#so I got that back from the printer today as well
burnthoneydrops · 4 months
Language of Flowers (b.b. x fem!reader)
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pairing: benedict bridgerton x fem!reader
word count: 2.3k
warnings: classism, use of "miss" and "y/n", stubborn mc
a/n: class differences in historical fiction have my heart and what better man to write them for than benedict! hope you enjoy and requests are open!
For all your years helping run your family’s flower shop, you could not remember a day as memorable as this. You were in the back of the shop, cutting stems and bunching bundles of similar flowers together when you heard your little sister gasp from her spot in the doorway. Though gentlemen callers were not entirely uncommon, as flowers were a typical house gift when men went to call on their chosen lady, this one seemed to have caught her by surprise. 
“Who’s there Abigail?” you asked without turning around. “Abigail?” you asked again when she did not respond. It only took one look at the familiar chestnut head of hair to understand why your sister had gone as silent as Mayfair during the ton’s visits to the country. There stood a Bridgerton. Abigail had been obsessed with them ever since she got one of the printer apprentices to give her a copy of the gossip column the ton had been infatuated with. Anything that was ever written about them, Abigail had saved and regaled you when you were both in bed after a day’s work.  
“Y/N! I believe your expertise might be required,” your father called from the front of the shop, where he stood with parchment and a pencil, jotting down people’s requests. 
Abigail had not moved from her spot in the doorway, effectively blocking you out. “Abigail, I need to get through,” you waved a hand in front of her face but she did not move. She was utterly and entirely captivated, so you resorted to picking her up by her waist and moving her to the side. The perks of her being your little sister meant that moving her came easier to you than moving you did to her. 
“I was summoned?” You looked at your father who nodded at the man standing in front of him. “Yes sir, how can I help you today?” 
“I am here to buy flowers for a lady-” 
“What a novelty,” you muttered under your breath, glancing at the sheet your father had been working on moments before. 
“Pardon?” The man asked, clearly not expecting to be cut off in such a manner. 
“Apologies, good sir, you were saying?” 
“I am buying flowers for a lady. You see, my brother has crossed his wife and wants to apologise, but has no time for such an errand so he has sent me-” “He has truly no space to make time for apologising to his wife?” You interrupted again. 
“Do you interrupt every customer in this manner?” 
“Only the ones with ridiculous stories,” you countered. 
“I can assure you, despite how ridiculous it might sound, I speak nothing but the truth,” he looked at you, hoping you would change your mind. When you said nothing, he continued, “Now, I mentioned to your father earlier that I would like to gather flowers that mean an apology or makes it clear that the sender knows they have done some wrong-” “Ah, so you are keen on the language of flowers? I take it this has happened before then?” You interrupted yet again, raising a brow. 
“Apologies for my sister, my lord, she has been working long hours lately,” your older sister Jeanine stepped in. She gave you a harsh look as she finished her sentence, nonverbally telling you to scoot out of the way. You huffed and pushed the sheet of paper with the man’s order on it towards her before making your way to the back of the shop to finish the arrangements from before. 
It took Abigail no time at all to meet you back there, desperate to know how your interaction went. When you disappointed her with the fact that you had absolutely no thrilling news to report back, she smacked your arm and grabbed some flowers from the vases in the corner, complaining that you should have done a better job. 
“Well perhaps if he was not exactly like all other men who enter this shop then I would have something interesting to share with you,” you responded, grabbing some baby’s breath to add in. 
Jeanine came to greet you both with the sheet of parchment in hand, “something with an apology and sorrow but also suggesting forgiveness,” she muttered, looking at the selection in front of her. 
“White roses, forget-me-nots, and pink tulips,” you commented without looking at her. 
“If only you could do your job that easily in front of the customers”. 
“If the customers were not all so alike and insufferable perhaps I could”. 
“That poor Bridgerton did nothing to you and you know it,” Jeanine tried. 
“He irked me, is that not enough?” 
“Not when we are trying to keep a business afloat, no,” Jeanine replied as she stepped back onto the main floor to have Mr. Bridgerton pick the colour of ribbon with which the bouquet would be tied together. “Now there you are Mr. Bridgerton, and if I could grab a first name to keep our records in order and for possible future transactions?” Jeanine asked as she handed over the bouquet. 
“Do I truly look so similar to my brothers that you cannot tell us apart?” Mr. Bridgerton jested, at least you hoped he was jesting. 
“It is that arrogance that irritates me to be sure,” you muttered to Abigail. 
“It is merely a formality my lord,” Jeanine laughed lightly as she looked at him expectantly. 
“Benedict then, Benedict Bridgerton,” he placed the pound notes on the counter and picked up the bouquet, wishing Jeanine a pleasant day before scurrying away. 
So the annoyance finally had a name.
A few days had passed, and it felt like you had pushed the interaction successfully out of your mind, when the universe decided to spite you once again. You had already been at the front of the shop this morning, but you wished to do nothing other than sink to the floor or send one of your sisters in your place. 
“So we meet again,” Benedict announced, overly joyful.
“Well you did just walk into the shop my family happens to own-”
“I was hoping to make your acquaintance once again-” “At least one of us seems happy about it,” you conversed over each other, making it appear as if the dialogue had no point of breath. 
“I firstly wished to inform you that the flowers worked wonders and greatly aided my brother in his apology-” “Wonderful, now if that is all there is quite the queue forming behind you-”
“And that I have a plan to get you to change your mind,” Benedict finished his thought and it struck you silent. You must have done two or three big, slow blinks before what he said fully sank in, leaving you only more confused. “I must say, it is much easier to think when you are not constantly fighting back at me,” he smiled and you wanted to reach over the counter and smack that smile clean off his face. 
“Change my mind? On the flowers? I thought you said they were a great success?” 
“Oh no, not about the flowers,” he waved his finger back and forth in front of you, “about me”. 
“About you?” You questioned with raised brows, a scoff of disbelief escaping past your lips. 
“Yes. I noticed the other day we left off on quite the wrong foot and I would like to change your mind”. 
“And why do you think that is Mr. Bridgerton?” you bent your elbows a little and leaned closer into him from your spot over the counter. 
“Well I was not entirely sure, but I figured if I could get 10 minutes alone with you, your opinion of me would be much improved”. 
“Has anyone ever told you they do not like you Mr. Bridgerton? Has anyone, especially someone below your status, been honest enough with you to display how they truly feel about you? You might consider that notion and find the root of our problem there. I know you do not care much for your high society Mr. Bridgerton,” you noticed his ears prick up, so to quickly shut him down, “and do not think too deeply about my knowing of you for Lady Whistledown has printed much more than I cared to know, but as soon as someone is off with you, you suddenly become interested. Your ego is much too inflated to reason with the fact that some people just might not like you, present company included, and you cannot stand it”. 
Now it was Benedict’s turn to blink slowly, as your speech had halted all his energy to a standstill. “Good day, Mr. Bridgerton,” you shooed him out of the shop with your hand, waving forward the next customer who had been waiting very awkwardly a few paces behind this encounter. You sighed deeply, mentally resetting yourself back to your more demure customer service appearance.
Mr. Bridgerton had not been back for at least two weeks, not that you were counting of course, and though you claimed you were not thinking about him, you hated to admit how much that man had taken of your mental space. It did not help that Abigail was insistent that you two were fated to meet again somehow, even though you had explicitly told her you wanted absolutely nothing to do with him. Jeanine was upset that you had lost a valuable customer, but the money that he could have possibly brought in was the last thing on your mind. The season was usually a high reward time for your family’s shop anyway, you were sure one lord would not be such a loss. 
On an afternoon that felt uncomfortably reminiscent of your first meeting, the bell above the front door rang as you were arranging a bouquet in the back. Abigail gasped from her spot in the doorway, and you did not even want to turn around and guess what caught her breath this time. “Oh my god,” Jeanine muttered, joining Abigail in the doorway as a pair of frantic feet made their way to your father at the counter. “Good afternoon, I should like to ask for a moment alone with Miss Y/N”. 
You nearly dropped the flowers in your hands and stood staring at the wall while the heads of both your sisters whipped around to look at you, mouths dropped and eyes wide. Your father did not really know how to comprehend the situation, to be honest none of you did, but one nod from him and Abigail was grabbing the flowers out of your hands while Jeanine pushed you forward through the entryway. Your feet were cement, standing in front of the man that definitely had not been occupying your mind for days on end, his arms stuffed with different boxes and trinkets. 
As if taking advantage of the silence, Benedict started, “I come bearing gifts. It occurred to me that I had no idea what your preferences were and with the safe answer of flowers obviously gone I got,” he dropped some of the goods on the counter, “these”. There were chocolates and pieces of jewellery and perfumes and accessories. You stared in awe at the collection before you, admiring the beauty of them all before you snapped back into reality. Benedict Bridgerton had come to spoil you in an attempt to win you over and you could not stand for it. 
“If you think gifts are going to magically change my mind then you are-” 
“Oh they are not for you. Well not exclusively anyway, I believed some of them to be for your family”. 
It took your sisters absolutely no time at all to rush over to the counter, rummaging through all the items present and claiming their picks before your mother and father came to join you on either side. With a quick scolding from your mother and a muttered thank you to Benedict, your sisters were off, resuming their position in the doorway. “I hope I am not interrupting any major, I just wished to spend the afternoon with your daughter,” Benedict glanced between your parents, silently asking for permission. 
“Well I do not see why not,” your mother replied, putting a hand on your shoulder. 
“Mother!” You hissed, surprised she would respond in the affirmative so quickly. 
“What? It is not like you get out of here much anyway!” Your father piped up, making you tilt your chin down in embarrassment and kick his shin under the counter. Benedict stifled a laugh, and you could sense his eyes on you as you kept your head down. “The pleasure is all yours,” your father looked at Benedict as he and your mother stepped back, laughing between themselves. 
“I figured a walk would do us both some good,” Benedict put his hands behind his back as you looked up at him, suddenly very aware of how much he towered over you. 
“What makes you think I have the time to just step out and walk around with you? In case you were not aware, I am currently working-” 
“Oh for god’s sake! Just go!” Jeanine yelled from the back, her and Abigail having given the two of you some privacy. You huffed, crossing your arms in front of you and mentally squaring up Benedict before rolling your eyes. “I suppose one afternoon wouldn’t hurt, but if you try anything I swear-” His hands shot up in defence, “You have my word, nothing nefarious will take place. I simply want to walk”. 
“A walk it is then,” you nodded, making your way around the counter and into the main section of the shop. 
“I promise, you will not regret this,” Benedict commented, clearly happy with himself as he opened the door for you to walk through. 
“Let’s not go making promises we’re not certain we can keep”. 
“I feel pretty certain about this one”. 
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g1rld1ary · 6 months
unlucky ; luke castellan x reader
➻ synopsis: when clarisse mixes up her days, her physio appointment clashes with the exam she was supposed to drive you to. lucky for you, she's got a friend who owes her a favour
➻ word count: 2570
➻ content: swearing, anxious!reader, fluff
➻ not sure how i feel about this but it is written which is more than I can say about all my other wips so...
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You were going to ace your exam. There was no other option, you’d prepared for everything. Your flash cards were colour coded and worn thin from revision, your cheap printer had basically had a fit from how many practise questions you’d printed out, and your whiteboard was crammed with revision notes. There was no way you were going to do anything less than stellar, you’d planned out every last detail of the day.
“What do you mean your exam is today?” Clarisse asked you as you stood in front of her, fully dressed and bag all packed. You hadn’t planned on this.
“Clar, it’s Wednesday. My exam is on Wednesday. I need you to drive me or I won’t get there.”
“Oh, Gods. Dude, I totally mixed up the days, I can’t drive you, I’ve got that physio appointment I told you about, the one that has a five month waitlist. I’m so sorry,” Your roommate groaned and you bit your lip to stop yourself from crying. The Ubers around were hopeless, cancelling at the last minute and never actually picking you up — and it wasn’t you, your rating was perfectly high, for the record.
“Fuck,” You both cursed as you tried to figure out a solution. You wanted to be angry at Clarisse, but you knew you couldn’t. It was an honest mistake on her part, and she had to go to her appointment if she wanted to have any shot of getting back into the boat next semester and retain her rowing scholarship. Mostly you were mad at yourself that you didn’t have any backup plans, especially since you always had at least two. You were about to give up and start running across the city to try and make it in time when Clarisse’s eyes lit up, snapping her fingers excitedly.
“I’ve got it: I have a friend who I know for a fact won’t be doing anything right now and owes me a favour. I can get him to drive you?” You hesitated. On the one hand, Clarisse’s friend was probably the only way you were going to get to your exam punctually, but on the other, being in a car with some stranger would drastically heighten your anxiety and throw off all of your routines. With one more moment of thought you swallowed your nerves and nodded yes. Clarisse got on her phone, hurriedly dialling her friend. You watched in uneasy anticipation as she argued with the boy, referencing a myriad of situations you knew nothing about, clearly emphasising how much he owed her. You bit back a smile at that, Clarisse would always keep tabs on who owed her.
Finally she nodded at you and you couldn’t contain your grin. As much as the thought of navigating city traffic with a strange boy made your stomach churn — and not in the good way — your anxiety was completely outweighed by your desperation to get to your exam.
Waiting for him to arrive was a whole different story. Clarisse’s appointment was earlier than yours and so you had to wait on your own, frantically going over your notes again as you sat on the stoop of your apartment building, converse grinding into the concrete anxiously. To his credit, it wasn’t long before he pulled up, pulling into the parking space in front of you far too fast for your liking.
You observed the car skeptically. You didn’t want to judge when he was doing you such a big favour, but it was an integral part of you. The car was old and a bit worn down, but not so much in a ‘the owner’s a slob’ kind of way, more that you could tell it was well loved and had had its share of adventures. You could say the same for the boy inside it. He was beautiful, but you could tell he wasn’t really the type to think about his appearance too much. His shirt was clearly well loved, worn slightly thin from use, and he had a thin scar running down his cheek from his eye. You tried to smile sociably as you climbed in the passenger seat.
“Hi,” You said, introducing yourself quietly as you gripped your notes tightly.
“I’m Luke,” He replied, shooting you a quick smile.
The two of you sat awkwardly for a while, conversation at an uneasy halt. Luke had asked you a few polite questions, but your growing anxiety over the exam made it hard for you to think. At least until Luke had the bright idea of bringing up your roommate.
“So, how do you know Clarisse?” He asked, and you couldn’t help the smile that grew on your lips.
“She’s my best friend!” You grinned, “We were assigned to be roommates in freshman year and ended up getting along surprisingly well for, well, the type of people we are. When it was time to move out of the dorms and get an apartment together, it just seemed natural that we’d continue to live together. You must be part of her other friendship group, then?” Luke was glad you’d started to come out of your shell, the chatty version of you that Clarisse had inspired made the battle against traffic much more bearable.
“Yeah, we all met through the sports program. I was kind of a package deal with Chris, so when they got together she got the blessing of hanging out with me too,” He joked, “How come we’ve never met? I know Chris tells her to bring you all the time.” Your cheeks flushed at being caught out avoiding the group.
“I’m not really good at talking to people, I feel so awkward. Plus I need to study, I don’t have the fallback of sport that Clar does. The times that she’s hosted have been actual coincidences though! I was visiting family the last time you all came to the apartment — promise I’m not actively avoiding you all.” Luke smiled at your bashful expression, tapping along light-heartedly to whatever grunge rock he had playing.
You conversed more easily for a while, you wanted to learn more about him, and Luke was a good conversationalist. He talked about his course in a way which interested you like it never had before. You didn’t think it was possible for economics to sound so fun. Whilst it took your mind off the exam for a while, Luke returning the questions about your major made your anxiety return tenfold, foot beginning to tap incessantly.
“Hey, uh, do you mind if I go over some of my flashcards just before we get to campus?” Luke agreed of course, piping in with questions to make you expand on what you’d learnt. It was irritating, but only because you knew it was a brilliant way to revise.
You hadn’t expected Luke to be so helpful or so amiable. Although they’d been friends for a year or two, Clarisse rarely mentioned him. Usually the focus of her tales were Chris or Silena, Luke usually featured as the poor boy making a fool of himself through one stupid act or another. Maybe you really would start going out with them if all Clarisse’s friends were so nice.
The closer you got to your exam hall, the quicker you started speaking, words tumbling out so fast Luke could hardly understand them. You were whipping yourself up into a frenzy, and the boy next to you did not know what to do. None of his friends ever got this concerned about their academics, and he had little practice in comforting anxious girls.
When he pulled up to a parking space, you were borderline hyperventilating, shaking hands making the cue cards threaten to spill everywhere. Despite all this, you forced yourself to stop for a moment, making yourself connect your eyes with Luke’s.
“Thank you,” You said, voice surprisingly steady given the moments prior. Luke was admittedly slightly taken aback, but brushed it off much too casually. You weren’t so easily deterred.
“Seriously! You picked up a neurotic girl you don’t know with literally five minutes warning. You let me talk your ear off and basically saved my grade. You’ve got to at least let me, like, get you dinner sometime.” Luke looked like he was gonna argue with your praise but thought better of it, simply shrugging and revealing a smile that made your heart skip a beat. You hopped out of the car, pulling your arms around yourself tightly as you tried to mentally prepare yourself for the exam ahead. When you heard your name being called you turned back curiously, to be met with Luke sticking his head out of his passenger side window — how tall was this boy?
“Good luck!” He yelled, cheeky grin on his face. You gave an exaggerated huff, smile creeping onto your face despite your unease. You rolled your eyes, waving goodbye before rushing into the hall, running to catch up with one of the girls you knew from class. Luke smiled, laughing to himself as he pulled out of the park.
The exam was awful. Like, dogshit terrible. Hot flushes of embarrassment shot up from your toes, burning tears sitting in your lash line as you made inane complaints to some of your friends from your cohort, hoping desperately they couldn’t tell how devastated you were.
It all just felt like a waste. After all that revision, sleepless nights and study groups with people you didn’t even really like, the exam was still awful, and you were one more minor inconvenience from a full-blown meltdown. You said goodbye to your friends, and there came the inconvenience: with all the anticipation of getting to the exam, you’d forgotten to figure out how you were getting home.
God you wished you had your license. Or adequate public transport. Before you could talk yourself down from a frenzy you were crying, and sat yourself down on the steps outside the exam hall for a private moment.
The honking of a car made you look up, and the sight of Luke’s old Toyota had your tears turning to ones of relief. You sprung out of your seat, wiping your tears hurriedly as you practically skipped over to his car.
“What are you doing here?” You couldn’t help but laugh, embarrassed at your dramatics.
“Couldn’t let the academic weapon walk home across the city all alone could I?” You shook your head enthusiastically, smile erupting on your face as you hopped into the passenger seat.
You sat in somewhat awkward silence as Luke began the drive. Whilst you weren’t still actively crying, it was excessively obvious that you were distraught. Luke didn’t know what to do or how to comfort you, but he was never one to stop trying.
“You know what the best thing about Chris being pre-med is?” He said, and you looked up curiously at the random topic. You shrugged, using the mirror attached to the sun visor to wipe away some of your smudged mascara. “I now know for a fact that chocolate makes serotonin, and that makes you happy. So what d’you say we go get some ice cream?”
Luke took you to an adorable little ice cream parlour a few blocks from campus and bought you both cups of chocolate ice cream, calmly ignoring your protests. Sitting in a booth together it was remarkable how quickly your mood had shifted. Luke was shockingly charming, and seemingly knew exactly what to say to get you to open up, and before long you were chatting as if you’d been friends for years.
He told you dozens of stories of his and Clarisse’s friendship group, recounting all the wild nights and stupid adventures they’d had. You loved it, you’d heard most of them from your flatmate but an alternate perspective made you cackle all over again.
“How did you know when my exam finished? It was three hours long,” You said when there was a lull in conversation. Luke looked uncharacteristically bashful, suddenly avoiding eye contact with you and focusing intently on his ice cream.
“I’ve just been hanging on campus,” He confessed, “I took a lap at five past the hour to try and catch you.” You couldn’t help your grin.
“You are such a softie!” You squealed, shoving his shoulder lightly. He shook his head aggressively but you could have sworn that the Luke Castellan was blushing.
It wasn’t long before Luke was driving you home, the two of you scream singing to Kelly Clarkson (you’d taken over the aux, but Luke didn’t seem to mind that much). You felt a little betrayed that Clarisse had been friends with him for so long and yet you’d never crossed paths. You also wondered how you’d never noticed how hot the guy in all of her Instagram posts was, but that was neither here nor there.
As you pulled up in front of your apartment building you almost felt sad, but for a completely different reason than you were an hour before. All thoughts of your shit exam were gone, replaced by thoughts of Luke and the lightness in your chest he’d caused.
You sat in the car together, clearly hesitant to go. Finally, you knew you had to leave and reached for the door handle.
“Wait,” He said. You stopped. “Our group is going for dinner tomorrow night, uh, you should come. If you want.” Luke was looking anywhere but at you, and you felt your beam even if he couldn’t see it (he could, but for his sanity he was trying really hard to pretend he didn’t).
“Yeah,” You replied breathily, “Yeah, I’ll think about it.” You thanked him again for the lift and the ice cream before hopping up the steps into your apartment. Neither of you could control your giddy grins for an embarrassing amount of time.
When Clarisse got home that evening she was all apologies for her mix up, but when you of all people brushed off her disorganisation she figured something was up.
“So, how was Luke? Not too scary?” She asked as you both sat on the couch, Love Island rerun playing. You tried to answer noncommittally, eyes locked on the screen.
“He was nice,” You said, immediately forcing a laugh at whatever bullshit one of the boys in the villa had said. You could feel Clarisse eyeing you suspiciously, you would never be so vague — especially not when today was such a huge deal for you. Nevertheless she hummed in agreement, sparking a plan in her head.
“Hey, so the group are going to dinner tomorrow, you should come. It’ll be me, Chris, Silena, maybe a few others. Luke’ll be there too, I think.” She feigned innocence, counting them out on her fingers.
“Yeah, ok, I’ll be there,” You replied, trying to play it cool despite never having once agreed to go out with her friends. Clarisse’s raised eyebrow told you all you needed to know about your acting.
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haikyu-mp4 · 20 days
Non-public relations
Suggestive workplace romance at the JVA in a secret relationship with Kuroo for my workplace romance event <3
requested anonymously. word count; 699 – f!reader
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No one would be surprised to find out you and Kuroo had a thing going on. You were known as charismatic members of the JVA’s public relations department. You were both incredibly good-looking and carrying around this palpable energy that made everyone else feel like they were interrupting something when sharing a space with you two.
However, your contracts were clear: No dating your coworkers.
You loved this job, no less than Kuroo loved his, and there was no way you would risk your reputation or change jobs for something as simple as an attractive coworker.
“Kuroo. How’s that difficult new account?” you asked, tweaking one eyebrow with a challenging smirk.
“You will be happy to know it’s working out perfectly fine. I’m currently making a presentation with an offer they simply cannot deny,” he answered cheekily, resting a hand on his hip and leaning towards you as if emphasising his towering height.
“I recommended you for it after they,” You sighed for effect. “-asked me to handle it first. But as you know, I’m terribly busy.” You shook your head as if it was such a pity, not moving an inch from your spot.
“Are you really?” The sound of the printer started up, seeming to breathe heavily at the number of documents you and Kuroo just so happened to be printing at the same time. “I had no idea.”
You scoffed, rolling your eyes and looking him up and down. “Maybe you should pay closer attention, Tetsu.”
It was silent for a moment as you both listened for any passing steps out in the hallway, any voices chatting on the way to the lunch room who might stop by. When there was nothing, you both sprung into action.
Kuroo’s arms snuck around your waist, hands working their way over your hips to your ass like you were a sentient stress ball. You twisted his tie around one hand, the other arm slung over his back to keep his lips against yours, not that you needed to. He seemed just as hungry as you were, kissing you messily as ever.
A loud beep made you push him away, clearing your throat awkwardly when you realised it was just the printer begging for a reload of paper. Your cheeks were flushed and Kuroo chuckled breathily before running a thumb over his bottom lip and looking sideways at you where you smoothed out your clothing. “Staying late today?”
“Of course,” you said, back to competitive as you got another pack of paper and handed it to Kuroo so he could fix it. You picked up your completed documents, sitting them on your hip and turning towards the door. While he looked at you, chest heaving and eyes travelling downwards, you snuck your free hand to tease the hem of his suit pants in passing. “I’m expecting you will, too.”
The last time you stayed late, you waited until the last person left before dragging your chair over to Kuroo’s desk, leaning on his shoulder and continuing your work until it was done. You were professionals, after all, no fun until the work is done.
But after finishing off the last reports, the work would be shoved aside so Kuroo could hoist you up on the desk and slot himself between your legs, lips going ham on your neck as the buttons came undone one by one. Sure you could do this in the privacy of either of your apartments, but there was something so enticing about sneaking around like this.
“I heard Hanta’s staying late as well,” he told you, tone suggesting that could be a problem.
“I’ll make sure he doesn’t,” you assured confidently, giving him a genuine smile as you stood by the door to the printer room. “Let’s get pizza tonight?”
“Yeah, if you help me work off the calories when we’re done.”
You made sure your hips swayed while walking away, knowing he was looking over his shoulder at you, salivating over the mental image of how you looked underneath those tailored work clothes. Not that it would be a mental image for long, you’d be begging him for more in just a few sweet hours.
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princedesnuees · 7 months
CROSSING THE LINE — afab!reader x mingyu.
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pairing: afab!reader x mingyu. genre: smut. summary: you've cheated on your boyfriend and you're going to pay the consequences. warnings: cheating, punishment by sex (consensual), unprotected sex, pet names, degradation, rough sex, domination, big dick!mingyu, breast and nipple play, chocking, biting, breeding kink. words: 1.7k
You've been a bad girl and you know it. How are you going to face your boyfriend now that he's found out you've been cheating on him? And it was your booty call who taunted him by telling him everything. All the juicy details that go with it. Oh yeah, it made him mad, Mingyu. Mad with rage, and maybe mad about something else. You're sitting at the kitchen table, tapping away on your phone like crazy, trying to calm your man's ardor, but you know he'll be home any minute. You're scared because you know that an angry Mingyu is unforgiving. You jump as you hear the front door slam. Crap. "Mingyu...?" You go, not sure if it's still a human who's crossed the threshold. And you're right, because the way he glares at you tells you that words won't help you today. Pity. "Yo baby. Hope you had a good time?" "It's... it's not what you think." "It's perfectly what I think." He swings a bag of groceries across the table, it makes a thunderous noise that makes you jump back in your chair. You've really pissed him off. You bad girl... "I'll explain everything..." "There's no need. I've already been told everything. Was it fun, being fucked on the printer? You liked it? God, you even screamed his name." "Honey... I didn't... I didn't mean to..." The truth is, you wanted to. You wanted it so badly, you couldn't resist. You wouldn't even have been able to resist a cock that big, because that's what you are: a bitch who doesn't assume she likes cock. "Are you that desperate for cock?" "Gyu..." He steps forward dangerously, crossing the meager distance that still separated you from him. His grip collides with your throat, rocking your body backwards. The table smashes into your back. You don't have the time to fight back, or even the strength. Everyone knows that your guy's not only got power in his pelvis, but above all in his arms. It's not for nothing that this godlike body was sculpted at the gym. He leans in. Glides up to your ear. "I'm going to have to remind you who owns you." "G-Gyu... I... My love..." "Spread your thighs." He clearly imposes himself, forcing your little legs open to let him settle in their center. His pelvis crashes into your crotch and the weight falling against your Venus mound causes you to let out a squeak. Fuck. You're so going to get fucked. "Gyu, I... I'm not going to know how to take you..."
You're not used to his big cock after the one you took on the printer. The guy was well-endowed, but never as well-endowed as your guy. Fucking angry dick. He rubs against you like an animal in heat. You feel the muscles in his chest pushing up to your tits. As he always commands, you're not wearing a bra. It's your nipples that graze directly against the fabric. "I'm gonna fuck you so hard, baby. You won't be able to walk, you won't be able to go back to that asshole." So this is the punishment that awaits you. "Gyu please... Don't... don't hurt me too much..." But you're used to his excess. It always leaves its mark. The one you desire as much as you fear is finally released, belt off and boxers down. His huge dick emerges, already large and well veined. It wobbles in the open air, before colliding with your belly. A white pearl fails on it, and it's not long before he's peeling your pants down to your knees, then ripping off those lace lingerie that no longer protect anything. His ragged breathing echoes in the hollow of your neck. He bites, licks, rubs himself like a rutting beast. Then he moves up, forcing a kiss that you don't resist, moaning at the touch of his warm, full lips.
God, you missed the taste of him. "You're such a little slut, aren't you..." "Your very own slut..." "I'm going to fill you to the brim." "Oh baby... Give me your cock... Your cum... Make... Make me a child..." The request makes him grunt as he grips, presses his huge glans against your tiny entrance. You fear the tear and arch your back as you feel him thrust into you without any gentleness. Without any protection. Your man has always been like that, loving to ride bareback, without any preparation, feeling you deep inside, and release a big load of his cum without the slightest restraint. He's marking his territory, after all. Take back what's rightfully his. And your pussy's part of it. "Hmmmm. Fuck..." he rumbles as he go deeper inside. You're so tight, it's hard for his thick centimetres to get through. God, you've always wonder if this excessive size was normal. "The cock that fucked you must have been tiny. I'm still having such a hard time getting through." He's amused by the observation. "M-Mingyu... Aaah... Your... Your dick... is so big...! Han...!" Because it is. And it's eating you from the inside out. He pushes, his veins disappear, swallowed by your already wet pussy. You're soaking wet like a slut. Higher up, his thick palms have lifted your top. Kneading your bare breasts. He rolls your nipples between his fingers, wringing moans from you like a horny bitch in need. "Honey...! You... you know how sensitive I am about nipples..." "Shut up."
He reaches down to catch them between his lips. Eating your breasts like a hungry beast. His tongue wraps around your nipples. He sucks every last drop of milk out of you. Your big baby is thirsty and he's letting you know it. But in the end, it's him who will pour his milk into you. Screwed up to the hilt, his back straightens as he rumbles his well-being. "Damn, you're so tight..." His pelvis starts a movement that makes you scream. You wrap your knees around his powerful hips, your arms knotted behind his neck. And you hold on. You hold on because his swell will eventually tip you backwards. "Gyuuu... Haaan!" His big dick pushes you back, you feel his glans tap into the bottom, throbbing against your burning flesh. You'd fucking forgotten about this incredible sensation. You'd missed your man's big cock so much. "Haaaaan! M-Mingyu... You... You make me so crazy for you!" Your flesh closes around his cock, you know you won't last long before being on cloud nine. He growls like an animal, biting the skin of your neck, grabbing your breasts as the muscles in his back dig in as he fucks you on the kitchen table. "You've been such a bad girl... I'm gonna... fucking kill him... Yeah, kill him... No one will touches you ever again..."
"I'm so sorry my love, I... I've been a naughty girl, I... I deserve to be punished." The shopping bag ends up on the floor. And you too would end up on the floor if his cock wasn't lodged deep in your hot cunt. You wet around his cock, it drips out of your little maternal nest, before dripping onto his balls. They slap hard against your pubic bone. You don't know how many liters these hot balls will pour into you, but you know in advance that you won't be able to take it all. "Did he fuck you good? Was his cock as big as mine? As good? Answer, bitch!" "No, no! It... It had nothing to do... He... He could never have been your equal, my baby... There's nothing better than your penis... Nothing at all..." "You're such a fucking bitch, don't you. Swallow my cock." He reminds you that this pussy of yours belongs to him. That only him can enter it at will. You feel yourself losing your footing. See trouble. Your breasts are being manhandled, tossed back and forth under his onslaught. You look like a cheap whore being vulgarly fucked on a piece of wood, but that's what you deserve for letting someone else climb on top of you. Bad bitch. His tip taps the bottom of your pussy. You feel it throbbing, a sign that the sauce is coming. You know your Mingyu's cock well. Every vein, the way his dick wiggles as if communicating with you. You love him. Fuck yes, you love him. "My love... Cum inside... Fill me up..." "I'm going to make your belly swell."
His grip comes up to squeeze your throat, momentarily depriving you of air as your loins deepen, welcoming a little more of his angry excess. His full balls slam against your rump and, finally, all his muscles tense. You hear him roar, digging his claws into your skin as something boiling pours into you. A flood gushes out, hot and thick, filling your feminine cocoon with a big amount of sperm. Invaded by your man's semen, you cum in turn, struck brutally by orgasm as your neck tilts back. And you scream like a slut, tits and nipples raised to the ceiling, pussy overflowing. You can't take it anymore. You've been ploughing his back like a madwoman. And he's still unloading on you. Fuck, his bags have no bottom. "Gyu..." You catch your man, whose silhouette crashes against you, onto your devoured breasts. He butchered them well. "Baby... It's so good to have you..." You whisper, as he stays lodged inside you. You feel his penis gradually deflate. Clogging the entrance to your vagina, preventing his sperm from escaping. He'll wait like this, until you're pregnant with him. As you begged. "Your beautiful cock... worked well." "I'll always be there to remind you who's the only one who can fuck you."
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faeriekit · 5 months
Salt Mirror
phic phight fill with two prompts; for @echoghost1 and @fuyuthefoxwriter
(Sister fics are Snow Day, Snowdrift Sanctuary, and Frozen Out)
The first thing Danny noticed was the teeth. 
Or. Well. The first thing Frostbite noticed were the teeth. What Danny noticed was that suddenly he was being offered bigger and bigger bones with his meal, which were very much not typical human-appropriate food. 
“You break them,” Frostbite showed him, pinning the bone between two sharp canines and biting down. The bone broke clean in two. Hot-dog style. “Then you are free to eat the marrow inside.”
Danny stared. “I don’t… I don't think my teeth do that.”
“Try it,” his guardian encouraged. 
…Well. He hoped Far Frozen had as good a dentistry practice as they did medicine. Danny shoved the bone between his canine teeth, and clamped down—
—And the bone broke clean through. 
Huh. That was…new. 
Well. Marrow tasted good, anyway, and scooping the butter-soft marrow out with a spoon was easy. Danny might have clunked the wooden spoon against his teeth a couple times (man, was he clumsy today) but he was very happy with the results. 
The next day Frostbite offered him an arm-length rib bone, Danny didn’t even hesitate to chomp down. 
He ate through four ribs before he felt full. He was happy. 
The second thing Danny noticed was how pale he got. 
Like. As in ‘his arm matched the snow-white fur of his tundra-proof coat’ level pale. ‘White as a glacier and just as blue’ level pale. Like. There was no red left in his skin. 
He pressed his thumb to his palm. It went yellow, and then flushed back to white as his blood went back in. 
…Spooky. Uh. Danny blinked loudly. Maybe he was…sick…?
There wasn’t a mirror in their cave dwelling, and nothing was shiny enough to reflect in— everything that wasn’t medical was cast iron, or not quite mirror smooth, like Frostbite’s round cooking knives. 
Danny needed a mirror. 
He bundled up and walked through fresh snow drifts to the closest medical facility: an ice cave across from Ledyanoy and Avalanche’s home, carved into one of several dozen pillars of ice embedded into the floating island. Danny knew that there was a mirror there, since Frostbite went in for mirror therapy every time his ice-carved arm began to itch psychosomatically. 
He darted inside. Pritla was the only one in there, so they ignored him in their quest for additional data. Great. All Danny needed was the mirror set up in the corner, ready and waiting to be rolled into place for Frostbite’s next session. 
Danny peeked at his reflection. He looked…wow. 
For one, Danny looked spooky as hell. The blue went all around his eyes, now— no whites to be seen, creating an uneasy, inhuman look. He was pale. He was very pale. He looked like the printer had run out of any colors that might have given him some sort of standing to wander reality with. 
The insides of his lips were blue. The wet inner linings around his eyes were blue. 
And. Speaking of…lips…his gums were a deep, sapphire blue, as was his tongue. None of that was as important as his huge freaking fangs, though!
Like! Huge! Not yeti huge, of course, but still!! Danny had no idea how they weren’t sticking straight out of his mouth when he closed it. Big, pearly fangs. 
What the heck was happening to him? 
“I think you’re turning into a Yeti,” Tundra decided primly, and flung himself at Arctic without any further thought. The teenage Yeti— still taller than Danny by two heads and a half— squawked, barely seeing the projectile cub in time to dodge appropriately. 
“No,” said Danny. It was more outright denial than certainty. He wrapped his coat tighter around himself. 
Avalanche, who was the closest to adulthood out of all of them, watched the two wrestle balefully. Tundra was barely out of cub age, and Arctic wasn’t much better than Sidney Poindexter when it came to having his crap together, so it was kind of like watching two frogs mud-wrestle in knee-high snow. 
“I mean,” said Avalanche, mostly bored by the spectacle of Arctic getting his butt whipped by what amounted to a kid, “I’m pretty sure it’s normal for human-born ghosts to adapt to their Obsessions after they form. You have to change a little to match your environment. And we have a lot of snow.” 
“So much!” Tundra howled from where he was perched on top of Arctic. His victory lasted as long as it took for Arctic to get his legs underneath himself, push himself to standing, and launch Tundra into a snow drift with a surprised squeal. 
Arctic shook himself off. His fur fluffed up with the effort, which made him look larger in size than usual. “I think that if you were turning into a yeti, Frostbite would have noticed. Or said something. Or done something.”
Avalanche shook her head, gamely ignoring how Tundra had turned from a fallen-in-the-snow position to a crouching-and-ready-to-pounce position. Danny had seen this a million times now; either Arctic would notice (he wouldn’t) and dodge, or he’d once again fall victim to Tundra’s childish enthusiasm. 
Danny and Avalanche largely had no comment on Tundra’s second leap of faith, nor for their mutual struggle for pubescent dominance that ensued. 
There were other questions to ask. 
“Am I turning into a yeti?” Phantom asked. 
Frostbite looked down. 
The half-ghost looked nervous— picking at his lip until green beaded under his teeth, his hands in the sleeves of his coat. 
“No,” Frostbite confirmed. He didn’t smile, as it would have seemed condescending in the face of Phantom’s genuine worry. It was better to keep calm. “Why are you worried about turning into a yeti?” 
Phantom stared up at him, eyes deep and luminous. Frostbite had seen similar coloration on deep-sea creatures, long-travelled things desperate for any sort of light. The sight was compelling, yes, but could not substitute for a verbal answer. 
“...Because I’m changing colors and now I have sharp teeth and I think I’m growing claws,” Phantom pointed out. All of these things were true. They were very good, sturdy teeth, and very good, sturdy claws, which was a good sign; anything otherwise would have indicated a lack of support on Frostbite’s end. 
“It is a very normal thing to want to explore other forms of expression at your age,” Frostbite pointed out. He threaded his paws through Phantom’s pale hair, and found, to his pride, little buds of ice horns. “And I am very flattered that you think so highly of us that you are interested in mimicking some of our more obvious traits; that being said, if it distresses you, you are always free to change back.” 
Phantom’s face turned…lost. “Oh.” 
Frostbite continued petting. More explanation would come, or it wouldn’t— but in the meantime, the human tinge returned to his charge’s cheeks, flush with red blood, and the bud horns collapsed where they grew. His charge’s hair turned dark once more, his teeth flat and human. 
Phantom’s eyes were always blue. The human color was not as deep, but was just as nice. Now, there were tears in them. 
“What is wrong, little one?” Frostbite rumbled, concerned. Phantom took his paw and pressed his face to it in search of tactile comfort. 
“I didn’t know why I was changing,” Phantom admitted, sniffing. His voice was wet and raw. “I was scared I couldn’t go back. Humans don’t just…change like that, 'cause we're made of matter. I was scared…”
Frostbite rumbled wordlessly. His charge had adapted very well to a non-human environment, but there were knowledge gaps that would have come naturally to any Realms-Borne being; most intuitively was knowledge of the self, as well as the rigidity (and fluidity) of one’s own manner of expression. 
Changing without realization would be distressing. Frostbite still remembered what it felt like to wake up some mornings and realize that his arm was gone. 
“You are alright,” Frostbite reaffirmed. “It it healthy to change, and it is a good time to find out how you will want to present yourself. That being said, there is no rush.”
Frostbite paused. 
“There is one rush. If you intend to partake in eating marrow with our dinner tonight, you may want to manifest your teeth again—”
Phantom laughed, little cub’s fangs poking out between his teeth. All would be well; but first, there was dinner to be had, and a good night’s sleep to be found.
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darlingsfandom · 4 months
Don’t you trust your neighbor ?
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Jackson Rippner x neighbor reader!
TW: Degradation, humiliation , swearing, p in v unprotected , possession , male orgasm, slight bondage !
“Oh fuck me!” You cried out as you dropped your keys on the sidewalk. Today has been the day from hell. You woke up late which meant you were late for work, you forgot lunch so picked something up and of course it was burnt, you spilled your drink on your clothes, the printer in the office ran out of ink and you needed your papers printed but nothing was done! On the way home you got cut off in traffic and were done! You just wanted to be home.
And here you were standing there looking at the ground with a look of defeat. When you bent down to pick up your keys a loud rip rang in your ears . “WHAT THE FUCK!” You screamed as your blood boiled.
“Well from here it’s a nice view.” You quickly turned around to see your neighbor Jackson standing there with a smirk on his lips and his mail in his hands.
“Not now Jackson! It’s been a day and if murder wasn’t illegal …” His laugh caught you off guard.
“Oh sweetheart, you couldn’t hurt a fly. Yeah you’re having a bad day and loosing your temper but you’re such a sweetheart.” He was face to face with you before he grabbed your keys off the ground. As he looked up he took a peek up your ripped skirt and bit his lip.
“But tell me this … why are your panties wet? I seen that little spot. It’s cute actually.” His tongue wiped across his lips making you straighten up. You turned on your heel and quickly walked up to your porch but he still had your keys. You sighed and turned only for Jackson to be right there. He seemed different. “Can’t get very far now can you? How fucking stupid are you huh?” You swallowed the lump in your throat as he stood chest to chest with you while unlocking your front door. He shoved you inside and slammed the door shut behind him as you walked backwards until you were against the wall.
Both of you stood in silence until he reached forward and gripped your arms. “You never answered my question ? How stupid are you huh? Couldn’t get yourself to work on time, can’t drive on the free way, dropping your keys… god you have to be the dumbest brat I’ve ever seen.” Jackson pulled you away from the wall before putting you on your knees. You looked at him with pleading eyes. You went from pissed off at the universe to fearing for your life. Yes you found Jackson attractive , yes you’ve had dinners with him and shared a few kisses but never more than that.
“What’s the matter honey? Don’t you trust your neighbor ? I was just trying to help you. You fucking ripped your skirt and flashed everyone those panties just like desperate slut you are. About gave Mr.Johnson a heart attack! Poor old man, I’m sure you’d fuck him too because you’re just so needy for cock!” He stroked your hair in a loving manner while talking down to you leaving you confused and needy. Jackson pulled on your hair making your head go back until your mouth hung open he leaned down and spit in your mouth making you whine which was music to his ears. He smirked at your reaction.
“You enjoyed that, don’t deny it you fucking whore.” He spat in your mouth again before giving you a slap across the face. Jackson reached down and ripped open your blouse making buttons fly across the room before he pulled you back to your feet , grabbed your hands and took you into your room. He pushed you onto your bed and straddled your hips as he took his belt off before tying your hands together with it. You cried off your eyeliner and your lip stick was smeared from his kisses.
“See I knew you were a good little slut, but just for me! You’re mine! You’ve been mine! Ever since we met I knew I had to make you mine. When you moved in and were tying to be Miss Little Betty Crocker and brought those cookies as a way to introduce yourself… wearing that little dress with the cherries on it… you were begging me to fuck you! But I’m a gentleman couldn’t fuck you then. Now , now I’m tired of the games! You are mine you dumb little bitch! SAY IT!” He screamed at you while slapping your tits as your hands stayed tied above your head.
All you could do was sob. Jackson slapped you harder making you jolt forward. “say you’re mine!” He squeezed your cheeks together making you look at him with your bloodshot eyes. Your lips parted chocking on your saliva before the words finally came out.
“I’m yours Jackson. I’m yours.” You whimpered and wiggled below him . Jackson stood up and stared at you before dropping his pants. You watched as he pulled out his cock and when it sprang up your jaw dropped .
“Dumb cock whore.” He yanked you by your ankles before climbing back on top of you. His fingers hooked into your panties and ripped them off. He took a sniff before looking at you. “Smells so sweet for being such a needy whore.” He tossed the fabric over his shoulder before lining the head of his aching cock against your folds.
“Jackson!!” You cried out as he inched his cock into your wet cunt.
“That’s it baby, scream my name.” His hands held your arms down as he pulled back out before quickly slamming his hips back down and shoving his cock into you. You closed your eyes but he didn’t like that. Jackson grabbed a fist full of your hair and bent you forward to look down and watch his cock fuck you hard! You whined in pain from the position he had you in. Jackson used you as his little fuck toy. He was whimpering your name as your cunt squeezed his cock. You tried to look away again but he wouldn’t allow it. Jackson pounded into like his life was going to end tomorrow. He started to slow do when he felt his orgasm building.
“Gonna put a baby in you! Yeah! Gonna make sure everyone knows that you belong to me! You’re my dumb slut who can’t keep her legs closed which is why she’s pregnant with her neighbors baby!!” He squeezed your arms as his hips started to slow down.
“Please no! Jackson !” You cried out as he filled you up with his warm seed. You collapsed when he let go of you. Jackson pulled out and took some of the cum dripping out of your pussy and flung it on to your face. You gasped at the feeling making him chuckle.
“Don’t worry honey….” He stoped closer to you before brushing his lips against yours. “The night is still young, you’ll get more than you bargained for .”
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lurkingshan · 20 days
I loved this episode, and I am so glad this show stayed true to its themes (the only reason I was worried at all is because this is a GMMTV show, so I can never be 100% sure they won't prioritize ships over story). I have been saying for weeks that the way they were writing the Ba Mhee/Tae/Judy plot line did not make sense if they were trying to put Ba Mhee and Judy in a romance at the end, and that Ba Mhee's confusion about her feelings for Judy was instead meant to highlight the themes of the show and give Ba Mhee the chance to grow and develop a more mature outlook on romantic relationships. And today's episode did exactly that.
I found the initial Ba Mhee/Tae breakup conversation unsatisfying, and I am gratified to learn that was intentional on the show's part. I was honestly agnostic on whether these two should get back together (my aro ass would have loved Ba Mhee deciding to be single for awhile), but the thing that felt most missing for me was any real reflection from Ba Mhee on her own part in their relationship troubles. And that's exactly what we got today, as Ba Mhee got a taste of the type of overbearing attention she used to give Tae and realized it made her uncomfortable, and that while she is attracted to Judy, she doesn't actually want a relationship with her. She thought what she wanted from Tae was romantic gestures and constant attention, but through trying things out with Judy she realized that all she really needed was honest communication and quality time with him.
Crucially, Ba Mhee still reasserted in this episode that she thinks she may be bisexual; it was so important that they didn't erase that queer awakening for her. But her heart is with Tae right now--as the show has been demonstrating all along--so of course she wants to try again with her new understanding of her actual needs and where she may have misstepped in the past. I don't know that they'll stay together long-term after this, and I could easily see a future where Ba Mhee decides to be independent for awhile or date others, including women, but it felt honest that she is not done with this relationship yet. And for Tae's part, I was so glad he decided to try reaching out again and that he got to tell Ba Mhee he never forgot their anniversary and he does care. He didn't deserve to be cheated on, but his capacity to see his own shortcomings, forgive Ba Mhee, and try to communicate better was sincere. This has never been a narrative about a bad relationship that Ba Mhee was escaping from, but rather about a good relationship that was experiencing growing pains as they grew up together and developed different priorities. It was very well done.
Meanwhile, Ryan and Jane continue the very slow development of their relationship in parallel, solidifying the contrast in how these two intern/mentor relationship plots were constructed. Unlike Judy, who dove in with no apparent qualms with her intern (I would still like to understand what she was thinking, show! Perhaps she could talk to her high school buddy Jane about it), Jane continues to take his time. He and Ryan have acknowledged their feelings for each other, but they're still not acting on them beyond some additional flirting. Even though love is clearly making them a bit dumb (the printer, Jane, really??), they have not actually started dating or advanced beyond a hug in their physical affection, because Ryan is still Jane's intern. The preview confirms that the internship will be wrapping up soon, and I expect that Jane is waiting to see what will happen with Ryan's role in the company and what that means for their relationship. I am enjoying all their small moments while we wait.
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whispytrees · 1 year
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𝐇𝐨𝐰 𝐛𝐮𝐧𝐠𝐨𝐮 𝐬𝐭𝐫𝐚𝐲 𝐝𝐨𝐠 𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐬 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐜𝐭 𝐭𝐨 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐬𝐥𝐚𝐩𝐩𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐢𝐫 𝐛𝐨𝐨𝐭𝐲!
Warning: ass slapping, vulgar language
A/n: This was purely for funsies and entertainment bc I was bored and this is the only thing that came to my head 😭
sypnosis: (Gn!reader) fluff
You are in a established relationship with the character and slapping their bootaytay
Characters: Dazai, kunikida, chuuya, Akutagawa
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𝙊𝙨𝙖𝙢𝙪 𝘿𝙖𝙯𝙖𝙞:
It would be one of those lazy Saturdays that you and Dazai occasionally have, where you both just stay inside all day because either of you aren’t busy and have nothing to do. Dazai would be standing near the kitchen counter, resting his elbow and forearms on the counter, book in hand and leaning the rest of his body back. Well to you, it was a rather attractive sight. You couldn’t help but walk past him and give his booty a little smack which immediately sparked a reaction out of him. He looked back at you with a surprised look on his face while you only smirked in return.
He chuckled and raised one of his eyebrows “excuse me?”
“Your excused.” You quickly respond as you continued to walk and go on with your day, but before you could process anything you felt arms clasp around you waist and drag you into pure comfort of a back hug. “Huh?!”
“You got what you wanted didn’t you?” You looked up at him confused, noticing a big smirk sitting on his gorgeous face, some fly away stands on his cheek and forehead since he hovered over you. “You wanted a reaction out of me didn’t you? Well here you are.” He bent down and kissed your cheek, smothering pecks on your face until he finally reached your lips, leaving a long lasting passionate kiss. “What made you do that anyways?” He asked curiously once he pulled away, tightening the grip on your waist.
“Oh I don’t know..I couldn’t resist.” You shrug innocently, avoiding all eye contact which he seemed to notice.
“You couldn’t resist..? Smacking my butt..?” He laughed at the situation at hand.
“Yessss…? Like I said! I couldn’t help it!” You shrug once more while letting out a devilish giggle.
“Oh..well….I hope you don’t mind me doing this then.” He smirked once more and slapped your ass, before walking away and back to his original spot, leaving you there speachless.
𝘿𝙤𝙥𝙥𝙤 𝙆𝙪𝙣𝙞𝙠𝙞𝙙𝙖:
It was a nice and sunny day, yet kunikida was prioritizing his work rather then going out somewhere with you, well luckily for you; your not the type to give up so easily! So what’s the best thing to do other then pester your boyfriend? It was a empty office, the only thing residing in it was kunikida, as he stood by the offices printer, printing the paperwork needed for tomorrows meeting. “Honey~” you call out to him with a seductive tone, quietly walking up behind him so you can peak over his shoulder.
But before he could even turn his head to look back at you he feels something grabbing his ass and giving it a slight slap, immediately he jumped and grabbed his ass, turning around to hide himself from you. “W-what are you doing?!” Their was a slight quiver in his voice, but you couldn’t help but snicker from his reaction.
“Why whats wrong? You don’t like it?” You frown, trying to play innocent in front of your boyfriend who could see right through your act like glass. He fixed his glasses and pushed them back to their original position, releasing a awkward cough and hum into his fist before speaking again.
“There’s other ways to get my attention sweetheart.” You could see a sweat roll down his forehead as he let out a defeated sigh, only giving you the confidence to tease him further.
“yeah..your right…I’m sorry…I was just missing you because I felt that you weren’t paying any attention to me today…” He just gently smiles at you and puts your hair behind your ear, you weren’t necessarily lying though, he was busy all day and didn’t have enough time to pay attention to you and your needs.
“Ah, well…i had some unfinished paperwork I had to finish hun..I didn’t realize..” He opened his arms for a hug which you quickly oblidged, joining him for a warm embrace. “Once I finish printing these papers I promise I’ll take you out somewhere nice to eat.” You feel a gentle kiss on the crown of your head as you gave him a soft nod.
Once you both start to grow apart he suddenly feels something grabbing his bottom again, he looks down and notices your arm curved around his waist and grabbing his ass.
“I’m sorry I couldn’t resist!
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𝘾𝙝𝙪𝙪𝙮𝙖 𝙉𝙖𝙠𝙖𝙝𝙖𝙧𝙖:
Something you hated about your boyfriend chuuya is how much attention he gets from others, he’s always on business trips or some type of secret mission. It’s honestly annoying since anytime you try to have some alone time with him he always gets called in for work.
Although he promises to make it up to you each time and he usually does, it’s just upsetting because you don’t get to spend as much time with your boyfriend as you wish too. But that’s besides the point, you and chuuya were laying on the couch together, side by side with a glass of wine on the coffee table beside you, arms intertwined and legs twisted together in a knot, resting each others chest against one another.
Chuuya had his arms wrapped around your torso, resting them under your arms while he peered at his phone over your head. He seemed to be reading some articles, occasionally changing tabs to text his boss. You could hear his relaxed heart beat against yours, and the sounds of his soft breath, breathing softly into your ear, with the occasional ping on his phone once he got a text back.
“Awh shit..baby…” He spoke while releasing a devastated sigh, one you were all too familiar with. “Their calling me in hun.” He started sitting up to pick up a call as you gave him a groan because the warmth he produced left you.
“Again…? You do this every time.” You stuff your face into a nearby pillow and groan even louder then before to really show off how dissatisfied you are.
“Yeah, I know doll, I’m sorry. I’ll make it up to you I promise.” He leaned over and kissed the crown of your head before gently taking your face out of the pillow to give your cheek a little peck, immediately making your cheeks grow pink in flusteredness.
“Yeah yeah…I know…” You huff and roll your eyes, retrieving a chuckle out of him while he watched your reaction. “At least let me lead you out.” He nods before standing up from the couch and taking his wine glass in hand, chugging the wine down in one gulp. He walked over to the door and put on his coat and hat, before you got up and followed after him.
“Well? Where’s my kiss goodbye?” He said while staring into your eyes, leaning a bit closer to you, to break the distance. You quickly peck his lips which he seems to reciprocate then turns around towards the door to head out.
“Go get ‘em!”
Chuuya quickly jumped and grabbed his ass, feeling a slight tingle from the ass slap he just got. He looked back at you with a concerned and confused expression on his face, trying to figure out why you just did that. “What the hell was that about?!” He shouted at you.
“Whaaaat? I’m just wishing you a good luck!” You innocently shrugged, avoiding his piercing gaze at you.
“Wishing me good luck with a slap to my ass?!”
He just scoffed and violently grabbed his keys, storming off with his hand on his ass so it wouldn’t be slapped again, muttering things under his breath which made you giggle.
𝘼𝙠𝙪𝙩𝙖𝙜𝙖𝙬𝙖 𝙍𝙮𝙪𝙣𝙤𝙨𝙪𝙠𝙚:
The sounds of ruffled clothing filled the air as you watched Akutagawa get dressed for a mission he was called in for, he was buttoning up his white blouse and fixing his jabot ruffled collar and fixing up his ruffled sleeves. You couldn’t help but gaze over his back while he stood in his blouse and grey boxers.
“You look nice.” You gently spoke but loud enough for him to hear, he looked back at you curiously and raised a eyebrow before looking back at his ruffled sleeves.
“Thank you...but im just in my boxers?“ He had a rather suspicious tone in his voice, confused on why your complimenting him when he’s in such homey and lazy clothing.
“You always look nice hun.” You gently smirk, watching how his face slowly turns pink from your compliment. He turned back away and grabbed his pants, hiding his flustered face from you while lifting up his leg to put on his black pants.
But even before he could process what happened he felt a stinging pain on his ass cheek which made him jump in surprise, he looked around to see a figure beside him and a hand on his left ass cheek, right where it was slapped. Bullseye. “y/n, what in gods name are you doing?” He didn’t even have enough time to put on his pants and your already teasing him like this.
“Oh nothing in particular! Just being affectionate!” You giggle and give him a wink which he doesn’t fail to notice, making him blush even harder. You remove your hand from his ass and pull him in for a hug. “I don’t want you to leave…” you mumble into his shirt, tightening the grip around his waist with your arms. He seems rather surprised from your sudden outburst as he gently brushes the hair out of your face.
“Love, I’ll be back soon.” He nods before gently pushing you away from him, his hands grasping your shoulders as he glances down at you with his piercing grey eyes. Sighing, you nuzzle your face with his, making you both smile from the affectionate moment you two both shared. “I promise.”
You sit back down on the bed as you watch him finish get ready, pulling up his pants and fling on his long black jacket, a gorgeous gorgeous man.
Just as he was about to leave you stand up and walk over to him once again, you wish him a gentle ‘good luck’ and peck his cheek, he turns away from you to leave before feeling another hard smack on his ass making him jump once more. “JESUS!”
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thank you so much for reading!! My requests are open as always!
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miyuhpapayuh · 25 days
back at the office.
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“Well, at least you two are on a first name basis, now. Improvement!” Mercedes pokes Mya in her side. She swats at her friend’s hand in feigned annoyance.
The pair are seated on a park bench across from the office, munching on fruit before they have to clock in for the day.
“Girl, gon’ somewhere,” she says with a laugh, “We work together and that’s about it. He’s probably not even from here!” The aloof tone of her voice betrays her actual feelings.
“Ma’am, that accent is thicker than chunky peanut butter out the freezer. Of course he’s from here. Or at least near here! Plus, I seen him at the poetry spot downtown, he could be pretty decent,” she says casually, while chomping on a chunk of watermelon.
“And just what the hell are you doing at a poetry spot? Last book you read had a big cat on the front,” Mya jabs at her friend.
“First of all, fuck you,” she’s interrupted by Mya’s snort of a laugh. “Second of all, didn’t I tell you? I met my new boo down there,” she finishes with a shimmy of the shoulders.
“How many felonies does this one have?”
“I’m gonna let that one go ‘cause I’m in a good mood. And if you quit being a punk, you can snag yourself a man, too.”
“I’m not a punk. I’m just not in the market for a man right now.” She shrugs as Mercedes rolls her eyes.
“Chile, a lie don’t care who tell it. Ray Charles can see you want his ass.”
Mya can’t contain the burst of laughter that leaves her lips.
“Why would you say that??”
“I'm just sayin’!” Mercedes continues through her own laughter.
“I’m not ‘bout to play with you today,” she dabs the tears that formed at the corners of her eyes. Glancing at her phone, she notices she’s dangerously close to being late.
“Oh shit,” she pops up from her seat grabbing her things, “Savannah’ll have our heads if we're late again.”
“Please, Savannah loves us. She’ll fire that shiftless ass Colin before she fires you,” Mercedes responds as she gathers her things at a more leisurely pace.
“Either way it goes, I’m not tryna make a habit outta being late.” She says, as they make their way inside.
“Nice of y'all to join us,” none other than Savannah herself greets them both just as they punch their timecard in the lounge.
“Hey auntie!” Mercedes cheeses, before heading out.
“So, what lil’ boy done caught your attention and got you showing up late now?” Her boss teases.
It never fails to surprise her how nothing gets past her boss, not that he was the reason for her tardiness.
“Nobody. Only thing that has my attention is work,” she lies casually, trying to breeze by her and back towards the lobby.
“Hmm. You sure it’s not that handsome young tender with the strong arms that’s always breakin’ his neck to catch a glimpse at you?”
Her ears perk up at the new piece of information, and she deftly pivots on her heels.
“He does?” she responds a little too earnestly for her own liking. Clearing an imaginary blockage from her throat, she adjusts her tone.
“He does?” She repeats, cooler this time, as she tucks a freshly straightened, cherry red tendril of hair behind her ear, a nervous tick.
“Mhm.” The all-knowing smirk on her boss’ full lips makes Mya’s cheeks redden even further.
“All the time. I’m surprised he hasn’t asked you out yet. Must be shy like you. Lord knows if I wasn’t married and old enough to be his mama…” she trails off.
As if her poor cheeks couldn’t get any rosier.
“Alright! I’m gonna start workin’ now.” She starts to back her way out of the hall toward the printer room to save herself further embarrassment.
“Hey! You're coding, for the next hour. Grab the big stack of card stock from the back to refresh your signs, before you get started.”
Grabbing her tools for the day, she heads to the big printer in the middle room, closing the door behind her.
She’d taken it upon herself to color code the system, helping everyone navigate through it just a little easier, as well as replacing the faded, white company signs with brighter, more colorful ones.
Pulling up her stool, she gets started.
A knock sounds at the door, before Isaiah steps inside, heading towards the supply closet.
“Mornin’, didn’t mean to interrupt,” coming out with a stack of copy paper in hand, he looks up to see the pretty brown girl with bright red hair that’s had mind jumbled for the last few weeks or so.
She looks up from the screen and smiles. “Mornin’,” she responds, “I’m knee-deep in this screen, I didn’t even hear you come in.”
“S’alright. Just came to refill the printer.” He replies, gesturing towards the big contraption she was currently sitting in front of.
“Oh! Let me move out of the way, sorry.” He chuckles, watching her grab her laptop and work on her feet, before he moves in to refill the tray.
“It’s alright. What you workin’ on, today?” He asks, printing a few documents.
“Coding the system to make it easier for everybody. Then, I’ve gotta redo the signs, out front. Savannah’s finally letting me loose in here.” She giggles, typing away on her keyboard with one hand.
Gathering his paper, he moves out of her way. “Sounds like a project. Can I see?”
“Sure!” She sits her laptop down and shows him the screen as she types away.
“Our plans are in green, projects are in pink and tasks are in blue, now. Holidays are highlighted, as well employee birthdays. Ooh! I really loved doing that, because I get to choose different colors for that, as well.”
He hums a laugh. “This your avenue, yeah? Projects?”
“Projects can be fun,” she turns toward him. “Imagine if she let you use photoshop on the ads that you create? It would take them to the next level!”
“You’ve seen one of the ads I’ve done in photoshop?” He asks.
“Mhm. It was up on the main computer, the other day. I didn’t know it was yours, until I saw the little eye you placed in the corner.”
“Yeah,” he laughs. “It’s like my watermark, for now.”
“It’s cute. But, your ad was nice!”
“I appreciate that. Especially, coming from you.” She blushes, as he heads toward the door.
“See you later?” He asks, hope burning behind his brown eyes.
“See you later.” She nods, mirroring his smile, before they get back to work.
About an hour and a half later, all ten of her fingers are cramped to hell and her back is killing her, but she’s finally finished with her project.
Closing the door behind her, she sighs and heads towards her own office, bumping into Savannah.
“Oh, Mya! The system is running so smooth, now! And the signs look wonderful!” She praises.
“Thank you! I’m always happy to help!”
“So am I.” She smiles.
“What do you mean?”
“I may have put a bug in someone’s ear about someone.. you can thank me, later, sweetheart.”
“A…what? Savannah, what are you talking about?”
“Your secret admirer is about to become not so secret, anymore.”
Her heart begins to beat triple time.
“Oh, God… I think I’m having a stroke.”
“Oh,” Savannah starts laughing. “You are too much, girl! Just relax! I know he’s pretty, but he’s a sweet man who’s sweet on you!”
Isaiah conveniently walks down the hall, his sight set out for Mya.
His eyes light up as he spots her talking to their boss.
“Afternoon, ladies.” He greets. “Can I steal Mya away?”
“As long as you give her back,” Savannah pats his shoulder, before heading back down the hall.
“Hey,” she waves, that intoxicating cologne of his hitting her nose.
“Hey,” he smiles, stuffing his hands in his pockets. “I was kinda hoping that you would join me for lunch.. that is, if you didn’t already have anything planned, of course.”
The corners of her mouth lift into a smile. “Well, seeing as we like the same kind of food, I would love to join you for lunch. Let me just grab my wallet.”
She moves for her office door, until he speaks, again. “I was actually hoping that I could buy your lunch, as well.”
“You’re doin’ a lot of hoping, today.” The smile never leaves her lips.
“Looks like I’m doing a whole lot scorin’ today, too.” He humbly brags.
“Does this work for you, often?”
“I don’t know. This is the first time I’ve tried.” He laughs.
They share a laugh. “Lead the way.”
☆: .☽ . :☆゚.☆:☆: .☽ .☆: .☽ · 。゚☆: .☽ . :☆゚☆: .☽ . :☆
“So, where exactly are you from?” Mya asks, biting into her sandwich.
The pair had decided to head over to Panera for a quick lunch.
“I’m from Texas. Dallas, to be exact.” He replies.
“Ah. I told my friend that you weren’t from here, I knew it!” She giggles.
“How’d you tell?”
“Well, no offense… but, your accent is rather thick. They don’t really sound like that, down here, too fast.”
His smile takes over his entire face at her comment. “None taken. I’ve gotten that, a lot. I like the accents out here, though.”
“Well, at least y’all sound like you come from somewhere.” She rolls her eyes.
“What do you mean? You’re from here, ain’t you?”
“Yeah, but I don’t sound like it.” She frowns.
“Yes you do,” he snorts. “You got a lil twang.”
“You’re only sayin’ that.”
“Honest,” he holds his hands up. “You do. It’s subtle, but it’s there.” He assures.
“Really?” Her brows raise. He nods.
“Mhm. Don’t trip, pretty.” He says, popping a chip in his mouth. She blushes.
Catching the three minute warning on her phone, she begins to gather her trash.
“Almost time to head back?” He eyes her movement, reluctantly doing the same.
“Yeah,” she sighs, “rest of the day’s filled with paperwork.”
“Well, we can’t all be God’s favorite and color code the system in the mornings.” She laughs at the crack he takes at her.
“It’s not just about making it pretty, mister big  arms.” She playfully rolls her eyes.
“My broadness distractin’ you, little lady?” He asks, amusement coloring his tone.
Yes. God, yes.
“We should head back.” She stands up from the table to toss her trash. His eyes travel to her derrière.
“Mm.” He remarks to himself, standing from the table to throw his own trash away, before they head back to the office.
Making plans to catch back up once the day was finally over, Mya sinks down in her chair.
Her phone begins to ring.
“Hey, mama,” she answers, turning her laptop back on.
“Hey, baby. You alright?”
“Yeah, I’m just ready for the workday to end. It started pretty great, though.”
“Yeah? What’s going up at Vannah’s that’s got you in the good spirits, besides the angel, herself?” Her mother speaks fondly of her beloved boss.
“She’s finally taken me up on my offer to brighten up the place!,” she cheeses like her mother could see her face. “I started color coding the system to make everything easier to navigate, because it was starting to give me a migraine! Nothing on this earth should ever be that dull.”
Her mother laughs. “You are something else. But, that’s amazing, sweetheart. I always knew you’d be able to showcase your talents.”
“Thanks for always believing in me.”
“Always. Now, who’s this boy that Mercedes was goin’ on about?”
Sighing aloud, she sits up in her chair. “I gotta call you back. We’ll talk about it later, I promise.”
“Is she in trouble?”
“She’s about to be. Love you.”
“Love you too, baby. Bye bye.”
Hanging up, she quickly facetimes Mercedes. “Look, I know you and my mama are cool and all, but why would you tell her about Isaiah?”
“Girl, I honestly just told her that you got a crush on somebody, like you always do! And she was like “is he cute?” And I was like “do you know your daughter? The men are always fine!” And she laughed and that was that.” She shrugs.
“You two are gonna give me grey hair.” Mya shakes her head, beginning to type away at her keyboard.
“Now, I know you FaceTimed me to spill somethin’, so please get on with it.” Mercedes laughs. Her infectious laughter grows as Mya turns her attention back to her best friend.
“Ooh, I knew it!”
“Cedes, be quiet,” Mya giggles,” he asked me to join him for lunch and offered to pay for it! So, we went to Panera and talked. He’s from Texas, by the way.” Mercedes’ mouth falls open.
“I was wrong??”
“You were! I told you, too!” She whisper yells. “He’s from the south, but it ain’t here.”
“Well, I’ll be damned. So, you got you a Dallas cowboy, then, huh?” She says, the look on her face makes Mya wanna hang up on her.
“I really don’t like you.” She tries to hold back the smirk.
“It’s okay! Cause, I really love you!” She cheeses. “And, that’s cute, seriously. He bought you lunch and made you fall in love!”
“I’m not in love!” She laughs.
“What was in that sandwich? Bacon?”
“Mercedes.” Mya calls, it falls on deaf ears.
“That bacon must’ve been extra crispy.”
“It was. Goodbye.”
“Ride ‘em, cowgirl!”  She quickly hangs up, shaking her head.
“That girl is a mess.”
Grabbing her keys, she locks her office door behind herself and heads towards the front of the building to wait for Isaiah, like they’d planned.
“Yeah, she’s great.” He smiles, telling his friend and coworker, Jane, about Mya.
“I knew you two would hit it off. She’s been eyeing you for a while.”
“Well, she wasn’t alone.”
“Don’t I know it. You’ve talked my head about her for months, Isaiah.” She laughs, patting his shoulder.
“That’s what friends are for, right? Don’t I listen to you when you go on and on about uh, whatever his name is, this week?”
She rolls her eyes. “Tell your girlfriend to enjoy you, cause I’ll be killing you, soon.”
He laughs. “Don’t be me like that, Jane Doe. I’ll catch up with you later.” They hug and part ways.
He finds Mya with her head in her phone. He walks over, her eyes locking with his as he approaches her.
“Hey, pretty.” He greets, enjoying the view of her reddened cheeks as she twists her lips up.
“Hey, handsome.”
“Can I walk you to your car?” He offers.
“Sure.” She accepts, allowing him to lead the way, opening the door for her. She mentally checks manners off her list.
“Thank you, Isaiah.” She unlocks the driver side door.
“You’re more than welcome. Before I let you go, I’d like to ask you somethin’.”
She leans against the car door. “What’s up?”
“I been meanin’ to ask you, if you’d like to accompany me to this new spot, Friday?”
Completely taken aback that he was actually asking her out, her immediate yes jumped out, before she could contain herself. Their smiles are identical.
“I would love to. What kind of spot are we talkin’?”
“S’called Tropic. You know, one of those clubs with the disco lights, like we’re still in nineteen seventy-five and the drinks got them tiny umbrellas in ‘em.” He chuckles, rambling on as she dazedly stares at him.
“Sounds like fun.” She cheeses.
“It’s a date, then," grabbing her hand into his own, he softly caresses her skin. “I’m looking forward to it.”
“Me, too.” Her voice came out smaller than she liked. He doesn’t tease her about it. Kissing the back of her hand, he releases her. “I’ll see you tomorrow?”
“I’ll see you tomorrow.” She nods.
Waving goodbye, he heads to his own car, leaving her to slide inside of her own and squeal.
“A date?!”
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heartofwritiing · 11 months
home is wherever you are tonight
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paring: cc!wilbur soot x fem!reader
summary: its your birthday, a day you dread every year due to bad memories, and wilbur manages to change your mindset.
authors note: this has been sitting in my drafts since march and i forgot about it oops. this is completely self indulgent. Ive dreaded my birthday for the past five years because of personal reasons… i thought maybe writing a non-shitty fake birthday would make me feel better so, it did lol. enjoy!! :)
warnings: self indulgent, mentions of childhood trama, negative past events, mentions of toxic family, fluff, Wilbur being the cutest-best boyfriend, hurt-comfort, yes the title is a lyric from a lizzy mcalpine song.. unedited!
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The day had come. the day you dreaded every year for as long as you could remember. it was your birthday.
Most people would be elated about turning another year older, to celebrate but not you. Instead, it filled you with utter disinterest and resentment. To you, it was just another day on the calendar.
Ever since you could remember you’ve just hated your birthday. Each year just felt like they got worse and worse with the number of times You had been let down. Whether it was by family drama or people just forgetting. It was the same every year. So when you finally moved away from your toxic relatives you pretty much forget about it. Only remembering when you'd get a text from your parents to wish you a happy birthday. At least they remembered now that you were gone...
You were relieved when no one at work had brought it up. you never really talked to your coworkers about your personal life, you weren't that type of person. Still, you were grateful the only attention you got today was from one of your peers Matt, asking about the printer in the office not working right.
When you walked into your flat, what you weren’t expecting was too see your boyfriend standing near the door waiting for you.
“why didn’t you tell me it was your birthday?” Wilbur asks in a slightly offended tone.
The front door hasn’t even shut yet and he’s caught you completely off guard with his question. Your heart drops in your stomach.
“hello to you too,” you snort, putting your bag down and sliding your jacket off. "And how'd you even know?" Avoiding the question. Cause that will make this better.
he sighs.
“Answer the question please, love,”
You’re toeing off the uncomfortable shoes you were required to wear at your job as you blankly bink back at him.
You can tell by the frowned expression on his face that he wasn’t just gonna let you drop this anytime soon. His arms are crossed over his sweater, the sleeves rolled up to his elbows as his curls fall around his eyes.
“maybe because it's not a big deal,” you shrugged. Wilbur stops you with a hand on your shoulder before you can escape to your shared room. It wasn't forceful but gentle, his eyes asking you to stay, talk, anything. You just wanted to go to bed and sleep until your shift tomorrow and just forget about this whole day.
"What do you mean by that?" he asks. "I don't particularly like my birthday but still celebrate with friends, family, and loved ones."
There it was.
You wanted to avoid this.
"Look, I don't want to pressure you into talking about this, you can tell me when you're ready. I can tell how uncomfortable you got when I asked you outright why you didn't say anything about it being your birthday, I'm sorry..."
You could tell he was just confused and who could blame him. You had only been dating for about a year and finally moved in together last month. He didn't want to pressure you into anything you weren't ready for, which was one of the many things you adored about him. Always so patient and thoughtful about your feelings and well-being.
There was no avoiding it now as he asked the question. Your heart beating in your ears.
“Why don’t you like your birthday, love?”
“well…” you began, but you could feel the lump in your throat forming as you thought carefully how to put it. You clear your throat and take a deep breath. “I just, have a lot of trauma revolving around today,”
Wilbur has moved slowly towards you now, almost like you were a spooked animal and he was trying to calm you. He listened carefully as you spoke slowly.
“my parents fought a lot growing up, and even on my birthday they just didn’t seem to care, even for one day, so i mostly spent my birthdays alone.”
The look in his eyes says it all. He feels so heartbroken for you. You collapsed into his chest and he wrapped you in his arms, squeezing you firmly and you felt the weight in your chest fading.
"Well listen, I got you your favorite type of cake, a good bottle of wine, not that cheap shit, the really nice one we liked. we're gonna sit on the couch and eat, and you can tell me all about your day." he pauses only to bring your face out from his chest to look you in your eyes. "and then, we're gonna cuddle and I'm gonna tell you how much I love and appreciate you."
With that, he strokes your cheeks with his thumbs and kisses your nose softly. You swear that press of his lips was what made you cave. You began to break down in front of him.
Wilbur's hands seem to be the only thing keeping you upright at the moment. If he wasn't holding you, you were sure you would have fallen to your knees by now. You sob silently as you take his wrists in your hands but don't remove them from your cheeks. The intensity of the long work day and all the recurring memories this day brought you every year, combined with Wilbur's sweet gestures and words made you break.
You felt everything come down on you all at once, yet there Wilbur was, always waiting for you at the end of the day. Always there to comfort you and support you. So these weren’t sad tears no, they were happy tears. Finally, you found someone who cherished you and cared for you enough.
@trashcanduck @merakiwi @addxms @ax-y10 @highstonedcat
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ahllohehn · 2 months
Mmmmumscarian and go crazy :)
Mumbo was forced to go out today. Well, not out as in: You're going out on a quest and sacrificing a few limbs. It was more like: You're going out of your usual routine and sacrificing a few of your social energy.
Mumbo wouldn't consider himself a shut-in, although that's only if you have Tango 'The Outside Doesn't Exist' Tek as your standard. He likes exploring, just not without reason, and he rarely has any reasons.
Today, though, he has a reason. Not exactly important, but important enough for him.
Grian and Scar invited him to sneak into the city for a while to simply just unwind from the violent camp activities. Usually, he'd decline knowing the dangers of going out of the borders. But he already has a difficult time saying no to Grian and Scar's whims individually, it was more fatal to him when it was both of them asking at the same time.
So he found himself going out to the city, absolutely shaken up from each and every sight, smell, and noise around him. Although Scar and Mumbo were equals in terms of exposure to the world outside camp, the other demigod was actually faring much better than Mumbo was.
But everything was well. His two companions reassured that he didn't have to so too much talking and he simply just had to be there with them. He could do that much. He even brought his homemade camera to distract himself from his own anxiety, and it's been a while since he indulged in photography so he might as well.
He underestimated just how much he'd actually be distracted with the camera though.
Every second, every amusing small details, everything that his two companions had to offer, his camera clicked.
It wasn't until he went back home to the Hephaestus cabin to report to Tango about their D.I.Y. camera that he realized just how much he actually took for a hangout that only lasted around 4 hours.
"I swear, Mumbo, you could start a shrine with these," Tango said as they printed out the, apparently, 300 copies of just Grian and Scar's photos, plus the random stray cat photos.
Mumbo's face got redder and redder the more photos got printed, and the more he realized that almost all the photos look somehow the same.
They were all Grian and Scar smiling and laughing, mainly looking past the camera.
Smiling towards him in every photo, Mumbo realizes.
Mumbo groaned into his hands in embarrassment, "I am... So sorry..."
Tango patted him on his back comfortingly, "Nothing wrong with being in love, lil' bro. At least love got us to confirm that the camera works."
Tango's carefree laugh echoed throughout the cabin while Mumbo was folded over himself flusteredly, too embarrassed to actually look at Tango as the photo printer kept on printing in the background.
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shotmrmiller · 10 months
A chance encounter.
Pairing: Kyle 'Gaz' Garrick x F! Reader
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You have had a bad week but today has been horrific. You had awoken 15 minutes before the alarm, get up to shower, and the water had gone ice cold when you had shampoo in your hair.Stumbling out after a freezing shower, you were pulling on a tank top when the back of it twisted because you didn't fully dry yourself so that had you fighting it for 10 minutes and you still had to squeeze into an office skirt and button up. You ran as fast as you could in heels to your car and drove at an illegal speed to try and get to work on time— only to have your boss drown you in paperwork before snapping at you about a lack of coffee on his desk. Your only reprieve is that it's Friday and you don't work Monday. Fuck this job, fuck this week, and fuck whoever jammed the paper printer and left it like that.
Looking at the clock, you see the end of your shift has come— and you couldn't grab your keys and sprint out of the door fast enough. All you could think about was going to a grocery store and getting a bottle of wine before going home and ordering some Mexican food.
Standing in the alcohol section, you're biting the tip of your thumb as you try to pick which brand of cheap wine would give you the least painful hangover when a baritone voice from behind you interrupts your train of thought.
"I wouldn't recommend you a two-buck chuck for a Friday evening."
Without facing him, you say, "I'm sorry?"
With a lovely British accent, he translates. "A box of red Moscato will serve you in nothing but a terrible headache."
Scoffing, you turn to tell him to piss off— but your retort is caught in your throat. A beautiful man is the owner of that voice. Bronze complexion and tall like a runway model with a cap that had the U.K. flag on it. Chocolate eyes, straight nose, sculpted jaw, lush lips and a 5 o'clock shadow. He looked like a man out of a romance movie.
Your cheeks redden and stammer, "I— uh, don't want to pay for a good bottle I plan on getting drunk on."
He lets out a laugh, straight white teeth with pointy canines— you curse your weakness for mythical creatures— and extends his hand.
"Gaz. Gaz Garrick."
Shaking his hand, you give him your name.
"Well, speaking of wine, I'd love to personally recommend you a bottle over dinner."
'This isn't real,' you think. 'What could a man carved by Michaelangelo himself want with someone like you?'
He takes in your gaping mouth and widened eyes as a response.
"If you want, of course," he falters, "I didn't mean to make you uncomfo—"
"No!" you interrupt, "I mean yes! I'd love to go out to dinner with you, Kyle."
He relaxes his shoulders before letting out another entrancing laugh.
"Right, well, if you like— since I know you've got plans tonight— we exchange cell numbers and we can plan a date when it's the most convenient for you. I'll be in America for a bit."
You're too excited to wonder at what he meant by that and take out your phone, nodding eagerly. You're about to ask him what his number is when he shoves his unlocked phone into your hand and takes yours. Exchanging phones again, you look down at his contact page. Kyle with a blue heart next to it.
You're blushing furiously but look up at him and smile.
"Alrighty, Gaz. I gotta get goin', I got a couch and take-out calling my name. But I will text you."
"I hope you do, love. Otherwise, I'll be gutted."
Grabbing the box of wine, your heels click as you walk down to the register— and you can feel the burn of his gaze on your back. Someone somewhere was looking out for you because you just happened to be wearing the most flattering office skirt you own. Paying and grabbing the receipt, you leave the store with a pep in your step and a silly little smile on your face. You couldn't wait to see him again.
Finally at home in an oversized tee and sweatpants, you're lounging on your sofa. Fluffy socked feet up on your coffee table with a full wine glass in your one hand, you're changing the TV from Youtube to the Netflix you never use. Taking a sip as you scroll through the popular on Netflix list when you see a recognizable face.
You shoot up from the couch, spine ramrod straight as you squint your eyes at the screen.
No. Fucking. Way.
'Last letter from your lover' starring up-and-coming british star Kyle Garrick---- The letters after that blur together. No shot he's ACTUALLY from a movie!
Slamming your plastic wine glass down on the table, you scramble to your phone before sending 'Gaz' a text.
You: Hey.
Gaz: Hey, love. I didn't think you'd reach out so soon. Can't say I'm not glad though.
You: Yeah well, I just happened to come across something peculiar and I thought of you.
Gaz: Oh? I'm flattered I made such an impression.
You: Yeah! I just saw the preview to 'Last letter from your lover'. You wouldn't happen to be Kyle Garrick?
Gaz: Ah— right. Listen, my name IS Gaz. It's what friends and loved ones call me. You not recognizing me from the get-go was a breath of fresh air. I understand if this could be an issue for you.
You: It just took me by surprise. How about you make it up to me tomorrow evening? You've set high expectations for your choices in wine.
Gaz: Absolutely, love. I promise I won't disappoint. Tomorrow then, at 7.
You grab your sofa cushion and smush your face into it before screaming at the top of your lungs. Grabbing the box of wine, you store it in the fridge and get ready for bed. No hangover for you, after all—You've got a date!
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snek-panini · 6 months
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Today I've got binderary book #3 to share! It's a lighthouse (burning) by books-and-omens. This is a really excellent canonverse (sort of) historical setting liminal ghost story-esque fic that I read practically in one sitting sometime last summer. It's fantastic, well-characterized, angsty and fluffy and fairly plotty and with some really unique worldbuilding. I honestly can't sing its praises enough; it's one of the only times since taking up this hobby that I've known I wanted to bind something before I actually finished reading it.
Have a look at the rest of the photos under the cut; this one came out really well and I'm in love with it.
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For this cover we have lineco book cloth on the spine, a strip of chiyogami paper that I got in one one ChibiJay's random paper packs, and blue-gray sketch paper for the primary gray space. It's a little hard to tell in the photos but the HTV for the titles is in two different colors, silver for "a lighthouse" and pewter for "(burning)". The effect is more pronounced in person and I love it. The pewter came in a multi-pack of cricut foil HTV and I can't seem to find it on its own anywhere, which is a shame because it's beautiful. The sort of streaky effect on the cover was unintentional but I'm kinda liking it? It's a more porous paper for drawing or painting or something, and I tried to wax it for waterproofing, but when I used the heat press to get the title on the wax darkened in the spots where the glue was applied to the cover board. At first I was disappointed, but the fic features a really massive unnatural storm, and it sort of looks like water running down a windowpane, so I'm leaning into that and calling it an aesthetic. The back didn't get this heat treatment, so it doesn't have the pattern.
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Top view, showing the bookmark and handmade end bands. The bookmark is a navy blue ribbon cut from the inside of a shirt, and I chose red and white because there are so many picturesque lighthouses that have red and white stripes. It's the only color in the book that's not blue or gray. The endpapers are a navy blue silk moire, and I had better luck with them than I did with the platinum ones on my Persuasion bind even though they are the same brand. Maybe it's practice or maybe navy just hides more sins than platinum.
For the title page I went fairly simple (for me anyway) with just a frame I pulled from rawpixel. It suits the story, though, being set sometime around or before the early 20th century. I also played with text colors on the title page, with some words being grayed out to mimic the effect on the cover. The section break is me getting clever with a feature of my printer. I often use a gray line to denote section breaks, but for whatever reason my printer doesn't like them and often makes them blurry. It is only these lines that come out blurry; larger images don't do this even if they are complex. So for this one, where a major feature of the story is trying to figure out what's real and what's a supernatural occurrence, I made one that was deliberately heavier in the center so it would come out sort of smoky or fuzzy, like it wasn't quite real and couldn't be clearly seen. It doesn't look this fuzzy in the unprinted file but I love the effect and I feel very clever for manipulating the printer like this.
I'm going to show off some interior shots but this bit contains spoilers for the story, so if you don't want to see that then maybe skip the rest of the post.
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I wanted to get creative with my title placement since a lot of my binds look very similar inside, and this concept really let me try that out. The plot of the story is that the reason there are so many supernatural phenomena at this lighthouse is that someone in the future ran an experiment to harvest energy and accidentally cracked spacetime with it, and bits of the future and the past and the might-have-been are seeping through the cracks, and the longer the cracks exist the more seeps through them and the worse the ghostly stuff gets. At first it's not clear whether there's anything weird happening at all, and it becomes clearer that something is wrong the further in you get because the cracks are worse. So I had this idea for a vintage lighthouse illustration with an overlay of cracks in glass, that become more defined as the story progresses until something is done and they're sealed up in the end. I am not a visual artist and even this straightforward concept was too much for my skills, so I chose the lighthouse and the crack overlay and my amazing husband did the actual image manipulation. There are five different images, with the cracks invisible in the first and final chapter and most visible in chapter 10 and 11, when the characters are trying hardest to fix the problem. I'm really really proud of how well this turned out.
And that's it! I have several more binderary books to post but they are all still waiting for titles before I do the photos, so I don't know when I'll have them up.
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thezombieprostitute · 1 month
Hope you work day is going alright!💞
A drop-in visit from PhD!Candidate Curtis on his way back to his apartment from the university. He’s gotta run some data analysis for his thesis, but has no idea where to start. Someone said you could help him find a way?
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Sincerest thanks for your patience, Essie! My muse did not want to work on this for the longest time!
A/N: Reader is gender neutral. No physical descriptors used.
Warnings: college/university stress. You don't know pain until you see university students begging the printer to work faster during finals week.
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Today seemed to be regular day at the reference desk. You were answering emails from the mathematics faculty and students, assuring them about library holdings of their requested materials. Sometimes directing them to the LaTeX to TeX converter you'd had to make, silently cursing MathSciNet and zbMath for not converting yet. Thankfully, the library students you were monitoring at the reference desk were able to handle most of the questions that got directed at them.
At least until a tall, very handsome man with a buzzcut, wearing sunglasses and a leather jacket walks in. You keep an eye on him as he approaches the desk because he doesn't look happy and you're not about to let anyone yell at the students. Thankfully he seems polite enough, neither of the students look scared, but they do direct him to you.
Making eye contact, you motion him over and he's quick to obey.
"How can I help?"
"I'm, I'm Curtis and...my, my data is...I think it got corrupted," he removes his sunglasses and he looks completely devastated. "I can't lose this data. It's, it's my thesis."
You nod in what you hope is a reassuring manner, "do you have a copy of the data in the university servers?"
He holds out a flash drive and you grab the laptop that's never allowed to connect to the network and get it ready. When it is you hold your hand out and he gives you the drive. Plugging it in you take a few minutes to figure out what you're looking at. Some of the terminology is familiar, he's clearly not a mathematics PhD, based on the labels you're able to discern.
"Oh, I see the problem," you tell Curtis, who's looks keep distracting you from your work. "You were, understandably, trying to use data you'd picked up using our Statistica license on your home computer that has the public domain Dataplot software."
"And I'm guessing the two are not interchangeable," Curtis sighs in defeat.
"Unfortunately the metadata schemas they use for the data sets don't work well together," you nod. "The data isn't corrupted, it's just very, very messy and it would take you a lot of late nights to clean it all up again, even if you knew R."
He scratches the back of his neck, "so my data is useless?"
"You have backups, right? You didn't just keep all your data on this flash drive, right?"
"I have backups," he nods. "But it's still months of work down the drain." He raises his hands to his face, looking like he wants to cry. It's a look you're painfully familiar with given your line of work.
You unplug the drive and hand it to him, "hey, look at me." He lowers his hands a little and the pain in his beautiful blue eyes breaks your heart. "You're going to be okay. Yes, it's a lot of time you'll never get back, but it's not the end. You're going to be able to kick this data's ass and get it in line because you know what you're doing with it now. Your thesis hit a setback, it happens a lot more than people would like to admit. You're not alone and you will be able to get this done."
He seems to take your words to heart, taking a few breaths and standing up straight.
"And make sure to get yourself a treat," you add. "You're hurting and you need to take care of yourself."
He almost smiles as he nods and walks out.
It's been a few months and you'd almost forgotten about the poor PhD student. You probably would have had his physique not stood out so much. The same physique you see walking towards the reference desk, but with a giant smile. You smile in return, he must've gotten his data sorted out.
He walks up to you, "I don't know if you remember me--"
"Statistical software mess, right?"
He lowers his head as his cheeks develop a pink tint, "yeah."
"I'm guessing it all worked out?"
"I'm officially Dr. Everett, now."
Your smile grows, "congratulations, Doctor!"
"Thanks, um," he rubs the back of his neck. "If, if it's not too forward, could I take you out to dinner? As a thank you?" Your eyes go wide. "It wasn't just the data, software stuff that you helped me with. I was genuinely considering just dropping out, giving up. But then you looked me in the eyes and told me I could do it and...and I want to thank you for that."
Smiling, you tell him, "I get off at 6."
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Tagging: @alicedopey; @delicatebarness; @icefrozendeadlyqueen; @ronearoundblindly
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gweninred · 8 months
melissa schemmenti
comfort? idk
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"Okay, which one of y'all ordered this big stack of social studies books?" Ava asked, walking into the teacher's offices, dropping a box on one of the tables. Melissa and I are trying to get the printer to work. Everyone immediately ran over to the principal. "Oh my goodness! They're only a few years old." Janine picked up one of the books. "Oh my God! They have Brexit! And the Flint water crisis. And Hamilton." She read, looking into one of the cameras. "These aren't for Abbott Elementary. They're for Addington Elementary." Your wife reads from the box, her red reading glasses sitting on her nose. "Oh, the school down the street?" Asked Jacob. "New books. One of the perks of turning into a charter school." Answerd Barbara. "They went charter and went up. From 2012 Khloe K to 2022 Khloe K like that." Ava snipped her fingers. "Unreconizable." I picked up one of the books and looked at it. "I heard they got a lot of good stuff over there." I said, leaning against Melissa's shoulder, and she wrapped her arm around you.
"Well, that building was made by the same World War II architect as this one, so it can't be that great." Janine smiled once again into the camera, trying to see the positive side. "Why don't we walk over there and find out for ourselves during lunch?" Barbara requested. "Well, Melissa and I actually planned on lunching somewhere today, so I don't think—" I couldn't finish; Melissa was cutting in. "No, we're going, hon." I gave her a glare. "What? I want to see inside." She put her glasses back on her head. "Sure, let's do it!." Janine said.
Later that day, we walked into Addington Elementary with Janine carrying the box with books. "Did you all feel that?" Barbara asked. "That is some good AC." A young man walked past our group of teachers. "They even got a young Mr. Johnson." Gregory waved at him. "Do you smell that?" I gripped Melissa's hand, my love language being physical touch. "I don't smell anything." The redhead said. "Exactly!" Then Janine cut in: "You know what? No. It's not that great here. I mean look, the ceilings are smooth. Isn't that what floors are for?" She tried to cheer the group up.
"Hey!" We heard a voice. "Tina!" The old Abbott teacher walked up to us. "Look the crying bitch." Melissa whisperd. "That's Ms. Schwartz, the teacher you replaced." Jacob whispered to Gregory. "The one who kicked a student?" He asked, shocked. "Oh, I don't do that anymore." She laughed. "Because of therapy and anger management, also, at a charter school, there's a lot less oversight in the hiring process, so it's been pretty sweet." Tina was proud. "Well, sweetheart, it's nice to see you, and the school is wonderful." Melissa chuckled at that. I knew from Melissa that Barbara didn't like Tina. "Yeah. Are those my books?' She pointed at the box in Janine's hands. "Oh yeah!" She handed them over. "You guys want a little tour?" The group laughed. "Yeah!" they said. "So, this is the language lab." The teacher led them to the closest class room. "The kids are currently learning French. Bonjour!" She greeted the class, and the class greeted her happily. I heard Melissa say, "Awh." Tina continued. "Over there are our restrooms. which are awesome because the banos don't attack you here." Janine cut her off. "Oh, I fixed that toilet, so..." Tina laughed awkwardly.
Then there came a kid running down the hall, followed by a blonde-haired teacher. I recognized the woman immediately, and so did Melissa. It was her sister, Kirsten Marie. Melissa let go of my hand, gripped her bag tighter, and straightened her posture. "Hey, Kya, you gagootz, keep it movin'!" Kirsten yelled at the running kid. She stopped in front of Melissa, glaring at her. I placed my hand on the small of my wife's back to comfort her a little. Since the fight with her sister, they hadn't spoken to each other. Kirsten scoffed at her sister. "Okay, come on." The redhead said. The group of teachers looked at the two women before the blonde started to walk away. "Let's get out of here. Come on." Melissa walked, grabbing my wrist and dragging me with her. "Melissa, that's like your charter school doppelganger." Jacob looked back at the other woman. "It is because they are sisters!" I whispered to the group, but Melissa heard anyway. "I said, Let's go!"
Now you were walking outside, and Melissa was walking at a pace the group could barely keep up with. "She's your sister? You have the same mom?" Janine almost yelled at the other teacher. "Yeah, yeah, good. You know what sisters mean. Glad you're making good use of that Penn education." She was mad. "Melissa!" I hissed. "What did I tell you about being so rude?" I squeezed her hand, like giving her a warning. "I'm not saying another word about this." I looked back at the group and held my shoulders up. "Can we at least walk at a slower pace? I think we're far enough now." Jacob said, but Melissa was not having it. "Okay, we will see you at school." Me and Melissa continued walking.
"Baby, don't let her ruin your day now." The redhead groaned. "And I understand you're upset, but that doesn't mean you have to be so rude to Janine or to anyone." Melissa didn't answer, but I knew she would come around. We've arrived back at school. "And I didn't bring any lunch." Melissa sat down at our regular table, grabbing her bag to pull out a few dollars. "Get something from the vending machine." She mumbles. "Great." I sighed. "What do you want?" My wife sat with her arms crossed on the table, her head leaning on her arms. "I want to go home." She groaned. “I didn’t mean that, you know that, Melis.” I got noodles for both of us and some boiled water. I walked up to her and placed my hands on her shoulders, slightly massaging. I parted her red locks around her neck and placed a kiss on her exposed skin. "Don't stay mad now." I moved my hands to her front and hugged her, placing kisses on the back of her head. We were the only ones in the teachers lounge since everyone decided to eat out. Melissa sat up, placing her hands over yours. "I’m sorry." She mumbled, turning her head to kiss me on the lips. The position was quite awkward. “Don't say sorry to me, you should apologize to Janine." I whispered against her lips. She closed the gap, pressing her red-painted lips against mine. In a few moments, I pulled away. "Noodles." I reminded myself and turned around to finish up the food.
Pouring the boiling water into the cup of noodles, you felt two arms wrap around your waist, Melissa hugging you from behind. Normally we aren't so touchy at work, but Melissa turns more clingey when she feels bad. I finished up the noodles and told Melissa to sit on the couch instead of at the table. She sat down next to me, her thighs touching mine. We ate in silence, and when we were done, she snuggled up to me.
Around 20 minutes later, the door busted open, and teachers slowly came inside. I noticed the redhead falling asleep, her head resting on my shoulder, and her mouth hanging open. "She asleep?" Barbara asked, and I nodded. "I guess seeing 'stupid' family members is exhausting." I giggled and slightly stroked the side of her face. "Well, I'm going to head out of here before the dragon wakes up." Jacob rushed out of the room before I could say anything. I gasped at what he had called my wife. "I don't think she means it. Everyone says things they might regret later when they’re mad." Janine held up her books before leaving. The bell rang, waking Melissa up. She rubbed her eyes and straightened her posture. "Shit, I didn't mean to fall asleep." I smiled, kissing the side of her face. "You probably needed it. But come on, we're already late. I forgot the time too."
Later that day, Melissa apologized to Janine. "You have her wrapped around your finger, y\n." Barbara said to me, looking at the interaction between Melissa and Janine.
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14buddy22 · 1 year
oh my goodness!! Aaron just stopped by, he had flowers for you? And a note! he wants to know how you’re doing? 🌻💌
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I know you were just being nice bestie and I'm doing good! But here's a one shot just for you bestie!! 🫶🫶🫶
I have no idea how many words this is, nor is this edited.
Warnings: car accidents, school fights, bruises, bad days, letters, soft Aaron, worried Aaron, loving Aaron, Jack is the sweetest in this, proposals
It started off as a great day. Aaron and Jack spent the night at your apartment. You spent the night laughing away at the movie Jack had picked out while you cuddled with your two boys on your couch.
Towards the end of the movie, you heard soft snores coming from Jack and it was then that Aaron decided to scoop Jack up and put him in the guest room that had slowly become Jack's. You had bought Spiderman bedsheets as well as a Spiderman nightlight so the little boy would be comfortable at your home. You didn't want to make him feel unwelcome if his dad would be spending so much time over here.
You know Aaron's time with Jack was precious, so you never told Aaron you wanted him to come over alone. You loved when Jack was around, just as you thought Jack loved being around you.
You never let Jack feel excluded, if Jack wanted to sleep in the same bed as you and Aaron, you would ignore when Aaron would try to tell Jack that he couldn't and you would tell Jack that of course it was okay to sleep with you and his dad.
While your morning started out great, it was not ending so hot. It seemed liked as soon as Aaron kissed you goodbye and Jack hugged you, shit hit the fan.
You had spilled your coffee on your favorite shirt that you were wearing to work. Causing you not to be late, but just running behind a bit and you had a few things you had to do before class started.
When you got to work, the printer wasn't working, so that became chaos.
Then, two of your high schoolers got into a fight in the middle of class, which was not fun to break up, especially when the two were taller than you, and may have accidentally hit you in attempt to hit the other kid. You caught the tail end of the punch, but it still hurt, you were sure to have a mark, and you had picture day coming up.
Filing out to report was no biggie, but just extensive. Work that you didn't want to do.
To top everything off, a car rear-ended you on your way home. You wanted to scream. How could this day go so wrong when it started out so well?
You had been texting Aaron throughout the day, explaining to him how you were canceling dinner plans for today, just not in the mood to deal with anything else.
You also didn't want to be grumpy or seem annoyed with Jack in your presence. He didn't need that, he needed you at your best, not your worst.
You debated telling Aaron about the car accident, but you were in somewhat of a shock, and the car accident was straw that broke the camel's back. That's what pushed you over the edge. That's when you lost it and called him, just needing to hear his voice.
Just as you were sitting on the couch, eating your favorite ice cream out of the tub, watching a movie and crying, the last thing you expected was a knock on your door.
You debated getting up and and answering it. You didn't want anyone to see you like this. However, when you heard the persistent knock again, you decided to stand up and answer the door.
You were met with your two favorite boys. Aaron and Jack were holding flowers and takeout from your favorite restaurant.
"Hi gorgeous. I had told Jack about your bad day and he figured we needed to cheer you up. So he decided picking up dinner and flowers for you."
"These are for you! What do you think? I hope you love them?"
You began to cry at the sight of your two favorite boys. They were so sweet. You could never be angry with them. Jack was so cute holding out the flowers towards you.
"I love them! Thank you so much, Jackers! They're beautiful! Let's get them in some water and let's eat dinner together, yeah?"
Jack nodded and you gave him a hug, kissing the top of his head. Jack ran inside the apartment, going to look for a vase and Aaron took a step inside, shutting and locking the door behind him.
"Honey, you didn't tell me the fight was that bad."
Aaron carefully brushed the bruise starting to form on your face and kissed you. He engulfed you with a hug and you couldn't help but melt right into him.
"I didn't want to tell you it was this bad because I knew you'd freak out. I didn't want you to bring Jack over if I couldn't be at my best."
"Jack knows you at your best. He'll love you even at your worst. Just like I love you at your worst."
You leaned into him even more as he placed a kiss to the top of your forehead. As you pulled away, you grabbed his hand, making your way into the kitchen and seeing Jack fill up the vase he had picked out with water for the flowers.
As you three ate dinner, listening to Jack speak about his day, you then decided to pick out a movie to watch together. Aaron was not throwing out any good movie ideas, so once again the decision would be left to you and Jack, which really meant Jack. As long as you got to cuddle with them and spend time with your two boys, you didn't care what you watched.
"Hey, I think I left my watch in the bedside drawer last night, do you mind going to get it for me?"
You looked at Aaron and then down at Jack. You ruffled Jack's hair and said, "Your daddy could be forgetful, don't you think?"
Jack laughed and said, "He sometimes forgets that I like Mac n cheese when I eat Dino nuggets."
You laughed at the little boy, knowing that when Jack ate his Dino nuggets, he always wanted Mac n cheese, yet Aaron knew that boxed Mac n cheese for dinner 2 nights a week wasn't always the best for Jack, which is why he sometimes "forgot" to make it for Jack.
You stood up, walking to your bedroom. You went to the side of the bed designated just for him, just as the nightstand next to it slowly became his over the course of your relationship.
You found a note addressed to you in Aaron's handwriting. You decided to sit on the bed and read it. Surely Aaron would have wanted you to, right?
To the love of my life,
You are the greatest thing to happen to me. Losing Haley was hard. We've talked about that multiple times and you know my biggest fear when getting into this relationship was that something would happen to you. But we talked through it, you told me you'd be okay if we began to date. We've been together for a little over a year and I know I want the rest of my life to be with you. Jack loves you. He's mentioned a couple times how you're his best friend. I couldn't ask for anyone better to love my son as much as I do. You never treat him any different because he's not biologically yours and it makes me love you even more than I ever thought possible. I love you. You are the best thing that's happened to my son and I. You're the sunshine on my darkest days and I promise that I'll be your sunshine on your darkest days. Thank you for loving Jack and I at our best and worst. Thank you for listening and loving my son. Thank you for welcoming him into our relationship, we're a package deal. I knew you were the one when you decorated your guest bedroom into a Spiderman themed room for him. Thank you for loving us, I want to love you for the rest of my life.
Love, Aaron
You had tears in your eyes. How the hell did he write this letter and leave it before you had the worst day of your life in a while. When you met Aaron, you weren't looking for love. You slowly fell in love with the man who was a single father, in which that scared you at first. Too afraid you wouldn't be good enough for the little boy who loved his father deeply, that's why you tried to hard at first to get Jack to love you. But turns out, he didn't need much convincing, he loved you from the first time he met you.
When you walked back, letter in hand, you saw Aaron and Jack standing next to each other, both of them with a huge grin on their face.
"What do you boys have planned?"
Aaron took your hand in his and he said, "I love you. Jack loves you."
You heard a quiet, "I do!"
When you smiled at Jack, you looked back at Aaron. He continued. "I wrote that letter a while ago, it's been sitting in the drawer for quite some time. But, after the day you had, I promised in that letter that I'd be your sunshine on your darkest days. You had a really bad day today."
Aaron dug his hand into his pocket and knelt to the ground. Jack began to smile even bigger than you ever had before. You immediately gasped, not believing this was actually happening.
"Let me be the sunshine on your darkest day today. I know this isn't the proposal every little girl dreams of, but, what better way to propose to you so you don't have to remember this as the worst day that's happened to you. You'll have this associated with a good day. So, please, let us be the sunshine on your darkest day. Will you marry me?"
Jack said, "And you can become a Hotchner like me and Daddy?"
"Yes! Yes, I'd love to marry you."
You leaned down to kiss Aaron as he pushed the ring onto your ring finger. Jack immediately wrapped his little arms around said, "We did it, daddy! She said yes!"
As Aaron stood up, kissing you once more, he lifted Jack into his arms, Jack linking one arm around Aaron's neck and another arm around yours. You place your hand on Aaron's cheek and said, "Thank you boys for being the sunshine on my darkest days. I'll promise I'll always be the sunshine on yours."
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