#snowjanus angst
snowjanuscentral · 9 months
I can’t wait for sejanus to get too comfortable with corio and think things are going in a romantic direction for their relationship lmao are his parents aware of his crush on corio and how this can possibly play out 😂
okay so I have THOUGHTS on this! More Avox!Coriolanus tidbits for y'all!!!!
Ma Plinth noticing Sejanus remaining close to Coriolanus, glad that her son is treating his friend kindly despite the circumstances
Ma Plinth realising that there's something more going on, at least from Sejanus' end, and as his mother she sees the absolute best in Sejanus At All Times, and assumes there was something between them at school and they are tragic star-crossed lovers
Ma Plinth lets Sejanus keep Coriolanus in his room (when he really should be dusting or doing the mopping up or smth) because she wants to make her son happy
Strabo turning a blind eye; being less optimistic than his wife, but understanding that Sejanus and Coriolanus were close
Strabo looking for Sejanus in the house to talk to him about university or whatever and hearing ~noise~ coming from his room
Honestly I think that Strabo wouldn't 100% trust Sejanus around Coriolanus alone
I could see Strabo cornering Coriolanus, and Coriolanus thinking he's going to get punished for doing smth wrong but Strabo just tells him "you don't have to agree to do whatever Sejanus asks you to, especially if it's something that makes you uncomfortable. I am your employer, you can come to me if you need to"
(lol i like to think that Strabo sees the Avoxes as his employees even tho they're his LITERAL SLAVES)
We have to remember that Strabo and Ma Plinth aren't hardened Capitol citizens, so I think they have the decency to treat their Avoxes well. I don't think Strabo would particularly give Coriolanus preferential treatment, but I don't think he's cruel.
In terms of Sejanus' crush:
In this 'verse, I think that there was something going on between Sejanus and Coriolanus prior to Games
Most likely the beginnings of a situationship
Sejanus was very much infatuated with Coriolanus, and Coriolanus had major commitment issues and fed into Sejanus' feelings because they validated his ego, without necessarily reciprocating romantic feelings for Sejanus
Now that Coriolanus is an Avox, however:
Sejanus tries to take care of / favour Coriolanus, and of course Coryo leans into this because he is desperate for affection and reassurance being so Heavily Traumatised
I think in the beginning, Sejanus is genuinely being kind to Coryo out of the goodness of his own heart, and because of a deep guilt he feels about Coriolanus' situation
Once Coriolanus settles into the Plinth household and makes himself useful, he is quite happy to take orders because he gets a self-esteem boost from doing well at his chores
But Coriolanus' pathological obedience means that he agrees to whatever Sejanus asks of him
It starts off with Sejanus asking if they want to spend time together, if Coriolanus wants to read with him
Slowly the requests get a little. . . weirder. Sejanus asking if Coriolanus wants to stay in his room overnight after they watch a Capitol news broadcast, if Coriolanus wants to share some leftover posca in the kitchens after Plinth dinner party
and Coriolanus isn't stupid, he knows what Sejanus is doing
But if he refuses? He'll have failed at his 'job', he'll upset his only source of comfort in the world. It's too risky to refuse Sejanus
Sejanus on the other hand thinks that Coriolanus is agreeing to these requests because they're simply suggestions of spending time together because they're still friends, right?
Maybe they could be more than friends?
So when Sejanus goes further, kisses Coriolanus after they're both tipsy on leftover posca, it feels natural. There's nothing wrong with what he's doing. They care about each other. Coriolanus takes care of him all the time, cleaning his room, helping with university homework. Sejanus should take care of him.
When it happens, Coriolanus just follows Sejanus' lead. He doesn't want to know what would happen if he refuses
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bigassnocash · 6 months
Hello hello my loves!! After a year-long hiatus, I am now slowly dabbling back into writing! This is my take on the Medea myth, and because tbosas has overtaken my brain, I had to write using Corio and Sej. I hope you enjoy and as always be kind <3
(WC; 1000)
Whelve (v.) to bury something deep; to hide
"Mr. Snow, your council has arrived.
"Thank you, Maebelle, please send them in." Coriolanus rarely let people into his office, so his secretary knew it was serious when he requested his advisors come to his office.
the young woman leads in Festus Creed, Clemmensia Dovecote and Livia Cardew. These were the only people Coriolanus could ever truly trust with his decisions as they knew him the best. Festus had been his oldest friend, Clemmie was his class partner, and Livia was his wife. He referred to them as his council, but they acted as more of a conscience.
“Hello love,” Livia greeted him with a kiss on the cheek. “Maebelle said it was urgent, is everything okay?”
Coriolanus waited until his secretary left before speaking. “No Livia. Everything is going to ruin.” He had been hostile before, but never like this.
“Corio, calm down. Tell us what’s wrong.”
“Well Festus, if you must know, Sejanus told me he’s leaving. He put in a request to be transferred back to District 2. He wants to go back to weapon development and training as lead officer.” Coriolanus had known this for some time now and kept trying to handle it on his own. After a week of trying to fix this quietly, he was out of options. “I need help. He either needs to stay in the Capitol, or I need to move my homebase to District 2.”
He avoided looking at Livia, the woman who was supposed to be his wife. She had known when they got married how he really felt about Sejanus, about how he would never feel the same way for her. They had their arrangement made. She provides an heir and a happy charade, he provided protection and solace for her family.
“Leave, Coriolanus? You want us to leave?”
“No Livia, not us. Me. I will leave for District 2. You and the children will stay here. Everything else will remain the same, only I will be gone.” It was clear that his mind would not change. He had already decided that this was the way it was going to be. “Let me make this clear, Livy. I don’t want to leave. I want all of us to stay.”  He wiped a stray tear from his wife’s face.
“Why are those the only two options?” Festus asked. “I mean, surely we can think of something else that you can do.”
Clemmensia rolled her eyes. She learned long ago in the academy to never question Coriolanus Snow. “Like what Festus? What else can we do? The boy has always had a mind of his own, what can we do to change it?”
“I do have a plan,” Coriolanus announced. “I’m not an idiot. I know what I’m going to do. I gathered you all because I need help.” He was never one to walk into a room without a solution to any proposed problem, even if he was the one proposing it. “Livia, I need you to prepare the house for a going-away party. We can’t let our friend leave without a proper goodbye. Clemmensia, I need you to make sure no one else hears about this party. The four of us and the Plinths. I need Ma and Strabo to both be there. Only family.” He dismissed the two women to go off to their duties, trusting that they were plenty capable.
“So,” Festus questioned after they left. “He decides to leave, and you want to throw him a going away party? Corio, this isn’t like you. You’re much more… territorial.”  
Coriolanus stood, and walked over to the small bar he kept in his office and poured himself a drink. “Festus, can I tell you something?”
The other man straightened in his seat. “Of course. You can tell me anything.”
“Sejanus and I were never just friends.” Coriolanus had never told anyone else of his relationship with Sejanus. It was sacred to him, and he never wanted to harm it. Until now, at least. “After we got back to the Capitol, his parents took me in. Strabo paid for my university degrees, claiming at least one of his sons would be educated. They immediately made me feel welcome.” Coriolanus still had his back turned to Festus.
“Corio, what are you going to do?” Festus was starting to get worried. He knew of his friends’ time with the peacekeepers and how hard he struggled after he returned.
“I’m going to take away the family he gave me Festus. Ripping it out right from under me? Who does he think he is?” He was getting mad now. He clung to his glass so hard his knuckles were turning white. “Does he really think he can just leave like that? Take it all away from me?”
“It doesn’t sound like he’s taking anything away. It sounds like he’s just leaving.”
“It’s the same thing, Festus!” Coriolanus yelled. No one else understood. “You can’t just give someone a family and then take it away! It’s not fair.” In a matter of moments, he went from screaming in rage to crying softly.
Festus took a tentative step forward. “You know, you could always go to 8 to visit her, Coriolanus. I think she misses you too.” He assumed this outburst was truly in regard to Tigris, who had left for district 8 when she found out Coriolanus was now the Secretary of Military Operations.
Coriolanus snorted. “That’s what you think this is about Festus? That I miss Tigris? It’s not. I’m the one who sent her to 8. I had her bring Grandma’am too. I don’t need them here, watching my every move, breathing down my neck. Festus this is about Sejanus. He has gotten far too cocky and seems to have forgotten who I am.”
He stood and walked to the mirror to fix himself. “I am going to bring the same fate upon him as he tried to bring onto me. Only I will do it so much better.”
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plutodexay · 2 months
You won't die
I don't know what this is but enjoy the snowjanus angst.
891 words
“Coryo, come on, we can talk about this.” Sejanus spoke, holding his hands out in front of him as his voice shaking while he was desperately trying to be perceived as calm. 
“You’re going to get me killed.” Coriolanus’ hushed response was almost muffled by the heavy breathing in the room. “I can’t risk it.” His arm steadying as the barrel of his gun aligned more with the other mans face. 
Sejanus’ blood ran cold, the borderline psychotic look flooding his friends eyes making the entire situation feel real. He had never been afraid of the blonde before, ever since their young meeting, Coriolanus was always the light shining a path through a dark forest, the place to run to when everything else seemed out to get him. He knew this, Sejanus knew he knew, even though he never seemed overly enthusiastic about the role he played in Sejanus’ life, he never left. 
It really should mean something, the years of friendship, the countless hours of comfort and aid.It meant something to him, most of the memories he looks back at fondly involved the other man. He could see them running around the playground together as bright as day in his mind, for a moment taking over the darkness around him.
It came back with the shuffle of feet across from him, bringing him into the painful reality of his friend and the gun. It was as if Coriolanus was waiting for a reason, any palpable reason not to pull the trigger but by the look shrouding his face he couldn’t find one within himself. Sejanus could see his finger twitching on the trigger, not enough to pull it, but just enough for the threat to be real.
“I would never.” His voice was shaky, there was no point in trying to hide it anymore. “I would never do anything to hurt you Coryo, you know this.” He took a step, a singular step towards the man causing the blonde to step back.
“We're friends, Sejanus.” His words were laced in what sounded like disbelief, causing a twinge of pain in the brunette's chest. “Anything you do will get traced back to me whether I help you or not. They’ll kill me.” 
“They will if you kill me. They might if I get caught.” 
“Think Coryo.” Another step forward, but no step back followed suit. “If you kill me, my father will have you killed.” Another step. “That's a guarantee, he’s done far worse over much less.” Another shaking step. “But there is no guarantee I’ll get caught.” The gun was right there, he could see the sweat dripping from his friend's forehead behind it.  “As long as I don’t get caught, we're safe, you’re safe.”
“You really think they won’t find out?” Coriolanus was attempting callus, but the nerves running through his voice made it clear that he was nothing more than a scared child, and he knew it. 
“They haven’t yet.” 
The gun moved, falling slightly so Sejanus could see the burning blue eyes behind it for the first time since this started. Harsh and never wavering eyes were drowning in tears that had yet to fall. No matter how badly he hated to admit it, he liked this. Even with the loaded gun still pointed at him, rather now his chest than his head, the teary eyed man made his heart swell with glee. 
He cared enough to almost cry, that meant something right? This wasn’t as one sided as he believed. Maybe. Maybe there was a chance, maybe he was loved in the way that would allow his soul to leave peacefully one day by the person who controls his every move. 
“You could help me keep it that way you know.” It was a chance, one last chance.
“You could help me. You’ve always been good at hiding the truth.” Even Sejanus couldn’t ignore the rush of red to the pale skin, but he tried, he couldn’t savor in the what ifs, not right now. “If we pull it off maybe you could even lead the rebellion.”
“Lead them?” Perfect.
“Yea!” Sejanus exclaimed, raising his hand to the barrel of the gun, slowly moving it further down. “None of them have any real combat experience, you excelled in training, you’d be the perfect one to teach them.”
“I did do quite well.” He wasn’t fighting, letting the other shift the gun until it was pointing at the floor.
“You did, imagine training hundreds, if not thousands, to follow your lead.” He was right there, his eyes were full of a mixture of lust, it was a look Sejanus had wished to see for years, just not in this way. 
“Okay.” He dropped the gun, allowing the other to grab it and turn the safety on within a moment. “I’ll lead them.” False confidence and power were radiating off of him, but if he wasn’t going to believe it than it didn’t matter. 
Without another word, Coriolanus walked out of the room, leaving a stunned man in his wake with the gun pointed at his head minutes before.There was nothing anymore, just silence and dark walls. Sejanus had a feeling, something deep within his chest almost trying to crawl itself out. All he did was delay the inevitable. 
Snow always lands on top.
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mitsuki91 · 9 months
Okay I think I decided it.
I have two snowbaird starting plot in my mind.
One will degenerate in some sort of fuckery college!AU and our beloved Coryo will end up with both Lucy Gray and Sejanus and I will force myself to write plenty of smut because I am naughty and silly.
One will be more serious, only snowbaird (sorry rip Sejanus but the starting point is after canon) and will have some angst (but still an happy ending, don't know how yet but it will have) and fluff and two people who have to learn how to trust themself again. Still plenty of sex because oh boys these two can not take their hands of each other.
So! What do you want to read first?! 😂 So I can start more plotting 😂
(and yes, before all of this I will finish the serie of "The play of songbirds and snakes", I promise)
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adultingproperly · 4 months
me sobbing while writing my newest chapter:
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jocollins · 10 months
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Two fics in one day - im really not doing okay
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darby-rowe · 8 months
coriolanus snow, masterlist. ─── ・ 。゚☆: .☽ . :☆゚. ───
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fluff ❀ | smut ♡ | gore ♔ | angst ☽
the column chase ❀
coriolanus fucking you while you read ♡
coriolanus using a shower head on you ♡
snowjanus spit-roast ♡
kissing coriolanus ❀♡
making coriolanus take a break from school work ❀♡
inches of snow ❀♡
pegging coryo w/ an ejaculating strap-on ♡
trying on lingerie for sub!coryo ♡
snowjanus in between your legs at the same time ♡
peacekeeper!coryo fucking you in the meadow ❀♡
fem!reader cumming from sucking off coryo ♡
prn links ♡
coryo x fem!reader piss kink ♡
coryo punishing you for procrastinating ♡
painal (dddne) ♡
putting brat!coryo in his place + mommy kink ♡
medic!reader ❀♔☽
modern!snowjanus x reader headcanons ❀♡
mutual masturbation w/ coryo ♡
academy!coryo not lasting in bed ❀♡
coryo jerking off to photos of you ♡
coriolanus's masturbation shame ☽♡
coryo takes pride in taking your virginity ❀-adjacent
don’t come in! ♡
princely. (dddne) ♡
keeping coriolanus warm. ❀
coriolanus threatens you. (dddne) ♡
degrading coriolanus. ♡
baby blue, bambi, & you. ♡
cockwarming + piss. ♡
coriolanus spanking you. ♡
coriolanus cums in his pants when he thinks of you. ♡
coryo loves hugs from plus-sized!reader. ❀
coriolanus & pussy slapping. ♡
guiding coryo out of subspace. ♡❀
coryo with a ring gag. ♡
painal pt. 2 ♡
coryo loves getting spat on. ♡
anal play w/ sub!coryo. ♡
napping in coryo's lap while he reads. ❀
coriolanus degrades you while he fucks you. (dddne) ♡
rape threats. (dddne) ♡
peacekeeper!coryo takes your virginity. (dddne) ♡
sub!coryo w/ dom!sej & dom!reader. ♡
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spideyhexx · 6 days
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welcome <3 to my first kinktober!
Here you will find a masterlist of all the upcoming fics and the links will be added as they're posted!
Stay spooky🎃
cw: gunplay, piss, somno, abo, power play, bloodplay, cnc, dubcon, exhibitionism
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October 1st
on trial - ModernLawStudent!Coriolanus Snow x Reader (cunnilingus)
October 2nd
knight's code - Gwayne Hightower x Reader (thighfucking)
October 4th
hot wheels - Sam Woodbridge x Reader (quickie & car)
October 7th
scaredy cat - Billy Bonney x BountyHunter!Reader (gunplay)
October 9th
mrs. plinth - Husband!Sejanus Plinth x Wife!reader x Coriolanus Snow (cuckholding)
October 10th
embracing the embrace of chaotic chaos - Eddie Munson x Reader (piss & somno)
October 13th
come right on me - Sam Woodbridge x Reader (cumplay & edging)
October 14th
touching me, touching you - Academy!Sejanus Plinth x Reader (massage)
October 17th
hostility maintenance - Patrick Zweig x Reader (hate sex)
October 18th
mating habits - Alpha!Billy Bonney x Omega!Reader (abo)
October 20th
closing argument - Jack Prescott x Intern!Reader (office & power play)
October 22nd
bloody, bliss, belt, and billy - Saccharine!Billy Bonney x Reader (bloodplay & fingering)
October 24th
royal reckoning - Prince!Billy Bonney x Villager!Reader (lovemaking & angst)
October 26th
conflict accumulating in clothed collisions - Academy!Coriolanus Snow x Academic Rival!Reader (dry humping)
October 27th
duty of desire - Peacekeeper!Snowjanus x Reader (dubcon/noncon & piss & **** ******)
October 29th
in the jailhouse now - Saccharine!Billy Bonney x Reader (exhibitionism)
October 30th
erotica - Coriolanus Snow (collections from Coryo's journal)
October 31st
the midnight prairie - Billy Bonney x Vampire!Reader (bloodplay & cnc)
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coryosmin · 8 months
being in a situationship with snowjanus and when they see you flirt with someone else?? they see RED 🤭🤭 i can see this being a modern au and coryo texts you to meet them at sej’s house to make you learn your place
nsfw | mdni | modern!au - feelings involved
jealousy jealousy
warnings: nsfw content, slight angst, jealous snowjanus, getting together, p in v, oral, praise, overstimulation, etc. the smut is shitty because i focused on the ANGST (pls i love angst), slightly toxic coryo, sejanus is just perfect, i got lazy at the end. guys this actually kinda sucks but it’s okay lol
you, coryo, and sej have been fucking on the down low. it all started when you guys were in the same literature lecture and had to do a group project together. you had invited them over to your apartment and the night eventually led to you getting railed by both of them.
you guys never exclusively stated that you were only sleeping with each other but it was heavily implied. the three of you didn’t feel the need to sleep with anyone outside of each other because you all met one another’s needs. however, eventually, feelings did come into play and you couldn’t help it. sej and coryo just treated you so well.
the only issue within your guys’ situationship was the fact that they still flirted with other girls. you guys aren’t officially together so really you have no right to be mad. but it didn’t mean that it didn’t still hurt. and as you sat in the back of your literature class, watching as coryo talked with one of the girls, your were biting the inside of your cheek. sej was also talking with some girl, laughing and joking around with her. which definitely made you mad.
so what did you do?
well after class, a guy had approached you. it was some dude that you didn’t really care much for. he’s tried asking you out in the past. you were leaving your lit class and got stopped in the hallway by him. “hey, y/n,” the guy said, smiling at you.
you smiled back, thinking this would be the perfect opportunity to make your boys mad. you could see them out of the corner of your eye, watching you. “hey,” you replied back.
“listen, i was thinking,” the guy began to speak. “i know you haven’t been too interested before but maybe you’d be open to just popping by the bar near campus and getting drinks?”
“well, i don’t see any harm in that,” you replied, giving him your most charming smile. “i think that could be really nice.”
the guy grinned, nodding his head. “how about this upcoming friday at eight?”
you nodded your head. “sounds great.”
the guy smiled, leaning in to press a kiss onto your cheek. well you certainly weren’t expecting that. “see you then,” and then he walked away.
and as you turned, you saw that coryo and sej had disappeared. you frowned until you felt your phone buzz. you opened your phone to read the notification.
coriolanus: Go to Sejanus’s apartment.
you sighed, making your way out of the college building and to your car. you knew that it probably meant they were mad at you. coryo always had quite the possessive streak while sej had a jealousy issue. not that you minded too much of course, they always knew how to make you realize you were theirs. but you were sick of not being able to give the same treatment. if they didn’t want you flirting with other guys, you felt as though they shouldn’t flirt with other girls.
when you had gotten to sej’s apartment building, sej had buzzed you in. and you walked up to his apartment. you were about to knock on the door when sej answered it with a small smile. “hey,” he greeted, letting you in.
“hi,” you greeted as you walked in, taking your shoes off and placing your things down.
coryo was in the living room, pacing as his face was hardened. he looked at you and walked up to you. “what the fuck was that, huh?” he asked, gesturing with his hands. “flirting with some dickhead?” he spat, clearly angry.
you rolled your eyes and huffed, unable to help yourself from doing so. sej was next to you, sighing. “coryo, let’s just calm down and talk about this maturely,” sej spoke softly, putting a hand on coryo’s shoulder.
coryo shoved him off. “no, sej, clearly she has something to fucking say judging by the attitude she has,” he sneered, looking at you with his icy blue eyes. “so what is it?”
“you’re jealous,” you said bluntly, clearly unaffected by coryo’s attitude.
coriolanus scoffed. “jealous?” he asked. “of course i’m fucking jealous. you’re ours, y/n. not some random fucking dick’s. you’re mine and sejanus’s.”
you laughed in disbelief? “oh really?” you tilted your head in annoyance. “didn’t realize i meant so much to you when you’re off flirting with other girls. but the moment i flirt with another guy it’s a fucking issue?”
coriolanus rolled his eyes. “that’s different,” he replied.
sejanus looked between the both of you, furrowing his eyebrows. “you both need to take a step back and calm down.”
“no, sejanus, i think coriolanus here is going to explain to me how it’s different,” you replied, looking directly at coryo. “how is it okay for you guys to flirt with other girls but it’s the end of the fucking world if i flirt with another guy? it’s pathetic.” you were clearly angry, something the boys had never really seen in you before. “we’re not in a fucking relationship. we’re just having sex right? so why would it an issue?”
sejanus frowned at you. “you think that we’re just having sex?” he asked, looking at you with his beautiful brown eyes.
you shrugged. “no one has said anything to say otherwise.” you bit back.
coriolanus let out an annoyed chuckle, turning away from you as he rubbed his face before looking back at you. “you know what? fuck you.” he spit out.
you rolled your eyes. “no, you know what? fuck you.” you spit back. “i am so good to you guys. always so good to you both. we’ve had a great thing going for us but ultimately, we aren’t exclusive. nothing has been discussed, nothing has been communicated. and rather than having a mature conversation like sejanus suggested, we’re fucking yelling at each other like toxic fucking exes. i’m not doing that.” you began to rant, looking at coriolanus and sejanus. “you want to talk? you fucking talk to me like an adult. i’m not your bitch.” you turned around to walk out of the apartment.
you had put your shoes back on when sejanus stopped you. “please don’t go,” he murmured, a hand on your shoulder. “let’s talk about this. like adults.”
you looked at sejanus, taking a deep breath. “will he be mature about it?” you asked, referencing coryo.
sejanus nodded his head. “he said he will.”
taking a moment to think, you eventually nodded your head. “fine then,” you said, kicking your shoes off. “but the moment he starts yelling at me again, i’m leaving.”
sejanus nodded his head, putting his hands up in surrender. “that’s perfectly fair, baby.” he replied softly, grabbing your hand with his. he guided you back into the living room where coryo was sitting there on the couch, his face in his heads as he took deep breaths.
you walked over to the recliner, taking a seat. it was across from the couch. sejanus took a seat next to coriolanus. “now that you guys are done yelling at one another,” sejanus began, giving a pointed look to coryo. “let’s discuss this maturely.” he finished his sentence. “y/n, baby, you go first.”
you licked your lips, nodding your head. coryo lifted his head from his hands to look at you. “i don’t like that you guys don’t give me the same respect that i give to you,” you said calmly looking at both sejanus and coriolanus. “you’re both constantly flirting with other girls in front of me, and then coryo says it’s different, and i just can’t comprehend how it’s different if i do it.”
coryo closed his eyes, taking another deep breath before he began to speak. “because we don’t mean it,” he said calmly as well.
“but how am i supposed to know that?” you replied back.
sejanus nodded his head. “i think we are all experiencing miscommunication. so i am going to be blunt with you guys and say exactly how i feel,” sejanus said softly. he was always the mediator type. “i like you both. i have for awhile and i’ve just not said anything because i didn’t want what we have to be ruined.” he said, talking with his hands.
coryo bit the inside of his cheek as he heard sejanus. “i had assumed when this started that we were already with one another. no other words had to be spoken.”
you shook your head no. “i fully believe nothing is ever official until you’ve outwardly spoken the words necessary for it.” you replied. “listen, i like you both too. but i can’t allow you guys to flirt with others. so if you both want to be with me too then there needs to be boundaries.”
“i agree,” sejanus said, giving you a small smile. “coryo?”
he nodded his head tentatively. “let’s make some boundaries then,” he said. “i’ll start. you can’t flirt with other guys.” coriolanus said, looking at you.
“and neither of you can flirt with other girls.” you replied.
sejanus smiled. “we stay exclusive with one another,” he exclaimed. “i want to go on dates.”
coryo looked at sej. “i-i” he stuttered, his cheeks slightly pink. “that would be nice, i suppose.” he muttered.
you gave a small smile. the three of you talked about boundaries for about an hour or so before you all decided that you were in a good place. you had moved from the recliner to the couch, sitting in between coryo and sej. coryo was pressing kisses to your neck as sejanus kissed your lips.
and eventually, it led to you guys in the bedroom. you were on your hands and knees, getting pounded by sej as coryo was beneath you, pampering you with kisses. “am sorry, baby. so sorry for being so angry,” he murmured against your neck.
you let out a moan as sej continued his thrusts inside of you, one hand on your hip while the other was gripping one of your boobs. “oh my god,” you moaned out. “want you in my mouth, coryo,” you said, looking at the blond.
coryo licked his lips, nodding his head as he pulled away. he moved himself so that his cock was near your face. you slowly eased his member into your mouth, sucking on the tip.
sejanus was moaning behind you, his cock plunging in and out of you. “baby, you’re so wet and tight,” he said, thrusting into you. “you feel so good.”
you moaned around coryo’s cock at the praise, causing coryo to moan at the vibrations. “o-oh fuck,” coryo moaned out, bucking his hips into your mouth, causing you to gag.
“be gentle, coryo,” sejanus chastised, his voice shaky. “you’re doing so good, baby, taking both of our cocks,” he praised, continuing his movements inside of you. “such a good girl.” his words caused you to clench around his cock, a sign that you were close as you whined around coryo’s cock. “you close baby? gonna cum on my cock?”
you nodded the best you could.
“fuck,” sejanus moaned, angling his hips more to hit your sweet spot. this caused you to take coryo’s cock out of your mouth and moan loudly, pressing your face into coryo’s thigh as your orgasm hit you hard. your walls clenched around sejanus, thighs quivering as you came.
“oh fuck,” you moaned out as sej continued thrusting into you. your orgasm made sejanus cum too, spilling his seed inside of you as he moaned loudly.
and when you guys came down from your highs, coryo was looking at the both of you adoringly while his cock was still red and begging to be touched. sej pulled out of you, laying down beside you. “gonna ride you,” you murmured to coryo, moving yourself so you were on his lap.
coryo just watched, bringing his hands to grip your hips. you sunk down onto his cock, sej’s cum dripping onto him. you whined from the overstimulation but began to move your hips, placing your hands on coryo’s shoulders.
“o-oh” coryo groaned, unable to help himself as he closed his eyes in pleasure. “fuck you’re so tight.” he started fucking into you, adding to the overstimulation.
you whined, moaning loudly on top of coryo. besides the two of you, sejanus was watching lovingly, jerking himself off. “you’re both so beautiful,” he said lovingly, fisting his cock. he pressed a kiss onto coryo’s shoulder, causing coryo to shiver slightly.
“am so close,” coryo moaned, fucking into you while you rode him.
you felt another orgasm approaching. “am close too,” you said, closing your eyes.
and after a few more thrusts, both of you were cumming at the same time, coryo’s cum filling you up as you clamped down on him. sejanus came again too, his cum landing on his stomach.
and suddenly, all was right in the world. you were filled with jizz and now had two official boyfriends. what else could you ever need?
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tbosasgunsandroses · 6 months
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snowjanus week, day 3: angst
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sspextkr · 6 months
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Snowjanus Week 2024! Going from March 25th to March 31st
(3-25)Day 1: First meet
(3-26)Day 2: Canon divergence
(3-27)Day 3: Angst
(3-28)Day 4: Marriage
(3-29)Day 5: Academy!Snowjanus
(3-30)Day 6: Peacekeeper!Snowjanus
(3-31)Day 7: Free choice
have any other questions? feel free to ask!!
reblog if you're interested ^^
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snowjanuscentral · 10 months
okay but like toxic yaoi Snowjanus where Sejanus doesn't just mindlessly submit to Coriolanus, where he slowly catches on to the way that he's being manipulated, and tries to turn everything its head so he can get the attention he craves from Coriolanus on his own terms.
Sejanus' little schemes backfiring magnificently, because Coriolanus can see right through him, giving Sejanus just enough to think its working before cutting through all the silly little mind games to remind Sejanus what his place is. Who he belongs to.
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bigassnocash · 5 months
I’m going to rewrite Whelve and do it better…
The only thing is do you guys want it all as one story or stick to the three parts idea I originally had?
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catindabag · 8 months
Besties, my friends, my drinking buddies, the Snowjanus angst train got me good yesterday because of a really unique fanfic!😭
And now I can’t stop thinking about a very depressed and repressed prisoner!Coryo Snow.
Yes, you heard me! Prisoner. Coryo. Snow.
Also, Sejanus Plinth became a freaking D13 rebel (leader?) in this fic, and with his help, District 13 won the 2nd war, killed President Ravinstill, arrested a lot of people, and took control of the country (earlier than in canon).
And now, rebel leader!Sejanus has all the power, influence, and money (again) in the country!
Meanwhile, sad cabbage boy Coryo Snow is now rich boy Plinth’s official wife prisoner.
Yes, I’m not kidding. Coryo is now the official wife prisoner of Sejanus Plinth whether D13 likes it or not.
Think about it. Think about it! The Capitol drama! The angst! The confusion! The power imbalance!
The rebels are confused AF! The Districts are confused AF!
To sum it up, local rich rebel boy started the 2nd rebellion (earlier than in canon) so that he could imprison, date, and marry the craziest prettiest platinum blonde Head Gamemaker in the history of Panem. That’s it. That’s the story.
They be like:
Rebel: Commander Plinth, I have a question.
Sejanus: Question denied.
Rebel: Why can’t we execute the pretty blonde Head Gamemaker again?
Sejanus: Because he’s my wife.
Rebel: Your what?
Sejanus: Coryo is my wife!
Rebel: But-
Sejanus: Go away! Coryo’s mine! He’s mine! We’re married!
Rebel: Sir!
Sejanus: He’s my prisoner! He’s my wife!
Coryo: *enters the scene wearing an expensive “kiss the cook” apron* So. . . Who wants tea?😀
Sejanus: My love!😍
Rebel: F*ck this. I’m going home.
Lol. Prisoner!Coryo and rebel!Sejanus will be living in my head rent free from now on.🥲
Here’s the fic:
turning a new shade of red by BlueFrogs
Let’s just hope that the author will continue this story. It’s quite excellent in my opinion.🥺
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mitsuki91 · 2 months
i feel like sejanus would be such a good dad/doting partner to corrina and the snowlings in the angst au; c is probably v depressed after having the twins, b/c of everything that went down between her and lucius. however, sejanus is there and loves the three of them so much (she does anything and he's like "my perfect wonderful wife is being perfect and wonderful again!!)
Sejanus is really the perfect doting partner, also he is so in love with Corinna and her babies that sometimes he forget he is not the real father. At first it was difficoult but only because Corinna is depressed (and post-partum depression doesn't help at all) but since Sejanus wants to be a doctor he knows how to act (plus Ma is a great help with the twins and she too loves Corinna), plus he really wants her to be happy and herself again. He fights for her to come back and he is so in love to cheris every improvment.
I suppose Corinna will have trust issues and abbandonment issues since the Lucius Gray's fiasco and so she needs time ti adjust and to trust Sejanus too, but in the end she is winned over. And the fact that she had a little crush on him in the Academy helps. They will have their happiness for the most time - and it's only on the hardest day that both will think "but what if...?"
Of course, Lucretia Liliac is going to ruin it all when she run to 12 to find her real dad (I decided that she does this at 16yo) 😂😂😂
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softie-rain · 3 months
Another random thought: thoughts on Covey Coryo getting reaped? Very loosely based on this fic called Hail Panem. Maybe he's Crassus Snow's illegitimate son, or was with his dad when he got killed by rebels, was abandoned in the districts and then adopted by the Covey
UHHH that's interesting.
I like to think he's an illegitimate son, and is left to grow up with the Coveys. I don't really see him and Lucy Gray dating in this scenario, though they tried and probably decided they're best as a loving family.
Honestly I think he was sent to death by the mayor, Coryo probably fighting Billy Taupe and hurting Mayfair or smth to protect Lucy Gray, which gets him to be reaped.
Once in the Capitol he's not good at making up a show lol, but here he meets Sejanus (though he's not his mentor). Honestly this can go both as snowjanus or not, but in my head it does cause yes. It's not like he cares for the Games, besides Marcus died (rip). Also!! Sejanus would 100% cheat for Coryo who, though less evil without his father's or Gaul's influence, at first only uses Sejanus to win.
Then when he gets sent back to 12 and finds out Sejanus is there as a peacekeeper as a punishment at first he's annoyed, then they bond and fall in love. Sejanus would still try and help Billy Taupe, but Coryo would convince him not to. Probably lots of angst when Coryo finds out because he's like "I told you he's a bad person and you help him anyway?"
But then it's all fine they're back together!! Sejanus would try to get back to 2 as a doctor and would find a way to get Coriolanus to join, and the Coveys are super supportive. That's it I think :)
(also adding to this the wedding me and @lettersfrompanem planned for snowjanus in d2 with some edits so they fit the Covey!Coryo narrative)
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