#slowly but surely trying to piece myself back together i suppose. just sucks being out of work and trying to make back money that i spent
chelseasdagger · 4 months
omg a car accident are you ok? 🥺
elle baby!! it’s so nice to hear from you 🥺 yes, i’m okay as i can be i guess :/
i got rear ended and pushed into another car. the person who hit me had their airbags go off, so they must’ve been traveling at a decent speed. i was in the car with @chellestrash and we had just left a destruction room and were happy and then this happened right after :( i felt horribly guilty and couldn’t stop crying and apologizing. her first time meeting me and coming to the states and this happens the NIGHT BEFORE she’s going on a place back to her country :(
my mom had us checked out at the emergency room (mostly to make sure chelle was okay for going back on the plane) and everything is good between the two of us. we’re both just incredibly sore? car accidents always have you aching but we were throwing crowbars and sledgehammers above our heads before that, so our shoulders and arms are even more sore than they should be. thankfully everyone is okay and my car isn’t totaled, but it hurt so much to see my baby crunched in from the impact :(
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writingpiecesak · 6 months
Hiii can you right a bakugo x severely injured reader
we dont get enough of these😓😓 IF YOU DO THANK YOUUU
Hiii , wasn’t sure how much severely injured or if blood was okay butttt yes! Love this idea!! ❤️
also it’s pretty lengthy lol i wasn’t sure when to stop 😅 also I had this song in mind while writing this.
It was supposed to be a simple evacuation mission. Simply guide the residents to safety and rescue any injured civilians then take them to the medical tents for treatment. You were assigned to Ground Group B, go through each alley way of apartments and help civilians out of harm's way. Your partner dashed off to help the others taking on Slade and his minions. You moved quickly and silently, you never knew who could be lurking about.
“It’s okay, you’re safe now, take my hand.” You extended your arm out to a terrified child, hiding behind the dumpsters covered in dirt. The air was filled with dust and rubble from the fallen buildings, the child looked to you, his hand trembling in fear. You waited patiently till his hand was fully in yours, and slowly you guided him out of his hiding spot.
“Alright, don’t let go okay? Stay with me, you’ll be okay.” You reassured him.
Your other hand stayed hovered above your thigh holster, securing a flare gun in case you needed aid to your position. You were holding his hand tightly as you walked through the streets desperately trying to find the route you knew that led to safety.
With the thickness of the dusty air clouding your vision, you decided to use your quirk to help light the way. Your quirk, Rays, is able to make waves of blinding lights enough to illuminate a dark forest and when concentrated enough can blind an enemy for a whole five minutes. But for now, you used only enough as a flashlight would.
“yo sunshine, what are your coordinates?”
His voice startled you for a moment, only a moment until annoyance took over.
“What did I say about calling me that?” You tap your ear piece that has a built-in mic that withstands over 200 meters and works connectively like Bluetooth.
“Tsk, you still respond to it. Where are you?”
You roll your eyes, “I’m here on the ground, trying to help this kid I found to a medic tent. He has some surface wounds.”
You glanced back at the young kid who naively sucked his thumb as a way to help make himself feel safe. You chuckled.
“Where's your partner? I thought there was a buddy system.”
“Oh you mean Aoyama? He took off, said he wanted to help you guys fight Slade. Didn’t really give me a choice, isn’t he there?” You whispered, peering around a corner of a building scoping out for any signs of threat.
“No…he isn’t, wait so you’re alone?”
You smiled softly, “Aww, are you worried about little ol’ me, Katsuki? Don’t worry, I can take care of myself.”
“I never doubted that Sunshine. Just don’t like the idea of you alone out there.”
A soft smile played on your lips, “You don’t like the idea of me period, Suki.” You said sarcastically.
“Tsk, never that Sunshine.”
This fun little banter you had going on with Katsuki actually helped ease your nerves a bit. You both had this secret push and pull game you two played together and it was really the best thing you could cling to at a time like this. You didn’t like the idea of being alone, especially with obscured vision and in the presence of a young civilian. You could light the entire block if you wanted but you didn’t want to give away your position to potential threats.
“Katsuki?” You questioned when static was playing through your ear piece.
“H-He’s –––stay–—move!”
You stopped in your tracks trying to make sense of those broken parts of his voice. Your breathing became more heavy and you quickly tugged the kid closer, lifting him to your arms basically carrying him as his legs instinctively wrapped around your waist.
“Is the bad guy here?” The young boy asked nervously.
“I’m not sure. We have to hide for now.” You started to run down the street in hopes of just finding the evacuation zone by luck.
“He’s gone! Slade left the field, stay where you are, don't move!”
You were listening to his words yet at the same time a figure in the distance was emerging. Your eyes squint trying to make out if this was a friend or foe. You stopped in your place and waited for some kind of signal, the figure was walking closer but something about them seemed injured almost as if they were limping.
Another civilian? You thought, slowly placing the child down slowly on his two feet. You started to approach the person but the young boy tugged on your hand, his eyes pleading you to stay. You crouched down to meet his eye level.
“I have to see if they need my help. They could be hurt.” You patted his head affectionately.
You took a deep breath and turned to the person, who stood there not making a sound nor were they walking towards you anymore. You proceeded with caution, shimmering light emerging from the palms of your hands.
“Are you okay, do you need some help?” You shouted, taking baby steps closer, your gut was fighting your steps telling you to turn back, to run, to hide, to blind this person before they could hurt you.
You should’ve trusted your gut.
Your eyes grew wider as you saw this person raise his arms, aiming for a sonic boom clap, but not at you. Your eyes traveled to where their hands were pointed and horror filled your veins. There was no injured civilian. This was Slade.
His sonic boom clap would send this kid to oblivion, killing him instantly. Your feet quickly took off heading back for the kid who stood there fidgeting with his fingers. Every step from your feet echoed in your head, and for a ration second, you threw your hand back and used Ray to its full extent, waves of blistering white hot light shot out from your hand instantly blinding Slade causing him to throw his aim off.
At the very last second, his hands clapped and his sonic boom trashed to the nearby building. Cracks spiderwebbed across the walls, and the ground trembled beneath their feet. The young kids' eyes were full of panic and tears. You were close, so close. Just enough to grab him but then debris rained down from above, shattering windows and blocking your only pathway to reach for him. With each passing moment, the building groaned under the strain, its supports buckling under the immense pressure. The building began to crumble. Floors pancaked on top of each other as the structure collapsed in on itself.
With the surge of desperation you reached out for the kid and in a blink of an eye, you pulled him out of his stand still panic state, and tossed him to the other side of the street, clearing him from the damage that’s now been done.
The kid cried out as he watched rocks of cement topple over you and bury you inside. Dust and smoke filled the air once again, the boy crawling over trying to remove any pieces of debris. He couldn’t leave you. Not after you saved him.
“Damn what was that!” Denki shouted, pointing towards the town where different groups of rescuers were dispatched. Their eyes watched as smoke rose from the unknown to them, a fallen building. Katsuki had a bad feeling, he turned away, turning his mic back on.
“Sunshine? Come in Sunshine?”
“Who’s Sunshine?” Ashido tuned in, “He means y/n, only he calls her that for whatever reason.” Denki reminded her.
“Shut up assfaces! Sunshine, come in, what was that explosion?”
His only response was static. He chewed his bottom lip and ripped off his ear piece in frustration. He took a glance at his group, fairly enough everyone was doing okay with minor injuries. His head was doing backflips and somersaults trying to think if you were okay.
“Sunsh–Y/n isn’t answering her coms.” He informed Izuku.
“Wait really? Maybe she’s with her group rounding up the civilians and heading to the hospital.”
“That’s shit, she would’ve answered me. I’m going to look for her.” He pushed aside Izuku.
“W-Wait Kachan you can’t go by yourself!”
“Try and stop me.” He sneered before taking off.
He blasted through the air heading towards the faded smoke cloud only to see that Izuku was right on his tail following him. He scoffed but didn’t reject any help.
His mind was racing with possibilities. Maybe you were farther than 200 meters. Maybe Izuku was right, you could be at the hospital right now tending to victims' needs. Or perhaps your ear piece fell out. Anything was better than what his mind was creating.
“Down there!” Izuku pointed.
Katsuki's eyes saw the fallen building and a small kid sitting against the rubble hugging his knees. The two landed right by and immediately went to the crying child. Izuku, handling kids better than Katsuki, took charge.
“Hey little guy, are you alright? What’s wrong, what happened here?” He helped dust him off and wipe away his tears.
“Bad guy..” He sniffled.
Meanwhile, Katsuki was looking around for any information or indication on your whereabouts. Checking the ground for a broken earpiece. He could ask for the story later but right now his only concern was you. There was no one in sight. His heart was falling to the pits of his stomach, his breathing becoming shallow at the narrowing of possibilities.
“A-And then, she sa-saved me.”
“Who kid?” Katsuki quickly pulled the kid towards him, also crouched down to his size. The young boy only lowered his head, tears flowing through as his small hand pointed to the pile of rubble besides them.
Both Izuku and Katsuki's eyes slowly looked over to what he had pointed at. Katsuki’s heart pounded in his chest as he frantically began sifting through the debris, his hands bloodied and trembling with each movement. Every fiber of his being was consumed by the desperate need to find you, his Sunshine. With each passing moment, his fear intensified, driving him to dig deeper, to search harder, refusing to accept the possibility of you being lost to him forever. Every tug on another rock, his eyes were filling, stinging of tears that threatened to fall. His sniffles reminded him what he could possibly lose. No more fun banter. No more Sunshine jokes. No more late night talks. No more pranks pulled. No more secret stargazing. No more teasing of his hair. No more beautiful smiles when you laughed. No more stolen glances. No more shy compliments that make you blush. No more. No more you.
And then, amidst the rubble, he saw you. You laid motionless, battered and broken, your body barely recognizable beneath the broken glass and concrete. Horror washed over him as he knelt beside you, his hands shaking as he gently cradled you in his arms. Tears welled in his eyes as he whispered your name, praying for a sign of life. But you remained still, your breathing shallow and faint. He brushed your hair to the side letting rugged sobs escape his lips.
Izuku immediately discharged his flare gun while talking to his teammates on their coms, informing them on the situation at hand. Katsuki holding you dearly, praying for a miracle, for you to open your eyes and just joke about how much you scared him.
“Please..please Sunshine..please open your eyes.” He begged.
“Katsuki maybe we should–” His eyes darted to the crying child.
“I’m not leaving her!” Katsuki screamed out, his voice hoarse.
Every fiber of his being ached with sorrow as he struggled to comprehend the magnitude of the tragedy that had befallen them. The weight of guilt and helplessness bore down on him, threatening to crush his spirit as he grappled with the realization that he had failed to protect the one person who meant everything to him. Tears blurred his vision as he knelt beside the pile of debris, his heart torn asunder by the devastating loss. In that moment, Katsuki felt an overwhelming sense of emptiness, as if the very essence of his being had been ripped away, leaving nothing but a hollow shell in its wake.
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Day 106: Eyes
"Malfoy," a voice called as his hair was pushed out of his face and his chin was tilted slightly. "Malfoy," the voice repeated.
Draco was quite certain he must be hallucinating, there was no way that it was who it sounded like.
"Draco," that voice said again, "Wake up."
His eyes fluttered open and he groaned in pain as the light seared through his retinas and straight into his brain.
"Hey," Harry bloody Potter said.
He opened his mouth and spit out a bit of blood.
"Merlin," Potter said, "Do you think you can stand?"
"Yeah," he grunted. "Yes. I'm fine. Thank you for your assistance, Potter."
The other boy huffed a laugh, "Sure. Come on. Let me help you get to Madam Pomfrey."
He shook his head, "Don't let me keep you from your important life," Draco said as he stood up and reached out to steady himself on the wall.
"Draco," he said.
Looking through his swollen eye, he tried to glare at the other boy. "Harry." he parroted.
"You don't have to be so stubborn," he said with a laugh.
He took a step toward the infirmary and his knees buckled.
Potter caught him and put an arm around his waist. "Come on."
(Read more below the cut)
"What? No one else to save?" Draco asked through clenched teeth as he started to hobble off down the hallway using Potter as little as possible.
"Not at the moment, no," Potter quipped. "You want to tell me who did this to you?"
He let out a humorless chuckle, "It doesn't matter."
Potter hummed and caught Draco when he started to slip a bit. "I've got you," he murmured.
Draco tried not to let the words go to his head.
After they'd reached the infirmary Potter tried again to get Draco to tell him what had happened but there was honestly no point.
Madam Pomfrey had shooed Potter out and then Draco had a few hours of peace and quiet while his wounds were healed. Fortunately he had a good book in his school bag, which Potter had carried up for him.
"Why don't you stay over night, love," Madam Pomfrey said and Draco looked up from his book. "You're not quite ready to go back yet and it's just about bed time anyway."
"Thank you," he replied, giving her a little smile before going back to his book.
Shortly thereafter, the door to the infirmary flew open and Draco's head snapped up. Normally an entry of that magnitude meant that something horrible had happened.
But it was just Potter, looking thunderous as he stormed over to Draco's bed.
"Madam Pomfrey's just gone to bed," he said as he closed his book and set it on his lap. "If you've come here to inflict more damage, perhaps you could wait until the morning for her sake."
That stopped the other man in his tracks. "I'm sorry. What?"
"Just, whatever it is that's made you look murderous, I'm sure it's warranted but I do think that Madam Pomfrey deserves a good rest, don't you?"
"I'm not," he shook his head, "I'm not here to hurt you."
Potter rubbed a hand over his face. "I found Smith."
"Ah," he replied.
"He said that you didn't even raise your wand to cast a shield charm to protect yourself," Potter said as though he was personally offended by this.
Draco shrugged.
"Why?" Potter asked. "Hermione thinks it's because the Ministry has told you what spells you can and can't cast, and if that's the case, I'll write a letter to Kingsley right now-"
"It's not because of the Ministry," he interrupted.
"Then why-" he started before pulling over a chair and plopping down next to Draco's bed, "Why do you keep letting this happen to you?"
"I don't see them," Draco replied, staring at his hands that were twisting together in his lap.
"Look me in the eye and tell me that you don't see them," Potter replied.
He shook his head, "Why does it matter?"
"Draco," he said, "You can tell me-"
"There's nothing to tell," he snapped.
"Look, I know that the war was hard on all of us-"
"You have no idea what the war was like for people like me," he interrupted, trying to keep his breathing under control and his voice low.
"No, I suppose you're right," Potter replied and Draco couldn't help but look over at him. "Would you like to tell me?"
"No!" he exclaimed. "There is nothing to tell! Just like there's no reason for me to tell you who keeps cursing me. And there is no reason for me to tell you that I don't stop them because I deserve it!"
They both sat in stunned silence; Draco breathing heavily, his heart hammering away in his chest and Potter just stared at him.
Potter broke first, "You-"
"Don't," Draco said, shaking his head. "Circe, Potter, don't say it. Don't tell me that I don't deserve it because we both know that isn't true."
"Draco," he breathed and it was like he was shoving a jagged, rusty knife straight through his chest.
"Don't," he repeated, begging this time.
"Draco, listen to me."
He shook his head and to his mounting horror a tear spilled from his eyes.
"It wasn't your fault," Potter said.
"Don't," he begged, wrapping his arms around his stomach as though it could stop the way his entire body felt like it was unraveling. "People died-"
"Yes," Potter agreed. "People died on both sides. From your actions, from death eaters actions, from the Order's actions, from my actions; people died. You never actually killed anyone, though. You don't have it in you."
"Potter, I am culpable for-"
"You never killed anyone." Potter repeated. "You didn't want to hurt people, you didn't want to kill people, you just wanted to protect your mum."
"Don't." He shook his head, "You don't understand."
"I actually killed someone," the other boy replied.
"The Dark Lord doesn't coun-"
"When I was eleven," Potter started and Draco was so shocked by those words that he didn't even interrupt. "You remember all of the commotion at the end of the year or first year?"
He nodded slowly.
"I killed Professor Quirrell," he said. "Long story short, because of the blood magic protecting me, he couldn't touch me and it killed him."
"But that's not-"
"Second year, Tom Riddle was sucking Ginny's life force so that he could come back, I killed him. I stabbed the horocrux with a basilisk fang and I didn't even think about it," he continued.
"Last year, Pettigrew died because he owed me a life debt and he tried to kill me."
"I not only was responsible for Voldemort's death the first time and the second time, I was responsible for killing seven pieces of his soul."
"But it's not the same!" he finally managed to get in.
"Because you were on the right side of things and I wasn't!"
The other boy shook his head, "Yeah but it's not like you wanted to be on that side."
"When I was young-"
"Oh sure," he agreed, "you were a complete arse. But we wouldn't have won if you had turned me in, if you hadn't given me your wand, if you'd killed Dumbledore. It's not who you are any more."
"Still," Draco whispered. "I fixed that closet."
He nodded, "And I can't count the number of things that I've done to cause deaths. Godric, Draco," he shook his head, "I don't sleep well as it is, but I'd never sleep if I held myself responsible for all of the horrible things that happened because of my actions."
"Look, it doesn't have to happen in a day, but you can't keep doing this, Draco. You can't keep letting people hurt you to atone for your perceived sins."
He let his head fall back against the pillows. As much as he would love to live in the delusions that Potter was offering he couldn't imagine that world actually existed.
"Be my friend."
"Excuse me?" he asked, looking over at the other boy.
"Be my friend," Potter said. "Please."
He sighed, "Because..." he trailed off.
"I'm not a broken thing for you to fix."
"No," he agreed easily. "I'm the broken thing."
Draco stared at him, "You make no sense to me."
Potter grinned like he'd complimented him.
"Will it shut you up if I say yes?" he grumbled.
"For now," he replied with a nod.
"Alright," Potter said, sitting back and making himself comfortable in the chair.
"What are you doing?"
He gave him a little grin, "Being a friend. You're stuck with me like glue now."
"That's a boyfriend not a friend, you're confused."
Potter shrugged and said through a yawn, "Boyfriend, then. That title is fine with me."
"What-?" he started.
But Potter leaned over and pressed a kiss to his forehead as though it was the most natural thing in the world and every word that Draco knew evaporated. "Good night, Draco Malfoy. Sleep well."
He was so stunned that he said nothing in reply and by the time he'd gotten his thoughts in any semblance of order Potter was fast asleep; his head resting on his hand as he snored.
Draco shook his head and decided that he would just have to wait until the morning to straighten all of this out.
For now, he decided that it might be alright to spend the next few hours with the tiny, fragile ball of joy unfurling in his chest.
Day 105: Cuddle | Day 107: Charge
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ca-8 · 3 years
Yakko x Reader Scenario: When You First Meet
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'This is it. The beginning of the end.' 
Gripping on the straps of her backpack, (Y/n) exited the bus and stared up at the water tower that displayed the famous Warner Bros. logo. As expected, it emitted a smug aura onto the entire area; however, surprisingly, there was a slight twinge of mystery to it as well. But she didn't have time to ponder about it, so she only gave it an uneasy look and headed straight for the entrance.
Her heart stopped. She knew the place was going to be busy, but it was like an entire New York City packed in one section! So many writers, producers, actors, large men carrying heavy sets, every type of person working in film was scattered all over the place. It was like an ocean, with the people as marine life doing what they're designed to do, and (Y/n) being the puppy that was abandoned at sea.
The moment it all settled in, an involuntary realization invaded her thoughts. 'I don't belong here.'
The young girl reminded herself to breathe and rushed over to a vacant wall, then pulled out her phone. She had already sent her mother about a thousand messages telling her she was here, but since she hasn't responded, a few more shouldn't hurt. Fingers rapidly typing away, she bit her lower lip, already wishing she had stayed on that bus. 
"Oh, you're just gonna love it!" Her mother's squealing voice had already filled her skull. "You're so talented, I know you're gonna fit right in."
'Yeah, standing around all day with a bunch of people I don't know while doing something I suck at is exactly how I wanna spend my summer.' She let out a soft sigh. 'It's fine. Just shut up and make her happy, (Y/n).'
Several attempts of calling and texting later, no response. (Y/n) sighed again, and her eyes wandered over to the bustling crowd. 'No way. Absolutely no way.' But if she wanted to get the day over with, absolutely yes way.
First, she walked up to a lady looking down at the clipboard in her hands. "Um, excuse me," (Y/n) said. 
The lady's head snatched up. "KYLE!" she yelled, her eyes now ablaze with fury, "YOU IDIOT! THAT GOES IN THE WAREHOUSE ACROSS THE STUDIO!" And like there was nothing but a breeze behind her, the lady stomped off to the poor soul that had to face her wrath.
The breeze took a step back and ran around the corner. 'Maybe I'll find someone else instead…!' (Y/n) stopped and spotted a man sitting on the steps that lead to the entrance of a small building. She swallowed whatever was left in her mouth and reluctantly approached him. 
"E-Excuse me, sir?" she stuttered, hoping her voice was louder than the last time. As she got closer, (Y/n) noticed he was chuckling, and his gaze was glued onto a small piece of paper. 
"I...I did it…!" he said. She yelped and shrinked back when he suddenly jumped to his feet. "I FINALLY DID IT! WE'LL SEE WHO'S REGRETTING THE DIVORCE NOW, MARGARET!" And with a manic laugh, the man dashed into the building. 
'...Or maybe I'll just find it myself.'
It wasn't too long before (Y/n) got herself lost. Despite the help of maps that were stuck to some of the buildings, all of them seemed exactly the same. It was like a maze, and with each passing minute, she was more and more convinced that there was no finish line. Even worse, her mother was too busy to respond to anything she sent her. 
'Oh, what should I do?' (Y/n) thought for the thousandth time. No matter how hard she pinched or held them, her arms refused to stop trembling. Not too long ago, the outside of the studio became deserted and she'd hate to walk in a warehouse and possibly interrupt something important, so asking for help again was out of the question.
...Or, perhaps it wasn't. 
A tiny, hopeful smile crossed (Y/n)'s face when she heard the sounds of frustrated grunts around the corner. It was the first time she was so relieved to see a stranger. 
And thank god that stranger was a security guard. Though she wondered why he had a giant net in his hand, she shoved the curiosity as far in the back of her mind as she could and reached up to gently tap his shoulder. 
"Um, excuse me sir?" she asked as loud as she could. 
His head whipped around, revealing angry eyes and a scowl that said he was ready to kill. But right as his gaze landed on her, it changed within an instant. 
"Oh, hello!" he said with a bright smile. 
(Y/n) blinked, cocking her head. ‘What was this guy up to?’
"I'm sorry to bother you, but do you know where (M/n) (L/n) is filming? I'm her daughter, (Y/n), and I'm trying to look for her. She's not answering her phone either."
His joyful expression slowly melted into a confused one. "Uuhhh…(M/n) (L/n)?”
“Yes. She’s a part of Animal Kingdom? Do you know where that’s being filmed?”
“Oh! I know there’s a zoo around here called Animal Kingdom! I don’t think you’ll find it in a film studio, though.”
(Y/n) frowned. “...No, I mean the show. Aren’t they filming in a warehouse today? Do you know where that is?”
“Who’s ‘they’?”
Her eye twitched, and she was just about ready to drown the entire studio in the nearest ocean. “N-Nevermind, I’ll just-”
As if the universe wasn’t satisfied with tormenting her enough, the security guard suddenly launched up into the air and flew into the sky. Right before her eyes, the heavens were coated with explosives of every color that ever existed. 
“Oh my god!” (Y/n) yelled. ‘Who strapped fireworks on that guy?!’
“Oh, I knew you’d love it!”
Her eyes were ripped from the loud fireworks show as she was immediately smothered in a hug. “It’s so nice that another girl’s here! All the other ones here are either too busy or just keep shouting about a restraining order for some reason. I dunno, but anyway, I just know you're gonna love it here! Anyway, my name’s Princess Angelina Louisa Cantessa Francesca Banana Fanna Bo Besca the third! But since we're friends now, you can just call me Dot.”
This confirmed it. This was a trap set up by her mother to deliberately drive her insane, because how else can someone explain the nut jobs and talking dogs in pink dresses? 
A combination of those two things happened to be clutching her head and digging her face into hers. “...Huh?” (Y/n) mumbled.
‘Dot’ jumped off of her and smiled widely. “Sorry about Ralph by the way. I figured out you were coming at the last second and I really needed someone for your welcoming gift.” she said.
(Y/n) glanced up at the sky where the fireworks were slowly dying down. “Um...Is he gonna be okay?” she asked.  
“Of course he will!” her backpack said.
The teen screamed and threw her bag on the ground. A hand popped out and unzipped it with impossible ease, then a taller boy version of Dot jumped out, pulling up his long brown pants and flashing a grin. 
“H-...H-H-How did you…?!” (Y/n) stuttered, pointing at him. 
“What? Never heard of cartoon logic?” he said, approaching her. “And Ralph’ll be fine. His skull’s so thick, concrete’s the last thing that can kill him.”
“Anyhow,” he walked over to Dot and put an arm over her shoulder, “The name’s Yakko, this here’s my beloved baby sister Dot, and this is-” He stopped, staring at the empty space to his left. He leaned into Dot, whispering, “Say, uh, you don't mind looking for Wakko, do ya sis?”
Dot glanced at (Y/n) for an uncomfortable moment and suddenly shot her brother a glare. "I've got eyes all over this studio, Yakko," she warned, slowly stepping away.
Now (Y/n) certainly knew she didn't see pairs of eyes appear around every inch of her sight. 'Oh god, I didn't breath in drugs on the way here, did I? Actually, that would explain whatever the heck's going on.'
Yakko smiled as he watched his sister leave and turned to (Y/n). He walked closer to her, and she realized that his half-lidded eyes had a strange glint in them. “Sooo, your name’s (Y/n), right? A pretty name for a pretty girl.”
(Y/n)’s face heated up. ‘First I get lost, then see a guy get blown up, and now some other guy’s flirting with me? ...To be honest, this is still better than what Mom had planned for today.’
“So what brings ya’ here?” he asked.
“O-Oh, well, my Mom was supposed to give me a tour of the studio, but I’ve been giving that to myself all day. I tried finding her, but I’m pretty sure I’m nowhere near it by now.” Her eyes wandered over to the ground, but a realization made them perk back up and over to Yakko. “Hey, do you happen to know this place by any chance?”
“Know it? Please, my sibs and I live here, we know this place by heart and soul!” He mumbled something else, along the lines of “Basically made our hearts and souls”. 
Her heart jumped; finally, a piece of good news. “Really?” she said, a smile spreading across her face.
He nodded. “So where do ya’ need to go?” Before she could answer, he pulled out a piece of folded paper and moved in so close, their shoulders were smooshed together. Yakko unfolded it, and it turned out to be the biggest map (Y/n) has ever seen. “Well, from here, you’re gonna need to take a right and continue straight until you get to the Harry Potter and Fantastic Beasts exhibit. But be careful, I heard some of them escaped, and if anyone asks if you’ve seen any of them, don’t tell them I gave one to Dot as a late birthday gift. Anyway, you take a left from there, then a right where you’ll see the lot where they used to shoot Game of Thrones. Now this is only a rumour I’ve heard, but I think some of the producers are still on that set. If you happen to see them, do not, I repeat, DO NOT mention season eight, or maybe just don’t mention the show at all. Actually, don’t even look at them. As a matter of fact, you probably shouldn’t even go there at all, just keep heading straight until you get to the D.C. Universe lot. Then you just take left there, then a sharp right over over, then you keep going straight until you get to here, turn up over there, turn right there, and then you’re there. Did ya’ follow all that?”
(Y/n) stared at his face, which was practically radiating with enthusiasm, and she felt her eye twitch again. “...No,” she said, shaking her head.
His smile dimmed, but it became just as bright as the sun again a split-second later. “Ah well, maps are gettin' old anyways,” he said, throwing the map over his shoulder. “WAKKO!!”
And, low and behold, another anthropomorphic dog popped out of nowhere, and (Y/n) was starting to question if there was an army of them hidden somewhere. But she had to admit, it was pretty cute how this one was dressed in an oversized blue sweater and red hat. 
“Tablet, please,” Yakko said politely, holding out his hand. 
‘You're not gonna walk me there-?'
Wakko suddenly held his head back with his cheeks puffed out, then leaned into Yakko’s hand as he forced out a small object from his mouth. After an incredibly uneasy moment, a tablet glazed in spit was in Yakko's grasp. While he praised the little guy, (Y/n) forced back the urge to vomit.
“E-Ehhhh…?” She couldn’t say anything else while her gaze frantically went back and forth from Wakko and the regurgitated tablet. 
“Oh! Where are my manners?” Yakko said. “(Y/n), this is my dear little brother, Wakko. Wakko, this here’s our new special friend, (Y/n).” 
“Hello!” Wakko greeted, who was suddenly in her arms. “You’re really pretty!”
“Ehh? Thank you? I guess??” she said apprehensively, and finally managed to make eye contact. Despite his...quirks, he's actually a little adorable... She let herself grin a little.
The moment of semi-peace was ruined when she took notice of Yakko’s narrowed eyes. “ALrighty, (Y/n)!” he said loudly, grabbing his little brother by the collar and gently setting him on the ground. “Animal Kingdom, right? Let’s get ya’ right over there.” He moved right beside her and taped the screen a couple times. 
“Um, what’re you doing exactly?” she asked.
“Doing what every person does to get somewhere nowadays.” He grabbed her waist and pulled her against him, and (Y/n) flinched from his touch. “Please keep your arms, legs, and personal items inside the tablet at all times.”
Just when she was about to question him for the hundredth time, he pressed the screen again, and her vision became nothing but white. Her body felt like it was launched into a tornado; a strong force of wind thrusted her back, and somehow, the boy’s arm kept her from flying off from his side. A second later, her feet were back on the ground, the sky was where it needed to be, and reality was back in place. 
Except for (Y/n)’s mentality. 
She stumbled around, trying to find her balance as the world unbearably whirled around her. Finally, she shook her head, and quickly turned back towards Yakko, whose face tried to tell her whatever happened was perfectly fine and normal. 
“What was THAT?” she yelled, staggering towards him and gripping his shoulders.
And he still had the audacity to have that 'why-are-you-freaking-out-so-much-we-do-this-every-Friday' smile. “Thank you for attending Warner’s Travel Tours! I would say my Agent Ralph’ll take your bags, but I left him alone with my sibs, so he’s probably in the middle of the Pacific Ocean by now.”
(Y/n) could only stare at him. Her mind was twisting and turning, trying so hard to make any sense of what happened but only making her headache grow larger and larger. And then, her thoughts just went blank.
She smirked. Then giggled. And a few seconds later, she had burst out laughing whilst holding her stomach. (Y/n) looked back up at Yakko, wiping a tear from her eye. “Th-Thank you…” she said, catching her breath. 
His smile had grown and she thought his white cheeks were red for a moment. Yakko had opened his mouth, but whatever he was about to say was cut off by a net suddenly covering his entire body. Ralph was behind him, his skin and clothes burnt and ears practically smoking. “You’re coming with me, Warner!” he said.
And yet, Yakko only grinned. Like physics was his enemy, he disappeared from inside the net and appeared sprouting from the security guard’s back, cheerfully waving at (Y/n). “I’ll see ya’ around, yeah?” he said, then ran around the corner with Ralph sprinting right after him.
(Y/n) giggled and reached for the straps around her back. But when she only felt the (f/c) fabric of her shirt, her smile dropped, and a deep sigh escaped her lips. “Great…” she whispered.
She gasped as a pair of arms squeezed the life out of her. Her mother spun her around to face her gleaming smile, which was immediately replaced by an apologetic frown. “I’m so sorry I didn’t get your texts! That scene took forever, but I’m glad you found your way here! You’re so smart! Anyway, I know we don’t get as much time now, but there’s still so much we’ll be able to see!...”
She rambled on and on and on and on. Her daughter’s shoulders slumped and she followed her to where she wanted her to go, but the frown on her face didn’t last long when she remembered the fun she had just a few seconds ago. ‘Maybe this summer won’t be that bad.’
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slytherinwh0re · 4 years
Now or never
Draco Malfoy x Female Reader
Warnings: SMUT (18+ minors dni), swearing, use of the word m*dblood once
Summary: *Draco’s POV* Where Draco admits his feelings for the girl he’s been friends with for years.
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*Draco’s POV*
I’ve never felt anything that comes close to this, a desire so deep it keeps me up at night, longing so ingrained into every crack of my soul it’s all I can think about. That’s what she’s done to me, (y/n) (y/l/n), the girl I’ve known since childhood, the one who’s always been there, and the only person who makes me feel alive.
Why she chooses to keep me around I’d never understand. Whenever I ask she says the same thing everytime, “I need you Draco” the response usually makes my heart slam against my chest but what I don’t think she gets is how I’m the one that needs her. Her warmth and kindness is unlike anything I’ve ever felt, I’m a fiend for it, without it life would be dull.
That’s why when she’s around I make sure to be on my best behavior, even Potter and the Weasel can’t get a reaction out of me when she’s near. Well, none other than a dirty look but she’d usually kiss my cheek and tell me to quit glaring cause it causes wrinkles.
One time in second year I’d called Granger a mudblood in front of her and the disapproving look she gave me was enough to put me off the word forever. She didn’t talk to me for a week after that, I had to apologize to the bushy headed scoundrel before (y/n) would speak to me again, it was humiliating but for her I’d do anything. I’ve never used the word again.
The witch has been there for me through everything, she’s always been my dearest friend, and I hers. So when I hadn’t seen her during the summer inbetween third and fourth year I was confused by my emotions when I’d finally spotted her on the train. I’d always known (y/n) was beautiful, I never denied it, but that year her hips had rounded out, her breasts were fuller, and her face looked more matured. That was the first time I’d wanted to do things with her that friends just don’t do together.
It only got worse from there, the older we got, the more attractive she became. She was everything I’d ever desired, it was torture not allowing myself to tell her the thing I wanted to do to her out of fear of ruining the friendship I valued over everything. Instead I sat back, lusting over the girl who didn’t have a clue.
I’d watch her, in class, at the library, while she was with her other friends, my eyes always seemed to find her in a room full of people. It’s pathetic really but I can’t help it, (y/n) took up every thought in my mind. It’s the worst at night, when I’m trying to sleep and the only thing I can focus on is how fucking nice her ass looked in class that day or the fullness of her lips and how perfect they’d look wrapped around me.
Now here we are in seventh year, both 18, and fully matured, our friendship as strong as ever but I’ve just about had it. I’ve watched as other twats got to call her theirs and be with her in ways I’ve only imagined but I’m always there for her, ready to pick up the pieces of her broken heart when they hurt her. The pretty girl was too kind for her own good and she’d only ever blame herself for them being such fucking idiots, how could they not realize what they’d just lost?
I knew she’d have boyfriends, she was too beautiful not to, but I’d never expected it to hurt me so much to see her with another. However I kept my mouth shut, she knew I didn’t like any of them but I never said anything to her about it, it’s her life and if she’s happy than I suppose that would just have to be enough for me. Although I will admit, I felt relieved when they’d break up, it meant I still had a chance if I ever gained the courage to tell her how in love with her I am.
“What’re you thinking so hard about Draco?” Her eyebrow’s are scrunched together and I can’t help but smile at how cute she looks.
“You.” I tell her honestly, reaching across my bed where she lays to brush the piece of hair off her face. The best part of being a prefect is the private dorm, we’d always come here and hangout.
“Me? What about me?” She rest her face on her hands and gives me her full attention.
I take in a deep breath and decide to be completely honest with her. “(Y/n), you know I think you’re beautiful right?”
“Well uhm—you’ve never really told me that before but uhm thank you.” Her face is bright red but she doesn’t look away, her eyes remain on mine and I feel my heart rate spike. “Why are you telling me this now Draco?”
There’s so many ways I could answer that question but I know if I never tell her the truth I’ll live the rest of my life thinking of the what-if’s. I sit up, grab her hand, and beckon her to do the same so we’re facing each other.
“I’ve always thought you were beautiful my darling but I’ve been a coward,” I take deep breath, preparing myself for what I’m about to say, it’s now or never, “I’ve been hiding my feelings from you for years now. The way I feel about you is much more than what a friend should feel for another friend.” I grab her hands and hold them in my lap, my hearts going a mile a minute but if I stop now I won’t forgive myself. “What I’m trying to say is, I love you, I’m in love with you, I have been for so long.”
She’s silent for a while, just watching me, and I feel my heart begin to shatter. I start to lift myself off the bed but she holds my hands tighter, not letting me move.
“Oh Draco, you must be blind.” She let’s go of one of my hands and puts hers on my cheek, leaning into me until we’re only an inch away from each other. “It’s always been you, I love you.” And then she’s kissing me, and I think I might be dreaming but she throws a leg on either side of my hips, straddling my waist, and I realize this isn’t an image I’ve conjured in my head, my girl is on my lap, kissing me.
It’s like a switch flipped in my head, my hands find her hips, the same hips I’ve dreamt about for years, and I pull her as close to me as possible. Her tongue tangles with mine and she has her hands in my hair, tugging just enough to make my hold on her tighten. When she pulls away for air I tilt her head to the side, giving my lips access to the skin of her neck, sucking hard enough to leave my mark on her for the next few days, the airy moan she lets out is the sexiest thing I’ve ever heard. She’s addicting, the taste of her on my lips is like a drug, the sounds she makes give me goosebumps, and I love her, all of her.
When my sweet girl grinds down on my cock I just about lose it, the moan that leaves my mouth would be embarrassing if I wasn’t so caught up on how perfect the curve of her ass feels in my hands.
“Make me yours Draco.” (Y/n) whispers and I have to pull back to make sure I heard her correctly. Could it be that she really wants to be with me in that way?
“You’re sure my love? We could wait as long as you’d like.” She kisses my jaw and I moan as her hands start pulling on my shirt.
“I’m positive, I’ve wanted this for so long.” Fuck.
I flip us over so she’s laying on the bed and I’m on top of her, I pull my shirt over my head as quickly as possible as she starts fiddling with my belt. I place my hands on the skin of her stomach, moving them upwards slowly, giving her a chance to change her mind but she never was one for patience, instead she yanks her shirt off, leaving her in a thin black bra that she has off even quicker than the shirt, then she places my hands on each breast.
God I fucking love her.
The supple skin feels soft under my finger tips, her peaked nipples just begging to be played with so I do just that. I bring my lips around one, letting my tongue roll over the hard bud, listening to the soft sounds from the girl underneath me.
I hook my fingers into her leggings, dragging them down her silky legs, each new inch of uncovered skin makes my already hard cock grow impossibly harder. Her small hands pull down my pants and boxers with one quick tug, making my dick slap my stomach, leaving only one article of clothing between us. She wraps her fingers around me and I bury my face in her hair, the warmth of her hand driving me insane.
I pull her panties to the side, dipping my fingers into her dripping cunt, and the pretty girl moans my name.
“We can do foreplay another time, I need you now Draco, please.” How could I deny her when she sounds so sexy begging like that. I rip off her panties, throwing the destroyed material somewhere on the floor. I pull her lips back to mine and position myself at her entrance.
When I push into her it’s as if her body was meant for mine, her slick tight walls grip me perfectly. (Y/n)’s nails dig into my back as I keep up a steady pace, her perky tits bouncing with every deep thrust of my hips, and I watch as her swollen lips part into a silent moan as I find the spongy spot I’d been searching for.
My hands explore her body, running up the curve of her hips and up her soft stomach, bringing a thumb up to her bottom lip and watching in awe when she wraps her lips around it, sucking lightly before letting it go. I use that same thumb, to rub small circles into her clit.
“Draco, more, please I need more!” I pull out of her, flip her onto her stomach, and pull her hips up so her ass is in the air.
“As you wish my love.” I lick a single bold line up her center and then slam my hips into her. Giving my pretty girl exactly what she wanted. I smack her ass, thanking every God for letting this happen to me. She arches her back and grabs at the sheets, the screams of my name have me holding onto every fiber of self control I can. “You take my cock so well darling, I’ve dreamt about this so many times.” I smack her ass again, thrusting into her at a brutal pace. She’s soaking wet, the warmth of her cunt sucking me in with every jerk of my hips.
“I’m close Draco!” Her legs are shaking and I reach around her, one hand wrapped around her throat, pulling her to my chest, the other massaging her clit.
“Let go my love, I’ve got you.” I kiss her neck, inching her closer to her release. Her walls clench and she screams, my name leaving her lips on repeat as her orgasm rolls through her body. I wait until she’s done to let myself spill into her, my hips stutter and I moan into her hair as she pants against me.
I lay her down, grab a towel, and clean her up. She just stares at me with a small smile on her face when I lay with her, my pretty girl.
“I love you Draco.”
“I love you (y/n).”
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melodyofmbaku · 3 years
In Between the Lines Chapter 2 (Erik Stevens x OC)
Teaser [1]
Prompt: “C'mon, I wanna hear you say it.”
Word Count: 2.5k
Warnings: Angst... I can’t help it.
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That was her problem.
Elloise couldn't see. So she liked to touch.
It was how she was able to experience the world. It was also the bane of Erik’s existence.
She was always fiddling & touching and it drove him right up the wall.
Didn't she know that some people would misinterpret her actions?
That’s exactly why he hung around her so much, she was entirely too trusting. And he didn't want someone with ill intentions to take advantage of her.
That’s what it was.
Not because he wanted her hands to be on him and him only.
Or because he wanted to see exactly what that mouth could do.
It was because she had a bleeding heart for every seemingly suffering individual and it would be her downfall.
That’s what it was.
As such he made it his mission to weave his way into her days because Elloise was one of the few people he actually liked around here.
He remembers the first time he met the woman who had ownership of his heart.
It was 2 years ago when hehad just arrived at the palace. The place that was supposed to be his home. After he decided to work alongside T’Challa to better improve relations between Wakanda and the rest of the world it was decided.
He could learn more about his father, his birth place, and detach from his old hobby.
Killing people.
So when the young man approached him with a smile on his face and gesturing towards his gear he put a stop to it quick.
He still had some of his pieces on him and he didn’t want that getting messed with.
He rolled his eyes and mumbled an “nah I’m good boss” under his breath before walking around him.
The man began to follow him, looking intently at him with a confused look on his face.
“Do you need some help with your bags?” He gestured to his belongings once more.
“I’m good man.” He responded back again lowly. What was this dude’s problem?
Then he heard it. Her.
"Would you quit mumbling under your breath? If you have something to say, speak up, if not, you'd be better off shutting up".
He looked to the side and took in the woman who emerged from one of the many entrances that lead to the front hall.
She looked lithe and soft. She had dark skin and plump lips, wild coily hair, and a dress that accentuated her waist dangerously. Her cleavage was artfully on display and he was definitely taking a look.
This was the exact kind of woman he enjoyed whining, dining and bending over at the end of the night.
He would also probably do something wicked to that mouth…
He cocked his head and the corner of his lip lifted up in amusement.
“What you say ma?”
He watched as she walked towards him with intent and an odd aura of grace.
She stopped much too close to him.
"Erik... when you entered these grounds — the palace — my house — because that's what this is... my house — you consented to abiding to the rules of this household”.
"Some of which include forgoing your "I used to kill people for a living" vibe so that the differently abled individuals in the residence can comfortably get their jobs done".
What was she going on about? Differently abled?
She gestured to the young man who came to take his bags.
"James is hard of hearing. It helps that you speak clearly, and preferably facing him, so he can better assist you".
Erik turned to take him in. Then he saw it.
James smiled politely and gestured to the tiny hearing aid that was discreetly placed behind his ear.
Erik swallowed. He felt like a dick. He palmed the back of his neck.
"Nah uh... I'll carry my own weight." he responded after clearing his throat.
James nodded and looked back at the woman as if waiting for a command.
She turned to him "Thanks James, it seems like Mr. Stevens has it covered. You can go now."
The young man nodded and went on his was and Erik could’ve sworn he heard a snicker from him as he retreated. He glared at his retreating back.
"Can I touch you"? she asked tilting her head.
"What"? he asked confused.
She gestured toward his face. “Can I touch you? Your face specifically”. She repeated.
Erik squinted still trying to understand what exactly her problem was.
"Why the fu —". She never let him finish.
"We'll be spending a lot of time together now that you’re officially part of the royal family”.
“What’s that gotta do with you touching me?”.
"To save you further embarrassment, and a repeat scenario… in case you missed it Mr. Stevens... I'm blind". She pointed to her eyes to convey her point.
There was a moment of silence before Erik realized.
He wasn't sure how he missed it. He was getting comfortable and terribly out of practice.
She had done a very good job of presenting as normal as possible.
He ducked lower to her level to meet her eyes. True enough her deep brown eyes were unfocused and there seemed to be a gray film over them but they were brown nonetheless.
She repeated her question.
"Can I touch your face, so I know what you look like?” she gestured to him leaning forward invasively close.
“What if I say no”? He responded back defiantly. She wouldn’t catch him slipping twice.
“Then you say no”. she shrugged leaning back.
“I wouldn’t touch you without your consent, another one of our house rules that I hope you’ll remember”. She replied in a patronizing fashion.
He took offence.
“I’m a killer, not a rapist.” he spat out.
“That’s good to hear”. she commented before walking up the stairs encouraging him to follow.
“I’ll show you to your room, and it’s a pleasure to meet you Erik.”
And that was the beginning of their relationship.
He idled about and nursed a drink in his hands and tried to look the least bit engaged at this donor dinner. He hated these dinners.
He’d have to watch Elloise on his cousins arm the entire night. Not to forget the attendees who were there for selfish political gain alone.
He watched closely as she made the rounds with T’challa around the room. She had chosen a deep green dress with a dangerous V that held his attention throughout the night.
T’challa paraded her around the room like the gift she was and he knew this was the part of him she fell in love with.
That’s why he was surprised to find her alone and still dressed to the nines in the palace kitchen in the middle of the night.
He had changed into his comfortable sweats and made his way over to decide on which concoction of alcohol would knock him out for the night.
She had a plate of lamb and potatoes untouched in front of her.
She didn’t startle when he spoke. She probably knew he was here based on his cologne or possibly just heard him when he came in.
“Midnight snack?” He paused and sat in the seat across from her.
“I got the chef to make me something then sent him away.” She spoke clearly. He heard the hardness in her voice.
She was upset.
He saw that the lamb sat on the play uncut and her hands lay in her lap.
“Let me get some of that.”He reached over for the plate and she stopped him.
“Erik. I like lamb.” She held onto the plate refusing to let up.
He sighed.
“Here, I got it.” He stretched his hands for the cutlery.
“I can do it myself.” She protested eyebrows furrowing.
“I know that.”
She still held onto the fork with hostility. She was upset.
“I like doing this so relax okay? You know it’s not like that.” he sucked his bottom lip into his mouth and awaited her answer.
With that she reluctantly released the cutlery to him and folded her hands in her lap carefully.
She heard the fork and knife scrape against the plate as Erik cut it into pieces. She couldn't help but inhale a little bit deeper.
She liked the way he smelled. Erik always smelled like warmth..
She didn't know what to do with her hands. They were always doing something. Touching, feeling, studying, working.
She tried so hard to not be caught lacking, to be looked at as unable.
She would always have an excuse, because of her condition, but she pushed herself to insane lengths to never have to use it.
With Erik she was able to relax without being scrutinized, when it was just the two of them it was different.
This was... nice. She liked it.
"Potatoes too?" he asked wondering if he should slice up the baby potatoes that accompanied the lamb on her plate.
She shook her head — negative, she liked them whole.
"Thank you". she replied back softly.
"Don't mention it". He responded before carefully handing the fork back to her.
Her fingers lingered on his hand a moment before she pulled them away seemingly unaware.
Erik lived for moments like these.
He watched attentively as she speared the tender meat and placed it in her mouth and began to chew.
“Where’s T? Why isn’t he here with you right now?” He was sure he’d be tearing it up tonight. She looked that damn good.
She paused and looked down. “He… got called away for an emergency.”
They both knew what that meant. Erik wanted blood.
“You can’t let him get away with disrespecting you like this El. Tell somebody. The elders. Anybody.” He urged with subdued rage.
“Would they blame him? Or would his actions be chalked up to something else?” She shifted in her seat.
“Maybe how in more than one way I’m not enough.” She placed another piece of meat into her mouth and chewed slowly.
Despite the hot anger that flowed through his veins, he knew it was the truth.
He hated that it was the truth.
He despised his cousin for taking that vulnerable woman and turning her into this.
He was going to end him.
They weren’t that close anyways.
He could see it now.
He’d start from his left hip bone and do a clean cut — probably with something classic. Like a black pearl switchblade. Then he’d —
“You can’t say anything Erik.” she commanded. It was if she heard him plotting.
He scoffed.
“It’s not your right.” She said.
Her mouth was sharp as ever.
He hated that mouth.
He dreamed of that mouth.
He was the forgotten cousin. An honorary royal. Offered a position for blood ties and even then, it was decorative.
An outcast.
Maybe that’s why they got along so well.
She placed another potato between her lips.
He rose from his seat and stood behind her.
He began to remove the large decorated pins from her pressed hair. His fingers reached the nape of her neck and she finally released the tension that her body held.
“I didn’t say I was going to do anything.” He spoke lowly above her, focused on the task at hand.
She leaned into his hand and he snuck his fingers into her hair and found her scalp.
He rubbed at it gently, product would cling to his fingers later but he didn’t mind it.
“We’re the same you and I.” She hummed.
He cocked his head and continued his task.
He never understood her when she said that. But in fear of being scolded he kept quiet.
She was good. So good. He was bad bad bad.
He felt her shuffle to rise and he stopped his actions unwillingly.
She sat up and he reluctantly removed his fingers from her head.
She ran her palms down her dress to straighten it out before she looked in his direction.
“You’re harmless. ” She joked lightly before lifting her hand awaiting his arm to lead her back to her room.
He raised an eyebrow.
“Girl, you should be scared of me.” He murmured slyly.
She rolled her eyes.
He offered her his arm and she grasped it in a familiar fashion and let him lead her.
They walked leisurely through the hallways. When he didn’t get a response to his last statement he assumed his previous joke fell flat.
“Erik, when are you gonna go?” She asked softly. Her fingers added more pressure into his arms, concern lacing her tone.
She’s been pestering him for months to go to therapy — deal with his murderous thoughts.
He didn’t like the idea.
So he wasn’t going to do it.
“I’ll go when you go.” He shot back.
She sniffed and turned her face away from him.
He grinned cheekily, dimples shining through.
“You know why I can’t go. It’d be taboo for me. Plus, they treat me like an invalid.” he watched her mouth twist into a scowl.
He scoffed, and continued to lead them to her destination.
Their route was coming to an end and he knew she felt it.
As they got closer and closer to her quarters her grip tightened on his bicep. And he paused.
“Erik I’m scared.” she whispered.
“If he can do this. Openly. In our room. In our bed, then...”
“What’s next? What’s next for me?“ she looked in his direction — lost.
“If he don’t got you, I got you.” He crowded her space and bent down so he could be level with her.
She needed to understand that she could rely on him for anything. He wasn’t sure he knew just how deep his feelings went for her.
She lifted her hands to hold his face. It was how she saw. Her hands immediately found his beard. He saw the tears pool in the corner of her eyes.
“Anytime you get scared you call me. You hear me?”
Her gaze was downcast. This wouldn’t do.
“I’ll gut em. Like fishes. The whole lotta them.” He pushed out huskily.
“Erik...” she murmured disapprovingly.
“You believe me?” He asked.
“I —“
“C'mon, I wanna hear you say it.” He pushed lowly committed to making her see that she wasn’t alone, he was there.
“Yes Erik, I believe you.” She whispered lowly. She quickly wiped the tears that had slid down her face disobediently.
“Goodnight E.” She stepped back and turned to her door. He watched as she steadied herself.
He stuffed his hands in his pockets to stop himself from grabbing her and crushing her in his embrace.
He wanted to grab her and kiss away her fears.
Instead he subdued his wants and watched her walk through her door.
The door to the room she shared with T’Challa.
He spun around and began the familiar path back to the kitchen.
After knocking back the drink of the night he steadied himself.
Erik walked to his chambers in the same manner he did every night — longing for his cousin's wife.
@fd-writes @amorestevens @raysunshine78 @adreamsublime
Idek what I’m even doing with this story but lmk what you think 💜
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fiveisnumber1 · 4 years
Timeless - Five Hargreeves x Reader
Main story parts:
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 | 21 | 22 | 23 | 24 | 25 | 26 | 27 | 28 | 29 | 30
Pt 30 - Countdown to Chaos
After Five had vanished to go make a deal with the devil, you stood in the emptiness of the night staring at the spot where he had been. You weren't sure how you thought the night was supposed to go but it definitely didn't go the way it should've. It was a mess, an absolute clusterfuck, and yet, you weren't surprised. Of course, the Hargreeves were going to have a hard time confronting their father. They hadn't seen the man in years, especially Five, who had seen him last when he ran away from home and got stuck. You knew their trauma was long-lasting but they could've worked together rather than working against each other. And now here you all were, separated again and having to go down even more risky channels to get out of this god-forsaken timeline. You shook your head and let out a sigh as there was nothing left to do tonight but go home. Slowly you turned away from the building and walked the block slowly to where Charlie said he'd be parked. As you approached you made your way over to the passenger side and opened the door. Charlie looks over towards you and immediately notices the look on your face.
"Oh it was BAD bad, wasn't it?" He asks
As you got in the passenger seat you slumped down in it and replied,
"Immensely so."
"I called it. I knew having them get together with their dad was going to be worse than yesterday." Charlie comments as he starts to drive away
You knew he was right and he did call it but this was not the place to be doing so. The world was on a collision course and you were right in the path of destruction. You turn your head to look at him as you state,
"This is no time for bragging Charlie, things got really messed up."
"Well, it's not like you revealed your powers," Charlie says nonchalantly
You place your face in your hands as you slump further into your seat. Charlie takes a glance over to you as he drives and questions,
"You didn't reveal your powers, right?"
Taking your face out of your hands you look towards him with an awkward grimaced expression but don't say any words. Charlie glances back over and you and when he realizes you're not saying anything he slams on the breaks stopping the car. His eyes go wide as he quickly states,
"(Y/N), this is bad."
"I know!" you exclaim
"(Y/N) this is really bad. How did this happen?" He replies, a hint of panic in his voice
"I didn't really plan on doing it but then Reggie was going on a tirade at Diego and Diego was getting so sad and so I got mad and I threw a knife at Reggie and became visible and then I had to explain myself and then I got angrier and started showing off my powers and now he knows I have powers and I really fucked up." You rant frantically
"Oh no, this is bad...this is bad."
"That's not even the worst part." You complain
"What could be worse than showing your powers to Reginald?!"
"Oh god, that IS worse!" Charlie exclaims back "Oh this is so bad. This is really really bad (Y/N)."
"I know and like...I love all the Hargreeves dearly, even Luther who is being a dick to me right now, but holy shit when everyone gets together everything falls apart and so fast. Like surprisingly fast."
"What do we do? Do you have a plan? You have a plan right?" Charlie asks distressed
"Well, I don't think I can get Allison to rumor him into forgetting I have powers because that would require getting her to see him in person again and having the two of them talk long enough that she can rumor him which seems unlikely. So in terms of a plan...we have no plan."
"No there has to be a plan." Charlie remarks "Okay okay. What if we all go to Europe? You, me, your boyfriend, and all of his family just up and leave for Europe right now. We'll change our names and start new lives."
"No that wouldn't work."
"Why not?"
"Those people can not effectively gather together even if their life depended on it and I'm pretty sure only you and I have passports at this time so we would be the only ones allowed outside of the country."
"Damn, you're right. "
"Also, on a lesser note, the world is ending in a few days so even if we did all manage to go to Europe it probably would be all for naught."
Charlie sucks in his breath before letting it out defeated. Plopping back into his seat, he looks at the roof of the car before asking,
"So what do we do now then?"
"We go home." You reply quietly
Charlie continues to look up at the ceiling for a bit before letting out a huff. Tilting his head back down to look at the road, he places his hands back on the wheels and slowly starts to drive back to your house. You shook your head disappointment across your face as you thought about the predicament you were in. The predicament you all were in. As you continued to lean back in your seat as you looked at the passing flashes of street lights above. Everything was moving so fast. You knew you would get home at some point no matter how slow Charlie drove or how long the path he drove took and you were worried about what lied at the end of that drive.
Five was not happy with what lied at the end of his journey either. His siblings couldn't keep it together for one evening. Not even an hour. It was ridiculous how unreliable they were. And yet, here he was making his way to the second to last person on earth he'd ask for help to try and get them all back to 2019 where they belonged. He needed to get all of his siblings out of this time but he especially wanted to get you out of here. If he could get everyone back to 2019 then things would be okay and the two of you could have the life together that you deserved.
Five's mind was filled with the thoughts of you. He needed to get you out of this timeline, especially now that this version of his father knew you had powers. He didn't think that his father would hurt you, especially since he had called himself your father, but Reginald was still Reginald and Five was worried about what would come next. You were probably on your way back to the house you shared with that man and any number of things could happen between now and the time he saw you next. He needed to get this contingency plan over with and fast. Arriving at the hotel the handler was staying at he made his way up to the second floor to room 217. As he approached the double-doored room he felt a sense of deja vu. It was only five days for him since he had last met up with her at a different semi-formal hotel room. Five paused in front of the door and took a breath. Raising his hand up he knocked on the door and within seconds the double doors opened to reveal the handler standing behind them. it was as if she knew he was coming. The handler had her signature smile on her face, one that looked happy but hid a sinister nature behind it.
"Ah! Just in time for a nightcap." She commented before heading into the room
Five hesitated for a second before cautiously stepping into the room. He took a look around and the place and once he felt he had scoped it out enough turned around and shut the doors behind him. A critical look was on his face as he approached where the handler stood. With two drinks in her hand and a cigarette between her teeth, the handler turned to look at Five.
"To be clear, I take out the board you get me and my family home. No more doomsday, no more apocalypse. Is that correct?" Five questioned
With a drink in hand, the handler walked over to a nightstand by the bed and picks up a piece of paper before proceeding to slowly lay on her side across the bed. She looks up at Five and replies,
"That's the deal."
Five bites the inside of his cheek as he looks around the room. He really didn't want to do this. He knew that working with her was never going to end well and yet the desire to save you and his family was worth the risk that might come with this deal. Looking back at the handler, Five states,
"Then I'm in."
The handler twiddles a piece of paper in between her fingers before extending it out for Five to take. Five doesn't move from his spot trying not to get any closer to her but leans in slightly so he can grab the paper. Once he takes it from her he unfolds it and reads what it says.
The Lonely Lodger Inn.
Oshkosh, Wisconsin, 1982.
"So how do I get there and back?" Five questioned
"I have a briefcase for you. Specifically, programmed for two trips. One to take you to the exact time and place listed on that note where the board is and one to take you right back to Dallas, on the morning of November 22nd, 1963."
Clever. Of course, she wouldn't just hand him a regular briefcase, then he would be able to bring everyone back without having to go kill the board. Five hated how she was one step ahead of him.
"Where is it?" Five asked
"Oh, the briefcase is in the corner over there." The handler replied taking another puff of her cigarette
Five looked towards his right to the corner of the room she had gestured to and saw a briefcase sitting there. Carefully, he made his way over and grabbed it. As he did so he could feel the handler's laser-like gaze on him, boring into his back. It sent an odd feeling down his spine that he didn't appreciate. Picking up the briefcase, he pocketed the note she gave him before turning around and heading towards the door. As Five reaches out for the door handle, the handler comments,
"Y'know Five, I'm getting pretty tired of not getting to meet your sweet little girlfriend in person. I'm sure you're doing this for her, aren't you?"
Five turns on his heel and with vile in his voice retorts,
"My reasons for doing this are none of your business and you will never meet her."
"Aw, don't be so harsh. I just want to see her up close and take a look at that pretty face you happen to love so much." The handler teases
"If you so much as lay a hand on her I will personally make sure that when you are killed you stay dead this time." Five rebukes
He was done with the handler's games. He hated the way that she talked about you, it made his blood boil, and if the handler wasn't the person he needed to help get everyone out of Dallas he probably would've killed her on the spot. He just hoped that you'd never have to see her in person. Turning back around Five opens the door and starts to walk out. From behind her Five can hear the handler call out,
"We'll see Five. I have my ways."
Not looking back Five stated,
"And I have mine."
And just like that, he was gone and on his way to get back to you as soon as possible.
Soon was not soon enough though because with each minute you got closer and closer to arriving back home at the mansion in Dallas. You and Charlie drove down the road towards the house quietly, nervous tension in the air. Both of you worried about what might occur next. As you passed the estate in which Klaus lived with his cult you knew the drive was almost over. Mentally you tried to prepare yourself as the car rolled up into the driveway of the house. Slowly the car came to a stop in front of the main door. You and Charlie both looked towards the door but didn't move from the car. You weren't nervous per se but this was uncharted territory having someone other than Charlie know about your powers, especially since it was Reggie. After a moment the two of you carefully opened the doors to the car and step out. Closing the car door you stare up at the house that only a few days ago you'd comfortably enter and exit with ease. Charlie makes his way around the car and stands next to you. The two of you continue to look up at the towering building as Charlie states,
"We can dip if you want."
A small smile came to your face and you felt a bit better hearing your friend correctly use one of your future words.
"Good usage." you complimented
"Thank you, but I'm serious. We can go. I'll speed us back to town we can find your boyfriend and just...I don't know do something."
You paused for a second. You could run but it wouldn't be like you. You had been in worse situations in life. You had jumped through time and started over when you were 13, you had fought criminals on multiple occasions, you had almost died, and then jumped through time and started over again. A fire built within you as you remembered the fact that you had lived with since you first met Reginald. You were stronger than this man, he had no hold over you.
"No, Charlie. I've been in worse situations. Whatever lies for me on the other side of that door I can deal with it."
Charlie looked towards and saw the determined look in your eyes as you stared at the building. A smirk came to his face as he could see the fire of courage radiating off of you, but Charlie's smirk faltered though. From the start, your strength had always impressed him, and yet even with your evident bravery he couldn't help but worry for you, his only friend. Charlie let out a breath he didn't know he was holding in before saying,
"Okay, let's go."
You gave him a small nod and the two of you walked into the house. As you arrived in the foyer Marie approached you with a smile on her face. With her hands clasped together in front of her, she greeted,
"Welcome home, (Y/N) and hello, Charlie. Sir Hargreeves has requested to speak with you in his office at your earliest convenience."
"Oh, thank you. We'll head there straight away." You formally replied
You and Charlie started to walk in the direction of his office but Marie stepped in front of the two of you blocking the path. A smile still on her face as she added,
"Alone, miss (Y/N)."
You turned to look at Charlie and you could see the concern in his eyes even if the rest of his face looked blank. Turning to your friend you looked up at him and calmly say,
"Go to my room, Charlie."
Charlie looks at you and his mouth opens a little bit as if he was about to say something but you place a hand on his shoulder squeezing it tightly as you look him in the eyes. In a steady tone you direct,
"Go to my room, Charlie."
Charlie lets out a sigh before giving you a small nod and turning away. You watch as he walks up the foyer stairs to head to your room before turning away and walking towards the office. When you arrive at where the office was you see the door is already open and Reginald is sitting behind his desk vigorously writing in his notebook. Stepping into the doorway you speak in a flat tone,
"You requested my presence?"
"Yes. Take a seat." Reginald replies not looking up from his writing "And get the door will you."
You let out a small huff before walking into the room and closing the door behind you. Approaching him you sit in a chair on the opposite side of the desk, displeasure on your face. You watch as he continues to write not saying anything or even looking up at you. Rolling your eyes you start the conversation,
"Why am I here Reggie?"
Placing his pen down, he stops writing in his notebook and looks up to focus on you. Clasping his hands together he places them on his desk as he responds formally,
"I have questions."
"About what?" you question unenthused
"You, for one" He states, "But also my apparently seven adopted children, and this awful future you all seem to mention."
Your head tilts to the side curiously as a wry smile appears on your face. Crossing your arms you lean back into your chair and look at him. A Latin phrase you had heard many times came to your mind.
"Saepe ne utile quidem est scire quid futuram sit," You spoke
The phrase meaning, often it is not advantageous to know what will be. There was an irony to the words as the person who had said them to you so many times was the man sitting before you. Granted, he had said this to you during the years you lived with him in the future, but it was ironic nonetheless. Reginald's eyebrows raised at your words, looking almost impressed with your response. Leaning forward slightly Reginald replies,
"Sapiens autem semper ad futurum parari."
Knowing Reginald, he would figure out the answers to his questions by whatever means he had to. You were not a fan of the idea of talking about the future with him but if you answered his questions you could at least shape the narrative. Letting out a small breath you uncrossed your arms and sat upright. Reluctantly you nodded towards him, agreeing to whatever line of questioning he had in mind, but added,
"I'll answer questions but I get to decide on how much information is given."
"Fair enough." He responds, reopening his notebook "You were born on the same day as my alleged children?"
"They are your children." You state "and yes, I was on October 1st, 1989 at 12 p.m. sharp like all the others that day."
"But you mentioned you had a father back at dinner." Reginald comments
You paused for a moment. It had been so long since you fully stopped and thought about your dad. It was so long since you last saw him, almost a decade at this point, but you did have a father, and he was the best one you could've asked for. Speaking up again you said,
"I did. He was not biologically related to me but he raised me as if I was. All the children born that day were spontaneous. The women were not pregnant when the day started but by noon all of them had given birth."
"Curious." Reginald remarks
He takes down some notes before looking up at you again and inquiring,
"So if you had your own family, how did you come about mine?"
"Accidentally." You answer curtly
"Elaborate." Reginald requests
You paused again to think about how to word the information he was asking for. You and the Hargreeves had already left an impact on this timeline which made you concerned about the impacts on the future. Although there was a chance everything would be normal upon your return to 2019, you still wondered what could happen given your involvement in the 1960s. You had to be careful with how much you spoke because if the timeline was changed you suspected he might try to find and adopt you. It's not like your mother would even consider giving you up, nor did she ever report the details of your spontaneous birth to anyone other than your father, so you were not one of the 43 he would know about but still...it was risky. You needed to express enough information to quell his curiosity but not enough to implicate yourself and your family.
"My family was around the mansion up north, close enough that the rumors of an eccentric billionaire adopting seven mysterious children, born the same day and time as me, who never left the house, made their way to my parents' ears. They outright told me not to go near the house but curiosity got the best of me and I went anyway." You explain "I used my powers to get through the gates and became invisible to sneak into the courtyard. I just went to have a look around but instead, I was accidentally pushed over a bench and that's when I first came in contact with your family. Specifically, your son Five."
"The one you're partnered with." Reginald certifies
"Correct." You affirm
Reginald turns back down to look at his notebook and writes more in it. You couldn't really see what he was writing but the number of lines of words appearing down on the paper made you both curious and concerned.
"A peculiar first meeting, but I've probably heard worse," Reginald utters as he continues to write
"Oh, thanks." You remarked sarcastically, rolling your eyes
No matter the situation or person he always seemed to find a way to criticize things.
"And the rest of them?"
"I had been using my powers to spend time with Five without being noticed but at some point, we were found out. We came clean and soon after I was introduced to the rest of the children." You say, recalling that first meeting with his siblings
Oh, how simple times were when you were all small and young and the biggest problem you faced was getting enough time to hang out between you going to school and them fighting crime. Things were better back then. Easier. And once again you wondered what life would've been like if Five hadn't jumped all those years ago. You were pulled out of your nostalgic thoughts when you heard Reginald go,
Placing his pen down Reginald turns back to you.
"I'm assuming the children were under my instruction with their powers, so why are you more powerful and less problematic than them?"
It took a second to register his words but when you did you tilted your head and furrowed your eyebrows at him. Did he really just ask that? How dare he speak about them like that. You knew that he had only met them in passing so it was infuriating to you that he'd to even be making such statements. Now, was he technically correct? Yes. But it didn't give him the right to do so because he didn't know them so he had no basis to talk about such matters. You let out a huff as you started to explain,
"Why am I more powerful? Well, for one I kind of won the power lottery. The power to manipulate molecules, the things that make up our existence, generally can cast a wider net of potential abilities than super strength or rumoring people to do things. Their powers are valid and useful but it's hard to diversify those assets."
As you thought about how you needed to explain this to Reginald you could feel a fire build within you. You sat upright in your chair, with your shoulder back and your arms firmly seated on the armrests, hands forming into fists. You stared him down as he waited for more of a response and when you had formed your thoughts you chastised,
"On top of that, I chose to develop my powers naturally. My parents helped build a foundation so I wouldn't blow the house up or get stuck in a wall but after that, I dictated if I wanted to learn or not. There was no forcing, coercion, or expectations. I learned because I wanted to and my parents supported my efforts with love. It might sound cliche but love truly is the most powerful force in this world, and I'm less 'problematic' as you put it because you didn't raise me. I was raised with that love."
Reginald looked at you quietly, readjusting himself in his seat before saying,
"Are you insinuating that the reason that group was an uncouth disgrace to my legacy was due to my parentage?"
"Insinuating? No. Stating? Yes." you retorted
"Oh really now?" He questioned
"Your children have their issues, but it was of no fault of their own. It was you who instilled these deep-rooted traumas and conflicts in them and provided them with no parental guidance on how to deal with these issues. They had no support system. They were child soldiers rather than children. You gave them numbers one through seven and reduced them to a ranking scale." You berated
You stared at Reginald intensely and he could see the fire in your eyes. Literal fire in your eyes that were red and flickered like glowing embers. Your emotions boiling over to the point where you were starting to physically express them with your power. Reginald's eyes widened as he saw the power you held. Picking up his pen he began to take more notes, but you felt as if you were going to explode if you continued to sit in the chair across from him. Getting up quickly you walked away from the seat and across the room to look out the window. Facing away from him you continued to say,
"And when they were all gone you gave me the number zero because you thought I was better than them. I rejected that number because I am a person and I am not better than them. But the reason you like me so much, the reason you've always liked me better, placed me higher, whether you explicitly showed it or not, is because I'm everything you wanted them to be that they never became. And why is that? Because I was raised as a human not an object of violence."
"So I'm the problem," Reginald replied
"Yes, and the problems only got worse after the incident." You stated
"Where Five ran away into the future and brought you with him?" Reginald suggested
Your eyes went wide as you whipped around to face him, the angry fire within you building as you demanded,
"How do you know about that?"
Reginald looked at you calmly and said,
"He told me when I pulled him away to chat."
You stopped for a second as you processed his words. You didn't expect Five to tell him about that but perhaps he felt open enough to do so. You thought about that day, the one where everything changed, and everyone was put into a more difficult situation than before. Your anger started to fade as you thought about your darker days post jump and the horrors Five had dealt with. Letting out a breath you started to calm down and looking towards the ground you quietly explained,
"Well, yes that was the incident. He got stuck in a wasteland, I was dropped into 2013 where everything that I knew was gone, and the rest of your children had to deal with the fallout of Five's rash decision."
"Unfortunate." Reginald curtly commented
You looked up towards him and looked back towards you. You could see some type of shift in his demeanor before he continued,
"He also mentioned that he spent 45 years in said apocalypse and is most likely older than I am now. Was that in jest? Because it didn't come off that way. And if so I don't know how comfortable I am with you dating someone almost 3 times your age even if he is both my son and the most competent boy I've met so far."
Oh god, not this again. He was acting as a parent. As your father. Disgusting. Your anger and sadness completely faded away and your witty and sarcastic demeanor returned in full swing.
"That's too bad buckaroo." You responded "He looks my age and that's what people are going to notice. Also, he's my best friend, you don't get a say in my dating life, I do what I want."
"Ugh, insolent child. Whatever will I do with you?" Reginald asked rhetorically as he shook his head in disappointment
"Not sure, but something is comforting about you sounding just like the Reggie from the future Umbrella Academy. But let me be honest here, Umbrella Academy is kind of a stupid name. I mean it's on-point branding given your business but it doesn't inspire anything." You explained in a joking yet critical tone
Reginald sat back in his chair as he listened to you rant and criticize the academy he had created. Picking up his pen he began to jot down notes about the criticisms you were giving.
"And don't get me started on that dumb motto. Ut Malum Pluvia." you rant "When evil reigns? I mean I appreciate a good play on words and I can commend you for that but it's so...depressing. You expected your children to save the world with such a hope-crushing motto sewn on their uniform?"
"Well then what would you do?" Reginald asked looking up from his writing
"If I was the parent of seven super-powered children and created an academy with the purpose of saving the world I'd probably take some influence from my mom because she was so bright and hopeful for me before the incident happened and that hope she instilled in me kept me going after."
"So what would you call your academy then?"
You thought for a moment about your mother. The one who unexpectedly gave birth to you and yet called you her own the minute you were born. The one who gave everything to make sure you had the best life. The one who raised you to be the best you could be. The same one who loved and protected you, and whose memory helped to keep you going after you had both disappeared in your own ways. You faded into your thoughts as you recalled the many experiences you shared with her and settled on the one that stood out most.
"The Sparrow Academy." you answered genuinely "My mother used to take me out on summer nights and early mornings before the sun came up to hear the sparrows sing. They were her favorite bird and she always told me that a sparrow's song in the dark leads to a brighter future."
"Canticum in Tenebris." Reginald spoke
"Yes, a song in the dark. Every little bit would all be influenced by her. I have loved many people in my life but if I had to be a part of some academy of children, I'd do it if it was in memory of her."
Reginald finished penning down all that you had said to him and looked up towards you once more. Looking back you broke the silence and asked,
"Do you have any more questions?"
"Well if we're done here I will be heading to my room because, in all honesty, you terrify Charlie and the longer I stay here the more he'll probably assume I'm dead."
Walking towards the door of the office you hear Reginald's voice from behind you,
"Goodnight, (Y/N)."
"Goodbye, Reginald."
As you walk out and close the door to the office you make your way back to the foyer so that you could head upstairs to your room. As you do so you see Grace standing in the foyer looking at some piece of paper. When she looks up and sees you she folds the paper up and places it in the pocket of her cardigan.
"Hey, sweetie," She greets
"Oh hey, mom," you respond
"I saw you came from the direction of Reggie's office. Is everything alright?" She asks
"Oh yeah, we were just discussing my new car." You lied
Your mom didn't seem to pick up on your lie though. Instead, she looked around the foyer before taking a step closer to you.
"Well, that's nice." She said "You know what I was thinking? How about you and I pack up all our stuff and take a long trip?"
You were confused as to why she was speaking in a lower tone of voice. It was as if she was trying to hide something or keep others from listening. You lowered your voice a bit as well but tried to act as if everything was normal.
"That sounds fun. Is Reggie coming?" You inquired
"I have to talk with him about his work and then we'll see if he comes along." She answers
"Oh. Alright." You said
Your mom took another step towards you and leaned in closer, cupping your face in her hands. There was a smile on her face as she held you but the emotion in her eyes was less so of happiness and more so of concern. Looking you directly in the eyes your mom quietly states,
"Great, now you go pack everything. Okay?"
Her tone of voice was less like a suggestion and more like a command. And the way she emphasized the word everything took you back a little bit and sent a small chill down your spine. You looked at your mom for answers but she said nothing more.
"Uh." you paused before hesitantly continuing "Okay mom."
Your mom let go of your face and pulled you into a tight hug. Without another word, she walked off towards the living room and you headed up to your room. Opening the door you see Charlie sitting on your bed vigorously bouncing his leg, his hands clasped together so tightly that his knuckles were turning extremely white. When he heard the door open his head shot up to look at you and he sprang off the bed. You entered the room and closed the door behind you before turning back to your friend.
"Are you okay?" He questioned concerned
"I'm fine. Although I did just have a very odd conversation with my mom."
"What happened?"
"I'm honestly not sure. She seemed slightly paranoid and told me to pack up all my stuff. It's not like her." You explained as you paced about your room
"Is she trying to make a run for it with you?" Charlie asked
"Maybe? I don't know." you answered "Although I don't even know what would have her so worried that she wants us to run away, especially since she was completely fine this morning."
"That's very odd." Charlie comments "So what happened with Sir Reginald?"
"Quite a bit. Why don't you take a seat." You suggested
Charlie sat down on the foot of your bed as you paced in front of him recounting as best as you could what had happened in your meeting with Reginald. As you started to detail the events, Five had finally finished his journey to get to you. It took a bit given the fact that where you were and where the handler was were practically on the opposite side of town. The hotel the handler was staying in was nice enough but it still was on the lesser side of Dallas, while you were living in the more affluent area. Five had to navigate his way across town but at least he knew exactly where you were. When he had found the invitation to the Mexican Consulate the address listed on the envelope was not that of 82 Olive Street where the D.S. Umbrella Manufacturing Company was located so he assumed it was sent to the house in which you lived. Carefully, he made his way up the driveway making sure to not be seen by anyone. As he did so he saw Charlie's convertible parked out front confirming that you were here. Making his way around the back he stood in the cover of the trees as he looked through the windows to see if he could find you. On the backside of the house, he could see you in what he assumed to be your room pacing about the place. He needed to get your attention but didn't want to accidentally startle you and alert his presence to the whole mansion and he didn't even know if you were alone in the room as well. Looking around for something he saw some pebbles on the ground. Picking one up he threw it at your balcony door.
From inside, you and Charlie stopped talking and both turned your heads toward the balcony as you heard a small sound of something outside.
"What was that?" You asked
"I don't know." He responded
The two of you stayed quiet as you waited for anything else to happen. After a few moments, the sound of a small ping on the glass of your balcony door could be heard. Charlie stood up from the bed and two of you looked at each other for a second. Slowly, you both approach the balcony doors and as you did another ding could be heard. Looking down onto the balcony you saw a few small rocks scattered.
"Someone is throwing rocks at your window," Charlie said
"Well, as long as it's not Hoyt's son Halvor outside I think it'll be okay." You commented
"I now hope it's Halvor." Charlie replies "I want a Romeo and Juliet scenario but you outright insult him instead."
You rolled your eyes at Charlie as you carefully opened the doors to the balcony and stepped onto it to look down at the ground below. Fortunately, it was not Halvor and instead was your beloved Five. Turning to look back at Charlie you stated,
"It's Five, Charlie."
"Aw man," Charlie says disappointed "It's just regular Romeo and Juliet for me I guess..."
"You're a dork." You replied
"Hey!" He exclaimed
You ignored him though and turned to look back at Five who looked up at you with a smile on his face.
"What are you doing here?" You asked in a hushed tone
"I have a plan to get us out of here." He replies mimicking your tone as he holds up a briefcase
You take a look around outside to check that no one is around before waving your boyfriend up to you and whispering,
"Come up here."
Five nods his head and spatial jumps up to the balcony and steps into your room. You close the door to the balcony behind him and close the drapes so no one can see into your room from the outside anymore. Looking at Charlie you command,
"Lock the door."
Charlie gives a quick nod and heads over to the door as you turn your attention back to Five.
"You got a briefcase to bring us back to 2019?" You question
"Well, it's a bit more complicated than that..." Five replies "Like I said I went and made a plan with the devil and I got this briefcase but it's programmed to bring me to a certain time and place and then back to Dallas."
"Why is it programmed like that?" Charlie questions as he approaches the two of you
"I have to go and kill the board of directors for the commission and she said she'll give me a briefcase to take us back to 2019 with everything as it should be and no apocalypses in any timeline." Five explains
"I have no clue what any of that means," Charlie replies
"It's alright, Charlie." You comfort before turning back to Five "Are you sure you can trust her on this?"
"I'm not sure but it's the only option we have to get out of here."
"Alright. I'm coming with you then."
"What do you mean?" Five questions
"I don't trust this woman one bit so there's no way I'm letting you do this alone." You explain before turning to Charlie "Charlie, I never knew when this would happen but it's time."
"Oh shit," Charlie exclaims
"Time for what?" Five questions
"THE plan." You say as you head over to your closet
Crouching down you push some boxes to the side before using one of your knives to unscrew the vent in the back. Reaching in you pull out a box before resetting everything to look normal. Grabbing the box you stand up and bring it over to your vanity table. Five and Charlie both make their way over to you and you start to explain the plan.
"Charlie and I came up with this plan a while ago in case I ever needed to sneak out unexpectedly. I knew you would come back so we set this all up in advance if I ever needed to leave to do something like this with you." You detail as you start to take stuff out of the box "I have a note that I'm going to put on the door that says I went to bed early and not to disturb me. The door will stay locked so no one can come in and if someone tries Charlie has time to prepare a story."
As you unpack some more items you quiz Charlie a bit about the plan. It had been about a year and a half since you came up with this thing so you wanted to make sure he still knew what to do.
"Typically the latest I get out of bed is 11 am so if I'm not back by then what should you do?"
"Take the note out of the box that says you left early to on a walk down the road and take my car saying I'm heading to find you. Then I'll drive off to town for the day and wait near a central location for you to come back." Charlie replies
"Correct." you state before adding "If anything else happens you have all the contingency plan materials in the box."
You take the note about going to bed early along with a piece of tape and unlock your door, hanging it up on the outside. Closing the door again you lock it and turn back to the boys. Five looks on with pride at you. You were so smart and always so prepared, but more so you were so sure of yourself that he would return for you that you had put plans in place to be able to leave on a moment's notice. You amazed him more each and every day and reminded him why he had done all the things he did and all the things he was doing now. Finished up with the box you turn to Charlie and state,
"Charlie I believe in you."
Charlie nods his head before wrapping you in a hug and replying,
"Come back soon."
"I will."
Stepping out of the hug, you turn to Five and extend your hand out towards him.
"Ready to follow me?" Five questions
"Always," you answer
With that Five takes your hand and in a flash of blue energy, the two of you travel away out of your room and through time to where you needed to go. When the energy flashed again you were in a completely different place. Steadying yourself you took a few deep breaths. Compared to the last time you time traveled the molecular disturbance didn't hurt as much. Maybe you were getting better at redistributing them. Even though you felt alright Five looked at you with concern. He held your hand a bit tighter and you could see the worried look in his eyes.
"Are you okay?" He questioned
"I'm alright darling. I'm getting better at managing molecular disturbances...I think." you explain
"That response does not fully fill me with confidence."
"That's too bad, we have a job to do." you remind
Five rolled his eyes at you. He didn't understand how could you just wave off the disturbance you felt like it was nothing, but you made a good point. You had a job to do and the quicker it was over with the better. Five pulled the note out of his pocket that had the place of where the board meeting was happening listed. Looking up at the building in front of the two of you, he confirmed that it was the place. Putting the note back in his pocket he took the briefcase and stashed it behind a large shrub on the backside of the building. With all of that done the two of you made your way to the front of the building. You looked around and saw many people in traditional clothing and the sound of polka music echoed from the building. Five grabbed the door and held it open for you to walk in with him following after. The two of you looked around the place checking to see if anyone out of the ordinary, commission-looking types, were around. You didn't see anything odd, except for the overwhelming amount of polka dancers inside the lodge. You follow Five as he walks over to a woman and says,
"Excuse me."
The woman turns to look at him and replies,
"Uff da. You snuck up on me there. If you're looking for the cookies, we don't put 'em out till 3:00."
"Ooh cookies," you exclaim
No. Wait. You had to focus on the task at hand. No cookies.
"We can hardly wait." Five comments "Uh, do you happen to know where the Midwest Soybean Society is meeting?
"Sure do. Muskellunge Banquet Room. You looking for your parents? They in for the convention?" The woman responds politely
Instead of answering her questions, Five looks off in the distance. You couldn't quite tell what he was looking at but the woman looked at the two of you for a response.
"Yes, our parents are prominent members of the society." you confidently lied
Five looked back towards the woman and held out a dollar before asking curiously,
"Hey, could I get some change?"
"Oh, sure, I'll just look in my purse." She says as she opens a fanny pack "Only a nickel and a couple of dimes. Oh! You... are...in... luck, mister."
The woman hands a few quarters to Five and he takes them in his hand. He looks off to the side as if he was deep in thought and says,
"You know some say the best luck is to die at the right time."
Five then walks off towards where the banquet room was as you and the woman both look on confused. The woman looks back to you and you shoot an apologetic look.
"Um...my boyfriend recently started taking a philosophy course at school. I'm trying to work with him on when it's appropriate to bring up philosophical statements."
The woman silently looks back at you confused and you walk away from her and follow your boyfriend. You can tell there's a shift in his body language as he walks towards the vending machine. He stood up straighter and his movements were stiff. He looked around before starting to place to coins he received in the vending machine. As he did so you approached him and stood by his side. You could see an angry and frustrated look on his face. You watched as he typed in the letter and number combo necessary to get a fudge Nutter Bar.
He loved those immensely. You were the one who introduced those to him when you got a bunch trick-or-treating on Halloween years ago. You knew he and his siblings wouldn't be able to go so you stole a bunch of candy to give to them and jumped over to their house later at night to distribute the sweets. You had given Five a Fudge Nutter bar to try first from the bag of candy and he became obsessed. He took the rest of them before his siblings even got a chance to try but you thought it was cute.
Coming out of your thoughts you notice your boyfriend getting frustrated at the machine. His eyebrows start to furrow and he tenses up more as he aggressively presses the buttons. He then tries to reach his hand through the vending machine door to try and get the bar he paid for out.
"Five what if I-" You start to say
You wanted to suggest using your powers but before you could fully get your words out your Five started to vigorously shake the machine.
"Come on!" He angrily exclaimed
"Uh- Five?" You try again
It is to no avail though as he steps back and starts to bang into the machine with his shoulder in his attempt to free his bar before shaking the machine again but harder. You knew your boyfriend was under an immense amount of stress given back-to-back apocalypses in about a two-week time frame and this stubborn Fudge Nutter was probably his breaking point. Now you knew you could step in and probably ease his tension with some love and compassion but you also had a weird curiosity to see what would happen. As he continued to shake the vending machine Five yelled,
"Stupid mother Fudge Nutter! Fuckin' Fudge Nutter!"
And taking a step back he kicked in the glass on the machine. Realizing what he did Five stopped and scratched the back of his neck. Taking a deep breath he turned towards the doorway which led to the banquet hall the board of directors was meeting in. Walking that way he dragged a finger across the side of a cake resting on a nearby table picking up some icing. You followed behind pulling out a knife and holding it in your hand preparing to fight. Five licked the icing off his finger before looking around and seeing an ax on the wall he grabs it and readjusts it in his hands. You could tell from the everything that he was displaying a high amount of frustration and although given the context it was an understandable expression of his feelings you knew it could lead to are more arduous killing process. You noticed as he started to prep himself to walk in the doorway that lead towards the hall but before he could step through you teleported yourself in front of him. Before he could react you grabbed his face tightly with your free hand pulled him into a forceful kiss. Pulling back and letting go of his face you watched as he blinked a few times in surprise.
"Oh- wow." He commented, "I was not against that in the slightest but um is there a reason?"
You twiddle with your knife as you reply,
"I thought that would be the best way to steady you. From my own experience kills are quicker and more effective if you have a steady balance between your erraticism and logic."
Although he kept a calm exterior, Five was screaming on the inside. His heart racing as if he had just run a marathon. Everything in his logic screamed that this was not the time to be feeling like this. The board that needed to be killed was just around the corner and the time was counting down to another apocalypse. And yet, every other part of said this was the time and screamed for more. Five collected himself and removed one of his hands from the ax to readjust his tie and jacket. Although alarm bells were still going off in his head a smirk appeared on his face as he suggested,
"Well, then I'll have to come to you for steadiness more often then."
Catching his drift, you take a step closer to him and use your free hand to grab him by his tie and pull him closer to you. A playful smirk resembling his own appears on your face as you whisper to him,
"Well how about this, the sooner we get this done and return to 2019 the sooner I'll provide you with some more...steadiness."
Everything screamed louder as a fire built within him. He was going to kill this board as if his life depended on it.
"I like that plan."
You let go of his tie and take a step out of the way of him. He raises his ax back up and prepares himself as you state,
"After you then mon chéri."
A wide smile appears on Five's face and there's a determination in his eyes as he walks through the doors and marches down towards the room that held the board of directors. You turned yourself invisible and followed after him. As Five steps through the door to the room, he can see AJ turn to look at him. There was something about seeing the people whom he both had worked with as a murderous pawn but also was left alone in the apocalypse for decades by that sent him into a rage.
"You!" AJ exclaims "Call security!"
A woman pushes her chair away from the table and towards a phone on a nearby desk. Five quickly takes a swing at her cutting her arm off. While still invisible you decided to turn her brain matter into liquid better her die quickly than slowly bleed out with a chance of survival. From the opposite side of the table, you see a man start to stand up to head towards Five but before he does so you throw your knives at him and land one through his eye socket into his brain and the other in his heart. Transporting yourself over to him you twist both knives in a circular motion ensuring lasting damage and no chance of survival. Revealing yourself you pull both knives out causing blood to splatter on your face and clothing. The board looks at you in shock and you turn to Five with a sadistic smile on your face and ask,
"What? You thought you could have all the fun without me?"
"Never, darling." Five replies, a twisted smile appearing on his own face
The two of you turn to look at the living members of the board for a moment but within seconds start jumping around the room taking board members out. Blood and carnage covered yourselves and the room as corpses were littered around the place. With the rest of the members taken out, you went to stand behind AJ while Five stood on the table in front of him. As you looked up at Five, ax in hand, and covered in blood, with a chaotic fire in his eyes you could not help how attracted you were to him at this moment. As Five towered over him, AJ questioned,
"She sent you, didn't she?"
"Does it really matter now?" Five replied
"Whatever she offered you, I will double it, triple it," AJ begged
"I'm not doing this for money." Five exclaimed as he lifted the ax to swing at AJ
Before the ax could connect with the fish tank of a head AJ had the lady from earlier tackled Five to the ground.
"Get off me!" Five yelled
"You're gonna pay for that vending machine, little mister." The lady said as she grappled with him
With the sudden action, you were pulled out of your thoughts and say AJ start to run away but also Five on the ground. As much as you wanted to help your boyfriend you knew getting AJ was better and ran after him. Having him in your sights you used your powers to make his legs denser, slowing him down followed by throwing knives into his thigh and shoulder.
Back on the board room Five continued to grapple with the lady.
"I don't wanna hurt you, all right?" Five tried to explain
The lady punches him in the face before angrily replying,
"Hurt me? Oh, I ain't afraid of you, you little pus ball."
Five was tired of dealing with the woman though and punched her back knocking her out cold. Getting up he takes a look around the room and sees that neither you nor AJ was in the room.
"Shit." He says aloud
Grabbing a rugby-looking paddle off the wall he flashed out of the room and flashes in front of AJ. As he does, he notices how slowly AJ is moving, as if his legs were made of concrete. Looking up he sees you leaning against a nearby wall nonchalantly eating a piece of cake. Looking over to him you say,
"Oh, hey babe. I saved him for ya."
You had never called him babe before and it was not helping him deal with the intense feeling of screaming going on within him and yet it also did. With that one word, he could feel a rush of adrenaline coursing through his veins. He felt...powerful. Cocking his head to the side he looked at AJ maniacally as he held the paddle in his hand.
"Surely we can come to some form of agreement that benefits both parties. Quid pro quo? What do you say?" AJ suggested
"Why not? Here's your quid." Five says hitting him in the side
"Here's your pro." Five adds catching him with the paddle in the knee
"No! No! Please don't!" 
"Here's your quo." Five stated firmly
Swinging hard he smashes the glass head that contained AJ in it leaving water and glass everywhere. Five takes a few deep breaths as he stares at the flopping fish on the floor. As he does so you see two girls in polka dresses walk out and see the scene before turning back into the dance hall. Placing your slice of cake down you summon all your knives back before heading over to Five and placing a hand on his arm grabbing his attention.
"We need to get out of here."
Five looks around at the scene and grabs a nearby plastic bag before picking AJ up off the ground and placing him in it. Five looks back to you and states,
"We need water."
You look at the air within the bag Five was holding and in a matter of seconds, you converted a portion of it into water. Five knew that was something you could do and it was something you had been able to do for a long time nevertheless, it still amazed him. Holding the bag with AJ in one hand he took yours in the other and held it tightly. Five spatial jumped the two of you out of the building and towards the shrub he had stashed the pre-programmed briefcase in. Handing AJ to you, he grabbed the briefcase and set it up so that you could get back to 1963 Dallas. Taking your hand once more you could feel the briefcase start to disturb the energy around you and with one more flash the two of you were back in the alleyway in Dallas covered in blood. The two of you looked around and everything seemed to be the right time and place. As you stood there in the alleyway the briefcase started to make noise and you could feel its molecules moving faster signifying that it was heating up. Grabbing it out of Five's hand you threw it on the other side of the alley and watch as seconds later it blew up. 
"What the fuck." You exclaimed
"Programmed to self-destruct after its purpose was done...clever." Five commented
You turn towards your boyfriend who seemed to be utterly unphased by the whole thing and say,
"I hate your former employer. I hope I never have to interact with them."
"Well, I don't want you to and because of that, I need you to go inside. She could be here any minute and I don't know what she could pull nor do I want you around her." Five explains "Also, it would make me feel better if you were inside. Okay?"
You nod your head at him and quickly make your way inside the back door to the building but don't head up the stairs to Elliott's apartment. Instead, you stay close to the door to be able to get to Five quickly incase he needed you.  Five crossed his arms as he turned away from the door and soon enough he heard the recognizable sound of heels clicking towards him.
"Well?" The voice asked
Five held to bag for her to take from him without looking back at her.
"AJ!" The handler exclaimed taking the bag
Five turned around and looked at her with an emotionless expression. 
"You know, you're really starting to fill out those tight little shorts of yours." The handler commented, "I'm sure your girlfriend is happy."
Five was always so disgusted when she talked about you. He could deal with comments made towards him, they meant nothing to him, but comments about you filled him with repulsion and rage. He kept quiet as he narrowed his eyes at her.
"Why so quiet? Thought you'd be buzzing after this morning's slaughter." She questions
Five looked off for a second. This killing, he didn't do it just because, he did it because he wanted to protect his family, you, and the world you all existed in.
"All this killing..." Five pauses "I'm done with it."
"What?" The handler questions "Am I supposed to take that seriously?"
"What I did today, I did for the people I love. I did it to save the world." Five elaborates emotionally
"Please. Spare me your little assassin with the heart of gold routine, will you?" The handler replies before picking up a briefcase from the ground "Here. Per our agreement, this will get you and your siblings back to 2019."
Five takes the briefcase from her and as he does she adds,
"You have 90 minutes."
Panic rushes through Five and as the handler starts to walk away he yells,
"You said nothing about a time limit."
"Actually, you have 89 minutes and 30 seconds. Better hurry."
"This is impossible, okay? My siblings are scattered across the city." Five exclaims as he approaches her
"Nothing's impossible. You proved that this morning when you killed the board."
"I need more time."
"Any more time, and people will start asking questions. The sooner you get home and out of this time period, the better off we'll both be, so, ticktock, ticktock." The handler finishes
Angrily, Five spatial jumps away from the handler and into the back staircase where you were. You look at him and see something is wrong but before you can say anything he grabs your wrist and spatial jumps the two of you up to the apartment. As the two of you arrive you see from the balcony three words written on the floor in blood. Öga För Öga. Eye for an eye? Before you can process that whole mess you hear Diego threaten from the kitchen,
"You killed one of ours, Olga, now we're coming after you. You will be dead by nightfall."
Five and you head towards the kitchen and see Diego on the phone with Luther nearby. As Five takes off his jacket and vest he explains,
"Hey. It's Öga För Öga, idiots. Swedish for an eye for an eye. It means the Swedes killed Elliott."
"Wrong number. Have a lovely day." Diego says in a chipper tone before hanging up the phone
Your eyes go wide as the situation before you triggers a strong feeling of deja vu within you, almost instantaneously followed by a strong visceral memory of your friends comes to mind. Quietly you whispered to yourself,
"Du sang pour du sang."
Five turns to look at you and asks,
"Why did you say blood for blood in french?"
"I'd love to explain but we do NOT have the time for it right now," you state
"Uh, you guys have some blood on you. A lot of blood, actually. What did you do?" Luther questions
Instead of looking to Five for answers, Diego comes over to you and starts looking you over for injuries.
"Are you okay? This is a lot of blood." He asks concerned
"I've said this many times before in my life but it's not my blood and that's all that matters." You respond to him
He looks at you confused as you walk away towards Five in the bathroom. Using your powers you specifically remove the molecules of blood on both of your clothes and skin before placing them all in the sink and washing them down. As both of you fix yourself up in the bathroom Five starts to explain, 
"So I found a way home."
"What? How?" Luther questions
"All the details are irrelevant, but...I made a deal to get back to our timeline."
"What about doomsday?" Diego asks
"Won't happen."
"And the 2019 apocalypse?" Luther inquires
Five was getting frustrated with his siblings. Their questions pestered him, especially because he killed a bunch of people for the opportunity to get everyone home safely and their time was running out fast.
"Everything will be back to normal. All right? Now, no more questions. We gotta go. We have to find the others, alright?"
Five walks out of the bathroom with you following behind him. 
"Yeah," Luther says
"Luther, you get Allison. Diego, Klaus. (Y/N) and I will get Vanya. Now, we meet back in the arrival alley in 77 minutes." Five details before heading over to a table and saying "Here. I've synchronized these watches."
Picking the watches up from the table he pockets one before handing the other two to each of his brothers.
"Okay, let's do this." Luther states
With Luther's confirmation, Five turns away from them and grabs your hand about to flash the two of you away but is halted when Diego questions,
"Whoa, whoa, whoa, hold on. You show up with my sister completely drenched in blood and expect us to believe everything's gonna go back to normal if we go home now?"
You nodded your head a little bit at Diego's statement. If the handler had already tricked Five with a briefcase that has a 20-minute timer how could you know that this wasn't a trick again.
"Elliott just got killed because of us." Five exclaims gesturing to the body hidden underneath a sheet
You nodded your head once more because that was also a good point but you still did agree with what Diego had said.
"What about Dad? What about JFK?" Diego questions
"Diego, we have a chance to go home and make things right. We are taking it." Five demands
This was wasting time, precious time that could be used to get back to their lives but also save the world.
"I have to say goodbye to Lila." Diego states
"Lila doesn't give a shit about you, Diego! She never did. She's one of them. She's a member of the Commission!" Five yells
"No way. Not possible."
Now you were starting to get frustrated with Diego. How could Diego be so stupid, so blinded by her? If she worked for the commission then she did not matter. She was bad from the start and deserved no sympathy for using your brother in the way she did. 
"She was just using you to get to me. You're the Oswald of this story, my friend. The goddamned patsy." Five frustratedly explains
"You don't know what you're talk-"  Diego to starts to retort
Five spatial jumps over to right in front of Diego and firmly states to him,
"If you don't do this, I'll kill you myself. Got it?"
"No. I don't take orders from you." Diego states back
That was it. You were done with the back and forth of bullshit as it was taking away time from the opportunity to get home. Pulling one of your knives out you quickly approached Diego and held it at him accusingly.
"Diego Hargreeves, this might be our only chance to get out of this god damn timeline and back home. And as your little sister if you care for my well-being as much as you say you do then you will not seek out this walking bag of lies and will go and get Klaus so we can all go home." You demand before exclaiming angrily "If you don't...I swear on our mother that I will take every one of your knives and will use them to dissect you limb by limb and organ by organ before using my powers to blow EACH ONE UP INDIVIDUALLY!"
The three boys looked on at you in horror. 
"Holy shit..." Luther quietly commented
"Do I make myself clear?" You ask
Diego quickly nodded his head and you pulled the knife away from them and back in its holding place on you. Turning around you walk away from him and extend your hand out to Five. Five takes it and the two of you flash away to outside the building. Looking around you and Five find a car that had the keys just placed on the driver's seat. Sharing a knowing look the two of you use your powers to get into the car before putting the keys in and speeding off to get Vanya. As you travel on the dirt roads leading to the farm Vanya was living on you started to head around a curve. As you did so you and Five looked over and saw Vanya in the car passing by. Vanya stopped her car as Five stopped yours. You both quickly rush out of the car and over towards Vanya who had gotten out of hers.
"What are you doing here?" Vanya questioned confused
"Looking for you. We're going back to 2019." Five states quickly
"What are you talking about?" Vanya asks 
Five pulls the watch out of his pocket and looks at the seconds counting down before replying,
"Look, I don't really have time to explain right now, but I found a way home. All right? We have 30 minutes to leave."
Five starts to walk away thinking Vanya would follow but instead she exclaims,
"What about my friends? I can't just leave them here."
"Vanya, you don't have a choice in this, all right? Doomsday will happen if you don't come with me." Five explains turning around to face her again
"Okay, then I'm bringing them with me." Vanya states
"They belong in this timeline." Five replies
"Says who? Sissy deserves a life where she doesn't have to pretend to be someone she's not. And Harlan There's a name for what he has. We can get him the help he needs." Vanya yells angrily
"Vanya." You called softly, trying to ease the tension
For a second, your calmness seems to work as Vanya adds,
"Look, a mom and her eight-year-old son are not gonna screw up the timeline, Five. They're insignificant."
Five looks on at Vanya and you can see behind the frustration and panic there was sadness in his eyes. He doesn't want to argue with his sibling and he never would purposely try to hurt his sibling in the way Vanya might be feeling, but they were running out of time to get home and if they didn't the whole world could end. Even in his panic, Five attempted to speak more calmly,
"No one is insignificant. I'm sorry, all right? But we can't take that risk. They have to stay. Come on."
"Why do you get to decide? You're the reason we're stuck here in the first place." Vanya rebukes, her anger returning
"If I did nothing, we would all be dead right now, thanks to you!" Five yells back
"They're coming with me." Vanya demands
Five could not deal with this stubbornness anymore. It was the same stubbornness that caused the last apocalypse because Vanya refused to see other people's perspectives and played the victim card time and time again. He loved his sister, that much was true, but he was not going to deal with another apocalypse just because Vanya wanted to bring some people she had known for a month along. Taking a step forward towards her Five stands his ground and firmly commands,
"Vanya, do not test me right now."
Vanya takes a step towards him in the same manner and in a low voice replies back,
"That's funny. 'Cause I was just about to say the same thing."
You can see the anger build between them but you can feel their power build as well. The disturbance they created crashed over you like a powerful wave during a storm. You tried to do what you always did to help ease the disturbance by breathing it in and then pushing it out. But this was different. Some time travel or explosions didn't do as much harm as they used to but Vanya's powers were like Kryptonite. And with the addition of Five revving up his powers, it was a bit more than you had been exposed to in a while. For a second you were able to manage pretty well but as they grew stronger it got harder to breathe. It was as if your throat was closing up on you and without being able to breathe the feeling of the disturbance got worse. You dropped to your knees as you gasped for air and when Five heard you struggling he immediately stopped his battle with Vanya to rush over to you. Helping you to stand, you took in deep breaths of air, and as Vanya powered down you started to feel better.
"I'm so sorry. Are you okay?" Five apologized as he pulled you into a hug
"I'm fine," you reply between breaths and you hold him back
From behind the two of you, you can hear Vanya say,
"Fine, what?" Five asks
Five pulls out of the hug to look at Vanya but keeps one of his arms tightly around you worried that if he lets go you'll collapse again.
"I'll be there, but I need to say goodbye first." Vanya answers
"Oh, Vanya, we don't have the time." Five explains
"Well, it's either that, or I'm not coming." Vanya states
Five looks towards you. There was no use fighting with Vanya on this and honestly, if he was in her place he'd want to say goodbye too. He never got the chance to say goodbye when he left. Looking back towards Vanya he nods his head and commands,
"The alley. 27 minutes. Don't be late."
With that Vanya goes and gets in her car while you and Five get in yours. Not letting go of you, Five walks you. to the car and helps you in it even as you protested saying you were feeling better. Turning the car back on Five whips it around and heads back towards the alley. When the two of you arrive you park the car and immediately jump out rushing towards the alley. As you arrive Five quickly opens up a dumpster and pulls out the briefcase he stashed there. Running from out of the apartment you see Luther approach you two and questions upset,
"Hey. Where is everyone?"
"You're the first." Five replies to him
"What?" Luther exclaims
"Yeah." You reply
As the three of you stare down the alleyway you can see Klaus approaching, which was surprising in and of itself but what was more surprising to you was that Ben was standing within him. As Klaus' body approached it exclaims,
"Hey! Hey! We made it!"
"What do you mean, we?" Five asks
The three of you then watch as Klaus contorts his body in odd ways and while Five and Luther were generally confined you were trying to process all that you were seeing. What looked like odd contortions to the other two was really Klaus trying to push Ben out of his body. Was Klaus possessed? You then watched as Klaus projectile vomited an extreme amount on the ground and along with it was Ben, who was now also covered in vomit. How did that work being a ghost? You didn't know and it wasn't important enough to ask at this moment. Klaus collapses to the ground and you look directly at Ben to say,
"I don't know what you did to cause that to happen, but it was gross as hell."
Luther, unknowing of Ben being there looks at Klaus. How is it that out of all his siblings Klaus was the one to arrive on time. An anger wells in him as he shouts,
"I can't believe it. I mean, you're here."
"We've got eight minutes left." Five states panicked as he looks at the watch
"I just had the strangest dream," Klaus mumbles from the ground 
"Where are the others!" Five exclaims as he continues to look down the alley
You continue to wait there and minute after minute the time ticks down until there were only sixty seconds left.
"We've got a minute left!" Luther yells angrily as he slams his hand down on the dumpster denting it
"What's going on, guys? Are we going somewhere?" Klaus asks from the ground
You watch as your boyfriend paces back and forth angrily ranting,
"It was a simple task. It was a simple task! All we had to do was be here. Didn't have to fight a giant sea monster, no. An army of mutants? Nein."
"I can't believe this." Luther comments
"It was handed to us on a silver platter." Five continues
This was bad. Allison, Diego, and Vanya had yet to show up and you couldn't leave with only five of you here. You shook your head as disappointment and anger flooded over you. This family would be the death of you.
"Could you just moan a little softer? My head is killing me." Klaus complains as he starts to sit up
"Listen to me, you useless puke bag, we just blew our chance to save the world!" Five yells
As he finishes saying that you can hear a sound coming from the briefcase but can also feel it as well. Five's head whips over to it and sees that the briefcase was about to go. 
"God damn it." Five states
"Shit," Luther adds
Five had no choice but to get rid of the briefcase. Picking it up off the ground he throws it into the air and far from any of you. You all watch as it disappears in a flash of blue and your chance of getting home had been lost to time. Five shakes his head and turns away from the group heading back towards Elliott's apartment.
"We were that close. That close." He states
You stared up at the spot where the briefcase had flashed and as the residual feeling of the disturbance, it caused disappeared faded you wondered if your chances of ever getting home had too.
Taglist: @xplrreylo @joebob15274 @insatiable-ivy @fruitsaladtree @angelpeachamber @academy-umbrella @lizziel1410 @ir3neeee @faith-quake @aliens-with-colas @sunsetcurve-1995 @lady-celeste25 @im-dead-and-hurting @nerdypinupcrystal @cherry-ki-d @anapocalypseinmymind @vicassa @2cuteforyourlies @taylorsmakingfuckingmacandcheese @n1ghtsh4d3-67 @cheshire-salvatore-mikaelson @shadowycreationcupcake @emily-hargreeves @metor-showers1994 @fivehargreevesforthewin @rinko-san @supernovavision @cicilisthebest @flickbix @hi-v-juice @magykal-777 @zosiaduda @thethirdwheelfriend @mysticracoon @isnt-it-loverly @officiallydarkgeek @lady1505 @always-the-very-worst @tinypandagirl @libidinexx @lemongrabbuns @itwasallred @deadandoverit @shlokage @keksi249 @theoriginalkat @we-stan-fiction @bi-idiot-fanfics @annnagennnie @izzyjojo4 @megasimpleplan4ever @flowertoty @grabthemoneyandletsgo @itsametaphorbriansblog @vanillacaramelhoney @satvaldiva @disaster-magician @margotsfandoms @emily-b-m @bluechildrenlickmytoes @soft-slytherin-sweetie @oceanspray5 @im-here-for-fanfics @thebloodrobin @freestarlight @starcurrent @lilacs-lavender @moatsnow @give-the-boy-a-hug @narikyuwu @whenyouregrungeaff
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sebbybooks · 3 years
Wreck My Daydream
Part Two
Sebastian Stan x Fanfiction
(n.) kissing with tongue
I’m already wet and Sebastian barely even touched me.
I hardly gave myself a moment to be ashamed or even stir in the crass words I was using even if I had only thought them. Like a diary I suppose there was no need to lie to myself considering it was one hundred percent true. I, Nellie Lennox, was unabashedly met with unending desires that washed away my trepidations that led up to this moment.
In its place I felt this newfound sense of possibilities that I wasn’t actually making an ass out of myself with my sudden confession of feelings for Sebastian. In my defense I didn’t just wake up one morning after having some epiphany as to why I wanted to be with him. The thought of us together made itself at home in the back of my mind.
Almost like a what if. . .
However, I couldn’t help but be terrified of all the ways it could go wrong. What if I had made things weird between us forcing us apart? Life would be a bitter existence if Sebastian wasn’t around in some capacity. For the longest time I tried to find him in different relationships. It is a messed up philosophy, but it almost worked. Whenever things would get too serious it nearly terrified me. I was their someday and they were my maybe. I owed this last relationship that is still so freshly cut more than that.
I owed myself that.
On the unique and rare chance I somehow got lost in a very realistic maladaptive daydream, I’m pretty certain Sebastian wants this too. Just thinking about what he had told me seconds ago made my heartbeat drum to a dizzy rhythm. Imagining myself getting fucked to the beat of it was a completely different type of sensation.
Retraining my focus on the now I could see it in Sebastian’s face all the wheels going around in his head. Confusion? Uncertainty? Regret?
“You don’t get to do that.” I tell him. I felt like I was going to climb out of my own skin if he left me suspended in the silence for a second longer. Sebastian tipped his face closer to mine, our lips gingerly brushing against each other. Perhaps he was feeling ambivalent in regards of his feelings for me? After all this was sprung on him in the middle of the night.
Sebastian shook his head as if he was at war with himself. “I want to.” His voice was strained and dangerously low, like something was causing him utter misery being this close, yet not knowing exactly when to pull away.
“Then why don’t you.” I dared him.
I was growing impatient with this slow burn we had somehow started. I wanted to play with this fire. If I got burned in the end by his touch then so be it. At least I would forever be marked with a reminder of knowing that I at least went after something I wanted with no apology. I wanted to see how far he was willingly to go.
Sebastian removed his hand from the security of being wrapped around me. I feigned a disappointed sigh at the lack of contact. My entire body must have been on autopilot , because I didn’t recognize the position I was in. I practically sat in his lap with one leg wrapped around him and the other one mindlessly dangling over the bed. Of course the mind reader that Sebastian was naturally grabbed ahold of the side of my thigh and wrapped it around his back.
It wasn’t like I was naive to sex or never had my fair share of romantic conquest. Regardless of my experiences I still felt like a gigantic ball of nerves. The way he stared down at me with a heated look in his eyes as if he wanted to posses every inch of me. Hell, I felt like I could come undone from that alone.
The hand that was planted on my back slowly drifted downward trailing the curve of my backside gripping my ass through my thinly silk hunter green shorts that matched the top. Earlier I had berated myself for wearing scantly clad pajamas to bed. Now I am thanking my lucky stars I opted out of the option of wearing a red Christmas onesie that had polar bears wearing scarfs around their necks. They were ones my mother insisted the whole family wear.
If I had I probably would not have been able to feel his erection that was restrained in his sweatpants. Trying to situate myself closer I rocked into him slightly, massaging myself on him. My ears didn’t miss the subtle groan Sebastian let out from the feel of my weight pressing further into him.
His silence wasn’t lost on me and he still hadn’t answered my question so I did it again. I wanted him to say something. My nervousness abated at this point. I twined my arms around his neck, grinding myself against him again and again. All the while Sebastian watched my every movement with a hint of a star struck look in his eyes. The feeling was certainly mutual I was even shocking myself at my behavior.
“Nellie,” Sebastian finally says, voice husky. He usually only ever calls me by my nickname so I was more than sure that he was not fully himself.
“I’m a big girl Sebastian I can handle whatever you need to say.” I tell him, holding in my breath.
“Alright,” he said with uncertainty. “You and me, this, it’s not a good idea.” His tone was barely audible and even more so he sounded hurt. Everything in me froze.
“And why is that?” I asked him more confused than ever. Suddenly feeling absolutely self conscious as I over analyzed every intimate word I just shared with him. I was even more horrified by the fact that I was dry humping my best friend.
He let out a darkly laugh. “It’s pretty damn obvious Nells.” Sebastian says rather ominously.
“...It’s not actually.” For someone that wants nothing out of this, Sebastian was holding on to me like an anchor and I on the other hand just wanted to get away and sink.
Admittedly, I was losing this game of tug a war. There was only so much I was willing to endure even I had my limits. “You’re giving me whiplash Sebastian .” I tell him honestly, “ I’m not like those other girls you go for that are satisfied with you just dangling yourself in front of them like a piece of cake that I can’t have. I meant what I said when I told you I didn’t say it just to hear you say the same.” My voice could only rise so high in pitch.
I definitely didn’t want to wake up the upstairs guest that would love nothing more than to recap this conversation over breakfast. Then like an unexpected bolt of lighting startling you from a distance, Sebastian kissed me.
I am a selfish bastard.
My mind fell quiet when I looked at her. I wanted to swim in the serenity and peacefulness that was this smart, vibrant, sexy, and uniqueness this woman possessed. I only wondered even in the darkness could Nellie see my eyes as plainly as I can see hers. If so could she see the shame reflecting in them? I could feel the nagging weight of my conscience siting on both of my shoulders, arguing back and forth over what I should and shouldn’t do. It was kind of ironic that the devil in my ear insisted that I give in to the angel in my lap.
God knows I waited for her and that I would keep waiting if I had to in this lifetime or the next. It was always going to be Nellie for me. I wanted to tell her all of this, but the longer I held on to this slice of heaven I was given during this random hour. I also knew that this moment was fleeting. I basked in the way she looked at me, the way she held on to me like I was an object of virtue. I also got a sample of what it would be like to lose her the second she began to slip away on her own accord. So, I did what any poor fool would do in my position. I kissed her.
It wasn’t exactly suave or how I imagined it would go. My mouth sort of crushed against her unmoving lips in a rushed and unskilled manner. Frankly, I wasn’t sure what I was doing, I certainly could do a hell of a lot better than this. An yet, it was still like I predicted it would be, filled with pure unadulterated pleasure. Nellie’s lips were sweet and warm, exactly how I imagined forbidden fruit to taste like.
A perfect mixture of firm and softness that drove me wild. She flattened her hands on my bare chest as if to brace herself. Nellie pushed herself away, but her face was still so close to me. She didn’t speak and neither could I. I forced myself to look up at her and hoped that she could see I would do everything in my power to earn her forgiveness. That it was a mistake I will make right somehow.
“Nell,” I let out an exasperated breath. “ I have a need for you that goes deeper than just lust and I know that it will never truly be sated. The killer thing is I’m already at risk of losing you before I even had you.”
Nellie stared hazily up at me.“You already have me.” She whispered, our lips still grazing. Those four simple words set off a firework in me. This time when I kissed her our mouths came together like we needed to feed off of each other’s oxygen in order to survive. I’d suffer if I didn’t have it.
My mouth was greedy for hers, and I could imagine she felt the same. The moment I felt her lips slightly part open to let me in, less than a second our tongues slid together in a torrid and sensually slow pace. We kissed like a couple of eager teenagers. My heart threatened to leap from my chest when the tip of Nell’s tongue moved across my bottom lip. She tastes like gingerbread , mixed with some other divine flavor that I can only assume is Nellie. She arched herself closer into my chest and I could feel the points of her hardened nipples through her top. I seized the opportunity to press her body close because I needed more.
I wanted to feel the heat of her soft skin on mine. She returned her arms back around my neck tightly holding me in place as she angled her head kissing me back with the same ferocity. Deeply, and oh so thoroughly by the way she sucked on my tongue. I had a rough grip on her ass keeping Nellie steady as she straddled me. I was so damn hard for her. If my dick could get even harder it was bound to. Nellie did that thing again where she grinds down on my erection and I cursed at myself to not combust. I grabbed ahold of her hips guiding her to move faster, harder.
I kept telling myself to savor her, fucking take my time with this moment. I couldn’t just rip those tiny little shorts off and sink myself into her over and over until we’ve both had enough. But even then I would always need more of her. I wasn't a sentimental man, with Nellie I at least wanted to try. I wanted my first night with Nell to be a little less spontaneous than this. It wasn’t like I came prepared for festivities filled with endless fucks. Plus the added fact I couldn’t let things get too carried away especially since she still didn’t know what I have done.
Yeah, I am a very selfish bastard.
I didn’t want this to end. I wanted my mouth to explore every single part of Nellie. I wanted the taste of her to live on my tongue. I wanted to go as far as she and my consciousness would allow me.
“I need to touch you.” I panted, between every nip and kiss I left on the delicate area of skin under her jaw.
“You’re already touching me.” She says with a soft laugh, which was a melody to my ears. I was but at the same time I wasn’t. I needed to rid Nellie of any barrier that prevented me from branding her skin with my touch.
“This…off.” I tug gently on the bottom of her tank top before returning my hands to rest on her thighs, caressing them as I sucked on her neck for dear life. Going back and forth between grazing her neck with my teeth then licking over the area to soothe any imprint I’ve left.
Nellie crisscrossed her arms reaching for the hem of her top gracefully pulling it over her head. She purposely fell backwards onto the mattress aiming her shirt at my face. For as long as I’ve known Nell she was never one to be shy in her own skin.
“Imagine how unsexy that would have been if I hit my head on the headboard.”
“As long as you didn’t hurt yourself I would have just pretended that I didn’t see a thing.” I teased.
“Ah, to think they wonder where all of the good men have gone.” Nell scrunched up her nose pretending to be lost in critical thought.
I cock my head to the side. “Mm-hmm. Are you mocking me?”
“What if I am?”Her plump wet lips spread into a smile.
It was miracle I caught a word of what she said to me. I swallowed a groan as my eyes drift over the area of her body that was naked from the waist up. Nellie was clearly a stolen painting from the Louvre that I had no intention of returning. All I could do was stare.
With her legs still draped around me, my hands slide up the curve of her torso passing her ribs. I sensed that she was watching me, but I didn’t dare take my eyes off of her just yet. The pads of my fingers traced over to her breast and my mouth practically watered at the sight of them. She was ethereal.
“Don’t suddenly go mute on me Sebastian.” She let out a shaky breath.
I’ve heard her say my name a thousand times. Hearing her say it in this state created a feeling of warmth that filled my chest. I could only begin to imagine the different ways I wanted to hear her call out my name. My gift, my best friend, my Nellie. Those last words had a sting to them even as I thought them. Deep down I knew that was never going to be true.
I eased all the way down my tongue traveling around the dip of her navel. Creating a path up the center of her abdomen. I knew that Nell was extremely ticklish. The slightest form of contact would automatically turn her into a ninja. From the way she was pressing herself back into the mattress I knew she was trying her hardest not to flee. Of course I found it rather enticing so I made sure to spend extra time over the areas of her exposed skin I knew to be the most sensitive. Brushing the tip of my nose between her breast my mouth finally latched on to what I’ve been waiting for.
“So fucking beautiful.” I say as I graze my mouth over the stiff peak of her nipple. I was in awe over the ability that they simultaneously could feel hard yet felt extremely soft. I dragged the tip of my tongue around the bud of it in a languid movement before sucking it in deep. I loved listening to the sounds she made while I sucked and devoured as much as I could fit into my mouth. I wanted to hear a symphony of the noises that escaped from Nellie.
Going for one after the other not wanting to miss out on either. Nellie kept a limp hand pressed into my hair keeping me close as if I dared to stop.
Writhing underneath me Nellie gasped,“Touch me.”
Now she understood what I meant. My own body felt betrayed by my decision. I literally ached from pain and pleasure. Truthfully I wouldn’t opt for a better scenario than this. I would be more than gratified with giving Nellie an orgasm or two.
Still leaving featherlight kisses across her chest. With one hand I reach down and brushed along the dip of Nellie’s hip, then began to tug away at her shorts. To my surprise she was bare underneath. This was a new and uncharted territory we were crossing.
Tell me to stop, say that this is just the wrong time, tell me we would never work. Those words never escaped me, the sound of the goddamn doorbell intervened for her. My movements hesitated then shortly I picked up on inaudible chattering out in the hall. Nellie turned her head in the direction towards the door which I hoped like hell was locked. “Maybe we should go see what’s going on.” Her eyes widened.
“Or we could stay here and not shame the fact that I was two seconds away from wrapping your legs around my face while I tasted the slickness between your thighs. ” Nellie released a ragged breath and I meant every word.
To my dissatisfaction we were composed in under three minutes. I felt a strange sense of comfort and pride seeing that ever so often I’d catch Nellie looking in my direction smiling like she had some big secret she was bursting to tell. Which only made me feel like an even bigger asshole. The walk downstairs was surprisingly noisy. Someone had plugged the Christmas tree back up and there was a chilly wind breaking in as the front door came to an immediate shut.
Nellie’s parents were both moving around in a fast pace trying to find new spots to put a couple of suitcases. I had to swallow down a chuckle at the sight of their bold choice of pajamas. Nellie had already beaten me to the bottom of the staircase just as I rounded the corner of the spiral stairs.
“Cousin!” Vanessa squealed rushing over towards Nellie, who excitedly embraced her the same. They exchanged a few excitable words to each other that I tuned out. I was busy focusing on the six foot son of a bitch with a puppy dog expression on his face standing awkwardly behind them.
“Now you know Nells Bells you can’t have Christmas without good ole St. Nicholas can you?” She winked at a stone faced Nellie who just looked straight ahead at her ex boyfriend Nick. “I hope it’s okay I brought him over with me. I saw him at the airport dozed off in a chair.” Vanessa whispered as she leaned into Nell, like she just earned a gold star. Soon as Vanessa’s wild dark brown eyes caught ahold me I knew my bubble was about to pop.
“Something told me I was off the naughty list this year.” Vanessa bit at her glossed up lips and made a beeline towards me, wrapping her arms around my waist. She smelled like an overtly sweet perfume that tortured my sinuses. “Did you forget how to work a phone or what? I’ve been trying to get ahold of you for days. I miss you.” She cooed.
Out of the corner of my eye I saw Nellie watching the two of us. This was my punishment.
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fruitcoops · 4 years
More “biting” 😉 stories of coops please?
Anon 1: Do you think you’d be willing to do more kinky coops? Maybe a follow up to truth or drink where Sirius gets tied up again?
Anon 2: Mixed prompts 80-83 pls!!
Happy Valentine’s Day, everyone! This is part 1 of today’s fics--hope you enjoy! Coops credit goes to @lumosinlove, whom I love and adore.
TW for restraint kink, edging, smut, and hickeys
Mixed Prompt 80:  “ You’re going to regret that sweetheart.”
81: “Are we clear?”
82: “Try to stay quiet, understand?”
83:  “Don’t hold back, baby.”
“Did you see Coach’s email?” Remus asked as he scrolled through his inbox and reached for another piece of chocolate; they were shaped like little hearts, because Sirius was a sweet, sweet muppet of a man and had a romantic streak wider than the continental US.
“I did, yeah,” Sirius said from the doorway to the kitchen. “It’ll be pretty nice, having two days off in a row.”
Remus read through the rest of the message. Too much snow, unsafe conditions, practice cancelled, yada yada yada. A sudden thought struck him and he glanced up. “Hey, maybe we could try something a little more…”
Sirius grinned as the chocolate clattered to the countertop, along with Remus’ phone. “Happy Valentine’s Day, sweetheart.”
Remus swallowed around the sudden dryness of his mouth. Chest. Arms??? THIGHS. FUCK. “Huh?”
“I was saving these for our actual day off, but it seems fate had other plans.” Sirius’ grin became a downright smirk as he quirked an eyebrow and bent his knee.
“When—how—what?” Remus couldn’t tear his eyes away from the tight, dark red fabric that covered Sirius’ legs up to his thighs. Bows. The socks had bows on the top, and they matched his underwear. “How long have you been standing there?”
Sirius shrugged. The upper half of his body was bare, and Remus tracked the movement of every muscle. “About five minutes. Your email must be very exciting.”
A soft whine escaped his throat. “Where did you get those?”
“Online.” Sirius flexed his thigh and all the air rushed from Remus’ lungs. “Why, do you like them?”
“I want to take them off with my teeth,” he blurted. “Fucking hell, Sirius.”
“That can be arranged.” Mischief played at the edge of his mouth as he began backing away. “Though you’ll have to catch me first.”
And he ran. Remus stood there in shock for a moment before sprinting after him, skidding on the floor as he grabbed the bannister. Sirius was already on the bed when he made it to their room and snapped the top of one thigh-high at Remus playfully.
“You’re going to regret that, sweetheart.”
Remus was on him in an instant, sucking a bruise into the side of his neck as he pushed Sirius’ arms over his head and settled between his thighs, grinding his hips down. “How long have you had these?” When Sirius smiled instead of responding, he bit down on his shoulder. “Tell me.”
“Four days.”
“Where did you hide them?”
Sirius gasped at the pressure on his wrists. “Nightstand.”
“Do you have any idea what you look like right now?”
A slow, smug look covered his face and he nipped Remus’ bottom lip. “Yes.”
“Turn over.” Sirius bucked his hips up instead, and Remus let go of his hands to flip him hard enough he bounced a bit, then attached his mouth to his shoulder blade. “God, you look fucking incredible in red, baby.”
“You think this was an accident?”
“Somebody’s feeling bratty.” Remus dragged his blunt nails down Sirius’ ribs, and he shivered. “Just for that, I’m going to finger you until you’re begging for it. Are we clear?”
Sirius turned his head to the side and rolled his hips back. “I’m not begging for anything.”
“We’ll see.” Remus continued mouthing along the strong line of his shoulders as he fumbled blindly in the nightstand drawer for the lube, then paused. He straddled Sirius’ waist and leaned over to sift through the various items that they had tossed in without thinking—playing cards, a book, Sirius’ tie, a few condoms that they hadn’t touched in months… “What the fuck?”
“Where’s the lube?”
“Are we out?”
Dread pooled in Remus’ gut. The mere thought of trekking through the snow to get lube or—even worse—finding out all the stores were closed was almost enough to kill his boner. Almost. Sirius was still in red underwear and fucking thigh highs, after all. “No. We can’t be out. Didn’t we just buy some the other day?”
Sirius shrugged. “It’s been a while, I don’t know.”
“It has been a while,” Remus muttered.
“I think I put some in the laundry room so we would have extra.”
Relief made butterflies erupt in his chest and he kissed Sirius’ cheek. “You are so smart and I love you. Hang on one second, okay?”
Remus’ hands shook a little bit as he hurried back downstairs and down the hall, standing on his tiptoes to see into the cupboards. Laundry detergent, Windex, fabric sheets, two pairs of Jules’ socks…
He pushed the detergent aside and felt around for the familiar bottle. “Where the hell did you put it? Come on, baby, work with me here.”
Clear plastic caught the light on the highest shelf and Remus thumped his forehead against the washing machine. He got the stepstool with minimal grumbling and grabbed the lube, making a mental note to block that entire shelf and remind Sirius that he was five foot fucking eleven, which was well above average.
“Baby, we need to have a discussion about—” He stopped cold in the bedroom doorway, then sighed. “Really?”
Sirius arched his back as he pressed two fingers back into himself, his jaw going a little slack. “You were slow.”
Remus took a deep breath when he saw the half-full bottle of lube on the bed next to him. “Where’d you hide that?”
“Under my pillow. You didn’t even check.” Sirius’ breath caught as his hand changed angles, but his smile remained. “I thought you’d call me on it for sure.”
“You know, most people wouldn’t play terribly mean tricks on their fiancé on Valentine’s Day, especially when that fiancé was already going to fuck them so hard they can’t walk straight,” Remus said as he walked slowly toward the bed and tossed the other bottle next to Sirius. “You’d better count your lucky stars we don’t have practice for the next two days.”
“Oh?” Sirius eyes fluttered shut for a second and he reached for more.
Remus smacked his hand away. “Yes. Was the shelf really necessary?”
“I had to delay you somehow. Did you use the stepstool, or did you climb on the dryer?”
“None of your fucking business, tall-ass. Turn over.”
“Make me.”
Remus reached back into the nightstand and pulled the tie out, manhandling Sirius’ arms over his head and tying them to the small ring they had put in the headboard for that exact purpose. Sirius made a confused noise when Remus grabbed his silky-soft underwear off the foot of the bed and slid it back up his legs until it was snug and tight again. “Much better.”
“Wait, wait, wait, what happened to fucking me until I can’t walk straight?” Sirius’ eyebrows drew together and he nudged his leg against Remus’ side, only to have it guided back down by a firm hand. “Come on, sweetheart, it’s Valentine’s Day!”
“Is it? I hadn’t noticed,” Remus said drily as he squeezed the thin strip of bare skin on Sirius’ thighs. “Between the super fun game of tag and then hide-and-seek, I thought you didn’t want me to touch you.”
“But you will, right?” Nervousness laced his voice. “Right?”
“Maybe. Might get myself off and then leave you here, though.” He leaned over and dragged his lips down Sirius’ chest. “I’m still on the fence.”
“Non, non, non, get off the fence. The fence is not a fun place to be.”
“Really?” He continued to the edge of Sirius’ waistband and dipped his tongue under the satiny fabric, then feathered his mouth along the outline of his dick until Sirius’ knees started inching upward in pleasure. “Hmm. I think it’s a great place to be, actually. You could beg yourself hoarse and I wouldn’t have to do a goddamn thing.”
“What do I have to do?” Sirius panted. The front of his boxers was already darkening with precome and his pupils dilated when Remus palmed himself through his pants.
“Try to stay quiet, understand?”
Sirius clenched his thighs around Remus’ waist as he pulled his shirt off, only to shakily straighten them out again when Remus fixed him with a withering look. His dick looked painfully hard as Remus got off the bed and slid his pants down his legs, giving Sirius a great view of his ass under the tight black underwear he was wearing.
“Oh, yeah, that was supposed to be a surprise for you,” he said mildly when Sirius whined. “It’s Valentine’s Day, after all. One of us was getting railed tonight.”
Sirius perked up. “Really?”
“That was the original plan. Now that you’ve got these—” He plucked the edges of the thigh-highs as he knelt on the mattress again. “—I might need to rethink that idea.”
“Nope, no you don’t.” Sirius wrapped his legs around Remus’ hips and tugged him down. “You really don’t need to rethink that, it sounds like a fantastic idea—”
Remus pressed his palm over Sirius’ mouth and pushed his legs down with the other. “What did I say about being quiet?”
A soft noise tore from his chest as Remus ran the heel of his hand up Sirius’ dick and felt it twitch beneath the fabric. “Desolée,” he said as Remus scooted backwards a few inches. “Desolée, mon coeur.”
“Good job.” Sirius sighed happily as he worked a hickey onto the bit of skin between his underwear and his socks, but his chest hitched when Remus moved barely an inch to the side.
“What’re you doing?”
He sighed and bracketed Sirius’ ribs with his elbows, resting his chin on his hands. “Yes, you. You’re beautiful, and I’m just making sure people know you’re appreciated. Now be quiet.”
“Nobody’s going to see those. They’ll be gone in three days.”
“I’ll know.” Remus placed a slightly darker bruise on his inner thigh and Sirius’ hips canted to the side with pleasure. He hummed against his skin, then pulled away. “I’ll have to finish these when I turn you over.”
“Oh, come on,” he scoffed with a smile, leaning up for a brief kiss. “You know me better than that.”
Sirius’ eyes crinkled. “I do.”
“Let me enjoy myself in the meantime, yeah? I think I deserve it after everything you’ve done today,” he teased, adding new hickeys to Sirius’ other thigh until the bare skin was mostly dark lilac. He skimmed kisses down both his legs, paying special attention to the backs of his knees and the cute little bows at the tops of his thighs. “I love these.”
“Yeah?” A pink flush spread to Sirius’ chest.
“Yeah. Somehow, they’re both adorable and sexy.” Remus reached up and tapped his nose. “Just like you.”
And then he licked a long, slow stripe up the front of Sirius’ underwear, which made him shake from head to toe. “Oh, fuck me.”
“Not yet.” He did it again, this time giving his hips a squeeze. A choked moan slipped through and he shushed him softly. “Quiet, baby, remember? I’ll tell you when you can make noise for me.”
“Oh.” Sirius’ eyebrows pitched upward as Remus slowly slid the sticky fabric down and replaced it with his tongue. “S’il vous plait. S’il vous plait, mon cœur, je le veux, s’il vous plait. ”
“What did I tell you?”
“I—I—” Sirius clenched his teeth as Remus sucked just the head of his dick into his mouth. His abdomen jolted under Remus’ palms.
“You’re getting all accent-y.” Remus smirked, leaving a mark on the crest of his hipbone. “I told you that you could beg yourself hoarse and I wouldn’t have to do a god—” He kissed the soft skin below Sirius’ ribs. “—damn—” Another kiss, just under his sternum. “—thing.”
A tremor ran through Sirius and he pulled on his restraint for a moment, hard enough that the headboard creaked. “Ngh. I love you.”
“I love you, too. I think it’s time to finish those decorations, hmm?”
Sirius nodded enthusiastically and Remus untied his hands, flipping him by the hips for the second time. He practically purred as Remus tied him up again and pressed his hands into that broad back; Remus pushed his knees until they bent and Sirius propped himself on his elbows, breathing heavily and bare but for his thigh high socks.
“Green.” There was no hesitation in his voice.
“Good.” Instead of going straight to his legs again—which were flexed in the new position and doing absolutely wonderful things to Remus’ thought process—Remus grabbed the half-empty lube and poured some on his fingers.
“What’re you doing?” Sirius asked, trying to shift around and see. He froze when the first finger pushed in without an issue. “Huh. But—but you said—”
“I didn’t tell you to start making noise.” Sirius pressed his face into the pillow and his knees jerked inward as Remus added a second finger. “You already did this part for me, didn’t you?”
“But I didn’t tell you to.”
“No.” The word was barely a whisper.
“And as much as I love you—” He kissed Sirius’ lower back and scraped his teeth along the dimples there. “—and want to make you fall apart, I can’t let you do whatever you want without consequences.”
“Yes, you can,” Sirius gasped, tightening around him as Remus pressed upward. “You can, I don’t mind.”
“No, I can’t, and you’d better be quiet before I drag this out even longer.”
There was a beat of silence while Sirius got ahold of himself again. “How long? The usual?”
“Since it’s Valentine’s Day, eight minutes.” Remus smoothed a hand up his spine and pressed down between his shoulder blades until most of his upper chest was on the pillows before slowly dragging his fingers in and out, pushing just next to his sweet spot until Sirius quaked with the effort of suppressing his moans. He added a third finger a moment later and Sirius’ thighs knocked together. “Hold yourself up, baby.”
Sirius pulled his elbows in once again, supporting his chest as Remus added a few new hickeys to his thigh and stretched him slow and deep. He gave his wrist a twist when he moved to the right side and Sirius dipped for half a second, one leg threatening to give out.
“Hold yourself up,” Remus reminded him, wrapping an arm around his lower belly and lifting slightly; Sirius’ breath caught and his shoulders folded in a bit. “You okay?”
“Alright. Two minutes left.” He pushed his fingers in further and felt the ripple of pleasure roll through Sirius under his mouth, then kissed the middle of his back. “Like that?”
“Uh-huh.” Sirius’ voice was tight with pleasure and wavered with swallowed moans.
Remus flexed his fingers and brushed against his prostate; Sirius nearly collapsed onto the bed and a whining noise was half-muffled by the sheets. “What was that?”
“ ‘s nothing, ‘s nothing, keep going.” Sirius tried to get to his elbows again, but even though Remus had stopped moving, he seemed to be having trouble. “Sweetheart, please.”
“You know the rules, baby. Five more minutes.”
“I can’t—I can’t—”
“You will.” Remus rubbed Sirius’ side to soothe him, but didn’t take his fingers out. “How about this: if you can hold yourself up and make no noises for two full minutes, I’ll fuck you and you can come whenever you want. Sound good?”
Sirius nodded frantically and struggled to get his knees under himself. “D’accord.”
“Time starts…now.” Remus kept his eyes on the clock as he plucked at Sirius’ seams, spreading his thighs to get a better angle when it looked like he was starting to relax into the feeling. One minute left. Something that would have been a moan if Sirius had a little less willpower lodged in his chest and he tensed around Remus, legs shaking with arousal. He was damn near dripping onto the sheets.
Forty-five seconds. Remus bit his lip and ran his free hand up Sirius’ thigh, digging into the bruises just enough to get his attention. “You look so pretty with these,” he murmured, leaving a trail of small bites down his spine. “It must have been hard finding thigh highs that fit, huh? You’re so strong, so beautiful, and I love that about you.” He made sure to run over Sirius’ sweet spot on every drag until his breaths got shallower and his dick twitched. Twenty seconds. “You don’t really want to come right away, do you? You like it when I take control. You like being tied down and edged until you’re a mess. Ten seconds left, baby.”
Sirius’ back bowed as Remus’ hand brushed his dick. “Pas juste,” he blurted, then groaned when Remus paused. “Fuck.”
“Was that a sound?”
“No, no it wasn’t.” He pushed back against Remus’ hand and whined when he pulled his fingers out. “Re, I only had five seconds left.”
“Bummer, isn’t it?” Remus said with mock-pity, rubbing wide circles along Sirius’ ass and thighs.
“One more chance?”
“We had a deal, love. Two minutes, no sounds, no falling. You did so well and then you tripped at the finish line.”
“You touched my dick.”
“Was that against the rules?”
Sirius huffed and glared over his shoulder, though the effect was somewhat ruined by the pink of his cheeks and the pleading look in his eye. “It was in my head.”
Remus made a sympathetic noise. “It’s a shame you’re not in charge today, then. Chest down.”
“I want to see you.”
“Later. Down.” Sirius rolled his eyes, but complied so his back sloped in a gentle curve; Remus smacked his thigh lightly. “Don’t roll your eyes at me.”
“Apologize.” When he stayed silent, Remus slid two fingers back into him. “Sirius, apologize or I’ll get you off by fingering you.”
“I’m sor—sorry.” His hips jerked as Remus pushed on his prostate one last time.
“That wasn’t so hard, huh?” He pulled his own underwear down and tossed it to the side, reaching down to push Sirius’ thighs apart while he lubed up. “Don’t hold back, baby, you can be loud now.”
“Oh thank God,” Sirius breathed, shuddering a bit as Remus pressed in and began to move. “Oh—oh, oh fuck.”
“Fuck—green.” He gripped the poor necktie and twisted it in his hands while the pace made his knees slip. Remus put his arm around Sirius’ midsection once again while the other hand splayed on his back and held him down into the pillows.
The thigh highs began to bunch from all the movement and Remus slowed, reaching down to adjust them while Sirius clenched and unclenched his hands, mumbling out a string of pleas in English and French alike. Remus stilled for a moment and kissed the side of his neck as he relished in the heat.
“Move,” Sirius moaned, pushing back weakly. “Please, please move.”
“I love you so much,” Remus said into his sweat-slick skin as he started again, angling up on each thrust as he lifted Sirius’ hips into the right spot. “I do, baby. And I can’t wait to have two whole days to ourselves so I can admire those pretty bruises all over you.”
“Lemme—lemme see you. S’il vous plait, mon amour, I wanna see you.”
“Alright, shhh.” Remus combed a hand through his hair and untied his wrists; they were a bit pink from all the pulling, but otherwise looked fine. He gently pushed on Sirius’ shoulder so he could roll over and was met with glassy silver eyes and lips bitten so red they almost matched his socks. “Bonjour. Do you want me to tie you up?”
“Non.” Sirius smiled and pulled him down for a slow kiss, and Remus could feel his heartbeat hammering against his shoulder. “Je t’aime.”
“Je t’aime,” he murmured back as he lined himself up again. Sirius’ eyes fell shut with a moan when Remus pushed in and he inhaled deeply, winding one leg with Remus’ and letting the other splay to the side.
“There, there, there,” he pleaded, grasping for a hold on Remus’ arms as his eyes flickered between open and shut. “Oh, fuck, je veux—je veux—”
“Do you think you deserve to come?” Sirius made a conflicted noise and pressed his knee into Remus’ thigh, only for Remus to pull it straight once more; the sock rolled down with each rocking movement. “Sirius, look at me. Do you want to come?”
It took a moment before Sirius made eye contact with him and nodded, struggling to get enough breath to speak. “Yes.”
“You were so rude earlier, but I did make you wait a long time.” Remus thought for a second, but didn’t slow his brutal pace that made Sirius turn his face into the pillows. “Can you come like this?”
“Touch me—touch me please—”
Remus lifted his lower back up and ran his teeth along Sirius’ pulse point, then wrapped a hand around his dick and jerked him quick and tight until high, incoherent sounds slipped through his lips. “Now.”
Sirius nearly kicked him in the shin as he arched his back, mouth falling open, moans muffled in the hollow of Remus’ throat. He babbled some string of whimpered words, caught between pushing Remus away and pulling him closer until their warm skin pressed across his entire front and his knees bumped together over the small of Remus’ back.
Remus followed him a moment later, sliding his mouth along Sirius’ collarbone before he came so hard his arms shook with it. A soft hand trailing through his hair brought him back to earth, though Sirius still looked dazed and shuddered every few seconds as Remus stroked a hand down his cheek and slid the thigh-highs back up with the other. “Shh, mon amour. Ça va, chérie, respire. Je t’aime tellement. ”
Sirius smiled and kissed him again, holding him close and warm as he pulled out. “I love it when you speak French,” he murmured. “Si beau.”
“Happy Valentine’s Day.” Their quiet laughter buzzed against his chest and he littered Sirius’ face with kisses until his silver eyes cleared. “Are your wrists alright?”
With a heavy sigh, he let go of Remus and held them up. “All good.”
He kissed those, too, for good measure. “And the rest of you?”
Sirius raised an eyebrow. “I think you achieved your goal.”
“Which one?”
“There is no way I’m going to be able to walk straight.”
Remus hid his laughter in Sirius’ neck and rolled to the side, gathering him into his arms. “It’s a good thing we have all weekend, then.” He checked the clock and sighed. “I should make dinner soon.”
“No? I’m not allowed to make us food?”
“But that’s my present for you.”
“Your present to me is currently on my thighs and won’t disappear in half an hour.” He felt Sirius smile and nuzzle closer, then gentle pressure on his neck.
“What are you doing?”
“Payback.” Sirius rolled him onto his back and began speckling his neck and shoulders with small love bites, outlining his ribs with featherlight touches. Remus reached down and snapped the edge of his thigh high. “Hey!”
He grinned. “Couldn’t resist. You’re going to keep these, right?”
“Duh.” Sirius wound their legs together and cuddled into Remus’ side. “Mmm, you are so warm.”
Remus wrapped both arms around him and kissed the top of his head, closing his eyes. Naptime sounded good. Naptime, then dinner, then back to bed for more snuggles, or maybe something more. It was Valentine’s Day, after all.
The Next Morning
The first thing Sirius saw when he woke up was gray. The second was Remus’ shocked face, followed by an ‘oh, fuck’.
“What’s wrong?” he asked, propping himself on his elbows with a wince. His backside ached from yesterday’s activities, and his thighs were still incredibly sensitive—he noted that the matching rings of hickeys had not diminished much overnight with a sense of satisfaction. Remus was staring down at his phone as rain drizzled softly outside.
Wait. Rain.
Silently, Remus passed him the phone. Sirius squinted at the screen, blinking the drowsiness out of his eyes, then froze.
Hello team,
Due to improved weather conditions and snow melt, practice today has been rescheduled for 4 pm. Thank you for your flexibility.
A. Weasley
“Oh, fuck.”
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Part of the Family
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Enzo St. John x Mikaelson! Reader
Part 1 of 4
Words: 2621
Summary: After leaving the Armory, Enzo is devastated to find that his family was a group of thieves and liars.  Determined to help your boyfriend through this, you come up with a wildly romantic solution. 
Note: Besides being in season seven of Vampire Diaries, there isn’t much else of either show’s plot. I just wanted to write a little series that I thought would be both Enzo’s romantic side and the Mikaelson’s flare for the dramatic. So no deadly threats besides family drama. Let me know if you guys like it! (Note: I’m reposting these because I really wanted to just make some minor edits before I finally finish out this series)
Warnings: Lots of Fluff (and some mild language)
The quiet was both peaceful and maddening. You were used to the sound of jazz music in the morning and the strong smell of coffee, but this morning there was nothing. Just silence. You slowly rose from the bed and grabbed the nearest pieces of decent clothing you could find- which just happened to be your boyfriend’s favorite shirt, a pair of jeans and sandals. Your feet made almost no sound on the hardwood floor, but it was enough for Enzo to hear you coming. 
“I didn’t mean to wake you, love.” He said, looking out the window of your apartment. 
“How could you have? You haven’t made a sound at all.” You scoffed.
“Are you asking me to be louder at seven in the morning?” He turned towards you and you could see the raw emotion in his eyes. He saw you looking and quickly moved his gaze to the kitchen. “Ah, I’ve forgotten the coffee. No wonder you’re in a foul mood.” He had been acting this way ever since he had gotten back from the Armory. Something was wrong, you just couldn’t figure out what. You followed him into the kitchen and wrapped your arms around his waist, placing a light kiss on his shoulder before resting your head there.
“Enzo…” You started, kissing the crook of his neck. “What’s going on? You’ve been acting strange lately.”
“Don’t know what you mean, darling.” He poured coffee into your mug and handed it back to you. You pulled yourself up onto the counter and sipped the delicious warm liquid. 
“You haven't played your guitar in days, you won't go out of the apartment, and every time I try to talk to you you seem completely distant.” Even now, he was looking off, not really hearing you. “Enzo!” His gaze snapped to you.
“I’m fine love. Really.” He kissed your cheek as he walked past. Still not convinced, you followed him to the living room where the two of you sat in silence. You took a deep breath, wincing at your own words.
“It’s the Armory, isn’t it? Your family.”
“I said that I’m fine!” He snapped. “Maybe I’m just sick of all your bloody questions.” You scoffed, narrowing your eyes at him and setting the mug on the table. 
“You’re so afraid of being alone, Enzo.” You stood and grabbed your car keys. “Maybe you should stop pushing away the people who care about you.” He didn’t even move his gaze from the floor as you slammed the door of the apartment behind you. 
Enzo rubbed his eyes. He knew that he shouldn’t have snapped at you. He was tired and hurt over the fact that his family wasn’t at all what he dreamed they would be. They were quite the opposite, actually. He feared that he was exactly like them; a lying, heartless beast who only cared about the ends instead of the means. Looking back at his life only made him see how similar he was to them. And it scared him more than he wished it would. 
Bonnie gave you the ‘I told you so’ look from across the cafe table. You rolled your eyes. Although your family and the remaining Bennett witch had never gotten along, you had become best friends with both her, Caroline, and Elena. It still hurt to think that you would never see two of your closest friends together again all because of Kai’s stupid curse. 
“Don’t say it.” You begged taking a long sip of the new coffee you ordered. She held up her hands and smiled innocently.
“I have no idea what you mean.” She too drank from the cup in front of her. “It’s not like I’ve been telling you for the past year that Enzo is a total dick who is so undeserving of you.”
“We had an argument, Bonnie.” You sighed. “We didn’t break up so stop talking about him like we did.” 
“I always talk about him like this.” You pegged your bunched up napkin at her and fell back in your seat. “Look, Y/N, I know you care about him, but I saw what he was like in the Armory. He was so determined to figure out who his family was, I think when he found out who they really were… he broke.”
“I know and I want to help him. I just don’t know how.” You thought of what your life was like compared to his. “I don’t exactly know what it’s like to not have a family.” Every moment of your life was surrounded with memories of your twin brother Kol, or your younger sister Rebekah, or of course your two loving- but insanely protective- older brothers; Elijah and Niklaus. Your siblings meant everything to you, and it was hard to imagine what your thousand years would have been like without them. 
“Try to make him feel like he’s a part of something.” Bonnie suggested. Despite her dislike of Enzo, a part of her did like to think of him as a somewhat ally. She also cared deeply about you and she wanted you to be happy, even if it was with Enzo. “Make him see that he isn’t alone.” 
“What the hell do you want?” Damon snapped, narrowing his eyes at his old friend standing before him. Enzo pushed passed him into the house. “Come on in.” Damon slammed the door and followed Enzo into his living room.
“I need a drink.” He muttered, finding Damon’s favorite bourbon and poured himself a glass. He drank it quickly and poured another. Damon snatched the bottle away from him.
“Sorry buddy, but I am not your personal liquor store.” He poured a glass for himself and placed the bottle away from Enzo. “What’s wrong with you anyway? Where’s your obnoxious British swagger?”
“Let’s just say I’ve had a rough week.” 
“Ah yes, the rest of the St. John psycho clan…” Damon started. Enzo shot him a look. “So your family sucks. Join the club.” 
“It’s not just that…” Enzo sighed heavily. “It’s Y/N.”
“So this is a lover’s spat? My favorite.” He leaned against the table with a smirk. “What did the female half of the Devil Twins do now?”
“Y/N didn’t do anything. I snapped at her this morning after she asked about… them.” 
“Let me guess, she wants to meet the parents?” Damon said sarcastically. 
“Can you take anything seriously?” Enzo growled. Damon wiggled his eyebrows mischievously.
“Nope.” He ushered Enzo onto the couch who laid down, arm slung over his face. “Maybe this is just your turning point. I mean, we all kind of knew that the two of you wouldn’t work.” He moved his arm so he could look at Damon.
“Yeah, I mean, sure it was ‘cute’ at first. The two sociopaths of Mystic Falls united by their undying need for mayhem and death.” He gagged. “But we knew it wasn’t going to last. Her family puts each other in coffins, you’re claustrophobic, she has daddy issues, you had a thing for my mom- the list goes on.” Enzo propped himself up on his elbows.
“You think we should split up?” 
“Of course not.” Damon took a long drink of bourbon. “Have you not been listening to a word I just said?” Enzo’s brows furrowed in confusion.
“Did I miss something?” He wondered, fully sitting up on the couch. Damon rolled his eyes and moved behind the sofa to get more bourbon. 
“I’m Damon freaking Salvatore! Am I really going to tell you to go with what everyone else thinks?” He put his hand on his chest in mock offense. “It’s like you don’t know me at all.” 
“So you’re saying not to split up?” Damon smacked the back of his head and Enzo growled.
“Do I need to spell it out for you? Think about it. Everyone thought that Elena was making a horrible decision when she chose me. Despite the fact that she is in a witchy coma for the next sixty years, we still held onto the idea of spending our lives together. Exhibit B; everyone said that Stefan and Caroline were the perfect couple and they were going to live happily ever after- until he made the dick move to run off with Valerie even after we killed Rayna.” Instead of pouring a glass, he just took a swig from the bottle. “The point is: the world is full of assholes who are often wrong. So don’t listen to them.” Enzo blew out a long breath and fell back onto the couch. 
“I suppose you’re right.” He chuckled.
“Of course I’m right.” Damon lifted him up from his seat and started pushing him towards the door. “So go find your hot psycho original vampire and make sweet love to her for all I care. Whatever gets you out of my house.”
“Why did we stop being mates again?” Enzo asked sarcastically when he was shoved outside.
“You tried to kill my girlfriend, remember?” Damon thought for a moment. “Then again, I did try to kill yours on multiple occasions so I guess we’re even.” He laughed to himself. “There was this one time, after we-” He stopped the sentence abruptly, remembering that he was standing in front of Y/N’s current boyfriend, so revealing their dirty past relationship was probably a bad idea. “Nevermind. Now go.” He finished and slammed the door. Enzo thought about everything he had said and knew what he needed to do. 
He found you sitting back in the apartment, with an extremely determined look on your face. When you saw him come in, you stood. You opened your mouth to speak, but he stopped you.
“I’m sorry.” He blurted. You cocked your head to the side.
“For what?”
“Shouting at you this morning. I’ve been thinking ever since I got back from the Armory, panicking really.” He explained. “What if I’m just like them? I’ve lied and cheated and killed to get what I want, much like they have to add to their supernatural collection. I was angry at myself and I took it out on you. I’m sorry.” To his surprise, you laughed.
“You don’t need to apologize, Enzo.” You stepped towards him, placing a hand on his cheek. “God knows I’ve started my fair share of brawls between us.” He leaned into your hand, the tips of your fingers tangling in his hair. It took all of his strength to pull away and continue.
“I haven’t finished.” He paced across the room and your hand fell to your side. “I’m not going to be able to just move past this. I need time. I need to try and figure out what I’m supposed to do now.” 
“I know.” You interjected. “I want to help you, Enzo. I want to help you get through all of this.”
“No.” He said bluntly. “I need to do this on my own.” You thought that you could let it go. That you could let him go off on his own to figure things out by himself. But you couldn’t.
“No you don’t.” You snapped. “Enzo, you don’t have to do this alone.”
“It is my family. I need to do this.”
“They may be your blood, but they are not your family.” You put your hands on either side of his face. His eyes were glistening.
“Then I shall never have one?” His expression was so sad, it crushed you. One solution came to mind and it made your body shiver with nerves.
“If you want a family…” You paused and studied him. You knew that you wanted this, but would he? “Become part of mine.” His puzzled expression pushed you further. “Your whole life, you’ve been wanting to be a part of something. You’ve wanted a place to belong. I can give that to you.” 
“Y/N, what are you saying.” 
“I’m saying,” you took a deep breath. “Lorenzo St. John… Will you marry me?” His eyes went wide and for a moment your heart sank. But then he smiled, sending a bright feeling through you, like a ball of light traveling through your veins. 
“Are you serious?” He asked and you nodded. He lifted you off the ground, spinning around and laughing. “Yes. Of course yes!” Your lips collided as you continued to spin. He set you down on your feet, your arms still draped around his neck. “Though you have robbed me of making the large romantic gesture of proposing.” 
“Well,” you grinned, taking his hand. “Let me make it up to you.”
You curled your toes around the bedsheets and released them, feeling the breeze come in from the open window. You felt a hand playing with your hair and you turned to face Enzo. He twisted a strand around his finger then pushed it away from your face. 
“Hello love.” He purred, placing a soft kiss on your forehead. You sighed with content. He wrapped his arms around you and you laid your head on his chest. The moment couldn’t be more perfect. Until you realized…
“You’re going to have to meet them.” You blurted suddenly. He pulled away so he could look at you.
“My siblings. You’re going to have to meet them.” He chuckled.
“You’re worried about that?”
“Yes!” You exclaimed. “I would like to be married in New Orleans, since it is the closest thing I’ve had to having a real home.”
“That’s perfectly fine with me.” He said, pulling you into his arms again. You pushed away and sat up.
“I don’t think you understand. We’re not...” You paused to search for the right word. “Normal. Nor are they very hospitable when it comes to strangers.” He sat up next to you, his fingers drawing circles on your back. “We need a plan.” 
“I highly doubt-” He started but you cut him off.
“Freya will probably be defensive at first, but if you do nothing to threaten us, she’ll warm up to you. Rebekah will try and get you to give her a reason to hate you, so you’ll have to make sure to be careful. Eventually she’ll accept us since she’s always been a sucker for a good romance. Kol will be fine with anything that brings a party.” You turned to face him, a very serious look on your face. “Elijah is the one you want to impress. He’s the only one who can stop Klaus from killing you.”
“Stop Klaus from doing what?” Enzo exclaimed.
“Niklaus is very temperamental when it comes to his sibling’s relationships with other people. He always fears that we will abandon him for somebody else. So when he discovers a romance, it is rare that our significant others survive the encounter.” 
“And you want me to meet him?” He scoffed. “And then tell him we’re getting married.” You snatched up Enzo’s shirt that you had worn earlier from the bedpost.
“My siblings being a part of our wedding is really important to me Enzo. Even the ones with murderous tendencies.” You left out the fact that all of you tended to go on killing sprees from time to time- yourself included. He sighed and pulled you in for a long, passionate kiss.
“Well if I am killed because I love you it will have been worth it.” You pouted your lips sarcastically.
“You’re so sweet.” You said, pressing your lips to his again, but pushing away quickly. “We’re still going.” He groaned and fell back on the bed. You rolled your eyes and located the rest of your clothes, barely able to contain the turning bundle of excitement and nerves rolling around your stomach. It was time to go home.
Keeping Reading to: Meet the Mikaelsons
General Tag: @rae-gar-targaryen; @takemepedropascal; @childhood-imagination;  @mylovegoesto; @yellowbadgergirl; @itmejado; @suckmyapplejacks
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spaceorphan18 · 3 years
The Smut Challenge (33)
A/N: In celebration of my birthday, I’m giving you guys a longer smut piece today! Not sure if y’all will like it or not (and my apologies for it being unbeta’d) but I figure if you guys like it, I’ll slip one of these longer ones in every once in a while, and if not, I’ll keep to my 500 words or less.  Either way, happy reading <3 
July 18th (Day 33) 
“Are you sure you’re okay with this?” 
“Yes, Blaine.” 
“Okay, I just want to make sure.” 
“We have a plan, and a safe word, so I’m really, really okay.”  
Blaine takes a second to suppress his eagerness.  Rarely have they roleplayed, so this is a bit of a new thing for them.  But this whole scenario is just as much Kurt’s idea as his own, and after having a lengthy conversation as to how to proceed, they picked a day where they had all the time in the world to act it out.  
Blaine takes a moment to look himself over in the bathroom mirror.  His hair is mostly ungelled, the loose curls doing as they wish.  He’s wearing Kurt’s old football jersey, while over a decade old, is a bit big on him.  And he’s got on a pair of spandex shorts that hide nothing to the imagination.  He thinks he looks a little bit laughable like this, but it’s what Kurt wants, and it’s not like Kurt isn’t giving him what he wants.  With a deep breath he leaves the bathroom.  
Kurt comes out of the bedroom at the same time, and Blaine can barely keep it together.  Kurt’s dressed in his old cheerleading costume that does not fit in all the best ways.  His chest is broader, arms more defined than when he had been in high school.  His ass fills out the pants nicely.  His hair is without product, and softly down, making him look much younger than he really is.  It’s a bit surreal, but Blaine holds back his instincts.  
He remembers his role and the game, and spouts a churlish attitude when he sees Kurt.  “Dude, why are you always lingering around here after the games?” Blaine flops himself down on the couch.  It doesn’t quite double for a locker room bench, but felt much safer trying to do this in their own home as opposed to a more public area.  He lets his legs flop open, and relaxes his posture, doing his best to resemble some straight jock of his imagination.  
Kurt’s lips slide into a wiley grin as turns into a character Blaine’s never quite seen before.  “I just thought I’d come congratulate you,” Kurt’s voice is higher than Blaine expects it to be.  He comes behind the couch, and begins to massage Blaine’s shoulders.  “You did win the game after all.”  
Blaine relaxes into Kurt’s touch, it feels so good, but Blaine down plays it, trying to act as if he’s bored and unaffected by the massage.  Kurt’s warm hands slip under the jersey, rubbing his shoulders hard before they travel lower, pinching his nipples. 
“Jesus fucking christ, what are you doing?” Blaine lets a little anger slip into his words.  He worries it might be too much, but Kurt’s doesn’t seem off put one bit.  
“Just giving you something I think you need,” Kurt says.  “The game’s over and you’re still so tense.”  Kurt goes back to rubbing his shoulders.  
“Well, how am I supposed to relax when a dude’s hands are all over me?” 
“Are you trying to tell me that you’ve never had this fantasy?” Kurt’s grin is wicked now as he backs away to come around the couch.  Kurt goes to his knees, settling in between Blaine’s legs, running his hands up Blaine’s thighs. “I’ve seen you, you know.  The way you try not to look at my ass during a game.  The way you touch yourself after you’ve seen me come out of the shower after practice.  I think you want this more than you know.”  
Blaine gives an unimpressed hand wave.  “Whatever, dude.  You don’t know what you’re talking about.” 
“Do I?” Kurt’s eyebrow is arched high as he leans in towards Blaine’s crotch.  He doesn’t hesitate to suck a kiss to Blaine’s spandex covered cock.  He lets out an erotic moan as he does it again, and again; and Blaine doesn’t think he’s ever gotten so hard so quickly as he watches Kurt to continue to suck at his cock through the fabric.  He takes a second to run his fingers through Kurt’s hair, encouraging him to do more, even if he’s supposed to be pretending not to be into it.  “Are you sure you don’t want to know what it’s like to be sucked by someone who knows what they’re doing?  Are you sure you don’t want to fuck my mouth even a little?” Kurt looks up at him, his eyes dark and wide, daring him to suggest otherwise.  
His body is already betraying him, but Blaine keeps on character.  “Man, if you wanna - I’m not going to turn down a free blowjob.”  
Kurt licks his lips as he pulls down the spandex shorts, freeing Blaine’s cock.  “I always knew you’d be thick,” Kurt says, dragging his tongue up his shaft.  
Blaine shudders, Kurt always has known how to work his mouth.  Kurt sucks on the tip a little before sinking all the way down, his head beginning to bob up and down as he sucks Blaine off.  Blaine sits back and enjoys the pleasure of it, closing his eyes as he let’s Kurt work him.  God, he’s so good at this.  
Kurt then pulls off with a wet pop, replacing his mouth with his hand as brings the fabric lower to get at Blaine’s balls.  He sucks one in and then the other, making sure to give them proper attention as he continues to stroke Blaine’s cock.  
“Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck,” Blaine utters, not being able to help himself.  
“Fuck?” Kurt says, his voice a husky whisper.  “I said you could fuck my mouth if you wanted to.”  
“C’mere,” Blaine says.  He grabs onto Kurt’s hair, a little rougher than he would normally, and guides his cock back to Kurt’s mouth.  Kurt grabs onto it, running the tip over his lips before allowing Blaine in again.  Then Kurt lets him take over, lets him fuck his mouth, lets him enjoy the warm, velvety heat.  It’s almost too much.  And just as Blaine gets close, Kurt pulls off.  
“Wha-the fuck you doing?” 
“Hold on, I’d like to readjust.”  Kurt leans back a little, pulling his own pants down, and setting them snug under his balls.  Kurt’s cock is long and hard and already leaking pre-come at the tip.  
Blaine wants to touch - wants to make him come in an instant, but refrains.  “Oh, you want to be a little tease now?  Well maybe you should play with yourself a bit.  I wanna see a show.”  
Kurt smirks, spitting on his hand before he brings it to his cock.  He begins to work his cock, pulling at it as he closes his eyes.  “You have no idea how long I’ve been wanting you to see me like this,” he says as he fucks into his own fist.  His free hand begins to roam, hiking up his shirt to tweak at his nipple.  “How after seeing you during practice… a game, I’d get so turned on.  And then I’d touch myself afterwards.  I always hoped you’d see and just kiss me.  You’d kiss me hard and unafraid.  And after we’d make out, you’d just spin me around and fuck me against the lockers because you wanted me so bad.  Anyone could come in, but you just wouldn’t care because you wanted me so badly.” 
Kurt is the utter picture of sex as he arches into his hand.  It’s erotic and beautiful, and Blaine slowly pulls at his own cock because he can’t help himself.  “If you want to be fucked so badly, come and sit on my cock.  Use it to get yourself off.” 
It’s a bit of a demand, but Kurt complies willingly, getting himself quickly out of his pants and climbing onto Blaine’s lap.  Blaine pulls Kurt’s arms around his neck as they come together for a searing kiss.  It’s hot and messy and too dizzyingly amazing for Blaine to quite keep up the scenario, but all he wants to do is taste Kurt, feel him everywhere.  
“Jesus, fuck, Kurt,” Blaine says as Kurt begins to grind their hips together as they kiss, their cocks brushing up against one another.  “Are you gonna ride me or what.”  
Blaine slides his hands down to Kurt’s ass, squeezing Kurt’s asscheeks as he pulls them apart.  Kurt uses a little of his saliva on Blaine’s cock before slowly coming down on it.  It’s torturously slow as Kurt works his way to bottoming out. 
“Like this?” Kurt says, a bit cheekily as he begins to rise and fall.  Blaine steadies Kurt, holding him gently before Kurt begins to pick up speed.  It’s not long before Kurt’s bouncing on Blaine’s cock, letting out little obscenities as he loses himself in the pleasure of it all.  “Fuck you feel so good.  So deep inside me, Blaine, fuck, fuuuck, so good.”  
Blaine can only hold on as Kurt fucks himself on Blaine’s cock.  He can’t even concentrate on the scene anymore.  There’s nothing, just Kurt, and the cresting edge of his orgasm.  And it’s not long before he’s arching his own hips, pushing himself deep into Kurt as he comes.  Kurt’s close as well, and he uses his own hand to finish himself off, letting out an ecstatic cry as he comes over the both of them.  
“Was that okay?” Kurt asks, breathing heavily as they both come down.  He brings their foreheads together.  Gone is the teasing, young cheerleader, and present is his wonderful husband.  
“That was amazing,” Blaine says, drawing Kurt in for a kiss.  “I wasn’t too much was I? I know I got a little rough.” 
“No, not at all,” Kurt reassures him.  “You were perfect.”  
“I love you so much, Kurt.”  
“I love you, too.”
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laventae · 4 years
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Summary: You accidentally bump into Suna once, then a second time, then a third time.... before it starts seeming like fate has already decided its course for the both of you.
Pairings: Suna Rintaro x F!reader
Genre: Mostly fluff, College/Uni au
Word count: 3.4k words
Part: 1 , (2) , (3) , (TBC)
(A/N: I suck at writing summaries but anyways. This is/was supposed to be part of my [HQ Boys - Pretending to be your boyfriend] series, but I really wanted to make this slightly longer than my usual one-shots. Also, this story will probably have every cheesy trope you know, so, proceed with caution and I’m sorry. I couldn’t help myself.)
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‘Okay, what the fuck is going on?’ you think as you slowly try to open your eyes. 
Looking at your bedside table, you reach for your phone and check the time
7:35 A.M
‘Ugh... it’s too early for this shit...’ you think as you yawn.
You remember your shift at work starts at about 9 a.m., so you decide to sleep for a bit longer.
You place your phone back down on your bedside table, and turn in bed, covering your face with a pillow.
“Goddammit, what’s going on outside?!” you exclaim, getting out of your bed and heading for the front door.
You open the door hastily, and find your landlord standing in the hallway of your apartment building, then notice multiple moving boxes scattered around, and movers talking some of the boxes into the apartment opposite yours.
You’re both startled when you open the door, but she softens as soon as she notices it was you.
“Good morning, Mrs. Saito. What’s going on?” you ask her sleepily.
“Goodness, I’m sorry they woke you up as well, sweetheart. The new tenant told me they were moving in today but I didn’t know the movers were coming this early and causing this much of a ruckus!” she exclaims, looking like she was just as annoyed by the noise as you were.
“Well, the new tenant certainly didn’t make a good first impression, huh?” you say, trying to lighten the mood.
She chuckles softly, “I guess not. They’re not even here yet, so I’m just going to have to stay here until the movers are done” she sighs.
“Want me to make you a cup of coffee?”
“Oh, that’s alright, sweetheart, you should go back in and try to get some more sleep” she says, waving you back into your apartment.
You try to insist, but you feel too tired. Instead, you just nod and go back in, closing the door behind you.
Sighing, you head to your bedroom again; you figure you should try to get a bit more sleep in before you actually start getting ready for work.
After tossing and turning in bed for a couple of minutes, the noise wouldn’t get any quieter, so you thought you might as well get out of bed and head to your part-time job a bit earlier than usual.
You start getting ready, and make a quick cup of coffee to give Mrs. Saito on your way out. She thanks you and you go on your way.
When you first moved into your apartment about 2 years ago, you were able to find a pretty decent part-time job working as a barista at coffee shop nearby. It was only about two blocks away from where you lived, so it was super convenient; and a plus point, you were never late.
Checking your phone again, you notice the time
8:35 A.M
“It’s still so early...” you yawn as you take out your headphones and play some music to listen to while you walk to the coffee shop, talking your time.
After about 15 minutes of enjoying your morning walk, and window shopping on the stores along the way, you reach your destination and open the front door.
“Goodmorning, y/n!” you hear your boss call out to you as soon as you enter, “Early as usual, I see”
You chuckle as you head in his direction, “Oh, you know me, always excited to get to work!” you joke.
He laughs, “Yesterday was your last day of your second Uni semester, wasn’t it?” he asks you.
“Yeah, made it out in one piece thankfully”
He laughs again, “I’m sure you did well, I've seen how stressed out you’ve been about it but I also know how hard you’ve been studying, don’t worry” he assures you as he points to the chairs in the shop, silently asking you to help him out with setting them up.
“How do you know that?” you sigh, grabbing a few chairs and setting them down.
He stops what he’s doing and looks at you, “You think I didn’t notice the dark circles you kept coming in with, during every shift, for the past couple of weeks?”
“Was it that obvious?” your eyes widen.
“Definitely” he answers and you both laugh.
After setting up the last few chairs, your boss speaks up again, “Alright, why don’t you head in and get ready, I’ll just be out here setting up the register before we open in a couple of minutes”.
You nod and walk back to the staff locker area.
The day goes by slowly, as usual, and after a few hours, you take your break and head to the staff room locker area to relax and have a (late) breakfast.
‘I really need this right now’ you sigh as you take a sip of your coffee, feeling more tired than usual, and blame it on having to wake up super early that morning.
You check your phone and notice a text message.
You open it.
FROM ‘Wifeyy <3’: “Heyy! Call me when you're on your break!”
You smile and shake your head, dialing up her number.
It rings a couple of times before your best friend picks up.
“Hey y/n!!” she yells excitedly
“Hey Hina,” you laugh, “What’s up?”
“Just wanted to remind you that we are going out tonight to celebrate my birthday, you still remember, right?”
“Oh, was that today?” you joke
“I’m kidding, I'm kidding, you know I'll be there” you shake your head
“Good! I'll also be inviting some of my friends from Uni, but I want us to hangout still. It’s been a while since we’ve actually caught up. And I'm finally gonna be able to come to your city!”
The both of you actually met during your first year in University through mutual friends. Even though you both were in different majors, you hit it off right away. And after that, the both of you always tried to make time to hang out, whether it was between classes, during lunch breaks, or whenever the both of you had the time.
However, it was sometimes hard to meet up during weekends, since she lived in the city next to yours, so whenever she had the chance to come to your city, or you were able to go to hers, you guys would always spend it together.
“Yeah, I guess with exams and all it was hard for us to actually see each other”
“Exactly, anyways I’m excited for tonight!”
“Yeah, me too..!”
“Hey, do you sound more tired than usual, or is it just me?” she asks you, sounding worried.
“Oh, it’s nothing, I just woke up super early today, not willingly though” you sigh, “don't even ask, I'll tell you about it later”
“Alright... if you say so”
“Anyways, I gotta get back to work now, so, I’ll see you tonight, okay?”
“Alright! Dress sexy, okay? You promised we would dress up!”
“Yeah, yeah, I'll try my best” you both laugh before hanging up.
It was about 5 p.m when you finally reach your house, after leaving your part-time job, and finishing up some outdoor chores you had for the day.
You sigh as you get off the elevator to your floor.
You notice the empty hallway as you walk to your apartment; you suppose that the movers were already done and have left at this point.
You glance over to the door opposite yours at the end of the floor’s hallway.
‘I wonder if they're home yet...’ you think before you unlock the door of your apartment and go in.
You sigh as you place your groceries and bag on your kitchen island and start putting everything away.
You were supposed to meet Hina later tonight, at around 7 p.m, to celebrate her birthday. That meant you had a couple more hours to spend at home, so you decide to make some lunch/dinner and watch a movie on Netflix.
“Hey Hina, I’ll just go outside and answer this call real quick alright?” you try to call out to your friend as you get out of your chair, but she looks at you confused, the music playing loudly in the pub and the bustling of the people inside made it hard for her to hear your voice from across the table.
You point to your phone, and as realization hits her, she nods.
You attempt to make your way out of the pub, trying to worm between the people inside and make your way to the door. However, you suddenly run into someone before you reach the door, and accidentally drop their drink.
“I’m so sorry!” you tell them, looking up and noticing it was an old man, long white hair settling over his shoulders.
He looks annoyed at first but then his face relaxes when he sees you.
“I can pay for the drink!” you tell him apologetically.
“Oh, that’s alright, gorgeous, it was just a mistake” he answers you, smiling.
‘Okay...’ you think as you get a weird feeling in your gut.
“Would you like me to buy you-”
“Okay, Bye” you cut him off, smiling awkwardly, feeling uncomfortable with the way he was looking at you; you reach for the door and leave the pub.
It suddenly gets much quieter, and you feel yourself relax, finally being able to breathe.  
Honestly, you didn’t really get a call from anyone, you were just feeling tired, and wanted to take a break from all the noise.
You check the time on your phone,
11:54 P.M
You sigh, ‘I wanna go back home...’
It’s not that you weren’t having fun with Hina and her friends, but you were frankly not that close with them, and even though they are all very nice, having to be social for a long time takes a toll on your mental and physical strength sometimes.
Startled, you turn around when you hear the door of the pub open again behind you.
“Hey,” you hear Hina say as she approaches you, “is everything okay?”
“Yeah sorry, that was just my mom checking up on me” you lie to her, putting your phone back in your bag.
She nods, but you know she's slightly suspicious of your answer as she eyes you carefully
“You tired?” she asks you.
You chuckle nervously, ‘well, that didn’t take long’.
“Yeah, I'm really sorry, it’s getting late and it’s kind of been a long day”
She chuckles, “It’s okay, I thought your battery might have run out by now”
You couldn’t help but chuckle as well. Then you look at her apologetically.
“Yeah, I think I might head home for the night, is that alright with you?” you ask her, feeling bad you couldn’t stay longer.
She laughs and goes in to hug you goodbye, “You know it’s fine, I’m just glad I got to see you today! But, promise me we would hangout together again soon?”
You sigh, relieved, “you know I'd cancel any plans I have, just to see you” you shake your head as you hug her back.
“And promise me you’ll think about that date I wanna set you up on” she giggles as you both let go.
“Yeah, yeah, I'll think about it” you reply, used to her trying to set you up on these blind dates that you don’t necessarily really want to go to.
“Alright. You want me to call you a cab or walk you home?” she asks as you turn around and start leaving.
“No! It’s fine, my house is literally a couple of blocks away, go back! Have fun!” you say assuring her, and waving her to go back and hangout with her friends.
“Are you sure, y/n?”
“Yess! Go!” you tell her, and turn back around, walking away again.
After walking for a few minutes, you notice how quiet it was outside, except for the few open pubs you passed by earlier. I mean, it wasn’t really a huge surprise, it was getting pretty late, and almost all stores in the area were closed at that point. But, because you weren’t usually out that late at night all alone, it somehow made it feel even emptier and quieter.
You look up at the sky as you walk on the sidewalk and notice a few stars scattered along the night sky. It makes you smile and you close your eyes and take a deep breath.
‘I wonder how many of those are actually just satellites...’ you think to yourself as you open your eyes, and you can’t help but let out a small chuckle.
You feel your phone vibrate and notice you got a text message.
You open it.
FROM ‘Wifeyy <3’: “Heyy! Text me when you get home safe!”
You smile as you read the message, but then feel a sudden chill down your spine.
You put your phone down and suddenly start hearing faint footsteps behind you.
‘Alright, that’s fine... it’s just someone walking home as well’ you try to assure yourself but can’t help but still feel anxious.
After a few minutes, you still hear the foot steps behind you, slowly getting closer. That, somehow, making you feel more anxious.
‘I’m just overthinking this right?’
You try to increase your pace, to check if they really were following you. Even if they weren’t, you hope to try and lose them all together. It didn’t help that the way to your apartment would be to keep walking straight, and the alleys around the buildings on the way were blocked off at the ends, not making it any safer for you to try and find a way around.
But then you hear the person behind you increase their pace as well.
‘Fuck’ you think, feeling scared and panicked, ‘they're definitely following me, aren’t they?’
You panic as you think of what to do next, then decide to take out your phone and call someone.
‘Who the fuck do I call? Hina? The police? I-’
Your thoughts are interrupted when you hear someone yell something from the sidewalk on the other side of the street you were walking on.
Your head snaps to where the voice came from and you notice a guy running up to you, “Babe?”
You try to back away before the boy reaches you, but, “I’ve been waiting for you, what took you so long?” he asks, pulling you in for a hug.
“I don’t know yo-!”
“Someone’s following you” he whispers in your ear before letting you complete your sentence.
Your heart stops when you hear him say that and you begin to feel your eyes tear up.
He pulls away, looking at you, and you suddenly notice you stopped hearing the footsteps coming from behind you.
You look back and see a man standing in the middle of the street, your eyes widen when you notice his long white hair.
‘That’s the fucking creepy old guy from the pub, I knew he seemed off!’
“My name is Suna. I was just in that supermarket over there, on the other side of the street, when I noticed him following you” he tells you quietly, as he subtly points at a store behind him. You look over his shoulder and notice a small, old looking supermarket, with an ‘Open 24/7′ neon light flickering over it. “Do you want me to walk you back home?” the boy asks you, and your eyes snap back to him.
You’re then able to see him much clearer, his pale, yellow eyes looking into yours. He had a blank expression on his face but you could hear a hint of worry in his voice.
You feel a tear roll down your cheek and you hesitantly nod at him.
“It’s okay, it’s okay, I'm here” you hear him say as he puts an arm around you, pulling you closer, and walks with you in the direction you were originally going in.
After a few moments, you hear the footsteps behind you, again, but this time they started to sound more distant, as if the creepy, old guy was walking away.
Your heart starts calming down a bit as you both walk silently for a few minutes.
You then feel the boy remove his arm from around you and you slightly stumble.
‘Was he supporting me this whole time..?’ you think to yourself as you try to steady yourself back on your own feet.
He turns around, “I’m sure he’s gone by now” he tells you, looking back at you.
You turn around to check as well, and feel yourself finally be able to breathe again when you don’t see anyone behind you. You look back at the boy and nod.
“You live around here?” he asks you and you finally notice where you were.  
Realizing you were only about a block away from your house, you stop.
“What?” the boy asks as he turns around to face you, when he realizes you weren't walking next to him anymore.
“This is me” you answer quickly, pointing to a random building you were standing in front of.
He was nice enough to help you back there, so, it's not that you weren’t thankful, but you were still feeling a bit anxious, and you didn’t want to take any chances.
“Oh,” the boy says, looking up at the building you pointed to, then looks back to you, “I'll watch you go in” he continues, putting his hands in his pockets.
“Oh, uhm, okay..” you nervously say, turning to the building.
‘Shit... I hope the entrance door isn’t locked...’
You reach for the door and push it.
‘Oh, thank god...’ you sigh, relieved.
You quickly turn back to look at him again, and notice his eyes following you.
“Thank you”
He just nods at you, a blank expression still on his face.
You get inside the building and the door closes behind you. You weren’t sure if he was looking so you make your way to the elevators. You pretend you pressed a button, hoping he stopped looking at you through the glass door at that point.
You look behind you and notice he wasn’t there anymore, so you run slowly towards the door and see him walking away.
You place a hand on your heart, and sigh again. You close your eyes and take a few deep breaths.
‘Why does it feel like it’s been a really long night...?’
You decide to wait for a few minutes, making sure he wouldn’t still be around the area when you try to run to where you actually lived. It was probably a couple of buildings away so, if you make a quick run for it, you think, you would definitely make it.
You open the glass door slowly and take a quick peak around the street.
‘Nobody’s here...’
You take a quick breath before you make a run for it.
As you thought, it easily took you a minute or two to get to your building. You quickly push the entrance door and run to elevators.  
As soon as it arrives, you get in and press the floor you lived on.
A few moments pass before the elevator doors open and you can't help but breathe a sigh of relief as you’re welcomed with your usual empty, but now comforting hallway.
You step out and head for your apartment when you notice someone standing at the door opposite yours at the end of that hallway, trying to unlock it.
‘Oh, it’s probably the new tenant...’ you think as you walk to your door.
It was pretty silent so you decide to at least welcome them, hoping it would make the awkward silence less... awkward.
“Hey,” you say turning to face them when you get to your door, “You’re the new tenant, righ-” but you quickly stop and your eyes widen when the person turns around to face you.
‘Wait, isn’t he the guy that just walked me back ‘home’??’
He still carried a blank expression on his face, but you notice his eyes slightly widen when he notices who you were as well.
‘Fuck, Fuck, Fuck... What do I say?’ you panic as you both stand there, looking at each other.
“Oh, you live here?” he breaks the silence, sounding pretty calm.
“Oh, yeah,” you say turning around and quickly unlock your door and go in, “Goodnight!” you yell, panicked. 
You accidentally make eye contact with him one last time before you swiftly close the front door, leaving him there, looking blankly at your apartment door instead.
‘He’s my new neighbor??’
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(HQ Masterlist)
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kasienda · 3 years
The Five Minute Adventures of Snake Noir: Ch 5 - Unwanted Revelations
Chapter 1: I Want It To Be You
Chapter 2: Best Friends
Chapter 3: Best Laid Plans
Chapter 4: A Thank You
Chapter 5: Unwanted Revelations
“You okay, dude?” Nino asked. They were sitting on his bed, watching an anime, but Adrien had no idea what was happening in the current episode. 
Adrien’s head shot up from where his cheek had been pressed into his propped up knee.
“Yeah, of course,” Adrien said. “Why wouldn’t I be?” 
Nino frowned, and paused the show. “You’ve just been quiet tonight. 
“I’m just tired,” Adrien said, which was mostly true. “The photo shoot this morning went seven ways to hell after it was disrupted by that akuma.” 
“That akuma sucked!” Nino said.
Adrien nodded in agreement. It had taken Ladybug, Chat Noir, and five temp heroes (Carapace included) hours to deal with. “And once it was cleared up, father insisted the shoot continue even though we had already lost our lighting. Then afterwards he lectured me for an hour about not being professional enough because none of the shots came out to his satisfaction.”
Adrien trailed off, noticing that Nino had his lips pressed tightly closed. 
“It’s not that big of a deal,” Adrien said. 
Which had been the wrong thing to say. Adrien knew it as soon as the words left his mouth. 
“Not that big a deal?!” Nino repeated. “Dude, he runs you ragged, doesn’t let you have any fun, puts you in situations where it is literally impossible to succeed, and then he yells at you when you fail.”
“He doesn’t yell,” Adrien defended.
“I don’t know why you defend him!”
Adrien shrugged. “He’s my father.” 
“Is he? Seems more like he’s your boss.” 
Adrien sagged on the floor, and Nino wilted a second later. 
“I’m sorry, dude. I don’t mean to make you feel worse. He just… makes me so angry!”
Adrien smiled then. “It feels good to have you on my side.” 
“How would you feel about me borrowing the Snake?” Nino asked, casually. 
Read on Ao3
Adrien started, sitting up straight. “What?!” 
“I mean, I just want to punch him in the face. Just once, dude, I swear. But I’d prefer not to get thrown in jail with my future career destroyed because your old man is vengeful.” 
Adrien burst out laughing. “I’d pay to see it actually.” 
Nino smiled and bumped his shoulder into Adrien’s. Adrien’s laughter died down, but his smile remained. 
But Nino looked solemn. Adrien frowned and leaned forward. “Are you okay?”
Nino smiled. “Yeah, I was just thinking. Have you ever thought about using the Snake to confront your father?”
“No,” Adrien admitted. “I am trying not to use it for selfish reasons.”
Nino rolled his eyes.
“What would I even say to him?” Adrien cleared his throat. “Hello Father! I bend over backwards to meet your expectations, but they’re impossible to reach. I want you to show me the same respect you expect me to show you.” Adrien shook his head. “What would be the point? He won’t remember, so nothing will change.”
Nino stared at a Jagged Stone poster across the room. “I just… wonder sometimes if he even knows how much he’s hurt you. Confronting him might tell you that.” 
Adrien was silent for a long time. 
Adrien looked up at Nino’s concerned gaze, and then turned away again. “I just…” Adrien said. “What if the answer is he does know? And… doesn’t care?”
Nino wrapped him in a hug at that moment, and Adrien let his cheek fall onto Nino’s shoulder. 
It had been easy to visit Nino and Marinette with the Snake Miraculous. Adrien knew that they cared about him. In fact, he had known they had cared about him on both sides of his mask. If anything, he had underestimated how much affection and love they held for him. So he hadn’t been afraid of anything that might come out in a conversation with them that they couldn’t remember. He knew he’d still hold them in the highest regard. 
But with his father, if he learned something he didn’t like - that his father didn’t care about him, rather than was just abrasive and uncomfortable with feelings and affection - Adrien didn’t know if he would be able to keep up the song and dance routine required to keep his father happy. Adrien wanted to keep what little freedoms he had managed to squirrel away. He couldn’t stand it if they were taken away. He was terrified he wouldn’t survive it.
On some days, he knew he was too close to not almost wanting to survive it. 
It was too easy to throw himself in front of an akuma’s blast, too easy to picture his own bubbling cataclysm floating towards his chest without concern.
But things had gotten better, were continuing to get better. Thanks to Nino mostly, and to Ladybug, too. 
“Have you ever used the snake with anyone besides me?” Nino asked, interrupting Adrien’s thoughts.
Adrien didn’t want to mention Marinette. He knew Marinette wouldn’t have minded, and Nino would have listened without judgement. But it felt weird to tell Nino something about Marinette that she herself didn’t remember.
“Ladybug picked me to use the snake against Desperada,” he confided instead.  
“You’re Viperion, too?!”
Adrien winced. “No, I was Aspik, but… it didn’t go well, and I eventually gave it up, and she selected someone else to be the snake. That person is Viperion.” 
Nino looked at him suspiciously. “How long did you stay in the loop before you gave up?” 
Adrien rubbed the back of his neck. “Umm… like three months?” 
Nino bolted to his feet. “Months?! Dude! You need to stop torturing yourself!” 
“I just… wanted to impress her as myself. She’s already said no to Chat Noir. I was hoping… that being Adrien was a…” 
“Second chance?” Nino filled in sarcastically. 
Adrien grinned. “Exactly! But… she needed a temp hero in the first place because the two of us weren’t enough. So… I had to give it back, and tell her to find someone else. I feared that Adrien was only a disappointment to her.” 
“You tried for months! What more could she ask of you than that?” Nino pursed his lips. “Like how many loops is that?”
Nino’s eyes widened, and he just stared at him until Adrien had to look away. 
“Didn’t you lose count?” 
Adrien shook his head. “The snake doesn’t let you forget the number. You know every time what loop you’re on.”
Nino was really solemn after that. “I think that power is the scariest of them all,” he said quietly. 
“Scarier than the power of destruction?” Adrien teased, trying to lighten the mood again. 
“Yes,” Nino said seriously, not taking the hint.
Adrien sighed. “What was the hardest akuma for you as Carapace?” 
“As Carapace?! I was fighting Anansi as Nino while you were caught in some spider web! That was terrifying.” 
“You were a natural with the baton,” Adrien said. 
Nino ducked his head down - trying to hide a blush.
“I was really threatened by it at the time,” Adrien admitted. 
Nino’s gaze snapped back up. “Threatened?! By me?”
“I… It felt like Ladybug was trying to replace me.” 
Nino shook his head. “She was trying to save you, dude!”
“It kinda feels like she’s trying to replace me now, too.” 
Nino frowned. “What do you mean?” 
“She told someone else her identity. And yeah, she explained why she couldn’t tell me so it’s easier to accept now. But Nino, I’ve been sidelined so many times recently. Rena Rouge removed me from the battlefield when Style Queen attacked. I was so far away that by the time I got back…” he trailed off, his brain spiraling rapidly.
“Rena Rouge told me not to interfere with SentiBubbler, too.”
“I’m sure she didn’t mean to push you aside like that. Alya loves you both as heroes. You should hear her fangirl about working with both of you.” 
But Adrien wasn’t hearing Nino anymore. Rena Rouge knew a lot - more than any of the other temp heroes. She had made plans with Ladybug before Ladybug had even shown up. 
Rena Rouge was the one that knew Ladybug’s identity. 
But Rena Rouge was Alya.
Ladybug had said she told her best friend in her civilian life.
That meant… 
Adrien couldn’t breathe. 
“Adrien? What’s wrong?” Nino asked, urgently.
But Adrien couldn’t answer. All he felt was horror and dread writhing sickenly in his gut. This was knowledge he wasn’t supposed to know. 
He was the one person that wasn’t supposed to know.
But it fit and he couldn’t unknow it. Marinette had… she had burst into tears upon learning his identity just like Ladybug. She had ranted and railed in anger that Ladybug hadn’t realized how hurt her partner had been by her actions. She hadn’t been angry with Ladybug - she had been angry with herself. And then, she had erased her own memory when he had hesitated because they weren’t supposed to know. 
He was going to throw up. 
“Dude! Talk to me!” Nino begged, tapping either one of Adrien’s cheeks.
Adrien turned toward his friend, but his eyes looked past him, remaining unfocused. 
“Plagg! Sass! Help!” Nino called.
The kwamis flew into his line of sight, and conversed together briefly. Adrien heard none of it.  
His body was trembling - shaking so hard it was amazing he hadn’t fallen off the edge of Nino’s bed. Though that might have had to do with the hand clamped painfully onto his shoulder bracing him from tipping over. Hot tears fell from his cheeks and his chest burned. He clawed for air that refused to come.
“Kid,” Plagg called. “Slow down. You’re okay. Nothing’s happened yet.”
“I-I’m n-n-not supposed t-t-to know,” Adrien managed to get out between the body quakes. He had always wanted to know. And Marinette, she was amazing! She always had been. He wanted to be ecstatic at the revelation. “I don’t w-w-w-want to destroy the world.”
Ladybug had said the moon was in pieces.
“And if you get akumatized right now over it, it will be a self fulfilling prophecy!” Plagg snapped. “Now breathe properly already!” 
“Dude!” Nino chastised. “That’s not how you calm someone down during a panic attack.”
“I’d like to see you do better,” Plagg challenged.
But Nino was already ignoring the kwami. “Dri, breathe in with me.” And then he slowly and dramatically breathed in. 
Adrien tried to follow suit. Really, he did. He took in a slow deep breath, but then his throat would lodge close again, and he’d start gasping again. His chest spasmed painfully. 
“Can you reset the last five minutes?” Nino asked Sass. 
The kwami shook his head. “It’s very dangerous for me to use my power without a holder to limit them. It's not worth the cost,” Sass informed. “He already knew everything needed to put it together. He just hadn’t thought about it. We can reset… maybe… without destroying the timeline completely, but he’ll just figure it out again probably within a few days. Plagg and I knew it was only a matter of time.”
“Some warning would have been nice!” Adrien shrieked, his anger cutting through the shaking, but only for a second. 
“Look kid, we don’t know that this is the end of the world. And honestly, it probably isn’t!” 
Adrien’s green eyes locked onto the floating kwami. “What do you mean?” 
Plagg turned to Sass. “You explain it.” 
“My power works differently than Fluff’sss, but from my understanding, the end of the world probably had very little to do with you knowing each other's identities. It was more like that it was an event that was easy to change to prevent a certain series of events. It wasn’t necessarily that you couldn’t know one another. Just that you couldn't know that day.”
“Why didn’t you say any of this before?” Adrien gasped out. He was still struggling to keep his breathing slow. 
Sass shrugged. “Because we don’t know for certain what happened, and anything short of a guarantee wouldn’t have been enough for Ladybug.” 
“Look!” Plagg interjected. “If things truly go to absolute hell and back, Fluff’s holder will most likely show up to fix things again, and since she’s not already here, we’re likely fine.”
The tension in Adrien’s chest broke, and the rest of his body slumped. Luckily, Nino was there to catch him. Adrien clung to his shoulder even as he tried to face the kwamis. As always, Nino was a rock. If he was phased at all, Nino wasn’t showing it. 
Adrien was dripping with sweat, his blond hair was plastered to the sides of his face. He could breathe now, and breathe heavily he did, still leaning heavily on Nino. 
“So, what do we do?” Adrien asked.
Plagg shrugged. “Use the snake to tell Ladybug you figured her out. Then come up with a plan together. She’s a crafty one. She’ll have ideas.”
Sass nodded. “Most likely, she will know more than she’s told you, Chat Noir. She may have a better idea of what needs to be avoided.”
Adrien nodded. “Okay, okay. We can do this.” He turned to Nino. “Help me stand?”
Nino held out his arms, and Adrien hauled himself to his feet with Nino’s support. 
“I’m sorry to cut our illicit slumber party short,” Adrien said. 
Nino shook his head. “No worries, dude. Fate of the world stuff obviously should come first. But… umm… are you going to be okay running over rooftops? No offense, but… you look like shit.” 
“Plagg, claws out,” Adrien called. As the transformation washed over him, Adrien could stand up straight, breathe easier. He sighed in relief. “With the transformation, I’m okay.”
“Can you let me know when you get somewhere safe and outside a time loop, dude?” 
Adrien smiled. “Yeah, sure.” Adrien pulled his baton from his back. “And Nino?”
“Thank you for being here. Thank you for not asking questions.”
Nino smiled. “Of course, dude. Anytime.” 
Marinette wasn’t on her balcony, but her light was on. He couldn’t handle waiting so he sent Sass through the window. She was up on the roof less than a minute later. 
“Chaton? What’s wrong?” 
He transformed with the snake and activated second chance immediately, and then fell heavily onto the only chair on her balcony.
“You shouldn’t have let me keep the snake,” he began without preamble. 
“What are you talking about?” she demanded, but her eyes were wide. 
“We don’t have time for you to try to misdirect me. It’s too late, m’lady.” 
She wilted. “How? Did you try to figure it out?”
He shook his head. “No. I just…” His fingers tried to tear through his hair, only to find the suit draped over his skull. “You told me to tell someone. So I did. I told my best friend. Only he turned out to be a temp hero. He slipped. He thought I knew who he was when Chat Noir showed up in his room. It’s not his fault.” 
“Breathe, kitty.” 
He took in a shuddering breath, but he was still shaky. The panic was starting to grip him again, and he was trying to keep it from exploding, but he knew he was slowly losing the battle. 
She crouched down in front of him and held his hands. 
And he barreled forward in the story. “Then because I knew his identity, I later realized who Rena Rouge was. And I know that you never told me that she was the one that you revealed your identity to, but… she just… knows too much. And I know who Alya’s best friend is. I swear I never meant to figure it out!”
And he couldn’t breathe. “I can’t… m’lady, please. I’m so scared.” He broke off as the sobs overtook him again. 
She held him, stroked his head and neck with calming hands, and whispered nonsensical soothing sounds into his ears. He leaned into her comfort, into her warmth, fighting to collect himself. He needed to get enough out so she could tell him what to do. How to fix this. Because he didn’t want to be akumatized and he didn't want the world to end. Especially not by his hand.
“Tell me what to do,” he sobbed.
“Who’s your best friend?” she asked. 
He felt her sharp intake of breath.
“Please don’t start crying,” he begged. “You always cry when I tell you.”
“It’s too late, Adrien,” she whispered. And when he looked up her eyes were already filled with tears.
“Please tell me you have an idea,” he begged. 
She took up his hands and squeezed them tight as she kneeled in front of him again. “You’re not going to like it.” 
He snorted through his tears. “That’s a given.”
“You’re going to go back and you’re going to pretend you don’t know.”
He sucked in another breath and he closed his eyes against her words. “How do you expect me to do that?”
“You’re clearly a very good actor,” she said gently.
And he crumpled in on himself at her words. His head fell into their joined hands as his body shook in an emotional earthquake.
“I’m sorry,” she whispered, continuing to stroke his head. “I wish it was different. I wish I wasn’t placing this burden solely on you. That I wasn’t asking you to put on mask after mask. You shouldn’t have to.” 
“I just… why, do you need me to pretend? How does that help us?” 
“Nothing can change between Ladybug and Chat Noir.”
He felt himself nod though he wasn’t sure if he could ever pull that off. He felt like his whole world had been thrown out of orbit.
“And nothing can change between Adrien and his very good friend, Marinette. You understand?” 
And suddenly, he did.
“We can’t date,” he concluded.
She nodded. “We can’t date. Knowing who you are… it’s clear to me that it wasn’t the reveal that was the problem. It was that our reveal led to us dating.” 
“Wh-What? What does that have to do with anything?” He asked.
“We can’t date. You have to pretend like you don’t know. Can you do that for me, kitty? Can you wait until Hawkmoth has been defeated?”
“I uh… wait?” 
“I love you,” she confessed. 
And he stared at her in shock. She loved him? 
“And you love me. But our love… it destroys the world.” 
Her words hit him like a never ending monsoon. He felt thrown about, twisted up, and torn into pieces all at once.
“What?” he hissed.
“That’s what Chat Blanc told me. I didn’t know you were Adrien. Adrien was the person who learned my identity that day, but it was Chat Noir who knew. And Chat Blanc… he said it was our love.” 
He shook his head even as he cried. “No, no, Mari, I refuse to believe it.” 
“I still have nightmares of the place. Of you alone, and half insane.” Her hands cradled either side of his face. 
He kissed the palm of one of her hands. 
“Mari, please,” he begged. “Don’t make me pretend with you.” 
She kissed him. Hard. He felt dizzy. 
She pulled away and smiled. “Figure I owe you a kiss that you will remember.” 
Then the world blurred around him. God damn her! This was how she knew how the snake worked in the first place, knew how to activate it when she had him distracted. She was the fucking guardian. 
He was standing again. He collapsed into the chair again and just continued to cry.
“Chaton? What the hell happened? Why are you always crying on the other side of one of your loops? How awful am I to you?”
His arms snaked around her midriff, and he pulled her against him. And just sobbed into her stomach.
“You’re not awful, Mari. You’re amazing.” 
And he loved her. 
Her fingers ran over his head and cat ears, causing them to flick back and forth.
He spent the whole loop crying, and the next one after that. But he recovered faster than he did with Nino that first night with the snake. It only took four loops before he got ahold of himself. Maybe he was  getting better at coping with world-ending fear and grief. Or maybe it’s because his lady is just a little bit more soothing to him, as awesome as his best friend was. 
Now, he just felt numb.
And exhausted. 
“How many loops have you been through?” she asked softly.
“What can I do?” she asked.
“M’lady, you’re already doing it.” 
She stiffened at the endearment. He holds her to him harder. “I know have to pretend that nothing has changed. I have to wear a mask around you all the time. Every moment of every day as Chat Noir and every day as Adrien, and I know that I’ll get really good at it. It’s something I’ve done a million times before. But let me have an extra loop or two okay?” 
He can feel her shaking as suddenly she’s crying too.
“I just… I’m scared,” he confessed. “I don’t know how long we’ll have to do this. I don’t know if I’ll remember how to take the walls down when it’s over. Will I even know who I am?” He squeezed her tighter. “And… I don’t know if you’ll wait for me without knowing,” he whispered.
She was caressing the sides of his face in gentle soothing strokes. Tears streamed from her eyes. 
“You’re so amazing!” she told him. “So resilient, and so much stronger than me.”
He barked a broken laugh that held no humor. “You’re wrong. I’m so broken. I’ve been so tempted so many times to just break the loop and let you remember.” 
“But you haven’t.” 
“You’re usually the one that resets it once everything comes out.” 
She kneels down at eye level with him. “You’re my strength, Chaton. My ability to reset the loop is to keep you safe. And no one else. I love you so much.” 
“I love you, too, m’lady.” 
She moved forward to kiss him and he pulled back. She frowned. 
“Please don’t,” he begged. 
“Why not?” 
“Because there’s already too many kisses that we can’t remember. I want us both to remember them.”
“Chaton, if you feel that way strongly, I can respect it. But if you’re afraid of forgetting what it feels like to be yourself, I want you to feel it, to remember it every single day. You should always know what it means to not have to wear masks. What it means to be loved.” 
“Every single day?” he repeated. 
She nodded firmly. “Every single day.”
“What about not abusing the miraculous?” 
“Abuse it,” she said. “I don’t care. You’re more important.”
He was speechless. 
So when she leaned in again, he let his eyes fall closed. Let her press her lips gently against his own. His whole body melted into the contact like butter. He kissed her like it was the first time and like it was the last time, because in a way… it was. 
They stayed together - sharing their life’s breath, letting their mouths and tongues dance together in sync the way Ladybug and Chat Noir always were. They didn’t stop. Eventually, the world blurred, and he realized she had reset the time loop herself again.
But this time he was smiling when he found himself standing on her balcony once again peering into her concerned blue eyes. 
This time he felt lighter and freer. She loved him. And he loved her.
And they would be together someday. 
He had to believe that.
Chapter 6: Miraculous Abuse
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mattmurdocksscars · 4 years
Make It Back
I wasn’t gonna post this, honestly. Was gonna keep it to myself, possibly forever, but I decided against that. Have some angst with a happy ending on this lovely Halloween!
Pairing: Poe Dameron x Fem!Reader
Warnings: Mentions of death, Mentions of hallucinations, canon-typical injuries
Summary: When you don’t return from a mission, Poe breaks down. What he doesn’t remember is that you’ll do anything you can to make it back to him.
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All Poe can hear is ringing. That and one sentence on repeat.
"I'm sorry, Poe, she didn't make it back."
He's in his room now but the last thing he remembers before that is being in the hangar and a member of your squadron saying that to him. How did he get here? What… what did he mean you didn't make it back? You always came back…
His door slides open with a schick and Finn steps through, regarding him as if Poe is a wounded animal and it's enough for Poe to know. This isn't a cruel joke or a dream, you're really gone. Tears well and spill over and Poe screams, Finn rushing to his side and pulling the man into his chest. Poe rages and cries and Finn holds him all the while. 
It wasn't supposed to be like this. He was supposed to ask you to marry him. He was supposed to live the rest of his life with you, maybe even have kids one day. He was supposed to get to grow old with you.
It's not fair.
You come to with a lurch, your body screaming out with pain. Your nostrils are filled with smoke and ash, forcing coughs from your lungs that don’t help with pain. You try desperately to remember how you got here, what was going on, but it takes a few moments for your brain to catch up and fill you in. 
You were flying a mission with your squadron when the First Order had attacked. You had given the order for your team to get out of there and they had all made the jump to lightspeed when your ship had gotten hit. Looking around, you realized you must have managed to make it to the planet that had been nearby before going down. You were just in your seat, so you had to have been ejected from your ship. Based on the smoke to your left, you would guess the rest of it would be that way. With a shaky breath, you start to take stock of your injuries.
There’s shrapnel buried in your left shoulder, you’re fairly certain a couple of your ribs are at the very least cracked, but otherwise it’s just bruises and scrapes. You got out very lucky. With shaky hands, you pull your helmet off and cut yourself free from your harness, stumbling up onto your feet and looking around. 
The planet you’re on is forested and you’ve landed next to a creek. The smoke you can see from what you assume is the wreckage of your ship doesn’t seem to be too far off in the distance so you decide to make the trek to it. If you’re lucky, the emergency supplies will still be intact and you’ll be able to call for help. Pausing long enough to gather up the parachute since it could be helpful later, you then make your way through the woods. 
It’s a long trek, the underbrush hindering your progress, and when you finally get to the clearing your wrecked ship is in, you’re stumbling from the pain. You survey your ship and immediately know there’s no way it’s getting back in the air. One of the wings is ripped clean off and the hull is battered to hell. Thankfully, the ship is only smouldering and no longer on fire, so you’re able to make your way to the cockpit. Rooting around, you manage to locate the emergency kit and with a lot of effort, you haul it out of the ship. As soon as it hits the ground, you sink down next to it and begin going through it.
The first thing you pull out is the medkit. Removing the supplies you need and setting them out in front of you, you take a steadying breath before reaching up, wrapping your fingers around the piece of metal in your shoulder, and pulling it out. You can’t stop the scream that bursts from your chest, throwing the metal away from you as soon as it is out. With shaky hands, you grab a bacta shot and bury the needle into your upper arm, pushing down on the plunger and letting the medicine work through you. Even using the shot instead of the patches, it takes several long minutes before the wound begins to close up. By the time it closes most of the way, you’re woozy from the blood loss and pain. Black creeps along the edges of your vision and it takes everything in you to stave it off. You force yourself to work through it, placing a bacta patch over what’s left of the wound and wrapping it. Once that’s taken care of, you search through the rest of the kit to find the distress beacon and activate it. All that you can do now is wait. 
You make yourself a make-shift shelter with items from the emergency kit, under the remaining vestiges of daylight. You slowly start to feel better as the bacta works its way through your system and by the time you finish setting up camp, you’re able to breathe without pain. Your shoulder is still tender, so you make a sling using a section from the parachute. Crawling into your improvised tent, you settle down to wait.
It takes 4 days before someone lands on the planet, having been alerted by your distress beacon. You’re thankful to discover it’s a crew of rebel sympathizers and they take you in readily, offering to drop you at the nearest inhabited planet. You accept and they drop you off on Corellia. It takes you another 5 days to find a safe ship to take you to the Resistance base and when you finally step foot on the tarmac on Ajan Kloss, you nearly cry in relief. Your first and only thought is to find Poe, wanting the safety of his arms after such a harrowing experience but you barely make it a few feet before you’re being hauled around and into someone’s arms. 
“Red?! You’re alive?!” It’s Rey and her shoulders shake as she sobs against you. Absolutely bewildered, you cautiously put your arms around her.
“Y-Yeah? Am I not supposed to be?” You try to joke with her but your comment just makes her cry harder and you panic. “I was joking, oh stars. I’m sorry. Please stop crying?”
“We- Your squadron said you didn’t make it. We thought…” Rey trails off, pulling away to look at you. Your heart sinks as realization hits you. Of course they thought you were dead. You didn’t return with your squadron and it had been a week and a half now since that mission. 
“Oh, Rey. I’m so sorry for doing that to you guys… There was an ambush and my ship went down. I got back as soon as I could…” You explained and she nodded, pulling you in for another hug.
“I’m just glad you’re alive.” You lean against her for a few moments before you suddenly suck in a sharp breath, yanking yourself back from her and looking at her in panic.
“Poe? Where is he? He thinks… fuck, Rey, where is he?!” Rey’s eyes widen as well and she grabs your hand, pulling you along behind her as the two of you race through the base. She leads you to his quarters but stops you before you go in. 
“Just.. he hasn’t taken it well. Finn’s in there with him. We’ve been having to stay with him in shifts… So just, be ready for that.” She warns you and you nod, feeling a lump rise in your throat at her words. She opens the door and steps in, you following behind her and you survey the scene before you. 
Finn is sitting in the chair at Poe’s desk, looking over a datapad but when he looks up and sees the two of you enter, he stands so quickly that the chair clatters over. He breathes your name, almost as if he’s afraid to say it out loud and crosses the room to crush you into a hug. You accept it but the entire time, your eyes scan over the room as you search for Poe. When you finally catch sight of him, you feel tears well up and spill over.
He’s curled up on the bed, making himself as small as possible with his back to the wall. His eyes are barely open and he’s just staring straight ahead. He’s grown a beard and his curls are disheveled and you’re guessing he hasn’t showered in sometime. But what really breaks your heart is the fact that he’s clutching on to one of your jackets. He’s got it held tight to his chest and every few moments you see his nostrils flare and you realize he’s breathing in your scent. Finn pulls away when he feels you shaking and you look between him and Rey with a heartbroken expression. Finn’s hand comes up to squeeze your shoulder and Rey takes your hand in hers again, squeezing your fingers. Taking a deep, shuddering breath, you wipe your face and slowly walk up to Poe and kneel in front of him. His eyes don’t even focus on you, he just keeps staring ahead.
“Poe? Baby, I’m here.” You whisper to him and he finally focuses in on you, but you don’t get the reaction you were expecting. Poe laughs, a bitter sound that echoes in the room.
“Oh, this is just great. Finn, buddy, she’s back! Not that you can see her, but she’s here again.” Horror slips through you as you realize he thinks you’re not real. “Why can’t you just leave me alone?! It’s bad enough that you’re- that you’re-”
A choked sob leaves him and without even thinking you move to console him. You slip a hand into his curls, cupping the back of his head and bringing his forehead to rest against yours. His eyes go wide at the gesture, his mouth falling open and tears starting to slip from his eyes.
“Poe Dameron, I did not just fight to get back to you for you to think I’m not real. I’m here, baby. I’m real.” You tell him, your free hand going to one of his. He fights you at first, but you manage to get one of his hands free and place it against your chest so he can feel your heartbeat. At this, a sob does leave him and he launches himself at you. It sends you both to the ground, Poe wrapping himself around you as you both cry. You’re sure his hands will leave bruises from how hard he’s holding onto you but you are likely going to do the same to him. You're not sure how long the two of you lay there, sobbing together, but Finn and Rey eventually sneak from the room and leave the two of you together. When Poe finally calms enough to speak, his tone is still broken.
"I thought-" He gasps, shuddering against you and burying deeper into you, "I thought- "
"Shhh, Poe. I know. I'm so sorry, baby. But I'm here. I made it back to you. I'll always make it back to you."
Later, you'll help each other clean up and will spend the night wrapped in each other's arms. But for now, you'll lay here and hold him, reassuring him that you did indeed make it back to him.
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getitinbusan · 4 years
Naughty & Nice : Yoongi
A Soft Smutty Christmas Drabble for everyone missing Yoongi. 18+
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Curmudgeon, that's what he was being. Yoongi was occupying himself by making fun of his bandmates on the TV while you sat on the floor surrounded by boxes, draped in ribbon while wrapping presents.
"I'm glad I'm sitting this one out, look at the stupid little tie they made Jin wear." 
You turned to look, "I don't know, I think he looks handsome no matter what he wears." 
He huffed, "The stylists didn't even brush Jungkook's hair. He looks like he just rolled out of bed" 
You sang along to the carol a little louder. He was feeling sorry for himself and you weren't going to indulge him. 
"This is so childish." He laughed from his permanent residence on the couch and began imitating their moves on the screen.
"Shit," he winced after getting a little too carried away with his actions. 
"Serves you right." 
"Wow, that's rude." 
"I'm rude? Min Yoongi are you kidding me?"
His tongue stretched the inside of his cheek, a move he did when he was trying to think his way out of something. 
"You want to know what's rude? Rude is the fact that you know Christmas is my favorite holiday and you're doing everything in your power to suck the Merry and Bright right out of it." 
"I think as my girlfriend you're supposed to be a little more sympathetic towards my needs."
Aggressively pulling the tape tightly over the gift, the paper tore exposing the contents. 
"I feel about as sorry for you as you do for me having to wrap all of these." 
You lifted the gift up to examine it. "Who the hell buys Ping Pong Paddles as a present anyway." 
"Jin loves Ping Pong, It's a great gift. You're just mad that I'm a better gift giver than you." 
"You're also a bigger pain in the ass if we're keeping score." 
Crumpling up the ruined wrap you threw it in his direction.
Instinctively trying to catch it he moaned in pain at the sudden shoulder movement. 
"Shit baby, I'm sorry are you okay?" 
Feeling terrible you quickly got up to check his shoulder. 
Sat beside him on the edge of the couch you helped him lay back as he winced. 
"Sure, now you feel sorry for me after making me hurt myself." 
He gave a little pout and turned to focus his gaze on you while you adjusted his pillow. 
"I'm sorry, I know I've been a downer. I just…" his voice trailed off a little embarrassed.
"I feel bad for missing work and for everyone having to cover for me. And you, you really are an angel taking care of me and making sure all this stuff," he motioned around the apartment, "is done so that we still get a good Christmas."
You kissed his forehead and smiled. "I think your pain medication is making you soft."
"Yeah? that's not what you were saying 5 minutes ago." 
His hand moved over yours where it was resting on his chest. "I don't like feeling useless." 
"There's a big difference between vulnerable and useless Yoongi."
"I can't help you with any of this, and I'm sucking the fun out of your favorite holiday."
"Well I've been thinking, If you're up for it there is one thing you could help me out with…" 
"What's that?"
You gave a coy smile, "It's about a real special gift." 
"No way, you always talk me into giving you your gifts early, not this year. Besides, they're all at Namjoon's so I couldn't if I wanted to."
Pulling a piece of ribbon from around your neck you ran your fingers slowly down it's length. "I'm not talking about that kind of present."
His face pulled into a confused scrunch so you straddled his lap to give him a better clue. Threading the ribbon through the zipper pull of his jeans you tied it into a loopy bow. 
"You know we've both been really good this year, maybe we could just open one early?" 
Placing kisses down his neck you pled your case. Since the surgery a few weeks ago it had been completely hands off, either too much pain or too much medication to even try. Today though, he seemed feisty and playful so it was worth a shot. 
He pulled you down closer with his good arm, "Only if you promise not to go easy on me."
"I'll do my best." 
Pulling his t-shirt up you quickly realized it would be a whole process to get it off around the sling. "We'll have to make due I guess." 
"Take yours off for me, I just want to feel your skin on mine." He was already out of breath just with the anticipation. 
Standing, you lifted your shirt off and stepped out of your pajama pants. 
A long slow groan left your boyfriend. "You're so beautiful." He reached out with his good hand to grab for you. 
"uh-uh," you reprimanded him, swatting it away, "You're not allowed to over exert yourself."
Tugging the bow, his zipper slid down allowing your hands to grip the waistband and shimmy his pants over his hips. The hard bulge in his underwear showed he was just as excited as you were. 
"It feels like it's been forever," you whispered, your lips brushing over his fabric covered cock. 
"Even a day without you feels like an eternity, this has been torture." 
It felt so good to feel desired after the weeks of the most intimately unintimate moments you'd shared together. Cleaning stitches and administering medication wasn't exactly sexy.
Reaching into his underwear  you pulled out his full and heavy cock. His eyes fluttered delicately as he anticipated the sensation of your lips sliding around him.
Shallow breaths escaped his lips as you worked his length. Worried he'd drifted off, you slowed until his hand raked through your hair encouraging you to keep going.
"That feels so good but," you sucked hard and deep giving a squeeze around the base." 
"I'm not going to last, it's been too long and it feels so good. I want to make sure you to cum too" 
Working your way back up his chest to his neck to his waiting mouth, you kissed him. 
"You're okay?"
"I'll be better when I'm inside you."
As he lay waiting you sank yourself onto him. The stretch of not having him for weeks sent shivers of pleasure over your skin. 
Slowly rolling your hips you ground yourself against him. 
"God, I missed you." his working hand rubbed your nipple between his fingers. "Ride me harder, it's okay...It feels so good." 
Picking up speed, the couch squeaked under you as your bodies slapped together. 
"I'm gonna cum baby, tell me your close." He pleaded under you while you chased you orgasam. 
"Keep talking, I'm almost there…" 
"I missed your wet pussy around my cock so much, your tits bouncing while you ride me. I'm gonna fill you with such a big load."
You could already feel his cum leaking out of you as he moved his hand to thumb your clit furiously. Knowing he was pleased you let your orgasm wash over you until you collapsed on top of him. 
"That was amazing."
He winced a little, "You're kind of on my shoulder." 
"Oh my god Yoongi I'm so sorry!"
He laughed, "don't be it was worth it. I do think I'm going to need a pain killer though." 
His facetime rang and all the boys were on the line, "Did you watch the show? How'd we do?"
"It was good, you all did really well." 
"You seem to be in really good spirits," Taehyung cheered. Were we that inspiring?"
"No," Yoongi smirked," I got an early Christmas present."
It was quiet for a second until it registered with them. "Gross, You're both going on the naughty list," Jungkook decreed.
"I disagree," Yoongi looked at you across the room winking. "It was actually quite nice."
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phoebehalliwell · 3 years
i don't know if i'm the only one but i've often wondered exactly how hard it was to convince julian mcmahon to stick around for season five. they took his character, a feared powerful half demon and made him into the butt of the joke and the whole joke was basically ha ha look at this lovestruck fool obsessing and suicidal because he's got nothing to live with but can't die. ain't that funny? like how the fuck did the writers sell that to julian is my question
i find the entirety of season five just so goddamn insulting to cole's character. hell the fact that he got possessed by the source and this was treated as him turning evil instead of a shitty situation that got out of hand. like it wasn't bad enough he was villified for something that he wasn't even in control of half the time they couldn't even just vanquish the dude, they dragged it on and ridiculed him. i hate it here
lol. i mean. yeah. i really. like. it's like. like okay we all know cole was a fan favorite right and he & phoebe were really meant to like. be the sex appeal to the show no one else was really filling that role they were charmed's Sexy Couple tm. so like. in a sense i get the notion ab wanting to keep him around. because everyone loves him! he's bad boy! he adds this dangerous edge love balancing on a knife's point stuff like that. so like. that being said. u wanna keep him around. i just like Do Not Get how you opt to keep him around Like That. tbh. as w all things. i am blaming brad kern. i think it all really started to tank s4 (well, with mortal cole, but like) with source cole. that was bad, but i know it was part of the push to have like long form season drama character driven plots conflict between the sisters themselves it just like. sucked ass and balls imo. like i mean the fact they had to do the source as a possession just so they could get demon cole and lover cole,,, i mean it speaks to how stupid it was. the fact that u wanted cole to be a villain So Bad but the only way to do it was like. possession? sign that u should not do that like. like. like. i don't know how we're supposed to feel ab that.
and then. the vanquish. not sticking. i think like. i think they probably had the vague idea that cole having a mortal soul would not be able to be vanquished properly right? like. demons get destroyed into nothingness, but the human part of him lives, so i think they probably knew that was what they were going to do, that's what they sold to jmm and like. we sowed those seeds in the s4 finale w his ghost whispers and materialization. so i think like. they knew they wanted to Not Kill Him because he was such a fan favorite. maybe there was an intention to do a will they won't they variant of phole? and then. of course. there was the whole idea of paige cole, which, as the rumor goes, was meant to kick of in the s5 pilot, but both julian and rose shut it down. but i feel like. assuming that's true (which i 100% do assume that's true absolutely and i'm not endorsing it i don't think it would have been good or well written or whatever but like. 👀. you know?) but yeah. assuming that's true, i feel like that piece really speaks to what their designs for cole were: man meat. he was meant to be their male sex appeal and they weren't going to be picky about the narrative itself as long as he was still kicking.
but like honestly? i mean i shouldn't have to say this it's a given: it's not enough to just put your sexy man in front of a camera and call it a day like imo even a man who is not sexy can be made appealing through the power of the narrative. like, to level with you, i never really ever shipped phole nor found cole attractive at all like ever, but i can see like the fucking support beams you know i can see the infrastructure on which this whole thing can you know take on a life of its own in the earlier seasons because they very consciously put it there!! people shipped it for a reason n not just because they were two people standing next to each other on a tv screen i mean hello almost sinking a dagger in her heart but can't do it sends her away back to her sisters because he can't act out on his evil plan!! that's something!!!! that's so very something and they gave us Nothing they gave us nothing in the later seasons. and still expected it to fly. like. tbh julian was probably just like unwittingly duped like dragged along for the ride s5 which is likely why he was vanquished halfway through because i'd imagine roughly three episode in he went okay! um. what's this? guys? what's this? and then they said cole<3 you know he like knew he had to get the hell outta dodge.
anyways. if i were to resuscitate phole in s5. which like. to level w u. i wouldn’t. because they would need a lot of one-on-one screentime and we already spent so much of s4 splitting up the sisterhood in the name of phole i wouldn’t really want to continue with that per se But. if i were. this ask is getting long it’s under a cut 
something something demon of the week something something realms the point is cole is there when he very much shouldn’t be and like. he and phoebe get knocked into a different plane. so their bodies are fine and at the manor, but their minds are elsewhere and they need to solve whatever it is in order to get back. and we’ll say there’s a fuckin deadline because the girls need the power of three and right now they are sealed off from accessing it. and you know phoebe’s pretty fuckin pissed with cole because you know. he dragged her down to hell and she almost gave birth to the antichrist. actually source’s heir might be fun to keep around in this au idk. the point is phoebe’s pissed at cole and cole’s pissed at phoebe because phoebe’s pissed at him but he literally didn’t have control over himself in that era and he’s not getting the space he needs to justify himself because phoebe keeps stepping over him. but they gotta work together to get out of here. and were kinda doing enemies to lover 2.0 but like now they have History. of course we’ve gotta do a moment where cole has idk done something normal and phoebe’s so riled up that she does something rash and almost dies cole saves her like catches her bridal style or something faces inches apart breathing heavy and there’s a moment. like a we’re back in early s4 moment. which phoebe immediately breaks from and like walls going flying up but just for a moment there we see it it’s obvious: she’s still in love with cole. which then segues into an argument because like. cole wasn’t sure. right? he wasn’t sure if phoebe now just genuinely hated him. but now he knows right he knows better now so why are you acting like this? why are you taking every opportunity to shut me down to shut me out? why are you acting like you hate me when you know that’s not true right that whole thing to phoebe who gets the Classic because i do hate you. i hate you for what you did to me for what you did to my family and i hate you because i loved you so much and you destroyed me and i hate you because no matter how hard i try that love is still there and i know that for a second if i stop hating you i’m going to love you just like before and you can destroy me again and i hate myself because i’d let you because i love you. you know? big speech. big reveal. i have No Idea what piper and paige are up to right now. the point is. after this big confession we get the lull the cards are on the table what the fuck do we do now which is when cole Finally gets to opportunity to say he was actually possessed by the source and manipulated by the seer and the only thing that kept him holding on was his love for her and after she became queen of hell after he saw what the source had done to her he knew it had to end he doesn’t hold it against her for vanquishing him right this is where we exonerate all wrongs we’re just saying anything bad that has happened ever? scrub it. it’s the source’s fault. cole has no resentment against phoebe. he loves her a healthy, normal, non-possessive amount, so much so He Loves Her So Much he let her kill him and like honestly would probably do it again. idk and then they make out or something. and then they’re out of whatever plane they were in by the end of the episode. And Then we get a buddy cop episode with paige and cole where they bond and also sort through everything that happened there. slowly but surely. and then we do a real phole wedding a super small affair in the manor lowkey bc i hated their wedding episode it blowed we give them a good one. wallah <3
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