#snow-shovel is my favorite character
super5tarfruit · 10 months
December 2nd, 2023
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Previous drawing || Next drawing After 20 minutes of nonstop snow-facts, Noelle could see Kris (and apparently the snowshovel) starting to freeze into a giant ice-cube. Quickly bringing them inside, she remedies their frozen state. "Here, this should make you feel better, Kris." * Noelle hands them the hot chocolates * As they are blissfully enjoying the best hot-cocoa in all of hometown, Noelle begins to realize the worst... " They weren't even listening to my wonderful, well-thought-out, well-executed, awe-inspiring, speech!!! " Noelle, somewhat defeated and mad, sits trying to make best of the situation, knowing that she might have failed to teach Kris (and that snow-shovel) the joy of the Christmas season... But, she knows that this isn't the last of it; rather, it is just the beginning... In a new perspective, she realized that she had Kris drinking hot-cocoa in December! Yes! That's it! She then remembers the quote by Sun Tzu, "Victorious warriors win first and then go to war, while defeated warriors go to war first and then seek to win."
She has won. Now, it is time for war...!
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Kris and the snow shovel began to look at Noelle confused and concerned, because, for the past 4 minutes, she had been monologuing her plans...out-loud... Noelle froze like a deer looking into headlights. Her face turned redder than a lobster in a sauna, as if embarrassment had just RSVP'd to the party on her cheeks.
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bethiewhimsy · 10 months
i’ve been looking for a fanfiction all day armed with only two scenes.
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loregoddess · 2 years
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Well, my trips to four different stores did not net me a new snow shovel with the ideal handle that I like the best, but I decided that today didn't have to be a bad day and bought myself Engage.
It is actually so gorgeous, and very fun (despite my still being in the early tutorial hell bits), and I like the music direction so far.
I may post general thoughts/impressions, but any spoilers will be under read more cuts, and I still don't plan to start reblogging anything in earnest for a while.
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tokkishouse · 2 years
hii i say ur " The first time you call him a term of endearment" post and can i request one where the roles get reversed with kaeya, thoma & heizou. fem!reader gets really really flustered hearing the term of endearment (perhaps one related to snow in kaeya's), tysm <33
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(Sfw) Calling Each Other Terms of Endearment for the First Time
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Characters: Diluc, Heizou, Kaeya, Thoma, Tighnari
Warnings: Slightly suggestive in Heizou and Tighnari's part, mentions of injuries in Tighnari's part
WC: 1.8k words total
Pt. 1, Pt. 2
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He calls you a term of endearment first
The steady tick-tock of the clock reverbs around the study. Paper shuffling and ink scratching fill in the gaps, and the occasional chatter shared between you and Diluc adds life to the quiet environment. Days like this were normal-- enjoying each other's company even with minimal interaction.
The peace is broken by the sound of liquid splashing against the mahogany desk and Diluc's sudden groan in frustration. You look up from the book you were reading to see that ink had splattered on the parchment and his hands. He clicks his tongue and looks up at you, offering a small smile.
"Dearest, could you get a towel? Or just something to clean myself up with."
Your grip tightens on your book in surprise and you freeze in your spot. The redhead watches you strangely as you stumble over your words for a response.
"D-Dearest?" you finally spit out, incredulous. It's his turn to be embarrassed, his face turning as red as his hair.
"Y-yes, that's what I said. Do you not like it?" he's become shy, scared that he has overstepped his boundaries. You quickly shake your head, standing up abruptly and sending your book tumbling to the ground.
"I'll go get you a towel now!" you announce, quickly rushing out of the study. Diluc watches on, still embarrassed but slowly calming down.
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He calls you a term of endearment first
"Two dango milks please!" Heizou orders for you two. You decided to have a stroll around Inazuma City-- Heizou had been busy with the recent Test of Courage situation and hadn't been able to spend some quality time with you. He promised that as soon as the situation was resolved he'd take you out.
And that's what brings you to today-- sipping on dango milk while you both sit on a nearby bench. You cringe at the initial taste, but stomach it as you chug the rest of it.
"Do you want to check out the Yae Publishing House next?" Heizou suggests, looking over. He stifles a laugh when he sees the milk staining your upper lip, unbeknownst to you. Seeing him struggle to conceal his laughter, you quirk an eyebrow up.
"Something on my face?" his smirk widens and he reaches over with a napkin to wipe up the milk.
"I didn't know you were trying to grow facial hair, doll. The white suits you," he teases, carefully dabbing away at the milk.
Your face warms up in embarrassment and you hiss at him, trying to bat him away from your face.
"Heizou please!"
"What? Would you rather I tell you what it reminds me of? After all, a delightful image appears in my head and I'd like to recreate it-"
"Shut up!"
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He calls you a term of endearment first
"Race you to the beach!" you challenge, breaking into a sprint toward the beaches at Falcon Coast. Kaeya's jumps in surprise but is quick to recover as he breaks into a sprint himself. Despite your headstart, his agile body is quick to catch up and he soon overtakes you.
You both approach the glistening coast fast, and Kaeya's slides to a stop right at the shore, cementing his victory.
"Always just a little too slow it seems~" he teases, watching you jog up to meet him. You sigh, shaking your head.
"I could never beat the calvary captain could I?" he laughs, turning away.
You notice two buckets and a shovel resting against a giant rock and walk over to them. They look like children's pails-- one is blue and the other is your favorite color. You look up at him, and instead of his confident smirk, it's melted into a sheepish smile.
"I wanted to go seashell hunting with you. I used to do it all the time when I was younger," he begins and slowly trails off. A distant look twinkles in his eyes and the air turns somber. You clear your throat, pulling him out of it and you reach down to grab the bucket.
"Well let's get started then! Who knows, maybe we'll find treasure too!"
Kaeya's watches you carefully, and his smirk reappears.
"Oh? But I'd consider you the finest treasure around."
He's quick to dodge the projectile bucket, laughing at your flustered expression.
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You call him a term of endearment first
"Thoma, where should I put this stuff?" you ask, looking over at your boyfriend.
You and Thoma were both housekeepers for the Kamisato Clan, although he had far more responsibilities than you did. Eager to help and already done with your chores for the day, you offered your assistance to him, and he was happy to have the help.
"Put it in the closet down the hall! It's extra stationery for Lady Ayaka and Lord Ayato," he answers, watching you carry the crate off.
He enjoys working with you as much as possible-- he has no problem taking care of his tasks on his own, but being able to have help, especially from his partner is always a bonus. You come back a few moments later, dusting off your hands.
"Sweetie, do you mind if I go and sit down? My back is killing me," you complain, placing your hands on your back to stretch. He waves you off, letting you take a breather as he presses on. Your words don't quite hit him until he's carrying another crate down the hall. Upon realization, he freezes and drops the crate on the ground, sending a thunderous noise down the halls. Nearby maids look over in surprise as the blonde stands there, dumbfounded and rosy-cheeked.
He calls you a term of endearment first
Having finished all of his tasks for the day, Thoma invited you to join him in feeding some of the nearby stray dogs. Happy to indulge in any spare time he had, you agreed to accompany him. It was one of your favorite past times to do with him. Watching the dogs slowly grow used to both of you was rewarding and it always left you feeling fulfilled and accomplished.
"Oh drat, we're out of some fowl," you complain, realizing your rummaging through your bag has turned unfruitful. Thoma looks over, frowning.
"I can run to the local market and get some?" he offers, but you shake your head, standing up.
"I'll go. I'll be fast," you promise, and you quickly take off to purchase the fowl. Thoma watches after you longingly before turning back to the dogs, showering them in affection.
"You all don't know how good Y/N really is," he begins, carefully ruffling one of the shiba's fur. "They're hard-working and kind, and they always offer to lend me a hand. On days that I don't see them, time seems to drag on forever."
Thoma sighs and sits back a bit, closing his eyes to take a break. The dogs all scramble to crawl in his lap and ask for his attention again, but he's starting to get lost in his thoughts.
"My sweetheart...my Y/N...I wonder if Lord Ayato has any ideas on how to propose," he ponders to himself, unaware of you hiding behind a tree. You had come back a while ago, but quickly hid when you heard Thoma talking about you. His nickname already had you fidgeting in embarrassment, but the idea of a proposal? You almost let out a squeal in excitement.
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You call him a term of endearment first
It was a rare lazy day for both of you-- Tighnari had no patrolling duties and he was caught up on his research, meaning he could divert all his focus and energy on you.
Currently, you two were snuggled up on the couch enjoying the delicate notes playing from the record player ("It's this new technology from Fontaine!" you explained when you brought it home). His face was buried in your chest, ears pressed flat on his head while his tail resided in your hands, being carefully groomed by your fingers. The more you tangled his fur between your fingers, the louder his purring got.
"Tighnari, you're purring like a tiger," you tease, carefully slipping your hands down to cup his face and tilt it up so he can look at you. You squish his face, forcing it into a pout. He scowls at you, pulling his face away.
"What, am I not allowed to enjoy my partner's embrace? Should I be as stiff as a board?" he mumbles, burying his face in your chest.
"No no, it's cute I promise, love," you laugh, reaching back for his tail. You're unable to catch it as it starts wagging animatedly. You glance down at Tighnari, who willingly matches your gaze. There's a light of amusement shining in his eyes.
" 'Love?' " he inquires, and you smile down at him.
"Yes, is that a- wah!" you're cut off mid-sentence as Tighnari pushes himself up and straddles you, his clawed hands sliding up the side of your body.
"I want to hear it again, Y/N."
He calls you a term of endearment first
"Hey! Not so tight!" you whine, shooting a half-hearted glare at the forest ranger. He ignores your complaints, continuing the wrapping of your injuries.
"It needs to be tight to prevent unnecessary blood loss and make it harder for bacteria to enter the wound," he explains, carefully tying the bandage up. "I wouldn't be doing this though if some lummox didn't go into the withering zone without their weapon."
You cross your arms and look away from him in defiance, jutting your bottom lip out in a pout. You forgot to check your bag before you both went out, meaning when you arrived to clear the area out, you were weaponless. And those fungi did not go easy on you. Near the end of it, you were carried back to Tighnari's house with bruises and scrapes all over you.
"I thought it was in my bag."
"You were sorely mistaken," he chides, then turns to pack up his medical supplies. He leaves you alone for a bit and when he returns, you're hugging your legs to your chest. Anyone with eyes can tell there's a gloomy air around you.
"I'm not mad at you," he carefully reminds you, stepping closer. "I was just worried. You can't go rushing into danger unprepared."
You don't reply, still refusing to look at him. Tighnari sighs and plops down in the seat next to you, wrapping his tail around your body. You instinctively scoot closer, leaning onto him.
"I care about you a lot, and if something drastic were to happen to you-" he doesn't finish his sentence, biting his lip. Silence falls over you two, the clock on the wall ticking away.
"You're very special to me flower," he whispers. You jolt at his words, glancing up at him with wide eyes. You try to stammer out a response, words getting twisted on your tongue. He takes your hand and squeezes it, silencing your attempts to talk.
"Promise me you'll be more careful."
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Now is "lummox" or "flower" the true pet name? 🤭
@seirenspinel Per your request I added Diluc cause he's my bbgorl and I wanted it to be 5
I personally don't think Kaeya's would call you a snow-related nickname? Even though Cryo is his vision does this make me hypocritical? maybe.
Lmao at this point this is becoming a series. Oh well! Requests (sfw and nsfw) are open~!
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hermitw · 2 months
My prediction hope & dream for JJK 266
So far I've been correct on Yuuji's domain being one of non-violence, (although the details I have gathered have yet to be revealed unless this is enough evidence).
and that
Yuuji's talk-no jutsu would be ineffective, but he might be capable of a listen-no-jutsu.
Sukuna can't relate - it probably feels like Yuuji is just rambling about his childhood, showing off how peaceful and carefree it was. Yuuji enjoyed shoveling snow (interesting how much snow came up, since this is important to my theory on Yuuji's domain. I guess it is still December 24th, isn't it? That's crazy. It's been at least 30 chapters by now).
Anyway, they're still in Yuuji's domain. I really, really hope that we get to see Sukuna's childhood next chapter. No one is aware of Sukuna's past, of why he became the monster (I believe it's a desperate grasp for his own autonomy).
Idk whether Gege will give us redemption but I still believe it could bring Choso, Gojo, etc. back.
Yuuji admit to not understanding his own domain, and I think it would be rly cool if Sukuna helps him to develop it. Maybe Sukuna could learn the value of life and connection, since Yuuji has this ability to reach people.
The thing with Choso is that he's like ash, but we don't know the size of Yuuji's domain - Sukuna's lacks a barrier, so I half expect Yuuji to be capable of that as well. Either way, I think his domain could cover the area where Choso's remains were scattered. He and Sukuna have this insane RCT ability, and domains get a can't-miss effect.
I really wanted to see Sukuna vs. the merger, maybe teamed up with the other sorcerers, but at this point I think that between Sukuna's destruction and Yuuji's reconciliation, they might be two halves of a whole that can redeem Japan from the chaos Kenjaku has caused with his merger.
Idk the details these are just thoughts I've gathered since yesterday.
Also we got to see baby Yuuji, show me baby Sukuna 😤 and how he met Uraume and also give me details on Tengen, I want confirmed lore so help me Gege.
If this upset you, then pls:
Listen I love Yuuji, and Megumi, almost everyone tbh (Mei and Mahito and Haruta, idc about u at all) but I also have Strong thoughts & feelings (especially) about Sukuna and I take his pain more personally. I know what I say is often unconventional and polarizing. I'm not saying this is canon, I'm saying that I have a hyperfixation and need to release these thoughts on my own blog. I don't want to start fights, I just like to see different interpretations and share my own. Frankly Yuuji was my first favorite character and I could never hate him. I just spend less time breaking down his perspective lately bc everyone else got that covered.
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e-dubbc11 · 8 months
from the fluffy winter holiday prompts and for my fave dilf, brock rumlow I want the going sledding together and ending up in the snow, oh no!
Hello my dear Selene!
This one was fun for me plus it has dogs in it. I hope you like what I did and thank you SO much for sending in all of your asks! ♥️♥️♥️
Dashing Through the Snow
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Photos are not mine. They are courtesy of Pinterest/Google.
Pairing: Brock Rumlow x F! Reader
Warnings: PG-13 pretty much, fluff, a couple of swear words, little bit smexy.
Word Count: 1.6K-ish
Summary: Brock takes you away to a log cabin for a long weekend. You bring your dogs along and when fresh snow falls, you have an idea involving the sleds you found in the garage and your pooches.
A/N: short little note, I named the dogs after two characters from one of my favorite movies
As always, thank you for reading!  I appreciate it so much and comments, reblogs are welcome and encouraged. Don’t be shy to tell me your favorite part. 💕💕 💕
The pristine blanket of white covered everything from the bare tree branches down to the blacktop driveway. Mother nature had given you a fresh white canvas to gaze at while drinking your morning coffee.
A wide smile stretched across your lips when the dogs leaped onto the back of the couch to look out the window with you. With their tongues out, they almost looked like they were smiling as they continued to look out the window while wagging their tails.
There was at least a foot of new snow out there.
Brock had taken you away up north for a long weekend and judging from his reaction when he pulled back the curtains of the log cabin, revealing the deep snow drifts in the yard, he may have regretted that decision.
With his lips firmly pressed together, he shook his head slowly back and forth as the large flakes of snow silently fell from the sky.
It wasn’t done snowing yet.
“What’s that for, Rumlow?” You asked. “You don’t like the snow?”
In a gruff tone, he replied, “I don’t like having to shovel a path so the dogs can do their business.”
The two Cane Corso’s, still on the couch, whined in his direction.
“See…they know you’re talking about them.” You chuckled.
Putting on his snow boots and winter coat, Brock pointed at the dogs and said, “Don’t let them out until I’ve made a path for them out back.”
Ripley and Hicks whined again.
“No…you two do NOT get to come outside yet.” He scolded them.
Still holding your coffee, you stood up and walked over to where Brock was and gave him a kiss on the cheek. His stubble tickled your lips and he quickly turned his head so his lips connected with yours. They were warm and tasted like black coffee.
Warming your hands on your coffee mug, your lips curled into a half smile.
“Ok, well I’ll be here warming myself by the fire. Lemme know when you’re done and I’ll let them out.” You said, walking over to the fireplace.
“Thanks for rubbin’ it in, doll.” Said Brock, walking over to the sliding glass door that led out onto the deck.
The dogs jumped off of the couch and pressed their noses against the glass to watch as Brock started to clear the snow from the deck. Their ears perked up when you mentioned food so they followed you into the kitchen and waited patiently by their bowls for their breakfast.
While Ripley and Hicks ate, you stood at the sink washing the dishes and looked out the window at Brock. A smile played across your lips thinking about how sweet he was to arrange this weekend getaway for the two of you, plus the dogs.
You know he didn’t come off as sweet and cuddly; a lot of the time, your friends and family said sometimes he comes off rather grouchy and angry but they didn’t know him like you did. He was very sweet, he treated you well and even though he didn’t always say it, you knew he loved you.
When you arrived at the cabin, Brock pulled into the garage and you noticed there were a couple of sleds hanging on the wall. Suddenly you had an idea; there were two sleds and two dogs.
Quickly, you threw some clothes on and bundled up to go outside.
“I’m almost done, sweetheart! You can let them out in a minute!” Brock called out to you as you stepped out onto the deck.
He started to walk back toward the deck and motioned to you, letting you know that it was ok for you to let them out. You made a mental note to make sure you clean the glass door before leaving; the dogs left their nose prints all over it.
When you slid the door open, they took off running down the stairs and into the snow toward Brock. The picturesque carpet of white was now being kicked up by the gray and black dots jumping up and down in the snow.
The two of them played with each other as Brock made his way up onto the deck.
A snowflake landed on the tip of your nose as Brock leaned in to gently press his lips to yours. “I thought you were waiting by the fire, doll?”
Excitedly, you bit down on your lower lip and raised your eyebrows.
“I was but then I remembered there are sleds in the garage!!” You said, jumping up and down.
Little snowflakes were stuck in his eyelashes.
“What?” He asked.
“Come on! Let’s see if the dogs are strong enough to pull us. I’ll go get the sleds, you get their harnesses!” You said.
Brock knew he wasn’t going to be able to talk you out of it. He tried to stifle his smile but it didn’t work; he loved to see you excited and happy so he just shook his head and stepped inside briefly to get the harnesses for the dogs.
“Oh, get a couple of their treats so they have something to chase!” You shouted on your way to the garage.
“This isn’t gonna work, doll.” Brock said with doubt in his voice as he strapped the harness on Hicks.
“RIPLEY!! Come here, girl! Of course it will work. Have you seen our dogs? They’re huge; they’ll be able to pull us, no problem.” You said with an excited smile. “First one to make it in between those two bushes, wins.”
Brock’s amber colored eyes appeared more gold against the perfect white backdrop. His mouth curled up into a half smile but then it disappeared when he saw you hooking Ripley up to your sled.
“Whoa, hang on a second, y/n. How come you get Ripley?” Asked Brock.
Your mouth split into a sly smile and you narrowed your eyes at him. “I think the better question is, why don’t you want Hicks?” You asked, bending at the waist and kissing Hicks on the top of the head as the gray Cane Corso tried to lick your cheek.
“Ok fine, I’ll say it. He ain’t too bright, doll.” He said in a disappointed tone.
“Are you calling our dog, dumb, Rumlow?” You asked sarcastically with a chuckle. “He follows Ripley wherever she goes, he’ll be fine.”
It was almost comical the way Brock looked at Hicks.
You pouted and gave him the sad eyes. “Look at him.” Pointing at Hicks. “You’re hurting his feelings, baby.”
Brock playfully glared at you and reluctantly attached the harness to Hicks, then to the sled and you did the same for Ripley.
With the treats in your hands and extras in your pocket, you sat down on your sled and Brock sat on his. The tip of your nose tingled; it was starting to feel a little numb in the chilly winter air.
“Do I get a prize if I win, sweetheart?” Brock asked. His voice was extra raspy being out in the cold.
“I’ll make you hot chocolate and you get bragging rights.” You said.
“Sounds fair.” He replied.
You let the dogs smell the treats in your hand.
“Ready? GO!!”
You released the treats from your hands and the dogs took off running. The snow was very powdery and fluffy so it was easy for Ripley and Hicks to pull you in the sleds. They kicked up snow into your faces as they gained speed toward the opening between the two bushes.
Ripley was ahead but only by a little bit and as you got closer to the finish, you could see out of the corner of your eye that Hicks had drifted close to the edge of the bush which meant if he didn’t move over, Brock would end up IN the bushes.
You could hear Brock yelling at the dog to move over but obviously Hicks wasn’t listening. He was too busy running after that treat and trying to catch up with Ripley. Your sled crossed the finish line just ahead of Brock’s but Hicks pulled the sled right into the bush and Brock ended up flying face first into the piles of snow on top of the bushes.
“AH FUCK!! STUPID DOG!!!” Brock bellowed.
With snow stuck to his face, he emerged from behind the bushes. You tried to bite back a smile but you failed miserably and exploded into a full belly laugh. The dogs looked very pleased with themselves so you made sure to give them their treats on your way to see if Brock was ok.
Still laughing, you asked him, “You ok, baby? You shoulda bailed when you noticed you were headed for the bush.”
His cheeks were flushed and both sides of his face looked like they had been pinched hard.
“Yeah well, I wouldn’t have won if I bailed out, now would I?” He said.
Biting down on your lower lip, you tried your best to stop laughing. “But you didn’t win anyway, Brock.”
He pointed at Hicks.
“You’re lucky I don’t make you sleep outside.”
Hicks just wagged his tail and jumped up on Brock to try and give him a kiss.
“Come on, handsome. I’ll make you some hot chocolate anyway.” You said, calling the dogs to follow you inside.
Brock was walking behind you and before you could step through the sliding glass door, he pulled you backwards by the hips so your backside was flush with his front and his hands were resting just above your core.
Suddenly, you weren’t cold anymore.
“How ‘bout you warm me up instead, doll?” He husked softly in your ear, sending shivers down your spine.
You leaned back to place a soft kiss on his cheek.
“Well I think that sounds like a better plan than hot chocolate.”
Others that might enjoy: @munsonownsmyass @itwasthereaminuteago @fluffyprettykitty @k-marzolf @redstarsandnightmares @nutmeg17 @gijos @randomlittleimp @nekoannie-chan
If I tagged you and you didn’t want to be, just let me know and I’ll never do it again. As always, thank you again for reading!
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scandalouslamb · 3 months
Was reading your OC fic and I was just wondering what drew you to Clemmie and Lyssie as a pairing?
I just think they just play off of each other really well (the versions of them that live in my head)! I think it was a spur of the moment decision to ship them in the Festus chapter, but I thought that they would have good chemistry! Then, as I worked out the finer details, they became really compelling to me!
I know that I said that I didn't have time to get into my Lyssie characterization, but I suppose that I can get into it a little bit since Lu actively wants me to (she's whispering in my ear). So anyway, what drew me to Clemensia/Lysistrata (vickercote? I've seen it called)
Clemensia, I think is someone who starts questioning the Capitol for not the most altruistic reasons (her encounter with Gaul inspires it. her bitterness over what happened motivates her, but I think once she sees enough outside of her Capitol perspective, she'll be motivated more by doing what's right).
Lysistrata, to me, is someone who I described in an author's note with "so much righteousness and nowhere for it to go." I just loved the idea that her tragedy was she understood right from wrong better than most Capitolites, but no one would listen to her. Then, I realized that given the Vickers' position as doctors there was a way for them to interact post-snake bite at a time when Clemmie would love to be listened to and of course listen to Lysistrata in turn.
In Close Your Eyes, the main conflict in their relationship (which exists mostly in the final chapter/epilogue) is that Lysistrata does not fully commit to active rebellion. I imagine that she helps out in small ways, but I imagine that Clemensia has much more opportunities and initiative in this regard. (I have Lyssie becoming a doctor like her parents who are described as out of the spotlight and are Pres. Ravinstill's personal physician. I imagine that this forces them to be a fly on the wall for confidential conversations and that they are very discreet. Due to that, I think Lyssie would once her initial outrage of the 10th Games die down be talked to by her parents/be more aware of the dangers of going against the Capitol. They'd probably convince her that staying alive and doing good as a doctor is the best way forward.)
I just like the dynamic that comes with Lyssie struggling with occasionally helping when she can and being a doctor but the being a Capitolite inherently makes you complicit in the Games even if you have the best intentions. I also juxtapose that with Clemmie knowing that Lyssie has the empathy and desire to do more but isn't because Lyssie is hedging her bets on the good she can do as a doctor/by living over the risk of getting killed senselessly.
Meanwhile, parallel that to Clemmie, who I think does get involved with the rebels (strong motivation if she extrapolates that the Capitol is culpable for the snake incident for enabling Gaul. Also perhaps, not even knowing it, but also being in a better position to get away with treason so as she is popular, potentially from a more affluent family (than Lyssie who are only doctors not politicians), and (once Snow is in power) close with Coriolanus in their school years).
The Clemensia/Lysistrata dynamic that exists in my brain in tbosas post-canon is filled with frustration for each other, but also understanding as there are so few people who could understand their views but each other. Then, as more of their classmates drop like flies, there's the clinging to one another, because whatever their grievances, they don't want to lose each other. In my head, in most worlds, Lysistrata outlives all her classmates, and she has to live with the unanswerable question of whether she did enough.
Anyway, Lysistrata was my favorite character before Felix hit me over the head with a shovel, and I think it shows.
Thanks for the ask, anon! I hope this made sense! I rambled a lot and now I have to go, haha!
(this turned into a how I characterize Lysistrata Vickers post basically lol)
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mydemonsdrivealimo · 10 months
Halloween (chapter 1)
Book: Open Heart
Chapter: 1/7
Pairing: Multi (Bryce Lahela x Jensen Valentine (MC), Jensen Valentine x Original Characters)
Characters: Jensen Valentine, Bryce Lahela, Aliyah (OC), Aurora Emery
Rating: Teen
Words: 1266
Summary: A collection of moments throughout Jensen's life, focused on his struggles and accomplishments because of and, more importantly, despite the one relationship he can't seem to let go of. Inspired by Halloween by Noah Kahan.
A/N: This is the most future-based part of the fic, and it actually addresses some hcs I haven't mentioned publicly yet. As I post more chapters, they will go in reverse chronological order, and the relationship in reference will become more clear
But the wreckage of you, I no longer reside in
And the bridges have long since been burnt
The ash of the home that I started the fire in
It starts to return to the Earth.
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The snow pummeled into the ground, large clusters of snowflakes settling on his shoulders and hair. Jensen tucked one of his gloved hands into his pocket as he hurried inside. 
He caught the door with his elbow, greeted by the familiar smell of alcohol disinfectant and lemon cleaner. Patients and doctors milled about the lobby as he headed for the elevators. After a few floors, the doors slid open, the floor relatively empty save for a few nurses chatting around the small station just off from the elevators. 
“Aw, Valentine, d’you get us something?” one of them—Samara—asked with a grin. He glanced down to the takeout bag in his hand she was referencing. 
Continuing down the hall, he replied, “Nope, sorry. Just Bryce and I today.”
“Wow, favoritism, I see how it is,” she said with a sarcastic eye roll, Jensen giving her a quick smile before continuing towards the diagnostics office. 
The lights flickered on to a steady, fluorescent glow, Jensen dropping his pile of things onto the center table. The others had coats, bags, and charts spread out here and there, most with patients or out for lunch themselves.
Checking his watch proved that Bryce was five minutes late. He gave him until he pulled their food out of the bag, spreading the takeout boxes across two adjacent seats before pulling his phone out of his pocket. In the time it took him to type out something and press send, the door gently creaked behind him. 
“Hey, sorry,” Bryce said, giving his waist a quick squeeze before unceremoniously flopping into one of the chairs, the force sending it back enough that Jensen had to pull him closer.
“You’re lucky I didn’t lock you out and eat it for you,” Jensen said with a quick wave to the food in front of him, taking a seat in his own chair. “M’fucking starving.” He was already shoveling crab rangoon into his mouth, ignoring the steam coming off of it.
“I can tell,” Bryce offered with an exaggeratedly judgemental look. Jensen kicked his chair, sending him rolling away once again. Laughing, Bryce scooted himself back to the table.
He got a grand total of three bites in before he was telling Jensen about his surgery from that morning. Jensen was happy to see him excited about it, especially knowing how slow it had been with mostly post-op check-ins and consults for the last couple days. 
By the time they were both nearly done, Jensen had his feet propped on Bryce’s lap, head resting on his arm over the back of the chair as he listened to Bryce talk about his schedule for the next couple weeks. He happily nodded and offered input where necessary, but, as per usual, he was content just listening to Bryce talk, turning off his brain for the first time all day.
The only thing that stopped Bryce was his pager going off, Jensen giving him a sigh and a look as if it was his fault. Bryce smiled and started to clean up just as the door opened again.
“I think my face is still frozen,” Des said as they approached, wrapped up in winter gear from head to toe. 
“Not quite Florida, is it?” Jensen asked, receiving a glare in return. Des had only moved up a few months ago, but they were settling into the team just fine. Maybe not the weather, but definitely the team.
“Okay, I’m not saying this on record, by the way,” Bryce said, stopping at the large glass wall of windows, “But honestly it is pretty with the snow.”
Jensen shook his head as he walked over next to him, tossing the empty containers in the trash. “Wow, really? It’s almost like I’ve been telling you that since we were in Boston,” he replied, entirely deadpan.
Bryce gave him a mocking expression, Jensen smiling as he followed his gaze out to the icy Lake Michigan, snow piled up along the edge of the water. Chicago winter could keep even the most dedicated runners inside, a notable lack of movement outside. The trees and ground were white, but the walkway along the water was twinkling with festive lights, entirely lit when night fell.
Bryce gave him a quick smile before scooting past, giving Des a wave before heading off.
“Oh, Tara told me to invite you guys to the Tavern tonight, by the way. We’re going pretty late, but if you get time you should stop over for a drink,” Des said as they arranged their things at their seat.
“We’ve got plans tonight, thanks though.”
“Shit, you literally said you had dinner plans, right? I forgot.”
Jensen nodded and waved it off before grabbing a few charts from the desk, thumbing past a few pages. He collected the necessary things before heading off to grab some results for their most recent case.
The midwestern-based diagnostics division had been his most dedicated project for the past four years. Doing split time for the first two was hell, so many flights and so many nights away from home, one he nor Bryce really enjoyed. But, now, he was content. They were content. Him, Bryce, Barry, and Corn all comfortably settled into a downtown apartment, able to enjoy the bustling city nightlife, events, and opportunities.
Jensen met Bryce at home later that night, Aliyah already comfortably settled in the kitchen awaiting his arrival. Corn didn’t even bother to greet him, too worried about the potential of a chip falling off the counter from the bowl Liyah and Bryce were both picking at.
Bryce greeted him with a smile and a quick kiss to the cheek, Jensen giving Corn a look. “At least someone missed me,” he said. 
“She just likes me more,” Liyah said with a smile, Jensen rolling his eyes and shedding his many winter layers on the way to the bedroom. 
On his way back, he scooped Barry out from under the bed, holding him up in the air as he meowed in protest. Bryce was happy to give Barry shit for nothing in particular with him, Jensen finally dropping him into his arms, carrying him like a baby towards the living room.
Their couch was dark green, adjacent to their tête-à-tête sofa. The room was doused in cool yet natural colors, light boxes keeping it bright despite the early winter darkness. Their Christmas tree in the corner brought some warmth to the room with yellow lights and a messy mix of ornament types. Out the main windows was the familiar sight of a glittering Chicago night, lights scattered throughout the surrounding apartment buildings and shimmering against the falling snow. 
Jensen set Barry onto the cat tower overlooking the street, watching him settle in before returning to the kitchen.
The door opened before he could get there, Aurora and her partner, Z, both entering with dishes of food. Jensen was quick to help them, setting out the food along the dining room table with the dish Aliyah had brought, as well as the filler he and Bryce covered.
It was part of their monthly routine, one dinner where they get together and all make something different. The rest of the night was spent talking and drinking and lounging around in the living room after dessert. And they could do it comfortably. With nice furniture, and with plenty of space for everyone, and no worry of cost or rent or food or just fucking surviving. He was comfortable, with the people he cared the most about, and doing what he loved. And that was all that mattered.
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tagging: @jerzwriter @cariantha @kyra75 @gutsfics @inlocusmads @choicesficwriterscreations
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valy-gc · 1 year
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I can't imagine the MC as a girl. For many reason.
And I'm 30, so it can't be "me"
Here is one of my Twisted Wonderland MCs ^^ (the one I use on my youtube lyric pranks)
Dust comes from a rather complicated world, since his home world is in the grip of a zombie apocalypse. His parents (father and aunt) died when he was very young, he don't remember them and he still managed to survive on his own for a time, hiding in burrows, since he was small enough to sneak in. He was found by a group of survivors after a few years.
Since he couldn't remember his name, and from crawling underground he was covered in dirt, they nicknamed him "Dust".
He's a bit on edge due to his usual lifestyle, but he manages to relax. Despite the difficulty of his world, he wants to return home, because the group has become his family. (or maybe bring them back to the shelter at Twisted Wonderland)
I know it didn't turn out that way, but I imagine him hitting the mine monster with his shovel, his favorite weapon, which he keeps with him as a precaution, although he is often called to order by the teachers. He's still a little wild and don't mind sleeping outdoor even in the snow.
He's really good at self-defense.
He has several scars, but no bite marks. He is also missing an incisor.
He also lost the little finger and ring finger of his left hand. Have been bitten so he cut them himself.
He thinks he is around 16 years old. He is not sure. His parents died when he was 6, he never really had the opportunity to follow the course of time and can't remember the exact date.
In fact, he is 18 years old.
He don't remember his birthday date either. So the TWST characters celebrate it for June 28. 
His real mother was actually an hamadryad but he learn it way later. She was accidentally killed by his father, because he forced her to get away from her tree. He have slighly pointy ears.
Back in his world, he was wearing whatever clothes he can found, being often obliged to repair it, he has therefore learned to love sewing, even if it is not his favorite activity (too calm for him). He also usually stay barefoot.
Since he's in Twisted wonderland, he discovered the "clean" and new clothes that exist. He likes things that are casual but also cute. He start to wearing girls' panties with cute designs and bows on them. He say :
"Why only girls be allowed to 'ave adorable underwears?? Who said it been only fer girls?? I want teddy bears, bows an' cats on me panties too!!" He have a "pirate-like" way to talk
Gay - Polyamory/polysexual - cis male
His relationship with the different characters : 
He has a very father-son relationship with Crowley, although they argue quite often. He treat Grim just like a cat-friend. He likes to stroke his fur. He's not used to taking care of himself, it's not his priority in his world, but he likes it when Vil decides to do it for him. He actually loves to hang out with the tweels ! Especially Floyd ! He can sometimes take naps and can actually sleep anywhere... and so he ends ups sleeping next to Leona or Silver. He likes to make Malleus confuses. It's funny. He likes to do some training with Jack. He also loves cooking and so can spend some times with Jamil or Trey. He knows a lot about surviving skill and eating what he can... so of course he get along with Ruggie! He likes doing music and can craft "instrument" out of anything, join sometimes the light music club to have fun with Lilia, Cater and Kalim. He's amazed by technology, since his desolated world don't have it anymore, so he likes to annoy Idia, always asking him to show him things. (he'll start playing games with him) He likes to work at monstro lounge sometimes. He argues often with Sebek but he think he's funny. Always hang out with Ace and Deuce to make trouble. Think Riddle is funny when he become all red. He knows how to use a bow and hang out sometimes with Rook to train. He respect Trein and sees him as a father figure too. He likes to play with Lucius. He always encourage Epel to be himself. He sometimes laugh at Crewel and bark when he call him a puppy. He's pretty sporty, since he's an apocalypse survivor, so he get along very well with Vargas and is very good at sport classes. He likes to go to the store and meet Sam, even if he's not familiar with the concept of money. Learning about this is very interesting to him. Want to slap Rollo Think Chenya is really funny Think Neige is fake (too good to be honest), he don't understand why he's seen as prettier than Vil Love to hang out with Najma
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thekinkyleopard · 1 year
The Festival: How bout them apples?
A Remi x Levi SnzFic
⚠️Content Warning⚠️
Lemons, SnzFet, Fluff
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Author’s Note: Hello my wonderful Snow Puppies! It is I, Kez! Back with more snzfet for y’all! This time Remi is our target! You asked! You shall receive! Let’s get into it! PS: I love feedback 🫣👉🏻👈🏻 And of course, credits to @aller-geez for the art, title, and characters Remi and Drae (mentioned later)
DESCRIPTION: Levi drags Remi to the local apple festival. Said wolf is acting like a Grade A beast on such a lovely day, Levi decides to teach him a lesson, will it prove fruitful? Or backfire?
“Baaaaaaaabbbbbyyyyy~~~~” the bubbly Leopard sang into the open space and bounced his way into the now rocking bus. “I have something for us to do!!” Excited as ever he wrapped his arms around the back of a sitting Remi to dangle in front of him. Kissing the side of the wolf’s temple, said man paused his guitar playing and looked to the side, his face apprehensive to these, plans.
“And what might that include?” Asking cautiously, green orbs narrowed, thin brow raised.
“Apple picking! Apple ice cream! Apple croissants and pancakes and and ….” Cut off suddenly, Remi sighed and threw his head back into the leopard’s chest, looking up at him now.
“But that means…other people will be around,” grumbling from between his lips.
“Hush! We are making core memories! Get your shoes and let’s go!” Giggling before kissing the other’s now wrinkled forehead.
“But…” suddenly cut off by his overtly exuberant boyfriend.
“No buts! Apple festival!” Patting Remi on his shoulders to indicate he would like to get up from this position. Leaning forward to free his mate and setting his guitar down with a deep sigh, they both gathered themselves and came to their feet. Begrudgingly, the wolf walked over and shoveled his feet into his boots, grabbing the keys to Ethel and standing by the door.
“I’m ready…” he mumbled grumpily looking down at the ground unenthused. Levi giggled rolling his sky blue eyes before grabbing his wallet and phone. He practically skipped over to Remi in just a few short feet, stood on his tip toes and kissed him on the cheek, nodding swiftly.
“Off we go then!” Smiling his famous bright smile that could get Remi to do anything he’d ever desired. They made their way into the vehicle, buckled and hit the road. Being passenger princess, Levi was in charge of the music, normally he would play whatever obnoxious artist he had discovered that week, but he was trying to have mercy on his beloved mate. So he decided to put on his favorite, Guardin. As they listened to the music, both of them began to sing along, every now and then catching a side glimpse of the other to admire their cuteness, it was easy to get lost in the happiness of it. Remi, finally finding himself coming out of that distasteful mood, reached over, and slapped an open hand down onto the leopard’s thigh, gripping it lovingly as they drove together. Levi placed a gentle palm down on top of the hand and carried on singing to “Luminary” as he gazed out the window. They sat like this the whole drive there, singing and enjoying the presence of one another on a beautiful scenic drive, before they finally pulled up to the festival. “Eek! We’re here!” Bouncing in his seat now. The leopard simply LOVED doing things, exploring the world and everything humans had to offer in it. More importantly, experiencing those things with his person. He quickly flung his seat belt off as Remi used both his hands now to park and get himself collected enough to leave as he slowly unbuckled.
Levi already throwing himself out of the van, feet hitting the dusty dirt parting lot with a thud. “I’m so excited~” he wiggled his butt back and forth skipping over to the driver’s side, awaiting his less than pumped boyfriend. Before the large man got out of the vehicle, he swiped a cigarette from the pack on his dash. Putting the stick to his lips now, he lit it, then swung his legs out of the van to join his boyfriend in the world. Slamming the door shut behind him, else it wouldn’t shut, he took a long drag and blew it out to the side, away from his mate’s face.
“Alright…let’s do this…” taking yet another drag, Levi folded his arms and rolled his eyes.
“Well I have to wait til you’re done smoking now! You can’t bring that in there!” Furrowing his adorable face into that of inpatient agitation. Letting out an airy chuckle to the reaction he was getting from the younger leopard, he took another drag and exhaled before scraping the cigarette out and tucking it behind his ear. Wondering how long he could act like a stick in the mud in order to get Levi to give in and take them home.
“Fine, I got my fix a bit at least, I’ll save the rest for later,” though he was slightly miffed he couldn’t finish his peaceful stick of cancer, he was still smiling. Despite the smaller’s attitude, it always made Remi feel slightly giddy to see he could so easily ruffle the man’s excited feathers. It was but a simple reminder of how attached they were to each other. With one quick swoop, the wolf snagged onto his boyfriend’s hand and nudged his head toward the festival gates. “Come on cutie,” the once frowning face turned up into a quick and bright smile again.
“Yay!!! I really want to go Apple picking first! Get as many of the good ones we can, Drae told me the west section of trees usually has no one cause it’s the furthest out…so we should go that way!” Just the sound of that twit’s name brought chills to Remi’s body, and an insufferable feeling of rage.
“This was DRAE’S idea?!” He snapped his head to the side with a scowl. Levi sucked in his lips, and shrunk, feeling very small under his boyfriend’s rage.
“Yes…BUT… Me and Drae share a lot of similar qualities so he knew I’d love the festival, gawsh, you need to stop hating him so much, he’s done nothing to you!” His eyebrows fell now with irritation before looking over at his grumbling mate.
“Not directly…but mentally…he is the human embodiment of nails on a chalkboard,” he looked away from the judging leopard now who scoffed at him.
“You’re so dramatic, let’s go Sir Gumpy pants,” tugging the hand of his slightly annoyed boyfriend and dragging him to the entrance booth. An older lady greeted them with a sincere smile before she asked,
“Two tickets, gentlemen?” To which Levi rapidly nodded his head, cheesin like he was a kid at Disneyland, messy mullet flowing about. Remi pulled his wallet out of the back pocket of his ripped black jeans with one swift movement. “That’ll be $40!” The lady responded cheerfully to them both. The wolf scoffed and judged the price in his head. Gently, subtly, Levi nudged his mate with his elbow, still smiling brightly at the attendant assisting them. Her once genuine smile turned to that of a nervous one when Remi’s unamused, green eyes made contact with hers. He slid the money to her on the counter and opened his palm face up awaiting the tickets he just paid for. Whilst slightly shaking, the woman places them in his open hand and nods. “E-Enjoy…” as they walked away towards the rest of the festival, Levi sighed exasperated. “Remington…must you exude such a dark aura that you scare an innocent old lady?” he was talking to the man beside him, but his eyes were scanning all the booths around them. His internal excitement bubbling up once again in the pit of his stomach.
“Hey, you know pleasant people make me uncomfortable, I can’t help myself..” he muttered sheepishly as he held tighter to his boyfriend’s hand.
“You really gotta work on that,” they both cracked a genuine smile as they playfully nudged into each other. Eventually, making their way over to the orchard half of the festival, Levi’s main target of the evening. Approaching a bald headed farmer who looked at the two men holding hands, and tried to reserve his judgements, he nodded at them. “You folks here to pick some apples?” Remi couldn’t help but scoff once again.
“No, actually, came to chop em down,” it was a joke, but clearly it went over the man’s head.
“Excuse me?” He said with a raised eyebrow. Both of the boys could hardly contain their snickers and chuckles. Giving off a nervous, but breathy chuckle Levi spoke this time.
“He’s just messin’ with you, sir, yes we would love to pick some apples!” Pulling on Remi’s arm as he bounced on his toes excitedly looking about at all the trees. His eyes zeroed in on the furthest orchard to the west. He could tell there were still fruitfuls of trees out that way.
“Ah! I see,” the farmer cracked a smile now, pleasantly surprised to find he was just being goofed with. The man took it in stride before telling them “it’ll be $10 a bucket, alright boys?” Remi looked down at his bouncing giddy boyfriend and sighed obviously unable to turn it down. ‘Jesus Christ what was the ticket fee for then?’ He wondered to himself before fishing out another $20 from his wallet, handing it to the man. “Alrighty, grab yourself a bucket and go to town, whatever you can fit you can take with ya,” the shiny headed man said as he stashed the bills in his til. The boys each took a bucket and once that bucket was in his hands, Levi took off. “Hey!” Remi grinned before sprinting after him.
“Come on! We gotta get to the west! That’s where the best apples are!” He looked behind him with the widest grin the wolf had probably ever seen him wear. Besides the time he first said the L word. Unable to stop his heart from melting at the sight of his favorite person so delighted, he quickly caught the leopard’s pace as they dashed to the furthest corner of the orchard. They arrived and as they caught their breath they looked in amazement by how many apples were on these trees compared to the ones up by the front.
“This is awesome!” Levi shimmied his body holding his bucket close to his chest. Remi looked about and then set his bucket on the ground.
“Alright Kitten, go to town,” he yawned, leaning up against one of the many fruit-filled trees. Levi sharply turned around and looked at his mate with utter shock and disappointment.
“No! Not just me, you gotta pick em too that’s the point! If I wanted to pick apples by myself I wouldn’t have bothered to bring you, silly!” Picking up Remi’s bucket now and handing it to him. He was starting to get slightly annoyed with just how grumpy the wolf was being today. Did he not have his coffee? Was it cause he only had a few puffs of cigarette? He wasn’t sure but Levi was quickly  concocting a way to get back at the man for being such a debbie downer on such a fine festival afternoon. Grabbing it with lose hands, Remi furrowed his brows at his boyfriend.
“Fine…but I’m gonna complain the whole time,” he smirked playfully, he could tell he was getting under the smaller’s skin just by the look in his eyes. Truthfully, they loved to test each other now that they’re this far into their relationship. Turning around dramatically, with the sass of a thousand bratty teenagers, Remi began yanking and pulling at the apples letting them fall into the bucket with a *thump* Levi stood there, arms crossed, hip cocked as he carefully studied the other man. ‘Look at him being such a butthead about this…you know…that’s it, I’m teaching him a lesson…’ and while the wolf was obviously distracted in his own pity, the leopard concentrated really hard, narrowing his eyes as he centered his thoughts. Out popped two black and white teddy bear shaped ears, and a long, fluffy, elegant spotted grey tail. Wiggling it back and forth beside him, he slowly approached Remi from behind with the stealth of a cat. With one fell swoop, allowed his tail to gently swish past Remi’s fragile nose. The man froze, feeling the tickle, his throat already starting to get a hint of that itching feeling.
“Levi…” he muttered slowly before turning around. “What did you just…hah…Hhh…” it built up in him faster now, his heart racing a million miles per minute. Eyes squinting without control “N-No—…HaAaAa…” trying his best to stifle what was to come but like an abrupt punch to the gut, it hit him. “Hh’itSCHUU!” He sneezed once into his arm. “HhHhh-Haah…L-Lee…v..hah…HAH’TSCHU!” The leopard felt immensely satisfied wiggling his tail back and forth in a quick flutter. He giggled and he quickly offered the sleeve of his hoodie to him.
“Need a tissue, honey?” He asked playfully, but also genuinely. Remi grabbed the smaller’s arm, but quickly spun him around to wrap his arms around his waist and bury his face into the side of the leopard’s neck. Not realizing his ears and tail still very much out, so this would only make the problem, much worse. He felt flushed, flustered, and most importantly, stuffed. “Babdy…snf..why?” Whimpering into his mate now as he sniffled and stifled. “H-heh…” feeling it coming on once again. Levi giggled and wrapped his arms around the arms that were enveloping his waist.
“You were such a stinky grumpy man today, I thought I’d teach you a lesson,” his tone was more than satisfied, and proud.
“H-hh..you..on purpude??” He lifted his head now, shocked by the betrayal, though his gaze was straight ahead the man below him could almost feel the consequences of his actions coming to fruition soon. “Heh…HH’TSCHU!” Unable to control the feeling of an insatiable itch within him that must be scratched. His face was hot, in fact his whole body felt hot. He couldn’t escape it, no matter how many times he rubbed, and sniffled against the cat’s hoodie.He whimpered gently against the other. All anything he did was make it infinitely worse.
Levi was starting to have some reserves about what he had just done..‘Oh no…he’s really struggling…’ he bit his lower lip, brows turned up with worry. He unlatched the man’s arms from him in order to turn himself around to face the mess of man. “Baby?” He asked softly, scanning over the other’s face. Remi’s bright green eyes were glistening as the tears welled within them, cheeks flushed with a light rose color and his nose was raw from rubbing against the leopard’s light blue hoodie. The wolf pouted, he looked down at Levi with a heartbroken expression.
“You dibd dids to meb?!” Lower lip fully jutted as he spoke with tear stained cheeks. Now Levi was pouting, his heart felt like it had been kicked around and he no longer liked this game, he concentrated again, his cat features quickly vanishing as he tried to soothe his suffering partner.
“I did, I’m sorry, I didn’t realize it would come out this badly…” Levi scooped his sleeve past the tips of his fingers, gripping the material tightly so it would stay over his hand. He then brought it up to Remi’s poor sore nosey, and began to gently dab at it.
“Heh…snf…HH..oh god…” he mumbled between stifles, lifting his head up towards the sky, mouth gapped open as he let out another force full sneeze. “HIH’ITTSCHUU!” Groaning immediately afterwards as he looked back down to his guilty mate.
“Oh honey…I’m so sorry…what have I done?” Levi’s tone of voice was that of worry as he continued to dab and rub at the wolf’s nose for him. The care his boyfriend was showing towards him, despite being the source of his pain, caused Remi’s heart to flutter a bit with excitement. He continued to observe the leopard as he was cleaning up after each blow, sometimes spraying past himself, causing his lips to moisten. “Is it getting any better?” The smaller asked looking up with those bright blue orbs of anxiousness.
“Nobe…heh…Hh~” he stifled once more, Levi held his sleeve up to the other’s nose.
“Go on, let it out Daddy, I won’t be upset,” voice tender and loving as he braced himself for impact. Something about that absolutely sent chills down Remi’s spine, did he just? Is he? ‘God…he’s so cute right now…’ he thought to himself before he could feel the build up once again. He huffed through his nose “H-heh…” but the second he did that, the cool breeze reactivated that ever so stubborn tickle. “HH’TSCHU!” Another medium decibel sneeze rocked through the core of his system, letting loose on the cat’s sleeve, grabbing it from behind with his hand to steady it closer to his face.
“There you go, handsome, that’s right,” smiling gently up at him. He couldn’t take it, between the fragile state of being that was his current fit, and the sight of his mate being so doting after causing this whole thing, he moved his hand now to snake around the other’s small thin waist.
“Woulbd it be toob ribdiculus to fuck right bow?” Face flushing harder than it originally was as he pulled the male closer, sticking their foreheads together, the wolf’s slightly clammy from his current condition. Levi could only giggle as he brushed some of the loose strands of black hair from Remi’s eyes.
“I’ve seen you perform under worse circumstances…but are you sure?” he whispered seductively at first but then, quickly turned into worry again.
“Stob beibg so carinbg, it’s going straibht to mby dick,” mustering up a charismatic smirk, his nostrils still bright red. They both looked at each other with a heated gaze before each male took the time to check their surroundings first. The coast was completely clear, no one was walking out this far. Grabbing his mate by the front of his hoodie, Remi dragged him through the orchard now, making sure they had enough coverage for what he was about to do to him. Once the spot was secured, letting go of the hoodie his hand quickly snatched Levi by the base of his throat within the V of his hand. Pushing his back up against the front of him, he drove the leopard straight into a tree trunk until he was pinned there. Hand squeezing just slightly.
“Yoube really donbe it now, kitteb,” his voice still blocked up from his post sneezing stuffy nose. “Youbb be luckby to wablk out of hereb wibhout my helb,” Levi’s breath hitched underneath the hand that held his neck, hands braced up against the tree as he teasingly rubbed his ass against the front of Remi’s already too tight jeans. The feeling of having his throbbing length pushed up against, caused a low growl to escape the depths of the wolf’s chest. “Whob do youb thigk youb are, hubh?” Questioning his boyfriend, his lips at the other’s pierced ear, licking the shell of it.
Levi received full body shudders from the way the taller was speaking into his canal, teasing it so seductively. “I’ve been terribly bad, daddy I’m so sorry~” he whimpered against him, still desperately rubbing his rear end along the stiff shaft that begged for exposure.
“Well dow I have to pudish you,” despite the inflections of his voice, the deepness, the sincerity of it, Levi’s own length started struggling against the fabric of his pants. Desperate to be touched, needing the other so bad he could feel his body starting to tremor. Remi’s free hand worked quick on the leopard’s jeans, flicking open the button and quickly drawing down his zipper. He shoved the pieces of fabric downward, just barely enough to expose Levi’s pale awaiting ass.
“Please…hurry..I need it, Daddy,” he struggled to gasp behind the hand that tightened ever so slightly around his throat again. Blue orbs floating back behind his skull, freckled cheeks dusted pink. He continued to uncomfortably shift his hips to receive more friction between them.
“Daddy’s goigg to bake a bess out of you,” his whisper drenched in a much more sinister aura, despite being stuffed. He gripped the base of his wet length, and started pushing it against Levi’s tight, wanting entrance. The leopard let out a slightly muffled moan. “Are you ready, Kitted? Here I cobe,” despite his face still being mildly irritated, and his nose being completely plugged, Remi’s whole body was lit with passion, being driven by pure instinct and lust as he drove his craving length deeply inside of the other’s waiting hole. Both of the men groaned and gasped with complete bliss, wasting no time, the wolf began to animalistic-ally thrust himself in and back out, rapidly tearing through Levi’s tight ass. One hand on his throat and the other assertively on his left ass cheek. His grip was so hard it was sure to leave behind finger shaped bruising. However, the cat didn’t care as he started to drool slightly out the side of his mouth.
“You feel so fucking good, please don’t stop,” Levi gasped again, his own hand coming up to push at the one on his neck. Forcing the grip to get tighter, more aggressive.
“Youb like that? Tell daddy how buch you lobe his dick, baby,” hot breath against his ear, the slurry of words swirling inside the folds of his brain, Levi couldn’t help but continue to moan helplessly.
“It..s….soOoo..goOo.d…da…ddy,” struggling to get the syllables out as his hole was relentlessly pounded into.
“That’s right, that’s daddy’s home isd’t it?“ slowly his nose was starting to clear up, but not completely, as the adrenaline, started to rush through him. Sweat forming at his hair line from the consistent thrusting, though hidden underneath all the length of mop, you could see a bead fall behind from his forehead every now and then if you tried.
“Yes….Sir….”uttering what he could as the grip only managed to get tighter, his once pale face a very light shade of lilac as he struggled to breath. The wolf only lessened his grip every 30-60 seconds, just to ensure his mate wouldn’t go passing out on him. With controlled breathing, and the thick length pumping inside him, Levi could no longer take it. “Please…let…me touch?” He managed to squeeze the words out with a pleading whimper.
“Go ahead, Kitted, you cad touch,” giving the cat full permission to ravish himself. Levi didn’t even take a second to consider it, or hesitate, he swiftly grabbed hold of his leaking, anguished length, and started to vigorously stroke between thrusts. Remi’s head falling forward to rest against that of his boyfriend’s, he positioned his legs further apart so he could scoop his hips in the upward position. Hitting the small male right in his prostate. “Shit..” Levi hissed with pure ecstasy, seeing stars floating about the center of his vision, feeling the pressure building and threatening to boil over.
“Are you goigg to cub for daddy? Go od, spill that hot load for be, I wadt to see you cobe uddode,” his hot voice still murmuring silkened stuffy words through his ear. This caused Levi’s whole body to tremble and shake, his vision starting to blur and blacken.
“Go-..d…I’m gonna…” and just like that, Levi blew his long awaited load hard, painting the tree he was pinned up against. Remi growled with animalistic lust, craving his own sweet release.
“Just a secodd…albost there…” hesitating on the last half of that sentence, he plunged himself deeper, pulling back out only to dive right back in. The pressure of Levi’s constricting walls was proving too much as his own orgasm threatened to burst through. “Oh fuck I’b cobiggggg…” elongated as he moaned the last word before the climax hit him as if he’d been snapped like a glow stick, he bent at the waist, hips stuttering as his body convulsed. “Fuck….” He hissed again, groaning inwardly as his seed spilled inside the other and dripped downward into the leopard’s jeans. Remi collapsing behind Levi, letting go of his neck as they caught their breath. They gasped and panted for a while before scrambling to fix their pants.
“Jesus…” Levi said in a breathy fashion. The wolf managed to take his weight off his boyfriend long enough for the male to turn around and face him. “That was so good,” he smiled a full toothy grin.
“Yeah? How ‘bout them apples?” He chuckled now feeling much more cleared up and comfortable after reaching his climax. The leopard’s eyes widened in panic.
“Oh no, the apples! We gotta hurry and collect those before that guy comes looking for us..” looking behind him, feeling a tad paranoid, to see that their buckets were indeed still over where they’d abandoned them for their quickie.
“Is there a time limit to apple picking?” The wolf asked curiously as they started to walk towards the spot they’d originally came from.
“Honestly…not entirely sure but I’d like to finish this up, and maybe go in for round two in the van…?” Biting his lower lip and looking the other up and down as if he were already mentally undressing him.
“I won’t argue with that,” the wolf said with a cheeky smile before they hurriedly gathered the fresh fruits.
The end
Author’s Note: I know I said look out for the next /3/ days but …I cracked this out in one just for my snzfuckr Snow Puppies 😚🤌🏻 Hope you enjoyed! 🫶🏻
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wow you saw the fountain in person? thats so cool! what do you think of it? i think its interesting, personally!
I did!! It was in Mexico City!! It was a Duchamp & Jeff Koons exhibit.
I loved it- I really love Duchamp It was really cool to see so many of his super well known pieces in person. the whole exhibition was really special- But it was the most crowded museum I've ever been to- we waited outside in the longest line for maybe an hour to get in- which is really cool if you think about it! But also it was hard to photograph anything.
Here is the snow shovel I talked about a few weeks ago. And my favorite Duchamp piece- the photo of him as Rrose Selavy - which was his alter ego/drag character in French her name is a play on words - love (or sex), that's life & L.H.O.O.Q which is a postcard of the Mona Lisa with another play on words when said out loud the initials sound like "she has a nice (or hot) ass" in French
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deandoesthingstome · 1 year
Fanfic Writer Wednesday
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Okay. Okay. Okay. I’m using this week’s FWW to remind myself that @angryschnauzer​ has an entire masterlist that I need to find time to read through.
Why? Because right now, I’m jonesing for more As Sweet As Honey, an absolute dream of a story with my favorite captain, Sy, who likes to post thirst traps on IG promoting his honey and fresh baked bread. And he has a hot tub. Just what is not to like?
And because I noticed when I was perusing said masterlist, that she also has a Pirate!Sy! It’s meant to be a cheesy romance CRACK fic, but imagining swashbuckling Sy has me all kinds of ways. PLUS a second chapter brings more HC!Pirate characters that I’m sure are not to be missed!
I know I’ve read Moonlight on the Sand because who could resist Werewolf!Sy? And I’m pretty sure I recall What Your Husband Can’t Give You, with Mike. Young stud shoveling the snow in your driveway? What I cannot figure out is why I didn’t both hit Like and Reblog on these. It’s probably because I read them early on when I was just dipping toes and unsure if I’d stay awhile. But here I am, stuck on Henry and all these amazing stories. As a bonus, there always seems to be more to find! Along with Sy and Mike, her masterlist has August, Walter, Geralt, and Sherlock too. And  few special guests I’m sure you won’t want to miss.
So if you’ve been around awhile, Schnauz may be nothing new to you. But if you’re new here, do yourself a favor and head on over to check it out. Don’t forget to let her know what you liked! Better yet - reblog anything you do like so you can share it with your neighbors. (Metaphorically speaking. I’m not suggesting you knock on your neighbor’s door and hand them some Tumblr smut. Unless you think that’s get you somewhere you want to be, in which case, more power to you!) (Also, I’ll be queueing up the stories I’ve already ready but failed to reblog, because that’s how it works around here.)
Anyway, you know the drill: Like, Comment, Reblog, Flail.
As always...
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seleneshelby · 2 years
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Captivating Beauty
Summary: Y/ N decides to ride a horse in the forest and relax by the lake. You sing as well with draws Tommy's attention. Your song helps Tommy rid of him hearing the sound of shovels.
Prompt: Helping Tommy to Relax
Warnings:None. Just pure fluff. Hugging, comfort, kissing, blushing, and complimenting.
Pairing: Tommy x Reader
Characters: Tommy Shelby, Francis, You, and Johnny Dogs
Romani phrases used in story
1. Stoj- stop
2. Le tu pala lako glaso- go to the lake
3.Nai mishto, ferdi jekh žena džil.- follow the voice of the woman singing.
4. So si nasul?- what's wrong
5. Zhan sigo mai anglal- go straight ahead
6.Hej pačače- hey boy
7.Te žal- to go
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The rays of the sun shine through your caravan window like a beacon, giving you the signal to wake up. You always love waking up to a sunny day. Raising up in your bed, you look at the sun, it gives you a happy feeling. Then you walk over to your closet to find a simple dress to wear. You choose the dark green one. Looking at it makes you feel bright as day. You put it on with a smile on your face.
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Then you hear your father Johnny Dogs calling your name outside the door.
" Y/N you up", Johnny says looking at the door with a hand on his hip.
" Yes father I am", you say rushing to the door. You just about stumble over your little stool. You were lucky you didn't because you could've hurt your ankle or worse.
" Glad because I got a surprise for you", Johnny says looking at the door still.
" Here, I am." " What you got for me?", you ask with a smile.
" Just follow me and I'll show ya", Johnny says walking with excitement. He had a little skip in his walk that reminds you of a happy horse.
You smile following him in your green dress.
Johnny Dogs leads you to a caravan with a very beautiful horse tied to it. A big smile appears on your face. It was white as snow with a long white mane. Plus the hair on the mane and tail had a shine to it. It reminds you of a horse a princess would ride.
" She's all yours y/n", Johnny says with a nod.
" Where you get a horse like this?", you ask petting the horse's mane.
" A fellow gypsy gave it to me", Johnny says watching you.
" That's nice." " Is this a freisian horse?", you ask with curiosity.
" Yes it is." " You going to name her y/n?", Johnny asks with a nod.
" I thought so judging by the long mane and all." " I'll name her Snow White", you say with a warming smile.
" Perfect name for her." " You going to take her for a ride?", Johnny asks admiring the horse.
" I'd love too, but can I?", you ask with hesitation looking at Johnny.
" Yes you may", Johnny says patting your back.
" Thank you father", you say getting on Snow White bareback.
" You're forgetting something", Johnny says holding up the rope.
" Oh, I'm sorry", you say leading the horse to Johnny.
" Can't ride a horse without a simple reign now", Johnny says making a reign with the rope.
" I simply forget because my mind was on Snow White", you say watching him shaking your head a little.
" I understand." " You're ready to go now", Johnny says patting your leg.
" Thanks father", you say taking the rope.
" You're welcome y/n", Johnny says waving you off.
Then you whispered to Snow White to go. She bolted as fast as a cheetah with her long white mane flowing up. She even leaves a dust of dirt behind. You take in the sights around you. The sky was blue like the ocean giving off a serene and peaceful feeling in the air. Vast green valleys you can see for miles and miles. Rays of the sun shining bright in the sky giving off a jovial feeling.
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In the distance you see your favorite forest with the lake. You tug on the reign lightly to indicate Snow White to slow down. " Good girl", you say as she comes to a walking pace. You pet her soft white mane elatedly. Next you pull the reigns to the right, so she goes to the forest. She obeys walking the trail leading to it.
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An array of beautiful flowers line the path, giving off sweet and fragrant smells. The sound of nature fills the air with calmness. Birds chirping in their twig nest as you ride by. You smile looking at the beauty of nature. Nature always has a calming effect on oneself. Snow White does a cute little neigh making you chuckle.
" You must like the forest", you say looking around.
Up ahead you see sparkling white reflecting off the lake like a diamond. You've always thought of it like a guiding light.  " Stop Snow White", you say softly in her ear. She stops letting you off. You let her go to the grassy area, so she can rest. She goes to the luscious green grass near the lake. Snow White sniffs it and eats it.
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Walking to find a spot to sit; you see a family of ducks swimming. A smile appears on your face watching them. One is that the ducks were ducking their heads in the water. You thought it was cute how they reacted doing that. The smallest duckling was shaking it's head a little. Other ducklings did what mama and papa did, which was fluttering their wings a little. You take your eyes away from them to find a spot close to the water. Sitting down, you go to watch them again. The family of ducks was lining up in line. Mama and papa duck was qwaking as they started to swim again to the other side of the lake.
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Your eyes wander off from the ducks to look at the water. You spot a school of tiny fish swimming in the water. All the fish look magical to you because they all sparkled like the stars do at night. Also, they created a ripple effect in the water that mesmerizes you. It reminds you when you used to skip a rock in the water, which created the ripple effect. After the fish swim out of your sight, you start singing looking at the flowers.
Tommy Hears the Shovels
He sits in his office looking at a picture of him when he was in the war. The longer he looks at it a familiar sound overcomes him. That sound was shovels hitting the wall. He gets up from his desk quickly; throwing the picture on his desk with a scared look. It was like he seen a ghost.
" Please stop!", Tommy shouts walking out of his room with haste.
Francis rushes from the kitchen to him.
" Mr. Shelby, are you ok?", Francis asks coming to him. A worried look appears on her face.
" No, I'm not", Tommy says looking at the walls.
" Need me to give you something?", Francis asks standing before him.
" I don't need nothing Francis." " I'm going for a horse ride to clear my mind", Tommy says walking to the door.
He quickly grabs his coat putting it on. Next he puts on his cap with a worried look.
Francis watches him without questioning him.
" Be careful Mr. Shelby", Francis says with concern watching him leave.
" I will Francis", Tommy says with annoyance as he walks outside.
Tommy goes straight to the stable grabbing his saddle and reigns. He goes to his horse Dangerous.
" Hej pačače", Tommy says as he puts the horse gear on his horse.
Dangerous stays still obeying Tommy. His tail swooshes a little back and forth.
Then he gets on Dangerous.
Tommy says," Te žal" to get Dangerous to move. He gallops into the green field leaving dust behind. His black mane and tail billow up in the air like the wind. Tommy takes in the beautiful sights around him as he rides his horse. The blue sky and forest near by eases his mind of the sound of shovels. It's like those things blocked the sound to him. Tommy sees the forest and decides to go there.
"Zhan sigo mai anglal", Tommy says to Dangerous patting his black mane. Dangerous takes the path to the forest. He notices Dangerous ears go up. Then he neighs a little.
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"So si nasul", Tommy says softly looking around the forest.
He notices nothing of danger, but hears a beautiful voice of a woman singing in the distance. Her voice was drawing Tommy's attention.
" Nai mishto, ferdi jekh žena džil", Tommy says softly to Dangerous. He calms down and stops neighing. He keeps listening to her singing. " She's singing about love", Tommy thinks to himself.
" Le tu pala lako glaso", Tommy whispers to Dangerous.
His horse keeps going straight up the path. Up ahead he sees a lake. Clear crystal shine sparkles from the top of it. " Stoj", Tommy whispers to Dangerous. He gets off him walking towards you. A look of surprise appears on Tommy's face. One is that you were very beautiful in his eyes. Two your voice was captivating to him.
You keep on singing unaware of Tommy coming near you. Your horse Snow White goes to stand near you. She nudges your hand to pet her, but you keep singing. The song you were singing was about love in general. You pet her as you sing still. In the corner of your eye, you see a handsome man coming towards you. Eventually, you turn around to face him, singing still. Tommy goes to sit next to you and listens. A smile appears on his face. You smile back at him while you sing. Plus a blush appears on your face because you find him attractive. Your voice was soothing to his soul making him relax. He stares right at you looking into your eyes. It was like he was reading your mind.
You finish your song, to talk to him." That was very beautiful", Tommy says softly looking into your eyes. A tear sheds from his eye due to how beautiful the song was. You notice that with a look of surprise on your face.
" Did I make you sad?", you ask looking at him.
"No, that was just a tear of happiness luv", Tommy says softly with a big smile.
" That song must've touched your soul", you say moving closer to him.
" Yes, it did", Tommy says softly watching you.
" Thank you", you say with a blush.
" My name is Tommy Shelby, but you can call me Tommy", he says softly with a warm smile. His name sounds familiar to you. One is that your father Johnny Dogs has told about him in the war.
" My name is y/Dogs", you say softly.
" Beautiful name." " You must be Johnny's daughter", Tommy says as he remembers Johnny Dogs telling him about you. An image of you standing by your caravan appears in his mind. He'd always smile to you every time he seen you. A big blush appears on his face as he looks right at you.
" I believe we met once", Tommy says as he gets close to you.
" When was that Tommy?", you ask putting your arm around him.
Also, you notice how tense he is when you hug him. It was like he was frozen by your touch. His expression on his face was solemn. Many of the people in your family said that your hugs had an effect on people. That effect was relaxing them to rid what was on their mind.
" After I came back from the war", Tommy says resting his head on your chest. He closes his eyes seeing shovels hitting the wall. Just the word war startles him. " The shovels are back", Tommy says shaking in your arms. You quickly look down at him.
" Tommy wake up", you say patting his head.
Tommy open his eyes quickly looking at you.
" Please make them go away", Tommy says with fear in his eyes.
" I will Tommy." " I'll sing another love song", she says kissing his forehead.
" Thanks y/n /Dogs", he says calming down some.
It's like your kiss took his fear away. He watches you with calmness in his eyes. Then you start singing looking right into his eyes. A gypsy bard told you that singing soothes the persons overall being. You notice that Tommy's body gets less tense, the more you sing.
Then Tommy starts looking into your eyes. A blush and smile appears on his face. His eyes remind you of an ocean full of emotions. The time when you first met him plays in your mind while you sing. You remember blushing at him. Plus complimenting how handsome he was. Also, he called you his gypsy princess. Just thinking about that makes you feel whole inside.
After you sing, Tommy raises up from your loving arms. He looks around for the sound of shovels. A look of fear shows in his eyes.
" Are they gone luv", Tommy asks looking back at you.
" Yes, there gone Tommy", you say softly to him.
" I'm glad because that sound haunts me at night or when I say anything about it", Tommy says looking at you.
" It' won't bother you ever again Tommy", you say with a warm smile.
" I believe you luv", Tommy says getting close to your lips.
You smile at him without saying a word. " I owe you a kiss my gypsy princess", Tommy says looking into your brown eyes.
" You do Tommy", you say nudging his nose with yours.
He nudges your nose playfully back. Then he kisses you passionately. His kiss was deep and soft. It feels like it lasts forever because the flame of love was lit inside you both.
" I love you Y/Dogs", Tommy says after he kisses you.
" I love you too Tommy", you say softly with a loving smile.
" Also, I have a lot to make up to you", Tommy says grabbing your hand in his.
" Which is what?", you say cutely to him.
" Spending more time together", Tommy says softly squeezing your hand lightly.
" I'd like that Tommy", you say softly looking at him.
" I like to thank you luv for making the shovels go away", Tommy says looking at you.
" You're very welcome Tommy", you say softly squeezing his hand lightly.
Tommy blushes at you with a loving smile. Then he puts his left hand in his pocket to check his watch.
" It's getting late my luv", Tommy says looking at his watch.
" How late?", you ask looking at him.
" It's 5:30 p.m. luv." " Better get you back to your father, eh", Tommy says putting his watch in his pocket.
" You're probably right Tommy." " I've been gone since this morning", you say getting up from the grass.
" Don't want your father Johnny Dogs to hang me by me toes for keeping ya out late", Tommy says getting up as he lets go of your hand.
" My father wouldn't do that now Tommy", you say walking to Snow White.
" I'm just joking my gypsy princess", Tommy says going to Dangerous.
" I know Tommy." " It's good to joke around now and then", you say with a chuckle getting on Snow White.
" Makes one's day and happy for once in their life", Tommy says with a smile getting on Dangerous.
" Want to ride together in the forest back home?", you ask grabbing the reigns.
" I'd love to my luv", Tommy says guiding his horse beside yours.
Then you two ride together in the forest with you two's horses side by side.
The End
@runnning-outof-time @stevie75 @thats-what-cill-said @gypsy-girl-08 @cillmequick @pherelesytsia @shelundeadxxxx @watercolorskyy @babayaga67 @notyour-valentine @moral-terpitude @dandelionprints @madame-wilsonn @evita-shelby @shelbydelrey @allie131313 @adoresmiles @kathrinemelissa @frostingguruu @grungebabyblu @midnightmagpiemama @midnightmystic @julyzaa @dragons-are-my-favorite @sydi22 @emmanuelle19 @theshelbyclan @thomasshelbee @swordofawriter @star017 @kittycatcait219 @thegreatdragonfruta
@lyarr24 @l1-l4 @zablife @creativepawsworld
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redheadspark · 2 years
Christmas Prompt Session!
Hello Lovelies!
We are officially in Christmas Season!
This is my favorite season of the year, so I figured we can get a small head start in the next Prompt session that I promised I would bring you all!
I wanted to do this session now before we are all swamped with Christmas, and I wanted to also make sure I got this Prompt Session out before I would head to Oregon for Christmas with my family in 20 days!
This Prompt Theme is:
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Here are my rules with this prompt sessions:
1.) You maybe chose ONE character from my list that I have Here. It’ll have the list of characters that I write for or have written for in the past.
*(If you have a character not listed that you wish for me to write, PLEASE MESSAGE ME AND CLEAR IT WITH ME FIRST TO SEE IF I CAN OR WILL DO IT!)*
2.) The Prompt list found below has two sections: Scene and Dialogue. You may choose ONE FROM EACH, not two from one and two from another. Also, Please provide the number AND the line that you wish for me to write for you so I don't get confused!
*I write out the request I get as first come first serve. I will try my best to fulfill every request that comes my way, but please bear in mind I work full time as a teacher. Because of that, I’ll be busy most of the day so please be patient and I’ll write on my spare time as much as I can :) *
3.) You can request in my ASK box neither as yourself or anonymously. Although I would LOVE to give you a shout if you request as yourself, anon is perfectly fine!
4.) I will close this prompt session Sunday, December 11th, at 3:00 PST (Pacific Standard, or USA California Time
5.) Have fun and enjoy!
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Prompts created by @geek-girl7
Scene Starters
Gingerbread house
Cookie baking/decorating
Christmas dinner
Christmas/winter party
Snowball fight
Christmas tree
Gift giving
Present wrapping
Christmas movies
Christmas music
Curled in front of the fire
Peppermint mocha
Hot chocolate 
Matching Pjs
Singing Carols
Decorating the Christmas Tree
Ice Skating
Sweater Weather
Hat, scarf & mittens
Shoveling snow
Ugly Christmas sweater
Dialogue Prompts
“Merry Christmas!”
“Happy Holidays!”
“Um, I got you something.”
“You look cold.”
“What are you looking at?”
“Ho ho ho”
“Baby, it’s cold outside.”
“Is that mistletoe?”
“All I want for Christmas is you.”
“Here, take my coat.”
“It’s literally blizzarding outside.”
“You’re like my own, personal space heater.”
“Don’t forget the peppermint!”
“What the hell is that supposed to be?”
“I love it...” “No, no you hate it.”
“Are you wearing socks... to sleep?” “My feet get cold!”
“For the last time, Die Hard is not a Christmas movie!”
“You got a little something, right there.”
“Your hands are freezing.”
“Yeah, very funny, I slipped on the ice, asshole.”
“Watch out!”
“Can we just cuddle all day?”
“Looks like we’re snowed in.”
“Wonderful, stuck with you for hours.”
“That tree just looks sad.”
“Do we have enough decorations up yet?”
“Whatever you’re making smells amazing.”
“Just one more.”
“Do you have every Christmas song memorized?”
“Hey! That was mine.”
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Once again, This Prompt Session will close on Sunday, December 11th, at 3:00pm
Have fun, and Happy Holidays!!!
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Tagged: @a-lumos-in-the-nox @heartofwritiing @basicrese @heliosphere8 @botanicalbarnes @hottpinkpenguin @virtueassassin @pemberlyy @vinvantae @the-darkwing-dragon @thedarkestgreys
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sgtmickeyslaughter · 8 months
Weekly Tag Wednesday
thanks for tagging me @jrooc @lingy910y and @iansw0rld ive had a hellish day and this was fun!
location_looking at this iconic building while i wait for my horrible afternoon meeting to start thinking about how i prayed for this big girl job and now i have to...do the big girl job
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and now for the randomness!  tell me your most and least favorites of:
most_i like a lot of chocolates, but the white rabbit candy logo is my favorite and i always pick up a bag when i see it
least_peeps, fuck those nasty little weirdos
most_spring! rebirth and light!
least_depends on where you are, summers in the city are miserable but if i had to experience winter in a place where i had to shovel snow it would be game over
hot beverage?
most_coffee <3
least_super sweet hot apple cider, it hurts my teeth
cold beverage?
most_super cold fresh water also iced coffee <3 <3
least_coca-cola, same reason as cider i dont like really really sweet things
most_pink and olive
least_dark/saturated purples
most_any delicious roasted vegetable
least_any boiled/most steamed vegetables
traditional foods from your country state?
im not going to use the names but...ifkyk
most_cubed raw fish in sweet/savory sauce and fried spam on rice w/ nori
least_bland white fish steamed in banana leaves
least_those little creepys like house centipedes/earwigs i haaaate them and spend all summer viciously murdering them
cake flavors?
most_funfetti or carrot cake (mickey's nickname for ians ass btw)
least_probabaly a bad chocolate or red velvet esp with a bad cream cheese frosting
non-gallagher or milkovich shameless characters?
most_anne 😍 cutest on the show
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least_kash and linda karib yall deserve each other fr 😒
what about you? @st4rrylesbian @gallavichroom @mickeyheartian @darlingian @fierromilkovich @gallawitchxx
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mlpmoviemerch · 9 months
New My Little Pony The Mane 6 Cartoon Pullover Hoodie
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New My Little Pony The Mane 6 Cartoon Pullover Hoodie available here: https://amzn.to/3v9X7oy
Details below:
This sweatshirt will help you stay warm,The sweatshirt will match with any pair of pants to keep you looking stylish while you stay warm.
Long sleeves will keep you warm and cozy in this hoodie as you head outside to rake leaves or shovel snow, or rest on a comfy couch indoors playing through your favorite clothes.
3D cartoon patterns printed , super fashion look. nice gift to give as a birthday present or christmas gift.
Hoodie made by high quality polyester, lightweight, thickness, soft, comfortable and good air permeability.
Colorful print hoodie, unique and different print hoodie make you unique, hoodie with various design patterns are available, cool Stylish, bright and colorfast, you will love it.
Hoodie made of polyester for softness and comfort. This is a hoodie with pockets in a beautiful pattern and colorful. Suitable for various scenes. Machine wash, cold water wash.
Perfect gift for any My Little Pony fan!
Features a The Mane 6 cartoon pullover hoodie
Character: My Little Pony
Color: Multicolor
Size: This hoodie comes in any size
Inspired by My Little Pony
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