#smart(y) -> solomon
079soren · 2 years
sometimes the short end of the stick is the sharpest.
he's not sure who the people talking to him in his mind are, but they're (sometimes) complete experts at ruining silence. one second the mind would be buzzing in white noise, and suddenly it's filled with endless chatter by 'speed' and 'energy'. billy swears they've told their names before, but the memory was far gone.
other times, the 'brave' voice talked. they didn't talk for very long, saying they were busy doing who-knows-what, but their stories were pretty adventurous. (<- smarty taught him that word!) brave and strong shared turns telling stories of their life, (he wasn't sure how they lived as voices.) and billy would listen to them as backround noise.
but there were times where it was distressing for them to talk. when he got fainty and confused, they stopped talking. when static filled his ears, they stopped talking. sometimes it gets quiet for weeks, months, to somewhere close to years. but they were never permanently gone.
'dissociation', the smart voice called those times. they didn't explain any further.
out of nowhere, short phrases of some voices would be heard. billy only got to hear 1-2 sentences during that time, as if their speech was cut. he didn't try to reach out in those times, he barely could anyways.
billy would get headaches that varied throughout the day or weeks, always when one of the voices sounded a bit too close to him. (it almost felt like they were standing right next or behind him, but there was never anyone around.)
he rarely heard the voices chatter so much while he was captain marvel, but there were times they did. he couldn't call those times 'distressing', but they were quite annoying when they talked in important league meetings. (billy should tell them sometime.)
sometimes people noticed his face scrunch up due to the amount of voices that were talking at the same time—but none questioned it. sometimes they whispered about him looking 'out of it' or having 'a faraway look'. batman tended to look at him more often when people spoke up about it to the bat. ("why would they do that?" he heard a familiar, energetic voice whisper.)
he's not sure, he decides to tell the energetic voice.
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onyourowndaisymae · 1 year
what your fav obey me love interest says about you (except they're only the reasons i'm attracted to them)
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you have daddy issues and desperately seek the approval of those who dislike most people
mean people are def kinda hot to you
you crave someone falling head over heels on their ass for you regardless of your flaws
you're a sucker for friends to lovers
mutual dweebery is the relationship dynamic you aspire to
you are autistic
you were a sad, lonely child growing up that finds comfort in finding others like you
hearing smart people talk is strangely attractive to you
you want to be seen as significant by someone you perceive out of your league, and you want that person to be interested in you despite how plain you are
you like femboys/you are bisexual
you just want someone to be nice to you
you want someone to be able to pick you up whenever with ease and toss you around like a ragdoll for shits and giggles
a quick wit is a quick way into your pants heart
you like when people are very forward and open with their attraction to you
you have a savior complex and want to retroactively fix his trauma
you like sunshine-y men who can flip a switch and be serious like it's nothing
being good at everything is incredibly attractive to you
you like the idea of a stoic person showing emotion around you
you like nice men who genuinely enjoy your presence
a man with a cute laugh can bring you to your knees in a matter of moments
you love being able to razz your partner and have it be fun and casual (@ every peepaw joke i make about him)
you like friends to lovers (but specifically here in that way where you go from friends to friends with enough romantic tension to make everyone place bets on when you'll get together to lovers)
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[the sequel]
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writers-hes · 5 months
In the Bleak Midwinter
SYNOPSIS: You always knew Tommy as the cheerful boy who took care of you. He always knew you as the smart girl that he visited by the docks. The daughter of a prostitute, the son of a deadbeat father; a soldier who protected his country; a whore who protected him; a gangster who controlled Brimingham; and now, a wife. War changes people, you just didn't realize that war could change you both. (angst, abuse, canon-typical themes, death, war, MDNI, mature themes) AN: Don’t look at the comments / reblogs if you don’t want spoilers!! But please discuss what you think once you’re done reading 🤍
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Toy Horses Outside the Brothel | Tommy Shelby x Reader | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5
“So fucking close…” he whispers to himself, inhaling. He turns around and looks up, maybe he could conjure you right now. One last time before he died. “Oh and there’s a woman…a woman who I love and I got close. Nearly got fucking everything!” he shouts. “Oh, what the fuck. Get it done, boys,” he tells them. He kneels before the man. 
“In the bleak midwinter…” Tommy says to himself, voice raspy and tired. “In the bleak midwinter…” he whispers to himself, his body shaking. He didn’t know where he was. He just knew that he was going to get killed today. The hole on the ground is where he’ll be buried and he never got the chance to be with you. “In the bleak…in—“
He couldn’t die today. Dread fills his body. You were still at the tracks with Simon. This wasn’t a part of the plan. He was supposed to kill Simon. He was supposed to have fun while doing it while you sat, unaware with Alfie Solomons in the private room. Sweat trickles on his face, and he closes his eyes. The blood on his forehead had dried up and his heart was beating wildly in his chest. He couldn’t believe that the last thing he ever did on this fucking ground was smoke a cigarette. So close. So close…so fucking close. 
The sound of a gun going off echoes in the vast field and he finds himself inside the hole. He stays there, appalled. 
“Get out of the grave, tinker! Be on your fucking way!”
He stumbles out, unbalanced. Shock was still inside his body. He trips and lands on his face, his palms on the wet ground and he screams. So fucking close. He shakes his head, standing up and sobbing as he did so, on the way home…on the way to you. 
He pours himself a glass of Irish whisky. He’s got some ideas for the future of the company…and also, he’s planning on getting something. 
In the bleak midwinter, frosty wind made moan, earth stood hard as iron…
Tommy couldn’t believe his fucking luck. How many times does he have to wait for things to finally fucking settle? How many more years should he wait for you? He didn’t mind—how could he ever mind when it came to you? 
He couldn’t forget the relief that washed over him when Alfie called him to say that the job’s been done. He was supposed to get the locket in his office and go to the tracks but Alfie stopped him. 
“Y/N killed Simon Coventry,” Alfie said. “Shot him dead like…mush, bone, mush. Saw her checking for his heartbeat after. I told her not to cry over spilled milk,” he snickers. “Do you get it, mate? Spilled milk?”
He tells Tommy about how shaken you were after the police investigation…how you kept it to yourself until the last officer went out. You were wailing and stuttering ‘he’s dead’ over and over. Alfie told him that he will get one of his men to send the gun to his office for safekeeping. Tommy knew that he should give you some time but he couldn’t wait anymore. He knew that you sold your London mansion and lived in Birmingham now. He knew that you bought the mansion with the garden; the one where you both used to frequent in as kids. He knew that all because he had some of the Blinders guard the property from afar. He knew that all because he passed by the house to get a glimpse of you but the house was quiet, eerie, and lacked life. Polly nor Ada couldn’t get in yet. It all happened too much…too fast…in a span of years, to have Simon dead at the sound of a gun was shocking. 
It’s been a year and he couldn’t believe he waited that long to come visit you when he knows you the most. He shakes with anticipation everyday. He was looking forward to seeing you last year, to finally telling you all about his love for you. Maybe it was him who needed you more because you made your own world without him, but he couldn’t give a fuck anymore. You’ve both been apart for what felt like decades and he will burn the world if he’s apart from you for a day more. 
It was raining and he drove to your house in his black car. The mansion with a garden. How foolish you both were when you dreamed those dreams. Life was never that easy. Blood was shed, lives were taken for his ambition. It didn’t matter right now. Not in this second. The rain just gets stronger. He forgot his umbrella but it didn’t matter. Nothing else mattered right now. He could see your figure from the back of the house looking through the French windows of your new home. Funny, you both got what you wanted. He got the Arrow House and you had this manor but they were both so fucking lifeless. He imagined a different house. He imagined a house with kids, with you during the war. He was looking at you and frowned when he saw you leave. Should he knock at the door? Should he just go back? Did you even want to see him?
Drops of rain wet his coat and he removed his Peaky hat, tossing it away to fix his hair. He should’ve gotten an umbrella. His shoes slosh with every step and the chill eats away his bones but he will be warm soon.  
Thunder wakes the Birmingham sky and he sees you…a few metres away from him in your dress. 
“Tommy!” you called, an umbrella in your hand. You rushed towards him to give him shelter from the rain. The mud from the grass made your bare feet wet but you didn’t care. Tommy was here…he was finally here. He meets you halfway, underneath your black umbrella. He smiles, chest against yours. 
“We can’t fit,” he chuckled, a glimmer of the youth that you used to see in his eyes appearing. “Y/N,”
“Tommy,” you replied, a bashful smile on your face. “Let’s go inside,” you tell him but he holds your arm to keep you from leaving. “Tom?”
“I’m sorry,” he says, his hand coming up to touch your face but he wasn’t sure. Was it alright to touch you now? “I—I,” he tries to think of words to say, every single emotion getting trapped in his throat. He coughs, shaking his head. “I miss you,”
A single tear trails down your cheek and you wipe it away. 
“Looks like the world is finally quiet,” you replied, smiling at him. “I’ve missed you too, Tom,” you chuckled, laying your head on his chest. “I’ve missed you so, so, so much,”
He nods, wrapping his arms around you. You look at him again, a small smile on your face. 
“Did you know that…that—“ he coughs. Fuck.
“I’ve always thought of ways to tell you this back in the war and I just—I guess the delays and everything and fuck, love. I’ve loved you since we played with your toy horses outside the brothel,” he breathes out. “And I’m sorry, so, so fucking sorry that it took me so long to tell you. That you had to go through all that because you thought that I didn’t love you when I did. I’ve loved you since then and I still love you now. I love you and I just hope that I’m not too late because God, Y/N. You were the one who saved me..who protected me all these years and I can’t lose you again,” he tells you, his hands cradling your face. “I thought…I thought I was going to die when Sabini’s men took me, Y/N and all I could think of was you. How were you? Were you free? You were the only one in my head. I couldn’t stop thinking about you. I love you, Y/N. I love you so, so much,” he adds tenderly, his forehead against yours. You were smiling at him, tears streaming down your face. Tommy loves you. Tommy loves you. 
“I love you too, Tommy,” you whispered. “I’ve loved you all this time. I can’t believe we’re finally here,” you smiled at him. Tommy throws away the umbrella in your hand. He takes your chin with his fingers gently. Tommy could feel his heart beat faster and faster. He knew that if he'd kiss you now, he’d dream of your beautiful face and soft lips forever. With bated breath, he takes in your expressions, trying to look for any signs of doubt but he couldn’t see it. Is this how it’s like to kiss the face of an angel? He licks his lips and then…and then, he kisses you. He was reborn. His reincarnation was complete. Earthly lifetimes before this had nothing on the life that he will build with you. He loves you. You love him. Tommy kisses you with years of passion and tenderness in his heart. The crease on his brows melts away and your whimpering sounded like God whispering to his ear. Nevermind the rain, nevermind everything. You were here and so was he. 
Tommy’s been staying over at your house ever since you professed your love for each other. He’d leave in the morning to attend to some business and then come back in the afternoon, shedding layers of today’s work into your arms. 
“How are you so beautiful?” he asks in hushed tones. His finger trails down your cheek gently. “I love you,”
“Tommy,” you chuckled. “You’ve been showering me with praise.”
“I’ve been waiting all my life to say these things to you, love. I’ll make up for those lost years everyday.” 
“I love you, Tommy,” you told him, rising from your position to kiss his cheek. “I don’t think I can love anyone else as much as I love you,”
“Pol knows about us,” he whispers. “I think John and Arthur are wondering where I’m always off to because they never see me home,”
“Nothing escapes past her,” you told him. “I miss her…I still can’t believe she intercepted those letters. I don’t know…I can’t hold a grudge against her but I can’t…”
“It’s alright. I understand,” he replied. “Took me a while to get over it too because…because if she didn’t, we’d have all of this earlier,”
“Why didn’t you tell me that you loved me before?”
“I wanted to tell you before I left but I can’t make you wait for me that long. I knew I was coming back to you but what if I couldn’t?” he asked. He holds your body closer to him. The hushed tones that you spoke in made the bedroom so homey, comfortable, and nice. His chin falls on the top of your head. “Why didn’t you tell me that you loved me?”
“I didn’t want you to love me,” you told him. “I was a prostitute, Tom and I…I don’t want to love you when I can’t give you all of me,” you whispered.
“It wouldn’t have mattered. I would have done something to make sure that you wouldn’t have to do any of that.” he said. He takes your fingers into his, weaving his with yours. 
“Are you off to see Y/N again?” Polly asked, sipping on her tea while she watched her nephew fix his coat. Tommy patted himself down, making sure that everything was in place. 
“Of course, Pol,” he smiles. “Off to see my woman,”
“Can…can you tell her that she’s invited for Sunday’s dinner?” Polly asked, wiping her worries away by rubbing her hands. “I’ve missed her. The family misses her,”
“I’ll try to,” Tommy replied. “But don’t expect anything, Pol,”
“Of course,” she replied. Her lips pursed together. “I wanted to tell her about…how sorry I am for the things I’ve done. It should have been your decision to stay in touch and not mine, no matter how much I justify it. I—I feel as though it was my fault for putting her through all of that, Tom,”
“Thank you, Pol,” Tommy nodded. 
“What has she been up to these days?” she asked.
“Fixing her estate and her properties,” he replied. “She’s been mostly cooped inside the house,” Polly only nods to herself, unsure of what to say. Tommy leaves with a click of his tongue. 
When he arrived at your house, you were in your office, sorting through some of the documents Simon left you. You look up at him from where you were sitting with a smile and he takes that as a sign to come closer. He kisses your shoulder lightly before reading over the documents. 
“You want to rest?” he asked, voice husky. He puts his hands on your shoulders and massages you gently. 
“Thanks, Tommy,”
“Polly’s inviting you to come to Sunday’s dinner,” he says. “You don’t have to go if you don’t want to nor do you have to answer now. Ada’s gonna be there along with Karl. John and the kids…Arthur and Finn. Pol and then, me,”
Tommy kisses the top of your head, watching you sort through the papers. 
“Can I…can I think about it?” you asked him. You could see how important it is to him but you couldn’t agree just because he’s Tommy. It didn’t work that way anymore. He hums, satisfied with your reply before sitting on the chair adjacent to the table. 
“Anything I can do to help?” he asked. 
“Just…some of his unsettled accounts,” you sighed. “I want them paid to avoid issues,” you told him. He takes a document and reads it over. Oh. “I want to start a foundation for children or at least, fund an orphanage and a school,” 
“Do it,” he tells you. “Simon has left a considerable amount of properties to last generations.”
“What time should I go to Arrow House for Sunday’s dinner?” you asked. Tommy halts and looks at you with a grateful smile. 
“I’ll come get you,” he says, kissing your cheek. “Thank you. I know it’s not easy,” he tells you. You only nod, if Tommy can look at you like that again, then a thousand awkward dinners don’t mean a thing. 
Sunday comes and you stand at the door of Arrow House with his hand on your back. He could see you fumble nervously. You almost looked shy. An amused smile graces his face. Why would you be so shy when you’ve told John off multiple times? You helped raise Finn. Ada basically considers you as a sister. You were the only person that Arthur respects. Polly thinks of you as her daughter. 
“Are you ready?” he asks, his raspy voice coating you like honey. You nod and he chuckles, opening the door to his mansion.
The Shelbys were everywhere. Ada was running after Karl and John’s kids. Arthur was laughing at something that John probably said. Polly was nowhere to be found, probably fussing in the kitchen. 
“See? It’s like you never left,” he comforts you. He knows better than to have the attention all on you so he tries to slip past everyone without being noticed. Still, your arrival was much awaited and soon enough, you were engulfed in strong arms.
“Y/N!” John greets, hugging you tighter. “Oh, everyone! Y/N’s here!” he announces and you chuckle. 
“John…” Tommy warns but before his little brother can let you go, Arthur slings an arm around your shoulder. 
“How are you, dove?” he asked. 
“I’ve been well,” you replied. Ada comes next, shooing her brothers away to have you all to herself. 
“Y/N. It’s been so long since we last saw each other. You loom as radiant as ever! I hope my idiot brother’s treating you well, hm?” she asked, pointedly looking at an amused Tommy who was leaning by the fireplace. “Seriously, how are you? Are you doing well?” she asks in a  more serious tone.
“I am,” you replied. “Sorry it took me a year to recover,” you replied. 
“We understand, Y/N. We could’ve waited longer but Tommy here couldn’t. He was so fidgety!” she chuckled. “Basically pissed on everyone for a whole year! He almost got in a brawl with Arthur. That’s how miserable Tommy was but then again, you’ve never really seen Tommy being aggressive,”
“I haven’t,” you replied. Honestly, you were so glad that Tommy kept his gang and violence from you. You’ve never seen him land a punch even though you knew that he slept beside a gun. 
“Thank you for coming, though,” Ada says. “We all missed you and we wanted to come visit you but Tommy warned us to give you time and space until you’re ready after what happened,”
“You know that I’m always happy to be here. Everything was just too much at so little time, Ada,” you replied. “I’m sorry if I ever made it seem like I didn’t want you to be with me when I moved back here. I needed room to grow and heal,”
“You don’t have to apologise, Y/N. In any case, I actually feel quite guilty for the things that I allowed myself to put you through. All of us played a part in your marriage with Simon Coventry. I just…if you’re being forced or if there’s an inkling that you don’t want to be with Tommy—“
“Ada!” you laughed lightly. It puts a smile on her face. How long has it been since you laughed like that? “I’m alright. I love Tommy and I love your family. There’s not a day that I don’t want to see him. I’m always looking forward to his visits and when he can't, I still do the same anyway.” you told her. 
“That’s great,” she smiled. “I’m happy for you, Y/N. Tommy’s really lucky,”
You were so engrossed with your conversation with Ada that you didn’t see Polly approaching. It was Ada who called Polly over. Tension settles on your spine; creeping up like ice. Your throat dries and Ada coughs. 
“I’ll leave you two alone,” she says, smiling at you encouragingly before leaving. Polly walks towards you cautiously, scared that she’ll scare you. You smile at her tightly, your cheeks hurting from the control. 
“I…” you sighed, looking away. “I know that you want what is best for me but you didn’t have to intercept the letters,” you started. “I know that we didn’t know when Tommy’s coming back…or if he’s coming back and you wanted me to take the opportunity to–”
“Y/N,” she stops you, a soft hand on your crossed arms. “You don’t have to defend me. I’m so sorry for what happened and for what I did. I had no right to do what I did. If it wasn’t for me, you’d be happy…you’d–” she chokes. “I’m so sorry, my love,” she whispers, a stray tear on her face. She tries to shake it off. “I’m really sorry. I hope you find it in your heart to forgive me someday,”
“But I forgive you, Pol,” you told her. “It was hard to do so and it’s harder to repair what we lost but you can’t blame yourself for the things that Simon did. We both didn’t know,” you told her. “Thank you for apologising and…thank you for always looking out for me,”
“I’m sorry, Y/N. I’m so, so, so sorry,” she cried. She could feel her throat tighten and her eyes glisten. You smiled at her. Maybe this was what you needed to finally close that part in your life.
The afternoon was filled with reunions and with warmth. A regular weekend at the Shelby’s, just like when you and Tommy were younger. Oh how you’ve missed them–how you’ve missed having a family. 
The night was quiet at the Arrow House. Everybody left at the sight of nightfall, dimming laughter filling the halls. You and Tommy were at the drawing room in the second storey of his mansion, looking at the cars that left one by one. He wraps his arms around your shoulders, his chin on the crook of your neck. He breathes in and kisses what he could kiss. 
“You alright?” he asked, pulling you closer. 
“Very,” you told him. “Made me realise how much I missed having your family around…I miss having a family,” 
“You are a part of us, you know that, right?” he asked.
“I know,” you replied, laying closer to him. 
“You can be a part of us. A real Shelby,” he whispers. “Y/N, look at me,” he asks of you, removing his hands gently and turning your around.
“Did you know Polly told me that only love can blind a man as powerful as me?” he asked. “I realised that wasn’t the case. It was you all along, love. My love for you is secondary. You’re the one who makes me weak, who makes me blind. I love you so much. I’ll burn the world if it means that you’re safe, you’re with me, and you’re happy. Y/N, do you want to be a Shelby?” he asked. He pulls out a ring from his bolster shakily. You’ve never seen him nervous. “I’ve held onto this for so long. This was the first thing I bought when I came back from war,” he says. The gold ring with a single diamond glimmers. “I thought of getting you something else…a bigger diamond, maybe but material things don’t matter to me anymore. The only thing I can promise is my love, my loyalty. I am the only thing I can promise you. I’m quite scared because if you’ll marry me, you’ll marry a man and you will marry a curse. I can’t…I can’t go on like this anymore. I can’t go on without you anymore. It’s selfish, I know but will you marry me, Y/N?” he asked. You stood there, dumbfounded. 
“Tommy–of course, I’ll marry you,” you replied, tears streaming down your face. “I’ve loved you for so long,” you chuckled, extending your hand towards his equally shaky ones. He puts the ring on your ring finger. It has always belonged to you. “I’ll marry you right now. Oh, Tom,” you cried, kissing him feverishly. He wraps his arms around your waist and pulls you closer. Is this life even real?
“Let’s go to my bedroom,” he rasps and you nod. He holds your hand with his gentle ones and sits you on the bed. He smiles at you in the dimming light of his bedroom. “You’re so beautiful,” he whispers. He was afraid to see you disappear if he was too loud. “So beautiful for me,” he says, tucking a stray hair and kissing the spot under your ear. You hum, fishing for the buttons of his shirt and he chuckles, forcefully removing it from himself. 
“Tom,” you whispered, unbuttoning your dress. He nods, leaning on the headboard and letting you straddle him. The softness of your skin against his was sending him over the edge but he chooses to control himself. He lets your dress and brassiere fall on your shoulders, your breasts bare to him. He angles himself, taking a nipple in his mouth and licking it softly. You whimpered, the feeling of his mouth on one of the most sensitive parts of your body was something that you never thought was going to happen. 
“Is it alright if I bite?” he asked and you nodded. “Say it. Come on, love,”
“Do whatever you want to me, Tommy,” you mewled, hands massaging your silky breasts while he sucks on your nipple.
“Fuck, love,” He groans at your response, bucking his hips unexpectedly. “The things you do to a man, Y/N. The things you do to me,” his hands travel on your sides, goosebumps appearing from the softness of his touch. Tommy cups your heat through your underwear. “Remove your dress for me,”
You nod, the cold hitting you all at once when you raised yourself from him. He watches the fabric flow so softly until you are left with nothing but your underwear. 
“Remove that too,” he says, and you nodded. “You’re so obedient, Y/N,” he praises. “May I?” he asked and you nodded, a thick finger dipping in your wetness. You both moaned at the contact before he removed it slowly. You watched as he brought his finger up to his mouth, making a show of licking you off of him. “You’re so sweet,” 
“Tommy,” you whimpered. “Don’t tease me,” 
“Alright, alright,” he replied. You remove yourself from him, laying down on the bed with your legs spread wide. He can see your pussy glisten and he curses himself, removing his pants hastily before joining you. “Spit,” he orders you, his hand waiting expectedly by your mouth. You obliged and watched him jerk himself off. “Tell me what you want, Y/N,” he says. 
“Please,” he begs. “I’ll do it. I’ll fucking do it,”
“I want you to make love to me, Tommy,” you whimpered. “Please show me how much you love me,” 
“Oh, love,” he groans. Tommy comes towards you, so close, so warm. His hands found your knees and he caressed your knees. “You're so beautiful, darling,” 
“Tom,” you mewled. His prying fingers found your heat. He cups your mound and then parts your folds, rubbing them up and down. He smiles at you, leaning over your figure until his nose brushes yours. 
“Hey,” he tells you. He watches you closely and he wonders why he never had the courage to tell you how much he loved you earlier. The curve of your lips, the lashes on your eyes…he wanted to memorise every part of you and commemorate it. He leans down, his mouth on your mouth, kissing you so slowly. This is love, you thought. Tommy nudges your legs wider apart, his tip pressing into your wetness. “Fuck, love,” he rasps, rutting into your more roughly.
“I need you inside me, Tom,” you breathed. He nods, aligning himself on your wet slit. He feels the anticipation run through his veins. He never would have even dreamed of this. In a slow stroke, Tommy’s cock finds its way inside easily; years of longing, passion, and pent-up emotions seeping through your pores. 
“You’re, ugh—“ he groans. Fuck. “Don’t fucking move yet. I’ll—“
“Tom—“ you mewled, grinding on his pelvis in circles. You felt full; you felt complete. 
“Love, please,” he begs. “Let me…let me savour this. Want this to last,” He feels your body relax and he sighs. Really, if he decided to move now, he’s only going to embarrass himself. He curses to himself, ashamed that he had to pull himself back a little bit. “I’m going to move, yeah?” he asked and you could only nod. Tommy leans his figure over yours, his lips landing on your nipple. He licks on it lightly as he adjusts himself. He pulls out slowly, before going back in slowly. 
You both moan in unison. Tommy continues his movements while he sucked on your nipple. Your hands find their way to his hair, pulling it softly. 
“I love you, Tom,” you whimpered,feeling his cock rubbing inside. “I love you so much,”
“Mmm,” he only hums, his attention on your other nipple now. Your fingers find their way onto your clitoris and you rub circles on it while Tommy fucks you deeper. “Fuck,” he groans, breaking away from the comfort of your arms and leaning back. He removes your hand and raises one of your legs. You watched as Tommy fucks you faster, but now it was deeper and you felt more full because of your new position. “Oh, fuck,” he rasps, his thumb coming in contact with your clit.
“Tommy,” you moaned when you felt his rough thumb rubbing circles. “Fuck, I—“ 
“It’s alright, darling. I will take —good—care—of—you,” he said, thrusting harder into you to make his point. “You won’t have to worry about anything anymore. You have me…your Tommy,”
“My Tommy,” you whispered, as if it was a new concept when Tommy knew that he belonged to you from the very start. Still, hearing the words come from your mouth excites him. 
“Say it again,”
“My Tommy,” you repeated. “Fuck, Tommy,” you mewled, pinching your nipples together. 
“Fuck, you want me to fuck babies into you?” he asked, quickening his pace. 
“Yes, Tommy, please!” you whimpered. “Going to make you a daddy,”
“I’m going to make love to you everyday and cum inside your pretty pussy, yeah?” he rasps, his cock fucking your wet pussy harder. “Oh fuck,”
The lewd sounds of skin slapping against skin, your wetness welcoming him with every thrust fills the room. You were both high, moans and grunts filling every crevice of the room. Tommy fucks you sloppier while your fingers play with your clit. 
“I’m close, ugh—Tommy,” you grunted. “Tom, Tom, Tommy,”
“Let go, love,” he whimpered. “Go on,” 
His words fuelled you and you released a high pitched moan as he felt your walls clench around him. The feeling of your pussy milking him sends him into overdrive and you feel it. You felt his warm cum coating your walls.
“Fuck, Y/N,” he moans, thrusting his hips into you even more to chase his orgasm. “I love you. I fucking love you,” he rasps, collapsing into you.
“I love you, Tommy,” you replied, playing with the soft tendrils of his hair. He lays there, unmoving, his softening cock still inside you. 
“Let’s stay like this forever,” he says, kissing your breast. 
“Now, you’ve seen me,”
“And you’ve seen me,”
“Tom!” you shrieked, looking at the muddy footprints that stained your white carpet. Over the last few years, you both decided that it would be best to stay at your place instead of the Arrow House. You both agreed that it was too dark and too lonely. It was so unlike the lush gardens, the water fountain, and the scurrying feet of the maids in your house. Besides, Tommy liked it here better. It was brighter, happier, and his nephews and nieces loved to visit. 
“Oh no,” he hears a child say. “Oh, no, no, no,”
“Shh,” he crouches down to her height. “If we’re quiet, mum won’t see us,”
“Thomas Shelby! I told you to leave the boots outside whenever you’re out with the horses,” 
“Dad—I don’t want to get mummy mad,” she whispers. “Let’s say sorry,”
Tommy looks at his daughter with wonder in his eyes. He never knew he’d love someone else as much as he loves you.
“Alright,” he nods, bracing himself. “Come on,”
His daughter holds his hands and gets out of the hiding place. She immediately cowers behind her father when she sees the hand on your hip.
“It was dad’s fault!” you heard her say, running towards you and hugging your legs. “Daddy did it!”
You frowned at Tommy but he could see the smile that dared to crack. 
“Oh, bub. Where’s your loyalty to your old man, hmm?” he asked, a hand over his heart. “Darling, I must let you know that…” he trailed off kissing your cheek first. “Our daughter here is a natural,”
“I know, I know,” he soothed, massaging the crease between your eyebrows. “We’re sorry, right, bub?” he asked your little girl. She nodded, looking up at you. “Traitor,” Tommy whispers to himself before ruffling her hair. 
“Just don’t do it again, alright?” you asked him. 
“Do you think there’s a future where the two of us can be together?” Tommy asked. Upon seeing your panicked reaction, he coughs. “What I meant is…that we’ll still be like this,”
“Of course, we will,” you replied. “Only better…because by that time, we won’t have to worry about anything anymore because we’re together.”
“Of course, Tommy. You’re the most important person in my life. I don’t know what I’ll do if I lose you too,” you replied, looking at him, trying to look for his reaction. You looked away when you saw the ghost of a smile paint his features. He’s always been so handsome. 
“You won’t,” he replied, taking your hand to make that promise. “You won’t ever lose me,” he tells you. 
“I guess, I won’t.”
END A/N: I am so sorry for taking so long to upload this. I really am sorry. I'll be uploading a separate author's not soon. But for now, thank you. Thank you, thank you, thank you. TAGLIST:  @shelbydelrey @runnning-outof-time @duckybird101 @thenattitude @swordofawriter @litteltourtius​ @trixie23​ @everythingelseisextra​ @majesticcmey @liveat1am @dumb-wh @denabp16 @yvonna-chan @goldensunflowe-r @therosabel @hunnibearrr @dazecrea @daddyslittleattentionwhore @the-girl-wh0-cries-w0lf @dang-shawty-okay @dasia21 @tsenthusiast1920 @aces-tattooartist @panda-luminary @ttaechi @spencerrxids @i-heart-food @fudge13 @affabletimelady @heartcereql @ce1iat @notalxx @1800-queen-trash @sweetwanderlust05 @globetrotter28 @thebestandworstdayofjune @reggxe-a @verreuckteli @vampireluck @zoexme @liter4ti @quixscentsposts @homosexualjohnwayne @charli123456789 @Maria_elizabeth21
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Angel of Birmingham ~ Alfie Solomons x Reader
Summary: Before he meets Tommy Shelby, Alfie gets the pleasant surprise of encountering the lovely Angel of Britain, and from then on, he swears to always protect her from all the dangers of the world.
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If she were to ask herself who was the first to call her that - That undeserving nickname - She’d have to guess it might have been Arthur. He always had a way with words without realizing, and it all happened when they were children... More or less, considering she is closer to John’s age than his, and she would patch him up after fights and whatever marks of ‘good behaviour’ he got from playing around.
Seeing how great she was at taking care of him and his brothers, Aunt Polly suggested she tries to become a nurse or something. She saw potential in the little girl. Intelligent, charming, beautiful and pretty damn innocent. She shouldn’t stay too close to their dark side, it may taint her, and neither of the Shelbies wanted to see her upset. She was too much of a ray of sunshine and they desperately clinged to her and her kindness.
In the bleak midwinter.
But the girl was also highly ambitious and she didn’t want to settle with being a simple nurse - No, she wanted more. More and more and more. She was smart, she was greedy and she was a conqueror.
Veni. Vidi. Vici.
Until they received a beating sister with death and they suddenly opened their eyes towards the Godly truth in front of them.
She was going to become the only surgeon in Birmingham and she will succeed without a doubt, despite her young age.
The Shelbies already had connections with some important people so it was easier to deal with uncooperative people who dismissed her for being a woman and didn’t even look at her amazing knowledge and skills.
For a while, she had to be away and work in the London’s hospital as she studied medicine, despite her very young age. She hated being alone from her family and her second family, as she always called the Shelbies, but despite her timid personality, she still made some pretty good friends, albeit with the nurses, as most of the girls didn’t have the right connections and the money to bribe their way so high-up the medical field.
For now, that is. Y/N wanted to change the world. She aimed high and jumped higher. With the right money and influence, things will change. She was sure about that.
It was all going splendid for her, until the First World War began and her three Shelby brothers were enrolled - She was desperate to keep them home, but she knew she couldn’t.
So the next best thing was to go with them.
She was a doctor and they needed war doctors to take care of the wounded, so of course, she was accepted without a second thought.
She had to go to Verdun and to Somme, and she had to see so many people being brutally taken away from life - Bombs, gunshots, wails of anguish and despair, fear, cries, agony and shivers.
If Y/N could describe war with a single word, it would be simply ‘Hell’. 
There was no better word to describe it, without a doubt, and an angel in hell always gets her wings burnt horrifically painfully.
She prayed day and night for her three brothers to be alive and well by the end of all this, at least physically, since mentally, she knows neither of them will be the same, that’s for sure.
And this hell went on for four agonizing years that went by, day after day, at an alarmingly lethargic pace, as if time and space were enclosed into a continuous loop of no return, a dark void from which they will never return.
But they did.
And when they did, they were welcomed with hugs and kisses and lots of love from their families...
Yet they reciprocated with a dead look in their eyes.
They died in War, and this was just a second attempt at living, like a dead man roaming the world again.
The worst that happened was Tommy getting shot during his tunneling, but Y/N made sure he would be treated properly, and yet, there was one thing she couldn’t do, no matter how perfect her healing skills were, and that is to erase their mental and emotional pain and all the nightmares and PTSD they had to suffer from.
She tried to stay strong for them, to smile and be radiant as before, to try to take away some of their unseen pain, to talk to them, to sooth them... God knows they needed it. 
She would crawl in Tommy’s bed at forsaken hours and hold him tightly whenever he’d wake up screaming in fear, afraid that the shovels will breach through the walls and he’d get shot again, and she’d talk to him, reassure him and tell him he’s not there anymore and nothing will get to him again, she will protect him from any danger, and her wings were there to shield him.
She would leap out and hug Arthur from behind, dragging him away from murdering or fatally beating more men who looked at him the wrong way, so he wouldn’t lose control of his mind and body again, and she will shoo everyone away while she holds him and lets him cry out his fear and stress and pain.
And John... Poor John... Ever after being home, he was still in a state of shock, and he was so confused, and would look down at his hands, trying to wash them so much that he got burns and irritation, only to get rid of the ocean of blood that he created by killing hundreds of men, and witnessing a thousand more.
And yet...
There was nobody there for her.
Nobody to hold her down whenever she wanted to lash out into hysterics and tear everyone apart limb from limb. There was nobody there to reassure her that she didn’t fail anyone for not managing to save the man split in ten pieces after falling prey to a bomb. That there was nothing wrong with taking lives as long as you protect your own. There was nobody to reassure her during a nightmare or embrace her protectively whenever she’d flinch, jump or panic from the louder noises or frequent gunshots all over Birmingham.
She needed a change. She was going further down and down, spiraling into the horrible abyss that the bottomless pits of anguish and torment she was succumbing to, and she knew that, no matter how much she’d smile and say ‘I’m alright’, she’d only drown deeper into her darkest despair.
And that’s how she chose to cope with all her pain. Work herself into exhaustion, study, practice, work, learn - Do anything but sleep or stay idle - As long as her mind was preoccupied with different things, there was no way she’d recognize her downwards descend into hell.
Thus, with continuous work, gunshot threatenings and more influence and bribes, she managed to become the Head of the Birmingham hospital, as the only capable surgeon in the city.
But now that she achieved this, she needed something new. She couldn’t fall into platitude, or she’d go insane. She constantly needed stimulation, because if she relaxes, even by a little, she will remember she is a human being with human emotions and that’s when shit will hit the fan hard, and she was afraid that was the point of no return.
So she extended her influence in London, went to conferences, met new people and ironically, the big hospital was close to The Angel and Camden Town and she became sort of an administrator - section chief around, so she could organize every patient and treatment the way she wanted. Everyone reported to her.
She was Britain’s Angel.
Things were going very well for her, she got a lot of money, people loved her, she was neutral with all the gangsters, mafia, police and every normal peasant or royalty - Healing did not discriminate against any social criteria made by the higher ups - And she had a very lovely, small house and a beautiful flower garden, a lovely maid who helped her keep things tidy, a decent car ( although she preferred walking ) and a few dogs to keep her company.
Another day, another struggle to keep on going. Y/N got up, drank her morning tea in peace while listening to the gramophone. She combed her long hair, letting it cascade down her back, completely disregarding the fashion of the Roaring ‘20s, and went to look at her wardrobe. She chose a black turtleneck thin blouse with high-waisted black pants, a pair of leather boots, some accessories and an elegant trench coat which she wore over her shoulders. It was Spring, so it wasn’t truly cold enough to dress warmly, but not hot enough to wear a sundress either.
The most peculiar thing happened while walking to the hospital - She heard a groan of pain from a dark alley and going to investigate, she saw a fair haired man whose white shirt was stained with red.
“Is it yours?” the woman asked him as she carefully stepped in front of him, completely disregarding the two dead bodies from the ground.
“Some o’ it. Most o’ it is theirs, poor fellas.” he tilted his head to the side left and right, almost comically.
“Fairs. Let’s get you to the hospital, I’ll treat your wound. Free of charge, of course. Let the state pay for something for once.” she chuckled lightly, extending her hand for him to take - To accept her proposal.
“Who are you, Miss? I don’t recall ever seein’ you ‘round. A new nurse from the hospital?” he asked as he almost skeptically stepped by her side, following her.
“Oh, yes, of course, I’m sorry, I forgot my manners. I am Y/N... I’m sort of the head of the hospital nearby. And, uh... I’m a surgeon.” she grinned at him serenely, almost as if to defy and shock him by his previous assumptions.
“A woman doctor, aye? Now that... That’s top. How’d ya do that? I thought they didn’t accept women at University ‘n such.” despite his words, he seemed genuinely interested and wasn’t mocking her.
“Well... Yes, not wrong. And I want to change that. Hmm, how do I explain this without scaring you away... I’m a pretty smart cookie I guess!” her laugh was crystalline and lovely, and if weren’t for the pain from the bullet he took, he would have laughed as well rather mirthfully.
“That you are, lass, I’m sure.” he grunted as he nodded, a bit robotically.
“Ah, we’ve arrived. Before we go in, are you from a mafia gang or something? Some social... Political... Something? It’s not that I care, but I have to put people in different wings for their own good, you know?” she chuckled awkwardly, fidgeting with her fingers a bit.
“I’m not sure I understand, lass.” he raised his eyebrow, analyzing the soft-spoken woman, trying to understand her intentions, whether they were good or bad.
“Well... My hospital accept everyone, you know? But at the same time I don’t think most people want to be rooming with coppers. Or... I know there are some gang wars around... Italians and Jews I think, or something like that. To put some Sabinis and some from Solomons’ gang in the same room, I not only fear for their lives, but also for the good of the rest of the patients and my hospital, you get me? That’s why I at least have to ask. Who knows, maybe I have some of your peers around for you and you can chat and feel better together.” she shrugged at him, feeling a bit uncomfortable being stared like that by him.
“Alright, alright, I get it, lass. Let’s go to the Jews, right? Y’got some o’ those, don’t ya?” he asked, following her as he watched her smile and greet sweetly every person she was walking past.
“Oh yes, of course. Yesterday came a boy called Oliver... Oh, I mean Ollie. He gets upset when I call him by his full name. And there’s this one called David. They said they work for Alfie Solomons, so I put their occupations as bakers. Would you like me to do the same for you as well?” she asked as she hurried inside the room and asked where he would like to stay, and thus preparing the bed.
“Ye even got flowers ‘round ‘ere. This looks more like a home than a hospital if y’ask me.” he chuckled softly as he let himself fall down on the bed, taking off his shoes.
“Oh, yes! Studies show that if patients feel welcomed and are well taken care of, they have higher chances of recovering at a much faster pace. I wanted to test this theory, so I made a contract with the flower shop down town to always bring me flowers. Isn’t that lovely?” she smiled sweetly at him, which rendered the man speechless and in awe.
“Boss, what happened?!” suddenly, Ollie’s worried voice resounded through the room as he leapt from his bed, by the mysterious man’s side.
“Just some dead fish, don’t you worry, lad.” he downplayed his injury as the woman watched the wholesome exchange between those two.
“Oliver - Uh... Ollie, I mean, forgive me. I have to extract the bullet from Mr. Solomons’ body. I will have to ask you to please not worry, I promise to save him, okay?” why was this woman so sweet with everyone? Was that how a doctor should be? Or was she just some exemplary woman?
“...Alright, miss...” the boy muttered, dejected as he watched the woman leave the room, no doubt to get the right equipment for the extraction.
“Honestly, lad, you worry like some maiden. Let the girl do ‘er job.” the Jewish boss chuckled reassuringly at the tall brunet boy.
“She’s no girl, Mr. Solomons. She’s Britain’s Angel. Haven’t you heard o’ her?” Ollie went to sit on the boss’s bed, leaning down to whisper in his ear.
“That’s ‘er? Really?” Alfie’s eyes widened in surprise, but he quite understood now why she earned the reputation.
“Aye! She grew up with the Peaky Blinders and their influence and bribes got her into University, but she’s like super smart! I ‘eard they call her Angel or somethin’, especially after her services in the War. Can you believe that?! A woman voluntarily enrolling into war?! That’s insane, who’d want a free ticket to hell?!” Ollie’s voice became a bit higher as he gossiped with his boss.
“Someone who wants to protect her family.” a feminine chuckle broke the conversation as the two Jews snapped their heads towards the entrance, seeing her casually leaning back on the wall, looking at them with an amused expression, mock-reprimanding. “Don’t you know it’s not nice to gossip?”
“Sorry, lass. This one has quite the chatter mouth to him! ‘e just can’t seem to ever shut it!” his over the top gesticulation, among with Ollie’s shocked expression made the girl hide her mouth to laugh as she shook her head and pushed the tray with the needed instruments to Alfie’s bed.
“True. If he didn’t call you Boss, I wouldn’t have known who you were, Mr. Solomons. Now, I would have to ask you to let me unbutton your shirt so I can begin the procedure. It won’t last long, and with the local anaesthesia, you won’t even feel a thing... For the most part, at least.” she chuckled awkwardly as she sat down on his bed, smiling calmly at him.
“Nah, lass, no fancy ana-thingy, I want none o' that. Ain’t gonna get some drugs to put me down. I’ve been through this before in war, right, and ya didn’t have anaesthesia in war either, so that’s that.” as he said those things, he immediately noticed the smile disappearing from her face as a dark look flashed before her eyes that used to sparkle with fake happiness.
“It’s local anaesthesia, it won’t make you sleep. Besides, I used cocaine in war. It still works. Don’t be like that, Alfie. Please.” she seemed to almost desperately want to use that numbing solution for some reason.
“Why do you insist on going against your patient’s wishes, miss doctor?” he challenged her, narrowing her eyes, as if he was trying to peer into her mind.
“I can’t stand people’s raw cries. You heard Ollie. I’ve been to war, but a part of me never returned home. If I can do something to absolve the pain from someone, I’m gonna do it, whether they like it or not.” her dark voice seemed to make a complete 180 from the sweet one from earlier.
“Do you do the same with coppers too, lass?” his light question, as he unbuttoned his shirt, came as a begrudged agreement to her proposition.
“Nah. I just hit them over the head with a bottle of alcohol. Works every time.” her devious, vague smirk made him wonder whether what she was saying was true or not.
“Now that -- I really wanna see that, right. Would’ya call me next time you gotta do that?” Alfie chuckled as he attentively watched her gently wipe the blood from his skin.
“It’s usually a spontaneous decision, really. I get impulsive too, sometimes, you know? I’m not perfect. But, should the time come, I suppose it wouldn’t hurt to have an audience that would be pleasantly surprised by my act of aggression.” she smiled softly as she carefully administrated the novocain around the area where he got the bullet.
“So where’d ya serve?” he asked, as the girl encouraged him to talk and get his mind away from the procedure.
“Somme and Verdun. I asked to be deployed as close as possible to the Shelbies... I’m sure you got that by what Ollie just told you. Y’know, the tunnels Tommy dug and all that? Wasn’t fun. And you, Alfie? ... Ah, actually, forgive me, I shouldn’t address you so casually without asking for your permission, I got ahead of myself. You can call me by my first name too. I prefer it that way, kinda. It’s more casual and light-hearted.” she chuckled awkwardly - Alfie realized she wasn’t the best at social interactions. He wondered if this was just how she was, or it was a post-war effect.
“No, s’all right, ya can call me Alfie, no problem. I was a Captain in war, right, I was a Captain and I led tons of lads to their death, yeah, but we killed more than we got killed, so that’s that, I guess. Meddled with gas’n’bombs’n shit like that.” Despite trying to keep things light hearted, he noticed the upset look on her face.
“As long as you’re alive, anything is justified.” She muttered, more to herself than to him as she started poking the area under anaesthesia to see if it got numbed down properly.
“Oi, lass, how about I tell you a story, aye? ‘S pretty funny, I reckon.” He suggested, seeing as she smiled softly and nodded at him, putting on her gloves, ready to extract the bullet old-school.
“Sure, Alfie, I’d love that.” She gave him a quick look as he fingers dug inside his wound, making him flinch.
“So, this happened during war, right. My regiment had some nasty Italians around, and they pissed me off so fucking much, yeah. Well, I tell ya, I once carried my own personal form of stigmata on an Italian.” He used one of his hands to gesticulate wildly, as if to keep her engaged in the story whilst he grunted from the discomfort and pain he felt as she rummaged inside his wound.
“Ohh, the Italians. This is going to be a very good story, I’m sure. What did you do?” her smile widened slightly as she felt the bullet shards and started extracting them one by one, putting them on a napkin until they all formed a complete bullet.
“Listen, Y/N. Listen, right. I pulled his face up against the train and shoved a 6 inch nail up his fucking nose and I hammered it on with a duct board, aye.” As he told his story, Y/N had to turn around and slouch a bit, unable to contain her laughter.
“Oh my God, Alfie, that was horrible!” but despite the words used, she just laughter harder.
“It was fucking biblical, lass, I tell ya!” his voice went a bit higher, as he started chuckling as well.
“Okay, okay, say that again, but this time slower. I-I want to imagine – To, to get a better image of this in my head. “ no matter how much she tried to hide her laugh, she couldn’t, which only fueled his wish to amuse her.
“So, this fucking margherita bastard came to me and started throwing around those cross fingered hands back and forth like he wanted th’ gouge my eyes out o’ somethin’. Just! Like! this!” Alfie started aggressively mimicking the Italian hand gestures as the girl had to put down the needle and thread from shaking so much.
“G-Go on!” she encouraged him quickly.
“Yeah, so, listen, I grabbed him by the fucking head, yeah, and I saw this bigass nail, like this big, and shoved it up his nose, y’know, like the fuckin’ Egyptians hooked the brain out through the nose, right, with the mummies and shit.” He had no idea why, but he really enjoyed making her laugh like this.
“I think I’m getting a nose bleed just by imagining this!” she covered her face entirely as she swung left and right from laughing so hard.
“He’s leaning back on the train now, yeah, and he’s hazy like he’s fuckin’ high on pepperoni or some shit, and I see this board just layin’ there on th’ ground, innocently, begging to be used somehow. So I pick it up nicely, yeah, I pick it up and SLAM it into his face. Once. Twice. Thrice. More. Dunno how many times, until I can’t see the nail anymore… But I guess, by then, he didn’t really have much of a face anymore, kinda just became a jam pancake or somethin’.” The girl needed a few minutes of laughter to calm down and wipe her eyes from laughing so hard.
“Oh, Alfie, I haven’t laughed so hard in my entire life. That was wonderful. I-I have no words. I can’t… I can’t… Okay, I’m good now, I’m good. But don’t say more stories, I won’t be able to sew up your wound if I laugh like that again.” She grinned at him, grabbing the needle and thread.
“Fine, lass, fine, I won’t say more stories today. How about you say one, then?” the Jew leader smirked at her with amusement.
“O-Oh, uhm… I-I’m not exactly the funniest person in the world, you know. Actually, I’m not even sure I know what to say. I’m a horrible conversation maker.” She chuckled nervously, as she continued to make knots and stitch the wound.
“Doesn’t matter, anything works, really! I just wanna hear an angel speak.” Mr. Solomons was truly an amiable one.
“Well, alright then, let me think. So, I think you’ve heard already of the Peaky Blinders and how there are quite a few Shelby siblings, yes? Well, they used to have a baby cousin, before he was taken away by some nasty coppers and put in foster care. I was also pretty young back then, but I remember Arthur used to throw baby Michael out of the window repeatedly for either John or me to catch. Mind you, it wasn’t the ground floor.” She chuckled lightly, remembering the stupid kid things they used to do before the war, when life was so simple.
“Really, now?! Poor lad, must’ve grown up with some serious height fear!” Alfie barked a laugh.
“That’s one thing. John put him in a shoe box and kicked him down Watery Lane. Sometimes when cars were passing by too. It was insane, really, growing up with them. But it was fun. If you ignore the copious amount of times we got in trouble and almost died.”  She mused, finishing the procedure and applying some marigold ointment before bandaging the wound properly.
“Thanks, lass, that was quite the experience. Well, I’ll be off then, I won’t bother you anymore, yeah.” He said, trying to get up, only to quickly get pushed down on the bed.
“No! You need to rest and get better, as well as that, you can’t do effort or brusk movements or you risk breaking the stitches.” She explained as he saw worry in her eyes.
“Let’s compromise, alright lass? I’m these guys’ leader, yeah, I’m the leader, so I can’t stay here, I ‘ave to go home’n all that. But I promise you I’ll take it easy and only do office work, yeah, that good? And to thank ya, I’ll even call you by the bakery, how’s that? Nice and warm fresh cookies? How’s that sound?” he asked, as he saw the girl clasp her hands together to her chest.
“Well… Alright then, I can’t really refuse you. But please do be careful. At least let me walk you home or something, I don’t think anyone will attack you if I’m around.”  She muttered, still worried.
“Oi, lass, I am the gentleman here, right, I am, so I should offer to walk you home, not the other way around, aye. Let me walk ya home and tomorrow I’ll come by with cookies.” as he got up, he was ready to button up his messy shirt, but the girl stopped him.
“Alright, Alfie, you win. Let me find you a new shirt, I’m sure we have some around. Before I leave, I have to check up on one of Sabini’s men. It will be pretty short, but I still have to make sure he’s alive and kicking.” The girl offered him a smile as she rushed out to find him a new blouse.
Much to his surprise, she returned rather quickly, even dressed in her normal attire, as when she first came by, and they were ready to leave that wing. However, as soon as they exited the room, the girl was pinned to the wall by none other than Mr. Sabini himself. Alfie was ready to react and throw him off her, but a stopping signal from her did the trick, albeit, he was still confused.
“Mr. Sabini. How many times must I remind you not to greet me in this inappropriate way? I lost count after twenty.” she smiled sarcastically at him as she roughly pushed him off.
“I simply cannot help myself around una fiore cosi bello! You have to understand me, mio angelo, it is your fault for being so beautiful. And how many times have I told you to call me my by name, bella?” The sleazy Italian smirked perverted at her.
“It is inappropriate to display such behaviour with your patients, as well as that, I do not feel comfortable addressing you in any way but the formal one. I will also have to ask you, again, not to use compliments with me, I will not, under any circumstance, accept your courting proposal. Not to mention, you and your men have your own ward at a completely different floor, so I will have to politely ask you to please stop bothering my other patients who have the same rights of being treated as you do.” Her voice was so cold and venomous, as a sword’s edge cutting deep into flesh. Alfie was shocked to see the angelic woman capable of such a demeanour, considering how sweet and shy she was previously when she was laughing so much that she started tearing up.
“But Y/N, amore mio, mio Tesoro, I can give your lovely hospital monthly charity cheques, to fund it, bring you only the latest technology in pharmaceutical and medical stuff! I can buy you anything you want, only say so, and I will bring it to you! I will –“ he continued boasting about his money until he got quickly cut off by the girl.
“Enough. I don’t need your money, Mr. Sabini, I have my own. Not only that, I will also really want to ask you to stop bothering me already. I have to remind you, you have been harassing me for quite a long time now, and I have all the right in the world to choose the patients I’m admitting, considering this is now MY hospital, and if you don’t stop your desperate cry for attention, I will completely eliminate the Sabini ward and divulge all your secrets to the other mafia gangs. And don’t you dare pull out your stupid gun and threaten me, I’m not afraid of you or of death. I already died in war, now I’m just living a second chance. Good bye, Mr. Sabini.” And with that, Y/N turned on her heels, motioning for Alfie and Ollie to follow her as the click of her shoes echoing through the corridors emanated the angry aura around her.
“So you’ve got the same kind o’ personal vendetta against those stupid Italians too, aye?” Alfie chuckled, hoping to lighten up the mood for her.
“Yep. That story from before – I’d do it with Sabini without thinking twice. Or I’ll have you do it, I don’t think I even have the physical strength to pick up a duct board. I have noodle arms.” She let out an amused breath as the Jew looked at her with a smile.
“Ya bet I’ll help ya.” And thus, they arrived in front of her house, being greeted, as usual, by her barking dogs who jumped on her from happiness.
“So… Tomorrow, yes? When should I be expecting you?” she asked, trying to pacify her excited puppies.
“Maybe ‘round noon?” and thus, the agreement stood and the girl waved at him sweetly as she went inside the house, followed by her furry babies. “Y’know what, Ollie? This one is a woman that comes once every thousand years. I dunno how Thomas Shelby could let go of her, but he can’t be as smart as he thinks he is.” Alfie chuckled, nodding to his right hand man to begin walking.
The next day, as expected, Y/N woke up early to make sure nothing is out of place everywhere in the house. Maybe it was her weirdly acting up over-perfectionism, but she couldn’t stand still if something wasn’t where it should have been.
After all, she hasn’t had visitors in… Well, never. It was always her who would visit the Shelby family, but other than that, she would meet up with friends in pubs and clubs, not at home.
Before she knew it, noon arrived and the sound of barking announced Alfie’s arrival. As she opened the house’s door, she noticed he was on the ground, getting loved by all the dogs.
“They say dogs can always tell a good person from a bad one. You passed their test, well done.” She gave him an amused side-smile, leaning on the door frame.
“Anyone who has so many dogs is trustworthy in my books.” He cackled as he got up, walking towards the girl, holding the basket up so the four-legged beasts won’t steal it away.
“I taught them horribly bad. They eat at the table with me, I cook for them more than I cook for myself. And now, look at them, those rascals, they will do anything for food as if they’re famished! Spoiled brats, I’m telling you!” she smiled as she removed the flower vase from the table and poured some tea, aromatic and very nicely smelling.
He admired the tea pot and the matching cups – They were a soft, light blue with painted pink flowers. – Very cute, he thought, and very fitting to her own sweetness. He’s seen so many women affected by the bitterness and anger of having to be unheard, submissive and mistreated, in this ugly, monochrome, wet Britain, so meeting Y/N was like a breath of fresh air, completely different, not afraid of being as sweet and kind as she wants, without implicating herself in any trouble or business and just doing her own stuff.
“Tea, lass? I haven’t had tea in ages, yeah.” He chuckled as he carefully put the plate of still steaming cookies along with some challah bread.
“…Oh. I forgot most people prefer alcohol. Oh My God, I’m so sorry, I don’t have any kind of alcohol in the house-“ she freaked out a bit, only to be stopped by Alfie’s chuckle.
“I’m a tea guy too, lass, don’t worry so much over silly things like that, right? Tea’s fine too. What’s it got?” he asked, easing her worries quickly.
“Vanilla, cinnamon, cherries and a bit too much honey. I like sweet things.” She smiled at him as she raised the tea cup and clinked it to his. “Cheers.”
“Sweet things like you, little lady, love things just as sweet, yeah? Cheers! It’s quite nice, aye, not bad, not bad at all, I think I’ll want more.” He blinked in surprise as he saw the girl immediately get up and pour more tea into his cup.
“Woaw, Alfie, you’ve made these? I’ve never eaten chocolate chip cookies before! They’re amazing! And this bread… It’s so soft and it tastes like honey! If you ever wanted to stop your underground business, you could definitely make a fortune opening up your own bakery! Imagine this… Alfie Solomons, the sweetest man in all Britain, loved by every citizen, earns a Royal Warrant from the Queen for baking the best cookies in the world!” Y/N praised the man as she ate what seemed to be the 4th or 5th cookie by now.
“Bah! Who cares ‘bout that old hag with a crown on her head? If the right person likes it, it’s all that matter, right, nothing else matters to me, and you already like my baking, so that’s that, yeah, that’s just that!” Alfie laughed, making the girl in front of him make a cute kitty smile and look down, her cheeks becoming just a tiny bit rosy.
“Alfie, now you’re just being too nice with me. You don’t have to do that just because I treated you.” She chuckled softly, surprising the man.
“You think I’m being nice to you because o’ that? That’s silly of you, lass, yeah, very silly, that’s not the case in the least, that’s just who I am!” he protested vehemently, his golden chain bracelet clinking softly with each movement.
“So you just like me? Just like that?” her eyes widened in shock.
“Why’re you looking so surprised, lass?” his voice became gradually much calmer and sweeter, seeing the genuine emotions from her.
“Oh, I just… I haven’t heard that in quite a while, I guess that’s why. Apart from the doctor work I do, and all the people thanking me for saving them, I don’t have much social interaction, so someone saying they like me for  my personality, as Y/N, not Britain’s Angel who saved them, is… You know… Unexpected.” She admitted, smiling shyly at him.
“How would you like to hear another story?” it’s true that he wanted to see her so bashful in front of him, but he also loved hearing her laugh, so why not give it a try with one more of his famous stories.
“Oh, I’d love that! You have the best stories, Alfie!” she immediately cheered up, putting her elbows on the table and resting her chin on her hands oh so cutely.
“Now, now, don’t flatter me, lass, it’ll go to my head, yeah, I’ll get used to you cute words.”  He leaned back on the chair, getting a better look at her.
“That just means I’ll have to say them more often.” Oh, how cheeky, Alfie thought as he grinned at her.
“Right, perfect plan! So, there you go! Tommy Shelby came by recently – Just a few days ago, right – And he, he started being a cheeky bastard with me, so I wanted to teach him a lesson. Got the gun out, cocked it in his face. I said – Look, let’s say I just shot you already, right, in the fucking face, and the bullet goes bone, mush, bone, cabinet over there.” Alfie made a finger gun with one of his hands, pointing it at the smiling girl, and then pointed behind her, where a pretty landscape painting was hanging.
“Oh, Tommy in London? I’m surprised he didn’t tell me anything about coming here, or at least visiting me. What a shame. I’m not surprised by his behaviour though, he’s become a bit of a jerk after the war.” She nodded in acknowledgement, smiling at him to continue.
“Right, it’s a shame, it really is, because that cabinet is fucked. I gotta get rid of it. So, what I do is this, I said. It’s fucking simple, mate.” And thus, he intertwined his fingers together on the table, playfully putting on the intimidating look of his.
“You burn it to splinters?” she tilted her head serenely like a cute puppy.
“Nah, even better. I cut that cabinet in half, don’t I? I do, I’ll just cut the cabinet, I cut… I cut the cabinet literally in half, mate, I said, and threw him a rag to wipe that bleeding nose of his. He was looking at me like a fucking dead body, lass, beaten up and bruised, by Sabini’s men, but still got the cheek to play coy with me on my turf!” Alfie told her the truth, knowing she’d want to know about her old friend.
“Tommy got beaten up by Sabini? What in the world did he do…? That boy never knows when to stop, does he. Anyway, so you cut the cabinet in half. Now what do you do? Throw it in the ocean?” she asked, quickly forgetting about the Shelby boy.
“No! I take half of that cabinet and I put it into a barrel, and take the other half of the cabinet, and all its pieces, and I put that into another barrel.” His hands shifted between left and right to show off imaginary barrels.
“And you fill them up with gun powder and make them explode in your enemy’s factory?” she grinned excitedly at him.
“Gosh, lass, no! But now I hate that you have more imagination than me! But listen – This barrel – I send this barrel off to… Mandalay.” He flapped his left hand around dismissively, making the girl bite her lip to stop herself from laughing. “And the other barrel off to somewhere like… I don’t know…” and he looked deep into Y/N’s eyes, unblinking and trying to come up with a funny city name, as she smiled with expectation for the punchline. “Timbuktu! You ever been?” the line was successfully delivered as the girl had to hang her head down and hide her face in her hands as she burst into laughter.
“Mandalay? Timbuktu? Where the hell are those?” she asked, unable to control herself.
“Fuck if I know, lass, but that’s the best of it! And y’know what? Know what, lass? I saw Tommy Shelby, right? Yeah, I saw him. All gloomy and dark and stuff. But I always thought he’d have a great, big, fucking gold ring in his nose!” Alfie joked around, and the girl was almost afraid she’d faint from laughing so hard.
“Oh, Alfie, you are the funniest man alive. So what did he say, how did he react to that?!” she urged him to continue.
“Nothin’! Nothin’ at all! He was silent as a fucking lake, lass! That Shelby boy has got no funny bone in his fucking body! Can’t even make a joke with him! Shoulda learnt from you, your company is a delight.” He saw Y/N quickly nod in agreement.
“Yeah, that’s right, Tommy has no sense of humour at all! He hasn’t smiled or laughed since the war. He’s changed completely. I know he’s been through a lot, you know? Everyone has. He still has that kind heart, and all he does, he does for his family… But it wouldn’t hurt him to be more genuine with them, or accept the fact that he’s not the only hurt one who can’t get over the war. I mean – I mean John, he’s my age! Got married, has like 4 kids already, married again and he’s still a brat as always! And you, Alfie! You said you were a captain, but you are the greatest person I ever met! He has no excuse for being a jerk. If he had a nose ring, like the bulls have, you could’ve just gotten a hook and tied him to a car and had him paraded around the streets of Camden Town!” she giggled in amusement, roasting her old friend shamelessly.
“Y’know lass, I think you’re as much of a fairy as I am, aye. You look all angelic and pure, but you have a wicked sense of humour!” the girl couldn’t help but let out a mock gasp of hurt and offense.
“Me? Wicked? Never! My, Alfie, you hurt me - How ever in this world could you possibly call me the Devil, when I’m known as Birmingham’s Angel? Recently, Britain’s Angel?” she laughed, almost as though she was making fun of her own nicknames.
“I think I’d much rather hear you being Alfie’s Angel.” Y/N’s smile froze, and her cheeks warmed up instantly, her gaze looking down at the tiny crumbles left behind from the tasty cookies. “Wha’chu say, lass?”
“I... Think I would like that very much, Alfie.” she could barely contain her timid smile.
“Wonderful news, lass!” Alfie merrily got to his feet. “Well then, I’ll be seeing you tomorrow, pretty Angel. Don’t forget to serve your little companions their dinner at the table, a’ight?” he bent down slightly to plant a small kiss on her cheek, a little ticklish from his bear, before nodding his head at her, a cheeky smile on his face, and he left, not without all the dogs desperately seeking affection from him.
“Alfie’s Angel, huh? Doesn’t sound half-bad.” Y/N giggles softly to herself, only to hear her maid coming out of nowhere and cheering for her for landing such a good man, though not without warning her not to get into trouble with the very many gangs and their wars. She was a sweet girl, Y/N thought - Perhaps Ollie would like to date a lovely lady like herself.
Many days and weeks, and even months passed, and Alfie visited Miss Y/N daily, never skipping a single day, or missing to bring her the prettiest flowers, and the freshest cookies and bread. He was going to spoil her rotten, that one, and he loved every bit of it, especially the shy look she always had on her face, and the hesitation of accepting so many gifts - He just loved pampering her, what could he do? It was in his nature after all.
And Y/N absolutely loved whenever he’d come over, and each day, with a new story to tell, and new jokes and rumours and gossips - He was an absolute delight, and her dogs loved him perhaps a little bit more than they loved her, at this point. It was no wonder, after all - Alfie started baking food for them! And Y/N thought she spoiled them! 
For once, Y/N stopped feeling the terrifyingly heavy pressure of anguish and torment weighting down on her very soul and being. She didn’t feel the need to work her mind into exhaustion, not tire out her body to the point of fainting asleep. She didn’t need to do any of those anymore, to feel alive and human. She only needed to look at those beautiful eyes of his, and those kissable lips, always forming a mirthful smile; to feel vitality returning into her body, and any sense of fear and anxiety escaping her very being. She remembered what it was like to have a sense of care and possessiveness over her own life, and finally, after so long, she wanted to be free - As free as it could get, unbound by any rule and regulation - To just have fun and thrive in the bliss of romance and happiness.
Once Alfie heard that, he kissed her sweet lips for the first time, admitting to wanting to retreat from the mafia life, and retreat to a calmer area where no one would be searching for him. Margate. A small cottage, cozy and warm, by the sea, where nobody would care to scold them for shooting those noisy seagulls, and Cyril and her dogs could run around aimlessly and run day in and day out, while they spend their time reading and baking and all the cutesy things that couples in love are supposed to do.
Before that, however, a few more things had to happen - Retirement wasn’t an easy process, after all, not in this business, and shrouding yourself into the veil of the unknown was even more difficult a task. People wanted their vengeance, after all, and they’d stop at nothing to achieve it. Nothing, including threatening the beautiful, benevolent Angel who was supposed to have neutral immunity from all kinds of parties. That is what she thought. That is what everyone thought. It was the catalyst of Alfie’s decision to speed up his retirement process and get this done and dealt with already. He never felt as angry as he was now.
It came during a time when Tommy rang Y/N asking for a favour, though rather uncomfortable. Alfie didn’t agree with this at all, he warned Y/N it would be dangerous - Deals with Italians were unpredictable, those bastards, and Sabini was a lecherous fuck who wanted to steal her away - But how could Y/N deny doing a favour to the man who helped her reach such heights though his influence? The man she went to war to protect? The man she took a bullet for? Her brother from another mother?
“Y/N, lass, you’re going to get fried to death if you approach that pasta fucker. I can’t just let you go.” Alfie grumbled worriedly. “And it ain’t just Sabini I’m worried about, love, it’s Changretta too. ‘course, all the fucking pizza fuckers came ‘round to screw things over, but Sabini keeps saying he ain’t working with that other fucker.” he paced nervously around the room, to and fro, fro and to. “Y/N, listen - Listen, a’ight? LIsten. It’s not Sabini I’m worried about, y’know? We’ve been at each other’s throats since school, it ain’t flash news, right -- I can deal with ‘im somehow -- But the other one? I know shit about ‘im. Came over from fucking America, and now he thinks he owns the whole fucking world, that one. And y’know what, hun? ‘e can fuckin’ have it, for all I care. Let Tommy Shelby fight with him. But you --- I’ll be fucking damned before I let him take you away from me.”
“Alfie, sweety, look at me.” Y/N got up from the bed, and approached the frantic man. She cupped his face and brought him into a tender kiss. “There’s no force on earth that can keep me apart from you. Besides! The hospital, remember? Even if Changretta comes over, I will just tell him of the deals, and the treatment and... He won’t hurt me.” without even realising, Alfie’s arms were wrapped around her smaller form, holding her close to his chest, pouting like a clingy child. “Alfie~! Come on, don’t tickle me with your beard! I promise I’ll give you attention all the after this is over, okay? But family is family, and I promised to help out. It won’t take long. And... It’s supposed to be some private party, right? A party with lots of people. He can’t just threaten me in front of everyone, right?”
“I don’t like risky things like this, Y/N. Can’t blame a man in love for worryin’.” He muttered against the skin of her neck. “But better tell Tommy I’m not gonna let him send you do his errands for him anymore, a’ight?”
“Alright, alright, I’ll tell him.” she couldn’t help her sweet, uncontrollable giggling, all because of him playfully running that trickly yet well kept beard of his over her soft skin.
Just as promised, Y/N dressed in a very pretty dress, making her look like an innocent, sweet flower blooming in Spring, overshadowing all around her with her beauty, thought there was no Tommy Shelby there waiting to escort her at the party. She didn’t think much about it though - She hadn’t a watch at her, so she couldn’t tell whether she was fashionably late or not, and he just went on ahead to do some of his work dealings with his gang friends. It was none of Y/N’s business, she was just supposed to be there as a peacemaker, a mediator, considering she was neutral with all, thanks to her position as the head of the hospital.
She grabbed herself a glass of champagne from a waiter and waited by the sidelines, watching the party unfold, with gorgeous dancers and the orchestra playing songs of all kinds. When a slowed song began, she awkwardly played the wallflower, not wanting to gain any attention to her, but of course, her not so favourite Italian came by, gallantly asking for a dance. Of course, she couldn’t refuse, more or less because she was a diplomat, and despite all the harassment from the past, all of them taking care in the hospital, at a party, it was all fine. Still, she hoped Alfie could have been there - It would have been more bearable.
“A gorgeous lady like yourself shouldn’t be all alone at a party.” Sabini said, making Y/N give a polite smile.
“Well, I was sure Tommy would be busy talking business with you, Mr. Sabini. I’m surprised you’re here, with me.” the man rose a quizzical eyebrow, hearing that.
“My dear, Thomas Shelby never once spoke to me today. In fact, I was not aware he was here at all.” Y/N’s body froze, and their dance stopped.
“What do you mean?” she asked in a whispery voice. “Tommy said he needed me here, as a mediator between the Peaky Blinders and the other gangs of London. If he’s not here -- Why would he ask me to be here?”
“Ah, bella, bella, bella, so your naivite and innocence only makes you more endearing.” he gave a smug smirk. “Luca Changretta asked your dear Tommy, to have a... Pleasant conversation. Negating deals. Business talks... Men talks. Signorina Y/N, he sent you over to receive a message, as he feared for his life, but counted on our long lasting friendship.” his chuckle sent shivers down her spine. Suddenly, she felt terrified for her life.
“I... Don’t want to get involved in your business matters. I don’t do business. I just heal people, that’s all. I wanted to do Tommy a favour, as he is my brother, but I want to have a peaceful life, away from all the gang wars. Please, let me go home, Mr. Sabini. If you want me to send Tommy a message, I will, but I won’t get involved any further than this.” the Italian nodded his head, an almost nasty smirk on his face. 
“By all means, no one wants to hurt you, Signorina. It would be terribly rude of us to kill the messenger... Though Signor Changretta’s father was ruthlessly killed, in front of his wife, for no reason, by your brothers. But us, bella - We, Italians, care for our family above all, and Signor Changretta admires your devotion to your own. He is going to love meeting you.” Y/N slowly removed her hands from the man’s shoulders and offered a small smile, trying to keep her composure. But she was terrified to the core, almost as much as she had been during the war. Not only did Tommy betray her, but he threw her in a pit of vipers... Like a weaponless gladiator, forced to fight a hundred starving lions in the Colosseum. She was a healer, not a fighter! Damn it, Tommy!
“It was a lovely evening, Mr. Sabini. I will be taking my leave now.” with a certain elegant swiftness, Y/N was able to slip past Sabini and hide her presence in the sea of people, trying to make her way to the exit of the grand mansion, only to bump into another man, much taller than Sabini was, and he was towering over her, a passive smile on his face. It was much clear now, the whole place was filled only with Italians. She was trapped.
“Signora, what kind of man was vile enough to make a woman cry? Tell me, please, I will not have such disrespect in my family.” his accent was heavy, and his aura was dangerous, with a mysterious darkness. The stranger rose a hand to cup her cheek and rose her face to wipe the wet, gleaming under eye of the woman.
“Uh... Forgive me, Mr... I didn’t mean to bump into you and disturb you. I... I am not a very sociable person, I don’t do well with crowds. I... Was hoping to return home.” she offered an uncomfortable smile. This man was trouble.
“Don’t worry, bella, I will make sure to discipline my men better.” he nodded, chewing on what looked like a toothpick... Or a match? Was that a match? “You will have to forgive them. Anyway, may I escort you outside and call for a car for you?” something made her feel as though she hadn’t any choice in the matter.
“Y-Yes, please.” she nodded meekly, her voice barely audible from all the noise of the party.
With his arm around her waist, the stranger gentlemanly escorted the lady outside of the mansion, and outside, into the darkness barely illuminated by the lights from inside the house. Were it not for the loud music and all the chattering from the mansion, the graveyard silence would have been entirely ominous, save for the soft cricket and toad melody.
They were all alone.
“Do you wish to kill me, Mr. Changretta?” Y/N asked, frightened out of her mind.
“Kill you? Oh, Signora, no, no, why in the world would I wish to harm an beautiful lady like yourself?” he let out a sardonic chuckle. “Sabini tells me they call you the Angel of Britain. May I call you... Angelica?” Y/N didn’t answer. “Have I frightened you so, bella? Mi dispiace, it wasn’t my intention.” though, based on the sarcastic slur of his words, he was having his fun tormenting her.
“Mr. Sabini said you wished me to deliver Tommy a message. What is it?” the woman asked, holding her hands together tightly.
“Ah, yes, of course. Very brave of Mr. Shelby, sending his dear sister to do his dirty work. How shameful. You see, bella, we never put our ladies in danger. Sabini especially says he’s taken a liking to you for quite some good years. I can see perfectly well why. I’ve never seen a woman beautiful and intelligent such as yourself.” Luca’s hand found itself caressing her face, his long fingers reaching up to her hair, strong her long velvety hair. “I love how you defy this decade’s fashion, though you manage to look more elegant than most.” he kept complimenting her.
“Mr. Changretta, please... I am already dating a man, and we are soon going to move in together. I would appreciate it dearly if you would not continue your courting, though I am very flattered that one like yourself would find me attractive.” the man looked up at the sky, a dry smile on his face, watching how the lady tried to step backwards every time he inched forwards, only to end up with her back flush against a tree.
“Somehow, I don’t quite believe that. You are far too terrified from the simplest gesture. Admit it, Signora, you’ve never been with a man before, have you?” his smirk only widened watching her face burning with a sweet blush. “You needn’t say any word, your body betrays you.” he chuckled, getting uncomfortably close to her. “I hate making ladies cry. My mamma taught me better than this. She taught me to respect and cherish women, for they are a treasure - And I agree. I will not hard you, Signora Y/N. But perhaps you need to be reminded of the importance you play in this gang war... And maybe even remind your dear brother, as he seems to have forgotten about you and how much you worth. Would he react at all, if I were to laugh in his face and tell him I’ve claimed you? Will he even get angry, if I tell him I killed you? Thomas Shelby finds himself to be rather the undefeatable businessman and politician, but from our latest interaction, I say, he’s a man as much as any other, and he has easily exploitable weaknesses. It is really too bad you had to get caught in the middle of all this. I bear you no ill will, Angelica.” he leaned his face closer and closer to her own, to the point of feeling his warm breath on her skin - She tried to move away, though he fixed her head, cupping her cheeks forcefully. He truly just wanted to steal a little kiss, nothing more! He wanted to get a taste of her pink, plump lips that looked like the softest rose petals, bathing in shiny morning dew.
Instead, the loud, resounding sound of a gunshot made the man close his eyes in anger, whilst Y/N squeaked in fear, trying to fall to the ground and defend herself; an awful habit she couldn’t break even after the war was over. Luca used the woman as a shield, one hand buried in her hair, the other, holding a pistol to her temple.
From the paved street the soft sound of a cane was heard, as Alfie Solomons appeared, looking all dressed for a party. He looked alone. Was it him who shot, or was it another? Surely, he wouldn’t be stupid enough to come by all alone, even if it was to rescue Y/N - And if he did, it only meant her worth was a hundred times more than he expected. Was he the man she mentioned just previously?
“Ah, Mr. Solomons, what an unexpected surprise. I don’t believe we’ve had the pleasure. I’m Luca Changretta.” the Italian smirked, chewing on that match, approaching his face to touch his cheek to Y/N’s. 
“Oh, yeah, I know who you are. You are a bit of a failure, aren’t you? You come all the way over here, to this country, yeah, in order to kill Tommy Shelby - But, I mean, well - He’s not dead, is he?” Alfie smiled fakely at the Italian, forcing himself not to look at the whimpering look of his beloved.
“He would have been, were he not saved by Angelica over here. But he cowarded out, didn’t he? Can’t even have a conversation with someone who hides behind his sister’s skirts.” Changretta sneered mockingly.
“That’s it. I’ll tell you what, right? I didn’t want to come ‘ere, in your home, without a gift, yeah? It woulda been rude - And Jews are known for their hospitality, of course. Here - It’s free. A souvenir.” Alfie rose a single bottle of his rum, showing he was unarmed. “Now, why don’t you let go of that lady over there, and we say our goodbyes?”
Changretta smirked darkly at him. “Signora, why don’t you take the bottle and have a sip? Rum is sweet, for women. Men prefer dry, strong gin.” with trembling hands, Y/N extended her arms to get the bottle from Alfie. It was almost excruciatingly painful, being so close to his protective arms, yet so very far away... “Go on, Angelica, take a sip.” Alfie frowned, watching Y/N’s face contort slightly - She didn’t drink alcohol, she hated it. Even if rum was sweeter than most alcohols, it still wasn’t anywhere close to her sweet teas with too much honey in them.
“This clown wants me to run his shit rum into New York.” Changretta let out a dry laugh, insulting the Jew in Italian.
“Damn fucking straight, mate, otherwise you wouldn’t still be thieving my oxygen and patience, would you? Because I have 200 barrels a month, yeah, cleared by your people, distributed through your teamsters.” Alfie continued with the straight business deal.
“Didn’t you just hear me? People want gin these days.” Luca repeated.
“I heard you wanted to come over with a proposition for me. I hate waiting, yeah - So, that’s why I came over, to quicken things up a bit, before they get stale, right. I already know what you want. I just want to hear you say it out loud so I can check how ridiculous it is.” Alfie inched closer to the two, not once breaking his overly dramatic mannerism.
“Ah, bella, what will I do, I am losing my patience with him.” Luca shook his head in disdain, burying his face in the crook of her neck. Based on the twitch of his enemy’s eye, he had hurried over with a half-baked plan. No doubt, Thomas Shelby must have gone over to him to search for an ally in him. To come in the enemy’s den for a woman - Alfie Solomons was a suicidal maniac. “There is gonna be a little fight, a boxing match, between your boy and Tommy Shelby’s boy, and the whole Shelby family is gonna be there.” Alfie hummed, already knowing all this. “And you, Mr. Solomons, you too will be there.” Luca started stroking a lock of Y/N’s hair, intentionally taunting the Jew. “You know, they say you’re a smart guy. You already know what we want before we say it. That’s funny because I believe I know what you want even before you say it. Yeah. You want the girl back, that’s why you’re here. Maybe for the barrels too. But the girl... Yes, I get why you’d want her back. Can’t miss out on claiming a treasure like her.” he pressed a kiss to her temple, his lips lingering and going down, towards her ear, whispering a small threat and softly slipping the sleeve of her dress a little down her shoulder with the barrel of his gun, revealing flawless skin, before leaning down her neck, and to her bare shoulder. Y/N tried to struggle away from him, whimpering from the uncomfortable fear she was feeling, and how violated she felt by the Italian, but the tight grip on her hair only brought out a whimper of pain and disgust from her.
If someone could look deep into Alfie’s eyes, they could see a wrathful fire raging inside his soul. He wanted to make pasta sauce from that fucker for daring touch his sweet lady and making tormenting her so. He had to play his cards well, feign ignorance and uncare, otherwise, he was afraid that wop will be taking Y/N as a bargaining chip and blackmail him, to the point that not even Tommy Shelby playing God would be able to save the sweet lady. “I want some cash too. Don’t worry, ‘cause I’ve broken it down here.” from the pocket of his coat, he took out a neatly folded paper. “A list of costs pertaining to the assassination of a dear friend, all right?” from his other pocket, he took out his glasses, putting them on as he read the terms and conditions to their deal. “Now, a normal dispatch, well, it’s, you know, 500 pounds cost, but you’re going to have to have to add another 100 to that because Tommy Shelby, like me, is from an oppressed people... And... I need you to put another tonne on top of that because his brother is a fucking animal and he will come after me.” Alfie kept reading, frowning every so often at the inconveniences he was listing. “And then you will need to put another 100 on top of that, because, well, you’re a fucking wop, mate, hmmm?” Changretta remained speechless, looking at the mess of a Jew who found himself hilarious, messing with him. “And then... We have to deal with the ugly business of which I’ve been incredibly clear of, before I’ll need another 500 pounds, because, like I stated, Tommy Shelby is a very, very good friend of mine.” though he wished to wring his neck for throwing Y/N in danger like that. “And... Another 500 pounds for threatening my wife. And 500 more pounds for making her cry.” Alfie folded back the paper, handing it to his enemy. “Total is down there, in black and white. All right? Crack on.”
“Mr. Solomons, I’m gonna be very fucking clear with you. I don’t need you to kill anybody. I have people that I trust, okay? So you are gonna take my boys and you are gonna bring them to the ring as seconds.” Alfie frowned at the Italian.
“Well, in order to qualify as my seconds, right, they would first have to qualify as being Jewish, yeah? And in order to do that, they would have to replace their natural Italian fucking arrogance with a Jewish air of absolute certainty. You see, my good friend, Tommy Shelby, he will know the difference.” he warned the unbothered Italian don.
“You see, these days, back in the old country, a lot of the, uh.... You know, the Jewish people, they, uh... They are having to pass themselves off as Italian.” Changretta chuckled menacingly. 
“All right, well, you’ll have to add another ton onto your bill - For being a cunt, mate.” Alfie refuted with a chilling calm. “All right?”
Luca looked away briefly. “You will bring my men to Birmingham?”
Alfie nodded his head, hoping his crazy humour was acting as reassurance for his lady. “You will circumcise them?” Luca was mute. “Yeah, you will have to circumcise them. Because the Peakys will check, yeah?”
“If they’re going to have their pretty doctor check, surely, she wouldn’t quite know the difference, would she?” the Italian jabbed at the Jew, who was imagining different ways of torturing this fucker.
“Don’t bother your little wop brain over what my wife does. She won’t be there.”  Luca smirked, knowing very well his uppercut landed perfectly.
“Okay. Any other requests?” he asked, laxing his grip on her hair. “Two hundred fucking barrels, we have a deal.” Alfie frowned, looking at him with disinterest. “What’s the matter? I said we have a deal.”
“Eh, you just made a deal without a negotiation, didn’t you?” Alfie stared him down. Luca affirmed that statement. “Yeah, Tommy Shelby was right about you, wasn’t he?” then, for the first time, Y/N heard the man speak in his own, native language. “You plan to kill us all.” though she didn’t quite understand what he said, the look in his eyes was enough to give her a good guess. Still, with the deal in place, Luca Changretta smirked in triumph, and with one last gesture of condescence, he forced Y/N into a deep kiss, before pushing her towards the Jew. “Sogni d’oro, mia bella Angelica.”
Alfie instinctively lunged forward, catching and gathering his lady into a tight embrace and watching carefully as Changretta stepped inside the mansion. He could feel Y/N’s soft trembles of her small body as she cried in soft whimpers - She was trying desperately to stay composed, but after everything she’d gone through, he couldn’t blame her. That margherita fucker must have creeped her to hell and back. “It’s okay, darling, cry as much as you need. I’m here, love, I’m here, okay? Alfie’s here, and I’m not gonna let go of you again.” she felt so warm, so safe in his large arms. “Let’s go home, yeah? No more of this gang shit. I’ve done over my plans, and we’re leaving faster. I’m not gonna let any of this fuckers even look at you ever again.” he massaged and stroked the back of her head, where that jerk hurt her, and he kissed her forehead and her cheeks and even her nose, before guiding her to the car, with Ollie driving them to the comfort of her own home, with her many dogs, and a shit ton of guards all around.
Y/N couldn’t say anything, and when they got home, Alfie had her maid draw her a warm bath so she could relax. He made sure to put a nice vinyl on the gramophone, and had Ollie return to their house to bring the emergency cookies for comfort, whilst he continued to internally curse Thomas.
He wasn’t sure how long she calmed down in the bath, with her maid comforting and chatting with her to get her mind off of the anguish she was put through, but when she returned, she was wearing one of her beautiful silk nightgown that barely went down to her knees, and she let herself plop on the bed, cuddling into his arms like a kitten seeking warmth. “How did you know?” her soft voice asked as he pulled them to lay down, stroking her hair and her face dearly, occasionally planting kisses and calling her sweet things. When Ollie finally came back with the cookies, her maid had brewed the sweetest tea in existence for them.
“Well, I always did pride myself with having good intuition, you know, but when Tommy came by my bakery, I realised - Shit, my sweet lady’s in trouble.” Alfie spoke, watching her cringe softly at the mention of the Shelby. “Asked him what the hell he was doin’ over at my place, instead of being there with you, and he said - Who would hurt you? Sabini wouldn’t, surely. There’s no person with more immunity than you, right?” he mimicked the man. “Thought I was gonna lose my mind, hun, hearing that. I was this close to beating him to death, yeah, nobody dares touch my sweet girl after all. He said some things about those fucking greasy wops, and it got me thinking - I already knew things were going to shit, and very fast, right, and I knew I had to make our exit as swift as possible - But when I heard you were all alone, with a bunch of sleazy fucks, my mind went crazy.” he gesticulated dramatically, before pinching her cheek playfully. “I promised Tommy Shelby a beating at some point, and I managed to land one good punch on him before coming to my darling’s rescue. Glad I got there just in time, but fuck, I’m so pissed - So fucking pissed you had to go through all that. I should’ve never let you go. Should’ve trusted my gut.” he grumbled, clearly angry at himself.
“Alfie.” she had an upset, pouting look on her face. “I’m sorry I let him kiss me. I wasn’t strong enough to fight him off.” she hung her head in shame. “If you hadn’t come when you did... I fear what he’d have done.”
“Y/N, lass, what the hell are you apologising for?!” he exclaimed, his hands immediately going to raise her face gently to look at him. “As if a weaponless woman could fight a grown ass man with a gun. If anything, I should be the one to apologise for not being fucking able to protect you as a man should. I thought playing the wife card, and the extra billing, would get that cheapskate fucker let go of you already. Fucking cunt. He’ll pay, I’ll make sure of that.”
But Y/N frantically shook her head. “I don’t care about that, Alfie. I don’t want revenge, and I don’t care what happens to any gangs, okay? I’m sorry, Alfie, I’m sorry I- I’m selfish, okay? I don’t want to do this anymore. I just - I can’t. I really can’t, you know? Always in the middle of danger, always in the middle of war -- I just want to go live out a happy, peaceful life, with you, and our dogs, and a shit load of seagulls to shoot whenever they wake us up with that annoying screech of theirs. And then -- Then, I wanna go have a good travel, maybe. Let’s -- Let’s go to the mountains, I heard it’s fun hiking. The forests are very pretty too. We can hide away from everyone, we’ve got enough money, don’t we - And if you wanted to, I told you, you can open up your own real bakery, and live perfectly comfortable with those earnings. Anything - Anything, just to get the hell out of this God-forsaken, war-riddled, decrepit, barren city, and away from this awful, exploiting people who care for nothing but their damn fucking business.” the way her eyes were gleaming with both hope and desperation shattered Alfie’s heart. “Can we do that, Alfie? Please, can we do that? Just the two of us -- Maybe Ollie and Annie too, if they wanna - And our dogs too - Just us, a nice, big family.”
Alfie’s very soul felt honeyed from her words of love, and her wish of staying together with him - And it was tempting too, taking Ollie and her maid with them, he had to admit. They would finally be living the god damn peaceful fucking life that they deserved. He had been dreaming during the day, and during the night, of a life spent together with her, all away from this shit city, away from the shit gang wars and what nots. He was exhausted, he wanted to let his guard down for once, and he knew he could do that with Y/N. He wanted to provide her a beautiful, comfortable life, a peaceful once - She’s never been to the beach, and he really wanted to show Margate to her. Just them, and the sound of the ocean waves breaking against the shore, walking barefoot into the wet sand and playing in the water.
Perhaps it was a little close for comfort to both France and London too - Maybe some day, they could go further north, further away from the capital. Perhaps they can even change their names, take on new identities, retire completely. Sure, he’ll still be taking care of his Jewish community, but he would stop the mafia dealings - Let the younger generations get themselves in trouble a hundred thousand times per minute, he was completely done for.
“Yeah, my little cookie, we can do that, and we’ll fucking do it, and very soon, yeah? Very soon, I promise you that. I’ll keep you safe, and comfortable, and happy. First, in Margate, and if we get bored, wherever the hell we want, a’ight? With Ollie and Annie if they wanna join, and with our spoiled dogs, ‘course.” he leaned in, capturing her lips into a sweet kiss.
“Alfie?” she called his name, her cheeks flustering lightly, unable to meet his eyes, despite the beautiful smile on her face.
“Yeah, meyn ketsele?” Y/N always blushed so hard whenever he’d call her his little kitten.
“Is the... Erhm... Wifey spot still open? I’d like to apply.” Alfie couldn’t help but start laughing mirthfully at her bashfulness, only to pull her into a loving embrace, peppering her face with kisses all over.
“Ikh hob dikh shtark lib - I’d love nothing more than to be your husband.” Y/N felt faint from all the suffocating love and affection she was receiving all at once, but she couldn’t help but melt to the sound of Alfie speaking in his native language, saying that he loves her so much, that she was the love of his life and what more. It was almost funny, how quickly he became smitten beyond repair for her, but he simply couldn’t help it. Women like her only came about once every thousands of years, and he was just so happy, just by seeing that shy smile of hers, or waking up to her in his arms. How could he ever let her go? 
Y/N wasn’t Birmingham’s Angel anymore, and like hell was she Britain’s Angel. She wasn’t an angel, she was a little wicked fairy, the sweetest lady there was, and any other overdosing sugary sweet and entirely embarrassing term of love that Alfie could ultimately generate from the top of his head, just to see her adorable blush, but by hell, he was feeling trapped and addicted to her magic, and he was never going to let go of his darling honey bunch lady.
And Alfie was going to make her the happiest woman alive, and their wedding was gonna be fucking biblical.
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jensengirl83 · 1 year
Dirty Dancing
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Dean x reader
Word Count- 3885
Warnings- SMUT, idiots in love, mutual pining
A/N- I was listening to my playlist, and "Cry To Me" by Solomon Burke played, and this whole fic played out in my mind, so I had to write it! I really hope you all enjoy it as much as I did writing it!
Dean was walking through the bunker, wondering where Y/N had disappeared to. One minute she was sitting at the table in the library, and when he came back in from the garage, she was gone. It wasn’t uncommon for her to disappear somewhere in the bunker, but he needed to do a supply run and wanted to ask her if she needed anything.
He caught himself wanting, no, needing to make sure she was okay lately, checking in with her before he even asked Sam if he needed anything. He knew why but didn’t want to admit it out loud. Dean was ass over tea kettle in love with Y/N. How could he not be? She was the most beautiful woman he had ever laid eyes on, not to mention that she could hold her own on any hunt put before her. She was smart. As he would put it, she was Sammy smart. She knew her lore just as well as his brother, and that was impressive, considering Sam was a giant, walking encyclopedia.
He and Y/N had been friends for years. She had moved into the bunker with them not long after he and Sam had discovered its existence. But they had known each other long before that. Bobby had introduced her to the brothers shortly after John’s death. Her father had been a hunting buddy of Bobby’s, and he had taken her in when her father had gotten killed on a hunt. Granted, she was twenty-four when her father died, but Bobby didn’t want her to be out there on her own. Dean had been smitten from the first time he had seen her but never acted on it, happy to have her as a friend until lately. Now, she was all he could think about, and to be honest, it was scaring the shit out of him.
His thoughts were interrupted as he walked upon her door. What sounded like her TV on had gotten his attention. He peeked in her cracked door and couldn’t help but smile at the sight before him. Y/N was sitting cross-legged on her bed, her hair up in a messy bun, her eyes glued to the movie playing in front of her. Even in her old pajamas, her hair a mess on top of her head, Dean had never seen anything as beautiful. His heart fluttered in his chest as he looked at her, a smile pulling at his lips as he knocked on her door to let her know he was there. He could stand there and watch her all day, but he didn’t want her to catch him staring and think he was a creep.
“Hey, Y/N. I’m heading out on a supply run. Do you need anything?” he asked, smirking as her eyes never left the TV to look at him.
“Nah, I’m good.”
“Movie that good, huh?” he laughed, finally making her break her eyes away and look at him.
“Damn right it is,” she exclaimed loudly, a small giggle leaving her, making Dean’s heart flutter yet again, “It’s one of my favorite movies.”
“Really? Dirty Dancing is one of your favorites?”
“Absolutely! It’s a classic!”
“I don’t know about that,” he chuckled, trying to aggravate her. He loved when he could get her flustered. It was the cutest damn thing.
“Are you serious right now?! It’s so romantic. Especially this scene,” she sighed dreamily as she turned her attention back to the movie.
Dean looked up to see it was the scene where Johnny was dancing with Baby in his cabin. Yes, he knew this scene, as he had seen this movie before. Swayze always gets a pass!
“Women really find this stuff romantic?” he questioned, watching her reaction closely.
“Yes,” she replied softly, watching the scene intently, “And a man that can dance is just sexy.”
His heart almost stopped when she smiled and winked at him, her gaze swiftly returning to the movie. He watched her as she continued to watch, her expression was soft, and did he see want in her eyes as she watched the two on TV dance together?
Little did he know that he was right. Her heart beat faster as she watched the scene, her imagination running wild as she pictured it was her and Dean dancing together that way. Her chest felt tighter as the sadness that it would never happen washed over her. All she wanted was for Dean to want her as badly as she wanted him, but he would never see her that way. She sighed softly as she looked over to see him still looking at her, and she smiled, trying to cover the hurt she was feeling at that moment.
“Actually, could you pick me up some ice cream? I feel like just being lazy and eating junk while I watch movies all day,” she asked, knowing she needed to be alone the rest of the day. It was getting harder to hide her feelings for him, and she didn’t have the strength to fight it today.
“Sure thing, sweetheart.”
It had been a few days since she had spent the day by herself. She was glad Dean had left her alone, considering she had watched, as he would call them, ‘chick flicks’ and cried at the longing to be with him, knowing it would never happen. Luckily, today was a better day. She had cried out all her frustrations and was happy to be in the library with the boys. She smiled as she looked around her, grateful that she was where she was. A hunter’s life can be very lonely, and even though she wanted to be with Dean other than his friend, she had to accept that it could be worse. At least she had them in her life at all. The sound of a chair scraping the floor broke her thoughts as she saw Dean standing and walking out towards his room.
“What’s that about?” she asked, looking at Sam for an answer.
“No clue. Who really knows with him,” he shrugged, returning to the book he was reading.
She looked between Sam and where Dean had disappeared down the hallway. She sighed as she stood to go to her room. So much for spending time with Dean today, it seemed. He had been acting off since he left her room the day she was watching movies, now that she thought about it. She couldn’t figure out what happened that would make him distance himself from her. The more she pondered on it, she realized he had been holed up in his room a lot since that day. She felt her phone buzzing in her pocket as she reached her bedroom door. Taking it out to see that Dean had texted her asking her to come to the Dean cave. Maybe she would get to spend some time with him after all.
As she opened the door to the room, she saw Dean standing in the corner beside his record player, a shy smile on his face. Curious, she walked into the room, shutting the door behind her as she approached the man she longed to be closer to. He looked nervous, which wasn’t a look that she had seen on Dean very often. Once she was standing beside him, she looked up to see him staring down at her, his hand reaching out for her.
“Dance with me?” he whispered, terrified she would deny him.
She stood in shock momentarily, wondering if she had heard him right or if her ears were deceiving her. She looked between his face and his hand, frozen in disbelief. Before she could say anything, a look of hurt and rejection crossed his features as he started to pull his hand away. That jolted her out of her stupor, quickly grabbing his hand before he could put it in his pocket.
“I’d love to,” she smiled shyly, squeezing his hand gently.
His smile lit up the room. She hadn’t rejected him after all, and now, he hoped this would work as he had planned. With her hand in his, he picked up the needle to the player, sitting it on the record, turning to wrap her in his arms. As the music began to fill the room, she was stunned. The song played in the scene from Dirty Dancing she was watching when he came into her room that day. He began to sway with her exactly how Johnny was dancing with Baby. She couldn’t contain her giggle as he held her to him.
“Seriously? Damn it, woman, I’m trying to be romantic here,” he grumbled, looking at her with his best bitch face.
“I’m so sorry. Please continue,” she answered, not able to contain her smile.
He rolled his eyes dramatically but continued to sway her body with his. Her smile disappeared when he pulled her tighter to him, leaning down to rest his forehead on hers, his breath fanning her face. The look in his eyes made her gasp. She saw what she had wanted to see for years, desire for her. She felt light-headed with want for him. She had wanted him like this for so long, and now here she was, wrapped up in his arms, as he danced with her.
The song had ended, but he was still swaying them slowly, unable to let her go, afraid she would disappear if he released her from his arms. She wasn’t in a hurry to move, though. She knew she was where she was meant to be, in the strong arms of the green-eyed hunter that had won her heart a long time ago. Reluctantly, she pulled back, looking up to see him smiling down at her, and without hesitation, closed the small gap between them, pressing her lips to his in a barely there kiss.
She had imagined kissing Dean so many times, but even in her most vivid dreams, she couldn’t have foreseen how good his lips would feel on hers or how much the little whimpers he made as she deepened the kiss and ran her tongue across his bottom lip would affect her. The feeling of the muscles in his shoulders moving under her fingertips as he moved his hands all over her body made her ache with desire. She had never wanted anyone so badly in her life, and it was finally happening, making her head swim with the idea of what was still to come.
Dean walked them back over to the couch without his lips ever leaving her, laying her down cautiously, watching her expressions to make sure she wanted this as much as he did. When he found no signs of hesitation, he leaned over her, slotting himself between her legs, his lips going to kiss and nibble her neck. He was in no hurry tonight. He was going to find every little spot that made her cry out, make her feel like she was the only woman in the world, because that’s exactly what she was to him.
Y/N was a withering mess beneath him. The way his body was pressing her into the couch, his lips on her neck, his hands gently caressing her would be the death of her, she was sure. She needed more, needed to feel his skin against her, his mouth leaving open-mouthed kisses all over her already sweat-sheened body. She pushed his flannel down his shoulders, letting him shrug it off before grabbing the hem of his t-shirt and pulling it up his back as she tried to remove it. Dean chuckled as he sat back on his heels, pulling the shirt over his head and throwing it to the floor behind him.
“Is that what you wanted, sweetheart?”
She bit her lip as she nodded, a little embarrassed at how carried away she was becoming. No man had ever made her feel the things she was feeling at the moment. Maybe it was because Dean was just so fucking handsome or that she was so irrevocably in love with him, but whatever it was, she had never been so turned on in her life. And he hadn’t done anything but kiss her.
“Hey…” he whispered, getting her attention. He knew that look. She was in her head again. “This will only go as far as you want it to. I want to touch you, feel you, make you feel so damn good, baby, but only if that’s what you want,”
“I want you, Dean. I need you,” she whimpered, quivering in anticipation.
“Are you sure? We’ll stop right now…,”
“Don’t you dare stop,” she groaned, earning another chuckle from Dean.
“Whatever my girl wants,” he winked, leaning down to capture her mouth again.
He moved his lips down her jaw, kissing and lightly nipping her skin as he trailed down toward her ear, licking the spot right behind her lobe. The sound she made was between a moan and a whimper, and fuck him if he didn’t want to hear her make that noise over and over.
He bore his weight on his hands, stiffening his arms so he could look down at her, and the unbridled passion he saw looking back at him took his breath away. She really wanted him, and it made him want to drown himself in her, completely let go and show her just how much he wanted and loved her. He made it his mission right then to show her how special she was because, god damn if she wasn’t perfect.
“Can I?” he asked, pulling the hem of her shirt up slightly, smiling when she nodded at him somewhat shyly.
Once her shirt had been thrown behind them, he dropped himself down on his forearms, placing soft kisses on the swell of her breasts. Her hands entwined in the hair on the back of his head, pulling him to where she wanted him, and he couldn’t contain the groan that spilled past his lips. She was starting to relax and enjoy herself, and if that wasn’t the sexiest thing he’d ever seen, he didn’t know what was.
She was writhing underneath him as he took her nipple in his mouth through the fabric of her bra, her back arching with pleasure as her pussy clenched around nothing. She could feel him smirk against her skin as he kissed his way down her abdomen, stopping at the waist of her leggings. He looked up, silently questioning if he could continue. He smiled wickedly as she nodded in approval, sliding them and her panties down in one pull.
“You’re so beautiful, Y/N,” he whispered as he ran his hands down her legs, spreading them slowly so he could see all of her.
Dean sat back, taking a moment to just admire the woman lying there before him. He could never express his gratitude for being here with her like this, and it wasn’t about just the sex. He knew what she was giving him and how special it was, and he wouldn’t take it for granted. He wanted to give himself to her wholly, but he had never been so happy and terrified. This wasn’t some one-night stand that would walk away in the morning. She was his best friend, and that scared the shit out of him. What if he couldn’t make her happy? She deserved the world, and he didn’t know if he could be the one to give that to her.
“Dean, stop,”
His eyes shot to hers. This was it. She had finally realized that she was making a mistake. He hung his head, knowing she was too good for him. He should’ve known that he would never deserve someone like her. He turned to reach for her shirt to give back to her when he felt her hand on his cheek, making him look at her.
“I can see what you’re thinking, and I want this. I want you, Dean. I’ve wanted you for so long...Please...Please, Dean, make me yours,” she said, tracing his bottom lip with her thumb, “Make me your girl.”
The dam had broken. Every emotion he had kept bottled up where it concerned Y/N was now at the surface, and it was overwhelming, to say the least. She wanted him, was begging for him, and who was he to not give her what she wanted.
In a flurry of limbs, he had his jeans and boxers off in record speed. He nestled himself back between her legs, caging her in with his arms, his mouth crushing hers, trying to show her exactly how he felt without words. She slid her arms down his back to his hips, pulling him to grind against her, both of them groaning at the feeling. He moved his hand between them, running a finger through her soaked folds, teasing her entrance with the tip of his finger.
“So wet for me, sweetheart,” he groaned in her ear, “I haven’t even tasted you yet.”
“Not this time, please! I need you inside me,” she begged, not wanting to waste another second before she felt him.
“I have to get you ready for me first.”
He pushed his middle finger deep into her heat, slowly dragging it in and out before adding his index finger. The way she was moaning and clutching for him made it hard not to slam home right then, but he also wanted to make her come on his fingers. He moved his thumb to slowly circle her clit as his fingers moved inside her faster.
“D, please! I’m gonna...I’m…”
She couldn’t finish her sentence before she came hard on his fingers, soaking his palm with her juices. Her body shook with her release as she cried out, grinding her hips down on his hand. She swore she had seen stars. No one had ever made her come that hard with their fingers. He slowed down his pace as she came down, going limp, eyes shut tight and breathing hard. She could hear him sucking her taste off his fingers, making her shiver.
“Fuck…,”  she huffed, finally opening her eyes to see him smiling down at her.
“There she is…,” he chuckled, leaning down to kiss her softly, “You okay?”
She didn’t answer. Instead, she rolled him over to his back, straddling his hips. She didn’t wait as she grabbed his hard cock, lining it up with her and sinking down. The feeling of being so full, him stretching her so good, almost had her coming again. His size made her have to adjust for a moment. He was bigger than anyone she had ever had, and she could feel the difference.
She pressed her hands to his chest for leverage and began moving, riding him slowly and making him go deep. Her moans soon drowned out the song playing in the background as she felt the coil in her belly tighten again.
“That’s it, sweetheart, take what you want,” He growled, fighting hard to stave off his release.
“Dean...Oh, God…I’m so close.”
“Let go for me,” he said, reaching up to cup her chin in his hand, forcing her to look him in the eye, “Come, baby girl.”
It was almost like her body was at his command. The coil snapped as soon as the words left his mouth, sending a white-hot heat coursing through her. Her body collapsed on his chest, his arms holding her to him as he thrust up into her, working her through her high. He captured her lips as he rolls them over, placing her leg over his hip as he drives himself deep, whispering praises in her ear.
“You feel so good, Y/N. So wet and tight for me.”
“Dean, please…” she begged, unsure what she was begging for anymore.
“I’ve got you. I’ll always have you, baby girl,” he growled into her shoulder, fighting back his orgasm. He refused to let go until she came around him again, “Touch yourself for me. Come again.”
She whined at the sensitivity as she circled her throbbing bud. She didn’t think she could come again, completely blissed out from the two times she had already, but to her surprise, the coil started to wind tight again, her release right on the edge. Dean thrust in hard while he pulled her nipple in his mouth, and that’s all it took to send her flying off the edge. She came with his name passing her lips in a chant as her eyes rolled back in her head. Her pussy clenching around him threw Dean over with her, stilling deep as he filled her up, whispering her name in her ear over and over.
Neither wanted to move, both enjoying the post-sex haze, but now also scared of what would happen next. Dean was the one to break the stillness as he rolled away, pulling her back to his chest as they lay on the couch. He nuzzled his face into the back of her neck, breathing in the smell of hair as it cascaded across his face. If this ended up being a one-time thing, he wanted to enjoy this little bit of peace that he hadn’t felt in a long time. Hell, he didn’t know if he had ever felt peace like this.
“Dean,” she whispered, breaking the silence between them.
“Yeah, sweetheart?”
“What happens now?” her voice was so soft that he barely heard her.
He stayed quiet for a moment. Seriously thinking of how he wanted to answer her. He knew for a fact that he couldn’t go back to being her friend now. He was absolutely gone on her, and she needed to know it. He pulled her tighter against him as he began to speak.
“Well, I’m not sure how you feel, but Y/N, there’s no turning back for me now. I’ve wanted you for so damn long, and now that I have you, I can’t be just your friend anymore. If you haven’t noticed by now, I’m head over heels for you, sweetheart, and I’m all in. That is if you’ll have me.”
“All I’ve ever wanted was you,” she smiled, squeezing his hand that was resting on her stomach.
He kissed her head before he started to laugh softly, “I’m so damn glad I took the time to learn that dance.”
She turned in his arms quickly, looking at him in shock, “You learned that just for me?”
“Well, you said that a man that can dance is sexy,” he chuckled, kissing the tip of her nose.
“You didn’t have to learn that to be sexy, Dean.”
“Well, then, I don’t have to worry about having to dance again,” he smirked at her.
“No! I never said that. You were already sexy, but that dance made you extra sexy,” she giggled as he tickled her side.
“Whatever you say, sweetheart,” he chided, grabbing the blanket off the back of the couch and covering them.
That night, they lay cuddled on the couch, stealing kisses and never taking their hands off each other. Both of them eventually fell into a blissful sleep. The first night of many that they slept in each other’s arms.
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dotster001 · 10 months
Fallen for You Chapter Five
Summary: Simeon x gn!reader You confront Michael.
A/N: I realized that I never have mentioned this before but, if you need an idea of what Michael could look like, ever since I saw this art by @stulili , I've imagined him to look like this.
Chapters: One Two Three Four Six
The man grinned. He stood up from his chair, moving around the table and summoning various things.
“How do you like your tea, Y/N?” He asked.
“Is that your answer?”
“You're a smart human. Far too smart to even be asking me that question,” he hummed, summoning a spoon, and stirring an ungodly amount of sugar into a teacup. He walked over to you, handing you the tea. He stared expectantly, and with a glare you took a sip. 
Far too sweet, as always. But now that you knew who it was, that matched what you had been told about Michael.
“Why do you want to invade the human realm and the Devildom? Why did you want Simeon to kill me? And if you want me dead, why are you visiting me every night?” You spat out all the questions.
He sighed heavily, returning to his seat.
“It's not that I want you dead. Your unique lineage and abilities would make you quite the asset. But with your power flowing through the brothers, and your loyalty to them, unity will never be possible. But, I assure you, it is no longer an issue,” he smiled sweetly, and took a sip of his own tea. He stared at your cup, and you begrudgingly took another sip.
“Why Simeon? Based on what he said, a part of you had to have known-”
“Simeon was straying from the Celestial Realm long before he fell. I was giving him a chance. If he could do what he needed to, I would have found a way to save you for him. You'd have been the Isaac to his Abraham.”
You stared. He seemed to be avoiding your other questions, but he had floored you with this one. How did he intend to save you, after forming a specialized weapon just for your murder? This man…angel…he couldn't be all sane! To talk about sacrifices and invasions with a smile on his face…that couldn't be right?
“You ignored my biggest question. Why invasion?”
“I ignored one other question. Why do I visit you every night?” He hummed. “And that one seems more prevalent right now.”
He waved his hand, and suddenly a mirror appeared in front of you, displaying-
“Oh my God!”
“Language, ha ha!”
In the image was you, out cold, as Simeon seemed to be trying to shake you awake. Over his shoulder was Luke and Lucifer, the latter holding the former back as he tried to run at you, his eyes filled with tears.
“What, what?” You choked out. “I don't understand!”
“Hmm,” Michael hummed, but when you looked over at him, he was simply smiling mischievously.
You looked back in the mirror, just in time to see Luke break away, and throw his arms around you. In the dream Celestial Realm, you began to glow.
“Aw, what a shame,” Michael pouted. “Word of warning, next time, even Luke won't be able to wake you up.”
You weren't able to figure out how long you'd been asleep. But when you'd woken up, Simeon was absolutely feral, barking at the brothers in a language you didn't recognize. When Luke had tried to calm him down, he'd dragged him into his hold as well, one of you under each of his arms, both of you no match for his raw strength.
When Solomon had arrived to give you a check up, you'd had to use ‘stay’ on Simeon. Even then, as he was frozen in place, he was shouting in the unknown language, fighting his hardest to escape your hold.
Solomon followed your eyes with a flashlight.
“You,” he began , but sighed. “You seem fine. But you didn't wake up until Luke touched you. And that's bad.”
“No, really?” You snarked. Solomon glared at you.
“Don't be snippy with me. I obviously don't have all the information, now do I?” He snapped. Simeon spoke again, and Solomon sighed, before responding. Whatever he said only seemed to upset Simeon more, and you winced as he growled.
“I saw Michael!” You shouted.
“Michael?” Luke asked, eyes wide. “What did he say?”
You looked at the little angel, his eyes wide with hope. As though whatever Michael had to say would have made this better.
“Luke, you woke me up, right?” You tried to change the subject, at least while he was here.
“All I did was touch you,” he said, confused by the shift.
“Yes!” Solomon cried, a seeming Eureka moment having arrived.
“That's something I've wanted to discuss, actually. Luke, touch Simeon's pact mark please.”
You rotated, lifting up the back of your shirt. Luke touched it, and, just as before, you felt a rush of power surge through you as the mark glowed.
“It's like when Simeon made his pact, he unintentionally left a space for Luke. Luke is part of your little family, so he's always welcome to access Simeon and your bond. it's essentially a two for one, but for all three of you in various ways,” Solomon grinned. “Perhaps with time, and your active participation, Y/N, he may even be able to use your pact on Simeon.”
“I would never do that!” Luke cried. You looked over at Simeon, who seemed to calm down enough to look at Luke with a gaze of overwhelming affection.
“Don’t worry about that, Luke, at least not right now. It's because of that that you were able to wake me up,” you said softly.
“But if you were talking to Michael,” he muttered.
“Uh, yeah, well,” you began, not really wanting to ruin the young angel’s view of one of his heroes.
“Michael told me to murder Y/N,” Simeon spat, in full English.
You stiffened. Both Luke and Solomon turned to Simeon in complete confusion, and total horror.
“He wouldn't!” Luke cried, his eyes filling with tears.
“Luke,” you reached out, attempting to calm the baby down.
“He would. And when I said no, Raphael said yes,” Simeon snapped. 
“Luke, he wants Y/N dead. It's hard to hear, but they wouldn't have woken up if you hadn't been there.”
“Simeon,” Solomon warned, quietly.
“He should know! He should know that someone he has shown nothing but love for wants to tear his family apart!” Simeon shouted. Luke broke into a sob, running out of the room.
“Simeon, this is not the time,” Solomon said firmly.
“I'll go talk to him,” you sighed, standing up.
“Don't you dare leave me! I can't protect you if-”
“I gotta calm down our son! You fill Solomon in, while I'm gone,” you snapped, putting an order into it, and went to go find Luke, Simeon’s angry shouts following close behind. 
He needed to calm down, anyway. At this rate he was bound to accidentally hurt someone.
You found Luke in the kitchen, sitting at the counter, his head in his arms as he cried quietly.
“Luke?” You whispered.
“Why would he do that?” He whimpered. “Why would he want to hurt you? He knows how much I love you!”
He looked up from his arms, and you found yourself staggering back as you stared into a pair of black empty eyes. Seconds later, they had flickered back, leaving Luke looking very confused.
“I…I don't know,” you said, walking over to him, and wrapping Luke in a hug. You did know. But it was the last thing you wanted to tell him. He didn't need one more thing to be upset about.
Luke sobbed against your chest, wrapping his arms tightly around you.
“Is it something I did? I'm always talking about you, maybe it's my fault-”
“No, baby, it's not your fault. Grownups are just,” you sighed, “complicated.”
As he sobbed against you, you were starting to feel…drowsy. You jolted yourself up, Michael's final warning replaying in your head. 
But the jolt did not go unnoticed.
“Sorry Luke, I, um, I just realized how hungry I am.”
“I'll make you something!” He shouted, scurrying off the chair, and moving around the kitchen with new found energy. You almost stopped him, but the thought of cooking for you perked him up. So you decided to just watch him.
Despite this not being his home kitchen, he seemed to be perfectly at home. And in no time at all, he had placed a slice of Celestial Realm bread on a plate before you.
“There,” he said proudly, ignoring the dried tears on his face as he smiled sweetly.
You bit into it. It was good. Of course it was! Everything Michael had given you was too sweet, but Luke…Luke knew how to bake for a normal palate. 
You and Luke sat quietly together, munching on the bread.
“Ooh, can I get some of that for Beel?” You heard Belphie behind you.
“No! This is for Y/N, not stinky demons!” Luke pouted.
You giggled. The scene was so normal. Belphie pouting to you about Luke, Luke pouting to you about Belphie, Beel sneaking in the back and consuming the entire loaf of bread while no one was looking. It put a little joy in your heart.
You nibbled some more bread. There was Mammon, looking to see what the fuss was about, and seeing if he could profit from it. You giggled to yourself. It was so normal.
The piece of bread fell out of your hand, and it was only then you realized something was wrong. But you couldn't seem to alert the others.
Your lower back was burning, and you couldn't move. Other spots on your body were tingling. With a nauseous roll to your stomach, you realized it was the spots where your pact marks were.
You heard a boom, and saw a flash, and Simeon was in front of you, grabbing your shoulders, shouting, but you couldn't hear what he was saying. Other faces swam into your vision, all of them full of distress, and you felt yourself falling backwards into the void.
Your pact mark had grown weaker. He had thought you'd released him, and so he'd immediately sought you out. It had taken less than a glance to realize you were not okay. As your eyes rolled into the back of your head, he began to panic. Your body fell through his hands, fading in and out, as though you weren't entirely here anymore.
“No! You can't do this to me!” He screamed, reaching for you, his hands going through you. “After all we've been through! You can't leave me!”
He'd thought he was emotional earlier. Now he was filled with despair; an ache that was far worse than any anger or longing he'd ever felt for you.
His pact…
“What in Diavolo's name is going on?” Lucifer boomed in the kitchen. 
“I'm gonna be sick,” Belphie muttered, sitting on the ground.
“What's happening? Why are you all sick? And why am I all itchy?” Mammon shouted.
His pact…it…
Lucifer reached for you, undeterred by Simeon's possessive growl, his hand phasing through you.
“Simeon,” he whispered. “You were the last one to forge a pact. How do you feel?”
Simeon looked at Lucifer, his entire body burning, not just in rage, but in loneliness, and deep loss, he opened his mouth…
And released an unholy scream of pain.
You felt a glass being pressed to your lips. You gratefully sipped it, your throat burning. You nearly spit it out. It wasn't water. It was…juice?
You opened your eyes, and jolted. Michael was smiling at you kindly. You wanted to sit up, but found that you couldn't move.
“Shh, it's okay. It's almost over, you'll be able to move in a few more minutes.”
He set down the cup, unbuttoning the first few buttons on your shirt, reaching to the spot above your heart. The spot where Mammon's pact was.
“This was your first pact, right?”
You groaned in response, still unable to get out a word.
“Almost done,” he whispered, gently stroking the spot. Normally, if you or anyone else touched the pact mark, you'd feel a little zing through you. You currently felt nothing.
Suddenly, your stomach began to tie itself in knots. What was almost done? What was he doing?
“There we go. All done,” he smiled softly, giving you an affectionate peck to the forehead, no doubt in an attempt to soothe you. He pulled his hand out again, buttoning the buttons of your shirt back up. Finally able to move, you grabbed his wrist.
“What's happening to me?” You croaked, throat still very dry.
“Think of it as a fresh start,” he said with a proud laugh. “Enough Celestial Realm food, with the right blessings on it, will purify just about anything.”
Now that the feeling was returning to your body, you felt a deep sense of loss. An aching hole. You experimentally tried to reach into your power stores, and instead of the beautiful chaos you normally felt, your power was what could only be described as a pure line of electricity. Still powerful, but foreign. And lonely. So lonely.
“Simeon?” You whimpered, trying to call on something that was no longer there.
Michael gave you a sympathetic look. 
“Simeon!” You cried.
“You'll get used to it. You should have never had to make those pacts in the first place.”
You sobbed.
Michael wrapped his arms around you, whispering affirmations. You struggled against him, but soon you realized you were no match. Not in this state.
So you just sobbed against him. After what could have been hours, you heard someone clear their throat.
You looked over Michael's shoulder, and saw an angel you'd never met before, in full armor.
“We're ready, sir. It's time.”
Michael gently released you, and stood up.
“Understood,” he smiled at you. “You'll thank me later. Get some rest, I'll be back soon.” 
Before you could get up the energy to claw their eyes out, they both vanished, leaving you alone.
“Luke, stay with us,” Solomon and Asmo sat in front of the boy as he also seemed to be phasing in and out, his eyes flickering back and forth between black void and bleeding blue.
Asmo felt like shit. But having a secondary pact meant that he was doing better than all of his brothers.
And yet, Luke seemed to be doing the worst. His small frame was shivering, and he'd yet to speak or react to his surroundings.
Suddenly, the lights in the kitchen went out, and they were all thrown into darkness.
After a moment of silence, Luke's eyes glowed blue, the light filling the entire room.
“Y/N, where are you?” He asked.
Tag list- @leonia0 @eccedentesiast-sapphic @your-next-daydream @stella0567 @sarah22447 @sno-leopards @jasthelazyelf @obeymediasimp
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layce2015 · 1 year
Supernatural (Dean Winchester x Female!Reader)
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Yellow-Eyed Demon
We parked by some train tracks later that day, Sam was looking through the Key of Solomon book on the roof of the car, spinning a marker in his hand. Dean and I were at the back of the car, he was loading up guns and putting them into his duffel bag while I leaned against the car and stare at him with concern.
"You’ve been quiet." I said as I notice the solemn look on his face. "Just getting ready." He replied, flatly. "He’s gonna be fine, Dean." I assured him but he doesn't answer. I frown then walked right next to him then placed a hand on his shoulder. He stops for a moment then turns his head to look at me, I give him an encouraging smile as he stares at me then looks down.
Suddenly, Sam comes up to the open trunk lid and rubs off the dirt and starts to draw on the lid. "Dude, what are you drawing on my car!" Dean exclaims. "It’s called a Devil’s trap. Demons can’t get through it or inside it." Sam replied.
"So?" Dean asked, annoyed, as Sam moves around to the other end of the trunk. "It basically turns the trunk into a lockbox." He said. "So?" Dean asked again. "So, we have a place to hide the Colt while we go get Dad." Sam said and I give him an impressed look. "Smart." I said and Sam smiles at me.
"What are you talking about? We’re bringing the Colt with us." Dean said. "We can’t, Dean. We’ve only got three bullets left." Sam said to him. "He's right, Dean. We can’t just use them on any demon, we’ve got to use them on the demon." I said. "No, we have to save Dad, okay? We’re gonna need all the help we can get." Dean said to us, firmly.
"Dean, you know how pissed Dad would be if we used all the bullets? Dean, he wouldn’t want us to bring the gun." Sam said to him. "I don’t care, Sam. I don’t care what Dad wants, okay? And since when do you care what Dad wants?" Dean asked him, angrily.
"We want to kill this demon. You used to want that, too. Hell, I mean, you’re the one who came and got me at school!" Sam yells and Dean scoffs at this. "You’re the one who dragged me back into this, Dean. I’m just trying to finish it!" Sam shouts. "Well, you and Dad are a lot more alike than I thought, you know that? You both can’t wait to sacrifice yourself for this thing. But you know what? I’m gonna be the one to bury you. You’re selfish, you know that? You don’t care about anything but revenge." Dean growls at his brother. "That’s not true, Dean." Sam said and Dean scoffs again while I turn to him.
"Look, you want your dad back, I get it. But, Dean, they are expecting us to bring this gun. They get the gun, they will kill us all. That Colt is our only leverage and you know it, Dean. We can not bring that gun. We can’t." I said to Dean, firmly. He stares at me for a moment then said, flatly. "Fine."
"I’m serious, Dean." I said to him.
"I said fine, (y/n)." Dean snapped at me and he takes the Colt out of his jacket pocket and holds it up to show Sam and I before putting it in the trunk. Sam gives me a thank you look before we start walking off.
We were walking by the river and step up beside some trees when Dean stops. "Hey, hey." He said and Sam abs I stopsl and look at him. "Think I know what Meg meant by Sunrise." He said and we look over to see an apartment building with a sign out front that says Sunrise Apartments.
"Son of a bitch. That’s pretty smart. I mean, if these demons can possess people they can possess almost anybody inside." Dean mutters. "Yeah, and make anybody attack us." Sam said. "And so we can’t kill them – a building full of human shields." I said.
"They probably know exactly what we look like, too. And they could look like anybody." said Sam. "Yeah, this sucks out loud." Dean grumbles. "Tell me about it." Sam said as we stare at the building. "Alright, so, how the hell are we going to get in?" I asked.
Dean looks over at the building for a minute then turns to us. "Pull the fire alarm, get out all the civilians." Dean said. "Okay, but then the city responds in, what, seven minutes?" I asked him. "Seven minutes exactly." Dean said and we nod.
I walk in the front door of the apartment and go to the fire alarm on the wall. Just as I'm about to pull it, a man comes walking down the hallway. I move to the stairs like I'm going up them; but when the man leaves through the front door, I quickly go and pull the alarm. Once the alarm goes off, I leave the building.
I met up with Sam and we step back from the apartment building. Seven minutes later, the fire men show up and they go in and help people out of the building. Sam and I hide behind a fire truck just as we hear Dean talk to one of the firemen.
"Hey, what’s happening? Is it a fire?" He asked. "We’re figuring that out right now, sir. Just stay back." The fireman said. "Well, I’ve got a Yorkie upstairs and he pees when he’s nervous...." Dean said and I chuckle under my breath as I picture Dean walking a little yorkie around the park.
Sam and I move behind them to the fire truck. Sam finds the compartment and picks the lock.
Later, inside of the building, Dean, Sam and I come down the hallway dressed in full fireman gear – helmets, breathing apparatus, etc. Dean uses his EMF to check the doors of the apartments.
"I always wanted to be a fireman when I grew up." Dean said. "You never told me that." Sam said. "Yeah, me either." I said just as Dean’s EMF starts reading high, near a door.
Dean reaches out and starts to knock. "This is the fire department. We need you to evacuate." He said and moments later the door starts to open. And that's when we shove it open.
We come through the door and see a woman was knocked back and a man starts to charge at us. But the three of us spray the couple with holy water from our tanks, and it begins to burn them. Dean punches the man and shoves him into a closet. "Come on!" Dean yells as Sam grabs the woman off the table and shoves her in the closet as well.
I lean against the door and it lurches as the demons inside try to get out. "Hurry up!" I yelled at the boys and Sam grabs a canister of salt from the duffel bag and runs a line around the closet door.
As soon as he finishes it, the pounding stops. We take off the fireman gear and move to the bedroom door, we open it and see John on the bed. Dean, immediately, goes over to his father. "Dad?" He said and he leans down and listens. "He’s still breathing." Dean said and Sam lets out a sigh of relief while Dean starts shaking John. "Dad, wake up. Dad!" He said.
Dean takes out a knife and is about to cut the restraints around John’s wrists until I hold up a hand. "Wait. Wait." I said and Dean turns to me. "What?" He asked. "He could be possessed for all we know." I said. "What, are you nuts?" Dean asked as he looks at me like I'm insane. "She's right, Dean. We got to be sure." Sam said as I take a flask of holy water out of the duffel bag and sprinkle it on John.
It had no effect.
John moans and starts to come around then looks over at me and Sam. "Sam? (Y/n)? Why are you splashing water on me?" He asked us and I sigh with relief. "Dad, are you okay?" Dean asked him. "They’ve been drugging me. Where’s the Colt?" John asked. "Don’t worry, Dad, it’s safe." Sam said as Dean cuts him free. "Good. Good." John mutters as Sam and Dean picks him up.
I start leading them out of the bedroom as the boys carrying John, when he front door bursts open. I stumble back as a man and fireman come in. "Go! Go!" I shouted just as Dean said. "Back! Back!" We go back into the bedroom and close the door, locking it. But then an axe suddenly comes through the door.
I, immediately, grab the salt container and run a line at the bedroom door. Dean, John and Sam climbed out on the fire escape. "(Y/n), let’s go!" Dean shouts at me and I toss him the duffel bag then I go through the window out onto the fire escape. I turn around and run the salt along the window sill.
Dean and I help John down onto the street and Sam moves ahead of us. But, suddenly, Sam is attacked by another man and he pins Sam down on the street and starts beating him to death. "Sam!" Dean and I shout and Dean puts John down and I run at the man and tackle him down.
We landed on our sides and I start to get up but the man punches me across the face. I yelped in pain then felt a warm liquid, that tasted like iron, in my mouth. I spit on the ground to realize it was blood.
Before I had time to register anything, the man kicks me onto my back then he looms over me and started to punch me, repeatedly. Suddenly, there was a sound of a gunshot and there was a bullet hole through the man's head and he falls off of me, dead.
I turn my head and see Dean standing there with the Colt in his hand. I let out an exasperated sigh as he puts it away and comes over to me and Sam. "Guys! Sam! (Y/n)!" Dean said as he helps Sam get up then he comes over to me and helps me up. "Guys, come on! Come on!" Dean said as we stared at the dead man. The demon is dead but so is the man it was possessing.
"Come on. We got to get out of here." Dean shouts and I turn away and we go over to John, pick him up, and leave the area in a hurry.
That night, in a cabin, Sam and I were pouring salt along the window sills, both of our faces were a mess, bruised, bloody, and swollen. As we do this, we hear footsteps and we turn to see Dean coming into the room.
"How is he?" Sam asked him. "He just needed a little rest, that’s all. How are you two?" Dean asked us. "I’ll survive." Sam and I said, in unison, then I look over at Dean. "Hey, you don’t think we were followed here, do you?" I asked him. "I don’t know. I don’t think so. I mean, we couldn’t have found a more out-of-the-way place to hole up." Dean replied and I nodded as Sam looks at him.
"Hey, uh....Dean, you, um....you saved mine and (y/n)'s life back there." Sam said to him and Dean smirks a bit. "So, I guess both of you are glad I brought the gun, huh?" He said and I shake my head. "Dean, he's trying to thank you...and I wanna thank you too." I said and Dean looks between us. "You’re welcome." He said and I give him a small smile before he looks down for a moment then back up to us.
"Guys?" He said.
"Yeah?" Sam and I said in unison.
"You know that guy I shot? There was a person in there." Dean said, and I could hear the guilt in his voice. "You didn’t have a choice, Dean." I said to him. "Yeah, I know, that’s not what bothers me." Dean replied.
"Then what does?" Sam asked. "Killing that guy, killing Meg. I didn’t hesitate, I didn’t even flinch. For you or Dad or (y/n), the things I’m willing to do or kill, it’s just, uh....it scares me sometimes." Dean said, his voice slightly cracking. Sam and I just look at him, not knowing what to say, until John walks in the room.
"It shouldn’t. You did good." John said and Dean looks at him, confused. "You’re not mad?" He asked. "For what?" John said, shrugging. "Using a bullet." Dean said. "Mad? I’m proud of you. You know, Sam and I, we can get pretty obsessed. But you – you watch out for this family. You always have." John said to Dean, who blinks at him. "Thanks." Dean said.
Then the wind picks up and the lights start to flicker, causing all of us go over to the window. "It found us. It’s here." John said as he looks out. "The demon?" I asked and he nods. "Sam, (y/n), line up salt in front of every window, every door." He said to us. "We already did it." Sam said. "Well, check it, okay?" He said to us, firmly. "Okay." Sam and I said and we leave the room.
After we looked around and made sure that there was salt on the doors or the windows, Sam and I come into the room and see Dean was pointing the gun at John. "Dean?" Sam said, confused. "What the hell’s going on?" I asked.
"He's lost his mind." John said as he looks at us. "He’s not Dad." Dean states. "What?" Sam and I asked.  I think he’s possessed. I think he’s been possessed since we rescued him." Dean said and he starts to get upset.
"Don’t listen to him." John said as Sam looks at Dean. "Dean, how do you know?" He asked as I could tell Dean was fighting back tears. "He’s .... he’s different." Dean said. "You know, we don’t have time for this. Sam, (y/n), you wanna kill this demon, you’ve gotta trust me." John said.
Sam and I look back and forth between John and Dean. Dean glances at us, but doesn’t say anything else to convince us. "Sam? (Y/n)?" John said as Sam and I look back and forth then we share a look before we look over at John. "No. No." We said as we move over to stand by Dean’s side. And John looks at us in shock.
"Fine. You three are so sure, go ahead. Kill me." John said as he looks down and waits. Dean holds the gun on him, but doesn’t pull the trigger. "I thought so." John said, smirking, then he looks back up and we see that his eyes are yellow.
Sam and I lunge towards him, but we were thrown against the wall, pinned there. So is Dean, and he drops the Colt and John picks it up.
"What a pain in the ass this thing’s been." John said. "It’s you, isn’t it? We’ve been looking for you for a long time." Sam growls and John looks at us. "Well, you found me." He said, smiling. "But the holy water?" I said, confused. "You think something like that works on something like me?" He asked and I tried to fight the force that has me pinned to the wall, but fail.
"I’m gonna kill you!" Sam and I shouted, angrily. "Oh, that’d be a neat trick. In fact..." John said then he puts the gun down on a table. "...here. Make the gun float to either of you, psychic kiddos." John said and I look at the gun, but nothing happens. Sam was doing the same but nothing was happening as well. "Well, this is fun." John said and he walks over to the window beside Dean.
"I could’ve killed you a hundred times today, but this....." he sighs. "...this is worth the wait." He said as Dean struggles, but is still pinned to the wall. "Your Dad – he’s in here with me. Trapped inside his own meat suit. He says hi, by the way. He’s gonna tear you apart. He’s gonna taste the iron in your blood." John said as he looks at Dean. "Let him go, or I swear to God –" Dean growls.
"What? What are you and God gonna do? You see, as far as I’m concerned, this is justice. You know that little exorcism of yours? That was my daughter." John said. "Who, Meg?" Dean asked. "The one in the alley? That was my boy. You understand." John said and Dean rolls his eyes. "You’ve got to be kidding me." He mutters.
"What? You’re the only one that can have a family? You destroyed my children. How would you feel if I killed your family?" John asked then he smiles at Dean. "Oh, that’s right. I forgot. I did. Still, two wrongs don’t make a right."  He said. "You son of a bitch." Dean said.
"I wanna know why. Why’d you do it?" Sam asked him, angrily, and he turns to Sam. "You mean why did I kill Mommy and pretty, little Jess?" He said. "Yeah." Sam replied and John turns to Dean. "You know, I never told you this, but Sam was going to ask her to marry him." He said as he backs up toward Sam. "Been shopping for rings and everything." He said then he turns to Sam. "You want to know why? Because they got in the way."
"In the way of what?" Sam asked. "My plans for you, Sammy. You...and all the children like you." John said then he looks at me. "Including you, girlie. That's why I killed your mom....and your dad." He said and I look at him, confused. "My dad died from cancer." I said and John smiles. "Who do you think put that cancer in him?" He asked and my heart sank as he said that. Then, as fast as the shock hit me, the anger overtakes me and I try to struggle against the force holding me up.
"You son of a bitch!" I growled, angrily, as he laughs.
"Listen, you mind just getting this over with, huh? Cause I really can’t stand the monologuing." Dean said and John goes over to him. "Funny, but that’s all part of your M.O., isn’t it? Masks all that nasty pain, masks the truth." John said.
"Oh, yeah? What’s that?" Dean asked. "You know, you fight and you fight for this family, but the truth is they don’t need you. Not like you need them. Sam – he’s clearly John’s favorite. Even when they fight, it’s more concern than he’s ever shown you." John said to Dean, who glares at him. "And (y/n)? She'll never accept you. She doesn't need you, just like your family doesn't need you."
I struggled against the force again and look over at Dean, trying to convey that this was not true, while he continued to glare at the demon.
"I bet you’re real proud of your kids, too, huh? Oh wait, I forgot. I wasted ‘em." Dean sneers and he just smiles at him as John looks at Dean then he steps back and puts his head down. When he looks back up, Dean suddenly yells in pain. "Dean! No!" Sam yells as I shout. "Dean!"
Then Dean starts to bleed heavily from his chest. Sam and I start to struggle against the force pinning us but it seemed no use. "Dad! Dad, don’t you let it kill me!" Dean pleads as he stares at John while he looks at him again and smiles. Dean starts screaming in pain again.
"Dean!! No!!" Sam screams.
"No! Stop! Dean!" I plead as blood starts flowing out of Dean. Sam and I struggle as hard as we can to break free then I stare at the colt, like if I stare at it long enough it'll move.
"Dad, please." Dean pleads, tearfully, as blood runs out of his mouth but then he passes out. "Dean!!" Sam and I screamed, tears running down my face.
"Stop." John whispers and, suddenly, Sam and I were let go. "Stop it." John said as Sam dives and grabs the gun off the table and I stood up next to him. John turns to Sam, eyes yellow once again, and Sam aims the gun at him.
"You kill me, you kill Daddy." The demon said. "I know." Sam said and he fires the gun, shooting John in the leg. He falls down and so does Dean. Sam gets up and he and I go over to Dean.
"Dean? Dean, hey?" I said, frantically, and noticed the blood all over him and in his mouth. "Oh God, you’ve lost a lot of blood." Sam said, in a panic. "Where’s Dad?" Dean asked, weakly. "He’s right here. He’s right here, Dean." I said as I gesture over to John. "Sam, go check on him." Dean said.
"Dean." Sam said, worriedly, but Dean slight shakes his head. "Go check on him." He said and Sam looks at me. "I've got him, Sam. Don't worry." I said, softly. Sam gets up and goes over to check on John, who was lying motionless on the floor, while I kneel down by Dean and try to help him sit up.
"Nice and easy." I said to Dean, calmly, as he slowly sits up and leans his back against me. "You're okay, you're okay." I whispered as he groans and leans his head back against my shoulder.
"Dad? Dad?" Sam asked as he walks towards him. Suddenly, John looks over at Sam. "Sammy! It’s still alive. It’s inside me, I can feel it. You shoot me. You shoot me! You shoot me in the heart, son!" John orders as Sam aims the gun at him. "Do it now!" John yells.
"Sam, don’t you do it. Don’t you do it." Dean said as Sam looks over at him then back at John. "You’ve gotta hurry! I can’t hold onto it much longer! You shoot me, son! Shoot me! Son, I’m begging you! We can end this here and now! Sammy!" John pleads, in a frantic and tearful voice.
"Sam, no." Dean said, firmly.
"You do this! Sammy!! Sam...." John yells while Sam's hands shake as he still aims the gun at John. Then the demon suddenly leaves John, in a black cloud from his mouth and disappears through the floor.
Sam lowers the gun as John looks at him, accusingly.
Later on, we were all in the Impala, Sam was driving with John by his side while Dean and I were in the back seat. John gasps in pain and Dean was just slumped in the back seat and I try to clean off the blood from his face with a washcloth. "Hang on, Dean. Just alittle longer." I whispered, softly, to him.
"Look, just hold on, alright. The hospital’s only ten minutes away." Sam said to John. "I’m surprised at you, Sammy. Why didn’t you kill it? I thought we saw eye-to-eye on this? Killing this demon comes first – before me, before everything." John said and Sam looks in the rear view mirror at me and Dean. I nod at him before he addresses his father again.
"No, sir. Not before everything." Sam said, firmly, and John eyes his youngest son for a moment. "Look, we’ve still got the Colt. We still have the one bullet left. We just have to start over, alright? I mean, we already found the demon....." Sam said but that was the last thing I heard before I blacked out.
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Snow Date with Thirteen
like before sorry if it´s ooc and ‘’ is for thoughts
I looked around, I was standing in front of the House of Lamentation my breath came out as little whispy puffs while I observed the area in front of me, thanks to the Brothers newest plans the ground around RAD was covered in snow.
‘how nice everything looks, it´s been far to long since I last saw proper snow that stayed longer than a day before becoming slush again’ I looked around but Thirteen wasn´t in sight I got a little annoyed at this ‘if this is the second time where she refuses to show up for no reason I´m leaving’
I have already been waiting for 30 minutes and was just about to re-enter the House of Lamentation before I heard it
“Hey! here do you think you´re going?! I told you my plan might take a bit longer than I thought” at the last sentence she seemed a bit deflated, I smiled a bit ‘guess she didn´t get Solomon this time’
I grinned a bit wider “guess I was right when I said that your trap wouldn´t work~”
“shut up or next time I´ll use you as bait”
“that was my plan from the beginning~ Solomon himself admit that no matter who it is if he thinks his favorite apprentice is in trouble he´ll come and save me”
“you´re his only apprentice”
“which means I can only be his favorite one” we both laughed at this “okay I got it next time we´ll go with your plan”
“thanks! I´ll even help with your trap next time” Thirteen rolled her eyes “if I want it to explode in my face sure” I faked an insulted impression “how rude and I thought you would appreciate the smoke as a distraction”
she looked at me for a moment, probably thinking if answering would be a smart decision or just letting it go “you´re lucky your cute otherwise I wouldn´t have let you leave so easily” I laughed “I told you I don´t know how to build things” Thirteen looked like she would rather say something else but decided to change the conversation
“so what was your plan for this anyway? don´t tell me you just want to walk around in this weather?”
I got a little sad at this ‘aww man she got me’ “don´t know what you´re talking about, I think a little walk in the snow would be a cute first date idea”
“that´s how you get sick”
“would be worth it though!”
“just hope you won´t get sick, I won´t take care of you when your stupidity get´s you sick” I grinned “don´t worry as long as I get to kiss you I think everything that could happen to me would be worth it~” she got a bit flushed at my words but could easily tell by my shit eating grin that I was just playing around “oh? and you won´t get embarrassed this time and leave without your kiss” I quickly got embarrassed at her words while remembering my last blunder “shut up…” I mumbled
“I don´t think walking around is your only goal I already you aren´t really good with the cold” I quickly gathered my confidence back up “that´s right! I already found a cute little café around here who have great sweets”
she seemed to be interested at this “I better hope for you that it isn´t just talk” I grinned and took her hand in mine “don´t worry I already went there not as good as we´re used to but pretty great!” she looked at our entwined hands and thought for a moment “yeah I guess you´re right” she kissed my cheek and laughed at my embarrassed look
“y-yeah!” I just decided to hold her hand tighter and lead the way to the café
take a guess who has a Thirteen problem? or simply said OP is very gay and has a BIG weakness for women and is now writing for Thirteen again.
I feel like every time I write something it ends as something different from my first thought also how is this over 600 words!? it´s literally just a little talk
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verenduss · 3 months
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{michael ealy, 51, male, he/him} we are so glad to see you safe, KING RAFAEL RATSIFI of MADAGASCAR! it’s dangerous out in the world these days, but i hear that you are NURTURING and CALM enough to handle it. just don’t let your MAWKISHNESS bring you down! stay on your guard, because with your secret being at risk for exposure, you wouldn’t want everyone to find out YOU FLED ENGLAND AFTER POISONING A NOBLE
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b a s i c s //
name: rafael james ratsifi
birthday: january 14th (capricorn)
occupation: king's consort / physician
orientation: bisexual / bi-romantic
status: married to mendrika ratsifi
languages: english (native), amharic (fluent), malagasy (fluent), french (conversational).
character influences: iroh (avatar: tla), dumbledore (hp/fb), nara shikamaru (naruto), dr. will halstead (chicago med).
tarot card: the high priestess
p r o l o g u e // fire & illness tws
The house was burning; the curtains were awash in fiery light; at the edge of his cradle, a man and woman asleep despite his bellowing cries and the loud cracks and bangs of splintering and burning wood. They woke when the windows shattered, shrieked and ran in nothing but their bed clothes, clutching their newborn son to their chests in hopes that he would live through smoke inhalation and potential burns. The infant was unscathed, a healthy baby boy with all his fingers and toes, his skin untouched by arson.  A new home; a new country - it was what Rafael grew up understanding as normal. He would grow comfortable with new neighbours, build friendships, and then, in a night, they would be onto new pastures with new people and a new language, leaving behind their home for one reason or another. His father would tell him that they wanted him to experience the world and he never questioned it for a long time. They moved through Hatzfeld's Germany, through the Ottoman Empire ruled by the house of Abdul, down through Persia under the rule of Qajar, and finally landed in the lands of the Solomon’s - a safe haven and the place of his mother’s birth. There, at the age of ten, he found himself no longer wondering when their next move would be but daydreaming about what he would do next.  Fall ill was what he would do, much to his surprise. It started in the late night, a fever of 103; the seizures came swiftly afterward; and the vomiting next. Unable to keep food in, unable to drink water, the ten year old started deteriorating so quickly that his mother had no choice but to beg the queen for assistance; she would help him, perhaps not as a queen or a healer but as a mother.  She did. Whatever she had done, the seizures stopped, the vomiting came and went, and finally his fever broke. It took him a while but the child grew into a man who kept medicine close to his heart. Instead of studying under the hand of the queen, he decided to train in England, a mistake that he would only rid himself of in his early-twenties. There, he learned of his father’s treachery, of the reason they continued to run; he’d paid his debts for him but doesn’t speak of how; it was merely a coincidence that rafael's resignation came a week before two english nobles were found poisoned in their palace.
p r e s e n t d a y // death tw
The running never stopped. Although his name remained out of official investigation reports, Rafael knew that it was only time before smart minds made the connection between resignation and death. Through the lower courts of many, he made a name for himself away from the inheritance from his father and started a small practice in Johannesburg. On the South African coast is where his fate would be sealed in his favour; found and held captive by British forces, Rafael's quick-wit and knowledge of poisons had them tossing his 'dead' body over the side of boat as they set off, back to England. Being found and brought to shore by a small fishing vessel, alive but barely, Rafael found himself being thrust into a life that was very far from the one he believed he would experience; a charming prince, a royal wedding; stability; safety; home. Although a king by definition and marriage, Rafael still thinks very much like a physician - perhaps to his detriment.
c o n n e c t i o n s //
mendrika ratsifi (spouse) - to be written.
liantsoa ratsifi (brother-in-law) - to be written.
rahmi abdul (brother-in-law) - to be written
risa ratsifi (sister-in-law) - to be written.
isra al-amin (tbd) - to be written.
eleanora adlerberg (friend) - to be written.
w a n t e d c o n n e c t i o n s //
benefactor / puppet master - this person was the one who ordered the execution of the english nobles that was carried out by rafael. they would be the one who rafael's father owed something (whether money or services etc). although rafael has paid his father's debts, it could be fun for them to come face-to-face now that rafael is king's consort.
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aspenmissing · 1 year
𝙳𝚎𝚟𝚒𝚕'𝚜 𝚃𝚛𝚊𝚙 (𝙿𝚝 𝟸)
The Impala is parked by some train tracks. Sam is looking through the Key of Solomon book on the roof of the car, spinning a marker in his hand. Dean is at the back of the car, loading up guns and putting them into his duffel bag. Y/N stands beside him, loading her gun in silence. Dean is very solemn and Sam looks over at him, concerned.
"You two have been quite," Sam says.
"Just getting ready."
"He's gonna be fine, Guys." The two don't answer and Sam flips to another page of the book. He sees a symbol and picks up the book to walk to the open trunk lid. He rubs off the dirt and starts to draw on the lid.
"Dude, what are you drawing on my car?"
"It's called a Devil's trap. Demons can't get through it or inside it."
"It basically turns the trunk into a lockbox," Sam says as he moves around to the other end on the trunk.
"So, we have a place to hide the Colt while we go get Dad."
"What are you talking about? We're bringing the Colt with us."
"We can't, Dean. We've only got three bullets left. We can't just use them on any demons; we've got to use them on the demon."
"No, we have to save Dad, Sam, okay? We're gonna need all the help we can get."
"Dean, you know how pissed Dad would be if we used all the bullets? Dean, he wouldn't want us to bring the gun."
"I don't care, Sam. I don't care what Dad wants, okay? And since when do you care what Dad wants?"
"We want to kill this demon. You used to want that, too. Hell, I mean, you're the one who came and got me at school!" Dean scoffs. "You're the one who dragged me back into this, Dean. I'm just trying to finish it," Sam says.
"Well, you and Dad are a lot more alike than I thought, you know that? You both can't wait to sacrifice yourself for this thing. But you know what? Me and Y/N are gonna be the ones to bury you. You're selfish, you know that? You don't care about anything but revenge."
"That's not true, Dean." Dean scoffs. "I want Dad back. But they are expecting us to bring this gun. They get the gun; they will kill us all. That Colt is our only leverage and you know it, Dean. We cannot bring that gun. We can't."
"I'm serious, Dean."
"I said fine, Sam." Y/N, having enough of the arguing, takes the Colt out of his jacket pocket and holds it up to show the two before putting it in the trunk.
"There. Now can you two stop acting like frigging 5-year-olds?" The three are walking by the river. They step up beside some trees and Dean stops.
"Hey, hey." Sam and Y/N stop and look at him. "Think I know what Meg meant by Sunrise." Sam and Y/N look over and see an apartment building with a sign out front that says 'Sunrise Apartments.'
"Son of a bitch. That's pretty smart. I mean, if these demons can possess people, they can possess almost anybody inside," Y/N says.
"Yeah, and make anybody attack us."
"And so, we can't kill them-a building full of human shields."
"They probably know exactly what we look like, too. And they could look like anybody."
"Yeah, this sucks out loud."
"Tell me about it. Alright, so, how the hell are we going to get in?" Sam asks. Dean and Y/N look over at the building for a minute.
"Pull the fire alarm, get out all the civilians."
"Okay, but then the city responds in, what, seven minutes?"
"Seven minutes exactly," Y/N says. Inside the apartment building, Sam walks in the front door and goes to a fire alarm on the wall. Just as he's about to pull it, a man comes walking down the hallway. Sam moves to the stairs like he's going up them, but when the man leaves through the front door, he quickly goes and pulls the alarm. He then leaves. Outside the building, people are leaving and firemen are coming in. Dean and Y/N come up to one of the firemen.
"Hey, what's happening? Is it a fire?" She asks.
"We're figuring that out now, ma'am. Just stay back," the fireman says, moving Dean and Y/N away.
"Well, we've got a Yorkie upstairs and he pees when he's nervous."
"Sir, you have to stay back." Sam moves behind them to the fire truck. He finds a compartment and picks the lock. Inside the building, Dean, Sam, and Y/N come down the hallway dressed in full fireman gear. Y/N is using her EMF to check the doors of the apartments.
"I always wanted to be a fireman when I grew up," Dean says.
"You never told me that." Y/N's EMF starts reading high. Inside a room, A woman is sitting with her head down. There is banging on the door and she looks up- her eyes are completely black. She and the man go over to the door to look out through the peephole.
"This is the fire department. We need you to evacuate," Dean says. The man steps behind the door and nods for the woman to open it. She unlocks the door, and the three shove it open. The woman is thrown backward as Dean, Y/N, and Sam come through. The siblings spray the couple with water from their tanks and it burns them -holy water. Dean punches the man and shoves him into a closet "Come on!" Y/N grabs the woman off the table and shoves her in as well. The twins lean against the door and it lurches as the demons inside try to get out.
"Hurry up!" Y/N shouts. Sam grabs a canister of salt from the duffel bag and runs a line around the closet door. As soon as he finishes it, the pounding stops. The three take off the fireman gear and move to the bedroom door. They slowly open it and see John on the bed, tied to the post. Dean goes over to his father.
"Dad?" He leans down and listens. "He's still breathing." Both Sam and Y/N look relieved. Dean starts shaking John.
"Dad, wake up. Dad!" Y/N takes out a knife and walks over to the bed and is about to cut the restraints around John's wrists.
"Wait. Wait."
"What?" Y/N asks.
"He could be possessed for all we know."
"What, are you nuts?" Dean says.
"Guys, we got to be sure." Sam takes a flask of holy water out of the duffel bag and sprinkles it on John. It has no effect. John moans and starts to come around.
"Sam? Why are you splashing water on me?" John mumbles.
"Dad, are you okay?" Dean asks.
"They've been drugging me. Where's the Colt?"
"Don't worry, Dad, it's safe." Y/N cuts him free.
"Good kids. Good kids."
Outside the building, a fireman is talking on his radio while a group of people look on. A man in the crowd looks around and suddenly acts surprised—then his eyes go completely black. He moves toward the building, and the fireman tries to stop him.
"Hey, buddy, you can't go in," the fireman says, but his eyes suddenly go black as well, and he follows the man into the building. Inside the apartment, Dean and Sam are carrying John out of the bedroom. The front door suddenly bursts open, and the man and fireman come in.
"Go! Go!" Y/N shouts.
"Back! Back!" They retreat into the bedroom and close the door, locking it. An axe suddenly comes through the door. Y/N runs a line of salt at the bedroom door. John, Dean, and Sam are already out on the fire escape.
"Y/N, let's go!" Dean shouts. Y/N tosses Sam the duffel bag and goes through the window out onto the fire escape. She runs salt along the window sill. Dean and Y/N help John down onto the street, and Sam moves ahead of them. Sam is suddenly attacked by a man. He pins Sam down on the street and starts beating him to death. Y/N puts John down and goes to her brother's aid.
"Sam!" Y/N runs over and kicks the man in the face, but it has no effect. Y/N is suddenly thrown onto a parked car, shattering the windshield, and the man goes back to beating Sam. Suddenly, there is a gunshot, and the man gets a bullet through the head. He falls off Sam, dead. Dean is standing with the Colt. He puts it away and comes over to his brother, Y/N following, slightly limping.
"Sam!" Dean picks him up. "Sam, come on! Come on!" Dean and Y/N get Sam onto his feet, and they look at the dead man. "Come on. We got to get out of here." They go over to John and pick him up, leaving the area in a hurry.
The Impala is parked outside a cabin in the woods. Inside, Sam is pouring salt along the window sill. His face is a mess—bruised, bloody, and swollen. Dean comes into the room, followed by Y/N holding an ice pack to her hip.
"How is he?" Sam asks.
"He just needed a little rest, that's all. How are you?"
"I'll survive." Sam turns to his siblings. "Hey, you don't think we were followed here, do you?" Dean and Y/N look at each other.
"I don't know. I don't think so. I mean, we couldn't have found a more out-of-the-way place to hole up," she says.
"Yeah." Sam looks to his brother. "Hey, uh...Dean, you, um...you saved my life back there."
"So, I guess you're glad Y/N brought the gun, huh?" Sam looks to Y/N, but she gives him a sheepish grin.
"Man, I'm trying to thank you here."
"You're welcome." Sam walks across the room.
"Hey, Sam?"
"You know that guy I shot? There was a person in there."
"You didn't have a choice, Dean."
"Yeah, I know, that's not what bothers me."
"Then what does?" Sam asks.
"Killing that guy, killing Meg. I didn't hesitate, I didn't even flinch. For you, Y/N, or Dad, the things I'm willing to do or kill, it's just...it scares me sometimes." Sam just looks at him, not knowing what to say. John then comes into the room.
"It shouldn't. You did good."
"You're not mad?" Dean asks.
"For what?"
"Using a bullet."
"Mad? I'm proud of you. You know, Sam and I, we can get pretty obsessed. But you—you two watch out for this family. You and Y/N always have," John says, gesturing to the twins.
"Thanks," they say in unison. The wind suddenly picks up, and the lights start to flicker. They all go over to the window.
"It found us. It's here."
"The demon."
"Sam, lines of salt in front of every window, every door."
"I already did it."
"Well, check it, okay?"
"Okay." Sam leaves the room.
"You two." He turns to face Dean and Y/N. "Who's got the gun?"
"Me," Dean says.
"Give it to me." Dean takes the Colt out of his jeans.
"Dad, Sam tried to shoot the demon in Salvation. It disappeared," Y/N says.
"This is me. I won't miss. Now, the gun, hurry." Dean hesitates and looks down at the gun.
"Son, please." Y/N starts backing up a few steps, pulling Dean with her.
"Give me the gun. What are you doing, Dean? Y/N?"
"He'd be furious," Y/N mumbles.
"That I wasted a bullet. He wouldn't be proud of me, he'd tear me a new one." John just looks at him as Dean raises the gun, pointing it at him and cocking it.
"You're not out, Dad." Dean has the gun pointing at John.
"Guys, it's me."
"We know our dad better than anyone. And you ain't him," Y/N says.
"What the hell's gotten into the two of you?"
"I could ask you the same thing. Stay back." Sam comes into the room and is shocked to see Dean pointing the gun at John.
"Dean? Y/N? What the hell's going on?"
"Your brother and sister have lost their minds."
"He's not Dad."
"What?" Sam asks.
"I think he's possessed. I think he's been possessed since we rescued him." Y/N starts to get upset.
"Don't listen to her, Sammy."
"Guys, how do you know?" Dean is fighting back tears.
"He's...he's different."
"You know, we don't have time for this. Sam, you wanna kill this demon, you've gotta trust me." Sam looks back and forth between his father and brother and sister. Dean glances at him, but doesn't say anything else to convince him.
"Sam?" Sam looks back and forth.
"No. No." Sam moves over to stand by his brother and sister's side. John looks at them.
"Fine. You three so sure, go ahead. Kill me." John looks down and waits. Dean holds the gun on him, but can't pull the trigger. "I thought so." He looks back up, and his eyes are yellow. Sam lunges, but is thrown against the wall, pinned there. So is Dean and Y/N, and he drops the Colt. John picks it up.
"What a pain in the ass this thing's been."
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booksandwords · 1 year
Comeuppance Served Cold by Marion Deeds
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Read time: 1 Day Rating: 5/5 Stars
The Quote: "I saw your name in the Star-Invocation this morning. Violet Solomon." "Mr Earnshaw's latest opinion piece." Violet said. "He must have been in a good mood. He only called me a 'dissolute temptress'. Last time it was 'vicious negress of dubious intelligence', although he didn't use my name that time." "He's quite the admirer." "Oh, yes." — Dolly White and Violet Solomon
Warnings: The author herself provides a list of warnings be aware in an author's note. "This book contains instances of patriarchal, racist, and ableist violence, both verbal and physical." It is a broad disclaimer but all relevant, for those who need it stated explicitly there is an attempted sexual assault.
Comeuppance Served Cold is an engaging and well-written heist story, starting at the end and it jumps through time following two women until it reaches the end again. This is a female lead story, the women call the shots, use their power and own their situations. There are two male characters aiding the women both are minorities, both are gay, one, Philippe is coloured (his words) and the other, Gabriel is blind. The antagonists are both male and as complex as they can be, everything is a matter of perspective. It is only a short book but it is divided up into three parts, Orphan (pp. 12-82), Grifter (pp. 84-134) and Changeling (pp. 132-187). There are of course meanings to these names, meanings that become apparent as you read and I won't spoil them here. But everything comes back to the prologue.
The two lead characters, the two who share the narration are Dolly White and Violet Solomon, a thief lady's companion and the owner of a speakeasy. Dolly is a woman of mystery, she shows herself as she feels she needs to for the moment. She is working an angle and knows how to get what she wants, what buttons to push, and how to present herself properly in a situation (I present to you Trevor the male escort). She has a repeated line... "Does that bother you?" "Few things bother me, and that's not one of them." (Gabriel and Dolly, p.113) Dolly is also a very accepting woman, though she does have lines. Violet is a savvy woman who wants nothing more than the head of the man who killed her husband, Pedro Avila y Lopez. That he tried to kill her brother and his love is secondary. That he nearly killed her is barely a blip on her radar. Knowing who killed Pedro is one thing, proving it is a whole other thing, let alone getting revenge. one way she has gone about getting some revenge is opening her speakeasy.
Other characters that should be noted. Philippe Solomon, is Violet's older brother and a shape-shifter. His animal is a swamp puma/ cougar. I appreciate the shifter lore, we see Philippe in his animal form and he is so much more animal than human when he is in that form. So few could get through to him, one of these is his love (and mate) blind tattooist Gabriel. Gabriel is handled with grace, I really like his character design and the lore around his tattoos. Gabe's eyesight loss comes with a story, it was a price paid in a magical deal with an infamous tool, his tattoo needles. Fiona is a smart enough creation. Her love story and complicity in all around her are endearing, it empowers her. I do kinda feel bad for Tony, Fiona's fiancee. It may have been hard for women but it must have been harder for queer men of status.
The plot is an unravelling of how Dolly got where she did. It is actually a fairly simple plot, if it was told in a linear manner it would be almost boring. But the way Deeds has chosen to wind details and players in makes it readable and engaging. The characters are used well and are diverse. The racism subplot doesn't feel out of place. What it is necessary to remember while reading is the time that the book is set in, 1929. Judge it in its time frame for bootlegging, racism and social structures. The writing is perfect for this time. It is all just so pretty and powerful. Not for everyone but I think those to whom the blurb appeals or who have an interest in the heist genre would probably appreciate it.
Finishing with my usual dump of quotes • "Miss White, I must warn you off my brother." "Fiona!" Francis straightened up. Honestly! Miss White may be poor. That's no reason to treat her like a gold digger!" "My warning is for her," — (Fiona and Francis, p.22) Francis is a creep. And his ability to veil himself in shadows makes it so, so worse. nuf said. Daddy dearest's enabling, saying he is just playing is patriarchal bull***t. • "We're going nowhere. Once you're out of here, they'll leave us alone." Pedro lowered his gaze "You can't count on that. They aren't like us, these northern gangsters, they have no honor." "Honor, you? You won't even marry my girl!" Mama pointed at him. "You, Pedro Avila y Lopez, I curse you, your child" "Mama, no!" Violet said. — (Camille, Pedro and Violet, pp.42-43) I wanted to mention Camille Soloman, Philippe and Violet's mother. There is a story here but I love the one scene we see of her. There is nothing as intimidating as a pissed-off mother of colour. Their Aunt Lily is just as brilliant with the line. "Don't you 'Tia Lily' me, you hooligan! What have you brought down on us?" (Lily, p.42). • Every society wife knew about this shop or one like it. Sometimes even wealthy families fell on hard times, and sometimes last year's clothes were not given to servants but taken and sold to someone whose watchword was discretion. Sometimes the family fortune was intact but a society wife or daughter had a bootlegger to pay off, an important medical potion to procure, or a special friend to keep in jeweled cuff links and fine shoes. — (Dolly, p.85) There is something timeless and feministic about this. The recognition that women take lovers as well and will, of course, make sacrifices for them and abortions would be necessary. • "I... Fiona is like a daughter to me. If you harm her..." "Yes, I know how much your set values its daughters. Fiona will be unharmed." — (Mr. Lester and Dolly, p.108) I know it's not how it was meant to be read but I read this with such disdain. Dolly honestly doesn't intend on hurting Fiona. But the high social set in this canon does not respect their daughters as anything other than political pawns. • The bartender stared in her direction as she walked back to the bar, but he wasn't watching her, he was watching Gabe. Whatever the tattooist felt for him, it was reciprocated. Dancing on the edge of a volcano, those two. — (Dolly, p.113) I love this mostly for the last line, dancing on the edge of a volcano. It is such a brilliant way to describe blinding, undeniable chemistry.
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girlucifer · 3 years
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solomon's night to cook
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katskitoshi · 2 years
synopsis: obey me brothers react to [name] who responds to a "what's your type?" question with their name.
characters: lucifer, mammon, leviathan, satan, asmodeus, beelzebub & belphegor (separately) x gender neutral! reader
dateables version: here ["my type is," dateables]
includes: cursing
asmo, as always, was asking questions to you with everyone present. the demon brothers, diavolo, barbatos, solomon and simeon were all there. none of them were paying attention to the questions or conversation - well, until asmo asked, "what's your type, [name]?"
"well, my type would be smart, serious, but also soft. basically, lucifer."
can you repeat that? i think lucifer might be dying from overheating and then that love pride swelling in his chest where his quick-beating heart is.
he tried not to look away from diavolo, but even diavolo heard.
"ah! lucifer, did you hear that? [name] likes you too!"
lucifer blushed as he recomposed himself.
he quickly regrets letting diavolo know about his crush on the human exchange student because both asmo's and your head turned to the pair.
diavolo practically forced lucifer to go up to you.
you were full blown blushing while he was slightly red and well composed.
"i heard i'm your type," he says, placing a hand on your shoulder. you were staring in his eyes, and you were flustered. "yeah..." "and i can also assume you have a crush on me as well?" "right again, haha..." you try to look away before the hand that was on your shoulder was cupping your face and turning you towards him. your eyes locked with each other.
"good thing you're my type too, [name]."
"my type just has to be mammon, ya' know? he's just so pretty and perfect. plus, he’s my first!"
him? the scummy one? really? pretty? perfect too?
he could barely hear levi getting mad at him for not paying him back over the loud thumping in his chest.
he's always been the greedy one, and he simply had to have you as soon as he heard you liked him back.
of course, against every thought in his head, he decided to wait. he was the avatar of greed, he wants what he wants when he wants is, but he'll wait. for you, he tells himself as a can't wait for this gathering to be over.
when it is over and you both get some alone time together, he can't help but feel a bit nervous about approaching it. but he's greedy, and needs you.
"oi, human," he says as he walked into your room. it was a common occurrence, your room was like his second one. "i'm not giving you any pocket grim and i don't have your wrist watch. i think levi's keeping it until he gets his grim." you chuckle a bit while turning to him. "no, it's just that i-um heard from you and asmo that i'm you're type..."
you were both blushing messes "y-yep. you're right mammon. i like you too.."
"w-well of course you do! everyone loves the great mammon! only an idiot wouldn't have me as their type! and i-um guess you're my type too, human,"
"someone- no, levi would be my ideal type. it has to be him. i'd even prefer him to a 2d character!"
he (not-very) casually passes out in the middle of an argument with mammon.
before he's out, his nose starts bleeding, he's really blushy, he starts to sweat and shake a bit and starts muttering:
"[n-n-n-n-[name] - th-they i-" then he passes out,
when the gathering is over, he's taken to his room where you, being the dedicated simp you are, decided to wait for him to wake up.
when he does, he remembers everything and starts getting really blushy again.
you sigh, "i don't want them, i want you, levi. i love you. "
queue blushing, nose bleed, and muttering
"i-i love you too, [name]. i guess you're my type even though you're a normie."
"personally, my type is smart and pretty - so satan's my ideal person!"
doth this bookworm's ears mishear? nope, you just back-hand confessed to him, called him smart, pretty, and you said he's the type you'd want.
straight out of book too. his cheeks were pink and his was flustered. he was also happy - very happy. not the façade he puts up as the avatar of wrath, but genuine happiness. is this what being in the celestial realm feels like?
anyways, he decides to confront you straight up. why wait?
he pulls you away from asmo, where you and him walk towards the library in the demon lord's castle.
he kinda skips going over the part where he's your type and jumps to the parts where he's asking you out on a date. he really wants you to be his lover!
"so you like smart and pretty people? i knew i was smart, but i didn't know i fell under the category of pretty for you. good thing you fall under the category of pretty for me. i love you, [name]. will you go on a date with me?
"my type would defiantly be someone like you asmo. actually, you! you're my type, i have eyes for no one else! i love you for you asmo, flaws in all if you have any!"
squeals really loudly and clings himself to you. all the things you do to him, [name]!
he casually grabs the attention of the entire room. he's blushing. never really been in a non-platonic relationship where someone's cared about the non-sexual part of the relationship or him in general.
he knew that this was real love, not lust, when he started thinking about the relationship and not just the sexual parts and when he wanted this to be the romantic last relationship he was in.
he's glad that you have taste. who wouldn't love him?
casually asks you out there and then
"ah! [name], you're my type too! how about a date tomorrow at resonance six? i just have to make you mines as soon as possible! &lt;;3"
"my type would be beelzebae. he's strong but also a sweetheart. and i love the way he eats. honestly, i'd kill to have him as my boyfriend!"
he really didn't mean to eavesdrop!
if you didn't want him to hear, don't stand near the food!
well, he was red, and not from the pepper curry.
and the nickname? you gotta call him beelzebae more and to his face.
you don't have to kill anyone! just ask and he'll be boyfriend for you.
if you want, he'll make the first move.
you think he's strong? and that he's a sweetheart? makes his heart ache in a good way more that his stomach.
oh shit, his stomach growled and both you and asmo looked over to him after the loud grumbling sound.
asmo smirked, "oh, beel! i'm gonna go over there with solomon! see ya' later!~" he quickly walked away. "did you hear me and asmo'd conversation?"
he nod's slowly.
"[name], i like you too. you don't have to kill anyone! i'll be your boyfriend now! i'm glad you think i'm strong and a sweetheart too! and could you, um - call me beelzebae more?"
"my type? i'd like someone who'd nap and cuddle with me, ya' know? just someone to take lazy days every day with. maybe that's why i like belphie so much."
even though you thought belphie was sleeping, don't think it was a good idea discussing feeling about him around him.
he was sleeping, well - until asmo asked what your type was.
yeah, he made some mistakes in the past, but you said you were cool with him, so that makes it okay, right?
even if it doesn't, it didn't stop the fact that belphie caught feelings, and apparently, you did too.
he decided that the best course of action would be to confront you about it when you two cuddle together later tonight.
when the time came, you both were laying on the bed together.
he snuggled up closer to you. to the point where he was on top of you. you were near falling asleep but you tried to keep yourself awake to hear what he was saying.
"you know, i wasn't sleeping earlier at that gathering thing. i heard what you and asmo were saying. i didn't strike you as the type to like me."
that woke you up. "you heard? i didn't mean it i swea-mhm!" he kissed you, his hands intertwining with your own.
"don't worry about it, [name]. we can nap and cuddle and take lazy days all you want. you're my type anyways."
dateables version: here ["my type is," dateables]
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writers-hes · 1 year
Borrowed Time
SYNOPSIS: You always knew Tommy as the cheerful boy who took care of you. He always knew you as the smart girl that he visited by the docks. The daughter of a prostitute, the son of a deadbeat father; a soldier who protected his country; a whore who protected him; a gangster who controlled Brimingham; and now, a wife. War changes people, you just didn't realize that war could change you both. (angst, abuse, canon-typical themes, death, war)
Chapter synopsis: The end of the story.
AN: Don’t look at the comments / reblogs if you don’t want spoilers!! But please discuss what you think once you’re done reading 🤍
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LONDON, 1921
Tommy sits in his chair, unmoving. Dying becomes an issue to him if it affected you this way. Ever since the war, he thought that he was living for free. It didn’t matter if he died now since he was on the verge of dying every day in France but…was this a physical manifestation of what you felt every single day for the four years that he was gone?
“I only have less than three hours left,” you mumbled, eyebrows furrowing on the teacup on the table. “I’m not-I’m not supposed to be here, Tommy…he will kill you if he catches me here.” you whispered, afraid to let the whole world know about how terrible Simon truly was. 
“Hey, you’re alright,” his voice soothes you; the raspiness sending shivers down your spine. He was sitting beside you now, a hand on your bouncing knee. “I made sure you’re alright,”
“Tommy, I know that you hate me,” you sobbed, shaking your head.  “I’m sorry for what-what I did but I…we had these plans together of—of living in a future where it’s just us and—”
“It’s alright,” he says. Seeing you risk everything just to warn him was already enough proof that you were sorry. “I’m sorry for all of the things that I said that night,”
“You’ve-you’ve got to believe me when I tell you that I…I sent you letters every week,” you pleaded. “I know that you might think that I forgot about you, but I never forgot about you, Tom. I’m sorry for believing that you’d think I was replaceable…that I didn’t matter to you,” you whispered the last part, hands on your lap forming into fists. 
Would now be a wrong time to tell you that he loves you? 
“How do you…” he coughs, trying to veer away from the road where you were going. He couldn’t do this now, not when everything’s slowly set in motion. “How did you get the information?”
You fished for the paper in your clutch, showing it to him. 
“I received this during a charity dinner in London,” you said. “I tried everything to put Simon away from you…but I couldn’t. I failed and now…now he’s out to kill you,” 
“He’s not going to kill me,” he replied. “It was Alfie’s men who put that there,”
“But he will!” you exclaimed, looking up at him. “He knows Alfie Solomons…”
“So do I,” he calmly says. “Alfie Solomons and I have an agreement,”
“He killed Johnny,” you warned him, but he was looking at you blankly and you feel despondent. “Alfie Solomons…killed Johnny. Has he not?”
“It was Darby Sabini who killed Johnny. To retaliate, I infiltrated the Eden Club. Alfie Solomons’ men were in charge of security and protection but Darby Sabini’s in charge of whatever dirty work Simon wanted to get done. Their dealings started recently with Johnny’s death,” he says. “It’s not—I,” he sighs, not finding the right words to say.
“Whatever happens to me isn’t your fault, Y/N.” He means it, you could tell but a small part of you still couldn’t quite grasp the measures that Simon will undertake to keep you close. “Y/N, love, it’s alright,”
“No- I…I can still try to persuade Simon. I’ll give that-that heir he wants so bad just please don’t…” you heaved, choking on your own tears. The way Tommy said it…like he knew that he was dying soon made you feel cold. You've come so far, would you really let Simon kill Tommy that easily? Tommy's hand on your knee tightens momentarily but he lets it go.
“You will do nothing of that sort,” his throat constricts. “You won’t have to do things you don’t want to anymore. I’m—I’m here now. I want you to be happy and I’ll do everything to make sure that you are but if an heir with him is something that you—“
“I don’t want to carry his child,” you shook your head. “Tommy, can’t you see? I just want you to live and be—be happy. We both changed since you left. The war took so, so much from you, Tom. We’ve both said things we cannot take back but God, Tommy. I want us to be happy and I want you to rest,” 
“We can rest together…be happy together,” he proposes. “Our future isn’t that far away if—“
“How?” you asked, voice small and eyes full of tears. “How?”
“No more running away. I have a plan,” he tells you, but he didn’t want to divulge the details. His blue eyes stare directly into you. His face was blank, but his body was leaning towards you, gentle hand still on your knee. “Hey,” he says, putting his hands on top of yours. You started to pick on your nail beds again. He interlocks his fingers with yours and you smile slightly. Just like when you were kids. 
“Y/N,” he stops himself. Why did you have to apologize for everything?. “I…I wrote to you,”
“I did. I waited for your letter everyday. I-I would be the first one to be there when letters were being sent but I sent them to Watery Lane,” he says. “I can’t go on with this without you knowing that I waited for you. I don’t want you to think that I’ve abandoned you because I don’t. I could never.”
He didn’t know where his courage was coming from. Maybe it was because he could feel the end coming soon. He was so scared to die without letting you know about what he truly felt for you, no matter how selfish that sounded. He wouldn’t die until he tells you about how much he loved you, about how deep this love ran through him.
“I know…Arthur told me,” you nodded. You blink away the tears that threatened to fall. “It’s me who didn’t wait for you and I-I regret it every day, you know? Not waiting…because I wouldn’t—I wouldn’t be here if I did and—I’ve always believed in your promises, Tommy. I knew that you were going to keep them but I—“
“It’s okay, it’s okay,” he soothes you, he’d be asking Arthur about that sometime. “I’m not angry. I’m alright, you’re alright, we’re alright,” You didn’t believe him though and neither did he. 
“Tommy?” you asked. “Do you know who tried to stop the letters?”
“I do,” he replied.
“You don’t want to tell me?”
 He hums.
“Can you hold me? Instead of telling me?”
Borrowed time, you were on borrowed time and all you wanted was Tommy’s arms around you. Love is a funny thing. The world was ending and all you could ever think of is how Tommy’s hands were made for destruction, but they were also made to hold yours. 
The house was dark when you came back. For a house filled with servants, the house was quiet  An eerie feeling washes over you and you walked on, looking for anyone. Instead, the fireplace was open, flames roaring while your husband sat. He was looking intently into the fire, smoking his pipe. 
“Where did you go?”
“Out and about,” you said, the lie rolling perfectly from your tongue. 
“I see,” he nods. “Did you know that Ada Shelby was abducted today?”
You stopped, ice creeping up your spine.
“Tommy Shelby captured the Eden Club owned by Sabini and then, Sabini abducted Ada Shelby.” he says it like it was nothing. “I wonder why Tommy Shelby captured the Eden Club. Do you happen to know why?”
“No, Simon,” you shakily replied. “Why…?”
“Because Darby Sabini killed Big Johnny. Do you know why?” he asked. “You don’t because you’re a fucking idiot, but I’ll lay it down for you. Nice and simple so you can understand. I ordered the death of Big Johnny to punish you for hiding who Tommy Shelby was. I ordered Ada’s abduction because you went to see Tommy Shelby today. I ordered for the death of all the Shelbys—even the children so you would never have to worry about them. I tried to be reasonable, but you wouldn’t listen. Maybe you’d listen to me once all of those Birmingham rats are dead, hm? You’ll have to carry the weight of their deaths in your shoulder because you wouldn’t listen. It’s your fault they’re dying. It’s your fault that Johnny died. I liked him and you killed him,”
“I gave you everything. I love you with all of me and all that I have but you…you still love someone else. What do I have to do for you to love me like you love him?” he asked. He wasn’t looking at you, he was just unmoving…smoking his pipe like he was telling you about today’s weather. You were shaking, afraid for them and for your life. 
“Stop crying,” he orders you, but you couldn’t stop. How could you? He just revealed all of his plans—all the things that he wanted to do to them. “Go to our room and stop fucking crying!”
“Well, you look like shit,” Polly says, seeing Tommy on the hospital bed. “What did you do this time?”
“Sabini’s men took me and beat me up,”
“They wouldn’t beat you up without anything. They wouldn’t abduct Ada without reason. I heard that someonedecided to drop by. What did you talk about?”
“Nothing that I don’t already know,” he shrugs. “Can you pass me a cigarette?”
“You want me to help you but you’re not fucking telling me anything,” Polly says, tossing the pack to Tommy’s chest. “What is it, Tommy?”
“Tom,” she asserts sternly. “You tell me now or I will get it out of her,”
“Fuck,” he groans, head falling back. “Simon killed Johnny and ordered Sabini to kill all of us. They know that I was staying at Ada’s and saw her enter Ada’s house and got us to where we are now,”
“Fuck…but we’re talking about our lives here, Tom.” Polly stresses. “Do you think that you get to have a say on whether or not we’re dying just because of a promise you made when you were young and naive?”
“I think it’s better if you all leave me to deal with this whole…thing,” Tommy says. “You’re right. Your life is on the line and I’m not really accomplishing anything if you all fucking die because of me. It’s not Y/N’s fault. It’s…that fucking husband of hers! If you really want to know, Polly…since you did give her away, yeah? Simon’s out to get all of us, even Y/N.”
Polly feels her throat tighten. This…this is what she gave you away for. Her nephew on the brink of dying, Ada with multiple fucking bruises, the threat of death, and then, the receiver of all anger…you. 
“That girl is like my daughter,” Polly says. “I will help you, Tom but you have to promise me that—that you will be honest with me. Don’t keep us in the fucking dark. It’s not your own problem anymore. It’s ours,”
“I know you have a plan. What is it?” Polly asked, inhaling. “Honesty, Tom,”
“I…I made a deal with Alfie Solomons. We are alliances. He works with Simon for Y/N’s security and I allowed a few of his bookies to be in the racetracks in exchange of ensuring…well, Y/N’s safety,” It was half the truth. The other details, Tommy had to omit to ensure the execution—
“Stop fucking hiding,” Poll warns. “Tommy, you have to tell me,”
“Fuck—“ he coughs. “Everything is set in motion, Poll…there’s nothing else,” Polly looks at Tommy, there was no way for him to let up anything. Tommy was just staring at her, uninterested. He held her gaze, but she knew that there was nothing else. Tommy made up his mind about something; she just wished that it would turn out alright. 
“I’d like to stroll around the garden today,” you told one of the servants. Life at home had been back to the way things were. Simon was back to the old Simon that you knew but somehow, you felt like your every move was watched. 
“I’m sorry, miss but Mr. Coventry told us that you can only go to the garden with him,” she replied. “We can call on Mr. Coventry to ask…”
“What-what do you mean?” you asked. “I thought I was allowed to go…”
“Mr. Coventry told us that you can only go out of the house with him and that, if he isn’t around, you’re only allowed to be inside the house,” she repeated. You swallowed the constriction in your throat, unable to form any sentence. “We were also instructed to be with you at every single moment, miss,” 
“What?” you asked, frowning. “I don’t need to be tended to every minute of the day,”
“But miss—“
“You may leave. I’ll go to the garden alone and you can just tell Simon that I insisted on it,” you told her, walking away but she grabs your arm. “I didn’t tell you that you can touch me,” you spit. You’ll feel bad about it later but for now, you need to go out. The house was suffocating, and you felt like you were being watched. 
“Leave me alone,” you scowled. “I want to go to the garden,”
“Oh, darling but you can’t,” Simon says, mocking you. “I told the servants to follow my orders. With the stunts that you’ve been pulling lately, I think it’s just fine to have you close and protected, hm?” he asked, walking over to you.
“Simon, this isn’t right,” you begged. “I’ve been cooped in the house for too long. I need-I want to go out,”
“I wish you could, but I have to go attend a meeting with Alfie Solomons. Did you know that I had your old driver killed? It’s all because of you,” he chuckles. He dismisses the servants with a wave of his hand. “You have to understand that I…I’m doing it for our family. You can hate me,” he states, walking a step closer to you. “Or push me away…” he adds, a tendril of your hair swirling in his fingertips. “You can even try to kill me,” he chuckles, his breath on your ear. “But you’re still mine. You’re my wife. You’re my fucking wife!”
You shuddered, pushing him away. 
“You’re taking everything away from me, Simon,”
“I’m just taking back what I gave you,” 
“My…my freedom. You took away my freedom,” you cried. “You took Johnny away from me! You took the Shelby’s away from me,”
A slap echoes in the halls. 
“Don’t you dare fucking say that I took the Shelbys away from you. They were taking you away from me!” he roared, chest heaving. “What—you didn’t think I would feel magically alright when you visited Tommy Shelby the other day? You didn’t think I wouldn’t know about that fucking locket that you lied to me about? We were having a wedding and you still had Tommy Shelby on you! You think I’d be happy about that? I love you and I…I gave you everything! But I still have to try to read your mind. Tommy doesn’t. You…you’d rather live in the sewers with that fucking criminal than be here with me,”
He caresses the stinging on your cheek, wiping your tears away.
“What does he have that I don’t?”
You were locked inside your bedroom, your heart aching. He loves you…but he hurts you. He’s cruel and controlling and full of wrath but he’s dependent and loving and kind. You hated to admit it, but you understood his fears, his anger, and him. 
What if you stole one of the cars right now? You could drive down to Birmingham and stay there or…or you could leave, find a place to stay in Ireland and never be heard of again. Will Simon shoot down the car? Will he shoot you, too? Or will he forbid you to even set your foot in England ever again? 
Simon enters your room, disregarding you completely before sitting on the bed with you. 
“I’m sorry,” he says, his hand covering yours. “I didn’t mean to…to do that,”
“I’m sorry, please,” he says, coming closer to you but you only feel cold and repulsed. “Please, darling… I don’t want to do these things to you. Do you think it doesn’t hurt me when I have to take things away from you? I just can’t…not until I’m sure that I can trust you.”
You closed your eyes, tears falling on the hands that connected you to your husband. 
“I’m so tired, Simon,” you whispered. “You…you taunt me and-and you turn my freedom into your weapon. I understand that you’re angry but to do that…to do the things that your father did to your mother…when you told me before that you hated him for it…what does that make you?” you asked. The apple doesn’t fall far from the tree…was that supposed to be your excuse every time he does something horrible?
“I married you not because I know that you can give all these things to me. I married you because you told me you loved me. You told me that I was important to you…but is this what love is? Is love supposed to be painful? Is love supposed to bruise? Is this what love is supposed to be like?” you asked. You removed your hand from his, standing up and walking away. If this is what love bruises you like peaches, you wanted no part of it. 
Simon has given you the wings to fly but he likes to cut them whenever you fly too close to the sun. 
When you lay in bed that night, Simon’s arm draped on your figure, you only felt cold. You laid on the softest bed in the world, unmoving…unblinking. 
Maybe you'll be free another time.
“I’m sorry for what I did,” he says, setting his utensils down on the dining table. “You have…you have every reason to be mad at me,” 
“Simon,” you sighed. You’ve been playing with your food for a while. “You…you can’t just say sorry every time you decide to…hurt me. I want to be able to love you without fearing for my life,”
“It’s just…Tommy Shelby.”
“I don’t have him anymore,” you told him. “Tommy and I…are nothing but childhood friends. His father used to frequent the brothel when my mother was still alive. He—and I grew up together and he was all I had until he left. Now, I only have you,” you said. “My relationship with the Shelbys is nothing but familial. They took care of me, they took me under their wing,” 
“But he loves you,” he replied. “He loves you, Y/N and he wants to take you away from me! Do you not appreciate my efforts to ensure that our marriage is preserved?”
“What preservation?” you asked, standing up. “What—what preservation? You killed Johnny and you expect me to be alright with it. You took away my friends, my freedom…and you—you expect me to be the same!” You chuckled. “Preservation? You’re the only one killing this marriage, Simon. I love you but no matter how much I show it…it will never be enough,” 
“Then, kill Tommy Shelby!” his voice booms. “You want me to trust you? You want me to see your love? Kill him! We have more than enough money to have one of Alfie’s men or Sabini’s men to kill him. Kill him!”
Your face pinches in anger, eyes turning into slits. 
“What? You can’t be serious,” you scoffed. Simon takes your arm harshly and you flinched. He grips it in his hand, forcing you to stay immobile.
“Kill him,” he spits. “Your love means nothing to me if you won’t,”
“And you think I’ll continue to love you when you’re forcing me to kill my friend?” you asked, shaking your head. “Let me go!”
“No!” his voice booms. He drags you to his office, your legs stumbling behind him. “You have to decide if you’ll kill for me. I’ll kill for you, don’t you know that?” he asked, throwing you on the couch in his study. “I’ll kill for you…”
You stand up to leave but he pushes you down. 
“I don’t care if you don’t love me right now. You will love me again. You’ve been obedient for Tommy’s sake…that’s the greatest love of all and I—I don’t have it,” he whispers. “It’s all I’ve ever wanted and I don’t have it.”  He shakes his head, watching your husband turn into the cruel man that you learned to hate. He walks towards the door and exits. You run after him but he forces the door closed from the other side. 
“Make sure that Mrs. Coventry is taken care of,” he tells his security. “Only maids are allowed to be inside but don’t let anyone near the door until I leave. She will remain in this room until I arrive in the evening.”
You were rattling the door but to no avail. Your tears were freely flowing, trying to get the door open by slamming your body on it. You could hear the quiet murmur outside but they were all ignoring you.
“Let me out, Simon!” you sobbed. “Let me out! Let me out…please!” you cried, slamming your body harder but it couldn’t fucking open. Your fall on the floor, consoling yourself from the coldness and the darkness of Simon’s office. If your mother saw you today, would she be proud of you?
Time passes in Tommy’s eyes, his eyes blank. Alfie Solomons told him to wait but he couldn’t. Their men surrounded the mansion, pretending to be your security but they’ve been planning the seeds, telling Tommy that you weren’t allowed to be out of the house with your husband anymore. He heard some of the men joke that you were a ghost that sat on the window because they have never even seen you. 
“Tommy,” Alfie called, a young man trailing after him. “I’ve got someone useful for you. One of my men in Coventry’s fucking mansion. Go on, David. Tell Mr. Shelby here about the fucking horrors in that big, big mansion,”
David nods, his resolve dissolving upon seeing Tommy’s icy stare directed at him. 
“My name is David and I’m assigned to the security of the house. Mrs. Coventry is currently locked in Mr. Coventry’s house—“
“Ah, fuck, mate. Just say Y/N and Simon. These fucking names really…” Alfie interjected. He nods. 
“Um—Simon laid a hand on Y/N yesterday,” his eyes looking away from Tommy. “She’s not allowed to-to go out of Simon’s study…after Y/N refused to have Mr. Shelby killed”
“What about the driver that brought her to me?”
“He’s dead. Darby Sabini’s men killed him,” Alfie shrugged. He dismisses David with a wave of his hand.  “Be honest with me, Tommy. Who is she? Because it’s quite absurd, innit? Here is a man with a wife and then another man who vows to what? Take her back? If I was Simon Coventry…I would be mad too, is what I’m saying. Did you know the tenth commandment, mate? Thou shall not covet thy neighbor’s wife…did you know that?”
“No one,” was Tommy’s laconic reply, standing up to walk away. Alfie chuckles.
“No one!” he exclaimed, slamming his hand on the table. “This no one cost me a man. A poor lad who decided to follow your Y/N’s orders for what? A few pounds and a fucking—a fucking night with you. Is that it, Tom? No one. Fucking no one and I’m letting my men run around after your fucking whims!”
“A fucking night? My fucking whims?” Tommy spits. 
“What? Is it not true?” he asked, “You’re fucking…obsessed, mate. That’s what you are! She is married. The more you act the more she gets…fucking hurt. You think that’s alright?”
“He’s using her!” Tommy shouts over. “He’s hurting her no matter what I do or not do. Did you fucking know that? You’re not doing anything!” he asked, eyes teary. 
“Then, don’t fucking do anything! It wouldn’t matter anyway; you said it yourself. As damned as I am, Tommy, don’t fucking do anything,” 
Tommy shoves Alfie, shaking his head. No fucking difference? 
“What the fuck? Tommy!” Alfie shouts. “What’s the matter? You’re fucking angry, eh?”
“Yes, I’m fucking angry!” he says, pointing a gun to Alfie. 
“Oh, you’re going to kill me?” he taunts. “You’re going to fucking kill me when your anger is un-fucking-justified! So, what, Simon has your woman, eh? He has her? You’re angry at me but fucking hell, Tommy! How many men do I have to sacrifice for this little fucking protection project you got going on? How many fathers will you fucking kill? You think you’re better than Simon Coventry? You’re going straight to fucking hell, Tommy! Straight to fucking hell! Just like me and Simon! You come to me to get closer to Simon Coventry and…you stand there, talking about not doing anything when it’s my men that have to go through the other end of the barrel. Kill me and pull that trigger for some fucking honorable reason. Like an honorable man and not like—not like some fucking civilian that does not understand the wicked way of our world, mate,” he spits. Tommy stares at him blankly. 
“Look, mate—Tommy. I will fucking help you but you have to be fucking patient. The races at Sabini’s tracks are happening soon. You just have to be patient.”
Tommy shoves Alfie away from him. He wouldn’t understand—he’d never understand. Time was ticking and if he didn’t move now, he’ll get killed.
“I think it would be much better to wear the green,” Simon says, looking at the dress that you have on for the races. “Wear it,”
“Oh, but it would be such a waste,” you told him, twirling to show him the way the fabric draped beautifully on you. “Don’t you think so? Besides, it’s going to be so hot at the races today. I don’t want to sweat,”
Simon pinches his nose.
“I suppose so,” he agrees, striding over you and laying his hand on your waist. “You do look ravishing, darling. I already can’t wait to take you home, hm?”
“We have to make sure our horse wins first,” you tell him, laying your head on his chest while you let his eyes rake over your body. “Simon, can-can you kiss me?” 
“Why so sudden?” he asked, turning you around. “Is everything alright, darling?”
“Of course,” you smiled at him, studying his face. This was the Simon tha you loved; the kind Simon that you rarely see these days. “I just want you to kiss me, my love. Can’t you kiss your darling wife?” He smiles a small smile, taking your chin with his gentle fingers and kissing you. 
“I love you, Y/N,”
“I love you too, Simon.” you told him, pecking his lips once more before a knock breaks you away. 
“Looks like we’re ready to go,” he tells you. 
“Of course, you can go ahead. Let me just fix my hair and we can go,” you replied, turning away from him. He was so warm…so, so, so, warm. Simon leaves you with a kiss on your forehead. You’ve been good lately, no Tommy Shelby…no requests…no anything. You could tell that he loves it; that you were obedient but if you didn’t want a repeat of what happened, you had to play your cards right. You fix your hair one last time and double-check the contents of your purse. It felt heavy, it felt right. 
You had to get this right; you were living on borrowed time after all. 
Your car stops at one of Darby Sabini’s tracks in London. Simon requested privacy and privacy he’ll get. No one knows that the Coventry’s are present in the race except for Alfie, Sabini, and the men who ushered you to the private room. No word was supposed to be out that you were both here. Simon forbade it. You let Simon walk in front of you with his hand clasped around yours. The room you were in had whisky, rum, and other items that you knew were not for the general public. When you arrived, a man with a hat was waiting.
“Darling, I’d like for you to meet Alfie Solomons,” Simon tells you, removing his hand from yours to shake Alfie Solomons’ hand. “He’s been the one supplying us with security. Sabini will get here in a while, but I think that it’s better for you to meet Mr. Solomons first.” 
“Good…day, Mrs. Coventry,” Alfie greets, a polite bow sent to your way. 
“Good day, Mr. Solomons. I’ve heard so much about you from my husband,” you offered, smiling at him. 
“Good things, I hope?” he asked. “Well, it doesn’t matter anyway. Mr. Coventry, Darby Sabini’s been looking for you. Something about your dealings. I don’t really keep track, you know?”
“Of course,” Simon nods. He kisses your head. “Will it be alright to leave you with Mr. Solomons for the meantime, my love?”
“Sure, darling,” you said, your hand tightening on the beaded purse in your hand. He smiles at you before leaving, looking for Darby Sabini. You watched the door close and you were about to sit down when Alfie Solomons spoke.
“You know, love,” Alfie starts, walking to you closer. He stops right beside your ear. “If you wanted to hide that gun better, you’d have to loosen your grip on your purse. I can see the outline of the barrel from where I was standing.” he says before leaving you in the room. “Darby Sabini’s not here but he is somewhere by the racetracks,” he hints.
“What do you want?” you asked, following him. “Why are you telling me this?”
“Let’s just say I’m a friend of Tommy Shelby,” he nods to himself. Your blood runs cold, and your face turns pale. “Go,” he urges. “Do whatever you want,”
You exited the special room with haste. Blood was ringing in your ears and you couldn’t breathe properly. You were stumbling with adrenaline, with hope, with…every single emotion that you never thought you could feel and comprehend. Nobody else was in the corridors leading to the room marked with an unassuming planter box beside it. You cautiously entered and Simon turned around immediately. His face tenses with alarm when he sees you. 
“Darling, what are you doing here? You should go back with Mr. Solomons before Darby Sabini sees you. I told our men to all leave so he and I could have some privacy,” he warns, eyes darting everywhere.
“He’s not…he’s not here,” you tell him, unloading the gun from your purse with shaky hands. 
“What—what is this about?” Simon asks, looking pointedly at the gun that Tommy gave you long ago. You weren’t even sure if it was still working. You point the gun at him, straight to his face. “You’re going to kill me? Is that it?” he asked, anger taking over his features. “You’re going to kill me when I’ve given you everything! I gave you your fucking life, Y/N. Put that gun down and-and we’ll pretend like this never happened,”
“No! You—you took everything away from me, Simon. You took my family away. You took Johnny away from me and you still—you still expect me to love you? You took me away and weaponized my freedom. You think—you think that I can still love you? I wake up every day counting to ten if you’d hit me. If you’d shove me down and slap me and kick me. This isn’t love, Simon! This is prison,” you enraged, your gun shaking. “You told me that…you told me that the only way out is if I kill you,” you heaved. 
“Y/N…you’re being callous right now, love. You’re not you…you’re angry,” he tries, walking towards you but you just shook your head. “You’re being stupid!”
“Stop! Simon, stop!” you shouted, the volume of your voice raisins. “I can never be smart for you. I’ll always be a property in your eyes and I—and I’ll never ever be your equal,” you sobbed. “This is something that I need to do. You broke me,” you cried, tears falling in your eyes. “You broke me, and you still expect me to love you,”
“I love you, Y/N,” he sobs. “I love you—“
The coiled spring that wrung your heart explodes.
A manicured hand pulls the trigger, and your husband falls to the ground along with the gun that you held. Your hands shake and you fall on the floor, wailing. Now that the job was done, who else would you have? You crawled towards him, your dress was getting dirty, but you didn’t care. Who thought you’d finally use the gun that Tommy bought you for protection? 
You lay your head down on his chest, there was no heartbeat. He was dead, Simon was dead. The trembling of your hands, hold what you could. The blood trails down your arm and you just lay there. He was dead. Simon was dead, you killed him. You killed Simon. You killed the man who loves you. 
“There’s no use crying over spilled milk,” a gruff voice that belonged to Alfie Solomons says behind you. “You’re more capable than what Tommy painted you out to be,”
“Where is he?” you asked. It was odd, you thought you’d be crying by now. “Where’s Tommy?”
“Sabini’s men took him,” Alfie shrugged. “Simon ordered Sabini to kill Tommy today. You did well,”
“I killed my husband,” you told him. The waver in your voice couldn’t be pinpointed to one single emotion. “I just…I just killed my husband,”
“I see that,” he replied. “This wasn’t Tommy’s plan really. He was supposed to kill Simon and I was supposed to guard you while this all happens but…I guess Simon was quite intelligent too,” he says, pushing Simon’s limp arm with his cane. “You’re a good shot,”
“Mr. Solomons, I’ll buy your silence for five thousand pounds. I’ll let your men take care of this scene for ten thousand more. Make sure that none of this is blamed on me or on Tommy,” you negotiated, pulling yourself away from your husband. You were still trembling and Alfie could see how hard you tried to supress yourself from revealing too much.
“You just landed yourself millions. I don’t think a few thousand more will be burdensome on your pockets?” he asked, looming over you. He extends his hand for you to take, and you do, hauling yourself to meet him at eye level. You swallowed. 
“Blame this all on Darby Sabini,” you told him. You stand up straighter, looking him in the eye. “And I’ll make sure that the cash is ready for you after the funeral. I’m sure you’d want very powerful friends on the inside?”
Alfie nods, a smirk forming on his face. Looks like you never needed Tommy in the first place. 
The police found you wailing on the scene of the crime, the weapon nowhere to be found. Alfie Solomons testified that you were with him the whole time when one of his men ran to tell you that Sabini’s men shot him in the head. He had someone testify on it too.The funeral was private and quick, you decided to bury him with his parents in the mausoleum with ‘COVENTRY’ written in gold. Simon bequeathed every property to your name in his will. You were free; you were finally, finally, free. 
After selling your mansion in London, you moved back to Birmingham. You bought a house that was big enough to have guests over but still not as massive as your mansion in London. You haven’t talked to Shelby’s in a year, even though they did lend a hand with what happened to Simon. Apparently, it was Polly who arranged a meeting between some Lizzie Stark and Sabini. Tommy and Alfie connived to kill Simon, but Sabini’s men took Tommy away to some far away place before anything could happen. You couldn’t face them yet, not with the freshness of your wound…not with the guilt that clawed its way deep into you. 
You’ve been with Simon for such a long time that you almost forgot what it was like to be yourself. 
You looked at the garden outside your window, feeling nostalgic because this was the same garden where Tommy used to take you all those years ago. You were only kids back then…how time flies. Does he know thatnyou moved back to Birmingham? Is he giving you space?
You watched the rain fall from the French windows, appreciating the breeze and the calm that the pitter patter gave you. You looked on, a single figure walking towards your house and you smiled. For the first time since your life started, you were finally free. 
A/N: It’s done! It’s finally done…actually, it isn’t. I will be uploading an epilogue sometime soon and then, I will be doing a Q&A afterwards which by the way, I’m already accepting question submissions! I will be posting all of the questions in one post and I hope you guys send in some questions about the story. I want to thank every one of you for loving the story of Y/N and Tommy and it has been such a ride. I can’t write anything about a final author’s not yet…I still don’t know how to feel to finally be able to finish this story…but maybe soon? Thank you so much for waiting and thank you so much for the overwhelming love and support! As always, don’t forget to like, reblog, comment, or maybe all… to show your appreciation! Thank you so much.
TAGLIST:  @shelbydelrey @runnning-outof-time @duckybird101 @thenattitude @swordofawriter @litteltourtius​ @trixie23​ @everythingelseisextra​ @majesticcmey @liveat1am @dumb-wh @denabp16 @yvonna-chan @goldensunflowe-r @therosabel @hunnibearrr @dazecrea @daddyslittleattentionwhore @the-girl-wh0-cries-w0lf @dang-shawty-okay @dasia21 @tsenthusiast1920 @aces-tattooartist @panda-luminary @ttaechi @spencerrxids @i-heart-food @fudge13 @affabletimelady @heartcereql @ce1iat @notalxx @1800-queen-trash @sweetwanderlust05 @globetrotter28 @thebestandworstdayofjune @reggxe-a @verreuckteli @vampireluck @zoexme @liter4ti @quixscentsposts @homosexualjohnwayne @charli123456789 @Maria_elizabeth21
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multifandomwriter56 · 3 years
Answering Questions for Life
A/N: This is for @anyfandomfluffbingo​ and @anyfandomgoesbingo​ and also for my Fandom Prompt List. I decided to go back to college so that is part of the reason I wrote this. Hope you enjoy!
Square Filled (Fluff): “You can’t say ‘back in my day’ when you’re younger than me.”
Square Filled (AFG): Free Space
Fandom Prompt List: 48 “I’ve never lied to you.”
Summary: Y/n has some news for Tommy, but she doesn’t know how to tell him. So instead of telling him, she gossips.
Characters: Tommy Shelby, Shelby!Reader, mentions other characters 
Warnings: language... I really can’t think of anything else
Word Count: 1,415
gif by @clownsandvodka​
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“You’ll never guess what just happened.” Y/n Shelby, Tommy’s seventeen year old sister says as she makes her way to her brother’s desk. 
Said brother raises his eyebrows at the teenager, wondering when the fuck she thought it was acceptable to just walk into his office without an invitation. 
But instead of pointing this out, he lets his sister rant about her day.
“I was just minding me own business, wondering the streets of our precious, dirty old town when I see, you’ll never guess.” She pauses for him to guess. “Guess, Tommy.” She prompts when he says nothing.
“Just fucking tell me, Y/n.” Tommy orders as he rubs his forehead, feeling a headache coming. A headache that seems to always come when his sister is in a talkative mood.
“Someone’s grumpy.” Y/n grumbles, but quickly continues her story when she receives a glare for her spoken observation. “Anyways, I saw fucking Mary Brown doing the walk of shame from the home of, wait for it, Inspector fucking Moss.”
Tommy stares at her in disbelief. This. This is the piece of gossip worth bursting into his office at six in the fucking morning? “Fucking hell, Y/n.”
“I’m not lying to you, Tommy.” Y/n states, misreading Tommy’s annoyance. “I’ve never lied to you.”
Tommy snorts at that, mirth creeping into his voice. “So you didn’t lie to me when you told me it was John who took my revolver and helped Ada shoot all those rats?”
The seventeen year old blushes at that, not able to deny her brother’s words. “Well, I haven’t lied to you about anything important.” She admits. “Besides, I knew John wouldn’t get into trouble. Unlike me.”
“Aye, that you would have.” Tommy agrees, the mirth now showing on his face.
Y/n smirks, satisfied she was able to get her brother out of his grumpy mood. “I’m smart, aren’t I?”
Tommy chuckles softly; something he seems to only do when it’s just him and his baby sister. 
Y/n has always been the light of his life. She’s the only who seems to be able to bring the old Tommy back. Back to the person he used to be before the war. 
Y/n had been a surprised gift from their father who dropped her off one day and hoped Polly would raised the two year old girl. 
In reality, it was Tommy who did most of the raising. 
“You’re going to London today? Can I come?”
Tommy snaps out of the past, his eyes focusing on the diary in his sister’s hands. “Oi, give me that!” He snaps as he yanks it out of her hands.
Unfazed by her brother’s words, Y/n leans back in her chair, her eyes pleading. “Say yes, Tommy. I want to meet this Alfie Solomons. He seems... fun.”
“He had Arthur arrested.” 
“Yeah, I plan on giving him a piece of my mind before becoming friends.”
Tommy rolls his eyes. He knows she’s trying to rile him up so he stays quiet, not taking her bait.
“Come on, Tommy. Say yes. Please!”
Tommy ignores his sister, focusing on the paperwork before and hoping she’ll get bored and leave.
Y/n tries a few more times to rile her brother up; pleading and proposing she’ll be the one Alfie will want to do business with.
“You know, back in my day, it was rude to ignore a lady.”
"You can't say 'back in my day' when you're younger than me." Tommy responds causing Y/n to smirk proudly and for him to roll his eyes. “Why are you here, Y/n?”
Y/n shrugs her shoulders. “Maybe I just wanted to spend some time with my brother.” When she receives a disbelief look for her lie, she slumps in her chair. “I was banished and Polly told me to come find you. She wants you to tell me off for being out past midnight.” She mumbles the last bit.
Tommy raises his eyebrows, surprised their aunt just didn’t tell her off herself. “At the pubs, eh?”
“No.” Y/n shakes her head. “No, I uhm, I-” Y/n rubs the back of her neck, cursing her aunt for making her confess.
“Spit it out, Y/n.” Tommy orders firmly, knowing his tone alone will have his sister obeying quickly.
Five year old Y/n could never disobey that tone and seventeen year old her can’t either. “I was at a friend’s place, studying.”
Tommy’s eyes narrow. Why would his sister be nervous to tell him that? “Is this friend a boy?” Y/n shakes her head no. “Then fucking what?” He snaps, his patience slipping. “Why did our aunt send you in here to tell me that, eh?”
“I was studying for an assessment. For college.” She whispers, but Tommy hears her.
A minute of silence goes by, neither sibling moving. 
Another minute and Tommy pulls out his case, lighting a cigarette. He takes a puff. “College, eh?”
Y/n nods her head, too scared to verbally answer.
More puffs and more minutes go by, causing the young girl to squirm in her seat in, dreading her brother’s disapproval. 
“And what are you going to study?”
“M-Mostly just the basics, but I can get a degree in business and I thought about doing that.” She waits for him to respond but he never does. “I figured that would be good for the company.”
When Tommy still doesn’t say anything, Y/n decides she’s done. If her brother hates the idea so much he can’t speak, then she’s not going to sit here and wait to hear his disapproval. “I thought you would be proud but I guess I was wrong. I’m going to go do... something that doesn’t involve me being here.” She stands to leave but only takes a few steps before he calls her name.
“I am proud of, Y/n.” Tommy tells her when she turns around to face him, standing to his feet. 
“Really?” Y/n questions, her anger already melting away from his words.
He nods, a smile growing as his sister rushes to him and crushes into his chest. “I’m so fucking proud.” He mumbles as he closes his arms around her. 
He can still remember the day he held her for the first time. Polly had dramatically dumped the cranky two year old in his arms. “She’s your fucking responsibility now, Thomas.” 
He unconsciously starts to bounce the squirming toddler while he stares wide eyed at his aunt’s retrieving back. 
His concern about being left in charged with his new siblings starts to die down when the two year old relaxes and just stares up at him.
He huffs a chuckle when she fights to keep her eyes open only after a minute of him bouncing her. “Sleepy little babe, eh?”
Y/n flashes him a toothy grin that only fades when she starts to softly snore. 
Tommy didn’t dare move until his little sister woke up from her much needed nap. She spent the rest of the day following him around and asking as many questions as she could.
“What’s in your mouth?”
“Because I want to smoke it?”
“Because I like it.” Tommy answers, his tone lowering in slight annoyance.
“Why?” Either she didn’t hear the change in his tone or didn’t care. 
Tommy would bet on the latter. 
“I just do, Y/n. No more questions about the cigarette, eh?”
“Okay, Tommy.”
“Good girl.”
“What is that?”
Tommy looks down at what she is pointing at. “A pocket watch.”
“Why do you have it?”
“So I can know what time it is.”
Tommy releases his almost adult sister, determination set in his eyes. He gently grabs her wrist and drags her out of his office.
“You’re kicking me out, aren’t you?” Y/n teases.
He ignores her and opens the door to his office. “Oi! Tonight we are celebrating Y/n Shelby! The first Shelby to go to college!” 
Y/n blushes as her family, women, and men who work for them start to cheer.
“Be at the Garrison by eight!” Tommy orders before closing the door.
Y/n smiles at her brother, realizing she should have never doubted him. Tommy will always be on her side and will always support her.
Even when she annoys him to death with her questions.
“Tommy, did you know that suit makes you look like an old man?”
Forevers: @desiredposion​ @theseakrakence​ @simonsbluee​
Peaky Blinders: @psychkunox​ @theshelbyclan​ @supermouse @lilymurphy03​
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bokutosbabe · 2 years
Texting the Obey Me! Brothers that your period is late
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avid lucifer hater right here so like I'm making him in my brutally honest opinion ( mwah )
Literally would ignore your texts for hours upon hours
He's a busy man, he doesn't have time to be checking his phone every 2 minutes
I'd say he checks it like 2 hours after you've sent that text and he goes crazy
Normally the way he texts is very put together and simple but whenever you tell him he ends up texting you like this;
etc, etc
Turns out, your period had shown up about an hour after you sent that text-
And right now you were napping in your room
To which you wake up to Lucifer opening your door asking if he can speak to you about your child.
Which you have to tell him you're not pregnant now
And he'll go back to his work.
Always on his phone
Gets the text IMMEDIATELY.
leaves his room and just busts in your room
I mean it's like he basically lives there already so why not just barge in the place?
You two freak out together 🫶🏽
He worries about how he's going to give Goldie less attention now that he's going to have a kid
You both calm him down and just start telling him how happy you are
You and Mammon both start making up some names for your possible child
Of course most of them are silly but you two enjoyed it nonetheless
You both take a nap, cuddling and now both of you thinking of your future
And unlike Lucifer, your period actually never does come
Well until like almost ten months later after you've had your adorable baby boy.
Another one who's always on his phone
But unlike Mammon, he ignores the text
For maybe 30 minutes until he gets through this whole manga series
Which doesn't take long
Immediately after he sees the text he freaks out
But instead of going to you, the lady who texted him
He goes to...
he texts the sorcerer freaking the fawk out
And the lovely sorcerer tells him these things you can get on akuzon called
✨ pregnancy tests ✨
He ordered like twelve of them and got them delivered straight to his room
He then rushed to your room and interrupted your show to make you pee on these twelve sticks
( they all came back negative btw )
the rest of the night you and levi cuddled and rewatch your favorite anime 🫶🏽
he's smart
He will text you back asking how long your period has been late for
And you'll tell him just a few days
but here's the issue,
Satan doesn't exactly know about female periods
So he just pulls something out of his ass
“ it has to be like months late for you to be pregnant ”
of course you believed your super smart and loving bf 🫶🏽
And then one month passed without a period
And then came the point whenever you were throwing up-
you took a pregnancy test and it came back a very strong positive
you immediately went crying to Satan, saying he lied to you!
and he made it up to you by taking you to cat cafes once every month until you gave birth to your beautiful daughter
genuinely does not care
contrary to what others think, I think asmo would know if you're pregnant
he's the avatar of lust
of course you two have done it, but he makes sure to use the best protection possible.
it was exam time so he was sure you were just stressed
which would cause your period to be late
so he comes over to your room
( arms full of facial care and nail polish)
and you two relax and ✨cleanse✨
and after you'd taken your last exam, guess who came?
miss period 🫶🏽
and asmo got to tell you
“ i told you so ~ ”
( i am a beel lover )
listen, biggest himbo energy right here
I don't think he'd be completely oblivious to the chances of getting pregnant
but i definitely think he'd be one of those people who think you can't get pregnant if you're standing up
( i'm so serious it's a thing )
and y'all have done it against the wall on multiple occasions
so when you text him, he thinks you're just being dramatic
until you're spamming his phone
“ beelzebub istg if you don't get the fuck over here I'm freaking tf out ”
and this big softie is immediately running to your room
1) because he's terrified of an angry you
2) he doesn't want you freaking out over him
you're contemplating your existence when he walks into your room
listen, you're still a teen, you were terrified of having a kid
so beel came and cuddled you and you two fell asleep in each other's arms
and five months later you're very pregnant and almost have the same appetite as beel
a complete nine months after , you were watching beel carry your twin boys with absolute love.
is sleeping
he always has his phone on do not disturb
so he sleeps for about 12 hours straight before picking up the phone to answer you
In his drowsy state he really didn't think about it
Then he woke up completely and his brain went into overdrive
he may or may not have cared a little too much if you were pregnant
he went to your room and cuddled you, almost about to fall back asleep before looking at you
“ y/n we haven't even slept together ”
because truthfully you two had it because you didn't think sex was necessary in your relationship so far
“ oh. ”
and then the next day your period showed up.
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My first obey me! Post and I'm literally in love with it, what?!
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