain blue sweater and another pair of black leggings, along with your matching set of panties and a bra, you hear yet another clicking sound, the same you heard from last night. You don’t remember hearing it earlier, so you again assume it’s your neighbours, doing something in their room during the ten minute passing period. Annoying. But you wonder what they could possibly be doing with a camera that loud, and that often. It did only start yesterday, so you hoped it would bore them out eventually.
After what felt like a thousand more clicks, on top of getting fully dressed, you decide you’d be able to make it to class. Your nerves were cool, and you didn’t feel as frustrated as before.
So after about a minute with your palm lying on the door handle, you finally had the courage to open the door with about two minutes left to make it to your fifth period, meditation.
Walking back into the halls felt like you were a fox on a bunny farm. All eyes were on you, and as usual, everyone was whispering about you. The only difference between now and before was they didn’t even try to hide that they were talking about you. If you hadn’t been so used to this scene, you would’ve already freaked the fuck out. So instead, you easily and quickly make it to your first class, having enough of the staring eyes.
“Everyone brought their mat today like they were asked to on Friday?” Logan, also substituting for your fifth period.
Everyone takes their mats out of their bag, including you and everyone rolls it out on the floor in their assigned spot. Surprising considering there was a sub. Then again, it was Wolverine. You sit in your assigned spot as well, but a little further away from everyone. Not everyone had been there for the scene that had unfolded during lunch of course, some people were inside the cafeteria. But you knew that by now the word had spread inside and outside of the mansion.
“Today, we’re going to just relax.” His voice softens a little, becoming nearly soothing. “First I’m going to have you all do some stretches though, so will Jean please come to the front to lead the stretches?” He asks, watching as Jean stands with her mat and faces the entire class on the floor before beginning the stretches, the entire class of about thirty people this time copying her.
You watch as she moves to lie on her stomach, and you follow her movements slowly, placing your palms in front of you and pushing up to stretch, then you follow along all the rest of her simple stretches before she finishes and moves her mat back to her original spot.
“Okay, now here’s the video Xavier said to play.” A video on youtube comes onto the projector screen of an elderly woman sitting on a purple mat with her legs crossed, then she speaks into her camera, asking everyone to copy what she does, then the video goes silent for a moment before the sounds of waterfalls and chirping birds play, attempting to put the viewers mind at ease as everyone's eyes close, to apparently rid their eyes of distractions.
You’re ten minutes in. It’s actually peaceful. You tell yourself with your eyes closed, still sitting with your legs crossed on the floor and your hands on your knees.
“Here.” You hear a voice behind you, prompting you to open your eyes. “No, no. Close your eyes and face forward.” He tells you, and you do. He’s quiet enough so only you could hear him over the waterfall and birds. Then you feel his palm press gently on the middle of your back, causing you to straighten your posture as you involuntarily try to escape his touch. “I heard what happened. I didn’t expect you to show up to fifth.” He admits, letting his palm rest on your lower back, just above your ass, and you take a deep breath. “How’re you feeling now?”
“Fine.” You whisper back, matching his quiet tone so as not to interrupt anyones meditation.
“That’s good. I was worrying about you. I noticed you skipped the fourth period.” You hear him move next to you, and you open your eyes just enough so he doesn’t notice. Instead of kneeling, he was now crouching next to you on your right. His left hand moves to your left shoulder. “But I’m glad you’re alright. Just let me know if you ever need anything.” Emphasising “Anything,”  making it clear that he’d kick ass just for someone looking at you wrong.
You nod slightly, then in your mostly closed eyes, you see him move closer to you. Flinching as his left hand gently holds the side of your head, your lips parting just slightly as you feel his lips touch your temple. A gesture that was supposed to feel sweet, but everything in you was saying it was sinister. Of course, being you, you throw the red flag out of your head and settle on him just being a good friend. I mean he’s your professor. Surely it wouldn’t be more than that.
The meditation session ends and everyone rolls up their mats and are immediately glued back to their phones or talking to their friends obnoxiously. You also of course are guilty, turning on your phone to no notifications to reply to, as usual- Wait. I have a text? You open your phone to see the text with Kurt's name right next to it.
Kurt Wagner: I’m hoping you’re still coming tonight?
You: I don’t know… I’m sorry about what happened earlier.
Kurt Wagner: Hey it was an accident, and I’ve been meaning to throw that shirt away anyways.
You: Oh, well I hope it was just the shirt. I didn’t burn you right?
Kurt Wagner: Luckily no. You’re such a worry bug.
You: Sorry…
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“Wait, where’s the pizza?” Alex is the first to notice as they all walk into the room, everyone eyes first landing on you sitting on Kurt's bed with your legs crossed.
“Well, turns out, Y/N doesn’t like pizza. So I got KFC, McDonalds, and Taco Bell.” Kurt explains, hopping off the bed and retrieving his TV remote. You didn’t even have a TV in your room. At least not anymore. “I know each of you likes at least one of these, so enjoy.” He tells them, turning back to see you snacking on a quesadilla.
“So what movie are we watching then?” Scott asks, grabbing a solid ten chicken pieces from the KFC bucket. “Have you guys pulled from the hat?”
“We have not.” He tells them, then disappears in his closet, reappearing a minute later with some fancy tophat that makes you smile a little. “Who wants to choose from the hat?”
“Make Y/N.”
“Yea, this is her first time, let her.”
“Just don’t let Scott choose, his hand is a magnet for Toy Story, and if I watch it again I’ll know the entire script by broken heart.”
“Okay, okay.” Kurt chuckles, holding the hat out in front of you and giving you an encouraging smile. “Lets let Y/N choose tonight then.” He says, and you angle your arm slightly to reach into the tophat and pull out the first piece of paper your fingers touch. “What did you get?”
They all stare at you as you open the little paper. “Finding Dory.” Your eyebrow quirks a little.
“Finally, we’ve been waiting for someone to choose that one.” Jean tells you and you roll the paper back up, handing it to Kurt and he puts it back in the hat then sets the hat on his desk.
“Alright, let's get this party started!”
Was the last thing anyone had said for over an hour, aside from Alex asking Jean if she was crying when baby Dory popped on the TV. So pretty much, the entire hang out was amazing so far. No complaints, no fighting, and best of all, you didn’t receive a single sidewards look.
Your phone buzzes in your pocket, drawing your attention from the movie and you turn the brightness on your phone down as if you’re in a movie theatre to check the notification. A text from Professor Lehnsherr.
Metal Head: Have you received my email? I’ve been worried.
You: Sorry I’ve been busy. I’m fine now though. My computer is in my room so I haven’t seen it.
Metal Head: Well when you get the chance, please check the attachments I’ve sent you asap.
You: Alright.
“Everything okay?” Kurt asks, crawling close to you as you begin to stand up from the floor.
“Yea, just Mr. Lehnsherr asked me to check my email asap, which also means now.”
“You’re probably the only person who doesn’t just call him Magneto.” He adds on. “Can I come with you? I’ve never been in your room.”
“It’s nothing special, but sure.” You both stand up, and you head for the door with him behind you. Opening the door and heading straight to your room.
As soon as you get inside and close the door behind Kurt, you open the laptop that’s sitting on your bed and you punch in the password to check your emails.
“It’s actually really… woodsy in here.” Kurt tells you, looking around your room in astonishment. “It’s funny how every student's room has a different vibe, yours smells like pine.” He sits next to you on the bed, the side of his thigh touching yours.
“He just sent me a bunch of attachments, he’s been really into my work on nanotech so whenever he has a question he emails them to me.” You shrug, typing back a response to his question saying ‘does nanotech make a sound?’
As you type out the response and finish sending it. Kurt speaks again. “What is that whirring sound?” He asks, looking down at you and you look up at him after closing your screen. Your faces uncomfortably close.
“I actually have no idea. It’s been happening since last night, I just assumed whoever's my neighbour got something that makes that sound or maybe the AC is acting up.” You shrug and he stands up, his pointy ears twitching slightly as he picks up your build-a-bear.
“Nobody is in that room… The student who was sleeping there left a few months ago.” He tells you and you slowly get off the bed. Approaching him as he holds the bear. “Y/N… Where did you get this?” You gently take the bear in your hands.
“From the mall… There’s a build-a-bear shop there.”
“The day you went with Professor Howlett?”
“Yes.” You squint your eyes in confusion. “Was this always there…?” You mumble.
“I don’t know, was it?” Kurt asks, looking down at the little bear's right eye which seemed to have a spec of a glowing red spot on it.
Some panic gets to you, setting deep in your stomach, making you want to vomit. Who would put a camera in your bear? You ask yourself, and Kurt verbally asks the same question. “I don’t know… I’m going to bring it to Professor Howlett though… He’s the one that helped me stuff it.” Kurt only nods, and you wrap the bear in a shirt before putting it on the shelf in your closet and closing the door, leaving the camera to watch the dark…
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aritsukemo · 24 days
Sick Days Chronicle | Pinky Promise | Shinobu Kocho
Summary: Sick days are the worst, but at least you get the pleasure of having your partner take time out of their otherwise busy schedule to take care of you! <3
Warnings: Nothing serious. Shinobu refers to you as 'dear' more than a few times. Also horrible and probably inaccurate medical descriptions ahead!
A/N: My first day at my first job was great despite me making so many mistakes! 😅 While I get used to my new schedule, please take this continuation of my sick day chronicles that I was finally able to finish!
Day One: Yuichiro Tokito | Day Two: Shinobu Kocho | Day Three: Muichiro Tokito | Day Four: Tanjiro Kamado | Day Five: Aoi Kanzaki
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"Take this twice a day for the next week and you'll feel much better," Shinobu, your doctor—who you were lucky enough to also call your girlfriend—instructed. Her gentle voice echoing in your head as you slowly digested and picked apart every little word that left her pink, glossed lips because who knows when the next time any words from her will be directed specifically at you.
You watch her every little movement. From the way she backs away to the way her polished hands kick up her butterfly-patterned haori just a little so that when she sits back on the stool, she doesn't sit on it to the way she involuntarily tugs at it, straightening it out as her hands slowly slide down the varying colors until they reach her thighs and the way she lays her hands diagonally on each thigh. You take note of how perfectly positioned they are and how they aren't slanted inwards to the point that it'd look uncomfortable, but aren't slanted too outwards to where it'd look like they're falling off the sides of her thighs.
As always, Shinobu has even the small things like how she sits perfected—or maybe you were just imagining it so that you'd have an excuse to suck in every little thing about her appearance. Maybe that's proof of just how starved you were of her..
And maybe, this is more proof of it, "Can you help me out?" You lift the cup just a little for emphasis on what you meant, being careful of the leaf-colored liquid sloshing around inside the cup.
She blinks and you can tell she's caught off guard by your question by the way her lips making a small 'o' before she quickly recovers and asks, "Of course, but may I ask why you couldn't yourself?"
"My arms feel weak," You threw out as she stood to her feet again, the two strands that frame her face swaying as she does so. She steps closer and leans in. Her cool, smooth hands encasing yours for a moment before they swiftly move to the cup and retreat with it. She then moved the cup to your lips and ever so slowly tilted it just as you tilted your head back a little.
"Is that so? They weren't bothering you before now. I hope this isn't the case, but are you coming down with more symptoms?" She asks, her tone honey sweet, but dipped in just enough sour worry that it makes the question come off less like a neutral fret or more like warm concern.
She waits patiently as she always does with everything and watches as you slowly drink down the bitter medicine. Being mindful to keep it at a low slant so that you can take in comfortable amounts at a time. It's only when you finish that she hastily rips the cup away from your lips.
"No other symptoms, just feel a little weak.." You reassure. It wasn't entirely false. Whatever you caught has made you feel more tired than usual whenever you did something. That exhaustion just wasn't very prominent in your arms, but she didn't need to know that.
You watch her tilt her head to the side. Not much, but enough for her self-made bangs to tilt—the one on the right bending just a tad when it meets her chin.
"Hm, it may just be fatigue, but I'll keep it in mind regardless. Let me now immediately if the feeling worsens, alright?" And then your heart tightens when you hear the slight fuzzy noise of her socks sliding against the smooth flooring—a small, but clear indication that she's about to turn around. An even clearer indication that she's about to leave.
"In case it is just fatigue, I think you should rest—" "Wait!" She pauses, half of her body turned towards the door including her head. That said, at your rather desperate call, she immediately turns, allowing you to catch the sight of her slim, pointy eyelashes falling from initially being raised up from surprise for the second time today.
"What's wrong? Do you feel any pain? Sudden dizziness?" She asks. Her tone strangled with sudden urgency that you've only heard a few times in the past. It reminds you of those small times of peace you two would share and that suffocating feeling of undeserved annoyance that would cage your heart whenever Aoi or one of the triplets would run in shouting about a patient in dire need of her attention. It also reminds of that empty feeling that would occur afterwards when that irritation dissipates as you watch Shinobu immediately leave your side while using that same semi-stern tone drenched all over the questions she shot out in hurry as she tries to access the severity of the situation.
It reminds you of her position. Of her title as the best medically-specialized demon slayer in all of the Demon Slayer Corps. A painful reminder that follows the realization of how important her time is to everyone and how you just wasted it by spewing lies for the sake of spending even a few more seconds of time with her.
In the end, you sigh at the realization that's finally plagued your mind; you were being very immature right now—something you know Shinobu despises with all her being and would certainly scold you or worse for if she found out the truth.
"Nevermind, it's nothing," You say, your tone sounding more defeated than you would've liked it to.
"Go on," One of your supposedly weak arm raises without trouble, your hand flicking up as you wave her off, "I'm sure you have many patients who need your attention.."
"Dear," You freeze. Your throat seems to as well because the air inside of it catches, unable to escape it's gummy confines. It causes your face to tingle, or at least, that's what you'd like to think. It's too embarrassing to admit that your face is growing warm because she referred to you by a common pet name—that she refers to everyone in—in a softer tone of voice..
She calls you again, "Dear," and you feel her cool touch all over as she cups her smooth hands over your rough ones. You hesitate, still deciding whether to pull away or stay and revel in her touch when she decides for you by tightening her grip—not having the strength enough to hurt you, but her grip is still firm, preventing you from easily pulling away. Not that the thought even crossed your mind to begin with.
"Are you alright?" She asks, "While I do believe part of it has to do with you falling under the weather, I've noticed you've been acting odd. Is there something you want to tell me?"
Gods, the way she's looking at you right now. Like a mermaid witnessing humans for the first time as they dance under the moonlight together. Like a goddess walking hand in hand along the heavans and looking up at their beloved Aphrodite herself. Her look was one so genuine and delicate that something as small as a frown from you could tranquish it; a scarce, fleeting expression that's completely foreign in comparison to the usual masks she tends to wear.
..And she's willing to let a shameless liar like yourself see it. Not one of the other Hashira, not Aoi or the triplets, not even Kanao. It was an expression made only for you. It was proof that even with so little time spent with each other, her love for you remains unwavering.
And here you were, lying to such a face because of such a silly reason..
"I.. I'm..alright," You tell her, your eyes darting to look everywhere but her face, "..My arm is too.." You sigh. Are you really doing this?
"I..lied to you when I said my arms were hurting.." Your eyes scrunch and close, waiting for the inevitable scolding or harsh words that you may, understandably, receive for wasting her time, but it never comes. Instead, you hear a light hum from her before she answers you as calm as ever, "Well, I obviously knew that."
Your eyes shoot open, the shock giving you the courage to look at her face at last, "Huh?" Again, one would think she would follow up with at least a light scolding, but it seems the time apart has caused you to forget just who Shinobu Kocho is; a woman who, even when fuming to the point steam comes out of her ears, would never take it out on someone—especially not a patient.
"It was obvious that you were lying. The type of muscle fatigue you describe tends to show itself in the early stages of an illness," She explains, "Plus, your body and face gave you away whenever you slightly moved your arms. Just now too. When you moved them, you showed zero struggle or signs of discomfort."
"I- I see.." Time really does make the mind grow weary for you to think that you could fool her, especially about something in her field of expertise. Even so, you can't find yourself saying that you'd never pull something like this again if a situation like this one ever called for it. That said, you end up changing the sentence that formed in your hand immeidately after it formed in your head, saying something entire different instead..
"I'm sorry for trying to trick you," Your eyes trail down to your hands which were still safely encased in hers—a grip feeling akin to icebergs, and yet, you don't pull away. Not when a touch like this one comes as often as a demon who's repulsed by human flesh.
"I'm not mad, I simply want to know your reason for lying in the first place." She further reassures.
"I.." Your tongue stills in your mouth, embarrassment creeping up your skin in the form of your blood again as it burns your cheeks and causes them to tingle and—although you're praying it wasn't noticeable—change colors.
"I just wanted to spend time with you..that's all.." You couldn't look up at her at first, but maybe you should've because it would've probably explained the expression you're seeing now; pink lips twisted up just enough to be noticed, but not enough for it to seem like her usual grins. Her eyebrows had fallen, making her eyes seem as soft as the furry creatures she despises so much. And what takes the cake is the cherry blossom blush painting her expression. Blush. She's blushing. You've never seen her blush before, but gods do you wish that you had sooner! She looks nothing short of ethereal. Like an oil painting..or a white dove spirit.
"Dear.." She calls in a hushed tone, the sudden raspiness overcoming that petname—that has quickly become your favorite word to hear her refer to you as—before a small, courteous laughter is breathed out from her lips and she shakes her head, taking note of her dual-colored bangs swaying side-to-side once again.
Then suddenly, she pulls her hands away from yours, releasing you from the spell she had casted on you. It saddened you. If you had the choice, you'd stay hypnotized by her sugary words, her honey-syrup laughter, and be enveloped by her icicle fingers for all of eternity..
"Whether you believe me or not, I also missed you greatly but I've been so busy that even my free time is spent in the presence of everyone in need of my help.." She holds out her hand to you again, but this time, just her dainty pinky finger sticks out as she says, "So, how about this; when you get better, come find me and we can go somewhere far away or hide away somewhere here for a little while. Just the two of us. Pinky Promise."
Your eyes linger on her pinky, eyes widening for nth time today. For someone known for her maturity, this was..surprisingly childish of her to do. At the same time, the scene before you felt so right. Like watching a queen put on her crown that was stolen from her or watching a demon slayer move to the next step of their training after spending months practicing..
And so, without a sense of regret or shame or embarrassment, you brought your hand up, stuck out your pinky, and allowed her to wrap her smaller, slimmer, one around yours—smiling as you return the favor and curl your pinky around hers.
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Dividers were made by me, pictures used are from Pinterest, post formatting is inspired by @xxsabitoxx
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colonelpancakes · 2 months
Watching the dragon prince season six episode four: The Starscraper. Under the cut as usual.
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I love Callum but how is he not frozen solid. Those fingerless gloves may be stylish but they are NOT insulating. Give my boy a coat.
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Ooh that’s a beautiful building. It does look a tad like a Minecraft beacon but, it's a very pretty Minecraft beacon
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Callum, why would you just stick your hand in? For all you know it’s like a forcefield or something and it zaps you!
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Okay, my question is what is the benefit of an elevator partially activating once you’ve read half the runes? That seems like a real safety hazard, like that seems like a magic bug that needs to be fixed.
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Woah, wait a minute! Interesting, some of the Celestial Elves seem to have wings that aren’t bird wings. That one in the back looks like they have bug wings. Can that happen with skywing elves? I guess bugs are also flying creatures that inhabit the sky so that would make sense. Hmm… I wonder if you can get Mage Wing bug wings…
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Aww. The leaflynx kitten is adorable but also the music is giving major flashbacks to the baby deer at the end of season two. Claudia. Claudia don’t you dare.
Also, glowing butterfly motif!
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Okay good. It seemed like her hand was almost acting out of her control, I wonder if this much dark magic is starting to like, impact her reflexes? Like she instinctively reaches for things even if she doesn’t consciously want to? Or maybe she’s just snapping herself out of it who knows.
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“Are you feeling alright?” “No, I’m not. I’m so messed up, Terry. I’ve been stuck, just staring, for over an hour now.” Oughhh Claudia, honey. Its good that she’s at least able to admit she’s not okay, that’s a good start.
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Oh, hey is Claudia starting to lean away from dark magic? Or, like, recognize that it’s not a good thing? That’s interesting, previously she’s been very adamant that dark magic is a good and useful invention, but now she seems to be realizing the negative effects it’s had on her? …Claudia redemption arc? 👀
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Skjslkajfdkl that is the exact same face that she made at Zym when she first met him. Some things never change.
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I love the little pose Callum does when he’s introducing him and Rayla, he’s so dorky I love him.
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Oh my God that escalated quickly. Not a friendly lot got it.
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No! Gosh dangit pearl stop rolling around!
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I find it interesting how after losing her dad, Claudia turns to Terry, her only present loved one, for instruction. She needs someone to tell her what to do, she needs someone to do things FOR. She went from following her dad's orders to working to save his life and now she doesn't have him to give her direction, she looks to Terry. When was the last time she did something for herself without someone's instructions?
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“Only you can decide the path you’re going to walk. You won’t be alone. I’ll clear out the thorny brambles if I see them, I’ll hold your hand as we trudge through wet, mucky leaves. But… you have to choose the way.” I love Terry so much he’s such a sweetheart. He clearly loves Claudia so much and he’s willing to stick with her through everything and anything, whatever happens.
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Claudia... Again, it's interesting, how, because she doesn’t know what she wants for herself, she defaults back to finding what her dad wants, thinking that if she looks at him, she’ll find some clarity and she’ll suddenly know what to do. She doesn't know what to do without her family because she's been doing things for them for her whole life.
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Aww. Okay, the leaflynx kitten is adorable but. Was I the only one alarmed by how big it is? Something about the perspective in earlier shots made me think it was a lot smaller somehow.
Also, I love the butterfly landing in Claudia's hair in the previous shot.
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No, I think Callum has a point here. They did just drop you from the top of the tower.
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Oh, hey! Kosmo has vitiligo! That’s cool, yay representation!
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Also, I haven’t mentioned it yet but I love Sneezle’s hanging out in Callum’s scarf it’s so cute.
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I love Sol Regem’s design he’s so big and menacing. Plus the lighting in this location is so beautiful, the way it illuminates him from behind like a dusky backlight is *mwah*
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Sooo, what are we thinking Sunseeds smell like? ‘Cause personally, I’m thinking freshly popped popcorn.
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Karim, man, he literally told you that his sight was unrelated to his lack of hope. I don’t know how you are surprised by this.
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Sksjlfakj poor Rayla.
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Ohh wow. This episode is really going off with the gorgeous scenery and lighting. The Starlooms are so beautiful and I love the name "starweaver spider".
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Oh! So that’s what the bug wings are! That’s really cool and such neat worldbuilding.
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Hey! It's the intro galaxy!
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Okay, that sounds cool in theory but I feel like in practice being Timeblind would kinda suck. I feel like that would just be like. Too much information at any given time it’d be hard to make connections with other people or like, enjoy day to day life.
Continued in reblogs as per usual!
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kiatheinsomniac · 1 year
hi kiaa!! i hope youre doing good and school is going good too :) dont overwork yourself pls girl 😩❤️
since requests are open i figured id come and request something!! how would the assassins (altair, ezio, connor, arno, and jacob) react to the reader being extremely sick? how would they take care of the reader? would they be scared of catching the sickness? etc etc. ❤️
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☾ ⋆ ゚𝐌𝐀𝐒𝐓𝐄𝐑𝐋𝐈𝐒𝐓 / 𝐑𝐔𝐋𝐄𝐒 𝐍𝐎𝐓𝐄𝐒: yeee, uni's been fine! i'm done until september now so all I really have to do is pray I've passed all my modules (looking at you, spanish and latin american culture and italian history) and do my summer reading for next year's modules <3 and i make sure to never overwork myself on my blog! i really like what i do here anyway so i can manage lots of writing hehe 𝐂𝐇𝐀𝐑𝐀𝐂𝐓𝐄𝐑𝐒: altaïr, ezio, connor, arno, jacob 𝐖𝐀𝐑𝐍𝐈𝐍𝐆𝐒: very slight angst in Jacob's part
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。・:*˚:✧。 altaïr ibn-la'ahad
♡ Altaïr takes a break from his work to look after you. When he knows you'll do alright on your own for a while, he'll go out to train for a few hours to stay in shape but that and cooking meals for you are the only times he'll be leaving your side.
♡ he'll do everything he can to keep your temperature normal whether it's tenderly wiping down your body with a cool, damp cloth while another is folded over your forehead or he's having to bundle you up with blankets while he spoon feeds you, he'll stay by your side to keep you company and will be reading books while you rest.
。・:*˚:✧。ezio auditore
♡ Ezio brings in whatever doctors he can find to look after you but he'll be hovering around in the meantime to make sure they're treating you well and being careful (he'll honestly treat you like you're made of glass).
♡ he'll stay by your side for as long as possible and even if he has to leave you in Claudia's or a doctor's care for the day, he's in the kitchen in the evening cooking meals that Maria taught him to make and then sitting on the edge of your bed to feed them to you while he asks how you've been and he tells you about his day.
。・:*˚:✧。ratonhnaké:ton | connor kenway
♡ Ratonhnhaké:ton will treat you himself for as much is in his ability to before he goes into town to call out a doctor to see you. He'll diligently follow any perscriptions that you're given and he'll put almost everything on hold to look after you. He grew up without a father, he lost his mother and his whole village - he's not going to lose you too.
♡ he'll make sure you get enough fresh air, enough water, enough to eat. He'll be making herbal concoctions for you to help you heal faster. He just wants to see you better again.
。・:*˚:✧。 arno dorian
♡ he calls in the best doctors he can right away. He doesn't want to leave your side and he'll take some time away from the brotherhood is he has to. He'll cook for you, light meals like soups or stews that are easier for you to eat in your current state.
♡ he'll read to you but he keeps his distance a little. He doesn't want the both of you to get sick because then he won't be able to look after you.
。・:*˚:✧。 jacob frye
♡ Jacob's never really been good at the caretaker role. Even when he was younger and Evie was ill, their father was the one to look after her while he was just left to his own devices. Jacob would always notice that he didn't receive the same level of emotional care from his father when he fell ill though.
♡ so, he calls in a doctor/nurse and follows all the instructions they give him to look after you. He doesn't care if he gets ill too, he'll cuddle with you and chat with you and he'll even sing quietly to you while cooling your forehead with a damp cloth or bundling you up in blankets. He'll basically care for you in every way he's advised and then in every way he noticed Evie got but he didn't from their father but he always wanted. He doesn't want you to feel the way he did.
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genshin-scenarios · 2 years
Highschool AU (Sumeru)
Summary: Like the title suggests, here are some highschool routes with some of the Sumeru characters! These got a little long, but hope you guys will enjoy them nevertheless!
Characters: Cyno, Tighnari, Alhaitham, Dehya
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He’s the resident ‘cool guy’ because of his personality and handsome features (if your classmates were to exaggerate and swoon, they’d say he has an aloof or calm charm to him).
Cyno is part of the student council’s patrol team (they just make their rounds to confirm nothing is going haywire in the school) - but on quieter days where you’re hanging out together, it’s not uncommon to see him stealing glances at a group playing his favorite card game.
Cyno’s aware that people tend to be intimidated by his presence, so he hesitates before you give him a supportive smile and loop elbows, dragging him there to help him join the fun. (Once he cracks a bad joke, everyone finally lowers their guards. They can tell just from the way he interacts with you that Cyno is a chill and good guy, so they invite him back to play again whenever he has time.)
Because of how he tends to attract attention, Cyno sometimes uses himself as a shield for you; if you’re feeling embarrassed or overwhelmed by attention (for whatever reason, be it coming into class midway late or teased for your mutual affections) - Cyno doesn’t hesitate to draw the attention back to himself to give you space to breathe.
He’s able to do it in such a lowkey way that people don’t suspect a thing, but one look towards you and you realize Cyno’s intentions. He sometimes drags Alhaitham down with him (picking a fight or randomly putting him on the spot), so it’s kind of amusing for himself too.
You once played the pocky game with Cyno in homeroom (urged by your classmates because of your obvious crushes on each other) and to your surprise Cyno turns towards you and asks if you’d like to (admittedly, he just kind of wanted to show that he was also interested in you)
–But after you got close enough to brush noses and he hears people rushing over to see what’s going on, Cyno backs off and grabs your hand, running out of the room to escape from your friends who’ve just arrived and are demanding he faces justice for doing such a thing to you (it’s all in good fun, Dehya and Tighnari are just annoyed that the one time Cyno makes a move, it’s one that’s going to make your short circuit really badly).
When you’re running away together (for both your sakes, the two of you are blushing like mad) - Cyno uses the hood of his jacket to cover his expression, trying to regain his train of thought. You finally find shelter in an empty classroom, where Cyno mistakes your flustered complexion as something medical: “Are you feeling alright? You’re feverish, maybe we should go to the nurse’s office.”
…Yeah, when it comes to matters of the heart, Cyno sometimes can be pretty daft because he’s worrying about your health or some other practical thing. Once you become more established though, you learn that he likes to end his goodbyes to you (after school or a date) by touching noses or foreheads. It’s definitely an endearing sign of support and trust, but you sometimes sneak in a kiss on his cheek just to see Cyno shy away in soft embarrassment.
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The pretty person you noticed once, studying at the library. Tighnari generally keeps to himself, but smiles a lot more when he’s with the friends he’s comfortable with, or instructing those genuinely interested in the gardening club. He sometimes gets invited to the science club after school to help with some projects, but prefers to relax for his extracurriculars after a long day of school.
…Oh, during the summer break though, Tighnari gets involved with much more active stuff. (Volunteering at a forest reserve, somehow having an encounter with wild animals and saving one of his juniors from a flock of birds. No matter where he goes, Tighnari’s sharp mind and no-nonsense attitude can really save the day.)
During the new academic year though, you end up in the same class with him as deskmates. Consequently, you’re paired up for class activities more often than not, allowing you to learn more about Tighnari; you admired him before, but now that you’re up close it’s hard not to become enamored.
His smart mouth and willingness to reject people outright (RIP student council that’s been trying to recruit him, Cyno has to remind them that pestering won’t help) is a sharp contrast to how soft his gaze can be at times. Once, Tighnari spotted you stuck at campus because it was a rainy day, and he walked over to offer to share an umbrella with you.
Ever since you got close, he still teases you about needing a ‘friendship certificate’ or something to assure you he does enjoy your company: “Should I include clauses underneath? ‘Tighnari agrees that by signing this, your existence does NOT annoy him, and–” “Alright I get it! Put that pen away!”
Likes to walk you home and maybe visit a cafe or bookstore on the way. If you pass by a stray cat, Tighnari definitely stops for a moment to greet it, but he doesn’t normally try to pet them unless they’re obviously friendly. It’s still cute though, how you’d see him crouching just to appear less tall to the cat and quietly observe it.
Tighnari is surprisingly attentive to your emotions or when you need help; passing you stationary when you forgot yours before you can even ask, and giving you a smile and nod if your energy levels seem low.
One occasion he’ll take to his grave though is when you fell asleep at the library, and Tighnari put his blazer around you so you wouldn’t be cold - while brushing a strand of your hair away so it doesn’t tickle you awake, he catches himself staring at your lashes and just how serene you look while asleep.
When you wake up Tighnari is scrolling through his phone next to you. He glances over and asks if you slept well, saying there’s a cat cafe he saw on instagram earlier if you want to check it out. (Totally wasn’t scrolling through socmed earlier to calm himself down for admiring you).
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Rivalry energy!! It doesn’t matter if you’re just competitive overall or just in one/two subjects you really love - you indirectly announced a war on Alhaitham after being inspired/annoyed (depends on you) by his matter-of-fact way of living. It’s not really intentional on his part, Alhaitham kind of just speaks so smartly that it becomes provoking to people like you and Kaveh.
One day you join forces though! After the student council put forward a plan for the school festival, the head-teachers vetoed it and asked them to draw up a more ‘serious’ one, because so far the plan seemed to lack focus on showing off the school’s academics compared to just being a fun festival.
Suffice to say, none of the student body took that without a fight. After much protest and debates with the teachers, Alhaitham finally took it upon himself to draw up a scheme to work around their requirements, when in reality it’s actually the original festival everyone wanted. (He prepared countermeasures for when you guys get caught)
He says he’s just doing this because he’s tired of everyone coming up to him (the student council’s secretary) with ideas of how to overthrow the teachers. Though no matter what Alhaitham’s own intentions are, it’s true that everyone’s touched that he hatched such a convoluted plan for your sakes.
Throughout this arc you definitely got a lot closer to him, seeing as you volunteered to help put his plan into action. A bit of your rivalry is still evident in meaningless arguments, but it changes from you being infuriated to quietly smiling and shaking your head after you part with him.
Unbeknownst to you, Alhaitham has grown used to your company. Sometimes he even sends people away and asks them to have you relay info to him instead, because you know how to get to the important bits (eventually you just become known as the person to find if anyone is looking for Alhaitham.)
Your ‘fights’ extend to the point of beefing outside of school, which is just a roundabout way to say that the excuses for your ‘not-dates’ are to challenge one-another’s tastes and competency (movie tastes, skill in the arcade, dinner… because you’re proper hosts with manners, yep.)
It’s unspoken knowledge that the both of you are together, though your friends (Alhaitham’s in particular) get exasperated when you’re not even hiding it anymore, but still never publicly made things official; even when you post a picture of yourselves on a ferris wheel ride with a beautiful night view, sitting much closer to one-another than you would’ve months ago, you’d just shrug and give them a playful smile when they ask how it’s going with Alhaitham.
Okay, so maybe you’ve turned a bit insufferable after getting close to him - but that’s just how it is, right? Couples adopting the traits of the other person? It just goes to show how comfortable you are now.
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Literally every sports club in your school is trying to recruit Dehya to their team. She’s nothing if not practical though, and is only officially in one that she dedicates her time to.
You stay behind to watch her practices and walk home with her! Ever supportive, Dehya was surprised you were serious after mentioning you’d like to do that. These days it doesn’t take more than a few glances around to find you helping out their manager as you wait.
Dehya is popular (she’s cool and sporty, everyone respects her strength), but it’s really her warm and down-to-earth nature that won you over as you slowly became friends. In turn, Dehya likes how genuine you are when it comes to supporting her in the things she does - maybe it’s that pretty smile or sparkle in your eyes when you look at her? She can’t bring herself to look away.
Similarly, she loves it when you ramble on and on about your interests. Even if she isn’t personally as passionate about them, she likes seeing you so lively when it comes to something you love. You’re each other’s rock, and that’s never been truer than the time you were going through a rough/stressful patch, and Dehya was right there by your side.
Everytime you bring it up and dramatically call her your hero, Dehya tries not to get embarrassed at the title and just tells you to treat her to lunch if you’re so thankful - well, that or if you’re expressing your thanks in a quiet moment, she just smiles her usual smile and clasps you on the shoulder, saying she’d do it again ten times over if it means you’ll come out of it alive.
Dehya is a realistic person, both in terms of her personal expectations and looking after those around her. She’ll notice if you haven’t been smiling as much in a while, and whenever you look after her in the same way she feels caught off-guard that you paid that much attention to her, but is grateful nonetheless. (“How could I say no to that? Sure, I’ll smile for you - just the thought that you noticed is enough to make me feel better.”)
Once you were in the same team for a relay race during sports day, and after your team won Dehya doesn’t stop running, instead turning around so that she can pick you up in a celebratory hug. No matter how many times she’s proven she can carry you, it still makes your heart skip when she sweeps you off your feet.
Bike rides with Dehya through the city!! She has a license and was worried about your safety at first, but after you showed that you really enjoyed it and asked if you could do this together again, she can’t bring it in herself to deny you. Just don’t do something over-the-top like buy a bouquet to greet her, alright? She doesn’t know how to react to that sort of thing - though if the darkening blush on her cheeks is any indication, Dehya isn’t too opposed to your gestures of affection either.
“See? The flower in your hair brings out the color of your eyes!” If not you, who else would Dehya fall head over heels for?
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Hi! I’m a long time reader for both you and saeth and joined tumblr so I could read more of your works. I’m hoping this is the correct way to submit a prompt and if not please ignore!
I would love to see more scheming Alec. Maybe he sees magnus come to the institute to update the wards as a kid and he knew that this is his One Love (which is rare for nephilim hence political marriages). so Alec plots to meet Magnus and/or convince magnus to keep him
Thank you for all your lovely works!
thats really sweet! and this was fine, you did great and actually this is the kick off to a new verse because i have another 3-5 asks abouts manipulative/scheming alec as well. it's called the craft of adoration
i hope you enjoy!
“Are you alright?” Jace asks and Alec nods, ignoring Jace in a way he rarely does before shooing him along.
“I’m fine, just paperwork.” Alec says and he gives the grimace he always tries to hide when Maryse is giving him extra work. Jace relaxes at the normal byplay and Alec watches him leave carefully and then he turns, breathless.
Alec knew that his parents wanted them out of the Institute because the High Warlock of Brooklyn was coming over, but while he was fine if not a little annoyed at their instructions before, he’s now livid.
Alec could have missed seeing and realizing the most perfect being in the universe already existed.
Magnus Bane is everything Alec’s never let himself desire or dream of and standing there, standing up to Alec’s mom, he’s the only person Alec can ever imagine wanting.
Maryse is biting out vitriol and Magnus Bane is matching her barb for barb, a dark, pointed smirk on his face as he lays Alec’s mother bare to the world with only his words.
Unlike Maryse, his tone remains even and cool and even when he raises it, it never becomes the yell that Robert's voice does.
Alec carefully remembers his words and where he wounds Maryse, and he holds his breathe and leaves. He refuses to let Magnus meet him like this. Alec is fifteen, he’s practically a child compared to a High Warlock and he has nothing impressive to his name.
It’s with renewed passion that Alec returns to his studies and the next time Izzy and Jace try to goad him into letting them get away with anything, he thinks of brown eyes that flash gold and shakes his head.
It’s not difficult to manipulate Robert, now that Alec knows what to look for. It’s almost worse, realizing that Robert is expecting Alec to help him hide his affair, not that Alec is going to blackmail him.
“I don’t want the Lightwood name.” Alec says again, for the third time since he’s sat down with Robert. “I’ll be the Trueblood heir, but I won’t be the Lightwood heir.” Alec smirks, “you can have Jace or Izzy be your heir, you don’t need me.”
The Lightwood name is more heavily tarnished than Alec realized at first and while Alec won’t hide who his parents are, he’ll change his last name if it means ensuring Magnus at least looks twice at him.
The separation is quiet and Maryse is contemplative in the months that follow but Alec doesn’t worry about it, too focused on forging connections with other young and political nephilim. He’s back and forth between New York and Idris a ridiculous amount, but it’s worth it. 
Alec is known and knows all the heirs of the next families and the Institutes. Perhaps he doesn’t have friends, but he doesn’t need those just yet, not when he might have to get rid of them if they interfered.
Alec is impatient and he knows he is. He only saw Magnus back then for a few minutes but Alec knows his heart and it’s may not love at first sight, but Magnus is the only one Alec’s heart will ever beat for.
Alec uses that impatience to build his reputation and his skills and as a reason to gently let Jace down when his brother hopes to become parabatai.  Alec won’t take any chances with Magnus not being interested.
Alec gets tall and he gets strong and he focuses on knowing as much as he can because whatever Magnus needs or wants, Alec is going to ensure he achieves it.
There is not room for failure on his list and it’s not an accident that during Alec’s evaluation, Camille Belcourt is caught breaking the accords. The new leader is Raphael Santiago and Alec introduces himself casually, with a politeness that he doesn’t even give the clave. It’s easy enough when Alec remembers that this will be important to Magnus. That Camille is no longer a threat and that someday, Alec can offer her eternally preserved heart that rests in a chest in Alec’s room.  A present for whenever he finally sees Magnus again.
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“Until we Meet Again”- Spencer Reidx fem!Reader
Requests are open again!
Unsub! Spencer Reid x fem!Reader
WARNINGS: kinda a lot of build-up, 18+, Smut, Mentions of Blood, Violence, Mentions of Weapons(Guns, Knives, etc.), Canon-Typical Violence, Knife Kink, Oral (fem receiving), Kidnapping, Slight Non-Con (if you squint), Pet Names (Baby, Angel, Princess), mentions of rape/murder/pedophilia, slight angst, not proof-read
If I forgot anything above please let me know!!
Summary: Spencer Reid, one of the BAU’s most prized agents, is on a killing spree. He is killing people who he deems are “bad people”. You can’t exactly say he is wrong, however, as he is killing pedophiles, rapists, and murderers who otherwise would walk. Nevertheless, you and the rest of the team are finally catching up to him, and he is not happy.
The team stepped off the plane, the cool Chicago air chilling your skin. Emily had made a connection at the last murder site that linked Spencer to a hotel on Michigan Ave. in Chicago. You had a sneaking suspicion that this was a trap, or that Spencer had somehow planned for Emily, or anyone for that matter, to find the connection. It wasn’t a difficult one to make, as he always used the victim’s credit cards to buy something, this time it just happened to be a hotel room, a suit at the Warwick Allerton Hotel. The last victim was a rapist. He had videos in his apartment of multiple young girls, and photobooks of even more children of all genders. Reid had castrated him with a steak knife, slitting his throat afterward. 
The team walked over to the black unmarked SUVs and got in, heading to the Chicago Police Department to prep the officers on the profile, and how you are planning to take him down. You also needed to make sure the police stay out of the way, as you can’t let him slip away yet again. 
When you got to the Department, at least fifteen officers were waiting for instructions. The officers quieted down as you headed toward the room’s front. 
“Alright, we don’t have much time, so we are going to have to make this quick,” Rossi started in his usual serious tone, “Spencer Reid is an ex-profiler for the Behavioral Analysis Unit of the FBI. He is above intelligent. He is a literal genius, which means he is most likely already three steps ahead of whatever we do. This means we need to be extra cautious when making an arrest, or even attempting to come into contact with him.”
Emily jumped in then, “Spencer is what we call a vigilante. He believes that this is the only way for justice to be served. So far, his victims have been murderers, rapists, and pedophiles, all that have flown under the radar, or were found ‘not guilty’ when brought to trial. He personally believes that the FBI and police aren’t doing enough to help bring people to justice, and by trying to stop him we are proving that we don’t want justice. We are his number one enemy, and he will do anything to stop us.”
“The main thing you need to remember is that he will not refrain from harming or killing an officer or agent. He is a vigilante and wants justice. He will stop at nothing to get it, not even at killing innocent people,” Tara said.
You spoke up then, “If we let him get away now, it may take months, or even years to catch him again. Make no mistakes, and don’t make any moves without referencing an agent or superior first.”
As the team began to suit up, putting on the heavy bulletproof vests and earpieces, Penelope sorted through the hotel registry to see which floor and room number Spencer was, hopefully, located in. 
Penelope spoke, “He is on floor 42, and in room 432. Ooh, go, Reid, it’s a Suite.”
At once, one of the police department’s phones rang. An officer picked it up, and you could see as his face went pale, and terrified eyes darted to your team, pleading for assistance. You quickly sped over to him, grabbed the phone from his hand, and waited.
“Hello Y/N. I can’t wait to see you again. You will be coming to see me, yes?” Spencer’s voice, rough through the receiver, sang to your ears.
You spoke loudly, hoping to get your team’s attention, “Hi, Spence. I think you know the answer to that question, yes?”
Spencer hummed amusingly through the phone, and you swore you could hear his smirk. “Trying to alert the team, Princess? Don’t be stupid. I don’t want to hurt any of you, but I will, okay? Put Rossi on the phone, tell him it’s about Joy.”
You did so, Rossi’s face dropping, guilt flooding your veins for worrying the man.
A few moments later, he hung up the phone.
“We will be sending in agent Y/L/N alone first. This will give us more time to set up a cohesive plan and will make sure Reid stays where we want him,” Rossi said, looking directly at you.
JJ spoke up,” That is insane. We can’t send her in alone like that! He could kill her.”
“He directly said no agents or officers will be harmed, and he will go peacefully if we allow him to speak with her alone, no bugs, no wires, no cameras,” Rossi said, still staring at you as if asking for permission.
A million thoughts raced through your mind as your heart pounded. Obviously, the most logical thing was to think that Reid either wanted to negotiate or kill you, but you couldn’t help but wonder if he wanted more. Before Spencer became an Unsub, you had a small thing for him, and you felt there had always been tension, but nothing ever came of it. What if- You stopped yourself. This was a murderer. This wasn’t the Spencer you once knew. He wasn’t a friend or an innocent crush anymore. He was a criminal.
You nodded towards Rossi, indicating you would accept the insane offer to be with Reid alone. 
About an hour later, after being thoroughly briefed by Rossi and the rest of the team, you were standing outside of Reid’s hotel room. Thoughts of doubt and worry flooded your mind. Anxiety coursed through your blood. 
You knocked on the door. 
Footsteps could be heard on the other side of the door. 
The lock on the door unhooked with a clink of metal against metal, and the door opened with a slight creak.
The man you had trusted with your life for so many years appeared behind the door with a small smile and softly said, “Hey, Y/N. Long time no see, huh?”
Emotions flooded through you. A mix of betrayal, sadness, hope, fear, and happiness jumbled around in your brain. You didn’t even think about what you were doing before you launched yourself forward, tears filling your eyes as you hugged him.
Spencer let out a quiet giggle and wrapped his arms around you. He pulled you inside the hotel room and closed the door with his foot, only pulling away from you because he needed to lock the door.
You pulled yourself together, wiping your tears with the back of your hand as you remembered why you were here in the first place.
“You know, I kind of thought you would be angry with me, but I guess not,” Spencer voiced, a smirk barely visible on his face.
You scoffed, “Angry? Angry doesn’t even begin to cover it, Reid. You have killed people. Killed them. That doesn’t make me angry. That makes me hate you. That makes me feel devastated. You were my friend! You betrayed me the moment you killed the first victim. You-” 
You were cut off as Spencer kissed your lips softly at first, then more harshly as he began to push you up against the door. You were caught off guard, unable to immediately react, giving him time to pin your arms to your sides, and force your legs to the door, making you unable to move.
You struggled as you came to your senses, shaking your head, and causing him to stop kissing you. He looked down at you with a look that made a chill run down your spine. 
“Princess, we don’t have much time before our agent friends break down this door, so can we skip the act and just admit you want this? That you want me?” Spencer said in a condescending tone.
“I- I don’t. Get off of me, Spence. Now,“ You muttered, not believing the words leaving your mouth. 
You did want this. You wanted Spencer to kiss you, to use his long, slender fingers to make you feel amazing.
Spencer let you go, “Fine, I can wait. You think I didn’t know how you would stare at me while we were on the plane? How you would tell Derek and Emily how much you adored me? How cute you thought I was? Do you really think I’m oblivious Y/N? I know what you want me to do to you right now. You want me to show you what I’ve learned since you saw me last, correct?”
You nodded your head yes, hating the way he could make you crumble in an instant.
In a blur Spencer grabbed you by the waist, his eyes never leaving yours, and shoved you onto the neat hotel bed. His tongue darted out to wet his lips, looking at you with hunger in his eyes. You were frozen in place, unable to think clearly. You knew that your team would be horrified to know what you were doing, but on the other hand, you had been waiting years for this. You had shoved down your stupid little crush for years, and he was finally reciprocating your feelings. Why would you turn him down? It isn’t like he was a rapist or child molester. As far as you were concerned, he was doing everyone a favor. 
Spencer spoke, pulling you out of your conflicting thoughts, “Strip. Now.”
You were somewhat surprised at his commanding tone. He had never been like this until after Mexico. Until he “went bad” as Rossi used to say.
It wasn’t until he huffed and started to undo the button on your jeans that you even comprehended what he had said.
“Can’t do anything by yourself, can you, princess?” Spencer grumbled, slightly smirking.
He undid the button, and unzipped your jeans, yanking them off of you and throwing them across the room. Next, he decided to start to take off your shirt. You lifted your arms so he could take them off, and left you in your bra and panties. 
Suddenly, you realized just how exposed you were, and how absolutely stupid this was. Did you crave his touch? Absolutely you did, but he was a criminal, and you had absolutely no idea what he was capable of.
Spencer must have noticed how you felt, as he dropped his dominant façade and reached out to cup your cheek, his soft hand caressing your face. 
“You don’t have to do this, Y/N. I won’t force you to do anything you don’t want to do, okay?” Spencer softly spoke.
This confirmed it. You wanted him. As you just saw, the “old Spencer” was still in there, and he would never hurt you. You wanted him.
You grabbed his face, pulling him to your lips, kissing him. His tongue toyed at your bottom lip, asking for permission to enter your mouth. You parted your lips just enough for his tongue to enter, his hands lowering to grab at your hips. Your fingers played with the hair at the nape of his neck, slightly tugging at the curls. He whimpered slightly. Definitely still Spencer.
He broke the kiss, leaning backward to unzip his pants, pulling them down along with his boxers, revealing his long, and painfully hard member. The corners of his mouth twitched upwards at your reaction. 
He quickly took off your bra and ripped off your panties, throwing them both over his shoulder onto the hotel floor. He spread your legs with his hands and lined himself up with your wet entrance. He pushed himself in all the way, not giving you enough time to adjust before beginning to thrust at an even pace. You both let out a loud moan. The pain slowly subsided into pure pleasure, and Spencer let out small grunts as he thrusted into you faster.
“Spence! Yes!” You moaned out, pleasure overtaking all of your other senses. 
The only other sound besides your moaning was the sound of skin-on-skin contact, and the wet sounds you made as Spencer pounded into you.
“I’m so close, angel. Come on baby, come with me,” Spencer grunted out, his thrusts getting sloppy. 
Your core tightened as his seed spilled into you, causing you to see stars. You both moaned loudly, pleasure overtaking both of you.
Spencer slowly pulled out of you, his hair sticking to his face, panting. His cum started to leak out of you, and he quickly took two fingers and pushed it back into you, causing you to become a whimpering mess. 
He chuckled, and pulled up his pants, buttoning them and zipping them back up. He quickly went around and gathered your clothes that were strewn around the room. He came back and started to redress you. You tried to push him off, wanting to sleep, but he continued.
“Sweetheart, I need you to be dressed, okay. The team will bust in here soon, and I can’t have you all fucked-out, alright?” Spencer sweetly spoke. 
You nodded in agreement, and “helped” him dress you. 
When you were dressed, Spencer grabbed his bag, taking out a knife. Your heart dropped, and quickly came back to life, your mind clearing completely.
“Spence? What are you doing?” Fear leaked out of your voice.
Spencer spoke in a condescending voice as he walked over to you, “Princess, I’m escaping. I’d love to see everyone, but that just isn’t possible. I really, really like you, so I’m not going to kill you, but this might sting.”
You whimpered, backing up until your back hits the headboard. Tears started to fill your eyes, and all of your BAU training went out the window.
“Shh, I can’t just walk out of here, leaving you unharmed. If I did that, you would end up having a lot of questions aimed at you, Y/L/N. So, if you really think about it, this is in your best interest,” Spencer spoke, looming over you.
He smiled and pushed your hair out of your face, plunging the knife into your stomach. You cried out, tears falling down your cheeks now. He kissed your forehead before slightly twisting the knife, causing a sharp pain to flood through your abdomen. He slipped the knife out of you and wiped it onto the bed sheets before throwing it into his duffel bag.
“Hopefully we’ll see each other again, but for now, goodbye,” Spencer said, walking out of the door to the room, leaving you to, hopefully not, bleed out on the bed.
A few minutes go by of you trying to get to the door, continually falling to the ground, staining the ground with your blood. Your vision starts to go blurry, and before you pass out, you see your team kick down the door and run to you.
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littlest-w01f · 27 days
Elain x Rheana (See Rheana here)
For @elainarcheronweek
Elain Week 2024 Masterlist
Day 1: Visions
Summary: Rheana wanted to see how far Elain's powers could help her in battle after teaching her some moves to defend herself.
Cw: Fighting, magic, a little blood
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Everything was different about the new night, mostly because Elain had been given weapons. She was against the idea of carrying around a sword so Rheana had provided her with a few knives and daggers to pick from, Elain knew that battle was coming, with everything surrounding the mortal queen's death after the Blood Rite by Nesta, Beron's league with the Death God, whatever it was that Eris was secretly planning. She knew that another war was coming, so she had taken up Rheana on her offer to teach her some defence since offence wasn't her style, it was only their third training that Elain had a dagger with her.
She stood in her gardens, the nervousness knawing at her. Elain's fingers danced over the hilt of the dagger, her heart pounding like a drum in her chest. The cool metal offered little comfort as she felt the weight of impending danger pressing down on her. Despite her reservations, she knew she needed this training. It was more than just self-defence now, it was survival.
Rheana watched her student intently, noting every twitch of anxiety and each hesitant movement. She was a patient teacher, understanding the need for caution when dealing with someone who had never had any training before.
"Relax your grip," Rheana instructed gently, "you're not trying to strangle the blade." Her voice was calm and soothing, but there was an underlying steel in her tone that spoke volumes about her own experience in combat.
Elain took a deep breath, relaxing her grip on the Illyrian dagger. "Okay... How... How do we do this?"
"We start with hand to hand combat like always." Rheana gave a reassuring grin, watching Elain stand in a correct stance, "Remember, the best offence is a good defence. Simple moves like I've shown you before, alright?"
Rheana circled Elain slowly, her eyes locked onto her student's form. With lightning speed, she lunged forward, aiming a punch towards Elain's ribs. At the last second, Rheana pulled back her punches as much as she could, allowing Elain to practice her evasion techniques.
Elain reacted instinctively, shifting her weight to the side and raising her arms to block the incoming blow. The movement wasn't as clumsy and slow as before but not well enough compared to Rheana's fluid grace, but it was a start.
Rheana nodded approvingly, "Good girl." Rheana praised the second time Elain evaded her attack, and then the third. "A little tougher now. Again!"
Elain stepped back again to move out of the way of the punch, but Rheana swiftly landed another punch to her gut. Elain doubled over, gasping for air as pain exploded in her abdomen. Tears pricked at the corners of her eyes but she blinked them away stubbornly, refusing to let them fall. Rheana was right beside her in an instant, steadying Elain with a firm hand on her shoulder.
"I'm sorry," Rheana apologized sincerely, "Are you alright?" Her brow furrowed with concern as she examined Elain's face closely, she was holding back her punches, but those hits would still bruise her.
Elain looked pale and shaken but determined to continue. "No, no I'm fine," Elain insisted through gritted teeth, straightening up slowly. "Let's try again." She stood in her proper stance again. This time, she would be ready. This time, she wouldn't fail.
"You are a seer." Rheana said firmly, "The Cauldron gave you the ability to see the future. You can see my move before I make it."
"I don't know how!" Elain gasped, moving out of the way of Rheana's punch.
Rheana winnowed behind the female, "You've pushed your power down without even knowing it." Elain stumbled back when Rheana was behind him, "Fell your power. It's not good for you to not suppress yourself."
Elain turned around, her chest heaving as she tried to catch her breath. Her eyes were wide with surprise and a hint of fear. She hadn't expected Rheana to bring up her abilities during their defence sessions, she hadn't before. She swallowed hard, forcing herself to focus on Rheana's words rather than the pain radiating from her midsection. "How do I feel my powers? What does it even mean to 'feel' them?"
"It means trusting your instincts, trusting your intuition." She explained, stepping closer to Elain and placing a comforting hand on her shoulder. "Your powers aren't something you should fear, they're part of who you are."
Elain closed her eyes, focusing inward. She reached out with her mind, searching for that familiar tingle of magic that always accompanied her. At first, there was nothing, only the sound of her own ragged breathing and the distant chirping of birdsong. Help me, I'm sorry I pushed you away, please. She begged herself.
Then, a flicker. A shimmering thread of energy unfurled deep within her core. It pulsed with warmth and vitality, thrumming in time with her heartbeat. Elain grasped hold of it mentally, drawing it upwards and outwards until it suffused her entire being with its radiant glow.
Opening her eyes, Elain saw the world transformed. Colours were brighter, edges sharper. Most importantly, she could perceive the faintest outline of Rheana's where she wasn't even standing, like a ghostly echo playing out ahead of reality itself.
Rheana took a step back when Elain opened her eyes, the seer's eyes were milky white, leaving a soft exhale, there was something about Elain now, almost ethereal in her appearance. Rheana's expression was a mix of awe and trepidation as she beheld Elain in this state. She had seen very few seers throughout her life, but enough to know one who was mastering their abilities to such a degree at the first try, but then again, Elain was Made, different.
"You've done it," Rheana breathed, her voice barely above a whisper. "You've truly connected with your powers."
Elain's gaze drifted back to Rheana, her vision still tinged with that otherworldly glow. She could sense the Illyrian warrior's movements before they happened, Rheana was standing still, but Elain could see a faint move in three different directions, a silent dance unfolding in the space between them. It was both exhilarating and unnerving, this newfound awareness, when this had happened for the first time, she had been pushed away in her own mind, but now she was her power, she could feel her control.
"What happens now?" Elain asked, her voice airy slightly as she struggled to comprehend the magnitude of her discovery. "Will I always see like this?"
"You're in control now." Rheana smirked, lunging forward.
Everything zeroed in on one of the visons in Elain's eyes, with a sigh she saw it all, how Rheana was aiming for her jaw, then she saw herself evading it, getting hit, hitting Rheana back. She was floating in the possibilities of the future, while standing in the present.
In the blink of an eye, Rheana's fist streaked towards Elain's jaw, the young seer sidestepped neatly, allowing the punch to whiff harmlessly past her. But instead of dodging entirely, she pivoted gracefully, extending her elbow in a sweeping hit aimed squarely at Rheana's side.
The impact was barely hurting for Rheana, some impacts barely tickled. But the unexpected move had thrown off her timing, and the sight of Elain so fully embracing her abilities made her smile nonetheless. "Well fought," Rheana complimented with a genuine smile, "That's the spirit!"
Rheana lunged at Elain again, strike, strike, strike, she let a little of her control go with each hit. Hitting harder. Elain could see her future, see where she would hit, how she would hit, she moved out of the way or block the attack.
With every passing moment, the attacks grew more powerful and more aggressive. Rheana's strikes were landing with jarring force, each one causing Elain's body to jerk under the impact. Still, she managed to dodge and weave out of the way, her connection to her powers guiding her every move.
Elain's body ached with each blow she took, her skin was marred with red marks where Rheana's fists had still managed to strike in the times when Elain took too long to react. But with every strike that did hit her, there were plenty she dogged and blocked. She was lost in her visions, not thinking before following through.
As her body moved without thinking, turning and twisting around Rheana, the dagger in her belt was in her hand, aimed for Rheana's chest and in a blink, it was embedded in Rheana's forearm from where she'd dodged the attack.
Rheana stumbled backwards, her forearm throbbing where the blade had sunk into her muscular arm. The seer's eyes widened in shock, her lovely brown eyes replacing the milky emptiness, her heart pounding wildly against her ribcage. She'd never intended to hurt Rheana, yet here she was, the knife Rheana had given her sticking out of her arms.
"Rhea!" Elain cried out, approaching the wounded female. "I… I didn't mean…" Her voice trailed off, delicately holding the female's arm.
"Hey... It's alright..." Rheana said softly, pulling the knife out, black blood coating the knife as none spilt from the already healing wound. "See... I'm not hurt."
Elain watched in amazement as the wound quickly knitted itself shut, leaving nothing in its wake. She released a shuddering breath, relief flooding through her veins. "Thank the gods," she whispered.
"But what if I hadn't healed so fast?" Rheana questioned gently, her tone serious despite no accusation in her voice. "What if it had been someone else, someplace more vital? You have to learn to control these impulses, Elain. Your visions may guide you, but you must still think before acting upon them. You can weave the future of yourself in any way you want, but you need to think with every move." She stepped closer, cupping Elain's chin tenderly, looking over the gentle healed skin, making the female look up at her. "I understand the thrill of tapping into your powers so fully more than anyone, but you cannot allow it to consume you. Next time we'll train restraint, little seer."
Elain nodded, feeling the shimmer of her powers roaring in her. Despite not wanting to attack Rheana, listening to her powers had her feeling more confident, it had her feeling stronger. "I'll practice... Be better."
Rheana smiled warmly, pleased by Elain's response. She knew all too well the temptation of letting one's powers guide them, the intoxicating rush of surrendering control to something greater than oneself. But she also knew the dangers that came with losing oneself in those powers, and the potential for harm to oneself and others.
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{General Taglist- @nox-ceur @lilah-asteria @paleidiot @dee-writes-smut @adalia-jaycee @anarchiii @alwayshave-faith @velarisnightsky444 @minnieoo}
{Flames and Darkness Taglist - @anuttellaa @tuggboatfishin @inloveallthetime}
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wooahaes · 1 year
working together
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pairing: non-idol!vernon x gn!reader
genre: fluff <3
word count: 0.8k~
warnings: vernon being goofy <3 (he struggles with putting up a tent but he's cute about it). food mentions.
daisy's notes: i've actually never been camping tbh
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Vernon was a man of many talents… but putting up a tent apparently wasn’t one of them.
He’d been fumbling with the instructions for a while now, and the stupid thing had collapsed on him yet again because he swore something was missing. Yet he heard the sound of your laugh growing closer, apparently having returned from getting the cooler out of the car. He had insisted that he could do this entirely on his own (and he could, he swore that he could, he was just… missing something that was probably obvious). He moved to lift the collapsed tent off of his head, peeking up at you with this shy smile on his face that he couldn’t fight off. Not when he heard your laugh, so full of love for the man that you fell in love with (even if he was kind of a mess in this moment). 
“Alright,” you said once your laughter had quelled. “Give me a sec and I’ll help.”
Thank god. If he was ever stuck on anything, he swore you had some sort of solution. Even if it was something you didn’t know much about, you’d always be there to give him some guidance in the form of making him take a break despite his insistence that he could do it if he tried harder. He knew just as well as you did that forcing himself to keep working never worked, but sometimes his own frustration was louder than logic. You had always told him there was no shame in that: it just meant he needed people who could pull him back when those moments arose. You or Seungkwan or any number of his friends knew how to keep him out of his own head, just like he’d learned how to keep all of you out of yours. 
He watched you set the cooler down after gauging a good spot for it, and then you made your way over, kneeling down to help him start this over again. With your help, the two of you finally managed to pitch the tent, sitting inside of it for a moment to admire the hard work. Maybe it was a little more your work than his own, but he was happy to hand things to you and find the missing piece he couldn’t find earlier.
“Sorry I suck at this,” he said while he was checking his phone.
“Don’t say that!” You pouted, and it earned a laugh from him. “You’re good at things—plus that piece rolled away from you. I wouldn’t have been able to do it without you there to help.”
“You sound like Jihoon—”
You swatted at his arm, “I mean it! You don’t ‘suck at this’ as far as I know. You could have done it if it didn’t get away from you.”
“I don’t need validation—”
“You’re perfect,” you pulled him over, wrapping your arms around him. “And smart. And incredibly funny, and cool, and—”
He laughed a little, snuggling in. You were wearing one of his larger hoodies, yet he could smell your body spray clinging to it and your skin. Maybe he’d steal this one back from you later, then. “And?”
“I’ll make army stew to celebrate,” you giggled. Ah. That was all you wanted to say: you didn’t make army stew often, but he wasn’t going to argue with you if you wanted to make good food to ‘celebrate’ this little moment. Maybe he’d tease you later for picking the tent as something to celebrate over your upcoming anniversary.
He wrapped his arms around you. “You want me to help?”
Immediately, he felt you tense up, and he laughed. “I’m good.”
“I thought you said I was perfect—”
You kissed him quickly, wiggling your way out of his arms. “You are! But your cooking…”
Another peal of laughter erupted from him as you escaped. He scrambled up to follow you, shoving the tent’s opening out of his way, “Hey! At least let me help with something! I can boil the noodles!”
“No need! I’ve got it!”
You’d taken off running back to the car, keys tucked into your hand, with the plan of getting whatever you’d left behind. Vernon just smiled to himself, sitting atop the cooler as he admired what the two of you had set up so far. If nothing else… He was great at hyping you up for things… Including doing so in his job as professional taste tester for your cooking alone. He applied based on his ‘advanced tastebuds’ for all things that you made. You told him he got the job because of his looks (his facial expressions, but he liked the loud, playfully offended ‘hey!’ whenever he said it like that instead).
Yeah… He could definitely enjoy this trip with you as long as you had his back.
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taglist: @twancingyunhao @wonuziex @staranghae @synthetickitsune @weird-bookworm
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imqueerandadeer · 2 months
Okay it's time again for rants and personal stories no one fucking asked for. Todays topic: How fucking rampant and normalized ableism is, with comments from @pansgoobernonsense as usual.
Really long post ahead guys you've been warned.
The reason it has been featured in the last post and now this one is because it's also ND and Asian and I wanted to get other peoples experiences with ableism.
It also said that I can interview it for practice because journalism sounds cool to me and I might want to be a journalist.
Anyways obligatory disclaimer/reminder. I don't speak for all mentally disabled people because we are not a monolith!! For example I am great at masking my ADHD and Autism (I'll get into that with more context later) and it's somthing I've picked up subconsciously. Other people with my same conditions may not be good at masking.
Also this post will mostly center around mental disabilities, specifically ADHD and autism because thats what we have and know most about. Neither me nor my friend are physically disabled (to my knowledge) so I won't speak much on it because It's not my place.
Alright with that out of the way lets add some context.
Hi, if you don't know me or haven't seen my blog before (most of you probably have though in some shape or form) I'm Ollie or Cupid. I have ADHD, self diagnosed (and peer diagnosed) autism, and possible dyscalculia. Theres also a millon other things I'm suspicious about having but I won't get into those.
Lets start with this, imagine (or don't idc) that your back in *gasp* middle school. Terrifying. Now since this is tumblr I'm gonna assume most of you have autism and/or ADHD so y'all most likely know what it's like to be in middle school and be ND. But still I wanted to talk about my experiences with ableism in school.
Okay I've noticed that the difference of how I get treated because I mask and those that can't mask for whatever reason is wildly different. I have instructional support which is technically special ed and no one has ever called me "Sped" or the R-slur. Versus the the kids who visibly have support needs and their disabilities are present. They get called those things all the fucking time.
The hypocrisy of it all is what really gets me. Kids at my school will really stand there and call these other kids dehumanizing things while I stand there as a person with ADHD and autism having to akwardly laugh it off and pretend it doesn't effect me. Yes of course I tell them off but it doesn't work, because they have been taught that what they're saying is fine and people who have higher support needs are not human, which is wrong and ablesist.
Thats not even their fault really it's what they were taught. Although if they weren't taught it and they know It's wrong but still do it then it's their fault
It genuinely got so bad that me and my friends wrote a letter to the office telling them about the ablesist language at our school, I don't think the letters ever got sent but yeah it was that bad.
On another note I don't think my schools very wheelchair accessible at all, although I wouldn't know really because I don't use a wheelchair.
Now heres @pansgoobernonsense experiences woth ableism as a whole, while mine were mostly about school its are more personal
"My personal experiences with ableism are mostly from my parents, and since I have not one but two neurodevelopmental disorders I’ve experienced it a lot. The most notable of these experiences come from my parents reaction to my autism.
A notable example was the time I was crying because I didn’t want to go to a party (I had had a panic attack at another similar party at the same place with similar people) and my dad had said I didn’t need to go but my mom made me.
I tried to explain (through tears) that I didn’t want to go and my dad angrily called me “autistic”. I’ve also been told to just “act normal” in social situations (despite the textbook definition of autism being essentially “I can’t act normal in social situations”). My parents have also neglected to tell me about my diagnosis for basically my entire life.
I was diagnosed when I was 2-3 and only found out this year. The reason behind this decision was “if I knew I’d tell everyone and use it as a get out of jail free card”.
They seem to treat my diagnosis as a label rather than an actual disability. It makes sense, since historically mental disabilities haven’t been treated the same as physical disabilities, but it’s still an awful experience."
While my experiences with things like this haven't been as severe as Nicks experiences I do have some of my own.
One time I was talking to my mother and she said that they suspected I had ADHD but didn't get me tested until I was 12 because she didn't want me on meds that early, which yes is a semi fair point but still why would you keep your suspicions a secret until I startes to notice and suspect it myself. That seems so weird to me and it could have saved me a lot if trouble if she had just told me.
Anyways thats it, sorry if it's not cohesive or coherent it's 1:00 am for me, I need to sleep
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whumpsday · 2 years
Tomcat Indisposables
Misc writing masterlist
content: g/t, borrowers, tiny whump, poisoning, accidental whump, rescue, caretaking, starvation, begging, near-death experience
so, this is a weird one. it’s a fix-it fic for a sad song. the song in question is Tomcat Disposables by Will Wood, for which you can find the music video here and the lyric video here! HIGHLY recommend listening to this song before reading this fic, to get the context of the events leading up to it! i suppose this is fanfic for a song, in a way? a sequel to a song?
It wasn’t a mouse.
Casey looked down incredulously at the tiny person collapsed against the kitchen floor. He was unconscious, clearly. Curled up with his arms wrapped around his stomach, eyes closed, face red and clammy. He looked sick.
He would probably be about four inches tall or so if he uncurled. Maybe not even that. Three inches.
Casey’s eyes slowly drifted to the mouse trap set out by the stove. Not a trap- disposable bait station, whatever it’s called.
The bait inside had some tiny bites in it.
Their heart filled with dread as they realized what they’d done. It wasn’t a mouse. It wasn’t a mouse. Oh my god. It wasn’t a mouse.
The tiny man wasn’t dead. They could see his chest rising and falling, barely. His breaths were far too shallow.
They crouched, scooping his too-warm little body into their shaking hands as gently as possible.
As they stood, trying to puzzle out what to do, a feeble groan emanated from the curled-up figure in their palm. His eyes fluttered open.
“I’m sorry, I’m so sorry,” Casey whispered, like they’d break him if they talked too loudly.
Harvest knew he was being an idiot when he saw the strange green food in the little box. He knew it had to be a trap of some kind.
But hunger makes you do stupid things. Harvest hadn’t eaten in three days by that point, and he was going insane. That fourth night, he still couldn’t find any food in anything he could open besides the trap, and he was getting desperate.
So he deluded himself. Maybe the human was trying to help, trying to leave something out for him, or whatever creature they thought he was. It didn’t even look like a trap, really. He couldn’t see anything that would spring down, it was just a Harvest-sized box with some food in it. It honestly looked safe enough.
Food. He hadn’t eaten in three days. How was he supposed to refuse a gift like that? It had been the best thing he’d ever tasted, except maybe for cheese, his favorite. But that might have just been the hunger.
He didn’t even make it back behind the cupboards before he couldn’t stand anymore.
Stupid. He’d been so stupid.
He trembled in the human’s palm with a horrible mixture of terror and sickness so bad he felt like he was going to die. It hurt.
“...Please,” he choked out, still holding onto the delusion that the human might be friendly. It was all he had. He wasn’t even strong enough to try to leave the human’s gigantic hands. “Don’ wanna die.”
Tears sprung to the human’s eyes. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to- I mean, I thought I had mice.”
Harvest rested his spinning head against their finger. He felt like unconsciousness would grab him again at any moment, and that if it did, he wouldn’t wake up again. He tried to keep his eyes open, blinking blearily.
“Oh, oh no no no, stay awake, alright? Just stay awake.” The human set him down on the counter, where he laid motionless.
They disappeared from his sight, returning a moment later with a bottlecap full of water. “Here, have some water. Sip this, okay?”
They placed a finger on his back, pushing him up into a sitting position before bringing the cap to his mouth with their other hand.
Harvest opened his mouth as they tipped it in, the little he could do, tremors wracking him. He was so thirsty, and the water was nice and cool as it flowed down his throat. He still felt like death, but at least it helped.
“I looked at the instruction packet, and it says to eat activated charcoal? Like for if pets or babies get into it,” the human babbled quickly, though Harvest could hardly follow what they were saying. “I think I can get some at Walmart.”
They lifted him up again, and Harvest’s head lolled. Everything hurt, especially his cramping stomach. “M-make it stop?” he pleaded, his voice so weak he wasn’t sure if the human could even hear.
“Yes. I’m going to help, you’re gonna be okay.” The human set him down on something soft. A dish towel. “Just try your best to stay awake. I’ll be right back, it’s not far.”
Harvest’s fingers curled around the towel’s fibers. “Mmn.”
“Okay. Okay. Stay awake. I’ll be right back. Stay awake.” The front door opened and closed with a gush of cold winter air, and then he was alone. Terrified tears wet the towel under his cheek.
He was going to die alone.
Harvest wasn’t very good at following directions. The fact that he’d let a human spot him was evidence enough of that. Dreamless sleep stole him in minutes.
Casey had never driven so fast in their life. They burst back through the door, the little bottle of activated charcoal in hand. “Little guy?” They never got his name.
They ran back to the counter where they’d left him. He’d fallen back asleep, and looked even worse-off than before. They poked him insistently. “C’mon, wake up, please!” They couldn’t be responsible for someone’s death. They thought they had mice, they just thought they had mice!
Casey put a finger in front of his face and waited, heart pounding. Relief washed over them when they felt a faint breath against their skin.
“Okay little guy, time to wake up. It’s okay, it’s gonna be okay.” They wet their fingers and flicked water onto him, the small droplets much larger to someone his size.
His eyes opened slowly, his reaction delayed. “Muuuhhh,” he groaned.
“Great, stay awake, just like that,” Casey encouraged. They unscrewed the lid to the bottle, shaking out a pill, and broke it in half over the bottlecap. Black dust poured out of the capsule. They mixed a tiny bit of water in for good measure, turning it into a sludgy liquid.
They propped the tiny man up with one hand and shoved it in his face with the other, panicked. “Drink this. It’ll counteract the- the poison.”
His eyes fluttered shut again.
“No, no no no! Come on. You’re so close!” Casey tried opening his mouth, but their fingertip was almost the size of his entire head, so they ended up squeezing his cheeks to force his mouth open.
They poured the charcoal-water mixture into his mouth, massaging his throat with their thumb to get him to swallow when he wouldn’t do it on his own, hoping he didn’t choke. It seemed to work: he might not have been entirely unconscious, floating between life and death.
“There you go. There you go,” Casey soothed, rubbing circles into his back as they laid him back down on the dish towel. Tears dripped next to him, to their surprise: they didn’t even realize they’d been crying.
They didn’t even know if it would work. It didn’t look like he’d eaten too much of the poison, but he was so small, and they had no idea how long it had been since he’d eaten it before they found him. They could be too late.
Casey dragged a chair over to the counter and waited.
Harvest didn't expect to wake up again, but he did.
He still felt like death, and curled up further with a pained groan, clutching his abdomen. Less so than when he'd lost consciousness, but too awful to even stand.
"Thank god," the human sighed, and Harvest's eyes shot open. Right. He wasn't alone. He's been spotted. And now the human could do... whatever it was they wanted with him.
Indignant tears sprung to his eyes. The human had starved him out, baited him with poison he was too desperate to refuse. The betrayal still stung, the hopeful leap he'd taken of trusting them, thinking they might want to be friends, punished with horrible pain and his near-death. And now he was completely at their mercy.
Harvest looked up at them warily. His mind was a bit clearer now, and he had the capacity to shrink back from them a little, folding the dish towel over himself so only his head stuck out. It wasn't exactly an impenetrable fortress, but it felt better. Less out-in-the-open.
"What are you going to do with me?" he asked, his voice strained.
The human stepped back. "Nothing! I just, I'm sorry, I didn't know there was like, a whole person... I don't even know what you are. I thought... mice..."
So it's okay to do this to mice, then? I wouldn't do this to a mouse. This is awful. I hope no mice ever experience this. He bit the words back. Making the person who held his life in their hands angry would definitely be a bad idea. "Okay,” he said softly. “Okay.”
Despite the pain, Harvest’s stomach growled. He’d only eaten the once in the past four days, and that was poison.
“Are you hungry?” the human asked. “I can get you some food if you’re feeling up to it, but it might not be a good idea...”
Harvest burst into tears. They were still dangling food away from him. “Please, I just, it’s all snow outside so I can’t forage, I haven’t eaten in four days, I’m so hungry! Please, just a little?”
Casey’s entire being flooded with guilt. They’d locked down all their food after it became apparent their apartment was... infested, they’d thought before. They’d starved this tiny person to the point of eating poison.
“Yeah, of course, you can have as much as you want! I didn’t mean to.” They opened their fridge. The little guy shivered under his makeshift covers, obviously not a fan of the cold. “What would you like?”
He hesitated before quietly piping up. “Cheese?” he asked with fragile hope.
Casey opened the little drawer where they kept their cheeses. “Yeah, of course. I’ve got tons.” They took out a string cheese, a half-gone block of parmesan, and some shredded cheddar. They cut off a little of each and took a couple shreds of cheddar, put them all on the smallest dish they had, and set it in front of him. “Lemme get you some water, too. It’s probably good to get a lot of fluids.”
He dove into the meal immediately, picking up the piece of parmesan with both hands and biting into it. Casey got a fresh bottlecap and filled it with water, setting that on the plate, too. They took a bite of the remainder of the string cheese. “Maybe try not to eat too fast? You might get sick.”
The little guy seemed to take their words to heart, slowing down. “Thank you. Thank you so much, this is, this is more cheese than I’ve ever seen in my life,” he enthused. He looked like he was about to cry.
“You can have as much as you want, okay? Listen, I don’t know what you are or why you’re here, but I really wanna make it up to you after... all that. Maybe we could be friends? I’m Casey.”
He took a swig from the bottlecap and gave them a small smile. “Harvest.”
edit: i have a g/t sideblog now! @smallsday
hope you guys enjoyed this oneshot! :)
general drabbles taglist:
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shy-urban-hobbit · 5 months
Lambert/Aiden Smut under the cut. First time attempting to write anything remotely BDSM (C/W sensory deprivation, traffic light system, safe and consensual).
Lambert once told Aiden he'd one day love to be able to fuck him on silk sheets. This is the next best thing, right?
Aiden gave the room a final sweep before deciding there was nothing worthy of note - well, nothing left worthy of note. Like all the other rooms in the manor so far, this one had been totally ransacked. Anything of value, however miniscule, had been taken long before anyone thought to put a contract out concerning the disappearance of the Lord and his family (even the larger pieces of furniture hadn't been spared. Both of them assumed they'd been broken down for kindling at some point). Not that Aiden or Lambert had blamed them; from the looks of the decrepit hovels which had passed for houses in this bastards lands, it was only a matter of time before they started figuring out a way to dismantle the place brick by brick to rebuild their own homes.
If it weren't for the training that had become second nature at this point he would have missed it, crumpled up in a corner and almost blending in perfectly with the shadows. It was a little dusty like the rest of the room and bore one or two small holes which had probably been left by moths or a curious mouse but overall it seem to be fine. He smiled to himself as he shoved it into the top of his pack, feeling a plan start to form. His Wolf had been particularly melancholy the last few days and while it wasn't exactly the fantasy Lambert had divulged to him when he'd drunk his way to the 'sappy' end of his tolerance one night, but it was probably as close as they were ever going to get.
Lambert threw the rabbit bone he'd been gnawing on into the lit hearth, muttering something about going to check on the horses again - his excuse for when he wanted a few minutes alone. Everything so far was pointing towards foulplay rather than fiend but after agreeing that it wouldn't hurt to stay the night just to make sure, they'd hunkered down in one of the upstairs rooms after hunting down enough food and kindling in the house grounds to see them through the night. Aiden grabbed his find from his pack as soon as the door fell closed behind his retreating lover. He wasn't exactly sure how long Lambert would be gone for, so he needed to be quick.
True to his word Lambert did indeed go to check on the horses. The stable had been in less than ideal condition but they seemed fine enough in the small paddock. He did another sweep around the perimeter of the house -still finding nothing - before heading back inside, his footsteps echoing around the bare rooms and hallways in a way that wasn't too disamilar to back home.
He was about to push the door open when Aiden's voice called out "Wait!"
Lambert was immediately on guard. He hadn't smelt or heard anything, but you could never be too careful, "What is it?"
"Don't worry Wolf, everything's fine. Just, close your eyes before you come in? I have something for you."
Lambert quirked an eyebrow. That didn't sound suspicious at all.
Probably sensing his hesitancy, Aiden called out again, "Everything's fine Lam, trust me."
Lambert closed his eyes.
He heard the other walk towards him - barefoot if the lightness of the footfalls was any indication - before something cool was placed gently over his eyes, barely brushing his face.
"Can you keep them closed until I tell you, or do you want me to blindfold you?" Lambert thought about it for a minute before shaking his head hesitantly. Whatever it was instantly retreated.
"Same as always, you can change your mind at any time. I'm not planning on tying you down or gagging you, I just want you to keep your eyes closed for me and listen when I give you an instruction. I'll tell you when you can open your eyes and when you can and can't touch me. Alright?"
A nod this time, "Yes."
He felt Aiden's breath on his face as the other moved closer, skimming his hands over Lambert's shoulders and arms as he peppered kisses on his eyelids, his cheeks, his nose. Lambert fisted his hands, wanting to touch but waiting on his first instruction.
"You can touch." Aiden whispered against his lips before pressing their mouths together.
Lambert's arms immediately wrapped around Aiden as they kissed and he felt the same soft, slippery coolness as before. Curious, he let his hands wander, feeling the calluses on his hands snag every now and again on what he now recognised as silk. Far better quality than the moth eaten and worn stuff the whores he'd visited over the years would drape themselves in, but silk nonetheless. He bought his hands around Aiden's front to be met with the others fire warmed skin as that same fabric fluttered along the backs of his hands.
"Aiden, what the hell?" He panted when they both had to stop for breath.
"Shhh, patience Wolf. You'll see soon enough." Aiden cooed as he moved to kiss down Lambert's throat. He in turn ran one hand back up Aiden's chest until he encountered a pebbled nipple, rolling it between his finger and thumb and smirking at the moan and nip it got him in retaliation before his kisses travelled back up towards Lambert's jaw.
"Can I take this off?" He whispered in Lambert's ear, running his tongue along the shell as he toyed with the hem of his shirt. Lambert would be cursing himself for divulging that particular weak spot if he wasn't so focused on staying upright.
"Words, Lam." Aiden singsonged.
"Yes. Fuck, yes."
Another kiss before Aiden tugged the offending garment upwards and off, making a pleased noise as he stroked Lambert's chest and stomach. Lambert didn't even try to bite back the noise he made when those caresses turned into Aiden lightly raking his nails over bare skin, just shy of tickling in the way he knew drove Lambert insane. He pulled Aiden closer and nosed along his neck, having every intention of leaving a mark on one of those perfect shoulders. And spluttering when he found himself with a mouthful of silk, causing Aiden to laugh.
"Tsk tsk, almost making a hole in this." The laughter still dancing in Aiden's words belayed any sterness, "Just for that. Hands by your side."
Lambert let out a growl but did as he was told.
"Good boy." A kiss to the nose. Lambert resisted the urge to bear his teeth but just barely, knowing that if he pissed him off enough he'd never be allowed to see what the Cat had been up to. Unless he tapped out, Aiden would have him keep his eyes shut the whole time just to punish him.
He expected Aiden to carry on undressing him but instead, he took Lambert's hand in his,
"I'm going to lead you further into the room now, ok." They went slowly, Lambert keeping a firm grip on the others hand. It was only a few steps but it was still a little jarring feeling this vulnerable while moving, "I'm going to help you lay down. Colour?"
Lambert found himself being lowered onto what he recognised by scent as their bedrolls, Aiden encouraging him to lie flat accompanied by soft kisses and whispered words before straddling him. Lambert automatically moved to rest his hands on the others hips before remembering he wasn't allowed to touch and lowering them by his sides awkwardly. Aiden huffed another laugh before grabbing his wrists and gently guiding both of Lambert's hand above his head. He didn't need to tell Lambert to leave them there.
Lambert felt Aiden's hands at his waistband, undoing the fastenings of his trousers at a torturously slow pace until he was dipping a hand inside Lambert's brais and freeing him. The Wolf let out a whine at the much welcomed contact, thrusting up as Aiden's long fingers stroked him steadily, almost lazily, the other backing off whenever Lambert tried to speed up the movement of his hips until he got the message and let Aiden set the pace.
"I want to ride you." And Gods, Aiden sounded wrecked enough that he could have been the one on the receiving end of a hand job.
"Fuck. Aiden, please."
"Alright." He felt Aiden shift further down his legs and rise up, his knees still either side of Lambert "You just keep lying there and looking pretty for me for a minute."
He caught the lightly spiced scent of the oil he favoured followed by the sound of Aiden's breath catching in his throat. Was he....? Aiden's breathing shortly turned to breathy gasps and moans. Fuck, he was! Aiden was prepping himself while hovering over him! Lambert felt his cock jump at the picture in his mind's eye. Aiden naked, hips thrusting and head thrown back as he rode his own fingers, his free hand running over his own body, teasing his sensitive spots. Of course, his imagination could never compare to the real thing which was so tantalisingly close.
"Ah, ah, ah. No peeking, remember."
Lambert screwed his eyes tight closed, he hadn't even realised they'd started fluttering open,
"Shit. Sorry! I promise I didn't see anything!"
"You're absolutely sure of that?"
Lambert nodded vigorously.
"Then I suppose I can overlook that one." Aiden cooed, bringing a heavily oiled hand to Lambert's cock before moving to take him in, both of them swearing as Lambert breached him.
"You can touch now." Aiden breathed out once he was fully seated. Lambert's hands flew to Aiden's thighs, rubbing both silk and skin soothingly while the other adjusted.
"Fuck, Aiden." Lambert threw his head back as the other started moving, "I swear you get tighter every time we do this."
"Hah! You always know how to make a man feel special."
Lambert gave a thrust of his hips in response, causing Aiden to fall forwards with a yelp, hands on Lambert's chest as Lambert unexpectedly caught his prostate dead on. Something he now made a point of doing again and again.
"Fuck! Lambert - shit - look at me. You - you can look."
Lambert fought to open his eyes against the onslaught of pleasure and was very glad he did. Aiden looked positively debauched; his hair hanging in damp curls around pleasure blown eyes and his mouth hanging open. The silk robe he was wearing was open and hanging off one shoulder and he realised the blindfold Aiden had offered him earlier must have been the tie. Lambert wasn't sure what colour it was originally, but the light from the fire, along with the fabrics sheen made it look as if his lover was clothed in liquid flames. He wasn't sure if Aiden looked more ethereal or devilish in this moment but whether he led him to salvation or damnation, Lambert would happily follow him regardless.
He flipped them both so Aiden was underneath him, barely giving the other time to register the change in position before he was thrusting into him roughly, grabbing onto a silk covered hip as he encouraged Aiden to wrap his legs around his waist, the others moans turning into near screams at the new angle. Silk clad arms slipping across Lambert's sweat soaked skin as they threw themselves around his neck, hanging on for dear life.
Lambert's name echoed around the house as Aiden came, and Lambert quickly followed as his hips stilled inside the fucked out body beneath him. Aiden grumbled unhappily as he pulled out and pulled Lambert's head down so it was resting on his chest before stroking his hair, ever the clingy one after an orgasm.
"So...not that it wasn't great. But what bought that on?"
"You've seemed a little sad and you mentioned once that you wished to one day be able to fuck me on silk sheets in a big, fancy house somewhere. I figured a silk robe in an abandoned manor house was the next best thing."
Lambert lifted his head to look at him, "I'm surprised you remember me saying that, we were that drunk. I barely remember me saying it."
"Of course. I remember all the wishes you tell me. Never know when I might be able to help one of them along."
Lambert...had absolutely no idea what to say in response to that so instead chose to kiss his Cat so thoroughly, Aiden came away from it looking slightly dazed.
"You're keeping the robe, right? I think I just discovered about a dozen more wishes all involving it."
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sneezydarliing · 1 year
hello!! i haven’t interacted with your blog much but i just rolled in from the last tigh//nari post you wrote (so good!) and saw you might be looking for requests? i’m still really nervous asking and not sure what i’m doing so no offense taken if you disregard!
anyway, i’d love to read some cy/no content? if you’re along w any ships (cynari, haino, etc) that’s totally cool. maybe like a [plant/flower] allergy situation when he visits the forest?
hope you’re well and thanks for sharing content <3
Thank you so much for the req!! I'm sorry for the wait, I really hope you enjoy!
reqs are open
Pairing: cynari
Words: 1044
CW/TW: sneezing content, mention of mess
Cyno had not anticipated anything special out of this trip to the forest. He was going only to see Tighnari- who had excitedly informed him of a new discovery made deep into the forest watcher’s patrolling area. The look on his friend’s face, combined with the eager swishing of his tail behind him, was more than enough convincing to get the mahamntra to venture into the greenery.
It’s quiet as he pads along the roughly and hastily made trail, leaving him with his own thoughts- excitement to see tighnari again, listen to him ramble on about whatever he had found, a slight apprehension at the possibility of this being dangerous- not that either of them could not hold their own, but tighnari was often so eager to research that he did not stop to think about any possible consequences to himself, and he hated seeing him in pain. Muddled in with these feelings, a slight but sudden itch in the back of his nose. He presses a knuckle against the side of it absentmindedly, just as a pair of ears perking up quickly catches his attention.
“You made it!” Tighnari calls out to him, tredging through ankle-deep tangles of weeds to meet him. There’s a smudge of dirt on his cheek, and a tangle in his usual well-kept tail. As Cyno nods his greeting, he cannot help but wonder how long he’s been out here. The other seems to be aware of it, occasionally flicking the appendage about in absent-minded frustration.
Tighnari leads him further into the forest, happily rambling on about the things they pass by and what his research has granted so far. Cyno can’t get himself to focus, the itch in his sinus suddenly alight, forcing his breath to hitch just once before calming again. He can almost feel Tighnari’s concerned frown, but he decides to keep quiet about it for now, to Cyno’s gratitude.
Suddenly, he’s stopped. Tighnari moves to the side, looking at Cyno with pride clear in his eyes. He’s meet with the sight of a large, blooming flower, encased in golden vines that seem almost-conscious, twitching at any movement around them. “I haven’t been able to touch it yet, and my elemental attacks have no effect. That’s why I brought you out here, I was hoping maybe electrical- Cyno?” His ramblings cease as he catches sight of him, hands cupped loosely in front of his face, usually serious expression crumpled into one of desperation as he fights off the need uselessly, breath stuttering until he can no longer fight it.
‘hEh-itSH! ‘tShi! hiH-” The third one is lost, leaving him sniffling, trying to rub the irritation out of his sinuses. “Archons, bless you! Are you feeling alright?” Cyno sniffles uselessly again, trying to will some of the congestion out of his voice before he speaks.
“I’m fine. You can romaine calm.” Tighnari groans in response. “You must be, if you’ve got the energy to make jokes. Anyways, can you try to hit ones of the vines with your elemental attack? Be gentle, please, and don’t damage the plant itself.” Cyno nods, saluting in a ‘yes sir’ gesture, as he prepares to follow instructions. He presses the back of his hand to his nose, scrunching up the appendage as he aims carefully. But he was unable to fight against his body and control it at once, sent foreward with another flurry of sneezes the moment he releases the energy, causing it to be sent foreward towards the flower. It’s reaction was instant, sending out a shower of pollen before curling into a ball, vines wound around it tightly. Cyno faintly hears a noise of frustration come from Tighnari, but he can’t focus, paralyzed with the awful tickle that came as the pollen surrounded him. He was in the direct line of fire, and he felt it, nostrils feeling alight as his eyes watered, he couldn’t even fight it, thrown into a desperate fit.
“haH’TSCHhi- KSHhiew! hih- hidT’SHHih! ‘idtSHhiew- sCHih!” They tore at his throat, raw and painful as his body tried desperately to release all of the pollen. He felt almost embarrassed, unable to do anything as Tighnari watched helplessly. “tignarihHh-tSHhi!” Even just his name seemed to break his stupor, the fox-tailed man rushing over and grabbing Cyno’s arm, bringing him somewhere- he could not even keep his eyes open long enough to tell, the lower half of his face buried in an arm he threw up to avoid spraying the other. He felt himself be gently led into a sitting position, half aware of the sun now beaming down on them.
His breath caught, leaving him helpless into a rough fit of coughing that didn’t seem to let him. He felt Tighnari’s hand on his back, rubbing comforting circles as he whispered encouraging phrases until the coughing finally let up. He leaned back against Tighnari, unable to resist the need to catch his breath. His face was wet with tears, nose running onto his upper lip. He roughly cleaned it up with the back of his wrist.
“There you go, you’re okay. Any trouble breathing?” Came the soft voice next to Cyno, reminding him suddenly of his blunder. Tighnari had been so eager to research, and he had messed it up. Guilt shot through him. “Sorry, ‘nari.” He pawed at his nose again while he spoke.
“It’s alright. I can bring somebody else another day.” Tighnari soothed, hands beginning to card through the others' hair. “Right now, we need to get you cleaned up. The pollen on your clothes won’t do you any good.” he stood quickly, reaching out a hand to Cyno, but he was distracted with the need to sneeze once again, raising a shaky hand in warning.
“hIh’tSChih!i’tsCHuh!” He sniffled once more as Tighnari waited patiently, before taking the hand offered to him, letting himself be pulled onto his feet.
“Hey, ‘Nari?” The forest watcher turned back to face him, “What is it?” “I’m very frond of you.” Tighnari huffed, turning back around and beginning to stalk off, stopping only a few paces in front of him. “I love you, too, Cyno.” Mahamatra grinned, catching up to his partner as they began the trek home, punctuated with the occasional sneezes.
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