#so I will buy their games even if they kinda suck now lol
ishouldgay · 4 months
‘I don’t think the new Dragon Age game is going to be good :/, I mean they changed the title the last minute’
Listen to me. I’ve been waiting for this game for a decade. Do I think it will actually do the best game ever ? No. Do I think BioWare will suddenly change its writing style and actually have the choices I made in past games matter? Also no.
Am I probably going to preorder the hell out of this game if I see a hot lady that looks like a lesbian even through she’s probably straight??? Yes.
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stardust-sunset · 2 months
“Boys will be boys” headcannons, you say?
Well speaking as a teenage boy who’s done a few dumb things, here’s a couple:
-Soda definitely doesn’t wear a shirt in the summer. Any time it’s hot out, he’s ditched it (genuinely dunno how folks survive summer WITHOUT doing this tbh)
-Steve gets real pissy when he doesn’t win at things. Like if you beat him at poker he’ll tackle you. He sees this as re-establishing dominance. Everyone else sees it as Steve being a dumbass.
-Speaking of Steve, he seems like the sort to punch things when he’s mad. So does Dally. Just like…random walls and whatever. Throwing things too. I imagine it would scare Pony a bit at first, although by the time the book takes place, he’d be relatively unphased
-(movie!steve, ‘cuz in the movie he’s like 5’7) Steve used to be tall as a kid, like taller than Soda, Two-Bit, and Dally, and he’d make fun of them for being short. Then in like sophomore year of high school Soda and Dally get tall and Steve stays the same height. Soda is nice about it- but Dally mocks him for it non-stop
(Huh okay that’s a lot of Steve. I’ll shut up about him lol)
-Dally and Johnny once tried to make chocolate cake out of boredom. Somehow it turned into trying to light fireworks in the Curtis’s kitchen sink. Mrs. Curtis was pissed
-Sodapop and Darry tried to build a treehouse in the backyard as kids. It was just a piece of wood that they taped to a branch. Pony was still really impressed and bragged about it to his friends at school even though it was really lousy
-Two-Bit likes to say he’s won “every game of pool he’s ever played”, because he played once years ago and won due to a stroke of beginner’s luck. He refuses to play again now because he’ll “lose his perfect winning streak”
-Steve and Sodapop used to talk about hopping onto a freight train and going on adventures together “out in the Wild West”. Both of them low key still kinda want to
-Dally secretly wants to be a cowboy. Not like Buck, but like a Clint Eastwood type cowboy. Would die before saying so out loud
-Soda and Ponyboy have saved a few injured animals, like raccoons and whatever, and every time they do they try to convince Darry to let them keep it as a pet. Soda came real close once, and hid an injured lizard in his room for a month, but eventually Darry found it and forced him to free it
-Johnny was bored once and built a fort in the old lot, and him and Pony and Dally hung out in it until the cops made them take it down
-Sodapop, Two-Bit, and Steve once tried to start a band. It was terrible, because Soda and Two-Bit are too lazy to bother learning an instrument. Steve was okay because he could sing pretty well, but he sucked at the guitar he was trying to play too, and it all fell apart. Dally told them he’d pay them money to never play music again
okay, that’s probably enough for now- but yeah, there’s a few. Idk how much they stuck to the prompt, but whatever lol
all of these are biblically accurate, congrats 😭😭 especially johnny and sally making fireworks like that’s the only time mrs curtis yelled at any of the gang-dally is such a bitch in the last one tho like i know they were all like ten and he was twelve and he was just like “yeah never open your mouths again here’s ten bucks for each of ya buy yourself sonethin’ nice” like ok dally 😭😭soda and pong have straight up come home with a baby bobcat and darry was like “PUT THAT BACK ITS MOM IS LOOKING FOR IT 😡”
these are all canon trust
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explodingchantry · 13 days
hi sorry to come into your inbox for this but i just need. to gripe. every new bit of info we get about the new DA game is making me more and more preemptively tired lol. mostly the way it's looking like eeevery bit of lore that's been revealed has something to do with such and such book. or this comic over here. or this podcast from two years ago. or THIS podcast that is happening now that's a ~discord exclusive~. or this youtube series. or this random VA talk show. etc etc ad nauseam. i am so tired of videogames coming with HOMEWORK you're expected to do just to know what's going on
Please never apologise for sending messages!!
I think its honestly REALLY funny how bioware just doesn't know what it wants. On one hand they say that the new game is fine for newcomers, the way they did for dai, and use this as an excuse for how dumbed down some of the writing is - but then in the other hand the majority of the characters and plot beats have origins hidden behind pay walls.
It was already bad enough when, to understand each game properly you had to have paid for the previous one's dlc (want to know anders' past as a warden? Buy awakening! Want to know wtf is up with Morrigan and the eluvians? Buy witch hunt! Want to know who tf corypheus is and what hawke and varric even have to do with him? Buy legacy! Want to understand ANYTHING about veilguard? Play the descent AND trespasser, our epilogue that we hid behind a paywall!!!!!) and you know at least the dlcs were pretty good on their own so I could forgive it a little bit.
But there's so much extra media now omg I haven't touched a single one of the comics because I'm not rly into American comics, I've read almost all the books and some of them are genuinely fucking mid. And at least back in the day the books were more... Bonuses? You DONT need to read the stolen throne to understand anything on the games, but it's INTERESTING. it explores characters you mightve been curious about. I love that ! Or the last flight is really interesting, just, to see how the 4th blight was beaten, to get to know those legendary heroes, and know why griffons went extinct. A bit annoying because you do need to read it to also understand how the hell they're coming back - but it still feels a bit more like a bonus than a necessity.
But then we have asunder, which also in general just kinda sucks as a book, that is really really needed to understand the mage rebellion, Fiona, Cole, and the cure for tranquility. The characters will explain a lot of those things to you in game, but it leaves you with the certain feeling that you're missing something. It's a huge advertisement for asunder.
Similarly wicked eyes and wicked hearts is hollow if you haven't read the masked empire which is also my least favorite book because it's so damn fucking boring I literally never managed to finish it, but it's mostly because I hate Trick Weekes' writing lmfao. Gaider was wildly misogynistic but my god at least he was entertaining as a writer whenever he didn't butcher female characters.
That's two major plot beats in inquisition that require reading one of the books. And ofc it's major villain and another major plot beat that require having played the previous game's dlc to properly understand.
And since then we've had so much more. I don't know. It's just complicated because I *like* book characters showing up and the books having importance in the sense that, I like reading and I'm a lore nerd lol. But I think there's a lot of frustration to be had as to the sheer quantity of extra media you need to consume if you want to be invested in the story. Because you could say "well just don't buy them then" but I LIKE dragon age, it's story, and plot, but omg some of the books and comics are also so hard to find and so EXPENSIVE. I think tevinter nights costs like 20£ if you want it on paperback rather than Kindle, and don't get me started on the dozens of comics.
At least the podcasts and discord only content isn't nearly as offensive, imo, because they're free. But also there's another issue with all of this extra content - it's that it doesn't get fucking translated. Not often, anyway. Not in as many languages as the games do. That means there are many, many many many players and fans who are just not allowed to learn more about their favorite game series because they don't speak English, because theyre not rich enough to buy 10 books and 20 comics. It feels a bit wrong
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n0t-vzin1s · 2 years
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bf!chuuya headcannons
gn!reader x chuuya
a/n: i'm so surprised at how much attention dazais hc post got so here's chuuya
small nsfw warning?? only mentions sex
where do i even begin with him
he's probably never been in a relationship before, and if he has it was only for sex
so when you (undoubtedly) ask him out he's a little hesitant
and by that i mean
he probably outright avoided you for two weeks straight until you surprised him in his office
and even then he puts his career in first place
"i'm an executive, you'll be targeted"
ok and
what if we can defend ourself?
what then chuuya
he's super sweet, i can assure you that much
gets into arguments with you about the most stupidest shit
you or him are probably super petty and will just ignore eachother until the other admits they were wrong.
hint: it'll probably be you
chuuyas got a short fuse so if he has to admit he's wrong you've got a one way ticket to hell
like dazai, he teaches you self defence
and then gets his ass beat by you
idk he probably sleeps with a stuffed animal in his bed that dazai gave him when they were teenagers
just outright refuses to get rid of it
dresses fancy. no matter the occasion. which means you have to match him. sorry.
probably plays an instrument or something
i'm imagining guitar or violin idk
his room has a lot of photographs from his younger years
(they're all him and dazai)
when you question him about them, he clams up and stays quiet
family man
he never really.. had one, growing up
so if he has any friends with kids he's already offered to baby sit
surprisingly gentle with kids
he's rich so he probably will buy you anything you so much as LOOK at once.
what's that? you glanced at this plant in a store?
he's already at the register paying for it.
romantic dates!!
walking through the park with your hands intertwined was probably his favourite
or the time he took you to a pond and went swimming with you at three in the morning, proceeded by watching the sun rise
little spoon
there is no way in hell this man is a big spoon
likes painting with you
but he sucks at painting so you'll draw something magnificent and he's got a circle
he has to take a lot of vitamins due to deficiencies
lets you wear his hat often
everyone used to warn you to never touch his hat but now he just straight up sets it on your head
lots n lots n lots of playing games with him
or playing with his hair while he rages in a cod lobby
when the lobby hears you talking to him and him talking back they make fun of him for being a softy
they are found dead later.
LOVES when you braid his hair
will never admit it though
watches your favourite shows and movies with you
instead of buying you flowers on your first date, he brought you a lego BOUQUET of flowers. that way they'd never die and you'd have the memory forever
has yoh paint his nails for him since he's too shaky to do it himself
cuts his own hair and offers to cut yours
it kinda just occurred to me how much i have going on in my life
1. coding a story
2. publishing on wattpad (@/talesbyraven)
3. editing on tiktok (@/sirjuuzou)
like it doesn't seem like MUCH but it's a lot considering how much time it takes up.
i coded today for maybe 5hrs and got 160 lines done, which a CHAPTER has around 2000-8000 per chapter. 🤷‍♀️
publishing depends on my mood, although it has been messed up for the last month but i used to publish once everyday, but since it's changed i've been stressed out.
editing can be time consuming, and depending on if it's a transition edit or just shakes and whatnot it can take between 15 minutes to an hour and a half, and it's hard finding the motivation lol.
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fyeahnix · 3 months
I've been slacking on HFW updates here so here are my tweets over the last couple of days compounded in sequential order:
Another of my favorite things about Horizon, which I probably mentioned when I played ZD, is how Aloy uses technology to enhance her own skills. It's so easy to let tech do all the heavy lifting for us, but she never does that. Even without the Focus, she's still a competent and crafty hunter. And that's fucking cool. Also I just really like Aloy in general. Such a great character.
I like to think Talanah is still overall a better hunter than Aloy and would be absolutely OP with a Focus. She had to get nerfed some type of way. This is based on absolutely nothing but vibes because I cannot remember every single event from the first game nor did I read the comic. Sorry lol
Forbidden West has done a fantastic job so far of adding in a bunch of cool new shit to play around with on top of what you got in the last game, including the expansion of the climbing mechanic. I can't even imagine how they'll top this if there's a third game coming at some point in the future. No, I am nowhere near done with this. I've only just started, haven't even GOTTEN to the actual Forbidden West yet. It was just a point I wanted to make. THIS is how I feel a sequel should be done.
The only thing truly frustrating me about HFW right now is the vantage points. I love the concept in theory, but in practice....ugh. idk if I'm having issues with spatial awareness or what..but getting feedback that's like "maybe I'm too high? Maybe I'm too low. Maybe I'm not close enough?" Kinda sucks because I FEEL like I'm close but the game is so super specific about specific angles. I got to the correct spot like 10 times but because I wasn't looking at the exact angle, it wasn't completing. It's a skill issue on my part probably but it is still very frustrating.
Now that I'm really looking at the map, No Man's Land feels like "Starter Area #2" lmfao
Monster Hunter solidified for me that I love the feeling of saying "OOOO SHIT" when I see another large monster. Saw the first Snapmaw and just had that same feeling lol. Horizon series is literally Monster Hunter Jr for me and I mean that with all the love and praise in the world. Ofc I am going to be shocked when I see A Very Large Monster lurking around in the water when I wasn't expecting it.
Aloy is doing The Protagonist Thing and I love it. Really showcasing her flaws in this game.
I appreciate the fact that Aloy is like "I can't fucking cook, taking this shit to an actual chef" when she picks up ingredients. We love honesty.
Goddamn the tattoo work on these characters in Forbidden West is so GOOD
It is very cool to see Aloy's vocabulary around Old World tech evolve between the two games. She has clearly learned quite a lot.
The way Aloy says hi to a certain character is so reminiscent of how she said hi to the first hologram she saw on the Focus. How cute lol.
Very very interesting how different tribes describe Aloy's hair color. Like it's such a SMALL detail but really shows the level of attention they put into making the tribes culturally significant from each other.
There is just so much to talk about with this game.... But the food you can buy...so much juicy lore and worldbuilding in the descriptions. I LIVE for shit like this
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mikasuxxx · 2 years
hii!! short hc rq—been thinking about 141 + friends with an aggressively american reader like. specifically british people with words like “y’all” and “aint” [harassing them with “y’aint” sounds funny as fuck] and idk teasing them ab the war like. it’s been on my mind all day
Lol i love that. Bet! Also sorry i couldnt do more characters im kinda tired rn so I'll do them later! Thanks for the ask anon!
would find it funny as fuck
every time you say "yall" or "aint" he cant help but giggle
He laughs whenever youre talking shit about brits and bringing up the revolutionary war
ESPECIALLY if you bring up the (dead) queen. Bro is already on the floor
Tries to put on an american accent. Ends up sounding southern. Seeing this, you try to put on a scottish accent. But fail miserably
Plays the eagle sound effect whenever you enter a room, thinks its the funniest shit ever
Is entertained by watching you argue with price over "soccer" vs "football"
oh he's so done with your shit
Whenever he's winning an argument with you and you KNOW hes winning, you'll switch to a bri'ish accent. Works everytime
Lowkey flinches whenever you say "yall". flinches harder when you say "y'ain't"
Alternativey when youre in an argument you just say "Aint yall's queen dead? Yeah. thats what i thought" and he just gives you a look
Or the revolutionary war.
as mentioned before hes gotten into an argument with you many times over whether its soccer or football
"Its football. You literally kick the BALL with your FOOT." "Okay well its still called soccer idc" "...."
oh hes REALLY not looking forward to seeing you brag in his face after the US vs UK world cup game
You had him try american beer/alcohol brands in general. He said it tastes like piss
Hes also amused by it
buys you cowboy boots as a joke. You end up unironically wearing them all the time
Paid you $5 to say yeehaw as loud as you could. wouldnt stop laughing for like 10 mins after
You taught him how to sing the national anthem. Now whenever hes drink he sings it
Is weirded out but also interested in the different words americans have for random things
challenges you to point out every european country on the world map you challenged him to point out the queens burial sight on the map of england
He started saying yall and aint from being around you for so long
Yall mock each others accent too. all in good fun
is annoyed by you
generally doesnt like americans
Really doesnt understand some of the shit americans do/say
will never admit it but he sometimes finds those british slandering jokes kinda funny. like he'll huff out some air
He kinda likes some of the food. you cant blame him tho british food sucks
he thinks there's too much fat and grease in most of the food tho
Tolerates you because you dont slander him as much as the others. And overall on missions you get the job done. so its fair game
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not-souleaterpost · 11 months
Ever wished that a trailer DOES lie?
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Didn't come up with some clever pun or whatever to express what I want so I'll put it bluntly: Does anyone agree that new Napoleon movie looks kinda lame from the trailers?
Like the first one was like the two types of cliche trailers one after the other - with all the "boom" sounds and mach cuts, while then doing the whole "eq-so-it-sounds-distant childlike song" thing. But what I found worse is turning Napoleon into Thanos (havent seen a Marvel movie after Iron Man 3, so I might be wrong) - but all the stoic cool guy one liners and weird self-agrandising cliche uterances - only to end with putting on the Crown on himself as if it was that stupid plastic gem-gauntlet... Should just have snapped and said "France Won" and go all the way while showing the Austo-Hungary disolve.
The second trailer seems to be more of the same, with even having the Black Sabbat song to make it artsy but not to artsy. Idk maybe I'm being to harsh and hypocritical, but aften then having the love interst say "look down at my crotch - I control you with it" - I just cant take it seriously - gives me flashbacks to being a kid and seeing my dad watch game of thrones and realises that half the charachters are screwing their sister and brothers cause thats the only way to make something "Mature"...
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But why am I writting a whinning post? Don't I try to make some contrived point in these? Yeah, at first I didint even want to post this, so I dont be one of these cynical movie guys, feel bad for these who now seemingly in nearly their fifties just whine about how bad hollywood is and how superheros suck while only reviewing them while their is a great new Scorsesse movie which they ignore- And instead of continuing this passive agressive attack on RLM, I better segway into my whole point: "The Killers of the Flower Moon" - A movie I recently saw and enjoyed quite a lot - surprisingly because I thought from the trailers "Yeah, Scorsee got old and is phoning it in" - cause from the trailers it just seemed like a generic by the numbers exploitation film, where victims kill their oppressors with the whole "happy ending" being both overly sweet and bitter - because how unrealistic yet saddistic it would be, even as a fantasy only leaving the reality of resentment and bloody revenge.
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But thankfully, it was nothing like that - so the trailer lied, and I was happy - or more happy that even when it lied I thought "well going to the cinema with friends is more important, and why not see a scorsse movie on the big screen, if he dies, or I, soon, I'll regret it, even if it was a piece of shit..."
So maybe that's the point I'm making - maybe a very weird and pointless one - but yeah, maybe Napoleon won't be as bad as I think? Even if it is a far-cry from the Napoleon Kubric would have made, Ridley Scott is still a director with a certain esteem, and who the hell didn't like Gladiator? Even still have an old VHS with a cutot of a tv-magazine of it that my father used to tape over to just pirate the movie old schoo way lol. Still, I'm not saying to mindlessly buy and watch everything - but to just think - maybe even a disapointing movie is worth the human connection one will make (cause who goes to the movies alone?) - so if somebody says "hey lets watch it, its like if the Joker was French" - why not, maybe even it will turn out to be:
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tucklovskis · 1 year
i spewed this nonsense on twitter already but i love it so much that i need to copy/paste this nonsense here too for better archival purposes:
Anyway, cryle au where Kyle takes Kenny's INSANE TikTok advice to go to home depot to meet guys bc dating apps suck but he never buys anything and Craig works there and watches Kyle come and go like clockwork without ever actually buying anything and so Craig's just like 🤨
eventually Craig figures out what's going on bc he sees Kyle talking to different dudes all the time, which is fine, but Kyle has a habit of leaving the items he never buys in random places so Craig calls him out one day just like "Why are you even here."
Kyle understandably is insanely embarrassed and also a lil pissed off by this?? So he tries to avoid him as much as possible and it just turns into this passive aggressive game of hide and seek for a while, til Kyle finally has to actually BUY SOMETHING.
He does a pickup order tho in an attempt to avoid Craig, but Craig's the one who runs him his order out so lol that doesn't work. Anyway Craig gives him useful advice, they actually get along for a second, and it's like something clicks in Kyle's stupid brain.
Now Kyle starts going to the store and buying stuff just to see Craig, but Craig is increasingly like 🤨because Kyle just… buys the same shit 3 or 4 days in a row. "Didn't you just buy lightbulbs?" "What? No I didn't." "Yes you did. You already bought them twice this week."
He goes in one day when Craig's not working so he leaves empty handed bc what's the point. Smacks into Craig on the way out who's coming in on his day off to grab something. "What, no lightbulbs this time?"
there's more kinda sorta idk but anyway im adding this to the pile of things i want to write, thanks goodbye
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inhuman-obey-me · 1 year
What are your thoughts on OG obey me not getting anymore lessons after 80? It worries me because it kinda feels like they are trying to kill it slowly.... This is making me not enjoy nightbringer because i thought i would be a spin off new game with a new story that we could play while waiting for OG obey me to come with season 5, but now it seams like nightbringer will be their only foucus and season 5 will never happen. Sorry this kinda turned into a rant just not liking what's happening now.
Yeah, we weren't too happy when we first heard about it, which was the AMA the devs did on Reddit. It was a shitty way to release that information, and it sucks that they really only said so when people ASKED if OG was going to get season 5/more lessons. It did create backlash right away, which we guess they were...attempting to avoid in the first place lol. But they definitely should have handled that announcement a lot better than they did.
In terms of what it means for the future of OG, we don't think they are trying to kill it per se so much as they just sort of...wrote themselves into a corner, and this was their way of hitting reset, on that and other things.
(no need to apologize for ranting, ours is even longer LOL -- rest under the cut!)
We definitely have some criticisms of the writing in Season 4, particularly how they squandered much of what was narratively set up in Season 3, and they didn't really set anything up on where it goes from there. It's also unfortunate that the original game is just going to be doing the same events as Nightbringer, rather than separate ones, which just means there's really nothing to motivate people to stay. And in that way, it does also sort of feel like a waste of all the effort people have put in to strengthen up our cards and grind affection and stuff, because we can't transfer ANY of that. They probably hope to continue that both sides will make money for them, but realistically speaking, it does feel like they are effectively just pushing everyone to migrate to the new game, and that the original is being sort of abandoned to just a maintenance mode kind of thing.
One thing they did note about the decision was that Ruri Tunes was originally supposed to just be an additional mode, but they decided to split it off as part of a separate Nightbringer game/story in order to not make the original "unplayable" with all they wanted to add and change "under the hood". Part of that, at least at a guess, may be due to the difficulty curve of the original -- despite them adjusting the difficulty in a patch, plus their zero-AP lesson battle promo campaigns, they probably were seeing a lot of drop-off just for people who gave up because they couldn't make it through those earlier lessons to even finish Seasons 2, 3, and 4. In that sense, it's good and bad to shift the continuation of the story to this new game even though they don't seem to have actually learned their lesson with the difficulty curve problem... But that's another thing they get to hit reset on by making a new game.
As for a Season 5, we do know from the same AMA that the story from the original is supposed to "continue" in Nightbringer, which suggests that it might pick back up from the end of Season 4 as effectively a Season 5, like maybe MC will make it back to their own time and continue from there, just in this other game instead of the original. Which, um, is certainly a choice on their part, especially since not everyone has the time or interest in a rhythm game. It kinda feels also a bit like this sudden time travel thing in Nightbringer may almost be a way of buying them some time while they figure out what to do as a continuation to the OG plot.
All of that said, however, considering the lack of direction for the original, we've actually been really enjoying Nightbringer's story! It dives into a lot of super interesting questions and content that fans have been begging for and brings back some of the darker themes from Season 1 that we've really missed, so even though it's not quite the Season 5 we've been waiting for, we're really hyped for the new content to keep coming!
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bibiana112 · 10 months
Kinda weird question- do you have any links to people talking about Mira from ZTD and ableist stereotypes? I mentioned that I was uncomfortable with her portrayal but kinda fumbled it and made some other ND people in chat uncomfortable. I searched for various keyword combinations but most of what I'm finding is like "and not to mention the ableism with Mira" and doesn't elaborate lol.
Not weird at all! And uh, you see, there's a recent post I made where what I complain about is the very fact I've never seen anyone post too in-depth about her at all, I'd love to see posts that do elaborate on that but I do not have any that I know of right now, sorry :/ hopefully someone else who sees this can point to one? Okay!! After some tag searches I have found exactly one post who kind of gets into it I like this take still would love to see. more than just one but hooray
And like though I complain I couldn't elaborate much on it myself I don't think, I believe most of the posts people make about Saito from aitsf would apply since it's a different uchikoshi take on the very same trope of "emotionless characters who cannot function without killing others" I guess he's a worse portrayal though since she's at least not stated to get reward brain chemicals when killing people and I guess her case also has the added layer of "femme fatale" to it? Which either makes it less bad or worse depending on where you approach it from As I said I am not doing a good job of being coherent on this oh and also there's her being "redeemed" and "cured" in the epilogue which in on itself is kinda not great to imply it just goes away like that and honestly I personally don't even buy it I think she'd just be like oh okay Akane over here has like a thousand reasons to hate me after all that oh and what's that she's the leader of a super wealthy underground organization who's organized one of these death traps before yeah no I'm better off going to prison I'll be fine there lmao bye
But I'll say as an autistic person with relatively low empathy I usually see a character who just doesn't understand other people's feelings and wants to feel them too and is just trying to survive despite getting no help and I just kinda go hm. yeah. shout-out to roxas kingdom hearts shout out to mary from ib shout out that's why I started hyperfixating on media art helps me with understanding others a great lot and Mira is just in a story too badly executed for me to care or even begin to wrap my head around tbh like god she's so fucking terribly used as a plot device in every conceivable way that it makes it difficult to see past it and into what she could possibly be if it weren't for the stereotype of equalling low empathy with no compassion what's with her killing off screen in ways that wildly deviate from her stated m.o? why or how was she even in cahoots with Zero why was that a thing? Honestly her dynamic with Sean could have been better fleshed out could have done something interesting about robot child and his aspd big sis but we just kind of don't get any attention brought to the subject of emotions and the authenticity there of except for the "reveal"...
YOU KNOW WHAT that's probably one huge reason it feels so fucked up actually! Like the whole fucking game is written so you could experience it in whatever order you want and therefore Mira being a serial killer at all is something that though not very well hidden it also cannot be a topic of discussion or explored Ever ever because the player may not have seen the fragment where that is revealed yet- problem being the menu design of that game sucks so bad and practically everyone gravitates towards the same few more interesting looking thumbnails first and then the rest is kinda just there, I mean that is part of the reason A Lot of characters feel half-baked I think but also I think it definitely does impact perception of her character specifically probably The Most and then there's just the general not being given nuance not being able to see the minutiae of how that disorder manifests in her character aside from the killings about how she acts aside from being overly flirty trying to lure in Eric but that affects pretty much all of the new cast we don't have last names and in her case we barely have any backstory at all like Saito is a harmful stereotype sure but we get So Much Context for him that people still love talking about him and delving into different aspects of his life since we have that very well telegraphed in the narrative meanwhile for Mira all we can do is fill in the blanks guesswork that only highlights the worst aspects of the surface level portrayal we got and ultimately that people just don't care enough to dissect because there isn't much there character wise once you remove it
#oh to be miraposting on a sunday evening instead of catching up on schoolwork#I love how you can see the exact moment while writing this that I had a brain blast akdhks#me: sorry I can't elaborate also me: types out. three paragraphs#also if you're comfortable with that I'm curious what you could have possibly said that it'd be considered fumbling#dms are open if you send it into an ask I'll answer privately and again only if you want to share#cause like I want to see different perspectives on this so bad even if they're not eloquent#especially since it's not really something that ever got to me much? but that I can kinda see why it'd be upsetting#my suspension of disbelief is just too tanked for it to get an emotional reaction of me especially with the rest of the cast for contrast#I'm too busy being annoyed at everyone else's portrayal in that game not to mention idk it feels like#like schlocky hollywood no thoughts character archetype go brr type ableism#not the really insidious woven into the narrative stuff that I usually want to rant about cough cough youtube video I'll probably never mak#like pretty sure it's stated somewhere that the idea for her character was uchikoshi going hm. there's been femme fatales in these games#but none of them have been Really “Fatale” you know? he literally just wanted the big booba character to also be the stabby character#zero escape#ztd#mira ztd#if this should be under a readmore. let me know#zero escape spoilers#escape room convention but it's a time loop
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sahaias · 7 months
Soy Luna Ep 32-51 Thoughts
Yeah, I really am getting through this show fast. I used the 4 days I had off this week to binge the show lol. I normally have 3 days off, but I took one day of vacation because I was exhausted. I don't have any normal hobbies because I work nights, so I'm stuck with media consumption and cooking for the most part.
WHAT THE FUCK WAS THAT KISS, MATTEO? It's not even a good "surprise kiss". Luna looked traumatized and was clearly angry afterwards. Compare it to Violetta and Leon where she was very happy it happened, and it's insane how they want us to root for Matteo. I can tell they're trying to tone him down, but I still don't like him. The whole bravado aspect of his personality is tiresome and not cute or charming
Simon contradicted himself with the "you won't lose me, Luna" after seeing the kiss. But I'll cut him a break bc it's tough to be friends with people you have feelings for, especially when you're only like 18. His new GF, Daniella, doesn't seem like a good person though, sadly. I hope his future relationships are much better
Sharon Benson is a horrible person, and I genuinely feel bad for Ambar for the absence of any parental love or concern in her life. It's clear Ambar sabotages Luna because she envies her and sees her as someone who gets/has everything she (Ambar) wants. Ambar's schemes are way less ludicrous and more believable than Ludmilla's.
Gaston having a bunch of girls chase after him is honestly super believable and funny tbh. He actually reminds me of one dude I knew who was really well-liked for being handsome and smart in high school. Also, one of the few popular people I knew who didn't post everything on IG and judge others based on that
Tino and Cato's idiocy is annoying, I've said this already. But I want to see more of the side characters who are actually interesting. I will give Soy Luna credit that it gives the side characters more plotlines than Violetta seemingly
I do not have strong feelings on Jim and Nico, but I can kind of buy it. Jim still has more chemistry with Yam.
Yam, on the other hand, I cannot see as being into Ramiro. Sorry, but she gives off 100% lesbian vibes. No way she's into men lol. Jim I can see being bi, but no way I see that with Yam.
Ricardo and Tamara I just do not see working out, but it sucks that Tamara's ex won't respect their relationship and give them space. I can already tell they're trying to set him up with Mora for the future with them having the whole gaming interest in common
It's realistic but also kinda sad how Nina's whole relationship with Xavi fizzled out the moment they could only talk online, but it reminded me a lot of how many friendships I've had online fizzle out
And now I have to sleep and prep for work tomorrow night, it's going to be a long week.
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earthbovndmisfit · 2 months
11, 12, 19, 21, and 24!
Fandom/fanfic asks! - @icouldbemoreclever
11.- Most unique merch you have for a fandom? That would probably be my old Captain Commando figure from the MvsC series by Toy Biz. I don't know how "unique" it actually is, but I've seen it going on sale for waaayyy more than I paid for it brand new at the time, so it kinda looks like it's not too common. Plus, other than the games and the 2 volume manga, there's very few official merch of that franchise! :c
12.- Craziest thing you've ever done as part of a fandom? I've mentioned this one before, but I once attended to a Megumi Ogata (YYH's Kurama's seiyuu) concert in my country while wearing a Karasu (YYH) cosplay lol. I was also on the second row! Just about 2 meters away from her. It was quite the experience lol. It was also not that planned really! ((Story time ahead)) The concert was held inside an anime convention and which was also located in another city (around 4 hours from where I live). Said anime convention used to give free entrance to most cosplayers at the time. I went with my sister, a couple friends, and a bunch of guys we met during the trip and also met with an online friend I had at the time and her girlfriend. At the time, my sister and I were kinda broke bc we had just attended to that con the past November (this one of the concert was on February, just a couple months later), so we'd had many expenses already from then and also from buying bus tickets to get there this time, local transportation tickets (bus and subway), food, etc so any pennies we could save to buy merch would be great! I also used to cosplay every time we went to those cons, plus, I already had the Karasu cosplay ready since that was the first cosplay I ever made and I also still had my hair long by then since I was planning to cosplay as Kuronue at some point too (spoiler: The Kuronue cosplay never came to fruition :( ). I also had a hunch they would have Kurama merch on sale for that con due to Megumi Ogata's concert (YYH merch was difficult to find, and even more so Kurama's because it would be sold out before we even got there), and I was right because that's where I managed to snatch a Kurama Banpresto keychain I'd wanted for years! So it was a win/win all around with the moneys I saved from that free entrance lol
19.- Fanfic you read again and again? I don't have a specific one that comes to my mind tbh, partly bc I haven't read any fanfics in a good while and partly bc my memory is awful. I like plenty that I occasionally re-read every now and then tho! Most of them were written by HamonHugs because I really like the way they portrayed and stayed true to Jonathan and Speedwagon.
21.- Favorite fic trope? I'm a simple man who loves Friends to Lovers stuff (bonus for "Enemies to friends to lovers" which, coincidentally, pretty much fits Jonawagon lol). "Fix-it" fics where some of the characters with canon deaths survive the horrors (like the "Jonathan lives AU" stuff in Jojo for example). Romance stuff, fluff, stuff like Mutual Pining, a bit of Drama and Angst here and there (pretty sure the Hurt/Comfort thing fills this bill but idk?), bits of humor sprinkled here and there to give the story a wider range of emotions (thus making the sad and the fluff feel much more pronounced too). Some whump and violence can be good too depending on the story. AUs are also nice when done right. I like some of the "Modern AUs" I've seen for Jonawagon. Same with reincarnation stuff and so on. I suck at naming tropes tbh, so I totally missed stuff here.
24.- Funniest fandom-related story? Probably the story I mentioned earlier about the Megumi Ogata concert lol. Other than that I can't remember anything in particular, save for the times Reki Taki-sensei (one of Araki's former assistants for the manga and also part of DavidPro's art staff since Stardust Crusaders) drops some likes on some of the art I retweet or on some of the random Speedwagon posts I make on twitter. As a bit of a side note: He also sometimes likes some of my Jonawagon ship-ish posts too 😁
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kpchrs · 1 year
What's your favorite characterisation decision in LiS?
Do I even have one
Hello, Anon! ... Whoever you are 😏 I don't really have the energy to compose very detailed and organised writing right now but I hope you can still enjoy it. Btw, people might not know this but I actually... never played beyond S1 LOL I want to, but buying games is not my priority right now. So, Sean? Alex? Who? xD
Well, what I thought of first is Chloe, as a whole. The fact that she is so... flawed. She's hardly my favourite character, but I will always defend her characterisation. (But her biggest fans do it faster than me so I'm never needed. And, also they are better than me at that anyway lol)
It's okay that people don't like her, but I still want people to understand her and know where she comes from. That her attitude comes from the place of trauma. People want other people to process trauma perfectly, but that's not a realistic expectation of ALL individuals with trauma. People who love and hate Chloe are people who understand that and dismiss that respectively.
My favourite characterisation of Chloe - people may be surprised - is when she says this: "I gotta blame somebody. Otherwise it’s all my fault. Fuck that."
Yes, yes, it's an awful thing to say. Some people hate her for that and that's valid.
But I just nodded along when I first encountered that in my first gameplay. Well, it's partly because I was in a very head-empty state when I first played. I only realised it wasn't okay to say when I searched for people's opinions. But I also nodded along because I understand her somewhat (but I won't elaborate on why because I don't really understand the reason much either, but it's related to her immaturity and brattiness lol)
In her context though, it's more that she's so angry and hurt by life; she directs it outwards, not inwards, so it will suck less. Piling it up inside is heavy and stuffy and painful. Everyone needs catharsis. It's easier to let out your anger at something concrete, something you can see, something clear. Which is why she blames everyone. I think that's very realistic.
One of my two top favourite characters in LiS is Victoria. She's a total Queen Bitch archetype, you know the drill. The first thing I thought of was when Max found her anime figurine, it made me laugh so hard until now. I love Nerd Victoria. But that's the silly fav.
My ACTUAL favourite is in the alternate universe and she said this to Max:
"You're not pissed at me, right? Right?" and "Max, if you’re mad, just tell me, k?"
As we know, Victoria really "hates" Max. She is also very insecure. Makes you wonder, hm, what makes her scared + reverent of AU Max that way? It gives you the other side of Victoria that is really fun to think about. The root, I'm sure, is still her insecurity.
I have a belief that that's not how Victoria acts around Nathan, her closest best friend. With Nathan, Victoria gets to be her real self. That Victoria is Victoria who half kisses ass and half wants to be liked by this... AU Max. Kinda similar to her attitude towards Jefferson, I guess.
She seems like a lot less opportunistic and manipulative with Max though. I think this is because Jefferson is the road to her ambition and Victoria did everything she can to achieve that.
Max doesn't/can't give her that so why does she kiss ass? I think in this alternate universe, Victoria likes her genuinely, not just because Max is the new Queen Bee or something so she bows to her. AU Max is distant and seems to be a master of push and pull (unconsciously?), that's why Victoria looks like she's walking on eggshells lol
Honorary mention is Maxine. Max is the most realistic character in LiS, in my opinion. Other characters are such archetypes that some people thought Max was just a self-insert character. If you dig deep into her character you will realise that... Max is just a normal girl. Do you know how hard it is to write someone like her?
Max is not an extreme character, she's in the middle, but she still has a distinct voice. She's grey and realistic. I don't have the energy to elaborate more though lmao
Some people hate it, but I really LOVE that in the AU, Max is so different, but somewhat the same. She's only more blunt, doesn't take bullshit from anyone, and more bitchy too. And this should be because of her self-confidence or when it becomes negative, it becomes borderline arrogance. This is the Max who is not dampened by guilt and grief. How very interesting.
Now everyone knows that I'm obsessed with the alternate universe. I don't really make it a secret though.
And wait, what's up with me and bitchy characters? lol
(Nathan's characterisation is the shittiest decision the devs ever did.)
Thank you for the ask!
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deathberi · 5 months
I wasn't super baby, I was only 5 when it came out and my brother bought it. But I think I played it by myself the first time when I was like 9 or 10. I don't remember how I felt playing it, as I said, my English wasn't the best, but I got drawn into the world and story either way, without knowing details.
And so happy when other OG fans of Clerith exist, I get Remake just made it super easy to fall in love with them, but tiny pixel!Clerith ;;
And I do feel kinda bad for being anime only fan, haha. I just didn't read lots of manga when I was younger, especially not longer ones, so just never started. But I'm making that right now, bought the first out of the three boxes with 20 volumes in it, so I can start anytime and buy the other 2 when I'm done and have the money. : D
(And I'm just now finishing Rebirth for the third time or the last two chapters, I finished all the sidequests earlier (even the last one that was sent from hell, haha. And I just finished watching Aerith's trial in the Temple again and can't stop crying, haha)
90s babies are not old dont call yourself that jshdjdjs 😂w even as a kid im pretty obsessive with understanding everything related to my favs and i dont really attach to a lot then so really they were one of my very first loves~ i think being long time fans really just make it all the more kind of...exciting? idk the most apt term i suck at english calming at the same time? for us when knowing that there are more of us like that out there <3 and that are still here after all these years
well at least you're beating me in the physical copy department? lol i literally only have just the matching ichiruki covers 😂 kubo's volume cover gaming is really good though so i definitely considered collecting everything before but nahhh it flew out of my priority list since i buy lots of other collectibles anyway. really cool you got the first set now though thats already a lottt~~ must be nice looking at them :3
(nice? or not nice? ToT im still not immuned to the last chapter... i've played it full twice, rewatched the cutscenes endlessly its part of editing >w<... aerith's trial is something i cant get through without making a mess of my face like hnggg that was too...too much my baby girl!!!!!! i still have a few sidequests to go and tbh im not that all in to do the remaining ones yet (lol some T&Y quests) but my latest rebirth achievement would be uhhh i finished the world intel! i havent decided on my next goal for rebirth im not really in a hurry to get the plat, maybe should start on a hard mode playthrough bc i didnt set that at first so i'd get done through the story very quickly >w<)
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bananasfosterparent · 6 months
Efenity Kelmorn's Theme Songs
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For my own reference/index, but wanted to share.
Here are all the songs that I would consider main theme songs for my evil Tav, Efenity Kelmorn! If your Tav/Durge is a similar type of person or has similar beliefs/views, perhaps some of these songs you can add to your own Tav/Durge playlists!
ABOUT MY TAV: Efenity Kelmorn is a half high-elf, Storm Sorcerer (lightning/thunder), and criminal (specializes in heists and transport of goods). Neutral Evil, ESTP. She is (happily) paired with Ascended Astarion. More about her here.
There's 10 songs in total here, under the "read more" cut.
I also included some personal notes as to how that song relates to her, if you care lol
🌩️ Do Bad Well (ft Nevve) - KSHMR
Oh, my daddy taught me well There's some devils in heaven and some angels in hell So promise me child, when they pull your card You'll know, you'll know which one you are (Yeah) Ooh, oh ooh Yeah, my daddy taught me well (Hey) Ooh, oh ooh If you can't do good, better do bad well
This song speaks to her criminal father raising her. He sucked as a dad, but he still cared for/about her and did the best he could with who he was. But one thing he certainly taught her was that what's "good" and "bad" are subjective. Things aren't so black and white, and you should look out for yourself, no matter what that means. And you better do it the best you can. From both of their perspectives, everyone (even a "hero") is the villain in someone else's story anyway.
🌩️Glamorous Life - Eden's Crush
She wants to lead the glamorous life She don't need a man's touch She wants to lead the glamorous life Without love it ain't much, it ain't much
This song is about a woman who's goal is to live in the lap of luxury and she will fake it til she makes it on her own. But the one thing missing from her life is true love... and when she meets a guy (who happens to be rich), real love scares her, but she gives in and is able to have what she wants (love and riches). That's... literally Efenity's story...sorta lol Her biggest goal was to complete a huge heist she had planned for a year and buy a big house, take over a criminal ring for herself, use the revenue to continue to pay for the house, throw lavish parties and live alone in peace. But she ended up getting that, and something so much better.
🌩️Only Happy When It Rains - Garbage
I'm only happy when it rains You wanna hear about my new obsession? I'm riding high upon a deep depression I'm only happy when it rains
Pretty straightforward. Efenity's used to living a life of negatives and unfortunate happenings and at this point, she's learned to revel in it and find joy within it.
🌩️ Catch My Breath (Cutmore Remix) - Kelly Clarkson
Catching my breath, letting it go Turning my cheek for the sake of this show Now that you know, this is my life I won't be told what's supposed to be right
Efenity refuses to give into the influence of others for what decisions need to be made. Especially when it comes to Astarion.
~~~~~ 🌩️ Ultraluminary - Phillipa Soo
I'm the light every night in your world, hey You revel in the glory of my beauty You ready to watch me be legendary? 'Cause I'm ultraluminary
This song is kinda random but it feels so Efenity-coded for me lmao Her ego is only rivaled by Astarion's (and maybe Lorroakan's and the Aboslute lmao). But for Efe, her arrogance is also grounded in gaining the confidence she did not have for most of her life. But by end-game she knows the magnitude of her power and influence. She went from sleeping in an abandoned building she made into a home, to sleeping in a triple king-sized bed of a grand palace. So I'd say she ain't doing too bad.
🌩️ Unstable - SVRCINA
I tried to play to every angle Tried to keep up, but I’m just not able Nobody wants to feel like they’re too fragile Turns out that I might just be unstable
Kinda speaks for itself, her struggle for most of her life.
🌩️ Good To Be Bad - CRMNL
I’m a straight up killer And imma eat you for dinner Ice in my veins like winter And I like it like that (like that) It feels so good to be bad
Also self-explanatory lol Efenity is not a nice person. She doesn't try to be. She doesn't care. She is going to do whatever she can to preserve her quality of life and get what she wants.
🌩️Royalty (ft Neoni) - Egzod & Maestro Chives
Best to give me your loyalty 'Cause I'm taking the world you'll see They'll be calling me, calling me They'll be calling me royalty
Never lose sight of your life goals, kids uwu
🌩️ Into Dark - Kate Havnevik
Now or never I can choose Misadventure Turn it loose Be whoever And I'll fade into dark
Efenity actively choosing to be the villain and focus on the needs of herself and Astarion over the needs of anyone else. But for her, from her own perspective, that's a "growth".
🌩️ Either Or - Kata & Philip LeForce
You can choose to win or lose, I give you the choice The world is black or white, either or You either like me or you don't I don't care, no, not at all (Oh, oh, oh) Don't like me now? You never will If you do you'll get a thrill (Oh, oh, oh)
A random song I found years ago, but it felt so relevant to Efenity and her outlook on life and toward the world.
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heliswife · 1 year
Helloo! :) anon is back after what feels like a while but probably isn’t :’) Can I make a request for and arcade date with Toya whose S/O who loves going to arcades but kinda sucks at all the games so Toya has to teach them how to play them better? After practicing for a while, Toya and S/O manage to beat the high score on one of S/O’s  favourite games and with the tickets they got from all the games they’d played that day S/O gets Toya a little green puyo plush knowing that he’s played Puyo games with Nene before ( they find it sitting on the end of his bed the next time they go over his house lol ) :) I thought this was a cute idea :)) Thank you for doing my last request and thank you for this one! :))
( By the way “Your requests are really fun to write :) anon!” Might have made me squeal a lil bit lol :’) I’m glad you like writing my requests!! It’s makes me really happy when I see that you guys have posted, especially when I see you’ve written one of my requests :)) Thank you so much for taking the time to write my requests, I always love them!! :)) ) 
-:) anon! 
YIPPEE IM SO HAPPY YOU FEEL THAT WAY :) ANON (/≧▼≦)/ ill try my very best on this one for you!
Arcade date with Toya!
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It's been a week since you went to the arcade with Toya. You were awestruck when he excelled at all the video games he played, even your favorites. Too bad you sucked at them, but luckily, he was there to teach you.
"Ah, y/n. I think you should put that there, it would really benefit," his soft voice informed you, gray eyes fixated on the screen.
Now you were returning to that same arcade a week later with more skill from practicing. You smiled to yourself as you walked in the building and waved to Toya. He waved back and you run up to go meet him.
"Toya! Why don't we go play [favorite game]?" You suggested. He smiled and you two ran over to the game.
After fifteen minutes, your eyes glimmered as you saw the words high score on the screen.
"Toya, we did it!" You exclaimed and hugged him. He smiled, hugging you back. The tickets came out of the machine, and you two went over to buy something from the ticket shop. Your eyes scanned the prize wall, looking for something to buy until you laid your eyes on something: a green puyo plush. You looked at the tickets in your hand, just enough to buy the plush. And you did.
"This is for me?" Toya asked you. You nodded, "Thank you," he brought you close and kissed your forehead.
The next time you came over, you laid down on his bed, and the first thing you noticed was a plush. The green puyo one you bought for him. You grabbed it and hugged it as you smiled to yourself.
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