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Balinese coffee! #coffee #brekky #goodmorning #morning #smellsgood #easy #brightside
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Beautiful flowers!
Look at this beautiful flowers! Each has their own test tube of water! These flowers made the hotel smells so good!

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just used a safety razor for the first time
#REALMAN #ComingOfAge #MASCULINITY #EvenDidMyEyebrows #SmoothAsAShark #OnlyOneShavingCut #SubstanialRazorBurn #ItWasScary #ButNotAsScaryAsAStraightRazor #NotStraight #Kissible #Cold(ItsWinter) #SmellsGood #LavenderShavingCream #KindaBurnsThough #GeriatricZillenial #Almost30 #QueerElder #TwinkDeath #QueenBirth #ButchAbortion #PregnantWithJoieDeVivre #ImWithHer(DianaRoss)
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Review Parfume Lokal Vial
SmellsGood, Alchemist, HMNS, Heura, Onix, Labcitone

1. Heura Scandal, ONIX FWB

Manis banget wangi yang dua ini. Manis yang buatku bikin pusing pas pertama kali semprot. Varian Heura yang Scandal wangi Raspberry-nya kuat banget. Kalo Onix FWB lama-lama wanginya lebih lembut dan seger. Tapi keduanya bukan tipe parfume yang bakalan aku pake sehari-hari. Kalopun akan dipake bakalan aku campur sama wangi parfume yg lain yang bisa bikin netral wangi manisnya yang kuat.
2. Alchemist Got My Jojo Back, Alchemist Galleria, HMNS Orgasm

Ketiga parfume ini juga wanginya manis tapi manis yang lebih lembut dan ga bikin pusing dari awal semprot. Wangi Got My Jojo Back tuh ngga asing tapi lupa wangi apa. Kalo kata adikku wangi parfume dia dulu yang pernah aku beliin tapi lupa merk apa. Katanya yang GMJB tuh awet banget wanginya, belum pernah aku pake jadi belum tau. Wangi HMNS Orgsm tuh paling kalem tapi paling cepet ilang (beneran cepet ilang). Di antara tiga ini yang paling aku suka wanginya Galleria.
3. SmellsGood I.L.Y, SmellsGood Tulipe

Varian ILY kuat banget wangi ginger-nya pas pertama kali semprot jadi kayak parfume orang tua 😅 tapi lama-lama enak cuma lebih ke jenis parfume cowok deh ini menurutku. Varian Tulipe tuh semprotan awal enak wanginya mahal, berasa kayak wanita karir tapi pas dipakai lama-lama wanginya bikin pusing dan mual, jadi biasanya kalo pake Tulipe aku campur sama yang wanginya manis biar balance 😅😅
Cuma emang ga pernah aku pake lagi sih karena tetep selalu bikin pusing setelahnya. Ada yang bilang si Tulipe ini dupenya Byredo yang Tulipe.
4. Alchemist Powder Room, Alchemist Pink Laundry, Labcitone Morning Dear

Wangi-wangi yang aman. Pertama kali semprot wangi ketiganya hampir mirip tapi lama-lama wanginya beda semua karena notesnya juga beda. Powdery dan bau sabun plus bedak. Varian parfume yang paling aman buat dipake diriku. Pink Laundry bau setelahnya beneran kayak bau laundry an tp yang enak gitu. Morning Dear lebih manis seger yang lembut karena ga bikin pusing. Powder Room wanginya lebih seger, dan ini varian favorit di antara ketiganya. Banyak yang bilang si Powder Room dupe-nya Byredo yang Blanche.
5. Alchemist Home Garden

Kata adikku ini wangi rumput hahahhaa.. Lebih ke wangi taman di pagi hari habis hujan sih. Wangi setelahnya pun enak sih kalem.
6. SmellsGood Gemstone

INI WANGI BANGET MANA WANGINYA AWET BANGET DI BAJU. Perpaduan wangi yang seger, flowry, dan manis yang balance. Ada woody notes juga di base notes-nya. Ini udah abis karena paling sering dipake dan ngga nyesel waktu beli langsung 2 ml, biasanya yang lain tuh coba 1 ml aja dulu. Pengen beli full sizenya tapi tuh harganya 200rb hahaha.. Mari nabung dulu deh sambil pake parfume-parfume vial yang ada.
Karena males nulis ulang notes parfumenya kita simpan fotonya aja di sini

Tambahan :
Btw, kemarin dapet oleh-oleh parfume dari Mekkah gitu wanginya mirip dupe Blackberry and Bay-nya Jo Malone yang di rumah. Tapi tuh aku ga tau seberapa mirip wangi dupe yang aku punya dan wangi parfume aslinya haha. Cuma aku suka wanginya seger agak manis dikit..

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bug spray not only "smellsbad" but they try to cover the "smellsbad" with unessential oils which does not make the "smellsbad" turn into "smellsgood" it only leaves my floors "slipperyasfuck"
#got really paranoid about [redacted type of bug] and am going crazy trying to clean my room because of it#not really but like bought new mattress covers and pillow covers and threw out a pillow and a teddy and#washing all my bedding on hot and vacuuming and scrubbing and quarantining the teddies i can't wash in sealed bags#could be worse. I'm not touching anyone else's beds yet :P#really sad abt the pillow it's a really long one and so comfortable but it's not worth it bc it'll keep me from sleeping thinking abt it#bugs tw#jic#ask to tag
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Aroderme Desodorisant De Lair Lavande Air Freshner Liberez le pouvoir apaisant du spray a la lavande #airfresheners #airfreshener #carfresheners #scents #carfreshener #fresheners #customairfreshener #airfreshner #pengharummobil #parfummobilcustom #stayfresh #pewangimobil #carairfresheners #smellsgood #customairfresheners
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January 30, Day 30
Day 30 2015

Got to see Klaus yesterday!
#dog #bassethounds #picoftheday #project365 #day30
Miss this sweet boy.
Day 30 2016

On my walk today
#water #walk #lovelyday #outdoors #getoutside #sidewalk #observe #blue #shadesofblue #january #picoftheday #project365 #day30
Day 30 2017

The brightest of circles!
#winter #sunset #sun #sky #tree #nature #outdoors #circle #circleoflife #january #picoftheday #project365 #day30
Day 30 2018

Exit here
#exit #doors #red #old #keyhole #cutout #differentview #january #picoftheday #project365 #day30
Day 30 2019

About one second before he licked my croissant sandwich!!
#leo #kitty #cat #meow #furkid #idontneedyourhelp #yum #food #smellsgood #jackinthebox #croissant #croissantsandwich #nationalcroissantday #january #nationalday #nationaldaycalendar #picoftheday #project365 #day30
Leo never ate people food. He would occasionally get a lick in but more often than not I was afraid he’d just sneeze on my meal! Ick!
Day 30 2020

A puzzling old timer!
#mom #kidspuzzle #puzzletower #fisherprice #puzzles #puzzled #january #january30 #2020 #picoftheday #project365 #day30
Day 30 2021

Got me a niece that will actually pose for pictures!
#niece #pose #smile #family #love #socute #auntlife #lessstressmorefun #whateverthehelliwant #january #january30 #2021 #picoftheday #project365 #day30
Day 30 2022

Do you believe in magic?
#create #art #fairies #lights #magic #imagine #january #january30 #2022 #picoftheday #project365 #day30
Day 30 2023

Crunch. Crunch. Crunch.
Had the place to myself.
#beach #allbymyself #shore #sand #shells #crunch #stressrelief #january #january30 #2023 #picoftheday #project365 #day30
Day 30 2024

I love when the grass is bejeweled!
#grass #dailytheme #dew #sunshine #starburst #morning #outdoors #nature #january #january30 #2024 #picoftheday #project365 #day30
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they have go stop making blanky on bed so warm, so cozy, and smellsgood. 😒
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*she comes home from a long day of work, muscles entirely worn out and drenched in sweat*
- @the-final-knight
*He peeks out of his little blanket den, tongue flicking out*
Hello! welcome back!
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The irresistible smell of books....
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#perfume review series#perfume#luxury aesthetic#rich#rich energy#luxury smells#jackie aina#smellsgood#tom ford#black woman femininity#feminimity#feminine#black luxury#black women in luxury#level up
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A cup of coffee by Karmen.m. https://flic.kr/p/2nNt7Hu
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HhgggggvbnnNO WAY
ggrggghbYOU DONTKNOW ME !!!Shesnjsyt nice towatch and pretty andsweeet. Smellsgood too but ITSNONE OF ANYONES BUSINESS Ghrhrhnm.
what sort of hobbies do you partake in (besides crank calls) to keep yourself occupied?
wwatching, looking through windows.
i mentioned...a pig that Billy likees to watch. prettygirl pretty piggy. pink pig. Stealing her things, yes. yessireeee.
BUt it's nobody else's business, if I start getting ratted on I'll strangke you all to death wtupidcunts.
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i can't focus on my writing now cuz I just wanna cry now. :smellsgood:
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