#so Ordon may be based on Wolves not being able to process starches well...
Links! allergies edition
Hero: Shellfish (which will be to the Absolute Dismay of Wind, Glider, & Rinku)
Sky: none .....that he knows of... (lactose intolerant)
Hope: for some reason, some non-magical metals make him break out *shrug*
Rinku: tree nuts. Which is just horrible for an Oracles Link with all the Gacha Nuts and she hates it with a passion. (It was a developed allergy, she wasn't noticably allergic until late-oox)
Glider (Wild): ...Does Malice count? (Aka: no he's not allergic to squat)
Ordon: Gluten intolerant. This does not stop him. Also maybe sorta shouldn't have chocolate. This also won't stop him. (But he doesn't have much of that anyway)
Forest & Bean: they're convinved they're allergic to certain types of mushrooms, certain types of leaves such as poison ivy, and other assorted non-hylian-edible things. It's a flaw of being raised by forest spirits.....
Smith: allergic to grapes and alcohol lol
Engie: Dust, grass, mold (all mild)
Wind: None, and he will be annoying about it
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