#so I'll end my rambles in the tags here and wish you all a good start to the week and don't worry we're almost to the weekend 🥲👍🏾
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It's Finally Finished hehe
Little Events-Chapter 5
Peach hummed softly tapping the end of the pen lightly against her cheek. The Princess could feel a headache coming along as she reviewed some of the papers scattered across her desk. There had to be some information that she was overlooking and not considering all the facts. Placing the pen down, she pushed herself away from the desk and slouched back into the chair, rubbing her temples, she let out another long sigh and for a few moments, she let her mind wonder. It's been four years since she's taken on the role as her people's leader. Only In the last couple of years did she begin to feel confident in making and handling decisions on her own with her team of advisors backing them up. Policies were either modified or removed as they all deemed fit.
Peach had to admit that she was proud to see just how far her home has come from her childhood to the current day. What was once a small and humble community consisting of thirty people now has hundreds. Tiny tents were now fully built and furnished mushroom houses and all the toads were finding their place in the Kingdom. Through alliances she's made over the past few years, some toads moved to different areas. Those were more bittersweet and the first few times it happened, she took it to heart that she was doing something wrong that made them want to leave. It took a long conversation with Toadsworth about where life takes others sometimes for her to understand and that she shouldn't take such actions personally. There were times she felt a little envy for them being able to leave and make their home elsewhere.
Sometimes she would get in her head about remaining in the Mushroom kingdom till old age. The idea wasn't necessarily a bad thing since that's what came with pledging her life to the people as they had done to her all those years ago and of course she'd do it all over again. It's just that at times she wished she'd got to experience more things before taking on all that responsibility. Maybe some time away would do her good, three days would be enough. It had been awhile since she'd been out or even just seen anyone.
At that thought with another sigh she pulled herself up to the desk once again and rested her cheek in the palm of her left hand picking up one the pieces of paper with the other, glancing at it not being really bothered to read. Not that she particularly wanted to see anyone even with the fact that the only two people she could think of were probably busy with their own things. In the few letters she's read from Bowser, she remembered him telling her about finally succeeding in creating an egg. That part she was quite happy with, what annoyed her the most about him though was the persistent proposing in both the letters and anytime they met face to face and that started not even a week after she ended her engagement with Haru. It's been two years and she still wasn't sure if she'd ever have the confidence to show her face to him or step foot in his kingdom again after the way she broke things off. The King and Queen of Flower kingdom for its credit didn't seem to mind renegotiating their alliances via letters. Haru had sent letters of his own, seeing if they could arrange some sort of meet-ups, to which she'd always write back about being busy.
Shaking her head she refocused her attention to the matter at hand as it was approaching the early part of the evening. The summer was approaching and it was looking to be a little hotter than the last one. Seemed like a simple solution she told the council earlier in the day, she'd look over the paperwork and see what sort of power ups there were and if needed would see if there was any way to have them imported within the next few weeks. In the three hours of looking through what seemed like the same thing over again nothing seemed to be clicking. Sometimes she wished there was a better way to keep things organized for easy searching instead of having to dig through filed paperwork. It was a Longshot she thought as she pulled out a map of the entire land, her eyes tracing the areas in the blue regions. It took her about twenty minutes between her pinpointing the source she had to go through and referring to a book on everything they gathered over years.
"It would take a couple days there and back even with the shortest route it seems" Peach spoke aloud to herself as she continued studying the map while marking multiple routes to the destination with the pen. "I have no choice though, I took an oath to do everything in my power" she reaffirmed to herself.
There was just one thing or rather person who she'd have to convince to allow her to go on this mission. Peach took a few minutes to prepare all her findings, herself , and Think about what she could possibly say. With one final exhale she gathered up everything and left her office and was faced with the closed door across the hall. Raising a gloved hand up she gave it a knock and opened it when the voice gave her permission to enter.
"A pleasant evening to you my dear Princess wouldn't you agree?" The mustached Toad behind the desk with his own paperwork asked.
Peach nodded her head in response and took a seat on the other side when he motioned for her to sit down.
"I was just about to come check on you once I finished up here. It would seem that it's one of the rare times you've got done first" he said with a chuckle, writing some last minute notes before closing the book and giving her his full attention. "You are finished right dear? I noticed you bought some materials" he pointed a finger at the objects she held loosely in her arms.
"I have just about everything completed. Though I could use some of your help reviewing it once more before presenting it all to the council tomorrow morning. If you don't mind, that is." Peach told him while laying both the book and map down on the table.
The Princess figured this would be the best way to open the discussion with Toadsworth. This wasn't the first time she asked him to read over the details of plans she wanted to put in motion. There were times he'd pick out the tiniest bits she had overlooked or ignored completely. It also wasn't the first time she asked him to review speeches she had written out before presenting it to everyone. These weren't firsts and certainly wouldn't be the last. Toadsworth was her trustworthy advisor for a reason, he'd give the truth to her straight. Been doing that all her life actually, she couldn't ask for no one better.
If there was one thing she could get him to see more often, it would be for him to see past the tiny little girl he'd constantly worried about all those years ago and acknowledge her for the strong leader that sits before him now.
"Of course Princess. I'm ready whenever you're ready to start." He folded his hands in front of him and sat them on the desk.
Toadsworth let Peach explain the first draft of her plan and If it wasn't for the growing concern and hesitant nod of his head she saw from the corner of her eye the longer she went on, the Princess would've finally thought she came up with the perfect plan from the start.
"And so you see while we never had use for the ice flower before, It would be very useful now and I think it would be for the best if we add it in our monthly imports" The Princess concluded finally looking him in the eyes. "The trip will take a few days but, I trust you and the council will be able to take care of everything in my absence." She added.
The silence between them lasted for about two minutes. The mustached toad let out a long sigh removing his glasses and placing it on the desk. With his hands crossed and placed under his chin he gathered his words.
"You are asking for quite a lot out of us my Princess as I'm sure you're aware of, yes?" Toadsworth asked and she nodded. "And while I'm confident in our abilities to handle everything, are you certain you have thought it all through?" He questioned, prompting her to look everything over.
"I believe so," Peach said, now more uncertain than when she initially came in at first.
Toadsworth had certainly seen something she hadn't considered and instead of just saying it he wanted her to figure it out on her own. Peach found it a bit annoying when he insisted on doing that on one hand but understood it completely on the other hand. As a leader she had to think outside the box and about all the possibilities before advisors bought them up. Always had to have an answer to everything.
So what was he trying to get her to see? Was the question that ran through her mind as she reviewed the materials.
"Well we already have an alliance in place for a little over six months now. Sure we haven't traded resources but I'm certain I can set up something. While we have an abundance of all different types of mushrooms, the same could be said for their flowers." She talks it out while flipping through her notes. "Their King does seem like a reasonable person to agree with if that's what you're getting at" she told Toadsworth as she skimmed through the Penguins profile.
"You've only met him in person once, Princess. How can you be so certain? You are aware that just having a feeling that it'll just work out doesn't guarantee anything without having the actions to back it up" Toadsworth pointed out.
"While I can't be 100% certain it will all work out, it's all I can think of and I'm willing to give it all I got." She told him honestly cause as he's pointed out she really was just going off the feeling that everything will just fall into place. "I can write up something that no one could pass on," Peach added, hoping that would satisfy him.
"Princess you've never used an ice flower before-" Toadsworth started but the princess cut him off.
"The effects aren't as different compared to the fire flower I've noticed and I've been using that for years now. See?" She told him as she showed off the notes on another page. "Sure there might be a curve to it but, I'm confident in my abilities to master it" she assured him.
"Have you thought about any other options if this doesn't work out?" Toadsworth asked her again.
Oh so he was really wondering if she had thought of a plan b and maybe even a c is what went through Peach's mind.
"Truthfully no and I know it's not the most ideal way to go about it but I haven't gotten a yes or no yet. Until I get something I can't properly come up with other solutions." Peach closed the book and rolled up the map. "Just trust me to do it this way first and if for some reason I come back empty handed, you and the council can do some research in my absence and once I return we can all look it over" she told him.
"You will take a couple of the royal guards with you, yes?" He asked and she looked like she was thinking against the idea. "Please Princess, if you're placing the responsibility of the Kingdom to me here then I want others there to ensure your safety." He got up from his seat and walked around the desk in front of her grabbing her hands.
"Yes Toadsworth I will. As they will be there to ensure my safety, I will do the same for them." Peach Promised him, squeezing his hands. "I will prepare that speech and turn in for the evening. I want to try to leave by the afternoon tomorrow and I will be back in three days." She let go and stood from the chair picking up the stuff she bought in.
"You had better or I'll journey to the Snow Kingdom myself to see what's taking you so long. I may not have a bike like you but I'm not beneath walking or finding any other means to get there you know" Toadsworth told her.
"I know you will," Peach laughed though she knew from experience that he was serious. Toadsworth was literally the embodiment of not allowing old age to hold him back from doing anything being in his fifties. "Please enjoy the rest of your evening. I'll see you in the meeting tomorrow morning." She bent down for him to hug her the best he could with stuff in her hands.
After she had left and he heard her office door close he went back to sit behind his desk for a while in silence. It would only be for four days he told himself but that still felt too long for him if he was honest. The Princess is their leader though and as her most trusted advisor, he had to have complete faith in everything she does.
The Princess had everything and more with the insistence of Toadsworth ready to go. With the climate being the way it was in ice kingdom she would not be underdressed or returning back home ill if he could help it. After one final check of her bike and the sidecar the toad guards would be occupying, They all bid their farewells and left.
Operations for the next couple of days ran smooth but to the elder toad the hours felt like forever. On one hand taking care of all the citizens brought back memories of the older days. On the other hand it also felt unusual without their ruler around. The members of the council seemed to agree with Toadsworth sentiment when he bought it up. That final night before her scheduled return, he was preparing to sleep and was anxiously looking forward to her return. Toadsworth had great faith that she would succeed but wanted to hear about the journey from her own mouth.
Toadsworth deliberately took long on the last of his own personal work when the Princess had not returned by the afternoon. He wanted to be the first to welcome her home and was willing to wait as long as it took to make it happen. Going as far to even leave both the light on and door to his office ajar to capture her attention as she returned to her private chambers. It was going on 11 at night before he finally heard the distant sound of the castle door open followed by heavy footsteps. That puzzled him for a moment but not enough for him to leave his office to investigate. The Princess had the guards she initially left with to help carry whatever they had bought from their trip. If they needed extra muscle power they surely would've sent for some of the staff members who resided in the castle.
"Oh dear, it would seem that these numbers are slightly low compared to last month." Toadsworth talked aloud pulling out his mini notebook making a note to bring it up in tomorrow's meeting. At the sound of his door opening up the rest of the way he didn't look up from his writing. "Welcome home your Majesty, I trust your trip went well and you must be exhausted." He smiled fondly with a chuckle and only after looking up did that look get placed with one of disdain at the person who entered.
"By the sound of that statement, I take it Her Majesty's out?" The Koopa King asked closing the door shut behind him after walking all the way inside.
"To what does the Kingdom owe a visit from you at such a late hour of the night King Bowser? Something urgent I presume?" Toadsworth responded with a couple of questions of his own. Doing his best to remain respectful.
"If Marrying your Princess is something you'd consider urgent or important, you could say that's why I'm here." He said a sinister smile slowly gracing his face "Thing is, I've grown more than tired of the rejections. If you know what I mean."
"If you're expecting me to talk her into accepting a proposal from you, then you're sorely mistaken Bowser." Toadsworth raised his voice a little higher slamming his tiny fist on the table. "In fact I would rather drop dead myself before giving you any sort of a blessing of mine" at that moment he got up from his desk and was just inches away from the giant dragon turtle.
Bowser was not at all intimidated by the older man getting all up in his personal space. The King crossed his arms over his chest as if to control himself, though his tail swayed side to side slowly. Toadsworth briefly took notice but that didn't stop him from backing down or finishing speaking.
"That's my final answer to the matter." Toadsworth finished fixing his beady black eyes with Bowser's red ones. After a few tense seconds of silence, he went to open the door and motioned him out with his arm. "Now if you would like to be kind enough to exit, I have more important matters to attend to as it is getting late."
Toadsworth was initially shocked that Bowser was following orders from him of all people. He knew that was too good to be true. Just a couple feet out the door, Bowser paused and slowly did a 180 facing the mustached toad with a threatening expression that sent a chill down his spine.
"If your dead body is all it takes for our marriage to be" He told him sadistically backing Toadsworth into the office once more. "Consider it done" he finished gravely.
With a spin of his body, Bowser's tail made contact with Toadsworth's right arm, sending him flying across the room. His body slammed hard against the wall first before plopping on the ground. Everything happened so fast, he could barely process the sensation of his bone breaking or the piercing scream he let out waking up the entire castle.
"Don't worry it'll all be over soon" Bowser said, preparing what was looking to be a deadly fire breath.
Through blurry vision, Toadsworth closed his eyes and sent one last prayer and apology to the Princess he pledged his entire life too. All at once memories of her flashed through his eyes. While the majority were good ones, there were also some regrets of not handling things better. Still he prepared to meet his burning end and was surprised when it never came.
"Toadsworth!" A desperate scream of his name from an all too familiar voice was the last thing he heard before Bowser was forced away from his body with a swift kick to the face.
The last thing he saw was the back of her. Though he couldn't see her face, he imagined she wore an uncharacteristic expression of anger on her face. The Halberd she held was in an attack position as it seemed she was waiting for Bowser to make the next move.
"Princess" he all but whispered and reached out with his good hand out to her back before dropping it to the ground as Toadsworth's body finally succumbed to unconsciousness.
“How lovely it is for you to show up just in time to accept my wedding proposal, Princess." Bowser started standing up and brushing off specks of dust. "As you may be able to tell, your dear Toadsworth isn't too keen on the idea of our union." He nodded in the direction of the fallen toad and relished at the sight of Peach gripping the weapon tighter.
"This is the only chance I'm giving you to leave peacefully" Peach told him, voice steady with a threatening undertone.
"Oh really? And what are you going to do about it if I don't?" Bowser chuckled, cracking both fists in the palm of each hand. "You know you never stood a chance against when it comes to hand to hand combat" with that he cracked his neck on both sides
"I don't care about that right now. If you're planning on returning home in one piece, Leave now" she said again louder with emphasis on the last two words taking a few steps in his direction.
"All you gotta do is say yes." At his words, Peach stopped and her face scrunched up in confusion at the change in demeanor. "Become my Queen, My Kingdom has it all...except you" he explained coming closer to her.
Bowser was caught slightly off guard when Peach shoved the weapon just under his chin. He lifted his face up as she moved the halberd and put both hands up.
"Even if you had this world's most invincible artifact, I would never marry you" she told him with so much conviction in her voice.
"So you choose to go down fighting? I must admit that I like that in a partner. " Bowser said, raising a finger onto the blade prompting her to lower it a bit. "You'll be saying yes in a little while" with his other hand he grabbed the shaft and yanked it along with her forward.
With a yelp, Peach's grip loosened and the next moment she was across the room by the door. Bowser dropped the weapon to the ground in front of him. At that moment about five more toad guards showed up to her aid. One of the two that journeyed with her to the ice kingdom had returned with the native flower in hand.
"Master Toadsworth" a guard had called out and started in the elders direction.
Time seemed to be moving fast and slow all at once for Peach to take in. One moment she saw Bowser preparing to send a breath of fire in the other direction. The next moment she didn't even register, demanding the toad to pass her the flower. A few seconds after activating its power with her current attire changing white and pale blue in color she sped their way just as Bowser released his fire. Forming an ice in front of her people with one hand, the fire made impact shattering it into smaller pieces leaving the toads unharmed. With her other hand she sent ice blasts the Koopa King's way encasing his entire body in ice. Entirely immobilized, Peach worked on catching her breath walking towards him, only stopping to bend down to pick up the halberd.
"So this is how I meet my end" He laughed darkly as she once again held the weapon to his neck. Sensing her hesitation, he continued "Go ahead and do it Princess. My entire army will be here not even a day later after word of my death spreads. No amount of power ups in the world will be able to protect you or this Kingdom" Bowser moved his head up the best he could given his position to give her a cleaner cut.
Peach was silent. Thinking about what the next best course of action should be. Part of her mind was telling her to follow the movements through to be rid of him for good. At that she pulled the weapon away slightly to gather some force. The other part of her mind insisted that this wasn't her and begged her to consider the consequences of the future. The results weren't looking too desirable if she was honest and at that, she lowered the weapon again.
"You know Peaches, with how long it's taking you to make a choice, Any chance in saving that old man's life is slipping away" Bowser delightfully reminded her of what he had done to him just moments before she showed up.
"Huh? Toadsworth?" Peach spoke, losing her train of thought and glancing back behind.
Another guard had joined the previous one and was knelt on the ground head against Toadsworth chest.
"He's breathing but barely, go get help" the guard alerted, another disappeared down the hall.
"Make your decision Peaches. Kill me now or live to face me another day." Peach looked right back at him as he spoke. "Know if you choose the second option, I'll have you living in constant fear. You'll never know when I will strike. I'm going to make you wish you said 'yes' sooner" Bowser promised.
An ice blasts to his face followed that statement. Finally he was quiet, she thought with some satisfaction. Her attention returned to Toadsworth who was being carefully attended to a few medical toads. The other guards were now at their Princesses side with their weapons pointing at the Koopa King, awaiting her command.
"I can guarantee you I won't be thinking that. You guys can stand down." Peach told the guards and they did."If this is your way of proclaiming war against me then so be it."
All that was left to do was to remove Bowser from the castle. Unfreezing him wasn't exactly an option and she couldn't exactly trust him to just leave quietly. Just as she thought to get one of their many red mushrooms to make carrying the icy King to the pipe easier, floating shapes sparkled in the air followed by Kamek appearing.
"I sensed you needed a hand my lord" He directed towards his King and with a wave of his wand, Bowser started to disappear. "The Koopa Nation looks forward to taking down your pathetic Kingdom" was the wizards last remark before he disappeared as well.
There were some matters that needed her urgent attention. After a long trip, the last thing she wanted to think about was pulling an all-nighter on royal duties. However, making sure Toadsworth was taken care of was top priority.
"Take Toadsworth to the medical wing and you guys are to do everything you can to make sure he's brought back to stable condition, Am I clear?" Though she kept her voice calm and collected, Her mind was racing with negative thoughts that it might be too late.
Minutes after everyone had left, she stood alone in his office failing to find comfort in the silence. It took her a little while longer to compose herself. A few steady breaths later, she headed out to go and be by Toadsworth side.
It was approaching dawn and instead of getting better, Toadsworth's condition was on a steady decline if the heartbeat on the monitor and labored breathing was any indication. The elder toad was a fighter through and through but, with old age, bouncing back from anything was a great challenge.
"Princess Peach" , one of the Doctors, called her attention after closing the door. "We've tried just about everything we can. We're not sure if there's anything else we can do" he broke the tough news to her.
"No, are you sure? Are you absolutely positive you've guys tried everything you could think of?" Peach asked as she stood up from Toadsworth bedside and sped over to the Doctor.
"All the herbal medicines known to toadkind and every power-up we've access to known to heal instantly" The doctor explained showing the clipboard of everything they did and the results.
"There has to be something we haven't tried yet. please" Peach begged frantically flipping through all the papers.
The Doctor Toad hummed deep in thought. Making a mental checklist of anything else he's missed and other stuff they haven't tried. That's when an idea hit him, it was a longshot and there wasn't a 100% guarantee that it would work but it's their only option.
"The green mushroom" The doctor started and after her question, hummed he continued "We've still been studying it and haven't discovered a concrete use for it. If you give us permission to try it on master Toadsworth...may we"
"Yes, do it please" Peach spoke, not letting him finish. "We have to try all the options no matter how slim the chance. Go get it now" she told him.
The Doctor left immediately to gather the mushroom leaving the Princess alone with Toadsworth once again. Peach returned to sir in the chair by his bedside and grabbed one of his limp hands in both of hers.
"This has to work. You have to pull through for me, Toadsworth. I still need you for so much" Peach laid her head down on their joint hands.
Everyone in the room was amazed at what the green mushroom did for a person. Toadsworth's heartbeat on the monitor returned back to normal. There were toads scribbling notes in their notepads and observing Toadsworth condition the best they could while he was under the covers. They dubbed the power up, the 1-up mushroom. Even after testing It on one person, they came to the conclusion that it had the capabilities to bring the consumer back from any near-death experiences. While it did need more tests, No one, Peach especially didn't want her people putting themselves in that predicament just to be 100% positive of what it could do. The 1-up mushroom would purely be a last resort option and she had a lot of thinking to do if she was going to share this discovery with her current or future allies.
Thinking about her current allies, there was also an uncertainty of bringing them up to speed about Bowser's declaration of war on her Kingdom. Rulers had already been skeptical about forming alliances with her nation based on the ties she had with the Darklands before, what would happen now? Not just that Peach thought, it wasn't just about the safety of her Kingdom but others as well, Bowser wouldn't spare anyone. This is something she'd have to handle alone.
It took a few weeks for Toadsworth to recover fully save for taking some time to properly adjust to using a cane.
"I would've had to use one of these eventually, my dear. That reptilian scoundrel just sped up the process" Toadsworth told her with a chuckle when Peach sadly looked at him as he walked across the room to his desk. "Alright let's review"
All access to the darklands via pipes were destroyed just a couple days after Bowser's surprise visit. It may have been extreme on her part, but she thought it had to be done. In that one day time window, anyone that's made their home in her kingdom but native to the darklands was to return. In her mind she just couldn't risk surprise attacks or those who's shaky loyalty was still to the King spreading valuable information. Surprisingly the termination of their treaty went through without problems, no talking just signing letters and returning it via mail. Toadsworth agreed with the majority of all the new policies but, when it came to the potential evacuation plan, that's where he had some problems no matter how many times they reviewed it.
"The people are to do no such thing, we will stand by your side or die trying before we let you surrender yourself to be his Bride. You are our Princess" He would always slam his tiny fist upon the table and raise his voice.
"And I'd rather avoid any casualties if possible, Toadsworth. I'm the one Bowser wants at the end of the day." Peach would always say to reason with him. "I rather you all live a peaceful life elsewhere than stay here and be enslaved under his rule."
"What you fail to understand is that people like Bowser won't just stop after getting what he wants. That madman wants it all. The entire world would be enslaved in months, no weeks probably." Toadsworth countered.
"Then you guys can live peacefully for weeks or months wherever you guys go and hopefully their leaders are able to put up better resistance than I ever could as a leader" she always said hoping that would be the end of the conversation.
"What's the plan if you end up taking him down though. You must have one for that possibility" Toadsworth challenged as she looked unsure.
"Then...Then I'll visit all the places where everyone would have settled and if they choose to return home, I'll continue being the best leader I can be as I promised." Peach would tell him after thinking for a bit.
It was still something that never sat right with Toadsworth even a few years later, though the Princess was very adamant about keeping that plan in place, not allowing any changes to it in the slightest. Toadsworth along with the guards and council members constructed a meticulous method of their own when it came to gathering Intel on what the King Koopa's plans were in the Darklands. With the elders Toads guidance and decision making, they met with a select few councils of other Kingdoms to put extra plans in motion, there would be signs and signals they were to look out for. Sure it was a bad look by not including their Princess in these plans, but in Toadsworth eyes it was necessary to do so, Peach would insist for them not to get involved at all. They did fill their leader in on an important piece of information they found out about four months later.
"The Power star" Toadsworth shared all his notes from research on the item. "Legends say it hasn't existed for centuries now but it holds great power. We're almost certain that's what Bowser's looking for if his airships traveling different places is any indication." He finished.
"It doesn't make any sense, why go through the trouble of searching for something that hasn't been seen I'm centuries unless he found a positive trail" Peach asked aloud.
"That we're not quite sure. Rest assured we're keeping a close eye on the situation and share any new findings as soon as possible Princess." He assured her with a hand on hers. "With any luck, let's hope that he continues his futile efforts in search for this star." He finished.
"If I'm honest it gets to me sometimes Toadsworth" Peach started after an awkward silence holding her head down avoiding his eyes. "There hasn't been so much as any direct attacks on his end since that day. I've upped my training regimen but I don't know if it will be enough when he does do something." She finished with a sigh.
Toadsworth wasn't sure what to say that would just be giving her false hope or putting intense pressure on her to deliver but it was the truth if anything.
"You will know what to do when the time comes Princess. We all have faith in you. So have it in yourself. " Toadsworth said, squeezing her hand.
A few more months went by and with nothing new to report on, Toadsworth or rather the others along with the Princess, thought it would be ok for him to take a well earned two week vacation to isle del fino. The council promised him that everything would remain in order while he was away and to send for him if anything came up as soon as possible. It took a lot of convincing on their part for him to finally accept it but by the next day he had everything packed up and was heading down the hall of the castle to get to the pipe that would take him to the airport.
The Princess met him in the hall after the usual morning meeting. She was surprised to see that he was still here.
"I hope you have a nice trip Toadsworth. Please try not to think about work while you're on vacation, we have everything handled here." Peach told him feeling more confident than she'd had in a long while.
"I know you will. You're an amazing leader my dear. I will do my best to put work in the back of my mind but it can be challenging. I'll write to you as soon as I get there" He said, motioning her to give him a hug.
Peach kneeled down to his level and wrapped her arms around him. They stayed like that for a couple of minutes. She walked with him to the pipe and helped him up, waiting for him to completely disappear before returning to the castle. She quietly worked in her office for about two hours before one of the council members burst into the room with dire news.
"Princess Peach, The Ice Kingdom has fallen. It's Bowser, he's found the Power star." The blue toad desperately told her.
#Key Posting#Super Mario#omg I have to slightly reiterate something I said in my authors notes (should totally read them btw 🤭 if you love the rambles)#I found myself underestimating just how much thought went into expanding scenes since I started writing this awhile ago 🤣 but hey#Did my best and had fun doing it 👌🏾 and that's all that matters we love that for me lolol#Now that I finished this I can read everyone else's works 🥳 I was so locked in on this I had to save them for later#hehe I can also get back into my little viddy games 🤪 but before doing all that I have to go put in some time to get money 🙄😮💨#so I'll end my rambles in the tags here and wish you all a good start to the week and don't worry we're almost to the weekend 🥲👍🏾#Take care and I hope you guys enjoy reading this as much as I enjoyed writing it ☺️☺️#ooh quick reminder here for me to update this and something else in my pinned post later on
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you've heard of cat in the hat, now get ready for

#i've been wanting to give him a stupid name for so long. becasue hes a stupid little guy and its what he deserves (affectionately)#i wasted the name change thing on this lmao i bet i'll come up with somethng better later and regret#i originally gave him a way-too-deep-over-thought-out name and i just didn't like it. he needed a dumb name i could laugh at. its necessary#genshin#genshin impact#scaramouche#wanderer#genshin scaramouche#genshin wanderer#genshins#honestly “Hat Guy” inspired me to do this lmao he truly does deserve a dumb name 🤣#i wish we could gain one extra name changer just in case my brain has a better idea even though ive thought about this since...#before he was released? because i saw leaks that said we name him. and even then i couldn't think of anything good#the original name i gave him after the quest was a couple names i saw others suggest that i squished together#but in the end it didnt suit him imo. i was right that a dumb name suits him lmaao but im sure theres better ones out there#if YOU see this post and read all my rambling tags and if you also named your wanderer a silly dumb name you must reply and tell me!!!!!!#i either need genshin friends to share my genshin nonsense with or i need to post more random genshin posts here and pretend i have friends#*#lee screenshots
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the thirteenth day of writemas
day 13, a rather superstitious number, and some may say i tempt fate by favouring 13 as my lucky number, but it's my first official day of christmas break, i'm home, and in a very eager writing mood - so i'll be joining you all alongside today's prompts with my own entry, whether it comes minutes after this post goes live or an hour later, we shall see, but for now i'm looking forward to seeing what you all come up with!
the rules, for those of you that are new or simply need a refresher: choose a prompt from the list, write something and share your creation with the rest of writeblr, and share the game with others, because as we all know writing is a gift and it deserves to be shared! and of course, tag me in your responses because i cannot wait to see them!
p.s - the game is open to all, as discussed in the invitation post - which, if you'd like to be added to the tag list, is still being monitored for newcomers and late additions - all are welcome to the game!
now for the part you're all here to see - the prompts!
Prompt List:
Dialogue Prompts:
"On your knees. You will bow to me, you will kiss my boot, or I shall find reason not to spare you."
"Why did I do it? Why does anyone do anything? Simple. Revenge."
"I wished on my beating, broken heart for a way out of this. I wished, and my salvation never came."
Setting Prompts:
A vehicle
A dinner
A rooftop
Narration Prompts:
They cursed, they swore, they damned, but each word bounced harmlessly from her mind. She paid them no heed. What good were words when she had knives?
He drove his fist into the ice, desperate, he beat and he beat against the frozen barrier until it was bloody, but even then, the ice would not break.
The damage was done. The ruin irreparable. It would leave scars and plenty of them, but at least, along with the pain, there remained a story to tell.
Feeling Prompts:
The heat of a stare
The ache of longing
The burn of poison
(because i'm insanely overeager, this post like its predecessor will be going live at 00:01 UK Time, apologies to those of you that receive it early but hey, early presents are still pretty good presents :) )
eagerly awaiting your creations, and as always, happy holidays!
~ A Girl And Her Quill
the invitations have been received so here you all are, i bestow upon you the gift of writemas! p.s if you want to be added to the tag list, interact with this post <3
@365runesofthesystem @glasshouses-and-stones @tildeathiwillwrite @nothoughtsjustmhaandotherthings
@willtheweaver @theverumproject @phoenixradiant @thatuselesshuman @melpomenelamusa
@loverboyxbutch @i-hate-happy-endings @corinneglass @whatwewrotepodcast @aalinaaaaaa
@aseriesofsmallthings @kelseyjade @lauravanarendonkbaugh @i-do-anything-but-write @nuclearr-wessels
@95angeltears @sunflowerrosy @thebadphilosopher @ellowynthenotking @xarrixii
@the-ellia-west @myniceisniceblogbloglog @kitty-is-writing @girl-with-bones @crimsonlyinglilly
@fantasy-things-and-such @shiningstars-world @purplehandshumanfeelings @mxxnlightwriting @aquadestinyswriting
@17panicattacksinatrenchcoat @seastarblue @sacratos @afyerarchive
@sabba-tumbling @aurumni-writes @burntblanc @angelfevr @lead-to-code
@inkoherentbabeler @selfemployedmess @theeccentricraven @sarandipitywrites
@kaylinalexanderbooks @rickie-the-storyteller @grace-thomas @wonda-ch @nyoxy-ghostie
@calliecwrites @happypup-kitcat24 @woodnymphdancinginmoonshine @storycraftcafe
@rhikasa @buffythevampirelover @moltenwrites @vesanal @foyle-writes-things
@thesorcerersapprentice @diabolical-blue @elsie-writes @pepsiwriteswords @sharkblizzardblogs
@zmwrites @satohqbanana @avian-king @wordwizards @theimperiumchronicles
@ryns-ramblings @thewritingcoroner @the960writers @m-r-levine @writingsfromspace
@detective-bird @k--havok @saharasunset @the-letterbox-archives @katwritesshit
@thebookishkiwi @that-expat-girl @lyssthewriter @elligatorrex @fablesandfragments
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Holidays in the 604
Hope everyone has been having a good holidays so far, however that looks for you or best suits your sensibilities 🥹🥰🫂🎄🎄
I started to write write some HCs for what the holidays might look like for the couples in a few of my series (Safest with You, The Rockford Portfolio, etc.) but for reasons below the cut, haven't had much energy or motivation to write (no need to read, it's a bit of a downer and kind of rambly!) - I'm hoping that I can find a little bit of both in the next few days and maybe get some thoughts down to still post.
For those same reasons, I haven't been on here much, to my detriment if I'm being honest - this place is a source of escapism for me and not being able to come on here for more than a few minutes a day has felt a bit offputting. I feel like I've missed a lot of amazing holiday stories that would have likely boosted my spirits a bit - I'll try to go back and find them but if you have or read any that you wish to recommend/share, please do let me know!
Similarly, thank you to everyone for your tags/mentions/asks - I want to get to them and maybe still participate in a few tag games if it's not too late when I muster up some energy. Thank you for thinking of me!! I truly wish that you all continue to have a lovely holiday season and look forward to ringing in the new year! You're all such a welcomed presence in my life and I'm grateful to each and every one of you for being here! Hope to see you soon 🥹 KISS KISS 😘😘
Ok, now as to why Emily has a bit of the holiday blues this year:
I didn't grow up with a lot of hard set Christmas traditions, celebrations around the end of the year didn't go much beyond the commercial and the holiday season was mainly appreciated for being time off (from school, work), a time to rest and relax. There was cheer and joy, but as the kids say these days, it wasn't that deep. I've since married into a family that puts A LOT of pressure on Christmas - with an emphasis on physical togetherness and adhering to traditions/customs, that (to me anyways) can feel at times more performative than enjoyable; I totally understand the comfort in doing things the way they've always been done, but a lot of times it feels like people are just checking things off a list rather than genuinely enjoying (for example) baking the Christmas cookies, you know what I mean? Couple that with my priorities for my kiddos' Christmas, the way we spend Christmas now can feel a lot like a season of obligation. Depending on what the particular plan is for that year, it can also be incredibly hard, draining, and not all that jolly for me.
This was one of those years.
I hosted the big Christmas dinner at my house and also had those from out of town staying with us for a week. I'm a Virgo who thinks of her home as her sanctuary, am a bit fastidious about her things, and sees value in being forthright. It's a lot for me to have people taking over my house, making messes, and pushing/crossing boundaries that I've tried to set due to previous visits, all while maintaining a certain level of holiday cheer and slapping on a facade of "it's fine" when I definitely don't feel that way. I'll admit I wasn't always successful this past week.
Mr. 604 is very supportive and knows his family can be a lot, but at the end of the day a) he's just a man 😂 (and not a miracle worker) and b) they are his family and he himself has had to "grin and bear" a great many things over the course of his life, so he has more practice at it but doesn't necessarily have any advice to impart on how to better cope with the chaos.
It makes me feel like a curmudgeon for not being able to suck it up more and pretend for the sake of the kids, or even to help maintain this performance of "family togetherness" that seems to be the whole point of whatever the heck everyone was doing. So this holiday season has thus far been exhausting, filled with guilt, and left me feeling a bit empty.
I am okay and recovering now, it will just take a few days I think. If you read this far - thank you! I just needed to rant a little bit - I don't feel much like myself these days and that in itself can be depressing, especially at a time when I'm supposed to be experiencing the opposite. Here's to some rest, some quiet, some peace in the last few days of 2024 for myself, Mr. 604, and anyone else who needs it! 🤞🏻🥰
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the space between us
↖ navigation: enhypen masterlist || main masterlist
pairing: delinquent! jake x bookworm, gn! reader
↬ tags: slice of life with opposite attracts, can be considered as platonic or romantic relationship!, imo it's a good read (with no ending boohoo), finally finished watching love next door and its always friends to lovers that get me
summary: jake and you share a relationship so effortless that it’s hard to tell if it's deep friendship or something more
word count: 1.09k
jake fell for you so naturally.
like the sun rising in the day and the moon chasing after it at night. like the seasons flowing and ebbing from one to another.
jake loves you like it's breathing. it wasn't difficult; it was practically second nature to him to seek you out wherever he went, second nature to have you with him.
though his pride and ego wasn't going to let him confess anytime soon, he revels deeply in the fact that you were always by his side, that you were always going to be giving him your fullest attention no mater what.
jake would choose you a hundred times over, in any lifetime.
"give me your physics worksheet."
like clockwork, you wordlessly slide your file folder over to jake, who sat down noisily at his seat. "you look worse for wear." you lightly commented, not bothering to give him your fullest attention as he languidly takes out his stationery and workbook.
outside, the sun had just started to make its appearance; the warmth from the rays outside indicating the start of a school day.
"yesterday, i stayed out a little longer to play online games with another group of friends; you know them. i wish you were there with me, but you're always studying. anyways, it's kinda surprising my parents hadn't said anything when i got home." even though you hadn't asked, jake provided context, just as he always did.
you never did minded his restless ramblings, and often times you knew he just sought a space to talk.
you hummed in response, preparing your desk for the first class, "yeah, that's because i told your parents that you were revising at mine." that lie you spun to his parents was one well prepared and rehearsed. not to forget, used very often.
"you're a lifesaver. did your parents question anything?" jake glanced sideways at you while flipping to the next page, no doubt to transcribe over whatever you calculated last night.
you shook your head, "they weren't home yesterday. i can't be covering for you all the time, you know?" wagging your fingers at him, jake appeared like a little puppy in front of you and you silently laughed at that image in your head.
"i know. too bad, i guess." jake shoots you a grin, earning him a hard smack from you.
"there you are. i've been finding you everywhere, literally all over the school." jake dramatically huffs and puffs at the door of the clubroom, not caring about the other pairs of eyes staring at back him momentarily. you felt heat seep from the center of your body towards the back of your neck and held back a groan at his sudden intrusion.
"jake, i'm in the middle of club activities..." you sighed. your club members were used to jake's antics, not batting an eyelid as they resumed with the issue at hand. he leaned his weight against the door frame, waiting for you to reply to him. you rolled your eyes at the way his face scrunched up in disgust, getting up from your seat to shoo him away.
"what are you doing here?!" you shoved him, no remorse in the way jake hunched over from your push, "hey! i was just reminding you that i'll be waiting for you after your activity-thingy ends. i'm bored playing games with the same people that aren't you."
you rolled your eyes at the way his face scrunched up in disgust, "yeah. i know." you hurriedly nudged him away, "go, go. we're trying to do something here." you tried and failed to hide the smile on your face and he mirrors your action.
"clearly someone appreciates me being here more than they let on. don't be late!" jake goofily salutes you, spinning on his heel and leaving. as soon as he left, everyone cast their gaze (full of mirth and surely humor) over to you as you re-entered the room and you bowed your head in apology, "sorry for the disruption everyone. we can get back to the discussion."
"gah...it's so hot!" jake slumps over at his desk, fanning himself with a worn out textbook, the bent shape definitely due to the number of times he's thrown it into his bag pack carelessly. he lightly tugs your forearm, "let's skip self-revision session and go for some ice cream. please?"
"i'm tryna do something here jakey. in a minute, yeah?" you gently pried his sweaty palm off you, totally focused on completing your assignment. you don't catch the way his ears tinge red at the tone of your voice. "okay. in a minute." he repeats your words, crossing and uncrossing his legs beside you.
the classroom was left with a few students revising for the upcoming test and of course, where you were, jake had to be there too.
he leans in close to you, warm breath tickling your ears, "are you done yet?" you flicked his forehead, "i will be if you stop bothering me." jake mimics a zipper over his mouth and puts his head back down on the table. a few times, you caught him fidgeting aimlessly beside you and with the same gentleness, you coaxed him to doing some sort of revision, though you were pretty sure he didn't want to.
he waits and waits: the moment your book flips close, jake perks up, "let's go!" he drags you up and out of your desk against your consent and you laughed at his antics, "yeah, yeah let's get going."
"hey, are you and jake a thing or...?"
you jerked up right at your friends question with an eyebrow raised sky high, "does it look like that to you?"
your friend shrugs, "y'all banter like lovers, yet somehow act like siblings. you two are always joined at the hip, even if it's going to the toilet together. he's stood up for you many times, and you have covered for him just the same."
your friend stares daggers into your soul, before leaning back against the creaky school chairs, "you're hiding something, aren't you?"
your silence goes noticed by your friend and almost immediately, "WAIT. do you like sim jaeyun, yes or no?!"
"i...we never put a label on our friendship. we do almost everything together, it would be weird to do it with someone else! i just...i just wanna be with him, you know?" you attempted to clarify, but with the way you were turning pink, your credibility went down as your friend cackled loudly beside you, "someone's in love~!"
@ppumeonae-bigvibe 's work ; likes and reblogs are appreciated <3
#ppumonae bigvibe#enhypen#enhypen jake sim jaeyun#enhypen jake x reader#enhypen x reader#enhypen imagines#enhypen scenarios#enhypen fluff
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AO3 Wrapped (author edition)
I was tagged by @softest-punk. Thank you so much friend, your output this year was stunning as always!
in chronological order, the fics i posted this year are:
we were hungry before (E, JJK, Nanago, slow burn, mutual pining, getting together)
i wish it were me inside your veins (T, JJK, Nanago, whump, hurt/comfort, curse effects/mission gone wrong)
what it tastes like (E, JJK, GetoNanaGo, pwp, getting together, somehow Gojo is the well behaved one?, WIP - UPDATE SOON!)
my life would suck without you (T, JJK, Nanago, feelings, emotional hurt/comfort, depressed!Nanami, angst with a happy ending)
just desserts (E, JJK, Nanago, pwp, humor, slightly feral Gojo)
that's how the light gets in (T, JJK, Nanago, humor, fluff, slice of life)
escape (the pineapple fic) (M, JJK, Nanago, Accidentally Stoned Gojo, humor, domestic bliss, marriage proposal only Nanago could pull off)
the sparking of the outlaw nanami kento by the right and honorable judge higuruma hiromi (M, JJK, Higunana, Cowboy AU, Judge!Higuruma, Outlaw!Nanami, WIP)
your heart that's a hole (E, JJK, GetoNana, GetoNanaGo kind of, cheating, toxic relationship, voyurism, jealous!Gojo, Baseball AU i guess lol)
and i'm feeling good (M, JJK, Higunana, flirting, first meeting, salaryman era Nanami)
nights in lonesome october (Various Ratings, JJK, NanaGo, jjktober ficlet collection that I didn't get far on but I want to finish)
committing to the bit (E, JJK, Getonana, beginning GetoNanaGo, fake relationship, getting together, College AU)
party favors (G, JJK, Nanago, slice of life, fluff, a silly ficlet to commemorate NanaGo reaching 3k fics on AO3)
*SECRET FINAL FIC* My last fic of the year is currently anonymous as it was written for a Secret Santa Exchange, when it is publicly revealed I'll add it here.
Works Published : 14
Work Subscriptions: 253
Kudos: 3190
Comment Threads: 224
Bookmarks: 885
Word Count: 121,868
Hits: 31,437
top 3 fics (of all years) by kudos:
(544) we were hungry before (E, JJK, Nanago, slow burn, mutual pining, getting together, 2024)
(427) just desserts (E, JJK, Nanago, pwp, 2024)
(352) i wish it were me inside your veins (T, JJK, Nanago, whump, hurt/comfort, curse effects/mission gone wrong, 2024)
top 3 fics (of all years) by word count:
(86,992) water of life (E, AC Valhalla, Ubba/Vili, emotional slow burn, getting together, hurt/comfort, incomplete but I swear I want to finish it, 2021)
(30,965) we were hungry before (E, JJK, Nanago, slow burn, mutual pining, getting together, 2024)
(21,811) but like a refugee (E, Trigun 98/TriMax, Vashwood, fix it, 2023)
top 3 ships:
Gojo Satoru/Nanami Kento
Geto Suguru/Nanami Kento
Geto Suguru/Gojo Satoru/Nanami Kento
Yeah, that checks out LMAO
top 5 tags:
Humor, Banter, Fluff, Kissing, Hurt/Comfort...............I can't believe fluff was one of my top tags this year...WHAT HAPPENED? LMAO
Thank you everyone that read, commented, kudos'd and reblogged my stuff over the year. I've be having a blast going mental over NanaGo and JJK. *cries* Thanks especially to @brasideios for the awesome beta work they've been doing for me. Literally life changing advice!! Also thanks to @uchihaprodigy and @ftld42 for being awesome people who just let me fill their discord DMs full of inane fic and JJK rambling. LMAO
i will tag @brasideios @beelzebby666, @madnessmadness, @ftld42, @togaki-kun, @lifewtr, @arquiving, @hopethepope26 (seriously just had a meltdown cuz I forgot you aren't anixit here and I thought I was going insane LOL), @findusinaweek, @aeide, @satonthelotuspier, @kentozone, @loveleffie, @sukunaaaah and of course any writers that i missed. No pressure of course!
Also, I'm still working on the WIP ask meme, I haven't forgotten about the submissions that are left!!
#my writing#my fics#nanago#getonanago#higunana#getonana#jujutsu kaisen#year in review#jjk fic#jujutsu kaisen fanfic
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Creek Fanfiction Rambles #1: The Lost Boys by craigtrash
If you go on my pinned post you'll notice my Creek fanfiction list has changed. I've been reading more fanfictions on AO3 & Wattpad and it's time to add to the list! I'll probably make a Creek fiction ramble for each fanfic that I add going foward
I can get very rambly🦝so fair warning if you're not into that
This fanfic in particular was hard to place on my list... I'm very weird when it comes to ranking things. I pretty much rate the higher fics based on personal preferences and this fic pretty clicked all the boxes for me. Even though it's not #1 it's still an incredibly solid read and I love it to death
So, without further ado! Let me present to you:
2. The Lost Boys by craigtrash (AO3)
Rating: Explicit (Abuse, Sexually Explicit Content)
Guys, don't be completely shocked but this is actually a Creekenny fic (no Creekenny slander here >:( ). When I first got into South Park Fanfiction Creekenny wasn't even something that I was looking at but I stumbled upon this fanfic called Date Night by Luces on (AO3) and I was like, "Hey, that's acutally pretty good!" so I looked for Creekenny tags on AO3 and I stumbled upon this amazing fic!
Alright, let me actually talk about the fanfic (I told you I was rambly)
Everyone, lets god bless this fic because craigtrash added Mysterion because he's THE GOAT!!!! Any Creekenny fic that adds Mysterion is +1000 points for me! Also, I love how they added Karen into this. I wish Matt and Trey explored Kenny and Karen's relationship (honestly Kevin too) but even they admitted themselves that they don't use Kenny enough
I really love the relationship Craig, Tweek, and Kenny have. Kenny is a usual flirt but is genuine with Craig and Tweek. Tweek is not as much of a "spaz" as he was younger and I appreciate the self growth. Craig, Craig never changes but that's also pretty damn accurate so it's acutally a good thing
I don't want to spoil too much. The story is really solid, but what really stood out to me was how long craigtrash was working on the fic. If you look at the stats of the fic they've been working on The Lost Boys since 2016. That's a lot of dedication and I really commend that. They're also taking the time to edit the fanfiction
I LOVE THIS FIC and I would love for it to continue, but I'm also more okay if they don't continue it or take it slow. Writing fanfiction IS HARD and whatever they end up deciding to do with the fic (well, except for taking it off AO3. I would cry ;-;) I'll be ok with it
Here's some of my fanart :D
Tweek wearing glasses 😎

Not completely accurate to the scene but I thought it was funny
#the lost boys#creek#sp creek#tweek x craig#tweek tweak#craig tucker#craig x tweek#south park#south park creek#sp creekenny#creekenny#craig x tweek x kenny#kenny mccormick
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Finally decided to remake my intro post since the previous one was quite outdated!!
Greetings everyone!! This is my blog which I've been running since September 2022. I reblog things that I like sometimes and post my artwork, headcannons and thoughts – pretty much random stuff
👤 A little about me: my name is Nia, I'm 18 years old and my pronouns are she/her. I really love to draw fanart and my ocs sometimes, so I can say that drawing is my main hobby! I speak Russian and English, but since English isn't my first language I might make some misspellings sometimes.
✏️ I really like getting asks; if you want to ask me something, share your interests or just tell how your day was, then my askbox is open 🕺
✏️ I really love to make new friends as well, so I'll always be glad to talk! I'm always open to new people
✍️ I also write fics! If someone is interested, here are two of my Jedtavius fics (not finished at the moment):
I Wish I Had Blue Eyes (Just Like Yours);
Please Don't Take Him Just Because You Can.
✨ Media I'm currently interested in:
Guardians of the Galaxy
Последний Богатырь (The Last Warrior)
Men In Black trilogy
Night at the Museum
X-Men (exclusively movies)
🧩 Some tags for stuff that I post/reblog here:
My stuff:
#my art; #my sketches; #my ramblings; #my ocs; #my fics; #my moodboards; #my edits; #asks; #favorite.
Fandom stuff:
#gotg; #guardians of the galaxy; #mib; #men in black; #xmen; #natm; #night at the museum; #lazytown.
Others' Stuff:
#not my art; #others ocs.
Tags for my buddies and moot "games":
#friends; #moots; #tag game; #reblog game; #picrew; #ask game.
Additional tags that I use quite often:
#reblogs; #random; #shitpost; #memes.
🌍 Where else you can find me:
Discord – retrobrrrrr
Instagram – retrobr__
AO3 – retrobr
🔊 In case you want to repost my artwork or set it as a pfp, please ask my permission first.
*There used to be a self-portrait here, but now it's gone*
I guess that's all I needed to mention. Thanks for yall's attention if you read it till the end and have a good day 🫂
#intro post#pinned intro#introduction post#guardians of the galaxy#men in black#lazytown#night at the museum#xmen#<<just tagged my fav media. don't be mad 🙄
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i love your thrift finds!!! you have such a great eye for it omg everything is gorgeous! i wish i could do it but it seems like everything around where i live is ugly or unsalvageable :( and i have like no space in my apartment lmao 🫠 what are some of your favorite things you've thrifted? 😊
this miiight be my favorite ask of all time. first off, thank you for all your sweet words, i'm totally flattered! secondly, thrifting is tough. sometimes, you can wander around and get lucky, but the truth of it is that if you want to find good stuff you gotta be persistent. when i was into it regularly i would go and scavenge at least three times a week. hitting up the same places, over and over and over, looking through every darn thing. so if you end up with some space in your apartment, make sure you remain diligent in your searching! lastly, my favorites:
broyhill saga china cabinet these photos are not of my personal cabinet, i used to have a post on here of the one i actually own but i apparently deleted it at some point and the picture i had before got swallowed up with my old phone. i'm sure once i have my cabinet fully decorated i'll take a photo of it, but right now i only have one shelf filled. my cabinet has glass doors for the shelves (that i currently don't have installed) and at some point a previous owner added some swanky fiberglass lights to the upper-side of the shelves which i absolutely adore. i still can't believe i managed to snag this piece for only $100.00, it is probably my greatest thrift achievement!
mid century dining set/owl cookie jar/wooden filigree mirror i also used to have a post about my dining set that i snagged! i'm currently in the process of refinishing and reupholstering different parts, but here is one of the chairs. the table itself is a classic mcm rectangular shape similar to this one, but it has a leaf insert and a ton of wear and tear. it's going to be difficult to rectify but if the table project fails it will be easy to replace with another find. it was more the shape of the chairs that i wanted to snag anyway!
i started a specific tag for my finds here if you want to see some other goodies! i have some funky clothing i've thrifted over the years too but i don't think i've showed any of those pieces off yet. this leopard print jacket is the most recent article i've scooped up!! (adding that it is not real fur, feel like that's obvious, but regardless i wanted it out there.)
thanks for letting me ramble about my favorite hobby, if you ever have anymore questions please feel free to ask! 🫶 i'll have to get all my vintage wall art together and get some pictures, too. i have probably twenty different pieces of art, mostly of nature themed things. anyway, okay okay, enough blathering! thanks again!!
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OC Interview
Cheers for the tag, @illarian-rambling!
I'll nudge a no-presh tag towards @fortunatetragedy, @thatndginger, @the-golden-comet, @winterandwords + open tag to anyone who wants to play :D Blank questions to copy/paste are under the cut at the end of this post.
I'll interview Deerfoot from my current WIP, Cycle's End, which you can read here on AO3. Though I will have to change "movies" to "stories" because movies don't exist in their universe XD
Are you named after anyone?
I don't have a name right now. When I was born, my mother chose a name for me that was beautiful. It didn't fit. At the end of my journey, I should choose a new name for myself. I still don't know if I will fashion it after my father or something else entirely.
When was the last time you cried?
There have been so many times that they blur together. Sometimes I don't notice the tears. I would like... mmh, meal times. I would like meal times not to make me cry anymore.
Do you have kids?
... No. I decided this long ago. After five years of bleeding, I went to the healer Laela and tended her home for one moon cycle. In return, she cut my womb out of me and cared for me while the healing crystals did their work. Then I went out on my own.
Do you use sarcasm a lot?
That's a vulgar way of speaking. Maybe I'd pick up some of it working on the docks. It's funny to think about.
What’s the first thing you notice about people?
You can make a good assessment of a person by the foot they choose to carry. They say Catpaws are the least trustworthy, but Micefeet are so sly that you often don't notice their foot at all... unless you know where to look.
What’s your eye colour?
My eyes are dark when I look in the water.
Scary stories or happy endings?
[there is a long silence]
I would like a happy ending, please.
Any special talents?
I can trap and travel, cook and clean and light fires and make tools. I am hard working. I guess the talent of it is perseverance.
Where were you born?
I was born in a small town on the outskirts of the forest, three Lodestones away from any big city. The land was good for running orchards, and the forest has deer if you know where to find them.
Do you have any pets?
Our family kept an old cat to keep the mice away. He was missing an eye, but at least he was never missing a paw.
What sort of sports do you play?
Games are for children. I don't much like dice or knucklebones, either. Maybe my plan to work on the docks was a foolish fancy. I wish... hrm. I guess wishes are for children, too.
How tall are you?
Not as tall as I'd like, but it makes it easier to hide.
What was your favourite subject in school?
I didn't go to school. Of all the things my mother and father taught me, my most favourite one was how to process a deer. She was my first kill, and we spent days with her. Her hide makes my waterskin, my belt. I cooked and dried and ate her flesh. We rendered the marrow in her bones, sowed her innards in the earth under and apple tree. I could only whittle simple things like bone needles and fish hooks, but my father made an inlay in the handle of my hatchet. I have worn her hoof on a leather cord ever since.
What is your dream job?
... I don't know. I don't know anymore.
Are you named after anyone?
When was the last time you cried?
Do you have kids?
Do you use sarcasm a lot?
What’s the first thing you notice about people?
What’s your eye colour?
Scary stories or happy endings?
Any special talents?
Where were you born?
Do you have any pets?
What sort of sports do you play?
How tall are you?
What was your favourite subject in school?
What is your dream job?
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Tagging rules (linking mostly for my own convenience, but I'll try to stick to them)
Dictionary of the weirder things I sometimes say.
If something that I wrote contradicts the canon, and I seem not to be aware of it, I would prefer to be politely informed of this fact and I will not act offended about this. Thank you.
Post Masterlist below cut
Bingo of things that are common in my posts.
Online tool to easily make character sorting polls and KMF-style polls.
The Great Reread
Proper-ish writing (Silm fanfics)
Ao3 in general
Steve the intern Maia / Ao3 - comedy, Mandos, Darkening
Amandil / Ao3 - sad/estel, fall of Numenor
Irrational / Ao3 - fluff + math + music + nature of Men, kidnap fam
Blood, red like fire / Ao3 - ominous, Feanor's mother, pregnancy
Finrod talks philosophy with other characters (Ao3 collection with all of them + maybe more):
The Problem With snakes - with Melkor, pre-Darkening, about Men
Of Death and Figs - with Feanor, in the Halls, somewhat creepy RL natural science, T-rated for insects
As boring as a spring - with Lúthien, in Doriath, the nature of art, premonitions
Athrabeth Finrod ah Ilmare - post-reembodiment. Astronomy.
War of Wrath, they shall name it - Manwë character study, somewhat sad/ Ao3
Silmarillion Advent Calendar 2024 (24 shortfics, somewhat related in vibe) / Ao3
A short where Finrod gets a Christmas sweater
…and a bunch of bredlik poems (now also on Ao3!)
Writing propmts / ideas / sketches
(yes, you can use those, credit me if you quote more or less directly)
Some original Maiar, feel free to use
Crack taken seriously the um… very personal edition? (includes fangirling and Blue Wizards)
Nerdanel could but would she? (I hate Feanor less now, ignore the tag a bit)
Synopsis of “how I would do Third Age Sauron redemption fic (second part of interconectednss. It starts with Saruman not being a jerk. It may end on the world ending. Or not.)
Very AU: Melkor ok, Aule and Yavanna bad but opposing each other.
So, you want to canonize Tauriel? Here’s how.
Maglor in Numenor (it ends better than you’d expect)
I’m not a shipper, but Aredhel
yeet the Ring into space (not a very original idea)
I don’t write real people fics, but
Nobilis/Silm: Feanorians
Consider: A “ghost of Feanor in LotR” fanfic, but instead of, say, Elrond, it is Gimli who can perceive the ghost. (Literally just this. Plus some tags and discussion below post.)
Rework of Beren and Luthien, keeping the early idea of "C&C are helpful", but compatible with the rest of the canon.
Long reblog chain (partially mine) ending with Maedhros with undead Fingon as his hand (lierally).
If Osse went evil
Feanorians should go to a theater
Celegorm humts in his dreams
underexplored topic of Celebrimbor-Annatar discussions: the Feanorian… well, the whole thing about them, Oath and Darkness and all that.
discussions of greek mythology/Silm exchange program (Morgoth for Hermes) (see all the reblogs, there are good ideas there!)
a lot of "what-ifs" about Feanor not doing one of the questionable things he did (for different ones) (below cut)
Morgoth&Sauron as Polish fairytale devils (I wish I could draw this)
Celegorm and his marriage plans
Musing, rambling, essays, headcanons
Masterlist 1 (themed: Ainur, Gift of Men, Feanor, language)
Masterlist 2 (misc)
(yes, you can use those too)
Badly made Morgoth on a cake
Spiders! Luthien! Also, Miriel! And more spiders! (source of this idea)
cursed poll-haired Thranduil
Sauron goo in a jar
Morgoth as a red canary
Feanor in the Void ;)
Finished polls masterlist 1 (themed polls: worst[x], fandom, dark lords, Feanorians, which Vala is a patron of [x])
2 (other polls)
Pictures Masterlist
Cosmere (old posts)
Post-RoW predictions for Stormlight Archive (plus)
Ten spears go to battle
Nobilis (old posts)
Why I cannot play this game
You know you think too much about Nobilis when…
“wyrd” ws “weird”
What happens to instances of an Estate after a successful Flower Rite — some thoughts
You don’t FR a Mimic
Excrucian eyes : Deceivers
About Warmains
Warmains (feel free to use)
Deceivers (same)
grammar rant
first one
The words "prodigy" and "prodigal" are not related.
10 notes
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Fic Writer Interview
Thank you for the tag @mercurygray!
How many works do you have on AO3?
Currently 6, but hopefully that number will go up over spring break
What's your total AO3 word count?
What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
Like A Girl (Like A Man) - Band of Brothers
Just A Kid - The Outsiders
Bear The Burden Alone - The Chronicles of Narnia
For Whatever We Lose - Band of Brothers
Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
Yes, absolutely! I share my writing because it allows me to connect with people who share my interests. If I'm not posting replies, it feels more like a one sided conversation, imo. Also, it seems the polite thing to do
What's the fic you've written with the angstiest ending?
It's about to be Like A Girl (Like A Man)! You'll see why soon >:)
What the fic you've written with the happiest ending?
On AO3, it's probably Bear The Burden Alone, but I try to keep the fics that I post here on Tumblr kinda upbeat with hopeful -- albeit open-ended -- endings.
Do you write crossovers?
Yeah! For Whatever We Lose is actually a crossover with The Pacific, and I'd love to do more crossovers in the future
Have you ever received hate on a fic?
Yep! I've deleted the comments, but some people were VERY ANGRY about the background Babe/Roe content in LAGLAM -- you know, despite the fact that the plot of the fic is driven by a queer woman's decision to cross-dress. Guess they had to draw the line somewhere, but the hypocrisy of it all makes me chuckle
Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
Kinda? I deleted most of it from the original LAGLAM drafts and instead just alluded to it, but things are going to be different in FWWL. Get ready for crappy ocean metaphors and religious imagery, babes!
Have you ever had a fic stolen?
I hope not :( That would stink
Have you ever had a fic translated?
Not to my knowledge
Have you ever co-written a fic before?
No, but I think it would be fun!
What's your all-time favorite ship?
Everlark! (said while frothing at the mouth because they make me go insane) I've been obsessed with them since I first read The Hunger Games at age 9. I could write you a whole novel about why I think they're perfect together, but I'll spare you the ramble (unless anyone wants it?)
What's a WIP that you want to finish but don't think you ever will?
Tears in my eyes when I tell you that it's probably the requests in my inbox. I keep telling myself that I'll get to them, but I've just felt unmotivated with all the stuff I've had going on in my personal life/at school. I really really do hope to get to them someday, though, because some of them will be really fun to write
What are your writing strengths?
I have no clue, lol. I tend to get compliments about how I describe settings, so I'm gonna say that!
What are your writing weaknesses?
My abuse of commas and italics.
What are your thoughts on writing dialogue in other languages in a fic?
Personally, I love doing it. Especially in a fic like LAGLAM, where even though most people don't speak the language I'm using (Cherokee), I feel like they can still see the importance to the characters and to the story. And I like tricking people into caring about Indigenous language preservation. My teachers told me that anything can be a vessel for carrying language on, and by God, I took that to heart
What was the first fandom you wrote for?
Oh boy. I was in the fifth grade. I had won many writing competitions. Two classmates approached me and told me that they wished The Hunger Games had more post-Mockingjay Everlark content, and that since I was a good writer, they wanted me to write it. I was traded many cosmic brownies and other such snacks throughout the year for my services in providing my classmates with Everlark fics on pages of notebook paper that are probably crumpled up in a landfill by now. At the time, I had no idea I was writing fanfiction, but it was the start of my favorite hobby. Look at me now, baby!
What's a fandom/ship you haven't written for yet but want to?
I've always wanted to write for TURN: Washington's Spies but have never had the courage haha
What's your favorite fic you've written?
I have a couple of one-shots that I'm pretty pleased with, but currently I'm going to say LAGLAM because it's been so special to me <3
Tagging (but no pressure!): @almost-a-class-act @latibvles @footprintsinthesxnd @liebgotts-lovergirl
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♢Hello whoever you are that has fallen into my cave of an account. I don't do much.
Slow posting I can't draw every single day of the week. I wish I could. Please understand that I can sometimes not post for a while and it may look like I'm inactive but I'm not. ♢Extra: I do have an IRL job, drawing is a hobby after all.
♢What to expect: Realism- lots of realism. If I can draw it, I can make it real. Do not be surprised if I am absent for a long time an suddenly post out of nowhere. Art trades?: Yes! I'll do trades long as it's not anything controversial, don't be scared to ask I don't bite.
♢This is a personal one please by all means do not take my words to heart. I can be overly blunt an brutally honest. I don't mean any harm, if you feel like I was too harsh please let me know.
⚠️Content warning 🔞 You can look at it or ignore it. I am NOT your parents. I'm not responsible to monitor your activity here. You can easily block my account an be on your way. The following is a list of said content expression of anatomy exposure of skin explicit themes or suggestive poses. Gore is also included as it will be a heavy theme in some posts. look at your own discretion so i'm just gonna dump a bunch a tags you can use.
For my ask box I actually do take suggestive requests! Again please tag them correctly and do not send anything that has been controversial or associated with anything that might get my ass canceled over the internet. #tw gore, #cw suggestive, #tw suggestive #tw body horror #cw gore,# cw body horror,
Other fandoms of interests
♢ Anything anthro ♢ Cult of the lamb ♢ Mlp ♢ Warrior cats ♢ Wof ♢ Welcome home ♢ Any fandom I can obsess over an get my hands on What I do allow I have seen the abyss of twitter so I am putting this here now. ♢Interaction art between ocs ♢Memes ♢Fanart ♢SFW ships ♢Shit posts ♢Literature posts (if you're feeling a little handsy I don't mind fanfiction) DO NOT make it nsfw if you aren't going to tag it correctly! ♢I have no problem with ocs or characters flirting with each other just ask first as a heads up. What I don't allow ♢Spamming of inbox ♢Unconsented shipping: I do not allow unwanted shipping of my characters an ocs- (I know where you are..) even if it is harmless please do not do this without my consent first. ♢Nothing personal but anyone below 18 must refrain from dm me as my safety as well as yours is important. I know some older users allow this however I don't. Do not lie about your age Any miss information may result in you getting blocked. ♢For my younger anxiety induced users this may be an acceptation if not rarely as I understand social interactions is hard. ♢Do anything I will not tolerate bullying, toxic behavior, instigating, gaslighting, or any form of harassment that might hurt others. Failure to do so will result in an instant block. ♢ Spam requesting art of ocs.
Protection of art All extremely art related posts will be watermarked. If you or anyone else spot someone stealing or claiming the art is theirs feel free to report them. My tags that I probably won't remember #rainworld epoch au #rainworld epoch #moonpooldraws #rw oc #my ocs #askmoonpool #rambling moonpool #Moonpoolwrites #young blogs Programs used Firealpaca- that's it. What did you expect?
Epoch Au List of characters (so far) Looks to the Moon (Safe version) No Significant harassment
Scugs Monk LORE! Epoch Moon Backstory (Long version) The unsafe stuff Disturbing the silence Looks to the Moon (Not safe version)
This is a WIP I'll add more later on. Did you make it to the end? Good. Have a nice day ye little gremlins.
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Who are some of your favorite FOP characters and why? Or more specifically, what is something they character did that made you like them?
For the sake of rambling on about some of the convoluted reasons why I love these children, here's the upfront disclaimer that I'll be referencing a few of the early draft episode scripts (from Fred Seibert's Scribd); that's where the wordy screenshots are from.
[ Tagged as "long post" but same deal as usual - if I put a Read More on it, it'll crash and delete :') Sorry ]
Imaginary Gary was my first true love in terms of FOP characters. He's such a brokenhearted little 5-year-old trying to play with the big kids. His debut episode starts out so lighthearted and silly with Timmy talking about this imaginary friend who used to attend therapy with him play with him when he was 5. The tone shift you get punched with after Gary realizes Cosmo and Wanda have to grant his wishes too because "he's a part of Timmy" just hits so hard.
I also just love his debut episode because it speaks so much to me about what the show is really about at its core... Timmy got physically and emotionally wrecked by Vicky as a kid, and that's a trauma he's still recovering from. The boy is not okay.
Fanart I made the first time I watched FOP, circa 2016
"Escape from Unwish Island" is very good too, such a fantastic episode in both context and execution.
I think Mark was the second show character I fell in love with, namely around "New Squid In Town" and "Five Days of F.L.A.R.G." There's something so incredibly charming about a teenage alien prince who flees his fiancée at the altar and seeks protection from a scary rival boy... and then just, like, enjoys being human so much that sometimes Timmy shows up at his house and Mark is just hanging out in his human 10-year-old disguise. By himself. Because he likes to be 10 and human. Love that for him.
His entire character type of "surfer dude alien prince" is so funny and creative. Mark is the guy who suffers physical pain when he's hugged, but he'll hug Timmy anyway in an attempt to show Earth affection. He has such a good heart. I also enjoy his dynamic with Vicky, like how he still wants the real girl even though his parents cloned her for him in Season 2, and how he keeps making attempts to be physically affectionate with her according to American culture even though things are drastically different on Yugopotamia.
They break up at the end of "King Chang" because she finds out he's an alien, then a few episodes later in "Wishology" they're hanging out again and he tries to put his arm around her while in alien form and she's like "Don't even think about it" and he respects her rejection, and then they still get back together in Season 9 even though she blatantly knows he's an alien and she decided she was okay with it, and he just adores her so much and has ever since Season 1... he's a sweetheart.
Also this early "Foul Balled" script hits the right spot for me-
Sob... they are in LOVE, your honor.
Mark's journey to being a terrifying prince who feared a human boy to becoming Timmy's biggest fan and best friend is just really sweet. I like to imagine they become roommates later in life. Timmy has to say good-bye to Cosmo and Wanda someday, but Mark stays in touch forever.
Flappy Bob has always been a favorite of mine. The man played the perfect role of an untouchable antagonist while simultaneously doing nothing wrong. Worked hard in school, started a business, did his best to make it a pleasant place to be. Stood up for Betty when she told Gary to respect her touch boundaries, straight up chased him down to make sure he didn't cross a line... all-around great boss.
Got handed magic and wished to make the world a safe place where people could feel loved and not get hurt. After his world of peace was in effect, he walked around, did his own research, and came to his own conclusion that this wasn't working out. Apologized to Timmy for being wrong and did all he could to fix the situation. Sold his business to Gary and Betty, then left town to live his dreams.
The clown theme was a lot of fun to see in a movie, and I'm glad it was acknowledged since it would have felt weird to see him namedropped in Season 2 ("Totally Spaced Out") and then not have the clown aspect be followed through with... The Musical is my favorite episode for good reason. Absolute sweetheart, 10 out of 10. This man can do no wrong.
I don't have much to say about him beyond that, but he's a fantastic character I adore. I would have loved to have seen more of him, but he did all that he needed to do and he's perfect. Also, big shout out to Timmy for handling the interactions with Flappy with grace even though in this same season, he revealed he has a clown phobia.
H.P. is just a funny guy. He's the big boss of a race of clones who file magical paperwork and he really just wants to swing by the club and dance and hang out. Incredibly sarcastic. He'll call you "Dude." Teamed up with Anti-Cosmo and immediately dubbed him with a nickname. Successfully took over two worlds in a single day (after planning this for 37 years) and just wanted to chill in a hot tub tbh.
He's a big, sassy goofball who likes to party and he shouldn't be brushed off as "just an old guy who speaks in monotone and does dull and boring paperwork and nothing else." He is very much Not That. Fairies canonically get drunk off soda, which means we've literally seen H.P. drink on the job. Slaps high-fives and fingerguns his underlings. Smirks and snarks constantly. Respects contracts even when they don't go his way. Keeps detailed files about members of another species. Supports his employees when they join music competitions. Gave his godson a nice car and flowers and sent him on a date with a girl he'd already screwed up with.
Literally gambled all of Fairy World in a bet against a 10-year-old boy and then almost quit after like 30 seconds because he wanted to go to a rave instead. Laughs at his own jokes. Complains when his employees suck up to him. Dressed in drag to flirt with Jorgen. Straight-up lost a golf game to Timmy despite the fact he was cheating in an attempt to win. As in, like... even before Cosmo tipped the scales back into Timmy's favor, H.P. was straight-up losing slkdjfs.
He golfs in his full-on business suit. Twirls his club like a baton. His head will stick in a dartboard if you throw him hard enough, and when Jorgen used him for darts the only thing he said was "You can only imagine the joy I feel in my heart right now." He has a laser cannon in his head. Jabs his elbow into you for attention. Always being snooty with hands on his hips. Used a newborn as a yo-yo. Kidnapped a baby, then announced he wanted to name the child Bill because "Bill's a guy you'd trust with your insurance portfolio."
Went out and bought office supplies in the middle of the Fairy World Games. Won a footrace against Anti-Cosmo. Uses dollar bills as pizza toppings. Keeps chicken drumsticks in his ear. Will flap his arms and make chicken noises at you. Monotone "Go me, go me, it's my birthday." Literally makes you use enormous microscopes just to read the fine print in his contracts. Will hand you a cell phone and then call you even though you're standing in front of him. Once wore a bowler hat on top of his already existing hat.
Keeps his golf club on the table during board meetings. Likes to breakdance. Anti-Cosmo started taunting him and H.P. jumped on a scooter and said "The only thing you'll be eating today is my dust! Later dude!" and peaced out. He might be one of the oldest and most "professional" characters in the series, but in his heart he's like 21 and a total party-loving dork. He's all business on the clock and he might even pay attention to you for five minutes, but honestly he just wants to drink soda, attend raves, and do the worm. H.P. is my dear beloved and I just can't imagine not adoring this perfect man.
And he really is just Like That:
I love him so much...
I like how H.P. was totally okay with splitting the world with Sanderson when they take over... When asked WHY he wants to take over, his reply is "I'm not a hater, but I must cater, to my mission, my ambition, to be the world's administrator" and I like to interpret this as "I don't hate Fairies, but their world is disorganized and I have OCD." Oh no. His hat is also a pen.
Also the OG script shows Jorgen, Anti-Cosmo, and H.P. each choosing a contest for Timmy to judge them on so Timmy can name one of them the "best in the universe." I am obsessed with the sheer confidence of H.P. selecting one task in the universe he knew he could beat Jorgen and Anti-Cosmo at, so obviously he picks:
(Anti-Cosmo wanted to play cowboys)
This early script also depicts H.P. and Anti-Cosmo getting in a magic fight and exchanging insults like "Bring it on, meat" and "Oh no you didn't" while they shoot each other with duckzookas and magic and I need everyone to understand how much I treasure the bitter frenemy silliness that is... Them™
Idk, I feel like if H.P. had been portrayed as a younger character with the exact same personality then he'd probably be more popular in the fandom, and that's really too bad because he's freaking hilarious. He is just a guy. A dude. He's here to party and make it everybody's problem. We need way more H.P. content out there, I adore him.
Sanderson I like for many of the same reasons as H.P.- I've always loved dorky suck-up characters. Plus, Sanderson blatantly cheating at every competition he touches is funny to me. He has a similar goofy attitude to H.P. except he's also like, more vulgar and easily distracted and it's hilarious. My boy really broke a rhyme scheme to compliment his boss on the same hat he's been wearing since forever. In his mind, H.P. is just really really cool and he'll say it.
Sanderson loves music, but when he had the chance to describe himself in song form, his response was basically "Lol, I'm about to end Fairy World's whole career; bite me" and I respect that. He is just the perfect embodiment of "that suck-up who likes to drink and party with his boss, but oh wait! He also has a lot of genuine affection in his heart! But oh wait! He'll also screw you over :)" He's great.
I very much enjoy the fact that when Gary called for Pixie backup in the Musical, it was Sanderson, not H.P., who got the call. I like to think Sanderson took Gary and Betty under his wing and might be a little more attached to his dorky music-loving "godkids" than he'd like H.P. to know. H.P. gets to call the shots, but Sanderson will sneak them candy. As Gary starts sliding off the deep end in my 'fics, I think Sanderson's slowly breaking heart is one of my favorite parts of the whole arc. He really likes Gary, but his hands are tied on how much he can interfere even when his mental health comes crashing down. He's a high-up at Pixies Inc., but still can't overrule the boss's orders. It's lots of fun to play with characters who have power, badly want things, but can't take the risk to use power for the things they want.
I just love my little dynamic of Happy Peppy "I'm a pawn who can't cry in front of my godfathers" Gary and Mr. "I can't express affection in front of Gary or I'll get fired" Sanderson. There's just so much pain there to play with if you jump into FOP canon, point at Gary's call to the Pixies, and say "And I took that personally."
I also enjoy the fact that Timmy was extremely insistent that Poof needed to score "perfect 10s" on the gymnastics course in the Fairy World Games and the Pixies bribed the judges to take 1st place, which implies that it was the Pixies, not the Anti-Fairies, who scored a 10-10-9. Sanderson and H.P. are the only pixies seen on the field in that event and I would have loved to see that. Sanderson likes to be where the action is. He is hanging out.
Happy Peppy Gary and Betty are just inherently fascinating. It's pretty obvious that they know about the magical world. Even if we wave off their weird laser tech and overlook the fact that they got teleported from California to Florida, then made it back before the end of their work shifts in "Baby Face" and didn't even question it... there's a scene in the Musical where Gary picks up a phone that is blatantly labeled "Pixies" and calls Sanderson directly. My boy really went "Dad pick me up, I'm scared" slkdjf I love him.
Actually that's not true, his actual words were "Kids just being kids; they could all get hurt!" and honestly my heart. Like, I'm a full believer that the Happy Peppy duo were in on the Pixie takeover scheme even though Flappy wasn't, they are miscreants, but still... Vote Happy Peppy duo some of the sweetest and most innocent characters in FOP canon, please and thank. Ignore the times they launched babies off-screen, used lasers to cage infants, stuffed a child in a box in front of his horrified peers, and all that other stuff, that's not important. My children did nothing wrong.
I just really love thinking about all the different backstories you could write about these... extremely intense teenagers getting mixed up with magic. I favor the idea that the Pixies have always raised them the same way they raised Flappy Bob, but I think the concept of these two showing up for work one day and accidentally walking in on Pixies scheming to take over the world is equally hilarious.
I want what Gary has- I want the absolute confidence to look a crowd of kids and adults in the eye after they've just been tormented - after I'VE just been tormented - and say "Welcome back, give me money." The extent of the brand overhaul he did on the Learn-a-Torium was slapping his and Betty's names on the side and investing in giant images of their heads. He changed nothing else, not even the uniforms, and just decided to shoot his shot. I love him.
It's also VERY cute that we saw a cardboard "You must be this tall" Gary standee in "Baby Face" and I'm obsessed. This is before Gary and Betty took over, so why isn't it a Flappy standee? For some reason this cracks me up because the implication is that either Gary loves his job so much that he volunteered to be a standee model or someone else took one look at him and knew he was destined to be the smiling face of the Learn-A-Torium so they made standees of him. I love it.
I adore Gary and Betty because they make me think... To me, they're not easy to brush aside and overlook because I have a million questions, and they're cute and fun and I love them. I wonder if Vicky runs in their social circle. They probably cross paths in the babysitting field sometimes.
Also the fact that Betty is so physically affectionate with Gary on a daily basis, but the moment he turns to her for genuine comfort, she bolts out of the room, always gets me laughing. I guess it evens out, because Betty passed out in front of him once, yelling about her heart and clutching her chest, and Gary just covered his ears and screamed that the world was falling apart sdklfj. My babies.
I talk about this all the time, but Gary and Betty also have some fantastic scenes in early episode scripts that were cut from the final versions, like this gem from "Totally Spaced Out":
I love them.
Also in the early days of planning, the Musical's antagonist was actually Imaginary Gary.
While it's not confirmed that Gary and Betty sing this song since unfortunately there's no full script for the Musical available, just the first song drafts, the lyrics for the OG version of "Get Flappy" remain almost identical to the final and it's said to be sung by "Clown cheerleaders," so it seems likely that this refers to them.
I think about this a lot. I mean, if Gary and Betty are singing while Imaginary Gary reveals himself, the implication is that they found out their boss Flappy Bob was actually a 5-year-old in disguise who came out to them as an imaginary friend and they were like "Yeah, that's cool with us." For obvious reasons I don't treat the Imaginary Gary plot as canon in my 'fics, but like... They accepted him. Man.
Like... I can never express how much I enjoy the BFF dynamic that is "I'll keep working here even though our boss is 5 and imaginary, I'll run away to Mexico with you, I'll run a business with you when our boss skips town, I'll catch you when you jump in my arms, but if you want genuine comfort then BOI I'm walkin' out." Betty sdjklf
On that note, I feel like something does need to be said about Gary seeking comfort from Betty when scared and her response is "But I don't like you like that!" She obviously felt like she needed to clarify that and I have so many questions about their relationship. Ignoring for a moment the obvious need to transition to a new scene, it's just not a good look for Gary that Flappy felt the need to chase them and mediate. Is Gary okay. Does he need to be held. My son.
Anyway Gary and Betty have my heart and they know it- they fascinate me and I love them very dearly. I feel bad for the fact that literally every fanfic scene I've put them in is just a horrible downward spiral of their relationship and sanity; I'm pretty sure I've never actually been nice to them, and honestly that's terrible slkdjf
Foop will be ranked at the top of my fave characters for forever and a day. He's just a messed up little sweetheart ping-ponging between being socially awkward in school, hanging out with his loser friends, and struggling against the desire to consume the world in a black hole. He's just struggling so hard and there's, like... no one giving him actual help and it's heartbreaking, but also you don't feel too bad for him because he also has a healthy social life and he's doing okay.
There are something like... 5 or so episodes where you can see Foop's alternate personality take over and I'm just happy that the alt personality thing wasn't pushed as a reason for his destructive behavior. The alter is focused on a little when Foop is freshly out of solitary confinement, comes up again when he's going to school, but all the other appearances are a lot more subtle and just showcased in later episodes by Foop getting that extra highlight in his eyes and gushing over things ("Oh, goody! I found a spot on my body where I wasn't bitten by a spider!" which... isn't the same way Foop speaks when he's in pain any other time in the series, because usually when he's hurt, he'll moan, grump, or panic). It is interesting to me.
Anyway I'm just very happy that the alter wasn't a one-episode gag "played for laughs" who then got thrown aside like nothing happened. Rather, the alter features majorly in two episodes (or three if you want to make an argument for "Terrible Twosome"), then quietly becomes part of Foop's character in a few episodes after that.
We saw extremely valid reasons for where this alter came from. Foop was locked in solitary confinement from the day he was born, developed claustrophobia, accidentally yeeted himself into an alternate dimension for an unconfirmed amount of time while the timestream was frozen for 50 years, and although there's a certain humor in his alternate personality (like when said alter rigged the class president vote for the wrong person) there's also just... this quiet melancholy to the whole experience, this very legitimate childhood trauma that Foop is recovering from... Yikes.
Also this comes later in his life, but he also experienced other fun childhood events such as being tortured with magical shocks while trying to escape a bully and also that one time in Season 8 when the Fairy Council ripped him out of reality. Foop is not okay.
Anyway, Foop's alter is there for him while he adjusts to life outside of solitary confinement and again when he starts a stressful first day of school, and after that he becomes a smaller aspect of Foop's attitude that you can still see in later episodes when he's stressed. Like yknow, that time he literally saw the Grim Reaper and got told how he'll die, I also would probably struggle emotionally with that.
Foop is great- he'll bribe you to spare his life with a dollar bill and he'll still ask if he can keep the change. Disaster child. He's a struggling little kid who's struggling with massive amounts of trauma and doesn't seem to have much of a relationship with his parents. At least Anti-Wanda packs anti-venom in his Kelly Clarkson lunchbox, so I'm glad they're on good terms. Overall, Foop is such a goofy character with a harsh backstory, a difficult family life, a criminal record, and high political expectations and he's also a bad boy evil genius, so like... He's the best kind of character type. But he also has silly subplots where he spends hours TP'ing a house because he forgot he had magic (twice), he loves making prank phone calls, and he freaks out when Crocker doesn't invite him to a party. His dialogue is always fantastic and I really enjoy when he's onscreen.
The downward spiral of his mental state when being tortured with lightning and forced to team up with Vicky in "Scary Godcouple" to the point that he stops caring about anything, straight-up ready to let her kill Poof even though he'll ALSO die just... Man. Hits hard. This happens after "Timmy's Secret Wish" where Foop was violently yanked out of reality. He already ceased to exist once and begged for life again, and then the forced team-up with Vicky happens and he just... can't. He can't.
He screams and begs and finally surrenders to it all, right up until seconds before Poof dies. Finally he lashes out at Vicky and blasts her with magic, gets tortured because of it... This boy is not okay. My man be STRUGGLING. And then the fact that he had to face Vicky AGAIN in "Certifiable Super Sitter" and he just did not trust her for a single second... ouch. The emotional arc of Foop saying "Ooh, I really like her :D!" in his first encounter with Vicky to Foop throwing himself in front of her chainsaw to save Chloe in their last...... Love that.
The Crocker / Dark Laser / Foop friendship is important to me. I just want Foop to have adults in his life who care at least a little about his well-being. He has very few people to turn to... Chloe made him cry with a hug, the boy struggles so hard with healthy affection. He might be a destructive force of chaos but he's also just baby.
I also just really like Foop's dialogue; he's this posh British boy genius who will get extremely worked up about how "For the record, if he HAD thrown a lightning bolt, it would have been done in protest over being asked to participate in this candy-coated farce that you call theater!" but he's also like 5 so he'll just groan about how things are "Super lame" and it's adorable. He has a certain twang to his speech where he'll "spit" these single-word sentences like "Wow" and "REALLY?" and "SERIOUSLY!?!?" and I just find him both refreshing and easy to write. He's so loud and so very cute.
This kid literally runs around on the playground eating poisonous spiders while trying to pick up girls by comparing them to potassium chloride, he'll also distract his teacher by pointing at the window and yelling "A van of rich single men!!" where else can I go to experience this character type, he's the best. He booked a restaurant for Cosmo and Wanda at a black hole. When will I ever be this funny.
Also I cry over the fact that Foop corrected Goldie every time she called him by the wrong name - from the day she came to class to the day they held the play - until he finally screams that his name "isn't that difficult!" and honestly just the fact that he had to deal with that is interesting to me. Goldie knew Poof's name, she memorized her lines in a play... there's no way she "forgot" his name. She was doing that on purpose. In his debut, Foop made it clear multiple times that he hates his name, but he also stood up for himself when misnamed. Love that.
It's also extremely funny that in "Spellementary School," Foop reveals he's never been able to understand anything Poof says and he just has to guess all the time, yet he's also shown to be extremely accurate in recognizing when Poof is grumpily agreeing with him, arguing with him, or straight-up swearing at him and I love that about their relationship. The scene in "Two and a Half Babies" where Foop assures Poof that he can be trusted because he's "not a pathological liar" and Poof just looks at him sadly and says "Poof poof" and Foop backpedals with "You're right, I am; I lied about that" is v funny to me.
Nonverbal popular kid and the boy who needs someone to talk to for the absolute win. They are bonded for life... Good luck, Poof.
I also really like Poof, especially in "Love Triangle" when he screws Foop over by making him take over as understudy and then he just eats popcorn while Foop fumbles around onstage. Comedy gold. Poof is sweet and forgiving, but he's also a straight-up savage and he knew EXACTLY what he was doing. Love him for that. As good as he is, he still has that wild streak the same way that Foop has a secret soft spot for people. Poof doesn't mean to cause trouble except for the times when he definitely DOES mean to cause trouble and it's hilarious.
Poof has a certain "looks like a cinnamon roll, but could kill you" vibe. He's this kindhearted little boy who's very cautious and sweet and you can just imagine what a little gentleman he'll be when he grows up. I love how the first thing he did when he met Chloe was tip his crown at her, the sweetheart.
He'll jump into new adventures. He'll play along. He'll help you out. Yet while all of this is going on, you can see how when he's scolded - either when it's being scolded for "not forgiving people after they try to destroy you" or Timmy yelling that getting them both stuck in a spider's web is all his fault or even just Wanda telling him to calm down because he was getting so worked up when he was unable to articulate what he wanted to say......
Poof doesn't know how to stand up for himself in those situations. He holds himself to this standard of respecting authority even when he's overworked to the point of exhaustion. When he was assigned as godparent to Mrs. Crocker, he went into it with a good attitude but came home wiped out. Didn't voice a single complaint. Just exhausted. Didn't know what to say.
Meanwhile, Foop will flip the heck out if you accuse him of anything and I really enjoy that... Here are two counterparts, and you've got one kid who struggles to speak up so he usually just keeps his head down, and then you've got Captain Overshare who will outright lie and throw blame on other people and it's just... nice to see the personalities of two opposite creatures truly be opposite like that.
There's definitely something to be said about how when Poof finally started talking in sentences, it was while dueling Crocker in a magic fight. The poor kid had been been begging for others to step in and get Crocker out of Spellementary School for two days. No one was there for him. Poof got backed in a corner and had no choice but to challenge Crocker himself. Kid got blasted with magic lightning, slammed into a wall twice, and finally pushed himself off the floor and stood up for himself. Good on ya, kiddo. He WILL get in a physical fight to protect himself or others, but if he's in a situation where he needs to say "Hey, I'm struggling with this assignment" or "No, I'd rather not hug the guy who tried to kill me last time we met" then oh heck no, absolutely not, he'd rather die skldfj.
Poof finally spoke and the second sentence out of his mouth was "Your plan to absorb all the magic from my friends and Foop has failed" slkdfj. Tell us how you really feel. And then after Foop apologized for a lifetime spent trying to kill him, Poof still tried to extend the hand of friendship, my heart...
Also, the dynamic of "I blatantly do not like Foop, but I tolerate him because he's my cousin / counterpart / classmate" is very funny. Poof doesn't usually go out of his way to hurt Foop, but he absolutely sits back to watch Foop create problems for himself. If Foop launches a spiked ball at him, he'll fling it right back at him instead of eliminating it. He also accidentally pushed Foop into a garbage can one time and chose to leave him there instead of helping him. Love that.
Poof's great, I love his vibe. He's neither a brat nor a goody-goody... He's just this shy little kid who was born a celebrity and has to deal with everything that comes with that, like attracting a crowd of friends at school and being nominated class president. He's sweet with a streak of mischief... He'll go along with a plan to steal Cupid's arrows, he'll eat all your brownies, and he'll also eat 11 pounds of chocolate just because he wants it. He has his share of chaos, but he's a lot more thoughtful and controlled about it than Foop is. Needlessly dramatic and likes doing things with a flair <3
Woo... This post became much longer than intended, yikes. I'll wrap it up, but Juandissimo, Kevin, Norm, Crocker, Ed Leadly, Chester, A.J., Elmer, Sanjay, Binky, Jorgen, and Dr. Rip Studwell, are all such fantastic characters too, just to name a few off the top of my head. There's a special place in my heart for Chet Ubetcha, Mr. Bickles, Schnozmo, Chloe, Molly, Dark Laser, Cosmo, Wanda, Anti-Cosmo, Anti-Wanda, Blonda, Schnozmo, Remy, Mama Cosma, Big Daddy, and Sammy Sweetsparkle too. And Timmy himself, but I think that goes without saying.
So many funky dudes; I love them so much...
#If H.P. is dead in the new reboot I will never recover; do not do that to Sanderson or to me#Long post#Imaginary Gary#Gary and Betty#Mark Chang#Flappy Bob#FAIRIES!#ridwriting#asks#Anon#apparently art#Perfect pink beaver boy#I'm wasp dad trash#Sanderson is neat#Nerdy blue bat son#Bat cube and associates#We're Pixies!#Between the lines canon#The bat with the hat#The toughest tag#Purple hippie dragonfly#Red babysitter#screenshots#Big Crock#Riddle watches FOP#Rotten candy apple ship tag
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Omg hi aven I hope you are doing so so so well grrrrr!! I saw your DQIX boss tier list and I just wanted to ask since I am so curious like! I know you gave some thoughts about the bosses in the tags but your thoughts on tarantula in specific got me thinking because them being interesting yet weak as a boss fight is like. So real ?? Literally huh?? And it's a SHAME because the Bloomingdale story is one of my favorites from the main game! So I just wanted to ask like, what standout bosses felt narratively gripping but weak as a boss fight? Did any feel kinda eh for you storywise but actually got your blood pumping a little?? I am just so curious lmao. Everytime I see you gush about DQIX it feels like I am a starry (hehe) eyed kid who got transported back to 2009 waakwkwajjansnssns
P.s I hope your party/parties are questing well!!!
this is so shameful i did not see this i am so sorry scuffle my friend sniffle....i will ramble so much just for you. (i hope you can feel me beaming astral gratitude at you, you are very kind to me) OKAY SO. spoilers for most of dqix ahead tread carefully questers!!! the post our dear friend scuffle is speaking of is this one here where im tiering boss's based on very arbitrary and specific criteria, and im gonna go into more depth rn: disjointed rambles lie ahead beware!!!
i spoke a bit about tyrantula already but - while i dont know if i just happen to be overlevelled everytime i get to bloomingdale or if its just scaled weirdly - shes always absurdly easy for me to beat. ive never felt like im chipping away at her, its always more. okay well theres like 3 turns left moving on. and then shes gone! and thats such a shame given my already long standing feelings on tyrantula. there is something to be said in regards to her being weak potentially fitting nicely into the story if we see it as a sort of "marion(ette) wouldve been easy to save, but no one ever did" kind of concept, but thats almost definitely not what was intended so it feels a little. unearned, i suppose. especially given that the reward is the massive boat and no true happy ending for marion(ette)
story wise i'll admit i was actually kinda :/ about leviathan and porth llaffan - i was really attached to jona because i thought her accent and design was really cute, but the actual build up itself was not particularly interesting to me for whatever reason (felt a little generic? not sure, i found a good chunk of newid isle to be a bit "going through the motions-y", even if i really enjoyed the tower of trades itself*) (my issue lay more with the cave than the story). the boss fight however? i struggled with that SO MUCH as a kid. something about the waves he summoned DESTROYED my team repeatedly and i remember getting so incredibly invested in trying to JUST barely pull through. repeated heart racing and wishing that there was a health bar so i could at least tell if i was even remotely NEAR close to beating it. finally seeing that flash of white with the last hit really got me, and the following scene with jona and her father kinda pulled the whole thing together for me! i really liked going back to porth llafan to talk to jona every once in a while, even if her dialogue didnt change. my friend :) * want to clarify. i definitely didn't Dislike anything, i think i was just so enamoured and curious about the whole whale summoning thing the ghost was talking about, and then having the focus be turned on "youre going through a cave now" without much extrapolation on this village's non celestrian based worship made me a little disappointed, so by contrast 9 year old me was WAY more excited by going on to bigger places. perhaps also part of my conflict was that i actually beat the porth llafan section BEFORE alltrades. im not even sure if i went to alltrades abbey at all before beating the whale. probably didnt help some of it feeling a little jumbled!
that being said, i think the boss ive come around on most is either goreham hogg and/or the master of nu'un! i ranked goreham hogg pretty low but feel the need to clarify that part of that is just that hes REALLY fun to hate. hes this awful, opulent beast of a boss who destroyed me age 9 and ran/runs that sincerely horrific slave camp/prison so its easy to dislike him! thats good! hes a villain! im MEANT to not like him, and given how much i ADORE goresby purrvis (for being so cool) and hootingham gore (for his sick design) its probably important that i want to sincerely kill at least one of them. there is very little i truly dislike about dq9, since i tend to have Fun getting mad about things in a cathartic sort of way.
re: master of nu'un - he was a boss i never found particularly standout, and found weirdly anti climactic when put in contrast of this weird and mysterious tower (that has no clear purpose btw i need to talk about that in depth sometime what the fuck is the tower of trades actually there for from a worldbuilding perspective im so intrigued) and then this strange glowing room (which is literally referred to as the ??? room in the wiki btw. isnt that sick) where this priest weve been looking for is just. transformed. and that transition is really cool honestly!! i imagine it wouldve been more monumental to me if id done things in order, since i wouldnt have seen the fyggs in action yet, and in theory it also makes a really interesting narrative precursor to corvus (see my previous notes on jack abott and his parralels to the player) but i feel like his abilities and attacks were just a bit...eh? no super standout animations, which is a shame given that he does a quirky little "hehe what should my new evil name be....high jack....jackrilege maybe ....." before the fight and implies some sick mischief in him that doesnt really get communicated further. i think some of my feelings on this got sorta cemented when (over a decade later) i finally fought yore, and his design and fight felt a good bit more fitting to him. sure, it makes sense for a priest to get a fucked up evil demon form, but it just doesnt quite hit the nail on the head! its not terrible, just not the coolest thing in the series!
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respond to the following prompts. include as much or as little as you want; you don't have to answer them all !
tagged by: @rainyearning
tagging: @luneblush, @moonpierces, @formorethananame, @weedzkiller, @dozenrozez, @wcvensouls, @honeycoded, @cherridream, @caelcstis, @blondiexbiites
name / alias. Rose
birthday. 12 February
zodiac sign. Aquarius
height. 150 cm (as mentioned sometimes before, I bite ankles)
hobbies. Listening to music, reading, writing, drawing, journaling, dancing, biting ankles, having existential crisis
favorite color. Red
favorite book. It's so hard to pick though! I'd say maybe the Rat trilogy by Haruki Murakami
last show. I honestly don't remember. I think it was the short series Choco Milk Shake. Idk what I'm gonna watch next, there are so many I still have to catch up on like WWDITS, My Beautiful Man, Our Flag Mean Death, Good Omens, Yellowjackets, Alice in Borderland, and now Sweet Home season 2.
sources of inspiration. I draw inspiration and ideas from various sources, be it movies, tv series, books, webtoons, video games, music, what have you.
story behind url. It's taken from the bridge of Enhypen's Given-Taken. Most of you all probably probably already know, but I just love vampires and everything magical and supernatural and wonderful and terrifying. And it just made sense with the majority of the muses that I have for the url to be this.
recent read. I moved this here for last so you can skip reading me ramble if you want. (I tell you, it's long, don't say I didn't warn you)
There have been so many things I've read in the past few months for my classic literature discipline in uni, mainly classic Greek literature and theatre, we've only recently dived in early roman literature and works from the Western European Middle Ages, our professor is kicking our asses off, but honestly these are one of my favourite classes out of the whole semester. But anyway, I actually just now finished reading The Romance of Tristan and Iseult by Joseph Bedier. Not bad, I must say. It has never been really my cup of tea to read romance stories, but at least it was much more interesting to read that than to read The Golden Ass (that one wasn't bad either, if we overlook some parts of it, yeah, I admit, but it was so unnecessary long in my opinion, I was literally falling asleep while reading it). If I had to pick which of the works I've read so far is my favourite, I'd have to say I really liked the tragedy Medea by Euripides (our professor once told us a story how she watched it being played out for the only time at the theatre in the city that we call our cultural center and how suddenly it started to rain and there was a thunder during the monologue of Medea and how it felt like nature was out there for the heroine and as if it was listening to her and answering her word, and the actress just kept playing her role in the water and when she was done, the rain suddenly stopped as if on cue and the sky was suddenly as clear as day again, and damn, I wish I was there to see it myself, I don't even care if I got drenched, I got chills just listening to that story. That was basically a once in a lifetime experience. But ANYWAY! The story itself is great, I really loved it.) and I also liked the comedy Frogs by Aristophanes, despite the message that the author was trying to convey at that time period.
As for my free time, I'm still reading The Ultimate Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy by Douglas Adams and I'm pretty close to finishing the second book from the whole series (The Restaurant at The End of The Universe), probably in a week or two I'll start the third book Life, the Universe and Everything. And I really love it so far. There so many funny and straight up absurd moment in the story and I love the group of main characters in it. My heart goes out to the robot Marvin, idk if I will see you again in the following books, Marvin, but you're a big mood, I feel you.
As for my annual update on Webtoons I am reading! Right now I'm reading Everything Is Fine, Homesick, Never-Ending Darling, Omniscient Reader, My S-Class Hunter, ZOMGAN, There Are No Demons (the art style for this series is very uncanny valley but in a cool way, I love it), Nocturne, The Guy Upstairs, Lore Olympus and Zombie X Slasher (and interesting way to take the zombie genre and create a story, I must say, I don't think I've seen anyone do this before, I look forward to what the author can offer). And I recently finished Surivival Diary, Dark Moon: The Blood Altar, The Star Seekers, Crimson Heart and soon I'll be finishing Dark Moon: The Grey City Too.
And a webtoon I recently finished too was Survival Romance and I just gotta give a shoutout to it. That webtoon took me completely by surprise. It wasn't the cute art style that made it unique, there are many stories that look cute on the outside that hide something dark and sinister underneath (like Everything Is Fine, for example). I knew this webtoon is horror, so at first I expected maybe one of the characters would be a yandere or something like that and the MC would be trying to escape that. And yes, there is one side character that could be considered obsessive in a way in parts of the webtoon, but the story wasn't about that at all. The author just took the romance and horror genres and turned them on their heads. The whole story isn't all that much about romance at all, actually, it's about forming friendships and bonds with people and having the will to keep pushing forward despite all the struggles you might be going through. The plot twists were SO GOOD, even though some could have been quite easy to predict. I also loved that the author put some meta and breaking the forth wall moments (Doki Doki Literature Club style is the closest association I could think of for this webtoon, kind of) and by the end all the characters [REDACTED, NO SPOILERS, GO READ IT YOURSELF IF YOU'RE CURIOUS]. The message is also very nice, the closing words in the epilogue honestly hit quite close to home and made me bawl my eyes out. The story also has zombies in a quite a unique way in my opinion. So if like dark stories with twists and turns and a meaningful message, and if in any way I piqued you're interest, go and check it out. I'm sure you won't be left disappointed. I could honestly write way more about this webtoon, but I already wrote a lot, so I'm gonna stop here.
#misc; dash games#misc; ooc#//i always end up rambling when I get to the 'recent read' part of those dash games lmao
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