#slowly catching up to what i owe ppl
selftitledshit · 9 months
༺ nothing's gonna hurt you baby ༻
matty healy x reader blurb
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✧ A/N: thank you guys so much for the love on my last post! i didn't expect ppl to like it but u guys rlly shocked meee. hope u all enjoy this tiny blurb while i try to write some more!
✧ Synopsis: After a long and rough day at work, you come home grumpy and in dire need of sleep. Matty catches on and decides to provide the comfort you've desperately wanted all day.
✧ Warnings: a little bit of angst??, suggestive touching, cuddling, flufff❤️‍🩹
✧ Vision Board: https://pin.it/2to6Akz
✧ Word Count: 507
You carelessly swing the bedroom door open, tossing your bag and your dirty shoes into the corner of the room. Matty quickly rises from the bed, slowly approaching your slumped figure.
"What's got my darling all gloomy tonight?" Matty teases, his hands reaching out to run along your body, stilling as they reach your ass.
"Not in the mood." You groan, slowly peeling off your tight, agitating work clothes. You saunter over to your dresser, pulling out a simple camisole and pair of shorts. As you slip them on, Matty appears behind you, running his fingertips along your arms, leaving goosebumps in their wake. You let out a long, exasperated sigh before muttering, "You really don't know how to listen, do you?" You turn to lightly punch Matty's shoulder, pushing him away.
"Ow!" Matty dramatically gasps, playfully stumbling back a step. "Watch out there, killer," he grinned, rubbing his shoulder. "M'just playing around, babe," he added, stepping closer to you again. "Nothing serious." You give him an unamused look, pushing past him to flop onto the bed.
Matty watches as you flung yourself onto the bed, a mix of emotions playing across his face. He sighed heavily before following after you, crawling onto the bed beside you. "What's got you so wound up?" You continue laying face down on the bed, your body sprawled out like a starfish.
"Today, it was a lot." You mumble against the sheets, tiredness in your muffled voice. Matty heard your mumbled words but didn't press for more information. He knew better than to push when you were in one of these moods. Instead, he slid his arm under you, gently pulling you against his chest.
You desperately crawl into his arms, your side pressed against his chest as you hug your knees in his lap. Matty wrapped his other arm around you, holding you close. He could feel your heart beating against his chest, and he knew that this was the only comfort you sought tonight.
"Shh," he whispered softly, running his hand soothingly up and down your back. You breathe lightly against Matty's skin, your eyes fluttering closed. You trail a hand up to play with Matty's curls, the only thing keeping you grounded.
Matty felt the soft touch of your hand in his hair, and it brought a small smile to his lips. He knew this was the only time you truly felt safe - when you were in his arms, seeking solace from the emotions budding within. You reach down to pull the covers up, nestling closer to Matty.
"There you go," Matty murmured, helping wrap the blanket around both of you. He felt your breathing begin to even out, knowing you would soon fall asleep. You wrap your arms around Matty's waist, pulling him close before you start to doze off. "I've got you," Matty whispered, pressing a gentle kiss to your forehead. He held you close throughout the night, his heart full of love and admiration for this fragile, innocent thing that he couldn't help but cherish.
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sasukesgucciflops · 1 year
Here I am back on my John Marston BS.
I pointed this out before ab how ppl loved calling John “watered down” but I’m also seeing people forget that he was also put on a very high fucking pedestal and had no idea how to handle it. In other words; he was the gifted kid who got burnt out after everyone expected everything from him. John never expected to be seen as such. He actually preferred to not be held to such a degree. I’m sick and tired of people feeding into the “John’s a golden boy” “John’s a piece of shit” narrative. Clearly these people have only seen RDR2 and have no clue about everything in RDR1 and yes I’m giving an attitude so y’all better catch it.
Here’s my John Marston character analysis and this is only about one aspect of him. (Wait until you see every other aspect bc I’ve literally dissected this man like a frog oops)
He never fucking asked for it. In fact, he didn’t expect jack shit from anybody. If anything, people used him. People used him up. You see it plainly in rdr1, he’s being used to hunt down his old partners. To find his old partners he’s gotta ask the sheriff, what does the sheriff do? He uses him to handle some lowlife gangs around the county. The sheriff ACCIDENTALLY—not even voluntarily—reveals someone that ends up somewhat helping him out. West Dickens—and what does he do? Uses him. Seth? Uses him. Travels over to another country, what do they do? USE HIM!
Okay, so rdr2—if you couldn’t get the picture already—John was one of Dutch’s MAIN PAWNS. That man raised John to USE HIM. John was young and had lots of energy and he was gullible enough to let Dutch do whatever with his naivety. The most fucked up thing about all of it, not only about how (almost) everyone saw him as a pawn, not as a genuine friend, saw him only for his uses;
John didn’t care. He knew he was being used but he didn’t care. Yes it bothers him and again he’s fully aware he’s being ran around in circles by all these people; it doesn’t matter. He sees himself as someone who is replaceable. He’s expendable. It’s whatever. He was always made to think this and perhaps he knew that it was his fate to be all used up and thrown out like it was nothing. And that’s what ended up happening.
No, he wasn’t a perfect father. He SHOULDVE done much much better about that. Just for that I let anti’s breathe a little because in Jack’s younger years, hell no John wasn’t a good father! John was in denial, busy trying to live up to his dreams of being someone he isn’t. On that note, John slowly realized that Abigail and Jack were probably the only ones that didn’t see him as a pawn; they just wanted him to be present and that causes him to do a 180. To him, it was worth dying for them. Maybe he felt as if he owed them a debt that could never be repayed—it’s almost like he expresses this to Jack a dozen different times. “I’m sorry, Son. I’m not going anywhere.” And “I know I wasn’t around a lot for you but I’m trying to make up for that”. He becomes viscerally aware of the damage of his absence (as he should) and it becomes something he fears he’ll never get to make up for.
Abigail never wanted to use him. She just wanted HIM. Jack—OF COURSE never wanted to use him, he wanted a FATHER. Honorable mention, but Arthur never saw him as a pawn either. In fact, he was well aware of how John was being treated, even mentioning it to him canonically, along the lines of, and I’m loosely quoting this, “At first you’ll be a prize pony until you become a work horse”. These people become so important to John—among others such as Bonnie, Charles, Sadie, even Uncle—because they never tried to use. him. John was more than expendable to them, he was worth something to them and for that he loved them and felt as if he would owe them for eternity.
I truly can’t believe some of y’all completely miss that whole point because it’s written EVERYWHERE it’s literally how John’s story goes and we experience it with him. His story is so fucking tragic and yes, while Arthur was the prime example of “having a doomed narrative from the start”, people don’t talk about how John is literally in the same boat. That man was always doomed, by his friends, the people he would try to call family—he was raised all the way up just to be put down…. THAT’S the story of John fucking Marston.
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adventurebarsous · 6 years
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blessed by kiwi again 🦀
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erensonly · 3 years
Cuddle Buddies (Bakugou x Black! Reader)
[series masterlist], [previous chapter], [next chapter]
Chapter 13: Mall Time
(song of the chapter)
(this is a slight filler bc i have no clue what to write about and i'm working on another one rn)
Today was the day Aizawa finally gave everyone permission to go and do what they wanted. The whole class decided to go to the mall in the group chat you all were in.
"Kacchan! Are you ready yet?"
"Stop calling me Kacchan. Give me a second." He was lacing up his shoes (no more church3000s)
Stepping into his room, you see him fixing the cuffs of his pants and walking to the mirror to make sure the fit was clean. He looked good, per usual. (my fashion sense is horrible, especially for boys so imagine what you want him to wear.)
"You look nice, Kacchan," you smiled up at him, wrapping your arms around his neck. Reaching up, you peck his lips lightly. "You ready to go now? Everyone is getting ready to be on their way."
"Yeah, let's go." He grabbed your hand, walking with you down the stairs. "You know what you wanna get?" he asked you.
"Of course not. I was thinking you could pick my outfits for me."
"Then you have to pick mine." You had a pretty good understanding of his style and how he picks his clothes. Picking his clothes should be pretty easy. The question was, 'Was he able to pick your clothes?'
(start song)
Walking outside to the parking lot, he opened and closed the door of his car for you and got in himself. You hear a knock on the window and you see Kiri and Denki standing there, smiling. "Hey, y'all!" you exclaim. Doing the made-up handshake the three of you made, they started greeting you and Katsuki.
Plugging your phone into his aux cord, you open spotify. Clicking 'OhMami' by Chase Atlantic, you teasingly start to sing to Katsuki.
Cuban link, diamond cross I got a spanish chiquita, no habla ingles, not at all, no
Katsuki by now had started driving, and he was already tired of the three of you. The condiments in the back and started to sing along as well.
And I got a kilo, no kilimanjaro, baby just a mountain of coke
Looking back aft the two boys in the backseat, nodding at them to make sure they got the message.
The three of you screamed the lyrics of the song playing. Katsuki was slowly shaking his head at the three of you, slightly grinning.
"C'mon Katsu,"you whined playfully, "Sing with us. I know you know the song."
"Yeah, Kacchan. Sing along,"said Denki.
The four of you sang loudly. Katsuki started to drive a little faster now, making you, Kiri, and Kami hold onto the little handle thingies on the roof of the car.
You all started giggling and laughing at how Denki got thrown at Kirishima when Bakugou did a sharp turn. Turning around you ask him, "Y'all okay back there?"
"Yeah," Kirishima said, fake crying. "Kinda hurt."
"Shut up, shitty hair. It didn't hurt that bad. Aren't you supposed to be a rock?"
"Damn, Bakugou. Why you going so hard on him," Denki laughed.
"Because I can. You next."
Slapping his arm, you tell him to stop messing with them.
Pulling up to the mall, you see everyone else outside, more than likely waiting for you four. "Hey bestie," you greet Midoriya.
"Hey friend." You turn and see Todoroki next to him. The two of you didn't speak much but when you did, it was usually either a dry 'Hi' or him saying something that he doesn't realize is funny.
"Hey friend," Todoroki said as enthusiastically as he could. You chuckled a little bit. This was new. He usually just said your name, but not today.
"Did I say something wrong?"
"Of course not. You just surprised me. Hey Friend," you smiled at him.
"Baby, let's go. I wanna get your clothes." Entwining your hand with your significant other, you wave bye to the two friends and let yourself get dragged off.
Walking to (favorite store), you let him walk you to the shirts. "You want a crop top, tank top, cut off shoulder, regular tee-shirt, or what?"
"I don't know. You're supposed to be picking it out for me."
"You're no help," he grumbled.
"I know," you smiled. Walking away from him towards the accessories, you hold up earrings and necklaces to see which ones you wanted.
"Baby, I'm done. Don't pick the accessories for this outfit, I wanna do it."
You see him hold up accessories to the clothing to see which ones you would match.
"I'm paying, no arguments allowed."
"I wasn't gon argue anyway," you sassed back. "My turn. What store do you like?" Walking to (his favorite store idfk🤷🏾‍♀️), you immediately see a shirt that would look amazing on him.
"Don't look, nosey." He looked away, surprised you caught him trying to peek without looking at him. "Go look around and find something you like. I'm paying."
Walking around begrudgingly, he looks at the other shirts they have, some catching his eye and some making him question who made it.
When he looks up a second time, he sees you already at the counter. "Did you find something you like?"
"Yeah, I'm paying for it."
"No, I'm paying for it. We already agreed."
"No, I don't wanna owe you nothing."
"I don't care what you don't want. I'm paying. Hurry up, we still gotta get shoes."
Hesitantly putting his stuff on the counter, you pay for the things and drag him to the foot locker that wasn't too far from the store you were just at.
By now, you both had picked everything and bought matching shoes. You were now in the food court trying to decide what to eat so you could meet with everyone else.
"Kacchan, I want pizza," you groan.
"Then get it. I don't want pizza."
"But I want you to order it for me."
"Fine, I'll get Midoriya to do it for me." Walking away from him to your best friend, you pay him on the shoulder and ask him can he order for you. (social anxiety go brr)
Making your way back to the table, you sit in between Midoriya and Katsuki. Todoroki was next to Midoriya making small talk with him.
You start to eat, but you feel someone staring at you. Looking up and around, you try to spot who can't keep their eyes in one direction. Then you see it. A girl with dark hair and eyes and is fairly curvy, not as curvy as you but you get it.
You see her gaze shift to Bakugou. The you got the message. You scoot closer to him, trying to politely give her the message he wasn't available. She just wasn't getting it.
Then she decided to get bold and start to walk towards the table everyone had pushed together. "Hey, I'm Meiko." She tried to scoot bin to sit next to Bakugou, but you were quick to scoot closer to him.
At this point he had no space to move his arms and he was confused why this random was talking to him. "Me?" he questioned, pointing to himself.
"Yeah, who else would I be talking to. No one else here is on your level."
"Ok... You need something?" He was just trying to eat and go back to his dorm with you to re-watch Haikyuu. (kenma is so fine man 😡😭)
"Yeah, your number." Who does this dry flirting ass girl think she is.
"He's not available."
"I didn't ask for you opinion," she rolled her eyes and turned back to Bakugou.
"But you're talking to my man. So Imma give to you politely before I have to beat your ass, Kay?"
"Why are you dating someone like... that when you could have me?" That's more than enough.
"I don't know or like you." He's trying to keep his composure since he's been working on his temper.
Standing up, you feel someone grab your wrist and someone else grab your hand. "I'll say it one more time if it didn't register in that small ass head of yours. He's not available, especially not to you. If I have to say it again, I'll be going to jail. Got it?"
She tried not to show she was intimidated by walking closer to you, getting in your personal bubble.
"Then do something about it." She threw, or tried to throw, a punch at you, but it didn't connect. Now you could say it was self defense (be smart kids👩🏾‍💻)
There was no time to waste. Connecting a punch with her face, you drag her on the floor to get the advantage, even though you already had it.
You didn't stop. Your brain had went into autopilot and your body just did what it wanted to do.
The next thing you know, there's people trying to pull you off. Multiple people. You couldn't hear anything, ears ringing from the anger you were feeling.
"Baby, let's go." He had finally grabbed you off, dragging you away from her. "Deku, grab our food and bring it back will ya."
There was still anger in your system, but you just let him carry you back to the car. Denki and Kirishima already arranging for them to ride with someone else.
"You ok?"
"Mhm." You turned your head and looked out the window as he was pulling out of the parking lot.
He grabbed your hand and stayed silent. You both were similar in the aspect of not wanting to talk when angry.
Arriving back to the dorms, you see Aizawa already sitting on the couch waiting for you. How does this man get information so fast?
"I heard what happened."
"It was self defense." You weren't even going to put up a big fight against him. You had a better chance arguing with a raccoon than with Aizawa.
"I don't care. You still did that in public. You're lucky people didn't take pictures and videos."
"Ok..." you said, waiting for him to get to the point.
"You're on cleaning duty by yourself for three days and you have to do extra training."
"So I we just supposed to let her hit me and flirt with my boyfriend in front of me?"
"That's not what I'm saying-"
"At this point, I don't care." Stalking off to your room, you sulk on your bed. Feeling Katsuki plop down on your bed, he pulls up netflix, playing Haikyuu.
"C'mere sweet thing." You both cuddled up, excited to rewatch the volleyball anime for the 3rd time.
and that is a wrap. i haven't updated in forever don't bash me too much. i hope you enjoyed it and these outfits i envisioned bakugou picked out for you 🖤 (I chose different styles bc i know ppl have different tastes :))
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himbeaux-on-ice · 4 years
Can I just say that Habs “fans” who act like Carey Price’s contract is somehow patient zero of all this team’s problems drive me absolutely fucking insane? Seriously. Buckle up. This is about to be a rant.
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Now. First things first. Is it ideal that the $10 million goalie is currently uh, not doing very good? Fucking NO! I am disappointed as shit with that and I don’t like seeing him struggle. I know he can be better. He has to be better. Obviously.
However. That being said.
Do I think it’s an incredibly stupid look to spend several tweets complaining about all the issues Habs defence have been having, and then also griping that they haven’t started Jake Allen enough for how he’s performing, only to then for some inexplicable reason state that the FIRST THING, the first thing that needs to be dealt with after the new coaching staff have had ONE GAME (and zero practices) to work on things, is somehow “well, the ten million dollar man in net is weighing them down, that contract has gotta go!”?
Yes! That’s stupid!!
I think that’s a very ice cold small-brain take, and not just because Price is my favourite of favourites for as long as I’ve been a hockey fan! I have reasons, dammit!! I put THOUGHT into this!!
Here, dear ppl of Habs twitter who will never read this, are some reasons why this narrative you’re concocting is dumb, and why management/coaching are unlikely to think of trying to ditch Price mid-season to fix the current problems:
1: Time. It has been one (1) game under Ducharme. He has been able to run zero (0) full practices on off days with the team. We just changed up a major piece on the Habs chess board — why don’t you give it a minute to see what fresh eyes and minds can do with this roster before you decide we are fucked? This season is fast-moving, sure, but there is time for us to ride out some little bumps here and still make a playoff spot in this Canadian division. Have patience. Do you remember what patience is? Dom is a new head coach, not a wish-granting fairy godmother. Chill. Do you remember chill?
(rest of this under a cut because I actually LIKE Habs Tumblr, and I want to be nice to you all by not making you scroll past all of it if you don’t want to)
2: Jake Allen exists. There are a couple of things I like for what this means for the Habs. Firstly, for basically the first time in his NHL career, we are not in a situation where if Carey Price is in a slump, we have to go “Ah, shit, so now our options are let his stats tank while he tries to get the groove back in net, OR throw whoever the poor backup is out there to get murdered while we plummet through the standings.... 😬” We don’t have that problem right now, because the backup is... actually good? Oh my god, the backup is actually good! Thank fuck! We’re not doomed. If I’m Ducharme, I put Allen in net for a few consecutive starts to put a solid backstop behind all my fun experiments I’m probably planning with the skating roster (to catch their slip-ups, while also giving Carey lots of time and rest with which to work hard on sorting out whatever his issue is along with the goalie coaches).
2b: Jake Allen exists and is competition. Hell, if I’m Ducharme, maybe I even play a little hardball and say “Look, Carey, I don’t want you to be an expensive benchwarmer, but if things don’t pick up soon I am going to start whoever is doing best and you will have to compete for that net.” Related to my last point, when was the last time Carey Price had to push himself to compete for net time against anything other than his own injuries, and wasn’t simply always the default starter? Has that EVER been a thing? Honestly as much as I love the idea of him being The Goalie for the Habs, I also kinda like this idea a lot because I think it could really push him to a higher standard of performance. Maybe that kind of high-pressure situation (given how much he thrives in the pressure-cooker of the playoffs) could be what he NEEDS in order to Be Carey Price again. Worst comes to worst, he doesn’t respond to that challenge, and I am very sad but the Habs have a good goalie in net anyway, because Hallelujah, Jake Allen exists! God, isn’t it nice to have Jake Allen? Bless him.
3: Money. Guys, this league is so broke right now. Seriously. Seriously. Nobody has any fucking money. The Habs probably have more money than most teams, and that does not help when it comes to offloading large contracts. Trades are a NIGHTMARE both because of the flat cap but also because travel is complicated (especially cross-border) but also nobody wants to trade within their division if possible because all your games are against them. Who in the name of fuck do you think is jumping at the idea of taking the $10 million per through 20-lots-and-lots-of-years-from-now contract of a goalie who is currently struggling, impressive past record aside? What kind of astral plane of fantasy hockey are you on to think there’s a trade out there for that within this season. Shut up. And no, don’t bring up the expansion draft, this post is a rebuttal SPECIFICALLY to the people who think that Price and his contract are the biggest problem that needs to be dealt with RIGHT NOW and first on the list of ways to immediately remedy the team’s struggles.
4: Spite. Specifically to piss you off, bud. You personally.
5: Knowing how to troubleshoot properly. Fellas, if my computer is running slowly and freezing up a lot, do I immediately decide the first step to fixing it is to crack open the chassis, remove the hard drive, and try to sell that hard drive to someone to see if I can enough money back to somehow get a better hard drive for less? No, dipshit. That’s not how troubleshooting a complex system works works. It’s the same with hockey teams. Ah, my star goalie is not performing great. This situation is deeply less than ideal. If you’re actually good at troubleshooting, the first thing you do is not “WELL. I GUESS WE’LL HAVE TO THROW THE WHOLE GOALIE OUT. HE’S TOAST.” The first thing you do, if you’re a smart coach, is you say “Okay, what are my defence doing in front of him? What are they doing to reduce the amount and quality of our opponents’ scoring chances? Oh. Oh, they’re taking a lot of penalties, and... oh, uh, some of this is very not great. Yikes.” And then you start your work by trying to make the defence actually work instead of running the same Pairs That Everyone Is Very Much Over And Tired Of, because your goalie is actually supposed to be your Last Line of Defence. And maybe during that time you give more starts to Goalie Who Is Absolutely Slaying It, so that when you start trying new D-pairs and they inevitably have some mistakes, it doesn’t immediately turn into an Oh God Holy Fuck moment every time, because that last line of defence backstopping them is solid. The reason you need to deal with defense first is because a) You know you have a reliable goalie (Allen) in your pocket right now if you need him. What you don’t have is a whole-ass proven and tested and practiced Backup D-Core you can swap into the roster in front of your goalies to make their lives easier. Fix your defense and it WILL improve your goalies, even marginally. Defrag the hard drive before you ask why it’s not working. and b) If you need to go looking for any new D-men to solve the issues, those are WAY easier and cheaper to find than top-tier goalies, and you always want to start any troubleshooting process with trying the simplest solutions first to hopefully save time and money. The better that D-core is, the less it fucks your team over if the goalie isn’t feeling themselves, because the D is going to stop more of those pucks before they ever even become the goalie’s problem. FIX. DEFENCE. FIRST. Then try to train your goalie back into top form. THEN explore your other options.
6: The vicious cycle. Guys. We literally do this once every year or second year. EVERY time Carey Price has a slump, this fanbase gets into a tizzy like the Bell Centre is burning down and he was the one with the matches. And what ALWAYS happens literally within the year, every single time? He gets his mojo back like he did last summer in the bubble and goes on a heater and everybody goes “JESUS PRICE!!!! 🙌” and is ready to name their firstborn kid after him. Until eventually that performance becomes unsustainable, and he becomes mortal again, and suddenly he’s The Real Problem With This Franchise once again. I know he’s the guy they chose to build the team around instead of a superstar forward, but oh my god folks. You’d think he was the only player on the team. Guys, I feel like fucking Sisyphus pushing a blue blanc et rouge boulder up Mont Royal once a year with this shit. This man’s entire career has been a constant seesaw narrative between “Carey Price is our saviour!” and “Carey Price should be exiled to Nome!!!!” from parts of this fanbase, I swear. Look, slumps suck, but for once we are actually lucky enough to be in a position where this team, for the first time in YEARS, does not solelylive or die by the inscrutable magical cycles of Carey Price’s goalie powers — because when he has to step back and work to get back into his groove, there is FINALLY a SECOND GUY who is GREAT. Honestly, given that the state of this team for so long has been “they will go as far as Carey Price can take them” and he has put in a pretty fucking decent job of it despite all of the team’s other struggles, I feel like it is owed it to the guy to be like “Okay, well, we have somebody else solid to fill the net right now, and a chance to really figure out our defence and special teams with this new coach. Why don’t you take a step back and work your ass off at trying to get back into the form I know you can still perform at, and we’ll go from there?”
Anyway. Some parts of this fanbase have been waiting for a fresh excuse to claim Price is overrated, washed-up, and to blame for all of this team’s flaws and ills ever since he signed that contract, if not since the start of his NHL career. Just unreal how nasty some of this fanbase is willing to be about a player who is ON. YOUR. TEAM.
Am I saying he is beyond critique of his play and can do no wrong and his contract is perfect? No! I want this team to have the best goaltending it can get, and I want them to kick ass and take names. The difference is, I still believe Carey Price is a part of that winning formula, and I also think Twitter is overflowing with idiots who just repeat what everybody else says. He’s still a better goalie than your ass would be if I stuck you out there to stop shots from Mark Schieffle, for crap’s sake.
“The first thing that has to go is Carey Price’s contract 🤪”. Shut the fuck up. You are actively making other people stupider by talking. Go eat sand. Good day.
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PLEASE write about Andrew & Jean being chaotic and bitter bffs on the same team the power they would have the intimidation level the fashionable goth energy,,, w ow also I want Andrew to learn French so badly which we all know he would if Jean started insulting him in French
IT WON’T BE UP ANY TIME SOON but I’m writing a fic about Andrew visiting Renee’s for winter break in his final year of college in which he’s forced to spend the week sharing a space with Jean. 
Over the course of said week, they form a tentative alliance that’s essentially that We’re Not So Different You And I bit by John Mulaney 
Anyway, that’s like mid-way through Andrew’s fourth year. They don’t speak again until a little before Andrew’s graduation. The Foxes have just won the Championships they made it to finals last year and lost the last  game :’( and so they’re having a party. Andrew needed some air so he stepped outside and, a little while later, he hears footsteps on the porch behind him. Jean sits down, leaving some space between the two of them so as not to crowd Andrew, and just sort of slides a piece of paper over. Andrew keeps up his cool guy facade for a while, assuming Jean will break first. He does. 
“Would you just look at it?” Jean snarled. Andrew flicked him a cool look before, picking up the paper painstakingly slowly. He held it up to his own face, not bothering to actually read it. “Illiterate too, I see.” Andrew could barely keep the scowl off his face. He squinted at the stack of papers he picked up. 
“Why?” he asked. 
“Our goalkeep is, how you say? A piece of shit.”  
“You’re giving him more credit than he deserves,” Andrew cut in, his lips curling in a sneer. 
“I’m getting tired of being the last line of defense. It’s hard not having anyone to watch your back,” Jean said, shooting a meaningful look at Andrew. He elected to ignore it in favor of taking another drag of his cigarette. Jean muttered something that sounded like a curse before standing up and disappearing back into Abby’s house.
A month later, Jean stepped out of his apartment wondering which horrid little monsters the Cardinals had signed now. Turning towards the stairs, he found his answer waiting for him. 
“There’s no point in both of us driving down there. You make breakfast and I’ll drive,” the gremlin said. It wasn’t an offer or even a demand. He said it as though he were stating a fact. 
“The arrogance of Americans never fails to amaze me,” Jean shot back. 
“You’ve got dual citizenship, Frenchie. I’m sorry to say it, but that makes you one of us.” With that, the little monster turned on his heel and headed down the stairs. Jean muttered a steady stream of curses as he followed Andrew out to the Maserati
Having Andrew on his team is literally the worst. All he ever does is laze around. Sometimes, he’ll just lay down in the middle of the goal and stare at the ceiling. Jean gets a lot of shit for it bc he’s the one that recommended him for the line. It’s the day of their first game and tensions are high at practice when Jean loses his temper. He picks up an exy ball and hurls it at Andrew. Without even looking up, Andrew catches it with one hand. He stands slowly and throws it back so fast that Jean doesn’t have time to react. The ball wedges itself into the grate of his helmet, the force of it knocking him off his feet. Everyone assumes that Andrew isn’t going to play that night or will just be his asshole self but, when Jean finds himself struggling to hold the line, Andrew gets sent out and he’s an absolute monster in the goal. Every shot that comes his way gets deflected all the way down the court. The last goal of the night is made in the final seven seconds when Andrew slams a shot all the way down the court into the opposing goal. It lights up red and the crowd loses their shit. Exhausted, Jean collapses on the floor. 
“It’s hard not having anyone to have your back,” Andrew said as he passed by. By the time Jean found his voice, Andrew was already gone. Catching a ride home with one of the strikers, Jean felt a tightness in his chest. Andrew was an annoyingly lazy little bastard but Jean should have trusted him.
Jean doesn’t know how to apologize. Words are wasted on the likes of Andrew so he says nothing. He wakes early to make breakfast the next morning and says a silent prayer. Andrew is never late to anything but, when 6:30 rolls around and he isn’t there Jean’s heart plummets. He leaves the plate out on the counter while he eats. The ticking of the clock is deafeningly loud. At 6:47 there’s a knock at the door and Jean nearly faceplants in his hurry to answer it. 
“Your food’s gone cold,” Jean blurted out. Andrew turned a glare on him but said nothing as he shouldered his way into the apartment. Dark circles rimmed his eyes. His shoulders sagged, weighed down by exhaustion. There was no way he’d gotten a wink of sleep last night. 
“Moreau,” a voice said from the door. Jean whipped around to see Matt Boyd standing at the door. How he’d missed such a tall person standing in his doorway, Jean didn’t know. “Mind if I come in?” Jean stepped aside and Matt moved in. 
“Are you hungry?” Jean asked, haltingly. Boyd was the starting backliner for the Virginia Cavaliers, a whole state over. What the hell was he doing here? 
“I could eat,” Matt said brightly. He grabbed hold of a chair and dragged it over to where Andrew sat. 
“Not out of my plate,” Andrew snapped when Matt made to steal his eggs. Jean made his way to the kitchen to fix a third plate. From the dining room he could hear Andrew’s voice and Boyd’s laughter. Handing the plate over to him, Jean took his seat at the far end of the table. For the next quarter of an hour, Boyd rambled on about something or the other. If you asked Jean what he’d talked about, he wouldn’t have been able to say. He was far too absorbed in watching Andrew. 
The usual tension that pervaded his form had fallen away. Despite the obvious lack of sleep, Andrew seemed far more relaxed than usual. Every now and again, Jean saw his lips twitch up into the barest hint of a smile. From what he’d heard, Andrew had never had a good relationship with any of his teammates save Josten. But that made sense. Neil was his lover. What was it about Boyd that softened him so much? 
As soon as breakfast was finished and the plates cleaned, Jean disappeared back into his room to grab his phone. By the time he’d returned, both Andrew and Boyd were gone from the dining room. Jean found the pair blocking the open door. He stopped short when he heard Boyd’s voice. 
“I’ve missed you so much, Andy.” His words shook Jean to his core. 
“Yes or no?” Andrew asked quietly. Jean watched in stunned silence as Matt leaned down, mumbling yes a hair’s breadth away from Andrew’s lips. The second the word left his mouth, Andrew closed the distance between them. A soft moan slipped from Boyd’s lips and Jean watched in horror as he tangled his hands in Andrew’s hair. “Stop staring, Moreau,” Andrew said as he broke the kiss. 
“I thought that you and Josten-”
“We are,” Andrew cut in dismissively. “Matt is too.”
“Oh,” was all Jean could think to say. Back at the Nest, there had been no exclusive relationships. While most relationships in the real world weren’t like that, Jean had heard there were still a few. Boyd said his goodbyes before heading down the hall to the back stairwell. Andrew started off in the other direction. Jean had to run after him once he’d locked the door. Neither of them spoke in the car. They never did but there was a weight to the silence now that Jean didn’t know what to do about. A thousand small talk topics flitted through his head but he knew Andrew wouldn’t appreciate any of it so he kept his mouth shut, contenting himself to stare out the window. 
Jean is ready to run by the time that they pull up at the court but he doesn't. He needs to prove that he’s going to have Andrew’s back so he stays with him. 
It’s kind of awkward for a while. Andrew doesn’t like having Jean towering over him from behind bc it makes him feel vulnerable so he’s always really tense. 
The turning point in their relationship is when a striker from another team tries to start a twitter feud with Andrew. He gets asked about it in an interview and the interviewer pulls a Kathy Ferdinand and reveals that the striker is backstage. Jean is sitting with Andrew for the interview and when they try to start shit live on air, Jean snaps. He cuts the striker a new one, roasting them within an inch of their life and the interview is forced to end bc the striker throws a punch. Andrew steps in front of Jean, catching the punch with ease and judo flipping them. 
Neither of them really acknowledge that it happened but, when Andrew comes to breakfast the following Monday, he brings a loaf of sweet bread that he baked over the weekend. 
Things kind of settle after that. Sometimes Andrew leaves recipes for foods he wants and Jean starts filling their silences with something other than the news. He complains about Americans and moons over Jeremy and starts teaching Andrew French too. 
Jean has his own tiktok and most of his vids are of himself cooking and have Andrew reacting at the end but there’s a few subsections tho. One of them is Andrew and Jean and their baking escapades. It’s always super messy. Another is their ‘date nights’. On the weekends, the two of them get a little extra dressed up and go out to sample new restaurants.  They’re both massive foodies so they like to try new restaurants together. Andrew is a surprisingly picky eater and listening to him critic food is the most Jean has ever heard him speak. Platonic dates are actually incredibly nice n more ppl need to indulge in them. 
The final subsection is fashion/makeup. Jean likes to do makeup bc… why not? Sometimes, he manages to convince Andrew to let him be his model and does some really interesting looks on Andrew. Those videos never see the light of day but it’s something they do and it’s very important to Andrew. There’s something very intimate about letting Jean touch his face for hours on end but it also kind of feels nice. Also he loves the way Neil and Matt fawn over him when he skypes them with his makeup done. The fashion videos,  however, do go up. The two of them go to the mall p often and take turns styling each other. They do style challenges too where they’re both given the same horrible item (something like crocs or a really ugly sweater) and they have to make the other person look good in them. 
They do little nice things for each other. When Neil has a game against Bluefield, Jean gets Andrew front row tickets for him and manages to convince Matt to come down too. Andrew learns how to make french pastries that he leaves on Jean’s counter pretty often bc it reminds him of home. He also gets Allison to help him pull some strings and arrange for Jean to spend Christmas break in France with Jeremy. Jean doesn’t cry but he does tear up a little bit. 
Andrew is still a menace and you see that on his tiktok. He rigs ridiculous pranks like setting up a tripwire to dump glue and feather on him or wrapping all his stuff in plastic wrap.
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invaderofdoom · 5 years
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( tooooo tired to do anything else tonight but pls pls pls pls PLS check out THIS POST if ur interested in interacting with me!!! i still owe around 10 things but im slowly catching up so id lov to interact w ppl i havent had the chance to interact with yet!!! i have about 6 replies queued for over the next few days, and you can check my rpthreadtracker to check what i owe/to see if ive queued my reply to you! seeyall!!! )
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qtjeno · 6 years
Boyfriend! Ten Scenarios
i feel like this was requested 10 years ago omg im so sorry shfjaniubfeuioqn also i didnt proof read bcs i just woke up and its like 10 am.
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you would hate ten
like so much
and like tbh he didnt deserve it
and you knew that
but you just did not like him
he was so cocky
and you guys went to the same dance studio
you weren’t extremly serious about dance
but ten was
you thought sometimes he took it too seriously
and like if you were given the chance to punch him, you would have
you guys rarely talked, but you have known him since primary/ elementary school
well,, known of him
he was quiet
but he was one of the kids who moved to the school and immediatly became popular
and he had a set group of friends
and you wanted nothing to do with that group
there was always drama
and someone from the group was always dating a new person every week
on the other end of the table
ten actually highkey lowkey had a crush on you
and luckily for ten
you guys had a mutual friend
johnny was your cousin and was apart of ten’s friend group
the friend group
the one you despised
but you didn’t mind johnny as much
bcs you guys grew up together
and you knew johnny well
so the only time you would willingly be near ten was when you had to talk to johnny
and he would get flustered when you smile or laugh
but he is good at hiding it
eventually johnny caught on
and at lunch he asked ten if he had a crush on you
and he tried to deny it
but johnny isnt an idiot sometimes
so ten eventually gives in
and after that johnny tries to get you to hang out around him more
like he stops you in the halls more often
and ur like ‘what????’
and he says something stupid
“did you know that oreos are v e g a n”
“johnny, i dont care”
just so that you’re near ten
what a good wingman 
but ten is definetly getting teased by johnny
but gradually you start hanging out with johnny more
bcs he stops you every five seconds to talk
so you might as well hang around him
you try your best to avoid him while the school is busy
bcs you dont want to slowly become apart of his friend group
that isn’t your cup of tea
but during free block (study hall) you hang out with johnny, ten, mark, jaehyun, and sometimes lucas
lucas insists on calling it the ‘english squad’ 
you have rejected this
slowly you realize that they aren’t assholes
and that ten isn’t that cocky
he is acually really quiet
and dances really well
also he is cute
ten starts to get more comfortable with you instead of being flustered
and for a while everyone thought you were dating bcs you guys hung around each other so often
and ur like ‘lmao i wish’ in ur head
and your friends were like ‘ i though you hated ‘them’”
so after a while ten gets his goddamn head out of his ass
and ask you out
after johnny got mad at him bcs ten thought that you didn’t like him
i feel like ten asking you out would be really chill
so he asks you to walk with him to the studio one day
and you happily accept, but wonder why the other boys aren’t coming on the walk since you guys usually walk to your destinations after school together
as you walk you both steal glances at each other
until once you catch him when you were trying to look at him
and he starts blushing
and the words “you’re so cute” slips out of your mouth
and he looks stunned
and you get really quiet and can’t look at him
and then he turns you to face him
and he says “you’re cute too”
and kisses your forehead
and that was his kind of way of asking you out i guess???
like you got the message
and after that y’all got more comfy with one another
so he unofficially asked you out
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ooh ten would be so cliche
amusement park dates? yes
cafe dates? yes
park dates? yES
ten is very hyper once you get to know him
sometimes you wonder how he screams so loudly when in public hes so quiet
you swear he is a different person
he would want to make dates the best they could possibly be
especially when he is busy
bcs he feels like he owes it to you
but he is also always down to just sit around at your house and just talk
a lot of the time while you guys are walking to your date destination 
he would just admire you
and you realize and get all nervous
and you have to tell him to stop
and he will have that cute ass smile and ask why
uwu my heart
when you guys are at cafes you probably like to take pics of ur drinks and snacks before yall can eat
and he gets whiny
“y/n LEt mE eAT!”’
‘‘GiVE mE a MinUtE thE LighTinG isNt RIGHT!!”
i dont think he would mind pda that much
bcs hes a flirt as it is
and he would always have his arm around you
and he would always hug you whenever he felt like it lmao
a lot of the time yall just go on quick dates after dance practice
maybe just go to a small restraunt
or a convenience store and make some ramen
he is such a softie
he probably likes to squish your cheeks and then peck your lips
you probably go to his dance comps
and he goes to yours
but youre literally out here screaming
bcs did you see that?!
you see that??!!!?!?!
The Best Moments
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did someone say THE legendary dance couple
yea they did
i know
because it was me
your dance studio probably has a youtube channel
kinda like 1 million dance studio
and everyone @ the nct dance academy posts on it when they cover choreos or make original choreos
and so you and ten often do dances together
and ppl deadass probably stan yall
like who yall stan in nda
lmao ten and y/n, how bout u
catch yall covering trouble maker
wow legends
yall are probably around the same height
bcs ten aint that tall
so youre just the right height to smack him on the back of the head when he makes an inapropriate joke
also fruits?
bcs i guess fruits are s c a r y
and he refuses to tell you why
but you respect him
and your like
“fine ill just take the strawberries back to my place”
you probably ocassionally stay up late
and he’ll text you
“you up?”
and you’ll say yea
and he’ll ask you if he can come over bcs it was a really long day and he wants to see you
and thatll make your heart ache
bcs ur literal sweet uwu baby boy wants to see you
and when he comes over he immdeiatly hugs you
and you can see the exhaustion in his face
and so yoou guys just cuddle in bed
and he rants to you about his problems 
and you listen while you run your hands through his hair
uwu my heart
uwu his heart
uwu your heart
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Just One Dance Pt. 1 (Peter Parker Imagine)
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request: “Can you do an imagine with Peter and Reader where they are just messing around until te reader says "I will give you 50 bucks if I can take you to Christmas dinner and tell my family we're together.They always ask if I'm dating and I can't have that conversation again." Peter says yes they go they do a great job but Peter ends up liking her she does to and they end up a relationship. Sorry it us so long thanks you ! Love your writing!!!” (requested by anon)
short summary: after you find yourself making a hasty bet with flash about getting a date for homecoming, you need Peter to help keep your end of the bargain. (this will be a multipart series partly bc i’m tired and partly bc i wanna develop this more)
length: 2k words 
warnings: some swearing & it’s so teen angsty i’m sorry i truly am aaaa sorry 
A/N: i kinda loosely followed the request bc like it really gave off a “im in my mid-20s and my old fashioned ass fam thinks ppl need to be married by now” so i kinda edited a bit to be more realistic amongst teens hope it worked soz it’s short but it’s gonna be a series
You were always stubborn. A lot of people called you a bitch for it, but you just called it taking no shit from anyone, and never backing down from a challenge.
So when Flash started running his big mouth during homeroom at your expense, it took everything in you not to smack him in the face. You tried to ignore it at first, as you worked on your calculus homework, you truly did. But Flash always liked to get a rise out of you because he knew he could get under your skin.
“And here we are, a mere 48 hours before homecoming, and a true tragedy lays in our midst. The resident ice queen, Y/N, is the only one in the school without a date,” Flash said dramatically to his group of friends.
Rolling your eyes and immersing yourself in the world of integrals, you gritted your teeth and tried to tune him out like you usually do. But he wasn’t finished.
“I mean, it’s a miracle that she hasn’t frozen the entire student body with her gaze like Elsa or some shit,” he joked. His group of friends laughed at his lame joke as you dropped your pencil on your homework.
“Why don’t you just shut it Flash?” you said, a death glare making its way onto your face.
“If that’s your special, twisted way of asking me out I’m gonna have to say no, babe,” Flash said with a smirk on his face. You glared at him with disgust.
“As if I’d want to take your ratty ass to homecoming. I think I would actually rather be run over by a bus. It really does sound like a more pleasant time,” you fired back.
“I doubt you could even get anyone to go to homecoming with you even if you tried. Everyone’s too scared to come within 10 feet of you anyway aside from Michelle, you’re worse than the plague,” he said with a mock shudder.
“Way to use an outdated joke from the 1400s,” you muttered with a dismissive wave.
"Still doesn’t change the fact that nobody would dare to go to homecoming with you,” he sneered. You scoffed.
“Please, it’d be much easier for me to get a date than you. At least I wouldn’t have to beg and plead someone like you did.” Flash’s confident demeanor slightly wavered for a moment before he quickly regained his cocky attitude.
“Alright then, Y/L/N, if you can somehow get some actual creature that goes to our school to go to homecoming with you, this $100 bill in my wallet is yours. And if you fail, you owe me $100,” Flash said with a wicked grin, his hand outstretched to shake in order to seal the deal. “And Michelle doesn’t count.”
You ignored it and merely nodded, determination in your eyes. “You’re on, Thompson.”
The bell rang signaling the end of homeroom, and you shoved your abandoned calculus homework into your backpack. Shooting one last glare at Flash, you exited the room and moved through the masses in the hallway to make it to your next class.
When you got to PE at the end of the day, Coach Wilson had everyone pair off to do sit ups. You naturally gravitated towards Michelle, one of your few friends and one of the few people that wasn’t immediately put off by your less than sunny exterior.
The two of you had a silent agreement to always stick to the far right corner of the gym, where Coach Wilson never seemed to look, so you could just sit and do nothing in peace. Some days the two of you would talk, other days you’d leave Michelle to her book and you’d do some homework. Today was a day for talking.
“Did you finish the calculus homework for tomorrow?” you asked Michelle. She nodded.
“Barely,” Michelle replied with a roll of her eyes. “This homework’s getting more and more ridiculous.” she said with a shake of her head.
The small talk continued for a few more minutes before you felt the need to bring up your small, somewhat expensive dilemma.
“So I need a date to homecoming,” you sighed. Michelle raised one of her eyebrows in curiosity.
“I made a stupid bet with Flash and to make a long story short I need a date for Friday or I’m about to be $100 poorer than usual,” you said with a grimace.
“You never do back down from a challenge do you?” Michelle asked with a grimace. “I’ll go as your date, problem solved.”
You shook your head. “Terms of the bet, I can’t take you. Has to be somebody else.” Michelle looked at you pensively, then took a brief scan of the students in the gym.
You layed down on your back, fiddling with a loose thread on your shorts as Michelle continued her search. You’d been thinking of available, decent people and drawing up a mental list, but kept running into a wall. Brandon from Chemistry had the flu. Paula from English already had a date. And so on with differing excuses for each person.
“What about Peter?” Michelle suggested after a period of silence. You raised yourself up into a sitting position.
“Parker?” you asked slowly. Michelle nodded at you, gesturing her head in his general direction. He was partnered up with his friend Ned, doing a set of sit ups with ease. You cocked your head to the side wondering when the shy nerd had bulked up as the rest of the class struggled.
“Really?” you asked, considering it for a moment. He was alright if your memory served well, but you’ve never actually had a conversation with him, or seen him outside of any of the classes you had together.
“Yes, really,” Michelle replied. “He doesn’t have a date, and Ned does, so he’d be awkwardly third wheeling the whole time. And everyone knows he’s been pining after Liz, but she’s already got a date. So that sort of leaves him at a stalemate,” she explained.
You bit the inside of your cheek as you considered your other options. You sure as hell weren’t asking any upperclassmen or any freshmen for that matter, and out of the sophomores your options were very limited. And out of those options, Michelle was right. Peter did seem to be the most desirable candidate, if you could even call him that.
“I guess I’ll ask him,” you said, slightly defeated. It wasn’t as if you had a real problem with Peter, but he wasn’t exactly the type of person you saw yourself hanging out with. In fact, you couldn’t remember if the two of you had even held a conversation before. But by the end of gym class you strengthened your resolve, and told Michelle you’d meet her at her locker afterwards so the two of you could catch the train together.
Peter was huddled closely by Ned, the two of them deep in conversation as they made their way out of the gym. You jogged a bit to catch up to them, doing a miniature prayer to the gods that Peter would say yes to your request.
“Hey, Parker,” you called out confidently. Inside you were quaking a bit, but you ignored it as you saw both his and Ned’s heads turn around in confusion.
“Y/N?” Peter asked carefully, his best friend standing silently next to him. He looked around as if there was some possibility that you were talking to somebody else.
“Yeah, I’m talking to you,” you said with a slight laugh as he finally made eye contact with you. Now that you had his attention, the words seemed to be stuck on your tongue. You’d never actually asked anyone out before and it was proving to be harder than you anticipated.
Peter saw your worried facial expression. “Is everything alright? You don’t look too well,” he started. His eyes widened for a moment. “Not that you look ugly or anything, honestly on the contrary you’re very pretty.” His eyes widened again as Ned hit him softly on the arm, a signal to tell him to stop talking. 
You didn’t even register his stumbled, scattered response as you tried to get the words out of your mouth. You were normally confident in anything and everything you set your mind to, but right now it felt like there was word vomit in your mouth itching to break free but couldn’t. Another awkward pause ensued until the words came barreling out of your mouth at a rapid pace.
“This is probably going to sound really stupid and you’ll probably say no or something but would you possibly maybe kind of, sort of want to go to homecoming with me?” you said quickly, all in one breath. Your face turned beet red as you awaited a response from him.
He cocked his head quizzically as did Ned, who was still standing next to him. 
“W-what?” he asked, not quite hearing everything that you said. He made out the word “homecoming,” but he wanted to make sure that you were actually asking him out.
“Did you want to go to homecoming with me? If you don’t have a date already,” you inquired, a bit slower this time. His mouth opened and closed a few times, an adorable smile making its way onto his features before he could formulate a proper response in English.
“I, uh,” he started slowly. You were hanging on to his every word, it felt like an out of body experience to be this nervous. Your tough exterior was whittling in the face of adversity, something that rarely happened, especially where feelings were concerned. 
“He would love to,” Ned finished for him. Peter nodded quickly and gave you a thumbs up as he shot a grateful look at his best friend. Relief flooded your features.
“Okay,” you said softly. He nodded again and gave you a grin. Ned looked like he was ready to burst with excitement.
“I’ll see you tomorrow then?” He nodded at you again as Ned started to lead him away towards the boys locker room to change.
You gave him a small nervous smile as he shyly waved at you while walking away. As soon as Ned thought they were out of earshot, he let out a triumphant yelp and started shaking Peter by the shoulders.
“Dude, you actually have a date for homecoming!” he all but squealed. You heard every word of it, but decided not to call either of them out on it as you exited on the opposite end of the gym. Peter muttered something in response, but you couldn’t make out what exactly he said. Even though it was an impromptu proposal, you were still kind of...excited at the prospect of going with him? 
As you opened the double doors to walk the path to your locker, Michelle was waiting for you on the other side instead of at her locker.
“You saw and heard everything didn’t you?” you asked her. She nodded. You rolled your eyes, not surprised that your ever observant best friend had stuck around to see you make a fool of yourself firsthand. She’d never judge you or call you out on it though.
“Why didn’t you tell him it was a bet?” she asked you, a slight frown gracing her face. You stopped walking as you realized what you had just done. 
“It didn’t...come up?” you offered. You truly hadn’t meant to keep that a secret from Peter, but in the midst of your nerves that was exactly what happened. Your heart started to drop a bit as you thought about how excited Ned looked, and how flustered Peter was when he accepted.
“I didn’t mean to not tell him,” you trailed awkwardly. “I’ll tell him next time I see him,” you finished with certainty. Michelle gave you a look.
“You know it’ll be a lot harder to tell him later rather than doing so when you asked him?” she explained. You gave her a pointed look.
“Of course I know that, like I said it wasn’t intentional to leave out the fact that I was asking him because of a bet,” you said defensively. Michelle put up her hands in a mock surrender as the two of you made your way down the empty hallways.
“I’ll tell him tomorrow,” you promised out loud, more so to yourself than to your best friend.
permanent tag list: @searvhing @curly-haired-crisp @werido-fangirl @dreaming-of-the-lost @nightviolet @sunshine-raee @bitsyb21 @naybeirao @thespidersman @themusicorthemisery @call-me-tears @ephemereal @spooder-tom @buckysbumpkin @pvnksy
sorry the beginning kinda sucked and also so did all of this but anyway lmk what u think & pls feel free to berate me LOL if u wanna be on my permanent tag list lmk and i’ll post part 2 when i get the time to write it love u guys
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master--wayne13 · 7 years
Picture This.. One Day You're Minding Your Business Right.. All Of A Sudden Comes This Young Man.. You Don't Really Pay Any Attention To Him 4real Cuz You Not Interested.. Well Eventually He Gets Your Attention Because, Well, You Have His.. Y'all Get Along Just Smoothly. Probably Cuz Y'all Infatuated With Each Other Or Whatever.. He Tells You He Don't Do Relationships Cuz Of His Last One, Ok Cool, That's Fine.. So Y'all Eventually Talk All The Time, See Each Other All The Time. Y'all Got This Dope Ass Bond. This Shit Carries On For Couple Months.. Then Some Shit With Ya Boyfriend Happens & He Stops Talking To You For A Couple Months.. So Eventually He Talks To You Again, But At First He Makes It Seem Like It Was Yo Fault That Y'all Wasn't Talking.. Lil Flirty Kinda Shit.. So Eventually, Y'all Start Hanging Out Again & This Time, It's Wayyy More Than Before.. Like From Couple Hours Everyday To Like 24/7 Type Shit.. Everywhere One Went, The Other Went Just About.. You Break Up With Your Boyfriend Because This Young Man Became Like Your Bestfriend.. Everything Your Boyfriend Wasn't Doing, He Willingly Did.. & Not Even In A Sexual Sense.. He Was Just An Amazing Sweetheart.. You Loved This Man With Damn Near Everything In You.. The Sex Was Amazing.. Damn Near Liked The Same Shit.. Y'all Bond Was The Shit.. But He Would Lie About Petty Shit For Whatever Reason.. Then Some MORE Bullshit Happens Because Of A Fuckboy & He Stops Fucking With You AGAIN Because Of Some Old Shit.. But Of Course He Comes Back Around Again.. & Y'all Hang Heavy.. Ya Birthday Comes Up & He Gets You Something He Saw You Eyeing In The Store.. It's Amazing..
Then Boom.. He Slowly Backs Away.. Stops Texting You Back.. Then Just Ignores You Altogether Honestly.. So Y'all Don't Talk For A Couple Days.. He Calls You Saying He Misses You & Wanted To See You Before He Left For A Trip.. You Get There & Then He Barely Talks To You.. Don't Even Sit Near You. So You Leave, You Don't Wanna Stick Around Somebody That Acting Like That Towards You. Couple Days Go By & He Eventually Tells You "I Have A Girlfriend, I Hope We Can Still Be Friends.." You Respond *Hours Later* "Sure, We Can." Why? You Ask, Because At This Point, You No Longer Had Feelings For Him.. You Looked At Him As More Of An Extremely Close Friend.. Like You Felt, Well Thought That Friendship Meant Something To You.. Couple Days Go By & He Texts You Basically Saying To Stop Talking To Him & Y'all Can't Be Friends Anymore..
Have You Ever Been At Work & Felt Your Heart Drop? Have You Ever Been Told Some Extremely Heartbreaking Shit WHILE AT WORK?! Not Something You Wanna Experience..
Wanna Know What It's Called When You Lose What You Felt Was Like A Best Friend? The End Of The World......... Or At Least That's What It Feels Like... 😕
It Was Like A Slap In The Face.. How Could Somebody You Loved So Much Do Such A Thing? What On Earth Would Make Them Do Something So Hurtful To You? Tragic Right..
So You Immediately Distance Yourself.. From Just About Everybody.. You Get High Damn Near Everyday To Try & Forget Everything.. You Try Entertaining Ppl & It Never Makes It Past The Texting Stage.. He Still Texts Or Calls From Time To Time & You Still See Him Around.. It Got Easier To Let Go.. Fast Forward Thru The Year, You Eventually Give A Chance To This Guy That's Been Liking You For A While.. That Shit Was Going Smoothly Til It Wasn't Anymore.. It Was An On & Off Thing For A Couple Months Cuz He Was Always Busy.. Then He Got To Ignoring You & You Were Over It..
THEN, You Meet This New Guy.. He Knows Who You Are But You Don't Know Him.. And Of Course That Excites You. You're Asking Around Like Who Is That?! On The Inside You're Like I HAVE To Get This Mans Number Before He Leaves.. And With The Help Of Friends, You Get It.. Hella Excitement! So Couple Days Go Buy & He Asks To Hang Out.. So Yall Chill.. It's Cool.. Thats That.. Something Crazy Happens To You & He's More Concerned Than Your Parents Were.. (Crazy Right).. You Get Home, He Comes Rushing.. Spends Time With You, Looks After You, Just A Goddamn Sweetheart.. Whatever.. Y'all Start Hanging Out Heavy.. He Comes Over Before & After Work.. He Introduces You To His Son, Who You We're Nervous About Meeting In The First Place!! He Pops Up At Your House Just To Hang Out, Y'all Chill & Watch Movies All Day, Sex Is Thee Bomb Dot Com, You Start To Form A Bond.. He's A Bomb Dad.. He Likes You, You Like Him.. Y'all Go On Dates & Double Dates & Shit.. He Pays For Shit.. Real CUTE Shit..
Then Boom.. He Doesn't Really Reply To You Anymore.. 🤔 What Happened.? 🤷 So You Just Confused.. Then, He Shows Up To Your House Drunk, Telling You How Much He Misses You & All This Mess.. So Y'all Start Talking Again Blah Blah.. He Also Tells You He Doesn't Want A Relationship.. This Time Hearing That, It Hurt You A Little Bit But You're Like Whatever, That's Cool, Me Either.. You'd Rather Have A Friend First Anyway.. So Fast Forward There Was Some Shit Going On In Your Household So Y'all Talked About Moving In Together Because He Wanted A Roommate & You Wanted To Move Out.. Cool.. Fast Forward Couple More Months.. Y'all Live Together Now And It's LIT.. Sex When You Want It.. Somebody Who Hugs You When You Come Home Or They Get Home.. Somebody Whose Presence Alone Is Just Greatness.. Y'all Don't Get Into It About Anything Cuz Damn Near Everything Is Done Together.. Then One Day He Tells You, "We Can't Do This Anymore.. My Girlfriend Would Be Disappointed.."
*sigh* What? Alrighty Then.. So Now Your Mind Is All Over The Place.. How Long Has He Had A Girlfriend, Why Didn't He Say Something A While Ago, Just All Type Of Shit.. So You Ask If He's Serious Or Just Being Petty......... He's Serious.. Whaaaaat?? None Of This Makes Sense To You.. Somebody Who Was Just Preaching About Not Wanting A Relationship & Never Getting Married, Gets A Girlfriend Out Of The Blue.. Make That Make Sense.. Your Feelings Are Hurt Of Course Because You Obviously Considered Y'all To Be Friends. I Mean He Let You Be His Roommate, Y'all Gotta Be Friends Right? So You Have Your Moment(s) Or Whatever Cuz You're An Overthinking Emotional Wreck.. But You Pull Yourself Together.. You Ask Questions Blah Blah Blah.. So You Pull Yourself Away.. What Else Is There To Do When The Person You Spent Hella Time With, Gets A Girlfriend.? He Takes It As You Having An Attitude.. He Basically Tells You Your Feelings Shouldn't Be Hurt Cuz He Don't Owe You Any Loyalty, Mmmk.. Then Tells You The Attitude You Have Towards Him Is "Not Fair".. Shame.. But Before This, You Got Info That He Doesn't Have A Girlfriend. 😦😦 Whaaaaa?? He Found Himself Catching Feelings & He's Supposedly Distancing Himself.. Is That A Pride Thing Orrrrrrrrr??? But He's Still Saying He Has A Girlfriend.. So Now, You're Not Quite Sure What To Believe.. Cuz None Of It Makes Sense Anymore..
Remember That "End Of The World" Feeling.. Yeah.. That Shit Hit Again.. Hard.. When Ppl You Consider Close Friends And Somebody You Care About Break Your Heart, It's A Different Kind Of Hurt.. Only This Time, You're Not Gonna Let It Get To You Because You Have To See This Man Everyday.. And You've Experienced This Before So You Should Know How It Works By Now..
Not Only That, You're A Fucking Adult Who Made A Decision. You Put Yourself In A Position & Now You Have To Deal With It.. You Can't Be A Baby Anymore & Run From Every Problem..
Seeing This Makes You Sound Dumb For Sticking Thru Any Of It, Right? But You Cared So Much About People Who Kept Hurting You? Why? Did You Think You Were Helping Them? Were They Using You? You'll Never Know.. But, You'll Get It Together.. Trust Me..
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bnha-hcs · 7 years
hiii could i pls get a SFW todoroki x female scenario with like, 10 minute sun heaven? you know the closet game where ppl get matched up randomly to spend 10 min in a dark closet. but neither have confessed to each other and they end up doing that? smth fluffy like that. thanks!!!!
Gods is anyone on here old enough to remember the olden days on quizilla where there were like a million 7 minutes in heaven quiz things per series and they were all super obvious questions and answers in order to get your favorite like:
What’s your favorite color? 
- green
- explosions
- pink!!! ^ _ ^
- the inevitable death of my father
bc I just got the weirdest flashbacks to those omg lkajsda. Anywho, thanks for the throw back to those iconic times anon
Everyone was situated on the floor of the main room, snacks and drinks were strewn about around the couches and scattered amoung the circle of people on the floor. Looking around you could see a wide arrange of expressions plastered on everyone’s faces. Embarrassment, regret, anger, sadness, excitement, and a few neutral but worried expressions. You were feeling pretty much all of these emotions at once and your heart felt like it might explode as Kaminari placed the hat in the middle of the circle of teenagers. Maybe you could get out of this by passing out… You’d laugh about it if it wasn’t something that could legitimately happen. You checked your phone absentmindedly to try and disperse these rapidly approaching feelings of nervousness. 
Someone to your left had bumped into but you ignored it trying to focus on some sort of game on your phone. It wasn’t until they bumped you again did you turn to look at them. You perked up seeing it was just Ochako and realized that those bumps were her trying to get your attention. She offered you a smile and nudged you again trying to get you to follow her eyes to someone. You squinted at her not being able to follow her trail of thought. It suddenly clicked after a few moments and you slowly looked in the direction her eyes were leading you. You squeaked catching none other than Todoroki looking at you. His eyes met with yours but you immediately broke your gaze to look back at your phone. You heard Ochako snicker by your side and you wondered if it was too late to cop out of this. 
A hat was shoved into your face a moment later and you gingerly took one of the folded pieces of paper inside of it. The hat was passed on as you unfolded the paper to reveal the number one. Son of a bitch. You were going to have to go first which meant you would have to most opportunity to be stuck in a closet with someone you didn’t feel like sharing your personal space with. Groaning you pinched the bridge of your nose and glanced over at Ochako who was busy talking to Midoriya. She hadn’t looked at her piece of paper yet leaving you to sigh and fiddle with the corners of yours. Suddenly Kaminari spoke up to briefly go over the rules with a smug smile on his face. You rolled your eyes.
“Okay, which pair has number one?” He asked to the circle of teenagers. Your heart practically jumped out of your chest when you saw the duo haired boy across from you raise his hand. Swallowing hard you raised you hand as well leaving your classmates to coo, wolf whistle, and make whatever other noises they thought fit to make. 
The words, “unspoken mutual attraction,” could sum up your relationship with Todoroki pretty well. But you didn’t know that he liked you and he didn’t know that you liked him. So the two of you were a mess with each other most of the time when placed in the same group. He could keep his cool better than you, although he was too aloof to really notice your cheeks dusting with pink whenever he was around. So while you walked with him to the appointed closet you couldn’t help but notice that he was as calm as always. All you could do was nervously trail behind him until you were suddenly shoved into his back and into the cramped closet. 
“Have fun you two!” Kaminari said coyly before slamming the door. 
“Ah, are you okay? Sorry, someone shoved me.” You said trying to make space between the two of you. With a squeak you stumbled back and hit the door with a thud. For a second you could have sworn you felt your soul leaving your body and you would have rather that happen than embarrass yourself any further. 
“I’m fine. Did you hit your head?” Todoroki asked. You heard him shuffle around and could barely make out his face in the darkness as he turned around to face you. 
“Yeah I hit my head, but it’s not anything bad I promise.” You laughed lightly trying to break the awkwardness. “Though we can’t really do much about it now.”
Silence fell of the two of you for a few moments making you acutely aware of just how loud and fast your heartbeat was. You didn’t have much time to wonder if he could tell of you were nervous because you suddenly felt his arms wrap around your waist and tug you towards him. His name fell from your lips shakily while your hands flew up to press against his chest. Such a bold action was uncharacteristic of him and you definitely weren’t expecting this to happen. 
“(Y/n), I have something to confess.” He murmured. Oh man, your face felt like it was on fire and you swore he could probably feel the heat radiating off your face. Your ears burned and your heartbeat seemed to have gotten louder in your ears. 
“Y-yes? What is it Todoroki?” You stammered. The male paused before continuing on while you felt like you could scream from the anticipation.
“I realized that I have feelings for you…” He said slowly almost like he was trying to carefully choose his words. “Will you be by my side?”
About a thousand thoughts were racing through your head. Was this him asking you to be his girlfriend? Is this really happening? Should you just kiss him now or actually verbally reciprocate his feelings? You felt his grip on your waist loosen as if he had suddenly lost his edge. In a panic you reached up and pulled his face down to kiss him. He tensed up for a second obviously surprised by your sudden move. After a few seconds his grip on you tightened and he relaxed into the kiss. Pulling away you got a glimpse of his face before you looked away, face even hotter than before. 
“Sorry I hesitated, I just wasn’t sure how to return your feelings so I just…” You trailed off into a pause and then cleared your throat before you continued. “But yes, I’d love to be by your side.”
There was a comfortable silence between the two of you until you started to drift towards each other for one more kiss. Fate had different plans, however, and the door swung open the second your lips connected. You pulled away immediately letting out a startled noise and almost fell over the closet supplies again. Looking up you saw Kaminari with the stupidest grin on his face before he called out to the others. 
“Hah! You owe me 2000 yen Kirishima!” He yelled. The red haired boy responded with a whine while the others laughed and made a ruckus such as teenagers do. You could only hide your face in your hands as you walked out of the closet and back to the circle of your classmates Todoroki in tow. When you sat down with your newly found partner you saw Ochako shoot you a smug look leaving you to roll your eyes and move to try and hide your flushed face. Love is hard…
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blatherkatt · 7 years
Title: The Calm Is Terrifying When The Storm Is All You Know [Homestuck]
Chapter 13: Two Months Slip By 
Summary: There were two kinds of trolls who went to Earth: rich shitheads with too much money and free time, and desperate assholes who couldn’t survive on Alternia, even with the best efforts of the young Condesce. Karkat hated the planet almost immediately, but with his home planet too dangerous for mutants, he really didn’t have any choice but to hide out on this weird little diurnal planet. At least he’d be safe. Or so he thought, right before blundering his way into an accidental friendship with the son of an anti-troll terrorist.
Rating: M
Chapter Warnings: Mentions of abuse and neglect, blood (minor), Dave has a lot of scars on his arms that are not from self harm but i wanna warn ppl anyway, substance (alcohol) abuse, (drunken) mentions of war and death, description of Alternian bigotry; Illustrated 
Slowly, uncomfortably, with the grace of a cat forcing itself into a too-small box, routine settled in. Time passed.
The routine was simple enough: Five out of seven days of the week, Dirk, Rose, and Rachel would be away most of the day. Dirk would drive Rose to school and drop Rachel off…somewhere; no one but Rachel herself seemed to know what Rachel actually did in terms of a job. Rose, acting on Roxy’s advice, gave Dave a bit more space, which he mostly used to continue holing himself away. Still, he began showing up and joining the rest of the family for dinner, most nights, albeit saying very little. After school, Rose would talk with Kanaya. Karkat usually tried to spend time with Dave during the day when the rest of the family was absent, sometimes with Kanaya tagging along.
Dirk and Rose switched between dealing with dinner, and often Dirk would just pick something up on the way home. One night, somehow, the conversation drifted to the invasion. Rachel, hitting the wine a bit heavy, had started talking about The Good Old Days, making both the trolls visibly uncomfortable, but Rose was too curious to tell her to stop, and Dirk could rarely bring himself to be harsh with his mother when she got like this. She was lonely, he knew, and it was hard to hold it against her. Even when she started talking about Derek.
“He wasn’t always such a…he wasn’t always so bad,” Mom cut in. “I mean, he was always pretty intense, yeah, but he was, he was good once, he could be sweet and he cared, and…”
“Okay, sure,” Rose said, the disbelief in his voice matching Dirk’s own private thoughts on the matter. “I believe that about as much as I believe you used to be considered frightening.”
“More ’n frightening, Rosie,” said Mom, with a grin. “I was a fucking terror. Used to — they used to all gossip, ‘bout that Rachel Lalonde, how she’d kill you before you even knew what hit ya, just, bam, dead!  That was my job, picking ‘em off from a distance, and I’d sometimes have ‘em so scared that all you could see of ‘em was the big horns pokin’ out behind whatever cover they could find.”
Karkat gulped. Mom sighed and leaned back, swirling her glass. “Ramona had her own way of dealing with ‘em, but she scares just about everyone, enemy or not, and of course Derek’d be leading the charge for everyone fighting up close, with Benji always right on his heels.”
Dave coughed. Dirk flicked his eyes over, but Dave quickly recovered after taking a sip of apple juice.
“We had a system,” Mom went on. “Me and Ramona and Derek were young, but everyone we’d managed to get together in that mall trusted us to take charge, because we were good at it, and we only had a few people die during that whole six years. We were quite the little oddball family, we were…”  Mom chuckled humorously, looking at the dark red wine in her glass with a heaviness in her eyes. “Would y’look at me,” she said, “nostalgic over a damn war.”
Dave shifted again.
“Why?” Karkat said, breaking through his own obvious discomfort at the topic. “It sounded like the fighting was fucking awful!”
“It was,” Rachel sighed. “But…but we were a family, the four of us.” She snorted slightly. “Well, five if you count Ben, I guess. We all lost our parents, although I never did get the story behind what happened to the Strider boys’ folks, they never talked about it, but. We were all kids — well, Ramona was more of an adult, and she already had Roxy, but still — we, we all had each other, and we were doing okay, even if it was a war. And then…and then, and then, just.” She took a sip of her wine. “Then poor Dave died, and with him gone, everything fell apart…”
“Um,” said Kanaya.
“Wait, what?” said Karkat.
“Okay, Mom,” Dirk said, “I think you’ve probably had enough wine for tonight.”
Rose was about to add her own comment, when Dave spoke up. “She isn’t talking about me,” he said, softly. Mom shook her head.
“Nooo, not you, baby,” she said. “Derek’s li’l bro, he was named Dave. We named you after him.” She blinked, then looked at Dave. “You know about him?” she said. Dave nodded.
“B-uh, I mean Br-fuck, Dad talked about him sometimes when he was drunk, yeah,” Dave said. Dirk narrowed his eyes. Something about the way he stumbled across that sentence felt like he wasn’t getting the full story, but for now Dirk let it slide. Roxy’d said to be patient, so he’d wait for the rest to come out when Dave was ready.
Instead, he turned to Mom. “We have an uncle?”
“Had,” she said, rubbing at one eye as though fighting back tears. “Had, sweetheart. I never - I don’t talk about him, I know, I’m sorry, I shoulda mentioned him before…he was…he was such a good kid, he didn’t deserve what happened to him at all, and he died and…ugh.”
She took another long sip of wine. “When I was about three months pregnant with you two,” she said, gesturing at Dave and Rose, “s’ when it happened. And…and poor Derek, he was never the same after, he wouldn’t let me in anymore, and, and I don’t know what I did wrong, nevermind if he loved me or not, I couldn’t even get through to him as a friend afterward. And when you two were born, and one of you was a boy, I thought, I, well, might as well name one after Dave, maybe help save his memory? Maybe it was a bad idea, Derek went real quiet when I suggested it, I don’t know…”
“What the fuck is an uncle,” Karkat whispered to Kanaya, a bit too loud. Dave snorted quietly.
Rose tapped her fingers gently against her leg. “Why haven’t you mentioned him to us before now?”
“I don’t like thinking about him, honey,” Mom whined. “It makes me — it’s so sad, he was such a— he was such a good friend, and he did so much to help us all out in the mall, and he didn’t, he didn’t deserve what happened to him at all.” She was actively weeping, now, tears cutting messy trails through her makeup and landing in her wine glass.
“I really think you’ve had enough to drink, Mom,” Dirk said, as gentle as he could manage.
“There’s not enough booze in the world to drown all my sorrows, hun,” was her reply.
“And now you know what I mean when I say I’m all Bro’s got,” Dave said.
He’d just finished answering some questions Karkat had had regarding the ‘uncle,’ Dave’s namesake. Rachel’s story had been…hard to follow. Karkat still felt pretty fucking strongly that Strider didn’t deserve Dave by a long shot, but he guessed he could kind of understand why Dave felt like he had to stay. It was a shitty reason, sure, but guilt was a bitch like that.
“I still think it’s a pretty dumb thing to say,” Karkat grumbled, “and you really don’t fucking owe anything to some asshole who got himself killed before you were born, but whatever, sure, fine, you’ve got some weird obligation because family. He’s got that other guy, though, doesn’t he?”
Dave snickered, catching Karkat by surprise. “Yeah, I can’t believe his full name’s fucking— uh, shit, nevermind, forget I said anything,” he said, hurriedly.
“No, what? Where were you going with that?”
“Nowhere, man, it was stupid, don’t worry about it. C’mon, man, lemme have some fuckin’ secrets. Fuck knows you’re private as hell, you don’t get to read my diary and keep yours under lock in Fort goddamned Knox. Gotta at least let me catch a peek if you wanna know anything else.”
“Fine,” Karkat said, sitting down cross-legged with a grunt. They were in Karkat’s room, Dave laying on the floor with his legs awkwardly propped up on the bed. He looked fucking ridiculous, especially when he tried to twist to look at Karkat.
“Fine, as in fair trade you fucking imbecile,” said Karkat. “Go on, ask me a question from my weird human diary, whatever the fuck that is. Go on, hit me.”
(No, pump biscuit, this was not a pale thing, shut up. It was some sort of weird human diary swapping ritual, or something. Nothing pale about it. Besides, Dave had sort of revealed that whole thing about getting caught with his phone a while before, and Karkat still felt sort of weird about the one-sidedness.)
“Well, uh…shit, okay, been wondering this for a while. I know you’re like, a space refugee and shit, but I don’t really get why, so. There’s my question, I guess, why’d you come to Earth?”
Karkat took a deep breath. Okay, he should’ve seen that coming. He could probably back out, right? He could just say that wasn’t something he wanted to talk about?
Except, Dave had opened up to him before, and it was obvious he wouldn’t open up to anyone else. And…Okay, yeah, maybe he did have a very slight pale crush, and if Dave was so determined to pale flirt with him, then so be it.
He took a long, thoughtful pause, before finally asking, “How much do you actually know about the hemospectrum?”
Dave tipped his head. “Are you leadin’ up to something, or are you tryin’ to change the subject? Cuz if you don’t wanna answer, man, you can just fuckin’ say so—“
“Dave, if you really haven’t realized by now that if I wanted you to stop asking, I would have told you to shove it up your waste chute, then you haven’t been paying attention. Trust me, I’m asking because it’s relevant.”
“A’ight.” Dave shifted. “Uh, hemospectrum, lemme think…it sure is a thing that fuckin’ exists.” Karkat groaned. “I know it’s about your blood, right?” Dave continued. “How it’s all in weird colors and some of y’all are really weird about it?”
“It’s not just a ‘weird thing,’ you culturally insensitive ignoramus,” Karkat said gently. “It’s everything on our planet. Your blood color has everything to do with who you can be, not to mention how long you’ll live and what you’re capable of. Different colors tend to have different abilities, psychic powers and so on, and the higher on the hemospectrum you are, the longer you’ll live and the better off you are in society. At the bottom are rust bloods, and at the top are the super rare fuschia bloods, who compete for the position of Emperor or Empress. Usually Empress, honestly. I’ve never heard of us having an Emperor.”
“Okay, and?”
“And under the old Condesce, culling was really common and the spectrum was super harshly fucking enforced. Highbloods could kill lowbloods with no punishment, and anyone who was deemed too weak could just be taken out, end of discussion. And then the new Empress took over, and started making changes. They’ve been implemented slowly, which is probably good, but it’s clear she was always intending on moving this way. No more culling, highbloods have to treat lowbloods with more respect, those who are better off should try to help those who need it, and so on and so forth.”
“That…that sounds pretty decent,” Dave said. “So, wait, then, if the new head honcho’s doin’ tryin’ to set things right, why are so many trolls running away from Alternia?”
“Because a lot of the highbloods there are really not fucking happy about these new changes.”
“Oh, shit.”
“Yeah. They’re taking things into their own hands, claiming the Empress is weak and seeking out ‘cull-bait’ themselves. The Empress is doing everything she can to stop them, but it’s a really big fucking planet, and there’s a lot of highbloods and even some midbloods who are doing this shit. She hasn’t been able to catch all of them. And even the ones who aren’t actively hunting lowbloods and cullbait, they’re just as awful to those people as they’ve always been. You have to understand, Dave,” Karkat said, his eyes serious, “highbloods live a really long fucking time. A ton of these bastards have been around way longer than the oldest lowblood, and they’re not willing to change. So, yeah, Alternia’s been getting better, but at the same time it’s also gotten a lot worse, because it’s so dangerous and so many other people in power besides the Empress just don’t care enough to enforce any of her reforms. She’s doing all she can, but it’s too dangerous.”
Dave was silent a long moment. “So…where do you fit into all that mess?” he asked. “Are you a, uh, a rustblood?”
Karkat snorted. “Wouldn’t that be nice,” he grumbled. “I’m…Look, this doesn’t leave this room, right? It’s just between us?”
“Shit, yeah, man,” Dave said. “I figured that went without saying. I mean, this conversation’s gotten absurdly fucking personal, and you didn’t go blab my fuckin’ sob story about Bro breakin’ my phone to anyone, so I figured we had a kinda understanding about this shit anyway? But yeah, sure, my lips are sealed.”
“Okay,” Karkat said. He took a deep breath, let it out slowly, and tried his best to steel his nerves. “I’m a mutant, Dave.” Dave tilted his head, but said nothing, waiting for a better explanation. “I’m not on the hemospectrum. My blood’s the same color as you humans’, apparently, which was fucking surreal to find out about.” Dave nodded, started to say something, then thought better of it, and let Karkat continue. “I’m not supposed to fucking exist. I’m the most pathetic of cullbait out there, might as well have a ‘Kill Me’ sign flashing over my head in giant, flashing neon letters for all to see.
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“And what’s worse is my eyes are starting to change. Like, you thought I was a rustblood, and for now I can still hide as one, but eventually they’re going to be bright ass red, same as yours, and when that happens I’m royally fucked. I’ve been hiding basically my entire life, sitting in my hive practicing hiding whenever anyone looking to be in a particularly bad mood came by, because for all my bluster about being a big tough guy, the fact is I’m not much of a fighter. Not when I’m up against foes five times my sides with optional chucklevoodoos or mind control. Hiding’s the only chance I had, and…and in the end, that wasn’t enough, because some asshole in my neighborhood tipped off our local cullbait hunters that there was a hemoanon in the area, and they were sniffing around and getting too close to my hive, and I had to tuck my tail firmly between my legs and retreat, snivvelling and grovelling, to Earth, because all my friends had already come here and they couldn’t protect me.”
“Holy shit,” Dave said softly. “Dude, holy shit.”
“And the worst part,” Karkat said, “The worst part is that as much as I hated always having to hide and how cruel all the people there were, I…I miss it? I mean, it was awful, I know that, I know that Earth’s an objectively better place and I’m way safer here even if I did get grubnapped by a terrorist, but —“
“But it was home,” Dave said.
“Yeah. That’s a weird word for it, but yeah.”
Dave shifted a little closer, not touching Karkat at all but now sitting upright next to him. Silence filled the space for a long moment.
At long last, he said, “We really are just two assholes in the same sinking ship, aren’t we? Got our leaky-ass bowls and empty cans out, scooping and bailing away, but this shitty boat’s goin’ nowhere but down, and I ain’t brought my floaties.”
Karkat snorted. “You really do have some bizarre ramble for every occasion, don’t you?”
Dave grinned.
For all her disdain over the alien who seemed to know her brother better than she did, Rose would concede one good thing about this whole messy process of familial integration: Kanaya was a fascinating conversation partner. She had a lot to say about her job, about her own life on Alternia, and in particular about Aunt Ramona’s books. Rose took to speaking to Kanaya on a fairly regular basis, often settling in to do so as soon as she got home from school (homework could wait until later; she had a guest, after all!).
“—and I am still adjusting to some of the differences between our rainbow drinkers and your vampires,” said Kanaya one day, while they discussed one of Aunt Ramona’s books which Kanaya had particularly enjoyed. “Particularly the difficulty with daylight, as on our world, it’s quite the opposite. Rainbow drinkers are said to be very fond of daylight, and indeed to be quite luminescent!”
“I suppose their being diurnal makes sense, since trolls are nocturnal,” Rose commented, “but, luminescent, really? I suppose they’d have to hunt in the day in order to not be spotted by prey if they’re literally glowing.”
“Well, some stories show them being able to turn it off,” said Kanaya. “Still, the occasional bout of confusion aside, I did really enjoy Fangs for the Memories. I was a bit uncertain, at first, with how Sinestra was being a bit manipulative to keep Alicia doing her job, but it did come out to a very fitting conclusion, I thought.”
“Vampires being manipulative is fairly standard fare in literature concerning them,” said Rose. “They have some aspects of their portrayal in common with the Fair Folk, although they’re hardly a creature you’d expect to see in such places as those inhabited by the Lords and the Ladies.”
“I have noticed that,” said Kanaya. “It seems we have tricksters in common, but such beings seem to be more common in your folklore, whereas on Alternia those who win by wit rather than by skill and natural power and wisdom tend to be geared more toward children,” she said with a wince. “They’re generally regarded as escapist fiction, but it seems you humans love it at all ages.”
“Well, it’s only natural for a species that survived on wits to have such a fondness for the witty,” Rose said.
“I’m glad of it,” said Kanaya. “Although I am a bit confused about how Alicia supposedly outwitted Sinestra just by hiding within her own home? The door wasn’t even locked, and the book mentioned many times how Sinestra is very physically strong, and yet she couldn’t come inside?”
“She wasn’t invited,” Rose said. “That’s another bit of folklore that vampires share with the Fair Folk. It ultimately boils down to both being very closely adherent to following rules, which means that a vampire cannot enter a building they have not been invited into. There are of course dozens of loopholes they can use, but none were available to Sinestra, and so she was forced to wait out in the rain, until she sincerely apologized for that whole mess with the werewolf. Quite a fair bit of retribution, I’d say, as well as a nice shifting of the power dynamics.”
“That’s an odd weakness to have.”
“Oh, there’s all sorts of mythology we have about inviting things in,” said Rose. “Vampires, fairies, the devil. In more xenophobic tales, you have the dangers of offering hospitality to dark forces we cannot understand, trying only to be kind, and being rewarded with death or worse for our foolishness. Yet, to add confusion, other stories warn against failing to offer hospitality, and being punished for crossing beings which could so easily destroy us. Still others caution against taking shelter under the wing, sometimes literally, of a being that could destroy us. “Will you walk into my parlor,” said the spider to the fly,’ and all that.”
“That sounds like a fantastic way for the fly to get itself eaten alive,” said Kanaya.
“Too right,” said Rose, “And the fly knows it. But the spider is charming, he acts sweet and offers her flattery and gifts, and she is drawn in…and inevitably eaten. Charmingly dark little poem, that one.”
“I fear I can relate to the poor fly,” Kanaya winced. “I’ve had my fair share of mistakes in that regard…Still, what an odd thing to have so many stories based on.”
“What can I say? We’re a curious lot,” Rose said.
Rose scooted slightly closer to Kanaya, and winked gently as she added, “There’s something so deeply intriguing to the thought of inviting some strange, mysterious being from worlds unknown into your home. The danger only makes it more…exciting.”
Kanaya blushed slightly, and gulped. “Yes, well,” she said, smoothing the wrinkles on her skirt, “I suppose, that’s, um…Hm. Didn’t you just finish telling me a human story about how flattery is to be regarded with caution? I’m not the one in a stranger’s house, here.”
Rose chuckled. “‘Sweet creature,’” she quoted, “‘You’re witty and you’re wise!’ And just as dangerous to me as I might be to you, I would think. You may have come into my parlor, but it’s still we who have asked in a mysterious stranger from worlds unknown. And a very lovely one, no less.”
“I don’t know whether to be charmed or terrified,” said Kanaya, coy.
“I’d say —“ Something crashed in the basement, interrupting Rose and bringing a scowl to her face. “God dammit, Dirk,” she muttered. “We may have to finish this tomorrow, I’m afraid. I need to make sure my dear brother hasn’t blown one of his robots and/or himself to smithereens.”
“Oh, dear,” said Kanaya. “Best of luck, then. I’d be glad to chat again any time, so long as you promise not to trap me in any spider’s web,” she said with a smile.
Rose smiled back and winked.
It was a little over halfway through May, Dirk was driving himself and Rose home from school on what was his last day of the semester (Rose still had another week), and he was fucking exhausted. Three hour finals were an absolutely monstrous concept. As soon as he got home, he was going to collapse on his bed downstairs and sleep like the fucking dead.
That plan was, to his irritation, derailed as they pulled up on the gravel driveway to the sight of Dave on the roof. He was looking at Karkat, who was standing below and shouting up at him. Kanaya was standing near Karkat, with her head cradled in one hand.
“Just do that fucking bullshit flicker thing already!”
“Not with my — ow, Jesus, you fucking furball, I’m trying to — my arms are full of angry animal here, Karkat, I’m not going to risk breaking my fucking LEGS, Jesus Christ he fucking bit me, ow ow ow, fuck!” Dave shouted back. “Just — motherfuck, ow ow ow, just go dig a goddamned ladder out of the garage or something! Preferably before Dirk getsssssshit he’s home, fuck, fuck, fuck ow goddamned cat —!!”
Dirk, halfway out the car door, exchanged an exhausted look with Rose. She shot him a look of mixed amusement and sympathy.
Dirk sighed and closed the car door behind him, Rose following close behind as he strode toward the trolls. He gestured up at Dave, his eyebrow crooked in a question.
“Jaspers apparently got himself trapped on the roof,” Kanaya explained, as Karkat continued shouting at Dave, who had gone quiet. “Dave somehow got himself onto the roof to rescue him, except apparently Dave is now also trapped up there.”
“He says he can’t do the fucking flickery teleport thing —“
“Flashstep,” Dirk said, interrupting Karkat.
“Whatever, fine. He can’t flashstep because the cat keeps attacking him?” Karkat said, incredulously. The statement was highlighted by another yelp from Dave.
“Makes sense,” Dirk said. “It’s not really teleporting, just moving really fast. You gotta be really careful about how you do it between different elevations, and it’s asking for trouble to attempt a jump from that height with both hands full. Especially if what you’re holding is being really distracting.”
“Should we get the ladder out, then?” Rose commented dryly. “I’m sure you could handle it, but you are so tired, after all.”
Dirk didn’t let himself react to the barbed comment. “I can handle it,” he said. There was a tree near the wall by Dave; it was an easy matter to use it and the wall to bounce up to the roof. Three quick flashsteps and he was next to his brother, who reacted with a jolt.
There was blood visible dripping down his hands and seeping through his shirt sleeves. Cat really had done a number on him, then. Dirk sighed, too tired to fully register the way the soft breath made Dave stiffen, and took the cat from him. Jaspers, upon realizing he was no longer being held by Dave, but instead a human he considered more trustworthy, settled down and let Dirk carefully shift him to his shoulder.
“Meet me in the kitchen,” Dirk said, before carefully flashstepping down the same way he’d gotten up. Back on the ground, he handed the cat off to his sister, who cradled the animal, stroking his fur soothingly. Dave, after a moment’s hesitation, turned around, stepped backward off the roof (eliciting a shocked gasp from Kanaya and a worried yelp from Karkat), easily caught the windowsill leading into his own room on the way down, and pulled himself in.
Dirk hurried into the house, making a beeline for the hall bathroom. He’d need the first aid kit, for sure; Dave’s arms had gotten pretty beat up, from the look of things. He arrived in the kitchen just as Dave came silently down the stairs. Dave was fidgeting, shifting his weight from foot to foot and clenching and unclenching his hands.
“I never left the house,” he said, quietly. “I’m—I’m sorry for being up there, but I didn’t leave the house, I swear, I got up there from my window, and, the cat wouldn’t stop meowing and I felt bad for him, and —“
“Good,” said Dirk, quietly, “I’m glad you never left the house. That’s not really important right now, though. Let me see your arms.”
“…Am I in trouble?”
“For trying to get the cat off the roof? Of course not,” Dirk said. “Give me your arm, though. Gotta get it cleaned off. Cat scratches have a nasty tendency of getting infected.”
“Oh,” said Dave, “fan-fucking-tastic.” He still hesitated a long moment before holding his right arm out; Dirk took him by the wrist and gently pulled him toward the sink (and couldn’t help but notice the white scars crisscrossing his skin underneath the fresh wounds, nor could he ignore how worryingly thin Dave’s arm seemed. Dirk had to take a deep breath to force down the rush of anger toward their father to keep focused on the task at hand). He ran a cloth under the water for a moment, then carefully wiped the blood away from Dave’s wounds. They weren’t as bad as they’d looked on the roof, but Jaspers had definitely done a number on Dave. As gently as he could manage, Dirk toweled off Dave’s arm, and reached for the bottle of disinfectant.
“This is gonna sting a little,” Dirk murmured, dabbing the disinfectant on one of the wounds. Dave nearly jerked his arm out of Dirk’s grasp. “Sorry. I’ll be fast,” Dirk promised, and Dave nodded numbly.  Cleaning finally done, Dirk started bandaging each scratch (and the one bite on Dave’s wrist).
“Really keep an eye on that one,” he said, gesturing at the bite. “Bites are even worse when it comes to cats, you can’t be too careful.”
Dave nodded mutely. Dirk was vaguely aware that the others had come in, and that Karkat watching him with an odd expression. He paid the troll no mind.
Dirk inspected Dave’s arm one last time, and, satisfied, said, “Other one,” releasing Dave’s wrist.
Dave hesitated even longer this time, and his hand shook a little as he offered it. When Dirk grabbed his left wrist, Dave flinched away hard.
“Hey, you okay?” Dirk asked, concerned.
“Y-yeah,” Dave mumbled. “Sorry, it’s, uh, reflex.” He offered his arm again, and Dirk tried holding it a little higher up this time.
As he was cleaning off and bandaging the wounds, Dirk noticed a particularly bizarre looking scar running up Dave’s left wrist; it had marks like the wound had been stitched shut, but they were messy, haphazard, and the skin all around it looked…off. Pinched and warped in a way that looked uncomfortable. Dirk nodded his head toward it.
“The hell happened with that?” he asked.
“Um,” Dave mumbled, “Got caught off guard once, and my hand got cut, and, uh. I wouldn’t stop bitching about it, ‘cuz I was worried about losing my drawin’ hand, an’ shit, so Br- fuck, uh, Dad called in a buddy of his who stitched it up. It took a really long time to heal, even stitched up, and, uh.” He shrugged. “I still can’t use it much. Wound up fucking it up worse with stitches, so good job on me for complaining, there’s a self goddamn fulfilling prophecy for you. Can’t hold a fuckin’ pencil with it anymore, or anything smaller’n a sword hilt, really.”
Dirk paused. “…Shit,” he said softly. Then, louder, “Well, when you’re off house arrest, I can talk to Mom about it. There’s no guarantee, but I’d imagine that might be fixable with surgery. Once we can get you into a doctor, it’s worth a shot.”
“….You think so?”
“It’s possible.” He put on the last bandage, then made another once-over. “Alright, that’s the last of them,” he said. “Again, keep an extra eye on the bite, infected cat bites are not something you wanna ignore.”
“……Got it,” Dave said, softly, rubbing at his wrist. “Can I…”
“You can head upstairs if you want. I just wanted to make sure the scratches got cleaned.”
“Thanks,” Dave muttered, and darted upstairs. Karkat, after a long, hard look at Dirk, followed after.
Dave settled into his room after the cat incident, more confused than ever. He’d…really been expecting that to be it. Dirk’s expression taking Jaspers down from the roof had been the one Dave had long since learned to recognize on Bro as the ‘you’re about to get your fucking ass kicked’ face. When he was pissed enough to actually look the slightest bit pissed, that’s when Dave knew he’d crossed the last line, but.
Dirk had said he’d done nothing wrong.
He’d been gentle. What the fuck.
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Dave sat on his bed and stared at his arms. He’d been assuming he’d be taking care of the scratches on his own, same as he’d always dealt with his own wounds, that he’d have to figure out where the first aid kit was kept in this house without bleeding everywhere or worst case scenario make do with toilet paper. He’d not been expecting Dirk to call him downstairs not to be punished, but to patch the wounds up.
What the fuck.
Maybe no one here was going to hurt him. Even if he fucked up.
No, that was too optimistic, probably. It was probably just because he hadn’t actually broken any rules. Couldn’t let wishful thinking take him on too many flights of fantasy, or he’d wind up all kinds of fucked. Be off in fuckin’ Narnia while the Witch of the West is happily taking over the big green city, except the city would be Dave’s ass and ‘taking over’ would mean ‘beating the shit out of’.
Still, it was….weird.
(Despite his best efforts to keep himself realistic, a tiny, rebellious spark of hope flared up, warmer than anything he’d felt in a long time.)
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anniesroleplay · 7 years
♥♦♢☀❀❥ sorry, I'm here for the salt
♥ what's the WORST thing that has happened to you rp wise?
i normally skirt around this question or give a vague “ghosting” response because tbh all of my friends know this story/were there when it was ~happening. but hey! i’m feeling particularly salty today so let’s do this. long story short, i had a really good friend that i was close to both as ~people and as rp partners and we’d been close for a number of years (like 2 or 3) and about a year and a half (i think?) ago she just slowly started ghosting. any time i’d bring up the fact that i felt she wasn’t interested, she’d insist that she was and idk man it was messy there was a lot of bs but basically this whole ghosting thing went on from about ~november to february or so and then she fell off the face of the internet earth p much. i mean i thought we had a good relationship and i tried to facilitate y’know an opportunity to talk about whatever may have been an issue or just have open lines of communication but it just didn’t work out and for a long time i just felt really uncomfortable and didn’t have ~closure~ bc i didn’t know if i fucked up somehow or what the issue was? idk it was just a really shitty thing to happen (and it had happened before and after too lmao i can’t catch a break) so Y E P. moral of the story: never never never ghost. literally i don’t care if it’s uncomfortable as fuck, suck it up and talk to your partner bc you’re making the decision to drop this ~whatever~ and it might be uncomfortable but u know what you owe it to your partners to not make them feel like complete garbage because they never got told why you went from being their friend to literally never talking to them again. its fucking shitty and if ur reading this (: (: (: (: (:
♦ what was a mildly annoying thing that has happened to you rp wise?
people tend to take my characters and fixate on just one aspect of their personalities and it’s often a shitty part of the character and ignore other parts of it. and like just base all interactions/headcanons on that 1 thing like listen. pls. don’t.
♢ has anyone ever tried to steal your blog? your headcanons? icons? all that jazz
this question is p tumblr rp specific and i don’t do that but!!! sometimes when i make a character, other people kind of jump on the same type of character bandwagon and that’s rly a peeve for me actually. especially if the type of character i made is somewhat unique on the site (like if i made the first ~hbic lawyer) and then someone else does a v similar thing i’m super unimpressed
☀ what's your rp pet peeve?
right here. all the salt all the peeves. no i’m kidding but uHMM honestly honestly 99% of peeves stem from lack of communication. the community is t e r r i b l e at open and honest communication and i mean i won’t say i’m perfect at it but sometimes ppl don’t even try like the number of times i can just tell that i’m being lied to is ridiculous. don’t do it. 
❀ what has made you completely lose your chill?
i wrote out a whole long thing but i actually don’t want to call out this specific person. but basically when u can tell ppl are lowkey racist from the shit they say. i have zero time for you and lmao i’m not going to let you whitewash characters.
❥ has someone ever ruined an FC or character for you?
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