#so I’m sorry. I’m sorry for everything
simandy · 1 day
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Commissioned by @strawverri-soda !!
This one is my favorite. It took me so much time because of my finals but now I'm free and able to finish everything! I hope you enjoy it and thank you for commissioning me!
HIGH POLY. 29k! Sorry, it's meant to make the braids flowy.
All Lods
Hat Chops
v1: Loose / v2: Tied
2 overlays (Full and Ombre) located in PIERCINGS
24 EA Colors
40 Puppy Crow Colors (You will need the mesh with the EA colors)
       🍓 • DOWNLOAD • 🌸
PLEASE CONSIDER DONATING ON KO-FI OR BECOMING A PATRON. I’m struggling to pay my college tuition and buying my ADHD meds, I can't work or study without them. Please, consider sharing too, if you can’t help. Thank you for the support :)
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Lesson 7: "That's the Black one!"- Imagery and "Black-Coded" Characters
Now, you see me writing it!! I'm writing the lesson on Black-coded, non-human characters!! Y'all better go tell your friends and reblog, y'all been asking me forever about it!
This one was a bit hard for me to write. It didn't feel… New. It felt like a regurgitation of everything I'd already discussed. I was honestly confused every time people sent me questions; I thought we all understood how it worked. But I realized: that's not a bad thing! We can consider this an application of everything we've learned so far, because that’s all coding is, is an application!
The Definition
Coding (in media): giving a character or a group certain traits (physical or cultural experiences) that are similar to/that of a real-world specific group, without explicitly saying this fictional group is the real-world group. One may or may not mean to do it in their writing (which is where the opportunity for racist stereotype can leak in).
E.g., “queer-coded characters” gets used a lot on Tumblr; whether accurate or not, it is understood to mean that the blogger sees their/a queer identity portrayed by that character, or that the character was written with ‘queer’ traits in mind. Another example; Darwin Watterson is a goldfish in a world with no humans, but Darwin is Black-coded. The Fishmen in the One Piece Live Action are fantastical creatures, but they are Black-coded (of a very specific type of Black person; even!)
Youtuber KermitCurry explains and reinforces what I’m also going to explain here, but with a cool drawing of (the gorgeous) Grimmjow. She’s a Black artist and animator; go check her out and support her!
Here is a list of a few characters both canonically and Black-fanonically Black-coded:
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When Coding Characters as Black
To keep it simple: if the rules apply when designing and writing a Black character, the same rules apply when designing and writing a Black-coded character! The moment you decided that this nonhuman entity was going to resemble a human group of people, you were obligated to be aware of the cultures and stereotypes of those people!
You can’t have a Black-coded character, emphasize a stereotype of Black people, and then say “oh, well, it’s not actually racist because they’re actually a cat-wolf creature!” Yes, it is. You’re still being racist, and upon noticing or being told, there’s no need to be defensive about it- just acknowledge ‘ah yes, I’ve messed up, I'm sorry for my actions’ and then actively work towards a better design or writing that does not include those things.
Example: Hair
Let’s say you want to draw hair on a fish-like Mer species, and you want them to be Black-coded. It would still be racist to give that Mer-woman pickaninny hair, even if "well they're not really Black!" You could find fancy fish scales or seaweed or something fish related to draw ‘Black hair textures’, so that we understand what it’s visually supposed to represent while still being fantastical. Or a robot! Someone mentioned tubes for locs, and you could do curly wires for twists. It's possible! Get creative!
I’ve been asked numerous times about Black hair on furries. Not that I’m the most educated on furries or furry culture- I am not- but they’re already anthropomorphic animals that talk, have human hobbies and habits, and often have pretty rainbow colors. It should not, then, warrant a complaint of “unrealistic” if you respectfully add Black hairstyles to them.
Example: Species
The point about furries actually brings up another good point. Watch out when you're coding Black characters on animals or animal-like species. Often people will have the “dark-skinned, struggling with balancing their humanity monster” Black/Black-coded, and the “pale skinned monster that somehow understands this battle more than them and can save them from themselves”. This is rooted in racist imagery.
I have mentioned it before in response to an ask, but if the only people you find yourself coding as your ‘monkey/animal/monster/beast’ creations are Black and/or dark-skinned, you are- however intentional it is or isn’t- replicating a racist, dehumanizing pattern in league with King Kong and ‘ravishing the white woman/body’. I’m not inherently ‘rugged and masculine’ as a queer Black woman, thus meant to be pushed into the werewolf role. Black men aren’t beasts that can’t control their violent impulses, thus meant to be pushed into the animalistic role. Why do you think Black bodies being beast-like is sexy? Why do you think we are not physically capable of delicacy? Of gentility?
This doesn’t mean that Black characters can’t be werewolves or those sorts of creatures- but you need to be writing/designing with intent, and that means recognizing when you just ‘thought it looked cool’, and that thought turned out to be a racist belief upon further reflection.
Example: Skin
Let’s say your demon species has dark grey skin bc they're rock people or something- yes, the grey skin is because it's a demon species, we recognize that it's not desaturated brown skin. Fine. But God forbid that this grey-skinned ashen group of Black-coded characters are the unequivocal villains? And everyone else that isn’t Black-coded are the ‘good guys’? But ‘it’s okay, because they’re not Black, they’re grey!’? Yes, this is still racism. There’s no getting out of it.
Example: Intelligence
If your Black-coded species is the one that is ‘less cultured’, ‘talks funny’, supposed to be ‘stupid’, or in need of some good (white) character to ‘change their ways and become better people’… Just don't do that. I should not have to say this. Black people are not less intelligent, or ‘more inclined to brawn over brain’, 'more likely to act out of instinct', ‘in need of more education/direction’, or every other reason that was used to justify our enslavement and now, present arrest and imprisonment rates.
Example: Culture
This segues from my last point on intelligence. There’s arguments on coding species that are meant to be "savage" or "inhuman", giving them stereotypical loin cloths or tattered clothes and having them "need to be saved". Now, I'm not informed enough about D&D to make valuable commentary on the existence and history of orcs. However, if you've decided to create an Orc culture, and it's clear that your imagery is taken from Black and/or Indigenous cultures, in addition to the language of savagery and white saviorism itself… That's extremely racist. And if you're thinking "Ice, of course no one would do that in 2024", Yes. Yes, they would. The bar is low, but don't ever assume people can't, don't, and won’t find a way to limbo under it.
Black and Brown people don’t need to be ‘saved’ from our own cultures or ‘introduced’ to anything. We don't need to be 'made better'. If that’s the narrative that you find yourself buying into while you write your story, Black or Black-coded characters, you need to step back and evaluate.
How This Imagery Lasts
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Jim Crow Museum- Racist Cartoons and Anti-Black Imagery
This is obviously not everything I could put here as a example, but I wanted to offer a small example of how heinously racist imagery has made its way into the present. From depicting Serena Williams as an overgrown, childish, large-lipped Black woman (and whitewashing Afro-Japanese woman Naomi Osaka into the ideal, victimized blonde white woman), to Lebron James’ Vogue photo (this Black, married man now suddenly slave to the intensity of ball and white women for this cover), to the entirety of the Black Pete festival in the Netherlands.
This is imagery and behavior that evolves and lasts. What you put to paper will have an effect on someone else's ideas. You might not even think you believe these things, but someone looking at your art or reading your work will think you do! You should not want to be evoking any of this, coded or not, regardless of ‘if there’s a human involved’ because frankly… well, people already don’t see Black people as humans. We need to be treating our Black and Black-coded characters with care, and that means doing good research and avoiding replicating caricatures.
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yawnderu · 2 days
Simon’s gut clenched, the pure heartbreak in your eyes lashing at his heart like whips. He choked back tears, swallowing the thick lump in his throat to keep himself from falling at your feet and begging to be forgiven. Deep inside, he knows it’s selfish to keep you with him. 
“‘M sorry.” His first confession is nearly muted by the traumatized, war-hardened soldier deep within his soul. 
“I’m so sorry. I asked for the leave, but bloody Makarov just…” He pauses, realizing that no matter how many excuses he comes up with, his mistake will never be forgiven. It doesn’t deserve any forgiveness, and that’s something he’s fully aware of, gnawing at his conscience from within. 
“I love you. I love both of you. I promise— no, I swear, that I won’t ever leave.” His gaze drifts down to the newborn baby in your arms. A tiny sweet girl, her big brown eyes looking at him with so much curiosity and love. For a second, it takes every ounce of strength for him not to reach out and hold her. 
Simon clenches his fists tightly, as if holding back the tide of emotions surging within him. The last thing he wanted was to be like his father— an absent bloody cunt, yet it seems like the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree no matter how much he tries.
The sight of the tears rolling down your cheeks feels like daggers straight to his soul, and yet a part of him thinks he’s not allowed to feel pain. Not when he let you be alone and scared in the delivery room, surrounded by nurses sporting expressions of pure pity for you. A first-time mother who kept insisting her husband was going to show up this one time. 
“I was so scared, Simon.” The first words you’ve told him the entire night hurt more than any bullet he’s ever taken. 
“I’m sorry, baby. I’m so fucking sorry.” He swallows the thick lump in his throat, hesitantly reaching out to brush the tears from your cheeks, his hands shaky. His dark eyes fix on your face, soaking you in, wanting to remember even the smallest detail. As exhausted as you are, you’re still the most beautiful woman he’s ever laid eyes on. 
“Let me make it right. I promise I’ll do everything to make up for it.” A grim part of his soul knows that this is just one of the many cracks in your marriage that will never be repaired. Still, the sincerity in his voice echoes in the room as he leans forward, pressing your foreheads together. 
“I can’t imagine how you felt, baby. How scared you must’ve been…” He whispers, his chest constricting. His gaze drifts down to your beautiful girl, tears brimming his eyes the moment her tiny hand reaches out to hold one of the straps from his gear. 
“I’m here now. I’ll never leave, I promise.” If finally hanging it up is what it takes to amend your marriage, he’ll do it. A small smile pulls at the corners of his lips, picturing being able to see his little girl grow up with the chances he never had, and despite knowing that he deserves the rawness of the moment, Simon makes it a life goal to be with you at all times. To fix everything he once broke.
From the ex-husband Simon series.
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theyluvkarolina · 2 days
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· . ୨୧⭒๋࣭ ⭑ ` ` because we are living in a material world! ` ` ⊹ ‧₊˚
𝐒𝐔𝐌𝐌𝐀𝐑𝐘 ୨୧ Charles loves to gift… well, gifts. What can he say?! It’s his love language! Well, it’s hard to get used to such luxury items when coming from such a normal life.
𝐏𝐀𝐈𝐑𝐈𝐍𝐆 ୨୧ Charles Leclerc x Fem!Reader
𝐖𝐀𝐑𝐍𝐈𝐍𝐆𝐒 ୨୧ none that i know of 🩷
𝐀/𝐍 ୨୧ it’s pretty short lovely, and i’m so sorry about that but i loved the idea sm to write it today <3 as for the plus sized reader, i wasn’t too sure who to incorporate it into the story so i just didn’t put any implications on the reader’s weight, i’m so sorry! 😭 but i really hope you can still enjoy this my love!
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YOU ALWAYS FOUND joy in the simple things. Whether it be homemade meals, walks in the park, heartfelt conversations, or even something as simple as reading a book in the cozy atmosphere of your bedroom. But after meeting and eventually dating Charles, the Charles Leclerc, your world flipped upside down.
Where simple homemade dinners turned into fancy, exquisite restaurants, walks turned into rides on his expensive yacht anyone could dream of, and your cozy bedroom became hotel suites in glamorous cities around the world. It was a life anyone could dream of, but one you had never imagined for yourself.
Charles was a whirlwind of excitement, his life a constant race against time, both on and off the track. But even with the fast cars and glamour, he found solace in your simplicity. They grounded him, reminded him of the beauty in the mundane and he wouldn’t change it for the world.
Charles is a gentle lover. Always so kind and nurturing, where began to see the world through your eyes and not the rose-tinted glasses of Monaco. He found joy in the simplicity of homemade dinners together, where he eagerly helped chop vegetables and stir pots, laughing at his occasional culinary mishaps. He appreciated the walks in the park, holding hands as you talked about everything and nothing, away from the flashbulbs and fast pace of his public life.
However, most of all, he had a noticeable love language. Gifts. All sorts of gifts. Almost anything you can think of? He gave it. Handbags, necklaces, rings, bracelets, hell, even a dog! Only issue was how unnatural it felt to be receiving all of these.
· . ୨୧⭒๋࣭ ⭑
“Charles, mon amour, we’re home!” You called out as you entered the shared apartment, removing your shoes before unclipping Leo’s leash, scratching the blonde pup behind the ear as you do so before he waddles his way hastily to wherever Charles is.
Usually, Charles replies in his usual cheerful voice saying where he is or walks on over to the door to place a tender kiss onto your cheek, however, he gave no reply and the only sound in the apartment was muffled whispers and rustling objects.
You hesitated for a moment, setting down your bag and Leo’s leash, before following the faint sounds deeper into the apartment. The soft murmur of Charles’s voice reached your ears, mingled with the rustling of what sounded like wrapping paper.
With your peaked curiosity, you turned the corner into the living room, where Charles sat on the floor amidst a sea of boxes and tissue paper, his brows furrowed in concentration.
Leo bounded over to the paper with a wagging tail, but Charles remained absorbed in his task. As you approached, you caught glimpses of shimmering jewelry boxes, each undoubtedly holding something precious and undoubtedly expensive.
“Charles Marc Hervé Perceval Leclerc,” you began in a surprised and scolding tone that makes him look up at you with a boyish smile on his face, “What in the world is all of this?”
"Y/N, mon amour," he began, his voice warm and earnest, "I wanted to do something special for you. Something to show you how much I love you. Like thank you for all your support you give me.“
You couldn't help but feel a flutter in your chest at his sincerity. Despite your reservations about his extravagant gifts, you knew they came from a place of deep affection. Still, you couldn't shake the unease that often accompanied such displays of wealth.
"Charles," you said softly, moving closer to him and kneeling beside the scattered boxes, "you don't have to give me all this… y’know how I feel about-”
“Me wanting to pay for all of this? Mon ange,” He reached out, taking your hand in his, "I know, but I want to. Please. I have more than enough money to spend and give. Besides, I would rather all these gifts go to you out of everyone.”
You sighed, feeling torn. On one hand, you cherished Charles's efforts to make you happy. On the other, you struggled with the disparity between your backgrounds and the implications of his lavish gifts.
“I appreciate everything you do,” you said sincerely, squeezing his hand gently. “But sometimes, all these... things, they make me feel uneasy. I mean- It’s a big change… I never grew up in this… lavish lifestyle that you have with all these… gifts.”
Charles glanced at you with a look of understanding, his ocean colored eyes searching yours for reassurance. He gently placed a box aside and took both of your hands in his, his touch warm and comforting.
“I know, Y/N,” he said softly, his voice steady. “I understand that this isn't what you're used to. But please believe me when I say that these gifts, they're not just about luxury or showing off. They're a way for me to express how much you mean to me, how grateful I am for you. How much I love you.”
You nodded slowly at his words, feeling the sincerity in his words. Charles had always been thoughtful and considerate, even with the whirlwind of his fast-paced life. His gestures, though grand, were always accompanied by a genuine desire to make you happy.
“I appreciate that, Charles, I really do my love,“ you replied honestly, your voice tinged with warmth and tenderness. "And I love you for it. It's just sometimes overwhelming, you know? I worry that I can't reciprocate in the same way…”
Charles gently brushed a stray lock of hair from your face, his expression softening. "Y/N, you don't need to reciprocate with gifts or lavishness. Your love, your presence, your laughter, just you—those mean everything to me. You ground me in ways I never thought possible. You take my mind off of racing, Ferrari- everything.”
He took a pause searching for the right words, his thumb tracing circles on the back of your hand. “I want you to be comfortable, to feel cherished without any reservations. If these gifts make you uneasy, we can find another way for me to show my love. Maybe something simpler, more aligned with what makes us both happy.”
Your eyes widen, “Oh Charles, no, no no! If this is how you want to share your love, I’m more than happy by it. It’s just that this all takes some… adjusting is all.” you offer a smile, making Charles return the favor.
You leaned in and pressed a gentle kiss to his cheek, feeling a surge of love and gratitude for the man who had turned your world upside down in the best possible way. Together, you knew you could navigate the complexities of your different backgrounds and find a balance that honored both of your perspectives.
“Hm… how about we hold onto some of these for holidays, hm? I don’t want to ruin all of this wonderful wrapping work you’ve done.” You offer a slight chuckle, picking up bits and pieces of the paper left around before Leo had the chance to start eating them.
“I like that idea.” Charles responds, now also picking up after his mess. “Y/N?” he starts.
“Yes, Charles?”
“I love you.”
You lean over and place a soft kiss onto his lips. “I love you too.” You replied before a whine interrupted the silence, causing you both to look down to the little Leo, waiting for some form of attention.
“Don’t worry Leo, we love you too.”
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sunarc · 3 days
Sorry if it's basic but I would absolutely love breeding please🙇🙇
A/N: Listen i’m a slut for breeding!! I will literally never miss an opportunity to write about it 😭😭
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If he could he’d spend the rest of his life buried between your legs sinking his cock into you. Is that too much to ask? Having you cry out his name while he fucks you full of his cum. He can't imagine anything more perfect than you with a round belly carrying his children.
“Do you want me to fuck a baby into you?” his lustful tone has you clenching around him. “Is that why you're holding me so tight begging me to keep going?” 
His lips were pressed against your ear whispering the filthy words to you as his cock slammed into you at a relentless pace. 
“Please, I want it so bad. I wanna feel your cum inside of me” you whimpered. 
Your words had him feeling feral. All he could think about was watching his cum drip from your perfect hole. He wouldn't waste a single drop of it. He needed to watch you shaking with pleasure while he stuffed you full. You’d be such a pretty mommy. You’d look so perfect waddling around with his children. 
“Im gonna fuck my cum inside, make you all mine” his words were dragging as he spoke. 
He was losing his mind gripping onto you tightly dragging his cock in and out of your abused hole. 
“Is this what you wanted?” he growled growing more and more feral just to see you falling apart taking all of his cum 
“You want me breed you full right”
Your only reply was a rushed nod of your head while you moaned sloppy pleads begging him to give you what you so desperately desired.
“Want me to fuck you so deep my cum goes straight to your womb?” 
His questions left you feeling dizzy. You needed him so bad, every last drop that he could possibly give. His heart was hammering in his chest watching your eyes roll back while you begged for his cum. Did you really need him this much? He felt an explosion of joy bubble in him. His hands pinned your legs to your chest giving him full access to your slick core. The sloppy sounds of his cock filling you up was like fuel for him to fuck you harder. 
“This pussy was made just for me, sucking me in so deep” he groaned 
This was the perfect position to fuck you. All you could do was lay there and take everything he had to give you. You wouldn’t even need to beg for his cum, in this position he’d give it to you no matter what.
His thrust grew sloppier as he continued fucking you, slowly reaching his release. 
“I’m so close baby, don’t worry you’ll be a mommy soon enough”
He sat up still pumping you full and watched as his cocked glided in and out of you with ease. 
“Look at that, you can’t even help yourself, milking me dry without even trying” his voice was trembling. You could tell he was on edge. You needed him just as bad. 
“Cum in me please, fill me up and make me a mommy” you begged.
His wide eyes looked at you with such love and devotion. 
“Anything for you baby”
His orgasm seemed to take full control of his body. He couldn’t stop himself from fucking you at a pace so rough and fast you could barely speak. 
“Take it baby, take my cum” He was completely gone, a mad man determined to stuff you full
“Don’t waste a drop, take what’s yours baby, take every ounce of me”
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Kita, Bokuto, Ushijima, Sakusa, Toji, Nanami, Gojo, Sabo, Sanj, Erwin, Eren, Reiner
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hoshifighting · 1 day
Seventeen reaction when something embarrassing happens during sex
a/n: just a heads-up; It's more common than you think
Warnings: this content contains mature themes and accidents during sexual situations.
you’re in the middle of the sex, feeling seungcheol's strong body moving with yours, his hands gripping your hips tightly. everything is intense and passionate until you hear him moan, “seungkwan…”
you both freeze. the room goes silent except for your heavy breaths. you can't help it; laughter bursts out of you. the absurdity of the situation, combined with the tension, makes you laugh so hard your sides ache.
the fact that your boyfriend had spent the whole day fighting with seungkwan, perhaps made the boy's name spontaneously come out of his lips, without intention.
seungcheol’s face is buried in your chest, and you feel his shoulders shaking. he lifts his head, his eyes filled with embarrassment and a hint of laughter. “i’m so sorry,” he chuckles, almost crying from shame.
you kiss his forehead, still giggling. “it’s okay, babe. you’ve been scolding him all day. no wonder his name slipped out.”
jeonghan is thrusting into you, both of you lost in the rhythm of his thrusts when suddenly he lets out a loud burp. the sound is so unexpected that he immediately slows down, a look of utter embarrassment on his face.
going on a date, and eating more than a plate of fried pork and large ass glasses of beer were definitely not the best meal before having sex.
he starts laughing, shyly apologizing, “sorry, baby, i’m so full.”
you bury your face in the sheets, chuckling at the situation. “next time, maybe less fried pork before bed?”
you’re sucking joshua greedily, feeling his hands gripping your hair, his moans filling the room. suddenly, one of his moans turns into a funny squeak. you can’t help but smile around him, the sound is so random and endearing.
joshua’s face turns red, and he looks down at you with embarrassment. “i guess i'm doing a great job,” you tease, and he laughs, his head falling back against the pillow.
junhui comes home late, exhausted but needing you. he kisses you deeply, pushing you onto the bed, but as you ride him, you notice his moans becoming quieter. when you open your eyes, you find him asleep, his eyes half-open but clearly out of it.
you scoff softly, sliding off him. you clean him up and tuck him in, a fond smile on your face. “we can continue this in the morning,” you whisper, kissing his forehead.
hoshi’s enthusiasm is infectious, but you’ve told him several times to move to the center of the bed. he doesn’t listen, too caught up in his eagerness, until he loses his balance and falls off the border with a thud.
you gasp and rush to the side of the bed, finding him on the floor looking both dazed and sheepish. “i told you to move to the center,” you say, helping him back up.
he grins, rubbing the back of his head. “guess i was a bit too excited.”
wonwoo’s glasses have been slipping, but he’s too focused on you to take them off. suddenly, they fall onto your face, startling both of you. he pauses, eyes wide in horror, then quickly puts them back on, looking at you with concern.
you burst out laughing, the absurdity too much to handle. his face scrunches in embarrassment, but he joins in your laughter, relieved that you’re not hurt.
you’re riding woozi on his couch, driven by your fertile period一that didn't go easy on you, when he suddenly groans in pain. his leg stretches out in a funny way, and you realize he has a cramp.
“do you want me to stretch it for you?” you ask, giggling.
he nods, wincing. you gently help him extend his leg, massaging the cramp away. the scene gets funnier because you're both naked stretching in the middle of his studio. he sighs in relief, a sheepish smile on his face. “thanks, babe. i think we need a short break.”
his thrusts are powerful, each one driving the headboard against the wall with a rhythmic thud. you both have your eyes closed, lost in the sensation, when suddenly the picture frame hanging above the bed crashes down, hitting the headboard and then you.
“ouch!” you yelp, more surprised than hurt.
minghao opens his eyes, alarmed. he sees you holding the picture frame, a laugh bubbling out of you. he can’t help but chuckle too, albeit with a sheepish look.
“sorry about that,” he murmurs, taking the frame from you and hanging it back on the wall. he moves you both to a less...impacting position, continuing more gently this time.
mingyu's passionate thrusts have you both moving in perfect sync, until one particularly hard thrust sends your head banging against the wall with a loud thud.
you cover the top of your head, laughing despite the pain. “ouch, that one hurt!”
mingyu’s eyes go wide with worry, and before you know it, he’s running naked to the kitchen, ass, dick, balls, swaying as he runs. you laugh even harder at the sight. he returns with an ice pack, pressing it gently to your head, his face flushed with shame.
“i’m so sorry, babe,” he mumbles, his embarrassment spreading down his neck.
you kiss his cheek, still giggling. “it’s okay, mingyu. you running naked was worth it.”
you and seokmin love changing positions during sex, experimenting with the most unusual ones. tonight, however, is filled with accidents—your thighs bumping into each other, his cock slipping out.
after a particularly awkward attempt, he collapses back onto the bed, still giggling. “i don’t think that one’s gonna work.”
each time, you both burst into laughter, the errors becoming funnier. eventually, too tired to keep trying, you settle into classic missionary.
“guess this one’s a bit too advanced for us,” you say, still giggling.
seokmin laughs with you, nodding. “yeah, let’s stick to what we know works.” 
with seungkwan, laughter is a constant companion, but during sex, it’s usually a more serious affair. tonight, though, as you move together, you lock eyes in complete silence, and suddenly both of you burst into laughter.
“we really can’t take anything seriously, can we?” he says, giggling uncontrollably.
you nod, tears of laughter streaming down your face. “nope, we’re just two giggling bitches.”
vernon loves when you ride him, often begging you to go until he can’t feel his legs. tonight, you take that request seriously. when he tries to get up to change positions, his legs are completely numb.
“baby, i can’t feel my legs,” he says, his voice a mix of awe and amusement.
you laugh, shaking his legs gently to get the blood flowing again. “guess i went a little harder today. sorry, baby.”
he chuckles, leaning back and watching you with a grin. “no complaints here.”
you and chan decide to try something new, ending up on the sturdy dining table. or so you thought. just as things are heating up, the table gives way with a loud crack, sending you both sprawling.
chan grabs you quickly, preventing you from falling face-first. “are you okay?” he asks, his voice filled with concern.
you both stay silent for a moment, the shock wearing off, then burst into laughter, the silliness of the situation too much to handle. your belly hurts from laughing so hard, and chan’s infectious laugh makes it even better.
“guess we’ll need a new table,” he says, grinning.
you nod, still giggling. “and maybe stick to the bed next time.”
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milkteabinniechan · 2 days
*⁠♡Happy Father's Day - Chan
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MINORS DNI 18+ ONLY membership // m.list
pairing: single dad! Chan x afab reader
warnings: fingering, lots of mouth sounds, angst (if you squint your eyes)
I’ll tell him about you.
Your friend had an adorable three year old. A loud, sticky, energetic three year old. But adorable nonetheless. You had a pretty regular babysitting gig going. A few people around your neighborhood had talked and heard about your services and now you were basically a seasoned vet when it came to entertaining toddlers.
But your friend was a full time stay-at-home mom now and could watch her own adorable, sticky three year old. And now you needed another spot to fill those last bit of monthly bills. So she said there was a new dad at the preschool that seemed like he was struggling. “Struggling”, she said in air quotes. You agreed and asked her to give this new dad your information. Even though you mostly worked with the mothers, money was money.
A few days passed and eventually your phone rang, an unknown number flashing on the screen.
“Uh, yeah. Hi. This is Chan. The.. uh.. Dad from Sunnyvale Preschool? I was told you could help me out with babysitting?”
He sounded nervous, or maybe he was just a shy person. Maybe he hated talking on the phone. But did his voice sound sexy? There was a deep, velvety smoothness to the way he spoke. Even between the stutters and pauses. You lingered for a moment, lost in the thought of that voice of his.
“Are you still there?” His voice pierced through your eardrum.
“Shit. Sorry, yeah. I’m here. And yes, I am available. Do you have time this week to set up a meet and greet?” your voice quickly went into customer service mode, knowing exactly what to say, memorizing the script you had made for yourself months ago.
THe two of you agreed on a time and day and said your goodbyes. You took a deep breath and tried to forget the way the sound of his voice made you feel. And you prayed all night that he didn’t look as good as he sounded.
Soon, you found yourself at the front door of Chan’s house. An expansive four bedroom home with one of those driveways that was nearly at a ninety degree angle. The door itself was large with two thin lines of stained glass running vertically down the front. A wooden WELCOME sign layed lazily against the door. A novelty sign you could buy as a last minute purchase at a hardware store. The front door clicked open and Chan stood in the doorway, child on his hip.
“Come on in,” He said warmly, arm gesturing for you to walk inside, “Did you find the place okay?”
Inside was a long staircase leading up to the bedrooms, a chandelier hanging from the top floor and swinging down gracefully into the foyer where the three of you stood. Past the stairs was a long hallway that led to the living room and an open floor plan kitchen. Windows surrounded the rooms in a sunlit blanket that made the whole house seem as if it was holding its arms out to you, embracing you.
The three of you sat down on the sectional couch in the living room. You sat on one end, while Chan and the small child sat together on the other corner. Chan introduced the small girl as Lilly. She clung to Chan tightly, her small, chubby finger gripping onto his shirt as if it were a lifeline. You smiled at Lilly and introduced yourself to her. You held eye contact with only her and asked her about some of her favorite things. You had learned over the years that children appreciated when you spoke to them like you understood them. Like everything they said was important, because to you it was. Lilly lit up and talked excitedly about some of her favorite books, jumping at the opportunity to show you. She ran to her room and hastily returned with a few small books. One was about animals, another was about a tractor that made a new friend. You exclaimed in amazement at Lilly’s amazing books. She was smart and she was quiet, but you could tell she was very well loved.
Chan watched the two of you talk about books and the different noises that animals make. It had been a long time since he had seen Lilly open up to someone so quickly. It made his heart feel full to burst, seeing the way you interacted with his daughter.
“You’re hired.” Chan said as you started to walk out of the door. His sudden decision startled you, usually it took most parents to call a few days after the meet and greet. You smiled warmly at Chan, giving him a firm handshake. The two of you quickly made a schedule of the days you would be working and before you knew it, you were in the routine with him.
Months went by with the three of you falling into this routine. You knew exactly when Chan would get home, you knew the foods that Lilly liked to eat, with her tastes changing by the week. You knew when to have dinner on the table and when to have Lilly in bed. And there was comfort there. A comfort in Chan coming home, in making a meal for him. You loved Lilly, and you couldn’t ignore this role that you were easing into.
“Happy Father’s Day!”
Chan walked in the door to find you greeting him with balloons and a cake on the dining room table. Lilly ran to Chan and squeezed his leg. You stood by the balloons and cake, waiting for his reaction. But for a moment he just stood there. Then, he picked Lilly up, propping her on his hip and walked towards you, embracing you with his free arm. He pulled you in close and whispered a soft thank you against your neck. As he pulled back from the hug, the two of you lingered there for a moment, caught heavily in the tension building thick between you. Later that evening, you walked back downstairs from putting Lilly to bed. You entered the kitchen to see Chan cleaning off the rest of the plates and silverware, blue frosting speckled on forks and spoons alike.
“I hope the cake wasn’t too much,” You spoke softly, moving towards Chan at the sink, “It was Lilly’s idea, she really wanted a cake.”
Chan chuckled softly at the thought of his daughter begging for a cake, with only blue frosting, blue being her current favorite color.
“It was perfect,” Chan stopped washing dishes and turned towards you, “you’re perfect.” Chan slowly moved his hands from the warm sink water, to your waiting waist. His fingers crept along your stomach and landed flush along your back, pulling you close to his body. You gasped at the sudden movement, but your body reacted reflexively to his touch. He took you by the hips and propped you up on the kitchen counter. He moved in towards your legs, spreading them open, making room for him. He gripped your thigh with his large hand and pulled it up and around his waist. Your eyes burned bright at his brazen actions as you wrapped your hands around the back of his neck, pulling him into a deep, possessive kiss. Chan forcefully glides his tongue into your mouth, letting it graze across your teeth. You let out a soft gasp as you feel his tongue slide inside, sending a shiver up your spine. You open your mouth wider for him, letting your tongues tangle together in a slow, sensual dance. You press against Chan, craving more of his touch, desperate for it.
He lets his hand fall lazily down your chest, then your stomach. He easily unclasps the button of your pants and lets his hand slip inside. The rush of warmth from his hand causes your head to fall back, your back arching at his every movement. A low growl escapes from inside Chan’s chest seeing how responsive you are to his touch. He lets his teeth graze lightly along the skin of your neck while his fingers trace hypnotic circles around the entrance of your cunt. He can feel how wet you already are for him and it causes something feral to happen in his brain. He buries his fingers deeper inside you, the sudden impact and pressure causing you to squirm and squeal pathetically in his strong arms.
A small, faint cry comes from the top of the stairs and suddenly the two of you snap back into parent mode. The sound of Lilly’s tiny voice pushing all other thoughts and feelings aside. The two of you run upstairs to find Lilly in her bed, crying from a nightmare.
Chan melts instantly at the sight of his daughter safely lying in her bed, instantly thinking the worst may have happened. He sits on the bed with her and holds her close. He consoles her and reminds her that dreams cannot hurt her, he reassures her that he is here to protect her. That he will always be here for her. But as he speaks, he looks at you too. He looks at you as if he wanted you to hear what he was saying as well, like he was speaking to you and Lilly. That you were both important to him. As if he wanted to protect you too. And love you too. You gave Chan a small nod, so he knew you understood. You loved him too. And you would protect both of them with your whole heart.
taglist: @simply-trash5 @sugawhaaa @trixiekaulitz @chrizzztopherbang @cassidymb121 @roanns-posts @staysinbloom @yaorzu-blog @bubblebisk @cotton-candycloudz @beautyinhypnosis @domicaru @strawberry31 @slxtmeri @newhope8 @tinyelfperson @dandelions-143 @stayyyyyyyyyyyy21 @msauthor @fun-fanfics @ell0thebell @stephanieeeyang @juskz @kimahreummm @readr1221 @kayleefriedchicken @ovulatingrn @hwnglixho @darthmaddie25 @queen-in-the-shadows @itgirlalisaa @miinhoo
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0310s · 2 days
perv!leehan who can’t stop staring at his gf’s boobs 😵‍💫 i feel like he would start bouncing his leg just to try and focus and avoid getting a hard on
members: leehan x gender neutral reader
genre: smut, but intimacy also i promise!!!!
tags: dry humping, breast/nipple play
wc: 2.0k
a/n: anon just know i decided to pull an all-nighter to write this because i couldn't get it out of my head... thank you for this amazing idea.
During the start of your relationship when you’re still not intimate, Leehan decides to go at your pace; whatever you’re comfortable with dictates how everything else will go. Still, perv!Leehan is easily turned on by you—specifically, your boobs.
Leehan legitimately can’t stop staring at them and it’s becoming a problem, because you never wear a bra around him when he visits you in your apartment! The first time he comes over, he notices something is different about you—then he notices the natural curves of your breasts and wonders about how it would feel like to cup them in his palms. When it’s cold and your nipples poke out from your shirt, Leehan’s mind goes haywire and he can’t stop thinking about taking them into his lips. When you’re cuddled up with Leehan innocently on your bed, Leehan can feel how soft your chest is pressed up against his and has to awkwardly turn his body to the side so you don’t feel his growing hard-on. 
One time, when you’re wearing a loose, oversized shirt and lean over him to get something across him, he accidentally gets a peek of your bare chest. It’s only a second, but the flash of round flesh and nipple he sees is imprinted into his mind. He’s incredibly turned on yet immensely guilty. He has nothing to cover his crotch, so he ends up bouncing his leg so hard to will his hard-on away that you have to ask him if he’s alright. He says he is. You won’t know he’ll end up jerking off every night to thoughts of that memory, whether that be by furiously fucking his fist or humping his pillow. 
Another time you accidentally brush up against his arm and you squeak, and Leehan is immediately concerned, asking you what’s wrong. Upon more prodding on his end you shyly confess your nipples are sensitive, which sends Leehan down a deeper rabbithole of fantasies about teasing and pinching and and sucking and pulling at your nipples until you’re crying. But the last thing Leehan wants is for you to not feel comfortable and safe in your own body around him, so he gently says it’s alright and that he’ll be more careful next time, not dwelling too much on the topic so you aren’t put on the spot.
Still, you eventually notice Leehan’s staring as it grows more and more frequent and blatant (even if he thinks he’s being subtle about it). So one day in your apartment, when you spot him gazing at your clothed chest with an unreadable expression, you cover your chest with your hands in self-consciousness. Leehan shamefully realizes he’s been caught, so he rushes to beg for your forgiveness with red cheeks—but his heart breaks when you apologize first. “Is there something wrong with my … chest?” you ask, turning away to hide your chest. “You keep staring at them that I’m worried you think they look… weird. I know they’re not perfect or anything… I’m sorry.” And when he hears a sniffle come from you, he feels like the worst boyfriend to exist. 
“No, no, love, I’m sorry, I promise it’s not that,” Leehan pleads. Still, you don’t look back. You’re hunched over, rubbing at your eyes while the sniffles continue.  “Please… Can you look at me?” You slowly shake your head. Leehan, not wanting the misunderstanding to hurt you even more, takes ahold of your shoulders and gently turns you to face him. “I’m sorry my staring made you uncomfortable, but what you said is so far from the truth. To be honest…” When you look up at him with teary eyes, Leehan knows he has to tell you the truth, even if it’ll mortify him, so he tells you how much your boobs turn him on that he can’t stop looking. His face grows even redder in the wake of his confession and your silence. He’s ready to apologize again and give you space when you let out an “Oh! Oh. Ohhh….” And you end up being extremely shy around each other for the rest of the day. 
The first time you let Leehan touch your chest is in the heat of you making out. You’re in Leehan’s lap on your couch and he’s kissing you so sensually you’re becoming lightheaded with pleasure. He’s got one strong arm around your waist, and the other cups your cheek. When he lets go of your face, his hand accidentally brushes against your chest. Leehan’s quick to say sorry and is about to move his hand away, but you clutch his hand in time. You shyly ask him if he wants to touch—while Leehan is so turned on by the thought, he asks you multiple times if it’s something you want and if you’re sure about taking this next step. You admit that ever since the day Leehan told you the truth, you’ve been thinking about it. Extensively. 
You lead his hand to touch you; he cups at one clothed breast experimentally, feeling the weight and shape in his hand. You sigh and lean into his touch, and it gives him more courage to explore. He squeezes your chest and you moan, he slowly circles a nipple with a fingernail and you whimper, involuntarily pressing your pussy down on his dick. Leehan can’t believe he’s really touching your boobs, something he’s fantasized about for months on end. As he fondles you, you both desperately grind against each other, and when Leehan firmly sucks at your nipple through your shirt, you gasp in pleasure at how warm his tongue feels against you, even with a layer of cloth obstructing him from your bare skin. The contact is intense and overwhelming to you and you orgasm, Leehan following not long after.
After several repeats of clothed stimulation across weeks, you grow to become more comfortable in your own body. Soon enough, you find the courage to take your top off in the middle of a makeout session with your boyfriend. When you’re free of your shirt, your first instinct is to cover yourself, but you’re unable to when you catch Leehan’s honest reaction. Your tits are face-to-face with Leehan as you kneel on the couch, your thighs on the sides of his own. Your boyfriend’s staring at you with his mouth agape. Your eyes follow his pretty throat bobbing up and down as his stare trails down to your bare chest. Leehan’s silent for a moment as he takes in your soft flesh, memorizing your lovely curves, but eventually breaks the silence by letting out a deep exhale. “You’re beautiful,” he whispers, “so pretty for me.” 
Your cheeks heat up at his sweet but erotic words, then embarrassment hits you as you register the implications of taking off your shirt so abruptly. You’re about to retreat into your shell of shyness and insecurity, but Leehan holds your wrists firmly, still loose enough so you can break out of his grip if you wished to. “Let me look at you properly, okay?” Leehan glances up at you, waiting for your answer.
You nod once. At your signal, Leehan trails a finger down the side of one breast, leaving goosebumps in its wake. “Gorgeous,” he sighs dreamily, “How could you think I wouldn’t find you perfect as you are?” Your boyfriend’s words serve to bolster your confidence as you lean into his touch. Leehan smiles at this, cupping both breasts with his palms, giving you a light squeeze and eyeing your reaction. You melt into his hold. 
“More?” You nod again, and he acquiesces. Leehan lightly brushes his pointer finger over a nipple and you gasp at the direct contact. He traces a circle around your slowly stiffening peak, doing the same to its pair and humming in satisfaction when they’re both hard. “Tell me if this is too much, okay?” Monitoring your reaction, he takes one pebbled nipple between his fingers, rolling it gently, then administering the same treatment to the other. They’re indeed sensitive. You let out a high-pitched moan and clap a hand over your mouth in mortification, but Leehan pushes your hand back down. “Don’t hold back… I want to hear your moans when I take care of you like this. Don’t be ashamed—you sound pretty.” 
Leehan then uses both hands to tug at your nipples, and you unabashedly whine at the pressure, clutching at his shoulders for support. You squeeze your thighs together for some sort of friction—you can feel how wet you already are, your underwear uncomfortably clinging to your folds. At this, Leehan grinds his crotch up into you to remind you he’s perfectly available for your pleasure. You stop kneeling up and drop your hips to grind into Leehan’s cock, and you both moan at the contact. To your surprise, he’s rock-hard… all he’s been doing is touching your chest and he’s already this…?
You must have said that out loud, because Leehan lets out a tiny huff of disbelief. “What do you mean? This is everything I’ve been dreaming about for months, of course I’m turned on.” (The thought that you occupy your boyfriend’s fantasies makes you feel faint.) He gives your nipples another firm twist, and a helpless keen comes out of your mouth. Leehan lets go and observes his work proudly—your nipples are hard and reddened. Still, it’s not enough for you, and you grind your pussy down harder so your boyfriend gets the message. “Can I…?” You thrust your chest into Leehan’s face. “Okay, okay, I get it.” 
Almost instantly, Leehan takes a nipple into his mouth, sucking slowly. When you tangle a hand in his hair and angle his head closer, he increases the pressure ever so slightly. The firm suction on your nipple feels heavenly, paired with how he lightly teases at your other one with a thumb, while the rest of his hand cradles your ribs. Leehan draws a sob from you as he tongues at your peak, circling it lazily. Looking straight into your eyes, he presses open-mouthed kisses to your puffy nipple, blowing air on it, and you squeal at the sensation. To relieve some of the frustration, you roll your hips insistently against Leehan’s, earning a muffled groan from him and sending a vibration of pleasure through you. He must feel your wetness through your shorts, because the hand on your side tightens minutely and presses you down onto his lap. 
When your grip on his hair increases, Leehan turns to your unattended nipple, giving it the same attention as he laves over it sensually. At this point, both of you are rocking frantically against each other, searching for release. The friction is driving you crazy. You greedily wish you had Leehan’s cock deep inside you—you can already imagine the stretch with how long and thick it is from your ceaseless grinding. And when Leehan’s teeth slightly graze your nipple, you let out a loud cry, your orgasm taking you by surprise, washing over you as you grind down once more. Then Leehan freezes, letting out a ragged moan as his hips jerk up harshly once, twice, until he relaxes.
It takes you a minute or two to recover your breath when you realize Leehan probably hasn’t come yet. “Do you need help with—?” When Leehan shakes his head no, you look at him questioningly. Weren’t you on the same page with all this? 
Still, Leehan’s response is one you didn’t expect. “Um, I already came,” he says sheepishly. When you tilt your head down, you’re greeted with a sizeable mess at the front of his pants. “Didn’t take much for it to happen… this was too hot.”
“Well. It was. Is. Hot,” you admit, your chest heaving from exertion. “Um. You’re hot.” Could you be any less awkward?
“Oh! You too,” Leehan giggles, sending you one of his signature crescent-eye smiles. Your eyes follow his as they trail down from your face to your chest, which makes you realize you’re still—ashamedly—topless. 
“Oh my god!” You rush to shield your chest from view, but Leehan beats you to it, nuzzling his face into the valley of your breasts and inhaling deeply. “Don’t do that, I’m all sweaty…”
“Smells good. Smells like you,” Leehan’s reply is muffled by your chest. He leaves a soft kiss on your sternum and your heart flutters at this display of affection. “You have nothing to be worried about.” You know he means more than just the sex, and for this, you’re infinitely grateful. 
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styxwanderer · 2 days
Hey you can ignore this if you don’t want to answer that. This is an idea to a reaction for the Twst cast to Yuu/Reader being mad at Crowley.
But IMAGINE Yuu/Reader getting told by Crowley that they can’t actually return to their own world because either it wasn’t possible to begin with or had some kind of time limit to which they could return home. And what if Crowley knew for a long time and just didn’t tell Yuu for whatever reason. Now they are so mad and want to commit arson.
I, at least, would ask Ortho, Epel or Floyd to help me empty out Crowleys office and pile it up outside making a big bonfire. (I wold make copies of all his Documents, (I’m not that cruel) I would just hide them to see the look on his face) I would also add things like magnesium, sulfate and other tings to make pretty colored flames.
I love your writing style and I hope you could write your ideas about this.
NRC Tales: No Way Home |
〖Twisted wonderland〗
Dear Neufra darling, I love that brain of yours. i want to kiss it! Sorry it took a while, my brain just kept on generating new ideas for this prompt. I hope you enjoy this fic.
•´¨*•.¸¸.•*´¨•.¸¸.•♪♫•¨•.¸¸❤¸¸.•¨•♫♪ •´¨*•.¸¸.•*´¨•.¸¸.•
“HOW COULD YOU?!” You screamed at the face of the old crow. All respect and calm demeanor to the side. 
“N-Now now..” Crowley was taken aback at your outburst. He  would have never expected these reaction coming from you, the usually calm and nice you. Yet here you are, vein threatened to burst out of your skin.
Why had this happened? 
It is simple.. 
You had discovered that this bastard of a headmage of yours could’ve actually send you back home a month ago, but since he missed the exact timing and all, he decided to cover up his mistake hoping no one would noticed. 
You went to report the headmaster of the progress you made and clues you have regarding a passage for you to went back, yet the crow was not in his office. 
Then you discovered the letter and a piece of paper explaining how the passage mirror works in regard to traveling through dimensions. The next possible time for a dimension travel is approximately 1000 year after the last one. This enough had make your heart clenched. You noticed the date written for the next possible time for dimension travel is a month ago.
Everything was blank for you, “no.. its cant be.. no no no..” 1000 year?! Is this a joke? Human can’t even live past 200. You ears ring as you have difficulty to breathe air. 
Admist of your panic the door turn revealing Dire Crowley. 
“Oh! You surprised me! You should’ve waited outside if i am not in the office .. well? Are you alright?.”
“You… am i alright?” You scoffed. As it clicked to you, the paper was in crowley desk, He knew, he knew but choses not to tell you anything, he knew but chose to pretend and leave you with your meaningless tedious investigation.
“What’s the matter?” 
“How could you…”
“HOW COULD YOU!!” You screamed pointing at the paper, you felt blood rushing up your head as tears build up your eyes, you can never see your parents again. Your siblings, your beloved pet, your friends. ‘I am now truly as good as dead to them.’ 
“A—ah.. now.. now..” 
“NOW WHAT?! I can’t.. i can never see my family… why? I can’t… HOW COULD YOU!” myriad of emotions blast through your nerves, but most of all the pain in your heart. You can’t breathe. If you can’t breathe then might as well scream. 
“YOU KNEW. YOU KNEW ABOUT THE DATE! WHY DIDNT YOU TELL ME? Why?! “ you could feel your salty tears rushing down your face.
“I am sorry.. but..” Crowley was taken aback by your outburst. Sure he felt guilty but at the same time, he couldn’t reverse time. 
“It was in your desk.. it was in your desk all along. The solution.” You vision has now blurred its view. You tried to wipe it but it kept flowing.
“I am sorry.. there is nothing i could do.. on the plus side, you have a new family now in twisted wonderland you see, new friends too, so don’t feel so disheartened.”
You could not believe your ears. You lift your face from your hand as you stare at his smiling face.
I want to punch that.
“ARGHHHHHH” You grab the nearest lamp stand as you pulled it off the switch as you lunged to this bastard. 
“AAAAAA!!” The crow screamed
Your body was hurled into the desk by an explosion, landing you to the inside of the desk. Everything ache, you felt that you might have cracked or broken a bone, but you are too numb to notice.
“Headmage!” The door slammed open as the red haired man walked in as he rushed towards Crowley side.
“What happened here? We heard shouting.” The man in a fancy business suit follow in tow.
“Somebody finally have enough of your shit huh old man.” The lion werebeast too walked in.
“Now who would’ve done that?!” The white hair man 
“No matter we need to dispose such unruly person, tch.. it’s always violence first.” The actor draw his Grimoire wand. 
“Hii.. is this an assassination attempt? That’s scary.” A flying tablet walked in.
“Whatever it is, such matters could be solved instantly.” The man with two black horned too entered.  It is rare for Malleus to be present the dormleader meeting, this time Lilia had kept his eyes glued and tell him to go to the meeting hence the rare occurrence. 
They all have just finished their discussion in the dormleader meeting and were heading back to their respective dorm before hearing a loud shout and noises coming from the office. They decide its best to investigate. 
In a glimpse riddled saw somebody was about to attack the headmage and hence the explosion spell. 
The lightbulb of the lamp shade has shattered upon impact. Some of the shard had managed to pierce your hand. But no matter , you could not feel the penetrating shards nor the flowing blood. You were driven by rage, rendering you senseless of others. You did not even noticed who had entered the office. All you want to do is to get back at Crowley the way you know to do. You can’t do magic, but you sure can cause physical harm. 
A loud slam brought the dormwarden attemtion to you. You whom had felt your shoulder dislocated, decided that it is an obstacle, hence you slam your shoulder back in place by slamming it to the desk. You felt no pain, just a hollowing despair.
“A monster…?”
“No thats..”
The housewarden could only gawk at the sight of your furrowed eyebrow, vein popping out on your side. A clear fury drenched your face.
“no no no no….DONT GET IN MY WAY” an anguished cry came from your mouth as you eerily stood up and charged towards the headmage. Your bloody hand leaving trails as you shove Kalim and Vil away so you could get to the headmage. 
Just as you were about to get a hit of that masked bastard you felt two strong arms holding you under the elbow, dragging you away from Crowley.
“Unhand me! I SAY UNHAND ME!” You struggle through Leona’s grip, kicking both your legs. You are manic.
“Eugh, calm down! Calm down, Y/N!” Leona whom had managed to snapped out of his shock tried to reason as he struggled to keep you in his hold.
“NO!! Please!! LET ME GO! Let me go!” Your eyes starts to blur once more, this time you can’t wipe the tears away, you don’t bother to do so, you had one goal to achieve. Tears are pouring freely from your manic eyes, eyebrows scrunched up marring your face. There is blood coming out one side of your face from the explosion. You are bruised all over, your clothes ripped and untidy, your hair a chaotic mess. 
Your appearance brought all of them to agape.  
Malleus upon snapping out rush to your side, helping leona to contain you.
“Y/n, please calm down.”
“Erkh, oi stop gawking start helping.” Leona snapped 
“You are bleeding!” Vil run to clasp your hand that hold the lamp shade tightly. 
“Let go.. your hand is injured.” He tried to pry it off your hand but you hold still. 
Your bloodshot eyes still focused on Crowley as you try to shake these obstacles. 
Kalim and Idia are staring blank to afraid to move. The gentle sweet you all gone replaced by your rage.
“Y/n! Im.. im so.. in sorry..im sorry” riddle stammered, he was ridden with guilt for casting the explosion that caused your injury, he hurt his precious person. 
“Whatever the fuck did  you do to rouse this reaction?” Azul turned to Crowley. Unable to stand the sight of your despair. 
“Uhmm..” crowley hated the attention that was instantly directed to him. 
“TELL THEM WHAT YOU DID! TELL THEM!! You.. YOU BASTARD!” You shouted still in their grasp unable to move further.
“I might have missedthetimelimittosendthembackhome. And the next possible date for it to happened again is 1000 year after last month Its not my fault—“ 
“FUCKKK YOUU!” With a new found power you try to pry those latching to you.
“Oii!” You manage to stagger Leona as he lost his grip, letting you slip. as much as Leona think you deserves to beat the crow to pulp he noticed your injured state, not wanting to worsen your condition he held on.
“Stop it! Stop it y/n. You will injure yourself.” Kalim rushed to hug you on your waist allowing Leona to keep his grip on you. 
“How could you missed the date for such important event?!” Riddle shouted to the headmage.
“And you don’t think to tell them!” Azul turned to shout.
“MOVE! AAAAARGHHH!!”  Frustrated by your inability to move you wailed.
If the housewarden were to be asked years after of the events that happened today they will always remember your anguish filled scream. Its deafening yet they could only feel their hearts cracking, as if they were hit by a hammer that let the pain vibrates through their whole body. 
It lasted not only for 5 second, you were screamed continuously for how ever long it takes for your lungs to be a depleted balloon. It is relatively a short time, but it felt like hours for the housewarden. At the end of your screamed you slumped down as those surrounding you lowered you to the ground slowly, vil finally taking the lamp shade out from your grip. 
“I… im… im never going to see them again.. im never going to see my family again… im never ..” you are interrupted by a sob before fully bursting into tears. Placing both your hand to your face. 
You felt yourself being wrapped in an embrace of the lion and a leathered hand patting your head. Kalim still holding you from the waist was moved to tears too. 
“Its not fairrr..” you squeek between sobs.
“ How could you be so irresponsible?” Vil shouted towards crowley.
“God help me im about to smash this lamp shade to your head instead!” Vil shouted
“Now now c-calm down.. lets talk about this.”
“What is there to talk about? Look at the pain you have caused!” Azul glared
“This is totally unacceptable! How could you?”
Riddle felt his head starting to colour red.
“This is enough, you have proven to me that you do not deserve to stand by them, now perish !” Malleus lift his hand up from your head as he walked towards  crowley, he himself felt enraged for what he did to you.
“Wa.. Wait wait wait!” Crowley stepped back, he sure wasn’t expecting the dormwarden to gang up on him, more the king of briar to be involved.
Malleus got close and closer as he clasp his hand on his neck.
“What is going on here.” The red robe man walked in inspecting the office, he was followed by the dog loving professor who too had been alerted by a heart wrenching scream. Behind both of them the big gym teacher too, follow them inside. 
The teachers sure wasn’t expecting the headmage to be choked by one of the student more over Malleus, they too wasn’t expecting the headmage to be surrounded by the other housewarden who had looked enraged. 
“what is the meaning of this” crewel demanded. 
Just as the teacher rushed in, the door opened for another trio.
“MYEH! What’s all the noises!” Grim rushed inside of the room
“We heard a commotion. Is everybody alright?”The spade boy rushed in with the heart.
The three of them were in their way to pick you up, since they were informed that you are going to report to crowley about the first year group hard-found investigation. They were planning to walk you back to the ramshackle dorm and have a midnight hang out with you and the others. 
Upon seeing the sight of malleus choking the headmage and the wrecked office they froze.
“Uwah.. what’s will all these mess..” ace surveyed the room. 
Crewel too observed the room before his eyes trails to another group in the room, he found you bruised, bleeding and sobbing into your hand as leona hugged you protectively  from behind and kalim, who is also crying, apologizing to you as in condolences, hugging your waist. 
“Crowley what did you do to my pup?” He spits. He won’t take shit from the man, looking at how broken you are not to mention the scream. He could feel the despair from your form. 
“I demand answer now!” Trein who had think of you as a stepchild, steps ignore the state of crowley who was still in the hold of Malleus. 
“I, i accidentally well.. miss the date in which the is the only possible date to open a transport to another dimension and the next date would be 1000 years from last month.” 
“And how are they in a ragged state?”
“Uhm.. that is my fault i thought the headmage was being attacked by an stranger so i cast an explosion spell resulting them to be thrown to the desk and landed behind. I am sorry.. im sorry y/n” riddle face was painted with guilt.
The silence given by the teachers is foreboding.
Crewel pull out his phone as he dial a number. “Hello I’d like to report a child neglect. Yes from NRC.”
“Wait wait wait! Please! Its a simple mistake, we living being made mistake.” 
“Not as crucial as this, this is just pure idiocy, that comes from me who doesn’t really understand much.” Vargas said.
“This is truly despicable.” Trein shouted
“Thats so fucked up!” Ace shouted
“No shit!” Deuce continues. 
“I knew we should never trust this bastard!” Grim snarled. Grim then rushed closer to where you slumped. Concern painted his face. “Henchmen…. are you alright.” 
The commotion starts again as the teachers too started to bash the neglectful headmage.
“… What.. what's the point..” you whispered a sob , slowly you put down your bruised and bleeding hand.
“What?” Kalim asked between sobs.
“What’s the point of living… everything… everything that i do is meaningless…” as the last word spout from your mouth your eyes rolled to the back, with your rage calmed into despair the extend of your injuries soon begun to catch up on its effects resulting your consciousness to fade. Its most likely from when you hit your head on the desk and then the floor resulting a blood injury on the side of your head.
“O-Oi… wake up. Y/N WAKE UP!” Leona stern voice laced with concern has alerted 
“Y/N! Y/NN!!” Kalim and grim yelled trying to wake you up. 
All attention turned to your limped body as they rushed towards your side. Crowley being dropped to the ground with a loud thud.
“Move movee!” Riddle shoved through the crowd.
“Leona lay her down and slightly elevate their head. Kalim let go.” Riddle shouted.
The sobbing Kalim of course refused to let you go, he is concerned for his dearest friend. Vargas had to pry Kalim off your waist as he clung to you. Leona comply because he know better.
Riddle begun a quick check up on your breathing. 
“They are not breathing!!” Riddle cried
“Move away give them space” Crewel pushed back the crowd as they all step back. 
Riddle then begun to do CPR on you.
The others watched with anxiety running course their veins. Dread filled their system as they thought of the worst possible outcome. After a while riddle managed to get you to breathe. Even if its faint at least you are breathing. With leona pressing on the wound in your head to stop the bleeding.
“We need to bring her to the infirmary hurry!” Riddle yelled.
Leona being the most athletic picked you up in an ease and rushed towards the infirmary. The others followed agreeing that there is a more precedented matter at hand and decide to deal with crowley after the matter is settled. 
Once they have arrived to the infirmary the nurse rushed towards you, ripping you away from leona’s arm asking them all to wait outside as they perform their knowledge to treat you. 
Leona stared at his bloody hand, it is not often that dread filled his guts, usually its a bitter annoyance, yet not all he could feel is anxiety amd dread. 
The rest was no better, they all thought of what they could’ve done to prevent this, what they regretted. None of them are prone to wishing, since a wish are for children. But now they found themselves wishing that all of this is a nightmare. Wishing that this would be over soon. Wishing for you to just open your eyes.  begging and praying for you to be alright, and for the you whom would embrace them in a warm hug with a gentle smile on your face to return not the lifeless ghastly you. 
─── ・ 。゚☆: .☽ . :☆゚. ───
In Ignihyde dorm,
For once idia wished he is present in that office instead of observing from the comfort of his room. His room felt chilly, shivers run down his spine, he was left speechless, so was ortho, who had been brought to attention by the commotion could be heard from idia’s monitor just as he was about leave to the ramshackle dorm gulped.
“Brother… what should we do?”
“I.. I dont know ortho..but we can’t leave them like this.”
Idia rushed as he and his brother rushed to the infirmary.
─── ・ 。゚☆: .☽ . :☆゚. ───
in the infirmary,
The nurse finally were able to give you proper care as they patch you up, all that rest was for you to wake up.
Those do not settle well for any of the teacher nor the housewarden and your precious trio. They decided to keep you take turns to keep you company. Not knowing when you will wake up. 
The first is grim since he insisted so hard and refuse any other attempts to debate him. This meant of course that ace and deuce too to insist. And hence they got the first 5 hour to company their injured friend. Ortho insisted to stay with the group as well. Saying he is able to detect vital signs as the hours near the time of your collapse a crucial hour. So he wanted to check in you. 
Second goes to Kalim who is persistent about being any help to you what so ever. Kalim felt hopeless and useless. He wished he could’ve done something for you. And he blame himself for not being able to prevent this event. 
The third is Idia who had come in a rush with ortho, he volunteered to everyone surprise.
The fourth goes to Malleus, whom had  insisted since “he could stay up late than any other”. 
The fifth goes to vil whom had insist that since it would be in the break of dawn he is the most eligible guy for this because he woke up early. 
Sixth goes to Leona who snapped out of his trance.
Seventh to Azul, who was looking pale as if a shark was tailing him from the dark depths, he felt powerless like he was when he was a kid. And he loathe that. 
And last but not least to riddle. Whom still feels guilty for casting the explosion spell.
The days in which you are laid unconscious were tense and restless. An eerie silence has swept NRC. The dormwardens who were not on their shift returned to their dorm bringing the news to those who knew you. 
─── ・ 。゚☆: .☽ . :☆゚. ───
In Heartslabyul dorm,
When Riddle was rigid, he was devastated of the fact that he himself was the reason of your injury. He was greeted by trey and carter who upon noticing his face was concerned amd ask him what happened. 
When Riddle finished with the news, both thought that riddle was playing jokes at them, it is after they noticed Riddle tearing up that they realized how dire the situation was. The both of them are shocked to find that their friend bawling from guilt.
Trey and Carter calmed Riddle down and talked him out of his guilt, it truly wasn’t Riddle’s fault. 
The two of course wanted to give the crow a piece of their mind. Carter was about to make a video cancelling the headmage in his magicam (he was stopped by Riddle, even though he himself wanted Carter to post it.).  
Trey hastily walked to the kitchen to bake a lot of baked goods for their injured friends, having nothing to do Riddle and Carter helped Trey gladly, and so the three of them spent all might in the kitchen making fantastic delicious food for you. but of course they can’t forget a tart for the crow, a tart that shall be name ‘the pest killer’. Carter and Riddle too gladly help with his ill intent baking. 
─── ・ 。゚☆: .☽ . :☆゚. ───
In Savannaclaw dorm,
Upon noticing the smell of blood on their housewarden who looked grimmer than he usually was Ruggie and Jack rushed for answers. 
“Eugh so noisy…” 
With a sigh Leona begun the story, recalling the previous incident. 
Jack rushed to the infirmary, disregarding Leona’s attempts to stop him, leona could only sigh and let Jack be. 
Ruggie was in shell shock, he cannot believe the headmage! Just what kind of headmage neglect his duty?! He pity you, he wanted to go along with jack but he decided its best to do so later. Now he will plan the demise of a crow with the lion. That’s what he gets for messing with their pack.
─── ・ 。゚☆: .☽ . :☆゚. ───
In Octavinelle dorm,
Azul was staggering back into his dorm, noticing the arrival of their friends Jade and Floyd. Noticing the pale they tease their friends but in actuality they are curious and concerned about the thing that made their friend so disheartened. Azul share the story, he felt himself going back to his overblot personality. 
Jade and floyd were silent, their face grim, their eyes were flashing dangerously. They looked to each other, and then a eerie smirk painted their face, 
“we can’t let that slide can we.” Said jade.
“We are going to give this crow the tightest squeeze ever!” Said floyd.
“Yes.. maybe a bot of a waterboarding action would make the crow realized that he fucked up.” Azul joined in.
But of course they find your well-being to be the outmost importance, so they will busy themselves watching over you until you wake up.
─── ・ 。゚☆: .☽ . :☆゚. ───
In Scarabia dorm,
Jamil was surprised to find his ‘friend’ come back to Scarabia a crying mess, when Kalim notices Jamil water begun to pour once more from his eyes as he rushed to hug his friend. 
“What happened?” Jamil sigh asked patting Kalim back. He was no surprise of Kalim
Burst of tears, his childhood friend are prone to waterworks since he wear his feelings by the sleeve. It is the reason that shocked him. 
‘That damn bird brain!’ He hissed internally. Jamil wanted to go to you directly, but Kalim cling to him making him stuck. 
They did get their turn on the shift and so the snake waited patiently. He decided to cook a recipe from his mother for when he was sick hoping that would help you with recovery even if you. 
─── ・ 。゚☆: .☽ . :☆゚. ───
In Pomefiore dorm,
“Why so grim Roi du poisson?” Rook questioned, noticing the slight slump in his overall perfect posture as vil walked back to his dorm. 
“Of course i should’ve expected from your ever so vigilant eyes…” vil begun to tell the tragic tale of yours. 
The french boy could feel his smile dropped 
“oh what a tragedy. How the most beautiful rose are the most prone to be picked first. They would wilt in the dirty hand of such a scum. Such a greedy hand doesn’t deserve to hold such pretty flower on their blooming days.” 
His face was slowly casted with the shadow of his bangs. As malice run course his vein. He was not a fan of violence but to protect such a rose he wouldn’t mind to get his hand dirtied on. 
He decided to listened when vil started planning the demise of the dirty crow. He supported Vil cruel method to the fullest. 
Epel who was eavesdropping on the conversation rushed to the hospital wing of NRC, he wanted to this is a mere talk, but he knew Vil would never fuss himself over meaningless gossip. He still wished it was not real and you are fine and awake and will greet him with a smile on your face. 
─── ・ 。゚☆: .☽ . :☆゚. ───
In Ignihyde dorm,
Upon returning to his room Idia slumped in defeat, he is useless powerless once more, 
“I can’t… I can’t lose another person..” 
He begun to bury himself in work, he wanted to make sure you recovered well and Crowley to get what is coming to him. 
─── ・ 。゚☆: .☽ . :☆゚. ───
In Diasomnia dorm,
The briar king arrival was greeted by his vice leader and his two peers, but to him it was just his family greeting him back.
“Waka-sama! Thank you for your hard work!” The booming voice snapped Malleus put of his rage trance. He didn’t even notice the ice trail he was living behind. 
“Oh uh… yea.” Malleus answered 
“Its.. cold isn’t.” The silver haired boy softly spoke. 
“Malleus is thought i thought you to better control of your emotion. Look at the ice trail.” The bat fae man scolds.
“Ah i did that. Im sorry.” With a snap of his finger the trail was gone. But now he was faced with the concerned faces of his family. 
“Malleus what exactly happened..”
“I guess i need to tell you this as well.” Malleus sigh in defeat as he share the tale of how Crowley absolutely messed up your mental capacity.
“I should’ve crush his throat when i got the chance.” 
The room seemed to dimmed. When the shock was broken Lilia was cursing the damn crow. Silver who was angry stayed eerily quiet. ‘Unfair’ he thought. ‘Thats unfair!’ He felt dreadful sorrow for you enough to filled hos eyes with tears. After all that you done for them, they could not help you. 
Sebek who was in a silent trance excused himself in a hurry. His pale face is apparent. ‘No you have to wake up… i still have some stuff i haven’t get to say to you’ he thought as he rushed out of his form into the infirmary. He may sound rude or strict but he do truly cares about you and his friend. He regretted not being frontal about his feelings. 
The rest three of them could only do what villains do best. Planning to absolutely crush the crow with a wretched smile on their face. Even silver was in on the plan, without the wretched stained smile of course, he believe just was needed for you, he will become your knight in shining armour. Afterall, the damned bird had attacked their family, and there is a dire consequence to pay. 
All of them regretted that they couldn’t protect your from this event, they wished they were aware of what Crowley did. This includes the other teacher who wished they to participate in the investigation to find your way back home so that they could at least be aware of Crowley and his neglectful behaviour. If only they are apart of the investigation, they would be able to prevent this event from going. 
─── ・ 。゚☆: .☽ . :☆゚. ───
The infirmary was cold and quiet. Ace, deuce and Grim all looked sullen. Grim was teary, crying for you to wake up soon. Deuce was praying for you to get better, to open your eyes at the very least. 
Ortho was observing you diligently monitoring your vitals and looking for a sign in case your symptoms worsened. Though that doesn’t mean he was not haunted by the event. 
Ace was deep in his thoughts how he regretted not coming with you to the headmage office.
All of them regretted not being with you in the office. The image of your hollow dull eyes was imprinted in their memory. Your scream ringed in their ears. A shadow casted the infirmary.  
First was jack who came in,
He was taken a back by the sight of your limped body, the visible bandaged wrist and arm a sore to his eyes. He felt rage for whoever made you like this. 
Epel was next, 
He looked as surprised as as jack muttering “its a lie.. its a lie no way..” before going mad himself  he wanted to cuss and find Crowley right then and there, but he stop himself for the same of you. 
The last to come was Sebek, 
Who had come with a teary eye. Seeing you so broken, fragile like glass he turned away to wipe the flowing tears. How sad your fate were. He find himself mad to the perpetrator. ‘How dare they.’
They all wished to have been there to inform the investigation  they all did to help you to go back home. They wish they are in the office comforting you rather than leaving you alone to discover such secrets. And to be there to prevent you from spiraling into a despair manic breakdown. 
When their turn is up, they exchange their shifts, the sneaky first year get to company you twice since they insisted to go with their perspective housewarden when it is their shift.
 Grim was there all the way, and if he wasn’t, it meant that he was dragged away from your bed by just anybody to get himself fixed and have a proper meal. 
All of them begged for the little miracle they could have. They know miracle does not happened at all for the likes of them, but this time, just this once they wishes and pray to the great sevens to bring you back, to make you open your eyes. 
─── ・ 。゚☆: .☽ . :☆゚. ───
Your eyes could finally flutter on the dawn of the fourth day since the incident. You noticed that the sky was still dark. You tried to look around but a sharp pain ring your head causing you to winched. 
“Mon cheríe!” The hunter, whose eyes were fixed on you relaxed as he rushed towards your side. 
“Thank heaven! Please lay still.. you don’t want to further the damage in your head.” Vil sternly reprimand, he was sitting on the other side with a book in his hand.
“Y/n! Y/n!!!” You are awake!!!”  You see feel a soft furry friend rushed to hug you from your bedside. 
“Thank heavens!! Hey grim! Give em sum space would’ya!” The purple haired boy half shouted, 
They felt a part of their anxiety evaporating from them. But that is not enough
“Hnn.. what.. happened?” 
“You…” vile stammered
“Y/n!! What's my name?”
“Epel, of course your name is epel..” you croak, your throat dry. 
The three people plus direbeast in the room sigh a heavy breathe, your memory is intact. 
“Here drink some water. He gently prop your head with his hand as he gently tip the glads of water into your parched mouth. 
Licking your dry lips you felt yourself weakly placed back to the bed.
“I.. i passed out…”
“Yess.. you have a concussion from the explosion.” Vil explained.
“The explosion…..” you muttered.
“I… i can’t go back… i can’t.. my family… i .. i can’t see them anymore.” You sobbed . Large bulb of tears spill from your eyes as quickly as it had pooled. 
The room was blurred by your tears and your sobs filled the room. 
“.. in sorry..” you hurriedly bring your hand to cover your face. You felt embarrassed to cry like this but you can’t help the tears that is pouring. 
“No stop that.. it’s not your fault mon cheri.”
He brought your hand back to the bed. Rook took a handkerchief from his pocket as he wipe your tears gently and carefully. Rook doesn’t find it disgraceful to see you in tears, in fact he thought your eyes looked like a jewel. 
He wished to comfort you very much, to take away the pain from you, but all he could do now was simply wipe your tears. 
Grim was silent. He could only lay his head on your chest as he try to comfort you with his padded paw. 
In all honesty Vil and Epel too doesn’t find you disgusting or messy for crying, rather they want you to cry on their shoulder, to comfort you the best they could. Same as Rook, they wished to wipe that tears away from you.
“Whatda’ya mean?! If its anybody fault its that damned bird!” Epel half screamed in his thich accent.
“YES YES! If i meet that crow! I’ll bite em for you!” Grim enthusiastically said.
“Epel is right! Never apologize to something that is not your fault!” Vil sternly advice. 
“.. thank you.. guys..” You try to suppress your hiccup and sob 
You were driven back to sleep because of your little breakdown much to the dismay of your friends. Your body and mental was too exhausted after the sobbing mess. 
They were all relieved that there doesn’t seem to be a sign of your physical damage to worsened but they could not bring them to be happy because you are so broken mentally. The little breakdown you have made a painful sting in their heart. 
“Rook inform the others that y/n is awake.” Vil ordered.
“Yes, Roi du poisson.”
─── ・ 。゚☆: .☽ . :☆゚. ───
The others soon rushed to the hospital wing upon hearing the news. Their excitement was crushed to see your sleeping red tear stained face. 
“Hey, i thought you say she was awake?” Floyd lowly muttered, irritated.
“she fell back asleep.” Vil said
“Don’t mean with me?!” Leona growled 
“And who asked you to urgently come to infirmary?”
“Y/n really woke up!” Grim argued
“Yes! And she fell back to sleep from.. crying.” Epel continued.
A commotion starts, They were being loud, and accidentally waking you up. 
“Oh she really is awake!” 
“Hey! Great now you woke her up!”
You were rubbing your eyes. As you begun to slowly sit up ignoring Vil insistent to get you to laugh down. 
“At least lay here,” he grab another pillow from a nearby empty bed and he prop them up to make a comfortable sitting cushion.
“Thank you, vil.” You smiled. 
“uhm.. i made everyone worry.. im sorry.” You attempted to bow, you meant to only hurt crowley but here you are bai g a burden to everyone. 
Everyone protested. Vil grabbed unto you shoulder and prop the back to the pillow stack.
“What did i just tell you about apologizing for a mistake that isn’t yours?”
“Ah but i did made a mistake.. i become a burde-“
“Don’t finish that word! You are everything but a burden! And it was me who cast that blasted explosion spell, i caused your injury, i am very sorry you/n” Riddle felt shame as bow for forgiveness to you.
“After all you have done for us! It is us who could do nothing to help you. We are the one who should be sorry.” Lilia affirmed.
“ you have always been here for us, yet now…” Ace uncharacteristically said.
“We are sorry..” Kalim who was bought to tears again and were being held by Jamil as to not rush as hug you.
“No.. no.. please, Riddle i don’t blame you at all everybody in the bright mind would do that, and all of you are never a burden to me.” 
“Then don’t ever say you are a burden ok” silver spoke.
“Yes don’t you dare utter such blasphemy to your name!” Sebek yelled
“If its anyone fault! Its that damn birdbrain, don’t worry shrimpy I’ll give him a hugee squeeze for you~”
“Yes a punishment is at due.” Jade joined in.
“With no charge of cousse don’t worry yourself!” Azul smirked.
“Now here you muct be hungry, i made you my mothers recipe.” Jamil brought out a warm stew for you to eat.
“Yes! Jamil food always healed me when im sick!” 
“Ah yeah! After that you could have all the cake, tart, cupcakes, scones you’d like!” Trey add. Showcasing the whole baked goods he mentioned. Some of them are made in a cute animal shape.
“The heartslabyul bois made them with love~” Carter giggled.
“ whoa they bought the whole bakery to the infirmary!” Ruggie gawked
“Heh such a beloved spoiled herbivore you are.” Leona mused.
“You need to eat well y/n, for recovery!” Jack reminded.
“Yes that is true! A high nourishing food is good for a speedy recovery!” Ortho beamed. 
“Ah ok.. you went to pick the spoon up as the stew was placed in front of you, only to feel a the sun-kissed skin gently slap
It away.
“Don’t be ridiculous.” He scolded. Jamil then picked up the spoon and scoop the stewing stew from the bowl, then he blow on them gently before moving it close to your mouth.
“Eh…” you blushed upon realizing what happened.
“C’mon the stew is spilling.”
“Ah ok..” you stammered. You hesitantly open your mouth allowing Jamil to feed you.
You felt quite embarrassed as you chew away the meat in your stew. 
“Why does it have to be you who feed them?” Ace grumbled.
“Because he made them.. don’t worry we will get out turn soon” deuce grinned.
“We should’ve bring them food too! Don’t worry next time i will cook a delicious meal for you!” Lilia announced.
“Oh uhm.. hahahha no.. i dont want to burden you hahaha.” You panicked.
The rest of them reminiscence the day they get to eat lilia food, the lot of them turned green.
You glanced at Tsunataron, Sebek, and Silver for help.
“Ah uh don’t worry we will help too!” Sebek boomed.
“Yes we would be the outmost help!” Silver joined.
“Yes we will keep a close watch!” Malleus continues.
“Hahaha thank you guys” you giggled.
“I too have a mushroom soup in mind! They are very nutritious you see!” Jade beamed as he always does when he talk about his mushrooms.
“Eughh stopp! Dont feed just mushroom to little shrimpy! They might get stomach pain!” Floyd complained 
“I agree with floyd, though the best of monstro longue food is at due!” Azul promised.
“I too have a recovery recipe for you, you will be healed in no time!” Vil said
“Oh! The great roí du poisson cooking for you, how luck must you be mon trickster.” 
“ big brother and i could come up with aomet too right, big brother!”
“Yes leave it to big… maybe not food hahaha.” 
Idia stammered at the end
The lot of them seeing this begun to have an idea to bring you food in the idea to get to feed you. Leona despite not saying anything brought you meat to eat, he said meat is very important for recovery. It was a very delicious meat, 
“Of course i bought them from only the best restaurant.” Leona smirked. 
…Rich guy.
Ruggie brought you his grandma ultimate recipe.
Idia unable to cook decided he will just made you a gaming console for when you are bored. You thanked him. He put a multiplayer game and other game too so the three of you could play together.
Occasionally the faculty member come to visit, 
Crewel would come bringing a potion for your health, he did scolded you for letting your anger control you. But at the same time, he understands why. Mainly he was concerned for his child pup
Trein would check up on you occasionally sneakily giving you treats, anything for his ehem favorite adopted grandchild student. 
Vargas patted you on the back trying to console you and occasionally visit you too, he noticed how small you look and can’t to want to protect you. “Next time there is any problem just call daddy! And i will be there in an instant!” He boomed with his white shining teeth. He really could an actor in a toothpaste commercial.
Sam was filled in on what’s happening after crewel came in eyebrow burrowed, smelling of tabacco and demanding the finest bottle of wine. He felt pity for his favorite child costumer. He visited you bringing you trinkets and candies from all around the island, he said its free of charge and that not to mind it since he was giving the candies away anyway, though you suspect he lied about that part. He often patt your head as you pop the snack or candy he brought for you.
The first year would visit you for hours after class it seemed like it has become their hang out place. Right after school ended, they rushed to go to the infirmary. They bring snacks with them and of course the famous Felmer apple juice. They would bring today's notes to you and do homework together, play game together, or any other stuff to cheer you up. 
The lot of them made you feel better though you are still saddened about not being able to see your family, you have to agree with Crowley that the family you have in NRC is heavenly for you.  
─── ・ 。゚☆: .☽ . :☆゚. ───
Finally come the day you are discharged. 
The dorm planned a party for your recovery of course with the permission of the teachers. They bring all sorts of food and drinks. You enjoyed everything, their laughter, their pranks, the way they joked, the way they care for you and one another. Everything made the hollow in your heart to fill up.
“Now are we ready for the main event!” Azul announced.
“Eh main event?.. what is that.. i was not aware..” you whispered to grim.
“Hehehe! Just wait and see henchman!”
“We sure are!” They cheered, their eyes were glinted with mischief and wickedness.
“Introducing the flaming pest!” Lilia cheered as he flew above and lifted the sheet covering the stand.
It was Crowley tied to a wooden pole as stack of hay was stuffed in his surrounding. 
“What.. what!! HEY!! Released me this instant!!”  He screamed. 
“Whats the meaning of this! I expect better from you housewarden!! Crewel! Trein! Vargas! Sam! Save me!!”
He was meet with a smirk. Crewel raised the wine glass to his mouth as he sip the succulent wine. “ may you rest in pieces.” The two other laughed. Trein just smirked silently and sip his wine ready to watch the beautiful flaming pyre. 
All of them jeered and laughed. You could only find your self in a state of shock amazed of house brilliant and caring your friends are, you are brought to tears.
“Ah y/n is crying!”
“Why are you crying dearie.”
“It must’ve because of that bird!” 
“I DID.. Nothing .. at least now.” Crowley defended himself.
“No it’s not it, it’s just.. I'm just touch at how caring and lovely you are.” You are meet with couple embrace from the first year group whom had stayed by your side. 
“What a heartfelt sight you truly have a gift to bring people together. BUT NOT THE RIGHT TIME NOR THE RIGHT CAUSE! C’mon i am Sorry alright!! Pleasee!” 
“Thank us later once the show has begun, now be amazed!” Jade beamed from your behind holding your shoulder as he lifted your chin up to see the stage. 
“Pull the lever!” Ruggie howled.
“No nooo!!” Crowley shouted, he was so very sure he was going to die burning to the death, yet no fire ball come through. A bunch of hay fall through from nowhere, a summoning spell.
Then followed with tons of bags, robes, and coat. Another batch comes tons of hard worked documents., and a sofa.
“Eh..”Crowley was confused about the whole thing, until he realized that all of those stuff was taken from his room and office. 
“NOOO!! My Dioz branded coat! My Guzzi Bagg! MY VALENTINE ROBEE!!! I worked hours for that document pleaseeee. my 8 million thaumark couch!
“Set them on fire!” Kalim cheered
Carter was filming the whole thing. He will send the video to idia to render for high quality and will distribute them to those attending including the teachers. 
Each dorm were given a chemical to throw into the fire,
The Heartslabyul were given Lithium to turn the fire colour red.
The Savannaclaw were given Sodium to turn the fire colour yellow.
The Octonaville were given Caesium to turn the fire colour bright purple.
The Scarabia were given Radium to turn the fire colour bright red.
The Pomefiore were given Potassium to turn the fire colour darker purple.
The Ignihyde were given Indium to turn the fire colour Blue
The Diasomnia were given Boron to turn the fire colour green.
This of course is conducted safely. The idea comes from both Rook and Trey with the approval of Crewel who is also supervising them in this event.
“NOOOOOOOI!!!!!! Stop stop!! Burn me instead nooooo!” Crowley struggle two times the effort but to no attempt. Leona and jack had made sure that the ropes tightly dig into the headmage body. 
“ARGHHHHH!!” The headmage felt utterly despair as he too faint from shock.
You are mesmerized by the different colour that flashed by the pyre.
The whole party cheered. The bags, coats, and robes completely turned to ash.
Everybody had the same thought in their head. 
‘Serve him right for messing with y/n.’
You grow silent again for a after cheering as reality seep in on you.
“Hmm what’s wrong, are you not satisfied with the display?” Jack concerned voice brought attention from the rest of the group. 
“No it’s just.. since i will be here forever i don’t know where to go after i finished with my studies. I can’t do magic so i am practically useless in this world.”
“What are you saying henchmen! You and i will be together forever i am the one who could cast magic and you shall be the brain!”
“Yes and besides I wouldn’t mind if you take the last name Roseheart if you would allow. I will forever protect and i will provide you with anything you want. I will be a lawyer you see! You will be living the best of your life with me. And grim too of course. Besides i need to take responsibility for giving you, your first kiss.” Riddle instantly offered.
Your brain short circuited. “Huh… eh..” 
Did you just got proposed?!
No way right?!
“NO WAY! Y/N you should take Ashengrotto instead you see i will be the next biggest billionaire! You wouldn’t need to worry about penny of what you want to spend, unlike a lawyer who need to rely on a client to earn living. And frankly, CPR does not count as a kiss!” he sneered
“What do you mean by that huh?!”
“No, y/n you should come to briar valley instead! You could marry one of my son, i have options anyone you choose would guarantee to provide you with the best, Malleus will be king of briar, my other two will become a royal guard! Although i wouldn’t mind if you want to spend your days with my last years.” Lilia claimed.
“F-father.. but y/n its true i will provide you the best I could.” Red tint his cheeks.
“YES! I don’t care if you are a human, you are truly the best of best, i would be honoured if you are willing to spend your days with me.” Sebek blabbered blush. 
“Y/n would you consider, you shall be the queen of briar valley and i your king. We shall spend our moment with joy, i guarantee your safety and riches.” Malleus confidentially proclaimed red tinted his ears.
“Hah, and what lock her up in that dark gloomy tower of yours? Y/n you should ignore these guys. Come with me and become y/n kingscolar, your good friend ‘Tsunatarou’ are not the only one with a royal blood. Come with me, i will ensure twice what they offer. Be my queen herbivore.” Leona smirked extending his hand. He might sound pompous but the red tint on his face says otherwise.
“No, you might be royalty, but the al asim family possess riches compared to a royalty! And Kalim is the heir of al-asim! You should come to scalding sands instead!”
Jamil shouted, yes he just promoted his best friend, but who to say you can’t have an affair with him. 
“Yes! Yes!” Kalim agreed
“No way! Your family is riddled with murder attempts the leeches are guaranteed to be veryyyy secured! Shrimpy won’t need to be cautious when eating their food nor do they need to sleep with one eye open.” Floyd smirked. 
“Yes you could chose the either of us, but in all honesty i dont mind sharing with my brother you see, we always share out stuff anyway.” Jade laugh into his hand like a proper gentleman he was.
You never would have thought to see the leech brother blushing but here you are, 
“I am a renowned actor! The number one barchelor in the entire island! You should take my hand instead! I will promise you fame and glory! You will be rich and beautiful, you shall be my queen.” Vil too joined in with a blush to his face.
“Heh all actor have expiry date you know.” Leona tease
“What do you mean by that?”
“He meant when you are all wrinkly and old!”
Ortho tease, the gremlin inside of him seemed to have awakened.
“I am still far from that age! I am not old!!”
“But you depend on it.” Ortho teased again.
“Oh truly marvelous! But y/n I wouldn’t mind if you choose to go as Schoenheit, I too have to propose for you to take the name hunt, I promise to protect you and guide you till the day we have to separate naturally.” Rook proclaimed.
“Rook.. you dare betray me..”vil was once again shocked.
“You shouldn’t shock since you saw what was under my room wallpaper, and me as your supplier.”
“Huh.. that made perfect sense.” Vil sigh.
“Y/N .. w-would you go to S.T.Y.X with me! I know i might not be much, but i assure you! Styx have the best protection, they even manage to beat all of these housewarden. I want to rule styx with you… uhmm thats too cheesy!! The point is!! I would like to offer the shroud last name if you allow me to be with you!!!” Idia stammered. His hair tip turned pink as he fiddle with his fiddle with his fingers out of nervousness.  
“Yes y/n! We would have a lot of fun adventuree!” 
“Absolutely not.. not in a chance i’d let that happen.” The overblot boys yelled.
“SHADDAP!! It's not your choice its theirs!” He yelled.
“ARGHHH… ya kno, the bunch of ya! Not everythin is about richesss! Y/n! We could build our Felmer farm together! And I will take care of ye for the rest of ma days! I vowed to ya!” Epel declared! Face flushed red both from anger and rage.
“The Bucchi name would look good on you y/n. I promised to find any means to provide for us! And even if you don’t I don't mind if you want to have an affair with me, i can share!” Ruggie assert himself.
“Or me in that case! I promised to protect you as long as I can breathe, I may not have a mountain of riches but i will ensure a peaceful calm life for the both of us. What do you say y/n would you take the howl name?” Jack continued. 
“Y/n I may not have much as well, but I can ensure you a fun and on going life! I will provide for you! All you need to do is give cay- cay lots of love ok? And I promise you everything and the name diamond.” Carter too extended his hand.
“My family have a bakery and my sibling, and my parents are a very lovely and warm people! My parents and siblings loved you already! I will vow to be there for you always to the end of days, to provide for you in sickness and in health.” Trey fixed his glasses in nervousness, yet he delivered his message perfectly. 
“NO! Y/n! MY MOM LOVED YOU ALREADY! She kept going on and on about when you are going to visit! You don’t need to worry about horrible mother in law!! She adored you just as i have come to adore you… i-if you are willing to take the spade name.”
“No way! They would not last with somebody with the brain of a peanut! Y/n i will climb to the top of top! And provide you with everything there is in the world! How about that? Will you take the Trapolla name.” Ace too declared.
“So who would you choose?” 
“LIKE HELL I’D GIVE MY PRECIOUS PUP TO YOU BRAT! Wolves! STAY AWAY! Y/n will you become my child instead! Here you can sign your name here and here! I will provide you! And if you want a job you could be my exclusive model for my brand!” Crewel wave his riding crop to shoo away your barchelor as he hovers you and adoption paper.
“Teacher we too can find y/n a promising job! Away, no harrassment shall befell them!” Some of the students argued.
“I jest, y/n you should come with me! I have experience with kid. You shall be taken care of with the outmost dignity. I have enough to provide for everyone.” Trein claimed.
Vargas and sam are satisfied to be the strong protective and the spoiling uncle, yet they found themselves offering you the same offer.
“I own a family business far and wide and mysterious, i will tell you all about it if you sign here and here.”
“I will protect you from all the troubles amd boys! Over my head body!” 
“Whoa, you manage to make the students fight one another and the teachers too! Such power you have, henchman.”
You are left a blubbering mess.. 
“Don’t worry the great Grim will choose the most perfect eligible barchelor for you! You don’t mind anybody right?!”
“A..AA ….”
“Okk! such trouble this henchman brough me" Grim smirked
And hence the chaos ensued.
Though, it is safe to say that Crowley would not dare to pull something as such or mess with you again. Reports said he had become more diligent and responsible to his work. Such trauma you caused him.
So, whose hand will you take, my dear?
[Words 9219]
» End «
•┈••✦ ❤ ✦••┈•
This is by far the longest fic I had written 9219 words?! YIPPEE
taglist: @neufora @shironakuronatasa
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ilovepaigebueckerss · 20 hours
tiktok rizz
the title is so unserious im sorry😭😭
pairing: p.b x fem! reader
summary: fans are wondering how reader and paige met and reader explains on a live.
very very short, i just thought of this and whipped it up rq, again I HATE THIS but it was a cute idea so.
based off this tiktok!
You were pretty well known due to the fact that you were Paige Bueckers girlfriend. Yall have been dating for almost 4 years. But everyone wondered how you guys met.
You were on live with KK when a comment rolled in asking about it. “Okay guys im gonna address this one more time” You say pausing in between words. “So screen recorders go ahead and do what yall do best” You continue laughing.
“I made a TikTok about Paige and she saw it and after that we just kinda start talking.” You say shrugging your shoulders. “I’m gonna pin the TikTok and everything for yall”
You decided to make a TikTok due to boredom. There was this trend going around and you decided you wanted to do it with you “celebrity” crush.
You film the TikTok, and put one hashtag which was: #paigebueckers. and continue on with your night.
You wake up to a bunch of notifications curious and what they were from. You had totally forgot you even posted that TikTok so when you saw it went viral you were going crazy.
A certain notification sparked your interest though.
@paigebueckers: has liked your video!
@paigebueckers has followed you back!
@paigebueckers has messaged you!
You rubbed your eyes to make sure you weren’t still asleep. (iykyk) But you were very much awake.
You click on the notification nervous to see what she said. What if she thought you were weird? What if she was laughing at you?
@paigebueckers: i think youre pretty cute too.
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luveline · 14 hours
Hi Jade ! I loove your sunshine!readers, could I request one for Carmy ? Maybe someone calls her to get to the restaurant when hes feeling anxious to calm him down idk if thats good lol love ya !
ty for requesting <3 fem, 1.4k
Is it The Beef or The Bear? In your head, despite the wishes of everyone who works there (except for Ebra, who seems to have mixed opinions), you always call it The Beef. But the sign brags otherwise, and when you push open the doors, nothing inside is left to remind you of the old restaurant. It was a total gut. 
“Hi, gorgeous,” says a familiar, warm voice. 
You almost walk straight into her table, distracted looking for brown curls through the kitchen door’s little window. “Hey, Tina.” You grin at your second favourite chef. Your most favourite Sous. “You taking a break?” 
She offers you a round butter cookie from a sleeve of them. Her cup of coffee billows with steam. “Uh-huh.” 
“Hiding from a meltdown?” you ask, taking a cookie, fingers oily with butter, sugar grains falling to the floor. 
“It’s not like that,” she says. 
Well, what is it like? you think. 
Richie’s text wasn’t exactly descriptive. Need ur help with the little Bitch, he’d said. Then, when you didn’t answer, ASAP!!!!
You figured it must’ve been another rant. He’s prone to these… episodes of anger where he doesn’t realise he’s spinning out and hurting people who really care about him. You try to bring him out of it, but he’s a Berzatto. They’re all the same, sort of. Everything that’s wrong with them has been stamped into them a long, long time ago. 
He’s been better since Nat steel armed him into AA, but still. You tilt your head to one side, sugar cookie between your fingers, listening for the goings on in the kitchen. “Sydney’s here?” you ask. “I thought she was sick.” 
“Sydney gets sick, but she doesn’t take sick days,” Tina says with a loving shrug. 
You smile at her in brief goodbye for now and make your way to the kitchen, where you push in quietly. All their ‘Behind!’ and ‘Corner!’ and ‘Hands!’ makes you laugh, and you can’t take it seriously so you don’t, but you’re not trying to be dangerous in there either. 
“Hello?” you ask. 
Sydney and Richie look up from a cramped notebook at the table nearest to the door. There are employees you're unsure of prepping vegetables along the wall, but Carmy isn’t anywhere to be seen. 
“Fucking finally,” Richie says, before rubbing his face regretfully. “I’m sorry, it’s just– I texted you an hour ago, babe, you’re letting me down.” 
You laugh. “Sorry, babe,” you tease. “I have a job, just like you.” Your hands are cold where you tuck them under each armpit, crossing your arms. “Hi, Sydney. You feeling okay?” 
“No. He’s stressing me out.” 
“Which one?” 
“Both of them.” She looks like she might rub her face too. “I need him to be in here right now, he should be doing this, but he keeps walking away and– and not saying where he’s going.” 
“He is stressful,” you agree, though usually Carmy’s stress tends to bounce right off of you, “I’m gonna find him and strap him down for you.” 
Sydney just frowns. 
“I’ll see what’s up,” you say more seriously. “In the office?” 
“Out the back,” Richie says. “Smoking like his mother. He’s a fucking steam train lately.” 
It’s like they want to worry you. You give them grateful nods, sorry nods, and start to make your way out of the main kitchen, past the dishwashers and the dessert station to one of the back doors. Carmy isn’t your responsibility. You don’t have to apologise for him, you don’t have to mother him, he should commit to his responsibilities all on his own, but… it’s hard. You like apologising for him because his behaviour isn’t always on purpose, and he struggles with commitment for similar reasons. There’s this aching, stagnated grief in him that’s reawakening, there’s the stress of the restaurant, his business, the scars of the last ten years, and before that. You know it isn’t your job to come here and make him feel better, but isn’t it? When you love someone, it’s half the deal. 
Carmy shouldn’t yell at his friends, or employees. He shouldn’t chain smoke, and he shouldn’t be sitting on the low wall by the dumpsters shaking so hard with his head so low that you can see the first notch of his spine in his shirt. 
“Carmy?” you ask. 
His head ducks further down. You can hear him breathing, not too hard as to alarm you, and yet unrelaxed. 
You smile without thinking. You hate seeing him like this, but looking after him is a pleasure. “Hey, Carmen. Can I sit with you?” 
He forces his face up. “What are you doing here?” he asks. 
Trying to make sure he doesn’t tear another chunk out of Richie. “It’s my lunch break.” 
You perch on the wall beside him and snap your nearly forgotten cookie into two pieces, one side bigger than the other, which you offer him. 
Carmy takes it. Looks at it without expression, though that slowly turns to a dry ire you’ve felt directed your way a hundred times. “What the fuck is this?” 
“I don’t want this.” 
“Could you just eat it?” You put your own half in your mouth in its entirety, all aligned to your teeth. It shatters into sweet, soft crumbs between your teeth. You talk with a hand over your mouth, “It’s not gonna kill you.” 
Carmy looks at it for a long time before he eats it. 
You watch him. He’s more tan than you’d think, that Italian gene kicking in, skin clinging to whatever sunshine it finds. He spends enough time inside that you’re surprised it can muster the energy. He looks better with it though, his curls look gold toned under the sun, and his clenched jaw doesn’t seem so harsh. 
“What’s wrong?” you ask eventually. Almost conversationally. 
“Nothing.” His hand shakes on his thigh. He turns his palm down to clasp his knee. 
“You sure?” 
“That one’s my favourite.” 
You poke toward a tattoo on his hand. It’s a simple flower, same style as most of his tattoos. “I like it ‘cos it’s just a flower.” 
“My least pretentious,” he guesses. 
“Something like that.” 
He tips his head back. 
“Richie texted me. He thinks I’m gonna… like, I’m gonna calm you down, I guess.” 
“You always do,” he says. 
You give him a long, smiley look. “So you’re in love with me?” you ask warmly, pushing up into a knee to wrap your arm behind him, hugging him before he can move away. “You’re totally fucked for me, Berzatto, that’s fucking crazy.” 
“Fuck off,” he laughs. 
You rub his arm, his skin hot in your hold. He touches your waist very, very lightly. “What am I supposed to do, anyway? I can’t cook. You and Syd are on your own.” 
“You already… already did enough.” He grabs your waist where you wobble on the brick wall, grit biting your knees, his hand comparatively soft. 
“Such a crush on me,” you tease in a whisper, his hair crushed under your cheek. 
You’re tempted to kiss his temple, but affection with Carmy is like oil and water sometimes. You give him a last protective squeeze and sit yourself down again. 
“Carm,” you say, “you know you can call me, right? Like, if you don’t feel okay.” 
“Yeah. Yeah, I know.” 
“Or text me. If that’s easier. It’s hard to say hard things out loud.” 
He laughs again. “Sorry.” 
“I know, I don’t– I don’t seem like I know what you’re talking about, I get it, but I do understand. N’ even if I didn’t, I don’t mind listening. Or laughing at you.” 
“What’s that about?” 
“The laughing?” you ask. “You tell me.” 
His hand slides behind your back in half a hug. “Guess it’s funny.” 
“Can I change my mind about the tattoo?” 
“The flowers not your favourite?” 
“No. You know which one I like best?” 
His thumb rubs into your back. “The snail.” 
“Absolutely the snail. You’re so fucking silly sometimes, I’m supposed to take you seriously when you’re yelling and red in the face with a snail on your arm?” 
You can’t see his face with your cheek to his shoulder, won’t know that he’s smiling at you with a rare aura of peace. Can’t see the wanting, either. 
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doromoni · 2 days
Clash of Champions | MV1 , LH44
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Act 2. Part 6 : The Truth Unraveling
Ships : Max Verstappen x Engineer! Reader, Lewis Hamilton x Engineer! Reader
Genre : Drama, Angst, Romance
Warning : Morally Grey Characters, Manipulation, Blackmail, Swearing
A/N : Rahhhh! I’m so sorry for taking so long to update, forgive me.
Summary : The rivalry between the titans of Formula 1 goes off track and only one will reign victorious.
< Previous Masterlist
Act 2. ─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ──
Distinguished, proud, and dignified are words paralleled to the motorhome of Mercedes Amg Petronas F1 team. The team where this era’s champions are bred and trained. It was the model of what a Formula 1 team should be.
However, this is all in the perception of the common fan —a facade carefully built for the media and their sponsors. In reality everything was far from it. Manipulation, deceit, and sketchy dealings are rampant behind closed doors. Rumors and slander come out of that place on the daily. And in the world of Formula 1 when scandals arise, however unjust and cruel — a person is guilty until proven. That was the deal.
All are well aware of such a notion. And when Mercedes had posted an official statement about Y/N L/N’s supposed lawsuit. The entirety of motorsport was in shock and disbelief. Many were convinced about the allegations and had petitioned for your removal from the sport, while the few who had actually known you had stood by your integrity and your character as a person.
In an instant, your years of hard work were put under a microscope and are being devalued to its foundations. Your presence as a woman in motorsports was already a hot matter, and some are only waiting for you to trip. And now they have the opportunity to discredit you.
Inside the motorhome of Mercedes, chatters and whispers littered every corner and every wall. Not one Mercedes employee wasn't talking about the topic of Y/N L/N’s lawsuit. With them insulting your name — most of which are the engineers who were envious of your success. Nevertheless, in the darkness there are some fireflies where they light up the night by a fraction. These are the people who actually directly worked with you… they were not your friends, but they cannot diminish your work as they saw it first hand.
And they were the people who saw the change in Lewis Hamilton upon your departure from the team. They knew that you and Lewis were dating, but they kept it to themselves. They were not blind nor were they stupid, but why should they care? The team was winning, that was all that mattered.
However, when you left and went to Red Bull and became Max Verstappen’s engineer — they watched as Lewis lost himself bit by bit. First came anger and agitation, Lewis was livid inside the motorhome, snapping at everyone and everything. Then day by day every ounce of spark had drained from the driver’s body, leaving a hollow vessel behind. He no longer went out drinking with the team, no more parties and galas, no more women.
Until that one fateful day where everyone was mandated to celebrate in a club chosen by their boss specifically out of nowhere. Lewis was with the other drivers only nursing a single drink in his hand. Up to, late that night when he looked out of it and a girl was in his arms kissing him feverishly. They thought that Lewis was back to his partying playboy personality.
However they were gravely mistaken, as the morning after Lewis was back to the hollow and empty version of himself and he went on racing on autopilot. Another drastic change had happened to Lewis Hamilton that got the team on their toes — Lewis Hamilton was suddenly filled with determination and resolve , for what? They did not know. Not till they heard of the news of the party in Monaco where Y/N L/N had Max Verstappen wrapped around her finger and had made a fool out of their boss.
Lewis came back a man with a purpose, it was as if he was in his rookie years filled with so much resolve and focus to prove himself. And they could only point all of this to one person. The person who turned their motorhome upside down — Y/N L/N.
And so , when they’ve gotten news about the lawsuit, they immediately informed Lewis.
He was already on edge from his loss to Max in the race and he was furious at your exchange of affection with Max on the podium. Lewis was not angry with you. How could he? You were his light.It was his fault for letting you go into the arms of the enemy. He knew that it was his mistake for taking you for granted. Lewis knew that he should’ve loved you and came clean when he had you. You would’ve understood… Lewis knew that you would. He knew you – he was sure of it.
Lewis knew that he should’ve told you the truth and confessed his sins… be he was too ashamed and guilty for what he has done to you. Ultimately, he was terrified that you would never forgive him for what he had agreed to do. He was afraid that you would’ve left when you came to know that his relationship with you was tailored by Toto Wolff. But you had already left him for an entirely different reason.
It was just supposed to be business and nothing more for the British driver but now all things were clouded as he found himself in the clutches of Love itself. Maybe it was his punishment for his selfishness and greed for success. But you cannot blame him for wanting the best for himself– after his father sacrificed so much for his dream. The temptation of Wolff’s words was a trap that he willingly went under.
Date the girl, make her content with what she had and nothing more. Tie her down and make her loyal to him and the team. Make her believe that it was him and her against the world. Keep it a secret so he would still be free.
It was easy to pretend at first– Lewis always thought that Y/N L/N had everything made easy for her. Lewis had despised that you had climbed the ladders so quickly in such a short amount of time… where he had to bear the prejudice, discrimination, bigotry and grudgingly wait, swallowing his pride for so many years at the chance in Formula 1. He hated that the pretty girl had made her way through the system without much of a hiccup.
With the plan in mind, Lewis started with flirting here and there– which Y/N had only prompted back with humor, not showing any true interest. Then came the banter, side jokes, and actually spending time together that ultimately opened the avenue of Lewis to get to know you, proving Lewis wrong of his prejudice against you. He saw himself in you, the pain and struggle that came with not fitting in with the cookie cutter image of Formula 1. Lewis Hamilton had seen your courage, tenacity, and will to prove to everyone that you belonged in the sport. In this you had earned his respect.
The friendship between the two of you bloomed. Lewis eagerly sought for your companionship and conversation, he had found a true friend in you. Then the gifts had started coming in – it was all in good heartedness at first, a true gesture of appreciation. Everything was innocent at first, Lewis had forgotten why he had approached you in the first place. That was till the big boss had reminded him of their agreement and toxified Lewis’ mind yet again – that he needed to prove himself to the world and to the team and all that. Then the flirtings came back and the intention of making Y/N his came back. And this time it was successful, Y/N had shown reciprocation to his advances.
Lewis had officially taken Y/N for himself. Lewis had enjoyed his time with you, all the memories you’ve built together from then forward were authentic and true. Through every ups and downs, you were with him. Without notice, Lewis Hamilton had unknowingly truly fallen for you. His agreement with Toto was the last thing on his mind.
However, that love was not enough to distinguish his desire for greatness. Lewis was still consumed by what the world offered. But everything became real and true way too fast for Lewis when the entry of a young Dutch driver to Formula 1 had happened. Suddenly his reign was shaken and it had clouded his judgment, even towards the person that he had loved. Lewis saw your friendly interactions with Max and he had seen you defend the young driver. In his panic, jealousy, and uncertainty, He had allowed Toto to manipulate him against the very person who had shown him love and care. He had once again allowed someone to poison his mind against you.
Lewis had started to doubt you and your love for him. He allowed the rumors and false accounts on you get to his head. And to his shame, Lewis had believed the stupidest thing that he could’ve thought— that Y/N was causing and conspiring in his fall and loss of the championship.
Lewis had believed that Y/N had betrayed him. He believed Toto’s words and he allowed Toto to demote Y/N. Lewis knew that he chose to believe everyone but the person that had loved him. And this had caused him the person he loved. Y/N had left him.
Regret was short of what Lewis felt. The emotional pain had manifested into pain that he felt on the outside. Lewis had felt pain like no other at the loss of Y/N. But it was a pain that he would choose to go through, if it meant that he finally realized the mistakes that brought pain to his Y/N. He would gladly go through the pain if it meant that he finally realized the depth of his love for the girl he once took for granted.
And He promised to himself that he will get her back and prove himself worthy to Y/N. Lewis Hamilton will take all means necessary to right his wrongs — and it starts within Mercedes, where the root of the problems began. Fuck the championship and the team. He wont let them touch Y/N again.
Exploding with simmering rage, Lewis had found himself in front of Toto Wolff’s office. Not bothering to knock, he had opened the door with a crashing bang not caring if he broke the office door or if everyone heard the commotion.
“WOLFF!! What the fuck do you think you’re doing?!” The loud shouts of Lewis filled the entire office.
“Calm down and close the damn door, Lewis” there sat behind his office table, a stack of paper in hand — Toto Wolff. The man’s expression was unreadable and cold. Toto knew how to keep his reactions and emotions away from the English champion. Toto Wolff always knew how to control and deal with Lewis Hamilton … until Lewis had fallen for Y/N L/N for real.
Toto can read Lewis Hamilton like an open book— Toto knew what Lewis’ thoughts were before he said them. But when Lewis had started to deviate from the plan, Lewis Hamilton’s priority had shifted. The champion had set his heart on you.
Lewis Hamilton had deviated from the plan. He wasn’t supposed to fall in love with the engineer. No, the plan was to date the girl to keep her in Mercedes, be his race engineer and keep her in line.
This was set between Lewis and Toto from when he transferred to the team. From day 1, everything was set in stone. But to Toto Wolff’s vexation, Y/N L/N had always come up on top.
Y/N L/N had turned his golden driver, the key to his success and fortune against him. Lewis Hamilton was no longer the puppet he could control. Just because he fell to the charms of the engineer.
“Shut the fuck up Wolff! Drop the fucking lawsuit on Y/N or I’ll swear I’ll tear this team and your reputation apart” Lewis raged, muscles tensing as he jabbed his finger menacingly at Toto.
“Christian what is this about? What is going on?” After you had received the urgent news. You had quickly made your way towards the Red Bull Motorhome.
Your phone was blasted with notifications from all social media platforms. Mercedes had the insolence of posting in the media of something that wasn’t yet to be discussed with you nor Red Bull. You knew that this was another dirty tactic on their part
“They’re suing you and the team for a data and contract breach” Christian had said begrudgingly as he sat back his chair, a hand on the bridge of his nose.
“What? On what grounds?” You asked exasperated as you took a seat in front of Christian’s table.
“Here’s a copy of their claim” Christian gave you a copy of the paper from Mercedes. You flipped through the pages and you couldn’t help but mockingly laugh.
You were being sued on the grounds of sharing information on team and driver strategies to Red Bull and that you didn’t finish your employment contract with them. You could help but think of how desperate and pathetic they could be.
How can they be so petty and think of you cheating just cause they couldn’t win against you.
“Wow, they couldn’t handle the fact that they’re loosing, huh. What did the FIA say?” You once again asked your team principal.
Suddenly the door opened revealing a disheveled Max— who seemed to have ran his way here.
“What the fuck did I hear about a lawsuit?!” Max was hysterical as he made his way into the room.
Christian didn’t mind the Dutch driver as he answered my question.
“They haven’t contacted us yet, but expect that you will be suspended from engineering for Max till end of the season.” A look of sympathy had shown itself on the principal.
“They wouldn’t dare! Y/N is innocent! Just cause they cant swallow their incompetence, they target Y/N?! Cowardly motherfuckers” Max ranted.
They expected you to cower and run for the hills, but this was something you had already planned on them doing. Petty and underhanded actions are Mercedes’ MO and you are prepared for it.
If they wanted to play it this way, then you’ll up them in their own game.
“Don’t worry, Y/N. We’ll have your back and we’ll do everything in our power to prove your innocence” Christian had said showing his support. Meanwhile Max was on his phone typing away muttering under his breath that he’ll pay millions for the best lawyer for you.
“Thank you Christian, it’s very much appreciated! Great to know the team has my back. But I think we should fight fire by fire first” you smiled at them menacingly as looks of confusion appeared on them.
“What do you mean, Liebling?” Max questioned
“A counterclaim on Mercedes on the grounds of employee maltreatment and workplace harassment — don’t worry, Nico will testify if needed” You smiled brightly, as if what you said was nothing.
“It will only be fair if we take this to the media as well right? They did start it first” you added.
“That will ruin the reputation of Mercedes… are you sure, y/n? They will be out for blood.” Christian warned.
The pain, humiliation, and mental abuse you’ve experienced in that motorhome, everything they’ve done to you came rushing back.
“They’ve ruined mine and they’re dragging the team into. Its only fair”
“Y/N there are hundreds of employees at Mercedes that will face fire. Are you certainly sure?”
“Mercedes will survive, it’s only the principal and top management that needs total revamping.”
Red Bull had just posted their response to Mercedes and all of motorsports was having a field day. All sports news was covering the debacle between the two motor teams.
Your phone was once again lighting up with notifications. And one particular message has gotten your attention that you couldn’t help but reply.
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Upon reading the last reply, your heart dropped to your stomach. Should you ask Max?
Max wouldn’t do anything like that right? Max knew what Toto Wolff had done to you… he wouldn’t work with Toto right?
Max knew you detested the man that made your life a living hell. Max would never.
Yeah … he wouldn’t.
Anyone interested to be added to the taglist? Drop a comment or DM me!
Taglist : @vicurious28 @xoscar03 @barnestatic @stelena-klayley @sopheeg @imagandom @4-20-21-12 @doofenshmirtzevil-inc @g-l-o-b-e-w-h-o-r-e @minkyungseokie @d3kstar @kimialaia @cosmicwintr @younxii @ssrcsm @paigem00 @seokjinkismet @wcnorris @jayjay11122 @embersparklz @sam-is-lost @peterholland04 @luckyladycreator2 @lovemesomeescapism @yettobedetermined7 @nikfigueiredo @ironmaiden1313 @alliwantisadonut @uuoozzii @marshmummy @kemillyfreitas @yaesflorist @zoeyjadetice2010 @splaterparty0-0 @likedbygaslyy @myinternettlifeimagine @ilamara @pluviophilefangirl @starssfall @haydensith @adoreleeknw @leilanixx @dr4g0ngirl @forfeityourbugs @choisannyreads @justtprachisblog @felicityforyou @jehun @halleest @closestthingtocoffee @jexxy04 @tremendousstarlighttragedy @a-beaverhausen
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lowkeyerror · 2 days
The Family Business Ch.14
WandaNat x Reader
Word Count: 2.3k
Ch. Notes: Angst, action, gun violence, character death
Summary: Things quickly escalate as Fisk tries to end the struggle for power once abd for all.
An: ... So it's been a minute. Sorry about that and frankly idk when the next update will be, hopefully sooner. However, whatever you thinks going to happen here, I don't think you'll see this coming.
Series Masterlist | Masterlist
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Wilson Fisk didn’t often smile. He was a sad and angry man that did his best to keep a neutral scowl on his face. What was there to smile about when he had lost everything. His wife, his daughter, his freedom, all irreplaceable. Being in prison while his wife and daughter were being buried is an ache that will never truly get over.
The void inside of him can only be filled by power and control. He will have the city and he will claim it for all that he has lost. He knew that to be a irrefutable fact.
Now, his smile was something straight out of a nightmare. It sat lopsided on his round face. It was there and it was horrifying. His smile only widens as he heard hushed voice over his phone.
When the line goes dead, he claps his hands together. He leans back in his desk chair. The smile doesn’t leave his features.
“Sleeping beauty has opened his eyes.”
Plans change at a wits notice, and things pivot, but goals could still be accomplished. Fisk wants Dragos gone and like a shark surrounding an injured surfer he smells blood in the water. It is time for him to strike.
Bowling was the activity that you came up with. Something in a place full of people, something that you enjoyed much in your youth, something that Pietro was unequivocally skilled at.
“Another strike ladies are you even trying?” Pietro gloats after looking at the scoreboard.
You might’ve been putting in a decent amount of effort, Wanda as well, but the two of you could tell Natasha was handing the man the win.
“Natasha, maybe take him down a peg,” you whisper in her ear.
“I thought we were supposed to be cheering him up, lisichka,” she taunts you with a smile.
“He can be happy without his ego being stroked,” Wanda puffs out in annoyance.
Natasha laughs at their bitterness, but nonetheless when it was her turn she quickly bowled a strike.
“Let’s go Natty,” you clap for her and Wanda let’s out a whistle.
“Is this where I realize you've been laying me win all night,” Pietro pouts.
Nat plops her hand on his shoulder, “I’m afraid so."
You all share a laugh and for moment everything feels normal. You could almost forget your ties and affiliations and feel like normal people. The moments were becoming more present in your life to the domestic nature of your relationship with Wanda and Natasha.
By now you should’ve known that sitting in any of those feelings did you no good.
When your phone rings you answer it immediately.
“Y/n you will get through this. Do not let this be the end of what we’ve worked for, you don’t- you don’t need me malysh.”
“Papa? You’re awake, what are you you-”
“Y/N! Listen please, just take care of our family. I called you because, I trust you.”
As he speaks on the phone you gather Wanda, Pietro, and Natasha urgently. You have to go, it’s urgent. They can tell you’re shaken and when you put the phone on speaker they understand.
“Papa I don’t understand,” your voice trembles as you speak.
“Tell Flora, that my love with her doesn’t end with my last breath. Tell my Pietro that he’s the heart of all of this. Tell Wanda that all I want from her is for her to be happy.”
Natasha is the one that ushers you all into the car as you begin to shut down slightly.
“You can’t do this to us again papa,” your voice cracks in the end.
“It’s out of my hands,” you can hear fear in his voice and it terrifies you.
You hear a dark chuckle in the background of the call, “He’s right you know, it’s not in his hands.”
The smile in Fisk’s voice is present and it scares you, but you bluff the man.
“Haven’t you already made this play before, and it didn't work out for you did it?”
“Only because you interfered, and I got you back pretty significantly for that didn't I, sweetheart?”
Your jaw clenches, “Fisk , take a moment to think, really think what you're about to do. We are already enemies, in competition for control of the city, but that’s just business. Every move you’ve made recently has been personal. Going to war over turf it’s respectable, but if we go to war over family, there’s only one way this ends.”
“This is why I enjoy you so much kid, you have such an intelligent mind. Even under pressure you string together the right words. However, you’ve got it all wrong. There’s always only been one way this is going to end,” you hear the sound of the gun clicking.
“We will leave the city, just don't shoot him,” Pietro finds his voice.
You, Wanda, and Natasha look at him like he’s lost his mind.
“I didn't know we had guests on the phone with us, what a surprise. Keep talking little Maximoff, I like what you're offering.”
Pietro begins spewing nonsense, “We will disappear from New York and never come back. We will cut all ties with city and anything in it. It will be yours for the taking. Please, just don’t shoot him.”
“Anyone else want to beg for his life?”
Wanda’s mouth opens and closes a few times as her eyes water. You take the initiative instead.
“Wilson, you lost your family. You’re wife and daughter were taken from you. Good people caught in the crossfire of your criminal actions. Who helped you get back on your feet after you got out of jail ? Who kept a corner of New York for you? Who gave you a jump start on your way back to this lifestyle? Who was there for you? The history between the two of you isn’t as convoluted as you’re making it out to be.”
Kingpin takes a pause, “That’s in the past.”
“It’s only history because you are making it that way. We have made a good relationship between our business until recently,” you keep him on the phone.
Natasha’s only about 5 minutes from the hospital, you just need to stall a bit longer.
“I’m not a beggar or a dog, Y/Ln. I don’t take scraps,” he says in a menacing tone.
You pause when he says your last name. It’s not something you hear regularly, you don’t ever use it. How’d he know about it?
“Quiet now Y/Ln, surprised I know that name? That’s not the only thing I know about you sweetheart. I know something that the Maximoff’s have been hiding from you, something that might sway your loyalty."
You look at Wanda and Pietro who were already on edge, but worse than that, they avoid your gaze.
“This is my family, my loyalty won’t ever change,” you speak strongly.
He chuckles, “Not even when I tell you they killed your mother.”
You’re in front of the hospital now, but you don’t move to exit the car. It feels like something has pierced through your heart.
“They killed your mother. Ever wonder, why she didn’t come after you, why she didn’t bombard or harass you after you left? She was dead within a week. Your father was debriefed, and relocated shortly after your graduation. These people sweetheart, before your family, they’re the mob.”
You want to say something to combat him, to say it doesn’t matter, but you couldn’t say that earnestly.
You push your feelings aside for a second, “We’ve both lost a lot, Fisk. Things that we can’t get back. Things that fuel us to want more than what the world has offered us.”
“We’re alike in that way sweetheart, robbed of a happy ending. Forced to create our own,” he’s trying to flip you but you aren't buying it.
“Losing another parental figure in my life isn't a happy ending for me,” you grit your teeth.
Natasha pulls you out of the car and starts giving hand signal directions.
“I sympathize with you, Y/n. You’re not one of them, you never were. I’ll tell you what, the Maximoff’s leave, but you stay and work for me. That’s my offer.”
“We aren't leaving without Y/n,” Wanda finds her words for the first time in the conversation.
“It’s either that or I put a bullet in his head. You’ve got 15 minutes to think it over, when I call back you better have an answer,” he hangs up.
“Y/n,” Pietro starts, but you don't look at him.
“We’ve got 15 minutes to save Dragos, that's what I'm focused on,” you dismiss his attempt at an explanation.
Natasha begins laying out a plan, “ We don’t know who in this building reports to Fisk, so we have to be careful if we go in. Dragos is supposed to have security at his door, I don't the guards there would be ours if Fisk is in the room.”
“We need a deliberate distraction,” you open the car door and reach into your bag.
You bring out your laptop and hook your phone to it. You knew what room Dragos was in with Fisk’s call you should be able to ping how many devices were around him.
“3 guards, outside the rooms. These are the phone numbers, names, home addresses, close family,” you memorize the information.
You see a group walking into the hospital and figure its your best chance to blend in, “We’ve got to go now.”
Wanda and Natasha hold frustration about the way you’re moving, but they follow you nonetheless.
“We don’t have a plan for this,” Wanda argues.
“Blend in get to the floor they’re on and then I’ll handle the guards. Once they’re dealt with Natasha will go in and disarm Fisk,” you say straying from the group you walked in with to another group heading for the elevator.
Once you're in the elevator you speak to Natasha, “Send people to these addresses make sure they get pictures, the quickest means please.”
When you step off the elevator you spot the guards. You send them individual text messages, with their names addresses and a threat to their loved ones by name.
You see 2 of 3 panic while the other one believes it’s a bluff. Natasha sends the pictures of their homes to you, and you forward them to the guards.
You see them pale instantly, the look at each other and bicker lightly. Wanda wants to go forward and strike, but you shake your head. You wait as one of the guards takes off running from the room. The other follows not even a second after. The third looks at his phone and then in the direction the others had ran before doing the same as they did.
“Natasha, we’ll be on the other side of the door one steady knock when he’s disarmed so we can get in,” you instruct her.
She doesn’t hesitate to nod at your orders. Before she goes Wanda squeezes her hand in a pleading manner, but Natasha reassures her with a soft look.
You wait with baited breath when Natasha enters the room. For a moment it’s silent, no struggle can be heard, but then there’s a gunshot.
Wanda’s the first one rushing to the room door, with Pietro and yourself directly behind her. Her hands on the handle as she’s attempts to yank the door open. You move her out of the way, and open the door first.
Instead of a cool metal, you feel a searing hot metal burning your chest.
“Why don’t you all file in, so we can talk,” Kingpin rests the gun on your chest and you shuffle into the room, eyes shooting across the room where Natasha grips her bloody arm.
Wanda and Pietro shuffle in, the red head immediately going to her wife’s side.
“Isn’t this a lovely little family affair?”
“Wilson, take the gun off of her. Your problem is with me, my family, they’ve done nothing wrong,” Dragos tries to reason with the man.
He digs the butt of the recently fired gun further into your chest and you grit your teeth, but refuse to break eye contact with the bald man.
“She is your strongest solider Dragos, she can take it. Y/n’s not even your blood, she’s your orphan project and you’ve raised her better than your incompetent children. She’s quick witted, brilliant, useful. I want her on my side,” Fisk eyes you with a shark like grin on his face.
“You’re out numbered,” Pietro reminds the man as he stands tall in room.
Fisk scoffs, “ Bed ridden patient, shot Russian, and girl with her gun to her chest. You and your sister aren’t enough to stop me, you could barely even run the business when I took your father out. None of the Maximoff’s have been running anything as of late. It’s all been Y/n, even before Wanda came back. She’s been the brains of this whole operation for a while now.”
“If you feel that way, then why would you go after Dragos first and not me?”
Fisk chuckles, “This information isn't something I've always known. I only had this epiphany a small time before I had an example made out of you.”
“I’ll never work for you,” you stand your ground.
“Then I’ll drop you where you stand and then I'll kill everyone in this room and own this cit-”
The gun was in your hand before he finished the sentence. You place it under his chin before cocking it back.
“Do it, kill me then sweetheart. This wouldn’t be your first time killing someone who just wanted to help you right? Poor little Lucas, didn’t even get the chance to grow up.”
You pull the trigger and instantly your face is covered in the mans blood. No one in the room saw it coming. You were usually better at not acting irrationally, but this time you had met your limit.
The gun drops from your hand and you rush out of the hospital without a single clue to where you were going.
“Go, someone go after her,” Dragos yells at his children and soon Wanda is on her feet.
“I will take care of it go,” Natasha reassures her.
Wanda’s eyes linger on her wife’s injured arms, “Wanda now.”
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Taglist: @natashaswife4125 @autorasexy @alexawynters @blkmxrvel @toouncreativeforausername @likemick @sgm616 @bstvst @dorabledewdroop @sapphic-simp4015 @natty-taffy @justarandomreaderxoxo @mmmmokdok @tarathia @bgwlsmahf25 @lezzylover @og-kxsh-420 @vanessashands @untoldreader @sxlfishbrokenheart @marvelgirlx @elle161989
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brittle-doughie · 2 days
Hello! Hello! I'm a shy cookie run artist Just dropping a silly summer sketch of Benign butter cookie since I liked their design a lot :))!!
(I think that they secretly (or not) enjoys to go fishing so.. i drew them like that. Maybe they enjoyed go to at some kind of beach day (in a day off) with the beasts when they weren't corrupted yet like, mystic flour Refusing to get off the beach umbrella shadow or eternal sugar was playing with shadow milk with water soda).
I also think that since they're basically butter I think that in hot days they hair just melts. A silly HC though.)
I'm so sorry if it's cringe or something. I'm not used to this things... (Sorry if bad English)
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Ayo @ax0lotly , it’s fishing season
You: “Come on, Mystic Flour Cookie. Why not have fun out in the sun with us?”
Mystic Flour Cookie: I am afraid that I cannot join you. The sun will show no kindness to my dough. I will wait for you here under the umbrella…
You: “Ok…how about you, Eternal Sugar Cookie? You always like doing things with me.”
Eternal Sugar Cookie: “Forgive me, my love. I don’t want to get in the way of how handsome/beautiful you look as you fish. You wear that outfit wonderfully!”
You: “Burning Spice, Silent Salt. I feel like I don’t even need to ask with you two, hehe.
Burning Spice Cookie: “Damn it, give us a minute! We’re so close to building this large sandcastle! Silent Salt Cookie, structure your side more firmly!”
Silent Salt Cookie: “…..” (Silent Salt nodded as they patted down their side of the sandcastle.)
You: “Ok, don’t take too long! I want us to catch as many fish as possible together!”
Your fishing line tugged suddenly! You got one! You start to slowly reel it in, you didn’t want to risk lose it!
You pulled it in…pulling…pulling…THERE! You lifted up your line to see…a willing fish? You rolled your eyes with a knowing smile.
You: “Shadow Milk Cookie…”
The cookie himself poofed right next you.
Shadow Milk Cookie: “Yes, love?”
Him and his pet names!
You: “Shadow Milk Cookie, you know it’s not true fishing if the fish come to me so easily. Let me fish them naturally!”
Shadow Milk Cookie: “Oh, but why would I want to see a frown on my dearest’s face. Your smile is what inspires me to get morning, it’s what I want to see now…”
You: “Oh you~!”
You and Shadow Milk laugh as you two held each other in a hug. This garners the attention of the others.
Eternal Sugar Cookie: “My love, I’m coming down now!”
Mystic Flour Cookie: “On second thought, if that’s your wish, then I must do everything I can to grant it.”
Burning Spice Cookie: “We’re done! Heading over to you now!”
Silent Salt Cookie: “…..!“ (Silent Salt nodded vigorously as they followed after Burning Spice.)
Shadow Milk Cookie: “Now now, everyone. I was here first!”
You sigh with content as your friends head over to your fishing spot.
Fishing is always fun with friends!
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cherryredcheol · 2 days
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tldr: all the way chan uses your nickname a/n: he is my boyfriend (for real(not clickbait))
chants: when he needs you to slow down
“pretty, pretty, pretty” he rushes out, trying to get you to focus on him. you were pacing back and forth in the bedroom listing things off on your fingers, trying to remember if you forgot to pack something in your already overflowing suitcase. you were headed to busan for your anniversary and unlike him, you were a little stressed. 
“who knew it was so hard to pack for three days” he said under his breath as he got up from the bed stopping you in your tracks. you look up at him, face flushed from the stress and pout. he swears his heart skips a beat. he knew he shouldn’t think it was cute to see you so stressed but he was so endeared by the effort you’d put into this trip for the two of you. 
”this is going to be great because we’re celebrating us. let it be fun, pretty.” his shoulders shook as he saw you roll your eyes, pulling a deep laugh from him. you stepped around him and continued pacing, side-eyeing his empty bag in the closet. “it's our anniversary, you could forget your luggage entirely and it would actually make me happier.” 
slurs: when you open the door
“pretty~” he drawls, giving you a million-dollar smile. your eyes bulge as you take in the very drunk man before you. you were under the impression that he would be staying with the boys tonight since it was a “boy’s night”.  skincare complete, you thought you’d be alone for the evening and had your show already pulled up on the tv and your favorite snacks laid out on the coffee table. 
“let me in” he whines and you grab his hand, quickly pulling him into your apartment afraid your neighbors might come out to investigate the noise. you didn’t want anyone to catch you and your boyfriend in a less-than-desirable state. you had just moved into this building together. he beams at you, leaning down for a kiss, but you pull away, grossed out by the smell of liquor on his breath.
“you’re not even going to kiss me?” he was pouting now, disappointed he’d gotten a ride back to your apartment from the dorms and wasn’t even going to get a kiss for his efforts. you watched his pout deepen into a frown and gave in, pressing a soft kiss to his cheek, still repelled by the smell of his mouth. “if i shower will you kiss me for real?”
sniffles: after a fight
“hey, pretty?” he knocks on the bedroom door, peeking his head in. you’re flat on your back, eyes staring above you at nothing. he stands nervously at the door, unsure if he should enter. when you glance in his direction, he takes it as an invitation to come in. 
‘'i umm…” he pauses, standing next to the bed, your shared bed that now he wasn’t sure he was welcome in. you saw his hesitation and reached out a hand for him. the distance between you suddenly unbearable, fight seeming frivolous now reflecting upon it. you couldn’t even remember what you had been fighting about to begin with. all of it seemed so silly now after having spent the last few hours alone in this room when the person you wanted to be with most was in the living room, the only thing keeping you apart was your shared stubbornness. 
“i’m sorry, pretty,” he sat down at your side, grabbing your hand. your eyes had been trained on the slowly spinning fan above you but now turned to him, shocked to hear his voice so thick with emotion. you sat up, keeping your hands connected, sensing he needed some comfort in this moment. “i don’t like fighting with you, pretty.” 
grunts: when you land on top of him
“pretty–” it came out gruff, surprised by the sudden addition of your weight on his lap. the puff he’d been holding in his mouth came out with his words, making the already hazy living room even more so.  his eyes were lidded and rimmed red and you couldn’t help yourself when you saw him sitting on the couch scrolling on his phone with one hand, a joint balanced in the other. 
“is everything alright?” he was stoned, not fully coherent, but could still tell something was up. when you kissed him instead of providing an answer, he understood. you did always have a thing for him when he smokes. kissing you felt better than any joint had ever made him feel, the rush immediate and the high unmatched. 
“whoa,” he pulled back when you deepened the kiss, as far back as he could go pressed into a couch with you on his lap. the sting of rejection hurt but he soothed it immediately pressing smaller kisses sound your face, pulling a giggle from you, suddenly feeling a little high yourself, probably on him. “let’s get out of here and,” he held up the other half of his joint, “finish this somewhere more private?”
mumbles: when he wants something
“pretty?” you looked up at him from the floor of the practice room, setting your laptop aside to give him your attention. you’d recently gotten into the habit of bringing your work with you to hybe when you came to watch him practice. as much fun as it was, it got kind of old to watch him perfect the same five moves for hours on end. 
“would you dance with me?” he’s holding a hand out to you, a hopeful smile on his lips but words timid, rushed. you suddenly notice the dimmed lighting in the room and soft music playing from the speakers. you’d been so lost in your screen you hadn’t noticed anything. you blush and take his hand. he pulls you to your feet and into his chest. 
“you’re a good dancer,” he says after a few minutes of slowly swaying back and forth to a playlist full of romantic music he made with only you in mind, this moment was something he had hoped for when you’d started coming to the practice room at night. “i love you, pretty.”  
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illyrianbitch · 5 hours
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Pairing: Reader x Azriel
Summary: Azriel's night is troubled by a nightmare. He finds a soothing remedy in the arms of his mate.
Warnings: 18+ SMUT, nightmares, slight mention of gore, death, and torture. fluff, sensual, slow, sleepy sex!!
Word Count: 3k
✹ ✶ 𖧷 ✶✹ 
All that surrounded him was screaming— sharp and jarring sounds that filled the air, echoing against stone walls. Bodies littered the ground, twisted and broken, red and bloodied, faces contorted in agony. If he squinted hard enough, Azriel could force the colors to blur together, could convince himself that the crunching underneath his boots was the sound of crisp, fallen Autumn leaves— not bones. Not the people he’d killed.
Somewhere, a fire roared, consuming everything in its path, turning the world into an inferno of despair. He felt it in his hands, felt a burst of agony and pain. He heard crying somewhere distant, somewhere far enough to where it became white noise— but his own cheeks were wet. He was crying too. His hands were on fire. He was eight again. And nothing had changed.
A face—your face—emerged, eyes wide and red-rimmed, tears streaking down your cheeks as you sobbed uncontrollably. You mouthed something, the words strained and straggled as you attempted to scream. He swore it was his name that your lips let out, that you were begging for help.
Azriel sprang up, his heart pounding as a thin sheen of sweat ran down his body in a cold chill. 
His gaze landed on two things first: the nightstand, where Truth-Teller was carefully, purposefully tucked into the side of the wood, and then to you—his beautiful, sleeping mate.
Azriel's chest tightened, the fear and anguish from the dream slowly dissipating as he focused on the rise and fall of your chest. Still, remnants of his nightmare clung to him like a shroud. He ran a trembling hand through his hair. 
The room was dimly lit by the faint glow of moonlight through the thin white curtains. Azriel took a deep breath, grounding himself in the reality of your presence, the safety of your shared bed. He reached out, gently brushing a strand of hair from your face, his touch light and careful, as if afraid to wake you. He smiled at your sleeping form, at how he wasn’t uncomfortable with his scarred hands against your skin— not anymore. 
His shadows seemed to be sleeping as well, their dark forms curled around you protectively. All except for one lone tendril which hovered near Azriel, an insomniac companion mirroring his unrest. He let it twist lazily around his hand as he withdrew it from your face. 
You stirred slightly, murmuring something in your sleep, and Azriel felt a wave of relief wash over him. He leaned back against the headboard, still breathing heavily, but the rhythm gradually calmed. He positioned his wings into a comfortable lay behind him. 
Azriel closed his eyes, welcoming thoughts of the first time he’d met you. He reminded himself that you were here, beside him, and wouldn’t be taken away. His mind replayed the memory of your first meeting, of the way his chest tightened when you smiled at him— he had been a goner since that first day. He thought about your first kiss next, how nervous he had been, how you took his hands and pressed your lips to his, how your lips tasted of berry from the pie you both shared. The memories combined with the smell of you, with the warmth of your body next to him, slowly soothed the last remnants of his terror.
His eyes shot open and he looked over as you lifted yourself up, rubbing your tired eyes—still heavy-lidded and soft. The shadows around you stirred, a few of them joining the lone one that drifted around Azriel's hands.
“My love, did I wake you?” he whispered, “I’m so sorry.”
You shook your head slightly, a small smile playing on your lips. “No, not completely.”
Azriel's eyes softened as you shifted closer, moving to rest atop him. He extended his wing to wrap around you protectively, a hand moving to pull you in closer.
Your bare hand came to rest on his chest and he shivered at the touch, at the chill of your skin in contrast to the warmth of his own. He grimaced at the sheen of sweat that still persisted against his skin, but you paid no mind as you extended your palm across his chest.
You gave a small laugh, the sound soft and sleepy. Azriel’s heart fluttered at it and he found himself craving for the sound to be emitted once more— over and over again until he could savor it enough to be satisfied. Not that he ever could be— satisfied, that was. He never had enough when it came to you.
“Sorry,” you murmured, your lips turned up into a sheepish smile.
Azriel smiled lazily at you, his eyes crinkling at the corners. He grabbed your hand, bringing it to his mouth to kiss tenderly. “You and your ice hands,” he teased gently, brushing his lips against your knuckles. 
You leaned further into him, nuzzling against his chest. “Well, you moved away in your sleep. I was left alone and cold.”
Azriel gave you a small laugh, though it held a trace of lingering unease as your words settled in his chest. Alone and cold. His eyes glazed over slightly, now looking past the moment he was in and into something much darker— momentarily reliving the memory of his nightmare. 
You placed your hand back on his chest, feeling the steady rhythm of his heartbeat beneath your palm. He blinked once, twice, and then he was back in his bed, arms wrapped around you.
Azriel's fingers traced the contours of your face, his touch light and reverent— sacred almost, as if he were touching a prized treasure, something holy. He moved slowly, committing every detail to memory, ensuring you were real, that you were there before him. He took it all in—the curve of your lips, the softness of your cheeks, the warmth in your eyes. Mate, his shadows whispered into his ears, Your mate. Mate, mate, mate. 
His hand cupped your cheek and the golden thread within him sang—- a sweet, beautiful, haunting melody that pushed away the tension building in his shoulders. 
“I’m here,” you said softly, your own hand rising to cover his, grounding him in your touch. “And I’m not going anywhere.”
Azriel nodded, his thumb tracing the line of your cheekbone. “Good,” he said, his voice steadier now. “Because I don’t know what I’d do without you.”
You stared at one another for a moment, the dimly lit room filled with a comforting silence, something peaceful and safe. Slowly, you moved your hand to his face, your fingers brushing lightly over his cheek. You leaned up, closing the distance between you, and brought him into a kiss.
The kiss was tender and kind, and Azriel felt everything about love within it— comfort, trust, and a promise. He pulled you in closer, his hand wrapping around you, while the other held your face gently, his thumb caressing your cheek.
You were his. And he was yours in return. 
Azriel deepened the kiss, pulling you closer, his tongue gently exploring your mouth. A soft whimper escaped you, the sound sending a wave of pleasure through his body, tightening at the core of his stomach. He pulled back for a moment, his eyes searching yours, dark with desire and affection. You only pulled him back in, your body pressing against his, a needy grind that ignited a fire within him, an insatiable need to be even closer to you, to feel you in a manner that was only granted to him. 
With a swift, fluid movement, he rolled you both so you were on your back and he was hovering above you. One hand braced himself on the bed, while the other roamed over your hips and your body, feeling the curves beneath the thin fabric of your nightdress. His scarred hands brushed over the silk, the material still gliding against the roughness of his skin.
He pulled his lips from yours, slowly trailing down your neck, peppering burning kisses against your skin. His hand moved up, sliding under your nightdress, tracing the lines of your body. His touch was gentle, exploring every inch of you as if it were the first time.
You arched into him, hands clutching at his shoulders, pulling him closer. His name escaped your lips in a breathless whisper, a sound that made his heart race even faster. Azriel's hand continued its journey, caressing your thigh, your waist, before finally making it up to your breast, squeezing gently through the fabric.
You let out a sound, a mixture of a breathless gasp and a whimper, and Azriel’s eyes found yours as his fingers grazed over the peak of your hardened nipple. He rolled it between his fingers. 
Your voice trembled with need and something inside Azriel stirred further. This was real, you were real. 
"Yes, my love?" he murmured, his voice husky. His hand continued its slow, torturous movements, thumb brushing over your nipple in a way that made your toes curl. “What is it?”
Your hands roamed over his back, feeling the strength of his muscles beneath your fingers. You ran a teasing touch along the base of his wings, caressing the sensitive area with a chilled touch. Azriel shivered above you, lowering himself to press further against you.
"I need you," you whispered, your voice barely audible. His eyes fell to your parted lips and his lips curved into a tender smile.
"I'm here, my love," he said softly. He leaned down, capturing your lips in a deep, sensual kiss. His tongue teased yours, the taste of him intoxicating. He pulled apart to whisper, “And you are, too.”
You nodded slowly. “I am.” 
Your words were met with a tug deep in your chest that left you breathless. You bit back a moan at the feeling of that sacred thread growing even tauter, at the feeling of his arousal drowning your senses. 
Azriel pushed the strap of your nightdress down, watching as you moved it further to expose your chest to him. He pulled you into another kiss, just as hungry, just as passionate, before he was kissing down your neck once more— down to your collarbone and right above your breast. He took your nipple into his mouth, sucking gently, tongue flicking over the sensitive peak.
You gasped, your back arching off the bed, pressing yourself closer to him. "Azriel," you moaned, your hands tangling in his hair.
He switched to your other breast, giving it the same attention. His fingers brushed over your hip, your thigh, before finally slipping between your legs. He found you wet and ready. The fabric of your dress bunched awkwardly at your waist, but neither of you cared— too tired to bother with maneuvering it over your head, too lost in the desire that flooded your senses. 
Azriel could have teased you, could have made the anticipation agonizing, could have spread his touches so far and light that you were begging him—like usual. Oh how he loved turning you to putty in his hands, watching as you writhed against him. But not tonight, not as he felt you beneath him, as he smelled your sweet arousal.
He spread you open with his hands, holding your legs apart as he took in your glistening core. His touch was tender, reverent, as he brought a finger through your folds, feeling your warmth and wetness. A low groan escaped him. 
"My mate," he murmured against your skin, his breath warm against your most intimate place. “So beautiful.”
You pushed yourself up on your elbows to watch Azriel as he dipped a finger inside you. His eyes locked onto yours as he curled his finger inside you, eliciting another soft moan from your parted lips. You arched your back at the sensation, head falling back slightly. 
Azriel brought his mouth to your clit, his tongue teasing and circling the sensitive bud. You looked down at him, mouth slightly open, eyes heavy with desire, and chest heaving. One of your hands went to grab your breast, fingertips tracing where your nipple still glistened with his saliva. Shadows met your hands, twisting around your breasts in a gentle, teasing attention — flitting just above the sensitive hardened peaks. 
Azriel added another finger inside you, stretching and filling you as he continued to lavish attention on your clit. His fingers and shadows worked in tandem, pleasuring you in ways that sent shivers down your spine. Each touch brought you closer to the edge of ecstasy, a simmering, building feeling of pleasure in your core. 
His free hand moved to grip your thigh, holding you steady as he brought you closer to climax. His eyes never left yours, and the intensity of his gaze made your pulse quicken even more. You could feel his fingers inside you, his tongue on you, and the tug of your beautiful bond deep in your chest. 
You let go completely, surrendering to the sensations that filled your body— with a cry of his name, you shattered. 
He lapped up your essence, savoring every drop of your pleasure. Rising above you, chest heaving, he breathed heavily as he looked down at you, something so beautiful, so real, beneath him.
You reached out to him.  "I'm here," you whispered, your voice filled with love and an overwhelming, dripping need. "Please. I need you."
Azriel nodded slowly, his desire mirrored in his eyes as he maneuvered himself to rid himself of his underwear. He returned to you, his body aligning with yours, skin against skin, a tug at the connection that weaved your souls together. 
He hovered above you, hands tracing the curves of your body, savoring how you felt under his hands— Gods, he’d never tire of feeling you, never be close enough. His light, his salvation, his mate.
He leaned down and pulled you into a kiss. 
"Anything for you, my love," Azriel whispered against your lips, his voice thick with longing and devotion. The sound of it made you clench everything below the waist. His fingers trailed down your body, finding their way between your legs once more. He guided himself to your entrance, teasingly brushing against you, and the movement elicited a gasp from your lips.
You wrapped your legs around him, urging him closer, hands gripping his shoulders as you pulled him into you. With a slow, deliberate motion, he pushed himself past your folds, a low moan escaping his lips as he sank into you. 
"Fuck," he murmured. "So perfect."
Azriel intertwined your fingers and held your hands gently above you, his head resting in the crook of your neck. With every roll of his hips, he whispered mantras of love, devotion, and praise, his voice a soothing, low cadence against your skin. You greedily drank in every word, feeling them flitter through your body like aphrodisiacs. 
The pace was slow, deliberate, almost lazy compared to the usual fervor with which Azriel ravished you. But it was exactly what he needed—soft, sensual, a reminder that you both existed in this moment, here and now.
You tightened your grip on his hands, urging him closer, wanting to merge your souls as intimately as your bodies were intertwined. Azriel kissed every area of exposed skin, thrusting into you as your cunt welcomed him greedily. 
He pulled out of you as far as he could just to slowly ease into you once again. Each thrust was thoughtful, intentional, and your whimpers grew louder as he continued. Azriel traced his nose over your shoulder, whispering your name to make you turn your head— just enough for him to kiss you. 
Mate, mate, mate. 
Azriel groaned into your mouth, savoring your taste and how perfectly your body remembered him— how well you took him. 
He was alive and safe, in a bed that he shared with his mate— a mate that was writhing underneath him as he pushed you to another brink of pleasure.
Azriel's forehead rested against yours and he released your hands gently, allowing you to wrap them around his neck— bringing one to glide along his extended wing, eliciting a shudder throughout his body. 
"I love you," you whispered against him, “I’m here.”
Those words were all it took for Azriel to deepen his movements, for his pace to quicken as he leaned into you more, kissing you deeply as he rolled into you.
With a shared cry of pleasure, you both found release together, bodies trembling as Azriel emptied himself inside you. 
After he pulled out, Azriel spent a moment kissing you tenderly, his lips moving across your skin with reverence and affection. You both swayed together in the aftermath, riding the waves of blissful satisfaction as you lazily kissed one another, limbs still entangled like braided rope. 
He gently pulled himself away and made his way to the bathroom, returning with a warm cloth and a lazy, adoring smile. Azriel cleaned you up with gentle strokes, his kisses following the path of the cloth as he murmured sweet nothings against your skin. My beautiful mate, my treasure for life. Real, sacred— and all his. Each touch was a whisper of love and care, an intimate ritual that had grown to a routine as the bond deepened between you.
Once he was done, Azriel crawled back into bed next to you, pulling you into his chest. He wrapped an arm around you, cocooning you with his wing to keep you warm. He didn’t mind those cold fingers of yours, didn’t mind the chills they sent across his body, but tonight he would keep you close, keep you warm. His other hand found yours, placing it gently atop his heart, where you could feel its steady beat, matching yours in perfect rhythm.
Sighing contentedly, Azriel closed his eyes. He let the scent of you fill his nostrils, let the sound of your breathing fill his ears, and soon fell into a blissful, nightmare-free slumber. 
✹ ✶ 𖧷 ✶✹ 
thank u to this anon who suggested i do something like this following my one-shot memories! pls enjoy this lil piece while i work on malice and LCL!! <3
permanent tag list 🫶🏻: 
@rhysandorian @itsswritten @milswrites @lilah-asteria @georgiadixon 
@glam-targaryen @cheneyq @darkbloodsly @pit-and-the-pen @azrielsbbg
@evergreenlark @marina468 @azriels-human @justyouraveragekleemain
@panther-girl-124 @bubybubsters @starswholistenanddreamsanswered @feyretopia
azriel tag list🫶🏻:
@thisiskaylin @serrendiipty
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