#so I really hope this lives up to expectation
ohnoitstbskyen · 19 hours
Oh no. Sir I believe I'm going to need you to explain that Dragon Age 2 opinion, that is a BLAZING hot take
I really don't think it is. Although of course all of this is personal opinion, not some sort of divine proclamation on high about which video games people are allowed to prefer, so take please it in the spirit it is offered.
Origins is a worldbuilding walking tour as much about explaining its own in-universe lore and fantasy history as it is about either its characters or the actual story that is happening in the game. It's a cool world! With some great lore! But also it is built entirely around Generic Fantasy Plot Structure #1 and never particularly seems interested in innovating, or surprising the player. On top of which, a lot of its setting and lore is pretty weakly sketched and doesn't really get developed into something either visually or narratively compelling until it gets built out in later games.
And while Inquisition has some genuinely fantastic characters, everything else about the game suffers very badly from the plague of BioWare Magic™, i.e. the production was an absolute mess up until the last minute when five hundred extremely overworked and underpaid creative geniuses somehow managed to wring a functional experience out of the trainwreck. It was made with fucking Frostbite of all things, jesus christ, it's holding together with spit and duct tape.
Now, Dragon Age 2 shares a bunch of the problems of Origins and Inquisition. It too bears the hallmarks of "our executives couldn't plan a healthy game production cycle if their lives depended on it" with a lot of unfinished content, half-assed sidequests and a truly frustrating over-reliance on a combat system that isn't half as engaging to use as it needed to be.
But Dragon Age 2 also has something neither of its siblings could ever even hope to match: an actual compelling protagonist.
Like, listen, I know people adore their headcanons about their Wardens and Inquisitors, and it has made for some truly amazing fanworks, but Hawke is literally the only actual character out of all of them. Hawke has conflicts, problems, needs and drives that actually inform and push the story forward, they have a family and a history and a reason to give a sh** about the central conflict of the narrative.
In Origins and Inquisition both, your character becomes the main character of the story entirely because of fate and random chance. You are the Chosen One and you are the only one who can Save The World because you're the last of the super special elite fantasy Hero Squad, or because you got some green magic stuck in your hand by being in the wrong place at the wrong time. Because the character is a complete blank slate onto which the player is expected to project themselves, random chance and circumstance are the only tools the plot can use to position them as main characters. There is no character to drive them to it.
In Dragon Age 2, Hawke becomes the champion because they're trying to build a new life for their family in Kirkwall, and end up embroiled in the chaos and politics that befall the city as a natural consequence of living in it and dealing with the conditions of it. Hawke and their family's needs and wants drive their actions, and push them to engage in endeavors that influence the course of history. They have agency (in the conceit of the narrative, at least) over how their life turns out, they make choices that have consequences, rather than being dictated into the position of Main Character by a literal looming apocalypse that permits no other course of action.
And I'm not about to sit here and claim that Dragon Age 2's story is perfect or that every character is a masterpiece or that every plotline is amazing. No, there's plenty of scuff and jank and things that have aged poorly and unresolved plot threads and all the rest of it.
And I am definitely not forgetting the godsdamned DLC where BioWare threw it all overboard by inventing a Special Bloodline Plot where oops it turns out Hawke actually IS a special chosen one specially chosen by a special fate to have a special role in Saving The World because they're special because of fate and destiny and blah blah, I still think that was phenomenally stupid (especially when Corypheus wasn't even Hawke's goddamn main villain to deal with what was any of this supposed to add to their character ffs BioWare)
But even with all its problems, the simple fact that Hawke is a character you can give a shit about independent of your own projection as a player - the fact that Hawke isn't just an empty bland blank slate with no personality, no traits, no wants or needs or drives - that has made Dragon Age 2 infinitely more memorable to me than either Origins and Inquisition. I think about it to this day. I think about Hawke to this day. I care about what happens to the character in a way that I just simply could never bring myself to do with either my Wardens or my Inquisitors.
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httpseungmxn · 3 days
Song Mingi x Ninth Member!Female Reader
🍧🍬 - angst and fluff
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Authors note: Hello angels! Here is the first fic from my poll results, this one won which I completely expected! I suddenly had to take a mental health hiatus so this is coming to you later than I wanted it to and I apologize for that! Because of this the other fics will probably not all be out before the end of the month, I could attempt the rush but I don’t want to give you guys bad quality fics. This fic takes place right before the filming of the Bouncy mv so pink haired mingi and cowboy themes ahead! I hope you all enjoy reading as much as I enjoyed writing it! 
Warnings: Cursing, yelling, Mingi is very protective and very pissed off, Threats to sue, reader is called “love” once
Triggers: Stylist being corrupt/perverted, I think thats about it!
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Ateez’s Sweetheart. That was your official title in the group that your fandom had come up with shortly after you debuted in the group just two years after the group debuted. Before you had joined kpops world famous pirate group, you had been training for over six years and set to debut in several groups before that unfortunately never made it to their debut. These were all under a company that only recently began to grow in popularity.
When you realized you would never debut as long as you were with the company, you left. Expecting to be recruited by a smaller company, you were shocked when you got an email from KQ asking you to join one of their groups. Not just any group of theirs though, specifically Ateez.
When you went in to officially meet the group and CEO, the group welcomed you with bright smiles. You didn’t expect them to all be so kind and welcoming to you. It was even more of a surprise to you to find out that the leader was the one who recommended you join the group. They wanted to shake things up and make a change at KQ entertainment by allowing the first girl to join them.
That was the story behind how you came to be their ninth member. It was agreed that you would be their lead visual as well as a lead vocalist, as well as their maknae due to being a year younger than Jongho. You grew very close to Jongho because of this and spent much time with him doing vocal practices and just hanging out.
You saw the whole group as older brothers just as they saw you as their little sisters. Well, most of them did. There was one member who had a very special bond with you, one that was nothing like the sibling bond you had with the others. You never really expected Mingi to be how he was. You were so intimidated by him before you joined Ateez, but it didn’t take long to realize he was one of the sweetest members of the group.
The bond you both had grew over the years and became much more when you moved into his dorm during the recording and writing of the Outlaw album. There were no words spoken of what you guys were, especially because it was almost forbidden in your company, but everybody knew. The members were sure to watch what they said and did around you when Mingi was near. 
He was incredibly protective of you towards everything and everyone. Lending you a comforting hug when you felt lonely. Letting you fall asleep on his shoulder during long bus rides and flights. Making sure you were the first to eat and drink during meals. Everything you did included Mingi in the mix. He refused to let you go anywhere without him because he was afraid of you getting hurt.
The members weren’t the only ones who knew about your special bond with Mingi. The fans caught onto Mingi’s lingering touches and the long hugs you guys would give each other during lives. Even the way you guys looked and smiled at each other was far different from the way you looked at the others.
No one ever threw out scandals though. They knew how pissed the group would be if they even spoke your name the wrong way. The group was protective of their sweetheart. Even towards staff who treated you differently or seemed too close to your comfort.
Filming for Bouncy had begun just a few days ago and so far it was going smoothly. They had finished filming Mingi’s rap scene meaning it was your turn to start filming your scene after a short break. During said break you were being put into your costume for the mv, which happened to be a red cropped bandana top around your chest with a long brown vest.
A set of black leather shorts almost like a bikini bottom did almost nothing to cover your ass and the chaps you wore over them didn’t help at all except cover the sides of your thighs and from your knees down. The cowgirl boots, weapon belt and hat were your favorite part of the outfit because they were a classic and really helped to show your role.
You didn’t think much of how you looked because you were used to being put into things like this for photoshoots and sneak peeks. You were soon to find out just how bad the outfit was though as soon as your makeup and hair were done. Making your exit from your dressing room and walking over to your members who looked stunned and nervous.
Your stylist was adjusting pieces of the costume as you waited for Mingi to come. Your scenes were right smack dab next to each other so in the lore it was written that you two were partners traveling to different towns together. Feeling relieved when Mingi made his appearance finally and going to greet him. Worry crossing your features when you noticed his smiling expression fade to one of anger.
“ What the actual hell is she wearing. “, were the first words he spoke as he glared down at your stylist. Your stylist looked a bit scared as he explained it was an almost exact match to his. “ An exact match? Tell me, Sir. How much skin do you see on me? STOP FUCKING TOUCHING HER. Get your filthy hands away from her. Come with me, Love. We need to have a little chat with the manager about what they expect you to wear. “
A warm feeling crept up your body when Mingi wrapped his jacket around you and led you away from the stunned stylist. Smiling shyly when Mingi looks down to you, his anger melting away for a moment as soon as he looks at you. “ If they don’t change this outfit of yours, I’ll threaten to sue. I’m honestly surprised they made you wear something so revealing, they’ve never done this before. “.
Mingi’s words became distant sounds in your ears as you just looked up to him, admiring him while walking. Your relationship was slowly changing again and your feelings for each other were becoming more obvious to other people. Neither of you seemed to mind though. Too caught up in this warm feeling. Nothing could stray either of you from the way you feel for each other.
You held a special place in Mingi’s heart just as he held a special place in yours. No one could change that. Not the members. Not the managers. And certainly not the company.
          You were his and he was yours.
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Authors ending note; What did we think? I think this was pretty good compared to some of my other fics and it was certainly longer than other ones. I’ll start work on the Yeonjun one as soon as I'm done posting this one and hopefully get back on track with my schedule! Let me know what you guys think of this in the comments and tell me if you want more! Until next time, Angels 🫶
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dunmeshistash · 2 days
all of this is just giving misogyny lol
Living in denial, thinking, surely it gotta be some reason other than misogyny? But I got nothing
I imagine it's internalized for a lot of people so maybe they don't notice? it's just that it really grinds my gears lmao. Several times before I wanted to complain about it but the Maizuru slut shaming/mom shaming was the last drop
I don't think I've seen a single comment in my notes in older posts about how she treated Izutsumi, only about how she traumatized Toshiro.
In the posts about Laios and Falin's past I've only seen either general "I get how it is but I hope they can make up" up to feeling sorry for his father, but when there was a focus on his mother the comments became "no wonder he was traumatized look at what she did" "this woman had issues"
I'm really over here TRYING to find any other reason why there's different reactions but people just have this expectation that women are either perfect or evil??
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taintandviolent · 2 days
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Knockout ; Max Cooperman x Reader
summary: Max Cooperman is cute. Like, really cute. When reader has a chance to flirt with him at one of his fights, she does. Hard. Underneath that cocky exterior, Max is still a dork, and doesn't know how to handle her flirting. Sloppy bathroom sex ensues.
word count & w a r n i n g s: 2.1K | semi-public sex, bathroom sex, blowjobs, fingering, unprotected sex (female receiving).
a/n: requested by anonymous! I hope this is what you had in mind and it lives up to the expectations!!! not beta-read, so if anything sounds doofy, just pretend it doesn't. divider by @/strangergraphics!!
full fic under cut! ↓ / ao3 link here! / I don’t have a taglist, but please turn on post notifications if you’d like to be notified of future fics!
You were here solely because your friend knew one of the guys fighting - otherwise this event was pretty hush-hush, being hosted in some warehouse that you nearly got lost on the way to. For being a secret fight though, the turnout was pretty decent. But that? That was irrelevant. In all honesty, you only cared about one person being in attendance; Max Cooperman. And you had eyes on him at that very moment. He was standing in the ring, microphone in hand. 
You couldn't believe you were seeing him up close and personal and couldn’t control the butterflies that fluttered in your tummy. You’d gotten a front row standing spot, so you could get your fill of him. His boyish dark blonde curls, dark brown eyes, utterly kissable lips… You'd only ever seen him at parties, mingling with whatever girl was the choice of the night - which, regrettably, was never you. But, to be fair, you never put yourself on the market. He was the cutest guy you'd seen in high school, then college, and as the college parties continued, the obsession with him grew stronger and stronger.
As Max spoke, jovially announcing the fighters, you bit down on the pillowy cushion of your bottom lip, your eyes locked on his face. He was clearly in his element, feeling like the center of attention, and the confidence oozed from his pores. You were like putty in his hands, and he hadn't even said a word to you yet. You leaned forward, resting your elbows on your knees, and intentionally exposing your cleavage to him. Out of the corner of his eye, the tantalizing flash of flesh pulled his attention away from the crowd.
His brown eyes flitted to your breasts, away and then immediately flashed up to your face. You were still biting down on your lip, which, all things considered, probably looked very suggestive to him. Max grinned and that dorky smile sent a bolt of arousal straight to your cunt. You let out a little mewl, and crossed your legs, bringing his gaze to your crotch, where they lingered for just a second before darting away, finishing his spiel. 
"Any questions?" 
"Yeah!" You cupped your hands around your mouth, amplifying your voice. "I have a question for you, Max!"
His attention turned back to you for the second time, a knowing look plastered on his face. You were up to something, and he felt it. For a moment, he was worried you were going to embarrass him. Inside, the butterflies beat ruthlessly in his stomach. 
"Are you single?!" You shouted up at him, jerking your chin up once to emphasize the question. Members of the small crowd began jeering at him, hollering in response. Flustered, his soft cheeks were flushed, dark eyes flitting between you and the rest of the crowd. You mouthed, 'You're hot' and flashed him a bright, confident smile. 
You could immediately tell that he was flustered. Nervously, he brought the mic back to his lips and muttered, "Y-yeah! Alright uhh -- let's go! And don't forget to subscribe to our YouTube channel! We livestream all the fights there and announce events. So... do that!" 
"Hey," you replied, looking deep into his eyes. They were so dark, yet so warm and inviting.
With one hand, you shoved him back against the wall. He stumbled slightly, looking surprised by your sudden motion. "Hoh' shit..." Max looked down at your hand as it trailed down his chest.
"I want you, baby." With that, you smashed your lips against his neck, sucking the salty flesh into your mouth. Max gave way immediately, tilting his head to the side to expose more of his neck to you. Brows knitting together, he whimpered, hands blindly feeling for your jean-clad hips. Once he found them, he gripped them hard, pulling himself against you. He was already getting hard? You sniggered against his neck. 
"What!?" He hissed.
Leaning away at the chest, you looked at him, quirking a brow. "You've already got a boner..." 
Max bumped his head against the wall, scrunching up in his face in embarrassment. After a moment, he opened his eyes and found yours, looking hard into them. "Well, yeah, I mean to be fair, I've got a hot babe - a knockout - in front of me, sucking on my neck like Nosferatu or something." 
You nodded, sucking in the corner of your bottom lip. "A knockout? Really?" That was cheesy. You were being purposefully coy and you both knew it. You pressed your body back against his, 'hmm'ing' into his neck before picking back up with the kisses. Your hand found his crotch, rubbing at the stiff bulge that met it. Max ground his hips against your palm, forcing friction and more pressure. He was so whiny, whimpering like a little bitch underneath you -- but you loved it. It drove you forward as you teasingly stroked his cock outside his jeans. 
Max abruptly took hold of your shoulders, panting heavily. He searched your mischievous expression, looking for permission. Your gaze was lust-blown and woozy, but you managed to smile at your handiwork; his neck was covered in little crimson spots. By tomorrow, there'd be no hiding them. He wavered, looking back towards the clearing; the fight was underway, and he never missed a fight, but.... his cock ached. So bad. He wasn't going to kill the vibe and turn you down. No way. 
"C'mon. In here." Max opened a door to his right, and tugged you inside. It was a small bathroom, just a toilet and a sink. Bare bones, but you'd expect nothing less from a warehouse restroom. Besides, interior decor wasn't the focus -- getting Max Cooperman to put his hands all over you was. 
For a minute, he just stared at you, his back against the door, looking stupid and confused at what he should do. You couldn’t help but laugh, an airy giggle tumbling off your lips. 
“What, don’t know how to take a girl flirting with you? Don’t tell me it doesn’t happen often…” 
Max shrugged boyishly, looking sheepish. “Usually, I’m not the focus but uh… that’s not to say that I don’t get ass… I do…”
“Uh-huh,” you teased. “Sure.” 
“No, really, I do.” 
“Well, you’re gonna’ get some right now.” 
Without another word, you sank to your knees, your hands on the waistband of his jeans. Your fingers nimbly undid the buttons and zip, letting his pants fall to his ankles. The outline of his cock in his briefs was a sight to behold; the little spot of precum that had darkened the fabric was an even better one. 
“Already leaking, huh? He wants to fuck…” 
At your words, Max whined with an open mouth, bumping his head against the back of the door, his fists clenched at his side. You smiled, and peeled his briefs down slowly. His cock sprang free in your face, heavy and flushed. You were delighted by the sight, and pressed your lips against the velvet soft head. The slick glossed your lips, and the boy above you was already writhing, adjusting his legs and thrusting his hips closer to your mouth. 
Pulling away, you let out another little giggle through closed lips. “You like that? You want me to suck your dick, Max?” 
Breathlessly, he looked down at you and nodded, begging you with his dark brown eyes and open mouth. You gazed up at his face and inched towards his cock, tongue out like a landing strip. The head hit your tongue first, sliding back against the wetness. His precum was salty, but you craved the taste of it and began bobbing your head back and forth, allowing his cock to hit the back of your throat. It flexed on the tip of it, sending a shockwave through Max’s body. He started moving with you, dumbly thrusting his hips into your mouth. Max watched as your throat took his cock masterfully, clenching around it every time it hit the back. 
“Fuck, oh my god…. Oh my god.” One of his hands found the back of your hand, fingers entangling in your hair. He pulled slightly, guiding you back and forth at a speed that he wanted. The muscles in his abdomen flexed, chest rising and falling with each laboured breath. His cock ached bad, and the way your tongue massaged the vein underneath had him quivering against the door. Sweat streamed down from his hairline, dampening his curly locks. 
Watching this erotic visual above you, the corners of your mouth turned upwards and you took hold of his dick with one hand, pumping at the base, milking him onto your tongue. You slurped and sucked at his cock, pulling desperate whines from his throat. After a few moments, sticky with precum, you pulled away and swallowed. Max could hardly hold himself up at that point, and shakily lifted his head to look down at you. 
“Wh-wha, why’d you stop? Don’t stop…” 
You smiled, wiping the corner of your mouth with your middle finger. “You wanna’ fuck me?” 
Max hesitated, his brain foggy with lust. You reached for his hand, pulling it towards your jean skirt. Standing on your tiptoes, you walked your legs out just enough to allow his hand between them, and pressed his fingertips against your wet, throbbing cunt. The fabric of your underwear was saturated, and immediately, his fingers began moving, stroking your slit with an instinctive hunger. 
“Oh fuck, you’re so…” 
“Wet? Yeah. So, do you wanna’ do it? C’mon, quickly.” You snapped your fingers in front of your face. The sound seemed to pull him away from his pussy-touching trance and he nodded, slowly at first. He kept nodding, faster as you walked over to the sink. 
You bent over the sink, exposing your ass cheeks to him. Your skirt was short enough that all Max had to do was pull your frilly pink thong to the side, and slip in. Which he did, holding his cock with one hand and your hips with the other. He lined up, breached your entrance with his squishy, hot tip, and sank all the way in, letting out a husky groan as he did. 
Your walls clenched around him, heat enveloping his cock as he pumped in and out a few times, watching intently. Your cunt was drenched, and the slick coated him, providing no friction as he fucked you. No longer needing to hold onto his cock, his hands found the curve of your shoulders to use as leverage for his thrusts. Behind you, Max whined, rutting his strong hips against you. 
Moaning loud as you bounced on his cock, you tilted your head back, hair falling in his face. Max inhaled your scent, addicted to the sweet floral scent of your shampoo. Never thinking that he’d be fucking in the bathroom of the warehouse, Max’s tummy was in knots, tightening further with each thrust. 
“I’m gonna’...” 
You forced him to bottom out, wiggling your ass against his groin. The action made his breath hitch in his throat, looking down at the fullness of your ass cheeks as they swept across his skin. You were so hot, and it drove him crazy. 
“Fuck, FUCK!” Without warning, Max exploded, his cock twitching inside you, painting your walls with white heat. 
“Finger me,” you said, chest heaving. Your orgasm was close, you needed just a little more. 
Max withdrew his cock, and turned you around, so that your ass was resting on the edge of the sink. He replaced his cock with two of his fingers, and leaned forward to kiss you. Your mouths connected in a sloppy, wet kiss as his digits pumped into your cunt fast, curling upwards to hit the spongy flesh of your G-spot. You sucked in a breath, and exhaled expletives into his mouth as you came around his fingers, leaking out onto his hand. 
“Fuck yeah, fuck yeah oh my god…..” 
“Holy shit,” Max said, watching you. As your cunt clenched around his digits, you rolled your hips against his hand, pushing his fingers in as far as they could go. After a few moments, he pulled out, and in the mirror, you saw him bring his middle and ring fingers – the ones that had just been embedded in your pussy – to his mouth. He sucked them clean. 
“That was fucking hot…” You whispered, laughing. 
“Yeah, no kiddin’.” 
“Guess you should get back to your fight, huh? See who won?”
“Shit… yeah, I guess so.” 
Max left the bathroom first, while you cleaned up. You smiled to yourself in the mirror, pleased with what had just transpired. Mission accomplished. 
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epicbuddieficrecs · 2 days
Weekly Recap | June 3rd-23th 2024 ~ Fics
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Sorry for skipping a two weeks! I had a work thing the weekend before before last and work is a bit busy at the moment so I couldn't get to it during the week. Hope you enjoy!
Take the Lead by Inell/ @inell (Getting Together, Post-S7 | 1,3K | Teen): Buck and Eddie finally have a conversation that they’ve needed to have for months, if not years.
take me out and take me home by bellabrady (Getting Together | 1,7K | Not Rated): Maddie has been texting him, asking him if he’s asked Buck yet and reassuring him that he’ll say yes, although after a few days, it seems her patience started to run out and the reassurance kind of turned into bullying. So he’s going to do it. He’s going to ask Buck out on a date, today. Partially because he wants to finally be with Buck and this will hopefully be the start of that and partially because he’s getting tired of Maddie texting him that he’s a coward — Or: Buck and Eddie finally go on a date.
thanks, babe! by bucksclipboard/ @excuseme-greentea (Getting Together | 1,8K | Teen): Eddie accidentally calls Buck babe and refuses to have a meltdown over it. It was just his subconscious betraying him because they were surrounded by couples, right? Right?!
hit the jackpot by coupe_de_foudre/ @panevanbuckley (Canon Divergent, 1x09: Trapped | 2K | General): “I’m your husband.” “You’re my husband? Holy shit!”
baby don't you know? (you're my golden hour) by ipretendtobesane/ @useramor (Post-S6 | Getting Together | 2K | General): Eddie will give him this: Chimney does wait months after Buck’s out of his coma and back by his side to bring it up. “How come you and Buck haven’t told anyone you’re together?”
I wish I could help by bucksclipboard/ @excuseme-greentea (Post-7x05: You Don't Know Me, PWP | 2K | Explicit): Eddie is so pent up he can barely focus on his job – and Buck is all too happy to help. That’s just what friends do.
the 'i' in ikea stands for 'i love you' by ipretendtobesane/ / @useramor (Getting Together, Didn't Know They Were Dating | 2,8K | Teen): buck has some life changing realizations in the curtain section of ikea. mainly, he's really, really in love with his best friend.
Take the Lead by Inell/ @inell (Canon Divergent, Shannon Lives, Divorced Eddie/Shannon, S4 | 3K | Teen): When Eddie and Buck go to the Hollywood Farmer’s Market, Eddie doesn’t expect to run into his ex-wife for the first time since moving to LA two years ago.
(for every question why) you were my because by thatbuddie (talktothesky) (Post-S7, Getting Together | 3K | Teen): “Being boyfriends and being friends is really different,” Buck says. “But if you’re so okay being friends with him,” Eddie explains, “It means there wasn’t anything he did wrong while being your boyfriend. So I don’t understand why you broke up with him.” “I didn’t break up with him because he did anything wrong.” Eddie opens his arms wide and then lets them drop down to hit the side of his thighs. “But then what happened? I just don’t understand. What happened?” “You! That’s what happened: You!” (or, Buck breaks up with Tommy but won’t talk about it, and Eddie just needs to know why.)
of bake sales and overdue realizations by brewrosemilk/ @gayhoediaz (Getting Together | 4,8K | Teen): Eddie doesn’t notice it until it becomes a thing that happens even when it’s just him and Buck, without Chris anywhere near them - but even then, he doesn’t find it strange, or give it much thought. Buck is the one who starts ending their phone calls with a quick ‘love you’ but it doesn't take long before Eddie does the same, often beating him to it.
one single static frame by signetsealed/ @gayeddieagenda (Post-S7, Pre-Buddie | 5K | General): Chris is gone and Buck and Eddie are called on for babysitting duty. Eddie has feelings about it.
some version of you that I might not have (but I did not lose) by Chash/ @ponyregrets (Coma Dream, Pre-Buddie | 5K | Teen): Either Eddie is dreaming and can't wake up, or he's losing his mind. He's not sure which one is more likely.
Baby Got Buck by bgonemydear, Chash/ @ponyregrets (Pre-canon to S7 | 5K | Mature): Five times Buck checked out a guy's ass before he figured out he was bi, and one time someone checked out his after.
sounding like the rest of my life by coupe_de_foudre/ @panevanbuckley (Canon Divergent, Getting Together | 6K | General): or, Eddie does a Ravi and swaps shifts for a bit, only everyone on B Shift is convinced that he and Buck are married. they might not be as wrong as Eddie initially thought.
buried deep, our love comes home by lookforanewangle (Post-3x15: Eddie Begins | 7K | Teen): “You care for him.” “Of course I do,” Buck says, gaze back on Eddie against his will. He squeezes Eddie’s hand again. “He’s my best friend.” “That’s not what I meant.” “I—I don’t—Bobby, it-it’s not like that—” or: After a traumatic few days, Buck and Eddie get their shit together.
i told my future by reading your lips by Daisies_and_Briars/ @cal-daisies-and-briars (2x06: Dosed, Time Travel | 7K | Teen): In 2018, on their way to a call at a child beauty pageant, and feeling a little strange, Buck and Eddie are suddenly thrown into a fast-paced look at some key moments from their future. And, what they see? Well it can only lead to one logical conclusion.
oh, come when you're called by lesbianrobin/ @lesbianrobin (Post-S7 | 8K | Teen): Chris wants his dad. He wants his bed. But he can't have those yet, and he and Dad never really text because if Dad’s not working they’re usually together or one of them is too busy to text, so texting Dad feels weird, but Buck… He can text Buck.
🔥 Saints into the Sea by Chash/ @ponyregrets (Post-7x05: You Don't Know Me, Coming Out, Jealous Eddie | 8K | Teen): There's an itch between his shoulder blades when Buck talks about Tommy, when Buck asks Eddie if he wants to join the two of them for a drink after work, when Buck smiles at a text message and Eddie knows it's from Tommy. His stomach had been twisted in knots for half of Maddie and Chim's wedding, watching the two of them. There's only one awful, inevitable conclusion: Eddie isn't actually as comfortable with Buck's coming out as he thought he was. Which is, frankly, unacceptable.
If You Want It, You Can Have It by fruitsdoesnotknow/ @tayf-ghost (Post-S7, Halloween, Identity Porn | 9K | Mature): Buck just wants to enjoy a Halloween night out with the 118, drinking and dancing and making fun of Ravi's costume, all the while trying to handle his newfound feelings for Eddie. He thinks he's being smart, trying to get over his best friend, or at the very least, keep his secret under wraps. He ends up doing the exact opposite. It ends up yielding great results.
🔥 We're at an Impasse Here; Maybe We Should Compromise by Chash/ @ponyregrets (Post-S7 | 9K | Teen): "You cannot murder anyone," says Maddie. "Also, if you were going to murder your captain, it would be very stupid to write murder down as your top idea for how to deal with him." "It's on a dry erase board!" Chim protests. So far, all he's written on the board is Ways to Deal with Capt Gerrasshole, and then 1. Murder? below it. "And I put a question mark. So even if I didn't erase it, the jury would never convict. A question mark introduces reasonable doubt."
friends don't mean nothing to me (it's us) by Kwills91/ @kwills91 (Pre-S2, Canon Divergent | 15K | Teen): Buck and Eddie meet before he joins the 118, and it just might be the balm he needs to get over Abby. But when Eddie starts working at the station, Buck doesn't understand why Hen and Chim keep looking at them that way, or why Bobby seems to think they're dating.
🔥 when the longer days of sun appear, they'll be rising like an answered prayer by Chash/ @ponyregrets (Post-S7, Fake Relationship | 18K | Explicit): Eddie is generally worried when Tommy and Buck break up because Tommy's ex moved back to town, and even more worried when that leaves Buck without a date to a wedding. So, of course, Eddie's going to help him out with all of that.
🔥 like a bird stealing bread out from under your nose by Daisies_and_Briars/ @cal-daisies-and-briars (Post-S7, Fix-It | 21K | Mature): If you’d asked Eddie back in May what rock bottom looked like, it was his son leaving him. That felt like it; everything ruined so entirely that there was no way to ruin it further. There’s always more to lose.
🔥 some things fall when they're meant to fall by sibylsleaves/ @sibylsleaves (Post S7E5 | 25K | Teen): Eddie’s gaze drop to Buck’s lips—pink, like his birthmark. Eddie wants to taste those lips, and he wants it with a fierceness so sudden it shocks him. “I’m, uh,” Buck stammers. “Last night. When you saw me and Tommy…we—we were on a date.” Everything inside Eddie goes still. If his heart is a kite, then this is the moment it plummets back to earth. or, Buck tells Eddie some news. Eddie has a realization and breaks up with his girlfriend. Not necessarily in that order.
🔥 that magic feeling by woodchoc_magnum/ @woodchoc-magnum (S7 Fix-It | 42K | Explicit): An alternate ending to season 7, in which Eddie doesn't completely blow his life up, and he and Buck realise they're in love.
🔥 ripples all the way down by iriswests/ @fcntasmas (Getting Together, S4 | 52K | Mature): With some coercion, Buck allows Maddie to set him up on a date. Surprisingly, the date goes well — and it keeps his mind off the unnamable feelings he’s been studiously ignoring for his best friend. Until Christopher’s science report on gentoo penguins — no, seriously — sets off a series of events that has him somehow spending more time at the Diazes’ side, and he feels like he’s going just a little bit insane trying to juggle a burgeoning relationship, his jealousy over Eddie’s own new relationship with Ana, and his inability to move on from the place that’s been his for three years in the Diazes’ lives. Oh, and Eddie keeps looking at him like he has something to say — except he never says it. This is the tumultuous road to finding out what Buck truly wants, paved by pebbles. -- or; christopher partakes in some parent trapping
🔥 stuck now so long, we just got the start wrong by Daffi_990_ao3/ @daffi-990 (Canon Divergent, Different First Meeting | 85K | Not Rated): Probational Firefighters Evan “Buck” Buckley and Eddie Diaz meet on a call which ends with them at odds with each other. As the months roll by, they keep running into each other on the job, much to Eddie’s dismay and Buck’s delight. Can they put aside their first opinions and misunderstandings and allow the seeds of friendship, and possibly something more, to take root?
🔥 Steal My Sunshine by Daisies_and_Briars/ @cal-daisies-and-briars (Altered Memories | 7/9 | 24K | Mature): Memories hazy and unreliable, Eddie Diaz wakes up every morning in a house at the end of a cul de sac, goes to his office job at a petroleum engineering company, and comes home to his wife and son. But something is missing, and the more Eddie begins to put the pieces together, the stranger the predicament he finds himself in. 
🔥 If You Can Make the Music by Daisies_and_Briars/ @cal-daisies-and-briars (Canon Divergent, | 1/5 | 2K | Mature): Spin-off Sequel to Evan Buckley & the Coma-Verse of Madness - Chapter 5 (Seaside): A year after a whirlwind two week love affair with bartender Buck in Galveston, Texas, Eddie Diaz finds himself coincidentally relocating to the area. But when he attempts to reconnect with Buck, he's in for an unfortunate surprise. (Part 3 of Coma-Verse)
The Smutty Ones by Tizniz/ @tizniz (PWP | 55/? | 22K | Explicit): A collection of smutty Buddie drabbles.
🔥 Things We're All Too Young to Know by Daisies_and_Briar / @cal-daisies-and-briars (Canon S1-S6, Divergent Post-S6 | 129/? | 405K | Mature): This is a love story. Even if it doesn’t always look like it. Even if it doesn’t always feel like it. A look back on Eddie and Buck's lives up to now, and what led them to each other, interpreted from the current 9-1-1 canon.
Kiss Me Once Cause You Know I Had A Long Night by I_still_dont_understand_13 / @sherlockcrossing (Prompt collection | 33/? | 21K | Teen): 100 kiss prompts.
Chapter 33. 19. "If we get caught kissing we're dead but let's risk it." 
🔥 Held Up a Lightning Rod (Wonder Why I'm Struck) by letmetellyouaboutmyfeels/ @letmetellyouaboutmyfeels (Not A Firefighter Eddie, Sugar Baby Buck | 4/22 | 18K | Explicit): When Eddie Diaz stumbles his way into money, he finds himself one of the most eligible bachelors in Los Angeles - to his dismay. He needs a way to get people off his back without confessing his messy marital situation, and Shannon's still not answering his calls, so he caves to a friend's suggestion: hire someone to pretend to be his partner. Enter Evan "Buck" Buckley: sugar baby, fire fighter, and the man about to turn Eddie's world upside down.
🔥 Any Other Way by Daisies_and_Briars/ @cal-daisies-and-briars (Canon Divergent, S2 | 13/19 | 67K | Mature): In a switcheroo alternate universe, Buck spends young adulthood in the military, while Eddie, who has no idea Christopher exists, spends his twenties messing around, finally enjoying freedom away from his family’s expectations. When they both end up in Los Angeles, at the 118, some things are different, and others will be the same in any universe.
the secrets we keep (the ones that spill out) by sparegarbage/ @babybucks (Getting Together | 4K | General): Or: Buck and Eddie comfort each other with cuddles, hugs, and kisses (platonically—or so they think).
Tear me to pieces and make me feel whole by justhockey (Getting Together | 2K | Not Rated): And that’s when it clicks. In the pasta aisle of the grocery store, at 10am on a Saturday morning. Buck is frowning as he tries to decide what to get - and Eddie is in love with him.
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class1akids · 8 hours
BNHA 426 - First thoughts
I have mixed feelings:
My No 1 wish was Toya being able to talk, so I'm glad we got that. Though super-sad about the "slowly dying" thing. But he's not dead yet - so I'll consider that "open ending" for now.
Way too much focus again on Enji feeling bad - I'm glad Toya called him out for doing everything only when it's too late / doesn't matter anymore
I’m also glad that Touya reached his goal - he destroyed Endeavor, the hero fully. His body, his reputation, his legacy. Everything Touya was created for, he burnt to ash. (But at what price 😭)
it's also super-hollow to say he's sheltering the family from the fallout, after they've just talked about how Fuyumi lost her job (and got a new one through the connections she herself built). How is he going to do that?
What a contrast between Bakugou and Deku getting thanks from All Might and being called greatest heroes - while not a single person in this family thanks Shoto for the extraordinary efforts he made for them (not only in this war, but since his first visit to Rei) -> they never deserved my boy tbh...
The Shoto - Toya scene was easily the highlight of the chapter for me. I really wanted this for both of them. Everyone in the family is talking about how they will talk, but Shoto is the one actually asking a question to Toya; he still wants to know his brother after everything.
And I love how that's the final breakthrough for Toya -words supported by actions - to start crying and to say sorry. I think his inability to cry was one of the big reasons he could never move on, so I hope in whatever time he has left, he can get the emotional closure he needs. And I'm glad Shoto got at least one person in the family acknowledge his efforts, even if with just a "sorry".
It makes me super-sad though because you can see that Toya and Shoto's relationship had so much potential!!! They would have been the best of brothers.
Natsuo cutting off Endeavor is fine for me. I didn't expect a big group hug - all the kids are grown up with their own lives - like Toya said "why not sooner". Them becoming a big happy family was never on the cards. Though I'm more disappointed Natsuo had nothing to say to Toya. He's a lot like his father.
Is Rei sticking with Endeavor? I hope she's just escorting him to the agency car and not like moving back to the house with him.
I'm super disappointed that Shoto got no hug from his mom or even a line of direct dialogue. In 426 chapters, they never spoke directly!!!!! - Shoto is the only kid in the family Rei never had a dialogue with as a grown up. Hori really fumbled her too.
So Shoto - just like Izuku to Bakugou - never gets to respond properly to Endeavor's apology. Still, I interpret his line to Enji and Rei that even if the family doesn't get a dream ending, he's going to be ok because he has friends who support him and he's strong enough to shape his own identity. I'm glad we didn't get like a "it's water under the bridge" or an even worse "I'll restore the family's honor" kind of plot for Shoto. He did everything he could, he did the heavy lifting for every single relationship - he's more than earned his freedom (though I doubt that the public will easily forget that he's "Endeavor's son and Dabi's brother").
It's really bittersweet, but Shoto is still better off compared to where he started - he built some kind of relationship (however distant) with every person in his family and I guess he'll stay in touch without feeling like he has to carry all of them.
And more importantly has a safety net of friends, and he got out from under his father's thumb, away from the toxicity of his birth, forged a positive self-image, has clear goals, etc. He's an amazingly strong person, with a great mental fortitude and I hope in the 4 remaining chapters we'll see him smile at least once. He deserves it.
I'm glad Kiddo and Onima are alive. I would have hated it if they died from the copied Phosphor. I guess Burnin' is running the agency now? Though probably it gets closed down after Endeavor's retirement.
Hawks being the new prez of the HPSC was expected. Let's see what he can do.
Nagant "I want to stay in prison" is super-weird, but whatever. Hers always felt like a half-baked plot.
Gentle/La Brava is the first canon ship confirmed. I don't like them, but good for them I guess.
So next up: Spinner - Deku talk?
I need some processing time and some translations and the missing pages, but it's not the best or the worst. It delivered the thing I wanted most, though less talking from Enji and more talking from Touya and Shouto would have been better.
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meraki-sunset · 3 days
Im binging ur crow strider au and haven't finished it yet but i got to the erisol and fefeta convo abt continuing to live and erisol went "what am i suppossed to do w/ this body?!?!?!" and fefeta softly went ''be kind to it bc its the only thing u have left" alshsjlaksa it wrecked me. The entire comic filled w/ such emotionally charged convos abt identities and love and acceptance and this fucking line got to me. I legit teared up, which never happened before. Fantabulous job man this is the best this ive read and is so well written. I haven funished it yet so u can pbly expect another ask from me. But anyways i ran over here to tell you how amazing this is.
Hey! Thank you very much! I did the best I could to tackle heavy topics like self-hate and have the characters navigate them and overcome them slowly, in a natural way
It's a different pace than the original source, focused on different goals, so understandably it's not everyone's cup of tea, but I really enjoyed making it, and I'm glad you liked it too
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I'm also very exited about the epilogue, i'm currently stucked in a very specific conflict that i have yet to make time to sit down and fix, after that it shoudl all go smothly and i'd like to at least start posting it this year
i'd also like to make an mspfa just for fun about the details, references and forshadowings on CSAU, but that would be a proect for way later
Thank again for your message! hope to see you on the next part of the comic!🌸
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poppy-metal · 3 days
the reader dbf patrick stepdaddy art is DIABOLICAL and i need it RIGHT NOW actually. crying on patricks cock for the first time while art watches like, "im sorry, daddy, 'm sorry, just wanted it so bad, so so badly, you understand, right, you get it?" and the funny thing is, he totally does, because its patrick, yes, he gets it, more than anything he gets it, but this is wrong, isn't it? this is wrong and fucked up and evil, but you're reaching for his belt with wide, wet eyes, begging, "can make it up to you, daddy, can make you feel real good, please, 'm sorry, let me show you how sorry i am" and his resolve just has to crumple.
(obviously there has to be about six million years of YEARNING in between but you know. the horny.)
-kit ♡♡♡
@gamesetart ur sick for enabling me. i slowed things down a little bc i was cooking but the outcome will probably eventually be this. LMAO
under a cut because like patrick, this is sending me straight to hell i fear.
skipping ahead a million years just to fuck stepdad!art who also happens to be patricks ex who hes never gotten over and has been friends with this whole time - maybe its his fault actually, that you fall in love with patrick at the tender age of 14 - because art loves him so much. hes around so much. like father like daughter, right? he might not be your dad by blood but he is in every other way that counts - he has full custody - your mom been out of the picture for awhile now. its almost like having two dad, growing up. you think art and patrick are closer than any two men you've seen before. but they date other women so you don't think much of it - you want art to be happy again. you dont blame him for leaving your mother, you're just happy he took you with him.
anyway - falling for patrick is inevitable - it burns inside you like a wildfire you have no chance of stopping, so you dont try.
and patrick..... maybe he's given up hope on art after all these years. they'd had something brief and tangible in college - but it'd fizzled out - art had pretended it didn't happen. and patrick loved art too much to press the issue. he'd been content to live forever being arts best friend and nursing a flame for him that would never be returned.
and then you'd come along - it'd been hell watching art get married - he never liked that bitch, anyway, for more reasons than sharing arts bed. she treated her kid like dirt. art even worse. it got to a point where the only reason art was staying around was for you - he couldn't leave you. you were just a kid. and art had only been with you for three years but it was enough. enough for him to love you. enough for him to martyr himself for you and stay in an unhappy marriage if it meant he could play the role of daddy for you.
it may have been him who planted the seed. he'd met you a few times by that point, but he remembers a pool party where you'd been sucking on a lollipop as you watched art work the grill - your mother somewhere inside - you were twelve then - old enough to have some brain cells, patrick figured.
"he'd make a good dad, dont you think?" he'd nudged you. "i mean look at him - already rocking the dad stance with a fucking polo to match. he'll be telling us it looks like a storms rollin' in any second now."
and you'd popped the lolly out of your mouth and showed him your teeth with your smile.
a raised brow. "really? does he know that? does your mother?"
"he already is my dad, though."
you'd frowned. stuck the lolly back in your mouth. he could tell he'd given your brain alot to think about that.
it was only a year later that the divore was finalized. and art was granted full custody of you as his daughter - full guardianship. patrick got him the hell out of that town shortly thereafter.
and that was it, really. that was the plan. just to live in peace. he didn't expect to grow so attached to you. to enjoy watching you grow up. to enjoy being there for your important milestones. he saw a bit of himself in you, too, that wild precociousness. that want to run free. saw how it fucking terrified art, who wanted nothing but the best for you after the life you'd had. always the hero.
so yeah, when you'd started your rebellious teen phase he'd helped you hide it. picked you up from parties when you couldn't drive home instead of calling your dad. because he didn't want to see art unhappy. he didn't want to see art look at you and see the patrick in you and hate it. he couldn't.
he didn't know you'd fall in love with him. he didn't.
and when he realized you had, he'd pushed you away. he had.
but the thing is - as much as you had patrick in you - you had art as well. your inherent kindness. your sweet open face. your determination and dedication. he saw it and then he couldn't unsee it. and as long as he'd held onto his love for art he was tired. he was fucking tired of being unloved and unwanted and here you were - a tether to art - his beautiful babygirl - and you were throwing yourself at him. loving him. wanting him. so fucking beautiful and innocent - just like art had been, all those years ago.
couldn't fault him for caving. he'd faught it, but patricks not a good man. and hes a stray dog at the end of the day, dirty and hungry and begging for scraps.
he fucking devoured you. took from you. took your virginity - just like he did your fathers - broke it on his cock and tried not to feel sick that the symbolic way your blood drenched his cock connected you and him and art in a way that was as holy and it was perverted. he fucked you and he fucked you and he fucked you. he had you whenever and wherever he wanted and he didn't allow himself to think about the consequences of it - because he was fucking greedy for it - you took everything he was and you bit into it and you bounced on his dick like he was a fucking god and he found himself falling in love all over again.
he'd find a way to tell art and make it right. he would.
but then there'd been that night when art asked him out for drinks and patrick would tell something was wrong. he'd been distant from art lately, if he was being honest, consumed completely by you. the only reason he was free was because you were at a friends.
when art had confessed he felt you pulling away the guilt had set in... because art looked so sad. so pathetic and lonely and patrick had never wanted this for art. his heart pitched and dropped in his chest and he couldn't tell art about you - not now -
and then art had looked at him and said "you know she reminds me of you -" and patricks lips had parted. the alcohol in his system warmed his blood, but so did the heavy weight of arts eyes on him. it was a look patrick hadn't seen in years. decades even.
It was how you looked at him.
that's all patrick thought as art drew closer and closer to him. fuck, when art placed a hand on his thigh. fuck, when his cock twitched. fuck, when art said he missed those days back in college. fuck, when art leaned in and patrick didn't pull away.
fuck again, when he came to and they were back at arts apartment - fuck when they passed your room and thank fuck you weren't home, thank fuck - fuck fuck fuck when art got on his knees and stroked patricks cock and patrick thought his first clear thought of the night -
fuck fuck and fuck again because he lost his mind a little when arts lips touched his. went a little dizzy with it.
fuck fuck fuck - because arts sinful pink mouth descended around him and he fucking moaned around it and in some twisted dark corner of patricks seedy mind he thought art must taste you on him - must know its you hes tasting and thats why he throats him deeper like a fucking whore.
i fucked her this morning. he's about to suck his daughter's pussy off my dick and he doesn't even fucking know -
patrick knows hes going to hell.
he knows it because he uses the same fingers he'd had inside your cunt to spread your dads ass open for the same dick he'd plunged into you - he knows hes going to hell because when he slides inside and art moans he thinks he sounds just as pretty as you do - they take me so fucking well - made for me - fucking made for me
and when he pulls out to come down and swallow arts cock down his own throat he moans when he thinks about kissing you later tonight with your fathers spunk on his tongue -
hes going to hell.
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it hurts me. the parallel of Charlie at the start of ep 1, so excited about showing her plans for the hotel to heaven she doesn't see how VERY NOT excited about it Vaggie is (cough angel kicked out by heaven for not doing enough murder cough cough), even while getting literally up in Vaggie's face.....
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and then Vaggie, when Charlie comes drooping home after that all crashed and burned spectacularly- now it's VAGGIE so excited to show CHARLIE the new and improved hotel commercial she got everyone to make while Charlie was away... now it's Vaggie, up close and basically physically pressing her excitement into her girlfriend, not seeing how utterly crushed Charlie is right then
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like, clearly Vaggie expected the heaven meeting to not live up to Charlie's hopes for it. Clearly she REALLY wanted to have something GOOD AND HOPEFUL for Charlie to come home to afterwards
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-which would have worked too, if the Extermination schedule update hadn't interrupted the commercial airing
look at how habby Charlie was finding out about the commercial
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"heaven isn't homophobic" well then what do you call them interrupting this lesbian's hard won cheer-up-the-girlfriend effort huh? what was that then. not only cruel but also an insult to us queers everywhere. one of the only real sins we ever see in the show, tbh
but gods, they give each other so much CONFIDENCE, chaggie and the mutual "I can do this for her" / "She thinks I can do this and I will" synergy...
and it keeps fucking their relationship up. GODS
how they mirror and act like they're trying to literally meld into each other, while both being So Bad at actually SAYING when and why they're upset about something Serious-
when they're also clearly wanting to share SO MUCH of what they feel specifically with the woman they love!!!!
and how that sometimes blinds them both, over and over again, to the moments when (ironically) their other half needed them to be a little less sure, for a second, that things are or would be okay. Share less of their own conviction, that they got from the other one in the first place
When instead of needing answers to the obvious problem, they both needed to be asked hey IS something wrong? is there ANOTHER problem here actually??
they both put so much of themselves into each other, they both rely on the other one for their sense of self-worth and the strength they need to be The One Who Get Things Done and The One Who Always Has A Plan
that's so DELICIOUSLY fucked up. the flip side to love,
(Vaggie freaking out feeling her existence is pointless while thinking she's failed Charlie, and Charlie losing so much hope just at the thought Vaggie might not really love or believe in her)
when someone else is walking around with your heart beating in their chest because you yourself put it there
heck, their resolution in s1 ISN'T even them hashing things out or communicating better! they don't NEED that- (yet) they JUST need each other! (soooooo fucked up I LOVE it) the thing that brings them back together is Vaggie fully letting go of her angel past to focus on her life with Charlie and tapping back into her whole self for first time since meeting Charlie, it's Charlie the singer and giver of heartfelt motivational speeches having her mind blown by words meaning less than actions as her partner who lied to her is also off right that moment doing everything she can to protect what they've built
the big moment is NOT them actually TALKING about what happened or why it happened. it doesn't matter!!! (to them) Their hurt came from being scared of losing each other, they meet up at the hotel gates and just seeing the other one there is Enough!
they happily return to status quo minus some secrets and plus some more confidence in what they have.... which means the rest of this stuff, the root cause of it all, the unaddressed subtext that they NEED to be fucked up together in an active, intentional, KNOWING way but are so good at inspiring and supporting each other that it just, doesn’t, happen..... that's all still there.
(i see you, Charlie sitting alone with your story of hell book and being shocked at your long time girlfriend coming up to your shared room, being around to see you sad, you putting on a smile and trying to wave it off bc yeah she's right you AREN'T alone anymore. technically)
(i see you, Vaggie asking to be left alone on a rooftop so you can deal with a devastating blow to your whole sense of self as 100% unintentionally dealt by your loving girlfriend who WANTS to be there for you through this but who YOU can't face until you're ready to shoulder the blame and apologize to her)
(i see you both trying so hard to help each other and not letting yourselves be helped)
(because no clearly you don't need it, clearly this is all already so much better that what you used to have and you're doing so much better, and what if you're still not good enough for it actually-)
chaggie is so happily, catastrophically entertwined and i hope they spend the next thousand years suffering through it together
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lightlycareless · 11 hours
I remember in one of your posts you mentioned Naoya would like to be woken up with a bj, so do you think he’d also just be into somnophilia in general 🙈
Heya anon!!! Thank you for your ask and patience 🥰💖💖💖 hope you're ready for some smut (and tiny angst) because that's all we getting here.
I won't say much now, just the warnings: NSFW SMUT MINORS DNI. SOMNOPHILIA. naoya is asleep. you decide to try something new. mentions of having a baby. or more like wanting. I always gotta bring this up don't I?
Happy reading!!
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You and Naoya have a lot of kinks (or things to try) that eventually come out when the relationship is finally settled; somnophilia is just one of many both wanted to try.
And in a way, it was expected. Because the two are big perverts so fascinated with one another, you couldn’t have enough of him, and he couldn’t have enough of you. There’s really no limit to that desire, always wanting more.
Because Naoya is usually the one with initiative, the dominant one per say, he was probably the first one that made it happen; taking your cunt into his mouth when deep asleep, completely unaware of his tongue deep within your walls until your second release—yet your hazy mind or overstimulated pussy would not be enough to make him stop.
Though of course, there would be exceptions, just like the day Naoya was meant to return home and you weren’t there to receive him.
It’s rare the occasion where Naoya does so and you’re not expecting him, for as soon as he knows the timeframe for his return, you arrange everything accordingly.
However, since you’re not living in the Zen’in estate where his every moved is documented, instead in your shared apartment, some announcements can pass undetected, just like today.
In situations like these you’d normally stay back home for a few more days just to be safe, hoping to catch him walking through the door and welcome him with open arms; it was really important for you to be there, especially after long, tedious days of absence where your poor heart couldn’t take it anymore. It’s only agonizing to be away from the love of your life, after all.
Yet, the dates that he gave you this time around were so vague, that your loneliness suffocated you even more, leading you to decide that maybe it wouldn’t hurt to go out for a bit, either to go shopping or get something to eat, hoping this would alleviate some of that pain—
Cue your surprise when returning to the apartment later that night, welcomed by the sight of Naoya completely passed out on the bed, undoubtedly exhausted from his mission.
To see him relaxed, splayed over the soft sheets in deep slumber, tightens your heart. Warming up your chest with elation for he was finally back home, in your arms, safe and sound, how you’d always dreamed it would be.
Unable to contain your happiness, you quickly make your way to him, carefully laying by his side to not wake him up before kissing his cheek and draping your arm over his chest, resting soon after…
Though that wouldn’t come to be just yet, for the moment your legs unwittingly brushed against his, he seemingly became aware of your presence (or maybe he was dreaming of you) letting out a groan that makes your eyes dart up to him; anxiously wondering at first if he was sick, or worse, injured!
Only to gasp when realizing everything boiled down to tent forming in his pants, a sight that soon made you feel both aroused, yet hesitant as to what to do next.
This was natural, nothing you haven’t seen before—however, it was your first time in total control, and as thrilling as it was, it was also intimidating. After all, the arrangement between your boyfriend and you were simple, if not comfortable: Naoya freely demanded whatever it was that he needed from you, and you happily obliged.
Nonetheless, you’d be lying when saying that this is something you haven’t thought about. For the moment where he’d be able to sit back, relax, while you melted away all his stresses…
So, making up your mind with a smile on your face, you raised you lips against his cheek, giving it a soft kiss before moving up to his ear, doing the same and whispering:
“Let me take care of you, Naoya.”
Setting down a trail of kisses from his ear, down to his cheek, and to his neck, you carefully begin to unbutton his shirt, freeing him from those unnecessary constrains and revealing his toned chest you always loved so much to snuggle against, admiring the way his breath seemed to hitch up to his throat when gently caressing him all the way down to his waistband.
From there, your fingers would settle on his belt, sliding through the edges before unbuckling it. It wasn’t much, but still enough to provide how his cock with some relief given the way it twitched underneath his boxers, almost as if he knew what was coming and grew eager for it.
Bothered, you managed to lower his pants and underwear, just enough for his hardened cock to finally spring into its full length, a display that made your cunt tighten, his impressive size dampening your slit even further—and yet, you knew it could grow much harder than that. A notion that makes you lick your lips, impatient for the next part.
Taking his cock with your hands, you gently give it a kiss on the tip before laying out your tongue on the shaft, begging from the head, swirling around his frenulum which immediately makes him moan, a sign that made you proud, understanding you were doing a god job, moving your attention to the prominent vein on the undersize, perhaps the only other thing that makes Naoya’s cock grow even more sensitive.
You’d continue on like that for a few more minutes, making sure that it’s completely covered in your saliva at the same time you teased his balls, always one to avoid neglection, before proceeding to take his cock into your mouth, slowly taking him inch by inch, deeper and deeper into your throat; unable to control your moans when feeling him twitch, vibrations that made him squirm even more, until you finally took him all the way down to the base— proudly relishing the achievement of something you once thought impossible.
To think that you were once afraid of doing such a thing, even attempted to discard the idea completely…
But you could see it in his desire, how much he longed for the moment you’d wrap your soft lips around his cock and make him cum. Your devotion and need to please him is what took you to do your best, and now, it was only a matter of him asking for you to drop on your knees and let him fuck your throat.
Though your goals were different now; for as tempting as it was to taste his seed, you preferred him somewhere else.
Thus, when feeling him to be completely hard, you peel away from his cock, quietly lamenting the emptiness left behind in your mouth, but not for much, for something better was already on its way.
Removing your own garments, you stood completely naked before him, carefully straddling him so as not to lay all of your weight on him just yet, while taking his cock with your right hand and aligning it against your entrance; whatever slick you failed to place on his member would be complimented by your dampened cunt, result of the countless nights you’ve touched yourself to the thought of him, against his own words.
Yet, that didn’t matter, for deep within you knew that the moment your velvety walls embraced his cock, he’d forgive you—just as it always happened.
So, after rubbing the tip against your slit, cruelly teasing yourself for what’s next, you press it against your hole and take him, letting out a sharp gasp when the familiar, burning sensation of his cock spreading your walls invades you, yet, as agonizing as it was, it only motivated you to push forward, placing all of your weight onto Naoya and taking his cock all the way up to your cervix, where it’s head would nestle comfortably.
The suffocating sensation must’ve made way into his mind, for Naoya lets out a moan when you take him completely, clenching his eyes when you give him a gentle squeeze, making you smile in return.
The endearing sight of his reaction makes your heart flutter, further fueling the desire deep within your core as you tease him with one last squeeze before starting to thrust against him, rapidly raising and lowering your hips, the rubbing motion erupting out another whine from his parted lips, undoubtedly succumbing to your pleasure yet not enough to wake him up—surprisingly so, for you weren’t considering being careful anymore, just thinking about lust.
But as much as you were hypnotized by his reactions, constantly seeking more of them by rolling your hips against him, touching his chest, or even lowering down to kiss him, another part of you feels guilty for interrupting his slumber, seemingly torturing him for your selfish pursuit.
«Oh, he must be so exhausted…» you lament, and the thought of stopping briefly crosses your mind…
Yet, if he didn’t want this, then his cock wouldn’t have been hard in the first place. His body wouldn’t have been so welcoming of your gestures, and most importantly, he wouldn’t have suggested the idea—
Or more like accept it when you brought it up many nights ago, eager for the moment he’d see you try it out—though technically, feel you.
With guilt effectively out of the way, you’d continue jumping above him, thrusting your hips harsher and faster in the desperate search for your and his release: that dizzying sensation of your cunt tightening against his cock as he fills you with his seed, followed by your slick covering his pelvis, while your mind went completely blank, succumbing to lust, drowned in your and his moans.
It wouldn’t take much stimulation after that for your orgasm to being to build up, and once it did, your movements grew sloppier, your moans louder, knees weaker as you eagerly chased for that sweet spot, that one stroke that would make you come undone immediately, and subsequentially, Naoya.
And with one last squeeze on his cock, you came, chanting his name as some kind of mantra while waves of pleasure drowned your senses, squirming yet keeping his twitching cock deep within the same time the thick, burning ropes of his seed filled your walls—it was such an agonizing feeling, your body attempted to move away; but you kept still, firm, taking all of him while your heart fluttered at his reaction, moans letting you know of his satisfaction
You could never get used to this moment, no matter how many times you’ve done it. And in a way, you were glad you hadn’t. You only wished you could imprint it on the back of your mind.
Eventually you’d come down from your daze, back to reality and onto your boyfriend who was now partially awake due to your lascivious efforts, slowly blinking away any remnants of slumber, groaning as he wondered what was going on before letting out a louder moan when the feel of his mid-orgasm filled his senses. Hands instinctively reaching for your hips, keeping you there as he tosses his head back, enjoying the last spurts of his seed before sighing.
“Oh baby, fuck—” he hisses, letting out a chuckle soon after. “You couldn’t wait ‘till I was awake, could you?”
“Welcome home, my love.” You coo, smiling as you lean forward to take his lips into a kiss, which he immediately accepts by pressing his tongue into your mouth. You moan in response, indulging in his touch until air was needed. “Did you rest well?”
“You vixen.” He breathes, cupping your face to peck your lips once more. “I did, definitely after this.”
Your heart skips a beat, overjoyed.
“I’m glad you did.”
“Did you miss me?” Naoya teases, hazy past his orgasm yet still hard; you nod, nuzzling against him.
“Yeah…” you murmur. “You don’t know how much I missed you.”
“Is that so? Because your actions tell me otherwise.” He teases. “I was quite disappointed to come home and not see you here.”
“I didn’t know you were going to come back today…” you pout. “I waited for a few days, it’s not fair that you’d come the one day I didn’t wait!”
“Then I guess you’ll have to make it up to me, princess. I know you don’t think this is enough.”
And while tempting to follow suit without uttering any other word, the vulnerability you always felt after your release soon overrides your senses, and subsequently, your words.
“I was really lonely.” you confess, Naoya’s heart tightens with sadness at your unexpected admission. “I never want you to leave again.”
Always hating seeing you like this, he quickly wraps his arms around you, pulling you down with him onto the bed to engulf you in a tight, loving embrace.
“I know, my love. I know you don’t want that.” Naoya murmurs, kissing the top of your head. “Let’s not think about that now, hm? Instead—”
“You’re going to leave soon anyways, aren’t you?” you interrupt, looking up to him with teary eyes that shatter his heart.
Naoya wishes to take away your pain, have you living a life where all you’d need to worry about is what clothes you’re going to buy next, or where you’d like to eat out next time…
But he knows he can’t, for as long as you’re alone, and he’s a sorcerer, these uncertainties will always plague your mind.
If only it were that easy, if only he could give you one simple solution—
Or make one.
“Let’s have a baby.”
“What?” you breathe, blinking, startled. “Naoya—did you really—”
“Don’t try to deny it; I know you’ve been wanting one, I can see it in your eyes whenever a family passes by.” He says. “It would be good, wouldn’t it? That way, you won’t be alone, and you’ll always have a piece of me with you wherever you go.”
You don’t give his proposal much thought, not when the idea has already been in your mind for a while now, just as he said, so your decision regarding that was already taken.
However, you were never sure if he desired the same future; you supposed not given his career….
But to hear him talk about this topic out loud, as if he were ok with a baby, made your heart soar, happy to know that Naoya was on the same page as you. But before the two got really crazy, there was one thing you still wanted to do.
Luckily, he was more than happy to provide.
“Wouldn’t you like that? A chubby little baby that looks just like to keep you company?” Naoya asks, wiping away your tears, you smile.
“Or like you.” You take his hand with yours. “…But only once we get married.”
“Then I guess we’re due for a ring.” Naoya smirks, taking your lips into a sweet, loving kiss. A promise made to officially intertwine your life with his, in more ways than one. “But until then, how about we practice getting that baby?”
His hands would then move down to your hips and to your ass, roughly kneading your skin and letting you know his desire for more of your pleasure.
“You’re insatiable.” You pout, letting Naoya guide you into a different position: you underneath while he hovered on top, his rightful place, without much resistance— for as much as you enjoyed this brief moment of dominance, you still preferred how nicely his lips felt against yours, his hands over your breasts, or his reach in places you could never.
“You know you love me.” Naoya laughs, you giggle.
“I do. I love you so much.”
Though you wouldn’t completely scratch off the idea of doing a repeat of this later on, especially if there was a chance you’d be able to see more of his adorable reactions, how easy it was to get him to succumb to your pleasure, putty underneath your hands, something only you had the privilege of achieving as his future wife.
But just as he said, that was to be for another moment, for this was only to be the tip of the iceberg of the many things the two agreed to explore on, and you have much yet to enjoy.
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honeyjars-sims · 1 day
3.4 The Calm Before the Storm
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David and Angelique stood on the dance floor of Roy G. Biv's watching the patrons slowly trickle in. It was Thursday, one of their slowest nights, so the pair was expecting a laid-back evening. Tomorrow would be a different story. The weekend crowd was much more chaotic--sweaty club goers would push and shove their way to the front of the stage in anticipation of the arrival of THE Diva herself, Miss Angelique Galloway. But this night, like most Thursday nights, had been smooth sailing.
"Well, David, this is the calm before the storm. I hope you're ready."
"I think I can handle a Friday night at a drag club, Ange."
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Angelique turned towards him with a smirk. "I'm talking about Drag Superstar. Once it starts airing, everyone's attention will be turned to you."
David's season of the reality show was set to air in a few months. While the cast hadn't been officially announced yet, word traveled fast amongst the show's most avid fans. Posters on seddit had not only figured out the cast but the elimination order for the whole season.
"Now that I'm not ready for."
David had already heard the whispers. There was a lot of pressure on him to perform well, especially since Angelique had made it to the finals a couple of seasons prior.
"Oh, you'll be just fine, David. You've got that Galloway charm. The fans are going to eat you up."
"That's not what I'm worried about."
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Though the public's impression of his performance was certainly important, it wasn't what had his stomach in knots. He hadn't gone into the show thinking about how to address his family life, but the producers seemed eager to exploit the parenting angle. He was, after all, a bit of an outlier in the cast as a family man.
Now, a few months outside of the pressures of competition, he had plenty of time to worry about how much of what he said would make it on air.
"I know." Angelique was sympathetic. "I'm sure your family will understand. Personal things are bound to come up."
"I'm sure most of them will." David didn't have to elaborate on which family member would be affected most negatively by his loose lips. As his closest friend and confidant, Angelique was privy to everything going on in his life.
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"How is Johnny doing, by the way?" She asked.
"About the same." David smoothed out the wrinkles on his skirt. "I feel a little better having him around here so I can keep an eye on him, but I'm not sure a nightclub is the best environment for him."
"I think the tight leash you're holding might be the bigger problem," Angelique warned him.
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David scoffed. "Haven't I told you I don't take parenting advice from people who don't have kids?"
"Many times! Look, I may not know what it's like to be a parent, but I do understand having a childhood where you didn't feel safe or valued. Johnny came to you and Solomon because he trusts you. Don't break that trust by pushing him before he's ready."
"I'm not trying to push him, but I can't just let him do whatever he wants," David asserted.
Just then, they spotted Johnny coming around the corner.
"Go talk to your son," Angelique advised as she stood up to leave. "Trust him and he'll keep trusting you."
As much as he appreciated her insights, he wasn't sure Angelique understood the responsibilities that came with being a parent. He made his way over to Johnny, still uncertain about his friend's advice.
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"Oh, hey Dad! I was going to ask if you really need me tonight. It seems pretty quiet."
David started picking at his nails. "I don't know. Why, do you have something else you need to do?"
"Not really. Well, Carina did ask me to go to The Hideaway with her."
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David really didn't need Johnny's help, but he bristled at the mention of Carina. "Can't you find something better to do? You know I feel about you spending time with her."
Johnny rolled his eyes. "C'mon, Dad, you're treating me like a child. I'm allowed to make my own decisions."
"Not when you're living in my house. Rent free I might add."
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"Oh, here we go again. 'Not under my roof!' Listen to yourself. You used to be cool."
"I don't care about being cool, Johnny, I care about your safety." David's voice was getting louder as their conversation turned from banter to a full-blown argument. "You don't act like an adult when you're with Carina, so why would I treat you like one?"
"Right. This is for my own good. I'm sure you never made any mistakes when you were my age."
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"I've made plenty of mistakes, but I'm not going to let this be one of them. You're staying here tonight."
"Cool, I'll just start lying about what I'm doing then. Is that what you want?"
"What I want is for you to get the outfit for my second number ready. Make sure you turn the iron off when you're done."
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"Fine, whatever!" Johnny stormed off. Though his words were filled with anger, it was sadness that was spread across his face. Angelique stopped him on his way to the dressing room.
"He'll come around, baby." She rubbed his back gingerly. "He just needs time. You know how he is."
Johnny hoped she was right.
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Thank you @nexility-sims for reviewing this post for me!
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sorchathered · 2 days
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Heart in Your Hands- Chapter 1
Pairing- Robert “Bob” Floyd x female reader/ OC y/n “Fawn” St. Vincent
Warnings- mentions of death, mental health, eventual language and smut
Summary- Y/n “Fawn” St. Vincent had been through more pain in the last year than she could bear, suddenly being thrust back into the spotlight and being forced to find another successful match after nearly being married off to a man she barely knew. She grieved his passing, he was kind to her but it was not love; it couldn’t be. She’d only ever had eyes for someone else, a nobleman who was more recluse than society darling, her childhood best friend Robert Floyd. Can she convince him that being alone isn’t what he deserves and that if he could open his heart she could be the love match his heart secretly desires?
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“I don’t want to grow up and get married, all this pageantry and nonsense sounds like a nightmare.” Robert Floyd, the future Earl of Warwick said with a sour look on his face as you his dearest friend y/n “Fawn” St. Vincent dissolved into giggles on the floor near him. The two of you were nearly 13, watching as his cousin flitted around the ornate sitting room with its gilded walls and plush carpets, greeting all of her possible suitors. It was truly a circus, young men tripping over themselves as they tried to vie for her attention, hoping to secure a perfect match with the Queen’s “diamond of the season.” It was her highest honor to young ladies on the marriage mart, but you and Robert couldn’t see the appeal at all.
“So then dear friend, what do you expect to do? Live as a rich recluse in your estate forever?” You mused as you looked him over, his expression had soured significantly at your question and you could tell he was in deep thought over it.
He didn’t much like the idea of that either, he had always wanted what his parents had; a friendship that also happened to be love. They’d said it was rare, but he was stubborn; if he couldn’t have that he’d simply live a bachelor’s life. Yes, that was exactly what he’d do.
“I suppose I’ll just marry you, then we can live as we please and avoid all this society nonsense.” He’d meant it as a joke really, but the look you gave him said you took it to heart.
“Very well then, it’s settled. If we haven’t found some great love match by the time we must be married, we shall simply marry each other.” He took your pinky in his and shook, a binding agreement between the two of you. You looked into his eyes again and instead of the young boy before you- a very adult Robert stood in his place, this wasn’t a memory, it couldn’t be-
You awoke with a jolt, nearly toppling out of your bed and taking the plush green duvet with you.
You’d had the dream again. It was like the two of you were back there, young and foolish, dreaming up a future that would never come.
It had been six months since your betrothed, Ambrose the Marquis of Queensbury had passed away tragically in war. He had been a kind man, handsome to be sure, but you couldn’t seem to bring yourself to love him like you always thought marriage should be.
Your coming out had been the affair of the season, the queen dubbed you her diamond and the eligible men of the Island showed up in droves. Everyone except the one you wanted that is. No, Robert Floyd did not hold true to his promise from his youth, in fact it was the exact opposite. He is the one who introduced you to Ambrose, practically pushed him towards you in fact; determined to make sure you married successfully and had all the finest things the world had to offer. If he had only realized you didn’t need any of it, maybe all of this heartache could’ve been avoided.
The next season was starting today and you were back at the beginning all over again, your mother had already been anxiously looking at potential suitors with your aunts, no one seemed to be at all interested in your thoughts on the matter and that suited you just fine. You had your own agenda this season, you had let others control your future for far too long and it had costed you what you wanted once before; it wouldn’t again.
Across town in his family’s lavish city home, Robert Floyd was already pacing the marble floors. Nerves had kept him up as he spent another morning watching the sunrise, which seemed to be happening more and more often since he’d returned from war. He and Ambrose had been friends at Eaton, they got on like a house on fire from the day they met. It seemed only natural to invite him to visit last spring to see the spectacle that was the Island’s matchmaking season, he had never dreamed that Ambrose would take a liking to you, and like a fool he had facilitated a match that would break his own heart. He was happy for his friends, but the ugly jealous feeling that crept up in his chest never seemed to release him.
Then came news of war, and the two men were sent to fight at the front, truly a level of fear and despair that could only be known by those who had suffered the same fate. Robert came back injured, and Ambrose came home in a pine box. He would never forgive himself for the hurt bestowed upon you, he’d brought Ambrose into your life and then watched as every bit of your bright future was taken from you. He’d lost a dear friend, and perhaps one day he would be able to unpack the damage it had done to him, but for now all he could do was wallow in it.
He could never admit that part of him felt a kind of relief in knowing you were still unmarried, though it was horribly selfish to think so. He’d loved you for so long, and maybe in another life he could’ve been the one to ask for your hand and be the one you cleaved to til death do you part, but he’d never considered himself to be enough. So he’d pushed Ambrose to pursue you, the man was like a bright ray of sunshine; always quick witted, an excellent dancer, everything he knew your mama was looking for. Robert had a title and good breeding, but he would never be the social butterfly that someone of your standing deserved, and he couldn’t bear to keep you from all the world had to offer because of his “shortcomings” as he called them.
“Sir?” A voice rang out down the hall, and he snapped his head to attention as his butler Remington made his way towards him.
“The Queen’s expecting everyone to be at the palace for the coming out of the young ladies at 9, you must make haste if you plan to make it on time.”
Remington was a kind man, he’d been his father’s butler for many years before he passed, and he could sense the unease in his master’s demeanor, the Earl hadn’t been the same since he’d returned and it hadn’t gone unnoticed.
“I shall be ready shortly, forgive me for my tardiness. You’re too good to me Rem, give me a moment and we shall be on our way.
The young unmarried ladies of the Island had made their debuts and now as afternoon grew to evening the first ball of the season was happening at last. You couldn’t be more disinterested, but your mama was a determined woman, and you knew there was no choice but to allow them to make you up like a frosted cupcake and socialize with all the most eligible bachelors. You had to admit, the ability to choose your own clothing rather than the head to toe black wardrobe you’d been accustomed to was certainly a plus, and the lilac gown you’d chosen couldn’t have been more perfect for the beautiful spring evening. The family hosting the ball was an old friend of your father’s, and they had spared no expense in making their home look like a fairy garden come to life. White roses were draped over the wide expanse of the ballroom, weaved together with wisteria and orange blossoms to make the room smell intoxicating.
You couldn’t help but be taken it by all of it, your life had been horribly drab for so long and it was so pleasant to hear the music being played and engage in conversation with someone who wasn’t a member of your family.
You’d spent most of the evening listening to the gossip you’d missed out on, letting your friends sweep you away to give you all the dirty details you’d missed when you suddenly took notice of a certain wallflower that you’d been searching for.
He of course had hoped to be a spectator only, but when you caught his eye from across the way he knew you would somehow pull him into a dance. It didn’t take much to wear him down, a smile from you was enough really, as you pulled him towards the colorful bodies of couples waltzing across the ballroom floor. Robert took your hand in his and it felt as though everything had suddenly become clear again, your mischievous grin and giggles melting away his apprehension as you preoccupied the rest of his evening with good conversation and more dancing.
Finally needing a breath of fresh air he let you lure him out onto the terrace, there were still plenty of people nearby so it would most certainly not look untoward, just two old friends catching up.
You placed your hand on his arm, knowing his injury was much better but that he still favored the other one, and it startled him out of his thoughts as he turned cerulean eyes towards yours.
“I admit my motives are not completely innocent in asking you to come outside with me” you said with a grin, mirth twinkling in your eyes when he barked out a laugh.
“I would expect nothing less from you Fawn, but please tell me what you are scheming, I can see that you’ve got the wheels turning in that pretty head of yours.”
“I must be married this season” you blurted out. You cringed internally at the outburst, but there was no going back now.
Robert’s eyes looked like saucers as he took in your words, he opened his mouth to say something but you waved him off, he would no doubt apologize for the loss of Ambrose and you couldn’t let him bring that pain on himself again.
“I know you still mourn, and truly I would do anything to take that pain from you but that is not my point. You promised me something once, when we were children. Do you recall?”
He turned white as a sheet in that moment, realization dawning on him at what you were asking.
“Fawn I-I-“
“No, listen. We are both unmarried, and a match between the two of us would not be impossible. We both care for each other dearly, and I know we could be happy, even if it was just as friends. I am enacting our pact dear friend, please, if you care for me at all you will save me the trouble of having to be drug through the muck of matchmaking all over again. Marry me Robert. You don’t have to be alone, and I don’t have to either. What do you say?”
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A/N- And we’re off!! Big shout out to @sailor-aviator for letting me join her regency universe, this is happening a season before her characters so they may get mentioned eventually in her series. Thank you to everyone who has been so excited for this, I hope everyone loves it!
Tagging- @attapullman @sailor-aviator @bobgasm @bobfloydsbabe @roosterforme @seitmai @sebsxphia
If anyone would like to be added to the tag list for this series please message me!
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thefirstknife · 1 day
Is there any word on if episodes will stay, yet? Because so far they basically seem like the exact same thing as seasons except more of the story is time-gated and they have some additional rewards for the season pass, so I'm expecting they'll play into the same FOMO: The Game model to try and make sure players don't quit now that the Light/Dark saga ended...
So far nothing has been said about whether they're staying past a year or not. I wish they would tell us.
Personally I enjoy this "act" structure. For now ofc, it's way too early to make a full judgement. I know everyone is right now screaming about time-gating, but I find it more relaxing to play this way. Three weeks of content, three weeks of waiting during which I can do something else or catch up with existing content. This is obviously here to prolong engagement so people don't cram all content in a month and dip for the next three months until the new episode, but I think it not only gives us some extra time to come and go, but it also gives breaks to devs. At least I hope it does.
As for fomo... well. Yeah. It's an MMO. Live service. Whatever we're calling them these days. The company wants us to keep playing. I don't really understand why people keep bringing that up, it's been a thing for longer than Destiny has existed. We knew this going in, no matter what way episodes are constructed, we'd be enticed to play and then wait for new content. If it's like a season, we'd be in a 9 week cycle of weekly updates without pause and then 2 months of no updates until the next episode when you'd be expected to return to keep playing. Right now, at least, we can take breaks between acts.
But yes, at the end of the day, the goal is to keep us engaged and to get us to keep coming back. And it's easier to get people to come back in smaller chunks than to get them to return after they've stopped playing for 2 months. Or at least that's how it is in theory! We'll see how it goes. I enjoy it for personal reasons because it allows for more breaks.
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Oh wow so my hero is ending in five chapters, any idea what those five chapters will be? We know we have that new stranger and the todoroki household to deal with so what else could they cover?
Well there’s obviously a lot to go over, but I expect some things (todofam) to get a lot more focus and page space than others (Gentle and Nagant) so to focus my answers on, well, what I expect to be the focus:
One chapter (426) will be, as I think we all can tell, the Todoroki resolution. Talked about my expectations/ worries for that here.
Next (427) will probably feature Uraraka & whatever happened to Toga in some way. Although since Hori dosn't always treat her the best (I mean I do think her villain fight was the best, but I don’t believe that was on purpose), I wouldn't be surprised if her chapter shares page time with other student plot lines, whatever happened to Spinner and/or the heteromorph plotline, and other miscellaneous stuff like Gentle getting released from prison.
Mystery person I'll bet will probably actually be two chapters (428 & 429): a) because it's Midoriya's resolution and b) because it'd naturally need more time for that; introducing a new character and all, bit of backstory to explain why they were tied up in some house and had to cut themselves loose with with sissors. Especially if it goes the way I except; mystery guy's a poor jaded victim-villain on their way to becoming the next Tomura, but Deku will save them and it'll be presented as though that means society is now improved such that it won't fail any more future Tenko Shimuras. ...Even though a) that's a hard sell after murdering Tenko Shimura in the arc that was specifically representing how thing will go from now on and b) that idea entirely misses the point of Tenko Shimura's story. But even giving this two dedicated chapters, that's the best Deku can really do so...guess you've still just got to hope a hero's around to save you. If not; sucks to suck, good luck with villainy and/or dying.
And uh, last chapter (430 if all our math is right) will probably just be your standard fare “5 or so years later" chapter about everyone as pro heroes. Everything is great and fine and so much better for no real reason and they'll all live happily ever after for anyone still alive; The End.
Although if I may be spiteful; one thing I hope doesn’t get touched on is the quirk singularity doomsday plot line. Because as is, it still looks like the best case is for humanity to become an endangered species as soon as around the time of Class 1A’s eventual retirement (presumably their last decade or two spent dealing with panic over that). All because hero society refused to look where things are bad or inconvenient; and just when a solution, a treatment & cure to this condition was available to them anyway…Deku smashed it into dust because that’s the only way the little All Might clone could conceive of to beat the big bad villain.
And again, I know this is spiteful, but I rather like the idea of Deku murdering Tomura having such a serious consequence.
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transsongtaewon · 3 days
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Yoojin wakes up in the strange bed, early as always when he sleeps with someone. The bed is empty, so his usual method of 'sneaking out before the other person wakes up and never talk to them again' appears to have failed.
Still, maybe he can slither out of this unnoticed. Unharmed, even. Sneak past the bathroom and kitchen and living room and whatever else and maybe even splurge on a taxi to get back home as fast as possible. Leave this unfortunate lapse of judgement behind.
He looks down his chest and decides the plethora of hickeys he is covered in are a problem for later. He thinks there are going to be a lot of problems for later today.
His clothes are strewn around the room, together with a few pieces that are decidedly not his – though not as many as he expected. He quickly pulls on whatever he can find to get dressed enough not to draw odd looks when he's outside, finishing with a singular sock that is 1) very large 2) made of cashmere 3) definitely not his 4) definitely coming home with him. All that's left now is hoping that his shoes are actually by the entrance and not lost underneath a sofa somewhere. He can't quite recall when and where he took them off last night. A problem for him five minutes from now.
Yoojin tries to keep his steps light as he makes his way to the door, made harder by the ache in his lower back. At least he’s had a good time.
A peek out into the hallway lets him breathe a sigh of relief. Empty.
He quickly gets to the stairs, a fully exposed modern monstrosity that leaves little room to hide. Great.
His pulse speeds up as he tiptoes down the steps, as if a sniper is hidden somewhere, waiting for the ideal moment to take Yoojin down. He may be overreacting a little bit. But also the interior design here seems made to set him specifically on edge.
He makes it to the ground floor. The home stretch. Seconds away from freedom.
He barely dares to breathe, staying close to the walls. He feels reminiscent of a burglar, or maybe some sort of rat. Both of which would be insane to come to this place. Usually, Yoojin would consider himself a very sane person. And yet here he is. Typical.
He'll just have to hope his bout of insanity (highly irregular!) will propel him far enough to get out of here. After, he'll have to gaslight everyone involved into thinking this never happened. And really that just means one person who'll be hard to convince, Yoojin is pretty sure the third one will be only too glad to leave this behind.
Finally, he hears noises beside his own footsteps.
He thinks they are coming from the kitchen, the clinking of cutlery and hissing of food on the stove, accompanied by the heavenly smell of fresh pastries. Of course, that bastard would insist on a full breakfast on a Tuesday; it's not like normal people have to work at that time.
Yoojin is almost sad to skip it. But leaving is more important. There will certainly be other opportunities for croissants fresh out of the oven, still so warm the butter would melt as he spreads it across... So there is no reason to get distracted.
Luckily, the kitchen door is mostly closed, so he isn't tempted by the no doubt beautiful display. He'll just grab something from a bakery on the way home. It would be basically the same as being poured coffee made to his exact preferences. Not sad at all.
He is just past the kitchen door, silently crying about stacks of pancakes he will never see, when something absolutely horrible happens.
"Yoojin! I didn't realise you were up yet! How nice of you to join us for breakfast."
He briefly considers just running for the door, but he knows that would be a futile endeavor. He would likely end up slung over a certain someone’s shoulder in a decidedly unsexy way. He sighs. Enters the kitchen. It is everything he imagined and more.
"Good morning, everyone."
Hyunjae is standing at the stove, wearing a frilly pink apron. Taewon is sitting at the table, in a full suit. So that’s why there weren’t a lot of clothes in the bedroom. Yoojin’s one cashmere sock is slowly sliding off his foot.
"I really need to leave for work now." Taewon looks unhappy, but he doesn't make any move to actually get up.
"Hm, you should have at least twenty more minutes by my estimate. Plenty of time to have another slice of bread." Hyunjae pours more coffee into Taewon's mug. “Not on public transport. Which I intended on using.”
“Tragically you appear to have no choice but to let one of Seseong’s drivers take you. Luckily, I can just about spare one for you. But only because you’re so cute.”
Taewon’s face turns a very adorable shade of pink.
"And please sit down, Yoojin. How are you going to enjoy your meal just standing there?"
Yoojin stares at them for a second and then pulls a chair out at a glacial pace. The spot is clearly set for him, all the food in reach among his favourites.
"I was just going to go home, if you don't mi-"
"But of course, I mind. What sort of host would I be if I couldn't even provide breakfast?"
Yoojin tries to share a commiserative look of suffering with Taewon, but when he sees a hickey placed just above his shirt collar, he blushes and looks away again. He remembers how that got there. Hyunjae probably placed it that high on purpose. Yoojin doesn’t even want to know what he looks like beneath his clothes (though he can, of course, imagine. Remembers, even.)
"I have already told him that this is not necessary, but he insists." Yoojin isn't sure how long the other men have been up before him, but Taewon's tone makes it clear that the discussion was very thorough and frustrating (for Taewon, that is. Hyunjae clearly went away from it elated.)
"Well, in that case."
"In that case, indeed!" Hyunjae smiles brightly. Taewon looks defeated but eats another bite of bread. Yoojin gives up. He takes of a sip from the mug before him.
It's perfect.
Written for Sctir Pride Week Day 2: Food/Family
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camaro-and-smokes · 2 days
Get Out of My Dreams, Get into My Car
Chapter 7: You Got It
Notes: Moodboard by the lovely @a-redharlequin 💜
Summary: Billy had already given Steve an hour-long lecture about the basics, taught Steve to wax his board, and assured that they wouldn’t even have to catch waves today. Unless Steve specifically wanted. Steve didn’t. But he might still try it though if it got Billy's attention.
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On the next morning, Steve was waiting for Billy in their living room wearing his new wetsuit.
“You can swim, can you?” Billy asked Steve with a smirk, pulling the zipper of his own wetsuit closed as he passed Steve on his way to his board.
“I was the captain of the swimming team in high school and a lifeguard at the community pool for two summers. I can swim,” Steve huffed mock-offended, holding his board up. Though, yes, while he was a strong swimmer, The Pacific ocean was a whole another beast than Lake Michigan where he’d spend his childhood summers.
“Just checking,” Billy chuckled, and patted Steve on the shoulder. “C’mon, let’s get started,” he continued and walked out into the sunshine from their living room.
The day was glorious; warm breeze ensured the heat of the sun wasn’t too much and kept the waves small. People were gathered on the beach, seagulls were screeching in the distance.
It wasn’t even midday yet, but Steve had decided not to risk it with his pale skin and had covered every area that wasn’t protected by the wetsuit as much sunscreen as he could. His nose was white with the excess, but better to be careful than sorry.
Billy had already given Steve an hour-long lecture about the basics, taught Steve to wax his board, and assured that they wouldn’t even have to catch waves today. Unless Steve specifically wanted.
Steve didn’t.
He’d tried to keep a brave face throughout, but the closer they got to getting into the water, the more nervous he became. When they were practicing the pop-up on the beach, he couldn’t keep it in anymore. He sat down on the board and looked at Billy, who was on his own board displaying the right position. “Listen, Billy…”
“I don’t think…this is for me.”
“How so?” Billy asked, sounding genuinely curious.
“All this…safety and technique and…”
Steve hadn’t expected Billy’s smile to be so gentle. “You have practiced new skills before, haven’t you?”
“So, you know you gotta do the thing in order to master it. Right?”
Steve chewed his cheek.
“Hey. You said you wanted to try this. This was your idea. But we don’t have to do this. I’m not forcing you to do anything.”
Steve had half hoped Billy would’ve at least sounded annoyed. But of course he didn’t. He was a professional instructor, no matter what. “Yeah, I know.”
Billy sat down on his own board and wrapped his arms loosely around his knees. “I was happy when I saw you in all that gear when I came home the other day. It felt like…” He shook his head and smiled. “It felt like you wanted to try something new and fun, something I liked and…I got really excited. Everyone here knows how to surf and how amazing it is. It felt great you wanted to learn, too.” He paused, looking at the sand, and then looked back up at Steve. “And I thought it would be great to have a hobby we could do together.”
Steve instantly felt like shit. He knew why he was being such a chicken. He was already so far outside his comfort zone, trying this, and, in addition, finally having Billy’s undivided attention. It was all exactly what he’d wanted. Maybe he hadn’t realized how easy it would get it and now he was like a fish out of water. Suddenly, he hoped that he’d have the chance to call Robin and ask her for assurance that he was doing the right thing.
“We’re this far already,” Billy pleaded. “Why not go a bit further and get into the water? Just try staying on the board and paddle a little? No need to even try the pop-up.”
Steve couldn’t help smiling. “You sound like you’ve taught kids at some point.”
“I have. Still do.”
Steve realized that this was something he, even after two months of living with Billy, had no idea of. “Really?”
Billy nodded with a wide smile. “Yeah. Every Saturday morning.”
Steve’s stomach dropped. “You…turned down kids to teach me instead?”
“No, they were gone before you got up. They come in at sunrise, we ride some waves, I give them pointers, and then they’re gone around nine. And it’s not a paying gig. They’re kids from foster care. Argyle’s shop did a fundraiser that got these kids here. He provides the gear, and I donated my time in order to get them into it.”
The way Billy’s face lit up when he spoke about the kids made something fuzzy swell in Steve’s chest. “You’ve actually managed to get them to come here at that hour?”
“The time wasn’t my idea. The kids want to come here the moment they wake up. And since I live here on the beach, it’s not a problem. I salute the foster parents who make it happen.”
Steve bit his lip and nodded. This was a whole new aspect to Billy, and he liked it. A lot. “Okay. Let’s do this.”
The smile that spread across Billy’s face alone was worth a try, at least.
Billy was glad the mention of the kids got Steve to at least give the real deal a try. He led them into thigh-high water with Steve’s board. “Okay, we’ll just try paddling. Nothing more.”
“Yeah, okay,” Steve replied, sitting onto the board that Billy held in place, and laid down.
The waves were small, but big enough to go over the board and directly on his face. He tried paddling, but the waves kept pushing back, and he lost his balance from the first wave that hit him, making him fall into the water. He tried again, with the same result. “How do you stay on this thing?”
“I told you, you gotta start paddling at once if you don’t want to get overthrown by these baby-waves,” Billy said and came to help again. “Go on, try again. I’ll keep you steady so that you get the idea.”
Steve laid down on the board once again, facing the open ocean and the waves that were coming at him lazily.
Billy took a deep breath, knowing he would have to touch Steve, but this time without an excuse, and grabbed the board from both sides, his other arm over Steve’s legs. “Okay, now start paddling,” he said as he gently pushed the board through the first wave, then the second while Steve paddled with his both hands and propelled the board forward. When they got through the first three waves, Billy let go. “Now you got it!”
The board glided through the small waves, up and down, through one and down again. Steve couldn’t help smiling. This was amazing, and he wasn’t yet even actually surfing. He turned his head to shout to Billy how great this was, but that, of course, distracted him. A slightly bigger wave made him lose his balance, plunging him into the turquoise. He was rolling in the water and took a gulp of the saltwater, of course inhaling it. Panicking, he got disoriented for a while until a firm hand caught his arm and pulled him above the surface. He started coughing immediately.
“Hey, you’re okay,” Billy said and rubbed Steve’s back. “You’re on the surface.”
“Mayb—maybe we’re…” Steve started, but he had to halt to cough more water from his lungs. “…done for today,” he finally wheezed.
“Yeah, I agree,” Billy replied with a smile, giving Steve’s shoulder a gentle squeeze and taking the board, leading them back to the beach.
Steve sat down on the side of the wooden terrace of the bungalow to take a proper breath and have his heartbeat slow down a little.
Billy pushed Steve’s board to stand in the sand. Before sitting next to Steve, he opened his wetsuit, pushing the top part of it to hang on his hips.
Steve made a point of not looking.
“Hey, that can happen to anyone,” Billy said, pushing his hair back from his face with his hand. “I’ve taken a dive like that more times than I can count.”
“I have sand everywhere,” Steve muttered.
Billy let out a soft laugh. “Yeah, probably.”
“You ever thought you might drown when surfing?”
“Not drowning, no, not really. Though worried about being bitten by a shark once, yes.”
“Oh god,” Steve moaned and buried his face in his hands. “I’d forgotten those.”
“Hey,” Billy said, patting Steve’s shoulder. “That was one time. One, and I’ve surfed my whole life—apart those few years in Hawkins. It’s not as frequent as it’s made to be. More of bad luck. If you get bitten, that is.”
“I don’t know if I can try again.”
“Maybe now is not the best moment to decide that. You being shocked and all.”
Steve glanced at Billy, who was looking back at with a kind smile. “I bet you’re great with the kids.”
Billy’s smile widened. “You should come a watch sometime. The kids are amazing.”
Steve smiled a little. “Maybe I will.”
“Wanna get rid of all the sand?”
“You gotta take off the suit out here on the terrace and let it dry. Then you can just shake it all out. If you bring it in wet, there’s sand everywhere inside too. I prefer keeping the sand here on the beach.”
“Sure, I’ll do that. Would you bring me a towel?”
When Billy went back out with the towel and a bottle of water for the both of them, Steve had removed the top of the wetsuit and was looking at the surfers that were riding waves further on the beach.
Billy swallowed. He didn’t remember Steve having that much chest hair in high-school. He didn’t care for that much hair on his men, but on Steve…He was willing to make an exception.
“I’m proud that you tried,” he said to Steve as he gave him the towel.
Steve took it, now smiling a little. “Yeah. Well, I had to,” he said as he wrapped the towel around his waist and stepped out of the wetsuit. “You kept pestering me about it. I really had no choice.”
“Me? Pestering? Never,” Billy said with a smirk, mock-offended.
Steve was smiling, too, and Billy knew there was something happening between them, even if he wasn’t entirely sure what. Steve had bought everything he’d need for surfing, just like that, and asking nothing from him. No tips, what kind of board to get…Honestly, it would’ve made more sense for Steve to ask him to borrow a suit and a board from him for the first few tries rather than just buy his own out of the blue. But Steve had surprised him with this whole thing, suddenly wanting to try and having all the gear…So, either he had really gotten the idea of try surfing stuck to Steve’s mind or…Billy didn’t want to let himself go there, but he knew he already had; Steve wanted to try something Billy loved to get to know him better.
Billy looked as Steve downed the entire water bottle in one swig. Steve fit on the beach. The wind blew his hair all over, but he didn’t seem to mind. He was tall and fit, and sure, maybe he was a little pale, but that would be fixed if he wanted to get on the board again. And besides, the moles he was dotted with, they stood out better like this. Billy found himself thinking he wanted to touch them, to examine them one by one, trail them with his finger, find all the constellations hidden in them.
He felt hope in his heart for the first time, even though he knew it was dangerous. From all his previous experience, he’d learned that hope was a recipe for a disaster. But Steve, he surely wouldn’t do that to him? Break his heart?
When Steve finished his water, he glanced at Billy and caught him staring. Billy’s soft gaze made something warm bloomed in his chest. “What?” he asked, smiling.
Billy smiled back. “Nothing. Just thought you fit on the beach.”
“I do?”
Billy nodded, folding his arms over his chest. “Maybe you’re a bit too pale to fit in properly, but we can fix that.”
“I’m still not sure if I want to get back on the board.”
“That’s okay. You can stay on land and watch. Work on your tan instead.”
Steve laughed. “Sure.”
They looked at the other surfers for a moment again. Steve felt that he’d accomplished something even if the try had ended in a disaster. Though, he also felt stupid, even though he knew no one could handle something like this on the first try. But he’d fallen off, rolled in sand, and inhaled salt water right in front of Billy, which made it extra humiliating. He hadn’t wanted to mess up that badly.
“Don’t worry about the fall,” Billy said, as if he’d heard Steve’s thoughts. “You tried, and that is enough as itself.”
Yeah, Steve was proud about that, of trying. And that Billy acknowledged it. He’d done what he set out to do; to get Billy’s attention. This was a good start.
“Hey, go ahead and take a shower. I can take one after you. Won’t hog all the hot water from you,” Billy said, winking, and took Steve’s wetsuit and hung it to the hook next to the terrace door.
“Well, that’s a first,” Steve said with a short laugh as he walked inside.
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