b-r-i-n-g-x · 2 months
Just a little Sophie teaser for everyone dhdh
Really proud how this turned out, hope you enjoy it!!
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b-r-i-n-g-x · 2 months
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Look who became real!!
Yes i finally did it! In a bit different way that i shouldve done it but yknow what, it works for me!
So yeah from now on you probably gonna see me messing around gmod including Sophie
And good news is, this inspired me so much that i finally have her in gmod, that i got many ideas for the fic! So if things going well Wolf in sheep's clothing will be continued soon enough!
Once again wanna thank @merp0515 to let me mess around with her model to make this into a reality
Anyway, stay tuned for more shipchild content!
Until then:
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Enjoy this!
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b-r-i-n-g-x · 3 months
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Thought i make a banner for myself here for ppl to know which projects im working on and what part i take on it
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b-r-i-n-g-x · 3 months
What 3D program did you use to make Sophie?
I used blender and @merp0515 offered her model of her character to test and mess around with to make Sophie alive. Sadly not in gmod but maybe one day ill figure that out. I know how to make props though. So far i made two, one of them looks a bit messy but hey for first tries its not so bad
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The other props i made was the cherry powerup but i sadly cant find the image of that
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b-r-i-n-g-x · 3 months
idk if your still doing it but uh...wolf au any update on that?
I'm guessing you mean the child fic i was working on
I wanted to wait with the fic until the whole puzzlevison saga thing ends so i could form the story better. Its still something i wanna work on and think about sophie daily. In fact i did try to make her model and import in gmod so i can make fun gmod stuff with her but uuhh
I failed miserably but in the most funny way.
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Im too stoopid for gmod and there are no good tutorial that could explain it to me what the hell am i supposed to do dhdhdb
But yeah i still wanna work on it, i do have the ending in my mind already i just have to figure out how do i get there
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b-r-i-n-g-x · 3 months
Sooo remember guys when I wanted to make Sophie into gmod?
Well i gave it another attempt and.. well
She's posable alright-
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Ik why shes textureless, i dont know the rest of the mess
Welp I tried
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b-r-i-n-g-x · 3 months
will the fan child fic ever be updated? no rush im just wondering if your still working on it
Yes indeed I'm still working on it! Inspiration just not yet hit me, which is suck sometimes
Fellow writers might had the same thing as me, when you have the story beginning and the very end how you wanna end it but you have no idea or you're not sure the actions between the two to get to the end
Yeah that's me with the Sophie fic right now dhdhd
I did got inspired lately, thanks to my friends, so hopefully the writing flow hits me and continue the fic
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