hi i made a new blog!!
haha oops is this the character to bring me back to this hellhole? yes, yes it is.
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haha oops is this the character to bring me back to this hellhole? yes, yes it is.
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alright so the OC blog is up, but PLEASE for the love of god read the fucking disclaimer. 
the blog is gonna be pretty nsfw because i’m a fucking sinner, so if you’re under 18 you may not want to follow this one. like, the blog isn’t gonna be super explicit because I’m gonna use the fuck out of readmores, but generally there’s gonna be a lot of smut and I don’t want y’all kiddos getting any fancy ideas. (if on the off chance you’re one of the good ones who stays in their lane and doesn’t go clicking random readmores for funsies, by all means you’re welcome to follow.) this blog will function as both a roleplay blog and an ask blog, and SFW asks/rp are meant to be the focus.
also i may or may not revive my dark star thresh blog because goddamn do I still love drawing that purple fucker. :U
anyway so yeah I may return to this blog soon… or not so soon, who knows! either way it’s not gonna get deleted like ever, but if you wanna follow my remade karthus, feel free. i’m being super picky about who i follow back, but don’t be shy to come say hi or whatever!
i’m also probs making a little oc blog because i don’t have any fandomless ocs and i rly want one so i’ll let y’all know about that one. (he has a league verse!)
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anyway so yeah I may return to this blog soon... or not so soon, who knows! either way it’s not gonna get deleted like ever, but if you wanna follow my remade karthus, feel free. i’m being super picky about who i follow back, but don’t be shy to come say hi or whatever!
i’m also probs making a little oc blog because i don’t have any fandomless ocs and i rly want one so i’ll let y’all know about that one. (he has a league verse!)
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ever since taking a break from this place i’ve become a lot less anxious about drawing/writing/rping in general, as well as just becoming way less… salty. 
like honestly i was sort of in denial that this place was bad for me, but i’m pretty sure that’s the reality of it all. too many people i look at and just… get anxious over. some for stupid reasons that are my own fault, some because these people have done shitty things and i’m not about that.
anyway, idk if i’ll be coming back to my blogs any time soon. like, i really love my muses, i’ll write them all day, i have tons of muse, but… the anxiety and shit… i can’t do it anymore.
i’m always down to chat with people over discord or tumblr or whatever. my discord is Mordu#1048 and my main blog on tumblr is the-goggles. i also have an OC rp blog over at Operator-Vian if you still want to interact. or hell, i’m down to rp on discord too, though i will be kinda picky. (i’m always goddamn picky lmfao)
so yeah, best of wishes to you all! it’s been pretty fun. i hope i come back one day and see you all making awesome art and writing awesome things and being awesome people. never stop improving, my friends.
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replied to your
sanguine-butcher replied to your post: …
nah man he’s hiding in the wall, remember? fucker won’t man up
He’s hidin cause of creepy dudes getting off to his voice man, people like uhh…
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ever since taking a break from this place i’ve become a lot less anxious about drawing/writing/rping in general, as well as just becoming way less... salty. 
like honestly i was sort of in denial that this place was bad for me, but i’m pretty sure that’s the reality of it all. too many people i look at and just... get anxious over. some for stupid reasons that are my own fault, some because these people have done shitty things and i’m not about that.
anyway, idk if i’ll be coming back to my blogs any time soon. like, i really love my muses, i’ll write them all day, i have tons of muse, but... the anxiety and shit... i can’t do it anymore.
i’m always down to chat with people over discord or tumblr or whatever. my discord is Mordu#1048 and my main blog on tumblr is the-goggles. i also have an OC rp blog over at Operator-Vian if you still want to interact. or hell, i’m down to rp on discord too, though i will be kinda picky. (i’m always goddamn picky lmfao)
so yeah, best of wishes to you all! it’s been pretty fun. i hope i come back one day and see you all making awesome art and writing awesome things and being awesome people. never stop improving, my friends.
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lmao wtf did i just come back to
yall with the drama! cut that shit out!!! chill!!
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//I hate painting. Thanks for coming and watching the stream!
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It’s not every day you get to chat in a discord with one of your favorite voice actors, but that’s exactly what I’ve been doing all day! ( As in, voice chat. )
Okay but forreal like, LoL fandom has nothing on Warframe. I just got to play games and vocally TALK with the voice actor of Tyl Regor. ( If you’d like an example of his voice, here you go. )
Plus he “bought me a coffee” after I made a comment about being crushed between Tyl Regor’s asscheeks. Priceless.
Anyway! So again, the Warframe fandom continues to devour 100% of my attention. Oops. But I’m not really apologizing. I’m having the time of my life over here.
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oh shit... I come back to 200+ followers. 
I’m... honestly shocked? I’ve been away for a while and I apologize, but wow this is... pretty awesome. Thank you all! ;w;
Anyway, as for a life update and such. I’d been gone for a while because of some depression issues that came up, as well as getting into a new fandom and obsessing over it a little bit hard. 
I do plan on doing more with this blog, especially now that the Blood Moon hype has ramped up quite a bit and I really hope to see more BM skin blogs and AUs! 
As I’ve mentioned before, I have a TON of Blood Moon headcanons over on my old Yasuo blog, and you all are very welcome to borrow information or ideas from that, granted you give me some form of credit.
Here are the main two pages:
Blood Moon: Explains the Blood Moon’s curse.
Yokai: Explains the Yokai themselves.
These pages are a bit old and probably a little outdated, and I do plan to revamp them very soon ( and also probably port them over to this blog, since I don’t really plan on doing anything with Yasuo ). So if you’d like to be a part of the revamp, and maybe exchange some ideas or whatever, definitely hit me up! I’m always a slut for Yokai. :’3
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tfw the new blood moon animations are very accurate to your headcanons B)
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“A new moon is rising.”
Blood Moon Diana
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“Let’s raise the stakes.”
Blood Moon Twisted Fate
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= Art Giveaway =
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(( Hey you guys! I want to thank all of you for supporting my Draven and sticking around for all of our tomfoolery. Although I haven’t been rping, [ college is a killer…  ] , I hope I can still dish out art that you all enjoy! 
As token of my thanks for your support I wanted to do an art giveaway.
Prizes : 
1st Prize - a colored fullbody of any character you wish and an icon, these can be of any champ or oc that you like! The fullbody will look something similar to this!
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2nd Prize - an icon and sketches of up to 2 characters. These again can be of any champ or oc that you would want! 
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3rd Prize - sketches of up to 2 characters, pretty straight forward right?
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1) A like and a reblog count towards 2 entries, but that’s it after that!
2) Please no giveway blogs
You do not have to be following me to enter, but I would very much appreciate the follow!
The giveaway will go until around the end of Feburary. Good luck and have fun summoners. 
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Sketches of my Blood Moon OC, Tatsuya, whose nature is intertwined with @sanguine-butcher​‘s Yokai lore. Tatsuya’s a very old and very monstrous Yokai, as evidenced by his bestial body shape and the presence of eight masks. Are these masks a result of how advanced a Yokai he is, or are they trophies from other Yokai he has slain and absorbed the strength of? No one knows. No matter the truth, Tatsuya is a dangerous Yokai to trifle with.
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