snook-8 · 6 years
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I did those concepts during the summer for a secret project, the theme of it is gritty steampunk/hydropunk. I can't and won't say much, and depending on whether the projects continues or not those might get updated. Cheers
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ren128 · 13 years
best 6 days of my whole life? best 6 days of my whole life
Here I am... in Athens airport... sitting on the same cafe I sitted two years ago while I was typing a chronicle about the trip. After two years things have changed and I can say that for better. I'm still the walking pile of feels for whom the fact of leaving such bliss he has been experiencing non-stop for this last 6 days is so painful it makes him cry though, but it doesn't matter. The rest of the experience is better than the last time.
Sightseeing? minimal. When I came 2 years ago I covered that part, this time I just came to visit a friend of mine, snook8. This 6 days have been realy good since we have managed to know eachother even better. Because You can know somebody on the internet but life together really changes the view about persons. I dunno if she will want me to say my opinion about her here (and how because you know I tend to get realy verbose and cloying) soooo I'll wait for her opinion and then I'll edit this >u>
This last 6 days have been awesome fromso  every point of view. I had a lot of fun, met new people and almet some people I met before, practised my english (more or less since many times I went all Nigel Thomberry and said blaaaahaaagaaaargh! to fill the gaps), found a adam jensen-esque coat (YESSSSS) and a tintin-esque sweater (I think it's exactly the same colour) Also I watched "the woman in black". If somebody had told me that I'd watch a movie in a greek cinema I'd have told them they were insane. Snook mocks up of me because I was flinching now and always even when I knew that there was spook incoming, give me a break ;n; 
The final balance of all this is really possitive: I just reinforced my friendship with her (and I'm realy glad that I did) and I've seen the life in this country form another point of view than the one of mere tourist.  People, please I beg you: Never belive the bullshit that appears in the news... 
Ren out.
ok... it seems she want's me to air my oppinion about her so here it goes:
Since the beginning she had been nice to me. Always trying to help when I asked for it, sometimes could/can be harsh on her way of doing/saying things but whatever. I learnt to deal with that and that was good since I think I hardened a little bit (yeah, despite still being a keg of feels) But that's as fas as I can/could do via msn. After staying 6 days living together with her I've found something completely different... it's like I've got to the core and it's soft and fuzzy... she had been really nice to me this days... this leads me to the following thing: it saddens me all this people that only stay in the surface... that classify her as a iron lady... a cold goth with no feelings... a goth chick that draws creepy things and whose style is creepy...idiots that have thought even about changing herself not for her own good but for their own sake...
This jerks make me sick... To them I say: marina is who she is.. her and her circumstances. Take her as a whole because that's what makes her unique, she is a jewel of a person and believe me when I say that if you keep her whole cover on and get to the core is one of the best friends you could ever have.
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snook-8 · 6 years
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character commission from https://rienlen.tumblr.com/ This is fuckin’ Cigar and fuckin’ love him. Nuff said.
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snook-8 · 6 years
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Btw I was PAID to draw this, I’m not even kidding, I don’t even know why. I can’t get over that fact and I can’t post it anywhere but here beause it is a fucking meme joke, you can google the original yourselves, kappa...I’m off.
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snook-8 · 7 years
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A nilfgaardian hound
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snook-8 · 6 years
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Thank godness, a badass kitsune that's all I was thinking during the process of it. I'm not fond of kitsunes due to their usuall oversexualization which natural connects to their myth, but thankfully Guille2033 had an OC of some short of DnD-ish campaign that made me bless the day I accepted this commission. I do like anthropomorphic creatures, there are so many varietions and ways to experiment with them, it gives me the nerves when people get stuck with one specific stereotype, missing all the fun of trying something different, something unique... So yeah, long story short that's Liene Cut Ear who probably shares the same antisocial charisma points as me   belongs  to my wonderful friend Guille2033  and here we can observe her both forms, humane and fox. Cheers!
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snook-8 · 7 years
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Mass Effect commission! Just wanted to share this here too because hey..I don’t have enough sci-fi drawings around, feelsbad. Also this commission taught me that turian’s anatomy is a huge pain in the ass, but pretty worth to draw. :p 
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snook-8 · 7 years
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Apparently there are some homebrew mantis race for 5e DnD called "mantid" and I'm only telling you that so you don't confuse her with a Thri-Kreen.
So commissioner requested his mantid character who as you can see is a very...tormented creepy lady that wears a more "human" like mask...
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snook-8 · 7 years
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Vandal Singed-Skin idea-sketch
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snook-8 · 7 years
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Hello people, I tried to do  a Veigar (from League of Legends) redesign based on the modern Yordle designs This started as a fast sketch....and I accidentally stylized and rendered it a lot more than I shouldn't but...yeah anyway. A few words about my way of thinking about this redesign. For me Veigar is 3 things - Big magician's hat - Big magical gauntlet surging with power - Big magical staff with more power ...I think you get the point...and of course medieval attire as much as possible along with over the top fantasy elements. As about his Yordle design I feel like he would be close to something of a stereotypical black cat with yellow eyes. Hope you like it, cya.
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snook-8 · 7 years
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white knight-study
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snook-8 · 6 years
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My submission for Gwent’s art contest
Alzur The contest required the portrayal of a character from the "Witcherverse" that hasn't appeared on a card yet, so I decided to pick up Alzur a character mostly known of his spells and not of his apperance, with no references or descriptions of his looks I visualized him like this, a powerful/wise sorcerer and a daredevilish inventor of spells, hope you dig it! Make sure to vote my piece this Friday at the community voting https://www.playgwent.com/en/art-contest
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snook-8 · 7 years
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Julia,my Pillars of Eternity character
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snook-8 · 7 years
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snook-8 · 12 years
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Forms of my Plague Doctor  based on the rounds he has passed from the tournament so far :)
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snook-8 · 12 years
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