spacethenobody · 6 months
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Im making an au of @ombrathefurry 's characters and I thought "MAYBE I CAN UPLOAD THESE TO TUMBLR YESYESYES" so uh here :3c (btw these have some headcanons)
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cloudydays365 · 9 months
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she got decapitated
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ombrathefurry · 1 month
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Smallfeather was not harmed in the making of this comic
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libbytwq · 3 months
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artfight batch 2!!
batch 1
batch 3
batch 4
batch 5
batch 6
i'm on a roll yooo
ocs left to right: ferris wheele (belongs to @rattinahatt) shredder (belongs to @effieskitties) and loading, smallfeather and phoenix (all belong to @ombrathefurry)
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paintbrushfrog · 2 months
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Art Fight attack 4 for @ombrathefurry of her OCs Smallfeather and Phoenix!
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ohmy5 · 4 months
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@ombrathefurry, I drew Smallfeather as a pony/foal in MLP. Thoughts? (I drew him in math class. :P)
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soggythecereal · 6 months
mirror magic teaser #2
crazy shortstack and neon gay man attempt communicating between universes through funky vowels
(loading and og smallfeather design by @ombrathefurry
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They have a child?
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Adopted. I suppose. Considering all of our interactions I would not have thought this would have happened, yet here we are. If I’m in this situation, might as well try. I’m not some heartless freak of nature, even though Alana has quite a bit to say that implies otherwise. Im pretty sure he is still afraid of me. I don’t blame him at all, he should be. I don’t mean that as a threat, I mean that as I still have little control over how I react to things. It’s gotten a bit better I suppose. He did ask me if I cared. I didn’t answer that. Emotions confuse me. I didn’t answer because I don’t know. At this point though, I might. Nothing significant, but it’s something.
(SmallFeather belongs to @ombrathefurry)
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and then they lost the ability to function after this/ooc
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fishrpg · 8 months
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2024-02-10: Hex 8 (Shallow Water)
Faint notes of old fishy smells waft up from the water.
Notable Feature: Dungeon (Goreg Smallfeather's Illusory House)
Medium size, 12 areas
Swarms of giant crabs have been seen appearing near a stone cylinder 15 feet in diameter that peeks out of the water by about 5 feet at high tide. The crabs have been damage passing boats and wildlife and then disappearing.
The cylinder is part of an ancient device whose original purpose is unknown to most, but under the water the cylinder has several arms that look like almost like windmill blades that turn a complex series of gears inside the cylinder. No marine life grows on the cylinder, either. Although there are several blunt surfaces that seem perfect for grinding grain or shells, this device was almost assuredly not created to grind things up.
Those who can see into the ethereal plane, however, see a wide platform atop the cylinder that holds a stately home and a small windmill. The mansion once belonged to a wizard named Goreg Smallfeather who disappeared hundreds of years ago, and the stone cylinder uses the ocean current to generate a consistent source of magical energy that keeps the house hidden. Stopping the movement of cylinder's arms will cause Goreg's home to appear on the material plane atop the platform.
Another illusionist named Johana Silverton (adult human female with the innate ability to breathe water) has traveled to this area to search for Goreg's magical secrets. Johana has managed to enter Goreg's home, but fell victim to one of Goreg's traps in his library and got transformed into a giant crab (with the mental abilities of a giant crab, too) wearing a bracelet on one of its legs. Johana the crab is trapped in the library and wandering aimlessly inside and the last book Johana was reading lies open on the floor. Anyone reading the book learns about Goreg's transformation trap and also how to cure it. He gloats in the text about the irony of transforming intruders into crabs and telling them how to cure themselves... except crabs can't read.
In order to stop the crab swarms and cure Johana's transformation, the players must explore Goreg's house and capture a venomous fish alive, then allow it to sting Johana the crab. It will briefly paralyze the crab and cause her to revert to her human form.
As long as Johana is stuck in the library, when she walks over a particular spot of the floor, a dozen illusory crab duplicates get dumped into the material plane and into the water below, where they do crab stuff for an hour before disappearing.
The majority of Goreg's house is set up like an immersive self-sustaining aquarium full of hostile sea life. Players cannot swim through the water because it is illusory, but the sea life can. All the sea creatures completely corporeal and have a flying (hover) speed as long as they are in the house.
As a reward for solving the crab problem, some of fishing vessels in the area offer up the carved figurehead recovered from the bow of a ship that was overrun by and destroyed by crabs.
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official-darkforest · 4 years
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lilypaw stuff, still working out her backstory
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gemzt92 · 5 years
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Our natural macrame feather is now available in my etsy shop with free shipping and next working day delivery. https://www.etsy.com/uk/listing/701531906/macrame-feather-wall-hanging-modern #macrame #macramefeathers #organiccotton #driftwood #handmadefeather #naturalmacrame #modernmacrame #etsyseller #freeshipping #shipsworldwide #etsyseller #etsyfinds #etsylove #smallfeather #macramewallhanging #supportsmallbusiness #suportlocal #smallbiz https://www.instagram.com/p/By9rkYJF9vu/?igshid=1rt3yqz0zmglp
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buttercupart · 5 years
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Smallfeather, a white tom with black tabby patches and green eyes, Littleflight, a light brown tabby molly with amber eyes, & Tinywing, a white molly with black patches and lime green eyes, all of whom are warriors of ShadowClan
Smallkit, Littlekit, and Tinykit were all born prematurely and were named for such. They were not expected to survive long, especially after their mother caught a case of greencough and died after their birth, but the three siblings defied the Clan’s expectation and lived to apprenticeship, and eventually warriorhood, and never let their small sizes deter them.
Smallfeather was always very aloof and off to the side, and never felt a strong connection to anyone besides his sisters. For this reason, he was an easy target for the Dark Forest cats, who began tormenting him in his dreams. As time went on, they were able to manipulate him into doing nearly anything they ordered, and their final order to shape him into the perfect pawn was for Smallfeather to dispose of the only cats he still had an emotional connection to: his sisters.
Littleflight was meek and shy from birth, never speaking above a whisper and never going out of her way to talk to others. Not that she was unfriendly, far from it, she was just extremely reserved. She expressed interest in becoming a medicine cat, but her sister begged her to stay and train as a warrior alongside her. When Smallfeather came down to the lake that fateful morning and killed her and Tinywing, Littleflight was the first to go.
Tinywing was a spitfire from day one. Hated rules, hated authority, actively challenged everyone above her and was just a general troublemaker. The only cat who could calm Tinywing’s constant chaotic energy was her sister Littleflight, who never strayed too far from her side. The sisters were thick as thieves, and when Smallfeather ambushed them out of nowhere and took down their middle sister, Tinywing fought with no holds barred to avenge Littleflight, but in the end she was no match for the battle moves Smallfeather had been learning in the Dark Forest.
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ombrathefurry · 2 months
I went to a furcon or something? Idk
and you had a booth there and you just kept having me draw squares and when i asked why you said something about how “smallfeather eats squares” it was so weird lmao
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That’s amazing I might make one of his comfort food crackers or something because of that
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eggedbellies · 2 years
it's convenient you've laid yourself out like this - gryphon heat cycles are relentless, and im desperate to give you my clutch, warm and heavy in your belly while my downy smallfeathers muffle your senses to the outside world
Being enveloped in the warmth of feathers and fur and pounding heart is so comfortable, even as the cock slides home and I'm already moaning, pleading, twitching as I buck into you; the filling is hot and delicious as my belly swells, legs twitching against you, grateful for the clutch already growing in me. I can feel the changes already - my hands growing strong, curved talons and a lion tail emerging from my tailbone, twitching in the puddle of fluids under me.
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A thick-furred small scrawny dark gray tabby tom with yellow eyes a bit rough around the edges but is shy and reserved to cats who know him best I'd like either the suffix -yell or -feather
Hope one of these helps!
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dksartz · 7 years
re: warrior cat names!  figuring out possible names for all the characters is ..what i spent most of today doing xD oops.
and i added yours to my list bc! i love them heh
(under the readmore bc its...very long bc despite spending hours on it i couldn’t decide on one name so. many name options/ideas for each character!)
edit: added ‘owlclaw’->’owleye’ as a name for fury :D
*tony (ironman, shellhead) -kittypet name: sparky/iron//anthony/tony? --goldenheart(if golden or ginger) --ironheart --emberheart (if red/ginger) --sparrowheart --nightheart (if dark-furred) --bravesong --embermask (referencing ironman mask) --darkstorm --stormflight --skyheart? --shellheart?? --> +star...
*steve (captain america, winghead) --goldenheart (obvs only if its not tony's name) --goldenfur --braveclaw --littlewing (he was small as a kit) --smallfeather --oneleap (one= only child?) --wingheart (bc winghead) --eagleclaw --appleflight (...apple pie) --goldstripe --morningheart --dawnstorm --sunheart --> +star
*nick fury --furywing --furystep --furystrike --badgerstrike --badgerpelt (black/brown+white fur!) --patchclaw --owlstrike --owlpelt --owlclaw --> owleye (lost 1 eye to a badger) --> +star (furystar / badgerstar / patchstar / owlstar..)
*rhodey (war machine) --braveflight --skyheart? --brightfoot --gorseclaw --windtalon --mountainwing --branchfeather --pinefur --larkwing? --eagleflight
*wanda (scarlet witch) --dawnwing --rowanleap --dappleflame --twosong --amberfur --amberwing --dreamsong --flametwist
*pietro (quicksilver) --quicksilver? --quickfoot --quickflight --quickleap --silverleap --stripefur? --lightfoot
*clint (hawkeye) --hawkeye --hawkwing --hawkfur --hawktail --sandbreeze --hawksight --sandfeather
*natasha (black widow) --blackleap --foxheart --nightfur --thorntalon --quietleap --nettleclaw --darkstep --nightstep
*pepper potts (ginger/golden furred) --pepperfur --peppertail --pepperfoot --pepperleaf --poppynose --cherryfoot --cherryfern --pepperflower --flowerfall --goldenfang
*janet (the wasp) --waspwing --wasptail --waspfur --ambertail --larksong --meadowflight --smallwing
*carol (captain marvel) --honeyleap --dapplewing --mothflight --thrushleap --rainwing --sunfeather --lionflight
*sam (falcon) --falconwing --falconclaw --falconbreeze --falconheart --falconleap --airwing --redwing (or redwing is riley, loner/kittypet turned clan cat?) --windleap
*bucky (winter soldier) --winterfang --wintertalon --winterstrike --winterfur --wintersong --barkfur --icetooth --iceleap --smokefrost --froststrike
*thor (loner? turned clan cat?) --thor --thunderstrike --lightningfur --lightningflame --thunderfur --thunderclaw
*obadiah (stane) --foxstripe --darkbelly --smokefall --thrushpelt --briarfang --stormfang --addernose
*yinsen ho (loner? or clan?) --yinsen --skyfoot --echofoot --cricketleap --dapplefur --runningpool --birdwhisper
*helen (japanese bobtail?) -helen --blossomwing --dapplepelt --patchfeather --honeyfur --daisypelt --quailfur --snowsong
*peggy? --bravefur --bravetail --cherrybreeze --brightwing --lionheart --heronflight
*ant-man? --antfur --antclaw --antbriar --bugtail
*pierce (hydra) --goldentalon --adderstrike --foxclaw --owltooth --sandfang --goldenthorn --dustclaw --amberfang --ashfang --clawstrike --bearfur --ambercloud --ratfang --addertail
*red skull? - --redfur --boneface --redface --red skull (think like scourge)
*t'challah (unconnected clan/tribe, like the mountain tribe names?) -- black panther -- night panther -- t'challah -- panther who walks in the night??
*t'chaka? --t'chaka --black panther??? --quiet wisdom??
*maria hill ? --aspenhill --brackenclaw --rabbithill --rabbitfur --tawnyhill --birdtooth
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