#verse: matching montrals
vipxrofshili-a-blog · 8 years
"Master..." Ahsoka tugged on the older togruta's robes. "Master everything is so big." - ask-ahsokatano
     “No, Ahsoka, everything is the exact same size, you just got tiny.” There was humor to her tone, wondering as to how Ahsoka ended up so itty bitty. She knelt down on one knee, to be on the same level as the little Togruta.
     “Do you need something padawan?”
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vipxrofshili-a-blog · 8 years
❛ what’d i miss? ❜ ( iamnojedi )
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     “Sha made a joke about matching Commander Wolffe to try and relieve some of the tension. Surprise surprise, it wasn’t taken very well by one over worrying elder Koon. From what I can understand from facial expressions alone, as I’m no telepath, she’s getting the lecture of a life time from him. It’s like watching a soundless holovid, very entertaining if you try to imagine what they’re saying.”
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vipxrofshili-a-blog · 8 years
           Missions tended to be busy, and this was no exception as of the catastrophe. With that in mind, it was a miracle they hadn’t ended up in a bed before. Being undercover meant that they had to act like an actual parent and child, which meant they had to act as if this wasn’t the first time they did this. The Inn keepers already seemed to be suspicious of their behaviour as is, Shaak knew they had to keep prevent any slip ups from this point.
           With her cloak off, and headdress set aside, she placed one hand to Ahsoka’s shoulders as an invite to cuddle. They were from  a social species, this shouldn’t be that hard for them, they weren’t a new master and student duo. It was late, and they both needed rest, whether they were comfortable with sharing a bed yet or not.
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vipxrofshili-a-blog · 8 years
“They’ll never take me alive.” ( iamnojedi )
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       “Easy now Ahsoka, we are not anywhere near enemy lines yet. Do not do anything in haste, I know you don’t have that much experience when it comes to deal with Separatists, but they are not entire unreasonable. Just stay close to me, and hold your tongue.”
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vipxrofshili-a-blog · 8 years
❝ Why aren’t you trying talking me out of it? ❞ ( iamnojedi )
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       “I want to see how badly this will go, I think it’ll be a good laugh for me to share with Plo next time he visits. We laugh at your attempts of taking on the cloners and bounty hunters quite frequently, they’re cute.”
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vipxrofshili-a-blog · 8 years
“I know exactly what I’m doing.” ( iamnojedi )
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      “Your tone isn’t reassuring, padawan.” She spoke in a very honest way, letting her arms cross over her chest. One eyebrow was raised, studying how Ahsoka attempted to handle the toddler clone cadet. The child was trying to squirm away from the young Togruta, wide brown eyes glancing over to Shaak for an explanation as to why the other Jedi was so terrible at dressing him. A small laugh was given in reaction to this look, Shaak now opting to take over.
       “Toddlers make messes Ahsoka, cleaning them up is the easy part. Dressing them, that’s a whole other story. Let me do it.”
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vipxrofshili-a-blog · 8 years
"I don't have one as far as I know so-" shrugging she looked at her master. "I dunno."
       "It’s kind of like having a padawan, accept one you’re actually related too. The bias caused by having ones family member in the Jedi Order is why we don’t allow family members to train other family members. But, that’s to be expected.“
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vipxrofshili-a-blog · 8 years
"Doesn't he get teased about attachment?"
       "Wouldn’t you be worried about a niece or nephew? I certainly would be.“
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vipxrofshili-a-blog · 8 years
"Bah, he can take it. I'm sure he finds it funny..-"
       "I’m sure he will in good time, maybe when his sisters cooled down. Sha’s a baby in comparison to most Kel Dor, she’s not as responsible as a human pushing their forties would be. That and she had a pretty gruesome battle, I think he can’t help about worrying over her.“
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vipxrofshili-a-blog · 8 years
"Admit it, it's pretty funny." Snickering. She feigned anger a bit longer despite her obvious amusement. "I wanna see them!"
       "I don’t think I should’ve told you about them, it’ll just fuel Sha’s determination to do stupid things. Love the girl but, I think Plo has enough heart attacks from us.“
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vipxrofshili-a-blog · 8 years
"Really?" Hands flew to her hips as she gave Shaak a dirty look. "Why am I just hearing about this?"
       "Because Sha is still ‘grounded’ for it, and because Plo doesn’t find them funny. Sha’s old as Master Kenobi but she acts like she’s your age, and in her own words in one of those vines, 'I don’t have an extra eye to lose to this war’.“
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vipxrofshili-a-blog · 8 years
"I like them, but Master Kenobi makes the best vines of him and Master Skywalker. You know I'm right."
       "Sha stole the Wolfpack for a mission and they did nothing but make vines and terrible jokes. Plo didn’t find them as funny as I did but, if you haven’t watched them you’re missing out.“
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vipxrofshili-a-blog · 8 years
"Fiiiiiiine. But I still think those vines are interesting. Say what you will."
       "The ‘galaxy’s best general’ is my favourite personally. And before you call my biased, I’ve earned it by dealing with all of their other vines.“
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vipxrofshili-a-blog · 8 years
"Okay, but what if I comm you? Can I watch and not be responsible?"
       "Afraid not, you’re either there to deal with the shrapnel or you’re on the other end of the base. You can’t be neutral when Fives is going to unintentionally kill himself before he even sees a battle droid.“
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vipxrofshili-a-blog · 8 years
"And what if I want to see what they're going to do?"
       "Then you can haul them to the medic, and fix whatever windows or control panels they’ve managed to break. Or bandage wounded Kaminoans, after they’ve been shot with training blasters.“
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vipxrofshili-a-blog · 8 years
"So, wait, this happens how often?!"
       "Any time a clone, specifically a member of domino squad, says ‘do it for the vine’, just come get me. They’re bound to do something incredibly foolish, and it’s best I collect them before a local does.“
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