#smelly roses
fineapplequeen · 8 months
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Various Ink doodles
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punk-chicken-radio · 19 days
Smelly’s Song Of The Week…..
The Waeve - You Saw
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mogai-headcanons · 10 months
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Fone Bone from the Bone novels is an autistic acespec littleguyic agender nonbinary person with PTSD and a special interest in Moby Dick who chooses not to label their sexuality, uses any pronouns but prefers they/them and he/him, and has a crush on Thorn!
Thorn Harvestar is an autistic boudican condreamic heirqueenish viscurse lytromoiric thornthing dragongender azurgirl transfeminine arospec lesbian with PTSD, ADHD, and debilitating migraines who uses she/her pronouns!
Gran'ma Ben is a bisexual boudican prophic abandenian cowgender dragongender transmasculine woman with PTSD and ADHD who used to go by the name Rose and uses he/him and she/her pronouns, and she has a requited crush on Lucius and is Thorn's grandmother!
Lucius Down is an autistic unlabeled man with PTSD who uses he/him pronouns, and he has a requited crush on Gran'ma Ben!
Phoncible 'Phoney' Bone is an aromantic asexual aroace bigender nonbinary man who uses he/him and they/them pronouns, and they are Fone's cousin!
Smiley Bone is an autistic queerplatonic pan-oriented aroace genderqueer smilething :)thing boygirl who uses they/them, it/its, ey/em, and he/him pronouns, and they are Phoney and Fone's cousin!
Smelly and Stinky are gay, are partners, and both use he/him, it/its, and rat/rats pronouns!
Bartleby is an autistic autigender tbhscrunklin patchboy weirdgirl ratgender warnelistic feruvel creaturething with PTSD who hasn't started thinking about its sexualilty yet and uses any pronouns!
The Great Red Dragon is an aromantic gay dragongender redgender transmasculine dragon with PTSD who uses he/him pronouns!
Briar Harvestar, also known as the Hooded One, is an arohet kenochoric prophic sichoret tenechoric silenkein kenobodiment woman who uses she/her, he/him, and they/them pronouns, and she is Gran'ma Ben's twin!
dni link
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sapphiredhearts-a · 1 year
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f.r.i.e.n.d.s. tags
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ameliathornromance · 9 months
A Whole New World - Short Orc Romance
- When your Orc found you, you were in your Church with your other sisters of the cloth.
- They all prayed to the Gods.
- Gods that they wished would come, strike down these beasts who threatened your lives.
- The Church doors were difficult to get open, but your Orc did it. The doors burst off the hinges, crashed into the pews.
-Your sisters all took off running, leaving you behind.
- You tried to follow, but ended up tripping over your robes, falling on your front.
- Your Orc stormed towards you.
- You try to scramble away, desperate to escape your oncoming death, but it was no use.
- He was too big, too quick.
- You close your eyes, expecting a bludgeoning with that horrifying club he had clutched in his hand. You raise your hands above your head and cower for your life.
- Any moment now, any second now, he is going to bring that club down on your head.
- But nothing came.
“They left you.”
You squint open your eyes. Between your arms, you stare at him. His expression pained, his endless black eyes staring at you with… sympathy? You couldn’t understand what you were seeing; An orc, sympathetic?
The club slips from his hand, landing on the floor with a loud thud. Stooping to one knee, he bends down to your height. “Those who you called sisters have abandoned you.”
You dare to look around. Hoping to see a sister who was hiding behind the altar, a pillar, or anywhere. With some kind of weapon in hand, anything to help you get out of this situation alive. But it was barren. Empty of any kind of life whom had been begging for salvation.
He was right. They had. “To escape you, you who would kill me for praying for your death.” You hiss back at him. You didn’t dare believe him, wanted to retreat back into the collective opinion about Orcs. But it was too obvious to ignore his logic.
The words were harsh and sharp, the Orc did not flinch. “And who is here for you, now that I have come to take the lives of your people? Your Gods? Who you pray to, but have done nothing to protect you or your people from the raid of my brethren? Did not even force a fellow sister to stay and share in your fate, so that you would not have to go into the night alone?”
The words rang through you like the Church bell at the top of the steeple. Rooted you to the ground, the world you had built to protect yourself from the truth, crashed and burned. You couldn’t deny that he was wrong. Your so-called ‘sisters’ had abandoned you. Left you here at the mercy of this monster, not one of them had turned to try and help you back up.
A sigh escapes the Orc. “In our ranks,” he says, “we do not abandon our own.” The hand that held the club outstretches toward you. “Come. No one deserves to left alone.”
Anger had risen, spiteful and raging within your very soul. At that moment, as much as you didn’t want to admit it, the Orc was right. Your mind drifts back to what the Church had taught you about them, the Orcs. That they were monsters, born from the core of the Earth. Where Magma bubbled and boiled, where nothing should be able to survive. How your Church commanded that your sisters swear loyalty to one another. To protect each other and Holy Ground from defamation of the filth that rose from the Earth. To do it together. To die together, if it came to it.
The Gods had abandoned you and your sisters had left you. You gave your life for Gods who did not care.
This Orc, monster of the deep Earth, had shown you more decency in that moment. Than Gods or humans had done in the time you had been at the Church. Spite riddles through you. You take his calloused, rough hand.
- Travelling in an Orc caravan was not easy. They were loud, smelly and stupid. All except the Orc who had come for you.
- He was quiet, preferred to watch his others fight, drink and be rowdy with one another.
- At first, the rest of the group had ostracised you. “Humans are no good.” They would snarl. “Weak and useless.” But, after repairing a few of their clothes and cooking meals, they warmed up to you.
- They were kind to you... In their own way. Like the time when they left a whole dead sheeps’ carcass in your tent. The note left with it read: “For dinner this eve. Make or else.” Panicked, you went to find your Orc friend, who explained that this wasn't a threat. Far from it, as a matter of fact.
- They spoke to you that way because they spoke to their own like that.
- "My bretheren see you as one of us now." Rovi - the name of your Orc friend - explained.
“They’re quite the group.” You observe. You had thrown out your robes as soon as you could and replaced them with something that was far from Holy. Trousers and tunic that you had sewed together yourself and hair let down to your waist.
“Indeed.” Rovi agrees. He slurps the rest of the soup from his bowl. Fire crackles in the fire pit, the nights sky blankets the whole group of Orcs who proceed to play fight and snarl. This was apparently, a common pass time for Orcs, who beat the living snot out of each other as a show of comradery. “They will never hurt each other though.” Rovi assures you, putting the bowl beside himself. “We do not do that, unlike humans who abandon their own, kill their friends and steal for survival.”
You did not judge his impression of humans. Surely, you’d feel the same way too if a bunch of humans started chasing after you, desperate for your head. One thing, you could not understand for the life of you, was why Rovi had taken you in. Despite his obvious dislike for humans, he still offered you a place in his camp. Maybe It was as simple as he said: “No one deserves to left alone.”
Biting your lip, you tell him, “thank you for inviting me into your camp.” You meant it. If it weren’t for him, you would still be slaving away for Gods who had no interest in you.
Your Orc huffs, “better than being with humans who abandon their own.” He looks away from you. Back to the jeering crowd of his fellows, watching them clasp each others hands and pat each other on the back. A show of congratulations on a good fight.
- Your romance with him started when there was when you returned to your own tent.
- On your bed, was a small pouch of gold.
- Being in an Orc camp, you observed their customs and cultures. Often, when courting others, they would leave a small bag of gold in their crushes living quarters. A sweet, but simple gesture. Orcs loved their gold, even if they did not flaunt it. To do so was, frowned upon and compared to the Lords who wore those stupid puffy trousers and powdered tall wigs.
- You did not know who the pouch had come from, but you immediately thought that your Orc friend had been the one to do it. But you had to double check. And so you would gauge his reaction to it.
“Look!” You rushed over to him. Waving the bag of gold up to him, you beamed, “someone likes me! I found it on my bed when I got back from washing in the river!”
Rovi, returning from a hunt and carrying a, poor dead stag on his back, looked at you, then the open bag, gold glittering in the sunlight. “Was there a note?” He asked you, dropping it to the ground.
The rest of the hunting party grumbled annoyances at him, dragging the meat away. Rovi ignored them.
“No, there was just this bag. I wonder who it could be!” Your eyes dart across the camp, looking to the cooks, who were now busy skinning the stag, to other Orcs who were busy tending to a fire and talking in their mother tongue and to those who were busy trying to read from tiny human books they stole from villages.
“Best not to think about it,” Your Orc mutters. “Small pouch of gold like that? They can’t be that interested in you.” And with that, he lumbers off.
You frown. You thought for sure it would be him. His reaction made your heart sink in your chest. Sighing, you walk back to your tent, tossing the small bag onto your desk and clambering onto your bed. You sigh. If it was not him, then who could it be?
Unfortunately, you had noted that there was a fair amount of guess work that had to happen when it came to this as well. Usually, it went over well – the admired knew who their admirer was, and they got together. But, in rare instances, where the admired got their guess wrong: The admirer would challenge the guessed person to combat and they would fight. Not a play fight. An actual battle.
It was rare, but not rare enough to avoid being discussed by the rest of the camp. You had never seen one yourself, and if you could, you’d like to avoid it at all costs. You like everyone in the camp, care about them all , you didn’t want anyone to get hurt. One had to assume, that if two Orcs vied for the same person... You didn't want to think about that.
- You had thought long and hard about who it could be. You had become close with everyone in the camp, it wasn’t like there was anyone who stuck out to you.
- Truth be told, disappointment stirred in your gut.
- You had hoped that it would Rovi who had been the one to give you that pouch. He was kind and caring, even if he was a bit rough around the edges. He gave you a whole new life, it seemed almost right that you would fall for him. After he was able to show you the rest of the world, when you may have stayed with the Church for the rest of your days.
- The next day, you went to go and do what you had to do by the river, coming back to your tent and your jaw dropping.
A pouch – you couldn’t even call it that – a sack full of gold had spilled out onto the floor in your tent. You wondered if you’d gone mad. Startling you, a cheer erupted from outside your tent. What the Hell is going on?!
You ran out and into the main area, where a ring of tall, hulking Orcs had formed. You stood on tip-toes, jumped to try and get a look at the brawl that had just started, but had to resolve to pushing your way through the rambunctious crowd. Once the other Orcs realize who it was trying to get through, they bark at their others: “Get out of the way! Let (Y/N) through! It about her after all!”
About you? More desperate now, you finally found your way to the edge of the ring just in time to see Rovi swing a right hook, directly into the jaw of his other. The other Orc goes flying, his landing in front of you sent shudders through the floor. You recognise him immediately as Barrow, a chef who you often spent time with in the kitchens. He was an Orc of very little brains, but he made a mean rabbit stew. He made some inappropriate jokes to you occasionally, but apart from that, he kept mostly to himself.
“That’s all you offer?!” Rovi roars, “pathetic!”
Barrow was out cold, your Orc friend’s chest heaving up and down. “What’s going on?!” You shout over the jeering Orc crowd.
Rovi’s face, goes from a furious, angry scowl, to soft at the sight of you. Rather harshly, he kicks Barrow out of the way and kneels down to your height. “I’m afraid I haven’t been up front with you,” he begins.
The rest of the Orcs are still watching, but now quiet. Your ears rang with the silence, so used to their loud and obnoxious shouting that it was unsettling to hear silence.
“I know that humans are more upfront with their courting practices so allow me to conform to your culture… And I couldn’t allow Barrow to offer you something so insignificant and small as one pouch of gold… So... Would you be mine, (Y/N)?”
Stunned into silence, you bit your lip. Smiling, you ask, “so the extra large sack of gold was you?”
Rovi grumbles and looks away from, a small dusting tinge dusting his orc green cheeks. “Well, I had to do something…” He mumbles. “I had to do something to show you I am superior… if this one hadn’t beaten me to it.” He shoots another dirty look at Barrow, who seems to have awoken in a daze. “The combat was necessary to tell him to back off.”
“I think the gold was more than enough.” You wrap your arms around his muscular shoulders and pull him close. “Thank you for everything, Rovi.”
He freezes for a moment and then returns your gesture, holding you tenderly in that moment. The both of you don’t even hear the crowd of Orcs erupting with cheers and shouts of happiness.
It’s just the two of you. And that’s all that matters in that moment.
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starbop · 4 months
How SMELLY all the Honkai Boys are...
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Here's my ranking of HSR boys based on how much I think they smell. Explanations + headcanons below the cut!
The Top Stinkers
Caelus literally digs through garbage for fun. I don't think I need to defend their spot as the #1 stinkiest mf in this whole game. 11/10 on the stink scale.
Sampo also has the energy of someone who enjoys garbage. I, for one, have no idea where that thing has been and I don't think I want to know. He is also known to hide in piles of snow when need be, meaning he's just out there rolling around on the ground sometimes. 10/10 would not sniff again.
Luka is the sweatiest man alive. But he looks SO good doing it. The sparks and smoke his arm produces, while very cool to look at, do not help his smelliness rating. 8/10 because he at least has good reasons for smelling funky.
I do not think Blade has ever taken a shower. You could fry a whole chicken with the oil from his hair. 9/10.
Boothill smells like a mixture of motor oil, grease, and sweat. Not a smell I would personally hate, but objectively not a good one. Yeehaw/10.
The Smelly
I feel like, in theory, you could smell like anything in the Dreamscape. I just also feel like Gallagher would not choose to smell good. 7/10.
I really want to believe that he'd smell good, but the second he finishes his magical girl transformation sequence, Imbibitor Lunae reeks with the smell of seaweed. I will deduct a stinky point from my initial rating because some people may think this smells good. They are wrong. 7/10.
Neutral Smelling
Yanqing should reek from all the time he spends fighting and training, but Jing Yuan is not letting that boy leave the house without taking a bath. 6/10.
Arlan bathes regularly, but I can't imagine him having a particularly strong smell. Asta will occasionally gift him some lightly scented soaps, though. If anything, he smells vaguely like Peppy. 5/10.
Gepard might get a little sweaty under all those layers, but he doesn't have a strong scent one way or the other. 4/10.
I Am Sniffing Respectfully
I just KNOW that the Astral Express has the nicest bathrooms in the universe. Dan Heng and Welt stay smelling FRESH. 3/10.
(Though Dan Heng has ended up smelling like bubblegum on a few occasions after borrowing March's shampoo...)
Misha smells like a sweet dream. I don't know what dreams smell like, but that's the only way to describe Misha's scent. Vaguely like cotton candy, perhaps. Ethereal/10.
Jing Yuan takes bubble baths with Mimi and you can NOT change my mind. I can totally picture him dozing off peacefully after a nice, warm bath. I-can-overlook-the-cat-hair/10.
We've seen Ratio take SO many baths at this point that I don't think you could find a single speck of dirt on that man's perfect body if you tried. How are his fingers not just permanently pruney? I hate him so much. 1/10.
Argenti smells like roses and sunshine. 0/10 smelliness can I please bottle your sweat sir
Luocha has to smell great with all those flowers he summons. I would grind him down to make potpourri. Not sure about the coffin, though. -2/10.
And as for Aventurine? Cologne. SO much cologne. Whether this is a good or bad thing is up to you, but he certainly has A Smell. Subjective/10.
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strongheartneteyam · 9 months
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Everyone wants him, that was my crime.
Pairing: Neteyam Sully x female!omatikaya!reader
cw: mostly angst, TRIGGER WARNING for Reader being bullied bad by some Omatikaya girls, the perks of dating a popular boy (irony alert), hurt/comfort, neteyam reassuring Reader, some fluff, a stab in the heart disguised as a fic basically
So, this is just an angsty Neteyam fic inspired by “Slut!” by Taylor to make you guys suffer with me, I guess.
na'vi words: tweng (loincloth), nantang (viperwolf), tanhì (star - term of endearment)
Not proofread.
Love thorns all over this rose
I'll pay the price, you won't
But if I'm all dressed up they might as well be looking at us
And if they call me a slut
You know, it might be worth it for once
“Slut!” (Taylor Swift)
You were dressed in your best tweng, one you had spent a long time making, wearing your best beaded long necklace to cover your breasts and even wearing some flowers to decorate your black, silky hair.
But none of that mattered. They laughed at you. The girls you thought were pretty and just so skilled and… popular. Something that you were never able to be, it didn't matter how hard you tried when you were a teenager. You were now a 22 year old girl, so, being popular did not matter to you anymore but it did not mean that having only one friend and having those girls look funny at you stopped hurting. The harassment did not stop there, it also included pushing you, putting their feet in front of you so you could trip and then pretending they hadn't done anything, saying something smelled bad whenever you were close to them and laughing inside their little group, making you smell your arms and your hair to try and see if you were the one who was smelly, just for the sadistic pleasure of messing with your head. You were a strong girl but stuff like that would bring down even the bravest na'vi female warrior.
“She thinks she's from the Tawkami clan, all dressed with flowers like this.” The girls would mock and laugh as you passed by
Your sad big amber eyes focused on the ground as shame and self doubt covered your body and beat you up from the inside.
Yes, you did love wearing flowers, sometimes wearing them in many different places in your body, on your hair and on necklaces over your breasts, but you never thought it was a bad thing until they pointed it out. It got to a point where you just couldn't take that many comments about your flowers anymore, the ones you used to pick up in the forest with a chest filled with joy. It used to be an incredibly wholesome, spiritual activity for you, but at those following days, you only felt rage and pain when you looked at your flowers. Poor them. It wasn't their fault. They were as pretty as ever. But you decided to tone it down and now you only wore a flower crown most days.
It was hard to relax. You could almost never be at ease when you were walking around the tribe, trying to focus on doing your chores as an Omatikaya, because you never knew when some girl would make a mean comment or just laugh at you, leaving you wondering if you looked weird or walked funny.
You tried to convince yourself that it was worth it, that you would get through it to be with the boy you loved, the one you were promised to and was soon to go through a mateship ritual with in front of the whole clan to bond you two together forevermore.
But it was insanely hard and sometimes it felt like you couldn't breathe.
Being Neteyam Suli's, the Omatikaya tribe heartthrob, mate to be was challenging to say the least. And yes, you knew that you were being bullied because he had chosen you. When it all started, you tried to convince yourself it was all in your head, that there must be another more rational reason for you to be bullied by those girls, that they couldn't be doing all this out of jealousy. It seemed too stupid, childish and… cruel, honestly. But even Neteyam pointed it out to you.
“Don't be sad because of those girls, tanhì. They are mad because you're mine and they wish they were in your place. But I chose you because I saw something in you that I didn't see in any of them. You're always honest, you have a childlike light in your eyes and a pure soul. They got nothing on you and that's why they treat you badly.”
He had told you those words one day when you were crying about being excluded from the girls’ friendship groups in the tribe. Neteyam's words reassured you of his love and made you feel better but the wounds still hurt.
Sometimes, the worst part of you told you to give up on him, that it was too difficult to bear, all those nantang like girls scorching you with their mean eyes every time they saw you walking around holding hands with Neteyam. But after a while, when you could think more rationally, you would think about how it would be unfair to him to do that. So what if those petty girls made you suffer? Making Neteyam suffer because you couldn't be brave enough to deal with that hardship would hurt you way more. Neteyam was worth it, he treated you like a princess, like you were the most beautiful, the most precious thing he had ever laid eyes upon. You'd be damned if you threw a love like that away because of other people's envy.
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watermelonlovershigh · 2 months
Stinky Daddy /concept/
AN: i'm almost finished proofreading part. 14 of my housemate series. that should be out sometime this week. but for now, enjoy this little concept i came up with. make sure to leave your feedback. thank you! xoxo
This story contains: mentions of popping, slight swearing, fluff
{ husband!harry - dadrry - soft!harry - au!harry }
word count- 416
Harry runs out of toilet paper and when he calls out for you to bring him some more, he's surprised when your two year old daughter brings him some instead.
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"Y/N, could you please bring me some toilet paper?" you hear Harry call from the master bathroom, reaching you in your daughter's bedroom. Finding humor in his forgetfulness, you devise a clever idea.
In a kneeling position, you kindly ask your two-year-old daughter, "Lucy, do you want to help daddy by bringing him some toilet paper?" She nods in agreement, and so you lead her to the hallway where the storage closet is found. You select a roll of toilet paper and give it to Lucy.
She runs off in the direction of your bathroom and you stand outside the door to hear their interaction.
Just as Harry was calling for you again, believing you might not have heard him the first time, little Lucy walks through the door with precisely what he needed. Thankfully, he has his hand positioned to shield himself, preventing his daughter from seeing anything she shouldn't see.
"To-paper, daddy?" Lucy asks, walking up to the toilet where Harry sits.
"Yeah baby, daddy needs some toilet paper." She hands him the roll and just stands there, not comprehending that he requires privacy for this task. "Um, why don't you go find mummy, okay. I'll be out in just a minute."
"Oh-tay, bye daddy. Love you."
With a light laugh, he replies back, "I love you too, m'love." Once she's left, he wraps up his business and steps out of the bathroom, only to find you and little Lucy having fun on the bed. Harry steps closer and whispers in your ear, "Why did you send our daughter into the bathroom with the toilet paper? Good thing I was already coverin' m'cock, or she could have seen me."
You honestly hadn't thought of that but are happy he was already covering himself. Shrugging, you answer, "I donno. Thought it'd be funny to send our daughter in. She came back holding her nose, saying, 'stinky daddy.'"
Harry laughs out loud. "Yeah, obviously. I was taking a shit. It wasn't gonna smell like roses."
Lucy looks up at her daddy and repeats to his face, "Stinky."
With his hands freshly cleaned, Harry leans over the toddler and begins to tickle her, quipping, "Yeah, well your poop doesn't smell delightful either. I can attest to that, havin' changed your rather smelly diapers, little one." The laughter from Lucy, spurred by the tickling, creates a ripple effect, leading to shared laughter among all three of you, as you enjoy a cherished family moment on the bed.
(if you want to be apart of my new tag list, let me know right here !! )
tag list: @swiftmendeshoran // @walkingintheheartbreaksatellite // @hsonlyangelxo // @lunabai // @ppleasingg
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flowersandbigteeth · 5 months
Meeting your Alpha in the King's Dungeon
A/N: This was someone's request, but I lost the request, so I'm sorry but here it is!
(Alpha) Riordan x GN Omega Reader
General Summary: You've been summoned to a magical world to soothe beast they call Alpha.
Word count: 6.5K
TW: cozy alpha/omega dynamic, kidnapping to another world, gentle alpha, mention of war and a small bit of violence, alpha/omega smut, nesting, knotting, and biting
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You woke, your back cold. This wasn't you bed. You smelled something burning, maybe sage or thyme. It smelled herbal. 
“Open your eyes, pretty, I know you're awake,” a nasally voice said. 
Your eyes blinked open, and you squinted at the light. Sitting up, you found yourself in a well-lit room. It looked like a sort of lab with glass vessels filled with brightly colored liquids. Sunlight poured in the large windows. The glass was thick and uneven, making the world outside blurry. It had to be old and crudely cast to look like that. 
“Welcome to my world, little omega,” the voice said. 
You turned to see an old man in a purple robe, looking at you expectantly. He was rather short but had oddly long fingers. His face was gnarled with wrinkles, and his teeth were jagged and yellow as if they'd been broken. 
“Omega?” you murmured, trying to make sense of the place. 
You'd gone to bed as you did every night, yet you woke up here. Where was here? 
“Where am I?” You asked. 
“I'm sure you have many questions,” he chuckled, “but I don't care to answer them. You may not live long enough for it to matter, and I'm short on time.”
“What?” You gasped, instinctively hopping up, but your body was not yours. 
The old man waved a gnarled claw, and you rose off the stone slab where he’d laid you and drifted behind him through a heavy wooden door. 
“Hey, where the fuck am I? Who are you?” You snapped at him, wriggling, desperate to escape. 
It was no use; whatever…magic he'd used on you kept you bobbing aloft just behind him. As he descended steep stone steps, he mumbled to himself. 
“I'm sure I've gotten the signature right this time,’ he muttered. “The last specimen’s pheromones were muddled. Theirs is much more pure. It has to work.” 
He stopped at a heavy iron door with a guard beside it holding a pike. 
“Help me! This guy is kidnapping me!” you shouted to him.
The guard's eyes slid to you for a moment, and you detected the slightest bit of pity. 
“Open the damn door!” The old man snarled. “The king will have all our heads if this doesn't work!” 
The guard gave you another somber glance before finding a ring of keys on his waist and unlocking the door. 
You did not want to go into the dark, smelly place he was taking you, but you floated like a feather on the wind right after him. 
Around you, large shadows loomed behind thick bars. Red eyes peered at you from the gloom. It was quiet at first but then…whatever they were started beating at their cages, howling like beasts. You could only see flashes of sharp teeth and claws. Fear silenced you and you only let out a miserable whimper. 
“Ah, here we are,” he said, stopping at one cell. 
The creature inside roared his outrage at the sound of the old man’s voice. 
There was the sickening snap of wood, and what must have been a bunk came flying at the bars. 
“Now, now, Riordan,” he clucked. “I have a new toy for you to play with. Don't rip this one to bits this time, hmm? If this works, you'll see sunlight soon.” 
The old man, swifter than he looked, opened the gate and tossed you inside. You landed in a pile on the floor and heard the ominous click of the metal lock behind you. 
You crab-walked back towards the gate, terrified of what creature he’d trapped you with. Were you to be food? He'd stolen you from your bed just to feed this…thing?
In the dark, you could only see red eyes, glaring at you, set in a massive form. It must have been eight feet tall and two times the width of a linebacker. 
“Please, please,” you whimpered. “Don't eat me.” 
The creature parted its lips and you could make out massive, sharp teeth. Instead of pouncing on you, it lifted its nose, sniffing the air. 
Staring at it, petrified with fear and confusion, you watched its red eyes dim to a soft glowing green…like sunlight filtering through leaves in spring. They were…pretty. 
The creature took a heavy step forward, his wide feet emitting a deep thud. He seemed interested in you. 
“H-hey,” you stammered. “That's a good…whatever you are…I'm a friend, not food.” 
His eyes narrowed on you, and a large hand emerged from the shadows. You held your breath, ready to be torn apart, but he only patted your head, as if you were a kitten. 
“Fascinating!” The old man said. 
At his voice, the creature growled, then let out a loud roar that sounded more desperate than angry. You shrieked and jumped out of his way as he rushed the door, throwing his shoulder against the bars. A blue light flashed in front of you, and the creature flew back into the far wall, collapsing into a pile with a heavy thunk. 
“I think it's worked!” The old man muttered. “He hasn't torn the arms off of the specimen. Further observations are necessary, but I must report this to the King!” 
“Hey!” You shouted as he scurried away, careful not to touch the bars. “You can't leave me here!”
The old man ignored you, and with a slam, the heavy metal door swung shut behind him. 
Around you, other creatures growled in the darkness, pacing the length of their enclosures. Unsure what to do, you tiptoed towards the shadowy figure slumped against the far wall. 
“You okay, big guy?” You asked. “He didn't kill you, did he?” 
Even though the creature was terrifying, you felt for him. No wonder he was in a bad mood being locked up in a dark, smelly cage.  
He let out a low groan, and you extended a hand, brushing his hair. As your eyes adjusted to the dark, you could see he looked more human than monster. His teeth were far too large to be truly human, and the features of his face were too rugged, with harsh lines and a pronounced brow. Still, he wasn't ugly. He had an attractive cut to his jaw, and his hair, though it needed a brushing, was soft and maybe blond. It was hard to tell in the dark. 
A heavy hand grabbed your wrist, and you screamed, trying to yank your arm back. It was no use; he was too strong. Was this when he ripped your arm off? You braced for pain, but he only lifted his head and sniffed the inside of your wrist. 
“You…smell…amazing,” he said. 
His voice was low and rough, as if he hadn't used it in a long time. His eyes opened, and he looked up at you. They still glowed, but the red hadn't returned. 
“Y-you can talk?” You gasped. 
He let out a chuff devoid of humor. 
“I was human…once,” he said. “I can remember now. I used to talk a lot.” 
“If you're not human, what are you?” You asked. 
“An experiment,” he growled, squeezing your wrist. 
You whimpered, and he looked up at your hand, suddenly letting it go. He looked slightly ashamed. 
“I'm sorry, I,” he muttered. “I'm nothing but a monster now.” 
“Did that old man do this to you?” You asked. “Who is he?” 
He tipped his head back against the stone wall behind him. 
“The King's chief sorcerer,” he said. “He took us all from the army, injected us with Goddess know what, and we became like this.” 
He clutched his head. 
“I don't know how long it's been,” he moaned. “For so long, I could only see red, and then you came along.” 
His eyes focused on you. 
“I'm just a normal person,” you said. “I’m not sure what I could have done.” 
He leaned forward, burying his face in your chest. 
“Oh!” You squeaked. 
“Your scent,” he murmured. “the world becomes clear when I’m near you. You chase the red away.” 
His big arms circled you, and he pulled you into his lap, tucking his nose behind your ear. You felt the heat of his breath grazing your skin and shivered in his arms.  
“I like you here,” he murmured. “Well, not here…but with me.” 
“O-Oh,” you stammered. “Well, just your luck then, huh? Seems I'm not going anywhere anytime soon.” 
He let out another dry chuff. It was as if he'd forgotten how to laugh, but he was trying to remember. 
“Where are we?” You asked. “I went to bed somewhere else.” 
He hummed, thinking as he ran a heavy mitt over your head. 
“We must be in the South, near the Capital,” he said. 
“But where?” You asked. “I'm from Earth…(Y/C)? Heard of it?” 
He shook his head. 
“No, this is Swarin,” he said. “I've never heard of Earth or…(Y/C). Is it across the sea? Only pirates go that far.” 
“I don't think so,” you said. “The old asshole called me Omega. Do you know what that means?” 
At that, he nodded. 
“I don't really understand all the alchemy behind it,” he said in a low grumble. “But I'm an Alpha. A monster. And you…are soft and delicate, an Omega. We…are compatible…I think.” 
“Compatible?” you hummed. 
“The sorcerer has been looking for Omegas. There aren't any in Swarin. He's brought down samples…but they never did…what you do.” 
“What happened to them all? The samples?” You whispered. 
He let out a low groan. 
“I don't know, but I can guess,” he said. “I only remember screams…and blood.” 
His deep voice cracked. 
“What I did…” he sniffled. “What have I become? Why won't they destroy me?” 
He pressed you to him like a teddy bear, and you felt moisture on your neck where he'd tucked his head. 
Your heart raced, but you reached up and rubbed his cheek. 
“It's….it's okay,” you said. “That wasn't you. The old man, the sorcerer, did this…you have no control. When I first saw you, you were out of your mind.” 
“I would have killed you,” he sobbed. 
You patted his head. 
“But you didn't,” you said. “I think …I hope it's okay now.” 
You both looked up as you heard the rusty squeak of the metal door open. 
“This way, your Radiance,” you heard the sorcerer say. 
“This better be good, Elias,” another voice grumbled. “God, this place smells like rotting meat.” 
“Don't mind that it's the beasts. They tear apart rats for fun. Come, come. This way,” he replied. 
A man with a crown appeared next to the sorcerer in front of the cell. He wasn't quite so old but had a white beard and a regal countenance. 
“Look, your Radiance,” he said. “See how the beast is soothed? He clutches the specimen like a pet.” 
The king looked at the two of you with interest. 
“And you have a source for these…Omegas?” He asked. 
“Yes, your Radiance!” He said, clicking his long nails together with delight. “I've found a world through the ether filled with Omegas. This is only the first. I can bring many here. Once we pair the Alphas, they will become useful.” 
“They’d better be,” the King snarled, obviously annoyed. “This whole project has been a mess from the start. You promised me super soldiers, and what I’ve gotten is uncontrollable monsters. Can the thing speak?” 
You frowned at his description of Riordan as a “thing." He was monstrous, yes, but he had been human once- he still had a soul. 
“Riordan,” the sorcerer snapped. “Greet your king!” 
Riordan let out a low growl that made the hairs on the back of your neck rise. 
The King looked unimpressed. 
“If you don’t cooperate, I will take your new pet from you,” Elias hissed. “You want to keep them, don’t you? If you are good, you will not be separated. You’ll have good food and sunlight. You’ll leave this dungeon, but you must speak like a man, not a beast.” 
Riordan bared his teeth, but you patted his hand. 
“Speak to him, Riordan,” you whispered. “It’s a step forward. You’re not alone now. We’ll figure this out together.” 
His jade eyes flicked to you and then back up to the King. 
“Your- Your Highness…apologies,” he ground out. 
The King smiled and patted Elias on the back. 
“Excellent work,” he said. “Secure the beast and bring him to our war camp for a demonstration in the morning.” 
He looked a little sickly. 
“I can’t spend another moment in this filth,” he grumbled, turning on his heels and marching out of the door.
The sorcerer looked at the two of you hungrily. 
“You heard the King,” he said. “Time to return to the surface. Guards! Bring the collars!” 
A handful of guards appeared holding two metal collars. One big and one small. 
“Go in there and apply them!” He told them, and they all looked horrified at one another. No one moved. 
“Go in now,” he snapped, clapping. “you're going to comply, aren't you, Riordan? Because you want to keep the Omega?” 
Riordan narrowed his eyes, but you squeezed his hand. 
“It’ll be okay,” you said. “Maybe they'll give us some real food.” 
You tried to sound positive. Riordan looked at you, then lowered his head. 
“I will comply,” he said. 
The guards slowly entered the cell, the one holding the collars first. 
“Don't mind the collars,” the sorcerer told you. “They are a good thing. They keep you tied together with an invisible tether so your enemies can't separate you on the battle field.” 
“What else do they do?” You asked, not believing the sorcerer for a moment. 
“They also have the same energy as the bars,” he said. “If either of you misbehave, you can be punished.” 
You looked warily at the soldier holding your collar, but you reasoned that the collar may be easier to escape than the dungeon, so you remained still as he snapped it around your neck. The cold metal was uncomfortable but could be tolerated. 
The soldiers were eager to get out of Riordan's way as he rose, stepping heavily towards the gate with you in his arms. 
The sorcerer looked pleased. 
“Now to the baths,” he said. “You can't perform for the King stinking like you do.” 
Riordan gave you an uncertain look, and you nodded just slightly. 
“It's okay,” you whispered. “Won't a bath be nice?” 
You watched his jaw twitch, but he followed silently behind Elias as he led you past the thick iron door. The baths were across the building you were in. Outside of the dungeon, it was quite nice, with potted plants and paintings of flowering meadows decorating the stone walls. Sun filtered in through leaded glass windows, giving you a glimpse at the land you’d been summoned to. From what you could see, there were more stone buildings with people going about their days. 
“You have thirty minutes,” a guard barked sharply, drawing your attention back to the task at hand. 
He opened a door, and steam scented like lavender drifted out. The room was tiled with a blue and white motif, with a large blue pool in the center. Riordan set you down, attempting to lift your shirt from your back.
“Hey! I can do that!” you snapped. 
His eyes flashed, but not red, a rich gold, and he looked contrite.
“I can’t help it, Omega. My instincts tell me to tend to you.” 
You huffed. You weren’t sure what to make of this dynamic, but Riordan seemed bent on caring for you. If it kept the red away, you figured you ought to allow it. 
“Fine! Go on, but ask next time.” 
You eyed him carefully. 
“I’m not used to your size.” 
A smirk grew on his lips, and a deep noise rumbled in his chest. It sounded like…a happy cat, but deeper. More of a rumble, like thunder from far away. 
“Are you purring?” you ventured. 
“I think it is natural to calm my Omega…the wizard told me many things I didn’t understand until now.”
He tugged your shirt from you, then your pants, and paused, his fingers skimming the underwear you wore. Though you weren’t used to being naked in front of a stranger, you couldn’t bathe in your underwear. You leveled him with a stern stare.  
“Continue, but don’t get any bright ideas.” 
He nodded, slipping the small garments off of you. When you were ready, he dipped you in the hot water, following close behind when he’d removed his own clothes. The second he got settled in the water, he scooped you into his lap and started to scrub you. 
“What are you doing now?” you rasped. 
Underneath you, you could feel all of his power; the massive muscles, hard planes against your soft skin, and something…large poking you in the back. 
“You smell…like strange things. I will wash you, then I will scent you.”
You figured that if he had a better-than-average sense of smell, he would probably be able to smell the cheap soap you used, which was filled with chemicals. 
“What does ‘scent you’ mean?” you asked as he lifted your arm. 
As the smell of rot from the dungeon washed away, you were suddenly aware of a sweet cinnamony smell coming from Riordan. 
“I need to mark my Omega, so others know you’re mine,” he said, seeming proud that he could recall such facts. “It will not hurt.” 
He was very methodical, making sure every inch of skin was cleaned. When he was satisfied you were spotless, his nose dipped to the crook of your neck, and he purred. 
“You smell so good, Omega,” he breathed into your skin. 
The thick shaft pressed against your body thickened and hardened, drawing breath from your lungs. 
“We need to clean you,” you stammered, swirling around to straddle him. 
His cock patted your most sensitive spot, and it took some effort on your part not to look down. He watched you with wide eyes as you carefully scrubbed his hair with the lavender-smelling soap sitting on the rim of the tub. When you rinsed it away, you found he had pretty wheat-colored hair. Scraping it back with your fingers, he looked a bit more tidy, though he needed a trim. He didn’t wait even a minute after you were done helping him scrub the years of dungeon nastiness away, snuggling into your neck, running the spot just under his ear down your arms. 
You yelped, surprised at his sudden enthusiasm. 
“Riordan!” you squealed, and he looked up, his cheeks ruddy. 
“I have to rub my scent glands on you,” he informed you matter-of-factly before diving back in.
You tried to ignore the heat that pooled in your stomach as his cinnamon scent filled your lungs. Your breath drew short, and every sensitive spot on your body perked up under his touch. You weren’t sure if you were compatible with the giant, but your body certainly believed you were. As he rubbed himself against you, his cock gingerly brushed your stomach. Closing your eyes, you desperately tried to think about anything but sex. 
Riordan’s head rose suddenly, cocked to the side. 
“The guard is back,” he muttered. 
A moment later said guard appeared in the door, grimacing. 
“Don’t tell me you’re going at it in the bath, fucking beasts.” 
“W-we weren’t-” you started to say, but your words were cut off by a growl. 
“Don’t shout at my mate,” Riordan grumbled as he scooped you out of the water. Standing at his full height, looking down on the guard you saw the annoying intruder’s eyes widen, and he took an instinctive step back. Clearing his throat, he waved the pile of clothes he held at him. 
“Come on,” he tried to assert, his voice cracking. “The King is waiting.” 
You quickly dressed in the light cotton pants and loose shirt he’d provided, having to pause for a moment so Riordan could refresh his scent on the new items. 
Though you could walk, you found your legs swinging in the air as your Alpha tucked you in the crook of his arm. 
“Where are we going?” you whispered to him as the guard led you out of the building. 
“We are at war…or we were. To a war camp, I assume.” 
Around you, a pleasant, medieval village buzzed with activity. As you passed, people gaped at Riordan’s size. He was at least a foot and a half taller than the tallest among them. Your eyes danced around the archaic scene with wonder. Where had this wizard spirited you off to? 
Ahead of you, a shrill grinding noise drew your attention. With five guards on each size manning lever handles the massive gate of the city opened to a sprawling wilderness. An overgrown cobblestone road cut through the forested hills, flowers blooming through the cracks in the stones. Dappled sunlight spotted the forest floor, lighting falling leaves like sparkling emeralds. In Riordan’s arms you felt him suck in a heavy breath. 
“Nice to breathe fresh air, huh?” you asked and he smiled. 
Despite the collars, this was far preferable to the stinking dungeon. Your body shook with the pleased purr emanate from his chest. Hours passed, marching along the winding trail. You could only assume it was early spring by the crisp, cool air and the early blooming daffodils growing from every spot of sun. 
As you turned a corner Riordan grunted and you glanced up to see him frowning. 
“What is it?” you whispered. 
“I can smell the camp from here. It’s much closer than it used to be…not a good sign.” 
You blinked at him. 
“Do you think the war has been going on for all the years you’ve been captive?” 
He nodded, jaw ticking, as he held you close.  
“I smell blood and rotting flesh.” 
You swallowed hard, sniffing the air. Your scene of smell was not any better than it had been and all that you caught was Riordan’s cinnomin and cardamom musk. The Omega emerging inside of you had you cuddling your head into his chest. It was hard to believe you were some magical creature, designed to compliment this massive beast, but your body and instincts were already caught up. 
His purr soothed your anxiety and you wanted to roll around in his scent. You wouldn’t have liked them under any circumstances, but the longer you bonded with Riordan the more bloodthirsty thoughts about his captors filled your mind. 
Freedom, your Omega crooned, Freedom to mate, to nest, to rear his pups. 
Before you could catch yourself, you were fisting his shirt, the urge to rearrange it to your liking driving your fingers. 
“Soon, Omega,” he purred. “Soon you can make your nest.” 
The impatient, emerging Omega huffed at him. He chuckled, allowing himself a moment of amusement before his attention returned to the road ahead. The sounds of metal clanging and shouting soldiers signalled your arrival. 
The camp was an ugly, dirty place. Smokey bonfires smothered your breaths and soldiers, some clearly injured, covered in blood scuttled around. Your guard guided the two of you through the hastily erected tents. Some were merely a bit of leather stretched between some odd poles. The one you stopped at was the finest of them all, made with lengths of canvas and gold and silver threads. 
“Gold threads at a war camp? A waste,” Riordan scoffed quietly, following your eyes. “Money would be better spent on bandages and rations. The enemy doesn’t care for such indulgences.” 
You blinked up at him. 
“You know a lot about war?” 
His eyes narrowed as he thought. 
“I believe I ranked captain when I was taken.” 
“Wait here,” the guard ordered before he entered the tent. A moment later the king emerged surrounded by his entourage. 
He smiled up at the both of you, not a friendly smile. It was calculating and cool. 
“Enjoy the walk, creature?” he asked, his lips carrying a smirk. “Nice to be out in the sun again, isn’t it?” 
You felt the growl building in your Alpha’s chest and patted him to calm him. He glanced down at you and you flicked your head just slightly to tell him not to fight this. Instead, he gave the King a half bow, careful not to jostle you. 
Pleased, the King smacked his hands together. 
“Now is the time to work for your supper,” he announced. “You’ll be accompanying a regiment to flank the enemy in the hills. If you make it back and do as your told, there will be food for your return.” 
“We will not be fed now?” you asked. “He will need energy to fight your enemy.” 
The King scowled at you and one of his guards slammed his spear into the dirt.
“Learn to show your king proper respect,” he snarled. 
You felt Riordan’s arm tighten around you, but he gritted out an apology. 
“Please excuse my Omega. They are not used to our ways.” 
He set you down, patting your head. 
“Stay here where it’s safe. I’ll be back soon.” 
The King laughed outloud. 
“Oh no, your little Omega will be going with you. I’ll have no mishaps if you go rogue.” 
At that Riordan growled. 
“It’s too dangerous. They are not a soldier!” 
This time the guard rubbed a strange crystal he had around his neck and Riordan spasmed as his collar shocked him. 
“Silence creature, you’ll do as your King wills!” 
You tugged on his shirt, asking to be picked back up. King’s edict or no, you didn’t want to leave Riordan’s side. He gave you a wary glance before he scooped you back up, panting from the shock. 
“Aye, your majesty,” he finally said on a heavy breath. 
The King gave Riordan a haughty look, high on the idea that this creature served him, only. 
“Escort them to the battlefield!” he announced before returning to the comfort of his tent. 
The soldiers around you looked wary, be it from Riordan’s great size or what lay ahead, you couldn’t tell. However, this time you smelled your destination long before you arrived. The scent of death was on the wind. 
As you drew closer, the scent wound around the sound of screaming and metal clanging. In either realm, you’d never seen a battle before and it was nothing like the movies. All of the parts were there, dead bodies, swords, shields, sweating soldiers, but it was all so much more. At the back, some captain shouted orders, but nothing about this seemed orderly. The soldiers had long broken whatever formation they had been in and it was clear the enemy had them pressed. 
“This is no good. The King will be overtaken by nightfall,” Riordan whispered to you. 
The captain seemed acutely aware of this fact, a bit of hope in his expression when Riordan appeared. 
“Into the fray beast!” he shouted. “Drive them back or we’ll all be skewered!” 
Needing his hands, Riordan reluctantly put you down. 
“Stay close, Omega,” he murmured, his large jaw setting. 
Your heart pattered in your chest, holding on the the back of his shirt as he waded into the bloody mess. Enemies flew at him swords raised, but he threw them back with little more than a wave of his arm. You tried to stifle your screams, lest he be distracted, shuffling behind him. The enemy was thick, bearing down on the two of you from seeming every direction. 
You jerked a dagger loose from one of the bodies you past, swinging it at a soldier who’d gotten too close. 
The enemy’s face was hidden by silver armor carrying a massive sword. A desperate scream emerged from your chest as he bore down on you with the sharp end of the blade. Riordan turned to come to your rescue, but it was too late. The sword made contact with the collar around your neck, knocking you sideways. Riordan roared, grabbing the soldier and ripping his sword arm off. You gasped in the bloody mud of the battlefield, prepared to meet you maker. Only, you didn’t die…in fact, you weren’t hurt at all. The collar around your neck slipped off you, sliced clean in half. 
Free, you sat up, eyes wide with confusion. Riordan, however, was quick and sharp, prying the sword from the disembodied arm’s grasp. 
“Elven metal,” he gasped, green eyes glowing. 
Before you could question him, you’d been tossed over his shoulder and he made a B-line to the forest’s edge. In the chaos, your guards hadn’t even noticed, busy fighting back the enemy the best they good. As soon as you were safely past the treeline, he turned the sword, which looked like little more than a cooking knife in his hand, to his own neck. The collar popped off with little trouble and Riordan massaged the sore skin where he’d been burned. 
“What now?” you gasped, still eyeing the battle behind you with concern. 
“Now we run,” he announced. 
Before you could respond, he picked you back up and sprinted into the forest. 
“Where are we going?” you asked as trees flew by. 
“The mountains, it ought to be safe there.” 
There was little you could do but hold on tight and peek over his shoulder to be sure you weren’t followed. You must have dozed off, because you woke in a strange place…on a bed. The sheets were itchy wool, but warm enough. In fact, you were quite warm. Blinking you looked around. A cheery fire roared in a stone fireplace and the scent of the stew boiling in a pot filled your lungs. You found yourself in a little cabin. There was only one room, but it came furnished with the bed you were on, a rocking chair, and a small table with a log bench. 
“Riordan?” you called, though you were the only person in the room. 
A few moments later the door opened. You could see it was snowing outside and a puff of icy air hit your face. 
Your alpha brushed snow off his shoulders before he smiled at you. 
“You slept a long time Omega,” he chuckled, handing you a pile of what looked like linens. 
“What’s this?” you asked. “Where are we?” 
“In the mountains.” 
You looked down at the pile he’d set on your lap. 
“What are these?’ 
“Some blankets for your nest. They’re not very nice, but I’ll get you better ones soon.” 
“Where did they come from?” 
“The orc village next door. After I dropped you off here, I went looking for food and stumbled on some very surprised orcs.
They have no great love of humans, so when I explained our situation, they asked if I would join their patrol in exchange for some supplies to get us started. With my size, they see me as one of their own, I suspect.” 
“They don’t mind we’re staying in this cabin?” 
He shook his head. 
“It’s a patrol cabin, we’d be staying in it anyway. We can stay as long as we like, or move into the village if we want.” 
He grinned, pleased he could provide for you. Your Omega side purred in your head and without thinking you started organizing the furs and blankets to form a proper nest. It came instinctively to you, where everything ought to go for maximum comfort. While you were busy with that, Riordan shuffled about the cabin, straightening things and finally spooning two bowls of stew for you. 
“C’mon Omega,” he said, setting your soup on the table. “You can fuss more with your nest after dinner.” 
"Your eyes are still green? I thought you'd go red without me."
His eyebrows jumped as he considered that thought.
"I think with your scent all over me, it held it off. Perhaps it will work even better when I've given you my bite."
Your cheeks warmed at the prospect of his teeth on your neck.
You hadn’t realized how hungry you were until the warm food filled your stomach. After all you’d been through, you felt safe. The cabin was already filled with Riordan’s comforting scent. Belly full and your nest on it’s way to a proper state, your Omega mind turned it’s attention to other matters. Your eyes drifted over Riordan’s strong shoulders, down to his thick hands. You’d always liked hands and his long strong fingers, lined with stiff veins sent heat pooling in your core. 
He looked up from his soup suddenly, sniffing the air and giving you a wicked smile. 
“Are you ready for me, Omega?” he asked and you didn’t have to wonder what he meant. 
Your body already knew. Purring, he abandoned his meal and gently set you in your nest, examining your features closely. Your cheeks burned under his careful inspection and some feral part of you wanted to tear off his clothes. 
His green eyes flashed gold and a smug smirk spread across his lips. 
“Present yourself to me, Omega,” he purred. “Invite me into your nest.” 
Those words in his grumbly bass, flicked a switch inside you. Your logical self slipped into a fog of lust, your instincts telling you to undress. With trembling hands you tugged your shirt over your head, then slipped off your pants, finally your damp underwear went. As nature told you, you scooted to the back of your nest to make room for his big body, then tipped your head to expose your neck to him. 
He thundered his approval with a deep growl. 
“Sweet little Omega,” he hummed, crawling across the sheets to you like a hungry panther. Your first kiss was soft and sweet, but was soon followed by his greedy mouth, eating you up. Your tongues and teeth clashed. He seemed desperate to taste you, pushing you onto your back to pin you to the bed. 
“Let me out,” he growled, his husky demands making your spine arch. 
Your most secret place wept for him, smearing your desire across the blankets you’d arranged. You carefully unfastened his pants, his cock bobbing to greet you. Precum dribbled down the length of it and you gave it a curious stroke. It was so big, hot, and ready for you. Under your touch, he hissed in pleasure, egging you on. It seemed impossible that that would fit inside of you, but you wanted to try. You wanted to please him, seduce him, so he’d give you his bite. 
The concept echoed in the haze enveloping your mind. 
His bite? He’s going to bite me. 
You weren’t afraid. You knew in some primordial corner of your consciousness that his bite was good. It was exclusive. With his bite you were his and he was yours. 
When your gentle teasing became too much, he flipped you on your stomach, big hand fisting your hair. 
“You were made for me, omega, but I won’t force you,” he informed you. “Tell me now. Do you want my bite?” 
“Uh-huh,” you murmured, eyelashes fluttering at the pressure on your scalp. 
“Be a good Omega and say the words,” he chided. 
“Yes, Alpha…I want your bite,” you whispered. 
“When we are like this, you will always call me Alpha.” 
“Yes, Alpha,” you moaned, body lighting up as you did what was natural to you and submitted. 
He let out a possessive chuff and you felt him nudge your legs further apart to accommodate his width. You were already plenty wet, but Riordan needed his scent in your most secret place, spreading his precum on your clenched channel.
His sticky fingers drifted over your body, covering you in his essence. You were his and he needed you to know it. 
“All of this is mine,” he hummed in somewhat of a trance, stuffing his fingers into your mouth so you could taste him. 
Unable to speak, you whimpered and sucked, the flavor of his spice on your tongue. While the fingers of one hand pushed into your mouth, the other tested your slick tunnel. Your muscles clenched at his intrusion, pleasure and need forcing you to push your hips back to seek your pleasure. 
“Good omega,” he purred, pushing another finger inside, “You’re going to take me just fine.” 
After thrusting and scissoring until your arms collapsed under you, your face pressed into the pillow and you ass sticking up, you felt the round head of his cock pushing against your core. 
“Relax. You can take it.” 
Tears slid down your cheeks as he entered you. He was large, extremely large, but your body performed some kind of Omega magic, stretching to accommodate him. He let out a gutteral grunt as he bottomed out inside. 
“So tight and hot.” 
He gave you one small thrust, to test you. 
“Do you like that?” 
“Yes, alpha!” you wailed into the pillow. 
You’d had sex before, but it was nothing like the sense of sheer domination you felt with his massive cock moving in you. Your pleasure was his, your body was his, your mind was his. 
“Show me your neck.” 
You tipped your head to bare your skin to him. He settled a hand on the spot where your throat and shoulder came together, holding you open for him as he slowly revved up his thrusts. With every ragged drive your mind unwraveled. 
Your alpha was fucking you. Your body gave him pleasure. Your cheeks burned with a sense of Omega accomplishment. You’d lived your whole life not knowing that this was what you were made for. Your heady mewls filled the little cabin as he rutted you. He curled his hands around your body, playing with your sex with his fingers. His touch drove you deeper and deeper into madness and you whimpered for more, pleading and begging into the pillow. 
He pushed you higher and higher until you were ready to implode. Seeing the time was right, Riordan bared his teeth, sinking them into your neck. It was impossible to tell if he timed it just right to bite as you came or if the bite caused you to cum, but it really didn’t matter. Suddenly you were in the stars, a sensation beyond an orgasm rolling through you along with the heat of your Alpha’s cum spilling into you. 
It felt good, and right, and explosive. You let out a yelp as colors sparkled in your vision and pressure built in your channel. 
“Wh-what?” you could only stammer. 
“Shhh, shhh, Omega, all is well. You’ve taken my knot.” 
He rocked the engorged rock into you as he stroked the most pleasurable spot with your fingers. The pressure turned into bliss and you melted into him as he licked the bite on your neck. 
“You did so good, taking my bite and my knot,” he purred, calming you. “You are a perfect Omega…so perfect.” 
He rolled on his side, smoothly taking you with him so as not to disturb the shaft linking the two of you. 
“I’m yours now?” you squeaked, thoughts still scattered. 
It was the only thing you could put together. 
“Yes, sweet one. You’re mine.” 
You let your body relax, his scent perfuming your nest. You were safe, marked, and all was as it should be. 
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angelicblondie · 2 months
lazy days
pairing: bf!luke x angel!eader
cw: kissing, sexual allusion
synopsis: you and luke spend an afternoon off from camp duties together
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if you were honest, as head of your cabin, you didn't get many breaks.
as much as you appreciated your role, it could be overwhelming. not only were you responsible for all the kids in your cabin (which was a job within itself), you were also in charge of teaching a variety of lessons to a bunch of other cabins as well. and as nice as it was that the kids at camp admired you, it was a big role that you had to take on pretty young.
it was safe to say you were very busy.
but not on thursdays. thursdays were your absolute favorite day of week, especially since you and luke started dating.
on thursdays, you started the morning like every other: waking up to the sunrise, getting yourself together and ready for the day. following that was getting your sibling out of bed. after cleaning the room and getting ready, you and your siblings walked over to the dining pavilion for breakfast. after, you and luke did cabin inspection whilst everyone went off to their first lessons. of course, it wasnt all buissness, you and luke had to sneak off everyone now and then to fit in a couple of kisses, but what did they expect pairing you two up together?
the rest of the morning was filled with overseeing training, and sparring with your peers. usually you ended up paring with clarisse, who was a capable opponent, or luke, just because he was cute when he was focussed (and hot when he was holding a sword, but you would never admit that).
then came lunch, which was filled with the laughter of your siblings and delicious food. and after that, came your favorite part.
your free time.
the limited free time you got, but it was always so perfect.
sometimes, you and luke would swim in the lake, or sit on the sand at the beach, reading to the other or simply talking. sometimes you would spar (which always ended in heated kisses), and sometimes you would simply walk around camp, hand in hand, visiting your friends.
and sometimes, like right now, you would simply enjoy the rare ocurence of an empty cabin and hours of nothing on the schedule.
so far this afternoon, you and luke had lied on his bed in hermes cabin. you had read aloud the book your currently reading to luke as you layed in his lap, looking up every now and then to catch his expression, his brows scrunched up adorable in concentration. of course, what you didnt know was that as much as he was sure the book you were reading was lovely, he couldnt help but stare at your face, almost as if he was trying to memorize your features. he watched the way your soft, lip gloss coated lips parted to read the words out softly, the way your face lit in confusion or frustration when you stumbled on your words due to your dyslexia, and the slope of your nose as you scrunched it when you read something you didn't like it.
after a while, the two of you decided to discard the book and instead you layed in his arms and hes rubbed patters into the skin of your waist once your shirt rose a bit. for a long time, the two of you sat in silence, soaking up the rare peace, and solace in the others company. you two began talking of your weeks, recalling events and stories that you havent had time to share. once it got a bit later, luke begrudgingly got up to shower. you hummed in agreement with his decision, telling him teasingly that he was smelly, and to that he threw a pillow at you as you giggled wildly.
by the time luke had finished his shower, you were nuzzled up in his blankets, your arms wrapped around a pillow, hugging it close to your chest. luke chuckled fondly at the sight, and leaned over the bed, his wet hair dripping on you.
"wake up, angel" he whispers to you, and your face scrunches up as you lashes flutter open, taking in the appearance of a wet, and half-naked luke, the only thing keeping him decent was a navy blue towel tied around his waist. you let out a tired groan
"sorry, fell 'sleep," you mumble, your hands bracing the mattress behind you to push you up.
luke hummed. "i can see that," he brushed a couple strands of hair away from your face. you smile up at him, trying hard not to blush at his very evident nakedness. "m'sorry, all yours now."
luke continues to try and tame your messy bed-head hair as he chuckles. "sorry for what? falling asleep? i really dont mind, ace." he stands up. "why dont i get you something more comfy to change into? hm?" he asks.
you nod softly. "thats good. thanks babe." you mumble softly, getting to your knees on the bed and sitting up in front of lukes now standing form. you grin teasingly. "maybe you should get some clothes for youself as well? i mean, i certainly dont mind, but if someone walks by and sees you through the window they'd probably file for public indecency"
luke scoffed playfully. "ok, first of all, im not naked. i have a towel on. second, no ones going to walk by, everyones busy right now. and this is my cabin, its not public." he chides, walking away to the dresser on the other end of his bed. you giggle. "my mistake." you joke.
luke discards of his towel and you look away to give him privacy, though you think he probably wouldnt mind if you looked. he puts on a pair of plaid pajama bottoms and leaves himself shirtless, which was dangerous for you oggling eyes to take in, so you simply looked elsewhere. luke tossed you one of his shirts, long enough to reach your mid thigh. you discard of your denim shorts and camp shirt, and decide to take off your bra as well to eliminate all discomfort. you put on lukes shirt, which only left you in that and your panties. you didnt have to look to know luke wasnt watching, because he was ever the gentlemen. you got up to walk over to him, going up on your tippy toes to place a gentle kiss to his lips. "thank you baby." you mumble against him, pecking him one more time.
after some convincing from luke, you agree to skip dinner with him and stay in the cabin, leaving you two at least a few more hours alone. you sit straight up on the bed as luke sits behind you, braiding you hair in two plaits.
"i was talking to clarisse earlier." you inform luke, breaking the comfortable silence. "i think she has a crush on chris."
luke raises his eyebrows. "yeah? thats...wow, i didnt know that."
i giggle. "of course you didnt, dummy. boys are cluless. i know you were before we started dating."
luke lets out a breathy laugh. "ok, thats not fair, you werent obvious at all."
you gasp in fake indignation. "that is so not true! i laid it on you so thick that litterally everyone knew i had a thing for you, except you!"
"whatever," luke grumbles humorously, finishing one side of your hair and starting the other, "tell me more about this clarisse and chris thing."
you explain to luke what your semi-friend (because of course, the daughter of ares would never truly call her a friend) had told you, but made him swear to secrecy. because of course, chris is his brother! he cant tell him of all people!
luke finnishes with braiding you hear and you turn around to straddle his lap, wrapping you arms around his neck. "thank you," you mumble and kiss his cheeks.
he chuckles, his hand immediately finding you waist, looking up at you. "think y'missed." he whispers, looking down at your lips and back up at your eyes with a michevious glint.
you hum in faux confusion. "i dont think i did."
he tilts his head. "yeah? s'that so?"
you bite your lip and nod. "hmm..." he hums, his hands moving downwards to play with the hem of your/his shirt, which had now moved up to your upper thigh. "think we can fix that?" he asks you, nudging his nose with yours.
you nod with a bashful smile, and lean down to connect your lips. luke lets out a sigh of satisfaction, and his hands soon slid up your shirt to grip your bare waist underneath the fabric.
you hum against his lips, tilting your head for a deeper connection. you lose track of time as your lips move harmoniously against each other, your hands playing with the raven hair on his scalp, threading it through your fingers and gripping it when you pleased, every now and then lukes hands slide to squeeze your waist, causing you to melt into his touch and and smile against his lips, teeth clashing uncomfortably yet sweetly.
after a long time, your breaths become short and labored and you pant against his lips, only being able to take in his own air. but even as you strugle to catch your breath, you dont part your lips from his.
luke, as if noticing your struggle, disconnects your lips for a moment. he looks up at you. "ok, angel?" he asks in a mumble, his lips slightly brushing against yours as he speaks from your close proximity.
for a moment your speechless, looking down at him with wonder in your eyes. this, by far, was your favorite of all of lukes looks - lips red, cheeks rosy, hair all tousled - and shirtless, very shirtless.
he tilts his head, a hint of taunt and michief shimmering in his eyes. "hm?"
the rose on your cheeks further as you nod, nudging your nose with his. "mhm."
he chuckles and does the same back. he looks outside and you follow his line of sight, jaw dropping at how dark it became. "think its time for bed, babe" he anounces, turning back to you as you pout.
"nooo, please, cant i stay longer?" you ask beggingly, your hands resting on his shoulder.
one of his hands comes up to cups your cheek. "i wish, angel, but my siblings are going to be back soon."
you groan. "they dont care! they never do!"
he sighs. "yeah, but last time travis threatened to tell chiron since we were making too much noise."
"well this time we wont," you anounce firmly.
lukes chuckles, brushing hair out of you face fondly. "angel, we both know that isnt true."
you sigh softly, knowing hes right and agree to going back to your own cabin. you both get properly dressed, and luke walks you back, making it apparent you two wrapped things up at the perfect time as your run into some campers departing from the campfire to go to bed. you leaves a few sweet pecks on lukes lips as you try to go into your cabin, but he pulls you back, both hands cupping your face as he kisses through your giggles. leaving one last remaining kiss, he whispers goodnight against your lips as he walks away, a tooth aching smile painted on your face.
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glowsticcc · 7 months
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and that’s all i needed death fam hc lesgo
whole family dresses like they have a hot topic sponsorship, including tallulah, except it’s more the cottagecore stuff (except when she’s in emo mode, in which case she just goes full linkin park)
missa smells like death, but not in the cold, smelly rotten way, but warm, like sleep or the roses set on top of a gravestone (it’s one of phil’s favorite things about him)
missa and chayanne both have brown and heterochromatic eyes respectively, skull masks just make your eyes blue (personal design) (sans undertale???)
after missa was recognized as her father, tallulahs puppy dog eyes got 5 times more effective (wet cat trait is hereditary)
she taught chayanne and now they team up to make phil get them whatever they want 🌘^🌒
even if they all go to sleep on their section of the bed, they always wake up piled on top of each other 
chayanne got the “taller younger sibling” curse, and while insisting it’s because tallulahs horns make her taller, face to face he’s looking at her chin
missa is tuned to phil’s laugh, and if they are in a crowded room and he hears it its like that one clip of asap rocky hearing rihanna laugh during an interview 
chayanne smells like lemons. i have no reasoning for this but i know in my heart its true.
phil will just absentmindedly play with missas hair if their talking and close enough 
phil taught the kids how to swim, his hollow bones give him a lot of buoyancy 
in physical combat, tallulah and chayanne are always at each other’s backs, fighting in almost perfect sync with each other 
head bonks as shows of affection 
missas more of a cuddle bug and phil’s like one of those big dogs that you could push over and they’d be happy with it. phil could be having a separate conversation and missa would just come up from behind and snuggle him and phil wouldn’t bat an eye 
if i think of more ill add more in an edit yippee
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wonik1ss · 2 months
✦ TODDLERS AND TIARAS — ❝ ive ot6 ❞
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[ 寂しげなmoonlight 君といれば ]
synopsis • ives love for you goes unknown even to you sometimes ( ??? ) fluff < song rec : sun and moon - aespa >
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ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ𝜗𝜚 it all started when one day during iz*one’s off days wonyoung and yujin ran into tweleve year old you
ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ𝜗𝜚 wonyoung paused and looked through one of the practice rooms to see you learning la vien rose’s choero
ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ𝜗𝜚 yujin and her cooed and then ducked when you looked over to see your choreographer walk in
ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ𝜗𝜚 two years later you all meet again when a meeting was held for ives creation
ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ𝜗𝜚 during practice you were always a few steps behind and wonyoung could tell so she always paid extra attention to you and made sure you got everything
ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ𝜗𝜚 while rei and liz always took you out shopping conveniently during testing seasons
ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ𝜗𝜚 while gaeul always helped you with your homework and yujin always stopped by your school to drop lunch she knew you already had
ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ𝜗𝜚 while leeseo always claimed to need to sleep in your bed cause your mattress was so soft (totally not because she felt the closest to you and felt like physical she needed to be too)
ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ𝜗𝜚 “leeseo I think my arms starting to get stringy..”
ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ𝜗𝜚 “it’s still attached stop whining !”
ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ𝜗𝜚 you weren’t used to the korea’s culture or idol culture of being so close since that was mostly reserved for the maknae which you weren’t since you debuted at sixteen
ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ𝜗𝜚 so when you started your birthday love you were very surprised to see your presents
ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ𝜗𝜚 “oh wonyoung got me a heavy gift”. as you opened it your eyes grew wide and your chat blew up
ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ𝜗𝜚 the girl had bought you three tiaras with a note ‘for our princess’. you laughed as the chat still erupted and you moved on
ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ𝜗𝜚 this kind of reminded of the time rei pinching your cheeks while teaching you random Japanese words.. like really weird
ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ𝜗𝜚 “so what did you just teach me?”. you said your hair and hers up in two buns with a ridiculous amount of glitter on your cheeks from rei’s make over
ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ𝜗𝜚 “smelly cheese stick”. rei said as she turned on her camera for her daily vlog. your mouth ajar.
ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ𝜗𝜚 “do you wanna learn tomato cookie for spy poop next?”. you scratched your head while Rei resisted the urge to pinch your cheeks
ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ𝜗𝜚 or maybe the time when there was perfectly six seats left in your groups van but yujin and liz were fighting for who’s lap you got to sit on.. it was a suggestion from your manager who said it jokingly but they took it so seriously..
ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ𝜗𝜚 “no but I’m older and have stronger bones !”. yujin said as she held onto your waist very tightly.
ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ𝜗𝜚 “but we are like twin sisters it’s only fair !”. liz held both your hands as yujin cursed and wonyoung and leeseo busted out laughing. while rei spoke up.
ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ𝜗𝜚 “y/n said she was tired she can just sleep on my lap in the back”. you nodded and climbed over to the back while both girls just sat grumpy the whole ride home
ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ𝜗𝜚 oh but what about the time wonyoung and gaeul kept dragging you on stage during ott
ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ𝜗𝜚 wonyoungs line stared and she kissed your cheek while you smiled at a fan and at the same time gaeul decided she just needed to dance with you
ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ𝜗𝜚 then two minutes later gaeul was giving you a piggy back and when she just put you down wonyoung grabbed liz’s hand and beckoned you their child to take a family photo for a fan
ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ𝜗𝜚 you just thought nothing of it.. korea wasn’t your home and you hadn’t been an idol for a long time so maybe you didn’t know everything
ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ𝜗𝜚 but you did know your member cherished even when they treated you like a toddler or dressed you up like a doll with tiaras and such it was all out of love for your big happy family
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ohsalome · 11 months
What Ukrainians ate to survive Holodomor
(translated excerpts from an Історична Правда article): + images source
The villagers would dig up the holes of the polecats to find at least a handful of grain hidden by these animals. They pounded it in a mortar, added a handful of oilcake (from hemp seed), beetroot, potato peelings, and baked something from this mixture.
Those who managed to hide at least a little grain would grind it in iron mills made from wheel axles and cook "zatyrukha" (a concoction made from a small amount of flour ground from ears of grain).
Acacia flowers were boiled and eaten raw, and green quinoa was mixed with crushed corn cobs. Those who could - and this was considered lucky - added a handful of bran. This food made their feet swell and their skin crack.
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The peasants dried the husked ears of corn and millet husks, pounded them, ground them with weeds, and cooked soups and baked pancakes. Such dishes were impossible to chew, the body could not digest them, so people had stomach aches. Pancakes, the so-called "matorzhenyky", were made from oilcake and nettle or plantain.
It went so far that peasants would crumble straw into small chips and pound it in a mortar together with millet and buckwheat chaff, and tree bark. All this was mixed with potato peelings, which were very poisonous, and this mixture was used to bake "bread", the consumption of which caused severe stomach diseases.
There were cases when village activists took away and broke millstones, mortars, poured water on the heat in their ovens. After all, anything found or saved from the food had to be cooked on fire, and matches could only be purchased by bartering for their own belongings or by buying them in the city, which was impossible from villagers that were on "black lists".
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Chestnuts, aspen and birch bark, buds, reed roots, hawthorn and rose hips, which were the most delicious, were used as food substitutes; various berries, even poisonous ones, were picked; grass seeds were ground into flour; "honey" from sugar beets was cooked, and water brewed with cherry branches was drunk. They also ate the kernels of sunflower seeds.
Newborns had the worst of it, because their mothers had no breast milk. According to testimonies, a mother would let her child suck the drink from the top of the poppy head, and the child would fall asleep for three days.
In early spring, the villagers began to dig up old potato fields. They would bake dumplings from frozen potatoes, grind rotten potatoes in a mash and make pancakes, greasing the frying pan with wheel grease. They also baked "blyuvaly" (transl. "vomities") from such potatoes and oatmeal mixed with water, which was so called because they were very smelly.
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They ate mice, rats, frogs, hedgehogs, snakes, beetles, ants, worms, i.e. things that weren't a part of food bans and had never been eaten by people before. The horror of the famine is also evidenced by the consumption of spiders, which are forbidden to kill in Ukrainian society for ritual reasons.
In some areas, slugs were boiled into a soup, and the cartilaginous meat was chopped and mixed with leaves. This prevented swelling of the body and contributed to survival. People caught tadpoles, frogs, lizards, turtles, and mollusks. They boiled them, adding a little salt if there was salt. The starving people caught cranes, storks, and herons, which have been protected in Ukraine for centuries, and their nests were never destroyed. According to folk beliefs, eating stork meat was equated with cannibalism.
The consumption of horse meat began in 1931, before the mass famine. People used to take dead horsemeat from the cemeteries at night, make jelly out of it and salt it for future use.
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Dead horses were poured with carbolic acid to prevent people from taking their meat, but it hardly stopped anybody. Dead collective farm pigs were also doused with kerosene to prevent people from dismantling them for food, but this did not help either.
After long periods of starvatiom, the process of digestion is very costing for the human body, and many people who would eat anything would drop dead immediately out of exhaustion.
If a family had a cow hidden somewhere in the forest, they had a chance to survive. People living near forests could hunt/seek out berries and mushrooms, but during winter this wouldn't save them. People living near rivers could fish in secret, but it was banned and punishable by imprisonment/death.
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bloodyknucklesforme · 5 months
Vampire AU
ghoap x F!reader (in third person)
Johnny accidentally turning a random girl and begging Simon to keep her
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"Please stop yelling," she asked, rubbing her temples. Her head was throbbing. It was too bright, too loud, too smelly. Her boyfriend was yelling about her not being ready to leave for date night. A nice reservation at one of the new up and coming restaurants. It was hard to get apparently. "Just go without me."
Near tears you curled up in bed, kicking your shoes off while you dress bunched up by your hips. Eyes shut so tight it looked staticy. Your hands clamped down over your ears.
He grabbed your wrist, yelling and yelling.
"Get up!" He demanded, shoving a pill into your palm. "I'm not missing dinner because your pmsing."
Always so dismissive. The pain was spreading down your neck to your spine and around your ribs to your chest. Your bones were caving in on themselves, turning to dust in your body. You cried out, choking on tears and phlegm. You'd had intense period cramps, thrown up so hard blood vessels in your eyes popped, had your foot run over by a car, broken a bone or two - this was worse.
You were dying. It didn't just feel like it. Your brain was screaming that it was dying. An intense feeling of dread.
He was at least acting concerned now. Saying he would take you to a hospital if it was that bad. Your eyes opened to black spots blocking out much of anything. The setting sun burned your skin.
"Close the blinds," you begged. Snot bubbled at your nose while spit stained the comforter.
"I'm right here." He knelt down next to the bed. "We just need to get you to the car."
He grabbed your wrist again.
Your teeth sunk into something chewy. You bit down harder and it exploded like gummy candy - filling your mouth with sweet liquid. You drank down and down. Horrified sobs and cries came from somewhere beyond you. You couldn't tune into listen anymore.
A solid drum beat that got quieter and more erratic was all you could hear.
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Simon had ripped Johnny a new one. Biting some random drunk bird and letting her go off without finishing what he started. Scared off by Simon's own call for him. She disappeared before they could kill her. If they couldn't find her their only hope was that the transformation killed her. For her to burn to death when the sun rose. He didn't have the time or patience to babysit another newborn. Johnny was already a year old but still impulsive with an inflated ego that comes with immortality.
They had spent the rest of that night trying to track her back down. Simon would drain her if he had to. Reduce her to a whimper. Night two had similar luck. The city was too big for them to cover. He refused to call Price or Gaz for back up. Johnny would need to fix his fuck up himself.
Simon had smelled it first. A quiet nudge and they turned down a side street. It was a nicer neighbourhood. Up the fire escape. Johnny broke the latch on the window.  
They found her in the bedroom. On her hands and knees in a bloody dress curled up in the corner, knees to her chest. Blood dripping from her new fangs. Eyes filled with delirium.
She scrambled like a fawn when she heard Simon’s boot creak. A baby animal with no instinct, left to fend for itself. She'd be easy to kill.
"I...I didn't mean to." She sobbed. "I don't...I don't know what happened."
Johnny grabbed his arm.
"She's quiet pretty." He raised an eyebrow.
"Be nice to have around."
"No, Johnny."
"I'd let you fuck her first. Even though she's mine." He grinned.
Simon looked down at her. He could still end this. Not give in. Rip her head off right here, set the flat ablaze. Disappear like any other night. They'd call it a murder suicide. Lover's quarrel.
Johnny's teeth tugged on his ear lobe.
"Don't say no till you taste 'er."
She was pretty.
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jd07201990 · 9 months
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So… Does anyone know how many bouquets of roses, or how many boxes of chocolates it’ll take to survive my new Wife’s wrath, when she see’s her adorable, creative, intelligent boy… after I accidentally shipped him off to the equivalent of Football Boot-camp, so we could have our honeymoon alone in Cancun. Honestly! We were all going over the options, the two last resorts being we don’t go on our honeymoon, or Jason would have to stay at his grandpa’s house in the middle of nowhere a few states away. Clearly, we were desperate, so when I found the pamphlets for what looked like a regular old summer camp out in the woods, with a lake, and a whole slew of other activities, I jumped on it, especially since the price for the entire summer was $2100 bucks! Where I really screwed up, was not reading the pamphlet I was filling out, which was absolutely not the super happy fun time in the woods experience… It was ROTC for Football Jocks. I learned this only when I drove out to pick him up, 3 months later, and well… you can see what trudged up to me from across the parking lot, huge battered old sneakers pounding the pavement as he absentmindedly gnawed on a protein bar in his meaty, calloused fist, while his other hand absentmindedly adjusted his shorts. Just like all the other bulked up brutes marching off to their dads and coaches, his chest was bare, and bouncing with every step. When he’d crossed the distance, he grinned this dim, dopey grin, and grunted, “Thanks for pickin’ me up Dude. Can we stop by Wendy’s? I’m fuckin’ starving!” He punctuated this by stuffing the last of the protein bar in his mouth and yanking the door to my car open, the fiberglass handle cracked in his hand. He looked at the two halves, chuckled with that deep, rumbling Jock tone, and got in, dumping the pieces on the seat next to him. It didn’t take long for the car to fill the distinct funk of athletic prowess, especially when he kicked off his size 14’s and put his feet up on the dash. I nearly gagged, and despite the heat outside, rolled down the windows to air out. As we pulled into the driveway, my wife was on the lawn, waiting with a little bag, excited to see her boy again. When the sweaty ape of a jock got out lumbered up to her, wrapping his beefy arms around her, she looked terrified… for a second… then her eyes narrowed on me. When Jason finally let go of her, he gave her that same, blank, dopey grin, all the intelligence gone from his big wide eyes, and held his fist out… she looked at it incredulously, and he chuckled, “You’re supposed to bump it, Ma… with your fist” Well, the last 6 months have been tough, but Jason, or, “Jay” as he reminds us often, has absolutely blossomed at school. Although his grades could be better. The shock of his summer “glo-up” or as his oafish, grunting new friends like to tease, “blow-up” hit a few of the teachers harder than others. Although the Coach of the football team had nearly offered me his ’69 Camero to have Jason on the team after seeing him plow through reps in the football team’s gym.  I said it was tough, because our house is essentially a second Locker Room for Jay and his small army of sweating, smelly behemoths. There is a never-ending pile of laundry from countless practices, the gym, and just hanging out with his friends. My wife has somewhat gotten used to her little boy calling her, “Bro” accidentally… every other day… and despite the change, he’s still her boy, there’s just, a good bit more of him to love. I will say, he’s a great kid, kind of dumb, a bit crass, and stinks like a gym bag more often than not, but when you dig a bit deeper into those dim, wide eyes, there’s still that adorable boy, underneath a pile of muscle.
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keisobe · 2 years
; 𝐬𝐚𝐥𝐭𝐲 𝐥𝐢𝐩𝐬 (𝐧𝐞𝐭𝐞𝐲𝐚𝐦 𝐬𝐮𝐥𝐥𝐲)
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— from avatar 2 : the way of the water (spoiler free!!)
˚。 𖠗 as a sweet gesture, you offered to dry neteyam’s hair after a long journey in the sea. in the end, your kindness was rewarded with a salty kiss.
contents. f! reader, the reader is matkayina + eldest child of ronal and tonowari, mentions of matkayina features to describe the reader, no use of y/n, mild profanity, friends → lovers, descriptive kissing scene, all fluff + wc. 2.0k
notes. i loved avatar 2 and developed the fattest crush on lo’ak and neteyam, so i had to come in clutch and write a fanfic of my fav sully ! this is also my first ever fanfic that i’ve ever published, i got too excited to post so it isn’t fully proofread, but i really hope you guys enjoy <3
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The sun was setting up for its rest. The glistening rocks were engulfed by the salty water, leaving residues of foam like the sea had left its mark on the land. Orange reflected off the waves— a beautiful sight to see. Though the ocean was a serene sanctuary for the Matkayina people, you had also come accustomed to its down sides. The tangy smell of ocean life clung stubbornly into the locks of your hair as you rose from the depths of an aquatic galore. In an effort to clean yourself, you ringed out the salty water that was nestled in your hair— causing a gush of water to fall beside you.
“Shit,” you cursed to yourself, shaking off the droplets that shedded from your greenish skin.
Not long before, the others had caught up with you, witnessing the disgusted features that permeated into your usual neutral face. Ao’nung couldn’t help but crack a smile, leaning over to whisper a joke to Rotxo— who suppressed a laugh. Your blue eyes suddenly shifted towards your troublesome siblings, rendering them completely silent and stiff. Now it was Tsireya’s turn to laugh, graciously walking over to your struggling form and running her delicate fingers through your salty locks.
“Big sister, you seem as if you hate the sea,” Tsireya teased as she latched more firmly onto your hair, more water spilling out. “Though you are our village’s best swimmer.”
Glancing towards your other side, you see the newcomers studying your frustrated movements and seemingly, anticipating your response. They noticed your blue eyes staring at them. The younger one, Lo’ak, shuffled a bit in the water and averted his eyes onto the boring sand beneath his feet to the orange clouds that casted above him. His older brother Neteyam, didn’t seize away from your gaze. Instead, he sneakily elbowed his brother from his poor attempt to act uninterested— earning an annoyed groan from Lo’ak. His eyes still on you throughout the whole scene. You couldn’t help but snicker a bit, deciding it’s best to give out some information about yourself to feed the curiosity of your new friends, especially for Neteyam.
“I do not hate the sea Tsireya,” You noted the perk of Neteyam’s pointed ears when you said that. “The water weighs down on your hair throughout the day and… the smell never goes away.”
Your words seemed to have sparked something within them, prompting the others to smell their own hair. From today’s adventure through the mounds of aquatic life, this would inevitably leave a strong scent of fish must— meaning smelly skin and hair. The forest people were expressive with their distaste. Lo’ak was the first to gag loudly, not used to the familiarity of the ocean. Neteyam, out of respect for the ocean, didn’t utter a word but the slight grimace that formed on his face said it all. Your siblings, very much used to the ocean, simply nodded in agreement, leaving everybody to ring out their own hair as more salty water was being released back into the ocean.
Neteyam silently dried out his dark braids away from the others. His movements were mediocre and it seemed as if his struggling efforts did nothing to solve his problem. Neteyam noticed your stare when his intense yellow eyes locked onto yours. It felt like the world stopped for a moment as if the both of you were silently communicating with one another. Then the sound of splashing waves became more distracting, forcing the both of you to return to your senses. Neteyam suddenly danced his long fingers through the air, signing to you. It seems that the sign language lessons you taught were actually helping the forest people.
Can you help me please? His lips moved along with his silent words, trying to memorize the language.
You shyly grinned towards him, signing back in response as you dragged your strong legs across the shallow waves. The soft sand beneath your feet tickled as you became closer to Neteyam’s presence. It strangely felt warm and welcoming. Finally, you stood beside the taller male, having to look up slightly in order to directly meet his eyes again. Intently, Neteyam looked down at you with a foreign softness— something you never saw from him before. It left you feeling a bit flustered.
“May I?” You faintly spoke, gesturing towards his neatly braided locks, reaching out slightly but hesitating to get any closer.
Neteyam only nodded, turning over to give you a clear view of his glistening back and completely soaked hair. Your eyes couldn’t help but admire his toned muscles, showing the remnants of his hard work and dedication as a warrior. His queue floated against the waves— you weren’t sure whether or not to dry that also but for now, you left it alone. Like Tsireya’s delicate fingers, you glided your own against his tight braids, pressing them until the squelch of water was heard. Neteyam hummed in satisfaction, though with his back facing you, his expression was completely unreadable. You repeated this motion for a few more seconds, the sounds of chatter and each other’s breathing filled the silence between you two.
“Thank you for helping me,” Neteyam was the first to speak up, his voice much more calm from his previous stern tone towards his brother Lo’ak.
“Of course, and I've seen that your sign language has improved from our last lesson,” There was a smile on your face as you recalled the fond memories of your one-on-one lessons.
You remember when Neteyam would struggle to form his words together without an awkward pause in between. How his fingers never bent properly that would completely change the meaning of its words. At times, you had to step in and tangle your soft fingers into his much rougher ones, articulating the correct words without having to verbally explain it again. Now, Neteyam could form small sentences a lot more fluently and it made you swell up with pride.
“It's because you’re a good mentor,” His voice lowered a bit as he said that, hints of teasing but also genuine gratitude.
You smirked a bit as you looked up towards where his eyes would be, wishing he was facing you. What did his face look like right now? Smug? Maybe even timid?
“Well I'm glad you’re learning our ways,” You replied in a neutral tone, trying to keep your composure as the upcoming successor as the tsahík of your village.
Twisting his braids in one swift motion, a surge of water fell against his stripped back— his hair completely rid of the rank odor and heaviness of the ocean water. Gently tapping his shoulder, Neteyam turned to face you. You swore his ears perked up a bit when he gazed at your lips for a second. Out of old habit, you fiddled with the colorful pearls and shimmering shells of your tiny garment. His features were similar to his mother’s, long dark lashes and a perfectly sculpted face. Neteyam’s eyes never shied away from you, regarding you with utter confidence but also a hint of uncertainty.
He slowly shifted closer and asked, “Maybe next time you could teach me how to swim as fast as you?��
To close the distance even more, you stepped closer to him, burying the sand over your feet in anticipation for what’s to come from Neteyam’s bold request. The water reflected the purple and blue blotches from the night sky, specks of silver shined brightly matched Neteyam’s white freckles. From the relentless teasing from the others, to the undeniable tension between you and the forest-born Na’vi— you wanted to finally take the initiative without waiting around.
“What if we make it a date as well?” Your voice was like silk to Neteyam, it made him shudder a bit.
Neteyam always dripped of composure and confidence. But when it came to you, he couldn’t help but feel like his trained limbs turned into a pool of putty. There was an alluring aura that you emitted. The way you held your head high in tough situations to the way you can make anybody laugh until they ran out of breath. You were also as skilled as him— maybe even more from all the adventurous stories you would share with him when you came by his marui. He was also one to stray away from anything distracting, whether it be Lo’ak and Spider bringing up the topic of girls or Kiri mentioning that someday he will meet his lifetime mate. All distractions, he told himself that. Now, in this moment on the calming shore, with you covered in the prettiest seashells and holding a gorgeous smile on your green face— Neteyam realizes that he needs to loosen up a little. A date sounded nice, especially with you.
“Sounds like a deal,” Neteyam dipped his head a bit, regarding you with a boyish grin.
His white fangs were in full display, making your heart swell in joy. Without second thought, you pressed a soft kiss against his warm cheek, catching Neteyam completely off guard.
“Then I’ll see you tomorrow then,” You sweetly whispered against his cheek, brushing your hand against the kiss mark as you turned towards the village.
But before you could take another strong stride, a powerful tug on your wrist forced you to be tucked into the warmth of Neteyam’s chest— your face squished against his striated skin. He pulled you away and with quivering lips, he leaned down to press a tender kiss onto your own balmy ones. Instantly, you melted into his mouth, wrapping your arms around his small waist to bring him closer. Neteyam’s large hand was nestled into the locks of your hair, pressing your face even more closer. His lips tasted like the ocean, salty and bitter. Both of your lips shyly moved in sync with one another, slightly sloppy due to both of your inexperience. You and Neteyam pulled away at the same time, slightly panting from the lack of oxygen. Neteyam rested his forehead against yours, the smile he had before never left his face.
“Hey, don’t leave without me,” His voice sounded so gentle and his breath felt nice against your face. “I’ll walk you back to your marui, okay?”
Still a little dazed from the kiss, you nodded in reply. Neteyam pulled away and held out his warm hand, which you gladly took. He led the both of you out the shore, back to the village that was still full of life and lit with colorful lanterns. You found the others lounging by the wooden pier, covered in fluffy fabric that helped dry out their wet hair and damp skin. Tsireya waved at the both of you, two pieces of fabric clutched in her hand, seemingly for you and Neteyam. Your younger brothers and Lo’ak regarded the both of you with sly smiles and kissy faces, laughter bubbled within the group that ultimately earned them a complaint from a nearby family resting in their marui.
“Skxawngs,” Neteyam shakes his head in annoyance, but there was a small smile that crept onto his face.
You could only chuckle at their childlike behavior, squeezing Neteyam’s hand a little more tighter as you guided him towards the pier— making sure both of your younger siblings don’t stir any more trouble before you could finally return back home.
“Next time, you’ll dry my hair,” A gust of the nightly wind adorned your beautiful locks of hair, somehow he couldn’t wait to help you with that offer.
“Of course,” His heart began to pump even faster. Neteyam never felt genuinely happy ever since his family took refuge in Awa’altu, but he did now.
A much larger crowd had formed around the pier, breaking the grossly romantic trance between the two of you. Still hand-in-hand, you guys rushed through the swarm of tall bodies to retrieve your younger siblings, lecturing them on the way home. Neteyam sighed in contempt. He hoped they wouldn’t ruin his date with you.
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© 2022 keisobe – please do not copy any of my writing and repost or translate to other sites.
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