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voidtouched-preserver · 7 years ago
No Longer Smol
“Ska, what is it?”  It wasn’t easy to predict what her voidling companion would find as the canine looking voidling dashed forward through the sands of Shurima.
“Something familiar.  Friend!”  He chittered at his master, letting her follow behind.  Maybe a few minutes later, Ska’Rix soon happened upon a more evolved Smol, now pouncing at the mothy voidling with enthusiasm.  
Nadri stopped short of the two voidlings, watching carefully for a moment to let her eye catch up to all the changes the now taller void being has grown to.  “Smol...It’s been a long while since we’ve seen you.”
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With bloodied claws the moth creature shoves something into the slime yordle's hands; a deer heart that has a chunk missing. Someone must've gotten hungry. "Happy day of hearts."
Silas took the heart carefully in his gooey paws. Drops of blood soaking into his purple slime as he held it close. “Happy valentines day...uh...whoever you are. You look good. Who and what are you?”
//Super late on my part but I loved it so much that I didn’t want to let it go
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softstarlight · 8 years ago
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((Cheating today's patreon daily doodle because it features an adorable buggin bot.)) @smolvoidling
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silvestreaelurus · 8 years ago
Not human, not alien || Closed RP with @smolvoidling
The aftermath of the battlefield was something most would advert their eyes to. Most saw death and destruction and blood and gore, and would sooner pretend it didn’t exist. To the Sylvian though, the battlefield often held beauties, treasures, things she could salvage. One man’s trash, another Sylvian’s treasure.
The agile humanoid creature hopped from body to body, deft fingers searching through pockets and gun chambers, even tearing what she deemed useful off the dead bodies that lay, lifeless on the ground. The area was quiet asides from her and the scavenging beasts tearing through whatever dead flesh they could find. Protein was scarce on this planet, the surface dominated mostly by desert and the occasional plant. Soon enough, the shapeshifter had a sizeable pouch dragging along behind her, filled almost to the brim of the things she wanted.
She stood and stretched, purring happily at the day’s haul. She wiped the sweat off her forehead with the back of her hand, her fingers slick with blood of the different species that had fought here. She almost turned to leave before she spotted a slight figure not too far away from where she was. Because she was standing now, she was sure she’d been spotted and there was no use hiding. Instead, she left her haul on a rock protruding from the battleground so that blood didn’t seep into it. The mercenary known as Stormclaw, the Sylvian known as Nidalee stepped towards the other, keen eyes recognising the Dreadnova symbol immediately. A human, probably. The Dreadnova Empire never really hired other species.
“Lost?” She chuckled as she moved towards him. Her spear was in its capsule on her waist, her pistol resting on the other side. But her real arsenal wasn’t the weapons she possessed, but the genetic coding of the bodies around her, and she was more than capable of defending herself.
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veigarthevile · 8 years ago
The large Voidling drops down next to the yordle, opening his mouth to deliver his 'present', a bloody organ spilling out onto the ground-- a dire wolf heart. It twitches before going still, it must have been fresh. "Happy heart day."
Veigar watched at the massive void creature drop its bloody gift with a mixture of fascination and slight disgust. Such a marvelous thing, to see the voidling in motion and even to hear it speak.”Thank you.” He said, gingerly picking up the heart and holding it in his off hand. “I guess I should return the favor then?” 
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Wynn, Jhin, and Talon: So if you're the co-captain, where's your seat?
Zoey: Oh, I already 'ave one. An' it's- amAzin'~.
Wynn, Jhin, and Talon: *doesn't get it at first*
Wynn, Jhin, and Talon: *soon get what she meant and give her a grossed out look*
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malzahizzle-blog · 8 years ago
With a rumbling purr the moth voidling nudges the snowy prophet to get his attention. He spits something out onto the snow before him-- a human heart that seems partially frozen. "It is the 'heart day', so I brought one for you to have~"
Malzahar looked up from constructing a tiny “iceman” at the nudging. He promptly picked up the heart, giving it a light squeeze. Ah yes, it had been Heartseekers, hadn’t it? Good to see the voidlings had remembered when he did not.
“Thank you. I will...I will make use of it.” One had reached back and affectionately brushed Smol’s cheek.
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ask-the-purple-minion · 8 years ago
An unexpected meeting
After an entire day of forward and back, the Minion was exhausted, the work of messenger is really long and boring for him. He started to look to the sky and the buildings around, buildings of metal and glass, so strange and so tall, they can reach the sky withouth fly, Piltover was really a strange city for the Minion's eyes, but not in bad way, at the end it had the sky, or this is what he hopes, maybe tha was too one of those holograms, he chuckled of that thought.
He returned with the eyes on the street, shaken the shield and halberd on his back for check if they was still there, then he noticed the lights in street started to turn on, he looks again up and saw the sun was already gone away.
"This is why there is few people around here... Maybe it's better return to the inn... But maybe... Where I can found a tavern?"
He chuckled again and started to look around, but in no time he lost the track of light, he found himself in an alley with a lamppost almost dead and no one around, then, the light died for real and the alley become dark.
"Great! Lost, alone, hungry, without the light and tired! What else can happen now? Someone who want to attack me?"
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mercless · 8 years ago
đź“Ž + Dragon/Dragon Tamer? :0c
Send 📎 and an AU you’d like to see my muse in
I love dragons so i would probably be up for both of these. I would have to do some dragon practice and designs though. I really want to make ideas for both of these now, thanks for the suggestion!
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thepallas · 8 years ago
Moon + Supernova
Send a space thing for questions
Planets: Life
Moon: What are you currently studying/hope to study?
Wellp I’m about to graduate from gymnasium. Tho I’m not sure about my future. I was always torn apart between few specialities, but during last ~3 years I was pretty sure that I’ll study medicine. Sadly, I’m lost once again. xd I can’t choose between medicine, psichology, journalism or something related to arts. Or maybe even something completely different. I dunno. :
Other stuff: Wishes
Supernova: What’s one thing you want to do before you die?
Aaaaahh I can’t choose just one thing! There’s so much stuff that I want to do in my life.. Well idk.. For example, I really really want to write at least one book. It’s most likely going to be fiction, probably something from fantasy genre. xd It’s neither my most nor least important goal/dream, I just picked it randomly.
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icathiaism · 8 years ago
iirc, you mention Amr’Dea & Mal’Dea often think of themselves as superior to/above other Voidborn due to their roles in extending The Void's influence and reach in many ways-- I'm curious, what are their opinions on Voidtouched individuals (or creatures) outside of their selected 'hosts'? Like Kassadin, since he stumbled into The Void by his own accord.
Actually, the truth is quite the opposite. The Amr’Dea do not see themselves above other Voidborn, but rather have a superiority complex to the mortal races of other realities ie not the Void. They do see themselves as in a position of leadership, however:
“Due to their abilities and disposition, they see themselves far above the mortal races of other realities and in a place of leadership amongst their own kind.” (The Amr’Dea, section five, paragraph four)
“Amr’Dea will only permit you to touch them if they either respect you or hold some fondness towards you, both of which are most often only show towards other Voidborn.” (The Amr’Dea, section five, paragraph two)
“Mal’Dea is exceedly prideful, seeing the mortal races far beneath them, which is typical of their kind.” (Mal’Dea, section two, paragraph one) 
“Through the call they embody, they have the ability to command non-sentient / lower-caste Voidborn as well as influence sentient / upper-caste Voidborn." (The Amr’Dea, section four, paragraph five)
Largely, the Amr’Dea respect the other Voidborn for various reasons whether it be physical strength or intelligence and anything in between. The Void is an army and every army has its parts, and all parts are important.
A quick note before I continue, Kassadin (and other Void-touched/mutated) was not mutated from entering the Void. Of the few bits of information on the Void we know, we know that “none have yet ventured into the Void and lived, for mortals would almost certainly be consumed and woven into the endless process of creation.” Nothing beyond Voidborn and already Void changed beings can enter the Void without death.
So, it is not the entrance into the Void that mutates living beings, but exposure to Void energies. This can be seen from Kassadin’s entrance into Icathia and the existence of the Rift herald (the Rift herald once being a scuttler that was exposed to the energies of Baron Nashor’s home and mutated). This is also supported by another tidbit we know about the Void:
 “In places where the mystical barriers between Runeterra and the Void have been worn thin, the air feels charged, and fantastical occurrences are the norm…  For a time, such places are wondrous and brimming with miracles, but soon the landscape is twisted into new and deadly forms, and if the Void is able to consume enough biomass to survive, it can grow and evolve into something ferocious and terrifying.”
This supports what is stated above, places with Void energies are alone enough to transform beings into horrific creatures but entrance into the Void for mortal beings spells death. It also suggests that Void mutations are a common enough occurrence as entire areas can become Void mutated.
So the Amr’Dea think nothing much of other Void-touched and mutated, unless they possess an interesting and/or advantageous skill. Otherwise, they are just considered part of the fold, just another soldier in the army. However, what makes Kassadin unique is the fact that he has been able to resist the mental changes that come with the Void, but not his existence as a Void-touched. Mal’Dea finds this very interesting as well as irritating as Kassadin possess some of those forementioned skills. 
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voidtouched-preserver · 8 years ago
He was careful not to startle the voidtouched as he approached, hunched down more to her level before bumping his head softly against her. He opened his mouth, dropping a human heart into the woman's hands. "Is heart day, enjoy the heart yes."
Nadri saw him coming and looked up for a moment till Smol was eye level with her.  She grabbed what the now tall voidling dropped into her hands and felt the warm ooze of blood around the no longer beating organ.  It wasn’t what the small voidtouched was expecting, but she smiled softly and reached up to pat Smol’s cheek gently.  “Thank you for the gift, sweetling.”  She cooed softly, nosing the large voidling in appreciation.
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silvestreaelurus · 7 years ago
The giant feline was smaller than the voidling at this stage; she could remember a time when she could hold him in her arms like a little baby. She returned the cuddles, purring up a storm and nuzzling against him. She'd missed him so much.
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The loud, excited chirping is absolutely overwhelming as the Voidling all but excitedly tackles her. Smol is honestly more excited to see her than the heart– though his tongue does curl around the organ and quickly pulls it into his maw before he returns to aggressively cuddling with cat mom.
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softstarlight · 8 years ago
// flops in hella late but yELLS HAP BIRF AT U ! !
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sanguine-butcher-blog · 8 years ago
“Looks like it’ll rain again, doesn’t it? Ah, don’t mind me… just thinking out loud, is all!” [BM Wynn]
A low rumbling resounded from within his throat, “All looks grey to me.” Shen said with a little laugh, drumming his clawed fingers along his knees. Even while kneeling, he was giant compared to the other. “Smells nice though, the calm before a storm.”
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endopterygota · 5 years ago
//Hey Hey!! This is @smolvoidling​ sort of “rebranding”/getting a fresh slate so to speak! We’ll be a little more RP-focused here, but I’ll certainly still throw a doodle or two around when the mood strikes. Wynn and Smol are slowly getting back in action after a rather long hiatus, aha~
If you guys don’t mind sharing this around, I’d really appreciate it!! ❤ ❤ ❤
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