#so I like my 16 x 16 it’s Hannah sized
pastelbatfandoms · 5 months
Marvel dr memories and a shift!
3/22/24 Had some dr memories from Erik while I was meditating with him. First ones we're kinda all over the place bits and pieces of us fighting other villains then him and I protecting each other with our powers (Magneto was helping me turn my shadow and light into a protective barrier while he made it stronger by overlapping his magnetic shield around it,while he held my hands) Then us sharing drinks together outside while looking over the courtyard of the X mansion. Us meeting for the first time, him actually kissing my hand. Then us making out in his room. Then it turned into a full memory of me coming back after leaving Shield the second time, once they figured out I had powers, Erik wasn't happy seeing as how he thought I had died not knowing I could heal myself, I tried to explain things to him, how I thought it would just complicate things if I hadn't left. He did use his powers on me by pulling me towards him via my necklace, I thought he was going to choke me and he did wrap the chain lightly around my neck but then staring at me, he let me go. And left the mansion, that was when he went to prison for "killing the president" I stayed at the mansion for awhile but as things got worse, especially Xavier and our disagreements I took a page out of Raven and Erik's book and left.
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4/2/24 I've been taking a break from my Marvel dr recently but I think I had a dream or minishift idk which I'm sick and not trying to focus on what it was right now. But anyway I was in this bed that was a bit bigger then a full sized had a couple pillows and a plaid blanket on it and the room was medium sized with wood floors, desks and dressers around the room with a bunch of clutter and boxes everywhere. It was messy. I got up and went over to this nightstand that was agaisnt a wall furtherest away from the bed, it had a medium sized mirror on top leaning agaisn't the wall. As well as a bunch of nail polish and makeup all over. I remember looking into the dirty mirror and being taken a back because it didn't look like me in my cr, I looked like Chloe Bennet or Daisy. So I must have been Lili since Daisy is my twin in that dr. I had hazel eyes, shoulder length lighter brown hair and bangs parted to the sides that I kept messing with. That's all I remember before I woke up. I think I might have been in Bucky's room when he wasn't there. It did feel real and I did feel disoriented after I woke up, like I slept too long. My friend Hannah confirmed that it is very likely that was an ungrounded full shift!
5/1/24 I've been taking a break with shifting but I did get a short memory with Bucky as The Winter Soldier, we were in Hydra because I was 15-16 years old and he was holding me in a very protective way. Trying to keep me away from the guards, then Zemo walked up and Strucker walked up behind Bucky. Bucky pointed a gun at Zemo who raised is hands and told Zemo to stay away from me. Then Strucker told them to grab Bucky and Zemo took me. They took control of Bucky and Zemo took control of me which I was not happy with.
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5/7/24 Had really intense visions while meditating. They were of Zemo and I. He has been trying to protect me not just from Hydra but himself as well (the reason he said he didn't love me was cause he felt like I deserved better.) We were in the back of a black car with Reinhardt and I didn't want to comply anymore, so I ran off. Zemo stopped Reinhardt before he could get to me. Werner punched him then reminded Zemo what he could do if Zemo betrayed Hydra (though he does later) I kept seeing a theme of Zemo trying to defy their orders and getting beaten down, threatened with the super soldier serum or threatening to torture me instead. Then what I gather is the fall of HYDRA. Everything in rubble, Zemo is fighting at our side. I can't travel since there's no shadows close so Zemo grabs me up sheilding me then throws me to Bucky. Who runs with me in his arms. Then we hide behind a ruined wall as I hear gun shots and Zemo fighting off Hydra agents. I see Magneto hovering in the distance using his metal powers. He gives me a small smile and nods when he sees I'm okay. There's only so much Bucky can do with his metal arm and my shadows are useless here. Just then an artifical sheild appears out of no where with the literal SHIELD logo on it. I look up and see Coulson grinning down at me. "Dad!" "Hey sweetie. Need help? I see Quake lived up to her name here…" I nod a thanks then I jump out from behind the wall along with my widow sisters Nat and Lena as I see arrows fly from Hawkeye (both of them) Us Widow sisters fight back to back as they take out there batons. I take out my glass sword, Zemo sidles up to me still with his mask on and hands me his own sword a mischevious yet loving glint in his eyes as I take it and fight. That's all I got cause like I said it was really intense but at least I know how it ended for now. I also thought I saw Zemo or a form of him in my peripheral vision yesterday which was trippy. Zemo has been trying to get through to me through music (specifically the song 'I'll do better') for a couple days now.
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peach-pot · 3 years
the fact i *could* finish an entire game of minesweeper is really tempting in theory but but in practice i can never focus long enough to figure it out and start playing russian roulette with the mines
oh minesweeper my beloved ❤️ yeah I get the same way with the bigger ones, which is why I stick to my 16 x 16 (I think? Might’ve counted wrong) otherwise yeah I just get impatient and start clicking randomly
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foliea · 5 years
Rules and Regulations - Tyler Joseph and Josh Dun Imagine
Paring: Dad!Tyler x Daughter!Reader, Uncle!Josh x Niece!Reader
Word Count: 2,434
Warnings: Terrible mother, F slur, mentions of tattoos (?)
Authors Note: Okay so the reader in this story is LGBT, and it is quite an important part of the story, so if you don’t feel comfortable reading that please feel free to skip this one. This is all around a really cute fic and I might turn it into a series if you guys want. The time skips are really inconsistent in this though, they’ll go from being a few minutes to being a few months. I might go back and add dates for those though. Anyways enjoy.
“Jenna, Caroline spilled her cereal!” I called upstairs.
“Just give me one second and I’ll clean it up!” She yelled from Hannah’s bedroom.
I nodded even though she couldn’t see me. “Just a couple more days and I’ll be able to see Dad and Uncle Josh...” I muttered to myself.
“Y/N?” I looked down to see Caroline tugging at my leg. “Can I have more cereal?”
I looked to the table covered in Cheerio’s then looked at the clock on the stove. “How about I just make you a sandwich instead. It’s lunchtime anyways.”
She nodded excitedly. “Ham and mayo please.” She beamed.
“Of course.” I let out a little laugh while grabbing the jar of mayonnaise. “Alexa... Play Twenty One Pilots.”
“Playing songs by Twenty One Pilots.” Soon after Stressed Out came on.
“I love this song!” Caroline quickly jumped out of her seat, running over to me. “Will you sing with me?” 
I let out a little laugh and started to sing the chorus.
 “What’s this? Daddy’s music? Whose idea was that?”Jenna appeared in the kitchen, holding Hannah in her arms. Caroline quickly pointed to me. “Should have known.” Jenna let out a quick laugh.
“What can I say I’m a daddy’s girl.“ Laughing a bit at the nickname given to me.
Soon everyone had their lunch and we were all sat at the table. “When is daddy coming home?” Carolina asked breaking the silence.
“Two more months sweetie but we’re going to visit him soon.” Jenna smiled at her daughter, but the disappointment was obvious. Everyone missed seeing dad, I’m glad I get to finish tour with him and Uncle Josh though.
“You excited for school tomorrow?” I asked changing the subject. Jenna sent me a look, silently thanking me.
“No, not really. On Friday my friends dared me to kiss a boy.” Caroline shot her head up. “I said no because obviously, boys have cooties!” 
“That’s good, you’re not allowed to kiss any boys until you’re 16.” Jenna gave her a stern look, laughing shortly after.
“Daddy said I can’t kiss any boy’s until I’m married.”
“Is that so?” I laughed
“When are you allowed to kiss boys Y/N?” Caroline asked.
“I don’t have any rules on when I can kiss boys.” I shrugged.
“Really? That’s not fare.” She huffed crossing her arms.
“Well I think boys are gross so Daddy and Uncle Josh didn’t set any rules.”
“Why did Uncle Josh get to have a say. I bet he would say I could kiss boys younger...” She muttered the last part to herself.
“Because Uncle Josh is like a second dad to Y/N.” Jenna intervened, noticing how I had become uncomfortable.
“I’ll explain it to you later, okay Caroline?” She nodded in response, going back to her sandwich.
“Y/N?” A small voice came from my door.
“Caroline? What are you doing up?” I asked looking at my clock. It may not be a school night but a six year old should not be up at eleven o’clock at night.
“I can’t sleep...” She looked off the to side.
“You wanna sleep with me?” She nodded, climbing onto the bed. “What’s got you up Tiny?”
“I was thinking about how close you are to Uncle Josh... Why is that?”
I sighed. “When I was your age I didn’t have anyone other than Daddy and Uncle Josh.” She squirmed in my arms a little. “So when it came to raising me, Uncle Josh helped Daddy out.”
“He’s always been there for me, sometimes more than Daddy has. Meaning all those rules and regulations that Daddy and Jenna set up for you, were set up by Daddy and Uncle Josh for me.”
“Regulations?” She looked up.
“Guide lines.” 
She nodded her head. “I’m gonna miss you when you go with Daddy and Uncle Josh...” 
“I’ll call you every night.”
“But who’s going to make me ham and mayo sandwiches?”
“You’re mom is capable of making them.”
“It won’t be the same...” She mumbled. 
“How about this, I’ll make you lunch after you go to church on Sunday and I’ll make you sandwiches to bring to school for the rest of the week?” She nodded.
The conversation ended and Caroline fell asleep.
Monday came quickly and it was time for me to fly to Charlotte to join Dad and Uncle Josh on tour. I waved goodbye to Jenna, Caroline, and Hannah. Caroline was very visibly crying while holding onto the Build-A-Bear I made more her the day prior, mine tucked safely into my bag.
“Traveling alone?” The barista at the cafe asked. 
I nodded. “I’m meeting my dad and uncle in Charlotte.”
“That’s cool, I would never be able to go to school that far away from my parents.” She laughed.
“It’s not like that. They travel a lot and I’m flying in to travel with them, around the country actually.”
“They on a road trip or something?”
“You could say that I guess, but you wouldn’t believe me if I told you.”
“Try me.”
“They’re on tour, they’re uh in a band.”
“What band maybe I’ve heard of them.”
“Uh Twenty One Pilots? They just released a new album”
“Wait their the one’s who made that Stressed Out song right?”
“Yeah that’s them. That songs from their new album.”
“Cool, not really my style but I do really like that song. What’s the new album called?”
“Codi! Stop talking and get back to work!” 
“Sorry, here’s your coffee.” I smiled at her walking out of the cafe.
“Uncle Josh!” I yelled, smiling.
“Y/N! What’s my favorite niece been up to? Don’t tell Caroline and Hannah I said that.” We both laughed.
“Not much, although this new hair place opened and I think I might get my tips done to match yours.” I said pointing to his bright red hair. 
“Nope absolutely not!” A voice was heard from behind me. I turned around and smiled.
“Dad!” I wrapped my arms around him.
“Well hello to you to Kiddo.” He laughed wrapping his arms around me.
I let go of him and turned around to pick up my bags, only to see Josh had grabbed them already. “Why do you have this tiny bag?” He asked, holding up a medium sized backpack.
“Dad told me to bring my uke.” I shrugged grabbing both it and my regular backpack.
“Bye dad!” I shut the front door walking to my car. As I got in my phone rang. “Hello?”
“Hey cutie!” A voice could be heard over my speakers, indicating my phone had connected to the Bluetooth.
“Hey Codi.” I laughed. “I’m on my way.”
“You better be, I can’t wait to see what you’re doing to your hair.”
“I thought I told you?”
“Whatever you’ll see soon enough.”
We talked for a little while longer until I pulled into her drive way. Codi bolted outside and into my car. “Well hello to you to Dakota.” She laughed a little as well, kissing my cheek.
The drive to the place was fairly quick. Codi had been blasting music the whole ride, but turned it off when I pulled onto North High Street. 
“Here it is.” We both looked up to the sign. The word Bishops could be read in white, with an orange-red back ground. 
“Hey! How can I help you two lovely woman?” A girl with brightly colored hair smiled. 
“Uh I have an appointment, it should be under as Y/N Joseph?” 
“Right, here you are.” She smiled looking up. “You’re dying your tips red, right?”
“You’re dying your tips? I though you’re dad said no?” Codi remarked from behind me.
“Yes, but Uncle Josh said yes. As long as I got red.” I smirked knowing that what Josh says, goes.
The girl laughed. “Well my names Max, I’ll be doing you’re hair.” She lead me to a chair. “So red huh? Is that your uncles favorite color or something?”
“His hair’s red, it’s been a joke since I was young that I should always be matching with him.”
“I’m assuming you’re really close then.”
“Yeah, he’s like a second dad to me.” I smiled.
“All done.” Max turned the chair around so I could see it.
“It looks amazing! Thank you so much!”
“Looking good, cutie.” Codi laughed wrapping her arms around my shoulders.
“Just come in when you need a touch up or you want to switch the color.” I nodded paying. 
“Thanks again Max!” I said walking out of the shop.
“You’re dad is so gonna kill you.” Codi laughed
“Oh definitely.” I smiled getting into my car.
“What did you do to your hair!?” 
“Dyed it.” I shrugged looking at Dad.
“Was this Josh’s idea?”
“No it was Zack’s. Yes it was my idea Tyler.” Josh laughed.
Dad gave a quick disapproving look to Josh. “You’re lucky I love you too much.” 
“Y/N your hair looks great I’m glad it came out the way you wanted.” Jenna smiled as she walked in.
“Thanks Jenna!”
“You knew about this as well?!”
“Well yeah, she double checked that it was okay with me.”
“Well would you look at the time, I’ve got a date with Codi. I love you daddy.” I smiled kissing his and Josh’s cheeks.
“So you have no interest in seeing your mom?” Codi asked.
“She had 17 years to come and visit me. She left me on my dads front door and said she never wanted to see me again.” I sighed, not taking my eye’s off the road. “She doesn’t have any right to see me. And its not like she could say she’s obligated to see me, I’m 18 and even if I wasn’t, her and my dad never fought for custody.” 
I turned into Codi’s neighborhood and she promptly ended the conversation. As the car sat in the driveway, I turned to face her. “I’ll see you tomorrow Codes.” She kissed my cheek and left the car.
I sighed backing the car out of the driveway. “This is the right thing to do Y/N. She doesn’t care about you.” I muttered to myself on my way home.
“Y/N! Someone’s here to see you!” Caroline yelled as she ran into my room.
“I’m not sure but Mommy told me to come get you and then go to my room.”
“Okay thanks C.” I stood from my seat and started walking downstairs. “Jenna? Who’s here to see me?”
In front of me stood Jenna, Dad, Uncle Josh, and two people I didn’t recognize.
Uncle Josh was the one to break the silence. “Y/N why don’t you sit down?” I quietly sat down between him and Dad.
“I-I’m confused, what’s happening?” I turned towards Dad.
“Sweetie don’t you recognize me?” The women spoke. I shook my head.
“Y/N this is your mother.” Something about the way that Dad said mother didn’t feel right. He said it as if I should have known who she is. As if she didn’t ditch me when I was one. 
“I thought is was right time we saw each other again.” 
“I’m sorry what? Saw each other again? You left me with Dad when I was a baby! You never cared about me so right now I’m confused on why you’re here!”
“I wanted to see my baby again.” She retorted faking politeness.
“You had 17 years to do that. Why are you here now?” Silence fell over everyone. Jenna went upstairs to make sure the girls wouldn’t come downstairs.
The front door closing and footsteps broke that silence. “Hey Joseph’s I’m here for-” Codi spoke unaware of what was happening in the living room. “Y/N...”
“Codi, can we reschedule? Maybe to any other day in my life. Clearly something must be happening today since she’s here.” 
“But Y/N, today’s our movie date.” She playfully whined.
“I’m sorry date?” A sharp voice came from behind me.
“Yes a date? Is there an issue with that?” Codi questioned staring at the unfamiliar women.
“No daughter of mine is a fag!” Silence fell again.
“Get out.” Uncle Josh’s voice broke through. 
“Excuse me? Who are you to tell me what to do?”
“I said get out. I will not tolerate anyone insulting Y/N or her girlfriend. Especially someone as vial as you.” He spat standing up from his chair.
“This is not you’re household nor family.” She scoffed. “Tyler you allow this man to be near our child-”
“My child.” Dad finally spoke.
“Excuse me?”
“My child. You never once even asked about Y/N. You have no right to call her your child.”
“I would never think a man of God like yourself would allow someone as disgusting as her,” She quickly pointed at me. “To live in your house.”
She grabbed the arm of the man with her and dragged him out of the house. “I’m sorry N/N.” Dad said wrapping me in a hug.
“It’s fine Dad.” I replied. Another pair of arms wrapped around my waist.
“Josh?” Dad laughed.
“What? I wanted to be apart of the moment!” He laughed.
“Group hug!” Codi yelled grabbing onto me as well. Dad and Uncle Josh readjusted to fit her in.
“Did someone say group hug?” Caroline’s voice could be heard as she ran int group of people. 
I picked her up as Jenna walked downstairs with Hannah in her hands. “Yeah someone said group hug.” I smiled as Codi wrapped her arms around me again.
“Okay you’re dad couldn’t handle you dying your hair and now you’re getting a tattoo?” Codi laughed.
“Hey! I have permission this time.” I playfully shoved her as I pulled into the parking lot of the tattoo parlor. 
“What are you getting anyways?” Codi asked as I sat down in the chair. I explained it too her and finished right as the tattoo artist finished putting the base on my arm.
“Y/N I swear if you got anything stupid or inappropriate-” Dad cut himself off seeing seeing the tattoo. “Y-You got one of my lyrics tattooed on you?”
“Okay either you’re blind or full of yourself.” I laughed looking at the tattoo on my arm. I was a tree house set on fire and had the lyrics from Forest around it. “Anyways of course I did. I wanted my first tattoo to have a special meaning.”
“I got one as well!” Codi proudly showed off the small band wrapped around her wrist. “Dad’s prolly get get emotion once he asks what it means though...”
“Well I’m glad you both got things that mean something to you.” 
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wallpapernifty · 4 years
Five Outrageous Ideas For Your Palm Tree Wall Stickers | Palm Tree Wall Stickers
Illustration: Ryo Takemasa
8. The summer I angry 16, my ancestor gave me his refurbished ’69 Chevy Malibu convertible. Blooming red, chrome accents, V8 engine—a allowance ashen on me at that age. What did I apperceive about archetypal cars? The important affair was that Hannah and I could drive about Tucson with the top down.
Hannah was my best friend, a year adolescent but abundant taller, about 5’10”. “Hannah’s a knockout,” my mother consistently said. And abiding enough, that summer she active with a clay agency. She was already accomplishing archive assignment and some runway.
A ages afterwards my birthday, Hannah and I went to the movies. On the way home we chock-full at the McDonald’s drive-through, putting the chips on the bench amid us to share. “Let’s ride about awhile,” I said. It was a bright night, oven-warm, abounding moon slung low over the desert. Taking a ambit too fast, I hit a application of clay and fishtailed. What happened abutting is hazy: I bashed through a neighbor’s mural bank and collection into a adult palm. The advanced auto came to blow center up the timberline trunk.
French chips on the floor, the dash, and my lap. An absurd bulk of claret on Hannah’s face, flaps of bark blind into her eyes. They took us in abstracted ambulances. In the ER, my parents batten quietly: Best artificial surgeon in the city. End of her clay career. We’d been cutting lap belts, but the car didn’t accept accept harnesses. I’d absurd my cheekbone on the council wheel; Hannah’s forehead had breach advanced accessible on the dash. What would I say to her?
When her mother, Sharon, came into my hospital room, I started to cry, animating myself for her anger. I deserve it, I thought. She sat beside me and took my hand. “I rear-ended my best acquaintance aback I was your age,” she said. “I totaled her car and mine.” “I’m so sorry” was all I could get out. “You’re both alive,” she
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from Wallpaper Nifty https://www.flowernifty.com/five-outrageous-ideas-for-your-palm-tree-wall-stickers-palm-tree-wall-stickers/
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impala-pies-and-cas · 7 years
Does Supernatural Have a Problem with Representation and Diversity: A Mathematical Study
At the end of season 12, another fan favorite minority character, Eileen, was killed. This has come in a long line of favorite SPN characters who were people of color, women, lgbt+, and/or disabled being killed seemingly before their time. This, like other instances with such characters like Kevin and Charlie, sparked outrage from many fans. Some called the move sexist and ableist. Many said it was not inherently bad that Eileen died, but the way it was done was disgraceful and unworthy of such a beloved character. Other fans fought back against these claims, citing that everyone dies in supernatural and that no one should be immune. Besides, others said, with more representation, shouldn’t that mean more death?
But is there actually more representation? And is the death count equal? Are we being persuaded by biases and personal agendas?
After the season 12 finale, I’ve set out to see if there is a quantifiable difference in representation, huge differences that can be backed up by numbers and not just perception. Much of this is going to cover gender and race, as those are the easiest diversity angles to notice, but I will touch upon other areas. This information was not compiled to confirm any set of biases, but instead answer these questions at the heart of the debate and anger. Some of the information complied is quite obvious, but having set numbers is vital in these debates.
The rest, which is a lot, is under the cut:
A few notes/disclaimers before we begin:
All information is taken from seasons 1-12. When season 13 starts the numbers on here will, no doubt, have to change.
I have not counted every single character ever put on Supernatural ever, but instead elected to take my sample size from supernaturalwiki.com. I was originally going to pull a list from imdb, but I didn’t just want to record who was in what episode, but also who lives and who dies. To do this I would have had to closely watch the entire series over again. I have school and a job, so I have no time to actually do that. Instead, I collected my sample size from a site that has that information already on it. [I may end up redoing this using imdb and rewatching the show, but that will take months - if not years].
Jumping off of the first point, I have collected about 850 characters for this experiment that uses a lot of math and percentages. Obviously, these numbers are not entirely accurate since I couldn’t find everyone, but I highly doubt the percentages would greatly tip the scale in any minorities’ favor by a recount. This is just an example, but it’s a large sample size example that still reveals a lot.
Although many characters may not inherently be the same gender/race as their actor counterparts [see angels and demons] I am using the actor’s race and gender as the character’s. This is about on screen representation, so what you see is the most important. And, before anyone asks, no, i did not go up to every actor and asked them if they were a person of color or what gender the identify as; i guessed, but they were educated guesses. I followed this up until the show directly contradicted the casting. For instance: the actress playing the angel Benjamin is a black woman, but the character was presented as using he/him pronouns, so I listed Benjamin as a man of color.
In the cases of characters with multiple actors who fall into the same category (ie Meg’s two actresses are both white women) the character is counted once under that group (Meg is a white woman). In cases were the actors are in different categories (ie Raphael was portrayed by a black man and black woman), I count the character twice under each group (Raphael is counted once as a man of color and then again as a woman of color). I didn’t feel comfortable choosing one, and saying a character is 50% one thing and 50% another seemed more harmful that just counting them twice.
There are a few characters I couldn’t pin down as either gender, as either the wiki only used neutral pronouns with them or they were a straight up genderless creature, so I have a few characters in a gender neutral category. I have listed them, but they are by and large excluded from the majority of the analysis.
This is only about numbers and percentages, not how characters are portrayed on screen. The latter is more subjective and hard to discuss without bias getting involved. After all, I am one queer woman who can’t speak for everyone. 
If you’d like to see my very annoying spreadsheets documenting all of this, click here: [x]. For larger versions of the graphs, you can find them here [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8]
And now onto the graphs:
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[Graph 1]
When you look at a strict gender breakdown of the characters, it comes out to be about 60% men and 40% women, which is, proportionally, a bit too uneven. The show should be hovering closer to the 50/50 mark. However, when race is added, the proportions get depressing. White men (blue )make up almost 55% of the total population of the show. People of color combined make up just over 10%, with each (moc are green and woc are orange) at about 5%.
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[Graph 2]
The numbers get more interesting as we break it up into percent alive (the light colors) and precent dead or status unknown (the darker). While all groups have more people dead than alive, both groups of women have 43% of their population alive. White men have about 30% percent. Men of color are the most killed off group, at 20% still alive.
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[Graph 3]
I further broke up the categories into how many episodes these characters have been in [this is not separated into alive or dead]. The brackets are 1 episode (top left), 2-3 episodes (top right), 4-6 episodes (middle left), 7-9 episodes (middle right), 10-12 episodes (bottom left), and 13+ episodes (bottom right). The columns go from left to right with white men, men of color, white women, and women of color.
NOTE: there are always far more characters in only one episode than any other grouping, and numbers of characters in each group constantly get lower on a bell curve. However, it is important to look at the percentages and comparable representation in each grouping.
As you can see, white people always have higher columns than people of color. You may also notice that at the 7-9 episode mark the graph loses columns. As of the season 12 finale, no woman of color has been in 7 episodes. While there is one man of color who has been in over 13+ episodes (Kevin), there are currently no men of color in 10-12.
I decided to break this up further into individual graphs for the different race/gender categories: first there are pie charts showing the group percentages in each number of episodes bracket . The second is a bar graph looking at the alive/dead status of characters in each number of episodes bracket.
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[Graph 4]
There are so many men in 1 episode I had to log the graph. They currently have more characters in every category, save for 7-9 episodes where white women lead. Also, as of the end of season 12 there is at least one white man alive in each number of episodes bracket.
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[Graph 5]
While they have far less characters in total than white men, white women do have a similar percentage breakdown.They do beat white men in the 7-9 episodes bracket, and like white men have at least one person who is alive in each group.
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[Graph 6]
The graphs for men of color look very different than the other two. The do have a lower percentage of characters in only one episode, but that is mainly due to the lack of characters overall. Further, there are far more dead men of color than alive; the number of dead men of color in one episode is at a 78% death rate, far higher than any other group. They also don’t have any currently living characters past 2-3 episodes.
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[Graph 7]
Women of color have, quantifiably, the worst record for representation in these categories. As I said earlier, no woman of color has been in at least 7 episodes. While they are tied for the group least killed off, they have so few characters introduced that it hardly makes a difference.
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[Graph 8]
I also wanted to look at the number of people of color I could find in each season [once again i’d like to reiterate that this is based on the characters I could find from supernaturalwiki.com]. This bar graph has men of color in green and women of color in orange, tracking the number of each and both of them combined per season. While I give credit to season 12 for having the highest number of characters of color, that’s still at a lousy 16 characters, and when you can easily find over 100 characters per season, 16 is nothing to applaud. Further, if you count up all the characters listed in the graph, you reach 98. Not even 100 characters. That’s less than one new character of color being introduced every two episodes, which should be ridiculously easy to do. Supernatural still cannot do that.
I did also want to look at lgbt+ and disabled representation in the show.
NOTE: while characters like Hannah and Raphael have been in different gendered vessels, the show has never confirmed them as trans or non-binary, and I couldn’t find any human characters that were definitely not cis. I have decided that because of this lack of clear information not to collect stats on trans/non-binary characters on Supernatural, but that might speak for itself.
I found 17 characters who were confirmed in show to experience some form of same gender attraction. That makes up 2% of the show’s character population. Of these characters, 5 of them have been in multiple episodes. As of the end of season 12, 5 are dead (3 of the five in multiple episodes are dead). 5 of the 17 are people of color (only 1 of them has been in multiple episodes so far).
Tracking disability is harder, as many disabilities are invisible, so I stuck with characters with physical disabilities in multiple episodes, of which are only 3: Pamela Barnes, Bobby Singer (in season 5 he was in a wheelchair), and Eileen Leahy. They make up 0.35% of the show’s population. 2 of these characters were cured of there disability before their last episode on the show. All three are white. All three are dead.
So does Supernatural have a problem with representation and diversity?
Yes. It most certainly does. But not in the way people expect or often perceive.
Women aren’t being killed off at higher rates than man. Actually it’s quite the opposite. And white, straight, able-bodied women are pretty good in terms of representation.
The real problem is with the representation of people of color, disabled people, and the lgbt+ community.
And really, it’s not in the rates of them being killed off (well, men of color need to be killed off less). The problem lies in that these characters aren’t being introduced in the first place. It really doesn’t matter if 30% of white men are alive verse 43% of women of color when that comes out to 141 total living white men and 19 total living women of color. It’s not fair playing field.
Supernatural is a show set all across The United States of America and lives in it’s culture and lore. Nearly 40% of the United States is made up of people of color: black, asian, native, latinx, arab, etc. The show should reflect that. While the numbers on lgbt+ representation is still being disputed, the perception is that 4-10% of the population has same gender attraction and 0.6% are transgender. The show should reflect that. According to the US census, about 19% of the population has some sort of disability. The show should reflect that. It’s more than just adding in a few new characters of color and lgbt+ characters in season 12; tptb need to purposefully write in more diverse characters, cast diverse actors, and keep these characters around longer.
When people complain about Kevin, Charlie, Eileen, or others’ deaths in the show, this isn’t a matter of being sad a character is dead and not understanding how the supernatural death toll works. It’s being frustrated at a show which has so little representation and having one of the few characters in that category being ripped away from us, often in ways that are easily avoidable and/or disrespectful to the character. It’s characters being killed early on so we don’t have characters of color, lgbt+ characters, or disabled characters to go through the seasons with. It’s getting the bare minimum of representation and being told that’s enough and we shouldn’t complain any more.
There are people that aren’t bothered by the lack of diversity, and that’s fine. You’re in the full right not to care. But telling those who are frustrated and upset that they are overreacting, being childish, and are not true fans is beyond rude. It’s a silencing tactic, and it needs to stop.
No matter what side of the aisle you’re on, I hope people will read this and gain a better understanding of where Supernatural’s diversity is and why people may be mad. And, no matter what, the proportions tell us a change needs to happen.
382 notes · View notes
1-200 😄
Y'all suck200: My crush’s name is: X (I don’t currently have one)
199: I was born in: Washington D.C
198: I am really: sleepy 
197: My cellphone company is: Verizon 
196: My eye color is: blue
195: My shoe size is: 6
194: My ring size is: 4.5
193: My height is: 5'1
192: I am allergic to: oh god literally all of nature, gluten, eggs, pineapple, cats, dogs
191: My 1st car was: Volvo 
190: My 1st job was: babysitting 
189: Last book you read: The Widow
188: My bed is: a full? 
187: My pet: 3 cats ( my cat is coco and she’s fat and adorable)
186: My best friend: hannah 
185: My favorite shampoo is: head and shoulders? 
184: Xbox or ps3: neither 
183: Piggy banks are: great
182: In my pockets: chopstick
181: On my calendar: work and doctors appointments 
180: Marriage is: a lifelong commitment 
179: Spongebob can: make you dumber
178: My mom: is the best even though sometimes we drive each other nuts 
177: The last three songs I bought were? Two heads, Church bells, and sleepover 
176: Last YouTube video watched: probably something on buzzfeed 
175: How many cousins do you have? 7
174: Do you have any siblings? Yes one sister
173: Are your parents divorced? Nope 
172: Are you taller than your mom? We're the same height 
171: Do you play an instrument? Piano and guitar
170: What did you do yesterday? spend time with my mom ( it was Mother’s Day)[ I Believe In ]
169: Love at first sight: no
168: Luck: no 
167: Fate: yes
166: Yourself: yes 
165: Aliens: yes 
164: Heaven: maybe 
163: Hell: no
162: God: yes 
161: Horoscopes: no, but I like them 
160: Soul mates: yes 
159: Ghosts: yes 
157: War: no 
156: Orbs: no 
155: Magic: no [ This or That ]
154: Hugs or Kisses: hugs
153: Drunk or High: drunk 
152: Phone or Online: phone 
151: Red heads or Black haired: black hair 
150: Blondes or Brunettes: brunettes 
149: Hot or cold: cold 
148: Summer or winter: summer 
147: Autumn or Spring: spring 
146: Chocolate or vanilla: vanilla 
145: Night or Day: NIGHT
144: Oranges or Apples: apples 
143: Curly or Straight hair: straight 
142: McDonalds or Burger King: McDonald’s 
141: White Chocolate or Milk Chocolate: milk
140: Mac or PC: PC
139: Flip flops or high heals: flip flops 
138: Ugly and rich OR sweet and poor: sweet and poor 
137: Coke or Pepsi: coke 
136: Hillary or Obama: Obama 
135: Burried or cremated: cremated 
134: Singing or Dancing: neither. I’m so bad at both 
133: Coach or Chanel: Chanel?
132: Kat McPhee or Taylor Hicks: Kat
131: Small town or Big city: big city 
130: Wal-Mart or Target: target 
129: Ben Stiller or Adam Sandler: Ben stiller 
128: Manicure or Pedicure: manicure 
127: East Coast or West Coast: east coast 
126: Your Birthday or Christmas: Christmas 
125: Chocolate or Flowers: flowers 
124: Disney or Six Flags: Disney 
123: Yankees or Red Sox: Yankees [ Here’s What I Think About ]
122: War: it’s horrible and should be avoided whenever possible 
121: George Bush: he’s an idiot who hired really terrible people to be his advisors, but he’s not a bad person at heart. 
120: Gay Marriage: it should be legal everywhere 
119: The presidential election: what the fuck is wrong with Americans. We elected a mad man 
118: Abortion: pro choice
117: MySpace: never had one 
116: Reality TV: it’s kinda of a waste of time 
115: Parents: love mine 
114: Back stabbers: they aren’t worth your time 
113: Ebay: great way to buy and sell shit
112: Facebook: nice to stay in touch with people, don’t post much 
111: Work: wish I didn’t have to do it 
110: My Neighbors: they’re great 
109: Gas Prices: meh? They’re not bad right now 
108: Designer Clothes: usually a waste of money 
107: College: it’s too fucking expensive!!!!!
106: Sports: they need to take a stronger stance against domestic violence 
105: My family: love to hate them 
104: The future: not sure. It’s scary [ Last time I ]
103: Hugged someone: an hour ago 
102: Last time you ate: 20 minutes 
101: Saw someone I haven’t seen in awhile: 2 days 
100: Cried in front of someone: January? 
99: Went to a movie theater: April 
98: Took a vacation: I’m currently on summer break :)
97: Swam in a pool: does a hot tub count? If so, December, if not I have no clue 
96: Changed a diaper: January 
95: Got my nails done: may of last year 
94: Went to a wedding: last May 
93: Broke a bone: last January 
92: Got a peircing: it will be two years ago in August ( I got my nose pierced for my 18th birthday) 
91: Broke the law: today when I went 40 in a 30
90: Texted: half-hour ago[ MISC ]
89: Who makes you laugh the most: Annabelle 
88: Something I will really miss when I leave home is: my cat 
87: The last movie I saw: the proposal 
86: The thing that I’m looking forward to the most: seeing my friends this summer 
85: The thing im not looking forward to: working 
84: People call me: soph, Sophie, Sophia 
83: The most difficult thing to do is: motivate myself to study 
82: I have gotten a speeding ticket: nope 
81: My zodiac sign is: Leo 
80: The first person i talked to today was: my mom 
79: First time you had a crush: on a girl? High school, on a boy? I was like 6
78: The one person who i can’t hide things from: hannah 
77: Last time someone said something you were thinking: this morning 
76: Right now I am talking to: Hannah 
75: What are you going to do when you grow up:
 Lawyer or a FBI agent 74: I have/will get a job: as a therapist maybe?
73: Tomorrow: I will clean my room 
72: Today: I cleaned my sisters room 
71: Next Summer: I will travel and visit friends 
70: Next Weekend: I will babysit 
69: I have these pets: 3 cats 
68: The worst sound in the world: someone I love crying 
67: The person that makes me cry the most is: my sister
66: People that make you happy: hannah, Emmy, Ashley, Isabelle, Annabelle, Kim, Liv 
65: Last time I cried: months ago 
64: My friends are: amazing, I’m so lucky to have them 
63: My computer is: a touch screen 
62: My School: Smith College
61: My Car: Volvo 
60: I lose all respect for people who: are willing to do anything to get ahead 
59: The movie I cried at was: I can’t remember 
58: Your hair color is: light brown 
57: TV shows you watch: madam secretary, law and order svu, suits, black mirror 
56: Favorite web site: Tumblr? 
55: Your dream vacation: on a beach with no responsibilities and my friends 
54: The worst pain I was ever in was: after getting my tonsils out 
53: How do you like your steak cooked: medium well
52: My room is: pretty clean 
51: My favorite celebrity is: Angelina Jolie 
50: Where would you like to be: with my friends 
49: Do you want children: I want to adopt them 
48: Ever been in love: nope 
47: Who’s your best friend: hannah 
46: More guy friends or girl friends: girl friends 
45: One thing that makes you feel great is: making someone else’s day better 
44: One person that you wish you could see right now: Ashley 
43: Do you have a 5 year plan: kinda? 
42: Have you made a list of things to do before you die: yup 
41: Have you pre-named your children: nope 
40: Last person I got mad at: my sister 
39: I would like to move to: New York City 
38: I wish I was a professional: organizer [ My Favorites ]
37: Candy: anything gummy 
36: Vehicle: Tesla 
35: President: Obama 
34: State visited: Arizona 
33: Cellphone provider: Verizon 
32: Athlete: Selena Williams 
31: Actor: the guy from the proposal ( I can’t remember his name, he’s also dead pool)
30: Actress: Angelina Jolie 
29: Singer: Hayley Kiyoko
28: Band: panic! At the disco 
27: Clothing store: anthropologie 
26: Grocery store: Whole Foods 
25: TV show: NCIS 
24: Movie: good will hunting 
23: Website: amazon
22: Animal: elephant 
21: Theme park: six flags 
20: Holiday: Christmas 
19: Sport to watch: hockey 
18: Sport to play: rock climb 
17: Magazine: National Geographic 
16: Book: to kill a mockingbird 
15: Day of the week: Friday 
14: Beach: the Cayman Islands 
13: Concert attended: Matt Nathanson 
12: Thing to cook: pesto pasta 
11: Food: watermelon 
10: Restaurant: a family run sushi place near me 
9: Radio station: country 
8: Yankee candle scent: anything citrus 
7: Perfume: something light and clean 
6: Flower: anything purple 
5: Color: blue 
4: Talk show host: jimmy Kimmel 
3: Comedian: the guy who used to host the tonight show 
2: Dog breed: new Finland 
1: Did you answer all these truthfully? Yup!
0 notes
gokinjeespot · 8 years
off the rack #1151
Monday, February 13, 2017
 Ottawa got about 20 centimetres of snow in the last 24 hours. I heard the grader go by at about 2 AM and I was out there before 5 AM clearing the near meter high snow bank plugging our driveway so that Penny could leave. I should have been more careful. Forgot that it's the thirteenth. Went to throw a big shovelful of snow and my back seized so bad the pain put me on my knees. I was a little over half done then. Did the rest very slowly in a lot of pain and managed to get it all cleared away. Stupid back.
 Kingpin #1 - Matthew Rosenberg (writer) Ben Torres (art) Jordan Boyd (colours) VC's Travis Lanham (letters). I almost didn't take this book off the rack to read because the Civil War II: Kingpin mini didn't thrill me. I'm glad I had a change of heart and read this. Here is a Wilson Fisk trying to change the public's perception of him as a brutal crime lord. Matthew makes him more like the sympathetic character that was on the first season of Netflix's Daredevil TV show. That portrayal by Vincent D'Onofrio was very convincing. There is a scene next to a town car in this issue that flashed me back to the show where the Kingpin kills someone with a car door. The other main character is a beautiful writer who Wilson wants to hire to write his biography. Ben's art is really good, and he drew Sarah in a red haute couture gown that made me weak in the knees. This is being added to my "must read" list.
 Justice League of America #1 - Steve Orlando (writer) Ivan Reis (pencils) Joe Prado & Oclair Albert (inks) Marcelo Maiolo (colours) Clayton Cowles (letters). I almost didn't take this book off the rack to read because Steve did not impress me with the Monsters story in Batman and Detective recently. I gave him another chance and I'm sorry I did. I don't like this team that Batman is putting together. His reason for gathering these characters is to show that a team of super humans can protect the Earth just as well as the other League that has a couple of gods on it. I get that but Steve belabours the point. Some fans might think it's cool to have Killer Frost, Black Canary, Lobo, the Asian Atom, the Ray and Vixen on a team but I think it's a stunt to create conflict within this team for drama. I'm taking a pass on this for now.
 Death Be Damned #1 - Ben Acker, Ben Blacker & Andrew Miller (writers) Hannah Christenson (art) Juan Useche (colours) Colin Bell (letters). The title should give you a clue to what this 4-issue mini is about. We're looking at some frontier folks what can't die. It's 1873 in Wyoming and a farmer's wife is looking for the men who killed her and her family. She doesn't realize that she can't be killed, but the undertaker finds out soon enough. This isn't simply a story of revenge however. There is some Native American Indian lore and rituals involved that makes for some spooky goings on. I found the art to be crude but serviceable so if you like old west ghost stories this may raise the hairs on your arms.
 Ms. Marvel #15 - G. Willow Wilson (writer) Takeshi Miyazawa (art) Ian Herring (colours) VC's Joe Caramagna (letters). This Troll villain just got a lot more interesting. Kamala thought she found the hacker that could expose her secret identity but she was wrong. I can't wait for the next issue.
 Wonder Woman #16 - Greg Rucka (writer) Bilquis Evely (pencils) Bilquis Evely, Mark Morales, Andrew Hennessy & Raul Fernandez (inks) Romulo Fajardo Jr. (colours) Jodi Wynne (letters). A new story starts this issue. "Godwatch" starts six months after Diana left Themyscira with a corporate C.E.O. being blackmailed by Gemini twins Phobos and Deimos. The C.E.O. Veronica Cale reminds me of the old Lex Luthor. Some high tech mind melding machine goes haywire and off we go.
 Moonshine #5 - Brian Azzarello (writer) Eduardo Risso (art & colours) Cristian Rossi (colour assistant) Jared K. Fletcher (letters). There's a full moon. Let the werewolves out.
 Black Widow # 11 - Chris Samnee & Mark Waid (writers) Chris Samnee (art) Matthew Wilson (colours) VC's Joe Caramagna (letters). A S.H.I.E.L.D. facility is under attack by the Red Room Runts and Natasha makes it her mission to stop them and try to save the girls at the same time. There are some cool fights scenes in here.
 Detective Comics #950 - James Tynion IV (writer) Marcio Takara (art) Dean White (colours) Marilyn Patrizio (letters). This giant sized anniversary issue starts off with the prologue to "League of Shadows" which features Cassandra Cain, my favourite Batgirl, who is now called Orphan. The last page made me happy we only have to wait two weeks before the next issue hits the racks. In "Higher Powers" by James Tynion IV (writer) Alvaro Martinez (pencils) Raul Fernandez (inks) Brad Anderson (colours) Marilyn Patrizio (letters), Azrael and Batwing have a discussion about the power of faith and Jean-Paul's connection to the Order of Dumas. It ends with the activation of Ascalon and I'm itching to find out more about this new character. The final short by James Tynion IV (writer) Eddy Barrows (pencils) Eber Ferreira (inks) Adriano Lucas (colours) Marilyn Patrizio (letters), flashes back a few months ago to show Red Robin asking Batman what he's gearing everyone up for. This ties into what Batman is up to with his Justice League of America as well as his Detective Comics team. The big DC event of 2017 will be "Dark Days" so don't miss it.
 Star Wars: Doctor Aphra #4 - Kieron Gillen (writer) Kev Walker (pencils) Marc Deering (inks) Antonio Fabela (colours) VC's Joe Caramagna (letters). That was a quick read. Lots of explosions and storm troopers shooting and missing.
 Hal Jordan and the Green Lantern Corps #14 - Robert Venditti (writer) Rafa Sandoval (pencils) Jordi Tarragona (inks) Tomeu Morey (colours) Dave Sharpe (letters). This issue has one of my pet peeves about comic books. One of the covers has Hal yelling at a Blue Lantern "You crazy fool. Your abuse of blue power destroyed every person on Earth". So a fan would see that and think "I want to read that comic book", only to find that the story inside is totally different. I hate that. Plus it's Kevin Nowlan swiping a Gil Kane cover. It's not even original. This issue is still worth reading though. The Green Lantern Corps and the Sinestro Corps are joining forces so that's new. Kyle and Hal are sent on a mission by Ganthet and that's where the Blue Lantern comes in. Just ignore the hype.
 Totally Awesome Hulk #16 - Greg Pak (writer) Mahmud Asrar (art) Nolan Woodward (colours) Cory Petit (letters). I like this impromptu team that Amadeus has found himself in. The alien invasion takes a turn for the worse as they are whisked away into space along with some civilians. If you know what Soylent Green is you'll know what the threat is.
 Action Comics #973 - Dan Jurgens (writer) Patch Zircher & Stephen Segovia (pencils) Patch Zircher & Art Thibert (inks) Arif Prianto (colours) Rob Leigh (letters). I love a good mystery and now they are going to solve the one about the human Clark Kent. Part 1 of "Mild Mannered" has Lois Lane on the case. Meanwhile, Superman and Steel try to save Superwoman/Lana Lang's life. There's plenty going on to keep this book interesting.
 Jessica Jones #5 - Brian Michael Bendis (writer) Michael Gaydos (art) Matt Hollingsworth (colours) VC's Cory Petit (letters). Whoa, what an existential issue. I'm glad to see us getting back to the Alison Greene mystery woman storyline though.
 Guardians of the Galaxy #17 - Brian Michael Bendis (writer) Valerio Schiti (art) Richard Isanove (colours) VC's Cory Petit (letters). Gamora grounded is an opportunity to show what she's got. Here she tries to break into the Triskelion to get at Thanos. She's sort of successful. I love the way Valerio draws Sasquatch.
 Inhumans vs. X-Men #4 - Jeff Lemire & Charles Soule (writers) Javier Garron (art) David Curiel (colours) VC's Clayton Cowles (letters). So Gorgon isn't in a wheelchair anymore? One of the things I love about reading these massive crossover events is learning about characters that I don't read about all the time. This issue made me appreciate how Jeff and Charles take the time to use the names of each character and show their super powers. They also gave the unfamiliar characters (at least to me) personalities that made them more interesting. This came close to making me want to read Inhumans and X-Men comic books again. We know that both teams survive this was because they are already promoting new books for them so now I just want to find out how they all get along or don't.
 All New Wolverine #17 - Tom Taylor (writer) Djibril Morissette-Phan (art) Michael Garland (colours) VC's Cory Petit (letters). Did you see who's going to be in Hugh Jackman's last Wolverine movie? It's Laura Kinney/X-23, our girl right here. I'm actually excited right now. This issue tackles the problem of Laura's uncontrollable killing sprees brought on by a special pheromone. It's used when her enemies want her to eliminate their rivals. Kimura used it recently but Laura's friends arrived to save her from killing. I would have benched this book because of the art but Tom's writing made it possible for me to enjoy this issue anyways.
 Unworthy Thor #4 - Jason Aaron (writer) Olivier Coipel with Kim Jacinto (present day art) Frazer Irving (Young Thor art) Esad Ribic (Worthy Thor art) Russell Dauterman (Unworthy Thor art) Matthew Wilson, Matt Milla &  Frazer Irving (colours) VC's Joe Sabino (letters). I loved the flashbacks showing the Odinson's history with Mjolnir as he struggles to retrieve Jarnbjorn from the Collector's collection. I can't wait to see if Jason makes the Odinson worthy of wielding a hammer again.
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