#slow burn means sloooowwwe burn
tommystummy · 5 months
I do think certain Buddie shippers need to slow the fuck down and enjoy the ride. Buck hasn’t even said the word “boyfriend” yet and there are people that want him to break up with his boyfriend by the end of the season. I’m not going to claim to be an expert in reading the show’s intention but it does seem like Buck and Tommy will last at least until midway through season 8 now that season 8 is confirmed. Just narratively, this relationship is about Buck discovering a side of himself he didn’t know and rushing that is not healthy for the story or for his character.
You should want to see Buck happy with Tommy for a while because his story about gay joy is just as important as Eddie’s theoretical gay breakdown. It’s two sides of the same coin. That journey of Eddie suffering through breaking out of the box he and society and his parents put him in is better if in contrast to Buck continuing to have a boyfriend and being happy. It’s a light for the end of Eddie’s tunnel. Because Eddie will see 1) that it’s possible to be a firefighter and date other men and 2) to be a firefighter and date another firefighter 3) be a firefighter and date BUCK all while denying all those things to himself. BuckTommy only enriches the drama of Buddie especially if Eddie realizes everything while they’re still together.
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waitmyturtles · 2 years
Thank you, episode six, for giving us so much more context than we’ve had the past few episodes! Man, when I say slow burn on this show, it is really a sloooowww burn, but waiting for six episodes to get more insight into Mamocchi was worth it. 
First off, inspired by @respectthepetty‘s posts on colors in Big Dragon and Between Us: I am now paying attention to when Mamocchi is wearing black vs. white, and what his moods are when he’s wearing white. And it was interesting to see the mind image of Issei coming out in his white suit when Mamocchi was imagining the wall of the manga convention moving farther and farther away from him. 
But now I’m also connecting this color comparison to a few other moments in the show:
1) Moments when Mamocchi is wearing black vs. white during the intro song, but more importantly,
2) The fact that (SPOILERS!) the first scene of episode six was in dimmed black and white while Mamocchi reveals that he’s gay.
Oh goddamn. To be able to plunge so deeply into Mamocchi’s mood and heart so almost openly in this episode felt like a bit of a relief. And to see his friends, his small community, KNOWING that he’d be depressed because he’s not on the wall. Come thru, homies! I love the nurturing meaning of food given to Mamocchi -- just the simple message that this human being is wonderful and worth taking care of. 
And when Mamocchi gets the little lift from Issei! Gah. “He gave me the little push on the back.” Issei’s seeing all sorts of ways to be motivated to work in Shiny Smile, from Tsubasa’s almost-bullying, to Issei’s own inner drive to succeed for Mamocchi’s sake. I think Issei’s trying to give unto Mamocchi the kind of motivation that he (Issei) would actually like to get from those that surround him. 
Let’s see where this paparazzi storyline goes, but I love how Issei is so weird and positive about it. I LOVE food bribes, they make so much sense.
And Yamada = real MVP. 
I might have to re-watch this episode this week -- I feel like I missed a bunch, but I’m just in a rush to get words down because this show is so freaking well done.
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