#so I tried my best to compensate hope it's ok and sorry if it's not
firstofficerkittycat · 11 months
what if we lived thru an incomprehensible war and we were both boygirls idk
song: I am the antichrist to you - kishi bashi
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heartshapedbubble · 8 months
Hello! I hope you are doing well!
Firstly,I wanted to praise your writing: It's so good omg 😭😭 You're feeding me fr
Secondly,I'd like to request platonic headcanons for Percy,Jack (I think you write for him?),Leo,Bane,Michiko and Nightmare/Orpheus (Feel free to remove any if that's too much for you!) with a child!reader who's like a very hyper jumping spider,able to climb on walls,jump really far and high,and who's just a very energetic child,running around and stuff? (Perhaps even have multiple arms?)
(this is my very first ask on any blog,so I'm sorry if I said or did something wrong with my ask!! 😭)
Have a very nice day,and stay proud!!!
HELLO!!! first of all, thank YOU for your support fr im giggling and kicking my feet rn😖💞
i decided to cut down your picks a liiiiittle bit so it's easier to handle - i've chosen jack, michiko, percy and leo ! otherwise very good character choices, they deserve sm more love than they actually get 🤧 so i picked out those that seemed the least popular to me or for which i haven't really written yet!!
jack, michiko, percy and leo with a hyper child reader hcs🎩🌸🧟‍♂️☄️
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jack the ripper🎩
he's not the type to scold you! after all, his duty isn't oriented around kids, so he's way more relaxed and not strict at all
^which gets him a lot of complaints from michiko and the hunters whose duties ARE oriented around kids, as they consider him to be too carefree
you, of course, do not mind
chuckles and hums as he watches you jump from wall to wall, with only an occassional "watch where you're goin' , kid!"
literally the type to watch you set the manor on fire and just shake his head like "kids these days smh"
when (or better, if) you crash after your burst of energy, he's here to put you on his shoulders and carry you
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michi is very caring and motherly, but she, obviously, has her boundaries
always worried you might seriously hurt yourself as you partake in some classic tomfoolery (read: wreaking havoc upon the mere mortals of the manor) so she always keeps a first aid kit around
also keeps snacks and water by her side for when you get hungry/thirsty from all that jumping 😎
as much as she loves kids she CANNOT keep up with you, watching you jump for too long will give her motion sickness😭
just the mere thought of being that energetic makes her sweat
usually when she's taking care of you she just sits amidst the chaos you're causing and knits or something
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also not one of the hunters who takes care of kids
he spends most of his time in solace, working on his research and writing scripts
...so he's not fond of socialising in general, let alone babysitting
you might as well climb onto him like he's a tree and he wouldn't even flinch😭
as he's nonverbal (for the most part) he can't do much other than look over you and occasionally halt you from going overboard by tapping your hand or holding your shoulder
all that stems from good intentions, though. he doesn't want a child to get hurt and although it's hard for him to process emotions and empathy now, he knows that what he's doing is the right thing
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leo beck☄️
has plenty of experience with kids!
even with his wounds and age he always tries his best to match your energy (even if he fails, it's the thought that counts ok ok ☹️☹️☹️☹️)
you wouldn't believe how FAST he is like damn those dad calves are getting put into use🫡 gets exhausted quite quickly but he won't give up just yet!
would 100% let you hang off of his arm !!!!
he would challenge you to races and take the loss like a champ he just wants to see you happy fr :(
some would think he goes too easy on the kids and spoils them but honestly, since he lost lisa, he wants to experience all things fatherhood and never, ever make a child upset ever again - like compensation for being a bad father in the past
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idontknowreallywhy · 7 months
Estera - Ch 14 - Hide
A slightly different format to tell the story of this next bit… I hope it works!
(Previous… Prologue - Stars are Only Visible in Darkness, Estera - 1 - Colour, 2 - Dinosaur, 3 - Shoes, 4 - Thunderbird, 5 - Lesson, 6 - Safe, 7 - Gull, 8 - Deliver, 9 - Coffee, 10 - Flight, 11 - Run, 12 - Fall, 13 - Trying)
(Sofasurf’s Recrudescence which is the foundation for all of this)
Was good to meet you today. Here is my number. I hope you’re doing ok? Estera
Hi Estera, sorry I didn't get back to you immediately. I wasn't well, but I'm doing better now. I'm glad we met. Maybe we could catch up again sometime in the future. Look after yourself, S
Hi Scott, thanks for your message, I was glad to hear from you, but sad to hear you’ve been unwell. I’m sorry if I have made things more difficult for you. It would be nice to keep in touch if it was helpful to you. Estera
Please don’t be sorry, Estera. It’s not your fault at all.
Are you doing ok?
Yes I’m fine thank you.
Ok. Well, if you ever need anything or you want to talk, I’m here. S
That’s kind, thank you Scott
“Your anger is distracting you, Estera.”
She lay panting on her back where she’d fallen, and pressed her knuckles into the coolness of the mat desperately trying to keep her mind in the present. She was at the leisure centre, the distant ceiling had huge silver ventilation tubes snaking across it. The rhythmic squeak-wheeze of the trampolines at the other end of the hall contrasted the irregular thump of shoulder and slap of hand on tatami mats close by. She could smell sweat and chalk. She could taste… blood. Aaah no, she’d bitten the inside of her cheek again and now that was going to irritate her for days.
Her teacher dropped to one knee and offered a hand. Estera pretended she hadn’t noticed and pushed herself to her feet unaided. She didn’t need anyone being kind to her right now. It might unlock a floodgate she’d be unable to force closed again.
“You ok?”
��Yes. Again.”
“I’m think perhaps it’s best if we call it a day there”
“Again. Please, I want to master this.”
The teacher cocked an eyebrow, but nodded. Estera bowed and made herself ready. Physically ready anyway. Hopefully muscle memory would compensate for today’s lack of mental discipline
She lasted longer this time, but the inevitable bone rattling thud as she hit the floor came all too soon. She forced herself upright and back into the ready position but a third voice intervened.
She turned and bowed alongside her teacher as the master approached, disappointment making her shoulders heavy as she stood up straight. The coral-belted septuagenarian didn’t visit often, but on previous occasions the little girl in Estera had been thrilled to receive a nod of approval from the awe inspiring woman. Today she’d just let herself down. Not good enough.
“You need to sleep and recover your wits.”
Estera barely managed to contain the burst of bitter laughter. Chance would be a fine thing. She knew she was running on fumes and fury and the fumes were dissipating fast.
Dropping her eyes to avoid having to see the evident concern, she bowed to the master and then her teacher and tried to keep her head held high as she walked away, knowing full well the other students had stopped to watch her leave. She threw her coat over her gi and strode confidently through reception to the front entrance trying to ignore the bleeding man pleading with her from the periphery of her vision. She pulled up her hood so he couldn’t see her.
But she could still hear him. And found she could no longer disobey.
And so she ran.
Hi, just wondered how you were getting on? How are Alex and co? S
Hi Scott, the kids are doing really well. They were delighted with the cards, that was a lovely touch. A couple struggled a little with nightmares to start with but seem to be getting better. Most bounced back unscathed. Thank you for asking. Estera
Very glad to hear that. Kids can be surprisingly resilient!
How about you?
Oh yes, I’m fine!
You know that’s usually my line?
I remember!
Ha. Yeah, not my finest moment.
Are you sure? Have you got people around if you need to talk about anything?
Yes, don’t worry :)
Ok. Take care, yeah?
I will! You too.
Estera pressed send and reached out to steady herself as her head spun. She missed, grasped thin air and staggered sideways into the shelves of stationery, cringing as a monsoon of crayons, pencil sharpeners and boxes of junk modelling materials clattered to the floor. Well wasn’t that just what she deserved for hiding in a cupboard and sneaking a look at her messages during the school day? Why had she done that? So unprofessional.
The buzz of chatter outside stopped abruptly and Astra poked a curious head round the cupboard door
“Are you ok, Miss?
“Oh yes, of course - I just knocked a box with my elbow and that knocked into another box which knocked another one… and whoops! Never mind I’ll clear it up.”
“Can we help?”
“Thank you that’s a good idea. Little disasters are often easier to fix if you have help aren’t they?”
“Teamwork makes the dream work Miss!”
Estera nudged the door fully open and pushed the piles of craft devastation out into the classroom and several children leapt into action to return everything to its correct box. She leant heavily on the door frame and looked up to see the narrowed eyes of her classroom assistant. He was apparently not fooled and raised an eyebrow before inclining his head towards the classroom door. She smiled gratefully and accepted the offer of an opportunity to take a brief break, making it to the corridor before the tears fell. Dizzy again, she slumped against the wall just as the headteacher walked around the corner.
Hey, you doing ok? S
Hi Scott, yes all good here. How are you getting on?
I’m good, thanks. Pretty late night for you?
Oh! Yes I guess it is. I couldn’t sleep so watched a film but I’d better get myself to bed - busy day tomorrow!
Ok sleep well, take care
And you.
Sitting rigidly on the park bench outside the GP surgery, Estera frowned at the contents of the paper bag she had clutched in her hand. Sleeping pills and a generic SSRI to take while she crept up the waiting list for some kind of talking therapy. Signed off for 3 weeks. Fine. Predictable.
Not as if she hadn’t known what the outcome would be. But her boss had been very firm about her booking the appointment. She’d hoped to fob off the friendly but ever so young-looking doctor with it just being nightmares about the cave in but of course her medical records were right there and Dr Honestly-How-Was-She-Old-Enough-To-Have-a-Degree skipped straight to the point and made a referral for suspected PTSD recurrence. It was likely to be 12 weeks wait to see anyone though. So in the meantime Estera’s job was to not die from sleep deprivation.
Or guilt.
She sighed, not sure she could she even bring herself to take these. She knew the human body needed to sleep but the terror of being trapped in a drugged stupor where the nightmares could torment her without even the safety net of startling herself awake… her hand shook. Then her pocket buzzed.
I finally ordered some running shoes from that shop you recommended and you aren’t wrong - it IS like running on a cloud! 🥰 S
Hi Scott, glad to hear it! Mine have lasted ages as well. Good value.
I’ll probably destroy them in weeks. I have… form.
Ha, I can imagine.
How are you doing Estera? Isn’t it school time for you? Hope I’m not distracting you from my little buddies?
Ah no, I have the day off today.
I’d better get on with doing something constructive with it. Bez probably has some ideas! Nice to hear from you, enjoy the shoes!
Hey, how’s tricks? S
Hi, I saw you on the news - it’s brilliant what TI is doing for those schools! Estera
Hey :) Ah, can’t take much credit, this is Alan and John’s pet project.
Well you explained it very well on camera.
I’m glad you think so, I thought I was unbearably awkward!!
It didn’t show.
How are things with you?
Keeping busy!
How about you?
Much better thanks to you
I mean ‘much better, thank you!’
Sorry, autocorrect thinks it’s clever.
Still get some off-days, you know how it is, but I’m back in the air and doing my job again which is good.
That’s really good to hear, I’m glad for you. And for all the people needing rescuing too!
Speaking of which… I have to go. Look after yourself, alright?
Will do.
Be careful!
Later that evening Scott nursed a long-cold cup of coffee while flicking back and forth through the last month of messages with Estera. There hadn’t been many, just little exchanges every so often when he tried to check in on her. Something felt… off. She was dodging the question every time. Her over-cheery assurances felt uncomfortably familiar.
What if she wasn’t fine?
Patricia had warned him he needed to be careful not to let himself feel responsible for Estera’s welfare, that his lingering sense of failure from before would mean it was easy to overcompensate now, a decade later.
But… how could he not? He pondered her apparent faint in the cave, the more he thought about it the more convinced he was that she too experienced the kind of flashbacks she’d so calmly helped him through. He knew he’d never have made it through without the support of his family, even when he’d spent all his energy trying to push them away and deal with things alone, they’d always caught him as he fell. Scott suspected she was pretty much alone. What if she didn’t have anyone to catch her?
But why would she talk to him? He was little more than a stranger to her even if he felt as if she’d been alongside him for years. Even though he’d felt as if she was the first person ever to really understand there was no guarantee she thought the same. Perhaps he’d been too pushy with all the messages? Was he somehow smother-henning someone from the opposite side of the planet? He paced anxiously.
A reminder popped up in his TI email account. Oh joy, two days of meetings in London next week. He stifled a groan then paused. Maybe he could make the trip more worthwhile? Asking wouldn’t hurt. And if she wasn’t keen then at least he’d know he’d tried his best and could leave it at that.
Hey, I’m up your way for a meeting next week. Maybe we could catch up? S
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whysojiminimnida · 2 years
Hi, you mentioned Jimin's shoulder and neck pains being the result of dancing trauma in one of your posts. I feel really sad for him, he's so young and he's had those pains for years ((( I thought as a dancer you might know so can you please tell anything about the type of condition he has? Is this trauma typical for dancers? Is he in pain all the time (JK seems to be giving him a lot of massages, so...) or only when he overworks himself? Is it even ok to dance like he does with such trauma, can he hurt himself more? Can it be, I dunno, fixed/cured somehow? Sorry if my questions are stupid, I don't really know much about dancing muscle traumas. I also don't remember other guys getting this kind of professional dancing traumas (or maybe I missed that info?) so even though I looooove Jimin dance, his style looks unique to me, I kinda hate contemporary a little bit coz it's so not fair that Jimin has pains because of it (silly, yeah, but still))).
Hi anon, My experience with dance injuries is that if you dance enough, it doesn't matter what style you dance. You're getting hurt at some point and you are living with chronic pain. I guarantee you that Hobi's knees and ankles give him HELL sometimes. Jimin's upper back and neck issues are a direct result of his technique and training - and you are right. Overwork makes those chronic conditions worse.
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In which Jungkook is doing it right and Jin is... not but he's cute
Jimin's thoracic and neck issues - which is partly where the shoulder pain comes from - may actually have started during his martial arts training. I have another post about his and Jungkook's martial arts backgrounds and how that affects their dancing in my drafts right now and I hope to have that up today. But it could come from repeated front punches or strikes, or from combat or sword training - especially as sword training involves repeated fast, weighted motion.
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Jimin is right handed and most of his shoulder pain seems to be located under the scapula (shoulder blade) on the right side and just to the right side of his upper thoracic vertebrae. It could have started with Kendo and been aggravated by spotting during turns, which snaps the neck, and by the extreme reaching and stretching required by the choreography he does. He could also end up with left shoulder pain as that side tries to compensate.
Jimin's back and neck are quite flexible, especially for a man. He has worked hard to get it that way and keep it that way. When you see him not moving his torso much during rehearsal, he is preserving functionality so he can really let it go for performance.
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Thing is, Jimin gets OUTSTANDING medical care. Much better than most dancers. This dude has physical therapists ON CALL. He is getting massages. He is getting chiropractic adjustments to keep his spine aligned. He is getting the best care possible to keep him dancing for as long as he wants to dance. I mean Jungkook could probably take up massage therapy and pass the board exams by now:
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So while I suspect that Jimin spends more of his time in pain than any of us would like, we have to also realize that this is his choice. He could retire or quit - he could have done that years ago and been fine financially. He dances now because he loves doing it. It is worth it to him. We are worth it to him. Professional level dancers and athletes learn to live with pain early in life and most of the time it's not terrible. It doesn't keep us from doing what we love. It's part of the price of doing business, basically, and you kinda get used to it.
Plus side he gets this on the regular
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So not to worry, anon. Jimin's life isn't soooo miserable. :)
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damnzawa · 3 years
Hi there! I just found your account and I love you writing! I was wondering if you could do a bakugou x reader fantasy au? Where prince bakugou goes to a small village in his kingdom for a pit stop while on a quest but meets the reader who's a poor butcher's daughter that doesn't know who he is and doesn't really care either but really wants to go on a quest and begs him to let her travel with him in exchange for being a chef. Thank you so much!!💞💕💗 ⁽⁽ଘ( ˊᵕˋ )ଓ⁾⁾┌(★o☆)┘
AUTHOR'S NOTE: Sorry if this took a long time to be published! I went off tumblr for a while due to personal issues but now I'm back! Hope you like this!
WARNINGS: Language LMAO but its Bakugo so what do we expect. Also this is not beta read!
Not everyday you have the privilage to meet the prince. The heir to the kingdom's throne. The second most respected man in the whole entire kingdom.
And not everyday you get to mistake him as a thief either.
Not that you care about his title, really. You believe that all men are created equal, regardless of their social standings, heirarchy and whatnot. Thus, you didn't really care about the prince and the royal family that much to ever know about them. Not even their faces, nor names.
So, it wasn't a surprise that it will cause you your possible demise.
You see, the day started nice. You went out to do some deliveries, met some nice people on the road who bought half of the meat your father had cut, and to top it all off the farmer was kind enough to give you extra rootcrops as a sign of gratitude to you and your father. It was a great day all in all. Until, the knights came.
Along with the explosive prince.
Murmurs began to start as you headed back to your father's stall in the market after a long day of delivery work. Even though you didn't mean to eavesdrop — it was kind of hard not to, considering how their volumes were — you caught the words: arrogant, self-centered, short-tempered. And later you found out those words described the prince.
"He must be a nincompoop then. To get such a reputation from the people in town, he must have done some... questionable things." You said to yourself. Too engrosed in your thoughts, you bumped into a red-headed knight. You bowed immediately while apologizing then excused yourself, you didn't really want to interact with knights today. All you wanted to do was cook a hearty meal for your stubborn father, read a book by the fireplace after a bath, and relax.
But all those plans seem to be quickly washed away when you saw an ash blond quietly steal from your father. You were gonna let it slide, thinking that maybe it was for a good cause.
That is until you realized, the man stole a prime cut.
As if a switch was flicked, you quickly ran towards the direction the man headed to. Spotting him from afar, you ran as fast as you can and knocked the man into the ground, shocking the people around you.
"Give it back." You sternly commanded the man. "Give back the meat you stole from my father."
The man scoffed at your 'accusations' and tried to wiggle his way free but your entire weight placed on top of his back made it hard to do so. "Let me fucking go. I have no idea what the actual fuck you are accusing me of."
"Oh shut it. I saw you with my own two eyes and I am very much sure that their vision is not impaired yet." His futile attempts at escaping now stopped as he tilted his head to see the scoundrel who had the audacity to knock him down and embarrass him infront of townspeople.
Of course it had to be a girl.
"Are you one of my admirers to go such lengths as accusing me of stealing from a commoner?" That comment made your eye twitch because first, you are certainly not an admirer of this prick. Two, you don't even know the guy! Three, who would admire this piece of work? And lastly, your father might be a 'commoner' but he's the best 'commoner' you could ever find! There wouldn't be a slab of ribs or a fine piece of steak on your plates if it weren't for him! And the way this asshole said 'commoner' with such distaste too! What a prick! Who the hell does he think he is?
"My prince!" The same red-headed knight you bumped into earlier shouted from afar. Your eyes widened for a second before turning back to the asshole beneath you who now has a smug grin on his face.
"Miss! Are you alright?" The knight asked while helping you get up. "Did the prince cause you any disturbances? Any problems?" It was your turn to plaster on a smug grin on your face. You saw his own falter which you made you more smug than before.
"Why yes actually, the prince caused me a slight inconvenience." The red-head sighed, taking a quick glance at the prince beside him — who couldn't stand due to pain. "The prince stole a priceless little thing from my father's stall earlier and I'd like for him to return it or better yet, pay for it." The prince was about to retort but the red-head beat him to it.
"I deeply apologize for the prince's action, miss. If it would make you happy and satisfied, I will pay for the items he stole. I will also ask for forgiveness on his behalf." Angry noises came from the prince's (beast) mouth as the red-headed knight did exactly what he told making you raise an eyebrow.
"Why are you doing it for him? Can't he do it himself?" It was amazing to see a knight easily convinced to do something a mere 'commoner' like you demanded, but you concluded that this red-headed fellow wasn't an ordinary knight. He seemed like the type that's fed up with the prince's antics, thus his demeanor towards people is filled with empathy and the usual knightly courage. But your words made him halt, and look at you as if you were from some otherworldly land.
You caught the knight mutter about something manly before the prince interrupted. "Hah?! I'm not gonna apologize to someone lower than me! You extra!" The knight sweat-dropped at the prince's words while you looked at him blankly. Wow, the rumors are true, he is an asshole.
"Well, Your Highness, this extra happened to be the one who cared for the rib who used to be a part of the cow that you stole just now. So, apologize and pay up. I don't care if you're the prince or not. Thievery is a crime, and you just committed it." The crowd begin to whisper, making the prince's eye twitch.
"Fine, you annoying extra! Give her whatever the fuck she wants!" And with that the prince stormed off. Leaving you and the red-haired knight behind. The crowd began to disperse, seeing as the scene just concluded and that the man of the hour was gone.
The knight turned to you once again and bowed. "I'm deeply sorry for my prince's actions. As he caused such an inconvenience and refuses to be accountable for his actions, I shall ensure to provide whatever compensation you need or want — within reason of course." Before you can respond, he introduces himself with a grin. "Ah! How silly of me! Chivalric knight, Kirishima Eijirou at your service."
"I appreciate your efforts, Sir Kirishima, but I just need the payment for the stolen goods." You replied with a smile, but soon your smile faltered. You had wanted to be a chef for so long and travel unknown lands to discover cuisine and cooking techniques you've never heard of before. Perhaps... is this the right time to do it?
You bit your lip as you contemplated. Should you grab this opportunity and run with it?
Seeing your hesitancy, Kirishima waited for your answer. "Actually... I have a request... I was wondering if it's possible?"
"I'm all ears, Miss."
"What is this extra doing here?!" Prince Bakugo exclaimed as he saw your annoying little face within his traveling party. Kirishima sighed as he explained the situation. You would join his party as a chef until you reach the capital where you will be training to be a chef under the great Lunch Rush. Bakugo was about to object when Kirishima shot him a look.
"Fine. But I'm not eating garbage cooked by a commoner!" You rolled your eyes at his demeanor. Are all royals like this?
As if reading your mind, Kirishima responds. "Don't worry. King Masaru and Queen Mitsuki are quite modest and kind."
"Then what happened to him?" You pointed to Bakugo.
"I heard that, you extra!" Fowl language followed that statement making the traveling party sigh. Oh boy, this is gonna be a painful journey.
After that, you said your goodbyes to your father, who was very emotional about the turn of events. "Be good and be brave, my sweet child. And ask for forgiveness from His Highness." Your brows were scrunched in confusion.
"Why must I do that? He was clearly in the wrong!"
"Ah... that slab of meat was a present from me to him. He once helped me round up the cows when his traveling party went by our house yesterday. The slab of priceless meat was a token of appreciation for his kind gesture. So, do apologize for your actions, ok?" The information you just heard astounded you, making you speechless. Guilt pooled in your stomach as you promised your father that you will apologize to the prince. And with a final promise of coming home as a renowned chef, you parted ways.
The journey started rough. The prince refused to eat anything you made at all. His stubbornness knows no bounds and his overall demeanor towards you was not pleasant, which you understood as the scene you caused was a total misunderstanding on your part. The only upside was the traveling party greatly enjoyed your meals, and some even gave you recipes from different places and suggestions of destinations that you'll surely enjoy to explore! Overall, it went smoothly.
That is, until the prince became sick.
The doctors in your traveling party asked you to concoct different meals suited to His Highness, You had to stop at a village in order to ensure Prince Bakugo's speedy recovery. And one day, you were assigned to deliver his meals to him personally.
"Prince Bakugo?" You knocked on the door, and as expected, not a response came from the prince. You sighed and slowly opened the door, cautiously stepping in so you won't wake Bakugo up or spill the contents of the bowl you held.
"Go away, you extra." He grumbled, but his rough voice was replaced with a weak ome due to his illness.
"Look, I know you won't eat my meals but you need to eat. You can't recover from this if your body doesn't have the nutrients it needs to fight back this illness." You huffed. "And... besides, consider this as my way of making up to you."
"What the heck are you talking about?"
"My father told me about it. I'm sorry for mistaking you for a thief. I tried to apologize to you on several occasions but you angrily push me away every time I do. So, I figured this might be the right timing since you know... you aren't your usual aggressive self." You scratched your nape in embarrassment. "Besides, if there's something I learned while traveling with you is that you're a big softie inside. You might act rough and is shard on the edges, you're actually kind-hearted and caring. Uh... anyways. Please make sure to eat your meal, Prince Bakugo."
Before you can exit the room, you heard him say, "Annoying extra." But the usual hostility behind those words wasn't there. You might just be assuming it or imagining it, but those words almost sounded... fond.
With a shake of your head, you left the room.
Later that day, you found the bowl to be empty and outside of his room. Along with it was a note that read, "Don't fucking tell me what to do, you annoying extra."
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katsumiiii · 3 years
Can I request Class 1A Favorite three problem children and their thicc black s/o and she catches a whole attitude because they wouldn’t buy her anything, so she starts rapping along loud as hell to Cardi B’s new song and they overhear the line “Broke boys don’t deserve no pussy, (I know that’s right)”
hiii! omg you’re like my first request...when you said problem children I’m assuming you’re talking about Katsuki, Kiri, and Denki, but plz let me know if I was incorrect! but anyways I hope you enjoy these headcanons💗.
Katsuki Bakugou x fem! black reader
Eijirou Kirishima x fem! black reader
Denki Kaminari x fem! black reader
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Katsuki Bakugou
now baby bakugou SPOILS THE SHIT OUT OF YOU
even if you don’t want him to
“baby you don’t have to get me that.”
“shut the fuck up and take it.”
very aggressive with it too
so you were very much surprised when he wouldn’t get you your favorite ice cream
“baby can I please get some ice cream 🥺.”
“fuck no, what tf do you need ice cream for ?”
“um...to eat.”
“eat air.”
you’re confused af
bc Bakugou always buys you everything you want
sooo why he was acting up, you don’t know
all yk is you’re not backing down without a fight
so when y’all go into the car
you quickly connect your Bluetooth
“don’t play any trash ass music Y/N.”
“shut up asshole.”
he’s looking at you like “🤨”
but he knows you’re cranky so he lets it slide
you being the petty queen you are, decides to play “Up” by Cardi B
now it’s not nothing new to him
he’s used to you playing shit like this
but when you look directly at him, your eyes glaring at him intensely
and suddenly open your mouth to scream to lyrics:
he’s looking around trying to figure out who the fuck you’re talking to
“you talking to me?”
“who else? your broke ass didn’t want to get me my damn ice cream.”
he scoffs, rolling his eyes in annoyance
and turns around to go back to the store
“fine, I’ll fucking get you your shitty ice cream.”
“thank you baby.”
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Eijirou Kirishima
this bby will do anything and everything for you
if you want it he’ll get it
“baby, can I get some sour patch kids?
“of course babe!! it would be manly if I didn’t!”
“kiri can I get some Zaxbys?”
“yeah, let’s go now!”
shit you could ask him to buy the whole country and if he could he would
but today he was not having it
he actually convinced you to work out with him
and after that torture you decided that you wanted a reward
“baby, can we get some Popeyes?”
“no babe, we just worked out! that kinda defeats the purpose of working out!”
you’re looking at him like “wtf”
definitely confused as to why your cinnamon roll said no to you
so you put on your best puppy dog eyes
begging him bc you’re hungry af
“baby nooo, come on let’s go get Subway instead.”
yeah no, he absolutely tried it
so you trot your thicc ass to the car
plopping angrily in the seat
snatching out your phone and hurriedly connecting to the Bluetooth
“what song is this babe?”
you don’t answer him, just continuing to hum along to the song
he pouts, knowing that you’re angry at him
finally it gets to the part you were waiting for
“broke boys don’t deserve no pussy! I KNOW THATS RIGHT!!”
kirishima can’t help but feel like that statement was directed towards him
“baby? was that meant for me?”
again you don’t answer
he sighs and turns the car around towards the direction of the Popeyes
“fineeee, but only bc it’s not manly to deny your lady.”
Tumblr media
Denki Kaminari
ok so he’s literally broke
like deadass broke
like no money no where broke
like AT ALL
ok now that I got my point across
he’s the one who begs YOU to buy him shit
“hey Y/N can you get me some sour candy??”
“you don’t have a dollar ?”
“well! no need to be snobby about it.”
yeah it’s actually annoying af
but you buy him shit anyways bc you love him
n e ways
so it’s your birthday and you’re scrolling online for some clothes on fashion nova
and denki has been bragging recently about his new sum of income
“yeah my grandma gave me like $200 dollars babe!”
“wow you finally have money, pop off ig.”
so you decided that it was time your baby compensated you for all of your hard work
“hey babe, you remember all those times I bought you shit?”
“uh yeah, why?”
“annndddd do you remember that it’s my birthday today?”
“yeah! happy birthday babe!”
“yeah yeah thanks, anyways I would like to be paid for my services.”
this asshole is gonna look at you like you’re crazy
then he’s gonna have the AUDACITY to laugh at you
“tf is so funny?”
“no way babe! I love you and all, but I was actually planning to buy this new game and play it with Sero! sorry!”
yeah no
that’s not gonna cut it
so the next couple of days you ignore his scrawny ass
watching him squirm as you do
then for the cherry on top, when he’s asleep you decide to get his ass back for his tomfoolery
you grab a speaker and your phone
walking to his room with both items
you then place the speaker outside of his door
and start blasting Cardi B
he slams his door open, his hair ruffled and eyes widened
he looks at your angry expression and grumbles, pulling you into his room
“I guess I can buy that special edition video game some other time.”
“that’s what tf I thought.”
taglist: @mypimpademia @myhoodacademia @blackweebtrash @sisifromthed @notfiveweenieskids @her-majesty-kiara @moxie-elle @angiebug101 @lilsparkyswife
— let me know if you want to be added to the taglist! also let me know if I missed anyone who wished to be added!
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startanewdream · 3 years
The first night (of the rest of my life)
The best part of writing stories in a Jily Lives AU is the possibility of making things better for everyone. For Harry, it's the support of his parents. For Sirius, it meant no guilt and no years at Azkaban. And for Remus, this is what I imagine it could mean.
Happy birthday, Moony.
Read on AO3 or below the cut:
'And then, I swear I am not making this up, she smiled and told me it was about time I called her by her first name'.
Remus raises his eyebrows teasingly.
'I could believe the second part, but the smile?'
'I solemnly swear', James assures him, busy with washing the dishes from Harry’s dinner. 'It only took me seven years after graduation, but now Minerva and I are on a first-name basis’.
Remus laughs.
'You seem even more satisfied than when Lily first called you James'.
'Watch out', Sirius says, entering the kitchen after tucking Harry in for the night. 'Or the next we know he will be writing “JP and MM forever” in his notebooks too'.
James flushes.
'You are just jealous that she is still Professor McGonagall to you', he says smugly. 
'And you are too boastful for someone who sees her once a month again', Sirius replies. 'It seems you are still in detention after all these years'.
'Nah, this time she seems actually happy to see me. I even dare to say she is proud of me'.
'What I said? Lily better watch out for you two'.
'Speaking of Lily', Remus pops in, distracted. 'Where is she?'
There is a moment of silence and he raises his eyes to find James and Sirius exchanging a strange look.
'She is still on her work', answers James, his voice carefully light.
Remus frowns.
'It's eight already - I thought she would dine with us'.
'She has been doing some overtime, nothing to worry', James says, shrugging and raising to get them more drinks, though Remus has the distinct feeling he is just trying to get away.
That is Prongs. Whenever he needs to hide something from his friends, he runs as if he is afraid he will admit something under pressure.
It is probably unrelated but Remus suddenly remembers when his friends decided to become animagi and how James had suffered keeping it from him until they finally told him.
The expression of guilt on his face is the same.
'Well, we can have a gentleman's night', Sirius says, his voice loud and excited - just as he acts when he is trying to compensate for something.
Sometimes Remus knows his friends too well.
'Yes, because it's not like tomorrow night is full moon', he notes, raising his brows, looking curious from one to another.
Neither answers. Remus tries to remember the last time he saw Lily; she had been weirdly absent in the last months, and the few times he had met her she'd looked distraught, as if she hadn't been sleeping much.
And there was the day after the last full moon when Remus had woken up in that cabin in the woods to find Lily tending to him, her eyes red from crying as she applied a healing potion to his injuries for the night.
Remus had looked at the cuts in his arms, thinking it was strange she looked so upset with them - there were only the usual cuts that the werewolf had done to himself at some point, not worse than any he had before.
'Lily?', he'd asked, worried, and she raised her green eyes to him.
'I am so sorry, Remus', she sniffed, tears dropping from her eyes. 'I'm working on it as fast as I can, I swear…'
Remus had no idea what she was talking about but he hugged her, trying to comfort her, until she calmed herself and dried her eyes.
'Sorry', she said, trying to smile bravely at him. 'I am just sensible today'.
'I got that time of the month too', he said playfully and Lily had let out a reluctant laugh.
But that had been one of the last interactions they had. Any time Remus had come to dinner Lily was not around, returning only late in the night, and even on the weekends, she had been on her work.
'Belby has been that hard on her?', Remus asks, trying to make some sense.
'Lily is hard on herself', James answers, with a sigh. 
'Is everything ok…?'
'Yeah, just my workaholic wife'.
'Let's talk about more pressing matters', Sirius cuts in, offering Remus a glass of wine. 'Your birthday party, this Sunday. What do you wanna do?'
Remus shrugs. 
'Nothing, really. Just a cake will be fine'.
'Chocolate cake?', James asks knowingly, just as Sirius shakes his head, indignant.
'No, big party! Think chocolate fountain! Giant balloons! Nice people that I could introduce you to from work!'
Remus smiles.
'You are only thinking of things to entertain yourself'.
'The balloons are for Harry', Sirius notes, winking. 'And the guests - I would never date someone from work!'
'As if that could stop you', Remus mocks. Then he grimaces. 'My birthday is only two days after the full moon, I will be too tired'.
Again, Sirius and James exchange that suspicious look.
'Maybe a small party then, but we can call some people. It's a date to celebrate, Moony', James says amicably.
'It's just -'
'And Harry loves birthday parties', James adds, grinning at Remus when he shakes his head in defeat.
Using Harry against him is very low, they all know. All three would do anything to make Harry happy.
Well, Remus thinks, Harry will really love the balloons.
'Fine', he agrees, making James and Sirius beam. 'But a small feast. I am not ready for another mess like that Sirius' birthday party'.
'My 24th deserved 24 hours of party', Sirius replies without any shame, and Remus has to smirk at the remembrance of taking Sirius to the hospital after the last hour of his party.
It had been a nice day - all 24 hours of it, even if Remus only lasted the first twelve hours.
Remus stays in James' house for the night, since he will have to be there the next night for the transformation anyway.
They go to sleep late, almost midnight, but Remus doesn't hear Lily coming home. And when he wakes up the next morning - always early because he can never oversleep -, Lily is already gone, only her cup of tea on the table indicating she was even there.
'James', Remus calls, when his friend enters the kitchen yawning, bringing an excited Harry that runs to hug Remus. 'What's going on with Lily?'
'I told you, Moony -'
'Mama is working!', Harry cries happily. 'Biiiiig project'.
His eyes are open and round, as if Harry is sharing a secret.
'What project?'
'It's for helping people! Mama says she will be back when she finishes and every night she comes to see me and kiss me even if I am sleeping! I miss her but it's for help so she says she has to do it!'
'Calm down, Harry', James asks, grinning at Harry without looking at Remus. 'Eat your breakfast - no chewing with your mouth open'.
'Sirius do it'.
'Yeah, but Uncle Moony doesn't, and who do you think is a better role model?'
Harry giggles.
'I have some errands to do today, Moony, could you watch over Harry for me?'
Remus nods.
'Yeah, but… what's this project?'
'Just something that's been driving Lily eager to finish it'.
'Oh. Okay, but… she shouldn't stress herself so much - I didn't even hear she coming home last night -'
'I know', James interrupts him, a line of worry on his forehead as if he is in a conflict. 'But - it's for a good cause and… she knows what she is doing'.
He doesn't seem like he wants to talk about it, so Remus just frowns to himself and goes to share breakfast with Harry, hoping everything is alright with Lily - and between her and James.
He spends the day together with Harry, with Remus mostly trying to keep up with Harry's energy - that kid is truly James' son because Harry seems to think any time he is not running or playing is a waste of time. Usually, Remus could deal with it just fine, but the proximity of the full moon night always makes him feel exhausted, as if anticipating how he will be worn out the next day.
In the afternoon, Harry seems to notice he is down because he puts down his figure toys to look at Remus.
'Are you ok, Uncle Moony?’, he asks, worried, looking very much like his mother when he is frowning.
‘Yes, yes, Harry. Continue your story - so the stag went with the dog to the lake, then what?’
‘They are waiting for the wolf’, Harry shrugs, pointing to the tiny wolf toy in Remus’s hand. ‘But you look tired… do you want to nap?’
‘No, I’m awake’.
‘Is it because of your flu?’
Remus sighs, nodding without saying anything. They never really explained to Harry what exactly was Remus’ condition, though Remus knows that Harry will soon be old enough to understand. They just told him Remus was sick every month and at some point, Harry had started talking about it as “the flu”, something no one had corrected him.
They all agree it is Remus’ call when to talk about it and Remus knows he is the one postponing. It's not that he doubts that James and Lily could explain it to Harry in a way that he could understand - it's just an irrational fear that this boy, who considers him his uncle, who is always so eager to hug him and treat him normally, may look differently at him if he knows what Remus is.
It would break his heart.
'We can do other things', Harry says brightly, picking up his toys to store them. 'We can read!'
Harry chooses a book that he seems to know by heart, speaking even before Remus can read it out loud to him. Harry is lying with the head on his lap, allowing Remus to mess with his dark hair the way Harry loves to copy his father, while he reads the story, and Remus just feels happy.
'You and dad will be on an adventure tonight?', Harry asks at some point in the story, as the hero is leaving for his quest with the help of his friend.
'We will. And Sirius too'.
'I wish I could go', Harry says in a lamented voice. 'But Mum tells me it is in the woods and I can't go there'.
Remus has a sudden vision of Harry - little bright Harry, not even five yet, going alone in the woods while he is transformed - a moment of distraction for James and Sirius and then the werewolf, always hungry for humans, would lose it…
'NO!', he screams, making Harry jump, suddenly afraid. 'You can never go into the woods when we are there, Harry, promise this!'.
Harry is pale, his lips trembling, but he nods. Remus feels his heart calming down slowly, just as reason comes back to him. James always puts spells around the house to make sure Harry won't leave, knowing the danger it would represent; he is careful that nothing will happen to Harry or Lily.
Remus takes a deep breath.
'I am sorry for yelling, Harry', he says, offering his hands in peace and Harry comes back to him, trusting as always. 'I was just scared. It's dangerous out there'.
'You go there', he whispers. 'I wanna be brave like Dad'.
'When you become an animal too you can go', he says, smiling, and after a second Harry returns the smile too, picking up the book fallen on the floor.
'Preferably a registered one', they hear a tired voice saying from the door and, when they turn, they see Lily smiling upon them.
'Mama!', Harry cries, running to her, and Lily kneels to allow Harry to hug her. 'I miss you!'
'I missed you too', she says, kissing him in the forehead. 'We will be together more now, okay?’
‘Big project is done?’
‘I sure hope so. Why don't you go upstairs with Sirius for a shower?'
'Can I use your bathtub?'
'You can, but only if Sirius promises not to change into a dog there', she replies, throwing a warning look at Sirius, besides her. He just grins.
'What can I say? It's easy to make the kid bath when he is playing'.
'Last time there was black fur everywhere'.
Sirius shrugs, a playful gleam in his eyes, and he winks at Harry, who runs to his side.
'He will turn into a dog anyway, you know that, right?', Remus asks when they are alone. Lily laughs.
'Yeah, but they both enjoy it more when they think I am forbidding', she says unworriedly, coming to sit next to Remus. James comes too, staying up, a hand on Lily's shoulder as if in support while the other holds a goblet with a boiling potion.
Remus watches Lily. She looks even wearier than he feels with the full moon hours away, but there is an expression on her face, of satisfaction for a work well-done, that it makes him think, for a moment, that she would have been a great Marauder back in school.
'How you doing, Lils?', he asks. 'You've been overworking as far as -'
'It was for a good cause', Lily interrupts him. 'We were so close to finish it, I couldn't stop'.
'Stop what?'
'This', she says, picking up the goblet on James' hand and offering him. He wrinkles his nose at the smell. 'It's the Wolfsbane Potion'.
'Belby and I have been working on it for years, but in the last months we advanced finally. It took us a lot of time to fix the proportion of aconite without being fatal, and then how to prepare but… it's for helping werewolves'.
Remus feels his mouth dry.
'What do you mean?', he asks in a small voice.
Lily's smile is kind.
'We can't cure you, but this potion can help you to maintain your thoughts while you are transformed. You won't lose your mind anymore'.
'I - I can be myself?'
'Your wolfish version', James agrees. 'If you take the potion, tonight you can see how much fun Prongs and Padfoot are for yourself'.
Remus blinks, still struggling to understand. Keeping his mind while a werewolf would mean for once not being a danger to anyone, for once being in control, and would mean being as much a participant as Sirius and James instead of… instead of a wild monster.
'I - I don't know what to say -'
'Just promise you won't complain about the taste', Lily quips, winking at him. 'We couldn’t add anything or it could hinder -’
‘I would drink from Snape’s old panties if it meant -’
‘I don’t think it’s that bad’, James says quickly, while Lily rolls her eyes. Remus gives a nervous laugh.
‘I really can’t thank you enough - it means so much to -’
‘You deserve some peace, Remus’, Lily assures him. ‘Not only you, but everyone that faces the same condition. I’ve talked to Belby - we want to make sure this potion is available for every werewolf in the country’.
‘This - it could make a difference -'
'It's what we hope for', James says. 'Maybe even sponsor an institute for it - we know how most hide their condition, so there is much work to do -'
'But that's a work in progress. For now, Remus, just drink so it will work for tonight - for the next month you will have to drink everyday on the week before the full moon, but -'
He doesn't expect her to finish, drinking the potion in one long gulp. Lily was right; the taste is really horrible, but he doesn't mind. All he can taste is the freedom of fears of being a werewolf.
'Thank you', he whispers, looking at Lily, feeling very much like the time he found out his friends were becoming animagi for him. 'Thank you so much'.
'Happy early birthday, Remus', she says kissing him on the cheek.
The transformation is painful as always as if his body is fighting itself to not become a wolf - it's nothing like the smooth transformations of James and Sirius, whose animal versions seem to be just an extension of who they are.
But for once Remus doesn't lose track in the middle of the pain, doesn't feel his mind hiding to that safe dark spot on his brain where it always takes refuge in full moon nights while the wolf dominates his body.
Instead, he remains watching everything and when the pain finally fades away, when his human cries turn into a howl, he sees all the differences for the first time. He sees how he is on fours now, his body much bigger and stronger, with a soft grey fur covering it; he is warm, even though he can feel the cold wind trembling softly his fur. He can see even differently, the wolf vision the same as if it were during the day, only the colours a little off. There are also so many scents and sounds, much more than he knows he could comprehend with his normal human senses.
It's a little overwhelming, but exciting too. This must be what James and Sirius always commented about being an animal, why they were so addicted to being this other version of themselves.
And speaking of them, Remus hears the soft sound of steps on leaves and he turns almost without thinking, just reacting to some instinct of self-defence.
The stag and the dog walk calmly, side by side, and then he calms down; he recognizes his friends, and for the first time Remus truly appreciates the sight of his two best friends, how majestic the stag is and how wild the dog looks. No wonder the werewolf learned to respect them.
But Remus doesn't need to respect them. He can just love them.
He jumps on them, playing, but both animals must have too much practice, so they just let Remus land in the middle of them, circling him as if Remus is the prey instead of the hunter. It's a play, a silly game of tag that ends with the dog fondly biting his neck in winning, but Remus doesn't mind losing.
He is winning much more and he knows it.
They show him the woods, indicating their favourite spots - a hot spring water that comes out of the stones forming a nice small lake for relaxing, a big meadow where the stag lays down lazily under the moonlight, a place full of rabbits hole that the dog enjoys hunting.
Then they return to the cabin in the woods just as the moon is setting and Remus mopes, for the first time, that this full moon night was strangely short. It always seemed longer when he lost consciousness.
But this time there is no change, no sudden waking up with fear as he turns back into his human self, and then, as it happened a hundred times before, James and Sirius are there helping him put back his clothes and lifting him to the bedroom so he can rest.
His body hurts from the transformation, though Remus knows that, for once, he is not injured in any way. But the best part is having his mind perfectly well, healed, knowing for sure that he didn't hurt anyone tonight.
He feels the tiredness winning when he stares at his two best friends.
'Thank you', he whispers, thinking it's not for tonight he is grateful for, but for the last ten years of company on full moon nights - and even more years of friendship.
The words can't leave his mouth, but they nod, their smiling faces coming out of focus as Remus' eyelids finally close, and his last coherent thought is that, for the first time, Prongs, Padfoot and Moony truly rode together.
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tallstars-rewrite · 3 years
Chapter 47
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Heatherstar had given him permission to speak at the meeting, and told him what to be discreet about. Talltail wasn’t confident whether Cedarstar would accept his word, but maybe if Ratfang had managed to convince him of her own suspicions, there was a better chance. The large patrol cautiously approached the shadowy treeline before the Thunderpath. Talltail smelled them before he saw anything under the now thickly dark cover of night. They were indeed a patrol large enough to be a threat, lined up in front of the Thunderpath tunnel, and who knew how many more were hidden.
Cedarstar stepped forward, only his pale white belly fur and glinting yellow eyes visible in the shadows.
“I hope this will be brief,” he said in a gravelly voice. “Our situation seems simple from my end. The cleanest solution is ShadowClan will forgive and forget everything in exchange for extra territory rights as compensation.“
Heathertstar growled deep in her throat. Talltail’s flinched, feeling his confidence already slipping away. That’s not a great start to fair negotiations at all.
“Do not propose such an insulting thing as reasonable when you know very well it’s not. And I can tell you once more, my clan has done nothing to warrant your behavior this past season.” her neck fur flattened ever so slightly “If you proposed this meeting to actually give reason a chance, then I will tell you that I suspect I know why this has happened.”
“I’m always ready to listen to reason.” Cedarstar said coolly.
Talltail took a small step forward to explain what he had discovered, as Heatherstar allowed him. The deputy Stonetooth sat beside his leader, and Talltail felt his narrowed glare through his scarred and squinted eye.
“I have found evidence cats purposely disguised scents to make WindClan and ShadowClan suspect each other of trespassing and insult. There were...cats working outside the warrior code trying to pit our clans against each other for their own gain.”
Heatherstar told him it was for the best for him not to directly accuse ShadowClan cats of pushing the rogue’s actions, and remain vague about the culprits at first. Their loyalty and desire to save face may be too strong. She would bring it up herself if necessary.
“It wouldn’t be completely unheard of for other cats to want us to weaken each other before the harsh season starts.” A ShadowClan warrior muttered after several silent heart-beats.
 Talltail bit his tongue, wishing he could accuse Darkpaw by name.
 Cedarstar paused as if considering his thoughts, but he looked, strangely, not fully surprised. Talltail wondered if he already knew his young warriors were working behind his back or not. Would he deny it? Talltail really was risking a lot on Ratfang’s assurance that Cedarstar didn’t truly want this fight. Either way, he certainly wouldn't want to look like he was backing off too easily after coming this far.
Stonetooth growled. “Why would we take the word of a deserter? Are you not a rogue yourself?” 
“If this was a rogue, I would not have brought him, nor would I have let him speak.” Heatherstar said firmly. Talltail knew she was saving face in front of ShadowClan, but the defense warmed him all the same. 
“‘I left my clan to pursue the rogues that I thought had wronged us. That’s how I found out.” Talltail said. That was at least true enough 
“Even so, this doesn’t change the fact that WindClan broke clan law in the first place by hiring rogue mercenaries,” Stonetooth shot back.
Heatherstar glared back steadily. “We did no such thing. We had a peaceful private arrangement with a small band of loners whom we only offered medicine to, until you provoked them unjustly. Between us, I have been given information that suggests it seems you were the only one that sought their help for means of war. We know ShadowClan tried to explore our tunneling system, it is too late to deny that. One of my warriors was killed because of it.”
 “And one of ours is permanently injured from it.” Cedarstar spat. “We sought information from a rogue we reasonably assumed had ill intent. There’s no cause within clan law to have outsiders living on clan territory after all. But we did not make him attack.”
 “Perhaps not directly. And yet, the rogue could only have gone so far to set us at each other's throats with help from inside. Seeking to provoke an attack could easily be seen as ‘usage in times of war,’ could it not?”
Talltail held his breath while Cedarstar glared for a long tense moment, his lip curling slightly. “I have not confirmed any clan cats from my end acting on their own in this way, but I do know for certain that one of yours did! If he is WindClan again as you claim, then you are responsible for his past actions when some time ago, your runaway was caught trespassing and nearly half-blinded my deputy, and could have done much worse! That alone could be grounds for us to retaliate.” 
Stonetooth had not lost his eye after all, but it was perhaps not as good as it had once been. Talltail felt hot with shame and Heatherstar bristled furiously. Unfortunately, it was true. He’d almost forgotten about his furious desperate attack on the deputy when he accidentally crossed him and Raggedpelt. Talltail was going to pay for his rashness. Of course ShadowClan would use that to deflect the accusation.
Stonetooth was bristling beside his leader. “Yes, you have no business insulting our honor when we have only ever responded to threats. Any blood spilled will be justified, and we are within our rights to defend ourselves here and now when a warrior violently invades. What's more, you clearly were making plans to invade further through unprecedented means. These tunnels you have been hiding were meant for that, will you deny that claim?” Stonetooth looked like he would have gone on, but Cedarstar raised a tail to silence him.
Heatherstar did not step back. “ShadowClan began this by trying to push boundary lines without need or cause. That particular tunneling project never reached your territory and it never will. As your unwarranted trespassing discovered.” 
“I still think we are taking a lot on the word of a deserter.” Stonetooth glared daggers at Talltail. “How do we really know that all the stolen prey with WindClan scent markings on our land was because of this rogue you speak of? We had reports from several cats who say they saw WindClan with their own eyes.”
To Talltail’s surprise, a small ShadowClan apprentice made a barely audible squeaking sound. She looked afraid when eyes turned to her. She surely wasn’t supposed to be in this meeting. “Sorry...I-I was one of the ones who reported those signs, But...but it's possible we...misunderstood them. It could have been a rogue and not WindClan after all now that I think of it. We...We never saw them up close, it was a skinny cat after all.”
 Talltail recognized Tanglepaw, the apprentice he’d help save from the fox. He willed her to tell the truth about Darkpaw so he could back it up, but she didn’t continue. In ShadowClan’s warrior patrol present for the talk, he caught sight of Ashheart, who stiffened and glared daggers at the back of the apprentice.
Cedarstar shifted uncomfortably, his tail lashing at the interruption. His eyes flicked to Ashheart. “Do you think that as well?”
One apprentice's word was only so good. Ashheart looked at Talltail, then down at her paws and only said, “I’m...not sure, now that I think of it. We didn’t get a good enough look.”
What, is she afraid of telling the full truth!? Talltail thought furiously. He wondered if Tanglepaw was going to take the fall all by herself to prevent the scheme Darkpaw had set up. Darkpaw can get away with a lot, Ratfang had said. It wasn’t fair, but it was better than saying nothing at all. Talltail couldn’t be the one to convince them of treachery within their clan.
“The bottom line is, we can’t give that cat what they want,” Talltail said loudly. All eyes turned to him, and he hoped Heatherstar would forgive his boldness. “I know I acted wrongly, I accidentally crossed your territory alone and had no grounds to attack, and I intend to atone for it however I can. Likewise, whoever has tried to set us up, they shouldn’t be rewarded for seeking bloodshed. Isn’t that reasonable to agree on? Do we let cats who don’t obey the warrior code guide our claws?” 
Talltail met the ShadowClan leader's eyes steadily. He could deny everything, Talltail didn’t have physical proof for his claims after all. But he saw in the old leader's gaze that Cedarstar did know he was telling the truth. And Talltail hoped his narrowed gaze suggested that he knew exactly what had happened with ShadowClan’s rebellious young cats, even if Cedarstar didn’t want to admit it here.  The leader glared at him, but he seemed uncomfortable. Talltail had been through too much these past moons to flinch away. You must see now your medicine cat's suspicions have merit. You know you aren’t in the right to push this invasion any further. Maybe it was wishful thinking, but Cedarstar was still a clan leader, and for all the dreadful tales of ShadowClan there must be some hope that a sense of honor would shine through. If only he would allow that. Talltail looked to Heatherstar, desperate for her to be willing to give him an out to back off with his pride intact. Cedarstar was hesitant, his ears back. Perhaps all the two leaders needed was an opportunity to back away on equal terms. He didn’t think it was fair that his lashing out at Stonetooth was treated as an equal wrong to purposely trying to spiral their clans in a bloody war, but he was willing to take that hit if it would lead to a better outcome. Every cat present was rigid waiting for the leaders to speak, and Talltail swore he could feel the tension wafting off of the larger patrols of battle-ready warriors hiding somewhere out of sight on either side of the woodland strip.
 But right when he thought maybe, just maybe, things could be ok after all, he heard a caterwaul from further down ranks. Everyone bristled. Someone attacked, and he had no idea who it was. The tension in the air was so thick, anything could have set a cat off.
Heatherstar hissed “You gave the signal, didn’t you? I knew this talk was a pointless distraction!”
“I did no such thing!” Cedarstar spat.
Talltail’s stomach dropped, he didn’t hear the rest of their argument as a loud yowl split the air. He’d been too hopeful. The insults were real even if their cause was false. In the dark, he saw several cats chasing each other through the trees, Stonetooth was on his paws running down the line after them, snarling that he’d sort it out himself. From the hidden lines, Talltail saw a sleek brown shape start after the deputy, as Shrewclaw needed no further motive to take off. 
Talltail had no choice but to take off after the sprinting shape of Shrewclaw before he ruined everything, calling for him to wait while Heatherstar and Cedarstar snarled behind him. In the dark of night, Talltail saw feline shapes bristling in the undergrowth. He couldn’t see who they were, split off members of the battle patrols waiting and watching. Had some cats gotten too close to each other and lashed out? He heard confused snarling, saw flashing teeth, half-crouched warriors fox-lengths apart with eyes darting around in confusion. No one had been called to attack officially, and they were unsure of what to do. It was impossible to tell which side the yowling came from, or if a real fight had started or not.
A dark cat was tusseling over Hareflight, who was snapping at the little shape on his back. Hareflight would never have broken rank, this cat was just attacking on their own. Stonetooth barreled into the battle and they broke apart, but Stonetooth, still bristling and snarling, swiped at Hareflight’s whiskers as the senior warrior tried to back away. Talltail realized he’d lost sight of Shrewclaw until the furious tom was barreling past him. That swipe from Stonetooth was all the signal he needed. 
“Stop!” Talltail gasped, but Shrewclaw wasn’t listening, and had piled into the wiry gray warrior before the word had left his mouth.
Stonetooth kicked away from Shrewclaw. “I knew you lot couldn’t be trusted!” he snarled, spitting blood from a cut on his lip. Talltail tried to explain, but Stonetooth was lunging at him before he could open his jaws. Shrewclaw was ready before Talltail was. He was latched onto Stonetooth’s chest and knocking him backwards in a heartbeat. 
ShadowClan’s deputy being attacked was sure to catch attention. Talltail barely dodged a lunging ShadowClan warrior, who wheeled about on him again as soon as they landed. I’ve failed, this is all falling apart!
“You have to stop Shrewclaw, Heatherstar didn’t call for this!” he cried out.
If Shrewclaw heard him, he showed no sign of it. He wouldn’t stop until Stonetooth slipped in the dirt, writhing under Shrewclaw’s bite as jaws tore into his neck. Before Talltail could get closer to break them apart, the dark cat that had attacked first knocked him to the ground. It didn’t take long to realize who it was. 
“You're going to pay for ruining this for me!” the cat hissed. 
Darkpaw was going to start a fight whether their leaders wanted to or not, and he wasn’t going to wait around for Tanglepaw or any other cat to risk blaming him by name. He was wild and furious, and clearly had no better plan at all. Now he was just angry. Talltail kicked him back and sent him flying. Talltail was plenty angry too. Stonetooth and Shrewclaw tumbled down a gravely slope out of view, temporarily distracting Darkpaw long enough for Talltail to whack the apprentice and sending him reeling.
Talltail prepared to defend again, but it seemed that some cat else was blocking Darkpaw’s way, one of his lackeys that Talltail didn’t know by name. “Stonetooth looks bad, this isn’t going well, let's just get out of here while we can!” 
Talltail looked around wildly for Shrewclaw and Stonetooth, panic rising with every breath. Chaos had kicked up. Seeing their deputy in battle sent several ShadowClan warriors out of the undergrowth and the ruckus brought WindClan down to meet them. Sliding clumsily down the gravely slope, Talltail saw Stonetooth was up again and tearing at Shrewclaw as he came down. It was vicious and frenzied and there were bloody wounds around their necks. They're going to kill each other, Talltail realized. Shrewclaw was battered, almost swaying and painfully holding up a leg that he seemed to have landed on wrong, and blood ran down his chest. Any warrior should retreat in that state,  but he was seeing too much red to stay down. As Shrewclaw leaped, Stonetooth twisted around to meet him, red stained teeth barred. Talltail let out a furious yowl and caught Shrewclaw midair before he could come down on Stonetooth’s outstretched claws. Shrewclaw thudded to the ground and Talltail had to pin his foreleg to the ground as Shrewclaw, despite his injuries, tried to wrench himself free. They were outnumbered. If Stonetooth fell, he saw the warriors waiting to tear them apart in retaliation.
“Get--off!” Shrewclaw screeched
“You're going to get yourself killed! There was no call!”
 “I don’t care, I won’t let you take this from me now!” 
Shrewclaw kicked at him and wormed his way around Talltail as Stonetooth took a wobbly step forward. They’d barely met for a moment before Talltail thrust himself between them, wincing at the sting from two pairs of claws at once, but he wouldn’t let Stonetooth get at Shrewclaw again.
Talltail snarled, refusing to flinch away as he knocked Shrewclaw back again. Shrewclaw tried to shove him off but fell short, wheezing, spitting out blood. He was bleeding badly. So was his opponent. Stonetooth tried to scramble away but fell sideways and lay panting on the ground. Talltail stiffened, wondering if he really had been too late. Cedarstar and Heatherstar were finally there, rushing to the source of the clamor, both looking ready to leap into a fight if necessary. But the state of Stonetooth made Cedarstar stumble.
“Enough!” he yowled, his voice echoed around the trees as Cedarstar skidded to a stop over his deputy, who managed to sit upright but still couldn’t quite get to his paws, The leader turned snarling at the WindClan cats. His warriors had frozen, and WindClan hesitated, looking to their own leader, waiting for real instruction. 
In the dark, an angry pair of orange eyes stared wide at the heavily bleeding deputy and ducked away. Darkpaw was of course still watching. Talltail couldn’t help wondering if he was more upset about how much trouble he could get in if their deputy died then he was about the injury itself. Talltail felt his lip curl and he shook with fury, but held his tongue.
Cedarstar’s attention was dragged from his deputy to meet a white molly and a familiar grizzled gray shape. Ratfang and her mentor Sagewhisker were there among ShadowClans ranks.
“You shouldn’t be this far,” Cedarstar hissed quietly.
Their voices were hushed among the continuing warning snarls from warriors of both clans, Talltail could only just barely hear them.
“I came at blood scent. Look at him!” The pale medicine cat gestured to the limp deputy. “Is this sign enough for you? My apprentice was right. This night has been chaotic, cats lashing out without orders. This will never end here. It will burn us out. The signs were already clear to us, and are even more so now. We warned you against this.” Cedarstar gave his medicine cat a long look. He bristled, but the ShadowClan leader did not call for further attack. Please listen to your medicine cat! Talltail willed.
Ratfang stepped closer to place a paw at Stonetooth’s wounds. “Stonetooth was more strongly in favor of this fight then most. Now he may very well die for it.” She glanced at Shrewclaw with a hopeless look that made Talltail’s heart clench up. “This is enough blood, let there be no more. The stars are not shining favorably on this night.”
He gritted his teeth and stood, whipping around to where Heatherstar stood and the rest of ShadowClan was bristling and growling. 
“Do we want to end up no better than ThunderClan and RiverClan? Nearly every gathering, more reports of cats slain over the pile of rocks on their border! We’ve seen the damage it does to them!”
Cedarstar didn’t move, just stood staring at Stonetooth while Ratfang tried to help him.
Heatherstar spoke stiffly “My warrior speaks sense. I don’t want that kind of blood and rivalry to be my legacy as leader. Do you?”
“Damn the woods, then.” He heard the ShadowClan leader rasp. “I’m taking my deputy home.”
 He caught Ratfang’s eye briefly as she followed her clan, trailing Stonetooth’s body between the warriors that carried him. He might make it, but only if they hurried. Her gaze was somber and she only gave him the briefest of nods. It was the best I could do, he thought. 
Talltail didn’t have it in him to look back down at Shrewclaw, hearing his ragged gasps, his claws still tensed and fastened into Talltail’s legs. 
“You shouldn’t have stopped me--” he managed to spit. 
“Too bad.” Talltail spat back through gritted teeth.
 Hareflight had already bounded to his former apprentice's side. “Stars-” the old tom hissed as he pushed his muzzle under Shrewclaw, trying to get him up. Talltail stiffened as he saw Shrewclaw couldn’t stand on his own. Too much blood, was all he could think
The bloody warrior rasped to Hareflight “Sorry for ignoring you. But I’m not sorry enough to regret it.”
“Don’t try to talk right now,” Hareflight said sternly. His stoic voice was weak.
“Of course you're not sorry, you mouse-brain.” Talltail whispered. Of course Shrewclaw would have that resolve. Talltail rushed to help Hareflight, but despair was fighting it’s way up his throat. He’d seen for the first time in moons a glimmer of hope that the two of them could come to better terms after everything. There was a possibility for so many things. Talltail couldn’t have another reconciliation stolen from him. Stonetooth was not more important than that. He had promised Briarface, and he had promised Fallowspring. He couldn’t accept this loss. He wouldn’t. Shrewclaw could spit fury for the rest of their days at Talltail for taking this fight from him, but Talltail hadn’t come back to start breaking promises now.
Shrewclaw, you can’t die like this. I’m not letting you. He willed it, and focused on that will, as if it alone could stop his bleeding. But mere will had never worked for him before. As they limped back carrying Shrewclaw between them, Talltail was preparing himself for that old familiar jolt of pain, of hollowness, that came with loss. He focused all his senses on listening to Shrewclaw’s breathing, tensing with worry that each one would be his last. He didn’t hear Heatherstar’s words to the rest of the patrol, about marking borders, sending scouts to ensure they all left. None of it mattered. Only getting his clanmate home alive mattered. 
A worse battle had been avoided for now, but he knew in his heart it couldn’t last. He would face that pain. He would face hardship. That possibility was always waiting for him here. Briarface was already at their side before his brother was laid down in the medicine den. Talltail remained close by. Whatever pain would come from this, or from future battles, the only thing more painful than that reality of clan life was the thought of being too far away to help.
 After a long, agonizing night of waiting, Hawkehart and Briarface rushing for their supplies, Talltail released a breath as Shrewclaw, bloody and haggard, slowly, opened his eyes and glared deep into Talltail. 
“You know how important this was to me,” he hissed weakly, when no one else was close enough to hear.
 Talltail stared back, impassive. “I do,” he said quietly. “And I will not apologize for not letting you die today. No matter how angry you are for it.” He angrily gestured to Briarface, anxiously sorting cobweb, Fallowspring pushing her way through the crowd with her brother, waiting to see him. “They are more important than Stonetooth. You useless mouse-brain. And you’re going to have to deal with it.”
Shrewclaw said nothing more, but as Briarface leaned over him and Talltail was forced to back out of the den, he saw Shrewclaw let out a weak sigh as his brother paused his clumsy cobweb application long enough to press his forehead against Shrewclaw’s, exasperated and heavy with relief.
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shewillreadyou · 3 years
Me before You: Chapter 2- For Real
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As always. I hope that you enjoy reading as much as I enjoyed writing.
A/N: This is a TRR AU. Liam is already married, but see’s Riley and wants his cake. If the readers are receptive this might turn into more than a mini series.
Disclaimers: Most characters are property of Pixelberry
Warnings: Language, adult content, mild sexual innuendo. 
Word Count: 2458
Catch up: Haven’t met you Yet
Prompts: @theworldofprompts​ 
“Name one thing you regret in life?”  
“Well, for starters, I married you.” will appear in BOLD.
Pairings: Drake & Riley
Song inspiration: For Real- Amel Larrieux
Be Kind: Hit the heart button, leave a comment or reblog. It makes a writer so so happy. 
“I now pronounce you man and wife. You may salute your bride.”
Savannah and her groom shared a modest kiss. 
“It is my pleasure to present to you for the very first time the Duke and Duchess of Ramsford. Bertrand and Savannah Beaumont of Cordonia.”
“Cordonia?” Riley whispered to herself.
“So I’m not crazy. Drake said he is from Cordonia. The Liam look-alike could really be King Liam of Cordonia. The matron of honor could actually be Queen Carsyn. This is insane.” 
Her thoughts raced as she tried to make connections. 
“There will be a cocktail hour in the barn,” an older woman announced.
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The barn was decorated in a rustic theme, Tim McGraw’s, “I like it, I love it” played in the background and there were servers with appetizers everywhere. Quickly, lines formed for the open bars. Mack held on to Riley’s arm as they waited.
“So let me get this straight? The guy you met in New York, was Drake? Drake Walker? Like Savannah’s brother Drake? No fucking way. The world is not that small.”
“Yeah, apparently it is, he is the man I saw at the airport, the guy from the bar, the guy I’ve been texting and now he’s here.”
“Sounds like fate.”
“I don’t know if I believe in fate. More like dumb luck.”
“Miss Riley?” a server interrupts their conversation. 
“For you and your guest.”
He offers a whiskey sour and an old fashion, the signature drink to she and Mack.
“Compliments of Mr. Walker. My name is Caleb, I have been personally assigned to you for the duration of the evening. You don’t need to wait in lines. I can bring you whatever you need to eat or drink.”
“Wow, well thank you Caleb. That’s very thoughtful.” 
She tries to tip Caleb and he refuses. 
“No thank you Ma’am. Mr. Walker has already compensated me handsomely. Please let me know if there is anything else I can get for you.”
The wedding party joins the guests in the barn before the bride and groom have their first dance. Riley watched from her assigned seat wondering who would end up seated next to her. The seat went empty for the first part of the afternoon. 
“That was a beautiful ceremony. You know, I have seen pictures and heard tons of stories about Drake from Savannah, but he has really grown up. He is a hottie.”
“He’s ok.”
“Wow, just ok? Huh? I’m wounded.” he says in a raspy voice. 
Mack and Riley blush furiously.
“Raye. It’s good to see you again.”
“That’s one way of putting it,” she smirked.
“Sorry! Drake, this is Mackenzie, Mack this is Savannah’s brother Drake.”  
“Don’t listen to her. She was definitely pleasantly surprised,” Mack said as she extended her hand for Drake to kiss. 
Riley elbowed Mack and Drake laughed as he shook her hand. 
“Good thing I get the honor of keeping you company tonight. My seat was moved next to yours.”
He smiled and Riley’s heart melted just a little bit more. He leaned over to hug her and she immediately flashed back to their dance on the rooftop. 
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After their first dance, all the guests were invited to the dance floor. “At Last” by Etta James started to play.
“May I have this dance? And please don’t tell me that your feet still hurt.”
She stood, unsure of what to do in the presence of royalty.
“Your Majesty, we have to stop meeting this way. Shouldn’t you be dancing with your Queen?”
Before he could answer, Drake slipped up behind Riley snaking his strong arm around her waist. Pulling her into his embrace.
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“Beat it Li!”
“Miss me yet?” 
“Perfect timing. Small world. You didn’t say that your Mom and sister lived so close to me.”
“I didn’t think it was pertinent information at the time,” he said as he led her in a slow dance. Riley watched Queen Carsyn over Drakes shoulder, as she shot daggers at King Liam. 
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“Is he always like that?”
“Liam? Is he always so tactless?”
“I’m not at liberty to comment,” he chuckles.
“Question asked, question answered.”
“Enough about Liam. Have I mentioned how stunning you look?”
“No, but thanks for the compliment anyway.”
She smiled, getting lost in his eyes as they swayed to the music.  
After sitting and watching Drake and Riley dance and flirt for hours Mack was about ready to go.
“Ri, I’m about ready to head out.”
“Riley reluctantly said her goodbyes to Drake, not knowing when she’d see him again. 
After a short drive back to her place they arrived to see a red Jeep sitting idle in front of her door waiting. Riley looked at Mack and shrugged her shoulders. When she had said goodnight to her friend, she headed to the door. The window of the Jeep lowered, “Hey, could you tell me where to get something good to eat in this neighborhood?” 
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“Drake! What-- how did you know where I lived?”
“Well, that isn’t creepy at all.” 
“I’m hungry and thought you might be hungry too.” 
“So, where to?”
“I don’t know, I have only been here a few weeks.”
“I know a place.”
Drake gets out of the truck and walks around waving at Mack, who is still watching from her car. He opens the door for Riley and grabs her by the waist helping her into the truck.
“Really? Such a gentleman.”
He smiles as he heads back around. Mack lowers her window and says, “I took a picture of your license plates just in case she doesn’t make it back.”
“Thank you. So where are we going?”
“Whataburger. I can’t get that in Cordonia.”
“What the what?”
“You’ll love it, promise and it’s on me. Seat belt.”
“Let me ask you a question?”
“Just one?”
“God no, I have a million questions.”
“Ok, I will try my best to answer them.”
She thinks of what she wants to ask first.
“What did you honestly think when you saw me today?”
“That I am not this lucky.”
A blush crept across her face as she awkwardly shifted in the seat.
“Why do you live in Cordonia if your Mom and Sister are here?”
“Work is there. Besides, I have never had a good reason to come back.”
“I see.”
 Her face betrayed her, she was feeling conflicted and defeated and it showed. They drove along the dark road quietly for a few minutes.
“So, uh, you must do important work in Cordonia for you to stay there instead of here with your family.”
“If you want to know what I do for a living Raye, just ask.”
“You told me not to and I respect your wishes.”
“Well, some would consider it important. My family won’t be here for long, Sav and my nephew are moving to Cordonia this week. I’m the lead for the King’s Guard.”
“You mean you protect Liam?”
“Yeah,” he says as he rubs the back of his neck.
Just then they pulled into the parking lot. The line in the drive thru was long so they headed inside. He held the door open for her and when they stood in front of the counter he stood directly behind her as they both looked up at the menu. He rubbed his hands up and down her arms when he noticed her shiver. 
“Yeah, a little. Also, overwhelmed with this menu. Order for me?”
A mischievous grin crept across his face as he placed his suit coat around her shoulders. 
After an hour of probing conversation, many laughs, and eating a deliciously greasy burger, heavenly fries with as Drake called it “fancy fucking ketchup,” they headed back to her place. 
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“Drake, I’m not ready for tonight to end,” she confessed.
“I know the feeling.”
“Come upstairs with me?”
“Riley Elizabeth Raye! What kind of guy do you think I am?”
“The kind who steals people’s personal information out of wedding guest books.” 
“Besides, I have had these shoes on since this morning. My feet! Anyway, we can watch a movie and chat for a little while.”
“I have been told I give a mean foot massage.”
“Are you offering?”
He licks his lips and bites his lips. Her center twitched.
“Don’t do that.”
“Do what? Why are you looking at me like you want to climb in my lap?
Her cheeks flushed red.
“You wish.”
“Enough about that, let’s talk about our first real date.”
“Who said I wanted to date a guy with no real reason to come to Dallas?”
“Whoa, that was before.”
They headed up to her apartment. He stood so close to her in the elevator that she could feel his body heat. They had a staring contest that she lost. She definitely looked away first. It was like he was staring into her soul. The sexual tension was thick and she felt relieved when the elevator dinged and the doors slid open. 
“Long distance dating is not exactly something I want to pursue.”
“Understandable. I’m here now. Let me take you out tomorrow.”
“What would that look like?”
“Dallas Jazz fest is tomorrow.”
“And you just happened to know that off the top of your head?”
“I might have done some research on my phone when I learned that a certain lady whom I’d like to impress was within my grasp.”
She chortled, “you like jazz?”
“No, but if I get to spend time with you it can’t be that bad.”
“You’d do that for me?”
They step inside her place and he makes a face. 
“What is it?”
“Your place smells exactly like I expected, fruity.”
She invites Drake to sit as she kicks her shoes off. She moves around the counter and opens the fridge grabbing a couple bottles of water, a bottle of Glenmorangie, and a couple glasses. 
“Raye, this is the good stuff. It’s really expensive. Sure you’re sharing?”
“Completely, pour me one too? Be right back,” she says as she headed into her bedroom to change and freshen up.
When she returned, Drake cleared his throat at the sight of her barely there clothing change. 
They settled on the soft couch as Drake passed her the tumbler of whiskey he poured for her. She eyed the drink as he stared at her. 
“What are you looking at?”
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“Your umm, outfit? Comfy?”
“Yes. Very. Should I drink this? I didn’t see you pour it.”
“Good grief, switch with me.” Drake says before raising his glass.
“Cheers, to the best reason I ever had to come back to the States.”
She bit her lip trying to contain her smile.
“Well then, after a toast like that you get to pick the movie.”
She later regretted being so generous. Drake chose FACE OFF. They started off good, he pulled her aching feet into his lap and rubbed them until she was sure she would orgasm. She pulled away crossing her legs in a twisted attempt to save her panties. 
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She loved the movie but knew she couldn’t get through any of the scenes when they ran their hands down the others face to wordlessly say, I love you. So as much as she tried she sat with tears running down her face for much of the movie. The first time she cried Drake pretended to ignore it. She wiped her face on her. The next time she cried he looked at her with a raised eyebrow and the final time he pulled her into his arms and wiped her tears.
“You definitely get to pick a movie that won’t make you cry next time.”
“Next time? You really want to go out with me, huh?”
“I thought that was clear by now.”
  “Drake, can I be honest?”
“I’d prefer it.”
“I have never dated a white guy before.”
He feigned shock. Then laughed. 
“We have that in common because I haven't either. Is that all?”
“No, I didn’t expect to like you this much.”
“Have you dated a black woman before?”
“Are you ready for family and friends to turn their backs on you? For strangers to shoot us dirty looks in public? For all of the things that come along with dating me?”
“I guess I never really thought about it. But I’d like to think that it would be a small price to pay to be with you.”
 They chatted until they both fell asleep. The sunrise plucked him from his slumber. She had fallen asleep in his arms. He watched her for a few moments fighting the urge to kiss her. He untangled himself from her and used her restroom. When he returned, she was awake. 
“I thought you finally came to your senses and left.”
“I don’t scare easily. I’m headed back to the ranch. I’ll pick you up around 6pm.”
She stood and they shared a long embrace as she secretly sniffed him trying to memorize his smell before she let him out.
Back at the ranch
“You stayed out all night. Did you get some trim?”
Figures. You wouldn’t know what to do with all that ass anyway.
“And you do?” Carsyn interjects.
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“Carsyn, I didn’t realize you were back from your morning run.”
“I knew that you wanted to fuck her. I saw the way you were looking at her at the wedding.”
Drake stands, “This seems like a personal conversation. Call me later Li.”
Liam shakes his head and turns to his wife. 
“You are always making a big deal out of nothing. I have given you everything. You knew who I was before you married Me. You are the queen. Why are you so insecure?”
Tears filled her eyes. 
“Name one thing you regret in life?”  “Well, for starters, I married you.”
Liam stormed out of the room to find Drake in the hall on the phone with Riley. When Drake sees Liam he ends the call.
“Drake Walker. Your nose is open. I know you think you like her but, do you really want to start seeing a black woman? They can be a lot.”
“Don’t be an ass Li, any woman can be a lot. But it’s different with her. She is so chill. Like it’s easy with her.” 
“If it’s so easy, why didn’t you close?”
“I said that it’s easy to be with her. Not that she was easy you, prick.”
“Just be careful Drake. You know what they say… Once you go black…”
“Li! For fucks sake.”
“I’m just saying. I’m going out tonight so if you need a trial run Carsyn will be here alone.”
“Did you just give me permission to fuck your wife?”
“Sure, everyone knows I’m not.”
“Hard pass.”
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TRR: @twinkleallnight​​​  @bebepac​​​ @mainstreetreader​​​ @romereadingshop​​​ @romewritingshop​​​ @lem-20​​​ @texaskitten30​​
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btswishes · 3 years
Love me for who I am now
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Bucky x Reader ( Chapter 1 )
Part1 / Next 
Summary: You apply for the Stark internship and end up getting it, so now you have 5 months to make a good impression to continue working with the Avengers.
A/N: This is my first Marvel fic and I am taking it as a challenge. It is opposite of what my account was made, but here I go. Sorry for any mistakes made, hope you enjoy it even a tiny bit.
Word count:  3,281
Warmings: fights, harsh language, not part of the original MCU 
Y/N- Your name Y/L/N:  Your Last Name
  Through sleepless nights and dark circles, books and pens, through months of work you reached your goal. The moment you received the acceptance letter from Stark University you almost flew out the window without a fear in your mind. This was it!
  Time had passed since that moment, but it is still engraved in your mind- a memory keeping you strong during the hard midterms and piles of work, even the small glimmers of regret. Trying your best wasn’t an option, you could do only that and no less. It was no easy task, lost social life as much as you tried to keep it. You were really lucky you had good friends that understood and supported you. University wasn’t easy for anyone making this one even tougher. People of all ages, backgrounds and cultures were piled up with you in this building. The best of the best as the slogan said, the ones that proved themselves and emerged victorious.
  When you were young ,you used to spend a lot of time with your uncle at his places outside the country. He would introduce you to his work colleagues and things you had never seen before. There was a time where you would spend months on end with him. Not many memories were left from those moments in your head. At one point you spend a few years with him, your mother thought it would be good experience for you and it turned out to be nothing but the truth-at least you hoped so. You learned a lot from him and his friends, it felt like each spend day would offer you more knowledge in areas you never knew of. Computer work, ways of thinking and so much more that had become second nature to you.
  The sky was tinted in a wash of oranges, reds and yellows bleeding one into the other, swirling around the sun emitting them. The day was ending, but you found yourself filling up an application in the library, covered by the silence and smell of exam worry.
  Sponsored and founded by the one and only Tony Stark, this establishment offered an internship. Being part of the Avengers, Tony didn’t let just anyone from the students attending in, even if they were the best labeled by the school. It had been a year and a half since you started pushing yourself harder to be able to apply and there was nothing that could stop you. Pressing your finger over the enter button was very nerve wrecking yet simple. Even if it didn’t work out this year, you planned to do it again and again ,till he had no other choice but give you a chance.
  Usually F.R.I.D.A.Y. went over everything and left only the applications worth going over by Tony himself or Pepper. The next 5 weeks for you were very stressful, but there was nothing more you could do but wait and focus on your own work. The first person you wanted to tell about this was your uncle. He went to work in some distant place where they had no internet so you switched to mail. Not as much paper under his name passed through your hands, as he had stopped answering you. You missed him, but the muddy childhood memories kind of compensated for that.
“Did you send it in?” the phone muffled a bit the sweet voice coming from the speaker 
“Yeah, a few days ago actually.” You answered with a gentle sigh
“And no answer yet?” the girl’s pitch rose at the end of the sentence, amazed at that what she just heard
“I know, I know. Think about it though Nea. Who knows how many applications get submitted. Someone has to brush through them after all.” defending the situation was a form of coping for you, made you feel hopeful.
“So you are trying to tell me Tony Stark’s interface or whatever it’s called, can’t sort them out in a couple of hours? Come on Y/N! You and I both know you are trying to make yourself feel better.” The small pause made you anxious over what Nea said “Listen.” A breathy start of the sentence “ I don’t mean to brag, but I think I am one of the people who know exactly how much you deserve this. You were never the studious type, plus that you were gone for years on end with that mysterious uncle of yours. I never expected you to suddenly go for Stark University. Your dream changed you, from this quiet kid to crazy ol’ you right now on the call with me.I ain’t letting you bust yourself up over this just because it didn’t happen the first time around-”
                Ding ding
  Nea’s deep speech was cut off before she could unleash herself completely, by the slight ring of your phone’s notification.
“Who tf has the audacity to text while the great me is giving this legendary –“
  The second time the sound sung out made her choke up with anger, you could almost see the fumes coming out of the phone.
“WHO IS IT!” a loud hiss pierced your ear
“Maybe if you gave me a minute I could answer your question.” Pulling the call down, your finger ran over the screen to the email, making your notification lamp blink like a car. Almost instantly it opened before your eyes and you gasped. The action made you swallow suddenly and cough out a bit ,giving poor Nea an idea about the level of shock you were in.
“What?What? You can’t just almost die and not tell me what is going on.” She proceeded with a not so tasteful interrogation.
“I-…they accepted my application…” at the end a small smile flowed over your lips contorting the sound coming out
“Stop!?” she choked up as well “You gotta be fucking with me!? No fucking way this is real!”
“I am honest. It says here that they liked my skill set, my grades and the way of thinking I presented in my essay. I got the spot Nea! I fucking did it!” you threw the phone on the bed letting it bounce as you started dancing.
“Of course you did! I told you! You will be working with THE AVENGERSSSS!” at some point it sounded like your best friend was more excited than you “When do you start?”
“Well…” taking a second to calm down and re-establish contact with your phone, you looked up the schedule that came attached with the email “…ok…so it says here that I will be starting on Monday so~ in 2 days? “
“So soon! Any requirements for the job miss Avenger’s sidekick?” and the teasing begins
“A list, surprisingly.” Rolling onto your back, you held the screen away and above your face, scrolling past “ I guess my first job will be with Dr. Banner in the lab. Apparently I will be given some sort of assignments throughout the 5 months work span. I will be monitored by Dr. Bruce Banner and the grading, I guess if you can call It that ,will be done by Tony Stark himself.”
“Basically Hulk will be your babysitter.” once this girl starts teasing she never stops even in amazing situations such as this one, good thing you loved her “That sounds so cool though! You will be able to meet Captain America and Black Widow~! I am so jelly of you I swear! When you leave work make sure to wait for someone from the group to walk by, omgggg I am fangirling so much right now.What if you go to dinners with them!?AAAAA!”
“Fun thing about that.” Your eyes landed on the last paragraph of the email “It says here that I am supposed to move into the compound and stay there till further notice. The whole idea is that if I do things well I will get a permanent job. Weird…” you hummed
“Weird !? How? That is so cool! Who knows you might even become an Avenger! You will be living with them anyways.” at this point Nea was either not breathing or hyperventilating so fast you couldn’t hear it
“Don’t be ridiculous.” your attention landed once more on the thought process you had a moment ago “I don’t get one thing. They say here that my PE grades combined with my IT and overall studies make me a great candidate, but I don’t remember sports being a requirement at all, or even providing them in the first place. Does it mean that if my grades were low in that department I wouldn’t have gotten the spot?”
“I guess people of science aren’t that flexible. Who cares anyways! You got in, no ifs and buts. I am telling you, at this point you could be an Avenger.” poor girl began thinking of names and suit designs for you “ Hurry up and pack those bags before I drop by with take away, so we can gossip over Steve Rogers’s abs.”
“Um…don’t get me wrong he is super hot, I just see the Cap more like an older brother figure than anything.” It was true, you looked up to him since the first time you studied about the Civil War. Fearless, gave his life in a way for his people, astonishing man over all.
“Hey! Let me drool over him! You were always more of a Winter Soldier fan anyways.” Nea pouted audibly . Her words made some lone memory pop up in your head, but it was as murky as the rest. “I don’t know why I am interested in him. Somehow his look is very nostalgic and rugged. Anyways. ”you shook your head out of the mental image of the soldier “I will go pack up, tell my parents and fix up all my documents. Probably find some stuff from former Stark employees online. I want to have a bit of an idea of what he expects and what I am getting myself into.”
“Fine fine, you could have just said you like troubled guys. You were the one who was happy Loki got a second chance after all. I will be over in like 3 hours.” She informed you
“Hey! He deserved to redeem himself, he was used!” a firm Loki supporter as always “Ok then, see ya.”
   Hanging up the call you placed your phone to charge and rolled off your bed. The email gave vague information about what you needed, but clothing wise you would still be able to come home and get stuff if you had to. What was on top of your priorities were papers, documents, all your research materials and tech. Those things had to be organized no matter what ,since they got you this far in the first place.
  Nae came over as planned and you two had a nice sleepover talking about you know who. The night came and left, letting the morning find you in your bed at 11am. Your forearm rested on top of your forehead in a relaxed manner, letting enough space for an exhale to linger in the air in front of you. Your mind was going over everything that was about to happen to you. It was one of your dreams, you worked for it nonstop day in day out, so why were you so worried about meeting the rest of the Avengers? Maybe it was just anxiety or fear of the unknown, yeah made sense.
  All you did during the day was make lists for every piece of tech you were binging with yourself. Things seemed to be in order, but worry kept nibbling on your bones. The moment of truth finally rolled up and so did your suitcase in front of your house. Nea came to send you off as she promised.
“Sweetie, make sure to call us every day. Eat well, don’t overwork yourself and-“ your mom went off with caution about anything and everything that came to mind
“Mom, you know I am going 3 blocks down from here right? Plus I can come home at any time I want to. I am not moving to Mars or getting arrested.” You smirked the panic away from her, giving them a big hug.
“Call me or text me when you get there.” Nea pulled you in, whispering in your ear as quietly as possible “And don’t forget to sneak me a booty pick of good ol’Cap. You know what they say-”
“That is America’s ass.” Your voice came out in a mocking tone
“That i-…let me at least finish it by myself! Geez!” she pushed you towards the door “Ok ok, go now before you spoil me something else” her arms crossed in front of her chest
  The walk wasn’t that long, you were too invested in your own thoughts to notice when the time and distance had passed. The glistening windows of the compound building shined into your eyes. Your lungs filled up with a breath that they kept in for a moment, before releasing it back in the outside world. Pulling out the documents you stepped in. The fresh smelling air hit you making you close one eye for a second.
People were walking around you fast and concentrated. Some looked in a hurry, others were on break with a cup of coffee and a strain-leaving expression.
 Your feet, as slightly shaky as they were, took you right up to the front desk were a lady with a dark rich red colored uniform looked at you. She flashed a professional smile, her eyes asking for your purpose.
“Um, hello. My name is Y/N -Y/L/N.” she saw the logo on your papers and gasped
“You must be the new intern Mr. Stark told us about.” She signed something and reached out “Can you give me your hand for a second.” Your fingers didn’t go past the surface of the desk when she pocked your skin. Pulling in your extremity, your palm wrapped around the spot that began to sting a bit “Don’t worry about it. This is your identification pass. Fancy, no?” she smiled winking. Her body stood up as she pointed at the elevator far in the back of the foyer.
  Instructions were given with each step of the way, calming your nerves a bit. The moment you found yourself inside the elevator she pulled your hand to the sensor on the wall next to the buttons.
Recognized: Code 2514. Welcome Miss Y/N  
 Your head shot up when F.R.I.D.Y.’s voice echoed in the small space. The women smiled giving you a small nod and stepped out of the vicinity. Once her body was outside ,the doors slid closed. Over them glowed a protective blue light layering over the material like a soft veil.
 It felt like you weren’t moving an inch. Your body flinched when the sun stung at your eyes from the window. Your gaze landed over the view of the city, as you went higher and higher, ascending into the clouds  The blues and yellows were covering the inside of the elevator, such vibrant and lovely colors warming your body. For a moment your heart felt heavy- lost memory tugged onto it again. An often occurrence lately, yet you kept brushing off as deja vu. 
Floor 134. Welcome to the Avenger’s compound Miss Y/N
“134!?” the numbers cracked out with your voice. The interface made you turn towards the opposite opening doors revealing a room as big as a hall, if not almost a stadium. The ceiling was high being the lid to this round area. Your heart beat increased pumping blood to your body, dilating your pupils at least twice their original size. It look amazing, almost like you had just entered heaven. The walls were white, the furniture was perfectly placed and cream colored. Stepping outside you jumped at the sound of the elevator doors closing behind you. 
“Wow” escaped your lips, your hand pulling the suitcase closer. So this was the common room or the shared space. The windows were so big they were practically a wall of their own. The bright rays were making themselves at home giving the white paint a new color with each passing minute. The ceilings were probably the equivalent of 3 floors in height. There was this weird feeling of home inside, a bit of isolation maybe mixed in. 
“Miss Y/N?” your head swung to the side when you recognized that shy but bright smile. Throwing the papers on top of your suitcase, you extended your arm at the man.
“Ah.” Good thing your mind automatically responds politely to people without you giving it much thought “Dr. Banner. It is my pleasure to make your acquaintance.” you shook his hand gently a couple of times and let go ,finding the papers and showing them to him “My name is Y/N-Y/L/N.” gentle bow and a smile followed the words skillfully chosen
“Welcome Welcome. Tony is out right now so I might be the only one actively walking around the compound. Well…”he scratched the back of his neck, lightly hunching over with a sheepish smile “I am one of the people you will be working under anyways, so I guess it is good that I came to get you. I would love to show you the lab, but I am sure you would like to set up your things first.” You nodded and he showed you to your room. The corridor had 3 tall doors scattered on the walls, all looking modern and elegant.
“This is the side where usually we have our female members. Natasha and Wanda will be your nextdoor neighbors. Hope it won’t be any trouble.” Bruce looked at you ,when an aggressive shake took over your neck
“No, no. Not at all sir. I am very grateful to have such amazing heroes next to me. As a matter of fact won’t they be troubled with me here?” and here came the normal anxiety that you had for everything
“I am sure they will like you. Don’t worry about it.” Bruce stepped next to the door and waved you over “You don’t have a key or a door handle as a matter of fact. Tony’s idea, don’t ask. If you got up here on your own I assume he made the girls downstairs give you an identification implant. That is basically your entrance for everything here. Kind of an Avengers thing.” You nodded and him wiggling his fingers like a spell. Placing your hand on the door like he told you activated F.R.I.D.A.Y.
Recognized: Y/N. Access and ownership granted.
  The metal frame slid open and you found yourself standing before a big room. It was nicely furnished. The desk was big enough for you to work on it and have everything around. Bookshelves empty and ready to be used on your left and a large bed on your right flush against the wall. The window was once more its own wall right in front of you standing behind the desk. The bathroom door was opening a space before the shelf the same color as the paint in the common room.
“I will let you set up. If you need anything F.R.I.D.A.Y. is always here. The room is interactive, you can ask exactly what works under the interface’s control. The door is one.Take your time.”he was on his way out “Would you like some coffee or tea?”
“I would like some tea, thank you very much.” Bruce flashed you a smile “F.R.I.D.A.Y. the door please.”
Door closed 
  Done as said and requested, clicking behind you. 
Would you like an extensive list of my functions as an assistant?
“Please do.”
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unimooshi · 4 years
Christmas Fluff Snippet Megapost
(brought to you by your host Mooshi bc I’m stuck at home and wanna procrastinate cleaning my room :) )
Rated: G/Fluff
Relationship(s): Literally as many I can think within the span of 3 hours as they’re all basically 1 paragraph long. Feel free to read whichever ones you want I’m making word soup rn. We smackin’ tonight kings, queen, and royals in between😌😭✨
All relationships can be whatever universe you want, unless stated otherwise. Have a good time
Also please keep in mind that I haven’t read a lot of the comics and have a limited knowledge on the cartoons bc I haven’t watched some of them, but I’ll try my best to write out the dynamic as I see it.
1) Starscream/Optimus (StarPrime) you knew we were gonna start with OTP
“I know you wanted to visit Earth for a small vacation, but did you really have to choose the coldest of Earth months to visit?”, Starscream said with borderline disgust as he stared at the snow at the bottom of their ship, the only redeeming thing about the environment was the setting sun.
He kneeled down and scooped up a pile of snow, watching it crumble away between his digits. His internal heating system kicking into overdrive to compensate, little puffs of steam floating into the air. It wasn’t that it was cold, the issue was how wet it would be. The mess that would be made inside their circuits and the water dripping from exposed wiring made Starscream shiver.
“No, I didn’t have to but Earth has such a happy culture this time of year and I wanted to share that with you. I think you’ll like Christmas. Cheer up, let’s take a walk.” , Optimus planted a small peck on the side of Starscream’s helm and stepped outside, the soft crunch of snow following the Prime.
Starscream reluctantly stepped into the snow and groaned with how much water his sensors were already detecting, “How happy could this holiday possibly be with frozen condensation falling from the sky and getting into your circuits?”
“Well, according to what can be found on the internet, it’s an annual religious festival, but most humans use it as a time to see loved ones and celebrate their love for one another.”, Optimus took Starscream’s servo and interlaced it with his own, removing his battle mask to reveal a soft smile with blue optics to match, “and besides you can take a warm lather in the washracks later while I warm up some energon. I know you like watching Earth movies every once in a while.”
Starscream really couldn’t argue with his conjux and just vented out more heat, the puff leaving a trail of white steam as it floated into the evening sky. If being on a mud ball planet meant Optimus would be relaxed then he supposed it would be worth getting his circuits drenched for. Honestly, doing anything was worth it if it meant his Prime would stop thinking about his responsibilities even for just a cycle.
“Your strobes are blinking by the way.”
Starscream stopped walking and flapped his wings into view then dipped them low, brushing it off.
“It doesn’t mean anything.”
“I’m sure it doesn’t.”, Optimus rolled his optics and laughed, holding his conjux’s servo a little tighter.
2) Knockout/Breakdown (KOBD)
“Merry Christmas Knockout!”, Breakdown burst into the Medbay with a clumsily wrapped box.
Knockout nearly dropped his datapad and jumped from the sudden intrusion, his servo switched out for his buzz saw until he saw who it was.
“Breakdown!”, Knockout vented out and transformed his servo back, “Don’t scare me like that so suddenly.”
“I’m sorry, but I just wanted to finally give you this. I knew you just had to have it when I saw it and I really hope you like it.”
“All is forgiven. Thank you.”, Knockout casually tore away at the wrapping and lifted the lid, his optics glowing brighter.
“Well...do you like it?”
“Like it? I love it!”, Knockout unfolded the white stripe vinyl inside to it’s full length, laughing with a full smile, “You always know just what to get me!”
He put his gift down on the examination table and went to go hug his conjux, climbing up a little to properly plant a kiss.
As high as the mood was brought up, it was quickly shot down again.
“Wait, I’m not done with your gift yet.”, Knockout left for his datapad and scrolled through something.
“It’s alright, you don’t have to give me one. Your company is the only gift I need.”, Breakdown tried to comfort his conjux, but Knockout held out a servo to stop him.
“That’s a sweet sentiment, but it doesn’t feel fair if I had my gift before yours is even done and I don’t want you seeing it while it’s incomplete.”
“I’m sure I’ll like it even if it’s unfinished. The thought matters more than what it is. Can you tell me what it is?”
“Are you sure?”
Breakdown nodded excitedly.
Knockout sighed and handed over the datapad, “It’s only about 75% of the way done, but it’s a transcription of that Earth book you wanted to read but couldn’t find an online PDF version of it.”
Breakdown scrolled through the pages of words and felt his frame melt.
“I know it’s not as good as what you gave me but—”
“I love it!”, He lifted Knockout off the ground and squeezed, “Thank you!”
“You’re welcome but watch the paint!”
3) Bumblebee/Blitzwing (TFA Blitzbee)
Bumblebee wasn’t one for snow to be perfectly honest. Sure, making snowmen and having snowball fights with Sari were fun, but he mostly did those activities to make her happy as her best friend. The frosty windows on the base served as another reminder as to why he liked to stay inside where it was warm and there was plenty of oil to drink, so it was rather ironic when he started seeing a mech who could make ice and enjoyed just burying himself in the frozen stuff.
“Come outside my little bee~”
Random sang softly and taunted him from outside the Autobot base. The heat from Blitzwing’s system fogging up the window further. Everyone else in the base had retreated back to their rooms for the night, leaving Bee free to do what he wanted in the living room. At least, he would be if there wasn’t a giant beige and purple bot trying to get him outside.
“No way Blitzbrain. It’s beyond freezing out there. I’m not locking up my servos just so you can eat street snow again.”
Bumble whispered harshly and opened the window, a gush of frozen air creeped their way through the cracks of his frame. His central heating system kicked online.
Random’s glossa slithered out of his intake, “Aww why not?”
“Because it’s gross. And that’s saying something when it comes from me!”
“I suppose that’s true.”, Icy’s lips pouted outward as he pressed his digits to his chin. His sharp features standing out in the crisp darkness of the night, “But aren’t you the one always wanting to go out? Why is it so different this time?”
“Because time impossible to drive in snow and I don’t wanna deal with traffic.”
“It’s the middle of the night.”
“So why don’t you want to come out here and spend some time away from this stupid base you tiny bug bot!”
Bee held a digit to his intake, “I’m right here idiot, you’ll wake everyone up and then they’ll see you and then we’ll have to fight.”
“You’re afraid of the snow aren’t you.”
“What? No. That’s not—I’m not afraid of it are you kidding me? Only sparklings are afraid of stupid things like that.”
“Ok, so you just don’t like the cold.”
“So what if I don’t?”
“Even if you can’t drive, it’s still a nice night for flying.”
Bumblebee’s optics widened, “Flying?”
“Yes. Calm winds, clear skies, no organics or bots in the streets, what more could you wait for?”
“You’re gonna take me flying?”, Bee’s voice rose in pitch and he looked up at his mechfriend with stars in his eyes.
“If you keep repeating the same thing I’ll crush you with this wall!”
“It’s been a while since I’ve seen something go splat!”
Random laughed at his own morbid thought.
“Ok, first of all, don’t crush me. You’re like three times my size, you don’t need a wall. Second, as long as I don’t have to get my servos wet I’ll be there in a nanoklik.”
Bumblebee gave a quick peck before racing away to touch himself up a little for his small impromptu date.
4) Megatron/Soundwave (MegaWave)
Megatron was busy. Again.
Soundwave didn’t mind it much as he just worked on his reports, but deep in his spark he really hoped he would’ve made some time to be with him. There was no such luck unfortunately. Soundwave knew his leader was always busy which is what made their small times together all the more special and intimate. Nobody ever saw the side of the warlord that he did and he was quite proud of that. It made him feel special.
A private communication line blipped open from Megatron. What convenient timing.
>Yes, Lord Megatron?
>I need you to send a message to Shockwave about the latest export of energon. There will be a delay because of Autobot meddling, but it shouldn’t take more than a couple earth cycles to have everything in order.
>Message received. Will be sent as soon as possible.
>Good. By the way Soundwave, I’ve left something for you in your desk compartment. Consider it a token of my appreciation for all you’ve done staying loyal to the Decepticons.
>Understood. Thank you Lord Megatron.
With that, the line cut off and Soundwave was left alone again in the communication center. His optics glanced over at the large compartment in his desk and opened it. Inside he found a small stack of datapads and one single use datapad filled out.
‘To: Soundwave
Silent as a thief in the night
You crept into my spark and took flight
Your visor so full of mystery
Yet take away much of my misery
In war there is treachery
In war there is loyalty
No words could ever be strung to say how much you mean to me
Merry Christmas,
From Megatron
A/N: I’m done with this post. Whoop. 4 short stories in one post. This is all I could crank out in a few hours. I didn’t anticipate this day to be so busy for me😭😭. I’ve been hanging out with family and dropping off gifts for friends at their door step. You can kinda tel I gave up at the end and poems aren’t really my thing. I’ll finish the rest tomorrow, so just pretend that whatever I post tomorrow was done today. Tell me what you think and have a nice night. I’m gonna pass out now. Mwah.
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firefly464 · 3 years
The Gilded Cage - Chapter 9
hehe i’m very excited :) also thank you pami for doing write time with me that was super poggers and awesome you’re so cool 
Written in collaboration with @pamiiap​​ :D Thank you @tea-with-veth​ for beta reading, and editing :D
Master Post
First -  Previous - Next
Three days. That’s how long Eret stayed with the computer. Three days of nothing but staring at the same screen, desperately trying to test out different commands to see what would work. Three days of sitting in a dark, cold room, with nothing to keep him warm. 
Over the past three days, Eret had barely slept. 
He’d lingered there for hours, the clicking of the keyboard and flashing of the screen filling his senses. All he could think about was this could be his way home. A way to end this and leave it all behind. Maybe he could wake up and it would all be a dream. 
A dream.
Dream was his friend. Dream was…
Dream was.
After hours of clawing at the keys for an escape, he hesitated for a moment. He curled his hands into fists and relaxed them, trying to release the tension he had. 
Instead of typing commands, he typed:
If anyone is reading, send me something
A sign, preferably
Tell me I’m not alone
Give me something
The shaking in his hands slowed, the edges of his vision melted away. He watched as his world faded into darkness.
“Hey, chat!” He says, on impulse. “How’s it been? Feels like forever.”
“Sorry for the long hiatus, life’s been throwing curveballs at me.” He continues.
Don’t worry!
You’re fine!
Its okay :D
“I hope you guys have been alright. Don’t know what we’ll be doing with this stream so I’m going to start a little poll in the chat here…”
Time melts away as he talks to his stream, he knows that. That’s how streams usually go. It happens in a blur, the eyes of thousands of people aren’t on him anymore. The stream has ended.
He falls into nothingness.
Journal Entry #1
I found the Console, still can’t get back home yet though. I’m still unsure on how it works, but I know, I know, that I can get home. It’s kind of like a command block, you can input code but it needs some sort of activation key to trigger it. Haven’t found that yet.
I’ll update this as I find more information.
Journal Entry #2
Text commands seem to work, more extreme commands need the trigger. I really should make some sort of command list, that might help. 
Journal Entry #3
I’ve made a list on a separate paper. I’m running out of space.
Journal Entry #6
What could the trigger be? I need to find it.
Journal Entry #8
I haven’t slept in three days. I need to head back.
Journal Entry #9
Nothing new as of the moment. I’m going to start working on a trigger to activate this thing.
Journal Entry #10
I wonder if I could undo whatever Dream did to everyone’s memories? I wonder if I could make it so that they didn’t hate me anymore. 
Journal Entry #13
I can’t sleep. 
Journal Entry #15
Going home back again. Bad’ll still have muffins, I hope. (If George didn’t eat them already)
Journal Entry #16
George ate my muffins. Prick >:(
Journal Entry #17
Packing for another trip to the Console today. Bad made extra muffins to compensate for the atrocity that happened yesterday. (Sidenote: George had his muffin privileges removed for a day)
Journal Entry #20
Bad’s worried. I wouldn’t blame him. I don’t think I can blame myself either. I have to get home.
Journal Entry #24
I’m here. Glad no-one’s tampered with my list. I’ve been gathering some redstone supplies to try and make a prototype trigger.
Journal Entry #27
I’ve tried several combinations of levers and buttons and redstone but nothing seems to activate it. I don’t know what I’m doing wrong.
Journal Entry #28
Nothing’s working.
Journal Entry #30
Can’t sleep again.
Journal Entry #32
I don’t think I’ve eaten. 
Journal Entry #33
I have to go ho back. I need to be more careful, George and Bad are getting worried. I don’t want them to be worried about me. They don’t even know me.
Journal Entry #34
Do I even know them?
Journal Entry #37
I won’t go to the Console for a couple of days. That might calm them down.
The weather’s getting warmer actually. I think spring might be almost here. Not sure if seasons might not work the same.
Journal Entry #38
George says it’s already mid-spring. I didn’t realize I’d been here for so long
Journal Entry #???
I want to go home. 
Eret closed the small book with a sigh. Ever since he had found the console several months ago, he had tried to do his best to keep a record of what he found. 
However, the journal had quickly turned into a place for him to pour his emotions, rather than document his findings. All of his actual records were with the console itself, where he could better keep track of them. 
He placed the small book in his bag, before swinging it over his shoulders. He needed to go back. Even if everything about the small, dark room made him want to scream, it was his only hope. His only way of potentially returning home. 
Gently, he pushed back the small curtain that separated his room from the rest of the community house. Even after several months of staying here, he still hadn’t bothered to make an actual room. After all, it wasn’t like he had a ton of free time. 
Almost all of his time was spent either at the console, or digging out tunnels underneath L’manberg. God, he hated those tunnels. 
As he gently stepped out into the main room, he quickly glanced around, checking to see if the coast was clear. 
It wasn’t as if he didn’t trust Bad or George, in fact it was quite the opposite. He just… He hated making them worry. He knew how much his frequent visits bothered both of them, and so lately he had begun trying to quietly slip away. 
He was almost at the front door of the community house, when a voice called out to him. 
He froze. 
Maybe, if he kept walking, whoever it was would just… let him go. Maybe he could pretend like he didn’t hear them, and he could just move on with his day. He closed his eyes tightly, trying to figure out the best course of action. 
“Eret? Are you alright?” 
He slowly turned around, trying his best not to grimace when he saw Bad standing at one of the other doors. 
“Hey…” The word sounded forced, even to him. “Uh, I was just… um…” 
Bad’s face fell ever so slightly as he noticed the small bag slung across Eret’s back. 
“Are you going to the forest again?” Eret tried his best to ignore the way that Bad’s voice was tinged with a slight disappointment. It would only make him feel guilty. 
“Uh, yeah…” 
“Were you just going to leave again? Without telling anyone?” Although there was no accusation in his tone, the words still cut deep, acting as a harsh reminder of his own actions. 
He shifted his weight from foot to foot, trying to dispel some of the nervous energy that was swirling around him. “I didn’t want to worry you guys anymore… I left a note upstairs though, I swear!” 
That was a lie. There was no note, there never was a note. But if claiming that there was helped to ease Bad’s worries, then that was what he was going to do. 
He could tell that Bad didn’t believe him. Although his friend would never actually call him out on it, he could still tell from the way his shoulders slumped ever so slightly, or the small frown that crossed his face. 
“Ok… Well, before you head out again, me and George were hoping to give you something,” Bad’s voice was filled with a forced cheerfulness, complete with a matching smile. 
Eret’s head shot up in disbelief. What on earth did they possibly have to give him? They had already done so much to help him, what more could there possibly be? 
Tendrils of guilt began to worm their way through Eret’s mind, reminding him of all the ways his friends had helped him over the past months, and all the ways he had failed to return their kindness. How was he supposed to accept yet another gift? 
“I really don’t need anything, you guys have already done enough for me,” he protested, knowing full well that nothing he could say would actually dissuade Bad. 
“Nonsense, this is something that we wanted to do for you. Hold on, I’ll go get George. Don’t go anywhere!” he cried out, already rushing out of the building. 
Eret let out a long sigh at the final sentence. Of course Bad didn’t trust him to not run off. 
Why would he?
Despite every instinct in his body that was telling him to run, Eret found himself rooted to the spot where he stood. When Bad returned nearly 10 minutes later with George behind him, he had hardly moved. 
“So… What exactly is going on?” Even to his own ears, his voice sounded forced and strained. 
“Well, George and I were talking,” Bad started, already rummaging through one of the many chests that lined the walls, “and we realized that you’re going to be king soon, right?” 
Eret couldn’t help but flinch at the reminder. To him, the title of king was nothing more than a reminder of what he had lost. A reminder of the pain he had caused for his friends. A reminder of the pain that he would continue to cause. 
But still, he couldn’t let his own reluctance show. If he remembered correctly, becoming king had meant a lot to his alter-ego. Hell, he had gone so far as to betray his friends, just so that he could secure the crown. 
And so he forced a smile onto his face, doing his best to swallow the bitter taste in his mouth. “I mean, yeah. I’m pretty sure it’s not going to happen for a while, but… yeah that was the idea. Why?” 
Bad’s grin grew wider, his face alight with barely contained excitement as he continued searching through different chests. Even George, who rarely showed any outward excitement around Eret, had a small smile on his face. 
“You’ll see, it’s a surprise. I just gotta find it first” 
“I uh, I think it's hanging up downstairs,” George interjected, already moving towards the stairs, “I can go grab it, hold on.” 
He was gone only for a few moments before he emerged at the top of the staircase, holding something behind his back, hidden from Eret’s line of sight. “Do you wanna explain what it is?” He asked, his question clearly directed at Bad. 
Bad nodded, then turned back to Eret, pride showing in his eyes. “Well, we wanted to get you something nice for your coronation. I know it probably isn’t going to be for a while, but you’ve seemed really stressed lately, and we wanted to do something nice for you!” 
George grinned, revealing a long, extravagant coat from behind his back. “Sapnap and Punz helped out with collecting dyes as well.” 
The silk coat was a deep shade of crimson, embellished with gold accents. It felt nice to touch but it was also durable. The inside of the coat was lined with an insulating fur that pokes over the collar, making the inside of it warm. 
He glanced up at both George and Bad, his brow furrowed in slight confusion. “Wait… Wait is this… What?” 
“It’s a coat! I know it gets cold at night so we made you this. Not to mention, a king should look the part.”
Tears started to form in his eyes, threatening to spill over as he gently took the coat. “Thank you” He forced out, unsure of what else he was supposed to say. 
“Go on then,” George said. “Put it on!”
Slowly, he took off the tattered L’manburg uniform, bloodied and stained with dirt, and put on the new coat. It felt… different. But, a good different. 
“Thank you.”
Several days had passed since Eret had last left the community house. Several days since George and Bad had gifted him the red coat. 
George could tell that their friend's absence was starting to chip away at Bad, his worry festering underneath his skin. By the third day, George had had enough. 
He quickly packed two bags, complete with everything that they would need for a long journey. He might not have known where exactly their friend had gone, but they knew the general direction. That would have to be enough. 
“Hey Bad!” He called out, his friend quickly coming down the stairs of the community house. 
“Whats up?” 
“Come on, we’re gonna go look for him.” 
Neither of them had any idea what they were looking for, all they knew was that it was somewhere in the eastern dark oak forest. They had spent nearly a week searching every nook and cranny of the woods, never finding any trace of their friend. 
That is, until they stumbled across a pathway. The dirt had been worn down, leaving a trail that they could follow.
The path had led to a small clearing, with a dark building in the center. 
Both George and Bad had recognized the strange material almost instantly. Bedrock. Eret had somehow found a building made of bedrock.
What the hell. 
The area surrounding the building was devoid of any human life, the only exception being a lone horse that was sleeping in the warm sun. 
“Well, I think we found him…” Bad’s voice was filled with concern. 
As they stepped into the strange building, they saw the room completely empty except for a machine in the middle. And unconscious at the desk, was…
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baymaksu · 3 years
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Feel the Weight of My Love
It was becoming a daily occurrence this semester at SFIT, not that Karmi really minded. Every morning without fail, Hiro would burst into her lab to vent about his new mentee, Rishi. In a way, Karmi felt honored that he would go to her to vent his frustrations and ask her advice. He certainly could do that with Baymax, but he seemed to like her counsel and… she would hope, her company.
But she’d noticed that the boy genius seemed to be constantly overworking himself, between this semester’s coursework, mentoring the new youngest prodigy and inextricably being busy at odd hours of the day. This time, she would have a plan. Karmi looked at the clock in her lab, then smiled as she could hear the hurried footsteps of her best friend.
She nonchalantly turned back to her desk to make it look like she was preoccupied, hearing the lab secure door recognizing his SFIT RFID chip (she had allowed him to modify his own school ID to have access to her lab as he did for his to her).
With a groan, the young boy frazzled his black tufts of hair into even messier fluffs as he entered her lab, “That’s it! I don’t even know why I bother telling him to do anything! That little kid keeps on just doing the exact opposite!”
Karmi smiled as she reached into her desk drawer, “Good morning to you too, genius boy.”
She grabbed onto a thick, grey cloth within the compartment.
Hiro chuckled with a cracking of his voice, “S-Sorry, Karmi! Good morning!” He paced back and forth, “I- I think I’m going to just march to Professor Granville and tell her I can’t be his mentor. I-I need to… ummm… focus on my own classes. Yeah! I’d rather take those morning classes!”
“And who is going to mentor Rishi?” Karmi asked him, as she stood out of her chair to wait for him to settle into one spot as he seemed to wrack his brain in thought.
As the frazzled boy genius continued to grasp his head and ruffle his hair, Karmi stalked up behind him with a grey blanket, ready to pounce him. Hiro stuttered, “M-Maybe I can have you mentor him? I’m sure he’d listen to you?”
“Yeah… that’s not going to happen,” Karmi chuckled as Hiro turned around to see her stalk up to him. The boy yelped as Karmi wrapped the weighted blanket around him and wrestled him to the floor.
“K-Karmi! What are you-?” Hiro tried to struggle and realized that the blanket felt abnormally heavy from the usual ones he’s used to. “W-What is this? Why is your blanket so heavy!?”
“It’s a weighted blanket, genius boy. It’s helps with anxiety and calms you down,” Karmi raised an eye brow at him, completely entertained as he struggled to get out of the oppressively comfortable embrace of the fabric.
“How? Lifting weights in bed isn’t exactly calming!?” Hiro pouted at Karmi, “And it’s more like an evil trap! It can’t stop me from being anxious!” The clever boy tried to wiggle himself out but Karmi promptly held down the ends of the fabric to make it taut over him.
“Hiro, you’ve just been overworking yourself. I think you should sleep on it, Be a good boy and take a nap here, ok?” Karmi said warmly while the boy still struggled for a moment.
“But I have to talk to-“ Shortly, Hiro’s heavy eyelids began to flutter to a close, “Curses, I’m totally relaxed now…”
Karmi watched him to be sure it wasn’t a ploy, then heard him snoring softly as he turned on his side. She couldn’t help but smile, finally placing a pillow underneath his head and Mr. Varicella Zoster for him to cuddle. “Sleep tight, genius boy.” She let him rest in her lab, taking a few photos of him for her compensation.
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yourgalaxy · 3 years
Pairing: Taehyung x female O/C
Genre: Fluffyest Fluffy Fluff, a little bit of angst if you squint really hard.
Summary: After getting used to the idea of just being her and her little daughter against the world. Autumn is proven wrong once again when fate has different plans for them.
Warnings: None
Word count: 2865 
A/N: The original prompt is from @hybridfanfiction ( their prompts are the cutest, check them out!) This is my first attempt on sharing some of my work and is also my first hybrid fic. I love the reader inserts but not a fan of the Y/N type thing so feel free to just imagine your name instead if you prefer! I have material to make this a series but will leave it as a one shot for now to see if you guys like it! I totally don’t own the gifts.
Disclaimer: English is not my first language. Read at your own risk 😂
Extra A/N: I didn’t get the chance to post this last week but to compensate you guys, I’ll be posting the first part of my new Mafia Au, so watch out for it!
Ch. 1 Ch. 2 Ch. 3 Ch. 4 Ch. 5
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‘’ Hey, Tae’’ - Autumn came out to the back balcony where Taehyung had gone for a sunbathe after dropping Haneul off at the school. - I realize how boring it can be to stay at home for so long every day, so I was wondering if you would like to come to work with me? - The way his eyes light up and his tail started to wag was enough of an answer. - ‘’Really?!’’ - He almost fell out of the chair trying to stand when she nodded yes. - "Ok, I'm ready!" - She couldn't suppress her laugh as he took her hand, wide eyed, tail going crazy behind him, he was almost bouncing in place. - 
 ‘’ It wasn’t the plan to introduce you to the boys like this, but it might be for the better, they can get really chaotic when they get all together. Today it will just be Jin and Jimin at the store because it’s Kookie’s day off, so it shouldn’t be too crazy… Are you ok, Tae? - She could only see his profile while driving but he looked pale and really shaken. He shook his head and she decided to pull over to the side. The store was close, and she figured getting there a few minutes late was worth it if it was for Taehyung’s wellbeing. - ‘’ What’s wrong? Are you hurt somewhere?’’ - Her hand grabbed his arm in a comforting manner, unconsciously tracing circles on his skin with her thumb not really aware of the shiver that ran down his body. He cleared his throat, afraid of his voice betraying him. - 
 ‘’ I… I haven’t had many good experiences with males... I’m just a little nervous, I guess. I’m sorry’’ - Her heart went out to the ball of nerves that the boy had become, understanding right away that whatever he had gone through in the past was still very vivid in his mind, a wound that was still open and fresh. She wanted to hunt down whoever hurt him like that, because if there was something, she was sure about after the few days that Taehyung had stayed with them was that he deserved nothing but love, her instinct to put him on her pocket and protect him from the evils of the world kicking in full force. - 
 ‘’ There is nothing to be sorry about, pup. You don’t have to do anything that makes you feel uncomfortable. I can promise you, though, that none of my friends would ever do anything to hurt you intentionally, but I can definitely drive you back home if you don't feel ready to meet them’’ - Taehyung felt guilt wash over him. It was more than obvious that whoever these guys were, they were really important people to Autumn and he didn’t want to burden their relationship with his own personal demons. - ‘’ No, it’s ok, I.. I trust you’’ - He assured, taking her hand in his, not letting it go for the rest of the way. - 
 " LOVER BOY!!" - The sudden movement in his peripheral view, took Taehyung by surprise, with so many different flowers everywhere, there were too many scents, and it disoriented him for a second but before he could prepare himself to receive the attack Autumn had put herself in between, receiving the full force of the other boy's collision against her smaller frame with ease, as if she was used to it. The other guy didn't lose time to put his arms around her and pull her closer even though he was whining and complaining that she should have let him say hi to the newbie first. -
 This was not what Taehyung was expecting, his hands tightening into fists, and he had to bite his tongue not to let the growl vibrating on his chest break free. Human males were one thing, but a Hybrid? Why didn't Autumn mention that one of her dear friends was a Hybrid? And for how long would he have to watch them embrace each other?  He decided to clear his throat to catch their attention. Autumn immediately let go of the other boy, a big smile adorning her face as she looked his way. Somehow it eased Taehyung's heart.  
 -"Tae, meet Jimin. Minnie, this is Taehyung" - She introduced them and even when Taehyung tried to keep his distance by bowing politely, Jimin was too excited to let it go like that and soon, ignoring autumn’s warning, was hugging the taller man so tight that Taehyung was afraid he would pass out because his blood wasn't circulating properly. He had never met a feline hybrid so affectionate, if it wasn't for the pointy ears and his scent, he would had guessed that he was indeed a canine hybrid instead. -
  "Jimin, that’s enough bud, you will suffocate the kid’’ - Another person came into the room and this time Taehyung was well aware of the other man and his every move. Jimin finally let go of him with an apologetic smile, and even though he still didn’t trust him, he was way more comfortable with the Hybrid than with the newcomer - ‘’Hey there, my name is SeokJin, but you can call me Jin!’’ - The man extended a hand in Taehyung’s direction. He was a little bit taller than himself but instead of the intimidating aura that Taehyung would expect to come from him, he had a really friendly demeanor and a sweet scent. But Taehyung knew better than to carelessly trust people. He bowed politely murmuring a nice to meet you under his breath. Jin gave Autumn a knowing look and a soft smile when she mouthed an apology. - "Well, Taehyung, welcome to our humble happiness factory!!"
 "Come, Tae, let me show you around, I can teach you how to make an arrangement if you want!" - His Tail was hard to see at the speed it was wagging. Jin and Jimin looked at each other with knowing smiles plastered on their faces - 
 " So, is Jin....Jimin's sponsor? " - Taehyung whispered as he tried to emulate the little arrangement that Autumn had shown him how to make. She couldn't help but laugh a little at his cuteness, he seemed really apprehensive about her friends, but it was obvious that he was also curious even if he tried to act cool- " So Jimin is a citizen. He is Jungkook's adoptive brother, his parents worked on the citizenship as soon as he turned 18."
 " So, he is like... on his own now?" - This was the first time Taehyung met an independent Hybrid in real life and his mind was immediately filled with questions - " Mm, yes and no. He decided to move with Jungkook when he moved to the city around 5 years ago, Jimin doesn't have to live with him but he wants to, so they are roommates now! Which I'm really grateful for, I have been friends with both of them ever since" - 
 The way Autumn explained it made it sound so simple and normal but for Taehyung it was such a wonder. To think that there were hybrids out there that truly had the chance to live their lives in whatever way they wanted, blew his mind. Then he started to think about the fact that Jimin decided to just stay right where he was at, he wondered what he would do if he was in his place, he had imagined it many times before, that one day he would be free and he would travel the world and make friends everywhere, he wouldn't have to worry about anything more than his own happiness but now when he tried to imagine the scenes that gave him so much hope and comfort before, they didn't seem so bright and happy anymore. He wondered if we would really be able to leave Autumn and Haneul behind and move on with his life? 
 No, he couldn't… And the realization scared him.
 "Woah!! Tae, you are a natural!!" -Autumn was too busy admiring the arrangement that he had just finished fixing to notice the way Taehyung was looking at her, the soft smile that draw itself across his lips or the way his eyes were shining with adoration. If they were to let him, Taehyung felt like he would be the happiest if he could just stay with Autumn and Haneul for the rest of his life.
 Today was the day when it would finally become official. Taehyung was going to be no longer an undocumented stray, no one could mistreat him after today and Autumn couldn't be more relieved and happier about it.
 "Are you ok, Tata?" - Haneul's worried tone alarmed Autumn out of her thoughts. Leaving the dishes for another time, she made her way to the living room, approaching Taehyung's sitting form from behind. A hand immediately finding place on his head, she let her fingers massage the base of his fluffy ears out of habit, because she knows that it always calmed him down to be petted. Taehyung was afraid his heart would come out of his chest at this pace. - "Is anything wrong, puppy?"
 " No, I was just thinking. I'm totally fine!" - He sent both of them the best smile he could muster. Praying that none of them could figure out his real feelings at the moment. He didn't want to worry them- "Tata, you are my favorite friend ever!" - Haneul seemed to feel his distress, nevertheless. She hugged him tightly and it just melted both his and Autumn's hearts. - "Hey little love bug! I thought I was your favorite ever! - The living room soon became a battlefield, a tickling battle full of loud bumming laughs and sweet endeared giggles- 
 Haneul was fast asleep and they were peacefully watching a movie when a knock on the door burst their happy bubble. Taehyung could feel his whole-body tense even before Autumn opened the door, greeting a tall, serious looking man. - Hello! Namjoon, right? Oh, are you ok? - Namjoon went from a professional business looking man to a blushing mess in a second, he had managed to stumble upon thin air and almost fall in the process. Autumn almost cooed at the dimples that appeared with the sheepish smile that he dedicated her way. Taehyung felt like snarling at him. - Hello, Miss Kim, it's a pleasure to finally meet you, Yoongi and Hobi talk a lot about you, haha. - He extended his hand but before she could take it there was a body between them. For a second she wondered if she was imagining it, she had never heard Taehyung growling, but the aggression she could hear in the growl startled her. He didn't even flinch to acknowledge the way she lightly pulled his arm to try to stop him. - " Taehyung! Stop that. Namjoon is our guest!"
 "Oh, don't worry, I actually overstepped his boundaries. It's completely normal for hybrids to want to protect their families from any kind of possible thread, and I'm a complete stranger in his territory. I'm sorry, Taehyung-ssi!" - Namjoon stepped back, giving the anxious hybrid some space. Taehyung visibly relaxed as he did so. - "It's a pleasure to meet you, Taehyung-ssi!
 "Nice to meet you too…" - Taehyung reluctantly responded after Autumn nudged him from behind. - "Well, shall we get into business? " - Taehyung really didn't like Namjoon's smile- 
 " Ah, I see, so the process has different stages, I guess I didn't know that… " - Autumn couldn't hide her excitement, the sponsorship stages were designed to provide the hybrids with gradual freedom until they reached their full independence. 
 With this process, Taehyung would be able to get a job right away, he would get his probational ID by the end of the 1st year and by the end of the second year he would even be able to move on his own, and even though the idea squished her heart in an uncomfortable way, Autumn was really happy with the prospect of giving Taehyung the opportunity to freely live his own life. 
 "What do you think, Tae? Isn't this… Taehyung, what's wrong? Hey, puppy, why are you crying? - Before she could do much, Taehyung dashed out of the scene, closing the door of his from behind him. - " I'm sorry, Namjoon. I think we will have to do this another time..." - He just sent a sad smile her way. - " I hope he is ok, let me know if you would prefer for me to just send the final paperwork through mail, I'll make sure that everything is cleared up so that whenever you decide to sign, it will all be ready." 
 "Thank you so much, Namjoon. I really appreciate it!" - She said bye to him after he assured that he was just doing his work. Once she closed the door, a dread feeling washed over her. She hated seeing the people that she loved having a hard time and in the short time she had known him, the dog hybrid had claimed a place in her heart. She took a deep breath before walking towards Taehyung's room- " Hey pup, can I come in?"... Taehyung, I'm really… I'm really worried, honey boy, can you please let me in?" -
  After a few minutes of dead silence, Autumn was about to give up and just wait until he decided to come out on his own, when the door opened, and she was engulfed by a taller form. Taehyung was sobbing on her shoulder, trying to calm himself down by subtly breathing in her scent. She dragged herself and the boy to sit on the ground, giving him the opportunity to cuddle closer to her. She quietly petted his ears and traced random forms on his back, waiting for him to calm down. 
 After a while she unconsciously started humming a song that he didn't recognize, a song that she sang to Haneul every time she had a nightmare or was scared about something, and at that moment, with her warmth surrounding him and her sweet voice filling the silence that threatened with driving him crazy, Taehyung felt at home for the first time in his life. He felt safe and wanted, he felt like he belonged…
 " I'm not really sure about what happened, but I just want you to know that you are not alone anymore Taehyung. You are part of this family and whatever life throws at you from now on, we face it together, there is no other way around...You don't have to tell me if you don't feel comfortable sharing but if there is anything I can do to make it better, I need you to let me know" - Her soft voice came to him as a healing balm, she wasn’t mad at him like he thought she should of have after the way he acted, he could just sense worry and tenderness in her tone. His chest filled with love and warmth as he listened, wanting to stay like that forever. She patiently waited for him. - 
 " What would happen if I don't want to leave after the three years are up? Would you don't want me anymore after I become a citizen?" - She almost cried at how fragile and broken he sounded, he was sincerely afraid of them just leaving him behind and she felt guilty for not noticing how much the whole idea of the sponsorship process was affecting him. He had been quieter than usual for the past few days, but she downplayed it as just him being in the process of getting used to his new environment. - ‘’ Will I have to leave?’’
  ‘’ Oh, my sweet puppy’’ - She hugged him closer and he let out a content sight snuggling the side of her neck, discreetly scenting her. - ‘’ I don’t know everything you have gone through…’’ - At the mention of the past she immediately could feel the way his muscles tensed under her touch, so she did her best to ease him down, petting his ears always seemed to do the trick.- ‘’And you surely don’t have to share, but I hope we can replace those memories with new ones, ones full of smiles and lots of love, to the point that you can confidently believe that there is no place where you belong more than here with us… You will be able to decide, Taehyung, it will always be your choice. But know that we will always want you home.’’ - This time Taehyung started crying for a completely different reason. -
 ‘’ Can we have some ice cream?’’ - He asked in between sniffles after a few minutes of silence and Autumn couldn’t help the laugh that escaped her lips. And as she prepares three bowls of ice cream, she sent a message to Namjoon, asking him to email the paperwork for them to sign. -
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crowtrinkets · 3 years
Wet Cobblestone
The Apprentice works as Julian's apprentice, but they're having a hard time dealing with the reality of the Red Plague. They miss Asra and try to find comfort in... other forms.
Julian and GN!Apprentice
Word Count: 4,095
Warning: Drinking to cope and big sad
(Am I writing to avoid responsibilities? Yes)
Wet cobblestone. It's never really a thing you pay attention to, not unless you’re trying to forget something. Something so heart-wrenchingly cruel and painful that you’ll pay attention to the sounds of your boots sauntering across wet cobblestone. Trying to clear your mind after condemning someone to death. Life was easy when I was simply a magician, before the plague, before Asra, before I became a doctor’s apprentice. I didn’t think it would be this difficult, I thought I could cure the plague. But at this point, it’s become a wave, and it’s going to swallow this city whole. I should have left.
The bell jingling on the door of Julian's clinic snaps me out of my thoughts. I didn’t even realize I had already made my way across town from my house call. I was returning from a patient visit. It wasn’t a good one. I remove my mask and take a deep sigh, wiping the sweat off my skin, it may be cold out in Vesuvia but wearing a mask for hours takes its toll. I drop my mask onto Julian's desk as I walk into the back supply room. A wave of emotions overtakes me as I feel my heart racing in my chest. I take a deeply pained gasp trying to compose myself, but it only wills the tears into falling faster. The aching pain in my heart manifests itself in my sobs, I cover my mouth with my leather gloved hand trying to stifle it. Falling to my knees I sob silently. Mourning the victims, mourning myself, mourning my confidence. Did I really think I could cure the plague? Me? A lowly magician? One who couldn’t even manage a relationship, and drove my once chance away.
The wind howls outside, whistling as it makes its way through the drafts of Julian’s clinic. I continue to cry but not as hard. It always goes like this, I hide, I cry, I stop and I go back to work. Slowly standing, I sniffle and wipe my face with my sleeve. I then hear footsteps and start to frantically dry my eyes. I can’t let Julian see me like this, he always tries to take the burden of my pain and I can't let him do that, he’s already too busy. Still wiping my face I quickly walk out of the supply closet but run head-on into the man in front of me.
“Oh my! Oh hello there MC? Oh uh… are you alright?” It's Julian. I avoid looking at him, hoping he doesn’t see the redness of my eyes, stinging from my tears. I slowly nod.
“Yes… I’m alright Julian, thank you,” I slowly back away but he brings an arm around my shoulder.
“Come, I think we both deserve some tea, hm?” He guides me to the clinic kitchen. It's small and has an even smaller chair with a few tables. But it's cozy and a perfect place for tea, and for becoming existential on those especially hard days. I sit at the table and Julian approaches the stove. He fills the kettle with water and searches for matches to light the wood-fire stove.
“Hrm uh, I can’t seem to find the uh… would you mind?” Before he can finish I give Julian a quick nod as I approach the stove. Opening the hatch I use my magic to create a modest fire.
“Ahh, thank you, my dear, I knew having a magician as an apprentice would come in handy,” Julian winks, it causes me to give a small smile, but in an instant, it's gone, and I turn to take my place back at the table. Julian takes to standing by the stove, almost like he thinks watching the pot will cause the water to boil faster. It does not matter to me, I’m still going through the motions of my solo adventure in the supply closet. A few minutes go by and Julian prepares two cups of tea. He offers me sugar which I accept, before placing my cup in front of me and taking the seat across. We sit in silence, sipping our warm beverages, listening to the wind howling outside as rain slowly approaches. The sweetness of the sugar is nice on my tongue, but I still feel the ache in my chest. Julian can’t seem to sit still. His eyes shift from me to his cup, me, cup, the wall, cup, me. I can’t take his fidgeting much longer.
“Are you going to ask me why I was crying?” Julian jumps a little when I break the silence.
“I don’t wish to impose but, not every day you find your apprentice crying in a supply closet,” he attempts to joke. Oh if only he knew.
“I made a house call, to a family of four. They’re all infected and very far along in their symptoms,” I circle my finger around the rim of my cup, attempting to keep my composure. “They’re all being sent to the Lazaret as we speak,” Julian gives me a knowing nod. Humming in response as he glares into his cup. We both know this feeling too well. Having to send innocent people to their demise, where they will be cremated, and buried. Without a marker, without a proper funeral.
“You know what they said to me?” My voice wavers. “They said that they were going to dress in the nicest clothing they had before they left for the Lazaret… so they could go out… looking their best,” hot wet tears start to fall down my face again. I bring my hand to my face, but I stop when the leather makes contact with my hand. These hands, they try to help, but all they can do is condemn people to death, and prolong their suffering by keeping them alive, occasionally aiding the pain. But it's only temporary. I rip off my gloves and send them across the room. As far away from me as possible. Bringing my face into my hands I begin to sob once again.
I hear Julian stand in his chair, and then I feel two arms bring me into the warm hug. The first hug I’ve had in… a while, not since before my fight with Asra. I turn into his chest, letting ugly sobs escape me, while I cling to him like a lost child. All Julian does is hug me, stroking my back with a hand. But it’s the comfort I’ve needed for a while.
“I-I’m sorry, I’m supposed to be working and here I am sobbing into your shoulder,” I finally pull away from Julian, my hands still on his chest. He keeps one hand on my shoulder, while the other rests on my hand placed over his heart.
“Well I didn’t think we were on the clock, I thought we were just having a tea break hm?” Julian's warm voice always seemed to soothe me in times of stress. But I’ve never broken down like this in front of him. Ever since taking up my apprenticeship with him, I’ve always tried to be the stronger one. Julian is definitely one for dramatics so I thought I had to be strong to compensate. For the sake of morals. What a load of good that did me.
I give Julian a nod, and stare at his hand, pressed softly on top of mine. Despite his gloves, I can feel just how cold his hands are. When I brought it up in the past he said something about it “matching his heart” but I know in reality Julian is a softy. I mean he made me tea and let me cry into his clothes. I flush slightly and pull my hands back. How long have I been holding on to him?
“Thank you, Julian,” I gaze into his kind, stormy eyes. He looks like he hasn’t been sleeping well. I probably look no better, however. I can't sleep. I spend every night haunted by my patients, their cries and wet coughs echoing in my head. I can't even sleep in my own bed, it feels empty and without life. Sometimes I sleep at my desk in the clinic. I wait until Julian has left, or has promptly passed out at his own desk, and try to get some sleep, but even then.
My eyes travel Julian’s face as he still crouches beside me, a hand on my shoulder. I reach my hand up and I tuck a strand of his auburn hair behind his ear, he shivers slightly at the contact. Is this ok? To be like this towards him? I’m his apprentice but… maybe I can be selfish. Just this once. I grab his other hand, lacing our fingers together. Julian’s eyes have gone wide, a flush of pink settling on his face. He stands instantly, pulling away, and clears his throat.
“W-well it seems the rain has let up? And oh! It must be half past 5, and you know what they say about 5 o’clock,” gathering our now cold tea and disposing of it. I suddenly feel cold at the loss of his touch. No, maybe I was doing too much. We work together this isn't some fling like we’re teenagers. Professional, yes.
“I-I could go for a drink,” Julian whips around from the sink and looks at me. A grin forming on his lips. I stand and awkwardly grab my gloves from the corner where I threw them.
“I’ll just change into regular clothing, I think seeing a doctor at a bar will damper the mood,” with a nod from Julian, I exit into the bathroom where Julian and I keep our personal items. I remove my protective gear, undoing the claps and putting it away along with my gloves. I grab my travel cloak and swing it around my shoulders. Exiting the bathroom I go to find Julian. A few drinks couldn’t hurt especially after the day I had.
“Ready to go, my dear?” He asks exiting the kitchen, putting his arm out for me to grasp. With a nod I take it and we exit the clinic together.
—- At the Rowdy Raven
How many tankards has it been? 3? 4? 6? I lost track. The world around me swirls, I hear people shouting because of an unfair card game. I rub a hand across my face, my lips are numb, just like my emotions. Good, I don’t want to feel tonight. I can't remember the last time I drank this much. Julian approaches with a glass of water and hands it to me.
“I uh, think you should drink this, and maybe I should walk you home,” I take the glass reluctantly and take a sip. It's cold and soothes the burn in my chest.
“Wow doctor, if I didn’t know you well enough I think you’d be tryna get me to take you home,” my words slur out. I don’t know if it’s the alcohol or my loneliness but Julian is looking extra… something. Shit, I'm not sure, my words are failing me. My eyes are blurry and sounds seem to echo but I think I can see Julian blushing.
“Just, drink your water, I don’t think you will be able to work effectively with a hangover,” he sits next to me and moves the glass closer. With a groan, I take the drink and slowly but eventually finish it all. Feeling a little bit more sober, Julian and I leave the Raven together.
Right out the door, I stumble, Julian catches me by the elbows.
“Woah there! Maybe I should’ve had you drink another glass,” he laughs putting an arm around me to support me, his embrace is warm in comparison to the biting cold wind outside. The walk back to my shop is quiet. There's no conversation, just the sound of our shoes tapping along the wet cobblestone, and me occasionally losing my balance. The wind starts to pick up, sending leaves through the air. I stumble a little against it as it whips my face leaving me shivering. That’ll sober you up. I then feel a drop fall onto my head. Julian and I stop mid-walk and look up at the sky.
“It would seem the storm has picked up,” I nod in response, Julian then looks at me, his usual smirk plastered on his lips. “Think you’re sober enough to run?” He asks.
“Run?” I tilt my head. Just then the rain starts to pick up, and a downpour approaches. “Run!” I shout. We both take off in the rain, headed towards my shop. I grab onto Julian's hand hoping to keep up with him and we laugh as we race through the streets. We finally approach my shop and I hastily open it so we can get warm and dry.
I close the door and lean against it, heart-pounding and breath heavy. Julian is leaning on the counter trying to catch his own breath. I watch as he runs a hand through his hair, sending rain droplets onto his shoulders. The moon shines through a window, illuminating his pale skin. My stomach starts to flutter with nerves, or maybe it's the alcohol. I gulp.
“My, I didn’t expect it to come down like that!” Julian laughs. He rights himself and walks in a circle, observing my shop. “I don’t think I’ve ever really seen the inside of your shop,” he glances at me.
“Oh yea, I um haven't been keeping it open lately cause I’ve been too busy so it’s a little messy… sorry,” I nervously fiddle with the seam of my cloak. Why am I so flustered? Professional! this is a PROFESSIONAL setting. Just two co-workers who went out for drinks… and held hands in the rain… and now he's wet... in my shop. Oh, he’s wet! He’s going to catch a cold!
“W-why don’t I make us some tea and I’ll grab you a towel dry off?” I head towards the stairs and stop before I go up, looking at Julian over my shoulder. Please follow please follow please follow. He nods and we both ascend the stairs.
After clumsily filling the kettle and starting the stove, Julian tries to make me sit, but I insist I am fine and that the rain sobered me up. However I am not fine, I can manage on my own but my emotions are all over the place, why is Julian making me feel so strange? Why am I feeling things towards him? Like I want him to touch me and... No! Professional.
I find a few mismatched towels and bring them over. I hand them to Julian as I take one myself and dry myself off. I technically have a spell to fix all this but… I don’t want him to leave. Julian wraps a towel around his shoulders as he sits in a chair at the table. And then silence falls upon us once again.
“Um, thank you again, Julian, you always seem to know how to cheer me up,” I stand awkwardly, shifting my weight and avoiding Julian's eyes.
“Well, what kind of boss would I be if I didn’t take my employees out every once in a while?” He tries to be suave, but I can sense some unease in his voice. Water drips from his hair to his shoulders.
“Oh! Your hair is still wet,” I approach the table and grab a smaller towel, placing it on Julian, covering his face. Without thinking I begin to dry his hair. Rubbing the towel all over.
“Oh um, thank you,” Julian says. I freeze in place. What the hell am I doing. I slowly move my hands from the top of Julian's head to the back, towards his nape, where I slowly pull off the towel so it falls on his shoulders revealing his face. However, never in all my days did I expect Julian to be gazing at me like he was. His eyes were wide, filled with surprise and wonder. His mouth agape as he looked up at me, still slouched in the chair while I stand between his legs. My arms rest on his shoulders as I look down at him. Neither of us speaks a word. Suddenly I feel Julian’s arms, wrap around my back, he’s not grabbing me, just holding me, keeping me in place. I catch his eyes flick up and down multiple times. And I would be lying if I said mine wasn’t doing so too. The moonlight once again beams through the window as it pokes through the clouds. Illuminating Julians face with a cool glow. But at the same moment, my eye catches a glimpse of something on the table. I look over Julian's shoulders at it. No, it can't be, it was too dark in here to see but now that the moon is out... I see it. The succulent Asra bought me a while ago. It’s dead. A wave of emotion overtakes me, I look down at Julian who stares up at me, confused and almost expectantly.
“Julian, I-I’m so sorry,” I pull away from him, turning my back to face him. Trying to hide my embarrassment. “I shouldn’t have done that, or any of the things I did, I’m sorry. I’m just a mess,”
“A mess? Whatever makes you say that” I hear Julian stand, the chair squeaking as he pushes it back into place. I turn around and gesture towards the potted plant in the center of the table.
“The plant it was a gift from… from a friend, and I let it die,” My vision starts to become blurry once again.
“Well I’m sure your friend would understand, you have been busy lately-“
“You don’t understand!” The flood gates open. “I can’t even keep a plant alive let alone my patients! And all day I’ve just been selfish trying to flirt with you when I could have been working!” The ugly sobs return, I cry into my towel, hoping I’ll open my eyes and all of this will be a dream. How embarrassing I must look.
In the midst of my cries I hear the kettle started whistling. Mid sob, I turn toward the kitchenette and prepare tea for Julian and me. No cream or sugar for Julian, a teaspoon of sugar for myself. I turn around to give Julian his tea but he’s already behind me, reaching for the cup. He takes his drink and sits back at the table, and I join him with my respective cup. Snapping my finger, I like the singular candle on my kitchen table. Once again we are sat in silence drinking our tea. I’ve stopped sobbing, but my tears continue to fall.
“I’m sorry again Julian,” I sniffle between words. “I cannot lie I had an ulterior motive to bring you to my shop, but I shouldn’t have done that,” I’m too embarrassed to even meet his gaze.
“It’s alright, I cannot lie and say I didn’t sense you were up to something, so in a sense, I should also be apologizing,” I meet Julian’s eyes once again, he’s staring at me with a smile that doesn’t meet his eyes. Taking a sip of his tea he continues.
“I understand it’s been hard for… all of us, because of the plague, but you can't allow it to overtake you and make you feel weak,” at this point I have calmed down, my cheeks stained in tears and my nose sniffly. I nod in response, gazing at my poor succulent.
“You said a friend gifted it to you?” Julian tries to strike up a conversation.
“Yes… he um loved to travel and would bring me gifts often,” I take a sip of my tea trying to keep myself composed.
“Were you close?” Julian asks. My eyes shift to his wondrous expression.
“Yes along the lines of that,” I pause for a second contemplating if I should tell him. “We got into an argument when the plague first became really bad. He wanted to leave, and I wanted to stay and help… So he left,” the last few words taste bitter in my mouth.
“Do you miss him?” I pause for a minute before I finally nod. Embarrassed to confess to Julian I was essentially trying to use him.
“I hope you don’t think ill of me… I should really stay away from the bottle,” I laugh bitterly. Julian quietly laughs in response.
“I could never think ill of you,”
“Thank you….” I glance out the window, the rain is still coming down hard. I don’t want to kick Julian out after I treated him so terribly.
“Would you like to sleep here, tonight? Just because of the rain and… I would feel awful sending you to walk home in that,” I gesture to the window. Julian gives me a smile and nods.
“Yes that would be lovely, I can sleep on the floor,”
“Oh no! You can sleep in my bed I insist!”
“I feel sleeping in your bed is a step backward from today,” he jokes. I flush with embarrassment.
“I suppose so,” I stand from the table and collect the cups and bring them to the sink. After cleaning the mess and gathering the laundry I hand Julian some pillows and blankets from my bed. Julian then goes into the bathroom to get ready for bed leaving me alone. I quickly change into my sleep clothes and stare at my bed before climbing in. I haven’t slept in my own bed in a while. I’ve been avoiding my shop like… well, you know. The memory of Asra and I fighting haunts me in my sleep. And now all I can think of when I’m here is how he would hold me in bed. I couldn’t bear to sleep in it alone.
“Well I don’t think staring at your bed will help you fall asleep any faster,” I whip around to see Julian, standing in nothing but trousers. I try not to let him see my flush.
“Yes of course,” I crawl into bed and wrap myself in a blanket and try not to stare while Julian approaches and lays on the floor beside my bed. He lets out a sigh once he’s comfortable and then there is silence. Had it not been for the rain beating hard on the windows, Julian would have heard my loud nervous breathing. I can’t remember the last time I slept in my own bed let alone while someone was here with me. I shut my eyes and try to will myself asleep.
Nothings working, my mind wanders worried about my patients, about my poor plants, about Asra, about Julian, about my shop. Anything and everything is causing anxiety in my mind. I toss and turn in bed trying to get comfortable but nothing works. After what feels like 2 hours have passed I finally open my eyes and let out a huff.
“Can’t sleep?” Julian’s groggy tone cuts through the silence. I let out a sigh.
“Yes… I haven’t had much sleep lately, I guess I’m not used to sleeping alone,”
“We’ll you’re technically not alone right now…”
“Yes I guess you’re right… But there's a difference between someone sleeping in your bed and someone sleeping next to your bed,” Julian lets out a short laugh.
“Yes I guess that is so, I’ve never had the best luck sleeping either… would you… would you want me to hold your hand?”
“What?” I quickly sit up and look over the edge of my bed at Julian. It’s very dark but I feel that I can see him blushing.
“Well you know, so you don’t feel like you’re sleeping alone,” his voice wavers slightly. I guess that makes sense.
“Ok,” I say. I then lay on my stomach and scooch to the edge of the bed and allow my arm to hang over the side, my hand finds Julians and we both lay there in silence. Our hands interlocked, listening as the rain comes down in the streets. Julian's hands are still cold as usual, but it’s soothing in a sense, against my hands that are usually hot and aching with tension like the rest of my body. I eventually hear Julian’s breath still into a sleepy rhythm. I keep my eyes on him, watching his chest rise and fall as tendrils of moonlight poke through the curtains. Eventually, I close my eyes, and slowly but surely I fall asleep into a warm comforting slumber.
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f0rever15elf · 3 years
Could you please do headcannons on an S/O or lover who is taller than the boys? Would they find it hot or think you're intimidating?
Thank you so much, I love your headcannons!
Hi there lovely!! I’m so sorry this took so long!! I hope you enjoy it! 
Head Canon Masterlist
When you’re taller than them
Whiskey: Please, please wear those tight jeans he bought you for horseback writing. He loves the way you look in them, how long your legs look. Leading up to meeting you, Jack didn’t know he enjoyed being the little spoon, usually being taller than his dates so it just made sense to him that he was big spoon. Then one night you wrapped yourself around him and the man very nearly started crying. Now, it’s his preferred place when y’all are sleeping. He loves the fact that you’re taller than him, especially when it comes to hugging you. Easier access to grabbing the booty, and it’s easier to nuzzle into your neck. Jack is infatuated with you and will gas you up any time you feel self-conscious about being taller than him. 
Javi: height doesn’t really matter to him, honestly. Tall, short, same height as him... it really doesn’t bother him. He’s still gonna cuddle you the same way, he’s still gonna stick his hand in your back pocket the same way. he’s still gonna praise you and fawn over you like you’re  the most gorgeous creature he’s ever seen. And that’s cause you are. Plus, it’s an advantage, cause if he ever loses you in the crowd, you’re fairly easy to spot. He won’t lie though, you being taller gives him easier access to the booty, and just like Jack, Javi GREATLY appreciates that. 
Frankie: “I love my tall partner,” is probably his most used phrase. The man says it at the most random moments too. Like, you’re out at the grocery store, reaching for something on the top shelf and you just hear him sigh and say he loves how tall you are and you turn around and he’s staring at you with these big goo goo eyes. The man is absolutely helpless when it comes to you. He has absolutely no issue with asking for help reaching things, either. He makes ample use of your height, in fact, but in reality it’s just a reason for him to thank you with a kiss (he likes kisses.) 
Ezra: The man won’t be quiet and will 100% be comparing you to the Amazons. Grace and beauty and height unparalleled. He writes poems about you, absolutely. He also clings to you like a koala any and every time you’re laying down together, big spoon or small spoon, he doesn’t care. If you ever had any sort of self-conciousness about being taller, he’s gonna double down on erasing it. No love of his will ever look down on themselves for such regal beauty. He’s still of the mindset of doing everything on his own, even with the loss of his arm, denying your help. that is, until you come up behind him and reach over him to get whatever he needs for him. Then, he looks up at you with bright red cheeks and he swears his heart is gonna beat out of his chest. He acts purposefully stubborn after that just to get you to do that too him again. 
Oberyn: The gods made you, and it delights him. Everything about you, but especially your height. He’d make sure you’re outfitted in the finest garments that accentuate your height, and you’ll never miss how his eyes rake over you when you do. He likes things his way, but sometimes his way is you in control, over him, taking advantage of your height over him. Only for you, would he ever allow this, much less crave it. When he introduces you to the sand snakes, they’re also in awe of your height, just as much as he is. The term “godly or heavenly” is thrown around a lot in reference to you, after all, such regalness could only exist in the heavenly realms, right? 
Din: He adjusts things in the crest as best he can to compensate for your height, apologizing the whole way that the craft is smaller and has the potential to make you uncomfortable. You assure him it’s ok, but whenever you’re on a relatively safe planet, he makes sure to find a place to stay where you can effectively stretch out. He secretly really loves the fact that you’re taller than him, but he’ll not say it out loud. Not that he needs to with the sounds he makes when you come up behind him and rest your chin on his shoulder or head. It makes him weak in the knees and he tries to cover the sound with a cough, but you know what you’re doing to him. And boy do you enjoy it. 
Pero: A tall partner is a strong partner. You must have been well fed as a child to grow so well. Your height means you have a longer reach too, which is good for sword fighting, which he will definitely be teaching you. He feels a sense of pride walking with you, that his lover is taller than him. Tall and strong and powerful. He feels nothing like intimidation or envy, he could never feel those things about you. He still encourages you to cuddle with him at night, tucking you under his chin to keep you safe and warm. He’s also incredibly stubborn, still demanding that he reach the things on the top shelves so you don’t need to, even though you can reach them much more easily. HOnestly, it’s endearing.  
Max: He buys you clothes that show off your ass and long legs because he LOVES them. Easier access to grabbing your ass? Yes please! Easier access to shoving his face into your chest when he hugs you? He can die a happy vamp. He’s also a heat leach and WILL koala to you every chance he gets. Because of this, more often than not you end up wrapping around him at night while you sleep and he is in heaven. Expect many ass smacks because it’s right there and how could you expect him to resist? 
Maxwell: At first, he’s a little self-conscious.  He doesn’t have a good self image, and feels like he needs to appear bigger than he is. He definitely wears shoe inserts for a while until you convince him to stop when he complains about how they make his feet hurt. He’ll take lots of gentle motivation and confidence boosting to be able to accept that it’s ok that you’re taller than him. When he’s finally comfortable, it’s like there’s a whole different side of him. He likes tucking himself up against you, feeling safe and comfortable. He gets rid of his inserts, not put off at all that you have some height on him as he walks you around parties on his arm. He decides he needs to make up for lost time, praising you and telling you how much he loves your height, especially at night when you’re cuddling and he’s super sleepy. 
Marcus Pike: Perfect boyfriend loves his tall partner. Heart eyes, all the time. It’s adorable, really, to be walking with him and looking down to see him smiling up at you. The only time he ever really shows any sort of self confidence was one time when the two of you were just chilling, and he asked if you ever wished that he was taller. He had taken your no at face value, smiling at your confirmation. He’s the type to play at the fact that he’s always having to move the seat up in the car when he drives after you, but it’s always in good fun. 
Marcus Moreno: Marcus kinda glitches out sometimes when he looks at you (much to Missy’s embarrassment). He likes tall people. He likes them a lot. His jaw falls open and he kinda just stares while you go about your business until you look at him and he snaps out of it. It doesn’t matter how long the two of you are together for, it’s gonna keep happening. Sometimes, when you come up behind him he loses all manner of brain function until you press a kiss to his cheek and move from behind him. It’s honestly pretty incredible how you can render the leader of the Heroics positively speechless. Missy jokes that that’s your superpower, and Marcus is inclined to agree. When it comes to cuddles, Marcus prefers the small spoon 9 times out of 10. Gods, he just really loves his tall partner. 
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