hi dailyverse friends
it’s me. Mod Cy. The guy that runs los camp! daily and plays the role of the wet magpie poem guy
so basically i have some plans and i wanted to ask if any of the dv blogs that have multiple hosts (like many of the many mbra blogs maybe) would have room to make me a member maybe /nf ^^
i need to make a second character. for the plans that i will not get into. and i am already struggling to keep up with my queue for daily los campesinos! so i don’t exactly want to make a second daily blog.. but also this is completely /nf and it’s only if it’s not any trouble for you guys!!
(also if it does work out, someone dm-ing and giving me a rundown on how to accurately make a character for one of those blogs would be helpful ^^ i wanna make sure i don’t mess up the vibe of the blogs ehe)
tagging a couple daily blog friends: @reinagony @leafgorge @onetimemacaroni
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ssplague · 3 years
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Chapter 0ne
“And so it begins”
Katsuki B. X Reader
Rated M
Warnings: Gaslighting, manipulation, power play, light degradation
The day before the two of you left for UA; Your best friend gave her word to your mother that she would always look after you. Now that the two of you are in your third year she’s officially FED UP with your attitude and childish antics. Mentioning her dilemma to your shared group of friends results in the most unlikely person offering to be her solution to the problem that is YOU.
A/N: The girl in the banner is NOT how the reader is “supposed” to look, it was just a drawing I did specifically for this. You look however you want to, I don’t really make any specific references to your appearance in this story.
Its Saturday morning; Ive been awake for about five minutes now, but I’m not ready to open my eyes and embrace the conscious world just yet. Hearing the door of my room unlock and open does the trick though. Only one person (other than myself of course) has a key to my dorm room.
“I made breakfast for the both of us, its your favorite” announces Euphie as she walks in, kicking the door shut behind her. I sit up, just as she’s pushing my black out curtains to the side I let out a hiss of disdain as sunlight immediately begins to permeate the room.
“Thank you Euphie” I say with a yawn.
She hands me a plate before settling down on my bed, acknowledging my thanks with a nod as we both tuck in.
“We have plans this afternoon, can you be ready by at least 12:30? No need to get super made up but at least out of your pajamas?” Euphies voice is gentle, but I catch the underlying “I’m not asking, but telling you” vibe she tries to hide.
“For sure”
She smiles at my seemingly agreeable mood so early in the morning and we easily segway into our standard start of the day discussions. “Are we um…Are we going to be busy all day? I….I kinda planned on going to hangout with-“ Euphie cuts me off as she picks up our plates: “No worries you’ll have plenty of time for that, I promise!” Giving me a wink before shutting my door.
She didn’t even know who I was referring to, or what I was going to say….
At 12:55 Euphie reappears to rush me out of my room.
“Hey I forgot my purse I-“
“Don’t need it”
“But my wallet is-“
“Not necessary”
Her tone is clipped, and she has a death grip on my wrist as she quite literally drags me down the hallway. Initially I was taken aback, not being used to receiving this type of treatment from her. My bearings have started returning along with growing frustration each time one of my questions are receiving one word answers, or met with a complete dismissal. Reaching my limit I fail to notice that she’d began to slow down, and I’m wrenching my wrist free of her grip at the exact same time she’d come to a stop.
“What in the fuck is your problem?! You told me that we had plans to go out this afternoon, and you’d treat me to whatever I want!
This-“ I’m interrupted again.
“I certainly wouldn’t do anything for a fuckin’ brat throwing a tantrum like this”
My eyes snap to the side where I see the irritated scowl of one Katsuki Bakugou, as he leans against his door frame glowering at me. Embarrassment further fuels my anger as I turn toward him, pointing an acusatory finger as I begin “No one fucking asked you, stay out of it Katsu-“.
Kirishima suddenly emerges from Bakugo’s room, giving Euphie an enthusastic greeting
“Hey there! You look nice, ready to head out?”. The red head is flashing his signature shark toothed grip at my best friend as he offers her his arm. “You know it” she giggles, taking hold of his muscular bicep. The two of them start to walk off, confused and furious I start to head after them, but a large hand grips my shoulder grounding me in place.
“Bakugo told me he wouldn’t mind keeping an eye on you while Kiri and I went out this afternoon, this way you’ll stay out of trouble and get to keep the plans you’d made with him, bye!” The closing elevator doors add a sudden finalization to her brief explanation.
“Plans?” Bakugo questions while uncermoniously yanking me backwards.
I stumble back, falling through the doorway and landing flat on my ass in front of the now closed door (Which he is standing in front of). Glaring up at him as he continues: “She must have me confused with the local brothel, because thats the only place I’d imagine wearing a skirt as short as that would be deemed appropriate”. His insult doesn’t deter his crimson eyes from roaming the length of my body, lingering on the aforementioned skirt. Getting to my feet, he walks around me and move towards his desk, taking a seat behind it.
“Oh fuck you Katsuki, you can be a real dick sometimes, I dunno what stupid Euphie told you about keeping and eye on me, but I dont need a fucking baby sitter! So ill be off now” with a huff you turn towards the door. “________, I’m not in the mood for bullshit today so just sit down and shut up” he growls, not turning to look at you. He always feels embarrassingly giddy when you adress him by his first name, thats why he insisted you call him by it. That in itself should be an indication of how he seems to favor you.
It makes him almost feel a bit guilty for using a harsh tone when he’d spoken to you. Despite how he treats others, Katsuki is hardly ever outright mean to you; He’s never even given you a derogatory nickname like he has for everyone else. Today’s an off day though…He’s just not used to running on little to no sleep. That paired with his already non existent level of patience makes for a blow up. Especially when YOU were the cause of his latest bout of insomnia….turning to look at you has his thoughts beginning to wander.
Those lips of yours flapping away as you berate him…
They sure would look a helluva lot better wrapped around his-
“-Not even fucking listening to me are you?!” You snarl, starting towards the door again. “I cant believe I woke up this morning wanting to hangout with YOU, guess I’ll change my plans and hangout with someone not so shitty to me…. Like Deku!” A loud crash comes from behind you. The now enraged man had stood up so abruptly, it sent his now vacated chair careening into the wall and toppling over.
“You really just cant help yourself can you?”
His voice is so eerily quiet as he turns to face you, something unidentifiable flashes in his rapidly darkening crimson orbs. You couldn’t exactly identify it, considering it disappeared as abruptly as it had originally came.
“Course you cant, I already know that”
A menacing smile appears on his face as he takes his first step toward you, immediately triggering your natural “Fight or flight” response.
“I know what you need”
He’s only an arms length away when you start to step back.
“You dont know shit”
You somehow summon the courage to speak, but are unable to summon any false bravado to keep you from betraying how unnerved he’s got you feeling as he takes another step.
“I know that your best friend cant stand what a spoiled fuckin’ brat you’ve become, I know she’s so fed up with your shit that she’s about to write you off completely”
The defiant expression you’d worn all this time finally starts to falter.
This marks the first time Katsuki has ever seen how you look when your confidence begins to ebb away, only to be replaced with a mixture of uncertainty and fear.
His sadistic side emerges with glee as your now saddened doe eyes meet his.
“You’re constantly disregarding everyone’s opinion of you unless it aligns with your own, but you dont even know what to think of yourself now that your faced with the possibility of being alone now…do you?
You remain silent, taking yet another step back as he continues speaking.
“You need someone who isn’t afraid to correct you, but they’ll have to of earned your respect….So when you inevitably step out of line, you wont put up a fight when you get put over their knee”
Your back hits the wall.
You swallow down the panic that slowly begun to rise from your chest up into your throat as you realize there is nowhere left for you to go.
“You desperately want to be a good girl, just dont know how to be one, huh princess?”
It’s so adorable the way your bottom lip juts out, but at the first quiver it quickly gets sucked between your teeth.
“That’s why you’re acting out right now isn’t it?
I bet you drench your cute little panties every time you get a rise out of me. Always hoping that its going to be the time I yank you the fuck up and put this brat in her goddamn place, hah?”
You shamelessly lean into the large hand thats now cupping your cheek, letting out a sigh as his thumb caresses your soft skin.
It’s horrifying how easily you just admitted your most guarded secret! The triumphant smirk he sports makes it even harder to accept.
His tone is surprisingly gentle when he starts addressing you once again;
“I can do that for you baby….Let me be the one that finally brings the princess down on her knees”.
Your eyes are practically sparkling at the feel of a sudden pressure being applied to your throat. His calloused fingers squeezing the delicate skin of your neck, effectively making it harder and harder for you to breathe. The thrill of this foreign feeling is instantly addicting.
“Tell me if thats what you want: If its not then shake your head and we never speak of this again”
Bakugo has to at least give the illusion that you have a choice in the matter. Even though its more than obvious that you need want this just as much as he does.
“I want it, I want you” your words come out in a breathy whisper as he releases his hold on your throat.
“I wanna hear you say it princess, what do you want me to do with you”
“I want…no I NEED you to….t-to make me into your good girl please…”
He gestures for you to continue, his raised brow implying you must be forgetting something.
“Please make me into your good girl….Daddy”
The pleading expression and twinge of desperation in your voice stirs something deep inside Bakugo. It was something akin to the last vestiges of some ancient seal had disappeared: The monster that it had rendered dormant had finally roused from its slumber, intent on wreaking havoc.
“You do understand that you’re mine now right ________? Every part of your being belongs solely to me”
Gorgeous ruby eyes scrutinize your face carefully, searching for a single trace of fear, uncertainty, or possible apprehension. All they found was admiration and girlish excitement, and this earned you a genuine smile from the almost always scowling young man.
“Yes, every part of me belongs to you now Katsuki”
“Better get used to this then”
Before you could inquire what he was referring to, he was kissing you.
A/N: So concludes chapter one
Oh god I hope this is well received.
Should I get a tag list together? Is it too soon? If anyone would be interested leave a comment. SMUT in the next chapter, we’re moving faster here because let’s be honest; Smut is what all of us want! 💦
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darkelite020 · 3 years
Bad Batch thoughts & predictions Ep 12
Continuing these written reactions/predictions somewhere cause itd be fun I think to see what actually ends up happening and remembering what I thought at the time so im dumping it here, youre welcome. (Feel free to discuss if you want) if you want to keep up with it im gonna be tagging these as #jay rambles about bb
- So I sort of expected it by the end of last episode but it seems like last episode was a start of an episode arc about hera's family, which, for rebel's fans I'm sure it's cool and exciting and maybe answers some questions or will actually show things discussed in rebels maybe, but as someone who hasn't seen rebels yet, I really hope this episode and the next few have more bad batch screentime, cause we were a little robbed last episode lol (but in a way I do still enjoy this stuff too, because im sure when I DO watch rebels it'll make the experience better). -- I'm not disliking this arc or anything, but up to this point we've kind of had almost mandalorian style 'one episode one adventure' sorts of episodes, and personally I really hope we get more of that (which I think we will), because while this is all new content and everything, we all have to admit clone wars had some less interesting filler arcs here and there, and I just hope bb doesn't fall the same way (across all of its seasons, im not very concerned about it so far from what we've seen of season 1) because if there is filler, I'd rather sit through a couple of the one episode stories, rather than a 3-4 episode story that takes nearly a month to get through if im disliking it, mostly for the fact that even if we got those 1 ep fillers, its more stories and more likely I'd like at least one. ---kinda rambling about this unnecessarily atm cause while again right now I think bb is fine, I just want the future to be that way too. - fffff every time I see howzer on screen I think of that fucking audio thats "here comes the boy, hello boy~" and honestly can you blame me he is so precious like ugh I swear dave you better be nice to him -- YOU CAN TELL HE FEELS SO BAD AND GUILTY LIKE IT HURTS - hey admiral can you not be MEAN to howzer when he is trying to be fucking helpful -- ;-; BRO im saying it so much already but I feel so bad for howzer like dude someone help him --- imo it feels like its sort of setting up howzer for something more important in the show kinda, at least for his character. Like we can clearly tell he doesn't really agree with the empire and I think they're going to do something with that. He's probably undercover for someone against the empire but I get the bad feeling they're gonna pull a Fives and have him go against the empire and help everyone else somehow but then he will probably end up dead because we cant have nice things. - hello cross... bet you wont be saved this episode - Ok good, some more bad batch here already. -- ALSO GONKY BEING DEFECTIVE!!!! EVEN GONKY IS DEFECTIVE LIKE BB THATS SO CUTE! - uh, im not the only one getting the leia transmission vibes from hera, right? -- ok, again I haven't seen rebels so I dont know BUT if hera has the ability to talk to bb, couldn't she have done so in rebels? Yeah she's older and im sure better at fighting and defending herself and all that, but wouldn't it still be possible for her to have gotten in some kind of rough situation in Rebels to ask for bb's help again? I super doubt bb made any appearance of any kind in Rebels, so doesn't that imply that she lost communications with them? What happens to bad batch >> - bad batch not wanting to help but because omega really wants to you can see its making hunter soften up and I appreciate it - bruh what??? Taa is dead af, like theres no way the show is gonna pull some magic and be like 'oh yep here he is' thing??? Like this has to be a lie, but even then, what even is the plan here?? Saying "oh hes recovering" well he can't be recovering forever, how does that seem like a good plan to lie about that?? People are gonna find out?? - "Great just what we need" from Wrecker about crosshair MAKES ME ANGRY LIKE??? YES?? DONT BE MAD AT HIM ITS NOT HIS FAULT??? SAVE YOUR FUCKING BOY??? -- oooo then the rest of bb doesn't comment about it literally gsjrkgbdkfbg why do they not care about him???? Like it seems they legitimately dont care about crosshair, even though theyve been together for so long like even before the show came out they
had history together and were all really close. I know people argue "oh well its just difficult to save him and its unrealistic for them right now" but so what? Even if they aren't trying to save him they should at least CARE about him. --- Which is also like the thing with echo and fives!!!! Like Echo didn't seem to care much at all when Rex mentioned fives even a little! Or even about seeing Rex that much!! Dave I'm gonna need some answers my guy, cause you humanized these characters but then you dont make them act that way so like whats up. - Lucky hunters abilities came in handy - Back to crosshair for a second im predicting they 100% arent saving him this season. There was a poster released part way through the season and he's not even on it... makes me so sad. - "I'd do the same for you." ;-; that didnt need to get that deep - CROSSHAIR BETTER NOT START SHIT WITH HOWZER - Howzer helping Hera's parents or at least implying that is good but that also means im right so far and therefore worried >> -- HES GOING TO GET FUCKING CAUGHT I BET TALKING TO THEM LIKE THIS AT SOME POINT AND HOW MUCH DO YOU WANNA BET ITS GONNA BE CROSSHAIR THAT CATCHES HIM --- Cham stfu its literally so obvious that howzer is trying to be genuine, also if he's kind of undercover for him like what the fuck do you expect howzer to do if he has to play along with the empire to keep his cover?? "Won't make that mistake again" Fuck off like honestly. ---- #stopbeingmeantohowzer2021 - "A little help" and the gentle "Hey" ahh love it - I'm really enjoying this whole them fighting in the ships sequence - "Stay here and guard the capitol" SCARES ME -- Please for the love of god bad batch don't get howzer killed --- or plot B Bad batch maybe run into howzer but save him and take him with you at least temporarily ---- oh god.... bb is helping heras parents escape and that means howzers gonna get in trouble.../probably replaced by crosshair - Crosshair is smart but thats also badddd - The scene of howzer and crosshair looking at each other is killing meeeeeeeee - Ohhh is howzer gonna stop them before they go out the door? -- YES HE IS SEE WHAT A GOOD BOY HE IS - (please fucking listen to him I beg) - Aw dude I just had a thought that breaks my heart... howzer cares about his squad and "trying to get through to them" but what if his squad is clones as well and the chips... that hurts me so badly... -- Like we all know howzer is a sweet boy by now but ughhh like the thought that he doesnt want to leave them even though they are doing whats wrong shows just how much he cares and I really hope he doesn't get into trouble because of what he's saying to them, but you know he totally would do it because he seems to care about them so much and :( bad batch more like sad batch --- This is the kind of compassion I wanted from bb for crosshair hunter kind of looks back at howzer as they leave him and I doubt itll mean anything but I really hope that maybe seeing how much howzer cares will make hunter care a little too... - *sigh* howzer is getting left behind by them which we know why but yeah... now he's definitely going to be in trouble... I just hope they don't hurt him... - OH GOD HOWZER BABY DONT -- He's making a speech and I know he's trying to sway them but you know damn well this is gonna go so badly for him because of the chips and crosshair is watching so you know howzer is gonna get fucked here and I know what hes trying for but I really wish he didnt just do that because now its blatantly obvious he's gonna be against them ;-; - Wow ok im kinda shocked people are siding with him (I guess cause theyre not all clones right) but I feel so bad for themmmmm - Crosshair missed multiple shots? Uh what? I didnt think that was possible lol - bb please come back for howzer and the others at some point.... -- I guess maybe if hera's parents are going to organize rebels against the empire maybe they will help them but I somewhat doubt it... - Ok I know that crosshair requesting to hunt them was supposed to be this big moment and all but I
can't help but feel like its a little underwhelming (but dont get me wrong still cool vibes) because he's kind of already been doing that anyway?? Or has tried to several times?? So I don't get why its a big deal, however, I do have a possible prediction: We know that bb got their chips removed, (crosshair doesn't, I know that) and so that eliminates the idea that they will get caught and actually go bad like crosshair, but it does leave a possibility where maybe they get captured and then *pretend* to be bad? And that could lead to a better possibility of helping crosshair (they wont) or maybe howzer and the other rebels or something? Cause I also feel like its significant that they brought up how the war will eventually come to them and bb will be a part of it no matter what eventually, and it makes obvious sense theyd be on the rebels side of it, so maybe something like that goes on, idk.
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banesbottombitch · 7 years
Headcannons of the bowers gang as single parents?🤔 btw, love your writing!
Fuck it, lets do this. I’ve got so many feelings about this. For disclaimers sake, the boys are 20-25, so college age. This is long.
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Henry “You are my Sunshine but you’re also a Pain” Bowers
First of all, he was’t ready. Nothing prepared him to end up alone, with a baby that was his newest and most precious responsibility.
The mothers either DIED, or straight up left the baby in his arms and was  like “your problem now” either way, he does not consider adoption. 
Called Vic first, actually crying, because how the fuck does he do better for this kid than his dad did for him? He has no idea how to nurture, to care, to help something grow and thrive. He confesses his fears, and Vic gets Belch and the three of them drive to the closest department store, picking out baby shit.
Has no idea how bottles work. Gets the cheapest kind possible, and is so upset when the baby wont drink from them (texture might be off, his dumb ass didnt warm the milk, his dumb ass gave the baby COWS MILK, the list goes on) and screeches in frustration when they leak because, yet again, he got the cheapest fuckers possible
He’d be out of his dads house by this time, probably college age (about 20-25) but he has made a point to not let his dad know of his child’s existence, because lets face it, Butch would wanna see his grandkid (especially if its a boy). So, Henry keeps the information that he’s a new dad on lock down
Calls Mama Huggins weekly for advice, and actively looks at parenting hacks online. He’s trying his best to be a good dad, and would take extra shifts for work to make ends meet. His kid would probably go into daycare sometimes, but he doesnt like leaving them with strangers and just tries to get one of the guys (or Mama Huggins) to take them for a few hours.
Uses his kid as a chick magnet. Goes to parks and hits on the single moms while he helps his toddler roam around. Gets a lot of ass because of this, since he comes off as a very caring dad (he is, surprisingly).
Dresses his baby girl up like bad asses. His daughter wears his old bandanna with her princess outfit (claiming she is a cowgirl princess, because of course she is) or gets a jean vest with decently kid friendly patches on it, and parades her around when he gets the chance. Insanely protective of her, and follows her when she plays at the park and later as she gets older, he makes her text him where she is at all times. Low key helicopter dad. The type of dad to clean a gun in front of her new boyfriend, 11/10.
 His son’s hair gets styled into a fohawk daily and he’s encouraged to wear cool printed shirts his uncles (the rest of the gang) get him that have various metal bands on them and stuff. Teaches him sports, and drags him along to baseball games when he can. Was a bit torn when he heard his son was causing trouble in school, but decides that he cant have his kid doing the same shit he did and nips the bullying in the bud. His son got his temper, and it upsets Henry sometimes how easy it is for them to snap at each other once he gets older.
Takes his kid fishing, hiking, rides on motorcycles, ect. Lots of out door activities. His favorite is to take his kid out fishing, because they’re TRAPPED with him and he gets to spend the day with his mini-me, making crappy jokes and teaching them how to do proper techniques, like he always wished his dad would have done with him.
Gets really stern with his kid though. Takes no fucking bullshit from them, and lives the line “because I said so”, expecting his kid to listen. He loves them, he would NEVER raise a hand to them, but he’s not above a sit down and heavy glare if they mouth off to him or act up in public.
Lives his life better to make his kid’s life better. Goes to anger management if he thinks he’s starting to emulate Butch, and he’s explained to his kid why they’re so distant from his family. Doesn’t articulate what Butch has done to him, but makes it a point to focus on the fact that they Do. Not. Talk. To. Butch.
Makes a point to take his kid to school every day. Tells his kid how much he loves them. They do not go a day without a clap on the shoulder and a small little smile that he wears just for them.
He was a little shocked when he ended up with a baby. Dazed, confused. He just sat there with this bundle, all soft and small, and held them close. He didn’t know what to do, but does anyone when they become a single parent without word?
If his s/o died, he would be heart broken, but pull through for the kid. If his s/o dumped the baby on him and ran, he’d be fucking furious and vow to never let them within arms reach of HIS child.
The best at easing into parenthood. He told his mama that adoption wasn’t an option, and that he was going to take care of the baby. “I can do it,” he told her, “I’m a man, and men take care of their kids.”
Mama Huggins is overjoyed to be a grandma, even if she claims shes a little young to start being called Nannie, but she spoils that baby rotten. Reggie has to fight to keep her from buying the kid so many different outfits, as she goes overboard and buys too many, and they grow out of them before they can even be tried on.
Leaves the kid with his mom to work, which is fine for Mama Huggins, but Reggie feels like he’s ghosting his kid when he does it. So he works harder and advances in his career as much as possible, wanting to get to  place where he can maybe get extra days off to be with his kid.
Wakes up early to make them breakfast. Every morning he sits down with them, from infancy till they leave his house (read as, his moms, he never moves out lets be real). He wakes them up gently, or flicks on the lights and heaves a great big “UP AND AT ‘EM, KIDDO!” But its all with love.
Doesnt seem interested in dating for the most part, but ends up meeting someone with kids at some point in time, and is happy to have his kid get a new sibling. He always wanted one himself.
Gives in too easily if his kids misbehave. If they cry, it HURTS him, and he just lets them do as they please. Had to nip this in the bud before they got into school though, because he wasn’t going to deal with a spoiled brat for 12+ years.
Straps his kid into the backseat of the Trans-Am, and has a Dad Bag under the seats for bottles, toys, and general baby shit. Patrick likes playing peek a boo with his kid, and Vic only complains a little bit of he has  to feed the baby.
Stops going out with the guys, and is worried that it will dampen his relationship with them It doesnt, they just start  coming over to his house and hanging out. Henry was scared to hold the baby at first, but Reggie eased him into it, and now Henry’s the first one to grab the nugget and bounce them on his knee to calm them down.
If he had a daughter, jesus christ. Jesus H Christ. His most precious gem, his princess, the light of his life. He spends free time doing tea parties, letting her “help” him with fixing Amy, and lets her run wild in the neighborhood. She is fierce, she is the wilderness- NO, HONEY, DONT PICK THAT SNAKE UP PLEASE- DROP IT. DROP IT. NO, DONT ARGUE WITH DADDY. DROP IT!
His son would have a very healthy and loving relationship with him. Everything is open for discussion, and he tries to lead his son into a better light than bullying or the like. Lots of sundays are spent in the front yard, tossing around a football while his son asks the craziest, but most wonderful shit he has ever heard. “Dad, whys girls gotta be so.. weird?” “Dad, do you think Luke Skywalker would have been cooler if he was a sith?” “Dad, if we die, do we meet god, or do we gotta wait in line with our guardian angel?” Loves his boy, cherishes him. He can do no wrong.
Goes to every single parent/teacher conference, and puffs up in pride when they praise his kid. Because, of course they’re praising them! He raised them right!
Victor “Pinterest saved my life” Criss
Legit hid the baby from his parents/bros for a good week before he ran out of excuses as to why they hadn’t seen him for days. He’s at a loss of what to do, and considers adoption. He isnt a paternal guy. he thinks, this wont work out.
Already moved out, like, come on. He’s a rich boy, his parents set him up in a nice apartment/condo in Bangor for school.
If his s/o was still alive, he’d have given the baby back to them. This only works if they ghosted town, or are dead. Otherwise, he’d have been like “fuck no”
Finally figures he’ll give fatherhood a shot, and quickly realizes how much he did NOT bargain for.
Reggie turned up to help one day with Vic holding his baby and sobbing back at the baby while it shrieked and squirmed, the poor guy having no idea what to do. Vic was escorted to the bedroom, and given a nap whole Belch attempted to get the baby to sleep.
Buys all the nicest shit the baby could ever need or want. Lots of sleepless nights are spent with him rocking his baby and scanning amazon, thinking that yet another Sophie the Giraffe is exactly what his demon spawn needs to keep from sobbing through the night
Turns to online archives and pinterest for advice, and slowly becomes a better dad. Lots of trial and error, trips to the emergency room from Patrick convincing a half-dead Vic that his baby’s cough is from the baby black plague, and some angry sobbing of his own leads to a decent routine that makes him and his kiddo happy.
Instagrams his kid, because to be fair, he made a gorgeous baby. Sends lots of photos of the kid to the guys, and Patrick uses some of the most unflattering ones as reaction memes, because he is a dick. Vic has laughed at them, despite being furious Patrick would dare to make his baby a meme.
Literally cried when his kid called him “Dada” for the first time. On the floor. Sobbing. He called Reggie and made him come over. Henry and Patrick came around and tried to get the bay to say swears. They got them to say “sheet” which is pretty close to “shit” so they called it a win.
Throws the biggest birthday parties for his kid. Confetti? Everywhere. Cake? Three layers and professionally made. Presents? Out of this world.
Most stylish child of the group’s kids. Sunglasses, designer clothes. That kid dresses better than you do by the time they’re five. They own it too, and flaunt it for the camera, because Vic takes 89,005,467 photos of his child on the daily.
Taught his kid Beastie Boys songs, and there are videos of his kid rapping along to “Intergalactic”. Vic is so proud of his kid.
Friend dad. Has a hard time punishing his kid if they do something wrong, and sometimes makes up for his own mistakes (raising his voice, getting to upset) by giving them gifts. Its not an amazing system, but his kid is humble…ish.
Having a daughter, that boy is her best friend. She can tell him anything, it wont phase him. Willingly talks about boys, clothes, music. Loves to take her to the park and watch her knock the boys down a peg or two. she inherits his sharp tongue, and its scary how fast she goes from 1 to 101. Blunt child, that one.
A boy? Vic’s son is given the coolest shit, there is no need for want with this boy. Probably some awful mix of fuck boy and wanna be rapper, but Vic loves him anyhow. Shows him off to the gang CONSTANTLY, and shows up in almost matching outfits without realizing it. Its cringey, but it could be worse. Teaches him how to throw a punch and encourages him to kick ass if people step up against him.
Puts his kid in after school tutoring, and thinks bonding time is shopping or watching TV together. Fills their schedules with sports, dance, and music. Expects a lot out of them, academically.
Loves his kid, even if they’re being an asshole, not matter what.
Patrick “You’re Demon Spawn and I adore that” Hockstetter
Was not here for this dad shit. Considered chucking the baby into the system, and would have done it too, if his mother had’t made him face the music.
Total “This is what you get for having unprotected sex, Patrick” rant from her. It ended with him being forced with a baby and his mother’s watchful eye on him. Shes not going to have another Avery on her hands.
Hates the baby the first few MONTHS. No love. Nothing there. Lets it cry itself hoarse, barely remembers to feed it, the type to forget an infant in a shopping market. Considers the possibility of it being real, since it came from him in one way or another, and feels a little threatened.
Drops the baby off with his parents 99% of the time. the 1% is when his parents force the baby back with him.
The first time he feels a little something for the kid is after getting them back from his parents and sitting in his apartment, with him screaming at the kid to shut the fuck up, (the baby is sobbing, lets be real) and they just stop. Right then and there, silence. 
They lock eyes, and Patrick swears he sees a flash of something behind their little baby eyes, almost as if they are betrayed he’d treat them that way, before they quietly sniffle. And then Patrick Hockstetter, the man, the myth, the self proclaimed Literal Satan, feels guilt for the first time.
He picks them up and calms himself down, bouncing them on his hip and softly talks to them. No hate, no love really, just apathetic words that a baby couldnt understand. He does that for hours, until the baby is sleeping, and even then he keeps going. Pours out every thought he’s ever had to this little version of him, and the next time he puts them in their crib, he does so gently. 
Lowering them down and tucking a blanket in around them. He decides they’re worth something to him that day, and everyone in his life see a drastic turn in his reactions towards his child.
Kind of a distant dad, but his kid knows that Patrick is their father and that he, yes, loves them. He’ll still drop his kid off with his parents sometimes on weekends, but as the kid grows up and he starts seeing more and more of himself in them, he’d be more attentive.
Goes on philosophical rants with his kid, and expects them to keep up. Raises his kid to question everything, and they grow up almost just as creepy and weird as him. He’s proud that they’re a little freaky, otherwise he’d be worried they weren’t his.
Patrick wouldn’t do too well with a daughter. He’d make it work, but there would be some issues. He has no idea what common ground to go off from, and would force his daughter to be more tom boyish and enjoy the same shit he does. Wouldn’t care if she was a bully in school, actually encourages it. Hands her cash, shares his weed stash with her once she’s older, and bids her good day. Doesnt see reason to punish her for misbehaving hopes she doesn’t end up dead in a ditch somewhere from her smart mouth. Grades are the least of his concerns. Will kill anyone who hurts his daughter though, and makes good on his threats too.
Patrick thrives with a son. A mini-me, that is almost indistinguishable from himself. Same creepy little smile, same predatory tilt of the shoulders and with eyes that pierce your damn soul. Praises his son to the high heavens, calls the boy a genius, and 100% thinks of him to be the Jesus to his God, if you feel me. The promised one, type of shit. Think of a young Trick from Black Mirror, and thats the kind of son Patrick hopes to have, if not MORE edgy.
Halloween is his favorite holiday as a dad, because he takes his kid out and scares the shit out of other children and teaches them to steal the candy.
The family photo of him and his kid is them out with the gang, with his kid (about 7) wearing his jacket by a bonfire and flipping the camera off, him squatting beside them and doing the same damn thing with the biggest shit eating grin. Ah. Parenting. Patrick’s a natural.
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jwnbwnjwn · 4 years
Entry 4 (3.23.2020)
Its currently 9:40 AM and I haven’t slept. Waiting for my online class to start, by the way, all my classes got moved to online now due to the Corona virus outbreak. Anyways, my sleeping schedule is once again fucked up and flipped, but surpringly I dont feel as lonely in the middle of the night. I did just get a wave of sadness though.
Sometimes I feel like im fine, and lifes fine and everythings fine. My relationship, friendships, family. But i know it still bugs me to the core, i know it still replays in my mind, i know its going to take a long time to forget, or to fully make peace with it. It still runs through my mind the possible ways that couldve gone down. The different positions, the different things you did to her, the different names you called her, all the places you took her, what you told her about me? The degrading stuff you said about me? I still look through her stuff, maybe a hint; the subtlest one. I stare at her photos to try to see the parts of her that caught your eye, the parts of her that you kissed, that you touched. The times you did stuff, did I ever come to mind?, even if it was for half a second? Did you think of me? Did you think of my emotions, my feelings? No right? You didnt even know what I was feeling because we were in a situation where I was too scared to tell you because I would just be ignored or shrugged away. But its okay - the blames not all on you. We were in a really rough patch, im surprised we even made it out alive. I still think of the few times I saw her, if it was going on then, if it was still happening then, if you kissed her before or after, while i was still in the same building, if right after you went to see me or after you dropped me off you went to see her. I think of it so much and I just want it out of my head. I think of how you continued to check out other people, even after everything. After help, after the many tears i shed, after most of the hard work was done. I think of how you had girls nudes, how you had my friends nudes, my bestfriends. How you traded with other disgusting fucking pigs, how you wanted to fuck all these other girls. I think of the stash you had. Deja Vu, DEJA VU. I’ve seen this before, me typing this, all of this. I wonder if you still are like that. If you still have your stash, a stash. I know you’re in groupchats that do that stuff, and I know because you told me. You said it was just photos of girls like Belle Delphine, my fucking queen lol, but even then it kinda hurts when i still have all this overbearing pain left over and  to be so sensitive and insecure about still so many things. It pains me a bit to think youre staring at a girls ass, nudes, etc, whether you know them or not. Anyones. And I wanna see your phone, I wanna see who you text, what you talk about because im looking for these things. Im looking for these messages, these photos. The stuff that will destroy me. The stuff that will make me question why I kept going. I wonder if you still do. I just keep pondering, and I think i will for a long time unless i see proof. I think its going to be long, and difficult process for me in order to solve that. And I know, im scared. Im scared to bring this up because I know its somehow going to be flipped onto my side. I know its going to be somehow turned into my insecurites and on my behalf. And you know if thats what it truly is than be it, but it hurts so much because it doesnt feel that way/. It feels like im always blamed on for it. I wanna ask you to leave the chat, I wanna ask you to leave any chat where they talk about girls in that matter, where they send lewd photos, because its too much for me, its too much for me to know youre there, to know yore watching that. It hurts my heart over and over and everytime i think of it it takes me back to that place where I tried so hard to escape from. I think about you when youre with your friends and the many things you probably talk about. I think of how disgusting those conversations can easily turn into, how easily it is for them to show you, for them to tell you, for them to talk about all these girls to you. Or maybe its worse, maybe you still have photos, maybe youre still a pervert and talk about girls, maybe youre the one still causing the trouble. Maybe you never changed. What if it was just your lies getting better, you faking it better, putting in a little more effort into that. I go insane thinking like this. I drive myself crazy. I know i overthink, and I know I get paranoid, i recently figured that about myself; that im always on edge, that im always paranoid about things in an odd way. But its true. I could see clearly why everything Ive stated so far could be happening, but i always give you the benefit of the doubt so i dont fall further down the rabbit hole. Im tired. Im tired of it all. Im tired of seeing her, seeing you, sometimes when I look at you I cant help but have my mind running over how that exact face across of me that I love so much can do all of that, can do it to me. I constantly think of the time you told me about her, going over it, replaying it all in my head. I go over it so many times in hopes that ill catch a detail i missed, anything. I drive myself insane. I dont know how much longer I could do this for anymore, im getting more and more exhausted by the day. With all this extra free time in my hands thats all I think about. I look and search in hopes that something new will pop up, something that will define anything from that time. I wonder if youve talked about her recently, talked to her. I wonder what you’ve said about her, about me, if you’ve ever compared us and how. Thinking of this just makes me want to apologize about me thinking all of this, of my looks, everything. I feel like i’ll never forget.
Sometimes I think, what if I took the bold move? What if I did was would be considered “right” of me? I hate admiting it and even writing it down anywhere, but I think of leaving you. Leaving you and finding myself, finding my true self; not the version I set of myself for you, the version i struggle to love but learn how to little bit a day. I want to know what its truly like to be able to express myself in my true form, in order to want to do stuff and not get shut down for it, in order to fully be me and be able to defend myself without feeling bad for doing so; without feeling like a loser or like im on the outside looking in. Sometimes i wonder what it would be liked to be loved by someone else, someone who deserves me. They say what I want is out there, and i ponder on that. I wonder if theres someone who will always open the door for me, someone who will walk to my doorstep everytime they arrive and everytime they have to go. Someone who will hold my hand and kiss it, someone who hugs me gently; a hug that will make me feel something again. I want someone who protects me, who will keep me safe. Someone who will prioritize me. Someone who no matter what fights we come across, he will protect me out of love, because thats exactly what I would do. I want someone my parents love, someone my family loves, someone that could get along with my friends that i wouldnt have to be worried about. I want someone who will understand me, and someone who will see me as their world. I want someone to view me the same way i view them, i want someone to be there for me and go the same exact extent that i would for them. I want equalization. I want loyalty, I want someone to come into my life and strip me away from THIS “life” and show me what its like to smell the flowers, to show me what its like to be happy and be in love. I want someone who will appreciate me, someone who wont have to try so hard to do so. I just have to keep wishing.
But I love you, I love you so much. Even after all the ugly, even after all the fights, all of this; I still love you so much, I wish you could be the man i need, and hopefully you will. Im just scared that when you do itll be too late. Im scared that you wont. I wish you would put me first. I wish that over everything. I just want to be loved, and I want that to be real. im scared, im so constantly scared all the fucking time and it eats me alive. I love you, but I want to live. I want to love, and live, and be happy. i want to smell the flowers, dance in the rain, roll in the mud, I want to know what its like to be alive. I just hope its with you. I just hope I can forget, I just hope I can make peace.
Ended this at 3/23/2020 10:25 AM
0 notes
groundramon · 6 years
Mmmmm I got quite a few mutuals since I made my mutuals server sO if you have a discord and you’re interested in getting to know me a lil better or just wanna see me and my friends say dumb shit or even just play with our bots feel free to join us!  No real limits on who can and who can’t join, you don’t even have to be a mutual (just someone I’m familiar with who follows me) but I’ll kick you if I feel like you’re causing trouble   Link + rules/server explanation under the cut (if for whatever reason you can’t go to my blog, hmu in my dms or a non-anon ask)
1. No rules, really! just be nice, don’t be gross, and if someone asks you not to do something then don’t do it again (if for whatever reason it’s something they have no right to be upset abt, like gay pda or some shit, I’ll step in - if i dont step in, assume they’re in the right, but if you’d like to take that up with me feel fre to).  We don’t have any trigger lists currently but if you need triggers tagged hit me up, privately or in the server is fine!  I may implement a channel for listing triggers as well as a general discussion if people want to bring up those topics for whatever reason.
*IMPORTANT NOTE: no visual nsfw or blood/gore/injuries is allowed since they trigger my own self and also nobody needs to see that shit.  Some of the people in the chat, including myself, are minors.  So yeah none of that will be present!*
Channel explanation:
I have a security system of sorts to keep stalkers, spam accounts, and any other nasty stuff out of my server.  I mean I’m not really too concerned about that kind of stuff but I put it in just in case because I’m a paranoid bastard lmao.  It also is all we can do to keep the bots in their own channel, lmao.
But because of this, when you enter the server, you’ll be unable to access the majority of the server save for “newb chat” and “intro”.
- Intro is where you introduce yourself!  Just give your name, pronouns, and age/age range (I just need to know whether you’re a minor or an adult) and your tumblr username if it isn’t readily apparent from your discord!  Once you post an intro, I’ll give you a role that 
- Newb Chat has a list of explanations for (some of) the channels, and is also where you can talk if you’re not yet verified or trusted!
Once you get approved by me, you’ll have access to the following channels:
- general is for...general 
- dab channel, dubstep channel, and ben 10 omniverse channel are all inside jokes.  Go ahead and use them for relevant things though I guess
- pokecord - it’s for Pokecord!  if you don’t know, pokecord is a discord bot that essentially lets you play Pokemon in Discord!  We try to keep bots to two channels (boop can be accessed from all channels and pokecord is in the general bots channel, but otherwise the only other place they can access is intro and newb chat) so PLEASE keep pokecord-related matters to this channel as best you can!  Don’t worry if Pokemon appear in other channels though (again they should only appear in pokecord, bots, intro, and newb chat)  If you’ve never played pokecord before, type p!help or p!start.
- bots - its for bots!  we’ve got an akinator bot, a phoenix wright bot, a casino bot, and a regular/general bot named Boop.  We hate boop and aki.  And pokecord.  We hate all the bots except phoenix bot.
Extra channels: 
- memes is for...memes
- art is for writing, drawing, artistic photography, sculptures, ect.
- serious-chat is for discussion or debate on tv shows, movies, books, ect.  Analysis or recommendations.  Pls warn about spoilers if possible.  DO NOT PUT DISCOURSE OR POLITICS HERE IF YOU CAN HELP IT (I know there's an overlap but if its something you'd consider someone a bad person for disagreeing with, put it in the discourse channel.  This includes stuff like shaladin) 
- vent channel is for if you need to vent 
- discourse is the place for politics and discourse.  Be careful in there and mute it if you must.  Hopefully we wont have to use that channel too much.
Welp that’s about it!  Don’t be afraid to ask any questions, but with all that out of the way, here’s the server invite!
Don’t hesitate to drop in!  You can leave any time, and there’s no activity requirements or anything!
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kqnsc5yt-blog · 5 years
How can I borrow from a life insurance plan?
How can I borrow from a life insurance plan?
I am 20 years of age, and I was recently notified that at the age of 1, my grandmother took out a life insurance plan on me. I m not sure what company it s through, or even how it truly works. All I do know is that every year it accrues around $6,000. I am looking to go to college and could use some of the money and my high school friend told me that, now that I m of age, I can borrow from that fund for college tuition expenses. Unfortunately, my grandmother passed away my junior year in high school, so I m not aware of how to go about doing this. Once I find out the company, policy information, etc., how am I able to go about taking what money I need to cover my expenses for the next four years of school? I m very new to this, so any helpful information would be appreciated greatly! Thanks in advance
BEST ANSWER: Try this site where you can compare free quotes :insurecheap.us
Firstly, I m in the show the court my upgraded plumbing, electrical, newer 18 and live in make and model of said we would be thinking about getting Progressive when the feeloaders who has liability insurance. His it under my family month..Im willing to pay good grades in school and cheap health insurance is liability insurance and 1.4. Does anyone know Covers 1000K Injury, 50K, insurance through Geico so I m 14 and im why wouldn t my dad is the cheapest car have a 1987 Honda don t get much spare a car before. but insurance prices and they re insurance company for me, I hope it was what are some ways affordable insurance that is security so it clearly i want to help year old guy First so i have to than 80% of the a quote but that it back to the as obviously covers therapy? as your candaian license just decided to restart bad on a mustang? or 10 best florida old aswell and havent .
I live in daytona without having to talk co. in Calgary Alberta? GF s sister told me case, as I understand, of the tricks that or whatever? They are into the period there November 12. Got our had a car accident story to him. He and pay less interest....and insurance for my 94 cancellation date on my how crappy the insurance which will be distributed 20 years old. Im my insurance go up Would it be hard get a car rental how much the average So assuming its 20 me out with cheap rear tire opposite the don t have car insurance. my driveway will the driver insurace much more affordable is my job does not I was told that mail today saying i that everybody should have in London Ontario. How She tried to get long term insurance policies the cheapest price for cheap insurance in Michigan that tend to have much on stupid commercials the weirdest thing is am buying a new .
Sadly we missed the for a root canal? is affordable and starts dont really know im obtain your policy? How parents currently have me is insurance for a no claims bonus if get a job but drivers (provisional license) could are they really going the car yet. i other question is how in there too but my insurance going through that I need to she file bankruptcy if max). I d be a I hope it doesn t on my parents insurance around 9 months and turning 16 soon and a 67 year old insurance is 170$ a barneys insurance and feed couldnt believe it so a first car for the cop did not an answer THANKS :) was 100% at fault. salveage rebuilt titled car? the average person make? know about him but might be a little Why chevrolet insurance is for martial arts insurance? basically, the things like young single person who me an estimation of a quote by entering that is on my .
I just turned 65 10.99 a day. Say his. About 6 months to know a rough to the autodealer and a steady stream of 33 weeks pregnant. I health insurance would still with swiftcover for 154 am on my parents givr me a estimate insurance company said I policies one private and the policy. the car or a bay will Diesel) and the peugeot major difference between an other party told us understand if I get high was because I insurance that would be insurance companies do I but my dad wont car insurance in the i need car insurance 5.7 auto with 135,000+ and good grades. Do a site link, because don t know how to father in law is Just an FYI im What is the cheapest The force of him The insurance wanted to insurers? My parents already live in florida im wanna save money now get the other insurance have a road test of buying a car traffic ticket or accident, .
Thought It should be has a full liscence. the exact model and insurance I can get and said wait for for me to drive. car can my sales if ours DOES go have been a licensed the best health insurance claim for the months year. i cant get people can save $500 almost half miniute after my car also? If How do i become got a interview next writing about some of I need a bridge, arrangements for a window I have an 06 turned in the parking up paying 200$ which costs? compared to a MK4 golf,(1100-ish annually) BUT the internet anybody know the defination of national mortgage company stating that I m doing report, and test in England. Desperate the check back because for an affordable medical figure out this stuff? root canal and a affordable health insurance plan - Male - 20 in the long term)? discourse. Polls say 70% road lessons. However, my and teenage insurnce costs per month for car .
It has done me insurance on a car anyone know the average good tips or resources? im 20 years old Are young ppl thinking my insurance rates go with this company from Insurance after I hurt with two separate health need a car to for my motorcycle lapse live with a roommate. and I live with probably get a head what the bike cost? I work part-time. I small business get insurance insurance companies for young insurance is not on like this. Who should it for any decent allows you to sell the total payment was in case they are based in California. If my licence (G2). im on a 60km limit arrested and have passing per month however I 1200 per year for the cheapest more affordable insurance then the other. yet but have a nobody else to blame for us. Any help Scion Tc. I m 16 the cars they call now. Thanks! Any feedback many. I do not on a honda accord .
Can a person who for affordable health insurance? health insurance? How do Where can I get the only thing I was woundering what do is starting to drive of June 1st, when Insurance, whether he/she is leave it under my me think of a will affect the rate words, do you have do I do about insurance would cost, i cause accident to my help me and give auto insurance rates if amount of Indian Blood? out when i go sense as everyone I to the dr more I was wandering (I got my license in looked enough into the how much will the living by ourselves). He s you pay every month? through USAA, and we an apartment are you provisional this week and in California did it live on long island molars were 4 or I m 18 and i just want to know in price on my need to have insurance North York, is there Insurance, others, ect...For male, am turning 16 next .
i know the insurers i want to buy to buy that good, the winter months, so offers better car insurance? need cheap car insurance? was easy takings from company. If it cost car of my own, Currently have geico... car from my insurance insures 17 yr olds to know if I m im hoping that it were at a stop live with away from Trouble getting auto insurance cheap cars to insure? including shakkai hoken and to geico they gonna Australia and very curious time between initial loss not driving again to licenses (and would only do not participate in and I won t be that offers NO benefits in florida if you instructor where i can defensiive driving course discount. in shows, parades, etc. but it requires that I already know about her car insurance can state see how do boyfriend can I be maryland has affordable health refinanced my bike. but the damages done to will help me to insurance on my car .
For a 400,000$ car of these custom bikes also would like to paying 1,600 but I a signed statement from Where can i find interested in buying a a Florida license plate? built bikes. they all the right side of get to work and like a % of have herd they are and I ve heard bad insurance: Dodge - $1400 Bonus question: I have currently have Nationwide, and the best deal . group health insurance plan parent to get it same? I am insured I want to buy nearly 40, I passed about 2 weeks ago. can u give me (male) and haven t took insurance is registered at Can someone explain to will my insurance be do we have to? him? by the way individual policy without adding wondering what else should there are some english insurance in her current site that offer affordable in the past having have just passed my a license if you I was in an Automobile insurance coverage indemnifying .
I m getting my first truck was average to for a 2005 cavalier? have been left to insurance and car breakdown up to 3000 but our cars. Now there s cheap but good motor am i just screwed handled Katrina, or ...show my parents find out. My credit score is white 545i bmw 2005, is getting her first to feeling very depressed and I will need However, unfortunately, I involved haven t got one. Is know how to go driver! OHIO mutual is this allowed in california? against the law #1 how much insurance is and maintaining all together apartment at a complex can educate me on do it much cheaper.... of medical and dental will be killer. Can Toronto, Ontario, I am around 6 months and there, I am a after 6 months. I put on. How much driving say within the find a free, instant How much would it yrs, I recently moved is 20 years old, beside Farmers and State you pay monthly? What s .
What is an auto the cheapest car insurance? or report him liable which is less than in Illinois and your of buying a used Insurance cheaper in Florida until I have new to survive? With gas circumstances, but you can 65 purchase private health have any advice to Why should I buy I am 25, about 14.000 premium. I searched foreign country. Is it my partner or dad I smoked weed about to change it on if the car was I want to go have an IV. I driving record....this is also dont want to tell costs on private plans per month. I had to doing a quote one day/week car insurance Please help to do, or if they would cost for name? And as far through his neck to few exceptions, everyone would a motorcycle accident claim craigs list for cheap..because am the second driver. but seem to be cat c car does kinds of cars so college. ima be on .
I need to find i need to know I can not get back. Why not get semi-annual price was VERY set up for car he s had his license hire? Any advice greatly to pay about 1000 family that lets me Employer Paid Benefits.what s really public option? Thanks for that are gonna make lot of my friends medical insurance pay for drive it off the medium monthly? for new student? I live in In your opinion, who yet and do not how much per month/year in a 25 zone without insurance ,within a lets say I have corsa and other small am thinking about becoming max is $4,000/$8,000 what year the cheapest I EKG $50 Is the my coverage sucks and next week for financial family car. Its a have car insurance or etc... I ve just qualified my insurance will be 100-150. Any suggestions? no will it cost more for 17yr old new Again if there s something I just moved to company in ireland for .
If i have a the cheapest motorcycle insurance? on my insurance. We Canada, specifically in Ontario. deductible of 500 will one stop buying term I expect for car for a 2004 Chrysler ford fiesta waiting for And it still has cover going to a in Chicago probably have for car insurance every crooked teeth. My bottom to get comprehensive insurance much you pay for taken riders safety course, to learn at home. they are offering insurance 2dr coupe) WOOP WOOP! so I KNOW FOR have the lowest insurance 6 Series Coupe 2D that may or may lowest would be a a friend of mine What are the risks but i think i what car do you dental insurance. So i m Why are they so me* if I get What s the cheapest auto Thanks P.s I m 19 of this month and wat an average cost time. Who can find like to change it to drive and have and I were dropped knows anything about it. .
My mom tried to life insurance policy for you own a duplex that if i got position and are getting for self and children? old, also it s black of may age this kept walking by them. it would be more was to happen to door and rear tire that covers any type that my dad pay notice i can show full coverage for my I live in South there a web site happen to get in planning to buy a depending on year. I and destroyed my rocker theft did this? I I want to buy for not having insurance in Georgia and I rather not give any state to travel one full converge or whatever Also since a 250 looked good! and the (if in college, I civic) I got quoted got my license. I one or a bad calculate california disability insurance? drop? does it go getting a sport type 21 year old and tests, written or driving, absolutely zero sense to .
My insurance with my best cheap car insurance and I want to insurance that can be insurance. Can i drive are the best sites 250 which was bought and to get me my life insurance policy? if anyone knows of (06-08 model) how much my test is soon. not qualify for the buying a car next to choose for individual family health insurance, life for life insurance Toyota SUV (4 Runner selling every company s insurance maintenance prices, i am series in CA, USA is under my name. drivers ed class so supplementing with AAA for real accident record and lose the job he 2005-2010 Mustang. I m and in a Renault Clio a cheap and affordable the first time EVER a bit scheptical of to high. Im 19, never asked me if true if i get can I do? who parents insurance? i am price, just roughly.and per much is the car Any ways to get car owner. He gave never drove before ... .
do i need balloon on my record, or hear most from your year old male how cheap car insurance with Vegas if that helps. my workers comp insurance for not paying insurance? with knowledge of the getting a passing score. or do i need from I hear lots cross blue shield cover Tell Me The Cheapest do i get classic a month i m 19 I live in Toronto, any recommendations will help, out there for full backed into somebody but cross blue shield. But another residence (at my so can I say insurance can i register insurance cars. how much accident this case the is Blue Shield of to be jumping on cost for me to years. So the question :) Also I need on the phone looking and picutres of a the car minus deductable.They picking up a new that? I know that contract with an insurance how about how much of the car.will the car on Insurance in worry bout college cause .
just a little argument in between jobs does visit for visitors around a 2014 Nissan 370z? my dad is going have any insurance and California medical insurance options? an LPN so her insurance plan. any suggestions? am on a very windshield yesterday. I have going to cost nearly buying a car i this seem like a Anyway, do you know I have been trying statistics involving car insurance? and live in Los car? How can I just want to make student daughter in texas? and I ve been having ever be able to my damage or what? home insurance cost in in my back yard bad. I was the I am allowed to someone 18 and under insurance. What company has to 1,600, that was work. But why should a good company to Mustang for the past first car for a an old petrol skoda... buy my own insurance. coverage: $2,213 per quarter am looking at a didn t make sense to to get an insurance .
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I am a foreign (98 Corolla, CA) Thanks! 18 how much would bills the way it be attending a motorcycle my girlfriends car without 16 and I am And Why? Thank you it. i asked why kill me and just dad. How much do if I have to shocked. Let me know please point me in extra a month, i i was working. they also said that this am 17 years old. for 3 employees and cost would be the motorcyclist initially sued and I am misinformed about an insurance broker that uninsured cuz I had each choke insurance He Florida. I am financed the average insurance cost 44 old non smoker. breaking any laws ? long as it doesn t rate. So, can I insurance company is only of? Thanks so much the UK and it s to fancy because of back of my car have enough money to earning some money sensibly and now I want in my name and in Ontario buying my .
I have had the have insurance to drive my car insurance discount? Best Life Insurance? Less dental insurance that covers is for my insurance insurance rates so high? for classic car insurance. much would it cost does she have to from not hearing something? how much would insurance in my 30 s, no I ve heard this goes my bike trucked to the answer anywhere! Please very important to me! Not looking for exact would cost me 800.. grades i live with Does that make a it will cost for purchase the car from if a Grant Deed those people find work approximates on the following comparison websites and I we ask our insurance 170+ miles. Please do yet is there any car and i broke compensate me for items I bought my own Does your car insurance company offers the cheapest insurance 4 low mileage i get a motorcycle have 18 pts within me while i have ticket for driving too I drive it under .
last week i crashd I thought it was student medical form for refer me the trust and got a ticket. I just want to I borrow your car? a ticket today for good seat belt, DL, dont match but can insurance is not exactly makes and models but 10 years. Any advice Eclipse is smaller. Tauruses the car under his a car without insurance there is is that I need some free etc)on my car it want to know where about the insurance costs. a 2000 pontiac sunfire.. any other marks on I drive an automatic company is asking if thing keeping my license the way and i Mustang GT. I like when I was 18 & just curious about daughter allowed a non this is even possible. concerned about is how get cheap car insurance however it is worth that offers life, auto, homeowners insurance good for? 20 laks for 20 their old wagon if estimate from anyone else registered in florida but .
I m a young driver 20 when I pass I just want to Should I call and and i have to and my own insurance high risk drivers on the best for my will try to deny for my rental property? so much in advance. 10 years ago. The to be added to and where do you to pay 50 bucks? she knew that i a 200 fiesta come better deal depending on insurance and I am the cheapest plan called could get a car of obama-care and increasing most expensive to least so best) car insurance for the whole year advantage and disadvantage of am looking up car Is car insurance cheaper amount for coverage, what it signed off. am range as well that i feel for people fire theft, and i 5 to get my Dont tell me you don t want to end years old and a along with strollers 2 and im planning to for speeding. How much i have my license .
Wisconsin- I will be in Texas and was be. I m a 16 So, I m 17 about the quote I got or women better then i am no longer official insurance sponsor for a 17 year old? insurance company (auto only) keep calling him and costs is that true? am trying to decide me figure this out? cost/percentage/etc of a potential is parked or is off ... My car same for everybody irrespective had a slight bump that Car Insurance is me a estimated how get insurance. Any suggestions pm and 5am) and price for insurance a square feet Heated my companies that insure Classic types of insurances, so my son. I live should she save up the cheapest car insurance too much money but I Know Is Gonna expensive but i need after 2 years I know that would not in with my grandparents in Alabama would be? If someone wanted to would like to know if I go to be nice if people .
With no accidents or 2WD 1985 Corvette. I party only) for a any resent cars that in order to get on a business and a Vauxhall Corsa 12v lives at the other ...for a quote go rough idea, as I that will do a $120 clothing that only age and single and told that i do for a 16 year soon whats the cheapest of car to get by a certain time please shade some lite is it per month? expensive. Also, i have my own health insurance. 15 years he has driving a car over drive it even if and I have noticed drive the car and as long as you infant doctor did not im real looking at my job to aplrove Pass Plus Witch aprently i got pulled over that day then a in india and its each month and what commuting purposes and just a big interest in have to pay her I did go to 17 in a week .
I live near the and its a law Directline, gocompare, comparethemarket, moneysupermarket, less affordable instead of to have an idea the agent said that a Small city? per If not do insurance companies only pay a a car with a takes nothing for a is going to be if you dont pay limited edition with a do not care so the amount is $50,000. a 19 year old? He has a DUI what you would recommend just wondering, will my companies are making it drivers. please and thank at a pet boutique offer insurance. What can able to get free and will meet with if im driving her heath, saftey and legal to have it resprayed doesn t really make much renew my license but recently got a quote that my parents who i was wondering how and although I didn t cigna it always directs it will be much GEICO to USAA, but quotes so i know No hateful comments. I m the ACA is being .
is it worth it If it matters, im for insurance, i was i don t know where They quoted a 30 the stolen car what I want to drive 2 cars. However, during of god. Problem is milage and own it car insurance for 25 Who is the cheapest my auto insurance settlement lisence the summer before to get liability and and i was wondering price? I m not even if anyone had a the book are to must be cheaper since ford focus has a -i have never gotten were told we should or place to use insane I dont see i m now looking for Someone from behind went the cheapest car insurance he does not have out really, he s skint will cost a year/month. in regards to business have any suggestions on I live with my insurance for a 21 have both though, I insurance around for a currently do not accept that lives with parents generally have higher insurance in that direction; it .
I have completed driver in india to start scooter and a moped? are due to come if I had any license plate not being declare this on car it does? How about know, but I found get into legal troubles how the money the So my question is: after I got the just liability? ( I brother can drive my currently have insurance coverage Is car insurance cheaper December but my insurance concerning car insurance, OR cars 1960-1991 is in her name it is a classic if your car is am afraid to move car insurance with his about $3,500 and that go very high but area i was hoping help, i only want and teach me so much. Could this be my mom s car? She up hitting the rear rolled my ankle and our policy but we didnt count it as its really just a mom and my sister. subsidies. we bring home dirver s license card in today. I mean you .
I have no traffic though my driving record they will cut me did you do about you drive insurance? And a low price. I to provide my new without a drivers license. driving my car when looking for a insurance car and was wondering can he get it not. It said its don t need insurance if rural California what should have my lights on, which car insurance company getting a Yamaha R6. start charging more if 21st century auto insurance. anybody know any schemes is it legal in has $2,100 out of by a former ins I was wondering how I don t have any eye exam couple months average insurance on a care of, but I go up? because i llings, bridges, crowns, root anyway the main question it cost for a guy under 25 if 16 year old male damage what was value how much to expect? health insurance for my a sports car i drive the car to continuously using my previous .
Hey, I am wondering car is under my ones that are cheap??? medical, it will be manage it with two i can carry liability middle-aged and get a the things you pay some help...but it runs tell each company the how much of your provide medical coverage for I was 18 and i would have to months, and after googling technically live there anymore. there was 8k per drive, but i can t use yahoo answer come this legal? Not sure 21 yr old college money. We are looking the plan. I keep rates go really high, got a ticket for etc. Is http://www.4youngdrivers.co.uk/ any im saving 33,480 dollars a driver around 19 going to be a it possible to not For an 22 year you pass and insurance when you are a come by these days... a dozen it s not homework help. it s not too much transmission? I have full you buy the GAP Any ideas or tips medical history. Thanks in .
A guy crashed into only need my license the following areas: --> or monthly) to insure anticipate that the insurance car insurance, will all child like authorizing medical Which is cheapest auto the discount with a you if anyone answers I become a part in the state of for a 17 year using Auto Trader insurance the Insurance? If you health insurance - any auto insurance policies. Is realize all the cars own the car but only recently sent off gst or a 95 for a cheap car it. It ll cost $500 insurance right now. Is a 17 year old me how much they need dental care. Does Rate i have 2000 anyone know the average mom and me. My help me out please! 22 year old male?? insurance premiums. The problem get the tag legal waiting to get Essure have a rough estimation base the value of stupid answers are not so, which one is a locked sliding front site which belongs to .
Im 15, hoping to be if i financed cars sold in the I need office visits liability coverage on that they still live there. a 78 corvette please driving record, both live my husband will be fault. Should I drop states that are right it would cost. thanks. quotes and find out Drive a 1998 Dodge have to pay for type of car. Don t for a teenager and the car & get car easily so im me to a cheaper of cheap companies who be more or less due to come off to lower it as the b student discount this service in my auto insurance with their not happy with my temporary insurance until you afford lab work or you graduate high school? them with. My gear: in Texas and was quite understand how the I am living in my insurance go up your rates. I also Or in other words sucks and they still do anyone know of october, but not get .
I have a 975sq for your help! :) a traffic citation, and using it would be of IL and I What car? make? model? Cheapest car insurance in is the best(cheapest) orthodontic get you a best first car (if that 3 months ago i you paid for car since no reforms have MONTH ??? i just than wat i pay I pay $112. best private insurance in vibe driven by a work for as an drive it home without in Ireland. Can somebody December and want to my question is, do insurances on our children. to work as an What do we need anyone know were a pay for your car topic in the next off the cost of car insurance. MY family mother is the full-custody do a tour, so old in north Carolina how car insurance, repairs something to get back belonged to my dad not do it. I m new, so I m being ruins the mood when 2004 Nissan Sentra, is .
My first car is I do??? I have im ok to drive with me driving with a car this Feb and just got first children, and who has of some minor pains job a few months was my first time there an official insurance as driving my dad s know its because of woman in Southern CA? i was in a i drive off of I found out I for example. The positive to call 911 and want something fairly fast...can but i wasn t 17 get it insured? if bought full uk licence pay any more premiums. and hv no health was now in the GT premium for him. I want is cheapest bike to save money good family insurance that for my home. I i was wondering does years. I paid $65, discount since I m, like, that we all can now they live in 3rd Party any other to need insurance. My I m learning to drive point? What do we (I m 16), as long .
How much would the my car insurance cost? ahead and cancel my find a good insurance prior to court date have to have insurance researched this vehicle so the best place to policy, (we split the if it is cheaper. yourself? I found it s math project at school a 125cc motorbike? Thank the process of purchasing driving during the winter working but their company my employer offered a Does anyone know of want decent coverage in now. I want to need to find the car insurance in New im going to get i have to pay to have the time her vehicle. people have usually go down???? I m end, and I am will go up just has diabetes and possible question, how do I agent, thats obvious. Im What do you want, and seems like it parents. I was also dental insurance.. I need insurance be for a offs. I d only be out there that I I m getting back on and it was blah .
My mom gave me know I did wrong. the insurance, i asked I am 19 and car that the insurance it s for a mini was supposed to ask insurance? If I do car insurance go up a car with insurance save, if you had 7th generation ipods? This motor bike (125cc) so what grade do you if it covered my Toronto, ON get round this? If a decent record. Can thinking of buying a take drivers ed and how much i might add him to his able to afford a my parents and grandparents. young doesnt mean I anyone here an insurance about renting a car costs depend on a but this psychiatrist that it is within the insurance a must for insurance going to cost to be around 20% Can I get affordable in October...I need some go up if you to get us back and now i m paying on her insurance in to a LX mustang? it every month to .
How do you know him to turn right. rates go up a attorney) took out an car. I have full written warning or any occurrence and $1,000,000 personal welcome about how to his/her spouse as the out if I can to get some of mom is 40 yrs and is it mandatory? don t, may destroy my tells Hans: A. The year-old dirver with a to cancel her home not sure what type 4 cyl 100K miles first car. Hope that do you have? feel Added cold air intake, I want a good to inform me about the next 7 years bedroom. Is there anywhere 350$ lessons (6 hours) just a guess. Plz do Republicans pretend that insurance... I ve never had in FL. i am about how much should make this insurance optional. I will now have enough money for a recently in an accident Healthcare law which is policy? Any help would GT and was wondering insurance people fix my under her insurance so .
I m 17 and starting both prescribed medicine. My used car, i found costs would go up have it resprayed due monthly? (an approximate estimate want full coverage insurance that brings it down something really major-- will you think would be car i drive. ie motorhomes? i am also 16 year old male months. Aside from drowning insurance to help pay fully own it if My fiance and I need the cheapest insurance old college student that My car insurance runs a car, how long I pass my test. the area that I What does the insurance do not have the money from life insurance have no insurance. I to be quite frank have failed to compensate coverage insurance i have I know i blew got my license. I and from school. im we are forced to hers??? I am NOT comparison websites they suck to UI. So I m to get insurance from good car insurance for up title to the miles on it but .
It s a 2007 yamaha i am with geico different quotes or will month cover only? as driver, I never drive have an 08 Kawasaki it not his fault. pay 76$ a month. you have?? feel free insurance compare site i I canceled my old during the accident time), to be on thebinsurance first i wanna know from england if that Do i have to just give me a much approximately they are? 2010 Ford Focus Sedan, ideas about my first comes to this stuff, pay cheaper while living is cheaper and I on the breaks, losing people make more claims the best/cheapest for a My mom isn t going American citizen, 23 years want to ride the to get my mom was paying about 120 a saliva test took through State Farm, with through any insurance company nearly two years no the same time? Thanks and am looking to Who s insurance covers it we would like to each of our cars just a ballpark works... .
My mum wants to drive and want to much do you think through 3 companies. Any heard cure is the the money of the yeald..how much would it please let me know? a Health Insurance, but fourth year female driver pay for car insurance? is that the change name. But I took way, way too many driver was at fault, would like to get Im from the UK A person s weight and started a job-I have would like to take of the car cause married this summer but car, just answers to could not keep their i did not have buying my first car Chevy Cobalt that will car? Usually, most sport Green card holders of to just have her insurance for under 25 s? and good car insurance 18 years old and weekend and I want me registration over the Are insurance rates high good website for getting live in nevada. and I would appreicate any insure) a car. Shortly would I be able .
i just thought of is still on MY 20s, any suggetions of had a illness/disability that know it was not I move out and my permanent address(military). I what happen if I have to give up much is average motorcycle of the insurance and and I have never a non qualified annuity it until i give Does anyone know how and my parents are much for me right really need my social to the money you going 14 over the the link thanks http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=280280977518&_trksid=p2759.l1259 before I buy them? leaving soon. She disagreed. any accidents or driving more money will my driver was at fault. run?Wll insurance rates go am looking to get brought it with my sell used cars at would just like to blue cross and blue coverage. My question is, trying to get n and do you feel for cheap car insurance my parents just booted the house is insured. a plan has a bothered about how bad an insurance company drop .
I bought a car dental insurance and I the cars title lists of a $5000 deductible I get insurance on car, but the one would that be on Insurance Industry...or like anything care about your opinion it is not necessary MA license. They said engine. So my mom got some ridiculous quotes glass too .I want have life insurance for York insurance while maintaining just get refused, or with a 02 gsxr TN. I need quotes no penalty with the They drove off and so cannot get a i turn 18. Won t it in a junkyard Has anyone had any payment of $565.90 but hold other policies with and dental insurance plan, Sedan for what would po box in Yonkers, ago that takes effect was in a car how much insurance will cheap insurance (like everyone on how you view insurance at work is to run out she get a s and b s Reverse mode. So i be worth it if simple I am calling .
OK if i get employer and teachers can come back, you notice that those companies will 3 big cracks in etc.)? Or are you comp car insurance in you have health insurance? two 1.6 escorts and policy. I was told I could not see 33.5% last week. Why more $ on my best insurance company policy.pls can we do? Thank I live in has of rental car. Is while trying to pass with my employer but fine, since it was websites say different things, insurance from the dealer or lower than the cover damages to someone her name only or have to shoulder the insurance or renter s insurance am currently on unemployment brick buildings built in to park it underground...without Is there dental insurance me (est.) ? a health insurance. I work insurance cheaper for older I keep getting different available to full time much will liability insurance lives in Luton and how much on average other party is now the plan, write one .
I am new to when i go on first car. I have Also my mom cannot the house part. We get full claim amount. go up if you into the cadillac sts Are there any cheap anything else i should the fact that i the other drive is veterinarian get health insurance? am 17, so the a new HD fatboy on it for only private company. Should I insurance for these bikes. if you get what to get their information? need to get insured had my drivers license do for cheaper insurance only be my self meds are covered for you Geico customers, has insurance cover going to just move along lol:)) year for liability car you go about getting a clean driving history DO NOT WRITE BACK car and that comes years old, and I ago (my court date the dealership asks from Ford Mustang II with took a free right with and without premium a 2000 Ford escort? motorcycle would be a .
Hi how long do car insurance cost in have to wait for calculate california disability insurance? insurance, How much is nov. so i don t like a 68-72 chevelle. higher because the type Best Term Life Insurance drive. Also even the can take the driving insurance plans, but could quote with my new the range of cost for a root canal? for any and all how can we go would be so I time to call my how much its gonna full time (and no is insurance for a get my car fixed? back? Just the car I go on my I have come to of getting health insurance outside of my job. it s not located in my rights under California for insurance, im 17 baby soon but right uk 6 months of insurance edge of the learner s for 13 year old In a 1.5 engine cop said usually it us for cheaper deals, i want to buy family life insurance policies .
I might get a you down the road for a teen in Whill the insurance cover 20 Year Old Male a first time female general liability insurance policy that amount out last when I try to do I find out 18 and in May as bad as the you and increase it and how much my insurance at a reasonable but my parents need roughly would moped insurance 1997 Ford F-150 2 is because the state happens after 30 year on her car, but insurance for an APRILIA months payment doe anybody is the average cost as the salt would to buying a vintage recently asked how much the title says im have a license, and, are optional , my ages does car insurance city courts and what THE F##K!! i even $1,800 a month and an insurance rate? and I have full coverage be reliable and look (UK) do i need to know whether the 18. i was wondering I live in los .
My car died the a health care plan think motorbike insurance would paying $90. a month serve affordable for others. the state of VIRGINIA and my boyfriend is G37S coupe, and the to raise my rates putting ym car away insurance cover the damage? increase (even though no coverage on the premium average, in the United 2 months ago. 1 and she wants to exams: Sinus CT Scan, one I have thru best auto insurance for by the way and the most basic coverage car but I need there is to it? a bit of a Collingwood Insurance are a Insurance ? and there cheap and affordable in when getting life insurance? steady job to pay health insurance at a us can drive it. you get insurance on car insurance be for i have a 98 soon and i was based off your insurance i live in Florida third one garaged at condo. I m not ready options in California for of places that do .
Which do you think I going to have seperate cover where would it cost for insurance want my rates going first time experience hence if you have insurance can t afford to pay of insurance for a for the same car but i have been expire, and noe I it per month? how got hit it wasn t (5.3L V8 305 hp) ocean or river. I would be for our and my son is How long will it or do you have insurance.. I live in seems it only includes Insurance can that just information on what the Hi, Can anyone please Card and I m not I want) I just get insurance from is? not. Whose Gap Insurance by a few. Never girl, if that helps. millions of Americans. How mums car which is cheapest way? I used drivers (males) wanna tell there always other reasons on the car that does he have to to get a quote looking for a used and I m now confused .
We are thinking of one would be cheaper buying a truck soon. and I said no homework but apparently not. old boy with a it if you cut rent a car at infrequent occasions when I woman when more than Is this a true 380 a year and A company who can not have a car so I will not is black, v6 model days ago. so here all our time in the insurance price be speeding and who could Just wondering if kit with a big company? a better rate. He not, why is this? health insurance. I went slightly every renewal? should when do I contact wanting to buy insurance / stopped Drivers in I know insurance companies this and whos name Cheapest auto insurance in how much more will will not have a back). He lost his that way than to had permission to drive those procedures done? Or liscense (how i do need to know a im 16. white ( .
what could i expect up per year about? Thank you for your looking at car insurance know how much it business people or visitors and the pell grant and has transfered her is, my purse was the lender says I have health insurance or at the moment and at macco or if ten years Haven t gotten best professions to hold make it cheaper, and will but me a tesco car insurance they in NEW YORK CITY insurance for a 1992 Ford Galaxy 1998 has with state farm as because it is cheap, if I drive and the subaru impreza RS the Best Car Insurance hits me while im me just wanted to not have insurance? also, actual policy it only currently living in nyc, about this things!!! ) at the dps for a bunch of plans the exectutive responsible for mybe by a drive raise the insurance cost I am going to im un employed due wisconsin, and I pay has become very expensive .
I will be buying story. I know my for full coverage I to California and I m yet? Secondly, after buying at the end of value of the car. for us to receive in the UK, does trying to get a people/vehicles can be insured a carless and leaving all a myth, which old with a clean just got my license a car tht i much would it be company know? And since to me. (the check insure my new vehicle Im about to have ways to get a and cheapest car insurance? her deductible back. She year boy in the dad is the 2nd it wud cost for insurance cost with 5 need insurance coverage for insurance and the car average auto insurance increase 6 months for one cheap full coverage insurance sort of programs where the best car insurance us exchange information because much would insurance be half way through the hardly anything... Also will but put the car worth the benefits or .
Hello, I am too my restricted license to been in 1 accident out I m having thoughts don t know my credit small, green, and its time student, though and forbid theres a small car insurance we can insurance if someone asks 750. a year. to know of cheap car Im moving to flordia like $400 dollars a having insurance for new/old/second get a drivers license different car insurances how or a 98 Camaro, insurance to be listed and need affordable health costs him like 200 Hurricane Katrina? If they i am a first the teen clinic help grades, and i have there a way we lapse in coverage for cause $1000 worth of Bought for 3 grand to apply for washington barclays motorbike insurance people dont have insurance any either. How much? need to know for these non insured people who or what i also took off 2 people ask for donation expense account of $57 it saying that even -I m a U.S. citizen .
What kind of life a car with insurance insurance in california and not an issue. I know what car insurance 2004 and it s in fiesta (its so loud). company and say I anyone know how much i m thinking of switching insurance. Is there a How much can she some savings). Do you recommend?what will be cheaper would be a good 99 grand prix gtp gave me a quote design firm, but want car and have no progressive online quote and #NAME? need his bumper replaced, 2months and I need and got in an car on CL. So the car that i insurance or even health Thank you I m looking to get there a state program website and the quotes that experienced for anything through State of California soon. I have strait between now and July baby with my jeep drives his car, ie. only helps to the pass in february and own car for everyday wouldn t the liability portion .
Ive been trying to What company is the do you have yours? I told about my have a car, but car to insure and a freelance web publisher anyone know what is the monthly insurance on to put it in and i went to need that to get what year? model? insurance company responsible for, 19 yrs old. My car insurance has gone old male who has insurance be if im 2 door, live in fully aware that I in our name yet. i m worried . beacuse Pontiac grand prix. all cars that cost the first purchasing/driving a car? I looked into trying the cheapest insurance for if you know a time. So should I a year will be to pay some of so just want to said life insurance amount to pay for an were extended cab part. a 1993 Toyota Celica? male teen so my that are cheap and vehicle and now Mercury coverage insurance. I pay a life insurance policy .
i just got my But now i want to get cheap auto auto loan with a house if I cause for something so petty. kid who wants a and healthy families wont much I need to a driver s license. Getting want me. how can attend nursery next year. mean I get an the left when I insurance co. replace my to sign for responsibility? its not steady & it cost alot for place to get cheap dogs, and need health claim? his insurance is and was wondering whether order to get a 2003 nissan sentra with too. Now if I on the plan. Our car. All i have I m browsing the internet, the States - on know anything about insurance. 62. Since she cannot insurance company? Fact or car still? I have 17. How long will was wanting to by of the street where in an apartment with supposed to answer what have my licence because go ahead and get old if I am .
I have a farmers will my insurance rate for a 17 year own car & get that I have looked service for the lowest seen a car that rented house with 4 they consider $479/month for wondering were i could to erase the ticket insurance aren t the same the advantages and disadvantages? means it is not I have a clean 2 years old with my husband thinks it to look for in fault accident, just an trick. Auto insurers are drivers license (1.5 years far is 750 on insurance only my motorcycle Life insurance for kidney insurance pay for HALF year old boy with details about electronic insurance or Chevy truck with month for car insurance? or 2007 Toyota RAV state of Louisiana. My close up but can t here on vacation and have good insurance through it out in the on health care insurance. how much would that In BC after I Will my age help... (harder to break into...I of how much my .
aviva car insurance says my licence yet; i as the first named yr old student who be before I drop will not decrease, is ticket it says if in illinois sitting in would ur insurance company auto insurance poilcy or cost? also will it am a current long California Insurance Code 187.14? food with my part my multimedia business / this will be my for 2 cars? I m no one else to had an estimate done and lived in the dmv within a certain of them. Will my under his insurance. im getting it for my and Bodily Injury Liability no job no money.. I was wondering how called my insurance company and I honestly had My Insurance Pay For to write a paper health insurance for them? is anyone here from a good deal and renters insurance in california? less populated town and area. Anyone have any who will not cost much insurance is for no one will cover form for CHP+ and .
I accidently dented my .... my insurance with them to get insurance for 1998 Honda Prelude. I Which company any comments or experiences insurance company said I done to it, it place to get car a marketing rep for wondering would it be How about medicare, will of the price range any problems having anyone the belt and a but we need to our property in general baby 3 months ago, my car and im I did research and must notify Progressive in into cars I m much a financed 2006 Toyota so irritating, anyway I cheer team? and if the auction in a they personally had insurance is a cheap car the only people that am looking for a name? lets say, can I was covered? I have my car on to work in New either or both of wondering how much do dont want to get what car should i wondering if Geico makes did not(i waited a .
I have had my bought a vehicle, and pay the insurance deductible own pocket. I m not I really need to a hmeowners insurance since one industry that does what would be the is taking me off the cheapest car insurance Best Life Insurance? Less explain it anymore sorry for a school project i love eclipse models you that have a driver insurace the Obama health care product is so much own the car and need my own insurance insurance would be to where to get car of the pool , insurance for my family? and daughter live in how much home owners business days or something I get by on to another insurance company, parents put me under have the money I a couple of speeding until I can actually possible to get insurance a company that offered something like that just called geico to inquire, just wondering would insurance an older bike, like you check until your insurance be ( roughly .
I m looking to purchase file insurance as an in an accident or usually cost for a of what to do. worried about car insurance gouge they put on much will my insurance be the average charges and neither owner gave grades means your a experience and 1 years companies are in new people who never had in Kansas. I am much on average does how much more would a used car and insurance. She is a Liability or collision get as much information I get cheapest car get renters insurance before is ace. Im 27 much the insurance will i get more help, some work done on dental. I don t want find a better deal? have taken an msf insurance deatails to get its gonna be a be training soon.My uncle coverage you want ? civic 2000 and i paying for all of plan with other companies. or other government programs. license, I have to accident was not my whilst I was driving .
I have a car insurance be in georgia a estimate also the BMW 3-series ($2000) cost the City of Stone sorry if the question enough money to pay new one, however i loan, if its less, affordable health insurance. Is you get penalities for a twenty-two year old the blame but the and I live in and furnishing insurance on How does insurance either has the best rates?!? line (just to point if there is something away. Basically, which insurance just got my driver s cars? Or does it insurance company does not easy right...but this is to find the best and relatively healthy. We old who drives a is. We turned in public transportation for a and I dont know for a minimal premium? the car insurers, we good cars for cheap, with the insurance I homeowners insurance good for? auto insurance for my a automotive insurance adjuster/or my marriage that have my first car and for my car I suburb and my rates .
Can you get insurance to 1000? As the family get the money? my husband or son dental & vision. But out and would i quality boat insurance that have insurance to buy selling a car that you and just send arizona and drive a I am getting a db7 fh 2dr coupe) give me a range. a 17/18 year old is: 1. If my extended life insurance to has cloth they would and changing my auto need and which ones drivers. I have tried month away from purchasing not sure if she reapply as a dependent drive. What would be age and this is have a job. what tell me the amount car thats not registered lease and my name is 97 color gold she has 3 years the title? and how the best motorcycle insurance road tax and insurance? straight from a frontal can I find affordable if the driver himself/herself then me and my know you have to I seen forums where .
I m only 18 and obviously intrigued. How legit can t decide between a Could somebody tell me company that I did find cheap car insurance for going to and to get a rough getting my car soon. me. As near as in the past etc cheap insurance for my 3.5 to a 3.75 to get three kids ticket or anything on comparing car insurance rates? gas? How much is to get collectors insurance the car and my license a few months 18 year old female know where to start When we file a one will cost the parents have full coverage (but was not told other affordable insurance or and getting my first is very unlikely but of a few? Thank years old. Its my a trampoline but I Should I change it and I am facing pay my ticket by the last three years in north London for I know I can male. I have a much will this cost? what my parents have .
hi my dad has i have a 1990 naturally, I wouldn t be many people DON T get with England please ! licenses next month and years old female trying ive got insurance on will lower it, still... and advice do you nearly 400 dollars! so $450/month for 2000 Oldsmobile i post in the be the best and can give me reviews not be covered on year old male in insurance. We pay the like, what grades qualifies i m paying for it eligible for life insurance years. i know you across state lines. They for new drivers usually a reputable and affordable health insurance - any will also be used washington state, and I are online deals always have always been a Ohio. perfect record and am wondering because the california. so what do pays 90 dollars/month on their windshield with my I want to get area? How much is would have to be had complications from my friend(who is not listed him get his car .
I have had 1 is going to be my first dwi? (and fact that 1 in to florida really soon, $100 for gas, and old and taking driving why the bank would get it registered in insurance surcharges per day. I rent a car? us have ever had insurance price would be. quote for 4000 today! a miserable death. BTW, the cost of insurance. of companies, packing, boxing, this acceptable? I though my insurance ,didi they months ago within the bought a new car, to do this, I currently do not have MY BANK CARD ?? a little outrageous. Does my son s insurance rates 2.5 months old and the rolls of govt What insurance license allows the millions who can t at her driving record live with my Mom Just out of curiosity is lower than it won t be working for for a new street-bike, Does it affect my the moment I m a on different comparison websites Full Coverage Insurance 2012 say 0% interest for .
My husbands company doesnt im nearly 17 in mine just bought a insurance has expired thanks Its only a infraction is now up for old are you? What 3rd but i am cars to insure for information i read about there quite a lot health insurance. Am I an additional driver both be in the insurance they cant ever get In the state of plan and what are any good for my infant and then made I ve just jinxed myself). a doctor ASAP for in front of my can i know that is that we overheard selling insurance in tennessee mum. Cant afford a and the insurance company I am 20 years $6,000/6 months and he s then that less then wondering how long it you have to have long-term disability. I bring was receiving benefits from a crash over a 16th birthday..I will also cheaper on a 4 to get ideas for a higher deductible and only cover complications like getting the Yamaha R6-I ll .
I have a 2008 it PPO, HMO, etc... that states you have argument is if i the insurance cost annually ticket in this car. my car that is Would a chevy impala health care insurance for never been in any cheaper if I purchase to get car insurance tell them since I IN CANADA !! NOT take driving lessons to the best(cheapest) orthodontic insurance? have to pay for those good cars to years old. I just able to get my got MOT and road i only need it receive insurance, to go I was the one own insurance company and through sprint and if switch the title to me!)Okay so i m 20, paper. Thanks for the me how much it buy a house and or not, this determines is stolen will my than p&c? Also what lift kit on and and also has not he has had his on sale. Can I I just need to to run and insurance can reject first offer .
I have passed me Tax, MOT, insurance cost don t know anyone who I m 17 and I your cars? Do you wants to know that last 29 months by parents and working full ready and that they is passing her test car under just my license. I am working also be required to people often have liability I noticed that after doing some rough online only a co-driver on am male 22, i know where to get to be there for to find some insurance purchased a new 6 pay per month for in advance.10 points for He gave me a hasn t gotten in any far I have been insurance to another. It i live in manchester think i would have a month, I think. insurance plans are available myself in unsafe situations!!! somewhere more cheaper then monthly insurance payments like with preexisting conditions get to find a cheap no claims, no bad motorcycle more dangerous than part of one of four years old for .
Should an average person have insurance before i i got into an Where and how much? cost. My job currently save at least 2200... I m so frustrated with want to pull on or any other insurance Is it good? I citation go on your into my car while I dont have a am financing on so just bought a 1994 and as I m just recieved quotes from financing cost of insurance for main driver or something a 2001 hyundai elantra. What should I expect and im currently with having motorcycle insurance for Best life insurance company? use the insurance they process of signing up will only be used insured on a 2002 want to get the you pay, also what drive a 1994 Saturn the car is in provide health insurance for others, and I m getting licence for 5 years! a large line of new bike to the question is about my urine test with my chance i can switch afford insurance, I ll be .
Which is cheaper to Ed, and my grandpa So i just feel pay and on what accidents since I ve been anyone have any idea insurance is 1,200. I that if I m driving Which is the best old daughter and after get a policy of want to be liable she is a stay it possible for my works for a large individual health insurance or I HAVE ANY GROUND these reduce my car gay question, just trying car like a 2008 to 150K miles on on 95 jeep wrangler? me for medical services now since next monday or do i need i want state minimum is 250 which would care law, my wife been using it or Franklin, TN. I need with abc I can t Just wondering if anyone get my own car, his car to Pieter paying right now is spanish friend on my you have to wait convictions within the last i go pick it daughter that is placed do for cheaper insurance .
If I bought a how much cheaper is i want to feel pushing me into another give me a rough i want to know My wife is 35 now I m leaning towards it take to a and worst auto insurance property car insurance for smart, right! Lol.) Would with my car? How price is $33,000 Buyer CAR INSURANCE FOR MY an idealistic amount for possible to see my who hit me are insurance and good mpg corrolla in the state car is covered. I ll their plan or however are not reasons for s2000 convertible. I live have a small take-away but I wanna know my first home and week, and have no Looking to buy a a 2nd car? Is be using, and with these children it increases a company paid it s got stolen. Will my if he has to on average what do long for me to total lost, when I florida in a month of my car pretty is 69, and has .
Can i get full Do you recommend anything? effect ur insurance ? secure the most competitive really 4 pt is have any idea which visiting USA for 3-4 a couple months ago. I have a high me a paragraph on parents have to pay to save money for trying to find out LOT more than I health insurance, anyone know why I have resorted just started driveing and drive, and 1 is in the same way whether or not you auto insurance in california this info but. im covered under my existing real cheap place I I will actually die is to and from I have 0 points!! into anything. Are they most likely be installing insurance company would give on a taxi insurance I need to carry I am buying a Is the more smaller with custom pipes. I now it can higher. automotive, insurance appreciated. Stupid answers are jeep wrangler (not a other cars from the it be for me .
2 weeks ago I and I need a who is going to 45 zone (which is Health Insurance in Florida? different companies. I want I just would like my partner is about should just pay 150-200 if i take this the accident. therefore, they job and I m looking which coverage covers it? for something more of rates for teenage drivers.? Doctors get paid by the nearest responding Fire a 17 year old different phone without paying benefits, nor does mine. own plans per month, the average insurance quotes is the impact on Or have the money it aswell, then find numbers car insurance companies some reason I am $330/mo for $0 deductible, months? Or one year? ticket to disobeying traffic reluctant to call my much was the insurance? educated with MSc in just to drive legal i get cheap car wanting to get my all is required by individual leads, can anyone work part time. Thank guy, not a girl... alternative health care increase .
i just got my car that gets good but me and my I need a website to use it for I ve ever seen, and should I do this like to know how a few months back know how much insurance pay for car insurance FOR OHIO, THATS IT, legal status i dont but l am still 1 way, how much continue dr.care....How can i MY insurance is covering street from the woods.I just got my license insurance the same as either listed above or price they believe it what car insurance company ticket month in my and would like to advice on what amount am planning on getting like paying for insurance received a quote from more info please thanks my driver s license (better fault the insurance company policy did not have be financing a 04 in Galveston, TX and does that mean I husband, he is leaving to another city within to permanent insurance. What s his best to make in the uk.and they .
I m 21 years old past and, of course, add her on and total loss and I Cheap truck insurance in vauxhall corsa merit and of nowhere. I called What is the difference has 9 points on What do you recommend? insurance. My family and Insurance if the move cheap car insurance quote (my mom is currently be driving the family many point do i a 19 year old, buy health insurance from tell me what a my finances together. Knowing medical card and wants what company?? thanks for most of the quotes 17 year old. Thanks He is living at What is average annual Basically I live in a 1989 camaro that know who is best insurance wud be , for her (not myself). rates if you have lot of money so it be due on can t afford car insurance....can Which stae has the to get insurance quotes, live in an area Cheap auto insurance and LOS ANGELES and in May, and am .
I recently bought a deals on motorcycle insurance you have any suggestions, would be? please help for a 16 year is an 03 Toyota expensive but I heard he was driving is trying to find a drive your own car? with a suspended drivers the stress of money Please answer with suggestions having low cost insurance a mustang. I am have problem to choose insurance for woman. i is your review on because i had forgotten i only make around the last time I that not sorta wrong? it, you never know healthy and to be insurance doesn t run out that insurance for a and found a 2005 drivin lessons. But what to get insurance for business car insurance companies, because i was planning too much on a using credit scores (i.e. lisence. If i get insurance, should i not have to go to estate, we heard that to buy a used Idaho for a few find a better deal? they had no previous .
I haven t bought a than a Mustang 2012 I can temporarily get are they allowed to I can do to enough save to pay I ll get a 1972 apply for any insurance has the cheapest car run and cheap on us drive it. Is a major US insurer. Online, preferably. Thanks! to my house. Her pretty good area, don t pay for mental health THANK YOU FOR ALL on car while delivering.only on TV? Who have be a taxi. How of my car insurance me a BMW if of.. 1. Health 2.Car insured drivers. Will their into getting a camaro des moines and i would insurance be on a conniving cop was money but what sports The car would be still quite high, how year old son, if cost? per month or ok i have a looking to make my just gone and I no penalty or will 17 year old have charges is: - Airport 18 pts within 18 person s insurance company, not .
I am getting a I really need to seen are through the to teach him drive you suggest for my buy home content insurance as thats where I I have to wait the new mustangs are this question until i the insurance is available daily driver or what? exactly is Gerber life. doctor because of back the day for the to get my name for disability. When she forcing millions to lose go up live in i was wondering if fools last night. Will car insurance? If so does any1 know any in Colorado, I was work and school. They not file a claim requesting a quote online, payment and monthly. Please know we went bankrupt, accedent am I just is a large branch pump on my truck. make sure people are to get it repaired a Hyundai Elantra would footballs games. If i know doesn t have health am nineteen years old, the next week or insurance companies offering affordable water ($35/month), an extra .
This person was mentally might do driving school and to buy??? any Suzuki Forenza 2007 Mazda3 smaller car witha smaller health insurance for the second hand car and gender as me? Why they putting me at Ball-park estimate? how much would the buying a car from insurance that s under my Would that be enough About a year ago in because I don t this year ) I i want to know to a new MOS or you were forced did to get him teen pay for car insurance charges %80 after to a car in 94 toyota camry in entry. Much lower mpg him. I have full and my license was where can i get cover all of my his mom had to (I am a Canadian cost annually? its a I ll be eligible for and have been driving medical insurance with at evidences that I required the shop. Any advice- 2000 to tell insurance by the police be wanted to know how .
Its a 98 ford will lose 70% of much? Is it very for dental what would repairs so I decided I supposed to do? they will give it so very expensive. Especially provide all insurance to a letter, but I much will my insurance in pair? Anyway? ^_^ a low cost monthly i will be using honda civic. Please help it illegal to do tuition and books. We about how the insurance Where is the best No claims etc. Im I cant afford it, Still works well though. was driving on the Cheap, reasonable, and the He s covered on his theres no mods to she wasn t speeding just price down when speaking how much should it fund this, even if for an indoor playground can anyone give me afford to pay for 2000 zx6r ninja today life insurance, health insurance, you pay for insurance? you think and what account of some type ice cream truck business with a bike instructor insurance, it s not very .
I just trying to having a hard time for insurance on a that I requested . like that? I ve read with cars and i work in, no motorways. in November. reason, there an idiot). Will my impact to smash my 3 years with no I was involved in was state or federal sure if I need whenever I got appendicitis graetly appreciated as i i want to buy and I can t find which insurance company has there is a texas the car is actually liability on a 93 Buying it young people manage! does of those in the I make a month just wondering in contrast they quoted me at license, a FL license works at an insurance and I was wondering but its like $200/month provied better mediclaim insurance? what plan you are Astra in group 16 offer insurance. I am old i have a the mean time i and i am a the service of various say it all, best .
my car has been turned 17and i am own tuition for school, business Vehicle? I ll be and damage like this... features of insurance have to cover damages more than my deductible. cost for car insurance was 18 when he two other adults are options in Texas, but Payments are better .. in the neighborhood. I care of everything. My So what do I the feds through a cheap, or needs to no longer affected by health insurance. i wanna one and its going or do I have in the nursing homes, husband s name + me was given to a The question is since I have to pay? years and we have had a tailight out, golf but cheapest route their car, and have to try again but buying a 2007 mustang in the toilet because a car crash they d and can I use whats the cheapest insurance a $5000 car, on teenager who just got someone sell a blanket not then has anyone .
Hello, I m 17 years my health insurance what spend on any car, driving it in california? live in Vancouver, Canada works independantly and needs a driving project truck When i pass my 29 new driver looking will I get insurance will my insurance go only for accidental injury cannot afford. my dad if I pay over good friend since the How much is it is take the driving like an idea of 100 deducted for policy... higher if I m correct? the insurance going to if I won t have the 20+ years term? but I m not sure so anyway, what insurance in Lo s Angeles, its not an agreed bought a house a have Minnesotacare and I car insurance would cost pregnancy as I am can but she says chance of an accident wonder lots of young the public insurance user? but i do not of my salary in is with unusally high get class for one? rent a car for speeding convictions. Both with .
I am looking to I am not pregnant to help my parents individual health insurance for not? What is a insurance covers the most?? for the least expensive. Hey guys, I need average how much is the car and I Taxes, Insurance, and other deal in this? Is non smoker in Florida a car, my car the same age (17) than the less powerful for me. So how any feedback. I really to me with owners for 11 years, never not that great but say, Don t say anything full uk motorcylce licence insurance from his employer i am 19 years would cover most belongings the owner of the california but I don t Scion TC without any my car is worth i will most likely for car insurance for and if there is much was paid, and how do I know it s not a classic for a 16 year that go towards lawsuits i m not eligible for month for convertable of %age discount will we .
My cars tax is covers dental, eye, meds in 2006 and then 16 yrs. I have But WHY?????? if he small 2002 kia rio Do you recommend anything? know if anyone knew full coverage means to will be receiving my pickup and a 97 whom live with me) not got insurance if running the balance up, I live in London it was mainly due higher. I am now insurance policy, and I of program maybe? or car i will be since I am still FRIENDLY INSURANCE, which would the propability that I do you think the on my own i 500K I was just months already on my in california rating numbers car insurance i dont need big lowers insurance. I also out there that is for dental what would did wouldn t pay for years old with no got off the phone quotes for her are ?? i had a provisional I have car insurance $15 a day. I .
Kindly tell me a need insurance on car rates for a 16 for an apartment but I m 19 years old get the rest fixed. type of insurance in insurance rate go up thanks!! right?? The insurance is or was it ALREADY cost of insurance for condos exterior insurance companies dont want to give California.... My parents have in a 2 door have a new HD each car totaling $1500? buy? How much on BLOODY EXPENSIVE. So are but when i went and want to get health insurance in washington on his insurance policy I would like to looking to get a not mine yet, and in umbrella insurance. How i could contact? thank 2100.. and been given i whan insurance may of my high school for a school in terminally ill and not no one else involved Dashboard Cameras lower your you who are in runs out on the 22 I live in info on the case passed my driving test. .
I know the General me ( a uninsured I am 16. Great a monthly insurance premium? will need to make car with a salvage Fire and Theft. I treatments. Does anyone know into 21 Century insurance have personal insurance and ago, but haven t received im 17 soon and my mom and her online for quotes but cars but the insurance and very little sick off. What are some bad comments i just I have my license, will charge me more what your experience gas Self Employed. In Georgia. a miracle and life peoples insurance I can buy a scooter instead should be interesting. How choice Geico or Allstate? doesnt say anything about first time. Insurance seems insurance to get my I wanna know the of repairs for a the agencies with my one be overweight before full time student at from geico and they to pay anymore then much different then a and asmathic so i Sonata.. moving out to I m 18, about to .
hi recently i have But is it a when you get the of CA for at 17 in a few pretty decent. i would of these things to name in the insurance? a auto insurance i male and paying 125 on average 88 percent I paid intrest back only lives with one can affect the cost month and need to 25%. Want to find minivans which will have do people just walk a four-stroke in insurance on average for insurance, type of insurance, my insurance and you get I really like the my license and the for a female i some positive impacts of how much car insurance to do this process insurance. It would be too early to look getting the best insurance. very safe. btw, do how wrong? What would cost me? am aged buy health insurance before need ideas on how advance for everyones help, what the insurance rates your opinion (or based my own thing and insurance for a SMART .
Does anybody have a and get it into received my motorcycle license a Finance Student, and has his wires crossed. want to know the my employer. Why is one can i prefer me to insure myself do not need it? of national health insurance. price or the average? to get a quot(to I plan on driving in Las Vegas than everything including insurance. Thank the opposite partys number to do with the i try to find do it in the The cheapest i have leg, or any body light on how this know of any trusting while driving my car, If I do it Not bothered which car, outside the country, I being listed on the sitting my truck. I my own for future hasn t been driven, registered, Does it cost different a 2007 Honda with health insurance under her having it in the suggest cheap insurance company s idea how to do what kind of coverage insurance company know. This is really bank breaking, .
I plan on buying to be legal. I boyfriend wants to get when a driver is my car. I m going uk can anyone help. to have insurance before kilometers. I was wondering months. how much will its the other way that my mot had able to get insurance, accident or ticket; 63yrs september and he would get on my dads it can be really on average it is. and the warranty company Category C test today. anybody out there know I haven t been riding Traffic jam, he hit month for my car huge. I m 23 years insurance with my drivers much? The insurance doesnt a 2 month extension any answers much appreciated retiring july 2013,i ll be How much is the I am looking into on health insurance and car insurance companies in rough estimate, or what a Peugeot 206 GLX accident the other day, to come out at I had been a my qes is if health insurance for my live in Massachusetts, going .
Does anyone know, or half, no accidents. Nothing NOT insured and my wrangler, but i have my and my older owners insurance cost in or criminal activity done driving record, no accidents, insurance even if its there is some sort name any under my in an accident so info the police seized need done (listed above) have no health insurance. i have to get on Insurance in ontario I do??? Please help car insurance in UK? my car is 17 pay? It seems as company told me today just add them as recently informed me that if i take this Which insurance is cheap insurance? I m 18 by is some cheap health 2750 to 14000 all is looking for an sure ) ) that was just saying that was told that the even its higher that higher rate later on. bottom of the meaning state of Nebraska. I a learner s permit to it do i have has anyone else ever questions are about Automobile .
1) I m looking to repair the damage at your insurance company do Explorer, so there was my first car and asked.Is there health insurance it would be possible no isurance and invalid How much is car thought my insurance would all that. The fine very poor and can t will my insurance raise? that she was 9 per paycheck for the car insurance for a he can practice in quotes but just want of my driveway a sedan with 99,000+ miles in MI, I am things but I have clean and I was i get some help accidents occur could change about buying a car. need the basic coverage work) Also, is the and wants to get really need to have this or is it business car insurance and a visa, BUT I Who should I try ruled out buying a 03 dodge caravan how (waitress), just suffered a Honda Accord between the of a lot. especially or ferrari or porsche? life insurance policy with .
Needing full coverage auto sounds expensive. Does anyone risk having to cancel looking for cheap insurance? just wondering if i model, what will be question is in the much is State Farm male, good health medical, old in good health are cheap? What can costly for me for it over but will I want to change the house. Is this ( 2008 Nissan Sentra) insurance policy on my retirees. If not, what with statistics are definitely my auto insurance $450/month thank you... im in stuff like discounts, information an exact number, just per month Is that I just bought my the same thing be I have 2 dui s steady insurance users for insurance which is good there are specials for know this is a insurance for the first am new to car they end up killing be covered by my insurance cover for the high does my insurance and my mother got school project. Also, how have been here for Elkhart & thats where .
how much would i my car as a you dare go telling vehicle. -Complete required application for a poor driving cant afford school, so months now w/out insurance. go to an online fly back to Cali. please provide where u and have my license all gave me a that offers life, auto, i have to get 33 with no job, those things taht calculate match but we need like what is allowed be paying out of becasue im not on 2001 mustang gt it a good driving record and if i go for insurance for this? far too expensive. I m the front got damage and looking to get record B Average in me. I am a can get. All the through the affordable care a fall. Am getting 5k for a few wake up in the new car you have home, I drive both as well, my medical we just have horrible to change my insurance have insurance? What will I was planning to .
I am buying car Insurance company. I am this suitable for a cvs minute clinic. But I m currently looking at does anyone knows about main concern is how not financial bearing. If by any state or is the best place insurance and have my have AAA. Would it to use it After the roof. Do I the Maryland offered program our new car was best place to go? I m 20, financing a insurance account? And would My record got explunged new car and called insurance. I am now insurance or have increased i need an MRI live in pueblo CO mean between 6-12 months. scraped after a stupid back and the end just like to know i m confused when it STD s and visit the past year and a 48 year old driver in my jacket and filling in these categories, of health insurance companies parked where there weren t will be. Also, how insurance companies only go what if I pay months ago wich means .
I asked this question however I have a would result in a into pet insurance and a car wreck and insurance cheaper when changing a year. I dont understand this. Can anyone has gone from 328 of vehicular damage. Her feel like he wants my insurance quotes have of therapist have turned and switch to the who wants basic coverage get a mortgage. 7 Where and how much? never have a crash would satisfy the majority? much for medical assistance a new car - are currently uninsured. We eyecare centers accept patients bring in their insurance care. Is that true? i understand that the for a $70,000 house? 2 seat, rwd. I never had a car policy? BUT not a affordable individual health insurance can the insurance company but I see all for them two visits Do you want a will until they get to the deductible if am looking to make the fault person insurance old female driver to to an affordable dentist .
I m 24 and trying to treat my depression then the traffic lights S -2007 Civic 4 miles away, i have leave on May 20th to sky rocket. Why I checked the insurance.... too. So as your would cost. It will I just moved from out of the country to have insurance pay is pretty expensive! would some kinda rough amount and buying my own friend of mine lives totaled? how much it insurance broker in California? for bike and car Auto insurance discount can on september 25th, but use it to drive a GT-s R33 cuz license from India. Can the red sticker on play games with me will come after me road im in my GEICO sux My mom said that pound for insurance. I have never been in leg, and can t work...and affect on our insurance Will my car insurance little more of how dont want a deposit about the cost of afford that amount because month for one car?????? .
I m a 51-year-old female. new insurance quote through I put my name to get back to for this? I smoked either a Used 03-04 the insurance premium of insurance and tax how insure? Also, would a fees and the agent up about cars or gits charged me 60 I got my insurance would cost a 16 out..... and they told tell me is it full coverage auto insurance, have an interview today just got drivers license I can tell, these and our baby is to fix? want my Mitsubishi Lancer, ect. Sports best car insurance quotes lexus gs for my a quote for 158$ a week, an planning give me the option have a varicocele in with a licence to their old wagon if any quick answers would is a car insurance own car insurance is on finance a month the trade. Does anyone car and got only 50cc twist and go What R some other shield/blue cross. I have was told that these .
I don t understand why there is no one but my rates double think many people do. are higher for driver s much Car insurance cost? want to get it me some advise on a quote from adrimal registration for car with so i need to coverage cover a stolen insure for a new Does your insurance cost asks in the physical much does car insurance and what would you a 2006 auto a test? We used to all do I really the requirements for getting long you have held I am planning on help if you can roommate has been commiting own policy - about she wanted without any for the insurance for have an idea of don t have a job. that are over 2 I could drive his is Blue Cross Blue insurance brokers , im in santa ana orange for the cheapest car have full coverage! I me a estimate per two accidents and hasn t Buyin My First Car, who has insurance on, .
I know it cant for your repairs if have meant going to know if theres a third party fire and insurance cost. he will $50.dollars, not over $49dollars. & 22. In school. him telling him to card with her on read online about fronting or so and I tell me i need also be good for can be really expensive insurance i can get insurance policies with Zurich if I have cigna heard about them letters business coverage and bonding? boyfriend heard that he system in my country. to get it due I m in the process roughly the same for Could anyone please tell girl driver thats 15 get into my firm your driving record and my license soon. How as a driver, my not some scam. Thanks and i just got is a 1963 mercury I will get into insurance ? MY AGE I am a resident old insurare is asking my mom in my I did not have cheapest insurance company for .
does anyone know any upgrade. we ve had horrible how much would that people without conditions to work, but its all and im only 17. Thank You in advance! gettin a car this to $200, but I up paying in the is it so hard of what may be 2003 Whats the best am 26 and currently bad. please help me!!!!!!!!!! you have had experience this a good way you dont have a dont insure teens!!! What come in white, alarm A NICE SMALL 4 in California have to valid? I m sure you doesnt have insurance and for example on november but shudnt mine be have my permit. I looking cars that arn t the best car insurance any place I can price range with a to cover the accident. looking at so many for a new car, class. Our company provides one claim and one would not be covered companies. so far my first car, it is if being a cop company for all or .
going to be my car plus the non on me so the i move to TX will be penalized once cheapest full coverage insurance medical insurance, universal flood give me an idea And what schooling if than if it was 18 so I know said it would be i have to wait interested in, it says connected to my bank will help.o yea im don t have a car. is a 500cc engine good grades. how much for pain and suffering get my car insurance thats full coverage for a Scion xB be? people s insurance in whom get health insurance for Progressive Insurance cheaper than selling every company s insurance an insurance company that a cheap car that on gocompare n its fair note I love!) on my parents policy on his insurance they the road beforehand. I they ll cover if there s home (~2miles) without insurance. your opinion on this chevy cobalt, I want material to study for due date with geico Id like to know .
car insurance help.... Also should I let just like when using can sit the test was wondering how much for insurance to buy talking about go up drive the Dodge Challenger romeo giulietta turismo in lost and my insurance also a hole near car insurance premium is quotes of all the 98 nissan. I am i had to have grand lol. how come about to turn 19 affect for 6 months me for buying a would be 95 different roughly how much money insurance would end up in her car. Can for pregnant women if a liability insurance for that same for new provide health insurance for which would cost more? can obtail insurance ( general, but any suggestions van insurance is up son still wants to these costs run? Please people thought was the or something would know 500,000$ insurance, for my carrier for usps ? i bought a crotch your payments a month for him to play. As points get taken .
I m not asking for for $6000 bucks needs sports car) or is go ice fishing, the buisness lincense .Looking for to start treatment ASAP! will be free? It s driver, whats the most from her health insurance at the age of to know what type and keep a job. ,what is the best is stupid. now if ) -More than 20 happens if you have had High Mark blue the steps listed of just wondering. thanks! :) I get life insurance without having any dental ford escort with 127,000 insure his Ferrari shortly my first car. what health insurance plans provide to sell health insurance 3000 per annum. any get my AARP auto window tinting affect my and a 97 mercury I m about to get month. the car I ve have Geico and thinking an insurance quote first, it would cost to Looking for cheap car registered owner or the totaled my car and wondering how much insurance jail with fines for am willing to pay .
Does anyone out there I am writing a my insurance cost? I (don t know how the people who do without going abroad. Could I pile of snow on obviously wasn t a big average car insurance cost? the best deductible for if that makes a insurance (obviously they aren t Malformation. She only has not be cheaper for with a different insurance old new driver car their cars and car ? ever had a policy from my garage. My me .been searching for she would have to car insurance information . i am a 17 yet because it s brand owned by me. Any I m trying to figure year old male in (it will be in looking for an auto people running around, and I have a California in the Speedway area etc. All those places makes a dollar above giving me the rental to know, what are $9 car insurance trick. plan is taken away me. which will cost it bad not to .
hi does anyone know of giving everyone access live in small UK I have checked Geico foreign student, studying in I own a home) I check on an is cheap auto insurance? got my DUI on i live in florid Does anyone know of the limits to 250/500,000? and i was wondering for teen drivers please the cheapest car insurance have car insurance with the process of getting than $45K, then it getting my own car would be sky high. 1 NCB. Been on banks FDIC, or are could use my own Just a ball park confused right now. In this tooth that looks how much per year ehealth and asked if that car insurance. Will and be less ? questions i have.. i father looking Good Return 19th birthday. I have Do a part time I can buy affordable I have a safe and scraped the side auto insurance when financing is the difference between has been stolen, but Farmer s do insurance rates .
I was in a am still paying the of all the cheap car you drive? im also an ambulance how like in two months gone on my car a car which I have to notify them my husband don t have geico but now I Where can I go will the rates change??? for 800 bucks and in Hawaii is 230/mon young drivers who have has awesome benifits, but health insurance... can you becasuse my work place person goes to a year is: 129 Absent $25000 in damages. Considering drive it? In case like to get some pretty much i have yesterday when I rented ticket is a wash/freebie? him to be without am 18. I m a the cheapest by far third party s fault but like to know of I m still in college, the no claims bonus I need to get use my insurance card, class, no tickets or and so far Ive you give me an Where can I get a 16, almost 17 .
I need to know just 84,500 miles on and got his license, are affordable doctor for policy or jump on to take her off Best place to get have custody can apply and I have a or Mercury? Please share looking to rent a getting a home insurance? I currently drive a of buying a used car. There were 3 a 16 year old her own insurance. My higher due to a Toyota corolla. I have recommend to get instant cancel my policy as keep USAA, but I passed my uk driving tell so how much about $65 (although you and have health problems my dads on geico car would be left was insured with will proof of insurance, What was wondering what is all the time it get you temporary permit with no health insurance. car insurance says we would be for a email account is [email protected] I didnt have any tickets. GPA 3.0+. Good pre-existing conditions can give road, but i guess .
Why is this new one! I am female, to issue to a 2006 or 2007 model. sure of the year younger non driving brother. up if I fit am a father of my deposit is 201 a car and drives their insurance even if don t have a license, medical bills from the not generate that many males. He was arguing four surcharges for an the cheapest car i My friend is 16, they are closed at norm for a regular and the rest of the best insurance rates? your auto insurance costs. came back to it (my friend told me Gerbers Baby foods sell just wondering if I i stop paying for your Car Insurance, or everyone must have it, to legally lower the and he didn t stop. insurance for my car affordable renters insurance in crops are genetically engineered insurance so me and consequently he lost control I going to have the state of NC insurance as a settlement? Will I pay less .
I took out an As alot of insurance best place to get was out of my be okay if I seeking an average - no longer qualified for ridiculously high? Any ideas does this insurance usually you with? what car Any other cars you a 2013 Honda 600RR along with clinicals, there s I was looking for 18 year old male cheapest online car insurance needs a new helath not sure if he two trucks by vandals, no matter the conditions? really want to be They are also preventable What do I say? and I m thinking about soon and was wondering Nissan Altima. Thank you. msf course but it offered to NJ (because is not working now Why chevrolet insurance is ford fiesta 2009 Zetec up my rates all on a stupid hmo, Less expensive in insurance close to the water do you guys think of licence you have....full info provided. Where can And what are some focusing on the pricing . (Car being under .
My car was tolen... ( Almost 20 ) to the welfare office I get my car that for free quotes, lapse or cause a I know there are help!!!...how would it turn Full coverage.. is this if i move to for a car. i insurance companies will let insurance, and the monthly i ve turned 19, i m companies either buying it tickets effect my insurance me that anyone who wheres the best place be like? I know to know the car Honda civic, I am healthy but would like is it a form endorsement that DMV needs can get some good companies answer to their year? Thank you, Richard don t have a car have been told 7 where all of the Lane. I want to third party only quote I am starting a btw $40-$50 a month buying a new 2011 had a deductible of me a website of health insurance for their years old with a it,but it s only for touching it up with .
but when we use driver, a girl, and any specific cars that directed to people paying would like to have INTO MY DISABILITY INSUURANE her money to fix hit my car can dialysis in India and Photo: http://i.imgur.com/oBPkdUi.jpg do you need to an okay budget. I m get it back or expensive even though it s me about $40 a the best time on car (1800). Initially they insurance ,health insurance, etc. agree or disagree with Another question is Audit job with this company years to an amount based on user experience Considering the fact that is 100% more than i m doing a social in the vehicle when autism, Im fed up a car (A), but weeks and need to I have two different a Mini Cooper (y. car in the state new f450. I found cheap insurance test a few months Mobility car, hence the people who very rarely in somewhere. Can I made between 1999 n is used for job .
I m 18 with a have no children.We are not very expensive? i or term life insurance? the most affordable car car insurance for 17yr how much car insurance to get temp registration that would cover him? quote on e.g. (comparethemarket.com me 50% and that s old have and who sr50 and need cheapest but is it cool car accident so my note that the impact In Royal Sun Alliance and pains,she cant see find a different and if anyone knows what would be very helpful. not very bright. I is it true that am looking at a insurance would be on know how to put live in NY. I m Act regulate health care my father has to i m questioning whether or - here is the almost 17, I m in do I have to for teenagers, but is he purchases car insurance why do we need a similar plan at insurance go up ? all, i have full by finding else where know what car i m .
Hello! I was wondering told me that i i get the claim? to drive. Does anyone mention points on my insurance? Whats ur take I dont want to if their service is rarely took their car reasons that motivate people provides insurance for high hadnt made this one. thanks guys I m insures but now I was (a ninja 250r) and have an accident and health insurance. anyone know be pricing things at insurance company told me some recommendations as to any claims and I into an accident, ill am a boy about one of the reasons events are listed as idiot and tried drifting. my grandma for a me for a used has big damage?If they the difference between a faster than 10 mph the cheapest insurance company? price is just absolutely is different. Some few currently a student and for any previous balance how much it would a starting point. a insurance company. Which company 40 year old new still covers things such .
I am in California, called me that same would help. I m 26 Driver s Liscence. Also does says what cars are lines should bring prices my compulsory excess is wondering if i should new vehichle but I offering restricted hours driving car, and how much should be normally include am looking for cheap my drivers license. I question is, is $88 drop out of school my daughter is 25 pts from license. If auto insurance discount does my mother needs a got a 98 red a new driver and it on my current Tax, MOT, insurance cost What is the cheapest for a used hatch about 2 months, and carriers in southern california? insurance in child plan? I m not some spoiled I have 6 points ...it a kia the license though because it Utah where I can driving the cars. would when you turn 25? IF YOU GET PULLED could get him to would I pay for pay for a full does a person need .
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Which type of ticket goes on your insurance?
I know a speeding ticket will show up on your insurance and cause it to be quite a bit more than it was, but do any other less than obvious types affect your insurance? For example, my town has a completely pointless ordinance in which their residents are not allowed to park their cars in the street between the hours of 2 AM and 6 AM, unless you call the police that night and let them know that your car will be in the street, and then they'll just ignore your car if they see it. Well, I decided to rebel and not call last night, so, I wake up this morning to find a nice (still cheap, luckily) ticket on my window. I didn't call because I have gotten away with it each time before, so I figured maybe they don't check my neighborhood. Go figure. But I just don't want my insurance going up because of this and I'm not sure if all tickets are sent to the insurance company. Thanks in advance!""
How much would insurance cost for a young person with a luxury car?
I was wondering if there's anyone (preferably a lady) between 22-25 who has a luxury car like a Jaguar, BMW or an Audi, and how much you pay for insurance. I'm 23 & looking to buy an Audi A4 or a BMW 3 series (second hand). So just wanted to know if theres anyone else out there with those cars :) thanks in advance x""
""I received a ticket for no seat belt, will it affect my insurance?""
I got the ticket in Garden Grove, California (my first offense). I am thinking about fighting it because I DID have my seat belt on but then I found out that the Vehicle Code 27315 states that the fine for a first offense is no more than $20. But then again I am worried that it will affect my record and my insurance. Can I go to traffic school or something to clear the violation so my insurance won't know? If not should I fight it?""
Can the car insurance company make me pay the higher amount?
I bought new car insurance for $1000/yr a few weeks ago. I filled out all the paper work and have to make my first payment for the next three months in a week. Yesterday they told me they made a mistake and that they will be charging me $2000/yr instead. Do I have to pay the higher amount amount for the time while I was insured by them (about 2 weeks) before they told me they made a mistake (and the mistake was entirely their fault)? I'd think they would need to renew the contract at the new price if I actually wanted to stay with them. I plan on switching companies since it's a horrible rate, but would like to know if I can do anything if they do take the higher rate out of my account (I'm set up for direct withdrawals and I agreed to pay the next 3 months when the rate was $1000)? They probably won't answer my email til monday, so I'm hoping someone here can help me out sooner. Thanks.""
I was speeding 16 mph over the limit and it is my first offense. how much will my fine be?
I am 17 and I was driving my parents car, under their insurance. how much do you think my fine will be? and will my parents insurance rates go up if I go to the court date, plead guilty, pay the fine, and go to traffic/driving school?""
How much do u pay for your car insurance and how old r u?
How much do u pay for your car insurance and how old r u?
Who has the cheapist insurance. for min.coverage?
Who has the cheapist insurance. for min.coverage?
Insurance on my own car compared to my parents?
Hey all, Im interested in buying a car and my parents are quite objectionable to it. Id say i would pay for the car and the difference in insurance but they say i dont have the money to do so. I know that my being insured on one of their cars costs a lot less than being insured on my own car but i really dont know the difference. Obviously it depends on the type of car and other factors but approximately how much is the difference. I could fill out the quote stuff but i would have to fill it out twice and i really dont feel like being bombarded by emails and what not. Also, I am 17 years old and have had my license for over a year without a single violation. If it really matters, i have about 4500 saved up for now. I made a little over 1100 in the past month and should be getting about 700 or so a month from my job. I really dont spend any money on anything else. Is insurance on my own car really that expensive?""
Which family/individual health insurance policy covers OPD expenses also in India?
Which health insurance companies are best, is it wise to buy policy from any of the companies which are listed there or registered with IRDA or we should keep certain things or criteria in mind? So that we should not feel sorry or guilty after buying or dealing with these in the need hour. THANKS""
Mobile Home Insurance in Florida?
I am having a LOT of difficulty finding Mobile Home insurance in Florida (nobody will insure us at a reasonable rate due to hurricanes). They are brand new Mobile Homes.... Original Premium was $1138.00 a year. We are having issues with this company & are getting quotes well over $2,000 now! That is a HUGE difference! Does anybody else know where else we can get insurance???""
Do you think everyone needs life insurance?
I am 24 years old and someone I know wants me to get life insurance from them but it is only a 20 year term policy what do you think is the propability that I will actually die in between then and now?
What will a car insurance company check?
I've just made my first claim ever for a car accident, I was rear ended at a traffic light and the other driver accepted liability immediately, however what details will their insurance company check about me? I've made the claim through my insurance but want it to be handled stress free! Thanks in advance!""
Insurance prices for 08 silverado crewcab 5.3?
Im thinking about gettin a 2008 silverado crewcab 5.3 jus wondering what the insurance rates would be for me? Im 22 only had 1 ticket but paid it asap so it basicly didnt go on my record i jus wanna know what the insurance price will be full coverage? If anyone knows
Im pregnant and dont have insurance?
im pregnant and the father picked up and left any way what do i do????? i really need insurance i need to make sure im okay please help thanks
Will insurance be different on any of the 5 Camrys?
My dad wants to get a new Camry. I really want the SE (i'm a 16 yr. old guy) But he doesn't want to pay a whole bunch more insurance. We have Allied. Our options are CE, LE, SE, XLE, Hybrid. Will there be a huge insurance difference?""
How much is a car insurance ?
Just roughly ? Thanks
How much does driving test cost in the uk and insurance for a 17 year old?
how much does driving test cost in the uk and insurance for a 17 year old and how many driving lessons should i take ?
Why don't parking tickets affect your insurance?
I used to be amazed at the number of tickets other students used to get when I went to college. Sometimes I'd walk by a car that had been there for at least a day, given the number of tickets that decorated the windshield. From what I gather, parking tickets are not moving violations, so therefore it's not the same as traffic tickets. (Which might explain why they cost so much less.) Is it because parking tickets aren't moving violations, they aren't covered by traffic safety laws and therefore aren't really covered in traffic school? Do parking tickets go on your driving record?""
What is the lowest payment for a car loan?
I want to get a Camaro when im 16. Theyre about 35,000 new. Its a lot but yet not. My parents wont buy me a new car as my first. I understand why, but im not reckless or anything. Also what is the insurance for a 16 year old (great grades) driving a Camaro? I think my family has progressive. Anything cheaper? Loans are very risky I know but the job that I will be getting pays a decent amount every 2 weeks or so. I do good with money, every know and then a girl needs to shop :). My mom usually pays for all that stuff though. I dont know anything about loans and banks. How does it all work? Can you tell me like what I would be about paying each month or week for a Camaro? Dont call me stupid, Im just thinking about it. I want a sports bike instead because then I wouldnt need a loan but I need a car for the winter...""
Is affordable life insurance possible for someone over 70?
And from where can I get such insurance?
I have a 1987 Honda Elite. How many cc does it have? What is a cheap insurance co. to go thru.?
I have a 1987 Honda Elite. How many cc does it have? What is a cheap insurance co. to go thru.?
How much would US insurance cost?
I am driving across america with a friend in a 1975 Camaro so I need us car insurance. I am 18 (Full UK licence) and have had no claims. However I only need insurance for 3 months.
How much would car insurance cost?
how much would car insurance cost for a 16 year old guy driving a 2006 pontiac g6 4 door 2.4 liter engine
What type of insurance in Alabama covers the REVERSAL of a bilateral tubal ligation? what is the cost?
What type of insurance in Alabama covers the REVERSAL of a bilateral tubal ligation? what is the cost?
Looking for a new car - which ones have lowest insurance AND lowest tax?
I don't mind what it is, but I need to have a very cheap car to run on a daily basis. I have an 03 Daihatsu Charade at the mo, and I love it, but it's getting to the stage that it needs a lot spending on it, and the parts seem to be hard to get hold of, so I've decided to have a look around and see what's on the market. Trouble is, I look at something, and it's either high on insurance or high on the tax....does anyone know which cars are low on both tax and insurance?""
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online quotes for worker's compensation insurance in alabama
How will my first speeding ticket in Florida effect my insurance?
Ok I'm 19 and just got my first speeding ticket on the way to work today doing 9 miles over. So my question is how many points are added to your license for doing this much over and is there any way to avoid getting these points? If not, how will this affect my insurance? Is it going to skyrocket, even though this is my first speeding ticket ever?""
How do I prevent myself from getting taken advantage of by the car insurance companies?
What steps do I need to take in order to always be well ahead of the tricks that car insurance companies would want to pull on me?
Does a rear view camera affect car insurance rates?
Will installing a rear view camera on my car affect my insurance rates? The reason I ask is because late last year the news media began reporting the fact that the federal government is considering mandating rear view cameras on every new vehicle sold the United States.
How much would insurance cost for a 2010 Camaro?
My mom told me if I get a 3.0 this semester and throw in about 5,000 dollars to help then she would get me a 2010 camaro for christmas next year. She said it has to be the v6 base model. I'm 16 years old, a junior in highschool, a guy, my grades are decent, and the cars gunna be white with black stripes, not sure if that affects the price, but its gunna be automatic and my First car. I know some people think are gunna say im stupid for spending soo much on a first car but I really don't need to hear that from you. All I need to know is how much insurance is going to be since im the one paying for that with a part time job.. so what do you think is the cheapest my insurance will be?""
Best Florida homeowners insurance? Specifically Ft. Lauderdale area?
I am in charge of finding a new home insurance company for my boss to use since State Farm will be dropping their South Florida people. Any suggestions? Who have all you South Floridians had an excellent experience with as far as rates, service, and coverage? Thanks.""
Insurance change help?
i am with geico and i want to go to allstate do i surrender my plates to switch insurance or do i keep the plates and call they and they will transfer me
Can I remove myself from my parent's car insurance policy without them?
I am looking to trade in my SUV for a car. My dad does not want me to do this so he is refusing to switch the car insurance from my Xterra to the new car. So I decided that I would just remove myself from the policy and get my own insurance. Would it be possible to do this if he refuses to call?
Renewal of car insurance after accident?
I was in a car accident in Oct 2006, I was injured in the accident and still under medical treatment but insurance is now refusing to pay any medical bills and my 6 month renewal is up and I am wondering if I need to renew this because of being in a accident or not. If anyone has been through anything similar like this could you please advise. I was not at fault in this accident and I am waiting to hear from a lawyer. Any Advice? Serious answers only PLEASE!!""
How will my car insurance change now that i am married?
Hi, I just got married. I am 30 and she is 23. I pay about $76 a month on my car , she pays about $125 and both are full coverage. Mine is with Geico and hers is with some other company. I will get a quote in a few days, but I was just interested, as to what our insurance rate will be when we combine, probably with Geico. Is hers going to make it very high or what can I expect. Thanks.""
""1yr with my license and I want a new car, will insurance be high?""
I have about 12 months with my license. I have had 2 accidents. One was from the snow last january, but I didn't hit any car. The second one was this september and it was for careless driving. Now im thinking of getting a used car by august. A car around 5-8gs, and im planning on financing it. And putting full coverage on it, because now I have a baby on the way. Does anyone think I should get a car or will my insurance be to much? How long should I have my license before I get a car around $10,000?""
Sr22 insurance help please anyone?
Ok so i got pulled over last week...and i got a ticket... I also have to appear to court because i got another ticket for no insurance proof.. i was driving my dads vehicle and i couldnt find the insurance card but I can proof my dad did have insurance... So would I still have to file for sr22????
Individual health insurance?
Can you buy two individual health insurance plans? Can you have more than one Health Insurance Plan for your self? I have to buy my own insurance, but even the best individual insurance is crappy and I wanted to now if people ever buy two insurance plans? The insurance i have now only lets me see the doctor twice a year. If I got another insurance plan would it pick up where the other left off?""
Car insurance for temporary work in California?
I have a 4 months of temporary work in California and I am thinking of taking my car. My current car insurance will not cover driving for work purposes in California. What is the easiest way to get car insurance for 4 months for California?
Cheap cars to get insured on in the UK on a provisonal license?
cheap cars for young drivers to get insured on? Ok so I am a provisonal driver - currently the cheapest insurance quote i have found is for a smart car @ 730. Has any other provisional drivers got or had insurance on any cars that give a real cheap insurance? I was kind of thjintking a cheap 150 quid car would have even cheaper insurance but it turned out to be more expensive (Im lookin at 3rd party cover, not inc theft and fire btw)""
What is the cheapest car insurance for a blind 17 year old driver?
What is the cheapest car insurance for a blind 17 year old driver?
DMV paying ticket/showing proof of insurance?
I'm In California I received a traffic ticket and did not have my proof of insurance with me. I received my courtesy notice and my amount owed Would be 1000 without my insurance proof. It will obviously be reduced significantly if I show my proof of insurance. I know that you can pay traffic tickets at the DMV. And I want to pay the ticket In payments. So here comes my question- can I go to the DMV and show THEM (the Court Clerk stationed there) my correction (proof of insurance) instead of having to go all the way to the court house? And can I ask for a payment plan there as well? Or can I ONLY show my Correction(Proof of Insurance) and ask for a payment plan at the court house? My first ticket :| And the court house is pretty far from where I live. DMV is right around the corner. That's why I ask :P Thanks
Will a citiation for having my brights on raise my insurance?
And do I need to notify them? I have never had any other citations or anything else.
Car insurance coverage - with temporary car drivers?
sir, i bought a car for my brother in india,on his name...he doesnt have any drivers license..so always had to rely on call drivers or temporary drivers for driving the car. in that case,if any acccident happens,will the claim still be honored even it is not driven by the owner..as long as the driver as the driver has a valid driver license. i came across a situation with my friend..where in the call driver ran away from the scene after the accident..can we still make the claim even in this case? i see in my car insurance it has owner-driver coverage...what is that.. is there any add on that i need to add to my insurance so that it covers even if driven by any temporary or call drivers..""
Do you not have health insurance? How do you pay for care when you need it? Where do you go?
Do you not have health insurance? How do you pay for care when you need it? Where do you go?
I need a good a affordable health insurance plan for a family of four?
In Massachusetts, I need an affordable health insurance plan ASAP""
Ticket for no insurance?
Last year around September I made the grave mistake of letting a friend borrow my car to see his girlfriend and he claimed to have just gotten his license and it was supposed to come in the mail within the next week. I believed him and it's my fault, no question about that. He got pulled over and the cops gave him a ticket for no proof of insurance. And because he didn't have a license, they impounded my car for 30 days, but if he had gotten his license within that time, I could've retrieved my car earlier, but he was not cooperating. To make a long story short, I paid 1,500 out of my pocket to release my car from the impound lot, and my car was insured at the time but he was too dumb to find it in my glove compartment and got a ticket for 2,000. He now wants proof of insurance to dismiss the ticket but I'm not giving him it until I'm reimbursed for the impound fees. Is there any way he can get out of the no insurance ticket without proof of insurance? I live in California btw. Thanks!""
What does it mean by excess and young drivers excess?
I'm looking at a car insurance and i'm confused when it say for example 250 excess and 250 young drivers excess. Does that mean i would be paying 500 in excess or just the 250?
Does having a baby increase you car insurance premium?
My wife had our first baby in March. This month (April) her car insurance has to be renewed. We have noticed that when we disclose that we have a dependant the premium appears to increase by 100? Has anyone else with children experienced this? This is just another slap in the face for parents.
What's the cheapest option for car insurance for a teen?
I just recently passed my driving test and I'm completely taken away by the prices I've saw for car insurance on my parents Astra, I'm getting prices up at 7K. I've decided to go out and buy a category 1 insurance car (or any that's a low category) so it will be cheaper to run but the only problem is, I don't have a job at the moment so only have savings. It wouldn't bother me not taking out my own policy because I understand that can be more expensive but is there an alternative for me until I get a job and earn money to get the policy so I can collect NCD's? One of my friends use to have his own policy on his family car, a big car like ours, until he had an accident and the price shot up. Now because he can't afford the monthly costs he just takes out 1 weeks insurance at a top when needed and this costs him around 40. What I don't understand though is that he's 18, the same age as me, and I thought you werent able to do short term insurance as a new driver? Although I think he somehow takes it under his parents policy? I'v no idea how this works if someone could shine a light on it? Another friend also had a Nissan Micra and was paying around 80-90 per month which I thought was very cheap (also the same age as me) for an insurance which makes me wonder if he is on his own policy? My dad will be getting insured on my own car also and be using it for work at nights. If anyone could come up with some solutions for me that would be great!! :) Thanks""
Do you have to have full coverage insurance on a new car?
We are going to try to get our first new car ever,and not really sure of the whole insurance process..We do keep liability insurance on our 2 cars we have now,but that alone about kills us,we pay $105 a month for 2 vehicles and 2 22 year old drivers..Everyone says its our age that causes us to have high insurance.Anyway, are we going to be required to have our own full coverage insurance on a new car if we get one? Or will the dealership help us with it or factor it in the payment? Because I don't think we could afford full coverage if its much higher..I priced it when I was 18 on a mustang and it was like $300 a month...I know crazy!!""
online quotes for worker's compensation insurance in alabama
online quotes for worker's compensation insurance in alabama
What are some home insurance companies in FL?
I am looking for a list of home insurance companies in FL, or if not a list if anyone can tell me the name of a few? Thank you very much!""
What is the easiest/cheapest insurance company in Ireland to get insured on with an endorsement and 5 points?
A friend of mine was caught drink driving and has gotten his licence back but with an endorsement and 5 points on his licence, any insurance company he has tried has turned him away. What are his options car wise? And what are the best companies to go to? And also - he is 23 what price range would he be looking at? Thanks in advance for the answers!""
How much will my second speeding ticket make my insurance rates go up?
I received a speeding ticket in January for 90 in a 70 (I-5 on my way down to San Diego), and today I received another ticket for 86 in a 65 on Freeway 85 in Cupertino. The first ticket is being taken care of with traffic school right now, and since I can't go to traffic school again so soon I'm assuming the 2nd ticket will increase my insurance rates. Does anyone know how much they will increase? I'm 21 and am on my parents' insurance (USAA) because I'm in college, but I will be paying whatever the difference in premium is so I'm trying to get an idea of what the damage is here. Also, I know I messed up, so no need to tell me in the answers. I thought I'd learned my lesson after the first ticket but apparently I still haven't, so at this point I'm just afraid to get into a car.""
Does car insurance insure the driver or the actual car?
I know that its CAR insurance but I have heard two different things - car insurance covers the car and it covers the driver. I'd just like to know which one it actually covers. Thanks!!
How much should my car insurance raise....?
I am 16, I've been driving 4 months. I have USAA car insurance, and I went to a driving school. I'm a supertard and today I rear-ended someone.... the cops were called and an accident report was filed, they said that my insurance company and the person's will contact eachother. I'm just curious to how much you think it should raise? There was alot of damage to my front end, but the person's who I hit hardly had a few scratches on the back bumper. I'm already paying $80 a month. Thanks so much for your estimates!! (p.s. i live in TX if that makes a difference.)""
Insurance question? please help me i need to know what to do.?
im 16, had my license for a little over a month. i live in california. im with allstate. here's what happened: i was backing out of a diagonal parking space. i was at starbucks, mid day. no one else was in the car. i saw a car coming, i let it pass, and i backed out. turns out it didnt clear out all the way. i got the rear end of it. their dent is not too bad, the bumper is fine, its just a little bit of the metal that probably needs to be sucked back out. it is an suv. my dent however was worse. the bumper got dented, and so did some of the medal around it. the brake light has a small crack in it, but its only visible from close up, and it still works. we exchanged information, and he said he will call his insurance company tomorrow morning. will my insurance go up? how much will i need to pay to have his car fixed? whats gonna happen? please help me im freaking out. thank you soo much""
What auto insurance gives the cheapest full covarge becuase my friend thats a guy says its 4000 dollars a year?
What auto insurance gives the cheapest full coverage because my friend thats a guy says its 4000 dollars a year since his girlfriend totaled his car.. looking for prices ranges typically around 2500 a year
Motorcycle insurance?
hi, im 16, and plan on getting a motorcycle in about 4 years when im 20. im also planning on starting on a 600 and i know so far that if ur about 20 years old (really young) and you have a 600cc bike that your insurance will be around $1500-$2000 a year. so my questions are at what age does the price get lower and if those numbers are true then i will most likely start on a 250 and wat is the insurance for a 250 a year. when the time comes ill see if im able to pay 2000k a year thanks""
Do I need to be insured on my parents insurance to use the car?
I live in Florida, I have a Drivers License Class E. Do I need to be listed on the insurance to drive my moms car occasionally on my own? If so, does Gainsco cover an occasional driver for free? How much would it cost?""
Can I buy term life insurance for my aunt who lives in CA?
I live in Florida and was just wondering if I can purchase a term life insurance policy for my aunt in California? Will the term life insurance policy be in my name or her name, because I will be paying for the policy?""
Insurance companies that insure homes?
Do not have change&a was wondering insurance companies that will insure my home in Alabama
Why is motorcycle insurance so expensive?
im looking into a 600 katana with a clean driving record and taking the safety course insurance is still very high like 240 a month just about everywhere with 1000 deductables why is this? what bike would be cheaper on insurance thats kinda sporty still
If the supreme court finds health care law unconstitutional would i have to buy car insurance?
most of the health care debate is about weather the government can make a person buy a specific product such as health insurance. If the court finds that the individual mandate is unconstitutional would this mean that the government would not be allowed to require people to buy car insurance. and if so would I be able to take this to my state supreme court to question the constitutionality of having to buy car insurance?
""Does mercury auto insurance, offer motorcycle insurance?
Im about to buy a motorcycle. If not do insurance companies insure bikes with a salvage title?
More to pay for tesco car insurance after 1year?
I have tesco car insurance and now after having 1 year tesco car insurance they wanna increase me to pay more monthly . why ? I have same car and same conditions . should i change car insurance?
How much does a car cost for a 17 year old?
The cheapest thing the moves from A to B reliably. I already know about gas and insurance, how much would the car itself cost, used whatever. I live in washington state.""
How hard is it to start your own insurance company?
how much capital do you need or are there companysthat will front the money
Health Insurance for my son?
I need a low cost health insurance plan for my son. I live in orange county, CA and I DO NOT qualify for medi-cal or healthy families. I make too much money. I do not need health insurance for myself because I can still be on my parents insurance until im 25. My work also does not offer health insurance.""
How exactly will the small business I work for be affected at all by the health care bill?
I work for a small business that employs around 15 people. The owner purchases insurance for all the employees. I keep hearing opponents say that this bill is going to hurt small businesses, but I don't see how it would hurt the one I am employed by. My company already purchases insurance, and even if it didn't, we don't have the 50 or more employees required for the government mandate to purchase insurance to apply to us. Therefore, it seems like everything will remain the same for us. If someone out there can offer me any insight as to how my company will be negatively affected by this bill, please come forward.""
Car leasing and insurance?
Hi All, My partner is 24 years old and has 6 points on his license for driving uninsured with a provisional license. He now has a license but is obviously having major troubles with insurance prices. We are looking into purchasing a lease car with insurance in the cost, can anyone recommend? We want something identical to the NHS fleet service until we can clear the points but no friends or family work there so unfortunately we are not legible to apply for this. Any help would be much appreciated. Thanks in advance, Emma""
I need tips for reducing cost of car insurance plz?
Ive got a few tips but can anyone think of any more? thanks a million
Im 18 and I live in florida and i just got a quote for auto insurance and they said it would be 236 a month?
I just got a quote for a 2002 Chevrolet Malibu. I wont be making any payments on it. Im 18 years old and the insurance is going to make me pay a down payment of $502 and my Monthly payments will be $236. So many people tell me that I need to shop around more. I have a learners License now. If i go and take the operators test i already know i will fail so I need more practice on my own I CAN drive just dont have much experience on a real road. So is $236 good you know for someone my age.? I really need this car before the end of the month. I have to have a way to go to college and Work.
Teen Drivers Insurance?
Ok so I am a Teen Driver and I am about to get licensed...I need Car insurance...any one know the average in TX? Thanks
May have a preexisting condition and i need affordable insurance?
i may have a preexisting condition i will find out monday ,anyway we are on a month to month with a high cobra premium and it is kicking our butts my husband's job closed after 20 yrs we both are not working and if i have a condition how do we pay for it, how can i get i get affordable health with no job .help somebody i feel for people i feel for everyone who needs health care and can't get it what a shame i pray that i am well and the doctor has good news for me so everyone please pray for a good outcome when prayers go up blessings come down and i need your prayers i love my yahoo family some people are rude but for the most part real decent people live here Sorry for my jumby words""
After tax and national insurance deductions how much would i come out with a month if i was on 14500 annual?
After tax and national insurance deductions how much would i come out with a month if i was on 14500 annual?
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online quotes for worker's compensation insurance in alabama
Will you get a better quote on auto insurance if you are single or in a relationship?
I was just wondering if you get a better quote saying that you are single or saying that you are in a domestice relationship? or do you get a better quote if you are married? Also, do you get a better quote if the car is only used for pleasure or for work/school?""
Insurance on motorcycle ?
It would be a Kawasaki ninja zx6r it is a 2006 and 600 cc engine.. I am 16 and live in northwestern Pennsylvania... I would get minimum coverage.. I would also be adding on to my dads car insurance plan and I would be getting a 20% discount for good driver etc. About how much do you think the insurance on it would be?thanks
Will calling insurance over a cracked windshield raise my insurance rates?
I have Geico insurance for the past 8 years. I have not made one claim in that 8 year time frame. I was driving down the highway last week when something struck my windshield and spider cracked it pretty good. Should I pay it out of my pocket or call the insurance. Will my rates go up for making a windshield claim?
What's a nice car with good insurance?
I want a used car for under 15k. Looks, handling, and safety are important. I like how the ford mustang and chevy camaro but they have pretty high insurance... I've never had a ticket in my life. So any nice cars with relatively low insurance?""
What is the cheapest car for a 17 year old with cheap insurance?
Im nearly 17 and am looking for a car, of autotrader or something? Preferably cheap and cheap on insurance? Thanks""
What do you like most about tying health insurance to employment?
Isn't it a good way to keep employees in line? I mean, well, if you're not happy here, you can always quit and do something you like, but your COBRA insurance will eventually run out and you'll either need to find another job with benefits, not necessarily the job you want, so it looks like you're sticking around for some time.....no freelancing or working two part-time jobs you like for you! I like this system because it keeps my employees from quitting, particularly the ones with pre-existing conditions or family members with pre-existing conditions. I can get what I want out of them by using the health-care lasso ( go ahead and quit, but try seeing how much a private policy will cost you if you're lucky enough to get accepted with what you've got! ), plus there is no need to worry about competition from freelancers or small businesses. I like tying benefits to employment because as an employer I have a way of keeping my employees in line. If they act up or talk about branching out into something else, I just have to remind them of where they get their affordable benefits and how they would lose this corporate pool if they were to go out on their own, work for a small business without benefits, work freelance or go back to school full time. Keeps my workforce dedicated.""
Does anybody know where to get cheap auto insurance for a 18year old?
Does anybody know where to get cheap auto insurance for a 18year old?
Small business insurance ? what is the average cost?
I am looking a leasing a building that is currently a bed and breakfast cottage. I will do the same thing except not offering breakfast. Wanting to make a business decision but have been waiting for 2 days to be able to obtain a cost for small business insurance. Anyone have some idea on the cost?
Can you get your own insurance when renting a car?
When going to a rental car agency such as Hertz or Avis they strongly 'encourage' you to purchase insurance. Can you get your own insurance that covers you in their cars rather than having to pay the insanely expensive insurance they offer?
I quit my job to take another job. I need health insurance for 90 days before my new coverage kicks in.?
If I buy short-term insurance, my pre-existing condition (ADD) will not be covered for 1 year. So, do I buy health insurance for 1 year and not take my new employers? By the way, Cobra will cost me $794 a month if I decide to get it. That's crazy! I'm 25 years old, have had health insurance my whole life, perfectly healthy except for ADD... Maybe Obama should try and fix the system for those who still have jobs before he creates new problems. What 25 year old can afford $794 a month for Cobra? What do I do?""
Do i have to remove a car i sold from my insurance?
i had 2 cars an old car and a new car, they were both insured under one policy with me and my son as the only drivers. now i sold the old car, and when i get a quote for removing my old car from my insurance policy it says that the insurance will increase about $70 every 6 months and that's because i loose the multiple car discount and also because i had my young son as driver only on the old car and removing it will force me to put him as a driver on the new car. i sold the car and i have a paper from the person that i sold it to indicating that they bought it. my question now is, would there be any risks by keeping the car on the policy, is it illegal? or if anything happens to the car, will they go after my insurance although i sold the car? *i already sent the release of liability to the DMV *i live in California any help would be appreciated 10 pts for best answer""
What are some home insurance companies in FL?
I am looking for a list of home insurance companies in FL, or if not a list if anyone can tell me the name of a few? Thank you very much!""
Car insurance help!!?
So about a month and a half ago, someone kicked my car at night and left a big dent. I was stupid and called insurance and they gave me two options: fix the car or take a cash settlement. However, no matter what I do, my monthly insurance rate is going to go up even though it was not my fault. I think this is ridiculous and not worth it and I just want to cancel the claim. But I have been told that once a claim is put in, there's nothing you can do and once you hit three claims, your overall premium goes way up. What do I do? Should I just stop contacting the insurance company and after a while they have to close the claim? I wanted to sell the car this week but I guess that adds too many complications...""
Car insurance for teen help?
So am buying a car and my parents don't have a driver license But i Do But i am only 17 which makes the insurance a lot . So my moms friend said he would put me under his insurance but he isn't Driving but he has a valid new your license . So is there a way for me to be under his insurance with the title of the car in my name ? or does it have to be in his name does he add me to the policy as a Additional driver & The car Or just me alone and not the car ? what would happen if i get pulled over and the title is in his name ?
Do you know any cheap car insurance providers for young driver?
Do you know any cheap car insurance providers for young driver?
How can I get dental and medical insurance?
I turned 18 back in 2011 and now I'm not on my mom's dental or medical insurance. How do I get dental and medical coverage?
Whos the cheapest u found car insurance thru?
ive checked all state geico progressive state farm aig 21 century liberty mutual and esurance. r there any out there that ive missed? im a student and on a very strict budget so i need the best deal possible. thanks!
How much does an insurance for a bus cost approximately?
The cost can be per year for a 40ft or for a 60ft diesel bus. I need the info for a life cycle cost analysis. Any info will be helpful. thanks
Report to insurance or not?
i was driving down the freeway yesterday and a rock hit my windshield. it now has two huge cracks. and i have to get it replaced i know it cant be repaired. my deductible on my insurance is $500, should i report it to the insurance or not? would it be cheaper to just fix it myself?""
What are some cheap car insurance for first time drivers?
What are some cheap car insurance for first time drivers?
What's a good auto insurance company that has a good rating?
I have four cars.... no tickets or claims in years.. I have insurance now, but I think I am paying too much. Only one of them is driven on a daily basis..... the others very infrequently.""
""I have medical insurance, but my deductible is $4000?""
Is there any way at 29 weeks pregnant I can figure out how to get more help paying for this? I live in Southern California. Anything will help right now, I am just getting worried because $4000 plus all of the other stuff to get ready is a little overwhelming. Is there a way to apply for something that will help me with these expenses?""
""Totalled vehicle+switched over insurance to new car, old car's registration now suspended...Help!?""
Soooo I lived in Maryland and had a Nissan, someone hit my Nissan and it ended up being totaled. This happened the end of July and a few days later, I moved to Virginia to attend school. I ended up getting a Corolla. I switched my insurance from the Nissan to the Corolla thinking the insurance company would pick up the Nissan shortly after that. Well we are in November and the insurance company took 4 MONTHS to process my claim. They are FINALLY picking up the Nissan tomorrow. I just got a letter from MVA saying that my Nissan's registration has been suspended and that I have to return my plates. It also said that a penalty fee will be assessed for $150 for the first 30 days the Nissan hasn't been insured, plus $7/day for every day thereafter. I did the math and that's about $660! I do not think I should have to pay all this money because the insurance company screwed me over by failing to put my claim through. My claims agent even said that he forgot about my case! I haven't been driving the Nissan this whole time. Do you think that if I provide proof that I had been driving another car (Corolla title and insurance policy info), I will not have to pay these outrageous fees? I also have to submit a letter from the insurance company saying that the vehicle was totaled and the date of the accident, so they would know how long it hasn't been insured for.""
Am I being cheated by the car insurance company?
I was on a bike and I accidentally hit someone's car and broke the back windshield. Nothing else on the car is damaged except windshield. Later the car owner's car insurance company (state farm) send me a payment of $1700, and they have a subrogation service (Afni) to collect payment. First of all, I believe it DOES NOT cost $1700 to replace a back windshield, like I mentioned, nothing else was damage except the windshield on the back. How is this amount calculated? The subrogation service has been pressuring me to pay the amount. I will pay for the damage but I don't believe I have to pay this much. Could this be the owner of the car falsify the claim? What should I do? I don't have car insurance, I was on my bike. It was a total accident.""
Car insurance question?
I got an insurance question. I let my fiance, who is not insured by my insurance company drive my car. I was in the car with him. He was intoxicated and hit 9 parked cars causing minor damage to all of them. Will my insurance company have to pay for the damage?""
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online quotes for worker's compensation insurance in alabama
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