#snsd birth chart description
rainytypology · 1 year
ATEEZ Yeosang MBTI Analysis
- INTP -
An in-depth analysis of an idol's MBTI type. Based on my opinion and observations, may change later. Not an expert.
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MBTI: INTP (Ti - Ne - Si - Fe)
Dom: Ti - Introverted Thinking
A judging function that uses subjective thinking and logic to make the most rational decisions
 Yeosang is known for his bluntness, which is honestly the most Ti dom thing ever. He admits this himself, even saying the members are scared of his honesty. He isn't purposely mean though - Ti doms are just straightforward. They often don't see the point in sugarcoating if they see something wrong/irrational. Ti wants the truth always.
Aux: Ne - Extroverted Intuition  
A perceiving function that creates new ideas through connections and patterns in the environment
His Ti - Ne shined in ep 5 of the Salary Lupin series. The way he thought of the theory of MPD being an obsessive lover of San and of Seonghwa being genderfluid was quite astounding. He connected the details so well that it was highly convincing. Although he was wrong, it was still impressive that he managed to come up with that (even if it was given to him by some sort of script - I doubt it would've been that descriptive). He even has a witty sense of humor that I've noticed in high Ne users (e.g when members were wondering about Woo's apple watch model and Yeosang proceeded to put a literal apple on his own wrist, calling it an old model). 
Tert: Si - Introverted Sensing  
A perceiving function that is focused on the internal sensations of the body. Prefers familiarity and internal structure
Yeosang seems comfortable keeping some sort of routine (e.g working out). He's quick at picking up choreo and can dance correctly not too long after, making him a perfect lead dancer. He likely has a good eye for detail.
Inf: Fe - Extroverted Feeling
Extroverted Feeling places importance on the values of others and group harmony. However, Yeosang is known to be quite blunt. He isn't rude on purpose, he's just honest (which seems to be a lot of IxTP's problem). A higher Fe position would likely sugarcoat or phrase their words carefully so that they still receive a positive reaction in the end.
For Yeosang, it seems he struggles with that. Like the time he was having some issues with Wooyoung, he didn't know how to talk about it. He didn't even want to bring up the issue for fear of disrupting peace. However, it ended up slipping out anyways accidentally on live. A lot of Fe inferior don't really know how to face issues they have with others properly. How to bring it up, the apropriate timing and setting, etc so they may end up having an emotional outburst.
He also tends to keep things to himself, only going to Hongjoong when he was struggling.
Why he's not an ISFP (Fi - Se - Ni - Te) or ISFJ (Si - Fe - Ti - Ne):
I don't think he's an ISFP since I don't see him use ISFP's functions at all. San is an ISFP and comparing the two, they're completely different. Of course not all ISFPs are the same, but Yeosang does not have a dominant/auxiliary feeling function at all.
Or an ISFJ...although same functions as INTP, just different order, I don't think he's a Si dom or Fe aux. He definitely does not seem Ne inferior.
ISFPs: San, SF9 Youngbin and Yoo Taeyang, BTS Jungkook
ISFJs: Seonghwa, SNSD Taeyeon and Yoona, TXT Soobin
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taurealuna · 4 years
Birth Chart Description of SNSD Seohyun 🌙🪐✨
hi everyone! sorry i’ve been gone for so long! i’ve been taking the time to dive deeper into astrology and learning to follow my intuition lmao, and this came to mind! 
like any of my other birth chart description series, I will be sharing what I feel and think about Seohyun’s chart and how it has manifested! do note that i do not have her birth time and her ascendant is purely my guess! happy reading ✨
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Seohyun, born Seo Ju Hyun on 28 June 1991 is a cancer sun, capricorn moon! what’s interesting about her chart is that she has uranus, neptune and north node all retrograde in capricorn as well, so it’s likely that she has a capricorn stellium. immediately, this helps to explain why seohyun struggles with ambiguity and tends to play by the book perfectly. ‘rigid’, ‘practical’ and ‘stubborn’ are words used to describe her by her members jokingly, but not without reason why. Having a stellium in capricorn manifests in a way that the person may be more stoic and serious since young, because they are ‘growing’ into their chart. Especially with moon in capricorn, she may have trouble with accessing her raw emotions--feeling helpless, stressed and afraid of the unknown. Having a structure to life helps her to overcome her feelings and fear. Remember her refusing to address her older members in a casual manner despite only being 2 years apart? this is how Seohyun may hold herself back sometimes. She may come from a family that honours hierarchy and respect for elders a lot, bringing forth to Seohyun’s personality. capricorn moons may come off as rigid unintentionally, but they mean the best. this is what’s endearing about Seohyun, because as she grows older, she gets more comfortable with knowing how the world works and lets loose of herself. Like any other capricorn influence, it’s all about reaping what you sow. For Seohyun, her moon in capricorn helps her to ground herself, which is exceptionally important especially as a top kpop girl group member. She acts as the ‘logic’ in SNSD. This doesn’t mean Seohyun is a cold person at all. In fact, her cancer sun and capricorn moon combination makes for a person who is emotional and has a ‘childlike’ quality to her emotions, but she learnt at a very young age to manage it well. On the contrary, she may be the one who worries the most and thinks through the path that SNSD has to take in the future even though she may not show is much on screen as compared to her members. She is deep-minded, and over time she has learnt to accept life as it comes because not everything can be controlled. This in fact has helped her to follow her dreams and her heart. Without sacrificing and putting in hard work, how can she achieve her dreams? And right now, she’s able to live her dreams. 
She has a star quality to her, because of her venus, mars and jupiter in leo as well. to assert herself in the way she is most comfortable with, she prefers to assert herself in a ‘glamorous’ way. celebrities with venus and mars in leo (eg. Soyeon of (G)-Idle) are more likely to enjoy being a celebrity, because that’s where they feel most comfortable asserting themselves. they may unknowingly dream of being a celebrity before they are one. whilst she is humble, she is most comfortable when she is in a position where she can share most with others and lead others in a way. she does have her own ideals, but she knows how to display teamwork and only shares constructive information when she needs. her cancer sun makes her the ideal maknae, because cancer suns are caring and thoughtful. she almost always acts like a ‘mom’ figure to SNSD members, which they love. With her friends, she may be more laid-back and relaxed as compared to being around older people.
for her ascendant, there is a high chance that Seohyun is an aquarius rising! this makes complete sense, because it places her capricorn stellium in her 12th house, including her north node. 12th house is a house of subconscious needs and desires. with her moon, neptune, uranus and north node all in her 12th house, she may find it hard to understand her own feelings, dreams and intuition, as well as creative thoughts as compared to her members. she may come off as ‘boring’, but this is definitely not the case. because of so many of her ‘personality’ traits being in her 12th house, she is often placed in environments where she has to put in the effort to understand herself. as compared to her members, she may find it hard to assert her own ideas and feelings especially with her moon in the 12th. however, her purpose this lifetime is to overcome using her practical mind, and instead tuning in to her inner desires and intuition. sometimes in life, no matter how much you try to plan for things, life will not turn out the way you expect. through this, you’ll find that eventually life is only meaningful when you let yourself experience what you truly want instead of strictly following by the rules. 
although Seohyun may come off as a stick-to-the-rules kind of person at times, from her journey she has actually carved out a lot of her path from nothing. a simple girl with a desire to sing, slowly joining the celebrity industry and turning into an actress. without courage, she would not be able to achieve this. she has a quirky personality, although awkward but she is known to be engaging and fun in real life. aquarius risings tend to be shy at first and when they open up, they go crazy. seohyun has a firm mindset and she is not afraid to go her own path sometimes. she likely has saturn in her first house, making her more held back and serious than an average aquarius rising, she achieves her goals one step at a time. she may come off as gentle and classy, like royalty. saturn in the first house teaches her that good things takes time, and she is fully aware of that. having saturn in her first house helps Seohyun to build momentum over time and plan for her career.
with an aquarius rising, Seohyun would likely have a scorpio midheaven as well. scorpio midheaven is known as a mysterious sign and placement, analytical and slow to prey on things like a panther. however, they are ambitious and go forth and do whatever it takes for them. they strongly rely on their intuition and emotions to go forth in their career. this helps Seohyun a lot, because she is able to convey her feelings through singing and acting. she may take on roles of characters who are more ‘destroyed’ or ‘oppressed’, because scorpio midheavens like to ‘expose’ the harsh realities of life and ravel in the psychology of others. when Seohyun first debuted, she came off as a sweet, pleasant and obedient young lady. this is highly due to her taurus IC, giving her a sweet and soft disposition when she’s young. as she grows older, she slowly experience life and sees the world for what it is. in an old show featuring snsd’s physiognomy, the fortune teller claimed that Seohyun would be able to become ‘sexier’ and attractive to her fans as she grows older. although it doesn’t mean that she will be sexualised, it suggests that she will have more charms and being more comfortable with her sensuality as she grows older. this is exceptionally true, especially with the release of her solo single ‘Don’t Say No’. when she’s young she may struggle to accept how hard the world is, but eventually she’ll find herself growing stronger over time. it is no secret that scorpio midheavens undergo many revelations and changes in life, which is why scorpio is known as the sign of transformation. having a transformative sign on the midheaven shows that Seohyun may undergo some big changes in her career---from an SNSD member to a full time actress, a move that not many people expected. people may have the tendency to think of scorpio midheaven as a negative thing, which is false. Seohyun is one who puts in her utmost effort and uses her kindness to help others no matter what happens. her character and perseverance helps her to win the hearts of others easily and emerge from her career and a successful member of SNSD. whilst she is ambitious, she does not forget to remain humble, allowing her to grow brighter as a person. 
with her mars and venus in her 7th house in leo, Seohyun may find it hard at first to be comfortable with her ‘assertiveness’ and ‘attractiveness’. she may see herself as a plain jane and can’t see her own charm at all. in fact, she may even see others as being more attractive than her, so she becomes shy-er and ‘invisible’. she may also attract friends or partners who are more outgoing and charming than her, which helps her to feel understood because they bring that out in her. Seohyun is a lady filled with charms, it’s just that she may struggle to see it sometimes.
her cancer sun falls in her 6th house, which is the house of work ethics and responsibility, health and well-being of your body. if you’re a fan of snsd for a long time, you’d know that Seohyun is an avid fan of the healthy lifestyle (some would say she invented it. jk!) and takes care of her health the best.(telling her members that they could die eating hamburgers, and that sleeping at 12am is the worst.) it is no wonder that her sun falls in the 6th house, because she finds her self-worth through taking care of herself, her habits and lifestyle. this has helped her to become more successful and attractive. 
and this is it for Seohyun’s personality reading! i hope i have not missed anything out :) personally, i feel that this is a good example of not letting what others deem as doomed- ‘saturn in the first house’, planets in the 12th house, retrograde and etc. define you because you have the power to decide for your own future! placements of ours can make us or break us, so why not focus on the positive? Seohyun has shown us the perfect example for that and i wish that her career and life will only prosper further and no less 🤍🤍
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taurealuna · 4 years
SNSD/ Girl’s Generation Kwon Yuri Birth Chart Description
hi fairies! I decided to do another birth chart description with another SNSD member that I find interesting --- Kwon Yuri! 
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Miss Yuri was born on 5 December 1989 which makes her a sagittarius sun, pisces moon! just based on her sun and moon alone, yuri possesses a lot of neptune and jupiter influences. This is very obvious in her personality and the way she presents herself, because she is extremely entertaining, honest to a fault, ditzy and innocent! In terms of innocence, I would say she’s not the type to play much mind games, and this may cause others to take advantage of her easily. The SNSD members often take advantage of this trait of hers, by tricking her when playing rock paper scissors or making gag jokes out of her! 
With a sagittarius sun, yuri is bright and motivated. at a young age, she was already known for her swimming skills, and her sporty side! even in snsd sport shows, yuri remains as the top few of the team with a athletic body and quick reaction. Yuri is also honest and does not appreciate trickery. She fits well with members who have stronger air or fire in their chart, because she is a very fiery person herself! Sagittarius suns also tend to be outgoing and friendly. Yuri is known to be friends with almost everyone, and she was also often found in clubs when she was younger! I would say she’s one of the wilder members in SNSD, although all of them are wild in their own right. She is naturally kind-hearted and competitive while sporting camaraderie. 
I would say Yuri’s pisces moon influences her a lot. Having a 1° 13' pisces moon makes her sensitive and receptive to the emotions around her. Especially since this is a very early degree, yuri might be embracing this new energy and being more forward with it, just like a young child. This can be helpful in her career because working in a group with 8 other girls for a decade is not easy. It requires compromise and understanding, which I say Yuri has one of the best in the team. She rarely gets into big fights with the members. Even if she does, I see her “shutting down” quickly and retreating into her room when she fights. Having a pisces moon also makes her good at art-related things, such as singing, dancing and acting. She is sensitive, thus allowing her to relay her emotions very quickly. If you listen to SNSD ballads, or watch dramas that Yuri has acted in, she fits into the roles very easily and she tends to be very emotional with her acting. Although not obvious, she displays the typical matyr or moody traits of pisces as well. Yuri has written a ballad song for SNSD called “Mistake” -- where the lyrics go 
“ It’s my mistake For not making you love me more It’s my mistake For loving you more than you love me I did not make you love me more As much as I do It’s my mistake ”
The lyrics are heartwrenching, because Yuri blames “herself” for being not good enough to make him love her, or that she loved him more than he did. This self-blaming mindset is very common in pisces and may cause her to be moody or reclusive at times. Luckily, Yuri remains a positive outlook on life!
The most interesting point of her chart would be the stellium on capricorn(venus, saturn, uranus and neptune!) having capricorn helps to ground Yuri down, and give her motivation drive to go after her dreams. Especially with her venus in capricorn, this gives her a classy vibe. If you look at her daily fashion or airport fashion, she often spots an earth-toned outerwear or a pair of sunglasses. With the mixture of capricorn and sagittarius, this gives Yuri a very effortless fashion sense. She loves dressing up and she feels good about herself. Sagittarius often has very good fashion sense, and combining with Capricorn, it helps her to keep her outfits neat and attractive. Yuri may appear rich and stable, and she may attract males who are more sensitive. Yuri looks good in white, black, gold and purple which brings out her capricorn side. Yuri may be slower to opening up about love, because of the hesitation and restrictions that capricorn brings. she may find herself being more reserved, and more serious when it comes to relationship. she may seek for a more active partner if she isn’t as proactive, and she may find it hard to relay her feelings to her partner. She seeks stability, however in a career like hers it may be tough.
With a mars in scorpio, this gives yuri an impeccable sex appeal and determination. Yuri is not shy to embrace her sexy side, it’s almost as if she’s sexy without trying (and she is). the combination of sagittarius and scorpio often make an individual irresistible. with the expansive energy of sagittarius and intense vibe of scorpio, it’s no wonder that yuri is often known as the sexiest member of snsd. she may prefer guys who are serious and intense with a dominant side. she seeks a partner that she can be serious with. with her relationships, she may not be open after sharing the details with the public, although this may be affected by her rising sign. 
With her personal planets in sagittarius, pisces, capricorn, scorpio, i would say yuri has a very interesting personality. on one hand, she is lighthearted, easy-going, sensitive and wise. she is ready to see the world for what it is and act as the bigger person, or be the understanding one. She is also dreamy and innocent, and often has luck coming her way easily. Even with bouts of bad luck, she seems to move over them quickly and rise from the ashes to soar again. On the other hand, with her capricorn and scorpio, it makes her more cautious and looks before she jumps when it comes to relationships. She may be secretive and may often “wear the pants” in the relationship (which depends) if her partner is not assertive enough. All-in-all, yuri is probably irresistible to a fault and she attracts almost everyone! her charm is captivating and intense. It would make sense that yuri has a lot of secret admirers and friends.
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Although I do not know her rising sign, I would guess that Yuri could be a leo or cancer rising.(Although I’m leaning towards cancer) this is because yuri wears her heart on her sleeve most of the time be it on variety shows, or in her music career. She is transparent with her team members and often acts as a supportive pillar. She is a team player and often provides joy and laughter to the team even before they debuted. With a leo(with an interception)/cancer rising, she could have a aries midheaven, which makes her come off as forward and athletic. She often catches people’s attention and is always up for a challenge. Yuri is known for being consistent in doing yoga, as well as doing stretches daily. It would not come off as a surprise that she has a aries midheaven! yuri is also known for her comical charm, and she is not the type of girl to put up a facade to charm people. with her honesty and boyish charm, she is naturally popular! yuri has also been caught up in some lesbian scandal in the past, which makes sense because aries are often seen in a sexual light unintentionally by the public. yuri is almost always known as the “husband” or plays the more mature and seductive role in romantic pairings with females. however because this is just a theory, I am not able to deduce further. This is just an interesting theory!
Yuri also has a jupiter in cancer retrograde, which means that her luck comes from being in touch with her emotions and being compassionate to those around her. being in a team benefits yuri a lot, because she gets to form a tight bond and this bond can help her tide over any difficulties. however, with a retrograde, she may find this energy harder to access and has to look into herself for security. at a young age, she may be feeling empty or lost or is always waiting for the “right moment” to shine. this may make sense with her being a trainee since young, waiting for the right moment to debut. she may feel clumsy and new at times, because she may doubt whether she really deserves this blessing. although i may not know her personally, i sure know snsd has gone through a lot in order to debut! she most certainly deserves this 💕
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and that’s it for Ms Kwon! SNSD is filled with so many dynamic characters, I may end up analyzing all of their characters! (And there are so many layers to their friendship) 
thanks for reading my lil fairies! hope this was a fun read for you! 🧚🏼‍♂️🎪🥨
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taurealuna · 5 years
Jessica Jung Birth Chart Description
hi fairies! I have decided to do a birth chart description of my all-time girl crush, ex-SNSD member Jessica Jung Soo Yeon ♡ This will be slightly different from a chart analysis as I will not be going into her natal chart wheel and describe her placements only.
Firstly, please note that the below description and opinions all belong to me! I will also be using my own interpretation for her rising sign and other house planets, I do not know her actual birth time!
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First things first! My beautiful aries sun queen has her sun at 28° 42', which means she’s nearing the end of the cycle for aries season, and moving into taurus. This speaks to me as a matured soul, who has experience in being The Fool archetype in tarot (free-spirited, bold, adventurous and experiencing new occurrences) and is growing into young adulthood. This makes sense, because Jessica’s personality is bold with her decision making and does not hesitate to express herself, while being thoughtful of others and having a nurturing side to her younger sister. Aries sun like Jessica also leans to being youthful and cheery, sensitive and emotional at the same time. If you watch Jessica’s old videos or her current youtube channel (do follow her and show her lots of love♡), she is straightforward, witty, and does not play mind games. A true spirited Aries! This gives her a youthful vibe, which contrasts against her Capricorn rising (once again, do note that this is purely my observation and speculation). 
Capricorn rising suits Jessica the best, because it accounts for her Ice Princess image. She can be really reserved in public, but yet on stage she is professional, charismatic and mesmerizing. This could be due to libra falling in her 10th house, giving her the charming, popular and captivating stage presence that she exudes. With her natal libra moon, there is a possibility that her moon could fall in her 10th house, making her appear sensitive, moody and yet protective. Her moon falling in her 10th house could also mean her family life would tend to be shown in a public setting, which corresponds to her younger sister, Krystal Jung being a successful idol in the same company. Having a capricorn ascendant would mean that her seventh house falls in cancer, which explains her extremely soft, nurturing side which is completely different from her capricorn ascendant. If you observe Jessica closely, she tends to be ‘babied’ by her members and her family, and she is always surrounded by people who are encouraging and loving. A cancer descendant needs nurturing and emotionally mature people around them for them to flourish and embrace that side of themselves. As a capricorn rising, Jessica may face many self-doubts and worries, but she does not share these emotions to others easily, because she wants to be seen as a strong member who does not burden on others. She is also likely to be strategic and business minded, which explains her desire to start-up Blanc and Eclare Co., her own fashion brands where she inputs her design ideas. Not all Capricorn risings are business orientated, but are naturally professional and strategic and know what they want, which is beneficial for a business setting. Capricorn risings are also known for their bone structure, having a beautiful doll-like face and doll-like personality. She may appear cold, but deep down they are the warmest sunshine!
she also have neptune, uranus, pluto and north node in retrograde, which once again hints that she is a mature/old soul. Having multiple retrogrades in once’s chart often speaks to me as someone who is learning and growing at a different pace and different plane from others. This does not mean Jessica is not normal, but in fact is her pushing force which helps her in her career. Her uranus and neptune in capricorn retrograde often makes it hard for her to draw boundaries and express herself, especially if these planets fall in her 1st house. For Jessica, her retrogrades take place within her outer planets, which suggests she could feel that life is beyond her control and she may not be as assertive as she wants to be. If I am not wrong, many of her fellow SNSD members have similar retrogrades within their charts as they were born during similar time periods, which suggests that the union of SNSD was a karmic connection, and was fated to happen! They were also meant to be revolutionary and provide the world with a unique, fairy-like presence and receive the love of many, although it may not come easy. (However, as I am not well-versed with retrogrades, I will not be going in-depth with retrogrades! Feel free to add on any in-depth information on retrogrades if you know any!)
Jessica’s venus in taurus absolutely makes sense. Venus in one’s chart often rules a person’s aesthetic, fashion sense and the ‘type of beauty’ they own. In Jessica’s case, she is minimalistic, sincere, natural earthy vibe to her fashion choices and looks beautiful in every clothing she owns. Since young she may have her own personal style and have a flair in everything beauty-related, like skincare, makeup, music, fashion and designing. If I am not wrong, she is currently dating a taurus. A taurus venus is romantic, knows what they want, can be stubborn in love and may see people in favourable light but they may not necessarily be open to dating anybody. In Jessica’s case, she seems to be accurate in judging potential partners for herself and also Krystal (as seen in their J&K episode). She would love for her partner to be well-dressed, financially stable, sincere and does not play mind games, romantic and ready to settle down or support her emotionally. 
Having a mars in gemini creates a lighthearted aspect of her relationship, she would be open to having intellectual, witty conversations with her partner. There could be light-hearted flirting and many conversation exchanges that only both parties understand. When angry, she may feel her energy being expanded all over the place and would seek the need to understand her emotions in a logical way, especially when coupled with her libra moon which are both air signs. Jessica herself has also mentioned that she tends to cry when she is angry or upset, which makes sense because the libra moon is a romantic, sensitive energy that when they feel hurt, they tend to let it out physically. She may feel more at ease sharing her emotions through talking to people rather than keeping to herself. 
Although her sun and moon are in sister signs, both signs are cardinal which makes Jessica a go-getter and she is self-motivated. She may work well as a executive who oversees a project and yet she has to be well-supported with efficient team members who shares the same goal as her. 
All-in-all, Jessica is a charming, all-rounded queen who was born to lead her life the way she wants it to, and she still has space for growth and learning. I believe she will thrive in her business as well as her love life! 
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