#snd sirius is a dude
lily and sirius sitting together or getting along really well or smth and james is like THATS MY WIFE DONT GET TOO CLOSE and lily's like HE'S MY WIFE NOW 🗣️
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orions-hole · 8 months
You're 8 years old. You weren't really big into reading, sure you read a lot in 2nd grade, but it was to make book reports for extra credit.
Your dad has the whole Harry Potter collection and you remember being obssesed with the movies.
Your first language is Spanish, you hate English, your dad has "Charlie and the chocolate factory" in English. But Harry Potter is in Spanish.
You and your dad strike a deal - per every page you read you get .5 cents. You get up snd grab (title was directly translated to give actual effect) "Harry Potter and the philosophical stone"
Just a few pages in and you already wanns kill Dudley. You already hate Mr. Dursley way more than it's healthy to hate. You're 8, but you want to protect Harry.
You know Hagrids gonna help him - you remember it from the movie. It's still spooky when you read it.
And you finish one book. Then another. You lost the 5th and spent days crying before just moving onto the 6th. Learning Sirius died in the 5th is a punch in the gut.
You finish the series, you watch the movies snd you can't help but be sad at the fact Draco is more annoying than silly.
Then you watch a video from "Invisible Cape", she's a silly potterhead. You watch another and another.
One day you walk in on your family watching the Sea of Monsters movie. "What's that?" "Percy Jackson" "It looks fun" "The books are. The first movie was crap.. Apparently the second is, "more similar to the book"." Your don't stay to watch it. Your dad says he'll buy you a bike if you translate the whole Charlie and the chocolate factory book. God you hate Charlie but god you want that bike.
You're 11 when you start talking to your idols in Discord, they love Percy Jackson, your dad pirates the books.
You read the lightning thief a bit but got cringed out by clarisse. But you're intrigued by the myths and start watching this random dude that makes animations about it.
You're into genshin impact, you watch this video with Venti and Nico du Angelo and Hiccup and so many characters you love. You don't know anything about Nico, just that he's gay and you love him.
Now you're 12, or 13, honestly you can't remember and surprisingly you don't care, the newest pjo book is teased. "The sun and the stars", you had no idea, but you made a server for friends and added a "theories" section and your best friend talks about how the book is probably about Will Solace. You think it's a far stretch snd then... oh, would you look at that?.
A few months go by, you've started seeing people geek out about the show, including the dude you watch for mythology videos, you ask your now girlfriend and she's so excited about getting an adaptation that's not the movies.
She gets you to start listening to the books and.. you realize they're actually great. You loved pjo and you move onto hoo and it's even better and gosh darn Nico is so cute and woah. And then you start the Red Pyramid you finish it and- there's no more audiobooks that can be easily downloaded. They're all split into like 150 parts.
But then the PJO show releases and it's everything you've wanted for the last month and it's awesome and
All anyone does is complain. "Too fast paced" so is the book "Not enough action* he's only trained three days "forced representation" okay you aren't even watching the show. "I hate it you don't have to make me like it" well you don't have to make me hate it do you?
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futurewriter2000 · 4 years
Hey! I'm back online only after 2 days which feels like forever, but stop about me. Heartless is so awesome!!!!!! Like gurl!!! It's something that justakes sense snd it hurts that it's fiction!!!! Chapter 7 !!!! OMG ! Like WTH it's really good. My heart's with y/n and sirius here! After that tag game, I can't help but feel like young johnny deep is so perfect for young sirius black! And it's just him I see whenever I'm reading sirius black fics !
Omg you’re actually not the only one to see him like a young johnny depp. I know another person who sees him like that. For some weird reason, I see him like Ben Barnes but like not excatly like him- just some features and I just add grey eyes and bit paler skin and sharp structure. So weird. 
Part 8... dude, you gotta read part 8. I really did enjoy writing it but not as much as I will enjoy writing part 9 because OH MY GOD!!!! I’m just hyped and the fact that I’m getting so much feedback on this series is just hyping more and more and making me forget about my life and just be in this other world. I love it so much and I can’t wait to see what’s next. 
Hope, you’re alright and not stressing to much. All the love <3
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marielle-heller · 7 years
My Slightly Drunken Alternative To The Cursed Child
Cause I promised I could write a better premise drunk, and I did (dedicated to Mars @rdjay)
So, it turns out that “he who shall not be named” was also the sexiest man alive.
Therefore, he has had children with every female death eater (and sex with some of the men as well )@ Luscious Locks))
So,,, these love children sre all like part Voldemort
They are young when he dies, some unborn
When Voldemort’s children turn 11, they all get the news: their dad was the sexiest man alive
Also, like, a dude who hated muggles & muggle borns for ?????? reasons
So they’re all devastated!
Our dad, sexiest man alive, was murdered by Harry, least chill man alive, Potter?
So they’re all upset, and then they find out that there sre MORE of them (like so many love children, Voldemort also had no chill)
And they band together to take out Harry P
So they’re planning this in the Slytherin house (they’re all Slytherins except for a kid named T-Rex who’s a Ravenclaw & pretty chill & not getting involved) when Albus Potter (stupid name so he goes by Remus) hears
He sends an owl to Harry, his dad, and he’s like “dad, some gorgeous 11-year-olds wanna murder you”
Now, Harry’s not too worried, but then @ Christmas break, when everyone gets off the train, he’s ATTACKED by like 109 11 year olds
Ofc, all they know is like “wingardium leviosa” so like they wouldn’t be a threat, but they put all their power forth and like hold him really high & threaten to drop him
So Ginny isn’t gonna let her husband take shit from Vildetmotys’s weird ass children
So she just walks rigtht up and decks one
Cause Ginny is the hero we fucking need
And then everybody was punching children
But then, the last kid is taken out, & Harry falls from the sky!!!!!!!!!!! But Ginny catches him and is like “nice of you to drop in” cause my girl is smooth af
So then there’s a big problem!!!! So many murderous Voldemort kids!
The ministry considers like disciplinary action & like arresting the former death eaters or like,, something, anything
But then they realize the smartest move is to just fucking time turn cause it’s the Ministry
Ron & Hermione are sent back because Hermione’s great @ time travelling & they’re a fun couple
So they go back in time, and stop Voldemort from ever having so much sex
It takes a while. Methods include spreading propaganda that the sexiest men have nosed, and intercepting owls to make the death eaters think the time of their sex dates have been moved
Finally, the timeline catches up to when Voldemort would die, and without producing a single heir
Ron & Hermione go back but regrettably don’t get the deserved praise for stopping this cause everyone’s like “wtf guys? Voldemort would never have love children, look how unsexy he was. He didn’t have a nose”
Still, Ron & Hermuoone are my heroes, snd I love them
PS, somehow this alternative has allowed Remus & Sirius to live, and they are married (TO!!!!!! EACH!!!!! OTHER!!!!!) but it’s okay cause Tonks has a girlfriend
The end
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