#so I’ve locked myself upstairs for a few minutes because like
jimmyandthegiraffes · 7 months
I am not going to lie folks. I am at the end of my ROPE I’m going to SNAP
#this is once again abt dumb stuff lol#I hate walking the dogs bc one of them is bad at being on a leash#and the other insists on eating everything she can get hold of#and then it’s muddy and someone shut off one of the public footpaths#which is probably not legal lol but I cba to chase it up#and both dogs bark IMPOSSIBLY loudly when it’s walk time#and they’re neither of them my dogs so there’s the added annoyance of the fact that. it wasn’t my responsibility to train them#and I knowwww when I get a dog two things I’m gonna focus on are making sure they’re calm. and leash training lol#I am not getting dragged around by a dog once I have my own it simply will not happen#and I will not be barked at.#also one of them slipped the leash at the start of the walk and she likes to try and hurl herself under cars so I was understandably worrie#I think I kept it together v well at that moment tho and she did come back when I called her#but it was nerve wracking#and then the other one kept trying to eat some prawns someone had dropped and like#I get it. overwhelming temptation. but I was busy trying to stop the other one jumping under a bus#and then when they get back in they just bark and bark and bark#so I’ve locked myself upstairs for a few minutes because like#it’s not their fault#they’re sweethearts#and it’s not fair if I get angry at them for shit like this they’re just. being dogs#so I’m taking some Calm Down Time lol#one of them is barking and howling because I’m not giving her attention right this minute#but well. tough shit lol aunty j is cross so aunty j is taking time out#uncle Freddie#all my friends better have kids so i can be uncle Freddie#looking forward to being a parent so my kids can call me pop pop or some shit#that’s a tangent. my rage at two dogs for being high maintenance is not a good lookout for my future parenthood lol#but at least I’m recognising that I need a minute so I don’t get angry#ok I’m done yelling now
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madi-writes-things · 2 months
Nobody Pt. 4
(C.Sturniolo X Reader)
Chris and Y/N never seemed to get along, but sometimes help comes from the most unexpected places
Word Count: 1,332
TW: Cursing, SH (not in detail, but it is talked about), fluff, PDA, fake dating chaos, mention of cramps and throwing up because of the pain, bad sex joke, use of emojis (I have no clue how else to explain the exact reactions other than the emojis), drinking/being drunk (I’ve never been drunk, so forgive me if my portrayal is off), Not Edited
A/N: I’m so sorry this took so long, I’ve literally been locked in my room for two weeks with no motivation. I really hope that y’all like this chapter. I’m also hoping to work on some other stuff coming up soon. 😁
-Madi <3
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Nick and Matt stood at the island as me and Chris walked into the kitchen. I caught Nick’s eye as I set down enough food to feed a small militia. He just stares.
Matt hits him in the shoulder, prompting him to give him a dirty look before speaking. “I’m sorry…” He looked like he wasn’t sure what all he needed to apologize for. “I’m sorry that I punched you” he nodded toward Chris. “I’m sorry that I made you cry, I feel really bad about that.” He averts his eyes, and I think I see a small glint of shame.
I physically can’t stay mad at him, and I make it very obvious when I envelop him into a rib crushing hug. He whispers a small thank you in my ear before I walk back to the other side of the island to unpack the food. As I start unpacking breakfast I feel arms wrap around my waist, and a chin resting on my shoulder.
I freeze up, and Chris mumbles a quick “is this okay?” Into my hair. I look around realizing that Matt and Nick don’t even notice, much too invested in their food to care. I nod my head, trying to will the rosy shade to leave my face.
I’m failing miserably.
after breakfast me and Chris went upstairs to watch a movie in his room. Matt was quick to respond in the worst way possible.
“Sock that wang before you bang… and please be quiet, I don’t want to hear my brother doin it”
Y/N: 😨
Chris: 😮
Nick: 😟
Matt: 😁
needless to say, me and Chris practically teleported upstairs and away from that mortifying experience. We enter his room in a fit of laughter, practically collapsing onto the bed.
After a second I noticed that Chris had stopped laughing… his laughter is addictive, and I already missed it. I turned to see him staring at me with a look in his blue eyes that I couldn’t quite grasp. He looked happy and sad and something else all at once.
“What?” I giggled as I said it, still thinking about what Matt said only a few minutes earlier.
“are you doing okay?” This question again… I never know what to say when people ask me that. Right now I’m doing great… but in 30 minutes, or a week, or even a month I might break down again.
that’s never the answer that people want. They want something simple, yes or no. He stares at me patiently waiting for my response, it makes me feel bad for not having one.
“I’m okay right now…” he gives me a quick nod before speaking again.
“Okay, will you tell me when you aren’t doing good?” Why is he offering this, he doesn’t want to deal with me. “You need a safe space, and you clearly aren’t going to tell Nick. Let me be your safe space.”
With that we got comfy on his bed and found a movie.
things carried on like this for months.
doing good.
going down.
running to Chris.
he was always so sweet and caring. He would hold me while I cried Myself to sleep, he would walk me home early from an event if I wanted to leave, he would hold my hair back and get me a heating pad when my cramps got bad… no matter what, he was there. He had also started being more touchy in public, leaning into the fake relationship for those around us. It made me feel things that I tried to avoid for years.
I think I hate him… how DARE he make me fall in love with him, knowing that none of this is real. How dare he kiss me at parties, and hold me during movie nights, and make me feel safe when none of it is real for him.
“you okay baby?” He snaps me out of my thoughts with the use of his new favorite nickname for me. I melt when he calls me his baby, unfortunately a small part of me also dies inside every time I hear it.
“yeah, just a little tired.” We’ve been at this party for like three hours, and I haven’t even touched my drink. When Chris is tipsy he get more brave with his PDA, I don’t want to risk forgetting a single moment where he is touching me.
“do you want to walk home?” He doesn’t want to leave, he shouldn’t have to leave because I’m sad that he doesn’t love me.
“no. we should stay, you’re having fun. I’m actually going to go get a drink, maybe it will make me feel better.” He looks at me for a second before letting go of my hip, allowing me to grab a drink.
How did I get here?
It’s like one second I was listening to Chris tell a story, and now I’m dancing to some annoying pop song. I need to find Chris, I definitely had a few too many drinks.
I stumbled around for a minute, everything is spinning and making me want to throw up. I don’t know if I can walk all the way home, but I don’t want to make all of them leave early. I grab my phone in an attempt to call Chris, but by the time he picks up I’ve forgotten what I was doing.
Chris’s POV
I look down at my phone to see that Y/N is calling me, and it makes me a little worried. I pick the phone up to my ear, trying to head over the sounds of music and talking. I don’t hear her, only making me more worried.
She almost never drinks, because she has a very low tolerance. Last time I saw her, she was already three drinks in and proclaiming her love for the song that was on.
That was an hour ago.
I quickly scour the crowd in an attempt to find her face. And when I do my heart drops.
There she is in her skin tight jeans and corset top, looking lost with tears in her eyes. I rush to her side, immediately pulling the drink from her hand. She looks like she’s about to start crying.
“hey baby, can you look at me please?” When I say that she starts crying and she doesn’t seem like she’s stopping any time soon. “Hey, it’s okay. Do you want to find somewhere quiet so that you can sit down for a minute?” She nods her head aggressively before stumbling towards the bedroom of whoever is hosting.
The Golden Trio
From: Chris
can y’all meet me in the master bedroom, Y/N is really drunk and needs to go home.
From: Nicky Bo Bicky
for sure, I’ll bring some water for her.
I turned to Y/N, she looked out of it. Then all of a sudden life came back to her eyes in the worst way possible. She almost fell down in her attempt to get to the bathroom.
“it’s okay baby” I whispered sweet nothings to her as I held her hair and rubbed her back. Nick and Matt showed up shortly after she finished dry heaving, and I don’t think I’ve ever seen her drink anything as fast as she drank that water.
If I thought it was a hassle trying to get her in the car, I had no clue how hard it would be to get her up a flight of stairs. She giggled as I picked her up bridal style… it made me so happy to hear her laughing.
once she got into more comfortable clothes, she fell asleep in no time.
as she held onto me and nuzzled into my side, my heart shattered. All I want is for her to be happy, but I know that I can’t fix everything. I kiss her on the forehead before rolling over and going to sleep.
@unbruisable @bernardsbendystraws @sturniolo-fann
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chaotic-super · 2 years
Joining The Superfriends - 3
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Her first official day working with the self-proclaimed Superfriends is something she’s never going to forget and she’s already filing it away as one of the best days of her life before she’s even stepped foot into The Tower.
Nobody is in the PI office downstairs when she gets there so she just heads right on up in the elevator only to find the whole team waiting for her upstairs, smiles firmly in place and a box of donuts sat next to a tray of coffees on the table.
“Hey!” Kara calls out to her. “Happy first day, we’ve got breakfast.”
“I don’t think donuts count as breakfast.” A brunette woman quips, sipping on her own coffee.
Kara grabs one of the cups and hands it over to her. “Ignore Nia, she’s just mad because I forgot to ask for an extra pump of vanilla in her latte.”
Nia scowls but meanders over to them. “I guess I should have known better, I had a dream about bad coffee last night so I should have known to stop and get it myself.”
Kara shakes her head at her. “You can be really insufferable, you know that?”
“It’s what I strive to be.” Nia hits Kara with the most earnest look she’s ever seen the younger woman wear and then she focuses on Lena. “Hey, so you must be Lena. I’m Nia, AKA Dreamer.”
Lena can’t help but stand there slack jawed for a few minutes, her mind not fully comprehending the fact that she is standing in a room with a bunch of superheroes, superheroes that she is now going to be working with. She snaps herself out of it just enough to reply, “That’s me, it’s lovely to meet you, I’ve read some articles on the work of Dreamer and I have to say that I’m very impressed.”
And it’s in that instant that Nia becomes utterly obsessed with her, declaring that Lena is her favourite member of the Superfriends. “Ok, so we’re like best friends now and we both agree that you like me better than Kara. Supergirl is boring anyway.”
Lena looks around for help as Nia tries to drag her away and locks eyes with an amused looking Kara so she mouths at her to help her and luckily she does, just not before waiting long enough that she thought she was going to leave her to be kidnapped by an overexcited alien.
“Nia, let her go. There’s some stuff I need to go over with her before she can be released into the wilderness so you can have her then.”
Nia just frowns. “See, this is why I’m better than Kara. She’s going to make you do boring paperwork now.”
“I’ll keep that in mind.” Lena half nods, willing herself to walk back to Kara at a regular speed instead of sprinting like she wants to do.
Her heels clack against the wooden floorboards as she moves back over to Kara, whose attention is split between her and the box of donuts on the table.
She kind of regrets wearing heels and dress pants with a nice shirt, still slightly wrinkled but not noticeable unless you’re looking for it, because while everyone else is dressed nicely, they’ve all gone for a much more casual look.
Checking over her shoulder to make sure that Nia has gone, which thankfully she has, she places herself next to Kara. “Thanks for the rescue.”
“No problem. Nia’s a sweetheart but she’s also a bit of an overexcited puppy at times so it can be overwhelming if you’re not used to it.” Kara shrugs, grabbing the box and lifting the lid to offer one to Lena, which she accepts more out of nerves and because it will give her something to do with her hands, than because she’s actually hungry, although the nasty cheap cereal has long since moved its way through her.
Lena chuckles a little. “She’s a sweetheart that just insulted you…twice.”
“She didn’t tell you that when we started working together she followed me around like a lost puppy for three weeks straight because she couldn’t believe that I’m actually Supergirl. You’ll probably have her attached to your hip for a couple of weeks and then it will die down a little.”
A giggle builds up in her throat that forces its way out. Her cheeks flush because she literally never giggles but she isn’t too upset because it seems to have made Kara smile and her smile is blinding.
Her next sentence is cut off by one of the side doors slamming open and a loud voice cutting across the open space.
“Hey Luthor, I have some questions for you.” Alex strides over, her back straight and shoulders squared.
“Alex do you really have to-“ Kara tries to intervene but Alex isn’t having it.
“You listed your address wrong.” Alex slams a piece of paper down onto the table and Lena quickly recognises it as the form she filled in with all of her details on it.
Lena rereads the section where she wrote her new address with her neatly printed handwriting. “No, that’s right.”
She knows what’s happening. They don’t believe that she would live in such a bad part of town, especially with her family’s wealth, and now she’s going to have to explain to the people she’s working for that she doesn’t have a whole lot of money to her name and that she’s practically broke.
Alex’s eyebrows scrunch together, clearly not believing her. “I told you this was a bad idea, Kara, she’s already lying to us.”
“I’m not lying and I can prove it. I’ll take you there and show you that my key fits in the door if that’s what it takes.” The suggestion falls from her lips before she can fully think it through, so desperate to prove to them that she is actually a good person and that she isn’t lying that she just offered to expose her financial situation to them when as of yet, they don’t really need to know.
Alex and Kara share a look. “That’s really not necessary, Lena. Alex is being too-“
“That would be great, let’s go. I’ll drive.” Alex is already heading for the elevator and Lena starts to shuffle behind her.
Kara stops her with a hand on her arm. “You really don’t have to.”
“It’s probably easier this way. She might hate me a little less if she sees that I have nothing to hide. Would you mind coming too, I hate to admit it but she does scare me a little bit?” Lena keeps her voice low as she talks to Kara, not wanting Alex to overhear.
There wasn’t much point in her asking Kara to come since she was already walking right next to her but she felt the need to ask anyway.
“Of course, I will.” Kara falls into step with her as they head for the elevator, where Alex is standing with her arms crossed and her foot tapping impatiently.
 Alex doesn’t spare either of them a sideward glance, just keeps her eyes trained forward until they are back in the lower office and on their way out of the building. “I parked up the street.”
They trot their way up to the black SUV and all jump in, Kara offers her the passenger seat but she really doesn’t want to be that close to Alex right now, she wasn’t lying when she said that she’s a little but scared of her.
Kara hums along the radio as they drive but there is no talking, just a completely silent trip and it does nothing but exacerbate Lena’s nerves and dread. She’s really about to show Supergirl and a scary red head her sad mattress, pile of books and suitcases of clothes because that’s all there is to find in her place. At least it means that if Alex insists on searching the place it won’t take long.
Alex has to park a couple of blocks away so Lena leads the way this time, Kara half a step behind her and Alex a couple of strides behind.
Lena notices the look that Kara and Alex share as she open the door to a rundown old apartment building and tries to bury down the shame she feels. She knows she shouldn’t be ashamed of this place, this is her building a new life for herself and she should be damn proud of that, it’s hard to feel that way when she sees the judgement of Supergirl herself though.
She takes them further into the building until they are outside her door and slips the key into the lock. “This is me.”
The door unlocks and she opens it a crack to show that the key works, not opening it fully so they can’t see inside.
“Not going to invite us in?” Alex asks, jaw tight.
Kara shakes her head at her sister, sensing that they are really pushing Lena and she doesn’t think she can take much more.
Lena just lifts her head higher and pushes her feelings down, opening the door fully and stepping inside. “If you must. I don’t know what you’re expecting to find, like I said before, I just moved here from Metropolis.”
Kara closes the door behind them as her eyes scan across the room. “You live here?”
“I do. As you can imagine, you don’t walk away from a family like the Luthors and come away with a whole lot, so you’ll have to forgive me for not living in some huge, haunted mansion somewhere like I’m sure you were expecting.” Lena directs her words to Alex, struggling to keep the ice out of her tone and failing.
Alex barely registers it, too busy taking in the tiny apartment and feeling guilty for her attitude to Lena, who is obviously just trying to get by. “I’m sorry, I didn’t realize.”
“I know you didn’t but I also shouldn’t have had to bring you into my apartment for you to treat me like a human being.” Lena’s voice wobbles but she refuses to cry in front of these people, especially Alex, even though she can feel it building up.
“No, you shouldn’t have.” Kara is by her side in an instant, a soothing hand on her arm. “Is there anything we can help with?”
Lena shakes her head. She doesn’t want charity. “I’ll figure it out on my own. It’s easier now I have a job, I’ll be able to get myself some furniture and things when I get my paycheques. I’ll be fine. I’m mostly just looking forward to getting an iron, I hate wearing wrinkly clothes.” She tries to end her sentence on a positive note but can tell that it doesn’t really hit its mark.
“Let us help, I want to.” Kara insists. “I have a spare clothes rail in a closet in my place, it’s a little wobbly but it should make your clothes less wrinkly than being in a suitcase.”
All of Lena’s energy at this point is being pushed towards getting her eyes to cooperate and not leak everywhere. “That- that would be great. Thank you, Kara.”
Alex trains her eyes on the floor, not standing to look at Lena’s quivering lips as she fights back tears. She really messed up this time. “I can help too.”
“No thank you.” Lena wipes away a stray tear that has forced its way free.
“Please, I need to make it up to you and it’s the right thing to do anyway. I have a spare room in my place that I’ve been meaning to turn into an office for months. I was going to donate the furniture in there but you’re welcome to have it, it would actually be giving me a kick up the behind to actually renovate it like I keep meaning to.” Ale rambles out, looking to Kara to help her out.
Lena and Kara make eye contact for a second and when Kara nods, Lena knows that she should swallow her pride and accept it. She can’t hold this against Alex, they have to work together and it would be super awkward if she does. “Ok.”
“Good, let’s go get it.” Alex smiles.
“Actually, I should get back to The Tower. I should really start working and not disappear on my first day.” Lena really just wants to get into that lab and find something to tinker with to get her mind off of this for a while.
Alex nods. “We can do it after work then, that’s no problem. Do you mind if I use your bathroom before we head out though?”
“Go for it.” Lena points to the bathroom, which she didn’t really need to do since it’s the only other door aside from the front door in the place.
“Since you’re already waiting on her anyway, I’m just going to pop out for a few minutes and then I’ll be back.” Kara announces and then Lena gets to see a wonderous sight, she watches as Kara, Supergirl, rips open her shirt in an overdramatic fashion to reveal that glyph that has driven her family mad for so long.
She drinks in the sight with eager eyes, and keeps her eyes pinned on Kara until she is through the window and has taken off  into the sky, her clothes left in a messy pile of the floor.
“Show off.” Lena whispers out to nobody in particular.
With Alex in the other room and Kara gone somewhere she didn’t disclose, Lena doesn’t know what to do with herself so she just perches on the edge of her mattress, glad that she made her bed this morning, if only to save what little face she can.
She thinks about the offer she’s gotten from Alex to have her spare furniture and tries to imagine what this place will look like when it doesn’t look so empty. She’s guessing that it will all be bedroom furniture since it’s from Alex’s guest room and it will probably fill out the entire space here because it’s so small.
Who knows though, maybe when she starts getting paid regularly she can move somewhere bigger where she can have a living room too, maybe even a home office again, that would be cool.
“Are you ok?”
Alex’s voice cuts through Lena’s daydream, making her visibly flinch. “You’re quiet.”
“Sorry, ex government agent, it’s hard to lose the habit.” Alex explains, leaning against the wall next to the bathroom door.
Lena just shakes her head. “Don’t try to, I imagine it still comes in handy from time to time.”
Alex smiles at that, and Lena is fairly certain that it’s the first genuine smile she’s seen on the grumpy woman’s face.
“It does.” Alex falls quiet for a moment after that before she speaks again. “I just want to say sorry again for forcing my way in here but I’m not going to apologize for not trusting you. I have to keep my sister safe, she may be invincible most of the time but everyone has weaknesses and I will do my darndest to keep her from being exposed to any of those weaknesses.”
Lena looks her over for a few seconds before nodding in approval. “I wish I had a sibling like you, I probably would have turned out better, but I suppose anyone other than Lex would have been better.”
She pushes herself back up to her feet and presses out her pants legs, something that Alex notices and pins back to her earlier statement. “I just want you to know that when we offer help, it doesn’t come with strings attached so you don’t have to be afraid to accept. If you want to borrow my iron then that’s totally fine.”
“No need.” Kara singsongs as she sails back in through the door with a trash bag slung over her shoulder like the Kryptonian version of Santa Claus, a gym bag slung over her other shoulder. “I brought mine, there’s no point in hanging up your clothes if they aren’t already ironed.”
She deposits everything into a pile on the floor then opens the gym bag and starts to empty it out. “Here is my iron, I only did laundry a couple of days ago so as long as you get it back to me before the end of the week then we’re good.”
She hands the iron to Lena with a grin. “As you can see, I also got the clothes rail and some hangers so you can iron your clothes and then hang them straight up. I already told you that it’s wobbly but if you fold up some paper and put it under the back left hand corner it tends to hold steady.”
With her superspeed Kara sets up the rail, which is dismantled since it has been sitting in her closet. Out of the bag she pulls a couple dozen hangers and hooks them onto the rail.
“I may have also grabbed a couple more things while I was home, I hope you don’t mind.” Kara hesitates with her hand in the trash bag now, not sure what Lena’s reaction will be.
Lena’s eyes flit between the rail, the bag and Kara, not used to relying on other people for such basic things as having somewhere to hang her clothes. “I couldn’t possibly accept more, you’ve already done so much.”
“Nonsense.” Kara declares as she exposes something that she brought along, well two things. “You can fill a place with furniture but it isn’t the furniture that makes it a home.”
Lena’s eyes gloss over once again when she sees what she’s being offered. Instead of words she just reaches her arms out to take the items.
The first is a teddy bear, light brown with a soft smile stitched on its face beneath two glass eyes, the second is a painting, a concoction of colours that have been arranged to create a magnificent art piece that mirrors the bright colours of a universe far away, stars littering the background to remind her of how much life there is that she doesn’t even think about because she can’t see it.
“Kara, this is…” She clings the bear to her chest. “Thank you, really, thank you.”
“It’s easy to feel alone when you’re in a new place and relearning how to live, I’ve been there and I got through it with a little help. There was always times when I wanted to be alone but felt lonely when I was, that teddy bear help me a lot, I called him Teddy Eddie, unfortunately he has been sat alone on a shelf for far too long and I think it’s time for him to help someone else.”
Lena looks down at Teddy Eddie with a soft smile and swipes away a stray tear. “Thank you, Kara. I’ll be sure to take good care of him.”
Alex nudges her shoulder. “That bear gives great hugs, he’s helped out more than just Kara.”
Lena thinks that having a teddy bear is a little childish, her mother had hers destroyed when she was just seven, stating that she was too old for such things, so having a bear now for the first time since then, gifted to her by people looking at her with kind eyes and admitting that they too indulge in cuddling a teddy every now and again is healing in a way she didn’t know she needed.
“And the painting is amazing too, It will really make this place feel more welcoming. I can imagine what you thought when you walked in here and saw this place and I can’t say that it would be good.”
Kara tilts her head. “We aren’t judging, Lena. We get that people struggle and it’s nothing to be ashamed of. In fact, it boosts our egos to be able to help you out so you’re really doing us a favour by living here.”
“Well, I appreciate it either way. I am hoping that this place will be temporary until I build up my savings and figure out how to handle money. I hate to admit that I don’t know much about budgeting, we always had people for that, so this is a learning curve to say the least.” Lena finds herself being honest, finding the company of the Danvers sisters actually quite therapeutic.
Alex takes the paining from her hand and leans it up against the wall beside the clothes rail. “I’ll grab my tool kit later when we get the furniture so we can hang this. I’m kind of mad you got this one, it’s awesome.”
Lena looks at her confused. “What do you mean by ‘this one’?”
“Oh, I paint from time to time, that one is of the Andromeda galaxy, that’s my galaxy.” I have way too many paintings just scattered around my place so thank you for helping me declutter.” Kara looks at the painting fondly. “It is one of my better ones, I have to say.”
“It’s incredible.” Lena breathes out.
The three come to their senses after that and Alex speaks, fishing her keys out of her pocket. “Right, we should head back to the Tower.”
They head for the door but Kara freezes as she passes by the pile of books. “Oh cool, you have A Little Life. Can I borrow it?”
Seeing the excited look on Kara’s face, she’s pretty sure she’d give into anything this woman wants. “Of course.”
Read chapters 1 and 2 on A03 here
Read 5 more chapters on Patreon here
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discodeviant · 1 year
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HARRINGROVE FLIP REVERSE IT DAY 1: School Project SFW NSFW | Mature | 2.2k
Sort of unofficially doubling up with Harringrove Week for this one since both events have similar prompts. Also been sitting on this one for a WHIIIILE so I'm excited to share it! Please enjoy 🥰🥰
Read on AO3
Made for @harringrove-flip-reverse-it!
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Steve told Billy to bring over a shoe box.
“You’re lucky I keep these.”
“Nice to see you too.”
And it was, despite the odd circumstances that served as an excuse for them to see each other, and for Billy to go to Steve’s house after school without being asked too many questions. When Miss Brown assigned them together, it was because they were the only two no one else wanted to partner up with. Steve and his C-average, Billy and his attitude—a match made in Hawkins High Heaven.
So, the war. One of them. A battle sometime in the late 19th century was the object of their diorama, which would be constructed in a Doc Marten’s box. Steve already had the materials laid out in the garage, all thanks to Dustin, whoever that was. Billy didn’t care, not when he had Steve to focus on.
“Steve, that’s not gonna stick,” Billy told him close to an hour later, after they’d decided to let Billy handle the note cards. Steve was gluing something to the box’s roof, a piece of clay with a glob of Elmer’s. It was laid flat, but still.
“It’s still wet, asshole, of course it’s not.”
Billy laughed. “You got a hot glue gun?” he asked, and Steve pointed to a cabinet where one might have been. “Here, you copy that stuff down. I’ll do this for a bit.” So Steve agreed, and they switched for a few minutes once the glue gun heated up. Steve said he was clumsy and didn’t want to use it anyway. “Can’t let those pretty hands get hurt, huh?” He slapped Billy’s thigh.
Saying so was an omen, apparently, because soon after he started, Billy hissed and swore under his breath. “What happened?” Steve asked, and Billy just laughed and picked at his finger.
“Fucking burned myself,” he said, laughing. “Christ, of course I did.”
“Shit. I’ve got some stuff in the bathroom—“
“It’s fine, man, I’m alright.”
Steve sighed, and Billy surprised himself by letting Steve drag him to the upstairs bathroom anyway, if only because it was Steve. “Max said you like to play nurse,” Billy said. Steve looked through the medicine cabinet until he found a tube of burn gel, sitting it on the counter expectantly.
“You get hurt in my house, you fix it.” One of Steve’s hands perched on his hip, the other flat on the surface of the counter he leaned against. Billy looked at him with both brows raised, a skeptical grin, then held his finger up to Steve’s face.
“You do it.”
Steve blinked. “What?”
“Wanna play nurse, play nurse,” Billy said like it was obvious. “Come on.”
So Steve rolled his eyes and picked up the tube, twisting the cap halfway before flipping it into the sink with his thumb. Billy, suddenly, was aware of how close they really were, surprised that it had gone this far even though he initiated it and knew very well that he did. Steve Harrington, then, was holding his hand; not conventionally, but he was. It was tender. Billy’s playful edge wavered.
Maybe they had passing moments like this sometimes, brief glances upon skin that never led to anything. In the gym, the showers, but mostly the parking lot where there were too many people for anyone to notice. Neither were shy; just cautious.
Now they didn’t have to be. Not in Steve’s bathroom when his parents weren’t home, behind the safety of a locked door, the warmth of Steve’s two-handed grasp. Billy looked from his hand to the tube of burn cream on the sink, expecting Steve to have used it by then, but he only stood and stared at the tip of Billy’s finger. Inspecting the burn, perhaps, but it wasn’t that bad.
“What the hell are you doing, Harrington?” he asked with no bark, no bite. Steve’s thumb rubbed over his knuckle. Billy swore he saw the gears in his head turning ever-so slowly, contemplating, gauging Billy’s pulse from his palm.
Then, just as slowly as those gears turned, Steve tugged just enough for Billy’s finger pad to reach his mouth and press against soft lips—they were just as hot. Billy flinched, and Steve’s hold tightened, but he made no move to pull away completely. He held his ground enough to let Steve know that, yes, he wanted this, and, yes, right now. Steve glanced up from beneath short lashes that Billy hadn’t yet the chance to see arched over his eyelids so perfectly.
“Is this how you charm every project partner?” Billy asked with a smirk and jealous eyes, but Steve shook his head.
“Just you,” he said. A second kiss. Billy relaxed. “I put your name down, you know.” A third.
“Did you?”
Billy faltered before asking, “Why me?” and Steve shrugged, teasing him.
“Wanted to see you up close.” A forth right at the bend of his knuckle. “Have a real conversation.”
Smiling, “What’s a real conversation?”
“One where I don’t flip you off…” A fifth to the back of his other knuckles, as if Billy was the royal. “One where you call me pretty boy and mean it.”
“Oh yeah?”
“Yeah,” Steve said and smiled coolly, resting his chin against Billy’s palm. Billy thought he was dreaming when Steve lay his finger between parted lips, first only until the tip hit his teeth, and then right over his tongue. Sweat prickled at Billy’s temples; Steve pulled off, mouth still pressed firmly to warm skin. “You’re salty.”
“I’d have washed my hands if I knew you’d be all over them.”
Steve chuckled. “Mm, it’s okay…” And he licked at Billy’s finger pad like a cat. “I like it.” Then it was two knuckles deep and rolling over to the dip in Steve’s cheek.
“You trying to tell me something?” Steve’s eyes opened, found Billy’s, arched into a smile as he shrugged.
“I don’t know,” he said, slurred from the space Billy took up in his mouth. “How’s your finger?”
“Better,” Billy said, and Steve leaned in closer, so deliberate that he thought time was slowing down just for them. He pulled his finger out from Steve’s mouth that chased it reluctantly, wanting more but not allowed to have it. His mouth hung open dumbly, and he was leaning against Billy with most of his weight, melting into the other hand that slid up his arm.
Steve was the one to lean even further, up until his open mouth found Billy’s closed lips, overwhelming him to the point of being perfectly still. The face he made when he pulled back was heartbreaking. “Kiss me back,” he said, pleaded, yet Billy could still only stare at his perfectly pink lips, freckled cheeks and forehead that frowned. His eyes were so big, filled with yearning that tugged at every heartstring Billy had.
“Steve…” It came out as a whisper. The last crumb of aching denial rolled away. Billy’s chest worked before his brain, a deep inhale fueling the surge of want that hit him like a train. He kissed Steve back. Oh, did Billy kiss him. Slow, heavy, his movements were sharp, and it was like learning how to do it all over again. He didn’t know what to do with his tongue or his teeth—or his hands, besides gripping tighter to Steve’s hair and t-shirt. He was long gone.
They weren’t so different in height. A couple inches, if that, in Steve’s favor, so even weak in the knees, Billy’s chin turned up to meet his kiss. To look at him in the brief moments they pulled away for air and let their eyes flutter long enough to capture a still of the other, desaturated and pale but beautiful nonetheless. Steve’s arms wrapped around Billy’s shoulders, pulling him closer while pushing back against the wall. Words became blissful sighs and groans, one body dragging the other against it from head to toe. Hips rolled in waves with their spines and sent shivers up their cores.
If Billy tried moving his hands to Steve’s shoulders or back, he nuzzled his head back under Billy’s palm. If he tried to leave Steve’s mouth for his neck, those runaway lips were chased. “Stop it,” Steve said. “Just—let me—please.” Billy huffed a breathy laugh as he was rubbed against like a scratching post.
“I’m sorry I kept you waiting, baby.” His voice was low enough to vibrate through Steve’s brain and turn him to mush, a useless block of melting ice trying desperately to hold its shape.
“Then don’t make me wait,” Steve told him, pulling away for just long enough to send a message through his eyes. There might have been fear in that look for a moment, a question of whether this was a good idea, whether they would do this and regret ever letting themselves have it, but decidedly they didn’t care about that. Steve was kissed once more, and then began sinking lower to the floor, stamping open-mouthed kisses over Billy’s neck while both hands found shelter under his shirt. It took the two of them to rip it off and throw it into the sink; Steve froze.
“What’s the matter?” Billy asked, suddenly self-conscious when Steve glazed over his torso with sad, pleading, yearning eyes—Billy had never known the difference. “We showered this morning, what’s wrong with you?”
“I know, I know, just—“ Large hands pressed into his sides, thumbs drawing over the front, up to his chest, over each nipple and back down again. Steve lost his train of thought entirely. Then he lowered himself down onto one knee, pressed the side of his face against Billy’s abdomen, listening for the heartbeat as it pulsed through him in waves. A kiss placed just next to his belly button slowed Billy’s breaths down before they accelerated again, both hands still wading through Steve’s hair and following the motions of his head.
Lower it went, lips and teeth and tongue still dragging over Billy’s skin like a thirsty hound, and frantic hands followed with reluctance to part from their station on his bare hips. He hadn’t even realized when Steve unbuckled his belt until the zipper of his jeans was being pried apart. Embarrassment washed over him and rose goosebumps everywhere. Steve chuckled, and Billy started to yank them back up when he was asked, “Do you always go commando?”
Steve moved Billy’s hands away and pushed under the waist of his jeans, kneading his hips, seemingly unbothered by his unimpressive size: small enough to get away without briefs and not draw prying eyes. “Just for me, then?” Steve looked up, matching Billy’s gaze between kisses to his pelvic bone, cheek and jawline dragging over the hair and making brief points of contact against an aching cock.
“You don’t—you’re not—“
“Billy.” His jeans were down to his ankles by then, and he was more exposed than he’d been in his life. Physically, emotionally, intimately with someone he’d fantasized about and drooled over for months. Someone whose palms were firmly pressed against his glutes, whose fingers they melded to effortlessly. “You’re gorgeous.”
He could have cried, but Steve’s mouth fitting around his shaft kept those tears behind his eyes and made him shudder hard. He supposed the king’s tongue was a myth, then, only rumor dictating how sophisticated Steve’s palate was. Perhaps Billy was a delicacy, which he considered while Steve rolled over and under, pulsed against the tip, pushed a hand between Billy’s thighs to rub palm-up against his balls. There weren’t words or a sound he could make to express, with uninhibited honestly, what this meant and did for him, but Steve didn’t mind the quiet.
Billy’s huffs and hisses filled the space, harmonizing low, long hums with Steve’s. Every so often, his hips jerked, and he got teeth in return. Not hard but softly gliding along the stretch of his cock and around the base, sucking where his scrotum started and coaxing louder grunts.
Steve swallowed. Kept a hand firmly against Billy’s groin when he stood back up and kissed him some more. “Salty, salty, salty…” For a moment, Billy was reluctant to kiss him back but did anyway when his face was turned forward by a firm hold on his jaw. It was disgusting and arousing at once, to kiss Steve with the ghost of his own flavor. Not that he cared all that much, because he was still kissing Steve Harrington; Steve Harrington was still kissing him. It was bliss.
Breathless, Billy pulled his jeans back up and tugged on his shirt with languid arms and Steve’s assistance. “We can go to bed if you want,” Steve said against Billy’s ear, a hand on his chest and fingers tracing over reddened collarbones.
“We’ll—let’s—“ God, he was so dizzy. “Project first, Harrington, come on.” He sniffed, trying to play it cool, like he hadn’t just had the next week’s energy sucked out of him. “You’re not getting a C on my watch.”
One more kiss—there was a joke in there somewhere—and they were back in the garage for a while. Closer this time, more touchy, more distracted, and more sure than they’d ever been that this was right.
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artficlly · 1 year
face the music (chapter 7)
Music College Marvel AU - Chapter 7
!frat!musician!bucky x !frat!musician!steve x !musician!femreader
Warnings: bitta angst in the middle, bitta fluff at the start and end, mentions of past abuse/homophobia, yelling, mentions of puking, lmk if i missed anything
Word Count: 3.6k
A/N: hi! sorry i missed posting yesterday, i had a tattoo appointment and i have been SO TIRED since. this chapter isn't amazing, just moving some plot bits forward. felt very writers block writing this but i think next chapter should come smoother <3 not proof read srry for typos.
chapter masterlist | main masterlist
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The rest of the party went smoothly, much to your relief. Bucky and Steve were practically glued to your side the entire night. You could already hear the comments Sharon was going to make next you saw her. She had been watching you with a wide grin since you came down the stairs. 
You had also noticed how Bucky and Steve were a lot touchier with you. There were a lot more lingering strokes, arms thrown around your shoulders and waist. They barely touched each other though, almost like they were aware of all the unknown people at the party. 
You realized that at most of their big ragers the two of them usually stayed coherent. You never remembered them being super drunk at any of the parties you had previously attended. Was it to prevent slip ups? To stop people from starting rumors that they were a couple? A sinking part of you wondered if all the touches to you were a front, touching someone they trusted instead of each other. Regardless, you welcomed the physical contact and didn’t comment on it. 
By the time the party died down it was late. You tried calling Thor to see if he was up, hoping to catch a ride but he didn’t pick up. You were considering your options near the stairs, uber or walk? It was expensive to pay for a ride, especially considering your apartment was only a 20 minute walk away. Anyone at the party who had been sober enough to drive had already left. Bucky and Steve had disappeared upstairs with Sam to help put Clint to bed. Clint was beyond blackout last time you saw him, Sam basically carried him bridal style up the staircase while a few lingering partygoers cheered. 
You grabbed your coat, regretting not bringing a thicker one when you realized how chilly it was outside. Locking your phone, you decided to commit to walking. You barely got a few steps towards the front door before you heard Bucky and Steve descending the stairs. 
“Thor picking you up, Siren?” Bucky asks, you had mentioned you would call him before they went upstairs. Usually you were the type to dip from parties without a word. This time you felt compelled to tell them you might be gone by the time they finished dealing with Clint. You didn’t want them to think you ditched into the night without a goodbye. 
“I think he’s asleep, he wasn’t picking up. I was gonna walk.” You explain, slipping your phone into your pocket with a tired smile. Bucky gives you a disapproving look in return.
“By yourself?” Steve butts in, crossing his arms over his chest with a scowl. He had sobered up drastically in the past couple hours. You hadn’t had the guts to ask him if he remembered the comment he made in the hallway. 
“Yeah? It’s only 20 minutes away-” You start, but Steve cuts you off with a wave of his hand.
“We’ll walk you home.” He says firmly.
“I’ve walked back by myself before!” You protest, Steve just shrugs at you before looking at Bucky who seems to agree with him. Bucky looks your outfit up and down, frowning deeper. 
“You’re gonna freeze in just that. Come up and I’ll give you something to layer.” He says, motioning for you to follow him up the stairs. You huff and follow, not like you have much of a choice. Steve chuckles a bit at that. 
“You really think we’re gonna let you walk home alone? What if someone attacks you?” Steve says as he follows you up the stairs. You roll your eyes with another huff.
“Ah, yes. Because so many potential murderers are wandering around campus.” You grumble, shooting Steve a fake annoyed looked over your shoulder as he just beams at you like the fucking golden retiever boy he is.
“You never know, might be a rogue John Walker stumbling about.” Steve chuckles, you gape at him for a moment, lightly slapping his shoulder as you reach the top of the stairs. 
Bucky enters one of the rooms in the upstairs hallway, Steve following suit ahead of you. You linger in the doorway, not wanting to intrude in his room. It’s… different than you anticipated. The complete opposite of the bombsite that was Scott’s room. The bed is neatly made up with dark navy sheets, only slightly crumpled from Steve throwing himself across it with a sigh. One of the walls is taken up by a bookshelf that is neatly organized by color, a few knick-knacks used as dividers. His desk features a stack of notebooks with rippled pages, you can tell they are well loved. Above the dresser that Bucky digs around in is a collection of photos, featuring pictures of the frat boys, him and Steve and what you can only assume is his family. Along his windowsill are a few drumsticks, a couple of them broken, as well as a small house plant. 
“Here.” Bucky says, handing you one of his hoodies. With a sigh, you take off your coat to pull on the hoodie. It’s huge on you, the sleeves ending far past your fingers. You don’t complain though, it’s cozy and warm. And it smells like him. You don’t linger on that thought for long. 
“Happy?” You ask, pulling your coat over the hoodie. Both of them mimic your actions, pulling coats over their hoodies in preparation for the chill outside.
“Very.” Bucky responds, ruffling your hair as he passes you into the hallway. You grumble at him - then at Steve who laughs at you - and follow them to the stairs. As you're walking, you can hear what sounds like Clint puking in the bathroom.
“Jesus, he’s not having a good night, is he?” You nervously chuckle as you descend the stairs. 
“Nah. He’s alright. He always goes on about how ‘if he isn’t puking by the end of the night, it wasn’t a good night’.” Steve explains, looking over his shoulder at you as you give him a look of disbelief. 
The walk home is uneventful, filled mostly with you complaining about the cold. Bucky had just laughed at you with his stupid handsome face and pulled you into his side for warmth. Meanwhile, Steve was determined to climb every elevated surface. He was raving about how he would be ‘great at skateboarding if Scott and Clint just gave him a chance’. 
You almost feel sad when you reach the familiar carpark that is your apartment complex. Despite the cold, you were enjoying talking to the two of them and watching Steve goof around. That and the scent of Bucky completely encompassing you as you were snuggled into his side was wonderful. 
Reluctantly, you had left Bucky’s warmth to fish through your pockets. You were focused on trying to find your keys, which had somehow become entangled with a ball of hair ties and bobby pins. The familiar scent of smoke hitting your nose made you freeze. You knew who it would be, even before you heard his voice, even before you looked up and saw his betrayed expression. 
“Y/N?” Loki calls to you. He’s leaned up against the stairs leading up to your apartment, smoking a cigarette. He often smoked late at night when he couldn’t sleep, or if he was stressed. That or if he was waiting up for you to get home. You could guess any of the reasons were why he was braving the cold for a nicotine hit. You gaped at him for a moment, the past week his face had begun to heal, the bruises fading, cuts scabbed over. 
“Y/N what are you doing with them?” Loki calls out again, stubbing out his cigarette to storm over towards you. You hate the way he says them. Like Steve and Bucky were beneath him, like they were inherently evil. Steve moves closer to Bucky in a protective stance, posture stiff. You pull yourself together, glancing between the three men in worry.
“Laufeyson.” Bucky says lowly, his voice hostile. You gulp, moving closer to Loki to put yourself between them. 
“They just offered to walk me home since Thor didn’t answer.” You say, voice distressed. You don't want this to turn into some car park brawl, but with the aggression rolling off the three of them you are at a loss. Stupid men and their stupid testosterone making everything a life or death situation. Loki completely ignores your uneasiness. 
“What? So you’re just best friends with them now?” Loki snarls, you don’t recognise the look in his eyes. You take a step back in shock, you’ve never seen him act like this towards you. You’d seen him cuss out creeps at the bar, have verbal altercations with homophobes on the side of the street. He’d never turned that anger in on you. Deep down, you know it’s because he’s scared. He knows you know what he did. You flinch back, dread pooling in your stomach.
“Don’t talk to her like that.” Steve snaps, shifting closer to you. You step out of Steve’s grasp, you don’t want him to touch you right now. Loki’s gaze softens a bit as he recognises your discomfort, reaching out to you. You only step further away, bile rising in your throat. Loki knew about him. Loki knew you didn’t like being yelled out, he knew how much it upset you.
“Loki. I told you that I was working with some of Group A for an assignment.” You breathe shakily, hoping if you keep everyone calm that the situation wont implode. 
“You didn’t tell me it was with them.” Loki mutters, having now lowered his voice. You make a pained noise. Chewing your lip, you wonder how to proceed. Whatever had happened was between the three of them, it didn’t involve you. You didn’t want to be torn between them. You could understand why Bucky and Steve wouldn’t forgive Loki, but you didn’t want to have to deal with this. You were too unsettled, a feeling of ickiness creeping under your skin. If it had been anyone else yelling at you, you might’ve been okay. But someone you knew, someone you trusted? You wanted to rub your skin raw.
“I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have yelled at you, Y/N. I was just upset that you’ve been avoiding me all week, even after I defended you from that Walker asshole.” Loki grumbles. You just shake your head in disbelief. He would apologize to you, but not to them?
“Leave her out of this, Laufeyson.” Bucky speaks up, moving from Steve’s side to look Loki in the eye. “You, me and Steve will talk. Right now. Leave her out of this, she’s dealt with enough shit this week without having to deal with our collective baggage.”
Loki is quiet for a moment, glancing at you with a sigh before he nods. 
“You’re right. This had been a long time coming, anyway.” 
You take a step to the side, looking between Loki and the two boys. Was this it? The moment Loki apologized? Your eyes meet Bucky’s, who sets his jaw with a sharp sigh through his nose. He tilts his head slightly, motioning towards your apartment complex. 
“We’ll catch up later, Siren. Have a good night.” Bucky says, his tone dismissive. It would’ve hurt if you weren’t aware of the fact he was protecting you. He read your distress better than Loki. He knew this situation needed to be dealt with and that you didn’t need to be upset any further by everything, if he could help it. 
“Goodnight.” You mutter to Steve and Bucky. Steve gives a grunt in response, eyes locked firmly on Loki. You slowly and cautiously ascend the stairs to your apartment, pausing briefly to look back once at the top. The three of them are locked in some kind of silent stand-off, obviously waiting for you to enter the apartment before they start talking.
With a sigh, you unlock the door and slip inside. 
According to Loki, the chat had gone well. You had stayed up the entire time he had been outside with the boys, nervously pacing. Loki didn’t give you details, just that they had come to neutral terms. Loki looked exhausted and had quickly excused himself to bed. You figured it was probably better that they were on neutral terms, Loki was back on campus on Monday now he was feeling better. Although you had a foreboding feeling about it, like if Steve and Bucky didn’t start shit, that John might. And Bucky and Steve were less inclined to come to Loki’s defense. 
You had stared at your phone all weekend, waiting for Bucky or Steve to text you, or even call. You felt bad leaving things the way that had been left, you wanted to check in on the two of them. But you also didn’t want to come across as clingy. Maybe they had regretted the way they had acted at the party? The things they said and did? You could still feel the ghost of Bucky’s touch on your knee, the way Steve wrapped his arms around your waist. You still had Bucky’s hoodie too. You considered stopping by the frat and dropping it off as an excuse to talk to them. You chickened out at the last second.
The weekend kept you busy at least, Maria had put you in contact with some of John’s exes which led to a collection of coffee talks to tend to. You also had your piano assignment on Monday, practicing thankfully distracted you a little bit. Thor had sworn he was going to go crazy listening to you repeat the same song over and over again on the standing piano tucked into the corner of your apartment.
When Monday finally rolled around, you had hoped to bump into either Bucky or Steve. You had neatly folded Bucky’s hoodie into your bag, but much to your disappointment you didn’t see them once. You kept yourself distracted, powering your way through your piano assignment, getting lunch with Sharon and attending one of your Music Theory lectures. 
Halfway through your lecture, a text from Steve lit up your phone screen. The smile across your lips and the relief in your stomach was ridiculously embarrassing. You folded so quickly at the smallest amount of attention from them. 
practice today?
Steve’s text read. You quickly typed a response under the table, Professor Fury always got pissed if he saw anyone with their phone out during lectures. 
Sure what time?
A few minutes passed by before he replied. 
sounds good 
You arrived at the frat a little earlier than agreed. You had become a little tired of hearing Jane and Thor loudly making out in the lounge and decided to head over. Clint had opened the door and let you in, informing you that Bucky, Steve and Sam were still out at the gym. Apparently even Scott was out, skateboarding with the hickey guy from the party. Clint had offered for you to join him watching TV, you had taken one look at the mystery sport he was watching and declined with a laugh. 
Now you sat upstairs in the make-shift studio, sat cross-legged on one of the rugged couches while flicking through your notebook. Only Scott had read the contents, it contained bits and pieces of original song lyric ideas and piano melodies. Scott often helped you with the lyrics, to the point where you had several original songs tucked away for later use. 
Right now you were focused on composing a short piano piece for an upcoming piano exam. You had been eyeballing Scott’s keyboard from across the room for a while now, but decided against it. You didn’t really feel like helping yourself to random instruments, even being in the spare room alone felt like intruding. 
You heard the sound of laughter and voices from down the hall, the boys must’ve got home from the gym. You stayed in place, not wanting to disturb them. Instead you turned your attention back to your notebook, softly humming the tune as you questioned how to develop it further. 
“Darling, hey! Clint said you were here.” Steve spoke from the doorway, your eyes snapped to him. Darling? As much as you invited the pet name, you also found it unexpected. Steve seemed to be acting the same, his usual golden retriever smile across his face as he took you in. It gave you whiplash to how… pissed off he was at Loki just a few nights prior. His hair was damp, like he had just stepped out of the shower. And he was also shirtless, only tugging his shirt as he walked further into the room. You watched the muscle tense under his skin as he did so. Gaping at him for a moment, you suddenly remembered to close your mouth.
“Whatcha working on?” He asks, standing in front of you. You have to crane your neck upwards to look at him from where you’re sitting on the couch. 
“Just some piano stuff. Nothing interesting.” You say, suddenly feeling self-conscious. Snapping the notebook closed, you stretch your legs out across the couch. Steve chuckles at your sudden shyness, nudging your legs out of the way so he can sit next to you. 
“How did your piano assignment go?” He asks, you give him a confused look. 
“How did you know about that?” You ask. 
“Bucky told me. Said you mentioned something about it last Friday?” Steve replied. He had pulled a guitar pick from his pocket and was rolling it between his fingers. You were glad he wasn’t looking at you as you flushed a little pink. Bucky had remembered some off-hand comment you made? Then actively remembered to tell Steve about it? And Steve had gone out of his way to ask you about it? No one had paid that much attention to things you did and said, not even your own father. 
“It went okay. I think. I won't get my grades back for another couple weeks.” You said, fidgeting with the corner of your notebook. Steve nodded with an understanding hum. The whole scene felt so… domestic. You studied the side of Steve’s face, eyes scanning over his jawline, the ridge of his nose, the way his eyebrows furrowed as he fiddled with the guitar pick. 
“Are you and Bucky alright?” You murmur. “After Friday night, I mean.” Steve’s gaze meets yours, a gentle look as he takes in your concerned expression. The question had been burning inside your mind all weekend. 
“It was weird.” Steve admits. You reach for his hand and he happily obliges. Listening as he speaks, you carefully brush the pads of your fingers against his, expecting every finger, every crease and callus in his hand. 
 “I don’t know how much Loki told you but he apologized. Said that he realized how fucked up it all was, how selfish he was being. Said he had meant to apologize forever ago, just never knew how to go about it. We agreed to be on neutral terms with him. I don’t think we’ll ever be anything more than strangers, but it’s nice to not be at war for once.” You can feel his gaze on you, watching as you skim your fingers over the lines in his palm. 
“That’s good. That’s really good.” You say, slowly interlinking your fingers. “I hope you both feel better now. Like, I don’t think you should feel pressured to accept his apology but at least you’ll be able to move on. Like you won’t have all that negative shit dragging you down.”
You dare to look up, Steve is staring at your interlocked hands with a tender expression. You tilt your head, wanting to capture that scene in your memories forever. 
“I think you’re right.” He says, releasing your hand to pat your thigh. “Thank you, for your support and everything. Especially after Bucky and I were complete assholes-”
“Oh shut up!” You say with a giggle, lightly kicking him. “Be happy for yourself for once! You don’t need to worry about that Walker shit right now.” He grins at that, grabbing your foot with his spare hand and dragging you towards him. You laugh, fighting to scramble back before Steve gives in and grabs you by your waist. You squeal and try to squirm out of his grip, finally relaxing after he practically pulls you into his lap. Your back is against his chest, his chin resting on top of your head as he squeezes you closer. 
“We were talking about watching a movie after practice. Do you want to join?” Steve murmurs, you can feel his adam's apple bobbing against your hair. You wonder if he can feel how heavily your heart is thumping in your chest.
“I don’t know, it’ll be late and I’ll have to get back home-” You start but Steve cuts you off before you can form excuses.
“Bucky and I can walk you home again, hopefully this time doesn't end with a confrontation with Laufeyson.” He offers, then to your surprise he mutters a quiet. “Please?” 
“Fine.” You say with a sigh, pretending to be annoyed despite you practically melting under his touch. He wanted you to stay longer. He wanted to hangout for something other than practice. Suddenly the lack of texts over the weekend seemed like nothing. Worming your way out of his grip, you turn around to face him. Your cheeks are pink. He just gives you one of his classic grins, patting you on the head as he gets up to set up his electric guitar. 
“Thanks, darling. What would we do without you?” 
Chapter 8
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lacheri · 3 years
11:29 PM, 4/20
pairing: stoner!Eren and fem bodied reader
content: smoking/drugs, dumbification, finger fucking, penetration, porn without plot, minors DNI
summary: eren's been trying to fuck you for years now, and he's got a different angle to play at this time. all it takes are a few pretty words and free weed.
wc: 3.5k
notes: happy 4/20 lmfao i wrote this in two hours and i'm posting this unedited and half asleep
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‘Rolling up, you sliding through?’
Your phone illuminated brightly against your face as you held your phone above you, your bed’s soft comforter brought up to your chin. You bit your lip, contemplating Eren’s invitation. Your eyes glanced to the clock in the corner of your phone screen, blinking a couple of times. ‘11:29 PM’ it read back.
‘Pleaaaase, 4/20 is almost over ):’ Eren had resorted to double texting, and you sighed, his battle easily won. You tried to believe it was fought hard, but you knew perfectly well that you were wrapped around Eren’s pretty little finger. He called, you answered. Simple as that.
‘I want a blunt all to myself for this Jaeger. I’m literally in bed right now’ you typed back quickly, clicking the off button on the side of your device, begrudgingly throwing your blanket off your body as the heat escaped. You gazed down at your attire, sweatshirt and sleep shorts bundled up to your form, and you sighed once again. Eren was going to have to accept you like this, because there was absolutely no way in Hell that you could fathom throwing on real clothes this late at night.
‘What’re you wearing? Send pics’
‘Eren I’m LITERALLY!!! On my way to your house right now’. This boy was going to be the death of you, or at least whatever brain cells you had left.
Fuzzy pink slides adorned on your feet, hair thrown up in the messiest ‘neat’ bun you could manage, you pocketed your keys and wallet. You grabbed your bookbag in the corner of your room full of paraphernalia, knowing well by now that Eren was too lazy to buy bongs or bowls, and made your way out of your home, locking the front door on your way out. You hit the unlock button on your car, throwing the bag in the passenger seat and set out for your late night journey.
It wasn’t uncommon for your best friend to hit you up so late, in fact it was Eren’s peak hours for hanging out. He never genuinely inconvenienced you, just an annoyance because every single time you got that invite text or call, your head would have just hit the pillow beneath you, sleep on the horizon. Traffic was the best at this time too, you would reason on the way there, virtually no cars on the road, turning your usual twenty minute ride into a ten minute one.
When you rolled up Eren’s driveway, you could see the dark red lights of his bedroom through the upstairs window on the front of the house. You picked your phone out of your pocket, texting a quick ‘I’m here’. You grabbed your bag, slinging it over your shoulder and climbed out of your car. By the time you made it to his front door, Eren was swinging it open, a goofy smile on his face.
“Just us tonight?” you asked, referring to the lack of cars in the driveway as you glided through the entryway.
“Yeah, feeling greedy. We haven’t hung out just us in awhile,” Eren smirked, leaning back and letting his eyes travel down your spine as you slid by him. He reached and pulled the door closed, locking it quickly and following quickly behind you.
You spent most of your nights here, knowing the pathway to Eren’s room. You jogged up the stairs, oblivious to Eren’s eyes trained in on your bouncing ass in your loose fitted shorts. His bedroom door was wide open, and you navigated over clothes thrown haphazardly on his floor to his unmade bed. You bounced as you sat down, hitting the mattress with your full weight and unzipping your bag, picking out your favorite bowl. Eren lifted the corner of his mouth, clearly amused at how at home you had made yourself.
“Comfy?” he asked, a teasing tone to his voice as he joined you on the bed, rolling tray and jar of bud in hand.
“Mhm,” you hummed, eyeing Eren’s hands as they set quickly to work. His grinder sat on the bed behind him, and after picking out a few clusters of green from the jar, he reached behind him and popped the top off, going through the motions of getting prepped for the smoke session. “What’d you do today?”
Eren shot you a dumb founded look, “It’s 4/20, what do you think I’ve been doing all day?”
You rolled your eyes, throwing your hands up in surrender, “Just making a joke, asshole.”
He chuckled, extending his hand out so you could pass him your bowl, packing it not long after. Eren looked around his mattress for a lighter, eyebrows drawn together as he couldn’t find one. You smirked then, extending the black lighter you had packed in your bag, and Eren smiled gratefully. He flicked the lighter once it was in his possession, pointer finger resting over the choke as he placed the pipe to his lips, inhaling deeply as the fresh green turned to ash. He lifted his long finger off the choke hole, removing the pipe as he held the smoke in for a few seconds, eyes instantly glazing as he exhaled.
Eren was one of those smokers that the second he had a hit of weed, it was written all over his face that he was high, even if he wasn’t. When Eren picked up the habit in highschool, his parents knew instantly what the boy had been doing during his “study sessions” with his friends. Now that he was an adult and moved out of his childhood home, Eren was pretty free in his indulgences, no longer carrying around eye drops to try and help him appear as innocent as possible.
After his second hit, Eren passed you back your bowl and lighter, coughing lightly as he exhaled, “What about you? What’d you do today?”
“Not much, spent all day watching documentaries and smoking my vape,” you laughed lightly, positioning the pipe to your own lips.
Eren’s eyes drank in the sight of your pretty plump lips as they wrapped around the tip of the pipe, fingers copying his as you bent your finger over the choke. The lighter ignited after a single flick, warm colored flames illuminating your face. It was like Eren was watching you in slow motion, but it was always like that with you, even when he wasn’t high. He could see the fire in your eyes as they focused downwards to your actions, and Eren felt his mouth go dry. You pulled the bowl away, making eye contact with him as the smoke exited your lips, licking your face as it traveled towards the ceiling on your exhale.
The two of you made small talk as you passed the bowl back and forth, Eren making a face once the bud was dead. He packed another bowl, repeating the rotation until that one was dead. The two of you thoroughly fried, he put the pipe on his bedside table and leaned his back against the wall by his bed. You mirrored him, resting your head on his broad shoulder as the two of you enjoyed each other’s company.
“We should make edibles this weekend,” you suggested, fingers playing with the drawstring of your hoodie. “Maybe invite the group over and get zooted and play a game or something.”
“Zooted?” Eren snorted. “I haven’t heard that word in years, grandma.”
You shot Eren a glare, which he began to laugh at, “I’m hip, okay? Zooted is making a comeback.”
“Stop trying to fit in with the youth, Myrtle,” he teased, wrapping his arm around your waist to tuck you into his side. “Man, if I was only 50 years older.”
You lightly elbowed his side, “You wish you could bag 70 year old me. I’m a fucking catch.”
“I wish I could bag you period,” Eren confessed, probably for the hundredth time of you knowing him. “How come you’ve never let me take you out?”
“Because, you’d just fuck and dump me and then I wouldn’t have a plug anymore,” you pouted, purposefully snuggling in closer.
“Is that what you really think?” he asked seriously, positioning his neck to the side so he could look down at you.
You looked up, centimeters apart from his face, “That’s what you did with all the other girls.”
“But you’re my best friend,” Eren frowned, taking his hand and pushing your hair behind your ear. “I wouldn't do that to you.”
“Don’t know if I wanna’ really find that out,” you smiled sadly.
“C’mon, let me prove it to you,” Eren licked his lips. “Fuck me, right now, and I’ll take you out tomorrow.”
You felt a pulse in your pussy suddenly, gulping spit down as you broke the eye contact, “I don’t know ‘Ren. We’ve been friends since highschool, what if it makes things weird?”
“You can’t look me in the eyes right now and tell me that you’ve never thought about it, about us,” his voice was a hare above a whisper. “Because I think about it all the time. ‘Is why I hit you up all the time, I like you stupid, I always have.”
This confession was so different from all the other ones. Eren was practically begging to let him in between your legs on a weekly basis, ever since you had met him. Never once had he been this honest though, so genuine sounding about his feelings. He had a point as well, you thought about being with him all the time. You were always at his house or going out somewhere together, you spent all your free time with him, of course you would have feelings for Eren.
“If,” you started, your eyes blinking rapidly as you returned your gaze to his red ones. “I say yes, and things are weird after, we’re going to pretend like this never happened and we go back to being friends.”
Eren’s lips crashed into your’s, any and all hesitation rolling off your body as you eagerly returned his kiss. His other arm circled you, bringing you in somehow even closer to him as your hands grabbed both of his cheeks, feeling the flex of his jaw as you smashed your lips together. Eren’s hand traveled under the hem of your sweatshirt to the small of your back, guiding you to sit in his lap. Legs on either side of his hips, your tongues slipped through the both of your lips, meeting in the middle.
Maybe it was the high, maybe it was Eren, but the throbbing in your cunt only expanded as Eren smoothed his hands all over the middle of your torso. They traveled up to the swell of your breasts, free from a bra, cupping both tits in his large hands. His thumbs slid and teased your nipples, hardening instantly under his touch. You arched your back, pushing your chest into his palms even more, your hips flicking as he tweaked your nipples between his fingers.
You both moaned into each other’s mouths at the roll of your hips, feeling Eren’s dick harden fast underneath your clothed center. Eren had been wearing a pair of thin grey sweatpants, leaving not much to the imagination while he was in this state. You felt his lips scrape against your bottom lip, pulling it into his mouth and sucking gently. He released it, a string of saliva linking to the two of you together.
“I’ve been imagining this for forever,” Eren’s eyes were glazed and deep red when you met his gaze. “I just never thought this would happen.”
“I’ve been wanting you too,” you admitted, your dirty little secret exposed.
He smirked at your confession, hands still toying with your breasts. Silencing you once more with his passionate kiss, he moved his hands downwards and to your back until he met the waistband of your shorts. He easily slid under the hem, gripping your ass in his palms, kneading and spreading you apart. You felt your pussy flutter, the indirect contact sending you into a deep pit of arousal, your senses heightened greatly.
It was like Eren could read your mind, and his fingers traveled to your spread cunt over his lap, running a finger over your slit over your panties. You whined, pressing your hips down to achieve a greater pressure from his hand, in turn allowing your wetness to seep through the cotton of your panties. Eren chuckled against your lips, reading your body language loud and clear. He pushed the fabric aside, allowing his knuckles to brush directly into your folds. You moaned into his mouth as he spread your arousal around your vulva. When his thumb bumped against your clit, you felt your patience snap entirely.
“‘Ren, need your fingers, now,” you panted, eyes half lidded as his kiss traveled to the underside of your jaw.
“You got it, baby girl,” he hummed into your skin. There was no resistance as he pushed his middle finger into your opening. “Fuck, you’re fucking soaked. This all for me?”
You couldn’t find your voice, nodding and whining out as he pumped his single digit into your pussy. His touch was slow, deliberate, trying to memorize every single ridge and flutter of your walls as you pulsed around him. Eren’s mouth was dry, dick hard and throbbing, completely lost in the feeling of you sucking his finger in deeper. He couldn’t comprehend the fact that his cock would be replacing his fingers soon, finally fucking you like he had imagined for years now.
His middle finger dared to pull out, and you let out a desperate whine, thinking that was his plan. You gasped in relief and pleasure as his ring finger pushed past your entrance, clenching tightly on his fingers. Eren found solace in this, perceiving your flutters as permission to go finger fuck you at an ungodly pace. He positioned his wrist as a more comfortable angle, and his fingers pumped inside of you at the speed of light.
Your eyebrows came together, mouth hanging open as you squeaked and whined, Eren’s other hand finding purchase on your jaw. He squeezed your cheeks together lightly, forcing your lips to pout as he maintained direct eye contact with you. His own lips hung open, and you could see your reflection in his blown out pupils. It only enticed you more, you looked heavenly. Eren couldn’t have worded it before himself if you had verbalized this, whole heartedly agreeing with you.
“You’re so tight,” Eren groaned out, his hand leaving your chin and slipping two fingers in between your lips. “Suck, baby.”
You did as you were told, Eren’s fingers slowing to fuck up into roughly, hitting your sweet spot over and over. Your tongue circled around his knuckles, lips vibrating on his fingers as your moans were silenced. Eren was thoroughly enjoying himself, seeing you completely under his control like this. You were putty in the palm of his hands, literally.
He slid his fingers out of your cunt so suddenly, feeling the gush of your arousal against your inner thighs as his hand left your shorts. His other hand fell out of your mouth, moving back to your jaw as you felt the wetness of your spit spread across your face. Eren brought the hand he was fucking you with to his own mouth, and you were practically drooling at the sight of him sucking your pussy juices off of his fingers.
“Delicious,” he cooed after he pulled them from his lips. “Just like I always imagined.”
You took this as your opportunity to remove some of your clothing. You tugged your hoodie over your head, tossing it on the floor. Eren followed suit, removing his own white t-shirt and reattaching his lips to yours. You tasted hints of yourself, not at all repulsed, in fact the exact opposite. You tasted sweet, tart but sweet.
You pushed yourself away from Eren, scooting off his lap in order to tear off your shorts and panties. Eren mirrored you, almost ripping his pants and boxers off as he slid them past his thighs and ankles to the floor. He remained in his seated position, eyes swirling and fingers twitching at his sides as he watched your crawl back to him. You placed a sloppy kiss to his lips before turning your body around, placing your feet on the mattress on either side of his lap. Sat in a full crouch now, you grabbed Eren’s cock, pumping him a few times with both of your hands in a screw motion. He moaned from behind you, his own hands gripping your ass cheeks to support your frame.
You guided Eren to your hovering pussy, teasing your clit, soaking him in your dripping heat. He cursed underneath you, his right hand moving to your hip as you lowered yourself on his length. Eren groaned loudly as the feelings of satisfaction and relief flowed through his body, his own heightened senses taking over. You moved to rest on your knees when you felt Eren bottom out inside of you, a string of moans and whimpers leaving your lips. You arched your back and Eren leaned back more, eyes stationed on your beautiful round ass.
“You’re so fucking hot,” he ran a hand up to the back of your head, untangling your messy bun so your hair fell free down your back. “C’mon baby, bounce on my dick.”
You lifted your hips, slamming down to his pelvis urgently. It was so overwhelming, the feeling of his cock filling you to the brim making your brain empty. Your eyes screwed shut, mouth hanging open dumbly as drool coated the swell of your lips. You bounced again, and Eren yanked your hair back as he watched your pussy stretch around him, close to snapping and drilling into you as he saw the creamy ring form around his base. You were a moaning mess, unable to think clearly as your body took over. Pushing all your weight into your knees and palms resting on Eren’s thighs, you fastened your pace, ass bouncing every time Eren’s fat tip brushed up against your cervix.
You felt the sharp sting on your cheek and heard the resounding slap of his hand on your right cheek, tears springing to your eyes, “Fuck, Eren, you feel so good.”
Taking your hips into his strong hands, Eren was finally at his brink as he thrusted hard up into. You yelped, letting yourself go limp as he slammed into your cunt at a dangerous pace. He was in full control now, fucking you into a stupor.
Your hand left it’s home of his thigh, traveling to your aching center to rub your clit. Eren’s position was perfect, rubbing the underside of his shaft against your g-spot. When you opened your eyes, you could see his toes curling, legs flexing and twitching. He wasn’t going to last long, your pussy putting him under a spell. You circled your clit with your pointer and middle fingers, throat raw from all the noises escaping you. All you felt was Eren, all you could hear was Eren, he was filling your entire being up, replacing any and all thoughts they may have lingered in your brain.
“Gonna’ cum,” you whined, fingers moving even faster.
“I’m so fucking close, fucking cum baby,” Eren growled, thrusts desperate and becoming irregular.
You stilled above him, a breathless scream heaving from your throat as you gushed around him. Your pussy clenched so tight, and Eren couldn’t hold back. Because as empty as your brain was, Eren was in the exact same state as he shot his thick load into you, filling your tight cunt up with his cum. You milked his cock, walls convulsing in your mind blowing orgasm. Black spots appeared in your vision when you realized you had forgotten to breathe, you took a deep gasp of air.
You were a panting, sweaty mess hovering over him. Eren was in awe, watching beads of his white seed leak out of your center. He’d worry about the consequences when his brain could comprehend what had just happened, but for now, the deep primal urge of filling you up was sedated. Eren didn’t think he could’ve imagined fucking you for the first time any better than this. And when you finally lifted your hips to release him, he felt a wave of sadness, your beautiful pussy no longer surrounding him.
“Did you, oh my God, Eren,” you lifted your hand in front of you, seeing the creamy white of his cum smeared on your fingers. “You came inside of me?”
“Sorry, baby,” he caught his breath as you turned your head over your shoulder to glare at him. “I’ll buy you Plan B in the morning, promise.”
“I’m on the pill, but still,” you huffed, letting the anger leave you as you realized Eren would take responsibility. “You didn’t know that.”
Eren laughed without humor, “Oh well, at least I know for next time. Now c’mere, wanna’ hold you while I roll a blunt.”
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LACHERI © 2021: all writing content belongs to LACHERI. I do not allow reposts or translations. this is my only account.
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bakubros-boo-thang · 3 years
Disrespected Devil
Wordcount: -4K
Lucifer x F!Reader
Summary: When you disrespect the demon king, Lucifer is forced to say goodbye to you.
Genre: Angst, smutt, slight fluff, but tbh just angst
A/N: So another first. Not only my first time writing for the Obey me fandom (I have a major Obey me brain rot), but also my first time writing angst and I felt depressed after finishing this (which I did a second ago). I love Diavolo, but I needed a reason for the goodbye to happen so even if his dad is the villain, he is the one to execute it... Hope you enjoy this story.
Warning: NSFW, mentioning of being paralyzed I guess.
‘’What’s with Luci today?’’ ‘’He looks more pissed of than usual…’’ ‘’He probably listened to classical music too long and forgot his homework.’’ ‘’Lucifer forgetting his homework will never happen, but if it did he would look like this.’’ Hearing all those whispers during dinner time is nothing new for you. Tonight is different though. You know why he’s mad and you know who’s the blame. But it’s not as if you don’t have a reason to be just as upset. As dinner slowly ends you know there is only a small gap to avoid a situation. ‘’Beel, how about we go bake something for later this evening?’’ You say, as you cling onto the huge redhead. You know that food is a trigger and you know that this is the way to hide from HIM. ‘’Alright, sounds delicious!’’ He doesn’t seem to notice the way you hold onto him for dear life and the same goes for the others. Clearly, they’ve gotten so used to you that it’s not even necessary to be by your side 24/7. It’s not as if they know tonight will be the last time they see you. It’s a small moment of weakness and you feel your heart clench by the thought of leaving those boys. It’s enough to make you lose your grip on Beel's arm. Enough to bend over, because it physically hurts to leave them behind and enough for Lucifer to finally notice you and come to your aid. ‘’Beel, I think she ate something wrong. No cake tonight, I will see her to her room.’’
And with that, he scoops you up and takes you upstairs. Of course, your room is not an option. It’s way too close to the other rooms. No place to yell. No, Lucifer’s room is soundproof. Made for his nights spent with loud classical music and also made for the occasional screaming match with one of his brothers. As he enters the room, he carefully puts you down on his bed. ‘’Are you feeling alright, Y/n?’’ He says as he lays his palm against your forehead. The feeling of sadness is gone, already replaced by nerves. You know what’s coming. You know you won’t hold back. Will this be your last fight with Lucifer? The question never makes it to the surface, because the moment you nod your head in ensurement, Lucifer opens his mouth. ‘’Good, because you have no idea how foolish you acted today.’’  As mentioned before this room reminds you of the occasional screaming matches he must’ve had with his brothers, but never with you. Pissing Lucifer off is easy. You’ve done that plenty of times. Even made him show his true form, but making him scream, that is something you never achieved. Still, it is worth the try. Tonight is your last chance. As you get up you take a look at his face. What faces you is the cold expression he usually shows when he’s done with someone’s bullshit. The expression you have already mirrored back to him. ‘’So you are going to ignore me?’’ I’m not going to answer him. ‘’Are you serious?’’ I am not going to say a word. ‘’Should I spell out what you did?’’ Don’t say a thing. ‘’You just signed your death certificate.’’ His voice cracks and even though it’s far from the scream you aimed for. It’s still the first sign of emotion from the man you care about so much. ‘’Diavolo didn’t seem upset by what I said?!’’ You can’t help but talk louder. especially after being silent for the past few minutes. ‘’ As if he is going to kill me? ME?! And ruin the bonds that are being formed with the humans?’’
You can feel the tears in your eyes, this fight might’ve been about you being disrespectful in some way, but for you it was different. All this time getting closer with all the brothers. All this time loving them. All this time being there for them. It made you realize that the only one who made it difficult was him. With every step getting closer to each other; there were always a few steps back. An obsession with keeping up appearance, an obsession over a promise he would keep no matter what, an obsession with being a stuck-up asshole; That was Lucifer in a nutshell for you. And still, you couldn’t help being drawn to him. As a moth drawn to a flame. Even when the flame could easily kill the moth. Just as easily Lucifer could kill you. And it’s not as if he hadn’t tried that before. ‘’Y/n, You disrespected his father. I had to bargain for you to even leave the castle. The first time I trusted you enough to take you with me alone. And this is how you behave? You know what he wanted to do to Belphegor…’’ You know this story is his weakness. The reason he ended up becoming the lapdog of his so-called best friend. Still, it only makes you more upset to hear him say it. Even when you can hear the slightest hint of emotion in his voice; his eyes stay just as cold as usual. ‘’He is your best friend, isn’t he? He is my friend too, right? You always do this Lucifer! You always get mad over things and it never solves anything. You get mad at me for having fun. You get mad at me for trying to help. You get mad at me for trying to get closer to you. You don’t share things with me! Maybe Diavolo should’ve locked me up. Might as well get myself killed; it’s not as if you never tried to kill me…’’ Your voice is loud as you speak, but his silence is louder. He just stares at you and then it happens.
It’s not that you’re scared you’ve seen his true form before. It’s just as beautiful as him, but it’s also something that happens when he’s full of rage, just as that one time he tried to kill you. You can feel yourself freeze under his gaze. You can feel yourself moving away from him until you reach the headboard of his bed. Still, he moves closer. Until his lips are inches away from your ears. No screams, only whispers; what a way to say goodbye. ‘’DO YOU HAVE ANY IDEA OF WHAT IS EVEN GOING ON?!’’ You are so shocked by the volume of his voice, the bass it carries, that it takes some time to realize he has more to say. Your ear is beeping as he moves his lips away and locks his gaze onto you. ‘’DIAVOLO IS NOT THE FUCKING PROBLEM, Y/N, HIS DAD IS. YOU INSULTED THE KING OF DEVILDOM IN FRONT OF HIS SON AND MULTIPLE WITNESSES. DIAVOLO CAN’T DO SHIT ABOUT THAT.’’ Only now do you notice the way his hands are gripping your arms; The way his expression has changed from cold to almost desperate. ‘’That guy has only been able to do what his dad wanted. Our friendship is real, but if his father told him to kill me, he would do it without hesitation. Do you really think he would think twice about killing you? IF HE WOULD KILL ME -HIS BEST FRIEND- IN AN INSTANT?” You notice the tears in his eyes. Lucifer is screaming and crying, but this isn’t a win. Before your heart breaks again, his arms are around you and his face is hidden in your neck, but that doesn’t stop the words. ‘’I had to send you away. I had to be cold. They know I care about you, but not to this extent. I had to pretend it was for the sake of the bonds. After you left I had to beg on my knees for your survival. I had to beg. The avatar of pride begged someone on his knees. It was all Lillith over again…’’
There is nothing you can say to fix this. It might’ve slipped your mind while you were there. But you were surrounded by royalty. What might’ve seemed innocent for you, was clearly a lot for them and now you had to leave everyone you loved behind. You can feel the tears fall from your eyes. “I’m sorry Luci, I truly am.” It won’t help, but it’s the least you can say as you look up into his eyes. He is still in his true form, but even with his wings all spread out, he has never looked more vulnerable. There is a sad smile on his lips as he caresses your cheek. “I know you are, you fool.” He says with no trace of the rage he had before. “ I don't want to leave you all…I don't want to leave you!” You know that you sound like a small child that already knows he lost and that’s exactly what you feel like. “It’s too late for that now, Y/n. Diavolo gave me tonight to say my goodbyes.”  You try to distract yourself by focusing on his raven colored wings. “So that means I can’t say goodbye to the rest…”  The pain is back. Never being a fool with Mammon, never dressing up with Levi, doing make-up with Asmo, reading books with Satan, eating with Beel or sleeping with Belphie.  You can’t help but grab your chest again. “Are you okay?” Lucifer is supporting you within seconds as he asks the question. “No I’m not, but atleast I get to say goodbye to you.”  And as you look up he leans in and gives you a tiny peck on the lips. “I’ve wanted to do that for quite some time.” He lets out. You can’t help but smile as you pull him back towards you. “Let's make it a proper goodbye then.” You whisper as you pull him back to your lips.
It’s not like it’s your first kiss with Lucifer, but it’s the last and that’s what makes it so much more special. It’s the combination of mutual sadness and desperation, the hint of rage still brewing somewhere deep inside the both of you. He knows your body, the way it will arch when he pushes you all the way down onto the bed. The tiny gasps when he starts kissing your neck. The way you look away when he starts kissing all the way down your body. ‘’Please keep looking at me, dear. I want you to see how much I am going to miss you.’’ It’s enough to make your heart flutter, the way he starts to attack your core with his tongue right away. It’s obvious he is in a hurry, but even with all the sadness, it’s the best way there is. You can’t help your moans; You’re lucky his room is soundproof. He’s fast, maybe too fast, but with everything that’s going on, it’s the best you can get. And that’s what it is. The best, because within a few minutes you can feel yourself starting to reach that point. The knot in your stomach tightens. your hands end up in his hair and with one loud moan, you erupt around him.
‘’I know that Mammon claims he was your first… in multiple ways… and not to discredit my brother, but I intend to be your last in all of them.’’  He says as he looks at you while he licks his lips. Him saying those words, the way he just made you lose your mind. It feels good, after all the fighting, teasing, kisses and losses , you’re with the man you love. You don’t want to ruin the mood. You’re really trying, but the moment you hear yourself thinking about loving him, about leaving him, about leaving his brothers, you just break. The tears start to form in your eyes and as you try to wipe them away you feel something on your arms. Lucifer. His eyes are cold again as he moves up to face you. ‘’Don’t hide your tears. I am just as sad.’’ He takes a long look at you, lets out a sign, and lays next to you as he caresses your back. ‘’I don’t want to play the ‘’Who has it worse’’ game, truly, I don’t want to, but in all the years I’ve been in heaven and hell, you’re the first human to have ever make my blood boil. Both from nerves and anger nonetheless, but losing you. Losing the one that made my family whole, the one that makes me feel all these emotions, the one that I love, hurts.’’ You can’t help but raise your brow. when he notices your expression he lets out a laugh.
You feel his hand grab your chin and suddenly your lips are only inches apart. ‘’I know you love me, Y/n. I’ve always known. Falling for you, was what surprised me.’’ You can’t help, but roll your eyes at him. Trying to ignore the way his hand feels on your back. The way it slowly moves it’s way to your hips. ‘’You know I do love all your brothers quite a lot too…’’ You say with all the confidence you have left. ‘’I know you do, but still I am the one that has you laying here. Practically begging for more.’’ He let’s out a chuckle as he pulls you closer. ‘’Let’s end this conversation, there’s not enough time.’’ And with that he’s on top of you. You know there isn’t much time, but when he starts to unbotton his shirt it’s as if time slows down. Of course he notices your looks and can’t help to give you a sly smirk. ‘’Don’t worry your next.’’ Is all he says as he takes his shirt off and starts tugging on yours. After your shirt is taken off he takes a look at your body and all you see is adoration on his face. ‘’I want to see all of you.’’ It makes your body flutter. ‘’You’re absolutely breathtaking.’’ He whispers. All this praise makes you feel weak. You try to grab his face, but as you put your arms up they fall down. You feel weak. Not because of his words, but something else. You see Lucifers expression change, the adorations is switched to concern, then back to concentration and before you know it he scoops you in his arms and makes you straddle him.
He’s looking at you, but not really. Obviously talking to himself. ‘’He wanted to be sure…’’ And as he says it he’s back. Back to giving you a sad smile. ‘’What’s going on?’’ Is all you let out. Is all you can let out, as you feel your body weighing more and more. He notices you getting weaker, making sure your settled between him and the headboard of the bed, before he speaks again. ‘’I think it’s time… Barbatos must’ve cast a spell… something that gave us a time limit. The probably knew it would be hard saying my goodbyes to you. Now I’m forced to make haste, just to make sure you’re safe.’’ You can’t even respond. You can move, but barely and all you can do is watch as Lucifer grabs his shirt. As he moves away from you, you’re sure of it. No this is not the way we’re going to say our goodbyes. It needs to be on our terms. Of course those words never leave your lips, but with all the power you have you reach out to him and as he looks back you let out a: ‘’No...not like this.’’ And maybe it’s the few words you’ve spoken, or the way your arm is trembling from all the power it takes to hold on to him, but he crawls back to you. His face is right above yours and if it’s not your eyes making it obvious what you want, you’re mouth will do. ‘’Take me…’’ It’s not a lot of words, but with the face you’re making and the fact that you guys were just in the middle of it, it doesn’t take much guessing. You can see that he’s thinking about it, obviously worried for you, but you can see his eyes change the moment it clicks.
His wings ar still there and you wished you could touch them, feel them one last time, but you should be lucky by what you can still get.’’I used to be a rebel, so why not know.’’ He laughs quietly before he lays you flat on your back.  ‘’I’m going to take care of you my love, promise me to let me know when it’s too much or when you want to stop.’’ You nod your head and you know that your eyes tell him all he needs to know. How bad you want him, how even when you were able to just talk normally, you would want this goodbye to be said only in silence. His body is hovering over yours, his hand touching your neck, giving you goosebumps. ‘’Does this feel nice?’’ he whispers as his hands move towards your breasts. You can only let out a tiny gasp and that tells him enough. ‘’I wish we had more time…’’ Is all he says as his finger enters your core. The moan that escapes you is loader then the both of you would’ve expected. As he continues to stretch you out with one hand, his other starts to prep his cock. ‘’Wish I could… do that for you.’’ You manage to say. You can’t keep your eyes from him. The way he’s hovering over you. His finger inside of you and the way you can’t do anything except for your stares, moans and gasps. ‘’All I want is to feel you right now, my love.’’
And with that he places the tip right in front of your entrance. He makes sure your faces are only inches apart and as he slowly slides into you, his arms make there way to your sides. He’s holding you as he bottoms out in you and the only thing you can do is let out a long moan. He starts moving slowly, tender, putting all his love in every trust. He’s the only one speaking from time to time. ‘’I love you’s’’ and ‘’You feel so good’ s’’ are filling the room. All that praise, all the love in his eyes. The fact that he’s not only literally hitting all your spots, but also the spots in your mind, is what does it for you. You feel yourself unravel under him. You’re so close, that you start to tear up. Your eyes are filled with tears, mostly because of how good this feels, the fact that you’re making love on stolen time, but also because the time is probably running out soon. Lucifer never increases his speed. When he notices your tears he quickly wipes them away and as his hand caresses your swollen cheek he whispers:  Don’t cry, my love, let us enjoy these last moments.’’ And just as he is about to give you a kiss on the lips you whisper a soft ‘’Love you Lucifer.’’ You notice his eyes being red as well and it’s devastating, but it feels so good. the way he keeps a steady pace has you reaching your peak and these final ‘’I love you’s’’, the final kisses is all you need to feel yourself tightening around him. He’s close too, because the moment he feels you tighten around his cock he gives you one firmer stroke and that’s all he needs to cum inside of you. He falls next to you and quickly takes you in his arms. ‘’I wish we could stay like this forever. I would sell my soul… but I guess in some way my soul has already been sold.’’ And all you can do is give him a sad smile before your eyes close.
Lucifer knew that it was time. You were starting to feel cold, too cold. After putting on some clothes and making sure you were fully clothed, he grabbed the coin Barbatos had given him. ‘’Use this before the time runs out.’’ So he had warned him for the curse. He knew he couldn’t be mad at his friends. He couldn’t be mad at you, he could only blame himself. He had shown his weakness by loving you. But you loved his brothers, loved him, despite all he stood for, without any shame. And even with the way it felt like he was going to lose you forever, it still meant the world he had the honor of getting to know you. The moment the coin was thrown a portal started to form and as he grabbed your cold body the darkness swallowed the two of you. As he opened his eyes he saw nothing, but darkness. It took a few minutes to notice that he was in a room. It must’ve been yours, because he noticed a picture of you next to a bed. He was going to take the picture, he was a rebel after all. As he tucked you in, he was at a loss for words. So all he could do was give you one last kiss on the forehead. Not being able to stop the tears falling from his eyes. ‘’Goodbye, my love…’’ and as the darkness was about to swallow him, he couldn’t help but leave one more thing behind. A raven feather, just for good measure. Returning to the Devildom was going to be almost as hard as leaving you here. He was once again going to be the villain in yet another story… the story of how he lost you.
You wake up to sunlight. Too much of it. Why aren’t your curtains closed? Wait, you have to get out of bed, it’s your turn to cook for everyone. Everyone? You live by yourself… right? It feels like you had a weird dream, but you can’t remember it. All you feel is sadness. As if you’ve lost something or someone important. The pain hits you so hard that the moment you try to stand your legs give out and you lay on the ground as tears fill your eyes. It hurts, but you don’t know why. As your hands try to find some grip to get up, you feel something soft. A feather. A raven black feather. It’s weird, but it feels comforting. Before you can help yourself, your lips are already on it and even when you should be grossed out by it, you plan to cherish the little trinket...
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helloalycia · 3 years
lose you [one] // leigh shaw
summary: after Leigh ignores your existence for a few days, you decide to force her out of her room and spend the afternoon with you, but it ends up leading to something more
warning/s: mentions of grief and implied death
author's note: this was requested and I finally got around to watching Sorry For Your Loss (which is so good by the way! i'm so mad it got cancelled), so here is a little Leigh Shaw imagine! It's a three-parter so stay tuned :)
part two | part three | masterlist | wattpad
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"Where is she?"
Jules, her sister, pointed up at the ceiling, referring to upstairs, as she finished chewing on a grape. "What did she do now?"
I refrained from rolling my eyes at the reminder that Leigh had been ignoring my calls and texts for the past few days.
"Nothing," I mumbled before leaving her in the kitchen to eat her fruit.
I'd been friends with Leigh long enough to invite myself into her house and let myself head upstairs. When I reached her room, I knocked on the door and tried to hide my impatience with a sigh.
"Jules, I'm not in the mood," her voice grumbled from the other side.
Ever since losing her husband a year ago, Leigh's personality had become more... erratic, if you will. Understanding her mood changes and temper tantrums was a skill in itself, but I was determined to stick by her if it meant she'd be okay. Like now, for example.
"It's not Jules," I called back. She didn't reply, so I said, "You better have clothes on, I'm coming in."
Without wasting a second, I opened the door and found Leigh laying on her bed, thankfully dressed, and looking up at the ceiling. Her room was slightly messy and the curtains were half open, like she'd been in the same position for the past few days. I wouldn't have put it past her.
When I entered, her eyes glanced my way before she continued to stare a hole into the ceiling. I breathed out, unsure what to say.
"Don't look at me like that," she said quietly.
"I wouldn't have to if you'd replied to any of my texts," I retorted, though my tone was anything but harsh.
"I've been busy," she mumbled.
My eyes raked the room once again. "Yeah, I can see that... it's two in the afternoon."
Suddenly, she sat up and narrowed her eyes at me. "Look, if I wanted a lecture, I'd have let Jules in here. If you've not got anything nice to say, you know where the door is."
Rolling my eyes, I ignored her flippant attitude and went to the set of chest drawers pushed against her wall. I rifled through them, earning complaints from behind me, before pulling out some clothes and throwing them at her.
"We're going out," I told her sternly, crossing my arms.
She removed the clothes from her face and gave me a disapproving look. "No, we're not."
"I'm not leaving unless you come with me, so..."
She could be a bitch when she wanted to be, but she knew I could be, too. Our stubbornness was our weakness, since neither of us could back down in a fight. Nowadays, it usually ended with me giving in because I pitied her, but not today. Today I was adamant on cheering her up.
"Fine," she said through a sigh of defeat. "Just get out already."
I smiled victoriously. "See you downstairs."
After waiting for Leigh to get ready and out of the pyjamas I was sure she'd lived in for three days straight, we got in my car and I began to drive.
"Where are we going?" she asked, glancing over at me with mild annoyance, like she'd rather be anywhere but here.
"Not sure yet," I admitted, ignoring the disbelief on her face.
"Then why did you make me come?!" she asked, her attention fully on me now.
I shrugged. "Thought you could use the break." Shoulders relaxing, I added, "I also thought we could spend some time together since we haven't in a while."
I didn't want to say it was because of the fact that she'd been avoiding me, or at least been making no effort to talk to me. I also didn't want to make her feel bad because of those facts, but she seemed to take it personally anyway, resorting to a good old-fashioned Leigh-specialty eye roll.
"I'm not sorry for grieving," she said knowingly, getting comfortable in her seat and looking out the window.
I gripped the steering wheel harder and tried not to let her words make a difference. She had a bad habit of twisting my words or making things seem worse than they were and I knew it was a coping mechanism of hers. She only tried to cope when things got too much, which only confirmed my reason for taking her out today.
"You don't have to be," was all I said, before focusing back on my driving.
Halfway through our drive to nowhere, I pulled the roof of the car down so we could feel the wind in our hair and the sun on our backs, since it was a nice day. I also put the radio on, hoping it would ease the tension on Leigh's end of the car.
Pop songs blared through the speakers, some that I knew and some that I didn't. Of course, the ones that I knew I immediately sang along to. Leigh definitely didn't like that, opting to roll her eyes and pretend I wasn't there. But eventually, I knew she wouldn't be able to resist and she began to hum along, making me smile.
On the road that led to nowhere, I noticed a public footpath leading into the forest and decided to take a pit stop, utilising the car park nearby. When Leigh noticed what I was doing, she straightened up and looked around with confusion.
"What are you doing?" she asked, eyes falling to mine.
I tried not to laugh. "We, my friend, are going on a walk."
"You're kidding."
"I'm really not."
I felt her eyes on me as I parked up and turned the engine off. Unbuckling my seatbelt, I opened my car door and met her judgemental gaze, noticing she wasn’t making a move to leave.
"You coming?" I asked with a raised brow.
"Do I have a choice?"
"Of course," I said, not quite stepping out the car but hanging my feet out. "You can either come with me on a nice walk through the forest, or you can stay here and roast to death in the car because of the heat whilst you wait for me."
"Or I can steal your keys and drive home without you," she offered as a third option, smiling bitterly.
Grin on my lips, I hummed in agreement. "That's also an option, yes."
Letting out a sigh through gritted teeth, she wordlessly got out the car and I smiled with satisfaction, knowing she'd give in. Getting out the car, I stretched my arms before locking the doors and joining Leigh's side. She sulked like a child, but allowed me to lead her to the trail ahead.
It was a lovely day out, warm but with a slight breeze that cooled our skin as we walked. Sunlight peeked through the tall trees, reflecting off the greenery and filling me with a sense of awe as I appreciated mother nature up close and personal.
Glancing over at Leigh, I noticed how she fell into step with me but remained closed off. Hugging herself, she focused on the path ahead and stayed quiet, jaw clenched and lips pursed. Streams of light that shone through the trees shone onto her, spotlighting her and making her hair look golden, blinding but in the best way.
I'd never admit it aloud, but I always loved the way her green eyes sparkled in the light, and even when she turned to glare at me, I felt my heart rate speeding up at how beautiful she looked.
"Take a picture, it'll last longer," she said dryly.
Not letting her mood get me down, I pulled out my phone and snapped a photo, making her smack my hand away. I laughed and, for her sake, pretended I didn't see the ghost of a smile on her lips.
"That's one for the books," I teased, putting my phone away.
"It's fine, I have plenty of you," she mumbled.
I smiled to myself but said nothing. We continued to walk through the woods, following the trail and myself remembering every turn we made so we could make it back the right way. There were a few other people out, but we passed them with a quick hello (from myself since Leigh was still sulking) and moved on.
Twenty minutes into our peaceful walk, I noticed a wooden footbridge up ahead, possibly built over a stream. Excited, I stopped and looked to Leigh who noticed I wasn't beside her and turned around to see what was up.
"Why d'you stop?" she asked, pulling her hair up into a ponytail impatiently.
I smiled eagerly. "I'll race you to the bridge."
"Y/N," she breathed out, raising her eyebrows. "We're not kids."
I walked forward slowly, smile fading into a frown. "Fine. Sorry for trying to liven things up."
She rolled her eyes and continued to walk beside me in silence. But my pace picked up, as did hers, and I exchanged glances with her, realising she was walking faster than usual. Before I knew it, we were breaking into a run, trying to reach the bridge before each other.
"Thought you didn't wanna race!" I said between heavy breaths.
"I don't!" she called back, her pace picking up as she managed to get ahead.
I sucked up a breath and pushed on, tailing her as she reached the bridge. When she got there, she began to cheer and point at me obnoxiously.
"Ha! I win!" she said with a grin, as I slowed down and bent over to catch my breath. "Sucks to be you."
Her laughter filled my ears as I straightened up, hands on my hips. She looked so happy, even if it was momentarily, and I watched her with adoration, not even caring that I'd lost. She was stunning when she was smiling and I could only hope she'd do it more as time went on.
"I let you win," I joked, waving my hand dismissively.
"Sure you did," she played along, leaning on the bridge's railing as she watched me with amusement.
"You literally exercise for a living," I told her with a shrug. "S'not fair."
"Whatever," she said with an eye roll, smile still dancing on her lips as she turned around to look over the bridge. A gasp escaped her lips as she said, "Wow."
I joined her side, holding the railing to see what had taken her breath away. Then I saw it. A stream ran beneath us and was framed by some beautiful flowers and tall, transcending trees whose branches curled outwards and were covered in green leaves. The sun's rays filtered down through the leaves and made the water look like it was sparkling, rippling with every rock it pushed past.
"Looks like something out of a children's book," I said with disbelief, smile of amazement on my lips.
Leigh hummed in agreement and I glanced at her, seeing a similar expression on her face. Glad she was in a better mood, I looked back to the picturesque view before us and leaned on the railing, merely appreciating the sight.
"This is nice," Leigh said quietly, after a moment.
I tilted my head to get a look at her. She was already looking my way, leaning on her arms and meeting my gaze.
"Thanks, I put it all together myself," I said playfully, making her nudge me with her elbow as I chuckled.
"I'm serious," she said, before looking ahead again. "It is."
Knowing that was her way of saying thank you without actually saying it, I nodded in agreement. "It is."
We admired the sight for a few more minutes before deciding to head back, taking our time as we followed the route I remembered. Leigh was a little less tense this time, seeming to relax into her surroundings a little more. She even had a smile on her face at times which was all I wanted.
"You hungry?" I asked when we reached the car park.
"I guess I could eat," she said with a shrug.
"Well, according to this sign," I said, pointing to a board beside the start of the footpath, "there's a café a little way down the road. Wanna go?"
She motioned for me to go first. "After you."
Green eyes shone bright with amusement as she looked to me with a suppressed smile. Losing my words, surprisingly startled by her gaze, I cleared my throat and took the lead, making her laugh.
I sometimes wondered if she knew the effect she had on me or if she just liked catching me off guard. Maybe it was both.
After having a late lunch, or early dinner depending on how you saw it, Leigh and I got back in my car and I began to drive us back to hers. It was quiet, just like our meal was and just like she'd been for most of the afternoon. I was fine with that, I guess, but I felt like she was holding something in.
Turning off the radio, I earned her attention.
"You should try screaming," I suggested casually.
"Excuse me?"
I felt her eyes boring into me with confusion as I got comfortable in my seat. Looking in the rear view mirror, I noticed there were no cars behind us or in front of us. The road was empty as I drove on the edge of one of the many beautiful cliff-sides in Los Angeles.
"Scream," I repeated to Leigh. "It'll feel good. Watch."
Wasting no time, I began to scream at the top of my lungs, being sure to stay focused on driving at the same time. My voice flew into the air as my car sped down the road, leaving me feeling liberated.
"Geez, a warning would be nice!" Leigh snapped, uncovering her ears when I was done.
I laughed. "I did say to scream." Giving her a sideways glance, I added, "Come on. Try it with me. On the count of three."
"This is stupid," she decided, leaning back into her seat and pushing her hair from her eyes as the wind blew it about.
"No, it's not," I said with certainty. "Three."
"Stop it."
I looked to her with a grin before screaming at the top of my lungs. When I didn't hear her join in, I stopped and pouted.
"You gonna leave me hanging?" I asked, looking between her and the road. "C'mon. Last chance."
"Three. Two. One."
This time, to my surprise, she joined in and we screamed together, our voices echoing into the hills around us. It was exciting, thrilling and freeing all at once. Once we were out of breath, we stopped and caught it back.
"Felt good, right?" I asked with a grin.
She began to laugh, quietly, slowly, then loudly and hysterically, making me join in. Though, when my laughter faded, I realised she was still laughing, and then I looked over to her and saw tears streaming down her cheeks. With concern, I reached over to comfort her, but stopped when I realised it was weird to do, even for a friend.
"Leigh, I'm sorry, I–"
"No, no, it's fine, I'm fine," she cut me off, wide smile still on her lips as she wiped away her tears with the sleeve of her jumper. "They're happy tears. Y/N. They're happy tears."
I furrowed my brows with confusion, eyes flickering between the road and Leigh. "Are you– are you sure? Because it's okay if–"
"I'm okay," she promised, resting a hand on my arm. "I am. And the screaming helped. You were right."
I almost made a joke about how I'm always right, but my concern for her, despite the smile she wore, was still present. Teary eyes watched me with reassurance and she squeezed my arm gently before getting comfortable in her seat.
"Okay, if you're sure," I said, still uncertain.
We continued driving when I noticed the sun setting and decided to stop the car off to the side of the road. The hills were the perfect place to watch the sunset since it had a perfect view of the city whilst leaving enough space to see the sky in all its glory.
"Now why are we stopping?" she asked, though her voice didn't carry the same venom it did earlier.
"Isn't it obvious?" I asked rhetorically, getting out the car and motioning to the view before us. "We're gonna watch the sun set!"
I thought she'd put up a fight or complain like she had with everything I'd been recommending today, but to my ease, she simply got out the car and joined me. The two of us leaned against the car door as we watched the sun dipping into the horizon, casting an orange-pink hue across the skyline and the few clouds in the sky. It always reminded me of a watercolour painting, like someone had dipped their paintbrush in water and dragged it across the sky.
"Thank you for today," Leigh said, pulling me from my admiration. "I actually had a really nice time. As in, the part I spent with you and not the part where I moped around in bed."
I gave her a half smile. "Anytime, Leigh."
She winced, shaking her head in disagreement. "No, I mean it, Y/N. For everything, not just this." She paused, and I tried to ignore the way the last of the sun's rays made her skin glow and eyes shine brighter than anything I'd ever seen. "You've been here for me, even a year later when other people would have left."
"That's what friends are for," I reminded her, and her eyes flickered to mine, holding a million questions that I couldn't decipher.
"I'm not the best company," she admitted.
"You're not that bad," I said dismissively.
"I wouldn't want to be around me," she continued.
"Who likes to be left alone with themselves anyway?" I said jokingly, making her sigh discontentedly. Smile fading, I lost my humour for the moment. "You're not as bad as you think. And even if you were, I'd still stick around."
She locked her jaw, looking down to her shoes silently. I crossed my arms and looked back to the sun, it lowering into the horizon further and further as each second passed.
"I didn't mean to force today onto you," I said hesitantly. "I just– you didn't reply to any of my messages and I was worried."
She scratched the back of her head awkwardly. "I haven't really checked my phone."
"I figured." Finger playing with my shirt mindlessly, I said, "I got a promotion at work. That's–" I cleared my throat. "That was why I called you the first time."
She looked up, eyes wide with apology. "Oh my God. Y/N, I'm so sorry! That's amazing! I should have–"
"It's okay," I reassured her with a small smile, dropping my arms to my side. "I just wanted to tell you because, well... I just wanted to tell you."
I wanted to tell her because that's what we did. We told each other everything. She was the first person that came to mind when anything good happened in my life. Of course, with everything going on, it was hard to tell her the good stuff when she was going through so much.
"I'm so proud of you," she said softly, and I looked her way when she grabbed my hand. "You worked really hard for this promotion and I knew you'd get it."
A smile crept onto my lips at her words. "Thank you, Leigh. You know that means a lot."
She nodded, mirroring my expression, before squeezing my hand gently. I wanted to look away after a few seconds, but she was still holding my gaze, eyes piercing mine as if conflicted. I suddenly became hyper-aware of her hand in mine, fingers gently tugging mine subconsciously, and the way her shoulder brushed against mine, the contact so natural I almost didn't realise it was there.
When I finally decided to break our staring contest, deciding I'd never know what was going on in her head, she took me by surprise and pulled me forward before kissing me. Her lips pressed to mine quickly, hand letting go and resting on the back of my neck dominantly.
It happened so quickly, my mind working overtime as it tried to decipher Leigh's soft lips against mine, the shiver that ran down my spine from her hand on my neck, the tenderness of her cheek as it came into contact with my nose. I didn't even get chance to react, to kiss her back like I wanted, as she pulled away in an instant.
Seemingly startled by her own actions, she let go of my neck and took a step back. I already missed the contact, my lips feeling cold as she pulled away. I, myself, was taken aback, still frozen with shock at the fact that she'd just kissed me.
"Th– that was a friendly kiss, obviously," she stuttered out, eyes avoiding mine.
I licked my lips awkwardly. "Yeah, obviously..."
"To say thanks," she added unconvincingly. "Y'know?"
Neither of us looked up as we stood apart trying to understand what happened. Why did she do that? Did she actually want to? Was she caught up in the moment or was she just seeking comfort? I wasn't sure. But I knew I wished I had reacted quicker than I had.
"We should go home," she mumbled.
I nodded in agreement. "Right. Yeah. Home."
The two of us got back into my car, neither of us saying anything as I drove her back to her place. The radio played quietly in the background, filling the uncomfortable silence that formed between us, and I hated that a good day had ended on a bad note.
Pulling up outside her house, I chewed on the inside of my mouth with discomfort. She cleared her throat and still didn't look my way as she spoke.
"Thanks again for today," she said, before opening the door. "I'll, er, see you whenever."
I nodded, eyes focused on the steering wheel. "See you. I, erm–" I wanted to say something about the kiss, but she clearly didn't and I didn't want to piss her off. So, I said, "Tell Jules and your mum I said hi."
"Will do..."
With that, she got out the car and headed to her front door, leaving me sat there for a moment as I tried to comprehend the situation I was now in.
Why did Leigh have to be so confusing?
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floralseokjin · 3 years
⤑ made-up love song viii.
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Your first encounter with Kim Seokjin doesn’t go so well, nor your second, or your third… and maybe that’s because it shouldn’t work on paper. You’re an elementary school teacher, never left the country despite hitting the third decade of your life not so long ago, and you’re unable to remember the last time you dated. He’s the dad of one of your students, nearly a decade older than you and divorced. Oh yes, and just another minor detail – he’s a multimillionaire. 
Your lives are lightyears apart, yet somehow, your paths having now crossed, things just seem to fall into place…
pairing; kim seokjin x reader   au/genre/warnings; strangers to lovers, romance, single dad! seokjin, ceo! seokjin, elementary school teacher! oc, age gap (oc is 30, seokjin is 37), seokjin is a dilf, angst, just straight up angst and drama, arguments, both seokjin and nana are frustrated, both have reasons to feel hurt, both make mistakes  words; 5,122
↪︎ chapter index
chapters; i • ii • iii  • iv • v • vi • vii • viii • ix • x • epilogue (+ drabbles)
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You looked at Nana, chest a little tight, something heavy in your stomach. When your eyes locked the corners of her mouth curled upwards. “The stepmom!” She sneered. 
Your face fell, confused at first, as you attempted to make sense of her words, of her anger. You didn’t understand what was going on, but unable to stop yourself, irritation began creeping its way up your body, heat prickling your face. Confrontation made you uncomfortable, but under appropriate triggers, you often saw red. You opened your mouth, ready to say something – you didn’t quite know what – but then your gaze fell to Arin. Still clutching her mom’s hand. Her eyes were on you now, still wide and brimming with tears. She looked frightened. You came to your senses. 
There was no good getting angry. Especially in front of a child. By your side, Seokjin straightened his back, letting go of your hand to step in front of you slightly. You appreciated the thought, but you didn’t really need protecting. You could look after yourself.  
“Stop embarrassing yourself, Nana.” 
Caught off guard for the second time in under five minutes, the tone of Seokjin’s voice threw you for a loop. The venom you heard unnerved you, a sick feeling twisting your gut. You’d heard him stressed, you’d heard him tense, you’d even heard him stern a few times on the phone, but you’d never heard his voice filled with such bite like this. 
“Don’t tell me what to do,” Nana spat back, her long hair flipping around as she raised her hand to point at him. “Not when you’ve been playing house with your daughter’s teacher, letting my daughter call her stepmom.” 
Seokjin chuckled, the sound humourless. He shook his head, practically laughing in her face. “I don’t know where you’ve heard that from because it’s not true.” The look on Nana’s face told you she didn’t believe a word he said.  
Seokjin bent down, attention on Arin. He held his hand out, wanting her to take it. “Arin, come here,” he asked, voice gentle, nothing like how he’d spoken to her mother. She let go of Nana’s hand and slowly made her way over. He immediately wrapped his arms around her middle. “Tell daddy where you got that word from.” She still looked afraid, hesitating as she opened her mouth. “Don’t worry, I’m not mad at you,” he reassured, stroking her hair. 
“Mommy is.” Arin’s voice shook, one lone tear falling down her cheek. It broke your heart. 
“Mommy isn’t mad at you.” Seokjin’s voice was a murmur, but as he looked up at his ex-wife he had to try his best to sound composed. “Right?” 
Nana stared at him for a moment, her dark eyes piercing through him almost, but he didn’t flinch. Her gaze fell to the back of her daughter’s head, immediately softening, the regret obvious on her face. “No, darling, mommy isn’t mad at you. I’d never be mad at you.” 
Her words comforted Arin, and she looked up at her father, small voice still trembling with emotion as she explained. “Suzie told me that’s what Y/N is because she’s your girlfriend. She has one too.”
Seokjin exhaled slowly. “So, you heard it from your friend?” Arin nodded, and he quickly embraced her, rubbing her back as he soothed her. “That’s okay. No need to be upset.” You heard her sniff into his shoulder, but Seokjin’s attention was already on Nana again. 
“Happy now?” He shot, not giving her any time to reply. “Now get out of my house.” 
“Excuse me?” Her nostrils flared. 
“You heard me. Get the hell out of my house!” 
“Seokjin,” you breathed, reaching for his shoulder. He needed to remember everything he was saying was being heard by his daughter. He might be mad right now but he needed to think of Arin. 
As if Nana realised too, she took control. “Arin, go upstairs to your room and let me talk with your father.” 
Seokjin’s eyes flashed in anger. “Don’t tell her what to do in my home.” Nana scoffed, but Seokjin’s attention was back on Arin. He cupped her face in his hands.
“Sweetie, why don’t you go and play upstairs for a little while, okay? Daddy will come and check on you soon.” She nodded slowly, her tears dried. At least that was a positive. He kissed her cheek and stood up, encouraging her to make her way out of the room and upstairs with a nod. As she passed by you, you gave her a small smile. She returned it. You thought someone should at least accompany her to her room, but you thought best not to suggest it. It wasn’t your place. 
There was silence, a few moments as they waited for Arin to be safely out of earshot. Your heart drummed against your ribcage, still feeling nauseous. This wasn’t over just yet. Nana had no intentions of leaving. 
“Hypocrite,” she scoffed under her breath. 
“What did you say?” Glancing over at Seokjin, you saw his jaw was clenched, his gaze hard, unwavering as he stared at her. 
“I called you a hypocrite.” She sounded unbothered, eyes finding yours. “You don’t know him at all, sadly. You’ll soon find out how miserable he is. How frustrating it is when he always has to right. Mr. Perfect, aren’t you, Jin?” She was trying to rile him up, get a reaction. “Could never do anything wrong.” 
The way she called him Jin made you feel funny. It was so…personal. It had never crossed your mind to use the shortened version of his name. It had always been Seokjin for you. 
“Nice try,” he gave a hollow laugh. “Say what you want, we don’t care.” 
That much was true. Nana’s words wouldn’t make you doubt anything. Your relationship with Seokjin was solid. His relationship with Nana was nothing similar. 
“So when were you planning on telling me?”
Just like that you felt your heart drop, turning to look at Seokjin on instinct. You must have understood wrong. Nana knew about you, right? He’d told her about you, surely? 
“Did you just think you could pretend I didn’t exist?” Seokjin stayed silent, only infuriating Nana even more. “Answer me! How long has it been going on for?” 
“It’s none of your business!” He exploded causing you to jump. You had never once heard him raise his voice. His face was red, his blood pressure soaring. 
“None of my business?!” She cried, laughing in disbelief. His shouting did nothing to deter her. They were used to arguing, you guessed. “It is when my daughter is concerned.” 
It was Seokjin’s turn to scoff. “Oh, so now you care? You’re a joke.” 
Nana’s expression faltered. It took a moment for her to compose herself. “What is that supposed to mean?” Her tone was icy. 
Seokjin didn’t give her an answer. “I don’t owe you anything, Nana. You’re nothing to me anymore.” 
“I’m the mother of your daughter!” She was enraged, her eyes wide as she glowered. “You shouldn’t have kept this from me. I had no clue, Jin!” His indifference infuriated her even more. “Not one! Did you tell Arin to keep quiet?”
That had him biting, face scrunching up at her ludicrous claim. “Of course I didn’t.” 
“Then why,” she demanded, “why was I so oblivious?!” 
“Do I come up in conversation much? Maybe there’s your answer.” Seokjin shrugged. “When was the last time we were in the same room together?”
“Don’t! No, Jin, don’t use that as an excuse.” Nana’s voice wavered, words dotted with an emotion you hadn’t heard yet. 
You felt a pang of guilt. You’d been so oblivious too. Hadn’t realised she had no clue of your existence. You understood her frustrations. It was difficult not to. Seokjin was adamant though. Ruled by his emotions. He couldn’t see his fault. 
“You let our daughter stay with a stranger last weekend!”
But that hurt. 
You weren’t a stranger. You had known Arin for months. You adored that little girl and she liked having you around. You weren’t just anyone. Desperately, you tried to keep it together. Logically yes, you were a stranger to Nana. She had a right to be mad. You knew that. 
Although Seokjin didn’t see it that way, defending you angrily. “Y/N is not a stranger!” 
“To me she is!” Nana shouted. “I didn’t have a clue. What if something had happened to Arin?”
You wanted to say something. To tell her you understood her reservations. Maybe you even wanted to stick up for yourself, but you couldn’t find the words. Guilt was eating you up. 
“Just shut your mouth,” Seokjin hissed. His defensiveness made you nervous. “You don’t care. If you did you would have dropped everything and said yes when I called you.” 
“I was working.” Nana ran a hand through her hair, face patched red. “You think I didn’t want to say yes? I thought you’d just cancel or ask your parents to help out.” Then her eyes fell on you, that familiar sneer on her face. “Instead, you asked her.” 
Taken aback, you opened your mouth, words rushing out. “I’m really sorry you had to find out about our relationship this way, I… I thought–”
“I don’t want to hear it, stepmom.” 
Your cheeks flushed, anger bubbling at her dismissal. She wasn’t even going to hear what you had to say? “I’ve never referred to myself as Arin’s stepmother.” 
She raised a perfectly plucked eyebrow. “And what if I don’t believe you?” 
Before you could defend yourself Seokjin flew in, in front of you once more. You felt fresh anger, but everything was moving so fast you didn’t know how to place it. “Don’t speak to her like that. God, you’re such a condescending bitch.” 
“And you’re a smug, arrogant bastard.” She shot right back immediately. 
Seokjin scoffed. “Don’t try to deflect. You’ve just heard Arin say she learned that word from a friend. Do you think I’d force my own daughter to lie?” 
Nana stared at him, her breathing laboured with anger. Her eyes flicked to you and then back at Seokjin quickly, a devious smirk spreading across her face. “She’s younger, Seokjin. Having a midlife crisis?” 
Seokjin exhaled slowly, his voice calm as he replied, lips twitching up in amusement. “Your goading won’t work.” 
Although she still tried. “What would Arin’s school think? Knowing you’re fucking your daughter’s teacher.” 
You didn’t take kindly to threats, no matter the situation. Straightening your back you spoke clearly, voice raised a little. “I’m not her teacher anymore and the school already knows.”  
“There’s nothing you can do, Nana,” Seokjin sighed softly, taking your hand. It didn’t feel as comforting as it usually did. “So just let me be happy. It’s the least you can do.” 
That did it. Nana saw red instantly. “Oh, quit playing the victim!” She exclaimed, laughing at his seeming absurdity. You prayed Arin couldn’t hear all the commotion. The house was large enough, the walls thick enough, but who really knew. “Am I not allowed to be mad? You’ve kept this relationship,” she mocked, eyeing your laced fingers, “a secret this entire time. You’ve been playing happy families with my daughter.” There was a beat of silence. “I’m Arin’s mother.” 
“Yes, but that’s all you are.” 
A noise fell from Nana’s mouth. “I know, I know, you hate me. You’ve made that abundantly clear over the years.” 
“I don’t hate you, Nana.” With a sigh, Seokjin let go of your hand, rubbing his temples. “That would imply I still care. I don’t. I stopped caring a long time ago.” 
Nana rolled her eyes. “This again.” You on the other hand were lost. 
Seokjin’s eyes locked on hers, gaze steady, just like his words that seemed to knock you for six. “I stopped caring the moment I found you in bed with another man.”
You probably couldn’t hide the shock from your face, mind reeling, but they didn’t seem to notice. You were barely concentrating on what they were saying anymore. 
“Shut up.” Nana shot, provoking him further. “You never cared, Jin. Never. I did you a favour when I fucked Jaehyun. It gave you the perfect excuse to leave because you were too much of a coward to do it otherwise.” 
“Whatever helps you sleep at night” Seokjin scoffed quietly, but you could tell by his face he was visibly irritated. Maybe. He felt like a stranger right now. “Believe what you want.” 
“I will because it’s a fact.” 
Seokjin’s chest heaved with anger, breathing heavily as he failed to keep calm. “I didn’t leave sooner because I wanted Arin to be happy!” His voice broke with emotion. “I wanted to stay together for Arin’s sake.” 
“And look how bitter that made you.” Nana laughed, her eyes quickly finding yours again, remembering you existed. “Are you taking notes?” She folded her arms across her chest. “This is what will happen. He’ll promise you the world and then a few years later hate your guts.” 
You looked at the floor, unable to rebuff her claims even if you wanted to. Your thoughts slipped to last night, out on the deck… The way Seokjin had held you, gazed at you, the words he’d said... I want to give you the world. It was silly to let Nana’s words sting, but they did, nevertheless. Last night felt like a lifetime ago.
You felt a strong arm embrace you, wrapping around your shoulders as Seokjin held you to him. It did little to comfort you. Your head was whirring, thoughts swarming you. “Y/N is nothing like you, so don’t.” He warned, glaring across at Nana. “Don’t you dare try to compare our relationship to the one I had with you.” 
Nana laughed loudly, her face contorting as she yelled. “What am I like then, Jin? Go on! Tell me! I’m so fucking curious!” 
“You’re a cold, heartless cow who can’t even be bothered to be a mother to her own daughter!” His words flew out as if they’d been impatiently waiting for the opportunity. 
“Seokjin!” You exclaimed in shock, spinning your head to look at him. He was letting his emotions rule his head, so much so, he didn’t even bat an eyelid at your voice, continuing his tirade. 
His arm let you go as he stepped closer to his ex-wife. “Do you know why Arin probably felt so comfortable calling Y/N her stepmom?” It was a question not meant to be answered. “It’s because she’s been there for her these past few months. Where have you been, huh? She’s so used to you cancelling plans that she always expects the worse.” 
You were gobsmacked, unsure what had just left his mouth as you tried to make sense of his words. He couldn’t be comparing you both. He couldn’t be using you to hurt Nana. Right? 
“That’s not fair, I haven’t cancelled in weeks.” Nana’s voice was quiet, a far cry from her earlier volume, and you took a glance, noticing that her wide eyes were shining in the sunlight that streamed through the window. She seemed smaller now, less imposing. 
“Bravo,” Seokjin spat, beginning to slowly clap his hands. “What do you want, a round of applause?” 
“I can’t help it I’m busy with work. That’s why we agreed she’d live with you.” Nana sounded clearly upset now, Seokjin’s words striking a nerve. You couldn’t help but feel bad for her. 
“And I’m not busy?!” Seokjin wasn’t done. “Your excuses don’t work on me. They never have.” 
“I love my daughter. Don’t you dare try to insinuate otherwise.” 
Seokjin wasn’t listening. “You came here just to create a scene. You didn’t think about Arin at all, did you? You made her give you all the details just to twist the knife in. That’s all you care about. You can’t handle the thought of me being happy because you’re so goddamn miserable!” 
“Just come out and say it, Jin!” She shouted, arms out. “You think I’m a terrible mother.” 
With a casual shrug of his shoulders, he replied, “I never said that, but if the shoe fits.” 
The silence that followed was deafening. You could feel your pulse pounding in your ears, a sick feeling turning your stomach. You didn’t want to be here anymore. You didn’t want to be involved in this shouting match. You didn’t want to see your boyfriend this angry, you didn’t want to hear him speak like this. 
Eventually, Nana’s voice pierced through the silence. It wavered but she kept her cool, head held up high. “Well, thank you, Jin. Thank you so much for finally telling me how you feel. How very brave of you. Finally.” 
You watched as she straightened her jacket and smoothed down her hair, and then she took a step forward. She was heading for the door. 
“That’s it?” Seokjin scoffed, his voice hoarse. “You’re leaving without saying goodbye to your daughter?”
Nana didn’t reply, she didn’t even look at him, just carried on walking out of the room. You heard her heels against the tiles of the hallway, steps retreating. 
“You really have no shame!” He called after her as you both heard the front door open, and then it clicked shut. “Fuck!” 
You jumped at the sudden raise of tone, watching him kick the footrest beside the chair across the room in temper. He had his back to you, his shoulders shuddering with his heavy breathing. You swallowed, feeling your throat dry but you couldn’t say anything. This was all new to you. This side of your relationship, this side of Seokjin. Actually, this whole situation was unlike anything you’d been involved in before. You’d had your fair share of relationship drama in the past, that was a given, but this… You were in over your head. This wasn’t about you. This was a situation involving Seokjin and Nana. You didn’t know what to say or do to make it better. In all honesty, you didn’t even want to try. 
The tiny voice from behind startled you both, and you whipped your head around to see Arin in the doorway. Her eyes were pulled wide, worried and confused. It made your heart hurt. A small part of you couldn’t help but feel to blame. 
“Did mommy leave?” She asked, her gaze on her father, who was staring blankly ahead. 
“Yes, she did,” was all he said, stunning you in the process. 
“Seokjin, you can’t just say it like that!” You exclaimed, looking at him properly for the first time. Arin had walked into the room by now, hovering by your side, a hand to her mouth as she flicked her thumbnail over her teeth nervously.   
Seokjin’s eyes met yours, refocusing before something flickered inside of them – realisation. He looked down at his daughter, voice softening instantly. “She had to go home, Arin. Something came up.” 
You could tell by her face she didn’t quite believe him. She was a bright kid, not that you thought Seokjin was undermining her intelligence, but she knew something was wrong and you didn’t think it was fair to just gloss over the issue. 
“Why don’t you watch some cartoons?” He suggested, guiding her to the sofa. “I’ll make you something to drink. What would you like?” 
She gave him a small smile as he passed her the remote control. “Hot chocolate, please.” 
The tiniest of smiles lifted the corners of his mouth too. “Okay, one hot chocolate coming right up.” He turned to you, a hand brushing yours for a brief second, voice low as he asked you a question. “Can you stay with her?”
Your nod was barely there, and you watched him walk out, heading for the kitchen. After a moment’s delay, you joined Arin on the sofa, attention on the television, watching the cartoon characters bounce around the screen, but you were in a world of your own. Arin’s voice’s tore you from it, her question rattling you. 
“Why did she go?” 
“I don’t know.” You hated yourself for lying to her but it wasn’t your place to explain. Especially not now given the circumstances. Your thoughts were captured once more. Nana had been clueless to your existence this whole time. Had you been a fool to assume otherwise? 
“Did they argue?” 
Your eyes fell to Arin’s, wanting to embrace her but thought better of it. You’d have to reassure her another way. With words. If you could. “It’s nothing to worry about, okay?” You smiled, the action stiff. “They’re just a bit angry at one another.” 
“Because of me?”
Her question broke your heart. You shook your head hastily. “Of course not.” 
She didn’t respond, turning back to the TV. She didn’t seem visibly upset, nothing like earlier, but maybe this was worse. She seemed despondent, quiet. You were reminded of when you were a kid, hearing your parents argue nonstop before their divorce. At times you used to feel at fault too. 
“I’m sorry I called you my stepmom, I didn’t know it was wrong.” As she spoke she kept staring at the television, voice quiet. 
“Arin, it’s okay, sweetie,” you told her, this time unable to stop yourself from wrapping an arm around her shoulders. You wanted to comfort her. She needed comforting. “You’ve done nothing wrong at all.” 
You knew what children were like together. The conversation she’d had with her friend had been innocent. She’d had no clue what the weight of such a word could mean, or even do. None of this was her fault. 
You held her for a while, getting consoled yourself almost as well, but time was passing and Seokjin hadn’t come back with her hot chocolate. You glanced at the clock on the wall, he’d been gone fifteen minutes. “I’m going to check on daddy,” you said, pulling away gently. “To see what he’s done with your hot chocolate.” You tried to joke around but your laugh sounded forced. Arin nodded, giving you a tiny smile as you stood up. “I’ll be back soon, okay?” 
You found him in the kitchen, leaning against one of the counters as he held a glass of whiskey in his hand. Arin’s drink wasn’t even half made. Irritation flooded your senses for a moment. You got that he was upset, angry, maybe even a little dazed by the situation, but he still needed to pull himself together and be there for his daughter. Drinking at two o’clock in the afternoon was unacceptable. 
However when he saw you, his expression softened into worry, concern colouring his tone as he asked, “Is she okay?”
You swallowed down your frustration, but once again your mind was beginning to whir. You had so many questions, so many answers that you needed, but now wasn’t the time. He needed to make sure Arin was settled and then you both could talk. 
You walked further into the room, speaking as you went. “She’s upset. She thinks she did something wrong, that’s why you and Nana argued.” 
Seokjin sounded regretful when he sighed. His eyes closed, fingers tightening around the tumbler. “Do you think she heard any of it?”
In a clipped voice you replied. “I hope not.” 
Hearing your tone he opened his eyes, coming to his senses almost. “I’m sorry,” he breathed, placing his drink down on the counter. He moved towards you, a hand ghosting over your back. “Are you okay?” Despite his tone of voice being one you were familiar with, his concern did little to console you. All you could do was nod your head.  
“Don’t take any notice of her, okay?” He continued, his voice slowly changing again. “This is what she does. She pushes and pushes. She can’t stand–”
“Seokjin, enough,” you begged, exhausted. You could hear him becoming more and more irate. 
The hand on your back froze and then dropped to his side. “Are you sticking up for her?” He more or less accused. 
“What?” You looked at him, baffled. “Of course I’m not. You just need to calm down. I know you’re angry but your daughter needs you right now.” 
His features smoothed out and he stepped back, rubbing a hand over his face. “You’re right.” He sounded apologetic. “I’m sorry.” 
“It’s fine.” You watched as he walked towards the fridge, getting out a carton of milk to pour inside Arin’s mug, chocolate powder waiting. He mixed it together with a spoon and placed it in the microwave, setting the timer. As it whirled around, you spoke again. “We can talk about it later.” 
There was silence as he placed the milk back inside the refrigerator. He closed the door. “Are you mad at me?” 
He didn’t believe you. Turning back he folded his arms across his chest, staring at you. “She’s gotten under your skin, hasn’t she? That’s what she does.” 
You heard yourself sigh. You didn’t want to do this now. Not with Arin just down the hallway. Why was he being so insistent? Your mind flew through the tonne of questions you wanted to unleash his way, but one slipped from your mouth before you could stop it. Before you could even acknowledge your own words. 
“Did she really cheat on you?” 
Seokjin looked taken aback, whatever he’d been expecting, it wasn’t that. Maybe you should have gotten your priorities straight, but stood in front of him right now, you felt deceived. You watched as he gave you a brief nod. Your heart dropped. “Why didn’t you tell me?”
He lifted his shoulders, not meeting your eyes. “It wasn’t a big deal.” 
“Not a big deal?” Your voice raised and you willed yourself to keep it down. “It seems like it was the reason you divorced her, Seokjin.” 
The microwaved beeped but you both ignored it. “It was over long before then.” He chuckled humourlessly. “She was right, I was a coward.”
A part of you wanted details but you knew right now wasn’t the time or the place. Besides, you didn’t think he’d share anyway. 
“Is that why you’re mad? Because I didn’t tell you?” He sounded worried, regretful, some other emotions you couldn’t think of right now. 
You sighed softly. “I’m not mad, Seokjin. I’m just… I didn’t know.” 
He went to step forward, to walk towards you but stopped himself. “I’m sorry, I should have told you. Especially with–”
“It’s fine,” you cut him off quickly, not wanting to hear the words you knew he was going to say out loud. You couldn’t bear it. You’d told him about Donghae in a bid to open up – because you trusted him. Why hadn’t Seokjin told you about Nana? You couldn’t help but feel betrayed. You didn’t know if you were being fair or not. 
“I should go and check on Arin,” he said suddenly, moving to the microwave to open it up. “Thank you for taking care of her. It’s more than her own mother could do, and she’s the one who caused this whole mess.” 
“Don’t,” you whispered, closing your eyes. He wasn’t going to do it again. “Don’t do that. Compare us.” Seokjin looked your way, confused now. “I don’t know Nana. I don’t know what your marriage was like, not really, and I don’t know what her relationship with Arin is like. You shouldn’t have said those things to her. She was obviously upset.” 
You understood that people spoke out in anger, that words just flew out, no matter how small the thought was, but it wasn’t an excuse. He was still emotional, but all you wanted him to see was the bigger picture. 
“I don’t care,” he brushed off. “She needed to hear a few home truths.” 
You scoffed. “And you used me to really drive them in, didn’t you?” You continued regardless of his frown. “It’s not a competition. I’m your girlfriend. I’m not even Arin’s stepmother. We haven’t talked about that yet,” – Seokjin went to speak over you but you stopped him with a hand in the air – “and I know Arin made an innocent mistake, but it obviously hurt Nana. She had no clue I existed, Seokjin. Not one!” 
He did look guilty at that, dropping his gaze, but you weren’t done. “You can be mad because of how she acted but you’re also at fault…” 
“I know,” he murmured. “I know that and I’m sorry.” 
You weren’t the only one he should be apologising to, but by now you were too exhausted to keep this up. You couldn’t stay here, not when you were sure it would end in an argument. You didn’t want to fight with him. You needed space to think. On your own. 
“I should go.” You told him, noticing his face wrinkle up in confusion. 
He was in front of you immediately, clutching your hand. “Y/N, wait,” his voice was unsteady, “You don’t have to go. I’m really sorry that I made you uncomfortable.” 
You appreciated his sincerity, and had no doubts that he meant his apology, but it still wasn’t enough to get you to stay. An I’m sorry wasn’t what you needed. It wasn’t as simple as that. 
“Honey, please,” he begged softly. “This is me with all my baggage. I’m not perfect.” 
Your brow furrowed. “I never thought you were, Seokjin.” This wasn’t about your so called flawless vision of him. He was human, just like you. Yes, seeing him mad like that had shaken you up at first but it wasn’t why you were leaving. Nor were you leaving because of the situation. Everyone had a history, or “baggage” as Seokjin chose to call it. It didn’t change how you felt about him. It was all just very overwhelming. 
You put your other hand over his, silently telling him to let you go. Above all else he needed to spend time with his daughter. “Go and check on Arin. She’s waiting for her hot chocolate.” You told him softly.  
He clasped your hand tighter. “Please don’t go.” 
“I just need some space to think.” You admitted. 
He watched you for a moment, eyes glassy – you expected yours were too – but ever the gentleman he respected your wishes and didn’t press you any further, no matter how much he wanted to plead with you to stay. Deep down he probably knew it was the right thing to do. If you stayed now no good would come from it. You could speak about everything when you were both ready. Whenever that was.
With a tight nod he slipped his hand from yours. You gave him a soft smile and turned your back to him. He had no choice but to watch you leave. 
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Written 2020 - 2021. Please refrain from posting my work elsewhere. No translations allowed. © floralseokjin 2021
619 notes · View notes
theoreticslut · 4 years
Summer Lovin’
pairing: fred weasley x reader
requested: no
word count: 3.5k
warnings: smut
A/N: Hi. I hope this is good because i had the idea and just had to write it. Like i’ve mentioned before, I’ve written smut and steamy scenes before, but nothing that I’ve ever really posted and I truly have no idea what i’m doing so I just feel like it’s really bad. Like I’ve debated with myself for a week if  wanted to post this or not and finally decided to just go for it and see what happens with it. So, yeah, I hope you like it. Any feedback would be greatly appreciated (even if you want to send me your comments through an anon ask). Just let me know what’s good or what could be better, yeah? & also, just want to through it out there again that I am taking requests (check out my holiday prompt list) as well as doing a sleepover event for the next week or so in celebration of 300 followers <3 Take advantage of it! Xx
Taglist: @justmesadgirl @xuckduck @yikesyikesyikes95 @filipi-yes @aestheticwh0r3 @siredkai @matsuno-nadeshiko @msmarklee1213 @immajustreadwritereblog @msmimimerton @lauren2408 @mischievous-queen @bunnyboo7 @grandeoptimist @kaitlynw011 @daddystevee @slytherinxhunter @streetfighterrichie  @sarcasticallywitty15 @isthereanymorejello  
^let me know if you’d like to be added/removed! (& pls let me know if you’re 18+/comfortable with being tagged in smut) Xx
It had been a rough summer to say the least...at least in Fred’s opinion. He absolutely loved having you stay at the burrow, having been best friends with you since first year, but it truly was quite torturous at times.
He had long ago realized he had feelings for you, but pushed them away in fear of risking your friendship. He couldn’t bear the thought of losing you as a friend, but godrick was it hard to keep pretending he wasn’t totally attracted and in love with you.
Watching you go around all summer in your tight, high-waisted shorts with your shirts tied into a knot to show your stomach was difficult to say the least. Even worse than that, seeing you in a bikini the handful of times you all went swimming.
You were beyond attractive and it was driving him mad seeing you in such minimal clothing.
The absolute worst outfit of yours to drive him insane, however, was your pajamas. Having known you were staying the entire summer at the burrow, you had many variations of pajamas, but they were all much too attractive to Fred.
He loved when you wore your short pajama shorts, usually landing just past your ass, along with a thin, baggy tee. He would never admit it to anyone, as he was much too embarrassed by it, but he couldn’t help but look at your chest when you wore a shirt like that for bed.
He knew you weren’t doing it for him by any means, but you never wore a bra to bed and you’d often cross your arms over your stomach when you’d encounter him. The action pushing your breasts up and into the thin fabric where he couldn’t help but imagine what your chest looked liked underneath. He nearly came in his pants the first few times he caught a glimpse of your hardened nipples through the shirt when it had been a bit of a cooler night.
Currently, he has locked himself in the bathroom away from his family as he has a major erection that won’t go away. He knows it’s not you’re fault, but you are certainly the reason behind this.
Having been one of the hotter days this summer, you had all decided you would spend the day swimming, which was fine, except for the fact that you wore a new bikini you must have gotten one of the days you had gone shopping with his sister and hermione.
It was absolutely stunning on you, but it created quite an issue for him. It was so tiny; covering your front, but essentially becoming a thong in the back. Not to mention it was extremely high cut, which elongated your already beautiful legs and accentuated the curves you had grown into magnificently. And then the top was literally just a strip of fabric, a bandeau he had heard you call it, but it just barely covered your breasts and it drove him wild.
The colour of it was phenomenal too, a dusty blue shade that complimented your skin tone perfectly. On top of all of that, you had your hair tied back into messy pigtails which somehow worked perfectly together even though it contradicted your outfit. Seeing you with pigtails was adorable and made you look so sweet and innocent, yet seeing you in that swimsuit brought on ideas that weren’t innocent in the slightest.
Then you had a spattering of freckles on your cheeks and shoulders that had reappeared after being in the sun this summer, which Fred just found intoxicatingly beautiful.
He had tried so hard to keep his thoughts clean, but then you had to go and ask him to help you apply sunblock to your back. He was doing so good, but then smearing the thick white cream across your back had him imagining all sorts of different scenarios.
It had only continued into nightfall as well. You all decided you wanted to do s’mores and hang out around a bonfire tonight after spending the late afternoon and early evening playing quidditch and then having a bbq dinner.
You had changed out of your swimsuit into a pair of jean shorts and an oversized hoodie, which in reality wasn’t the problem. Truthfully, it was the way Fred’s mind decided to work when looking at you.
He couldn’t help but wonder if you wearing a bra under the hoodie, knowing from you and his sister mentioning it that you girls didn’t like wearing a bra more than you had to.
And then his mind would start to wonder what your skin felt like having had sunblock put on you and swimming. He wondered if your skin would feel soft and maybe a bit warmer than it should as it looked to him that you had gotten a very slight sunburn.
And in general he just couldn’t help but get turned on by how attractive you were sitting there in an oversized hoodie - that could be his if he’d own up to his feelings. He couldn’t help but notice how adorable you were with your cheeks spattered with freckles and tinted pink from the sun, not to mention how happy you looked as you smiled and laughed along with your friends and his siblings.
He had finally excused himself after you locked eyes with him after one of his brothers told a funny story, biting your lip to keep from smiling so much. That was the last bit for him. It drove him crazy imagining what you’d look like biting your lip as you tried to contain your moans as he pounded into you. He had been holding on all summer and he just couldn’t push his thoughts away tonight.
So here he sat locked in the bathroom, trying to get his erection to go away but realizing he needed to relieve himself if he had any hope of getting rid of it.
He was honestly embarrassed, not wanting to jack off in the bathroom over his best friend while you were literally downstairs in his backyard.
He groaned as his cock twitched at the thought of you down there. He wanted you so bad that it was physically hurting him at the moment.
He sighs, slowly palming himself over his trousers just to relieve some of the discomfort. He really really didn’t want to fully masturbate right here right now. It was just too awkward.
He groaned as he touched himself, picturing your beautiful face smiling at him, his hips jerking forward when he recounted how gorgeous you were biting your lip.
Before he realized it he had his hand in his trousers, rubbing himself as he recounted all the times he had found you breathtaking this summer.
He groaned as he pictures you in your pajamas, your nipples visible through the thin material of your shirt. He groaned as he imagined you in your high waisted shorts that seemed to just barely cover your ass and accented your thighs that he would love to grab ahold of. He groaned, his eyes shutting tight as he pictured you in your bikinis, you ass essentially on show and your breasts not far behind.
“Oh fuck, y/n” he moaned, trying so desperately to be quiet.
You frowned when you realized Fred hadn’t come back yet. He never mentioned where he was going, but you were sure he wouldn’t have gone to bed already. Not at least without telling you guys so.
You figure you’ll go looking for him, especially since you wanted to grab another glass of water anyway.
You frown when you don’t see him in the living room or kitchen. Lost in your thoughts you decide to make your way upstairs just to see if he had maybe laid down for a bit.
Not finding him in his room you sigh. Where could the boy possibly be? It’s not like he could just vanish.
You stop when you hear, what you think is,  groaning. Was Fred groaning? What for and where?
Slowly you follow the sounds to the bathroom and you let out a breath. At least you know where he is. You go to walk away just as he lets out a particularly loud groan, and it didn’t sound pleasant.
You knock gently on the door, frowning. You hoped he was okay.
Not hearing an answer you knock again, this time a little louder as you call out to him.
“Hey, Freddie. Are you alright?”
Fred stops, cheeks and ears burning in embarrassment. How bloody unlucky is he to have the girl he’s been masturbating to knock on the door as he’s still jerking himself off?
“Freddie?” He hears you ask again.
“Y-yeah, I’m fine, y/n. Everything’s good.” He sweats, trying so hard to not let his voice betray him.
He’s still so hard and turned on, all he really wants to do is bend you over the sink here and fuck you senseless. He wants you a moaning mess underneath him, begging for him to let you cum.
“Are you sure? You don’t sound good.”
“Y-yeah. I’m sure.”
He’s trying so hard to not let a groan out at hearing your voice and imagining what he could be doing to you right now. Unfortunately he lets one slip out which is more than enough for you to keep pressing.
“Fred weasley, if you don’t convince me that your good in the next few minutes I am coming in there to check on you. You sound sick.”
“I-I’m fine, y/n. Promise. Just p-please don’t come in here.” He nearly cries, thoroughly embarrassed by the situation, but wanting to continue so badly. He’s been so worked up this summer and it’s finally caught up with him.
You frown hearing how troubled he sounds. You can’t just leave him alone - what if he’s sick? Maybe he ate something bad or got too much sun today? You needed to see for yourself that he was okay.
You tell yourself that’s why you mumble alohomora and gently push open the door, making you way inside.
“Y/n! What are you doing?! P-please go.” Fred urges, trying to cover himself before you turn around to face him.
“Not until I know your alright. What’s wro-oh...” you trail off, taking in the sight in front of you.
If your not mistaken, you just walked in on your best friend masturbating. He was beyond flushed, mostly due to embarrassment at being caught, though. Not to mention how messy he looked; his hair messed up from him throwing his head back, his shirt all scrunched up on his chest, and his pants pulled down around his thighs.
You blush as you take in the sight, yet your not able to look away, probably because you’re so shocked and embarrassed yourself.
“I am so so sorry, Freddie. Uh, let me just leave you alone.” You tumble out, quickly turning back towards the door.
“Y/n, wait.” He calls, furiously flushing at the thought that passes through his head. “C-could you please help me?” He stutters out.
“H-help you? How?” You gulp, turning to face him with your face flushed.
“I, uh, I can’t get myself t-to finish. I need more.”
You gape at him, he’s asking you to get him off. Your best friend of six years, who you may have a tiny bit of a crush on, is asking you to get him off.
While the thought excites you, it also makes you beyond nervous. Sure you and the twins were close and flirted around with each other jokingly, but you’ve never once actually made any advancements with each other.
“I know it’s awkward, but I could really use the help.” He mumbles.
“O-okay. Uh, well let me see.”
You bite your bottom lip, completely embarrassed as he stretches himself out again, slowly moving his hand from himself.
You can barely hold back a groan as you take in the look of his cock all red and erect, precum oozing from the tip. It looks absolutely delicious and you forget about the fact that it’s your best friends.
Cautiously you take him in your hand, kneeling in between his legs as he sits on the toilet.
“Oh godrick,” he groans as your hand wraps around his member, the difference in touch enough to make him even harder.
“You’re so pretty, Fred.” You mumble, sliding your hand down his cock, watching as more precum beads at his tip. Gently you swipe your thumb across his slit, drawing a deep groan from inside him.
“Do more. Please, y/n. Please.” He begs, his head falling backwards as his eyes clench shut.
You smirk, loving the reaction your getting from him. Never in a million years did you think you be kneeling here in the burrow’s bathroom jerking your best friend off, but here you were and you were loving every second of it.
Becoming more confident at the sounds he’s letting out, you bring your mouth to him, licking your tongue over his tip.
“Oh fuck. Y/n, sweetheart. Please, please.” Fred groans, his hips jutting up towards your face.
“Please what, Freddie. Tell me what you want your best friend to do to you.”
He groans, jutting his hips yet again at your words. He knows how filthy this situation is. Even though he loves you, you two aren’t anything more than friends and yet here you are ready to suck him off. He knows how wrong it is, yet at the same time it feels far too good to stop.
“Come on, Freddie, love. Tell me what you want.” You coo, slowly licking up and down his cock, paying attention to the vein on the underside of him as well as the edge of his head.
“I-I want your mouth, princess. I want your lips around me.” He groans, trying to watch you as you smile and bring your head closer to him.
“Good boy, Freddie. Very good.” You praise as take him in your mouth, feeling the weight against your tongue and swallowing around him to see how difficult it was.
“Fuck, princess.” He groans, throwing his head back as you do so.
You smirk and swallow around him again before sinking your head down on him more to the point of him hitting your throat.
Fred moans, grabbing at your hair that you had taken out of the braids from earlier.
“Fuck me, y/n. Please. I want you so bad.” Fred nearly cries, tugging at your hair.
You pull off of him, a string of saliva staying connected for a few seconds as he juts his hips into the air.
“You want me around you, baby. Is that what you said?” You ask, kissing at his neck.
“You want to be inside me while I ride you?”
“Yes. Yes, please, princess. Please.”
You chuckle at his neediness, leaving a few more kisses you neck as you stand up.
Slowly you unbutton your bottoms, sliding them down your legs as Fred watches lazily, his cock twitching at seeing you undressing.
“Like what you see, baby?”
“I love it.” Fred growls, eyeing you as you slip your panties down.
You don’t bother with your hoodie as it won’t be in the way. That and you don’t have a shirt or bra on underneath it and your not quite comfortable being completely naked in front of your best friend.
“You ready, baby? You ready for me to sit on your big cock?”
Fred groans, loving your dirty talk. He never would have imagined you taking charge during sex, but then again he never imagined that he would be begging you to get him off. Even though this isn’t quite what he had been imagining, it was still better than nothing. In fact, he almost thought this was better.
“Freddie, baby. You have to tell me what you’re thinking.” You urge, straddling him, but not yet sliding down on him.
“Yes. Yes, I’m ready. I want you to sit in my big cock, princess. I want my best friend to ride me.” He groans, grabbing a hold of your waist as you grind against him, spreading your wetness on his cock. It makes him proud to feel how wet you are, he’s only hoping all of it was because of him.
“Good job, Freddie.” You smile, kissing his collarbones as you slide yourself onto his cock, moaning out at how amazing it feels.
He was just big enough to stretch you out and it felt amazing. You honestly wished you had done this sooner.
“Oh fuck, baby. You feel so good. Feel so good inside me.” You moan, bouncing on his cock as he guides your hips.
“Ohh, Freddie. Right there.” You groan as he rubs right against the spot you need him.
“You like that, princess? You like riding your best friends cock? You love the way I’m filling you up?”
“Yes, Freddie. Love it. Love you and your cock. Feels so, so good.” You groan, arching your back as he hits a spot inside you.
“Oh godrick, y/n.” Fred groans, wrapping his arms around you as he pulls you closer to him, his cock twitching happily inside you as your walls clench around him.
“Are you going to cum, Freddie? Going to fill up your best friends pussy with your cum?”
“I know how much you want to.” You whisper in his ear, nibbling at the lobe.
“Oh, fuck. Yes, princess. I want to fill you with my cum. I want to fill you so bad. Please let me, princess. Please.”
“I’m all yours, Freddie.” You smile dreamily, groaning as he juts up into you, his cock twitching.
“Oh, fuuuuck.” He groans, shooting his load inside you as you let out a high pitched whine as you hit your high along with him.
“Oh, fuck. Fuck, princess.”
“That was amazing, Freddie. Do you feel better now?” You ask, breathily heavily into his shoulder as you slump against him.
“So much better, princess. Thank you.”
You smile, nodding lazily as you catch your breath. Now that you’re finished, your not quite sure what to do. Was this just a one time thing? What does this mean for you two? Does this change anything?
“Stop thinking.” Fred chuckles, wrapping his arms around you as your still sitting on him.
“Can’t help it, Freddie.”
“You’re such a worry wart. We literally just had sex, hell my dick is still inside you, and you’re mind is already five steps ahead.”
“Does this change anything for us?”
“I would hope so. You’re the reason I was so worked up in the first place, y/n.” He chuckles, pushing your hair out of your face as you look at him.
“Yeah, you. You are so bloody sexy without even trying and it drives me mad. I love having you here this summer, but Merlin has it been torture.”
“Yeah? How so, weasley?” You ask, leaning back and moaning as you forgot he was still inside you.
“If I tell you, we’re going to have to go for a round two; just thinking about you gets me hard.”
“And as much as I’d love to fuck you senseless, my siblings and our friends are probably wondering where we went off to.” Fred says, grinding your hips down into him.
You moan softly, your eyes shutting at the pleasure he’s bringing you.
“So, it’s your choice, sweetheart. We can either go downstairs and pretend that nothing just happened up here, or we can makeup some excuse to explain our absence and we can go continue this in percy’s old room. What do you want to do?”
You whine, not liking how much control he has over you right now. He’s got ahold of your hips, slowly grinding you down into him with his cock still inside you, and he’s letting you make the decision which is the last thing you want to do right now.
“What is it going to be, princess?” He coaxed, kissing at your neck as you had done to him earlier.
“Ohhhh fuck, Freddie. I hate you.” You groan, hating that he’s making you choose.
“I want you.” You moan, burying your face into his chest as it screws up in pleasure.
“Yeah? You want me to go fuck you in percy’s room? You want me to wreck your pussy and fill it with my cum again?”
“Yes, Freddie. Please.”
He smirks, kissing your forehead as he lifts you off of his dick.
“Alright, princess. You get your shorts on and go up to percy’s room. I’m going to go tell everyone that you got a migraine and that I’m going to keep an eye on you for awhile, yeah? I’ll be right up there.”
“I love you, Freddie.” You mumble.
“I love you too, princess. Now go. I’ll be up in a minute. No touching yourself, okay?”
You whine, but nod when he gives you a look. You’ve been wanting him for years and now he’s going to leave you like this after you just rode him? Granted he’ll be back, but you don’t want to wait. If he doesn’t hurry back, you might just have to do what he told you not to.
Part 2 !!
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maggotzombie · 4 years
needy ; henry cavill
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PAIRING: Henry Cavill x Reader (fem) SUMMARY: You want Henry to pay attention to you but he keeps playing WoW and TikTok give you some ideas. TIME PERIOD: April of 2020 (midst of the rona [covid-19] quarantine craziness); WORDS: 3,2k TW: fluff, teasing, smut, dirty talk, daddy kink, punishment. A/N: I’m writing this very late, I know. Also, this is my first take on a few subjects I’m not comfortable with (such as daddy kink and punishment), so bear with me, please!! 🙃 This gif (nsfw) was a reference for this 3,2k smutt lol thanks @could-be-cavill​ for my inspiration. — 𝕸𝖆𝖘𝖙𝖊𝖗𝖑𝖎𝖘𝖙
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HENRY IS playing World of Warcraft.
He’s playing that stupid game again.
Usually, I’m not bothered by that. He rarely has time to indulge himself with it anyway. But I usually have something to do, too. Well, usually.
This quarantine is lasting an awfully long time and I’ve run out of things to do.
Here’s a list of what I’ve done so far:
I’ve reorganized everything (bookshelves, closet, cabinets, etc.);
Scrubbed every inch of the house to perfection (I still have a few scratches on my hands from the chemicals of the cleaning products);
Kal has never been this well-groomed before.
I’m honestly tired of watching TV and looking at my phone. Actually, I’ve been spending a lot of time on the device lately. All of this because of the persistent and annoying ads of an app called TikTok.
My biggest mistake was downloading it out of curiosity.
It. Is. Addictive. Simple as that.
I sigh softly, twirling a strand of hair on my index finger as I watch my lovely, brawny, and completely fuckable boyfriend from the sofa. He’s talking complete nonsense and sometimes even speaking loudly, with his blue eyes fixed on the screen instead of me.
Kal’s head is resting on my lap and he glances worryingly at his best friend when he raises his voice.
An idea pops up in my head (thanks to the aforementioned app) and I smirk. Henry doesn’t even blink as I place a hand on his shoulder, he’s one-hundred percent focused on that stupid game.
He frowns when I pop my head in between his arms. “What are you doing?” He asks, letting go of the mouse so I can go through. “What’s this?”
I smile, making myself comfortable on his lap while facing him. Finally some eye contact. Without a reply, Henry shakes his head and goes back to the game, adjusting me to not get in his way.
After a minute or two, it seems I’m not an obstacle at all. In fact, Henry is now shouting directly to my ear due to our position. A pout forms in my lips as I reassess the strategy and I nuzzle my face into his neck in thought, making goosebumps flash over his skin.
As my soft lips brush against the crook of his neck, more goosebumps rise. Still testing the waters, I graze my teeth at the same spot. Suddenly, my boyfriend is very quiet and I can even hear the people he’s playing with on his headset.
Henry’s breath shallows when I plant a kiss on his weak spot; just below his earlobe.
“Stop it,” He whispers to me as his cock twitches against me.
“I don’t think you want me to,” I move his microphone away from his lips.
I push my tongue into his mouth boldly and I receive an appreciative moan back. I explore his mouth slowly but sensually and I can feel his hard-on starting to growl against my groin.
Suddenly he breaks the kiss and shoots me a warning glare, clearing his throat. “Yeah, I’m here,” He says after adjusting his mic. “Just got slightly distracted.”
Scoffing, I buckle my hips hard against his boner and Henry hisses at the friction.
“Y/N...” Henry whispers warningly with heavy breathing.
In response, I give him a smug smile before attaching my lips back to his neck. I slip my hands under his shirt and my boyfriend groans, contracting his muscles. As my eager fingertips brush against his hard and well-defined abs, my tongue darts out to caress the sweet spot under his ear.
Ignoring his scolding and protest, I take off his headset from his left ear and take his earlobe in between my lips. My man’s breath gets caught up in his throat and his hand grabs my hip to stop me from grinding against his hard cock.
“Fuck,” He curses through gritted teeth.
Confusion takes over his face as I climb down off his lap but then he tenses again when I kneel in between his legs. Hands flat on his thick thighs, I’m able to move it very little towards my goal before Henry grabs my wrists.
He throws the headset onto the keyboard carelessly and gets up from the chair, taking me with him. I giggle in amusement as he pins me down on the sofa, hands above my head.
“What are you doing?” Henry asks in all seriousness.
“I’m bored!” I say honestly, looking into his eyes with mischief. “Play with me!” I pout and open a smirk at his expression.
“I’m busy right now,” He points out and I ignore it by trying to kiss his lips. My boyfriend moves his head away from my reach and gives me a stern look. “Wait for your turn, kitten,” Henry says.
“Since when do kittens do what they’re told to?” I ask, raising my knee to rub against his crotch. “They do whatever the fuck they want to,” I purr, watching his concentration faltering for an instant.
My boyfriend blinks and shakes his head before growling. He pins my leg down with his knee and applies more of his weight on my wrists, making it a bit uncomfortable but without hurting me.
“This kitten will obey. Otherwise, daddy will punish her later,” Henry provokes back but it makes me all tingly.
“Hmmm,” I hum, trying to reach him once again. “How about now? I misbehaved, right?”
“Later,” He says pointedly.
Before I can say or do anything else, Henry lifts his weight off me and moves away. I sit on the sofa to see him sitting back in front of the computer, completely ignoring me.
I hiss at him, just like a cat, and he throws a smirk my way while putting his headset back on. Pissed off by the rejection, I get up and leave the room. By the time I reach the stairs to the second floor, I can hear the shouting about the game resuming.
First, I jump on our big bed and just scream my frustration on a pillow. Eventually, I lie onto my back and stare at the ceiling pondering what to do next.
I’m SO bored.
Then I strip down and get into the bathtub where I watch even more TikToks. Thirty minutes later, after the water got too cold, I step out of it and wrap a towel around my body. I am about to carry on my daily routine when another idea provided by the beloved app pops into my head.
Ignoring the fact that I’m leaving small pools of water at each step I take, I walk down the stairs. Henry is exactly where I left him: on the stupid computer, playing the stupid game and shouting stupid things to children.
He doesn’t acknowledge my presence as I stand at the foot of the staircase and I open my towel. Nothing yet. I remove it completely from my body and I’m still invisible. Praying for some good aim, I throw the wet towel at him.
I call it a strike as it lands on top of his head. Huffing to gather some patience, Henry takes the towel off of his head and slowly turns to look at me. From where I’m standing, I can see the change in his eyes.
Without saying a word, he closes the game and throws the towel onto the floor. He’s up from his chair and sprinting towards me in a heartbeat. I turn hot on my heels to run upstairs, but my boyfriend’s arms wrap around my waist as I’m about to climb the second flight of the stairs.
“Nuh-uh,” He says against my ear, trapping my body with his against the wall. “You wanted my attention,” He continues and I can feel his hand shuffling something on my lower back. “Now you got it.”
My hands struggle to find something to grab and I lose my breath as Henry plunges into me without so much as a warm-up nor a warning. He groans at the sensation of my walls squeezing him angrily and pulls my arms to my back, locking it so I can’t move.
“Ah! So tight, baby girl,” He whispers without moving.
I don’t reply and it makes him grab my face by my jaw and turn it to the side. Nuzzling my temple, he produces the sexiest sound ever into my ear.
“What happened? The cat got your tongue?” His baritone voice hits a new low.
I clench around him. “Jesus Christ, Henry,” I breath out, wiggling my backside towards him and inciting a new moan from him. “Touch me,” I plead.
“Where, kitten?” Henry asks, letting go of my arms. “Use your words,” One hand travels down to my clit while the other grabs my left breast. “Here or here?”
First, he toys with my nub, making me get wetter. Then, he squeezes my boob and pinches my nipple. I moan, pressing my forehead against the wall. Each move gives me different waves of pleasure, both very welcomed and appreciated.
“Kitten?” He calls when I don’t reply.
“Y-Yes,” I reply, already weak resting my head back on his shoulder.
“You’re such a tease, but it doesn’t go beyond that, huh?” My boyfriend chuckles, calling me out.
“Baby, please,” I whine, clutching to his wrist.
Chuckling slightly again, he nuzzles his face into my neck and starts to toy with my clit. Slowly, Henry starts to bulge his hips against mine, making both of us moan. His hand comes down from my boob to squeeze my hip as he intensifies his thrusting and the movement of his hand.
In a swift move, he peels off his shirt, discarding it to the ground. I take the opportunity to move my hips at my own pace now that he doesn’t have his hands on me. But his strong grip returns to my hips and I see stars at the speed of his thrusts.
The obscene sound of our bodies fills the house along with our lewd moans. My boyfriend slows down when I rest my head back against his shoulder, eyes screwed shut as little spasms start to run over my body.
“You take my cock so well, baby girl,” He says against my temple, breathing heavily. “You like my big, fat cock tearing you apart, don’t you, kitten?”
My lust-filled brain can barely register the question as his throbbing cock gently caresses my G-spot. However, a loud and tingly smack on my right ass cheek startles me, prompting my wrecked neurons to put together a reply.
“I fucking love it,” I say through gritted teeth, raising my head and glancing at him over my shoulder. “Go faster, daddy,” I moan and bite my lip. “I want to come all over your delicious cock.”
Henry’s eyes darken by my request and he grabs my jaw, crashing his lips against mine. Our kiss is a bit rough, tongues battling for control until he pulls my bottom lip with his teeth.
“I’ll make you come so hard that you’ll regret interrupting my game,” He tells me.
The excitement of his words gives me chills and I chuckle with mischief. “Do you promise?” I glance at him seductively, my teasing self returning to the game.
“Cross my heart,” My boyfriend reassures me, one of his hands sliding back down in between my legs. “Are you ready?”
The question is ignored as my brain is reduced to mush once again. More than before, my legs spread apart and my ass is up in the air for easy access. All of that balanced in my tiptoes that are becoming numb by now.
My pussy clenches around his cock as he massages my clit and restarts to pound into me senselessly. I moan, feeling my orgasm close. Henry groans louder, throwing his head back as his hips crush against my ass, the slapping sounding immoral and loud like both of us.
His hands finally give some attention to my boobs, kneading both of them. Like an expert, he teases my hard nipples, making me shiver from pleasure and I reach down to rub myself as I feel the first sparkles of the orgasm.
Lips come in contact with the sensitive skin of my nape and I start to lose it. “Oh, my God,” I breathe out, rubbing my clit faster. “D-Daddy,” I stutter as my toes start to curl up.
“Yes, kitten. Come all over daddy’s cock,” Henry growls into my ear, fucking me harder.
“I’m so close,” I whisper, completely out of breath. “Ah!” My moan reaches a note higher when he takes over and starts to rub my clit again.
Both his hand and hips move at an absurd fast pace and I literally see stars, coming hard on his cock. My legs buckle and Henry catches me before I fall without stopping his movements. My pussy clutches him so hard that I bet he’s gonna come anytime soon.
“Aaaah! Shit.”
My eyes are screwed shut and I squeeze my thighs together. It makes my pussy tighter around Henry’s girthy shaft, making him moan, but he still doesn’t stop thrusting hard into me nor rubbing my clit. I try to move his hand away just to fail miserably.
“Come on, kitten,” He pants, holding me against his body. “I know you can do it.”
“Oh, Henry!” I nearly shout as all my muscles tense up before becoming jelly.
I come once again and my thighs feel wet. Henry finally slows down his thrusts before sliding out of me. I feel the bliss of the orgasm and, if it weren’t for his strong arms secured around my waist, I’d fall to the ground.
“You did so well, baby girl,” My boyfriend praises me.
I try to catch my breath and rest my head against his chest. “Did you come?” I ask, feeling his hard cock on my lower back.
“Not yet,” He squeezes my overly sensitive boobs.
“What?” I frown, exhausted. “What is this?” I ask, looking at the water pool on the floor that I stepped on.
Henry chuckles, feeling amused by my confusion. “You squirted, kitten,” He explains.
This surprises me. “Seriously?”
I have never done this before.
“Yeah,” He muses, balancing my weight in between his arms. “Come on,” Henry says, nudging me to climb up the stairs.
“I can’t walk,” I giggle, looking up at him from over my shoulder.
His brow is furrowed as he looks down at me with his attentive azure eyes. Then, Henry flips me around and picks me up like a doll, throwing me over his shoulder. I gasp at the slap he lands across my ass but he quickly makes it up by spreading kisses on my thigh.
The air is knocked out of my lungs once again when he throws me onto the mattress. I look up at the Greek God boyfriend that I have and smirk, running one foot over his torso. He pushes my leg down and hovers over me, taking my lips possessively in a heated kiss. I moan into his mouth and my hands slide down from his back to squeeze his ass.
However, Henry takes both of my hands and pins it down above my head. “Keep it there,” He orders. “Do not move it.”
Biting my lips, I nod while looking into his eyes. In a swift move and still pinning my hands above my head, he flips me on the mattress. A quiet squeal followed by a giggle escapes my lips and I wiggle my ass, adjusting myself in the new position. Henry kneads my butt cheeks as I feel his lips on my back and I sigh, feeling the familiar chill running down my spine once again.
He goes lower and lower until he isn’t holding my hands anymore. Bending my knees slightly, my boyfriend makes me pop my ass up, exposing my pussy to him. I let out a long and obscene moan as I feel his mouth latch onto my very sensitive core.
Henry’s tongue is merciless. He devours my pussy, licking all my juices and flicking my clit with expertise. My hands clutch at the comforter in pleasure and I moan at the vibration of his groan, pumping himself while eating me out.
“B-Baby, I’m gonna…” I start, feeling the wonderful sensation building up again. Henry simply hums and starts to massage my clit with his thumb. “Fuuuck,” The shaking begins and, in a matter of seconds, I come hard on his mouth.
Another appreciative moan comes from my man while he licks me clean. This time, he has to hold my thighs tightly so I don’t move.
My breath is rapid and I’m still feeling the aftermath of my third climax when Henry pushes into me. I instantly clench around him a bunch of times, my walls too sensitive from the intense activity it's experiencing.
“Fuck, kitten,” Henry moans into my ear, lying on top of me. “If you keep doing that, I won’t last long.”
I try to say something, but my brain is so overwhelmed by now that I can’t put together a simple phrase. And, if it was bad before, it gets worse as he starts to thrust. He picks up the speed quickly and, once again, the slapping sound of his hips hitting against my ass echoes in the room.
Henry’s moans and panting in my ear are way too much to handle and I’m coming into his cock almost right after he began ramming into me. He slows down, prolonging my fourth orgasm and adding more fire to it by nibbling my earlobe and reaching down to rub my clit.
I can’t close my legs because one of his is right between mine, but I try my best. My eyes nearly get stuck on the back of my head as I come yet again. All my muscles feel sore from tensing up and relaxing repetitively and my throat hurts from moaning.
When I think I can’t take anymore, Henry tenses above me, his thrust becoming irregular and rougher. He moans, a very dirty moan, finally coating my walls with his warm, thick load. A few more pumps and he eases out of me, giving me a sweet kiss on the cheek before he rolls off me and crashes to my side.
My body is too exhausted to move and I just stay in the same position he put me in, trying to regain my breath. Aftershocks still make my limbs tremble then and there and I feel numb.
“That was awesome,” Henry says, trying to catch his breath too. “Baby?” He asks when I don’t say anything. “Are you okay?” His hand feels cold against my skin.
“You’re a pussy destroyer,” I breathe out with my eyes closed, making him laugh.
“You squirted again,” My boyfriend points out, feeling very proud of himself.
“I figured I would,” I say, trying to move only to moan at the discomfort coming from between my legs. I end up rolling to the side, resting my back against his chest. “I won’t be able to sit for days.”
“That’s what you get from interrupting my game,” Henry says playfully, squeezing my boobs.
“Oh, I’ll do that more often, then,” I tease, making him laugh again.
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mycrofts-gunbrella · 3 years
Caring is the Greatest Advantage- Part Seven (Mycroft Holmes x Reader)
AN- Apologies for such a huge delay! I haven’t been too well the last week, and then I had to have a tooth removed so I’ve just been sat feeling a bit sorry for myself lmao. This chapter is a little shorter than the others but it’s more of a filler. Just a heads up, either the next chapter, or the following one, is likely to be a little smutty. I’ll make it clear when it’s going to happen so you can skip it if you would like, it’s not incredibly important to read, but it will be referenced! Thank you for your patience, and enjoy!
Word Count: 3562
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With both Mycroft and Sherlock in such high spirits, the four of you had elected to spend the majority of the rest of the evening in each other's company at Angelo's, ordering a few coffees and just enjoying one of the very rare times that the two Holmes brothers were in the same room without arguing- with each other, anyway, you'd practically had to restrain Mycroft following his abhorred expression upon Angelo making his tea for him.. milk first! "I have worked with an abundance of malefactors in my time, but that was the most criminal act I have ever experienced firsthand." He had muttered, glaring at the mug as though it had been laced with cyanide. But, ultimately, it had been a lovely evening- you hadn't even noticed how many hours you had been at the restaurant until Angelo started loitering around and let you know he was meant to lock up 2 hours ago! You bid your goodbyes to John and Sherlock- the latter briefly whispering in your ear as he kissed your cheek- and Mycroft called for a car to take you back home.
The second you walked into the warm confinements of Mycroft's house, you immediately felt how tired you truly were. Before you could say anything, it was though Mycroft had read your mind.
"I suppose retiring to bed is the best idea." His sentence finished with an uncharacteristically loud yawn. His eyes widened in brief shock at the volume of his action and you couldn't help but chuckle.
"You get that impression, don't you?" The pair of you headed upstairs and brushed your teeth beside each other in the bathroom, you fighting every urge to laugh and mention how domestic you looked like this, Mycroft thinking the same but not knowing if it were appropriate to mention- that and having a mouthful of toothpaste wasn't the best position to be in to talk- before you slid into bed and flicked on the bedside lamp. "That was actually quite lovely, you and Sherlock sitting together without being at each other's throats. It's nice." Mycroft turned on his side to face you, head resting against his hand.
"I would have to agree. It appears as though Doctor Watson's influence on him has taken over, he's become soft." He commented, a small side smile reaching his face. You rolled your eyes and grinned.
"You say that like it's a bad thing.. It's healthy for him, and for John, actually. Bless him, he was blushing like a schoolboy when I pulled him up on the subject. Besides, you're a fine one to talk about being soft."
"Yes, well.. Perhaps one day I shall thank him. I don't think Sherlock and I have lasted that long without bickering since he was a young child.. and that was only because he hadn't learned how to talk yet." He mused. "As for your latter comment, I can assure you I haven't become soft." A raised eyebrow.
"I know you haven't become soft, Myc." He tipped his head in triumph before you continued. "You've always been soft, at least a little bit, it's sweet. Even if you do try to deny it.. Which you can't, by the way, unless you want me to embarrass you and reel off all the ways you've been a softie these last few years.
"Perchance.. have you ever considered the comparison between the definition of a 'softie' and that of somebody who displays a rare case of weakness around a very minute number of people? You shall find the differences compelling enough to reconsider your description of me, Y/N."
"Closeted softie to the select few, and we have a deal."
"This isn't a negotia-"
"Closeted softie to the select few." You held out your hand for him to shake, which he did, eventually, as reluctant as it may be.
"You're going to ruin my reputation."
"If I melt the 'Iceman', does that make you become the 'Puddle'?" He breathed out a laugh, his eyes crinkling at the sides.
"I bloody hope not.. And do keep that idea to yourself. One mentioning of that to Sherlock and Her Majesty herself would have heard it by lunchtime. He may have been rather accommodating tonight, but I still strongly believe he would do everything in his power to embarrass me in front of the monarchy." You rolled onto your back and stared at the ceiling before speaking again- knowing your next set of words may flush the man beside you, and wanting to give him a bit of freedom from your gaze.
"He may be a bit of an arse, but he does love you, really. He also has his moments of being right." You began, hearing the amused laugh of Mycroft who still watched over you. "Like tonight.. what he was saying to you, he was right. About all of it. From what I've been told, anyway." Mycroft stayed silent. How much had you heard? How much did Sherlock manage to tell you in the two bloody seconds you said goodbye to each other?
"Is that so?" He spoke, his voice cautious, questioning, encouraging you to continue but also worried he wouldn't like your answer. You hummed.
"Yes. You should've eaten the cake." A pause, letting the words breathe in the air. "And your breakfast.. and your dinner.. And I know it's not as easy as that, I don't want to sound like I'm pushing you, I'm not, I just worry about you. Even more so if you truly are only doing it for my sake." You cast your eyes to the side to see him. Mycroft's eyes were unfocused, fixed forward. Thinking. "I don't want you falling back into your old habits because you think you need to, now that we've become.. us. I've seen you, Mycroft. I KNOW you, for years, I've known you- there's not a single bloody part about you that I don't like, except the dislike you have for yourself." You rolled back over, mirroring him in your new position with your head resting on your hand. "You're brilliant, everything about you is just so.. brilliant. That brain of yours scares me sometimes, but it's wonderful. Your eyes are such a gorgeous shade of blue that sometimes I don't even hear what you're saying because I'm staring into them too much. Weird as it may sound, I love your nose. You told me once that people at school used to pick on you for it, but I think it's beautiful. The ginger tones to your hair in the sunlight, and the specs of red you get to see if you haven't shaved... The freckles too.." Mycroft sat in silence, his eyes had moved to fix onto yours- glassed, brow frowning. "And I don't think I've ever been subtle about how much I like you in your suits- you look so elegant in them, yet it's effortless. They fit your body so wonderfully that I get distracted, Christ when we walked to the cab earlier, I only heard you talk to me after Sherlock jabbed me in my ribs because I was too focused on your bloody legs. Don't even get me started on the jeans, I felt a silent victory when you wore them on our walk, they make your bum look marvellous." You felt yourself trailing, not even thinking about Mycroft trying to process everything. "Sorry, I'm rambling. And I'm sorry if this was all too much I just.. you need to know, and it doesn't hurt to get told sometimes. All of these things that you think are flaws, I think are wonderful and I wouldn't change a thing. If you want me to go because I've freaked you out, then I will. It's just.. you could have eaten the damn cake."
Mycroft hadn't moved a muscle, and it had been a good few minutes since you finished your little rant. In all his years on this planet, Mycroft Holmes could count on his hands the amount of times he's been complimented for anything that wasn't to do with work, so he was never too sure how to react. Especially not at such a large one as this. Around halfway through, he had felt his eyes burn a little. A few more sentences and he knew they were glassed over, watering slightly, but he felt frozen, like he could do nothing about it. He hadn't even realised he didn't respond until you moved.
"Right, yeah, I'm sorry. I'll just go." You spoke, the awkward tension filling the air. "Just so you know, though. I meant it, all of it. If you need me, for anything, I'll be next door." And you left, closing the door behind you and collapsing on the bed in the spare room. God you'd pushed it too far. You said it yourself, you knew Mycroft. So you should have known that that wouldn't go down well, that it would be too overbearing. Yes, okay, he needed to hear it at some point, it was important, but, upon reflection, maybe a few days into a new relationship wasn't the most ideal timing. You just worried for him, about him, constantly, and seeing him slipping back into his old eating habits broke you. Even if this didn't turn out well, you needed to have told him something to try and help. If you were honest, you'd forgotten how fresh your relationship truly was- after all, your behaviour around each other for the last 5 years was very much comparable to those witnessed between couples, just without the physical aspect which was the threshold you had begun to cross only within the last few days- it really had felt like you've been together for years but without the bonus of kissing and bed sharing; though, even then, the latter had happened a few times in the past, just a lot less cuddling. You flopped into the bed, miscalculating your jump and hitting your head on the wooden bedframe before collapsing into the pillows. "Fuck. Anything else?" You groaned, allowing yourself to close your eyes but not falling into slumber.
In the other room, Mycroft had shifted to sitting upright in his bed, running his hand over his face before pinching the bridge of his nose in thought. He'd truly buggered everything up, but what was he supposed to say? Listen to you pour your heart out for him to, what, just tell you how he's flattered but doesn't believe a word of it? He couldn't do that, because he knew that would be a lie. He had watched your expressions the whole time, you meant every word you said, and yet that scared him even more. The way you spoke to him, of your emotions, how you could reel off compliments, it was all foreign to Mycroft. He envied you on your ability to do so, desperately wished he could just accept your words of endearment, to reciprocate with words without feeling like a fool, but he couldn't. The bloody man had referred to you as 'beautiful' to your face once, and every moment since he thinks it over, his tone of voice saying it, his facial expression, bodily movements, and cringed each time- it just made him sound like a pathetic teenager who never left his socially awkward phase (though, in retrospect, that wasn't entirely far from the truth).
Mycroft Holmes never had the experience in his youth of having a girlfriend, not that it was much of a choice. Thinking back, the only women Mycroft remembers encountering before meeting you was Mummy, a few aunts, teachers at school and then a few work colleagues- none of which had ever been for pure social want, and instead had been a necessity. The girls at school had been far too preoccupied with hanging on the arms of the boys who ridiculed him, and then, once reaching of age, girls had been far more physically interested in the thinner, higher cheek-boned, curly black haired sibling of his- though Sherlock never paid it much attention, with both the lack of care of people's opinions of him and the fact he was gay making it something he often dismissed. No, girls had never been interested in the tubby ginger smart kid at school, and then women had never been interested in the emotionally numb iceman he had made himself become. Much unlike his younger brother, Mycroft cared very much on people's opinions of him. Having never had particularly good ones in his youth, he had set out as an adult to get people to appreciate him more, even if it were just for his brain. He wasn't stupid- he knew when his colleagues would go out for drinks, or meals in a social sense, rather than a business one, and how his invite never existed. He'd never had friends, unless Sherlock counted, and so he very much assumed he would never find a girlfriend. And so Mycroft Holmes shut himself out, allowed himself to be emotionally unavailable, dedicate his love to his work and his country and had come to terms that he would die a very lonely old man when the time comes. But all of that was until he met you. You intrigued him, one of the first people for a long time who knew Sherlock and yet hadn't judged Mycroft immediately based on this knowledge. You gave him a chance, he let himself get drawn in and explore the chance of friendship.. then allowed himself to hope for a little more..
And for some crazy reason, you wanted that little bit more too. It may have taken years to get there, but you did, and it was incredible. You, were incredible. And you had praised him for everything he did, complimented him on the tiniest things, worried for him, cared for him, trusted him, and he just let you walk out the bedroom door. He couldn't let this stop after waiting all this time, especially not over the fact that you were bloody nice to him.
He sighed heavily and glanced at the clock. You had walked out nearly two hours ago, damn him and his lack of time keeping when he was stuck in thought. Part of him even contemplated phoning Greg for help, which wasn't something Mycroft asked for very often, but he eventually decided against it- Gregory cannot be there for every aspect of his relationship, he'd have to just bite the bullet and risk looking a fool. Mycroft turned, hoisting his long legs off the side of the bed and set up a pace- forwards and backwards down the stretch of wooden floor next to his bed. What could he even say to you? Should he walk in now, or were you sleeping? Would it be worse waiting until the morning? Though that wasn't too far off now, he pondered, looking out the crack of the curtains to the very early morning sky. He decided to act far more spontaneously than usual, a decision of allowing his brain to purely work on adrenaline rush and panic when he got to your door. Mycroft typically liked to plan out conversations, but he equally hadn't been unknown to stop an out of the blue terrorist uprising off the cuff over high tea- so surely this should be easy? He knocked twice on your door before entering slowly, eyes adjusting to the dark room and watching as your figure on the bed turned around and sat up.
"I'm sorry" "I apologise"
You looked at each other and blinked before each of you frowning.
"Why are you apologising?" "You've done nothing wrong."
The same time again. You laughed and stood up, attempting to focus your eyes as you blindly walked to the tall shadow in the doorway. Saying nothing, you slowly embraced him, arms circling his torso. Still learning how to get used to frequent physical touch, Mycroft stiffened, before his hands tentatively came to rest on the small of your back, one on top of the other. Your cheek rested on his upper chest, focusing on the rise and fall of his unsteady breathing.
"I am though. Sorry, that is. Saying things like that to you just feel so easy for me that I forget how it must feel to be on the receiving end of it when it's all so... new. I'll try to stop, if you want me to." You spoke. Mycroft's voice came out far quicker than his brain could comprehend his words, letting out an almost startled "No!" You shifted out of his grasp and looked up at him, eyes squinting to focus on his face.
"I think.. perhaps.. I should just learn to get used to it.." He stammered, his hand resting at his side to pick at invisible lint on his pristine pyjama trousers. "It was new, all of.. this.. is new. But it's.. It's good." He coughed, feeling awkward in his lack of confidence and cursing his earlier choice of not planning the conversation. God, if Her Majesty had witnessed how his words fall to shambles so easily around you she'd start thinking twice about sending him away with the entirety of Britain's existence in his speeches. You grinned at him and grabbed onto his fumbling hand.
"Compromise.. I'll just do it a little less so it's not so overbearing if you.." He cut you off.
"Stop blushing and freezing like a pathetic little school girl every time you do?"
"No. Don't stop doing that, that's far too sweet. I've told you how cute you look when you're all flushed."
"I thought cute was a lexical choice reserved for the likes of puppies and kittens? Not Government Officials in their 40s.." He quipped.
"I'm sure you have the powers to convince the people that control the Oxford Dictionary to alter the definition slightly.. 'Cute- attractive or pretty in an endearing way. See also, puppies, kittens and embarrassed Mycroft Holmes." He breathed out a laugh through his nose and shook his head. "Anyway.. what I was going to say your end of the bargain was, is that we go to bed right now and then tomorrow we go out for coffee and breakfast when we get up, and then have a movie day.. the good stuff, bit of a throwback to our earlier meetings... Britbox just added in all of the Carry On films." Mycroft smiled fondly and nodded his head.
The Carry On movies held a special place in both of your hearts for the same reason. One of the first times you and Mycroft had spoken, properly that is, not after being kidnapped, was when he had turned up unannounced to 221B Baker Street near on 7 years ago to try and convince Sherlock to take on a case. You had been stuck in the flat for the last 3 hours after asking Sherlock for help on a murder case, him insisting that you stay and waited while he solved it so you could get the paperwork done there and then rather than "wasting his time with 4s rather than finding a solid 8". You'd given up watching over his shoulder as he scanned through the papers and photographs of the crime scene, choosing instead to settle down onto the sofa and turn on the television, ignoring Sherlock's grunts of not being able to focus properly, and grinned in delight at the showing of Carry On Cleo. It had barely been on for 10 minutes before the elder Holmes walked into the room, and barely 5 minutes after that did you notice Mycroft rolling his eyes and huffing as he moved to stand in against the table in the kitchen- Sherlock having told him that if he were truly that desperate for him to help then he would have to wait until he had finished the current one he was working on. About 5 more minutes later you were getting a bit sick of the 3-piece suit cladded man standing and glaring at Sherlock from the other end of the room, and so you called him over to you and patted the seat beside yourself. He was hesitant at first, claiming he wasn't a fan of television, but upon noticing the movie that was playing he sauntered over and placed himself next to you. Within minutes the pair of you were discussing your favourite movies of the franchise and started to bond over how you both agreed that Kenneth Williams was the superior star of the group. With those discussions at heart, as the pair of you grew closer you began to watch a film or two a night after dinner together until you got through them all, and even then it wasn't unheard of you watching them through once more.
"That sounds delightful." He let you guide him over to the bed, you being far too tired to even bother going back to his own room next door, sighing in content as your heads hit the pillows. Mycroft lay on his back, you rolling yourself towards him until your head rested on his chest, his arm around your torso. You let your fingers absentmindedly trace shaped along his sternum until your eyes started to feel heavy, a lazy smile playing on your lips as you heard Mycroft whisper in your ear.
"Thank you."
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lubdubsworld · 3 years
Pairing : Jeon Jungkook x OC
Rating 18+
Genre : Vampire Au!!!! , DILF! Jungkook ! Bodyguard AU! Babysitter OC!   Age difference!!!
Chapter 1   Chapter 2  Chapter 3    Chapter 4  Chapter 5
A huge thank you for the banner  to @helenazbmrskai​
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Chapter 6
“You sure you don’t want to take that?” Yugyeom gave me a look as i rejected the call for the umpteenth time.
“Oh..uh... Yeah.” I shrugged it off feeling exhausted. 
The whole point of going out with Yugyeom was to take a break from one Jeon Jungkook but that was impossible..... with said vampire calling me every five minutes. 
“So...anyways.... Mingyu was way out of line and I really wanted to apologize on behalf of the idiot. Although your bodyguard seems to have put the fear of God into him....Kid was trembling when he came home last night. “ Yugyeom chuckled. 
I smiled weakly.
“Yeah...he tends to do that.” I said hoarsely. 
Jungkook was the one topic I was hoping to avoid. Because having sex with him hadn’t scratched the itch the way I had thought it would.... It had merely amped my lust by a few hundred thousand times and I was ill equipped to handle it. I didn’t know what to do with myself around him and I was so fucking terrified I was going to do something awful;.
Like jump him in front of everyone. 
So I’d spent the whole day trying to be aloof but it hadn’t worked very well. 
Jungkook stuck close me , tossing lingering glances that made my skin heat up, , hands brushing mine way too often, eyes trained on me without any restraint 
And don’t even get me started on the  touching.
Hand brushing my waist when we turned a corner , fingers brushing my hair off my face when I had my hands full with the kids, an arm wrapped around my shoulder when Minhyuk had asked me out again. 
And I’m not saying i didn’t love it because it felt like Christmas and my birthday had come together but.... but... I had a job to do. With  kids.
It wasn’t the place to be fantasizing about how good your bodyguard’s cock had felt inside you. 
“Jungkook right? Jeon Jungkook ....” Yugyeom said thoughtfully. 
“Uh ...yeah...”
“Tall dude? Black hair? Looks way too intimidating and dresses like he’s just stepped off a runway?” Yugyeom prompted and I blinked.
“You know him?” I asked surprised. 
Yugyeom shook his head.
“No, but I think he’s over by the bar and he’s looking at me like he wants to tear out my jugular.” He said casually. 
My gaze snapped to the bar behind us and I felt my eyes widen in disbelief. 
Jungkook stood leaning against the bar, eyes narrowed dangerously and I groaned. 
So much for avoiding him. 
“He looks pissed.” Yugyeom commented.
“I kinda ditched him.” I muttered.
“did you tell him , I’m a friend?”
“Don’t think it would have made much difference.  Gimme a minute?” I whispered, and Yugyeom laughed, waving me off. 
I stood up slowly , bracing myself for the interrogation I knew was coming,  before turning around and walking over to him. 
Jungkook’s eyes stayed trained on me as I made my way over and I felt my throat go dry at the sight of him. He hadn’t dressed for the place today, a black turtleneck and a black jacket and black slacks with a silver belt buckle. Hair tousled all over his forehead as he stared, unsmiling. 
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“Is this whole angel of death thing really necessary?” I whispered as soon as I reached him.” I’m sorry. I just needed to ...” stay away from you for a bit and last night was so amazing and i can’t stop thinking about it. 
“ You couldn’t take a few minutes to tell me where you were going?” He asked casually and I swallowed. 
“Jungkook, Yugyeom’s ...a good friend.” I muttered.
“How about you let me make that call?” He said coldly, eyes narrowed in annoyance and I felt chilled.
“I’m sorry... To be honest, I missed you. I’ve gotten used to you being around and I was going to cut the night short. I promise.” 
He scoffed. 
‘Really? I don’t believe you. For someone who spent the better part of a month begging for my cock, the novelty seems to have worn off pretty fast for you.” He said casually. 
My head snapped up , the words stunning me into silence. 
I could only gape at him. 
He gave me another lazy once over.
“And it made me wonder.....did I not  fuck  her good enough?”  
Oh, Christ. 
I felt my face turn a flame red , my fingers going clammy. 
“Jungkook, stop.” I whispered , glancing back at Yugyeom quickly. He was fiddling with his phone, 
“What’s wrong? You need to head back? YOur boyfriend’s gonna be upset?” 
I frowned. 
“He’s not my boyfriend.” I muttered. 
Jungkook grinned. 
“Right...he’s just the clown you wanted to suck off when you were younger...” 
“God, what’s gotten into you?” I groaned. 
Jungkook shrugged.
“I don’t like being ignored. It’s a character flaw of mine.” 
I gaped at him.
“I am not ignoring you.... I... I was out with a friend....It’s been less than an hour since I saw you... I literally spent the whole day with you.” I said shrilly. 
“Really? Then why’d you not pick up when I called....?” He waved his phone and I flushed, looking away. 
“Because I wanted an hour with an old friend....Without anyone interrupting.” I lied.  
Because you’re driving me in sane and I need an hour without you around so I can get my friggin body under control before I get arrested for public indecency. 
He clenched his jaw. 
“I see. “ He reached for a glass of wine on the countertop in front of him and turned around. “ Here” He held it out for me.
I took the drink, suspicious. 
“Go on , then.... I won’t interrupt...” He shrugged. 
I nodded, relieved.
Turning around I made to move away.
“Thought you’d be interested in a little gift I got you.... but if you’d rather spend time with the clown... I get that.” 
His voice was low and deep, a drawl that made the hair on my skin stand on end. 
I turned back to him, eyes narrowed. 
“What gift?” I demanded. 
He shrugged. 
I felt my hackles rise. 
“Are you sure.. what if that clown misunderstands... ...” he pointed a finger at my table and I glared at him. 
“Stop calling him that , God..his name is yugyeom. “ I snapped.
Jungkook’s smile was positively feral.
“Don’t know .Don’t care. So, you want it? You sure ?” He asked casually. 
i nodded, holding my hand out.
“Gimme .” I said quickly. 
He shook his head. 
“Can’t give it to your here,  angel.” 
I frowned , drawing my hand back.  
“There’s a ladies room on the fifteenth floor. It’s being renovated ... no one goes there... Meet me there in five?” 
I stared at him.
“There’s a firework show in half an hour. I don’t wanna miss it.” I protested. 
Jungkook gave me a thoughtful smile.
“You wanna watch the fireworks?”
I nodded. “ Yugyeom booked it for me. I wanna see it.” 
“Alright.. I’ll get you back in time for the fireworks.” He nodded, face frustratingly neutral. 
“Okay..then .. and I’ll meet you there.” 
“Can’t wait ...” He murmured softly. 
The restroom on the fifteenth floor was deserted like he said and looked less like the ladies room and more like a luxurious parlor. The stalls were further in and the waiting space had beautifully upholstered couches and armchairs. Ornate mirrors hung on all the walls and I found Jungkook seated on one the couches, legs spread wide as he casually browsed his phone. 
I stepped in carefully , shutting the door behind me. 
Jungkook looked up at me, smiling. 
“Lock the door.” He said casually and I hesitated.
“Jungkook, we shouldn’t be-”
“If you need to be at the firework show , you need to stop wasting time baby...” He said firmly. 
I locked the door quickly, making sure it couldn’t be opened. 
I turned back around and jumped when I ran right into Jungkook, who had crept up on me. 
He smiled at me. 
“Hi.” He said gently. 
I felt myself melt . 
“Hi.” I laughed.
“Don’t like it when you ignore me.” He muttered. bending low and nipping my jaw. 
I grabbed his shoulders, knees weak. 
“Uh... is this the gift...?” I gasped when he bit down hard, teeth sharp on the skin and he licked the little abrasion, wet and warm. 
“Not really but I’ll get to it. Before that, “ He pulled away, “ I just realized I never got to eat you out yesterday.” 
The gears in my head stopped spinning. 
I could only stare at him, stunned/ 
“But, I like to be thorough and we don’t have that kind of time right now. So I’m just gonna ask you this.....Do  You regret last night?”
I blinked. 
What even...? I couldn’t keep track of his thought process. 
“No.. no of course not...” I said harshly.
“You wanna keep doing this?” He tilted his head, eyes boring into mine. 
 Only for the rest of my life. 
“Yes!!” I said angrily and he chuckled. 
“Okay...but angel, I don’t like it when you run around doing as you please without letting me know what you’re up to. What you did today...” He shook his head. “ That doesn’t work for me.”
I flushed.
“I said I’m sorry.” I muttered. 
“But are you?” He said thoughtfully. 
“what..What does that mean...?”
“Apologies don’t mean shit if you don’t back them up with actions. I’m just saying... you ready to back up your words by doing as I say?” his eyes flashed red. 
I hesitated. 
“What do you want me to do. ?”
“Just don’t ignore me.” He shrugged.
“Okay...” i agreed at once.
“ You can do that?” He asked with a frown.
“Uh...sure. “ 
He hummed. 
“I’m not so sure... I think you need a little help with that.” 
“Jungkook , what are you even -”
“Go lie down on the couch for me. “
I stared at him. 
“Hurry up baby, your boyfriend’s waiting upstairs remember? .”  He grinned. 
“Please stop calling him that...” I whined, moving to the wide couch in the corner and lying down after toeing off my shoes.
. Jungkook grabbed an armchair, dragging it close to the couch. He sat down , close enough to touch and I swallowed.  
Jungkook shrugged out of his jacket, tossing it on the arm of the couch , near my feet. 
He spread his legs and my eyes nearly popped out of my head when he began unbuckling his belt, dragging the leather out through the hoops before fiddling with the buttons on his fly. 
“I was thinking of last night. Was your first time right angel?” He asked casually and I stared as I watched his hands. Long nimble fingers gripping the zipper of his slacks and yanking the metal down , revealing black briefs. 
“Uh... I.. yes?” I felt my thighs clench in arousal, toes curling into the fabric of the couch.
 “  I’ve been around enough women to know that I’m bigger than average. “ He sank his fingers into his briefs, hands curling around the hardened length of his arousal and I flushed when he pulled his cock out, hard and thick. 
“Jungkook!” I whimpered, moving to scramble to my feet but he pressed a hand to my shoulder, pushing me back down.
“ Stay there angel.... Let me finish” He said sternly. 
I pouted, not entirely sure if I liked this Jungkook. Where was the sweet man who wanted to let me call the shots? 
 “ This is what I’m like. “ Jungkook said , grinning as though he could read my mind “ Just because I indulged you last night, doesn’t mean I’m gonna let you walk all over me ....Running off without telling me where you went? That’s not gonna happen again angel and I’m gonna make sure of it. ” He reached out and gently gripped my chin before squeezing down enough to make me wince. 
I glared at him before my eyes slipped back to his cock and my mouth watered. It looked so good, thick and hard and he was close enough for me to see the precum beading up at the slit. I wondered what it would taste like. How it would feel,
“Can I suck you off?” I asked softly, batting my lashes. 
He gave me an amused look.
“No. You can’t.  Anyways... Like I was saying , I know you said you were a virgin but then, you also took my fat cock like you’d been doing it all your life. “ He frowned. 
Blood rushed to my face in embarrassment. 
“That’s... you...” I spluttered. 
“And that’s when I realized... Just because you’re a virgin, doesn’t mean you haven’t fucked yourself. “ He grinned devilishly. 
I buried my face in my hands.
“Oh god...” I choked.
“Guess what I found in your room...” 
My eyes snapped up to him and he was rummaging in his jacket pocket. 
I shrieked when I saw a very familiar vibrator , a pale mauve in color. It wasn’t very long but it was really thick, only a hairsbreadth smaller than Jungkook. 
I glared at him.
“You went through my things!!” i yelled affronted. 
He rolled his eyes. 
“Hardly.  It was literally on your bed when I went looking for you in the evening because I couldn’t fucking find you.. “ He snapped. 
I shut my mouth. 
“Okay...fine ..yeah I use sex toys. Big  deal.” I muttered. 
He shook his head. 
“No it isn’t. Which is why I want you to show me. “ He leaned back, casually wrapping a hand around his cock. I stared at him as he casually began stroking the hard length of his dick, after licking his palms. 
Did he really think I was too shy to put on a show? 
Boy was he in for a surprise. 
Smiling evilly, I pulled my dress up quickly, hooking my thumbs into my panties and yanking them down quickly, kicking them off. 
I gave him a smile. 
“Can I turn around? You’ll have a better view.” I smirked. 
His eyebrows shot up.
“Go ahead, princess. Better impress me.” 
I rolled my eyes at that. 
Sitting up , I sat back down against the cushioned arm rest, keeping my eyes trained on his and I bent my knees and spread my legs, utterly shameless because well... because I had always liked the idea of being watched. 
Jungkook wasn’t shy by any standards and his gaze flitted right between my legs without any hesitation. 
“Pretty.” He murmured gently and I fought the rush of embarrassment. I’d started this and I was going to see through it. 
“What am I supposed to get turned on by?” I asked innocently running my fore and middle finger up andn down my slit gently. I was really fucking wet on the inside but he couldn’t know that.  
And just for good measure, I let my gaze drop to his cock and back up, looking bored. 
His eyes narrowed. 
“How about the way I filled your sloppy little cunt last night? Remember that?  Remember how fucking wet you got, just from me licking your nipples....?” He smiled. 
I felt my throat go dry and my pussy clenched,  damp wetness seeping out and coating my hand  and my fingers slipped right in  before I could do anything about it. 
Jungkook laughed, eyes trained where my fingers had disappeared. 
He kept his hands on his cock and leaned in closer, kissing the edge of my earlobe.
“Thought so. “ He whispered right into my ears, :” My horny little slut. Bet you walk around all day with that cunt dripping wet and ready. Bet I could fuck into you with ease, anytime I want...just flip that skirt up, push your panties aside and drive my cock into you, yeah? “ He licked a stripe up my cheeks and I shuddered,  pumping my fingers into my pussy faster, “  Virgin..???  what a fucking joke... You are the farthest thing from a virgin my sweet little whore...” 
“Jungkook...” I whimpered and he gripped my wrists, stilling my fingers and pulling them out. He pulled my hand closer, right up to his mouth and I groaned when he wrapped his lips around the wet and messy digits, licking up all the wetness there.
“Sweet and spicy , just like I thought...” He directed my fingers back down between my fingers...” Get more of that wetness for me baby...want you to jerk me off with that hot slick you have dripping between your thighs...” 
:” On your knees.” He prompted and I sank down in front of him. “Jerk me off, baby...Make me feel good...” He whispered, spreading his legs and I wrapped shaky hands around his cock. I swallowed , gazing at him , licking my lips as I stroked his dick, faster. He took one of my hands and directed them down to his balls.
“Like this... This makes me feel good..”He whispered, showing me just how he liked to be touched .I nodded, following his lead and speeding up my movements, gripping a little tighter, using my thumb to trace circles on the head, rubbing the wetness around his slit and the thick vein on the underside of his cock. 
He groaned and shuddered a little. And then he leaned forward, gripping my chin. 
“ I want you to get on my lap now.... and then I’m gonna cum inside you “
I whimpered, already scrambling to my feet but before I could get on him, he gripped my waists. 
“ Let me finish, angel.I’m gonna fill you up with my cum and then I’m gonna stick this , “ He held the vibrator up, “ inside you . If you can keep your slutty little pussy tight enough for me, keep this thing  and my cum inside you till tonight...maybe you’ll get your gift. “ 
I stared at him, my jaw coming unhinged. 
He pulled me closer, maneuvering me onto his lap and I swallowed. 
“I’m not... I can’t..” I whispered.
“Sure you can.. I believe you. But if you don’t want to.” His gaze softened. “ We can forget all about it.” 
I bit my lips, staring into his gorgeous face and and really, it was a no brainer. I wasn’t going to say no to Jeon Jungkook. It was just not going to happen. 
I spread my thighs and he grabbed his cock, tracing the tip on my slit.
I nodded, sinking down on the hard length easily. My breath caught , fingers curling into his shoulders as I swallowed the whimper that threatened. God he was so fucking big inside me. So hard and real and good and I wanted to sit on his cock forever. Wanted to stay locked in a room with him forever,  just fucking and teasing and fucking again and only stopping to shower or eat. 
“Don’t cum.” He said gently.” You don’t get to cum till I tell you to. You understand baby?” 
I whimpered as he fucked into me just once or twice. Warm wetness flooded my insides and I clutched his shoulders, burying my face there as he groaned, fucking me full of his release. 
He grabbed the vibrator from the couch and I swallowed when he brought it down to my entrance.
“Ready baby? Gonna pull my cock out and put this in.....Need to you clench down on it and keep my cum in... Don’t make a mess alright?” He kissed my cheeks sweetly, the affectionate gesture a complete contrast to his filthy words. 
I did make a mess... 
A little bit and the vibrator was thick enough to stay lodged in, and I felt my eyes roll back in my head as he pushed it in fully. 
“You okay?” He whispered, kissing me softly before running his palms up and down my thighs. “Gonna help you put your panties on, baby. okay? keep your pussy clenched for me. ” 
I nodded weakly, trying to keep my muscles clamped around the hard length of the toy inside me as he helped slip my bikini briefs back up my thighs. 
“You okay?” 
I nodded.
“Good. Let’s go see those fireworks, shall we?” He grinned devilishly. 
Jungkook stood leaning against the wall of the rooftop restaurant , arms crossed as he watched her, a smile playing around his lips as he watched her squirm, shifting her weight from on thigh to the other as she tried to sit on the hard backed chair, her eyes glassy and unfocused as the Kim vampire talked to her. 
Dude didn’t seem to realize that she was so out of it she probably didn’t understand a word he was saying. 
He stayed in the shadows because the front of his thighs was stained with cum, a little bit of white streaks, stark against the black of his slacks. She had let a little of it spill out of her when he’d pulled out...which was a little sloppy of her and usually, Jungkook would punish something like that in a partner but...well because it was the first time he would just let it pass. Besides, he was sure she would improve with time.
He trained his eyes back to her hips and his lips quirked when gripped she armrest, shivering a bit. 
This felt better,  he thought.
Watching her with other men was easier when he knew that he was the one on her mind. Knew that all she could think about was keeping his cum inside her, the hardness of the toy a reminder that he was the one she was trying to please and impress.  
He slipped a hand inside his pocket, playing with the tiny little remote . 
Should he? 
Would it be too much? 
He smirked. 
Only one way to find out. 
He thumbed the small knob at the top of the remote, eyes trained on her .
The moment he flipped it on , at the smallest setting possible, she went completely still.
And he wondered how it felt, the electric vibrations of the toy against her insides...he wished he could see it...she her pussy spread out for him, pink and wet and swollen and wrecked.... God, the things he wanted to do to her. 
It annoyed him a bit, how shamelessly she’s spread her legs on that couch, let him see the pink of her cunt without an ounce of shame .....annoyed him because he wasn’t sure if it was for  him  or because it was what she was  like.... 
Annoyed him because if it wasn’t for just him.... would she do it for other too? 
He couldn’t stomach the idea of it. 
That pretty pink pussy, so wet and wanting...he wanted it all for himself . He wanted her legs spread out on his bed, her arms tied to the fucking bedposts so he could show her just how dangerous he could be when he wanted to....
That just because he’d let her take the lead didn’t mean he would settle for anything less than her complete submission.
Smiling, he turned the vibrations up a little bit, smirking as he watched her. 
Sera gripped the armrest gently, raising her hips off the chair a bit and turning around slowly to stare right at him.
He grinned wide, relishing the shocked desperation on her face. He pushed away from the wall, sauntering over to her slowly till he was right behind her. 
“Doing okay? baby?” He whispered gently for her ears only.
“Don’t do this to me.” She said softly, nails digging indents into her part as she clenched her fists , resting her hands on her knees.
He hummed. 
Poor baby, he thought fondly. . When this night was over he would shower her with kisses. Giver all the affection. Cuddle the fuck out of her, brush her hair back and make her feel so, so , good. 
But the night was  far  from over. 
He glanced at her companion.
Yugyeom gave him a smile and nod, went back to talking about art or something. 
Sera had her eyes fixed straight ahead, glassy and unfocused. 
He leaned over to whisper into her ear.
“Don’t forget...You cannot cum.” 
And then he sauntered back over to his place near the wall, before slipping his fingers into his jacket and turning up the tempo for her. 
“Was fun catching up, Sera... I’ll text you, yeah?” Yugyeom gave me a light hug and I stared at him, slightly teary eyes and about a second away from collapsing into a heap on the floor. 
I was sore and tired and a little out of my mind. The fireworks had lasted fifteen minutes.
It had felt like a year. 
And I hadn’t even watched them because I had kept my eyes screwed shut, concentrating only on not cumming, because if I did, not only would I literally drip all over the chair , but I would likely scream loud enough to wake the dead. 
Jungkook had turned the toy off when the show ended but it had done nothing for me...in fact it felt worse because the lack of stimulation was even worse than the steady thrum of the toy against my walls. 
Jungkook looked entirely unaffected as he watched me bid good bye to Yugyeom and it was only when he had driven away that he lightly took my arm.
“You okay baby?” He gave a me a slow smile and I glared at him through wet lashes.
“I won’t go anywhere without you again. I promise. Please just get this out of me.” 
He cooed, pulling me into a hug. 
“Alright angel. I believe you. Come on...” 
He led me to the large black Palisade , grabbing the keys from the valet.
“Get in the back seat.” He prompted. 
I nodded, too out of it to even question it. I climbed into the seats and sat down, whimpering when the toy moved inside me, shifting in deeper. My clothes were damp , almost soaking wet and my thighs trembled. 
He glanced at me.
“Can you hold on till we get home?” He asked  gently.
I stared at him, unseeing. Tears filled my eyes and spilled over.
“Please.” Was all I could get out. 
“Fuck, okay baby. Hang on.” 
Jungkook drove quickly, pulling out of the hotel premises and into the road. But instead of taking the left like he usually did, he took a U turn, picking a side road that led away from the city’s bustle . 
I gripped the seats as he drove in further away from the crowded city light , only blinking when he took a right into secluded side road, empty except for us.
I stared in confusion as he parked the car , turned off all the lights  in the car. I watched him climb out of the front seat, slamming his door shut before prying mine open. 
“Lay back for me baby. Up against the door.” He said gently. And then when I didn’t move he climbed, in all but lifting me up and settling me down till, I was leaning against the door, staring down at him.
He didn’t waste any time, spreading my legs, and pulling my panties off before pushing my knees up and apart. 
“Gonna eat you out.” He growled and my eyes flew open, the first pang of lucidity hitting me. 
“Wha-Wait...your...there’s...inside, there’s....” I couldn’t even say it. 
“My cum? Yeah... i know my cum’s inside there...” Jungkook laughed, fingers gripping the base of the vibrating and twisting it just a little bit. “ i know angel, and now I’m gonna lick my cum out of your sopping wet pussy..” 
Jungkook pulled the vibrator out of me and I sobbed at the gush of wetness that dripped out of me. But it didn’t spill, because he chased the wetness with his tongue, curling the hard length of it inside me, scooping up every last drop of the filthy mess inside me, taking it all into his hot, wet mouth . 
He hummed a little before pressing a thumb to my clit, rubbing the nub till I began quivering already way too overstimulated to experience anything but a throbbing pain disguised as pleasure. I stared at him , vision swimming as he crawled to his knees on  the back seat, head bowed because of the car’s ceiling and I watched him fumble with his belt, pulling out his cock and lining it up against my entrance. 
He drove straight in, without any hesitation, leaning over me till his face was just a little away from mine, staring down at me, cheeks a little puffed. He fucked into me with a force that shook the car on its wheels, the large vehicle somehow shaking like a leaf from how hard he thrust into me. I felt like my body was on fire, breath getting punched out of me with every thrust of his cock inside me and I could only whimper , fingers curling and uncurling on the seat as I rode the high of being fucked into incoherency. 
Jungkook grunted, hipped my waist hard used one hand to rub my clit harshly. 
And then he bought his other hand up to slip two fingers into my mouth, prompting me to open my mouth. The digits slipped in , rubbing the flat of my tongue before pulling out. 
I stared wordlessly, as his fingers slipped down to cup my jaw, squeezing till I opened my mouth wide. I stuck my tongue out instinctively and he groaned. 
Jungkook gave me cheeky little wink, eyes flashing red before he opened his mouth, spitting the wet mess of his cum and my juices right onto my tongue just as he pulled back and drove into me, his cock going so deep I saw actual fireworks. 
I went completely still, the sheer filthiness' of the act and the force of his thrust driving me straight over the edge , even as he groaned and kissed me full on the lips, tongue swooping in to swirl the mess on my tongue all over, his fingers gripping my hair as he fucked me harder, chasing his own pleasure now. 
My body hummed, exhausted, drained, completely wrung out and wrecked. 
I went limp as he gave one last thrust, spilling into me again. 
He was panting against my neck as he came down from his high and I raised a shaky hand to gently stroke the back of his head as he shuddered against me.
When he pulled back to stare at me, brushing my damp hair off my face he had a smile on his face. 
“Did you enjoy the fireworks baby?”  He whispered.
It took me two whole minutes to even remember what he was talking about.  
Author’s note : 
Jungkook sure knows how to get her attention back on him doesn’t he? 
@ladyartemesia        @veronawrites   @alpaca1612     @bonyg    @unseejuice21  @sppvjj     @ggukkieland     @tae-by-tae      @blr1004      @yoongichild    @stussyjeon  @jellybearo  @sumzysworld   @carolsummerlove
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falcqns · 3 years
I know that I'm boring and that you'll probably block me if I request something again, but you're the only one who always writes request, so thanks in advance. ❤💕 Well, I thought of this, Henry as my husband entered the bedroom where I'm in bed with Kal sleeping barely covered by a blanket in panties only because I started to sleep like this like Henry. It can be always smutty smut like you perfectly write it. ❤
Big Brat
Pairing: Henry Cavill x Reader
Warnings: Smut! Fluff, bratty Henry (like big brat), use of sign language, slight angst at the end 
A/N: I would never block you love! I absolutely love getting requests! I’m sorry this took so long to get to, I just started my second semester of college, and I have way more classes, plus a baby and some other drama which I’ll probs rant about later lmao. I hope you enjoy!
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Henry had been downstairs in his office, playing Cyberpunk for hours. Due to an injury on set, he couldn't film, so he was stuck at home. You had hung out with him for a few hours while he played, but eventually made your way upstairs when you became too tired.
“Text me when you’re done so I can help you up the stairs, kay?” You had asked. He agreed with a smile. His injury wasn’t too bad, but he still had trouble going up and down the stairs, and his pain got worse at night, so you made it your full time job to help him. 
However, you should have known he wouldn’t listen. While he was grateful for your help, when he glanced at the clock and saw that it read 2:13 am, he knew he wouldn't wake you. He wasn’t THAT injured. 
He saved the game, and turned off the computer before slowly limping his way out of his office. He glanced around the downstairs of his home, and didn't see Kal, so he knew that the big bear was upstairs with you. He took a deep breath before making the journey up the stairs. 
He walked into the room, and his breath caught in his throat. You were nestled under the covers, with Kal snoring beside you. You had pulled the majority of the blanket to your chest, and had your right arm and right leg thrown over top of it, cuddling it. His eyes made the journey from your face, down your body, and stopping when he noticed you weren't wearing any pants, only blue panties.
He let out a low groan, and quickly stripped out of his clothes, before sitting down on the bed in his boxers.
He pet Kal in between the ears, gently coaxing the Akita awake.
The bear let out a low growl before turning to look at his dad in annoyance, sending a chuckle through Henry’s chest. 
“Sorry, buddy, daddy’s gotta go to bed so you have to move,” He whispered, and watched in amusement as the dog grunted in annoyance, but complied, jumping off the bed and making his way to his own.
Kal jostled the bed as he jumped off, which woke you up. 
“Henry? Why didn't you text me?” You asked, and watched as he slowly laid his body down, gripping his injured leg and easing it up and onto the bed.
“You were asleep, I didn’t want to disturb you,” He reasoned, as his head hit the pillow.
You sighed in annoyance, propping your arm up on your elbow, your head in your hand.
“You could have hurt yourself more,” 
Henry scoffed, and ran his fingers through your hair. “But I didn't,” He whispered, and pressed a sweet kiss to your lips. You smiled into the kiss, your annoyance melting away the second his skin touched yours. “God, you look beautiful.” He mumbled into the kiss, his left hand running up your legs and coming to rest on top your panty covered hip.
You giggled whilst pulling away. 
“Hen, your doctor said no strenuous activity for a least two weeks while your leg heals,” You reminded him, a knowing smile on your face. His head fell back once more, before sighing. “You don’t want to have to tell Lauren that you can't film for even longer because you had sex with your wife and hurt your leg even more, do you?” 
He gave you a side eye look. “No.” You chuckled as he covered his bare chest with his arms, crossing them. “it’s not fair,” He complained.
You rolled your eyes, and laid down. “Sometimes life isn't, my dear.” All you got was a grunt in response.
You rolled over, laughing at your husbands childish antics. You threw the comforter over your body, and tossed some to him, choosing to ignore the way he pushed it off moments later, obviously deciding to be a brat about the whole situation. 
“I love you,” You said in a singsong voice.
“No, you don't.” He grunted, a sniffle following moments later. You flipped over and almost laughed in annoyance at what you saw. He had his arms crossed over his chest still, his eyebrows were furrowed in annoyance, and tears were streaming down his cheeks.
“Are you seriously crying because I won't fuck you?” 
He snapped his head to glare at you. “Yes,”
“Why?” You asked, exasperated at his attitude.
“Because, I walked in and saw my beautiful wife wearing the blue panties I bought for her while filming Mission, and she won't even let me sleep with her because I’ll ‘hurt myself’,” He said, putting the last two words in air quotes.
“First of all, you're being a brat, second of all, you will hurt yourself.”
He scoffed again before answering. “No, I won't!”    
You breathed out through your nose before continuing. “Hen, that’s exactly what you said about the stupid stunt! And guess what, you hurt yourself, which is why we’re in this stupid situation.”
He sighed, before rolling over, you following and rolling to the other side.
You felt him roll back a few minutes later and had to mentally prepare yourself for the sheer stupidity that was sure to spill from his mouth.
“You could ride me.”
You eyes flew open, and your body flipped to face him again. 
“You heard me.” “Obviously I heard you, you dingus, but no, I am not doing that.” “Please?” He begged.
You laid down again, and closed your eyes. “I’ve said no. You haven't listened to a word I’ve said, argued about every little thing, and are refusing to stop being a brat and just go to sleep! Its almost 3 am,”
He sighed again, and you felt your patience running out. “But, baby-” He began to say before you lost it.
You sat up and threw the blankets off of you before tugging off the panties and tossing them on the floor. You pushed Henry on his back and climbed on him.
“Shut up.” You demanded, and he opened his mouth to speak, but you cut him off, your hand slapping to his mouth. “I said shut up. You’ve pissed me off, so I’m going to ride you until I cum, and then I’m going to bed. I don't give two shits wether or not you finish. Now. Shut. Up.”
His eyes widened, and his hands ran up your legs, before you slapped one of them.
“You don't get to talk, you don’t get to touch. You’re in trouble, this is your punishment.” He sighed in annoyance, but accepted his fate.
You fished him out of his underwear and to your surprise, he was rock hard. You pumped him a few times, and glared up at him when he let out a moan.
“I said no talking!”
He opened his mouth to speak, but decided not to, instead communicating through sign language.
‘Thats not talking.’ He signed. You mentally cursed yourself for helping him learn sign language when he saw you communicating with a child at work who was deaf.
“No sounds.” You growled. He rolled his eyes and brought his straight hand up from his neck to his chin and pointing at you.
“Yeah, yeah, fuck you too,” You said, before guiding him inside you.
You didn't give him time to adjust being inside you, instead you immediately started bouncing on him, and letting out moans.
Henry had his eyes squeezed shut, and his lip was trapped in between his teeth in an attempt to silence his moans. His hands were balled up and gripping the bedsheets underneath him as well.
You chuckled at him and stopped bouncing to grind your hips against his.
“If you would have waited until tomorrow morning, I would have willingly rode you,” You growled out, the pleasure from riding him quickly growing in your lower belly. “But, no, you had to be a stubborn little shit and piss me off.”
Henry locked eyes with you, pleading you to let him touch you. 
“I said no.” You grunted, riding him even faster. You could feel your clit catching on his hip every once in a while, and it was slowly bringing you to the edge.
By the look on Henry’s face, he was close too, but you didn't care about his pleasure. He had been selfish, now it was your turn.
You bounced on him as fast as you could, your head thrown back, and your hands gripping your husbands large pecs.
“Fuck, even when I’m mad at you, you still make me feel so fucking good,” You cried out. You were teetering on the edge, so you reached your hand in between your legs and rubbed your clit quickly, which threw you over the edge.
You came on Henry, crying and rocking, the waves of pleasure that crashed down on you seemly never-ending. 
You felt him tense up just as you were coming down from your high, and immediately moved off of him. He stared at you in confusion as you grabbed your panties off the ground and slipping them on, before grabbing your phone and walking towards the door.
You turned back to look at him. “I’m still very mad at you, so I’m sleeping in the guest room. If you touch yourself, I will not sleep with you until you’ve finished filming.” You said, before walking out the door, letting it slam shut behind you.
Henry sighed in desperation, but let you go. He’d make it up to you tomorrow, but he was too tired to do anything tonight, even finish himself off.
He rolled on his side carefully, and cuddled your pillow into his chest. He drifted off to the thought of you, wishing you were sleeping next to him.
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scuttling · 3 years
Fandom: Criminal Minds Pairing: Aaron Hotchner/Spencer Reid/Latina OFC Sophie Cortes Word Count: 5,844 Tags: 18+, NSFW, Biting, Hickies, Dom/sub, Daddy Kink, Exhibitionism, Coming In Pants, Dry Humping, Blow Jobs, Semi-Public Sex, Voyeurism, Praise Kink, Public Sex, Oral Sex, Oral Fixation, Unprotected Sex, Tie as Restraint, Dirty Talk, Mention of Somnophilia Summary: Two weeks after the events of 'Patient', Spencer is feeling a little bit like a third wheel. Sophie and Aaron come up with a plan to show him how much he means to them. Collection: Part 4 of 5 of Present, Perfect, Patient, Promise, Pretend series Note: This is a previously published work from A03, just moving it over to tumblr. Link to A03 or read below! For the last couple of weeks, Spencer has almost exclusively been staying the night at Aaron and Sophie’s. The three of them arrive at work together every day, go to lunch together every day, leave together every day, and no one has commented on that or found it strange in any way. He’s honestly a little disappointed; he’s happy, in love, and this is arguably the best time of his life, stuff he would most like to share with other people, but they either don’t notice or simply don’t care. It's frustrating.
He wears one of Aaron’s ties to work on a Friday, because he’d been in such a hurry to throw some clothes into his bag during a rare pit stop to his apartment that he didn’t grab enough, and he figured no one would notice, since they haven’t noticed anything else up to this point.
“Hey. Hotch has a tie just like that, doesn’t he?” Garcia asks when he’s down in her cave looking over some age progression renderings she made for him. He looks down, runs his fingers over it, shrugs.
“Does he? I didn’t realize.” She sweeps her gaze over his face, tilts her head like she’s trying to figure him out, but ultimately, she just smiles.
“Maybe not. I see a lot of ties around here, you know? Anyway, see how…”
Later that day, he takes some case files up to Aaron’s office—purely for make out purposes—and they’re kissing pretty hot and heavy when Aaron slips his fingers around the knot of his tie and twists it, so it tightens around the base of his throat. He moans, a little startled, and very turned on, and Aaron hums against his lips.
“So fucking gorgeous when you wear my clothes, Spencer, but especially this. It’s so tempting, draws my attention right to your pretty throat.” His lips move there, brushing tenderly up the side, and he bites down gently, not enough to leave a mark, but enough that he feels it in his dick. “If I had my way, you’d be constantly covered in bruises here. Everyone would look at you and know you belong to someone.” Spencer licks his lips, exhales deeply.
“I wish you could,” he murmurs, sliding his fingers through the hair at the back of Aaron’s head. “Maybe—maybe just one?” He’s lightheaded at the thought, both of having Aaron’s hot mouth tease a bruise there and of being seen for the desperate, needy slut he is. Of the whole team, the whole office, the whole world knowing he is taken, happily, regularly, by not one but two beautiful human beings.
Aaron presses his hand against Spencer’s cock, which is extremely hard, giving away all of his secrets, and he huffs against his throat.
“Yeah. You want me to suck and bite your neck until you’re purple and aching, and then you want to walk right downstairs and show it off, don’t you? No doubts about who gave it to you, about who your daddy is. About who you belong to.” He nods, breathing heavily.
“Yes. I want them to see, I want them to know.” Aaron walks him back so he’s leaning against the edge of the desk, and he runs his hands slowly up and down Spencer’s body, brushing his lips so softly over his throat. It feels good, but it’s not what he wants, and Aaron knows it, the tease.
He shifts his hips, rubs against Aaron for friction, and when he finds his cock he gasps, fists his hand into Aaron’s jacket. He lifts his leg, pressing against Aaron’s thigh, and gets them to line up beside each other, sliding easily due to the fabric of their suit pants.
“Oh, fuck, Spencer,” he groans, hands falling to the desk on either side of his body. “Needy boy.” He tugs down the collar of his shirt a little more, bites down hard at the base of this throat, and Spencer moans, clutches at him, rubbing frantically.
Aaron’s mouth is hard, sucking deeply, and Spencer knows that what he’s doing is actually breaking blood vessels beneath his skin, but it feels like he’s sucking the life out of him, leaving him dizzy and achy and desperate for release. He twists his fingers in Aaron’s hair, tight, and humps his hips up against his hard body, his hard cock, and he comes so powerfully he sees stars, panting and shaking through it until he leans his weight back against the desk, his energy depleted.
Aaron pulls back, looks at him with dark, lustful eyes, and bends for a hot, wet kiss.
“Perfect, beautiful boy,” he rasps when the kiss breaks, and he unclasps his belt, takes out his cock, looks down at Spencer’s mouth; it’s all he needs to do to get Spencer on his knees, and he’s sure he looks filthy—his face is hot, and his collar is still loose, with what must be a huge, dark hickey blooming there—because it only takes a few seconds for Aaron to spill down his throat, his hand under Spencer’s chin while he swallows him down.
He helps him to his feet, and they kiss, work to right each other’s clothes and hair even though Spencer feels like his face is the real problem—his eyes half-lidded, his mouth slack and his tongue peeking out the way it always does when he’s satisfied. Aaron looks at him affectionately, probably at the dopey look he’s so capable of putting on his face, and he kisses him again, softer, then brushes his lips over his nose.
“I love you. Want me to come down and make you a tea?” he asks softly, so sweet, but Spencer just shakes his head, swallows.
“No, that’s okay. I know you’re busy, and I’ve taken up enough of your time.” Aaron sighs, sweeps a hand gently over his cheek.
“My time is your time. You’ve taken nothing I didn’t want to give.” He kisses him fully on the mouth, and Spencer hums happily against his lips. “Is there anything I can do for you before you head back to work? Or, I guess you should probably head to the bathroom first, to get cleaned up,” he amends, and he looks down at Spencer’s crotch like he would prefer to clean it up himself, slowly, with his tongue. Spencer shakes his head.
“No, thank you. I’m really alright. I love you,” he murmurs, kissing his lips, “and I’ll see you soon.”
“See you soon.” Spencer slips past him, out the door, and when he’s done cleaning up in the bathroom, he looks at himself in the mirror; he thinks he looks wrecked, debauched, but maybe that’s only because he knows that he is. He pulls down his collar, looks at the huge, dark, angry bruise Aaron left, smiles, and covers it back up.
When he takes his seat, Sophie looks up at him, sweeps her eyes over his face, his throat, and he can see her breath pick up. God, she’s so easy to get going, it’s not even fair. She makes eye contact, swallows, looks up at Aaron’s office, and then stands, locks her computer, and heads upstairs.
About ten minutes later, she’s back; he looks up at her, and because he looks at her so much, he notices all the little things that have changed—her hair, previously falling in voluminous waves, looks a little flat, and her chest is red, flushed, and when she logs back into her computer, he notices the edge of a purple bruise on the soft spot between her neck and shoulder, barely concealed by the white v-neck t-shirt she wears. She meets his eyes, sweeps her tongue over her lips, and buries herself in work.
He’s hard, again.
No one notices, again. They take a case in Orlando, a serial killer case like many before it, nothing so out of the ordinary that anyone should be particularly on edge, but Spencer is, and Sophie can’t figure out why. He’s retreated into himself, not as talkative, and snippy, when he does speak, so she doesn’t start the car right away when they climb in, hopes for a little partner/girlfriend heart to heart before they go canvassing for leads.
“Spencer. Hey,” she says softly, pressing her hand to his cheek when he won’t make eye contact. “Baby, what’s going on? You’ve been distant all day. I’m worried about you.” He presses his face against her palm, looks up at her with sad eyes.
“I hate when we’re on a case, and I know that you and Aaron will get to sleep together, and I’m stuck in my room by myself, all alone.” She sighs, because that can’t be all it is, but it makes her heart hurt anyway.
“Is that the only thing bothering you?”
“It’s not just that, it’s the bigger picture. You two are… out, for lack of a better word. People see you, they know you’re together, they know you’re in love. I feel like the third wheel, sometimes. People don’t know that I mean anything to either of you. They don’t know I love you, or that you love me, that we…” He shakes his head, presses his lips together like he wants to cry. “That when the three of us make love, I feel like the man I’m supposed to be. That I feel really seen for the first time in my life.” She puts her other hand on the side of his face, brings him closer for a slow, loving kiss, breathes against his lips.
“I’m sorry, honey. You’re right, none of that is fair to you, and we haven’t been very thoughtful or attentive to your needs around this. I promise things will change. I don’t know how, exactly… It’s complicated, I know you know that. But you deserve to be just as seen as Aaron and I are, so we’ll find a way to make it work.” She rests her nose against his, softly kisses his lips. “I love you so much, Spencer, and so does Aaron. You aren’t a third wheel, we’re all equal.” He nods against her cheek.
“I know, I do, and I love you both so much. I don’t want to make your lives harder, but I want more. I need more.” She pulls back, brushes her fingers through his hair, runs a soothing hand over his arm.
“Of course you do, and we want that too. You’re not asking for anything we shouldn’t have already given you.” She feels guilt like a pit in her stomach at the fact that they didn’t think of this, try to get ahead of it. Poor Spencer. “It will work out, baby, I promise. We’ll find a way. And I’ll sleep in your room tonight,” she adds, knowing it’s a small comfort, but she hopes it makes him feel better until they can make the big things right. “I’ve slept in your room before, when things were hard, it’s not like it’s a big deal.” He closes his eyes, nods tightly.
“Right. No one needs to know.” She frowns, because that’s not what she meant, but he pulls back, buckles up his seatbelt, and she does the same, at a loss for what she can do in the meantime to make him feel seen.
When she’s in Aaron’s room that night, getting ready to duck into Spencer’s, she has an idea, runs it by him. His face abruptly goes serious, dark, and he takes her face in his hands, kisses her roughly.
“Are you sure? Anyone could see—it’s not like we’re in a low-traffic city,” he warns, but she nods. She’s pretty sure, after talking to both of them, that this is something that Spencer would enjoy, that would maybe make him feel a little bit better about it all. She wants to do it.
“Yeah. We’re the only ones on this side of the hall, so I figure that’s as safe as we’ll get, in terms of the team, and… I’m okay, with anyone else. If it will make him happy.” She grips the hair at the back of his head, presses their foreheads together. “You’ll be there for me, right?”
“I promise,” he murmurs, caressing her face, and she sighs against his lips.
“Thank you. I love you.” He says it back, kisses her, and she takes a step back, grabs her stuff, walks to the door. “I’ll text you, let you know when we’re ready.”
“Okay. Remember your words. Use them if you need them.” She nods, leaves the room, knocks lightly on Spencer’s door.
“Hey, honey,” she greets, and he steps aside, takes her bag, closes the door behind them. She pulls him down for a gentle, slow kiss, smooths her hands over his body like she’s trying to commit him to memory. “Hmm. How are you doing?”
“I’m okay,” he says with a soft smile. “I was thinking about earlier, in the car, and I wasn’t fair. It makes sense that people can’t know until we figure things out; I shouldn’t have been so harsh with you.” She thanks the heavens above for the perfect segue, because she’d been struggling with a way to explain her idea without sounding like a babbling, horny idiot.
“It makes sense that the team can’t know,” she corrects, and she leans up for another kiss. “Or people we work with. But other people, people we don’t know, that would be fine, right?” He tilts his head, looks a little confused by her question.
“What do you mean? Like, if we went on a date together? And people saw us?” She nods a little.
“Yeah, something like that. Or even… you know. If people saw you kissing me, or they saw us having sex. That would be okay, wouldn’t it?” Her heart is racing, and his breathing picks up, she can tell; she can tell her words affect him just by the set of his mouth, the way his hands move to her hips and tighten there. It’s so fucking hot.
“Yeah, yeah. That would be okay. Would that be okay with you?” Aaron was right then, when he’d suggested that their boy might be harboring a hidden exhibitionism kink; she smiles, pleased, proud of their man for noticing.
“It would be okay with me,” she murmurs, pressing her lips to his. “There’s a chaise couch thingy on the balcony out there. I thought maybe you and I could put on a show for Aaron; and if someone else is out on their balcony, and they happen to see us, all the better. They’ll see how horny you make me, how hard and loud I come for you. How much I love you, need you, want you.” Her last words are spoken directly into his ear, and he shivers, lifts her up and presses her back against the wall.
“Fuck. Yeah, I want to.” His mouth moves frantically over her throat, his hands on her back, and he makes sure she’s supported before moving to pull her shirt over her head, so he can kiss and lick and squeeze her exposed tits. “Oh, god.”
“Yeah, Spencer. I can’t wait to feel you, to show the world what you mean to me. What you do to me.” He’s panting, and he puts his hands on her again, moves them to the bed, lays her back on it.
“Sophie, so good for me, always giving me so much. Always pleasing me, always.” She tips her head back, moans, and when he drags her pants down her legs, then her panties, she sighs, horny, happy, pleased. A little nervous. But she wants to do this for him more than anything.
“Let me text Aaron real quick,” she says, but she pulls his shirt off first, pushes down his pants and boxers, wants to see him, feel him. He hands her her phone, and her fingers are trembling a little as she types out the text.
Spencer is, of course, as sweet and kind and sexy as ever, when he lays her naked body back on the chaise, which is directly across from Aaron’s balcony. He looks into her eyes, makes sure she’s okay, and she nods, a signal to begin.
They very mindfully keep their eyes on each other, don’t pause to try to seek out Aaron—she knows he’s there, even though it’s dark, because he said he’d be—or to check for anyone else. They both decided it would be better that way.
Both hands cover her breasts, rubbing slow circles, stimulating her nipples, and she moans softly, letting her head fall back, moving her arms up on either side of it. He kisses her mouth tenderly, then trails his lips down her throat, between her breasts, down her stomach; he dips his head low, takes a gentle taste of her slick, throbbing pussy, and then one of his hands leaves her chest to press open her thigh, giving himself more room to work.
“So fucking beautiful. Wet and open—you really want me, don’t you, sweet girl?” His voice is a little louder than it would normally be, and she quickly realizes he wants to make sure it carries over to Aaron, so he can hear them as well. She tries to remember to be really loud, even though it goes against her instincts.
“Oh, yes.” He spreads his fingers where they rest on her tit, then pushes it up, harder, and she moans. “Mmmh, yeah.”
“So perfect for me. Horny, slutty, gorgeous girl for daddy.” She snaps her eyes shut, bites into her bottom lip; she hadn’t counted on him bringing out the daddy tonight, while they’re doing this. It makes her feel dirty, and extremely aroused.
“Yes, daddy. I’m so horny, s-so slutty,” she stumbles when he slides his tongue between her lips, then up over her aching clit. “Oh, god, yes. Yes, daddy.”
He takes his time, goes slowly, slips his tongue through her folds, nibbles them with careful teeth, and she is just a mass of flesh and nerve endings sinking into the sofa, squirming under his hands, whimpering and moaning at his every lick, touch. It feels like everything is moving in slow motion except her heart, her heaving chest, and her brain is already deliciously empty, like static on a broken television—it’s either her mind’s way of protecting her from the anxiety she knows she should be feeling at being this exposed, doing something so, so illegal and filthy and wrong, or it’s just Spencer.
She thinks it might actually be just Spencer.
He looks up at her from between her legs, so gorgeous, flushed, turned on, and he presses two fingers into her open mouth, which only makes her sink deeper into the place that’s all pleasure and need and wanting to please him. He pumps them into her mouth a few times, then pulls them out and sinks them deep into her pussy, making her arch and sigh.
“There you go, baby, that’s it,” he praises, dragging them in and out, in and out, in and out. He leans in to press the point of his tongue against her clit, divine sensation right where she wants it, and she comes around his fingers, moaning and gripping the edge of the cushion in her hands. “That’s a good girl. Good girl.” He shifts up, moves his hand up her body, slips his wet fingers back into her mouth so she’ll suck them clean.
She’s never felt so good in her entire fucking life. Aaron has been trying to resist shoving a hand into his boxers and jerking himself off, but his willpower is wearing thin.
Watching Spencer bring Sophie off with his mouth and his hands was... stimulating to say the least; she dropped into subspace so quickly and completely, he could see it from even a balcony away. Spencer is getting better and better at dominating her every day, better than him, even, because he has a refinement, a subtle nuance, that Aaron hasn’t found on his own quite yet.
It’s when he fucks her, though, that Aaron starts to lose his resolve. Maybe it’s because he’s truly just a spectator for the first time in their relationship, or maybe it’s because he knows—even if they don’t—that they’ve amassed a small audience, but he spreads his legs, rubs his hand over the bulge in his boxers, tries to keep breathing.
The tie thing is a tease, just truly unfair.
Before Spencer pushes into her, he reaches a hand down, pulls out a tie—one of Aaron’s, the one Spencer had worn to the office the day he’d marked him—and wraps it around Sophie’s wrists, knotting it tightly to keep her hands together, and he tucks it into the arm of the chaise so she’ll keep them above her head. She doesn’t make a sound, just stares up at him, subservient and willing, and it makes Aaron’s head spin. He can’t imagine what it does to Spencer.
With a couple of kisses, he’s inside her, up on his knees, his hands on her hips, and she wraps her thighs around his waist, lifts her ass up, and lets him pound inside.
“Oh, daddy. Fuck me,” she moans, and he licks his lips, pulls her against him with each thrust so he’s deep, fully sheathed inside her. “Yeah, just like that. All the way inside me. Tight, but I love it,” she pants, and he squeezes his eyes shut—so he won’t come, Aaron knows.
“Yes you do. Such a good little slut for daddy, taking my big cock even though it's tight. Your pussy’s mine, and I take what I want, don’t I?”
“God, yes. Take it, take it,” she mutters, and Spencer slowly brings his hands up to cover her throat, because she needs grounding and they can both tell. He slides his hands up and down her throat, not choking, just rubbing her there, and she moans, a wrecked and dirty sound. “Will you come inside me, daddy? Fill me up? Can I sleep with it inside me?” Aaron swallows hard, puts his hand in his pants and starts jerking his swollen, leaking cock. Spencer hums.
“Yes, baby, I’ll fill you with come. You can sleep with it. Maybe I’ll wake up in the night, stiff, and pump some more into you while you sleep. Would you like that?” She moans, bucks hard against him, nods.
“Yes, daddy. I’ll take whatever you give me. You do what you want to me. I’m just your pussy, just here for you to use. Use me.” He thrusts into her faster, his hands tight on her hips again, and he comes, snapping his body hard against hers.
Aaron knows he gets quickly spent and tired, but he jackhammers his cock into her a dozen times anyway, determined, and she comes calling Spencer, her hips stuttering against his until they both slow and settle. Aaron comes too, just a quiet grunt followed by a long, satisfied sigh.
Spencer unties her arms, kisses her wrists, and picks her up; it’s easy, because he’s still inside her, and her legs are still around him. A couple of people applaud and whistle from a balcony above, and Sophie tucks her face into Spencer’s neck, wraps her arms around him, and they go inside.
The two of you are incredible, he texts Spencer when he goes inside as well. I love you both so much. So perfect, so beautiful. Take care of each other.
We love you, too. I think tomorrow, you two should let me watch.
Aaron closes his eyes, exhales long, climbs into bed.
The next day, they somehow manage to work together as if nothing happened the night before, as if his two perfect partners didn’t fuck in front of a live audience, as if he didn’t bring himself off in public as a result.
It’s enough to keep him in a state of passive arousal all day, and he hopes and prays it’s not enough to give him an erection, because he doesn’t have time for it.
That night, though, is another story entirely.
Roles are reversed, as requested; Spencer sits on his balcony, in the dark, but they don’t look toward him, just the way he and Sophie didn’t look for Aaron. She said it helped, and he wants to keep her as comfortable as possible, knows this is a lot.
Aaron lays back on the chaise, and he gently palms Sophie’s head as she holds his hips, kisses and licks his dick; he knows she’ll fall hard sucking him off like this, and he liked how submissive she was for Spencer yesterday, would like to get her there himself too.
“Hmm. Good girl, baby,” he hums, brushing back her hair; she’d run her tongue over him all night if he let her, and it would get him off, too, but he wants to make it good for Spencer, so he reaches down and lifts his cock, guides her mouth down onto it.
She moans on him, wraps her hand around the base, presses her lips tight and bobs her head, slow and steady, and he tips his head back, rubs her arms, encouraging the treatment.
“Yes, baby, suck on daddy’s cock. You’re always best with your mouth full, aren’t you, my sweet, slutty girl?” She hums around him, shifts so she can get a hand between her legs, which is his absolute favorite, and moves faster, her hand and her mouth together, wet and hot, enough to make his eyes roll back in his head. He knows he won’t last long if she keeps that up, lets them both enjoy it for a moment before putting his hands on her cheeks and pulling her off gently. “Enough of that; climb up for daddy,” he instructs, and she slinks up his body, presses her mouth to his for a heated, eager kiss.
It lasts a while, because she feels so good, tastes so good, like him, and then they separate, panting against each other. “How do you want me, daddy?” He sits up, runs a hand up her body, and then guides her to sit back on his dick, making them both gasp. “Hmm, yeah. Thank you, daddy,” she murmurs, and she presses her hands against his chest and starts to move atop him.
She’s perfect, as always, fucking quickly, slamming into his thrusts, and one hand falls back to steady herself against his thigh; her chest is flushed and red, nipples hard, and he can’t resist, has to lean in and suck one into his mouth, roll it around on his tongue.
“Oh, fuck, mmm,” she sighs, wrapping her hand around the back of his head and holding him close. “You know my body so well because it’s yours, daddy. Yours to use, to fuck, to come inside.” He releases her breast and stares up at her, her breathing hard, her mouth open in a silent moan. She’s gorgeous, unabashed, riding his cock like she was made for it; he knows Spencer has to be touching himself as he watches her body work, her hips roll against him.
It’s relatively quiet, and he hears someone mutter, same girl, different guy, and he’s forced to really think about this for a moment, what they’re doing, the kind of line they’ve crossed. He wonders if this will be something done once, remembered fondly but out of their systems for good, or something they’ll need, will have to learn to navigate around safely, healthily. He thinks about how different it is for her, as a woman, compared to how it is for them as men.
She either feels none of the same apprehension or simply hides it well, because she only bounces harder against his thighs until she comes whimpering his name. He groans, puts his hands on her ass and squeezes it, urging her to keep going until the sensitivity passes, not to stop or slow. She knows what to do—another voice says riding it like a champ—just tosses her hair over her shoulder, scrapes her nails through the hair on his chest, moans long and loud.
“Mmm, yes, daddy, thank you daddy. Thank you for not letting me stop—I’m just here for you to use, to take your come. I’m your slut.”
“Yes, baby girl, you are a slut for daddy. You live to be fucked hard, destroyed by me. By us.” It’s the only time they’ve acknowledged Spencer, and Aaron can hear a faint groan coming from his direction. “One man is not enough for a needy, desperate slut like you. You need two. Separately, together—you belong to us both.” She runs a hand through her hair, bucks hard against him, reaches down to rub at her clit again; god, if she comes on his cock twice he’s going to fucking lose it.
“Yes, yes, yes,” she chants, and he leans up again, bites down on her nipple, and she cries out in pleasure, digs her nails into his chest, and comes again. He puts both hands hard on her hips, forces her down onto his cock a handful of times and then comes as well, pumping into her tight channel with a groan.
She pants, catches his mouth in a bruising kiss, and he gets her into the bedroom, lays her back on the bed, and watches her body move as she works to catch her breath, still shivering with aftershocks, clamping down tight around his cock. She touches his face, his hair, and he only pulls out when he hears a light but insistent knock on the door.
“It’s Spencer, baby, I’ll be right back,” he promises, kissing her, and when he opens the door Spencer flies in, grabs him hard, kisses him, then makes his way to Sophie; he touches her softly, stroking her hair, whispering words of praise until she’s shaking and the only thing that will soothe her is his arms wrapping around her, holding her close.
It’s the first time he actually notices how differently she sees them, as their sub. Aaron is the one who makes rules, gives orders, disciplines and corrects, and Spencer is softer, earning obedience with his actions more than his words. Aaron pushes her, overwhelms her, and Spencer is the one who helps her through when she’s overwhelmed, and it’s why this works, why it works when he’s dominating Spencer, too. There’s no clashing of personalities, it’s all complementary, all necessary. All important.
He has to find a way to make this right. “Strauss was… confused, to say the least,” Aaron explains to them at dinner a few nights later. “And I could tell she thinks I’m just a couple more twenty-somethings away from being a cult leader or something,” he says—only half joking, Sophie can tell, “but she knows, now. All that’s left is to tell the team, and then live with whatever repercussions may come.” She reaches out for both of their hands, squeezes them.
“Well, the team was okay with us when we disclosed, and this is a little more unconventional, but we know them. I don’t think we’ll have a problem. If anyone else has one, that’s beyond our control. It doesn’t say anything about us; people have always found a reason to dislike something different just because it’s different.” She glances at Spencer, who is looking so soft, pleased, that she doesn’t know how they didn’t see the signs before. He’s like a whole new person, now, their person.
"One more thing," Aaron says, and he's looking at the both of them, his face sweet and loving too. He crosses the room, opens a drawer, pulls out two small jewelry boxes and sets one in front of each of them. He crouches between them. "I know it might seem a little soon, but this isn't anything serious, just a reminder, a promise. I don't ever want either of you to feel like we aren't all equal here: equally valued, equally important, equally loved." Sophie opens hers—a delicate gold band with a small diamond in the middle—and Aaron pulls a third out of his pocket, thicker, simple, just gold, identical to the one Spencer opens. "Please don't ever think you can't talk to me when something is bothering you, and don't ever forget that I love you."
She leans over, kisses him, kisses Spencer, and they kiss each other, and the night gets away from them and they have sex in so many different positions and combinations it’s like Twister, but everyone feels fulfilled when they drift off to sleep, and that’s the most important thing.
Telling the team is… interesting, to say the least.
“Okay, thanks for letting us know,” JJ says, nodding, and Aaron, Spencer, and Sophie just look at each other where they stand. Spencer frowns, confused.
“What do you mean, ‘thanks for letting us know’? That’s it?” Morgan crosses his hands behind his head.
“Yeah. We’ve known for a while, but this is like you guys coming out, as bi or pan or whatever you two are,” he says, gesturing to the guys, “and then as like… what’s the word, baby girl?” he asks Garcia, and she waves her feathered pen at the three of them.
“Throuple. It’s like a couple, but, you know, three.” She smiles kindly.
“You knew,” Spencer repeats, and Sophie glances at Aaron, shoots him an indulgent smile. “You knew, all along?”
“Since the day you guys had your ‘partner evaluations,’” Prentiss admits with a teasing tone. “You two are extremely obvious. It’s like you can’t get laid without looking like two blushing, giggling little school girls after. So not sneaky.”
“I literally saw you two making out at Rossi’s party,” JJ says with a laugh. “I was going to tell Hotch I thought you were cheating on him, but Garcia convinced me not to. She was on to your whole thing before any of us.”
“Why didn’t you say anything?” Spencer asks, looking like he’s about to pull his hair out. Sophie knows he’d been so upset he couldn’t share their relationship with anyone, and they knew for most, if not all of it, so he’s understandably kind of losing it.
“What were we supposed to do? Order a cake and make you a banner that said, ‘Congrats on the threesome!’?” Prentiss jokes, and Garcia leans back in her chair to look at her.
“Throuple.” Prentiss waves her hand, accepts the correction, and Sophie reaches out for Spencer, smooths her hand over his back, presses her nose to his shoulder.
“Okay, well I think this turned out well. Let’s go make a cup of tea, baby,” she murmurs, and Spencer lets himself be led away, muttering about stupid friends that drive me crazy. Aaron follows behind them, presses his hand to her lower back, and Sophie sighs, content.
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bonjour-rainycity · 3 years
Making Amends
Summary: Five years, you thought he was gone for good. After the War, he disappeared. Now, after months of zero contact, he shows up at your bridal salon. A somewhat bitter Reader and a post-FATWS Bucky
Pairing: Bucky x F!Reader
Word count: 2381
Warnings: Mentions of past violence and killings, adult language
I sigh, securing the train of the dress so it doesn’t drag against the floor. The dress is stunning, as they all are. This one—pouffy, ivory, grand—has a bateau neckline and falls to the floor in a long, glittering train.
The glitter gets everywhere.
I bend down, trying to wipe some of it off my pants leg, then work on my blazer. Every day, only black clothes. It’s tradition, but a stupid one — the glitter stands out on my clothes more than it does on the white dresses.
“Miss, someone’s here to see you.”
I grit my teeth, digging my hands into the fabric of the dress. The receptionist is young — barely out of her teens, really — and still quite new at her job. She, like others, disappeared on that awful day five and a half years ago.
The day I lost everything.
And she’s here today because of my friends’ sacrifices.
I try to remind myself to be patient. “We’re appointment only, Lydia. Tell her to call, make an appointment, and come back then.”
“R-right,” she stammers, and I can hear the bottoms of her heels scraping against the floor as she shifts her weight. “It’s just—well, he said it’s really important, and wouldn’t take no for an answer.”
That gives me pause. He?
As a product manager at a bridal salon, my day is mostly spent in the company of women. Brides, their mothers, bridal parties, wedding planners, etc. There’s the occasional fiancé, father, brother, friend come to support, or a groom shopping for a dress, but overall, men tend to stand out.
“Fine, send him in,” I allow. It’s obvious he’s not listening to Lydia, but I know I’m more intimidating than she is. I’ll tell him to schedule an appointment. “And then do me a favor — there’s a list of designers on my desk upstairs. Can you give their offices a call and update the contact info for each brand representative?”
She sounds relieved. “Sure, no problem.”
As the sound of her heels meeting the ground fade away, I breathe in the sweet, floral-scented air. We’re under-booked today. There are only a few brides occupying our east fitting rooms, so I’ve decided to spend my afternoon in the west, making everything look perfect for the weekend ahead. Having this section alone — just me, the soft piano music playing over the speakers, and the dresses — is almost peaceful.
It would be peaceful if I were anyone else.
I continue to straighten the dresses. Everything needs to be perfectly spaced, meticulously tucked and folded to make each dress impressive in its own way. There’s no room for imperfection, here.
The sound of heavy boots clicking on the floor rings through the empty room. “Hey, Doll.”
My body runs cold.
That voice. I know it well.
My mind flashes to late nights, stealing smiles and kisses, tight hugs, adoring eyes.
And then falling to the ground in grief. Changing outfits to attend my second funeral of the day. His. And, after years of grieving, healing, and suffering through, one chance to fix it all. The joy of having him back. Locking eyes on the battlefield.
And then nothing.
All my air leaves me in one, quick, sigh. “You’ve got to be kidding me.”
I turn, both dreading the sight and longing for it.
And just like that, standing between two rows of eggshell and pearl and ivory, he’s here.
Dark denim jeans, a deep blue shirt—long sleeve, knowing him—a grey button-up open on his chest, and two thick gloves, despite the summer heat.
I cross my arms.
He purses his lips together and raises his eyebrows, crossing one foot over the other casually. “So, bridal, huh?”
I feel my jaw clench. “I’ve got to make a living, don’t I? Evidently you do, too.” I can’t stop the bitterness from seeping into my voice.
He sighs that long-suffering sigh, one that tells me he’s more resigned than upset. “I wanted to come back.”
I turn my attention back to the dresses, walking down the row of gleaming white. “No one was stopping you.”
He turns to face me as I continue my inspection of each and every gown. “It’s not that simple. I—I was working hard. I had to get freed from him.”
I grit my teeth, fighting the urge to feel something. But of course, I do. Ever since I’ve known Bucky, he’s been wrecked by the things he’s done and terrified he’ll be called to do them again.
Terrified that he’ll lose his mind once again to the assassin.
When I saw him on TV, in a random news report from months ago, I’d broken down into sobs. I’d fallen to my knees and said prayer after prayer of thanks. Because the clouds had faded from his eyes. The fear, the ever-present dread, was gone. He stood taller, more assured —
I knew then, that somehow, he’d gotten the Winter Soldier out.
I bend down, fluffing layers of crinoline in a ballgown. “You’ve been in the news.”
He hears the accusation in my voice. You’ve been back for months.
He approaches me slowly, coming to stand in front of me as I straighten. “I had a job to do.”
“What, the new Captain America doesn’t allow cell phones?”
He ignores the jab. “Doll, I had to wait to make sure, to be sure, but I’m safe, now. I’m not him anymore.”
“Bucky, I always felt safe with you,” I whisper, the emotion nearly winning. “I loved you more than anything. And despite what you said — that you loved me, too — you just left. Five years I waited for you. I didn’t think there was any way I would ever see you again, and then by some miracle, after so much loss, you came back! We fought in a war together. We killed. And we won. And then you disappeared. It’s been six months! I-I mean, I hate to think the worst, Bucky, but I really thought—” I cut off my words then, unable to continue without dissolving into tears.
His jaw tightens in that heartbreaking way it does when he’s sad, and he reaches forward. When I don’t protest to his gloved hand on mine, he pulls me into a hug. I want to melt into him. I want to collapse under nearly six years of unresolved grief, stress, worry, and let him hold me up, let him bear this burden for just a few minutes.
But that’s not the way I’m made.
I’ve entrusted my heart to him too many times.
And every time, I’m left alone and broken.
I push myself out of his arms, wiping my tears away quickly. Once again, the dresses act as my anchor, my distraction. I gather one in my arms, crossing the aisle to re-hang it in its proper place.
Bucky watches from a distance.
His hands are tucked into his pockets, and he looks at me sadly for a while before his eyes turn to the ground.
Silence falls between us. The only noises are the coos of elated brides and their adoring guests coming from the east side of the building.
After a while, Bucky raises his head towards me. “Does working here make you want it?”
I sigh. He can’t do that. Can’t come in here after so much time away with zero contact and then casually ask me stupid questions. “Want what?”
“You know,” he shrugs, leaning against the receptionist’s desk. “It. A wedding, a marriage, a…life.”
I purse my lips, shaking my head. I reach to adjust a hanger slightly out of my arm span, trying my hardest not to sound sad. “I’m not the kind of girl you marry, Buck. Not anymore.”
He scoffs, making a face. “What does that even mean?”
I turn on him, more than done with this conversation. “Exactly that! I see it every day — brides come in here, all starry-eyed, happy, innocent. They’ve got love, or at least the excitement of planning their ‘big day,’ and they just glow with all the life in them. I don’t have that, not anymore. I—” I lower my voice, gritting my teeth against the emotion that attempts to fight through. “I’ve killed people, Bucky. For a long period of time, that’s all I did. And, look, I’m really, really happy for you being able to heal and move on and be freed, but I can’t do that. I can’t come back from who I turned out to be.”
“That’s bullshit. You did what you had to do.” He pushes himself off the receptionist’s desk, adamant. “Every life you took was to stop the slaughter of others. You can’t blame yourself for that.”
“I can.”
We stare each other down.
He’s always had a good stare.
Steady, intimidating, unwavering. It’s like he can see into the depths of your soul and know he can outlast you.
But I work with furious mothers of the brides.
I raise an eyebrow, showing him I will not back down from this challenge.
He blinks and moves his gaze past my right shoulder. Something shifts in his eyes. “You’ve got a client.”
I force my expression to soften, maneuvering around Bucky to grab the clipboard from the receptionist’s desk. I give him a look that clearly says do not move, and hurry to the front door to welcome the bride and her guests in. Amidst the flurry of excited chatters, gushing about wedding plans, and a clear description of what she does not want, I check them in on the clipboard and take them to the east wing to meet a consultant. When I return, Bucky is exactly where I left him.
He smirks at me. “What the hell was that? Your voice rose like three octaves.”
I roll my eyes. “It’s called customer service.”
He shrugs, leaning against the desk in a way I should not find ridiculously attractive. “Well, why don’t I get any of that?”
I grit my teeth. “Because they are going to buy a dress, which will pay my salary, which will make me happy. You on the other hand, have caused me nothing but anger, sadness, and worry.” I blink, absently shocked that all that truth escaped despite my best efforts.
Something flashes in Bucky’s eyes—regret, maybe—but he covers it well, tilting his head to the side and keeping his playful tone. “Really? Nothing but that? Gosh, I must have been a terrible boyfriend.”
I dig my teeth into my lower lip, staring down at my clipboard. It’s been six months. You may as well continue with the honesty. You don’t know the next time you’ll have a change to talk to him like this. “Buck…” I approach him slowly, buying myself time. Too soon, I come to stand in front of him. “You were a great boyfriend. I…” I sigh, shaking my head. “I thought you were it. I didn’t want anyone else. And we were happy, overall. You know—up until you disappeared without so much as a text and ignored me for six months.”
A muscle twitches in his cheek. He leans forward, locking his eyes with mine. “We were good together. I loved you, more than anything, I—well Doll, I still love you. And look, I know I’ve messed up. In more ways than seems is humanly possible, but I,” he sighs, shaking his head. “I’m as clean as I’m ever gonna get. I shouldn’t have disappeared without warning. I should’ve called when I left Wakanda. I should’ve let you hear from me rather than seeing me on the news. I should’ve come back and done the work to rebuild what I broke. I’m sorry. I really am.”
I feel the clipboard digging into my stomach. I don’t move. I stare at him, terrified of the way his words, the honesty in his eyes, makes me react. Too easily, my walls are coming down. “What did you come here for?”
“I—just,” he digs his hands into his pockets, sighing lowly. “I’m back in town. And I’m here to stay for a while. If you’d allow it, I’d like to try to make amends.”
Don’t do it, I beg myself. Don’t set yourself up for more pain.
In the face of my silence, he nods slowly, taking on a look of sad understanding.
“I work till seven.” The words rush from my mouth before I can stop them, before I can think of the consequences. I grip the clipboard even tighter.
Bucky raises an eyebrow, the start of a smile tugging at the edge of his lips. “Yeah?”
“Yeah,” I nod, my heart racing at the prospect of being with him again, of maybe fixing things. “I live in the same apartment.”
He grins fully now, but at my stern look, attempts to wipe it off his face. I’m still mad at him, he shouldn’t get too comfortable yet.
But the light doesn’t leave his eyes and, despite my fear that this will all turn out terribly for me, I feel my own lips threatening to turn up.
He pushes himself off the desk, standing closer to me than I think either of us intended. “Can I take you out?”
I release a long breath, not moving from my spot despite our proximity. “Yes.”
He nods slowly, not pulling his gaze from mine. “It’s a date.”
“It’s a trial period,” I correct, unable to keep myself from teasing him a little.
He tilts his head to the side, laughing indulgently. “Alright, I deserve that. Then, sure, I’ll pick you up at eight for our trial period.”
He smirks cockily at me, winking in that way he knows makes my knees weak, before turning and swaggering to the door.
Despite our play, he’s not getting off this easy. There’s a lot we have to work through, and we might not even be compatible anymore — he knows that, too.
But for just this moment, I allow myself to enjoy feeling comfortable with him, joking like we used to. When his gloved hand reaches for the doorknob, I call after him, keeping my tone light. “You’re on thin fucking ice, Barnes.”
He turns his head to mine, nodding solemnly in a way I didn’t expect. “I know, Doll.”
A/n Whoops, couldn’t get this one out of my head after seeing Bucky in FATWS, so here’s some angst, bitterness, and hopefully a little hope! 
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