286 posts
I left my heart in the Adversary's world. Forge fangirl, Storm devotee. Claremont's word is sacred. Child of the 90s.
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stormandforge · 2 days ago
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From X-Force Vol. 7 #008, “The Devil’s Lesson”
Art by Marcus To and Erick Arciniega
Written by Geoffrey Thorne
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stormandforge · 2 days ago
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This comic is, as is usual for Wednesday’s comics, chosen by my Patrons. Speaking of…
Check my Patreon out if you’d like to support the comic, even a little bit helps. Or just to check out the reward tiers, there’s some neat bonus stuff and I tried to make them fun:
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stormandforge · 6 days ago
On the cancellation of X-Force
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I’ve been trying to put my thoughts in order about this. I don’t want to be melodramatic, especially in the context of the world we live in, but my depression does love an excuse, so I’ve been sad.
Very sad.
I don’t want to go into theories about the cancellation, why it’s unfair, why we can’t have nice things, why From the Ashes is a failure or why Tom Brevoort is the worst person on Earth. People have every right to react this way, but for me that would mean succumbing to bitterness, anger and cynicism, and none of these things have ever served me.
What I do need to do is put my grief into words. As someone who’s lost very real people, I am ashamed to use this word, grief, about fictional characters, but it is the most fitting one. What I’m feeling is the anguish of loss: something that brought me joy on a deep, personal level is being taken away.
We all feel like our fan losses are more valid than other people’s, but in my case I am somewhat justified. Forge had not been written consistently or accurately in 30 years. He’d been background, filler, comic relief, or a negative point of comparison to boost more popular characters. Much of the same could be said of Sage, another character I had been keeping close to my heart for decades.
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When Thorne’s X-Force started, my fan brain went from living off ancient issues and crumbs of characterisation to feasting on sustained character focus and spectacular characterisations every month. So it came to expect this regular dose of joy. And now it needs to accept that it’s all going away.
Also that the ending will be rushed. That the potential of future stories, character development and character relationships is going down the drain. That all my excited theories and hopes for the story and characters were for absolutely nothing.
And worst of all, that my Forge (and my Sage) are most likely going back on the shelf. For God knows how long. And that they will probably never be on the page together again.
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I don’t know why I'd hoped it would last, really. Thorne’s X-Force was a small miracle: a writer who loves the same two characters I adore, pulls them out of obscurity, puts the focus on them shamelessly, develops them, gives them a sizzling dynamic when together. It’s the kind of shit you dream about but never get.
Except I did get it, if only for a minute. For a little while, the Forge (and Sage) fan in me had it all. How lucky is that?
This is what I will try to focus on. Sure it’s gone, but it existed. Even if future writers decide to ignore Forge, I got to see him lead a team and work with a seriously awesome Sage. I’d never thought it would happen.
And I got to follow the development of a favourite project in real time, which I hadn’t done in ages. I got to read Thorne’s brilliant observations about the characters and feel vindicated by his interpretations. I got to speak to nice people online and get recommendations for more reading.
We still have 2 issues to look forward to. There were a lot of posts about the comic I was thinking of writing, but I won't try to rush them all out before April. I want to keep talking about this title for a long time.
To Thorne’s X-Force!
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stormandforge · 8 days ago
X-Force vol 7 is cancelled.
I'll have more to say later I'm sure. For now I'm just upset.
Feel free to commiserate with me in the comments.
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stormandforge · 9 days ago
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Storm #5 - "Oblivion Waits… No Longer" (2025)
written by Murewa Ayodele art by Lucas Werneck & Alex Guimaraes
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stormandforge · 9 days ago
Raw reactions to X-Force #8
Who needs a Tank identity reveal when you can get a Sage real name reveal!
Spoilers below.
Meet Teresia Karisik, everyone. She's stolen the show and our hearts (also Forge's house) and no one's complaining.
Sage was always on my mind when I was writing about Forge needing a real name, because of course they were in the same situation: 40 years of history without a real name. I am SO glad Sage's getting her due.
Now the question is: how did Teresia become Tessa? Hypothesis: Charles Xavier being a racist dick.
Geoff Throne says he's trying to fill in the blanks when it comes to both Sage and Forge, so I'm hoping for a Forge name reveal soon. Praying. Crossing my fingers and toes. Begging Marvel to give Thorne the time he needs to go where he wants to go. (Ignore me, I'm just worried about the impending solicits.)
Sneaky wench protocols, lol. Sage's humour continues to be gold.
Aww, is that Sage wearing her signature look in blue? It's nice to see her out of the black. (We don't talk about the Jubilee coat, it didn't happen.)
Having too many tabs open has never looked this cool.
I'm amazed at how Thorne transcribes Sage's mutation. He just goes for it. Most writers shy away from Sage, even Claremont. They leave her as an unrealised premise, because embracing her power and its implications feels too technical. (I could make a comment about keeping complicated women out of sight, or being afraid of their power, and oh look, I just did). What she needed was someone who did their homework and just...took the risk. And now she's shining.
We're all Sage's bitches now, I hope you realise. She's making us read her code, and not only are we obliging, we're asking for more. We are now her bitches. I don't make the rules.
Is that Xavier calling her at the end? What right does he think he has to ask for her help? I get the feeling he's using her name as a way of getting her attention as well, regardless of whether it's ok for him to use it. Absolute d***. Oh, I cannot wait for her to kick his ass next issue.
Marcus To + Sage close ups = happiness.
Oh Forge's eyes are shining like crazy. He has a power signature. My boy has a visible power signature 🥹
He just used his magic and his mutation at the same time. Like, in tandem. A combination of the two. DO YOU KNOW HOW MUCH SHITTY FANFIC TEENAGE ME WROTE ABOUT THIS?
Is that new though, or are we to assume he's always done it?
And now he's speaking in Cheyenne. I just died.
Geoff Thorne's Duolingo probably looks unhinged at this stage.
Oooooh, page turn on Forge making an entrance, NICE!
Let's think about the implications of what La Diabla's saying: is she just disparaging Forge's power, or is she implying that he's already built the wrong machine, or broken something?
I already liked Corazón, but the moment she first called Forge ''mi amor'' she became my soul sister. I call him that too. In my head. Sometimes out loud.
Forge calls the team his machine, or his fix. Does La Diabla mean something similar when she talks of an equation? Is the team the equation that needs balancing? Or is she trying to lead Forge to a certain point? I wanna knoooooow!
Yes, the Tank mystery is dragging at this stage. I don't think this issue eliminates Colossus as a contender though - we're just none the wiser.
Love all the swearing. It feels organic, so it works.
'Lady Braddock' is being used too liberally I think. When Forge said it once I thought it was cute, meant in an affectionate way. But now it's both Forge and La Diabla doing it, so it's starting to sound sarcastic.
Artists of Tumblr, here's a prompt: draw Betsy's Vogue and Elle spreads. Go!
Betsy's power signature making it look like she's surrounded by little hearts 💜
A very action-packed issue. My taste is with a slower pace, but this was great all the same.
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stormandforge · 9 days ago
Teresia Karisik.
That's the main thing I have to say today.
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stormandforge · 14 days ago
X-Force #8 preview
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WE'RE BACK. It's only been 2 months, why do I feel like I haven't seen these guys in 5 years?
OK, now I understand why GT has been talking about Sage being able to upgrade her own body. So cool.
Love the detail of the medical gown mirroring her traditional outfit. Nice touch.
Also, the temporary headcanon I described in my previous post wasn't far off at all: Sage hanging out in the Aerie doing Sage things. She's made herself so comfortable she might as well serve Forge with eviction papers at this point. And the Aerie is supposed to be this impenetrable fortress - I love this whole scenario. I love her.
No really, Sage gets cooler by the minute. She's distracting me from Forge. That's saying something.
WHY DOES SHE KEEP TALKING IN THE THIRD PERSON? At first I thought it meant something, now I'm wondering if it's just a character choice, but either way I wanna knooow.
Tessa: *tries to quit* GT: *keeps pulling her back*
To be fair, how can anyone want to leave a team with SUCH A HOT LEADER OH MY GOD. His hair, God help me. I want to lick his face.
YOU WERE MISSED MARCUS TO (and not just because of the Forge hotness. OK, mainly because of the Forge hotness, I am but weak flesh...)
Really love how Forge's power keeps being presented as part of the action. Also the creative uses of his prosthetic hand continue to be fun.
I'm sorry, I'm very sorry for nitpicking, but the Aerie is on the top floors of a skyscraper. Not a ten-story building. It's an aerie, a nest - it needs to be high up, it's all in the name. The building on these pages is missing about 50 floors.
Oh, Corazón's Forge obsession is still going strong. You and me both, girl, you and me both.
This might be the issue the Tank mystery gets solved?
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stormandforge · 16 days ago
Daisy dukes and nothing else
Just found New Mutants #66 again:
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The shorts situation is out of control. He usually wears a polo shirt with them at least, but not here, noo. Penciller Bret Levins decided that in the land of mutants, there is no need for clothing.
There is no conclusion to this post, except to say that the 80s were wild, and that Mr Blorbo over here continues to embarrass me on a regular basis.
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stormandforge · 18 days ago
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X-Men vs Street Fighter Sega Saturn 1997
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stormandforge · 26 days ago
It's the second time I see Cassara drawing Ororo rejecting/chastising Forge.
(The first time was in the background of a Green Lagoon scene, which I used as an example of creators not allowing Forge to move on in a previous post.)
In both cases, it's completely gratuitous - their relationship, or lack thereof, isn't the point of the piece.
Cassada either likes the idea of Ororo rejecting Forge, or he lacks the background information necessary to imagine them in a different dynamic.
Either way, it's lazy.
Also, Josh my friend, you do know that Forge only has one bionic leg, right? And that he wears a prosthetic hand on the right? You've drawn him enough that those details should have stuck in your mind. Unless you're not paying attention.
Which you're clearly not.
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90's-esque swimsuit special!!! Krakoan edition!!!
By Josh Cassara
I think Wolverine is naked!??!
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stormandforge · 27 days ago
Opinion on the name “David Lone Eagle” for Forge?
Claremont loved creating stereotypical-sounding Native names. I'm not saying it's a bad thing to have a stereotypical name—I know plenty of people who are rightfully proud of legal names or nicknames that one could call stereotypical—but I do think that it's a little sketchy coming from a white writer who has questionable research. But at least Forge being Cheyenne means that said name actually would have made sense, had it ever been confirmed on panel; it does follow the conventions of traditional Northern Cheyenne names.
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stormandforge · 1 month ago
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she always called me a princess, but i became a queen.
source → storm (2024) #5, written by murewa ayodele and drawn by lucas werneck.
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stormandforge · 1 month ago
Raw reactions to Storm #4
Spoilers (and sparkles).
Alex Guimarães and Fer Sifuentes-Sujo deserve as much praise as Lukas Werneck. Look at these pages - they shimmer. I kinda want to live in Latveria now?
I understand that Rogue's name on the clothes bag is a visual reference to the previous issue, but unless she's launching her own fashion line, it's a bit weird.
*unintelligible sounds caused by sight of Ororo in lingerie*
So that lacy little number belongs to Rogue, huh? Not any more.
How is she going to sit down with these knives tucked away back there? Ouch.
*unintelligible sounds caused by sight of Ororo in green dress*
DAVID 💙 I love a David Munroe cameo, me.
Impish baby Ororo is a mood. So young and already so much repartee.
I said it in my post about the Lifedeath dinner scene in X-Men '97, but I will say it again: the way to Ororo's heart is through her stomach. Just don't commit murder in front of her after dessert and you'll get lucky.
Although she looks less horny than she usually does in Doom's presence. Probably because she can still feel Wolverine. It's crude but it's true.
"tailor-made for mutant taste buds"? What the hell does that mean, you bigot?
I'm not too keen on getting action words instead of sound effects: "pierce", "hurl", "impale". The spicy scene distracted me from them in the previous issue, but here they're back to annoying me. They're a stylistic choice I think - rather than compensation for poor art or infantilisation of the reader - but they're weird.
Love the pulling focus effect on the dead Ororo panels.
Her tears sparkle. They sparkle. ✨
Oh this isn't helping my daddy issues.
And she's as tall as her dad. Of course she is.
What's with the "Mum" vs "Mom" thing? Is there a reason why she would choose one spelling over the other? It doesn't matter either way, I'm just curious because it looks intentional.
Her mum's absence is underlined, and probably for a reason. I wouldn't be surprised if N'dare made an entrance later. A dramatic one. (After all, Ororo has to get that flair from somewhere.)
Look, I don't care what happens. Keep drawing her like that and I'm there.
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stormandforge · 1 month ago
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Ororo in lingerie.
That's it. That's the post.
From Storm #4. Written by Murewa Ayodele, art by Lucas Werneck.
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stormandforge · 2 months ago
I'll never get tired of the detail of Storm pulling the Forge toy out of the box. So freaking adorable.
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X-Men Art by Emiko Iwasaki
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stormandforge · 2 months ago
Ororo's got guns
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Forge looks like he's shitting himself, and 'master of lies' is such a good line. Lifedeath is so good.
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Ororo flashes back to Logan teaching her how to shoot. Storm with a mohawk and a gun is 👌, and it's lovely to see their friendship. I don't really get their ship tbh, I think they work better as friends. But this isn't about that, it's about Ororo with guns. Bang!
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