#smoke shop pos
retailzposblog · 9 months
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In the realm of retail, the Point of Sale (POS) system stands as a cornerstone of transactions. Within the distinct domain of smoke shops, the journey from conventional registers to modern, tech-infused systems has been both fascinating and transformative. This evolution not only reflects technological progress but also addresses the unique challenges and demands of the smoke shop pos industry.
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quickvee · 1 year
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marketing-13 · 10 days
The Ultimate Guide to Smoke Shop Software - Features and Benefits
Running a smoke shop requires more than just stocking the shelves with popular products; it’s about managing day-to-day operations smoothly, keeping customers happy, and staying competitive in a rapidly growing industry. Enter Qape, an all-in-one smoke shop management software designed to simplify these tasks and help you grow your business online. In this ultimate guide, we’ll explore the features and benefits of smoke shop software like Qape and how it can streamline your operations, boost sales, and enhance your customer experience.
Why is Smoke Shop Software Essential in 2024?
As the smoke shop industry evolves, staying ahead requires more than just offering quality products. You need a system that can handle inventory management, customer service, sales tracking, marketing, and more—all in one place. That’s where smoke shop software like Qape comes in. It provides the tools you need to manage everything efficiently, saving you time and effort while boosting your bottom line.
Let’s dive into the key features and benefits that make smoke shop software a must-have for your business.
Key Features of Qape’s Smoke Shop Management Software
Inventory Management
Managing stock is crucial for any retail business, but it can be especially challenging in smoke shops where you have to keep track of a wide variety of products. Qape’s inventory management system allows you to monitor stock levels in real-time, set automatic reorder points, and ensure you never run out of popular items. This feature helps you avoid overstocking or understocking, leading to better inventory control and increased profitability.
Point of Sale (POS) System
The POS system is the heart of any smoke shop operation, and Qape offers a seamless, user-friendly system that makes transactions quick and error-free. Whether customers are purchasing in-store or online, Qape’s POS system handles payments efficiently, tracks sales data, and provides detailed reports on your shop’s performance. With everything integrated into one platform, you can keep an eye on trends and make informed business decisions.
Customer Relationship Management (CRM)
Building strong relationships with your customers is key to growing your smoke shop, and Qape’s CRM feature helps you do just that. It stores customer information, purchase history, and preferences, allowing you to personalize the shopping experience. You can also use the CRM to send targeted promotions, discounts, and loyalty rewards, turning one-time shoppers into repeat customers.
Online Ordering and E-Commerce Integration
In today’s digital age, having an online presence is essential. Qape’s software integrates with your e-commerce platform, allowing you to sell products online and manage orders seamlessly. The online ordering system lets customers browse your inventory, place orders, and pay online. This not only increases sales but also expands your reach to customers who prefer to shop from the comfort of their homes.
Marketing Tools
Marketing is crucial for attracting new customers and retaining existing ones. Qape offers built-in marketing tools to help you promote your smoke shop both online and offline. From email campaigns and SMS alerts to social media integration, the software lets you create personalized promotions and track their effectiveness. With data-driven insights, you can fine-tune your marketing strategies for better results.
Compliance Management
Smoke shops often have to deal with strict regulations and compliance requirements, especially when selling tobacco or cannabis-related products. Qape’s software helps you stay compliant by tracking sales data, managing age verification, and ensuring you meet all legal requirements. This reduces the risk of penalties and keeps your business running smoothly.
Benefits of Using Qape Smoke Shop Software
Streamlined Operations
With all your business functions—inventory, sales, customer management, and marketing—in one system, Qape helps streamline your operations. You no longer need to juggle multiple tools or software platforms. Everything you need is at your fingertips, making your day-to-day tasks simpler and more efficient.
Improved Customer Experience
Qape’s CRM and POS systems ensure that customers have a smooth and personalized shopping experience. Whether they’re shopping in-store or online, the seamless transaction process and tailored promotions make them feel valued. Happy customers are more likely to return, boosting your sales and building brand loyalty.
Increased Sales and Revenue
By optimizing your inventory, managing promotions, and offering online ordering, Qape helps you increase sales and grow your revenue. With better control over stock, you can avoid costly mistakes like overordering or running out of popular products. Plus, with online sales, you’re no longer limited to local customers—you can expand your business across regions.
Data-Driven Decision Making
Qape’s reporting features give you access to detailed analytics about your sales, customer behavior, and inventory performance. These insights allow you to make data-driven decisions, whether it’s adjusting your inventory levels, creating targeted marketing campaigns, or identifying top-selling products. This helps you run a smarter, more profitable business.
Enhanced Compliance and Security
By automating compliance tasks and maintaining secure transaction records, Qape ensures that your business stays within legal guidelines. This reduces your risk of fines and keeps sensitive customer and business data secure.
Final Thoughts: Is Smoke Shop Software Right for You?
If you’re looking to take your smoke shop to the next level, investing in smoke shop management software like Qape is a smart choice. From streamlining operations to improving customer experiences, the benefits are clear. With features like real-time inventory management, online ordering, and built-in marketing tools, you’ll have everything you need to grow your business and stay ahead in a competitive market.
Qape is the ultimate solution to help you manage your smoke shop more efficiently and profitably. Embrace the power of modern technology and see how it can transform your business for the better. Ready to streamline your smoke shop operations? Schedule A Demo with Qape today and watch your business grow!
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coffeeghoulie · 2 months
I’m going to post the ten pictures tumblr will allow and then go on a huge ramble under a read more bc goddamn i think this was the best weekend of my life.
Also, fuck tumblr bc I had this whole thing written out (on my phone, nonetheless) and it went poof up in smoke gone. Motherfucker.
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I wore jutty’s own shirt to the first night bc I thought I was being funny. He walked past me and a few of my friends after the show, one of whom, Celine, runs the dt discord, and had gift bags for everyone in the band with trinkets from people who made things, myself included. She caught his attention and gave him the bags to distribute, and I was just shaking bc holy shit he just brushed past me in a crowded lounge and my hands were starting to shake (I was surprisingly okay during the show) I got his attention and gave him the bracelet I made for him that said "jutty taylor cyber bully" and he lit up when he I gave it to him and he smiled so fucking big when he noticed what shirt I was wearing.
He told me that he was happy the shirts were "getting new lives" but it still pained him to part with them lmao. I thanked him and explained that it was a "birthday gift" for myself; he did the fundraiser on my actual birthday. As soon as I said that, he pulled me into a side hug and I hit Celine with the biggest "deer in headlights about to be run over please send help" panicked expression lmao. He then proceeded to use my shoulder as an arm rest while he talked with Celine. I normally have an issue with people doing that to me, but I've said "anything for you, mr taylor" and I fucking mean it
I got a picture with him later and bc we were out of the cramped, loud bar, I was able to apologize about rambling in his twitter dms about losing my contact lenses and freaking out over the shirt potentially being lost. I did also get to tell him my name (he knows my legal name for shipping purposes) and told him that I didn't tell him that it was Dot earlier bc my parents and I share a po box and they don't know who Dot is. He turned to me and looked me in the eye and told me that he was very glad the shirt got to me.
When we took the picture, I swear to god, I could feel his stubble against my forehead where he leaned his head against mine and part of me will be on that street corner forever tbh. It's my phone lockscreen and I usually don't like looking at myself but holy fuck its proof it happened
I watched him smoke after the show both nights and ohhhhhhhhhh my god. It is now proven that I can in fact Behave In Public. It was an Ordeal. (you can't blame me, he threw his head back to blow smoke and furrowed his brow in concentration when he lit up. YOU CANT BLAME ME)
I did some touristy shit before the second show and impulsively bought jutty a novelty gift shop shirt to give to him afterwards. I watched him unfold it and just laugh when he saw the design. He thanked me up and down bc he actually needed a shirt and immediately left the group of people waiting to talk to him to put it somewhere he wouldn't lose it.
I am being dead fucking serious rn. I'm pretty much only on tumblr and discord. If a picture of jutty in a dark blue shirt with dinosaur skeletons on it surfaces somewhere online. DO NOT FUCKING TELL OR SHOW ME. I WILL ACTUALLY PHYSICALLY PASS AWAY. I GENUINELY MEAN IT.
Jutty was so nice and gave me a real hug after the second show when my uber was pulling up and I asked kind of quietly for one. He thanked me for coming pretty much in my ear and I just as politely and quickly as I could shoved my face into his collar and took a deep fucking breath and thanked him for everything. (i was also a lil distraught it was over and genuinely needed the hug tbh. i cried in the uber bc i was upset and also bc I was afraid I was being pushy again but I think I was just exhausted, if he didn't want to give me a hug he wouldn't have)
I cannot. CANNOT. even begin to explain how good jutty smells. He smells so fucking good. I think the dt twitter has said what cologne he uses, but once I assess the damage I just did to my bank account with this trip, I will be buying it.
I was able to give Hayden his bracelet after the first show, and he was super sweet and super animated when he talks and he got a little closer to my level (I am v short and it was very loud in that bar). I gave him a condensed version of my airport hell and that this one show had been worth it all, never mind tomorrow's; he seemed surprised people would fly out somewhere they've never been just to see the band. (He was reminded by a friend of mine that Australians flew out for the LA show lmao) But Hayden was super nice and so smiley, I wish I could have watched him play more at the second show but the stage was so small that Ross and the bassist who filled in for Eliot (whose name I'm drawing a blank on rn sorry 😭) stood right in front of him. He put his bracelet on the moment I gave it to him and I stood there shaking like "he likes itttttttt." WAIT SHIT I FORGOT TO SEE IF HE PLAYED WITH SHOES ON OR NOT. FUCK.
The band hung out at a sports bar after the first show, so me and a couple people hung out with Neil and he's super nice and so funny and showed us a peek at the yeti taylor merch that just dropped. He also stuck his head into the Vietnamese place next to the second venue and went "oops wrong door" lol
I didn't get much of a chance to talk to Ross or Matty, but Matty helped me get merch and Ross gave me a high five at the second show. Next time, mark my words, I will have a conversation or two with them, they were both so sweet.
I'm really glad I got to meet everyone who came, too. I got to meet a bunch of people I'd been talking to for months online and we were fucking troopers in line, dealing with the fuckass weather. Worth every second spent in soaked shoes imo. But it was so much fun and I still have to unpack but I am cherishing every little trinket I got.
I was incredibly nervous about being in a city I'd never been to alone, but I would do this trip again in a fucking HEARTBEAT. (i also said something along the lines of "pspspsps mr taylor could you please consider Chicago for next time mayhaps??? 👀👀👀 So Dot doesn't have to deal with flight cancelations and layovers and delays and midnight arrival times????" and he threw his head back and laughed and told me that Chicago is his kind of city so 🤞🤞🤞🤞🤞🤞🤞🤞🤞)
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slutshamethesquirrels · 2 months
The Breadline
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Ch.2 - The Lunch Menu pairing: recovering!line cook!eren yeager x fat! fem! reader TW's: alcoholism, recovery, mentions of abuse, mentions of domestic violence, foster care, child custody, foster system, CPS, mentions of body/weight
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The Flying Plate was the town’s largest and most popular food joint. Open from 7AM to 11PM, it served as not only a one stop shop for every meal, but also the only place attempting to make any sort of attempt at breathing a nightlife into your city. Every traveler passing through the unmarked spot on the map that you called home was liable to stop in, and with that, it had garnered a bit of a name for itself on yelp, with most reviews praising the food, and only a few complaining about the rude disposition of it’s manager.
Rude as he may be, Levi had undeniably turned the establishment on it’s head. Growing up, you could remember attending more than a couple of your friends' birthday parties at The Flying Plate. Back in those days, it was a popular pick for the spacious interior and cheap food, albeit quite the eye sore. You could remember the way the cracked vinyl of the booths would stick to the fat of your thighs, the checkerboard tabletops assaulting your eyes like they were attempting to distract you from the well-worn walls, still coated with nicotine from when smoking in restaurants was encouraged.
Stepping into the building on your first day, however, you're almost in awe at the major facelift the place had been given. Those old walls had now been completely replaced, with a coating of tile made to look like exposed brick, the occasional exposed wooden beam proudly rocketing out of them and continuing their march all the way across the ceiling, casting shadows on the ground from what looked like a myriad of freshly installed skylights. You found yourself thinking that was a smart idea; it would make the vibe transition from cozy family diner in the day to dive bar at night so much easier. Vinyl booths and checker top tables had been replaced with reclaimed wooden furniture, a testament to Levi’s monetary success with the business.
You hear your name being called and give an apprehensive wave and a sheepish smile as Levi emerges from a side door by the bar in the back. He nods as he saunters over, motioning for you to follow as he passes, leading you over to a register at the front entrance to the kitchen.
“So this is where you’ll clock in,” He skipped the introduction entirely, but stopped himself with a pinch of his brow to give you a once over. You couldn’t help but hold your breath.
You’d arrived dressed as instructed, a long sleeved black blouse and khaki pants with no visible tearing, your hair pulled away from your face in a tight braid. Figuring you’d somehow manage to get some critical feedback from Levi anyway, you’d even thrown on some eyeliner and sparkly silver jewelry from the clearance rack at walmart. You hated pointed stares at your body. While you weren’t particularly insecure, you were well aware of the way the critical lens of the world could perceive you at times. You weren’t lazy, you weren’t gross, you exercised regularly and ate like any other normal woman would, and yet those judgments would often be thrown your way just for being heavier than most.
“Much better than yesterday, but your feet are gonna be on fire by the end of the day.”
You let out a sigh of relief and glance down at your shoes. They were the only pair you owned. A well worn pair of converse. You couldn’t exactly afford another pair at the moment, but unwilling to argue with Levi, you stay silent. After showing you the ropes on the POS system, with a warning that he will write you up for frequent punch errors, he instructs you to wait by the POS while he grabs your trainer for the day.
It takes him longer than you think it should to find this mystery trainer, and you find yourself absentmindedly leaning against the counter and grabbing a to-go lunch menu from the customer display, reading over it while you wait. Things really had changed around here. Long gone were the greasy burgers and half burnt hotdogs you remembered devouring in your childhood, replaced instead with cleaner sandwiches and salads, most with some sort of germanic influence. Not exactly fancy, but fancier-
Your focus switched as the door swung back open, a male voice already announcing it presence, though not to you.
“-I mean, seriously, are you gonna actually pay me enough to make up for this?”
Levi emerges from the door first, stone faced as ever, although you swear you can see a minor clench in his jaw as he speaks, but doesn’t look at, the taller man trailing behind him. He’s clutching a blue folder with a stack of paperwork nestled inside.
“Jean, training is part of your job, and per policy you get the federal minimum wage when you’re training, along with half the tips acquired between the two of you. You half run the floor, for fucks sake. I let you get first pick for shifts, and occasionally the privilege of getting cut first before its your turn. Do not mistake my spoiling you for weakness-”
Levi spins and the dirty blonde nearly topples into him. He seems unwavered.
“If you don’t want to train, fine. But you can go back to full time nights and close all the time with the rest of them.”
The taller man looks like he’s debating fighting this, and you took the moment to size him up. He was, for lack of a better word, pretty. Even from feet away you could smell the cologne radiating off of him, see that the top of his undercut had been styled back away from his face. His black button up was quite obviously tailored to fit tighter to his chest, the sleeves rolled to expose muscular forearms, and you take note of black painted fingernails curled around his biceps where his arms were tightly tucked around his chest in defiance.
In an attempt to break the tension, you pointedly straighten yourself from your lax position, purposefully shoving the menu back in the display hard enough for it to rattle against the wooden counter. Expectedly, both of the men's heads snapped to you, Levi immediately readjusting his body to look more relaxed, while your trainer remained stiff.
“See? She’s studying already! She’ll be out of your hair in no time.” Levi gives Jean a smile, you think, but it comes off a little more devilish than kind. With that, he shoved the folder full of papers into Jean’s chest, which the manicured man reflexively grips, and disappeared into the kitchen once more with a quick and hard half-smack half-pat on the forearm.
“Jesus H Christ” Jean muttered with a sigh, using his free hand to pinch the bridge of his nose and draw a deep breath. Silence permeates the air.
After a few moments, he tucks the folder under his arm, clapping his hands together once. He smiles, but it doesn’t reach his eyes, and you can tell from the tension on his lips he’d really rather be doing anything else.
“Alright, let’s get started!”
As the day went on, you started to get more comfortable. Despite his initial attitude, you found him to be an excellent mentor, and a damn good waiter. You watched and shadowed as he effortlessly charmed customers of all ages, and seemed to never make a single mistake. It was almost impressive. You’d never even given thought to the amount of personality and effort that was going to go into this job, but watching him made you a little nervous. You could understand why Levi would “spoil” him, and also make him train. An employee like that had to be invaluable. You could also see why he’d be upset about having to split his tips with you.
As clueless as you were, you did your best, but ended up being a glorified tray holder, a drink refiller, an accessory to all his hard work. You certainly didn’t think you deserved half his tips either.
After the initial rush, Jean lead you back to the kitchen. Expo was a wreck, stray food and sauce splattered on the counters and floors. Lost receipt papers and drink spillage decorated the small space, making it feel all the more cramped and intimate.
“So, we’re by default the last one’s cut for this shift since you’re training-” He speaks as the two of you round the corner “-usually around this time is when we’d clean up for the next rush. If you don't you’ll track barbecue sauce on your feet all the way home, I swear to god. I found a spot of it in my bed once, after I showered-”
Go exclaim a small “Ew!” at the visual, he nods his head and gives a sly grin, never stopping his movement until the two of you had settled on the counter across from the expo station that propped up shelving with extra condiments, ramekins, and utensils. Effortlessly, he reaches his hand up to the very top, producing the blue folder you’d long since forgotten.
“Anyway” he continued “-you still have to fill out your new hire paperwork. So you’re gonna sit here and do that and I’m gonna go take a smoke break before I come back and clean up.”.
He passes the folder to you. You take it, and then give him a questioning look.
“You sure? That hardly seems fair.”
A sigh.
“Training is always unfair. It’s not your fault.” the irritation starts to return to his face.
“Right. I’m sorry.”
“Don’t be. Like I said, not your fault.” A moment later, he had disappeared outside and you were left to fill out your paperwork. It was typical new hire bureaucracy. You’d filled out six of these forms in the past year. Lucky number 7, perhaps? You hoped.
Levi had been right about your shoes. You tried to ignore the stabbing pain radiating from your feet as you answered the questions almost automatically, leaning further on the counter to shift more of your weight to your arms than your legs. There would be blisters tomorrow, you were almost certain of it.
“Aye, new girl-” a voice behind you drew your attention and you whipped around in a mild panic, unaware anyone was even acknowledging your presence. One of the line cooks is peering at you from behind the expo shelf, dipped down to meet your gaze. You recognize him instantly. The green-eyed man who’d caught you acting a fool in the parking lot yesterday. All you could really make out were his eyes, but that’s all you needed. They were insanely vibrant, a jungle when you’d only seen pine forests. Your cheeks flushed despite yourself.
“Hmm?” you nodded like you were expecting instruction, and he takes you by surprise.
“What do you want for lunch?”
Your head cocked to the side, brow furrowed in mild confusion. He sighs, as if he’s explained this a time or two before.
“You get one meal per shift, Levi says a restaurant that can’t afford to feed it’s own staff is bound to fail.”
Oh god, you wish he’d quit looking at you. Your brain felt melted and slushy, and you couldn’t quite understand why. You were no stranger to men, no stranger to hot men, but with his viridescent gaze locked on your face you felt like you couldn’t move. It felt like the top hill of a rollercoaster, right before the drop, when your body was most rigid, anticipating the rush of the fall.
As you floundered, you could swear for a moment you saw the corners of his eyes crinkle, as if he were smirking. Did he know?
“Yeager makes a damn good Reuben.”
You jump and jerk your head toward the familiar voice, as if caught doing something wrong. Jean was slipping back through the door and pulling an apron on in preparation for his cleaning duties, his next words muffled at first as he slid it over his head “And you know it’s good if I’m willing to give him of all people a compliment over it.”.
“...Then I guess I have to try it, right?” Your eyes slide back over to the line cook, but he's already backing away from the window, a shit eating grin plastering his face.
“Im about to blow your fucking mind.” He promised, and walked to the other end of the kitchen to retrieve a few things. You crack a smile at his disposition. Cocky, arrogant, but underneath the initial layer seemed to be a boyish excitement, like he was really looking forward to making you food.
“We’ll see about that!” You called to him, only being able to catch a dismissive hand wave as he disappeared into the walk-in freezer.
As you settled back into your paperwork and Jean into cleaning, the two of you make light chatter, and you try to stop yourself from peering over the expo line to catch a glimpse of those eyes again.
“So, what are you doing here anyway?” Jean asks casually as he returns from the back with a mop bucket “No offense, but you kind of seem like the type to be working a casual office job somewhere, not busting your ass for tips.”
You watch as he rings an unholy amount of water onto the floor and then return your eyes to your paperwork, debating whether or not to tell the truth.
“Too personal?” He prods again after a moment of silence. “No!” you retort quickly, and then concede with a sigh:
“It’s kind of embarrassing, but my parents are real shitbags. Lost custody of my sister last year and now I’m her sole guardian. Turns out keeping a job and having a kid dumped on you unexpectedly is pretty hard.”
“How old is she?”
Jean tensed slightly, paused to look up at you. You hated that face. It was the same one everyone gave you. Somewhere between pity and remorse. “Don’t you even try to feel bad for me. You know how many jobs I’ve had in the last year?” you attempted to lighten the mood. He shook his head.
At this, the tension broke and he raised his eyebrows, his mouth parted in an “o” of surprise that quickly transitioned into an incredulous smirk. Momentarily, he rested the mop in the crook of his arm to hold up all five fingers on one hand and a thumb.
“This many?!”
You both erupt into a fit of giggles as you nod, your face reddening at the embarrassment and silliness of it all.
“Okay, okay-” Jean shook his head as he returned to his work “- but is that just like, because of the kid or have you always been this bad?”. He gives you a look to tell you he’s teasing.
“No!” You defend yourself, your voice still lighthearted “I had a job for years before this, thank you very much! I sold and repaired musical instruments.”
He seemed surprised at this, his teasing smile turning genuine as he questioned further:
“Oh, word?!”
You nodded, proud.
“You play?”
You nodded again and he waved his hand in the air as if to say “Go on-”
“Uhhm, piano. Guitar, Violin, Banjo, anything with strings, really. Drums, woodwinds-”
You’re cut off by the clatter of a plate on the expo line. Yeager! You’d gotten lost in conversation and completely forgotten about him. He’s peering at you from across the line, his brow raised and expectant. You remembered his promise from earlier. You make your way over and grab the plate, eyeing it over once you’ve set it on the counter. It smells delicious, and looks even better. The bread of the sandwich is meticulously grilled, the marks from the searing a perfect shade of brown. Cheese and meat spills from the edges in a manner that almost seems intentional, not too sloppy to pick up, just enough to advertise what’s in store for you.
He cleared his throat expectantly, and you could've stopped breathing when you realized he had slid back so he could watch the entirety of your face. From this angle and distance, you can make out every detail of his face. Strong jawline, angel skin, puppy dog lashes and all. You try not to think about an incredibly attractive man watching you eat.
Hesitantly, you pick up the reuben and take a bite. The taste floods your senses. Its salty, tangy and savory, though not overpowering. The corned beef practically melts against your tongue and your find yourself closing your eyes and leaning in to the texture, bringing your free hand to your mouth to let a garbled “Holy fuck-” escape your lips. Were you starving before this moment? You were now.
When you open your eyes, Yeager’s eyeing you with a wicked prideful glint in his gaze. He wraps his knuckles against the counter twice and turns to clean up after himself, energized by your reaction. You don’t have to tell him it’s good, he already knew.
The rest of the shift passed slowly without incident. You finished your paperwork, turned it into Levi, and shamefully divided up tips you didn’t deserve with Jean. You’d tried to insist on him keeping all, and then three quarters in his favor, but he refused. Something told you if he didn’t know about Ellie he maybe wouldn’t have had the same attitude.
Your thoughts were on getting home as quickly as possible by the end of the day. Your feet were on fire, and you hadn’t moved that much sense… well. Your last job. Momentarily defeated, you sunk into the driver's seat of your beat up car, for once appreciating its torn seats and mildly stinky interior. Your head resting back against the seat and your eyes closed, you had the thought that there was probably an old sippy cup rolling around in the back somewhere, but knew you couldn’t be arsed to look for it until the stench became unbearable.
You still had so much to do. You needed to pick Ellie up, do the laundry, use the money you’d earned that day to go to Wal-Mart and buy a new pair of shoes for fucks sake, which meant you’d have to take Ellie with you, and then bring her back home, find time to make dinner-
Just as you’re starting to get overwhelmed, there's a light knocking on your driver’s side window that causes you to startle slightly. It’s Yeager, as everyone called him. You rolled down the window and he immediately held out a white to-go container. He had to bend down to look at you, using his free arm to rest his weight against the roof of your car.
“What’s this?” you question, reaching your hand out to take it from him regardless.
“For the baby.” He answered plainly, his face completely unreadable but his tone soft.
It immediately takes a load off you as you hesitantly pop the container open to reveal a grilled cheese and a side of fries. You recognized it from the kids menu. That's one less thing you have to deal with.
“Yeager, thank you-” You breathe, but when you look back up to meet his gaze he’s already gone, trekking across the parking lot and loading himself into an S.U.V.
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m a s t e r l i s t
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oldhalloweentape · 4 months
🪨Venture (OW II) x (gn) reader ⛏️
(Dragon Reader Edition!)
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(Picture’s not mine!)
(I’m gonna be honest with y’all, my bones fucking ache. But it’ll be ok, the week will be done soon enough. Happy early birthday @goohts , you weirdo/pos)
- From my knowledge, I know that most dragons have a human form so meeting them like that is the most likely situation, however, the idea of them stumbling upon your cave and witnessing your full dragon form while on a hiking trip sounds fun.
- Makes them question everything— The mere mention of real-life dragons was preposterous, considering mere folklore and fictional but… Here you were, and it had their brain just emitting a droning dial tone and nothing else.
- They’ll get over it— Eventually. When the initial panic and fear of being honey smoked by your large lizard assed self, approaching this part of you with an air of excitement.
- This is revolutionary to them, you are an absolute marvel to them, every little bit of information you tell them whether it be about your species or parts of history you were able to experience is cataloged neatly in various handwritten and recorded journals.
- Studies you (expect to be poked and prodded a little bit if you let them) as much as they can so they can see whether or not historical depictions of your species were accurate or not.
- The prehistoric lizard facts are endless and they will eagerly ask you about your ancestry, you have them captivated.
- This may be a highly coveted secret of yours and with Venture usually it’s natural to think that they might spill the beans inevitably, and are kind of right. Though they are actually able to swerve certain questions about you fairly well, technically not lying but not indulging in telling anyone.
- Just means they can be slick when they want to be, and will divulge in sharing anyone else’s secrets with you.
- Considering how time after time throughout history humanity, or certain groups of humanity are known for being rather gauche and destructive with their kind, and we know how they are with inhuman species that are visibly able to think critically/emotionally and have bodily autonomy (cough cough omnics cough cough).
- Anyways on a less serious note, I feel like they’d be a D&D player, like usually playing bards or artificers, so— I guess you can say that they can finally seduce a real dragon with their D20 roll/j
- Shared lizard brain? Shared lizard brain, the size of your hoard increases tenfold with rocks and crystals just by them coming on by your cave and waving them around excitedly.
- Got a hoard of ancient treasures? Their immediate reaction is to try to analyze them and ask question after question on each piece so they can hear you talk about how you got them and so on and so forth.
- They’re like a kid in a candy shop, aching to touch everything but asking if they can all the while giving you puppy eyes, saying stuff like “You won’t even notice I’m here! Pleaseeee!!”.
- This goes for them wanting to touch you while in your dragon form, like if you have scales, feathers, fur, etc.
- When you’re cuddling they’re going to run their feelings across them, enjoying the texture.
- Kisses your snout a whole lot, you letting out a small puff of smoke from your nose is just too cute.
- Knowing the whole fire breathing and association with the element you probably feel like a hot rock… And they’ll be the lizard in this relationship now.
- Can and will plead for you to let them climb on your back and fly with you, the wind on their face is rather nice and exhilarating.
- Has “jokingly” asked for you to fry Mauga before, drawing some crude picture of it you keep on a pile of gold coins.
- Ya’ll are extremely cute, as any other Reader x Venture usually is.
(Hmm, monster x human, y u m)
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karouvas · 2 months
Thank you @sergeantpixie for tagging me! rules: list 5 of your favourite books on a poll, so your followers can vote which book they think captures your vibe the best
But I decided to cheat and have it be 6 so that I can include 3 series and 3 stand alones, because that just felt right to me
Goodreads Summaries of the latter four books bellow (since the first two are a tumblr staple and a classic so I don’t feel the need)
The Diviners:
Evie O’Neill has been exiled from her boring old hometown and shipped off to the bustling streets of New York City—and she is pos-i-tute-ly ecstatic. It’s 1926, and New York is filled with speakeasies, Ziegfeld girls, and rakish pickpockets. The only catch is that she has to live with her uncle Will and his unhealthy obsession with the occult. Evie worries her uncle will discover her darkest secret: a supernatural power that has only brought her trouble so far. But when the police find a murdered girl branded with a cryptic symbol and Will is called to the scene, Evie realizes her gift could help catch a serial killer. As Evie jumps headlong into a dance with a murderer, other stories unfold in the city that never sleeps. A young man named Memphis is caught between two worlds. A chorus girl named Theta is running from her past. A student named Jericho is hiding a shocking secret. And unknown to all, something dark and evil has awakened…
Black Iris:
It only took one moment of weakness for Laney Keating’s world to fall apart. One stupid gesture for a hopeless crush. Then the rumors began. Slut, they called her. Queer. Psycho. Mentally ill, messed up, so messed up even her own mother decided she wasn't worth sticking around for.
If Laney could erase that whole year, she would. College is her chance to start with a clean slate.
She's not looking for new friends, but they find her: charming, handsome Armin, the only guy patient enough to work through her thorny defenses—and fiery, filterless Blythe, the bad girl and partner in crime who has thorns of her own.
But Laney knows nothing good ever lasts. When a ghost from her past resurfaces—the bully who broke her down completely—she decides it's time to live up to her own legend. And Armin and Blythe are going to help.
Which was the plan all along.
Because the rumors are true. Every single one. And Laney is going to show them just how true.
She's going to show them all.
Daughter of Smoke and Bone:
Around the world, black hand prints are appearing on doorways, scorched there by winged strangers who have crept through a slit in the sky.
In a dark and dusty shop, a devil’s supply of human teeth grows dangerously low.
And in the tangled lanes of Prague, a young art student is about to be caught up in a brutal otherworldly war.
Meet Karou. She fills her sketchbooks with monsters that may or may not be real, she’s prone to disappearing on mysterious "errands", she speaks many languages - not all of them human - and her bright blue hair actually grows out of her head that color. Who is she? That is the question that haunts her, and she’s about to find out.
When beautiful, haunted Akiva fixes fiery eyes on her in an alley in Marrakesh, the result is blood and starlight, secrets unveiled, and a star-crossed love whose roots drink deep of a violent past. But will Karou live to regret learning the truth about herself?
Blanca & Roja:
The del Cisne girls have never just been sisters; they're also rivals, Blanca as obedient and graceful as Roja is vicious and manipulative. They know that, because of a generations-old spell, their family is bound to a bevy of swans deep in the woods. They know that, one day, the swans will pull them into a dangerous game that will leave one of them a girl, and trap the other in the body of a swan.   
But when two local boys become drawn into the game, the swans' spell intertwines with the strange and unpredictable magic lacing the woods, and all four of their fates depend on facing truths that could either save or destroy them. Blanca & Roja is the captivating story of sisters, friendship, love, hatred, and the price we pay to protect our hearts.
no pressure tagging: @badthingtwice @snixx @pinkhysteria @telumendils @immaterial-pearl @quantummeep @undergroundash
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Also I got lunch at this po boy place with fresh New Orleans bread my sandwich is incredible the bread is so soft and the cashier was so nice it almost made me cry (normal ppl reaction) and I'm pretty sure they were trans. Then went to a smoke shop and got 6000mg of edibles and a 3G vape for $60
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retailzposblog · 11 months
By investing in the right liquor store POS equipment, you'll not only ensure a successful opening day but also set the foundation for long-term success. As you plan and equip your liquor store, don't forget to research and comply with local and state regulations, obtain the necessary licenses and permits, and train your staff to use the POS system effectively. With the right equipment and adherence to legal requirements, your liquor store can become a thriving and profitable business. Cheers to your success!
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quickvee · 3 months
Quickvee Point of Sale System Setup
Dive into this straightforward tutorial to effortlessly set up and install your Quickvee Point of Sale system. This comprehensive guide walks you through every step needed to get your POS, receipt printer, pin pad, barcode scanner, and cash drawer up and running smoothly. Perfect for beginners or anyone in need of a refresher, this video will have your Quickvee POS system operational in no time.
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shmorp-mcdurgen · 2 years
okay the concept of cesar giving seth a mug was too sweet to pass up so plz accept this little drabble
Cesar and Sarah walk into the supermarket, Sarah scanning her eyes over the shopping list, Cesar warily watching the people to make sure no one recognised them. They might be on the run, but they did need food every once in a while.
"Aight, I'll go this way and you in the opposite direction, and we'll meet in 10 minutes. Stay low alright?"
Cesar nods," 10 minutes, got it" and then they go to their respective ways. Cesar picks some pasta, some milk and cereal, and dumps into the cart, feeling nostalgic and sad at the same time, remembering how he used to shop with his mother. He contemplates in silence, unconsciously walking into the gift aisle. His eyes fall onto a "#1 DAD " cup, and his lips quirk into a smile as a light bulb clicks in his head, chasing the sad memories away. He picks it and places it in the cart, and goes to meet Sarah.
"I'm going to give it to Seth on father's day, see how he'll react", Cesar told Sarah on the way home. Sarah's eyes widen, and she bursts out laughing. "Oh god, go ahead, I'd love to see how it plays out"
Later at night after dinner, Cesar plops the mug, words hidden in front of Seth. He gives him a weird look, smoke spiralling out of his cigarette.
"What's that? Pretty sure my birthday passed a couple of months ago." said Seth, sitting up.
Cesar grins and walks away without answer and he can hear Sarah giggling.
Seth turns the cup, finding the "#1 DAD" etched on the cup and a card inside with "Happy Father's Day, you old grump" with a hastily scrawny Cesar and Sarah beside it.
He stubs the cigarette in the ashtray, feeling his throat slightly tighten and faint tears sting his eyes. These silly kids were going to be the death of him.
sorry for spamming u with these drabbles I couldn't stop myslef lol
That’s. So sweet, holy shit
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eiirisworkshop · 10 months
One More Notch
A Glee fanfiction Complete fic available to read on Ao3 here.
So here's what you missed on Glee:
Blaine got drunk and made out with Rachel so he thought he might be bi.
In Rachel's basement, she and Blaine kiss sloppily, surrounded by the rest of the glee kids.
Kurt didn't take that too well since he doesn't seem to think bisexuals are real.
Across a coffee shop table, Kurt gives Blaine a scathing look. "Bi is just what people call themselves when they're scared to admit they're gay."
Blaine got really fed up with Kurt so he dumped him.
"You're being so narrow minded and dismissive!" Blaine shouts across the choir room. "I'm sick of it! I'm done."
Then he went out with Rachel, but they had no chemistry so they called it off and Blaine's sure he really is gay. Kurt was really upset over getting dumped so he and Blaine just kinda didn't get back together. They're mostly over it but things are still a little weird.
At the end of a musical number, hugs and high fives are going around. Kurt and Blaine shake hands stiffly.
And that's what you missed on Glee.
"Again, winning Sectionals has done absolutely nothing for our cred," Mercedes lamented as she set her lunch tray down and dropped into her seat.
Kurt brushed his hair off his forehead with a sigh. "Let's face it, it's going to take a bigger win to earn us the respect we deserve."
"Yeah." Tina stared listlessly at her chicken nuggets. "On a less depressing note," she ate a nugget, "have either of you seen the new transfer kid?"
"Yeah." Mercedes made a face. "What kinda kid changes schools in November ?"
"Bargain store cowboys with no-name jeans and a ridiculously thick accent."
The two girls stared at Kurt. He shrugged. "He's in my math class."
"Oh," both girls said, nodding.
"He's kinda cute, though, in a pickup truck commercial kinda way," Mercedes said casually.
Tina and Kurt considered her, looked to each other, then nodded.
Meanwhile, a knock at his office doorframe startled Mr. Schuester into looking up from the stack of quizzes he was grading. A tall boy in a faded buttonfront, worn jeans, and scuffed boots was standing in the doorway under a thatch of sun-blonded hair, hands crammed in his pockets, shoulders hunched. "Mr. Schuester? I was in your Spanish One class this mornin'."
"Yeah, yeah." Mr. Schuester set the quizzes aside. "It's Joel, right?"
"Yessir. Joel Henry."
"Come in, sit. What can I do for you?"
Joel folded himself into the chair across from Mr. Schuester—quite a feat given the kid was at least as tall as Finn. He shook his head despairingly and met Mr. Schuester's gaze. "I don't know what I'm doin' in your class. I don't speak a word a Spanish. I been takin' German the past two years."
"We don't have a German program here," Mr. Schuester said carefully. "Shouldn't you be eating lunch right now?"
"I wasn't talkin' to nobody, didn't take long to eat." Joel sighed. "I'm gonna fail your class; I can't speak Spanish."
"It's an intro class, Joel."
"That I'm three months behind in! And I'm not good with languages."
"Okay." Mr. Schuester nodded. "Can you stay after school or do you have to catch a bus?"
"No, I drive."
"Great. Then right after school let's you and me go talk to Principal Figgins about moving you out of Spanish."
"Thank you, sir," Joel said. "But why couldn't we go talk to him during afternoon free period in a couple hours?"
Mr. Schuester held up his palms apologetically. "I coach the school's glee club and we meet during afternoon free period."
"Oh. Alright. Well, thank you, sir." Joel got to his feet. "Uh, before I go though, can you tell me how to get to the physics rooms? This school is a lot bigger than my old one."
After physics and history when afternoon free period came around, Joel found himself at loose ends just like he had at morning free period. So, just like that morning, he wandered the halls, trying to learn his way around. The handful of other kids not occupied with clubs, making out in corners, or smoking pot in the bathroom mercifully ignored him. He turned down another hall—the hall Mr. Schuester's office was on—and he heard music.
Oh yeah, glee club.
He lingered by the half-open door, watching as about a dozen kids danced around singing some pop song he didn't know. He recognized a few of the kids though—one of them, the kid who looked like the creepy Austrian ceramic dolls Joel's grandma collected, was definitely in his math class. The kid was hard to miss. Then there was the Latina cheerleader who'd blatantly offered him sex that morning. She scared him. And she'd noticed him. She'd stopped dancing to stare through the door at him, one eyebrow arched. Another of the girls—the short one in a cat sweater—noticed the scary Latina staring and followed her gaze. Joel gave them a pleading look and put a finger to his lips. The two girls shared a look, then resumed dancing, ignoring him.
The next morning, with his schedule fixed—home ec in place of Spanish, not great, but workable—Joel settled into his seat in the back of his first period math class. Suddenly, an argyle-clad butt perched itself on the edge of the table in front of him. He looked up to find the owner of the butt smiling down at him: creepy Austrian doll kid. "Hi, I'm Kurt Hummel."
Joel blinked. "Your last name is actually Hummel?"
Kurt frowned. "Yes, is that a problem?"
"No." Joel shook his head slowly. "The universe just has one hell of a sense a humor."
"I'm going to assume for your sake that that wasn't offensive. Anyway." Kurt leaned in, smile re-plastering itself across his rosy-cheeked face. "A little bird told me that you were spying on our glee club yesterday."
Joel gave him an unimpressed look. "Was it the sexy bird or the short one?"
"Both of them but that's beside the point." Kurt brushed away the question with a wave of his hand. "The point is, you should join."
Joel slid his math book and notebook between himself and Kurt. "I don't know, I don't really sing."
"Well, if you change your mind, we meet during free period every afternoon and on Monday mornings and after school on Thursdays. Sometimes after school on Fridays, too, but don't count on that one—it's on an as needed basis. Bring a song." Kurt's smile had turned fake. He patted Joel's shoulder and sashayed off to his own seat. Joel watched him go. He had no idea where the hell somebody would get purple argyle skinny jeans in suburban Ohio. He also had no idea why anyone would want to.
After that, class was uneventful. Trigonometry couldn't only be so exciting. Joel's next class, though, was unexpectedly awesome. It was home ec, and they'd been told to pair up to make no-bake cheesecake. A pretty blond girl in a cheerleading uniform walked right up to him, decidedly within Joel's personal space, and looked at him with intense, shiny blue eyes. "Santana told me that if I saw you I should seduce you into joining glee club so I think we should totally make cake out of cheese together." She leaned in to whisper, "What kind of cheese do you want?"
"Uh." Joel took a step back. "I already told your buddy Kurt I don't really sing." He handed her a block of cream cheese. "You really don't need to seduce me, either. Santana is the scary, sexy, Latina one, right?"
"Yeah, she's super hot."
"Well, I already told her I'm not really on the market."
"On the market for what?" The girl cocked her head to the side like a puppy.
Joel stared at her for a second then shook his head. "Nevermind. What's your name?"
"I'm Joel."
Brittany's eyes widen and she whispered in awe. "You're a famous singer, we were just singing that song of yours about not being an arsonist."
Joel stared at her again. "That's Billy Joel. I'm not related to him."
"Oh...." She looked down at the cream cheese disappointedly.
He chewed his tongue briefly, then leaned toward her to confide, "But I'm a cowboy."
She immediately lit up with excitement. "A real one?"
"Mhm." He grinned.
"That's so cool."
At the end of home ec, Brittany handed Joel their cheesecake, then pulled him out of the room, ignoring his protests. She dragged him to the choir room where, despite the lack of an official club meeting, most of the club was hanging out—well, arguing.
"I think we should go caroling," the short one was saying. Her sweater had an owl today.
An Asian girl who looked like some kind of Victorian heiress who'd sold her soul to a demon butler gave the short one an incredulous look. "Do you remember how badly that went last year? We got a shoe thrown at us. By a teacher ."
"Hey, everyone," Brittany said pleasantly. "So it turns out he's not a famous singer like I thought when he said his name, but I brought the new guy and I didn't even have to seduce him." She grinned at Santana, who looked both impressed and disappointed.
"I was brought here against my will," Joel said. "But I have cheesecake if anyone wants some," he offered feebly.
"I will take some cheesecake," a curvy black girl with big heart-shaped earrings said. Joel handed her the pie pan he was holding.
"I'm glad you decided to join us," the short one said brightly, stepping forward to give him a salesman's smile. "I'm Rachel, I essentially run this—"
"I have not decided to join you," Joel said firmly. "Why are you all hounding me outta nowhere like this? I been at this school less than two days."
"We're pretty much always hoping for new members," Kurt said, lounging across two chairs next to the black girl. "You showed interest. And you're here now, so you might as well show us what you've got."
"I told you, I don't really sing." Joel shook his head and looked around the room. There was Kurt, the hip hop princess eating cheesecake, Rachel the American Girl doll, Asian vampire chick, a super nerdy kid in a wheelchair, a total of three cheerleaders, a guy with a mohawk, a guy in a sweatervest and bowtie, a blond Bieber-type, and three more dudes in letterman jackets. "Do you realize that most of you look more like cartoon characters than real people?"
Rachel huffed haughtily, Kurt and the girl next to him both frowned. The blond cheerleader who wasn't Brittany leaned on her elbows. "He's not wrong, though."
The guy in the sweatervest held his hands out and shrugged. "Yeah, pretty much everyone in this club is crazy."
"But, we're the most fun people in this whole damn school." The black girl stood up. "Look—what's your name?"
"Heya, Joel. I'm Mercedes. You gave me cheesecake, as far as I'm concerned that makes us friends. This is your second day here, so I figure you don't have too many friends yet."
"Not really, no." Joel admitted.
"Uh huh." Mercedes settled her weight into her hip. "And how many people not in this room have actually talked to you?"
"A guy with a jewfro shoved a microphone in my face...."
"Jacob doesn't count," sweatervest guy interjected. "He's a gossip blogger and you're the new kid, he'll harass you for a few weeks. I'm sorry. I transferred in last year, I never did find a way to avoid him entirely. Puck chasing him off is a good temporary measure though." He gestured at the guy with the mohawk.
"And," one of the letterman jacket guys said, "I don't really sing, either." He shrugged. "I used to sway in the background but now I dance."
Joel scrubbed a hand through his hair. "I'll think about it." He looked at sweatervest guy. "But you're right, you're all crazy." He walked out.
At lunch two classes later, Mercedes came up to Joel in the line. "Hey, Joel." She smiled and got a serving of tots. "You wanna sit with us?"
"Who's us?" He grabbed the least bruised apple available.
"Me, Tina, and Kurt."
"Uh," Joel hesitated.
Mercedes glared at him. "Kurt doesn't bite, you know."
"I know." Joel let out a breath and glanced over to the table where Kurt and Asian vampire chick were sitting. She must've been Tina. Joel shrugged. "I've just never met anyone like him before in my life. He's...a little overwhelming."
"I'll admit that he—and Rachel, and sometimes me and Santana—have a flare for the dramatic and it can get a little over the top." She shrugged. "Occupational hazard of showbiz."
Joel sighed.
"Who you gonna sit with if not us?"
"You got a point," Joel admitted. He followed her to the table and carefully sat between her and Tina the vampire. She and Kurt smiled at him. He nodded to them and focused on his food.
Brittany and Santana joined the table a minute later, paying zero attention to anyone else sitting there while they chit-chatted. After that, sweatervest bowtie guy came over carrying a tray. He and Kurt looked directly at each other, Kurt busied himself with his phone, and sweatervest pulled up a chair between Joel and Mercedes. Joel glanced between him and Kurt a couple times. “Well, absolutely no one can tell the two of you used to date.”
Both boys grimaced and glanced at each other.
“Is the awkward that obvious?” sweatervest guy asked.
Joel nodded and gestured between them. “There's laser beams of awkward.”
“Good God, he said what we've all been thinking,” Santana said in astonishment. “At least, I think he did. I'm only sure of every other word. Where the hell are you from, cowboy?”
“Wyoming,” Joel said flatly.
Santana blinked and tilted her head. “See, there's a problem with that: I'm pretty sure Wyoming really doesn't exist.”
Joel rolled his eyes. “I promise you it does.”
Santana shook her head. “I don't believe y—”
“Where in Wyoming?” Kurt interrupted.
Joel poked at his food. “Trust me, you've never heard of it.” He paused and took a moment to study Kurt. “But I'm gonna go way out on a limb and say you've seen Brokeback Mountain.”
Kurt nodded. “Everyone at this table has, even if only because I made them.”
Joel couldn't help but snicker. “Okay, so in Brokeback, Ennis—the blond one, Heath Ledger—and his wife live in Riverton. I'm from Crowheart, 'bout an hour northwest a Riverton.”
Everyone exchanged looks and nodded or shrugged.
“Well, I still don't think we have any idea where that is,” sweatervest guy said, “but that's a pretty good frame of reference.”
“Why did you move here in the middle of the semester?” Tina asked.
“My folks split,” Joel said quickly. “Me an' my mama an' my sister moved in with my mama's sister. Sorry, who're you?” He looked at sweatervest guy. “Never got yer name.”
“Oh, I'm sorry. I'm Blaine.”
“Pleased to meetcha.” Joel went back to eating.
End of chapter! Read the rest on Ao3 here.
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2bloved · 2 years
You liked my Hell Bell Dawn headcanons? WELL OH BOY PUT YOUR SEATBELT ON-
Soulless Dawn glitches between different forms (mainly different female gen 4 player characters, but sometimes gen 4 male player characters if she's really upset) and yes it hurts.
When she first got to the bar (Beelze brought her there as a thank you for letting him get souls) she was outcasted and stayed at the bar that Glitchy Red ran. They started talking and Dawn started venting, causing Glitchy to care for her bc haha relatable, except she has it way worse since she's constantly being played. Eventually this gets out of hand and Glitchy goes to try to fight Beelze to free Dawn. Finding amusement in this, Beelze challenges Glitchy to a Pokemon battle. I dunno who would win it, but it doesn't matter, since they would get broken up by Hypno and others. Beelze makes a passing comment that Glitchy could make a deal with him, if he had a soul (which he doesn't, bc Glitchy is just, well,, a glitch lol) so Glitchy goes on a soul finding quest. It'd be really funny if he tried to take Grey's soul lol
But then again I don't know Glitchy very well so,, whoops-
Oh, speaking of Beelze! He's an actual demon in my headcanon, and made a random Brongzong into his helper, giving it some of his powers. The more souls he collects, the more powerful he gets. His goal? To become so powerful that he would have many "cursed" Pokemon to steal souls with, but rn he just has the one. He toys with Dawn alot, and has power over her. If she annoys him too much? He'd make Hell Bell ring, and transport Dawn back to a game. Also, he uh- smokes. Alot. Usually old timey cigars bc *classy*. He sometimes bets souls with other soul-taking pastas for funsies.
Now for Hell Bell! It is not nice, to say the least. It thinks highly of itself, and both it and Purin Jigglypuff hate each other. Like, Jiggly will be singing, putting DISABLED in a dream and then Hell Bell comes around, ringing loudly, waking DISABLED up. Jiggly and Hell Bell get into fights alot (Beelze responds to this as a 'play nice kids', and Pico througholy enjoys it).
Also, Frozen Red (Red from Snow on Mt. Silver) was allowed into the bar once, and only once. That is bc Gold (who was Blake in the past) freaked out so badly that Red had to be removed. Freakachu only furthered Gold's reaction. So now Red and Freakachu hang out with Buried Alive when he isn't busy, along with MISSINGNO.
MISSINGNO. only came to the bar once, bc it uh, said an uh oh.
MISSINGNO., referring to Strangled Red events: So, did I do a good job being scary?
Beelze, nodding:
Steven: It,, it told me to kill my brother because,, it was trying to be eDGY?!?!
Yeah let's just say it's hard to strangle a glitch lol
Yeahh it's pretty much chaos in the bar. Eventually all the Pokepastas are gonna need their own separate bar!
Also I'm super sorry if I'm annoying you with all these asks, if you want me to stop or just limit myself to one a day just lmk. - 🐞
god teh concept of a lively little pokepasta bar makes my little heart EXPLODE /POS
id like to imagine as more people get kicked or banned in it eventually little knockoff bars would pop up. imagine a little city street corner with the like window shops? that's estentially what it'd be
anyways the first thing i thought of when i saw this,
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dannywintr · 2 years
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Full Name: Daniel Atticus Winter Nicknames: Danny Face Claim: Nick Robinson Pronouns and Gender: Cis man, he/him Birthday: February 17, 1995 Birth place: Fairford, Washington How long have they been in town?: Born in Fairford, left for New York at 19, came back about six months ago Sexuality: Heterosexual Housing: Downtown Occupation: Tattoo artist at Ink City/aspiring musician Family: Parents he's no-contact with and a younger sister, Clara (21) Personality: Small-town artsy soft boy musician obsessed with the idea of love, high-functioning stoner, chronic romanticizer, pretentious philosophizer who almost manages to be humble about it.
basic stats.
full name: daniel atticus winter nickname(s): danny birthday: february 17, 1995 age: 27 gender id: cis man pronouns: he/him sexuality: heterosexual nationality: american ethnicity: white religion: atheist birthplace: fairford, washington current neighborhood: downtown occupation: tattoo artist at ink spot/aspiring musician education: high school
hair color: brown eye color: dark hazel height: 6' tattoos: a few large pieces tba piercings: none scars: tba
nuclear family.
mother: jeanna winter, 55, sales associate at a small plant shop father: craig winter, 57, insurance adjuster sibling(s): clara (sister, 21)
outlook: optimistic pos traits: outgoing, confident, chronically chill and even-tempered, creative, artistic, empathetic, independent neg traits: judgmental, not a risk-taker, quietly holds grudges, wayyyy too comfortable cutting people out of his life, avoidant likes: drawing up tats, chatting w strangers, beer, lord of the rings, gaming, obsessed w bioshock, 90s cartoons, smoking weed, being in a relationship, animals, old black and white movies, Kurt Vonnegut dislikes: people who feel disingenuous, cheaters, top 40 music, when white people ask him to do tribal tats, reality tv, the kardashians, his parents, people who don’t like animals, politics, politicians, cops
tw for: narcissistic parenting, cancer, alcohol abuse
Danny Winter was born to two batshit crazy narcissists in Fairford, Washington, in the middle of a February snowstorm. Craig (his dad) was a moody and manipulative alcoholic who did things like snoop in his childrens' rooms, or start cooking food and then drunkenly wander off to do something else, leaving eight-year-old Danny to have to start remembering to check the stove every once in a while lest the house burn down. Jeanna (his mom) was okay except when she went into unpredictable blackout fits of rage that Danny had to learn to endure straight-faced because the wrong mouth twitch was liable to trigger another meltdown. Clara, his younger sister, was born when he was already six years old, while their dad was in the middle of a two-year-long stint of being sober (but still moody, and more controlling than ever).
Unlike Clara, who was always very submissive towards their parents, Danny spent most of his teen years fighting with them. Sometimes it was smaller things, like not giving into his mom's insane demands that he only wear the clothes she buys him, or his dad snapping at him that he does like steak when he'd make it for dinner; sometimes it was bigger things: his mom trying to take away the phone he started paying for himself in high school, or his dad locking the doors to the house if he came home one minute past curfew, which led to many nights sleeping at his aunt's house, or his friends' houses, or in his car when he finally got one, and a couple times at the park down the street from the house, when it was nice out.
A naturally gregarious person, the other side of Danny's life was always good enough to nearly make up for his atrocious home life. He made friends easily, and he was good at pulling girls. He had two long-term relationships in high school, both of which were pretty healthy and normcore but one of which ended really badly and was the reason he peaced out of Fairford to LA so fast after high school.
Besides his friends and romantic relationships and smoking inhuman amounts of weed, Danny used music and art to cope when he was at home, and he carried that with him to California. He spent most of his first year there in a shitty little apartment, working at a botanic garden cleaning the ponds and trying to jumpstart his music career. When he had shit luck with that, he decided to try and monetize his physical art instead and started a tattoo apprenticeship, which he ended up loving.
He was in LA working as a tattoo artist until about six months ago, when his sister called to tell him that his aunt's breast cancer -- which she had been battling on and off for a very long time, and who had been like a proxy parents to them when they were teens -- had come back, and that things weren't looking good. Danny dropped everything to go spend time with her before she passed, and in doing so realized how much he missed Fairford. Not his parents, but his sister, his old friends, his old stomping grounds. Finding out there was an opening for a tattoo artist at Ink Spot sealed the deal for him; LA was expensive and he'd long gotten sick of the culture there, and with the heartbreak of losing his aunt, he felt it was time to go home.
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What is a Tobacco Store Online?
A tobacco store online is a place that sells cigarettes, cigars, and other smoking products. These stores typically provide a variety of tobacco brands and accessories to meet customer preferences. They also offer convenience and privacy.
It is important to understand the legalities of tobacco sales before setting up an online tobacco store. You’ll need to choose a platform that supports age verification, as well as a payment gateway that works with high-risk products.
Online tobacco stores are a great way to get the high-quality products you crave without breaking the bank. Many of them offer discounts and bonuses when you purchase in bulk. In addition, they often provide coupons and other discounts that you can use in-store.
Online retailers are also less likely to run into legal issues, unlike brick-and-mortar businesses. However, it’s important to be mindful of advertising restrictions and comply with all legal requirements for cigarette online sales. Moreover, you must choose the right ecommerce platform for your tobacco business. WooCommerce, for example, does not restrict tobacco sales but you’ll need a third-party processor for payment gateways that handle high-risk transactions.
The world of ecommerce is booming and even the tobacco industry has joined in the fun. As a result, more and more people are buying their cigars, pipe tobacco, and smoking accessories online. Unlike their local shops, online tobacconists don’t charge transaction fees and can be accessed on any device.
Easy access
A lot of online tobacco stores are able to offer more choices than your local shop can. This is because these online stores aren’t bound by the restrictions that your neighborhood store has to comply with. This means that they can sell you a variety of products and brands without getting into trouble.
In addition to order cigarettes online or selling e-cigarettes, cigars, and traditional cigarettes, some tobacco shops also sell small snacks and candy for convenience. You can easily add these items to your inventory catalog by creating a new barcode or using third party label software. This way, customers can buy these items and checkout faster.
A tobacco store and vape shop can be a profitable business, but you need to do your research before you decide to open one. Ensure that you follow local and state laws to avoid any problems with the authorities. Additionally, you should consider securing insurance to protect your business from potential risks and liabilities.
More choices
You can easily find a wide variety of cigarettes and tobacco online, unlike in the local store. This allows you to choose what is right for you and your lifestyle. It also gives you the chance to try out different brands of tobacco, which you might not find at your local store.
Windy City Cigars offers one of the largest selections of pipe tobacco online, and we are committed to offering you the best prices. We offer a range of popular and rare brands, as well as several types of pipe tobacco blends. We also offer a variety of accessories for your pipes, including cleaners, lubricants, and filters.
Another advantage of buying tobacco online is that it’s easy to track if an online seller violates US law. This is because any online store selling tobacco can be regulated by the Food and Drug Administration. You can also get more information about an online store’s reputation by looking at reviews of the site.
Smoking tobacco is a relaxing and pleasurable hobby. It is also safe, provided that you know how to shop safely online. A good tobacco store online will ask you to verify your age, so that you don’t buy any cigarettes underage. Similarly, they will not sell you any vapor products to minors.
Observations of tobacco sales and marketing at the point of sale (POS) are important to monitor retail environments and to inform community-level interventions and evaluations. The observation process is typically done using business lists, which classify stores by type. Generally, these include convenience stores, warehouse clubs and supercenters, gas stations with convenience stores, grocery stores, news dealers and newsstands, liquor stores, and pharmacies.
Exterior data and interior measures are traditionally collected, although interior measures often focus on the area around the checkout counter. Observers are trained to note pricing promotions, advertising, and other marketing efforts in these environments. They are also trained to check if the appropriate proof of age is checked when someone appearing under 25 attempts to purchase tobacco or vapor products.
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toffy-up · 2 months
I have enaugh. I cant anymore.
Look i write my dreams down and slowly. Slowly i get to my limit with the newest. I will pos a few here now. Maybe then i can stop thinking about them.
1.I was in my old house in the basement. I watched Tv in the hobbyroom. We never spend much time there tho, except for me i was there a whole summer. I dont know why anyomre. Anyways, I watched Tv and informt myself about a horror cosplayer. Suddenly there were a demon face, a woman crawling without a head, in the TV, and other completly terrifying stuff. I ran upstairs but before i did, i wanted some proof and started to film from between the stairs, like there were gaps, but i think it already stopped from happen. Then i got up and didnt found anyone. So i ran to the next floor were my grandma was sitting with her back to me watching TV with my uncle. My uncle asked me "How does living with your grandma is going. I was confused, i dont life with my grandma, anymore at least. Also i was so scarred still but i knew they wouldnt belive me, so i just stand the and answerd what i thought he wanna hear. I said "Yeah its fine right Grandma?". She didnt turned around to me, but she said something i cant remember. I got back down and found my boyfriend sleepin on the couch. Completly coverd in a blanket. So i woke him still pretty scarred and nervous. We went into my REALLY little room and i told him what i saw. I whisperd "i saw it! That demon. And hes strong." I think he belived me, because we wanted to get out of this house. There were a bibel and a cross on the window still. My boyfriend got out of the room and i heard my mum say to him "Hey Tom, you can get out of the hospital when you smoke. So you can smoke nothing will happen" Because my Aunt said that to her, my mum was on the phone with her. I opend a drawer and saw to alexas. (Oh a detail i remeberd was that when i ran from the basment, there wasnt a door its an open stair case. I looked at the corner where my dad had always his computers and i thought "mh thats weird why arent they there?".) And uhm maybe some information that helps is that, my mum and dad divorced when i was pretty young, but my dad stayed in the house not my mum
2. I was in a playgriund as an adult. Its a place i knew from my childhood, its a big hall with massive ammount of playthings, trampolins, slides, jungle gyms. Stuff like that. Its was for kids between the age of 6 to 12 i would say. There also was a kids corner, were i always was to old for, in the dream too. But they could draw there play wirh more little things. In the dream i went inside with my boyfriend, there werent any minni humans anymore. We looked around the little kids drawing untill i noticed. Wait, thats my drawings, my darker ones to be specific. They looked like a kid had redraw them. I was confused i said to Tom. "Honey? There are my drawings" He didnt really belived me, even tho he should know my pictures. Then a woman came in, one of the caretakers. She was confused why we are there and i imeadiatly asked her who draw them. And now now it gets weird. She said ow a girl blahblahblah. I looked at the drawing and notices a sign there stand Lilith. But that wasnt all. As i went outside again, my boyfriend already by the car. 2 staff members came to me and talked to me in a closed room. They said weird thing going on and then they eaid like a spell. And i...i was blocked out of my own dream only black. Untill i got back out off the room. And went ouzside with some salt they had seemed to give me
3. I was back in my old hometown. Like i was travelt thru time. I noticed pretty fast, because of the shopping mile i was it there were shops that didnt excist anymore. The first thought was my grandpa. He died and back in time i would be able to see him again. So i started ranning too my old house, my grandpa was at work his car wasnt there. But i didnt think that tru. So i stood there infront of the house and i think i saw myself as a baby, my mother was carrying me. She looked young again. She saw me but didnt reconize me. I was pretty unsure because of time and i didnt wanted to mess things up. So i started to ran away. And she followed me asking if i was my dads new girlfriend. The one who he cheated on her with. I said no and ran away again. It was all very real feeling. Like i was back in time
4. Now one of the most intense one. I was somewehere and waited for Tom (My boyfriend) to pick me up. He did and on the right his friend called him. In the call he had on speakers, it came out he had been in an amusement park with his friend, his girlfriend and another girl. The girl said how much she had missed him and i was angry, so i went out of the car. And then oh boy....i started walking home myself but when i got in my old hometown, this wasnt my own hometown. It was a weird place. There were doors, everywhere, like colourful buildings door on door and open rooms. Like a setup were you could look in. And that was when i realized i was dreaming. So i opend a door scarred. A man sat in there on a chair, he had gray hair a gray light beard. A normal middle aged man. It was like a futuristic room. Nothing much there. I knew we talked, i dont know what anymore but, a voice told me, that i would told him im dreaming something terrible would happen. So i didnt. He wanted to make a picture or i wanted to make a picture. I dont know what i know was. There was this voice again. Telling me, if i wouldnt wake up now, i never will. I started trying to wake up. I needed more then 5 times before i was able to wake up fully. Like i blinked i was still there, it was like someone helped me pulling me out of it
5. I was at home, i dont remember what exactly happend in my home anymore. But this why i stargtwriting down my dreams. So i was at home and looked to clock who spinning increadibly fast. And in that second i knew i was dreaming. The floor under me cracked and the wall behind me dissapeared. I was floating around in the universe. The diffrent colours the stars. I just remember floating around.
So uhm its from new to old. I have a lot more. Some scarry some really....weird. buts always my old house and the basment there. It was a big old house. The basment was also really big. I had always been terrefyed of it. It was a lot of rooms and doors. And lets say, there happend some weirs things. It was never really dangerous but the vibe of it? Was at least scarry, damn even right now i get goosebumbs talking about it....
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