#snake enbians
mourningmogaicrew · 3 years
New queer inclusion groups
These are all groups of people with certain queer identities who fight for inclusion, acceptance, and education on their identities and the identities of all other queer people. 
And because I don’t like the weapons theme (switchblade sapphics, army tank aces, longbow lesbians, blade bisexuals, etc)  the names are based off of other things.
I will hopefully manage to make versions of these flags with symbols someday. Also no flag IDs because I’m exhausted sorry.
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Peach Plurarians- Because peaches are epic and so are plurarians. Flag is based on the plurarian flag and peaches.
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Ocean Queerplatonics- Because the ocean is important but most people kind of ignore it, just like how most people ignore queerplatonic attraction/relationships. Flag is based on the queerplatonic flag, sand, and the ocean.
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Marmalade Multigenders- Because each marmalade recipe looks different, and is made of  different ingredients, similar to how multigender people are different and experience gender in different ways. Flag is based on the (blue and orange) multigender flag and marmalade.
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Nature Agenders- Because it’s only natural for agender people to be inclusive of other queer people. Flag is based on the agender flag and the color green for nature.
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Apple Pie Aromantics- Because aromantics can be very sweet just like an apple pie. And by sweet, I mean inclusive. Flag is based on the aromantic flag, apples, and apple pie.
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Sunshine Anattractionals- Because not experiencing attraction doesn’t make you grumpy or rude, and anattractionals can still be “sunny” (happy) without attraction. Flag is based on the (blue and purple) anattractional flag and the sun.
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Chemical Demis- Because demisexuals and demiromantics are very cool and should form chemical-strong bonds with other queer people. Flag is based on the demisexual/demiromantic flags and radiation-associated colors.
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Colorful Greys- Because some greysexuals and greyromantics like colorful pride flags and are inclusive. Flag is based on the greysexual/greyromantic flags with an emphasis on adding color.
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Piercing Queers/Queer Guards- (piercing as in the adjective, not the noun.) Because us queer people should guard the vulnerable members of our community and intimidate exclusionists.
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Kiwi Andros- Because androgynes and androgynous people are usually overlooked like the kiwis at the back of the supermarket unless someone specifically asks about them, but are actually very epic. Flag is based on the androgyne flag and kiwis.
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Moonrise Transmascs- Because moonrise is blue like the transmasc flag. Rising also symbolizes transitioning, and new inclusive beginnings for the transmasc community. Flag is based on the transmasc flag, the moon, and the sky while the moon is rising.
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Sunrise Transfems- Because sunrise is pink like the transmasc flag. Rising also symbolizes transitioning, and new inclusive beginnings for the transfem community. Flag is based on the transfem flag, the sun, and the sky while the sun is rising.
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Enbians of the Serpent/Snake Enbians- Because the vincians and lesbians have inclusionist groups and the enbians shouldn’t be left out. Also because I think snakes/serpents and enbians are both cool. Flag is based on the enbian flag and snake/serpent iridescence.
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Neon Polys- Because all the polysexual and polyromantic people I’ve ever met have been very inclusive and I think that’s a very good goal for all the other poly people too. Also because my one poly friend really likes bright colors. Flag is based on the polysexual/polyromantic flags and neon colors.
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Gemstone Butches- Because butches don’t have to be rude just because they’re more masculine. (Toxic masculinity is bad y’all.) Gemstones are kind of like butches, because they look rough on the outside but are shiny when polished and very pretty on the inside (in this analogy, pretty inside means a good personality). Gemstones also are generally considered gender neutral because they’re literally stones. Flag is based on the (orange and yellow) butch flag and malachite.
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Blush Femmes- (blush as in the makeup product, not the verb.) Because femmes don’t have to be uneducated just because they’re more feminine. (”Feminine things/people are stupid and don’t deserve respect” attitudes are bad y’all.) Wearing blush is sometimes associated with being “unnatural’’ but I don’t think there’s anything wrong with it, just like there’s nothing wrong with femmes. Blush and other makeup also is generally considered feminine (the british’s and catholics’ idea, even though makeup was originally for men). Flag is based on the (pink) femme flag and a blush set I saw at the store.
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arospecicons · 4 years
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[Images: six pride icons of Spinner from the My Hero Academia manga. The icons show a bust shot of him looking shocked, coloured to fit the colours of the flags in the background. Next to him in the top left corner, there is an exclamation mark, and in the top right and bottom left corners, there are little explosions. The flags behind him are, in order: demiromantic, snake queer (queer chevron recoloured in brown and green, by @aroaesflags), agender, trans, genderqueer, and enbian. End description.]
I love!!! Lizard!!! Free to use with credit unless you’re an aspec exclusionist, terf/radfem, truscum/transmed, or if you ship/support incestuous/pedophilic/abusive ships. 
(Also yes I know he’s a gecko and not a snake and I should’ve probably tried to find a lizard queer flag but consider: I already had this one saved and I love snakes.)
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3, 6, and 20
3. Skirt or Pants Enbian?pants!!
6. Birds or Reptiles Enbian?hmm mostly birds, except i really do love geckos and snakes a lot
20. Green or Blue Enbian?blue blue blue!
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faunmoss · 7 years
1. Summer or Winter Enbian?
Summer B)
4. Horror movie or comedy Enbian?
Neither? I dislike most mainstream ideas of comedy and diligently avoid it, I tend to just watch cartoons or sci fi/ action movies instead. Both horror or comedy elements are cool tho if done well! I do prefer light-hearted stuff.
6. Birds or Reptiles Enbian?
I mean, birds are technically dinosaurs, yes? which are technically reptiles, yes?? (Don’t make me choose.... I love birds. I love snakes and geckoes and lizards and crocodilians toooooooooo !!)
13. Tux or Vest Enbian?
20. Green or Blue Enbian?
I am terrible at this but I mean I’m nonbinary I just default to chosing both or neither if confronted with any either/or question  I just......... what did u expect.............. /ollies out
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