#but i WILL NOTE that upon first silhouette inspection i was all
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carbootsoul · 14 hours ago
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The biggest clues to an inspection of the prince myth are colors. Utena is liberal with its color symbolism, and the flat, primary shades in the myth’s shadow-box visuals are a blatant use of them. Also, since Utena’s color symbolism is semi-internal (e.g. while a lot of connotations are external, like yellow for innocence, the most significant applicability of them are things formed by association within the show, like the combination between purple and a particular pair of siblings), the prince myth is our first introduction to these colors and their logic in Utena. Starting with a blank slate, what is the first impression it wants us to have of its shades? Like all mythic symbols, they’re providing a basis for how we will interact with these elements for the rest of our time in this story. Let’s begin our color examination with the opening scene, after a quick aside on the general visual style.
Like a shadowbox, the figures in the prince myth are paper cut-outs moving in front of a flat background, so while there’s significant detail within each layer, the layers don’t interact. Instead, they’re completely flat, casting a simple shadow on the backdrop. In Plato’s allegory of the cave (which we may as well get over with), prisoners are born into a dark cave with a view of one wall, onto which objects are projected by unseen captors. These captors say the names of the objects that pass, and the association between the objects and the names produce the prisoner’s reality. This is false reality, and fake “knowledge,” but to the prisoners nothing else exists. In the shadow box, we seem to see both the objects and their shadows (the cut outs and the real shadow), but the figures themselves and the intervening “real” moments where the false myth breaks to show Utena’s real memory show the second, more important, layer of cast shadows. The shadow box scene itself is enclosed within a silhouetted frame, and complex figures (like people) are pure black. The fact that the same things are happening between the shadow figures and the real memory show that the memory is clearly casting these shadows, but it’s not clear what is truly happening in the moments when the shadow reality takes over. (Looking forward to the rest of the show, like in Plato’s allegory, the real question is not necessarily “what do the shadows refer to,” which can eventually be answered by walking out of the cave, but by “what will the prisoners prefer? The real world, or the shadows?”)
The use of black as a silhouette also establishes right away that black in the show is always in relation to light—as a shadow, yes, but maybe more accurately as the real object whose details are obscured by light. A silhouetted object is the true object, but the fact that it’s in front of a bright light means that our eyes can’t focus in on it. In this case, we might say that the prince (Dios) is a real object, but the brightness of emotion and desire Utena has infused this memory with silhouette his reality. All that's left is the shadow memory. (This comparison may prove helpful in looking at the Black Rose arc, whose duelists are less shadowy than obscured by the brightness of desire).
Also right away, we’re faced with pink roses over a pastel green curtain. These are not Utena’s pink, but a lightened red, and since it’s our first time seeing this color, I don’t have much to say on it. Likewise with the pastel green, although I do want to note that it seems significant that the show opens with a color we associate mostly with Saionji: an indication that, like Nanami, he is more essential to understanding Utena than we might think. If I were to hazard a guess, I would say that green may refer to ignorance—why it’s paired with innocent yellow here and, of course, why it’s given to Saionji, who is stubbornly oblivious to Ohtori’s rules.
“Once upon a time... there was a princess grieving over the deaths of her mother and father.”
The first few lines present a classic basis for any story of preteen sexuality—sorry, I meant any fairy tale. They’re not only a clear indicator that this isn’t real life, but also present us with Utena’s orphan status as her initial trait. This is a psychoanalytic story, despite the near total absence of parental figures, and nothing plays a more vital backstage role than family. The little princess, of course, is wearing yellow (and here, again, is Saionji’s pastel rose green on her collar).
“Before this princess appeared a prince traveling upon a white horse. His appearance gallant, and his smile gentle…”
A white-clothed prince on a white horse, against a white background, emerges to save her. Here is our first true introduction to white, which is inarguably the most important color to the show. All other colors are adulterated with it in Anthy’s roses or contrasted with it in the Student Council uniform. Note that it isn’t the young princess who wears pure white, but the prince: white is not a color you’re born into, but one you aspire toward, perpetually bleaching the fainter and fainter yellow out of your dress. White is an ideal color, not something actually wearable, and the pure white of the prince in the myth only doubles down on the impossibility of the story. (Also, note the red interior of the cape, even in Dios: a strand of Touga’s chauvinism in the princely ideal, or an indication that there is something genuine Touga is trying to emulate?)
“The prince enveloped the princess in the scent of roses, and wiped away her tears. ‘Little one bearing up alone under grief, never lose that strength or nobility, even when you grow up’ [he said].”
As the prince kneels to embrace the princess, the rosebuds in the background burst into bloom. With the death of her parents, the princess’s sense of the world’s meaning was destroyed. The cracks in the version of reality she had—a glimpse the true objects outside of the cave—began to show themselves. Impossible to handle even for adults, the young princess falls into a depression and searches desperately for a way to obscure this truth from herself, which she finds in the prince and his command: “Never lose that strength or nobility, even when you grow up.” William James, discussing the “process of inner incompleteness and reducing inner discord,” refers to this emergence from depression as the new birth, which may be religious or “produced by the irruption into the individual’s life of some new stimulus or passion, such as love, ambition, cupidity, revenge, or patriotic devotion.” The princess’s new birth, prompted by the prince, could be any of those things, and it’s perhaps because of this shift that we’re able to see our first glimpse of the real memory between her and Dios. Whatever it is, it is what saves her from an orphan's depression, and so becomes the grounding force in her life. Nothing she has can exist without faith in this moment: the prince is the thing keeping the entire system together.
The phrase “even when you grow up” feels very significant. I would say it has its fingers in too many pies to discuss here—in a story about adolescence, the idea of those virtues we lose as we age is essential to our founding myth. Is the fact that Utena changed as she grew older the reason she can't achieve the princely ideal? It's haunting, true or not.
"’I give you this to remember this day. We will meet again. This ring will lead you to me, one day.’ Could the ring from the prince have been an engagement ring?”
Then, the symbolic engagement, with the prince’s white gloves sliding a ring onto (real) Utena’s hand. The true memory says “I give you this to remember this day” and then—crucially—the scene switches and it is the shadow who says “this ring will lead you to me, one day.” Dios, this unattainable ideal which Utena bases her life around, has truly left her something to remember him by, something she will never leave behind: her desire. However, it’s only the false shadow memory which tells her that the ring will lead her to him. It’s the eternal hope of every young person that the overwhelming desire you feel, which seems both focused and directionless, is an indication that it will one day be fulfilled. It’s a message from your prince. This stubborn hope that the need for something means that it is meant to be yours, is what keeps all of the Ohtori students we meet spinning on their hamster wheels.
"Because of the strength of her admiration for the prince,  the princess made up her mind to become a prince herself! But was that really such a good idea?"
As the princess watches the prince ride away, the red roses of the frame are replaced with white ones, before finally becoming the familiar Utena pink, as the shadow version of her stands proudly on screen in princely dress. The myth is over: the story begins.
The twist at the end of the myth is simple misdirection: rather than a desire to have the prince, Utena desires to become him. This confusion, which seems on the surface like a ridiculous misunderstanding, is instrumental to nearly every conflict on the show. Yes, it’s a gendered confusion, but it’s also a natural lack of knowledge about what exactly will fulfill the desire for the princely ideal. We see it most overtly in Utena, but every student council member expresses it in their own way: do you want Anthy (to be the prince), or do you want to have her position (to be the princess), or do you want to somehow merge with her into one through an exchange diary (to be and have at the same time)? When one method fails, maybe the other will work, the student council thinks. Sadly for them, the shadow girl’s rhetorical question applies to all: you cannot just make your mind up to be a prince. He and the princess are only shadows. The more you grasp at them, the flatter they will show themselves to be.
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fisheito · 11 days ago
event silhouettes are having a teehee moment and i am nonebeef'd about it ~( ̄▽ ̄)~
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shaybreezy-17 · 2 years ago
Zoro and the Aphrodisiac (Zoro x Fem!Reader)
smutty, silly lil one shot ;p
*TW: Explicit/sexual content*
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Fanart credits to: @rrrotten!
This image makes me feel things every time I look at it 🙈…
It was a dark and stormy night on the Thousand Sunny, but that didn’t stop you from heading into the kitchen for a midnight snack…
“What are you doing with that?!” You whispered, slapping Nami’s hand away from the booze barrel she was pouring something into.
“Relax! It’s just a little calming sedative for the boys to chill out tomorrow morning so I can rummage through their clothes and sell some of the ugly ones for a couple extra berries.” She had her tongue out in focus, pouring a clear substance into the barrel. “Something caught my eye in one of the boutiques in town…”
She placed the bottle down to mix what was inside the barrel, so you picked it up to inspect it, making a mental note to bother her about what she wanted later.
The label had a bunch of hearts and upon reading it a bit further, “MAXIMUM STRENGTH AROUSAL SEDATIVE?” You gasped. “Nami, this might put them to sleep but we’re gonna have to spend a couple hours running away from them first… it’s like an aphrodisiac or worse! Practically liquid viagra…”
Snatching the bottle out of your hands, she read the label carefully, scrunching her eyebrows. “Well, fuck.” She chuckled nervously, “At least they’ll knock out eventually…”
“We have to do something about this before breakfast in the morning.” You sighed, placing the lid back on the barrel. “Should we just toss it out now that everyone’s asleep?”
Nami opened her mouth to speak, but was interrupted by a larger presence behind her.
“Throw what away? Better not be talkin’ about my sake.” It was Zoro. He walked past Nami, approaching the barrel.
“Hands off, now.” He lowered his voice, eyes on your hand over the barrel. “Why are you meddling with my stuff?”
You looked over at Nami, silently begging for help.
“It’s pretty late, huh? I’m just gonna leave you two…” Nami began to back out of the kitchen, mouthing an “I’m sorry” before closing the door behind her.
She’s so dead tomorrow, you thought.
Looking back over at Zoro, “You can’t drink this, bud.” You retorted, placing your other hand on it.
He looked visibly more annoyed. “This isn’t a barrel for everyone to drink out of, it has my sake in it so who the hell do you think you’re talking to?” He began to walk toward you, forcing you to back up into the kitchen wall. “Y/N, you just pissed me off and it’s late. You should go to bed.”
“But, I-”
“Go. To. Bed.”
You rolled your eyes, wishing he’d stop treating you like a child.
If he wanted a drink so bad, he was about to find out why he should’ve stayed outta that damn barrel the hard way.
You opted for sleeping at the Sick Bay for the night as you were sure if you saw Nami right now in the Girls’ bedroom area, you’d probably lash out on her over Zoro annoying you.
As you drifted in and out of consciousness, you felt your body being shaken by something. You opened your eyes, blinking a couple times to adjust them but all you could see was a blurry silhouette hovering over you in the dimly lit room.
“About fucking time you get up!” Zoro whispered. “I was looking all over for you.”
You sat up in confusion, rubbing your eyes. “You here to pick a fight over your stupid booze again?”
“No, idiot.” Zoro spat, “You put something in my sake! It’s making me feel… weird.”
“It wasn’t me and you’re the idiot for drinking from the barrel when I told you not to!” You slapped his shoulder.
“I don’t take orders from you last time I checked.” He scoffed.
“Yeah? Look where that got you now.” You retorted. “Get out if you don’t need anything else from me.”
He licked his lips, “You always been this feisty or am I just noticing?”
The sudden change in his behavior threw you off guard, but you knew the affect must have been kicking in worse by now.
“Oh, shut up.” You lightly shoved his chest, “That drink is messing you up, making you feel things you shouldn’t…”
He sat on the bed, leaning towards you. “The drink that you’re responsible for spiking?”
“I-I didn’t-”
He began to caress one side of your face, giving you the most intense eye contact he’s ever had, “I think it’s only fair that you’re responsible for relieving me of what I’m feeling right now…”
You were speechless. It was like Zoro left and let Sanji posses his sexy body. This was so unlike him.
You tried to dismiss the fact that the closer he got to you, the more you realized just how damn good looking he was.
“I need you, Y/N.” He whispered, thumb rubbing the corner of your mouth. His eyes followed, looking down at your lips. He licked his own intently. “Make me feel good.”
His voice made you weak in the knees. You closed your eyes in defeat, letting him finally kiss you.
You were torn between wanting him to make you his or still hating him for never taking you seriously and it caused a fire within you. You kissed him back, angry with passion.
You shoved him, making him lay down at the edge of the bed. Crawling on top of him, you kissed him again. You wanted control of him and this situation so badly… you wanted him to take you serious.
Zoro couldn’t handle his excitement as you felt him struggling to take off his pants until you felt something long and hard spring out and slap against your ass. Breaking the kiss, you positioned yourself over his pre-cum soaked penis.
“Slow and steady,” He placed a hand on your hip to support you, “I don’t wanna tear you up just yet…”
His words made your pussy throb. Looking down at his penis, you lowered yourself down, pushing him further and further inside… 
Once he was fully inside, you clenched your stomach, letting out a tiny grunt. He let out a smirk knowing he would be a lot for you to handle.
Rolling your eyes, you balanced yourself upright before you started working upwards and downwards on his cock. Zoro’s eyes closed shut and he let out a moan before stifling it by biting his hand.
This gave you a nudge of confidence as you began to quicken up your pace. Following your lead, he placed his hands on your waist, lifting you up as he began to thrust up inside you.
He threw his head back and you heard a stringy mess of the word “FuUuUcK!”
Before you knew it, he flipped you over so you were below him. “Sorry, Y/N, but I’m about to destroy you. I won’t hold back anymore.”
Without giving you a moment to even register what he had just said, he shoved himself back inside you causing you to tremble at the feeling of him completely spreading you apart, hitting all the right places.
He fucked you so hard, letting all of his past frustrations and desires toward you roll out with every thrust he made.
“Fuck! I hate you and how good you make me feel.” He growled, not letting up anytime soon.
Without even thinking, you reached up and slapped him across the face. His expression flashed with anger but quickly turned into something darker and more lustful…
“Not rough enough for ya?” He grinned, repositioning your legs over his shoulders to dig even deeper inside you, wrapping one of his hands around your throat as he spit into your mouth. “You’re taking me so fucking well, Y/N, I’m a little surprised.”
Little did he know, you began to feel an orgasm coming on. The way he was so rough with you yet made you feel so good had the knot in your stomach forming, tighter than ever, as your body begged you to let yourself cum.
Zoro hovered over you completely now, digging his face in your neck, leaving bites and kisses all over you. He pulled down your dress at the neckline, letting your breasts come out. As he sucked on your left nipple, he let his hand find your throat again. You couldn’t help but throw your head back at the overwhelming sensations he was giving you, rolling your eyes in pleasure.
“Zoro!” You screamed, “I-I’m gonna-”
Unable to finish your sentence, you felt that knot in your belly pulsating with energy that you were just dying to release. Running your fingers through Zoros hair, you gripped it as you felt yourself coming undone.
You let out a bunch of stringy moans and curse words as you came all over his cock, quivering under him as you attempted to push him out of you, but he held you and your hips down in place and kept ravaging your pussy.
You began to wimper with every additional thrust he gave you after you came. Your pussy was so sensitive now, you felt like you’d cum again any minute now.
Knowing you had no choice but to beg for him for mercy. “P-please, Zoro!” You struggled to find the words as he seemed to have fucked the shit out of the brains you once had, “I-I can’t take it anymore!”
You felt his pace get sloppier by the minute, his breathing heavier than before. You were both covered in each others sweat, but you were too dick-drunk to care or else you woulda dragged the both of you to the showers.
Zoros groans got louder as he fought back his own orgasmic sensation. His throbbing cock made your walls tighten around him even more, causing even more pleasurable agony for him. Eventually, he shoved his cock deeper inside you, making sure not to leave a single inch out. It pulsated and throbbed, followed by Zoro moaning your name loudly in your ear as he released deep inside you.
You were both utterly exhausted. Zoro let himself lay on you, no longer supporting up his body weight. You wrapped your legs around his waist, and your arms around his neck. You both laid in silence, only the sounds of you both trying to catch your breath could be heard.
“You look a mess.” Zoro smiled, kissing your forehead, moving a strand of hair out of your face. “A very, very sexy mess.”
“I promise you look worse.” You replied, playfully shagging up his hair. “Well, now you do. Look at that mess on your head.”
He gently flipped you back over so you were on top and he was resting on his back. He looked up at you with sleepy eyes, almost in a drunken state. “Whaddya say we both drink out of that barrel tomorrow night?”
“No way!” You slapped him on the shoulder, “You just wanna go for round two tomorrow, you horny fuck.”
His face formed into a grin as he let his hands rub your naked inner thighs as you straddled him, “More like round six, let’s keep this going ‘til sunrise and save sleeping for the morning.”
“How ambitious of you,” You chuckled, remembering he took a sedative that was clearly already kicking in, but still giving in to the urge to challenge him once more before he was out for good, “to think you’d last much longer…”
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bizarrequazar · 10 months ago
GJ and ZZH Updates — April 28-May 04
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This is part of a weekly series collecting updates from and relating to Gong Jun and Zhang Zhehan.
This post is not wholly comprehensive and is intended as an overview, links provided lead to further details. Dates are in accordance with China Standard Time, the organization is chronological. My own biases on some things are reflected here. Anything I include that is not concretely known is indicated as such, and you’re welcome to do your own research and draw your own conclusions as you see fit. Please let me know if you have any questions, comments, concerns, or additions. :)
[Glossary of names and terms] [Masterlist of my posts about the situation with Zhang Zhehan]
04-28 → Flora posted some findings regarding an account that the Instagram recently started following. The account is one that looks legit at first glance, but upon closer inspection is deep into scams itself.
→ The Go Fighting! Weibo posted a solo image of Gong Jun from the episode that would air that evening.
→ Yang Yang posted five photos of himself and Gong Jun from the previous day's 361° live event.
→ Gong Jun posted six photos of himself from the filming of Go Fighting! episode 2. Caption: "I haven't been a big brother for many years."
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→ Gong Jun posted a douyin from the above photoshoot. Caption: "Is this what it smells like? #My spring collection# The joy of spring starts from going out."
→ 361° posted a video from the previous day's live event. Fan Observation: The audience members visible in the video are almost exclusively solo fans, with the one shot that includes CPFs having them blurred out. (see 04-27 for additional info)
→ Gong Jun's studio posted fifteen photos of him from the filming of Go Fighting! episode 2. Caption: "Cross the sea of ​​fire and protect the forests and farms. Lock in on Go Fighting! at 9 o'clock tonight on Dragon TV @ Gong Jun Simon will return for a limited time to experience an ordinary day as a forest fire fighter."
→ Episode 2 of Go Fighting! season 10 aired. [full ep with subs]
04-29 → GXG posted a photo ad featuring Gong Jun.
→ Gong Jun posted a behind the scenes video from his ad campaign with Tissot. (1129 kadian) Caption: "Summer is here! ... Let’s ride the wind and waves together and be trendy all summer"
→ Tissot posted four photos ads of Gong Jun. (1129 kadian)
04-30 → Gong Jun filmed an episode for Hello Saturday.
→ The Instagram posted a video promoting the scam's "August" documentary.
05-01 → 361° posted a photo ad featuring Gong Jun.
→ PRSR posted a photo ad featuring Gong Jun.
→ The Instagram posted a video of "Zhang Zhehan" playing instruments.
→ The movie Formed Police Unit, which Zhang Zhehan was cut from after 813, premiered in theatres to largely negative reviews.
05-02 → Nothing of note.
05-03 → Colorkey posted a photo ad featuring Gong Jun.
→ Gong Jun's studio posted a photo of Gong Jun's silhouette, teasing his performance at Li Ronghao's concert shortly after. Caption: "A preview."
→ Gong Jun posted seven photos and two live photos his pre-concert photoshoot, later editing it to add two photos of him on stage with Li Ronghao. Caption: "@ Li Ronghao Hello, mentor, I am trainee No. 888, please turn around for me." Li Ronghao reposted this with the added caption, "Full marks for Xiao Gong's debut 🤗🤗🤗", to which Gong Jun replied, "Xiao Gong is happy again"
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→ Gong Jun's studio posted six photos from the same shoot. Caption: "It dropped! @ Gong Jun Simon's one-day idol experience card!"
→ Gong Jun's studio posted a video of him singing off stage at the concert. Caption: "Xiao Gong @ Gong Jun Simon is singing hotly🎤"
→ Gong Jun Outdoor Office posted four live photos from the photoshoot. Caption: "A blast for Xiao Gong trainee No. 888 @ Gong Jun Simon!🤗💙🤗💙🤗💙"
→ Gong Jun's studio posted fourteen photos of him performing at the concert. Caption: "Your sweet smile is just like dark plum sauce~ @ Gong Jun Simon's bling bling singing wishes everyone a good night 🤗💙"
→ Gong Jun Outdoor Office posted a five minute video of Gong Jun's performance. Caption: "The lark Xiao Gong @ Gong Jun Simon raises his voice and shoots directly (star chasing winner version)"
05-04 → Gong Jun posted a douyin from his pre-concert photoshoot. Caption: "I woke up laughing, hahahahahahaha!"
→ Li Ronghao posted photos from his concert the previous day, including three with Gong Jun. Caption: "Thank you Harbin. We have all received your enthusiasm so highly. Thank you also Gong Jun for accepting the invitation to sing "Dark Plum Sauce" with me. He is really a simple and clear boy who leaves a impression. See you next time, Harbin.​​​" Gong Jun commented on this, "Happy, thank you ge, see you next time"
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→ Gong Jun posted eight photos from the pre-concert shoot to his Xiao Hong Shu. Caption: "I made my debut! Yesterday only!"
→ Gong Jun's studio posted a behind the scenes video from the pre-concert shoot. Caption: "Pink holiday, unrestricted dreamy moments from @ Gong Jun Simon~" They later posted another to their Douyin, caption: "Gong Jun loves to change things and bring surprises, open @ Gong Jun Simon’s card (idol version)🪄"
Additional Reading: → A reminder Blue has a charity fundraiser going for Zhang Zhehan's birthday! Giveaways are still available for those who show proof of donation before 05-08.
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lau219 · 8 months ago
Ooooo, @runnning-outof-time , this already has me intrigued! Please tag me once you have it ready!
As for myself, I don’t want to reveal too much, and the full chapter of this may likely come out yet (late) tonight. But here’s a little snippet that doesn’t give too much away. This is from the next chapter in my modern Tommy Shelby series called Enemies with Benefits.
Speaking of Tommy, Y/N discreetly looked around the large main living area as Polly led her further inside, but she didn’t see him among all the people.
As she took in her surroundings, Y/N smiled to herself at finally seeing the place Tommy called home, noting that it fit him perfectly. The vibe of the entire place was sophisticated yet relaxed, and the furniture, artwork, and general style throughout was smoothly masculine yet inviting. As Polly gave her a brief tour, Y/N smiled again as she noticed the stacks of albums, big screen TV, and sports magazines mixed in with the business publications on his coffee table, amused to be in his personal space and finding it very endearing.
Slowly moving around the room, Y/N stopped as she was looking at the framed photos and items sitting on a side shelf, a silver ballchain strung with two metal discs catching her eye. It was hanging over the edge of one of the picture frames, and upon closer inspection, she realized the discs were Tommy’s military ID tags.
Her heart clenched with emotion at the reminder of that part of Tommy’s past, and she wondered if Polly had told him that she’d shared that information with Y/N. Obviously, if he displayed his tags like he did, then he wasn’t actively keeping it a secret, but perhaps he figured she simply wouldn’t notice.
When they eventually re-entered the living area after going through the kitchen, Y/N’s eyes widened as she now noticed the wall of floor-to-ceiling windows along the back of the room. When she’d first arrived, the amount of people in the way at the front of the room hadn’t allowed her to notice, but from this angle, she now did, and she whispered in awe as she took in the view of the beautiful night skyline. The building silhouettes were dotted with window squares of light, and traces of dark orange and deep purple hues accented the sky with the final hints of sunset.
“Wow,” Y/N said as Polly stood next to her. “What an amazing view. It’s beautiful! I can’t believe Tommy gets to see this every night.”
Tagging (you tagged everyone else I would have tagged 🤣) @xsweetcatastrophe
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Thanks so much for tagging me CJ @cljordan-imperium !! 🥰 your little snippet was amazing and I’m rooting for you to get your story finished!!
Here’s a snippet from the Tommy story that I’m hoping to have out some time next week:
"You really...you really don't know how he handles business?" there was now surprise in the other woman's voice.
"I don't understand what you're saying, I've just told you that's not how they handle things," (Y/N) doubled down on her previous response.
"He must keep you locked away from certain parts of his life then," the woman stated, stifling her laughter. "Tommy Shelby's a full out gangster, darling."
A bit of incredulousness seeped into (Y/N)'s expression upon hearing the other woman's statement. "I'm quite honestly insulted that you would speak of another woman's partner like that. Have you no manners?" she said with a scoff.
"It's the truth. Everyone around town knows it," the other woman shrugged.
"It's still rude to suggest," (Y/N) responded, pursing her lips together tightly as she tried to keep composed. "Good day," she said then, tilting her chin up as she walked away from the woman without letting her get another word in.
Tagging: @brummiereader @toms-cherry-trees @justrainandcoffee @evita-shelby @emotionalcadaver @novashelby @lau219 @little-diable @peakyswritings @writers-hes @zablife @writeroutoftime
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fairlyabookie · 2 years ago
Author's note: Day 4 of February prompts. Enjoy!
Content warning: subtle mention of infidelity, arranged marriage
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“Vil, there is no need for this.” 
[Reader] watches helplessly as Vil inspects their visage by the mirror. 
“How could I when your match rejected you on the spot?” 
Vil’s stinging words hurt [Reader]’s fragile ego. 
“They were just picky, Vil. It’s not like they were expecting a picture-perfect candidate for a bride at first glance.” 
A click of the tongue notes their companion’s disappointment. 
“What I don’t understand is that you presented yourself eloquently, yet they did not ask for your hand..” 
[Reader] had no comment with that statement, the stinging truth uttered from Vil’s words, harsh yet true at the same time. A heavy sigh of slight annoyance fills the silence. 
“[Reader], [Reader], [Reader], what am I going to do with you?” 
Fiery words forming at the tip of their tongue, the urge to protest poignant in [Reader]’s midst. A glimpse over at their expression, Vil knew they didn’t take kindly to his words. Perhaps, he needed to change his wording. He dismisses incoming servants, taking warm towels and a new set of clothes from their hands. The servants depart, leaving Vil to attend [Reader]. 
“It’s not that I’m disappointed at you, [Reader]. I’m more disappointed towards your match. He apparently doesn’t take kindly towards those with a steadfastness in character and unbound creativity.” 
A scoff escapes from [Reader]’s lips. Vil regards this note of misery with a side glance to the youth, casting their clothes to the side while he prepares brushes and cosmetics. 
“He was a hardass, alright. Too much of ‘Daddy’s money’ for me. I bet he has servants at his beck and call 24/7, rendering him virtually useless in anything except for the arts and literature.” 
Despite Vil’s efforts to keep a stoic face, he had to snicker. 
“You’ve got a point: when he came in, he wore an elaborate attire too gaudy for my taste. Of course, he presented himself as ‘someone of great knowledge’ when really..” 
Violet eyes study [Reader]’s expression in the mirror, their lips curling to an unfathomable expression. As they spoke, Vil was contemplating about a look that would best suit [Reader]. 
“He was just quoting from books for the most parts, and when I asked him about a poem, he quoted yet another one. I thought I was losing my mind!” 
“He thought you were interested into him, [Reader].” 
Vil gestures the youth to look straight into the mirror, in which they oblige. 
“Until I rehearsed my personal poem on him.” 
Laughter erupts from their throats, filling the room with joviality. 
“If you were there to see it, Vil, he spat out his tea in shock after hearing that. ‘Frivolous! Absurd! Where did you quote this from?’ Poor man was so confused.” 
“I may be absent from your conversation with your match, but hearing from your mother has told me much about your encounter.” 
[Reader] scoffs once more, their features contorting to a dark expression. They barely notice warm rosewater being applied to their cheeks, a sensation that nearly startled them. 
“Mother should’ve known not to match me with someone so fickle about their matches. It was so boring.” 
“Relax for me, [Reader].” 
Vil softly instructs. Cooling slices of cucumber fills [Reader]’s vision, where they glimpse Vil’s silhouette behind a screen of green. 
“Do you think doing more of this is worth it, Vil? All this for finding the perfect match for my hand and the throne..” 
A frown tugs at the corners of Vil’s lips upon a lilt in [Reader]’s voice. 
“Your mother simply wants the best for you, [Reader]. The candidates she has for you are the ones she thought would suit you as someone who could rule with you.” 
Another heavy sigh slips from [Reader]’s lips. 
“Now, now, enough with the sighing, your session with your match is over. Come now, I need you to cooperate with me. May I ask for you to hold on to this for me?” 
Though temporarily blinded by the cucumbers, they oblige - Vil handing them a handheld fan. 
“Could I just rule alone? I don’t think finding a formidable partner for our standards would be productive..” 
Gentle fingers comb through strands of hair, smoothing knots and threading them into small figures. [Reader]’s mouth opens to speak, but words never left their lips, the thoughts of a bitter match filling their head. Yet, Vil spoke, a striking idea coming into mind. 
“Why, [Reader], would you prefer someone of repute rather than someone who is more romantic?” 
A cooling sensation befalls on [Reader]’s crown, the scent of roses wafting as Vil tilts back their head slightly. 
“I’d rather…have someone who is more honest with their feelings; I don’t care about their reputation.” 
Vil bit on his lip. How naive. The heir’s naïveté towards love was similar to a maiden’s love stricken monologues, even with the constant matchmaking. A sliver of hope stirred, another question bubbling in his mind.
“Then, what about someone who cares about you?” 
“Oh, that would be great. I don’t want someone who’d sneak into brothels and get a mistress without my knowledge.” 
A sharp response, Vil had to admire. He proceeds to rinse [Reader]’s face with water, peeling off the cucumber slices from their eyes. 
“Keep your eyes closed.” 
The blank canvas of [Reader] before him glowed with glassy texture, sparkling from the rosewater. 
“Now, would you like to apply makeup or no?” 
“I’ll pass on the makeup. I’m tired.” 
“I see.” 
Fatigue seeping in [Reader]’s voice, Vil felt disappointment seep into his heart. 
“As you wish, [Reader]. Is there anything else I could do for you?” 
“Just let me rest.” 
If only he could do something for [Reader], something to alleviate their troubles, something to tell them that the matches were not necessary. For he, himself, wanted to ask for [Reader]’s hand in marriage. He had seen how troubled they were when they heard their mother declare the matchmaking process in court, how their face stilled to a stormy expression by her words. At that moment, Vil hated how his heart broke - the chances he had for [Reader]’s love dashed in an instant; his position now a mere retainer under their command until death. 
“As you wish, [Reader].”
He wouldn’t let this opportunity slip him by. Before him, the heir was exhausted, their patience thinned from political proposals, failing matchups, and other proceedings. Deep within his heart, Vil knew [Reader] needed to talk to someone, someone to vent their emotions with, someone to shoulder the burden in this cruel world of royalty. Alas, as much as he wanted to aid them to the best he can, he was merely an errand boy, a confidant in political court. Yet, he grew up with [Reader], listening to their stories, partaking in lessons he knew he shouldn’t be taking, on top of having a keen eye of beauty, dressing up [Reader] to a perfect image befitting of a ruler. If only.. 
The beauty before him was all from him, washing, cleansing, and rinsing for years; applying color to the canvas occasionally, and repeat. His heart left with [Reader], a secret he kept to himself for many years. Though, at this moment, he felt that this was the perfect moment, the perfect moment to say it. 
“[Reader], I wish you many years of happiness and may you find the love you deserve. I love you.” 
Those whispered words echoed in their dreams, [Reader] dreamt of a handsome prince bestowing a kiss on their cheek, a kind smile at his lips upon greeting his beloved. 
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phobylee · 3 years ago
Light in the Dark
Sometimes, when the world shatters completely beneath you, the only thing you can do is cry. But this time, Hunter did not expect to have anyone to cry to. So, when he's visited by a strangely familiar and yet all too alien face that looks to help him, he's not quite sure what to do.
Note: this is set right after Hollow Mind. Prepare for pain-- and comfort. </3
𓅪»»————- ➴ ————-««𓅪
It was a cold, lonely night. The darkness stretched endlessly, obscuring the trees in a thick blanket. Hunter was shivering. His only source of warmth was the poorly thrown together campfire before him and the cardinal cuddled up to his neck. His teeth chattered and his feet felt numb.
After everything he had been through– after all those years where he pledged his loyalty and devotion to the Emperor's Coven, to his Uncle–... if he could even call him that anymore. After all that, it had been for nothing.
He was a pawn in a sick, twisted game. He was a puppet, a toy, a Grimwalker.
"What a shame," Belos had said, flicking the dangling strand of hair away from Hunter's face. "Out of all the Grimwalkers, you looked the most like him.."
Those words echoed on repeat in his mind, but in the blistering cold, Hunter could no longer bring himself to cry. Instead, he internally wept, hugging his knees.
In his struggle to find warmth, he barely heard the sound of rustling behind him. At first, he thought it to be the wind, passing it off as leaves fluttering in the distance with the oddly chilling breeze. But upon closer inspection, it became clear that those were not departing leaves, but footsteps.
The teen's breath hitched, and his heart began to pound rapidly in his chest all over again. Someone found him. They were here to hurt him. What was he going to do?
Without thinking, he stood up and prepared to run, startled by Flapjack's incessant, joyful chirping. He stopped for a moment to listen to the little red bird.
Friend! Friend! Flapjack cheered, fluttering his wings about. No danger!
Hunter slowly turned around, still shaking both from the cold and from fear as a figure approached his fire. It was the silhouette of a man who looked much like himself, save for the lack of pointy-tipped ears and the fact that he was a bit taller. Even down to the stubborn cow lick..
A gasp tore from Hunter's throat.
"Kid?" Asked the figure, now standing in the light of his fire. "Oh, oh no. What has he done to you?"
Worried almond eyes locked on his face, as if the person (helookslikemehelookslikeme) was prepared for Hunter to flee, but the boy did not. He instead stood there like a deer in headlights, frozen in shock and disbelief.
The man took this as a sign to come closer. His lips had pressed together into a thin line.
"You're.. you're…" Hunter stammered, trying to form words. He still couldn't move for the life of him. Something in his body wouldn't allow it. His feet felt like they were nailed into the dirt.
"Yes, I am," the man answered, now directly in front of the boy. He stared down, carefully placing his hands on Hunter's shoulders. "Caleb. I'm not here to hurt you. I promise."
The boy– monster Grimwalker clone copy– let out a terrified cry and lurched forward. His shaking increased tenfold, and so Caleb sought to soothe it, wrapping his arms tight around him to provide some warmth.
Hunter craved the warmth. In fact, this was the closest thing to affection he had received in a while, even though he wasn't sure what a hug was. It didn't matter, though. Without his input, everything spilled out, and within seconds he was sobbing.
He choked on his tears now and again, breathing in shakily, coughing, and started once more. It was like an endless wave of pain and more kept coming, and it wouldn't stop. Titan, he couldn't breathe–
"Hey," Caleb began, rubbing his back in gentle circles. He now had his face pressed into Hunter's hair, murmuring comforting words the kid had never heard before. "Breathe, kid. You have to breathe. I know it hurts. I will never let him harm you again. Not in a million years."
"You aren't real," Hunter began, voice quivering. "This.. this is just a dream, and I'm dead, and–"
"You aren't dead," Caleb said quietly. "I know all of this is strange. But for now.. let's get you warm, okay?"
Being warm didn't sound so bad, he supposed. It was better than freezing half to death out here. For the Boiling Isles, it really did get chilly at night.
Caleb led Hunter back to the fire, sitting him down and simply rocked him back and forth in his arms. He held the kid like a mother a babe, pressing his lips to his forehead.
Hunter never had parents before. It was only ever Uncle, but now he realized that everything was fabricated. So, for once, he completely melted. His sobs went quiet, devolving into quiet sniffles and choked back cries, and he nestled his head on Caleb's shoulder.
"Do you feel a bit better?" Caleb asked, staring into the crackling fire. In response, Hunter nodded weakly, struggling to keep his heavy eyes open. They were beginning to sting the longer he stayed awake.
"He should've never done that to you."
The comment caught Hunter completely off guard. Caleb sounded angry. Deeply angry. For a brief moment, Hunter reacted as if it was directed at himself, but the human– ghost? Illusion– began to backtrack.
"No, no. Don't you blame yourself. You did nothing wrong. You're just a child. No child deserves what he did to you." Caleb chewed his inner cheek, sighing quietly.
"I'm.. I can't go back. I have nowhere to go." Hunter inhaled sharply and began pulling away. This was embarrassing. He felt like some little kid clinging to the tiniest fraction of attention and care. For all he knew, this was probably some dream. After all, he had seen the portraits. Some of them, at least. He knew he was created as a replacement for Caleb.
And yet.. Caleb was here. Comforting him, hugging him, keeping him warm and telling him it was all going to be okay.
Maybe he should allow himself to cling to that. Maybe he should accept the warmth. Maybe, just maybe.. he could pretend everything was okay just a little longer.
"You aren't going back," Caleb said, wiping Hunter's tears with his sleeve. "Not so that he can hurt you again. No. I have somewhere you can stay. Somewhere warm, where you can sleep peacefully.."
Caleb eyed Flapjack thoughtfully, reaching over to scratch the bird's head. At that, Flapjack tweeted happily and nuzzled against his finger.
Friend! Forever friend! Protect Hunter!
"Thank you for taking care of him, old friend. I knew I could count on you."
It was getting late, and with that, the night grew colder. Caleb stood, lifting Hunter up with a hum. By then, the poor kid had cried himself to sleep, laying limp in his arms.
"Now, let me return the favor. Come, Flapjack. Let's go home."
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ddarker-dreams · 4 years ago
Consequence. Yan Childe x Reader
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Warnings: Minor character death, violence, blood, yandere themes and unhealthy relationships.  Word count: 1.5k. Note: thank you for being patient @venitsubasa​ !! this is the final raffle prize from the 8,000 follower giveaway. i hope you enjoy it!!
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“What a way to end the night.”
The audacity he has to sound irritated like your actions were an unfounded temper tantrum is beyond you. Does he have no self-awareness whatsoever? Just when you thought you couldn’t find anything about him more disturbing, he takes it upon himself to surprise you, subverting your expectations by reaching a brand new low.
There’s so much you want to say.
Curses dripping venom that you long to scream at the top of your lungs until your throat is raw, threats powered by enough loathing to give any person pause. You want to make it hurt. You want to make it agonizing, to return every injustice instigated against you by his hands in full, and then some.
The gag in your mouth prevents you from fulfilling your wishes, so you settle on narrowing your eyes in the most harrowing glare you can muster.
It’s impossible to make out all of Childe’s features in this room’s dim lighting. The silhouette against the doorframe and grating voice undoubtedly belongs to him, yet that’s all you’re able to gather. You credit the adrenaline still pumping throughout your system for keeping your anxiety at bay. Any other day you would be debilitatingly nauseous from the suffocating tension in the air, thicker than the humid atmosphere on a stormy summer day.
Tortuously slow footsteps grow closer in the windowless, concrete room, Childe honing in on you like you were a prized catch from a long hunt. In a way, that’s exactly what you are; nothing more than a pretty trophy for him to keep locked away for eternity. A prey to catch and toy with. 
You wish your shivering would stop. It could be attributed to a few things — fatigue, the damp clothes sticking to your dirty skin — but you don’t want him to think it’s because you fear him. Maybe you should. Logic and common sense have long been thrown out the window, ever since you took the opportunity to flee from his sight. You’ve been acting on pure, animalistic impulse from the second you hit the ground running, future consequences were the last thing on your mind.
Childe kneels down to get a closer look at you. What hits you first is the emptiness in his eyes, the way all light and tangible signs of humanity have been replaced with a vast nothingness. If he told you then and there that he had no beating heart, you would believe him; this is not the visage of a human. Whatever it is that you’re facing now is not of this world.
“You ruined the clothes I got you too,” he sighs, his voice heavy and low. Childe plays with a piece of torn fabric by your waist, never once breaking eye contact. “Ungrateful. That’s what you are, you know. After all I’ve done for you? All the sacrifices I’ve made? You repay me by pulling a little stunt like that?”
The anxiety you were able to keep at bay creeps up like an incessant shadow, no longer willing to remain out of sight. This fury he’s displaying is unlike anything you’ve witnessed before. It’s different from the way he’d warningly say your name when you pushed your luck too far, it’s different from the tightened grip on your wrist when you tried to wriggle out of his grasp. You don’t know what this is. And that alone sends you into a state of panic, your eyes darting around, desperately searching for salvation.
There is none — there’s only him.
His coarse hands ghost upwards at a leisurely pace. Childe derives a sick pleasure from how you flinch and struggle, totally unaware of what plans he has in store for you. He draws the excruciating process out on purpose, inspecting every inch of your shivering form. Scratches and bruises litter your body from the elements you ran through. What remains of your tattered clothes is soaking wet, a testament to the dive into a rushing river you took to get away from your pursuers; what you wouldn’t give for a warm bath. If he doesn’t kill you for your transgressions, you’re certain you’ll catch a cold.
Childe’s lips curve into a taunting grin. “Poor Michail just wanted to enjoy the Lantern Rite, same as you. You got him good. You missed his heart by just an inch, but it doesn’t matter; he was long dead by the time we found him.”
You squeeze your eyes shut and beg yourself to block the words out. Childe doesn’t care for his underlings — especially the ones that let you slip through their fingers — the only purpose of him saying this is to heap guilt onto you. The sickening, squelching sound of plunging a knife into another’s chest is one you’ll never forget. How he doubled over, choking and gurgling on the blood that clawed up his throat, his complexion going a ghastly pale. You knew you shouldn’t have looked back, yet you wanted to ensure he was incapacitated enough for you to run.
Childe, sensing your inner turmoil, removes your gag to see what it is you’ll say.
In a cruel parallel to the person you stabbed earlier (Michail, was it?), you cough from having your mouth freed after hours of wearing the gag. The devil in flesh tilts his head, waiting ever so patiently for you to try and justify yourself. All so he can shred away your halfhearted reasoning and dig his talons deeper into your wounded heart.
“He’s…” you take in a deep breath, wincing at how hoarse your voice sounds. “A piece… of shit… just like you.”
Childe’s smile widens and his pupils dilate. “Oh? So that’s the excuse you’ve settled on then. You’re shaking like a newborn fawn, you’ve never killed a person until today if I had to guess. How did it feel? There was a lot more blood than you expected, wasn’t there? Ah, and the noises he must’ve made! Do you remember them? Choking on your own blood isn’t an easy way to go, you know. It’s a long process.”
His hand hovers teasingly over your throat, pressing in just enough to apply some pressure.
“When your brain doesn’t get enough oxygen, all sorts of lovely things start to occur. Black spots in your vision, ringing in your ears, the works. Given the tracks you left behind, I doubt you stayed around for long to observe your kill, so allow me to fill in the blanks for you.”
Your lips part in an act of desperation, “Stop—”
The warning squeeze he gives to your throat shuts you up immediately.
“There were claw marks at his throat. A last, desperate attempt to salvage his waning life. I wonder what he thought about in his final moments. His elderly parents that he enlisted for back in Snezhnaya? Or was it his fiancée he had waiting for him back at home? Archons, he’d go on and on about her when given the opportunity, talking about the life they’d one day live together once his service was over. Guess that won’t be happening anymore, huh?”
Tears trickle down the curves of your face, falling onto Childe’s hand that remains wrapped around your neck. Why is he doing this? Why did he have to take an interest in you? What did you ever do to deserve this? You never dreamed of hurting another person in your entire life. That was meant to stick to pages of fiction, the words of storytellers who gathered crowds on the busy streets of Liyue, anywhere other than with you.
Childe coos at you in a way you can only describe as mocking. “Aw, somebody’s crying. Feel bad yet? Good. I have plenty more to say, but first, I’ll let you think about what you’ve done.”
“You’re inhumane,” you wheeze out, ignoring his glare against your better judgment. “Everything is because of you.”
You’re fully prepared for the worst. Maybe he’d apply more pressure until you passed out, or take his time with it to draw out your suffering. Whatever the case, you wanted him to know the depths of your hatred, even if it costs your life.
He instead pulls back and pats your head condescendingly, that twisted smile never leaving his face. “There, there. Get it all out of your system. You’ve got a long night ahead of you after all! This room will be your new home until you give me a sweet, heartfelt apology. Go with whatever method you think best. Groveling at my feet, promising you’ll only ever be good for me from now on, offering your body... have fun with it and get creative.”
Before you can spit in his face, the gag is shoved unceremoniously into your mouth, Childe’s chilling laughter echoing in the room when he gets up and dusts his hands off.
“If you won’t be a good little spouse for me when I’m nice, maybe this will serve as a wake-up call. Give some thought to how much I’ve spoiled you until now.” 
Through blurry vision, you see him crane his neck back to shoot you one last look before he closes the heavy doors.
“Happy Lantern Rite, [First].”
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the-walk-of-weary-souls · 4 years ago
!Traveller Aether!
In the beta it's confirmed that the twins actually arrived at the same time after being defeated by the unknown goddess, it's just that one did not wake up until 500 years later and that combined with the fact that adepti seem to have some abilities connected with dreams gave me an idea:
Upon their defeat the twins were cast back upon Teyvat sealed and separated. While Lumine awoke from the ordeal rather quickly, Aether was still in a deep slumber having been dealt a critical blow. By pure luck however, his slumbering body lands within Liyue a country that is rich with adeptal energy. This makes it possible for him to have an elevated conciousness within the dream realm and even to a small extent interact with the waking world.
He starts of as just a vague presence within the dream realm, but as he slowly grows stronger he is able to interact with things and entities such as the Adepti in the dream realm more and even start to create an image of his physical body to manifest when talking to others.
At first the Adepti didn't notice anything at all, the presence so small and weak it was barely a spark in the vast realm of dreams. However as the presence steadily grew it was quickly noticed by the vigilant Yaksha, the one most acquainted with dreams. Still on edge from the whole incident with the khaenri'ah only a century before he immediately informs the other Adepti and Rex Lapis.
Fearing that the odd presence may be a threat they try to find it's source, but no matter what they try they can't find even a small clue to point them in the right direction. As time passes without further incident Morax seeing no ill will from the presence decided to stop actively searching for the source but advised all the Adepti to keep an eye on it anyway.
For the next few years this is how it stays until one day a Karma ridden Xiao takes refuge within the realm of dreams as he struggles to overcome the built up Karma So occupied by his own suffering he did not realise the presence which had remained dormant for so long awaken and take note, nor did he notice how a mixture of curiosity and worry began to leak from the presence. He did how ever notice when it gently prodded at his soul and despite the wave of panic that suddenly arose at the thought of an unknown entity having access to him in such a weakened state, the presence remained gentle yet firm- taking hold of his spiralling soul and soothing it as best as it could.
After what seemed hours the karma calmed enough that Xiao could completely push it back under control and the presence withdrew slugishly as if exhausted by the whole ordeal before returning to the same dormant state as before. For the next few minutes Xiao remained silent collecting himself before hesitantly he reached for the presence and gave a small nudge.
This time instead of remaining dormant like in previous attempts to figure the presence out, he could feel it waking slightly before giving Xiao a weak mental squeeze as if to reassure him.
With this response from the presence, dawned the startling fact that it was in fact a sentient entity rather than a strange phenomena.
I'm planning to make a one shot series for this on ao3. So far its likely that it will end up having Xiaoaether in it becuse I love those two dorks so much but it wont be the main focus of the story. My name is The_Walk_Of_Weary_Souls on Ao3. So far these are the planned oneshots:
-After discovering the sentience of the presence Morax enters the dream realm once more to inspect it. He brings with him both gratitude for it's aid with his youngest Adptus's Karma as well as a warning that if it were ever to act up, Morax would be the first to take action.
-Slowly the presence has become more active, able to convey emotions and ideas to any visiting Adepti, even having full out conversations despite not having spoke a word to them. They even managed to figure out that the presence was male after a little while. Steadily the presence has also been wiggling his way into all of their hearts, his actions although limited just exuding his bright personality.
-Despite how posetive the presence normally was, sometimes the Adepti visited to find him in a state of grief and longing. None of them knows the cause but they've made it a habit to just sit and silently accompany the presence through these moments. This time the duty lands upon Ganyu's shoulders.
-Xiao is the first that the presence speaks to, with soft words that just barely seemed to get out. Startled and in disbelief the Adepti attention focuses completely on the presence and after a short silence once more he speaks and this time Xiao is just barely able to catch his words and at last they have a name to call the presence by; Aether.
-With time Aether grows stronger and with it so does his ability to speak and interact with things in the realm of dreams. With this the Adepti Slowly begin to realise more about the origins of their dream dweller who turns out to be even more otherworldly then they ever thought.
-Morax is getting tired. A bone deep weariness has begun to creep into him as time goes on and sometimes it gets the better of him. In these moments he's found comfort in an unlikely place as Aether keeps him company in the dream realm to take his mind off of what plagues it.
-It begins with them catchimg glimpses of a silhouette as they are in aethers presence. Steadily they begin to catch more and more details on the figure that appears more detailed each time It materialised until they finally have a face to put on to the name Aether.
-After another breakdown focused around his sister Aether is comforted by Madame Ping. He finds it's quite nice to spend time with her as she has a wise yet accepting attitude as well as a gentle almost grandmotherly side.
-A truly joyous air surrounds the Adepti as after a long and dangerous pregnancy a small half adeptus girl is born. Xiao naturally quite protective of the baby is one of the first to notice a sudden presence in her room and rushes in only for his heart to jerk when he sees a familiar and unexpected ghostly figure peer into the crib with awe-filled eyes.
-Almost 400 years after Aether originally entered their lives as a weak sputtering little presence, he suddenly dissapers from the realm of sleep sending all the Adepti panicking. Meanwhile in the depths of the Liyue wilderness a body laying motiolessly on a natural bed suddenly sputters to life
Qiqi will have a oneshots but I have to clarify a few things about her timeline before I do that.
Or in which Aether becomes an Honorary Adeptus instead of an Honorary Knight.
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readerxlovestay · 3 years ago
Thank you, you’re so sweet 🥺
Well how about Gavriel finding his mate after the events of the books and she's a lot younger than him and he's scared she would reject him and scared of aedion's reaction but aedion hypes him up and reassure him? 🥺
Gavriel x Reader
Summary: The reader is saved by Gavriel from a wild animal in the forest, and later they meet again when she loses her bracelet. And the meeting turns out to be a memorable one.
Reference: Y/n - your name
H/c - hair colour
E/c - eye colour
Y/c - your complexion
Author's note: Finally! I'm back guys! This is a cute idea but I had the writer's block right before I started so it took me a lot of tries before I got the plot right. Still is a bit messy, but I hope you like it. Lots of love❤️❤️❤️
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Reader's Pov:
You picked at the wild cherries, looking around yourself anxiously. You weren't familiar to this part of the forest and it was almost sunset, just a few minutes shy of when you were asked to return back, by your aunt.
The chirping of the birds that flew off to their respective homes, the constant drone of the bugs and small creatures, were starting to put you on edge. You couldn't shake the feeling of being watched.
Originally from Allsorook, you were visiting your aunt in Orynth. She had wanted to make you your favourite sweet cherry pie but the important ingredient was missing from the pantry - the wild cherries that you were now plucking from the bush.
Also it was you who volunteered to go collect them from the woods. She had protested at first but upon your insistence, she gave in, with careful instructions to be quiet and safe. You had never ventured into these forests or anywhere near them, even though you visited your aunty every often.
Now, you almost regretted the decision to come here. You fiddled with your mum's bracelet, (a regular habit you'd developed as you grew up) while you inspected the fruits that had been picked. Maybe a few more cherries wouldn't hurt, you think as you quickly get back to work.
She was right. Something was indeed watching her. Unbeknownst to Y/n, a panther lay in waiting among the bushes for the right time to strike. It sat until she drew her attention back to the basket of cherries. And very deliberately, it rose. A leaf crunched under its paw and she gasped and spun around, eyes wide. A silhouette in the shadows, it prepared to pounce, lips pulling back from its teeth in a silent snarl. A step back was all it took, and it surged, aiming right for a shocked Y/n.
Gavriel's Pov:
"So you nearly took out everyone?", Gavriel questioned. "Yes! And the best part was they weren't that kind of strength from us. It was exhilarating " Aedion replied.
They were talking a stroll in the woods by the castle, talking about the time that both Gavriel and Aedion missed during the War and before. "You should've been there", he added wistfully. Gavriel smiled. "I'm here now aren't I?" Aedion grinned at his father. "Yes and that's all that matters"
His heart swelled with pride and joy.
His son resembled his mother in so many ways. She would've absolutely loved to see them both reconcile. "What are you thinking about?"
"Your mother would be so proud of you Aedion" They were moving deeper into the forest, the castle towers fading into the distance.
The sun peeked from the clouds, bidding farewell, as it got ready for its daily slumber. Aedion looked back at him thoughtfully. "What was she like, my mother?" Gavriel caught up to him in two long steps.
"She was gentle as a dove and she was the prettiest lady all around. I have never seen her angry, she always had this beautiful smile on her face", he explained. "She had the patience of a mountain"
Aedion sighed.
"She sounds lovely, dad"
Gavriel patted his son's shoulder affectionately.
"Yes she-"
He stopped abruptly, his mind registering a cry for help. Aedion immediately went alert, weapons out, even though he couldn't hear anything. "What is it?"
Gavriel didn't answer as he shifted into his animal form. "Dad?" He started sprinting into a full run into the dense woods, before Aedion could even register the movement.
Gavriel kept racing, a feeling of terrible danger guiding him to its location. It urged him on.
Hurry, hurry, it seemed to whisper. The fear and danger of something, spurred him into action. He sprinted all the way to the other side of the forest in mere seconds, disturbing peaceful animals in his wake.
He leapt over a dense cover of trees, teeth bared.
Reader's Pov:
You thought you'd faint. Everything started happening in slow motion when you turned around. As if like in a memory, you saw yourself from a distance, eyes wide and unable to move as the panther slowly took off with a leap, claws out, lips pulled back from its teeth in a ferocious hiss, right at you.
You saw yourself flinch and brace for an attack that never came.
A huge lion leapt from the thickets and tackled the panther to the ground.
Both the animals went down in the dirt, clawing and biting at each other. The lion- mountain lion seem to have gained the upper ground within seconds.
Your body still in shock, didn't let you move. So you stayed put, even too afraid to breath.
The lion was too strong even for the panther. In mere seconds, the panther was pinned to the ground by the lion. However the lion only maimed the panther as not to hurt it but the panther was all fangs and claws.
Right in the middle of the brawl, the mountain lion snapped its head at you, as if remembering you were still there. Its eyes looked too perceptive to be an animal.
It blinked once and you stared back, unable to look away from the molten bronze in its irises.
Such beautiful eyes...
Finding an opening, the panther swiped it claws at the lion's chest, drawing blood.
Immediately the trance was broken and your body automatically moved to flight mode. Run Y/n, run!
You bolted, clutching the basket to your chest.
Everything was pure adrenaline as you zipped past trees and bushes, wanting to get away from there as quick as possible.
A branch threatened to take your eye out on the way, so you shoved it away, earning a scratch from its jagged edges. You didn't notice the pain until you reached the trail that you came through from.
You were almost safe then, considering you were out of the dreaded place, but fear kept you going till you reached your aunt's house.
You barged inside and settled the basket down, panting hard. Your concerned aunt reached for you, not before wiping her flour covered hands on her apron.
"Y/n? What happened? Why are you late?" She gently grasped your forearm, turning you towards her. "Dove, tell me"
You slowed down your breathing, trying to find the words. "I think- there was- it-", you stammered, shaking your head.
Your aunt made you sit down and have a glass of water. Only then, you were able to shake off the adrenaline and speak clearly.
You explaining about the panther and the lion and how you escaped. She looked shocked. "Lion? How very strange" You flicked your eyes to her. "The only lion we have around here is our Lion of Doranelle"
You shrugged. It didn't sound untrue. Those eyes. Your mind went back to the image of the stunning liquid fire eyes. The lion had looked at you keenly. As if peering inside your mind.
You laid your head down on the table tired and a sharp pain from your wrist drew your attention. "Ow" Right away your aunt started to get all stressed. "Oh no honey, are you alright? Here, let me see it!" You stretched your arm out to her, suddenly feeling something missing.
The gash had started to bleed, but that was not all.
You had lost your mother's bracelet in the chaos.
Gavriel's Pov:
Friend, lover, wife, partner, mate.
It hit him like a storm. Mate, mate, mate. The feeling of the bond was so strong that he had forgotten his place and just snapped his head at the girl. Striking E/c eyes, stared back at him. Gods she was beautiful. His sharp eyes took in her every detail. Messy h/c hair framed her face, bringing out the her lovely E/c colour. Her lips were parted in shock and she clutched a small basket in her hand.
Searing pain brought him back and he growled at the panther, with a strong blow to its abdomen. When he looked back, the girl was already gone.
A second later, Aedion burst out of the thickets, going straight for the animal. In no time, it fell down unconscious. He looked at Gavriel's animal.
"What happened here dad? Why were you fighting with a panther?"
He tossed some spare clothes to Gavriel who shifted back. He quickly put them on while Aedion inspected the area.
She was his mate. How could he be so blind? If he had been delayed even a single moment- No he didn't want to think about that.
Whoever she was, she was his, as much as he was hers. How was it even possible? Were mating bonds just thrown around? He couldn't even wrap his head around the fact that they haven't even met and yet they were mates. What would would everyone think? What would Aedion think?
Gavriel cleared his throat.
Aedion looked at him, eyes narrowed. "I asked you a question that you haven't answered yet" He scrutinized Gavriel. "And you also seem very distracted, whats going on?"
Gavriel raked a hand through his golden hair, the only sign of unease he showed. "Its nothing"
Aedion raised his eyebrows. "Really? To shift out of nowhere, only to fight with a wild animal and then act strange afterwards is nothing?"
Gavriel crossed his arms. How was he going to tell him? Wasn't it a bit too late for him to have a mate now, when he had a son who was even more older than her?
Aedion turned to look at him "Dad tell me"
Gavriel looked straight at him. No point in hiding it.
"I have a mate"
He looked shocked "Mate?!" Gavriel winced.
"Yes there was this beautiful female who the panther almost pounced upon, but I came just in time to let her escape"
"And she's your mate?"
Gavriel nodded. Aedion shook his head to himself. "Why- How? How is it even possible? Mating bond? That too with someone you don't know?"
Gavriel sighed. "Yes and she's human. I managed to glance at her face before the panther tried its hand at me"
Aedion smiled slowly. "Well then, was she pretty?"
This was not how he was supposed to react. He should've been angry at Gavriel for wanting a mate and being too selfish. He should've shouted at him that he wasn't being fair to his mother but still he remained calm, if not a little surprised.
"Aren't you mad?" Gavriel asked him.
Aedion looked taken aback. "Mad for what?"
"Isn't this too late of a time to get mated Aedion? Would it be crude of me to flaunt that I have a mate, when I have son who is almost the same age as her?"
"What? Gods no" He shook his head. "Why would I be mad when I get to see my father fall in love again? In fact I would be the most contented if I see you being happy with someone after mother"
Gavriel smiled. "Thank you son"
Aedion tilted his head. "I can still feel you discomfort over something Dad. Tell me what it is"
His smile faded. "It's just that-" He paused to run a hand through his hair again.
"Will she accept me? After all I'm a Fae and she's human. What would she think of me when she hears about the horrible things I did for Maeve? And on top of that, there's the age gap"
The corners of his lips twitched down in a frown. He looked so forlorn in that moment, that Aedion's heart ached.
"Dad look, whatever you did then is in the past, no one cares about what happened. You don't beat yourself up for that. What if you're Fae and she's human? It doesn't matter when you're in love"
He held up a hand when Gavriel started to speak.
"I know you haven't even seen her before, but soon enough you'll get to know her Dad. Just look at Aelin and Rowan. They were in a worse place than you, remember? She absolutely detested him and he even hated to be there in her presence, and yet look where they are now. All you need is a little love to make it happen"
Gavriel's eyes softened. "I know"
"She maybe young but you're gonna love her no matter what, and nothing's going to change that. Sure, you're just an ancient Fae but will that stop someone from knowing or loving you? No. Lots of time and space, and I'm pretty sure she'll never say no. No one would Dad"
Gavriel engulfed his son in a tight embrace. "Thank you. I'm the luckiest Fae on earth to have you as my son.
Aedion hugged him back. "And I'm the luckiest to have you as my father"
-time skip-
Gavriel nudged Aedion who stood by his side, watching the forest with him.
"You think she'll come by today?"
He smirked. "Of course Dad. She would probably want to find her lost jewelry, so she'd come to that place again and hoping that she does, you now have a reason to talk to her by returning the bracelet"
Gavriel nodded at him.
After they'd left the place, the previous day, Gavriel had found a bracelet on the forest floor, which now sat comfortably in a box in his pocket. He refrained from touching the box again. A delicate thing that she wore.
Aedion grinned. "Now we wait"
Reader's Pov:
You had covered almost the entire place all morning, but you still couldn't find your bracelet. You were kinda getting desperate. It was the only piece of mom that I have.
Just as you were about to turn back, you heard the crunching of leaves and your body immediately locked up, just like the night before.
For God's sake, it's not even fully morning yet and I'm already going to be breakfast for something!
You turned around slowly, heart in your mouth. Thankfully it was only a Fae. You relaxed, only to tense up the next second. A Fae? What was he doing in the forest? Was he following me? But you kept those questions to yourself as he approached you.
He was very handsome but the first thing you noticed was the eyes. Eyes like liquid fire. Was he the one who saved you yesterday? Maybe it was all a coincidence or a misfortune, you couldn't tell. But you were gonna find it out.
You stood still while he approached you. "Hello", he said. Suspicious as it was, you didn't answer. "I believe you're searching for-" He reached inside his pocket and took a small step back "-this" He extended his arm.
In his hand was a tiny velvet box, decorated with gold swirls and patterns, too exquisite to be yours. "Nope, not mine", you replied and started backing away.
He opened the box. "Actually it's in here" You glanced at the contents and almost squealed. It was your mother's bracelet, arranged neatly on a tiny gold cushion, making it look even more sparkling.
You retracted you steps and he placed the box right in your hand. You sighed with relief. "Thank you" "You're welcome", he answered. You looked squarely at him
"Who are you?"
"I'm Gavriel" He tilted his head ever so slightly.
"Were you here last night, by any chance?" He looked vaguely surprised. "Yes" "And I suppose you didn't see any mad lions or panthers around here?"
The corner of his lips twitched up. "Unfortunately I think I might belong to the former group you mentioned"
You smiled triumphantly. "So it was you! You saved me last night"
He nodded beaming. And damn was that a sight to see. And those muscles that look like chiseled marble under the thin fabric of his, your mind added.
You cleared your throat. "Where are my manners? I'm Y/n" You extended your free hand for a handshake. "And really, thank you for saving me" Instead of shaking it, he gently grasped your hand and brushed a soft kiss on top of it. "My pleasure"
You almost sighed. It was like pure fireworks through your body when his lips touched your skin. He let go and your hand immediately felt cold. Ignoring it, you do a little curtsy, grinning. "And hello to the Great Lion of Doranelle"
He laughed softly. "Well, hello to the Great Y/n of Orynth too" You snickered. "Oh no, I'm not from here" He looked at you perplexed. "I'm from Allsorook originally, I'm visiting my aunt"
You slapped a palm to your forehead. "Gods, that reminds me, I'm late" You turn around to go and glanced back at him. "Do you wanna come? I'd like to introduce you to my Aunt, who I'm sure is gonna be absolutely yeeted out of her mind"
He looked greatly amused. "Sure but only if you teach me those fancy words of yours"
You burst out laughing.
So that's the story of how you met your mate. Soon after, you both became good friends and started spending a lot of time together. He later revealed the mating bond to you and though you were upset with him for hiding it from you, you didn't deny the bond. You never could, for you had started to love him more than anything in the world. Your ages didn't matter to you when it all came down to between both of you. Gavriel was an important part of your life and you were never going to give him up, just because he was Fae and you were human. Your bond went deeper than the mere difference in your bodies.
Finally the Lion had found his Lioness.
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hitbythunder · 2 years ago
Chandrilan Moons -7
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A Kylo Ren x Reader story with much angst, possessiveness and dark themes (warnings will be updated as the story progresses) –> Read also on AO3
7: Still feeling cooperative? +++ +Starkiller Base on Ilum+
I was no longer in that metal chair, that much I knew upon coming to, while the rest of my surroundings remained a confusing blur of gray interior and equally colorless, clinical people talking in clipped detached voices around me. For a brief moment I fooled myself into thinking that I was at the hospital on D'Qar after being knocked out during combat lessons, and that my encounter with Kylo Ren had just been a terrible nightmare. But the glaring red insignia of the First Order, worn proudly on the breast pocket of every person within sight, put an abrupt end to my illusions. As did the metal handcuffs at my wrists. At least there was no pain anymore, just the distant memory of it ghosting through my limbs and head, and after a while I realized to be in the medical bay of this place. The large room housed many beds, some of them occupied by wounded Stormtroopers, while a handful of nurses scurried in between the rows. They had put me in the corner farthest away from the large doors, half hidden behind a milky screen so that I could only survey part of the room. Whether to be on a spaceship or a planet-base was hard to tell from the monochrome interior and the uniformed First Order personnel, and windows were rare to come by in either case. Not that I was even thinking of escaping, stars I wasn't that foolish, but perhaps there was a chance for rescue if I could let my family and friends know where I was being kept.
One step at a time…, I reminded myself as my vision spun while trying to sit up in the medical bed. A nurse urged me to lie back down, then examined my injured hand and ribs. When she scribbled some notes onto her holopad, I dared to ask about my condition but she ignored me at first. Upon asking for the third time, she relented though and informed me about my split lip, cracked rib, sprained wrist and the considerate concussion. Her tone was kept professional, naturally reserved considering the fact that I was the enemy, and upon my shocked expression she let some humanity show beneath the polished First Order veneer.
"Nothing too serious, don't worry. But you need a lot of rest now." she said as she adjusted the amount of pain killing infusion that dripped slowly into my blood-system via an IV. Then the both of us noticed a growing tumult behind the screen, wavering voices laced with dread and a heavy set of footsteps approaching us. My heart skipped a beat, remembering that distinct sound from the woods and whom they foretold.
Alarmed by the presence of her superior, the nurse beside me turned away but somehow I managed to grasp her wrist despite the metal restraints. When she looked from my vice-like grip to my face, I pleaded with my eyes for her to help me. I was terrified of meeting Ren in another round of rampage inside my mind, of the pain and torment it entailed. Understanding and perhaps a grain of pity ghosted over the nurse's expression, gone tough when she turned around fully to walk away into the part of the room that was shielded from my view. Her silhouette shone through the milky screen. The heavy footsteps halted and a bulky figure joined the nurse in this shadow play, towering over her in his billowing robes and distinctive helmet.
"Status report on the prisoner." a calm but demanding voice, rumbling deep like the roll of thunder and foreboding dire consequences should the answer be displeasing. Without delay the nurse rattled off the details of my condition, again detached as if talking about a droid's flaws after an inspection.
"... Any further healing, especially of the brain, requires more rest. At least for 24 hours." she tentatively added at the end, her body posture all submissive and appeasing through the screen. Whether it was her medical opinion or an act of (female) solidarity against her terrifying Commander, I had no clue but I was grateful for the effort nonetheless. A few seconds ticked by, the giant figure unmoving, until its head very slowly turned to look directly at me through the screen and I could suddenly feel Ren's gaze on me like a laser, unyielding and permeating.
I promised to cooperate, but I'm not in for permanent damage to my brain. But why would he care about that...
"18 hours." came Ren's reply at last, staring in my direction for a beat longer, before he turned to walk away from the screen. His deep voice crackled above the storming footsteps: "You've got 18 hours to pepper her up."
As the end of my reprieve neared, my cuffs were unlocked and two nurses ushered me into the nearby refresher unit, their stern expressions daring me to try something stupid in there. Which I hadn't even thought of honestly, instead taking my sweet time to enjoy the hot water cascading down my body, washing away the forest grime but not my trepidation upon the near future. Clean and dried, I avoided looking too long at myself in the mirror and quickly put on washed-out grey cotton pants and a white shift, along with thin slippers which they had given me. While it seemed only logical to equip prisoners with simple clothes that weren’t made for fight or flight, they could at least have put some effort into the style. While the pants somewhat fit my frame, the shift hung a quite loosely on my shoulders, its hem ending mid-thigh, and I had to roll up the too long sleeves before fixing my hair. As of lately, I had come to wear my hair with one section in a bun and the rest braided - a similar style like Rey's, perhaps in an unwittingly attempt to imitate her. With a sigh I gave myself a once-over, thankful not to be an overly vain person, because stars I looked like a miserable and slightly beaten-up ghost in those unshapely rags.
No doubt Rey and Rose would have a laughing fit if they could see me…. the thought caused a sharp pang in my heart that drove tears to my eyes unbidden. An impatient knock on the door ripped me back to the present and I quickly wiped my eyes, exhaling deeply before exiting the refresher.
I'll see them again. Just need to play along and do as Ren says.
A swish of opening doors was audible, followed by small and light footsteps as the girl slowly ventured into the premises of his quarters. Her light and mismatched clothes were a stark contrast to the black-grey and neatly arranged interior. Though by far not as spacious or luxurious as his accommodation on the Finalizer, those here consisted of a main living-room with adjacent bedroom and refresher unit, the doors to both currently firmly shut, which left the girl no options to hide. She flinched when the door behind her closed with a click, sealing her within this gloomy room full of shadows. With careful steps she rounded the small table and its accompanying two chairs, not deeming her surroundings worth a glance. As if mesmerized, her eyes were glued to the large window opposite the entrance door, a child-like wonder illuminating her face as she beheld the outside world of raging winter. Somewhere behind the building, the sun was setting and its remaining light cast an orange glow upon the snowy planes and distant mountains.
Kylo watched intently as she brushed two fingers across the glass, felt the cold under nipping at her fingertips, and knew she had never witnessed snow on Chandrila. While there could be heavy downpours and storms, the overall climate on Chandrila was mild and without extremes in either direction. Its summers warm and long, ideal for joyous play outside until mother’s calling. Kylo absorbed her memories with growing agitation and almost scoffed at the picture-perfect scenes unfolding in the girl’s head. By all means, she didn’t belong to a place of war like this, her whole being standing in stark contrast to the brutality of the First Order. A child of summer and gaiety, now trapped in this metallic prison amidst ice and darkness. And yet, in her innocent wonder, she was still unaware of the creature silently observing her from the shadows.
Kylo waited until the sun's rays slowly vanished outside and dipped the bizarre landscape, as well as the room, into the many opaque shades of night. By the time the last orange tint was snuffed out, Kylo had circled the girl and now stood directly behind her. From the periphery of her mind, he sensed her nerves prickle in an unconscious alarm to his presence. A few seconds later, her whole being was overcome by dread and pure shock when she saw his reflection in the window-glass. All black-in-black, the outlines of his figure were obscured by the surrounding shadows and the glistening silver elements of his helmet served as the only fix-point of that dark mass. Instantly she turned around and took a step backwards in order to increase the distance between them. Her thoughts were alight in a panicked flurry as she took him in.
How long has he been standing there?! Stars, how could I not notice him this close behind me?
On purpose, he took his time to have her squirm in his presence a little while longer. Her eyes were wide, searching for something alive behind his steeled mask, while she did her best to keep her limbs from shaking. She truly was a frightened little bird, so tiny and helpless compared to him.
“It’s time to continue where we left off.” Kylo’s deep voice cut the tense silence as he leaned slightly downward, his tall and broad frame towering over the girl even more so. On instinct she shied away and pressed herself against the cold glass behind her.
“Still feeling cooperative?”
She quickly nodded in reply and Kylo almost scoffed at her willingness to comply in the face of torture. Clearly she wasn’t trained at all for such situations and whoever had sent her to Takodana had made a grave mistake. How reckless, to let someone with such intel run around without the means to defend herself and the knowledge she possessed.
“You will answer me properly.”
“Y-yes, sir.” I stuttered, averting my gaze from the polished and impenetrable surface of his mask. “I’m sorry, sir.”
I truly was, wishing to get this over with quickly and to return to my family and friends. The less I put up a fight, the better my chances to come out of this disaster - or so I hoped.
“Then come.” With the flick of his hand, dim lights went on in the corners of the room, and with large strides he lead us to a sleek metal desk. Before it had been too dark for me to make out the room’s interior, so I was slightly surprised to be in some sort of private quarter: a dark grey sitting area beside the window, a few plain cupboards along the walls and the desk where Ren had seated himself. Each wall housed a door, the one to my left probably leading to a refresher unit, while the one on the right stood ajar, revealing a bedroom. For a brief moment, the black sheets got my attention, then my eyes snapped to the durasteel main door, concluding that I was indeed trapped in here.
Dread filled my stomach and slowed my movements as I took the remaining empty seat opposite of Ren. He tilted his head slightly, as if studying me from behind his stainless mask in quiet contemplation. Suddenly very self-conscious, I crossed my arms in an instinctive reflex to shield myself, as the prolonged silence continued. Although I avoided to look at him, my very being was alert and just waiting for him to act, afraid of what was to come. After all, Kylo Ren was known to have a short temper and I had zero intention to set it off.
As if ripped from his inner musings, the black mass of Ren came to life then, shifting forward in his seat to touch the desk’s surface. A hidden keypad activated the built-in holo-screen and computer, Ren flicking through a menu by swiping his gloved finger in front of the holo-screen.
“Think of the map now.” He instructed then, his firm deep voice having me jump in my seat. Nodding, I sat up straight and did as I was told, immediately feeling his presence in my mind – a low humming in the distance, far less painful than the first time.
The map, yes. I saw it again, tiny stars and constellations… but quickly my mind would venture on to my encounter with the thugs, reviving the pain I had suffered at their hands.
Ren’s harshness forced me back to the present and despite the mask I knew he was displeased.
“Sorry, I haven’t… how do I do this?”
Stars, I sounded to timid. Just like the little mouse I was. But then again, to cooperate was my only chance of survival here. Ren must have sensed my willingness, because he answered way more patiently than I had expected.
“Try again, but think only of the map in it’s entirety. Envision it with as much detail as you can and hold that image before your inner eye.”
And so I did, willing myself to calm down and focus – clinging to the hope that once Ren got the map, he would let me go. What a foolish child I had been…
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fleetwoodmak99 · 4 years ago
Long Past Dawn
Eric Draven x reader
This is requested from @sister-morticia "Hi!! Can I please request an Eric Draven x reader whump with lots of hurt and comfort/worried!Eric? I need some caring fluff! Thank you!! ☺️" I had so much fun working on this!!! I'll be posting a part 2 as hcs of the aftermath soon. It will focus more on the comforting aspects. Also I’m really sorry this is long. 
WARNINGS: Panic attacks, hyperventilating, serious wounds, gun violence, mentions of blood, depression, talks of deep sadness, death, resurrection, paranoia, explosions, and fainting.
SUMMARY: It has been a year since you lost your lover, Eric Draven. While you have managed to get by, it has been extremely difficult. After having a particularly hard night, you decide it might be a good idea to go for a walk to release some steam, only to fall upon a danger situation.
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Its been a entire year since you had lost the love of your life, Eric Draven.
It was around Halloween. The leaves on the trees were starting to change from green to orange and yellow as the air turned cool.
Halloween used to be Eric’s favorite time of the year. Always making a big deal about it with lots of horror movie marathons and tons of candy. Now, you had none of that.
No celebrating, no watching horror movies all night, no eating a bunch of candy, no Eric.
Even though it had been a whole year since that dark night, it still haunted your every waking thought.
Every day seemed to bring a new struggle. The worst of it being at night. The pain of losing Eric broke you down to the point where you could do nothing but spend most nights crying.
Anxiety making itself known at every turn. Always worried that the men responsible for taking the life of your lover and leaving you for dead will one day realize you aren't and come after you.
Memories of that night plagued your dreams often. Seeing flashes of T-Birds gang breaking through the door of your shared apartment and attacking you while you were cooking dinner.
The panic consuming your chest becoming too overpowering as you relived that night over and over again. Jolting awake in a pile of sweat when it became too much. Feeling your stomach turn to the sickening thoughts roaming around in your head.
You tried to calm your thoughts. You really did. But the terror that filled your chest was too powerful.
A strong force making you leave the warmth of your bed in an attempt to ease your mind. Pacing around the room, completely lost in thought.
Are they going to come after me? Will they want to harm me?
The demanding thoughts running through your head was starting to cause a wave of nausea to wash over your body.
No. They don't know you are alive. They would have come after you if they had.
You were lucky enough to get Sergeant Albrecht assigned to your case. He was the only one on the force who was kind to you.
Albrecht helped you stay under the radar until you were able to get enough money to move far, far away. The main problem being that you couldn't find a good steady income that would get you out of this hell hole while not blowing your cover, creating the never ending cycle of being trapped in the city. Being doomed to live here forever with no escape.
Still, you felt an overwhelming ache in your stomach every time you thought of Top Dollar still being out there, controlling most of the violence in the city. Hoping that the brutality won't one day unleash on you.
Knowing that it went against the rules you had started following in an attempt to protect yourself further, you decided it might be a good idea to go for a quick late night walk. Noting the dangers of what you might be doing, but it was your last attempt to ease your anxieties and distract you from the pain.
Hoping that the fresh cool air will be a jolt to your system, you grabbed a light jacket and black high tops, placing it over your pajamas and venturing out into the night.
Stepping out of the safety of the apartment building and into the bitter cold. Feeling the tip of your fingers and toes already starting to turn into ice. Still, you were determined to complete your walk as it has always been a good way of distraction you from your intrusive thoughts.
With that being said, the streets of Detroit certainly looked different at night. Feeling a thick layer of sorrow and rage in the air. It being so thick it became difficult to breath.
Choosing to ignore it, you kept walking.
A smile spreading across your lips when you see a group of children in Halloween costumes running with bags of candy in their hands, laughing as they did so.
Curiosity taking over as to why children would be out this late on Devil’s Night. Seeing as you did much worse things when you were a kid, you let it slide.
Either way, you began to have doubts if this was a good idea, deciding it might be time to head back and hide from the world once more.
Turning around and walking the other way, you could already feel a wave of relief washing over you as you made your way back only for your heart to be ripped out of your chest when a booming explosion erupted just up the road. A burst of light blinding you as the ground rumbled.
The sudden event sending you onto the ground, holding your heads up to your head in an attempt to protect yourself from the eruption.
Trying your best to focus on what exactly was happening as the light started to dim into small flames and a bundle of smoke coming from an old abandoned building.
At first, you wanted to run the other way. Knowing that this was most likely the work of Top Dollar or some other big mob boss trying to cause some havoc in an already broken city.
Yet when you tried to get up, you remained planted on the ground. Your body being completely immobilized and without breath.
As you tried getting your strength back, you started to hear a faint scream coming from up the road. Your thoughts immediately going to the children you had seen giggling to each other just moments ago.
You tried remembering which way they had went. Hoping that they were far away from the building now engulfed in flames but after hearing more yelling, you knew you had to make sure no one was hurt or worse.
With a new found determination, you felt yourself starting to grow stronger, experiencing a rush of adrenaline fueling your body.
This time when attempting to get up, you were able to get onto your feet. Your legs still feeling weak, you forced yourself not to waste time and move towards the very thing you made you shake.
Getting closer to the fire, you could start to feel the heat coming from the flames. Inspecting the building, you couldn't see anyone inside. In fact, you couldn't see anyone at all.
You thought for sure the police or at least the fire department would be on their way considering it was a Devil’s Night tradition for the whole city to burn. Yet no one was there. It was almost unnatural.
You were pulled from your thoughts when you heard not a scream but groaning, murmuring and the collusion of masses coming from the back side of another building. 
With caution, you started to make your way towards the sounds. Leaning on another building for support, gaining distance from the heat.
Hearing the unknown sounds starting to grow louder and louder, you could see the silhouette of different bodies laying on the ground. You didn't know if they were dead or unconscious.
Deciding to grab a nearby wooden stick. Just in case.
Two men suddenly bursting in front of you, struggling against each other. They rolled around the dirt floor, one trying to get the upper hand on the other. Both eventually getting up and starting to throw hands. 
You couldn't decide whether to intervene and try to break them up or start running, but once again your body worked against you. Forcing your mind to turn blank and stay in place. Making you now watch the whole thing go down.
At first glance, you couldn't recognized who the men were yet you couldn't help the strange feeling that you were meant to be here. Somehow this was related to you. You felt it deep down.
You tried analyzing them as they continued, trying your best not to be seen.
One of the men was a lot shorter than the other and had greasy shaggy dark brown hair underneath a worn out black knit hat with baggy clothes.
While the other one taller, and more muscular. Mostly wearing tight fit leather. His dark brown hair was longer than the other one, resting just above his shoulders. Black and white paint covering his face as some type of mask.
His hits being more calculated and precise going against the others, who was becoming more and more sloppy by the minute.
As the two men start to taunt each other. Somehow neither seemed to notice you as you stood there in fear. Your heart sinking when you hear one of the men starting to speak. You recognized that voice, clear as day.
The short man was Skank. He was apart of T-Bird's gang, who worked for none other than Top Dollar.
Shit. You need to leave now.
Finally, you were able to slowly make yourself move backwards as your feet stumbled on themselves. You tried your best not to make any noise, not even risking breathing. You couldn't help your eyes from being glued to them.
"I-I know you. You're that guy we had to straighten out cause you and your partner were protesting Top Dollar's tenant relocation program. B-But you're supposed to be dead. We killed you, dead." Skank mumbled, slightly laughing in disbelief at the end.
This made you stop. Your body turning cold.
You knew exactly what he was talking about. Remember a few months before the attack, gathering other tenants to protest. But that wasn't what was making your nerves go wild.
It was who Skank was fighting with.
No. There was no way. He has to be talking about someone else.
You didn't even want to think of the possibility of seeing Eric again. Knowing that there was no possible way that could ever happen.
But why did he look so familiar? When you heard the strangers voice, deep down you knew.
"I guess not all things that die, stay dead." His voice was deep and raspy, showing off his classic sarcasm that reminded you of Eric before his death.
How could this be happening? There was no way that could be Eric. No way.
As your thoughts battled it out in your head as to if this was a dream or not, Skank began to laugh hysterically like he was losing his mind as well. Slowly starting to move his hand behind his back to retrieve the loaded gun resting on his waistband.
While you hadn't noticed, Eric did. Giving off an eerie smile before springing into action, darting right for Skank.
Not being quick enough as a gun shot ring out, causing you to let out a small shriek. Placing your hands upon your ears in an attempt to shelter them from the sharp pain booming through it. Dropping the wooden stick in the process. Closing your eyes to try and hid yourself, knowing fully well that it was useless.
Not being able to contain your breath anymore, you started to hyperventilate. Trying your best to get your breath under control but finding it almost impossible as it kept escaping you.
Not even realizing that the two men had turned their attention to you. Eric taking a second glance as he couldn't believe his eye. He was in complete disbelief that it was you standing right there. Eric assumed you died as well that night, seeing you there made his blood drain from his face.
As the pain in your ears started to die down, you slowly forced your eyes open. Blinking a few times before getting a clear picture as to what was going on. Seeing the two men wrestling to take control of the gun. Eric grabbing at Skank's face, trying to block his vision. Somehow Eric seemed completely fine for being just fired upon.
Was he hit at all? Was he hurt?
Panic fueling your body to run but when you looked at Eric, you knew that wasn't going to be possible.
Now you needed answers.
What was he doing here? How is he alive? How long has he been alive? A day? The whole year?
Not knowing if it was the sense of curiosity or the excitement of seeing Eric in the flesh that made your heart pound. Being completely convinced that this was all just a dream. 
Hearing another bang piercing through your ears once again, causing your body to flinch out of instinct. All this followed by a tight pressure coming from the side of your thigh. Even though it wasn’t painful, it was still enough to send your body to the cold ground. 
At first not realizing why until you began to see a pool of red liquid starting to collect underneath your leg. Knowing fully well now that you were Skank's target. Lucky for you, he has terrible aim. 
Hearing who you assumed to be Eric and Shank struggle against each other once again but you couldn't find the courage to look away from your wound.
Now feeling a strong burning sensation beginning to form on the right side of your thigh, pinpointing exactly where a bullet had ripped itself through your leg. Leaving a nickel sized hole in its place.
Quickly placing your hand on it, in an attempt to somehow ease the intense feeling that throbbed through your entire leg. Feeling a wet sticky substance slipping through your fingers.
Your body starting to jitter uncontrollably as darkness began to form around the edges of your vision. The world starting to go blurry around you.
A comforting hand suddenly resting on top of yours, causing you to jerk yourself back. Only for you to make eye contact with the worried gray eyes of Eric.
A sense of relief washing over you, a small smile resting on your lips. Quickly fading, when he applied a slight pressure to your injury, trying to stop the bleeding. Causing the pain to become more intense.
Your thoughts moving to Skank, hoping he was no longer a threat. You scanned the area, your sight landing on him running down the alleyway and disappearing as he rounded the corner of a building. Your vision starting to become more and more faint as you tried to focus.
You felt a gentle hand caressing your cheek, pulling your sight back to Eric.
"I need you to stay awake, y/n." You could hear the panic in Eric’s voice.
You tried to respond.
You wanted to tell him you were trying, that you missed him, that you loved him. Yet nothing but a slight whine came out.
The energy starting to leave your body as a dull ache started to form at the back of your head. Losing all control off your body as it went limp.
The darkness completely consuming your vision as your heart pounded.
Eventually not fighting it anymore and allowing sleep to take over as the world disappeared. The last thing you remembered was hearing Eric calling your name.
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penny-quinn · 3 years ago
Koi no yokan. it's “the feeling upon first meeting someone that you will inevitably fall in love with them”.
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Paring: svt mingyu × reader! Genre : fluff, kinda angst, modern, office au, features many groups especially twice along with svt. Prologue : because when I first saw you I knew there was more than what I had pictured; and the second time I met you it was inevitable to love you. Series : update every Saturday, Sunday, Friday.
Per chapter : 1k word's Release date: October 24, 2021 Tagging : @shrutiajit @azure-arcanum @dimplehyunn Authors note: its a story inspired by my dream. I'll try my best to and I hope you'll like it. Tag list is open. (Repost ) Official teaser "I've never been so high" you said as you clutched your dress with your sweaty palms. The elevator stopped at the seventeenth floor, and you walked out, while your heels clacked. The HR department's head introduced you to the staff's. "Yes, it's the hypbe. I'm here for real." You told yourself as you were nervous.
Seulgi you team head took hands to shake while showing you your work desk. "Hi, I'm Kang seulgi. The team's head. I'm incharge of interview, while kun their is incharge of the scripts and is also the editor. As your an intern you'll be given all sorts of clerical works along with the financial statements. And as for today your asked to inspect this account and give us the details for the budget expenses" she introduced you to the whole working environment. "Aa, sure" you let out as you now sat on your desk. Unlike your previous job this one gave more cash but also expected the same amount of work in return. With a very fast paced ambiance, during the lunch break your tummy couldn't help but growl; the work did consume alot of energy. " Hey kun, wanna grab some lunch?" You asked while fixing your desk mess. Poking his eyes out of the anti-rays glasses kun replies " maybe next time. Still have alot to edit but enjoy your lunch" he gives a cheerful smile. Entering the top roof, your mouth couldn't help but water. Freshly made delicacies aroma filled the roof while hundreds of workers gobbled down the food.
"Time is money" you thought as you let out a sight. Grabbing some bibimbap and some drinks you sat at the farthest right enjoying the view. Mingyu who had came for the company discussion to the grandfather company, saw a familiar silhouette. With curiosity he left his hyungs and made his way to your table; taking a seat. " Heya, what you looking at?" You questioned with mouth full of rice. "Don't talk while eating dummy. You look unladylike" he disses you while your blood boils. COULDN'T people leave you alone at least while eating. You just wanted to eat in peace and here comes a guy dissing without atchually even knowing you- or maybe he did know you, you thought as he seemed very familiar. "See ya later" he bids goodbye and left while you were left in awe. Once the break was over you immediately head to the work room as seulgi had messaged you which was very concerning. "So guys we have a company meeting with all the branches. Be at your best and don't be nervous and be prepared for anything." Seulgi the leader commands you and kun which felt as if you were heading to a war. To your suprise you were joined by the whole company and joy, jun and that unknown guy were seated at the head of the table. And there you spotted Sana with same expression as yours, mouth agape while eyes enlarged.
Previous // next
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daisiesflower · 4 years ago
Black Sails Female Costumes: Nassau and London Dresses
This post will delve into what women of the early 18th century would have been wearing and compare that to the costumes worn by many of the women in Black Sails. We’ll look at Max’s costumes once she becomes a madame, Eleanor’s costumes in season 3 onwards, Miranda Barlow/Hamilton’s costumes in both Nassau and London, plus some costumes of minor characters (Mrs Hudson, Abigail Ashe, and Madame Guthrie).
Now, the main thing that the show got right in terms of historical accuracy with these dresses is silhouette. The conical shape of the bodices, the round skirts without the use of panniers, wide and round necklines, use of mantuas for the most part, and sleeves that end below the elbow (though the shape of the sleeves often leaves much to be desired). There are some issues with silhouette - mostly in the posture the women adopt, at the very least Miranda in London and Max in later seasons should be wearing stays that pull their shoulders much farther back to create a more erect posture. 
The biggest grievances I have with the women’s costumes in terms of accuracy are color, sleeve shape, and the fact that many stomachers appear to be incorrectly attached, which I will discuss in a moment. Many costumes are also made from modern fabrics with very modern patterns, though I personally am a fan of using modern fabrics on historical dresses. 
The main defining feature of early 18th century fashion is the mantua. Essentially the mantua is the outer dress worn during the time, with a stiff bodice and a round skirt. The mantua could be worn in a variety of ways, with the skirt open in the front to reveal a colorful petticoat, with the bodice open in the front to reveal a fancy stomacher, with the bodice loose in the back for a more informal style, or with the skirt bunched up or slightly short with a matching petticoat underneath.
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A stomacher was a triangular piece that would have attached to the stays (stays are discussed in my post about the prostitute fashion), with much decoration, that an open fronted mantua would have been worn over and then pinned to. The main problem of the Black Sails stomachers is the way that they are attached. Rather than being worn underneath the mantua, they are simply sewn straight onto it. For fashionistas, the modern equivalent would be wearing a lacy bralette under a low cut top, but then just cutting the lace off and resewing it to the shirt. It’s a minor thing, but it does make a difference. 
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The other main issue I mentioned are the sleeves. Eleanor is the biggest offender of this, while Miranda (who overall has the most accurate outfits) never seems to have this issue. Sleeves of the time period were not tight. They ended just below the elbow and were either a wide bell shape, or were tight and then flared out in a trumpet shape. Both designs were to show off the lace of their chemise underneath (once again, see my post on prostitutes). Many of the dresses in Black Sails feature long, straight sleeves that end either at the wrist or just below the elbow (and I personally blame the 2004 Marie Antoinette film for starting the trend of 3/4 length tight sleeves on 18th century gowns).
I mentioned Miranda has the overall most accurate outfits, which especially holds true for her Nassau gowns. The colors are very correct - pastels were favored in this time period, and she has the wide bell shaped sleeves that show off her white chemise underneath. When she’s at home, we often see her in a very loose mantua (known as a robe à la française or a sack back gown, which was worn in many different styles and many different circumstances), a popular choice for more informal wear. She’s also the only women who we ever see wearing a lace covering on her hair, a very accurate look.
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In London, we see her wearing a very different style, though still very accurate. Despite the fact that these scenes take place 10 years prior to the show time period, fashion did not change drastically between 1705-1715. Her mantuas in London are not open front, and make up the entirety of her dress. Though the draping of the fabric on the bodices makes them appear more rounded, they do in fact have the same conical, pointed shape that was popular during the period. Her silks would have been very accurate for a noblewoman in London, however the color is completely wrong - she would have been wearing pastel silks, with perhaps a bit more decoration.
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Eleanor Guthrie-Rodgers in seasons 3 and 4 shifts from wearing her pirate garb to the dresses of the ladies of London. Her and Mrs Hudson wear practically identical styles of dresses, with identical inaccuracies. There are quite a few things wrong with her dresses. As mentioned before, she is the worst offender when it comes to sleeves, at no point does she ever wear historically accurate sleeves. She is also the worst offender when it comes to the incorrectly attached stomachers, and while she does have one or two paler dresses, she mostly wears jewel tones as opposed to pastels. That being said, I am a fan of the style of her manutas. The tighter bodice with the pleated skirt is what was known as a robe à l’anglaise or a close bodied gown, and what I like about them is that the mantua is all one gown. To explain, at first glance I thought they had made Eleanor’s bodices seperate pieces from her skirts, which is often what period costumers do when they want the appearance of a close bodied gown while cutting some corners. However, to my delight upon closer inspection, every one of Eleanor’s gowns is a full mantua with a visible waist seam and very accurate pleating on the skirt. It’s a shame the designer went to painstaking lengths to get this one detail accurate, while leaving the sleeves and stomacher as incorrect as they are. It’s interesting to note that her grandmother wears a very similar style to her (though her sleeves are a more accurate shape).
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This is getting very long and we haven’t even started talking about the fashion icon that is Max! Max wears probably the most outfits of anyone on the show, which means that her costumes vary wildly from having very accurate details to very inaccurate ones. She wears some gorgeous mantuas, but some of her dresses have seperate bodices from skirts (as mentioned with Eleanor); some of her sleeves are wider bell shapes and some are straight and narrow; many of her very accurate stomachers are very inaccurately attached; while she wears some accurate colors and decorations, many are very modern or a much darker color scheme than would have been seen during that time period. For that reason rather than going into her overall look, I’m going to include pictures of her and simply add labels discussing each outfit to the pictures so you can see how overall she is a blend of accurate and inaccurate. 
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(Dress 1, top left: Bell sleeves and a mantua, however the mantua is laced in the front, not something that normally would have been done, and the dress is very dark. Dress 2, top middle: Tight sleeves, a separate bodice and skirt, incorrect stomacher, and modern fabrics, patterns, and colors. Dress 3, top right: Incorrect stomacher, a separate bodice and top, and tight sleeves, however the colors and decorations are lovely. )
(Dress 4, bottom left: A very nice open front mantua with a light petticoat, unfortunately there is an incorrect stomacher, tight sleeves, and very dark colors. Dress 5, bottom middle: A mantua with bell sleeves, however it is a very modern fabric in very dark colors. Dress 6, bottom right: Narrow sleeves, a separate bodice and skirt, and very dark modern decorations, but the color is very nice.)
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(Dress 1, top left: Nice color with a lace chemise under the sleeves, but the sleeves are narrow, the skirt is separate from the bodice, and the decorations are very dark and modern. Dress 2, top middle: A mantua in a nice color, but with very dark decorations and tight sleeves. Dress 3, top right: She is wearing a mantua but it has an incorrect stomacher, tight sleeves, and dark colors)
(Dress 4, bottom left: A mantua with wide sleeves, an incorrect stomacher, dark colors and modern fabrics. Dress 5, bottom middle: Very dark with tight sleeves and an incorrect stomacher. Dress 6, bottom right: What is this??? What is this bodice??? What are those sleeves??? What is that waistcoat??? A pretty skirt fabric though)
As I did with the prostitute post, I’m going to end this with mentioning my personal favorite dress of this style in terms of accuracy - Abigail Ashe. Exactly the right color, a very pretty mantua with a perfect amount of decoration for someone of her monetary situation, and while the sleeves are a little too tight for my tastes we can clearly see the lace of her chemise underneath. All in all, very lovely.
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koolkat9 · 3 years ago
Hetalia Poly Ship Week: Day 4
I’m so sorry this is a day late. Life got a bit hectic and I had a bit of trouble finding my footing with uni so...yeah...this also turned out pretty long. But here it is. This was actually so fun to write despite life being crappy these past two days. Forgive this little rant, onto the fic!
Prompt: Fairytale
Relationship: GerFruk (though it's not super romantic, more like meeting each other for the first time)
Word Count: 2022
Author’s Note: This takes place in a world where all traditional fairytales exist, but what happens when characters of those fairytales collide one fateful night?
Francis-> Rapunzel (Rapunzel)
Ludwig-> Cinderella (Cinderella)
Arthur-> Beauty and the Beast (Beast)
At Midnight
God his feet were killing him. One night. One night was all Ludwig had asked for and now he was running through the forest with only one boot and tattered clothing. But that’s what he got for trusting a pesky fairy and losing track of time. Eventually, he came upon a clearing and decided to stop for a moment and gain his bearings.
He hadn’t thought this through. First, he didn’t keep track of the time, second, he ran without even thinking as to where he was going to go, and of all places, he headed towards the forest. Now he was lost in the middle of the night, freezing cold, probably a long way from any form of help. At least it was far better than home.
Which brought up another question. If he did find someone or his way back to town, where would he go? Home? Could it even be called that when you weren’t even welcomed there, no one to love and worked to the bone by those who should? But what other place was there when you were penniless?
Just when Ludwig thought all hope was lost, he heard a faint voice coming from the trees in front of him. Without any other lead, he began making his way towards the sound, hoping that whoever it was could help him find his way out of here.
He was led to another clearing, but in the center of this one stood a tower overgrown by vines and other plant life. Ludwig would have assumed it was abandoned if not for the blond man at the top singing away. It was beautiful, He was beautiful with long blond hair that went way past his shoulders. As he went in for a closer look, he stepped on a twig, snapping it and bringing attention to himself. The man in the tower immediately stopped, cowering into the stone walls, but still peeking out to survey the situation. “Who’s there?” he asked, voice wavering slightly.
Ludwig made his way right under the window so the man could see him. “I apologize for starling you, but I seem to have gotten lost-”
“Mon Dieu, what happened to you?”
Ludwig looked down at his ripped garments, ruined by his step-siblings before looking back up. “A little family altercation. But that doesn’t matter now. Do you by chance know the way back to town?”
The man’s eyes went wide. “There is a town near here?” he asked, sticking his head out the window.
“Uh...yes...I-I take it that means you don’t know.”
The man was silent for a moment, not looking at Ludwig and instead, his gaze was cast straight ahead as if in thought. “Hello?” Ludwig called to get the man’s attention again.
“Oh… sorry. Yeah… No, I'm sorry I don’t.” He looked around before continuing, “But I can’t just leave you out here like this. Give me a moment mon cher.” There was a light thumping from above then a loud crash signaling the fall of something. To Ludwig’s relief, it was followed by a string of French curses which let him know the man above was okay. Said man returned to the window moments later, throwing a thick rope down, or at least what appeared to be a rope. When Ludwig took hold of the rope he realized it was actually hair, the man’s hair to be exact. Ludwig looked up, given the man a concerned look.
“Don’t worry. I’ve done this dozens of times, I’ll be fine.”
With a deep breath, Ludwig began his climb with the man helping him by pulling him up. Soon enough he was safely in the confines of the tower.
“Couldn’t I have just used the door?” Ludwig asked.
“Unfortunately the stairs are broken. Oh please, come sit, sit.” The man took hold of Ludwig’s wrist, guiding him towards a couch.
Ludwig quirked a brow at the man’s answer. If the stairs were broken how did he get down? He couldn’t use his own hair, could he?
“So what should I call you mon cher?”
“Ah...ah...Ludwig. And you?”
“Francis! It's nice to meet you.” The man, Francis, was quiet for a moment before adding, "So there really is a village nearby?”
“Yes. Why? Have you never been?”
Francis gave a sad smile. “I can’t say I have. I haven't even been out of the tower since I was little."
Ludwig was taken aback by this. After a few moments of trying to reach for something to say, he figured there was nothing he could. "I'm sorry to hear that," he stated instead. "Not that it is the exact same, but I wasn't exactly allowed outside much either."
Francis sighed "My mother is just protective. I wonder if she's aware of how close we are to town. Perhaps that would make her trips shorter. Then again it's nice to be rid of her for a few days."
"At least she loves you. Mine only keeps me around to do the housework, cooking, and use as a verbal punching bag."
“Oh, Ludwig.” Francis gave him a sympathetic look before surprisingly pulling him into a hug. It was nice. Ludwig couldn’t recall the last time he had a hug. It was probably right before his brother died and all this hell began. Hesitantly, he returned the action, wrapping his arms around the Frenchman’s waist.
He smelled like lavender and his embrace was so warm that Ludwig felt himself melting against him. For a moment the thought of just staying here crossed his mind. The hug and thought were cut short however by the sound of crashing below.
Francis and Ludwig pulled away, looking at each other before turning towards the trap door that was supposed to lead to the stairs and entrance. They silently agreed to ignore it, but when another bang was heard below, Ludwig decided he should at least try to see what it was. He quietly made his way over to the door before carefully throwing it open.
Below was dark and he could barely make out the large silhouette of some creature below. It grunted as if in pain, its shoulders shaking.
“Get me a candle,” Ludwig ordered. Francis stumbled off the couch they were sitting on before collecting a candle and match and lighting the wick.
When Ludwig brought the light down to get a better look at the creature he found golden fur wrapped in what appeared to be a cloak. The beast snapped its head towards them showing a wolf-like face with fangs protruding. Ludwig fell back out of shock and a bit of fear. He had read about such monstrous creatures in books when he was a child and how they came to eat naughty children in the dark of night. Despite this, he found himself peeking down once more when he heard it whimper, ignoring Francis’ whispers of concern and protest.
The beast looked up at him with pleading green eyes, ears pulled back in discomfort. Upon further inspection, the blond fur was mixed with the crimson of blood. Something in Ludwig’s heart twisted and he was unable to leave it there. He looked around for a way to get himself down. “Francis, you think I could lower me down?”
The blond gave him a horrified look. “What the hell are you thinking? I don’t know what’s down there, but judging by your reaction it can’t be good. Mother told me all about evil creatures-”
“You don’t have to come down, but I’m going.”
Though he grumbled some more protests, Francis lowered his hair down, giving Ludwig a rope to climb.
The lower level was damp and musty. Ludwig held onto the candle tightly as he approached the figure which had frozen up. “Hello?” Ludwig called only to receive a ferocious roar in return. He stiffened, but pushed on. “I don’t know if you can understand me, but I want to help you.”
The beast cowered away. It seemed more scared than anything. “Wait right here,” Ludwig said before returning below the trap door. “Francis, could you get me bandages or something to wrap up some wounds.” Francis disappeared from above, but shuffling could be heard.
“I’m coming down,” Francis announced, reappearing. “I’m not letting you face this alone mon ami.”
Before Ludwig could protest, Francis was jumping down and Ludwig had no choice but to catch him.
This earned a growl from the creature. Francis hid behind Ludwig at the sound. “All bark, no bite,” Ludwig whispered in assurance. “Do you have the bandages?”
Francis handed some clothes over. Not ideal, but they’d work. Cautiously, he approached the beast who was cowering into the corner he was in. “It's okay,” Ludwig murmured, “we just want to help you.”
When he got closer, he noticed where the blood was coming from, a nasty gash on the creature’s side. Crouching down to get a better view, Ludwig pushed a cloth against it. The beast snarled in pain, but relaxed ever so slightly as Ludwig began to wrap up the wound. Francis had also made his way over, petting the head of the creature in comfort.
“It's like a big puppy,” Francis laughed lightly, earning a growl from the beast. The Frenchman backed up, scared it would snap, but it didn’t. Still, Francis decided it was best to keep his distance.
Ludwig only shook his head before finishing up the wrapping. “There. That should be good for now,” he sighed, standing up once more.
“Thank you…”
Francis and Ludwig look towards each other and then at the beast.
“This is when you say you’re welcome,” the beast grumbled, sitting himself up.
“You can talk?” Francis breathed.
“Yes. How rude of you to assume otherwise.”
For something so big and scruffy, the creature spoke quite eloquently though sharply and his accent posh and proper.
Francis went to bite back, but Ludwig interrupted. “So...What’s your name? Mine’s Ludwig and this is Francis.”
They lapsed into a silence, Ludwig and Francis trying to make sense of it all and Arthur glaring at the two. Once he had regained his bearings, Arthur pulled himself up and began dragging himself towards the door. “Well, you’ve been quite hospitable, but I really should get going," he noted sarcastically.
“Wait,” Ludwig said, jumping to his feet, “you are in no shape to be up.”
“And what do you suggest I do? Wait down here in the mud and mold. No thank you.”
“You could always stay upstairs with me and Lud,” Francis suggested.
“And how do you suppose we get up there without stairs?” Arthur sneered.
“Good point.”
The three returned to silence, thinking of what to do next.
Arthur sighed. “Okay… Here’s an idea. My castle isn’t that far from here. If you are so concerned about me you can accompany me there and as payment for your help you can stay there for tonight.”
Francis' brows furrowed, a hesitant look crossing his face. “Francis, you don’t have to come," Ludwig said. "I’m sure I can manage on my own.”
“Non. I’ll come. I’ve been locked up here far too long. Plus...it's not like I can get back up anyway and my mother will...she’ll be...so mad if she finds everything like this.”
That statement worried Ludwig far more than it should have. He tried not to think about it or the fearful look in Francis’ eye. Instead, he turned his attention to Arthur. He helped steady the beast, wrapping his arm (paw? claw?) around his shoulder to support him. Francis followed suit on the other side. With that settled they took off into the night, following Arthur's directions
It was truly a strange night. What was supposed to be his night to relax and forget about his troubles turned into one of adventure... which came with new troubles. But as Ludwig walked through the forest with Arthur and Francis he couldn’t help but feel free, relieved, like his life was changing for the better. He shook his head, telling himself he was just tired and everything was strange which lead to this feeling. Right now what mattered was getting Arthur to that castle.
(I may continue this once I finish up with ‘In the Deep.’ Gosh, so many fic ideas, so little time)
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saphirered · 3 years ago
Can We Go Yet
Here it is; another instalment  in the Eldritch Knight series and because I can’t keep to a word count it seems there’ll be another part. Enjoy 😘.
Essek swings his heavy cloak over his shoulders, connecting the clasp keeping it in place and rolls his eyes. He knew it was a bad idea letting his brother stay with him during his time in Rosohna instead of just dooming Verin to stay with their mother but when Verin showed up on his doorstep a week before he was expected claiming he had some extra days off and couldn’t do anything but dedicate them to some good old sibling bonding. Verin had showed up the night after he’d ask you out and the next day, today he’d be taking you out on your date. 
“Come on, brother. Let’s go out for some drinks, cause some mischief. Someone has to breathe some life into the Firmaments.” Verin clasps a hand over Essek’s shoulder interposing himself between Essek and his path to the door with a grin that said enough about the problems he intended to cause.
“I have other obligations for the day. Besides, you are perfectly capable of pushing the Firmaments into chaos by yourself. I would not wish to get in your way.” Essek tries to brush his brother off and manages to get around the taller drow, the door opening with a wave of his hand, letting the subtile hint show that he will not hesitate to make a fool of his brother in public should he try to stop Essek. 
“You and your obligations.” Verin rolls his eyes. “I could simply join-“ 
“No!” Essek may have spoken a bit quicker and intensely than he intended and he knew for sure he had when he sees the gleam in Verin’s eyes. It takes one to know one and that’s the look of a challenged Thelyss. 
“As you are so adamant. Fine. I will behave and I won’t stop you from going wherever you are.” Verin shrugs and Essek doesn’t know wether to be relieved his brother didn’t push further or scared because one thing’s for sure; he’s suspicious. Nevertheless, expression neutral and proper he bids his brother goodbye and leaves. Despite not being a devout follower of anything but his own practices he finds himself sending prayers to who or whatever is watching to be merciful and keep his brother’s antics from ruining today. Any day but today. 
Verin watches Essek depart staring him down before he closes the door. Quick as he is he rushes to a window looking around the corner and sees just the tiniest bit of his brother’s facade slip. Essek is relieved. He really shouldn’t be. Verin wouldn’t be a good and loving brother would he not cause his brother a generous level of embarrassment and trouble on his first day back home. From the top of the tower he sees Essek leave and once he’s sure Essek won’t be as alert he takes to snooping around his study. The usual arcane stuff, some paperwork from the Bastion and some notes, no a list. What are you planning Essek? He takes the list and accompanying notes and takes off to follow where Essek went.
The road leads him to a two-story mansion, a tree of green leaves growing out of the tower. Verin doesn’t think he’s ever seen a green tree in Rosohna. Ever. So it doesn’t come as a surprise that whoever would put such an ostentatious beacon on their roof would be affiliated with Essek. He does not, however see why Essek would willingly affiliate himself with them as he prefers not to draw attention. He watches as Essek knocks on the door. In a matter of seconds the door is opened, bell ringing, by a blue tiefling it seems who pulls him inside by the arm with a force and determination he hadn’t expected. The door is slammed closed behind them. Deeming it safe and trusting his skills Verin trails closer and finds a vantage point to spy on whoever these people are and begins to plot and plan what mischief he’ll cause. 
“Essek, Essek, Essek!” Jester bounces with excitement as the door slams closed behind him. The tiefling pulls him into the common area where Beau’s lounging on a couch giving him a nod of acknowledgement. Caleb’s seated in a chair bend over the table scribbling notes, undoubtedly amidst transcribing a new spell. The wizard gives him a look of pity at the tiefling hugging his arm and blabbering on about what fun he’s gonna have and how much you’re gonna like everything he does and how romantic he is for taking you on a date and giving him tips on how to be even more romantic until Fjord takes mercy upon him and pries the girl away from him allowing him some space to compose himself. 
Essek takes off his cloak revealing the clothes better suited for warmer weather when Yasha offers to take it while he waits for you. Gratefully he hands it to the woman who unceremoniously tosses it over the back of a chair, giving Beau a stern look who was on the brink of making some kind of remark. Jester is getting inpatient and rushes to the bottom of the stairs. 
“Are you done yet?!” She shouts up and half of the Nein wince at the sheer volume. The longer he waits the more nervous he gets and the more difficult it becomes to repress that feeling but he’ll wait patiently still. 
“Beauty takes time, dear Jester.” Your voice sounds from upstairs and the fine sound of your light steps hitting the floor approaching the stairs reach his ears. Jester getting the first view from her position gasps, fanning herself and this must have been the first time he’s seen the girl at los of words. 
And then you come into his view, little by little as you walk down the steps. Essek has trouble putting words to the vision as he much like Jester has lost all ability to speak in that moment. Divine. You look absolutely divine. The fine light fabrics fit in all the right places creating an elegant and complimenting silhouette while still being practical in its cut to allow you complete freedom of movement and not get in the way should a fight ever break out. He couldn’t see them but knows you wouldn’t go without some kind of weapon on your person but has no doubt a dagger or two and some throwing knives are hidden between the folds of the garment. Your hair is elegantly styled in the same practical way you usually have it but small flowers have been pinned and weaved in to bring even more to the ethereal vision you already are and when you look at him, eyes bright and a smile to match, he feels himself unable to breathe. 
Caduceus follows behind you, giving you a chance to walk down to Essek while he quickly clears the mess left in the wake of his work. He had claimed he used to do this with his siblings, finding new and creative ways to add flowers to their hair and weave them in by braiding and twisting, tying and simply pinning them in. It had brought him comfort he said, and with the knowledge of your date night he’d offered so you accepted happily. Your feet hit the ground floor and you look at the others, a quick inspection of the room to see they hadn’t been torturing Essek or hounding him for the details of your date you wait for Caduceus to join the others. 
“Thank you, Cad.” You give the firbolg a quick side hug as he passes to sit down next to Beau. He’s about to ruffle your hair but quickly decides against it as to not ruin his good work. You walk over to Essek with a smile, the space between you a little closer than he’d have allowed with the others and while normally you’d reach out for his hand you refrain because of the company. Essek notices your eyes fall to his hand and to your surprise he entwines your fingers with his, squeezing softly. Your smile brightens and his matches as you forget about the audience for just a moment.
“How do I look?” You flounce out the fabric letting gravity have its way with the feather light material taking half a step back to allow Essek better view of you. 
“Radiant. Like a divine being.” Essek breathes. Words have a difficult time formulating but he collects himself and veers away from the complete mind blank you’ve caused him. Not that he’s mad about it. It’s rather the opposite. It’s not even about the way you look, even though you had truly outdone yourself, he’d still thought you the most gorgeous person in the world in rags or sweaty training clothes. It’s about the confidence you radiate, the warmth like an embrace and the affection in your eyes. 
“Oh, such a shame. I thought you didn’t affiliate yourself with deities.” You jest with a chuckle as you step back to where you stood before. Beau makes a gagging sound and you send her a death glare over your shoulder that shuts her up and has Yasha cover the monk’s mouth with her hand to prevent any retaliation to leave her lips. 
“I better start now, then.” Essek whispers when you face him once more. He whispered for Beau’s sake and maybe even more so to stop Jester from gushing, the girl having already taken out her sketchbook and writing down everything you say and do for some reason. Then, you’re interrupted by the door to the study slamming open, Nott stepping out, a cloud of smoke dissipating from the room behind her and the smell that accompanies it just absolutely terrible that you reach up to cover your nose and subconsciously take another step closer into Essek’s side as if he can keep it at bay. 
“Momma’s got a little gift for you two before you depart.” She proudly holds up two vials of some kind of brown-is dark green liquid sloshing about and it seems that these, more likely the crafting of the contents within are definitely the cause of this smell. 
“What the hell is that?” You speak, slightly muffled trying to hold back the urge to gag. Even Essek is struggling at this point with the woman stepping closer and closer, doused in this rancid acidic chemical scent. 
“I’m glad you ask!” A gleam in her eye makes you not so glad. “These babies are some proper rhino sex potions. Or they should be and you two can test them out on your little date. Make momma proud.” The goblin grins widely teeth exposed. You watch a blush creep up Essek’s cheeks as Nott in uncertain terms explains exactly what it does and how it’s supposed to work. She also mentions they’re untested but it should be fine. Perfectly safe. Maybe Essek would have preferred just dealing with his brother instead of listening exactly how these rhino sex potions should affect the drinker. 
“You don’t bone on the first date, Nott!” Jester exclaims as if she knows best and Nott’s attention falls away from you and Essek turning to the tiefling instead. 
“We’re adventurers, Jessie! We do things a little differently.” Nott defends. 
“I mean, no. But yes, I’ve had sex on plenty of first dates.” Beau perks up siding with Nott if only to torture Essek further because she’s definitely loving the response she’s getting out of him, even though you’re comforting the man throughout it all. The argument continues, the rest of the Nein also getting into the mix of wether or not you should have sex on the first date weighing in all sorts of variables of your specific situation. 
“Let’s go while they’re bickering if you want to make it out alive.” You mutter under your breath, just loud enough to hear and Essek catches on looking between you and the Mighty Nein as you keep your eyes on them pretending you didn’t do or say anything. He decides to take your word for it and doesn’t even bother contemplating the consequences of not saying goodbye to them instead speaking the words to the spell and you’re whisked off to another place far far away from the Xhorhaus and eternal night of Rosohna. 
“Wait. Where did they go?” Yasha asks noticing the drow and their friend gone. The argument falls silent and eyes turn to the space where the two of you had been standing mere seconds before. 
“They left when you started talking about wether or not their prior outings counted and if they’ve ever slept together afterwards when they had some privacy.” Caleb doesn’t look up from his work and keeps transcribing. When he doesn’t indulge them in the continuation of their argument and it eventually ends he’s on the verge of finishing up his new spell. 
“You spoke with Essek yesterday before he left. Spill the beans Widogast.” Beau all but threatens. There’s a clearing of the throat midway up the stairs and while they first expected it to possibly be Dairon but the sound was too heavy and pitch different. 
“I think I can help with that.” A drow sharing a striking resemblance to Essek although more muscular and taller holds out some papers. The Nein is on guard immediately ready to attack. 
“I think we can be of use to each other.” Still wary it quickly becomes clear they do have a mutual goal and with the Nein’s ability to get into someone else’s business they had it covered. It took them exactly half a second to figure out what the list was; places in Nicodranas. Jester was already gushing on about them and ranking them in order of how romantic they could be. 
Essek had taken you to Nicodranas and it just so happens that the Mighty Nein has a friend with a teleportation circle there. Caleb can spare the spell slot so how couldn’t they go for a night exploring the city, say hi to Jester’s mom and Yeza and Luc and better get to know their new friend Verin. It would be their down time while you and Essek went on a date. Or at least that’s their excuse because it’s pretty clear they just need to spy and snoop. 
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