#snarry imagine
houseofsnarry · 1 year
Snarry - Who is Barbie and who is Ken? (Poll)
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Severus is Barbie and Harry is Ken?
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Or Harry is Barbie? And Severus is Ken?
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dastardly-lemondrops · 11 months
You know that thing you do where instead of sleeping you vividly imagine a fanfiction-esque story for several hours before finally falling asleep? I had the wildest de-aged Snarry (like both of them de-aged to four years olds and grow up as friends until they're teenagers), and like whatever spell or accident de-aged them brought back Lily and James who of course took in 4 year old Harry. They were little kids emotionally and cognitively but they also remembered their previous lifetimes. Aurora took in little baby Severus.
And it went in some wild directions, including abusive Lily and Genuinely Reformed James. I don't know, I haven't been writing lately, and maybe this is too nuts for a fic lol.
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leivol6 · 2 years
cant stop thinking ab snarry but harry is much taller than severus. he gets a growth spurt after hogwarts and develops a bunch of muscles from quidditch. harry manhandling smaller sev and sev’s al grumpy and annoyed but secretly loves feeling small in harry’s arms :’))))
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fantastic-wizards · 7 months
Even though I love me some Snarr.y, I really enjoyed all of Harry and Luna's interactions on screen. Such a kind soul but wasn't afraid to make the Boy Who Lives listen.
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corgi-nub · 5 months
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Snarry X Harvest Moon SNES
Harvest Moon SNES was one of my favorite games as a kid. I get nostalgic for farming games in spring because games like that always start with spring.
Imagine if Harry was the protagonist of a game like this, and Snape was one of the marriage candidates😈
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snarryauctoberfest · 3 months
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Prompting for the 2024 fest is now OPEN! 🎃💓🎃💚🎃
Welcome to the prompting period for the 2024 AUctoberfest!
Prompting is open until June 30th.
You may leave up to 10 prompts with no obligation to claim.
You do not need to be a member of the House of Snarry discord group to leave a prompt. All Snarry fans are welcome!
We allow anonymous prompting and self-prompting (ie. if you also want to claim a prompt you have submitted for the fest, you’re welcome to do so.)
After you submit a prompt, it will appear on the prompt list.
Prompts have a 500-character limit.
Full rules for the fest (prompting, claiming a prompt, and participating in the fest) can be found on our website here.
🎃💓The prompt submission form can be found here💚🎃
Read more about House of Snarry’s AUctoberfest:
The aim of this fest is to encourage fanworks that focus on Snarry and Alternate Universe possibilities (ie. a radically different time period or location, non-magic, outer space etc., or those influenced by other media). Fest works are permitted within the canon universe as long as there’s a major divergence from the canon world or storyline. Snape Lives and/or EWE on their own are not enough to qualify as AU for the purpose of this fest.
Please consider the spirit of this fest: imagining the multitude of ways in which Severus and Harry fall in love across all different worlds, timelines and possibilities. 
The prompts do not need to be AU-focused, but the resulting works should be to be eligible for the fest.
Past prompts are eligible for the 2024 fest as well, these can all be found here.
If you wish for clarification on any part of the process please either DM to the House of Snarry mod Discord account: house_of_snarry, or if you’re in the House of Snarry Discord server, you may also DM a mod there, OR you can email us at [email protected] if you prefer.
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saintsenara · 6 months
Opinions on Tonks/Snape?
thank you very much for the ask, anon!
here's where i confess that i've got quite a soft spot for stonks as a ship - and not just because of that ship name - because it's a great vehicle for one of my favourite post-war questions: how the hell do you put a life together in peacetime if you never expected to have survived the final battle?
that this would apply to snape is obvious - it's pretty clear in canon that [much like harry] his experience of the entire period 1981-1998 is that he's following a script written for him by dumbledore which he believes [and, i suspect, hopes] will end in his own annihilation. while i don't think he imagines dying in the exact way he does [and while a hill i will die on is that dumbledore tried as best as he could to arrange things so that snape would survive], i think the only post-war survival scenario he envisions for himself is a lifetime rotting in azkaban, continuing to punish himself and consider himself unworthy of absolution for his role in lily's death.
but - perhaps more controversially - i also think that this can be said to apply to tonks. while i would absolutely reject the suggestion that she would have imagined herself dying because she was a bad mother, i think that several things she says in deathly hallows - above all her recognition that she's locked into a battle to the death with bellatrix - would lead to her sharing the view lupin's shade expresses to harry when he summons him with the resurrection stone: that the greatest act of love she can show her son is to die for a world in which he can live freely.
[and i also think - indeed i am convinced of it - that she also thinks it's her duty to die trying to off bellatrix because her decision to join the order means that andromeda and ted's safety in the first war - something voldemort can be plausibly said to grant at bellatrix's request on the proviso that they keep their heads down and their mouths shut - is forfeit in the second.]
the post-war tonks - a widow at twenty-five, navigating life as a single mother to a tiny baby, dealing with her own cavernous grief over the loss of her father and her mother's grief over the loss of her husband - can be written about really interestingly as someone who's unmoored within her new life and looking for something - anything - to anchor herself.
and a snape who survives nagini is a really interesting tool in all sorts of post-war ships [snarry and snack chief among them] in how he serves as a connection to a lost generation. and, in this case, he is the only person tonks will know who - no matter how negative his assessment of him - actually knew lupin well.
and it's so clear that tonks' relationship with lupin in canon was shaped by her searching for answers about him which he kept hidden behind the mask of his own self-loathing. i can absolutely see her being devastated at the knowledge that his death means that she finds herself with no chance of ever actually uncovering the reality of him, and i can see this leading her to snape's hospital bedside out of a desire to grasp at someone - anyone - who might help her fill in those gaps.
but tonks is also clearly very bolshy and very brave - two traits you need to help you survive grieving the loss of one love and still have room to chase after another.
she's also clearly very curious and very kind. and so i think she's the order member - other than harry - who would be most able to accept the fact that snape was on their side all along and to believe that he should be pardoned. i think snape would find that show of trust in him terrifying - obviously - and i think he'd go out of his way to push her away as a result. but she's got plenty of prior experience at dealing with emotionally constipated men...
and i think you can make a very credible case for the idea that snape must genuinely quite like tonks. i think it's often overlooked just how clever she must be to be admitted as an auror, and how one of the areas in which she would have been required to be clever was potions. she's also clearly one of the youngest people in the role, and her position as a junior auror who ends up doing far more for the war effort than many of her seniors mirrors snape's experience as the youngest teacher at hogwarts. i also think her shock at just how horrible to her snape is in half-blood prince when he mocks her new patronus can be read as evidence that, during the order of the phoenix timeline, she and snape had a cordial relationship. and cordial for snape is transcendentally fond for anyone else...
[plus, his disappointment in her being interested in lupin is clearly because she's someone he respects - if he didn't think she was far too good for lupin, he wouldn't have bothered saying anything.]
i genuinely think you can do something lovely with the two of them initially coming together because they view the other as a life raft in a world they don't think really belongs to them, but then something which looks a lot like dry - and stable - land coming into view as they realise they have more than that in common.
snape's terrified, obviously, but tonks is a woman who understands how to go with the flow. she'll follow love where it takes her - no matter the obstacles she finds in the way - and he's going to have no choice but to come along for the ride.
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hp-confessions · 2 months
at that one about tom ships and snarry
you see morality is not legality and shipping in general is morally neutral because its fake people who do not have rights or lives to worry about
it's not like you're locking two real people in a room and going "Now! Kiss!"
While they scream about how much they don't want to
They are dolls
you can make them the most toxic gut wrenching disgusting couple imaginable
give them the most messed up power dynamics you want and it still would be morally neutral
same for if you were to decide to make them as healthy as is realistic for them
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danpuff-ao3 · 1 year
Snarry Soulmates (Rec List)
Snarry = soulmates.
No, really! See? I have proof!
i.e. here, have a collection of fics where Snarry are, in fact, soulmates. (Which is basically canon, but y'know, whatever.) (Some people need convincing, you know?)
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Corresponding Shapes
by bleedcolor (@bleedcolor.) Rated T. 5k. Soulmarks. Soul bond.
For a very long time he hadn’t known what the names meant. He’d woken up the morning of his 7th birthday and there they were; red as blood, one more thing to brand him as a freak in the eyes of his aunt and uncle.
Red Strings
by emeraldlove (@givereadersahug.) Rated T. 6k. Red string of fate.
Their magic is vibrantly red and brilliant. She just not sure what to make of Harry Potter and Professor Snape being soulmates and what it means for the wizarding world. Outsider POV.
Waiting to Divide
by emynn. Rated E. 22k. Soul bond. Time travel. Podfic available (by JocundaSykes.)
Harry always thought soul mates were the domain of overly-soppy romantics. What he didn't realise was that they were very real, very dangerous, and very inconvenient...especially when your soul mate is the very dead Severus Snape. Fortunately, with the help of his friends and a Time Portal, he's able to get past that pesky obstacle...and finds his life completely changed.
The Space Between Failing and Falling
by JocundaSykes. Rated E. 45k. Soulmarks. Podfic available.
A very long time ago, Severus resigned himself to the reality that he doesn’t have a soulmate after all. He’s finally a real Defence Against the Dark Arts teacher and his life is perfectly tolerable, thank you very much.
However, at the age of thirty-nine, it seems his soulmate has come of age. He will ignore this new development and carry on as he always has.
World Enough, and Time
by Likelightinglass (@likelightinglass.) Rated T. 6k. Soulmarks. Angst with a happy ending.
Soulmate clocks start ticking when you first lock eyes, and count down until your time with them is over. Harry’s starts ticking on September 1st, 1991. He has only six years, eight months, and one day.
Advanced Lunacy
by Lilian. Rated M. 6k. Soulmarks. Dreamsharing.
Luna accidentally discovers something, and now the whole Wizarding World is abuzz about it. Meanwhile, Snape keeps appearing in Harry's dreams frequently.
Finders Keepers
by Lilian. Rated T. 7k.
Soulmate AU from tumblr @the-rotten-prince: Imagine whenever you lose something, your soulmate winds up finding it. 
Severus Snape doesn't find a single thing until he's twenty. By that time, he has given up and ignores a young boy, when he arrives at Hogwarts.
Soulmate Flowers
by Lilian. Rated G. 4k. Soulmarks. Podfic available (by JodcundaSykes.) Also read Bloom (inspired work by hippocrates460; E, 1k.)
Whenever your soulmate touches you, flowers bloom on your skin. Snarry.
Property of the Half-Blood Prince
by Lomonaaeren. Rated M. 12k. Angst & romance. Soulmarks.
Harry indulges in an enormous eye-roll at the universe when he wakes up on his nineteenth birthday with “Property of the Half-Blood Prince” written on his neck like a collar. He goes on to live his life like normal, without being too upset about it—and without telling Snape, who he’s sure wants his freedom now.
by PettyPrince. Rated E. 36k. Magical AU.
Prompt fill: As Harry’s soulmate, it is up to Snape to raise him when Lily and James die. When Harry is finally old enough to complete the Bond, Snape isn’t sure he can go through with it with the boy who he has raised as a son.
by pluperfectsunrise. Rated E. 40k. Soulmarks. Female Harry.
Five times Severus Snape comforted Harry Potter, and one time Harry comforted him.
it's an inevitable
by swoons (@swoontodeath.) Rated E. 800. Soulmark. Underage. Voyeurism.
Severus Snape can be patient. He's spent six years watching and waiting, after all.
The Lover's Ghost
by Weightless. Rated T. 8k. Soulmarks. Angst & pining. Hurt/comfort.
During the war, Harry and Snape spend their nights alone, at opposite ends of a dining table, plagued by nightmares. As they draw into each other, Harry realises that perhaps Snape bearing his soul mark was what he had desired all along.
He Knew
by WordsAreTrulyBeautiful. Rated E. 13k. Fluff & smut. Patronuses.
Celebrations, misunderstandings, a large manor, the patronus charm, and a whole lot of pent up sexual tension.
Really, it's all Sirius's fault.
A Universe of Searching Souls
by Writcraft (@writcraft.) Rated E. 9k. Soulmark. Soul bond.
When the small, innocuous mark on Harry’s hip begins to cause him discomfort, he decides to go and visit the person who has a similar mark of their own. He’s fairly certain there must be some mistake, because the universe wouldn’t be daft enough to give Harry and Severus matching soul bond marks. Would it?
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hptrash-lookaway · 23 days
Third thought I’ve been obsessing over, and this is probably more of a “crack taken seriously” thing
But it’s really funny for me to imagine that the taboo ships, like Snarry and Sirry, aren’t really taboo in the wizarding world, like they have spells and vows and stuff to make sure that teachers don’t take advantage of students, and with the increased life expectancy, age gaps are completely normalized, and then canonically we know that they don’t really bat an eye at incest
But nobody explains this to the muggleborns/wixen raised in the muggle world
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houseofsnarry · 2 years
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perverse-idyll · 9 months
HP Rec Fest Day 2
@hprecfest - Theme: a comfort fic
These are all fics I have read many, many times. Not only for comfort, but to have my heart wrung, to bask in the sheer fucking delight of writers who know how to use language and address the incomplete promises of characters glimpsed during their moments of plot utility. They make me happy, these stories. Oh, they hurt me along the way, of course, because I'm drawn so far in, so absorbed. I love that kind of immersion, and the pleasure of knowing a story so well. And these particular stories never lose their aesthetic thrill or the experience of the emotional journey. They're cathartic, though not flamboyantly so. I come back to them because they make me love these characters over and over again. And then I end up loving the authors, too.
Father to the Man by Delphi, Snape/Filch, 20,231 words.
I adore all of Delphi's Snape/Filch, but this is the one that gives the most comfort. It's a surgically precise, poignant, often witty, unerringly aware portrait of young Professor Snape making yet another mistake by yet again doing something he shouldn't be, thus hoicking his five-year-old self from the past into the present. That wasn't Severus' intention, and he's not happy to have this walking, talking, aggravating, bed-wetting reminder of his own abused innocence and embarrassing ignorance underfoot. Fortunately, Filch is there to save Snape from himself (literally, although he can't prevent one punishing trip to an abandoned Spinner's End). When it becomes clear the boy can't be sent back, Severus makes a decision that is both selfish and self-denying, a special kind of altruism (you'll see what I mean). And then Delphi, always scrupulous in how they weigh Snape's guilt, for once chooses hope over canon. And in a story about, among other things, forgiving oneself, that is absolutely the loveliest gift.
2. Consanguinity Arc by Jay Tryfanstone, Snarry, two short preludes and one main fic amounting to 24,351 words.
Oh, I love outsider POV, especially when the focus is my OTP. I love Muggles having to make sense of magical people, and wizards behaving like weirdos - ominous weirdos when viewed through a nonmagical lens - especially Snape and Harry, who in this fic are forced to unravel their issues in front of various captive audiences (therapist, lawyer, divorce court - all Muggle). (Imagine being Snape's solicitor!) The characterizations stand aslant to canon, which in this case makes them fascinating and adds to the sense of alienation from known things. Tryfanstone is one of those writers who can make characters and emotions spring fully to life, sparingly told but with the perfect detail. And again, wit! The courtroom scenes crackle. Snape and Harry spar, Snape and the therapist have a contest of wills (guess who wins), and the shadows of war and death and forgiveness that loom in the background build to a finish in which erotic sparks fly. This fic has one of my favorite concluding scenes in all of Snarrydom, brief but explosive, a hot, hilarious, breathtaking release.
3. Rapture by @mia-ugly, Snarry, 48,123 glorious words.
Rapture probably doesn't need a lot of introduction among Snarry readers, but it's been a beloved comfort fic of mine since it was first posted. The prose is beautiful, a cross between poetic and urgent, with spot-on humor for extra flavor (who can forget Severus' horrible aunt?). Harry time-travels at the whim of a pocket watch, unable to control it and with no ability to warn Severus of his impending fate. They meet on Severus' 25th birthday, when he's drunk and damaged and unprepared for kindness. Between one moment and the next, Harry's gone, and Severus is left to fall in love with a young man who keeps reappearing in his life without rhyme or reason and then leaving again. The story is, against all odds (it's Snarry, after all), devastatingly romantic, lyrical not only in words but in spirit, with Severus' recurring grief and angry, desperate heart on the one hand, and Harry's desire to love and save him on the other, twisting all the way through the narrative to the remarkable end, which steps outside the lines of storytelling and speaks, I think, for a lot of Snarry fans at that moment in time. I will always feel my heart being wrenched the same way it was when I first read this fic, but it's a welcome pain precisely because it's so beautiful.
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cailynwrites · 9 months
Harry Potter Rec Fest Day 26 - an ending you can't stop thinking about
Thinking about a fic after you finish reading it is, I believe, one of the highest compliments an author can be paid. I read/listen to a lot of fic, but here are a few for @hprecfest Day 26 that stick out in my memory.
the dogfather by @nonasuch Pairing: none Word count: 47,681 Rating: T
Fix-its are, of course, always refreshing, but this one stuck out to me particularly. It's funny, and sweet, and moves quickly, but it perfectly captures how much harm could have been prevented if a few small things had changed. I don't want to spoil anything, but imagine if canon were less than 50K words ...
The Inconvenient Death(s) of Harry Potter by @nv-md Pairing: Draco x Harry Word count: 33,105 Rating: E
Harry and Draco have spent the decade since the War avoiding each other, even as they’re forced to work together at the Ministry and their friend groups begin to alarmingly overlap. But what happens when Harry meets a tragic end (in a manner of speaking) and Draco’s the only one who can save him? Or Harry won’t stop dying, Draco’s had too much coffee, and there’s more than enough time for them to make a mess of each other’s lives.
I'm partial to time loops because I love Prisoner of Azkaban and Doctor Who. I think it shows a certain kind of creativity to be able to imagine the same basic events in a variety of different ways and bring them to a satisfying conclusion. This story ups the ante by having Draco try to prevent Harry's death.
Connecting Lines, Connecting Crimes by @sleepstxtic Pairing: Draco x Harry Word count: 15,216 Rating: M
I already piled on @xanthippe74's rec of this fic here, but I simply can't stop gushing about this story. Suffice it to say, this work is so clever in the way it uses magic to demonstrate the power imbalance between so-called "developed" and "developing" nations, especially with regard to the environment. Have I piqued your interest yet?
And finally, a couple of little self-recs ...
The Warmth at Our Backs by @malpal132 - a Podfic (Spotify) Pairing: Draco x Hermione Word count: 5,915 Length: 42:24 Rating: M
This fic was written and recorded for @etl-echo-audiobooks's Winter WonderFics Fest last year. It's a little dark and a lot wonderful. It has an excellent sexy mirror scene, and the plot is something I don't see often enough: Draco actually needing to save Hermione from something (herself and her quest for knowledge).
Shapes in the Deep by @ac1d6urn and taxonomic with podfic by me Pairing: Harry x Severus Word count: 20,068 Length: 2:10:14 Rating: E
I was so pleased to participate in the @snarrybang 2023 with these creative people. It's creepy and Lovecraftian, but also funny and weird. It's based on the video game Dredge, which I haven't played and which seems too scary for me. But it's a great setting for this different kind of Snarry. Technically, it's not the ending that I can't stop thinking about, but the climax right before; I still get shivers.
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shealynn88 · 6 months
writing patterns
Rules: List the first line of your last 10 (posted) fics and see if there's a pattern!
Thanks so much for the tag, @apricitydays-lazynights ! What a lovely feeling to be remembered in the midst of a very brain foggy series of months. <3
Going backward:
The Risks of Unfolding (Snape Selfcest, E) Severus lowers himself into the shapeless armchair and begins the precise ritual of relaxing each muscle group.
hope, break me open (Snarry, T) After dinner they retired to the drawing room, where Severus poured the liquor Harry had brought.
So Predictable (Drarry, G) Draco touches Harry’s cheek.
The Heart of Our Home (Drarry, T) Draco’s side of the closet is filled with soft, comfortable things these days, with just the one set of formal robes in the back.
This Time Next Year (Drarry, T) Eighth year hols are spent at the Burrow, of course.
Might Seduce Your Dad Type (Drarrius, M) “Stop flirting with Sirius, you slag!” Harry snarled, shoving Draco into his room.
A Gift of Forbidden Fruit (Bill/Hermione, Ron/Hermione, E) Leaving Ron snoring softly behind her, Hermione snuck down to the kitchen for a glass of something.
In Grief We're the Same (Dargent, M) Derek finds him at the bar. 
A Charitable Endeavour (Drarry, E) Luna keeps getting up and going to the kitchen, opening cupboards and then sitting down again.
Between a Wolf and a Full Moon (Sterek, E) Stiles is the last one to leave, as usual, wafting by in an assault of hormones and pine and…that.
I love this exercise. I actually like most of these lines. (There was one that was clunkier. I updated it. lol) It's interesting to see how I almost always reference something that has already happened. I think it adds a nice forward thrust to the narrative. Nice tactic, me!
This was fun, thank you! I'll tag...gosh, I imagine everyone's gone, but @makeitp1nk @phdmama @all-or-nothing-baby
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corgi-nub · 8 months
I feel like I'm constantly relearning a workflow, balancing Dastardly Lemondrops, studying (gesture, anatomy, environments, etc), and side projects (working on a very short Snarry comic for Valentine's Day), and the problem is that making art is just too much fun and I have so many things I want to do.
The main this is that I have to stop myself from spending too much time on studies because one of the most fun parts about art for me is learning new things and getting a sense that I'm actively improving. I think the other thing is that studying is much lower pressure. If it comes out bad, it just gives me more information about what I need to work on, creating more things to study. Meanwhile if a comic panel comes out badly, it makes me feel like... Oh I need to study whatever thing doesn't look right!
It's really important to balance observational studies with imagined work, no matter how much you feel like your imagined work isn't as good as studies. Studying is input, imagined drawing is output, and they're both crucial to learning, applying what you've learned, and improving. In that way, it's a lot like studying a language!
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snarryauctoberfest · 3 months
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Claiming: July 6th - September 15th
It’s the first day of claiming for the Snarry AUctoberfest 2024! The current year’s prompts are listed on the claiming form page of our website. The form here will be updated as things are claimed. However, you are not limited to this year’s prompts! If they do not catch your fancy, check out the previous years’! We also offer a wild-card option for prompts.
We encourage participants to focus on Snarry and Alternate Universe possibilities (ie. a radically different time period or location, non-magic, outer space etc., or those influenced by other media). Fest works are permitted within the canon universe as long as there’s a major divergence from the canon world or storyline. 
Please consider the spirit of this fest: imagining the multitude of ways in which Severus and Harry fall in love across all different worlds, timelines and possibilities. 
To that end, we request no works be submitted where the only AU element would be considered as “EWE” or “Snape lives”, or other minor divergences Snarry fans would expect to see in Snarry fanworks. 
If you wish to participate, please fill out all the required information in the form. Once you submit your claim, just sit back and wait for confirmation via your preferred method of communication (Discord or email). (Don’t forget to check your spam folder if you choose email! Our emails often end up there initially!!! Please, please do check your spam folder!) 
You do not to have submitted a prompt to take part, nor do you need to be a member of our Discord community.
You have until the day submissions are due on September 15th to claim a prompt if you want to participate. This year marks the 5th AUctober fest! Let's make it a memorable one!  🧡The Claiming Form can be found here 🧡
If you wish for clarification on any part of the process please email the mods at [email protected] or send a DM to the HOS mod Discord account: House_of_Snarry. If you’re in the House of Snarry Discord server, you may also DM a mod.
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