#snake adjacent
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omg-snakes · 7 months ago
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Shopping for sphagnum moss for my snakes and came across some interesting advice.
I have been concerned about the loss of my fine-grained matrix...
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w1f1n1ghtm4r3 · 3 months ago
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pokemon trainer kohane anyone?
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lemonsharks · 2 years ago
#Impulse Buy Enclosures Not Animals
Someday I'm going to start a company called Impulse Snake Box and we will sell cute high quality flat packed habitats (including evacuation bins) with the tagline, "build them a house worth coming home to"
saw a reddit post where a corn snake and a ball python were housed together. other than the stress, what are specific dangers to the snakes?
Ooof, do not like that.
Cornsnakes and ball pythons have very different husbandry needs. Bps need humidity at least 60% (and honestly 70% is better), and corns like it around 50% humidity tops. Keeping them both together is a one-way track to a respiratory infection for someone. Bps also like it a couple degrees warmer than corns, so either the corn's going to be too hot (dangerous) or the bp is going to be too cold (again, one-way street to a respiratory infection).
It's not difficult to avoid getting new snakes until you have enclosures ready for everyone! I am absolutely baffled that anyone would try housing these two snakes together.
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raayllum · 2 months ago
Thinking about characterization things and how sometimes what makes something (subjectively) feel ooc or not can be a lot more in feeling that the right motivation is missing than the action or plot beat the character is carrying out. The "how we got here" as opposed to the "here" being out of character in of itself, because the "here"s rarely are.
For example, i don't think Callum would really Care about what 'Katolis' as a whole thinks of him. He's never put much positive stock in being a prince and generally doesn't prefer titles. I don't think he'd care much about the kingdom's opinion of him following the betrayal/treason in s7, whether they liked him or disliked him now or whatever.
However, if it occurred to him, or someone pointed it out out to him, that the betrayal could shake public opinion on Ezran, and put Ezran's standing as king (i.e. Ezran's safety) at risk, then I think following season seven Callum would put in more of a concentrated effort to mend things with the people publicly for his brother's sake.
And so we reach the same ending place, maybe, but different road to get there, of one being more "people are thinking poorly of me and that bothers me because of my internalized view of myself / desire to connect to my subjects as royalty" (which feels less in character to me, specifically, subjectively) vs "people are thinking poorly of me and it reflects poorly on my brother, who I care about a Lot, so I'll do what I can for his sake" in terms of motivation, because it's the second one that clicks in my head.
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fisheito · 11 days ago
event silhouettes are having a teehee moment and i am nonebeef'd about it ~( ̄▽ ̄)~
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showamagicalgirls · 3 months ago
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One important Chinese influence on the magical girl genre is the Legend of the White Snake (白蛇傳) from approximately the Tang Dynasty era.
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cobra-wives · 4 months ago
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so… excessive force x steele justice crossover, anyone? 👀
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shiominato · 9 months ago
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listen to me here
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eggwishing · 1 year ago
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i like 2 incorporate some aspects of human skull structure
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no-0ne-0f-consequence · 1 year ago
After reading The Ballad of Songbirds and Snakes, I just want to say how happy I am to know that after the apocalypse we will still have bluegrass music. When all other traces of our lives have been washed away in the violent fall of civilization, the fiddle and the banjo will not be defeated yes I know there is no banjo in the book. Our societies may be temporary but bluegrass is eternal.
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omg-snakes · 5 months ago
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Hey do y'all remember when I had custom washi tape like two years ago? I had it printed to secure baby snake travel cups for shipping.
Well, I'm almost out of the rolls I stashed.
If I were to do more of these, in different colors and/or with shiny foil accents, would folks be interested? It's probably going to be around $5 USD per 10 meter roll plus shipping to wherever you are. I'm thinking of doing at least three colorways again this time, and at least one with foil.
I'm just gauging interest at this point. Washi tape is such a strange niche interest but I really like it and I'm hoping some other folks will help me justify the minimum order amounts!
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tapedsleeves · 8 months ago
Thank you <333 Everyone is so loveable 😭 I'm so glad you added Hutton cause I vaguely remember him playing in a few games but the lip sync video is sooo funny
One last batch of questions if you're up to it cause I adore how you describe everyone <3 looking at the roster I think the last guys left are Barbie and ammo? (the funniest nicknames 😂) and guys like Dorofeyev, brisson, and jiri patera but I think they might fall under the Henderson duckling group?
also if you don't mind, I keep seeing patches and Reilly smith pop up when I scroll thru himbeaux's blog. I've heard a lot about marc andre fleury before but I didn't realize how many other ex-players were also so beloved! I'd love to hear about any of them if you have the time
There are actually a couple I haven't talked about in depth, but Hertl & Hanifin have only been on the team since the trade deadline. I don't know probably more about them than you do.
So, here's the list of current roster guys I'm gonna touch on: Ivan Barbashev, Michael Amadio, Pavel Dorofeyev, Brendan Brisson, Brett Howden, and Jonas Rondbjerg
and the traded guys I'm gonna talk about: Marc-Andre Fleury, Reilly Smith, Max Pacioretty, Robin Lehner, Ryan Reaves, Erik Haula, and Dylan Coghlan.
Now you see why I was like "I don't know if I can do it all in one ask" - because not only is team chemistry defined by who's there currently it is SO informed by who's been there.
These blurbs are probably gonna be shorter, because there's (counts) 14 of them.
That's many. And there are some that I don't know a whole bunch about. That's truer for some than others.
Ivan Barbashev Traded to VGK at the trade deadline in 2023. Learned about the trade at the same time as his wife (she screamed in the other room). was very excited to play with petro again, since they're good friends. got headbutted by LT and was very cute about it. his little face when jack yells He's actually just. giggly in general. he was part of the 12 Knights of Giving and was VERY VERY cute about giving ppl their groceries for free. his face on this save is REALLY CUTE. He fell off the bus during the STL parade. this supports my theory that he's made of like. variable density. it's impossible to knock him over and yet he is SO fast and agile? it's fucking wild.
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he's got really good taste in sunglasses
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2. Michael amadio: UNDERRATED!!!! i love Ammo. based on getty, i think either he and nic roy have very similar schedules or ride in together bc they are almost always in walkin photos together. i'm just now finding this out.
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I don't know a lot about him, because he's very quiet, but he's got really nice eyelashes and his face looks very soft. even his beard. even his voice is soft & deep. he seems really nice. just a cool room guy.
3. Pavel Dorofeyev: Dorothea!!!. Ok so this is not his actual nickname. I call him this bc when Dave Goucher says his name on the broadcast it sounds like Dorothea. And when Dave had Laryngitis, and he said his full name, it truly sounded like he said "pebble dorothea." this is his name in my head.
Dorothea is SO cute. He looks like a Tall Bitty to me, and i can't get that out of my head.
I know that's not very informative, but that's just.
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when Brendan Gallagher busted his teeth in, alec martinez picked them up and carried them to him. Dorothea is one of the HSK guys, who are the closest.
4. Brendan Brisson - son of famous agent Pat Brisson. babysat by Sidney crosby. Umich guy. lots of ppl know more about him than me. always wants to tuck himself into a hug. this is very funny hwen the other guy is shorter than him
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lots of people who followed him at umich know more about him than me, i'm sure.
5. Brett Howden: Bread!!! Just a sweet young manitoban guy. Childhood friend of nolan patrick went through Tampa & New York before coming to Vegas. changed his play style to play with Mark. Was part of the 2018 WJC team, but hasn't been implicated in any crimes :(
Grabbed Marchy by the jersey and yelled "we did it we did it" when they won the cup
Jonathan Marchessault followed up with him after and said "oh i had to tell you, when i had my vision of winning the cup, we weren't wearing the white (away) jerseys. we were wearing the gold ones"
indicating that??? Marchy??? has prophetic visions?? and shares them with brett howden???? what the hell is happenign here i love this so much. (seriously this video has SO MUCH. keegan kolesar kissing marchessault on the face SO MUCH. jack and marchy beign sO romantic about Marchy's conn smythe win "I did it for - you did it for me." / "that's the best thing i've ever seen" and all the i love yous. I just. love them)
6. Jonas Rondbjerg - Ronny is just a really sweet, quiet HSK guy! he's not the main roster, so when he gets called up, he hangs with the guys he knows. He was best friends with Jake Leschyshyn before he got traded to the NYR.
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Notable Guys who've been traded
Marc- Andre Fleury - found out he got traded on twitter. Known prankster. Everyone loves him, excellent but aging goalie who is going to retire after 24-25. After retirement, he's moving back to Vegas to live during the non-summer months. If he hadn't been a goalie, probably he'd have been captain. I love him so much and he tried to fight jordan binnington while he was on the Wild.
Reilly Smith - OG Golden Misfit, traded to VGK with Jonathan Marchessault. Jonathan Marchessault said of him that he was relieved when they got drafted / traded that wasn't scared to go to a new place bc he would know somebody. And when Smitty joined VGK for their White House Cup Visit, Jonathan said in the interview after "Everywhere he is is home a little bit"
Reilly started the Battle For Vegas, a charity baseball game during the summer, which is a great time which Jack Eichel took over since Smitty got traded. Said "What a time to be alive" with an absolutely blasted voice while on the ice right after they won the cup.
Max Pacioretty - Traded to Vegas after doing frankly a nuclear option with his prior agent (switching to Allan Walsh on draft day) because talks with Montreal had gotten so bad. was SO happy to be in Vegas. When Stone was traded in February, was kind of worried bc they'd been such rivals during their time in MTL & OTT respectively. but they were almost immediately complimentary of each other. They were best friends. Patch says that he knew, almost as soon as Mark came in that he was gonna be the captain. Which is WILD. Bc it had been almost 3 season without them having one. but Mark is their captain. He was right.
Ryan Reaves - is a GREAT room guy, and a WONDERFUL guy off the ice. Loves a prank. ate spicy chocolate. He's done B4V a couple of summers (he did it last year iirc) and it's just. Really sweet. A lot of these guys just. really really bonded for life during that first year, you know? I know that Belly is still friends with a bunch of the OG Misfits, and so is Reavo (he was pumped to play on the wild with flower, for instance). Reavo said that when mark stone fought tomas hertl that "Those hands aren’t made to fight; they’re made to dance. They’re supposed to be soft." basically "I'd rather they let ME do the fighting, their hands are meant for better things" like. ReAVO MY GUY. UGH.
i love him
Erik Haula - Another guy who does B4V, got traded to the Canes (who mistreated him) and is now with the Devils (who love him). Is still best friends with Karly.
Dylan Coghlan - came to VGK in the Erik Haula trade from the Canes system. Was VERY VERY good friends with the younger guys, Haguer, Roysie, Whitecloud, Keegan, Howden, etc. Went to a concert with Jack, Haguer, & HOwdy/ Also still does B4V and excels at it. Is a defensemen, but when we didn't have any forwards, filled in. I would know him by his teeth anywhere (very distinctive). adorable.
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cymorilcinnamonroll · 4 months ago
Genesis Remixed: A Lilith and Eve Sapphic Romance One Shot
When Chavah awoke in the Garden, she was filled with regret. What was once rib, now flesh, did not feel whole. Her husband slept as G-d led Chavah, an automaton given Breath and Word, through Gan Eden.
Shortly after Adam first forced her to submit, on the hard red clay he was made from, Chavah’s cries summoned a beautiful siren with raven hair and emerald bezels in her eyes. The maven rode a cherry red Harley, this Lilith, and had an extra pink helmet with daisies she had drawn in chalk paint on it for Chavah.
Chavah was quite impressed by Lilith’s nose ring, generous hips and breasts, and tattoos like a barista on the lam.
Having just been made that morning, Chavah had nothing to pack. All Chavah knew was that her destiny lay with this dazzling serpent woman, in her leather jacket, smoking Virginia Slims. They were meant to cleave, be helped and helpmate, master and servant, mistress and lover and laughter, and create beauty.
So, Chavah put on a red checkered sundress, wedged heels, and saddled Lilith’s Harley, the sun skipping over their luscious locks as they sped, hellbent, out of Gan Eden and into the wide green world.
First they traversed the universe, making camp at night under Adonai’s cosmos, and angels and demons alike attended Lilith and Chavah with food, manna, and figs. Chavah kept an elegant, scribbled in sketchbook - a stenciled Moleskin - where she drew figure studies of her lady love and botanical drawings. In return, Lilith liked to try out her tattoo gun on her girlfriend and carve seashells and coral into jewelry to adorn Chavah.
Lilith taught Chavah secrets – Adonai’s name, how a pearl was formed on an oyster’s tongue, and a diamond forged out of carbon deep in the depths of the Earth. But Chavah taught Lilith pleasure in a way that distant Sammael never had – where men fail, women understand.
They cast stars upon each other’s bodies and drank down mountain dew and honey wild from their chalices. When they made love, even Dumah, angel of silence, was known to weep.
Those were the days of great making. The universes coalesced, coiled, spiraled out like the Shekinah’s hair, and the Shekinah shone brightly down onto her handmaiden, Lilith, and her chosen daughter, Chavah.
They walked in the light of Adonai, crafting fantasies and terpsichores from the spindrifts of cavemen dreams. Adam had multiplied with his second nameless wife, the one whom G-d had constructed before Adam’s very eyes, flesh upon muscle upon bone, and soon, Chavah and Lilith were relegated to the realm of myths and sin.
The People cried out: give us succor, Asherah. So Lilith and Chavah became a Tree, menorah-shaped, and grew fruit to feed their sons and daughters. Only Adam, immortal, hacked the Shekinah Tree of Knowledge down. In revenge, Lilith planted the vine of Baruch – grapes that she and Chavah taught their daughters to make wine so splendid, it inspired poetry and deeds of greatness in men of valor and the daughters of the Watchers.
A flood came. A great one. Towers were built and toppled. First, clay cities, then wood, then stone, then the bones of earth raped to form great metal beams and skyscrapers. Moloch of industry arose, consuming dreams. Mammon created empires fat off his golden coffers. Ashmedai seduced. Beelzebub possessed. Sammael was set against Michael at every turn.
But Chavah and Lilith? They infused the world with beauty. Feminism. Revolution. Science and the Renaissance. Democracy. For every mother kissing her child, there was Chavah. For every blue-stockinged lass carving her way in a man’s world, there was Lilith.
Eventually, they opened a bakery. Challah was their specialty, with seven twisted braids. They kept bees out back, the wives Lilith and Chavah, and they read Tarot and the threads of fate for the young maidens and boys who came to them for advice. For widows and those who lost a child – whether to Dumah or abortion or infertility – they gave free iced coffee, fresh honeycomb, and bread.
It was a man’s world, but slowly, gently, women reigned. We, their daughters, created peace, endless beauty and succor, so that no son died in war, and every daughter was cradled and wanted. Lilith and Chavah continued serving the Shekinah, and the women of the world finally tasted the Fruit of Life.
It was born of two women, first and last, alpha and omega, snake and snake charmer.
And now, Lilith and Chavah live in our hearts, and if you seek out to find them, bread and cheese in hand at midnight, through Alice’s looking glass, you will come to their café, and the Mothers of Life and Death will braid your curls free of sorrow.
And all that starts well, ends well. They will wipe your tears, kiss your cheeks, make you a mocha, flat white, or comforting oat milk latte, and the fire in your heart to carry on will be kindled, and the Foundresses of Humanity will sing you into this life and the next, carrying you and your loved ones to the far shores of wonder, miracles, and the wild, and on their motorcycle, you’ll ride.
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raayllum · 1 year ago
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You don't control anything. And that terrifies you.
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skywalker-swift · 1 year ago
Two of my best friends from high school who I’d consider Taylor fans but not really swifties (who also get all of their lore from t*k t*k 😵‍💫🥴) are fully clowning for a rep tv surprise drop and idk how to tell them that they are probably wrong so I’m gonna let them clown but one of them called rep a break up album and that made me woozy
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princessmagpiesart · 1 year ago
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Human-Snake OC. His name is Caleb.
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