#so I guess I’ll live lol and find different things to eat
yaminerua · 2 months
God nerfs me in frustrating ways
Born into this world like woe anosmia be upon ye, may your nose never know the sweet aromas of worldly things, and may your sense of taste be forever lacking
so after years of thinking I was just a picky eater I eventually realised I just needed more flavour to make food more enjoyable so I gravitated towards spicy things and the things I would happily eat and try expanded widely
but god said no, no more will you enjoy the flavoursome joy of eating foods bathed in spices. I curse you with stupid angry burning tomato face if you indulge in any of these enjoyable foods anymore
and now I’m still trying to figure out which foods are safe and which foods set me off and it’s narrowed down what I can eat so much that it’s even worse then where it was before. and I have to make separate meals for my dad and brother that use all the old tasty stuff I can’t eat bc I’m still figuring out what I even can eat and my meals are weird as a result.
and then god said I’m not done with you yet. woe, executive function issues, hypermobile joint pain and as of yet undiagnosed brainshit be upon ye. Have fun trying to gather the mental spoons to make all those meals and try not to feel physically put through the ringer at the end of every day bitch
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skyward-floored · 3 months
Steak dinner
(Hdw au) I know you all were probably expecting more angst from this au, and while this does have a little, I also swerved into goofiness with this one. Link shows some more dragon tendencies... in front of an audience. lol.
“Uh, Captain? Link?”
“Link? Hello?”
The older hero still doesn’t reply, staring blankly at his sword in his lap. He’d been cleaning it, but had stopped a few minutes ago, and was now just staring off into space, eyes distant.
Tune leans over and snaps his fingers in his face, and that finally brings him out of it, the captain practically jumping out of his seat at the noise.
“There you are,” Tune says once the captain calms down and puts the dagger away. “Glad to have you back in the land of the living. You know you’ve been acting kind of weird today, right?”
Link blinks at him, then shrugs. “Guess I’ve just been busy.”
Tune narrows his eyes. “Uh huh. The thing is, you’re always busy, but you don’t always act like this. Which means... something’s up,” Tune deduces, and Link’s expression turns wearied for about two seconds before he fixes his face.
“It’s just the usual, sailor. Don’t worry about it,” Link murmurs.
“The usual with you is like ten different things.”
Link looks away.
“Captain? ...Please?” Tune tries.
Link just shakes his head. “I really have just been busy, Tune. Don’t worry about it, okay?”
Tune sighs and is about to argue more, but then a low growl floats through the air, making him pause. Link freezes, and Tune looks around in confusion before he zeroes in on the captain’s stomach.
The growl rings out from it again, and Tune gives Link a sharp look, the captain quickly averting his gaze.
“Captain. When was the last time you ate anything?” Tune asks slowly.
“I’ve been busy,” Link mutters, “I didn’t have time to eat lunch.”
Tune gives him a poke. “And what about breakfast?”
“...maybe also breakfast.”
“I don’t actually remember you eating dinner last night either,” Mask adds as he walks by, and Link sends a glare in his direction.
“You haven’t eaten in almost a day?” Tune asks sharply.
Link shrugs, shifting in his seat. “...Something like that.”
“It’s been longer?!”
Link shrugs again, and Tune stands up and matches over to him, grabbing his arm and hauling him to his feet.
“Come on captain, we’re getting you food,” he says in as much of a big-brother voice as he can muster. “I don’t care if you’re busy or whatever, you can’t just not eat.”
“I’m busy Tune. And besides, I’m not even hungry,” Link begins to argue, but then his stomach growls again, even louder than before.
Tune wastes no time in dragging the older Link across camp, ignoring his weak protests and never relinquishing his grip. Amused glances are cast at them as Tune drags Link by the wrist, and Tune notices with no small satisfaction that the captain’s ears are turning rather red. And when he finally reaches his target, Link’s protests sputter and die.
Tetra is sitting at a fire and already eating something, and as he trots up, she looks over and raises an eyebrow.
“Would you mind making sure he stays here?” Tune asks, and Tetra shrugs, picking something out of her teeth.
“Sure swabbie. But what’s the occasion?”
“This dope hasn’t eaten in at least a day,” Mask pipes up, and Tetra gives the oldest Link a Look. He starts off holding his ground, but nobody can stand up to Tetra’s Look, not even a hero of courage, and he soon wilts under it.
“I’ll watch him.”
“Thanks Tetra!” Tune smiles, and Mask pulls the captain down to sit, he and Tetra squishing him between them.
Tune nods, satisfied the captain is suitably trapped, then scampers off to go find a reasonable amount of food for him. It’s about dinner time anyway, so hunting down some food isn’t too hard, luckily. The only real problem is that nothing Tune can find is particularly filling. Plus he’s pretty sure the captain needs meat, he’s part dragon after all.
Does he need a lot of meat? Has he even been eating enough meat for a regular person? I wonder if Impa has any clue about what he should be eating...
Zelda walks by as he’s puzzling through all this, and seeing him look rather lost, asks what’s wrong. Tune explains the problem, and Zelda’s brows lower as she hears that Link hasn’t eaten in at least a day. A look equally worried and determined lands on her face, and she promises she’ll be back with some meat before striding off. Leaving Tune blinking in surprise behind her.
He gathers some other food while he waits, but only has to wait a few minutes before the princess returns, a large, uncooked steak in hand.
“Wh— where did you get that?” Tune asks in astonishment, and Zelda smiles.
“I have my ways. I only wish I’d gotten a cooked one, but I suppose this will do.“
Tune leads the way back to the campfire where Tetra is, and sees that Lana’s joined their group, telling them all some kind of tale. Link still looks weary, but there’s a small smile on his face as he listens, and Tune is relieved at the way he seems to have perked up a little.
He’s been so gloomy lately... it’s nice seeing him at least a little happier.
Zelda sits down next to Lana to listen to her story, and Tune pauses in his musings on Link and of how to cook the meat, setting the plate down for a mere moment as he begins to be drawn into the tale.
He should’ve known better.
Link’s nose twitches, and his eyes zero in on the meat, pupils dilating. It happens so fast Tune almost misses it, but one minute the meat is sitting on the plate, and the next it’s gone, and the captain is swallowing something with a satisfied look on his face.
Tune stares.
Mask stares.
Princess Zelda and Lana also stare, stunned into silence.
Tetra looks delighted.
“What?” Link asks as they all stare at him, wiping his mouth with the back of his hand.
“That... uh. That was raw,” Tune says, equal wonder and disgust coming through in his voice.
“Completely raw,” Tetra continues, a grin on her face. “Good goddesses Captain, I knew you were hungry, but even I know not to just eat a raw steak.”
“In one bite,” Mask says with a bit of wonder.
Link blinks, and looks down at his hands. A look of pure mortification forms on his face as he realizes exactly what he just did, and he slowly looks around at their group, his entire face flushing as his gaze comes to rest on Princess Zelda.
...Who looks like she’s trying her best not to burst into uncontrollable laughter.
Lana is giggling uproariously into her hands beside her, but somehow Zelda manages to hold it together, the slightest twitch of her lip the only thing betraying her mirth. Tune wouldn’t even have picked up on that if he wasn’t so good at picking expressions out from card players.
“I suppose this means we don’t need to spend any time cooking,” she says remarkably straight-faced, and the captain groans, putting his face into his hands.
“I’m... uh,” he begins, ears turning pink. “I’m sorry, I have no clue... I was only going to take a bite, I didn’t realize—”
“Relax dragon-boy, you carnivores need your meat,” Tetra drawls.
Everyone freezes, and swings their heads towards Tetra, eyes going wide. Link’s blush swerves into the color draining from his face, and Zelda and Lana exchange sharp looks.
Tetra raises an eyebrow. “What?”
“Who... told you about the... dragon thing?” Tune asks, lowering his voice at the end. He certainly didn’t, and as far as he knows, it hasn’t left this circle of people. But if Tetra knows, then it must have somehow, which means... who else knows?
Tetra hums, and flicks dust off her vest. “Nobody. I have my ways, and a pirate never reveals her secrets.”
“Secrets, sure. I bet you just heard Link’s sneezing the other week,” Mask says flatly, and Tetra gives him her signature wink.
“Perhaps. But if you’re worried about it getting out, don’t. I don’t go around spreading rumors,” she says with a steady look at Link. “Relax, Scales.”
“That still doesn’t explain how you found out,” Tune says. Tetra looks at him, and he knows she heard the seriousness in his voice. This is information that needs to not be spread.
“Relax, Link. I just heard the general yelling at Volga in that battle the other day, I put two and two together.”
Somehow their spot goes even more quiet at her words, and Tune sighs at the look on the captain’s face. His father’s identity weighs on him heavily, but his mother’s... it’s almost worst, in a way. Tune isn’t sure of who knows about that part of the story, but he’s pretty it’s just himself and Link.
And Lana probably, but she knows everything.
Tetra doesn’t seem to be aware of that particular tidbit though, and she crosses her arms with a smirk.
“Yeah yeah, I know, it’s rough. You’re not the only one who’s found out some family thing about yourself and had your world turned on its head,” she hums, and Lana gives her an interested look.
“Oh... that’s right. I’d forgotten you didn’t know of your birthright as the princess,” she says, and Tetra gives her a sharp look.
“Yeah, and don’t go spreading that around,” she snaps.
Link looks like he’d rather be anywhere but here as the conversation goes from family secrets to Tetra and Lana having an argument on princess-y matters, and Tune pats him on the shoulder.
“Do you need anything else to eat, or was that enough?” he asks. Link shrugs, looking at his feet.
Tune frowns at the lack of response, and leans over and grabs the plate he’d gotten with some other food, handing it to Link.
“She won’t tell anyone,” he reassures as Link reluctantly takes the plate. “And she only knows about Volga. I can tell.”
“It seems like everyone’s been able to just figure this out except for me,” Link mutters, and Tune hears the bitterness in it.
“Most of us hadn’t met you or Volga before the war started,” he reminds him, Tetra and Lana still loudly arguing behind them. He gives them an exasperated look, then turns back to Link. “Nobody knew you were similar because nobody had met the both of you.“
Link stares at his plate. “And how similar am I to Volga?”
His voice is more fragile now, and Tune takes his hand, looking Link in the eye.
“Hey. You’re not like Volga,” he says firmly. “You’re not either of your parents. You and Volga have similarities because he’s your father, but his actions are his, not yours. You’re your own person, Link, Impa and Volga don’t define who you are. Only you do. And whatever you’re thinking about in regards to you and Volga being similar... don’t, okay? You have the same blood, but that doesn’t mean you have the same morals or anything,” he finishes softly.
Link looks at him, and he gives a silent nod, Tune squeezing his hand.
He doesn’t know if he got through to the older hero at all, but he can hope at least. Talks like this work on Tetra about half of the time, and if Tune can get lucky and get through her hard-headed snark, he can hopefully get through Link’s defenses.
“Thanks Tune,” Link says as he picks at more food, pointedly taking small bites. “For... all of this.”
“No problem, captain,” Tune replies with a smile. “Just... know that Mask is probably going to spread the story of the raw steak through the entire camp.”
The captain groans, but it’s more good-natured than anything. “I’m not going to be able to live that down, am I.”
“Nope. But maybe next time you’ll eat something before you get so hungry you eat an entire raw steak in one bite,” Tune says slyly, and Link snorts, giving him a light elbow.
He goes back to eating, looking much better than before, and laughs along with the others when Mask joins the argument between Tetra and Lana, the former of whom doesn’t seem to appreciate Mask’s attitude. She lunges for him and Mask shrieks, but there’s a devious look in his eyes as he tries desperately to avoid Tetra’s noogie.
He smirks at Tune when the captain laughs again, and Tune grins in return, watching the two of them wrestle.
Tetra sends him a wink as well, and they all spend the rest of the evening in easy comradery, teasing Link over his taste of raw meat, Lana telling more tales, Zelda moving to sit beside Link.
Tune looks back on that evening years later as one of the happiest of the entire war.
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wh0relibrarian · 10 months
Tumblr media
welcome to my loft
content ahead: soft!toji, shy!reader, black!coded reader, dry humping, clit rubbing, nipple play, princess is used once or twice, nothing rlly crazy, more plot than porn, toji is soo soft, he’s not a father in this!
word count: 3.1k
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*
And there it was. His large palm caresses the underside of your jaw. Looking into your eyes like they held the most fine jewels. You don’t know what’s going on, or why it’s going on, but you can’t deny the way your heart has been resting at the bottom of your stomach all night.
This was supposed to be a first date. A chance to get to know one another outside of work. When Toji asked you out, you tried your best to act cool about it. Part of you knew this was coming, maybe from the way he lingered a little longer at your desk when coming back from his lunch break; or when he started asking you questions about what you do in your free time. He’d always end the conversation with, “what time do you leave today,” hoping that your response would be “whenever you get off,” but to his dismay, you were always working the night shift. He was lucky to even get a word out of you before he would clock out of his morning shift.
But see, today was different. For once, you worked early in the morning, and by the time Toji made his rounds toward you, it was already time to go. This time when he asked what time you were leaving, you responded with “right about now actually,” and you watched his lips force down a smile, eyebrows raising slightly, surprised at your answer.
“Oh, really? Doin’ anything after this then?”
“Mm, I don’t think so. I’ll pick up something to eat maybe, then I’ll go home.”
“So you’re free, is what you’re saying.”
You offered a half-hearted laugh. “Well, I guess that is what I’m saying.”
“How long can you wait to eat?”
“How long do I have?”
“As much time as it takes for you to get ready. I wanna take you out to dinner, if that’s alright with you.”
And this shocked you. There was a part of your brain that really didn’t want to believe he had been flirting with you all this time. Maybe it was his looks that bullied you into that way of thinking. His general frame was huge, shoulders broad, puffed out chest that had a hard time remaining restrained underneath the collared shirt he wore. His muscles were always visible, even during these now cold months, his arms were never covered. You couldn’t lie and say his presence didn’t make you nervous. You never failed to immediately start sweating as soon as he came near you. You weren’t used to talking to men in this sort of casual way. It was either full on sexual, or nothing at all. So when he first started talking to you, or asking about your day, you truly ignored it. Just another man pining for your looks. But you soon realized Toji was different. He looked you in your eyes when you talked, he remembered things you told him weeks prior and would ask about them, he’d even go as far as bringing you a drink or snack when he’d go on his break.
Long story short, you were more surprised than Toji probably expected you to be. You both exchanged numbers, and once he gets back to his seat, you immediately receive a text.
Toji (work): I’ll pick you up at seven. Wear whatever you want, of course. Just send your address whenever you see this.
You: okay haha, my address is 123 Tumblr Lane. it’s my parents house btw lol
Toji (work): *Toji (work) hearted a message* That’s fine? Lol
To be honest, this will have been your first date like, ever. Yes, you’ve had different experiences with guys, and yes, you would tell them you wanted to be taken out on a date, but none of them lived up to your expectations. So your standards for tonight were pretty low. You thought about allll of the “dates'' you've been on while you got dressed. You weren’t sure what to wear, realizing that nothing you owned really made sense for a date. But nonetheless, you find a simple maxi dress, all black with a slit down the side. It was long sleeved, but it wasn’t enough for the November chill, so you paired it with a black fur coat, along with a black shoulder purse. Your hair was braided a few weeks ago, thank god, you thought, because there was no way you’d have enough time to style your natural hair. It was almost seven when you took a final glance in the mirror, you started second guessing your all black attire, thinking maybe it was too simple for Toji. But before you could even think about an alternative outfit, your phone dinged.
Toji (work): Hey, I think I’m at the right place. Is it okay if I ring the doorbell?
You: sure! no one’s home, just me, i’ll come down.
A second barely passed before the sound of the doorbell reverberated throughout the house. The sound rang in your stomach as your nerves finally started to rise. God, when was the last time you wore heels? You practically slide down the stairs. Once you make it down, you open the door and the first thing you see is a beautiful bouquet of pink roses. It was big, like you knew it was expensive, big. Once your eyes meet his, you feel your cheeks burn. He finally breaks the silence.
“Hi, y/n,” he says sheepishly. His eyes started to scan your figure softly, luckily you wore black, because you were practically a waterfall under your arms. “You look… really good.”
You smiled, “Thanks Toji. Are these for me?”
“Oh these? Nah, just my accessory for tonight.”
“Haha, real funny….. Or are you serious?”
“Of course not y/n they’re yours.” He hands you the bouquet and stretches his other arm towards you to latch onto. His arm was bulky, you knew this, but feeling it was so different. He walked you to his car (an all black Dodge Challenger) and opened the door for you. This is when you began to take notes on how many things he does for you that no one else has done. So far, this is the second new thing for you. First, the flowers, now, him opening your door.
The car ride was so far, the best part of this night. He played some songs you never heard of, but instantly fell in love with. When you ask him the artist’s name, he starts telling you everything about them and how he found their music. This leads to some other side conversations and you can’t remember the last time you’ve laughed this hard. Not only was he the sweetest eye candy, but he was crazy funny. Your nerves started to relax a little into his verbal embrace, you felt so comfortable around him, it felt otherworldly.
Once you arrived at the restaurant and actually saw the name of the place, your heart sank. This was probably one of the most expensive dinner spots in town. You brought money of course, but you weren’t prepared to spend more than $30 on a meal. “Oh, Toji, this is… a lot. I don’t know if I can–”
“I know it’s expensive, I’m the one taking you out. So I’m the one paying. Relax baby.”
Baby. Baby, baby, baby. You’re his baby? Not his but… anyway, you were flustered to say the least. He told you to wait in the car so he can grab the door for you. He held his hand out for you to stabilize yourself with, and he never let go until you two were seated at your table.
The date was everything you could’ve dreamed of. It was filled with the same energy that the car ride had, the conversation was never dull and he always kept you laughing. Two hours absolutely flew by, and when it was time to pay and leave, you couldn’t help but feel a pinch of sadness in your chest. You never wanted this night to end.
As you approached the car, he asked you what your general consensus of the night was.
“Well, the food was amazing, so you already get a ten for picking the spot.”
“I am the best food picker I know.”
“... Right,” you gave him a slight shove and rolled your eyes. “The food was good and you're excellent at having a conversation.”
“I’d fucking hope so, damn. Those are two very normal things for a date. Don’t tell me you’ve never had a good conversation with a guy.”
He was opening the car door when he said this, and you looked up at him sternly, trying to give across the message that no you had never had a good dinner date with a guy.
Before saying anything, he walks around the car to get in. The first thing he did, before even starting the car, was ask you a question.
“This was your first date?”
“What?! No! Well… no okay, no this is not my first date. Just the first one I could actually remember having a good time, that’s all.” You looked at him meekly, but he didn’t look at you. There was a comfortable silence for a minute and you felt like you said the wrong thing. Would he think you were immature in some way? Is he wondering why you haven’t succeeded in a relationship?
Then, he looks at you.
“I kinda don’t want this night to end… would you be open to going to my place?”
“Sure, yeah…” you said without a second thought. What were you thinking?? Going to Toji’s house on the first date is not what you expected, part of you was excited, the other part was worried about what he thought was going to happen when you arrived there. He started the car and before he drove off you said one more thing.
"I hope you aren’t expecting sex.”
“Welcome to my loft.”
It was just as you pictured. The front entry way led you both right into the living room. The first thing you noticed were the amount of plants Toji had. They were luscious and all varied in size. He had a lot of mood lighting, and the space smelled so good. You felt like you were in a trance.
Toji gave you a mini tour, and once he was finished, he asked if you needed anything. “This may be weird but, can I borrow some clothes? I’m dying in this.” And he happily obliged, running and grabbing a simple t-shirt and a pair of black sweatpants. Afterwards, you both decide to put on Home Alone, claiming that it was only right to get into the Christmas spirit.
It was clear neither of you were interested in the movie.
“Ya know, I’d never take you home on our first date in the hope of having sex.”
“That’s not why I brought that up, Toji.” Both of your eyes never left the tv screen, but after a few moments, Toji turned his body facing you, and manhandled your body to face him. His eyes were serious. Your gaze almost looked bored, but really, you’ve had this conversation with other men and none were able to understand your point.
“What? You’re a virgin?”
“No! Not that…I’ve never— like, okay. I’ve had sex but– I don’t know. There were times when I didn’t want to, but I was horny? And I guess that confuses guys, so I’d do it anyway…” Your eyes were moving sporadically around whatever was behind Toji, anything to keep from looking at him head on. You could tell he was looking at you with curiosity, though, you watched his arm raise from your peripheral vision and you flinched slightly as he moved a few braids from in front of your face. His hand brushed your ear and you felt your body go limp.
And there it was. His large palm carressing the underside of your jaw. Every memory from tonight clouded your head at once and you swore the room was spinning.
“Y/n, why do you think I’d care about that?” His tone was gentle, low and firm, you couldn't help but tear up. “I don’t know Toji, I just— I don’t want to start something I can’t finish. But I want to start it? I don’t want you to be mad at me if I want to stop.” He scooped your chin up to force you to look him in the eyes. He was such a beautiful man.
“Awh princess,” he said deeply, almost as if he was tantalizing you, “I could never be mad at you. You can stop anything anytime and I will always respect that.” His eyes never left yours, and you know this moment is sweet and wholesome but you can’t deny the wet patch forming in your panties. This is all you’ve ever wanted and god was it attractive. You licked your bottom lip and he mirrors your actions. The silence was so peaceful, you could stay just like this forever.
The kiss is warm, that’s the only way you can describe it. His lips are so soft and his hand stayed resting on the side of your cheek. You started pawing at the hem of his large t-shirt, whimpering as his tongue made its way inside your mouth. You were so hungry for him, he was so hungry for you, but he wanted you to take your time and show him what you wanted. When the kiss finally broke, you two stared at each other with your foreheads pressed together. The silence was long gone as the sound of your heavy breaths filled up the room. You weren’t sure why you did this, but you felt the urge to wrap your legs around him, straddling his waist and wrapping your arms around his stomach. Your head rested on his shoulder, and he did nothing but rub small circles on your back. As he adjusted his position to get more comfortable, you felt the incredibly hard and incredibly large bulge in his pants. It made your hips jolt up and a small gasp left your mouth. You could tell he was trying to be careful with you, he stopped trying to get comfortable to give you a chance to say something if you didn’t feel comfortable.
You were the very opposite.
Now you were repositioning yourself, slowly swaying your hips back and forth. No words had been spoken between you two, and this didn’t bother you. Toji could sense your desperation to get off, it was cute to him. You were so much shyer than he thought you’d be, but this was not a problem. His hands found their way to the sides of your waist, kindly guiding your hips as you continued humping him. You were practically crying at this point, your speed revved up ever so slightly and the whimper you let out right next to Toji’s ear made him feel like jello. You could feel his dick get harder and harder.
You finally picked your head up from his shoulder and could see the mess that was Toji Fushiguro. His hair was disheveled, sticking on beads of sweat on the sides of his face. His mouth was partly open and his eyes, oh his eyes were lustful. Dark green orbs sending electric shocks straight to your heat. He smiled at you, and gave your lips a peck as his hands traveled lower. Massaging the flesh and encouraging you to pick up the pace. There was something so lewd about using him to get off. You know it had to feel good for him, but it was you who was feeling all the friction. The friction created by your panties and the sweatpants he lent you were enough to send you dry heaving and clutching onto his chest. You were almost embarrassed by how sensitive you were.
“T-that’s it baby. You okay? This feel good?” You could do nothing but nod your head repeatedly and whisper yes yes yes as you kept striving for your release. “Mm, princess, you look so good like this. All a mess f’me.” His breath was ragged, you looked down to see a wet spot forming on his pants, the sight was all too much for you. This whole night was way too much for you. The amount of non-sexual foreplay that led you to this moment made it so much better than it would’ve been without it. Soon enough, your hips began to sputter, and your motions weren’t following a pattern like before.
“M’gonna cum Toji, I’m gonna c-cum–”
“Yeah? Baby’s close?” His hands found their way under your shirt and he started playing with your sensitive tits. Finding your nipples and rubbing the bud in between his thumb and pointer finger. That sent you into overdrive. Your head fell back and your grip on Toji’s shirt only tightened. You were too incoherent to form a sentence– a phrase even. All you wanted to say was thank you, but between your pants and his, Toji wasn’t able to comprehend it. “Mm, I’m so proud of you, doin’ so good bein’ a slut f’me.” His fingers started sliding down your stomach, making their way to the edge of your panties. "Is it okay if I touch you here princess? You can say n-"
"Please please please Toji, please touch me," and with that, he stroked two fingers against your soaking cunt. He spread the lips softly and found your clit, puffy and throbbing. He started making small circles on it, his fingers got more slippery with each motion. His eyes never left yours in these moments, and it was driving you insane. You were so overstimulated by everything. The way he smelled, how he was touching you, the way he caring for your body-
"Oh my god Toji right there right there, please."
"Right here baby? Mm, so wet for me. You gonna cum? I can feel your pussy throbbing. I got you all worked up like this?
Your orgasm washed over you like a giant wave, his last words made a yelp escape from your lips and you crashed down into the crook of his neck as you rode out your high. He pressed open mouthed kisses up and down your neck as you composed yourself, and his hands found their way right back your waist like before, rubbing in those small circles.
“I’m s-sorry. I finished too fast I swear I’m not like that it was just so much and you were-”
“Shh, shh. I understand princess, it’s really no big deal. I like that actually, it shows how much likeeee me,” he teased, and you pushed his chest playfully like before. You both were smiling like children and you don’t know why you guys were laughing, and you were okay with that.
Thanks for reading!
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tuktukpodfics · 1 year
Hi! I'm thinking about making a podfic of one of my favorite fics and I wanted to ask for a couple of tips because I adore your podfics and I have run into a couple problems very early on.
how do you do deeper voices? my voice is fairly high (I'm a soprano that can occasionally deep down into lower alto) and most of the voices in the fic are male. I also always sound about twelve in recordings lol
how do you make distinct voices? again, I have a lot of different voices (probably 5-7 that talk the most, with many many other reoccurring characters).
pacing of reading. I tend to speak/read very quick and in my practice recordings, it sounds like I'm talking much faster than I felt I was. any tips on that?
what recording programs are best? currently I'm using voice memos on my phone. which. is clearly not going to give me the best sound, regardless of the app I use, but I don't have many options.
I am living in a dorm right now and live in fear of my suite mates hearing me (my roommate not quite as much as she likes to dub and does a lot in our room--though she does it in mandarin so I cant understand it). not to mention background noise of doors opening and whatnot. if you have any tips on that as well, that would be great!
I love your podfic, you put so much soul into them, and I hope that I could do that too!
Hello fellow podfic-er! I’m so excited for you to make a podfic!
The nice thing about podfics is that I usually don’t have to create characters from scratch, they already exist in the TV show. If I’m struggling with a character, I just rewatch some clips of them talking and imitate it!
Deep voices: I, too, have a high, childish voice and struggle with deep, Manly Men. I guess the main tip I have is to...give up. What I mean is focus less on pitch and more on tone. If you speak too low, it’ll be less expressive and will probably hurt your throat. It can work for minor, 2D characters, but don’t do it for main characters that have a wide range of emotions (you may notice that my Mighty Oaks Fire Sage Zuko voice swings higher when he’s emotional oops). Instead, use your normal pitch, and make a character sound adult by using an authoritative tone. Another thing I do is play up the childish and feminine voices. We might not be able to make the adults sound adult, but we can make the kids sound extra kiddish by comparison.
Distinct voices: I’m a tactile learner, so for me, it’s all about the physicality. Every time I do Azula’s voice, I make a pinched face like I’m eating a lemon. When I record Ozai, I sneer. For Sokka, I jut out my chin and flail my arms. It looks silly, but no one is around to see. There’s lots of YouTube tutorials about how to make different voices by varying speed and tone and nasal quality, but I get kinda lost in the sauce with those theory lessons. The only way I can really get myself to do different voices is if I’m working off of a reference. I just watch videos of other cartoons and live actors and then copy them.
Pacing: Pacing is hard. I especially struggle with the editing and often end up cutting things wonkily. Audiobooks tend to be slow because you’re less likely to get tongue tied that way. If I have a big hunk of text that I find myself racing through, I slow myself down with physicality again. I’ll lean in on important words or mime out the actions. For example, on the line, “Zuko turns, grabs the bar at the side of the ship, and throws himself back over,” I'll turn my body on the word “turn,” grab an imaginary bar on the word “grab” and then lurch forward on the word “throw.” Adding in movement can bring variation to those big blocks of text.
What recording programs are best: I don’t know! I use Audacity because it’s free. Adobe Audition is great too, but it’s expensive. I am very lazy with the podfics. I don’t have a professional set-up. Basically, I make a comfortable nest of pillows in bed or my closet, use an iPhone VoiceMemos app to record straight into the phone mic, send the audio file to my computer, convert the audio to a WAV file, put it in Audacity, add a Noise Reduction effect, and then cut it down. Once I’m done editing it, I export the Audacity file as an mp3, upload it to archive.org and Spotify, and then embed those links into Ao3. Feel free to DM me if you have other tech questions. I am not particularly savvy, but we can Google it together? If any voice actors on Tumblr have professional advice, please chime in.
Silence and privacy: Background noise is a big headache for me too. I live in a noisy area with lots of planes and a squeaky elevator. I usually record now in my closet surrounded by pillows and blankets, so it’s fairly soundproof. If there’s a noise, I usually wait for the sound to stop, record the line again, then edit out the mistake in post. At the end of the day, though, sounds will slip in. It’s just a podfic; we’re doing this for fun not professionally, so it doesn’t need to be polished. I think most listeners’ attitudes is that something is better than nothing. If you’re in a school dorm, there might be music practice rooms, a radio recording booth, or empty classrooms you can use instead.
Storage: Something I didn’t realize going in was how much storage the audio clips take up. Make sure you save and delete projects as you go. One time I finished editing an Audacity project, but it wouldn’t let me save it because I ran out of storage and I had to start over.
I’m so glad you like the podfics I’ve done and that it could help inspire you to make one too! I started making podfics because I fell in love with @pixieinthesky’s fantastic Salvage podfic (it's an absolute gem). Keep the chain going!
Have fun!
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itsukismoon · 8 months
Yumekuro Artbook - Q&A (Tsukiwatari)
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>>> yume tsumugi ver. - magia seminar ver.
Introductions: I’m an explorer, Crow. My job is to find all kinds of interesting things around the world, it’s my purpose in life! What makes me happiest is when people get excited about the things I find. Also, I feel happy whenever I eat with everyone at home [TN: the guild home]!
MC first impression: First of all, I was really surprised. “No way, she’s so cute… even more than I imagined”. When we met for the first time, I was so excited I ended up immediately telling her how cute she is! Looking back on it now, it’s a bit embarrassing, ahah.
Evan first impression: Evan, huh? He’s such a tsundere! For some time after meeting him, I felt like he would cut me if I tried touching him. But I like how competitive he is. I think we’ve been getting along well lately, though I think he’d deny this and say “NO!”.
Meister you’re close with: Obviously, it’s everyone from Tsukiwatari, but outside my own guild there’s also the mechanics’ guild Lagoon. He’s the one that maintains my bike. He often tells me not to be reckless, but I think we get along well; even though we’re a little apart in age [TN: Crow is 22 and Lagoon is 36], we sometimes go on rides and eat together!
Introductions: I’m a moon reader, Itsuki. My job is to predict and research how the Moon Road, a road to other countries, will appear. Then uhh… what should I say… Hobbies? My hobby is cooking. Though… my friends say that my sense of taste is “out of this world”. Out of this world… huh… [TN: the verb used here can also mean “to lack common sense” lol]
MC first impression: The first time I saw her I was impressed. She’s so delicate that my impression of her was miles away from that of her father. Also, I thought her eyes were very beautiful. This has not changed even now. They’re pure and strong, and when I look at them, I sometimes feel drawn to them.
Navi first impression: Navi seems… busy. At first glance, he’s laughing, then angry then sad. Then, all of a sudden he starts playing tricks… his emotions change all the time. I was worried it might tire him out too much, but when I told him this he glared at me. I often make him angry like this, but it’d be nice if I could make him laugh, too.
Meister you’re close with: Since I’m not good at interacting with others, so I mostly only talk to the Tsukiwatari members… I guess the answer is Crow. When he fell on me from a Moon Road, I got scared to death. We’ve been together ever since. That encounter has changed everything for me… I don’t know what will come next.
Introductions: I’m the living paintings’ artist, Grandflair. I’m the leader of the World exploration Guild Tsukiwatari. If any of our guild members cause you any trouble, please contact me. Despite still being inexperienced, I’d like to make art that can make people smile. I look forward to working with you in the future.
MC first impression: Although Crow and Itsuki had already told me something… she was completely different from what I had imagined. I came to meet her thinking she was rough, bold and strong, but then I found out she is considerate, attentive and very capable… from the bottom of my heart, I’m grateful that she’s become our guildkeeper.
Himmel first impression: He used to be a bit of a pessimist, but I think he’s come to change a bit. [TN: not sure what the right translation is here for the next part…]. It’s a bit surprising how fast he switches from being awake to falling asleep (?) but… from now on, I’ll keep on telling him:”To fight back is not futile” [TN: technically, Himmel’s way of thinking is grounded on the fact that the future cannot be changes, so this ties back to that, although I truly don’t know why Grand is mentioning it here]
Meister you’re close with: …Do I really have to say his name? Rouge, from my same guild, though he’s more of a close friend [TN: the word used is 腐れ縁 which means undesirable but inseparable], rather than a good friend. I still can’t forgive him for calling me “Mom” [TN: because Grand is the “mom” of the guild]. If you loo at his character, he’s an awful person: bad with money, is a drunk hard, spends more time fooling around than actually working… although, there’s some good sides to him as well.
Introductions: Yeees~ Tsukiwatari’s handsome poet, that’d be me, Rouge!~ Then, let’s toast to our introduction, shall we? Bahahah, don’t hold baaaackkk~ Oops sorry, looks like I have no money!
MC first impression: I was so surprised I thought to myself “Hey hey, what’s with this cute girl? Why is such a cute girl in my guild?!”. I thought she heard the rumours about me and came to check me out but… that wasn’t the case at all, ahah.
Shaymie first impression: Shaymie is so innocent and cute. I think that his whole being forgetful thing is also part of his personality. He always works hard and gives it his all but… I think he can take it more slowly and enjoy himself. Though, I think it’s about time he’d at least learn my name…
Meister you’re close with: Grand from my guild! “Lend me money~!” Is our greeting! …though when I say that, he always looks like he’s about to punch me again. Primus club’s Victor is my drinking buddy. He treats me whenever I lose at gambling. He’s so kind… eh? He’s charging me?
Introductions: Mythical beasts master, Noah… I belong to the World exploration guild, Tsukiwatari. My role is to protect the phantom beasts — and to do that, I need to become stronger than anyone else.
MC first impression: I knew she wasn’t a bad person because Corocle liked her. She takes care of me a lot, though I had some trouble adjusting at first… however, the food she makes is delicious, and I don’t think it’s bad.
Chitose first impression: Chitose is very knowledgeable and teaches me many things. Many of them, I don’t really care about, though they can be useful. It’s just… sometimes I’’m a bit surprised. He asked me why I was helping out a dying mythical beast, telling me it was going to die anyways. I didn’t really understand what he meant.
Meister you’re close with: There is no such thing. Mh? …Rouge? Don’t make me laugh. I despise that guy. I even keep my dirty clothes away from his. I don’t like breathing the same air as him, so why does he care about me…
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ryuichirou · 10 months
Today’s batch of replies~ Since we had a Crewel day yesterday, there are some asks related to him (and Trein) in here. But as always, also a bunch of miscellaneous ones…
Anonymous asked:
I want to eat your art respectfully with a side of salad and a few cups of wine. Your newest picture of Divus got me remembering why I chose to be 🐩 anon despite being GloMas anon for awhile. Got me barking and being absolutely feral, I wish he'd walk me like a dog 🫠
Ah 🐩 anon, you’re as kind as always. Thank you so much!
From the GloMas anon to the pup anon, just the way Divus would have wanted it lol I’m very happy you liked how he turned out!
Anonymous asked:
This randomly came to me in the form of a nap, enjoy.
Crewel sleeps with Trein but Trein isn't as flexible nor springy as the normal people Crewel fucks. Anyways to the point, Crewel accidentally hositizalizes Trein so when he returns to work a week later.. Crewel doesn't let him live it down and neither does the students once they find out (be fr, Azul has blackmail on ALL the staff) ~ 🐩 anon
Oh how mean! As if it isn’t Crewel’s fault and Trein didn’t warn you that his body probably can’t handle as much >C Crewel would definitely hospitalize this grandpa one day, he doesn’t seem like someone who can be careful, this wicked, wicked man.
Poor Azul though, the blackmail is useless when all the students know about the thing already. But you know, I’m sure some of the students would be super amused and find it funny, but some of them would genuinely pity Trein lol
Anonymous asked:
Hey ryuichi, Have you ever thought of drawing Young Trein? I always wondered what he might have looked like when he was younger. Maybe he had brown hair? 🤔🤔
Technically I have drawn him (I’ve drawn flashbacks of him and Crewel) buuuut I always forget about the fact that Trein looked younger back then. For some reason he’s just always a 60 y.o. grandpa in my drawings lol Maybe one day I’ll draw him in his 40s… Since his supposed daughters (or at least their prototypes…) have black and ginger hair, and I don’t see him as a ginger at all, I would go with either black or dark brown.
Anonymous asked:
I wonder how Crewel feel on meeting young Trein?
I feel like his feelings wouldn’t change much, especially if Trein acts like his old self. If the chemistry is there (and it’s not going anywhere lol), Crewel would definitely be just as into him.
But also, since young Trein isn’t a grandpa, Crewel wouldn’t hold back with him at all. If Trein suddenly got younger for some reason, Crewel’s first thought would probably be “oh now I can do whatever I want” lol
Anonymous asked:
In regards to RookVil being Epel's parents, I can't really see Rook as a father figure. To me he gives off 'Bodyguard of your new step-parent that they've been banging on the side long before they met your parent' vibes.
I get it, Anon, and honestly these vibes are also great lol
I guess we just have different “images” of fathers in our heads, which is totally okay. When I joke about Rook being “fatherly” towards Epel, it’s usually a “that dad who just smiles at you and doesn’t interrupt your fight with your mom, because “you know your mom is always right sweetie” but would give you headpats and a cookie afterwards” thing. This + just how genuinely excited he gets when Epel gets better at magic, how eager he is to share this with Vil + the fact that he helps Epel with his homework/lab stuff, frankly. Doesn’t necessarily mean that he is “a father”, just a “kind of fatherly and mom’s partner” figure….  Or a “bodyguard of your new step-parent that they’ve been banging on the side long before they met your parent” even lol
Once again, it’s completely up to your personal preference. Like I already said, it’s just one of many ways to read it and one of many many angles of their dynamic, not just “aw look at our baby”. Epel is much more than a baby to them. These three are kind of cursed to be honest lol but in a good way.
Anonymous asked:
We honestly haven’t thought about the rest of the cast, and it’s funny because Aoba technically has two whole android boys love interests; one of them being Clear and the other one being Ren (kind of sort of). And I haven’t even considered Clear as an option to be honest, Ren/Sei sounds like such an obvious choice LOL DOG ORTHO
What’s also funny is that despite the fact that Idia is clearly Aoba, he is also…clearly Noiz, isn’t he? In a lot of ways…
Anonymous asked:
dorm heads from most to least favorite?
This is SUCH a cruel question; with twst in general when I look at almost any character I always go “god you are my absolute favourite” lol So I can’t answer without cheating a little bit!
In my head Idia and Azul are fighting for the first place, Vil and Malleus are fighting for the second place, Riddle and Kalim are fighting for the third place, and Leona is the fourth.
And it kind of pains me that Riddle is currently the 3rd, but having three people fighting over the second place is just silly.
Anonymous asked:
I really enjoy seeing azuidi interact with each other ( it doesn't matter if it's romantic or platonic) because the two of them could start in a comedy sitcom with how funny they interact with each other. I would totally watch that too.
Like, imagine Idia walking up to Azul being like, "Would you still love me if i was a worm 🥺👉🏻👈🏻" and Azul, being Azul, would take this seriously and be like "which kind of worm we're talking about. The kind that eats books? A parasitic worm? Or a regular worm that crawls around in the dirt?". And idia would be like, "You're no fun, Azul-shii." 🙄
THEY’RE SO FUNNY TOGETHER ANON; we’re rewatching Glorious Masquerade right now and every single interaction these two have is ABSOLUTELY GOLDEN. They would make a hilarious sitcom lol
Azul taking stupid meme questions way too seriously is such an Azul thing to do 😭 He really is no fun. He probably already came out with a couple of plans to monetize different worm options….
I think one of the things that make them funny is that either of them could be a butt of a joke. Both of them are unhinged in different ways, so both of them could do “wow you are not well, it’s kind of worrying and embarrassing” depending on their situation.
Anonymous asked:
Thoughts on Jack x Leona?
Not much; we don’t really ship them. I like the fact that Jack is confused about Leona though; like he is supposed to respect him and consider him a leader, but he doesn’t like the way he acts and treats others. This is an interesting conflict.
Anonymous asked:
have you ever read the reddit cylinder thread?
Now I have….
I hope the cylinder is okay…
Which one of the NRC boys….
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andrevasims · 1 year
Sims Tag
Tagged by @ho3sferatu​! Thanks ^_^
Readmore’d cause it gets a bit long :P
1. What’s your favourite sims death?
Probably fright, cause the animation is so funny like they have time to pause and check their pulse before dropping dead
2. Alpha CC or Maxis Match?
I can tell this is aimed at TS4 haha I had to google Alpha CC to check I knew what it meant - So semi-realistic? I mean obviously I lean towards Maxis Match, but if I like how something looks I’ll use it even if it’s not from the same style.
3. Do you cheat when your sims gain weight?
No, that actually happened to Klothilde because she kept eating fish and it takes so long for them to eat fish that she got fat after eating it once lol - But TS2 fat meshes aren’t even really fat, so it doesn’t make much difference to me heh
4. Do you use move objects?
Only for placing deco things, cause I don’t want to end up placing a chair or something that’s actually inaccessible and not find out until after I’ve built everything else around where I placed it
5. Favorite mod?
No Red Pause Lines, cause it’s 500x more annoying if I have to crop that out every time I take a screenshot
6. First expansion/game/stuff pack you got?
University, I pretty much got all the TS2 stuff as it came out heh
7. Do you pronounce “live mode” like aLIVE or LIVing?
aLIVE, but I think about it more like how a TV show says “We’re live” or something since that’s where the game actually progresses in time
8. Who’s your favorite sim that you’ve made?
Cirrus! There’s some close seconds, but Cirrus actually has history in my game versus just being a face I liked, and the way her parents’ genetics created the little side smirk she has that I don’t think I could recreate in CAS
9. Have you made a simself?
I did when I was 13 - I was exactly at that age where child sims felt too young to represent myself, but teen sims felt too old. I went with a child sim just for the proportions lol but yeah that was the last time I was interested in making a simself.
10. What sim traits do you give yourself?
Well to keep it TS2 themed, I think it’d be something like this:
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11. Which is your favorite EA hair color?
Um black? That’s always the default color I pick when doing any sort of dress up game
12. Favorite EA hair?
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It’s the only hair I’ve never fully replaced with a default, I just do a texture default
13. Favorite life stage?
Adult I guess, they just have the most stuff available to do
14. Are you a builder or are you in it for the gameplay?
Both, I like building but I like to play the lots I build. And when I’m playing, I think of what kind of builds would be fun to play, and so the gameplay also inspires my building.
15. Are you a CC creator?
Kind of? I’ve made clothing recolors, makeup, hair recolors, etc. but I haven’t done anything besides sharing lots/sims in a while.
16. Do you have any simblr friends/a sim squad?
Not particularly, I have mutuals that I always like seeing on my dash/activity but I’m not the most talkative person on tumblr lol
17. What’s your favorite game? (1, 2, 3, or 4)
2 of course ^_^
18. Do you have any sims merch?
No? lol
19. Do you have a YouTube for sims?
Technically yeah, it’s my “personal” YT account but 90% of my videos are of The Sims.
20. How has your “sim style” changed throughout your years of playing?
I used to do more semi-realistic CC, just based on what I’d accumulated and liked the look of at the time. I still have a lot of that CC in my Downloads, I just don’t use it as often anymore as more recently downloaded Maxis match stuff.
21. What’s your Origin ID?
idk, I think I have one but I’ve never shared anything for TS4 so it’s kinda useless lol
22. Who’s your favorite CC creator?
Ooh that’s a tough one, @platinumaspiration​ comes to mind cause I really love how bright/colorful a lot of their CC is and I like a lot of the clothing/hair styles :)
23. How long have you had a simblr?
2012.............. lol
Here is the 1st post I ever made on here, it’s for TS3 and has way more straightness than my game has had in years lmao
24. How do you edit your pictures?
I explained it here sort of a few years ago, but I have a newer version of Photoscape and I don’t have access to Photoshop anymore. I still do the highlight/shadow tweaking stuff, but I use Photoscape to do that now.
25. What expansion/game/stuff pack do you want next?
Well obviously that’s not a question for TS2 lol but something that both TS3 and TS4 have that would’ve been cool in TS2 is careers that you can actually play/interact with instead of the sim disappearing for 8 hours.
26. What expansion/game/stuff pack is your favorite so far?
Nightlife, I love everything about the themes/aesthetic/gameplay, it has objects/features I use more than any other EP to this day, it’s just exactly my style.
Tagging: @krabbysims​​ @potentialfate-sims​​ @aondaneedles​​ @simmer-until-tender​​! Feel free to ignore if you’ve done it already haha
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yonemurishiroku · 2 years
So do you have any more ideas to share about that whole Vampire!Nico and Werewolf!Jason thing? Because I remember that really cute post about how Nico found Jason when he was young and if you have any ideas to expand on that I would love to hear it very much
Also your stuff is amazing love to read it
UrOHHHHHHH okay okay everyone chill——i’m so excited omg i’ve been diving in this AU for days (just bc i want to write it but have no idea) anyway—-
I’m not sure whether you’d like to hear about the whole Fantasy Royal AU thingies or that specific Nico found Jason when he was young so I’ll just. ramble about both, I guess. Buckle up, buddies, bc I’m damn sure gonna speak whatever that comes to mind.
Anyway, when I say that Nico found Jason when he was young, I was just thinking about Nico practically raising Jason LOL.
The whole idea is basically isolated vampire Nico trying to be a good father to the cub he accidentally found in the forest, who is just happy to have something look after him for the first time in his life. Their life together, and the things they would do to keep it from others’ hands.
Why this, you ask? Well like I say: awkward but trying parenting Nico, and pup Jason! And the interspecies war that comes with them
- The Nico in this is a pureblood noble royal all-that-crap vampire, who, unsurprisingly, live isolated in the forest, the having-a-whole-mansion-for-himself kind, cut off from the world and weakened due to decades of no blood feeding. Everything is fine tho, since it’s not like he’s gonna fight anyone soon. And then he finds a young, injured, practically on the verge of death pup.
Werewolf is the vampire’s natural enemy, the only kind capable of preying on them. Rationally, Nico should have killed it, perfectly ensuring his peaceful albeit lonely life.
But he didn’t. For whatever reason that is. So now he has a pup to look after.
Jason, still a pup at that time, doesn’t know much about the enmity among different kinds. He just thinks that neither his father nor his step-mother truly care about him and he feels lonely so he runs away. Tripped, fell, probably rolled around a few rounds, and now he wakes up in the bed of a kind young man who smells cold like… midnight dew.
Nico treats his wounds and eases his pains. Nico’s nice. And he doesn’t want to come back to his pack. So, Jason stays. And somehow Nico lets him.
And they live together.
It’s awkward at best and downright disastrous at worst. There’re reasons that vampires and werewolves dislike each other. And while Nico is technically decades older than Jason, he’s an isolated inexperienced individual. He knows nothing about raising a child. Jason, a child he is, doesn’t know any better.
But Jason is just happy he has someone who actually cares about him. The things Nico teach him sound weird sometimes, but it’s Nico so he doesn’t doubt. Nico unintentionally hurts him sometimes, but it’s okay because he’d always say sorry and hurry to fix it. Jason’s parents didn’t care about him hurting. He hurts Nico sometimes, too, mostly when those teeth and claws come out, but Nico says it’s okay, i know you didn’t mean it’s and doesn’t hit him.
More than once, Jason blacks out and wakes up with a bloody Nico between his claws. He can’t stop crying for as long as the vampire is still recuperating in coma.
It’s just a mess of trying and failing, of apologizing and trying again, of fighting and licking each other’s wounds all over again. Of Nico convincing himself that Jason wouldn’t kill him and Jason telling himself not to eat Nico. Of Nico digging up his library to learn about werewolf’s instincts and Jason dozing off on the vampire’s clothe piles. Of Nico freaking out when he can’t find his little housemate and Jason clinging to the other’s cloak whenever he has a chance. It’s nice.
Vampires age extremely slow compared to werewolves. Whereas Jason has grown to be a mature wolf, Nico looks like only a couple of years has passed. He’s shorter than the werewolf now. The day that Jason exceeds him, they throw a party, they make a cake, they sing until midnight. And still, Jason stays. They become the sole existence in the other’s world.
Of course, there’s a war that comes licking at their feet (just bc I love conflicts as much as Eris herself does). 
There’re intruders breaking in their little peaceful corner of the deep woods. Nico is requested to return to the vampires and Jason scare them off. The werewolves find Jason and Nico set fire to the mansion so that they can run away. Nico abandons his nobility to stand by Jason’s side. Jason betrays his clan to protect Nico. etc etc... all of that. 
There’s no place for them in this world, now. Then again, the only home they love is next to the other. 
Is it love? More than that. It’s a connection. A bond. Carved deeper than flesh and bones.
What’s the end, you ask? There’s no end, bc I don’t intend to give it one. Maybe they just keep running away and die side by side eventually, i don’t know. This story is just about how Nico and Jason have found each other, got attached, and refuse to let go - all regardless of their natural enmity. Whatever happens, they would forever stay. And that is enough.
Next, the Fantasy Royal AU!!!
Did I mention that the Nico in here is manipulative? Because he is, by the way. Actually, on second thought, I think this is pretty similar to the one above: Nico still has significant impact on Jason’s actions. It’s right there in their dynamic - Nico is manipulative.
And how is that, you ask? I have yet a clear image in mind, but from what I’ve already come up with, let’s just say Jason is betrayed by his own clan and falls in the vampires’ hands. Nico, as one of the most respected royalties, gains possession of him and later uses him to plot the pack leader’s - aka Jason’s father’s - demise, as a form of revenge for his mother (I’m obsessed with Nico avenging Maria don’t blame me).
When I get to write it properly, I suppose it would focus on how Nico manages to convince Jason to fully turn his back against his father and thus provide him with an irreplaceable, much-needed aid for the plan of bringing down Jupiter. There will be half-lies and unfaithful claims, for Jason is, by all means, a loyal, dedicated alpha who, despite the mistreatment, values his pack. Nico’s manipulativeness shows when he promises Jason a peace for all kinds to get him on the same boat whereas he only has one goal and that is to have Jupiter’s heart in his hand. He needs Jason. The sacrificed young alpha is the key to infiltrate the werewolf clan and reach his mother’s murderer.
Nico has Jason treated as a guest in his personal mansion. He indulges the werewolf’s insulting and hostile attitude. He keeps Zagreus’ claws off Jason’s neck. He relies on Hades’ favourism to have Jason safe under his wings. Offering him kindness and respect. Showing him co-existence is possible. All the while planting in the young alpha’s mind an idea of a wonderful peace between lands. And with that, naturally: the downfall of the old reign. Namely, the current pack leader.
So, Nico makes Jason the leader of his archenemies. He brings Jason up and builds him again, all respectful and kind, telling him “You don’t deserve this” “You can have better”s, only to have the alpha pave a way to his own father’s death. He practically wages a civil war in the werewolf clan.
Just let me clarify, it isn’t like Nico wants to eliminate the werewolves. And while he practically uses Jason, he has nothing against Jason himself. Nico only wants Jupiter dead. He uses peace as a bait since he finds out Jason is kind to a fault and tho he doesn’t seem to resent being abandoned, he is bitter as being left by his clan. Usurping, while gives off a rightful meaning, also guarentees a claim of self-worth to satiate Jason’s emotional wounds and Jupiter’s end as an inevitable byproduct. Nico just so happens to find it beneficial. 
Somewhere along the line, Jason finds out about his true purpose and flares up. Somewhere along the line, Nico realizes that he needs to stand up from the pain too. Something along the line, they fall in love because Nico’s kindness is as true as his resolve to avenge and Jason’s existence somehow means more than a tool for said revenge.
Actually you know what? They’re in love because I say so. Since the sole reason I came up with this AU is because:
1/ Vampire prince Nico. gothic style. royal attire. huge fur on one shoulder. all of that. and the underworld deities as his royal family just so that i could smuggle in Zagreus.
2/ Manipulative Nico because obviously. Nico being diplomatic and patient with in order to manipulate Jason. subtle pep talks to hype up. let’s go kill your father to take the throne yay
3/ Jason usurping Jupiter. IDC I WANT TO SEE IT OKAY????
4/ Nico, as representative of the vampire kingdom, bows to the new werewolf prime alpha and Jason, the newly crowned leader himself, looks at him and thinks, “He uses me like a pawn, but I still love him.”
OKAY I think this is pretty everything lolol there’s more i have a mind but I have a rule that is to keep something wrapped as a sorce of motivation to actually write it. So here’s everything I can offer for the time being LOL I HOPE YOU ENJOY IT. 😭😭😭 THANK YOU A MILLION FOR THE COMPLIMENT ASHDAJDHAJ. I’m really, really glad someone is enjoying my content. God bless ur soul.
Feel free to send more asks if you want to read more! 💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖
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fiercehildr · 2 years
Hi! I have 3 things if that’s okay!
Firstly, is it bothersome to ask why you stopped any ACOTAR blogging? Was it just to much toxicity? All good either way, still love you <3 I was just wondering. Pls ignore this if you want.
Secondly, what about ghost do you love? I love the art and such you’ve been posting even though I’ve never consumed any of that media lol
Thirdly, not a question but thanks for all the commissions you’ve posted! I love to see them (and I’m trying to read glow! It’s of course quite in demand at the library) k that’s all. Sorry to bother you!
Hi Nonnie! ♥️ Thanks for the ask! Sorry the answer might be long and trigger warnings: Traumatic events (second question)/A quick reference to s**cide (first question)
1- It’s fine, I can answer that no worries 🤗 What happened is that I realized the ACOTAR toxicity made my depression worse and constantly had me in a haze of anger as I could not really ignore everything going in that fandom, not with how deeply I was involved in it.
I was heavily bullied numerous times for liking a different fictional ship and I guess the last straw for me was when I was falsely accused of racism because of a commission of mine- never mind that the one thing they (-the usual suspects and bullies) complained about was the decision of the PoC artist I worked with and who they silenced or that their complaints actually highlighted how they automatically viewed a WoC serving tea as her being a slave.
I think we pretty much all knew that it was never our (the artist and mine) intent or that this drama was started with something else in mind. I even had numerous PoC in my asks and IG inbox telling me it was all good and that they couldn’t understand the issue at all. BUT… I was at a very low moment of my life, my mental health was extremely bad and I did a massive panic attack which was quickly followed by some pretty bad s**cidal thoughts where I almost did something really bad.
That’s when I decided to stop everything and after a 4 months long break from the internet and social medias, I came back but with not much love for ACOTAR anymore. I do not find joy in anything related to this fandom. My maximum is liking pretty arts from artists I like or friends and sometimes making games with the characters in my Insta stories. But I don’t even care about the characters anymore and I even feel a certain dislike for the author, for allowing us all to suffer this shitwar for the sake of her mental health. I know that, PERHAPS, the issue is more complicated than that from her side but I consider that my anger is justified anyway.
Will I come back at some point and rewrite posts and theories about the characters etc? Hopefully, but I’m fine in my little bubble right now. I’ll let the dogs eat their bones.
I hope I answer that first question for you and I’m sorry, I know it’s quite a long answer. 😅 I do love to hear you enjoyed my commissions! Always glad when I know they brought happiness to someone. ♥️
2- As for Ghost, funnily enough, he is not my favorite CoD character. I’d say he’s actually third on that list behind Soap and Price but he’s so aesthetically pleasing and makes for such beautiful art pieces! ♥️ I do appreciate his character though, mostly because I’m appreciative of his inner strenght. Now as you’re not familiar with the lore, to make it short, Ghost had a pretty horrible childhood, tortured by his father who was a notorious trash (like forced to kiss living snakes when he was terrified of them kind of stuff). Sadly, when he was in the army, he was also captured and tortured for month before finding his freedom again. Only to lose his mother, brother, sister-in-law and nephew to an atrocious murder. His past is basically the worst thing you could be imagining and if you’re interested in it, there is actually a comic about it you can find online. Do beware though, it’s pretty graphic.
So what I like is that even with that, he still remains level headed, tactical, and, to some extend, even kind. Seeing him develop a relationship with Soap and open up, even making jokes when he’s seen as this gigantic grumpy man, was actually a nice insight in who he really is! 🤗
Also watching plenty of tiktoks of him and Soap, even before I played the game (and I had never touched a CoD before!) helped me so much during my hard post acotar time.
There you go, I hope my answers was good enough and I do hope you get glow! If you do and read it, don’t hesitate to share your thoughts with me! 🤗
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baylardo · 2 years
I Gotta write down my threshold au ideas or I’ll forget and die hahaha.
ANOTHER hypothetical for the Amelia running away plot:::::
It’s been kinda eating at me A LITTLE BIT 👌 that kathryn wouldnt go search for her daughter,,, (given how we see her respond to chakotay being Lost who PLAUSIBLY is of a more insignificant relationship to kathryn than a daughter would be, regardless of age) and why Philippa inevitably DOES,,,,,,, and like,,,,,,, one thing I was thinking today was that maybe Amelia was assigned to an away mission, maybe it’s her First Mission being promoted To Lieutenant Commander,,,,,,, and its waaaaaaaaay out there in Space, probably out of starfleet jurisdiction or however that works haha, and it’s a multiple year venture. MAYBE one year. Depends on the positioning of philippas promotions. Regardless, Amelia’s achieved her rank in record timing by comparison. similarly to chakotay in Prodigy, shes been out of contact and silent for AN AMOUNT OF TIME. Maybe it’s not enough to be concerned, no one wants to jump to conclusions. Amelia can handle herself. But Philippa has a suspicion that something’s happened. Maybe just prior to Amelia leaving, she gave off this reeeeaaally weird vibe to Pip that piqued concern for her sister. Like I dont think she’d act out or do something crazy. But I guess the hypothetical I’m running through my head is that maybe her crew got stranded out there. Or MAYBE she bailed. But I’m kinda inclined to go with like, it’s a small crew so Amelia is “acting Commander”. Ummmm and they all just lose their ship and maybe use escape pods or SOMETHING. But they all get separated or maybe captured, don’t wanna say Enslaved but Maybe hahaha. Like I Imagine Philippa and ed out there searching and finding a lost crew member or two, and gives them at least a start on an idea as to what happened to their sister. I guess where im super indecisive with Amelia is like whyyyyyeeeeeee and or how she leaves everything and doesn’t get stopped or found like, immediately lmao. And I guess with this scenario it’s toying more with the idea that inevitably she DIDNT make that decision to leave starfleet, but it got forced upon her and then she doesn’t return to it. Maybe becomes content in her duty-less life,,, more able to roam and do what she wants,,,,,, IDK HAHA. I dont SUPER vibe the idea that something immoral happened to make her leave,,, just because her whole family’s kinda starfleet stans,,,,, and she’d Have to live around that if she returned to her family. I think it might be her facing the music a little that she’s not cut out for command outside of perfect track records and perfect studying and procedural stuff. Which she doesn’t even likeeeeeeeee.
Um ANOTHER competing but kinda related small idea I was having was that this little venture would probably make it reeeaally painstakingly clear to the triplets how much philippa is like their motherrrrr,,,,, just in how she’s acting toward wanting to find her sister, is reluctant to commit to backwater schemes because it goes against starfleet protocol,,,,,, openly drinks coffee around Ed lol,,,,,,,, stuff like that :) I was also thinking how fun itd be If Like,,,,, the whole time theyre out there in the delta quadrant searching,,, they run into species that are familiar with Voyager and or Captain Janeway hehe. And it’s something Philippa especially has been avoiding association with her whole starfleet career. or Quite honestly I think they’d just recognize them by familiarity of appearance ;;;) probably works against them more often than not. Anyway I think Ed would take note of the differences in her sister over the years, hin having been gone for some time. And just yknow sweetly be like “wow you’re so much like Mom” and all that haha. And maybe in the way Philippa is responding to the idea of her losing her sister, he compares it Maybe to the way kathryn would have responded To Ed at a young age leaving to go journey on his own in uncharted space teehee!
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CW weed use
Y’all I’ve been high (not something I usually do during the day) and it’s been awful and I just want it to stop but idk how to get myself there calmly, more details below, TW drug abuse discussion
I need to stop using weed, at least for a little bit. It’s affecting my life and it needs to stop. And that’s all I’ve been thinking about during this high. Fuck, I have a RULE that I don’t do it if I have work the next day— this morning decided “I got up super early, I can do this and be sober by the end of the day! Maybe even when my parents get home from work! I can just chill in peace! It’s early enough in the day that I have enough time before work tomorrow to sober up” —the fact that I did that is a problem, and a bad sign and something that tells me that I need to STOP
And it’s making me even more anxious and wanting the high to stop even more but I can’t control it like that, you literally have to just wait it out, and that sucks
I’ve tried a few things to help— eating, resting a bit, taking a shower —but it’s still there. That anxiety, that high feeling. So it just makes me think about it even more. I can’t focus on anything as a distraction, I just keep thinking about this. I’ve been wanting to post on some subreddit anonymously about this and have people help me through this but I can’t find somewhere that I know will be okay with a post like this— someone currently inebriated and panicking bc they’ve finally told themself the truth that they have a problem and need to stop, and stuck in a spiral of that panic
I’m anxious about talking to anyone in my life about this because I don’t want them to get angry at me, like, “that’s why you’ve been different? Why you’re distant? Fucking weed is more important than your relationships?” So that’s why I’m posting here, why I wanted to post somewhere anonymously but can’t look anymore for a place to do so. If any of my loved ones, especially irl loved ones, see this, I’m sorry, I’m so fucking sorry. I know. I know I’ve been shitty. I know I’ve been different, I’ve been distant. I want to tell my counsellor about it. I want to stop this. I want to give my stash to my friends so they can keep me from using it. But I don’t want to make them upset, angry, or disappointed. I’m sorry. I can’t say it enough times. I’m sorry
For my irl loved ones, if you see this and want to talk to me, please do so slowly and carefully and compassionately. I know my anxieties are probably unrealistic but I’m still terrified of ruining my relationships by talking about this. I know I’ve been shitty because of this, and I sincerely, sincerely apologize for being a shitty friend. You’re allowed to be angry, you have a right to it, but please, for right now, I need a hug
And this is not because of the recent family drama. This has been a long time coming
I’m sorry. I’m so sorry
It seems I couldn’t handle trying to live a normal, or even high-achieving, life. Guess the last few years have broke me, idk?
I’ve been striving for a life, an existence, that I can be happy with, and a me I can be happy with, but it’s all been so exhausting and stressful that I don’t know if I can do it
I’m just throwing a pity party now lol, sorry, I’m just. Trying to work out how I got here I guess? So uh. Sorry about that
I’ll stop talking now
Uh… if anyone know what I can do to help this, that’d be massively appreciated 🙏🏻
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alwastakenofc · 4 months
WOWIE ZOWIE it’s a good thing that tumblr keeps u logged in for FOREVER bc i would NOT have remembered that this was my username LMFAOOOO.
anyways !!! i’m just here to rant now to see if it’ll still help me like it used to. just scrolled thru all my personal tagged posts and MAN was i going thru it from 2013-2016 LOL. im glad life is better now. different, but better. me and that guy that i posted abt a lot and would rant abt how he was hanging with that girl all the time broke up in 2016 THANK GOD, that was a sick and toxic and abusive relationship that went way longer than it needed to. i moved back home with my parents and got a few years with both of them before they passed away from different circumstances (fuck alcoholism and fuck cancer). now i live with my roomie/friend and she evicted the other roomie we had that was Toxic As Fuck and a literal Man Child so WAHOO! it’s been nice.
i’m going back to college this year i think, and im both so excited and also Terrified to finish. i only have 1-2 semesters left and then i gotta go get an actual CAREER.
being famous never took off, as expected LMFAO. i don’t stream to get popular anymore, it’s just a genuine hobby i enjoy that gives me an excuse to keep playing video games and having fun. but i don’t mind not having a genuine job off of it anymore; probably should’ve attempted streaming when i was posting abt it so much a decade ago, Honestly Probably Would have taken off a bit more and actually had a chance to make money off it BUT alas, i was too lazy and worried abt public perceptions lmfao
i still have that worry abt public perception especially since i now identify as non-binary (she/they). i wish to be perceived as an amorphous blob that moseys through life, ya know? i only keep the “she/her” pronouns bc a) i’m not fully out to Everyone, and b) i just know some ppl are more used to it and i Do Not mind. i would honestly probably say i don’t prefer ANY pronouns, call me he/she/they i just do Not care, but finding ppl that would reference me as “he” while being respectful just is daunting to think abt and i do not care enough, just call me whatever. but don’t perceive me as a woman exclusively ya know LOL. i don’t identify as a woman or man, i have more feminine days and more masculine days but calling myself a woman sincerely just feels … icky and weird LOL idk like i said. AMORPHOUS BLOB SQUAD, RISE! idk how else to explain it LMAO
also discovered asexuality is a thing like 6-7 years ago which has been LIFE CHANGING !! being told you are broken by ur partner for years, being made to feel like something is Wrong with you because you don’t get why everyone is All About Sex and why tf everyone actually Enjoys Sex…. MANNNNN when i discovered asexuality i don’t think ive ever had a moment in my life where i just said “oh my GOD. it’s ME. i GET MYSELF NOW.” (until i fully understood and embraced being nb about 2 years later lmao). idk i just feel so much more confident in myself and it’s great.
hmmmm what else… i guess i had a stint of struggling with alcohol and weed, but have managed to cut it back. currently on week 2 of no smoking, gonna go a couple more weeks then maybe i’ll buy a pen and edibles. NO MORE DABS! wax just Annihilated my tolerance and not even smoking 3 full joints or eating 250mg of edibles could get me high. it was BAD. but that’s what happens when u do Multiple dabs a day, EVERY. SINGLE. DAY. for 5+ years !! sooooooo that’s a thing too now. i try to Only drink on weekends now (and only 2 weekends per month, instead of Every weekend, is the new goal) and know i can’t trust myself to buy alcohol on a weekday and hold it to the weekend, which honestly Go Me for that self reflection and understanding that my brain doesn’t have the ability to Not drink alcohol/do shots if it’s in my fridge lol. well, not yet at least. maybe in a couple months i’ll be able to put some vodka in my fridge on a tuesday and be able to keep it there til the weekend without touching it, but for now i still don’t fully trust myself.
BUT! i’m trying to be healthy! i did get a treadmill and jump rope and even tho ive been neglecting jumping rope (maybe i will today idk maybe not LOL) i do still try to walk on my treadmill at least every other day!! i did a mile walk today and i was So Sweaty lol it’s crazy how outta shape i am but im hoping that cutting down on weed and alcohol helps with that too overall. i miss having abs. i miss not being flabby. i have awful body dysmorphia already bc of my boobs and getting bigger has made Them bigger too and it just makes me feel Horrified when i see myself in the mirror. or see my stomach, or double chin, or jiggly arms, or WHATEVER. i just need to be healthy again UGH. anyways.
MANNNNNNNNN i’m so scared of college LOL. i’m not double majoring anymore (also not even in art college anymore HELLO lmao, i dropped out of art school and got my associates degree from community college then transferred to a university where i was originally double majoring in International Relations and Japanese)! i just am gonna drop my Japanese major down to a minor so i still at least know Some Japanese. and ill study on my own post graduation (I HOPE!!!!!) and get better. i took a 2 year break when my mom died and its just so Daunting to think of going back LOL
i really, really… REALLY need to get better with procrastination and laziness and being at a standstill/comfortable. like, i KNOW there’s more to life but i just. UGH. idk. it’s so Hard after everything that’s happened these last few years. if i didn’t lose my dad in 2018 then my mom in 2022 i think it would be a lot better. HELL, if i didn’t lose my mom to cancer in 2022 things would be SOOOOOO different!! i would’ve probably graduated with my double major and had a kickass job and my mom would’ve seen me walk the stage UGHHHHHHHH ill never forget how i lit said “you prolly won’t see me get married but you gotta stick around to watch me walk the stage” and she said “WHERE ELSE WOULD I GO????” and IDK I JUST WISH I NEVER JINXED IT UGHHHHH. i have a lot of unaddressed trauma from both my parents’ deaths that im sure therapy would definitely help with but FOR NOW, i just gotta get thru college and see wtf is waiting for me on the other side.
ALLLLLRIGHT well this went on a LOT longer than i expected and …… idk if it helped??? idk if i feel any better after typing it all out but MEHHHHHHH. it’s nice to just throw it all out into the ether and not have a ton of questions or assumptions or embarrassment or shame come from feeling like im taking up space. i think that’s been the biggest thing ive struggled with since my mom died; i can’t even post my random thoughts on twitter anymore bc the anxiety of “well who even cares, who would even care about you saying anything, why would you even post at all? what’s the point?” just gets SO damn overwhelming. ive become a COMPLETE recluse and i haven’t done ANYTHING like this rant in at Least half a decade LOL. so. idk.
typing this all out therapeutic in a way but again, i just feel kinda anxious at the same time and idk if it’s really helped me out overall. bc why does anyone care? what’s the point?… but also WHY do i feel like People Need To Care ?!?! why can’t i just go back to my old mindset where i did not give a single fuck about what i posted bc i just liked throwing my thoughts out for everyone to read?!?! idk. maybe tumblr is gonna be the bridge to help me get better with voicing random mundane thoughts that don’t matter in the long run LOL. bc WHY is that so scary to me, man….
ANYWAYS i’m done okay. wowie. what a rant. PHEW.
hope u enjoyed reading about my last 6-7 years 😎
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jodilin65 · 6 months
I'm completely baffled by the fact that my visitor counter keeps going up on LJ but no visitors ever get recorded on my log.
They posted the pics from painting class and damn do I look huge! Short, old, and huge, lol. My arms are so huge that they round out in these half-moons. Tom doesn’t think so but you know how we always see ourselves differently than others. Either way, I just can’t get myself to take my weight seriously. I’d rather eat when I’m hungry and indulge every now and then than be hungry all the time even if it means I won’t quite be as healthy and there are more health risks involved. Sometimes I don’t even know if I could take it seriously if it was a matter of life or death. Maybe I could 20 or 30 years ago but now? I hope I won’t have to find out!
I still find myself stuck with a sense of emptiness and finality. Then again I don’t know if emptiness is the right word because it isn’t like I don’t have things to occupy my time. I just feel like there isn’t much hope for much change in the future. As I’ve mentioned numerous times before, once you get to a certain age it gets to be a case of been there, done that. The less money we have, the fewer opportunities we have as well. It seems I spend more time dealing with my health than anything else.
Started to lose energy after organizing things but then I perked back up. Still think I’m low on thyroid.
No mention of the paper journal I left on the counter in the bathroom in the clubhouse in hopes of someone finding it and curiously reading it. I don’t know how legible it would be since I wrote in it on the road and it sometimes got bumpy. I also abbreviated a lot and I don’t mean just the typical commonplace abbreviations either but abbreviations that only I would understand. The fact that it wasn’t mentioned makes me think someone ditched it, it’s still sitting there, or someone is reading it and not mentioning it. The thought of someone reading it with curiosity and interest amuses me for some reason. I might be curious to read it too, depending on what was in it. I like reading some journals here and there but I’ve never been interested in people’s stories. That’s what Kindle Unlimited is for. I’m very picky in what I read, too. It must be well-written, and the only genres I really like are mysteries, thrillers, and suspense.
The honker went out with his girlfriend and left me with his howling mutt. It howled longer than usual, too. I wish he would just go home already! His truck and his girlfriend’s SUV were there, though, so I’m guessing they walked down to the clubhouse or to someone’s house. Unless they were in bed fucking and the dog felt jealous and neglected, I don’t think they were home. Her SUV is gone now. I know she’s spent the night over there before but I wonder if he ever spends the night at her place and if he does, does he take his dog? They really seem to be spending a lot of time together and I wonder how it may impact his time here. I just want him, his motorcycle, and his mutt out of here! The rain kept him off the motorcycle today but I’m sure it will go out tomorrow which means I’ll have to crank the damn sound machine up. I hate it when I’m forced to do things in my own house on account of others. My living arrangements shouldn’t have to revolve around others but it could be worse. The sound machines were defenseless most of the time against the traffic at the old place. I don’t miss the days of being woken up 2 to 4 times a week. That was very hard on me. It was almost like being in the NHA all over again. I hope the storms won’t make up for it in a few months.
Tom doesn’t think the honker will move down here permanently even if they do get serious. But what about her moving into his house even if she’s in it by herself throughout the summer? Tom said that if anything he would sell his place. That would make more sense since her place is brand new. The idea of him selling his place excites me and also makes me nervous because I know something worse could end up over there. These kinds of places aren’t what they were in the 80s. I learned that 11 years ago. Yes, it’s now been over a decade that I’ve lived in adult communities. Can’t see him selling it, though. Don’t know why but I just can’t.
Love how my PB buddy is loving Swell and so grateful that I mentioned it in my journal. The digital one, of course. Glad he’s enjoying it!
So the Dream Kit app analyzed my dream of us adopting a kid, which I mentioned in my last entry. Here it is but what professional life other than working for Prolific? lol
The dream about adopting a 9-year-old girl may symbolize a desire for nurturing and caring for others. The fact that the girl is being connected to someone who has passed away in the dream could represent a sense of responsibility or duty to fulfill someone else’s wishes. The concern about your schedule and being in an adult community may reflect your apprehension about taking on new responsibilities and adjusting to changes in your life. It’s possible that this dream is prompting you to consider how you balance your personal and professional life, and how you can make room for caring for others while still taking care of yourself.
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3schia · 5 months
[JANUARY 2015] 
“Yes, you must be his favorite employee... 
Once you get accepted, you will leave my home.  
I’ll find you a solo apartment in Madrid. 
Steven is aware that I’m living here in Barcelona.  
He should never have any idea that we know each other.  
You must live in Madrid, so he won’t find you suspicious when you start approaching him.” 
“I know, right.” 
“These coming weeks, I’ll teach you to drive. We’ll buy your own car tomorrow.” 
“Really? Yey!” 
“Well, it’s part of the plan... And hey, prepare yourself today, we’ll buy your office attire, and all the other things you’ll need. You must look more formal. I also bought you a perfume.” 
“I don’t wear perfume, actually.” 
“I also noticed that, but you must...  
Then, I’ll give you tips to pass the interviews.” 
[MARCH 2015] 
Welcome, self, to VenZon Corporación! 
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Isla, the financial analyst. 
The coworkers are just fine. 
It’s good to meet people with different personalities.  
Introverts, extroverts, and ambiverts.  
There are also weirdos, serious, comedians, etc. 
Here I met a very friendly and sweet girl, Jasmine, who became a friend of mine. 
We’re the ones who eat lunch together. 
We became closer as time passed. 
Then, here’s a project of the company that’s about maximizing profitability. Our group is composed of six members: me, Charlotte, Emma, Zoe, Toby, and Rey.  
We started thinking about it... 
Everyone contributed their ideas, especially Emma, Zoe, Rey, and me. 
Then, here’s a sudden request by Steven and Jazon to present the output to them, though it’s still ongoing. 
I thought it would be among the four of us who contributed most that would present, but guess what?  
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This bratty Charlotte insisted on presenting it to Steven and Jazon when we had the meeting, making the impression that most ideas came from her. LOL. 
Another toxic trait I discovered about them was that when I put a wrong question in the file wherein, we have individual tasks of the same aspect, two other coworkers expressed their concern to me by telling me that they heard conversations about it, saying that it's wrong.  
To me, what is the point of saying it out loud when I'm not around and my other coworkers who were not part of the project are hearing it?  
Why not just send me a private message so I can correct it myself?  
Besides, it’s just one mistake out of five questions I constructed there.  
But the funny thing is, when I opened the file, all the other questions they put in their respective tabs were like the questions I put in there.  
It's just that each of them just revised the sentence. 
?????  O_o  ????? 
So, I was like, “Ha?” XD 
Is this a normal attitude in the corporate world? 
For the desire of proving to others that they are wiser than me (if that’s their belief in being wise, LOL), they failed at considering this so-called “empathy”.  
What kind of world do we live in? 
We failed again as humans XD 
ISLA: So, yeah. That’s what happened. Steven and Jazon are not noticing me that much. 
GRAY: Well, you must find ways for them to notice you more, especially Steven. You have no choice but to outpower them.  
ISLA: I’m making ways. 
GRAY: We came this far, Isla. Do better. 
One day, we have this examination, which is an important part of promotion. 
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Jasmine was just beside me. The questions are being reflected on our laptops all at the same time. I heard Jasmine whisper answers to some questions, making me think that those were her answers, so I just copied them since she’s more experienced than me. 
After the exam, the results just reflected on our screen with our original answers and the correct ones... 
I got 8/15 
Jasmine got 12/15 
“I thought C was your answer to question number 4?” I asked. 
“I also thought of that, but I had a change of mind.” Jasmine answered. 
Then, I sneaked a look to her answers in the questions in which she whispered answers.  
And guess what?  
She got the correct answers to those certain questions, while I got the wrong ones. 
Instead of questioning her again, 
I just ignored it even if I was obviously misled by her! 
Maybe her head got hit by a rock that made her a psychotic bch?  
Or maybe she had a seizure before?  
Well, it doesn’t matter.  
But one thing is for sure, she’s a toxic manipulative bch! 
One day, Jasmine invited me to her 28th birthday celebration.  
I didn’t want to come, but she insisted, so I came.  
I just said to myself that after this, I would make a move to distance myself from her. 
So, here we are at their home, and I met her dad, Victor. 
A lot of her friends came to her birthday party, as well as his dad’s neighbor friends. 
Then, I roamed outside their house to see their plants.  
They have plenty of it.  
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And then I heard their two neighbors gossiping at the back of their house... 
NEIGHBOR 1: I heard Jasmine’s mom finally has a new husband. 
NEIGHBOR 2:  Yeah, good for her. 
NEIGHBOR 1:  Why do you think they broke up? 
NEIGHBOR 2:  We don’t know the real reason why. But we know Victor has an attitude. He’s full of himself. A narcissist. Like... He can’t accept being outshined by others, he always competes, and he always wants to be the favorite.  
NEIGHBOR 1:  No wonder Jasmine is with him when she’s supposed to be with her mother. 
NEIGHBOR 2:  We’re not sure, but that may be a reason. Do you think he’s just gay? 
NEIGHBOR 1: I don’t think so. 
The saying, “Fruit doesn’t fall far from the tree,” is damn so real. 
That dark side of Jasmine has finally made sense to me. >_< 
Like f*ck?
What a toxic gene? XD 
You can run, but you can’t hide, Jasmine XD 
Then I finally made the move to distance myself from her by joining other close coworkers I am working with. And guess what?  
Since I’m the one who looked for new friends, some coworkers expressed that they are on the side of Jasmine by limiting their interaction with me, without knowing what truly happened in the past.  
Besides, she’s more approachable and friendly compared to me.  
So, yeah! I’m the villain of the story in the eyes of people who don’t know the full story!  
What kind of world do we live in?!  
Full of f*ckng playing the victim! 
Jasmine, the $htty psycho bch, you know what you did –,^  
You will continuously deny it to others,  
but you can never deny it to yourself –,^ 
[AUGUST 2015] 
And then here’s an individual project given by Steven to propose ideas that will boost sales, which we will individually execute.  
I came up with the idea of establishing a stronger digital presence.  
Other coworkers came up with ideas such as making new cups’ designs,  
reusable cups for a 5% discount, gifting more rewards, etc.  
This will be observed in the coming months to see which idea will yield the most profit. 
“Happy 33rd Birthday, Gray!” 
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Chess – work – chess – work. 
That’s been my life for a couple of months. 
“Merry Christmas!” 
“Happy New Year!” 
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“What happened? ”  “Well, based on the survey, the best idea generated a 10% increase in profit.” 
“How much increase has your idea generated?” 
So, what’s the 6th ordinance, Master Libra? 
[FEBRUARY 2016] 
“First, make the two of them fall for you.” 
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>>> Executed! <<< 
ISLA: They are both showing motives. 
But, you know, Steven has too much pride. 
GRAY: Just act like you don't feel it.  Make it a bit obvious to Steven that you and Jazon are dating secretly. With that, he will find more ways to be closer to you. Remember, he’s a Scorpio. Scorpios are known as jealous, possessive, and overly emotional in love. 
ISLA: How? 
GRAY: Jazon likes giving purple dresses to his ex-girlfriends.  
ISLA: He gave me three just this Valentine’s Day. 
GRAY: Wear it in your office.  
ISLA: Okay, I will.  
GRAY: Have movie dates with Jazon. 
ISLA: Then?  
GRAY: Just continue doing it. Make them secretly hate each other.  
ISLA: Alright.  
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~ dates, dates, dates ~ 
“Nice dress!” Steven said. 
“Thanks, Sir!” 
ISLA: Steven gave me an individual project. He told me to keep it to myself. 
GRAY: Oh! That’s just his technique, so you can have an exclusive meeting. 
ISLA: Yeah. That’s what I also feel. He often looks at my purple dresses. He’s approaching me more than the other coworkers. 
GRAY: Just do your best on that project. I’ll help you. 
~ work, date, work, date, work, date ~ 
STEVEN: Isla, come to this address on Sunday. Present to me your project. 
ISLA: Esperanza Librería? Is it yours? 
STEVEN: Yeah. 
ISLA: Oh, nice. 
And then it’s Sunday... 
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I simply presented my project to him, and he praised me for it. 
After this, we had our lunch just in his library. 
“What do you usually do on weekends?” Steven asked. 
“Hmm. Just hanging out sometimes and watching movies.” I answered. 
“Hmm. Friends!” 
“Oh. What kind of movies do you watch?”  “Love stories. How about you?” 
“Sci-Fi movies.” 
“Oh. You really are a serious type.” I said.  “Not really.”  “Wews!”  “Why do you say so?” Steven asked. 
“Hmm. I just feel.” I replied. 
“That’s how most people see me.”  
“Because that’s how you usually appear. Well, of course you have sides that you can only show to certain people.” I said. 
“Right!” Steven replied. 
“Well, you can show me that side.” 
Steven laughed. ~ 
“Are you free this coming weekend?” He asked. 
“Where are we going?” I asked. 
“Where do you want?” 
“Anywhere you want.” 
“Aren’t you dating anyone?” He asked. 
“I’m not.” 
“See you this weekend. Come to this address.” 
“Is it your home?” 
“It’s not.” 
ISLA: I'm getting Steven slowly. How can I finally make him mine?  
GRAY: I know one of his weaknesses.  
ISLA: What?  
GRAY: Every man's weakness.  
ISLA: Sex?  
GRAY: Is there anything else?  
ISLA: Fine.  
GRAY: Are you sure about this? Aren't you afraid? 
ISLA: I have nothing to be afraid of. MY FAITH IS DEAD, AND SO AM I. 
GRAY: Why do you say so? 
ISLA: I felt tired living this way, in so much pain. 
My old self was gone.  
I'm just existing in this body.  
I don’t even know who I am.   
They say...  
Pisces people are forgiving. But I guess... I am an exception. 
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ISLA: I’m tired. 
GRAY: You can’t be tired until we make it. 
ISLA: Are you a blessing from Above? Or a curse in disguise? 
GRAY: It’s up to you how you’ll see me. To me, you are my ally in this mission. 
ISLA:  Why would I be good if the world was bad?  
GRAY: You're not bad, Isla. You're just put in this situation. I'm the one who's bad.  
ISLA: No, you're not, and I feel it. There were just people not worthy of your kindness, but you know? They are not the only people in this world.  
GRAY: You're also not bad, and I feel it. There were just people not worthy of your kindness, but you know? They are not the only people in this world. 
I'm older than you, but I keep learning from you.  
ISLA: Me, too...  
GRAY: Do you sometimes wonder why some righteous people live shorter lives than the bad ones? 
ISLA: Yeah, of course. 
GRAY:  Do you think it’s unfair? 
ISLA: Yap. But this life is mysterious. Everything really happens for a reason. The righteous may live shorter, maybe because they are finally worthy of seeing the light. While the others may live longer since they are not yet worthy of it. 
GRAY: But that’s not always the case. 
ISLA: I know. I’m just giving you a different perception. What’s one lesson from me that you’ll never forget? 
GRAY: It’s to set aside principles when it’s a matter of life and death. Is it inspired by your life’s experiences? 
ISLA: I once lost someone when I chose religion over money. 
GRAY: Can you tell me exactly? 
ISLA: Well, that’s a happening in my life that I don’t want to remember anymore. That’s one reason why I want to become rich. That’s when I realized that there really is a deeper reason why the brain was placed higher than the heart... I am not like this before. But pain really changes people. 
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ISLA: What if let's just forgive them? 
GRAY: How about justice for Faith? 
ISLA: I don't know. Auntie Mercedes seems fine now anyway. 
GRAY: She is. But we are not. This is the only way to get justice, and I will work like a slave until the grudge fades away. I'm the one who's supposed to be in a coma, not Faith. 
ISLA: When can we visit Faith again? 
GRAY: Let’s try tomorrow. 
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ISLA: That head trauma is a $ht.  
Do you sometimes feel tired? 
GRAY: Of course.  
Can I really trust you? 
ISLA: Of course. 
GRAY: Of course, what? 
ISLA: Of course, yes. You can trust me. 
GRAY: Won't you betray me? 
ISLA: Why would I? 
GRAY: It seems like you don't want to continue it. 
ISLA: I want to. 
GRAY: Then why did you tell me to just forgive them? 
ISLA: I just wandered... Never mind.  
“Ready to play?” 
“Of course.” 
“Triple kill!... I mean...” 
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“Congrats, Miss Pisces, the Chess Master.” 
So, what’s the 7th ordinance, Master Libra? 
“To someone like Steven, sex is not enough. He has a standard... 
The first four ordinances are the ultimate keys for you to finally be his girlfriend. 
Steven is actually a chess master;  
He’s a gambler; 
His two ex-girlfriends are both ballroom dancers; 
and he’s a professional skydiver.” 
ISLA: It’s finally making sense now. 
GRAY: That’s why you just have to follow me... 
In the office, let him notice that you are watching online chess tournaments. With that, he will invite you to play. And no matter what happens, the Pisces should win the game...  
He has so much pride in it, so he will surely invite you again... and again... just to win... 
Just expect that among these four, this will be the hardest.  
That’s why I made you focus on mastering the game. 
He’s also good at gambling, though not as good as me. They go to casinos occasionally. So, if he knows that you also gamble, he’ll be more interested in you. 
At every year-end party, everyone performs. 
Find a coworker who can perform tango with you. Wear red. 
And last, Steven is a professional skydiver. For now, upload this video to your social media. 
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ISLA: What’s that? 
GRAY: A compilation of all your skydiving videos. Upload it so that it starts getting a lot of views. And he will soon see that when he gets interested in knowing you more. When it happens that you get closer, he will surely invite you for a tandem skydiving. And don’t forget to upload photos at Casino Millionario! 
ISLA: So, what should I do first? 
GRAY:  Are you willing to take a risk?  ISLA: Yeah... 
GRAY:  Then, do the first ordinance. 
And here I am watching online chess tournaments every day during lunch breaks. 
I’m wearing earphones so that I look busier. 
In just a few days of doing it, I got the attention of Steven. 
And I know he notices me watching chess tournaments. 
Other days passed, and he finally approached me about it. 
“Do you play chess?” Steven asked. 
GRAY: Have you found a coworker whom you’ll perform tango with? 
ISLA: Yeah! We’re practicing already. It’s just a few days left before the year-end party. It will be on 17th, Saturday. 
GRAY: I hope you get the best performer award so Steven will admire you more. 
ISLA: We’ll try our best. 
And hey! While watching chess tournaments earlier, Steven asked me if I’m playing chess. So, yeah. He’s getting curious about it now. 
GRAY: Good! 
Then here’s the day of the year-end party... 
I put a lot of makeup on, and I am wearing my red tango dress. 
And then we’re about to perform. 
I feel a little bit nervous. But I must do my best for it. 
I’m trying my best not to look into the eyes of people, so I won’t get distracted. 
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And then we’re done! 
People are clapping, as well as Steven. 
I have a good feeling about it. 
“And the best performance award goes to... 
Isla and Bryan!” 
“Congrats, Isla!” 
“Congrats, Bryan!” 
People greet us. 
Then I suddenly texted Gray... 
“Hey! We got the best performance award!” 
A day after the party, Gray asked me to go to his home.  
So, I suddenly took a bath and prepared myself to travel. 
When I’m about to enter my car, I receive a message from Steven. 
“Hey. Can we meet today?” 
“I want us to play chess.” 
“Where are we going to meet?” 
“Here at my office.” 
“Okay, I’ll be there in a few minutes.” 
So, I messaged Gray... 
“Hey! Steven is inviting me to play chess in his office today!” 
“Oh. Meet him. Let’s just meet after. Good luck, Miss Pisces!” 
“I got this!” 
“Yeah! No matter what happens, the Pisces should win the game. Always remember that Isla.” 
“I know...” 
This is one of the most-awaited parts of vengeance.  
I know this will be one of the hardest. 
But yeah, at least I did my best to master the game. 
Tok.. Tok.. Tok.. 
Then Steven opened the door. 
“Ready to play?” Steven asked. 
“Of course!” I answered. 
Instead of flipping a coin to know who would have the white pieces, Steven told me that I could have them. So, I accepted it. 
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And yeah... I am doing my best to relax so I can focus.  
“No matter what happens, the Pisces should win the game.” 
I got a lot of deep sighs... 
Steven looks so relaxed. 
He’s using a lot of strategies... 
And he turns quicker than me. 
Nevertheless, I’m trying my best not to feel too pressured  
so I can make wiser moves... 
With the kind of strategies he’s using against me... I really can’t deny that...  
He’s really great in this game... 
And then here we are at a point where he seems to have more possibility of winning the game, but... 
Yeah... “No matter what happens, the Pisces should win the game.” 
I feel like I still have hope. 
So, I continued using strategies.  
I should not give up.  
“We came this far, Isla.” I told myself... 
After almost two hours of the game... 
Steven asked for a draw. 
Yeah! I was able to make it a draw. 
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[a phone call] 
Trrt trrt.. Trrt trrt... trrt trrt... trrt trrt. 
“Where are you?” 
“In the office.” 
“Can you go here?” 
“You’re not visiting me... Christmas is approaching. Come here.” 
“Okay, I will.” 
“Your mom?” I asked. 
“Yeah.” Steven answered. 
“Let’s play the other time. Your mom is asking you to visit her.” 
“Okay, let’s play tomorrow after work.” 
And then we separate ways. I made sure that he wouldn’t see me going somewhere else.
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I went to the nearest mall to park my car for a couple of minutes. And then I texted Gray... 
“Hey! We ended up with a draw.” 
“Oh. Who asked for it?” Gray asked. 
“Nice. It’s still good! Come here!” 
And then here I am at Gray’s home. 
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ISLA: Wow! Did you cook all this? 
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GRAY: Yeah! 
ISLA: Yum! 
GRAY Tell me about your game. Was it intense? 
ISLA: Really intense! I almost gave up. 
GRAY But it’s a tie. 
ISLA: Yeah. In the first hour of the game, he seemed to be closer to winning, but I managed to outwit him. 
GRAY: You’re doing really good. 
ISLA: It’s tasty! You really have a talent for cooking ha. 
GRAY: Thanks! 
And then it’s Monday... 
After working hours, I went to Steven’s office. 
“Let’s start.” Steven said 
And here we are again. 
The energy is still almost the same, but Steven looks more focused this time. 
But if I was able to make it a draw in our first game, what more this time? 
Besides, I have known a lot of his strategies. 
“No matter what happens, the Pisces should win the game.” 
I must admit. It’s hard to totally outwit him. 
After almost two hours... 
I really can’t believe this. 
I won. 
“Congrats!” Steven said. 
“Thanks!” I replied. 
“Let’s play again on Saturday morning, at my home. I’ll message you the address.  
Will it be fine for you?” Steven asked. 
“Oh... Yeah.” I answered. 
“Bye for now?” 
“Yeah! Bye.” 
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Then I went to the comfort room just to text Gray... 
“I won!!!” 
“F*CK!!! Let’s celebrate!” 
“He’s inviting me to another game on Saturday morning. And guess what?”  “WHAT?” 
“We’ll be playing at his home. He will message me the address!” 
“Can we meet now?” 
“Where? I’m a little bit exhausted. It’s intense, you know?!” 
“I’ll go to your apartment! I’ll just book a car.”  “Okay. See you!” 
And here is Gray... 
“The best Pisces in the world!”  “I know, right!” 
“Barbeques for you!” 
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“So, tell me about your game.”  “As usual, it was intense. Steven looked more focused this time. But yeah, I won!” 
“It was tiring, you know?” 
“I know that’s why I bought you barbeques” 
“So, tomorrow after work. Continue learning, okay?” 
“Yeah, I will!” 
“You’re finally getting his admiration, Isla.” 
“I also feel that” 
“You have to be stronger this time. You always have me.”   
And then it’s Saturday... 
I feel a bit nervous while driving to Steven’s mansion... 
But I came this far... 
And here I am...
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Before leaving my car, I ate a lot of nuts. 
“Have a seat.” Steven said. 
We had our breakfast first, though I already ate at my apartment. 
And we went to a room that seemed to be designed for playing chess and card games. 
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Let the battle begin! 
As usual, it was intense... I know Steven prepared a lot... 
But I also prepared tho 
“We came this far, Isla. We came this far...” I told myself. 
His moves this time are a bit unexpected. 
It’s like I’m battling with a different person. 
Maybe he figured out my moves and strategies... 
So that he could outwit me. 
It’s hard. 
I feel like I could lose anytime... 
“Will he still be interested in me if I lose this time?” I asked myself. 
“Focus, Isla. Focus...” 
The Pisces lost this time. 
“Congrats...” I told him. 
“Thanks... It was intense ha... You seem to know a lot, Isla... So, I’ll just tell you when we can have another game.” 
“Thanks for today. Please get that wine. I bought that for you.” 
“Oh. Thanks!” 
When I got home, I scrolled to my social media and received a follow request from Steven. I followed him back so I could also see his posts. 
“Hey! Do you gamble?” He asked.
“Sometimes! Just for fun!” 
“You also do skydiving?!”  “Yeah! Why?” 
“I gamble a lot, and I’m actually a professional skydiver.” 
“Oh. Nice! You do a lot!” 
“You, too! It’s so nice to know more about you. You’re amazing tho!” 
“Thanks! You, too!” 
“Can we have a tandem skydiving this coming 24?” 
I texted Gray... 
“Hey! Steven followed me, and he saw my casino photos and skydiving video.” 
“Nice! Hey... You’re not answering me about your game!” 
“Well, I lost this time. I’m sorry! But he’s inviting me for a skydiving trip this coming 24!” 
“Yes! This is it! We came this far, Isla.” 
“Let’s have some fun today!” Steven said.  “What are we going to do?” I asked. 
“Wanna go to Casino Billionario?” 
“Oh. Let’s go!” 
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Then, we gamble a lot... 
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“That was fun! See you tomorrow?” 
And here’s the day of our skydiving. 
I did this a lot, but I still feel nervous.  
Is it because I’m with a demon? LOL. 
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Yeah! XD  
That’s the shout when there’s a demon skydiver at your back XD 
After this, we had our lunch at a fine dining resto.  
“Merry Christmas!” 
“Can we celebrate the new year together? Steven asked. 
“Yes, of course!” 
“Happy New Year!” 
We eat... eat... and eat. 
And we had a lot of drinks. 
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Steven then asked me... 
“Can you be my girlfriend?” 
“Oh. Yeah!” 
This is it... 
Then, here I am now, not just his employee, but a girlfriend.  
Since Steven is a very private person, he asked me to keep our relationship private.  
Yeah. That’s another mission accomplished! 
“So, what’s the 8th ordinance, Master Libra?” 
“Will you marry me?” Steven asked. 
“Yes!” I answered. 
#IslaThe Fiancée? 
0 notes
purplesurveys · 11 months
Let's take a survey I first took exactly six years ago and compare my answers then to now because that will totally not make me squirm!
What would you do if you found out you were pregnant right now? 2017: Mostly be confused as I’ve never had sex with a guy, let alone be alone with one…and just hope my parents take my side. As for the baby, I want to think I’d fight for my right to keep it, but I never know how I’ll respond to something until it actually happens to me.
2023: Yeah, I see nothing much has changed. I think I'll spend most of the time fighting for the fact that I am not in fact pregnant.
What would you do if your cell phone was stolen? 2017: I think my anxiety would eventually lead me to cry. Everything important and every memory is in there, so it’s pretty much losing like a year of my life.
2023: I'd definitely be panicking but I'd fight the urge to cry so I can act smartly and ask every nearby establishment for help and review their CCTVs. Can't afford to lose my phone considering so many tidbits from both my personal and work lives are on there.
What would you do if your best friend told you they were gay? 2017: This has happened to me and when it did, I remember giving her a blank look and saying, “Okay.”
2023: I would thank them both for trusting me enough to tell me, but I imagine I'd be very inquisitive with Angela. Asking her how'd she find out, how she's feeling, how she plans to move forward with her current relationship and all.
What would you do if I told you God isn’t real? 2017: Shrug, I guess? I knew that already.
2023: I wouldn't do anything different from what my 19 year old self said.
What would you do if your religion was made illegal? 2017: I don’t belong to one.
2023: I still identify as atheist.
What would you do if your pet got hit by a car? 2017: Go after the perpetrator. I would be so, so furious.
2023: Yeah no I wouldn't let that motherfucker go. I don't need their money so I wouldn't even bother about that, but I wouldn't be hesitating to give them hell regardless of the outcome for my dog.
What would you do if the world ran out of chicken fingers? 2017: Fortunately I don’t often eat those so it won’t be much of a loss to me.
2023: I feel like this would be very concerning considering this implies a bigger shortage issue for chicken altogether. Chicken fingers themselves I wouldn't be too bothered by, but I'd be worried about the larger domino effects of, like, the whole world running out of chicken. Is this mindset what it's like to become older? Hahahah.
What would you do if you lost your job? 2017: Be sullen. Maybe tell Gab at once.
2023: A very small part of me would be at least a little relieved because hey, I'd take any door to step out of my current workplace lol. But it definitely wouldn't be without me fighting for certain rights and benefits, like severance pay and support while I look for a new job.
What would you do if your best friend got an abortion? 2017: Understand. Be there.
2023: Still the same things.
What would you do if your father left your mother? 2017: Difficult question to answer. I don’t have much of a relationship with either, so it’s hard to picture myself empathizing with them. I think I am more likely to reach out to my friends for support than communicate with my parents ever.
2023: Oof, how times have changed. I would be very pissed with my dad because that's totally blindsiding the rest of us. I'd demand why he's suddenly made such a decision, but as the eldest daughter I think I'd also simultaneously racking my brain for ways to see how I could help keep the family together.
I'm not affectionately close with my mom so I don't think I'd have the capacity to be...around her if she cries or whatnot, but I would be silently watching over her and being on her side.
What would you do if your little sister was bulimic? 2017: I would feel bad. But I know she’s also much closer to her friends, so I’ll let her be; although I would keep an eye on her in secret.
2023: Be on standby in case she needed any kind of support from me, financial or otherwise.
What would you do if you only had a month to live? 2017: First of all I’d be happy lol. Then I would spend every day with Gabie, and majority with Angela.
2023: Resign with immediate effect and spend my remaining days traveling to wherever and trying the things I've always wanted to do.
What would you do if you were failing math class? 2017: This has happened to me several times, not an unfamiliar concept. I remember not really caring…it was high school and nothing you do in high school will matter one bit as soon as you step out of it. I did cry about in junior year though, when I failed geometry; but that was the one time it got to me.
2023: Yeah, math and I had an extreme love-hate relationship in high school but the overarching thing about it is that I just didn't care at the end of the day. I was headed to journalism school and in my head it was just like, "What are they gonna do about my failed tests? Prevent me from marching on my graduation?" lol.
What would you do if aliens attacked? 2017: Approach them.
2023: LOL, so bold. I'd probably find a place to hide but also accept my fate.
What would you do if your favorite show was cancelled? 2017: I don’t have a favorite ongoing show, and my all-time favorite ended in 2013.
2023: Possibility of cancelation is exactly one of the reasons why I avoid starting a show while it is still ongoing, haha. I'd rather jump on a series knowing it has an actual finale because I can't deal with cliffhangers.
What would you do if you found out your parents were having another child? 2017: I think I’d be pretty excited. No but I’ll be super honest, I’ll be such a mom to them HAHAHAHA. I looooove kids.
2023: Be in shock considering my mom has had her whole uterus removed.
What would you do if your phone and internet were disconnected? 2017: Not uncommon in the Philippines, a country with one of the worst internet connections. I’d be moping around the house, and I’d be more likely to hang at a cafe since that’s where all the wi-fi’s at.
2023: Yikes. Even my phone? Idk dude. I'd probably turn on the TV cos there would 100% be a bigger service provider issue at play.
What would you do if your house burned down? 2017: Ugh I hate this question. I obviously won’t be happy, and I think my mom’s choice would be to move back temporarily to our old house with my cousins and grandmother.
2023: Grab the dogs and think of step two. In such a situation I can't afford to be just another crying/stressed face in the family.
What would you do if you got lost while on vacation in a foreign country? 2017: THRILLED AS FUCK–as long as I’m with Gab. Getting lost is always an adventure for us, and in this case we’ll depend on the kindness of strangers. It’s a completely different story if I’m alone and ended up lost.
2023: Rely on data to help bring me back to familiar territory. If even data is spotty, I won't really have a choice but to just depend on the kindness of strangers like what I said, but I'll also have to rely on my gut as well to determine something like that.
What would you do if you got drafted into the army? 2017: That doesn’t happen here. Army’s an option, and it’s your choice if you want to attend military school in college.
2023: Go to my lawyer aunt and see if there is anything I can do to reverse the decision.
What would you do if your favorite band broke up? 2017: Oh come the fuck on. Paramore has been giving me the will to live since god knows when, don’t do that to me.
2023: If either BTS or Paramore broke up, I would obviously be gutted but I think at this point I would also be extremely happy for them. It wouldn't have been an easy decision to make, and so if they ever get to that point it's likely because they're already content – and that's difficult to get upset by.
What would you do if your parents had set up an arranged marriage for you? 2017: Not agree to it. It’s not their life?
2023: Laugh and decline. If they're being adamant about it I imagine I would set out on my own to escape.
What would you do if you lost all your fingers? 2017: I’d be bummed, but make the most out of my hands.
2023: Realistically, I could end up depressed and I'd take a while to learn how to cope with the situation.
What would you do if you found out you were adopted?I 2017: I guess I’d be relieved that I don’t have the same blood as my sucky family, but also confused at why they would want it to keep it from me for so long.
2023: I'm really grateful things have evolved for the better between me and my family; it pains me a little bit to read through what I initially said. Anyway, I'd think I was getting pranked or scammed or whatever. There's no way that'd be right as I look exactly like my mom lol. What would you do if your parents adopted a child? 2017: I would be happy with the new addition. It’s gonna be quite an adjustment, but I’ve always loved kids anyway.
2023: I'd ask them what led them to such a decision, and embrace the new addition/dynamic. I'd probably end up a second mom to the child because I am pretty protective when it comes to kids.
What would you do if there was a hobo following you down an empty street? 2017: Walk faster until I get somewhere more crowded. Or idk, text my girlfriend and try to look busy.
2023: Walk, walk, and walk fast until I see an indoor establishment, and enter that immediately.
What would you do if a cashier gave you too much change? 2017: Duh. Return it.
2023: I would still return it.
What would you do if everyone was looting stores during a blackout? 2017: That doesn’t happen here so I wouldn’t know how to react.
2023: Stay away from the chaos.
What would you do if your mp3/ipod broke and you couldn’t afford a new one? 2017: Those days are over my friend.
2023: Using my phone as an example, if it broke down I'd just temporarily use my laptop as a main channel of communication while I save up the money to have my phone fixed.
What would you do if you woke up in a stranger’s bed? 2017: I would be terrified and look for my phone immediately, so I can ask Gab for help.
2023: ^ Why were you so stupid? LOL. I'd get out of there as quietly as possible and run.
What would you do if your significant other was dying of cancer? 2017: I’d be a wreck, but I wouldn’t show it to her. I’ll be with her everyday, maybe before and after school. I’ll be with her family. I’d take her on dates in places we’ve never been to and if there are things on her bucket list that we can achieve together or that she can do on her own, we can do that as well. I’ll make her eat corn, mushroom, beans, and all the other food she hates because she would never be able to try them again. Basically accompany her as she lives her life to the fullest in that time span.
2023: ...Ok, Nicholas Sparks. But NGL all that crap sounded cute anyway so I'll keep that answer up .
What would you do if you saw a co-worker stealing from the boss? 2017: I guess if it were a first time thing I’d let it slide, especially admittedly if the coworker were a friend. Second time and beyond, I’d tell on them.
2023: Ugh, workspace drama. Honestly, I wouldn't do anything after the fact because no matter what I do someone is going to be pissed. I imagine the most I would do is to tell that co-worker to stop doing something so stupid even before they start doing the stealing deed, but if they still do otherwise then I'm noping out of that situation.
What would you do if I sang out of tune? 2017: Be glad you’re doing your best.
2023: Same! We can even sing out of tune together.
What would you do if your plane crashed in the jungle? 2017: Hope I didn’t make it?
2023: ^ I probably wouldn't, anyway. I just hope that if it had to end, it would end instantly and with little to no pain/discomfort.
What would you do if you got stuck in an elevator with your crush? 2017: Hold her hand and stand in silence since I’m already with my crush.
2023: If I was in an elevator with a celebrity crush I'd ignore them and hope they can get the fuck out of there as soon as possible cos I wouldn't be able to handle it LOL.
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suckitsurveys · 2 years
When was the last time you went out of state? Last month when I went to Boston to see John Mulaney with my best friend who lives there.
And where did you go? Oh oops I already said lol.
What does the 6th text in your inbox say? Do ANYONE’S texts still work like this??? They’re all grouped by person and not text... Do you even like the person who sent you that text? For the sake of the question I’ll look at the 6th person in my inbox. That was a coworker. I don’t hate him.
Do you have more than one best friend? Yes. I have four. Sarah, Ellen, Mark, and Randal.
In public restrooms, do you flush the toilet with your foot? If possible yes.
What song is stuck in your head at the moment? The Man by Taylor Swift.
Name one thing you worry about running out of: Life.
Do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend? I am married.
Spell your first name without T, E, R, A, or L. Hnnh
How old were you when you had your first kiss? I was 12 or 13.
Do you ever save Aim conversations? Okay the text question makes sense now this survey was made in like 2002.
If you were a crayon what color would you be? Purple.
Do you wish your eyes were a different color? If so, what? No.
What is the 4th digit in your phone number? The person before me said they aren’t sharing that and I’m so confused? Like what is someone gunna do with that information? There are so many combinations of phone numbers it’s not like someone can take it and guess your number or any other information about you. Anyway, mine is 0. Have fun finding out where I live!
Who was the last person to comment you on Myspace? Wowwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww. Have you ever given someone a fake phone number? Yes.
Your phone’s ringing; who do you want it to be? Someone telling me I won free tickets to see Taylor Swift, Tina Fey and Amy Poehler, and Lana Del Rey whenever she tours.
Have you lied to get out of a date? Nah.
Was your mom a cheerleader in high school? She was actually.
Do you still have pictures of your ex? No.
When was the last time you ate at McDonald’s? Last Wednesday. I take my nieces almost every Wednesday when I pick them up. Sometimes I get something for myself or I just munch on some fries.
Do you think more about the past, present or future? All of it all the time always.
Are you more of a talker or a listener? Depends on the scenario. What do you wear to bed? Usually a tshirt and undies.
Do you like ketchup or mustard better? Mustard honestly. Especially honey mustard.
Did you ever have a Furby when you were little? I did.
Did you eat a cookie today? Nope.
What do you and your parents fight about the most? --
How old will you be in 15 years? I’ll be turning 49 gross.
Is summer your favorite season? It sure the fuck is. I wish we could skip past this spring bullshit and go right to it being at least over 70F consistently.
Chinese, Mexican, or Italian food? Mexican. How many states have you lived in? Just this one.
When is the last time you saw your mom? July 18, 2013. I cannot believe it’s been almost 10 years.
Do you like the band Mayday Parade? Eh. What was the first thing you thought about when you woke up today? How much I did not want to go to work.
Do you think dance/techno music is annoying? Whatever.
What year were you born? 1989.
Do you shop at Hollister? No.
Grab the nearest book and turn to page 17. What is the 4th word? The only books near me are catalogs for products for work. What are you going to be for Halloween? I'm not sure yet. My friend Lolly and I briefly joked about being Timothee Chalamet and Pete Davidson’s characters from that SNL Rap Roundtable sketch (ya know, the YEET SKRRT one lol) but theres also like 7 months until Halloween so that could change.
How many times have you seen your favorite movie? A lot.
Do you own a Coach purse? Nope, not really a fan of the brand.
What’s your Myspace song right now? Don’t have a Myspace anymoooooreeeee.
Has a boyfriend/girlfriend ever given you a pet name? Yes.
Name a product you buy mostly because it has a cool package. I don’t really think there is something like that?
Are you purposely hiding something from someone? I’m hiding how much I fucking hate my fucking piece of shit brother in law from him and my sister and their kids.
What’s the most intimate thing you’ve discussed with a stranger? I couldn’t tell you an exact conversation.
What flavor cake do you like for your birthday? I like getting cheesecake or pumpkin pie.
Is your house usually too warm or too cold in the winter? It’s fine.
Have you ever been in love with someone much older or younger than you? Not unless you count Will Arnett hahah.
Are there any songs that make you feel angry inside when you hear them? Anything by Megan Trainer or however she spells her name. When was the last time you sat on the ground, outside w/nothing under you? I don’t remember.
Would you rather have someone ask to kiss you, or just kiss you? I mean, consent is always nice, especially if it is your first kiss, but being in an established relationship, I don’t mind my husband just kissing me.
What the most recent thing to needed an Rx med for? It’s been a whiiiiiiiiiiiile.
Have you ever had a job you loved? I really like this one.
What, if anything, do you substitute for fries? Tater tots sometimes.
Have you ever been in a building that was on fire? I don’t think so.
Are you in an argument with anyone right now? Nope.
What do you wish they would change or bring back on FB? I don’t care.
Would you change your partner’s hair color if you could? No.
Do you like “are we alike” surveys? No.
Have you ever written a poem for someone? Eh. Poem is a loose term.
What is a place you’ve vacationed at and would like to go back to? The Dells, always.
Do you eat samples at the grocery store? Sometimes.
Who’s the last person who cussed you out in anger? My fucking brother in law.
Have you friended your parents on FB? I am friends with my dad but he does ABSOLUTELY nothing on FB lol.
What do you absolutely have to have to make your birthday feel special? Balloons!
What’s the last tourist area you visited? I’m trying to remember if I went somewhere “touristy” here but I guess the last place would have been the Quincy Market when I was in Boston.
Where do you go out to eat for a special occasion? I mean, I like to switch it up but usually sushi lol.
When was the last time you went to a post office? It’s been a while.
Is there an item you are saving up to buy right now? A mattress. And also Lana Del Rey tickets if she tours.
Are you psychic in any way? Nah.
Do you prefer a laptop or desk top? Which are you on now? I work primarily on a desktop and honestly I prefer that to a laptop.
You find $20, spend it before midnight or it disappears, how do you spend it? Sushi.
Do you like wallpaper? I do.
Mice or roaches? Mice, as pets.
Did you give or get any Valentines this year? Yes.
Have you ever been in a submarine? Not an operating one.
What is the last lie someone told you, or you suspect they told you? I don’t know.
Have you ever received a gift and truly did not know what it was? Probably.
What’s your homepage? Just the default chrome homepage..
What was the last birthday gift you gave? Uhhhh I bought my cousin lunch.
Do you have dessert after breakfast? Is that a thing?
Is there anyone whose grave you visit? My mother’s, when I find myself in Tennessee, which might not happen anytime soon because fuck that state.
Would you rather drive during the day or night? Either.
Is there a thing you enjoy doing, but quit because you are not good at it? Everything I try hahahahahha.
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