#Gevial Vestsker
okami-zero · 2 months
Okay, so I managed to power my two alts in FFXIV to 50 and complete The Ultimate Weapon so I could run the FFXVI crossover quest for cute doggo and cool outfit. And while running Gev (smarmy Rogue man bun turned shinobi), part of my brain clicked and now I think the land-pirate might have a thing for Tsubame. xD I haven't really fleshed out Gev or Ameh very much at all (they kind of sprouted from the vaguest of ideas - I would like to have a man-bun and a catgirl, yes), and of the two Gev is a *little* less flat on account of he and Akagi know each other and Gev is kind of a roughshod sounding board for Akagi for a while. (Gevial also only refers to Akagi by his name when things are very serious and important, otherwise, he's "longshanks", on account of Akagi being max au ra height xD).
But yea, little character musings. And I followed some more FFXIV blogs, so that has things percolating for Akagi ideas. ...and I still have ask prompts to write I AM SO SORRY! T_T
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okami-zero · 2 years
*furious scribbling*
Y'know that thing that happens sometimes...when you're reading a really good piece of writing and it sets of a chain reaction in your brain? Spontaneous thinking and then you gotta put the words down so they don't vanish into the (a)ether?
Yea, that hit me yesterday. ^_^;
I haven't finished it yet, but was reading The Duelist's Apprentice, @traveleorzea's wonderful and intriguing FFXIV RDM-focused fic (and I am caught up, UUUUGGGGH, no more binging xD) when I had a thought regarding something that happened in one of the later chapters in relation to everyone's favorite baby-Sephiroth murderhobo, Zenos. Particularly regarding what he says to the WoL during their penultimate showdown in Ala Mhigo. And how those words might come off to someone in the Warrior of Light position.
And that got my brain running along the lines of "How would that affect Akagi? How would he take those words?", and suddenly I am furiously scribbling a conversation between my tol dragonboi and my not-as-tall (and still unmade, somewhat smarmy viera rogue Gevial Vestsker. It's mostly Gev gabbing (as he is wont to do) and Akagi listening, and it's not quite done but in its rough state, it is current a few lines shy of a large college-ruled page long. SO!
Once that is finished, I will post it here, and maybe if I polish it enough, it'll go up on my Ao3 which is currently just used as a portable library of fun things I enjoy reading. xD
Anyway, back to things and stuff!
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okami-zero · 2 years
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Bit of a self-reblog on WIP Wednesday!
Okay, it's not *done*, but I do want to give y'all *something*, since my brain has been kind of a twit the last few days as far as letting pin down some more writing.
Mind you this is *very rough*. Usually I handwrite to get things out of my head, then edit as I type. Then I will either post it or let it sit for a day and go through again to see if I missed anything. I pluuged my work keyboard in *specifically* to do this, since we are having a lull, so forgive the non-desktop resentation of the banner (can you even do that on mobile?) Anyroad, on with the show!
This snippet takes place mid-talk, but this is Gevial (viera ROG) giving Akagi (raen au'ra PLD) a kind of cheering up and pep-talk at some point post-Zenos-Stormblood-fight. Enjoy, and let me know what you think!
"Anyroad, folk like that judge strength on what they know of it. And martial strength and outright slaughter are all he knew. Strong live, weak die. Simple. If he can kill ya, you were weak.
"Then along comes some random adventurer interloper - tha's you, longshanks," he mentioned with a wink, "someone who looks like he might be a *challenge*. Because this bloke's so large and in charge, everything is easy, effortless. *Boring*." At Akagi's look of horror, Gev raised a hand.
"An' before you say it, I am well aware how bloody heartless it is to call any o' what he did *boring*. To the folk he hurt, regular folk trying to live their lives, it as heinous. To *him*? Doldrums on a dead sea."
"And he whupped you, and quite soundly too, as I hear it. Both times, though I hear you made a right go of it. First time, he wrote you off, I think. But that second fight had him hooked." Gev gestured at Akagi with his mug. "He saw potential for what might be the first challenge of his life. So he let you go." The viera took a drink. "Though I wager your backup arriving in the knick added to his departure."
Akagi snorted, lifting his tankard for a drink, his expression rather sullen.
"Are you going somewhere with this retelling of my sordid history with this bastard? I though you were trying to help?" he growled, taking a long draught before setting the vessel down with a pronounced *thunk*. Gevial just grinned.
"Patience, lad, I'm nearly there."
And that's all for now! I do have a small bit prior to this and a large bit following my means for posting at work are a bit limiting. But I wanted to get SOMETHING out there, at least.
Gonna tag...let's see... @elveny, @captainderyn, @a-shakespearean-in-paris, @traveleorzea, @enasallavellan, @kunstpause and anyone else who might need an excuse to post a WIP!
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okami-zero · 3 years
Wonder if I can log in now...
BUT! Until I check that, I mentioned in a reply to @elveny​ on an earlier post that I had made a bunnyboi/manbun in the benchmark and asked if she would like to see him.
Her reply was overwhelmlingly positive, so I present to you all, Gevial Vestsker, devilish rogue extraordinaire!
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I may tweak some things. I think the benchmark was probably more limited than the actual chargen is; need to tweak his hair a bit. Something about it just needs...something. Better highlights, different style or different color entirely.
But, there he be. Now, he’s not as fleshed out as Akagi (because Akagi is Ma Boi™) and I am not 100% sure if I will play him. Kind of cooked him up for some text RP with a friend, so we’ll see. So, here you all go. Enjoy! xD
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okami-zero · 3 years
Whilst 2002 plagues me, a redesign...
Yea, still getting the dreaded error. Yet my housemate only had to endure egregious queue times. -_- So, pulled up the benchmark and did some tweaking (also imported Akagi in, slapped the Endwalker Paladin armor on him and watched the benchmark HOLYFUCKINGSHIT).
So for your viewing enjoyment, I present Gev’s before and after!
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Gev 1.0 on the left, Gev 2.0 on the right. Aside from the hair, the changes are all pretty subtle things, but I am more partial to his second look. Feel free to leave your thoughts! Edit: 2.0 is probably not his FINAL final look, because I want to see if the hairstyle selection is better in the actual character creation. 
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okami-zero · 2 years
So, in addition to Gev's "pep talk" with Akagi (whixh is mostly Gev talking and Akagi humoring him but also listening, because the rogue's not the daft lady's man he oft appears to be), I have gotten an uege to write a bit about my OCs Marshall and Rav. There is a scene in my head of Rav's first actual "mission" that ends up going south (as they do). And the thing is, where it happens is a location made up for another fanfic idea that is locked in my brainvault (quick reminder that Rav and Marshall are themselves products of a wholly separate but also connected fanfic-esque amalgamation that has been percolating in my brain for literal years).
But the setting it takes place in contains some other background characters, some of which are OCs and others are from another series that I aped and tweaked to fit. So I just am a little nervous 'bout it, but also part of me really wants to get this stuff out there. And I mean, I don't have to. Rav can just keep being the self-insert OC I made back in college and Marshall being the fiery, tomboyish sidekick who occasionally has to put a boot to his ass to keep him moving. (LOL She is loads more than that, but that is the Cliffs Notes for her).
Just trying to decide whether it will stay on tumblr, or if I will/should also toss it on AO3. Is it "fanfic enough" for that? Does it need to be?
Those are the big questions, honestly. It would be nice to have somewhere I could point folks to to read about my OCs that is a bit more organized. Because I dunno if I have properly tagged all my writing here... >.>;
Anyway, just a Friday ramble. If the weekend is slpw enough, y'all might see some writings here. Maybe. X3 I just need to go rewatch some cutscenes and then listen to a song on loop.
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okami-zero · 2 years
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Okay, it's not *done*, but I do want to give y'all *something*, since my brain has been kind of a twit the last few days as far as letting pin down some more writing.
Mind you this is *very rough*. Usually I handwrite to get things out of my head, then edit as I type. Then I will either post it or let it sit for a day and go through again to see if I missed anything. I pluuged my work keyboard in *specifically* to do this, since we are having a lull, so forgive the non-desktop resentation of the banner (can you even do that on mobile?) Anyroad, on with the show!
This snippet takes place mid-talk, but this is Gevial (viera ROG) giving Akagi (raen au'ra PLD) a kind of cheering up and pep-talk at some point post-Zenos-Stormblood-fight. Enjoy, and let me know what you think! ~~~
"Anyroad, folk like that judge strength on what they know of it. And martial strength and outright slaughter are all he knew. Strong live, weak die. Simple. If he can kill ya, you were weak.
"Then along comes some random adventurer interloper - tha's you, longshanks," he mentioned with a wink, "someone who looks like he might be a *challenge*. Because this bloke's so large and in charge, everything is easy, effortless. *Boring*." At Akagi's look of horror, Gev raised a hand.
"An' before you say it, I am well aware how bloody heartless it is to call any o' what he did *boring*. To the folk he hurt, regular folk trying to live their lives, it as heinous. To *him*? Doldrums on a dead sea."
"And he whupped you, and quite soundly too, as I hear it. Both times, though I hear you made a right go of it. First time, he wrote you off, I think. But that second fight had him hooked." Gev gestured at Akagi with his mug. "He saw potential for what might be the first challenge of his life. So he let you go." The viera took a drink. "Though I wager your backup arriving in the knick added to his departure."
Akagi snorted, lifting his tankard for a drink, his expression rather sullen.
"Are you going somewhere with this retelling of my sordid history with this bastard? I though you were trying to help?" he growled, taking a long draught before setting the vessel down with a pronounced *thunk*. Gevial just grinned.
"Patience, lad, I'm nearly there."
And that's all for now! I do have a small bit prior to this and a large bit following my means for posting at work are a bit limiting. But I wanted to get SOMETHING out there, at least.
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