#snowbird chapter 2
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organised-disaster · 11 months ago
Here you go @randosfandos and @baxieblur-turnip since you wanted it so much I'm ENSURING you see it the second you check your notifs
I shower, scrubbing my sweaty body. The breeze from the roof of the Justice Building air-dried me slightly, but it feels nice to finally be showering. My hair isn't especially dirty, and it's irritating trying to dry it, so I make a conscious effort to keep it away from the water. The soap smell is soothing. I can't quite place it.
I scrub my face. I get soap in my eyes. I no longer feel happy about the soap. I wash the soap off of me and out of my eyes as I think about today. It's the day of the Reaping, meaning I need to be prepared, just like every year, to potentially be sent to die.
Or watch someone I care about get sent to die... Yumi would tell me that she loves me in a situation like this. She did every year before she passed away.
Yumi. My older sister. Never did well as a Career. Yumi was gentle, empathetic. A bleeding heart, even. She couldn't bear to hurt anyone. If someone hit her, she'd ask them why instead of hitting back.
I step out of the shower, wrapping my towel around my torso. I catch a glimpse of myself in the mirror. Yumi and I didn't look similar to each other. Yumi's nose was softer and rounder, her eyes kinder. Yumi's hair was a dusty black, much lighter than my charred colour. Yumi was cheerful and radiated warmth and welcoming.
I can't stop seeing her instead of me when I look in a mirror, though. I knew Yumi's face as well as I know Sera's. I know that while her eyes were warmer, they were still as narrow and catlike as mine are. They still looked just as harsh in the wrong lighting.
I know that while Yumi's default expression was a soft smile, her anger still looked the same as mine. Anger was so rare, so jarring, that I couldn't help but memorise it.
I know that while I rarely smile at anyone but Sera, Yumi had dimples and creases identical to mine. I can't stand to smile at my reflection anymore. It's impossible not to see Yumi.
Sometimes I wonder if Sera sees Yumi in my smile as well. I wonder if she loves her exactly the same as I do. I wonder if she blames me exactly the same as I do.
I wonder if Sera sees Yumi in her own smile also. Yumi's narrow face didn't especially resemble Sera's, but Sera's eyes and Yumi's were similar browns, although Sera's eyes practically glow from the inside. Sera's smile has the same comforting quality as Yumi's.
Yumi was just as good with people as Sera, just as patient as Sera. Just as kind. Just as sweet. Just as trusting.
I wanted to be like her when I was younger. I know now that Yumi's thinking never did anything good for her. She needed to be vicious. Capable of taking a life. She wasn't, not when it mattered most.
I'll give her that. Yumi passed on her own terms. Yumi knew what she wanted. Yumi stuck with it. With her love for humanity. She's braver than me in that sense.
She was so much like Sera, it's almost like they're the same person. Perhaps that was the reason I got so close with Sera after Yumi died.
Or maybe the reason was because Sera loved Yumi, too, and felt her loss as much as I did.
There's a lump in my throat. My vision blurs slightly. I wipe my eyes, clearing my throat. I splash cold water on my face. Today, of all days, is a bad time to think of Yumi.
I violently scrub my face again, this time with my towel to dry it. I look up into the mirror by accident. My fringe is completely soaked. My eyes are reddened. There's a brief flash of Yumi's face across my vision, angry and full of hate.
It's gone as quick as it arrived. I hurriedly turn away from the mirror. I dry myself, keeping the mirror behind me the whole time.
After I'm no longer sticky, I pick up my clothes from the floor and start to get changed. A nice button-up and trousers. The shirt is grey, and the trousers are white, both slightly worn as they originally belonged to... I glance at the mirror again.
Yumi glares at me. She sniffs and wipes her nose as she finishes putting the clothes she wore on the day of the Reaping on. I leave the bathroom, and my sister, behind.
Sera is sitting on my bed, toying with her hands anxiously. Her eyes are trained on my clock, watching every second quietly thunk by. The sound of the clock is almost muffled by her uneven breathing and the occasional thump of her heel when her bouncing leg makes contact with the floor.
She smiles up at me when she notices me in the doorway, stopping her jittering. Her hands continue to shake slightly, as does her leg. Her eyes dart to what I'm wearing, then back up to my face again.
Her smile vanishes, if only for a moment. It's back so quickly, it's almost like she didn't react at all. She remembers, then. Well, how could she have forgotten?
Yumi was just as much Sera's sister as she was mine. If Sera wasn't at my house to talk to me, she was here to talk to Yumi. If Yumi was out, chances were that she'd be doing something with Sera.
Sera screamed louder than I did. Sera's grief was known. Sera gained sympathy.
Such an apathetic child...
No reaction whatsoever..?
Her sister...
How awful...
A monster, that's for sure...
I block out the whispers of District Four as I sit down next to Sera. As she always does when we are close like this, she leans into me. I put my arm around her and let her rest her head in the crook of my neck. She sighs deeply, her breathing calming down.
I know how deeply Sera craves the comfort of touch. I have always been averse. In general, if someone is making contact with my skin, it's because they're trying to hit me until I don't get back up.
But I also know how good it feels to be near to Sera. For our hands to be locked together, for our shoulders to be touching, for her breath to be on my neck.
Sera is gently gripping the hand attached to the arm I'm holding her with. She carefully traces lines along my palm with her thumbs, following the creases. Sera likes repetitive things like that.
There are a million things I could say to Sera. But just like every year, I don't need to say any of them. Now is not a time for words. Words come later. Words come after. And some words come never.
Words used to express relief. Words used to state gratitude. It's considered awful luck to say things like that. Especially when the people selected only have a one-in-twenty-four chance of coming home.
No matter what, there'll always be at least one grieving family. Sera's family has always been so lucky. Seth, Sera's brother, is only about a year older than I am. He's too old for the Reaping now. He's never been pulled.
Sera hasn't been pulled before, either. I hope she stays that way. I don't know what I'd do if she didn't. I've never thought about it, either. If I think about something like that, it starts getting hard to breathe.
I can't really think about it. My thoughts just won't go there, and if I force them to, they don't stay for long. I don't like it. I stay away from things like that. They belong at the very back of my mind with everything else.
I don't have to worry about that. Sera won't be pulled. I won't be pulled again. We're going to be okay.
Sera's switched from massaging my palm to fiddling with the hem of Yumi's shirt. She's started her gnawing of her lower lip, the already damaged skin bleeding slightly.
Her eyes flick to my clock again. I once again hear her breathing grow uneven as some degree of panic sets in. I squeeze her a little tighter, pull her a little closer.
Sera tears her eyes from the clock. Sera has a death grip on Yumi's shirt. I gently pry her fingers off, squeezing her hand when Yumi's shirt is free. Sera's tenderising of her lip ceases. Sera sighs and surrenders as we fall over together on my bed.
Sera adjusts herself to be resting her head on my chest, her feet hanging off the edge of my bed. Sera only ever wears one pair of shoes. A clunky pair of worn leather boots that fall off her feet at every possible occasion. They slide off, one actually hitting the floor while the other clings for dear life onto her ankle.
I hope my heartbeat doesn't speed up too much. It'll probably make Sera's head bounce if it does. I let my head fall back onto my pillow, my neck already hurting from my observation of Sera's boots.
Sera starts to toy with my hair, running it through her hands. She's always loved to compliment how shiny it is, how smooth I keep it. She always goes on to say how she wished she could have her hair as tidy and clean and nice-to-the-touch as mine.
I never said anything to her. Perhaps I should have. I would have liked to tell her that her tousled mess was charming. That it framed her face. That it brought out her smile.
I would not have liked to tell her that it made her look like Yumi, who wore her unkempt, unruly disaster in almost the exact same way. I don't think Sera remembers, but her hair was kept neat once, too.
Back when Yumi was still alive and Sera's mother was still around. Sera saw her family a lot more when she was younger, her brother not yet graduated, and her father not totally responsible for their income.
She had to brush her hair every couple of hours and apply some sort of gel to it, but it stayed in place. The kind of cutesy style that made little girls an object of affection for all the little boys.
She was maybe around seven when she properly met Yumi. She had come over to my house and accidentally walked into Yumi's room, briefly forgetting which was mine.
Yumi was fourteen at the time. She had been so sweet with Sera. By the time I realised that Sera had gotten lost somewhere, she was already playing some sort of complex game that involved knots with Yumi.
I tried to join. I wasn't good with knots then. I'm better now, but I still struggle with complicated ones. Sera has always been so talented with her hands. She's always had such nimble fingers.
I finally tied a knot. Yumi couldn't untie it. Neither of our parents could untie it. Sera couldn't untie it. That memory has resulted in this sweet mental image. Of Yumi sitting on the floor of her room, her little sisters next to her, puzzling over a knot tied by the least competent one.
That mutual lack of understanding for how I created such a thing was a building block for their relationship. I don't quite remember what became of the knot. I believe I gave it to Sera.
Sera has always admired Yumi. Sera saw the way Yumi wore her hair and decided it was the most amazing thing she had ever seen. She mimicked Yumi in other, smaller ways that she still does to this day.
A little flick of the hand here, a tonal shift there. Sera saw how Yumi played with her hair when nervous and started doing it herself. She does it automatically now, pinching and rolling her blonde locks between her thumb and forefinger.
I absently run my hands through Sera's curls. My fingers snag on knots, and I hear Sera wince as I work them out. I groan.
"Sera, did you brush your hair this morning?"
Sera doesn't respond. She's pretending to be asleep. I know from experience that Sera takes at least ten minutes to fall asleep; it hasn't even been three. I sit up, Sera sliding down my chest, then sitting up as well.
Sera won't meet my eyes. I sigh and rub her face.
"You need to take care of yourself, Sera," I say, disappointed but not surprised. Sera tends to neglect things like this. Only small things, and she doesn't really resist, but she doesn't do them if she's not prompted.
Brushing her hair is a bad one. She almost never does it. I have to do it for her most of the time. Once, I didn't see her for four days because of an especially busy week for both of us.
It took me ten minutes to clean the accumulated grime off of her body and at least an hour to work the knots out of her hair. I scolded her the entire time for her forgetfulness. I wasn't surprised that her family didn't remind her, considering that her father and Seth were out fishing for a good three days. I assume Sera avoided them on day four.
"I know, Rumes. I'm sorry," she mumbles. "It's just... I didn't have the time this morning." Sera's excuse is flimsy. I stand up and walk over to my dresser, locating my hairbrush. I walk back over to my bed and sit down. Sera obediently turns to show me the back of her head.
I start to slowly run the brush through her tangled mop.
"I think we both know that isn't true, Sera." I'm not trying to be accusing. But I'm not trying to be nice.
Sera winces, both at the fact that I've caught her and because of the knot the brush has just caught on. It rips out a little of her hair as I work it through.
"I... It's..." Sera sighs. "It's a little hard, you get it?"
I don't. I really don't get it. Self-care has never given me any trouble, but I don't dare mention this to Sera. Telling Sera she's strange for not washing her face won't help her. Reminding her that she needs to do it will.
I've never been completely certain if her poor care of herself was because of her faulty memory or something else. I'd love to blame it on her memory, but Sera's general... erraticness is probably to blame.
She'll start tasks and forget about them entirely, she'll lose track of time, she'll forget to drink water... It's not really a surprise that she forgets important things anymore. She remembers to eat, at least. That removes some level of worry I have for her.
"Yes," I lie. This seems to reassure Sera. A part of her hair bounces back into shape as I finish pulling the brush through. I start again at my next chosen section, running my hands through what I've brushed. For a long time, there is no sound but our breathing and the soft, gentle noise of the brush through Sera's hair.
"You remembered to wash it. That's good," I say aloud, recalling its pleasant smell and softness when I hugged her earlier. I should have praised her then.
"Thank you," says Sera, a little uncertain. I regret speaking almost immediately.
Sera sighs and fidgets. Her other boot fell off at some point.
"You look like her, you know," she says quietly. I force the brush so hard through her hair it slightly yanks her head back. It was an accident. I hope.
"Sorry." There's a long silence.
"You really do, though. You look like Yumi," Sera finishes.
"Can we not talk about this, Sera?" I ask. Sera huffs.
"You can't just pretend she doesn't exist because she isn't around anymore," says Sera, more certain this time.
"I'm not," I respond levelly.
"Then w-w-why do you keep acting like that?"
"Like what?"
"Like you never cared." I yank the brush suspended in Sera's hair.
"Hey, look at that. It's stuck," I say, letting go of it. It remains in Sera's hair. She reaches around to the back of her head and pulls it free, handing it back to me.
"Stop doing that, Rumi," she says, sounding like she's dealing with a small child.
"Doing what?" I ask, starting to brush Sera's hair again. Sera sighs.
"You know exactly w-w-what I'm talking about, Rumes. Don't change subjects to avoid things," she says. I don't avoid things. I'm not avoiding anything.
I voice this. Sera sighs again.
"You do, though, Rumes. You are. It's okay if you miss her. I do, too," says Sera. I finish brushing her hair and throw my hairbrush at my back wall. It thunks onto my dresser again.
"Can we just not, Sera?" Sera turns around to face me.
"I think w-w-we should, though," she says. I don't want to listen to her anymore. "I think w-w-we need to talk about her."
"We don't. There's nothing more we could say," I mutter.
"Rumi, you get so... distant. Around this time of year, you just avoid talking about her entirely."
"Have you ever thought that maybe I don't want to talk about a dead woman?" I snap.
"Yeah. Lots," Sera responds softly. "But you talk about her." I stiffen.
"You like to mention her from time to time, anyw-w-way," says Sera. "You joke about how Yumi w-w-would do this, Yumi w-w-would like that, blah blah blah."
I turn away from Sera, no longer enjoying this conversation.
"Rumes, you talk about her like she's just... aw-w-way," says Sera thoughtfully. "And I think that's good, I do, because -"
"Stop." Sera sighs softly.
"Rumes, can w-w-we just talk -"
"Rumi, it's not healthy to bottle these things up. If you don't w-w-want to talk now, that's fine, but -"
"I don't want to talk about it at all," I interject. "I don't need to, I don't want to, I won't. It's that simple." Sera needs to drop it. I'm fine. I'm acting normal. I always behave like this.
"She died for a good reason, okay? And I think w-w-we -"
"A good reason? You think it was good?" I interrupt. Sera looks startled.
"Rumes, that's not w-w-what I -"
"Oh? It's not w-w-w-w-what you m-m-m-eant?!" I shout, imitating her stammer.
"Rumi..." Sera's definitely upset. I've crossed a line. I don't care. Maybe she deserves it, just this once.
"Why don't we all just celebrate, huh?! 'Cause Yumi's dead! That's GREAT!"
"Rumi, just stop..." Sera mumbles.
"Sorry, you'll have to speak up! I can't hear you under all those extra letters!" I find the wound and tear it open.
"Rumi, w-w-w-why are you -"
"Oh, get to the point! How hard is it to talk?!" Sera flinches. She pinches the crooked part of her nose. She always does that when she gets self-conscious.
"Rumi, please just calm down," says Sera, voice gaining a pleading quality. I ignore this.
"Calm down?! You want me to calm down?!"
Sera's eyes start to water.
"Oh, don't you start crying AGAIN! You're so bloody emotional all the time!"
"You don't even have emotions!" she snaps back. Sera gets up off my bed.
"Maybe the reason you act like you don't care is because you really don't!" My sheets are pulled taught as I clench my hands. Sera angrily kicks her foot into one of her boots, looking for the other one. "Maybe you didn't cry at her funeral because you didn't love her!"
"Of course I loved her! She was my sister!" I shout, following Sera as I kick her boot from my bed into my wall. She snatches it off the floor and slams her foot into it.
"She w-w-was my sister, too!" Sera shoots back.
"No! No, she wasn't! Yumi was never your sister! No matter how close you think you were, you were never her sister!"
That's hurt her. She stops for a moment, tears threatening to start rolling down her cheeks.
"I loved her. Doesn't that mean something?" For just a moment, I feel a sliver of regret. It vanishes.
"Doesn't mean anything. You never meant anything to her," I snarl. This is untrue. Yumi did truly care about Sera. But now I just want to hurt her. Sera mumbles something.
"Huh? Speak up!" I demand. "You wanna say something? Say it to my face!"
"At least I'm not the reason she's dead," she says. There's utter silence.
"What?" Sera is completely crying now.
"At least," she repeats. "I'm not," she continues. "The reason she's dead."
"So you're saying it's my fault, then?"
"N- no, I... No, I'm sorry. I got angry."
"No, I get it."
"Rumes, please, I didn't mean it. It w-w-wasn't your fault."
"It was, though. It's my fault. And it's always going to be my fault."
"It's not! I got angry! I didn't mean it. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I've never been that angry before. I'm sorry. If it's any-w-w-one's fault, it's mine. I could've -"
"Just stop, Sera."
"You can go now, Sera."
"But -"
"You can go now, Sera. Go home. Say hi to Seth for me."
Sera nods. She tries to hug me. I gently push her away.
"I'm sorry, Rumes."
"So am I." Sera opens the door.
Sera hesitates, standing in the doorway.
"Yumi w-w-would have said you look nice."
The door closes.
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missvelvetsstuff · 5 days ago
The Situation Room
Bucky Barnes x Reader
Summary: After a mission almost gone wrong, Tony brings back Bucky's former assistant, who is also Bucky's ex. Can they work together without hurting each other? Will the whole truth about their break up finally come out?
Avengers AU where Thanos never happened.
Chapter 12
Notes: WooHoo! I actually wrote something. It's only been 3 months. Life is still kicking my ass. We're listing my mother in laws place to sell and were told an average is 4-6 months. They showed us a list of homes for sale in the park and at least 20 are Canadian 'snowbirds' who want to pull their interests from the US and I don't blame them one bit. I don't want to deal with another Az summer but it doesn't look like we have much choice. Fingers xx'ed that we get lucky.
Anyhow, here is an update and I'm feeling pretty good about the next chapter so, here's hoping. I'm also working on rewriting and finishing a couple of my other stories.
Warnings: Swearing, angst
Helen found them in the exam room and gave Radar a cotton gown to change into. Radar made Bucky close his eyes until she was covered. Helen returned to the room and spoke gently to her, explaining what she was doing as she went. Helen did a full physical, including a pelvic exam before running a scan in the cradle. She took blood, a cheek swab and a pap smear. Bucky sat by her and held her hand through it all, only letting her go to give a urine sample.
It was almost lunch time when Helen was done and told Radar to get dressed, advising her that she would need time to go over all of the results and would let Radar know asap.
She also referred Radar to Dr Raynor for counseling, unfortunately she was off site for a couple of days.
When they came out of the exam room the rest of the team was waiting but she shook her head and rushed past them to her room. Bucky chased after her but was stopped by a group of trainees with what felt like a million questions and she was in her room with the door locked before he could get away. Bucky knocked but Friday told him Radar didn't want to be disturbed.
Radar spent the rest of the day stressed, pacing her room, playing loud heavy metal music to try and drown out the thoughts and refusing any help or comfort. The idea that she had disappeared for months with absolutely no memory, like the time was stolen from her, made her feel violated and afraid of finding out her body had been violated as well.
By dinner time Bucky was also losing his mind. The last 6 months had been the worst in his long life as they tried to find Radar, barely beating out the 2 years prior. Now she was back, within reach but had pushed everyone out, even Wanda, and Bucky didn't know what to do with himself. He wanted to hold her and comfort her but could only wait for her to come to him.
Wanda made paprikash, hoping the smell would lure Radar out of her room and encourage her to eat something but as the team sat down, the spot that Bucky left open for her stayed empty. He couldn't bring himself to eat.
Dinner was subdued. Normally a raucous affair, like any large family, no one knew what to say that night. Everyone had Radar on their mind, they spoke softly about the weather and tv shows to avoid saying the wrong thing.
When everyone was done eating Bucky stood and spoke softly "I'll take some food for her, maybe get her to eat a bit." He smiled sadly at Wanda "Thank you for making paprikash for her."
Wanda smiled gently in return "For her, always. Good luck, I think she's worn a rut in her carpet." She sighed "Her mind is a mess, I can't even untangle anything."
Bucky nodded before he strode away to Radars room. When he arrived at her door, the music had quieted and he paused before knocking softly "Radar, doll, you missed dinner so I brought some food for you. Wanda made your favorite."
He jumped when she opened the door "I'm not hungry. Can barely keep water down." She looked at him with red, frightened eyes. "Buck, I don't know if I can deal with this. After everything else, it's too much. I just, I I can't, I can't"
Her eyes filled with tears and she turned away, leaving the door open so he followed her.
"Hey, honey, I know this is all kinds of fucked up but you'll be ok. You have me, you'll always have me. And Wanda and the team. We're here and we want to help you." He set the food down on her coffee table. "You should try and eat. Even a little will help."
Bucky reached out to touch her but she jumped and he pulled back. Looking at his feet he murmured "I'm sorry, I just want to help."
Radar snapped "I know you want to help, everyone wants to help but you can't. You should understand better than anyone. I don't know what they did to me or or what they made me do. I just lost six months of my life, carved out of my head, gone. And every time I try to think about it I feel like I'm being stabbed in my brain. And I'm terrified to find out what else they did. This is a million, trillion times worse than what John did."
Bucky offered his right hand to her, wanting to help but he didn't want to touch her without permission. "I do understand honey and I'm here to help in any way I can. If you eat a little it'll help settle your stomach.
Radar scoffed "Yeah, that's not gonna happen." she shook her head "You should just go, I need to be alone."
Bucky sighed "Sure, I'll go but just let Friday know if you need me."
After he left Bucky went to the common room and told the team that Radar wasn't doing well and wanted to be left alone. He went to the gym to work out because he knew sleep would be impossible. When he exhausted himself he went to sit outside Radar's door and fell asleep leaned up against the wall.
Radar paced her room, talking to herself angrily before she finally had to sit down so she put her tv on for background noise. She had finally dozed off for a moment when Friday woke her up and let her know that Dr Cho wanted to speak with her. After realizing it was 7am, she told Friday to let the doctor know she would be there shortly and took a quick shower to wake herself up. She saw Bucky asleep against the wall opposite her door and walked softly, hoping to get passed him without disturbing his rest. She wasn't up to dealing with his attentiveness right now.
She entered the medbay nervously, scared to discover that it was worse than she had imagined. Helen gave her a soft smile and asked her to sit before getting into the test results.
Helen cleared her throat "I know you've had almost 24 hours to think up worst case scenarios so I'll get to the point. Based on the scarring on your abdomen and uterus, in addition to your hormone levels" she paused "It all points to a pregnancy that was ended by caesarian section. I found some other concerns but proper diet and exercise should take care of those in time."
Radar heard nothing after the word pregnancy and reached down to feel for any scarring but couldn't find it. "I can't feel any scars, there are no stretch marks or anything, how could I have gone thru a pregnancy in 6 months or less? This doesn't make any sense."
Helen nodded "I know it sounds crazy but that's what everything points to. The scarring is well healed, whoever took you must have some tech similar to the cradle to heal you so quickly. Some of the hormones were designer and could potentially work to speed up fetal growth. I don't know if this is better or worse than you imagined."
Radar nodded "I, I don't know either." She sighed and looked at Helen "I just need to have a minute to think before facing the team. Can you let them know for me? And help me sneak out? Bucky was asleep outside of my door and I know he's just concerned but I need some time to work through this first."
"Sure. If you turn away from the waiting area there's a stairwell at the end of the hall, for emergencies. I'm sure I'll hear from one of them soon and I'll arrange a meeting with the team. You aren't running away again, are you?"
Radar chuckled nervously "Of course not, just need some air" She stood slowly and looked both ways before leaving Helens office and scurrying to the stairs. As she hurried down, she was thankful they were at the compound instead of Stark tower.
Bucky woke up shortly after she left and was ready to go after her when Friday announced a meeting.
Less than an hour later Helen heard from Steve and Tony so gathered the team together to tell them what she had found. When they all noticed that Radar wasn't there, she calmly explained that Radar needed some time to process all of it but promised she wasn't running again. After an intense argument, the team begrudgingly agreed to wait for her to come back.
Bucky had a bad feeling about Radar's disappearance but didn't immediately rush off to find her. Instead he suited up and prepped all of his gear, giving her until midnight to come back. When the hour rolled around and there was still no word he grabbed his kit and headed for the garage to get his bike. He decided that the last place they had looked for Radar before she returned was the best place to start, figuring they had gotten too close so her captors hurried to return her. Madripoor.
On his way out he ran into Steve, who adopted his Cap stance. "Buck, what are you doing?"
Bucky shook his head "Why do you ask questions you know the answer to? I'm going to get my girl. She left this morning and we haven't heard anything, she's not coming back. She went to find that baby, you know it as well as I do."
Steve nodded "Then wait for me to get the team together and we'll all go."
"No. I've waited long enough and where I'm going a crowd will draw too much attention and slow me down. I have my tracker, if you don't hear from me in 72 hours then come looking."
"Fine but don't do anything stupid while you're gone, jerk." Steve hugged his friend.
Bucky chuckled "How can I, you're keeping all the stupid with you, punk." He cleared his throat "I'll see you in a couple of days." then turned and stalked away.
After sneaking away from the compound, Radar headed to a small airport upstate and left the country in a small private jet, headed across the Atlantic. It took 2 days and multiple changes of transportation before she was standing in front of a small house in Madripoor. The sun was just coming up and she could hear a baby crying inside, tightening her stomach and causing a tingle in her breasts, which dampened her bra. She took a shaky breath and knocked on the door. It was opened by a woman, who was holding a baby that had her nose and the bright blue eyes she loved so much.
The woman's eyes grew wide in shock and she tried to close the door but Radar's booted foot was in the way. The woman whispered loudly "You shouldn't be here!"
Radar quickly looked up at the woman and behind her before returning her gaze to the baby "Hello Sharon, long time no see." She pushed the door open and nodded to the other person behind Sharon
@unaxv @calwitch @buckitostan @cjand10. @vicmc624 @sandrab02
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albatmobile · 2 months ago
Cardinal Sins Chapter 11
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𓅪 Living with your vigilante boyfriends for the past year has been amazing, well, almost. Butting heads, old wounds resurfacing and a deadly threat still looming overhead could threaten the sanctity of everything you've ever fought for. Will you finally overcome your tainted past and survive the trials and tribulations, or will your relationships and your faith crumble under the pressure?
Rated: M | 7.2k | TW: violence | Contains: answers fem!Reader x Jason Todd x Roy Harper [masterlist] Previous in Series: Art of Rehabilitating Snowbirds
Chapter Eleven: Meet Me in the Woods
You stare down at your phone quizzically but, nonetheless, make your way over to the sliding glass doors. Upon opening them, you’re shocked to see Jade on the balcony. 
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The slim woman is casually leaning against the railing as she takes in an aerial view of the city below. Her head tilts slightly as if to acknowledge your presence as you sidle up beside her, rubbing the sleep from your eyes as you do. The twinkling lights and sound of traffic coming from the sleepless city below further serve to wake you up.
“Kinda surprised to see you again,” you say, breaking the silence. “I’m glad you kept my number.”
“Are you?” she asks coyly. 
Jade is clearly teasing you, much to your chagrin, but you’re too tired and too confused to do much of anything other than blush. You can’t help but feel entirely out of your depth with her. How exactly is one supposed to make small talk with an assassin? No, really, someone please send over notes for small talk with a merc 101 stat.
Without the help of any 101, you simply shrug, figuring it’s the least awkward thing to do in this situation. 
When she continues to stare at you out of the corner of her eye, you ask, “So, what’s up? Why are you here?”
“I think I have some information that may be beneficial to your little gang,” she says through the smallest of smirks. “Figured I’d be nice and let you in on it.” With this, she moves her hand in front of her face, splaying out her fingers as she looks over her nails nonchalantly. “You planning to keep me outside in the doghouse?”
“No, of course not,” you sputter as you quickly move to open the balcony door to welcome her inside clumsily. The entire situation is a strange juxtaposition to the last time she’d been in your apartment and, you know, tried to kill you for, like, the third time.
Once inside, however, she stays close to the door, silently looking around the apartment before allowing her eyes fall onto the open door of Lian’s room. You watch as her dark eyes soften briefly before she suddenly focuses on you again. 
You think she’ll finally tell you why she’s here, but instead she says, “You really treat her like your own.” Her voice is barely above a whisper when she speaks.
“Always,” you say earnestly. 
She waits a moment before responding, “Good.” The way she looks at you, you can feel the respect that radiates from it. You open your mouth to ask why she came, but she beats you to it. “My contract’s been up for a while, I’m sure you know,” she says, and you nod. “However, as of a few weeks ago, they reached out asking if I would reinstate it.” You have so many questions, yet your mouth remains shut. “Last time I was here, I intended to follow through with the job.”
Your eyes widen. “So, you’re here to kill me?” 
You really don’t feel like having round 2, or, well, whatever fucking round it’d be with her at this point, while Lian’s asleep in the next room. This doesn’t, however, mean you’re not willing to throw down if it comes down to it. You also know that while Jason and Roy are ready to sleep, both are keeping an ear out for you and are ready to intervene at a moment’s notice.
Jade scoffs, “If that were the case, you’d already be dead.” She eyes you up and down, noticing how your fists are now clenched, and laughs- honest to god laughs. “Calm down, rabbit. I told you I had information, now, didn’t I? The people pushing the renewal are the same as last time.”
“Who?” you demand.
“Well, Two Face’s crew were the ones who set the bomb off in your apartment.”
You take in the information quickly, your mind spiraling all the while. 
“What about Deadshot? Do you know who sent him?” you ask.
She looks entirely amused, as if she’s doing you a favor by letting you interrogate her. Regardless, she answers. 
“That would be Black Mask.”
Your mind is racing a mile a minute, no, second, as you take everything in. That just leaves…
“So, who sent you?”
With this, the corner of her lip quirks up briefly. “Feeble man called Scarecrow.” Scarecrow? Who the fuck is that? She seems to read the confusion on your face because she adds, “He’s green. I’d only started hearing about him after he contracted me, but since then, well, let’s just say he’s quickly making a name for himself.” Was that the man you saw escaping with Joker in your first vision? Was this the man from the tunnels?! No, the man in the helicopter at the dockyards? “For the last year, he and Joker have been inseparable. I know they’re planning something big, but they won’t let anyone in on it.”
Her information, though extremely helpful for filling in some of the gaps, only leaves you with more questions. Was Scarecrow just helping Joker vaporize the existing serum, or was something far more sinister awaiting from this deadly duo? What did The Court have to do with anything? Are they all teamed up, or are they battling it out for the glory of Gotham?
“I…uh…” You turn to Jade, confused as to why she’s suddenly stuttering. “My kid lives here. What I think they have planned, I can’t stand by and allow anymore,” Jade confides. “It’s bigger than just killing a few people for money… It’s a culling. They don’t care who they hurt; they care about how many they hurt. I refuse to let Lian become a casualty. That’s the only reason I’m telling you this. Got it?” You nod quickly, brows furrowing as you await the next reveal. “I don’t know why, but I think you can save everyone. It’s clear you’re already on the right track. After all, you were the one who found them in the tunnels,” she trails off coyly. “Or did I mistake you for another vigilante, Cardinal?”
“What about the tunnels?” you demand in a rush, ignoring her previous statement. You need to hear it. You need to hear that you’re not fucking crazy- that these visions hold meaning. 
Jade crosses her arms in front of her, staring you boldly in the eyes as she assesses your reaction. Finally, she sighs, uncrossing her arms as she does so.
 “From what I’ve gathered,” she shifts slightly, appearing uneasy as she reveals the information to you, “they’re poisoning the water supply, and they’re using the abandoned subway tunnels to do it.”
“Who’s they?” you ask, but as soon as the question leaves your mouth, she looks around at the windows as if expecting someone to suddenly burst through them. When they don’t, she gives you one last meaningful glance before showing herself out. 
“Don’t let Lian down.” With this, you watch as Jade flips off the balcony and into the encompassing darkness below.
Finally alone, you slump against the wall closest to you. Part of you considers waking up your partners, but you know it won’t do any good this late at night. With the weight of the world on your shoulders, you start planning. There’s no time to waste, and there’s no way you’ll be able to sleep now, anyway.
I think you can save everyone.
Everyone seems confused as to why you’ve called a meeting at Wayne Enterprises at the ass crack of dawn, but regardless, Dick, Luke, Tim, and Damian meet you, Jason, and Roy there at 1:47 AM. Everyone’s suited up, but you can’t help but refer to them by their actual names, considering no one else will be in the building for at least another three or four hours.
The sun isn’t even a thought in the dark sky as your makeshift crew gathers around the executive conference table. Oliver and Dinah are currently on babysitting duty, while everyone around you preoccupies themselves with chugging down cup after cup of coffee to stay alert. 
With Bruce busy on patrol, the city’s fate hangs in the hands of his disciples.
After you catch everyone up on what happened a mere half an hour ago, you reveal the information you saw on the sticky note in the lab. For now, you keep the serums under wrap. You don’t exactly know if they’re a part of the plan, so you don’t want to derail the concrete leads you have until absolutely necessary.
“It’s all going down on April Fools,” you finally say, taking in the stark faces in the room as you do so. 
“Today?” Dick asks hesitantly as if dreading your answer. “Did you find out where?”
You nod. “The Gotham Marina.”
“How do we even start preparing for this?” Connor asks.
“Well,” Luke starts, “after the pool party, I went back to the tunnels to get another sample.” His suit suddenly whirs to life before producing a vial of clear liquid in the palm of his hand. You finally feel heard. Regardless of what Bruce thought of your visions' relevance, Luke acted on his own, trusting your claims over his own boss’. “I’ve been analyzing it for days now but still can’t make sense of it beyond a 32.41% match with the sample taken from the warehouse.”
After nearly two hours of analyzing, Tim and Luke both concur that it looks like it contains an amplified version of Joker Gas combined with something else. When you mention the emerging villain, Scarecrow, both look at each other, then back down at the sample before rapidly searching through Bruce’s database. After a few clicks, a scraggly mask suddenly pops up on the screen. The image is clearly a screengrab from Bruce’s bodycam and is apparently from his first and only run-in with Scarecrow a year ago, so the details are pretty blurry. Nonetheless, you still feel a familiar itch when you stare upon his mask, though you can’t place why. 
Another beat of silence as your crew watches them run another analysis on the water before a loud beep startles you awake. Apparently, you’d been drifting off into Jason beside you, with Roy doing the same on his other side. Jason looks down at you briefly, then his eyes flit to the screen where ‘UNKNOWN % MATCH’ is displayed across the screen.
“Could there be a remaining element besides Joker Gas and what’s in the subway water?” Roy asks as he moves closer to the screen to analyze the formula.
“If so, it’s most likely The Winter Rose,” Tim responds gravely.
“Annnd what exactly does that mean, again?” Wally asks, scratching his head in confusion.
“Nothing good,” Luke supplies. “I tried to formulate just what exactly its properties are but couldn’t find anything conclusive, even in a lab like this. Not to mention, we still can’t account for their formulation, considering we don’t have the complete percentages, let alone dosage they actually plan on using.”
“So, you’re saying that you need a bigger lab, right?” Dick steps forward, seeming to have a new plan formulating in his head as he does so. 
Luke nods as he considers the idea. “I mean, we’ll need a bigger lab regardless. Wayne Enterprises isn’t big enough to produce an antidote this complicated, especially not on this scale,” he admits.
“I think I can help you out, then,” Dick says as he takes the remaining sample from the chemical processor. 
“The antidote will have to be water-soluble,” Roy interjects before Dick can disappear.
“That too,” Luke agrees as the three men stop to look over the screen again as if it’ll suddenly reveal hidden information will suddenly be revealed. When the screen remains the same, Luke sighs, “With so many unknowns, what is a bigger lab even going to do?”
“We at least need to find something conclusive on the rose’s qualities before we can begin large-scale production, so that’s what I’m going to do. Plus, if there’s any trace of the stem in the water sample, The Watchtower will find it,” Dick says. “I need the stem, too. I’m not risking missing anything right now,” he demands as he fiddles with his wristwatch to contact Oracle. “I need contact with The Watchtower. Prepare a zeta tube connection for me off of The Gotham Center. In the meantime,” Dick says as he faces the remaining faces in the room, “start prepping a prototype antidote from what we know-."
“We hardly know anything,” Roy interjects. “We’ll just be wasting valuable time, Dick.”
However, Dick doesn’t seem to hear him. He thanks Tim, who brings him the bagged stem, before moving over to the disgruntled redhead. From here, Dick places a sturdy hand on Roy's shoulder, reminding you much of Bruce.
“At this point, sitting around fiddling our thumbs is the only thing that’s actually wasting our time. Let’s get a move on,” Dick says. He gives Roy, then everyone else, a meaningful look before exiting the room with Wally. 
Roy huffs, “So, while Dick’s in space, we’re just supposed to-.”
“Space?!” you cut Roy off with wide eyes, finally feeling awake for the first time since, well, Cheshire’s unexpected visit. “The Watchtower’s real? And it’s actually in space?!”
Everyone looks around in amusement, but you’re entirely amazed at how casual Dick is about going to fucking space.
“Shit,” Roy mutters to himself. “Don’t tell Bruce that I was the one who told you, okay?” In response, you half-heartedly mime zipping up your lips, smiling gently when the redhead’s frown finally cracks at the cute sight.
While Luke, Tim, Roy, Jason, Connor, and Damian look over the previous results, you, Steph, and Jon exit the conference room in search of a vending machine.
Right now, you’re tired, anxious, and seriously hungry. You know you won’t be much help to anyone unless you get some junk food in you and fast.
As soon as you’re out in the hall, both Stephanie and Jon notice the shift in your disposition.
“What’s wrong?” Jon asks with his dark brows drawn in concern at your uncharacteristic quietness.
Stephanie hums like she agrees with the question, “You seem off, for sure.”
“Haunted even,” Jon adds absentmindedly. He at least has the decency to throw his hands up in faux-surrender when you shoot a tired glare his way.
While everyone’s just now starting to understand how serious this is, you’ve known for so long and have been ignored at every turn. Even now, they have no idea what’s coming, though you have little more information to offer them.
“Thanks,” you huff half-heartedly. You’d escaped The Court mere hours ago, and now, here you are with time ticking dangerously close to combustion. “It all adds up,” is what you end up saying. Your words do nothing to quell the concerned look upon either of their faces, so you attempt to assuage the conversation. “I just mean,” you sigh, “everything’s coming to a head. It feels like the floor’s giving out beneath me, and all I can do is sit here and wait for it to envelope me whole.” Okay, well, that wasn’t any better.
Steph looks around at the bustling room and draws you out into the corridor. “What’s going on?”
“I still don’t think, even with all this manpower, that this is going to end well.” You can’t even bring yourself to look at her as all your visions angrily swarm your brain like a hive of wasps. “We’re too late,” you confess solemnly.
The vending machine is half-empty when you come upon it. Stephanie quickly inserts a code that causes the front of the machine to creak open like a door, leaving the insides ripe for the picking. She wastes no time in shoveling its contents into Jon’s arms before shutting it and motioning the three of you back down the hall.
“I don’t know why I’m the only one carrying anything,” Jon grumbles lightly.
“Super strength,” Stephanie supplies easily. “Well, that and feminism probably,” she adds after pretending to think on it.
They both look at you, once again noting in concern how you seem entirely preoccupied in your own head. Glancing at each other in concern, they engage you again.
“You know we’re all here for you, right?” Jon asks rhetorically as he jogs to catch up with your quick pace. “We’ll figure this whole thing out. It’ll be okay,” he promises you, though you seem largely unconvinced.
Meanwhile, Stephanie continues to take in your unfocused form as she gently places a hand on your shoulder. You halt in your tracks, finally coming back down to Earth. 
“Listen, we’re all in this together,” she says gently, and Jon nods cutely in agreement. “Some High School Musical ass shit, okay?” She cracks a smile, urging for you to do the same, but yours falls entirely too flat for either of them to believe. “Look, we’ve got the best people trying to crack the case. We’re all busting our asses to keep everything in control,” she tilts your head her way, looking into your eyes sincerely as she says, “so, no matter what happens, no one can say we didn’t try our damndest to save as many as we could, and I’m okay with that.”
Your eyes search her crystal blue ones for answers neither of you possess. 
“Well, I’m not.” You shake your head lightly. With this, you gently brush her hand off your shoulder to rejoin the others. It’s all hands on deck, and you can’t afford not to put every millisecond of your time into figuring this shit out. 
You’re going to save everyone. You’re going to put an end to this.
Less than later and nowhere closer to any further answers, Dick returns with the results. Meanwhile, Wally follows behind him, looking entirely lost in thought.
“Please tell me you guys found something,” Roy desperately greets the stony looking men.
“Well, the subway water seems to just be a mixture of Joker Dust and Fear Gas. The stem, on the other hand, well,” he trails off as he stares at you uncomfortably, “it’s symbiotic.” Dick sounds grim as he faces the expectant room. Your stomach drops, queasiness overcoming your body as the realization dawns on you… Everyone seems to come to the same conclusion at once. “This means that what she’s been seeing have been actual glimpses into Joker’s brain,” Dick finishes. 
Their analysis confirms that the Cadmus scientist had been telling the truth. The reason you’ve been getting sick, the reason you’ve been losing sleep for a year, is because of this new serum. The more injections, the more trials, the more you’ve combined with that fucking psychopath. 
It completely breaks your heart when the majority, Jason included, takes a step back from you like you’re some kind of fucking ticking time bomb. Fuck’s sake- that’s exactly what you are.
“She’s a liability,” Tim says abruptly, looking as if he regrets his words as soon as he sees the hurt look on your unmasked face. “Sorry,” he says sheepishly, though he now appears cautious in your presence. 
“What are we going to do?” Steph asks, searching across the other disturbed faces in the conference room. “If she can see his side, there’s a big chance that he can see ours, too. We can’t afford to have our plans-!"
“Hold up,” Roy interjects as he comes to your side, “she’s not leaving if that’s what you’re trying to get at.”
Dick looks around uncomfortably. “I already alerted Bruce,” Dick says. “He doesn’t want her-."
“I don’t give a fuck about what he wants. This is her city just as much as it is his- mine,” Jason growls suddenly as he sidles up on the other side of you. You look up at him shyly, hoping he doesn’t think any less of you now, knowing what’s been going on inside of you for so long. He meets you with reassuring eyes that quell the anxiety you felt when he’d originally backed away from you, though not entirely. “She’s an invaluable asset to this team regardless.”
To help prove his point, you decide it’s as good a time as any to reveal the tubes you’ve been keeping under wraps.
“I have these serums,” you interject hastily. “They were in the lab I was held in. I don’t know if they’re going to use them, they may not even necessarily be the final versions of anything, but at least it’s something,” you interject hastily. “This is what we need to focus on now,” you say. “We have mere hours left whether I’m in this room or not. People are going to start showing up for work soon, so we need to make sure we’re not wasting what little time we have left in here.” You hand over the tubes, the second one carefully as it’s severely cracked, to Luke, who looks down at them like he’s seen a ghost. He meets your gaze briefly, seeming as hesitant as the others until you say, “I was right about the Subway water. Just think about what else I could be right about. This is a dire situation, and it’s only going to get worse. Trust me,” you say, pointing at your head, “I know.”
“That’s great and all,” Dick says with a smile that falls flat, “but this whole thing could be a set up to throw us off their trail. Maybe they wanted you to find these- it could be a plethora of other things. I really don’t think it’s a good idea to fully invest in this as a last resort.”
“These vials are our last resort though,” Luke says, still peering at the vials as if they were somehow going to explode in his hands. “It’s a risk I’m willing to take, especially if they can help us figure out percentages. Connor,” Luke says suddenly, “I’ll need your help analyzing the green vial while I check your analysis over. Wally,” Luke turns to the other redheaded man in the room, “I’ll need you checking over the purple vial while Tim checks over your analysis. We don’t have any time to fuck anything up, so everyone needs to stay sharp and, most importantly, fast.”
Connor and Wally briefly look at each other, then at Luke before, ultimately, taking up the challenge. With their super speeds and the two smartest men in the room checking their work, you start to think your group may just finally have a chance to stop this.
As the official plan starts taking shape, Stephanie and Dick agree to break off from the group to scour the subway systems for signs of anyone.  Jon, on the other hand, takes up the daunting task of surveying The Court Headquarters for the emitter. That is, if it’s even still there. You wouldn't put it past The Court to have another last-minute trick up their sleeve.
With the tasks all divvied up, you, Roy, Jason, and Damian help out wherever and however you can.
Once Wally lays out the framework, Tim’s quickly able to piece together that the green vial is what’s currently in the subway water sample. When he and Luke go to compare Connor and Wally’s findings, they soon come to the conclusion that the purple vial is completely different and oddly absent from the water sample entirely. This fact stumps everyone in the room.
“At the very least,” Wally starts, “Connor and I can finally start composing an antidote.”
“We’ll need two,” Luke surmises, and Tim agrees. “These obviously are samples of a different formula, but it seems probable that they work in conjunction with each other.”
“Test the purple formula again,” Roy urges suddenly. “It has to be a match for The Winter Rose.”
Wally blurs out of view for a few minutes before phasing back.
“Preliminary results are showing a possible 100% match,” Wally states grimly. “How are we supposed to figure out an antidote for an extinct rose? No, no, no. How are we supposed to figure out an antidote and somehow make it water soluble in, oh, I don’t know,” the speedster sarcastically looks down at the watch attached to his suit, “two hours?”
“Not by sitting around moping,” Connor pipes up. Damian huffs in agreement as he fiddles around on one of the available monitors to attempt his own deduction with Roy’s help.
It’s at this exact moment that Jon flies back into the conference room appearing panicked.
“The emitter,” Jon speaks at a nearly super-human speed that you struggle to keep up with, “it’s gone. Their entire base is up in flames.”
Jason wastes no time in contacting Dick.
“Are you guys seeing anything?” Jason asks. “We have evidence to believe the emitter is on the move.”
“Nothing down here yet,” he finally replies. “We just got here a little bit ago, though,” Dick adds before cutting out into static again.
You can’t afford to waste any time, something Luke realizes as he resumes doling out more tasks.
“We’ll need all the super speed we can get,” Luke says as he comes upon Jon. “Think you can handle a little bit of chemical analysis?”
“I, uh,” Jon sputters. The Kryptonian appears as if he thinks anyone else in the room is better qualified for it but accepts regardless. “Of course.”
With three speedsters working on an antidote, everyone else in the room works on motives.
“They’re obviously after control,” you say. “They keep mentioning something big, and having symbiotic control over a fear-crazed Gotham City seems like just the way to do it. If Joker has anything to do with it, it makes sense that it would happen today, anyway.” April Fools has Joker’s name all over it and is just another clue leading you to believe that Joker really is involved in this whole plot.
“What I’m sure everyone is thinking is that they’re going to use the emitter in the subway system, but until we have proof of anything of the sort, we can’t believe it to be a fact,” Damian warns. “We need to remain sharp.”
“It seems like a plan The Court would want in on, but why would they want Joker to be the one in control?”
“They’re going to fuck him over, or, well, at least try to,” you say before repeating what you’d heard at The Court meeting a week prior. 
“It still feels like we’re missing something,” Jason pipes up, leaving Roy to nod in agreement.
“Nothing’s missing,” Damian insists as he continues to type away at the large monitor in front of him and Roy. “Some men just want the world to burn,” Damian says, sounding grave. The man is still facing the computer screen, but his reflection reads clearly on the reflection on the screen. “You know that as much as I do, Todd.”
Nearly two hours later, you’re no closer to a cure, but the process is steadily moving along. Connor, Wally and Jon are all on the cusp of discovery, it’s only a matter of minutes before one of them has a breakthrough, they inform the room.
Suddenly, the comms burst to life again.
“We’re not seeing any movement down here,” Stephanie says. “Nightwing and I are headed over to Batman’s position at the marina.”
“We’ll give you all the heads up when it starts getting active,” Dick adds.
By the time Luke sends you, Jason, Damian, and Roy to prepare to go undercover, it’s nearly 7 am on April Fools. 
In the meantime, Bruce has closed off the entire R&D wing for the day to make room for the speedsters and their experiments as they slowly inch closer to a cure. You can’t help but wonder if it’ll be enough.
With little else to do but wait, your partners drive you back to your apartment where they encourage you to try to get some sleep. After a bit of convincing, your tired body easily manages to nod off. Your dreams are surprisingly empty, though the fact isn’t comforting in the slightest. Especially not when you know that at any point, shit could go down. You’re all just waiting on the call.
After not nearly enough sleep, the team reconvenes at the Clock Tower.
Superboy, Flash and Jon have already made the breakthrough, now all they need to do is mass produce the antidote. Nightwing and Spoiler are still busy scouting out the marina for any changes while Batman meets Commissioner Gordon and a small fleet of policemen in the tunnel systems. Bruce had let the commissioner know about the terror plot on Gotham sometime while you were asleep, so the police are on standby and equipped with masks. In the little time they have, the police are doing everything they can while still remaining inconspicuous to minimize the effects of the anticipated gas attack.
All the while, Luke and Oracle watch all sides of the operation from her gigantic computer screens that easily rival the size of the Batcave’s. For safety, Alfred has agreed to stay with Batwing and Oracle and is currently puttering about in the small kitchen, dutifully making tea for the sleep-deprived tower inhabitants. 
When Damian arrives at the tower, he steps out of the elevator, then turns back to dramatically drag in a decently filled clothing rack. You and your partners remain mostly quiet. Everyone’s exhausted and on edge- it’s not a good combination. 
It feels like Damian’s just arrived when you get the heads up.
“They’re starting to board the ship,” Nightwing alerts over the comms, sending a flurry of panic into the pit of your stomach. You don’t feel prepared in the slightest. 
“The women I’m seeing are all wearing red,” Spoiler adds after a beat.
“There’s still no sign of the emitter down here in the tunnels,” Batman adds gravely. “I’m heading back out on patrol. Nightwing,” Batman suddenly says, “we’re on damage control for the time being. Spoiler, Red Robin, Batwing: you’re in charge of intervening where needed. We’ll need all the help we can get once the antidote is ready; that’s our top priority, but for now, focus on finding the emitter. Oracle will keep an eye on all aspects of the plan and communicate any changes as they become apparent. Robin, Red Hood, Arsenal, and Cardinal will be doing recon on the yacht.”
“What about us?” Jon’s voice crackles over the comm system. 
“Just focus on making the antidote,” Batman replies. “One of you will need to help disperse it while the other two remain producing more of it. We can’t risk not having enough.”
“We’re out of time,” Jason says grimly. “It’s now or never.” 
There’s no time left, just as you’d feared and warned for months now. 
With no other choice, you don the only red dress on the rack of options for formal wear Damian had brought. 
The dress is as over-the-top as your gown for the Wayne Gala all those years back had been. It’s a sleeveless, satin, crimson ball gown with a high slit running up the left side (X). However, the sweetheart-neckline dress leaves your scar completely visible, something Damian fixes in an instant. He gently hands a diamond choker to Jason, who easily fastens the cool metal around your neck, hiding the scar from view. With matching, extravagant earrings, and some strappy heels, you feel complete.
“You look beautiful,” Jason says in a hushed voice, leaving you to blush. Though the fate of the city rests in your hands, you can’t help but get lost in this intimate moment. Damian leaves to go change, but Jason and Roy stray behind. 
With Alfred conversing quietly with Babs and Luke, the three of you are left to your own quiet huddle.
“Are you sure you want to go through with this?” Roy asks gently. 
You know it’s nothing about undermining your abilities and everything to do with checking in with you. You haven’t slept much in the past, well, months at the very least, coupled with the fact that you just escaped The Court of Owls mere hours ago and were about to come face-to-face with them again, plus Joker.
“As much as I want to play Oracle with, you know, Oracle,” you joke, “I know I can help put a stop to this. I need to be there,” you insist, “to help put an end to this.”
With your resolute behavior evident, your partners are left to gather you up into a group hug. 
“Feels like a fucking goodbye,” Jason replies with thinly veiled distaste. “I don’t do this bullshit; it’s bad karma.”
“Well,” Roy teases as he squishes the two of you harder, “you do today, Jay.”
Eventually, Jason pulls away. Regardless of his previous stance, Jason leans down and places his rough hands against your soft cheeks. Without wasting another second, Jason’s lips brush gently against yours, slotting against them with a soft familiarity that leaves your heart pounding. Your hands rest on his muscular shoulders as you apply more pressure to the chaste gesture, savoring each and every second of Jason’s careful touch. 
When you split apart, you feel the heat of a wildfire blush gracing your cheeks in the wake of his love and reassurance. Still in Jason’s hold, you feel Roy’s verdant eyes impishly watching. When you finally manage the courage to abashedly glance at the redhead through your lashes, you feel an unwarranted flash of shyness shock your system. It’s something Roy notices easily, and his smirk portrays easily. 
Jason glances down at your heated cheeks, then over at Roy’s wolfish grin before relinquishing you over to the redhead.
Roy wastes no time in taking your hands into his, squeezing them gently as he openly eyes you up and down.
“You look fucking amazing, baby,” he breathes earnestly. “Definitely going to remember this for later, trust me,” Roy adds cheekily, leaving you to giggle. Your heart thrums happily against your flushed chest, all while your eyes excitedly trace all the familiar features across Roy’s handsome face. “Come on now, princess,” Roy says as his eyes flit with each movement yours make. It’s as if he’s waiting for approval he should know he’s had all along. Well, that is until… “You know you want in on this,” he finally finishes his sentence with a lame waggle of his fiery brows. 
And, just like that, the spell is broken. 
“Dude,” you bemoan through a fit of laughter, only further spurred on by Jason’s snort. However, when Roy uses his hold on you to spin you around into a deep dip, your laughter abruptly stops. 
“I’m gonna get that kiss, darlin’,” Roy insists with a wink. 
Yup, the blush is 100% back on.
“Roy,” you trail off breathlessly as your eyes meet his. 
Suddenly, Roy’s light green eyes shift, and yours dutifully follow suit over to an enamored Jason. While you’re still dipped in his arms, Roy stretches his neck to steal a kiss from Jason, who huffs at the contact though his cheeks tell the true story. More crimson than your dress, his cheeks light up in a way you know leaves him even more embarrassed. It’s cute.
The cute sight is only bestowed upon you for so long before Roy can no longer contain his patience. 
“C’mere,” he says in a raspy voice as he draws you to his lips. Nothing about this kiss is chaste in the slightest, something Jason obviously enjoys as he lets out an approving hum as you sigh against Roy’s eager, wet lips.
For a moment, you truly forget about what’s about to happen. Just a moment. Then, reality crashes back down.
Roy finally releases you from the dip and Jason wastes no time in gathering you back up into his arms.
“Part of me wants to take you away from here,” Jason admits as he stares deeply into your eyes. “Everything in me selfishly wants to keep you out of this, to keep you safe. I know Roy feels the same way.”
“I remember saying something similar to her.” The sound of Damian’s voice startles you as the man rejoins your group in the main area of the tower, fully dressed in a three-piece suit. “As I recall, everything ended up fine,” he finishes with a small smile in your direction. 
“Let’s fucking hope so,” Jason says, sounding somewhat terse. 
This all feels so much more dangerous than The Court meeting, and you can't help but wonder just how many will die tonight on account of your negligence. You can’t help but bemoan that you didn’t speak up more, that you hadn’t been louder about what you felt was happening all along. Regardless, you’re going to make it right- even if it’s the last thing you do. If not for Gotham, for Lian.
“We need to get a move on,” Damian insists, motioning to the two suits still on the rack. Without further convincing, Jason and Roy snatch their clothes up before retreating off in the direction Damian had just emerged from.
While your partners are getting dressed, you turn your attention to the remaining dresses on the rack, only to find something bright red amongst them.
“What are these?” you question Damian as you pull out two long pieces of red fabric.
“Ah,” Damian replies as he steps closer and takes one of them from your hands, “I almost forgot.” You quirk a brow at his statement. It’s not in Damian’s nature to be forgetting things pertinent to a mission but it further shows just what a shit show the past few hours have been for everyone involved.
“Are those the gloves?” Luke asks suddenly, seemingly distracted from whatever Babs has on the screen as he addresses Damian.
“Gloves?” you ask dumbly before finally clearly seeing the seams of the fingers. “For me?”
“Well, you’ll need some kind of weapon, now, won’t you?” Luke teases as he watches Damian help you into them. “Damian and I had a bit of free time and wanted to try to perfect your suit’s gloves. These are still technically in the prototype phase, but they’re made out of a similar material to Batman’s cape.” You look over the design appreciatively. “You’ll notice the claw material is still just as strong but a whole lot lighter.”
“So light, I don’t even see the claws,” you joke as you look them over on your arms. They just look like completely normal, elbow-length gloves. 
“See,” Luke says excitedly, “that’s the beauty of the material.” 
With this explanation, or lack thereof, Damian takes your arms by the wrists and jerks them down. You go to pull away from his hold when you hear a whoosh. When you look back down, the normal gloves have tented into impressively sharp claws, reminiscent of the ones your Cardinal suit has.
“It’s like a tent!” you reply excitedly, moving to sheath them and draw them out once more. 
“Yes,” Damian replies with obvious distaste, “like a tent.” His distaste doubles when you dramatically unsheathe your claws like Wolverine. “I fucking knew you’d do some dumb nerd shit like that.”
“Yeah, yeah, and you and Luke still created them, anyway,” you tease right back, still enthralled by the gorgeous weapons you don.
Before Damian can retort, his phone rings. He glares at you briefly as if to say you’ve been let off the hook before answering.
“You’re really calling me for some sappy goodbye?” Damian asks after he picks up with his signature tch. Though his words sound hostile, you notice the way his face softens at the sound of Jon’s voice on the other end of the call.
You step away with Luke to give Damian some space just in time for Jason and Roy to rejoin you. You swear your jaw nearly drops at the sight that meets you. You’ve never seen them so dressed up since, well, the last Court meeting. However, they were fully decked out this time in similar three-piece suits to Damian’s, complete with white gloves and slicked-back hair that wasn’t present on the last mission.
“Speechless?” Roy approaches you wolfishly. “So was Jay, if you catch my drift,” he teases a red-cheeked Jason with a cheeky nudge.
“Shut up,” Jason says half-heartedly, nudging him back with enough force to leave Roy rubbing soothingly at the not-so-gentle contact.
“This will obviously be a mission without firearms,” Luke starts sheepishly. “That being said, I’ve helped craft some of the best weapons I can for your crew.” With this, the man unveils two, dastardly looking swords that retract from their hilts at a breakneck speed with a sinister shhhink.
Jason eyes the blades appreciatively, nodding to Luke to convey such as he tests out their weight for himself.
“These definitely lessen the blow of not having my handguns,” he admits, sounding genuinely grateful. You, on the other hand, are just glad he’s playing along with Bruce’s rules for tonight. 
“Damian has a similar one,” Luke admits. “Stealth and strength are what we were going for when we were tinkering around in R&D, so all of the blades are made from a nearly indestructible material called Nth Metal. Actually,” Luke finishes with excitement as Damian pockets his phone and joins your group, “I made some collapsable arrows for Roy with it, too. The tips are entirely coated in a thin layer of the material to remain as lightweight and effective as possible.”
It’s all Luke has to say to get Roy giddily looking the weapons over.
“This is fucking sick, man,” Roy thanks him with a clap on the back and a wide grin. “Only you could pull some shit off like this.” At this, Damian clears his throat expectantly. “The fuck do you want, hellspawn?”
Damian’s deathly glare sears into Roy’s verdant eyes. 
“Some god damned credit,” the raven sneers. 
“Credit?” Roy asks, though his eyes appear too mischievous for the question to have been genuine. “Oh! My bad.” At this, Damian perks up a bit, though still seems entirely wary of Roy’s approaching form. “Thank you so much, Damian. You’re the smartest, most intelligent,” at this, Roy leans in and gives Damian a noogie, “little shit I’ve ever met.”
“Hey!” Damian quickly smacks Roy’s bionic hand from his previously meticulously styled hair. “I should kill you for this, Harper,” Damian hisses, getting up in the redhead’s face, but Roy appears completely unperturbed with a shit-eating grin.
“What’s the ETA?” You suddenly hear over the comms. At this, the mood in the room shifts immediately. 
With nothing left to stall your group, the four of you say goodbye to Babs, Alfred, and Luke before wordlessly making your way over to the marina. When you’re nearly to your destination, Batman’s voice startles across the comm system to debrief your squad.
“We’ll be nearby in case anything goes wrong. Remember, tonight, your group follows my commands,” Batman says. “You’re to keep it non-lethal.” With this, everyone in the car shifts their attention to a pissed-off-looking Jason, though he thankfully bites his tongue.
“Understood,” Jason responds tonelessly from the driver’s seat. “But just as you’ve done numerous times in the past, it doesn't mean I'm saving everyone.”
“Hood.” Batman’s warning is evident without anything more needing to be said.
“We’re all in agreement,” Damian ends up replying for Jason, leaving your partner to roll his eyes.
There’s a beat of silence before Batman adds, “Stay safe out there. All of you.”
As the car settles into park, you release a breath you hadn’t realized you’d been holding in for who knows how fucking long. Before you can get too in your head, Damian shoves two owl masks into your gloved hands in the backseat before handing one to Jason beside him in the front. Handing one off to Roy, you blankly stare down at the remaining white mask, surrounded by a sea of red fabric. 
With the marina a mere two blocks away and the sun officially having set, you slip on the owl mask and step out of the car. 
This whole situation is all your fault, but you’re going to try your damndest to right it… to right everything.
It all ends tonight.
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A/N: thank you for being patient while I got my laptop situation figured out! ars and cs have both been updated and edited in case you want to check out the change I made. The end of chap 10 has been changed if you want to do a quick reread before diving in here btw!
also, joker dust / gas is new to batman kinda as a way to show the rise of a new villain, meaning scarecrow may have been on batman’s radar, but he hasn’t necessarily put in time to figure out who was behind the mask yet bc scarecrow wasn’t really a big threat like joker aka why there’s not much info on the man yet
[next: coming soon]  ||  masterlist || pinned || ways to support
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eelclaw · 4 months ago
i read a light in the mist, so here are my chapter summaries. i included what-the-fuck moments, denoted (?), as well as irritating moments from the text. my final thoughts are at the bottom.
part 1: the chapter summaries
prologue: while he watches snowtuft and rootspring fight, ashfur reflects on how we got here.
chapter 1: rootspring tries to defend himself from snowtuft without hurting him. ashfur gets frustrated and sets his army on rootspring. bristlefrost jumps in, giving rootspring hope.
chapter 2: shadowsight watches bristlefrost run away to help rootspring. he sees ashfur, then shouts hurtful things at him to break his concentration over the spirit cats. the spirit cats run away, but the dark forest cats chase after them and bring them back. bristlefrost and rootspring run away, and shadowsight is attacked by ashfur.
chapter 3: while rootspring saves shadowsight from ashfur, bristlefrost saves stemleaf from mapleshade. ashfur appears and takes control of the spirit cats, but snowtuft attacks ashfur, breaking his concentration, and the spirit cats run away. bristlefrost, rootspring, and shadowsight also run away. they are joined by stemleaf and spiresight, and then by willowshine, who leads them to the barrier to starclan, where they speak to leafpool. it seems like hope can break the barrier down, but they need more cats (?). the spirit cats sense ashfur coming, so they run away. shadowsight heads for the moonpool, while bristlefrost and rootspring split up to lose ashfur.
chapter 4: rootspring is chased a little bit, then decides to find and watch ashfur (?). he finds ashfur, dark forest cats, and spirit cats at the lake. then he decides to go to the moonpool, but mapleshade intercepts him.
chapter 5: shadowsight makes it to and through the moonpool. the leaders are there, arguing over whether bramblestar is still under ashfur's influence. shadowsight lets them exposit for a while before letting them know he's standing there. he tells them what's happened, then tries persuading them to send a patrol to the dark forest.
irritating moments:
squirrelflight whirled on the skyclan leader. "you should be glad to have [bramblestar] back!" (comment: i'm not)
shadowsight blinked in surprise. how could the skyclan leader believe that bramblestar could be anything but brave and honorable?
"but i am myself now, not ashfur!" [bramblestar] exclaimed. "i've never been anything like him!"
chapter 6: bristlefrost stumbles across redwillow, maggottail, and sparrowfeather. she eavesdrops on them, but they realize she's there, chase her down, and catch her. she tries persuading them to fight ashfur.
irritating moments:
[bristlefrost] had to persuade [redwillow, maggottail, and sparrowfeather]. puffing out her fur, she tried to imagine what bramblestar would say.
chapter 7: rootspring is imprisoned by mapleshade and houndleap, and ashfur checks on him. the voice in rootspring's head tells him to say something spooky (?). ashfur is freaked out, and he leaves to check the barrier.
chapter 8: shadowsight is still arguing with the leaders. they finally agree to send a patrol, and to meet at the moonpool before dawn. the shadowclan cats go home, and lightleap is picked for the patrol.
irritating moments:
[tree] paused, his eyes traveling over the group. "what i'm asking you now is, if you don't have starclan, what are you?"
shadowsight's paws tingled. this great warrior was volunteering to risk his life for his clan. he felt a new rush of affection for [graystripe]. thunderclan was lucky to have him.
"cloverfoot can't go," [lightleap] mewed earnestly. "she's our deputy. we can't manage without her. snowbird is a great warrior, but she's nearly an elder." (comment: but graystripe is an elder)
chapter 9: bristlefrost goes to the barrier with maggottail, redwillow, and sparrowfeather. needletail is on the other side and tells them that starclan is collapsing. they make an opening big enough for needletail to get through. bristlefrost suddenly feels dizzy, and rootspring's face appears to her, telling her that ashfur is coming (?). ashfur comes to them, with the spirit cats, including stemleaf, willowshine, and spiresight, under his control.
chapter 10: rootspring is still imprisoned. the voice in rootspring's head tells him to say more spooky shit, which freaks out darkstripe. the voice reveals itself to be firestar and asks to take over rootspring's body (?). rootspring lets him, and firestar kills darkstripe, scaring off all of rootspring's guards, except silverhawk. rootspring comes back to hismelf, and he and silverhawk go to find bristlefrost.
chapter 11: ashfur makes the spirit cats attack needletail. bristlefrost attacks ashfur to break his concentration. maggottail, sparrowfeather, and redwillow join bristlefrost, but ashfur takes control of the spirit cats, so they have to run away. redwillow falls in some water and dies, then needletail calls them up into a tree. they capture berrynose, stemleaf, and willowshine, holding them in place until ashfur is out of range, freeing them. they climb out of the tree, and rootspring and silverhawk join them.
irritating moments:
"firestar's with us?" needletail was pawing the ground. "i think so," rootspring told her. needletail whisked her tail happiily. "then we've got nothing to worry about."
chapter 12: shadowsight escorts lightleap to the moonpool, but she can't let the sisters' singing into her thoughts, so shadowsight takes her place in the patrol, and they go to the dark forest.
irritating moments:
"every one of us is risking our lives," [mistystar] told them. "and our future in starclan. but if we fail, our clans will lose more. that's why they are sending us on this mission. why else would thunderclan even think of risking an elder as loved and valued as graystripe?" she dipped her head respectfully to the gray tom, and he dipped his in return. then she turned her gaze to crowfeather. "as deputy of windclan, you've proved your worth over and over again."
"you're the youngest volunteer," [mistystar] mewed. lightleap glanced at her paws self-consciously. "which means you're risking more than any of us. you have many moons as a warrior ahead of you. you may yet decide to take a mate and have kits. it isn't just your future in starclan that you are risking, but your future beside the lake."
squirrelflight lifted her muzzle. "i'll go." "no." tree lifted his muzzle. "bramblestar will never forgive us if we let you go." (comment: i do actually agree with keeping squirrelflight safe once she's escaped ashfur, but this sentence made me cringe)
chapter 13: bristlefrost, rootspring, needletail, maggottail, sparrowfeather, silverhawk, berrynose, stemleaf, and willowshine go to the starclan barrier. many starclan cats as well as juniperclaw join them. the spirit cats sense ashfur coming, but they decide to stay and just resist ashfur's control (?). someone approaches, and firestar attacks them.
chapter 14: graystripe is attacked by firestar, but each realizes who the other is, and the two patrols merge. shadowsight tries to use his connection to reach out to ashfur, but sees himself, and something in his vision attacks him.
chapter 15: bristlefrost sees shadowsight cry out and fall unconscious, but he wakes up, so the patrol keeps going. they come across a river, and bristlefrost pulls down a tree so they can cross. they stumble across ashfur talking to himself in a clearing, and darktail emerges with a horde of rogues, who attack the patrol (?).
irritating moments:
[firestar] seemed so certain and unafraid. how could [bristlefrost] give up hope when firestar was with them?
chapter 16: rootspring tells shadowsight to climb a tree and focues on the fight. he throws a rogue into the water, which is eating up the battlefield. eventually needletail and violetshine kill darktail, and the rogues flee.
chapter 17: shadowsight feels useless up in a tree, but at least the rogues are gone! the rogues are herded back into the fight by mapleshade and thistleclaw. shadowsight falls out of the tree, and a rogue attacks him, but bristlefrost saves him and tells him to run. he passes out. ashfur comes to him in his mind and tells him he's dying, and asks him to join him. shadowsight refuses, so ashfur tells him he's pathetic and nobody likes him.
chapter 18: bristlefrost sees that ashfur is about to throw shadowsight in the water. she knocks ashfur into the water and falls in with him. in her last moments, she imagines a future with rootspring.
chapter 19: with ashfur dead, the battle breaks up and the water recedes. rootspring mourns bristlefrost.
chapter 20: shadowsight wakes up from his ashfur-vision and realizes bristlefrost is missing. as the patrol heads to starclan, shadowsight spirals, but juniperclaw grounds him. leafpool tells shadowsight that his connection with starclan is gone.
irritating moments:
"do you think i'm disloyal after i've fought so hard to save the clans?" [rootspring] asked. violetshine bristled. "of course not! no one does!" murmurs of agreement spread among the others. "and yet i loved bristlefrost. rootspring's through tightened, his voice growing husky as he went on. "i tried not to love her. i knew i'd be betraying my clan. i tried reasoning with myself, but it was impossible. when we got home, i was going to join thunderclan to be with her." …mistystar looked at rootspring, her eyes glistening. "i know how much it hurts to lose a cat you love," she mewed softly. "and i would never accuse you of disloyalty. but if we allow cats from different clans to become mates and have kits, it'll undermine every clan."
chapter 21: the patrol enters starclan, and rootspring watches the patrol reunite with lost loved ones. there is an argument over who deserves to be let into starclan, and whether someone deserves a second chance if they break the warrior code, and whether the code should be changed. graystripe reveals that he was mortally wounded in the battle.
chapter 22: the patrol goes through the moonpool, reentering the living world, and tell the others what happened. graystripe finally dies.
chapter 23: the next day, shadowsight and the healers meet at the moonpool. shadowsight tells the others that he can't share with starclan, and everyone apologizes to him, even though there was no buildup to it at all.
[shadowsight] blinked at her. "but you were so angry with me for bringing ashfur back." mothwing sniffed. "i had to be angry with some cat," she mewed. "i'm sorry i was so hard on you. i was grieving for my place in riverclan and needed some cat to blame. and i suppose, in some way, you represented my worst fear- that living cats would go against their own instincts to follow the dangerous instructions of some long-dead cat."
"mothwing gets along fine without sharing with starclan." [jayfeather] turned his blind gaze on mothwing, with just a touch of apology in his expression. i suppose he's sorry for revealing her secret to a whole gathering, shadowsight mused as the thunderclan cat went on. (comment: jayfeather's relationship with mothwing changes as the plot requires, but i choose to believe that they settled their differences in oots)
chapter 24: the clans have a gathering, and bramblestar summarizes the events of the arc. there is an argument about cats from different clans becoming mates, but rootspring speaks out. many cats stay after the gathering for a vigil. spotfur, ivypool, and fernsong ask rootspring to make their lost loved ones appear. he can't, but he realizes that bristlefrost will always be with him.
had [the clans] forgotten how easily they'd turned on each other and how far they'd gone in driving out codebreakers under ashfur's command? not to mention the warriors who'd insisted that the real bramblestar was gone and that they should kill ashfur even though it risked leaving bramblestar's spirit with no body to return to. bramblestar must know this. he'd watched the clans as a ghost. rootspring felt a new rush of respect for the thunderclan leader. he was being generous with his speech.
[rootspring] forced himself to go on. "would any of you question my loyalty?" kitescratch blinked at him. "of course not." "you're one of the lights in the mist," shimmerpelt called. "and yet i was willing to leave my clan for a cat i'd fallen deeply in love with," he mewed. kitescratch stiffened, surprise rippling through his fur. around the clearing, rootspring heard gasps. "leave his clan?" "who was he in love with?" (comment: who the fuck do they think he was in a half-clan relationship with? surely not that thunderclan girl who all of the clans have teased him about liking since he was a new apprentice)
part 2: my thoughts
verdict: i hate this book
to nobody's surprise, the theme of redemption was handled poorly
most of the book consists of characters telling each other to run and running away and splitting up and being recaptured and jumping in to distract ashfur and running away again
there's the way starclan and the dark forest and the spirit world work, and how none of it is explained, but at the same time all of it is overexplained, if that make sense. the worldbuilding is just incredibly unsatisfying, like the authors pulled it out of their ass
small pet peeve, but the dark forest intensifies the cats' feelings of fear and anger, and every time they realize it and they think, "oh no... the dark forest is getting to me... but i won't let it change who i am!" and it's kind of annoying
i hate that the barrier can be broken down by thinking positively, and i hate that a patrol is sent to the dark forest, and i hate the cats that were chosen for the patrol
what does the patrol actually accomplish? i just read the book and i can't remember
lightleap's rejection is a very transparent attempt to add tension and still get our third pov character in the dark forest, but this adds nothing to lightleap's character since her plot gets dropped in asc, so this scene is stupid
speaking of putting shadowsight in the dark forest, why is he there? when ivypool, tigerheartstar, et al talked about the dark forest, shadowsight argues that the dark forest has changed since they trained there, and he should join the patrol because he is the most familiar with the dark forest in its present state
but everything he knows about the dark forest, the others can quickly figure out
instead, shadowsight spends his time in the dark forest feeling useless, since he's injured and lacks battle training, and the worst part is he's right, because he's just constantly in danger and the others keep having to protect or rescue him
also, shadowsight and ashfur have a mental connection, but it's never used in an interesting or meaningful way
and i can't take the connection seriously, because the explanation for it is basically "we're not so different, you and i", except ashfur is cartoonishly evil, and little has been done to establish their similarities
but it's not just shadowsight! none of the characters do anything! if bristlefrost had drowned herself and ashfur at the end of the last book, we wouldn't be missing out on anything. in fact, she would've saved me from 200 pages of this nonsense
tldr: sure, this book was built on shaky foundations (the abysmal pacing of the previous four books), but it didn't even try.
part 2.5: my ending
i have an alternative end in mind, but i need to establish some things first:
antagonists: ashfur doesn't have some grand scheme, he's much more of an opportunist. bramblestar is controlling and manipulative in his own right.
the connection: shadowkit has a strong connection to starclan, as shown by his prophetic dreams (which are implied to have been ashfur? we're getting rid of that). when shadowpaw is an apprenticed, ashfur co-opts this connection for his own use.
rootspring's powers: keep his ability to see ghosts, since him seeing bramblestar's ghost is pretty important to the plot. but we're getting rid of his ability to feel things through the land, since he uses it like three times, and it's not worth the bullshittery.
bristlefrost: she starts off similar to ashfur. self-absorbed, broody, obsessed with someone who doesn't return her feelings. like shadowsight, she was manipulated by ashfur, but i want her to be messy. perhaps, unlike shadowsight, she enacted ashfur's will voluntarily. enthusiastically. she was loyal to the imposter because she believed what he preached, and she didn't care who it hurt... until it hurt her family. her arc could be about learning to care about issues that don't affect her, because they affect other people.
shadowsight's warrior training: there's a few scenes where shadowsight, feeling lonely and ostracized, joins his sisters on warrior patrols. this subplot doesn't go anywhere, but i'm making full use of it. shadowsight actually learns from these excursions, and develops stronger fighting skills, which he'll use to defend himself in the dark forest.
bramblestar and squirrelflight: it feels like squirrelflight is robbed of a climactic ending. again, i agree that sending squirrelflight back into the dark forest after she escapes is a stupid risk, but since bramblestar and squirrelflight escape in book 5, we lose those stakes in book 6. so i would keep them in the dark forest for longer, they don't get to escape until the final battle.
okay! we have the ingredients, so here's how i would end tbc:
i think the final battle in the dark forest should have been shadowsight, bristlefrost, and rootspring. just the three of them, no stupid patrol. they swear to end this.
shadowsight wants to save bramblestar, since he feels guilty for killing him. what kind of healer kills? bristlefrost wants to take ashfur down for encouraging her flaws and leading her down the wrong path. i think rootspring would compliment them nicely as a neutral force. it would be nice to rescue that ghost that pestered him for a few months, but it's more important to save themselves.
so they travel through the dark forest, searching for ashfur, and i would give all three of them get moments to shine, moments to show off their skills and growth. i'm running out of steam again so i'm not going to come up with specific examples. maybe shadowsight uses his connection to track ashfur and his new training to protect his friends. rootspring's power could actually be relevant, maybe he can do something with the spirit cats in the dark forest. maybe he can free them from ashfur's control. idk. bristlefrost is shown in the books to be impulsive but quick-witted under pressure. the point is, there's potential here.
the three find ashfur and his prisoners. after a long battle, they free squirrelflight and bramblestar, and to not deviate too far from canon, bristlefrost dies killing ashfur. he tries the "we're not so different" spiel first, appealing to the character she starts off as, but she's learned and grown and she won't let him get to her. in his last moment, ashfur severs his connection, shadowsight's connection, with starclan.
rootspring and shadowsight converse with starclan before they return to the living world, and i want this to be the first hint of discontent. after everything, the starclan cats are more concerned with their precious code than with pardoning the dark forest cats who helped save them. rootspring and shadowsight argue with them, and manage to convince them that the code should be changed, and they return to the living world feeling faintly disappointed. after all, these three young adults had their lives fundamentally changed after being caught up in grudges far older than and completely unrelated to themselves.
i want an epilogue where rootspring and shadowsight sit together during a gathering, quietly watching bramblestar. they were kids the last time they saw the thunderclan leader in this place, but they're adults now. old enough to know that leaders make mistakes, like all other cats. experienced enough to recognize bramblestar's controlling tactics, to notice when he subtly demeans squirrelflight.
rootspring remembers how bramblestar's ghost followed him, demanding his help. how he couldn't sleep, eat, or train without bramblestar's voice snarling in his ear. shadowsight wonders how it took so long for thunderclan to realize there was something wrong with their leader.
now that it's over, they doubt if it was worth the price. would bristlefrost have sacrificed herself if she knew who it was for?
part 4: extra
bonus thing that pissed me off! here's every time someone mentioned being a "true warrior":
a true warrior accepted defeat and moved on. protecting their clan was more important. but ashfur had let his bitterness grow until it tainted his whole life.
how could a warrior like squirrelflight ever love a warrior like you? no wonder she chose bramblestar. he's everything you're not. he's brave and loyal. he's a true warrior in a way you could never be."
"if [snowtuft] is dead, he died a true warrior's death," [bristlefrost] murmured.
"i was with them," [shadowsight] called out as he limped from the edge of the moonpool. "i know what happened there. bramblestar and squirrelflight were true warriors! they couldn't change even if they wanted to. they would die for their clan and for each other and you know it."
"you have a chance to do something you never did in the living forest," bristlefrost pressed. "you have a chance to fight on the side of goodness and courage and loyalty. you have a last chance to be true warriors."
"if we betray starclan, we give up what it means to be true warriors." bramblestar swished his tail.
there was only one way to end this fight. the thought of it made [firestar] shudder. but he would do what he had to do. a true warrior always did- and he had never stopped being a warrior.
"don't rely on us," willowshine warned. "why not?" needletail blinked at her. "have you forgotten ashfur can control us?" willowshine mewed. berrynose's pelt ruffled self-consciously. "we'll try to fight it, but ashfur's power is strong here." "but you're true warriors," needletail insisted. "that's not enough." berrynose told her darkly.
maggottail narrowed his eyes. "why risk your place in starclan?" he mewed sourly. "i'd risk anything to save my clan," stemleaf retorted. as berrynose whisked his tail in agreement, firestar looked at maggottail. "for true warriors, the clans' future is more important than our own," he mewed.
"if you're looking for a way out of the dark forest, forget it," needletail snapped. "you won't be forgiven for what you did." "i'm not!" juniperclaw mewed quickly. "and i know. i just want to prove that i'm a true warrior despite everything. to myself and to my clan."
"i've made nothing but bad decisions. but now-" he glanced at rootspring and then bristlefrost- "i've seen what it is to be a true warrior and risk everything for others."
rootspring remembered snowtuft. the dark forest warrior had given up any future he could have in order to save living cats. didn't any cat who finally became a true warrior, no matter how long it took, deserve to be accepted?
needletail's eyes widened. "did you name her after me?" "of course after you." violetshine nudged her old friend with her nose. "my kit deserves a true warrior's name."
"we discussed with firestar and leafpool how to make the warrior code more relevant to our lives beside the lake. you will know now that starclan agreed to reorder the rules so that we know which parts of the code they value most. loyalty is at the heart of every true warrior, and a willingness to protect those weaker than themselves."
"i thought starclan believed loyalty is at the heart of a true warrior," [shimmerpelt] grunted. "what's loyal about choosing a mate from another clan?"
dovewing's tail quivered angrily. "no true warrior would even think about switching clans for a crush!"
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ao3feed-brucewayne · 3 months ago
by Ktkat9 Bruce has his hands full as it is raising Timmy. He can't take in another kid. Even if... that kid is wandering Gotham alone. In winter. With terrible clothes he clearly found in a dumpster.   12 Days Of Christmas prompt: Little lie/ (Angst with a happy ending). Words: 1889, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English Series: Part 2 of 12 Days Of Christmas 2024 Fandoms: Batman - All Media Types Rating: General Audiences Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, No Archive Warnings Apply Characters: Bruce Wayne, Jason Todd, Tim Drake (DCU) Relationships: Tim Drake & Bruce Wayne, Jason Todd & Bruce Wayne Additional Tags: Baby Tim Drake, Implied/Referenced Child Abuse, Child Neglect, Accidental Baby Acquisition, Young Jason Todd via https://ift.tt/Nq4VvMY
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ktwritesstuff · 2 years ago
Nothing Else Matters (a Triple Frontier shifters AU) Chapter 2
Title: Nothing Else Matters Fandom: Triple Frontier Rating: Explicit Characters & Pairings: Reader x Triple Frontier Boys reverse harem style Word Count: ~2,000 Summary: Sneaking around the family cookout with Frankie in flashback.
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Chapter One | Chapter Two (below cut) | Chapter Three | Chapter Four | Chapter Five | Chapter Six
Chapter Two.
After Tom and his wife separated, he had you basically squatting in an unsold condo in Jacksonville.  It was humiliating.  You were approaching your mid-thirties.  You were supposed to be settling down somewhere beautiful, raising children, expanding your pack’s territory.  Instead, you were barely scraping by.
Will agreed that if Tom gave permission you could stay with him; you could start your family and he would support you until Tom got back on his feet.  Tom refused outright.  Claimed it was too complicated with Molly and the girls (you didn’t know what he had expected, taking a human mate.)  He was ashamed of his own inadequacies as a husband and a provider and he took it out on you.  It wasn’t fair, Will knew it, but he wouldn’t defy Tom.  You understood, but that didn’t keep you from resenting him.
The one nice thing about the shitty retirement community where Tom had you holed up was that in the summer, when the snowbirds flew north, you had the pool practically to yourself.  It was a rare weekend when Tom had the girls; you were celebrating with a cookout.  The boys came over to drink beers in the sun and enjoy time with the family. 
You even bought a new bikini for the occasion: blue with white flowers, cut to accentuate your curves, but still modest enough to wear around the kids.  Tess was at an age to understand just enough to blame you for her parents’ failed marriage, but you figured there was still hope for Evie.
You and Benny swam with Evie while Tess sunbathed and Tom, Will, and Frankie played a low-stakes game of Rook at one of the plastic tables on the deck.  Benny made a game of lifting Evie out of the water and launching her into the deep end of the pool.  
“Think you could do me?” you laughed, paddling towards him.
“Challenge accepted.”  
Benny squatted down to get his hands under your bum and as he lifted you out of the water you felt his fingers slip under the gusset of your bikini bottoms.  You hit the water with impressive force and made sure you were still tucked into your suit before coming back up for air.
“Again! Again!”  Evie cackled gleefully as she was doused by the splash.  
“Gotta give the people what they want,” Benny said, pulling you toward him through the water.  
This time when he reached under you, his fingers curled deep enough into your folds that it could not have been an accident.  You gasped, choking on a mouthful of water as you surfaced, kicking your feet at Benny, Evie happily joining in to drench him in the over-chlorinated water.     
“Hey, that’s enough of that,” Tom called as the water splashed over the edge of the pool.  “Come on Evie, adult swim.  Go get your sister to put more sunscreen on you.”
Benny swam toward you as Evie paddled dutifully to the edge of the pool.  
“You hear that,” he said, grabbing you by the thighs and maneuvering your legs around his minuscule waist.  “Adult swim.” 
He slipped one hand under the waistband of your bikini and pressed his nose to yours. 
“Not in front of the girls,” you pleaded, your eyes shifting to where Tess and Evie were toweling off by the pool house.  “They still think I’m their dad’s girlfriend.”
“Now why would they think a silly thing like that,” Benny said, bobbing through the water, inching closer and closer to the deep end.  
“It was Tom’s decision.”  And Tom’s word was law.  You supposed it was less painful for him to let them believe their father was unfaithful to their mother than for them to know the truth: that he was utterly unsuited to raising a family.  
“Ready?” Benny said, moving you into deeper water.  He could still stand comfortably, but even on tip-toes your head would have been under.  
“One.  Two. Three–” 
You held your breath and closed your eyes as Benny dunked both of you under.  He pressed his mouth over yours, bubbles rising from the place where your lips met, tickling your nose.  A game of underwater chicken, waiting to see who would break first.  
Benny gripped your neck hard enough to bruise; you squeezed your knees into his sides, trying to force the air out of his lungs until there was no space left between you.  Seconds passed that felt like minutes as your lungs burned.  Finally, you pushed away from him, kicking for the surface.
You came up gasping for air, and threw your hair back from your face.  Benny surfaced right after, grinning like a wolf, reminding you how little separation there was between the man and the animal.  It was all just Benny.
“I got you,” he teased, swimming toward you.  “No escape.”
You swiped a hand across the water to splash him as he cornered you against the side of the pool, putting his hands and feet on the tiled wall on either side of you. You held onto his wrists, pressing the flat of one foot into his crotch, feeling him getting hard through his swim trunks.
“This is nice,” Benny said, leaning into you.  “All of us together again.”  
“Only one missing,” you said, your eyes drifting toward Frankie, sitting alone on the deck.
Frankie had taken Santiago’s leaving hard.  First there was the drinking, then the drugs, then rehab, and then a second stint in rehab after Tom caught him freebasing in the bathroom at Louie’s Cantina.  You worried about him; he wasn’t like the others.  Frankie was a sensitive soul.
“Death from above!” Will shouted, before cannon-balling into the pool, drenching both you and Benny.
“Vengeance!” Benny cried, launching himself through the water after his brother.  You paddled back to the steps as they play-fought in the deep end, holding one another under long enough to make you nervous.  
You showered in the pool house and slathered yourself in lotion.  The smell of chlorine covered a multitude of sins, but it was murder for your sensitive nose.  You dried your hair as best you could and changed into a long knit dress.  By the time you finished, Tom and Will were fighting with the grill, calling out orders for hamburgers and hotdogs.  
It was now or never.  You slinked over to where Frankie was nursing a lukewarm beer and sat in his lap.
“Mi amor,” he sighed with a smile that didn’t quite meet his eyes, setting his free hand on your knee.  “¿Come va?”
You draped one arm over his shoulder, plucking his ball-cap off his head and tossed it aside.  Frankie watched you curiously, but didn’t resist as you took his sunglasses off his face and placed them on your own head.
“Take me to bed,” you said, lifting your voice at the end of the phrase, although it hardly constituted a question.  
Frankie’s eyebrows rose to meet his hairline.  You took his beer from his hand and set it on the table beside you.           
“Yeah,” he stammered.  “Lead the way.”
You took Frankie by the hand and led him through the gate, as Tom swore and tried to smother a grease fire that had sprung up under the hotdogs.  
Inside the condo was cold and dark.  As soon as you closed the door, Frankie had his hands all over you, pawing at your breasts, sliding his hands up the slit in your dress to grope your ass, kissing your neck and exposed collarbones, knocking his glasses off your head.  They clattered onto the tile and you nudged them aside with one toe.
“Que rico.  Yo te quiero mucho, Estrellita.  Dime que quieres.  Yo te amo.”  
Frankie always reverted back to Spanish when he was riled up.  You loved it, even if you understood less than half of it.
You sighed contentedly, tipping your chin back to expose your throat to him, his beard scratching against your sunburnt skin.  You ran your fingers through his hair and reached one hand down the front of his shorts to stroke him as he nibbled and sucked at the pulse point in your neck.
“C’mon, give it to me,” you cooed.  “Want you so bad.  Need you to take care of me, baby.”
A growl rumbled in Frankie’s chest as he pressed you up against the wall right there in the entryway.  He gripped your thigh, hoisting your leg up over his hip, lifting you just enough to press his hard-on against your sex, hot and throbbing with desire.
“That’s right,” you urged.  “Right there.”
Frankie kissed you hard and slow and deep, his tongue delving past the sharpness of your teeth.  He tasted like cheap beer and corn chips.  He massaged your breasts, hips grinding into you. Your back arched and you held his face in your hands.  Frankie pulled away from you with a soft moan, resting his forehead on yours, stroking your bare arms.
“Mind if I freshen up?” he asked, nodding toward the bathroom.
“Be my guest,” you said, wetting your lips.  
You took a seat on the sofa in the main room as Frankie ducked into the bathroom down the narrow hall.  As you waited, Will came inside.  He disappeared behind the kitchen island as he stooped down, opening the fridge.  
“We have any more cheese for the burgers?” he called.  “Tom burnt the first round to hockey pucks.” 
“Should be in the drawer,” you said, trying to keep your voice even and calm.
Will stood, package of Kraft singles in hand, and looked down the hall where the light shone out from under the bathroom door and the sound of the exhaust fan running.  He turned back to you. 
“What the fuck are you doing?”
“Just taking a break from the sun,” you said, hoping that would explain why you were sitting in the dark, panting with exertion, your face flushed.
You had smothered yourself in rose oil to cover the smell of heat and sex, but it didn’t matter.  Ironhead probably knew your cycle better than you did.  
“You have got to be kidding me,” Will said.  “Have you lost your damn mind?”
“I’m a big girl, Will,” you said.  “I’ll do as I please.”  
“Tom said no.”  Despite his protests, Will kept his voice low as he came around the counter from the kitchen.  You rose to meet him in the hall.
“Tom doesn’t own me,” you said.  “He seems to forget that. Maybe you have, too.”
“And maybe you’ve forgotten we have rules for a reason,” Will said, always playing the good soldier.
“Just because you’re not man enough to do it, doesn’t mean it’s not the right thing to do,” you snarled.
“Fuck you, Ginger,” Will said, slamming the door behind him on his way out.
You watched him storm away through the front window, sticking out your tongue and lifting your middle finger, catching a glimpse of your eyes flashing amber in your reflection in the glass.
Frankie came out of the bathroom smelling like mouthwash and Old Spice deodorant.  It looked like he had made an attempt to tame his curls, dampening down unruly hat hair.  The gesture softened your raging heart.  
“Hey,” he said, sensing the change in you.  “Is everything okay?”
You shook your head, snaking your arms around his waist, comforted by his warmth, the subtle softness of his belly.  
“I’m fine–a little sun sick.”
“You sure?” he asked, brushing a hand over your hair.  “You want to lay down for a bit?”
“You’re always so sweet to me,” you smiled up at him and took his face in your hands.  “I just want you to be sweet to me.”
“Okay,” Frankie said, placing a soft kiss on the top of your head.  “Let’s go to bed.”
You pulled Frankie into the bedroom with outdated wicker furniture and closed the door behind you.  You lifted your arms, prompting Frankie to pull your dress off over your head.  Your breasts were probably too big to go braless, but you did it anyway.  Your nipples pebbled in the cold air as Frankie ran his fingers across the tops of your breasts.
You sank onto the bed, sliding across the cheap polyester sheets as Frankie pulled your panties off.  You leaned back on your forearms as he knelt between your legs, pulling his sweat-stained t-shirt off over his head.  You reached for his belt, unfastening the buckle and pulling the leather strap free.  
Frankie slid his hands under you, bowing his head to kiss a trail up the sensitive skin of your stomach.
“You are so beautiful,” he said, gazing up at you reverently.  “I still can’t believe I get to be with you.”  
“Come here,” you urged.  
Frankie sat up long enough to shuck off his shorts and boxers before laying down beside you, pulling the duvet up to ensconce you in a cocoon of warmth and darkness.  
The sound of Frankie whispering sweet nothings to you went straight to your core as his fingers circled your clit, dipping inside you.  You pressed your hands into Frankie’s chest as he fondled your stomach and breasts with his other hand.  Massaging and kneading until your body felt soft and pliant as dough under his hands.    
“¿Estás lista?” 
You murmured your ascent, opening your legs for him.  Frankie pressed the head of his cock into you, moving deeper with short, careful strokes.  
You ran your hands across the muscles of his back, feeling them flex and extend as he rocked into you.  Quick and shallow at first, then long and deep.  Your body tensed as the sensation built.  You scraped your nails across Frankie’s back, letting your head fall back, your mouth falling open with a gasp.
“I’m close,” Frankie warned, his back arching like a cat’s as he moved against you.  
“Don’t stop,” you pleaded, hitching your legs over his hips to keep him inside you.  “Don’t stop, please.”
Frankie moaned and went limp, his weight dropping onto you.  Your inner walls contracted and relaxed as he came inside you, milking him for every drop of seed.  He moved to roll over, but you put your arms around him to keep him close, warming his softening cock in the heat of your arousal.
“Stay,” you sighed, running your fingers through his hair.  “Can we just stay like this for now.  Please.”
Frankie nodded and bowed his head to your breasts with a sigh as you twisted his curls around your fingers.
“Yo te amo, Francisco,” you said, kissing the top of his head as he rested against you.
“Yo te amo, querida.”
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ao3feed-hawks · 2 years ago
Make My Lullaby a Fairytale
make my lullaby a fairytale by Stratagem
Hawks and Fuyumi find out they're having a baby and then they quickly discover they're having twins. Pregnancy ends up being quite the adventure.
Words: 2093, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Series: Part 2 of snowbirds and the flock (hawks/fuyumi and future|2nd gen fics)
Fandoms: 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero Academia (Anime & Manga)
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: F/M
Characters: Takami Keigo | Hawks, Todoroki Fuyumi, Todoroki Shouto, Todoroki Rei, Todoroki Natsuo, Todoroki Enji | Endeavor, Tokoyami Fumikage
Relationships: Takami Keigo | Hawks/Todoroki Fuyumi, Todoroki Fuyumi & Todoroki Shouto, Takami Keigo | Hawks & Tokoyami Fumikage
Additional Tags: Family Fluff, Family Feels, Pregnancy, todofam, Hawks and Tokoyami are Basically Siblings, twins on the way, pregnancy fluff and a bit of angst and introspection, Mostly Fluff, huwumi, Parenthood, Parental Takami Keigo | Hawks, Parental Todoroki Fuyumi
Read Here: https://archiveofourown.org/works/47930380
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qrowin-week · 2 months ago
Snowbird Week 2025 - Chapter 1 - KikiYushima - RWBY [Archive of Our Own]
Snowbird week 2025 day 2: wedding
by KikiYushima
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outboundsauto · 3 months ago
What Most People Don’t Know About Auto Transport
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It was a sunny California afternoon when Michelle, a young artist, received her dream job offer—on the other side of the country. With a moving truck already scheduled for her belongings, the biggest hurdle was figuring out how to get her car from Los Angeles to New York. That’s when she stumbled upon the intricate world of auto transport, a booming industry that quietly keeps America moving but remains largely misunderstood.
The Hidden World of Auto Transport
When we think about moving cars across the country, many imagine dealerships or luxury vehicles. However, the car transport industry serves everyday Americans like Michelle who need practical solutions for relocation, seasonal moves, or even online car purchases. In fact, a 2022 report by IBISWorld revealed that the U.S. auto transport industry generates over $12 billion annually, with millions of vehicles transported each year.
But there’s more to this industry than meets the eye. Let’s uncover some lesser-known aspects that make vehicle transport both fascinating and indispensable.
1. It’s Not Just About Trucks and Trailers
While large carriers dominate highways, smaller car transport companies play a crucial role in filling niche needs. Whether it’s enclosed shipping for classic cars or expedited deliveries, these smaller operators often deliver personalized services.
Interestingly, advancements in technology, like GPS tracking and AI logistics, have significantly improved delivery times and efficiency. A report from Statista highlights that nearly 65% of vehicle transport companies now use real-time tracking tools, giving customers peace of mind.
2. Seasonal Trends Can Impact Costs
Did you know the timing of your shipment can influence costs? Snowbirds—retirees who relocate between northern states and Florida during winter—cause a surge in demand for car shipping services. As a result, shipping a car from New York to Florida during peak snowbird season can cost up to 25% more compared to off-season rates.
Planning ahead and booking early can help secure better deals and avoid these seasonal price hikes.
3. There’s an Environmental Angle
Auto transport isn’t just convenient; it’s often greener than driving your car cross-country. A study by the Environmental Defense Fund found that transporting a car via a full carrier can produce 60% less CO2 emissions compared to driving it the same distance.
This surprising fact makes car shipping companies an eco-friendly choice for long-distance moves, especially for those looking to reduce their carbon footprint.
4. Not All Carriers Are Created Equal
The term vehicle transport company encompasses a wide range of businesses, from large national operations to small regional specialists. Customers should look beyond price alone when choosing a provider. Key factors to consider include:
Licensing and insurance
Online reviews and testimonials
Options for enclosed versus open transport
5. Your Car Travels in Good Hands
Michelle, our artist from earlier, eventually used an enclosed auto transport service to ship her car. She was able to track the vehicle’s journey in real-time, and it arrived safely at her new home. Stories like hers are common, with over 90% of customers reporting satisfaction with their car shipping experiences, according to the American Moving and Storage Association.
Final Thoughts
Whether you’re relocating for work, buying a vehicle online, or escaping winter for sunny shores, auto transport offers a stress-free solution. By understanding its hidden intricacies—like seasonal pricing trends and environmental benefits—you can make smarter, more informed decisions.
Next time you spot a car transport company trailer on the highway, remember the untold stories behind those vehicles. Like Michelle’s, they’re not just cars—they’re the start of new chapters in their owners’ lives.
IBISWorld, "U.S. Auto Transport Market Overview, 2022"
Statista, "Technology in Vehicle Transport, 2023"
Environmental Defense Fund, "Comparing CO2 Emissions: Auto Transport vs. Driving"
American Moving and Storage Association, "Customer Satisfaction in Car Shipping, 2023"
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lesfeldickbiblestudy · 2 years ago
  Through the Bible with Les Feldick LESSON 2 * PART 4 * BOOK 80 DANIEL – PART II - 4 Daniel 2:1 - 4:25 Okay, good to have everybody back from your break time. We’ll get right back to where we left off in Daniel.  But again, I always like to welcome our television audience.  My goodness, I don’t want to forget that they are out there, because they are so faithful and the letters are so encouraging.  And we just praise the Lord every day. My, when we were in Florida, we had dinner after church on Sunday with a couple who were “snowbirds”. They had come out of a dead religion.  My, how excited. You just can’t image how excited people can get when they finally find the truth of the Word of God.  And to think that we’re a part of it is mind-boggling. So, that’s why we always appreciate everybody’s prayers.  Not just for us personally, but for our listening audience—that we’ll get “Lydia’s”.  And every once in a while we get a letter—I’m one of your Lydia’s—that’s what we love to hear—“whose heart the Lord opened.” They’ve listened to what we said and choose right.  Because it’s still a choice, you know. You can choose to reject it or to believe it. All right, let’s come back to where we left off in verse 26.  Is that right?  Chapter 3 verse 26, I don’t know what I’d do without my front row.  They’re the ones that kind of keep me up to par.  Daniel chapter 3 verse 26, and here we have Nebuchadnezzar, again, aghast that these three young Jewish lads have survived that heated furnace. Now, I suppose the scoffer says this is just legend.  But no, it’s not.  The God in the Old Testament did the miraculous and all for our learning.  After all, God is the same, but He’s not working in those kinds of miraculous ways. Because you see, we have the Book.  This is the miracle in itself.  That we have everything we need right here between two covers.  So all these things, as Paul said, were written for our learning.  And I think I made my point in the last half hour, that this is all a preview of the Nation of Israel going through the horrors of the Tribulation, the fires that are still coming. And I appreciate when people come up and share things with me.  I just had one of our listeners share at break time where he was witness to one of the tests of our nuclear bombs back in 1950, and how horrendous that was. Then imagine what they are now. Because see, they don’t quit.  They don’t quit improving, improving, improving.  I know. I read a book sometime back that was pretty much the life of these Ph.D.’s—young, sharp scientists out there in our laboratories working on these weapons of mass destruction. And they’re just constantly refining them. And like he said, where they had detonated, everything, the steel towers, the mock villages, and everything were totally reduced to ash.  Well, that was in 1950!  Can you imagine what they’re doing today?  So, when I speak of the Tribulation days and the earth being reduced to rubble—with over 2,000 of those now in warehouses around the world, why, they could destroy this earth twice over.  And we know it’s coming.  It’s going to have to happen, because God is yet going to bring in that glorious Kingdom, which will be like the Garden of Eden.   All right, but back to Daniel now: Daniel 3:26 “Then Nebuchadnezzar came near to the mouth of the burning furnace, and spake, and said, Shadrach, Meshach, and Abed-nego, ye servants of the most high God, (Now he’s making a little headway, isn’t he?  He’s not there yet, but he’s not referring so much to his pagan gods. But now he’s recognizing that the God of the Jews is the most high God.) come forth, and come hither.  Then Shadrach, Meshach, and Abed-nego, came forth of the midst of the fire.” Daniel 3:27 “And the princes, governors, and captains, and the king’s counselors, being gathered together, saw these men, upon whose bodies the fire had no power, (The fire never touched them.) nor was an hair of their head singed, neither were their coats changed, nor the smell of fire had passed on them.
”  Miraculous?  Absolutely!  It just shows us, again, what our God is able to do. You know, I’m constantly aware—because you see, as I mentioned in one of our previous tapings, the most popular books the last twelve months in America, three of them in particular, sold by the millions. And all three of them were authored by atheists ridiculing the concept of God.  So, I have to come back with the opposite approach.  Our God is still the One who created this universe. And all you have to do is on a clear night, go out away from a lot of light and look at the sky.  And then remind yourself that you’re only seeing just one little particle of the whole, and God’s in control of all of it.  He can do whatever He wants with it.  And just because we’re not seeing things happen today like happened back here, doesn’t mean that God has lost His power.  He just hasn’t seen fit to use it.  But the day is coming when, yes, He’s going to intervene again in human history, and we are going to see the results of His power. All right, so here is just a good evidence of His miraculous power. That these young Jewish lads, in such a heated furnace, came out without even a hair singed.  All right, now then, ol’ Nebuchadnezzar’s starting to get the gist, isn’t he?  He’s waking up a little bit. Daniel 3:28 “Then Nebuchadnezzar spake, and said, Blessed be the God of Shadrach, Meshach, and Abed-nego, who hath sent his angel, (Now in this case, I feel it was God the Son Himself.) and delivered his servants that trusted in him, and have changed the king’s word, and yielded their bodies, that they might not serve nor worship any god, except their own God.”  In other words, they stayed true. Well you see, believers have done that in the last 2,000 years of human history—where they would rather die the martyr’s death as to give in to something false.   All right, now ol’ Nebuchadnezzar completely changes his attitude, and now he makes another decree, verse 29.   Daniel 3:29 “Therefore I make a decree, That every people, nation, and language, who speak anything amiss against the God of Shadrach, Meshach, and Abed-nego, shall be cut in pieces,...(Now he’s going the other extreme.  Now he’s going to cut up anybody that opposes it.  The foolishness of men is the only way I can put it.  And they haven’t changed all that much.)…because there is no other God that can deliver after this sort.” Well, that’s certainly true.  At least he got the message.  Now verse 30: Daniel 3:30 “Then the king promoted Shadrach, Meshach, and Abed-nego, in the province of Babylon.”  In other words, they moved even further up the governmental ladder. And remember now, they’re still rather young lads. Now, we’ll go on into chapter 4.  Because we’re going to go through the Book of Daniel chapter and verse, and after that?  I don’t know yet. Daniel 4:1a “Nebuchadnezzar the king, unto all people, nations, and languages, that dwell in all the earth:…” Now here again, I’ve got to remind you.  How much of the earth does Nebuchadnezzar know?  Just that little sphere of the Middle East.  They have no idea of the vastness, I don’t think, of China and the islands of the sea.  They certainly know nothing of the Western Hemisphere.  They know nothing of Europe, but only of their then-known world, the present area of civilization.  Of course he was the ruling monarch, and he makes these decrees. Daniel 4:1b-2 “…who dwell in all the earth; (That is his known earth.) Peace be multiplied unto you. 2. I thought it good to show the signs and wonders that the high God hath wrought toward me.”  Now, I think it behooves us—go back with me to Genesis. Because you know, I love to compare Scripture with Scripture. So come back to Genesis chapter 14, if I’m not mistaken.  I want you to see the difference between God as He revealed Himself to Israel and God as He’s now revealing Himself to this pagan king. Because it’s the same God, but He certainly has various names and titles and so forth. Now back here in Genesis 14 we have Abram shortly after his call out of Ur of the Chaldees.
  He comes to the rescue of his nephew Lot and his fellow Sodomites.  All right, Genesis chapter 14 and they have defeated those people who overran Sodom, with Lot and fellow citizens, and now verse 17. Genesis 14:17-18 “And the king of Sodom went out to meet him after his return from the slaughter of Chedorlaomer, and of the kings that were with him, at the valley of Shaveh, which is the king’s dale.  18. And Melchizedek king of Salem brought forth bread and wine: and he was the priest of the most high God.”   Now, that’s as far as we can carry it here.   This was his title—Melchizedek was the priest of the most high God. All right, now let’s move up to Exodus chapter 6.  Now we come to the name of God that was intrinsic in God’s relationship with Israel.  So, we start out with Abram still recognizing the most high God, which, of course, is what Nebuchadnezzar is realizing. But Israel gets to the place where the name of God that is most convenient or well known to them is Jehovah.  And we find that in Exodus chapter 6 verse 3. Exodus 6:3 “And I appeared unto Abraham, (In other words, God is speaking to Moses in verse 2.) unto Isaac, and unto Jacob, by the name of God Almighty, (See, the Most High God, but now move on.) but by my name JEHOVAH was I not known to them.”  But now He is. All right, so the term Jehovah, then, becomes that name of God that Israel was most associated with.  And Jehovah is what’s used, usually, in our Old Testament.  It’s capital L, capital O, capital R, capital D.  That’s Jehovah. When Saul of Tarsus on the road to Damascus fell to his knees and cried out “Lord, what would you have me to do?”  Well, what Lord was he speaking of?  Jehovah!  That was the name that Israel was associated with and understood.  And Jehovah, again, was God the Son.  Now that’s just basic biblical understanding. That in the Old Testament, yes, the Gentile Nebuchadnezzar and Abraham, early on, understood the God of Heaven, or the Most High God.  But when it came down to a relationship between the believing Jew and that same Most High God, it was Jehovah.  It was God the Son.  It was LORD.  Follow me?  All right, see, I just had to give you that free for nothing. But, here this ol’ Gentile, pagan king as yet understands nothing more than the Most High God.  He’s come that far.  All right, back to Daniel chapter 4. Daniel 4:3 “How great are his signs! (Well, I reckon! When you can throw young men into a furnace and have them come out un-singed, I reckon that’s a sign.) and how mighty are his wonders! his kingdom is an everlasting kingdom, and his dominion is from generation to generation.”  Well, that’s exactly, of course, what Daniel saw in his vision back there in chapter 2.  That this coming Kingdom ruled by God the Son is an everlasting Kingdom.  But it’s going to be a literal, earthly kingdom now, not a spiritual thing, a literal. Daniel 4:4-6a “I Nebuchadnezzar was at rest in my house, and flourishing in my palace: 5. I saw a dream (The ol’ boy is constantly dreaming, isn’t he?  And he had another one.  Now he’s got a dream that’s rather disconcerting, because it’s going to affect him personally.) which made me afraid, and the thoughts upon my bed and the visions of my head troubled me. 6. Therefore made I a decree…” He liked to use his authority, didn’t he?  You know, you’ve got to look at these world leaders.  There’s just something about them, and they haven’t changed.  When they get to the place that the whole world is looking up to them, it affects them. They get the idea that, you know, they’re something special.  They lose sight of the fact that they’re mere flesh.  This ol’ Nebuchadnezzar is a good example of world leaders. Daniel 4:6b-7 “…made I a decree (same thing as he did before) to bring in all the wise men of Babylon before me, that they might make known unto me the interpretation of the dream. 7. Then came in the magicians, the astrologers, the Chaldeans, and the soothsayers: and I (Nebuchadnezzar) told the dream before them; but they did not make known unto me the interpretation thereof.
”  But here comes Daniel to the rescue, verse 8. Daniel 4:8a “But at the last Daniel came in before me, whose name was Belteshazzar, according to the name of my god, (In other words, that’s why he renamed him.) and in whom is the spirit of the holy gods:…” See, now there again, ol’ Nebuchadnezzar still hasn’t got it all straight.  He recognizes there’s a Most High God, but he’s still going to hang onto his own pagan gods.  But, verse 9: Daniel 4:9 “O Belteshazzar, master of the magicians, because I know that the spirit of the holy gods is in thee, and no secret troubleth thee, tell me the visions of my dream that I have seen, and the interpretation thereof.”  Now I’m going to bring you on.  No, I guess I’m close enough.  I’ll keep going—verse 10.  I didn’t want to spend a lot of time just reading, but sometimes you have to. Daniel 4:10 “Thus were the visions of mine head in my bed; I saw, and behold a tree in the midst of the earth, and the height thereof was great.”  Now you know, it’s rather interesting. What’s one of the first things we learn in Genesis?  The tree.  Which one?  The tree of life. And the tree of life is, of course, intrinsic to all of Scripture. And it will appear again in Revelation chapter 22.  So, it’s interesting, when you look at the human race, how they take things that began in Genesis or maybe in the Garden or even shortly after, and, in fact, all the way up to the Flood.  They can take those things that were ordained of God, and they have completely adulterated and polluted it. Now, one thing I’m referring to is the horoscope.  Now the horoscope was well-known by the Adamic Race long before the Flood.  They understood the movements of the constellations. It was actually the Word of God in the stars.  And they were able to interpret it.  But, what did mankind, under Satan’s instigation, do?  They polluted it.  They adulterated it, so that now the study of the stars is usually Satanic and demonic. All right, now the same way with the image of a tree.  We already saw an instance of it back here in chapter 3.  What’d they make an image like unto? A tree.  So the tree becomes a polluted thing of that which was so holy and so perfect.  So, just kind of watch for these things as you study Scripture.   All right, now in this dream he sees a tree. Where was I?  Verse 11. Daniel 4:11-12a “The tree grew, and was strong, and the height thereof reached unto heaven, and the sight thereof to the end of all the earth: 12. The leaves thereof were fair, and the fruit thereof much, and in it was food for all: the beasts of the field had shadow under it, and the fowls of the heaven dwelt in the boughs…” and so on and so forth.  What’s he seeing a picture of?  Himself.  His own sovereignty, and how he was in the place of providing for his, today we’d call them the electorate, I guess, but his subjects.   And he was responsible for their welfare.  All right, when he was a benevolent king, he could do that.  All right, verse 13: Daniel 4:13-15a “I saw in the visions of my head upon my bed, and, behold, a watcher (an angel) and an holy one came down from heaven; 14. He cried aloud, and said thus, Hew down the tree, (In the dream, now, he sees this huge beautiful tree with all of its provisions, not only for humans, but also for the animals and the birds and everything, and the angel says--) Cut down the tree, and cut off his branches, shake off his leaves, and scatter his fruit: let the beasts get away from under it, and the fowls from his branches: 15. Nevertheless leave the stump of his roots in the earth, even with a band of iron and brass,…” Now, what should that immediately send you back to?  The first image of gold, silver, brass, iron.  In other words, there’s going to be following empires that will still preserve much of what ol’ Nebuchadnezzar began.  In fact, I’ve taught it here on the program over the years.  Every one of these empires left certain attributes that are in the world today.  Nebuchadnezzar and the Babylonian Empire were the beginning of what we call the banking system.
  Not like it is today, but anyway, the banking system had its origin in ol’ Nebuchadnezzar. All right, now what’s also going to be involved here?  He’s going to have certain residue of the Roman Empire, the iron, that’s going to carry on, and the brass which was the Medes and Persians.  All these attributes are still going to be evident, starting with the stump that is Nebuchadnezzar.  All right, now let’s move on. Daniel 4:15b “…and let it be wet with the dew of heaven, and let his portion be with the beasts in the grass of the earth:” In other words, Nebuchadnezzar, like this tree, is going to be cut down to the earth.  Now verse 16, now remember, this is still the miraculous God that saved the little Jewish boys in the fiery furnace.  This same God is going to bring this about in the life of ol’ king Nebuchadnezzar. Daniel 4:16 “Let his heart be changed from man’s, and let a beast’s (or an animal’s) heart be given unto him; and let seven times (or seven years) pass over him.”  So what happened?  He lives like an animal for seven years. Daniel 4:17a “This matter is by the decree of the watchers, (angels who have intervened) and the demand by the word of the holy ones: to the intent that the living may know that the most High (See, here we come back to that title of God again.) ruleth in the kingdom of men, and giveth it to whomsoever he will,…” Now we’ve got to always be aware of that.  As much as we love our democratic form of government and our liberties and all these things, yet we also have to know that the God of all has His thumb on everything. All right, this is what we’re to learn from the Old Testament.  Five minutes left?  All right, verse 18: Daniel 4:18 “This dream I king Nebuchadnezzar have seen. Now thou, O Belteshazzar, (Remember, that’s the other name for Daniel.) declare the interpretation thereof, forasmuch as all the wise men of my kingdom are not able to make known unto me the interpretation: but thou art able; for the spirit of the holy gods (See, he’s still got that pagan mentality.) is in thee.” All right, I hope we’ve got time to go through this interpretation.  Then we’ll be ready to move on in our next taping.  Verse 19: Daniel 4:19-21a “Then Daniel, whose name was Belteshazzar, was astonished for one hour, and his thoughts troubled him.  The king spake, and said, Belteshazzar, let not the dream, or the interpretation thereof, trouble thee. Belteshazzar (Daniel) answered and said, My lord, the dream be to them that hate thee, and the interpretation thereof to thine enemies. 20. The tree that thou sawest, which grew, and was strong, whose height reached unto the heaven, (In other words, was well up into the air.) and the sight thereof to all the earth; 21. Whose leaves were fair, and the fruit thereof much,…”  In other words, it was a beautiful tree, productive in every area. Daniel 4:21b-22 “…and  in it was food for all; under which the beasts of the field dwelt, and upon whose branches the fowls of the heaven had their habitation: (That was the picture of his kingdom.) 22. It is thou, O king, that art grown and become strong: for thy greatness is grown, and reacheth unto heaven, and thy dominion to the end of the earth.”  In other words, he controlled the then-known world. Daniel 4:23 “And whereas the king saw a watcher (an angel) and an holy one coming down from heaven, and saying, Hew (or cut) the tree down, and destroy it; yet leave the stump of the roots thereof in the earth, even with a band of iron and brass, (We’ve already explained.) in the tender grass of the field; and let it be wet with the dew of heaven, and let his portion be with the beasts of the field, till seven times (or seven years) pass over him;” Now verse 24: Daniel 4:24-25 “This is the interpretation, O king, and this is the decree of the most High, which is come upon my lord the king: (In other words, speaking through Daniel.) 25. That they shall drive thee from the men, and thy dwelling shall be with the beasts of the field,
and they shall make thee to eat grass as oxen, and they shall wet thee with the dew of heaven, and seven times shall pass over thee, til thou know(Now here it is.  Here’s the whole crux of the matter.) til thou know that the most High ruleth in the kingdom of men, and giveth it to whomsoever he will.” In other words, why did Nebuchadnezzar get to the place that he got?  Because of God.  Why will he become like an animal of the field?  Because of God.  It’s going to be restored as we go on, but I haven’t got time today.  But it’s all in the hands of a Sovereign God.  And the world can’t comprehend that.  The world thinks they are running it their own way.  No they’re not! You know, I’ve said on this program for all these years (man, I can’t believe it’ll soon be 19 years).  I’ve said it over and over, when God sent the whole ball of wax rolling back there in Genesis chapter 1 and instituted time, and here we are 6,000 years later and everything that has happened in 6,000 years was by His design.  Everything!  Nothing was by accident. And now here we are approaching the end-time, and everything is coming together so fast.  I feel this whole financial thing is no more than setting the stage for a global world system.  A global banking system!  I wouldn’t be surprised that in another year we’ll probably have a new currency.  Wouldn’t surprise me a bit, but I hope not.  But, it could very well happen.  Why?  Because in God’s design, it has to come.  By the time the anti-Christ makes his appearance, the world has to be ready for a world government and a world currency and a world religion.  And, oh, all the forces are working so frantically to bring their religions of the world into one. Now, I remember reading about the ecumenical movement when I was a teenager. And it scared the socks off of me, because the writers back then used to make it so stringent that there would be so much pressure from all the big major religious systems of the world to bring everybody under the umbrella, and if not, your head would go.  Well, it’s coming.  And we can see that it’s coming.  And all according to God’s plan.  Every bit of it is according to His blueprint.  And like I’ve said over and over, is He ever a day late?  Not one hour.  Everything is right on schedule. So anyway, we’re going to leave it here.  Time is gone. Nebuchadnezzar now is going to go out and live like an animal for seven years, so that he’ll come to his senses and realize that the God of Daniel is the God of Creation!
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ao3feed-todoroki · 2 years ago
Make My Lullaby a Fairytale
make my lullaby a fairytale by Stratagem
Hawks and Fuyumi find out they're having a baby and then they quickly discover they're having twins. Pregnancy ends up being quite the adventure.
Words: 2093, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Series: Part 2 of snowbirds and the flock (hawks/fuyumi and future|2nd gen fics)
Fandoms: 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero Academia (Anime & Manga)
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: F/M
Characters: Takami Keigo | Hawks, Todoroki Fuyumi, Todoroki Shouto, Todoroki Rei, Todoroki Natsuo, Todoroki Enji | Endeavor, Tokoyami Fumikage
Relationships: Takami Keigo | Hawks/Todoroki Fuyumi, Todoroki Fuyumi & Todoroki Shouto, Takami Keigo | Hawks & Tokoyami Fumikage
Additional Tags: Family Fluff, Family Feels, Pregnancy, todofam, Hawks and Tokoyami are Basically Siblings, twins on the way, pregnancy fluff and a bit of angst and introspection, Mostly Fluff, huwumi, Parenthood, Parental Takami Keigo | Hawks, Parental Todoroki Fuyumi
Read Here: https://archiveofourown.org/works/47930380
0 notes
albatmobile · 1 year ago
Cardinal Sins Chapter 2
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𓅪 Living with your vigilante boyfriends for the past year has been amazing, well, almost. Butting heads, old wounds resurfacing and a deadly threat still looming overhead could threaten the sanctity of everything you've ever fought for. Will you finally overcome your tainted past and survive the trials and tribulations, or will your relationships and your faith crumble under the pressure?
Rated: E | 7.3k | Contains: stakeouts, interrogations, sex pollen, public sex fem!Reader x Jason Todd x Roy Harper [masterlist] Previous in Series: Art of Rehabilitating Snowbirds
Chapter Two: Novocaine
When you get home, Jason’s silent as you and Roy excitedly rehash your interrogation. 
Dick takes off a few minutes into the conversation, noting Lian had been put to bed at eight and had been sufficiently fed with Dick’s famous sarmale. 
Once he’s gone, Roy reattempts to pick up your quickly souring mood that Jason’s pouty attitude has caused.
“Baby, when you pushed him away,” Roy has his arm around your shoulder as he guides you into the master bathroom, “I was like, ‘holy fuck, she’s about to whip him the fuck up,’” he snorts as he wordlessly helps Jason remove his armor, continuing to recount, “and then you literally whipped him the fuck up.”
You giggle, though it’s soon cut off by Jason’s quiet grumbling. 
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You’ve had enough.
From the death glares he’s been shooting you coupled with all of his under-breath comments, you’re about ready to lose your shit.
“Got something to say, Jay?” Your eyes narrow at the aforementioned man, mimicking his slitted emeralds. “Or are you content to mutter under your breath like a child?”
Roy’s shoulders sag as he looks between the two of you, fully knowing what’s coming next.
Jason scoffs, turning his attention to Roy just to piss you off even more. It works.
“Why do you keep acting like it’s a good thing that she’s getting physical with mercenaries?” Jason asks Roy in favor of ignoring you.
“It’s not like what we do is any better, Jay,” Roy chastises him lightly before shutting the door with a quiet click behind the three of you. 
Jason huffs, “Whatever.”
As soon as it’s shut, you waste no time in advancing on Jason, finger accusatorially pointing in his direction. When you reach him, your finger bends as it firmly meets his built chest. 
“What’s your fucking damage, Jason?” you complain, making sure to keep your voice low. “We got the lead, you’re welcome, by the way, so what’s the fucking issue?”
Roy groans, watching as another fight rears up between the two of you.
“It was a rookie mistake to let you take charge,” Jason insists. With this, he tears off his shirt and his pants follow soon after. You try not to check him out; really, you do, but it doesn’t work. He rolls his eyes under your blushing inspection and moves past your smaller form into the bathroom. 
“Again,” you huff, “I got the information, didn’t I?” 
Don’t stare at his abs, don’t stare at his abs.
He hops into the spray, giving you a full view of his abs and so much more.
You cross your arms, facing away from him with a pout. You’re angry, you’re very angry. He’s so hot… but you’re so fucking angry… You unwittingly bite your lip, following the streams of water that trickle down every delicious curve of his muscular body.
“Yeah,” he laughs humorlessly, running a hand through his wet hair as he looks at you with an unreadable look, “by dry-humping him.”
Okay, yeah, the anger’s definitely back.
You’re in his face in an instant, abs be damned. “Fuck YOU!”
Roy, who’s halfway through removing his pants, nearly trips as he holds you back from giving Jason a piece of your mind.
“Woah, woah!” the redhead exclaims at the sudden shift. Meanwhile, you glare at Jason’s smug face, flipping him off easily. “Hey, enough.” Roy’s using his dad voice now. “Both of you. This is getting ridiculous.” 
Roy checks you over and once he’s determined you’ve calmed down, he joins your boyfriend in the extra large walk-in shower.
“I just don’t understand why you can’t just tell me how you feel, Jason,” you sigh in exasperation. “Why does it have to be jabs? Why does it have to be a fight? I love you!” Jason’s taunting smirk disappears and is replaced by a grim line, then blankness. “Please,” you plead, “just talk to me, Jay.”
He doesn’t bother getting annoyed about the nickname anymore, having long given up on stopping you from saying it once Roy had given the okay.
“You don’t have anything to prove to us,” is all he says.
He thinks this is still about them?
“Maybe I want to prove something to myself,” you breathe. 
Silence immediately falls as your words sink down over the room with the steam. The shower spray batters the tile as the three of you take each other in.
You distract yourself by changing into your pjs and washing your face, looking at them in the mirror and trying not to get distracted by their tempting nudity. To save yourself from getting caught staring further, you wait for them on the bed.
They finish up and dry off soon enough and join you in the bedroom. Roy climbs beside you and wraps you in his arms easily, but Jason lingers by his nightstand, fiddling with the note he’d written for you and Roy back in high school. 
‘Remember for them.’
You watch Jason, feeling Roy’s familiar gaze flit anxiously from lover to lover as the two of you wait for him to speak.
“I,” Jason starts suddenly, looking down at the note as he does so. “We,” he corrects himself and chances a glance in your direction, “don’t want to see you get hurt.” He sets the note down and sits on the bed. “I love you both a lot. I can’t stop Roy from fighting, so it’s not fair of me to stop you, but I don’t hate it any less than I hate him going out in the field,” he sighs. “And I’m sorry for being a dick.”
You draw Jason against your chest, rubbing his back while you press kisses against his hairline.
“Do you really think I’d put myself out there, hell, you think Bruce would encourage me to go out there if I couldn’t hold my own?” Jason raises a dubious brow at your line of reasoning, but it’s beside the point. “Let me show you what I’ve got, both of you,” you’re pleading now and you know it. “Please.”
Jason tilts his head up to look at Roy, who’d conceded long ago, for confirmation he already knows is there.
“Fine,” he says.
After this, Jason wastes no time in pulling you down into a sweet kiss, then Roy. Roy doesn’t let you off the hook as he draws you close for a toe-curling kiss and lowers you to the mattress below.
“I’d totally fuck you, princess,” he yawns in the middle of your nickname, “and the grumpy, old man, too, if I weren’t 10 seconds away from falling asleep.”
You and Jason both laugh as you settle into their embrace and drift off for the night.
And, thus, contention #2 comes to an actual end...
Two days later, you’re hacking into the surveillance cams at Gotham Botanical Gardens.
“Do you see anything, Sitter?” Arsenal asks.
You roll your eyes at your loathed codename which was short for babysitter, aka the whole excuse they used to reach out to you two years ago.
You watch as the two of them stealthily make their way into the underground storage unit, watching for obstacles.
“Yeah,” you drawl. “A shit ton of leaves, a few plants,” your fingers tap boredly against the wooden desk, “some dirt.”
The entire lot is entirely vacant aside from all the obvious flora and fauna littering about. Well, that and one janitor, but he’s been finished cleaning for a few minutes now it seems.
Hood’s gruff voice replaces Arsenal’s over the comms, “He meant anything useful.”
“Stand by,” you respond tonelessly.
Comics never really went over how long these missions take, not just set up either, but also staking out. Timing is everything and it’s slowly becoming a skill that you’re understanding. Having watched them over comms nearly every night this past year, you’ve picked up on some things.
Actually being in the field, though, definitely feels different.
After another 30 minutes of making sure that, yes, the janitor was the last person in the building, the mission finally begins.
“Sitter to position in,” Arsenal’s voice crackles in your ear, stirring you from your boredom, “5.”
You stretch your body as you stand up from the surveillance desk, groaning as you do. “Copy,” you reply.
Time to get suited up.
All your energy floods back in an instant. You giddily pull out your freshly made suit that Damian and Jon had dropped off earlier when Jason and Roy had been prepping. Neither have seen anything and you kept close-lipped about the design. It’ll be a complete surprise for both of them.
Five minutes click by and you swiftly place a stray chair under the closest air vent to hop in. You close it behind you before carefully traversing the duct system, using Red Hood’s directions as your guide.
“You should be seeing a vent opening dead ahead,” his deep, robotic tone warbles across your earpiece. “You’ll see Roy and me.”
Sure enough, when you look down, they’re both standing there waving at you.
“Copy,” you say, waving back but it’s far too dark for them to see you. “Sitter is in position.”
“Are you wearing the,” Roy trails off teasingly.
“Wearing the new suit?” you finish for him. “Yeah, I am.”
You don’t need the comm system to hear Red Hood’s heavy sigh, “Would the two of you get your heads in the game?” 
You and Arsenal both sulkily respond in unison, “Copy.”
“Good,” he says. “I think I found something.”
You watch as he and Arsenal move to further open a door that’s been left ajar. Weird. You hadn’t seen that on the security cameras. You have to let your partners know something’s up. 
“Hood, Arsenal.”
“Go for Outlaws,” comes Arsenal’s quiet response.
Just as you’re about to warn them that the security footage has been on loop, a room full of vines shoot out to capture them both. You barely manage to cover your gasp as a redheaded woman slowly slinks into the room. Vines follow behind her like loyal dogs as they snake menacingly throughout the large, open space. You can’t help but bristle at her scantily clad getup as she saunters toward your men.
You’re sitting on your haunches in the vent, waiting for their signal, but it still doesn’t come.
She sidles up to your boyfriends, slowly petting their faces as she coos something you can’t make out.
Your fist clenches in response. Just who does this green bitch think she is?
Both move their disgruntled faces away, but the searing smog of jealousy is already weighing down on you, pumping through your veins like adrenaline with every agonizing beat of your heart.
In your crouched position, you steel yourself to put an end to this. Your entire body thrums with rage, feeling the icy heat of it trapped against your body like, well, some sort of a greenhouse effect.
Still, their signal never comes.
Her skin slides against them as they struggle while her fingers trickle along the same paths yours have long ago claimed. You’re shaking now, hands and teeth clenched as you wait.
Still nothing.
You can hardly think anymore. All you feel is the pulsating rage of insecurities rushing to your skull, drowning it until you have no choice but to attack.
They belong to you.
Your body reacts before your jealousy-submerged mind can catch up. In one fell swoop, you bash in the vent with your heeled boots, using both hands on either side to launch yourself out of it like a slingshot. Your right leg surges forward as you sail across the room, preparing to put this costumed freak on the ground.
“Woah.” You hear as you whiz past Arsenal and land a kick straight to her stupid, moldy-green face.
“Agh!” she grunts. The villain skids to the floor but almost immediately pushes herself into a standing position. She rubs at her swollen cheek, eyeing you up all the while. “My, my. What a pretty flower you are.” Her green lips smile sinisterly and the woman begins to circle you as she takes in your red vinyl costume appreciatively. “I haven’t seen you around these parts before. Name’s Ivy,” she smirks, reaching out a leaf-covered hand in your direction, “Poison Ivy.”
The neon green of her lidded eyes scour over your suit, as if memorizing it.
“That actually explains a lot,” you snark. “Call me, Cardinal.”
She hums, "Interesting."
Before you can bat her hand away from you, two vines restrain your arms to your sides.
“Hey!” you yelp. You’re instantly lifted in the air, where she holds your flailing form.
You attempt to struggle, but the vines only tighten their hold on you as you do so. Suddenly, she begins to talk about her careful care over her plants, which you use as a distraction. The clawed tips of your gloves, a design Luke had suggested implementing, immediately get to work. You use their sharp tips to saw through the thick vines, only bothering to feign attention when her sly eyes shift your way.
You grunt, glaring at her smug face as she delicately pets your leafy restraints.
“Do play nice,” she says, petting a few plants that she's grown to hold her in a verdant throne of sorts. “My babies haven’t had civil company in quite some time.”
Is she serious?
Fuck. This.
“I’m fucking tired,” you finally manage to saw through the vine enough to wriggle your one hand free, then the other, “of you second-rate villains telling me to play nice.”
Completely freed, you swing your dangling body to knock her sideways, out of her throne and onto her ass. From there, you waste no time in grappling with her, throwing vicious right hooks at her head. It’s completely savage and you wish you didn’t feel such an exhilarating rush from beating her down, but you do.
She lands a few good hits on you, but you refuse to give her the upper hand. You lower your block, allowing her to pay you back for the previous head shots as you position yourself for the final blow.
The two of you are grunting, in both pain and aggression as you struggle to get her pinned. One uppercut to the chin is all it takes for her to finally slip into an unconscious state. She quiets, though you remain on her, panting for a few beats longer to make sure she’s actually down. Only when the other vines recede, do you allow yourself to get up. 
Your gate is slightly wobbly, but you still manage to jog over to cut off the remaining vines from Red Hood and Arsenal.
“Love the suit, baby, but, damn,” Arsenal greedily eyes you up, “you weren’t pulling any of those punches, were you?”
You’re embarrassed that you’ve allowed your jealousy to get the best of you, but, for now, you try to brush it off. “Couldn’t risk her getting the drop on me,” you insist, hoping they’ll both just drop it already.
Hood doesn’t really say anything, just runs his hands up and down the expanse of your body appreciatively.
“Cardinal, huh?” Hood asks.
“Yeah,” you say with a sheepish rub of your arm. “I, you know,” you trail off self-consciously, “when I knew, I knew.” 
It’s not that you need their approval, it’s that you want it. 
Ever since you picked up your first comic book, you’ve been waiting for a moment just like this. Regardless of what Damian had warned, this whole night felt straight out of the ones you used to read when you were younger.
Red Hood and Arsenal have been in the game way longer than you have and, if you’re going to be fighting by their side, you want to hear what they think of your hero persona.
“Cardinal it is, then, sexy,” Arsenal encourages. Not too long after, his gloved hand sneaks down your back to grab at your ass.
“In the field, Arsenal?” Hood’s robotic tone warbles across the gentle hum of the lights. “Really?”
Arsenal immediately removes his hands from you. “Totally right, sorry, baby.”
“Cardinal,” you correct.
“Let me just,” he cuts himself off, mimicking zipping his lips dramatically enough for you to start giggling.
All the while, Ivy’s slowly come to. She blearily takes in your crew before shoddily aiming the tiny silver crossbow that adorns her wrist in your direction.
“Unh!” you grunt in pain a small arrow embeds into your shoulder. “TAKE COVER!” you warn. At the same time Jason tackles you out of the way, collecting an arrow in his back for you as he does. 
Meanwhile, Arsenal unleashes a barrage of much larger arrows at the green villain. However, Ivy’s more coherent now and is able to dodge every single shot he sends her way.
Not good.
“Cover is futile with me in a room full of plants, lovely,” she teases as teeth chomp suddenly down around you. “I won’t play so nice this time, darling.”
Her voice gets cut off, muffled by your new prison.
It’s dark.
There’s a sliver of light where you can make out your boyfriends attacking Poison Ivy through wispy teeth.
You’re pretty sure you’re inside some kind of mouth, but- what?!
Seriously, what kind of plant has teeth???
You extend your arms as far as they’ll go as you push around the vast dark cavern but it only causes the mouth to close completely.
Don’t panic.
Don’t panic.
It’s warm here, especially with the suffocating fabric of your suit plastered up against your panting face.
You bang against the hollow cavern, feeling helpless.
All at once, boiling fluids begin to rise toward you, leaving you to feel even more helpless.
Oh, shit. 
You want to smack yourself upside the head for forgetting about the only weapon on your suit- your sharp gloves. 
You sink your fingertips into the fleshy stomach (?) you’re currently inside. 
The material is veiny and crisp, so your claws crush through the stomach like a paring knife through an apple.
Arsenal’s right there to catch you, rolling your bodies to the side to avoid being swallowed by, what you now realize, is a truck-sized Venus flytrap.
“Holy shit!” you exclaim breathlessly, looking up at Roy as he checks you over for any injuries. “I’m good, baby. I’m good,” you assure him, taking the hand he offers to get you back on your feet.
“MY BABY!” Ivy shrieks.
“CARDINAL,” Hood screams over Ivy’s wailing, “ARSENAL, GET DOWN!”
Without missing a beat, Arsenal drops with you. The redhead unleashes two arrows as a loud crash sounds from behind the two of you. Upon contact, the arrows burst and envelope the room in a thick fog.
It’s quiet, though you can hear your breathing from where you lie.
You turn to your side and faintly see Arsenal looking around.
“You really think some fog will stop me?” Ivy sounds like she’s gritting her teeth at this point. All at once, her vines shoot out to capture Arsenal from beside you. You hear Red Hood grunting somewhere close in the distance and assume he’s been captured, too. “You,” she hisses, stalking your way before crawling on top of you to pin your hands to the ground. You struggle against her hold as she manically smirks down at you. “You’ve destroyed my precious plant,” she caresses your face, leaning in as if she’s about to kiss you, “now, prepare to pay the price.”
Her hands shoot down from your wrists to your throat.
“Get off of me!” you screech as your hands wrap around hers in a vain attempt to pry them off of you.
“Silence!” Poison Ivy bangs your head back against the tiled floors below. “The three of you think you can just waltz in here and destroy my property? Did you really think I wouldn’t put up a fight, or are you all just that sloppy?” she scoffs, “Now look at you,” she mirthfully smiles down at you, “you’re beneath me. You’re all beneath me.” Her grip tightens and you feel yourself slipping out of consciousness at the added pressure. “All you humans are good for is fertilizer.”
“Fuck you,” you struggle to speak against her chokehold. 
As a last-ditch attempt, you use the oldest trick in the book. You tap her on the shoulder, briefly distracting her enough to have her hands around your neck to loosen. It’s only a brief moment, but you use it to buck your hips, swiveling under her small frame to dislodge her from on top of you.
You lunge after her, sending puffs of smoke into the air as you wrestle around with her in the blinding fog. You have the upper hand, but you know if the plants get involved again, you’re fucked.
Time to put her back to sleep.
You hear Arsenal and Red Hood’s grunts on either side of you as you pummel her into the ground. Fist after fist. Even when you miss and your hand crashes agonizingly into the ground below, you don’t let up.
Finally, the vines from around your lovers grow limp and the two of them break free.
You can hear Arsenal and Hood stirring from behind you, so you halfway turn around, accentuating the curve of your ass in your vinyl-clad suit.
The smoke has mostly cleared now, though, for some reason, your throat still feels tight. Weird. Before you can ponder it further, both your boyfriends come up to give you huge hugs.
“Yeah,” Arsenal says with a proud smirk, eyeing your voluptuous cheeks as he pulls away from you, “I’m fuckin’ that ass.” The redhead groans, however, when he pulls away and sees one of Poison Ivy’s arrows embedded in his chest. He pulls it out with a small wince.
“Stop,” you complain, “I’m trying to look like a professional over here!” For some reason, every movement sends a flash of tingling heat across your skin. You shake it off, meeting Arsenal’s wild grin with a snort.
“Oh, it looks professional alright,” he teases.
With one last quick look around the place, he and Hood move to restrain Ivy’s unconscious form. When the place is deemed clear, Arsenal slings her over his shoulder so your group can take her to another location for interrogation.
The room you’ve picked is high up, clear in the city and far, far away from any plants.
Your mission earlier today had been to make sure the room was completely void of any plants. Literally, any plants. You’d found a quarter inch of grass and had to dispose of it.
Ivy doesn’t put up much of a fight once she realizes there’s no way out. Well, that, and she’s got two guns and a crossbow pointed at her head.
“Gee,” she says with a roll of her eyes. “Guess I’ve done it this time...” she trails off coyly. “This being what exactly? If you don’t mind me asking.” Her drawling tone makes it clear that she doesn’t really care if you do or don’t mind.
“The shipment to Black mask,” Red Hood starts and shoots at the wall directly behind her, the bullet whizzing past her ear. He’s not wasting any time tonight. She automatically straightens in her seat in response to the shot. “What did you give them?” he demands.
She catches herself before swiftly sliding into another coy smirk.
“That’s all you want to know?” she asks teasingly.
“We’re not playin’ games over here, Ivy.” Another shot. This time from Arsenal with his arrow sticking a millimeter away from her foot. “What was in the box?”
However much they try to intimidate her, her eyes never leave you. You know she can’t see under your mask, so you have no idea why you feel like she can. Honestly, it gives you the shivers. You tilt your head ever so slightly, hoping it comes off as menacing, but her eyes merely gleam. For what, you have no idea.
“A stem,” she answers carefully.
You’re glad your mask hides the entirety of your face because you’re shell-shocked. Your vision had been of a stem… Her response only adds credibility that what you’re seeing is actually happening…
You take three menacing steps forward before you even realize it. 
She’s playing way too much for your taste and if Arsenal and Red Hood aren’t going to beat some sense into her, you are.
You don’t have to say anything to have her leaning slightly back, away from your threatening demeanor. You place one of your pointed-toed boots in the space between her green thighs on the chair. Your head slowly tilts to the side, smiling under your mask as she follows your movement easily.
Her eyes flicker from your eyeholes, sliding down the stitched red vinyl of your outfit and along your leg until her gaze finally settles on your foot.
Without a word, you kick with all your might, sending the chair right smack against the concrete wall behind it. You push it with such force that one of the chair’s legs snaps in the process. 
She groans, attempting to loosen her restraints, but it’s futile.
You approach the discarded leg slowly, noting how her breathing picks up as soon as you approach her tied-up form on the floor to grab it. You twist the wood around playfully like a baseball bat before swiftly swinging it up above your head as if to bash her.
The leg doesn’t even come close to contact before you get your answer.
“IT WAS A ROSE!” she finally admits. You halt your movement, leaving your weapon hovering dangerously close to her squinting left eye. “It was a rose,” she repeats lamely.
“What kind?” Arsenal asks.
“The extinct Winter Rose.” She glares at you, but you remain completely still to maintain your off-putting demeanor. “The very same ingredient I use to poison my arrows,” she adds, seemingly pleased with herself. 
As soon as she mentions it, a flash of heat pulses down your body.
You have been feeling extremely warm ever since one had gotten embedded in your shoulder. You’d chalked it up to the skintight costume, but apparently not. You hear subtle shuffling behind you and realize that they’d both been struck, too.
“The buyer?” you growl, leaning further over her tied body. She shrugs, smirking at you with a newfound confidence you intend to beat out of her. “I’ve got time,” you say right before bashing down on her collarbone until the chair leg in your hand breaks once again. 
“You wanna change your answer?” Arsenal comes up from behind you and you know he’s trying to take over. “Can’t hold my partner back for much longer,” he jokes, though he’s the only one who laughs. 
You know he thinks you’ve lost it, hell, Jay too, but you’re the only one getting any actual answers. 
Red Hood nods his head in the direction of the door.
He wants you to leave? You mimic his motion with a sass you know he catches immediately. You fucking leave if you can’t handle it, Hood.
Even through the heat of whatever poison, you feel ice leaking from his response. To combat the cold, you simply turn around, giving him your shoulder in response.
Arsenal has been trying to get her to talk, but to no avail.
You had her.
She was about to talk.
They’d ruined it…
It’s as if you blackout, pushing past Arsenal to slam down on another chair leg. It breaks easily. The sound of splintering wood crackles throughout the small room, silencing Arsenal’s line of questioning.
Ivy makes a small noise that she attempts to cover by clearing her throat, but you know she’s scared of you.
You slowly stand, feeling all eyes on you as you rise and extend the splintered end of the chair leg between her eyes. The splintered wood barely scrapes against her green skin, but it’s only to serve as a reminder that it’s there.
“Let’s try this again,” your voice sings lowly. “Buyer, destination.” It’s no longer a question but rather a demand.
When she doesn’t answer, you press the ragged wood further into her skin. Small bubbles of green liquid seep out and kiss at the ends of your interrogation weapon, reminding her of the damage you can and will do.
Hell truly hath no fury like a woman scorned.
“The buyer was Joker,” she answers after a long pause. You remove the wood briefly, only to puncture her skin lightly again. It works. “FINE! The destination was Cadmus.”
You don’t have to look behind you to see Arsenal’s shock.
Cadmus had been the one who’d stolen your loves all those years ago. They’d kidnapped Roy, cloned him and, in his absence, Jason tirelessly went in search of him.
“Why did they want it?” Red Hood’s robotic voice brings you back to reality. 
“The girl’s a lot better at this than either of you.” To prove her wrong, Red Hood swiftly kicks her in the stomach. Instead of drawing it out any longer, she responds with a pained exhale, “He wants the protein in it. For what, I don’t know. Honestly.”
Hood turns to the side and backs away as soon as Arsenal nods. Without warning, Red Hood opens a capsule right under her nose. The three of you watch as the woman finally falls limp in her uncomfortable, tied position on the floor.
Distant sirens sound from down the street and you know the three of you have to go.
Arsenal punches open the window with his bionic arm and motions for you and Hood to join him. His arm whirrs briefly as a grappling gun rises from the black metal. You watch as he aims, seemingly without looking, at the office building across the way. He ties it off and tugs on the line quickly, ensuring its tautness before using his bow to zipline across the expanse.
“Here,” Red Hood offers as he whips out his shotgun. Without wasting a second, he scoops you up to hold you against his armored chest. 
Regardless of your earlier jealousy, you’re just glad to be in his arms. You wrap your legs around his torso as best you can while wrapping your arms around his thick neck and hold on tight as he uses the shotgun to slide along the rope.
Once you land on the accompanying rooftop, Arsenal cuts the line.
The walk back to the bike is quiet as the three of you avoid cop cars and civilians alike. The interrogation is over, sure, but once you’re all on the bike, the questioning truly begins.
“You want to talk about what happened?” 
You frown, refusing to look at either of them. “Nothing technically happened,” you mutter, sounding unconvincing even to yourself. 
“You looked downright murderous,” Roy starts cautiously as he hands you a helmet. 
“I can’t help my face.” You give them your best impression of innocence, but neither buy it.
“Next, you’re going to tell me that, ‘at least we got answers.’” You’re still in public, so he’s yet to remove his Red Hood helmet, though he has turned the voice modulator off. “Aren’t you?”
You remove your hands from around his waist, motioning your arms to the side like it’s obvious. “And we did. Didn’twe?” you respond pointedly.
Arguing has never turned you on before, but for some reason, you’re itching to touch yourself. You blame it on the new suit, though Poison Ivy’s warning rings in your ear.
From underneath you, you feel Roy’s dick stir to life suddenly. It only confirms your suspicions that whatever uncomfortableness you’ve been feeling for the past hour has been due to that dumb, green bitch’s arrows.
“Uh,” Roy starts, shifting in the seat. “Anyone else starting to get really horny, or is that just me?”
Jason lets out an annoyed curse and screeches to a halt in an alleyway.
“Home’s four blocks down,” you try to sound normal, but whatever effects the poison has entirely set in. Instead, your voice comes out in a low purr, surprising even yourself.
“Jay?” Roy asks unsurely.
“Listen,” Jason gruffly removes his helmet, throwing it to the ground below. You watch as it clatters on the slick alley pavement and is soon followed by his holster and, lastly, his gloves. “We’re talking about this after this toxin wears off, got it?” His stern gaze stares you down, but apparently, it’s not enough. He removes your mask before nodding Roy over. “Answer me,” Jason demands cooly, pressing his thumb firmly against your bottom lip. It’s as if he’s waiting for your words to fully ravish you in your poisoned states. “Now.”
“Yessir,” you say and nod slowly, as if entranced by his touch. It’s as if your previous argument has completely slipped from your mind, no matter how hard you try to recall it.
It’s hard to think straight when all you want is Roy’s dick in your mouth and Jason’s, well, in you.
You crumble to your knees, unleashing their rigid cocks from their pants as you do. You waste no time in deep-throating their hypnotizing lengths, going between their dicks like you’re starving for it.
Truth be told, you can’t seem to get enough. You whimper, feeling your own uncomfortable itch rising uncomfortably into your lower stomach. It carries an unignorable weight that you quickly move to remedy by removing your suit.
Whatever poison you all are under seems to have taken enough of an effect to leave them completely underwater. Neither reprimand you for the full-frontal public nudity, but rather welcome it. They descend upon your flushed, naked body like wolves devouring their prey.
You unleash the unholiest of sounds, begging incoherently for more of the soothing relief that comes with each and every touch. However, with each touch, your body only burns more.
Your cunt aches like never before, no matter how many times you rub at your clit, it’s not enough. You squat before lewdly opening your knees to expose yourself fully. You can’t wait any longer. You shove one finger inside yourself with your thumb loyally flicking at your sensitive nub as you come face to face with their swollen, leaking cocks. 
The inescapable heat scratching at every inch of your body demands more. You feverishly wrap your hands around their lengths, trying to tease them, but the pollen wins over.
Roy’s forcibly thrusting his red-tipped dick against the corner of your mouth, while Jason’s hand snakes securely around yours. He greedily guides your slick fingers up from your pussy to grip his cock. It doesn’t take much more for him to desperately fuck into your clasped hand with shaky breaths. 
Your legs shake from the relieving rush of endorphins your lovers grant with each snap of their hips. Your jaw is tight when Roy finally comes down your throat, but it doesn’t stop him from continuing to fuck into your mouth with his softening dick. Jason seems to have played fair all he could as he forcibly shoves his cock in your mouth, too.
“Mmph!” you mutter around their overwhelming combined weight, feeling tears trickle down from your dazed, wanton eyes.
Roy’s slow with his thrusts finally, but Jason’s just getting started. Your hands close around their bases, stroking up and down their spit-covered cocks with a loose grip and a sloppy pace. Jason’s domineering grip on the back of your head forces you to take all of him you can, but it doesn’t seem to be enough. Each commandeering thrust draws wrecked, muffled moans from your fucked-out mouth.
You can’t take it anymore.
Your hands stop jacking off their pulsating members to continue relieving the inescapable, torturous throb in your cunt. You haven’t masturbated so desperately since shoving your panties in your mouth while in their bed long before you’d officially gotten together.
Your pussy is a wet mess, gushing slick onto your thick thighs with every insatiable flick of your fingers against your pulsating clit.
Time goes by inexplicably, which seems to be the only reason Roy’s normal talkative nature during sex has been silenced. The sex is purely primal, with everyone’s salacious actions driven purely by their own respective lust alone.
They both empty their come all over your face, competing with each other on who can moan louder as they aim for your expecting mouth. Your firm grip around their lengths coaxes and pumps every last drop you can manage.
To your surprise, they’re both immediately ready for round two. You can’t help but bite your lip in anticipation of what’s to come.
They take turns fucking into you, using your body for their pleasure while the other stifles your moans. They hide their own grunts and erotic noises through bruising marks they scatter all along your skin as if to claim you. 
You wouldn’t have it any other way. 
Them fucking you is the most relief you’ve gotten from this whole pollen situation.
When they can’t wait their turn, they fuck their tip into you as the other continues to pump in and out of your leaking pussy. The wet sound of their dicks breaching your tight hole over and over again only spurs further want. 
Cars honk and music plays from the restaurant across the street as they pound your cunt the way you deserve.
Usually, Roy likes to take his time with positioning you so he and Jason can both watch as his cock disappears in and out of you, but not tonight. No, tonight Roy’s pussy drunk and desperate for relief.
You take load after load, with each of them taking multiple turns to fill you with their hot come. It’s as if nothing they do to you is enough with the way the itching heat of want remains trapped against your sweat-slickened skin like the most beautiful curse.
You swear you hear the familiar woosh of a cape, but when you look up in the direction of the noise, you’re only met with the cloudy night sky.
That is, until…
“Oh,” your head snaps in the direction of the familiar voice. In the toxin’s dying haze, you’re able to make out Batman and Robin, “that’s fucking disgusting.”
Robin then proceeds to fake vomit until Batman gives him his signature scowl.
“What the fuck are you guys doing here?!” Jason cries out in embarrassment, covering his junk from their view in an instant. He flips around to fully cover you from sight.
Roy, being the last one struck, is still deep in the throws of fucking you senseless. Jason forcibly pushes him off and makes him decent by pulling up his pants that have pooled at his ankles.
Luckily, they’ve already turned away to offer you all some privacy. 
“Here being a very much public alleyway, Hood?” Robin snarls, looking up at the sky while refusing to meet anyone's eyes. You shimmy up your suit, feeling a flood of sticky come spilling from you as you do. You stifle your moan, but only barely. Damn, this poison is strong. “The fuck is wrong with you three? You think it’s sane to fuck in-.”
Batman cuts him off, “What’s going on? You’ve been unresponsive for three hours.”
Once you’re all decent, they turn around.
“Three hours?” you ask in disbelief. 
Suddenly, the weight of your salacious activities catch up to you. Your pussy’s never been so thoroughly fucked and it’s sure as hell never been so sore.
Hell, parts you didn’t even know could be sore are sore.
Roy tries to pull you against his erection again, but you succeed at bating him away. 
“Oracle sent us a message after all three of your signals went dark and two check-ins went unanswered on your comms.” Batman looks just as uncomfortable as you feel, you know, quite literally being caught with your pants down. “What happened?” he asks.
“Ivy,” Jason responds, staring holes into the brick wall next to him. “Her arrows were laced with some form of her sex pollen.”
Batman hums, “Is it out of your systems yet?” You and Jason blush. Roy, on the other hand, is still focused on feeling the two of you up, giving Batman the only answer he needs. “Arsenal,” he reaches into his utility belt to reveal a thin syringe, “I’m going to need you to remain still.”
You and Jason move to restrain him, dodging his tongue as he tries to lure you in for sloppy kisses. Batman uses his distracted state to inject the blue liquid into Roy’s freckled arm.
As soon as the last of the liquid empties into his veins, he shakes his head. The redheaded vigilante rubs at his face tiredly, then moves to pat at his clothed erection.
“What a fuckin’ trip,” the redhead finally groans. “I’m pretty sure my dick fell off.”
“I have a magnifying glass in my belt we could use to look for it, Harper,” Robin offers testily.
“Oh, look,” Roy obnoxiously grabs at the large imprint of his dick through his come-stained pants with a smirk before airily snarking back, “found it.”
Robin scrunches his nose in distaste at the sight, once again looking to the sky.
“Call us if you have any other issues,” Batman says. He and Robin don’t linger much longer before they grapple off into the night.
Once they’re gone, the three of you finally look each other over.
“Can’t even lie,” Roy sighs while slumping down the brick alley wall and into a puddle of come. “Best sex of my life, loves. So far,” he adds cheekily with a wink.
You and Jason begrudgingly meet his high five, with you giggling as you do so.
You’re hoping Jason will let you off the hook until you get home, but apparently not. No, you’re not even through the threshold of the alley when he starts.
“Why the jealousy?” he comes right out and asks.
You groan, “Pretty sure makeup sex usually happens after the argument, Jay.” Your stomach lurches uncomfortably, hating the way their eyes search yours for answers you don’t even know. “Just sayin’,” you trail off lamely. 
“Answer him, baby,” Roy lightly encourages you with a comforting hand rubbing at your waist.
It’s quiet for a moment as they allow you time to collect your thoughts.
“Now that you’re both mine,” you stare at the ground, “I just want to make sure you stay mine. Is that so bad?”
Jason sighs, “When it puts the mission at risk, yes.”
Your head shoots up, glaring at him. “Oh, but your flirting didn’t?”
As much as you hate to admit it, your jealousy seems to be rearing up as the next biggest contention. 
“What fucking flirting?” Jason throws up his hands in exasperation as he says your name. “Huh? What. fucking. flirting?” 
Always one to exacerbate the situation, Jason’s irritation quickly rises to the surface before he’s able to tame it.
“We honestly weren’t, princess,” Roy quietly adds. 
You pout, crossing your arms as you turn your head to the side. You refuse to feel like you’re being ganged up on.
“Oh, okay. So only Jason’s allowed to freak out about this stuff, then, right?” you ask rhetorically. Jason just shakes his head, narrowing his eyes at you like you aren’t making any sense. Roy doesn’t seem to quite follow either. “The Deadshot situation doesn’t ring a bell?” His face immediately falls before going blank and crossing his arms defensively over his chest. “No, no. It makes perfect sense,” you go on sarcastically. “So, Jason’s allowed to get jealous and insinuate that I’m some kind of fucking whore, but the second I get jealous, suddenly it’s not okay and ‘jeopardizing the mission,’” you add with exaggerated finger quotes.
Both are quiet, understanding the hypocrisy of the situation.
Maybe contention #3 isn’t just your jealousy but jealousy between the three of you in general. You recognize from their exchanged glance alone that they’ve come to the same conclusion.
“We only want you,” Jason groans your name in annoyance, as if he can’t understand why you can’t understand. 
Regardless of the reassuring words, his tone only pisses you off more.
“Oh, yeah,” you say with a roll your eyes. “Totally sounds like it when you say it like that,” you say with sarcasm dripping from your every word.
Jason’s only growing more frustrated, pacing as he runs his hands through his messy, sweaty hair. “WE’VE ONLY EVER WANTED YOU!” he finally shouts, turning to you with wide eyes. You automatically step back, not having expected the outburst. As soon as he sees it, he instantly calms himself before Roy can even try to intervene. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to yell,” he says quietly, suddenly unable to meet your eyes. “We love you.”
“Only you,” Roy confirms, mouth in a serious line as he gazes into your eyes.
You swallow around the ache of tears steadily building in your throat as you hesitantly walk toward him. Once you’ve closed the distance, you lift his chin with your fingers, meeting his eyes as they flicker your way. 
“Okay,” you finally concede. You hear their words and you have no reason not to believe them, but for some reason, the doubt seems to linger. 
The two of them stand there in the mouth of the alley with their hands splayed at their sides as if waiting for another blowup. It never comes. 
Instead, you sigh, “You both mean the world to me and I want to work on this with you guys.” You kick a stray rock that sits at the toe of your boot, refusing to meet their inquisitive stares. “I may need a bit of help, though.”
The tension between the three of you dissolves in an instant. 
In lieu of a response, Roy closes the distance between you and Jason. He wraps the two of you up into a bear hug, kissing you both on the lips as he does.
Jason still seems a bit stiff, which makes you feel slightly uneasy. Fuck. Have you created even more distance in your already slightly strenuous relationship? But, no. He’s right there to give you the reassurance you need.
“We’ll all work on it,” Jason agrees. He places a guiding hand on both of your backs as he helps situate the two of you back on the bike. “Now, let’s go home.”
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A/N: iiiiii am so excited to introduce the hero!oc of the ARS/CS universe to yall!! it's been building up for a while and i'm so glad it's finally here!
when i was planning ars, this plot of cardinal sins was really pushing the whole backstory arc forward in the sense that i knew i really wanted reader to be a legit hero, but i needed the backstory to be really strong to get to this point. i had a blast with ars, but cardinal sins was always the endgame
IMPORTANT: if you'd like to use cardinal in anything- lmk!! i have a tag on here and tumblr: albatmobile oc!cardinal that you can use too just be sure to give me credit pretty plss!
SPOTIFY LINK peek next chapter's song before anyone else! i add chapter songs a week early :p
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upwardwrites · 3 years ago
——— Hello, writeblr!
🪶 Call me Upward. I’m ancient by tumblr standards : I made my main blog (unsurprisingly named @upward - where my likes/follows come from!) in 2008.
🪶 I’m in my mid-thirties, based in the US and use she/her pronouns.
🪶 I spend a lot of time with words. As a Creative Director with a background in Copywriting, my day is spent making sure words, images and emotion play nice. Even when I’m not working on my novel or short stories.
🪶 My Copywriting experience has given me great tools for my own work, but one of my passions is helping others write and edit more effectively too!
🪶 I’m lousy with grammar though. Can’t use a comma properly to save my life, according to countless proofreaders.
🪶 I’m also a photographer! And I collect hobbies. Learning things makes my brain happy even if I don’t stick with it.
🪶 Mostly speculative fiction, sci-fi, fantasy, horror. Appalachian settings and themes play enormous roles in my work as do my characters’ relationships with the setting.
🪶 avatar art is not mine, credit is here!
🪶 Primary WIP: The Butcher Bird
(This sounds like a shitty movie voiceover I KNOW IM SORRY)
For as long as anyone could remember, most humans looked skyward for extraterrestrial arrival. Even if they had looked in the right place, it wouldn’t have saved them. Several years after the collapse of civilization, an event known as the Landing, only a small percentage of the human population remains, learning to survive in communities cut off from technology and the rest of the world. Sadie Barton returns to the Smoky Mountains, in many ways the same unruly girl who left her daddy’s house on the lake the day she turned eighteen. But years of service in a secretive militia left deep marks, the most recent of which brings her to the struggling community of Snowbird and some old friends. Despite a brutal start to another hard winter, it’s a chance to right some wrongs, find a purpose and finally come home. Except the trees across the hills and in the hollers are lighting up with more strange runes, making it much harder for her to disappear.
I’ve had this story in my head for more than ten years, but didn’t start actively writing it until Autumn of 2021. I’m nearing the end of my first draft but I keep learning new things, meeting interesting characters and messing with what I’ve already written. Good chance it’s well over 150k words with “deleted scenes” or pieces I haven’t been able to place yet. Likely a duology and it sets up a fun universe to play in!
🪶 Additional WIPs: UPDATED 7/17
1. Unnamed Appalachian Horror Project
Co-writing an Appalachian horror anthology with a friend. Short stories that intersect. Inspired by a card from the game Inscryption.
2. Unnamed Web Series
Another joint venture that will hopefully become a web series! A slice of life comedy that explores what happens when residents of a rural mountain community have problems with their HOA (and each other).
A smattering of short stories neglected for years and years. More suspended and unfinished than in progress. But they’re there!
🪶 Etc etc: Why and What else?
I’m not really comfortable peppering most people with details about my project. I’m keeping it close (why you won’t find things like full chapters here either) and surprisingly shy about letting anyone read my work.
But I’m desperate to talk about it! What I’m learning, changes I’m making, ideas I get. What my OCs are like.
Even though I’ve been writing since I could hold a pencil (I still remember my first short story from first grade) and people even pay me to write, I have no idea how to write good novel-length fiction. I have so much to learn. I get stuck frequently. I lose focus. I battle a lot of burn out.
I try to write at least 400 words a day unless I’m having a tough burn-out day, so that’s my primary writing goal. My next one? Finish this rough draft by June 30 of 2022.
So bring on the questions and the prompts and the ideas. I’d love to read your work and ask you more about it, too!
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ao3feed-brucewayne · 3 months ago
read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/Nq4VvMY by Ktkat9 Bruce has his hands full as it is raising Timmy. He can't take in another kid. Even if... that kid is wandering Gotham alone. In winter. With terrible clothes he clearly found in a dumpster.   12 Days Of Christmas prompt: Little lie/ (Angst with a happy ending). Words: 1889, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English Series: Part 2 of 12 Days Of Christmas 2024 Fandoms: Batman - All Media Types Rating: General Audiences Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, No Archive Warnings Apply Characters: Bruce Wayne, Jason Todd, Tim Drake (DCU) Relationships: Tim Drake & Bruce Wayne, Jason Todd & Bruce Wayne Additional Tags: Baby Tim Drake, Implied/Referenced Child Abuse, Child Neglect, Accidental Baby Acquisition, Young Jason Todd read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/Nq4VvMY
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need1etail · 3 years ago
I have 3 questions about your AU! :) I'm a dummy and confused myself on some stuff, so wanted to ask before I got further haha
1. Has Witch replaced Tree completely in your AU or does he still exist, and maybe the cats will need to find him reason later (or even he gets a cameo?) for some reason? I like Witch, but grew fond of Tree after reading his novella and TBC. If Witch has replaced him, did you not like the extra-toed cat part of the prophecy? I just imagine them walking around with a buncha extra toes on their lil paws and a split face, making them even weirder-looking than Tree, so was wondering lolol!!
2. Who all were the cats Needle saw saving her? I just finished reading the chapter where the missing cats were found (wonderful writing...!) but got confused by who is who and where. Needle saw two white cats, a torbie, a gray tortoiseshell, and a brown tabby. But when I read the reunion chapter, we only saw Dawnpelt (gray tortoiseshell), Cloverfoot (gray torbie), Beenose (white), Pepper (black with white paws and tail-tip), Birchbark (beige), and Lioneye (yellow). Who was the second white cat and brown tabby? I know it can't be Snowbird (white) or Snakepaw (tabico), because Snowbird said she was wandering Twolegplace completely alone until she and Snakepaw found each other, and Snakepaw didn't mention being around others when she woke up. She just mentioned Witch helping heal her. Did someone who helped save Needle die? :(
3. Who all from former ShadowClan is still with the Kin? I know Slate is (confirmed he attacked Spark...! Asshole!) and Sleek was until she was exiled for failing to kill Needle (or so she says...I'm keeping my eye on you, miss gorlie!), as well as the cats mentioned in the prologue before Sleek set out to find Needle, but I'm lost on who else is there!
Sorry for all the questions 🥲 just curiosity!
Never apologizs for asking questions, I love them <3 and thank you so much 💞💞
1. Yes, Witch has replaced Tree <3 Tbh I just. Didn't like Tree and Violet's relationship as much as I liked her's and Zelda's, so, originally, Zelda was gonna replace Tree. But after a while I, too, grew fond of Violet and Tree's relationship. So I combined them lol which is why Witch is a brown (Zelda) and golden (Tree) chimera! At this point, i kind of wish violet were in a poly relationship with Zelda and Tree, but I. Really like Witch 😭 they're one of my favorite Warriors OCs I've made, even if they're a combo of two canon cats. So no, unfortunately, Tree will not show up in this rewrite since, technically, he is Witch. I like the idea of Witch having extra toes lol but it might not be said in canon. They are a strange lil cat I adore them <3
2. Sooo I messed up and I have to go back and fix that thank you for reminding me. It was supposed to be two black-and-white cats! Beenose and Pepper. While technically Bee isn't black-and-white, I will continue to call her that lol. You're right about everyone! The brown tabby was Marshstripe and he is a-okay :) i really hope i mentioned him in the chapter where the lost shc cats are found i wouldn't put it pazt myself for forgetting whdbxhxh. I always forget about Marshstripe I'm as bad as the Erins 😭 he'll show up in Needle's Light <3
3. As of the end of Stalking Darkness, it is only Spikefur, Slateclaw, Juniperfang, and Rippletail I believe! All the jackasses <3 they'll be acknowledged eventuay don't worry, just haven't had the chance yet 😭
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ao3feed-hawks · 2 years ago
My Heart's Like Yours
My Heart's Like Yours by Stratagem
Keigo and Fuyumi have really cute babies that do cute things.
Words: 2111, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Series: Part 2 of snowbirds (hawks/fuyumi)
Fandoms: 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero Academia (Anime & Manga)
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: F/M, Gen
Characters: Takami Keigo | Hawks, Todoroki Fuyumi, Todoroki Shouto, Tokoyami Fumikage, Yaoyorozu Momo, Asui Tsuyu, Midoriya Izuku, Bakugou Katsuki, Iida Tenya
Relationships: Takami Keigo | Hawks/Todoroki Fuyumi, Todoroki Shouto/Yaoyorozu Momo, Asui Tsuyu/Tokoyami Fumikage, Takami Keigo | Hawks & Tokoyami Fumikage, Todoroki Fuyumi & Todoroki Shouto, Bakugou Katsuki & Midoriya Izuku & Todoroki Shouto
Additional Tags: Family Fluff, Domestic Fluff, Parental Takami Keigo | Hawks, Parental Todoroki Fuyumi, Todoroki Family Feels, Raising Babies, 2nd generation, Future Fic
Read Here: https://archiveofourown.org/works/47271766
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