#smarmy ROG
okami-zero · 2 years
*furious scribbling*
Y'know that thing that happens sometimes...when you're reading a really good piece of writing and it sets of a chain reaction in your brain? Spontaneous thinking and then you gotta put the words down so they don't vanish into the (a)ether?
Yea, that hit me yesterday. ^_^;
I haven't finished it yet, but was reading The Duelist's Apprentice, @traveleorzea's wonderful and intriguing FFXIV RDM-focused fic (and I am caught up, UUUUGGGGH, no more binging xD) when I had a thought regarding something that happened in one of the later chapters in relation to everyone's favorite baby-Sephiroth murderhobo, Zenos. Particularly regarding what he says to the WoL during their penultimate showdown in Ala Mhigo. And how those words might come off to someone in the Warrior of Light position.
And that got my brain running along the lines of "How would that affect Akagi? How would he take those words?", and suddenly I am furiously scribbling a conversation between my tol dragonboi and my not-as-tall (and still unmade, somewhat smarmy viera rogue Gevial Vestsker. It's mostly Gev gabbing (as he is wont to do) and Akagi listening, and it's not quite done but in its rough state, it is current a few lines shy of a large college-ruled page long. SO!
Once that is finished, I will post it here, and maybe if I polish it enough, it'll go up on my Ao3 which is currently just used as a portable library of fun things I enjoy reading. xD
Anyway, back to things and stuff!
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iamfuckingtrash · 6 years
imma be real with both tech (coding, game design, robotics, y'know the usual basic stuff) and gaming
theyre both such cool and fun things and honestly great for u - learning logic systems and solving issues and effective communication and teamwork n stuff
but the community surrounding both of those things is so disgusting part of me doesnt want to touch it with a ten foot pole bc like
yeah id love to be a tech person! i enjoy coding and robotics greatly. but being around Tech Guys™? especially game designers? Nothing sounds less appealing then that. And yeah i love gaming! i got a whole setup with a nice ASUS ROG thatll run the highest graphics setting on just about any game with good frames. Being around the other people who are super into gaming and would have that kinda stuff? Terrible. Disgusting. 0/10. We all know -what not the average, but the average you'll encounter- type of gamer is.
Bc even if there's plenty of, say, female gamers, or minorities with a passion for technology, you're so much more likely to see people who try to push others away- The livesinhisparentsbasement guy in a voice chat that makes anybody with a feminine sounding voice want to shut up forever, the smarmy dudes who are oh-so-proud that they're going into a STEM field and have never said a word that wasnt condescending, the people who think because they're online and anonymous, it gives them the right to be an asshole to other people.
And i guess its partially because of the type of people we associate with those sorts of things, because the shitty people who are in those fields are expected to be, and it becomes such a hostile enviroment for anybody unlike them trying to join, but i cant help but wonder
How many people are driven away from their passions because of the people who manage to make it in that field?
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gazellefamily · 4 years
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SPECIES (1995) “Soft fuck-yes. First saw this in Cuse’s Gifford Auditorium for free. The same aspects that made me laugh that night made me laugh 25 years later. Like how the undercover task force assigned to hunt the alien chick act exactly like coworkers on a business trip, having drinks in the hotel bar each night before saying ‘breakfast 8am?’ at the elevators. MMadsen is perfect smarmy asshole. The alien chick is btizz enough to get seed from any dude on earth, but so gener she whooshed from Hwood soon as the credits rolled. Giger is Swiss but actually from the beyond. BTW: is that color green not the definitive color of 90′s scifi?” -Sonny Gazelle
“Saw it at a drive-in. This felt correct. Definitive memory of the late Gene Siskel is him reviewing this and gleefully talking about how NatHenstridge’s nudity is one of the reasons he likes movies. I think Rog, who wrote the Talmud of exploitation cinema, BEYOND THE VALLEY OF THE DOLLS, was being weirdly puritanical? Like as an act of contrition?  Anyway Gene was on my wavelength. Sometimes it’s awesome to go to the movies to see a fuxy naked alien. See also LIFEFORCE. Today Siskel would be roasted on twitter and forced to apologize. Maybe that’s right, but it’s not fun. We don’t judge here.” -Tommy Gazelle
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