paxjinn · 7 years
@snippylittletano​ ♥’d this
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he flickers, a little, as he fades into existence. 
     ❝ are you sure this is what you wan? before you go?         you can’t take leaving the order back. ❞ well. that         wasn’t necessarily true, but circumstances had         to be very special. 
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oftogrutas-blog · 8 years
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      Shaak Ti had always had a soft spot for young Ahsoka, probably due to them being the same species. Or perhaps it was because she saw a little bit of herself in the young padawan- at least her younger self.    ❝  How are your studies, Padawa Tano? ❞ 
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vipxrofshili-a-blog · 7 years
snippylittletano replied to your post “#hi i’m cam and i’m basically married to sam#i’m also 6'3" #subtly”
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ghcstdoctor · 8 years
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                  “Well, Operation Extra Jello didn’t go QUITE as smoothly as I’d hoped. All they had left was lime... Hopefully that won’t stunt the healing process or anything. Can’t make any promises, though,” he adds with a smirk, setting two jello cups beside her bed.
@snippylittletano | SC
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ofashandruin-blog · 7 years
send a 💀 for my muse to die in your muse’s arms ( closed )
He caught the Togruta easily; she felt like a feather with his enhanced cybernetics. Nevermind the blade through her stomach - Vader still wanted one last moment.
“You should have joined me. This was a waste,” he said in regret. “If only you had embraced power, young one. Your life would have been more . . . fulfilling.” Not better. Never better. But that was Vader’s hell to live. “Together, we could have overthrown the Emperor. I would have taken you back as my apprentice . . . Snips.” The pause was intentional. He wanted her to regret her decision, to regret leaving him in the first place.
“But you never were on my side. Farewell, Ahsoka.”
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ajedialone-blog · 7 years
“What have they done to you?”
My muse is being held hostage and is being experimented on. Send me “What have they done to you?” for my muse’s response to yours finding them shackled and chained in a small room. ( closed )
“Little one. You shouldn’t be here,” Ben said, a bit alarmed when he saw the Togruta. “Not so little, I apologize. You’ve grown,” he said, proud as he looked at Ahsoka. He hadn’t seen her for so many years, but he could still recognize her in an instant. He didn’t think she had made it through the Purge, but of course she had. She was Ahsoka.
The chains held him fast, around his wrists, making him hang limply from the ceiling. “Darth Vader doesn’t treat kindly those he believes have betrayed him,” he said sadly, a heaviness over his heart.
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kidkeldor-blog · 8 years
      “Can I help you with something, padawan?”
       A tablet with an article on who knows what sat on her lap, half her face wrapped up in some sort of bandage that would need to be changed sooner rather then later. One visible eyebrow was raised, and what Ahsoka couldn’t see was her harsh studying of the younger. There was no hesitation to probe her mind, searching for some sort of answer for her presence in the archives and her suddenly looming from behind the shorter Kel Dor. It took only another moment before her expression hardened, a low sigh passing from inside her chest through her mask.
      “Did my uncle send you?”
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darkfxther · 8 years
snippylittletano replied to your post: rogue one spoilers:[[MOR] okay but if you don’t...
it added a huge stunning level of danger that frames ep IV perfectly and gives the whole movie new weight when you realise what they went through to get those plans, and keeps vader the legit terrifying villain he is and should be.
THIS YES THANK YOU I honestly wish I had something to add here besides that but that’s really all I got thank you I LOVE VADER SO MUCH THANK YOU LUCASFILM FOR THIS AT LEAST
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vipxrofshili-a-blog · 7 years
           Missions tended to be busy, and this was no exception as of the catastrophe. With that in mind, it was a miracle they hadn’t ended up in a bed before. Being undercover meant that they had to act like an actual parent and child, which meant they had to act as if this wasn’t the first time they did this. The Inn keepers already seemed to be suspicious of their behaviour as is, Shaak knew they had to keep prevent any slip ups from this point.
           With her cloak off, and headdress set aside, she placed one hand to Ahsoka’s shoulders as an invite to cuddle. They were from  a social species, this shouldn’t be that hard for them, they weren’t a new master and student duo. It was late, and they both needed rest, whether they were comfortable with sharing a bed yet or not.
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ajedialone-blog · 8 years
snippylittletano replied to your post: Mains
omgomgomgomgomgomg *flails everuwhere* okay we must get some serous plotting done I can’t believe you put me on this list <3
( of course! you were the first ahsoka i followed when i opened the old blog tbh <3 )
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Last of my kind
"I am the last of my kind. Trust me there s not much out there, certainly no one who is going to come see him for me hoping I am still alive, go and save your friends... I can hold them off."
Leave her and go or stay and help her... that was something he couldn’t decide on, even if the situation called for his quick response. He really had to go if he wanted to save his friends but at the same time…
‘The last of my kind’ was – most probably – the thing because of which he decided to stay there a bit longer and find a way to save even her.
“Not that I don’t believe you can do it but let me make sure of it myself.” The Doctor held his screwdriver ready to disarm anything if needed at any moment.
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ajedialone-blog · 7 years
Send a 💊 to find my muse lying on the floor in their room, drugged. ( closed )
“Ahsoka,” Obi-Wan tried to say as clearly as he could. The drink had been drugged, the diplomatic mission was no longer so diplomatic, and the young Togruta needed to be warned and try to find Anakin. “The drink - I don’t,” his head swam.
He was unaware as of yet that the drug hadn’t been hostile, but a custom among the people surrounding them. An unexpected gift to help induce sleep and relaxation, which didn’t mix so well with a vigilant Jedi Master.
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abydonian · 8 years
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@snippylittletano liked for a starter
Daniel whirled at the crack of a twig and almost shot the alien girl. He lowered his handgun and swore softly, then did what any linguist of his experience would do: he spoke to her in English in lieu of any other evidence.
“Sorry. Uh--” Her species was none he’d ever encountered. “My name’s Daniel,” he explained, pointing to himself. “Ori? Origin?” he questioned, gesturing around. Maybe she’d recognize the words; they’d been on a mission to confirm a possible Ori incursion on this planet.
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