#snk chapter 92
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sailorspica · 11 months ago
do you have any thoughts on the Reiner is Helos parallel? I've seen others say it but I'd love to know your thoughts if you have any 😎❤️❤️
gonna be real i've never heard this before and i hate that Helos shit because i think the tyburs are the only real weakness of this whole story But i have astrological reasons for associating reiner with Helios and Apollo
re: Helos
hmmm... really central to my reading of AoT is subversion of what a hero looks like (the title of armin roast chapter, snk 82), challenging shounen conventions of strength and ability, so i can see how the gratuitous Helos lore drop coinciding with our exposure to reiner's dire mental state might connect the two: helos is a tall tale, the golden hero that the 104th looked up to and still adored by the warrior candidates doesn't feel strong at all. there's also reiner (and annie)'s mixed heritage maybe suggesting the tybur-marley coalition that ended the Great Titan War but iiiiiiii don't know. my hesitation with the tyburs and Helos is mostly because of the conspiracy dogwhistle of them as "the true rulers of marley" and in his stupid ass theater kid death revealing the Helos lie, Willy added more fuel to the fire that eldians are untrustworthy, which I don't want reiner anywhere near. if anything actual "new" helos is armin: taking credit for killing eren to spare mikasa further pain. and he's way more chill with lying, bless him
setting aside that a huge chunk of this cast is tropical Leo suns, the glyph used for the sun by ancient/classical babylonian and hellenistic astrologers is ☉, a shield with a boss (the nipple thing in the middle) somehow??? connected to apollo but afiak the only huge greco-roman shield is the aegis more associated with athena. anyway, i'm really into the military's description of reiner as marley's shield and zeke as marley's spear (snk 92), in part because it echos erwin's argument in the uprising arc that the survey corps is humanity's spear (snk 61), but mostly because it's depressing as fuck how reiner sees his own body as a blunt weapon even in human form
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nep-nam-naprin · 4 years ago
I just got up to date in snk from chapter 92 and all I can say is what the fuck
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starrysparklesandshit · 7 years ago
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Why is this making me laugh so much
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momtaku · 8 years ago
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20 Ways to Dive Shingeki Style
Tag yourself. I’m “lord of the dance”
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bellevillenaty · 8 years ago
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Attack on titan | Chapter 92 | Reiner Braun Colored
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socoid · 8 years ago
Matching Memes for you and your Bro
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@guyinlovewitheremika @leapingtitan
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everylevishot · 4 years ago
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Shingeki! Kyojin Chuugakkou - Levi #92
Chapter 16 - 絶対に強い (Sixteenth Period: Absolute Strength)
I had finished sweeping that area clean. So I refuse to let you drag your feet through it like fools!
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falcon94ssy · 8 years ago
Ok please forgive my stupidity but I'm so confused as to who is who and what each group want, so is it possible for you to make some sort of eldians/marleys/paradis guide for dummies?
Behold. A new semi-crack map made by Falcon the Screeching Titan who tries to explain what’s going on in the current chapters:
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There are two groups of Eldians: Those who live on Paradis are the walled Eldians, and those living in the internment zones of Marley are the so-called Marleyan Eldians.In the current 4 years the Marley has been fighting the Mid-East Allied Forces, which is likely formed by two countries: the Middle Nation and the Eastern Nation, while the Eastern Nation has been considered the Marley’s enemy around 25 years ago (chapter 87).Marley wants the Progenitor Titan power---he sent warrior children to breach the Paradis Walls in Year 845, trying to take the Progenitor Titan power back to Marley.The Eastern Nation wants its power too---she even supported the Marleyan Eldians’ revolutionary group led by Eren Kruger in order to get the power.And basically Eldians on the both sides are doomed. It seems the Eldians are the tools of the two hostile countries.
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superjaegerbros · 8 years ago
830 - 854
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“No... there’s still an option left to us. We’ll make my son, Zeke... into one of Marley’s warriors.”
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bapwoo · 8 years ago
I just realized...
... that after so many SnK manga chapters I totally forgot what happened... like really... it’s been so many months till they got into the basement and we finally get to know what happened that I totally forgot who’s Eldian and who’s Marley...
Am I the only one or are there other losers like me, who forgot at least half of the story?
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delicatechupacabra · 8 years ago
Lol i have no fucking clue whats going on in SNK anymore pls feel free to explain cus at this point I’m too committed to stop reading lmao
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momtaku · 8 years ago
The fan translation is done.
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snkception · 8 years ago
So I haven’t written anything about the latest chapter, mostly because I’m not sure what to say about it. I keep having visions of, like, conversations between Isayama and his editor that go:
Isayama: So imagine World War I, except with titans!
Editor: ... Okay, but how’s that relevant to-
Isayama: TITANS! In trenches! And they could fight this, like, Ottoman Empire, but of course we’d call it something else!
Editor: That’s... great, it really is, but-
Isayama: And you know what, we’d make the other side Marley, and then we’d have all these warrior child soldiers! I mean, the walled people also have child soldiers, but these are warrior kids are extra messed up by all that titan inheritance baggage, so we could showcase the drama and tragedy of their brainwashing while, like, dodging grenades!
Editor: We... could do that, yes. Or you could return to the original stor-
Isayama: I could tie it to current events! I’d throw Reiner in and stuff! Oh, man, imagine Reiner, years down the line, all worn down by this-
Editor: Wait, years? What years? Down what line?
Isayama: Idk, some years! Come on, don’t get bogged down in details! It’s fun! We could have a whole cast of new characters, and they could have adventures, and-
Editor: Okay, Hajime, this has been entertaining, and don’t think I don’t value our talks, but maybe now you could go and write the actual next chapter in our current story?
Isayama: What are you talking about, dude? This IS our next chapter!
Whereupon the editor retires to their fainting couch with smelling salts and does not leave it for a good long while :D
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roylustang · 5 years ago
BRO I havent read any snk in years but seeing the spoilers u've been reblogging I'm just horrified and confused and fascinated all at the same time 👀👀👀
BRO u should catch up shits WILD up in here join the party before it ends we only got a few chapters left
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socoid · 8 years ago
Zeke likes to relax by taking a back-road bike ride
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everylevishot · 5 years ago
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Shingeki no Kyojin: Kui Naki Sentaku - Levi #92
Chapter 1 - 自由の翼 (The Wings of Freedom)
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