#so I Am admittedly proud I did 4 whole days. I knew I was setting way too high of a goal but I was hopeful anyways lol :')
mosspapi · 5 months
Lasted all of four (4) days into my "stay clean for the whole month" plan. Which I am unfortunately proud of. Oh well. There's always tomorrow I suppose
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kuroopaisen · 4 years
cause & effect || chapter 4
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➵ your work friend, kuroo, has a tiny favour to ask. to say you’re surprised is an understatement. but, for some stupid reason, you agreed to it. 
warnings: f!reader, alcohol
wc: 2.1k
m.list | ch. 3 ↞ ch. 4 ↠ ch. 5
You sip the hot sake with a grimace. It’s not bad per se, just… different.
For a restaurant whose whole gimmick was hot sake, you’re surprised it clashes so much with your meal. But at least it brought you a little warmth.
Kuroo’s having as strange a time as you are. Each sip of his sake is accommodated with a grimace. Somehow, it makes him look a couple years younger.
Your legs are tucked under the futon attached to your table, but admittedly there’s not much room. Kuroo’s legs are far too long and the kotatsu much too cramped.
“Give me some room, would you?” You grin, nudging him with your knee.
“Oh, sorry,” Kuroo chuckles, adjusting himself.
This isn’t the first fake date you’ve been on with Kuroo. Well, they weren’t dates – not technically. The purpose of them was to get to know each other better; something you’d both agreed was important if you were going to pull this whole thing off.
You’d never really thought about it before, but there’s a lot of mundane information shared in relationships. Things you might not think to mention to other people, or even things you haven’t told anyone else. Not that you were saying any of that to each other – you just need to be convincingly close.
You are going to meet his family, after all.
“So,” you sigh, setting your cup on the kotatsu, “you lived with your dad, your grandmother, and your grandfather?”
“Mhm,” he nods.
“And I need to stay on my toes around them?”
“Oh yeah,” Kuroo grins. “Chances are they’ll tease the hell out of you if they get comfortable enough.”
“Great,” you chuckle.
“You’ll be fine,” he smiles. “I’m sure they’ll love you.”
“You sure?”
“Chances are they’ll tell you you’re too good for me.”
“Maybe I am,” you smirk, taking another sip of sake.
Kuroo scoffs. “Brutal!”
You’re not sure if he can tell you’re lying. He’s handsome, clever, and witty enough to be entertaining. You’d feel lucky to have a guy like him look your way.
Oh well, you think as you place your hands in your lap. You’re quite happy to keep that thought to yourself. There’s no good reason to feed a man’s ego.
He stretches his arms above his head, groaning. You swear you can hear his bones cracking.
“You sound like an old man,” you grin.
“Look, it’s not my fault the human body is badly designed.”
“Ah, so it’s not your fault for not looking after it properly, hm?” Perhaps he has a point. But you have to make your own fun these days.
“I’ll have you know I take very good care of my body, thank you very much.”
You’re not sure if he intended it to sound so flirtatious, but you blush anyway.
“Your bones say otherwise,” you muse.
“I won’t stand for this abuse,” he grins, standing up. “You ready?”
You follow suit, scampering after him as he approaches the cashier.
As always, he pays. No matter how hard you try to protest, he just smiles and says he feels bad for taking up your evenings.
You don’t know a casual way to say that you actually enjoy these outings.
Your solution is just buy him fancier coffees in the morning.
Kuroo deals with the transaction in the same smooth and charming way he always does, and you’re sure he’s definitely made an imprint on the dear cashier’s memory.
It’s only late afternoon, but the sky is already darkening. The trees that line the street are speckled with fairy lights, already glowing like candles in the dim twilight.
You gaze at them with a tiny sense of wonder. You’ve heard the theory that people made winter a time of celebration to give them something to pull through the dark and the cold for. Maybe that’s true – but there’s always such beauty to be find during wintertime, even if it feels like the tip of your nose is about to fall out.
Fairy lights in a tree are so small, so inconsequential, and yet so human.
You shake your head. That’s the sake talking.
You turn to Kuroo to say something.
He’s peering at you intently, eyes roaming your face.
You blush, unsure what to make of that look. Is there something on your face? “Everything okay?”
“The lighting’s good here.”
You frowned. “Huh?”
Kuroo fishes his phone out of his pocket, taking a step towards you and hovering an arm above your shoulders.
“You all good to take a photo?” He asks, and it clicks.
“Oh! Right!” You nod, almost a little too fervently. “Sure.”
He smiles, slinging his arm across your shoulders. You lean into him, tilting your face to what you believe to be your best angle.
Sure, these photos are technically ‘fake’, but that doesn’t mean you can’t look your best.
He snaps a couple of photos of the two of you before opening his gallery. The two of you take a moment to observe the handful of images.
The two of you may not really in a relationship, but you’re sure these photos could fool you.
You point at one of them, nodding. “That one looks good.”
Kuroo chuckles, adding it to his favourites. “Thanks.”
He smiles and slips his phone into his pocket as he steps away from you. You miss his warmth more than you should.
“Have they liked the photos?” You ask.
“Loved them,” he grins.
You know Kuroo’s been sending them to his family – with your permission, of course. It’s partly to satiate their desire to intrude on his love life, and also to make it more believable when you finally meet them. You have half a mind to save them to your own phone with how cute they are.
“Oba-chan’s been joking about putting them on the wall.”
You snort. “That’s a bit much, isn’t it?”
“She’s desperate,” he grins.
“She must be, if she’s considering omiai.”
Kuroo shrugs. “Ah, she’s just worried about me. She doesn’t want me to be ‘married to my work.’”
“Are you?” You ask, one eyebrow raised.
“Oh, God no.”
You laugh as you dig your hands in your pockets.
“I’ve just got a lot going on,” he explains. “I don’t have the time to date.”
“Really?” You tilt your head at him. “You kind of strike me as the kind of guy who’s content to just go home and play dating sims all night.”
Kuroo reels back, a hand on his chest. “You’re joking.”
“I thought you were single because you had some digital waifu or something.”
Kuroo stares at you with an expression of absolute horror. “What have I done to deserve this?”
“I’m just teasing,” you giggle, hopping down the street. “Okay, so if you’re not cuddling up against a body pillow of a scantily clad anime women during those lonely nights, then what do you do with your spare time?”
Kuroo scoffs, shaking his head as he jogs to catch up with you. “Well, I catch up with my friends a fair bit. Oh, and I’m part of a hobby volleyball club.”
“You play?” You look him up and down. Now that he’s said it, it makes perfect sense.
“I wasn’t kidding when I said I take good care of my body,” he grins.
Another glance and you realise – yes, actually, he appears to be taking very good care of his body. Those shoulders look a little broader than you’d first thought.
“Is that why you applied for your job?” You ask. “Personal interest?”
“Mhm,” he nods.
Interesting. “Have you always played?”
“I’ve played for as long as I can remember,” he grins. “Believe it or not, but my high school team actually made it to Nationals. With me as their captain.”
“Wait, really?” You look up at him with wide eyes. Now that was certainly unexpected.
“Sure did.”
“How far did you get?”
Kuroo furrows his brow for a moment. “I think it was something like the top 16?”
“That’s… pretty impressive,” you admit. Your knowledge of sports is perhaps a little lower than might be expected of someone in your position, but you digress. Top 16 in the entire nation is definitely something to be proud of.
“Glad you think so,” he grins.
“If you don’t mind me asking, why didn’t you pursue it professionally?” From your perspective he certainly has the build for it. And if there’s one thing you’re sure of after working next to him for a while now, it’s that he’s clever. A trait that seems to be surprisingly useful on the court.
“There were some real monsters on the teams we faced,” he says, voice languid as ever. “You know about Hinata Shouyou and Kageyama Tobio, right?”
You nod. Even if your understanding of the sport itself wasn’t particularly advanced, you were well-aware of the top players. That, at least, you’d made an effort to stay up to date with. Also, a lot of them were unfairly attractive – making that task a bit easier to stick to than some of your others.
“We faced them at Nationals,” he glances at you, a new glint in his eye. Maybe it’s nostalgia.
You shiver.
“That genuinely sounds terrifying.”
Kuroo grins. “It was. Oh, and you know Bokuto Koutarou, right?”
“Who doesn’t?”
“Well, we were friends in high school,” Kuroo says, as if it’s the most mundane piece of information you could receive. “Our teams often practiced against one another.”
You stare at him, jaw slack. “No way.”
“I have several embarrassing photos of him to prove it,” Kuroo chuckles.
He’s so confident about it that you have no choice but to believe him.
“You have to introduce me to him,” you say, voice a little more desperate than you’d like.
“Why?” Kuroo flashes you a wicked grin. “Got a crush?”
“No,” you roll your eyes, praying your cheeks aren’t turning too red. “He just seems… nice.”
“Nice and… attractive?”
“Shut up!”
“I’m just saying, he’s technically single—”
“Aren’t I supposed to be your fake girlfriend?” You knock him with one of his shoulders to little avail. You stumble back a bit from the impact. He stays completely still.
Kuroo cackles a little louder than usual. “You’re going to have to try harder than that.”
“Who knew you were so annoying?” You scoff.
“That’s on you,” he smirks. “You’re the one agreed to this.”
“It’s a hell of my own creation,” you mumble.
“Should’ve read the fine print,” Kuroo teases.
You have half a mind to glare at him to keep this going, but a question pushes itself to the forefront of your mind.
“Wait, so…” You press your lips together, frowning. “You didn’t pursue professional volleyball because of people like Bokuto?”
Kuroo tilts his head to the side with a pensive expression. “Sort of,” he shrugs. “I guess I just felt like I didn’t have the same passion for the court that guys like him did.”
“Oh,” you murmur. “I’m sorry.”
“Don’t apologise,” he chuckles, shaking his head. “I just realised my talents would be better applied elsewhere.”
“So… in marketing?”
He grins, glancing at you. “I just think that volleyball has the power to really connect people.”
You tilt your head at him.
“When I first moved to Tokyo, I wasn’t great at talking to people,” he sighs, running a hand through his hair. “But, because of volleyball, I found a way to… feel more comfortable opening up to people.”
The thought of Kuroo Tetsurou of all people being shy strikes you for a second. It’s hard to picture – but only for a moment.
“So,” he continues, “I want to make it easier for kids to get into this sort of thing. You never know who it might help.”
You smile to yourself. Once again, he’s being cute. And he doesn’t seem to have any clue.
“What about you?” Kuroo asks. “How’d you end up there?”
“Oh, it was just the first place that took me in,” you shrug.
He snorts. “Really?”
“Yeah. I just sent out my resume to a bunch of places and they got back to me first.”
“Oh, wow,” Kuroo grins.
“Sorry it’s not very romantic,” you blush, glancing at him.
“Nah.” He shakes his head. “It sounds very reasonable.”
“Thanks,” you chuckle.
In all honesty, part of you had expected this whole ‘fake dating’ thing to be a bit of a burden. The thought of pretending to like someone a lot more than you actually do sounds draining.
But it’s not hard to like Kuroo Tetsurou. In fact, you think he’s quite pleasant company. This whole charade shouldn’t be much trouble at all.
You dutifully ignore the thought that, if this were a real date, you’d absolutely ask him if he’d like to go on another.
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icharchivist · 3 years
cries think I made my ask too long so like half of it got deleted bc I typed it right into the askbox. anyways. I come bearing a3 thoughts! at first i was gonna watch the spring/summer and autumn/winter ones and then give my thoughts on both but. turns out i had too many thoughts lol? which i shouldve expected but i actually kind of... got bored by the first two chapters of this event! so i skipped and went to the stranger. and then went back. (1/?)
and then i got to like "tsuzuru and kazunari are having a fight?" and jumped on that like a starving wolf bc helllll yeah! i rly adored kazunari in sardine search, i think he was great! hes just so nice and has good vibes. he and taichi are kind of similar i feel? but i think their respective ages contribute to a lot of difference in their characters. why does it feel like this askbox limit personally wants me dead. (2/?)
anyways! i rly enjoyed the improv scene devolving to a real fight. admittedly i was kinda surprised that the content of that improv wasnt rly too similar to their actual fight? like normally a3 has the story of the play run parallel to like the actual real character drama so i thought the improv might function as the play in this event... it was still good tho. the scene i mean. (3/?)
also i rly liked tenma ragging on them afterwards. like he was mean but. first i adore tenma. second he just felt like. a different meddling type to muku lol? like the vibes he gave me were always like... im going to be a considerate leader and watch out for the ppl under me! therefore im gonna make sure theyre doing fine! aggressively. i think tenmas also just like a friendly person who likes to take care of others in general? like im not saying hes omi or anything but just like. (4/?)
that time he offers his car ride to juza so they can go to school together like hes surprisingly open compared to his initial prickliness. also ive got thoughts abt the tenma juza SSR conversation thing i read. one day ill make a tenma and juza fic and complete a trifecta haha... but thats something for another day! back to the actual story. the way tsuzuru dives right in after kazunari! that was so nice. like its easy to see how much they care abt each other. (5/?)
to the point where like even while theyre fighting theyre like angry but still like fairly quiet bc i think theyre both at least trying to be considerate of each other. ah the moment kazunari didnt respond to tsuzuru trying to talk to him i KNEW he was sick tho. felt proud of myself for calling that one but also the reason i knew is bc i have used the "character being sick during an argument causing them both to make up with each other" trope myself before so uh. like recognizes like haha. (6/?)
anyways the cg there was fuckin beautiful like kazunari looks so sad in the middle bit but then u see his shy smile? like hes sick but hes also like. happy to be there. idk. lovely. i adore kazu i think hes just deeply sweet to other people. tsuzuru telling him "you make everyone around you feel as bright and cheery as the things you design” is so wonderful too (7/?)
now im thinking. ah tsuzuru probably feels quite drained after a script and such (i know i am when i finish any piece--its like the emotions just rush out of me) so i like to think that like yknow. kazunari dropping by his room or whatever helps him set himself back to normal! but also when tsuzurus like oh u left ur magazines here! i suddenly remembered. wait shit kazunari and tsuzuru arent even roommates. wonder how much they bother masumi lmaooo. anyways overall very good story! (8/?)
some more thoughts: itaru and citron were so cute in this event! just like. citron saying itaru winking makes his heart skip a beat and itaru quoting citrons wrong sayings (which. i am also guilty of today i told my brother "we'll jump that bridge when we cross it" so) also i love how yuki is like "thank god i wasnt partnered with that hack" but like. yuki. u could literally just not talk about him. like its so funny to me yuki is like wow i hate tenma but he wont shut up abt him haha (9/?)
i also was a lil taken aback at hearing itaru go "for the lulz" tbh... like it fits him. but im mad it fits him? anywaysss thats all i had for this one! im gonna watch autumn/winter and go say my thoughts on that soon. sorry the ask was so broken up, idk what happened!
OLA FRIEND! Glad to see your thoughts again omg :3c
tho omg the fact tumblr deleted it all + the ask limit was all so evil D: poor friend.
I'm putting my answer under a read more because. Well. *waves hand* it got long.
The non-play events can be perhaps a little harder to get into because unlike the plays events that you start with a clear idea of at least the main plot (re: "they are preparing a play, i know the leads so i know who it will focus on"), non-plays events take a little longer to first set up what event they're participating in, how to prepare for it, and then bring up the conflict and which characters are going to have something to do with said conflict. So i can understand that they're a little harder to get into when we know the plays awaits.
On top of that, the first few events still were a bit tame because since it was early when the app released, i think they didn't go too heavy at once in case some people were still stuck on earlier chapters (esp since especially Winter is hard to unlock)
ANYWAY glad that it sucked you in on the second read :3c
So glad you were invested in that conflict!
Totally agreeing with you about Kazunari, and very good point about Taichi as well! they aren't the Puppy Pair for nothing :'D (Yuki took one look at both of them together and just Knew. His suffering knows no end (lovingly)). But yeah i think they have a lot in common, they both are the really bright and friendly figure, both also started in overcompensating a bit because both wanted to be popular in some ways.
But we do have, on one hand, Kazunari who wanted that rather late in his life while Taichi always thrived for that, the fact Kazunari made friends easily and it's just that he was scared of getting to the next level, while Taichi always struggled with this quest for popularity. In a way too both of them were at least scared to share a part of them, Kazunari worrying to show his thoughts, and Taichi being a spy and all of that... which impacts them really differently considering the guilt it puts on Taichi. And then you add their age into the mix, especially the fact Kazu is the oldest of his troupe and Taichi the youngest of his, it makes them fairly similar all while being fairly different.
both are so interesting to me and i love them bothhh, so it's always nice to see them have focus.
admittedly i was kinda surprised that the content of that improv wasnt rly too similar to their actual fight? like normally a3 has the story of the play run parallel to like the actual real character drama so i thought the improv might function as the play in this event
i love how you are seeing the patterns a3 tends to do it's so neat!
It's true the fight isn't really similar to their actual fight, though i do love that they had "swapped" their personality for the act and ended up insulting each other for theirr swapped personality. Like, Kazunari insulted part of himself in Tsuzuru's character and Tsuzuru did the same?? and then the fight escalated and the way Kazunari broke character hurts bc it's really that Tsuzuru hit where it hurts. But yeah it still wasn't too relevent to their actual fight, though i think the thing is that their fight was as such mostly because they tend to clash often due to their personalities rather than just this singular reason why, so to have the play go more "it's their personalities the problem" kinda hurt lol. But yeah still agreed that it didn't reflect much on the plot itself
I was rereading the improv bit to answer correctly and man since we're going to talk about Tenma next, i just. Love that when Kazunari, breaking character, his eyes sad, tells Tsuzuru "you have no rights talking to me like that..." it then cuts on Tenma being upset. Bc like. Exactly like you say, he wants to look out for the people under him. and like. Kazunari is his friend. A friend he also snapped at once and insulted for being who he was, so he probably could have relived a bit of his fight with Kazunari seeing those two fights; Except that now Kazunari is one of his closest friend and he doesn't like that.
Also like. It was also because he could still hide under the plot of the improv but it's so rare, and it never happened before that point, that Kazunari stands for himself in a "the way you treat me is unfair"? Like again re: his fight with Tenma, when Tenma snapped at him, while Tenma was unfair with him, Kazunari took the blame, called himself annoying and all yaknow?
The fact Kazunari is starting to accept that he can take more place for himself is something the whole Summer Troupe have been trying to help him work on, but especially Tenma. Tenma is always there trying to push Kazunari to say what he means, to express his feelings, to stop hiding.
And for once, Kazunari does that in front of everyone... and it's because he's breaking because of his fight with Tsuzuru.
I think Tenma probably felt it was even more of a reason to get involved like, this is the thing he's been working on with Kazunari about, and now he's being all hurt about it, not on Tenma's watch!
And i totally agree with your take on Tenma! (and would LOVE to read the Tenma and Juza fic once you get to it :3c). I think, Tenma is really caring and is trying to take a place as a caretaker and all, but unlike Omi, he has absolutely no reference for it.
Omi is the eldest of multiple brothers and everything indicates his parents have always been lovely to him. Add to it how he ended up leader of a delinquent crew he was clearly looking after, Omi has a history of taking care of people, of nurturing them, and he knows what he's doing. Meanwhile Tenma grew up on TV sets, mostly surrounded by adults and not by people his age, mostly getting advice from being ordered around by directors i think. And his parents are distant, hyperfocused on their job, not really nursing with him. So Tenma meanwhile really didn't have a family emotional support and was in situation where he couldn't befriend other kids his age. His only reference was probably Igawa (his agent) and i think for a long time he didn't exactly see it, and Igawa remained mostly professional so there was probably the idea of it not being sincere? That Tenma had to grow out of.
So like, they're both extremely nurturing and caring, but my point is that Omi has experiences in it and is at ease with it, while Tenma has been so alone and in places were he had no support system that even if he wants to support others, he still struggles with how to do it because he has no set exemple. And that's his development in the main story arc, to learn from how Izumi shows she cares in order to care back at them all.
Like i mean the way Tenma yelled at them about their mistakes at first feel like he would have picked it up from some directors on TV set yaknow? Probably hearing them say that with no consequences on others actors, seeing it worked, didn't think "that's an abuse of power and the actors probably all think badly of their director for that" but "wow that works", tried it on his troupesmates and realized this is... not how that works. And it's spending time watching how Izumi encourages them that have him fix his way to approach it.
So yeah i got lost too into it but like. I feel you on Tenma i love him so much and i love his development so to see him get pissed and involved there? was really nice. even if he was aggressive about it. He's still learning.
ANYWAY back to Tsuzuru and Kazunari, totally agree with what you say next. They still care a lot about each other and yeah they're at a point where this consideration they have for each other make their anger more quiet than trying to attack one another (Banri could NEVER-). so yeah totally agree with you!
DLKFJDLKF i LOVE the reasoning on "recognizing that Kazunari was sick". Your writer's powers making you see through... *coughs* unlike Tsuzuru....
AND YEAH ALL YOU SAY ABOUT THE CG.. YEAH. Kinda crying thinking about it again now LDKJFLKDJF It's just. Everything about it is so soft and tender. The things Tsuzuru tells Kazunari are soo so sweet sobs. They're just adorable i love those kids. and also i feel you for Kazu he's just that great huh?
The whole set up about Kazu dropping by his room is so so cute! I love it! Like probably the very first time Tsuzuru braces himself because "oh no i'm not in the mood to stand mister hyperenergy himself" but Kazunari quickly adjust his energy so that Tsuzuru can just recharge without being overwhelmed. Yes it would drive Masumi completely nuts. Which i think is a plus for Tsuzuru like, hey, if Masumi gets annoyed once in a while it's a win. But yeah also i think that Tsuzuru and Kazunari should really have the Artistic Soldiarity of Students in Art school Probably Working Until Very Late To Complete Their Projects. Would love if at the end Tsuzuru gave it back yaknow?
but yeah their story was really nice i'm so glad you liked it! :D
oh god yeah Itaru and Citron were SO cute in it too, i also love the comments Citron makes about Itaru's winks. Just there flirting in front of everyone like those two embarrassing friends huh. (probably with Muku being all starry eyes considering he greatly admires both Itaru and Citron and, well, Romance.). And yeah i love how Itaru ends up so much into Citron's rhythm (and this idiom you said? is glorious actually, 10 points for you)
DLKFJDLKF what a call out toward Yuki. "yes i hate Tenma,no i won't shut up about him, also if YOU say you hate Tenma i'm going to stab you with my needles, have a nice fucking day.". I love their dynamics so much aha
And yeah Itaru is there cursing us the whole time with the fact he's the greatest nerd ever and it fits him perfectly. It makes me laugh so hard.
Thank you so much for having shared your thoughts there! it's always a blast to read through them and i dearly enjoyed it! (+ it makes me relive the event a little and it makes me soft!)
I'm so glad you enjoyed it! So glad you had so many thoughts about all of this, what a blast.
thank you for sharing, and looking forward the Autumn/Winter reactions :3c
Take care!
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heyyylittlemo · 4 years
**Beware of Nintendo Switch Scam**
    Everybody is cooped up these days--Animal Crossing: New Horizons has got so many of us intrigued--and Nintendo Switch demands are piling up. Admittedly, we all like some good fun and what better way to spend it than testing out the new beautiful god-smacking Animal Crossing everybody has been raging about? From those beautiful lavish interior design shots, to the diva-divine clothing lines, to the peaceful tranquil music lashed across in screenshots and play-throughs. Who DOESN’T want to get their hands on a Nintendo Switch right now? 
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     I really wanted my own switch for these reasons. I am a die-hard fan of animal crossing. You bet I was making my ways as a Tom Nook slave since the Gamecube days. Ever since I heard about the new game for the switch I knew I HAD TO HAVE IT. The thing is, the timing was never right. I didn’t have a switch. 
     When we did get it one Christmas, the game was set to launch MONTHS away. I had planned to call dibs on it during my birthday, or y’know Christmas. But no miracle happened. It was coming out in MARCH. 
     So, after deliberately DYING about the fact that I had no switch for my own and that I had no new Animal Crossing--my mother backstabbed me (perhaps unknowingly) and bought my 10 year old sister the game for her B-day. I KNOW I KNOW I KNOW, the BETRAYAL. This was a MAJOR loss for me being that now that meant she’d own the island. And we all know how we feel about this whole whose-is-what-it Island situation. There’s a whole lot of debates about it. 
I know it’s not the biggest deal, but the disappointment across my face was evident--more so than I would have wished. I gotta say it really upset me. It’s the feeling of hoping for something so dear to you being stripped out and patched into someone else’ grasp after passionately weaving it out in your pursuits. You know that it doesn’t stitch together as well as with the ones’ whose lap its been placed in, and yet it doesn’t necessarily belong to you either. And you’d think that it’d be obvious, and it hurts a lot, but you just have to accept that  sometimes you don’t get what you want even after talking about it like your life was depending on it. Yeah, I’m still salty about is, so what? That’s not even what matters! SHE owns the island. 
I knew she’d grow tired and ditch ACNH after 1-2 weeks of playing. Still, that wouldn’t mean that i’d get to just re-vamp the island, or take it over, or *cough* *cough* destroy it. 
So I decided I’d get myself a Nintendo Switch and buy ACNH. Something about seeing someone HAVE what I wanted on their own terms just itched me to make it happen for myself, so I declared war. War on my wallet. 
      Now that I have bought a Nintendo Switch, I realize that along with God, the universe also doesn’t like me. 
Wanna know why? Well, when I first searched for the Nintendo Switch online the results for sights and their pricing was DRASTICALLY different to what I see now when I look it up. The website in which stole me of $99 of my hard-earned busting my ass off money, is NOWHERE to be seen anymore. It’s almost like it didn’t exist. The problem is: it does. You may be next. And you may be scammed. But damn, God, why did it have to be me? 
I know that my blog isn’t about this topic usually--but I just wanted to warn anyone out there who is trying to get a good deal on a Nintendo Switch. Because I just got scammed big time. Yes, now we’re finally getting into the actual exposé of this site after side-baring about how much of a Judas situation this manifesting Animal Crossing New Horizons into my life has been for me!!
     You see, prices on Nintendo Switches are CRAZY HIGH now that times arer hard. People want to overcharge for these things. It’s hard to run across a good deal near the original price of the Nintendo Switch. And when you’re desperate like me and you’ve had the raging hormones of i’ve just been et-tu-brutue’d by your mother you may just not hear the warning signs going off in your head and jump to the best sounding deal. 
But here’s the deal--there is no deal. 
     Yet just like flies, the lollipop caught mein google-eyed eyes and stuck me to its lies. When I saw this A-MAH-ZING $98.75 listing for the console from Solefiness.fun as the 1st website recommended to me from google--I freaked. 
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Being offered right next to those sky high prices from websites like Ebay and Tecobuy(whose offers ranged from $350-450) Solefiness.fun was really bringing out the “I CAN DO THIS” in me. 
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I love cheap thrills. I felt like a rat walking in to the cheese, who couldn’t see the trap. 
   I took no time into emptying my wallet. Which fair enough, I deserved it. If I’m stupid enough to jump right in the shark’s mouth CAN I really be mad that I got eaten? Who buys from a site which such low prices and no reviews and no sense of security? 
   Surprisingly, probably a lot of people(can’t confirm that)--maybe I’m the only one. Let’s say I’m not though. Well, who would be at risk? Other desperates, and of course those who like me, don’t know anything a dime about “finessing”. 
 And it kinda is my fault that I’m not “caught” up on all the latest terms since recently adulting into the world and having no chance to chase up to these new expressions, such as “finesse”. 
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     If I knew a lick about what “finesse” meant then maybe I would’ve noped right out of that transaction. Hell, even dodged that site after it was recommended to me. How meta can this scam-site get? Cleverly naming itself “Solefiness.fun” as it slicks us away of our money. Maybe I should have listened to my brother and downloaded TikTok. I would’ve known what finessing was all about. 
     But at the same time, NOBODY deserves to be scammed. After serving a bunch of Karens do you THINK I want to just hand my money over to some basement-boy Bobby whose “finessing” his way by breaking the hearts of little Animal Crossing lovers--Switch lovers--Playstation 4 lovers--and whatever else this crude prude “sells” on his/her site? 
     Bitch, you have a storm coming in wreaking my Nintendo dreams. I’m about to switch it up real quick! I don’t want non y’all to get finessed, so I’m about to spread the word about this baloney. 
If you’re wondering: how DID I not see the danger signs? Sure it might’ve been called finesse something something, but weren’t there others clues? OF COURSE.  I wanted to believe in this great deal, was all. It was the desperation--the spontaneous energy--and now the sober regret. I was so proud of cashing out for this purchase. So excited. But not for long. 
 Because I awoke the minute it charged my account and refused to complete my order. Why did it charge me AND still ask for a payment?  Why was my damn cart still full? Who the hell do you think you are charging my account under some new company name--which is now Chinese-and labeling my purchase under the category of “Construction”? 
Let’s not forget that USPS has not informed me of ANY packages and the tracking tells me you delivered it to me 10 DAYS before I even placed the order? What in the scam-oli?
Long story short, it wasn’t very hard to build a case against this site. Especially since the order # started with “idc” and followed with a bunch of randomized numbers and letters? Nice try finessing phineases and ferb fucker. 
I know order #s are VERY random but it had this randomness that just screamed imagined and randomized by a fucked up human scammer. It won’t bot-y or natural. It was orchestrated the house. 
So my dears, DO NOT BUY FROM: https://www.solefiness.fun/
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deartreadmill · 7 years
My weekly check-in
Here’s what I sent my trainer this week.
down 8lbs total (2 weeks in)
(Answers to her weekly questions below the cut)
Any Questions about weekly workouts? - Uh, yeah. Still didn't happen. The entire family is down with a cold - my youngest has strep throat but the rest of the us are just... sick, snotty and gross. That said, I realized the brownie making (1656) was quite the workout just in the sense of constantly standing, moving, etc for 3-4 hours at a time, so I'm not as fussed. This week looks like - well, MAYBE I'll have both the motivation and time to actually get started. In my prior experience, I found that I had to actually want to workout or I got nowhere really fast. Things are starting to stabilize emotionally, but this week is going to be rough with Mum's anniversary. I'll get there. I actually looked at the workouts this week, and Lisa and I had a long conversation about some of the stuff - it's a start. How is your energy? - My energy is still fairly low, but it is improved - it doesn't take me all day to wake up. I slept way less this week, so I am for sure overtired from not sleeping well (I've never been a good sleeper). My mindset is great. I'm seeing progress on the scale, which makes me feel more confident. I'm enjoying eating again, which is awesome. And without being in a too much information situation (although if I can't give you too much information, who can I tell?), my PMS this month has been completely different than last month - limited late cycle tenderness, no truly evil cramps. I thought some of that was related to perimenopause, but apparently it's just crap eating that screws me in the month department. How is your dietary adherence - Dietary adherence was a lot easier this week with fewer carbs - THANK YOU. I'm still not hitting my macros, but I'm also still reorienting myself to healthy eating again. It's getting better, anyhow, which makes me happy. How is your stress? - THE GODDAMN BROWNIES ARE DONE. My situational stress is significantly improved. This week is the 1 year anniversary of Mum's death, so I'm pretty sure that's going to suck, but the 1656 brownies are done which won't exacerbate the anxiety. They'll even be out of my freezer tomorrow morning. Christmas time is never a great time for stress, but having the brownies done, and having the house decorated has seriously released a huge amount of stress I was carrying. Now I just need to get my basement habitable again, and finish shopping. So all around, not bad. How are you sleeping? - I was on dayshifts this week, which usually means I survive on about 5-6 hours of sleep a night. And that's exactly how the week played out. I feel like I'd like to take a nap this morning, and I've only been up 2 hours. But like I said above, I've never been a good sleeper, and those dragging symptoms improve over the course of the day, and after I've had a little more coffee. And I know from experience the close I get to 250 pounds, the better I sleep and more energy I wind up having as a result. So we're a couple pounds closer to that now. YAY! Set a goal for next week - One thing I want to accomplish this week: drink more water. This week was way better on that front, but I know I'm still not drinking enough. I can see it on my skin. All in all, it was a great week, with the exception of yesterday - I don't even know what happened there. I thought I was eating, but I was busy and puttering around and clearly did not get enough food into me. At about 11pm last night, I was suddenly hungry, but my admittedly crappy sleeping is even worse if I eat right before bed, so I just went to bed instead. Honestly, signing up with you was the smartest thing I've done in the last six months. Having to accountability of a weekly check in with a real live person is making a HUGE difference. I've pretty much completely curtailed my nighttime snacking habit, and eliminating those refined sugars is already improving my pain situation. I think having Lisa 6 or 7 weeks ahead of me and seeing how fantastic she's looking and feeling is also really helping - it's awesome to see someone else's success and feel motivated by it. On a more emotional side, my Mum was always so insanely proud of my weight loss, and would brag about me to pretty much anyone who would listen. This whole year, I've felt like I've disappointed her by allowing her death to derail me. I had to give up a half marathon the year she was diagnosed and she was so angry with herself for what she felt was impeding my progress, and she was so disappointed in me for giving it up, even though she knew there was no other logical choice to make. I feel like this week, on the anniversary of losing her, I'm actually making her happy by making progress. It feels good to be doing what is right for me and my family again. I know I need to start working out again - not just for me, but because my 11-year-old daughter likes to tag along and work out with me, and she has also put on loads of weight this year. Her eating will fall into line without me needing to be too fussed about it now that mine is - there is less garbage in the house to tempt either of us. But she needs to be more active, so I need to role model that behaviour. If nothing else, that will push me forward into working out.
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han100894 · 7 years
Some Thoughts of the Different Zeetha Series
So now that I have finished myf irst ever series of Fanfics, I figured I’d write out some thoughts about it:
I first came up with the AU/What –if idea of: what if Zeetha hadn’t managed to avoid getting enslaved by the pirates, several years ago, not to long after I started in the Girl Genius fandom. At the time I think only Leaving Skifander was on my account and I had only just gotten an Ao3 account just to put it somewhere.
I posted the idea up on Tumblr and got some interest. It was one of the earliest AU ideas that I have ever posted up there, though now I post them with some frequency, but for some reason that one in particular stuck with me. Years later I honestly don’t know what about it that got me so attached.
At the time when I first started writing In Which Zeetha Was Sicker Than She Thought, it was December, I had just missed nanowrimo again through forgetting about it up until it was already a few days in, and then failing to really keep up with it. So I was stuck wanting to be a writer but failing to find the motivation and ability to write both to completion and just to the point where a story could be called a novel.
At the time I had started a thousand and one projects and only ever finished one (fanfic at least) that was more than say a thousand word oneshot, a short story called Alone for the Mysterious Benedict Society (And yes it’s posted on the internet somewhere, if you really want to go find some High School trash—just know I really loved Kate and thought her underappreciated).
So with this AU bugging my brain (or at least I can only imagine it had been, I don’t really remember how it was like way back when) I decided that I was going to impose a challenge on myself—I was going to write this AU, and both prove to myself I could finish a multi-chapter story but also to use it as training wheels both to learn just how to write prose, and also how to write with any real length.
So I wrote and surprisingly enough over the course of winter break I started and finished In Which Zeetha Was Sicker Than She Thought. Was the prose great: not even close and the shortest chapter was 880 words but from there I got better and better, by the end I had 25,891 words total and my avg per chapter was about 2,500 words. It still had tons of grammar issues  and I’m not really sure it’s plot can really be called a plot, but It was mine, I started it and I finished it.
I posted it, got comments, got excited, and very quickly started on part 2. By this point I knew for sure that there would be at least three parts (with a possible forth for Skifander, something that one day may still happen) so I added something new to my challenge, each part would be significantly better than the last.
The second story, In Which Zeetha Takes a Stand was written almost just as fast. It was pretty much double the word count and my average words per chapter doubled as well, only the first chapter coming out under a 1000 words. I also felt my characters and prose had grew significantly, as had my handling of actual plot. I admittedly leaned heavily on the Girl Genius Novel now that I could, but I don’t mind that. The whole point of this series was to learn and grow, some training wheels only helped in that regard.
Then came the third story. By this point it was mid-spring and finals were coming up and I figured it might be a good idea to take a short break on the Different Zeetha universe as a whole for a little while. So I only really started writing it at the start on June once school was done.
The first 9 chapters came just as easy, but then I hit a snag. I went looking for help but unfortunately said help, if unintentionally, lead to a shattering of my confidence of my ability, and an honest sick feeling whenever I looked at those chapters. It took me a good 4-6 months, in which I wrote several others little one shots and stories before I came back to In Which 3.
By that point it had been about a year since I started writing In Which 1, and I was starting to feel guilty and ashamed for taking so long to finish for my readers. I started picking away at later chapters, and after a little more time decided after so long, and because the amount of chapter I already had was already had the same amount of words as in In Which 2 I would post it, if only to force myself to keep going.
So I did. It led to several hiatus and lost of stress and guilt, but it did get me to push back my nerves over the trouble chapters and keep going, and while it took another year before now, where I can finally say I have finished everything, I’m proud of what I have accomplished.
Especially as where In Which 1 was long enough to qualify as a <>, and In Which 2 was long enough to qualify as a <>, In Which 3 comes out to <> words and is long enough to qualify as a novel. Which mean my first and main goal was accomplished, and with it I learned a lot in grammar to plot to characters to style.
The Big Drag:
To focus some on just In Which Zeetha Fight for Mechanicsburg for a bit, as it’s my most current work, and also the one I had significant trouble with, to say the least it was a journey.
I went into it with just as much enthusiasm as the first two, so it makes sense that I stalled out at about the same length as the second was. But the hiatus that followed was a struggle. I never fully stopped writing on it; it was just a little here, a re-read there. But it was still enough that I honestly believe that the story suffered some. I lost track of plots and character development and style, I forgot things that I hadn’t realized I needed to write down in my notes. It wasn’t an extreme loss in any sense, but the story lost a little bit of it’s compactness with it. And I found myself realizing I wasn’t sure how a thread would work, or where it was going, or what to do with it.
For instance I had really wanted to do more with Tarvek and Zeetha’s relationship throughout—that didn’t come to pass, and while I have it set up to explore later if I want I’m still a little sad I couldn’t figure out how I meant for it to work.
Other open bits here and there I’m sure still exist, especially with my staggered updating and editing. Though some are on purpose, to be explored in possible sequels or are just questions I have, that I was sure the character in question would voice, of the Canon story that just simply hasn’t been answered yet in canon.
So while it did help in some ways, I don’t think I’ll ever start posting a story unfinished again, at least not one like this, it just lead to much stress.
Though to be fair, there was another problem I had with this part that I feel I overcame but likely played tribute to my issues in writing the story. It was simply I wasn’t really sure where I was going, what was the ending, and all that. With the other two I knew exactly what the ending would be, and while I mostly did for this one, it was also a lot more complicated and had a lot more “shrug” filling in blanks that made things more difficult that it needed to be. I likely would have benefited from planning more before starting chapter 1.
As a third thing, like the second story I stuck to canon pretty closely for lot of bits, the GMC was visited as was Lu’s lab, the stabbing still happened, ect, despite the fact I had plenty of chances to diverge and go extremely off course. And I know some would have preferred I did. And yeah I could have, but like before, this was my first big story/series, and I was mostly focused on the ides of managing on finishing one, so I wasn’t super ready to drop my training wheels so quickly. I’m sure to do it less in the future, but I’m pleased how it came out regardless of all the borrowing.
And that’s really it really. I’m not sure what comes next. I have an oneshot that’s almost done, several shorter chapter stories to maybe finish. Zeetha Wulfenbach, a second just as loved major AU idea, still burns in the background even if I still am not sure I’m a good enough writer to tackle that one the way I want to, though I do have a few snipplest almost ready to share. I could do another in the Time Skip series or another chapter of Through A Princess’ Eyes. I’m just not sure. But I hope people enjoy them regardless.
And once again, thanks to everyone who has commented and read!
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Sherlock “The Final Problem” Observations
Jim Moriarty has to be the smoothest motherfucker in the fictional world. He just does it so well! It takes a certain amount of class to be like that, and yet Andrew really pulls it off. I’ve admittedly missed him.
He was fun.
Jim could somehow get it on with a peach and it would seem perfectly normal and even expected thanks to Andrew’s impeccable acting.
Mycroft is sitting alone in the dark, watching an old film and giggling like a damn dork as he mouths the words like he’s some fucking genius. So damn proud of himself.
And then that tiny smile when he sees the old video of his family from years back. As if he’s shocked to see it and shocked to be moved by it.
And then ‘I’m Back’ has to fuck it up. Just when the Ice Man was getting the #FEELS someone has to ruin it! I was so ready to squeal!
Though the joke itself was kind of funny it thankfully got rid of that shitty ass, poor-foreplay-filled film he was watching. Good Christ that was painful.
And then Mycroft literally goes and proves me RIGHT! For years I have lived with the belief that there was a weapon of some sort in that umbrella and I feel so very fucking brilliant! Why else would he carry it around ALL the time?
Mycroft lives in this big ass house that is literally decorated out the ass with unnecessary shit. That’s gotta be effin lonely, good Lord. The open space, the vacancy. It’s kind of sad to see how lonely the British Government is without him even realizing it.
John and Sherlock are dicks. All is right in their world.
For now.
Bill ‘The Wig’ Wiggins gets another mention!
Though seriously, wtf is with the fandom in forgetting who he is? Like, how many posts labeled him as some ‘nameless junkie’ in “The Lying Detective”?
He may be a drug addict, but he’s a brilliant Chemist that even Sherlock takes seriously. Give the guy a break. Doing drugs or alcohol doesn’t make you any less of a person. They just make you a person who might need some help and self control.
Mycroft: This is a private matter.
John: *moves to get up*
Sherlock: John stays.
Mycroft: This is family.
John: *tiny half smile at his notepad*
This part was really touching because it’s Sherlock showing an insistence that John is important to him and that of all the people he wants with him while he’s learning such intense things about himself, he wants John to be there.
No offense, but choosing your friend over your blood relations is a very important action.
Sherlock’s icy indifference had been chipped away by John a little at a time, until he feels comfortable enough to admit in front of his brother, who thinks that ‘caring is not an advantage’, that he thinks of his best friend as family first and foremost.
That sociopathic exterior just slowly gets further and further away.
Mycroft is 7 years older than Sherlock. Sherlock is one year older than Eurus. Sherls was the middle child. It literally explains so much. Being the middle child sucks.
Mrs Hudson rocking away to heavy metal while hoovering is probably the coolest thing. The Aston Martin was awesome, but her musical taste is wow. I love her and I want her as an honorary Nana.
John: Oscar Wilde.
Mycroft: What?
John: He said, ‘the truth is rarely pure and never simple’. *breaths deeply* It’s... The Importance of Being Earnest. We did it in school.
Mycroft: So did we, now I recall. I was Lady Bracknell.
Sherlock: Yeah. You were great.
Mycroft: You really think so?
Sherlock: Yes, I really do.
Mycroft: That’s good to know. I’ve always wondered.
Sherlock: *looks down* *whispers* Good luck, boys.
God, the suspense killed me. And I swear that little brotherly exchange was sad.
Eurus knew Bach from a second of sound. That’s awesome. I play games like that to test my musical knowledge and am nowhere near as good. She’s like a bloody computer.
The whole glass bit was pretty interesting. It’s an optical illusion catered to one specific direction. If he were to come at her from a different angle, he would have noticed the odd cut in the signs.
You see what you expect to see. Why would a major facility not have a dangerous person behind a glass wall?
He wasn’t observing.
John being the one to notice whose voice was on the recording is great. Mycroft, Mr. Genius couldn’t even tell.
I like it when John is given a chance to prove that he too can pay attention. That he can observe like Mycroft and Sherlock. Of course it lands them in deep shit, but it’s still nice all the same.
John isn’t some rug to be walked on and he’s not just a sidekick.
Jim is ‘relatable’. And to be frank he really is which is so not fair!
“The Hungry Donkey” is a fanfic I would love to read. Sorry, but Jim had a point. Putting a baby in a manger is literally asking for trouble.
Sherlock asking John how he is when he wakes up is really sweet. Like, he’s considerate of John’s health so much and my feels...
Also, he teases John a lot. Teasing!
Sherlock was moving on to calm the little girl down. He was trying to reassure her with praise for following instructions.
Watching his growth as a character is honestly so special and I love the obvious changes from season one.
Mycroft being terrified to kill someone is probably the most humane thing I’ve seen from him. Like, he honestly lost his cool then and was unable to differentiate between the situations. And I think it shows more depth to his character and how he views the ‘world of goldfish’ truly.
If Mycroft was as detached and emotionless as he wants everyone to believe, then he wouldn’t show such feelings, especially in front of others.
Hiding his face in his hand and leaning against the wall so he doesn’t have to watch. Despite the power he controls and the danger he has probably had to become familiar with, he couldn’t handle it.
The erratic breathing and mild panic attack setting in.
Retching against the wall.
Mycroft has gone through a little character growth of his own. And while traumatic for him, I think it was necessary.
“Today we are soldiers, Mycroft. Soldiers. And that means to hell with what happens to us!”-John Watson
In all honesty, the military is not a place for fun and games. While they glam it up with words like ‘serving your country’ or ‘helping the cause’, you are basically putting yourself in danger on a constant basis. You are working for a cause that you might not even know everything about, but you are going to give it your all because in the military, the good of the many outweigh the needs of the few.
Because you might one day have to throw yourself in the line of fire or throw yourself on a bomb to save your comrades. Military is not about you. You agree to shed who you are to make yourself a tool to be used for the ‘safety’ of your cause.
That is what it means to be a soldier. John is a soldier, and he realizes what is happening. And he knows that now is not the time for games and competitions. It’s about the good of the many being more important than the need of the few,
And it’s a lesson that Mycroft needs.
John has had at least one chance in each season to put Mycroft in his place and I like that this time wasn’t for the sake of a joke and one-upping him.
Mycroft needs to understand that not everything is a contest and being the ‘best’ isn’t always the best thing.
The name of the person who was supposed to get the coffin, was on the lid. Mycroft has some sass in him somewhere. 
Molly’s kitchens is a chef’s wet dream. I swear to God, I want everything in it. Everything I can and cannot see. Who would have thought that such a secluded woman would have such a state of the art kitchen?
But if she has this bomb ass kitchen, then she must be a cook of some sort. Why else would she need a house/flat with such a detailed room if she was practically incapable of cooking anything and wouldn’t need it?
So I headcanon that Molly is basically a great cook and likes to make morgue jokes to her food while she cooks it.
Her jumper was hideous though. We can’t have everything it seems.
It also sucks that Molly got dragged into it. Again. Like, can’t the girl have some damn peace and quiet in her life? Can’t she just relax?
And it’s incredibly sad because she was basically friend zoned before she had to confess her feelings for a man that won’t return them the way she wants.
Though she made him realize how incredibly hard it is to admit your feelings. Even if he doesn’t love her, he struggled to say those words. After he literally threw them about a moment prior, many times, he could not do it when put on the spot because she was his friend and he knew his insincerity would hurt her.
To put ‘I Love You’ on a coffin is a bit macabre, isn’t it? It’s basically implying that the Love was dead before it truly began.
And that’s sad.
Especially when Sherlock began to emotionally trash the shit out of it because he was just that wrung out.
“Brother mine.”
I am not well right now. He cares a lot. And I care a lot. And we all care too much. He tried to anger Sherlock in order to have Sherlock shoot him. He wanted his little brother to be able to keep his best friend this time, and that hurts.
And Sherlock shaking and being so sad and unable to do it. He cares too.
Sherlock turning the gun on himself because he doesn’t want to shoot his big brother or his best friend.
RIP Melli.
The trauma of having to realize that your childhood friend was killed by your own sister, is one thing.
But we as an audience now understand more about Sherlock. He re-wrote his own story because he didn’t like it. He couldn’t handle it. He didn’t want to. A common thing in those with PTSD.
Sherlock’s actions from then on were a reflection of his new attitude. His character in A Study In Pink makes more sense now.
And it’s probably the saddest thing to realize for him.
Greg calling Sherlock a ‘good man’ is a nice way to come full circle from episode one of season one.
He called him Greg!
Sometimes I wondered if Sherlock actually knew his name but said wrong ones to annoy him. It’s a very Sherlock thing to do.
“It is what it is.”
Mummy Holmes looks to Sherlock and asks him for help. “You were always the grown up.”
Probably the best moment in Sherlock’s life. Like he’s somehow managed to be the more mature between he and Mycroft, in his parents’ eyes. More responsible. Level-headed. Which is ironic considering what happened in this episode.
Sherlock and Eurus performing a duet.
Now, this is a bit strange for me to like especially after the emotional trauma she put them all through throughout the episode, but when I see Eurus, I don’t see a copy of Mycroft or Sherlock.
Sherlock was once a ‘machine’. If anything. Eurus is the machine, constantly working through variables in an effort to understand.
Sherlock’s emotions are what make him a great detective. Eurus has a great mind, but her lack of understanding for emotions are her downfall in a way. She’s not good with them, much like Mycroft, and so she remains to be like a computer.
A computer that needs heavy rewiring. And a de-bugging.
She is not well. She will not have a normal life.
“Genius needs an audience,” as Sherlock once said. She had no audience. She had no friends. She had nothing. No one. She was her own friend. And it didn’t do her any good.
On top of that, I’m not certain her situation was handled properly. It doesn’t seem like the best was done for her, and while I get limited options at the time, couldn’t they have done better as technology and the area of medicine progressed?
Sherlock playing a duet with her doesn’t mean he forgives her. Maybe he’s accepted what she’s done, and can understand her point of view now. Maybe he knows how unwell she truly is, and he pities her.
Or he’s genuinely interested in the sister who was pretty much gone from his life for at least 30 years.
The Holmes parents wanted to be in contact with her despite everything she’d done. What’s so off about Sherlock being curious? His entire memory was rearranged because of it. He has a right to be curious.
“Who you really are doesn’t matter.”
A lot of people have emotionally taken this phrase out of context. And I could honestly gripe about how pathetic it is, but my comment just now kind of explains my thoughts of almost everyone else’s thoughts, so I’ll continue on.
As always, people take only one part, instead of the whole.
“I know who you really are. A junkie who solves crimes to get high, and the soldier who never came back from the war.”
Mary lays it on them. The facts of who they are. Sherlock is an addict and he substitutes cocaine, for crime solving to keep his mind afloat and of use. Otherwise he’d been higher than a kite and eating chips all the time.
John was unable to transition into the life of a civilian. Much like other soldiers never truly do. You can take the soldier out of the war, but you cannot take the war out of the soldier, and this is a textbook case of it.
She broke them down past their titles and what everyone knows them as, to their basics. Who they really are.
And being a junkie isn’t considered cool. Having an addiction to adrenaline isn’t considered cool. Most would look down on such things if they knew the truth about Sherlock and John and their inner struggles and problems. They’d been deemed unstable. Awkward. Dangerous probably.
Two men who live together actively seeking danger and possibly life threatening circumstances constantly, in order to fulfill some kind of addiction they each have.
But Mary goes on to tell them that it doesn’t matter.
I have said many times that doing drugs or alcohol doesn’t make you a bad person. And a lot of people would look down on them for the truth of who they are, but Mary tells them it doesn’t matter. She knows them and who they can become. She understands both of them in ways that other people can’t.
It shouldn’t matter if someone is a junkie or if they suffer PTSD. It shouldn’t be their defining characteristic. We are more than our choices. Sherlock and John are more than their choices.
And to get all angry over something that simple is immature and as I previously stated, pathetic.
John spraying the new smiley face on the wall.
I lowkey thought he and Mrs Hudson were annoyed by it, but he literally re-sprays it on the new wallpaper!
Sherlock shoots the wall again to be sure.
He then stabs the mantel, much to poor Mrs Hudson’s vexation.
Sherlock and John living in 221B and raising Rosie together. And John smiling up at Sherlock. Yes. Seeing Sherlock going from trying to reason with a baby on how to keep a rattle, to bouncing her in his arms while he smiles, is great.
It’s a moment that I’ve wanted for years.
Finally, my opinion of the Sherlock fandom has gone down since this season started. I never once had a problem until people started attacking me for liking the episodes. People literally mocking me for not believing that John cheated on his wife. And then turning around a week later claiming they didn’t believe it either. I had those blogs marked down and when I checked on them after “The Lying Detective” aired, I blocked every one of their lying asses.
Sherlock is a great show. A show about Sherlock Holmes primarily. Hence why the show is named after him. We see him in the beginning. We see him in the end. It’s his journey. His adventure.
In the last episode of season 4, Sherlock asked John if he was okay, several times. He wasn’t in any way concerned in A Study In Pink. He’s grown as a person by opening up with John.
I liked season 4. There was drama at every turn, little extra bits here and there that required another watch or 5, secrets and riddles that had to be solved. So many throwbacks to the books and former shows, like usual int he show.
I was happy with everything. As a GenderFluid Pansexual, I was not insulted. I didn’t ‘feel attacked’ by anything in Sherlock. I wasn’t phased in the least by anything. I don’t consider anything ‘queerbaiting’ or a ‘spit on the LGBTQ+ Community’. We got Irene for God’s sake! Sexy Lesbian Dominatrix who is smarter than Sherlock, more cunning than Mycroft, and assured in her own sexuality and self. And she wasn’t killed off.
There’s this strange western concept that sex and kissing proves that two people love each other. Romance doesn’t not depend on gender. So unless you’re telling me you’re in love with someone’s genitals, cut the shit.
I don’t need them to kiss. I need them together, happy, doing what both of them love, looking out for each other, and being the pillar the other needs. And if they were opposite genders, this would have immediately been considered canonical conformation of Joanlock. But it’s like it’s only canon if the men kiss for everyone to see.
A kiss doesn’t mean you love someone. Moving to shoot yourself so you don’t have to choose between who to shoot, is a bigger declaration of love.
The words ‘I love you’ are bandied about constantly. They have no meaning in my book. I look to actions to show me how someone feels. So telling someone you love them is easy(if you’re not Molly). But offering to give your life for them isn’t easy.
I take that to be important. I take the emotional support between them as my confirmation.
And if the majority of the fandom wants to throw a fit and continue to be depressed, then do so. But don’t count me in on it.
I’m restricting my contact to the fandom on Tumblr. Shockingly, Tumblr ended up being the cesspool of hate from the Sherlock fandom, out of all the possible sites to cause drama.
So many fandoms are disgusted by BBC Sherlock right now. So many people glad to have not been dragged in ever, as they witness people being attacked in just the past day alone. Their feeds and dashboards filled with blatant harassment between bloggers who can’t grow up.
It’s gotten ridiculous and I don’t want to be a part of it when there are so few people left who actually use their brains.
The Sherlock Fandom has become just like the Twilight Fandom. Congrats. You’ve put me off to fandom happenings and ensured many don’t want to get to know the show we supposedly love so much. And you confirmed the beliefs of a lot of others, over the ‘pretentious assholes’ that make up the Sherlock fandom.
18 notes · View notes
joshuabradleyn · 7 years
How Kenney the Tabletop Gamer Lost 120 Pounds and Found His Voice (Literally).
“There’s no way that’s the same person, right?”
Admittedly, that’s what I first thought when I saw Kenney’s before and after photos. There was just NO way that this Tony Stark looking dude on the right was the same person as the man in the other photo, right?
And then I saw his other photos. And then I heard his story.
And then I teared up.
Shut up I’m not crying, you’re crying.
Today, we’re going to be talking about Ironma—-Kenney Frazier, an IT systems administrator from Alabama, a gamer, and an opera singer who has had one of the most dramatic transformations I’ve ever seen. It’s no exaggeration to say that Kenney clearly saved his own life. Not just in terms of life expectancy, but also quality of his life.
Kenney is a proud member of the Nerd Fitness Academy who made some key changes in his life that helped him succeed. We’re going to dig deep into those major and minor changes Kenney made and how you can be like him!
After years of struggle, starting and stopping, a switch flipped and he has lost over 120 pounds in the past 15 months.
Here’s his origin story.
Meet Kenney
STEVE: Kenney! My man. When I first saw your post in the Academy Facebook group, and it had hundreds and hundreds of likes and comments, my jaw dropped. Let’s hear your background:
KENNEY: I’ve pretty much always been overweight. Even in Kindergarten I was pudgy! I attribute this to my love of Reese Cups (I’m a recovering addict; there should really be a Reese Cup Lovers Anonymous Group). I steadily put on the pounds, and by high school I easily tipped the scales at 250lbs+.
By the age of 25 I was over 300lbs and miserable.
I would go on a diet, have some success, then expand to new heights in short order. My addiction to Everquest and World of Warcraft definitely did not help. I lived an extremely sedentary life and I was depressed. I would use these virtual worlds as an escape from my self-imposed dungeon. I was finally able to break out of this addiction and decided to start living in the real world. I joined the workforce and did my best to become an adult.
STEVE: I hear ya brother – I too played Everquest (and Everquest 2) for over a decade and did it for the same reasons you did – to escape a crappy reality. What was a typical day like for you then?
KENNEY: I would wake up around 8:30am during the week and drag myself into work. On the way to work I’d stop by Chick-fil-a and grab 2 chicken biscuits and a large lemonade because breakfast is the most important meal of the day, right?
Ha. Of course being a southerner you can’t have breakfast without biscuits!
Lunch, would roll around and I’d run to Burger King and order 2 double cheeseburgers and a large fry and Coke to wash it down with.
I’d probably grab a candy bar or chips from the snack machine mid afternoon.
On the way home I’d stop by and grab more food for dinner: a large chicken finger plate from Zaxby’s because who don’t love fried chicken? I had to have another large Coke to wash it down.
After I finished my food I’d plop down in front of the TV or my computer or go take a nap for a few hours. I’d normally heading to bed around midnight or 1am after playing a few games of Dota2 with some friends.
STEVE: So let’s talk about what happened that brought about actual changes:
KENNEY: I was 35, tired all the time and unhappy with my life. Obesity, diabetes, thyroid issues, and high blood pressure are also all prevalent in my family history.
I finally had enough and made an appointment to get a physical. When I saw my lab results I knew I was in trouble. My blood pressure was high, my blood sugar was high and my A1C was in the diabetic range! My cholesterol was sky high and I weighed 334 lbs! Despite these sobering results it still wasn’t enough to wake me up.
As a card carrying super nerd – I’ve always enjoyed table top RPG – I was a member of a Dungeons and Dragons campaign with some friends from High School. One of the players started talking about Nerd Fitness and it piqued my interest.
I decided to check it out and joined the NF Academy in January of 2016. I read the starter quests, but keep putting off actually starting.
STEVE: That’s interesting – so you joined the program, but couldn’t get yourself to commit or take action beyond just reading the missions. Sounds like a classic case of not having a big enough reason WHY yet! Your doctor said you had bad health signals, but deep down you weren’t ready to change yet.
So what happened next?
KENNEY: Music has always been my main passion. I was a vocal major in college before switching to something more “practical.” I decided to restart my vocal studies at a local music school in my early 30’s.
As if being a typical DnD/MMORPG nerd wasn’t enough, my musical endeavors are in the Classical/Opera genre. The school where I study has spring and winter productions each year. I was cast in my first show and I was hooked. I was continually cast in smaller roles but I had larger ambitions. In September of 2016, I had just finished a production and felt I had performed well but I wanted more. I reached out to the teacher in charge of casting.
I told her that I was committed to landing a leading role, and her response? My weight was a showstopper.
STEVE: And there it is…your ACTUAL “Big Why” – the reason that deep down made you want to change. It must have been brutal to hear that you were too big to be considered for more important musical roles. But it appears to also have been a big turning point for you.
KENNEY: October 2016 I started my fitness journey first by cutting out sodas and cutting my portion sizes. I started logging everything in a Fitness App.
I knew from reading the articles on Nerd Fitness that making small changes at first worked best. I tried doing some of the free home workouts but I knew my motivation would suffer and I would stop unless I had some “skin” in the game. So I called up my local gym and set up a free training session on Columbus Day.
The first workout was so horrible and I was so out of shape that I almost tossed my cookies – it just reinforced how far I had to go…but I was inspired. I signed up and started working with a trainer 3 times a week.
Strength training with some occasional cardio has the name of the game since then.
At that first session, I weighed in at 320 lbs and by Nov 16th I was down to 297lbs. I couldn’t remember the last time I was under 300lbs and my motivation never faltered. I started incorporating cardio 3 or 4 times a week into fitness routines.
STEVE: Hmmm, so what you’re saying is…this whole diet and exercise thing might actually work! Hahaha – so talk to me what other changes you made along the way.
KENNEY: I started doing intermittent fasting along with a low carb, high protein diet. As my weight went down I started feeling better and was continually amazed at what I could do. By January 4th, 2017 I was down to 281lbs.
STEVE: And that’s when you discovered the power of a supportive community, right?
KENNEY: Later that month I saw that there was a Facebook group for Academy members, which I had somehow missed when I signed up the year before. When I joined the group I was amazed at the community. The posts were uplifting and informative!
The progress posts served as motivation for me! By February, I had lost 50lbs and decided to make my first post on the Facebook group (which you can see below):
This was a huge step for me due to self-esteem issues but the support and uplifting comments were great. I used the Academy community to help keep me motivated.
Whenever I’d feel like quitting I’d log in and read the new posts and fortify my resolve. By May I was down 75 lbs and I was doing things I never thought I’d be able to do. I went from being winded by walking up stairs to doing Burpees, Squats, and bear crawls. I even started taking tennis lessons!
By the end of summer I was down 100lbs.
And just a few weeks ago, I weighed in at 198 lbs, meaning I’ve lost 120lbs! I can’t even remember the last time I was under 200! I recently went to the doctor again and had a fresh set of labs. My results were night and day! My A1C was normal, my blood sugar was normal, and my cholesterol was greatly reduced.
STEVE: AMAZING. So let’s hear about the New Kenney. What’s a typical day like now?
KENNEY: I wake up around 6:30 and 6:45am and try to get to work before 8:00am. I do intermittent fasting so I actually skip breakfast. My “feasting” window runs from 11am til 8pm.
My typical lunch is a salad minus croutons with chicken (I have a slight addiction to Caesar salads) If I need a snack I’ll eat some tuna or even some beef jerky (can’t have enough protein). Normally, I’ll head home and get ready to go to the gym! I work out 3 times a week with the trainer so I’ll do 40 minutes of cardio after those sessions or on a non-lifting day I’ll do an hour of cardio.
Lately, I’ve been on an elliptical kick as I can zone out and watch Netflix while I’m doing it. I also play Racquetball once a week with friends and I joined a basketball league (I’m really bad!).
After I work out, I’ll grab dinner with chicken or beef, with some brown rice, and broccoli (I love broccoli!) or a mixture of other veggies.
I also have a bit of a sweet tooth so I’ll treat myself with some halo ice cream (within reason) or some fruit or Siggi’s Icelandic style skyr. I’m a simple guy so I can eat the same things a few times a week and it doesn’t bother me. I guess I look at food differently now. It’s fuel for me to reach my goals before I used it to make me feel better.
STEVE: That mentality change is amazing, and I love hearing it. You changed physically. What else changed about you along the way?
KENNEY: Looking back over the journey so far I’ve learned so much more about myself. I’ve discovered that I can reach goals and that I am capable of doing anything if I put my mind to it. While I haven’t reached my goal weight, I am well on my way. I have the tools to complete my journey.
I was a soloist in a community Sing-a-long Messiah tonight and I got to rock a tux, so I thought it would make a good after!
When I went to try on my “rent-a-tux” I was fitted in a 46S jacket and when I got home I looked at my old suit jacket and it was a 56R! It’s just amazing to me! I really appreciate the community that you have built. I wouldn’t have come this far without it!
STEVE: Everybody assumes that they’ll be happy once they lose weight. And you clearly seem like a completely different, more content, and proud person. Is there anything you still struggle with?
KENNEY: Losing this weight has really forced me to face my self-esteem issues and the mental aspects are a struggle. I feel so much better physically but I still struggle mentally with being the “fat” guy.
STEVE: Thanks for sharing that honestly with us, man. We’re all works in progress, both inside and out! And these battles take time. 
It’s a good reminder to know that even if you build the body you want, you still have to level up on the inside too and that can take time! Luckily you have an amazing community of weirdos cheering you on, and others who have struggled with those same self-esteem issues and can help you get through it! 
How Kenney finally succeeded and lost 120 pounds
I wanted to highlight the key points to his transformation that allowed him to finally find success, and hopefully you can implement these types of changes into your life too.
KEY POINT #1: Kenney kept trying.
Kenney spent over a year reading Nerd Fitness articles before working up the courage to even get started. After that, he joined the NF Academy and read the content but couldn’t get himself to do much more past that.
And yet, something kept him around. He kept getting Nerd Fitness emails in his inbox, even if he wasn’t ready to take action yet. And EVENTUALLY, the right combinations of words on a page, life experiences, and things clicked for him to finally take action.
If you’re somebody that has started and stopped or lost 20 pounds only to put on 30, you’re not alone.
If you woke up this January and said “I said the same thing last year about getting healthy, but here I am still overweight,” you’re not alone.
If you beat yourself up when you fail and think you’re doomed to stay fat, you’re not alone.
Give yourself credit – you’re still here reading this, and that counts for something! Keep trying. Keep reading. Keep attempting different methods until you find one that works for you – though I’d consider these 10 changes before making another attempt).
The important thing is that you take action – more information is usually not the answer.
Here at Nerd Fitness we refer to the perpetual activity of collecting information as “collecting underpants!“
Don’t get stuck on Phase 1 – you’ll never get to “profit” (healthy) without taking action (that’s phase 2).
Now, there’s a powerful psychological element to Kenney’s journey that I wanted to highlight as well.
KEY POINT #2: Kenney finally found his “Big Why.”
Just saying “I want to get in shape” wasn’t enough for him. Being overweight wasn’t enough. Having his doctor tell him that he was at risk for a all kinds of preventable diseases wasn’t enough.
Sure, he “wanted to get in shape,” but it wasn’t enough to make him actually change. After all, Chick-Fil-A, Zaxby’s, Coca Cola, and Burger King is SOOOO damn good, it takes a really powerful reason to want to give up those things and delay gratification until the future.
And then he finally found his “Big Why.”
Kenney was told that his weight was holding him back from landing bigger roles while performing on stage (something he truly loved). And that’s when he decided to finally take this next attempt at getting fit seriously and actually took steps to change.
If you are somebody that thinks you “should get in shape,” you’re not digging deep enough for your reasons. However, if you are trying to get in shape because:
You’re tired of being unhappy with the person you see in the mirror.
If you want to build confidence to finally go on a date for the first time.
If you want your wife to look at you with love/admiration the way she used to.
Your dad died at a young age and you want to live to see your grandkids.
A reason like this, written somewhere that you can see daily, will help you stay on track when life gets busy.
Key Point #3: Kenney changed his relationship with food.
This quote from Kenney perfectly encapsulates why Kenney was successful in his transformation:
“I look at food differently now. It’s fuel for me to reach my goals, whereas before I used it to make me feel better.”
This is a guy who ate fast food 3-4 times per day, every day. Who grew up in the South, home of “comfort food.” A self-described Reese’s Cup and Ice cream aficionado.
THAT guy now views food as fuel for his fitness goals!
How did it happen? Slowly with small changes over a long period of time. Kenney knew that going on a crash diet wasn’t going to work (he had tried that in the past), so as we discuss here on Nerd Fitness he focused on small actionable changes he could make that didn’t scare him.
He kept things simple like cutting back on soda and tracking his food intake.
Only after he started to see some progress did he start playing this “healthy eating” game on a harder difficulty setting:
He moved his diet over to a more low carb, Paleo-ish nutritional strategy
He cut out breakfast and followed an Intermittent fasting plan
He consistently ate healthy options and go-to “default” meals.
Thanks to this dramatic change in his mentality, Kenney no longer needed food as an escape, but rather saw it as fuel, with occasional indulgences – like his favorite ice cream or candy – but in moderation without fear or guilt.
Key Point #4: Kenney STOPPED relying on himself.
Believe it or not, Kenney giving up on himself might be the most important mindset shift he could have made.
When most people decide to get in shape, they all do the same thing: “I am going to get in shape. I’m gonna get motivated and hit the gym consistently!” Two weeks later, they’ve already given up but now they ALSO have shame: “I am ashamed that I couldn’t stick with my goals, something must be wrong with me!”
Conversely, people that succeed know themselves better than that, so they plan for it. They stop expecting themselves to magically become a motivation powerhouse and instead start asking better questions. “Okay if Motivation ALWAYS leaves me, rather than beating myself up how can I..
0 notes
johnclapperne · 7 years
How Kenney the Tabletop Gamer Lost 120 Pounds and Found His Voice (Literally).
“There’s no way that’s the same person, right?”
Admittedly, that’s what I first thought when I saw Kenney’s before and after photos. There was just NO way that this Tony Stark looking dude on the right was the same person as the man in the other photo, right?
And then I saw his other photos. And then I heard his story.
And then I teared up.
Shut up I’m not crying, you’re crying.
Today, we’re going to be talking about Ironma—-Kenney Frazier, an IT systems administrator from Alabama, a gamer, and an opera singer who has had one of the most dramatic transformations I’ve ever seen. It’s no exaggeration to say that Kenney clearly saved his own life. Not just in terms of life expectancy, but also quality of his life.
Kenney is a proud member of the Nerd Fitness Academy who made some key changes in his life that helped him succeed. We’re going to dig deep into those major and minor changes Kenney made and how you can be like him!
After years of struggle, starting and stopping, a switch flipped and he has lost over 120 pounds in the past 15 months.
Here’s his origin story.
Meet Kenney
STEVE: Kenney! My man. When I first saw your post in the Academy Facebook group, and it had hundreds and hundreds of likes and comments, my jaw dropped. Let’s hear your background:
KENNEY: I’ve pretty much always been overweight. Even in Kindergarten I was pudgy! I attribute this to my love of Reese Cups (I’m a recovering addict; there should really be a Reese Cup Lovers Anonymous Group). I steadily put on the pounds, and by high school I easily tipped the scales at 250lbs+.
By the age of 25 I was over 300lbs and miserable.
I would go on a diet, have some success, then expand to new heights in short order. My addiction to Everquest and World of Warcraft definitely did not help. I lived an extremely sedentary life and I was depressed. I would use these virtual worlds as an escape from my self-imposed dungeon. I was finally able to break out of this addiction and decided to start living in the real world. I joined the workforce and did my best to become an adult.
STEVE: I hear ya brother – I too played Everquest (and Everquest 2) for over a decade and did it for the same reasons you did – to escape a crappy reality. What was a typical day like for you then?
KENNEY: I would wake up around 8:30am during the week and drag myself into work. On the way to work I’d stop by Chick-fil-a and grab 2 chicken biscuits and a large lemonade because breakfast is the most important meal of the day, right?
Ha. Of course being a southerner you can’t have breakfast without biscuits!
Lunch, would roll around and I’d run to Burger King and order 2 double cheeseburgers and a large fry and Coke to wash it down with.
I’d probably grab a candy bar or chips from the snack machine mid afternoon.
On the way home I’d stop by and grab more food for dinner: a large chicken finger plate from Zaxby’s because who don’t love fried chicken? I had to have another large Coke to wash it down.
After I finished my food I’d plop down in front of the TV or my computer or go take a nap for a few hours. I’d normally heading to bed around midnight or 1am after playing a few games of Dota2 with some friends.
STEVE: So let’s talk about what happened that brought about actual changes:
KENNEY: I was 35, tired all the time and unhappy with my life. Obesity, diabetes, thyroid issues, and high blood pressure are also all prevalent in my family history.
I finally had enough and made an appointment to get a physical. When I saw my lab results I knew I was in trouble. My blood pressure was high, my blood sugar was high and my A1C was in the diabetic range! My cholesterol was sky high and I weighed 334 lbs! Despite these sobering results it still wasn’t enough to wake me up.
As a card carrying super nerd – I’ve always enjoyed table top RPG – I was a member of a Dungeons and Dragons campaign with some friends from High School. One of the players started talking about Nerd Fitness and it piqued my interest.
I decided to check it out and joined the NF Academy in January of 2016. I read the starter quests, but keep putting off actually starting.
STEVE: That’s interesting – so you joined the program, but couldn’t get yourself to commit or take action beyond just reading the missions. Sounds like a classic case of not having a big enough reason WHY yet! Your doctor said you had bad health signals, but deep down you weren’t ready to change yet.
So what happened next?
KENNEY: Music has always been my main passion. I was a vocal major in college before switching to something more “practical.” I decided to restart my vocal studies at a local music school in my early 30’s.
As if being a typical DnD/MMORPG nerd wasn’t enough, my musical endeavors are in the Classical/Opera genre. The school where I study has spring and winter productions each year. I was cast in my first show and I was hooked. I was continually cast in smaller roles but I had larger ambitions. In September of 2016, I had just finished a production and felt I had performed well but I wanted more. I reached out to the teacher in charge of casting.
I told her that I was committed to landing a leading role, and her response? My weight was a showstopper.
STEVE: And there it is…your ACTUAL “Big Why” – the reason that deep down made you want to change. It must have been brutal to hear that you were too big to be considered for more important musical roles. But it appears to also have been a big turning point for you.
KENNEY: October 2016 I started my fitness journey first by cutting out sodas and cutting my portion sizes. I started logging everything in a Fitness App.
I knew from reading the articles on Nerd Fitness that making small changes at first worked best. I tried doing some of the free home workouts but I knew my motivation would suffer and I would stop unless I had some “skin” in the game. So I called up my local gym and set up a free training session on Columbus Day.
The first workout was so horrible and I was so out of shape that I almost tossed my cookies – it just reinforced how far I had to go…but I was inspired. I signed up and started working with a trainer 3 times a week.
Strength training with some occasional cardio has the name of the game since then.
At that first session, I weighed in at 320 lbs and by Nov 16th I was down to 297lbs. I couldn’t remember the last time I was under 300lbs and my motivation never faltered. I started incorporating cardio 3 or 4 times a week into fitness routines.
STEVE: Hmmm, so what you’re saying is…this whole diet and exercise thing might actually work! Hahaha – so talk to me what other changes you made along the way.
KENNEY: I started doing intermittent fasting along with a low carb, high protein diet. As my weight went down I started feeling better and was continually amazed at what I could do. By January 4th, 2017 I was down to 281lbs.
STEVE: And that’s when you discovered the power of a supportive community, right?
KENNEY: Later that month I saw that there was a Facebook group for Academy members, which I had somehow missed when I signed up the year before. When I joined the group I was amazed at the community. The posts were uplifting and informative!
The progress posts served as motivation for me! By February, I had lost 50lbs and decided to make my first post on the Facebook group (which you can see below):
This was a huge step for me due to self-esteem issues but the support and uplifting comments were great. I used the Academy community to help keep me motivated.
Whenever I’d feel like quitting I’d log in and read the new posts and fortify my resolve. By May I was down 75 lbs and I was doing things I never thought I’d be able to do. I went from being winded by walking up stairs to doing Burpees, Squats, and bear crawls. I even started taking tennis lessons!
By the end of summer I was down 100lbs.
And just a few weeks ago, I weighed in at 198 lbs, meaning I’ve lost 120lbs! I can’t even remember the last time I was under 200! I recently went to the doctor again and had a fresh set of labs. My results were night and day! My A1C was normal, my blood sugar was normal, and my cholesterol was greatly reduced.
STEVE: AMAZING. So let’s hear about the New Kenney. What’s a typical day like now?
KENNEY: I wake up around 6:30 and 6:45am and try to get to work before 8:00am. I do intermittent fasting so I actually skip breakfast. My “feasting” window runs from 11am til 8pm.
My typical lunch is a salad minus croutons with chicken (I have a slight addiction to Caesar salads) If I need a snack I’ll eat some tuna or even some beef jerky (can’t have enough protein). Normally, I’ll head home and get ready to go to the gym! I work out 3 times a week with the trainer so I’ll do 40 minutes of cardio after those sessions or on a non-lifting day I’ll do an hour of cardio.
Lately, I’ve been on an elliptical kick as I can zone out and watch Netflix while I’m doing it. I also play Racquetball once a week with friends and I joined a basketball league (I’m really bad!).
After I work out, I’ll grab dinner with chicken or beef, with some brown rice, and broccoli (I love broccoli!) or a mixture of other veggies.
I also have a bit of a sweet tooth so I’ll treat myself with some halo ice cream (within reason) or some fruit or Siggi’s Icelandic style skyr. I’m a simple guy so I can eat the same things a few times a week and it doesn’t bother me. I guess I look at food differently now. It’s fuel for me to reach my goals before I used it to make me feel better.
STEVE: That mentality change is amazing, and I love hearing it. You changed physically. What else changed about you along the way?
KENNEY: Looking back over the journey so far I’ve learned so much more about myself. I’ve discovered that I can reach goals and that I am capable of doing anything if I put my mind to it. While I haven’t reached my goal weight, I am well on my way. I have the tools to complete my journey.
I was a soloist in a community Sing-a-long Messiah tonight and I got to rock a tux, so I thought it would make a good after!
When I went to try on my “rent-a-tux” I was fitted in a 46S jacket and when I got home I looked at my old suit jacket and it was a 56R! It’s just amazing to me! I really appreciate the community that you have built. I wouldn’t have come this far without it!
STEVE: Everybody assumes that they’ll be happy once they lose weight. And you clearly seem like a completely different, more content, and proud person. Is there anything you still struggle with?
KENNEY: Losing this weight has really forced me to face my self-esteem issues and the mental aspects are a struggle. I feel so much better physically but I still struggle mentally with being the “fat” guy.
STEVE: Thanks for sharing that honestly with us, man. We’re all works in progress, both inside and out! And these battles take time. 
It’s a good reminder to know that even if you build the body you want, you still have to level up on the inside too and that can take time! Luckily you have an amazing community of weirdos cheering you on, and others who have struggled with those same self-esteem issues and can help you get through it! 
How Kenney finally succeeded and lost 120 pounds
I wanted to highlight the key points to his transformation that allowed him to finally find success, and hopefully you can implement these types of changes into your life too.
KEY POINT #1: Kenney kept trying.
Kenney spent over a year reading Nerd Fitness articles before working up the courage to even get started. After that, he joined the NF Academy and read the content but couldn’t get himself to do much more past that.
And yet, something kept him around. He kept getting Nerd Fitness emails in his inbox, even if he wasn’t ready to take action yet. And EVENTUALLY, the right combinations of words on a page, life experiences, and things clicked for him to finally take action.
If you’re somebody that has started and stopped or lost 20 pounds only to put on 30, you’re not alone.
If you woke up this January and said “I said the same thing last year about getting healthy, but here I am still overweight,” you’re not alone.
If you beat yourself up when you fail and think you’re doomed to stay fat, you’re not alone.
Give yourself credit – you’re still here reading this, and that counts for something! Keep trying. Keep reading. Keep attempting different methods until you find one that works for you – though I’d consider these 10 changes before making another attempt).
The important thing is that you take action – more information is usually not the answer.
Here at Nerd Fitness we refer to the perpetual activity of collecting information as “collecting underpants!“
Don’t get stuck on Phase 1 – you’ll never get to “profit” (healthy) without taking action (that’s phase 2).
Now, there’s a powerful psychological element to Kenney’s journey that I wanted to highlight as well.
KEY POINT #2: Kenney finally found his “Big Why.”
Just saying “I want to get in shape” wasn’t enough for him. Being overweight wasn’t enough. Having his doctor tell him that he was at risk for a all kinds of preventable diseases wasn’t enough.
Sure, he “wanted to get in shape,” but it wasn’t enough to make him actually change. After all, Chick-Fil-A, Zaxby’s, Coca Cola, and Burger King is SOOOO damn good, it takes a really powerful reason to want to give up those things and delay gratification until the future.
And then he finally found his “Big Why.”
Kenney was told that his weight was holding him back from landing bigger roles while performing on stage (something he truly loved). And that’s when he decided to finally take this next attempt at getting fit seriously and actually took steps to change.
If you are somebody that thinks you “should get in shape,” you’re not digging deep enough for your reasons. However, if you are trying to get in shape because:
You’re tired of being unhappy with the person you see in the mirror.
If you want to build confidence to finally go on a date for the first time.
If you want your wife to look at you with love/admiration the way she used to.
Your dad died at a young age and you want to live to see your grandkids.
A reason like this, written somewhere that you can see daily, will help you stay on track when life gets busy.
Key Point #3: Kenney changed his relationship with food.
This quote from Kenney perfectly encapsulates why Kenney was successful in his transformation:
“I look at food differently now. It’s fuel for me to reach my goals, whereas before I used it to make me feel better.”
This is a guy who ate fast food 3-4 times per day, every day. Who grew up in the South, home of “comfort food.” A self-described Reese’s Cup and Ice cream aficionado.
THAT guy now views food as fuel for his fitness goals!
How did it happen? Slowly with small changes over a long period of time. Kenney knew that going on a crash diet wasn’t going to work (he had tried that in the past), so as we discuss here on Nerd Fitness he focused on small actionable changes he could make that didn’t scare him.
He kept things simple like cutting back on soda and tracking his food intake.
Only after he started to see some progress did he start playing this “healthy eating” game on a harder difficulty setting:
He moved his diet over to a more low carb, Paleo-ish nutritional strategy
He cut out breakfast and followed an Intermittent fasting plan
He consistently ate healthy options and go-to “default” meals.
Thanks to this dramatic change in his mentality, Kenney no longer needed food as an escape, but rather saw it as fuel, with occasional indulgences – like his favorite ice cream or candy – but in moderation without fear or guilt.
Key Point #4: Kenney STOPPED relying on himself.
Believe it or not, Kenney giving up on himself might be the most important mindset shift he could have made.
When most people decide to get in shape, they all do the same thing: “I am going to get in shape. I’m gonna get motivated and hit the gym consistently!” Two weeks later, they’ve already given up but now they ALSO have shame: “I am ashamed that I couldn’t stick with my goals, something must be wrong with me!”
Conversely, people that succeed know themselves better than that, so they plan for it. They stop expecting themselves to magically become a motivation powerhouse and instead start asking better questions. “Okay if Motivation ALWAYS leaves me, rather than beating myself up how can I..
0 notes
almajonesnjna · 7 years
How Kenney the Tabletop Gamer Lost 120 Pounds and Found His Voice (Literally).
“There’s no way that’s the same person, right?”
Admittedly, that’s what I first thought when I saw Kenney’s before and after photos. There was just NO way that this Tony Stark looking dude on the right was the same person as the man in the other photo, right?
And then I saw his other photos. And then I heard his story.
And then I teared up.
Shut up I’m not crying, you’re crying.
Today, we’re going to be talking about Ironma—-Kenney Frazier, an IT systems administrator from Alabama, a gamer, and an opera singer who has had one of the most dramatic transformations I’ve ever seen. It’s no exaggeration to say that Kenney clearly saved his own life. Not just in terms of life expectancy, but also quality of his life.
Kenney is a proud member of the Nerd Fitness Academy who made some key changes in his life that helped him succeed. We’re going to dig deep into those major and minor changes Kenney made and how you can be like him!
After years of struggle, starting and stopping, a switch flipped and he has lost over 120 pounds in the past 15 months.
Here’s his origin story.
Meet Kenney
STEVE: Kenney! My man. When I first saw your post in the Academy Facebook group, and it had hundreds and hundreds of likes and comments, my jaw dropped. Let’s hear your background:
KENNEY: I’ve pretty much always been overweight. Even in Kindergarten I was pudgy! I attribute this to my love of Reese Cups (I’m a recovering addict; there should really be a Reese Cup Lovers Anonymous Group). I steadily put on the pounds, and by high school I easily tipped the scales at 250lbs+.
By the age of 25 I was over 300lbs and miserable.
I would go on a diet, have some success, then expand to new heights in short order. My addiction to Everquest and World of Warcraft definitely did not help. I lived an extremely sedentary life and I was depressed. I would use these virtual worlds as an escape from my self-imposed dungeon. I was finally able to break out of this addiction and decided to start living in the real world. I joined the workforce and did my best to become an adult.
STEVE: I hear ya brother – I too played Everquest (and Everquest 2) for over a decade and did it for the same reasons you did – to escape a crappy reality. What was a typical day like for you then?
KENNEY: I would wake up around 8:30am during the week and drag myself into work. On the way to work I’d stop by Chick-fil-a and grab 2 chicken biscuits and a large lemonade because breakfast is the most important meal of the day, right?
Ha. Of course being a southerner you can’t have breakfast without biscuits!
Lunch, would roll around and I’d run to Burger King and order 2 double cheeseburgers and a large fry and Coke to wash it down with.
I’d probably grab a candy bar or chips from the snack machine mid afternoon.
On the way home I’d stop by and grab more food for dinner: a large chicken finger plate from Zaxby’s because who don’t love fried chicken? I had to have another large Coke to wash it down.
After I finished my food I’d plop down in front of the TV or my computer or go take a nap for a few hours. I’d normally heading to bed around midnight or 1am after playing a few games of Dota2 with some friends.
STEVE: So let’s talk about what happened that brought about actual changes:
KENNEY: I was 35, tired all the time and unhappy with my life. Obesity, diabetes, thyroid issues, and high blood pressure are also all prevalent in my family history.
I finally had enough and made an appointment to get a physical. When I saw my lab results I knew I was in trouble. My blood pressure was high, my blood sugar was high and my A1C was in the diabetic range! My cholesterol was sky high and I weighed 334 lbs! Despite these sobering results it still wasn’t enough to wake me up.
As a card carrying super nerd – I’ve always enjoyed table top RPG – I was a member of a Dungeons and Dragons campaign with some friends from High School. One of the players started talking about Nerd Fitness and it piqued my interest.
I decided to check it out and joined the NF Academy in January of 2016. I read the starter quests, but keep putting off actually starting.
STEVE: That’s interesting – so you joined the program, but couldn’t get yourself to commit or take action beyond just reading the missions. Sounds like a classic case of not having a big enough reason WHY yet! Your doctor said you had bad health signals, but deep down you weren’t ready to change yet.
So what happened next?
KENNEY: Music has always been my main passion. I was a vocal major in college before switching to something more “practical.” I decided to restart my vocal studies at a local music school in my early 30’s.
As if being a typical DnD/MMORPG nerd wasn’t enough, my musical endeavors are in the Classical/Opera genre. The school where I study has spring and winter productions each year. I was cast in my first show and I was hooked. I was continually cast in smaller roles but I had larger ambitions. In September of 2016, I had just finished a production and felt I had performed well but I wanted more. I reached out to the teacher in charge of casting.
I told her that I was committed to landing a leading role, and her response? My weight was a showstopper.
STEVE: And there it is…your ACTUAL “Big Why” – the reason that deep down made you want to change. It must have been brutal to hear that you were too big to be considered for more important musical roles. But it appears to also have been a big turning point for you.
KENNEY: October 2016 I started my fitness journey first by cutting out sodas and cutting my portion sizes. I started logging everything in a Fitness App.
I knew from reading the articles on Nerd Fitness that making small changes at first worked best. I tried doing some of the free home workouts but I knew my motivation would suffer and I would stop unless I had some “skin” in the game. So I called up my local gym and set up a free training session on Columbus Day.
The first workout was so horrible and I was so out of shape that I almost tossed my cookies – it just reinforced how far I had to go…but I was inspired. I signed up and started working with a trainer 3 times a week.
Strength training with some occasional cardio has the name of the game since then.
At that first session, I weighed in at 320 lbs and by Nov 16th I was down to 297lbs. I couldn’t remember the last time I was under 300lbs and my motivation never faltered. I started incorporating cardio 3 or 4 times a week into fitness routines.
STEVE: Hmmm, so what you’re saying is…this whole diet and exercise thing might actually work! Hahaha – so talk to me what other changes you made along the way.
KENNEY: I started doing intermittent fasting along with a low carb, high protein diet. As my weight went down I started feeling better and was continually amazed at what I could do. By January 4th, 2017 I was down to 281lbs.
STEVE: And that’s when you discovered the power of a supportive community, right?
KENNEY: Later that month I saw that there was a Facebook group for Academy members, which I had somehow missed when I signed up the year before. When I joined the group I was amazed at the community. The posts were uplifting and informative!
The progress posts served as motivation for me! By February, I had lost 50lbs and decided to make my first post on the Facebook group (which you can see below):
This was a huge step for me due to self-esteem issues but the support and uplifting comments were great. I used the Academy community to help keep me motivated.
Whenever I’d feel like quitting I’d log in and read the new posts and fortify my resolve. By May I was down 75 lbs and I was doing things I never thought I’d be able to do. I went from being winded by walking up stairs to doing Burpees, Squats, and bear crawls. I even started taking tennis lessons!
By the end of summer I was down 100lbs.
And just a few weeks ago, I weighed in at 198 lbs, meaning I’ve lost 120lbs! I can’t even remember the last time I was under 200! I recently went to the doctor again and had a fresh set of labs. My results were night and day! My A1C was normal, my blood sugar was normal, and my cholesterol was greatly reduced.
STEVE: AMAZING. So let’s hear about the New Kenney. What’s a typical day like now?
KENNEY: I wake up around 6:30 and 6:45am and try to get to work before 8:00am. I do intermittent fasting so I actually skip breakfast. My “feasting” window runs from 11am til 8pm.
My typical lunch is a salad minus croutons with chicken (I have a slight addiction to Caesar salads) If I need a snack I’ll eat some tuna or even some beef jerky (can’t have enough protein). Normally, I’ll head home and get ready to go to the gym! I work out 3 times a week with the trainer so I’ll do 40 minutes of cardio after those sessions or on a non-lifting day I’ll do an hour of cardio.
Lately, I’ve been on an elliptical kick as I can zone out and watch Netflix while I’m doing it. I also play Racquetball once a week with friends and I joined a basketball league (I’m really bad!).
After I work out, I’ll grab dinner with chicken or beef, with some brown rice, and broccoli (I love broccoli!) or a mixture of other veggies.
I also have a bit of a sweet tooth so I’ll treat myself with some halo ice cream (within reason) or some fruit or Siggi’s Icelandic style skyr. I’m a simple guy so I can eat the same things a few times a week and it doesn’t bother me. I guess I look at food differently now. It’s fuel for me to reach my goals before I used it to make me feel better.
STEVE: That mentality change is amazing, and I love hearing it. You changed physically. What else changed about you along the way?
KENNEY: Looking back over the journey so far I’ve learned so much more about myself. I’ve discovered that I can reach goals and that I am capable of doing anything if I put my mind to it. While I haven’t reached my goal weight, I am well on my way. I have the tools to complete my journey.
I was a soloist in a community Sing-a-long Messiah tonight and I got to rock a tux, so I thought it would make a good after!
When I went to try on my “rent-a-tux” I was fitted in a 46S jacket and when I got home I looked at my old suit jacket and it was a 56R! It’s just amazing to me! I really appreciate the community that you have built. I wouldn’t have come this far without it!
STEVE: Everybody assumes that they’ll be happy once they lose weight. And you clearly seem like a completely different, more content, and proud person. Is there anything you still struggle with?
KENNEY: Losing this weight has really forced me to face my self-esteem issues and the mental aspects are a struggle. I feel so much better physically but I still struggle mentally with being the “fat” guy.
STEVE: Thanks for sharing that honestly with us, man. We’re all works in progress, both inside and out! And these battles take time. 
It’s a good reminder to know that even if you build the body you want, you still have to level up on the inside too and that can take time! Luckily you have an amazing community of weirdos cheering you on, and others who have struggled with those same self-esteem issues and can help you get through it! 
How Kenney finally succeeded and lost 120 pounds
I wanted to highlight the key points to his transformation that allowed him to finally find success, and hopefully you can implement these types of changes into your life too.
KEY POINT #1: Kenney kept trying.
Kenney spent over a year reading Nerd Fitness articles before working up the courage to even get started. After that, he joined the NF Academy and read the content but couldn’t get himself to do much more past that.
And yet, something kept him around. He kept getting Nerd Fitness emails in his inbox, even if he wasn’t ready to take action yet. And EVENTUALLY, the right combinations of words on a page, life experiences, and things clicked for him to finally take action.
If you’re somebody that has started and stopped or lost 20 pounds only to put on 30, you’re not alone.
If you woke up this January and said “I said the same thing last year about getting healthy, but here I am still overweight,” you’re not alone.
If you beat yourself up when you fail and think you’re doomed to stay fat, you’re not alone.
Give yourself credit – you’re still here reading this, and that counts for something! Keep trying. Keep reading. Keep attempting different methods until you find one that works for you – though I’d consider these 10 changes before making another attempt).
The important thing is that you take action – more information is usually not the answer.
Here at Nerd Fitness we refer to the perpetual activity of collecting information as “collecting underpants!“
Don’t get stuck on Phase 1 – you’ll never get to “profit” (healthy) without taking action (that’s phase 2).
Now, there’s a powerful psychological element to Kenney’s journey that I wanted to highlight as well.
KEY POINT #2: Kenney finally found his “Big Why.”
Just saying “I want to get in shape” wasn’t enough for him. Being overweight wasn’t enough. Having his doctor tell him that he was at risk for a all kinds of preventable diseases wasn’t enough.
Sure, he “wanted to get in shape,” but it wasn’t enough to make him actually change. After all, Chick-Fil-A, Zaxby’s, Coca Cola, and Burger King is SOOOO damn good, it takes a really powerful reason to want to give up those things and delay gratification until the future.
And then he finally found his “Big Why.”
Kenney was told that his weight was holding him back from landing bigger roles while performing on stage (something he truly loved). And that’s when he decided to finally take this next attempt at getting fit seriously and actually took steps to change.
If you are somebody that thinks you “should get in shape,” you’re not digging deep enough for your reasons. However, if you are trying to get in shape because:
You’re tired of being unhappy with the person you see in the mirror.
If you want to build confidence to finally go on a date for the first time.
If you want your wife to look at you with love/admiration the way she used to.
Your dad died at a young age and you want to live to see your grandkids.
A reason like this, written somewhere that you can see daily, will help you stay on track when life gets busy.
Key Point #3: Kenney changed his relationship with food.
This quote from Kenney perfectly encapsulates why Kenney was successful in his transformation:
“I look at food differently now. It’s fuel for me to reach my goals, whereas before I used it to make me feel better.”
This is a guy who ate fast food 3-4 times per day, every day. Who grew up in the South, home of “comfort food.” A self-described Reese’s Cup and Ice cream aficionado.
THAT guy now views food as fuel for his fitness goals!
How did it happen? Slowly with small changes over a long period of time. Kenney knew that going on a crash diet wasn’t going to work (he had tried that in the past), so as we discuss here on Nerd Fitness he focused on small actionable changes he could make that didn’t scare him.
He kept things simple like cutting back on soda and tracking his food intake.
Only after he started to see some progress did he start playing this “healthy eating” game on a harder difficulty setting:
He moved his diet over to a more low carb, Paleo-ish nutritional strategy
He cut out breakfast and followed an Intermittent fasting plan
He consistently ate healthy options and go-to “default” meals.
Thanks to this dramatic change in his mentality, Kenney no longer needed food as an escape, but rather saw it as fuel, with occasional indulgences – like his favorite ice cream or candy – but in moderation without fear or guilt.
Key Point #4: Kenney STOPPED relying on himself.
Believe it or not, Kenney giving up on himself might be the most important mindset shift he could have made.
When most people decide to get in shape, they all do the same thing: “I am going to get in shape. I’m gonna get motivated and hit the gym consistently!” Two weeks later, they’ve already given up but now they ALSO have shame: “I am ashamed that I couldn’t stick with my goals, something must be wrong with me!”
Conversely, people that succeed know themselves better than that, so they plan for it. They stop expecting themselves to magically become a motivation powerhouse and instead start asking better questions. “Okay if Motivation ALWAYS leaves me, rather than beating myself up how can I..
0 notes
albertcaldwellne · 7 years
How Kenney the Tabletop Gamer Lost 120 Pounds and Found His Voice (Literally).
“There’s no way that’s the same person, right?”
Admittedly, that’s what I first thought when I saw Kenney’s before and after photos. There was just NO way that this Tony Stark looking dude on the right was the same person as the man in the other photo, right?
And then I saw his other photos. And then I heard his story.
And then I teared up.
Shut up I’m not crying, you’re crying.
Today, we’re going to be talking about Ironma—-Kenney Frazier, an IT systems administrator from Alabama, a gamer, and an opera singer who has had one of the most dramatic transformations I’ve ever seen. It’s no exaggeration to say that Kenney clearly saved his own life. Not just in terms of life expectancy, but also quality of his life.
Kenney is a proud member of the Nerd Fitness Academy who made some key changes in his life that helped him succeed. We’re going to dig deep into those major and minor changes Kenney made and how you can be like him!
After years of struggle, starting and stopping, a switch flipped and he has lost over 120 pounds in the past 15 months.
Here’s his origin story.
Meet Kenney
STEVE: Kenney! My man. When I first saw your post in the Academy Facebook group, and it had hundreds and hundreds of likes and comments, my jaw dropped. Let’s hear your background:
KENNEY: I’ve pretty much always been overweight. Even in Kindergarten I was pudgy! I attribute this to my love of Reese Cups (I’m a recovering addict; there should really be a Reese Cup Lovers Anonymous Group). I steadily put on the pounds, and by high school I easily tipped the scales at 250lbs+.
By the age of 25 I was over 300lbs and miserable.
I would go on a diet, have some success, then expand to new heights in short order. My addiction to Everquest and World of Warcraft definitely did not help. I lived an extremely sedentary life and I was depressed. I would use these virtual worlds as an escape from my self-imposed dungeon. I was finally able to break out of this addiction and decided to start living in the real world. I joined the workforce and did my best to become an adult.
STEVE: I hear ya brother – I too played Everquest (and Everquest 2) for over a decade and did it for the same reasons you did – to escape a crappy reality. What was a typical day like for you then?
KENNEY: I would wake up around 8:30am during the week and drag myself into work. On the way to work I’d stop by Chick-fil-a and grab 2 chicken biscuits and a large lemonade because breakfast is the most important meal of the day, right?
Ha. Of course being a southerner you can’t have breakfast without biscuits!
Lunch, would roll around and I’d run to Burger King and order 2 double cheeseburgers and a large fry and Coke to wash it down with.
I’d probably grab a candy bar or chips from the snack machine mid afternoon.
On the way home I’d stop by and grab more food for dinner: a large chicken finger plate from Zaxby’s because who don’t love fried chicken? I had to have another large Coke to wash it down.
After I finished my food I’d plop down in front of the TV or my computer or go take a nap for a few hours. I’d normally heading to bed around midnight or 1am after playing a few games of Dota2 with some friends.
STEVE: So let’s talk about what happened that brought about actual changes:
KENNEY: I was 35, tired all the time and unhappy with my life. Obesity, diabetes, thyroid issues, and high blood pressure are also all prevalent in my family history.
I finally had enough and made an appointment to get a physical. When I saw my lab results I knew I was in trouble. My blood pressure was high, my blood sugar was high and my A1C was in the diabetic range! My cholesterol was sky high and I weighed 334 lbs! Despite these sobering results it still wasn’t enough to wake me up.
As a card carrying super nerd – I’ve always enjoyed table top RPG – I was a member of a Dungeons and Dragons campaign with some friends from High School. One of the players started talking about Nerd Fitness and it piqued my interest.
I decided to check it out and joined the NF Academy in January of 2016. I read the starter quests, but keep putting off actually starting.
STEVE: That’s interesting – so you joined the program, but couldn’t get yourself to commit or take action beyond just reading the missions. Sounds like a classic case of not having a big enough reason WHY yet! Your doctor said you had bad health signals, but deep down you weren’t ready to change yet.
So what happened next?
KENNEY: Music has always been my main passion. I was a vocal major in college before switching to something more “practical.” I decided to restart my vocal studies at a local music school in my early 30’s.
As if being a typical DnD/MMORPG nerd wasn’t enough, my musical endeavors are in the Classical/Opera genre. The school where I study has spring and winter productions each year. I was cast in my first show and I was hooked. I was continually cast in smaller roles but I had larger ambitions. In September of 2016, I had just finished a production and felt I had performed well but I wanted more. I reached out to the teacher in charge of casting.
I told her that I was committed to landing a leading role, and her response? My weight was a showstopper.
STEVE: And there it is…your ACTUAL “Big Why” – the reason that deep down made you want to change. It must have been brutal to hear that you were too big to be considered for more important musical roles. But it appears to also have been a big turning point for you.
KENNEY: October 2016 I started my fitness journey first by cutting out sodas and cutting my portion sizes. I started logging everything in a Fitness App.
I knew from reading the articles on Nerd Fitness that making small changes at first worked best. I tried doing some of the free home workouts but I knew my motivation would suffer and I would stop unless I had some “skin” in the game. So I called up my local gym and set up a free training session on Columbus Day.
The first workout was so horrible and I was so out of shape that I almost tossed my cookies – it just reinforced how far I had to go…but I was inspired. I signed up and started working with a trainer 3 times a week.
Strength training with some occasional cardio has the name of the game since then.
At that first session, I weighed in at 320 lbs and by Nov 16th I was down to 297lbs. I couldn’t remember the last time I was under 300lbs and my motivation never faltered. I started incorporating cardio 3 or 4 times a week into fitness routines.
STEVE: Hmmm, so what you’re saying is…this whole diet and exercise thing might actually work! Hahaha – so talk to me what other changes you made along the way.
KENNEY: I started doing intermittent fasting along with a low carb, high protein diet. As my weight went down I started feeling better and was continually amazed at what I could do. By January 4th, 2017 I was down to 281lbs.
STEVE: And that’s when you discovered the power of a supportive community, right?
KENNEY: Later that month I saw that there was a Facebook group for Academy members, which I had somehow missed when I signed up the year before. When I joined the group I was amazed at the community. The posts were uplifting and informative!
The progress posts served as motivation for me! By February, I had lost 50lbs and decided to make my first post on the Facebook group (which you can see below):
This was a huge step for me due to self-esteem issues but the support and uplifting comments were great. I used the Academy community to help keep me motivated.
Whenever I’d feel like quitting I’d log in and read the new posts and fortify my resolve. By May I was down 75 lbs and I was doing things I never thought I’d be able to do. I went from being winded by walking up stairs to doing Burpees, Squats, and bear crawls. I even started taking tennis lessons!
By the end of summer I was down 100lbs.
And just a few weeks ago, I weighed in at 198 lbs, meaning I’ve lost 120lbs! I can’t even remember the last time I was under 200! I recently went to the doctor again and had a fresh set of labs. My results were night and day! My A1C was normal, my blood sugar was normal, and my cholesterol was greatly reduced.
STEVE: AMAZING. So let’s hear about the New Kenney. What’s a typical day like now?
KENNEY: I wake up around 6:30 and 6:45am and try to get to work before 8:00am. I do intermittent fasting so I actually skip breakfast. My “feasting” window runs from 11am til 8pm.
My typical lunch is a salad minus croutons with chicken (I have a slight addiction to Caesar salads) If I need a snack I’ll eat some tuna or even some beef jerky (can’t have enough protein). Normally, I’ll head home and get ready to go to the gym! I work out 3 times a week with the trainer so I’ll do 40 minutes of cardio after those sessions or on a non-lifting day I’ll do an hour of cardio.
Lately, I’ve been on an elliptical kick as I can zone out and watch Netflix while I’m doing it. I also play Racquetball once a week with friends and I joined a basketball league (I’m really bad!).
After I work out, I’ll grab dinner with chicken or beef, with some brown rice, and broccoli (I love broccoli!) or a mixture of other veggies.
I also have a bit of a sweet tooth so I’ll treat myself with some halo ice cream (within reason) or some fruit or Siggi’s Icelandic style skyr. I’m a simple guy so I can eat the same things a few times a week and it doesn’t bother me. I guess I look at food differently now. It’s fuel for me to reach my goals before I used it to make me feel better.
STEVE: That mentality change is amazing, and I love hearing it. You changed physically. What else changed about you along the way?
KENNEY: Looking back over the journey so far I’ve learned so much more about myself. I’ve discovered that I can reach goals and that I am capable of doing anything if I put my mind to it. While I haven’t reached my goal weight, I am well on my way. I have the tools to complete my journey.
I was a soloist in a community Sing-a-long Messiah tonight and I got to rock a tux, so I thought it would make a good after!
When I went to try on my “rent-a-tux” I was fitted in a 46S jacket and when I got home I looked at my old suit jacket and it was a 56R! It’s just amazing to me! I really appreciate the community that you have built. I wouldn’t have come this far without it!
STEVE: Everybody assumes that they’ll be happy once they lose weight. And you clearly seem like a completely different, more content, and proud person. Is there anything you still struggle with?
KENNEY: Losing this weight has really forced me to face my self-esteem issues and the mental aspects are a struggle. I feel so much better physically but I still struggle mentally with being the “fat” guy.
STEVE: Thanks for sharing that honestly with us, man. We’re all works in progress, both inside and out! And these battles take time. 
It’s a good reminder to know that even if you build the body you want, you still have to level up on the inside too and that can take time! Luckily you have an amazing community of weirdos cheering you on, and others who have struggled with those same self-esteem issues and can help you get through it! 
How Kenney finally succeeded and lost 120 pounds
I wanted to highlight the key points to his transformation that allowed him to finally find success, and hopefully you can implement these types of changes into your life too.
KEY POINT #1: Kenney kept trying.
Kenney spent over a year reading Nerd Fitness articles before working up the courage to even get started. After that, he joined the NF Academy and read the content but couldn’t get himself to do much more past that.
And yet, something kept him around. He kept getting Nerd Fitness emails in his inbox, even if he wasn’t ready to take action yet. And EVENTUALLY, the right combinations of words on a page, life experiences, and things clicked for him to finally take action.
If you’re somebody that has started and stopped or lost 20 pounds only to put on 30, you’re not alone.
If you woke up this January and said “I said the same thing last year about getting healthy, but here I am still overweight,” you’re not alone.
If you beat yourself up when you fail and think you’re doomed to stay fat, you’re not alone.
Give yourself credit – you’re still here reading this, and that counts for something! Keep trying. Keep reading. Keep attempting different methods until you find one that works for you – though I’d consider these 10 changes before making another attempt).
The important thing is that you take action – more information is usually not the answer.
Here at Nerd Fitness we refer to the perpetual activity of collecting information as “collecting underpants!“
Don’t get stuck on Phase 1 – you’ll never get to “profit” (healthy) without taking action (that’s phase 2).
Now, there’s a powerful psychological element to Kenney’s journey that I wanted to highlight as well.
KEY POINT #2: Kenney finally found his “Big Why.”
Just saying “I want to get in shape” wasn’t enough for him. Being overweight wasn’t enough. Having his doctor tell him that he was at risk for a all kinds of preventable diseases wasn’t enough.
Sure, he “wanted to get in shape,” but it wasn’t enough to make him actually change. After all, Chick-Fil-A, Zaxby’s, Coca Cola, and Burger King is SOOOO damn good, it takes a really powerful reason to want to give up those things and delay gratification until the future.
And then he finally found his “Big Why.”
Kenney was told that his weight was holding him back from landing bigger roles while performing on stage (something he truly loved). And that’s when he decided to finally take this next attempt at getting fit seriously and actually took steps to change.
If you are somebody that thinks you “should get in shape,” you’re not digging deep enough for your reasons. However, if you are trying to get in shape because:
You’re tired of being unhappy with the person you see in the mirror.
If you want to build confidence to finally go on a date for the first time.
If you want your wife to look at you with love/admiration the way she used to.
Your dad died at a young age and you want to live to see your grandkids.
A reason like this, written somewhere that you can see daily, will help you stay on track when life gets busy.
Key Point #3: Kenney changed his relationship with food.
This quote from Kenney perfectly encapsulates why Kenney was successful in his transformation:
“I look at food differently now. It’s fuel for me to reach my goals, whereas before I used it to make me feel better.”
This is a guy who ate fast food 3-4 times per day, every day. Who grew up in the South, home of “comfort food.” A self-described Reese’s Cup and Ice cream aficionado.
THAT guy now views food as fuel for his fitness goals!
How did it happen? Slowly with small changes over a long period of time. Kenney knew that going on a crash diet wasn’t going to work (he had tried that in the past), so as we discuss here on Nerd Fitness he focused on small actionable changes he could make that didn’t scare him.
He kept things simple like cutting back on soda and tracking his food intake.
Only after he started to see some progress did he start playing this “healthy eating” game on a harder difficulty setting:
He moved his diet over to a more low carb, Paleo-ish nutritional strategy
He cut out breakfast and followed an Intermittent fasting plan
He consistently ate healthy options and go-to “default” meals.
Thanks to this dramatic change in his mentality, Kenney no longer needed food as an escape, but rather saw it as fuel, with occasional indulgences – like his favorite ice cream or candy – but in moderation without fear or guilt.
Key Point #4: Kenney STOPPED relying on himself.
Believe it or not, Kenney giving up on himself might be the most important mindset shift he could have made.
When most people decide to get in shape, they all do the same thing: “I am going to get in shape. I’m gonna get motivated and hit the gym consistently!” Two weeks later, they’ve already given up but now they ALSO have shame: “I am ashamed that I couldn’t stick with my goals, something must be wrong with me!”
Conversely, people that succeed know themselves better than that, so they plan for it. They stop expecting themselves to magically become a motivation powerhouse and instead start asking better questions. “Okay if Motivation ALWAYS leaves me, rather than beating myself up how can I..
0 notes
fitnetpro · 7 years
How Kenney the Tabletop Gamer Lost 120 Pounds and Found His Voice (Literally).
“There’s no way that’s the same person.”
Admittedly, that’s what I first thought when I saw Kenney’s before and after photos. There was just NO way that this Tony Stark looking dude on the right was the same person as the man in the other photo, right?
And then I saw his other photos. And then I heard his story.
And then I teared up.
Shut up I’m not crying, you’re crying.
Today, we’re going to be talking about Ironma—-Kenney Frazier, an IT systems administrator from Alabama, a gamer, and an opera singer who has had one of the most dramatic transformations I’ve ever seen. It’s no exaggeration to say that Kenney clearly saved his own life. Not just in terms of life expectancy, but also quality of his life.
Kenney is a proud member of the Nerd Fitness Academy who made some key changes in his life that helped him succeed. We’re going to dig deep into those major and minor changes Kenney made and how you can be like him!
After years of struggle, starting and stopping, a switch flipped and he has lost over 120 pounds in the past 15 months.
Here’s his origin story.
Meet Kenney
STEVE: Kenney! My man. When I first saw your post in the Academy Facebook group, and it had hundreds and hundreds of likes and comments, my jaw dropped. Let’s hear your background:
KENNEY: I’ve pretty much always been overweight. Even in Kindergarten I was pudgy! I attribute this to my love of Reese Cups (I’m a recovering addict; there should really be a Reese Cup Lovers Anonymous Group). I steadily put on the pounds, and by high school I easily tipped the scales at 250lbs+.
By the age of 25 I was over 300lbs and miserable.
I would go on a diet, have some success, then expand to new heights in short order. My addiction to Everquest and World of Warcraft definitely did not help. I lived an extremely sedentary life and I was depressed. I would use these virtual worlds as an escape from my self-imposed dungeon. I was finally able to break out of this addiction and decided to start living in the real world. I joined the workforce and did my best to become an adult.
STEVE: I hear ya brother – I too played Everquest (and Everquest 2) for over a decade and did it for the same reasons you did – to escape a crappy reality. What was a typical day like for you then?
KENNEY: I would wake up around 8:30am during the week and drag myself into work. On the way to work I’d stop by Chick-fil-a and grab 2 chicken biscuits and a large lemonade because breakfast is the most important meal of the day, right?
Ha. Of course being a southerner you can’t have breakfast without biscuits!
Lunch, would roll around and I’d run to Burger King and order 2 double cheeseburgers and a large fry and Coke to wash it down with.
I’d probably grab a candy bar or chips from the snack machine mid afternoon.
On the way home I’d stop by and grab more food for dinner: a large chicken finger plate from Zaxby’s because who don’t love fried chicken? I had to have another large Coke to wash it down.
After I finished my food I’d plop down in front of the TV or my computer or go take a nap for a few hours. I’d normally heading to bed around midnight or 1am after playing a few games of Dota2 with some friends.
STEVE: So let’s talk about what happened that brought about actual changes:
KENNEY: I was 35, tired all the time and unhappy with my life. Obesity, diabetes, thyroid issues, and high blood pressure are also all prevalent in my family history.
I finally had enough and made an appointment to get a physical. When I saw my lab results I knew I was in trouble. My blood pressure was high, my blood sugar was high and my A1C was in the diabetic range! My cholesterol was sky high and I weighed 334 lbs! Despite these sobering results it still wasn’t enough to wake me up.
As a card carrying super nerd – I’ve always enjoyed table top RPG – I was a member of a Dungeons and Dragons campaign with some friends from High School. One of the players started talking about Nerd Fitness and it piqued my interest.
I decided to check it out and joined the NF Academy in January of 2016. I read the starter quests, but keep putting off actually starting.
STEVE: That’s interesting – so you joined the program, but couldn’t get yourself to commit or take action beyond just reading the missions. Sounds like a classic case of not having a big enough reason WHY yet! Your doctor said you had bad health signals, but deep down you weren’t ready to change yet.
So what happened next?
KENNEY: Music has always been my main passion. I was a vocal major in college before switching to something more “practical.” I decided to restart my vocal studies at a local music school in my early 30’s.
As if being a typical DnD/MMORPG nerd wasn’t enough, my musical endeavors are in the Classical/Opera genre. The school where I study has spring and winter productions each year. I was cast in my first show and I was hooked. I was continually cast in smaller roles but I had larger ambitions. In September of 2016, I had just finished a production and felt I had performed well but I wanted more. I reached out to the teacher in charge of casting.
I told her that I was committed to landing a leading role, and her response? My weight was a showstopper.
STEVE: And there it is…your ACTUAL “Big Why” – the reason that deep down made you want to change. It must have been brutal to hear that you were too big to be considered for more important musical roles. But it appears to also have been a big turning point for you.
KENNEY: October 2016 I started my fitness journey first by cutting out sodas and cutting my portion sizes. I started logging everything in a Fitness App.
I knew from reading the articles on Nerd Fitness that making small changes at first worked best. I tried doing some of the free home workouts but I knew my motivation would suffer and I would stop unless I had some “skin” in the game. So I called up my local gym and set up a free training session on Columbus Day.
The first workout was so horrible and I was so out of shape that I almost tossed my cookies – it just reinforced how far I had to go…but I was inspired. I signed up and started working with a trainer 3 times a week.
Strength training with some occasional cardio has the name of the game since then.
At that first session, I weighed in at 320 lbs and by Nov 16th I was down to 297lbs. I couldn’t remember the last time I was under 300lbs and my motivation never faltered. I started incorporating cardio 3 or 4 times a week into fitness routines.
STEVE: Hmmm, so what you’re saying is…this whole diet and exercise thing might actually work! Hahaha – so talk to me what other changes you made along the way.
KENNEY: I started doing intermittent fasting along with a low carb, high protein diet. As my weight went down I started feeling better and was continually amazed at what I could do. By January 4th, 2017 I was down to 281lbs.
STEVE: And that’s when you discovered the power of a supportive community, right?
KENNEY: Later that month I saw that there was a Facebook group for Academy members, which I had somehow missed when I signed up the year before. When I joined the group I was amazed at the community. The posts were uplifting and informative!
The progress posts served as motivation for me! By February, I had lost 50lbs and decided to make my first post on the Facebook group (which you can see below):
This was a huge step for me due to self-esteem issues but the support and uplifting comments were great. I used the Academy community to help keep me motivated.
Whenever I’d feel like quitting I’d log in and read the new posts and fortify my resolve. By May I was down 75 lbs and I was doing things I never thought I’d be able to do. I went from being winded by walking up stairs to doing Burpees, Squats, and bear crawls. I even started taking tennis lessons!
By the end of summer I was down 100lbs.
And just a few weeks ago, I weighed in at 198 lbs, meaning I’ve lost 120lbs! I can’t even remember the last time I was under 200! I recently went to the doctor again and had a fresh set of labs. My results were night and day! My A1C was normal, my blood sugar was normal, and my cholesterol was greatly reduced.
STEVE: AMAZING. So let’s hear about the New Kenney. What’s a typical day like now?
KENNEY: I wake up around 6:30 and 6:45am and try to get to work before 8:00am. I do intermittent fasting so I actually skip breakfast. My “feasting” window runs from 11am til 8pm.
My typical lunch is a salad minus croutons with chicken (I have a slight addiction to Caesar salads) If I need a snack I’ll eat some tuna or even some beef jerky (can’t have enough protein). Normally, I’ll head home and get ready to go to the gym! I work out 3 times a week with the trainer so I’ll do 40 minutes of cardio after those sessions or on a non-lifting day I’ll do an hour of cardio.
Lately, I’ve been on an elliptical kick as I can zone out and watch Netflix while I’m doing it. I also play Racquetball once a week with friends and I joined a basketball league (I’m really bad!).
After I work out, I’ll grab dinner with chicken or beef, with some brown rice, and broccoli (I love broccoli!) or a mixture of other veggies.
I also have a bit of a sweet tooth so I’ll treat myself with some halo ice cream (within reason) or some fruit or Siggi’s Icelandic style skyr. I’m a simple guy so I can eat the same things a few times a week and it doesn’t bother me. I guess I look at food differently now. It’s fuel for me to reach my goals before I used it to make me feel better.
STEVE: That mentality change is amazing, and I love hearing it. You changed physically. What else changed about you along the way?
KENNEY: Looking back over the journey so far I’ve learned so much more about myself. I’ve discovered that I can reach goals and that I am capable of doing anything if I put my mind to it. While I haven’t reached my goal weight, I am well on my way. I have the tools to complete my journey.
I was a soloist in a community Sing-a-long Messiah tonight and I got to rock a tux, so I thought it would make a good after!
When I went to try on my “rent-a-tux” I was fitted in a 46S jacket and when I got home I looked at my old suit jacket and it was a 56R! It’s just amazing to me! I really appreciate the community that you have built. I wouldn’t have come this far without it!
STEVE: Everybody assumes that they’ll be happy once they lose weight. And you clearly seem like a completely different, more content, and proud person. Is there anything you still struggle with?
KENNEY: Losing this weight has really forced me to face my self-esteem issues and the mental aspects are a struggle. I feel so much better physically but I still struggle mentally with being the “fat” guy.
STEVE: Thanks for sharing that honestly with us, man. We’re all works in progress, both inside and out! And these battles take time. 
It’s a good reminder to know that even if you build the body you want, you still have to level up on the inside too and that can take time! Luckily you have an amazing community of weirdos cheering you on, and others who have struggled with those same self-esteem issues and can help you get through it! 
How Kenney finally succeeded and lost 120 pounds
I wanted to highlight the key points to his transformation that allowed him to finally find success, and hopefully you can implement these types of changes into your life too.
KEY POINT #1: Kenney kept trying.
Kenney spent over a year reading Nerd Fitness articles before working up the courage to even get started. After that, he joined the NF Academy and read the content but couldn’t get himself to do much more past that.
And yet, something kept him around. He kept getting Nerd Fitness emails in his inbox, even if he wasn’t ready to take action yet. And EVENTUALLY, the right combinations of words on a page, life experiences, and things clicked for him to finally take action.
If you’re somebody that has started and stopped or lost 20 pounds only to put on 30, you’re not alone.
If you woke up this January and said “I said the same thing last year about getting healthy, but here I am still overweight,” you’re not alone.
If you beat yourself up when you fail and think you’re doomed to stay fat, you’re not alone.
Give yourself credit – you’re still here reading this, and that counts for something! Keep trying. Keep reading. Keep attempting different methods until you find one that works for you – though I’d consider these 10 changes before making another attempt).
Now, there’s a powerful psychological element to Kenney’s journey that I wanted to highlight as well.
KEY POINT #2: Kenney finally found his “Big Why.”
Just saying “I want to get in shape” wasn’t enough for him. Being overweight wasn’t enough. Having his doctor tell him that he was at risk for a all kinds of preventable diseases wasn’t enough.
Sure, he “wanted to get in shape,” but it wasn’t enough to make him actually change. After all, Chick-Fil-A, Zaxby’s, Coca Cola, and Burger King is SOOOO damn good, it takes a really powerful reason to want to give up those things and delay gratification until the future.
And then he finally found his “Big Why.”
Kenney was told that his weight was holding him back from landing bigger roles while performing on stage (something he truly loved). And that’s when he decided to finally take this next attempt at getting fit seriously and actually took steps to change.
If you are somebody that thinks you “should get in shape,” you’re not digging deep enough for your reasons. However, if you are trying to get in shape because:
You’re tired of being unhappy with the person you see in the mirror.
If you want to build confidence to finally go on a date for the first time.
If you want your wife to look at you with love/admiration the way she used to.
Your dad died at a young age and you want to live to see your grandkids.
A reason like this, written somewhere that you can see daily, will help you stay on track when life gets busy.
Key Point #3: Kenney changed his relationship with food.
This quote from Kenney perfectly encapsulates why Kenney was successful in his transformation:
“I look at food differently now. It’s fuel for me to reach my goals, whereas before I used it to make me feel better.”
This is a guy who ate fast food 3-4 times per day, every day. Who grew up in the South, home of “comfort food.” A self-described Reese’s Cup and Ice cream aficionado.
THAT guy now views food as fuel for his fitness goals!
How did it happen? Slowly with small changes over a long period of time. Kenney knew that going on a crash diet wasn’t going to work (he had tried that in the past), so as we discuss here on Nerd Fitness he focused on small actionable changes he could make that didn’t scare him.
He kept things simple like cutting back on soda and tracking his food intake.
Only after he started to see some progress did he start playing this “healthy eating” game on a harder difficulty setting:
He moved his diet over to a more low carb, Paleo-ish nutritional strategy
He cut out breakfast and followed an Intermittent fasting plan
He consistently ate healthy options and go-to “default” meals.
Thanks to this dramatic change in his mentality, Kenney no longer needed food as an escape, but rather saw it as fuel, with occasional indulgences – like his favorite ice cream or candy – but in moderation without fear or guilt.
Key Point #4: Kenney STOPPED relying on himself.
Believe it or not, Kenney giving up on himself might be the most important mindset shift he could have made.
When most people decide to get in shape, they all do the same thing: “I am going to get in shape. I’m gonna get motivated and hit the gym consistently!” Two weeks later, they’ve already given up but now they ALSO have shame: “I am ashamed that I couldn’t stick with my goals, something must be wrong with me!”
Conversely, people that succeed know themselves better than that, so they plan for it. They stop expecting themselves to magically become a motivation powerhouse and instead start asking better questions. “Okay if Motivation ALWAYS leaves me, rather than beating myself up how can I stack the deck so that I no longer need motivation in the first place?”
Kenney stopped relying on himself in two key ways:
He invested in himself so that he had “skin in the game”
He had OTHER people keep him accountable other than just himself.
We’re going to dig into both of these specific issues in the next two points, but I want to return to the above:
If you rely on yourself to be motivated, and you think you need to be motivated to get in shape, you’ve already lost.
STOP relying on motivation. Instead, build systems, recruit allies, and structure your environment in ways that support your goals.
Try this: recruit a friend who will cheer you on. Give him $50 of your money and tell him you’ll check in with him every day. If you don’t check in to let him know that you went for a walk and ate a veggie, he will donate that money to a cause you HATE.
Speaking of recruiting allies…
Key Point #5: Kenney surrounded himself with the right people
I’m proud to say that Nerd FItness played a communal role in helping Kenney Reach his goals. Our Academy doesn’t a super secret proprietary workout plan – its fun compound strength training. Our nutritional strategy isn’t anything proprietary – its less junk and more vegetables. Sure, it digs deep on the mindset stuff, and it’s got a fun leveling system and nutritional strategy that gamifies getting in shape.
But that’s not what made it such a big help in Kenney’s journey: it was the community of people who are aligned with the same goal, struggling with the same problems, that were cheering him on.
Or in another Academy member’s words, when asked why he loves the community:
Human connection and supportive people can be the biggest help in transforming, and Kenney had both: a coach who pushed him, and a community that supported him.
Did you know that you are the average of the 5 people you associate most with?
Show me the weight, health, net worth, and happiness level of the 5 people you spend the most time with, and I bet I can guess a lot about you with startling accuracy – it’s because those people influence you every day without you realizing it with their words, decisions, and choices.
So then I ask you: Are your five people making you want to be better? Or are they people who make fun of you for skipping game night to exercise or goad you into skipping the salad and ordering a cheeseburger to “live a little.”
Kenney has been a major contributor to our community, sharing his struggles and his progress. Unsurprisingly, he’s also one of our BEST successes, and an inspiration to the men of the Academy group – and now the galaxy.
If you are serious about getting in shape, interact with people that make you want to be better:
Join a running club at work. Or start one!
Find an accountability buddy that you check in with daily.
Create a guild and introduce positive peer pressure!
Have somebody you can ask embarrassing questions to and share your struggles with.
I love that Kenney found the NF community to be super supportive while he also leveled up his life with in person connections too, and I want the same for you.
I don’t care where you find these people, I just want you to have these people in your life! Now, I might be slightly biased, but I believe our online crew is the best community on the planet!
Key Point #6: Kenney invested in himself
Kenney tried to follow along with free workouts at home. He read free articles on Nerd Fitness for over a year. And he couldn’t get himself to take his attempt at getting in shape seriously.
As he was still in search of his big WHY, he realized that he’d never stick with an attempt until he had some “skin in the game” (invested in himself). So he called up his local gym and set up a free training session.
And that lead to him realizing that hiring a trainer that knows him better than he knows himself was going to be a game changer:
“My trainer is perfect for me! He keeps me motivated and honest without being the cliched TV trainer who berates their clients! He’s never yelled or made me feel like a failure. Honestly, If had a trainer like that I would have quit after the first session. He’s a self described nerd so we often talk about the next big superhero movie or I crack jokes about his addiction to big Kit Kat bars!”
Whether it’s an online coach or a course, there’s so much psychology at stake beyond just the information you learn in these situations. We all know what we need to do (eat less, move more), but we can’t get ourselves to do those things.
Investing in a course or hiring a coach can be the biggest difference between success and failure for many people. When you spend money on a quality fitness product or service:
You spend time with other people who are investing in themselves.
You get to outsource your decision making and just focus on following directions.
You get the peace of mind that you are doing the right thing because its been prescribed by somebody farther along than you.
You get guaranteed accountability, because you’re paying somebody for something which means you’ll value it more!
Sure, there are MILLIONS of free resources out there about how to get healthy. There are millions of free fitness articles (you’re reading one of them!).
And yes, many people can get motivated and go build their own workout and go to the gym and figure things out and LOVE spending that time doing so.
For the rest of us though, we don’t have the time or ability to sort through the junk to find the best information, or we just want the peace of mind knowing we’re learning from somebody that gets us.
And lastly, maybe we know ourselves well enough that if we spend money on something, we’ll actually use it!
Personally, I pay money to go to a gym 2 blocks away instead of using the free gym in my apartment building, because I never go to the free one! I also pay hundreds every month to work with an online fitness coach, and it’s the best money I spend each month.
I’m not telling you to spend your money on fitness. Instead, I’m saying that what you spend your money (and your time) on says a lot about your priorities.
Kenney looked at his spending habits and despite what he was told himself he cared about, he was really prioritizing fast food, no sleep, and video games.
So he changed his priorities by eliminating unhealthy, expensive food and instead, spent that money on investing in himself (a coach, the NF Academy, healthy food).
Of COURSE you don’t need to spend money on your health and wellness – but it can be like powerleveling yourself in a video game! If you think you can’t afford a gym membership, or a trainer, or a course…track your spending and measure what you have been spending your money on instead (TV, Netflix, game subscriptions, etc).
If you reallllly want something, you can find a way to save elsewhere to invest on what’s important:
If you have chosen to prioritize your health and wellness, I’d suggest investing in:
A gym membership (or home gym) if you’re serious about changing your physique.
A comprehensive online course/community if you can’t learn in person. (like the Academy).
A personal trainer or an online coach (we have a 1-on-1 online coaching program too).
Notice I didn’t say anything about supplements or ab coasters or whatever – get your mentality in order, work with people who have succeeded in the way you want to succeed, and get started!
be Less like Old Kenney. Be more like new Kenney.
I’m so thankful Kenney let me share this story with you today! Here are the most important things he did to transform into Tony Stark:
Even though he wasn’t ready to transform, he kept reading about health and fitness for years until something clicked.
He finally had a big enough reason why to overcome his love of fast food. He dug deep and really addressed his motivations.
He stopped relying on himself, and instead outsourced his motivation and accountability to a community and a coach.
He invested in himself, which made him take the opportunity more clearly
He fixed his relationship with food – instead of comfort, it became fuel for his goals.
Regardless of how involved you want to be with Nerd Fitness, I’m just glad that you’re here and reading this. I hope you can see Kenney’s transformation above and decide “Hey, I want to do that! maybe I should do what he did.” And put his words into your practice!
And then go see Kenney perform!
Look for the guy center stage….
PS: I’m glad that Kenney is a really active and encouraging part of our community in the Nerd Fitness Academy, and I hope you consider checking it out too!
It’s the most supportive group on the internet, and you’ll also get workout plans, a 10-level nutritional system, an entire mindset module, and character leveling system with real-life quests and boss battles. It comes with a 60-day guarantee to give you a chance to try it out and see if it can help you level up your life!
See you in there!
How Kenney the Tabletop Gamer Lost 120 Pounds and Found His Voice (Literally). published first on http://ift.tt/2kRppy7
0 notes
denisalvney · 7 years
How Kenney the Tabletop Gamer Lost 120 Pounds and Found His Voice (Literally).
“There’s no way that’s the same person, right?”
Admittedly, that’s what I first thought when I saw Kenney’s before and after photos. There was just NO way that this Tony Stark looking dude on the right was the same person as the man in the other photo, right?
And then I saw his other photos. And then I heard his story.
And then I teared up.
Shut up I’m not crying, you’re crying.
Today, we’re going to be talking about Ironma—-Kenney Frazier, an IT systems administrator from Alabama, a gamer, and an opera singer who has had one of the most dramatic transformations I’ve ever seen. It’s no exaggeration to say that Kenney clearly saved his own life. Not just in terms of life expectancy, but also quality of his life.
Kenney is a proud member of the Nerd Fitness Academy who made some key changes in his life that helped him succeed. We’re going to dig deep into those major and minor changes Kenney made and how you can be like him!
After years of struggle, starting and stopping, a switch flipped and he has lost over 120 pounds in the past 15 months.
Here’s his origin story.
Meet Kenney
STEVE: Kenney! My man. When I first saw your post in the Academy Facebook group, and it had hundreds and hundreds of likes and comments, my jaw dropped. Let’s hear your background:
KENNEY: I’ve pretty much always been overweight. Even in Kindergarten I was pudgy! I attribute this to my love of Reese Cups (I’m a recovering addict; there should really be a Reese Cup Lovers Anonymous Group). I steadily put on the pounds, and by high school I easily tipped the scales at 250lbs+.
By the age of 25 I was over 300lbs and miserable.
I would go on a diet, have some success, then expand to new heights in short order. My addiction to Everquest and World of Warcraft definitely did not help. I lived an extremely sedentary life and I was depressed. I would use these virtual worlds as an escape from my self-imposed dungeon. I was finally able to break out of this addiction and decided to start living in the real world. I joined the workforce and did my best to become an adult.
STEVE: I hear ya brother – I too played Everquest (and Everquest 2) for over a decade and did it for the same reasons you did – to escape a crappy reality. What was a typical day like for you then?
KENNEY: I would wake up around 8:30am during the week and drag myself into work. On the way to work I’d stop by Chick-fil-a and grab 2 chicken biscuits and a large lemonade because breakfast is the most important meal of the day, right?
Ha. Of course being a southerner you can’t have breakfast without biscuits!
Lunch, would roll around and I’d run to Burger King and order 2 double cheeseburgers and a large fry and Coke to wash it down with.
I’d probably grab a candy bar or chips from the snack machine mid afternoon.
On the way home I’d stop by and grab more food for dinner: a large chicken finger plate from Zaxby’s because who don’t love fried chicken? I had to have another large Coke to wash it down.
After I finished my food I’d plop down in front of the TV or my computer or go take a nap for a few hours. I’d normally heading to bed around midnight or 1am after playing a few games of Dota2 with some friends.
STEVE: So let’s talk about what happened that brought about actual changes:
KENNEY: I was 35, tired all the time and unhappy with my life. Obesity, diabetes, thyroid issues, and high blood pressure are also all prevalent in my family history.
I finally had enough and made an appointment to get a physical. When I saw my lab results I knew I was in trouble. My blood pressure was high, my blood sugar was high and my A1C was in the diabetic range! My cholesterol was sky high and I weighed 334 lbs! Despite these sobering results it still wasn’t enough to wake me up.
As a card carrying super nerd – I’ve always enjoyed table top RPG – I was a member of a Dungeons and Dragons campaign with some friends from High School. One of the players started talking about Nerd Fitness and it piqued my interest.
I decided to check it out and joined the NF Academy in January of 2016. I read the starter quests, but keep putting off actually starting.
STEVE: That’s interesting – so you joined the program, but couldn’t get yourself to commit or take action beyond just reading the missions. Sounds like a classic case of not having a big enough reason WHY yet! Your doctor said you had bad health signals, but deep down you weren’t ready to change yet.
So what happened next?
KENNEY: Music has always been my main passion. I was a vocal major in college before switching to something more “practical.” I decided to restart my vocal studies at a local music school in my early 30’s.
As if being a typical DnD/MMORPG nerd wasn’t enough, my musical endeavors are in the Classical/Opera genre. The school where I study has spring and winter productions each year. I was cast in my first show and I was hooked. I was continually cast in smaller roles but I had larger ambitions. In September of 2016, I had just finished a production and felt I had performed well but I wanted more. I reached out to the teacher in charge of casting.
I told her that I was committed to landing a leading role, and her response? My weight was a showstopper.
STEVE: And there it is…your ACTUAL “Big Why” – the reason that deep down made you want to change. It must have been brutal to hear that you were too big to be considered for more important musical roles. But it appears to also have been a big turning point for you.
KENNEY: October 2016 I started my fitness journey first by cutting out sodas and cutting my portion sizes. I started logging everything in a Fitness App.
I knew from reading the articles on Nerd Fitness that making small changes at first worked best. I tried doing some of the free home workouts but I knew my motivation would suffer and I would stop unless I had some “skin” in the game. So I called up my local gym and set up a free training session on Columbus Day.
The first workout was so horrible and I was so out of shape that I almost tossed my cookies – it just reinforced how far I had to go…but I was inspired. I signed up and started working with a trainer 3 times a week.
Strength training with some occasional cardio has the name of the game since then.
At that first session, I weighed in at 320 lbs and by Nov 16th I was down to 297lbs. I couldn’t remember the last time I was under 300lbs and my motivation never faltered. I started incorporating cardio 3 or 4 times a week into fitness routines.
STEVE: Hmmm, so what you’re saying is…this whole diet and exercise thing might actually work! Hahaha – so talk to me what other changes you made along the way.
KENNEY: I started doing intermittent fasting along with a low carb, high protein diet. As my weight went down I started feeling better and was continually amazed at what I could do. By January 4th, 2017 I was down to 281lbs.
STEVE: And that’s when you discovered the power of a supportive community, right?
KENNEY: Later that month I saw that there was a Facebook group for Academy members, which I had somehow missed when I signed up the year before. When I joined the group I was amazed at the community. The posts were uplifting and informative!
The progress posts served as motivation for me! By February, I had lost 50lbs and decided to make my first post on the Facebook group (which you can see below):
This was a huge step for me due to self-esteem issues but the support and uplifting comments were great. I used the Academy community to help keep me motivated.
Whenever I’d feel like quitting I’d log in and read the new posts and fortify my resolve. By May I was down 75 lbs and I was doing things I never thought I’d be able to do. I went from being winded by walking up stairs to doing Burpees, Squats, and bear crawls. I even started taking tennis lessons!
By the end of summer I was down 100lbs.
And just a few weeks ago, I weighed in at 198 lbs, meaning I’ve lost 120lbs! I can’t even remember the last time I was under 200! I recently went to the doctor again and had a fresh set of labs. My results were night and day! My A1C was normal, my blood sugar was normal, and my cholesterol was greatly reduced.
STEVE: AMAZING. So let’s hear about the New Kenney. What’s a typical day like now?
KENNEY: I wake up around 6:30 and 6:45am and try to get to work before 8:00am. I do intermittent fasting so I actually skip breakfast. My “feasting” window runs from 11am til 8pm.
My typical lunch is a salad minus croutons with chicken (I have a slight addiction to Caesar salads) If I need a snack I’ll eat some tuna or even some beef jerky (can’t have enough protein). Normally, I’ll head home and get ready to go to the gym! I work out 3 times a week with the trainer so I’ll do 40 minutes of cardio after those sessions or on a non-lifting day I’ll do an hour of cardio.
Lately, I’ve been on an elliptical kick as I can zone out and watch Netflix while I’m doing it. I also play Racquetball once a week with friends and I joined a basketball league (I’m really bad!).
After I work out, I’ll grab dinner with chicken or beef, with some brown rice, and broccoli (I love broccoli!) or a mixture of other veggies.
I also have a bit of a sweet tooth so I’ll treat myself with some halo ice cream (within reason) or some fruit or Siggi’s Icelandic style skyr. I’m a simple guy so I can eat the same things a few times a week and it doesn’t bother me. I guess I look at food differently now. It’s fuel for me to reach my goals before I used it to make me feel better.
STEVE: That mentality change is amazing, and I love hearing it. You changed physically. What else changed about you along the way?
KENNEY: Looking back over the journey so far I’ve learned so much more about myself. I’ve discovered that I can reach goals and that I am capable of doing anything if I put my mind to it. While I haven’t reached my goal weight, I am well on my way. I have the tools to complete my journey.
I was a soloist in a community Sing-a-long Messiah tonight and I got to rock a tux, so I thought it would make a good after!
When I went to try on my “rent-a-tux” I was fitted in a 46S jacket and when I got home I looked at my old suit jacket and it was a 56R! It’s just amazing to me! I really appreciate the community that you have built. I wouldn’t have come this far without it!
STEVE: Everybody assumes that they’ll be happy once they lose weight. And you clearly seem like a completely different, more content, and proud person. Is there anything you still struggle with?
KENNEY: Losing this weight has really forced me to face my self-esteem issues and the mental aspects are a struggle. I feel so much better physically but I still struggle mentally with being the “fat” guy.
STEVE: Thanks for sharing that honestly with us, man. We’re all works in progress, both inside and out! And these battles take time. 
It’s a good reminder to know that even if you build the body you want, you still have to level up on the inside too and that can take time! Luckily you have an amazing community of weirdos cheering you on, and others who have struggled with those same self-esteem issues and can help you get through it! 
How Kenney finally succeeded and lost 120 pounds
I wanted to highlight the key points to his transformation that allowed him to finally find success, and hopefully you can implement these types of changes into your life too.
KEY POINT #1: Kenney kept trying.
Kenney spent over a year reading Nerd Fitness articles before working up the courage to even get started. After that, he joined the NF Academy and read the content but couldn’t get himself to do much more past that.
And yet, something kept him around. He kept getting Nerd Fitness emails in his inbox, even if he wasn’t ready to take action yet. And EVENTUALLY, the right combinations of words on a page, life experiences, and things clicked for him to finally take action.
If you’re somebody that has started and stopped or lost 20 pounds only to put on 30, you’re not alone.
If you woke up this January and said “I said the same thing last year about getting healthy, but here I am still overweight,” you’re not alone.
If you beat yourself up when you fail and think you’re doomed to stay fat, you’re not alone.
Give yourself credit – you’re still here reading this, and that counts for something! Keep trying. Keep reading. Keep attempting different methods until you find one that works for you – though I’d consider these 10 changes before making another attempt).
The important thing is that you take action – more information is usually not the answer.
Here at Nerd Fitness we refer to the perpetual activity of collecting information as “collecting underpants!“
Don’t get stuck on Phase 1 – you’ll never get to “profit” (healthy) without taking action (that’s phase 2).
Now, there’s a powerful psychological element to Kenney’s journey that I wanted to highlight as well.
KEY POINT #2: Kenney finally found his “Big Why.”
Just saying “I want to get in shape” wasn’t enough for him. Being overweight wasn’t enough. Having his doctor tell him that he was at risk for a all kinds of preventable diseases wasn’t enough.
Sure, he “wanted to get in shape,” but it wasn’t enough to make him actually change. After all, Chick-Fil-A, Zaxby’s, Coca Cola, and Burger King is SOOOO damn good, it takes a really powerful reason to want to give up those things and delay gratification until the future.
And then he finally found his “Big Why.”
Kenney was told that his weight was holding him back from landing bigger roles while performing on stage (something he truly loved). And that’s when he decided to finally take this next attempt at getting fit seriously and actually took steps to change.
If you are somebody that thinks you “should get in shape,” you’re not digging deep enough for your reasons. However, if you are trying to get in shape because:
You’re tired of being unhappy with the person you see in the mirror.
If you want to build confidence to finally go on a date for the first time.
If you want your wife to look at you with love/admiration the way she used to.
Your dad died at a young age and you want to live to see your grandkids.
A reason like this, written somewhere that you can see daily, will help you stay on track when life gets busy.
Key Point #3: Kenney changed his relationship with food.
This quote from Kenney perfectly encapsulates why Kenney was successful in his transformation:
“I look at food differently now. It’s fuel for me to reach my goals, whereas before I used it to make me feel better.”
This is a guy who ate fast food 3-4 times per day, every day. Who grew up in the South, home of “comfort food.” A self-described Reese’s Cup and Ice cream aficionado.
THAT guy now views food as fuel for his fitness goals!
How did it happen? Slowly with small changes over a long period of time. Kenney knew that going on a crash diet wasn’t going to work (he had tried that in the past), so as we discuss here on Nerd Fitness he focused on small actionable changes he could make that didn’t scare him.
He kept things simple like cutting back on soda and tracking his food intake.
Only after he started to see some progress did he start playing this “healthy eating” game on a harder difficulty setting:
He moved his diet over to a more low carb, Paleo-ish nutritional strategy
He cut out breakfast and followed an Intermittent fasting plan
He consistently ate healthy options and go-to “default” meals.
Thanks to this dramatic change in his mentality, Kenney no longer needed food as an escape, but rather saw it as fuel, with occasional indulgences – like his favorite ice cream or candy – but in moderation without fear or guilt.
Key Point #4: Kenney STOPPED relying on himself.
Believe it or not, Kenney giving up on himself might be the most important mindset shift he could have made.
When most people decide to get in shape, they all do the same thing: “I am going to get in shape. I’m gonna get motivated and hit the gym consistently!” Two weeks later, they’ve already given up but now they ALSO have shame: “I am ashamed that I couldn’t stick with my goals, something must be wrong with me!”
Conversely, people that succeed know themselves better than that, so they plan for it. They stop expecting themselves to magically become a motivation powerhouse and instead start asking better questions. “Okay if Motivation ALWAYS leaves me, rather than beating myself up how can I stack the deck so that I no longer need motivation in the first place?”
Kenney stopped relying on himself in two key ways:
He invested in himself so that he had “skin in the game”
He had OTHER people keep him accountable other than just himself.
We’re going to dig into both of these specific issues in the next two points, but I want to return to the above:
If you rely on yourself to be motivated, and you think you need to be motivated to get in shape, you’ve already lost.
STOP relying on motivation. Instead, build systems, recruit allies, and structure your environment in ways that support your goals.
Try this: recruit a friend who will cheer you on. Give him $50 of your money and tell him you’ll check in with him every day. If you don’t check in to let him know that you went for a walk and ate a veggie, he will donate that money to a cause you HATE.
Speaking of recruiting allies…
Key Point #5: Kenney surrounded himself with the right people
I’m proud to say that Nerd FItness played a communal role in helping Kenney Reach his goals. Our Academy doesn’t a super secret proprietary workout plan – its fun compound strength training. Our nutritional strategy isn’t anything proprietary – its less junk and more vegetables. Sure, it digs deep on the mindset stuff, and it’s got a fun leveling system and nutritional strategy that gamifies getting in shape.
But that’s not what made it such a big help in Kenney’s journey: it was the community of people who are aligned with the same goal, struggling with the same problems, that were cheering him on.
Or in another Academy member’s words, when asked why he loves the community:
Human connection and supportive people can be the biggest help in transforming, and Kenney had both: a coach who pushed him, and a community that supported him.
Did you know that you are the average of the 5 people you associate most with?
Show me the weight, health, net worth, and happiness level of the 5 people you spend the most time with, and I bet I can guess a lot about you with startling accuracy – it’s because those people influence you every day without you realizing it with their words, decisions, and choices.
So then I ask you: Are your five people making you want to be better? Or are they people who make fun of you for skipping game night to exercise or goad you into skipping the salad and ordering a cheeseburger to “live a little.”
Kenney has been a major contributor to our community, sharing his struggles and his progress. Unsurprisingly, he’s also one of our BEST successes, and an inspiration to the men of the Academy group – and now the galaxy.
If you are serious about getting in shape, interact with people that make you want to be better:
Join a running club at work. Or start one!
Find an accountability buddy that you check in with daily.
Create a guild and introduce positive peer pressure!
Have somebody you can ask embarrassing questions to and share your struggles with.
I love that Kenney found the NF community to be super supportive while he also leveled up his life with in person connections too, and I want the same for you.
I don’t care where you find these people, I just want you to have these people in your life! Now, I might be slightly biased, but I believe our online crew is the best community on the planet!
Key Point #6: Kenney invested in himself
Kenney tried to follow along with free workouts at home. He read free articles on Nerd Fitness for over a year. And he couldn’t get himself to take his attempt at getting in shape seriously.
As he was still in search of his big WHY, he realized that he’d never stick with an attempt until he had some “skin in the game” (invested in himself). So he called up his local gym and set up a free training session.
And that lead to him realizing that hiring a trainer that knows him better than he knows himself was going to be a game changer:
“My trainer is perfect for me! He keeps me motivated and honest without being the cliched TV trainer who berates their clients! He’s never yelled or made me feel like a failure. Honestly, If had a trainer like that I would have quit after the first session. He’s a self described nerd so we often talk about the next big superhero movie or I crack jokes about his addiction to big Kit Kat bars!”
Whether it’s an online coach or a course, there’s so much psychology at stake beyond just the information you learn in these situations. We all know what we need to do (eat less, move more), but we can’t get ourselves to do those things.
Investing in a course or hiring a coach can be the biggest difference between success and failure for many people. When you spend money on a quality fitness product or service:
You spend time with other people who are investing in themselves.
You get to outsource your decision making and just focus on following directions.
You get the peace of mind that you are doing the right thing because its been prescribed by somebody farther along than you.
You get guaranteed accountability, because you’re paying somebody for something which means you’ll value it more!
Sure, there are MILLIONS of free resources out there about how to get healthy. There are millions of free fitness articles (you’re reading one of them!).
And yes, many people can get motivated and go build their own workout and go to the gym and figure things out and LOVE spending that time doing so.
For the rest of us though, we don’t have the time or ability to sort through the junk to find the best information, or we just want the peace of mind knowing we’re learning from somebody that gets us.
And lastly, maybe we know ourselves well enough that if we spend money on something, we’ll actually use it!
Personally, I pay money to go to a gym 2 blocks away instead of using the free gym in my apartment building, because I never go to the free one! I also pay hundreds every month to work with an online fitness coach, and it’s the best money I spend each month.
I’m not telling you to spend your money on fitness. Instead, I’m saying that what you spend your money (and your time) on says a lot about your priorities.
Kenney looked at his spending habits and despite what he was told himself he cared about, he was really prioritizing fast food, no sleep, and video games.
So he changed his priorities by eliminating unhealthy, expensive food and instead, spent that money on investing in himself (a coach, the NF Academy, healthy food).
Of COURSE you don’t need to spend money on your health and wellness – but it can be like powerleveling yourself in a video game! If you think you can’t afford a gym membership, or a trainer, or a course…track your spending and measure what you have been spending your money on instead (TV, Netflix, game subscriptions, etc).
If you reallllly want something, you can find a way to save elsewhere to invest on what’s important:
If you have chosen to prioritize your health and wellness, I’d suggest investing in:
A gym membership (or home gym) if you’re serious about changing your physique.
A comprehensive online course/community if you can’t learn in person. (like the Academy).
A personal trainer or an online coach (we have a 1-on-1 online coaching program too).
Notice I didn’t say anything about supplements or ab coasters or whatever – get your mentality in order, work with people who have succeeded in the way you want to succeed, and get started!
be Less like Old Kenney. Be more like new Kenney.
I’m so thankful Kenney let me share this story with you today! Here are the most important things he did to transform into Tony Stark:
Even though he wasn’t ready to transform, he kept reading about health and fitness for years until something clicked.
He finally had a big enough reason why to overcome his love of fast food. He dug deep and really addressed his motivations.
He stopped relying on himself, and instead outsourced his motivation and accountability to a community and a coach.
He invested in himself, which made him take the opportunity more clearly
He fixed his relationship with food – instead of comfort, it became fuel for his goals.
Regardless of how involved you want to be with Nerd Fitness, I’m just glad that you’re here and reading this. I hope you can see Kenney’s transformation above and decide “Hey, I want to do that! maybe I should do what he did.” And put his words into your practice!
And then go see Kenney perform!
Look for the guy center stage….
PS: I’m glad that Kenney is a really active and encouraging part of our community in the Nerd Fitness Academy, and I hope you consider checking it out too!
It’s the most supportive group on the internet, and you’ll also get workout plans, a 10-level nutritional system, an entire mindset module, and character leveling system with real-life quests and boss battles. It comes with a 60-day guarantee to give you a chance to try it out and see if it can help you level up your life!
See you in there!
How Kenney the Tabletop Gamer Lost 120 Pounds and Found His Voice (Literally). published first on https://www.nerdfitness.com
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kayincolwyn · 8 years
In Memory Of My Grandpa (Allan Tompkins, 10-22-1936 - 3-4-2017 )
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On Saturday the 4th, in March of 2017, my grandpa, Allan Tompkins, passed away peacefully in his sleep only a couple months after being diagnosed with terminal cancer. He was 80 years old. I found out on Tuesday when his wife Miriam called me to let me know, as she hadn’t had a chance to call me till then. At first I felt confused as it was so surreal, as I had planned on calling him later that day to check in on him to see how he was doing. I honestly thought there would be more time, but then sometimes, as we all know, life doesn’t always go as we plan it to or wish it to... My relationship with my grandpa was, perhaps, a little more complicated and different in some ways than the norm, in how we first connected and then in how we related to eachother, but I believe it was something that held meaning for both of us. My mother, Kathy, was adopted. Allan was her biological father. Allan and my mother’s biological mother, Taj, got together briefly when they were teenagers, and they soon broke things off and he moved on, after which Taj discovered that she was pregnant, but she was unable to find or contact Allan, and being unable to take care of my mother, she decided to give her up for adoption. Allan once told me that he isn’t sure what he would have done if he had known about Taj’s pregnancy, but he admitted that he was kind of a ‘cad’ (his words) back then, and isn’t very proud of some of his actions and choices in that time. The fact that he admitted to this, and to the fact that he wasn’t perfect and had made mistakes, is one of the things I admired about him. Many years later, when my mom was in her 30s I think, she sought out her biological parents and found them both. She made a connection of sorts with Taj (although they admittedly don’t have the closest relationship) but sadly she didn’t have as much success with Allan as they didn’t have much in common and just didn’t click. In my late teens I only knew about Allan vaguely, having never met him or even seen a picture of him, and I had the misconception in my mind that he had abandoned my mother (as I didn’t learn that he didn’t know about her until later when he told me), so I had no interest in ever connecting with him... but it would seem that fate, or some other force, had other plans. When I was about 17 or 18, at the tail end of high school, I began exploring Christianity, and some friends of mine started taking me to this church, called Glencoe First Baptist. I was going there for a few months and then one day, when I was pointing out some of the names of people in the church directory to my mom, she saw Allan’s name and was taken aback. My mom was worried for me, as mothers tend to do, and wanted to be sure that whatever might happen that I wouldn’t get hurt in the process, so she reached out to the church pastor, Monte McGary, to see if he would be willing to talk with Allan to let him know about me, in hopes that things would go more smoothly that way. It was awkward and strange for me at first when Allan reached out to me, and I remember when he gave a testimony one day in church and was talking about how God was working in his life in surprising ways, bringing up things that had happened in his past, and that something important had come to his attention, and he was grateful for it. He didn’t refer to me directly but I knew that he was talking about me. Both of us knew well what an odd set of circumstances it was that brought us together... I mean, what are the chances that somehow, out of the hundreds if not thousands of churches in our area, that an estranged grandson who had no intention of ever connecting with his grandfather would somehow end up at the same church as him, and where he was one of the elders no less? Some may call it fate, some synchronicity, others a miracle, but whatever it was, we knew from the beginning that it held meaning for both of us, so as awkward and strange as it may have been at first, we knew that we couldn’t just ignore it. I remember at first I just called him Allan, as I wasn’t comfortable at first not really knowing him, but then overtime, as I got to know him better, I felt more comfortable with him, and eventually began calling him grandpa. Sadly he and my mom, though they tried again briefly after he and I connected, were still unable to make a connection themselves, but my mom was happy that he and I had connected and supported our relationship. Also he and my older sister, Harmony, never made a connection or even met Allan as she had been very close to my mom’s adoptive father, Burl Morey, whom she called grandpa, and whose passing was very hard on her, and she felt no one could ever take his place... While I imagine not being able to connect with my mother or my sister was painful for Allan, and I think that among his greatest regrets in life, I knew that he was grateful for being able to connect with me, as he let me know often, and as I look back now I get the sense that, even with all of the weaknesses and shortcomings that I have, my presence in his life was able to bring him some kind of healing, and knowing that encourages me. And then on my end, I had never really connected much with my mom’s adoptive parents before their passing, and was estranged from my dad’s side of the family, and I haven’t connected much with Taj either, so Allan would become the one grandparent that I had a real relationship with, which would bring me a kind of healing too. Over the next fifteen years or so, up until his passing, we would stay in touch mostly over the phone, checking in with one another from time to time, and then every year (or almost every year whenever he was able) Allan and I would get together for lunch, and he would always give me a card, usually with some spending money and a little message of encouragement included. I looked forward to these annual birthday lunches, and last year, when I turned 34, was our last time getting together, as well as the last time I saw him... Throughout my 20s I went through a lot of mental and emotional turmoil, but Allan was there for me through the whole time, and stuck with me even when my way of seeing things or what I believed changed. For example, he never let his own faith as a Christian keep him from being there for me even when I was questioning that faith.  I remember how he would sometimes pray for me or with me over the phone, and I remember how he once told me that I was very brave for not giving up in the face of all of that inner turmoil, and he would often tell me that he was proud of me, which, needless to say, meant a lot to me. I remember one time, during one of our lunches, when he told me of how he had found his faith. He told me that as a boy in foster care he had felt unwanted and unloved, and like no one really wanted him, as no one was willing to adopt him. He said that he had heard about God here and there, so in his loneliness and with nothing to lose really he asked God to reveal himself to him in some way that he could recognize, if He was there. While he said that the experience that he felt was a response to this request was something too personal to share in detail, he did say that it made him feel as though God was saying to him that he was wanted and loved, and that while others may have rejected him or abandoned him, that God would not reject or abandon him. Allan says that this experience changed him and the direction of his life, and from there on he put his faith and trust in God, this God whom he believed had somehow answered him when he felt alone and like no one really cared. Being in the place that I am now spiritually, where I am questioning much of what I have been taught or have believed in the past, I may not agree with many aspects of the traditional Christian narrative, but this story that Allan shared with me resonated with me and resonates with me still. I felt that Allan and I had some common ground and some kinship in being people who had at times felt unwanted and unloved, and who had feared being rejected and abandoned, and like Allan I very much wanted to believe there was an answer to that, and while my own way of seeing things may be different in some ways from how Allan saw things, I share in this hope, that we are all wanted, loved, and need not fear being rejected or abandoned... When Allan told me that he had cancer a couple of months ago, while I was sitting on a bench in downtown Portland while the snow was beginning to fall on the first night of the snowstorm we had recently, he said that while he didn’t fear death, even so he didn’t want to leave those he loved behind, including me, though he knew that likely he would have to very soon. Hearing that as I watched the snow fall felt surreal, sad, and meaningful to me all at once, knowing both that he was going to die and also that I was among those he didn’t want to leave. I last talked with him on the phone a few days before he died, and it was just another one of regular conversations, just checking in. I think I told him I would talk to him later, assuming that I would... but as life goes we can’t always make those assumptions... And yet, even though I wish I had had the chance to say goodbye to him, I know that he cared for me, as I cared for him, and that we appreciated one another and loved one another, and while our relationship was in some ways unexpected and complicated, even so I know it meant something to both of us, and I am grateful for the time that I knew him and could call him my grandpa, and also I am grateful to whatever benevolent force there may be at work behind things for bringing us together so we were able to connect, and through that connection, find some kind of healing, and a greater sense that we were wanted, loved, and not alone, and while I will miss him, and will remember him, and along with others who knew him and cared for him will hope to one day see him again, I will always be grateful for the miraculous gift that we had been given, the gift of being able to be a part of one another’s lives.
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http://www.holmansfuneralservice.com/obituary/allan-tompkins/ PS Here’s a photo of me with my grandpa Allan (on my right) and my friend Nancy Ross (on my left) taken after my baptism about ten years ago. It’s the only photo I know of with my grandpa and I together.
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